#the bigfoot || barclay
prophecyguided · 2 years
@dreamsofalife || from x
The hug was incredibly comforting, and for the first time since all of this started, she felt safe and content. She was definitely gonna have to do something nice for Barclay for talking her through all of this.
As much as it hurt to hear that he’d been through worse somehow, the message wasn’t lost for it. For once, Shy just listened, absorbing what was told to her, hoping against hope that it wasn’t too late to fix...or, well, not try to fix, her mistakes past. It didn’t hurt that Barclay was so kind in his explanation; he understood and wasn’t saying it to be critical or call her out. He understood the score and wanted things to work out, and if anything that made it an easier pill to swallow.
“You’re right...I’m sorry, I know I’ve been kinda...control-freaky lately, and that’s not the way this needs to be handled. I get so worked up about stuff and trying to make it better that sometimes I think I forget that there’s stuff that you can’t really do that for.” She bit her lip, still troubled by everything, but very clearly taking what he said to heart. “I just gotta take a step back and not get so overprotective and smothery and stuff, and be more of a support and less of a...I don’t think tank is the right term, but I’m not sure what the right one would even be.”
She almost jumped right back to hugging him, but hung back, not willing to dive right back in to acting on pure emotion once more. “Thanks for talking me through this...and for listening. You probably get this a lot, but you’d be a great counselor.”
Good thing for Shy, Barclay was a hugger. He pulled her back into the hug when he saw the hesitation, his hand giving her back a little pat.
"You got it. When he comes back, don't rush him or try to smother him, just give him a little space and ask what he needs. Just don't be too disheartened if he just asks for some space. That may be what he needs most so try not to take it personally."
Barclay gave one last squeeze before he let go, laughing a little. "Well, I'm just speaking from experience. You make mistakes but you learn from them and then you use that new knowledge going forward. Now, let's go see about that power washer and gettin' this graffiti off, okay?"
It was easy enough to find it in storage and it seemed to have all the pieces as far as he could tell. It was loud as all hell when he turned it on but it was enough to get the spray paint off without damaging the RV. After a but he offers it to Shy, hoping actively doing something to help would improve her mood. Or at least keep her mind preoccupied until the others got back.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
Barclay had been chatting in the lobby with Dani, making small talk and catching up on things. After a few minutes something caught his eye, trailing off mid-sentence. Quickly he crossed to the window, staring out at a thick plume of smoke rising from the direction of the hiking trails behind the lodge.
"Hey, Duck! You're gonna wanna come see this!" he called out. The Sylph turned when he heard hurried footsteps, seeing Duck and Mama come running. As they reached the window, Mama let out a horrified gasp.
"Jake went on the trails with his friends! He might be out there!"
Out in the forest, the fire began to spread and grow more fearsome. It had been a particularly dry summer so there was plenty of fuel for the flames.
Jake was using his magic to push back the flames as the trio of Hornets tried to make their way to safety, their gear long since abandoned. It was getting harder and harder to stave it off, his blasts of ice getting weaker. Soon it only came out in sputtering bursts, barely making any difference.
He stumbled, falling to his hands and knees from exertion and heat. The selkie started coughing, the smoke starting to burn his lungs. The heat was setting in and adding to the dizziness and strain.
"Shit! Fuck! Keith!" Hollis called out as they ran over to the younger Hornet. They had a bandana held over their mouth and nose to try and keep the smoke out. "Help me get him up! We have to keep moving!"
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Ilia has put the finishing touches on her most important drawing project! She’s now ready to show everyone!
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"You drew this? It looks amazing!" Duck said smiling at her. He scooped her up in one arm, unable to stop smiling at how precious this was. "Let's go show everybody you're awesome picture~"
He takes her around the lodge, getting everyone's reactions.
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"Your formidable art skills are wonderful, little one. This is my new favorite."
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"Whoa, that's so cute! You even got Iggy in there too!"
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"Aw, that's very sweet Ilia."
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"I look pretty good there, huh?" he says with a laugh.
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"Oh righteous~! You even got my snow gear in there, that's so cool!"
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"That's a fine drawin' darlin'. Good job."
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"Right on, little frog. Keep drawing and you'll be even better than me some day~"
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vivitalks · 5 months
guys i genuinely don't know what to do. my quirky little destiel fic which was already far too long to begin with now has a second smaller fic nested inside of it and somehow the second smaller fic is the absolute crackfest of this supernatural/tazamnesty crossover where dean lowkey hooks up with barclay the bigfoot and i don't KNOW what to DO. do i cut the scene. do i post it separately. do i post it separately but ALSO leave it in the fic. do i just pretend like barclay is an OC i made up and all the references to the fictional town of kepler west virginia are incidental. WHAT IS THE MOVE HERE
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thatoneacecryptid · 2 years
I think it might be a good thing that Kepler, by being in the NRQZ, does not get a lot of main stream television, simply because it gives Barclay some more peace.
If Jake and Dani had access to Finding Bigfoot, I don’t believe Barclay would ever know peace again.
Jake, Dani and Barclay are Mama’s kids, the youngest, middle and eldest siblings respectively and it is my firm belief that Dani and Jake would not hesitate in their younger sibling solidarity to torment Barclay (out of love of course) ENDLESSLY
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prismolette · 2 years
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The man the myth
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
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I sent @otahkoapisiakii a matching Build-a-Bear bigfoot for Halloween. Now we can use our twins as sending stones so we can talk to each other and talk about how gay and in love we are 🎃😊
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thishasbeencary · 1 month
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Well on my way to finishing an Aubrey Little cosplay for Matsuricon. There are so many rhinestones on this vest. 🫡 to Barclay I accidentally gave Bigfoot so much ass when I drew him ahdhejke;;
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cihojuda · 3 months
After the TAZ Amnesty finale, Aubrey Little sends Barclay a "Bigfoot doesn't believe in you either" t-shirt through Space Amazon. Change my mind.
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2024 Preliminaries — The Adventure Zone — Round 2
he is literally bigfoot
Indrid Cold:
he is literally mothman. in his human!sona he wears a wifebeater and red tinted glasses. he lives in a shitty trailer and drinks exclusively eggnog. he can see the future. he is literally mothman (it bears repeating).
He’s the grim reaper AND he’s gay AND he’s a nerd
he's the grim reaper, he puts on a fake cockney accent while he's on the job because he's a fucking nerd, he tried to convince Merle he was his god and almost managed it, his first date with his future husband was a wine and pottery night at the "chug and squeeze" and he thought it was a business meeting
she is a lich she is an umbrella she is a pyromaniac. she is trans and she becomes a servant to the Raven Queen. she sees her brother for the first time in a decade and she makes fun of him for dating the grim reaper. she plays the violin and she adores her family and she loves her husband
Amber Gris:
she has extra ghost arms and punches teleporting sharks i love her
She could win tumblr sexy woman if more people knew her I stg she’s crazy she’s a lesbian she fights blinksharks with her bare hands she’s perfect
Fitzroy Maplecourt:
Introduced as quote “very sexy, very sexual” and later was confirmed as asexual so just like peak character I love him
he is a knight, he is the face of a fashion magazine modeling cloaks, he grows like a foot(??) in a magical accident, one time he accidentally turns himself into a plant in the middle of a fight. he decides to overthrow a corrupt government in his first semester of university and he fucking does it.
Montrose Pretty:
he wears a mask constantly obscuring his features and wears full-piece suits. in his free time he likes to talk to mechanical animatronics and pretend they're his family. he is a thief and a great liar. he repeatedly managed to convince multiple people that he's their long lost father to get out of trouble. he absolutely could be a deadbeat dad but isn't!
She’s an absolute shitbird. She doesn’t like potatoe chips and she hates movies. She’s a taurus, but not one of those types of tauruses. She once caught a wile fox and fed it poison! She terrible but shes also the best
Lady Elizabeth Godwin:
She’s an old Victorian lady who Dracula hit with a car so hard her body exploded and she got frankensteined to have the body of a body builder but her old Victorian lady head and she’s on a mission to kill Dracula
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mooselybased · 2 years
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Finished putting together another Adventure Zone platform fighter moveset, and for an Amnesty character no less! It's the owner and proprietor of Amnesty Lodge, Mama!
Now, Mama's not afraid of getting her hands dirty and makes good use of her shotgun in her standard moves. But for her specials, she calls upon her ability to delegate as her friends come to her aid.
Mama's neutral special summons Barclay, who transforms and delivers a powerful Bigfoot punch before vanishing. Once summoned, Mama can move and act as normal while Barclay does his move. He also blocks some hits and projectiles, but will vanish early if he takes too much damage.
Mama's side special summons the ghostly Moira, who slowly moves forward a good distance, doing some damage to foes she passes through and destroying most projectiles. Like Barclay, Mama can move normally once Moira's summoned, and she will disappear if she takes too many hits.
Mama's down special summons Dani briefly, during which Mama can move normally. If Dani is struck, she lashes with a strong counter before vanishing. The summoning animations for Barclay, Moira, and Dani are all very similar, allowing for some mind games about who she's summoning.
Mama's up special summons Jake Coolice! Jake performs a sick snowboard stunt in a forward arc, taking Mama with him. Mama can hop off at the peak of the jump, allowing Jake to finish the stunt solo before vanishing, or she can ride the whole way down for a little extra damage.
For Mama's finale, the whole stage is temporarily thrust through the Gate to Sylvain. Foes who are hit by the Gate as it rushes past will take a good amount of damage, and all foes will slowly take more damage for as long as they are within Sylvain.
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thiswasinevitableid · 23 days
Back to Me (Sternclay)
A tied yeehawgust prompt winner was "Rocky Mountain High." This fill is NSFW
The Rockies are not impassable. But to get through them requires skill, knowledge, and luck. 
When Joseph was seven, he was on a wagon train in which none of those were present. A guide who’d never done the route, a map by someone who’d never even seen the Rockies, and it was one disaster after another. Their wagon and another were caught in a rock slide; Joseph was the only survivor. 
He’d crawled into the fading sunlight and waited for the rest of the party to come look for him. When the moon came up and he was still alone, even his young brain understood he’d been left for dead. 
That’s where the Bigfoots found him. Curled up and crying in torn clothes, scratched and bumped in a hundred places. He hadn’t been scared when he saw them; he thought he was imagining them. Then he assumed they were just very big, extremely hairy humans. After a short conversation, one of them scooped him into her arms and cooed, “there, there, you’ll come home with us.”
Fourteen years later, he watches the same Bigfoot cross her arms and make a concerned noise in her throat as he sits at her side in the meeting hall. 
“It’s okay, mom.”
“No, it isn’t.” His cousin, Clarence, eyes the visiting group from another Bigfoot settlement in the southern part of the range, “How are we supposed to be confident going through with the marriage if it means sending Joseph off with those who cannot keep one of their own from going feral.”
“That was not our doing. Nor is the fact he remains that way.” The leader of the visiting delegates growls, exhausted, “we have tried everything to bring him back to himself.”
“That’s true.” Joseph glances between his family and the visitors, “yesterday I helped them go through all the written records and consulted with every elder we could find between here and the foothills. Nothing helps. I think it just needs time to wear off.”
Nods from both sides of the hall.
“Three days.” His cousin holds up their hand in a movement that’s half promise, half-placation, “You must understand, as head of our settlement, I cannot risk harm coming to one of ours from one of yours, no matter the cause.”
The visitors agree, and the meeting comes to a close. It’s late enough that most of the attendees head for the homes or guest houses scattered through the village, but a few invite willing visitors to join them for drinks in the brewing caves (a much homier and better lit place than it sounds).
Joseph considers following to try and make a good impression on his future kinsfolk, but worry gnaws at him too much. He wouldn’t be any fun, not when he can’t stop wondering if he’ll get Barclay back. 
When Bigfoots reach a marriageable age they, their family, and the heads of their settlements decide on which other settlement to extend an invitation. Once invited, that settlement may send any interested residents to woo the bigfoot in question. In Joseph’s case, they’d had to choose not only for which other settlement they wanted to strengthen ties with, but who they thought might be open to one of their own marrying a human in the first place. In theory, Joseph would be an easy sell; Bigfoot and human marriages aren’t unheard of, and those happen with humans who haven’t grown up in Bigfoot families. 
Still, he made his case as convincingly as he could. He’s smart, hard working, and while he’s not good-looking by Bigfoot standards, he’s at least tall. Bigfoots don’t have the same concept of men and women that humans do, a fact that had been a relief to him when he realized he was the fore and not the latter. It did mean his aunt has been brewing him a tea that helps put and keep hair on his chest, but it’s not remotely close to what the average Bigfoot has. 
The Southern Meadow settlement agreed to bring any interested suitors his way as soon as Joseph decided on his challenge. When choosing a partner, each Bigfoot is allowed to set a competition or trial to test traits they want in a mate. 
Joseph chose chess. His father had taught him to play, picking it up from the humans at the trading post where he worked. He’d only marry someone who could beat him at it. 
Three Bigfoot from the visiting settlement expressed interest, and he beat two of them easily. Then Barclay had shown up. Auburn fur neatly groomed, clothes suggesting he’d spent some time around humans. Smile sweet and voice deep as the rivers that run at the edge of town. 
He holds up a basket; biscuits studded with huckleberries, “Thought I better bring you something to eat in case this goes long.”
“That’s very thoughtful.”  Joseph finishes setting the board. God, Barclay even smells good. Like mint soap. He adds a playful edge to his tone, “and optimistic.”
Barclay sits down, “Careful, I’m more competitive than I look.” He smiles, showing his sharp teeth, “Especially with the, uh, right motivation.”
The game lasts close to two hours. When Barclay knocks down Joseph’s king, he does so with a teasing growl. 
“Checkmate, blue eyes.”
“Nicely done.” 
Barclay catches his hand, pressing it first to his forehead, and then to his lips, “You really okay with that result?”
Joseph feels the tingle that’s been present in his chest since Barclay sat down, enhanced by his laugh, by his conversation, by how at ease Joseph feels near him (a rare state for him).
Barclay had wanted time to go back to his childhood village and retrieve the wedding crowns his mothers wore. When he’d met Joseph at his home to tell him this, he’d promised to be back within a week. That he was excited to start their life together.
He’d been so sweet and earnest that when he lifted Joseph off the floor and kissed him against the wall, Joseph’s legs wrapped around his waist as he yelped in surprise. Barclay purred and growled about how he couldn’t wait to come back to him, and Joseph realized that while he might not be to most Bigfoot’s tastes, Barclay was ready to eat him up. 
When the other group didn’t arrive a week later, Joseph tried not to worry. Weather could be unpredictable this high in the mountains. When they came back a week late with a feral Barclay and news of an ambush by a human hunting party, he expended two weeks worth of worry in about ten minutes. The anxiety hasn’t gone down since, and he’s exhausted. 
In a last ditch effort to bring him back to himself, they put Barclay in Joseph’s small cabin, in hopes that being surrounded by Joseph’s scent might calm him (and since the bachelor cabins are meant for turnover, they’re easier to repair if he damages them). Even though he hadn’t recognized Joseph when he saw him again. At this point, he isn’t recognizing anyone. The longer this goes on, the greater the risk that he’ll stay feral forever. 
Joseph is rooming with another cousin until it’s safe to go home. He lets himself into the cabin and starts prepping his sleeping pallet. Thinks of Barclay, alone across town; every Bigfoot who’s ever been feral and come back describes it as terrifying. 
He has an idea. A terrible one. But Barclay is worth it. 
Five minutes later, he’s in his own sitting room. The small cabins are made of that, a bedroom, and a small stove for cooking and keeping warm. They’d locked Barclay in the bedroom, just for an added barrier between him and the rest of the settlement. 
Joseph lights the lantern, turning in a circle. No sign that Barclay has been able to get out. The hinges of the bedroom door are a little loose, but when he steps close enough to study them he can see they haven’t cracked or torn free. He listens at the door; low, gruff panting comes from the other side, punctuated by a howl that makes him jump a foot backwards. Barclay is upset, but he doesn’t sound injured or in pain, which is all Joseph can really ask for right now. 
He should go.
Then again, the house is a mess; he’d left in a hurry when the visitors came back to town with their bad news. 
Just a few minutes. Then he’ll lock the door behind him and leave Barclay in the closest he can come to peace. 
He’s angry. He’s banged his hands and torn his claws into the walls enough to know he’s not getting free. He doesn’t want to be here. There are others of his kind nearby, he can hear them, smell them, but they left him, which maybe is good, because maybe they’re not friends, maybe they’re here to hurt him.
Barclay runs his hands over his face with a frustrated grunt. Why did they put him here? It smells like humans. Humans are not good, they shoot at you and hurt you and hurt your friends. 
Now one is here. He can hear it through the door. It’s been here a while, walking softly, not speaking. It smells like the house. Familiar. Is this place familiar?
He stands at the door, sniffing the air. Still here. He peers through the crack at the side, but can’t see the intruder. He doesn’t like that. If he can’t see it, it’s hiding, and if it’s hiding, it’s hunting him, and if a human is hunting him he will rip its arms off. He can smell it, not see it, and that’s not good, not safe, no, he can’t be here, he’s trapped, trapped, no.
Barclay puts his full weight on the door and gives it a panicked, violent shove. 
The crack brings three things into focus at once. 
One: Joseph fell asleep on the padded bench instead of just resting his feet a second. 
Two: The corner of the bedroom door is laying in view.
Three: There is a massive shape at the end of the bench, eyes reflecting the dying lamplight, growl steady and menacing. 
The Bigfoots are his family, his people. He’s not afraid of them. But he also knows exactly how little strength he has compared to any one of them. How small he is. Barclay could snap his neck with one hand. 
Joseph holds up his hands and hoots once, dropping from high to low in tone, to indicate that he’s a friend. 
The growl stops, but now Barclay is moving closer, is at the side of the bench peering at him and sniffing the air. 
Joseph repeats the hoot, then adds, “Joseph.”
Speaking seems to remind Barclay that he’s human and he snaps his jaws and thumps his chest twice. The sign to leave. 
Joseph would, except there’s a feral Bigfoot between him and the door, and even standing too quickly could be misread as a threat.
A Bigfoot who was in their right mind would probably repeat the order, or at least pause to explain exactly what they’ll do if Joseph doesn’t move. But Barclay, impatient, is already reaching for his throat. 
“Mate!” Joseph shrinks back against the cushions. Barclay freezes, so he points between them, nodding, “mates.”
Barclay cocks his head this way and that, looks around the sitting room like he’s never been in one before. Then he crouches, huffing through his teeth as he leans in and sniffs at Joseph’s face, neck, and hair. Joseph focuses on breathing, on keeping calm. Slowly, the investigation turns to affection, Barclay nuzzling the hair above his ear, then nosing down his neck and inhaling deeply. 
“Mate.” It’s barely a word. It’s also the first time he’s spoken in weeks. 
Joseph is equal parts elated and relieved, right up to the point at which Barclay scoops him into his arms and stands, at which point everything gives way to alarm. 
“Barclay, wait, what are-”
“Mate.” The answer is both a noun and a command. 
“Oh.” Joseph’s whole body goes warm as he’s lowered onto the sleeping mat, “yes, absolutely.” 
It's not the reunion he had planned, but seeing Barclay again, seeing some chance he might remember him, makes it hard to care.
Barclay sits back on his heels looking at him like he’s trying to make up his mind about something, and Joseph realizes that the bigfoot is completely naked. 
He’s also sporting the biggest cock Joseph’s ever seen. 
Bigfoots aren’t shy about nudity, so Joseph has ample points of comparison. Up until now, he was confident he could handle all parts of being Barclay’s husband, but that part in particular might take some practice. 
He’s so distracted by the logistics of what’s coming that he barely notices Barclay trying to undo his clothing until there’s a rrrrrrip and it all flies into a corner of the room.
“In the way.” Barclay grunts, pushing Joseph’s knees apart to sit between them.
Joseph risks some flirtation, “I know, but I need them. I don’t have gorgeous fur to keep me warm.”
Barclay crawls over him, places one of Joseph’s hands into the auburn fur of his chest as he blankets him, “warm.”
“Very.” He pets absentmindedly up and down as he watches Barclay bring a hand between them to stroke himself. This is not making his cock any less intimidating, but Joseph is so wet from watching, from the way Barclay is growling and pawing at him, that he no longer cares. 
Barclay tracks his attention and for a moment he looks almost shy, “Good?”
“Yes. I just, um, I’ve never done this before so please be gentle.”
“Gentle.” Barclay repeats, leaning down to nuzzle his face. Then he adjusts, grabbing Joseph’s right knee and (gently) pushing it up, forcing his legs wide enough to accommodate him as he presses the head of his cock into him. 
“Shit” Joseph whimpers, wills himself to relax as Barclay nudges it deeper. His lover is going slow, is clearly heeding his request, but nothing can make up for the sheer difference in size, how his body has to stretch as he pushes deeper. 
When it hits the point where it can’t do deeper, Joseph gasps, digging his fingers into the blanket beneath him. Barclay thrusts again, making him cry out, then frowns at the third of his cock still outside Joseph’s body.
“Th-that’s as much of it as I can take, big guy. I, ooohhhfuck” he grabs at the fur of Barclay’s chest as he leans over him, bracing on his forearms as he starts fucking him in earnest, “I’d take the whole thing if I could, I promise.”
The answer seems to satisfy the bigfoot, a purr rumbling from him as he pets Joseph's hair and nuzzles his face as he slowly, deliberately, fucks him. Joseph imagined his first time often and he never thought it could be this tender, that he could feel so wanted, so safe even as his body ached from the stretch of taking his partner and his legs kicked weakly, as if trying to push him away from the intrusion. 
The wet, obscene sounds of Barclay claiming him take on a faster tempo, Barclay now resting his head against the pillow as he grunts and growls rather than trying to nip and kiss as much of Joseph as possible. It makes sense, now that Joseph thinks about it; if being feral returns you to your basic urges, then there’s really only one point of mating. It’s not a point that can currently be met, thanks to his aunts tea, but Barclay doesn’t know that. And so there’s nothing for Joseph to do but hold on and moan as the thrusts grow more and more insistent and Barclay’s growls of “mine” give way to wordless, possessive snarls that make Joseph want to stay here, open and vulnerable, while his mate takes anything and everything he wants from him. 
Barclay’s hips jerk as he cums with a howlgrowlpurr. He’s still cumming when he starts raising up and off of Joseph, and from the shaking of his limbs he realizes the Bigfoot was restraining himself, not continuing to thrust or chase the last remnants of orgasm because it might have hurt Joseph to do so. 
“Good?” Barclay kisses his forehead, warm palm petting his cheek. 
Joseph reaches up, cupping his cheeks and guiding him into a kiss, feels the purr buzzing between them as Barclay slips his tongue between his lips. 
“Good.” He murmurs, then lays back and lets his husband-to-be kiss him to sleep. 
He likes having his mate in his arms. Even more than he likes mating with him. There’s no need under his skin, nothing itching at him until it’s satisfied, and so he can just lay here, happy and warm, feeling his mate breathing. Safe. Barclay is keeping him safe, and that is a good feeling. 
His mate is human. He can’t remember why. Every now and then the answer circles in his mind, but it’s shrouded in fog. Maybe there is no reason other than what he’s feeling now, that this body belongs in his arms, that the voice and face of this human soothes him and pleases him. 
He’d fallen asleep, he thinks, after they’d separated and he’d drawn the human against, back to his chest. He thought his mate had, too, but now he’s shifting, breath coming in bitten-back gasps. 
Barclay lets out an apologetic whine and slides his hand over Joseph’s waist, along his forearm to the point where he’s touching himself with frantic, sharp movements. 
“Sorry.” Barclay nudges the hand aside and sets his own in its place, rubbing against the wet skin.
“It’s, it’s alright, you had other things on your mind and you’ve been so restless I didn’t want to wake you-”
“Not a hardship, babe.” He murmurs, dimly aware of the fact he didn’t know those last two words a moment ago. 
“You called me-AH, ohgod.” Joseph twists in his arms, hips bucking forward as Barclay’s fingers dip lower and press into him. The human valiantly tries to finish his sentence two more times before giving up turning his head to moan into Barclay’s shoulder. 
He laughs and kisses at his head, behind his ear, along his neck; it’s fun, making Joseph lose himself like this. He can’t wait to do it more.
His fingers press deeper and he realizes some of the slick coating them isn’t from Joseph, but from him. His dick, already hardening from the way Joseph is grinding back against it, twitches at the proof of how much of him Joseph took. Aches to take him again, so much that it’s starting to hurt, and he growls in the human’s ear as Joseph fucks himself on his fingers, the movement delicious but not enough. 
“Fuck it.” He holds Joseph close and flips onto his back, bringing the human on top of him. Joseph is so light, it’s easy to lift and shift him onto his dick, even at this odd angle. He’s facing away from him, so Barclay doesn’t see the moment he registers what’s happening. But it floods his other senses; the human cries out, clawing at his thighs, muscles of his legs noticeably tensing and kicking as Barclay holds him steady and fucks up into him
He moves one hand down, rubbing Joseph’s dick until he cums with a long, helpless moan. The sound is still going when Barclay grabs his hips and begins bouncing him in his lap, enjoying how limp he goes as he fucks his cum back into him. When he floods him this time, it’s with a growled-out “mine” and a refusal to let the human up until his dick has finally stopped pulsing. 
“Yours.” Joseph looks over his shoulder with a smile, then promptly collapses against his chest. 
Barclay rumbles comfortingly, petting up and down his back and nosing his hair. He should really get up and get a cloth, get Joseph some new clothes. When they’re back in Barclay’s settlement, he wants to buy him something nice and warm to wear in moments exactly like this, when he’s fucked-out and sleepy in Barclays arms. Something blue maybe, to match the color Barclay painted the bedroom last year. 
He loves planning their future like this. Why hasn’t he been the last few days? What was he thinking about instead?
“Oh fuck.”
Joseph bolts awake, looking up at him, “What’s wrong?”
“How long was I feral?” 
Relief as sweet and simple as sugar fills Joseph’s face, “You’re back. I thought I’d lost you for good.”
“That’s not filling me with hope about only having been out a day or so.”
Joseph strokes his cheek, “It’s been close to two weeks. Apparently your group was attacked, it sounds like in an attempt to kidnap some of you. You went feral during the fight.”
“Fuck. Fuck” he looks down at the human with horror, “I made you have sex while I was feral! I’m so sorry, fuck, did I hurt you?”
“You were, um, insistent, but that was as intense as it got.” Joseph shifts upwards so they’re face to face, “I wanted to be with you. Even that version of you. And…well, some part of me knew you wouldn’t hurt me, no matter what.”
“You still want to marry me?” He tries not to sound as afraid as he feels; if Joseph doesn’t want him after this, he won’t argue. But that won’t save his heart. 
“Big guy, I cannot stress how tonight has shown me just how much I looked forward to being your husband.” Joseph kisses him and Barclay sighs happily and melts into the bed, Joseph comforting and warm above him. 
They’re both exhausted, but neither of them feels the need for sleep. Instead, they stay up, talking about all the good things to come, until the sun rises over the Rockies.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
@anthologyoflucas​ asked:
“I’m taking out the trash, you mind putting a new Steve in the can?” Talia calls to Jake as she carried out the full Steve to the dumpster.
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“Oh yeah, sure thing!” he said going to the cupboard to grab a new Steve.
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“What the hell are you two on about now?”
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The Aftermath || Newton Family Verse Drabble
((A drabble/ficlet based on this thread between me and @anthologyoflucas​. Please do not reblog.))
It had only been a couple hours since they had left the meeting place. Jake’s wounds had been tended to and he was resting on a couch in the lobby. In his hands a note that he was to give to Duck when he finally arrived.
His body tensed when he saw headlights pull up to the lodge. The teen sat up, looking over at Mama and Barclay who still looked grim over the situation. Jake chewed his lip nervously, facing the double doors.
Duck hopped out of his forestry service vehicle and gave a stretch. There was a small smile on his face. He had been looking forward to hearing about Ilia’s day and all the fun she had with Jake and the others at the lodge. He’d get her home, make her dinner and let her tell him all about it. But once he got into the lobby, the smile fell from his face.
It was replaced by a look of confusion when he didn’t see Ilia. Usually she would wait excitedly for him there, ready to chatter on with him about the cool stuff she learned. And the expressions of the others... They looked upset. Then he noticed the bandage on the side of Jake’s forehead.
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“Where’s Ilia?” he asked, panic bubbling in his chest. When no one answered right away he was a bit more forceful. “Where. Is. Ilia?”
“I-I’m so sorry, Duck, i-it was all my fault-” Jake started, already back on the verge of tears.
“Jake, it wasn’t-” Mama said, but was interrupted when the ranger quickly crossed the room to the teen.
“What happened, Jake?!” Duck asked, panicked and angry. “You were supposed to be the one watching her! What happened to her?!”
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“Duck, please, just calm down so we can explain!” Barclay interjected.
“D-Duck, please, I-I didn’t mean for i-it to happen! They said th-they were going to kill e-everyone here if I-I didn’t tell th-them where she was!” Jake said trying to defend himself even as the man grabbed him by the front of his hoodie and yanked him to his feet. “D-Dr. Crews h-has her...”
The disbelief and grief that washed over him was unimaginable. Sure, Ilia wasn’t his real daughter, but to him she was. And now that awful bastard had her back in his clutches. Anger swelled in him, roughly shaking the boy. “You gave her over to Crews?! What the fuck were you thinking?!”
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“Hey, hey, hey!” Barclay snapped, getting Duck to let go of Jake and stepping between them. “Leave him alone, Duck! Just calm down!”
“My kid is gone because of him, Barclay! How the fuck am I supposed to calm down?!”
Jake winced. He already blamed himself enough as it was. If he hadn’t gone after Crews he’d be sitting here with Ilia explaining about the pond and reassuring him that she was okay. But Crews would have found them anyway, right? He’d mentioned being able to track her. And who knows, he could have come after them at the lodge or even to Duck’s apartment. People still would have died in the process...
“She... She wanted me t-to give you this...” Jake said, holding out the letter, but not looking up at the ranger. Duck snatched it from the teen’s hand and looked it over. It felt like his heart shattered, all the anger suddenly draining from him. It was her handwriting...
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Duck sank to the floor, a hollow feeling in his chest. There was such a large void created from the space she took up in his heart. He never realized how truly full she’d made his life. The nights spent comforting her from the nightmares. The walks to the library to get her new books to read. Looking for frogs in the park. Talks of Ilia finally getting to go to school in the next school year. The chance to give her a normal life. All of that was gone...
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Suddenly he broke down into sobs, Mama kneeling down to comfort him. She put an arm around him and pulled him into her. It hurt to see him like this and it hurt to know that little girl wasn’t going to be safe... Then Jake spoke up.
“Duck, I didn’t want to bring it up until you got here, but... I know how to find out where she is.”
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tubapun · 1 year
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I wanna try and see if I can find all the campaign references in this art from the Lofi Beats Video, so from left to right (please add any I miss)
Zoox, Stephen, and Snippers in the fishtank, with the Umbra Staff behind it. The boat on top of the tank is called The Biggest Baby, which is the boat from Ethersea's prologue
I think Duck's hat is in the window there but it's hard to see and may be something else
Macaroons ans a Garryl the Binicorn plushie on the couch
The paintings behind Clint are of the Ram and Raven, as well as Tres Horny Bois animals that they had masks of. And of course Barclay/Bigfoot from Amnesty. Not sure what the beetle is a reference to tho.
That's for sure Ducks hat on the TV though and it looks like Justin is playing a Playstation game, so a reference to Billy there.
The general greenery could be a reference to merle as a whole, but that could be stretching
I think that there's a stuffed void fish on the bookshelf behind Clint as well but I only have so many pixels rn so I could be wrong
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List of Actors in Sanctuary who Also Appeared in Stargate (Spanning Entire Franchise).
Main Cast (Counting Regular Major Appearances):
Amanda Tapping. Sanctuary: Helen Magnus. Stargate: Sam Carter.
Christopher Heyerdahl. Sanctuary: John Druitt, Bigfoot. Stargate SG-1: Pallin. Stargate Atlantis: Halling and Todd the Wraith.
Ryan Robbins. Sanctuary: Henry Foss. Stargate Atlantis: Ladon Radim.
Agam Darshi. Sanctuary; Kate Freelander. Stargates Atlantis: Novo and Athosian 2.
Jonathon Young. Sanctuary: Nikola Tesla. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Parrish.
Peter Wingfield. Sanctuary: James Watson. Stargate SG-1: Hebron and Taneth.
Jim Byrnes. Sanctuary: Gregory Magnus. Stargate SG-1: Documentary Narrator (Heroes Part 2). Stargate Infinity: voice (no character listed).
Significant Stargate Actors Not in Main Cast of Sanctuary:
Michael Shanks. Sanctuary: Jimmy (one episode). Stargate: Daniel Jackson.
Tom McBeath. Sanctuary: General Villanova. Stargate SG-1: Colonel Harry Maybourne.
Vincent Gale. Sanctuary: Nigel Griffin. Stargate SG-1: Deputy - Agent Cross. Stargate Universe: Morrison. (he was significant in Sanctuary and had a high episode list for Stargate, so no arguing)
Colin Cunnigham. Sanctuary: Gerald (one episode). Stargate: Major Paul Davis.
Paul McGillion. Sanctuary: Terrance Wexford (four eps + webisodes). Stargate Atlantis: Carson Beckett.
David Hewlett. Sanctuary: Larry Tolson (webisodes). Stargate: Rodney McKay.
Kavan Smith. Sanctuary: Joe Kavanaugh (two episodes + webisodes). Stargate: Evan Lorne.
David Nykl. Sanctuary: Strickland (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Radek Zelenka.
Sarah Strange. Sanctuary: Allison Grant (one episode). Stargate: Morgan Le Fey.
Dan Shea. Sanctuary: Transit Cop 2 (one episode). Stargate: Sergeant Siler.
Gary Jones. Sanctuary: George (one episode). Stargate: Walter Harriman.
Peter Flemming. Sanctuary: FBI Agent Bruce Tanner (one episode). Stargate: Agent Barret.
Martin Christopher. Sanctuary: False Priest/Father Clark. Stargate: Kevin Marks.
Barclay Hope. Sanctuary: Security Force Commander (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Col. Lionel Pendergast.
Peter DeLuise. Sanctuary: Ernie Watts (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Sal's Diner Customer, Wormhole X-treme Replacement Actor, plus 20 other roles. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. P. Smith (uncredited). Stargate Universe: Peter. (<- also directed all four shows)
Significant in Sanctuary but not Stargate:
Shekhar Paleja (Credited in both as Shaker Paleja). Sanctuary: Ravi Ganapathiraman. Stargate SG-1: Jaffa. Stargate Atlantis: Doctor (uncredited, six episodes).
Ian Tracey. Sanctuary: Adam Worth. Stargate SG-1: Smith.
Pascale Hutton. Sanctuary: Abby Corrigan. Stargate Atlantis: First Officer Trebel. (<- almost/should have been main cast in Sanctuary)
Carlo Rota. Sanctuary: Richard Feliz. Stargate Universe: Carl Strom.
Other Actors in Mostly Minor Roles in Both (but often more significant in Sanctuary, for obvious reasons) Listed in Order of Sanctuary Appearance:
Lauren K. Robek (Credited as Kirsten Robeck in both). Sanctuary: Maryanne Zimmerman (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lieutenant Astor.
Sheri Rabold (credited as Sheri Noel in all). Sanctuary: Molly (two episodes/webisodes), Helen Magnus Stand-in. Stargate SG-1: Physiotherapist. Stargate Atlantis: Scientist, Lab assistant.
Laura Mennel. Sanctuary: Caird (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Mary. Stargate Atlantis: Sanir.
Alex Zahara. Sanctuary: Carver (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Motion Capture Warrior, Warrick Finn, Iron Shirt, Eggar, Shy One, Alien Leader, Alien #1, Micahel Xe'ls.
Peter Bryant. Sanctuary: Cabal Team Leader (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Hoskins and Fro'tak.
MacKenzie Gray. Sanctuary: Mr. Jones (one episode). Stargate Infinity: Pahk'kal, Napoleon Bonaparte (voices).
Matthew Walker. Sanctuary: Oliver Braithewaite (one episode). Stargate SG-1/The Ark of Truth: Merlin/Roham.
David Richmond-Peck. Sanctuary: Jake Polanski (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa Leader. Stargate Atlantis: Toran.
Panou. Sanctuary: Sylvio (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lt. Fisher.
Katherine Isabelle. Sanctuary: Sophie (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Valencia.
Chuck Campell. Sanctuary: Two-Faced Guy. Stargate: Chuck the Technician.
Gabrielle Rose. Sanctuary: Ruth Meyers (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Alterean Woman #2.
Daryl Shuttleworth. Sanctuary: (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Commander Tegar, Commander Rigar.
Rukiya Bernard. Sanctuary: Kayla Bradley (one episode). Stargate Universe: Airman Richmond.
Alex Diakun. Sanctuary: Doctor (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Tarek Solaman.
Chris Gauthier. Sanctuary: Walter (two episodes). Stargate: Mattas and Hertis.
Anne Marie DeLuise. Sanctuary: Rachel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Amy Vandenberg, Farrell.
Aleks Paunovic. Sanctuary: Duke (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Rakai.
Ryan Kennedy. Sanctuary: Darrin Wilson (one episode). Stargate Universe: Dr. Williams.
Terry Chen. Sanctuary: Charles (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Monk.
Nimet Kanji. Sanctuary: Pili (two episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Doctor.
Ron Selmour. Sanctuary: Kanaan (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Jannick.
Raquel Riskin. Sanctuary: Cheryl (one episode). Stargate Universe: Mindy.
Eric Keenleyside. Sanctuary: Det. Michael Bronson (one episodes). Stargate SG-1: Fred.
Michael J Rogers. Sanctuary: Stanley O'Farrel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Escher, Col. Richard Kendrick, Colonel John Michaels.
Fabrice Grover. Sanctuary: Father Nathaniel Jensen (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Amelius.
Allison Hossack. Sanctuary: Lillian (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Zerina Valk. Stargate Atlantis: Perna.
Scott McNeil. Sanctuary: Birot (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Kefflin, Townsperson.
Jody Thompson. Sanctuary: Fallon (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Hospital Nurse.
Nels Lannarson. Sanctuary: Commander Tollan, Praxian Guardsman. (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Major Green. Stargate Atlantis: Captain Holland.
Sean Rogerson. Sanctuary: Castor (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Nevik.
Richard de Klerk. Sanctuary: U.S. Sergeant (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dominic, Joe.
Aaron Brooks. Sanctuary: Lieutenant Hallman (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Nisal.
Collen Winton. Sanctuary: Anna (one episode). Stargate SG-1: National Security Advisor, Dr. Greene.
David Milchard. Sanctuary: Garris. Stargate Atlantis: SGC Technician.
Greyston Holt. Sanctuary: Lt. Coxswell (two episodes). Stargate Universe: Corporal Reynolds.
Brian Markinson. Sanctuary: Greg Addison. Stargate SG-1: Lotan.
Lara Gilchrist. Sanctuary: Cassidy (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Hewston.
John Novak. Sanctuary: Thug Boss (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Colonel William Ronson.
Martin Cummins. Sanctuary: Brad Sylvester (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Aiden Corso.
Kurt Evans. Sanctuary: Agent Gavin Crealy (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Col. Johnson.
Sage Brocklebank. Sanctuary: Canadian Press Photographer (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Rand Protectorate Tech.
Kwesi Ameyaw. Sanctuary: Colonel Bosh (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Olokun. Stargate Atlantis: Technical Sergeant.
J.C. Williams. Sanctuary: SCIU Agent (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa (uncredited), Stargate Universe: Marine (uncredited).
Caroline Cave. Sanctuary: Sheila Delacourt (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Cole. Stargate Universe: Dana.
Brent Stait. Sanctuary: Finn Noland (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Louis Ferretti.
Richard Stroh. Sanctuary: Orin (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Genii Soldier #2.
Venus Terzo. Sanctuary: Capt. Franklin (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dr. Francine Michaels.
I spent entirely too much time on this, but I really got going. I also probably missed a few people (and didn't even start on the crew because of so much overlap). I'm not sure if this is just Vancouver film industry at work or what, but I am done.
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