#the black thing in the background is their lightning—for some reason this guy had a bunch of lightning models all around them
necrotic-nephilim · 18 hours
ok ok but jayroytim😏
this feels especially funny if brudick happens in the background and oliver hates the fact he's now in-laws with bruce
so i have to regretfully admit i'm not really a fan of JayRoy, or at least i'm not a fan of the popular version of JayRoy. i think JayRoy could work and would be a lot of fun! but i have *zero* interest in New-52!JayRoy (or New-52!Roy in general) or rlly any version of Jason and Roy on the Outlaws together. both bc i'm a pre-Flashpoint stan at heart. usually i can stand newer content for ship fodder but for these two oh man it grinds my gears how badly Roy got fucked over-
BUT BUT. that doesn't mean i think the ship has *no* merit. because Jason and Roy *do* have some fodder in pre-Flashpoint. they meet briefly when Jason is Robin, and then again when Jason is Red Hood during that Outsiders arc where Black Lightning is in prison. so! there's definitely material to work with. especially playing into the more fucked up nature of Roy knowing Jason when he was Robin. i think it's cute if Jason had a childhood crush on Roy. and maybe Roy even thought Jason was kind of cute, a spunky kid with a lot of energy and passion. then with Jason as Red Hood, Roy openly doesn't trust him and doesn't like that they're working with him. Jason is just a run-of-the-mill villain with a nasty kill count. and sure, Roy's got a record of tangling with people more on the villain side of things, but even going near the Red Hood feels like a step too far.
adding Tim to the mix is really fun. bc honestly it gives Roy some kind of a fetish for guys who have been Robin and i find that to be delightful. like, even if Roy just sees Jason as the Red Hood, he can't *quite* let go of the image of Jason as Robin. like it just won't get out of Roy's system ever since Jason came back. i think, if i were to write these three together, i'd have Roy and Tim get together first of all people, just because Roy is trying really hard to stop thinking about Jason as Robin, especially now that Jason is older and a little meaner. he's full of guilt about it, and he can't talk to Dick because he's still not sure where Dick's feelings fall about the whole Jason thing so. he goes to Tim instead, thinking if he fucks a different Robin, maybe he'll get it out of his system. Tim's pretty and he's just old enough that it's not *too* morally questionable for Roy to seek him out. it takes a while for Roy to work up the nerves because he and Tim aren't particularly close, so how do you even approach that conversation to make it look organic. it's awkward and Tim can definitely tell something is up but hey, who's going to say no to Roy Harper offering sex? one of Dick's best friends? especially if we put this right after Kon and Bart's death where Tim is just. sort of lonely and seeking companionship. in some ways,, Roy would remind him of Kon, just a little. that sort of cocky attitude and snarky smile.
i would add Jason in by having JayTim happen alongside RoyTim. it's not like Roy and Tim are serious enough to be exclusive and Tim knows Roy is sleeping around, so Tim ends up in a weird hatefucking situation with Jason, which definitely was not supposed to happen. Jason just has a damning way of getting under Tim's skin and won't stop bothering Tim until he gets some kind of attention from Tim. and somehow Jason is interesting enough for Tim to cave. and he doesn't even think about the two relationships he's balancing until he happens to sleep with Jason after being with Roy the night before and there are still marks all over him and Jason does *not* like sharing. so when he interrogates Tim and gets nothing, he does the reasonable thing of stalking Tim to figure out who it is. and it just happens to be the guy Jason had a crush on as a kid.
i think Roy finding out he tried so hard to avoid Jason that he accidentally ended up with the same fuck buddy as Jason would be the funniest thing in the world. like it's not something he can run from anymore and he has to accept that. he tries to awkwardly ask what Tim even sees in the guy bc well, Jason's a killer and not known for being mentally stable. but he's also the guy who exonerated Black Lightning with no real motive besides just helping out. he's complicated and Roy doesn't know how to react. Tim just sort of shrugs bc how do you even explain Jason Todd and well, one thing leads to another and Tim ends up in the middle of the most emotionally charged threesome he's ever been in. love the idea of Jason and Roy using Tim as a toy while they work out their feelings for each other. to me that's the peak dynamic. Jason and Roy are pissed about liking each other and somehow, Tim got roped into things. their relationship is not healthy or normal whatsoever, but somehow, they end up balancing each other out nicely.
background BruDick is also hilarious tho. bc there is no one who hates Bruce more than Oliver and he'd be so annoyed that not only did Roy get tangled up with the Bats, but now everything is so weird their families are pretty tangled together and Oliver has to deal with Bruce a lot more than he wants to. and he's glaring daggers about it the whole time.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Prompt idea: inmortal teen looking Danny, jumping across different dimensions he lands in DC. He quickly become annoyed because the native heroes won't stop trying to adopt him.
Oh and it take some years to Danny to jump to another dimension
*Cracks knuckles*
Alright so this is extremely, very, late. But it shall be DONE!
So, let us start with some BACKGROUND.
Danny is an immortal teen, yes? So then, Danny has outlived every mortal he knows, as in Jack, Maddie, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, everyone.
So when the last person he loved and cared for died (your pick as to whom), he went into the ghost zone to explore to hopefully forget all the pain. He explored the zone, stopping by some of the ghosts he knows before finding a portal, to which he just says fuck it and dives in.
At first he didn't know where he was, but with some digging he came to the conclusion that it's a different dimension and is like neat. So he explores a lil, meets some people, drinks and eats some food.
Y'know, the usual tourist stuff.
So after a few years he had his fill of this new dimension, seeing everything there is to see and all. So he left, finding a conveniently open portal and then goes on to the next.
And the next.
And the next.
Until one portal, like any other. He pops into a new dimension and expects it to be like all the others, he already had things going on his mind about what it would be.
Perhaps old timey? Maybe Prehistoric even? Oooo, maybe it would be futuristic, those are always fun.
Except it was none of that, in this dimension people have powers and superheroes are actually real.
He was a bit surprised, but easily accepted it.
So there he was, just minding his own business outside of earth's atmosphere, eyeing up the planet to think about where he would visit first, he picked up a lot of languages in his travel, so he doesn't think he'll have a problem where he choses.
So he picks a certain spot to land, some city by the name of Metropolis, only to be met with two people.
A man with a red cape in blue and red spandex, and standing near him is a bat furry in black spandex.
Weird choice but alright, he doesn't judge.
It was when the former turned around- Superman if he remembered correctly, that he felt like he was punched in the gut.
He looked so much like him, so, so much that he thought he was standing- well, more so floating, right there in front of him.
Danny noticed his mistake after he let it slip, there were some slight differences that his father didn't have, and well, his father is dead and all.
So what did he do to save himself from the embarrassment of mistaking some guy for his dead dad?
He's an adult- practically older than a lot of people actually, even if he looks like a kid. He is mature and will solve this and act accordingly.
He turned invisible and peaced out.
He's sure nothing won't come out of that frankly.
It was just a teeny, tiny slip up.
Something did come out of it, much to Danny's chagrin.
Now he's being followed by these superheroes everywhere for whatever reason and they won't leave him alone when he just wants to sight see.
In a dark and grim city because he was avoiding Metropolis?
Followed by some ninja furries in spandex. (Also what the fuck, why the hell are they so damn sneaky for he almost forgot they were following him-)
He went to New York.
Got found by this random lady who also wouldn't leave him alone.
He escaped to Central City and had a conversation with this guy in red spandex with a lightning bolt of his chest.
Honestly he had a pretty nice time but what is it with Superheroes and spandex?
He wanted to leave, but the portal isn't gonna open again for some undetermined amount of time.
...The universe really likes to fuck him over, don't it?
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moonctzeny · 4 years
Work for it
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Part II: Promotion
pairing: coworker! johnny x reader
other members as background characters: haechan as johnny’s assistant
genre: smut
warnings: explicit smut, semi-public sex, spit in mouth, pussy slapping, throatpie (omg I got so embarrassed writing this down)
word count: 5,792
summary: “One of your co-workers, the supervisor of the Sales Department John Suh, is arguably the hottest man you’ve seen in your life. You try to act on your crush but he is just plain oblivious to your efforts, but you won’t stop until your fantasies come true”
Work for you was living hell and no, it wasn’t for the normal reasons. You had a nice job as an intern in the Financial Department of a company, and with your hard work getting recognized, you were looking forward to being offered a permanent position soon.
Today was no different. You had made sure all your files were organized, calls made and deadlines in check. All you had left to do was look over a report in the office of none other but the man who was causing your suffering. Mr. Suh.
Mr. Suh, or Johnny as he insisted on being called, was the supervisor of the Sales Department but he didn’t let it get to his head. He was extremely friendly, willing to help his subordinates and brought a smile to everyone’s face. Working with him would be amazing if there wasn’t one little problem. He was the sexiest man you had ever seen.
Now, now, you weren’t some middle schooler. You came into this company committed to get the position you deserve, not beg for some man’s dick. But when he first welcomed you in the main elevator, tall height, hair pushed back and with a face of godly facial structure, you almost pressed the stop button so he could take you right then and there.
You brought some files along and ascended the stairs that lead you to his office on the top floor. It would be more convenient if Mr. Suh sent the report downstairs with his assistant and your best work buddy, Donghyuck, but you insisted on paying him a visit, saying something about how a little work out never hurt anyone.
When you saw Donghyuck at his desk, he didn’t even look up from his laptop, pointing at the door instead.
“Put your panties back on. He’s on the printing room”
You rolled your eyes at his comment, used to his teasing about your crush on mr. Suh and headed out for said room at the end of the hall. Johnny was hunched over a machine, shaking it from side to side.
You knocked lightly on the already open door to announce your presence, and he turned around, flashing you his killer smile.
“y/n, hello! I was just trying to get you a copy of the report, but the damn printer seems to be broken again.”
You tried to tell him that it’s okay, that you can use the printer from your floor downstairs, but then he bent over trying to locate the cause of the malfunction, giving you a perfect view of his ass in his fitted tracksuit. Rutting the machine around, he thrusted his hips forward, letting out the occasional grunt, and you took a mental picture for later. He must have shaken something a bit too hard, because ink started to spill out of the cartilage.
“Aww, it’s dripping everywhere”
He had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, and you couldn’t help but stare at how veiny and strong his arms looked as he pushed down. Your mind wandered off, imagining how nice it must feel to have him on top of you, applying this kind of pressure with his pretty hands around your neck as he-
“y/n? Are you ok?”
“Uh-um yes! Sorry Mr. Suh, it’s been a hard day”
It’s been your cute ass that made it hard for me to function around you was what you actually meant. He winked your way, and you were almost sure he did a double take on a skirt you wore that he had complimented before.
See, it’s not like you never thought of making a move on Johnny. You knew he was single, and he even told Donghyuck that he thought you were cute. Romantic relations between coworkers was not a rare thing, but the way everyone around here respected him made you nervous to approach him. No matter how many people fell for his charming personality and his visuals, he was never part of the company’s gossips and you knew the reason. The guy was denser than a brick wall.
You tried testing the waters with him, taking the light flirting a bit further, but he never seemed to catch the point. Maybe he was so used to getting this kind of attention that he dismissed your attempts as just friendly banter.
But you weren’t ready to give up.
“Sometimes I like coming here to relax. This place is usually so nice and quiet. It gives you privacy to do so many things”
What you said must have piqued his interest, since he gave up on the printer and turned his attention to you instead.
“Things, that the company wouldn’t approve of doing in here?”, he said in a lower voice than before and your throat felt dry when you answered him.
“Yeah. It’s just, we wouldn’t get caught in here, you know?”
“Oh, I know exactly what you mean”
He took two steps towards you before lowering down to whisper closer to you.
“I actually know a place that has even more privacy than this room. I usually go there alone, but it will be so much more fun with you”
Droplets of sweat had collected on his temples as a result of his physical activity earlier, making his words sound so much more enticing. He looked around, checking if anyone was standing in the hallway, before whispering again.
“This will be our little secret, ok?”
You swallowed hard and nodded, ready to get your world rocked by John Suh. He reached for something in his back pocket, but instead of a condom, he whipped out something you’d never expect.
A pack of cigarettes.
“I told everyone I’d quit but the stress gets too much sometimes, you know? I didn’t remember you smoke, though”
Oh my god. Oh my god, you were so stupid. All this time you thought you coaxed him into a steamy, clothes-on, ass on the printer quickie and he meant sneaking you out for a guilt-drenched cigarette break??!!
“Right! You didn’t remember that I smoke because.. because I don’t! ...Anymore. I mean, I quit, just like you. And you know what Mr. Suh, we shouldn’t succumb to the needs of the flesh! Fight back to our bad habits and get healthier! Together!”
He was frozen in place, dumbfounded by your sudden anti-smoking monologue.
“Wow y/n I didn’t know you were so serious about this. Very impressed by your spirit though.” He patted you on the back before picking up the report from the printer and getting to the door. “I’ll tell Donghyuck to print this for you and deliver it to your desk. Won’t take too long, alright?”
And just like that, he managed to leave you in the printing room alone, horny, and one report down.
 The next morning at the office was as typical as any other, with the difference that it was raining cats and dogs. The low that was centered over the area caused continuous storms, the rain and moody atmosphere making it impossible for you to keep your eyes open.
You headed over to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, already the second one of the day, when you saw a very familiar someone occupying the coffee machine.
“Mind if you make me a cup too Mr. Suh? I hear you make the best coffee in the office”
He chuckled at you, instantly recognizing your voice.
“It’s my pride. I do love coffee” After turning on the machine he looked at you finally, a serious look on his face. “Listen, y/n, about yesterday, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have tried to drag you down with me like that. You were right about the cigarette thing. I’ll quit for good”
You blinked at him, trying to grasp the ridiculousness of the situation and feeling a bit sorry for guilting him like that.
“It’s ok Mr. Suh don’t worry about it. No big deal”
“Oh and, please, call me Johnny. You make me feel a thousand years old. I’m not that much older than you.”
“Yes Mr.- Johnny”
Just at that moment, a lightning struck, making you jump in place. You glanced at the window, or rather the stormy mess outside, and sighed.
“Chose the wrong day to forget my umbrella huh?”
“You want me to drop you off?”, he offered, immediately making you panic.
“No no! It’s okay. The metro station is really close. It’s fine if I get a little wet anyways, I won’t melt, I’m not made of sugar”
You cringed a bit at your nerve-induced blurting, but it would all be gone in a second.
“You’re sweet like sugar though”
He poured the now brewed coffee on both your cups and you just stared at his movements in shock. Did he just? Initiate the flirting? And called you sweet?
Ok, this is it, you thought.
“Do you like sugar?”, you asked him seductively, making your arms touch. You had to take advantage of this opportunity. The ride home suddenly didn’t sound like such a bad idea.  
“Oh no thanks I drink my coffee black”
Looking at the clock on the wall he picked up his cup and took a sip, striding out of the kitchen and leaving you speechless, much like yesterday.
“I’m late for a meeting. See you later, y/n”
You groaned as you watched him walk away, pouring an excessive amount of sugar in your drink.
“That’s not what I meant...”
 Meetings usually meant making sure you had enough battery on your phone to silently play your favorite game, while you heard some old guy in a suit blabber on and on about the most boring topic on earth. Usually you’d be complaining about why they just had to take away valuable time of your day to talk about an issue that could very easily be briefed in a mass email, but not today. Because today, the man of honor who got to do all the talking, was Johnny.
To anyone else, you looked like the most eager intern in the company, taking in every single word that came out his mouth. In reality, you were just immensely turned on by his fluent English, his new suit, and his ability to capture everyone’s attention. You had no idea what he was talking about, but you could listen to him talk all day about how “Results are important” and “Taking a more aggressive strategy is vital”.
A sudden noise made everyone turn to the exit door, only to see that it was just the cleaning lady that had dropped her bucket as she was going down the stairs. You felt Donghyuck, who was sitting next to you as always, nudge you with his knee.
“Oh look, she brought a mop for your drool, how nice of her”
“I’m not drooling”, you whispered back with a glare, shoving him with your elbow.
“Right”, he chuckled, “you’re ready to get on your knees for him right now”
It was really hard to get the picture that Donghyuck had painted out for you off your head for the rest of the meeting. You pathetically rubbed your thighs together to get the slightest feeling of relief, and tried to mute out Johnny’s sexy voice with no avail. When the meeting was finally over, you walked out of the meeting room along with everyone else, when you saw Johnny catch up with you.
“Hey y/n”
“Hi Johnny! Nice presentation up there”
He beamed up at your compliment and you wanted to coo at him for looking so cute. His aura changed a color when he replied to you, turning solemn.
“Thank you. Glad to see you’ve finally dropped the formalities with me”. I can drop my panties too if you want, you thought to yourself, but you only smiled at him when he managed to leave you speechless once again. “Is it wet?”
Wet? Fuck, was Donghyuck right? Were you really so caught up on eating Johnny up with your eyes that he noticed? That he realized you were so turned on by him? He saw your confused expression and tried to futilely explain.
“Is it wet? Down there?”
You were losing it. Was he really asking you that in front of all your coworkers? Your face couldn’t possibly get any hotter, feeling as if you were burning up with a high fever. You realized you hadn’t said a word back.
“E-excuse me?”
“Wasn’t the cleaning lady going downstairs earlier to mop? I figured you’d know if the floor was still wet. Since your office is on the bottom floor”
Get your mind out of the gutter, y/n. Quick, say something already! Stop staring at him like a lost puppy!
“Uhh no I don’t know actually. I’m sorry, I have to go”
You turned swiftly on your heel to walk away from him, and save yourself from any further embarrassment.
If Donghyuck was here to witness this, you’d never get to hear the end of his teasing.
 You didn’t expect an email like that from the Sales Department. You were at your desk, minding your business when you got the notification, almost choking on the gum you were chewing on.
I have something very confidential to show you in my office. I think you’ll be very pleasantly surprised. Bring your sexy ass over here at 16:00 sharp.
Johnny Suh
 You must have re-read those 30 words about a thousand times to ensure you weren’t making things up. You freshened up your makeup, thanking the gods of sex that you decided to wear cute underwear this morning. All the things you were daydreaming about since your first meetup at the main elevator, were finally about to happen. Fidgeting around in your seat, you felt yourself getting wetter thinking of all the nasty things Mr. Suh was planning on doing to you in his office.
It was 16:25 when you walked up the stairs, not brave enough to make a man like Johnny wait. All his assistants were gone, probably send off somewhere to avoid having them hear your little unprofessional tête-à-tête.
You walked into his office, the door slightly open. He was sat on his chair, the back turned to you and you started to feel nervous. You didn’t notice he had changed his hair. And wasn’t he wearing a different suit this morning?
“Um Johnny? You asked to see me?”
He tsked at you, turning around.
“16:28? I thought you had more of a backbone than that, y/n. Also thought you’d come in here naked. Disappointing.”
The smug smile, the teasing voice. Donghyuck.
“The email was fake wasn’t it?”
“Luckily for you, yes, I was the one who sent it. I mean, seriously. This ugly brown suit for a dick appointment with Mr. Suh?”
When you graduated university with honors, you didn’t think you’d one day be charged with the murder of a company’s assistant. But right at his moment, as you grabbed the stapler from the desk and walked over to him ominously, you thought it was all worth it.
“Lee Donghyuck, after I’m done with you the only dick appointment you’ll make is with the ER doctor, to get these staples off your balls”
He got up, panicking, and started to back away from you.
“Somebody save me, please, mom!”
You were ready to grab him by his tie and fulfill your threat, when you heard someone clear his throat at the door. And this time it was the real Mr. Suh.
He had his arms crossed, a smile appearing on his face as you shoved your friend away and immediately dropped the stapler from your hold.
“You know, you two are always wasting time over here, messing around. Maybe I should punish you”
Oh god yes, please do.
It was Donghyuck’s deadpan expression that made you realize that you had actually said that out loud. Johnny raised his eyebrows incredulously.
“Oh, so you want the overtime?”
“S-sure why not? Not like I have anything better to do on a Friday night”
Your friend rubbed his palm over his face, cringing at the situation you got yourself in.
“Please, stop talking, I beg of you”, he murmured, when Johnny spoke up again.
“Well in that case, will you leave me and y/n alone to discuss some details?”
Donghyuck nodded, closing the door behind him and it seemed like he took all the oxygen along with him.
Johnny sat on his desk, whipping out some files for you. It might sound stupid, but the email, though fake, had put you in a certain mood, and having him sit so close to you wasn’t helping your situation.
“I will only give you the run down but please ask the supervisor in your department to explain further”
You tried listening to him talk about your overtime, you really did. But the way he was sitting on his armchair with his legs spread out, was practically begging you to do what Donghyuck had suggested yesterday and get on your knees already. You’d tell him to continue his work, challenge him to try and keep typing on his laptop as you’d palm him through his slacks. You’d wait for him to get a bit impatient, licking him over his clothed cock until it felt like it would rip from the fabric. He was definitely big, and you wondered whether you could take him. You’d put him in your hand and start sucking on the tip, then lick your way down to his base. Maybe he would have to take a call, and you would make it a goal to distract him by fitting him all inside your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. His little office slut.
“y/n. Get under the desk. Right now.”
His voice brought you out of your daydream but his words triggered another one. It felt like the world around you was shaking. Did he just ask you to get on your knees under the table? Could he read your thoughts? “y/n can’t you feel the earthquake? Get under the desk”
When you realized what was happening, you wished that the earth would just swallow you whole already, taking away the embarrassment with you.
Donghyuck met you outside. He had evacuated the building along with everyone else, happy that the small earthquake got them an extra five minutes of break.
“Did Mr. Suh pick you up in his strong arms like your knight in shining armor and save you?”
“Don’t talk to me I’m still mad at you”
He turned you around to face him, his lips pouting at you cutely and it was really hard to resist his doe eyes.
“I’m sowwyy I was just trying to help you out!”
“Help me out with what?”, you sighed, tuckered out, “he clearly doesn’t want anything more with me”
“Oh yeah? Is that why he hasn’t stopped checking out your ass ever since you left the building with him?”
You turn your head to Johnny’s direction, just in time to see his eyes shift from you and Hyuck to the floor. Maybe your friend was right. Did Johnny actually like you after all but was really just that oblivious to your crush?
“All I’m saying is”, he continues, “that you need to be clearer with him. He is the supervisor of another department than yours, he obviously won’t act out anything unless you give him the green light”
You nodded at him, a feeling of determination coursing through you. His words reverberated in your head until break time, planning out your seduction. You knew that there was no way you would be able to concentrate at work unless you gave it a shot with Johnny, even if it goes terribly wrong. Tomorrow, you promised yourself.
 And tomorrow did come, finding you right outside his office door. Taking long, confident strides, you walk past Donghyuck who for once, was speechless, eyes widening at your appearance.
Johnny’s favorite skirt hug your hips, garters barely peeking under it. Your shirt was a bit tighter than usual, an extra button undone, revealing your cleavage. The room was filled with the clicking sound of your high heels, that were as uncomfortable as they were sexy. It was barely considered work appropriate but you didn’t care. You hoped you’d manage to at least grab his attention, then let your talking do the rest.
Taking a deep breath, you knock at the door, slowly opening it. Johnny was typing away something, looking delicious as always. Your voice was way more sensual than you’d usually let it be in the workplace.
“Johnnyy~, good morning. I’m here for that file I need?”
He had his eyes still glued on the laptop in front of him, his tone as bright as ever.
“y/n! I would send Donghyuck over you didn’t have to- “
He finally looks at you, his eyes quickly moving from your chest to your skirt, only to stay for a bit longer on your legs. He seemed a bit taken aback, his breath hitching in his throat but he shakes his head lightly, regaining his stature.
“-you didn’t have to come all the way up here”
“I know”, you mewl, picking up a pen from his desk and clicking it closed, letting the tip rest on your bottom lip, “I just missed you”
You saw him stare at your mouth before he cleared his throat, coolly sitting back on his chair.
“I think you’ll take this back when you stay for your overtime tonight”, he laughed, too friendly for your liking.
“No, no. I would never get tired of you, Johnny. Besides, I have a great stamina”
“That’s good! Being mentally strong is very important in this business”
Ugh, take a hint already!
“Well, yeah, but physical strength is important too. You know, I’ve followed your footsteps and started working out. I can go on for hours”
His eyebrows lifted up at your statement, “Yeah? And you followed my footsteps?”
“Well, everyone in the office has noticed you’ve been hitting the gym lately, especially me. Maybe, you could show me some of your workout exercises later?”
He stayed silent for a moment, like he was contemplating his answer and you swore you saw the faintest blush on his cheeks. His answer, however, would disappoint you.
“I was thinking of organizing an online group aerobics class, actually. I think Yuta from my department might be interested in hosting it”
The feeling of defeat was written all over your face. You were done. Smiling politely, you told him it sounded like a nice idea and asked for the file. You felt so angry at yourself for listening to Hyuck’s advice, every painful jab your heels gave your feet seeming deserving.
Donghyuck saw you leaving the room and would follow you to comfort you but he fully understood your frustration. Since you left the door open, he had witnessed everything, and boy was he furious.
He barged into Johnny’s office unannounced, scowling at him. Boss or not, he had to give him a piece of his mind.
“Are you seriously that blind?”
Johnny blinked at him, surprised at his unexpected appearance.
“Excuse me?”
“Are you seriously telling me you didn’t get that y/n was flirting with you?”
“R-right now?”
Donghyuck licked his cheek with his tongue, getting gradually more and more frustrated. “Yes! Right now! The hottest woman in the office was basically throwing herself all over you and you didn’t even ask her out?”
Johnny was shocked, fumbling for an answer, “I thought- I thought she was just being nice”
“Nice??”, the younger man screeched then took a deep breath to calm down, placing both his hands on his boss’s desk.
“With all due respect dude, but either you fuck her, or I will”
 Nothing could make the horrible feeling you felt from your embarrassing incident earlier worse right? Wrong. Because it was Friday and you still had to go through with that overtime you had stupidly agreed with.
All your coworkers from your floor were gone, no one crazy enough to willingly work on a Friday night. You saw them all leave one by one, internally cursing them for their luck. The office was especially hot tonight and you were suddenly glad for choosing that skimpy outfit to wear today, even if it didn’t fulfill its original purpose.
In your deep concentration over the files scattered on your desk, you almost didn’t notice the shadow next to your office’s door. You could recognize these broad shoulders from miles away.
“Johnny, you didn’t go home yet?”
“I’ll leave soon, just wanted to give you some tips your supervisor noted for the work you’ll do tonight”
He smiled warmly at you, but his eyes held something you hadn’t seen before. Slyness, mischief maybe? You didn’t have much time to think about it anyways, because in a moment he was standing over you, next to your desk.
“You see, the loss of this week’s sales…”, he started, lifting the sleeves of his shirt up and revealing his veiny arms that you so adored, “...it’s much bigger than you think”
You gulped, your throat suddenly dry. His voice was deep, seductive, eyes staring right into yours.
“Yes. Doing all this paperwork, it’s very… hard. And it’s so hot in here, right?”
He kept his gaze on you, loosening the tie he wore around his neck. Was this your mind playing games with you again? You weren’t sure but he looked so good you couldn’t help your body from responding to him.
You got up from your seat, resting the side of your ass on the desk to be closer to his height. “If I got it right, you suggest that maybe you need to stay around for a bit? Help me out?”
He nodded, coming closer to you. You couldn’t stop gawking at the way his chest filled up his shirt so nicely, not caring if you were being obvious anymore. He was standing almost between your legs, and you could feel his breath fanning your face.
“It’s going to be tiring, but if you follow my orders you’ll get to finish. Think you can take it?”
Was it his suggestive words or his plump lips that made you feel so lightheaded? Either way, you wanted to dive in, to finally taste him. But you just had to ask.
“That’s my name”
“We aren’t talking about finance, are we?”
He stepped even closer, situating himself between your thighs that you gladly opened for him.
“Fuck no”
The way your hands grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a kiss, was almost animalistic. Johnny kissed you back with almighty force, open mouthed and breathing heavily. With the dominance that characterized him and a bite on your bottom lip, he pulls you up on your feet by the ID that was hanging from your neck. He tasted like smoke and mint gum.
“I thought you’d quit smoking?”
You felt his right hand grab your throat and he broke the kiss, forcing you to look at him. It wasn’t the pressure to your air flow but his eyes that had you on edge. The usual golden flecks adorning his orbs were hidden behind his dilated pupils. “I’m just a man. There are some things I can’t resist”. He dipped his tongue into your mouth, making you feel like you’re in a fever dream with the way all your fantasies were coming to life. “Open up”, he growled against your lips and you obey like you promised to. He spit in your mouth, in a manner so dirty it had your knees shaking.
You started unbuttoning his shirt, wanting to see more of him. Starting with running your hands over his raging heartbeat, you continue down his abs and end up fumbling with his belt. Johnny helped you, springing out his cock and, damn, he may be half hard but that was the biggest dick you’d ever seen in your life.
He chuckles at your widened eyes but instead of making some cocky remark like you expected he leans down, leaving soothing kisses on your jaw. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you”. He continued his kisses to your neck, all the while unbuttoning your shirt. Leaving it on you, he pulls your boobs over your bra and starts playing with your nipples. The tingling on your breasts was tightly linked it the one on your heat and you decided you needed more.
You took his fingers from your chest and placed them between your folds. Johnny cursed out with how wet you were for him, and started rubbing circles over your clit, occasionally dipping the tips in your entrance. He kept at it, relishing in your moans and he would have ripped his tight little skirt off of you if you were in his bedroom. The build up sexual tension along with the semi-public setting made you close to losing yourself in him. You just needed a push, and Johnny was more than happy to give it to you.
“You’re gonna cum for me. That’s what you wanted wasn’t it? Why you got all dressed up like that?”
“Yes, for you, fuck Johnny”
“Come on, let it all out. Cum so I can fuck the hell out of this tight pussy of yours”
You came all over his fingers, grabbing his arms for support. He gave you a moment, wiping the tears off the corners of your eyes while kissed you slowly. When you started kissing him back with a refuelled passion, signalling that you were ready for what he had to offer, he was back, rougher than ever.
He petted your pussy, collecting your wetness and spreading it all over your folds. You jumped up when you felt him slap over your clit, the lines between pain and pleasure from the overstimulation blurry.
You knew Johnny was strong, but the easiness with which he lifted you from the desk onto your armchair shocked you. Spreading your knees as wide as the cushioned seat allowed you, you stuck your ass out for him. He gave your ass a little slap while you waited for him to slip on a condom. He came prepared, you thought, probably planned on doing this from the moment he stepped into your office.
Johnny filled you up completely, your hypersensitivity making you feel his thickness in all its glory. He started off slow, careful of your tightness, but as he picked up the pace, your vision was all stars and constellations of pleasure. You must have moaned too loudly, because he stopped his thrusts and, in a moment, you felt him shove his tie inside your mouth.
“There’s still some people in the building, remember? Or do you like my cock so much that you don’t even care if they hear?”. You couldn’t muster an answer so you just kept drooling through the fabric your teeth bit into. Your pussy was dripping onto the leather, your wetness allowing Johnny to sink even deeper inside you. The feeling was so overwhelming that you opened your mouth wide in a moan, almost dropping his tie in the process.
You reached out your hand behind you to grab one of his arms in desperation. “I’m so close, so close, don’t stop”. He stared back at you with a crazy look on his face, and pinned your hand back on the headrest in front of you. Lifting one of your legs in the air, he starts fucking you so rough you thought the chair was going to break.
Your second orgasm hit you hard, your trembling body making it clear his size got too much for you. But there was no way you’d let him leave this office without cumming.
You climb down from the chair and got on your knees in front of him. Grasping his cock from the base, you started leaving open mouthed kisses on his balls first. You suck one in your mouth and glance up at him with the most innocent look you could muster, the contrast to your actions driving him insane. Johnny leans his weight on his hands positioned on your desk, letting you work your magic.
Returning on his tip, you ran your tongue in kitten licks on the slit, teasing him. An eyebrow raise from him compelled you to behave, pushing him all the way down at once. It was almost as if you pressed a button at the end of your throat with the way it triggered a guttural moan from him. He weaves one hand through your hair to keep you in place for a second longer and you gag. His dick pulls out, and the string of saliva falls over your white shirt making the fabric look see through. The sight of your lipstick on him, your watery doe eyes and your nipples poking through your now wet shirt was divine. He pushed past your lips again, and this time you made a good use of your tongue. You quicken your pace, his shaky groans and sharp gasps letting you know he was nearing his release.
Grabbing both his flexed thighs, you concentrate your breathing though your nose and deepthroat him again. Johnny growls, hips stuttering and eyes fluttered closed in delight. Warm liquid runs down your throat, almost choking you, but you take it all, relishing in his grunts and the way he moans your name.
After you catch your breath he bends down, planting a gentle kiss on your lips and offers a hand to help you up. You buttoned up in an awkward silence, not exactly sure what should be said after a session like that in a place like this.
“So, I’m guessing Donghyuck told you about my little crush on you?”
“Yup. You should thank him”. He smiles at you sweetly, pinching your cheek lightly and then moving his thumb in circles over the skin. “You also should have told me”
You rolled your eyes, “Not like I haven’t tried to! How much more obvious did I have to be?”
“I’m sorry! It’s just- you’re so pretty and I didn’t wanna be another one of the creepy guys that probably hit on you in the workplace”
Smiling at his thoughtfulness, you chose to forgive him and reached up for another kiss. He engulfs you with his long arms, and you push some hair off his eyes, admiring their softness.
“How about, I let you finish up here and we go for dinner after you’re done?”
“I’m not sure how I’m gonna concentrate after what we did”
“I’ll cover for you, but I can’t promise you that I’ll stop myself from distracting you”
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ectonurites · 3 years
help what the fuck is the magistrate?? im actually so behind on whatevers happening right now omg
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I want u guys to know my immediate reaction upon getting these was to say out loud "oh baby..." in a very sympathetic tone
To try to... do a quick crash course on some of these things without going into too much detail:
[color key: Infinite Frontier related, Death Metal related, Future State related, Current evil forces in Gotham related, Batman Family and allies]
Infinite Frontier is the name of the relaunch that started at DC this past March, where as a result of the Dark Nights: Death Metal event, the multiverse and continuity has once again changed, and now essentially things from before the New 52 reboot are fair game to be pulled from for writers moving forward, as characters have begun to remember things from back then. A specific Infinite Frontier limited series ran earlier this year that explored some of the things very heavily effected, and threads from that will be continued in Justice League Incarnate starting later this month.
Between Dark Nights: Death Metal and Infinite Frontier, DC ran a two-month (Jan-Feb) long event called Future State that showed a potential version of what the DC universe could look like in the future (the event had a specific timeline that the different books fell at various places along, this timeline spanned from five years in the future to 'the end of time'). This event was essentially used as a way for DC to debut some concepts they could potentially move on to explore in their regular continuity later in the year, such as new characters like Yara Flor who acted as Wonder Woman during the event, and is now currently leading a Wonder Girl ongoing book.
Specifically in the Gotham-centric books of Future State (Batman/Superman, Dark Detective, The Next Batman, Harley Quinn, Robin: Eternal, Nightwing, and Catwoman) the concept of the Magistrate was introduced, a para-military force controlling Gotham in which heavily armed Peacekeepers would hunt any and all masked vigilantes, with the apparent goal of creating a safer Gotham. The Batman family opposed and fought against this oppressive force for obvious reasons, fighting for Gotham’s freedom. After the initial Future State event ended, an ongoing book titled Future State: Gotham that would continue to explore the setting was announced, and has been coming out monthly since (currently at #6).
Meanwhile, everything else publishing-wise returned to normal continuity but concepts introduced during Future State such as Jace Fox becoming his own Batman and the Magistrate beginning to see use in Gotham City have been building in Gotham-centric titles since the start of Infinite Frontier in March. This has all led to the current Fear State event that started in September, in which Scarecrow has been manipulating things in the background to push Gotham to its limits to test his idea of a Fear State, basically traumatizing the entire city to a point where they evolve. An early version of the Magistrate program is in effect in Gotham right now, though the man in charge Simon Saint has seemingly lost control of his Peacekeeper-1 Sean Mahoney, so all Batman family members are wanted and in various states of fighting against it all. There are also other forces at play amidst the chaos, like an Anti-Oracle known as Seer causing additional problems for several members of the Batman family.
In terms of connecting Fear State and Future State, in the Outsiders story in Batman: Urban Legends #8, Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning from what is described as 'Future State + 30 Years' has come back to present day to assist the Outsiders during Fear State with the specific goal of stopping Future State from happening.
So ultimately, the Batman family needs to stop Scarecrow and the Magistrate now during Fear State to ensure that the Future State version of events does not become the set-in-stone future. We're currently still in the midst of the event but it will be wrapping up this month.
I hope that helps even a little bit! But honestly stuff is a bit confusing since we’re mid-event right now. In December the event will be ending and new storylines will be starting so that’s probably a better place to try to hop on to Gotham books if this stuff is too overwhelming, (and maybe wait for trade editions for this stuff that could collect the story together in a way that maybe makes a bit more linear sense)
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sttngfashion · 4 years
5.26 and 6.1 - Time’s Arrow
Oh my god. Y’all. It’s a new Fashion It So post. In the year of our Picard 2020. Yes.
For literal years, Charlie and I have been like UGH WE NEED TO DO TIME’S ARROW PARTS 1 AND 2 BUT IT’S JUST SUCH A MONSTER.
Well, I’m doing a complete rewatch of the series with my partner and we just got to these two, so IT IS TIME. 
We open in a cave in San Francisco, where Data and Picard are checking something out:
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Rent for the cave is $6,000 per month
Showing them around is this guy in a Science Outfit:
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He’s ready to go night biking
We’ve seen this look before in both Silicon Avatar and Devil’s Due, and it’s functional, yet cute. Basically a windbreaker in jumpsuit form. 
They find a couple of items in the cave, including a pocket watch from 1889 and also:
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I left my head in San Francisco
IT’S DATA’S HEAD!!! And it’s been there for FIVE HUNDRED YEARS. What could have caused this? And why is Data’s head so absolutely terrifying?
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Is that fondant
This head is, in a word, haunting. The 2020 of heads. 
Data and Geordi chat in Ten-Forward about what the presence of Data’s head in the cave means. Data says it means he’s mortal; that someday he will die, and that’s comforting. Spoiler alert: that’s not what it means. But it’s a nice conversation.
Also, Guinan is here!!!
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Merlot My God!! 
Or maybe: Burgundy-lightful!! Or perhaps: De-Crimson-alize Sex Work!! Okay that last one was a stretch but I really think I missed my calling as a nail polish shade namer. 
Anyway, she’s here in her classic look of a pizza-sized hat and a flowing gown/coat/top/robe. The collar here is a little too close to a mock turtleneck for my liking and honestly - this is a little staid for our friend Guinan. I want a TEXTURE or a SWEEP or some WIDE RIBBING or some PLEATS. Don’t worry, though...she will get plenty more later.
Then there’s some plot which frankly we DO NOT HAVE TIME to get into but let’s just say: the away team goes to a planet, there’s a temporal disturbance, and Data ends up here:
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Huge mood
Where are we? Or should I say WHEN are we??
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Well that old-timey font is a good clue...also the horse
Are we in the Old West land of an off-brand Disneyworld? Are we going to ride something called Large Lightning Mesa Train Tracks? What colorful characters will we meet here?
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Winner of 1893’s Mustache Medal
This type of ‘stache is called a Fu Manchu, after the character Dr. Fu Manchu. It’s not...a great look? But it is memorable, which is sometimes enough. He’s also wearing a simple black cap, probably made of silk. He’s keeping it cazh.
So where are we?
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Yes, it’s San Francisco. And it’s *eyes popping out of head like a cartoon wolf seeing a busty babe* 1893!!!! That temporal disturbance was...disturbing.
So who else do we have hanging out?
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Please check out our Vaudeville act, Knit Cap ‘n’ Bowly
These dudes understand those famous Bay Area MICROCLIMATES, amirite? We’ve got a Henley. We’ve got a buttondown. We’ve got a vest. We’ve got a coat. No matter which way the thermometer decides to go, THEY ARE READY. Also loving the pop of forest green on Knit Cap’s knit cap. 
We also have a 49er:
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No, it’s not Steve Young. I googled “famous 49ers” to complete this joke so if there is a more famous 49er please let me know
It’s a literal 49er. Since it’s 1893, this guy’s been hanging around in town for a while, and he’s also familiar with the layering techniques one must master if one is to conquer the Bay Area’s climate. He also has a kicky Colonel Sanders-type tie. He asks Data for money and gives him a few panhandling tips. He’s chill. We like him. But don’t get too attached if you know what I mean!!!!
Data decides he needs somewhere to stay, so he finds a hotel:
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Why is this so funny to me. Brian. Why would you name your hotel Brian. Brian!!!! I know it’s a last name but like...Brian. HOTEL BRIAN. 
This bellhop’s name is not Brian:
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Where’s your hat, bro
He’s giving us a classic bellhop look, complete with too many buttons. He gives Data the very important information that there’s a poker game happening in the back of the hotel, which means: Data is about to be RICH rich. 
The poker game includes a few good looks:
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Louie Anderson IS Wolverine IN a Lands’ End barn coat
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Two plaids? Sir...I salute you
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Colonel Sanders Goes to Carnaval
Data, of course, wipes the floor with them so hard that he wins their clothes:
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Didn’t get that barn coat tho
Yes, that’s the actual vest and the actual hat of those guys from the previous scene. Oh, I love it. I love Data in a vest over his uniform and I love Data with a feather in his cap. Let’s call it macaroni.
Meanwhile, out on the street, the plot is happening:
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Beige: inescapable
This is our first taste of the decadent 1890’s sleeves that appear in this episode, and these aren’t even the best sleeves!! These are an amuse-bouche of sleeves. An armuse-bouche, if you will. 
Anyway, these two are aliens disguised as humans who are here to steal the 49er’s life energy. 
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Pew pew pew
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I told you not to get attached!!!
Back on the Enterprise, Guinan is doing mixology:
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She would never call it something as stupid as mixology though
She tells Picard that he needs to go check out the temporal disturbance, too, even though captains don’t normally go on away missions, and then she gives him this look:
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It’s that serious
When Guinan looks at you like this, you do what she says. 
Now this outfit is much better than the earlier one. We have some pleated sleeves, which I didn’t even think was a thing you could DO. We have some sort of functional(?) strap(??) across the front. We even have matching fingerless gloves which always make a look A LOOK. And if Picard wasn’t sure whether he needed to go on this away mission, she then gives him THIS look:
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Okay now it’s REALLY serious
Back in 1893, Data is making something:
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It’s actually just a really complicated and large music box that plays “I Left My Head in San Francisco”
He’s gotten his hands on some more period-appropriate clothing, including a bow tie and a vest. Since he’s not wearing arm garters and his sleeves appear to be the correct length for his arms, we can conclude that the shirt was custom-made, not ready-made, because Data is now a baller due to his poker earnings. 
Then, Data sees this in the paper:
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I know her!! From work!!!!
Yes, it’s Guinan. In 1893. In a hat!!!!
We cut to the literary reception, which is honestly not as well-attended as I thought it would be, considering it got a GIANT photo of Guinan on page THREE of the paper, but okay. And who should we spy there but:
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You’ll love my secret blend of 11 herbs and spices
No, it’s not Colonel Sanders. (Sorry, I really have Colonel Sanders on the brain because of that Lifetime movie.) It’s Samuel Clements, AKA Mark Twain. I had an English teacher in high school who explained the origin of his pseudonym (it indicates a mark of two fathoms, aka twelve feet, on a steamboat) and for some reason she shouted MAAAARK TWAAAAAIN when she told us that story so now her delivery of that line is in my head until I die I guess.
Anyway, it’s Mark Twain.
He’s wearing his iconic white linen suit with a black bow tie, and he’s also wearing a lot of prosthetics, because the actor playing him (Jerry Hardin, AKA Deep Throat from The X-Files AKA Melora Hardin AKA Jan Levinson-Gould’s dad) (was that too many AKAs) (you get it, right?) didn’t look enough like Mark Twain, I guess? In conclusion: what if eyebrow wigs were a thing?
Twain is having a chit chat with “Madame Guinan,” who is wearing what can only be called a sumptuous gown:
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It’s 11:30 and the gown is sumptin’ sumptin’
There are so many ELEMENTS to this look! First of all: the color. Royal purple. Fit for a queen. Appropriate. 
Then: those sleeves! These sleeves are known as “leg of mutton sleeves” because they KIND OF look like a leg of mutton. Have you ever seen a leg of mutton? I haven’t. I’ve only seen these sleeves. Plus they have a stripe?? No, I don’t know why, but I LOVE IT.
The cuffs and the cravat bring this from “dress” to “lewk.” Top it all off with this hat and you have a true 1893 mood.
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What bird is that feather even from
We get a few good extra looks in this scene as well:
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Pink Lady is NOT wearing a corset
Look, sometimes you don’t have enough period-appropriate undergarments for all the background people and that’s fine. But I WILL notice.
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Is that Loretta Lynn
I am loving all of this! That purple dress is fantastic, those stripes? I die. Military man has some fun flair on his shoulder, and there is a dude in a beautiful turban back there. Plus, another Black lady in addition to Guinan and That One Ensign Who Is On The Bridge Sometimes.
Data rolls in to the literary event in a different suit with a CRAVAT:
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Craving a cravat
Data is like “we serve together on the same starship in the 24th century” and Guinan is like “huh” but then she’s like “okay” which...I’m not sure if I would believe that? But let’s just say it’s fine. 
Over in the 24th century, the literal entire bridge crew is checking out the temporal disturbance and I DON’T LIKE THIS AT ALL:
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Blue Man Group...on ACID
These beings are like ghosts but also like Dr. Manhattan but also like pure energy. 
Then everyone goes through the temporal disturbance AND THE SEASON ENDS. 
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Fortunately for you, this post will continue...right now.
Okay, so we’re back in San Francisco in 1893. You can tell by the horses:
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Also the fruit carts
Samuel Clemens is strolling around with a reporter, telling him that he has a great story for him that involves time travelers and, like, protecting the nation.
Here’s the thing about this episode’s version of Mark Twain: he’s kind of a dick. Was the real Mark Twain kind of a dick? I just feel like Mark Twain should be JAZZED about meeting time travelers and not acting like a fuckin’ time cop* and trying to put the Enterprise crew on blast. 
Anyway I love his double-breasted vest.
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See my vest
The reporter’s hat is technically period-accurate, but that style is SO associated with the 1930s-1950s that I would have gone with something else. He looks cute though.
Meanwhile, Data is wearing a three-piece suit:
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My positronic olfactory synapses are interpreting something as...a fart
I hate brown, but this is fine.
Additionally, the beige baddies from before are back and this time, they’ve got a SNAKE CANE:
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Love the snake cane, hate how they suck the life out of people
But we are not here for them, we are here to see our faves in period clothing. Our first look is at Riker, who is dressed as an actual cop, not a time cop like Mark Twain:
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The past just had...so many buttons
I guess if you’re a time-traveling white man there are worse disguises than a cop. But WHERE DID HE GET THIS UNIFORM? I choose to believe that he found a cop with a similar large handsome body to his own and beat the shit out of him and stole his clothes. Now we can all enjoy imagining a cop being beat up.
The badge that Riker is wearing is a great historical detail; the SFPD started wearing them in 1886 and are reportedly the first law enforcement agency to have worn the seven-pointed star, which is now a common shape among sheriff’s departments across the United States.
But let’s move on to a better look: Dr. Beverly Crusher:
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Curlz MT
Okay, now I have more questions. Beverly obviously wouldn’t beat someone up for their clothes, so where did SHE get HER outfit? And who did her hair? Did she do her OWN hair? Where did she get a curling iron? Does she know how to use a curling iron? Was it one of those ones that’s actually made of iron that you have to heat up in a fireplace? 
We will get answers to zero (0) of these questions.
We actually get a much better look at her dress later, so let’s focus on that cloak!!! I love it and I also love her hat. Okay, I guess I had less to say about those than I thought.
Bev and Will, along with the rest of the officers, have somehow procured a room/apartment in some lady’s lodging house. It’s cute!
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They gave it 5 stars on AirBnB
This also raises questions. How did they get this room? How many bedrooms does it have? Are they sharing one large bed? If so, who has to sleep crossways at the foot of the bed and why is it Geordi? We will get zero answers to these questions as well, so let’s move on to arguably the hottest costume in this two-parter:
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I’ll be in Holodeck 4
Whewwwwwww. He’s giving us a rolled sleeve. He’s giving us a casual tweed vest. The pants? They’re perfect. And he KNOWS how that slouch is working. It’s working VERY well. But the Irish landlady? She’s having NONE OF IT.
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Absolutely NO nonsense
She needs the rent, but Picard charms her and she leaves. So I guess that’s how they got the room. Her look is knitwear-forward:
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Eileen Fisher does sound like an Irish name
She’s got a shawl AND a cardigan! The cozy factor is OFF THE CHARTS. She also has a brooch, because a touch of fancy is always welcome. I will say that her hair is a little more fashion-forward than I’d expect for a woman of her age and station. This is straight up 1890s hair, and she would probably still be rocking an 1860s look, which isn’t as sweepy and would likely involve more braids. Still, she looks lovely. 
Geordi is also here looking dapper:
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Make the collar as high as you can. I want to be sliced open by my own collar
You CAN go wrong with a three-piece suit, but it’s difficult to. He can’t wear his visor, so he has some kicky shades which we’ll get a better look at in a sec.
Back at the Hotel Brian (lol), the bellboy (who we learn in this scene is Jack London, inspired to be a writer by Mark Twain [citation needed]) lets Mark Twain into Data’s room and allows him to look around unsupervised. This is very bad hotel management. 
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Great Scott
Then Data and Guinan show back up, and Mark Twain hides in an armoire.
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One short day in the emerald brocade
I think one reason I love Guinan’s looks so much, both in the 24th and the 19th century, is that our color palette is very similar. We’re both winters. Bold jewel tones are the vibe. This one is in a beautiful deep green fabric with what looks like a velvet flocking pattern on it. The collar is also velvet, and I love that sleeve with a flounce on top like there wasn’t already enough fucking fabric on the sleeve so they just added a random piece to be like “yes, bitch. I’m a sleeve.”
Naturally, the hat is also jaunty af:
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San Francisco’s hottest milliner is: Madame Guinan
This hat has everything: feathers, netting, a brim, an angle that makes you think it’s going to fall off but it doesn’t. We stan.
Meanwhile, Picard is setting up a sensor in a hospital while wearing a hat:
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I’m bowled over
We haven’t even asked where Picard got these clothes, but I would like to point out that he’s dressed as a lower-class guy, while Riker is a cop, and Geordi looks like a gentleman. Was there even a discussion they all had about how they would disguise themselves? Was Picard like “I just really want to wear a beat-up bowler hat” and since he’s the captain, they extrapolated from there? This episode is NOT CONCERNED about any of this. They all have clothes, end of story. 
Bev even has TWO outfits!!
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Hello nurse!!!!
I love this look. She still has her unlikely hairstyle happening, which means her nurse’s cap is sitting atop her voluminous hairstyle. (Not very practical, but realistic!) She’s sporting a simple striped dress and a button-on apron. (Look closely and you can see the two buttons holding the apron to the dress.) The fabric underneath might be cotton seersucker, but it’s likely a lightweight cotton or linen twill. You can see how closely her look matches these nurses from a similar time period:
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Hello nurses!!!!
Deanna is also in this scene and this episode, but you wouldn’t know it from what she’s given to do. HUGE SHOCKER: TROI NOT GIVEN ENOUGH TO DO IN AN EPISODE. 🙃
She still looks beautiful:
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Why aren’t capelets more popular
We never get a really GREAT look at her whole outfit, but I can tell you that it has a capelet, it’s in the red family, and the hat has a lot of business going on. For those reasons: approved. It has a flounce in the back too:
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More fabric = more wealth
Sometimes I think about just how much fabric it took to make these old-timey dresses and I’m like...how did anyone get anything done?? It takes me like 4 weeks to finish a pair of leggings and those have like 5 seams and I own a serger. These historical bitches were sewing whole ass dresses in no time at all. 
Okay, so Bev is in this hospital and here come some more energy-stealing aliens, disguised as healthcare professionals this time:
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I cannot take a medical professional wearing a LIGHT BROWN TOP HAT seriously, sorry
Bev AND this energy-stealing alien have BOTH managed to get their hands on the SAME nurse’s uniform?? I guess in the case of the alien, she is a shape-shifter, so she got her clothes from...that. And her hair. 
I hate this light brown top hat. If you’re going to wear a top hat, don’t DISRESPECT IT by making it BROWN, but if you’re going to make it brown, make it a good brown, like chocolate. Stupid energy-stealing aliens.
There’s a skirmish, the energy-stealing aliens disappear, and the real cops show up:
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Of course, the cops showing up is bad, because when has a cop showing up ever made a bad situation better? Never. Defund the police, but don’t defund handlebar mustaches. Those can stay.
Fortunately, Data has gotten a ping on that machine he was building before and shows up on a motherfucking HORSE:
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Brent just wanted to show off
He’s back in his brown striped suit and red tie. Okay.
Everyone returns to the boarding house to suss out the situation, and we get a look at what Riker is rocking underneath his cop jacket:
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Suspend me daddy
You can see very clearly here how the collar is not actually attached to the shirt. This was a thing people in the olden days did so they could wear their shirt for multiple days in a row and just switch out the collar and cuffs so they looked clean. As someone who is wearing the same sweatshirt for the third day in a row, I support this method. (If you’re interested on more info about collars, here is a very enjoyable article about them.)
We are also blessed with a better look at Deanna’s sleeves and bodice:
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Black lace cuffs? Decadent!!!
You can also see Geordi’s shades, which suit him really nicely. One thing I’ve been enjoying on this rewatch is just how well LeVar Burton can act without having his eyes visible. He’s great. Let’s just all think about how great LeVar Burton is for a second
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And also Bev’s dress:
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I legitimately want this dress
I don’t think those buttons are functional. Can you imagine how annoying THAT would be? But I am absolutely in love with this dress. Two paisleys, Beverly???? A goddess. I’m also dying for that brooch with the chain. A+ look all around, great work.
Finally, FINALLY, Guinan meets the rest of the crew:
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When you meet someone you won’t actually know for 500 years
She is wearing a hat that looks like a toilet paper cozy. Did your grandma have one of these? They’re so stupid and I love them so much. 
Picard and Guinan meet for what is the first time for her, but not the first time for him, and honestly it is...sensual?????
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If I got a m’lady from P. Stew I wouldn’t even mind
Patrick and Whoopi truly do some nice work in this ep. But we are here to yell about clothes, so: LOOK AT THIS DRESS ON AN EXTRA:
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Gimme dat dress
I just want that dress to wear around my house. I legitimately bought an 18th century costume dress to do just that, so don’t think I won’t literally do this.
The crew, plus Guinan, go back to the cave where this all started:
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Cave Club, the only club that meets in a cave
We get a nice look at the bodice of Guinan’s dress here and guess what: MORE BUTTONS. Buttons on the lapels, and also buttons on the front panel with the pointy top. I wonder if she has multiple front panels for that dress in different colors, like a Swatch watch. 
Unbeknownst to them, Mark Twain followed them!! Then there’s a scuffle with the energy-stealing aliens during which a few things happen:
Data’s head flies off
Mark Twain gets sucked into the temporal disturbance
Guinan gets hurt
Picard stays behind to make sure Guinan is okay
So we end up with Mark Twain on the Enterprise, where he sees Worf, and he’s like:
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Worf is also confused:
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This is...extremely perplexing
We have a few more looks back on the Enterprise, including Regular Guinan:
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ShoulderSpreads™: The Bed Spread for Your Shoulders
I love love LOVE this outfit. The color is perfect, the shoulderspreads are perfect, the front draping is perfect. It looks like a velvet housedress from the 1960s except FANCY which is kind of my ideal aesthetic. And it’s red (my fave). 
We get a quick glimpse at the barber uniform:
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Bitch let me pass, idc if you wrote Huck Finn
This barber does. not. give. a. fuck!!!! 
Geordi reattaches Data’s head, the one they already had, which means this whole thing was a ding dang closed loop. The reattachment also kind of diminishes the whole conversation they had earlier about how Data’s head in the cave meant that Data could die someday, because...he didn’t. He still might, but his head is back and he’s fine now.
Meanwhile, Picard is still back in 1893 and they have to go get him, but only one person can come back through the temporal disturbance, so Mark Twain is like “duh I’ll go get him.” 
And finally Guinan and Picard can talk about how their friendship spans 500 years!!!!
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Hey girl
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*abolish the police
280 notes · View notes
sleepysnk · 3 years
have fun ;)
Team Player: Chapter Nine
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: suggestive content
Word Count: 3.6k
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
Eren sat next to (Y/N) in the class they shared together. It was an early morning and the two both felt exhausted. The two planned overnight on what they were going to practice at the field, Eren had access since he was an athlete, but the two had to be quick. Campus security was strict on any students out past curfew. 
"So what time again?" Eren asked, looking over at her. 
Her eyes averted towards his. "I have class until 7, so I can go right after." she replied.
He nodded. "Sounds good.. come by my dorm and I'll give you a ball and we can practice," he said, a small smile growing on his face as his mind flashed images of the two playing catch. 
"Ugh! What if I suck? I guarantee I can barely throw a football," she said, rolling her eyes. 
He put his hand on her shoulder. "You got this! I believe in you (Y/N),"
Her cheeks grew hot from his touch and his words. Eren had an odd way of making her feel flustered. 
"I'll try my best to believe that.." she mumbled before looking up at the front of the class where Professor Ackerman stood. 
"Good morning.. today is going to be a pretty short lesson. I'll be releasing you all early today, so I hope you cooperate for this to go smoothly." he said, eyes roaming among the students. 
(Y/N) sighed, taking out her laptop to take notes. Eren did the same, he watched as she chewed her lip. For some reason, he always liked when she bit her lip, it was something he found.. attractive? 
His eyes looked towards the front of the class where Professor Ackerman was staring at him. 
"U-Uh.. yes?" he asked, nodding his head. 
The stoic man sighed. "I get you think (Y/N) is cute, but please pay attention." he replied, turning back towards the board. 
Eren's face grew pink as he felt many eyes staring at him, (Y/N)'s being one of them. 
"Yeah Eren.." she whispered, giggling a bit at his cuteness. 
He rolled his eyes before elbowing her side, causing a small yelp to escape her lips. She glared at him and returned back to her notes, a wide grin appearing on his features. He just loved messing with her. 
Eren ended up zoning out while taking notes. His mind wandered to other things like football, sleep, (Y/N), wait what?
He turned his head to meet her gaze, she was putting her stuff away. "Class is over, come on," she said, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.
He blinked for a moment before putting his stuff into his bag. 30 minutes really flashed like that? 
"I barely paid attention to what he was saying.." Eren said, rubbing his tired eyes. 
She exited the classroom with him by her side. "Trust me.. I don't understand Ackerman much either. Sasha had him and almost failed his class," she replied, nudging his arm a bit. 
A smile grew onto his lips. "Yeah I guess he is…" he said, turning his head to look at her. 
There was that stare again.
His eyes wandered to the small features of her face, (Y/N) was so pretty to him. 
"Do you wanna head to your dorm? You know.. to pick up the football?" she asked, breaking his thoughts. 
"Y-Yeah! Let's go," he replied, heading towards the exit of the campus building. 
She followed him to his residence hall. Eren was walking pretty quickly, curse him and his long legs. (Y/N) slowly caught up, grabbing his arm in the process. 
"Slow down! I almost lost you there," she said, trying to catch her breath. 
Pink dusted onto his cheeks. "My bad! I'll slow down.." he muttered before opening the door to his building.
She rolled her eyes before following him down the hall to his dorm, she had only been to his dorm about once. The one time she helped him clean it. She silently prayed she wasn't this gross guy who just dirtied his room after cleaning it, that would for sure disappoint her. 
He opened it and ushered her inside, her eyes scanned the room. He still kept it neat, surprisingly.
"I should have one around here somewhere," Eren said, opening his drawer. He dug around the dresser for a moment before pulling out the football. "Here ya go!"
He tossed it to her, she caught it and eyed the ball. She hadn't touched one in a pretty long time. 
"So 7:30 right?" she said, looking at him. 
He smiled, "Yeah for sure! I'll text you when I'm on my way," he replied. 
She nodded, "Sounds good! I'll see you then. I gotta head to my next class.. so uh, I'll text you!" she said before heading towards the door. 
He waved, "See you later!" 
She made her way out of his dorm. Eren smiled to himself, (Y/N) was such a cute idiot. He couldn't get over it, the way she eyed the football made him happy, she looked so cute. 
Maybe tonight would go well… maybe, just maybe, Eren could see her as more than a friend. 
Eren was awoken in his dorm by his phone going off. He wasn't sure what time it was, but it was dark out. He could faintly see the lights from the campus shining into his room, lighting up the walls.
A groan escaped his mouth as he grabbed his phone, Jean was calling him for some reason. 
"Hello?" Eren said, his voice deep and groggy from sleep. 
"Finally! Dude I've called you like four times! Were you sleeping?" Jean asked over the phone. 
He rubbed his tired eyes, "Yeah I was.. what do you want though? Where are you?" he asked. He could faintly hear some background noise.
"I'm at Connie's frat right now! You should come by! This party is getting pretty lit, plus you have been laying low on partying anyway," Jean replied. 
Eren looked at the time on his phone, it read 7:00. 
He contemplated for a moment, would going out partying even be worth it? He had been kind of low on the party scene lately, it may help him feel a bit better. 
"Fine… I'll be there in 10," he replied, sitting up on his bed. 
"Sick! I'll see you then!" Jean replied before hanging up the phone with a click. 
Eren sighed, he stood up and turned on the light to his room. He put on a black zip up hoodie and some grey sweatpants, he wasn't exactly looking to impress and do much. Maybe a few shots and that's all? Plus it was a Wednesday night. 
As Eren exited his dorm, he couldn't help but feel like he was forgetting something. Did he have assignments? No. Practice? No. He wasn't exactly sure what was missing, he just shrugged it off and made his way to the frat house. 
Little did he know… he was forgetting something.
Eren downed his third shot that night, the burning of the alcohol went down his throat and to his stomach. He placed the glass onto the table, leaning back against the cushions of the couch. 
"You want another?" Connie asked, holding the bottle towards him. 
Eren shook his head, "Nah.. I'm good."
He felt a weight next to him, Jean was sitting next to him now. His face was lightly pink from the alcohol he consumed earlier, Jean was such a lightweight drunk. 
"So Jaeger when are you even coming back on the team? You've been benched for weeks," he asked, looking at him.
Eren sighed, "I dunno.. maybe if coach actually listened to me." he replied with a shrug. 
Jean slung his arm around his shoulder, "You got this! I think you'll be back soon," he slurred. 
Eren pushed Jean off of him, "You smell like beer dude, go somewhere else." 
He furrowed his brows, "Shut it! You seem grumpy.. did (Y/N) stop letting you hit or something?" Jean asked, crossing his arms. 
Eren's eyes grew wide at Jean's words.
"Oh shit.. fuck! (Y/N)!" Eren yelled.
"Huh? Is everything okay Eren?" Connie asked, looking at him with furrowed brows.
He fumbled for his phone, the time read 8:20. It all hit him at once. Eren was supposed to be at the field practicing with her, it totally slipped his mind! He also noticed the missed texts and phone calls he had from her. 
(Y/N): 9 missed calls
7:02 <-(Y/N): hey i'm done with class!
7:10 <-(Y/N): uh hello? did you fall asleep?
7:19 <-(Y/N): Eren??? dude i'm at the field
7:21 <-(Y/N): dude seriously, where are you?
7:32 <-(Y/N): Eren, i'm not playing anymore. where are you??? you were supposed to be here.
7:41 <-(Y/N): wtf dude?? are you seriously ditching me?? this isn't funny Eren.
7:49 <-(Y/N): i'm giving you 15 more minutes if you're not gonna show up, i'm leaving.
8:01<-(Y/N): okay cool. ignore me, thanks for being an asshole. i thought you were cool but i guess people never change huh? don't even bother coming.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"I gotta go, see you guys later." Eren said before rushing up the stairs out of the basement. 
Eren rushed out of the frat house, he pushed past a few people and got outside. The wind picked up as he rushed towards the campus, he couldn't go to sleep tonight knowing that he forgot. He felt so guilty, that was fucked up for him to do. 
In the distance storm clouds brewed, lightning flared in the sky lighting up the darkening clouds. Thunder boomed in the horizon as the wind began to blow around the fall leaves. 
Just what I need, a fucking storm Eren thought as he rushed to the practice fields. 
The bright lights were still on, unfortunately Eren didn't see (Y/N). He looked around the field, maybe she was in her car? 
Eren fished for his phone to call her. "Come on pick up.." he groaned, looking around the empty field. The wind blowing in his hair. 
"So.. you finally decided to show up."
He turned to see (Y/N) leaning against the small bench, her arms crossed. 
"(Y/N)! I-I'm.. I didn't mean-"
"Just save it. I don't wanna hear your excuses," she cut him off. 
Eren tried coming towards her, "I'm sorry! I didn't get your texts and everything slipped my mind!" 
She rolled her eyes, "You left me here for an hour! I genuinely thought you were a nice guy.. but I guess some people never change. Just do this all yourself." she replied, tossing the football at him. 
He watched as she began to walk away, the storm in the distance beginning to get closer. He ran towards her, grabbing her forearm. 
"(Y/N).. please don't go, there is a storm right now and I don't want you walking by yourself." he said, looking at her with concern in his eyes. 
She tried pulling away from him, "Eren just go! You clearly don't give a shit, just go back to your stupid party. I could care less.." she mumbled. 
The crash of the thunder made him look up at the sky, "(Y/N)! I'm being serious! We need to go inside, just come with me okay!?" he yelled. 
She scoffed, "Just fuck off dude! Let me go back to my dorm!" she argued back. 
Eren was beginning to get frustrated with her, "I already explained! I get what I did wasn't cool! Just stop fucking around and let's go! The dorms are so far and you'll be walking in the rain, just come with me already!" he replied. 
Droplets of water began to fall from the sky, darkening the material of Eren's clothes. Lightning flashed along the sky and thunder followed soon after, booming and rumbling making the ground slightly shake. 
"No! Just let me go back by myself, I don't need your fucking help. You're such an ass! I wish I never helped you, God, I was so dumb to even think you changed!" she yelled as the rain pelted down on them. 
He stayed silent, the rain hitting his head and making his hair wet. It soon began to fall at a quicker pace. 
"I'm leaving.." she mumbled before starting to turn away. 
Suddenly, Eren grabbed her arm and put his hand behind her head, pulling her into a kiss. At first she didn't move, then her lips suddenly began to move against his. Her arms went to his neck. 
The rain fell onto them, soaking their clothes and making the ground below them wet. The kiss they shared was raw, passionate, and it broke the tension they've been having for the past two weeks. 
"Just shut up (Y/N).." he said before pressing his lips back onto hers. 
His arms snaked around her waist, bringing her closer to his skin. She shivered a bit as the wind blew against her wet flesh. 
"E-Eren.." she said, breaking the kiss between them. Her lips puffy. 
He looked up at the sky, "Let's go.. we're gonna get sick," he said. 
He took her hand into his, her cheeks growing hot as he guided her through the wet field and towards the locker rooms. Eren had snuck a key and he always kept it on him just in case he ever needed a way back into school, he silently hoped (Y/N) wouldn't tell anyone. 
He slid the key inside of the lock and turned it a few times, he felt the click of the lock and pulled the door open so she could step inside the locker room. Nobody would be around at this hour so nobody would catch them.
(Y/N) shivered entering the locker room, both of their clothes were soaking wet; the cooler air made goosebumps form onto Eren's skin. 
"Just sit right here," Eren said, pointing at a spot in front of his locker. 
(Y/N) plopped down, the sound of her wet leggings hitting the surface of the bench. Her hair was soaking, so was her outfit, she had no idea how she was going to explain this to Sasha. 
Eren walked into the showers, his eyes scanning for the towels they kept for the players. He opened the door to the closet and grabbed two of the white ones, he hoped nobody would notice they were missing since his coach kept count of all that shit. 
The squelching of Eren's shoes made (Y/N) look up, he tossed her the towel before sitting down next to her. 
"I'm sorry again.. if you don't want to help anymore, you don't have to." he said, looking at her. 
She rubbed the material along her face and through her hair. A sigh escaping her lips before she spoke, "I'm not gonna stop helping you.. that's not who I am, but I wish I got some kind of heads up." 
Eren nodded, wiping some water off his face. "That's my fault and I'm sorry for that," he replied. 
She looked at the ground. "You're forgiven.. but Eren," she said, looking at him. 
His eyes averted towards her, his head nodding to the side. "Hm?" he asked.
She chewed the inside of her cheek. "Why did you kiss me?"
Eren let out air through his nose, he leaned against the lockers behind him. His back pressing against a lock, why did he kiss her? Was it just the heat of the moment? Did he want to release the tension they had? 
He clicked his tongue, "Being honest.. I don't know. I guess in a way.. I like you, I hate to admit it but I do," he said. 
Her eyes widened a little, Eren Jaeger liked her? She wasn't exactly upset.. she felt the same way and it was blatantly obvious at that point since she did lean into the kiss and she could feel the tension between them the last few weeks. 
"E-Eren.." she whispered. 
He looked at her, "What? I know you don't like me back," he mumbled.
She stuck out her hand to touch his face which was now dry, her fingers ran along his skin. "I do like you.." 
He froze for a second, she was never one to tell a lie and by the way she spoke he could tell she was being truthful with him. 
He turned his body to face her, their knees were now touching and tingles came from the touch. Eren's hand found its way to her cheek, he used the pad of his thumb to wipe away a few stray rain drops that laid on her skin. 
Their faces leaned into one another, their lips connecting into a kiss. 
Her hands found their way into Eren's damp brunette locks, pulling him down closer to her. Eren's hand found its way to her waist where he squeezed the flesh, some of the material of her shirt was damp and it made his hands wet. 
"I want you.." Eren whispered, his breath uneven. 
She looked into his eyes. "I want you more.." 
His hands went towards her thighs, his fingers rubbing circles on the skin; it made her jolt a bit. 
"You like that huh..?" he asked with a smirk forming on his features. 
She playfully smacked his arm. "Oh shut up," she replied, her eyes rolling. 
He smirked before moving his head to her neck, he pressed his lips against her skin; his lips were hot, almost feverish. They attacked her neck making her skin feel warm. 
A soft moan escaped her mouth feeling his tongue glide against her sweet spot, he was about to bite down when a buzzing broke him out of his thoughts. 
(Y/N) slightly groaned when she reached in her pocket for her phone. Eren leaned away and furrowed his brows, pondering as to who could be calling right now. 
"Hello?" she said, chewing her bottom lip. 
"(Y/N)!? Hello!? Dude I've been texting you for an hour! Where are you? It's storming like crazy outside and I knew you were out with Eren, is everything okay?" 
She instantly knew it was Sasha. 
She sighed, "Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine Sasha. Eren took me to his dorm, we actually got rained on. I'll be back soon," she replied, her eyes wandering towards Eren who seemed unfazed. 
She could hear Sasha chewing on food. "Okay! Have fun! I'll see you soon," she said. 
(Y/N) hung up and placed her phone down next to her leg. "Sorry about that," she said, rubbing the back of her neck. 
Eren chuckled, "You're fine.. I think we should get back anyway, I don't want the janitor to come and find us here," he replied before standing up. 
He held out his hand for her and she took it with a smile on her face, she shivered a bit since her clothes were still somewhat wet from being outside in the rain. Eren took notice of this and went to his locker.
"Hold on a sec," he said, making (Y/N) stop in her tracks. 
She nodded as she watched him unlock his locker, he grabbed what seemed to be a hoodie. It had the University colors on it. He slammed his locker before locking it up and turning towards her. 
"You should take this.. it's really cold and I don't want you getting sick," he said, holding out the fabric for her. 
Her cheeks grew hot, but she just took the sweater from him. "Thank you.." she said, holding it close to her chest. 
He smiled, "Of course! Now let me take you back to the dorms, it's the least I can do." 
She smiled before following Eren out of the locker room. 
The long walk back to (Y/N)'s dorm was quite fun, the two had encountered a few professors along the way and they had to hide in bathrooms to make sure they wouldn't get caught. 
It was something (Y/N) wasn't used to, she was always staying out of trouble and she was seen as a good girl most of the time. Eren found that to be quite amusing, regarding the circumstances anyway. 
He leaned against the wall that was next to her dorm door. "So uh.. tonight was something," he said, chuckling a bit.
(Y/N) giggled, "It definitely was.. but I had a lot of fun. Even if I'm freezing right now," she replied. 
Eren looked at her, "I- uh.. I hope you know I meant what I said about liking you.. I really do and I want to be more than just a friend to you," he said, his cheeks slightly pink. 
She looked at the ground before looking back up at Eren. "I meant what I said too.. I do like you, Eren."
"I mean.. by the way you moaned earlier.." he smirked. 
She smacked his arm again. "Oh shut it! I'll kick your ass, but anyway.. I do want to have something more," she said, rocking on her heels. 
Eren smiled, "Sounds good.. can I kiss you again?" he asked. 
She nodded her head before leaning into his face again, Eren put his hands onto her shoulders giving them a small squeeze before pulling away. 
"Kissing you hits different," he whispered before kissing her cheek. 
Her cheeks were hot, "You're such a dork.. goodnight Eren!" she said, putting her hand on the knob of the door. 
He chuckled, "Goodnight (Y/N)."
Eren walked back to his dorm with a giant grin on his face, he felt like he just won a game just now; but this time.. he won something special. (Y/N).
tagging: @ererokii @eremiie @erensapologist @luvrboykento @callmepromise @katsuhera @moomii-hime @flam3bird @thicmitten @daughter-of-the-stars11 @just-a-little-sad @lunamoonawatcher @sofi-yeager @ryan249057 @chayauwu @bell0214 @jaegercult
106 notes · View notes
HASO, “A little Race.”
So this is a little story setting up for some stuff in the future.
A few of you on the discord server mentioned an interest in learning more about the criminal element within my universe as well as a couple other ideas which I would love to incorporate, so I hope you like where this is going :)
Adam turned heads as he walked through the station. Glowing, grungy neon lights lit him up from either side though the forest of bodies parted before him like a sea. Everyone here looked more than a little unnerved at his presence, and hurriedly scampered away into the dark allies upon the station.
It wasn’t a big place, A trading hub  not so far from the metallic belt, so many of these people probably weren't here for illegal reasons, but based on his time getting to know the criminal underbelly of the universe, he also knew the station’s real reputation. And he knew the man he was looking for was likely to be here. 
He would have disguised himself as Kell, but thought better of it. He wanted to keep that disguise in his arsenal if he ever had to go undercover again, and this wasn’t a moment  he needed to be undercover.
Behind him Sunny walked at his shoulder, holding her pearlescent spear in one hand.
She really made an impression on people these days, and he found it more than useful to have a saint on his side.
He walked down the hallway through a set of doors and then into a wide cargo bay. Someone was playing rap music somewhere, and he could hear it echoing  off the rough metal. Graffiti tagged the walls on almost every surface, including the floor, and the rattle of metal on metal drowned out whatever lyrics there might have been. He stepped further into the room as out of place as he had ever been.
Adam had never been involved in criminal affairs. Beside his brief stint as Kell and his  accidental time in the Turma Prison, he had been a straight arrow all his life. He had never done drugs, never stolen anything, never been arrested. And it certainly didn’t help that he had to run here from an appointment with Admiral kelly, and so was still wearing his UNSC uniform, which was pristinely pressed, light grey  and caused him to stand out like a drop of white paint against a black background.
The music crew louder as he stepped inside.
The room was full of shuttles, or some of them were shuttles and others were more accurately jets. Some of them were old, held together by paint and duct tape, while others glowed sleek with outlandish new paint jobs that included skulls and flames and chains. A group of men and women sat off to one side. The women wore very little, just string bikini tops and cut off jean shorts. One of the women, with long dark hair tied back in a ponytail was wearing jeans and a spoked leather jacket.
A lot of the men wore baggy pants tank tops, with lines of tattoos crawling up their arms and necks.
Similar looking people loitered around the ships tinkering with the engines and polishing surfaces already too shiny to need polishing.
The  woman was the first to see him, sitting up straight with the rattle of leather and spikes, “You don’t have any business here, Get out.”
That caused the others to turn and look, and the group of people bristled like an angry dog, forming into a tight group shoulders wide, arms out chests puffed up.
Adam stopped a few feet away.
“I want to speak with the man called Donovan Red.”
“Ol Donni ain’t here.” One of the men said, spitting onto the floor, “New git!”
“I know he’s here. His ship is parked in the hanger on deck E.”
A couple more men had wandered up to join, and he spotted the tell tale sign of weapons shoved hastily into their pants.
He held his hands out to the sides, “Listen, I just want to talk.”
“Then come  back with a warrant, pig.” ONe of them snapped. The guy was an ugly looking thug with a completely shaved head and bare chest. He had a pot belly from drinking, but he still had one of the girls hanging off his arm shying behind him from for protection.:
He sighed, “I’m not here to talk with him about any of his activities as legal or illegal as they may be. I’m not interested in what he does or who he does it with. I am here to ask him a favor.”
There was a shift about the room, and the woman from before stood up resting a hand on her hip, “The golden boy of the UNSC wants a favor from old Donni.” She barked a laugh and the men and women behind her laughed too.
“”In your dreams, boy.”
The group turned laughing and he felt his insides churn a bit with rage. He went to take a step forward but took a deep breath and stopped, “He will want to reconsider.” they ignored him, “If he does me a favor that means I owe him, Think about that, one of the most powerful men in the GA or the UNSC and I will owe him a favor.” he raised his voice, “Your boss would have to be pretty stupid to avoid an offer like that.”
There was a pause around the room, and then Adam felt something cold press up against his temple, “And you have to be pretty stupid to call him stupid.”
Adam turned his head just slightly feeling the barrel of the gun pressed below his ear.
As he moved the gun moved. Sunny hadn’t bothered to deal with the guy, and he knew why almost immediately.
WIth one lightning fast move he reached up and slapped the gun out of the man's sloppy grip. It clattered to the floor and went spinning away under one of the shuttles. Adam then stepped back and elbowed the man in the face. The man staggered back and Adam finished him off with a kick to the sternum that sent him flying back into  a barrel, which tipped over with an echoing thud and rolled slowly away.
He turned back to the others who were hastily reaching for their weapons, “The next person who points a gun at me is getting a spear through the throat.” Sunny stepped forward with a hungry look on her face.
The group paused, “You’re UNSC, you can’t do that.”
HE crossed his arms, “I won't be doing anything, but I can’t guarantee that my partner here won’t.” 
There was a pause in  the room as everyone nervously looked between each other.
“Why don’t we all just calm down.” The voice echoed in from the back, and the entire group turned to see a man walk up through the isel.
Donovan Red was shorter than Adam had expected, but still fit. He wore a tight black T shirt that bulged around his biceps, and when he walked he walked with the confidence of a man not used to being out of control.
The man walked right up to him, unperturbed by their height difference  slowly looking him up and then down. 
“You shouldn’t have come here, Cinderella.”
Adam raised an eyebrow, “Cinderella/”
The man shrugged, “Yeah, you got that vibe, all dressed up like a princess.” He nodded to Sunny, “And hanging out with woodland creatures.”
Sunny did not look amused, 
“Actually that would be snow white, or sleeping beauty, as I recall Cinderella only talked to mice.”
The man snorted, “My apologies for now knowing my princesses better, Cinder-ellla.”
Adam didn’t respond, didn’t back up. Instead he inched forward so he was towering over the man, “Look I’m not here to bother you or your men-”
“Too late for that don’t you think, princess.”
The men and women behind him laughed.
Adam sighed, “If you will let me finish. I assume that you got off your ass and came over here because you heard what I was saying to your cronies?”
Adam stood his ground as the entire group inched in. It was partly out of show, and partly because he knew sunny and him together could take this crowd easy.
Red looked up at him with his head tilted to one side, “Tell you what.”
He stepped back and turned to look at his men, “I’ll talk to you about your little favor, but-” He held up a finger, “Only if you prove yourself worthy of my time.”
Adam sighed. This was going to be good.
“And how, exactly do I do that.”
“Simple,” The man said with a smirk, “You just have to win a little race.”
Eris looked up at the pictures on the wall. There were a lot of them to choose from, and she spent some time wandering around the living room looking up at all the images. She knew these people, or at least it felt like she did.. Through Adam’s memories she knew Martha: intelligent and protective, Jim: strong and loyal, Maya: sweet and adventurous, Jeremy: friendly and changeable, Davide: perfect and charming, Thomas: a general hot mess, but someone who cared deeply about things.
She remembered all of them, but at the same time that felt like invading their privacy. 
They didn’t know her, so it wasn’t fair of her to claim to know them.
She sensed someone behind her and turned to find Martha looking up at the pictures with her. She pointed up at one and Eris followed, “that was last christmas together before Adam went to space.” She sighed and shook her head, “A lot has changed since then.”
Jim followed behind and held out a cup, “Can you eat human food? Sorry if you can’t I just assumed.”
She took the cup, “No its ok, myst of my  insides are human.” She had taken off her hoodie and now let it rest on the back of Martha’s rocking chair.
Jim went to stand next to his wife and looked Eris over with his head slightly tilted.
Eris hid behind her long dark hair, hair that reached past her butt. She wore it long, not only to hid behind, but because she thought it might help to cover the starborn ribbons which trailed from her back.
“You know what Martha, she looks a lot like Maya doesn’t she.”
Martha turned to look and Eris shuffled her feet, “You know what, I didn’t see it before but she does. She elbowed him, definitely has the Vir family nose.”
He grunted, “Be glad she got the nose and not the ears.”
Martha motioned her to take a seat, “Why don’t you sit down and tel lus what brings you all across the galaxy.”
Eris sat shyly on the edge of her seat nervously running her hands through her hair.
“Well….. um , nothing really it’s jus that. I had been taking care of the other hybrids and…. And well I kind of got burnt out and couldn’t do it anymore, so I…. wanted to start living for myself you know?”
The two humans nodded sagely
“But I didn’t know where to start. So I thought I would get to know my roots a bit better. I am half human….. Well DNA says a little bit more than half human, so I thought I might start with you.  Iwanted ;to see Adam, but he seems to be gone, and I can’t reach him.”
Martha nodded, “It has been harder and harder lately especially after.”
Eris’s eyes widened as she read the thoughts forming in the woman’s mind, “Someone is trying to kill him!”
The two paused, but then got back into stride without so much as a look between each other. Eris kicked herself. People always hated being around her when they knew she could read minds. 
Here she was driving people away again.
“Yes…. someone has attempted to kill him in the past. We aren’t sure if it will happen again, but we dor worry about him.”
Eris felt her insides go cold, she could feel it through the mental link to his parents, and she could feel it inside herself as well.
Adam Vir couldn’t die, not before she got to know him better, and certainly not if it was going to hurt his parents, who were some f the nicest people she had ever met.
She had to do something.
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amuhseen2003 · 3 years
Okay, so after four years of being in the Sanders Sides fandom, I’m going to attempt to write some headcanons. Here we go.
Since it’s well-known in fanon that the sides do have karaoke sessions, imagine what would happen if they sang musicals based on gothic literature.
Roman’s happy because broadway, duh, Logan is happy because it’s canon that he enjoys gothic literature since he dressed up as Frankenstein’s monster for Halloween, same reason for Virgil and Patton’s happy that his family is bonding. He made extra cookies for the occasion. He’s dangerous like that. 
(I headcanon that when Thomas had to write analyses of gothic literature novels for school, Virgil, Roman and Logan would work together to come up with stuff and write the best essays in class and Patton would be so proud of them)
I’m not going to count Les Mis because I’m not too sure if that counts as gothic literature and whilst the Hunchback of Notre Dame is indeed gothic (trust me I read that in a plane once. An entire, like, ten pages is dedicated to describing the scenery) I don’t think it became a broadway show.
Now this isn’t like their usual karaoke nights, no sir. Just idly remaining in the living room won’t do. Where is the gusto? The pizazz? The accolade winning extravaganza? The-
“We get it Princey, can you just get on with it?” - Virgil
No, this type of singing can only be accompanied with an atmosphere that will do it justice. To the imagination they go and with Logan’s (who has practically memorised every single one of these books and is not geeking out at all) input on how the novels describe each setting, Roman creates very intricate landscapes for each song.
When they sing ‘Alive’ from ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ Roman thought that it would be really cool for Patton to play Mr Edward Hyde since Hyde is literally the human id and Patton, being the embodiment of morality, is literally the superego (although to be fair, Patton is also shown to be quite childish and impulsive since he’s also the base of Thomas’ emotions and Hyde is impulsive because he’s a way for Jekyll to act on his own emotions - especially since the only crime that Hyde does in the book are him over-reacting with his anger by beating a man to death. And in the novella, Jekyll writes that he and Hyde are like father and son and that Hyde is actually younger than Jekyll is, he does have that sense of childishness that Patton has only instead of that childishness being good and helpful, it’s bad and hurtful. Plus in the soundtrack of Alive, whilst Anthony Warlow does sing about how good being evil feels like, he also sounds like he is crying tears of joy of being able to be himself, the first words post-transformation being freedom and anyways these are supposed to be fun headcanons not analytical headcanons so I digress…)
Anyways Patton is happy to play the villain because “look kiddos, Roman conjured up this really swell cape” “the correct term is cloak” “and check out this top hat and cane!” and he’s just belting out the words and froliking around Victorian London without a care in the world, making his cape swoosh in the wind.
“Patton I would advise you not to take your shoes off. This is nineteenth-century London with people dying of cholera by the dozens, your feet could catch a myriad of infections.”
“Worry not, specs, the scenery is merely an illusion. I would never allow for our dear padre to succumb to the villain of illness”
“Aww, thanks kiddo (cue Patton’s sunshine smile) now where was I? IT’S THE FEELING OF BEING ALIVE! FILLED WITH EVIL AND TRULY ALIVE!”
They have Logan sing ‘I Need To Know’ because a doctor of science singing about wanting to expand his knowledge and having that thirst to do whatever it takes to get said knowledge. That is a Logan Sanders song right there. At first he’s like “why do I have to sing. I was happy enough giving directions and helping you with the scenery” but Roman creates this big scientific library that could rival the one from Beauty and the Beast/ laboratory from that’s practically the identical to Jekyll’s lab in the book and he’s like “Fine” like he isn’t enjoying himself. He is. They all know it. He’s not fooling anyone
Patton and Roman sing ‘Bring on the men’ together (yes, whilst wearing dresses) whilst Virgil and Logan drink apple juice from those big british beer glasses in the mind-scape created Red Rat (which Logan is quick to point out doesn’t exist and is vocally upset at how the musical adaptation added unnecessary romantic subplots with Lisa and Lucy when the book itself only had three background female characters who were only there for like one paragraph. He’s even more upset at the other inaccuracies with the book like how in the play Jekyll creates his formula as a cure for mental illness and Hyde was accidental whilst in the book he did it because he wanted to indulge in sin without fearing the consequences and Hyde, whilst not being exactly what he wanted, was actually created on purpose or how in the book Hyde only kills one man and in the musical he kills practically everyone except for the one person he did kill. Virgil pats him on the back with sympathy). Roman and Virgil are sniggering at the sexual euphemisms at the end of the song whilst Patton’s confused. She just seems really enthusiastic about food.
Roman sings both parts of ‘Confrontation’ by himself. He gets a standing ovation.
He also does ‘Transformation’. The problem is that he was so good at sounding like he was in complete agony and near death that they had to stop the song prematurely because Patton was getting upset. Don’t worry, Pat gets lots of cuddles by Roman afterwords.
(You know what I might do some sides reacting to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde later because 1. It’s my favourite book and 2. All four of them would have very interesting takes on it)
From the Frankenstein musical Virgil plays the criminal from ‘Say Amen’ because he wants to (seriously, the guy’s first words in the song are ‘I curse the day that I was born into a world so black with hate’) and Logan plays Victor Frankenstein but Patton refuses for his son to even pretend to be executed by the noose so they have Roman play a man wearing a british executioner outfit with a foam sword and the creative side just bonks the anxious side on the neck with it. Logan despairs about the historical inaccuracy from his place in the stands whilst Patton is cheering next to him. Patton also hands him an extra jumper to keep him warm in the Switzerland cold. 
“Patton, I am grateful that you are thinking of my health but no one in eighteenth century Switzerland wore bright blue jumpers with cartoon kittens on them”
“Really, Logan, are you paw-sitive?”
“I would like to change places with Virgil. Immediately” 
Roman and Logan turn ‘Birth to my creation’ into a duet because Logan enjoys the scientific aspect of it and Roman can’t resist the drama (of course). He goes all out. He makes Victor’s lab perfect to the smallest detail (and cheers when Logan’s eyes start lighting up and he does that cute clappy thing when he’s excited), he conjures a storm and makes lightning strike at the best moments of the song. He even creates a ‘wretch’ (what Victor calls the monster in the book. I’ve heard that it’s name is Adam but all I remember from the novel is Victor calling himself god and the creature his Adam) to lie on the table. 
“And we didn’t even have to go grave-robbing for it. Or drop out of University.” - Roman
“No matter how many times I wanted to.” - Virgil
Roman and Virgil do most of the songs from Dracula. The creative side creates this huge, expensive-looking window-balcony thing with glass double doors and billowing silk curtains so that he could dramatically sing ‘the longer I live’ whilst the wind blows through his hair and he dramatically drapes himself on the balustrade so that the light from the full moon hits his figure just right. Patton’s close to crying.
Logan is very eager to give as many facts as he can about nineteenth-century mental institutions for ‘The Master’s Song’. He gets really into the history behind certain treatments and different cases. Roman plays Renfield and the others play doctors. 
Virgil is super into Dracula’s castle during ‘Life after life’. He and Roman duet that song wearing all-black. Logan tries to help Patton’s slight fear by telling him the history behind different pieces of architecture.
Patton plays Christine during Phantom of the Opera
Roman, Virgil and Logan sing ‘A story told’ from The Count of Monte Cristo around a circular table in a dimly lit tavern. Patton takes pictures and drinks hot chocolate in the sidelines.
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daisybeewrites · 3 years
Academy Blues — Prologue
word count: 1.8k
warnings: not any for this chapter
ship: Dousy, background Fitzsimmons and Philinda
okay y’all.. here it is. the first installment of my first LONG TERM SERIES!!!!!! ahhhh i’m so excited. literally i cant wait to continue this and see where it takes me. i have an idea and a few different planning sheets, but honestly i have no idea where exactly this will end up. i love each and single one of you <3 thank you for reading!! this is also posted on Ao3, and linked in the masterlist.
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Daisy hated the sound of the bells at The Academy. Screeching, awful, way too loud, the bells were the bane of her existence. They all wore standard-issue watches from the lab that monitored vitals and gave them reminders, and also told the time, for god’s sake! Fitz had even modified hers so that she could play snake on the tiny watch face! There was no need for the bells to be so excruciatingly disruptive. Though, Daisy guessed, there were many things more tortuous than bells ringing every hour and fifteen minutes.
Daisy slowed to a jog, cutting her morning run short. The bright side to being a third-year was that you chose your schedule, for the most part, and that meant Daisy had a free first period for four out of five days of classes. She usually spent this free period getting an extra hour in at the gym, boxing or sparring with Mack or Bobbi, two fourth years that had reluctantly taken her under their wings, or sleeping in. She reserved sleeping in for especially rough nights where visions of ashes and earthquakes and lightning returned time and time again, no matter how many deep breaths she took or sheep she counted.
But this morning was not one of those mornings. She had been up before sunrise, a little before her usual alarm and silently headed out of her dorm for a run. It was humid this time of year on most Virginia mornings, but never so hot that it made Daisy feel as if she was being smothered. The cooler air chilled her sweaty skin, her chest rising and falling as she jogged up the three flights of steps to the second years’ dorms. Down one long hallway, and she arrived at her room.
Daisy had been given her own room at the start of last year, complete with poly-adaptic-proto-whatever panels, which she had painted a pastel shade of purple, to compliment the greens of her cacti and the dark purples and blacks of everything else in her room. Even May had agreed that the stark white was too ”psych wing” for a bedroom. Daisy was grateful for the space, but considering the panels and the private room were only necessary since...
She shuddered. Grabbing her shower caddy, Daisy set off to the bathroom at the opposite end of the hall, hoping no one else was spending a free first period at the dorms.
Her shoulder-length waves were wet from bouncing against her neck, and starting to become annoying now that the sweat had dried and was starting to itch. Picking the white tiled shower furthest away from the door, Daisy quickly turned the water on, checked the temperature, pulled her sports bra and shorts off and hopped into the shower. Shampoo, condition, soap body, rinse. Checking her watch, Daisy found that she had showered in record time, less than three minutes. After spending another five just enjoying the hot water, she hopped out and changed into her class clothes.
Dark purple leggings, Coulson’s grey vintage SHIELD tee and a pair of white running sneakers she had “borrowed” from Jemma completed her look. Passing the mirrors, Daisy tried not to glance at herself. If her hair was messy or her undereye bags a bit too dark, she didn’t want to know. Instead, she headed back to her room to pack her bag for the day.
SHIELD-issued laptop, extra hard drives and a charger, Advanced CS 3: Ethical Hacking: Theory and Application, Advanced CS 4: Secrets of The Coding Languages, Physics notebook, an essay that was three days late on some boring book about international laws, and her sparring gear were all thrown into the black bag. She gave a second glance at the Russian notebooks Bobbi had loaned to her, promising that she’d learn without taking the class. Oh well, she still had all of this term to start. Plus, would she ever really need more than the dirty words?
One look at the alarm clock that sat on her dark hardwood night table showed that she still had almost forty-five minutes before she had to be in the computer lab. Sitting down on her bed, Daisy ran a hand over the grey blanket May had given her.
Daisy’s relationship with May and Coulson had been something of a problem with other students when she first got here. Some had been okay with the obvious paternal love Coulson showed for Daisy, showing her around and checking up on her, scheduling lunch dates and reminding her of tests. May was more subtle, texting her links to tai chi videos when she noticed Daisy getting too stressed or letting Daisy do her own thing if she saw that she was overwhelmed. Of course, none of the other students knew her family history, what she had gone through just to realize that May and Coulson were more her parents than her biological father and mother could ever be. She would see them later today—May during field training and Coulson in between lectures in the canteen.
Daisy walked over to her window to open her blinds, staring out at the campus she had grown to love. The large brick buildings scattered around acres of the Virginia countryside; green fields meant for physical activities like sparring or obstacle courses, or simply basking in the weather to study or chat; the dorms—red brick and concrete melded together to upgrade and expand the charming style of previously-built homes.
Grabbing a protein bar, Daisy headed to the canteen to make a green smoothie (and maybe snatch a cup of joe before she had to listen to an hour-long lecture on the reason SHIELD must cooperate with the UN’s stupid rules at 7:30 in the morning). Smelling the pines and morning dew surrounding her, she smiled slightly. Maybe this term wouldn’t be so bad.
Daniel Sousa was a man of honor. He was a man of great strength. Agent Daniel Sousa, previously Officer Daniel Sousa in the US Army, was a man who could fix his damn alarm clock on his own.
Just, not today. Or the day before.
So, Agent Daniel Sousa was now hurrying his way to class at The SHIELD Academy, books in hand and gym bag slung over his shoulders. Catching a glance at himself in the shiny glass doors of the bio-chem building, he groaned. He hadn’t even brushed his hair. And, looking down, he discovered he was wearing two different shoes.
This is the college experience everyone raves about, he thought bitterly. You see, Daniel Sousa had enlisted to the army straight out of high school, forgoing university. He climbed the ranks impressively quickly, earning his place as second-in-command and reconnaissance scout in the 28th Infantry Regiment. Unfortunately, after only four years in the army, Sousa was injured in the field, losing his leg and almost his life.
He came back to the US a war hero, and yet, he felt he wasn't finished. So, when a recruiter named Peggy Carter knocked on his door claiming to be from SHIELD (“Wow, you guys are still a thing?”), he leapt at the chance to continue fighti-...doing good. The Academy wasn’t exactly what he had bargained for, though. Trying to earn his B.A. and training to be an agent at the same time was grueling, but nothing he couldn’t deal with.
No, six different one hour and fifteen minute long classes plus mandatory physical therapy every day wasn’t going to break him. Learning how to be a communications agent and re-starting field training and catching up on general college education was no problem. Pressuring himself to be the best, to break the limits, to get past all his weaknesses was just another miniscule feather to add to the pile.
Unless his stupid alarm clock broke. Then yes, Agent Daniel Sousa would fail, buckle under the weight and be left on the floor to die.
Maybe he was being a bit dramatic.
One bunny-slippered right foot and a sneakered left leg carried him forward, propelled by a quickly chugged orange Celsius and his sheer will not to be late.
Daniel heard the late bell ring out, understanding that, on his first day of class, he would be counted late. It wasn’t like him, not at all. Especially when his first class was a refresher course on field tactics and covert strategy, something in which he was already aces.
He let out a sigh, slowing as he rounded the corner into the comms building. At the Academy, most buildings were grouped into categories: the cafeteria, gym and pool, and student resource building all to the south; the gun range, obstacle course, and specialized gym to the east; bio-chem labs, tech labs, and smaller rooms for lectures to the west; the computer labs and comms buildings right smack in the middle; and dorms to the north.
He swiped a key card with his driver’s license picture and student ID, unlocking the sliding doors that led to the computer labs. It was quicker to short cut through them than to walk around the building to the entrance closest to communications classrooms.
It wasn’t because he knew a certain broody brunette spent her mornings in the lab.
No, it wasn’t, because she wasn’t in her usual seat in the corner, typing away.
He slowly walked through the rows of computers, searching for a familiar black backpack. Nothing was there.
“Hey, Sousa,” an accented female voice called behind him. He whipped around to see who it was, feeling just a twinge of disappointment when Elena, or, as most people knew her, Yo-Yo, was leaning against the door frame. Yo-Yo, a fourth year operations trainee, who was very close with Daisy.
“Hey, Yo-Yo. Good morning,” he called, “I’m running a bit late.”
Elena checked her nails casually, “Way to state the obvious. You were running faster than I could trying to get here before the bell.”
Daniel rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. “Yeah…”
“Daisy’s running late today, too.”
Daniel looked around, pretending that hearing Daisy’s name didn’t make him want to smile. “Oh, of course. She’s usually here early.”
Elena nodded, chuckling a little at his response. She couldn’t tell if he was oblivious or just a bad liar. It was charming, really. “Right. See ya ‘round, Sousa!”
“See ya,” He replied. He thought he heard a quiet ‘Lovable nerds’ coming from the direction she left, but he couldn’t be sure.
And so, with a last look around the computer lab, Daniel set off to arrive late to May’s lecture.
okay okay,,, what do y’all think?? like/reblog and let me know! it’s the best way to support writers and it only takes a second! stay tuned for more chapters!!
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the-silentium · 4 years
Siren Song
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Masterlist - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Fors is an Original planet. I do not give permission to people to use it for their own fics, the planet, the animals, the Nightmares, the lore or anything related to Fors. Thank you.
Pairing: Bad Batch x Reader
Words: 3025 words
Warnings: Blood, monsters, ANGST.
A/N:  Thanks to @shadow-hyder​ who helped choose who got hurt in this chap ~
Taglist:  @haloangel391​ / @lightning-wolffe​ / @cherrydemon5​ / @and-claudia​ / @clone-rambles​ / @mandaloriandin​
"Wrecker. I knew you'd come to help me." 99 whispered through his comm.
Wrecker couldn't contain his excitement at his ori'vod calling out to him. He was alright, on this planet, away from the long-necks and their experiments, away from the dirty looks and degrading whispers, away from all the forced maintenance. He left the rainy planet like he always dreamt he would. 
For so long Wrecker ached for the reunion with his brother. He had so much to say to him, from his biggest explosion to date to his best prank on the regs with Crosshair and he couldn't forget to relate how he fought a giant snake that could have easily swallowed him whole in a single bite! 
He could already see 99 listening intently to each of his words, nodding and smiling as he would move his hands around to illustrate his words, because words weren't powerful enough to convey the power of the moment. 
Clone force 99 would be complete with its fifth member on board. All they needed to do was get him out of there with the rest of them. 
"That's not him! Guys!" 
For a split second, Wrecker had forgotten their newest teammate. Their cabur'ika. He was so wrapped up in helping his vod that he forgot everything else and let his body take control. His body knew what to do, fighting was in his blood. 
A new spark burned to life in his chest at the prospect of presenting you to his very wise sibling, maybe he could help you with your insecurities like he helped them all with theirs. 
"I know his voice Y/N! That's him!" He pushed forward, his team right behind him. 
You'd see soon, it was worth it. 99 was worth it. 
"Stay under the trees!"
He would have laughed at your words if he hadn't caught a glimpse of a man standing near a river. Trees were everywhere on this planet, you didn't have to worry. Instead, he forced his legs to move faster. 
A huff resonated through the comm just as 99 called again, the newfound fear in his voice made Wrecker's blood boil in worry and anger. 
He was almost there. He'd help. He'd save him. 
A nagging feeling plagued the back of his mind. It was just like when he forgot to close the light of the fresher one night and caused the ship to be inoperable for a couple of days or when he forgot Crosshair in a secluded village while on a supply run. He couldn't tell what was wrong, all he knew was that something wasn't as it was supposed to be. 
Wrecker got to the edge of the river, 99 just on the other side of the large angry stream. The ravine they had followed for a while was visible from his spot on the bank. It seemed they had moved a klick away from it and deeper into the jungle. The tall wall of rock and mud abruptly stopped and disappeared under a tumultuous waterfall that would be breathtaking in broad daylight. 
He doesn't see them, but Wrecker heard the soft steps of his brothers joining his sides. He didn't acknowledge their presence in the slightest, his eyes being glued to his elder kneeling on the ground clutching his chest, the grunts of pain leaving his mouth were too clear over the roaring water separating them. 
Without thinking he took a step forward, carefully setting foot in the deep river to reach the other side without getting carried away by the rapids. 
“Wrecker, what are you doing?” Hunter put a hand on his pauldron to keep him from going further into the water.
“He’s hurt!”
Without wasting a second, Wrecker harshly shrugged Hunter's hand away to venture into the raging water, fighting for his balance against the strong current pushing against his abdomen threatening to take him further through the jungle. Wrecker winced as static took over his comm, drowning the words of his team behind him. 
99's voice overflowed the nagging sound to encourage him forward, inciting him to grab the outstretched hand as soon as he was within reach. 
"Stay back." Wrecker ignored the help, he didn't want to pull his older brother into the river where he'd have no chance to survive. 
The ignored hand gripped his armpit in a useless effort to assist him, water dripped down his soaked blacks and armor, nurturing the grass below. 
"Are you okay 99?" Without wasting a second, Wrecker turned to his brother, already reaching for his frail shoulder. 
The sight squeezed his heart in nostalgia. There he stood, smiling just like the last time the Batcher saw him when they departed for their mission on Devaron. He even opened his arms like he always did whenever they’d all return from their assignments. This was him.
An urge to jump into the long-awaited embrace propelled his body forward to carefully wrap his strong arms around the fragile form of 99. Relief flooded his brain as soon as he felt arms wrapping around his own waist, numbing his senses to concentrate solely on this moment.
"Thank you for making all the way to me." He heard his voice in his comm, as clear as day, the background white noise abruptly muted as Wrecker's eyes widened in understanding. 
He managed to pull away slightly before the sight in front of him paralyzed his muscles. By fear, surprise or sadness, he couldn't decide which one had more control over his body. 
“Thank you for saving me Wrecker.” 99's lips stayed glued together despite the words echoing through the soldier's head. The once calming smile had lost all its warmth only to be replaced with a way more sinister grin. 
Half of 99- no, half of the monster disappeared under a layer of darkness slowly bleeding from its eyes, nose and mouth, the black goo covering its right side morphed into parts of someone else. Brown hair, a youthful smile, a broad muscular arm, they all appeared for a moment before the goo engulfed them again and changed over and over again, never truly setting on anything in particular. 
The shiver running up his spine brought the man to his senses long enough for his brain to order his body to move away from the threat. His chest separated from the smaller one as his feet stumbled backward. Unfortunately, his left hand didn't have such luxury. The liquid tightened around his fingers, crept over his palm to reach his forearm and slide under the sleeve of his blacks. 
He pulled and pulled again without any success. He was trapped. 
"So long…"
It was cold as death, enough to chill the giant to the bone. Bile raised in his throat as the sticky feeling crept up his skin. He tugged as hard as he could, but inches by inches the wicked sludge reached his elbow, gaining complete control over his arm. 
"It has been so long…" 
For some reason the tank of a man has never felt as small as in this instant, heterochromatic eyes staring up at him right in the eyes like his opaque visor wasn't even there. 
"We're so hungry." 
Before he could register the meaning behind his words, Wrecker went flying backward a few meters away from his initial standing spot, a heavyweight on his chest pinning him to the ground. 
Everything was happening too fast. Wrecker had some difficulties keeping up. That is until the unprotected skin of the underside of his upper arms burned worse than a blaster wound, his brain instantly knew what happened. 
With a yelp followed by a powerful kick, the clone tried to once again to dislodge the opponent clinging to him. His movements didn't send the gigantic thing rolling like he hoped, instead it merely shrieked in his face and flapped its cracked white wings to fly away, claws still locked around his arms. 
Fortunately for once, the beast doesn't get off the ground. Unfortunately, it meant that some parts of its prey had to go. 
Massive maws closed around his helmet, offering an absolutely atrocious view of the beast's mouth and throat. Wrecker would never admit it, but the sudden fear forced his eyes closed for a split second, protecting his fragile orbs by doing so.  Shards of his visor exploded under the assault of some particularly sharp teeth, scratching the sensitive skin around his eyes. 
This high level of panic was completely new for him and he didn't like it one bit. A nice adrenalin rush was one thing. This was far from the enjoyable spectrum. He wanted to yell for help, but who would hear his call? He was alone. 
The pressure around his head was increasing fast. Saliva covered his helmet, leaving Wrecker to blindly touch around his head for the maws, fingers slipping between the sparse teeth to force them open. The grip around his upper arms tightened, shooting a new wave of searing pain through his body as the claws dug deeper into his flesh. 
Ignoring his agonizing arms, he put more strength behind his movement and had the toothy vice open in a second. A well-placed kick on the bird sternum sent it flying backward, liberating his lacerated skin in the process. 
Hands cleaned his visor in a haste but stopped as soon as his fingertips started to tingle. The soft feeling soon morphed into full-on burning, prompting the soldier to wipe his hands onto the grass at his sides. 
Holes adorned the once intact tactical gloves, showing the damaged skin that it was supposed to protect. 
Before he could question the condition of his hands, a screech pulled him back to reality. 
The milky bird was big, easily four times his size with weird legs and two pairs of arms. The long white beak was pretty sharp with nasty teeth occasionally poking out, its maws opening frantically on a high pitch screech, its old-paper like wings flapping in anger at its side. 
Following the blue trail of bolts hitting the creature, the calls of his brother resonated through the comm without any interference as soon as his eyes landed on their offensive positions. 
His brothers. He remembered them now. He wasn't alone. They were here. 
"-ot responding." Tech 
"Wrecker! Come back here!" Wrecker winced at the very loud order coming from his sergeant. Apparently, it wasn't the first time he barked his instructions. 
"I'll get h-" Static filled his ears once again as 99 appeared at his side, hands wrapped around his pauldron.
"Don't leave me. Please Wrecker, help me.."  
"I'll hel-" His words were cut off by a sudden pull from behind, quickly followed by water engulfing his armor. 
Gasping, Wrecker tried to keep his head above water by instinct but failed miserably. The strong current left him totally helpless, the force of the water digging into his injuries to make him totally unable to move them around to get to the surface. Where was the surface? He turned on himself so much that nothing made sense anymore. 
A pull on his back stopped his body from turning in all directions, halting his quick descent down the river. Multiple hands pulled him out of the stream and wasted no time to pull him upright. 
"Wrecker can you hear me?" Hunter shook his shoulder forcefully. 
Too soon Wrecker tried to lift himself up using his arms to reassure his brother. All he managed to do was to almost faceplant into the wet dirt beneath his torso. 
"99." Was all he could say. He still felt a pull towards the other bank where he knew his oldest brother was still waiting for him. 
"There's nothing there. It's not real." Hands lifted him by the armpits to take him back under the cover of the trees. "It was a trick."
"No he's right there!" The clone was getting frustrated as everyone ignored his hand pointing behind them focussing instead on keeping him upright. 
A shriek pierced the night followed by a sudden splash of water, causing the three soldiers to jump simultaneously. Wrecker turned just in time to see the bird emerging from the river and fly away with something bright in its mouth.
Once the beast disappeared over the horizon, every memory repressed by the weird fog obscuring his brain came back to the front of his mind. Tears ran down his cheeks as he remembered that 99 died in a Seppie attack on Kamino, that he wasn't there to help. 
He had to bite his bottom lip to keep his whimpers from escaping, the pain of losing his brother a second time was way worse than it originally felt. Whatever it was back there felt so real, so warm, it told him exactly what he needed to hear and acted like the one and only 99. Deep down maybe he knew already but allowed himself to be blinded by hope. 
And hope crushed his heart in the more twisted way possible. 
Crosshair was the first to let go of his brother when they got deep enough into the line of trees, moving his attention to the grapple fixed under his rifle to put it away. So that's what pulled him into the river. 
"Are you okay Wrecker?" Hunter's worry pulled at his already suffering heart. 
"I am." He weakly mumbled, quieting down the hisses of pain menacing to erupt from his throat. 
"We don't have much time." Hunter carefully lowered himself to set his brother at the foot of a large tree. "We have to patch you up and search for Y/N before anything that might 've heard the noises comes this way." 
 Wrecker perked up at the mention of your disappearance, his eyes roamed the surroundings to get a glimpse of your shirt painted in blood and guts that always gave him a tiny heart attack every time he looked at it. He never thought not seeing that shirt would fill him with dread. 
"What happened?" He asked just as Tech removed his helmet to toss it at Crosshair for examination. 
The jungle looked way more terrifying without the night vision helping his sight. Without it, every shadow looked like an Algax silently staring with its inexistent orbs. 
"We don't know. We were too…" Tech trailed off, quickly assessing the wounds on his arms. "focussed to notice anything." 
Wrecker winced at the same time Crosshair did, although for a totally different reason. Tech stopped poking at the edges of the wounds to stuff some gauze pads on the bleeding lacerations before wrapping them with a sterile wrap. 
"Cross?" He asked his brother that stopped analyzing the helmet to lose himself in his thoughts, eyes fixed on one of the holes in the visor. 
He seemed taken aback for a moment but quickly recovered, rolling the customized helmet in his hands. 
"Night vision stopped working on one of the lenses. Too damaged. The front is melted at some places," He turned the helmet over to trace a long crack at the back of the head. "and it may not resist a hit to the right place." 
The frustration in his tone wasn't lost on anyone. Clearly, the helmet wasn't the subject of his irritation and no one had to ask for the truth. They were all prey of the same guilt. 
"I'm sorry. She told us not to follow voices." Wrecker averted his eyes, not able to look at his fuming brother anymore. Whatever happened to you was his fault. If only he hadn't followed the voices, you wouldn't be missing. 
Bile raised in his throat as his mind wandered on the dreaded questions. What happened? Were you in danger? Or hurt? Or dead? 
From his experience on this planet, Wrecker knew it was safe to assume that you crossed paths with a monster of the night. This was a certainty. All there was to speculate on was your wellbeing. 
"Her tracker is still working, we'll find her." Tech applied a small bacta patch that he pulled out of his belt onto the palm of Wrecker's hand, the latter hissing in pain. 
"You're lucky the water washed off any remaining chemical that burned your skin or else we'd see some bones if the state of your helmet is anything to go by." He admired the edges of the burns that weren't covered by the patch. "I'll wrap your fingers together to keep them from moving on each other so refrain from closing your hand. You'll only damage it more."
"But I won't be able to shoot!" He frowned, teeth clashing together as Tech put some gauze between his fingers and wrapped the bandages tightly together. 
"Blasters don't work anyway." Hunter grumbled as he turned back to them, letting go of the hair at the back of his neck to face his team. 
"But light does." The engineer got on his feet to help Wrecker, offering his forearm to pull him up.
"I threw an emergency light stick at it." 
"How did you know it would chase it?" Wrecker pulled on his helmet that Crosshair held out to him. 
Having only one night vision lens would make it difficult for him to continue, hopefully, it wouldn't slow him down too much or cause him to miss some monster out there. He couldn't be more of a burden than he already was at the moment. 
"I didn't. It was merely a theory." He typed away at his vambrace, missing Wrecker's bewildered expression. "And I was only partially correct. They indeed are reactive to light, but they do not fear it as I initially thought. Turns out that light enrages them. It gave up on you in order to eat the stick." He explained in his signature matter of fact tone.
Before anyone could add to the previous conclusion, Tech continued. 
"I got her position. She's close” The corners of Wrecker’s lips lifted slightly. They could track you, everything would be fine from here. You weren’t lost. “and unmoving." The whispered last words rang loud and clear in all the clones' ears.
Wrecker's breath wasn't the only one to abruptly stop.
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humankoalaa · 4 years
- timeout. y’all mean to tell me.. even in dreams my grandfather is STILL getting his ass whooped?! childish.
- no he didn’t just bite into his twin. tell me tobias don’t resemble that turkey leg. his beard the skin, his head the meat, and his neck the leg.
- “you the one with the Phd... you tell me” 🤣🤣 respect your elders granddaddy.
- i think the dream mean he aggravating. put the fuckin suit on and go pawpaw.
- lawd everytime jeff says “my best friend” i be in tears like my grandmother once that green light hit the floor. RIP UNC.
- not the self loathing again 😒 shondra... play nina simone.. isn’t it a pity 🙂
- grandma... WHY?! WHHHHYYYY?!
- “hypocrisy looks good on you” 😩 grandpa... please.
- this mans called the lady a weekend warrior but he’s a whole metahuman in the therapist office crying bout a dream 🤣 she got to be a weekend warrior hell. all you do is cry and bullshit. and yalll daughters reckless, petty, and messy okay? don’t even get me started. my mother and my auntie a whole different type of liability 😭
- karen.... shut up. don’t come for my auntie unless she send for you. .your hair don’t make sense and that lipstick can’t be lighter than the red that is the color of your dress. bitch.
- “there’s no such damn thing as superHERO insurance” 🗣 BIIIIIIITCH 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀
- *lethal lightning* KAREN... P L E A S E ! 🤣🤣
- “becky from the block” 😭 auntie jenniferr... settle down.
- anissa and jenn banter 10/10 HIGHLY RECOMMEND 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
- it’s the “says the woman who leaves giant cracks in the streets just by landing dramatically .. you can just walk anissa” for me 🤣 see?! i told y’all my auntie was messy.
- lynn in the background just completely done with both her children and their shit 🤣🤣
- this show is so unapologetically black i love it. please tell me y’all saw anissa actually im gonna say nafessa scratching that scalp with a whole attitude 🤣🤣
- “bye lethal lightning” 💀 see i told y’all my mother was petty.
- “now put my show back on” 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ mawmaw... where are your manners?!
*that whole scene was actually really cute tho*
- ion know about this lady that uncle gambi sweet on. somebody using somebody... most likely gambi 🤣 but ion truss her and unc have his reasons to do the things he does. periodt. i can’t ship this. issa whole canoe in 7 foot seas.
- “mr. pierce .. who do you think i am... black lightning?” ... Jeff looking at him liike... “first of all... you would’ve had to lose that fight to be black lightning... so no”
- NOT MY MOTHER GIVING MY COMATOSED MOTHER SLASH PET SLASH ... whatever the old man is A SPONGE BATH 😭 IMMA DROWN IN MY TEARS 😭 nah fuck all at. just give me a suitcase for my tears.
- no woman ive ever dated has had conversations with me like the one anissa is having with a comatosed grace. embarrassing.
- “babe” *says some more shit* “babe” *says some more shit* “babe” *says some more shit* gimme a fucking bucket. IMMA MESS 😭😭 shondra.. play brandy... have you ever.
- “i did it without violence” ... anissa.. we not doin that. we aren’t lying to people in comas 😂🤦🏾‍♀️
- “damn babe ...you’re a lil ashy today” ANISSA. PLEASE! 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀 SHE IS 🤏🏾 CLOSE.. to getting fucking mauled by my pet leopard.
*okay but nafessa williams is beautiful*
- first of all you not gon tell that lady she ashy then say send me a sign you still in there cause a future and all that other shit 😂 apologize.
- TIMEOUT. GRACE. no she didn’t.. even in a coma, grace is dramatic. how you gon flatline after my mother said she loves you?! that’s not what she meant when she said give her a sign 😩 oh my goodness. 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ STOP THE MADNESS! PLEASE!
- it’s anissa going “hmm?” for me, after asking a comatosed grace a question. im going to hell i know.
- WHERE IS NOAH AND THE ARC 😭😭😭😭 *lion king rafiki voice* “SHES ALIIIIIIIIVE” ... shondra... play whitney houston.. one of those days”
-first word and question post coma.. “anissa?” my shirt is soaked. im gonna have a water bed by the end of this scene. JUST don’t even look at me. brb flooding the world with my tears after i finish my ovaltine.
- anissa talking about “how are you” 😂🤦🏾‍♀️ grace looking at her like “... uhhh.. i don’t see a fucking feeding tube.. im starving“
- TC looking handsome! done upgraded from them fits he was wearing from 1800 BC. i love him and jenns friendship so much.
- well when you put it like that mawmaw 🥺 shondra... play bruno mars.. just the way you are.. nah fuck that play uhh... aretha franklin.. respect” 😌
- we literally don’t care about this fighting shit 😒
- WAIT A MINUTE! i know that’s not william from girlfriends looking like whatever he got going on uhh everywhere 😩
- “you’re my electric queen” 🤣 same terry. same.
- no he didn’t 🤣🤣 tawm bout a kiss 😂
- man i just KNEW gambi ass was gon steal one of those guns 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
- wow ...they actually let jeff win a fight? after he got his ass whooped of course. childish.
- oooooo LYNN!!!! look at my grandmother. michelle obama energy. yes lawdt. beautiful!
- OH ... no.
- shondra.. . play.. uhh... dammit.... kehlani... nights like this”
- no this man didn’t 😩 my grandmother slayed to the gods only to be tricked by a turkey leg lookin mans? complete madness.
“even a broke clock tells the truth twice a day” 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
- aww lawd.. shondra .. uhh im manifesting my grandmother not falling for mr. whales bullshit so uhm ..play.... christina aguilera .. fighter”
- writers... y’all really want me to believe Jeff thinks lynn just casually bought him flowers and put a note in it to meet her for dinner? ok.
- shondra ... nevermind.
- “you look like trash” 🤣
- hmm... that was weird... the whole thing with jenns arm like disappearing.. last time that happened was when she was struggling in those alternate universe to not become the worst version of herself... hm.
- jenn.... 🤦🏾‍♀️
- grace looking at dr. morgan like... *let me find out you tried to ask my soon to be wife in about 15 seconds out for drinks.. and don’t look at me”
- “i paid him 20 dollaz” 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ i love my aggravating mother.
- “baby.. you are the love of my life .. will you be my wife too” 😭😭 a poet. william shakespeare could never .
- G R A C E ... lets play a game.. it’s called ...sAy I lOvE yOu BaCk!
- “yes... i do” .. close enough. next week we try again ❤️
- first of all y’all gon’ have to fight me because i am here for the fastest wlw marriage in the history of television. it’s the last season and long overdue for anissa and grace just being happy. dragging stuff out and angst like we’ve had enough and that was barely. so im excited to see where they go from here.
-oooo lawd jeff done seen tobias and lynn dining together 😩 shondra... play... luther vandross.. are you there.. with another guy 👀
goodnight. this episode was everything. so messy 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
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arkodian · 4 years
This is what I know about what I call "that Chinese Magic Sword Guy Series" and you call "The Untamed" - just from seeing hundreds of gifs pop up on my Tumblr dash. If there's spoilers... sorry? I couldn't tell you.
General Info: You do not watch the episodes in order or you pay with your sanity. Also, everybody has like three names. That’s probably why I can’t remember any of them for the life of me. They’re supposed to be colour-coded too, but *shrugs*. Sooo… let’s do this.
Plot: It's about feuding clans or families living in different regions of China. Lots of swords, though. Lots of feuding. Most of the plot seems to revolve around the different families, which means betrayal, fighting and political machinations. There’s also giant monsters and some weird smoke people with black veins on their faces being creepy who seem to hate all of the families in general. Music seems to have magical powers and some people can fly. Others can telekinetically control objects, or create lightning. Did I mention there were swords?
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Resurrected Dude. It took him at least a decade to come back. Before that he was wearing white. Now he’s rocking the black and red. He’s doing some weird shadow thing that looks evil, so he may be evil. He's definitely chaos personified, energetic and a (not so secret) softie. Everyone seems to want to kill him for some reason – maybe because he’s a sassy little shit and thus the fan favourite. Funny enough he always seems to want to sacrifice himself. He plays a flute; I think it does magic. He also has a brother who may or may not have killed him. At one point he hangs off the edge of a cliff and then falls. I have no clue about the timeline, so maybe he survives that - but he’s already wearing black and thus has already been resurrected once.
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Headband #1. Daddy issues (because of mummy issues – I think they separated in a really weird way), deserves all the things, stoic, a prodigy, protective. He has exactly one facial expression – he’s got resting bitch face down pat. Does he say anything ever or just stare into space? Who knows. I certainly don’t.
Headband #1 + Resurrected Dude = Soulmates. They also pretty much adopted a kid but also kinda didn’t (?) and work via the "opposites attract" and "childhood friends" trope. They definitely got drunk together and stole a chicken once. One of them may think the other betrayed them but he didn’t, but I’m really vague on that one. Mission: protect each other at all costs! Including the “if I’m really evil, only you’re allowed to kill me” heart-wrenching scene in the rain. I’m not actually sure whether they’re on the same side because everyone seems to want to kill them (or at least Resurrected Dude).
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Hat Guy. An evil little bitch with a weird hat. Default mode: creepy grin, sarcastic drama queen, manipulative bastard (said with the utmost respect). Allowed to be evil because he’s cute and has dimples. Does not have a fun life. Was a good guy, then got into a position of power. Definitely has control issues. Lost an arm because he had a thing with his half-sister…? He's definitely not on the soulmates' side because he tried to strangle Resurrected Dude.
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Angry purple ball of Anxiety and Rage. Little brother to Resurrected Dude. Got a sick purple lightning whip. At first Resurrected Dude hid from him behind a mask, but now they don't seem to want to kill each other, so who knows what that was about.
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Babyface. Does nothing much as far as I know. He's friends with Headband #1 and definitely a sweet cinnamon roll. Could be he’s also some black-wearing villain with weird veins on his face because they look disturbingly alike. So… He dies and comes back as a demon and then hides in some reeds…? (hey, everyone needs a hobby). If that's the case, he probably gets a redemption arch.
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Headband #2. Unwitting psychologist to a bunch of other characters. Needs one himself. Also gay.
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Black villain dude. He likes killing people and may be delusional. Only redeeming feature: sarcasm. Avoid at all costs.
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She's beautiful, she's the calm in the storm - she's also probably repressed. Hanging around a bunch of sword dudes with daddy issues will to that to you. Or turn you into the next one on the list:
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Red Queen. Badass bitch who takes no shit. I think she has medical training.
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Red Dot Dude. He's not the smartest person in the room. I think he dies, too. His parents definitely did. He may be a prince, but is definitely in a position of power. He's on the main duo's side, but seems like someone who would disagree with them a lot anyway.
There's some more Moustache Guys, some more women who are severely underrepresented in Tumblr posts and some trainee type sword dudes who either look on judgingly from the background (at Resurrected Dude) or admiring (at Headband #1).
Also… can someone please explain the rabbits? Please?
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insaneasgardian · 4 years
We’re Not Friends! ~ Thor Odinson
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Summary: “We’re not friends”, something the Avengers have grown accustomed to hearing from Thor and Y/N, but this simply worded phrase doesn’t mean the pair are enemies either.
Ship: Thor x Reader maybe a platonic Natasha x Reader
A/N: This is a request by @jennie22feona​. I AM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I really do apologize and I cannot even give you a good reason as to why this was stretched, but it’s out now, and I hope you like it! It’s not even that funny or good, oof, I feel so disappointed, I’m sorry!
Y/H/C = Your Hair Color
Y/F/S = Your Favorite Show
“Can you two NOT argue for an hour?!” Steve Rogers exclaimed exasperatedly, throwing his hands in the air. Thor and Y/N looked at each other with a little smirk that none of the other Avengers could quite read. “We’re not arguing,” the blonde and muscular Asgardian reasoned, “it’s just some playful teasing!”. 
Steve shook his head, “Yes, well whatever it is, it’s the reason you two don’t work well on missions when paired together”. The others nodded, but Loki piped up, “Um- no actually, the reason they don’t work well when paired together is because they’re always making heart eyes at each other, they’re actua-” the trickster was cut off by Natasha who refused to hear the theory that her best friend who she treated like a little sister actually had the hots for the god of thunder.
“Why can’t you two just be friends?” she asked quietly. “WE’RE NOT FRIENDS!” the pair instantaneously yelled, startling poor Clint who sat right in between them. “Of course you’re not” Natasha mumbled, seemingly annoyed, but she was glad. She would rather prefer that Y/N rather not be Thor’s friend than be his lover, she was protective over the girl that way.
“I told you that you shouldn’t draw attention to our hiding spot...” Y/N told Thor as she shot another of the enemy down. The mission was meant to be a stealthy one, but Thor had ‘accidentally’ summoned some lightning and alerted the many HYDRA agents of their presence. Thor struck an entire group of them with Stormbreaker before answering his colleague, “At least I’m getting this mission finished quicker”. The young woman rolled her eyes before taking out a batch of the enemy with nothing but a pocket knife.
“Learn to embrace your mistakes darling” Y/N said smugly
“Okay, come here so I can give you a hug” Thor retorted
And thus it began once again...
Tony turned to Sam temporarily retracting his ironman mask, “I’m telling you man, it’s not some basic playful teasing between those two, it’s full on sexual tension”. Agent Wilson stared at the bickering pair and nodded his head slowly, “I ship it” he announced to his mission partner. Tony chuckled, “Yea, well don’t let Nat hear ya saying that, you know how she secretly hopes Y/N remains eternally virgin and only makes time for her”.
With this little quip at the redheaded assassin, the falcon and ironman took to the skies, keeping close watch on the two lovebirds down below.
“Thorrrrr, must you always make it rain?” groaned a very exasperated Y/N from the couch in the Avengers tower penthouse, staring gloomily outside the floor to ceiling windows.
“Y/NNNNNN, must you always complain?” The god of thunder retaliated, he stopped pacing and spun on his heel to look at the girl. “I can’t control the rain my love” he informed her. “That’s a lie” muttered Loki from his place next to the addressed woman. 
Natasha huffed, “She’s not your love’ Thor” a slightly jealous and protective tone in her voice was evident. Loki opened his mouth to say something and Thor and Y/N glanced at each other, but they all stopped their actions when Pietro burst in through the door, “I agree, she is MY love!” he announced. Nat expressed her distaste for this very vividly.
Whilst the redhead tuned Pietro out, angry thunder clouds gathered in the sky and stormed so violently that the entire tower started to shudder. Bruce and Tony stumbled into the room through the elevator, “Take it easy Thor, I think I might lose it any moment now” The brunette doctor said through gritted teeth. The billionaire nodded avidly, “I don’t want to make another tower, I like this one!” he added. Thor promptly apologized and willed himself to calm down, but not before shooting Pietro a dirty look nobody could quite understand the reason behind.
Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff stood on the second floor of the training room, onlooking Thor and Y/N who were sparring with each other. “You know some of the guys are saying their friendly jabs at each other may be something more,” Wanda expressed, pausing to take a sip of water, “like sexual tension” she ended.
Her spy companion rolled her eyes, “Those guys are idiots, there’s no way Thor and Y/N like each other, they’re always arguing” she firmly said, “Almost like an old married couple...” the Scarlett Witch truthfully stated, observing her two friends on the ground floor try to pin each other down.
Nat stayed silent, expressing no emotion perfectly just as she was trained to. However, young Miss Maximoff saw several different thoughts running through her head... literally. “Maybe it’s time to just accept they were meant for each other” she whispered softly.
The other woman clenched her jaw as she watched Thor pin his opponent down, only to be flipped over and onto his back by her. “No” she said, before turning and walking swiftly out the training room.
“They’re actually not arguing for once” Bucky whispered to Clint. “And they’re actually getting along” he observed. Both of them were sitting at Tony’s bar area watching the god of thunder and the pretty Y/H/C haired agent watching Y/F/S together and laughing.
“About time” the voice of a certain witch remarked, Bucky and Clint turned to find the rest of their team watching the display in the common room. “What are you guys doing here?” the archer questioned and Vision was the one to respond, “We wanted to watch the rare event unfold,” he glanced nervously at Natasha, “and of course insure that it’s kept ‘PG’“. Loki shuffled nervously before speaking, “Perhaps now would be the appropriate time to tell you that-”
“Shhhh!” the group collectively shushed the god of mischief as they viewed Thor saying something inaudible to Y/N that caused her to turn a deep shade of pink. “What did he say?” Bruce asked, and Sam shrugged, “Complimented her hair or something?”. 
Tony was about to suggest something else that wouldn’t be considered very child-friendly but just then, Pietro uttered out a choked and horrified gasp and directed everybody’s attention back to the two team members on the couch. Sitting there with the TV volume on full blast in the background, Y/N and Thor were kissing each other
Agent Romanoff of course would have none of it. “GET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER RIGHT THIS INSTANT!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, causing the Avengers around her to flinch, and the couple on the couch to break apart. Everybody froze, Nat looked like she actually wanted to cry, Thor and Y/N looked confused, and everybody else just stood there awkwardly.
Finally, Loki broke the silence and cleared his throat before stepping forward. He spoke again, but this time nobody interrupted him because they were glad for the awkward silence to fade. “This is what I wanted to tell you... these two have been a couple for 6 months”. Disbelieving gasps and sounds of shock echoed from the throats of the audience.
“Wait, did you guys not know? It’s not like we tried to hide it.” Y/N asked from her place on Thor’s lap. Everybody save for herself, her boyfriend and his brother shook their heads. “Oh” was all the young lady could manage. Silence settled over once again and this time Captain Rogers broke it.
“So all that arguing...” “Playful couple teasing” Thor clarified, everybody nodded in understanding now as they looked around at each other. The entire team then proceeded to look at the black widow, whom they expected to look extremely devastated. She did, but much to their surprise, she sighed and went to envelope Y/N in a big hug.
“That was unexpected” Pietro commented, “What, finding out Thor and Y/N are a thing or seeing Nat be seemingly okay with this?” Wanda asked him. The speedster scratched the back of his neck, “Uhhh... both?” his sister nodded in approval, “Both is good”.
Natasha pulled away from the hug, “I never thought the day would come, and honestly I wish it never did, but if your happy, I’m happy” she said, causing everybody to let out a loud ‘awww’. “You’re acting like my mom” her best friend giggled, smiling up at her. 
“I just love you that much,” she responded before looking at Thor, “hurt her, and you’ll wish you stayed in Asgard for eternity. The Asgardian gulped, and looked terrified but nodded in understanding.
Then there was that damn silence... AGAIN
“So...” Y/N started, “Anyone else wanna make threats and hug me or are we done here?”
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
My Computer Is Terrible So I'm Stating My Story Ideas Here Part 9: This is gonna be very f-ing vague but it has Lore Keeper Sonia in it and that all that matters.......and my oc x Leon ship I guess.
Okay okay okay
Swsh Fantasy/Medieval/Royalty Au
You love it. I love it. Will I write about it? Eh. Will I gush about it? Absolutely.
So so so
Some random things that I'm thinking about.
I'm going full ramble here prepare yourself.
Lore. Keeper. Sonia. My. Beloved.
Let her have an active role dammit
For what idk but it'll be something!
Also King Leon cause duh
With Raihan as his number 1 knight. The only one who can at least match him in battle
Also his bff( along with Sonia)
Being a young king Leon had less time to interact with those he cares about
Like Hop
Also Prince Hop My Beloved
So like
The plot is very vague but like
The basic idea is that there's a threat of a dragon or something similar to the sort
And ofc King Leon and his best knight will go to the threat themselves since soldiers they sent has note returned so better go themselves to not loose anymore men
So as they prepare to leave Sonia comes along and is like " I'm coming with you I know about these Legends of the Land that might help you" and Leon is like " No it's do dangerous" and they fight about while Raihan is in the background like " oh damn" before Leon uses his status as a king and orders Sonia to not interfere which really blows a whole into their already stained friendship
It also causes Raihan to question if his relationship with Leon is that they're actually friends or it's just of a king and his knight ( only professional)
Leon in all of this is feeling very bad but Rose is like " you did what you had to do" and tries to encourage Leon about his abilities/ status/ relationships.
Rose is Leon's counselor/ Duke/ idfc but he's there
Change in perspective: it's hops turn
His whole thing is that when he was really young he used to be bff's with this girl( Naomi) but the problem is that no has seen her AND one day she just disappeared like that one guy in the meme so no one believes him when he says that she exist
So up until now he was taught to believe that he was imagining things and that this girl didn't really exist until he started having weird dreams about someone calling him to fulfill some prophecy of sword and shield or whatever and each time this person mentions Naomi, his childhood friend
And in his dreams it's said that they have to go to the place Leon and Raihan are going to fulfill the prophecy
So now Hop's like " well dang I guess I have to fulfill this prophecy but there's no way that Lee would let me go with him-" ( cause he overheard Lee's and Sonia's fight) " so who can I ask?"
Piers that's who!!!
Idk if he's gonna be a duke or part of a gang of thieves not how tf does hop know about him but he does and we're gonna role with it
Also Marnie tags along too because of course she does
They somehow tag Bede along who was going to stop them but they forced him to come anyway
A day before they leave Raihan is like " we should head to the market for extra supplies " and Leon's like " yeah sure" so they head to the market
While they're there Leon bumps into a stranger with black clock with neon blue highlights aka Alexis!!!!
And Alexis drops a few things most notable a compass of sort but before Leon can say anything Alexis just snatches it out of Leon's hands and walks off without a word
And Leon's like " rude" but honestly doesn't think of it
So the next day they're actually leaving for real and after a long while on the road Raihan thinks that some snuck on their carriage only to find out it was just Sonia because she's a bad bitch like that
And Leon obviously makes a fuss because she went against his orders but she's like " I know more about * insert place* more than the two of you combined!" ( Well not really, and Raihan is fairly knowledgeable about Legends and history and and stuff but I need a reason for Sonia to be there okay)
They fight for a bit before Raihan gets in between the two and is like " we're too far to go back now and she might be a big help so stop fighting" and they stop for the time being.
Que travel sequence with both parties having shenanigans
Leon and Sonia fighting
Hop and Bede fighting
Marnie honestly vibing
Piers being tired of everything and rethinking his life choices
Raihan honesty having to be the middle man before snapping himself and now all three of them are not on good terms ( oh you thought it was just gonna be Alexis x Leon angst? Ha! The games gave me both to much and to little content to work with. Suffer)
Another perspective change but it's Alexis this time!!!!!
In the game canon he had a relatively light scar on his right eye. Well now it's worse :)
In this Au he was cursed by a certain green haired man( Ghetsis) (I'm going to dread tagging this aren't I ), who was an evil warlock and king( or Alexis' Homeland and by force I must add)that Alexis defeated cause he was once a hero
Bascically he's cursed to have the appearance and abilities to a half-dragon
So for the most part he looks human with a few things akin to Zekrom minus the tail.
To be specific his arms and legs are both seemingly chard black, with slightly visible lightning marks. they glow blue when he's using magic/ his powers. His eyes ( well eye) is like Zekrom's
While that sounds cool, his new abilities give Alexis a lot of pain, as his body isn't suited for it
And because big that he can't really control his new powers so he's not only hurting himself but also those around him.
As much as I want to go the route of he runs away from his family and friends to look for a cure and protect them this guy Formerly had no clue how magic worked he just used it, so he had to ask those around him who did to help him
Which involves the dragon that everyone is looking for as it is said to sap energy of any kind, which would reverse his curse.
This dragon is called Eternatus
The problem is that this same dragon is known to to use it's energy to cause destruction around it and Alexis is like yeah no, and goes off to find another way with Elliot and N since both Cheren and Bianca have they're own duties and N knows about the curse being Ghetsis' son
The compass is magic and it's away for each of them to tell where the other is and use for communication
It's also used to detect magic!
So yeah this compass is very important
Along they're travels the twins have this very strange dream regarding Naomi but they notice that A) she's wearing a necklace that was once owned by their uncle before he moved away to start a family.
So they rightfully assume that this girl is their cousin
The second thing they notice is that Eternatus is literally right behind her and is causing her A LOT of pain.
Bascically she's begging them to come save her because she's gonna die if they don't
If your wondering why she didn't contact Hop it's because she assumed that Hop had forgotten about her so she thought it would be pointless. Not the spirits/ the wolves though!
So know the twins have no choice but to go find Eternatus and rescue Naomi because why wouldn't they she's in trouble and they're cousin !!!!
So they tell N the gist and make they're way to the kingdom that Leon rules and Alexis bumps into Leon yada yada yada you get it
And after that they leave for Eternatus.
I have a lot more ideas but this is getting waaaaay to long so I'm just gonna make a part 2/ part 10.
Seriously this is very fun to think about as I love the fantasy genre.
TDLR: This is awfully specific for something that's supposed to be very vague. Also Lore Keeper Sonia my Beloved ( I know I didn't talk about her much but just know I love her dearly)
If anyone have any ideas or just want to brainstorm with me, feel free to tell me!
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blankdblank · 3 years
Next Caller Pt 51
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For all the warm kisses in the world the stiffness in his body from those four bed kits hit him like a freight train upon waking. Sure he knew the bandaged fingers taped together would hurt but what seemed to be simple kits had him gladly accepting your body eased against his back to help him upright and onto his feet. The giggles did help, the ones you tried to not let him hear though for his good humor now it would be a long day ahead while you both eased around one another in the kitchen to fix up breakfast and peas for Kuu.
“Oh, um, I can come back here for lunch if you want, I’m sure Balin can let me out of inventory for an hour.” He rumbled lowly trying to mask his body’s wish to groan in his way to answer the door.
“That’s ok,” you called to his back, “Let you focus I’ll be ok here. Think it might rain anyways. Feels like it.”
Upon opening the front door into his chest Ori and Shari both jut forward at the crack of lightning splitting in a web all across the sky. To their steps around him the roll of thunder followed and he closed the door eyeing Mal’s scooter on the way down the street. “You would be right on that. Light show outside.” Making his way to the garage where he hit the door button to let Mal ride right in and hurry inside once she parked. “Thank you.” She whispered passing behind his back into the house shivering the static of that last bit of lightning off of her body.
“Not a problem. Is that a chicken?” He asked catching the head poking out of her jacket making him turn to follow her.
“No,” she replied entering the kitchen where your sigh was heard clearly seeing what she was pulling out of her jacket. “Now Jaqi I know what you’re thinking, just got the Mortar Boar settled into a new home now a new project animal. But Jaqi you have to see it!”
She opened her jacket and the irritated dark brown duck with a pink belly lined with hints of white to make it resemble a salmon to catch other fish lulled to security thinking when they dive that they are just another fish. Open mouthed you stared in her cradling its pale pink feet and you said, “That’s-!”
She nodded and adjusted the black wrap on its clearly injured wing ever so slightly, “I know! And I know the protocol is to call the Aviary but we couldn’t get through and I thought with your line to them they might pick up your call.”
“Those are supposed to be extinct!” You said watching as she brought a second bag forward that you crept closer to peek into seeing the illogically huge clutch of eggs found with the mother who was still carrying her own eggs clearly. “These aren’t her eggs she couldn’t have laid these with how many she’s still carrying!”
“I know! But this girl came in saying she found out her boyfriend was screwing around so she torched his stuff and then went to his work shed in the back yard and found these and there weren’t any other mothers but she’s got all these eggs and she’s still carrying more and even more Mortar Boar pups! Six of them! So I called Dain about the pups he took the train in yesterday, Truffles is so excited!”
Thorin’s glance in her backpack had him peering over her shoulder asking, “Did you know your bunny is nibbling on your notepad?”
She gasped at that and he gently reached in lifting the almost volleyball sized bunny that sniffed up at Thorin with ears flopped around its face while you asked, “What about this guy?”
Mal said, “I put him back in his carrier! I did!”
With a giggle you said, “Well apparently you got a cute ghost on your hands,” you said smoothing your fingers along its cheek tilting its head welcoming the pets. “I’ll get my phone.” By the time you returned you had the Aviary on the line, which was beyond thrilled to have the birds to add to their collection of two males and a younger female not ready to lay yet found last month. Sharing they sent a crew out to bring in to be there within the hour having been warned by a security guard of some more possibly injured birds. “That’s handled,” you said eyeing the bunny in Thorin’s arm nibbling on the strips of veggies he sliced for it making Mal smirk at the attention you both were giving the little guy.
Mal, “Thank you, for making the call.” Eyeing the duck on the ground beside her bag adjusting the blanket around all the eggs not willing to sit on them and risk a chance of damaging the eggs.
Thorin said, “I can stay a bit late till the crew shows up, so don’t worry about that.” Taking another bite of his food then easing another bit of food closer to the bunny, “I think this is one of those rabbits that gets huge.”
Mal nodded, “Almost two feet. Got a call about him yesterday his new owner is meant to be getting him this afternoon. I’ll have to call the manager when they open tell him he snuck into my bag. Can’t believe I didn’t notice.”
Shari asked, “Elured and Elurin aren’t coming today?”
“No,” you replied, “but I have the comic strip mock ups you can color for me along with some more images and scenes I’ve been doodling at work you can transfer to sketch sheets for spare things to do if you like?”
They both nodded and Ori said, “We just love working on this story, anything would be amazing. To help with.”
Listening in to the beginning of your description of what the teens were to start on Thorin kept hold of the Bunny amusing Mal even more that he wouldn’t put it down since joining them once dressed. The duck sat nibbling on the peas you had convinced her to eat with the help of Kuu who had come through to fetch his peas a bit late due to helping the triplet owls into their nest with their parents. The news of incoming crew from the Aviary was assured to not bother the greenhouse at all calming the family of owls upon their being informed that your friend had used your link to contact them to help the mother and eggs in need to their new home to heal and grow.
Where your usual radio intro would begin you timed with a tap of your finger to hit the play button on your booth monitor for the hour and a half of audio recorded. Confusing Mal until you slipped out of the booth to the narrator’s voice introducing the next piece of the world. A bit of lore, a tale of three skin changers and how they shaped Adrienne’s early life. Though her intro would not come until much later in the final ten minutes leaving the awe striking albeit confusing shift in the storyline away from Durin and Bunny to something needed to be played for others to understand the storyline coming later. Once outside you smiled to Thorin saying, “Took me ten takes to record this bit I can’t do it live.”
Thorin rumbled through a smirk, “Comedy?”
“Not to others not till later. It was a late addition so I know the context how it plays in later. Plus Cirdan and Cinnamon helped me with some of the voices. Their parts would have been the hardest for me to get right.”
That was the reason and with a smile you got to work on a longer version of the next commercial from its comic strip to fill in later with background by the twins in their return from Gondor. The handoff went smoothly with no distribution as promised to the owls and the ducks and eggs comfortably settled into their carriers to be settled into the nests made upon their arrival. The other ducks found before the stop at your place shared similar wing injuries to lessen their flight ability and eagerly moved to huddle around the eggs found joining the female that they apparently had left to watch their eggs while gone in search of food.
Regrettably, Thorin from his spot had to go and to your side he moved easing the Bunny from his arms to your lap in a lean. Pressing a lingering kiss to your temple there. Eyeing the blushing moment of Bunny fixing Durin’s collar ever so slightly brushing his jaw with her fingertips. And out it slipped, low and dropped in honey, “Menu Tessu,” (you mean everything to me), he had thought it but never said it, until now, two days after the discussion on when you might be comfortable expressing affections aloud and red cheeked you felt his embrace slip away and put he slipped mumbling, “My Mafioso, Food tonight, bye flopsy.”
Soft and long Mal squeaked in excitement as you took a moment to rest your head on the bunny’s to try and hide your warm cheeks trying to calm yourself making Ori and Shari just about burst out laughing if not for their wish to not embarrass you more.
“Menu Tessu,” Thorin muttered to himself passing his cousins inside the office turning their heads from the door he made sure to close behind him.
Dwalin, “What now? Only asked how the night went.”
Sharply turned to his cousins once he slung his coat on the back of his chair, “I told her Menu Tessu!” That had their jaws drop, “Not two days since the night of our date when we have a discussion where we agree to take the Hobbitish way of tapering into sharing affections for one another aloud and boom! Blow that to bits! Not I love you! Fifty miles past that, that she’s my everything! In a goodbye hug!”
Dwalin, “I said I love you over coffee, and Bilbo came round, how did she take it? Did she say anything?”
“I left!” he said then sighed with a slightly dopey grin, “Her ears turned pink though.”
Balin stood from his desk to lean against the other side of it to be closer to Thorin, palms lifted to press together with lips pursed a moment, “Word for word, what was said?”
“I said, Menu Tessu, kissed her temple and left the room saying, My Mafioso, food tonight, bye flopsy.”
Balin, “Flopsy? Where does the flopsy-?”
That had Thorin gasp and rub his hands over the face, “I named the bunny! She’s gonna think I want it, that I’m demanding we keep it! I just didn’t want it hopping around chewing on anything or leaving droppings anywhere! Now I dropped the bomb and demanded a stowaway bunny!”
Dwalin waved his hands, “Whoa, for us on two feet, what bunny?”
Thorin said, “Mal found these endangered ducks at work and they couldn’t get the Aviary so she brought them and asked Jaqi to call for her. Then I look in her bag and this massive bunny that someone else is meant to pick up this afternoon snuck into Mal’s bag and was nibbling on her things so I held the bunny that I passed to Jaqi before I left.”
Balin’s eyes narrowed, “When did you leave she’s live.”
“No,” Thorin shook his head, “Apparently this bit took ten takes to record she said there was no way she could do it live as she gets the context we won’t know till later in the series. Late addition.”
Dwalin nodded and said, “So, she didn’t act upset?”
“I left! And it’s not my fault I go to have this unimaginable date with her then we hear from you that there’s two surprise babies coming, giggle party and then we were talking to Gorgo on the way back and she gets our clan father. She doesn’t get the culture, but absolutely for the first time someone truly gets him. And I am just supposed to not burst when my mind wanders to that smile of hers knowing that the beds my every inch is throbbing from assembling will have mattresses I’m going to order on lunch arrive so she can make them and get that same impossible smile on her face when she marks them off the list for our home once made. I don’t know how I was supposed to wait but I promised to be more Hobbity and I can’t wait two days to say she’s my everything?!”
Balin, “Surely she loves you in return.”
Thorin exhaled, “We did state we know there is love there, mutually, we said we’ve never been in love and she’s rightfully scared to go there yet and I don’t want to force her hand but I couldn’t have just said I loved her?! Why do I do this? It’s the breasts thing all over again!”
Dwalin laughed at that, “Thorin, breathe, if you need lunch off,”
Thorin, “She said she doesn’t want to disturb our work, this was before the hug goodbye and my bomb.”
Dwalin, “Then just, when she gets home from the hotel have dinner, hug, tell her hello and give Hobbity another go. You’ve said it, not likely to be an everyday bomb.”
Thorin could only huff out, “You have a point.”
Balin rubbed his arm, “I am proud you got it out. So hard the first time. Now, to distract you, I have some yawning videos and sleep stretches I recorded of the twins! My Love sent me along here after I spent most of the night fawning over our duo, trying to tire me out so I sleep when I get home for a cuddle together.”
“He loves you,” Mal smiled in sharing with the bunny settling in her arms once lifted from its nap on the fuzzy carpet it chose to curl up on. Smiling at you as she said, “And he named this one flopsy. I think he wants a bunny.”
“Doubtful, I think he was just nervous.” You said hearing the car the duo had raced off to pulling away post rapid hug from the pair grateful for another day of unmatchable training in their chosen field.
Mal nodded and claimed a hug smirking to herself at your returned blush joining you to the garage which she drove out of glad for the lull in the rain to get to her apartment where Bilbo agreed to drive her to return the bunny. Back inside however lost to your uncertainty to how you truly felt towards Thorin to one day soon be able to name it you sat eyeing the notes of that song for Durin while eating. Allowing the oddity of the situation stir up the well needed juice for your mind to run off of to get what you needed. Once finished it was off to the atrium you went to take a seat at your piano for a curious medley for your new birds hearing it for the first time.
To the melody you hummed the notes grew in time rebuilding those old memories to when you first drafted it on the boat ride back from Ruun. Mournful and somehow intoxicating to hear the last love dripping note the song built ebbing and flowing to the disaster of Durin’s assumed disgrace at being refused by the love he knew to be his One. Humming along Kuu’s own current song took a bit of justice from the notes provided while the other birds feeling the effects for the first time soaked in the strength your music seemed to give. Deep in their hollow bones to the tips of their sturdiest feathers the birds sat in what seemed to be an enveloping hug of warm wishes, magic imbued in the song to build up their strength while the plants of your greenhouse gave a gentle glow while the flowering trees among them swayed to the tune.
Another oddity of finding someone of your caliber here, even the new birds had sensed a pain in you but they could have never imagined this, overwhelming sense of compassion just exploding from your very core. They were safe here, they knew that already. This was a haven, and you were its keeper and even Darling in her deepest natural worries on her age could almost feel that weariness wearing away, along with possibly an extension of her limited life. Belly was larger and stronger than he ought to be. And with this magic she knew why, intentionally or otherwise that overflow of compassion had been soaked up by him, Kuu and the hummingbird flock now dancing on air around their glowing and growing butterfly bush for a snack of the sweeter nectar it was to give in these precious moments of your songs.
This was what they could not see at first, the odd bird inside of you with this ethereal heart wrenching song locked in you. One tune bled to another and while growing in glee held the same unspoken fears deep deep below its cheerful glow. This was why Kuu sang his songs each night, hatching and growing to your music he wished to touch others hearts how you surely did and safe and warm in their back up nest on their way to sleep the owl family seemed to join along to tunes ended with a rippling yawn. Sleep won out and fluffed up safe and sound lost to their dreams they danced on colorful bursts of air echoing of songs of old yet to be heard by their innocent ears.
Work surely came and stilled to focus on what you might say the shift seemed to snap by with what felt to be a blink between when you had left the garage to returning to it. Just a moment you lingered in the car hearing the rain fall along with the entire speech you had tried to assemble. Eyes clenched you simply drew in a breath and climbed out of the car to head inside. Locking up behind you with coat on its hook by the door to head deeper inside the warm hearty smelling home.
Right on his face you could see the nerves and up to his hand wringing self you went earning a wide grin at the stretch to your toes bringing him in for a welcome home kiss one of those hands found its place back on your cheek through the stretch of it. “Come eat, some nice warm pasta fiasco for you.”
The name made you giggle and move in to claim your spot next to his, and with fingers tapping to the fork he laid out in the view of his timid confused gaze for the pause he heard and saw you say. “I just, about earlier,” he nodded and in a bold move reached over to take your other hand also tapping on the table wrapping his around it entirely with a kind grin easing out to lull you onwards. “I’ve written the words before, and aside from family I’ve clearly never heard them. And I’m not trying to lessen them, by saying, thank you.”
Across his face a grin split and for a moment he simply smiled at you adoringly with a you’re welcome of a nod, until low and sweet he rumbled, “There is something, unwritten in my culture, to honor your One’s clan and ancestors, it can take centuries and often ends in an accepting tolerance. Just, the pure, exultation of knowing bits of this story involving my clan, even imaginative, to the core you somehow see who they are, who we are. I truly cannot fathom the words to express how safe that makes me feel with you for our future together. I am easily pushed to unexpected outbursts by either impatience or my own stubbornness, I just hope one day to let you feel this safety. Much more than fear from physical harm, that of my understanding of those you love, cherish, who shaped you and will be my family too one day. For now, please eat.” He said leaning in to kiss your knuckles on the hand he lifted to his lips then returned to the table.
Softly however you asked, “If we hadn’t met do you think your clan would have still been all for the show and book?”
Smiling at you he hummed back, “We would have met, million different scenarios, we would have met, and we will always love your stories. This is no farce to simply draw you into our fold more, you don’t find stories like you just lying around every day, and I can’t tell you how deeply it struck Dis and Vili the most along with Mili and Tili for all those years we could have known you. Could have clung closer, you built a life on impossibilities and it is an explosion from that book. I hope you don’t mind I read a chapter from the first movement, I have never read anything like it before, and if not for Roac reminding me of our gardening appointment I would have been reading still right now until I finished it all.”
“You have your own patch of impossible you know,” you replied bashfully looking to your plate deepening his grin in a glance down of his own to not push you for the meaning clear to him behind those words. He could wait, because he knew when they came from you it would be unlike anything he’d ever felt before, no matter how timid or bold the delivery. “Roac likes to garden?” You asked in a glance over catching his eyes that were already on you again taking in the grin cracking across your lips.
“He does. Helps to dig and mark out some of my herbs. Also, found some cuttings for the front garden, have them in some pots in the greenhouse to build up some girth before planting them outside, hopefully when these rains stop closer to summer I will have something respectable for you to boast about. Roac also wants something to attract fireflies and lady bugs, Dot loves them, and, mattresses are coming on Wednesday and stud finder worked out your painting is on full display in its new home in the living room.”
“Mmm, my chairs,” you said around your mouthful and he nodded lowering his own fork.
“They came, put them in their right rooms, we can adjust them on Thursday morning if you like. The sea foam, orange/blue, orange/white and the peach rooms all have their chairs with matching footrests. Plus, hope you don’t mind I found a cute rug you might like for your sisters’ room. Balin has been looking for when his pebbles get bigger for their nursery’s second phase and said he’d give me the clipping when they were done looking through the catalogs, for under their reading corner sort of like the one in your studio but white and peach fluff. Quite an interesting pattern, kind of like clouds on a peach sunset blowing into shapes, if that makes sense, I think you’d like it.”
“Sounds lovely for it.” Easing out his smile again proud of his tiny contribution and excited to see you mark off the seating and foot stools from your home journal.
Half a minute of radio silence began the Bunny Show until with a hand over the mic muffled conversation came clearer into focus on what would be the most Hobbit themed bit yet. From doilies to a competition where people chase a block of cheese down a massive hill the audience listened and laughed along with the stunned Durin the Deathless upon being asked along to this event. What he had taken as a private time alone to meet with the clan of his beloved mysterious One in the green half of a partly ruined Hobbiton he stood amongst the crowds while his Bunny helped to tape up appendages and bandage scrapes from the onslaught while the Victor held their block of cheese aloft and grimaced through the pain of their dislocated ankle and knee from a last minute tumble over the finish line for the obligatory pictures.
Nonsense, all of this was nonsense but it came with a deeper story that over the mead afterwards tugged at the heartstrings of those who knew the sacking of a lost Hobbiton. The block of cheese was symbolic as a made up competition that a group of fauntlings avoided execution for having been caught stealing from the Big People in the town nearby that gained them attention and willing ears to collide with to overthrow the Goblin King who had enslaved and began to starve and cut down their populace to regain control.
One block of cheese was once held aloft, the first of the fake competition the Goblin King oversaw and awarded the ‘customary’ wreath of flowers that upon his having uncovered and touched burned his fingers and palms so badly that when the Big People sprung from behind the trees he could not do a thing to defend himself from their volley above the heads of the Hobbits now tucked in balls in the sea of tall grass. One block of cheese and their people were freed and each year now in participation with promise that their kin would make annual trips to ensure the fair Hobbit populace was continually in bliss and free the Big People stood and lay side by side is shared agony and mutters for the idiocy of the occasion that tradition would never break to honor that bond and those brave starving fauntlings who gained them aid.
Why was Bunny there? No one listening in could find the link until a mention was made that her ancestor was one of those who aided the thieves in confirming the truth of their fib that there was a competition, the very one that the Goblin King had chosen to work inside of his dwelling, the one he stole from her. A young Hobbitess who years later wed a wandering Elf Lord with whom had an extensive branch of Half Hobbits renowned for many a skilled heir to bring pride to the line. The first, in a way, amongst her own kind that shed a new light upon his one as being one of the firstborn line of her own race. Though for his irritation an assumption of a lack of relatives was revealed to be quite the opposite as amongst the sea of celebrating Half Hobbits and Elves in the chosen pub five meads in and the King sat wide eyed staring at her great great grandmother who could pass for a twin to his One.
Chuckles from those listening in came to the subtle means to shift his try to make good impressions to each person in the room as any could rightly so object to any union or bond. However to the delight of the Durin clan the show ending image was of wide eyed Durin in the middle of a field now accomplice to the very thievery of veggies from farmers now in chase with hoes aloft to capture him and the unchangeable fauntlings bent on the very act of theft he had tried to persuade them from committing.
 “Aribella, that was bold to add her name in the story. Accurate, but bold,” Dwalin muttered in a raucous crowd of voices in the show between sentences that moved the show onwards. It truly was bold, Lady Aribella, as the half Hobbitess in question who married the Lord Baldr, also known famously around the globe to have been Durin the Deathless’ best friend in each of his lives who thanks to his bond in matrimony with his One had been gifted eternal life to spend with his beloved and their family. The both of whom were notoriously tight lipped about the fabled Durin between his lifetimes and refused almost always any use of their names in anything aside from charities or notices from their own endeavors to their clan companies. And the Durins weren’t the only ones to harbor dread for the legal battle that would surface if the couple were against their likeness being included in this episode. Let alone the book the world was on the verge of tears in belief the thing would have to be stripped of their mentions while copies of this show were to be scrubbed offline and shelved to never be aired again when the inevitable outcry would be announced.
Buzzes from phones however came in a tidal wave with a much more stunning announcement from the very same clan who all were awaiting response from the press had contacted immediately upon the first mention.
From Lady Aribella herself the notice read across the brief article being flooded any and everywhere stated,
‘From the heart of our clan we are as always eternally grateful for the respect of warnings upon notice of the use of our names from the public that have aided in our much appreciated privacy. We thank you for your diligence and also do wish to return a statement in response to all inquiries of our opinions on the material that has presented so admirably across the airwaves in such a heartwarming tale or adventure and intrigue that has a fond place within our hearts.
For at the very heart of it we have been granted the indescribable honor of watching our beloved great grandniece Jaqiearae Pearisiyiae at the helm of narrating and guiding the flow of the radio show in this enthralling marvel of airtime none else but this one station was bold enough to grant a chance to share with the public after so long being set aside by those wishing to silence her voice. We will never be anything but proud and fiercely protective of her endeavors to give this story the respect it deserves. And through her, myself and my treasured husband Lord Baldr, were granted the magnificent chance to aid in confirmation of character for our dear friend Durin the Deathless amongst several other characters. Both under their true names and those renamed to expand upon these tales encased inside this series of novels we hear one day soon shall begin to be shared with all of those whom have joined us in adoration for all they contain and shall grow to be.
We thank you again and in closing grant you a hint towards the next chapter upon which this show delves : A much needed feather, and Cantaloupe scented mittens.
The Honorable Keeper of the Keys Lady Aribella Corrupter of Durin the Deathless & The Guardian of the Gates of Gronkdlhelm Lord Baldr the Ever-Obstinant Foe of the sunken lands to the West of Bree & our beloved ever growing ranks of Pirates Free.’
“Thorin pinch me I can’t feel my arms,” Balin muttered to Dwalin’s repeated murmur, “Great Grandniece to Lady Aribella?!”
Thorin rumbled back, “I would pinch you if I could feel my own arms, how did we not talk about this? She’s one of the Pirates Free.” He murmured to the realization you were a part of their clan that they had named as such including adopted members as well who were held to immeasurable esteem amongst the Dwarf populace for renowned histories in both battle and the arts that have shaped this world through the ages.
Balin let out a deep breath and answered, “Perhaps she was honoring their privacy. And it would explain how she got his character so close.”
All Thorin could say to that was, “They’re going to be at our wedding.”
Dwalin muttered, “Or sooner, might fly out for the premier of the novel,” to the nearness of a pair of women that came to the counter. Wide eyed to question if the trio of Durins were aware of this earth trembling news each Durin in time by noon would have their own moment of shock to the news yet to be shared from their beloved newest member of the clan. While the world reeled on what the clue could mean and the fact that there was not just one book to be revealed but a whole series.
 “Aribella?” Mal asked when you when you exited the booth. “I love you Jaqi, but, isn’t that like playing with fire involving her name? You do know how protective they are, right?”
“Ya, she’s my Great Grand Aunt,” promptly Mal clamped her lips to muffle the squeak she couldn’t hold in. “When I showed my Naneth and hers my draft they called her and Great Grand Uncle Baldr over to have a look. Said I got a good bit true to it. But I think they partly spoke about it to keep me from sinking back in again. Baldr said I was almost like myself again when I talked about the story. They didn’t go and share everything but a lot of how Durin shaped out to be was from what they did share.”
In a squeak she came closer saying, “Jaqi, how did this not come up before?”
“I, well, that was me. But I did email them this show would have them in it and apparently when I started the show they started prepping a press release for approval so the world doesn’t explode with questions for them.”
To your odd expression she asked, “What else?”
Simply you grinned at her and shook your head, “Just, their show of arms that it isn’t just the Durins and Naneth’s clan to back me up now, in case my father’s old friends tried anything. Not that the Durins aren’t strong enough, just,”
Ori said in the close of his bag, “No, Lord Baldr has twelve clans from each of the seven Fathers of the Dwarves who are behind him. He is formidable,”
Shari said, “We don’t fault what your statement is, it is true, the Durins are a mighty clan but even we would have some doing to get our allies to back us in legal battles while those clans it would take a mention and they would be preparing their legal resources.”
You said, “They’ve done what they can to keep my old show on air in Hobbit territories all these years for something to show for my hard work. Other projects they did the same and tried to stave off the red tape until we caved and stepped away. Things look clear so far, they just want to put up ranks to ward off any possible threat.”
Mal’s phone buzzed along with the couples’ in their switch on again to not have interrupted the show and the notices of messages from the clan had the couple trade hugs and goodbyes to claim the ride to the clan meeting that had been called. When alone with Mal you said, “I hope they won’t be mad for not sharing about them.”
Promptly she gave you a hug stating, “They will understand. Everyone always asks questions about them and they were best friends with Durin in every lifetime, they would have questions. They won’t be mad, if anything this meeting will be about adjusting to a possible future meeting, as I bet around the release your family will want to come to the party for the book release party. Because they always show support for the few projects allowed to have their names in them. Or at the very least the distant wedding.”
With a roll of your eyes you led her to the garage after having locked up the house to head off to lunch with Thorin, as the door rolled up however he asked you, “How did the night go after his share of devotion?”
Your eyes met hers to your hand folding around the fob for the car you’d chosen to drive for the warning of mist when you would return from the hotel later, “I told him thank you,” she nodded and you shared, “He’s being patient with me, we talked about it. A good part of it is my knowing his clan First Born and his character really touches him. Said it’s a trust step to know each other’s clans.” That had Mal nod and you wet your lips to say, “Just trying to not scare myself. The words are so hard, the twins, Thran, Glori and Echo, I’ve known them nearly my whole life. All of them are practically or distantly family.” To the tears in your eyes she moved closer to stroke your arm, “I know he’s not going to run away.”
“Don’t you push on that. Even the boys and me we haven’t shared steadfast declarations yet. Dwarf courting is patient, steadfast for a reason. Even more so when one party has been hurt and you have to remember Muffin Man, his fear for losing you, you know he loves you and in that swirl of confusion to name what you feel just to yourself Adad says that is the hardest milestone just internally for ourselves, even with Ones.”
You nodded and glanced away blinking the tears back and flashed her another grin, “Cirdan’s been messaging me about that in our emails. How I can sort of use his and Naneth’s path to courtship to help me with my trust the world won’t fall away if I let go. But I’ll be ok. I’m sure now that the betrothal has been named publicly Aribella and Baldr will have plenty of tips as well they will be bursting with. I know I got several emails with my ex and it barely lasted a blink.”
That had Mal grin at you, “Well then surely that will bolster your sails. They can give you ample Dwarfly steps to solidify your own foundation. You can do this. You just have to go have lunch with a Durin in a struggle with his own barrage of questions.” That had you giggle and watch her climb onto her scooter in your path around the car to climb in.
Pt 52
All –
@himoverflowers​​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​​, @sweeticedtea​​, @thegreyberet​​, @patanghill17​​, @jesgisborne​​, @curvestrology​​, @alishlieb​​, @jogregor​​, @armitageadoration​​, @fizzyxcustard​​, @here2have-fun​​, @lilith15000​​, @marvels-ghost​​, @catthefearless​​, @imjusthereforthereads​​, @c-s-stars​​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​​, @mariannetora​​, @shes-a-killer-kween​, @ggbbhehe4455
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac​
x Thorin – @evyiione​, @deepestfirefun​, @queenoferebor​
Next Caller - @avaria-revallier​​, @bun-bun-the-rabbit
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