#the boy looks more like starscream
cosmicswritings · 10 months
ANYWAYS commencing the creation of my rodistar sparkling (s)
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Well, I did it
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Megatron - I love his tfp design. Probably one of the best iteration of Megs. He is huge, heavy armoured, his face covered with scars… He doesn’t looks like an ordinary military leader who is only capable of giving orders, but like real warrior who can destroy any enemy with his bare hands.
So, in the WOF version, he definitely shares some features with Princess Burn, not only because of his might, but also because of his horns shape and dirty-dark scales (that absorbed blood of his enemies)
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Starscream - Boy, I hate him so much 🤣… but in the good way, trust me! In my opinion, when the show's creators make you feel such strong negative emotions towards a villain, it means they've done a great job. Also, I think that his animation in the show was absolutely incredible, because even though he's a 3D model, he still manages to move like a 2D character, which is amazing!
I feel that in my design he still looks more like a skywing, than an icewing (which is kinda logical)
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Soundwave - This one was tricky. I couldn't figure out what his mask would look like, so I just made his face a really dark color. I think Soundwave has both gifts of the nightwings, and he’s equally great at telepathy and a future vision. So he doesn't really need equipment to predict enemy movements, which makes him an ideal communicator in the WOF setting. His Laserbeak is part of the armor enchanted by Shockwave, and it might also allow him to open portals (but I'm not sure with this one)
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Shockwave - My favourite evil genius. He would definitely have animus magic and mind reading. I think Shockwave is the only one who has advanced the study of magic so far, precisely because he combined it with scientific knowledge and created safer methods of using it, that don't damage the mind. It's like if a Mastermind got animus magic in books.
I also like to think that he didn't heal the damaged part of his face just so that his enemies would fear him more)
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Dreadwing - This man deserved better! It's really a shame that he was removed from the show so quickly due to financial problems. It would be great if his arc got a proper conclusion in season 3.
Considering that I didn't want to make him a hybrid, it was difficult to choose a suitable color palette. So let’s just say, that I tried my best😅
I don’t think that he would have any nightwing powers, but honestly it doesn’t even matter - this guy can make a bombs, what else does he need to be cool
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Arachnid - Did anyone even doubt that she would be a hivewing? Damn, she even got her own “Othermind” virus. Her design was the easiest to work with - just a little poisonous ass (suspiciously similar to Maleficent).
Just like Starscream, I hate her, but in a good way. She's one of the creepiest characters in the entire series, who’s acting like a fucking heartless monster, especially with Arcee, but even so, there's always was something mesmerizing about her. I just really like strong female villains
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Knockout - Wery bright and charismatic guy, definitely one of my fav cons!
I tried to draw him as handsome as possible. Worked a lot on the face shape and coloring, and as for me it turned out pretty nice (finally).
Most decepticons think Knockout is as stupid and lazy as all the other rainwings. And it's not like he completely disagrees with that. Of course he’s not stupid and lazy, but if it’s means less dirty work on the battlefield, well, he’ll continue act like a tipical rainwing
(I also believe that Megatron keeps him as an “art”)
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Breakdown - Fun fact: "Operation Breakdown" was the very first thing I saw in this series. And it was an interesting experience for 8 year old me. Maybe that's why I'm so scared of eye gouging scenes in movies now…
I think that he didn't have any siblings initially due to his parents nature, and even after meeting Bulkhead, he felt uncomfortable among the other mudwings. And this is why he later chose the side of the decepticons. And maaaaybe because of one cute rainwing influence)
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I think that, being mostly nightwings and icewings, the decepticons are much more concerned about purity of their blood and rarely accept half-breeds into their ranks.
During the war, there were many animus dragons among decepticons, which is why they have so many artifacts that allowed teleportation and communication at a distance. But, honestly, I still can't imagine what Nemesis would look like in this AU
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I was thinking about Cybertronians freezing in the Arctic due to the ice that forms on them instead of just the cold & not knowing what humidity is again, and what if they weren’t instantly aware of all the abilities of their alt modes?
They’d have a warmup period after scanning them and have to gradually get used to/ discover all the things they can do. There’s little to no water on cybertron, no reason for them to know that ice forms in the cold, no reason for them to have de-icing. And when they come to earth and choose aircraft as their new vehicle modes, they have no idea those aircraft come with built in warmers on the wings.
I thought about how some flying decepticons would deal with it. Let’s go with Starscream first because I love him very much.
(Also because he complains about cold the most out of all the characters. I imagine everyone ices up the same amount, but the cold is an entirely different problem and one that affects him more because he’s all thin and lanky, not very good at retaining heat. It’s worth clarifying that the freezing is what’s dangerous to them. The cold bothers them but isn’t a threat in and of itself, seeing as they can walk around in space just fine. But I ramble on)
- If he had a human friend or partner, he’d be complaining about how cold it is in front of them and they’d be like “Wait, aren’t you a plane?” He’d ask what that has to do with anything and get very annoyed that he didn’t know he came with extra heating.
- He claims he totally knew about that all along and merely forgot about it in the moment. He also claims he totally knows how to turn it on, but…remind him again?
- The realization that he can just… make himself warmer at will is incredible. He’s still gonna complain about the cold though. Probably out of instinct, he complains to fill the silence. (Is it obvious I want him to be safe and warm. I think it’s obvious.)
- Cue a concerned human asking if he’s been flying through clouds and terrible weather and all the way into the stratosphere with ice building on his wings for all this time. How is he still flying? He just replies that he’s built different, and that he’s far superior to human machines yap yap yap blah blah.
- He doesn’t want to admit how great it is, but after the human shows him how to turn it on, he’d be waking around with the de-icing turned on all day, even when he doesn’t need it. I reckon it’d make the area between his wings an excellent nap spot. He could just put a human in there and squeeze them between his wings and it’d feel like being put in one of these bad boys, I dunno what they’re called in English
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In any case, peak nap spot.
Up next is Megan:
- Megatron doesn’t actually have an earth based vehicle mode, leading me to believe he wouldn’t have any form of de-icing. My headcanon is that his bigger, bulkier frame would require and generate more heat, but look at him.
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He got a lot of nooks and crannies that ice could build up in. Even spikier than Starscream. Much like Starscream he doesn’t have paint which may also have acted like an extra layer of heat insulation. Additionally, his joints on the arms and legs are visible.
(Actually unsure if Starscream is painted and just gray, but Megs definitely isn’t)
- My point is, I’m not an ice expert but Megatron is terrible for both heat insulation and icing prevention. Megatron is a tough bot, he can take a lot of punches, and as prideful as he is I doubt he’d ignore the fact that a snowstorm would be a genuine threat or hinderance to him.
- Not that he’d let anyone notice, of course. He has a reputation to maintain, and he can’t allow anyone to know his weakness. When he’s in private though, I find the image of evil dictator Megs snuggled up in a billion blankets drinking a hot cocoa hilarious. I’ll probably draw it.
- A human pal or partner may not be able to advise him to turn on de-icing that he doesn’t have, but they might be able to offer him another solution. A badass cloak or cape to protect himself from the snow, while also remaining intimidating. Anyone would think it was just for show, unaware that it’s actually to keep him from freezing.
Last but certainly not least, Soundwave!
-Oh, Soundwave totally knew about the de-icing without needing anyone to mention it. Soundwave knows a lot of things. He’d totally read his own altmode’s manual. I don’t think we’ve ever seen Soundwave in the Arctic though.
Trying to find a good gif for my own reference hang on-
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- I’d argue that out of these three he’s probably best with the cold. Sure, he’s spiky too, but nowhere near the other two. His “elbows” are awfully small and exposed, but since his wings form the arms there’d be no issue once he turned on the de-icing. In the gif he easily covers his entire body with those huge arms, so he could easily curl up around himself and defrost if be needed to. Now here’s a good writing idea I probably will never use
- Laserbeak probably has its own de-icing, which makes Soundwave extra warm when he requires it. ADDITIONALLY Laserbeak could be deployed in order to warm up a human friend or partner from afar. Tactical warms.
- Not much to say about Soundwave. Maybe I’ll edit and add later.
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emelinstriker · 9 months
Predaking ♡ Fetch
First TFP X Reader one-shot of the few I've saved up since like 2021. Will be posting the others later, but I gotta go to the dentist in a bit. So have your big mecha dragon boi. c:
[TL;DR] Predaking acts like a wholesome, oversized puppy towards you. And only you.
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"Alright, go fetch!" You yelled up at him before throwing a softball across the flight deck. You specifically chose this type of ball due to how easily the predacon could see its bright red color, and because it's big enough for the two of you, as well as soft and squishy. It was also cheap, so you could just buy a new one if Predaking ended up destroying it on accident. But he was still using the first ball you gave him, so that in of itself was impressive.
The giant mech dragon wagged his tail a bit with some small side to side jumps, before happily zooming after the ball. Due to your size and lack of strength, the ball didn't land too far, but it began to bounce and roll away really quickly due to the wind. Yet another reason that ball was a good choice.
He gently picked up the ball before practically bouncing back over to you. You beckoned for him to lower his helm. He did as you commanded and you proceeded to take the ball and pet his helm before leaning your upper body against him in an attempted hug. "Good boy! Great job, Predaking! Who's a good boy! Yes you are!" You cooed, gently stroking one of his mandibles while nuzzling his helm with your forehead.
He purred loudly at your praise. His mood would instantly change whenever you were with him. Your mere presence alone made his spark throb with love and joy. Honestly, he didn't mind being treated like a lesser being, even a pet. But only if it was you. He would not allow this sort of belittlement from anyone else. Not from Shockwave, not even from Megatron. And especially not from a piece of scrap like Starscream.
Speaking of the devil, Predaking spotted him behind you near the entrance. He released a dangerously low growl to warn the seeker to stay away. Especially from you, knowing Starscream's distaste towards humans. You thought the growl was aimed towards you, so you backed away from him with an apologetic look, believing you weren't supposed to hug him like that. "Oh- Sorry..."
However, Predaking felt your warmth leave him, and he didn't like it. His aggressively stiff posture turned calm again. He then nudged his helm back towards you with a purr, rubbing his rather flat snout against your tummy, begging you to hang onto him once more.
Your smile returned as you plopped your weight against him once more. Just to make the moment funnier, you even said a little "Boop!" as you landed on him. His tail wagged a little, happy to make you smile. Yet he still kept an optic on the seeker, just in case he tried anything.
Meanwhile, the seeker was not amused as he was on the flight deck for a reason.
"Human! Megatron and Shockwave are awaiting the predacon! Megatron commands you to go back to your habsuite until further notice!" Starscream's voice startled you as you didn't notice him before. So you got off Predaking's maw and looked at the other mech. But one hand was still on the giant predacon as a form of comfort for both of you.
You slightly looked downwards in disappointment. "Oh... Okay then..." You turned back towards the mech dragon giving him a sad smile before leaning down to put a light kiss on his snoot, rubbing the side of it.
"We'll play more later, okay? Be a good boy when you leave. Love you, King!" You said before starting to walk towards the entrance, turning one last time to give him a little wave.
You didn't notice it this time, but the mech dragon's tail swooshed from side to side faster than before. If you had listened closely, you could've also heard his cooling fans turn on when you gave him a kiss. His optics also turned from giving the seeker half the attention to putting his whole attention onto you as your tiny frame walked away.
His gaze on you was soft. There could have possibly been hearts floating around his helm if this were a cartoon. He could've even had hearts in his optics, that's how far gone he was. That's when he heard the seeker approach him with his usual unnerving voice. The predacon's mood instantly changed. His loving gaze towards your direction halted as he turned to face Starscream with a look of pure hatred.
"Well, well, well... You appear to be having fun, being treated like a servant animal by a tiny rat. Doing everything they want. Why can't you simply follow my orders then!?" He yelled out in anger. If he hadn't known about the predacon's transformation, he would've hit the dragon.
Predaking let out a loud screech before standing up and spreading his wings- Towering over the shorter mech. Having his pride take a hit was one thing, having to listen to the SIC call you 'rat' was another. You were so much more than a rat. You were a divine soul. And your tiny frame only made his primal instincts want to protect and love you even more.
"Whatever your relationship with the fleshy may be, it doesn't matter. Now, move to Shockwave's lab." Starscream scoffed. If looks could kill, the seeker may have already died back in the pits of Kaon. It felt like Predaking's hatred for him could time travel.
Suddenly, the mech dragon transformed into his bi-pedal cybertronian form.
"I'll be there for the meeting. However..." The taller mech stomped over to the now intimidated seeker. His shadow was now looming over the SIC. "If you call them a 'rat' one more time, I'll make sure to rip your spark out the 'primal beast way'."
Starscream trembled beneath the predacon's fierce gaze, then the king made his way past the seeker and towards the lab.
The meeting itself was quite uneventful. It was simply seen as a progress report. Predaking was just there for show, in a way. It was mostly Shockwave who talked to Megatron.
After the meeting, the predacon was dismissed. And the first thing he did was visit your bedroom.
Due to your relationship with Predaking, and you being basically the only one able to tame the beast with questionable ease, Megatron assigned Shockwave to be your guardian and for you to stay in a smaller room connected to the lab. However, with how much disinterest the scientist had in you, he basically abandoned you just for you to be taken care of by Predaking. So technically speaking, Predaking was your guardian and you were his charge. The only thing Shockwave did to take care of you was to get Knockout to get you stuff you needed. Because it seemed illogical for him to go get necessities for you himself.
The predacon slowly approached your little home, transforming into the beast on the way. You knew about his bi-pedal form, but you didn't treat him with as much affection as you did when he approached you as a mech dragon. He enjoyed your company regardless, but it was more enjoyable for him personally to see you laugh and smile a lot more when you were simply allowed to pet his helm.
You had fallen asleep in your bed, assuming the meeting would take a while. So when Predaking gazed upon your sleeping body, he couldn't help but purr. And of course, his purring didn't go unnoticed by you as you slowly woke up from your nap. And the first thing you saw right in front of your face was a pair of yellow glowing optics staring right at you in admiration. You weren't startled or anything as this wasn't the first time the predacon (unintentionally) woke you up like this. You yawned as you sat up to look at him with a little smile.
"Hey, King... How did the meeting go?" You asked, still tired. The predacon closed his optics and tilted his head towards the side, ex-venting some warm air like a heater. This movement roughly translated to either "Boring" or "Meh", and it never failed to make you laugh. It simply looked ridiculous to see a giant beast do such a motion.
The predacon then suddenly got an idea. He gently picked you up by the back of your shirt like a kitten and walked off. You two bypassed Shockwave as he just stared at you helplessly dangling from the giant beast's maw.
You didn't say anything, waving at the purple mech. This wasn't the first time Shockwave's creation did this, so neither of you were concerned about being in danger around him. However, you were a little curious as to where he was taking you.
Turns out he was taking you back to his kennel. You still didn't understand why, however. Maybe he wanted to play more?
Your questions quickly were answered however, when he gently lowered you into the middle of his nest and started to circle around you before eventually dropping down, having you sitting against his body. One wing was spread out a bit to give you a roof and contain more of the warmth Predaking's frame produced.
He let out a whirring noise that seemed to resemble a yawn as he tried to comfortably cuddle up closer against you. He curled his body around you more and you couldn't help but coo at how adorable he was acting. Like an overgrown puppy wanting love and attention. And if you couldn't give it to him all the time, he would simply not let you leave. But to be honest, you didn't want to leave him at the moment anyway.
So you simply let yourself fall back asleep, this time in your king's embrace.
[ Masterlist ]
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chaotixdragon · 5 months
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So i saw somebody make art of Starscream as a moth and something was awoken inside of me. I present Hollow Knight X Transformers BUGFORMERS!!!! (Or Hollowformers???) Sorry for the shitty sketches, i'll translate my handwriting lmao
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Starscream: A Red-Underwing Moth I decided to make all the seekers different moths, have fun with that Megatron: A Black Stag Beetle His armor can be removed, I'll draw it eventually, but under his helmet are small (very sensitive!!!) antennae!!!
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Optimus: A Rain Beetle I wanted to make him a dung beetle at first, cause I love the shape of scarab-like beetles but I wanted Bulkhead to be a dung beetle, so I picked my personal favorite type of beetle, the Rain Beetle! Bumblebee: A Bumble bee I think this is obvious.
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Arcee: A Blue Dasher Dragonfly She's small, fierce, and fast. I knew a Dragonfly would fit her. Bulkhead: A Rainbow Dung Beetle Bulkhead is a strong, bulky guy, so a strong bulky bug fits him. But I didn't want him to be a plain dung beetle, so I went with the more beautiful, and intimidating type of dung beetle! And its sort of an iridescent green, like our bulky boi. (He also has a second pair of arms he keeps tucked between his armor plating for his safety, but he uses 'em when he needs extra leverage)
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Ratchet: A Man-Faced Bug My friend insisted he'd be this kind of bug, and after looking it up, I agree. You can see his face in this bug and I love it. The runner up was a ladybug if you want to do anything with that. Drift: An Idolo mantis I wanted Drift to keep his sort of "intimidating with dexterity" vibes but add a bit more beauty to give that sweetness to his design you see in his character. An Idolo Mantis is that lovely mix of floral beauty and intimidating that I thought would fit perfectly for Drift.
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Cyclonus: Spiky Flower Mantis Same deal with Cyclonus but more intimidating. I wanted him to look scary and powerful, but beautiful in an intimidating way, like how he is in the comics. Tailgate: Pill bug (Isopod) Round, sweet, adorable, and one of my favorite bugs. Very useful for the environment and durable, as well as huggable. I think it fits Tailgate pretty well.
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ANNNNd finally...some doobles of Starscream cause im an addict.
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
How would the tfa bots and cons react to a bot who is starscream twin brother base on his shattering glass counterpart
Since there isn't too much information on TFA Starscream's personality I mixed it a bit with IDW's Shattered Glass Starscream. Buddy the loyal Decepticon and Starscream the backstabber, who would have thought them being twins?
Hope you enjoy!
Autobots and Decepticons reaction to Starscreams Twin brother with the same personality as SG! Starscream
SFW, familial, platonic, slight mention of injury but nothing graphic or detailed, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
No one knows how this happened. It is one of the greatest mysteries unknown to Cybertron. How can the most loyal member of the Decepticon ranks, almost at par with Lugnut levels of loyalty, be related (much less twin) to the most backstabbing and whiny Second in command of its army? How could this soldier of the greatest armies in the galaxy be so found of science and organics?
Optimus Prime
When they first met, Prime thought that Buddy might have been another Starscream clone right off the bat. But it isn’t until he sees some kibble differences and overall different aura, that he realizes that that mech is no clone.
“You’re not Starscream! Who are you?”--Optimus
“Wow! First, that axe is very strong. What type of alloy is it made of? Getting off topic, my name is Buddy. A proud Decepticon under Megatron’s alligence.”--Buddy
“Are you some sort of clone like the others?”--Optimus
“Nope. Completely original. I get that I look like Starscream a lot actually. But there’s so many differences!”--Buddy
“oh, well—”--Optimus
“Not to mention being his Spark twin can really work up your circuits you know?”--Buddy
Prime literally stops fighting for a good couple of seconds after hearing this. Buddy takes this opportunity and flies away. Optimus remembers reading on some Decepticon files back at the academy and through his ‘history videos’.
Buddy lets the Prime go to go see off.
Prime is even more confused the next time he sees Buddy actively fighting alongside Megatron and making a good team?
He has never seen Starscream fight alongside him like that, and he is second in command. Optimus almost admires Buddy’s loyalty and admiration to Megatron whenever some bot talks ill of the Warlord.
When the Prime and Buddy have the next fight one-on-one He does give an effort to try and persuade Buddy to join the Autobots side.
“You know it’s a shame that you fight for the Decepticons, Buddy.”--Optimus
“Oh, is it little Prime?”--Buddy
“Yes, --WOW!— Which is why I’m offering you a spot with the Autobots!”--Optimus
“Well now this is weird then.”--Buddy
“Why is—Watch it!—Weird?”--Optimus
“Because I was going to offer you a spot in our ranks too!”--Buddy
“Oh boy, Hey Autobots! I think I broke your leader!”--Buddy
Oh, they have met before.
It was a few missions before the Lockdown incident back in the final days of the war.
He had been helping a wounded bot when he was suddenly face to face with a blaster. It would have gone off if Buddy had not interfered.
“Die Autobot scum!”—Random Decepticon
“Commander Buddy?!”—Random Decepticon
“Do you see this mech? This is a medic! We do not shoot medics with the wounded!”--Buddy
“But sir he is an Auto—”—Random Decepticon
“I do not care which side he is on! No one shoots the medics! Do you understand me!”--Buddy
“Yes sir!”—Random Decepticon
“Good. I will deal with this. Get back to base for regroup.”--Buddy
“Yes Comander.”—Random Decepticon
“I know you don’t trust me. But trust this one thing. Run.”--Buddy
Ratchet hadn’t seen or heard of that Decepticon since that day. When they meet again it was almost as if history repeated itself. Lugnut was about to detonate his bomb when Buddy held his arm back.
“Lugnut! Megatron needs—”--Buddy
“We have to stop meeting like this doctor.”--Buddy
“What made you stop him this time?”—Ratchet
Straight to the point I see.”--Buddy
“You could have killed me and the kid. Why didn’t you do it?”--Ratchet
“…The organic child you have… are they all right?”--Buddy
…Yes, she’s fine.”--Ratchet
Ratchet has conflicted feelings now whenever he is on the battlefield with him. At least he knows now that Buddy has a soft spot for organic life forms.
Oh, he does not care.
Like Optimus he first thinks that he is some Starscream clone.
Doesn’t really care that they aren’t.
He does stop when he is told that they are Starscreams twin brother.
But he quickly continues fighting.
If he is related to Starscream then he has to be just as bad as him, right?
“He is just some slimly Con like the rest of them! Maybe just as bad as Screamer.”--Bumblebee
“Oh, I don’t know about that.”--Ratchet
“What do you mean. If anything, you should be agreeing with me!”—Bumblebee
“He has saved my life before. Twice actually.”--Ratchet
“Excuse me what?”—Bumblebee
Bumblebee does feel a bit conflicted on hearing Ratchets stories on Buddy. He is a Decepticon… but they also saved Ratchets life twice!
He will still shoot at him but this time more for injury than anything else.
She has a mini vendetta against cons since they took her dad from her.
Jokes around with Bee calling them Lugnut 2.0.
But where are the conflicting feelings?
Here they are.
Takes time after Sari finds out she is a techno organic.
Sari had been caught in the crosshairs of Lugnuts servo and crashed on to the ground under a billboard. What she didn’t know was that the billboard had been damaged and was no falling. Her jetpack as damaged and she just froze in place.
“SARI!”—Optimus, Bumblebee, Bulkhead
She could hear the shouts of her friends but the only thing she was focusing on was the falling billboard and debris that was coming closer and closer.
Buddy who had seen the damage shrieked and flew over to the girl and used his body to shield her from the billboard and debris effectively covering them both. Sari remembered hearing a shriek and a couple of servos pulling her to the bot’s chassis all she could do was close her eyes. When she opened them again, she was face to face with Buddy.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”--Buddy
“What? Yeah, I’m okay I think.”--Sari
“Oh, that’s a relief.”--Buddy
“Why did you do that?”--Sari
“You have no part in our war. I refuse to have anyone civilian deaths that are not necessary.”--Buddy
“But you’re a Decepticon?”--Sari
“Just because I’m a Decepticon does not mean I hate organic life like my twin or companions.”--Buddy
“Oh, yeah Starscream’s your twin, right?”--Sari
“Exactly young one.”--Buddy
“Oh, I think that our rescuers.”--Buddy
A dozen servos suddenly shout out pulling and yanking the debris from off Buddy. Sari was still in his grasp protectively shielding her from any harm. When Buddy came out, he was almost knocked down by Starscream’s hug.
“Screamy, hold on—”--Buddy
“Prime! Catch!”--Buddy
Buddy tossed Sari to Optimus as he was literally picked up and flown away for repairs. The team crowded around Sari trying to see if any damage was done. Not a single scratch was on her head.
Buddy was the one who took the damage.
She now thinks very differently of the Con.
Bulkhead’s interaction with Buddy was under peculiar circumstances.
Bulkhead was battling it out with Scrapper, Mixmaster, and Dirt Boss when Buddy had arrived. Buddy looked like he was out for blood. Bulkhead thought it was for him and got ready to clobber the new Decepticons.
“Dirt Boss! Mix Master! Scrapper! Where are you?!”--Buddy
“Umm… hi?”--Bulkhead
“Oh, an Autobot. Don’t worry I’m not here for you.”--Buddy
To his surprise, Buddy went after the Constructicon’s instead.
As it turned out, Dirt Boss had Mix Master and Scrapper mess with Starscream’s wings because ‘he was too loud’.
“You, Autobot. What’s your designation?”--Buddy
“My name is Bulkhead.”--Bulkhead
“Good. Now Bulkhead, would you care to help me pound these dirty Con’s to the ground?”--Buddy
“But aren’t they on your same team?”--Bulkhead
“Oh, they were. But that changed the moment they decided to mess and hurt Starscream’s wings. So, you in or out?”—Buddy
“We are just roughing them up a bit.”--Buddy
“I’m in!”—Bulkhead
Together the two of them punted the Con’s into Lake Erie.
“Wow. You really have the strength for this Bulkhead.”--Buddy
“Oh, thanks—”--Bulkhead
“I’m also sensing some untapped potential. That’s some potential that the Decepticons could use. What do you say Bulkhead?”--Buddy
“No thanks! I’m good being an Autobot.”--Bulkhead
“Well at least you’re polite. Until we meet again Bulkhead.”--Buddy
Buddy then transformed and flew into the night. Now Bulkhead really doesn’t want to hit him.
Attacks Buddy straight on.
He is one of the smallest members on the team, besides Bumblebee. He sees something coming at him he is going to strike at it. Buddy actually had gotten a tip about Prowl over a conversation he heard from Swindle and Lockdown.
Buddy sees an opportunity. Having a bot with such incredible talents would certainly give the Decepticon’s an edge in this war.
“Hello there—Woah!”--Buddy
“That was a warning.”--Prowl
“I just came here to offer—”--Buddy
“The next one goes through your servo.”--Prowl
“Fine. I’ll come another day.”--Buddy
Prowl is dodging all these requests like the Draft.
Except this time, he is making sure he doesn’t get caught.
Ah, yes, his favorite soldier.
“I have the equipment necessary for the next phase of the plan.”--Buddy
“Excellent. At least some bots here are doing their work. You are dismissed.”--Megatron
“Yes, sir.”—Buddy
Don’t tell Lugnut.
Not only does Buddy offer him just loyalty, but because he also treats him as a mech, not some deity. He tries not to hurt Starscream too much whenever he is around.
They don’t make loyal soldiers like they used to.
Is willing to overlook some of Buddy’s softer behaviors on the battlefield because he always brings in good results back.
He loves his spark twin.
It might not seem like it at first. Afterall their personalities contradict themselves. But if you have been around them long enough you can see the undying loyalty between these two brothers.
“I hate you and your organic meddling. How can you even stand them?”--Starscream
“Love you too Screamy. And they are called humans. Only some of them are dirty, not all brother.”--Buddy
Starscream and Buddy are very protective of each other.
Which is one of the reasons why Starscreams punishments have gone down with Buddy being around. Buddy is just and fair, starscream is not. That’s why sometimes Buddy will not interfere with Megatrons punishements, because Starscream deserved it. But that doesn’t mean he is heartless.
He always patches up his brother after every punch shot or anything.
“You know, if you’d stop trying to over thrown our leader maybe then I wouldn’t have to pound out all the dents in your wings.”--Buddy
“You’ll be thanking me when I do become leader.”--Starscream
“Sure, Screamy keep telling yourself that.”--Buddy
His personalities clash whenever he is around.
Icy prefers Buddy’s presence a lot more than Hothead. It’s one of the only other intelligent being he can talk to.
“Did you recalibrate you blasters yet?”--Icy
“Not yet. Which circuits did you use to hotwire Lugnuts?”--Buddy
“The red one.”—Icy
Hothead can’t stand him on some days claiming him to be going soft. Other times he will get mad at Buddy for getting hurt over meaningless things.
“If you hadn’t thought about going after that organic, I wouldn’t have to help haul you off to the Med bay!”--Hothead
“Is that right?”--Buddy
“I could be scouting outside right now. But no! You had to get hit by a billboard!”--Hothead
Random likes to play games with Buddy and make random sounds. He has a whole record on weird noises to play with Buddy.
Sesame Street theme song starts playing.
“IT’S BEEN 3 HOURS! TURN IT OFF!”--Starscream
Distant giggles
Buddy always vouches for him whenever someone makes a comment on his different personalities.
All three of them like that
If he is going anywhere were Blitzwing isn’t Buddy is his next pick.
He knows that buddy can be trusted with sensitive things concerning the all glorious leader Megatron.
“Buddy. I have an important message for Lord Megatron.”--Lugnut
“If it’s another poem about his greatness, I suggest you not take it to him today. He is having a bad day today.”--Buddy
“… Give me the data pad.”--Buddy
He very much apprentice Buddy sticking up for him whenever someone’s comments make an unnecessary jab to his ‘obsession’.
Buddy has a lot of brownie points on Lugnut’s book.
Honestly one of her only friends in the ranks is Buddy.
Since she came to the Decepticon side later not many were found of her and her organic mold. Buddy was the first besides Megatron to greet her with open arms.
Not even Lugnut got there fast.
“Welcome Blackarchnia, to the Decepticons.”--Buddy
“I know it may be a lot to take in, so I will be here to help to make sure you understand the ropes around here.”--Buddy
“…Thank you…”--Blackarachnia
She does spill her secret about being Elita-One, one night in a secluded area. She thought that Buddy would shoot her right them and there. But Buddy instead held her as she started sobbing.
Now that doesn’t mean that Buddy is okay with how she is treating this whole situation with Sentinel and Optimus, Buddy being the scientist he is has tried to help Blackarchnia with her situation. But no matter how much he has tried to explain toher that this would kill her, he tries to be as supportive as he can about her organic half.
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Ahaha.... so, finished "Till all are one", will just put a few screenshots I liked because who will stop me
Starscream and Bumblebee being an unhealthy in the most healthy possible way married couple... Just... I mean, I'm not sure if Bumblbee is real (like some spark dust) or really is his hallucination, but the way they talk, the way it helps him keep the sanity while he looks insane, the way he is alone once he really leaves
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And just sassy Starscream, his fear, the REAL him, OH MY GOD LOOK. LOOK AT IT, I was kicking my legs, I love Starscream being a sassy rat stabbing the backs, so seeing all these was a big surprise... Broken villain, somehow reminds the path Megatron had to path through... (Also, his true design reminded me of a Senator Shockwave haha... I have trauma, just the fact that it reminded me and the fact that it is the TRUE form, and the fact that Senator Shockwave was so close to that form)
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BLURR. I LOVED Blurr even before BUT, when you see first hand more of his character. A great owner of the bar that collects all kind of bots and all of them are in peace, he doesn't allow people with bad mind inside. He also has the opinion of most, he wants what they want and speaks for them. Everyone wants the better leader, who will hear them and fight for them, he collected all the people with that opinion, his bar is literally that little heaven
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Bonuses Knockout being a lovely husband...
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Just Swindle ehehehhe little pretty boy being reborned
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The great knowledge of Vortex XDDD
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callmegkiddo · 9 months
Can you do a Bayverse of the Transformers reacting to their S/O being flexible and able to pop their bones and bend their back to an unhuman position while standing? I’m like this and I want to see their reaction
Optimus Prime: The noble Autobot leader would look at you with concern first and then with curiosity. "Are you certain that's comfortable? I was not aware that human anatomy could achieve such positions." He'd be careful, though; he's aware humans are still resilient, but around bots like him, please be careful. You want to avoid giving the Prime a spark attack.
Bumblebee: The young bot would probably be fascinated and impressed. He might try to imitate some of your movements, though his frame doesn't allow the same flexibility. "Whoa-- Incredible--! Can you-- teach me-- how to do that?" He'll be super excited to learn but will grow concerned if he hears any of your joints pop. Little bee boy loves his human, okay?
Ironhide: The tough weapons specialist might raise an optic ridge and give a gruff chuckle, amused and impressed with your talent. "Well, I'll be. You, humans, are real helm-turners... Just be careful not to break anything, alright?" He'll drag you Ratchet if he hears a single POP from your bones or joints. No exceptions. He's a rugged bot who still views humans as fragile unless they're soldiers like Lennox.
Ratchet: The Autobot medic would be unamused at first, intrigued sure, humans and their biology and abilities never cease to surprise him. But he'll also get pretty concerned for your well-being. "That can't be good for your joints. Be careful, if you feel any discomfort, let me know. I can't fix a broken human, you know." He's dragging you to Sims for 'repairs' if you sprain something. You are scaring this old bot.
Megatron: The dark leader would likely be more intrigued than concerned. "Fascinating. Your species is more adaptable than I thought. Perhaps there are some useful applications for such flexibility." With your smaller size and flexibility, he'll use you as his little scout. To him, the possibilities are endless when spying on the Autobots. But unfortunately, your safety is also a concern to him. So he has Soundwave send Ravage from time to time to accompany you.
Starscream: The ambitious Seeker might smirk and make a sarcastic comment. "Well, well, aren't you a contortionist? Just be grateful you don't have to transform into a jet-like me. That'd be a real pain." He'd joke you can fold in his cockpit like a piece of paper. He's pretty amused with your talent, and despite his cold and aggressive nature, he's careful to make sure you don't pull a muscle. He knows what it's like.
Soundwave: The silent and analytical Decepticon would observe your movements, stoic and quiet as ever. His visor might flicker slightly, indicating a level of interest. He might even record your unique abilities for future reference. It intrigues him how easily you can bend around like that. It reminds him of Ravage in a way. He will pick you up and place you on his shoulder if you tire yourself out because of it.
(Note: Sorry these requests took so fucking long. I wanted to clear out my inbox)
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
TFP Starscream x Reader
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This is for @condeeznutsfitinyomouth! Again, sorry your asks got eaten :(
They requested confessional sex with Starscream after you caught your boyfriend cheating! Hope this is what you were after, enjoy! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Warnings: Confessional sex, cheating, afab reader, GN reader, human reader, starscream is domming but reader tops.
Word count: 869
You hate that you knew it was coming. You predicted it immediately when your calls went straight to voicemail and left you on read. And last night, that deep feeling in your gut didn’t lead you on as he did. No, because your boss had let you off early, and you came home to find some random car parked in your driveway.
You were furious, full of unbridled rage, as you stormed into your house and made a bee-line to your shared bedroom. It reeked of sex, and the look on this douchebag's face when we saw you, death staring at him from the door, was laughable. He was terrible at keeping his dirty secrets.
But you had a secret up your sleeve, too—the knowledge and companionship of a sleek alien robot jet. You met Starscream a long time ago; a total asshole who wouldn’t let you off this ship called the Nemesis. Something about being ‘live human bait for the human empath, Optimus Prime’. But you had sweet-talked him enough to let you at least have some freedom.
Over time, though, your fears of being involved with an alien fizzled out when you started to confide in one another unintentionally. You would express how much of a doormat your boyfriend made you feel, and Starscream would also express how much of a doormat Megatron made him feel. Together, you both created a home where there are no doormats. And ultimately, no regrets.
After you had kicked out your now ex-boyfriend and his little protégé in cheating relations, you contacted Starscream to meet you on the outskirts of Jasper to vent out your frustrations. What you never expected, though, was to have that deep gut feeling replaced with the gut-deep feeling of his upwards thrusts.
Propped up against a dusty boulder was Starscream, with you in his lap. His sharp silver talons tightly grip your hips, guiding you up and down on his sleek yet rigid metal spike. His scarlet optics focused on your squishy body pressed against him, as well as your face, twisted in beautiful pleasure and heated anger.
“That’s it. Tell me how much you loathe that wretched human boy.”
Oh, you wish he could see you now. To watch his ego deflate as you impale yourself on a dick that’s much, much larger than his.
“F-Fuckin’ hate him,” Your voice shakes from your rage and the inability to cohere a single sentence, “Asshole, he never loved -hggff- me.”
“He never satisfied you, didn’t he?” Starscream sneers, moving a servo to your face to squish your cheeks together. His other servo pushes your hips further down his spike to meet with his thrusts.
He growls and leans close to your ear, “And I am willing to bet that my spike feels significantly more pleasurable than whatever that mere human possesses, is that right?”
“Mhmm,” You mumble, but it soon transitions into screaming as Starscream forces his spike so fucking deep in you that you start to see stars.
“I want a verbal answer,” He growls again, and it’s so delicious and smooth against your ear that it nearly sends you over the edge, “You know I don’t like to be kept waiting.”
“Yes, fuck!” You cry out, and your head rests on Starscreams shoulder once his servo returns to your hip, “F-Feels so good, so much better than him.”
“Good, little pet,” Starscream pounds into you with reckless abandon, purely focused on bringing you to orgasm. His venting is rough, full of equal zest for the anticipation of overloading in you, “Now, my dear, scream my name as if he can hear you.”
And you do. You clamp down on his spike and let out the filthiest moan of his name that actually echos off the rocks and reverbs around you, with the full intention of wanting him to hear. Your ears are ringing from the loudness and the explosive orgasm that shakes your body like an earthquake.
“There you go, let the whole world know who you -hgghn- belong to.” Starscream is close behind. The ever-increasing momentum of his hips becomes more stagnant until he groans and releases his transfluids deep inside you, vocaliser fluttering and turning into static. He’s throbbing against your walls, filling you to near breaking point, and you have no choice but to collapse your entire body weight against him.
“Fuuuck,” You mewl. Your thighs are shaking, and your voice is croaky. And your heart is booming against your ribcage so hard you’re sure Starscream can feel it.
After Starscream returns from his high, he takes the opportunity to wrap his arms loosely around you in an attempt to give you some rare affection before you can question what the fuck just happened between you two.
“There, doesn’t that feel so much better?” Starscream hums, stroking lines across your back. It’s soothing and a welcomed distraction from the welts forming on your waist from his sharp digits. You whine in reply, eyes fluttering shut weakly.
“Mmm, I thought so,” He sighs, an ever so slight smile encompassing his dermas, “Shall we return to the Nemesis?”
Let’s just say you got your revenge on your ex a few more times that night.
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blueskyscribe · 2 months
Dreadwing isn't a character I particularly resonate with for his own sake (like his personality doesn't do it for me), but he was so great for what he revealed about other characters.
So, Dreadwing is a foil to Starscream. Starscream is sneaky; Dreadwing is forthright. Starscream will do anything to survive; Dreadwing is all about honor. Starscream will sacrifice any other person / relationship to get ahead; Dreadwing puts his life on the line to try to avenge his brother.
And finally, Starscream is good at his job, Dreadwing isn't.
This is one of the most interesting things about Dreadwing. He's buff, he's serious, he's honorable, but once you start looking at his track record . . . hoo boy.
Mission to get rid of Airachnid: Dreadwing loses control of Breakdown, allowing him to be goaded and lured away by Airachnid, who kills him and traipses away.
Antarctic mission: Dreadwing returns emptyhanded while a rogue Starscream escapes with the Apex Armor.
Omega Key mission: Dreadwing gets knocked out by his own bomb; Starscream clocks Smokescreen from behind and steals the Omega Key.
So let's fast forward to the episode "Regeneration". Dreadwing has just learned that Starscream turned DW's twin into a zombie with dark energon. Megatron tells Dreadwing to get along with Starscream because the 'Cons can only succeed if they're united.
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Dreadwing is like "okay" and immediately goes to the med bay to kill Starscream. While Starscream is cowering and pleading, Megatron storms in and orders Dreadwing to stand down. Dreadwing refuses but right before he can kill Starscream, Megatron shoots a hole straight through him.
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So, Megatron would have preferred to keep both Starscream and Dreadwing on his team . . . and IMO he did initially prefer Dreadwing's vibe to Starscream's. After all, why wouldn't an ex-gladiator prefer the hulking warrior who has the strength and confidence to directly confront his foes, over the lanky, conniving guy who has to plot in the shadows and backstab to accomplish his goals?
But when he only had a second to decide between the two, Megatron shot the big buff guy who kept failing missions and was actively disobeying him, and saved the skinny sneaky guy who--even hobbled by the loss of his t-cog--had succeeded in obtaining four important relics and who could (somewhat) be controlled.
Dreadwing might have been a better person than Starscream, but Starscream was a better Decepticon. And making Megatron realize that was the most significant thing Dreadwing ever did on the show.
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A Pair Made in The Pits
Falling Behind Pt. 3- TFP Megatron x Reader
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.5
A/n: Thank you all, once again for your patience and understanding on the time it took for this chapter's release. It was hard to find time to write between multiple ER visits and the passing of my dog, but I was finally able to finish it up! I hope you all enjoy, and I would love to hear your thoughts. WC: 7099
And thank you to @callsign-relic for allowing me to commission her beautiful work for my story's cover art! You always make amazing pieces!
Warnings: Torture, cursing, Starscream and Megatron being a dick, and deprecation. If I've missed anything, please let me know
Y/n wasn’t sure as to how one of the Autobots- probably Optimus- had returned her car to her driveway, but she wasn’t complaining. She did, however, inwardly groan over the fact she forgot to turn off her 6am alarm after all of yesterday’s excitement, especially after the awful sleep she had. Y/n’s mind kept her up all night, the voices of anxiety now practically screaming that something was wrong- that something wrong was done. And it wasn’t until she had finally gotten to sleep did it feel that seconds later her alarm was blaring in her ear. 
Getting up, against the wants of her body, Y/n slowly makes her way to her kitchen, debating whether or not she wants coffee or tea to start her morning. Looking in her fridge and seeing a lack of milk, the decision is easily made and she fills her kettle with water and begins preparing the steeper and getting the oolong out of the cabinet. However, before being able to take the first sip, the sound of the rumbling and then resounding hiss of a semi coming to a stop. Taking a look outside her living room window, there sits Optimus, waiting for Y/n to come outside, presumably to go back to the base.
“Shit.” Y/n groans, rubbing the bridge of her nose, wondering if the kids are also being ushered out of the house this early. 
Pouring her tea into a travel tumbler, Y/n scurries around her house to take a quick shower and get changed into a black blouse tucked into a midi, and finishing it off with a pair of booties. She applies some makeup and practically runs out the door, grabbing a random book on the way. 
“... Good morning, Optimus.” The passenger side door pops open and Y/n quickly climbs in and makes herself comfortable. The woman gives an airy laugh while fiddling with her hair, “I didn’t expect you so soon, I had to rush around to get ready.”
“Good morning, Y/n. I apologize- I did not mean to rush you, though it may be best to get back to the base sooner than later.” The cab hums with his response- even if Y/n hadn’t been inside, she was sure she would have felt the baritone vibrations nonetheless. 
The drive back was long and quiet, much like last night. Taking a sip of her tea, Y/n finally looks down at the book, and it takes all of her restraint not to spit it out onto his dashboard. What looks back up at Y/n is a sweaty, shirtless cowboy and the title ‘Ride into My Heart Like a Stallion’. A gag gift given to them by their friend half-way across the country, of which Y/n never intended to touch, let alone read. Y/n couldn’t help but truly consider the pros and cons on whether or not she could just chuck the book, but she knew it would drag up more questions if she just threw the book out the window, so she simply crossed her arms over it and hoped that no one would ask her about it throughout the day. 
Snapped out of her thoughts, Y/n looks over to the head unit of the dash, not entirely sure where to look before responding, “Sorry, it seems I was lost in my own thoughts.”
“I was asking if you needed to stop anywhere before heading back to base? We do not have much for humans at this moment.”
“Oh um, no, I’m alright. I have my tea and a book, and I’m sure the children will be able to keep themselves occupied as well. I’m not completely familiar with the boys, but Miko will most assuredly be fine; give that girl a pencil, paper, and something of interest, she’ll be kept busy for a while.” Y/n laughs to herself for a moment, though a worried expression passes over her face, “She’s a creative girl, but I worry about her being lonely. Her host parents aren’t used to her, and she doesn’t really have any friends at the school. I think, despite the rather strange circumstances, that perhaps being with you all may be good for her.”
“You seem to care for them well. Do you have sparklings of your own?’
“Sparkl- oh, Children? No no no. I don’t have any- um- sparklings. Closest thing I hope to get to that is Miko. I haven’t figured out my own grievances in this world, and it wouldn’t feel right to bring life into a world where your own quotemate may be a cruel joke.”
“A quotemate?”
Y/n takes a deep breath through her nose and casts her eyes to the ceiling of Optimus’ cab, trying to come up with a succinct explanation to the complex system that not even humanity has completely figured out, “Well, a quotemate is someone you are connected to. In the simplest of terms, your quotemate is the person who is supposed to protect, love, and stand beside you. And the way you find them is a quote that appears on one of your wrists- hence, ‘quotemate’. There’s a few more details, but that’s the gist of it.”
“We had a similar- but not very common- phenomenon on Cybertron, however, we call our fated ones ‘sparkmates’.”
“It’s a much prettier word than our species’. Why sparkmates?”
“Your kind call them hearts; we call it a Spark. It contains our life force and our memories. And in the case of the ones in which we are destined, they are our other half and thus hold the other half of our spark. Those of our kind who have a sparkmate were encouraged and expected to cherish and hold them dear.” Optimus’ cab is silent for a moment for a moment, “Though, after the start of the war, people began dreading hearing the words engraved on their frame, fearing their other half would be on the other side of the battlefield.”
“...Do you have a sparkmate, Optimus?” Another hum runs through the cab, before turning into the slightest chuckle.
“I do. He’s not the easiest mech to get along with, but I would never have made it as long as I have without him.” The bot’s facial feature may not be present, but Y/n can easily imagine the fond, endearing smile that would have otherwise found itself on the large mech’s lips. “I will be forever grateful for Ratchet’s undying support.”
“Ratchet?!” Once the statement sets in, Y/n’s head whips from the ceiling of the cab to the center dashboard at the revelation.
“You sound surprised.”
“Well, I haven’t spent much time around Ratchet, but he’s not the most- how do I put this- welcoming?”
“I will admit Ratchet is wary about the involvement of you and the children, but he will not cause you harm.”
“OH! Oh no- I- I didn’t mean to- to imply that he- I know Ratchet wouldn’t hurt the children! He just visibly doesn’t seem to like us.” Waving her hands in denial, Y/n scrambles to fix the miswording of her statement, but it doesn’t seem Optimus was too worried about the misunderstanding.
“Give Ratchet time, he will adjust. I have no doubt you both will get along with time.”
“You’re right- after all, we all will be spending much more time with each other. I look forward to getting to know all of you.” She smiles, glad to know Optimus, and likely the rest of them will take good care of the kids and herself. Maybe she would be able to pick Ratchet’s mind at some point for information about the anatomy or history of the Cybertron people.
*       *       *       *       *       *
“WHAT WAS THAT?!” This is not what the young woman had hoped would be, quite literally, crawling around the base, but she couldn’t peel her eyes away from the thing that Ratchet had just squashed, “I hope to hell and back that is not what you people consider some kind of bug!”
“No, Y/n. I’m afraid this may be the effects of dark energon.” Though Optimus’ voice is normally quite dark, Y/n could easily pick up on the deep worry that whatever this ‘dark energon’ brings, means nothing good will come of its arrival in the base. “ Seeing as it has some of the residue Arcee found on Cliffjumper, it would stand to reason that it was what brought both your equipment to life and Cliffjumper back from the dead.”
“It would answer the question as to why Cliffjumper’s life signal came back online, but dark energon, Optimus? It’s such a scarce material- it’s virtually nonexistent. Why would it be on this rubbish planet?”
“May I interject?” Both bots turn their attention to the woman they had evidently forgotten was there- one much more open to the interruption than the other. “Um- may I ask what energon is? I thought you said your people’s Allspark was made of it, so why would it attack Ratchet? ”
At the question, Ratchet scoffs and begins running diagnostics on the squished piece of equipment that previously housed some of this energon stuff. His blatant display of annoyance was no less irritating than it was yesterday, but not only did Y/n not want to start some sort of argument with Optimus’ sparkmate, it also wouldn’t get them anywhere, so she would refrain from mouthing off to the condescending mech. At some point, she was going to have to have a one on one conversation with Ratchet about speech behavior and ways to go about explaining things without making the rest of the room feel as if they’re a massive inconvenience, but now was not the time- no matter how tempting it was to tell him to shove his opinions up his tailpipe. 
“Energon is the lifesource of our people. Dark energon is something that can give life-” Optimus gestures towards the mangled metal, “- but the cost is great. Not much is known about it, as Ratchet stated- dark energon is a rare commodity, but it is not something to underestimate, hence why I believe Megatron is the reason why it has found its way to this planet’s surface.”
Both Y/n and Ratchet look at Optimus, almost in synch, “But why?”
“To conquer this planet by raising an army of the undead.”
“Where would he find that many Cybertronian dead, Optimus? It’s not like Megatron is going to just stumble on a burial ground on this planet.” At least the sass Ratchet displays isn’t always just directed at any human- his leader isn’t even exempt from the proverbial lashings of the team’s medic, though Y/n supposes that may have something to do with them being connected.
Before Optimus could answer, his thoughts are interrupted by the sounds of the rest of the Autobots’ alt-modes. Upon stopping, each kid hops out of their respective guardian, having obviously come from some kind of fun. Looking at her phone, Y/n realizes that it's still a little early in the day, so she is a tad surprised they woke up this early on a Saturday, but she’s glad to see all of them having fun and maybe even bonding with their new companions. Seeing Bulkhead awkwardly handing Miko her electric guitar, she already has a feeling the girl will be putting on at least one show while they are at the base, knowing the acoustics are much too tempting for the girl to not play at least one song. 
“Autobots, remain here. Ratchet and I will be outside of communications range for some time, so I’m putting you in charge.” Optimus give his orders 
“Optimus, with all due respect, playing bodyguard is one thing, babysitting is another.” The sight of Jack scoffing and rolling his eyes at her wording is easy to see- any kid his age wouldn’t like the idea of being babysat, even if it was by an alien robot. The femme crosses her arms before gesturing towards the medic, “Besides, Ratchet hasn’t been in the field since the war.”
“My pistons may be rusty, but my hearing is as sharp as ever!” Ratchet’s call from his computer forces a laugh barely covered by a cough from Y/n, which she quickly mouths a ‘sorry’ when he shoots her a look. 
“For the moment, it is only reconnaissance.” Optimus tries to assure the smaller bot, but both Arcee and Y/n could smell the bullshit from a mile away.
“Then why do I hear an edge in your voice?” 
At her continued questioning, Optimus pauses and furrows his brows, “Arcee, much has changed in the past 24 hours. We must all learn to adapt.” Before she could get another word out, he turns to Ratchet, “Ratchet, bridge us out.”
And with just a few steps, they were gone.
“Okay chief, so, uh, what’s on the activity list?” Jack looks up to his mechanical guardian only to be met with a scowl.
“If I’m not mistaken, Jack, you should have some schoolwork to do. Why don’t we give them a break from whatever activities they treated you to this morning?” Y/n smiles at the kids, trying to give the Autobots a needed time off from their newly appointed roles as guardians. “Miko, you can practice some of your guitar and then start on some of your work, and Raf, I’m not sure of your schoolwork load, but I suggest you start on any work you may have.”
“Yes ma’am.” All three kids say, some more begrudgingly than others, all while setting up for whatever they are to get done.
“Good, I’m going on Patrol. Bee, you’re with me.” Arcee makes her way to the tunnel, ready to go out.
“But Optimus told us to stay here.” Bulkhead brought up the leader’s orders before almost immediately being shot down. 
“When Optimus puts you in charge, you can call the shots.” With that, both Arcee and Bee transform and are down in the tunnel in seconds, leaving the kids, Y/n, and Bulkhead left.
“So, uh, what’s on the activities list?” Bulk turns, seeing Miko plugging in her guitar to the amp, the feedback forcing everyone to cover their ears.
“Band practice, anyone?” After a moment of silence, she turns to the younger boy, “Come on, Raf. You play anything?”
“Um… Keyboard?”
“Laptop and samples-”
Y/n smiles and shakes her head, glad to see the kids are getting along before opening her book and tea thermos, taking a seat near Ratchet’s computer stand so as to not get in the kids’ way. She never planned on reading this kookie book her friend sent her, but it was either the book or be subjected to joining Miko’s makeshift band after an already hectic week.
“Y/n, are you joining?”
“Nah, I’m good with just listening, Miko. You know I prefer listening to you play.” Shooting the girl a smile and thumbs up, she returns to the downright awful writing of this cowboy love story. Y/n has to go to the bookstore at some point to send an equally bad book. Maybe a silly alien romance book- forbidden love. They’ll be rolling on the floor at the concept. 
As the woman chuckles to herself, the familiar green lights from yesterday start blaring, letting them know Agent Fowler had returned. Bulkhead rushed the kids to hide behind his pedes and Y/n didn’t want to risk being seen running over, so she kept her spot under Ratchet’s computer and motioned to the kids to stay quiet just as the elevator door opened.
“Prime? Prime!” Y/n couldn’t see the man, but she could tell that he must still be on the platform, since she could no longer hear his footsteps. Just like yesterday, he did not sound happy.
“Agent Fowler, uh, he’s not here. Nobody’s here! … except me, of course.” The green bot chuckles awkwardly, and Y/n silently groans- this mech is going to get them all caught if his nerves take over. 
“Well, where is he? Wait, let me guess-” as Fowler rants and raves he must have started to move because Bulkhead begins taking steps to keep the kids out of sight. However, his movements and the cable to Miko’s guitar don’t seem to be mixing well, from the way Y/n sees Miko nearly fall, only for the boys to catch her. But the slight fall was enough for the guitar to send sound through the amp, she just hopes that it wasn’t enough to break the man from his tirade.
“Since when are you bots electric?” Fowler questions and Y/n is pleading for whatever deity that may be listening to grant Bulkhead the ability to come up with some kind of lie, but the kids beat him to it.
“Hi. We’re… interns! Earning extra credit in auto shop.” Jack awkwardly smiles, hoping his lie is bought.
“Alright. Let’s move. I’m taking all three of you into federal custody.” Hearing his footfalls on the metal stairs, Y/n makes her way over, picking up a piece of the squashed robot from earlier that Ratchet must have missed. 
“Over my dead body.” She holds up the metal piece like a makeshift bat, more than ready to take a swing.
“Woah there. By the stripes of Uncle Sam’s shorts, ma’am, put the weapon down. I’m just going to take you and these kids to-” Taking a step back, Agent Fowler puts his hands up to show he didn’t mean any harm, only to be cut off by the woman again.
“Nowhere. You are taking these kids nowhere. Optimus has promised protection for these kids and like hell will I allow some random ass man, trusted government agent or not, to touch a hair on these kids’ heads, let alone take them anywhere.” Y/n takes a look behind her, and in seeing the kids looking between Y/n and Fowler apprehensively, she drops the metal to her side, not letting go in case something goes awry, “… I will go with you, if it will get you to leave.”
“What?!” Miko shrieks, coming to hold onto the sleeve of Y/n’s blouse, making her briefly glance back before bringing her attention back to Agent Fowler, ”You can’t go with him! He-”
“Bulkhead, get Miko.”
“Uh I don’t-”
“Get her now, Bulkhead. She is your ward, act like it.” She shoots the metal giant a glare, watching as he finally picks the girl up, not that she went peacefully.
“No! Put me down, Bulk!” Miko thrashes in his hold as Y/n walks towards Fowler.
“Let’s go have a conversation with whomever your boss is, shall we? I’m sure I can convince them that leaving these children in Optimus’ care is the best course of action.” She grins at the man as she passes him on the way to the elevator, a grin that holds a level of malice that makes Fowler nearly let the woman just stay instead of getting in the confined space of his helicopter.
But only nearly.
“And I know that my superiors will have all of you in custody.” He grabs her elbow and finishes leading her up the steps and into the elevator. Both adults could hear Miko screeching in Bulk’s grasp, threats and complaints that turned to pleading the closer Y/n got to that elevator. Y/n didn’t say anything. She didn’t look back. But with every step she took, her heart squeezed with each scream from the girl. It isn’t until they get onto the elevator and the doors close that the tension from her shoulders ease and the breath escapes her. 
“Is that so? I’d say if your superiors are as weak-willed as you, I’ll be back before it’s time for the kids to be back home.” She doesn’t bother looking over at the man, not even as he mumbles something about respect and ‘women and alien robots being the problem with his blood pressure’. 
Before long, the elevator comes to a creaky stop and the doors open to reveal the orange hue of the rock the base is hidden under and a view that, under different circumstances, would be quite gorgeous, especially with the breeze taking away from the baking early fall sun. A few feet away lies the helicopter Agent Fowler presumably arrived in earlier. The reality of the past ten minutes was setting in with each step they took towards the vehicle and while Y/n absolutely would have stood up for those kids again in a heartbeat, maybe she wouldn’t have given herself as collateral quite as quickly. 
“Get comfortable, it’s gonna be a long 5 hour flight.” Tired of his hold on her arm, Y/n pulls herself away before scrambling up into the body of the helicopter, grimacing at her lack of grace. 
“I don’t suppose you’ll be providing in-flight snacks. After all, you seem to have such star spangled hosting skills.” She adjusts herself in the passenger seat, and never in her wildest days would she ever thought she would hope and pray for a vehicle to turn into a giant robot and prevent her from being sent to a government facility, but here she sits- hoping for just that.
“Are you going to be pushing my buttons this entire flight, or will I have an ounce of peace on the way to the Pentagon?” Fowler pulls himself up, lacking his own grace and nearly falling face first into his seat, forcing a snort to come from Y/n.
“Well, you’re more than welcome to send me back to the base.” The suggestion brings out a laugh of Fowler’s own, no other answer needed nor given. Starting up the chopper, he glances over to ensure the straps were done properly before handing a set of headphones to Y/n, before the sound of the blades becomes too loud.
Finally, the vehicle lifts off the ground and the flight to Washington D.C. begins, making Y/n wonder if she could properly time being over one of the larger ‘islands’ of sandstone littering the Nevada desert to jump out of the copter, but deigns it too risky to attempt. While she’s turning over possible solutions in her head, Fowler rings his boss, “Sir, Agent Fowler. We have a situation. I’m en route from the autobot base. I’ll brief you in person.”
Choosing to save her breath, Y/n continues looking out the window of her side of the vehicle, noting the sun ebbing its way closer to being at its highest point. That was one thing she hated about this area, while she found the landscape to be gorgeous, it quickly became boring seeing the exact same hues of orange, yellow, brown, and the occasional reds. It couldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes after Fowler informed his boss of his location that the sonar built into the dashboard started beeping with an icon flashing on the screen, getting closer to the center of the sonar’s radius. 
“I am begging you to tell me that is either a big bird or a friend.”
“What in Uncle Sam’s beard-” Looking up from the dashboard, Y/n sees some kind of drone flying right at them and lets out a shout, pushing the steering gear to the side with her foot before the thing coming their way. Luckily, Fowler snaps out of his shock quickly enough to grab the steering before the both of you could go crashing into the canyon side. 
“Watch it!” 
“You watch the fucking drone!” And as if her luck wasn't bad enough, in the next moment, the helicopter jostles, claws of whatever had attacked them now sinking into the roof of the helicopter's cab. Moving in her seat, Y/n looks up to the ceiling and shrieks upon seeing the sharp talons that easily make up the length of her face stuck in the metal above her, forcing the agent to cover his ears. 
With a harsh yank from above, the copter jerks in response and the last thing Y/n remembers is the feeling of the cold, hard glass making a sharp impact with the back of her head, before everything went dark.
*       *       *       *       *       *
The feeling of weightlessness while simultaneously feeling as if something is pulling you down by your ankles is something Y/n can confidently say she's never felt before. That sensation accompanied by the frigid air around her and the pain of having her arms being held twisted uncomfortably in the air made her transition back to consciousness that much more unpleasant. Tension and pain racks her body every step closer she gets to being awake, drawing out a strained hiss from the woman.
“Ooh? Look who's finally decided to join the party.” A scratchy voice drawls from a few feet to her left. Opening her eyes, Y/n is met with two bright, red eyes made all the more piercing with the bot's white dots that must act as pupils. Despite the strain on her throat and body, she lets out an ear-shattering scream and kicks the new mech.
“Ach! Why you little-”
“Where am I?! Who the fuck are you?! Let me down!” Paying little mind to the irritated figure before her, she struggles in her chains, squirming and shaking.
“Awwww the little human wants to be let go?” A sharp talon pricks Y/n's chin and lifts it to bring her eyes back to his, the grin on his face a celebration of his premature victory.
“Yes! Please!”
“How polite. Such a rarity in humans.” He chuckles to himself, obviously thinking his little stab to be funny. “All you have to tell me, dear, is where the Autobot base is. Can you do that for me?”
“Don't tell him anything!” Finally, Fowler speaks up from Y/n's left, shocking her into whipping her head to face him, not having even noticed his presence prior to him yelling.
A silence fills the cold, dark room and Y/n looks back to the mech before her, a desperate look in her eyes, “I'm sorry, what's an autobot?”
The mech wrenches back, his grin twisting into an infuriated scowl. Standing to his full height, he wraps the chains that hold her around his hand and pulls them up and towards him, further twisting her arms until a sickening pop echoes in the room, forcing a scream to rip from her throat. Any kindness, faux or no, had vanished as the bot before her snarls, “What do you mean, you don’t know?!”
Y/n’s breathing is shallow and panicked, the burning sensation surging down her arm and through her shoulder causing her to squeeze shut her eyes. Luckily, it was only her right arm, but there was no time to appreciate that. After a moment, she opens her eyes to see the now-blurry mech leaned down in front of her through the tears building and streaming down her face, she hiccups, “I’m sorry! I don’t know what you’re talking about, I swear!”
“Fine. If you’re going to play like this, I have no choice but to escalate matters.” He brings himself back up to his full height and turns to another bot who presumably is standing guard at the door. “Bring the prod.”
Prod?! If struggling in her chains wouldn’t exasperate her dislocated shoulder, Y/n would be moving every which way in order to find some way to get out of this nightmarish shitshow.
“Please, sir. I don’t know anything about any Auto people! I was picked up by this man after getting lost in the desert.” Tears beginning to subside, Y/n glances at Fowler and then back to Starscream, “I’m sure you’re a reasonable… robot-”
“I am not one of your feeble human machines, I am Starscream! Current second-in-command and future leader of the Decepticons!” The door opens, letting more cold, stale air into the room, and the bot from earlier reenters the room, holding what can only be described as some futuristic bident. Starscream snatches the device from the other Decepticon, “Finally, what took you so long?!”
“I’ll be nice and give you one more opportunity, humans- where is the Autobot base?” Switching his tactics to address Fowler, he leans down to the man and holds the prod up to his chin.
“Sure thing,buddy, right after you eat my star-spangled shorts.” Fowler laughs but is quickly cut short as Starscream activates his prod, a pink electrical current running between the two prongs. Upon pressing it to Agent Fowler’s ribs, the man screams in pain, clutching his own chains in an attempt to ground himself.
“As I imagined, energon and human nervous systems don’t mix.” As he keeps the energon-infused prod pressed to Fowler’s skin, his grin only grows. With each press of the instrument, the clothes begin to sear away, allowing the energon access to his bare skin, no doubt doing further damage, if the smell of burning skin is anything to go by.
“Starscream, leave him alone! Please!” Voices in her head plead with her to keep her mouth shut, to no avail. The man is suffering, and while Y/n wasn’t exactly Fowler’s biggest fan for taking her away from the Autobot base, she didn’t want to see the poor man suffer.
And he stops, but only for a moment. The humming of the torture device and the heavy gulps of air Fowler sucks into his lungs at the brief interlude fill the otherwise silent room. Starscream’s eyes flick back and forth, not really focusing on anything. After another moment, he gives a thoughtful hum of his own, “Perhaps you’re right. I may have been going about this all along.”
“Yes! I’m glad you-”
“If what you say is true, that means you’re an innocent human. And what a shame it would be if a, what do you humans call them- “protector of the people” was to allow a civilian to face such methods of… interrogation.” And without another moment’s pause, knives felt as if they were entering Y/n’s bloodstream from where Starscream jabs her, ripping yet another agonizing scream from her throat. 
“Stop it, con! She has nothing to do with any of this.” Fowler barks, jostling his chain to attempt to wriggle out of his constraints.
“Precisely. The faster you tell me where the Autobots are hiding, the sooner I stop hurting our friend here.” Driving the point home he jams the prod back into Y/n’s ribcage, releasing another scream from the woman. Similar to when Fowler was receiving the same “Decepticon hospitality” Y/n’s clothes began to singe away. Fighting the desire to keep her eyes closed, she struggles to look at Fowler and give him the briefest of shaking her head, before letting it hang down, the weight of her own head too much to keep up.
I am not doing this just for you to give it away, Fowler. Don’t fuck this up.
She knew she couldn’t say anything that may give her away, so the hope is that her fellow prisoner could understand to keep his mouth shut, even if she is to suffer for it. The next jolt was to her right arm, as if that arm hadn’t already been pulled from its socket, just at the crook of her elbow. To drive home the fact that he didn’t plan on letting up, Starscream dug the prod in harder against her skin, drawing blood to the surface. He finally retracts the weapon and holds Y/n’s head up with a dagger-like finger on each cheek, turning her to fully face Fowler, not that she could see him very clearly, “Come now, Agent Fowler. I don’t think our friend has much more in her. Haven’t you realized the Autobots have abandoned you? I am the only one you can rely upon now. So, tell me what I want to know, or we’ll see how many more she can take.”
“Please… no more. I’ll tell you,” Fowler breaks eye contact with Y/n, ashamed to give up after she’s done so much to keep quiet. He couldn’t keep sitting back, letting her take the brunt of Starscream’s sadism anymore. It takes so much strength for him to muster the words, “They’re in… secret government base.”
“Fowler… no.”
“Go on.”
Shots being fired were audible from beyond the door across the room. And unless Decepticons practiced their aim in the empty hallways Y/n briefly saw, that means the opposition was aboard. 
That means the Autobots had come to save them. 
“You were saying?” Having also heard the commotion outside, Starscream becomes more antsy, and it shows.
“In the old steel mill… or was it under that carnival funhouse?”
Finally fed up with the disrespect and sass, Starscream frustratedly yells and stabs the prod back into Y/n, the intensity of the voltage much higher than it had been earlier. The shots were louder now, being heard even over Y/n’s screeches. If Fowler wasn’t halfway into unconsciousness, he would have tried to distract the mech as much as he could, but he couldn’t think past staying awake and alive. 
“I’ve had enough of this.” Starscream begins unraveling Y/n from her chains, not trusting the others to keep the Autobots at bay, let alone defeating them. He may not leave this moment the victor, but like hell is he going to lose both hostages. Y/n doesn’t have the strength to fight back after all that had been done, barely even registering that not only is she free from her chains, but she’s also haphazardly being shoved into a cockpit and losing consciousness for the second time that day.
The door to the room opens a moment later, a silent Vehicon just stands in the entryway.
“Well?” He asks, patience draining with every passing second, quickly turning to shock when the Vehicon’s frame drops and both Bulkhead and Bumblebee are poised for blasting whatever stands in the room, immediately shooting the other Vehicon with Starscream. Aiming his arm towards Fowler, Starscream glowers at the interrupting bots, “Not so fast-”
“I wouldn’t.” Arcee taps him from above, having snuck her way in through the ventilation shaft. 
“Oh, but I might.” 
“Where’s Y/n?” Bulkhead keeps his blaster aimed towards Starscream, but with a brief glance around it’s easy to see there is no other organic life, other than Fowler- only chains that now hang empty.
“The other human? She said she didn’t know you, so we… parted ways.”
“NO!” Bulkhead shouts and immediately begins shooting, prompting the other to take fire as well. Starscream can only jump from side to side in order to avoid their gunfire. 
“Apologies, Autobots, but I’m sure you can find her body down below somewhere.” He cackles as he transforms into his alt-mode, and races out of the room, knocking Arcee from the vent and Bulk and Bee into the ground. 
* * * * * *
Y/n wakes up in another dark space- only this time it’s much smaller and warmer; there’s a sway to the room, if you can call it that, but she isn’t sure if the sway is from the nausea overcoming her or if wherever she is is actually moving. The last thing she remembers is a final shock to her body before passing out. Eyes adjusting to the light, it’s easy to determine the surrounding space is the inside of some kind of jet, but instead of the cockpit being parallel to the ground, it’s upturned, like the aircraft would be facing the sky. She was in a Cybertronian- likely Starscream, if the color scheme is anything to go by.
Pressing her hands to the ground, Y/n is quickly reminded of the fact that Starscream had ripped her right arm out of its socket. Looking down, she notices her clothes are burnt and ripped beyond repair- her blouse now adorned with asymmetrical, distressed sleeves that barely go past her elbows and the skirt being a shredded mess, likely from rough handling of Starscream’s razor sharp talons; Taking her foot and stepping on the pathetic scraps of fabric of her skirt, Y/n uses her functional hand and rips a handful of the fabric strips away. Y/n balls the cloths up and puts it in between her teeth as a makeshift mouth guard. The limb now felt numb, but she knows that popping it back in is going to burn; her left hand grasps the right arm’s bicep.
Deep breaths. Deep Breaths, Y/n.
And with an upwards jerk, she feels a brief click in her shoulder, but the limb doesn’t doesn’t stay in place, forcing a deep inhale through her gag.
Relax. You’re not going to be able to reset it if you don’t fucking relax. You just survive until Optimus gets you.
After another few deep breaths, Y/n tries it again and feels a more solid click as she screams, muffled by the burnt fabric in her mouth; letting go, her arm stays in place, though a reignited burn returns to the site of the wound. With her arm taken care of, getting out of this wretched place is next on the to do list. Banging a hand on the glass enclosing her in this dreadful mech’s cockpit, the needles in her throat become even more pronounced as she groans, ”Let me out.”
Nothing changes. His steps are still steady.
“Let me out!”
Again, nothing.
Upon hearing such a loud fury, Y/n immediately seeks out the most stable part of Starscream’s cockpit and hunkers down. If she has learned anything, it’s that these Decepticons generally deal with disputes through violence, and she doesn’t believe that stops within their own ranks.
“Please, Lord Megatron, I meant no- AGH!” and just like that, Starscream, and Y/n transitively, fly across the room at Megatron’s hand. And though Y/n can’t see him, it did not sound like it took much physical exertion for him to do so. 
“Instead, your mindless agenda resulted in the disabling of my ship and the delay of MY PLANS!” Megatron raises his hand again, more than ready to strike Starscream again.
“My intentions were pure, master. I only wanted you to be rid of Optimus.” Y/n’s world tilts as Megatron brings his foot against Starscream’s head, smashing it into the ground and allowing sparks to fly; she grunts at being thrown from her “safe space” and rolls onto the glass under her that begins cracking under the pressure of Megatron’s foot. She hates crying, but after the third time death threatens to barrel down your door, the stress begins to cap off, and so the weeping begins.
“NO ONE RIDS ME OF OPTIMUS PRIME BUT ME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? DO-” The sound of Y/n’s wailing, though faint to Megatron’s audials, catches his attention. Lifting Starscream above himself by his throat and turning him enough to get a glimpse into his cockpit, making perfect eye contact with Y/n. Slowly turning Starscream back to face him, Megatron tightens his grasp around his throat and hisses, “Starscream… explain yourself.”
“My lord, She is a friend of the Autobots! I took her as a hostage so we can extract information!” His voice comes out staticy, a sign Megatron may be doing more damage than he should as he continues constricting his grip. 
“You are as stupid as you are a disgrace to the Decepticons. Bring the human out.” Megatron growls his command and releases his throat, sending his second-in-command scrambling to retrieve Y/n, who in turn dodges each grab at her body, thanking the fates for making his cockpit on his back while bi-pedal.
“Stop moving, you-”
“Keep the fuck away from me! I already told you, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, you walking scrapyard, and me speaking to your troglodyte of a boss isn’t going to change that!” Unfortunately, there’s only so many places for Y/n to run to, and her Yakety sax impression comes to a close when he manages to snag a part of her skirt. Bringing her out on the palm of his hand whilst using his thumb to press her to lie flat on her stomach, he presents her to his master while scowling down at her.
“Why you insolent little-”
“You are wasting my time, Starscream! Is she telling the truth- have you really learned nothing from your own hostage?! Not only have you wasted our resources with your stunt, but you have given the Autobots a reason to storm this ship!”
“No, my liege! They won’t come here to find her- they believe her to be dead.” Starscream allows a shaky smile to creep its way onto his lips, hoping to at least somewhat appease the brute in front of him. Processing what he’s just said, Y/n stops trying to move her way from under the mech’s thumb.
They think I’m dead.
“And what does that leave us with? A soft, useless human who can’t even escape the confines of your servos, let alone provide any kind of productivity for our cause.
No one is coming to save me.
The image of Megatron’s face moving to be right in front of her entire body snaps Y/n out of her spiraling thoughts of lost hope, the heat and humidity coming from his mouth breezes against her, forcing goosebumps to crawl along her arms. The mechanical giant looks her person up and down, then scoffs,
“Worthless scrap.”
The woman bristles as he begins to make his way towards one of the room’s doors. Having noticed Starscream loosening his hold on her back, Y/n stands and snarls at the back of Megatron, “I’m sure you know all about being worthless, wouldn’t you.”
His heavy foot slams to the floor midstep, once relaxed stature stiffened as he slowly turns back towards Y/n and Starscream, in which the latter panickedly looks between the girl in his hand and the mech who has killed other Cybertronians for less. Megatron turns his attention to another mech Y/n had not previously noticed who is practically hidden in the lack of light on this ship- of whom looks back to Megatron. The two stare at one another, as if speaking with each other telepathically.
“Starscream, take that… thing to Knockout for examination.”
Taglist: @the-unhinged-raccoon @hystericalanarchy @mythicallystupid @darkfangx399 @nixblizzard16 @crowleysthings @delectableworm
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devilart2199-aibi · 4 months
i noticed breakdown has an eyepatch :0 does he lose an eye in your au?
Yup! I liked how he looked with it in TFP so I wanted to carry it over to my au :3
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Some lore! 🏁
He loses it in a fight with MotorMaster on earth. Once the war starts their relationship starts to warp into one of MotorMaster keeping the boys in check with intimidation and fear. He needed them after all, to form Menasor.
Breakdown joined the Decepticons along with his team and could get behind the cause, but he started to notice some of them seemed to use it more as an excuse to be violent.
Having worked in security for a time, he still had peoples best interest in mind and thought things could be figured out without senseless killing. Additionally MM's overwhelming presence just made him endlessly anxious. He couldn't stand it anymore.
Breakdown intended to meet up with Knockout and join his team of Decepticons (led by Starscream) who had been sent out to find Optimus and his merry band of Autobots after they went missing.
He was just going to flee the team, but after all that he endured, he wanted to tell MM off first. And that's when things got bad.
In the fight MM had crushed part of Breakdown's head, leaving him in dangerous condition.
Not 100% sure about this part yet, but I was also thinking Deadend might leave the team too and that they were going to leave together.
Either way Deadend or KO end up rescuing Breakdown. Leading to a big chase that gets intercepted by Jazz who was out on night patrol.
With the help of Jazz, Primer and Sideswipe, they scare off Dragstrip and Wildrider who were chasing them.
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Because of his critical condition (and some swaying thanks to old work friendships) the Autobots help out Breakdown. But with very limited resources they can do everything but restore his damaged optic. So he gets an eyepatch instead!
And that's how he gets his eyepatch in my au atm! :3
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ikkosu · 4 months
Ikko! Ikko! I've always had a thing for shaterred glass characters.... Have you ever imagined yourself with sg prowl? It could kidnap you for whatever purpose only imagine the optics red and you You have nowhere to run. 😈😈
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If SG prowl is the opposite. Then I'd reckon he's one big of a dumbass. Calm scheming asshole. I mean he's still cunning but braincell probably shared with Springer is still in the equation.
I haven't read the SG comics but I'd definitely would 100% want to be kidnapped by him. Not because he's hot as fuck but because his 'security' is so shit everytime you're taken by him finding a way to get out is is as easy as finding Starscream's ego in that confined metal Twinmk body of his.
At this point you know his place like the palm of your hand. Hopping on and off whenever you please, pretending 'oh no!! Prowl's out to get me again!!' and after like a bunch of sticky pounding you waddle away to the deceptions while Prowl is having an aneurysm wondering how in unicron's two ass you got out.
Prowl. You have one door. It's not locked. And the lock — it's also cheap. Why did he even have a door anyway? Don't they use like, idk, gates. Even if he did he wouldn't even remember the fucking password.
And Springer is mommy's boy. Always the one grabbing the human. Always the one running after them when they'd left for the umpteenth time again. And, just as always, has one singular braincell that just explodes when he even tries to form a thought.
He'd be the more saner one. At this point he's not longer holding up his blaster when he sees you again for the hundredth time, on the deception battlefield. the deceptions themselves aren't even concerned anymore.
"They're taken!" Poor new deception barges into the briefing room and everyone rises up with an alarmed look.
"Which human?" One of the cons clarified with a narrow look.
The new con was expecting everyone to scramble out with a series of shouts, push and shove, but all they get is a blank look, a collective vents, and they all sit back down again, neutral stature. "Give it a few days. They'll be back."
And you did. Like a cat disappearing from the house, coming back home with new food on its maw. Said food is classified blueprints from the autobots. The only person wary though is Megatron. He's not sure how you're able to handle this everytime. But he got used to it, silently watching as you stroll into base with questioning bruises on your neck.
"You're aware you're fraternizing with the enemy?" He approaches you own evening.
You shrug. "A good stress relief. But hey, at least I've got you in intel.."
That shut him up real good.
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steelthroat · 9 months
Ok, ok, ok- hear me out! The main trine of Seekers, but they're outliers and absolutely overpowered.
So, Starscream is immortal as usual. I mean it, he just cannot die. No matter how hard everyone (or himself) tries, he just doesn't die... or at least his Spark, and when I have the time, I'll elaborate and give him complications because yeah.
Thundercracker can control electricity, idk how idk why, but I need him to have a cooler power than just idk sonic booms. Let him live to his name. When there's a battle and there's a storm, I want him to be fkn overpowered. "Isn't it too much?" NO??? Just take a look at Trailbreaker or MEGATRON??? You can't stop me from giving my Boi cooler powers. Obviously, complications- but not now, now I need him to be cool and smile for the camera.
Now... now this one will sound crazy but! Skywarp. So, he can warp himself, now imagine him warping himself super fast at close distance. Not just fast, super fast, like for a VERY short amount of time it almost looks as if he cloned himself. Do you see where this is going? He can't do it for more than a few seconds or he's dead lol.
Now imagine you're a simple autobot on the battlefield, it starts raining, I mean like- a lor, very bad weather okay? Now you hear three jet-engines, and the sky is lit up by thunders.
Now you raise your head up to the sky and here they are. They're even worse than the tales that surround them. Thundercracker is redirecting thunders everywhere on the battlefield, Starscream is on a killing rampage and nothing is stopping him and then Skywarp starts diving towards you and suddenly there are like... 5 of them who shoot in your direction before becoming one once again.
You're fucked. You're all absolutely fucked.
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emelinstriker · 9 months
Knockout ♤ Your New Car
Y'all be gettin a gif for him cuz I couldn't find a good jpg. Also I hate how rushed my old TFP one-shots feel omg-
[TL;DR] Knockout decides to personally take up the job of driving you after an encounter with some bullies.
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♤ ~ Comfort ~ ♤
Knockout was driving towards your school, just like any other day. His alt mode's radio was playing one of your favorite songs as he hummed to the tune. He wasn't thinking about much, other than having some fun time hanging out with you later. His day was also pretty good, considering he didn't have to deal with Megatron's orders or even Starscream's nagging. He was pretty happy and content as he sped down the road, seeing the school building from afar.
However, that happiness was short lived once he noticed you talking to some other humans. They were laughing while you seemed like you were about to cry. As he got closer, he was finally able to hear what was being said.
"...And your car is an absolute waste, honestly. I mean, where did you grab it from? The scrapyard?" The boy laughed again, making his goons laugh.
Furious, the mech decided to step in. Knockout slowly drove up next to where you parked your car. You looked up at the sound of an approaching car. Recognizing your lover's alt mode, you were a little bit more relieved with him now here. The bullies stopped laughing as a rather handsome man got out of the driver's seat.
"Sorry for the wait, doll. Driving your car was just too much fun. It's so fast and you did such a great job buffing it!" He complimented you with a smirk... It was mainly just his ego taking over as he described how great his actual looks were, but you didn't mind. You usually buffed him in his alt mode after all, so at least you could take part of the credit.
He walked over to you. "Thanks for letting me use it. And thanks for taking care of my own." The mech in disguise turned towards your car, the one the bullies were making fun of. Honestly, your car wasn't all too shabby. Maybe buff it here and there, but it looked decent enough. But it clearly wasn't made for speed, unlike his alt mode. The group of bullies was silent. They couldn't believe you owned an Aston Martin. They thought you were the owner of the cheaper-looking car!
"May I still use it till we get home? I just enjoy the thrill." You looked at your bullies, then back at your Decepticon guardian with a small smile. Once you nodded, Knockout leaned in to kiss your forehead, not bothering to go lower in front of those other filthy humans. They don't deserve to see the amount of affection he usually gave you.
Knockout finally looked at your bullies in the eye, faking a confused look, pretending he didn't know why they were picking on you, before nudging you to get into your car. "I'll meet you later, okay, doll? Now get going- I still need to show you something at home." He said before he smugly walked back to his alt mode, entering and closing the door before ultimately letting his holoform disappear behind the tainted windows. He slowly drove in reverse, making sure to see you get into your own vehicle safely and driving out onto the street as he left. He drove ahead of you, but didn't speed to show off like he would usually do, instead he drove at around your own pace.
Once you drove through the groundbridge, Knockout transformed and simply walked next to your car as you went to your little parking area. You rolled down your window to listen to whatever he wanted to rant about. "Who were those humans?! Why were they making fun of you and your possessions like that?!"
Suddenly, tears started to roll down your cheeks and you sniffed, trying to hide your eyes by looking down.
Knockout instantly felt bad and decided to drag you out of your car. So he kneeled down and used his talons to open the door, gently picking you up. No one on the war ship would bother touching your car anyway, so it didn't matter if the door was left open. There was nothing of value in it for any cybertronian.
He put you close enough to his faceplate so he could examine you closely. Just in case they physically harmed you in any way.
"Why are you crying, doll? Was it my outburst?" He asked with a softer tone. You shook your head.
"They always make fun of me- Always finding something to belittle me over..." You wiped away some tears. "A-And ever since I got my mom's old car, they've been harrassing me over it..." There was a moment of silence. Only your little sniffles could be heard. You were a little worried about your boyfriend's lack of response, so you looked up at him.
But then you felt his faceplate press up against your body. More specifically, you felt his dermas kissing your lips. Your face heated up as you kissed back, putting your tiny hands on his faceplate. Once he pulled back, his red optics looked into your red and puffy eyes. They were beautiful to him regardless. "Leave your car here. I'll be your personal vehicle from now on. Just tell me when and where to drive and I'll get you there", he stated. The medic wasn't joking either.
You had a bit of a perplexed look on your face as you considered the possible outcomes. "But I don't want to bother you! You're already doing so much for me! And what if Megatron refuses to let you drive me for more than just school?"
The mech huffed as he slowly put you down on his shoulder pad. "Then he would have to deal with more injured vehicons alone. If he refuses to let me drive you, then I refuse to fix up his soldiers. Simple as that. I'm already your guardian and sparkmate, so why can't I just be your personal ride too?"
You giggled a little at his stubborn attitude, making him smirk. Knockout started slowly making his way over to your home-corner. But before he could offer you to step on his servo to place you on the ground, you kissed the side of his helm. "Thanks, Knockout. You're such a sweetheart and I love you for it." You said, then you stepped onto his servo to be lowered into your corner. The mech gave you a loving smile.
"Love you too, doll."
[ Masterlist ]
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stickytrigger69 · 6 months
ooo could we get a thing with subby tfp starscream being kind of a brat with a mech reader? i imagine his wings are sensitive, so reader rubs them while he teases his spike at screamer’s entrance, that kinda thing,,, throw a “good boy” in there too please? thank you!!!
TFP Starscream x Mech Reader
Mech reader
Submissive Starscream, Dominant Reader
NSFW, minors dni
(A/N) I accidentally posted before I even started, so I did start it but then my phone turned off and lost all of the fucking progress, I feel like that picture of pepe pulling at his eyelids. (yes I wrote it all while at work)
"The audacity! How dare he!" Staracream grumbles, pacing back and forth like a caged mechanimal, "He can't do that to me, be that way with ME?! of all mechs on the ship." His small servos wave around in the air, the even smaller object in his servo makes you a little nervous. You've been watching him for the past 5 minutes, at the least, trying to make sure he doesn't hurt himself in the middle of his hissy fit.
"Darling?" You try getting his attention.
"I'm his most valuable, his second hand mech." He stomps past you, then turns on his heel to go back around.
"Darling, sweetspark." You speak softly and affectionately, you know hes frustrated so you're treading as lightly as possible.
"Ugghhh, it's not fair!!" He cries and turns to face you, throwing the object in your direction. Without thinking, you swat it away before it can touch you, and within seconds, you're standing in front of him, his wrist in your large servo. "Ah, let go of me!" He starts pulling against you, but you don't budge.
"No, you're misbehaving." You say simply, looking at him voidly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw it at you, I'm just so-" He scrambles to apologize.
"Frustrated, I know darling, but," you grab his chin and make him look in your optics, "That's no excuse for your bad behavior. I think you need to be punished." You peck his derma gently. He shivers, and that's all you need to begin picking him up and pulling him flush to your frame. A deep kiss has him relax, and a smack to his faceplate alerts him again of the trouble he's in.
"But I..." You shush him, making him gasp and swallow his words.
"If you're a good boy, I'll be nice." You promise, which makes his optics sparkle almost. "Will you be a good boy for me?" He nods. "Then show me, baby." You set him down, and without another word or thought, he gets on his knees and prods gently at your panel until it opens. Your spike has begun to pressurize, but not completely, so when he starts touching you and licking and sucking and nipping at it, the brighter the biolights glow, and the bigger it pressurizes. You let him do his job until you hear his panel pop as well. "Alright, come here."
He stands in front of you for a deep kiss. You start fiddling with his wings, rubbing and circling the bumps and crevices, occasionally making him moan into your mouth. He grinds his hips forward, valve aching for your spike and dripping with sweet fluid. "Please." He pleads between a kiss
"Please, what baby boy?" You ask, tugging and pinching lightly at his sensitive wings.
With a moan, he answers breathlessly, "Frag me already, please, Daddy." He grinds his hips into the air again. With one thought in your processor, you lay him on the berth. His servos hold onto your neck, playing with the cables while you stare at him. Admiring your beautiful mate. With a servo on the side of his faceplate and the other on his wing, you start prodding the head of your spike at his entrance.
"You're so beautiful, my good boy." With a sweet kiss, you thrust fast and hard into his tight valve. He moans into the kiss again, this time louder. "Good boy." You sit up on your knees and look down at him. He already looks spent, but there's so much more ahead of him. Your left servo takes hold of his throat, and you start pounding unto his valve. He holds his legs up for you like you've taught him. "Such a good boy." You grunt and groan into the air. His valve is so tight and wet.
After a few hours of non-stop fragging, you sit at the edge of the berth, Starscream lying in the middle of it, sprawled out. Transfluid pooling out from his valve. You're reading more mission briefs. At least you had the chance to clear your processor before you had work to do. You stand, stretch, and sigh. You look down at your lover, so soft and sweet, misunderstood and mistreated. It makes your tanks churn and spark ignite.
Starscream wakes up to incessant pings. He sits up clean and refreshed, oh he needed that spike more than he thought, but the more he thinks, the more he wants. His panel pops open again, "Scrap!"
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