#the dreamer || shy
He was back in the Buttercream just above Usedtobeen and separated off from his companions. Taking a quick look around he checks to make sure no one sees him as he ducks under the curtain to where his "family" resided.
Montrose was quiet at first as he sat down with his "parents" and "siblings". There's a small wave of his hand and the hard light mask over his face was gone, raising a bit of concern from "dad".
"N-N-N-Now what's got you l-l-l-looking so rough, s-s-s-son?" the animatronic asked, his electronic voice box glitching out as he spoke.
"It's been a rough few days, pops. Just feeling a bit run down and stressed is all," Montrose replied in his soft southern drawl.
"Why n-n-n-not eat something?" his "mom" chimed in, gesturing to the fake food on the table. "Sometimes f-f-f-food is just th-th-the th-th-thing you need!"
He gave a nod. Food did sound good right about now. Perhaps he could get something when they got back to the arcade or maybe he could even find something around here.
"That's a wonderful idea, mother, thank you," he said, smiling just a bit.
"Th-That's my b-b-b-boy!" Dad clucked.
"Who's th-th-th-this? Montrose, did y-y-y-you bring a girl h-h-home with you?" Douggie asked.
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"What?" The thief turned to see a blond woman watching him. "How... much of that did you hear?"
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prophecyguided · 2 years
@dreamsofalife || from x
The hug was incredibly comforting, and for the first time since all of this started, she felt safe and content. She was definitely gonna have to do something nice for Barclay for talking her through all of this.
As much as it hurt to hear that he’d been through worse somehow, the message wasn’t lost for it. For once, Shy just listened, absorbing what was told to her, hoping against hope that it wasn’t too late to fix...or, well, not try to fix, her mistakes past. It didn’t hurt that Barclay was so kind in his explanation; he understood and wasn’t saying it to be critical or call her out. He understood the score and wanted things to work out, and if anything that made it an easier pill to swallow.
“You’re right...I’m sorry, I know I’ve been kinda...control-freaky lately, and that’s not the way this needs to be handled. I get so worked up about stuff and trying to make it better that sometimes I think I forget that there’s stuff that you can’t really do that for.” She bit her lip, still troubled by everything, but very clearly taking what he said to heart. “I just gotta take a step back and not get so overprotective and smothery and stuff, and be more of a support and less of a...I don’t think tank is the right term, but I’m not sure what the right one would even be.”
She almost jumped right back to hugging him, but hung back, not willing to dive right back in to acting on pure emotion once more. “Thanks for talking me through this...and for listening. You probably get this a lot, but you’d be a great counselor.”
Good thing for Shy, Barclay was a hugger. He pulled her back into the hug when he saw the hesitation, his hand giving her back a little pat.
"You got it. When he comes back, don't rush him or try to smother him, just give him a little space and ask what he needs. Just don't be too disheartened if he just asks for some space. That may be what he needs most so try not to take it personally."
Barclay gave one last squeeze before he let go, laughing a little. "Well, I'm just speaking from experience. You make mistakes but you learn from them and then you use that new knowledge going forward. Now, let's go see about that power washer and gettin' this graffiti off, okay?"
It was easy enough to find it in storage and it seemed to have all the pieces as far as he could tell. It was loud as all hell when he turned it on but it was enough to get the spray paint off without damaging the RV. After a but he offers it to Shy, hoping actively doing something to help would improve her mood. Or at least keep her mind preoccupied until the others got back.
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nolongerthelaw · 2 years
@dreamsofalife is following you!
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"You're new in Crescent City, aren't ya? Haven't seen you here in the Maison, before."
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daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
One of the things I find hilarious/wonderful about Jason is that he may do some insane fucking shit, but he never really attempts to lie or hide the fact that he's responsible.
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specific-dreamer · 8 days
the people have spoken and i shall be writing the pic where pony and johnny never went to dally
BUT i can’t decide if it should be in darry’s pov or pony’s so i’m gonna write the start to both under the break and then you guys pick
for the people who asked to be let aware here are your tags, it's not done but here's a progress report i suppose: @theleopardstalker, @darry-queen, @skaryskeletons, @too-damn-good-for-growing-old, @dancertori24, and @johnnyburntcake
(save for when you have time because it is v important to me that you know i’ve only written the introduction, the thesis if you will, and pony section is 642 words and darry’s is 375 words. and im not even done i simply forced myself to stop there)
darrel shaynne curtis is not a rough person. full send. well, okay, he was rough during football, but you can’t play ball and not be rough. especially not when you’re captain. then again he also loved ganging up on sodapop with ponyboy when they was younger, and well let’s just say darry always ended up bribing soda not to snitch to their mama at the end.
okay fine, maybe darry was a rough person. maybe it was that part of him that hit pony tonight. it was that part of him that scared his baby brother so bad the poor kid ran away. from him. darry was never going to forgive himself.
he was never one for dramatics but he had half a mind to cut his hands off, just to make sure he never messed up like this again. he’s not too sure how’s he’d cut his left hand off after cutting his dominant hand, but that was a problem for later. then again, who’s gonna pay the bills if he has no hands to get work done.
right. scratch that idea. it wouldn’t be fair on soda anyways, leaving him with the responsibilities of paying bills and keeping everyone together because darry was too fucked up to be useful.
his eye starts to twitch and his leg starts shaking. something that usually only happens when darry is real scared. it goes without saying it hasn’t done it since his mama and daddy died.
glory, he really fucked up didnt he? what if ponyboy doesn’t come back home? soda would hate darry for that. or what if pony doesn’t want to come back unless darry was gone? soda might not like it for a day or two, but his littles had always been closer with each other than they ever were with him so he might not mind so much.
darry’s not much for dramatics, he preferred to leave that to pony, but if it came down to it, darry would leave just as fast as their parents died. (…too soon?)
darry jerks so hard he can taste that metallic twang that blood has. he bit his tongue and somehow, the hurt that came with it quieted his mind a little.
pony’s pov
when ponyboy wakes up, his first thought is that sodapop had to stop throwing him in the lake. no matter how many times soda threw him, pony would never learn how to swim like that.
he sits up to say just that to soda when his eyes sees someone laying on the grass. okay… he's never been at the lake without his parents before. and it’s dark outside which is really weird; his mama never lets him outside past the street lights, the last time he was out late his mama was in a worry and his dad was so mad he was honestly a little worried he was going to get the breaks beat off him if darry hadn't stepped in and took the blame.
staring at the person, pony rubs his eyes. that doesn’t matter, right now he needs to figure out which one of his dumb brothers were laying in the grass before they got a crook in their neck or before they dad came looking for them. he’s not sure what’s worse; on the one hand, whichever brother it is would surely complain and blame pony for the crook in their neck even though it’s totally not his fault. on the other hand, if their dad finds them they’d surely get the lecture of a life time and would never hear the end of it.
yeah, pony thinks with a shudder. his dad finding them would definitely be worse. pony shakily gets to his feet and walks closer to the figure. he’s only about three feet away when he sees the pool of blood and the mop of brown hair. his stomach drops before his brain remembers neither of his brothers have brown hair.
it’s only then that it occurs to pony that they aren’t at the lake. it’s only then that ponyboy is brought back to the present. that he realizes he doesn’t have to worry about his mama worrying or his dad coming to look for them. (they’re never going to worry or look for him again and, god, pony has yet to accept that, but he can’t wait for the day it hurts less to remember it.)
and it is then, when ponyboy is staring hard at the brown hair and the pool of blood, that he remembers where he is. he’s at the park. because darry hit him and he- oh god, he came here with johnny, where’s johnny?
pony whips around, his heart once again dropping. but johnny's still alive. shaking and wiping his blade on the grass, but alive. that’s good, pony doesn’t think he’d be able to make it up back home with his sanity in tact if that was johnny bleeding out.
ponyboy is so in his thoughts he can hardly hear johnny speaking, “i killed him. i killed that boy.”
pony can’t bring himself to look at johnny for too long, out of fear that his mind will start to replace the body with johnny. but yeah. he's right, johnny did kill him. pony can’t really recall his biology class real well right now, but he can remember something about how the human body can only lose so much blood and that boy has definitely lost it.
darry’s gonna be so mad at pony for getting caught up in a murder case. thats if he’s not mad at pony for getting nearly killed himself. his stomachs twists at the thought.
ponyboy almost died tonight. he knew it was always a possibility, he wasn’t going to live forever. but god. those socs really wanted to take his life tonight and for what? talking to a girl? he’s not soda, it’s not like pony ever even had a shot at cherry, even if he wanted one (and he did kind of, but not if it risked his life).
pony was shivering something fierce when be finally looked away from bob. “johnny, i think im gonna be sick.”
he barely hears johnny giving him the go ahead as he does his best not to vomit all over bob. he never liked bob but pony can at least show him a little respect since it’s his fault the kid's dead.
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socialbunny · 11 months
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But I'm only half as wrong as you
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
“Oh, good. You’re finally waking up,” Montrose said, tilting his head to the side with a smile. His mask was nowhere in sight and the aperture that housed the prism for it was missing from his person as well. It wasn’t certain if Hank had the same control over hard light that Emerich possessed. If that was the case, better safe than sorry. It was prudent to keep in control of his own actions in this delicate affair.
“Now, Mr. Hart, you have made an insurmountable transgression against me and mine. And for that I’d like to have a little pay back. It only seems fair,” he said, his smile turning sinister.
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where-dreamers-go · 8 months
“Believably Shy” Bridge Carson x Fem!Reader
(A/N: Requested by Anon. Hi again and thank you for your request for my favorite Power Ranger! Where Bridge has a shy girlfriend and the team doesn’t believe him even though he’s talked about them a ton!
Warnings: Fluff. Mild language. Use of (Y/N) and (Y/L/N).
Word Count: 1,556 words)
It was happening again, an opportunity to prove Bridge’s words were not repetitious ramblings. One of Bridge’s days off.
A day you and him cherished for time together. The rare occasions where your boyfriend was away from his Power Ranger duties.
You would think his team would believe him when he spoke about you being his partner.
Where did they think he went most of his days off?
Then again, they had never met you. In that regard, you took the blame. The other half was Bridge not admitting to the others that you weren’t ready to be introduced to them yet.
The team who were so close and important to Bridge. There was a weight of pressure at the thought. At least Sky knew of you and Bridge’s relationship. It would had been odd if he didn’t.
Yet your nerves and anxiety pushed you away from even visiting S.P.D. Headquarters.
You shook your head.
Bridge really wants to share and show a huge part of his life. You sighed deeply. I’ll do it.
In an instant, it was decided. You were going to be brave. You were going to both visit the Headquarters and meet the team. It wasn’t as if you would be doing it on your own.
You sat down next to Bridge on your couch.
“You’ll be with me the whole time? At S.P.D.?” You questioned tentatively. “Right? The place looks huge.”
His face brightened at your words. The realization setting in. Bridge scooted closer to you, eager and happy.
“It is huge. All cadets live there and train. I don’t think I can show you the training rooms or the lab.”
“But you’ll be with me?”
“Yes.” Bridge beamed, a grin wide enough to leave him sore later. “I can’ wait to show you around and I could show you my room. Well, it’s Sky’s room too. I have the left side.”
You exhaled slowly.
“It’ll be fun.” He wrapped an arm over your shoulders to bring you closer. “I really want you to meet my friends.”
“I know. I just….I don’t want to mess up or anything. It’s not crowded or anything…I hope.”
“We’re not going to a lecture. Then it would be crowded, but quiet. During a lecture not after.”
Leaning into Bridge’s side, you smiled, “Good.”
As long as we’re together, we’re fine.
. . .
Later in the day, once you were fully prepared, you followed Bridge into Space Patrol Delta Headquarters. All of the large windows, sleek metal, and many hallways greeted your senses. It was enormous.
“No wonder you always get your steps in,” you commented.
Bridge squeezed your hand that held one of his gloved ones. A smile still lingering on his lips from earlier.
Turning another corner led you closer to the residential areas. More shades of blue mingling with the grays. A serious atmosphere nonetheless.
“Cadet Carson.” A gruff voice cut through the quiet of the hall.
Bridge turned to a stop, facing a tall blue canine humanoid in an impressively pressed uniform.
“Commander,” Bridge stood at attention. A gloved hand firmly clasping your suddenly clammy one.
“At ease.”
Keeping your gaze low, you felt a wave of uneasiness erupt from within you.
Are visitors not allowed right now? I don’t want Bridge in trouble. He’s so good. You swallowed. What do I do?
“Cadet Carson, is this your friend who you have been talking about?”
“Yes, Commander.” Bridge looked to you happily. “This is my girlfriend (Y/N) (Y/L/N). And (Y/N), this is Commander Cruger.”
With hands that were seconds from shaking, you glanced up and waved meekly.
“Hello, sir.”
“Hello (Y/N). Welcome to the S.P.D. Headquarters. I am certain that Cadet Carson had been giving you a well-informed tour.”
“Yes, sir.” You nodded.
“Well,” Commander Cruger glanced down at yours and Bridge’s intertwined hands, “I’ll let you continue.” He nodded. “Cadet.” Then went on his way.
In moments, you found yourself able to breathe steadier. You wiped your free hand on your clothes.
“Are you alright?”
You looked to Bridge seriously and stated, “He was intimidating.”
“I guess he can be.” He tilted his head in thought. “He seemed to like you.”
“Yeah.” A voice answered behind you. “He didn’t growl.”
Growl? You peered over your shoulder. Oh crap. Them. Separate colors caught your attention. Breathe. Crap. They’re all looking.
“Hi.” Bridge greeted the small group approaching the two of you.
“Are you going to introduce us to your friend?” A young woman with dark hair asked with a smirk.
Yellow…wait… Elizabeth? No…uh.
Out of the four of them, a calm young man stepped forward. Politely, he introduced himself, “Hi, I’m Sky. It’s nice to finally meet you, (Y/N).”
“That’s (Y/N)?” A young woman wearing pink exclaimed.
“Hi.” You waved and earned a grin from your boyfriend.
“Hey, I’m Jack and you’re real?”
“Hi, uh…pretty sure.”
“Well with all the times Bridge has talked about you, we thought you were only a story.”
“Not all of us,” Sky crossed his arms over his chest.
“But we know now.” The one in yellow said. “And we’re happy to meet you. I’m Z.”
“Sydney,” the blonde smiled.
“If it makes a difference, I’ve heard a lot about all of you. Good things.” You offered a smile.
Bridge gave your hand a light squeeze encouragingly.
Gesturing with his hands, Jack questioned, “So, let me get this straight. All of those weeks of you,” he pointed to Bridge, “describing a person and dates and random stories…was all true?”
“Why would he make me up?” You countered. “I don’t think Bridge is physically capable of lying. At all. And…,” you glanced to your boyfriend. “Didn’t you tell them about the Hanukkah present I got you?”
He nodded quickly.
The two of you holding hands, gave equally curious gazes to the others.
Why haven’t they believed Bridge?
In a second, it was as if all of you were in a classroom. No one made eye contact. Not one made a move.
At least you weren’t feeling awkward or nervous any more. Yet you were left slightly confused.
“Okay.” Bridge exhaled and suggested, “Why don’t I show you where we hang out?”
Your boyfriend led you passed his friends. The sounds of their footfalls following.
“You know,” Sydney spoke up, “I didn’t entirely disbelieve Bridge.”
Sky breathed out a laugh.
“You thought he was playing a video game.”
Grinning, you looked over your shoulder. “You thought I was a video game character?”
“Sort of.” The pink Ranger admitted.
“That’s kinda cool.” You nudged Bridge. “Like a dating story app game.”
He clasped his other hand over yours he already held. An amused pull of his lips softened his features.
“Would you pick me if I was a character?” You inquired with a teasing smile.
The question lead to Bridge’s signature thinking face. Cute and serious. Always a temptation to press a kiss to his face no matter how scrunched up he made it.
“I would pay for the in-game extras that give extra scenes. Try to encourage the creators that your character was too underrated. You’d be my favorite.”
“Underrated favorite?”
A door slid open and the both of your walked into a lounge-like area.
“Because someone has to get to know you first to know how wonderful you are.” Bridge explained quickly. “Underrated and arguably the best character option. The story would probably be a lot of fun. Kind of like a comic, but not.”
“You’re adorable, you know that?”
Slowing your pace, you and Bridge gazed at one another warmly. Sounds and activities of cadets not interrupting the moment.
“Wow. They really are dating.” Jack stated alongside the other Power Rangers.
“And really cute.” Sydney sighed.
Walking around them, Sky added in, “They’ve been dating longer than you think.”
“How long?”
“Ask them.”
It was then that the Power Rangers realized you and Bridge were no longer in front of them.
“You’re going to question them, aren’t you?” Z asked.
“Yes.” Both Sydney and Jack nodded.
“Go easy on her,” Sky urged. “She’s shy.”
. . . 
Quiet of a shared bedroom eased your muscle tension. A much needed break from so much newness.
“Do you want me to check your aura for you?”
“Nah. I’m alright.” You reached for his hands. “Thank you.”
He passed your hands, grabbed your sides, and lifted you onto his bed. With a smile, warm and loving, Bridge kissed your nose.
“Thank you for coming here with me.”
“I couldn’t tell you ‘no’ again. This is a huge part of your life.” You gestured towards the door. “They’re a huge part of your life. I really want to get to know them.”
“Yeah. They seem really nice.”
“They are.” He leaned onto your lap. “I hope all of you can be friends.”
“Me too.” You ran your fingers through his chestnut brown hair.
He pecked your nose with his lips again.
“But I have a question first.” You announced casually and poked his ear.
“What’s with the toaster by your computer?”
“It has a countdown timer.”
“For perfect buttery toast?”
“Exactly.” Bridge grinned.
“You’re so cute.”
Oh, what a day with the best guy I have ever met.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
DreamerDragon Tags: @
Bridge Carson Tags: @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
. . . she has nobody she can actually trust, and that's the kind of thing that could make a person decide to swear off talking to other humans forever.
Laura Hankin, from The Dreamers
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There's a loud thwack as his hand strikes the other across the face. It was maybe only the third time he'd done it, but they weren't budging. If it kept up, he'd need to be a little more drastic.
"I can keep this up all day. Each time you refuse to talk it's only going to make it harder on yourself. Now I've tried to be "nice" about this, but it seems "nice" isn't going to cut it."
God he was itching for them to say no again.
Linden knew this was standard stuff and would step up to put in a few punches if it motivated their "new friend" to talk. Though he'd try to keep it a bit tamer since Emerich and Shy were present. Torture didn't have to be all physical. Just letting them sit alone in an empty room tied to a chair for hours was a good way to do it to. But Montrose seemed eager to go this route.
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@dreamsofalife || from X
Indrid buried his face in her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her in return, careful of the drawing in his hands. He'd always been regarded as the weird hermit that lived in his RV so it didn't exactly come as a shock that this would happen in his absence. The Sylph huffed, trying not to let it bother him but it did...
"Might as well get cleaning, right?" he asked, letting go of Shy. Indrid moved to the fold down table and brushed some garbage off. He gently set the drawing on it and started to work on picking up his sketchbooks. The wound on his side ached when he reached too far to grab one of them, letting out a small painted sound.
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prophecyguided · 2 years
@dreamsofalust || closed spicy starter
Indrid pulled her in for a light kiss. And then another. And another still. Soon he moves from her lips, to her cheek, then her jaw, and then down her neck. He leaves a trail down to her collarbone. Something scrapes lightly against the crook of her neck. Fangs that he normally didn't show, grazing over soft pale skin. There's a hesitation as if he was debating on biting her but stops himself, returning to kisses once again.
His arms are around her waist and pull her close, pressing their bodies together. His nails dig in slightly, not enough to hurt, but to hold her in place. Indrid pulls his head back up to look at her through his red lenses.
"Do you want to do this?" he asked, one hand moving to cup her face. One word and he would stop if that's what she wanted.
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nolongerthelaw · 2 years
“ do you wanna talk about this, or be distracted, or left alone? “
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"It's not very often you get someone so willing to help. At least not someone who's willing to help me anyway. Being shunned by the community'll do that to ya..." he explained. There was a look of pain as he tried to move his very stiff shoulder. "Once someone knows the truth, they don't tend to stick around for very long."
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daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
Forever torn between my genuine desire to form friendships and my innate fear that I'm somehow the most annoying person to ever exist
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sportystylist · 10 months
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Muse Info cards I made!! (Credits to alinatron-mewtube) Quinn and Calix are OCs that I've had for quite a while. It's been fun seeing them really come to life in Fashion Dreamer :)
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eugenechaudblaze · 1 year
@dreamsofalife​ followed!
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“Oh, hello miss. Can I help you with something?” he asked. 
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