#the black iris and the withered rose
skzhocomments · 6 months
Cant wait for white lily new chapter!! Love your fic so much!
Aww thank you so much!!! It'll be out this week, I think on Thursday!!
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fluffybunny-things · 11 months
Isn't Little Bird ✨️adorable✨️!!
He wishes you all pleasant dreams on his brother's behalf^^'
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#Reapertale #ocart #fontcest
See below the divide for insight on Birdie's story!!
Paps reached out to a flower, wishing to touch its soft petals, but the second he got even remotely close, the flower withered away. They drew their hand back with a sharp swing.
Little bird sat alone in the garden of eden under an old oak tree. For an angel who's sole purpose is death, Papyrus really enjoyed watching the flowers grow. He admired their vibrancy and the way they swayed in the wind. Fascinated by the creatures that would come along to do their work. Bees and butterflies pollinating. Rabbits cutting back the stems and snacking on dandelion heads. Lady bugs living under the leaves. And the deer who would graze on the land.
Looking around was a ring of dead grass where little bird sat.
He frowned, wings drooping as he remembered. Of course. He couldn't even pick a flower. He wished he could. That he could bring a whole bouquet of roses and Daphadils and Iris back to their brother.
Paps leaned forward once more. The flower snapped off with no effort as his fingertips graced its stem. Practically ready to dust right there between his stubby little felanges. The once vibrant red turned to a dull shade of blacks and greys.
"Nyeh-" he whimpered.
Little bird should be used to this by now. He'd existed for over a thousand years and yet, after many millennium they still couldn't get over how vastly different he and his brother were to the other gods.
At least they could touch each other. The only one paps could hold hands with was his big brother, and a few outstanding gods. Life for example, or fate, or Hades. But that was about it.
Sans had told pap not to go anywhere near Hades. "Bad Man" as his brother described him, waving a finger. Sans would deal with him if the need arose.
Fate was a trickster. She was fun for a while, but her games were just too... intense. And she wasn't exactly the kindest of angels.
Life, life was so sweet. Little bird saw her as like and aunt or a mother. Actually, her garden was just down the way from where little bird sat now. He could pay her a visit.
Or not. He was sure she was busy.
He tucked the flower safely away in his inventory for later. Maybe Sans would like it anyway.
Papyrus stood up to streach, wings extending over his head with a slight quiver. "Hinn~ ah!" He hummed. "Bye bye old freind. Thank you for your shade!" He waved to the old oak, wishing he could hug it in thanks.
"I'd stay but, these souls won't find their way to heaven without me. Nyehe!"
And with one final swoop he was off.
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carmenhearst · 1 year
"You'll meet her, she's very pretty even though sometimes she's sad for days at a time."
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Is that CARMEN HEARST? A JUNIOR originally from LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study PRE-MED. They’re THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
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"You'll see, when she smiles, you'll love her."
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full name: carmen ortiz hearst. nickname(s): car; carm; carmie. age: twenty. date of birth: october 12th, 2002. zodiac: libra. hometown: san simon, mexico. los altos, california. current location: ogden, new hampshire. ethnicity: mexican. nationality: mexican. gender: cisfemale. pronouns: she/her. orientation: biromantic & bisexual. religion: christian. occupation: student. language(s) spoken: english, spanish, french, semi-fluent mandarin.
father: eduardo ortiz. born may 13th, 1966. charles hearst. march 1st, 1974. mother: carina ortiz. born november 27th, 1971. olivia hearst. january 8th, 1977. sibling(s): n/a. children: n/a. pet(s): n/a.
face claim: fiona palomo. hair color: dark brown to black.  eye color: hazel. height: 5'3''. weight: 112 lbs. tattoos: n/a. piercings: lobes on either side.
character trope: the social butterfly. additional tropes: the artist, the caretaker, the demure, the gregarious, the mccoy, the princess classic, the philanthrope, the pristine, the reticent, the studious, the sweetheart, the timorous, the viscerotonic. character inspirations: chrissy cunningham (stranger things), iris (the holiday), juliet (romeo + juliet), kiki (kiki's delivery service), louisa clark (me before you), ofelia (pan's labyrinth), riley matthews (girl meets world), rory gilmore (gilmore girls), rose dewitt bukater (titanic), sofia (outer banks), wendy beamish (st. elmo's fire). positive traits: intellectual, sincere, idealistic. negative traits: codependent, naive, disorganized. skills: translation, communication, art. smokes: no. drinks: socially. drugs: yes.
attending; ogden college. major: pre-med. sports: cheerleading, equestrian. extracurriculars: pre-med society.
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TW: drug dependency/use. ● Carmen was adopted as a toddler by Charles and Olivia Hearst, a couple from the upper class that had more interest in having a child they could brag about than merely having a child. ● She spent most of her childhood and life in classes of one kind or another, either expanding her brain or expanding her skill set. ● Between classes, recitals, pageants and family's functions, Carmen was nearly always on display and knew she had to present as such. ● Despite the endless schedule she was expected to maintain, Carmen always seemed to find time to reach out and talk to people around her, genuinely interested in the people around her and their stories. ● Her once lively personality was slowly withered down due to the exhaustion of rising to expectations and when she was only fifteen, her mother encouraged the use of stimulants. This has continued and become a dependency issue even though she neglects to acknowledge it. ● Finally away from home, she's experiencing some freedom but still doesn't know how to break out of her parents expectations.
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TW: drug dependency/use. The memory of her parents can hardly be considered as such, the images in her mind much more akin to attempting to remember the dream you had just been stirred from than seeing a picture of your past. The only thing Carmen knew for sure? Her parents loved her. A reassurance repeated time and time again by her nanny, words that were surely about her birth parents rather than her adoptive ones, whose presence was less commonplace than the woman's own. Charles and Olivia had always wanted a child. Or perhaps, more accurately, they had always wanted trophies — the biggest and best of everything that they could grasp onto, that they could put on display for those around them. Carmen was merely a more concrete piece that they could attribute to their greatness. The second they had welcomed her into the family was the second she was growing, a schedule crammed with whatever might help push her towards success; if she wasn't expanding her mind, she was expanding a skill. Classes, recitals, pageants and the older she got, the larger the list of events she was expected to be in attendance with her family for. The normalcy of a childhood spent making mistakes and getting into mischief not one that Carmen had been afforded. Despite the endless parade of events that filled her calendar, it never seemed to take away from the initiative Carmen had always had to reach out to the world around her. It seemed to not matter if it was a teacher, a classmate, a family friend or merely the employee of whatever business they had wandered into — Carmen seemed unable to keep herself from asking about their day, about their life. There was a genuine warmth and interest in people that even her parents money couldn't have afforded to teach, yet they made sure to harness it in whatever form worked best for them, ushering their daughter in the path of whoever's good graces they were attempting to win. However, expectations did not come without their drawbacks, withering down a once lively girl with exhaustion she shouldn't have while merely a teenager. It didn't go unnoticed and unluckily, it wasn't unknown territory for the Hearsts. She was only fifteen, in a dressing room before a pageant when her mother first gifted and encouraged the use of stimulants. It was the start of a dangerous path, leading to dependency that has followed her like a shadow, dependency that Carmen has yet to face the seriousness of. After all, what reason should she have to worry when her own mother had assured that so long as one didn't overdo it, there was no real harm. It was no surprise to anyone when Carmen graduated valedictorian, nor was it a surprise when she got her acceptance and made her way to Ogden University, Charles' Alma mater. It had never been a question to those around her just as it had never been a question for Carmen. There had never been thought or consideration for her own desires, for her own passions and wants out of life. Even now, Ogden may have opened a door for her, may have been an escape for the home that had suffocated her for the entirety of her childhood — yet the expectations lurk overhead like a storm cloud threatening to swallow her whole.
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The social butterfly, dynamic and charismatic, floating about so that you may always see her but never catch her. Carmen was outgoing even as a child, wrapping herself around anyone who would grant her their time and attention. It was an energy carefully sculpted over the years, taught how best to use that openness to charm the world around her, to make them feel welcome and seen when within her space. What she has yet to realize is the many ways in which this piece of her is both a blessing and a curse; the ability to seemingly adapt in any social situation, to befriend anyone around her coming without the knowledge of how to set boundaries or put herself first, how to distinguish who was actually worth investing her time in.
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Like a moth to a flame, it’s hardly a surprise Carmen was pulled into Greer’s orbit — the girl with an interest in everyone and the girl who held everyone’s interest. It was unlikely that the two wouldn’t cross paths, wouldn’t exchange pleasantries from time to time, but what Carmen could have never anticipated was the friendship that formed. She had become used to a surface level of camaraderie in her peers and little more, yet it felt as if Greer mirrored the attentiveness that Carmen displayed for those around her, that she genuinely cared to know more about her. It’s only with Greer’s disappearance and the rumors that have spun in it’s wake that she’s been left to question the sincerity of their bond, to wonder if either of them had actually cared about the other or if they were merely displaying the manners they had been taught.
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questing-wulfstan · 1 year
WIP Word Search Game
I was tagged by @honeyteacakes and @seiya-starsniper, and I fail to do everything that I am tagged in, but it’s so precious when anyone thinks of me, and also I love love talking gratuitously about my writing so thank you so much for the opportunity 🫶💛
@honeyteacakes ‘s words: rough + short + warm + dreamer + night
@seiya-starsniper ‘s words: rose + wood + grey + tall + old
in order of the words to search, not necessarily the linearity of the fic :
An Epiphany of Poppies upon the Battlefield (the Big Bang fic™ I am finally allowed to talk about !!)
An inconvenience of being immortal was that it made getting rid of a drug addiction a true calvary. Hob had witnessed so many fellows succumb to the soughed promises of abandon in the arms of this siren. So many of them wither away like fragile poppies in rough hands.
Hob instinctively winced and took a step back. Yet as his eyes embraced the feminine figure, fascination overtook him. She was as dark as Hob’s new companion was pale. She wore a sober dress that ended just below her knees, with short sleeves, entirely black like a mourning garb.
Hob blinked and propped himself up on one elbow, to discover a young lady with diaphanous skin and fiery incandescent hair that hung by one foot wedged between two pieces of wood of a chandelier, her other leg bent at a 90° angle, the foot of which resting on the knee of the other. Delirium.
“I am so sorry for your loss,” he murmured, the puddle of his eyes troubled, reflecting nothing promising but the smoke-saturated grey skies. “Is it their bodies you are looking for ? I can help …”
Soon however, he could distinguish Delirium, her pale skin reflecting and diffracting what little light entered the cave like a humanoïd moon, Lucienne’s presence beside her, merged into the shade. And then, further in the cave : a woman. Tall, her flesh modelled from clay.
To Mend Dreams
His pupils expanded like a shutter opening, spurning his iris and cornea, leaving his eyelids to open on spatial void, dotted with tiny distant stars, and one bright orb, that dazzled without blinding in the center of each. The little grip that the laws of physics seemed to have on his hair vanished, leaving it to look like a proper crest, made of the same thread the fabric of the night was woven from.
Saints and Sinners laid alike / The Thousands and One Wedding Nights
"My lady, will you accord me this dance ?" Calliope's eyebrows rose, taken by surprise. Several emotions passed on her face, too fast for Hob to decypher, but too numerous and for too long for him not to be taken aback on his turn, unexpecting the suggestion to evoke so much in her … (it’s probably not the meaning Seiya had in mind, but I’ve only ever used rose in that sense once and I cannot spoil it  👉👈)
tagging @nicolodigenovas + @littledreamling + @virgo-dream + @immacaria + @disc0bandit + @saecookie​ with the words : smoke + glass + bloom + soft + shade (translating them if needed is encouraged !!), if they please 🫶
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len-wither · 2 years
After reading @tracobuttons amazing ALTR analysis, I decided to come up with my own!
(this is my first time writing ever btw, and i wanted to go a bit more lore-y if you get what I mean so uuuuuh.. enjoy?)
ALTR 12514
Status: Detained?
Location: IRIS facility #5
also known as "Len" or as "Wither" to some scientists and researchers in the facility.
ALTR 12514 takes the shape of a human girl in a black dress with golden tints and what seems to be a crown of "withered" yellow roses.
ALTR 12514 seems to kill/age any type of creatures that gets near them, such as plants, animals, and even humans.
The way in which this ALTR does so is still unknown.
however recent theories suspect that time flies by faster near the "Wither" (quite the opposite of ALTR 5914), however, other theories suspect that they may have powers that can kill/decay any creature that gets near as a way of protecting itself (further inspection and study are needed).
Interaction with the ALTR is strictly forbidden to all scientists except those whose names appear in the file [AW245] as any unwanted interaction with the subject may lead to permanent injury, unwanted aging, or death (further precautions are needed).
for further information, refer to Dr.##### Lead researcher of this anomaly.
ALTR 12514 also seems to have teleporting powers, as it has left the cell prepared for it multiple times (none of which were escape attempts) all while leaving one single withered yellow rose in its place. thus we've prepared multiple cells for the subject to teleport between (the cells are secured with Mag-[Redected] our newest technology to ensure that the subject won't be escaping).
In terms of human intelligence, "Wither" seems to be able to hold a conversation much easier than some of our other experiments, and also seems to understand human objects and sense of humor like a real human (don't be mistaken as the anomaly is *NOT* a human being).
Other than the previous information the subject doesn't seem to be hostile in any way, but rather calm and sometimes even cooperative with some of our lead scientists.
Research may continue on "Wither" to solidify its connection with ALTR 5914.
Ps: The Dr. Hopkins Assessment has not yet been done on the subject and won't be performed until further notice from the higher-ups.
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flower-seller · 2 years
CW: Suggestive themes (both characters 20+), horror elements
Volo seems to have a growing history of shattered dreams. More commentary in tags!
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With sudden night came the dark and cold things that struck instinctual fear in the hearts of so many. That distinctively human itch of shadow turning one from predator to prey in the blink of an eye, it couldn't be denied, even here.
The sunless expanse yawned above the twined pair, lit only by a dusting of stars and a hanging moon cloaked in hunter's amber. It should have been beautiful, but something about the celestial body was almost withered, rasping like dried grass as it morphed above them. Full, waxing, waning, gibbous and so on, all began to carve and reform the moon in their preferred shape over and over, until it was caught between a constant state of flux.
For just a moment, blissful and uninterrupted, Euphorbia's body was still as it should have been; Warm, soft and pressed so delightfully to his.
But that sense of unease grew. 
It was all off. Crumbling and shaking like the legs of a newborn stantler as it received a taste of that first instinct to run, to flee from a predator it was born knowing in its blood.
"Volo." His name was less prayerful this time, sinking like a stone in his stomach. 
Gone was the lust filled keen of a woman of whom had just experienced unsaintly pleasures, replaced by something more… Grounded, familiar. It was the ghost of a sweet whisper while the surveyor leaned forward to brush her lips up his jaw to his ear. Her voice sounded more real. Like Euphorbia, the girl he knew from Jubilife, the newest recruit, the surveyor, the riftfallen. 
His friend.
"Breathe, dear," Euphorbia hummed, cupping his face.
He quickly shifted to draw away as he began to finally understand, the truth of it all but flashing before him. The very moon above blinked at him like a hellish eye of unreality. Euphorbia, or what took her form pulled him back in, and for a moment his eye softened in spite of it all. He foolishly lulled back into his dream-like trance as the false depiction of the woman that occupied his mind so tenderly caressed his cheek with purpose. Her words spoken like a command to him. 
Their lips brushed, never quite meeting before the vision sank further in on itself, the soft palms holding his cheeks tickling the flushed skin there as they became less of themselves. 
He was breathing, wasn't he?
"No, no wait," Volo's voice rose in both volume and octave, his sultry rumble replaced by a panicked gasp as he watched in horror the way Euphorbia's visage crumbled within his arms. The merchant scrabbled at the flower petals that were left in her wake, trying desperately to cling to whatever it was they had before. He wasn't ready, wasn't done. The icy winds whipped his face and sent the remnants of his… Blossom, floating away as though she had never existed. His body felt as though he were both burning and freezing at once and it made him dizzy. 
He braced his hands on the now wilting bed of flowers that the white haired woman had once laid, his long fingers grasping at the damned things in frustration. His hair hung around him like a heavy curtain, blocking out the view of the ceaseless night that crawled ever closer to the man. His pale eye peered through the blond veil and towards the moon once again. 
"What do you want?" He spat, his shoulders hiked up defensively. Everything was slipping away. The hills, the flowers, the sky, all that kept persistence was the very moon itself in all of its spinning glow. The sky had become an unknowable pitch, that darkness seeping into the lands like spilled blood as the world began to crumble away just like she had. Volo's hollow words were left unanswered, the only sound left to his space being his own voice.
The amber sphere, for only a second at its fullest, stared back at him with a black hole that he knew perceived him. Then the iris of the beast was gone as the cycle of phases continued. 
It was when the moon had finally reached its new phase that everything fell away. The last scrap of purchase Volo had pulled out from beneath him like a rug to send him spiraling into total darkness. The Ginkgo had tried desperately to hold on, but nothing ever lasted. He fell straight down with a shriek, tumbling himself into nothingness.
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ao3feed-ateez · 9 months
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anywayshapeorform · 10 months
Iris. Iris. Look at me. The Glitch was killed afterwards. DeathMachine is still here. That's all that matters for now.
-there was a black shulker, we were let there. the snake led us there
Think about The Snake later. Focus on me right now. Everyone is still around.
- but the garden was full of wither roses, it still is and nothing will solve it. The mice are spreading as we speak
Hey. Hey. Iris. The lighthouse in the middle of the fog: DeathMachine is around. He didn't go away. I know you don't remember what happened, but trust me when I say that everyone is still here. I am not saying this just to calm you down, I need you to trust me on this. You could hear the End Portal singing back then, the same way I used to hear the Nether calling for me, right? If someone was not around, I would know. The silence would be deafening.
The chirping is not a happy one, but it still is a sign of life. The canary can still be resuscitated after passing out in the mines. It will be weaker, it will be more timid... but it will be alive
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year1fmprvpart2 · 1 year
Basic plant research
I decided to start by searching up plants that can survive in intense weather conditions (https://www.housebeautiful.com/uk/garden/plants/a28548574/garden-plants-types-of-weather/)
This is what i found :
1. Euphorbia Characias
Commonly known as the Mediterranean Spurge, this green plant can grow up to 1.2 meters in height. Perfect to add into your garden if you want your outdoor space to look fuller all year round.
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2. Hydrangea Arborecens ‘Annabelle’
Plant this striking flower in boarders around your garden for a beautiful splash of white. Its flower heads can grow as large as 30cm in width and make a statement wherever they are planted. It's worth noting that they can be toxic to dogs and cats, so take care if you're a pet owner.
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3. Rosa ‘Wedding Day’
These beautiful lemon-white roses bare large clusters of scented flowers that are sure to brighten up your outdoor space the moment they bloom. For best results, grow this flower in well-soiled, moist ground and ensure it gets plenty of sunlight.
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4. Iris Pseudacorus
Ideal for wildlife gardens, the rich nectar of this plant will attract bees, hoverflies and other insects. This is perfect to plant near a pond if you have one.
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5. Geranium Phaeum
This plant is prone to self-seed so can be useful to fill large spaces in the garden. Commonly called dusky crane's-bill, mourning widow or black widow, the dark violet flower is a beautiful addition to any garden.
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6. Primula Vulgaris
Known for its long flowering period, this plant can flower as early as December. Wonderfully, too, the primrose provides a place for butterflies to come and rest.
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7. Hemerocallis ‘Burning Daylight’
This glowing orange plant has large ruffled flowers that open most mornings and wither at night. A flower on the same stem can replace them the next day, so you'll be sure to see it constantly blooming.
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I like these plants, but one problem is that they all seems to be a similar style of plants, all flower-like (besides the first one). I was hoping to find a larger variety of plants maybe some that were more alien-like, some vines, some fungi possibly. From this, i decided to search "alien-like plants" and came across things that were more my original thoughts
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These plants i really enjoy the look of. They all give off that alien-like post apocalyptic world type plant i will defiantly aim to try and make something similar to one of these but maybe with a twist on it.
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scriptflorist · 2 years
Um hi there, I hope ya don't mind me popping in the ask box, but I have at least 3 question regarding flowers and I hope that you can answer them please. My questions are as follows, # 1:what are the meanings behind Black and White Roses? #2: what is the meaning behind sunflowers and Lillies (and the possible colors that lillies can come in?) And finally, what are the types of flowers that can be found within the French countryside or near the water in France? Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this! (And apologies if this is crazy long and misspelled.)
hOf course not! We’re happy to see you more than once! Let’s see what we can do for you. One thing we can already say however is that there is no meaning for black roses, but that just means that one could be made up for your story. There are no meanings because black roses don’t exist. We’ve gotten very close with dark reds, but those are much more recent developments, so they wouldn’t appear in Victorian Flow Language, or any traditional flower language that’s not contemporary.
Rose Meanings
Victorian Flower Language
rose (white) – I am worthy of you, silence, too young to love, I would be single, a heart unacquainted to love, innocence, purity, humility, secrecy
rose (white and red together) – unity
rose (white, withered) – transient impressions, death is preferably to loss of virtue
rosebud (white) – (a) heart that is ignorant of love, heart unacquainted with love, the heart that knows not love, girlhood
rose (white) – innocence, I deserve you, deep respect
rose (white buds) – too young to fall in love, girlhood
Sunflower Meanings
Victorian flower language
sunflower (dwarf) – your devout adorer, adoration
sunflower (tall) – pride, haughtiness, false riches, lofty and pure thoughts, smile on me still
sunflower – I look only at you, love, worship
Lily Meanings
Victorian flower language
daylily (yellow) – coquetry
lily – majesty, pride and modesty, majesty & honour, purity of heart
lily of the valley – return of happiness, the heart withering in secret, modesty, sweetness, tears of the virgin mary, happiness, humility
lily (calla) – feminine modesty, beauty, magnificent beauty
lily (day) – coquetry
lily (eucharis) – maiden charms
lily (imperial) – majesty
lily (japanese) – you cannot deceive me
lily (orange) – hatred, dislike
lily (superb) – splendour
lily (tiger) – wealth, pride, prosperity
lily (white) – purity and sweetness, purity, sweetness, virginity, majesty, it’s heavenly to be with you, youth
lily (yellow) – falsehood, coquetry, gaiety, I’m walking on air, false, gay, gratitude
water lily – eloquence, purity of heart
water lily (peltated) – wisdom
water lily (white) – eloquence, purity of heart, purity
carma lily – pureness, multi-talented person
easter lily – pureness, sweetness, dignity
himeyuri – pride
kanoko lily – mercy, beauty
lily of the valley – happiness will come again, pure, chastity, humility
lily turf – hidden heart, patience
sasayuri – elegant
tiger lily – sage, wealth and pride
yamayuri – majestic
yuri/lily – pure, innocent, dignity
yuri/lily (white) – innocence, dignity
yuri/lily (red/pink) – void
yuri/lily (yellow) – false, cheerful
yuri/lily (orange) – brilliant, fun
yuri/lily (Casablanca) – dignity, pureness, nobility
waterlily – innocent heart, trust, faith
zephyrlily – tainted love, letters, expectation
French Countryside Flowers (by the water)
fleur de lis – flame, I burn
iris – I have a message for you, message, faith, wisdom, promise in love, hope, valour
iris (flaming) – flame
iris (german) – flame, ardour
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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skzhocomments · 10 months
THE WHITE LILY (Mafia Book #1 - Bang Chan) - Story Masterlist (COMPLETED)
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Pairing: Bang Chan (Stray Kids) x Emilia (alias: Shade)
Genre: MAFIA AU, angst, romance
Word Count: ~33k words
Warnings: explicit mature content, mentions of death and other graphic scenes (it's a Mafia...), swearing, blood, anxiety etc.
This is just a story that doesn’t describe SKZ members’ true characters in any way. It’s just a product of my imagination and should be treated as such.
This story is also on Wattpad: click here and AO3: click here
A/N: As any other writer out there, I would appreciate reblogs and your comments on this story. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and most importantly, have fun!
"Looking back on it, I should've noticed that I was falling way too fast, way too hard, and that this strong urge to have him flushed over me like a tsunami would only drown me. I wanted more. I should've known then how dangerous that was. I was oblivious that his kisses were poison. How couldn't I notice just by the euphoria they made me feel? I should've known it was too good to be true. But the sad thing is, even if I knew, it probably wouldn't have mattered. As long as it was him, I would've been happy to stay oblivious. I would've gladly drunk any poison. I should've known then that he wouldn't do the same for me. It was not poison that I was tasting on his kisses, but heartbreak. I should've wanted less." This book takes place in the Mafia Universe, where Chan is the young leader of one of the most powerful gangs out there, Stray Kids. Fate ties him and Emilia (or Shade, by alias) together - but will this encounter bring anything positive, or would it just bring pain to the both of them? We shall see in "The White Lily" - an angsty, suspenseful fanfic, the first story of many to come in the Mafia Series. Bang Chan Fanfiction
The story and cover edit are original and my property. Any similarities to other stories are purely coincidental. Emilia, the protagonist, is a made-up character. Stray Kids members or any other famous people mentioned along this story DO NOT represent their true character in any way, they are simply mentioned in order to provide a visual representation for the readers. Their personas obviously have nothing to do with their true personalities. They're just characters I've created for this story, so please don't take this too seriously.
Mature content ahead.
© all rights reserved by skzho (Tumblr) / storminsidemycore (Wattpad) / storminsidemycore (AO3)
Chapter 1 - Girl on a mission - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 2 - First meetings - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 3 - Borrowed time - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 4 - The party and the after party - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 5 - An eye for an eye - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 6 - Nightmareless - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 7 - SKZ, you're next - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 8 - The Overpass - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 9 - Paint it black - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 10 - Velvet glove around an iron fist - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 11 - Olive branch - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 12 - The White Lily - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 13 - Project Thrips - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 14 - Crimson Red - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 15 - I was never there - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 16 - Yours truly, Shade - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3 (FINAL CHAPTER)
Mafia Series Book #2 - The Black Iris and The Withered Rose
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here-for-jaskier · 4 years
Jaskier (the bard named after a flower)
Read it on AO3
Jaskier means buttercup. Familiar was the small, stubborn plant found along roadsides and in meadows. As if dressed up, it shone in a bright yellow between the pale daisies or the puny grasses. Before the young bard, who followed him out of a tavern to the end of the world and had just that name, Geralt had not paid any attention to them.
It had taken Geralt some time to ask himself for the first time why his companion had chosen this name as his own. He had plucked off a single stalk because it had grown together with the wolf's bane. Wide-open was the chalice, gracefully formed from yellow curved leaves that shimmered in the sun while Geralt turned them in his hands. As the flower slipped from his fingers, slowly sailing to the ground, the question also disappeared from his mind again.
Not until on a night that stretched over their heads like a black cloth decorated with thousands and thousands of pearls that the witcher had managed to bring the question over his lips. For a split second, Jaskier's facial expression slipped away, but a blink of an eye later he smiled. A sad smile that resembled more a grimace and did not reach his cornflower-blue eyes.
"People remember it better," he had simply claimed, "Short and memorable. No one appreciates musicians with a long name."
They were loose words. Anyone would have been satisfied with that answer. The short twitch in Jaskier's hands, the way his fingers restlessly ran over the wide ring on his left hand, Geralt revealed that there was more behind it.
"But why Jaskier?", he checked once more, felt the heavy heartbeat next to him under the starry sky, intoxicated and full of uncertainty. The witcher did not receive an answer. Instead, Jaskier only reached for the opened bottle of wine, the sweet and sour taste which was still on their tongues and which wrapped their senses in cotton wool.
"More wine, Geralt?"
Geralt often thought back to that evening. Mostly of her conversation before that, of the jokes, of the smile Jaskier had given him and which covered him in daylight even in the darkest hours of the night. Only after his question did it fade away, as if dark clouds had slid in front of the sparkle in his iris. He had not succeeded in pushing these shadows aside that night. Only the next morning, when the sun climbed up the horizon sleepily, did Jaskier blink between his long brown lashes.
Their breakfast had consisted of leftovers from dinner and blueberries, whose sweet juice had welcomed the beautiful day as much as the birds' emerging chirping. As if he had dreamed of the strangely tense mood at night, Jaskier was awake and alert. Lively and loud as always, despite the alcohol.
Geralt couldn't remember every detail, but he knew he didn't want to see Jaskier's sad face again, the way his shoulders bent under the load like the leaves of a flower threatening to break under the weight. 
But there were things that Geralt could not prevent. Every flower faded at some point. Slowly time robbed them of the color of their blooms, let them wither and eventually the wind would carry them away into nothingness. Forgotten and that after only too short a time. Jaskier would not fare any differently. During their time together Geralt had realized that the human body seemed fragile like glass. A simple cold, a wrong step, a wound could make him splinter and the shards would bore deep into Geralt's heart. Into his much too soft heart, which lay in Jaskiers fragile and mortal hands. Desperation devoured him over the weeks, the closer Jaskier came to him.
Until he knew no other way. That day on the mountain, far from civilization, between rocks and softly whispering grass, Jaskier had looked again like the flower whose name he carried. Like a flower that had been stepped on too often, suffered too much, and which at some point looked like the muddy ground with torn blooms and leafs. Every color had disappeared from Jaskier's face when Geralt's words hit him like kicks. The glow in his eyes went out, while tears rose in them. With a feeling as if a rope had been pulled around his chest, Geralt remembered the sound of Jaskier's last words, which he whispered muffled before turning away. Even his favorite instrument had been stolen from him by the witcher. 
In return, Jaskier took Geralt's heart with him that day. If he had believed that he would not have to bear the pain if the bard disappeared from his life, Geralt had been mistaken. He felt empty and burnt out. Like a lump of coal whose energy had evaporated, the cold took over. He was incomplete, where he walked and stood. His thoughts hung on the bard, with the name of a flower, while Geralt did his daily duty without anyone waiting for him after the hunt or sharing his bed. Jaskier's scent, a mixture of pinewood and honey and something very own that belonged to him completely, evaporated from his things and his mind, was blown away, no matter how hard the witcher tried to keep him safe.
With every morning Geralt woke up alone and realized that it would go on like this for the rest of his days, he wanted to scream but he couldn't make a sound because he thought he was drowning in the cold of the loneliness that lay like dust on everything.
Until that day when their paths crossed again.Unspectacular, unexpected as if the cunning fate of Geralt wanted to play a trick that evening.Like the breeze on a warm summer day, the familiar voice welcomed him as he pushed open the door to the tavern and saw Jaskier.
He laughed, he sang. He didn't appreciate Geralt's agonizing hours not one look, while the blue eyes flashed across the room and followed the clapping and dancing of the crowd. Only his pulse told the witcher that his presence had not gone unnoticed. Meanwhile, his gaze rested on Jaskier, greedily grasping every detail as if the bard could vanish into thin air at any moment and disappear forever.At the same time, the shame was boiling in Geralt. For all the angry words resting on his chest and squeezing the air out of him like an ugly animal. Guilt weighed on him and the question if Jaskier wasn't better off without him, had more joy in a real-life without mutants, gnawed at his entrails.
But more burning was the desire under his skin. The longing for the bard, for his petty touches that brought butterflies to life in his stomach area. The desire to kiss him spread the wings in his heart suppressed everything and filled him with ease. There was nothing he wished for more than to run his tingling fingertips through his dark brown soft hair, to look into the blue eyes that were more intense than Geralt remembered and reminded him more than ever of fallen pieces of the sky.
He want Jaskier, at his side, as long as fate gave them and if he had to let him go, he wanted to hold his hand until that moment, knowing that never again would a flower attract his gaze like Jaskier.
All this was stronger than Geralt's cowardice. So his shaky legs followed the younger one, who had finished his performance and was heading for the back exit until suddenly they were facing each other.The blue doublet's fabric glittered in the dancing candlelight as Jaskier raised his head and tensed his shoulders as if preparing for a thunderous storm that was about to hit him at any moment.
"Jaskier..-", Geralt began, in a rough voice."What is it, Geralt?", Jaskier replied violently and crossed his arms in front of his chest. With this, he could not hide the trembling of his fingers.
"I..-", Geralt produced, indecisive as he could pronounce what he felt. How sorry he was could hardly be put into words, just as he felt. Ashamed, he lowered his head, fixed the worn-out floorboards on which various footprints were visible.
"Do you know why Jaskier suits me so well?", the bard asked out of nowhere. Abruptly Geralt looked up and when their eyes met, the fire cast soft shadows on the younger one's face. His eyes spoke of pain and shimmered moistly as he continued.
"Buttercups are useless," he said, almost spitting out the words, "You can tear them out as often as you want, but they always grow back where you don't need them."
The first tear made its way across his cheek, mysteriously reflecting the light before Jaskier wiped them away in anger."My parents were right, weren't they? It fits," he said bitterly, turning to leave. Without hesitation, Geralt grabbed his arm, held him tight.
Startled, Jaskier looked at him. More tears rolled, hanging on his lashes as he looked down, unable to look into the eyes that reminded him of splinters of amber."That's not true", Geralt croaked. His heart was beating up to his neck, "I need you."Doubt and shock were visible on Jaskier's face. He bit his lips for a moment when Geralt's hand was already in his neck.
Goosebumps trickled over his skin as he ran his fingers carefully through his unruly hair.
"Buttercups still glow at dusk", Geralt whispered, "They are poisonous and are therefore rarely eaten", he continued, with every word they came closer to each other.
"They do not displace, they do not grow over, they protect when they are close to other plants."With his thumb, Geralt wiped away the last tear, as timidly as if Jaskier could break under the touch.
"They can be found even in the darker swamps", Geralt said, while they stood there leaning forehead to forehead. Jaskier trembled all over his body, his fingers clawing into Geralt's shirt. He became dizzy from the proximity and the scent that enveloped him. He breathed in deeply.
"They give light and hope," he whispered. Warm, hectic breath brushed against his throat. For a second he sank into Jaskier's eyes of the deep shimmering blue that made him forget everything.
"And they are beautiful."With these words he bent over, his hand still on the bard's cheek, sealing her lips in a kiss.He tasted salty tears and hot embers, the surprise and all the colours of this world and every fibre in his body trembled. Carefully they breathed through his nose before Jaskier pulls him closer.His lips curled into a smile, the first in a long time, as a warmth spread through him as if someone had dipped him in hot water.
He only dared to breathe as they parted tentatively, hearts pounding, drunk with happiness. When Jaskier smiled at him, embarrassed and with a twinkle in his eyes, Geralt knew that spring had returned to his life. But what did he care about the other flowers?
He had found his. His only and favorite one.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Much to popular disbelief, Ash is actually pretty keen on catching romantic and platonic social ques. He just doesn’t act on the romantic ones. And how could he with what kind of platonic and romantic love has surrounded him since he was so young.
Ash watched his father promise him, a fake promise Ash refuses to believe that was actually fake for an embarrassing amount of time, that he would be back on Ash’s Fifth birthday. He doesn’t show up and after the next two weeks his mom opens a packet with giant letters of “Divorce Papers” written ages the top. He watched his mom try not to cry and sob and Ash was shooed out of the kitchen by her and forced to go to his room. It didn’t really matter, his father was never really close with Ash anyways.
Ash never met Gary’s parents, but they weren’t good ones from what Daisy would accidentally slip out when they were much younger. He watched as Daisy was distant with Professor Oak and how the Professor wouldn’t really give Gary the time of day unless Gary accidentally did something bad.
He had to watch his budding brother hood with Gary rot and withered away because Professor Oak had always preferred and loved Ash more. Ash wanted to reach out and tell him, to tell Gary that he never wanted the Professors attention if it ment he didn’t have Gary by his side. But he couldn’t and he had to watch his ex-beat friend grow even more bitter and lash out harder at everyone around him. Forcing his ego to inflate to hide the pain. Ash cried when Gary came up to him after the Johto conference, he couldn’t help himself as he blubbered because he misses Gary so much. He just didn’t know how to put his platonic love into words that wouldn’t have Gary throwing them back into Ash’s face with scorn and amplified hatred.
Ash listens and watch as Misty complains over and over again how horrible her sisters are and how they all left her to take over the gym by herself. A bunch of eighteen year olds dumping a gun on a man inexperienced sisters year old. Let alone left her to survive on herself as well with no way to pay off any kind of taxes or to pay for necessities like food and bath room supplies. Even her parents refuse to help and Ash couldn’t stomach the thought of ever hating his mother like Misty and Brock do to theirs.
Ash did the same for Brock when the rare scathing comment about his parents would slip out. Unnoticed by Misty since her own parents. Chronic dream chasers that left Brock, also a sixteen year old, to care for his nine younger siblings alone while also running a gym to boot. Ash stays quite about his own parental troubles, he’s long gone over his father and tries to focus on the more uplifting parts in his life. He also watches Brock fall for every, much older, pretty lady. Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, any citizen, Etc. He chews his lips and keeps quite. Wondering if this is love for men and how Ash as the briefest second though about his transitioning, it’s over before it could really manifest in his brain. Ash also doesn’t know what happened between Professor Ivy and Brock, but it was bad and both of them still can’t be in the same room together. Let alone face and talk to each other.
Ritchie was a bit different. He was kicked out for being trans. Ash couldn’t help but feel his own binder become extremely more tight. He’s thankful for his mothers hard work and the Oaks slipping him extra money on his birthday to start transitioning early. Ritchies parents are mean and down right cruel from what the same age boy as Ash says. Ritchies so much like Ash, to much like Ash, and he can’t help but wonder if their half brothers from the same bastards. Ash wouldn’t shove the theory out of his head and it hides in the back of his mind even to this day.
Ash watches May and Max’s parents interact. He wonders if this was what Moms relationship was before Aah was born. Then he sees the clear miscommunication between the two about the Butterfries and Ash feels sorrow for Max and May because it looks to rehearsed that it just had to happen more than once.
He watches Steven Stone and Wallace, the only real semi healthy relationship Ash had ever been exposed to if Aah was honest to himself. Though their relationship is still strained between both’s different works of fields.
He sees Barry and his father, how the man just brushes the blonde boy off to the side. Ash doesn’t know whether to feel sorry or pity for the boy.
Paul and Reggie are worse. He sees Paul’s hatred and anger and he looks over and sees Reggies desperate attempts of at least trying to build a bridge to his brother. Ash wishes someone would do that for him that seriously wounded Ash without Ash being the problem, but it always ends up with Ash having to apologize, he can’t help but feel a leats a bit jealous of Reggie and Paul but he doesn’t voice his thoughts and leaves when the shouting gets to be just a tad to much.
Ash watches as Trip slowly spirals down. He tries to help, tries to be friendly. But Ash is pushed to the side and snarled down like he’s the problem that keeps following Trip like a black raining over cloud.
He meets Alder and his Grandson Benga. He’s never heard a peep about a mother or a Grandma form both men. He watches as Alder flirts with Cynthia even though the women keeps pushing the Unovian man advances off over and over again.
Ash listens to Cilans brothers berate the youngest triplet and for them to even do it over private phone calls for over two weeks before As stepped in and told them to fuck off. Cilan’s shoulders had sunk to the ground in relief and Ash had to comfort the green haired teen as he started to cry that someone finally stepped in and pushed back against the twos verbal abuse and taunting. Ash almost throws up. He should have stepped in sooner.
He sees Iris’s relationship with Drayden and he wants to reach out and comfort the girl who obviously try’s her best to at least get a prais out of the quite and hard man. Ash has rarely prayed for something to harm someone. Ash sits by the edge of his bed when Cilan and Iris are asleep and he prays for the first time in a very, very long time. 
Ash watches as Clemont acts like a brother and a mother towards Bonnie. The girl oh so clueless to what stress Clemont is in every time her life is on the line.
He sees Alain, Lysander, and Professor Sycamore play hot truama between the three. How Lysander sounded to slick and evil like the last uncountable group of bad guys Ash faces off in his life. Ash sees Alains and Professor Sycamores past relationship that is rotting and turning to Ash before the Professors eyes. It reminds him to much like Gary and Professor Oak that Ash turns around from trying to say hello to Alain to going to the nearest bathroom to hurl his early dinner the league provided. Ash pushes Alain away from Mairin, and Pushes the girl over to Bonnie and Serena who are more than welcome into dragging the girl into a group hug, and over into the Professors arms. He refuses to let their relationship suffer any longer.
He sees Champion Dianthas obvious despair and the tears that are on the top of her eyes that threaten to fall for hours on end during the war. He sees her actual cry into Wulfrics shoulder for five minuets before straightening up and slipping back into her old calm and composed features.
Ash sees how Lillies mother is distant and how she disregards almost everything Lillie says to her, or try’s to down play Lillies feelings at every corner. It’s vile and sickening how Lillie doesn’t see how toxic it is, how Toxic her relationship is between her mother and workers-damn even her own brother! Ash wants to snarl and spit of Hladion the first time they meet but he holds himself back and acts polite and amazed because Lillie is happy that her brother is back. Ash tears into him once Lusamine comes back from the Ultra Wormhole when Gladion was trying to leave again. Leave Lillie to care for her mother alone and abandoned his family once again. Because that’s what Gladion had done. No matter what light the blonde tries to put it, Gladion had abandoned his sister when she needed him the most. Left it up to her friends to shoulder the brunt with just; “oh this is Lillie, she can’t touch Pokémon.” Without knowing why and how that came to be.
Ash sees Hau and how he hates being around his dad. Only ever acknowledged the mans existence if someone brought him up or when he’s explaining how he’s now living back on the islands indefinitely until further notice. Ash had never seen the man in his life and he bluntly states that Ash would have no qualms with fist fighting Hau’s dad if Hau ever wanted to. He gets Hau to laugh bright and loud. They never touch the topic of mothers but he sees Hau tense for when it nears Mother’s Day and how he hides his sneer at anything Morher Days related.
Ash sees the easy going relationship between Professor Kukui and Lrofessor Burnet and for once in his life, it feels like Ash can truly breath. He finally gets to experience someone’s love and warmth unconditionally without any toxic backlash. He gets to experience what it feels like to have a dad, not just a father, in his life and what a functional family is supposed to be.
Ash sees the toxic relationship between Rose, Oleana, and Leon. Sees how the chairman strains Leon and works him down to the bone. How Hop loves his brother unconditionally but Ash can see the hurt and backlash hidden deep in Hops golden eyes. Ash sees how Rose barely gives Bede the time of day but the white haired child defends all of Rose’s actions with the last of his breath. Ash hears Oleana story and Ash wants to scream how toxic the chairmen is but he knows no one would listen to anything from an outsider. So Ash holds his tongue and watches the rot spread and infect the entire league one trainer by one.
Ash try’s to love unconditionally, just how his heart is supposed to love everything and everyone around him, but he’s scared. Scared that everything he’s seen between everyone would happen to him as well. He wants something like Professor Burnet and Professor Kukui has, but his heart freezes and his throat ties itself into one of those hard Boy Scout knots.
Ash loves, oh does Ash love, but he loves from afar. To afraid to step closer and try something new.
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cobradoesmcyt · 4 years
Black Rose (2/4)
Here comes the second part! And “New town, new me” is way more shipy then I remember it being. Anyways, here’s part two!
Grian hummed happily as he walked around New Hermitville, it had been two weeks since he arrived here and he honestly couldn't see how he'd ever be able to live without the peace of the village. It was so serene and calm most of the time, and even when Bdubs was running around planning new builds and looking for materials it was nice. Over the two weeks he'd gotten very comfortable around his two new villagemates, way faster than he thought he would, and he now knew some interesting quirks about the two.
Keralis liked to take it slow and enjoy the scenery, so he tended to keep a camera on him at most times to capture most of those sceneries without staying there for hours. Not that he also didn't do that, because he definitely did, but it was more common he just took pictures.
Bdubs liked telling stories, they ranged from funny and joyful to somber and sad ranging between everything in between. He usually told them when he was doing mindless work, like making room for a new build in the village, but at times he sought out either Grian, Keralis or them both to tell them a story. His most common audience was Grian and his gardens, seeing as Grian usually stayed there and relaxed, making him an easy person to find and tell stories to.
Equally they had learnt stuff and quirks about him, like how he loved taking care of animals and how said animals seemed to love him. Also how he was a good tailor, and how he seemed to just be able to know your style from just a quick look. Another interesting thing was his gardens. He had three over all, but two of them had smaller patches of flowers over it and the last one was just one big garden of plants of all kinds. One of his favorite patches of the gardens was the one filled with poppies, when they asked him about it he told them it was for an old friend.
In a flower pot sitting next to the entrance of the big garden was a wither rose, at first Keralis and Bdubs had been apprehensive about letting him have it but after seeing that it did him no harm they let him keep it (turns out Grian had developed a slight immunity against the black flowers, so one wasn't enough to hurt him anymore). It now served as a reminder as to how he got where he was now, that and his new appearance.
The first notable difference he had was the black patches covering his skin, they were mostly on his arms but it was all over his body. Other than his arms, his face and hands were the most notable. His fingertips were a black that faded back into his normal skin tone before they reached further than his fingers. His face was the most obvious, since all of the bottom part of the right side of his face was black. His right eye had also been affected, swapping the black and white of his eyes around. So his pupil was now white and sclera was black, though his iris was still a breathtaking violet. His wings now also had black speckling along the tips, but only on the top.
The second difference was his clothing. Sure he loved his sweater and casual pants, but he was starting a new chapter in his life so it was time to try something new. His red sweater was replaced by a red open cardigan over a loose white shirt. His gray pants had been replaced by form fitting casual sweatpants. His black sneakers had been replaced by short heeled shoes (he wanted to be taller than 5 feet, which he now is with the shoes...barely) which were also black.
And the last difference was his hair. He had let it grow out, which didn't take very long since his hair grew very fast, and it was now pulled up in a loose bun. He was also wearing a headband with fake flowers, the flowers were all pastel and they varied from blue all the way to pink.
He had gotten very positive feedback from his two new villagemates, both enjoying the style and color pallet he'd chosen. The changes had happened around the start of the second week, so he'd only had the clothes for a bit.
Breaking himself out of his memories he walked up to the river's edge and sat down, he usually went down to the river almost every morning. He enjoyed the water, since that had been his momentary distraction back before the wither rose garden situation. He let himself get distracted by the clear waters before him, world momentarily forgotten. This was another thing he's noticed, he's now more relaxed now. He isn't jumping around getting ready to prank someone, though he does still prank Bdubs and Keralis from time to time, nor is he staying up late working on builds.
Sure he still worked on builds, but it was mostly sketches and small things. He supposes he's just content relaxing for once, he's always been so riled up and itching to do stuff all the time that he's kinda forgotten what it's like to relax properly.
Grian would have thought for longer, had it not been for the sound of rockets approaching. He quickly rushed up from the water and into one of the new Hermitville gate towers. He hid in the tower, but made sure to still be near a window so that he could see what was going on. And once he looked his eyes widened.
Just behind the entrance gates stood Iskall, and he seemed to be agitated. This couldn't be very good, what was he doing here?
"Keralis! Bdubs! Can you come here? I need to talk to you both!"
Said two Hermits came jogging from the village, curious but welcoming expressions on their faces. It was Bdubs who initiated conversation further, "Good day my good sir! What can we do for you?"
"Have you seen Grian?" Asked Iskall, the Swede glancing around all the while.
"Grian? No, can't say we have." Said Bdubs, grateful that he'd gotten a bit better at not showing he was lying, "Why do you ask?"
Iskall huffed out a breath, shoulders sagging, "Grian disappeared two weeks ago, no one's seen him since. No death message has appeared, not since those of him withering away stopped."
"Why would you think he was here?" Asked Keralis, head tilted to the side. "Why not some place with a lot of wither roses?"
"We've already looked everywhere where those are," sighed Iskall, "But there are some wither roses missing from Sahara so we think he made a spot somewhere and used them there, we just can't find it."
"Well we wish you luck finding him." said Bdubs, "We promise to look out and tell you if we find him."
Iskall regarded them for a few seconds before nodding. "Thank you both, have a nice day."
"You too!" Called Bdubs as the brunette flew away.
Grian waited a few minutes before making his way out of the tower. I looked up at the direction where Iskall had disappeared off to, a frown on his face, "Why is he here now?"
At the two’s confused faces he elaborated, "Why is he looking here now? This is quite a big landmark, being you guys’ base. So why is he only looking here now?"
"Maybe he hasn't started looking up until now?" Asked Bdubs with a shrug.
"If that's the case, then why haven't they been looking before now?" Questioned Grian, hunching in on himself as dark thoughts entered his head. "Do they not care about me?"
Keralis was quick to come and comfort him, "No, of course they do. I'm sure they have a good reason." He rubbed Grian's back gently. "We can ask about it during the next Idea meeting if you'd like?"
"Please." Whispered Grian, burrowing into Keralis' gentle hold.
"Ok, then we'll do that." Cooed Bdubs also wrapped his arms around the small Hermit. "Now how about we cuddle for the rest of the day? I think you might need to relax a bit."
The rest of the day was spent much like Bdubs had said, full of cuddles and laughs. By the time the sun was setting Grian had mostly forgotten about Iskall's earlier visit, much to the relief of Keralis and Bdubs. They watched as the small dirty blond fell asleep curled up in between them, their faces turning to frowns as soon as they were sure he was asleep for real.
"I hope Shashwamy doesn't ask too many questions tomorrow," mumbled Keralis, "I don't think I can lie to him for long."
Bdubs placed his hand on the others forearm in comfort, "I'm sure he won't talk about it for too long, he'll probably want to focus on Idea more than talk about that anyways."
"You're probably right, I'm just worried I guess."
"I am too." Admitted Bdubs, "We both know that if the Hermits were to force themselves onto Grian he'd probably go back to the mindset he was in two weeks ago. Hell, technically they're the reason he was there to begin with!"
"Hey, don't be too hard on them." Said Keralis, "They probably didn't notice."
"Which is even worse if you ask me."
Keralis sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We can't just judge them without hearing their side first. They are our friends too, they deserve us to be fair to them."
Bdubs didn't reply and simply laid his head down on the brunette's shoulder. In turn said brunette rested his head against the raven haired man's own, but not before he took off his glasses and hat and put them on the small coffee table in the room.
Tomorrow would be an eventful day, but right now they had nothing to worry about. No important talks to have, no meetings, no nothing, just calm bliss. They treasured these moments, no matter how many they had.
Keralis let out a loud yawn before following his cuddle-mates to sleep, he was ready for whatever tomorrow may bring. Especially if it meant that Grian could start mending his friendships with everyone, he could clearly see how much his small friend missed them.
Over in the Sahara meeting room one chocolate brown eye and one cybernetic blue eye looked at a framed picture of the three Architechs on opening day, the eyes then turned to another framed picture, this one more recent. It was taken almost a month ago, and it was also of the trio. Nothing looked too different, at least it did until he took a closer look at the eyes.
There was a big change in Grian's eyes from the first picture compared to the second one. In the first the violet eyes were bright and full of joy and life, but in the second picture the eyes were dull and almost completely lifeless.
He'd done this, hadn't he? He and everyone else on the server. They had broken, and if not that then at least cracked, the kindest person alive. They had made joke after joke, not bothering to see if it was ok or not. And in the end, that's what took him away from them. Sure, he was still on the server, at least according to Xisuma he was, but they couldn't find him.
Perhaps that was his fault, for not starting to look sooner. But he just couldn't believe Grian just left everything he'd made and ran, even when he saw the broken communicator. Ren had given him hell for not telling everyone Grian was missing, honest to god missing, before now. The ex-hippie has been disappointed, but not mad surprisingly. When asked about it he said, "Can't be mad at him(Iskall) for something I've done too. So I'm choosing to be disappointed in what he, and only he, has done."
The search had started just under two weeks after Grian disappeared, and no luck yet. He wasn't in Hermitville, nor in new Hermitville (heh, if he only knew), or any other place that was searched.
So for yet another night Iskall fell into a fitful sleep, worrying over his dirty blond friend and where he could be. The Swed just hoped that Grian was safe and happy, that's all he wanted him to be. And Grian was both of those, so Iskall had what he wanted.
Even as everyone went to sleep, or at least most of them, the server was still slightly abuzz. The tension from the talks that would happen the next day in the air. Hopefully everything went ok.
Who am I kidding? This is Hermitcraft! Nothing usually goes ok. So who really knows what will happen?
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fruitbur · 4 years
(bursts into inbox) thAT ASK MEME WITH ALL THE OCS U TAGGED (or just pick and choose but i genuinely would love to know all of them if u want afhdsgjsdhdjd) - darkwarfy
i'm going to start with the easy ones and end with the ones i haven't even talked about to you.
Full Name: Aaron Cupid Williams
Gender and Sexauilty: Male (trans) and Demisexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Ethnicity/Species: Tribrid of Fae, WARLOCK, and Demon.
Birthplace and Birthdate: His birthplace is unknown to HIM so therefore it won't be stated. he was born on Halloween but the year is also unknown.
Guilty Pleasures: Dancing and Singing. his mother never allowed him to do anything fun when he lived with her (besides reading) so he hides that side of him.
Phobias: Spiders, water, and the dark.
What They Would Be Famous For: besides being the only one of his kind? his singing, there is just something about it.. i wonder what?
What They Would They Be Arrested For: destroying prisons and freeing wrongly captured supernaturals.
OC You Ship Them With: No one, Red is too young to date throughout most of the stories he is in.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Iris (his mom) or Icarus
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Favorite movie would be Shark Boy and Lava Girl, he loves kids movies. Book genre is sci-fi or adventure stories.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: For movies it has to Coraline and book cliche is the hero or hero's lover/bestfriend dying for the greater good.
Talents and/or Powers: Talents would be as i said before his dancing and singing. his powers? jesus Red has a LOT. He can do basic magic, he can light himself on fire in a blue magic flame before it spreads around himself. telepathy, teleportation, and "invisibility" (that's more lore stuff) not really a power but he can control his appearance (his was born with baby blue skin and light purple hair but his mother taught him to hide that side to blend in with humans) he has a ribbon spell that he can call them to wrap his wrists and his controls them (i.e pulling and wrapping up his targets) he has another spell that does the same thing called flower power (this with rose vines) that he uses to hurt someone if need be. okay this is getting too long but he has more.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He is such a sweet kid and lights up the rooms he is in. you can't help but love him.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Red can be a little troublemaker and cause chaos for fun. which gets annoying when shit goes down.
How They Change: Red always thought he was just a weapon, a tool for a war that was never coming. as he grows up and lives on his own with Angel, he changes to be someone full of love for not just others, but himself.
Why You Love Them: Red was my first ever OC. He has been through so much changes and growth and i think i finally love him as he is now.
Angel - (i'm gonna shorten the questions so this doesn't get too long)
Full Name: Nope- that's lore and i wanna tell you that Later.
Gender: Female (Trans), Lesbian.
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: loosely based on the mayans, a necromancer, and a clockwork angel necklace.
Birthplace: Her village in that universe's Tulum. Birthdate... she's existed for over 2000 years, who knows how old she is truly.
Guilty Pleasures: Gardening and painiting.
Phobias: the water. just- the water.
Famous For: bringing the dead back to life with ease.
Arrested For: Killing witches who mess with Red.
OC Shipped: I ship her with Niko, two crazy girls who just want bodies.
OC Murder: Iris again, or Lexi (not doing her, she isn't too important rn)
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: she doesn't watch movies that often because she is ya know.. trapped. but when Red can watch something other than kids movies, Angel finds herself loving romance movies, hasn't picked a favorite yet. Books though? cook books! she enjoys learning about food even though she can't eat.
Least Favorite: Horror, just like Red. or anything with water. nothing against mermaids or wildlife, but she's seen enough of the sea for 10 lifetimes at least. Cliche would be evil necromancers, screw that.
Talents: Her painting are to die for. powers??? now this is going to be fun. Angel can bring back the dead, use her magic to move things and grab people. over the course of her time trapped, she has learned how to possess whomever wears her, which leads to some fun beat downs with both Red and Angel working as a single unit. oh did i mention Angel really loves to mess around with blood magic? she was the only one who was able to master it before the witches attacked.
Love Them: Someone would love her becauss how passionate and nurturing she is. also because she enjoys cracking jokes in the safety of the clockwork during the WORST of times.
Hate Them: the witches hated her for her powers and that she was "sick" in the head for enjoying blood magic.
How They Change: Angel had to learn to live as a soul for so long, slowly forgetting what it means to be a living person, that has to be bad for her mental health.
Love Them 2: Angel has become one of my favorites because of how much i've put thought into who she is.
Niko -
Name: she still hasn't came up with a last name, might just take Angel's :)
Gender and Sexuality: Nonbinary and pansexul
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Biracial, Japanse and Guyanese, a life sized Drawing Mannequin.
Birthplace: a black market factory that makes life sized objects to be used by witches. Birthdate, before 2016, at least.
Guilty Pleasures: ripping the skin off of witches for shit and giggles. oh and grooming dogs!
Phobias: none, nothing phases her.
Famous for: her spine chilling laugh.
Arrested for: all the murders she's done, that is, if she was ever caught.
OC Shipped: Angel of course.
OC Murder: any and all witches, Lexi, Syd.
Favorite Movie/Book: nope and nope! too busy living in the moment to sit down in one place, besides not have real hands. so the next question is useless.
Talents: is flawlessly ripping skin off of a living person a talent? Niko would say so. besides just living, Niko can change her shape into any type of doll/mannequin drawing or otherwise to hide in stores.
Love Them: she is a funny gal! creepy as shit but loyal once you've gained her trust.
Hate Them: "she. skins. people." -Syd at least 20 times.
How They Change: goes from a manic doll to a somewhat a stable person with the power of lOvE.
Love Them 2: She is perfect for Angel and that's enough for me.
Trinity -
Name: Trinity Wither Lakes
Gender: Female, Bisexual.
Pronouns: she/her.
Eithnicity/Species: Biracial, Polynesian, and African American. Werewolf and Siren.
Birthplace: Kaneohe, Hawaii. 3/17/1999.
Guilty Pleasures: Running in the woods in the middle of the night.
Phobias: being half wolf, she fears anything with silver, oh and blood.
Famous for: her speed.
Arrested for: graffiti and other forms of vandalism.
OC Shipped: Abigail. (not doing her either, sorry!)
OC Murder: Lexi, Raph, her grandparents.
Favorite Movie: Twilight and The Twilight Saga. she loves quoting the movies and books to piss everyone off, making it her favorites. Cliche would enimes to lovers.
Least Favorite: The Princess Bride, she just doesn't Get It. Cliche would be anything with angry werewolves or evil sirens. "we aren't your tropes, humans" -Trinity everytime she reads or watches something with a sexy but evil siren.
Talents: all the perks of being wolf and siren, nothing to add really.
Love Them: she is headstrong and makes for a good leader for a rebellion.
Hate Them: too loud, doesn't back down from a fight. will not shut up if someone is wronging her in public.
Change: she goes from the sheltered girl from her family's home in California to the loud rebel in Texas.
Love Them 2: Trin is like me, i don't know when to quit. if someone wrongs me i will scream it from the roof tops before i let them get away with it.
Syd -
Name: Syd Brimstone Lockwood
Gender: Female, Bisexual.
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian, human.
Birthplace: Boston, Massachuestts. 4/20/1999
Guilty Pleasures: shitty reality tv, she lives for the drama. also magic, she has always been skeptical of the existence of magic so she spends much of her time researching and tracking down sightings of magic usage.
Phobias: None that i can think of.
Famous for: her deadpan delivery and humor/her resting bitch face.
Arrested for: stalking "known" supernaturals.
OC Shipped: Ainsel.
OC Murder: anyone who she follows would kill her, mainly Lexi or Raph though.
Favorite Movie: IT (2017) or a Purge movie. favorite cliche would be any boring, human trope. so like a coffee shop au.
Least Favorite: Harry Potter (okay she really enjoys the third one but she'd never admit it), cliche, would be magic. (she doesn't hate it, just that she doesn't believe.)
Talents: breaking and entering. "that's a fucking talent and you know it, Ains! i've never been caught in my life." -Syd. she is human so no powers.
Love Them: over protective of the ones she loves. would fight anyone to save Ainsel and she'd win.
Hate Them: her skepticism makes it hard for her to make friends and tears groups apart.
Change: after she meets a certain someone, she finally lets go of her overbearing skepticism and borderline hatred.
Love Them 2: i just love her character.
Ainsel -
Name: Ainsel Raven James
Gender: Female (Trans), Asexaul.
Pronouns: she/her.
Ethnicity/Species: African American (she has albinism), human.
Birthplace: Middletown, New York. 5/18/2002.
Guilty Pleasures: painting on herself, walking in the rain with no umbrella.
Phobias: fire. "You can't control it Sy-Sy!!! what if you drop that match huh?! we could go up in flames! i don't want to burn away!"
Famous For: her looks, or her happy go lucky nature.
Arrested For: Jay walking to get away from a monster or someone chasing her and Syd.
OC Shipped: Syd.
OC Murder: Lexi or Raph.
Favorite Movie: Tangled. Cliche, a happy ending.
Least Favorite: Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Cliche, a dog dying.
Talents: Her impeccable timing, always seeming to get Syd out of trouble before she is caught. "Nuh uh! none of that miss "breaking and entering!"" -Ainsel. Again a human so no powers.
Love Them: her optimism and acceptance of magic and the supernatural. how she loves everyone so fiercely and stands for what is right.
Hate Them: how happy and full of light she seems to be.
Change: She starts to stick up for herself more and learns how to fight back.
Love Them 2: i love how happy she is, i want to be that comfortable in my own skin like her.
Sebastain -
Name: Sebastain A. Montague
Gender: Male, Aromantic, Asexaul.
Pronouns: he/him.
Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian, Vampire and Sorcerer.
Birthplace: Venice, Italy. 7/25/1462
Guilty Pleasures: Ballroom Dancing. Drinking straight from the pulse.
Phobias: the sun, even if he can walk in the daylight.
Famous For: his charm and "naturally" good looks.
Arrested For: a string of murders in the east coast of the US.
OC shipped: no one, the only thing close to a relationship he has is his friendship with Red long into the future.
OC Murder: Syd tries, but she finds it's hard to kill something already dead.
Favorite Movie: he has lived for so long, he finds his memories are better than what you'll find in those picture shows. he does enjoy reading poems by Edgar Allan Poe or any of Dickinson's works. (skipping the next question)
Talents: Dancing and cooking. Powers, compulsion (vampire mind control), and the basic skillsets a sorcerer has.
Love Them: his charm, though their love is misplaced, is appreciated.
Hate Them: he is a world class bastard who knows how to use his charms to get what he wants, you.
Change: He learns to be nicer to people and not view them as just a food source.
Love Them 2: he is one cocky bastard but i wouldn't trade him for any other bitch out there.
Irri -
Name: Iradeseca the Faithful
Gender: Genderfluid, pansexual. (in a poly relationship).
Pronouns: any, but mainly goes by she/her.
Ethnicity/Species: she's.. she's an alien boss. (oqjsgsyisha) anyways she is from a race called The Marked Ones. i'll tell you all about them soon. Irri is of the Shifter classification, and is the last pure blood shifter left.
Birthplace: their (the girlfriends/partners) home planet, in the palace of the shifters. (no date because lore reasons, this will be the same for her girlfriends.)
Guilty Pleasures: her partners 😏
Phobias (more like fears): explosions, drowning, losing her girlfriends.
Famous For: her shifting ability.
Arrested For: well... L O R E
OC Shipped: Betrix, Calenni, and Desa.
OC Murder: lore
They are aliens, so i'm skipping these questions.
Talents: her speed. she is a shifter, so she can shape shift into her true form (a ice fox) and into her more humanesque form. (having two arms and two legs)
Love Them: her mysterious but gentle presence
Hate Them: her special skill and the fact she is dating Calenni and Desa in particular.
Change: Irri changes from being controlled by an oppressive regime.
Love Them 2: She is my second oldest oc, she will always have a special place in my heart.
Betrix -
Name: The Stoic Betrix
Gender: Genderfluid, pansexaul. (in a poly relationship)
Pronouns: she/her or he/him.
Ethnicity/Species: The Marked Ones, Bender classification.
Birthplace: on their home planet, in a abandoned temple of the benders.
Guilty Pleasures: smiling and being happy.
Phobias: being alone and losing his girlfriends.
Famous For: her calm, unphased demeanor.
Arrested For: same reason as Irri and Desa.
OC Shipped: Irri, Calenni, and Desa.
Talents: being able to take everything thrown at him without saying a word (punches, kicks, fire, etc etc). bending people in half without moving a muscle. being a bender means she can bend spaces and minds with no difficulty, leading him to control the person's mind.
Love Them: No matter what happens to her, Betrix always gets back up with twice the amount of power and the same amount of complaints, zero. a man of little words unless he is with his partners.
Hate Them: WHY WON'T SHE STAY DOWN? STOP FIGHTING ALREADY!!! dating Calenni and Desa
Change: Betrix learns how to open up more and use her words because she is allowed to speak.
Love Them 2: She is a badass. who needs to speak when you can just knock the asshole over with one push.
Calenni -
Name: Calenni the Creative
Gender: Genderfluid and pansexual. (in a poly relationship)
Pronouns: she/her and sometimes called they/them by Betrix.
Ethnicity/Species: The Marked Ones, Creator classification.
Birthplace: On their home planet, on her family's estate.
Guilty Pleasures: being taken care of, not always the one leading things.
Phobias: bugs, filith, losing her partners.
Famous For: looking like a flower or a tiny pixie creature.
Arrested for: nothing because of lore reeasons
OC Shipped: Irri, Betrix, and Desa.
OC Murder: lore.
Talents: everything she creates is one of a kind and priceless. She is a creator so she is able to make whatever comes to mind with just a tap of her fingers. and is always changing how she appearance due to creating new shapes and forms.
Love Them: she speaks out against what was happening with the creators and risked her lives for her partners, nearly dying for them.
Hate Them: didn't sit back and be the little princess she was supposed to.
Change: learned how to be independent while being able to depend on her loves.
Love Them 2: Calenni said eat the rich even if that means eat me too.
Desa -
Name: Desa the Kind
Gender: Genderfluid and pansexual (in a poly relationship)
Pronouns: any but mainly she/her.
Ethnicity/Species: The Marked Ones, Destroyer classification.
Birthplace: on their home planet, in the woods far away from civilization.
Guilty Pleasures: creating stuff!!! being able to just live and feel love and acceptance.
Phobias: destroying the ones she loves. being alone, losing her partners.
Famous For: being understanding and not judgmental.
Arrested for: lore- but also just for being caught with Calenni.
OC Shipped: Irri, Betrix, Calenni.
OC Murder: lore, but anyone but her partners.
Talents: Her forgiveness. Being able to destroy whole planets by just being on them. Detroyers can eliminate anything in their paths with little to no struggle.
Love Them: ??? what is not to love??? she is such a friggin sweetheart who wants to spend all eternity with her sweethearts.
Hate Them: being born.
Change: girl has it ROUGH let me tell you. but in the end it'll all work out and a much happier, healthier Desa will make it out on the other side.
Love Them 2: "all i want is to love what i can not destroy with a single touch, then and only then, i'll be at peace" -Desa.
Iris -
Name: Iris the Lurer
Gender: Female and Straight (😔)
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Greater Demon (dark gray/light purple complexion)
Birthplace: in the demon realm, before mankind was created.
Guilty Pleasures: using her kids as weapons to orchestrate a war. oh and 90 Day Fiance on TLC.
Phobias: love and weakness from her children.
Famous For: her natural rainbow hair.
Arrested For: mass genocide.
OC Shipped: Icarus (two slimey bastards)
Favorite Movie: The Birdcage. Cliche would be main villainess destroying the land.
Least Favorite: The Hunger Games. "so over rated and boring CGI, why do humans enjoy this?" -Iris
Talents: being the worst mother alive, making your child into a monstrosity to benefit your delusions. her powers are mostly mental manipulation and normal demon theatrics.
Love Them: being confident, commanding, and full of herself.
Hate Them: everything she has ever done after breaking free from the demon realm with Icarus.
Change: maybe if she gets murdered she'll finally change.
Love Them 2: i like working with a villain, morally gray character like her.
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
Flora for the Zodiac
CANCER // Pārijāta (Hindu) – Pārijāta was a princess who fell in love with the sun god, Surya. However, he left her for another. When he deserted her, the princess became hopeless and committed suicide. From her ashes grew a tree. Unable to stand the sight of the lover who broke her heart, the flowers only bloom at night under the eyes of the moon, and she sheds them like tear-drops before the sun rises.
TAURUS // Rose (Greek) – Chloris, the goddess of flowers, found one of her beautiful nymphs dead in the woods. She cried, and turned body into a flower. She asked her husband Zephyr, the wind, to blow the clouds away so Apollo could shower her in sunlight. Dionysus added nectar for fragrance, and Aphrodite added pure beauty, then named it for her son, Eros, and hailed her the “Queen of Flowers”.
GEMINI // Foxglove (Celtic) – Foxgloves from “Folks Glove”, as in fairy folk. Fairies would hide in the bell blossoms and wear them as petticoats, caps and gloves. If you pluck the foxglove, it angered them and they may play tricks in revenge! Fairies would give the flowers to foxes so they wouldn’t get caught raiding chicken coupes. With the magic gloves on, they could steal eggs without making a sound.
LEO // Sunflower (Greek) – The nymph Clythia was in love with the God of the Sun, Apollo, but he shunned her and courted a princess. Jealous Clythia told the king who, furious at the princess, buried her alive. Saddened, Apollo went back to heavens without a word. She lay on the ground distraught for nine days, watching him, hoping for a single glance. Clythia wasted away and became a flower, whose petals still follow his chariot across the sky each day, waiting for forgiveness.
VIRGO // Aster (Greek) – When the god Jupiter decided to flood the earth to destroy the men constantly at war, the goddess Astraea was so upset she asked to be turned into a star. Her wish was granted, but when the flood waters receded she wept for the loss of lives. As her tears turned to stardust and fell to earth, the beautiful aster flower sprung wherever they landed.
ARIES // Amaryllis (Greek) – A love struck maiden longed for the handsome Alteo, but he was cold to her. In a desperate gesture, she pierced her heart with a golden arrow and walked to visit him every day. On the thirteenth day, beautiful scarlet flowers bloomed along the path from every drop of her blood. Alteo fell in love with her, and her heart was healed.
LIBRA // Anemone (Greek) – Chloris, the goddess of flowers, was married to Zephyr, the god of the west wind. Zephyr fell in love with a beautiful nymph that served Chloris named Anemone. Jealous and angry, the goddess banished her to keep them apart, and Anemone died of a broken heart. Zephyr resurrected her as a flower. She withers every winter but returns every spring to greet Zephyr with open petals.
SCORPIO // Peony (Chinese) – Queen Wu was disheartened to see only winter jasmine in her garden. She wrote a poem to the goddess of flowers asking her to make everything bloom that night instead of waiting for spring. The next morning, all flowers flourished except the peony, which refused to bloom out of season. She was offended and banished it. Once gone, it bloomed beautifully. Furious, she ordered it to be burned – however the next year, the burnt peony grew back. With black petals.
SAGITTARIUS // Pa'u-o-Hi'iaka (Hawaiian) – When Hi'iaka, the goddess of island nature, was a baby her older sister, the Volcano goddess Pele, left her on the beach while she went fishing. Due to a storm, Pele was gone for a very long time. When she returned, she found flowering vines had grown over the baby to shield her from the sun. Hi'iaka now wears them as a skirt to protect her on adventures and in the forests.
CAPRICORN // Aconite (Greek) – As one of his twelve labors, the hero Hercules was sent to fetch the three-headed dog Cerberus from the underworld. With the help of Persephone, he was successful. The spittle of the beast dripped upon the rocky earth, and from it sprang the first aconite plant. The purple wolfsbane flowers are elegant, but it’s leaves and roots are deathly poisonous.
AQUARIUS // Iris (Greek) – The goddess Iris would bring messages to the gods across the sky, appearing to mortals as a rainbow. She acted as the link between the heavens and earth, where she left irises of many colors, the three upright petals symbolizing hope, valor, and wisdom. If purple Irises were planted over the graves of women, it would summon the Goddess, who would guide the dead in their journey.
PISCES // Water Lily (Brazilian) – When the moon goddess, Jaci, hid behind the mountains, she’d take beautiful girls with her and turn them into stars. Naiá, a girl who loved the goddess, dreamt of becoming a star, so she roamed the mountains every night. While resting by the lake, she saw the moon’s reflection, dove into the water and drowned. To reward Naiá for her sacrifice, Jaci turned her into a star different from all the others – the star of the waters.
Source: astrolopology
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