#the bit where he put the blade to Dom's neck. the blade Dom gave him for his birthday at the beginning of the series.
martianbugsbunny · 9 months
How could he be so capable of cruelty to someone he loved so much
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
𝖘𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖒𝖊𝖑𝖙 | koner x dark!wildling!reader
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 | a journey to the outskirts of winterfell in search of valuables to plunder led you to take something from a lone guard in the forest— something you can't sell or trade.
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 | over 4k
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 | smut (NONCON/DUBCON, reader forces koner not the other way around!), knife kink, multiple orgasms/overstimulation, degradation, dom!reader and sub(ish)!koner, koner getting nonconned but also being kinda into it (actually, very into it), sort of implied inexperienced koner
a/n - you do not need to have seen game of thrones to read this, I wrote it without seeing it! the only context you'll need is that wildlings are nomadic people who live north of 'the wall' (big ass block of ice) without being ruled by any kingdoms
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You stalked closer and closer to your prey, carefully laying each step on the forest floor so as not to be heard.  It took a great deal of stealthiness to walk softly on crunchy wet snow like this, but that posed little trouble for you: you had to hunt like this every day, to eat.
But today, you weren’t hunting for a meal— not even for furs.  You had your sights on a guard of Winterfell.
It was his own fault for straying so far from his post; sure, you were far from where you were meant to be as well, but the life of a wildling sometimes required raiding down South so you could gather resources not available in your usual turf.  You hadn’t expected to encounter anyone this far from your destination, but you heard him a few metres back— he was talking to himself, the dolt.  Humming occasionally as well, then complaining that he couldn’t get the blasted song out of his head.
For a minute, you watched him, wondering if he’d ever turn so you could see his face— his whole head was covered with a black cowl, so you couldn’t see any of him.  Which was better, obviously, because it meant he wouldn’t see you, either; but then again, he seemed to be off in his own world anyways, and you were much better camouflaged than him in that black leather.  After a while, he began to kick rocks around to entertain himself, once squatting to scoop up some snow and pat it into a ball in his gloved hands; which at once he tossed and watched explode against a tree with a snort of delight.  You scoffed to yourself— these guards were more and more daft each time you came here. 
Your eyes glanced at the ground around you, behind this tree you’d ducked beside once you heard the guard nearby.  There was a decently-sized rock, you could probably club him over the head with it and be done, but that sounded a little too easy for your tastes.  Plus, you had this fabulous dagger you’d stolen last time you ventured this far South… maybe you could use it to cut his armour off of him to take for yourself.  
You only had to wait a second longer for the right moment: you stood up and dashed forward.  He didn't hear you coming until it was far too late— he hadn't even turned around enough to see you before you were on him.
He yelped pathetically— more like a screech, really— as you tackled him; his cowl came off in the struggle, revealing dirty-blonde curls cropped short against his head.  He put up a bit of a fight, and though he was strong enough his balance was poor; he toppled over as you found a tight grip on his wrists so he couldn’t swing his fists at you anymore.
As soon as you had the guard pinned to the ground under you, your dagger was against his throat.  One swipe and his blood would pour from his neck and soak into the earth.
But it was his neck that made you hesitate: you looked at his face, something you usually disliked to do until after they were dead.  His pale, soft skin made you realise how young he must be; his face gave away even more.
The poor thing was terrified, understandably.  There was no defiance or disgust on his face, only terror as he shut his eyes tight and swallowed nervously under the pressure of your blade.  He couldn't have been older than twenty-five, probably even younger, and he looked the opposite of battle-hardened as he laid here beneath you, bracing for death.
Eventually noticing your hesitation, he carefully opened one of his eyes and looked up at you with it.  Then they both opened wide, as if reacting to something— and you didn't know what, until his head turned slightly and his eyes drifted to your hair.  "You're—" he realised, but you bared your teeth and pressed your blade harder against his neck to shut him up.
Of course a Winterfell guard would be so perplexed to be overpowered by a woman.  Their tiny little brains couldn't comprehend such a thing, and their tiny little dicks—
You knitted your eyebrows together, feeling something under your rear as you sat on him; when you shifted slightly, he whimpered, his mouth falling open for a moment.  You ever-so-slightly relaxed your dagger-wielding hand, though the other that gripped his wrist above his head held on tighter.  A shudder jumped up your back when you were forced to realise what you were feeling as you straddled his lap.
Well, it wasn't tiny…
His expression softened, and you didn't like how comfortable he was getting; snarling, you pushed the steel blade harder against his throat again, making him gasp and tilt his head back.  "I can't imagine how you can be aroused in a time like this," you scolded him.  
"S-sorry…" he whispered, his voice weak and shaky.
"About to die and all you can manage to do is let your cock swell against my arse?" you hissed.
"It's not on purpose," he defended, "but you— you're on top of me and y-you're… I'm only a man."
"A man?  Your face is soft and smooth, like a little boy," you noticed as you lightly dragged your dagger across his jaw, "and you scream like a little girl.  Is that what passes for a man on this side of the wall?"
Your insults didn't seem to deter the erection under you, actually you swore you could almost feel it throb.  "Is this what women are like on your side of the wall?" the guard asked quietly.  "Ruthless killers?"
You smiled proudly, though he probably saw the sharp grin of a predator.  "Something like that," you agreed, "though none as fearsome as me.  Haven't you heard the stories of wildling women?"
He swallowed again, throat bobbing.  "O-one or two…"
You were pleased because you could tell exactly what kind of stories he'd heard.  His mummy probably told him when he was a boy that if he was bad, the evil scary wildlings would snatch him up.  "We're not soft and weak like your women here," you informed him.
"I can tell…" he mumbled.
You smirked proudly.  "But I guess that doesn't bother you much, does it?  You seem to like it, in fact."
He didn't answer, or nod, but you could tell by the way his massive brown eyes stared up at you that you were right.  Well, that and the massive boner under your bum.
You carefully pulled at the string that kept his cape tied at his clavicle; you unbuckled the leather straps that held on his chestplate.  “I’ll be taking this, if you don’t mind,” you decided with a proud smirk.
“Not sure it’ll fit you,” he warned, and you frowned.
“To sell, idiot.”
You tossed the armour aside, leaving him in only the thin wool shirt underneath— not much to protect from the chilly air, but then again, to you this weather was temperate.
Dragging your knife slowly down, you watched it slice through his tunic like butter.  His breathing picked up, but he dared not let his chest or stomach move as he breathed; you saw him shaking a bit as you got a peek at his skin.
When the garment was split from the top to the bottom, you grabbed it and pushed it open at either side— and you laughed with a snort at the back of your throat when you gazed upon his exposed chest: all but completely hairless.  "Pathetic," you spat, and he made a little face: kind of sad, kind of something else.  "Men are men where I'm from."
"Women are ladies where I'm from," he talked back, and you stopped holding him down with one hand so you could slap him quickly across the face.
"Women are useless where you're from," you corrected, "and apparently, so are the men.  If you could even be considered one."
As his cheek reddened from the slap, his cock jumped; you snickered proudly, moving your hips just barely so you could watch him choke on his whine.
It felt pleasantly thick, from what you could tell, and you liked the way he looked up at you when you moved.  You probably wouldn't have thought twice about killing a young, pretty boy like this if it hadn't been so long since you felt any kind of touch… but for a while now, you'd had a natural instinct— a craving, even— for the sort of pleasure your own fingers just couldn't bring.
That was what inspired you to lift your hips and start to tug your thick wool trousers down your thighs.
"Oh, fuck," he mumbled, "are you— oh, is this really—?"
"Quiet," you ordered as you cut his trousers open, making him whimper for a second out of fear that your dagger would slip and he'd lose some important anatomy.
Once all the requisite garments were out of the way, you quickly spat onto the ends of your fingers, wiping it over yourself to make this just a bit easier.  He sighed shakily when he saw you do it; even more when you gripped his shaft, guiding the thick head of him to your cunt.
You shut your eyes as you sank down slowly onto it, but you still heard him gasp and groan as your body took his in.  
"O-oh!" he choked, and you felt a hand suddenly land on your thigh.  Sneering, you grabbed it and held it down against the ground— still only halfway down the length of his cock.  "You're so warm— you feel so—"
"Shut up," you hissed as you sat down in his lap, trying not to react to how deep he was inside you.  It nearly made your stomach ache, the way his cock filled you up to the brim and curved right as it reached the end of you.  It had been years since you felt a man in this way, and though you hated to admit it, none had ever felt quite like this.
"Fuck, fuck," he chanted, writhing under you.  "Gods, aren't you gonna move?"
"Shut up," you demanded again, eyes shut and head tilting back, as you started to grind your hips.
"Oh gods," he moaned, hands balled up into fists just past where you held his wrists down.  "You feel— fuck."
Every rock of your hips gave a nice rub to your clit, not to mention stirring the thick member inside you.  The stretch of it was still a little sharp, but it got more comfortable over time.
"So fucking tight," the man under you hissed.  "You're tighter than the women here, too."
"How would you fucking know?" you snapped, moving a little faster on top of him, and he groaned.
You found a pattern that you liked quickly, and soon the only sounds in the forest were your panting breaths, his pathetic moans, and the rustle of leaves under your knees as you moved.  
He didn't offer much protest at first, but he started to struggle after a few minutes— uselessly, of course.  You weren't sure why until he suddenly made his demand.
"Lay back," he suggested.
"I can pleasure you."
You only scoffed as your answer.  It was much easier to take your own pleasure, and you'd never be fucked by someone like him, anyways.  As if you would just lay in the dirt and spread your legs for a guard, so he could have his way and probably spill his load in seconds— only to leave you unsatisfied, of course.
"Please," he added eventually, and you grunted as you moved faster— trying to get this over with, so you wouldn't have to hear his whining anymore.
Ignoring him, you sighed as a pleasant feeling began to grow inside you: pleasant, but needy, spurring you to grind down on him harder and faster.  The fat head of his cock brushed up against something deep in you and you gasped loudly.
"Y'like it, huh?" he taunted— you didn't even open your eyes to hit him across the face again, and he groaned.
You kept riding with heavy breaths, biting down on your lip as a moan threatened to come out; the snow under your knees had started to melt, soaking through the fur pants and wetting your skin, but you didn’t notice much or care.  You’d found just the right angle to force his cock to rub that place that made your legs shake— so much that it was almost difficult to keep lifting yourself above him, and yet as the pleasure grew you were helpless to stop.  You didn’t think you could stop now even if someone came upon you; guards rarely moved alone, he probably had a partner somewhere in the woods, and what would he think of finding his companion on the ground with a knife to his neck and a wildling woman riding his cock with reckless abandon?
You smirked to yourself; maybe he’d just appreciate the show, you decided.  And then I could kill them both.
The heat built as you moved, gathering inside your furs and making them stick to your skin. The unpleasant clamminess made you groan as you reached up to undress yourself— just enough to get some breeze on your upper body.  
As you untied the cords and let your chest become exposed to the evening air, you heard him groan happily.  "Oh, fuck," he swore, hands struggling a bit more against your grip.  You leaned forward to give your movements better leverage, but the unintended consequence was pushing your breasts right into his face.  
You felt his mouth on you a second later, muffled moans around your stiffening nipples as he latched onto them.  You scoffed but made no move to stop him.  "You cry like a babe, you babble like a babe— now you suckle like one, too.  Southern men are so strange."
"M'not Southern," he broke away from you as he moved from one nipple to the other, mumbling against your skin.
"South of the wall, you're a Southerner to me," you grinned, though your smile fell when his tongue flicked at the bud on your breast, a sharp jolt of pleasure running through you at the feeling.  "Oh…"
You felt him smile around your skin and you sneered.  You hadn't expected to give away that anything he did might bring you pleasure— you didn't want to give him any sort of power over you.  But it did feel good to be touched this way, to feel his mouth somewhere you'd never had a mouth before… you'd never been this naked with a man before, the weather where you're from simply didn't permit it.
You switched from rocking your hips back and forth to bouncing them up and down, and he moaned loudly— he even started to try to move his own hips to meet yours, thrusting up into your warmth.
"Fuck fuck fuck," he repeated over and over.  "So good— you feel so good… you're so beautiful…"
You hated the way his words made your inner walls tighten up, but nobody had ever called you that before.  And it was the last thing expected him to say— you figured he thought you were a brute, a wild beast of a woman, and maybe he did… but apparently, that was sort of his thing.  You scoffed to yourself to imagine this was his fantasy: a feral woman overpowers him in the night, takes what she wants, and disappears never to be seen again.  Lucky for him, he'd accidentally fit right into one of your fantasies, though you'd never admit that you had any: defeating a man in combat and in doing so cause him to develop affections for you.  The fact that he had a kind face and a big cock was just an added bonus.
“I— oh, I’ll— get off,” he instructed suddenly.
“I told you— fuck— to be quiet,” you groaned, moving faster as you chased that tight feeling building in your gut.
“Get off,” he warned again, “I’m going to— gods, I’m—!”
He never got a chance to say it, but it was obvious that he was coming inside you— you could feel his cock flexing inside you, and you chuckled as you realised how quickly he’d reached his ecstasy.
You were going to take a bit longer, of course, not as easily to please as a young guard who may as well have been a virgin; and since your pleasure was all you were here for, you didn't see any reason to stop— not even his protests.  "Fuck, FUCK!" he yelped.  "O-oh, oh gods, you're not— you— fuck!"
You barely paid any attention to it, nor to the way he shook under you as you kept riding him after he'd come already.  As your walls dragged on every side of his sensitive and pulsing cock, he writhed weakly against your tight grasp on his wrists.
"Fuckfuckfuck— please, please, slow down," he sobbed.
"I'll slow down when I'm done," you offered, and he choked on a cry.
"Hurts, fuck, it hurts," he whimpered.  "Ah fuck, fuck!"
"If it hurts so badly," you panted, "why are you still hard?"
He grunted through his teeth.  "I don't know, I don't—" 
Another slap shut him up quickly.  It was supposed to be a rhetorical question.
You kept riding as he sobbed and whined, though you had to laugh to yourself when it only took a few more minutes for him to start trying to thrust up into you again.
"I— oh gods, I'll— I'm going to—" he tried to warn you, but it happened suddenly: his cock pulsed inside you and another few pumps of come, weaker than the last, dribbled inside you.  His eyes rolled back in his head and he fought to lift himself but you kept him pinned there, watching the way he looked wrecked by a second orgasm without stopping since the first.  
He cried weakly, and the overflowing come inside you made every movement sticky and squelching; it was disgusting, but for better or for worse, it turned you on.  Feeling his cock flex right against your spot made your head fall back, and your own body started to shake and shiver.  "Fuck," you hissed under your breath, your cunt gripping him tight in rhythmic pulses as your orgasm began.
He gurgled helplessly as your walls milked his cock of those last few drops of come, until finally the waves subsided and everything stilled.
For a minute, you were just panting— so was he— and letting the numb feeling pass you by.
When you were satisfied, finally, you lifted your hips and let his softening cock slip out, which made him sob pathetically.  He hissed when he was finally free, and you stood up over him as you quickly pulled your trousers back up.
You stepped over him, turning away to adjust the furs over your shoulders, expecting to walk away any moment and never see him again.  He, apparently, had different expectations.
"D-do you have to leave so quickly?" he wondered.  "I thought we could talk."
You didn't answer, focused on covering your body again.  He waited for a moment, apparently still hoping for a reply, before he got up and brushed the snow off himself.
"Can I at least know your name?"
"I must go,” you shook your head.
"You could take me with you!" he suggested eagerly.
You gave him an unimpressed glance.  "You'd freeze in a minute past the wall, hairless and skinny as you are."
"Then stay here," he pleaded.  "You'd make a pretty wife."
That made you stop what you were doing, and laugh.  "Gods!  Wife?!  Are you mad?" you asked as you stared at him in bewilderment.
"A bit," he agreed with a smile.  "I just never— I'd imagined—"
He stopped talking over himself and sighed, starting over again. 
"Maybe a night, then," he suggested.  "Just stay with me one night.  The other guards won't find you if you're with me a-and if you'd like, we could fuck again."
You snorted.  "Can you get it up again tonight?"
He hesitated.  "I can at least try— I'm sure if you show me more of you I won't be able to help it.  I-I barely even got to see you before…”
You watched his face as he looked down, brown eyes following his gloved hand as it traced down your chest over the thick furs that covered you.
"No, wait," he mumbled, “it couldn't just be one night— you can't go because what if… what if you're…"
His hand drifted to brush over your stomach.  "Pregnant?" you realised what he meant.  "I'm not too worried about that, virile men have beards."
"I have one," he frowned defensively, "I just shave it!"
You rolled your eyes.  "It's better this way, regardless.  I disappear and we forget this night.  I have to return to my people and hope they won't find out somehow that I sullied myself with a Winterfell guard."
"They'll find out if you're pregnant."
"I'll tell them it was another traveller."
He seemed heartbroken enough to imagine you taking his hypothetical child without him, let alone that you would lie and forget the real father.  Sighing, he pulled you closer by your hips and rested his forehead on yours.  "Tell them the truth," he pleaded.  "Tell them about the beautiful night we had in Winterfell—"
"Fucking on the ground, like animals— sobbing with a knife to your neck because I've gone past your limits— that's beautiful to you?"
"Yes," he whispered, "you're beautiful to me."
You smirked.  “You know, I’m almost impressed.  Not many men would consider me marriage material.”
“Most men are fools,” he shrugged.
“And you are the most foolish man I ever encountered,” you announced— but only when you said it aloud did you realise the opportunity you had before you.  You looked up at him, and just that made his expression flood with hope.  “You’d like me to stay, yes?”
He beamed widely; “Will you?”
You could already imagine it: all that armour, all those weapons and treasure, inside the walls of Winterfell.  He was going to lead you right to it, for free— you could skip the sneaking and the hiding and just walk in the front gates, join him in his quarters, wait for him to fall asleep and take as much as you could carry.  It was too easy.  All you had to do was outrun the night watch, or kill them… neither would pose much trouble.
He was still talking, you realised suddenly; rambling about where he slept and how he’d make room for you there, that he could keep you company when he wasn’t on duty.  “I think you’ll like it, not as cold here as you’re used to,” he continued, “a-and I know you said I’m mad, but… but maybe you would like to be my wife, someday.  If I show you what it would be like, and I could—”
“Take me there,” you interrupted, and he looked down at your face with a sparkle in his eyes.  “If you put back on your chestplate, you should be able to bring me as your prisoner— tell the other guards that you’re taking me to your quarters to, er, have your way with me.”
He blushed a little, probably wondering just as you were if they could possibly imagine that you had already had your way with him.
“And I’ll stay with you,” you offered, reaching up to touch his chest gingerly, “for a while.”
He looked at you like he was trying to suppress his excitement so he could seem more tough, but it wasn’t really working.  “All right,” he agreed, and you started to walk away so you could both go— but he grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him.  “Wait… kiss me first.”
“What for?”
His smile was gentle, if a little mischievous, as he stepped closer to you.  “Because I’d like it,” he answered softly, reaching up to toy with a lock of your hair briefly.  “Do your people even kiss?”
You’d be happy to kiss him if it made him stop asking stupid questions like that; so you did, putting your hand on his shoulder and leaning it, pressing your mouth to his.  His lips were full and soft, and he sighed as he kissed you back— much more gentle and sweet than you expected him to kiss you, after all this.
You shouldn't have let it go on for so long, that was your fault, but it was actually quite nice; you weren't sure you'd ever been kissed quite like this. He was the one that broke away first, leaving you fighting the urge to chase his lips for more. He smiled at you gently, a glimmer in his eyes, as his thumb and finger held your chin. "Seems you'll make for a very willing prisoner, my wildling," he cooed.
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I’m not gonna lie. Did I just go through almost all of your EJ stuff, yes.
With the way you write him( love it by the way) it gave me an idea… When he takes his so with him, the place he keeps them is like surrounded by woods right. I think you see where this is going..
EJ chasing his so through the woods after an escape attempt. Nsfw if you please.
- A neighborhood biscuit (who cannot stop thinking about EJ)
Instinct(Yandere Eyeless Jack x Reader Smut)
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A/N: Here you go neighborhood biscuit! I've made complete filth and I'm proud of it. Enjoy babes! This is a long one🍵
Warnings: Strong Dub-Con, Prey/Predator play, Dom/Sub, Dark, f!reader, Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, mentions of physical/verbal abuse, size kink, breeding, MDI, NSFW
You’ve never been more terrified in your entire life. Your clothes are snagged by branches and covered in dirt from the few times you’d tripped onto the forest floor. His heavy footsteps pounding against the ground are what drive you to keep going despite your lungs being on fire.
Getting caught is not an option. Sweat stings your eyes, blurring your vision as you run faster, pushing your legs to their limits. Your muscles burn with exhaustion. Despite how tired you feel, your senses are on high alert. The sound of a body of water nearby echoes into your ears. Maybe if you can get to where its at, you can swim away or hide under the current. 
But finally, your limbs give out from under you. You come crashing onto the hard earth, knocking more air out of you. Everything goes silent. You pick your head up and frantically look around, only to find no one there. Did you lose him? 
You can hear your heart beating, feeling how it jumps at your ribs. Yes, you’ve won. You’ve outran him! Just as you push yourself onto your elbows, deep laughter emitting from behind you makes the blood in your veins freeze.
“You are faster than I gave you credit for, Little One” Before you can scramble away, something pounces on top of you. A heavy weight pins you to the dried dead leaves and soil beneath your tired body. You attempt to wiggle your way out from him, but Jacks clawed hand wraps around the back of your neck, keeping your cheek smooshed against the ground. He sits on your upper thighs, putting all of his mass on your smaller form. “I’ve caught my prize, does this mean I get a reward?” Jack intertwines his fingers in your hair and pulls on it, lighting your scalp with sharp pain. Your head is forced to tilt upwards as you hiss in protest.
“I’m sorry-” You begin to whimper, only for him to fold over you more, his strong solid chest presses against your shoulder blades and upper spine. He brings his lips close to your ear, mask discarded to the side.
“Oh? You weren’t sorry twenty minutes ago" He growls in an utterly inhumane way. It's deep, and rough, and has a slight demonic edge. "You know I hate it when you run away, after everything I've done for you" He seethes, his hot breath fanning your skin. You squirm and try to buck your hips to get him off, ignoring the pool of heat swirling in your lower abdomen as his tongue drags across your cheek to your earlobe, leaving a trail of drool in its wake. "Besides, you didn't seem to think being with me was so terrible last night" He inhales your scent by pressing his nose against the crook of your neck.
"I-I-that wasn't-I was-" You stutter as the events from yesterday replay in your mind. Your thighs press together when you remember how he was in between them late into the hours of the previous night. Jack sniffs a few times, taking in the sweet smell of your arousal. His scowl morphs into a big smirk. You can lie to him, but your body can't.
"How could you possibly want to leave when I've given you such pleasures that made you screamed my name until sunrise?" Jack's hips press against your backside. You arch your spine and lift your ass up the slightest bit. You can feel something hard against your clothed cunt. As if snapping back into reality, you thrash around. No matter how good it felt, it was wrong! You shouldn't give in. But when he grips your waist to hold you still and grinds his crotch right against your behind deliciously, your limbs turn weak. His cock twitches in response and you can feel it even with the barrier of clothes in between.
"Should I provide a reminder of how I made you feel?" He thrusts against you hard, causing your own chest to dig into the ground. Jack groans when you respond by pushing your own hips against his pelvis. You're resolve quickly starts to fall apart. He rips off your shorts easily, along with your panties to leave your bottom half completely bare.
"Jack!" You yelp, face blotchy red. Jack sits back on his heels to admire the slick between your wet folds on display for him. He wonders if you still have some of his cum left over inside of you when he bred you yesterday. Oh how he would love to find out.
"Look at you, completely at my mercy. I’ve barely even touched you" He teases, carefully retracting the claws on his hands so that he can dip the tip of his finger into your cunt. You jolt and bite down on your forearm, yours eyes squeezing shut. "You cant deny you crave me, you were made for me, my mate. But I think you deserve a bit of punishment for making me chase you" Not that Jack didn't enjoy hunting you down. It did give him a rush of excitement, thinking of what he'd do to you once you were caught. You're like a small bunny whose been captured by a predator. Except he isn't going to eat you in a carnivorous way. You're so helpless against him, it's thrilling.
"I don't think you deserve to be prepped, but that shouldn't be a problem because of you must be a masochist since you risked attempting an escape, knowing I’d catch you" You hear the sound of his belt being undone. Your eyes widen with fear. Jack is no easy fit even when he stretches you using his fingers. You want to try to run again, but you know all that would do is piss him off more. If you’re obedient, Jack will treat you more gently. Its how he works.vHe wants you fully submissive.
Whenever you willingly submit he does tend to make situations/punishments more tolerable. So, you stay down, ass sticking up in the air and cheek on the ground still. He smiles at your lack of fight, he’s trained you somewhat well to be a good breeding bitch. "That's a good mate, let me fill you properly" He coo's while shoving down his pants and boxers. Jack allows you to comfortably set your knees in place as he lifts off of you the slightest bit in order rub the bulbous tip of his cock against your entrance, gathering your slick and spreading it down his shaft. You're producing so much of it that he'll probably slide in easier than he originally thought. You muffle your noises as best as possible.
Jack doesn't mind, in a little you won't be able to stop crying out for more, just like the little slut you are. He pushes the head in ever so slowly, not because he’s merciful, but because he wants you to really feel how he makes you gape open for his dick. Your walls squeeze around him, causing Jack to grunt. You’re always so damn tight, perfect for him. His fingers dig into your waist as he inches in. Your mouth falls open into a silent scream as he splits you open on his huge sized length. The sight is sinful. You trying so hard to take his cock is the best scene he's ever experienced. Your pussy practically welcomes Jack as it clenches around him. He slides a hand to your front to feel at your lower stomach once he finally seethes himself fully in you. His tip pressed right against your cervix, threatening to breech it as well. There in your tummy is the swell of his cock bulging out of you.
"You're so tiny compared to me, aren't you human? But you like it, because that means I can fill you up with so much cum and use you however I please" He chuckles and presses down on the bump. You moan and cry out loud from the strange sensation. It's almost enough to have him cumming right on the spot. The image is so lewd, filthy, and hot that he has to really stop himself from fucking you into oblivion. He bites his lip hard enough to draw blood.
"Ja-Jack please, move" You manage to gasp. The glee he experiences when hearing you beg is amazing. The man's hands slide down to your hips as he starts to thrust into you nice and easy. The pace is torturous on your end. Its teasing, the stretch burns in a delightful manner, and you know this is only the beginning.
"Patience Little One, this is supposed to be a punishment after all" He wants to see you reduced to a crying mess underneath him as he edges you over and over again, each rough push inside of you is calculated. Until he himself, can't take it anymore and freely drives his cock into you hard and fast. Jack is going to make you plead and regret ever leaving him. He's going to drive it into your brain that only he can fulfill your desires.
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mrskurono · 3 years
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title: Baby Fever a/n: ok you know what I’ll admit it, all I’ve been thinking about lately is Geto. He’s on my mind constantly. Should I be working on something else, yes. Is Geto the first jjk character I really had a crush on, maybe. I just....fucking Geto ok this has taken me four times to right jfc word count: 1.7k tags: no sub/dom dynamics, romantic sex, established relationship, manga spoilers, fingering, multiple female orgasms (not overstim though) breeding kink, needy Geto, creampie, unprotected sex, pregnancy mention, body worship, really just soft sex ok, unedited character(s): Geto Suguru (jjk)
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They had grown. 
Both girls that was. 
Into wonderful adolescences that brought a set of different challenges. Geto was ready for that be it blindly. And he loved every part of it times two. Each time he looked at either of the kids though he could vividly remembered rounder cheeks, rosier faces and goofier smiles. It left him reminiscing over that more and more now.
You noticed it in the most subtle ways. Geto wanting more. More of those days even though he wouldn’t outright ask.
A trace of his fingers along your collar bone drew you away from what was in your lap. For the most part you’d ignored him once he came to bed but it grew almost impossible when the sorcerer had his lips pressed to the conjunction of your head and neck while a light touch traced down your chest. Not irritated in the slightly, you still give a playful sigh as you put your book down.
“Can I help you?” You can’t even turn your head to see him. Geto’s face is pressed to you with a trail of peppered kisses following suit.
With a firm grip he slipped his fingers against your thigh to give it a playful squeeze. Geto pulled out of the crook of your neck enough to finally look at you with that off brand smirk of his, “Mayhaps.”
You grin just to lean down and catch his lips on yours. Instead though you pull away just as he was going to lean into you. Earning your own smirk to play on your lips, “Mayhaps if you ask nicely Mr. Suguru.”
The hand on your thigh tightened. Pulling you towards him in a meager attempt but for the most part you stayed rooted where you were. Only slightly letting your legs fall open as your smirk grew into a full blown smile. He was awfully soft for a man on the run orchestrating a death cult. 
Geto slipped his fingers up along the crotch of your bottoms. Nudging his forehead against yours like he’d done every night this week. An eye roll that held no merit you grab his face and kiss him deeply. There isn’t a second in hesitation as you lean into him. Geto’s fingers moving up to help you wiggle out of your bottoms. A similar scene playing out just like the previous nights but you didn’t mind in the slightest with his attention fully on you.
“You’re so wet.” He commented against your lips the second his index finger dipped between your folds.
“And you’re already hard.” You toss back to him when your palm presses up against the stark hardness hidden under his robes, “Why don’t we help each other out?”
A nod and he didn’t stop to push back into the kiss. Geto hovering above you but it was your teeth nipping playfully at his bottom lip. Leaving the man to groan as his fingertips danced on either side of your clit. Your hips coming up to join in the motion of his fingers rubbing against you. Only for a few moments though because once they were soaked enough Geto couldn’t keep them from slipping inside you.
“Fuck...you’re so needy,” You moan against Geto’s lips as he curls his fingers in on you. He wouldn’t hesitate to make you cum like this before the main event even started.
Lips back to your neck, Geto hummed something but then nodded and mumbled against the softness of your ear, “I need you.”
Reaching down to grip his forearm as Geto’s fingering picked up in it’s urgency. You regretted the moan when his fingertips brushed over your g-spot. Within seconds he was back at it. Not leaving your sensitive spot alone as your cunt twitched and tightened around him with the impending orgasm. He was gonna get one from you with not much more than a snide remark on your part.
“F-Fuck...” Lip taut with tension as you bit down, fighting it wasn’t in your best interest, “S-Suguru- I- I’m gonna-”
“Cum-” His voice almost desperate, hot breath against your neck, fingers not letting up on their assault, “Please cum- Please I need you to cum- Please-”
The want in his voice too much. Just the way he wouldn’t stop after your orgasm tipped itself over. Fingers pulling a toe curling orgasm out of you as you clutched onto his robes and felt every fiber in your body tingle with hopelessness for him.
Fingers slowing, Geto simply wiggling them around in you and feeling the slickness covering his knuckles. It was when you snagged him for a long drawn out lazy kiss. Just to follow it by an order that he get undressed already, meant the man had no choice but to listen.
Rid of his clothes and between your legs before you knew it. You look down to see him swiping his cock up through the drool of your cunt. What wasn’t on his fingers previously now coated his cock with a beautiful glisten. Geto more than enthralled seeing his cock slip between your cunt lips. Each movement of his length grinding into your sensitive nub sent a shiver up your spine. Either he was too into watching or he was teasing you. A few more swipes and you demand he get on with the main course already.
One push and Geto’s cock slipped down to the hilt with ease. Stretched thoroughly from the nightly fucking all week. Today was no different. Juices squelching around his cock Geto pushed himself down to his base. Feeling his cock bottom out in you no problem. Leaving the man to hover over you. Caged in by both his arms on either side of you. And his hair tickling your face when you looked up at him.
“You’re beautiful.”
“You’re handsome.”
Geto stalled a moment. Savoring the way his hips felt snug in yours. The residual feeling of your walls twitching around him. Not a day would go by where he didn’t swear you were made for him. 
“I love you.” His words clear and concise. You looked up at Geto once more.
What smirk you had early softened into a smile. Bringing his face down to yours for a kiss, “I love you t- fuck-” Before he let you finish Geto grinned against your lips and thrusted into you without warning. Just to watch you convulse and loose yourself on his cock. Just as beautiful as ever. He felt himself unable to control himself all over again.
Each snap of his hips into your core left you breathless. He wasn’t rough. Never was he rough. Geto’s cock curved in the right way that left you rolling your hips up to meet his thrusts. Even if it felt like he was going to split you in half, you still wanted more.
Orgasm or not Geto was bringing you right back to the edge. He always did. As you showered his face in breathless kisses. Some of those met with his own lips. Others spared on his neck and collar bone as you watched with a dazed look at where your bodies met. Geto buried inside you with each thrust. His hands hooked into your hips with your legs slightly elevated so he could defile your deepest parts. Every night this week he’d fuck you like this. In the drunken pleasurer of it all you might have thought he was trying to breed you.
“Please-” Geto’s voice peeled you away, “Please cum-”
Thinking he wanted you to cum on him again you half ass nod, “Yes- Fuck yes I’ll-”
“No-” He groaned more of a gasp. Geto putting his forehead against yours even with the dew accumulating on it, “Please- Please can I cum- Cum in you- I just-”
More than surprised. Of course he’d done so more than once before. Now he was asking you? 
“Love why ask just-”
“I want another baby-” Geto broke your question up, his hips still a mind of their own. His breath ragged against your lips and sweat making his hair cling to him, “With you- Another one- Just one- Let me fill you up- Let me fuck a baby in you- Please- I- I love you so much and-”
Geto’s turn to be surprised.
“Yes please, god fuck yes- Fuck a baby inside me-” You grab Geto’s face. Caring less if you cum at this point and more for the warmth of his release. Lips smashing onto his you don’t hesitate to moan into the fevered kiss.
Geto pulling you down on him with each thrust. Driving his cock in you as deep as he could. Quicker than before like he was desperate for it. Even while your legs twitched and curled, knowing he was breeding in you, something snapped in you.
The way you can on him. Scream only muffled by the fact Geto wouldn’t move his lips from yours. Each rippling twitch of your cunt around him was maddening. Hearing and feeling you craving him sent him into a tizzy until it was simply too late. With the way he snapped his hips into. A rumbling moan emanating up from his chest. It was far too obvious when the first gush of warmth overwhelmed you.
Full well past just what oozed out of you. The mixture of cum and juices soaked the two of you as Geto’s arms waivered a little. A moment of uncertainty if he was going to pull out and waste the gift he just gave you. Instead you yank him down on you. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders and loosely with your legs around his hips. Making it very obvious he was to stay in place on and in you.
Hand drawn down his back you ignore the sweat between his shoulder blades. Instead engrossed in the feeling of Geto’s cock still inside you and the heat of his chest against yours. Sighing softly to lay a kiss against his cheek you hug him a little tighter, “...you could have just said something you know.”
Exhausted and without a real witty reply. Geto had been saving this all week and now he was a little spent. Mumbling something but you didn’t hear.
The idea of being pregnant, with his child, making you smile more and more with each passing second. Even as cum dripped out of you. It was right away that you kissed the side of his head, “Looks like we gotta keep trying until you succeed huh.”
No question to it there was a twitch of excitement in all of his body. You knew neither of you would be happy now until Geto got what he asked for.
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shlutnutt · 3 years
Dont Be Gentle
sum: your relationship with kai not being relatively the best at the moment, you are forced to speak up about the situation, him obviously not taking you seriously by pressing on your buttons to do the unspeakable
w: sub reader x dom kai, choking, slight blood warning, slight knife kink, overstimulation, rough penetration, name calling, hella kinky
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Kai immediately threw away the officer suit you helped him achieve on stealing. Careful and thoughtful enough to apply a different scent on each piece of clothing to keep his identity away from them, as much as he possibly could.
"now what kai?" you questioned, silently raising your brows, more than prepared for your next instruction, taking anderson by surprise.
"what do you mean? our job is done, y/n. you may leave. " he replied almost instantly, taking into consideration that you hated to be put on wait.
"so it's just done? no 'thank you', no 'see you later' not even a 'i have a better plan for tomorrow'?" you mewled to his careless words, almost as if the whole idea of working with you uninterested him.
And though Kai's always tried to keep your guys' relationship to a minimum for the sake of the cult, there's been times where he'd go overboard. Would reward his women cult members with shasty little gifts and so on. It all seemed like you were just a little toy for him, like he just used you as a pet for nothing else rather than his own good. And you were honestly tired of it all.
"talk to me kai, why've you been so distant lately i honestly don't get it!?" you raised your voice, talking to the pale man's back as he wiped clean a sharp blade he had in hand. You only saw him shrug, one of those emotionless shrugs he'd oh so often gave. He knew how much you despised them, how much hatred you had towards those careless words and actions, he knew, and well what he was doing.
"seriously?" you continued, your tone of voice shifting angirly by the second as kai's bare back continued to face you, deep evil chuckles escaping his lips as he continued his graceful wipes up and down the blade that never once left his hands. "you're adorable when your angry at me, y/n." kai broke off his silence, turning around to face you, the blade fidgeting in between his harsh jagged fingers at an incredible speed. His words firm and teasing.
He loved to purposely press on your buttons for his own pleasure. It'd be during times like these, right after a successful task or simply out of the blue. "fuck you, kai." you cursed, stern and cold-heartly, examining his eyes for a sign of a slight bit of emotion in them, but as expected, none at all.
"well, that was kinda rude." he sarcastically stated, now bringing up the blade up to his mouth and biting onto it harmlessly, producing a bad guy look on him, in which you rolled your eyes to.
"did you just roll your eyes at me?" you heard him question as the grip onto your neck only tightened after every breath you took, making it difficult for air to travel into your lungs. "k-kai.." you attempt to call out, to loosen the chokehold you were harshly under, to make distance between the sharp blade that glided across the tip of your nose down to the valley of your breasts in desperation and fear.
"yes, pet?" was all he said as a reply, breathing into the inner and most sensitive part of your ear. "l-let m-me go.." you attempt to plead, making the effort to raise your hands and attaching them onto his pale neck in return, choking him back savagely. The only sound in the room being your guys' heavy breaths and grunts, and of course the tension that always remained between the both of you.
The relationship was known to be barbarous, the way you guys would treat eachother wasn't at all like the love relationships you'd see in movies, but you both found a strong attachment within it all. You were both strangely and specifically designed for eachother, both a perfect combination of evil lustful creatures who hunt for their own desires. No matter how damaging you two were for eachother, nothing or anyone could've gotten nearly close to separate the two of you, that's what made you guys that inseparable couple, kids would hear about and automatically admire, with no knowing of any kind. Nobody knew him better than you did and nobody knew you better than him..
"y-you're a fucking menace, y/n" anderson stuttered upon his words after realizing that you've achieved to loosen his grip against your neck, of course replacing that same grip on his you were quick to snatch away the blade and attach it onto the upper part of his torso, him not moving a muscle knowing you were capable of doing anything you'd set your mind to. Cutting him a tiny bit just right below his collar bone you can't help but to feel the tension arise due to his breathing accelerating at such an incredible speed, the heavy eye contact that not once made its way out of the moment and his bottom lip slipped between his teeth.
"you've always been such a bad girl, y/n." kai mentioned, before leaning his head back just a bit accompanied by a seducted sigh as a sign for you to lick the strip of blood that gracefully escaped that cut you just made on him a couple seconds ago. You quickly took the hint and licked a strip from his belly button up to his neck, producing slight shaky moans to escape anderson's lips to the sensation.
You only felt him harden under you along graciously low praises as you continuously licked up and down his body.
"kiss me." he suddenly interrupted.
"oh yeah?" you teased, slightly gliding your lips across his, not yet giving into the kiss he desired oh so much, him lowly chuckling to your attempt at teasing, he knowing he was and is the best at that. Instead you kissed trails across his neck and jawline, swiping your hands across his growing bulge in ease, producing a low-pitched 'mhm'.
After enough teasing you've decided to connect your lips onto his rough ones, him immediately slipping his toungue in between. "always so obedient for me.." he mumbled into the kiss, now picking you up, you straddling his bare waist in between your legs, allowing the kiss to grow sloppily.
Losing no time you felt kai strongly rip a hole right in the center of your cotton fabricated shorts, causing you to gasp in surprise. Him automatically fidgeting with the band of your underwear, teasing you like he knows best, whilst you only whined under him. The lust was heavy at that moment, although there were only pure teases and makeouts, nothing too overboard. Well, that was before you felt your body getting slammed onto a nearby counter, kai gently holding onto the back of your head so you don't feel any harm, and of course the fidget onto the band of your underwear being replaced by soft little rubs onto your clothed clit.
"stop teasing.. please, baby.." you whined out attempting to close the gap of your legs together to increase the slight sensational touches, only for him to animalisticly grip your thighs open once again. "fuck kai, please!" you cried out now, salty little tears barging into your eyes as you looked up at the man you once thought you'd never get on your knees for.
"convince me." anderson breathed, slowing the rubbing down just a bit to motivate you to do the unthinkable. You knew exactly what he meant by his demand, so you of course obeyed like the little 'obeying mistress' he'd see you as, and got on your knees infront of him, looking up at him to witness that growing smirk he'd always let out when you'd do what you were told, and back down at his bulge. The thick white boxers he had on couldn't hide his neediness for you, they couldn't hide how desperate he was for you just as much as you were for him. So now removing his piece of clothing, slowly and carefully you couldn't hold back from stuffing him fully into your mouth with no warning whatsover. Enjoying the taste of the slightly bitter precum, it delicately carressing the back of your throat, as you gagged on him continuously, him moaning out profanities.
"you always know how to keep me wrapped around your finger, h-huh?" you heard him grunt out in pleasure, you continuing your suckle on his erected length.
"huh, y/n?" kai repeated, you supposing he was expecting an answer, so you did the expected and detached your mouth from him with a soft pop sound, allowing yourself to respond to your beloved.
"i always know what daddy wants." you giggled out, before attempting on returning your suckle, kai suddenly stopping you, lifting your chin up for him to have the perfect view of your fucked up face.
"god you're so fucking hot when you're like this.." he whispered out, admiring how fucked up your mascara looked smeared all over your face, how your spit continuously dripped from your chin onto the floor from your sloppy sucking, and how you were on your knees submitting to him.
"get up." you suddenly heard him firmly demand, you getting up with the help of his hand on your chin, him smirking to himself to the view he had infront of him.
"come closer, cum face." he instructed once again, pulling you closer to him by your waist, your bodies leaving no gaps whatsoever, you feeling your breathing intensify in excitement.
Kai made the moment intense, much more intense than it already was actually. His silence, firmness, and discretness made the air colder whilst your bodies only got warmer. He only stared at you, his hands relaxed on your waist, yours relaxed on his neck, the two of you recreating that unbreakable gaze once again.
"i want you. now." you broke the silence, silently begging for him to destroy you, like only he knows best, for him to penetrate the fuck out of you until you scream for him to stop. You needed it, and urgently.
"why so needy?" he replied, his lips forming that evil smirk once again, his hands now traveling down to your ass, squeezing your cheeks hungrily.
"fuck me kai, please. don't be g-gentle.." you beg, lowering your tone of voice when you insisted for him to not be gentle with you, him animalisticly licking his lips to your plead.
In no time you felt his pair of rough hands pick you up and rush onto the nearest wall, inserting himself into you automatically. Him being rougher than he's ever have, sloppily slamming himself inside of you with no mercy for you to accommodate to his size, you screaming in utter pain and pleasure to his roughness.
" y-yess!" you screamed out, scratching his back after each and every thrust.
"look at what you make me do.." grunted out kai, reffering to the noticeable bruises hes left on your thighs from the tight grabbing, you ignoring him to continue moaning out profanities "fuck.. just.. like that..", enjoying how his cock hit your g-spot in each and every thrust, how he fully slammed into you, biting your neck to contain in his moans.
"im close.." breathed out kai, speeding up his last few thrusts faster than he's been thrusting before, lowering his non-dominant hand down to your heat, rubbing on it brutally to your release, you allowing him to overstimulate you into cumming along with him.
"shit. shit. shit!" you cursed out, squirting all over kai and yourself, him cumming inside you, enjoying the view of his seed dripping out of you along with your juices.
"We n-need to go.. we're gonna get caught." you whispered to kai, pointing over at the time, rushing over to pickup your clothes, before feeling a burning spank on your ass.
"who the fuck told you i was done?" kai puzzled, you turning back to the sight of him pumping himself, in attempt of regaining your attention.
taglist: @divineruler @copy-of-a-cheeto @booboomother-deactivated2021071 @evanmybeloved @billyhxrgrove @sinnersblood @crssjjh @myriadofcranes @mossybank @the-hotel-cortez
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noctumbra · 4 years
summary ─ “he didn’t even take you home, did he?” he smirked. he placed his flesh hand over your stomach, fingers expertly undoing the buttons of your shirt.
pairing ─ tws!bucky barnes x reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, oral sex, knife play, pain kink, masochism (?), dacryphilia (getting aroused by seeing tears on said partner’s face), degradition, sir kink, dom/sub relationship 
a/n ─ dear friends, this one is long asf and intense because i was in the mood and songs were amazing so i wrote it lmfao. and honestly, it’s my fave so far sjhfsdjf hope you like it as well! please let me know if you liked it by leaving a comment! thank you <3
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KINKTOBER DAY FOUR: tws!bucky + knife play + dacryphilia + pain kink
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As soon as you stepped inside of your apartment, you felt him watching you.
His cold, steel blue eyes were boring into yours in a way that had you clasp your thighs together. He was sitting on the armchair by the window; the moonlight couldn’t reach where he was seated, he was hiding in the shadow that the moonlight had created for him. He was in his usual combat gear: His black combat boots were tied neatly, his black cargo pants were stretched over his thick thighs, and he had a tight black long-sleeved t-shirt on him. His hair was down, shadowing his face even more, but couldn’t stop his eyes shine dangerously at you. His hands were on his lap; flesh one was holding his belt lightly while his metal one was splayed over his thigh.
He looked so dangerous but sexy, you couldn’t decide what to feel.
Instead of acknowledging him, you toed off your shoes and put your keys into its bowl after you hung your coat. Placing your bag on the ground by the door, you walked towards the kitchen. You were thirsty and you knew if he started to have his way with you, you wouldn’t be able to quench your thirst.
“How was your date?” His raspy voice rolled through your body, making your freeze on your spot. “Was he nice to you after he took you home?” Like it was possible you felt your body freeze even more, tensing warningly. You surpassed a scream when you suddenly felt his metal hand petting your hair softly. “Was he good to you?” He murmured, his accent was so heavy; it made it a little hard to understand him. The hand on your hair formed into a fist, pulling your hair back harshly, he placed his lips on your ear. “Did he fuck you good? Was he a better fuck than me, my pretty lamb?”
You shivered violently against his rigid body. You couldn’t speak, couldn’t move; he captured you and cornered you against the unforgiving cold, marble counter. You looked at him from the corner of your eyes; his stubble covered face was right next to yours, his breath fanning your neck, and his eyes ─ God, his eyes were looking directly into yours. You shivered again with the coldness in them. They looked so light, but dark at the same time, cold and distant. They were also burning low with the lust, you could see it if you looked into them a little longer.
“I asked you a question,” he grumbled, lips moving over your skin. You swallowed.
“No,” you whispered, but when he pulled on your hair as a warning, you repeated your answer loudly and properly. “No, sir!”
Releasing your hair, the Soldier pulled back and hummed lightly. His eyes were roaming all over your body; observing how your hair looked disheveled when you walked in the apartment, observing the way your shirt got more wrinkles than your desk job could create on it, also your skirt had wrinkles like it was bunched up… The Soldier hummed again, this time it was a bit amused.
“He didn’t even take you home, did he?” He smirked. He placed his flesh hand over your stomach, fingers expertly undoing the buttons of your shirt. “Tell me, lamb,” he started as he trailed his hand all over your torso; fingers playing with your bra, sometimes slipping under it to stroke your nipple softly. You whimpered. “Did he take you in the bathroom? You on the counter and him between your beautiful legs?” You bit your lip to stop another whimper from escaping and nodded. “Did you even come?” He snarled as he bent you over the counter in one move.
The Soldier’s metal hand grasped your skirt and with one pull, he ripped it off of you. Now bare, no panties because you thought you were properly getting laid at tonight’s dinner, he hummed thoughtfully. The Soldier switched hands; his metal one continued to play with your breasts while his flesh one sneaked between your legs, fingers trailing over your bare pussy.
“You didn’t come,” he stated, “You’re quivering beneath my fingertips, lamb.” You nodded, there was no need to deny him. It was true that he didn’t get you to come; he got his own pleasure and left you hanging like every man you went on a date did. Well, except him.
The Soldier was cold and harsh, but attentive. He knew what you needed instantly and after playing with you to satisfy his own primal needs, he gave you whatever you wanted and needed. No questions asked. He always left you still tingling from your latest orgasm, blissfully tired and used. No men made you feel and come like he did. So the only thing you could do in return was to follow his orders.
“Would you like to come, pet?” He asked you as his fingers dipped deep inside of you. You moaned and nodded again, it seemed like this was your only way of communicating. “Words,” he snarled lowly. “Use them.”
“Yes, sir! I want to come, sir! Please!” You cried out as his thumb grazed over your clit. The Soldier smirked.
“Such a good lamb,” he murmured, his voice was soft, and when it was mixed with his heavy Russian accent it made you feel soft inside, too. “You’re going to come on my fingers, first,” he ordered. You didn’t need any provocation. His fingers were stroking every single open ended nerve you have in your pussy, his nails grazing over your soft walls every now and then.
“After you come, I’m going to make you suck my cock until you cry,” he whispered in your ear, “I will get you to cry so beautifully, pet, you’re going to look even prettier.” You whimpered and bucked your hips against the bulge that was resting on your back.
“Please, sir,” you moaned, your hands were holding his flesh arm tightly. “Please, please!” The Soldier hushed you gently while he increased his assault on your pussy. You gasped as his fingers stroked your sweet spot, your knees buckled with the intensity of the pleasure. His metal arm wrapped itself around your waist to keep you on your feet.
“Come, pet,” he ordered into your ear, and your world shattered as you came, screaming. His fingers quickened their pace in you, thumb rolling your clit faster than before, and you moaned uncontrollably. After what felt like eternity, his fingers slowed down. “That’s good, pet,” he was murmuring, “You did good, sshh.” You hummed, still gasping a little, and leaned into him.
You calmed down slowly, his hands were busy ripping your remaining clothes off. He ripped almost everything; your skirt was on your kitchen’s floor in pieces, your shirt was right next to it, and you didn’t have any panties on, so you were bare except for your bra. When it refused to be ripped, the Soldier pulled out a knife. You clasped your thighs together at the sight of the gorgeous blade. He brought the knife close to your chest, its tip nudging your bra slightly.
“It excites you,” he observed. Smirking, the Soldier trailed the knife all over your naked body. You gasped loudly, your hold on his arm tightened impossibly when he pressed the sharp point of the knife on your pussy. You watched it dip between your legs, the shiny metal pressed flat on your pussy, you were afraid to move. “You love the danger of it,” he murmured then. His teeth nipped your earlobe, and you moaned, eyes fluttering close.
The Soldier pulled the knife away from your most vulnerable body part and with a flick of his wrist, he cut your bra in half. You gasped lightly as you watched your bra fell on shiny kitchen ground. Placing the knife on your throat, he slowly moved it over your pulse.
“Turn around,” he ordered, “On your knees.” You did as he said, turning around and falling to your knees gracefully. The cold marble was unforgiving under your knees, but you didn’t mind. Even though he was cold and harsh in bed, you liked pleasuring him back. The Soldier hummed, trailing the knife all over your face, he pulled some of your hair off your face with it. “Beautiful,” he whispered. “Take my cock out.”
You lifted your shaky fingers to undo his belt and to unzip his pants. You grabbed his thick cock and took it out after pulling his pants down to his ankles and dropped it. It was fully hard already, his balls were full and his tip was angry red. You felt your mouth water at the sight, remembering how he felt and taste in your mouth. You didn’t move to put your around him, though; he didn’t give you the permission for it yet. You watched him smirk approvingly as he held the sharp side of the knife under chin.
“Good pet,” he said, “Suck.” Hiding your excitement, you grabbed his cock. Your tongue collected the precum that gathered on his head, and then you let his cock slide in your mouth at ease. You moaned slightly at his taste; it wasn’t bitter or too sweet, but it was something unique. It was him. Humming around him, you moved your head up and down, cheeks hollowed, you sucked hard. You smiled up at him when you heard him groan lightly.
He tangled his flesh hand in your hair, collecting it in his palm and started to control your pace. Your head was moving up and down faster now, the Soldier was driving his cock deeper in your mouth; his cock head was nudging the back of your throat every so often. His heavy balls were hitting your chin whenever he thrusted forward. You heard him snarl under his breath, you knew he was losing his patience slowly. Grumbling to himself, his hands placed themselves each side of your face; holding your face stable, he started to thrust, fucking your face with abandon. Your saliva had covered your chin and dribbled on your thighs already, you felt your eyes sting with tears. You held onto his bare thighs, feeling the thick, strong muscles moving underneath your palms, you dug your nails in just a little.
“Mmm,” he hummed, deep and loud, and pulled you off of his cock. You gasped. Your chest was heaving with much needed oxygen, and you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. The Soldier smirked darkly. “Here they are,” he whispered as he smeared the saliva and precum all over your face. “You always look pretty with tears in your eyes, lamb.” You sniffed and dug your nails in one more time. He continued to smirk. Holding his dick upright, he pointed at his balls. “Suck.”
You leaned forward without missing a beat and took one of them in your mouth. You rolled your tongue all over it, sucking and nibbling softly, you moved onto the other. The Soldier stroked his cock while you went to town on his balls. He grabbed your hair and pulled you back just a little. Thrusting forward, he plunged himself in your mouth again. You gagged, tears now rolling thickly down your cheeks. The Soldier didn’t care. He continued to thrust, using your hair as handles, he controlled his pace like that.
You knew he was getting close. His balls were heavier, tighter and swinging slower now that they were even fuller than before. You listened to him growl and groan. The thick vein under his cock started to twitch and he pulled out.
“Just the tip, suck,” he ordered, voice raspy and deep and shaky just a little with how close he was. You obeyed immediately. Closing your lips over his head, you sucked hard. You swirled your tongue over it, licking the precum away. His hold on your hair tightened and his come flooded into your mouth. You gagged again but it was softer than before. He pulled your off, watching; the way you parted your lips to show him how you held his come in your mouth, the way your tears rolled down faster than before. His hungry eyes took in your debauched state. The animal in him purred, satisfied.
“Good pet,” he repeated. “So good.” You smiled at him, still holding his come in your mouth: He didn’t give you the permission to swallow. He smirked like he could read your mind and stroked your cheek. “Swallow.” You did. Feeling the thick semen rolling down your throat, you hummed appreciatively. “Such an obedient lamb I have,” he murmured softly.
Then, your world turned upside down.
You were slammed hard against the cold, marble counter. Yelping from the sudden coldness on your back, you shivered. Taking a hold of your ankles, the Soldier pulled you against his rigid and warm body. You shivered again with the warmth that was seeping from him. He grabbed your thighs with one hand, pushed against your chest and hummed as his eyes took in your very wet situation. His metal hand pulled out the knife from before, and you whimpered pitifully.
The Soldier smirked.
“I’m going to fuck you with the knife, lamb,” he stated, “You seemed to love it before.” You whimpered again and nodded. Flipping the knife in his hand, he placed its handle between your legs, right against your entrance. Thanks to your dripping wet state, the handle slid in easily. You moaned as you threw your head back. The Soldier hummed and started to move his hand. The handle moving in and out of you at a quick pace, you felt him drop his hand from your legs. “Spread them wide.” Doing as he said, his hand went to your nipple; pulling and pinching them harshly.
You yelped with the sudden pain. The pinching had brought the tears in your back, and the pulling only got you wetter.
“You really love this,” the Soldier observed. His eyes were moving from where he was fucking you with his knife’s handle to your abused nipple. “Such a slut for pain, aren’t you, pet?” You whined as you nodded.
“Yes, sir,” you whispered, “I love the pain you give me!” Humming, the Soldier pulled the handle out of you, leaving you empty for a horrible second before he pushed his cock inside with one smooth thrust. “Ah!” You cried you, hands flying to hold onto something, and the Soldier started to thrust with abandon.
Skin smacking the other loudly, you moaned. His cock was hitting every single dead spot that you didn’t know. His balls were stroking your other opening with every smack. The veins on his cock were stroking your soft and wet walls so perfectly, you teared up again. The Soldier hummed deeply, or growled, you weren’t so sure. You were starting to lose your connections with your senses except touching.
“You love the pain I give you, huh?” He asked you, eyes narrowed, brows furrowed in concentration. You nodded vigorously. His pace quickened. With every thrust of his hips, his pelvic bone was kissing your clit. “Pain slut,” he said, “My pain slut.”
You gasped, sudden and sharp, as his flesh hand slapped you harshly on the cheek and came on the spot.
“Fuck,” he growled. His pace was now so fast, you were sure to get some nice bruising the next morning. “You love pain that much, pet?” You whined loudly.
“Yes!” You screamed. The sting from his slap still fresh on your cheek; you felt yourself getting dizzy with both the intensity of your orgasm and the sting of the slap. The Soldier didn’t say anything. He was still fucking you hard and fast. His cock was twitching steadily in you, balls still stroking your skin with each smack.
“Sir…” You breathed as your eyes rolled back. The Soldier only hummed. He dragged his blunt nails over your abused skin of your cheek, causing you to clench tightly around him. “Please, come, sir.” The Soldier grunted, snarled at himself and slapped your other cheek before he came inside of you. You gasped and laughed at the pain and came around him one last time.
The Soldier tried to control his breath over you. “So good, lamb,” he whispered, panting slightly. “You did good.” You smiled at him, all cock drunk. He gathered you in his arms and carried you to your bedroom, careful not to trip his pants that were still around his ankles. He put you onto the soft bed, covering your naked body with the thick duvet, he pulled his pants up.
Just before he left for the week, he felt you grabbing his wrist softly. He looked back at you. You were fast asleep. Smiling at your vulnerable state, the Soldier leaned and kissed your forehead.
“See you next week, pet,” he murmured.
You smiled in your sleep as you snuggled deeper under the duvet, body tingling and tired blissfully thanks to your soldier.
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m00nchild-02 · 3 years
Miss Mafia | jhs (m)
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pairing: Hoseok x reader, Taehyung x reader (He's just a childhood friend, no love interest)
rating: 18+
word count: 15.5k sorry not sorry :)
genre: mafia au, strangers to lovers, secret agent, you are a mafia boss
summary: It's not easy to be the boss of one of the biggest mafias in South-Korea. And surely not as a woman. When a secret agent got discovered by one of your people and brought to you, you would've never dared to guess he would turn your world upside down in multiple ways.
warnings: praising, big d*ck Hoseok, oral (m receiving), hard sex, dom Hoseok, sub reader, v penetration, no protection (reader has an implant so she can't get pregnant. Make always sure you use protection guys!), also a bit of fluff at the end
music recommendations: - Lacrimosa - Mozart - Symphony no 9 - Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven - more songs on this playlist (youtube)
- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1yXNkU806Y7EZruvrbl4g9?si=76931ed2ebae4c2c (spotify)
a/n: Again back with a story! I'm sorry for any grammar errors. It is such a big one shot. I'll probably proof read it later so I'm again sorry for any grammar mistakes in this ff! Just ignore it please :')
I was originally thinking of making this a jungkook ff but I eventually ended up making it a J-Hope ff instead. I think he would do a great job as main character here ;) Give it a lot of support and
enjoy reading!
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Lacrimosa from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Such a pleasant song to listen to with a good glass of wine. You take a sip of the dark red liquid as you softly move your head to the music playing through your boxes. This is how you liked to spend your time alone. A good glass of wine in one hand and the remote of your boxes in your other hand putting on some of your favourite classical music. Like Lacrimosa from Mozart or Beethoven's 9th symphony. All great composers with excellent music. You smiled as you felt your body relax after the long stressful day you had today. Your placed your red tinted lips on the glass for another sip of your wine you would never get to taste.
You let out a deep sigh as you turned around in your chair towards the front of your desk. One of the maids walked inside and bowing at you. You gave her an unpleasant look. "Didn't I told the staff clearly not to come into my study for the rest of the day?" You asked the woman in front of you who kept looking down, probably not daring to look you in the eyes right now. Everyone knew you could be a real furry when you got angry or irritated. You can ask the last butler you had, after dropping a glass of whine on you by accident. It costed him a finger because you accidentally dropped a knife on his hand.
You softened the volume of the music before speaking again. "Tell me what's going on. It better be good if you don't wanna lose your job." You said coldly, don't sparing her a glance as you emptied the bottle into your glass. "I-It's about the issue from last week mam." She said. A bit of fear could be heard in her voice.
"Go on" You said. "They caught him miss." She said. You looked at the girl in front of you and suddenly began to laugh. The girl looked up for the first time, confusion all written over her little face. You turned towards the painting of your father on the right wall of the study and smiled, raising your glass. "See dad? The company is in great hands. I told you I would get him." You turned back towards the girl, that smile/smirk still on your face.
"Tell them to bring him to la grande salle. I'll be there in a minute." You told her. The maid bowed and then left the room closing the door on her way out. " You chuckled as you licked your lips. "Turns out this day is gonna be better than I expected..." You said, turning up the volume of the boxes and taking another sip of your glass of wine.
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A few minutes later and your men walked in dragging a guy with them. His hands and feet tied together, his clothes covered in bloodstains and his hair a complete mess. You leaned forward in you chair as they dropped the man right at your feed. You were currently in your grand salle, how you like to call it, where you handled business of all kinds. From having meetings, recruiting new members till having a talk with bastards like the guy in front of you right now.
"Well, well, well... What do we have here." You said, letting out a small laugh. "Jung Hoseok, isn't it? Secret agent at the National Intelligence Service. They say you're one of the best in your profession. Sad that reputation will end today." You said, leaning back in your chair, snapping your fingers as a sign for the maids to leave the room. Leaving only you, Hoseok and two of your bodyguards. You threw the papers that were in your hand onto the table next to you, the pages falling open on some pictures of Hoseok and his meetings with the NIS.
"I must admit Mister Jung, I'm quite impressed. You have been undercover in my companies for five years. My father always knew there was a spy between us but he never had the chance to catch you." You looked away, staring into the distance as you said your next sentence. "Caught a bullet right through the head. Very tragic." You looked back at the man in front of you. He was still looking down, not saying a word or sparing you a small glance. Was he even still alive? Anyways, you still went on with your little speech. "But times change. After my father's death I took over and look! It's been less than a year and I already caught you."
Suddenly Hoseok started to laugh. You looked at him confused as he slowly tilted his head so you could look at his face for the first time today. His cheeks and upper lip were bruised and a dried stream of blood could be seen under his nose. He looked you right in the eyes. "Took you long enough to figure out it was me." He said. "But congrats. I'm happy you can finally make daddy proud." He mocked, spitting some blood on the white marble floor. His words and actions made your head boil. How dare he speak so lowly about your father. The bodyguards stood read to walk over and beat the shit out of him but you raised your hand stopping them.
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your cool. "Listen here," You said, getting off of your chair, slowly walking around the men on the ground before making a halt behind him and squatting down. You pulled out a blade out of your pocket and held it against his neck as you pulled his head backwards. He let out a painful groan making you smirk. You leaned in closer towards his ear before saying the following words, "You can say anything you want Mister Jung but know the more shit comes out of your mouth the less pleasant your stay at my villa will be before I release your soul from your body, understood?" You said, your mouth dangerously close to his ear.
The man didn't seemed intimidated as he scoffed. "Bring it on Missy. Good luck with keeping me locked here." He said.
You stood back up, a bit overwhelmed by his bold words. You walked towards his front, wanting to see his face. "You got a big mouth for a guy who just has been beaten the hell out of." You said. "Maybe I should just kill you here right now. Makes it a lot easier for the both of us." You said as one of the bodyguards handed you a gun. You loaded it and pointed it towards his head.
He looked you right in the eye as you held the trigger ready to shoot. What surprised you the most was that he was smiling. Why was he smiling? This guy made you so confused. "Not the brag princess but-"
"Don't call me that!" You yelled at him with gritted teeth.
"Ok my lady." He said teasingly. "What I wanted to say is you can't kill me." He looked quite relaxed when he said that.
You scoffed. "What are you talking about? I can kill you wherever I want, whenever I want! Just watch me."
He shook his head. "Sorry to burst that bubble of yours but you can't. You see... I've been undercover for 5 whole years. I know a lot about your company and you." He said, smirking, never looking away from your eyes. "I have been in every building, every city and every warehouse of yours."
"And what's your point?" You asked, getting annoyed of his talking. "To make it short, I have placed bombs and dynamite all over the place. If you kill me you'll never get to know the password and won't be able to deactivate them. So say good bye to your drugs, weapons and men... my lady. Bye, bye money." He said before laughing again.
"And why should I believe you?" You asked. "Busan, the warehouse at Ilgon street, number 45 (a/n: I made the street name up. For people who are wondering.). Look under the floor in the janitor's closet." He said.
You heart raised and your breathing became more rapid as you looked at one of the guards. "Go check if it's true what he's saying." You told him. This couldn't be true. If that bomb was really there then he probably said the truth and there would be more. That would also mean the end of your little mafia life and your source of income. That could never happen, not in a million years. Your family has worked so had for all this and now you're finally almost at the top, yes almost, he would barge in and ruin everything. You couldn't let that happen.
You looked at the guard as he finished the call. "They just found two boxes full of dynamite in the basement under the janitor's closet." The guard confirmed what Hoseok just said. "They say there are timers placed on them. They can only be removed by password, cutting a wire would mean the end." He said.
You brought your hand to your mouth and started to bite at your nails as you paced back and forth. "How much time do we have?" You asked. "7 days, mam." The guard answered.
7 days... You had 7 days to figure out that damn password and get rid of these bombs. But would you really be able to dismantle them on time? "Get Taehyung and put him to work." You told the guard before he disappeared to go get your hacker to fix the job. "You," You said, pointing towards the other guard. Lock Mister Jung up in the basement and make sure he doesn't escape." You said. "You can just call me Hoseok my lady. No need for the formalities." He said, giving you a wink. "Oh, shut up you. You're in no position to talk right now."
He laughed. "Right now I'm in a much better position than you would think love." The man came over to Hoseok and picked him up brutally from the ground. "Good luck with finding the password!" He said, before the doors closed, leaving you all alone in the room. You hoped Taehyung would be able to find it because you weren't in the mood of talking to that asshole again.
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"Have you already found something?"
It had been 3 days since your encounter with Hoseok and him telling you about the bombs. 3 days of your hacker Taehyung trying to find a possible password to deactivate them. "I'm sorry y/n. Still nothing." Taehyung was one of the few people that could call you by your real name. You practically grew up with the boy so of course you got some kind of bound with each other.
Taehyung was typing all sorts of things on his computer while something was loading. "Whoever placed these bombs knows damn well how to use them. I can't crack into the system, nor can I track them or dismantle them without the password." He said. "Who did your father mess with?" He asked, his eyes never leaving the screen. "The secret agents agency of South-Korea." You said softly while biting on your nails again. It was a bad habit you did whenever you got stress.
Taehyung pulled at your hand so you couldn't bite on them anymore. "You should really learn how to stop doing that." He told you, looking at you for the first time after you entered the room.
You sighed. Taehyung was not successful in finding the password, the troops you sent hadn't found a single bomb yet except for the one Hoseok told you about and tracing was also out of the question. You were really losing hope. "Just keep looking." You told Taehyung before leaving him behind in his little room.
You were getting tired of all of this and decided to distract your mind a bit. And what is better then visiting your favourite casino when you are bored and stressed? So you went to your room and dressed up for a night out.
Little did you knew a surprise was waiting for you the other day...
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"Mam! Mam!"
The door of your bedroom opened, a maid running inside out of breath as she stood at your bed, bowing first before waiting for your permission for her to speak again.
You groaned as you heard the woman storming in your room. Your head pounding because of the amount you drank the evening before at the casino. You slowly opened your eyes, hand on your head, holding it because of the pain. You gave the woman an angry look. "Speak" You snapped at her.
"M-Mam, T-The prisoner! He- He-"
"He what?!" You yelled, tired of the stuttering and hesitation in her speech.
She swallowed before talking again. "He escaped..." She said softly but clear enough for you to hear.
You made your way down the halls of your mansion while you wrapped your bathrobe around your body. While you made your way downstairs a few of your men were running upstairs but halted once they saw you. They stared at you with wide eyes while you stood there furious looking down on them. "I'll ask you once..." You said as you slowly walked down until you were face to face with the head of the guards. "What happened?"
"We were guarding him like you asked and suddenly someone of the kitchen came to bring us food. They said it was a treat for our hard work. After we ate it... We blacked out. When we woke up again the door was open and he was gone." The man said, looking down.
You clenched your teeth and slapped him right in the face. "YOU IDIOTS! How could you let him escape! I asked one thing of you and you couldn't even do that!!" You yelled at all of them. They all looked down like puppies that were being scolded at. "You're all useless!" You said as you made your way further down the stairs. They all bowed at you one by one as you made your way down.
You took a few corners before ending up in front of Taehyung's bedroom. You knocked, not waiting for an answer, and walked in. "Taehyung I need you to check the CCTV footage of last night. That fucking agent escaped." You said pacing around in Taehyung's room while the boy sat up, sleepily rubbing his eyes. "How late is it?" He asked groggily as he looked at you with puffed cheeks, bad hair and small eyes. "It's 8 am." You told him.
He sighed. "Give me a few minutes to wake up and then I'll go check ok?" You nodded. "Ok, I'll give you 15 min. Not more." You said and you walked out.
Like promised, in 15 minutes Taehyung was already sitting behind his desk returning back to the footage of yesterday evening. You saw the images of you walking out of the house, ready to go to the casino. "You can skip past that." You told him. He skipped a bit forward until you told him to stop. "Stop! right there." You said pointing at the screen. A man with a hood and a mask on walked in the shadows towards the back of the house. Taehyung checked one of the camera's at the back and you saw the men slipping in through the back door where the kitchen is. "He must be the one who drugged the food of the guards."
"They were drugged?" He asked and you nodded. "These morons thought they got food because of their hard work." You answered him. "Now go to the footage of the basement." Taehyung did as you said and showed the images of the sleeping men and the hooded man breaking the chain, letting Hoseok out. "He must have informed someone somehow where he was." Taehyung said.
You sighed. "I need that password. I can't dismantle these bombs without him. I don't like to admit it but... I need him. I need Hoseok." Taehyung turned towards you in his seat. So what are you going to do now?
You thought for a second. Indeed, what were you going to do? You knew everyone would fall for Hoseok's tricks all over again. Except for you. You would never fall for his charms, right? "I'll go after him." You then suddenly decided. Taehyung looked at you in shock. "Are you sure?" He asked. "You got men to do the dirty work for you." He stated.
You nodded. "I know but I can't trust them anymore. Those idiots already let him escape once, I can't let them do it a second time." You told him. "Check the CCTV's of the streets and every nearby city. I need to know where he is."
"Sure will." Taehyung said before going to work again.
While Taehyung worked on tracing Hoseok's location you went towards the dining room to grab some breakfast. Because of all this drama this morning you haven't even had the time to get some food into your system. Your stomach was already growling as you sat down at the filled table, set for two. Two? You may ask. Yes two. Today was the day your second hand would come back from his yearly vacation. He was one of the most trusted men into your house.
His name was Marcus and besides being your second hand he was also your dad's best friend. He has always been by his side and helped him in any way possible. After he died Marcus swore loyal to you and said he would do anything in his might to protect you. So the least you could do for him was to treat him as one of your own show him your gratitude.
While you were peacefully enjoying your meal the doors suddenly opened, revealing a man in suit. You smiled at the man immediately recognising him. "Marcus! Welcome back." You welcomed the man as he walked over towards you. He bowed at you before sitting down at the table where you were already seated. "It feels good to be back mam." He said, smiling before taking a look at the breakfast in front of him. "Well this is sure a great come back." He told you Smith amused eyes. "Please, enjoy yourself." You said. "Take whatever you want." You told him. "I'll sure will." He answered before digging in.
"So how was your trip?" You asked him. "Pretty good. Got some time to relax." He said. "How were things going here while I was gone?" He asked you.
You sighed. "It has been an entire rollercoaster. Oh Marcus," You said dramatically. "How happy I am you're back. I have so much to tell you." After you told him everything Marcus looked at you in shock. "You finally caught him?!" He asked surprised and you nodded. "Kind of, but he escaped yesterday evening while I was gone. These idiots can't do anything right around here anymore..."
"Only if I had been here to stop all this, huh?" He said teasingly and you nodded. "You know you're the best." You told him.
You ate and talked for a good hour before Marcus decided to go see his colleges and try to lessen the damage that had already been caused by Hoseok's escape. You really hoped he could do something about all this.
That evening you also went to go see Taehyung again to check on the situation. "You already found his whereabouts?" You asked the man in front of you. He turned his chair around and smiled at you. "Even better." He said licking his lips and clicking on one single button on his keyboard a whole screen popping up full of information. "I know which city he is in, which district and even in which building!" He told you, all proud of himself.
You walked over and stared at the screen with big eyes. "Really?! You are the best Tae!" You said, wrapping your arms around him in a big hug. The man laughed. "Alright, alright! You're welcome Y/n-ie" He said as you let go again.
"God, I could kiss you right now! You bring me so good news right now!" You yelled at him and he laughed. "You're welcome and about the kiss... no thanks." He said, showing off his boxy smile afterwards. "Go find me a plain ticket for the first flight tomorrow and tell Marcus he has the leadership until I'm back. This girl is going to Busan for some business..."
"Yes mam!"
And so the next day you flew all from Seoul to Busan. You took a taxi from the airport to your hotel while checking the info about Hoseok's whereabouts on your tablet. You mailed Taehyung, telling him you had a safe flight and to thank him again for his good work. He would definitely get a raise once you got back. You smiled as you closed your tablet and looked outside as you drove past the chore. "How long until we reach the hotel sir?" You asked the driver. "We're almost there miss! Just a few more minutes." He said. "Good" You answered, opening your window a bit and closing your eyes, enjoying the fresh sea air filling the car.
After a few more minutes you finally arrived at your destination. A five star hotel Taehyung booked for you. You got out of the taxi, payed the driver and walked inside the building as some staff took your bags out of the cab. You walked towards the counter and asked for your room. Of course it was the penthouse. You knew you could trust Taehyung. He always knew what you wanted. Once you got the key you went towards the elevator and went upstairs. You already felt completely drained from the trip towards where you were now.
As you arrived you walked towards the end off the hall and opened the door with your key card. A big smile as you entered the room. "Finally some rest." You said as you stretched your neck and walked towards the bed. But as soon as you walked through the door two men grabbed you by the arms. You tried to scream and break free from their grasp but it was no use. One of them held a cloth against your mouth and nose with some chloroform on it making you stop struggling after a while and falling into a deep slumber.
While you were unconscious the men dragged you outside the room, making sure no one saw you. They took you inside the elevator where someone was already waiting for your arrival. It was the lady from the counter that gave you your room earlier. "Let's move fast. Once you get out of the elevator go immediately towards the right. Go through the last door and that should lead you towards the back of the hotel. The van is waiting there." She said. Once they got you in the van they drove off to who knows where.
A few hours later you woke up with an incredible headache, as a side effect of the chloroform. You groaned as you opened your eyes, white light shining all around you. Once your eyes got adjusted to the light that came from big windows all around you you could also make out some silhouettes. "Our little princess is finally awake." You heard a voice. The voice sounded awfully familiar. But you couldn't put a name on it just yet.
You tried to move your hands but quickly figured out they were bounded behind your back. Same went for your legs. Tied against the legs of a chair. You looked back in front of you and the silhouette stood up from his place and walked closer until it was close enough. It squatted down in front of you and now you were able to identify the person clearly. "Hoseok..?" You said with unbelief.
He smirked at you. "Good morning princess." He said smiling. "Hope you slept well." Then you noticed the pain in your neck, shoulders and lower back. How long had you been tied to this chair for? You asked yourself. "You've been out for a pretty long time." Hoseok answered before you could even ask. "I hope my men weren't too rough on you." He said letting out a chuckle and standing back up to walk back towards his chair. He picked up an envelope from next to him and gave it to the man on his left. "Here, split it between you and the other guy. You did a great job." He told the man before he left the room, leaving only you and Hoseok.
"W-Where am I?" You asked. Your voice still a bit husk. "Is this xxx street? Your hide out here in Busan after you escaped?" You asked making Hoseok only laugh.
"Oh you wish sweetheart. Busan was just a distraction to get that tech guy of yours and your men off of my tail. We're in Ulsan right now." He told you. "I must admit... Your men are good at finding me but remember, I'm always a step ahead." He said. You looked at him and scoffed. "Asshole..." You muttered under your breath. "I heard that." Hoseok answered.
"Good, glad you know." You told him. He sighed and shoved his chair a bit closer before leaning forward, his arms resting on his thighs. "Tss, even bounded to a chair you still are a furry." He said. "Do you know why I brought you here Miss y/n?" You stayed quiet, clenching your teeth. "I brought you here because I got a proposition for you."
You scoffed. "And what may that be? You're gonna turn yourself in to me and let me torture you?" You asked nonchalantly.
He shook his head and hissed. "Aish, such a beautiful face but such a dirty mouth." He said, leaning back again. "You know the Choi clan right?" He asked. You scoffed. "Of course I know the Choi clan. Who doesn't? They're the biggest mafia out here in South-Korea. My father's mafia's greatest enemy."
Hoseok nodded. "Indeed. We've been already trying for years to stop them but without success."
"And what does all this got to do with me?" You asked him, not impressed by his little talk about the Choi's.
"I need your help." He said, a serious gaze on his face. "I need you to tell us everything you know about the Choi clan and help us arrest them. There is no better view over a mafia as the view of a mafia boss itself." You looked aside, out of the window. Now only noticing you were at a house right next to some low cliffs ending at the sea. You laughed. "And what's in that for me? I can help you but you're probably gonna arrest me afterwards anyways. So why should I bother?" You looked back at him.
He nodded, following your path of thinking. "I knew you would say that. Here's the deal. You help us destroy the Choi clan and I guarantee you won't go to prison. It's that simple." He said, standing up and walking around your chair. You wanted to say something but Hoseok was first. "And I know you're gonna refuse but think for a second... You have no where to run y/n." He stood now right behind you. He leaned in closer towards your right ear. "I got bombs all over your places." Then he switched to your left ear. "And I got you, tied to chair here right now. So either you're going to help or I turn you in right now and then you can say bye bye to your little mafia life." He said.
You scoffed. You wanted to protest but you knew he was right. He had you completely in the palm of his hand. There was no escape from him. "I give you three days starting today to decide whether you're in our out. In that time," He said, cutting the rope that was holding your hands together. "You are free to stand and walk wherever you want but," He said, turing towards your front and also cutting through the ropes at your feet. "You don't go off this domain. You'll stay at the house or at least in its presence. I have guards all over this place so don't you dare escape. Cuz things won't end well if you do" He spoke lowly, standing up while you pulled your hands to your chest, rubbing your sour wrists. The skin a deep red colour from where the rope had been a while ago.
You watched as he walked towards the door at the back of the room. "I'll stay here too. Come see me whenever you made your decision. I hope you enjoy your stay here." He turned his head towards you one last time, giving you a big grin before turning back around and walking out of the room leaving you all alone.
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Already one day and one night had past and you still hadn't made your decision. You know going in on Hoseok's decision was your only option so far but you couldn't stop thinking if there maybe was another way. If your men maybe could get you out of here without Hoseok's deal involving. Should you go accept Hoseok's deal? Maybe. Where you stubborn? ... Hell yes. You don't like to lose and give in to others. So this time you also didn't want to just give into him. You couldn't. You were the boss of a big mafia! You shouldn't bow for just anyone.
That day you didn't talk to Hoseok at all. You did see each other sometimes and ate meals together but that would always be in complete silence. You expected Hoseok to annoy you but surprisingly he didn't. After lunch Hoseok left the house for the first time since you were here leaving you all alone. (The bodyguards are still there so dw, you can't escape that easy ;)).
That night when Hoseok came back he was so frustrated. You could see it at his behaviour as you were both eating dinner together at a rather late hour, you must admit. "What's wrong?" You asked. If you had to stay here for a few days you could at least make it a bit less awkward between the two of you.
Hoseok looked up at you. Surprised that you actually started a conversation with him after ignoring his existence in this house for at least 24 hours. "So you haven't lost your voice yet? That's a relief." He joked.
You sighed. "I'm serious Hoseok. What's wrong?" You tried again, trying to be as friendly as possible es hard as it was. He looked at you confused as for why you would care for him. "It's nothing you should concern about." He stated before starting to eat again.
You sighed. "Look, I know we're enemies and We both know we can't stand each other for one bit but... If I need to stay here for the few days ahead I want to make it at least a bit more comfortable for both of us. So..." You swallowed your proud and stubbornness as you said the following lines. "So, if something is wrong then please don't hesitate to come talk to me. I'm here for you ok?" You cringed at stating your own words but this was something you needed to do. Not only to make it more comfortable but also to earn Hoseok's trust. Maybe it could come in handy later on. You never know.
Hoseok nodded at your request. "I will princess." You wanted to snap at him giving you that nickname again but you quickly figured out you better shouldn't. Hoseok knew you were holding yourself in for not going all furry on him and he loved it. He loved making you all worked up and angry. Besides that fact that you were a dangerous mafia boss you were also a very pretty woman. No denying that. And seeing you all worked up and going all furry on him made him feel some kind of things.
"I'm a bit tired." Hoseok stated after a while. "I'll go get some sleep. You should do the same." He said, shoving his chair backwards and getting up from his seat. "And don't forget to think about my proposition Y/n. It's a very good and reasonable deal if you think about it throughly. I hope you can state me your decision tomorrow. But for now, goodnight." He said and then left towards his room.
After you were done eating you also left towards your room to get some good night rest. You sat onto your bed after putting on some sleep wear. You sighed as you thought about your situation. You really felt stuck. You couldn't contact anyone since you didn't have your phone. Hoseok must have hidden it when you were unconscious. your men also haven't been looking for you yet either... Did they even knew in what kind of situation you were right now? Did Tae knew? Would he be worried right now since you haven't texted him yet in these 2 days you've already gone missing?
You let out a deep sigh as questions kept filling your mind. It made you crazy! But suddenly all worries were blown away, out of your mind, as you felt two arms wrap around your frame from behind and two lips placing a delicate kiss onto your neck. Your eyes widened in shock. You quickly looked at your side only to lock eyes with someone you didn't expect.
He softly smiled at you. "Hey princess." He said, smiling softly. "W-What are you doing here?!" You asked while getting out of the man's grip and standing up from the bed. Why was he here? Why did he touched you like that? Why did he acted so... sweet?
Hoseok tilted his head to the side and looked you up and down, smirking and biting his lip. "Couldn't sleep." He said.
You looked confused at him. He couldn't sleep? So why did he came here then? Out of all places why here? In your room? "So?" You said.
He let out a small chuckle and stood up from the bed, making slow steps forwards, closer to you, making you taking steps backwards until your body hit the wall. No where to run now.
Hoseok placed his hands at both sides of your head, against the wall. "Listen up my lady, I can't sleep and it seems like you can't sleep either, so what do you say about having some fun together hm?" He asked, his eyes scanning your face for some kind of reaction before resting on your perfect shaped lips. God, it drove him wild. Those delicious luscious lips...
You looked at him in shock. Was he really asking what you thought he was asking?! Was he referring to sex? "You tried to slap him in the face but he caught your hand on time and pinned it against the wall making you gasp. You must admit it was kinda hot, seeing his fast reflexes.
He pushed closer against you, one of his legs pushed between yours, his knee against your princess parts, his chest pressed against yours. You swallowed as you looked into his deep brown eyes. You could see they were filled with lust. Completely the opposite of how you both would look at each other a day ago.
God, it made you feel things... That lust filled gaze of him. And his knee, pressed against your core didn't made it any easier. "What will it be love? I don't have all night. I know we're supposed to be enemies but I remember a certain person saying we should get more comfortable around each other and that I was always welcome. Do you still remember that princess?" He asked you and you nodded. You didn't knew what was wrong with you but Hoseok's sudden dominant behaviour got the best of you.
He leaned even more closer towards you, your noses brushing against each other, his lips so close to yours and yet they didn't touch. "What do you want princess? Tell me..." He said, and with those final last words you lost it.
"You" You answered him almost immediately. Without hesitation Hoseok started to kiss you and you surrendered completely to him. You kissed him back and Hoseok let go of your hand that was still pinned against the wall. Your arms fell onto his shoulders. You pulled him closer, deepening the kiss some more, your fingers playing with the locks at the back of his hair. Hoseok bite and sucked at your bottom lip until you finally opened your mouth allowing him inside. Hoseok slipped his tongue inside and started to play with yours. You both moaned into the kiss as it got really steamy and messy. "Fuck Y/n- I didn't knew you could kiss that well." Hoseok stated, breathing heavily between kisses. You smirked. "Had lots of practise in the past i guess." You answered before he guided your leg around his hips, his mouth smashing against yours again in a hot kiss. He slapped your thigh two times, asking you to jump which you gladly did. You wrapped both of your legs around Hoseok's waist, not breaking the kiss as he takes you with him towards the bed.
When he hit the bed frame with his feet he slowly sat down, making you sit on top of his lap. You grinned against him, never breaking the kiss. Soft moans and groans coming out of both of your mouths. Hoseok let go of your lips only to wrap them around your jaw and throat. You moaned, grinding harder against him as he found your sweet spot. "Fuck Hobi-" Without you realising a cute nickname slipped out for the man under you. Hoseok stopped kissing for a while looking up at you. "What- What did you just say?" He asked, already half out of breath from your make-out session.
You blushed as you bite your lip, looking away in embarrassment. Hoseok took a hold of your chin and made you look at him again. "Hey, Look at me while I'm talking. Now answer me princess." He said. "What did you just call me." It sounded more like an order now then a question.
"H-Hobi..." You said quietly. It was quiet for a second. Hoseok just stared at you as he took in your words. Then he suddenly grinned, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. "Cute..." You could hear him whisper under his breath before he pecked your lips. Then he went down again, kissing and napping at your sweet spot. You were sure it was going to leave a bruise later on but right now you didn't mind. Your brain was a haze, your body felt hot and you were so wet down there.
His hands kept roaming your body. From caressing your back to gripping your hips, to grind you more and harder against him, grouping your ass and so on. His hands found their way under you shirt and he pushed it up to get it off of you. You helped him getting it off making him stare at your red laced bra afterwards holding onto your breasts.
He grouped them into his hands, squeezing them softly while you just watched. You knew you shouldn't love all this right now and you knew you surely shouldn't do it with him but you couldn't resist it. And besides, it had been so long since you've had dick. And from what you could feel in his pants right now he got one on the larger size.
You bite your lip as you looked at him getting one breast out of your bra, his thumb caressing over the little but making you whimper. He looked at you, giving you a lazy smirk before he attached his mouth to your breast. He let his tongue roll over your nipple, now and then sucking on it, making them go even harder. His other hand still working on your other breast before he switched sides. Now your left nipple in his mouth and his fingers playing and pinching the other one. While he was busy sucking your tits he unbuckled your bra, making it fall onto your lap. You slept your arms out of the straps and threw it aside.
When you turned your head back towards him his lips met yours again in a quick but deep kiss. "Now love... It has been so long since I've had a woman so close to me. So what would you say of making me feel your mouth, huh? Would you do that for me princess?" He said, his thumb tracing over your bottom lip before slipping onto your mouth. You wrapped your lips around it and started to suck on his finger. It may look strange but it kinda comforted you, making you feel smaller and wanting to submit more to him. Letting him take full control.
You nodded as an answer and smiled, getting his thumb out of your mouth. "Now," he said. "Get on your knees love."
He pulled down his pants and boxers as you sat down on the floor, his dick springing free standing tall and red. He was so ready for you. You licked your lips before kissing his length. Starting at the bottom and making your way towards his already leaking top. When you got at the top you started to take him inside of you, making him groan as you suck on his tip, your tongue rolling over the little slit. "Fuck-, that feels so good princess. Keep going." He said, closing his eyes and putting his hand behind him leaning on his strong arms as he felt his body melt under your touch. After teasing the tip for a while you tried to slowly bob your head up and down, every time when you're going down taking an inch more into your mouth until you couldn't anymore. The part that didn't fit into your mouth you stimulated with your hand, moving it up and down in a steady motion with your head.
Hoseok grasped onto your hair out of pleasure, pulling it softly and getting it out of your face. He wanted to see your face while you pleasured him so well. You were such a good girl for him. So good... He never expected for you to go in on his proposal of having a one night stand for tonight but he loved how turned on you got from him and how submissive you got after you acted like such a brat earlier. He liked to get you worked up and make you go all furry to him but having you now submit to him did something to him. He had been watching you for already so long and now he had you for him alone he couldn't drop the chance and just rushed to your room.
Hoseok felt himself getting close as you went bit faster, your droll already rolling over his dick and towards his balls, your eyes getting teary but you didn't cry. "I'm close baby." He told you. "I'ma cum in your warm little mouth and you're gonna swallow it all. You're my good girl after all, isn't it?" He asked and you nodded.
You loved to be a brat but for some reason hearing Hoseok call you a good girl made you want to please him in all kind of ways. You wanted to be his good girl and his only. You loved his small praises, the cute nicknames he gave you and that irresistible smirk of him whenever you did something he loved or when he had a little plan up in that head of his. In other words he made you go crazy for him.
A few more thrusts and he finally came, tinting the walls of your mouth white. And just like he asked you, you swallowed it all, showing him afterwards. "Good girl. Did so well princess." He praised you again and you smiled up at him as he held your chin, pulling you back up.
He sat you back on his lap and kissed your lips, tasting himself before flipping you over onto your back, on top of the soft mattress. You gasp as he does so.
He grins and hovers over you, ghosting his lips over yours for a while making you hungry for more until he finally kissed you again. He kissed over your jaw and behind your ear. "Princess, I want you to turn around for me." He whispered before biting your ear playfully and getting up so you could turn around for him. You did as he said and turned around now laying on your stomach. He slowly looked you up and down, his hand gliding over your half naked body until he stops at your ass. He helps you out of your pants and panties, throwing them aside. After that he also gets off his remaining clothes before hovering over you again, leaving soft kisses on your shoulders. You whimpered as you felt his hard dick poking your asscheeks. You had been so wet this whole time. Your pussy was craving for some attention.
Hoseok chuckled deeply as he felt you grind against him. "Such a slut for me princess. Your body is just begging me to get touched." He said making you whimper a second time.
But luckily you didn't have to wait long or his full length was already inside you. You moaned as he filled you up so well. "Fuck-" Hoseok breathed out. Because you were already so wet for him he slipped right in and he didn't expected that. But it wasn't like you were to loose. You still felt so tight. It was like your little cunt was just made for him.
He pulled it out before pushing it back in, making you both moan simultaneously this time. You both felt so good. No words to describe it.
When Hoseok started to move for real this time he didn't hold back. He didn't really wait for you to adjust to him (not that you needed to) and started to thrust at an already rapid pace. Moans and groans filled the room as Hoseok was ramming into your pussy like crazy. Right now you felt like you were on cloud nine and on Hoseok's side it was just the same. You both had no thoughts at that moment, the only thing on your minds is how good the other's body felt against your own.
After a short while you felt that familiar knot in your stomach. Meaning you were close. Hoseok could feel it at how tight your pussy became. Sometimes pulsating, driving him crazy. "I-I'm c-close-" You said to him between moans and heavy breaths.
As you told him that he suddenly seemed to stop making your groan and whimper. "Hoseooookkkk-" You were whining, not liking his warm flesh leaving you wet and aching hole. But before anything else he flipped you around and pushed back in. You moaned.
"Want to see your face." He said. "Wanna see how good I make you feel." He stated before slowly starting to trust again, his eyes never leaving your face, taking in every detail, every new expression that took place on that oh so beautiful face. He speed up a bit, seeing your expression change again and hearing your moans getting louder. Like before you ached around him, getting tighter and tighter as that wave of pleasure came back, bringing you close to pure ecstasy. "Cum for me sweetheart." Hoseok said as he felt himself getting close as well.
As like his words were the magic spell your body was waiting to hear you both came undone, Hoseok's mouth devouring yours again, muffling your moans as you came. You both stayed in that position for a while, your lips still attached against each other as Hoseok spilled his load inside of you until his dick softened down again and slipped out. You whimpered at the loss.
Hoseok gave you a last peck on the lips before getting off of you and laying on his back beside you, staring up at the ceiling. "That... Was amazing." He said out of breath. You laughed and nodded. "That was indeed." You answered him. "It has been so long since I had such good sex." You admitted. "Me too, princess. Me too..."
"You're on the pill, right?" Hoseok suddenly asked, turning his head towards you. "Why you asking?" "Well, we didn't use a condom. I hope you don't mind." Hoseok said, blushing a bit and rubbing the back of his neck nervously. How was this the man the one that ever took control over you a while ago?
"I don't take the pill but I got a spiral implanted. So no need to worry about getting me pregnant." You told him. He nodded and then stared back at the ceiling. He suddenly laughed. "What?" You asked turning towards him. He shook his head. "Was just thinking of something.." "Tell me." He played on his side and looked at you. "You know what they say about keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" He asked, a playful smile on his face. "Well I think this way we're definitely keeping our enemies closer." He winked at you and you scoffed, a little smile creeping through.
And that's how you both ended up talked a bit that night until you felt your body getting tired and just fell asleep.
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Opening your eyes the next morning it seems you were the first one awake. You tossed around and laid on your other side facing the still fast asleep man next to you. You smiled as he looked so soft while sleeping. So... harmless. You smiled as you looked at him, admiring his cute, puffy face he made while sleeping. How could anyone want to hurt this man?
You shook your head. Did- Did I just think that?! You asked yourself. Get him out of your head Y/n! He's supposed to be your enemy! You told yourself. But yesterday night was just so... You bite your lip as you thought back about yesterday night. Maybe... Just maybe you could trust this man for once. Maybe it was ok to let go for just a little while.
You thought back about his proposition. You didn't knew if yesterday night was one of his plans to get you to follow him into his idea or not but this morning you finally made your decision. You were gonna take Hoseok's offer. It's not like you had any other plans, right?
Before you knew it the men next to you woke up and when he saw you were awake he smiled, closing his eyes and yawning, stretching his muscular arms. "Morning.." He said softly in his deep morning voice. God, you were such a simp for that voice from now on. "Morning." You answered him. You got a bit shocked as the boy leaned in and softly pecked your lips.
Hoseok looked at your shocked face and let out a small giggle before turning onto his back and looking up at the ceiling taking a deep breath. "Last night was... amazing." He said. You nodded but of course he couldn't see it so you answered him afterwards. "Yeah.." You said softly. "Hoseok?" You asked and he turned his face sideways so he could see you, a soft smile plastered onto his face. "Please call me Hobi." He said. You blushed as you remembered you accidentally calling him that last night.
You gave him a small awkward smile and a soft nod. "H-Hobi?" You tried again. "What is it angel?" He asked. Angel... Well that was a new nickname to add to the list. He hadn't called you angel before. You kinda liked it... Stop it! Stop thinking about it Y/n! You internally sighed. Why did he made you feel like this??
"Y/n?" Hoseok called out your name as he saw you were caught in thoughts all of a sudden. "Huh?" You said as you heard his voice. "Oh.." You looked at him and bite your lip before deciding to be bold and sit a bit up. One hand holding you up and one softly wrapped around Hoseok's naked chest under the blanket. You softly let your fingers glide over the warm skin. "I just wanna say... I'm in." You told him, not really wanna admit it but your heart said it was the only right thing to do and your brain said it was the only option to do.
Hoseok looked at you a bit confused before understanding it. "You're for real?" He asked shocked and you nodded. "I will help you catch the Choi's. I already kinda know how too I think..." You said. You looked up at him and Hoseok was smiling at you. He softly started to pet your head. "You made the right decision. I'm glad you decided to cooperate." You don't know why but hearing Hoseok saying you did well made you feel all giddily and good around him. And on top of that the pats he was giving you... You felt like you were in heaven. You may look and sometimes act like a real bitch, well- actually most of the time-, but somewhere inside there you were just a soft girl.
Hoseok let out a deep breath getting you both out of your silent trance you both seemed to be in. "We should go get some clothes on and then we can discuss further details." He said and you nodded, unwrapping your arm from around him and laying back down so he could get up.
Once you both showered and were fully dressed again you sat together at the table to discuss your plan. "So, you said you had something in mind right?" Hoseok asked and you nodded. "Tell me."
"Well," You started off. "You probably already know Mr Choi has two daughters" Hoseok nodded. "but did you knew he also had a son?" You asked and Hoseok looked at you confused. "We've been through those files multiple times. He had a son. He died 10 years ago." Hoseok said, grabbing the file and showing you.
You smirked and shook your head. "That's the part he made you guys see. The rumour goes that he's still alive." You said and Hoseok looked at you in shock. "How is that possible?"
You grinned. "I don't know either but apparently he is. About this... there is good and bad news. What you wanna hear first?" You asked Hoseok. "Good first." He answered.
"Very well then. The good news is, they guy should be in Korea. Multiple people keep saying he's still here and have seen him. It has also been confirmed with pictures. Now the bad news... We have no idea how he looks like. We have witnesses but no descriptions or clear pics of his face."
"So he could be anyone..." Hoseok said and you nodded. "Exactly." "And what has this son to do with getting the Choi's?" Hoseok suddenly asked.
"Well, get the son and you get to the father! People say they still see each other once a year. You said you couldn't get your hands onto Mr Choi? Well he's your chance." You said.
Hoseok seemed lost in thoughts as he looked at the documents in front of him. "But how are we going to find him?" He asked. "There live thousands of people here in Korea." He stated.
You smirked. "I got the perfect solution for that."
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A few hours of convincing Hoseok and taking a plain back to Seoul and you were standing again at your own house. More specifically, Taehyung's workspace. "So you are sure this guy can find Choi's son?" Hoseok asked you for the already umpteenth time. You sighed. "For the last time Hope, Taehyung is the best. This guy here gets everything done." You said earning a grin from Taehyung himself who was seated at his usual place, behind his computers. "Well, thanks for the compliment Y/n." He said. "And Hoseok, don't worry. I'll find this guy. It's not because you failed that I will." He gave Hoseok a quick wink making him scoff.
How does he even has the audacity. Hoseok thought. "Good luck man." Hoseok said before walking out of the room with you, leaving Taehyung alone to do his job.
"So what do we do in the meanwhile?" Hoseok asked you. "We just relax a bit. There's not much we can do anyways." You told him. And before you knew it you had let him to your bedroom. (Not for what you think you pervs out there.😏 It's not always about sex.)
You sat down on your bed as Hoseok admired your room, standing still at some pictures. "Is that you?" He asked, holding up one in particular. You smiled and nodded, thinking back about old good memories. "That's me and my mom." You said as you thought back about her. Her soft hands, her warm smile. You missed her a lot. "What happened to her?" Hoseok asked; like he could read you expression. "Cancer..." You answered. "Dad was so broken after she died." You looked up from the picture at Hoseok again, giving him a sad smile. "It's not because we are feared mafia's that we don't know what true love is. What mom and dad had... Was something special. They really loved each other." You said.
Hoseok put the picture back down and walked over to you, sitting down next to you and holding your fragile frame. "I wish she was still here. She was a wonderful woman." You said as Hoseok softly caressed your head. "She told me I should always follow my heart."
Hoseok pulled back from the embrace and gave you a small reassuring smile. You don't know why but your body seemed to react on it and you started to smile back at him. You didn't knew how you became from being enemies only a few days ago to feeling so close to him now but it felt good and you kinda didn't want to let go of that feeling.
Hoseok put a strand of hair behind your face before speaking. "Y/n, what would you think of getting out of this... mafia live of yours? Just start a new life, a better one. Maybe even go start a family." He said.
You laughed ad shook your head. "I can't do that... I maybe had a choice as a kid but after my father died and I took over... I can't just leave like that. And besides... Some people here are like family to me. I can't just leave them." You told him.
"What if you could?"
Before you could answer him, the door to your bedroom opened. "Boss! I didn't knew you were already back and oh- You found him?! Do I need to get the guards?" Marcus asked after storming in.
You smiled and turned towards Marcus. "No need Marcus. It's alright. I made a deal with Mr Jung here so from now on he won't be our prisoner anymore. He will be our guest. And besides, I already told you to just call me by your name. You're not just anyone Marcus. You were my father's friend. So please be comfortable and just see me as a friend too." You said, earning a smile back from him. "Sure Y/n. Do you guys need anything?" He asked and you shook your head. "Not really but thank you Marcus. I'll see you later downstairs." You told him and with that he left your room again.
"Marcus?" Hoseok asked and you turned back to him. You nodded. "My father saved him a few years ago when I was still a kid. Since then he had been my father's most trusted man and also his friend. After he died he swore to protect his family no matter what. So that's how he became my wing man now." You told him and Hoseok nodded. "I see.."
You sighed and stood up. "Well... I should go downstairs now. Marcus is probably waiting for me. You can stay here until I come back our just room around a bit in the house. Whatever you like." You told him and he nodded. "see you later Hobi!" You said with a smile as you walked towards the door. Hoseok smiled back, even happier as he heard you used the little nickname again. "See you later." He said before you finally walked out of the door.
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"Ok... explain to me Y/n why that guy is just randomly relaxing in your room?" Marcus asked you once you were both sitting downstairs on the sofa. "Well Marcus, Like I told you, I made a deal with Mr. Jung." "Are you crazy?!" Marcus yelled. "That's like making a deal with the devil!"
"Calm down!" You yelled back at him, making him shut his mouth and sit back down. "Now let me explain." You d-said, fixing your hair. "When I was in Busan I bumped into Hoseok like planned. We... had a little encounter afterwards." You said, thinking back about how he kidnapped you but afterwards how he could pleasure you so well. You swallowed, stopping your thoughts and licking your dry lips. "Then Hoseok came with a proposition. His agency is after the Choi's. Even more then after us. He promised if we helped he would leave us alone afterwards." You explained to the man in front of you.
"And what makes you think he's speaking the truth?" Marcus asked you. You stared into the distance, a small smile forming onto your mouth. "I believe Hobi." You said.
Marcus looked at you with questionable eyes. "H-hobi?" He asked. You swallowed, eyes in shock. Did you just said that out loud?! You looked at Marcus. "I-" How were you going to explain this? "What happened back in Busan?" Marcus asked. "Nothing just-... I was tired of him giving me those little nicknames so I gave him one to annoy him too! Yeah! That's it." You said, a nervous giggle afterwards. You hoped he didn't suspected anything.
Marcus nodded. "Alright then.." He said, dropping the topic. "And besides, Imagine. For so long the Choi's have been at the top of Korea's mafia. Once they're down we're the new number one. We'll finally stand at the top Marcus! How wonderful is that!" You told him enthusiastic. Marcus nodded. "That's... Indeed great!" You frowned your eyebrows. You expected Marcus to be the most enthusiastic out of the two of you. "Is everything alright?" You asked him.
He cleared his throat. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. I was just worried about you. What if something happens to you. I still can't trust that Hoseok guy." He said. You gave him a soft smile, placing your hand on top of his. "Don't worry Marcus. I got this." And with that you stood up and walked out. "By the way Marcus," You said, turning around one last time. "Can you go check how Taehyung's work is going and give me an update on it? It's quite important and I only trust you with it." You told him. He nodded. "Of course. I'll go check right away boss!"
When you came back to your room you were surprised that Hoseok was still there. It was like he never left. "I thought you would've already went off to go explore the place." You said as you walked in. Hoseok looked up at you. "Neah, not really. I rather stay here. It's quiet here." He said, laying back onto the bed.
You went to sit at the edge of the bed and looked outside the big window in your room. Suddenly you felt Hoseok's hand grabbing yours and to Hoseok's surprise you laced your fingers with his. He smiled, looking at your face as it looked beautiful to him with the current lighting coming from your windows. You hair already got a bit messy from walking around all over the place all day. You may have been a target for him at first but right now, the only thing he could think about calling you was his angel. That's how you looked in Hoseok's eyes like an angel still trapped into the claws of the devil... The mafia. If he only could get you out of this life and give you a better one. "Leave this place with me tonight."
You turned your head towards Hoseok as these words came out of his mouth. "What?" "You heard me." Hoseok said, sitting back up and sitting a bit closer towards you. "Leave this place with me. Y/n, I can see this is no life for you... I promise I can give you a better one." Hoseok said, looking deep into your eyes. You suddenly felt all naked, like Hoseok could look right through you and into your soul. It's not like you loved the mafia but it also wasn't like you hated it.
"How...?" You quietly asked. "I already told you it's not that easy..." You said, looking down at your still intertwined hands. "Let's just leave this place tonight. No one will know. And we'll see what happens afterwards." Hoseok pushed your chin back up with his free hand. "Look at me Y/n. Do you trust me?" Hoseok asked.
You thought for a second, nervously chewing on your lip. Eventually you nodded your head. You knew you couldn't deny anymore what was happening between you and Hoseok. You knew it all went quick but there was just this sparkle between you and from today on you couldn't unseen it anymore.
Hoseok smiled at your response. "Good. So please Y/n, please come with me." He said, leaning in closer and delicately kissing your lips. You nodded. "A-alright. Let's get out of here tonight. But... I can't leave Taehyung here behind. I need him to go with us. He's my best friend Hope... We grew up together."
Hoseok looked you into the eyes while playing with your hand. "You're sure you can trust him enough to let him come with us?" He asked and you nodded. "I'm a hundred percent sure of it." Hoseok nodded. "Ok then. Go tell him. We'll leave at 3am. Everyone should be asleep by then."
And so as planned you went to speak to Taehyung. You told him the plan and of course he supported you in your decision. He was glad you asked him to go with you. He joked around saying' if Hoseok didn't take you away from here I would'. You laughed at him but then he started to question you about Hoseok and then the blushing and stuttering came. Of course, as the good friends you are, you told him about how you felt something towards the boy but wasn't quiet sure jet but it just felt right. As last you also talked about who the son of the Choi's could be but Taehyung only said it was difficult and he didn't knew yet.
After your little chat with Taehyung and bumping into Marcus inside the hall you were finally back in your room, making everything ready together with Hoseok. "Go get some rest Y/n." Hoseok said, packing the last of your things. You didn't intended to take much with you but no matter what Hoseok insisted he would help you pack. With the small bag finally packed you lay down onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. You heard Hoseok close the zipper of the back before feeling the mantras getting heavy next to you. "I am surprised I'm doing this... A few days ago I wouldn't even have thought of escaping this life. I was so focused on making my parents proud..." You said before scooping a bit closer towards Hoseok, resting your head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around you. "No matter what you do, I think your parents will always be proud of you Y/n. Now go sleep. You got a few hours." He said, kissing the top of your head.
"Goodnight Hope."
"Goodnight Y/n."
While you slept Hoseok didn't close an eye. He stayed awake all night, staring at you and also keeping the guard. He knew it may be foolish of him but there was someone in this house Hoseok didn't trust. And that was Marcus. Marcus had always been a strange figure in Hoseok's eyes and today it only got worse.
Hoseok lied to you when you asked him if he stayed in your room the whole time you were gone. In fact, Hoseok went to look for Taehyung. He had something in mind and the only one that could confirm it was him.
"Taehyung, can you look into someone for me?" Hoseok asked as he walked into Taehyung's office. "Who do you need me to look for?" The guy asked, looking at him from behind his desk. "I want you to get some research done on that Marcus guy."
Taehyung looked at him in shock. "Marcus? Why?" He asked, genuinely confused. "I don't trust him at all and I need to confirm something..." Hoseok said, standing behind Taehyung, looking at the screens.
"Marcus has been friends with Y/n's father for so long. Why wouldn't you trust him?" Taehyung said. "You don't think that-" Taehyung broke his own sentence into a silence as he finally understood what Hoseok was looking for. Hoseok nodded. "I think he's our man."
And just like he had thought Taehyung confirmed it that evening. Marcus was indeed the person you guys had been looking for. He was the son of the one and only Mr. Choi. But what would the son of a filthy rich mafia boss do in their enemies house? Hoseok could only think of one thing...
Then a bullet shot through the window and got caught by the opposite wall. Hoseok shook you awake. "Y/n wake up! Plans have changed, we need to go now!" You immediately woke up and you both stood up from the bed, only to hear another two gunshots. You both quickly laid flat on the ground. "W-what is that?" You asked, still halve asleep and confused. "They're here to kill you Y/n."
"What?!" You asked confused. "Who would possibly want to kill me?!" Again shots and Hoseok pulled you with him inside your closet. No windows there so the shutters don't know where to shoot anymore. Then a door opened giving you the answer to your question. "Well, hello hello!"
You looked at Hoseok in shock recognising the voice. Was that Marcus?! Hoseok put his finger in front of his lips telling you to not make any noise.
"Where are you little princess? I know you're somewhere in here~" Marcus said as you heard him walk around the room. "I know your lover boy is with you too." He said.
"You know... I wished things would've gone other ways but you just leave me no choice Y/n. You're just like your father." He said before shooting at the ceiling, making you jump a bit.
But what did he mean, just like your father? "You know the day your father died... It was my doing. He tried to escape too and just like you now, he left me no choice but to kill him right there and then."
You placed your hand over your mouth in shock. Your body was trembling while tears were threatening to leave your eyes. Marcus killed your father? But why would he ever do that? They were like best friends. Hoseok took your trembling body in his arms, shushing you quietly while he was eagerly looking for a way out of here.
Marcus started to speak again. "I know you're probably wondering... 'Oh why did you kill my daddy Marcus? Weren't you like best friends?' " Marcus said, trying to imitate your voice. "Well dear, It may look like we were friends but I am his worst nightmare. Your worst nightmare!" You heard him push a closet on the ground, making a hella loud noice. "You know who I am Y/n? Why doesn't Hoseok tell you, huh?" You looked at Hoseok confused. What would he know you didn't? "I am Marcus Choi. The son of the biggest, most feared mafia boss." Then a maniac laughter could be heard from him. "Wasn't it a great idea from me to infiltrate your little mafia and bring it down? After the accident happened everyone thought I died but I didn't, what caused me to be in the most ideal position. I thought when your father died I finally made an end to the Lee's but then you showed up from your house in the US and took over!" This time a vase could be heard shattering onto the ground. "Of course daddy's little girl had to take over business! Now where are you Y/n! Cut the crab and come out already!" Marcus yelled.
Hoseok slammed the door open as on clue and run with you towards the door as Marcus tried to shoot at the both of you. Luckly no bullet caught you. Or so you thought... "Hoseok! Your shoulder!" You said while you were running through the halls. "I'm alright. We need to get to Taehyung first to warn him and then get the hell out of here." He said. You looked at his shoulder and let go of his hand. "You'll need your hand to put pressure on that wound." You said.
You quickly opened the door and ran into Taehyung's room as you heard Marcus yell from upstairs. "Taehyung!" You yelled as you run towards him and hugged him. He hugged you back. "I heard gunshots, what's happening?" He asked, letting go of you. Then he looked at Hoseok and his arm that was covered in blood. "Fuck that looks bad..." He said. "Is it Marcus?!" He asked and Hoseok nodded. "He somehow must have heard us talking about escaping. We need to go now."
Marcus voice could be heard closer and closer. "He's getting near." You said. The panic could be seen in your eyes as you looked at the two boys. "You two need to get out of here as fast as possible." Taehyung said. "And what about you?!" You asked and he gave you a soft smile. "We can't escape with all of us. Marcus knows this place too well. He'll catch onto us in no time. You go and I'll distract him."
"But what if he hurts you like he did to Hoseok?!" You asked concerned. "Don't worry about me Y/n. I'll be alright. I always am in the end. Just trust me ok?" Leave the house and I'll make sure you escape safely." He said.
"He's right Y/n. We got to go now." Hoseok said as he pulled at your arm. You gave Taehyung one last glance. He smiled and nodded, like he was saying 'it's alright. It's all gonna be fine.' And so you trusted him on that and left with Hoseok through the front door.
"THERE YOU ARE!" Marcus yelled from the top of the stairs aiming his gun towards you but shot into the door because Hoseok could close it on time. A tear left your eye as you thought of Taehyung being inside there with that maniac. You were so scared of what Marcus could do to Taehyung. Then you saw the house go into lockdown. You knew this was Taehyung's doing and it was also a sign for you and Hoseok to leave.
"Where are your cars Y/n?" Hoseok asked. "Right there, behind that corner." you told him as you both ran towards the garages. You opened one and got inside the car as fast as possible, Hoseok behind the steering wheel. "Buckle up!" He said and then started the engine. But before you could ride away a shot was heard. You both looked at the side, it was Marcus. Somehow he managed to escape the house and he just shot one of your tiers. This was no good. "You both looked at him in shock as he aimed the gun towards you two again. Fear in both of your eyes this time as you had no where to run to now. You were so scared knowing this could be your last moment.
You still had so many things you wanted to do. You want to stop this mafia shit, make more times to spend with friends and family and most important of all, start a new better life with the one you loved... Hoseok. As you were so concentrated you didn't saw Taehyung stumble out of the house all beaten up by the hooligan in front of you.
You closed your eyes in fear of what would come and then it finally came. Two gunshots could be heard.
...But strangely they never reached you nor Hoseok. You opened your eyes again and saw Marcus coughing up blood before falling down onto the floor. Someone had shot him. Then from everywhere around the building and bushes men with guns appeared. Hoseok rushed out of the car and towards the men. You looked at your saviours in shock as Hoseok talked to them about something. Two persons went to check on the corps while Hoseok looked back and forth between you and then one he was taking to.
You decided to get out of the car as well and with small steps you walked towards Hoseok. He gave you a soft smile and then took you into a tight hug. "It's alright. It's all over now." He shushed you while caressing your hair as you cried into his chest from the chock and all the stress you had been going through tonight.
"Who is this Seok?" The man that was standing with Hoseok earlier asked. "This is Y/n. She was one of the people captured here by Marcus." Hoseok said. "I see... Can you both come testify one by one in a while?" The man asked. "Sheff, can we do it together? I don't think she's in a state to handle this on her own now." Hoseok stated and the guy nodded. "I give you 15min to calm down a bit. Come inside afterwards.
Once the guy left Hoseok let go off you and took a step back to look at you. "It's alright. Just take some deep breaths." You did as Hoseok said and it calmed you down a bit. "Now, I want you to let me speak when we get inside for the interrogation. If they know you're the boss of this whole mafia you hang." "They will put me in prison?!" You asked in shock and Hoseok shock his head. "No, no, no. I won't let that ever happen princess. Just let me do the talking and everything will be alright, ok?" He said and you nodded. "Ok.." "Good."
"Now... How did all these men come here?" You asked, confused on how Hoseok's men suddenly found your house. "I called them in. When you were talking to Marcus I went to Taehyung to search a bit more information about the man."
"You already knew... You didn't trusted him from the start." You said and Hoseok nodded. "I didn't trusted him indeed but I didn't knew. Well... I wasn't sure yet. So that's why I needed proof. Thanks to Taehyung's help I got it. I contacted my boss afterwards. I told them my location and everything they needed to know. My plan was to get you out first so they could storm in and clear this mess without you having to worry about it. I didn't knew he would come and try to kill you first..." Hoseok said, looking down. "I wanted to capture him to get to the Choi's as originally planned but then the shots and he tried to murder you and-"
"ssh," You said, placing your hands on both of Hoseok's cheeks. He looked up at you and you placed your forehead carefully against his. He calmed down a bit, taking a deep breath. "I'm here Hope. I'm right here. I'm still alive thanks to you. You did good by calling your troops here. Thank you for saving me." You said, smiling at him and he smiled back.
You took a deep breath yourself before both going inside for your interrogation. Like you discussed earlier outside Hoseok did the talking. He had to lie a bit for that but it was necessary to not get you in prison. He told them Marcus killed your dad and captured you afterwards. He told them Marcus took over and then caught him too. When you tried to escape today Marcus tried to kill you both and then the troops came in. That's the story Hoseok told the police. "Can you confirm this Ms. Lee?" The agent interrogating you asked. You nodded. "Yes it is. I have been captured by that battered for years until Hoseok finally came and saved me." You said, Hoseok squeezing your hand under the table as if wanting to tell you 'good job'.
After all that happened that day you still had to find a good story for Taehyung. After that was all done and Taehyung was completely healed again you and Hoseok decided to live together. Taehyung was so happy for the both of you. The only thing he ever wanted was to see his best friend happy and now he knew you finally were.
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"Guess who?"
You laughed as you knew who these hands and voice belonged too. "Hoseok, we're the only one in the house right now. Of course it's you." You said giggling. It had been a year since what happened with Marcus and right now you were living happily with Hoseok in a villa at the beautiful coast of Italy.
Hoseok took his hands from around your eyes and went to sit next to your legs onto the sunbed you were currently on. You put off your sunglasses and looked at the man in front of you as he leaned in closer for a kiss. For the ones asking, yes you and Hoseok were a pair. A month after everything that happened and after recovering from the chock for a while Hoseok finally asked you to be his and without hesitating you said yes. And so you now both lived happily in each other's presence.
"I got a surprise for you." Hoseok said, pulling back from the kiss and smiling at you. He then pulled an envelope from behind his back. "What is that?" You asked. "Open it." He said, giving you the envelope. You opened it and pulled out two tickets for... "The opera? Is this real?!" Hoseok smiled and nodded. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so so so muchhhh!!" You said while hugging him happily. In that year of living together Hoseok slowly dithered out your love for opera and classical music so one day when he sat behind his computer he decided to get you a little present. "See it as an early birthday gift." Hoseok said as you let go of him and kissed him full on the lips. He laughed as he kissed you back, loving to see you so happy.
"It's tonight so I suggest you go pick a nice dress to wear because I know if I don't tell you now you'll take ages." You playfully hit his chest while he laughed. "It's true tho! Now go get ready, we leave at 6." He said. You stood up and got a smack onto your ass. "Yah-" You turned around and looked at him. He smiled and just put on his sunglasses laying down onto the sunned you payed on earlier, smirk on his face. "Go get ready! The longer you take the later it will get."
Once you and Hoseok were ready it was indeed almost time. "Told you, you always take a long time in the bathroom." Hoseok said, kissing your naked shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He checked you out through the mirror in front of you. "You look beautiful in that red off shoulder dress." He said and you smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Thanks love. You don't look that bad yourself in that black suit with red tie." You turned around and playfully pulled on his tie, pulling him closer so you could kiss his lips. He kissed back, pushing you a bit backwards against the sink of your bathroom. "We should stop now or we won't even make it to the opera." Hoseok said, pulling away from you.
He did a step backwards and reached his arm towards you. "My lady," He said playfully. You laughed and wrapped your arm around his as you both walked out of the house and towards the car.
Once in the opera house Hoseok saw that sparkle in your eyes and it filled him with love and admiration for you. You looked so happy and it made him happy too. "Look how beautiful and classy it looks here! Wah." You said as you walked towards the giant stairs. "Did you knew that 'common people' always needed to sit at the low levels and that the rich sat at their private balcony? Until now it are still the most expansive places in the house." You told him, already walking towards the door that lead you towards the lower levels assuming your seats were there.
"Where do you think you're going?" Hoseok asked, pulling you back. "I'm going towards our seats?" You said questionable. "What else?"
Hoseok pulled you with him and onto the stairs. "Hoseok-" You said, looking at him in disbelieve while he pulled you with him up the stairs. "My princess only deserves the best." He said, kissing the top of your head before walking further through the hall on the second floor.
He opened a door with Hoseok's name written on and just like in every opera house there was your private balcony. "You really paid for all of this?!" You asked surprised while walking onto the small balcony, looking down at the podium a bit further. Hoseok went to stand behind you and held you as he admired the opera house with you.
You really were surprised at how he managed to pay for this. After leaving the mafia you of course also had to leave all the money behind. Mafia wasn't really legal so the money went towards the government who would do it's thing with it. You were already shocked at him Hoseok managed to buy the villa in Italy you were currently living in and now these expensive opera tickets?
"My job pays quite well Y/n. I think you sometimes underestimate my job as a secret agent love." He said, kissing your nape before letting go of you and sitting down in one of the chairs. "Come sit with me love." You went to sit down and as if on clue the lights dimmed and the show started.
"This was so good Hoseok! I loved it so much!" You said enthusiastically. The whole car it back home you couldn't stop talking about everything that evening. From the beautiful building to the lovely voice of the sopranos. He felt like he just took a little girl towards Disneyland, mesmerised by the many fairytales around her. That's how it felt with you right now. "Cute..." He mumbled as he opened the door for you.
Once you walked inside you saw something you didn't expected. The floor was covered with rose petals and on every closet or chair were cadges lighting the way towards the living room. You turned around towards Hoseok in shock. "Did- Did you do all this?" You asked him and he gave you a bright smile nodding. "I hope you like it." He said and you nodded. "Are you kidding?! I love it! Hope... You're so sweet." You said, a tear leaving your eyes.
Hoseok wrapped you in your arms letting out a soft chuckle. "Oh baby, don't cry now." He wipes the tear away that fell out of your eye. "This is supposed to be a happy day." He told you. You smiled through your tears. "It's just that- You're just so sweet Hobi, you're amazing and so kind and caring towards me. I can't help it." You said.
Hoseok softly kissed your lips. "It's alright love. I like doing cute and sweet stuff for you. Seeing you happy makes me happy. You know that. The only thing I want is for you to feel loved." He said. He turned you around, holding your hand. "Now go walk a bit further. I got another surprise for you." You gave him a questionable look before walking further.
"T-Taehyung?!" You run towards him and unfolded him into a tight hug. "You're here. You're really here!" When you left Korea Taehyung didn't. He decided to stay, going back to his family and live there for a while, while he would try finding a new job. You thought you would never see him again and here he was, right in your arms.
"Did you set this all up?!" You asked, pulling away from your arms. The boy laughed and nodded. "How did you manage to do all this?" You asked, looking around the room. There were red, pink and white balloons hanging at the ceiling, small red paper hearts were covering the curtains and of course the many candles and rose petals all over the place. "Thank you so much for this. Both of you. This is so cute." You said, your hands on your chest as you looked at the two boys and the work they pulled off.
"Oh, where are my manners." You said, fanning your head. "Sit down Tae! It's been so long. I wanna talk and know everything that happen with you while I was gone. You want something to drink?"
Taehyung laughed and stopped you. "It's alright Y/n. You don't need to do all this." He gave you a sweet smile. "Besides, this evening is supposed to be only you and Hoseok. I stay here for two weeks so enough time to talk later. You go and enjoy your night with your manz." Taehyung said, raising his eyebrows and taking his jacket off of the couch. "I'll leave you alone now. Have a great night guys!" He said, winking and smirking at you as he passed by. "See you tomorrow!"
You laughed as he left the place. "Aish that little-" You said as you watched him leave. Hoseok stood behind you again to hug you. He loved giving back hug's a lot lately. Even while you were sleeping he would always spoon you. "Baby?" Hoseok called out your name while he placed his head on your shoulder. "Let's do what Taehyung said and make this night ours." Hoseok said. "And how are you planning to do that Mister Jung?" You asked your boyfriend teasingly.
He took a deep breath. "I don't know yet Misses Jung." You turned around and looked at him in shock. In the past year he had never used his last name to address you until now. "Misses Jung?" He nodded and smiled taking a step backwards and suddenly going down on one knee. Your hands went to cover your mouth in chock. Was this real? Was he really just... proposing to you?
Hoseok pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it. "Y/n Lee, what would you think of becoming Misses Jung? Will you marry me?" He asked sweetly. He was smiling but you knew inside he was very nervous. So you didn't made him wait long and started nodding your head. "Yes, a thousand times yes. I would love to become your wife Hope." You said and Hoseok's smile widened even more as he stood up again and held you close, his lips meeting yours into a soft but passionate kiss. "You have no idea how happy you make me right now." He said, kissing you over and over again.
You were expected to get the ring around your finger but Hoseok just tossed the box onto the couch and picked you up bridle style. You gasped as he swept you from your feet quite literally. "Let's go celebrate this upstairs, shell we?" He asked and you giggled, caressing his cheek and nodding, kissing his lips as he carried you both upstairs towards your room.
"I love you Hope."
"I love you too, Y/n. My miss mafia."
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insufferablelust · 3 years
Naughty list. (ThrilledAu!Mgg x Reader)
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Warnings : Slight smut, Spanking, D/s themed ofc, The use of ‘sir’ & ‘daddy’, mention of edging, mention of overstimulation for future reference, sadist!mgg, condescending!dom, Marking, Its.. um Filthy as many of you already know. Please read at your own discretion.
Hello this is the christmas one shot i’ve promised, its 3 am rn and im so sorry i just done finishing this because things had been so chaotic. But i hope y’all enjoy and please wait up patiently for my next fics which will come in the next several days as promised.
PLEASE NOTE : This blurb sets inside my Thrilled Au, after the Bratty Rendezvous chapter which i have yet to upload, though i will upload it very soon. So basically this fic is the filler chapter and a teaser for the two upcoming chapters of thrilled! so i hope that makes sense and i hope y’all enjoy it. Happy holidays and Merry christmas! Take care, x D
He felt her before he even opens his eyes, a small smile threaten to quirk at the side of her lips in response to the feeling of small kisses all along his face down to his neck— the oh so warm familiar kisses by the love of his life.
“Matthew wake up.” Y/N whispered, giggling to herself as she felt him grunt below her at the feeling of her sinful lips nips and bites onto his skin, “It’s christmas morning, come on daddy.” She whispered once more, but this time doing it with grinding down where her bum was sat prettily atop of his crotch, just enough to make him wrap his hand around her neck.
“And just what do you think you’re doing?” His grip tighten a bit just then, as her eyes closed and a smile etched beautifully onto her lips. Matthew scoffed at her reaction before sitting up on the bed, bringing her up with him so he could lean against the headboard.
“J-just waking you..” Was all that she could manage, with shallow breaths and innocently batting her lashes up at him. “Oh, princess..” He murmured as he finally took in the sight of her.
She’s perched up beautifully on her lap, with her thigh high christmas themed socks, his sweater and a collar— a special one he had gifted her a few days prior, with the color red and his named engraved on the inside lining where nobody could see but she certainly could feel. On the outside, it might look like a normal choker necklace but they both know very well that that’s not the case. Its a symbol of him, latched onto her every second of the day— its their dynamic, its how they work.
“You look like a dream, little one..” He gasped, as she whines on his lap, a perfect little noise reserved only for him, making his hard on pressed oh so good against her bottom. “Dressed up for y-you!” Y/N exclaimed happily and slightly out of breath by the way Matthew’s grip just tightens and tightens— just like he was trying to squeeze the cuteness out of her.
God, you’re his, and his his his only.
“I know baby, so so pretty for me, being so so good.” He gave her cheek a pretty light slap, just to make her gasp and leave her sweet little mouth open slightly— all messy and beautiful. “Thank you daddy, just for you.” She smiled then, awaiting for his instruction just like how he likes it— or more importantly, just like how she craves it.
Matthew cocks his head to the side a little as he contemplates on what he’s going to do with her, it’s always like this with them— just wanting to do so many things, explore everything, explore each other’s limits, especially hers. Always hers, he thinks, whatever makes her happy.
So with a simple instruction he lessen the grip on her neck before pressing a small kiss on her forehead, “Go to our room now, and be on your position, daddy has to make some calls for our party this evening but you better be on your position by the time i get there or else.” He taps her cheeks twice, eyes pierced onto hers— as she nods a little, “yes daddy.”
“Go on.” She smiled before pressing a gentle peck to his lips, getting up and padded her tiny feet towards the door, “Oh and princess?”
“Yes daddy?”
“anything off but the socks and your collar.”
He’s doing this on purpose, your mean mean daddy is doing this on purpose— making you wait on your knees by the bench inside your dungeon, just waiting and waiting until you feel your knees beginning to fall asleep on you. But you tried your best to be presentable, just how daddy likes it.
Your body jumps a little when the sound of his footsteps rang through the room, sound of the door closing has your feet tingling and your cunt wet, oh he could definitely see the glisten gleam from it for sure.
“I thought you’d be well acquainted with my rules by now, pup.” He let out a disapproving sigh, which made your cheeks warmer and you instantly straighten your back, part your thigh a little and gulps— trying to remember what you did wrong this time.
“Ah ah, you know better than to speak without my permission in this room do you?” He scoffed, walking around the room just to tantalize you, sending shiver up your spine. “you were good this morning, so good that daddy had half the mind to make you cum but now i’m not so sure.” He adds, which earn a gasp from you, Oh how you wanted to cum, you want to cum so so bad, the last time you did was a week ago when you were still in Paris— but right after your little bratty rendezvous there was no way in hell, he’d let you cum, oh no no, kitten doesn’t deserve to cum until master says so.
You bit your lip in agony, trying to block the tears that were about to slip from your pretty eyes down your heated cheeks, just trying to do anything he asks— anything. You let out a gasp as he tilt your chin up, which he cooed at and sigh softly, whilst his thumb brush side to side on top of your lips.
“Look at your tears, baby. Do you think it’ll work? hm? you think because daddy’s little elf put on a show this morning, that daddy is going to let this slide?” He pouts condescendingly, watching as the tears finally dripped down your cheeks, oh he wanted to photograph this so bad, his little fairy.
“Go on, answer daddy.” He pats your cheek with his thumb as you tried to find the courage to speak, “I-I’m sorry d-daddy.. i.. please..” Matthew sighed softly, seeing the genuine regret behind your eyes has him reprimanding your punishment, daddy was a tamer, but he was and will always be fair— forgetfulness is a human mistake, besides it’s christmas, and he figured he needed to give you something from all the torture you’ve endured since Paris.
“Up, princess. Let daddy braid your hair.” He tugged her collar a little which earned a gasp from her, though it was a combination between the sensation on her neck and realization on what she did wrong, “Daddy i—“
“Shh, up.” He cuts you off before you could mutter an apology, or several apologies. You should’ve known better, if he told you to be on position, what he always meant is for you to be on your knees by the bench, with your hair untied specifically because he likes to braid you before play time, and today you’ve put your hair up, completely forgetting a clear important rule. Matthew helped you get on your shaky feet, as you trembled a little, whispering a small, “thank you daddy.” Before facing the bench, back toward him so he could process on your hair.
“Tell daddy why he’s punishing you tonight.” He hummed behind her, fingers expertly tangle and untangle through her hair, looping each side to the center as he formed a perfect braid from the top of her hair and making his way down. “Because i forgot daddy’s rule.” You muttered shakily, voice laced with regrets at yourself for disappointing daddy.
“Which rule is it, pup?” His voice seemed so close now, she could practically feel his warm breath against her skin that she zoned out for a moment before a tug on her hair brought her back, “I— i didn’t untie my hair, sir.”
“Why is it important?”
“Because daddy needs to braid my hair, and.. and it teaches me to.. remembers daddy’s rules.” You finished with a sigh, before feeling a soft kiss placed on top of your shoulder blades, “10 with my hands. Go and bend over the bench, bunny.”
Y/N braced herself as she felt the stinging, heated sensation smacked across her bottom, making her grip tighten onto the railing bench and her body shakes a little. “F-Five, thank y-you daddy.”
“Color?” Matthew pressed his palm against her stinging skin as he try to soothe the aching pain a bit, it’s true that they both love this— loves the thrill, the pain, and the overall pleasure that comes from this. However, Matthew would never enjoy hurting his bunny without any context, or out of proportion, it might look like he has all the control but they both knows well that she has all the control, if she wants to stop, she knows what she needed to say.
“G-Green sir please.” Oh how he loves the way her voice croaked underneath him, the way she arched her back toward him— as if asking for more, ready for more just as she deserve, as she behaved. So he delivered then, 3 slaps in a row as she cries out between each milliseconds, and sobs out the thank you’s and pleas.
“just two more now, y’think you can take it, petal?” Matthews hand crept up to where your collar snuggly wrapped around your neck, thumbing the soft leather as he makes sure you’re still okay which you confirmed by a ‘yes daddy, please continue’
The last two slaps were unexpected, catching her off guard as it landed way way below where her cunt drips dewy sweet honey, and where her by now— swollen little pearl sits, making her jumps and scream out in a blissed pleasure. “Fuck! oh! nine ten! daddy thank you!”
“Shh shh, come here, good girl.” Matthew gently helped her stand before picking her up bridal style and sit down onto the bed which was installed on their room, his lips were pressed tightly onto her forehead as he soothes her aching skin and mumble calming words. “It’s okay, ‘s all over, such a good girl, little one.”
“Yes angel?”
“Do i deserve to cum now?”
“Oh petal, you will be begging to stop cumming later, just you wait.”
EXCUSE MY GRAMMARS AND TYPOS, my laptop is not accessible right now so i have to use my phone to write and upload so please bear with me. Thank you, i love you and take care.
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archiepudding · 3 years
Confession | Dom!Dabi x Reader [Part 1]
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Pairing: Dom!Dabi x Fem!Reader (Minors do not interact!)
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut, chocking, slapping, quirk play, sadism, panic attacks, assault, dubcon
Notes: Your quirk is telepathy. Anything written in ‘bold and italic’ is the character’s thoughts. [Not necessarily all from the quirk]
Smut section will be in the second part.
Summary: Following one of your shifts at the bar, you end up facing a little trouble. Who knew Dabi was the sentimental type.
Part. 2
11:23 PM                 27th April
You weaved in and out of the mindless bodies dancing, sweat lingering with the humidity of the club. Empty glasses and bottles were strung all over the tables, you collected as many as possible and balanced them on a tray. You emerged back behind the bar, the glasses being placed on the counter ready to be put through the wash. You look to your left to find Naomi, one of your collegues, flirting with one of the customers. She was always the center of attention, not that I could say I minded. 
“Another round of beer for booth 4" You hear from behind you. You look back at Naomi who was completely unfazed by what your boss had just called out to you. 
"I'll cover it!" You sighed, and wiped down the tray, setting down the drinks. You stopped at the booth and placed down the items carefully. Under the low light, you could make out the group of four men around their mid to late forties. However, the one that stood out to you the most was the bald man nearest to you. There wasn't anything special about him, it must have been the way the light bounce of his hairless head, you thought until you noticed the way he smirked made him seem like an asshole. Counting by the number of glasses they had on their table, you noticed they should have been cut off hours ago. You leant across the table to collect a few of the empty glasses, as the bald man's gaze followed you, locking onto you breasts.
"Have I got something on my chest... sir?" You clench your teeth in frustration on your final word.
"Yeah... my eyes" His comment was followed with a wink. You purse your lips and clench your jaw, in attempt to brush off his comment. 
‘The things I’d love to do to that sweet body of yours. God, I think I’m getting hard just thinking about it!’
You would have thought that these things wouldn't get to you by now, but they still make your skin crawl. You straighten yourself up and walk away with the tray half full. 
‘I do not get paid enough for this shit!’ you think to yourself.
You went back behind the bar, your tray thrown down, empty bottles scattered the side. "What did those glasses ever do to you, you OK?" Naomi walked over to you, a bottle top being played with in her hands.
"Yeah, just one of those nights I think. Nothing that I can't handle, though" You smiled bleakly at her, she didn’t buy it. 
“Look, Y/N - “
"Can I get a gin and tonic and a shot of vodka?" A voice echoed behind you. You muster up a bright smile, or what is known as your 'customer service face' and turn face them. Your face dropped as soon as you realised who it was. 
“What are you doing here, Dabi?”  Dabi was lent on the bar, sweat fell from his forehead. He rolled his eyes before taking out his wallet.
 "I’m here for a drink, what does it look like?" You bit the inside of your lip, holding your tongue. 
“There are thousands of bars, couldn’t you go to one of them?”
“And miss watching you follow my orders? Now why would I do that?” His lips pulled into a smirk. “Why you even working in this shit hole, anyway?” He shouts as you prepared his drinks. 
"I've got to pay the bills some how. Not like I can live the ‘criminal life’ with telepathy and my quirk certainly isn’t up to par with putting someone like you in jail. So both villain and hero are off the list" Your voice was spitting with pettiness as you exchanged his drinks for cash.
“I mean you could steal people’s pin codes...” You weren’t sure if he was trying to give you genuine advice or rub in your lack of ability. Your face contorted into an irritated expression, as you resume cleaning the bar. 
“Haha. Very funny, nice to see you still think you have that comedic charm!” Your sarcasm didn’t go unnoticed. He lets out a breath of a laugh, it would have been audiable hadn’t it been for the music. "You look like you could use a break" He turns and hints towards the crowd of people dancing.
"Depends what I'm taking a break from... society, work... you? Either one would be preferable right now." 
Dabi shakes his head in amusement. "And you’ve clearly still got your sense of humor."
You rolled your eyes. "I'm glad to be of service." You spit as your eyes narrowed. A smile beamed across Dabi’s face before he grabbed his drinks and started off into the crowd. Just as you thought you would finally get some peace, you hear a faint yell coming from the dance floor.
"Hey, Y/N! I’ll meet you after work!" Dabi’s turquoise eyes met yours, as you turned around, a feeble attempt to mask your smile. You didn't reply to his comment as you simply gave him the middle finger. You guys got on in small doses and he wasn't a bad guy, aside from the obvious reasons that he was a high level villain. He definitely knew which buttons to push, especially when it came to you. You went back to your normal routine for the rest of your shift. 
02:33 AM                       28th April
The night had a chill in the air which hit you as you began to lock the doors of the club. You threw your bag over your shoulder, the strap pulled down on you (h/c) hair. As you walked under the moonlight you rememberd how this was the only thing that made your job worth it. Finishing during the early hours of the morning the streets were always silent. Your thoughts could run wild without the imposing mutter of people on the street. You were a few blocks from your apartment when you heard the slight chatter of voices.
“She would be lucky to be with such a man, the whore!”
You noticed it was the same men who oogled at your tits earlier that night. Great, you thought. You averted your eyes to the floor, hoping that they would just let you walk past. The smell of putrid, day old sweat mixed with stale beer and a trail of burnt tabacco.
“Hey, sweetie. You got a light!” 
“No, sorry. Goodnight.” 
“Oh, shit. You’re that waitress from the bar.”
“Why don’t you join us for a good night, sweet heart!” His friend chirped in, his voice almost as sleazy as the first.
“Creepy old men aren’t my type...”
“No need to get nasty, doll. I can show you a real good time” The way his words slid off his tongue repulsed you.
‘I’d fuck the shit outta her!’
Your face creased in disgust at his thoughts “I seriously doubt that!” His eyebrow raised as he seemed to get turned on by your aggressive replies. You caught on “Ew, no! Screw you, old man!” The first slap shocked you as you held you cheek, a small trickle of blood ran down your face from where his ring caught you. You were led by your hair, almost thrown into the alleyway. Your chest moved up and down rapidly as you you realised the danger you were currently in. You shifted your weight as you dodged his attack, his punch nearly coming into contact with your jaw, but your victory was short lived as his other hand caught you square in the ribs. You dropped to the floor as the violence continued in your weak state. A swift kick came into contact with your abdomen as your breath hitched in your throat. You blocked the next one with your arms, as you attempted to get on your feet. Everything was a blur, you could barely see, let alone defend yourself. At this point adrelalin was the only thing keeping you conscious as each blow sent pain searing through your body. His hand grazed your scalp as he pulled your hair, directing your face to his.
“Such a pretty face, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it...” A blade was pressed against your skin, it reflected in the moonlight. Your hands trembled as you tried to push him away with the last bit of your strength. You couldn’t scream. You were fighting with every inch of your life, but you felt hopeless. You were too weak. Your arms felt as though there were cement blocks attatched to them, rendering you powerless as you tried to fight back. You were already on your knees. Despite the shit you had endured, you didn’t want to die. “Please...” His figure didn’t stand that much taller than you but you had never felt so small in comparison. Darkness consumed you, the coldness of the night clung to your skin as you could barly keep your eyes open.
“Get your hands off of her. NOW.” Your attention shifted, as you are dropped onto the dark pavement below. 
“Oh who’s this? Mr big shot I see. You think you’re going to get brownie points for being the knight in shining armor?” One of them yelled.
“Keep talking, you bastard. It’s going to make this a lot more fun!” The figure moved under the street light. He wasn’t sure what had taken over him, but in the moment he couldn’t bare seeing you like this.
A strange smell took over your notrils as blue light illuminated the darkness. It was nothing like you’d ever experience before. The smell of burning flesh almost made you sick. You watched as your fellow friend emitted blue flames throughout the alley way, his heat radiated higher and higher with each step. Hairs on your neck stood on end as the men’s screams filled the quiet streets. They flaied their arms around, as they moved them to their face as though they could shield themselves from the battle against the flames. As the flames englufed them, you could hear the sound of them sizzling as though they were meat on a barbeque. You laid there as you watched their clothes melt onto their skin, before their bodies dropped to the ground, their voices fell silent.
A strong arm wrapped around you, your head rested on his chest. “I told you to meet me after work. Why do you never listen.” his voice sounded distant as you chose not to argue.
“Dabi? Where are we... going?” 
“I’m taking you to my apartment.”
“No, just put me down... I’ll be... fine” He doesn’t even bother to give you a reply. He knows you are in no fit state to go home on your own. Your eyes begin to fog over before everything went dark.
03:58 AM                     28th April
You opened your eyes, your head pounded against your skull. Pain coursed through you as you rolled your shoulder forward.
“Ahh, she’s awake.” 
“What time is it?”
“I think 4 A.M, you haven’t been down long. What do you remember?”
“ I rememeber getting out from work, getting jumped by some assholes and then...” You buried your face into your palms, trying to hide from Dabi’s gaze.
“Then what?”
“You killed them...”
“Ahh that’s good. Here, why don’t we try again and see if you can put even more disgust in your voice!” His voice spared you no sympathy.
“What do you expect, Dabi. You didn’t just killed them. I heard their screams as you burnt them to death!” you screamed back, your arms flaied in the air.
“Well things never go acording to plan, huh?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What ever you make of it, princess”
“No. I want you to explain!” You demanded.
“You were supposed to meet me after work, Y/N. If you had just waited this would of never of happened!”
“Oh, so I’m to blame for this? Wow, way to make me feel even shitter tonight, Dabi!” Your eyes narrowed.
“You’re such an ungrateful bitch! I put my neck out to save you tonight! I should of just carried on walking!”
You wished in that moment you could just switch off your emotions. His body became distorted as your vision was being consumed by tears. No. You refused to let him get to you like this. You sat up from the sofa, your tone cold.
“Maybe you should of.” Even through your attempts of concealment, you both could tell that it sounded more pained than anything.
He paused before he chose to speak. A sigh breaking his lips. “I shouldn’t of said that. Look, I put a shirt on the bed for you in my room. You’ve got blood all over, why don’t you go get a shower and we can talk about this after?”
You removed your clothes before setting them on the radiator. The bathroom wasn’t very big. As you moved from the door, the toilet was on your right, a white sink and basen opposite. A cabinet was above the sink, mirrors attatched to the doors. The aroma of burnt wood combined with a fruity smell of body wash accosted your senses. As you climbed into the shower, your body immediatly felt soothed, your muscles reducing their need to spasm. You could already feel the tension lifting slightly as you closed your eyes, the water running over you. Tears rolled down your cheek, the water from the shower masking them as you rest your head on the wall next to you. The warmth carressed your skin as you felt safe enough to let your emotions escape. You huddled your knees to your chest as you momentarily flashed back to being in the cold, dark alley. You scrubbed your body as you rememeber where the man had touched you, you almost caused your skin to bleed as you tried to wash away the disgust you felt. Small experations of pain escaped your lips as you tried to supress them, but once you started you began to release an unbroken stream of tears. 
A small knock, hit the door.
“Y/N, are you ok?”
“I’ll be out in a minute!” You tried to keep the acid from your tone, but you weren’t sure you were able to censor yourself anymore that night. 
You opened the doorway to the main room, Dabi couldn’t help but stare. The way that his shirt fell over your curves, he loved it. His eyes trailed over your breasts, not long falling to your slender waist. He had noticed the way you damp skin glistened under the his apartment lights.
‘I’ve never seen that shirt look so good before. URG! Wait can you hear me? Blink 5 times if you can. Wait, why would you let me know you’re in my head. Shit. Erm, think of something funny..... DAMN! Where is Twice when you need him?’
 “Hey, Y/N, you want to watch a movie? I made you a hot chocolate as well.”
“Is that an apology?” 
“Don’t push it.”
You enjoy his discomfort as he shifted his weight between his feet. You had almost forgot that Dabi had a soft side. Not many people were shown it, and you felt blessed to be one of them. Underneath, he really did have a nice personality, sometimes it borderlined charming. You took the mug from his hand, your fingers brushed over one anothers during the exchange. Dabi felt his pupils dilate as a grin soon spread across his face.
“What are we? Five?” Your thighs burnt as you charged to the sofa, claiming the middle seat as your own. 
You and Dabi were sat on his sofa, the space between you basically non-existant. You were trying your best to maintain your composure, but you kept shaking, it was part of the reason you actually hated visiting Dabi’s apartment. It was as though he had never heard of the word heating before, which is kind of ironic. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see you curled into a ball, your body twitching every so often.
“You cold? Or in pain?” He glanced over to you and then the blanket over in the corner.
“A little of both...” You replied sheepishly. You breathed a sigh of relief as Dabi got up and placed the blanket over you, his body closer now. You found yourself snuggled into his chest as his arm rested on your shoulder, pulling you into him. You suddenly couldn’t concentrate on anything but the sound of your heart jumping out of your chest, you were tempted to use your quirk, to see what he was thinking but you didn’t want to invade his privacy. You hadn’t noticed before but the way the TV light illuminated his face, he looked quite beautiful, his expression somber. It was quite different from how you saw him most days, even though you didn’t agree with what happened tonight, you started to feel guilty for the way you spoke to him earlier, however, before you realised that you were staring, Dabi’s eyes burned into yours, your eyes widening with embarrassment. 
“Why are you staring?”
“I wasn’t!”
“I literally just caught you, Y/N. Don’t try and bull shit me!” Your bodies moved slightly apart, you now faced one another. 
“Sorry, I...erm. I just wanted to apologise for what I said earlier. You were just trying to help and I acted like a bitch. What I should have said was ‘Thank you’.” After your apology, you both sat there, both averting eye contact. You couldn’t help but cringe at your own words, you can’t believed you just admitted you were wrong to Dabi - of all people. 
 “Took you long enough!” Dabi doesn’t miss a second before he replied. Your fist collided with his shoulder, pain reminded you off what you had experience earlier that morning.
“Ow. Shit. God, you’re such an ass. I can’t believe I just apologised to you! I take it back.” 
“Oh no, you can’t you’ve said it now. You can’t take it back. Tough luck, princess.” he taunted as he closed to small gap between you. His breath hit your face, as you glanced at his lips. You pulled him by the top of his shirt as he leant into you, your mouths begged to be with one another. The kiss was soft in the beggining, it quickly being changed to a deep one. Your moved your hands from his shirt to his neck, forcing him towards you. Dabi obliged, as his body pinned you against his sofa. Your hands crept along his waist as you pulled him onto you, your legs wrapping around him. You winced in pain as his arm brushed over your ribs. He pulled back from you, his hand removed from under your top.
“Are you ok? Do you want to stop?” 
Your cheeks glowed red as you slowly pushed yourself out from underneath him, your arms clicked under the pressure.
“I think that’s probably best...” Although he said nothing, you could tell he was disappointed. You were so embarrassed. 
“I think I should get going anyway. I’ll just go get my things.” Your voice chocked you in your throat, you felt like such an idiot.
“Don’t be awkward, Y/N. I’ll sleep on the couch. You can have my room. I’m not going to make you walk to your apartment after what happened tonight.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind, honestly.” 
“No, it’s fine. I’ve slept in worse places, trust me.”
You both sat there, the silence killing you both.  You decided to drop it and chose to accept his offer, not wanting to get into another disagreement. You were certainly more of a hot head and after tonight your fuse was even shorter. “Ok, well I should get some rest.”
“I’ll see you in the morning.”
You took a deep breath and smiled to his reply. You made your way into his room before you sinked into his sheets, tiredness taking over. 
03:15 PM                     28th April
Dabi woke up, the afternoon light filling his apartment. He groaned as he rolled off the sofa, cracking his back from his uncomfortable night sleep. Dabi entered his kitchen, and thought after the night you had he would at least try and make today go a little smoother for you. The door to his bedroom creaked open as he walked in with a plate full of pancakes, a few peices of bacon on the side. Not long after he entered, he slammed the plate on bedside counter. His bed looked almost untouched, hadn’t it been for the screwed up blanket thrown over the top, he wasn’t even sure you had stayed. The room felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, he had never noticed how empty it had felt until that moment, but he wasn’t sure why he felt this way. It’s not like he was used to you being there. He returned to the sofa, scanning every inch until he found his phone, your contact hovered under his thumb. He called you, it immediatly going to voicemail, his voice wavered as he left a message.
“Hey, Y/N.  Look, I’m sorry about what happened last night. I didn’t mean to make it awkward between us. If you can just give me a call back, when you can.”
As he remained in his apartment close to his phone, he waited for your reply, only to find it never came.
Part 2
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jasonscaramel · 4 years
Positions - The Mandalorian
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Din Djarin x unnamed female reader (credit to gif maker up there I just work here)
warnings include: i was inspired by ariana grande’s new album, i also haven’t written in forever (much less for din—that’s never), 2.9k words, heterosexual sex, slight cockwarming, slight dom!din (but that’s all you’ll ever get from me)
author’s note before we get started: i have more of these planned so if you’re interested in being tagged let me know! also it has been forever since I've written so if you like it pls let me know
Being a multi-faceted human being isn’t that difficult, especially growing up in the middle of an endless galaxy. You were taught many valuable lessons growing up: cooking, farming, smuggling, hand to hand combat—the necessities to keep you alive. So upon your first ever meeting with a Mandalorian, it was no shock that he deemed you useful almost straight away.
Growing up with defected Imperial parents, the intelligence training you received from your paranoid parents was better than the Empire could offer. You were sneaky, sly, and downright deceptive when you needed to be. Talking a bounty into walking straight into their death was easy, as was putting them down yourself if you needed to.
You’re also a damn good babysitter. And kids love you.
All around, it was a no brainer for Din—after promising you passage to a nearby planet that ended up being a six month journey—to keep you on board. You were all attached to each other at that point, especially the kid. He found maternal energy quite soothing, and even if you weren’t his mother, it seemed as though having a woman to counteract all the Boy going on eased the little one’s mind.
So now you’re here, the kid strapped to your chest and Din by your side, the only thing in your way of the Razor Crest is the man holding a knife to your throat. He’s trying, and failing, to get ahold of the kid in the process. Din pulls out his blaster in a move to protect the both of you, and the knife shoves further in your neck.
“Come any closer and they’re dead!” The man shouts in your ear, and a squeal comes from the makeshift baby carrier on your chest. You look at Din, hoping desperately he’s making eye contact with you. You give him a single nod, then stomp on the man’s foot as hard as you can, moving to grab the knife from your pocket. The blade at your throat is piercing, but you ignore it to stab the knife into the man’s thigh. He finally pulls away in agony as you rip it out, only to shove it into his throat seconds later. He hits the ground with a thump, choking on blood, and the kid lets out a relieved huff.
“Let’s go, it’s freezing,” you say as your teeth chatter, wrapping your arms the kid and snuggling for dear life. You can feel the sticky warm blood trickling ever so slowly down your neck, but the wound doesn’t hurt.
Upon entering the Razor Crest and shutting the hatch, Din turns his attention to you. “Does it hurt?”
You give a slight chuckle, shaking your head. “It’s fine, Din. You get us in hyperspace, I’ll put the kid to bed and get cleaned up.” You left no room for arguments as you made your way over to the baby’s pram and began unraveling him from your chest. You noticed Din hadn’t moved yet, but you didn’t really mind. He’s very protective of his son, so it doesn’t affect you to have him watch you coddle the kid, coo at him and sing him to sleep, if only it puts Din’s mind a little more at ease. With the lives you live, it’s hard for either of you to have trust in anyone. The only way is to prove yourself, and you intend to do it every day. Maybe for a little more than trust, but hey, you’re not complaining having Din stare at you all the time.
By the time the kid is ready to lay down, the ship is up and beginning its course. You shut the little guy in on himself so nothing bothers him and head to the refresher. Looking in the mirror, you have a sizable cut on your throat, but it’s only surface damage. You wipe off the blood, put on the first antiseptic you can find and head out. Apart from that little scuffle, your day had been relatively uneventful. You stopped on this planet to get groceries and fuel, for maker’s sake.
Settling into the co-pilot’s seat, you turn to look at Din and find him already facing you. You give him a soft smile, reaching over and giving him three light taps on the beskar on his thigh. It was something you always did; it always comforted him, even though he never really knew what you meant by it. “You alright?” He sounds genuinely worried, and you imagine if you could see his face his brows would be furrowed in the cutest expression.
“Definitely,” you reassure him, lifting your head to expose the cut a bit more. “It’s superficial, no harm done.” You drop your head to give him a bigger smile for added convincing. “What’s on your mind?” You know he’s concerned, but there’s something else underneath it. There always has been something else with you two. It lies beneath every conversation, making its way in through comfortable silences and soft touches. It pulls at your heartstrings at the oddest of moments, like when he’s cleaning up spit up with his cape or gazing out at the stars in hyperspace when he thinks you’re not there.
“I just don’t like to see you hurt, is all. But you handle yourself well, so it’s hard to worry for too long.” You hear his tone get lighter as he finishes his short explanation, giving you a slight chuckle when he’s finished. You return it easily.
“Please, you have nothing to worry about. As long as I have you as back up, I can do anything.” It started as a simple sentence, but the longer your silence sat the deeper the meaning became. Neither of you broke the spell, just stared at the general direction of each other’s faces and hoping you were making eye contact. It made you giggle, and when he cocked his head to the side, you just shook yours.
“Well, I wa-“ Din was interrupted by a beep on your wrist, indicating the child had been moving around. You turned on the speaker and gave him soft reassurances and cooed a small lullaby.
You didn’t hear anything after that, so you returned your attention back to him. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?” You pulled your sleeve over the watch to show you were giving your undivided attention.
The words that come out of his mouth are so quiet you hardly hear them. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
A smile breaks out on your face, tears unwillingly welling in your eyes. “Me too, Din. Me too. I-“ You stopped yourself immediately. What were you going to say? Maker, you could think of a dozen. I love you. I want to touch you. I want to sit in your lap and feel safe.
You’re glad to hear the child crying from the speaker on your wrist.
It had been two months since your almost-talk with your favorite Mando. Since then, Din has parked on the edge of a rainy planet, leaving you and the child for the past week. Easy enough job, watching the ship and the kid, albeit incredibly boring. By day two you were considering what card games the child would understand. By day five, you took to cleaning the entire ship.
Din came back on day eight, the day where you decided to fix up whatever you could laying around. Granted, you’re not a mechanic, but you’ve hot wired enough ships in your day to know a thing or two. It’s basic things at first, fixing loose wires and buttons, tightening bolts. After poking around for long enough, you think you find a decent enough project in fixing the nest of wiring in the cockpit, so you get to work.
It’s not much more than busy work, so when the child started crying you let him sit in your lap and help you work. After doing more harm than good for a solid half hour, you began to try to teach him the task at hand. He couldn’t grasp the entire idea of what you were doing, but he was doing a great job at handing you the wires you needed.
It was a while before you heard the ship make it’s familiar noises as Din came onboard. You heard the bounty pleading, the whoosh of the carbonite, but you didn’t hear his footsteps come closer so you continued your task. The child was beginning to have enough, you could tell he was getting tired, but knowing Din was here you wanted to keep him up as long as possible. Give Din more of a break after working so hard.
“Hand me the blue one,” you paused, watching the child’s little hand reach for the wrong wire. “You don’t know colors, do you?” Sighing, you moved his hand a little to the left to put him back on course. “That’s blue.” He made a noise in acknowledgment, handing you the wire to clip underneath the control panel.
You heard Din finally making his way up as the child handed you another wire. “Red! Thanks, buddy.” He gave you a small, sweet sound before turning to look at Din. You followed suit, looking up from your seat on the floor. The child wrestled his way out of your arms, waddling over to his father and lifting his arms. Din picked him up, holding him tight and rocking back and forth slightly to soothe him. It was the cutest thing you’d ever seen, and you don’t even think he realized he was doing it.
“How’d it go? You alright?” You asked Din as you rose from the floor, dusting your hands on your pants. Giving him a once over, you don’t see any blood leaking from anywhere, so that’s a good sign.
“I’m fine, he just wasn’t that easy to track down.” Din kept his eyes on the little one, watching as his eyes drifted open and shut. He was fighting sleep, but Din could always get him to knock out quick.
“If you want to go put him down and get dried off, I’ll get us going to our next destination.” You could hear the rain beating down on the Razor Crest, so there’s no telling how much water snuck it’s way between skin and beskar. He gave you a gentle nod, turning and making his way down to the refresher. The baby’s pram was next to his cot, so he could do everything in one place.
As the ship began its kick into hyperspace, you heard Din’s heavy footsteps make their way closer to you. Turning on auto-pilot, you jump over to the co-pilot seat to give Din his back. When he sits, he double checks the coordinates, and once he realizes you’ve done it all right, he slumps into his chair. You reach over, tapping three times on his thigh.
“I can take care of this if you want to sleep,” your voice was soft, imagining him dozing off like the child was earlier under that helmet.
He tensed, shaking his head without looking at you. “I’m not tired.” His fingers twitched, reaching for a lever and gripping it hard. Reading him was always incredibly difficult, but the more you’re around him the more he lets out his emotions in physical cues. He seems frustrated, restless, was the bounty that bad?
“Then what can I do to help? You seem... tense.” The sharp intake of air was audible through the helmet, so you followed your gut and placed your hand on his thigh.
“Cyar’ika...” his voice trails off, as tense as his body. He’d never called you anything but your name, especially not something this soft, and you found yourself moving to situate on your knees, in between Din’s. Looking up at him, you could see the beskar of his chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. You ran your hands up and down his thighs, gazing up into—what you hoped were—his eyes.
“Is this okay?”
He cleared his throat, nodding his head. “More than.” After you hear those beautiful, consenting words, you immediately get to work. You reach for the waistband of everything you could get your hands around and pull. Luckily, Din helps you and before you know it his pants around his ankles and his cock is right at eye level. You take a moment, eyes widening once you finally realize where you’re trying to fit that thing. Din shifts in his seat with nervous energy, and you remember he can actually see you, so you continue. Soft kisses up and down his thighs, the occasional bite soothed with your tongue, all while pumping him with your spit slicked hand. Making your way back up his thighs, you kiss up his balls and shaft, giving the tip a kitten lick before you take him in your mouth. The groan that emanates from the helmet drives you further, doing your best to get used to his size. You moan when he finally hits the back of your throat, and Din grabs your hair with a growl.
“I need—I want...” Din stops, panting, desperately trying to pull you off his dick by your hair. You comply, jerking him softly while looking up at him.
“Tell me what you want and it’s yours. Don’t hold back.” Your voice comes out raspier than normal, and you feel Din’s cock twitch in your palm.
“I need to fuck you.” You could feel his need even through the vocoder, so you let go of his cock and—after removing your clothing from the waist down, wearing nothing but a tunic—moved to sit on his lap. Din grabbed you by your hips, pulling you close and hovering over right where he wanted to. Slowly, fingertips digging deliciously into your skin, he guides you onto the tip of his cock. You share a moan as he stretches you, slowly but surely, as you feel like you’re going to split in half.
“Kriff, Din,” you whine, finally seating your hips against his. He runs his gloved hands up and down your sides in an attempt to soothe before resuming their iron grip on your hips. “You’re huge.” You smile when you hear a deep, gritty chuckle through his helmet, and once you feel his guiding pressure on your hips, you finally begin moving.
It’s slow at first; your hands doing all the touching as you got used to one another’s bodies. As Din got more comfortable, he began thrusting into you, taking over your pace and morphing it into something faster, yet equally close. He pulls you so close your chest is tight against his, your head moving to bury itself in his neck. As his pace grew, your hands gripped onto his shoulders, holding on for dear life.
It was the best sensation you’d ever felt in your life. The stretch was just enough for an extra sense of pleasure, and the way he kept hitting your g-spot on the way out had you seeing stars. You press your lips against the tiniest bit of skin you can find, your fingers desperately trying to find purchase on his shoulders.
“Maker, Din, please.” You didn’t even know what you were begging for—it sounded like your voice came from far away, like it wasn’t you. He felt so good and strong and sturdy and his soft grunts and groans were filling your ears solely to heighten your pleasure. Everything about him made you want to never let go, keep him just like this forever.
“You going to cum for me, cyar’ika?” His tone is playful as his thrusts get rougher and out of rhythm. You know you won’t last long and neither will he.
“Need it, Din. Please.” Your sobs of pleasure are almost drowned out by the beskar on his shoulder, but he hears you—he always does. His left hand leaves your hip and trails down to where the two of you meet. He traces his fingers over your pussy, and where it meets his cock, then moves to your clit and begins his wonderful torture.
You’re so close, and he’s so good, rubbing your clit just right while his cock splits you open. You hear him breathe your name from under the helmet, followed by a string of curses you can’t begin to comprehend, and you let go, squeezing tight around him as your thighs shake. Din thrusts once, twice more before he’s buried as deep as he possibly can be and comes inside of you. The warmth inside of you makes you shiver with the contrast of the coldness of the cockpit.
The both of you are out of breath, holding onto each other tightly as you try to regain your bearings. His hands reach around you, encompassing your body in a hug as he runs his hands up and down your back. Upon realizing your legs are still shaking, he moves his soothing motions to your thighs.
“You’re amazing.” Mumbling into his neck, you grab at one of his hands and hold on for dear life. “I don’t wanna move.”
“Did I wear you out that well?” Despite the vocoder, you could hear the smile in Din’s voice. You share a laugh, and upon mellowing out, you give his hand three little squeezes. “Alright, cyar’ika, just a little bit longer.”
His gaze stays on the streams of stars as he holds your hand, rubs your back, and whispers sweet nothings in your ear. A little bit longer with you could never hurt.
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Pool Party
Pairing: Reader/Harry Styles
Rating: R, text book smut
Word Count: 5k 😳
Warnings: Slight sub/dom tones I guess? & alcohol consumption
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A/N: Sorry this is late, life somewhat resuming here in the UK so it means I’m back at my job. I managed to fall asleep mid edit folks 😳, this is my entry for the @helladirections Summer Feeling Fic Challenge, with the prompt “pool party” click the link for the masterlist. I’m still writing two more, one for @berrynarrybanana ‘s Sex Bucketlist Challenge but it’s turning out to be a 20k slow burn I wasn’t expecting 😬.Oops. But enjoy this one, I’m proud of her. My one other blatant thirst fic can be found here. Reblogs get free gratitude for the next 5 years 🍉💕
You'd been friends with Jeff since your teens, when his parents (despite their wealth), wanted him to get a job at the restaurant you worked at. In their rightful thinking, they wanted him to learn you had to work from the ground up.
Despite your clearly different class background you found a ton of common interests making the whole thing immaterial. He was a caring, down to earth guy and you were both people who really enjoyed sarcastically taunting each other every shift. You'd got used to visiting his house in the hills even though you'd been scared to get lost at first around his parents large house. Becoming solid friends quickly, you'd managed to keep in touch, as much as adult life would now allow anyway.
You knew his main role was managing a pop star but you'd not caught up in a minute and when you did, you kept your job chat out of the conversation where you could. This is why, as you barge through the kitchen, to the pool outside, you're shocked to nearly knock a stunned Harry Styles onto his behind.
"Fuck, shit I'm so sorry" you clutch your chest looking at the red wine on his tank top and his now empty glass. The soiled garment was tucked into some dressy shorts and partly covered by a loud hawaiian patterned shirt. Oh god what had you done?
You were quite honestly mortified. You'd never actually met the man himself, usually meeting Jeff at his for a few drinks or at a restaurant. You'd heard him mentioned in stories about travelling or how his campaigns were running Jeff into the ground with meetings. So, although you weren't a massive fan of his per se, in the way you didn't ask Jeff for updates or info, the way you'd hope you'd meet the attractive pop star was definitely not this.
He looked down at the offending stain then back up into your eyes, keeping his head angled down and blinking through his lashes. You couldn't read his blank expression and it put you on edge.
Maybe it was the heat trapped in the doorway, but as your eyes stayed locked you suddenly felt a fire spread from your navel up to your cheeks, and then from your center down to your toes. Your lower stomach clenched as you stared back at the guy covered in a good 2007 French rouge.
Fuck me he's pretty, you thought.
A rapid film reel of moments; sweaty bodies, those large biceps holding you against the nearest wall, smacking of lips against skin and moans of release flashed in your brain.
It had definitely been a while since you had got laid in your defense, your mood and pent up sexual frustration getting worse by the day as you tried and failed at the L. A. dating scene. Maybe you were picky, but horny and picky was an awful place to be.
However, the reality of the embarrassing scene you were currently a star of, flipped you back into the present.
Seemingly over the initial incident and hopefully not a mind reader to your thirsty brain, he takes you in and smirks.
Harry knew from the way your breathing hitched looking at his torso that you were at least a bit interested. He had clocked you the second you walked in through the big glass doors. A shirt of a band he liked and a natural beauty he wanted to spend some times with you he pondered. Ideally naked.
Zig zagging across the world promoting the album and had left little time to enjoy another person. Status and obligation to his job making it hard to just go out and meet someone. But here you were, dressed unlike anyone else, looking absolutely adorable in your embarrassment. You must be trustworthy if you're in Jeff's home,he wasn't a "bring your friends too" kind of host with his clients usually around.
This could be a fun evening for you both, he thought. Something unspoken, almost magnetic, drawing you both to one another. Surely that wasn't all his side right?
"I was told it was a good year, but I wasn't planning on consuming it quite this way?" inwardly he rolled his eyes at the barely there quip. But you laughed anyway.
"I am so, so awfully sorry, look, let's see if there's some dish liquid or something, possibly some of my next months rent in there too if I have to replace it" you let out a nervous laugh as you walked towards the kitchen. But in all honesty you weren't kidding.
Harry laughed at your sarcastic remark, impressed by your confidence in owning the situation and getting on with things. He casually watched your hips sway past a few people in to the open plan kitchen with as much subtlety as he could, you were confidentially locating all the parts needed to try and remove the offending stain.
"You seem to know your way around 'ere. I'm er…I'm Harry by the way" awkwardly waving as you mixed some solution in the sink drenching a sponge in it.
"Yeah" you smiled turning from the sink with the damp rag "known Jeff a good while, have definitely spilt red wine here before. I'm Y/N" you giggle. The beam from his own mouth matching.
"Ah! Y/N, of course, I've heard him mention you, didn't you once hide rotting mackerel in a unpleasant guys blazer?" he chuckled
"Heyyyy. Only after he spanked my ass getting him the check. Deserved a hot plate to the crotch too" you shot back.
You weren't sure where to go from here the thought of wetting down the white tank yourself definitely appealed but also seemed far too forward.
"Um…" you began gesturing with the sponge in your hand. You expected him to take it from you to sort himself out but..
"Oh yeah sorry" he replied shimmying his shirt off, dumping it on the back of a bar stool, then, crossing his arms across his stomach and lifting the tank top over his head you were slack jawed and frozen taking in the lean muscles and tattoos littered intermittently across his abdomen. He spread the top across the islands worktop flat, then grabbing the sponge with a simple "thanks" and knitting his eyebrows together in concentration as he tried to rid the dull red mark from it's center.
You still hadn't moved. A pink twinge to your cheeks as you watched his shoulder blades and back muscles scrubbing. Dirty thoughts circling your brain still.
"I would have helped you but I didn't want to start a wet tshirt contest in such a high end establishment yknow?" you thought out loud.
"Oh yeah, good call. I'm fiercely competitive Y/N so would probably be under that fancy waterfall thing by now showing off m'moves in my pants" he wiggles his hips trying to suggestively show you his "moves" but you can't help but smirk at just how endearing this man is. Dammit.
When he's finished with his shirt he drapes it over another barstool before handing you the sponge back.
If anyone asks him if he blatantly and deliberately got naked to gauge if you were into him he'd definitely deny it. But the truth is, he definitely did. Luckily for him, with the way you bite your lip and drag your eyes down his flesh as he brushes past your side to get back to the sink, he's right.
"Speaking of getting in the water in your" you use air quotes "'pants' I'm off to get out of mine" you declare, pushing yourself from the counter and keeping eye contact a second as you stroll back to the sliding doors leading to the pool.
"I… What??"
" The pool Harry?.... What did you think I meant?" you narrow your eyes and press your lips together before shutting the glass door again and turning once more to smirk at the opened mouthed man still by the sink.
You'd been schmoozing in the water for a few hours now. There were probably only 20 or so people still here and the 3rd frozen marg had got you buzzed. You were in the small hot tub type pool, attached at the top of the main one on a slightly higher level. You hadn't seen Harry for a while but the last few times you caught his eye he'd been surrounded by at least 3 other people fighting for his attention, so you banked your flirtations to soothe your own ego, grabbed another marg and tried to forget about how he had started a tornado inside you, yearning for his hands on your thighs and head peering up at you from where they met in the middle. The strong pull of lust was clearly in your head then. What a shame.
You put it to the back of your mind as you finished catching up with Glenne. Both flushed and giggly as usual, she was the perfect match for Jeff and their chemistry unmatchable. You always enjoyed hanging out with the both of them, if anything, they gave you hope your own match may be out there. She left you in the tub alone, as she went to grab herself another drink and check on her host duties boyfriend.
"Don't you find drinking whilst already in water the weirdest thing?" you look up to find Harry standing over your right shoulder as you sit with your back against the pool wall and your elbows propping you up behind you, drink in one hand. His eyes unsubtley slip down to where your breasts lay pushed together in your halter neck bikini. You definitely weren't imagining it then. Fucking fantastic, you think.
"I mean drowning yourself on the inside from the alcohol and being in more than 4 inches of water really adds a danger element to my life if I'm honest" you reply sipping your drink.
And there goes those dimples again.
He's just in a pair of yellow swimming shorts now which doesn't help the alcohol flush at all. Sitting by your right side, putting his short glass full of amber liquid and ice, on the side of the pool and sliding in to join you. He leaves a small gap, as to not appear a total letch but your smart mouth has him hooked.
Taking a sip of his drink with the water up to his collar bones he hums.
"I do feel incredibly dangerous now, you've got a point"
"I mean if you think that's danger" you edge closer, not drunk but buzzed enough to take your chances you whisper into the shell of his ear. "You should see what thrills are in the guest bathroom. 1st floor on the right? " he chokes on his drink as your suggestive whispers make his dick twitch. He definitely couldn't get out of the pool for a while.
You're gone before you get a verbal reaction. If this all goes badly then you can just hide in there and slip out to an Uber and never see Jeff again right? Right. Cool.
With a soft white towel around you and your heart rate high as you reach the main guest bedroom you enter the room, you notice a large weekend bag in there and freeze. Shit. Someone's staying over, you hadn't factored that in, but a glance to the tag and the embossed H. E. S tells you you're good. Well, if not you'll just be a creep hiding in someone's bathroom but let's not think about it too much. Your faux confidence was working well so far and what other chance was going to arise like this one? Hot celebrities need fun with strangers too right?
Entering the bathroom you rub the towel over you, leaving mostly dry skin. You'd peel away your bikini if you were definite you wouldn't need to peel it back up your limbs should this plan backfire. You move to the mirror to adjust the black flecks from your minimal makeup dispersing under your eye and just as you're about to smooth down the stray baby hairs that humidity has got to around your face, you see Harry appear in the mirror behind you. Your belly flipping over and over with the thrill he'd took the bait.
Wasting no time he smirks and holds your gaze, wrapping his hands around your waist whilst his lips attach to the junction of your neck and collarbone. His tongue drags over your soft skin and he licks and softly sucks swirls onto it with his plush lips.
"Hm. You're right. This is a more fun type of danger" he says between kisses but before he's even finished his sentence you've spun around in his arms.
The bottom of your spine cold against the marble countertop, arms around his neck as you smash your lips into one another's with urgency. Tongues and wet noises as you get to know one another through your bodies alone.
He runs his hands down your back and presses his hard length against your thigh. He's definitely packing you think as you lift up a little rub your pubic bone against his front, panting out a little moan as the sweet friction of your bodies colliding sends you into overdrive. Catching the noise through your parted lips he gently tugs on the bottom one, teeth grazing the supple flesh. This combined with his large palms kneading your ass and pulling you further, tighter, into the roll of his hips. Only two layers of damp clothing separate you,forcing your lips to break from his mouth and fully moan, not caring who may be around. You could not remember the last time a perfect stranger knew your body quite this well.
His own grunts were speeding up when he suddenly grabs the back of your thighs and hoists you up beside the sink, you gasp in shock but it was more the way the lean man thrusted you up there like it was nothing. What else could he do? You expect him to go back to kissing you but instead he pulls back with his rock hard erection outlined in the wet shorts he still has on. Looking at you dead in the eyes both raging with lust and concern. Whilst you try not to worry how you were going to accommodate him inside your tight walls.
"Is this…? I mean, you want this too right?" his hands are resting at either side of your parted thighs. You nod. "Need you to say it Y/N" he steps forward, lips wet and brushes the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip that was now puffy and pink from the earlier biting. He knew you were down to fuck, but now he wanted to test your preferences. What kind of fun you were about to have shall we say. So when you lick his thumb tip, holding his fist still and grazing your wet tongue up and down from knuckle to tip before closing your eyes and humming around the entire digit, he knew you were both in for a good time.
Removing the thumb he whispers a barely audible "fuck me" before smashing your lips back together, tongues massaging together as he peels your underwear to the side with his hand swiftly and presses digit you'd lubricated with your mouth against your clit, moving it fast from side to side with just the right amount of pressure to make your head spin. Gasping, you throw your head back, hands clasped around his neck as you lean back and feel yourself start to leak a little with arousal. The few spots dripping down on to the counter.
You could say it had been a while but really this guy was moving his way round your body in the same way you tune a guitar in key. Calloused fingers applying the right amount of pressure as you felt yourself start to get to the edge already. He was kissing down the front if your chest, between your breasts, not missing a beat when he pushed both triangles of your bikini aside and you moaned loudly as he kissed and sucked hard around your nipple, tentatively pulling it between his teeth firmly, the sound you let out made him clamp a little harder before sucking in the whole nipple again, soothing the skin his tongue. Most likely leaving a mark behind, but you kind of liked the idea of proof he'd been devouring you in all honesty.
You were becoming blissed out from all the stimulation. Clenching and moving your hips around nothing but this magical thumb working your clit up and down hard. You were overcome with this whole situation playing out the way it had. You broke away from his mouth again.
"Oh fuck.. Harry, I'm… FuckFuck I'm going to come, I'm gonna fucking… Ahhh" he pulled back one arm steadying you as your head hit the mirror behind you in your release. He just watched you and slowed his thumb down watching as the liquid cascaded onto the counter.
After you'd come down you open your eyes and shyly smiled before kissing him passionately, his hands moving around your waist tightly. You moved your hand to his shorts, teasingly grazing the outline of his cock between your fingers in hopes of repaying the favour. He does a single throaty laugh and removes your hand, holding himself against his thigh. You look at him in confusion when he splutters,
"Sorry, sorry its just I'm going t'blow my load if you touch me." then he's back on your lips "Too. Fucking. Sexy" he says between wet kisses to your jaw, neck and clavicle. "Wanted to do this since I first set eyes on you" one hand is on the back of his neck twisting nape curls between your fist whilst the other rests behind you, stopping you from hitting your head on the mirror again.
"Oh yeah? Before or after I ruined your clothes?" you laugh teasingly as he slides his hands around your back to finally remove the bikini top properly, lifting it up over your head and tossing it aside somewhere on the floor. He let's a laugh out himself completely entranced still by how natural you are around him, it was often hard to connect with strangers in his position.
"I'd spotted you walking in, was trying to open the door for you m'love" he says before sucking a red mark into your breast and massaging and pulling the other nipple slightly with his hand.
You struggle through sharp intakes of breath for a reply.
"Well….ah...that's what chivalry.. Oh.. Get's you these days I guess" and you're both laughing a little.
"Hmm. Have to try harder with my manners then won't I? I mean, I've got to clear up the mess I've made here" he cups his hand against your pussy rubbing it up and down a little with his palm. You let out a guttural noise at the friction. "Ladies first and all'tha too right?" he giggles again at himself.
You're practically cumming right then, you couldn't remember the last time someone actually went down on you. Your previous boyfriend not particularly into offering you foreplay. A main point of why he didn't stick around too long.
Harry kisses down your abdomen now, soft sloppy, sensual pecks, humming into your skin every so often in appreciation as he works at removing your soaked bikini bottoms with his hands, pushing them down to your knees before you help, letting them fall from the remaining ankle to the ground.
Harry is moving far too slow for you, kissing across each hip down to the top of your slit, breathing over where you desperately need him before paying the other side the same attention. Then he's licking up each crease where your thigh meets your pelvis.
"Y/N, just.. Just turn, that's it and lean back as far as you can there, shuffle forward until can't balance anymore" you shift your ass as forward as possible on the lip of the sink and prop yourself up on your elbows trying to be as flat as possible on the cold counter as you could, your toes behind the sink with one foot the other dangling over the edge. You keep you thighs open as Harry hunches over the counter where you now lay diagonal. He places his arms under your thighs and bends your legs flat out as he can stretch you, you're expecting some more teasing but he just looks down at your pussy licking over his lips and almost whining before burying his tongue inside you immediately. The force of his tongue lapping up your previous climax causes you once again to knock the side of your head against the mirrored wall. You turn and watch the scene almost as a spectator, witnessing yourself bare to this beautiful man, curly brown hair between your fists and making sounds like he's savouring every taste. He catches you watching before taking his mouth off you, immediately, you're whining in protest.
"Watch my eyes not my reflection baby, I'm right here"
His authoritative tone eclipsing every thought you had about the casual nickname, you stared down at the wonderful site of him lapping and suckling on your clit. Pointed tongue and firm laps against the swollen button. He then starts lapping up at your glistening hole,unhooking an arm to spread your lips open between his fingers and licking right from the bottom to the top with all the sloppy wet noises involved. He was feeling you contract as he locked faster and faster over you. His tongue deserved an award never mind his music. You couldn't believe you were on the brink of a second orgasm so quickly but when he sunk his middle finger into you at the same pace his tongue was working at, you were screaming his name into the extractor fan above before you knew it. You felt waves of liquid cascade from your pussy as he gently lapped up the produce of his work from you. You flinched in overstimulation but he cleaned up every last drop tenderly before carefully closing your legs and pivoting you round to your previous sitting up position on the counter. Neither of you had spoken a word since you came but as he leads your arms to drape over your shoulders, holding your fucked out body against his chest whilst peppering your temple with soft pecks . Then he kisses you intensely, letting you taste the sweet juices of yourself on his lips. You hummed in approval of the sweet taste as you came round.
A few minutes of carnal making out and things were heating up again. Your hands cupping his jaw then sliding to graze fingernails up and down his back, digging them in a little harder now and again and causing goosebumps to pierce through the skin rapidly under your touch.
You could feel him swallowing down grunts from the friction he was getting from his shorts covered cock brushing up and down between your slick folds.
He'd made you cum twice. Hard. He always got off of making his partners cum of course, so he was feeling beyond turned on and the slight heat of your glistening folds against his length was almostvsending him over the edge.
"I want you inside me" you whispered against his lips desperately.
No sooner had you said the words, his left hand was frantically searching through the vanities top drawer in hope. Finding a packet, checking the date quickly then tearing it between his teeth, spitting the seal onto the floor and pushing his shorts to his ankles, stepping out of them at speed before kicking them away.
He smirked when he caught your eyes bulge at his cock. He knew it was above average but the reaction was always a further compliment he thought.
Stepping forward he put on a show of putting the condom on, first rubbing the drops of sticky pre cum at the head and down his length keeping his eyes locked to yours as you wriggled on the counter with anticipation. He whined a little as it squeezed him rolling it on, so red and over sensitive from turning you on. So that's why, when you grabbed for it, he stilled your hand. Dimples appearing back in his cheeks as you looked again in confusion. He kisses you, languishing the moment before grabbing you forward from the countertop to the floor again, still keeping your lips attached. He lightly grips at your hips and turns you round to face the mirror once more.
Harry lightly grabs your throat, and the way you whimper and push your ass back against him, makes him mentally bank that idea for later perhaps. He runs his left hand up the column of your neck lightly holding your jaw between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to look at him with his hand on your face and the other already working up and down your folds.
"I want you to watch us. Want you to watch yourself come apart. Want to watch you cum around my cock yeah? " he whispers in your ear. You noticeably shiver with excitement of what's to come.
"Please Harry, please, need it, need you."
You watch yourself babble and beg for his cock. The pathetic whimper from yourself as you try and circle your ass into his crotch again to encourage it happening. You were never patient and he's driving you insane here.
Bringing two fingers infront of your lips as you watch yourself in the mirror he looks you dead in the eye through the reflection.
"Spit" so you do, "good girl" he says kissing your cheek. His saliva lubed fingers are back rubbing your clit quickly whilst his knee nudges the back of yours to spread your feet wider as he kisses the back of your neck and shoulders. When he pauses next you're not expecting the hard thrust of him entering you entirely, sure you were dripping wet with the result of two orgasms but you cry out in a mix of stretch and pleasure as he pounds into you at a furious pace. His spare hand not on your clit is holding the bottom of your spine down as he keeps up his rhythm. His pace was that of a man desperate for release after watching you fall apart on his fingers and tongue. The build up meant he was already close as you tight walls fluttered around him. He pleads with you to stop tightening your walls around him or he's not going to last he whimpers.
You were already close again, you'd never cum this many times or this quickly in your life but you were ready for another round and by the sounds of him and the stutter his pace kept slipping you knew he was close too.
You quickly removed his hand, sucking your own fingers into your mouth to replace his own at your clit.
"M'gonna cum, but… OhOh fuck.. But need you harder. Deeper" you manage to get out.
He grunts a curse before squeezing your hips at a pressure that will leave marks tomorrow but the delight in the speed he was now able to snap his hips against the swells of your ass, was well worth it. It only took a few more seconds with the fingers that knew you best, for you to gush against his cock. Feeling absolutely exhausted you slump your sweaty chest onto the cold counter.
His orgasm taking him by surprise when you clenched up to milk him dry. He all but shouts your name as his hips stutter and you feel the warmth of his cum fill the one barrier between you.
His lips were back on your sweaty neck for a second whilst he disposed of the used condom. He ran the walk in shower and wordlessly you took his offered hand to join him under the hot spray. You'd never had an encounter end like this before not that you were a seasoned professional but after 3 orgasms the way his hands moved round your body under the water, washing away your antics with sweet strawberry-banana smelling suds on the flannel, left you with a warm floaty feeling the worn off alcohol never had.
He gently wipes your makeup from under your eyes then, smiling at the cute way your nose wrinkles slightly as he rubs at each eyebrow.
"I don't even have words" you finally laugh out blushing, not able to stand his gauge as you say it.
"Oh. So that's how to make that smart mouth o'yours stop is it? " he grins, you gasp in mock offense and go to say something but going under your chin with his thumb with his forefinger to connect your lips under the warm water spray he kisses you when you pull away you can't help but ask.
"So does this make us even on one ruined fancy vest then?"
"Hmmmm" he ponders with both hands on your face looking at the ceiling out if the falling water. " I'm not sure, I mean it was a custom, pretty high going rate those yeah"
"Yeahhhh you're right, you're right. Better factor in the cost of the custom job then hadn't I huh?"
You hurriedly sink to your knees on the tiled floor.
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baka-writings · 3 years
𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒚 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑴𝒆 - 𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑬𝒁 𝑺𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒘𝒂 [𝑺𝒎𝒖𝒕]
Warnings: blood play kink, knife play, swearing, uhh blood obviously, other kinks, slightly dom!reader (not for long tho), dom!Seonghwa
Summary: Seonghwa accidentally finds out about your unusual kink. What is he gonna do? ;)
BIG WARNING: This story includes graphic moments, blood, use of knives. If you're triggered by any of these things or If you're uncomfortable, this might not be for you.
A/N: I enjoyed writing this 😈
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You knew a lot better than to leave your laptop open when you were not using it. It's known that Seonghwa is a little snake and would waste no time to "privately check" what you were up to. However this one time you forgot. When Seonghwa saw your screen on, he peeked at it with a curiosity written all over his face. What could he possibly find? He thought the only thing he'll see is some show maybe or a YouTube video, but oh boy was he wrong. There was an open chatroom with what's supposed to be your best friend and an article there which said "How to use blood during sex" and a message below that saying "I wanna try this with him". It was your message so he realised what that actually meant. Seonghwa smirked to himself at the dangerous thought. Honestly, he's very kinky, but he's never tried something like that. Could be fun.
You came back to your shared room to see Seonghwa with dark eyes and a smirk. And your laptop, being 'on'. Then it hit you, he must've seen. You didn't know how to react or what to say at all.
Then Seonghwa suddenly got up, still smirking and kissed you. It was a short kiss, because he left the room. You were confused. Not a long time after he left, he came back with a knife in his hand, smirking down at you..still. You raised an eyebrow at his behaviour.
"What are you doing?" you asked him still lowkey confused.
"I thought you wanted to try this?" he licked his lips You'd be lying If you said it wasn't turning you on and this was one of your secret kinks.
He seemed determined so you took the knife from him. He was waiting for your next move. This was the perfect time when you could dominate Park Seonghwa and you'll enjoy it. You smirked at him and kissed him waiting for his response. He kissed you right away, but letting you take the lead.
You pushed him onto your shared bed, sitting on his lap, still kissing. He moaned in between kisses sounding as hot as always.
"Lay down" you said in between kisses. He obeyed, waiting for your next move. You sat on his belly, kissing while undressing each other. He got into his dom self so you pointed the knife at him.
"No. Behave" you told him with a stern look, yet lustful eyes. Seonghwa was enjoying this so he let you do your thing. You were kissing him all over his body, trying to find the best spot.
When you found it, you looked at Seonghwa as If reassuring yourself he really wants that. He only have you a smirk which meant he was 100% positive about this.
You were going all over his body with your knife, the cold metal making him shiver a bit. You grinded onto his hard member a bit to tease him, before you brought the knife to your body. Seonghwa was looking at you, curious. Still grinding him, you gave yourself a few cuts. Starting from thighs, all over to your collarbones. After each cut, Seonghwa pushed his hard dick on your clit, still forbidden from entering you.
"Shit this is hot" he said in a low voice. You brought the bloody knife in front of his face.
"Lick." You demanded and he obeyed with a smirk. As he put his beautiful tongue on it's blade, you grinded onto him more, moaning out. Your blood was slowly dripping on Seonghwa's beautiful body, making his look oddly beautiful.
You licked your own blood from his body, but you craved more. This time you gave Seonghwa a few cuts, strangely earning a moan from him.
There were cuts on his thighs as well, blood dripping from there. You licked it all up and smudged over your mouth and then his hard when you took it into your mouth. You took him whole, his dick hitting your throat. Your hands traveled to his abdomen. The feeling of blood on your hands kept you going. Seonghwa's hips started moving which signalised he was close. But not yet. Not now.
You pulled his member out of your mouth, blood mixed with saliva all over you lips and chin.
"Cut me" you demanded. Seonghwa found the knife and gave you a few cuts all over your stomach and thighs. His hands roamed all over those newly inflicted cuts, his huge hands smudging it all over your boobs. You moaned at the sight and smell of both of your bloods mixed on each other's bodies. You could tell Seonghwa liked it too.
"Fuck I can't take it anymore" he flipped you over, now you were below him, both soaked in blood. He slammed himself into you hard, with that his hand slithering (i had to sorry) over to your neck, squeezing it hard. You choked out a moan, trying hard not to pass out from the lack of oxygen.
"You look so fucking hot with blood all over you" he slammed harder after he finished the sentence. The only thing you could do was moan.
"You'll look even better with something else over your pretty little body" he slammed hard again and his grip on your throat hardened. You came before him which was a sign for Seonghwa to pull out before he came all over your stomach and boobs, mixing his juices with the blood. You were panting hard, but Seonghwa had other plans. His tongue was already licking you clean, going from your destroyed core up to where he just came, licking that as well, not breaking eye contact with you.
That's gonna be a long night, full of kinkiness I see.
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duker42 · 4 years
Ok! I wanted one where eren and levi both wanted reader who was the newest member of the squad, after weeks of trying to outdo the other in getting her attention levi gets sick of it and orders them both reader and eren in their office and bluntly tells her the situation (to erens dismay). I was hoping it could be nsfw but end with fluff? Oh and I want eren to be dom not sub 😅 maybe they end up in a polly relationship?
Sooooo the person who requested this inboxed me when they realized the age difference between Levi/Eren. So they had me change it to Erwin/Levi for the reader to engage in a relationship with.
💜New Girl💜
“Levi, Y/N...My office NOW.”
Y/N looked up from where she was brushing her mount in confusion. She only got a glimpse of Commander Erwin before he walked out of the stables towards the castle.
She sighed and gave the Captain a slightly nervous look. She hadn’t been in the Scouts long enough to know what to expect from the Commander. Everyone seemed to hold him in high regard, but keep their distance from him. Her interactions with him had been surprising pleasant, but she had never heard that tone from him before.
Captain Levi had a fierce scowl on his face as they walked to the Commander’s office. He knew what it was about, and he couldn’t quite believe that Erwin was pulling this to get the upper hand.
They both wanted her in their beds. The transfer from the Garrison had captured both of their interests. Each one of them trying to get closer to her as the weeks had gone by. Neither one of them making any headway into being with her.
Levi opened the door to the office and waited for Y/N to go sit down in the chair in front of the Commander’s desk before closing the door and leaning against it. Scowling at the blonde man, he let Erwin know exactly how he felt about the shit he was pulling.
Erwin glanced over at Levi, his lips twitching slightly before turning his intense blue eyes on the solider in front of him.
“Y/N. I need to be frank here. Because you obviously are not reading the situation.” Erwin starts, watching as her eyes widen. “You aren’t in trouble. But we have a matter that needs to be cleared up.”
Levi shuffled, pushing off the door and walking up behind Y/N’s chair. He wasn’t about to just give in and let Erwin have her. His hands settled on her shoulders and he squeezed gently when he felt her jump.
“Levi and I both have been trying to get you to notice that we are interested in you.” Erwin said calmly. “Now I’m just going to tell you. We both want you in our beds. Do you want either one of us?”
Levi’s eyes widened as he stared at Erwin. He hadn’t expected him to be that bold. But he would be lying to himself if he didn’t admit that he was holding his breath waiting for her answer. He felt her shift under his hands, her body uncomfortable as she squirmed in her seat.
He released her and walked around the chair, standing beside the desk and staring at her. Her wide eyes shifted back and forth between him and Erwin, as if she was weighting her options, measuring them.
Erwin saw the panic, the confusion in her face, but there was something else in her eyes. Something a bit darker. Lust, and it didn’t change as her gaze shift ended between the pair of them.
Levi caught it as well. His cock jumped at the idea that he was forming in his head. His mouth opened before he could stop himself. “Or do you want both of us?”
She froze and a red hue rushed across her face. Her eyes started to lower as if ashamed of the thoughts she was having. But the voice of the Commander stopped her.
“Good.” He declared, looking over to Levi for confirmation. “You will have us both.”
She couldn’t believe that this was happening. She was naked in between the Commander and Captain of the Survey Corps. Their hands roaming over her body as they learned her. They were equally nude, their hard bodies pressing against her from either side. While a contrast in appearance, they were both ideal specimens of men.
Both of them pressing a hard length against her hips as Levi leaned down to tug on a pert nipple with his mouth. Her moan opened her mouth to Erwin’s kiss, his tongue darting inside to lap at the roof of her mouth as he slid a hand between her thighs.
Her eyes rolled back as the pads of his fingers slid up the folds of her sex. Levi’s teeth grazing her nipple sent a flood of heat to her core as she threaded her fingers into Erwin’s hair. Her other hand drifted desperately down the hard planes of the smooth chest, fingers tracing the ridges of muscles as it went dangerously low. His hips pulled back slightly letting her hand wrap around the meaty weight of his cock.
Levi’s groan was delicious as he thrusted into her grip, pearl of fluid on the tip of his cock smearing against her skin. Her fist tightened as a thick finger of the Commanders pushed into her and they all groaned as one.
“Fuck, we are going to have to take turns until she can take us both.” Erwin broke their kiss to gasp out, pumping his finger into her roughly. The slickness of her arousal let him work another finger in her, trying to stretch her out to accommodate their sizes.
“You go first. I want to watch her.” Levi said as he switched from one abused nipple to lavish attention on the neglected breast.
Erwin looked over at the lust filled faces of his now partners and grinned. He had nothing but respect and trust in Levi. If there were anyone else to share an experience like this with, he would be the one that Erwin would choose. Both of them experienced enough to satisfy their girl, and both confident enough to not let jealousy become an issue.
Levi pulled her away from Erwin, bringing her to her knees and kneeling behind her. Running a hand down her spine, he leaned forward and gave her ear lobe a nip. “Suck Erwin’s cock, so he can fuck you.” He breathed in her ear.
Y/N’s eyes lit up as Erwin moved to his back, his gaze focused on her mouth as she crawled closer. The first tough of her tongue on his cock made him close his eyes. Levi watched, his fingers trailing up the inside of her thighs as she slowly swallowed the larger man’s cock.
She felt his fingers start to rub her clit, those skillful hands that wielded a blade so deftly. The pressure he put on the little nub of nerves made her wiggle around, searching for more as she bobbed up and down on the throbbing cock in front of her.
“Eager, huh?” Levi taunted, pinching her clit with just enough pressure to make her gasp. “Maybe I should fuck you, fill that pretty little pussy with my cock while you suck him off. Would you like that?”
Her moan reverberated around Erwin, making him grab her hair to pull her off of him. He wasn’t gentle as he yanked her up his body. Levi came up behind her, pressing his cock against her back as his hands came around to play with her breasts as she lowered herself onto Erwin.
The stretch of him inside her made her hiss, the lubrication of her body necessary to keep from hurting her as he filled her. Both men’s eyes were fixated on where she was taking him into her body. Erwin watched her red, swollen lips sink down on him, engulfing him in the tight heat of her.
Levi set the pace, lifting and pushing her down on Erwin’s cock as he toyed with her breasts. His lips attached to her neck as he littered her skin with kisses. Erwin’s hand on her hips kept her grounded to him, even as she leaned back against Levi’s chest with her head thrown back and mouth open in ecstasy.
Grey eyes watched as Erwin nodded, his orgasm close as she rode him. Levi plucked her off of him and bent her over onto the larger man’s chest as his cock throbbed between them, coating their chests with his cum. His own aching cock driving into her wet pussy effortlessly at making her cry out as he hit deep.
Levi pounded into her, setting a harder pace that what she had before. He felt her responding, her passage fluttering around him, ready for her to burst apart. His eyes closed as he thrusted into her. He could see why Erwin came so quickly. It was like her body was made for his cock, milking him perfectly as she took it how he wanted to give it to her.
He watched as Erwin and Y/N kissed, her moans being muffled by his tongue. He scooped his hips and watched as her body jolt up and she squealed. His grin broad as he replicated the movement again. He had found the perfect spot for her to unravel. Mercilessly he drove himself into that spot over and over until she was an incoherent mess, crying out as she shuddered on top of Erwin.
He groaned as he felt her release wash over him. Her body pushing his own to his orgasm as he pulled out to splash across her perfect ass. His fingers unclenched from their grip on her hips as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck before hopping off the bed.
“Clean up.” He said shortly as he turned and walked towards the bathroom, unconcerned with his nudity.
Y/N looked back at Levi and then down at Erwin before giggling at the fastidious nature of one of her lovers.
Erwin chuckled and watched as Y/N climbed off of him to follow Levi into the bathroom before getting up himself. The new girl was just what both of them needed.
Mobile MasterList
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Female reader. Reader has an unusual gift of healing and struggles with body image. Reader is plus sized. I’ve got a thing for Dom!Luci and I am not ashamed. Remember that you are beautiful no matter what size you are and whoever disagrees, send them to me and I’ll take care of it. Enjoy folks!
Word Count: 3.5k
Lucifer x Reader
Warnings: Self harm, body image issues, unprotected sex, Dom!Lucifer
After a date gone wrong, the reader has an emotional outburst. Lucifer shows up just in time to help her out of her funk.
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You tried to breathe evenly as you looked into the coffee shop through a large bay window. You hadn’t been on a date in a while and were a little nervous. You met this guy off a dating site and he seemed pretty normal. Which is something that you longed for after living with the Winchesters for the past few months. Angels, demons, vampires, werewolves. So many monsters and not enough normalcy to even it out.
The place you picked out was small but cozy, inside of an old house, it was your favourite place in the outside world. It was called the Tea House, pretty simple but you enjoyed it. You caught sight of him, a little relieved that he beat you there, less chance he would stand you up that way. It was summer so you didn’t have on any heavy layers, nothing to conceal the extra weight you carried. This put you on edge quite a bit. But you decided not to let it bother you too much. Not everyone is an asshole.
You took a deep breath and headed inside. You stopped in front of your date. You cleared your throat. He looked up from his phone. You smiled, “Hi, Cody? It’s Y/N, from Plenty of Fish.”
He hesitated briefly but returned your smile with one of his own. He stood up, “Hey, let me get you a coffee.”
You nodded and sat down, hanging your bag over the back of the chair while Cody went up to the front counter and ordered your drink. You drummed your fingers anxiously on the table as you waited for him. You frowned, already feeling your thighs sticking to the finished wood of the chair. You looked over your outfit again; black shorts and a red spaghetti strap tank, and red converse to match. You thought you looked good and you tried to put your judgements to the side for the time being.
Cody returned with your drink and the two of you began chatting. You talked for a little over an hour and you internally smiled to yourself. Could this be it? An actual normal guy who didn’t have fangs or claws or glowing eyes? At the end of the date you both left the Tea House and stood out front. Was he going to kiss me or should I kiss him first?
“Thank you for the coffee and the chats. I had a lot of fun,” You smiled.
His smile looked genuine but you’d been easily deceived before. “I did too.”
“So?” You asked eagerly, “Do you think we’ll—”
“Listen, Y/N, I had a good time, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think this is going to work out.” Cody stuck his hands in his pockets and shrugged, trying to avoid eye contact.
Don’t say what I think you’re going to say. You thought. “Uh, why?”
“I just don’t think we’re a good match,” He said.
Okay, that’s fair. You reasoned. Don’t dig deeper, you don’t need to know why. But you couldn’t help yourself. “Oh?”
Cody’s demeanour changed from being nervous to arrogant in a split second. “Look, it’s cute that you thought you even had a chance with a guy like me. I mean look at me, stellar looks and rock hard abs, I’m a catch. But girl, there’s way too much junk in your trunk. I’m a ten and you’re a two. Maybe ease off the burgers and pizza for a while. Later.”
He left shortly after his explanation, laughing as he passed by you. You stood there, shocked, holding on tightly to the strap of your bag. Your breathing was quick and unsteady as tears welled up in your eyes. A sudden vibration snapped you out of the moment and you looked at your phone. It was a text from Dean.
Hey, Y/N, hope your date went well. Lucifer showed up. Keep your guard up when you get back if we’re not there. Call if you need us.
You blinked through your tears and put your phone away. Immediately you started walking back to the bunker. You got there after thirty minutes and slammed the door behind you. Running down the stairs, you bypassed the library where Sam and Dean were sitting. Dean’s voice called out to you but you didn’t hear it. You reached your room and slammed that door too. You threw your bag across the room. It hit the wall and fell to the floor with a quiet thud. You paced the room, feeling nothing but pure rage devouring any sadness you’d previously felt.
You pawed at your arm, desperate to feel something other than the pain you were feeling in your gut. You looked up at the wall above your bed where various hunting blades were hung. You grabbed onto the closest one, relatively small, and held it to your forearm. You growled as you pressed the blade against your arm but didn’t puncture the skin. You snarled viciously as you threw the blade across the room where it clattered against the wall and the floor.
You could feel the emotional episode taking over you bit by bit. Running your fingers through your hair, you were desperate to find a way out. You grabbed the pill bottle next to your bed. Clonazepam. Before you opened the bottle, something in the corner of the room caught your eye. You quickly changed into a sports bra and active pants and running shoes. You went over and grabbed your wraps and pink boxing gloves and wrenched the door open. You stormed down the hallway until you came to the gym.
Anger was dripping from you like rain falling off a tin roof. You dropped the gloves on the hard concrete floor as soon as you reached the bag. You wrapped your hands and went to pick up the gloves but then hesitated, leaving them on the ground and kicking them away. You took a couple of deep breaths before diving in. 
One. Two. Three. Four. 
Jab. Jab. Hook. Kick. 
Jab. Jab. Upper cut. Kick.
You unapologetically pictured Cody’s face on the bag as you laid into it with an unbreakable fury. Over and over in your head you ran through what he said to you and your insecurities were making it worse. Fat arms. Fat ass. Fat thighs. Fat stomach. Tears blurred your vision, but you didn’t let up, pummelling the bag mercilessly. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, singling that you weren’t alone, but you ignored it. It was probably Dean trying to calm you down. Or Sam trying to let you know that it was okay to be upset. The boys were oddly protective over you and while you appreciated it, you needed your space. You needed space to be angry.
You heard footsteps approaching you and without turning around you spat venom at the intruder. “Leave me alone, Dean. I have a right to be angry.”
No answer just more footsteps. You couldn’t help the anger exploding from you and you whipped around mid-punch. A hand caught your wrist, but it wasn’t Dean’s. You stopped, sweat dripping down your face and neck as you tried to register who was standing in front of you. “That’s quite a temper you have, Y/N.”
“Lucifer,” You said breathlessly. “Nice to see you again.”
“Did I interrupt something?” He looked at you, amusement rising in his eyes at the idea of you being violent. He looked at your hand and then back at you. “You’re bleeding.”
The tingling sensation in your knuckles intensified now that you’d stopped hitting the bag. Like a fresh tattoo after the needle has stopped. The cool air of the bunker stung your broken flesh. You flexed your free hand and winced at the feeling. Your breathing was rapid but you could feel yourself smiling. Lucifer dropped your arm and pushed past you to inspect the bag. He ran his finger over the small bloody patch and then looked back at you.
“Is this a normal for you?” He questioned, almost looking angry with your life choices.
You sighed, looking down at your hands and watched as the wounds stitched themselves back together. “Anything to feel a little control.”
“You’re certainly acting out of control,” Lucifer jabbed at you.
“Watch it,” You spat, still reeling from your workout session.
He cocked an eyebrow and for a moment you thought he might kill you. You hadn’t known him that long but you could certainly tell when you’d pissed him off. And you certainly didn’t have any wiggle room to be speaking to him disrespectfully. However, you didn’t apologize. Lucifer walked towards you and you instinctually took a few steps back. He eyed you, raising his finger to his chin as if studying you. “What spurred on such rage?”
“It’s not important,” You said, fighting back tears when you thought of Cody’s words.
“It was important enough for you to hurt yourself over it,” Lucifer said. You honestly didn’t think he was going to catch onto that bit. The boys never did. And it’s not like you had any scars for them to see. That was one of the benefits of being a Healer, any cut was there long enough for you to feel and indulge in and then it vanished. It was a sick thought but it was true. “Did you honestly think I didn’t notice?”
“Why do you even care?” More anger flooded through you and you turned away from him, trying not to show emotion but failing significantly. You kept your back to him and pressed you fingers against the bridge of your nose. You accidentally let a few shuddering breaths escape your mouth as you held back the urge to cry.
“Did someone say something to you?” Lucifer pried, stepping closer to you.
“Yes,” You said, surprised that you even answered at all. You kept your back to him, not wanting him to see the silent tears flooding from your eyes. “I was on a date. It didn’t go well.”
The air in the room changed almost instantly. You could hear the venom in Lucifer’s words when he spoke to you. “What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Your voice broke.
Lucifer spun you around and gripped your upper arms tightly. He gave you a little shake. “Tell me,” He said slowly.
You looked down, too ashamed to meet his gaze. “He said it wouldn’t work because I was overweight.”
There was a beat of silence before he responded. “Text him and tell him to meet you and I’ll take care of it.”
A small prick of excitement passed through you at the idea of Lucifer avenging you. You had to be honest that the idea had crossed your mind too. His words made you smile wickedly, “As much fun as that would be, we can’t just go around killing people who are mean to us.”
“Why not?” Lucifer said, smirking back at you. He ran his hand down your arms sending goosebumps every which way. He moved closer to you and you felt your cheeks heat up at his proximity. His eyes softened as he wiped away your tears. “You shouldn’t cry over someone so insignificant and meaningless.”
“Who should I cry over then?” You asked.
Lucifer lifted your chin with his index finger and looked at you sternly, “No one.”
“Why do you care?” You asked again, genuinely curious.
“He doesn’t deserve you,” The angel said, before softly pressing his lips to yours.
When he pulled away, you were stunned. Why did he do that? Why would someone as beautiful as he want to be with me?
Lucifer kissed you again, his hands finding your hips as he walked you backwards. His kiss wasn’t soft this time though, it was forceful. He pushed you up against the wall, tugging at your pants. You broke the kiss as shame wracked you. “No, I’m not…you don’t want me.”
“Do not tell me what I can and cannot want,” Lucifer said, trailing kisses down your neck.
“B-But I’m not—” You were cut off by Lucifer’s hand as it clamped down over your mouth.
“Don’t,” Lucifer warned, tightening his grip on your mouth. “Don’t think those things about yourself. I forbid it.”
You felt a sliver of confidence rise up in your chest and you tempted to poke at the beast. You peeled his hand off of you. You smiled slyly, “What if I say no?”
He smirked before grabbing you by the throat and pushing you further into the wall. He squeezed your throat and your eyes rolled back into your head. Lucifer chuckled, “Do you really think you can win this game?”
“No, but I do like to play it,” You smiled, bravely reaching out to pull at his pants. Your hand grazed over his clothed erection. Clearly, your defiance was spurring him on. He nodded, a smirk pulling at his lips. He let go of your throat and for a moment you thought you’d gone too far. Your confidence faltered and almost instantly you were consumed with shame. I knew this was too good to be true. He doesn’t want you after all.
Lucifer spun you around, grabbing at your hands and holding them behind your back. You felt his cold breath in your ear and he leaned over you. The angel growled in your ear, “What did I say about thinking badly about yourself?”
You groaned as his free hand pulled down your pants and panties just far enough to slip his hand in. He found your clit and pressed his finger against it. You gasped at the sudden contact, squirming under his touch.
“Well?” He demanded, expecting an answer from you. His fingers moved expertly as he held your arms tightly. He bit down into your neck, finally eliciting a response from you.
“Ah! You told me not to do it,” You gasped. Lucifer praised you by slipping a finger into you, your pussy already dripping with arousal. You moaned against the wall and tried to press yourself against him.
“And what did you do?” Lucifer hissed.
Your breathing hitched in your throat, “I disobeyed you.”
“Hm, then what am I going to do with you?” He pushed in another finger, bucking his hips against your ass. His fingers pumped in and out at a merciless pace but dear god did it feel good.
“You should punish me, Sir,” You said softly, almost too scared to say it any louder in fear of spooking him.
Smack! You yelped at the hard sting of Lucifer’s hand making hard contact with your ass. “What do you think of ten? It’s a good round number.”
“It’s up to you, Sir,” You whimpered as he withdrew the hand that was pleasuring you.
“Correct. Count,” He ordered. He dropped your arms and you leaned on the wall for support. You waited for the next blow, flinching as he moved around you. You heard the unbuckling of his belt and gulped at the thought of what was coming. Smack! His belt came down on your skin hard. You flinched and leaned into the wall. “What did I say?” He snarled.
“One,” You said as pins and needles spread throughout your body. The belt came down again and you flinched against the wall, its cold bricks pressed up against your stomach. “Two.”
An intense heat dripped from your pussy with every blow from the archangel’s belt. Tears escaped your eyes, betraying your pleasure, but he didn’t let up. And honestly, you enjoyed every single bit of it. The belt stung and you were sure the soft flesh of your ass was scarlet by now. You dug your nails into the wall desperately, clawing at it as if you were trying to find something to hold onto. Lucifer’s breathing was ragged. He was enjoying this just as much as you were.
His belt hit you again and you tensed up, almost leaning into his action. “Nine.” He hesitated on the last one, drawing it out. The anticipation grew so high that you whimpered, pleading with him to continue. Smack! It felt like he put his full strength into the final blow. You groaned against the wall. “T-Ten.”
You recoiled slightly when his hand came into contact with your sore skin. He rubbed the tender spot gently and leaned in to place kisses on the back of your neck. He pulled your pants down further and bent you at the hips. He ran his fingers across your slick pussy. “Such a good little whore you are. Getting so wet for me.”
He undid his zipper and pushed down his jeans, freeing his cock. He moved closer to you, his cock grazing your entrance. You leaned back, attempting to mount yourself on him. Lucifer grabbed your hair in response and yanked your head back painfully. Without warning, he pushed into you with one hard thrust. You yelped in surprise at the intrusion. He didn’t take it slow and soft. That just wasn’t his way. But you didn’t want to be coddled right now, all you wanted was him and the intense pleasure he made you feel. His fingers found your clit once more and he caressed the sensitive nub in a circular motion. He pounded into you like a jack hammer eliciting desperate cries that erupted from your mouth.
You felt yourself swirling around a rather intense orgasm but knew you’d never get away with it without asking permission. He tugged a little harder on your hair making you squirm beneath him. “Lucifer, I’m going to cum.”
“Beg for it and maybe I’ll let you,” Lucifer said in your ear. His breath on your neck left you shivering, wanting more of him.
His fingers moved faster and so did his thrusts. You couldn’t fight it any longer. “Please. Please, Lucifer. Oh my god.”
Smack! He let go of your hair and hit your tender flesh again. He wrapped his hand around your throat and brought you up so that your back was against his chest. “You’re going to pay for that.”
He’d stopped all movement, turning you around and forcing you on your knees. You made a note not to say his father’s name again. You looked up at him to see the angel’s eyes flash red. Uh oh.
“Open that pretty little mouth of yours,” He ordered condescendingly.
You did as you were told. Almost instantly, he shoved his cock inside your mouth. He held onto the back of your head to keep you in place and he forced his cock to the back of your throat. You choked on him and tried to push away but he held you there. You moaned against him and pressed your knees together, desperately trying to create some friction. Something tickled against your skin and you guessed it was his Grace. It thrusted inside you making you jolt, pushing forward further onto Lucifer’s cock.
His Grace curled inside you hitting your g-spot over and over again. He began to pump in and out of your mouth. You felt his Grace take hold of your arms and pin them behind your back. You were helpless to his will. You gagged on his cock which made him grin. He leaned against the wall for support and you could tell he was reaching his own blissful torture.
“Y/N, cum for me. Now,” Lucifer breathed. His Grace released you and you cried out around his cock as your orgasm flowed through you. You convulsed, twitching at the after shocks from your climax. Not long after, Lucifer’s thrusts slowed and you felt him twitching in your mouth. Moments later he filled your mouth with hot cum as he panted out your name. He breathed heavily, trying to regain his balance before pulling out of your mouth. He tilted your head up, “Swallow.”
You obeyed and then showed him your good work. He smiled and helped you up. You pulled up your pants and stood awkwardly in front of him. You yelped when he scooped you up and brought you to your room. You leaned your head against his chest, tired from the sudden fuck fest. He shut the door behind you and gently removed your sports bra, pants, and shoes. He rummaged in your drawer before finding a cotton nightie. He motioned for you to lift your arms and you did as he slid the garment onto you. He pulled back the covers of your bed and gestured to it. You didn’t hesitate, climbing in immediately. You were a little surprised when he crawled in next to you. He wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your forehead.
“You did very well,” Lucifer praised you as he drew circles into your hip with his thumb.
“T-Thank you,” You stammered, still a little dazed.
“You humans are strange. So concerned with body type. It makes no sense to me.” Lucifer murmured against your skin. “You are worth so much more than what you weigh. And don’t let me catch you thinking about yourself like that again, do you hear me?”
You nodded, “Yes, Sir.”
You yawned and nuzzled up close to his chest. He pulled the blankets up over the both of you and rubbed your back, giving your forehead one more kiss before you fell asleep, already dreaming about your next session with the devil.
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Where You Want My Lipstick Part Three
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Notes: Not beta-read. The warnings below lists a running/growing list of warnings that vary from chapter to chapter.
Warnings: This fic has explicit sexual content.
Sugar daddy-esque relationship, oral sex, dirty talk, fingering, vaginal sex, Daddy kink mention, Dom/Sub dynamics, alcohol, under-negotiated kinks, possessive behavior, jealousy, public sex, cock warming, shower sex If you dislike any of these, please don’t read. Thank you. Pairing: Andy Barber x Reader Summary: There was no technical rule against ‘fraternizing between coworkers’, but it was pretty heavily frowned upon.
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I didn’t enjoy watching other people flirt with Andy. It happened pretty often - coworkers made passes at him, other lawyers cutting him long looks during meetings, bartenders passing him drinks with a wink during office happy hours. It made something ugly twist in my gut. It wasn’t that he was returning their attention in kind. He’d shoot them a quick smile and avert his eyes, or answer their questions politely, but in a way that either ended the conversation or left no space for it to go down a flirty avenue. It was that I didn’t like not being able to put myself in the middle - to stroll up to him at the bar and lay my hand on his arm and say, “Everything alright, babe?” As if I had any right to stake any sort of claim. There was no technical rule against ‘fraternizing between coworkers’, but it was pretty heavily frowned upon. I’d seen office relationships implode, watched coworkers get caught in the middle and try to mediate informally to ‘keep up workplace morale’, and seen the wounded parties either make peace or skirt around one another at office get-togethers and make stilted conversation when they got stuck in the elevator. And those were the relationships people knew about. I could only imagine how many trysts had been kept on the low. I couldn’t help but wonder if I wasn’t Andy’s first conquest in this office. If someone else had been with him, I was sure I would’ve heard about it by now. Maybe I’d just been the first one to take the bait.
Andy’s fingers smoothed over my shoulder blades, his breath ruffling my hair. I was worn out, half-asleep, pleasantly sore. “...Sweetheart.” His tone told me that he’d been talking to me, but I hadn’t heard a word of it. “Hm?” I lifted my head, blinking blearily up at him. He smiled softly, chuckling. “Where’s your head tonight, huh? You’ve been pretty quiet.” I didn’t answer right away, resting my cheek on his shoulder and lowering my eyes. “Was just a long week, is all,” I fibbed. It was only half a lie. Work had been hell, sure, but I’d spent my free moments thinking about whatever the hell this was. Andy and I had drawn a lot of invisible lines, and I was sure talking about this was one of them. Andy’s hand slid up my to the back of my neck. “Tip your head forward,” He said. “Why?” I mumbled. “'Cause,” Andy’s tone left no room for argument. I huffed, doing as I was told. Andy’s fingers stroked over the base of my neck lightly, concentrated circles before the pressure became a little more firm. I closed my eyes, sighing softly. His hand glided up and down the back of my neck, kneading more firmly. I felt the tension draining out of my shoulders, and I couldn’t help the quiet moan that left me. “There we go,” Andy murmured, keeping up his ministrations. “I’m going to fall asleep if you keep that up,” I warned a few minutes later. “Then fall asleep,” Andy murmured, “I won’t hold it against you.” -- It was weird to be awake before Andy. I usually woke up by myself, but Andy was right next to me this time, sound asleep. I looked at him for a few moments before I looked up at the ceiling. I needed to get out of my head. Things with Andy had been nice and uncomplicated so far, I needed to not ruin that. I pushed myself up, getting out of bed as quietly as I could and heading for the shower. I hummed to myself under my breath as I washed up. I didn’t want to get too loud; the bathroom acoustics were nice, but I didn’t to wake Andy up. Not that that mattered. I heard Andy open the door a few minutes later and I stopped humming immediately, glancing back. He didn’t say anything; obviously he knew I was in there, a ghost hadn’t started up the shower. He stepped in as I finished combing the knots out of my hair. “I didn’t wake you, did I?” I asked, frowning.   “No, baby,” He soothed, cupping my chin and pecking my lips. I stepped out of the way of the spray, making room for him and stepping behind him. He picked up his body wash, squeezing some into his hand. Before he could set it down, I took the bottle from him, squeezing some into my own. As he washed his front, I washed his back. I took my time, running my hands over the broad plane of his shoulders, down his spine, over his sides, eyeing the red marks my nails had left behind the night before. Andy tipped his head forward, water rushing over his head, rivulets sliding down his neck and shoulders, washing the suds away. I slid my hands along the clean skin before I pressed myself flush against his back, wrapping my arms around him. As I kissed his shoulder, my hands slid over his torso. I heard him grunt, pleased, as I ran my nails over his abdomen. My other hand slid down, gripping his half-hard cock. I smiled, beginning to jerk him at a teasingly slow pace as I continued to pepper his shoulders with kisses, occasionally scraping my teeth along the base of his neck, or nipping the skin. Andy’s hand caught my wrist, squeezing it lightly, and I let go. He turned, eyes dark with want before he caught my lips in a demanding kiss. I melted into it, my body pliable as he touched me. He pressed me against the wall of the shower, his hand pillowing my head against the hard tile. I shuddered at the feeling of the cold material against my back, the chill so contrary to Andy running hot against my front. I tipped my head up to him for another kiss, leaning up as he leaned back. I backed off, and he leaned in again. I moved to meet him in the middle; again, he pulled away. This game continued, agonizing, until I surged up, sucking his plump lower lip into my mouth. Andy’s groan was low in his throat, delicious and spine-tingling. He rested his forehead against mine as the kiss broke, shaking his head. “That’s strike one, sweetheart,” He warned, looking down at me. I pouted. “It’s your own fault for making me wait,” I argued. Something flickered in Andy’s eyes, and I knew I was walking a dangerous line between playful and stupid. “Strike two,” He warned. I huffed, but kept quiet. Andy waited a moment for another protestation, and when it didn’t come, he nodded, brushing his lips over mine and murmuring, “Good girl.” I bit my lip, fighting to keep still as Andy’s lips traveled down my neck, over my breasts. I brought my hands up, combing my fingers through his wet hair. He leaned away, shaking his head. “At your sides. And keep them there unless I say so,” He ordered. I did as directed, resting them with the palms flat against the tiles. He hummed, approving, before he slid a hand between my legs. I sighed, tipping my head back against the wall as he ran his finger along my pussy lips. Andy took one of my nipples into his mouth, teething lightly at the bud before flicking his tongue over it. “Shit,” I hissed, pressing down against Andy’s hand. “Hey,” He pulled his head back, looking at me, “None of that. I’m not gonna warn you again.” I bit down on my lip again, eyes pleading with him. He brought his hand up, finger covered in me, and used it to pull my lip out from between my teeth. He smeared his fingertip along my lower lip, smiling at the added slick on my reddened lip. “I know it feels good, sweetheart. And I wanna make you feel good. But if you can’t do what I say, I’m gonna have to punish you. And you know I don’t wanna do that, right?” “I know,” I mumbled. “So be a good girl for me and hold still.” I nodded, and he lowered his hand back between my legs. I closed my eyes and did my best to focus on holding still. And you know what, it worked! Well, it almost worked. It worked until I got so into it that I over-focused, zoned out, and zeroed-in on the tight, fast circles Andy was rubbing in my clit. I was going to cum, too, I was right on the edge, so I pressed into the feeling. I let out a sob when Andy pulled his hand away and stepped back, my head thudding back against the tile. “Strike three, sweetheart,” He said softly, sounding regretful. I stomped my foot, frustrated, begged, apologized, but Andy paid me no attention, just turned off the shower. “Get out, dry yourself off-- Don’t play with yourself,” He tacked on, a warning look in his eyes. I did as I was told, legs a little wobbly as I got out. I picked up one of the towels that Andy had set out on the counter and dried myself off, casting a glance at him over my shoulder. We’d never discussed punishment before. I’d never done anything to warrant it. Usually I did exactly as I was told, when I was told, how I was told - I was his good girl, I liked being good. But all of the doubts that had filtered into my mind, watching other people outwardly give Andy the attention that I only gave him in private, and in very small and specific doses, had stirred up a jealousy in me that I hadn’t known before. I had been quiet in bed the night before, out of focus, but this morning I had zoned in and acted out. Andy had disappeared into his room, trusting me not to disobey him while he was gone. But god, did I want to. I couldn’t even squeeze my thighs together; instead I wrapped the towel around myself and leaned against the bathroom sink, legs spread a little wider than normal as I waited for him to come back. It took him a few minutes. I found myself wondering what he was doing, or if he just wanted me to squirm. When he returned, he had pulled on a pair of boxers, and he was holding the cream colored satin and lace short bathrobe he’d bought for me a couple of weeks ago after our little bookstore adventure (”I’m not going to remember to hang up your dress every time, sweetheart,” He’d told me). “Put it on,” He said, holding it out to me. I shrugged out of the towel, setting it aside and pulling the bathrobe on. Andy frowned when I left it untied and came closer, wrapping it and doing up the tie. I squeezed my eyes shut as the material brushed against my still-erect nipples, trying to ignore the sensations it sent zinging down to my clit. When I opened my eyes again, I found Andy looking down at me. “Do you have a safe word?” He asked, speaking more gently than he had been before, “Hydrangea.” “Okay. You know the stoplight system?” “Yes.” “Are you comfortable with that?” “Yes.” “Do you trust me?” “Yes.” I didn’t even have to think about the answer before it came out. Andy pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. Then his face shifted, readopting that more stern, carefully careless look. “Come on,” He lead the way out of the bathroom, into the living room. Sitting on the small table beside the couch was a cup of coffee and a newspaper. On the floor in front of the couch was a pillow. Andy pulled his boxers off, tossing them over the arm of the couch before he sat down beside the coffee and the newspaper. He then looked at me and pointed to the pillow. I walked over, cautiously lowering myself to my knees. Andy’s cock was laying against his thigh. It was mostly soft. I glanced up at him for permission, and he nodded once. I leaned in, setting my hands on his thighs to brace myself, and he stopped me. “Don’t suck,” He said, looking down at me, “Just hold it.” I froze, eyes widening a little. He held my gaze. “Color?” He asked. “Green,” I said quietly. He nodded, watching me take him back into my mouth. Andy then picked up his newspaper, opening it and reading it like I wasn’t even there. The first few minutes were the most difficult. I was so tempted to move my tongue, to trace the vein on the underside of his cock up to the head and tease the way I knew he liked. I was still tense, and still horny as hell. I was salivating, I couldn’t help how wet his cock was getting. After a few minutes I felt Andy lower his paper and smooth his hand over my hair. “You’re doing very well,” He said softly. I didn’t answer, just focused on the hand on my head and the dick in my mouth, and not the ache in my jaw or my knees. It was only ten minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Andy’s phone buzzed, his timer letting him know that my punishment was up, and he shut the notification off before setting the paper aside. He reached down, stroking my cheek. “Are you alright?” He murmured. I nodded a little bit, careful not the dislodge him, or scrape him with my teeth. “You can get up now, come on,” He added, reaching to help me up. I peered up at him from under my lashes. Rather than take his hands to help me up, I took hold of them, intertwining our fingers. “Sweetheart, what are you-- ah,” Andy sighed as I began to bob my head, slurping and sucking as I’d wanted to. I didn’t even care that my jaw and knees were sore now. I just wanted him. I squeezed my thighs together, moaning as I felt Andy hardening, pulling off of his cock and mouthing down the side. He let go of one of my hands, tangling his fingers in my hair. “That’s it,” He breathed. I used my free hand to fondle his balls; they were slick with the spit that had accumulated while I was warming his cock. Andy’s hands slipped under my armpits, pulling me off of my knees and into his lap. I straddled his hips, ignoring the ache in my knees and thighs as I kissed him eagerly. One of his hands moved down, dipping between my legs, and he didn’t disapprove when I chased the sensation this time. “You’re still all slick for me, sweetheart,” He husked, teeth grazing along my jaw. “Yes,” I whispered, my pussy brushing against his bare cock. We both let out moans at the contact. Andy gripped my chin, turning my head and forcing me to look down at him. “You know I didn’t wanna punish you, right?” He asked, and I nodded. “I know,” I breathed. “But when you act like a brat, sweetheart, I’ve gotta treat you like I brat.” I nodded, hips rolling as I ground against him. “What are you when you’re not being a brat, huh?” He asked. I swallowed thickly. “A good girl,” I mumbled. “Hm?” Andy feigned ignorance, even as his hips pressed up to meet mine, “What was that?” “A good girl,” I said more loudly, hips snapping harder now as I felt the familiar sensation building in my pelvis. “Whose good girl?” Andy asked. I had to squeeze my eyes shut; I couldn’t stand the way he was looking at me, like I’d just put the stars in the sky for him. “Your good girl,” I whined. “And you wanna be my good girl?” “Yes, sir,” I gasped.
"Then be a good girl and cum for me.” I cried out Andy’s name, seeing stars as I came grinding against his dick. I was still cumming when he lifted me by my thighs, lowering me onto the couch and laying me out. I watched as he knelt over me, jerking his cock with a mess of my come and spit before he came, shooting across my robe and my skin where the fabric had fallen open. Andy sank down onto the couch, resting his head on my stomach and carefully avoiding where he’d cum on me. I lifted my hand, combing my fingers through his hair. “Are you alright?” Andy asked after a few minutes of quiet, lifting his head to look at me. I smiled, nodding. “I’m alright,” I said, though I could already tell that my voice would be hoarse in a few hours, “Can we go back to bed?” Andy didn’t answer, just got up, gathered me into his arms, and took me where I asked.
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saxxxology · 4 years
Calling the Shots (oneshot)
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Old Sam used to be good at listening to others. New Sam calls the shots all day, every day. 
PAIRING: Soulless!Sam x Reader WARNINGS: brief fighting, dom/sub themes, minor dub-con if you read fast, Sam’s a control freak, blowjob, deepthroating, rough sex, spanking (implied past use of a belt), squirting, fingering, creampie NOTE: Edited by me - please heed the warnings and enjoy! This work is 18+ only.
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You and Sam were fighting. Again. This time, it was over a kill that should have been yours. You’d had the last vampire right in your sight and Sam had jumped in, taking the thing out for you. You didn’t like him stealing your kills, and he’d endured the cold shoulder for over fifty miles back to the motel room.
“I was saving your ass,” he snapped, kicking his boots off, “don’t get your panties in a wad.”
You whirled on him. “I had it! I’m not some helpless little girl, Sam. You might think I am, but I’m perfectly capable of taking out a vampire on my own!”
“Sorry, but you were takin’ your sweet time sneaking up on him. If he’d caught your scent he would’ve tried to—”
“God, I’m so fucking sick of you doing shit to try and save me,” you scoffed, “all it does is stroke your ego and piss me off, I don’t see the point.”
“Then why don’t you leave?”
“Excuse me, but you’re the one who pulled me back in,” you returned harshly, “but I’m starting to get it now. You don’t want me to hunt, you just want someone to fuck, huh?”
Sam chuckled, staring darkly back at you. “The sex is a bonus. I gotta say, what you lack in your hunting skill, it makes up in the bedr—”
Outraged, you raised your hand, ready to swing back and smack him. Your palm was barely six inches from his cheek when Sam grabbed your arm, wrapping his fingers easily around your wrist. He slammed you up against the wall, hard. Air whistled from your lungs, and Sam bent down to whisper in your ear as you coughed and wheezed, trying to suck oxygen back into your lungs.
“You wanna try that again, sweetheart?”
“You—” you gasped for breath, “—you’re a fucking asshole, you know that?”
Sam laughed wickedly and watched as you slowly regained your breath, eyes watering. “I’m not an asshole. I’m just the one who calls the shots.”
Again, you raised your free hand, and this time he didn’t stop you in time.
Sam’s head jerked to the side, and he was silent for a long second before he grabbed your other wrist and spun you around, shoving you hard against the over-flowered wallpaper. “I really need to teach you not to hit me,” he growled.
He dragged you over to the bed and threw you down, quickly tugging your leggings down over your ass and down to your ankles. They ripped as the fabric caught on one of the zippers, but Sam didn’t care. He just climbed over you, bunched his hand in the fabric of your panties, and gave the side a sharp twist. The waistline bit into your skin, making you cry out, and then Sam was tossing the ruined clothing off the side of the bed and bringing a hand down on your bare ass.
“Don’t move.” He straddled the backs of your thighs and braced one hand on your lower back. “You don’t do anything unless I say you can. Understand?”
You struggled, but not because you wanted freedom. This was one of the reasons you stayed, to have Sam holding you down and fucking you completely, owning you in any way he wanted. Slapping him had broken the trust he reserved in you, and your chances of escaping a lesson in where you belonged were about the same as a snowball’s chance in Hell.
But you couldn’t complain. Sam was a great teacher.
“Yes, Sam.”
“Good.” Sam quickly pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. You went stiff when the tinkle of his belt filled your ears, and he chuckled darkly. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna get you with this,” he leaned over to kiss your shoulder, “although I do love it when you can’t sit down.” 
He spanked you again, hard, gripping the soft flesh of your ass before raising his hand to do it again. “You love this,” he slid his fingers between your thighs and teased your pussy. “Gets you wet every time… bet I could make you cum just from spanking you, get you so close you cum right when I slide my cock into you…”
You whimpered when he rubbed your clit between his middle and index fingers. “Please…”
“Hmm?” Sam rubbed his fingers a little harder, smiling when you tried to arch into his touch. “What was that, sweetheart?”
“Spank me again, Sam.” You turned your head and wiggled your hips.
He obliged, raising his hand and delivering a loud smack to your ass. He soothed the red mark with a quick massage of his palm. “I’m gonna make this pretty ass hurt,” he lowered his voice, “teach you a lesson to keep your hands to yourself, huh?”
“Yeah.” You opened your mouth as Sam braced one palm between your shoulder blades, immobilizing you beneath him. “Oh fuck, Sam…”
“What?” He ran his free hand over your ass, touch soft and soothing compared to the harsh slaps he’d delivered only moments before. “You gettin’ close?”
You whined as he reached around brought his fingers to your clit, rubbing small circles over it with slick fingers. You opened your mouth in a harsh cry as he leaned over to nip at your shoulder. “Yeah, just a little mo—”
You cried out into the mattress as he spanked you again. You knew your ass was going to be sore as fuck the next morning, but you didn’t care. Sam was intent on “teaching a lesson” and you was all too willing to let him put everything he had into it.
“You’re gonna cum right when I put my cock in you, huh?” Sam reached down to undo his zipper, keeping one hand between your thighs. “I wanna feel you cum, that tight little cunt squeezing me…”
He stood suddenly, quickly walking around the bed to kneel in front of you on the mattress. He rolled you onto your back and teased his cock against your lips, groaning as they parted to give the side of his shaft a gentle kiss.
“I’m gonna fuck your mouth and you’re gonna be a good girl about it.”
You shivered at his tone, but knew that you could refuse at any time. Soulless or not, Sam still understood the boundaries, that, in the bedroom, at least, no meant no. He’d just go find a lonely little barfly to fuck instead. 
He raised an eyebrow. “Open.”
You obediently opened your mouth, tilting your head back so Sam could thrust slowly into your mouth. He tasted hot and salty, and you moaned at the flavor on your tongue. Blowing Sam was enough to get you off untouched, and he damn well knew it.
“That’s my girl.” He gently rolled his hips, careful not to trigger your gag reflex as you began to lick and suck at the head of his cock. “Fuck, that pretty little mouth… looks so good wrapped around my cock.”
You moaned again, and Sam stiffened at the sensation. He placed one hand on the valley between your breasts, holding you still so he could press deep into your throat. You swallowed, and his hips jerked—he could see himself bulging your throat, at the juncture of your chin and neck. When you gagged and pushed on his hips, he pulled back with a loud pop, and you gasped, inhaling deep before tipping your head back to take him back in.
“You’re a greedy little slut, aren’t you?” Sam stroked himself as you sucked harder, spit-slick lips gliding back and forth on his length. “Can’t keep your mouth off my cock once you get a taste, huh?”
You blinked up at him, sliding your tongue over the sensitive spot before taking him deeper until he was just about to hit your gag reflex, and then pulled away, gasping for air.
“One more time,” Sam commanded. His upper lip curled into a snarl as you reached between his legs, gently massaging his balls with your fingers.
“Fuck, nothing gets away from you, does it,” Sam growled, “you better be careful or this is gonna be over before I’m done with you.”
This time, he dragged you up and spun you around, planting a firm, messy kiss on your lips and spanking your ass again. The ache spread through your body, and you felt your walls clench hard around nothing. Sam pushed you down onto your back, shoved your legs open, and lined himself up.
“I’m gonna make you scream,” he muttered, and with a vicious thrust, he was inside, grinning as you trembled and clenched around him. He didn’t wait, just started fucking into you, using his body to hold yours against the mattress.
It was hot and sweaty and fucking perfect. His skin slapped against yours with every inward thrust, and within seconds the pleasure was boiling over into something almost too strong for you to handle. You whimpered and sobbed as he dug his knees into the mattress, pushing harder and deeper. Your nails scraped down his back, and he shouted, his thrusts now making the bed slam against the wall.
“Sam, I can’t—” your voice broke as he changed the angle of his hips, driving his cock right against your sweet spot.
“Yes, you can,” he muttered, “it’s part of your lesson. You cum when I say you cum. I wanna hear it.”
“Sam, please—”
You threw your head back in a silent scream as your orgasm crashed over you, exploding between your legs and soaking the blankets under them. Sam shouted at the sensation of your pussy squeezing tight around him and fucked harder, grunting with the effort of working you through an orgasm so powerful you thought you might pass out. You were squirting on him, gushing wet and warm over his dick and thighs. The bed was going to be ruined when he finally got done with you.
“Oh God, Sam, please—!” you whined as his thrusts began to slow, the sound of your bodies smacking together suddenly quieting. “Please… give me a minute…”
He pulled out, watching as you writhed and twitched, panting through the aftershocks of your orgasm. “That was a good one, huh?”
“Mmm…” was all you could manage.
Sam dipped his head to kiss you, soft moans muffled against his lips. “Never made you squirt that hard before.” The head of his cock slid over your clit, and you stiffened, pressing your lips together. “Oh, you want more?” He shoved two fingers inside you, roughly fingering your sweet spot until you were gushing again with a loud squeal of pleasure. When you pulled away, he let his palm fall with a loud slap on your inner thigh. “Hands and knees.”
Weakly, you rolled onto your side. That was as far as you got on your own; Sam had to push your onto your stomach and turn your head to the side so that you could breathe. “Sam, I need…”
“Yeah?” Sam ran one hand up and down your back. “Whaddya need, baby?”
“You,” the word was a breathy gasp. “I need you to cum.”
Sam chuckled and leaned back. “Then spread your legs.”
You obliged, slowly parting your thighs so that Sam could sink back in, his entry made easy by the explosive orgasm you’d had only a minute before. A loud moan left your lips as he stretched himself over you, kissing and nipping at the back of your neck. After a few long, drawn out thrusts, he held himself over you and started pounding harder, the wet sound of his dick inside you filling the room.
“Oh, yeah,” he raised his hand and spanked your ass, “Yeah, baby, I’m gonna cum...”
You braced your hands against the mattress as he sped up. “I wanna feel it.”
“I’m getting there, sweetheart, but you’re gonna have to work for it,” he whispered, “I want you to fuck it outta me.”
He knelt behind you, his hands gripping your hips and pulling you back on him. You got the hint and started rocking your hips, letting your pussy slide back and forth on his cock. Sam exhaled shakily and watched, rubbing his palms over the globes of your ass.
“That’s it, keep doin’ that,” he bit his lip and watched the way your pussy stretched around him. “Keep workin’ that little pussy on my dick. Fuck, I’m gettin’ close, sweetheart. Ready to take all my cum?”
You nodded quickly. “Yes, Sam, fill me up.”
Sam growled, then his hands were on your shoulders, shoving you down hard into the mattress. You felt his cock start to throb and his hips were snapping against your ass harder than ever. He was always rough when he came, letting all the pent-up arousal flow out through every pore. The sound of his hips smacking against your ass reverberated around the room, and you screamed into the pillow as he pounded against your sweet spot again. 
He came with a loud yell, spurting deep inside you as his eyes slammed shut, his whole body shuddering with pleasure. When he finished he leaned back, letting his cock slide free, and watched as his cum ran down your thighs, making a mess on the sheets. “God, that’s hot,” he breathed, spreading the cheeks of your ass to get a better view. “I should do this every night.”
You stretched out, whimpering when the muscles in your back tensed and pulled. “I wouldn’t mind,” you murmur. 
Sam climbed off the bed, chuckling darkly as he wiped himself clean with his boxers. “Take a shower,” he said, “I’m gonna get you somthin’ to eat.”
He changed back into his clothes quickly and slipped his wallet into his back pocket before vanishing out the door, leaving you in total silence. You sat up slowly, wincing as more cum drooled out of your pussy and stained the coverlet below. 
“Gross,” you said, despite feeling a flush of arousal at the sight of your skin stained milky white. Gingerly, you slipped off the edge of the bed and padded slowly to the bathroom and turned the water on. 
You had a feeling that Sam wasn’t done with you yet.
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