#the angst potentials are too good not to
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"It was a very fine trick you did out there…Fooling us all into thinking you were your brother, despite your obvious differences…I hope the joke was worth the pain you’re about to go through.”
Based on this beautiful post by @istadris (go to the angsty section)
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yanderegrizzsworld · 8 months
i remember the yandere sonic the hedgehog sonic, shadow, silver about the reader dying because of like tails and such what if one day they see the reader standing near where they died the reader managed to make themselves a physical body except they still have wounds and blood all over them the reader can touch them and objects
It's alright if you don't wanna do this request
Have a great day :3
This genuinely has so much angst potential & I could talk about how each of the hedgehog's could at first believe that they're merely hallucinating at the moment because there's no way you're still alive— You can't be alive— & yet here you are, standing right in front of them, just as pretty & as charming as they remember, though you are covered head to toe in blood but they won't focus on that right now. How a silent laugh or a sudden cackle rises from their throats as their finger or hand or arm twitch to go & touch you, to feel you— Maybe, just maybe, you are here...
How Sonic immediately dashes to you at such speed that you barely process his foot initially lifting to him pressed against you, hands clutching you so hard you're incapable of moving if you tried. How his mouth— Just like his feet— move without pause nor end, each phrase & word blending & bluring into each other at such rapid speed you'd assume he'd just created a new language. How he claims he's sorry for not being there for you, not being there to protect you— But that's okay! He's here now, you're here now & he promises to never allow it to happen again, he swears!
How Shadow just stands there, staring— Almost contemplating about what he's seeing, is his mind playing tricks on him? Is he so lost in his grief & mourning for you that he's imagining you right there? Right here? Right now? How when you call his name— Whether in confusion or in calm delight, it doesn't matter— He's right here infront of you, a few feet away at first, then a few inches & now holding your wrist up to his face. How he slowly rubs his thumb in circles on your skin, your warmth radiating through his glove & into his palm. How he raises your hand closer to his face until you feel his breath hit against & through your fingers. How he presses his lips against your knuckles & just leaves them there for a while & you swear you see tears build in his eyes. How you feel him mumble against your knuckles, though what he says you don't understand, & that's fine, you don't need to comprehend him saying how he'll ensure you never leave him through death again.
How Silver appears stunned in his spot, but just as quick as he froze, his now tackled you to the ground. How his embrace is so hard— So tight— You feel like you can't breathe, you feel like you can't talk because of the lack of oxygen. How after softening his grip & you mutely gasp for fresh air in your lungs do you see the tears in his eyes, rolled down his cheeks & dripping off his chin slightly damping you clothes. How he can't seem to help himself & just peppers your face in kisses, equally as soft & swift as the last. How he's so glad you're here with him! How you'll never leave him again & he can't wait to spend more time with you, how he promises to protect you at all costs, even if it costs him his life, so be it! As long as you're here with him, it doesn't matter.
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soulless-bex · 4 months
in which Jason helped raise Damian while in the League but no one knows. Damian never mentioned it because he was told that it was important to keep it a secret when he first was sent to Gotham because Jason was “undercover” and later on both are way too emotionally constipated to admit to their father/son-ish relationship
but it’s also still obvious there’s something there after the family reconciles because Damian, without even realizing he’s doing it, tends to orbit around Jason when he’s around and seek him out for approval/confort/help/whatever. Jason too is unusually mindful of Damian.
but no one truly realizes what’s going on between them because honestly, without evidence, coming to the conclusion that Talia had Bruce’s dead teenage son raise Bruce’s infant son while she was training both of them to become assassins is incredibly surreal. and mostly everyone just avoids the subject of what happened with Jason between him dying and him coming back to Gotham
(bonus point if Damian still has a parental relationship with Bruce and Dick but Jason still is his number one parent and remains undefeated despite literally all of his other parental figures efforts to have a better relationship with him)
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thesummerestsolstice · 6 months
There were quite a few people who absolutely refused to believe Elrond and Elros were who they claimed to be when they first came to Gil-Galad's camp. This led to the rise of several extremely questionable theories on who they really were, from the more mundane– they're just two half-elves the Feanorians found somewhere– to the more... esoteric, like that Maglor had "sung them into existence" to fool the armies of Valinor into letting them steal the Silmarils.
The most popular theory was that Elrond and Elros were actually the children of Maglor and Daeron of Doriath, and that they'd been kept secret for... some reason– look I never said the conspiracy theories made sense. E&E look a lot like Luthien (Luthien and Daeron are siblings with pretty similar features) and a bit like Fingolfin (who looks like Feanor who looks like Maglor), so it's not totally implausible. It would also explain how E&E had Maia powers without being Elwing's kids. And that was just enough information for it to become a completely unkillable rumor. Most of it dies down after E&E show some clearly human traits, like getting sick, but there are still die-hard believers out there. Some genealogies from the early Third Age list Elrond as Daeron and Maglor's child.
Elrond, who's been confronted about his "real parents" several times, is very over it. Gil-Galad thinks it's extremely funny.
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keuwibloom · 1 year
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Inktobertale 2023 day 14: Cheating
Having no soul can be... challenging, to put it lightly.
No text version under the cut:
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theaceace · 5 months
imagining a world in which Simon agreed to go with Edwin and try to escape hell, imagining Simon developing an immediate and very inadvisable crush on the cute guy that just threw a grenade at a demon and Edwin's reaction to that, imagining the reaction of Charles Overprotective Rowland when he finds out that the guy Edwin insists on dragging along with them is one of the guys that sacrificed him to a demon in the first place, imagining the Night Nurse's face when three dead boys pop back through the door instead of two
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clockworkclownart · 5 months
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Day 7 - Mind control- #DannyMay2024
this one goes out to all those great mind control fics in the phandom ~ 💚 please leave your favorites in the replies, i want to read more! 💚
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ailendolin · 19 days
I think most people are assuming that Elrond will (have to) use Nenya at some point now that Galadriel has entrusted it to him, so what if he will try to save Celebrimbor's life with the ring after Annatar has tortured him? And what if he fails because he does not trust the ring and its power? What then?
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somewhatidealname · 5 months
heyo! i hope you're doing fine.
i know your springtrap has no memory/recollection at all, nor does he know that he was/is a person- BUT - could there be a potential trigger to make him remember something? nothing big or revealing of his past and/or self! i imagined just minor things like maybe a song from his childhood, or the music that was playing at the opening day of fredbear's making him remember something- like the pattern of the carpet or his favorite childhood toy. It's like the remains of his soul call out to him (unintentionally?) - desperately wanting to clutch on on whatever familiarity is left to not rot with agony like the rest of him/his soul. He is a husk carrying remains after all! - Some physical, some deeply buried inside of him somewhere.
yeah he can catch faint glimpses of recognition! i brought up the thought of him suddenly recognizing other animatronics' machinery as something familiar in another post. i don't think he'd be able to recall something as far back as childhood memories, but with consistent memories in his old life (things he would routinely see most often, like faces or settings and whatnot) it can spark some kind of feeling within him. the animatronic programming could also remember things like songs or commands too, or maybe even other animatronic characters. that'd probably only apply to fredbear, i don't know for sure
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becauseplot · 1 year
qsmp might consume my every waking thought but at least it’s helpful. like oh man i can’t just lay around all day, i have to go clean the kitchen and buy groceries so that later i have time to sit down and watch the silly french cubito get his ass whooped by an angry .java file. priorities.
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polin-erospsyche · 2 months
So season 7? Rayllum? Angst like we’ve never seen before? I mean really the set up for the upcoming angst in season 7 is just too good:
They are happy, they are in love like never before, their love is more solid and grounded now, she is his truth, their love is essentially his guiding star out of the darkness. On the other hand they have both promised each other that they would put the greater good first, Callum by choosing the greater good and not saving her, Rayla by killing Callum if he ever was consumed by dark magic again, we also now know that if Callum was to use dark magic again he would be entirely consumed and Aaravos is now alive and freely walking the earth about to unleash havoc and chaos in his pursuit of revenge
Give me Callum and Rayla loving each other more than anything, being each other’s truth and yet being torn by the need to do the right thing and fight for the greater good
I will be on the floor this time next year, they’re going to kill me, I’ll have been killed by what started out as a show made for children 😁
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wia-tia · 3 months
AKA, please, one interaction between adult Taiki and Hikaru, PLEASE
I need an angsty pannel between them
The angst potential is way too good (maybe a bit of comfort too?)
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summershouto · 2 years
crocomom theory is so funny. ridiculous enough to piss people off but backed by the fact that nothing in canon refutes it 
and yet...also...the sadness of crocodile not knowing his own child is such a concept to me ??
Like..he could’ve given up his baby because he felt no love for it…or at least no attachment strong enough to warrant sacrificing his life plans. He agrees to carry the baby to term but gives it away before he could overthink his decision, telling dragon the child was his and his alone and therefore it was dragons choice on what to do next. For crocodile the choice was clear, the path was set, and he refused to play mother. it was only a blip in his plans until it all comes back at marineford.
or maybe he /did/ love their child but he feared for the baby’s safety...he trusted it with anyone but himself because his life was bound to bring trouble. Dragon was dangerous too but he was fighting for freedom and he claimed to have a plan so crocodile agreed blindly.
or maybe crocodile had the baby unwillingly taken from him. “for the greater good” sorta deal; doing things for the baby’s sake but not on crocodile’s terms. a rough goodbye and the assumption that he’d never know or meet his baby. perhaps he simply woke up and found his baby already gone, already taken “somewhere safer”, or lied to and told that the baby didn’t survive.
No matter the situation, he doesn’t let it take over his life. He accepts it and tells himself to move on. He never even gave the child a name; there’s nothing for him to grieve. Once Ivankov changes crocodile’s sex then it all becomes a part of the past; he could never be that baby’s mother and he pretends he never was in the first place
Until he learns the truth behind dragons name
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shxrry-blossom · 7 months
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It would have been so cool if they had delved into this in the manhwa. If they did it right, Jennette could have been the first reformed villain in a manhwa (???? The potential 😭
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mintgalaxia · 5 months
Continuing with Dungeon Meshi (Manga) and I have to say I'm really charmed by it. The creator really seems to love her characters and the attention to detail from the cooking to the Dungeon geography is wonderful.
I also love how the characters interact with each other. The main group really feels like they care for each other and are so fun to see.
I understand ships are what makes Fandom spin, but no one mentioned how sweet the interactions with Marcille and Senshi can be or how Laios and Chilchuck are always looking out for each other.
Despite everything, they still trust each other and are willing to try anything to make sure all of them are safe. Or how Falin is the glue and the light that connected them all together.
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mikhailoism · 29 days
twt made me think of this but we were really robbed of really good bathena angst of 4x13/14... like the first the fight and then bobby getting shot.. tbh how they did resolve the fight was slightly disappointing i mean it works but I wanted more i wanted a bigger conversation that went way deeper into why they were even distant and fighting in the first place and that's a whole thing
but now imagine more angst purposes they take longer to resolve their fight. they're preoccupied by eddie and figuring out the sniper case and they just avoid each other . then we flash towards the trap and bobby getting stuck and shot and athena helpless outside knowing that he could die in there and the last conversation they had was a fight and how their marriage is possibly failing... and that can't be how it ends bc even tho things are rough she still loves bobby and wants to be with him she can't do it without him. I feel like also gives her even stronger motivation to take over someone's gear and go into the fire for him. it makes this move and her saying she needs her partner have so much more impact and meaning (not that it didn't originally but) and on bobby's side he's possibly dying in this fire terribly injured knowing how bad he left things with athena, regretting the fight regretting hiding things like sponsoring Rachel and wishing so badly he could change things so it wouldn't end like this (something about bobby facing death and focusing on his regrets and what he could have done better)
and the relief of athena appearing in the flame to save him. they may not be In perfect place but she'll always come and save him she'll always be there for him. and then once they're out and safe and in the hospital there will be a real conversation, they'll talk in depth about athena's attack and the affects it had on them both. about their struggles with communication how its not communication they're used, they'll talk about bobby sponsoring rachel and more on why he hid it (I think theres more to it and then just trying to get back at athena so to speak) and they talk about what it means to them personally being partners being married... basically just more in depth and detail version of their canon conversation sorta but better and they actually talk about everything else
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