#the bone shard daughter spoilers
reviewsthatburn · 1 year
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I love this book so much! I did not want it to be over and I lingered over it as much as is possible with an audiobook, having a fantastic time. THE BONE SHARD WAR is the conclusion of the Drowning  Empire Trilogy, a story of memory, identity, and connection in the context of a war filled with greed, shifting loyalties, and magic arising from unexpected sources. 
As a sequel, and the final book in the trilogy, THE BONE SHARD WAR wraps up pretty much everything I could think of in ways that range from surprising to satisfying, but all of them wonderful to read. Jovis has an entirely new phase in his life, this time he is coerced and magically enslaved by an enemy rather than his previous state of voluntarily working with Lin. Lin, two years after being told that Jovis was dead, is trying to do what is necessary to hold the empire together, slowly beginning to understand that holding the empire together at any cost might not be what's best for the people within it. None of the storylines are wholly new, but they are in new phases which are distinct from the first two books. Finally the characters start to understand the connections between the various sources of magic, and solve mysteries related to the white bladed swords. 
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thecampjuicebox · 6 months
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Reverence and Hellsfire
Pairing: Karlach x Tav(f)
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
POV: 3rd person
Warnings: Angst, injury, blood, mentions of death, very light smut, fluff, game spoilers
"Watch your left side, Soldier!"
Karlach swings her heavy axe at a necromite, the bones crumbling to dust at her feet. Tav's eyes widen at the sheer force of the smite. Had Karlach not been there, it could've proven a disastrous fate for Tav in that moment. The Tiefling runs off in the other direction, axe held over her head, ready to swing at anyone that gets in her way. Sweat pours down Tav's forehead as she reaches back into her quiver for an arrow, left hand trying to hold her bow as steady as possible through the fatigue. Her head aches. Knees crack with exhaustion. Her fingers find no feather, no crest, no shaft. Emptiness. Pain like ice shards rips through her ribcage and in an instant she's downed, the hand searching for the arrow just barely catching herself as she hits the ground. Blood pools through her finely woven elven chainmail, trickling down her leg and onto the grey stone beneath her. Fear sets in. Panic. How could she have left herself open like that? Half lidded eyes scan over her body to look for the source of the wound. A sizeable dagger protrudes from the left side of her abdomen, hilt deep. Tired fingers wrap around the leather bound hilt and tug weakly, vision going blurry and white from the sudden blood loss and searing pain of the blade wiggling about in her flesh and muscle.
"Tav, no!"
Astarion rushes over, quickly yanking the dagger from Tav's limp body and using it as a second to his own weapon. The bloodied metal swings at Ketheric, missing, and slipping from the vampire spawns fingers. It hits the floor with a loud clank and bounces just out of reach. "Shit.." A swift blow to the back sends Astarion flying forward and with impressive recovery and finesse, he adjusts his body to sprawl it out over Tav's to shield her from any further damage. Ketheric raises his war hammer high, smirking down at the two elves as he quickly swings the weapon down with mighty force, Dame Aylin just barely landing a disengaging blow with her sword to the side of his head. He stumbles back. "You'll pay for that!" Blood pours from his temple. Crimson stains his salt-colored beard and he backs away from the group, eyes darting left and right with a sense of urgency. All around her, the fight rages on, arrows flying, fire and screams roaring in the air as the thin veil of consciousness slips away, Tav's eyes closing for good. Shadowheart follows Ketheric as he moves, her eyes never leaving his. With a tight grip on his hammer, Ketheric stumbles and turns to the raven haired cleric.
"Enough. My Lord beckons me."
With a loud whoosh, Aylin pushes off of the ground and takes to the sky, large feathered wings creating a gust of wind that nearly knocks Shadowheart onto her back. The armored elf spins to watch as Aylin floats just out of reach in the air, sword gripped tightly in her hand. His voice booms over the sounds of war.
"You must return to your prison. And my daughter must be reclaimed."
Aylin raises her heavy sword above her head, ready to strike, when Ketheric's words settle into her ears. Her face softens, wings fluttering behind her to keep her steady. "Your daughter - Isobel?!" Magic flurries from Ketheric's hand toward the end of his hammer as Aylin lowers her weapon to her side, tears threatening the corners of her glowing silver eyes at the mention of her lost love. Magic sizzles around Ketheric, his armored foot stomping into the ground hard enough to crack the stone beneath him as he raises his hammer high, a massive tentacle exploding through a tower just behind Aylin. Debris falls around the group, stone and dirt littering the area at their feet. Astarion clings to Tav's limp body, curling himself around her in a feeble act to protect her blood stained corpse. In a quick attempt to avoid the tentacle, Aylin swoops to her left, just barely dodging a large piece of stone flying through the air after the tentacle swings and misses the aasimar, colliding with another one of the towers and breaking a massive chunk off of the side. The tentacle swings again. A loud crack rings through the air as it smacks Aylin's body out of the sky, sword and armor hitting the ground with soul crushing force. She lies there, still, barely breathing, wings sprawled out over her body like a protective cloak from the elements.
"You will fall as sure as she. This has only begun."
The armored elf's voice booms over the roar of the flailing tentacle, his hammer swirling around in front of him as he approaches Aylin's lifeless body. The tentacle lowers toward the two, the tip barely pressing into Aylin's back as a puff of smoke clouds the vision of the group. As it clears, the elf, the aasimar, and the tentacle all disappear into thin air, nothing left but the stench of blood and cinders. Shadowheart palms at her eyes. She turns toward Astarion and he backs away from Tav's body slowly, bottom lip quivering at the sight. She's gone. He reaches down to touch her face, skin almost as cold as his. "Sh-Shadowheart.." He calls, voice trembling. "Shadowheart, now!" His tone becomes more desperate as he places a hand on each of Tav's shoulders to give her a violent shake. "Tav wake up. Come on.. Wake up!" It's useless. The vampire spawn lift's her lifeless body to cradle it in his tired arms, staring down at her face. Shadowheart approaches the two on the ground, a gentle hand reaching out to touch a palm to Tav's forehead. Golden magic glows in Shadowheart's eyes and hand, the faintest sign of life sizzling at her fingertips. "She's still in there. There's still time." Astarion breathes a sigh of relief, but only for a moment. "Fuck, Karlach. Where's Karlach?"
The Tiefling swings her axe around her head and knocks the skulls clear off the spines of two necromites, head thrown back in delight as the skeletons crumble to the ground in a pile. She'd been so caught up in the action, she hadn't noticed the fall of her lover, or the panic in Astarion's voice as he called out to her. "Karlach?! A little help!" Her ears perk up at the sound of her name and she turns to face the gruesome scene. She freezes where she stands. Fear, anger, and pain boil up in her belly, flames billowing from her skin at the sight. "T-Tav..?" she says through chattering teeth and quivering lip. Her axe falls to the stone with an ear piercing crash and she rushes over to the two elves on the ground, absentmindedly shoving Astarion out of the way. Deep crimson stains her fingers. Blood. So much blood. Bile threatens the back of her throat and she clutches Tav to her warm torso, squeezing her tightly. "Tav please.. I'm finally able to touch you.. Please don't go. You can't go! Please!" The world around her comes crumbling down as she clutches Tav's lifeless body to hers, infernal engine thumping and whirring between them. Everyone watches. Somber silence fills the air as Shadowheart and Astarion bring themselves closer to the two lovers, embracing them in a comforting hug.
Tav's eyes shoot open, a bone rattling cough of spittle and blood expelling itself from her lungs as Shadowheart's hands poke and prod at the gaping wound in her abdomen. "Easy, Tav. I've got you." Her words are gentle, her fingers, however, are not. A strained sob escapes from the elf's lips. "It's alright. You're alright." Nothing feels alright. The air in the tent is stale and hot, sweat dripping from the cleric's forehead into her eyebrows as she works. The wound at her fingertips sizzles and crackles against her magic. Blood trickles over the elf's pale skin. "Astarion, hand me that cloth please." Shadowheart points to a small bowl filled with water, a white cloth hanging just out of the side of it. The vampire spawn obeys reluctantly and wrings the cloth out before handing it to the cleric, watching as she dabs at the wound, rubbing her fingers over the torn flesh and muscle. "This is really.. Disgusting." he retorts, foot tapping against the dirt floor. "If it's such a hassle, send Karlach in to help instead. Although, I didn't think you'd protest so much considering your.. Affliction." Shadowheart snaps back, a smirk curving the vampire spawns lips at her wit. "Alright, alright. You've got me. I'll go fetch the tiefling anyway. I'm entirely too bored of playing cleric's assistant." He pauses, turning back to poke his head in the tent. "And another thing! It's so rude of you to tempt me with such a delicious view. At least put her tunic back on.. For modesty sake." Shadowheart rears an arm back, magic gathering in her palm and the spawn quickly darts away from the tent opening.
Shadowheart shakes her head, eyes flicking to Tav's sickly face. Cautious eyes travel down Tav's naked torso, the newly forming scar on the left side of her abdomen swollen and red, but coming together just as expected. Tav's eyelids flutter at the constant hiss of magic against her wound. Skin fuses to skin. The blood flow finally stops and a heavy sigh exit's Shadowheart's lungs with relief. She'd done it. Successfully, somehow, considering the severity of the wound. Tav groans loudly. "Gods damned it, that smarts!" The cleric chuckles. "It's supposed to. But you've healed nicely. You should be okay to get up and wal-" Karlach bursts into the tent with excitement. She claps her hands together with a loud smack and grins. "Thank the gods, I finally get to hel- Oh." Karlach slaps a hand over her eyes quickly, turning her head to avert her gaze from Tav's obviously present breasts. "Ah fuck, I'm sorry! I didn't know she was naked! Astarion, why didn't you tell me she was naked?!" Her fingers part just enough for her to peek through, sharp teeth catching her bottom lip. The vampire spawn chuckles from outside of the tent. "For this exact reason, darling." Doing her best to hoist herself up on her elbows, head heavy like the weight of an anvil, Tav eyes Karlach with a quirked eyebrow. A hearty chuckle fills the tent as Shadowheart stands and rubs her hands together, smoothing her skirt back down over her knees. "I'll give you two a moment to talk. Like I was saying before the interruption, you should be good to get up and move around. Make sure to stretch." Tav nods and sits up fully, fingers tracing her new battle scar overtop of her ribs. The skin is rigid and bumpy. How Shadowheart managed to fuse it back together at all is a mystery.
"I'm.. Glad you're okay, Soldier. You had me fucking worried."
Karlach's words are soft and sincere, a small tremble in the last few words giving her away. She's crying. Or at least, fighting back tears. "I told you to watch your left side. Why didn't you watch your left side?!" Her tone twists to one of anger. Flames encircle her form, hair blazing. "Karlach relax.." Relax. How could she relax? She watched her lover's body be dragged back to camp without the promise of her coming to. She could've been gone forever. The flames grow higher, hot tendrils licking at the top of the tent, burning holes in the thick woven material. "Karlach, my tent!" The tiefling pauses, fists clenched at her sides as she examines the now scorched fabric above her head, a wave of guilt washing over her. "I'm sorry, I-" Bottom lip trembling, she encircles her arms around her own torso, head down. Like a scolded puppy. Tears speckle her lashes and she blinks them away slowly, gaze fixed at the floor in shame. Carefully working her way to her feet, Tav moves in front of her lover, a hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her eyes to behind her ear. "It's okay. I'm okay. We're okay." We. We're okay. The words sound so entrancing to Karlach's ears. Loving and gentle. Sweet like syrup.
Muscular arms wrap themselves around Tav's waist, hoisting her up into the air and giving her a tight squeeze. "We.." Karlach murmurs. "Gods, I love the sound of that. Us. We. Us. We." She repeats, over and over, swinging Tav from side to side. The elf squeals and clings to her lover tightly. "Karlach please, you're going to shake me back to death." With a swift pause, she set's Tav back onto her feet, hands moving to her hips to steady her there. "Right. Sorry." Gentle thumbs rub back and forth over Tav's bare hip bones. The warmth of her skin is relieving. Evidence of life. Of more time for touch. Of more time for so many things. Experiences Karlach only dreamt of before she had met Tav. And now, with her new ability to touch without scorching the skin off of her lover, she's determined. "You know, Soldier.. Now that I can, you know, touch. We haven't gotten to-" Tav reaches up, one hand circling around the back of Karlach's neck to tug her face closer, lips crashing together with enough force to knock the tiefling over. She returns the passion ten-fold, yanking Tav's hips against hers, the softness of her skin making her groan into the kiss. Her tail circles around Tav's calf, the end of it rubbing up and down the muscle.
Swollen lips move in unison. The two pull away from the kiss for mere seconds, falling back into Tav's bedroll, lips reattaching like magnets. Karlach crawls on top, lips dragging away from Tav's as she makes her way down the side of the elf's neck, tongue flicking out against the skin to taste her sweat. One arm bends itself next to Tav's head to hold Karlach up, the other allowing its fingers to trace the shape of Tav's curves. Down the bumps of her ribs, over her hip bone, down the side of her thigh. Goosebumps speckle her skin. Nails dig into the plush flesh of Tav's thigh, earning a soft yelp. "You're beautiful, you know? Like wildflowers." The compliment makes Tav smile brightly, large eyes blinking up at her burning lover. Heat flows between them like molten rock. Tav's arms wrap themselves around Karlach's broad shoulders, her hips rocking up against the gentle touches and claws. She shudders. "You're driving me mad.." Her voice is low and breathy, hot with arousal and excitement. Desperate. Like her own heart could burst into flames if Karlach doesn't touch her exactly where she needs. "My goddess.." Karlach whispers, lips pressed close to Tav's sensitive pointed ear. Her tail swishes behind her in excitement, coming in and out of Tav's view behind her head and shoulders. A heavy sigh is shared between the two of them, Tav's hips bucking upwards once more. The lack of friction makes her whine. Karlach's eager fingers find their way between Tav's legs, rubbing slow circles over the fabric of her underwear. Then the hand moves away, earning a breathy whimper from the trembling elf beneath her.
The blood from her injury had destroyed her clothes, leathers and boots included. Shadowheart and Astarion had no choice but to dispose of them, sure they'd be able to find her something to put on once she was up and about. Karlach could not be more grateful. Tav's body is uncharted land to her. Ready to be explored. To be conquered. She has no map, no compass, no sense of direction. She's traversed the Hells, and many places in between, but this territory is incredibly foreign. And she'd never been so excited to explore completely blind. Hot lips attach to Tav's right nipple, tongue swirling around the sensitive nub. Karlach's fingers explore the silky skin between Tav's hip bones, careful not to dip too low. Not yet. A shaky moan rouses the Tiefling's senses as Tav reaches up to tangle her fingers in the raven and crimson hair atop her head. "P-Please.." She begs. "Please, I need-" Her pleas fall on deaf ears and careful fingers stray further and further from her core, teasingly tracing circles over her crawling skin. Sitting up on her knees, Karlach takes a moment to admire Tav's body. The way width of her hips, the plush meat of her thighs, the way her breasts sit perfectly on her chest, her soft skin. All of her. She sees Tav like treasure, rare and priceless. Tav writhes on the ground in front of her and she leans down to press soothing kisses along her sweaty stomach, lips pausing in certain places to suck little purple marks.
"Oh, gods.." Tav groans, her head tilting back into her bedroll. This is agony. Torture, even. Desperate hips buck towards Karlach's face as her kisses move lower, threatening a moment of relief before she moves away again. Frustrated fists bang against the ground. A small chuckle escapes Karlach as she flicks her tongue out against one of the bruises she left. She speaks softly, hands grasping at the silk of Tav's underwear, finally giving them a tug downward to expose her arousal.
"It's been 10 agonizing years since I've been able to touch someone.. I plan to savor this moment. Buckle up, Soldier. We're going to be here for a while."
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royboyfanpage · 3 months
I know you're busy answering asks but I was wondering if you might some day give us examples of that post you made about Roy often using coins and things to get out of restraints? I read a fic that said "they'll soon learn why he called himself 'arsenal'" and I really want to know... why do they call him arsenal. You know what I mean?? LIke, I GET IT but? is there something in the comics that relates to him being an arsenal or having lots of weapons or being an escape artist?
Hi anon, thank you for the ask!
I don't have much time right now, so I'm gonna just use one example, my absolute favourite. It doesn't feature a coin, but it does feature a SHARD OF BONE.
Spoilers for the Arsenal Special under the cut, highly recommend reading it, but if you'd like just an explanation of his escape keep reading.
Essentially in the 1996 Arsenal special, Roy gets set up by Sarge Steel and is sent to take down a retired former criminal (some kind of mob boss or arms dealer? It's been a hot minute since I've read it). At the same time, Steel informs the other guy, Sing Lu, that Roy was sent to kill his daughters. Lu captures Roy when he tries to infiltrate his base, drugs him with heroin, and locks him in a cell with countless others all packed in like sardines. And then Roy's great escape, he pretends to be dead so the other prisoners will push him to the exit so his "corpse" can be taken out, and then spits a shard of bone he'd been chewing on into a guard's eye.
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He then proceeds to fight his way out of the cell block area and later, when confronted by other guards, uses a whole arsenal (heh) of unconventional weapons, such as literally just water, a wok (at least I'm pretty sure that's a wok? I do not know enough about cooking to recognise things well) and a ladle.
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He then delivers this absolutely badass internal monologue while he gathers up all the weapons from the people he's already beaten, full action hero style.
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All while he's in heroin withdrawal, keep in mind.
Also he does frequently just use a whole bunch of weapons, he uses guns quite a lot and he's also really adept with a lot of melee weapons, though he does specialise in long range fighting.
Anyway yeah, he more than earnt the name Arsenal <3
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cethlyarlo · 9 months
In Tandem on Opposite Tides
Summary: Sabine and Shin find themselves bound by the Force soon after Sabine discovers her own abilities.
Word count: 1,349
Warnings: none
*Spoilers for Ahsoka, Episode 8
Also, here's the song I was listening to while I wrote this, if anyone is curious:
Shin had not been the one to make the agreement between them. She'd had no part in the negotiations to work together, or the pact they'd formed that united their parties against a common enemy. She didn't have any say, simply standing back as she watched her master use his silver tongue to bewitch the small band of marauders to work alongside them. 
It also meant that even though they knew of her relation to Baylan Skoll, they didn't extend his authority to her in the instance of his absence. Because he was not with her, she had no place amongst them; because he had left her without warning or any indication of where he was going, she had nothing to tell them when she arrived at their camp alone. 
Shin's first night on Peridea was spent on the rocky foreign ground, a chill in her bones so deep she knew it would always haunt her, and with too many internal wounds she knew she'd never heal from.
The Howler she'd been sent out with had chosen to stay with her, his presence a welcome one in the ocean of misery and loneliness that was swallowing her whole. In the night, he had curled himself around her, knowing she would freeze with only a tattered cloak to keep her warm, but all it did was keep her alive on a planet where Purrgils went to die.
She was thankful for him and his surprisingly gentle nature though. It brought her the comfort she needed to relax her mind enough to process all that had happened and all that had changed in only a few short days. He was there for her when there wasn't anyone left, his soft, warm fur and slow, solid heartbeat providing an intense amount of solace all on its own.
The sensation of desolation had such an intense grip on her however, and it only grew worse the longer her mind had the opportunity to wander.
She thought about Thrawn and how he had ordered her and her Master to track down Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren. She thought about the order to kill them and her inability to complete that task; her failure in the eyes of the one who she'd loved and trusted as a daughter to her father. The mission had initially been given to Baylan because he was the negotiator; the leader; the Master, but Baylan sent her to fulfill it in his stead.
She had tried and failed because was no match for a Mandalorian and two force sensitive people, one of which was the equivalent of a Jedi Master. She was overwhelmed, and the forces backing her had begun to retreat, leaving her alone to stand against them.
Baylan had not stood beside her and had ultimately used the situation to leave her, taking advantage of her undying loyalty and trust… 
And then Ahsoka Tano refused to draw her saber during their brief moments of combat, instead offering her hand and a promise to help. It was as though the Togruta had seen right into her mind; her soul. It scared her… and she ran, yet as she fled, she felt Sabine begin to follow before being stopped by external forces.
Shin pressed herself closer to the Howler as her mind wandered to the colorful Mandalorian. It made her feel… warm… to think about the way the Force encompassed Sabine despite her inability to access it. It hummed with a soothing song of gold and silver and it shimmered and danced when they grew near. Shin had never felt anything like it, and she couldn't help but be drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Simply thinking about it had her reaching out in the Force; craving the comforting warmth that would come to her once any form of contact was made with the Mandalorian, though she quickly restrained herself the instant she realized what she was doing. The threads of power she'd unknowingly extended fell away in a burst of iridescent shards, and an uncomfortable tightness filled her chest the instant she halted her subconscious efforts. The Force was telling her to reach out; to make a connection; It was encouraging her despite the fact that they existed on opposite tides: Sabine was full of light and humor and emotion, while Shin was full of shadows, loneliness, and a weariness that never seemed to have a bottom. 
No wonder the power that surrounded Sabine felt so… warm. Shin couldn't think of any other way to explain it aside from the purity of an extract so concentrated only a drop would last her lifetime. Baylan couldn't see it; Sabine's power. If he did, he hadn't ever said anything about it, but something in her knew this perspective was hers alone to witness, and that was something that couldn't be taken from her.
The tension in her chest suddenly grew to reflect the terrible strength of a tightly wound spring and she shifted immediately to hopefully relieve some of the pressure before it snapped. She sat up, ignoring the questioning whimper of the half-asleep Howler beside her, then got to her feet and wandered out past their little camp and into the velvet darkness of the foreign nocturnal landscape.
The Force continued to pull at her and she closed her eyes, resisting it for a time before she no longer had the energy to do so. She knew that the will of the Force was something to be reckoned with, and as she involuntarily released the guards of restraint and control she regularly bound herself with, her knees buckled from the sudden and overwhelming surge of pain that shot through her chest, sending her straight to the ground like a lead weight as invasive threads of power seized every part of her.
Foolishly, she fought against it, struggling to free herself of its grasp, refusing to have a collar and leash snapped around her neck. Her efforts proved to make it worse, however, because while the harder she fought to oppose its grip, the excruciating consumption of her body only intensified. 
Shin could feel a single tendril of the Force begin digging deeper and deeper into her with a terrible slowness, and before long, she couldn't breathe. She collapsed into the dirt completely, her spine arching back as every muscle felt like it was going to tear from every bone in her body. The back of her head had collided with a stray stone, causing her vision to sparkle with a random assortment of static-like patterns. 
Unbidden, a horrible scream scraped through her, mangling her vocal chords on its way out and she gasped for air the moment she realized she had nothing left. The rough intake of oxygen hurt all on its own, but it was enough to distract her from the now singular thread that had begun to wrap itself around every aspect of her structure. The reprieve let her relax, yet she remained alert and terrified of the moment things became painful again.
Curling onto her side, Shin watched as the thick clouds that littered the sky began to peel away from the moon, her breathing ragged and uneven as she tried to rest and recover. Her body trembled from both the violent nature of the metaphysical thread's ongoing attack and the frigid world around her. Without warning though, an unexpected and sudden warmth began to spread through her, and soon, the thread of power assumed a more gentle approach. Around her, the Force felt… content; at ease. 
It no longer hurt her.
She wondered what changed or what she did to cause any of it from the start. Her hands tingled with an unfamiliar sensation and when she closed her eyes and opened her mind to the Force, she could see the thread that had wrapped itself around her, both inside and out. It glittered and shifted in false light, but despite it's brilliance, one thing made itself painfully clear:
The tendril of the Force that encompassed her was Sabine's silver and gold.
Hey guys!!! Part two is up! I don't know how to connect these parts to each other, but I'll figure it out eventually if it's possible. I'm still learning how to use this platform despite having it for years. I've just never really posted much. Anyways, please enjoy!
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mintywolf · 1 year
A Long Road Home - Author Notes
Page 16
Of minor note Imogen was supposed to be reaching up and covering Pâté’s eye sockets in panel 4 to preserve Laudna’s modesty but he alas ended up not fitting in the panel. And Imogen having both hands over her eyes was a better pose. Also this was written long before Episode 41, prior to which I would not have guessed that Imogen of all people would be the first one to agree to run naked in the woods with the werebeasts. XD (In retrospect, I should know Laura better than that by now.) But this page was too cute to give up.
So once again I’ve had a page turn out to be more topical than expected. In the most recent episode (60) Team Scrungly finds a gallows at a crossroads and Laudna’s immediate thought is “Oh! It’s like a folk song.” You know, like the one she’s been singing throughout this chapter. Probably just a coincidence?? But it was enough to make me go O.O. And I do crosspost these to the bird app so . . . ?????????
Anyway it’s time to talk about the gallows tree ballad! *slams my English Lit degree on the table* Here’s all the verses we’ve heard so far, including lines that have been off-panel.
‘Twas in the dying of the year, when the earth stood hard as stone, The road through the Parchwood forest lay like a shard of bone. There in the rib-bone curve of the road, on the night when night is long, I met a maiden singing, with winter in her song.
“I will tell to you my story, if you wish to hear,” said she, “Meet me at Midwinter, underneath the gallows tree.”
“Maiden,” said I, “who are you, why are you so far from home? Why do you wander the winter, in these haunted woods alone?” “Gone is my home into ashes, never shall I see it more, There is no road behind me, and a dark one lies before.”
“I will tell to you my story, if you wish to hear,” said she, “Meet me at Midwinter, underneath the gallows tree.”
“Be you the vanished daughter of a fallen noble line? Your throat is hung with rubies, and all your raiment fine.” “No king’s lost daughter am I, nor a lady true,” she said, “My gown is all a-tatter, and my necklaces are frayed.”
“I will tell to you my story, though frightful may it be, Meet me at Midwinter, underneath the gallows tree.”
(Spoiler space in case you want to decipher the meaning on your own first.) . . . So it’s probably pretty clear by now that the lyrics aren’t incidental. Laudna is using fanciful, romantic language to describe her own experience because, as is emphasized in the refrain, she wants her story to be heard. The narrative perspective of a stranger observing her contributes to her sense of herself as an outsider and an object of fear and curiosity whom no one has yet tried to understand. After the first two verses that establish her situation (it’s Duscar, and she’s walking away from her destroyed hometown, which she left and can’t return because there’s nothing to go back to) she begins asserting who she is by denying who she isn’t.
The third verse gets very meta — at the very beginning of the campaign, there was a lot of speculation about Laudna’s “real” identity and what even she is. (A dhampir? A fallen Aasimar? An undead half-elf?) In particular her insistence on not having a last name fueled the theories that it had to be something significant, with the obvious leading contenders being de Rolo and Briarwood.
Here she’s refuting the suggestion that she is “the vanished daughter of a fallen noble line” (i.e., a lost sibling of Percy’s who survived the de Rolo massacre) and also insisting that she is not even any kind of noble lady — although she was made to look like one, dressed as a shabby facsimile of someone wearing finer clothes. (Also it is unlikely for a necklace to be frayed unless it is made of something other than metal . . .)
The tune started out in my head as a typical folk song melody (something like Scarborough Fair) but over time the meter kind of drifted into “The Highwayman,” so that now when I look at it I can hear my seventh grade English teacher reading it aloud in my head, haha. :D (Also Laudna/Matilda’s resemblance to Bess, the landlord’s daughter and Imogen’s horse and boots up to the thigh gave me Thoughts about a crossover AU.) So it has a tune, but I’m not really sure what it is now. You can sing it however you want. :)
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cyborgamazon · 6 months
Question about Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart
Whether or not I'm going to be reading anymore of this book is dependant on the answer.
Mild spoilers below.
I just got to the part where Numeen invites Lin to dinner. Is there going to be a step-incest relationship between Lin and Bayan? Because that's fucking nasty. I don't want to read more if that's the case.
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linearao3 · 2 years
Do Harrow and Gideon have a similar vibe as Kaz and Inej?
Hmm. Maybe if you kind of squint? I don’t know if you’re coming at this question from the perspective of having read one series but not the other, so I will try to avoid spoilers for either but: I don’t think Inej is ever as hostile to Kaz as Gideon is to Harrow, but by many lights she has the right to be. Kaz’s power over Inej, as a free man and high-ranking Dreg over an indenture, isn’t quite as extreme as the lady/serf dynamic between Harrow and Gideon, and Gideon is actively trying to escape whereas Inej is uneasily choosing not to. When Inej does bristle at Kaz, I do think there are arguable similarities, as she’s not afraid to fight dirty when she’s feeling hurt.
What is also maybe similar is the kind of chivalrous longing element? With Kanej, this is imposed by (a) Kaz’s relationship to touch, and (b) his perception of her as morally elevated. With Griddlehark, I think both of them perceive themselves as below the other and suppliant in some way, and the longing is derived from Harrowhark’s attachment to the Body of the Locked Tomb.
Basically I guess what I come back to is that Harrow is a lot like Kaz (ascetic, desperately scheming overachiever with turbocharged survivor’s guilt, an uncomfortable relationship to physical intimacy, and a flair for drama), but I don’t think Gideon (irreverent, horny golden retriever in human form with an endless capacity for forgiveness, a deep intelligence she absolutely refuses to call on, and an insatiable love for dumb jokes) has as much in common with Inej (religious, dutiful daughter who is deeply defensive of the culture and values she was raised with but could lead a masterclass in cognitive dissonance, and whose comparatively recent trauma eats away at her self-image, impairs her sexuality, and surfaces violent anger).
That said, they are both jocks with a fondness for pointy things and listening in. And they both have a strong sense of justice. So they’re not totally unalike.
So yes and no! I spoke to someone once who was planning a kanej AU where Kaz and Inej were a necro/cav pair and honestly that’s so promising I’m jealous of the idea and also dying to read it. (Though also since the Locked Tomb books are still in the process of unveiling their world I can see why you might put off writing it. Honestly I would love to see Kaz stone-faced in a blood-sweat and conjuring skeletons from a handful of bone shards while Inej semi-resentfully murders people left and right to give him a power supply.)
Thank you for this interesting question, Anon!
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inkovert · 2 years
Hiya I love murder Mysteries, fantasy, historical fiction
Hi hi!
I can work with that! I have linked the Goodreads page for each book as well as my personal goodreads review (for ones I actually had the energy to write whoops) which you can choose to ignore if you want to go in blind, but my reviews are spoiler-free.
Murder Mysteries:
Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier - I recently made a post saying this book didn't feel suspenseful enough for me but it was still an overall good book with a lot of moving parts CW: child abuse, SA/rape
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (review) - one of my top 3 fav books of the year. It's also a classic so keep that in mind, but it is probably one of the best mysteries I've ever read (as someone who grew up loving mysteries but now feels as though contemporary ones aren't up to par) CW: suicide, incest
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn (series) - another top 3 fav books of the year, I have nothing bad to say about this book. CW: racism, rape, slavery
Bone-shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart (series) CW: body horror, child abuse
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman (standalone) (review)
Historical Fiction:
Pachinko by Lee Min-Jin - an undisputed fav in the book community CW: racism, adult/minor relationship, suicide, abortion/miscarriage
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah (review) - made me tear up twice CW: rape, war, antisemitism, child death, miscarriage, torture
I hope at least one of these works ends up being your next great read :)
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that-blue-spren · 11 months
I see a parallelism between The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Steward and The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares.
The explanation contains a spoiler from both books.
In both stories, the guys would like to make copies of them and their romantic interest that will preserve their love forever.
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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The Bone Shard Daughter character descriptions for fanart.
Full entry (including spoilers & book 2) and database link in pinned post!
black hair, black eyes, tunic, 'unremarkable face', heavy-lidded eyes thick lashes
Long black hair braided down her back
rabbit tattoo on wrist, imperial navigator tattoo on wrist, thick curly hair cut short (loose curls), slender limbs, a little taller than average, sun-darkened skin, freckles across nose mixed race(? Poyer and Empirean), wields a staff
Full head taller (than Lin),
Stubble on his chin, flecks of lighter brown in his eyes
soldier's uniform: jacket with too-short sleeves, too-broad shoulders and waist,
like an otter, but with pointed ears and longer fingers (monkey-like) and a more angular than round face. the beginnings of horns , cat sized, then waist height, bushy tail, thicker fur and beard-like longer chin fur [author art also under Lin link]
one hand missing two fingers. tunic.
black bushy hair, gangly limbs, a mark below her right eye
long dark hair , large round black eyes, soft, dark skin, golden tumeric-bright dress, dressed simply in a rough-woven tunic and wraparound skirt. long black hair plaited behind her, wide expressive eye and pointed chin
Tumeric yellow dress, short, knee high boots Simple silk dress with a high collar and square neckline, green with no embroidery, hair loose Tall and graceful
tall, broad shoulders, prefers simple clothes (though still has embroidery on cuffs & collar) and armour, broad cheekbones, deep set eyes, 'her cheeks looked carved of jagged coral, her nose a piece that has not been smoothed away. black, thick brows were like slashes across her forehead."
leather jerkin, sword strapped to her side, black hair fell to her shoulders in waves, strong chin (stronger than Jovis')
TIRANG: an ape with clawed feet and a long wolf-like snout 
ILITH spider like with an old woman's face and many arms 
MAUGA: a sloth's large head on the body of a bear 
UPHILIA: a fox with two pairs of raven wings 
HAO: sparrow's wings, rat body, salamander head
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
The books on your list seem to be very far from my usual tastes,but i'll leave a few recs here incase you're ever bored and dk what to read!
the poppy war by rf kuang (best book of the last decade i'm not even kidding but check tws tho it's very heavy)
the ones we're meant to find by joan he (a bit confusing but has a very nice vibe)
the fifth season by nk jemisin (it's very popular but for a reason... avoid all spoilers because the payoff is huge!!)
the vanished birds by simon jimenez (not sure how to describe it but it's just very.... it's good. it's very good. i loved it!)
A master of djinn by p djeli clark (very unique!)
the silence of bones by june hur and the bone shard daughter by andrea stewart are unique in their own ways but also have a similar vibe... they're awesome either way
Black sun by rebecca roanhorse (just amazing)
The empress of salt and fortune by nghi vo (the essence of the universe in book form. whatever lies beyond the soul, this touches it)
iron widow by xiran jay zhao... idrk where to start this is just a crazy ass book LMAOO i think that's what makes it so entertaining tho. also love xiran jay zhao's yt videos dissecting east asian influences on popular media
memory police by yoko ogawa (this one might be a little more like what you're used to)
the order of the pure moon reflected in water by zen cho (short and fun with a loveable found family!)
six crimson cranes (a ghibli movie on paper. just very bright and fun)
jade city by fonda lee (ONE OF MY FAVOURITES ON THIS LIST!!! Just so so interesting with amazing worldbuilding and apparently the last book in the trilogy is the best one even if the first is already better than 99% of books ever)
the ghost bride by yangsze chu (this one is a light, lovely read. i have a feeling you'll like it)
these are all fantasy, btw, so i'm sorry 😭😭 but whichever one(s) you choose to read i hope you enjoy it!
OMG you must've put a lot of time and effort into compiling such a long list?? just reading it and sensing your passion for the books made me excited to read them... i do like fantasy!! i don't believe i've heard of any of these books before now, so i'm hype to give them a try. time to run to the library again.
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reviewsthatburn · 1 year
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*Contains spoilers for THE BONE SHARD DAUGHTER.
As the middle book of a trilogy, THE BONE SHARD EMPEROR moves several things to new stages but doesn't completely close off anything. Mephi and Jovis's bond is getting stronger. Phalue and Ranami are newly married and figuring out what kind of governor Phalue will be. Sand now calls herself Nisong and has begun invading the other islands with her fellow constructs. Lin is traveling to several of the islands in order to obtain promises of aid and loyalty from the various governors. The Shardless Few are more of a threat, with their leader pulling strings to destabilize Lin's reign. Lin now has a companion of her own, and a Cloud Tree monk has appeared to help her learn about the Alanga. There's a much stronger focus on information about the Alanga, since it appears they're coming back. I like the reveal of what they are, and I'm very intrigued by some late-book answers about their reemergence and connection to shard magic. 
Full Review at Link.
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mydarlinginej · 3 years
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read my full review of the bone shard emperor by andrea stewart here.
The Bone Shard Daughter was hailed as “one of the best debut fantasy novels of the year,” (BuzzFeed News), an “amazing start to a new trilogy,” (Culturess), and a “richly told, emotional, action-laced debut,” (Library Journal, starred). Now, Andrea Stewart returns with The Bone Shard Emperor, the second installment of this unmissable, action-packed, magic-laced fantasy epic.
The Emperor is Dead. Long live the Emperor.   Lin Sukai finally sits on the throne she won at so much cost, but her struggles are only just beginning. Her people don’t trust her. Her political alliances are weak. And in the north-east of the Empire, a rebel army of constructs is gathering, its leader determined to take the throne by force.   Yet an even greater threat is on the horizon, for the Alanga – the powerful magicians of legend – have returned to the Empire. They claim they come in peace, and Lin will need their help in order to defeat the rebels and restore peace.   But can she trust them?
my review:
While I enjoyed the first book, I had some reservations about the sequel after reading other people’s reviews. Unfortunately, I shared the same opinions. The Bone Shard Emperor suffered strongly from second book syndrome, with frustratingly slow pacing that distracted from any plot or character development.
This review contains spoilers for book one.
Now the emperor, Lin struggles to gain the support of the people and to find the answers of the mysteries her father has left behind. Jovis is a double spy, reporting on Lin while working as her captain of the guard while also growing close to her. Meanwhile, Phalue and Ranami deal with the turmoil on their island, and Nisong brings her rebellion closer and closer to the heart of the empire.
I don’t want to say that I didn’t enjoy this book at all because I did like parts of it. Three stars is still a decent rating! I liked the writing; Stewart writes with an attention to detail that really places you in the scene. Mephi, as expected, was one of my favorite parts, and I loved reading his parts. The concept of bone shard magic was also intriguing to me, and I can see where Stewart pulls from her software developing background in the worldbuilding. I truly think many other people who enjoyed the first book will like this sequel. However, I was so frustrated with the pacing and some of the character decisions that my irritation with the book grew.
read my full review here.
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celiabowens · 4 years
july-december sff releases
self-explanatory title here!
Unconquerable Sun (7th, Adult): the summary says this is a gender-swapped Alexander the Great retelling in space. Yes, a space opera following a female Alexander, with family feuds, politics and cultures/societies inspired by real ones. Also reviews say Hephaestion’s gender-swapped too.
The Book of Dragons (7th, Adult): an anthology featuring some of the most interesting names of adult SFF writing about dragons. It has a great mix of known authors (Scott Lynch, Ann Leckie, Garth Nix etc) and more recent names of the genre (R.F. Kuang, Zen Cho etc). Also...it’s illustrated!
Girl, Serpent, Thorn (7th, YA): featuring Persian mythology, a f/f relationship and apparently morally gray characters.
The Shadow of Kyoshi (21st, YA): the second book following avatar Kyoshi’s life. No spoilers, but if you like ATLA and you’re even just a tiny bit curious about Kyoshi (who isn’t) you should check out book one.
Harrow The Ninth (4th, Adult): follow up to Gideon The Ninth, which was probably one of the hottest debuts of 2019. Anyway, it’s a good crossover-YA title if you want to get started on Adult SFF and was pitched as lesbian necromancers in space so. 
Master of Poisons (8th, Adult): epic fantasy following a spymaster trying to save his dying world.
The Bone Shard Daughter (10th, Adult): epic fantasy inspired by Chinese mythology + bone magic. Featuring political intrigue and a female lead trying to regain her position as the emperor’s heir. Also f/f.
Piranesi (15th, Adult): Susanna Clarke’s long awaited return to fantasy. The book’s been a mystery from the start, but it apparently features a mysterious house with infinite rooms and a research that could possibly lead to disaster.
A Deadly Education (29th, Adult): Naomi Novik’s latest series (already optioned for a movie lol), set in a sort of dark magic school and following a MC that will potentially become a dark sorceress? 
Burning Roses (29th, Adult): SFF novella following two older women in love?? Mixing Chinese and Western folklore? Sounds very cool.
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue (6th, Adult): V. E. Schwab, newest book (and long in the making), following a French girl who makes a deal with the devil in order to live forever, but is fated to always be forgotten.
Return of the Thief (6th, YA): last book of the Queen’s Thief series, which you should totally binge read before October 6th.
Ring Shout (13th, Adult): historical fantasy novella by the author of The Black God’s Drums, set during the Ku Klux Klan’s reign of terror.
The Once and Future Witches (13th, Adult): historical fantasy set at the end of the 19th century and following a family of witches who join the suffragists. 
Black Sun (13th, Adult): first book in an epic fantasy trilogy set in Pre-Columbian Americas, featuring crow mythology, apparently mermaids and lady captains and a visually impaired fighter.
The Midnight Bargain (13th, Adult): I can’t seem to find much about this one, but it seems a sort of historical fantasy about a young woman trying to escape her fate (arranged marriage) to become a sorceress.
Phoenix Extravagant (20th, Adult): Yoon Ha Lee’s latest book! Fantasy following a painter, set in a silkpunk world reminiscent of the Korean-Japanese occupation. From early reviews it looks like, as usual in Yoon Ha Lee’s books, there’s a lot of casual lgbt rep.
The Betrayals (12th, Adult): historical fantasy set in an exclusive (magic?) academy, following a man whose political career was ruined, featuring a mysterious contest.
These Violent Delights (17th, YA): Romeo and Juliet retelling featuring rival gangs in 1920s Shanghai. 
The Burning God (19th, Adult): the conclusion to The Poppy War’s trilogy, a grimdark fantasy inspired by 20th century China. 
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain (8th, Adult): fantasy novella set in the same world as The Empress of Salt and Fortune (which you should totally read).
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tartts · 4 years
mid year 2020 book tag
Best book you’ve read so far in 2020:
The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow. Historical fantasy about the women’s suffrage movement and witchcraft. Three sisters drawn together to fight for their rights and bring back powerful witchcraft by chasing down the legend of a lost tower. review
Honorable mention: The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski. Probably the best wlw fantasy book I’ve ever read. Loved it. review
Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2020:
I haven’t read very many sequels (or the ones I have weren’t that great) but I re-read The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden earlier this year so definitely The Winter of the Witch (book 3) because it’s one of the best books of all time
New release you haven’t read yet, but want to:
tbh between netgalley and edelweiss I can pretty much read any given book I want to before it comes out so a lot of my most anticipated books have already been read even if they aren’t out yet so I guess I will have to say: The Damned by Renee Ahdieh. I think it comes out like this week or something so close enough. I would like to read it.
Most anticipated release for the second half of the year:
I was very much looking forward to The Once and Future Witches, A Deadly Education, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, The Archive of the Forgotten, The Silvered Serpents, and As the Shadow Rises but I’ve read them all already! So for ones I haven’t read yet: Lightbringer by Claire Legrand and Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco
Favorite new author (debut or new to you):
probably Alix Harrow! She only published her debut last fall (The Ten Thousand Doors of January) and this fall The Once and Future Witches comes out and both are stunning. She came to the fantasy scene swinging. Her writing seems like she’s been an established author for 20 years.
Biggest disappointment:
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. Loved Uprooted and Spinning Silver but she used a vastly different writing style and I absolutely hated it. It was dreadful. I was legitimately sad because of how much I was looking forward to this one. review
Biggest surprise:
I think The Midnight Lie definitely surprised me with the end. No spoilers, of course, but since it was set in the same world as The Winner’s Trilogy, I didn’t expect any actual fantasy elements (even though TWT is marketed as such, there is no fantasy) so I was surprised exactly how fantastical The Midnight Lie got as it progressed.
Book that made you happy:
The Once and Future Witches, The Midnight Lie, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, my re-read of The Winternight Trilogy.
Newest fictional crush/newest favorite character:
Juniper Eastwood from The Once and Future Witches. She’s a completely feral witch girl who told her torturer to fuck off right in his face. We love to see it.
Book that made you cry:
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas. Didn’t really think I’d end up liking it as much as I did but jesus that book had some emotional scenes. I very rarely cry over books but it got me. Also my re-read of the Winter of the Witch got me again too ://
Favorite book to film adaptation you saw this year:
I don’t think I’ve watched any.
Most beautiful book you’ve bought or received this year so far:
re: arc websites. I haven’t bought many books this year, especially ones that have extra spectacular covers?? I do like TOAFW cover and will definitely buy it when it actually comes out, and I’m thinking about buying The Gilded Wolves + The Silvered Serpents (when that one comes out) and they have LUSH covers.
Book you need to read by the end of the year:
my current arc list for one! The Archive of the Forgotten by A.J. Hackwith, These Feathered Flames by Alexandra Overy, A Curse of Ash and Embers by Jo Spurrier, The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart, The Midnight Bargain by C.L. Polk, and Goblin King by Kara Barbieri, From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout. I should read more Catherynne Valente books as well as finish The Queen’s Thief series. And the books that are currently sitting on my nightstand waiting for me. I really want to re-read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy when it gets re-covered in December.
tagging: @hqmlet @deinnos @potchwocket @oylmpians @celiabowens @monstress @drunkolympus & anyone else who wants to!
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papika · 4 years
3 & 17 for the book asks :)
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not in any particular order, these come to mind—
gideon the ninth/harrow the ninth by tamsyn muir
a memory called empire by arkady martine
the lies of locke lamora by scott lynch
the city of brass by s. a. chakraborty
the bear and the nightingale by katherine arden
with some honorable mentions—
the fifth season by n. k. jemisin
the poppy war by r. f. kuang
an ember in the ashes by sabaa tahir
the midnight lie by marie rutkoski
the wicked king/the queen of nothing by holly black
chain of gold by cassandra clare
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yes! though some of these are rereads.
the artemis fowl books hold up very well, even now, though i haven’t finished the entire series just yet. i have one more to read (reread? i’m not too sure about the final one in the series), but it really is a good series.
(let artemis say fuck! except not actually, since it is a childrens’ series.)
then the midnight lie was very good, and i haven’t seen anyone talking about it? it’s ya fantasy with VERY messy lesbians and interesting worldbuilding, and i’m absolutely going to reread it when the next one comes out.
the whole old kingdom series by garth nix blew me the fuck away. i reread sabriel last year, but only read the rest of the books in the series for the first time this year. it’s, yet again, ya fantasy, but it’s SO good. if you’re looking for a dark-but-not-grimdark series to sink your teeth into, i’d absolutely recommend it!
also, harrow the ninth. i had high expectations for harrow the ninth, having finished gideon the ninth recently before it came out, and tamsyn just. took those expectations, ground them down to pulp and shards of bone meal and marrow, threw them into a long-dead sun, then slapped me and called me a pussy for not expecting something even better than i’d hoped. 😔✌️ LIKE. I DON’T WANT TO OVERHYPE IT. but GOD i love those books.
then, lastly, the daughter of smoke and bone trilogy by laini taylor. i hadn’t read them in quite a while, but i wanted to reread them after falling in love with strange the dreamer last year! and honestly? they’re VERY good. the character development... god. chef’s kiss. again: ya fantasy, this time with what seems like a predictable brooding dark antihero romance.
(spoiler, maybe: it’s really not. it’s messy, and good, and yet again—CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. god i love laini taylor.)
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send numbers for this ask game!
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