#the care and feeding of your jedi
gffa · 3 months
I keep updating my feed to see if you have more opinions about the acolyte episode. I feel like this recent episode could’ve used a couple of your posts as reference when it comes to how the Jedi canonically go about acquiring [redacted for spoilers just in case you haven’t seen it yet]
Honestly, it felt like the show was trying really hard to portray the Jedi's methods as hinky, but couldn't actually do anything about it because of established worldbuilding. The Jedi of the High Republic have explicitly said they have to get permission from the parents. The Jedi of the prequels are explicitly shown as not adoption-hungry, the only time we see potential Jedi younglings, neither of them are taken from their parents, one says they'll be going later, one is just handed back to her mom, no indication Roo-Roo is going to be a Jedi at all. So, I think it's a weird situation, where The Acolyte is working so hard to create tension and mystery, but I'm not sure how it's going to shake out. I keep thinking of Torbin, like, yeah, what happened was a tragedy, but why was he specifically so torn up about it that he felt he had to die to obtain Mae's forgiveness? From what we saw in the episode, Mae set the fire, Mae ran off and the scaffolding fell and she was assumed dead, the Jedi never forced Osha to join them, Osha was the one who said she wanted to go. Therefore, unless the show is really, really poorly written, there has to be more to the mystery that we haven't yet unraveled. I feel like that's also influencing everything going on with the Jedi potential adoption, that this situation feels like we still don't have the full context. Why was Aniseya so worried about the Jedi finding out how the twins were conceived? Why do the Jedi care so adamantly, when we see in both the High Republic and the prequels that the Jedi live perfectly fine with other Force using traditions/cultures? Even if this coven was dark, that doesn't mean anything to the Jedi, they were perfectly well aware of the Nightsisters' existence and did nothing about it. Unless this show is extremely poorly written/ignoring top level canon, there has to be more to what was going on with the coven than we know about. Because what we see is the Jedi felt very strongly about these two girls for some reason, but they were clear that, while they had the right to test them, it still relied on the parents' permission. We see that they're pretty aware that Mae and Osha were failing on purpose--Mae can't fake her blood results, after all--and they don't push Mae, but they do gently push Osha because everything about her is straining towards wanting to be a Jedi. And EVEN THEN they just say she passed the test, it's Osha who talks to Aniseya and gets her to agree to letting her go, not the Jedi. The show's vibes kinda feel like there was pressure from the Jedi there, but the actual content of the episode is that the coven agreed to it specifically because they didn't want to attract attention, like they weren't part of the Republic, they specifically said they didn't have to agree, the others were willing to fight about it, but Aniseya was the one who said, no, let them take the test. Yeah, the Jedi are pushing for some reason, but it feels like it's not because that's how they operate in any other situations where we see them with Force-sensitive children, but because they know something specific about this situation. So, I'm fine with everything presented so far and, honestly, it was a lot more positive than I was expecting! Like, this show isn't just a big lore dump, it has a specific story to tell, you know? It's a situation that has its own unique circumstances and, sure, they were borrowing elements from other Jedi worldbuilding, but everything we saw in there was done with permission and they made a point to roll with what each girl seemed to want. Sol was so careful not to unduly pressure Osha, just ask her what she really wanted, gave her a little nudge because he could see what she wanted. They made sure it was her choice! That it was her mother's choice! How could I have asked for more than that?
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fynsh · 1 month
Everyone has a special talent they are admired for but Fox just keeps pretending
Fox may not have Cody's brilliant tactical mind, Wolffe's great resilience, Bly's incredible adaptability or Pond's patient emotional genius, but all CCs - to a certain extent - shared qualities that enabled them to inspire brothers to follow them into any battle. They didn't brag about it but over the course of the war the GAR clearly noticed their commanders and ranking officers excelling in difficult missions, paving new ways by taking personal risks and eventually creating methods better than reg standards.
Fox batchers were aware nobody could outmatch him in his directional subtlety. Other would have called him manipulative but that didn't sit right with them. He used his talent to support his brothers, not to harm them. The batch knew their youngest brother was always able to catch what went unnoticed by others but they didn't always realize he could also hide anything in plain sight.
His ability to pretend was a gift morphing into a curse. Fox pretended to punish troopers ruthlessly while actually saving them from greater harm that could not be undone. It slowly turned into the GAR believing the Guard's Marshall Commander was a heartless und cruel Fierfek. Fox welcomed this portrayal to keep as many brothers as far away from the Guard's grounds as possible. His fellow Guard commanders started feeding into the narrative by joining forces with him and stripping their men of their individual armor paints. Better to keep everyone away from 000 and endure the hostility of the ones you were designated to protect on your own.
During the first year of the war his brothers tried to counteract the rumors spreading about Fox and his Guard. They knew him as a sensible and protective brother so there had to be reasoning to his actions. Fox didn't bother to elaborate. The constant deployments kept the batch apart and messages from the front lines became few and far in between.
Fox hadn't been in contact with the GAR outside of official business for months now. Until news of his oldest brother being shot by a cadet pinged on his comm. The whole incident was kept off the datapads so he wasn't able to read up any additional info. Fox felt an icicle lodge into his trachea. He rushed to the healing wards as he was ordered to accompany General Windu safely back and forth between checking on his units and talking to the Chancellor.
General Windu was whispering to a healer from the Jedi temple who he seemed to have been put in charge of taking care of his heavily injured commander. Standing in front of the bacta tank was a cadet in non standard clothing, his shoulders set straight under the thick robes and his face turned up towards the lifeless face distorted by the gelatinous healing substance. Reflected in the thick glass Fox noticed a familiar blank stare and lips set into a thin line. The cadet was clearly pretending to not be affected by looking into the face of a practically dead brother. What was he doing here, alone and away from his brigade?
General Windu turned towards the Guard and signed for them to wait for further instructions. They saluted in perfect synch and kept their position. Behind his helmet Fox eyes drifted to the figure suspended in bacta. His heart rate was dangerously slow, his usual exhaustion drowned by the anguish crawling up his spine trying to claw its way out through his clenched teeth and part his lips. When was the last time he had seen his brother face to face?
The hole inside his chest kept growing and churning and he barely kept it beneath the surface when running on no sleep and food, only caf. However, there was no use in dwelling on past decisions and paths diverging. He didn't regret keeping his batch mates away. Fox knew with them around the smallest outwardly shown signs could endanger their carefully crafted image, his brothers weren't dumb and maybe the Jedi were actually as perceptive as he was led to believe by reports and talks inside of the GAR.
So Fox pretended to be indifferent. He was okay. As the Head of the Jedi Order eventually started moving towards them and addressed Fox personally with unprompted reassurance of his brother being in the most capable hands, the Marshall Commander only thanked him formally and on behalf of the clones for going beyond standard measures to save Republic property. Windu seemed taken aback before swiftly moving out of the healing wards without sparing another look at the Guard falling in step behind him. Fox didn't look back at the two brothers staying behind. He still felt the heavy stare at the back of his bucket. Everything was fine.
Ponds definitely would have picked up on the atypical stiffness in Fox' gait, but his oldest brother might not call him out on his bluffs ever again.
I'm not sure about this drabble as it took a different direction than I intended. It also doesn't properly convey the desperation of reaching your goal of keeping as many people as possible safe from harm at the expanse of your own safety net
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qvnthesia · 6 months
Another You (.02)
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an anakin skywalker/jedi consular!reader fic set during the clone wars
the pitch: best friends with anakin since he had joined the jedi order, you hadn’t expected to catch feelings for him, not that hard, at least. his intentions were clear — his heart already enraptured by the nubian senator, leaving you to ruminate about the prospect of letting go of not just him, but maybe everything. until another anakin shows up, and your — your universe’s anakin starts behaving strangely.
A/N: happy birthday, @kaizsche! i hope you enjoy this update!! a note to all readers — there’s no y/n here, the reader’s nickname for the fic is sky. happy reading!
part two— you're not helping.
word count: 7,042
part one | two (here) | ....
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Simply put, Aayla Secura was enjoying this. Restraining herself with absolute failure from bursting into fits of laughter, Aayla watched as even the most experienced of Jedi masters drop their caf or just stare with their jaws dropped, t h u n d e r s t r u c k, at Anakin and his double — the long-haired Anakin — walking side-by-side with Master Kenobi being the only one who separated Anakin from thoroughly sizing up his copy, who simply viewed his new-found sights with a twinkling gaze and an even more unbothered attitude.
“Is it just me—” Aayla leans next to your figure, her eyes fixated on the live footage from the Jedi Temple’s security feed. “—or is our new guest having a wind machine around him? Because you humans could take some hair care tips from him.”
You scowl, elbows propped up on the desk, as you watch the footage behind your intertwined fingers held together as tightly as your frown.
“Relax, Sky,” Aayla props an elbow on your stiff shoulder, “He gives off a good vibe. And plus, he’s definitely more attractive than—”
The agile Twi’lek proves herself as one of the best the Jedi Order has to offer as she flicks on the live footage faster than your attempts to take it away from her.
“Mon amie, this is literally out of a holo drama!” she giggles, switching off the footage under your sharp gaze. “It’s a sign from the Force itself to take your leap and get your man, or in this case, one version of the man!”
“Aayla, he belongs to another universe—”
“And you’re saying you haven’t been attracted to him?”
You freeze, and Aayla smiles.
Twi’leks weren’t humans, but were sure as hell kriffing good with their senses, so Aayla knew you were lying, and how much she was going to enjoy the day ahead.
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Maker, why did I go for this job?
You silenced your mind — there’s a member of the kriffing Jedi Council in the same room as you and you’d feel much more comfortable knowing Master Kenobi had a visual on his enemies rather than the six hundred scenarios of you and Anakin in your mind.
Instead, you focused on your datapad, tapping on six different squares as Anakin answered your questions.
“—Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, aged twenty-one Galactic Standard. Commanding officer of the Five Hundred and First Legion—”
“Currently on leave,” Master Kenobi remarked, stroking his beard.
“Yeah, but still, Obi-Wan, come on—”
“You’re really Anakin?”
You perked up at Ahsoka’s voice, who munched on a ronto wrap while perched on one of the desks.
“Yes,” the long-haired Anakin hummed. You’ve lost count at how many times Ahsoka has asked the question, and you’re pretty sure Master Kenobi, Rex and Cody have the same question swimming their head since yesterday. It’s only the constant patience that has persevered through the Order’s new guest that sets a guilty fire ablaze within your body — and it’s definitely from the way his voice never even fluctuates, just stays the smooth baritone, lower than the usual. It’s the same tone that your Anakin’s voice always has when he woke up to you working again late in the night, or he just strolled into your quarters wearing nothing but shorts and pressed himself against your back, his toned frame somehow slotting perfectly against your edges.
“But…” she tilted her head, her lekku twitching. “You look so mature.”
“Snips!” barked Anakin, shooting a sharp scowl toward Master Kenobi’s hacking laughter. Ahsoka shrugged, stuffing herself with more of her ronto wrap. Anakin’s long-haired copy softly pressed his twitching lips together. He caught your lingering gaze, and spread his lips into a smile, one that crinkled the edges of his twinkling eyes.
“How long is this going to take again?”
You snapped to a stiff, attentive posture as Anakin cleared his throat.
Master Kenobi sighed again. “Anakin, you must be patient—”
“—farmboy here smells like weed—”
“He’s not wrong.”
Anakin and Master Kenobi’s bickering ceases.
“What do you mean?”
He turns to you, and you internally slap yourself for suddenly becoming his center of attention. Not such a bad idea, but then—
“Are you…” Master Kenobi finds his voice again, bringing you back to the room again. “Are you not a Jedi, Anakin?”
There’s a slight crack in Master Kenobi’s voice, one that propels Ahsoka to stand next to him. The long-haired Anakin surveys the both of them, eyes softly squinted deep in thought, possibly pondering on how to break this brand new piece of information to a suddenly very fragile-looking old man and a dispirited young teenager.
The long-haired Anakin exhales. “I’m Anakin Skywalker, aged twenty-one Galactic Standard. I left the Jedi Order after I turned nineteen, and I’m a farmer—well, part-time mechanic, on Naboo.”
Your eyes widen, exchanging a surprised glance with Aayla.
“Master Kenobi, are you sure none of us are high?”
“Padawan,” chastised the Jedi, his shock secured tightly behind his shields. “I apologise, Anakin—I mean—”
“It’s alright, Obi-Wan.”
The long-haired Anakin waved his hands, and Obi-Wan visibly stiffens at the use of his name by a version of Anakin he should know but he doesn’t.
“You did train me, but I…” he scratched the back of his head, showing all teeth with a gentle, sheepish smile. “Things happened, and I made the choice to leave.”
You swore he looked at you; you were always looking at Anakin for some maker-forsaken reason or the other.
“And the war?”
Anakin turns to Cody and Rex, their military etiquette all thrown out the window.
“What war?”
The floor practically shifts with a lurch from the Force.
“You… you don’t have a war? The Clone Wars?”
He turns to you, and the world melts away as you look up at him, datapad clutched to your chest as a shield from him and from your simmering desperation.
The long-haired Anakin — you should definitely give him a name aside from his long hair — has a piercing gaze, one your Anakin looked at you everytime you looked up at him, your chin pressed to his chest, his arms around your waist as his nose crinkled with every laugh shared between you two about the stupidity of the Separtists’ battle droids.
“From all that I’ve been privy to," he swallows, his sharp apple jutting out even more prominently that it did. “The galaxy isn’t having the, uh, Clone Wars. We do have clones, but they work with the Jedi and provide humanitarian aid.”
“Captain Rex and Commander Cody work under Obi-Wan, who took on a young Togruta as his new padawan after I left,” he turns once again to Ahsoka, smiling. “I’m not General Skywalker, I’m just… Anakin.”
You blink, unable to process him. A part of you pushes that there’s a complete liar standing before you, a shapeshifter sent here to trick the Republic and distract the Consular who’s coincidentally working to counter their latest planet-killing superweapon. But the Anakin before you is as real as yours. He’s had a different life that you can’t help but wonder if you’re there—
“Hypothetically speaking—” coughs Rex. “Can I sign up for multiversal travel?”
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“I don’t like this.”
“More than sand?”
Anakin rolls his eyes at Padmé, who gives him a laugh as she continues to type her latest proposal behind her desk.
His lithe legs propped upon the corner of her desk, Anakin crosses his arms together, replaying the exact moment where he felt your Force signature spring alive when his double looked at you.
He’d never elicited a similar reaction from you when he was there. All those moments holding you close, regaling you in his tales until you succumbed to sleep, feeling your heart against his and wishing it were just like this for eternity. It was torture having to stay away from you, to be called time and again to this siege and that battle when all he wanted was to wake up next to you and live the life that other people did when they loved each other in a way he had loved you since the two of you were sixteen.
He even felt embarrassed to voice this in front of the Chancellor, who had suspiciously kept on pestering him to great lengths to enquire about the reason for his distraction. Clearly, he’d been sloppy — even Obi-Wan had managed to pick up his emotions in the heat of the battle. He’d decided to stay away from the Temple, show his ‘interest’ in politics so that such a slip wouldn’t occur again though, that your position as a Jedi wouldn’t be compromised by his misery. Though, he thinks to himself, the emergence of his double from another dimension spelled trouble for him in both Basic and Huttese.
Damn father, he grumbled to himself.
“If you keep having that stupid, angry look on your face, I’m afraid Sabé would be more than happy to throw you out of my office.”
Anakin sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s just—” he stood up from his seat, pacing. “She likes him more! That peaceful, farming version of me over… me.”
Padmé turned her attention away from the blue screen, sincere pity softly twisting her lips.
“And you’re here, out of all places.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m just saying,” she shrugged, her smile growing wider. “It’s a sign.”
Anakin hesitated, his stomach roiling with anxiety.
“Are you sure I should—?”
“If you don’t, I will.”
Anakin laughs. Hope blooming bright in his chest, he gives his childhood friend a grateful nod, and races out of the office.
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Having receiving enough complaints about ‘seeing double’ of a certain Anakin Skywalker, Master Yoda explicitly commanded you to serve as the long-haired Anakin’s tour guide for the day, remarking a day away from the Temple ought to make him comfortable in his new universe — and reduce Master Windu’s migraines. Since you concomittantly had to visit the Senate Archives for business, you decided your new guest would accompany you to the prompt excursion to the laughing stock that was the Galaxy’s governing body.
Both of you had been loaned a speeder by the Jedi Council, to which the long-haired Anakin simply pointed a slender finger to a sleek, open-roofed speeder glinting under the spotlight of Coruscant’s artificial weather.
"That looks better, wouldn’t you think?” he grinned.
Maker, let the Force lend its might to you today to calm your fluttering heart. He wasn’t just glowing with happiness, you knew very well he was playing with you, and you’d be a fool to deny it wasn’t a good look on him.
So, with a begrudging sigh, you agreed, and headed straight for Dex’s Diner — an establishment he seemed quite familiar with.
“Ani!” Dex roared proudly, sweeping you and him in a hug before you even had a chance to look around for empty seats. “Look at how you’ve grown,” he said appraisingly as he drew back, “And what’s with the hair, eh? All dressed up for a date?”
“This—no—” you fervently shook your head, cheeks ablaze. “No, this isn’t a date—”
You glared pointedly at the long-haired Anakin — Ani — who softly cocked his brow. He seemed to decide with himself for a moment, and then spread his lips in a cocksure grin, the exact same your Anakin had in those holo-videos labelled ‘Hero with No Fear’ racking up views all over the galaxy.
“Last time I remember—”
He snakes his arm around your waist and pulls you next to his toned frame.
“—I did get a yes.”
“That was fun.”
Your disagreements lose to the quick beat of your heart, and you stab the scoopful of ice cream in your hands as you walk through the senate hallways. Leaving aside the fact that the trip to the archives was a monumental failure as you’d expected, you’d come as close as falling to the dark side to melt into a pool of a miserable puddle of your love and embarrassment.
“You’ll figure it out.”
You look up at him, realising the two of you have come to a stop in the middle of your footsteps.
“Whatever the enemy is planning, I’m sure you’ll foil their plans. I know it.”
He smiles, licking the ice cream off the corner of his lips and jutting the spoon in the air as if it were his lightsaber.
The confidence in his voice makes you wonder if he knew you. Not you, but a version of you in his universe.
What were you to this version of Anakin? Were you what Anakin was in your universe? The ‘Heroine with No Fear,’ or ‘The Jedi with No Fear,’ even if there was no war in his galaxy. Were you an acclaimed Jedi or a nobody from the backwater planet you belonged to?
Were you even someone he liked? With the manner you currently struggled to contain the depth of admiration you harboured for your Anakin, being lovers seemed out of the question. Were you at least his friend? Or, you gulped to yourself as your heart sunk low, were you dead?
“Consular Jedi.”
Your voice perked up at the entourage making way towards you, led by—
“Chancellor Palpatine!”
You offered the old man a short bow, which he returned to you with an amicable smile. His eyes roved over—
“Anakin, my dear boy,” his visage extended over to Ani; he let out a chuckle. “I must have caught you by surprise, son.”
You looked over to Ani, who had dropped his ice cream and the little wooden spoon on the floor, the hem of the Chancellor’s robes trailing with tiny chocolate chips.
He looked like a deer caught in the spotlight, except only a fool would describe him as a prey. No, he looked like the commander that Anakin always had been — alert, sharp, observant, and most of all, protective of his loved ones and his duty.
“Are you alright, my boy?”
The Chancellor’s eyes darted between the two of you, and you cleared your throat, wrapping your arm around Ani’s right one, shielding it entirely by your billowing robes.
“We were just coming back from the archives, Chancellor,” you cleared your throat. Feeling Ani tighten his grip around your arm, you continued. “Anakin thought to offer an extra set of hands in my search for a solution to the Separatists’ rumoured advantage.”
“Ah, of course,” the man nodded, interwining his bony fingers one over the other hand. “I must not hinder you, I suppose—Anakin, my boy, do come for a visit, will you? You seem to be avoiding me, though I now understand why.”
He shot a fatherly wink at Ani, who only seemed to stiffen even further, his arms balling into tight, iron-rod fists.
“Of course,” Ani found his voice, steel replacing his usual gentleness. “It was lovely meeting you but I’m afraid we must be on our way—”
Before you could even hear the old man’s professional toodle-oo, Ani simply tugged you by your arm and walked past the entourage, his long strides taking you to the far end of the Senate’s circular hallways within a blink of your eye. Reaching a destination guarateeing privacy, he looked around.
“Anakin, what—WHOA!”
You let out a grunt as your back slammed against the durasteel walls. He looks down at you, an apology flashing in his eyes, but the steel in his voice stops your protests.
“What the kark is that man doing here?”
Your eyebrows shoot up into your forehead, “What?”
You look at him through the Force; his sun is now an eclipse, shadowed by the foreboding storm and thunder.
“Anakin,” you gulp softly, gathering your courage, “He’s the Supreme Chancellor, what—what are you—”
You pause, your mind backpedalling to the events in your office.
“Things happened, and I made the choice to leave.”
He shifts in his feet just as your eyes widen.
His arms wrap around your trembling figure, but you never leave his gaze.
“Sky, listen to me, it’s okay—”
“Why…” you cut in, failing to sound calm. “Why did you leave the Order?”
“Because I fulfilled my destiny.”
The storm within him dissolves with a wave of the seas within him. Your glare demands answers; his chest puts strain on the fibres of his beige shirt as he exhales sharply.
"I discovered the Sith that had been plaguing the Jedi and the Republic. It was…”
He lets out a bitter chuckle, the corners of his lips downturned.
“It was so ingenious, the way he had been doing it. Getting close to me ever since I was a child, preying on my fears, my insecurities. Deluding me into thinking I was going to be alone forever simply because I was different than the others, that I was born of no father and only a loving mother, that I was a child of the Force itself and as such, the Jedi viewed me as a threat.”
“But what he hadn’t seen coming, what even I hadn’t expected to gain was that I began to have people on my side. People who trained me and taught me that the Dark is never the option to take, because it takes and it takes from you and leaves you wanting more, it leaves you empty, as a shell of who you were. It leaves you alone and no one to go to. And I had people… people who pulled me back—”
He meets your gaze, blown open and vulnerable.
“—people who made me see reason, that my mind was being tipped in a direction that was not of my own making, but of the Sith who I had allowed to poison my mind since I was a child. Sky…”
He intakes a sharp breath.
“I am the Chosen One just as your Anakin is. And I did it. I fulfilled my destiny and stopped the return of the Sith.”
Ani holds your hands, pressing your palm to his chest. A tremor passes through your body, and he steadies your figure, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Please, you must believe me. I can sense you care deeply for my variant in this universe, and he is in grave danger, Sky.”
Your mind flashes back to one of Master Yoda’s classes, where he had droned in his wise way how the Force made itself known to warn its believers that life itself was in grave danger; it was a warning, a shadow, an event, something or the other that shook the defenders into of their senses and prompted them to act for the betterment of the survival of the Galaxy — and for your own good.
You had felt the Force the first time when Master Windu had arrived to your village years ago, offering his hand to enter the world of the Jedi. The Force had given a warm nudge for you to take his hand and take the chance; you had taken it.
You had felt the Force the second time when you met Anakin Skywalker, nine years old, young and shy, and terribly homesick for the embrace of his mother’s arms. The Force had giggled, and you had decided, fate or not, that you would bring a smile to his forlorn face.
You had felt the Force the third time when you were on Geonosis, standing the arena with your master, saber ignited as Anakin let out a joyous cheer, joining you back-to-back as you both tore through droid after droid in the relentless carnage. The Force, triumphant, had melded the two of you as one machine, as one competently-built Corellian freighter tearing apart the enemy.
The present moment is when you feel the Force again, screaming. You see death and blood, corpses of younglings and clone soldiers strewn on the floors of the Jedi Temple. But Anakin’s there, and you see hope, you see a future with laughing children and the galaxy, alive than you’ve ever felt it to be.
The Force holds its breath, and despite what the Jedi Code said, you’ve never chosen to ignore life.
You steel yourself and look up at him, determined.
“I believe you.”
His gaze widens, and the temperature around you shoots up, charged.
But it isn’t coming from the Anakin front of you, rather from a few feet away from the both of you.
You meet the dark look on your Anakin’s face, his armor glinting in the pale, sterile Coruscanti sunlight.
You haven’t even blinked, but he’s next to you in mere six steps, Ani’s hurling toward the ground, and you’re in Anakin’s arms, warm, cold, safe and scared.
He looks down at you, and he melts.
“It’s okay, he wasn’t doing anything wrong.”
You turn to Ani, who’s now on his feet, his stance as same as your Anakin.
“We need to leave,” he states to his armoured copy, stark.
“He’s right,” you turn back to Anakin, “We’re in danger, Anakin, the Chancellor is the Sith—”
He recoils, looking back and forth between him and you.
“Sky, he’s messing with you, don’t listen to him—”
“Are you serious?” scoffs Ani, balling his hands into tight fists.
“You’re the one to talk—”
The sky suddenly turns dark, lights blinking awake in the buildings outside. Clouds fog the tallest skyscrapers, crackling with blue lightning.
The floor beneath you trembles, and you look at the end of the hallway.
There’s a man in a dark robe that you could’ve mistaken for a statue. But his eyes are a burning yellow that remind you of the flames of your Master’s funeral pyre.
The hooded figure bristles, and you can feel his sickly smile on your skin, feel the two Anakins next to you tense as the cold finally settles on their shoulders.
The name shouldn’t click in your head, but it does.
Silence rings in your ears.
“On three,” whispers Ani.
His fingers grasp yours and, from the corner of your eyes, Anakin holds your left hand as delicate his shock and anger can allow his metal arm to be.
“One, two—”
You take toward the window. 
The air r i p s with a violent blue and purple, and glass tears at your clothes as the air whips at your face and you freefall against the cold steel and stabbing rain.
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to be continued...
thank you so so much for reading! if you'd like to be added to the tag list, drop a comment below! 💗✨
cross-posted on AO3
part one | two (here) | ....
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froglover7789 · 2 months
ok ok so we all know luke skywalker ends up making his gay little jedi academy daycare school temple thing and i imagine he ends up with quite the list of ppl attending bc its Luke Skywalker and also force sensitives would flock to bro but then this begs the question of who tf is taking care of all them kids???? its not luke! hes very smart and very strong but i think him and his strange/ dangerous tatooine upbringing would accidently send those children to death. how was he meant to know that the bears in the forest werent friendly? hes never seen a bear before! and so on and so forth. so then whos making sure every one is alive and feeding the kids three square meals? it cant JUST be ahsoka. she'd go crazy from trying to wrangle 20 force sensitive kids and luke. hm..... maybe chewie helps? idk. give me your thoughts plz. and dont say mr din djarin madalorian bc he would be just as bad.
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 6 months
More Boyfriend Headcanons: Mikey Edition
• "mikey! you're squishing me!" "you're so comfy." "i can't breathe." "cause you're in looove!"
• will just be in your apartment when you get home eating your snacks
• cleans up after himself for you
• usually will make dinner for you on nights you get home late
• tries (keyword:tries) to be respectful of your space
• wants to constantly be touching you in some way, he doesn't care how (do with that what you will)
• karaoke nights to cheer you up
• inside jokes are definitely a thing
• not talking to him? okay, have fun trying to find the chocolate stash you had hidden that he sniffed out that vanished all of a sudden
• keep him away from alcohol for world peace
• he's mad? he calls you by your name
• you say michaelangelo or 'angelo' and he shuts right up cause uh oh he's in for it now
• known to nuzzle his face in your hair cause it smells nice
• hygiene is okay, could be better, he just forgets to bathe sometimes cause adhd
• "why is there blood? ARE YOU DYING!? oh...OH! aw baby! go shower, i got this."
• "how can you use that razor and not cut your face? are you a jedi?"
• "angeeeel! i am in desperate need of love!"
• "babe, raph's being mean to me again!"
• gossip with him, just do it. girl's girl 100%
• can't lie to save his life so he's always honest
• ultimate hypeman, he always makes sure you feel like the only girl/boy/person in the world
• will dance with you to any kind of music or no music
• boops your nose cause he thinks it's cute
• face squisher
• type to kiss all over your face to wake you
• loves to carry you around everywhere
• meme lord. do with that what you will
• snores and kicks in his sleep (good luck)
• makes sure you always have the best seat when you come for movie night
• loves laying his head on your lap/chest
• pick up lines constantly, even through text
• forgets a lot of things but somehow remembers things you told him months ago
• invites you to game with him but wants to do your favorite things too
• will share his food with you and gives you more
• always asks your opinion on everything
• emotionally very intelligent and knows limits
• do a fashion show for him, just do it
• he's gassy so keep in mind what you want to feed him
• no problem getting you pads/tampons if you have periods
• no problem helping you tuck/bind if you're transitioning
• arguments are extremely rare but if he's overstimulated, he gets very loud and upset. he can't help it but he always apologizes and tries to work on it
• plays with the hem of your shirt a lot if you sit on his lap
• he said 'i love you' first and fell first
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jetii · 24 days
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Event Horizon
Chapter Seven: Forward
Chapter WC: 4,854
Chapter Tags/Warnings: None
A/N: I decided to split this chapter into two because there's a lot of dialogue, and the cliffhanger was just too good to pass up. The second part will be uploaded on Sunday though, so you won't have to wait too long!
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Coruscant, 21 BBY
The Archives are silent, the only sound the faint hum of the overhead lights. You sit at one of the holoterminals, a holocron floating in front of you, the images shifting and changing.
You're still searching for answers, for some connection, anything that might help you find your master, but you've hit another dead end. You've read every file, every record, but there's nothing. Nothing but rumors and hearsay, and you're no closer to finding the truth than you were all those years ago. 
You had tried to keep your promise to Obi-Wan, to let the past go and to focus on the present, but the nagging feeling that there was something more, something hidden, refused to leave you. Seeing Vayel again had only stoked the flames.
The feeling of blackness that had risen up inside you that day had receded again, but it hadn't left completely. You were able to control it, to suppress it, but it was always there, lurking just beneath the surface. You weren't foolish enough to believe that it was gone for good. But you were careful not to feed it, careful not to indulge it, and you hoped that by avoiding its temptations, you could keep it at bay.
Your time spent relegated to the Archives was a punishment, but it was also a lesson and a much-needed reminder. You were a Jedi, and you needed to act like it. Your emotions were getting the better of you, and your actions were putting others at risk. That was not what the Order stood for, and it was not the kind of person you wanted to be. You needed to do better, be better, and the Archives were a way to do that.
It was a reminder that there was more to being a Jedi than the fighting, the battles. There was a whole universe of knowledge, of wisdom, that lied here in these halls. You had combed through many of the shelves during your youth, and even more during the past few years as an investigator, but now you found yourself delving deeper, searching for answers that were eluding you.
In your downtime between sorting the endless piles of data and the other tasks Madam Jocasta assigned you, you would find yourself pouring over old texts, ancient manuscripts, and forbidden holocrons, searching for clues. It was a dangerous game, and one that could easily lead you down a dark path, but it was a risk you were willing to take.
But, like the rest of your efforts, this too has yielded no results.
You lean back in the chair and sigh. The exhaustion is catching up with you, and you rub your eyes, the pressure a dull ache. The past few weeks have been a blur, and you haven't had a proper night's sleep in what feels like forever. It's starting to take its toll.
You've just resolved yourself to seeking out more caf when a pair of footsteps approach, the sound echoing off the marble floor. You don't need to look to know who it is, and you don't bother to lift your hands from your face.
"I knew I would find you here," Obi-Wan's voice says, the tone teasing.
"Well, this is my punishment," you say, and despite your efforts, the corner of your mouth quirks upwards. "The question is, what are you doing here?"
You finally drop your hands and turn in your chair to see he's leaning against one of the shelves, a familiar smile on his lips. His robes rumpled, his beard a bit longer than usual, but his eyes are bright, and there's a spark of mischief there.
"Looking for you, of course."
You huff, a near laugh were it not for the frustration brewing inside you. “I haven’t seen you in weeks, and now when the final hour of my sentence falls, you show up? Typical."
“It’s your punishment, not mine,” Obi-Wan reminds you, his grin a touch too smug.
You roll your eyes, but there's no real heat in it. The familiarity, the banter, is comforting, and it feels good to have someone here, someone who cares.
"How is Senator Flessom, anyway?" he asks.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. You've done your best not to think about her, about the last time you saw her, but the memory is still fresh, and the shame is a heavy burden.
"Fine, I suppose," you reply, the words coming out more curt than intended, and you sigh. "I haven't really spoken to her since... well, you know."
He nods, and the silence hangs between you, the tension thick in the air.
The truth is, you haven't seen her since the attack. You'd left her at the Senate, and you'd returned to the Temple, your mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, guilt, anger, shame. The memories are a haze, but the feelings are still there, and they're not going away anytime soon.
Obi-Wan had returned from his mission the next day, and he'd sought you out immediately, the worry and concern plain on his face. You'd told him everything, and he'd listened. You'd wanted, no, needed, someone to blame, and the words had tumbled out of you, a jumbled mess of anger and regret.
And then, the shame had hit, and the tears had fallen, and the reality of the situation had set in. You'd failed. Not only had you put her at risk, but you'd been careless, reckless, and it was a miracle that no one had died.
You'd expected him to chide you, to reprimand you, but instead, he'd pulled you into a tight embrace. He'd held you until the tears had dried, and the sobs had subsided, and the anger had faded, and when he'd finally released you, his eyes had been filled with understanding and a touch of pride.
"She was right," he'd said, his voice soft, and you'd frowned, unsure of his meaning.
"Right about what?" you'd asked, and he'd smiled sadly at you.
"About you," he'd replied. "She said you were a good person, and she was right."
His words had cut through the last of your defenses, and the guilt had risen, the shame a crushing weight. But, despite the pain, the anger, the hurt, a small part of you had felt something else, something unfamiliar. Something that had sparked a flame inside you, a warmth that had spread through your body.
Helora had seen something in you, something you'd never known was there, and it had given her hope, had made her believe that there was still good in the galaxy. And despite the pain and the disappointment, a small part of you had believed her.
You clear your throat, the memories fading. "I should apologize to her, I know, but..."
Your voice trails off, and the words hang in the air, the unspoken feelings filling the space between you. You know you should, but the thought of facing her, of admitting your mistakes, your failures, is too much.
"There are no easy answers, I'm afraid," Obi-Wan says quietly. You sigh, and your shoulders slump. He's right, and there's no point in avoiding the truth.
"She's safe, at least," he adds. "That's the important thing."
"Yeah, I suppose," you mutter. You're not convinced, but the fact that she's alive is something, at least.
"Perhaps, when the time is right, you can try again. You're not the first Jedi to make a mistake, and I doubt you'll be the last."
He offers you a sad smile, his eyes full of understanding, and the sight makes your heart ache. Despite the melancholy that's settled over you, you can't help but try to return the gesture, the corners of your lips quirking upwards.
"Thanks, Obi-Wan."
"What can I say, I'm full of good advice," he quips. You can feel the satisfaction pouring from him when you scoff and shake your head, the familiar banter helping ease the pain.
"How's Anakin?" you ask, eager to change the subject.
You hadn't seen much of Anakin since before he left for Christophsis months ago, but you were aware that his duties had kept him busy. He had a Padawan now, and he was in charge of an entire army, and that was more than enough to keep him occupied. 
Still, you couldn't help but worry, and the fact that you'd been so preoccupied with your own problems to check in with him wasn't sitting well.
“You can ask him yourself,” Obi-Wan says with a shake of his head.
He pushes himself off the shelf and takes a step forward, his boots thudding softly against the stone floor. You accept his offered hand despite your confusion, and he pulls you up, the motion smooth and practiced.
It takes a moment, but realization dawns. “What do you—really?”
He smiles, the expression warm, and his hand squeezes yours.
"Yes, really," he replies. "It's time, my friend."
Your arms are wrapping around his waist before he can finish speaking, holding him tight, your head pressed against his chest. He returns the embrace with a huff of laughter, and the warmth seeps into your bones.
"Thank you," you mumble, your voice muffled by his robes.
“Only you would be this excited to go back to work," he teases, the words accompanied by a gentle pat on the back.
You pull away and shrug sheepishly. "What can I say, it's been a slow few weeks. I could use a bit of action."
"Well, I'm sure Anakin will be more than happy to provide you with plenty of excitement," Obi-Wan remarks with mock-exasperation.
You roll your eyes, but the gesture is fond, and you can't help the grin that spreads across your face. "I'm sure he will."
You turn around to shut down the terminal, the holographic image flickering and then disappearing. You glance back and see that Obi-Wan has followed, his arms crossed behind his back, his expression one of polite interest. The holocron ejects, the object hovering in the air for a brief moment before coming to a rest in the palm of your hand.
He arches a brow at the sight, his gaze flickering from the holocron to your face.
"You've been continuing your research, I see."
"I've been doing what I can," you respond, trying to keep your voice equally calm, even though the subject still stings, a reminder of your failures.
He pauses, and his brows furrow, and you can tell he's thinking carefully about his next words.
"I know how hard it is, losing a master, but dwelling on the past won't help you," he says, his tone gentle, but the words still carry a hint of caution. "I know you want answers, and you deserve them, but obsessing over a single clue isn't healthy."
"I know," you sigh. You look down, the holocron resting heavily in your hand. "But I can't stop. There's something here, I can feel it."
There’s a long silence as his eyes rove over your face, his expression thoughtful. You know he's looking for any trace of deception, and the scrutiny is unnerving. You meet his gaze, doing your best to project calmness and serenity through your bond, and after a few seconds, his shoulders relax, and the tension eases.
"I understand," he says. "I believe I would feel the same, if the situation was reversed. But, please, remember what I said."
"I will, I promise," you say, and you mean it.
He gives a small smile, the warmth returning to his gaze.
"Good. Now come, let's not keep Anakin waiting. Force knows he’s looking for an opportunity to give us a lecture on personal responsibility for a change."
The idea of Anakin lecturing anyone is absurd, especially two Jedi Masters, and you can't help the amused grin that spreads across your face. The humor is a welcome distraction, and the thought of seeing him again, of working alongside him again, is a pleasant one.
"Alright, alright," you acquiesce, and you follow his lead, your strides swift. Obi-Wan waits as you place the holocron safely back in its vault, and the doors close, the seal hissing and locking.
The walk out of the Archives is, as expected, quiet. Madam Jocasta is not around, but the guards are ever-present, their eyes following you as you leave. Obi-Wan offers them a curt nod, and they return the gesture.
The Temple halls are busy, and the hum of conversation, of the day-to-day life, fills the air. Jedi pass by, walking with intent, their robes billowing behind them. You loop your arm through Obi-Wan's, and the two of you meld seamlessly into the flow of the crowd.
"So, how long have you been waiting to spring me?" you ask, the question half-teasing, half-serious.
"A while," he admits, and there's a trace of sadness in his tone. "I'd hoped to come sooner, but the Council has kept me occupied."
You nod grimly at his frustrated sigh. You'd known the Council had been keeping him busy, the endless missions and meetings taking a toll, but you'd never expected him to have time for you, and you certainly hadn't expected him to come rescue you.
"It wasn't so bad," you say, trying to lift the mood. "It was nice, getting some time to reflect, to clear my head."
Obi-Wan glances down at you, and the skepticism is evident on his face. "You, clear your head? That'll be the day."
You scowl, but the expression is playful, and you bump his shoulder with your own. "Hey, I can be reflective, you know. I'm not always jumping headfirst into things, ready to start a fight."
"Of course, my mistake," he replies dryly, and the smile is back. "I must have been thinking of another reckless Jedi, clearly."
You scoff indignantly, but the grin on your lips is unabashed. You'd missed this, missed him, the banter and the closeness, and the feeling that you were doing some good. The past few weeks had been a struggle, and you'd often found yourself lost in thought, replaying the events over and over, questioning your decisions, your motives, your very identity. But, with him by your side, the doubts seemed a bit smaller, a bit easier to bear.
"I missed you, too," he says, and the words are accompanied by a warm chuckle.
You shake your head, half-exasperated, half-amused. You'd forgotten, again, about the bond between you. It was a comfort, having him in your mind, and you often found yourself doing it subconsciously. But, at times, it could be inconvenient, and the intimacy, the knowledge that he could feel everything you did if you weren’t careful, was a little unnerving.
"Yeah, well," you trail off, a blush rising to your cheeks. "Don't let it go to your head. I'd happily hang out with Master Mundi if it meant getting out of the Archives."
"I'll be sure to relay that to the Council, then," he teases.
"No!" you exclaim. The protest is a touch too loud, and several heads turn towards you. You smile apologetically, and they quickly lose interest, returning to their business.
"That's what I thought," he murmurs, the words smug, and his gaze flicks over to yours, mischief dancing in his eyes.
"Oh, shut up.”
He laughs, and you bump his shoulder again, unable to contain your own grin.
"Speaking of which," Obi-Wan continues, and his voice is softer, the laughter fading. "I have news from the Council."
"Well, in addition to the assignment, they also have an idea," he explains, and his tone is casual, but you can sense the excitement, the pride, through the bond. He doesn't wait for you to ask, and the words rush out, eager to share. "We've decided that your return to duty should be spent under the tutelage of an older and wiser Jedi."
Your brows furrow, and your gaze flickers to his face. He's looking ahead, the corners of his mouth twitching. "Master Windu? I mean, he is older and wiser."
"No, not Master Windu."
The realization dawns on you, and your heart leaps.
"No, don't tell me."
Hearing this, Obi-Wan's restraint snaps, and his smile bursts forth, bright and dazzling. 
"Me, yes," he confirms.
"So, we're working together again," you say slowly, watching him carefully for any sign of deception. When you find none, your grin matches his own.
"Yes, we are,” he says. “If that's what you want, of course."
You stop walking, and Obi-Wan follows, the both of you standing still amidst the throng of passing Jedi. You take a moment, staring up at his face, trying to convey your sincerity through the bond.
"There's nothing I want more, Obi-Wan. You know that."
His gaze softens, and the warmth floods through the bond, enveloping you.
"I do," he says, his voice full of affection. "But I had to ask. Things are different now, and I don't want you to feel pressured."
The thought is absurd, and you can't help the short laugh that escapes you. You've felt pressure your entire life, from the time you were a child, and the Council, the Order, the Republic, were weighing on your shoulders. Obi-Wan was, had always been, your choice.
"No, never," you say emphatically. Your expression falters for a moment, and you search his eyes. "I just...that's not what the Council wanted, is it?"
"No," he admits, deflating slightly, and the corners of his lips turn downwards. "But they've agreed, for the time being."
You shake your head and sigh, looking away. "They've given up, is what you mean."
The truth is, you're not surprised. You knew the Council was losing patience, the constant arguments, the questions, the defiance, a sore spot. You'd thought that you'd proven yourself, but your actions on Hisseen had only served to undermine that. They saw you as a liability, and you were quickly becoming a nuisance, an annoyance. And the worst part was, you couldn't even blame them.
"Perhaps," Obi-Wan concedes. His hand finds your arm, his touch gently coaxing you to look back up. "Perhaps not. But, that's not important. What matters is that you have another chance, and we have another opportunity to fight together, to make a difference."
His words are earnest, and you can't help but smile, if only a little. You know he's trying to reassure you, and it's working. It always works. Obi-Wan's faith in you, his willingness to risk himself and his reputation to ensure that you were given a chance, was a powerful thing. You couldn't let him, couldn't let yourself, down.
"Yes, of course," you agree, and you do your best to infuse your voice with determination, with resolve. "Let's do it. Together."
His answering grin, the relief and happiness, is infectious, and you find yourself grinning back, your spirits lifted.
"Yes, together," he says. He squeezes your arm before letting go, and the two of you continue through the halls, your strides in sync, the bond humming between you. It quiets the further you walk, the murmur of conversation a distant hum, until the only sound is the echo of your footsteps.
"So where are they sending us?" you ask, breaking the silence.
“Felucia," Obi-Wan answers, and your eyebrows shoot up.
"That's what I said," he confirms, a hint of amusement in his tone.
"That's what I said, too," he admits, and you roll your eyes. "Apparently, the Confederacy has established a foothold on the planet, and they're looking to expand."
"They're sending us to a jungle world infested with wild creatures and Separatists, and they think this will help me calm down?" you ask incredulously.
"Oh, it's not that bad," Obi-Wan reassures you. "I've heard the weather is quite lovely this time of year."
You roll your eyes. "Yeah, right. I'm sure the sunsets are spectacular."
He chuckles, and the sound makes you smile, despite your trepidation.
"That's the spirit," he says with a fond shake of his head. "I can always count on you to look on the bright side."
"It's going to be a mess, isn't it?"
"Probably, but it's not like we haven't faced worse." He gives your arm a squeeze. "Now, let's get you back to your quarters. I'm sure you'll want to pack before we leave."
You sigh, but it's good-natured, and the dread, the nerves, are beginning to ebb. You can't help but think that maybe this is the opportunity you'd been looking for, a chance to prove yourself, and you aren't about to take it for granted.
Obi-Wan waits while you quickly throw a few essentials into a bag, and the two of you make your way to the landing platform. He explains on the way that there was a shuttle waiting to take you up to The Negotiator in orbit, and that from there, you would jump to hyperspace and make the journey to Felucia.
When you arrive at the platform, you see two ships waiting, and several more taking off into the sky. The air is filled with the noise of engines, and the smell of fuel, and the bustle of activity. It's a stark contrast to the silence of the Temple and the calmness of the evening. You can’t help but feel relieved, the sounds and the smells and the excitement a welcome change.
“Obi-Wan! Finally, we were starting to worry," Anakin shouts, and his voice echoes across the landing platform. His remaining troops are filing onto the transport ship, and he stands near the entrance, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression a mix of excitement and impatience. Anakin is never early, and you're sure he's been waiting here, his foot tapping, his gaze scanning the horizon for the two of you.
You can't hide the smile that spreads across your face at the sight of him, and you wave, a rush of affection coursing through you. You’re practically dragging Obi-Wan across the platform, eager to join him.
Anakin approaches, his strides long and purposeful, and the grin on his face is infectious as he meets you halfway. His eyes land on you, and they widen in surprise, the delight clear in his expression.
"Hey there, stranger," he greets you with a quick hug and a pat on the back. "You're looking better than the last time I saw you."
"I'm feeling better," you reply, and you mean it. "And thanks, I guess?"
He releases you, and his hand finds your shoulder. He looks you up and down, his gaze assessing, and you shift uncomfortably.
"No, really," he insists. "Last time, you looked... well, you know, like hell."
You sigh, and you can't help but roll your eyes. Trust Anakin to be blunt. "Yes, I know. But, it was a rough few days."
"Yeah, I know the feeling." His expression softens, and his hand falls to his side. "But, hey, glad to have you back."
You smile. "Glad to be back."
Anakin turns to Obi-Wan, and his expression shifts, the grin morphing into something smug, almost taunting. "It's about time you showed up, Master. We've got a schedule to keep, you know."
Obi-Wan sighs, and his shoulders slump. You can't help but snort, and Anakin smirks at the sight, pleased that his joke is working.
"So sorry to keep you waiting," Obi-Wan replies, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. “I had to spring a certain someone from a month of incarceration in the Archives."
You scoff indignantly and cross your arms. "Incarceration is a strong word, Master Kenobi."
"It's accurate," he counters, the words pointed.
Anakin's smirk fades, and he looks between the two of you, his brows furrowing. "Wait, hold on, you've been stuck in the Archives this whole time? I thought you'd gotten assigned to some boring diplomatic mission or something."
You shrug, doing your best to seem nonchalant. "No, just a few weeks of sorting and cleaning and doing data entry."
"You're kidding."
"Not in the least," Obi-Wan confirms. "The Council was worried she was becoming a bit too impulsive."
 "And reckless, and brash," you add.
 "So they punished her, basically?" Anakin asks.
"Something like that."
"That's ridiculous," he scoffs. "What are you, a Padawan? They can't treat you like this."
"Apparently, they can," you sigh. "And, to be fair, they were right. I did almost get an innocent person killed."
"That's not the point, and you know it," he insists, his voice rising. "You did what you had to do, and the Council should be grateful for your service. They can't just lock you up for doing your job."
His words, his righteous indignation, warms your heart. It's comforting, knowing that you have someone who believes in you, and it helps to ease the lingering guilt.
"Well, it doesn't matter now," Obi-Wan interjects, and he gives you a meaningful glance, his gaze sharp. "She's back where she belongs, and we're all better for it."
You give him a small smile, and he returns it, the warmth filling the bond. You know what he's thinking, that he's worried about Anakin getting carried away, that he doesn't want the young Knight to take his frustrations out on the Council. That he’s close to following a similar path to you, and it’s one neither of you want him to tread. You've had the same concerns, and the fact that he shares them is comforting.
Anakin looks between the two of you, and he's clearly frustrated, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. "Yeah, well, it's not right. You should've been out in the field, helping us, not wasting away in the Archives."
Your hand finds his, and you squeeze, the touch gentle but firm. He glances at you, his brows still furrowed, and you shake your head.
"It's okay," you say, and the words are soft, meant only for him. "I'm just glad to be back now."
His scowl lessens, and he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, me too," he grumbles.
You squeeze his hand again, and you feel his tension easing, the anger giving way to relief.
Anakin glances at Obi-Wan and then back at you. He takes a breath, and the rest of his anger slips away. "Fine, fine. You're right. We've got a lot to catch up on, and it's not worth getting worked up over."
You can't help the laugh that escapes you, and you give his hand one last squeeze before letting go. Your eyes slide to Obi-Wan and back, and you smirk. "We most certainly do."
Anakin catches on quickly, and his eyes narrow, a mischievous glint appearing in them. Obi-Wan's gaze bounces between the two of you, his brows furrowing. He knows, from experience, that this means nothing good, and he crosses his arms, a silent warning.
"Now, now, no plotting against me," he warns. "We're supposed to be a united front."
"Of course," Anakin agrees, and his smile is anything but sincere. "Whatever you say, Master."
You try, and fail, to stifle the snort that escapes, and the sound draws a scowl from Obi-Wan.
"You two are terrible," he huffs. "Absolutely terrible."
The two of you exchange a conspiratorial glance, and the mirth bubbles up inside you, the excitement making your heart sing. You’re about to tease Obi-Wan further, but Anakin’s gaze shifts over your shoulder, and he raises his hand to cup his mouth
“Ahsoka! You’re late.”
You turn and see the young Togruta walking briskly the platform, a backpack slung over her shoulder. You haven't seen her since before the war broke out, and there's a maturity in her eyes that wasn't there before. At her heels is a clone trooper, his white armor decorated with a blue pauldron and kama, and his helmet tucked under his arm.
You can’t help but stare at the clone, your gaze moving up and down his body. There's something about him, a presence, that is achingly familiar. The hair on the back of your neck stands on end, and the sense of deja vu is so intense that you can't help but step forward toward him.
"I'm not late," Ahsoka says, her tone defensive as she jogs the last few meters. Her eyes widen when she sees you, and her lips form a small 'o' of surprise. "Master Anathorn, I didn't realize you'd be coming."
"The Council thought I needed some fresh air," you say, smiling. It falters when your eyes drift back to the clone trooper, the sense of unease growing. His face is blank, unreadable, but there's something in his eyes, a flash of recognition, of emotion.
He has a demeanor that feels oddly familiar, his signature in the Force one that's both warm and welcoming, yet strong and solid. All clones had a unique presence, their Force signatures as varied as their personalities, but there was something about this one that was different. Something that spoke to you, that tugged at the strings of your memory.
Your eyes narrow, the wheels turning in your head. Could it be…
No, it couldn't.
He was just a clone, a regular trooper, and there was no way this one could be the one. The chances were astronomical.
And yet...
“I almost forgot.” Anakin says your name and gestures to the clone. “This is Captain—“
The name is out of your mouth before you even register saying it, slipping past your lips with a certainty, an assurance, that comes from somewhere deep inside you.
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memoiich · 5 months
Obi wan Headcanons my lord? feed the poor
God, I have a lot of them .I'm going to split this up in a few parts just because it makes sense . Strap in !!!
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Part 0: baby obi wan
His parents noticed that he was a surprisingly bright child, and since they were farmers from stewjon, they weren’t well off. When they had their second child (a son) they brought obi wan to a near by testing unit on the neighbour planet Klommet , in hopes of giving both him and his brother a better chance at survival.
Obi wan was tested at the age 1 and a half. He was clearly gifted but nothing special.
He used to cry a lot when he first got to the jedi temple. Most jedi got rather annoyed at the younglings crying, except one ,qui gon jin .
Qui gon voluntured a lot at the creshe , he believed that crying children needed confort not a lecture. Obi wan got attached to qui gon rather quickly as a 2 year old ( qui gon looks a bit like his late dad)
As he grew up , he got along well with the other children and formed close friendships with them ( po ,kit ,quinlan) . Seeing this, qui gon went back to helping the new kids.
Part 1 : padawan years
Obi wan is rather talented at most things, not on a “ WOW YOU’RE THE BEST “ way but more like a “…that shouldn’t go so easily “ . He picks things up quickly, which causes him to be rather inpatient. Not impulsive, he doesn’t rush he simply hates waiting. That's why he hates meditating. He doesn’t understand it.
He doesn’t know it but when discussing who would get which apprentice , his name fell quite a few times . Obi wan likes to learn and so many suspect that he would be a nice well behaved padawan.
He was so happy when they informed him that qui gon would be his master . Qui gon had always stood out as the nicest jedi , not that the others weren’t but he had seemed to understand obi wan a bit more.
The first thing qui gon asked of him was to meditate. Obi wan started stressing immediately, and it went pretty bad in the beginning. Qui gon thought it was hilarious how quickly he was distracted. “ the wall paper does not need your attention right now “ he would quip or “ breathe through your nose and dont rush it” . It took obi Wan's a year to truly be able to meditate properly.
Luckily time wasn’t wasted because his fight skills and knowledge were unmatched.
Piloting took some getting used to. Not only was he scared of heights , but he also wasn’t a fan of rollercoasters. Qui gon always noted how slow he was . “ If you keep flying like this, we won't get there before im 60 “ or “ we can always walk , it might be faster” . But his master did help him, he would go to more desserted planets with obi wan . The planets that even if he would fly faster, he couldn’t hit anything . Obi wan got his red piloting bead 5 months later with the promise to let go a little.
He picks up quickly with missions , like i said he’s a natural . His first mission was a bit stressful but after that hes pretty much set . Also when they get back to their ship , qui gon cooks a home cooked meal because hes not going to let obi wan live on war rashens and blue milk.
He also teaches him how to cook
Obi wan starts feeling a bit quilty because he starts thinking of qui gon as his dad since well he is a little. But the jedi code says no attachments and he will follow that . Until he has a nervous breakdown because if qui gon is a jedi master that follows the jedi code he probably doesn’t care about him , he ends up getting in quite a lot of danger on a mission because of this . When he confesses to qui gon why he did all that he doesn’t respond,he just pulls his padawan into a hug . “ you are my kid obi wan “
When he turns 20 , he starts to really push qui gonn to let him take his trials. He just wants to be a jedi master.
That all changes a bit when he meets the dutches of mandelore Satine . He falls inlove quickly but he’s a real coward about it ( Satine notices) . Satine ends up pulling him into a kiss 2 months later at a gala she had to attend. They had a night together……
Qui gonn knows 100% . He finds it hilarious how his bumbling fool of a padawan got himsel into this mess . He prepares for the inevitable “ im leaving the order “ not that he wants him to . Obi wan is just that kinda kid .
When he sees obi wan the next morning, he looks like he cried acts rather somber and asks when they are leaving . Qui gon figures out what happened but doesn’t say anything. They leave and he gives him some space .
For the next 2 years it all goes smoothly until…
Part 2: early Anakin years
Obi wan isn’t too happy with the orphan. They are on a dangerous mission in the middle of who knows where with the queen of a planet that’s about to die . And now they have Ani , he wasn't going to lie it was a sweet child . But why now.
Obi wan has a quiet panic attack when qui gon says he will take anakin as his apprentice . He doesn’t feel ready to take the trials since his self esteem plummeted a bit after the Satine debacle and no one helped him take care of that ( fuck the jedi council) .
During the flight back to Naboo, padme went to her room and qui gon had a call with the council, leaving obi Wan to babysit ani . The child would yap non stop “ Did you make your own lightsaber?” “Yes” “can i hold it?” “No” “ when do i get mine?” “ When you're ready” “ but i am ready” “ no you’re not “ “yes i am “ “ no you’re not “ “ Did you choose THAT color?” “ Yes, i did” “ It's kinda ugly” “…” . A true test of patience but strangly lovable.
About 2 hours later was when the child fell asleep next to obi Wan . Anakin was still shivering , tattooine was a warm planet, something the ship heaters couldn’t compete with. Obi wan draped his long outer coat over the boy in hopes of giving him some warmth . Seeing the child peacefully asleep, Obi wan realised why his master liked him.
It took 48 hours to get to Naboo . It also took 48 hours for Obi wan to look at Anakin as his little brother.
When he first sees Maul he’s scared . He doesn’t want to be, but he simply is . Back in school him and his friends would joke about the sith and how cool it would be to defeat one . Right now , face to face with the first sith in ages , he’s horrified, and the red zebrak seems to kick on it
All he hears are the red force feels buzzing . He doesn’t hear his own scream or the blood dripping from his master . He feels an immense amount of pain, but the moment those shields lay down, he's up . He only focuses on gett to his master in time .And when he’s hanging in the hole , he snaps back into his jedi mind. The sith shows a new hubris, and he sees his chance. He wins
When qui gonn tells him his final wish , he can only lie to him . He doesn’t feel fit to be a master ,he might be the only jedi who pased the old trials ( to kill a sith ), but he feels like a fraud to weak to safe his master. Qui gon passes in his arms and obi wans let the tears fall.
He sees Anakin after he returns from his “trip” and he almost wants to cry again . Anakin looks so confused “ where’s qui gon ?” “ he passed away , anakin” The tears start to well in the little boys eyes, and all that obi can do is pull him into a hug .
The next weeks are quite hard , anakin becomes his padawan, and he becomes a jedi master. They attend qui gons' funeral, and anakins enters the academy since he needs to do both his padawan ship and the basic training. He is a bit pissy about it , but obi Wan cheers him up with home cooked meals .
They are not allowed to go on mission yet together just obi wan alone, and its extremely hard breaking to leave anakin alone .
When they are home together, obi wan pampers the little guy rotten. He brushes and braids anakins hair he buys him miniatuur planes in hopes of getting a better piolet than he is . He helps him with his homework, and he is just a total single dad .
When about a year has passed obi wan realised that he didn't know his birthday so he asked ani and he didn’t know either . They chose marche 5th because its a week from then and obi Wan can plan his birthday.Ani loved it.
Anakin doesn't make a lot of friends in school or anywhere. Which bothers obi Wan greatly , he thinks anakin is a great kid who can do no wrong. It all escalated when a child calls Anakin a slave ( obi wan does not know how they got here )
Obi wan threatens to destroy him to the boys face . He ends up crying, and Anakin isn’t bothered ever again. ( the jedi council was not happy )
And so it pretty much continues for a few years
Part 3: late anakin years
Anakin is now 20 years old, which is double the age he was when obi Wan met him .
Many people think that obi Wan is past his prime, but this man is absolutely ribbed. He has perfect physique, he’s just covered in robes and coats and stuff
He keeps extra kyber crystals around because Anakin keeps losing/breaking his lightsaber
Anakin requested black robes, and the council wouldn’t let him because of the association with the sith, and obi wan was like “ No , let my padawan express himself . Plus, I killed the last sith years ago “ so they let him because nothing is scarier than getting on obi wans' bad side
When they meet padmé again, obi Wan is almost laughing at how bad anakin is hiding his feelings for her . He also realises that he will have to talk to his padawn about it .
Obi wan gets a little stricter over the last year since anakin definitely doesn't think before he does anything
When the council decided to let Anakin go with Padme , he couldn't help but warn anakin once again. He reminds him of the problems that might occur or the heartbreak ( he's definitely not projecting)
When shmi dies, he tries his best to support anakin best he can . He doesn’t remember his parents, but he assumes it's like losing Qui gon, so he does everything he needed back then . Home cooked meals ,hugs ,pep talks, pulling him out of mission….
He noticed from the moment they set foot into the arena that they were together. On the one hand, he was extremely nervous about it, and on the other, he was a bit proud of his boy.
ALSO, he gets that shiver down his spine because he realises that qui gon knew about him and Satine, and he's a bit embarrassed about it .
He doesn't tell it to anakin because just like his master he thinks that it might be better to give them space .
He gets really offended that he wasn't invited to the wedding. He knows it was supposed to be undercover, but please
Padme and anakin will sometimes invite him for dinner as if they aren't dating, and he truly enjoys those evenings together.
He likes padme immensely . She helps to calm anakin down, and she's all around a great person .
She's also the first out of her and anakin to realise that obi Wan knows . Sadly, this happens after the wedding, so now it's like a shared secret.
Now that anakin left the nest , he gets to enjoy hobbies. He starts experimenting with cooking until Kit , Quinlan and Po are so done with it that they start ordering out . Then he gets a pet a feathered veractyle he names boga , when the planet he’s visiting allows it she will be his transport . He also keeps a variety of plants ( they remind him of qui gon) and books .he collects golden trinkets. Anakin jokes that it all goes against the jedi code, but he likes it .
HE ALSO LOVES TO GOSSIP with his clones anakin padme kit po anyone that wants to listen.
Talking about his clones , he loves them dearly not as much as anakin but like coby is one of his closest friends.
212 has tried to give him nicknames before, but it never sticks , they do like saying the negotiator in funny voices .
Obi wan thinks that his clones are the best clones, but it seems that every jedi thinks that.
He is now a jedi council member, and he still has that off feeling that he doesn’t deserve it . His ideas dont link with the others, and he feels that he doesn't have a lot of influence on it . Qui gon was never part of it, and he understands why more and more. He loves being a jedi master but kinda hates the council.
That also makes it really hard for him to help Anakin with his dissatisfaction with his position rn . Being on the council but not a master feels like the worst-case scenario, but he has to help anakin not be pissy, so he does . It is a great honor to be on the council.
He didn't know about padmé being pregnant. So he just thought anakin was so stressed out about his career and the jedi order . After everything happened as it did , he felt that he didn’t support anakin correctly.
Obi wan objected when they wanted anakin to spy on Palpetine . He doesn’t want his boy near any danger and definitely not in the front line . He yells and fights for it until it goes to a vote, just as his seat on the council, obi Wan would leave the council immediately if it meant that Anakin was 100% safe . In the end , the vote goes for the spying and obi wans demands to tell anakin himself. It doesn’t go well, obi Wan feels like he's betraying his brother.
In the coming weeks, he will see the loveable orphan of tatooine change to a traumatized war veteran, and he's not happy about it. He tries to calm him down and speak to him just like he did when shmi died . Sadly, this time, it doesn’t seem to work.
When his clones betray him , he feels fear for the first time since the deul of the faiths . Not only is he in danger, but they are in danger , anakin might be in danger . He feels his life falling from betw his fingers . Boga and some of his dear clones die when he gets back to his ship . He calls to anakin, but he doesn’t pick up . He flies to the temple.
When yoda and him visit the temple, dread fills his mind. He still didn’t receive anything from anakin and was really worried about it . They see the temple lithered with death children, and all he sees are small Anakin's death on the floor . Then they see the footage of the night before, and the world falls beneath him . Anakin is a murderer, a sith, and still his brother . Obi wan chooses to go alone to face him ….
{that one deleted scene }
The deul with anakin is the worst moment of his life. Nothing compares to it . He tries to enter with an open mind and the little voice in the back of his mind telling him to redeem anakin . Sadly hes to far gone. The deul ends with his dying friend near the fire , obi wans whole life in pieces and a almost death padme.
The birth of Luke and leia is a small piece of hope, but padmé passes away . Obi wan has no one anymore.
He's extremely happy with the organas asking to adopt leia, and he himself asks to adopt Luke, but that did not happen because of the circumstances. If the sith starts hunting jedi , Obi wan will be at the top of the list
In the end, he lives near Luke until he grows to be a jedi .
He tries to meditate, but his bond to the force is pretty much broken .
Part 4: obi wan alone
Since moving to Tatooine, he has got some new dreams . He gets flashbacks to his childhood before being a jedi, but the worst once are the anakin once . They all start the same , meeting ani quick flashes through their years together and then Mustafar .
He believes that he killed anakin and that he burnt to death .
He has mixed feelings towards his actions. On the one hand, he as a jedi had to kill him, but as his brother, he is simply broken.
He doesn’t think of himself as a jedi anymore. Over the years, he has come to question the jedi order . For how they treated anakin and ahsoka even padme . He promised to himself that he wouldn’t teach Luke to throw away his emotions.
When darth maul shows up on tattooin, he's in some strange way. Sorry for him . They were both just children raised for war , he wished partly that they could have got Maul out before Naboo or that he wouldn’t hold the anger he had towards him for the death of his father . He took a deep breath and let it go . In the end, Maul died in his arms , the same way he had hoped he would have pulled anakin up after their duel.
He tries to meditate again in hopes of connecting to qui gons' spirit or anakins . He hopes to apologise to anakin to pet his hair and tell him it's alright to get one last evening diner with padmé and Anakin . From qui gon, he just wants comfort a long hug or a smile that shows him he’s proud of his padawan, even a home cooked meal .
He starts working as a butcher for sand whales . In the beginning, he used to walk there, but then lars pointed out that that was really suspicious for the other people in town . So he went shopping for a transport that was nice and easy to maintain . That's how he ends up with his eopie Akkani .
Akkani is a bit of a lazy animal , she just wants to eat and walk and eat again. He's happy he has a pet, tho because he gets a bit lonely.
He keeps all of his jedi things in a chest in his gave , including his own lightsaber and 2 sets of beads . One set is his own padawan braid beads, and the other are anakins . He also has some other stuff such as qui gon' s old kitchen knife and some pictures of his clones scrabs of r2d2 when he needed repairs a feather of boga some model airplanes anakin used to play with and so on. ( NO BURYING IN THE DESSERT I HATE THAT)
He really wants to train Luke, but Lars won’t let him . Which hurts obi Wan a lot . He wouldn’t push Luke to be a soldier like the once before , he would connect him to the force just like qui gon wanted with Anakin .
That's why he started reading up on the ancient scripts about the jedi . He loves the Yawa sellers just because he can buy his books without the empire noticing.
He will wait forever in hopes of setting the universe back to balance for the mistake he made on Mustafar.
This took so long and its not even all of it .( i left out the kenobi series because i didn’t want to rewrite it and i couldn’t figure out how to add to it without rewriting it srry)
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Also i wrote a little obi wan reacting to ahsoka being Anakins padawn not that long ago ( link below )
And i left his later relationship with satine and maul out because it might be a bit long . If you want that you can always ask in my requests ( i do have some thoughts about those)
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jedi-enthusiast · 8 months
Similar Stories, Different Treatments: Anakin Skywalker and Abijah Fowler
Ok, so recently I've been re-watching 'Blue Eye Samauri' on Netflix and last night it dawned on me that, generally speaking, Abijah Fowler and Anakin Skywalker have very similar stories and actions...and yet their respective fandoms react to the two of them very differently.
So, here's my long ass post analyzing the two of them and why people react to them so differently.
First, comparing the two characters...
So, assuming that y'all know me for my Star Wars content, you probably know Anakin's story but, for the sake of this post, I'll explain it briefly.
Anakin was born into slavery and lived as a slave for 9 years. Then one day he and his mother met two Jedi and a handmaiden, and his mother asked the Jedi to take Anakin and train him---which they agreed to do, so Anakin had to leave his mother. At 19 he had nightmares about and then witnessed his mother's death when he went back to Tatooine before being promptly drafted into war along with the rest of the Jedi by the Senate. After a harrowing 3 years of war and having his worst behaviors enabled/encouraged by the villain and his wife, Anakin begins to have nightmares about his pregnant wife dying. He then tries to prevent her dying, even though she's in perfect health.
We know a little less about Abijah Fowler's past, but we do know an integral part of it from this monologue:
"My country's history is one of manufactured suffering. I was a boy when the Tudors burned any food the rebels under O'Neill might think to eat. We starved. Everyone starved. Mouths on the dead stained green from chewing nettles---you get resourceful in a famine. My parents died early, left me and my sister catching rats. The rats ran out quick. Fed my sister on my blood, it kept her alive an extra two weeks. I didn't sleep for three days to protect her body from the starving 'til the ground thawed. I cut out her kidneys and buried her, fat cap on them like a pea. I haven't eaten a single meal since my mind didn't go to that bite. It was the last thing I ever did because I had to. I control my life now, every bite."
From my point of view, Anakin and Abijah are very similar in their motivations.
Both of them started out as, assumedly, sweet and kind and caring young boys. You don't harm yourself to feed your sister and then cause more harm to yourself to protect her after she's already dead, if you're not. Similarly, you don't bring three complete strangers into your home because you're worried about them and then risk your life to help them, if you're not.
Both of them then went through great tragedies and likely felt completely powerless because of these tragedies and the circumstances they found themselves in.
For Abijah it was growing up during a famine, witnessing the horrors of famine and what people had to do during it, witnessing the deaths of his parents, being unable to stop the death of his sister, and being forced into cannibalism---of his sister and likely parents, no less---to prevent himself from starving. For Anakin it was growing up as a slave, having to leave his mother at a young age, witnessing his mother's death, and then being thrust into a war and witnessing the horrors of that.
Because of that powerlessness, both Anakin and Abijah hate the idea of them being powerless and their actions are made from a mix of anger at whoever they blame for what has happened---whether they're actually to blame, or whether they've done nothing---and refusal to ever be powerless again, or at least accept that they're powerless.
These motivations led them both to commit- (Anakin) -or attempt to commit- (Abijah) -mass murder, *genocide, **cultural genocide, and murder of their female main character counterpart.
*Abijah wasn't necessarily setting out to commit physical genocide, but he was willing to do so if the people of Japan weren't willing to go along with his plans.
**I do consider Abijah's plans as including cultural genocide, since he has a whole monologue about the people of Japan being "godless" and how he'd force them into Christianity- (Catholicism?) -if he succeeded in killing the Shogunate.
Now, comparing fandom's reaction to the two...
For Anakin, he succeeds in causing Padme's death, destroying the Republic aka the only democracy in the galaxy, committing cultural and physical genocide against the Jedi, murdering an entire village of Tuskens including the children, and going on to oppress and enslave the rest of the galaxy for decades...
...in contrast, Abijah only succeeds in committing mass murder and fails in all of his other plans---and his success in committing mass murder is partially due to the Shogun's sons and wife locking people inside the burning palace.
But, despite all of this, if you look into how their respective fandoms treat them, you'd assume that it was the opposite.
Anakin is lifted up as this good person who had no agency in any of his actions or, if he did, then the people he murdered "deserved it"---he's loved by most of the fandom and everywhere you look you see think pieces about how Anakin was really a victim, how his actions were justified, how he's not to blame for anything.
Meanwhile Abijah is hated and his actions are labeled by the fandom as bad. He's a terrible person and he's seen as such. I've never seen a single post justifying his actions or trying to say he isn't to blame for his actions.
Now, this is not me saying that the Blue Eye Samauri fandom is wrong to view Abijah this way---on the contrary, I agree that his actions are heinous and he's a terrible person, there's nothing there that I don't agree with.
However, I do think it's interesting how differently both characters are treated when one of them is, unequivocally, worse than the other.
Why is this?
Now, I'm going to preface this section with the disclaimer that part of it is because Anakin is the main character of his media and Abijah is not---however, I believe that this has a very small effect on how fandom treats them since, as we've seen with other characters, screentime doesn't really matter that much when it comes to whether fandom likes a character or not.
Moving on-
I think a lot of it is just that Anakin is conventionally attractive and Abijah isn't.
Anakin and Abijah are both selfish, misogynistic, racist, have violent responses to most things, and have committed atrocities in the name of personal gain. The only difference between them---besides the obvious differences that come with the medias they're in---is that Anakin is pretty to look at and Abijah isn't.
It'd be even worse if Abijah was a POC or a woman, even if he was conventionally attractive---as proven by other Star Wars characters.
Mace Windu? Fandom hates him and makes him out to be a villain.
Saw Gerrera? Same thing.
Rey Skywalker? People hate her and say she's "unrealistic" or "too OP."
Reva Sevander? People fucking CRUCIFIED her!
None of these people even come near Anakin's level of "I'm a terrible person and I do heinous things because why not!" Mace and Rey never did anything wrong, and Saw and Reva did the things they did because of trauma/revenge and/or working to take down a greater evil---and even then, neither of them do anything near as bad as Anakin!
Yet they're hated and held to a higher standard and crucified in a way that Anakin isn't.
Another reason is that people can project onto Anakin in a way they can't project onto Abijah.
With Anakin, they can twist the Jedi's actions to fit whatever trauma they personally relate to, they can shove characters like Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Mace, Yoda, etc. into whatever archetype they want to fit their story, they can excuse away every atrocity Anakin commits because he's doing it out of attachment and they think attachment means love, etc.
Meanwhile it's hard for people to project onto Abijah because everything and everyone around him is harder to change to fit his narrative.
There's no one really around him that you can say manipulated, abused, or otherwise forced him into doing the things he did. The other characters don't really interact with him, so people can't say the characters "deserved" what he did to them. And he openly admits that he's doing things out of greed, whereas Anakin says he's doing things out of love when he's really not.
In conclusion, Abijah Fowler and Anakin Skywalker are both people that experienced tragedy and became terrible people that did heinous things because of it---but people only justify one of their actions because they think he's pretty and project onto him.
They're the same person in different medias 🤷‍♀️
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anakinfests · 1 year
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round two is here! enjoy and make sure to kudos and comment for all the lovely creators of these works!
day one twitter thread: here
01. Curious Cultures by anonymous
“I know I am not your. . . ideal partner for this mission, but surely you’ve experienced enough that it should not be too off putting, right?” Anakin’s silence made space seem loud. “You will answer me, Anakin Skywalker, or I will have you sent back Coruscant.” “I haven’t,” or Anakin and Obi-Wan have to get married for a mission and Anakin left out a crucial fact
02. The Will of the Desert by anonymous
Anakin know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obi-Wan is meant to be his. He just really need the Universe to gets its act together and make it happen.
03. take me out (to the ballgame) by anonymous
Obi-Wan goes to the baseball game against his wishes. He meets a handsome stranger and kisses him. (Not against his wishes)
04. thine cup spillth over by anonymous
Anakin is the son of the Force. The Chosen One. He was born to feed the Force's warriors.
05. Baby Duck Syndrome by anonymous
It is an unexpected shock when it happens because by the time Anakin is born almost all imprints are made, not natural. But Anakin’s master is a Toydarian, and there has never been a successful imprint made between a human and one of them. So as long as Anakin is useful, he does not need to know about imprinting, because it is not something that Watto can do to him, or to his mom. Then the Jedi comes, and Anakin touches his apprentice’s hand.
06. make every last moment last by anonymous
Anakin dreads the inevitable end of the war. Padmé is his wife, but Obi-Wan is his mate. He shouldn't have either . He can't keep them both forever. The future will be here before he knows it, and Anakin needs to get himself together so he can be a good husband again. So he can learn to be a good father. But he won’t be either of those things tonight. Tonight, there’s only one thing he can be.
07. just grab me and take me by anonymous
His hard cock swung between his legs as he rocked on his fingers, nearly sobbing from how it was almost right. He wanted more – he always wanted more – and this was on the edge of not enough. A hand wrapped around his hip and Anakin startled. “Look at you,” purred Obi-Wan, his other hand grazing down the length of Anakin’s bare arched back, “you couldn’t wait, baby girl?”
08. love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind by anonymous
The lack of Anakin at Obi-Wan's side was telling. Something was wrong. Obi-Wan tried to put the worry out of his head, replaying the previous night over and over. He’d spanked Anakin, but he’d done that plenty of times by now. He had also been rather strict with Anakin, but Anakin liked that. Anakin had told Obi-Wan that much a thousand times by now. Obi-Wan sighed, pushing away the datapad and pinching the bridge of his nose as he often did when he was annoyed at a situation. This time, however, he was annoyed at himself.
09. a vision of your blue eyes, so lovely by anonymous
“Let me take care of you,” Obi-Wan soothed. “No, I can’t,” Anakin’s hands ran down his forearms, up his biceps and to his chest where he grabbed desperately onto his shirt. “Why not?” Obi-Wan’s fingers threaded through Anakin’s hair, petting and carding through the short strands. Anakin felt more self conscious than he’d ever felt in his life. What if you hurt me? Was what Anakin wanted to ask. Instead, a sob racked his body and Obi-Wan’s arms went around him easily, like they always were supposed to. Or, what happens after the movie Awake if Anakin met Obi-Wan after his heart transplant.
10. Alpha|Alpha by anonymous
Obi-Wan looked at his former apprentice and smiled to himself. Anakin was the image of the perfect Alpha from the outside – he was tall, masculine, easily aggravated and hot-headed, assertive. Everything the society expected. Omegas always threw themselves at him, and Obi-Wan took unhealthy pleasure in watching them fail to seduce him.
11. Please, Devour Me? by anonymous
GFFA AU Obi-Wan and Anakin enjoy a moment alone together in Hyperspace, and Obi-Wan makes a selfish demand. -- “Like a rancor.” “A rancor?” Obi-Wan tugged at the lace with his teeth. “How insulting.” Anakin laughed but there was a tremor to his voice, the realisation that calling his beloved a rancor was probably a little more insulting than how he'd meant it. His legs fell apart even more, the skirts dipping between his thighs and Obi-Wan gripped the lace of one of the stockings in his teeth and tugged, pulling it down and over Anakin’s knee. --
12. Dream a Little Dream (Of You & Me) by anonymous
In response to a prompt by Anonymous in the SubAnakin_ObikinFest collection. Prompt:   Obi-Wan is an incubus and is frequently pulled into the dreams people have about him. It's never bothered him—it is how he feeds that part of himself and he always makes sure everyone has a good time—but it's become a bit bothersome ever since Anakin started his journey of sexual discovery and his Master is a frequent flyer in those fantasies. And it becomes difficult to walk away the more Anakin grows into a man and also into Obi-Wan's own personal wet dream. Anakin, his strong-willed and bratty Padawan, proves to be quite submissive and sweet in the land of his dreams. DNW: hard kinks
13. books and their covers by anonymous
Obi-Wan knows very well what he is. People look at his master and see a big strong alpha, and then they look at him, they see... well, the exact opposite. As a beta, he may not stand out much in the shadow of his powerful alpha master, but Obi-Wan is the only one who can make Anakin come.
14. i'd follow you down, down, down by anonymous
He watched as the Separatist ships jumped to hyperspace in a flash of blue. His own men’s ships around him began going back to the Negotiator but Anakin didn’t move. Not yet. He stared into space; the blackness of it, the stars that sparkled. There was nothing around him, and if he didn’t turn his ship around, he couldn’t see the Star Destroyer waiting for him. It was all empty, just like him. Just like their room had been when he woke up.
15. all tied up in knots by anonymous
The only thing that eases the sting of Anakin Skywalker's one-sided love affair with his roommate, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is the fact that they're also friends with benefits which means he gets some part of Obi-Wan at least a few times a week. He's made his peace with it, and his favorite part of the day is easily when his no-strings-attached fuck buddy pushes him down onto the mattress for a round of gentle, vanilla sex beneath the covers. Any part of Obi-Wan he can get, he'll take and not ask for more. That is, until he comes home early from work one night to hear Obi-Wan domming a woman in their living room, and Anakin's confronted with the knowledge that Obi-Wan is giving out parts of himself to people he's certainly never given Anakin. And that's just untenable. Follow Anakin as he tries to convince Obi-Wan to dom him, learns what BDSM even is, does paperwork, comes, gets rope burn, and maybe even gets the love of his life. Yes, in that order.
16. Taste of the Divine by anonymous
The day had seemed never-ending, filled with meeting after meeting and the infinite responsibilities of a wartime High General. Even Obi-Wan’s evening promised the sweet embrace of unrelenting work. Although, duty was the last thing on Obi-Wan’s mind when he laid eyes on what waited for him in his quarters. Or rather, who.
17. the way you bend, the way you break by anonymous
Anakin has a deeply rooted, shameful fantasy of having power taken away from him, by force. Obi-Wan, the ever sedulous and equally incorrigible partner, shares this fantasy and indulges his lover.
18. All Good Things (Come to Those Who Wait) by anonymous
“We’ve finally trained your hole to take all of me. Let’s do the same with your mouth next, shall we?" Anakin learns to trust that his Master knows what he's doing.
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agere-fics · 4 months
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🍄 you're a little in the revenge of the sith era 🍄
caregiver!obi wan, babysitters!padmé and anakin (sfw agere)
my family and i are getting evicted, help us afford housing ➡️ ko-fi
you like to help him take care of his boo boos. bandaids and kisses on smaller boo boos. Nurse Little One when there's bigger boo boos
obi wan is so cuddly and sweet here, just completely all over you and obsessed with you. can't wait for jedi council meetings to end, observation trips, reports, literally anything. he's learned from anakin (although secretly) that having someone to come home to can be wonderful.
if you're an older kiddo, he loves showing you how to do some saber tricks with padawn training lightsabers. he always praises you and gently guides you to the right positions and posture.
you love to do his hair A LOT. clips in his beard, clips on his head, glitter literally everywhere. it's a good way for him to bond with you when he needs to rest.
you don't see anakin and padmé a lot but when you do, it's always soooo much fun!!
padmé loves to take you on nature walks, do your hair or dress you, take you swimming.
you and padmé love to feed the ducks fruits and veggies! you love pointing to them and shouting "duck! ducks!"
she'll ask you what colors they are, what sounds they make, and has you draw a pretty picture of the duckies you saw to give to obi wan!!
anakin absolutely loves rough housing with you, you're always safe and protected though, don't worry
you'll do fake lightsaber battles with anakin and he lets you win ajfhs
and when obi wan comes back, you immediately jump in his arms!! everyone else is forgotten, cause your cg is here!!
anakin and obi wan will hold your hands and swing you as you walk akdhs
obi wan let you pilot an aircraft once, once... never again akdjs
sometimes when everyone's together, there's lots of talk of war and politics and sometimes it means arguments. you hate them, it makes you cry. obi wan tries to shield you from it the best he can.
when all the bad stuff begins to happen, obi wan tells you everything in the most appropriate way he can. he tried his best to be reassuring and soft but a lot of raw emotions got in the way
obi wan keeps you away from the city. no matter your protests, he vows to keep you safe.
when he comes back, you become Nurse Kiddo again, tending to his wounds, giving forehead kisses cause obi is so sad :(
he tries to push you away but you don't take it one bit!! when yoda tells you obi wan's going to tatooine you immediately decide you're going, too.
you give forehead kisses and soft hugs to the babies, the twins, luke and leia.
on the trip to tatooine, you hold luke the whole way. everything else is so sad but luke is so silly and adorable! he helps a lot.
you both grieve and miss padmé and anakin. but luckily since you're together, it's not so bad.
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Yandere platonic Ashoka vs Yandere platonic Darth maul hcs with a Jedi reader who was close to Ashoka till reader left to work with Maul instead.
Sure! Kept the idea general so there may be some spoilers but I don't entirely focus on specific plot points if that makes sense?
Yandere! Platonic! Ahsoka vs Yandere! Platonic! Darth Maul with Jedi! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Angst, Rivalry, Violence, Potential murder, Dubious companionship.
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The idea of you and Ahsoka being friends as Padawans only for you to turn to the Dark Side is the idea that came to me for this.
For some reason she noticed changes in you... right up until you disappear.
What happened to you? Well, you found a new master.
Darth Maul.
Darth Maul has been shown to have a lonely life.
For the most part he just cares about vengeance against Darth Sidious and Obi-Wan.
This is the primary reason he is searching for an apprentice.
Which is when he eventually finds you... a disillusioned Jedi.
Once Maul gets his hands on you he cultivates hate and anger within you... making you his to teach and control.
But let's talk about you and Ahsoka first.
You and Ahsoka knew each other for months as Jedi in training.
You had your own master and was well acquainted with Ahsoka and Anakin.
Being Jedi you naturally grew close as allies and even friends.
On missions you often met up to provide aid.
Since Jedi are unable to have close attachments, Ahsoka is the closest you have.
You're friends... protective of one another.
Things most likely don't go downhill until something tragic happens to you.
Maybe your master died?
Even worse, Darth Sidious had them killed or something similar to that.
Somehow an event strong enough to shake your faith occurs and you begin to feel... different.
If we're going based off the idea your master died, maybe you blame The Order for it.
Honestly... you could blame a lot for your tragedy.
Ahsoka most likely notices a change in your aura.
After all, you're close friends!
She couldn't imagine her life without you!
That's why when she notices you feel... darker, she's concerned.
Being her usual kind self she tries to ask you about it.
She fears your actions will turn dark and she'll lose you.
She really doesn't want her best friend to become her enemy.
You try to tell her not to worry about you but she keeps pressing.
She can tell you no longer believe in the Jedi... perhaps even deciding to pursue vengeance and anger.
Ahsoka doesn't want to leave you alone, she wants to convince you not to do what you're about to do.
But eventually a mission will drag her away from you.
Something she regrets deeply... as when she goes to find you, you're gone.
Ahsoka most likely blames herself for your actions.
She has no idea where you went and wonders if she ever could help you.
She doesn't give up on the idea of finding you and making things right... but that brings us to Darth Maul.
Your encounter with Darth Maul was willing.
While he looked for someone to help him with revenge, he met you.
He could even sense the craving for vengeance and rage laying dormant within you... yet traces of it were evident.
As a result... he offers you to join him.
He promises to give you the power you need to soothe your inner torment.
He promises if you help him... you'll be happy.
In the end... you accept.
You become Darth Maul's apprentice.
Originally he plans to just use you to get revenge against his old master and Kenobi by feeding into your hate.
He convinces you the Jedi are useless now and that he can only change things if he has you.
He needs to get rid of his master, his master's puppet, and the one who ruined him.
But he soon realizes he doesn't need you just to obtain his goal.
He appreciates the company you provide.
Your thoughts are similar to one another, allowing you to bond over shared hate.
He manipulates your dark side... making you someone new.
He trains you and learns about you.
Through you he most likely learns about your past friendship with Ahsoka.
He can tell you still care about your fellow Padawan.
Yet why should you?
You should just care about your new master and the new role given to you.
He fears Ahsoka will try to purify your darkness... that she'll take you from him.
So he'll do everything in his power to prevent that.
Ahsoka only gets to meet you again when she has her final confrontation with Maul.
She has never met Maul, only heard of him from Obi-Wan.
Which makes it a big shocker when she meets Maul... and you beside him, clothed in black.
Oh her heart aches.
This is where you went!
You really have given up your role as Jedi.
She can't blame you, by this point she left The Order too.
She understands your pain and betrayal.
But now you've hurt her.
She no doubt tries to get you back, a desperate attempt to convince you to change.
Maul no doubt has the fear of losing you bubble in him again and tells you not to listen.
Ahsoka just wants her friend back, while Maul wants to keep his new apprentice to change fate... neither wants to be alone again.
This final confrontation has different motives than the original in Clone Wars.
This one is about preventing loneliness.
A fight to see who keeps their companion... one whose now torn on who to be with.
You care for Ahsoka as a dear friend... you care for Maul as your master and yet another friend.
You worry you'll lose one of them.
In fact you worry mostly for Maul killing Ahsoka.
You know Ahsoka would never murder... but that look in her eyes scares you.
By the end of this long battle... one of them will have you in the end.
You quickly begin to dread the outcome.
Maybe if you never left Ahsoka... you wouldn't have to see them fight over you.
Or maybe this was your fate all along no matter what you did?
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ak-vintage · 5 months
Quarry - Chapter 4
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Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x f!reader
Summary: Din Djarin is on what he expects to be his last bounty hunt for Greef Karga. After all, Nevarro is swiftly moving away from its previous reputation as a Guild member’s paradise, and Din has more important concerns now, like finding a Jedi to train his mysterious foundling. However, after capturing a wanted starship engineer who would rather go anywhere other than “home,” the Mandalorian is forced to reassess his priorities.
Your taste of freedom had been brief but glorious. Now you are a prisoner of the most infamous bounty hunter in the Outer Rim – it’s only a matter of time before he turns you in. There isn’t much you would not do to keep from being sent home, but as you find yourself growing closer to your captor and his strange little companion, you start to wonder whether escape is really what you want.
Set after Chapter 13: The Jedi but before Chapter 14: The Tragedy.
Chapter Tags & Warnings: Reader is Mando's bounty, second-person POV, Din Djarin POV, no use of Y/N, minimal descriptors of reader character, starship mechanics, unresolved sexual tension, light angst
Series Masterlist | Read on AO3
By the time Din Djarin returned to the Mos Eisley spaceport and hangar three-five, almost three full days had passed, and he came laden with sacks of supplies for his next foray into deep space. Ration packs, nutrition supplements, medical supplies, a broad selection of ammunition for his many weapons, and – the crown jewel – a selection of fresh produce he had been promised would last at least another two weeks if properly stored. He had even managed to pick up some short-term contract work as a body guard for a visiting trade syndicate representative in Mos Eisley on business; the pay from that had easily covered the cost of his restock. He hoped it would cover Peli Motto’s bill, as well.
A ship repair hadn’t exactly been part of his plans for this run, but although it had delayed him by a few days, he stood by the choice. For all of its charms, the Razor Crest had never been properly equipped to handle prisoners without the aftermarket mobile carbonite freezer unit he had had installed a few years back. It had been his first big purchase after he finally started making enough money to pay for fuel, contribute to the covert, and also manage to feed himself, and its addition to the ship had made his life infinitely easier. Especially now with Grogu to look after, he couldn’t afford to have bounties loose in his ship, even if they were in binders. It wasn’t safe. Truthfully, he knew he had gotten lucky that his first quarry on this trip hadn’t been more dangerous.
As they often had over the last few days, Din’s thoughts turned toward the woman he had left in Peli’s care alongside his foundling. You were… Well, to say that you puzzled him would be an understatement. In all his travels, he was certain that he had never met anyone quite like you.
He could tell that you were not a skilled fighter, and yet you had attempted to evade capture, to outrun him. It had been unsuccessful, of course, but he couldn’t help but admire the effort.
You possessed a strong spirit, unwavering and stubborn, and he also knew that you were deeply frightened to have landed in his captivity.
You had a sharp, biting wit, but even from your first encounter, you had handled Grogu with a softness, a tenderness that Din had rarely experienced.
You were beautiful. Distractingly so.
Altogether, it left him…unsettled. He could not help but feel eager to be rid of you, if only to save himself from the disquieting thought that perhaps there was more for him to discover about you.
That, of course, was preposterous. There was nothing more. You were a quarry. There was a bounty on your head. He had accepted the task of tracking you down and turning you in, and he would be paid well for the effort. That was that. Bounty hunters didn’t ask questions.
Until recently, Din had actually been quite good at that part of the job. He felt a brief surge of thankfulness for the anonymity of his helmet as he rolled his eyes at himself. He was growing soft.
As the Mandalorian crossed the threshold into hangar three-five, he was met with the familiar sight of Peli leaning heavily against the exterior wall of her office, thumbing at a datapad as her pit droids milled about the place, tittering and whirring at each other.
“Ah! Mando!” she called out, flagging him down with a grin the moment she spotted him. “Welcome back! Successful trip?”
“Successful enough,” he replied tersely. His eyes hadn’t stopped scanning the hangar for evidence of his foundling as he approached, but the little green child was nowhere to be seen. “Where’s the kid?”
Peli waved him off dismissively. “Don’t worry, he’s just with the girl. You know, she came up with this slick design for a carrier for him? He’s been happy as a Nabooian clam riding around in that thing! She’ll be out in a minute, I expect.” She nodded in the direction of the Razor Crest, glinting brightly in the afternoon sun in the center of the hangar. “Just putting the finishing touches on the hyperdrive.”
Din felt his eyebrows raise inside his helmet. “The hyperdrive?” he echoed flatly. The beginnings of aggravation itched in his chest. “I asked you fix the carbonite unit.”
“Cool your jetpack, Mando – I fixed your carbonite unit,” the engineer assured him, extending her palms placatingly. “It’s good as new! Well, pretty sure it’s good as new – guess you’ll have to find out when you try to seal a bounty in there! I wasn’t about to test it myself. I’m thorough, but I’m not that thorough. You understand.”
Drawing a centering breath deep into his lungs, he repeated, “Peli. The hyperdrive?”
“Listen. The list of systems on the Razor Crest that needed a tune-up was a mile long. I had time, I had help, and I knew you wouldn’t mind a bit of extra output! What self-respecting starship pilot is going to say no to a bit more efficiency, eh?”
“What do you mean, you had help?” Din gave up on attempting to reign in his irritation. His words were clipped, his tone gruff. Peli was a friend – she was good to Grogu, and she was a damn fine mechanic – but dank farrik, what he wouldn’t give for her to get to the point. Something about this situation wasn’t sitting quite right with him. Where was the child? “What exactly is going on here?”
A metallic thud, like the sound of someone dropping from a height onto deck plating, reverberated from inside the Razor Crest. His gaze snapped to the ship immediately, his senses on high alert.
Peli, however, seemed less than concerned. “Why don’t you see for yourself?” she suggested with a shrug, gesturing in the direction of the Crest.
Almost as if on cue, you stepped into the light of the afternoon sun from the belly of his ship, and Din’s breath seemed to seize in his chest.
It was as though you had transformed into a different woman than you had been when he left you here three days ago. Your long, braided hair had been wound up at the nape of your neck and partially covered with a scarf that you had tied around your head, and a welder’s helmet perched precariously on top of that, the tinted shield flipped up so you could see clearly. You had stripped the top half of your olive-green boilersuit down your body and tied the sleeves together low on your waist, leaving your chest covered in nothing but a sweat-soaked black band around your breasts. Your skin gleamed with exertion in the sunlight, highlighting the smoothness of your forehead, the hollow of your neck, the soft angle of your shoulders, and you were painted with the grime of engine oil and durasteel dust. You had a fusion cutter in your gloved hand, your grip practiced and strong.
And, as if all of that were not enough, there, strapped in a padded leather harness across your back, peaking up over your shoulder, was Grogu.
After a beat too long of silence, you seemed to spot him in the shade of the hangar, and you smiled softly. “Mando!” you called out, pointing to him. “Grogu, look – he’s back!”
Din watched as the child blinked in the direction that you had pointed, and then his little face split in a broad, toothy grin. He let out a joyful screech and immediately began squirming in his carrier, suddenly desperate to be let down.
You laughed – laughed – at this and began to descend the ramp, reaching back to lift Grogu from his post on your back and up over your shoulder. “Your little guy missed you,” you said fondly. You passed the child into the bounty hunter’s arms, that same softness he had noticed before dancing in the corners of your eyes. Din felt an inexplicable heat rising up his neck under his cowl.
Thankfully, both you and Grogu seemed oblivious to his body’s baffling response; you simply continued across the hangar, returning your fusion cutter to one of Peli’s many equipment racks, while Grogu babbled happy nonsense and gently patted the cheeks of Din’s helmet as though to say, “Welcome back.”
“Peli,” Din said, his voice strained and hoarse, “I’m only going to ask one more time. What. Is. Going. On.”
Peli rolled her eyes dramatically . “Your bounty here has skills, Mando!” she declared, gesturing emphatically at you with both her free hand and the one holding the datapad. “You had to know that! Took her less than a day to start pointing out all the stuff I was doing wrong. Figured I’d have her put her money where her mouth is.”
A bright flush made itself known on your cheeks, and you shook your head. “Excuse me – no, no. If you recall, I saved your life. And then you asked me to help you.”
“Details, details,” the older woman scoffed dismissively. “Look, Mando, she’s a starship engineer. And a damn good one, I’d say. She’s the one who figured out how to fix your carbonite freezer, not me.”
Din’s gaze snapped to you at that revelation, and he watched as you raised a hand to rub at the back of your neck in clear discomfort. You had fixed it?
Mentally, he quickly ran through all of the data in your bounty puck. Nowhere in your files had your profession been mentioned. How did you have the skills needed to repair something so sophisticated?
“I couldn’t just let her sit around on her hands the whole time you were gone,” Peli continued, completely unaware of Din’s distraction. “I mean, take a look at everything we’ve been able to get done with both of us on the job.” She passed him the datapad, pointing to the line items on the work order she had pulled up.
Din took a moment to study the list, both wary and reluctantly impressed. Peli wasn’t wrong – the amount of work the two of you had accomplished in just three days was staggering. In addition to the carbonite unit and a much-needed tune-up on the hyperdrive (which had apparently resulted in an efficiency gain of 25 percent), you and Peli had managed to replace about half of the Crest’s leaking powerlines, update the navigation to the latest operating system, recalibrate the deflector shield projectors around both engines, and scrub the carbon scoring from the Crest’s last fire fight from the hull. At the bottom of the list, a perfunctory five-credit charge had been added for something Peli had labeled as a “privacy screen.”
“This is…impressive,” he admitted. Grogu squealed happily in agreement from the cradle of Din’s arms.
The older engineer nodded, smirking in self-satisfaction. “Try it all out. You’ll see, it’s good work,” she said, gesturing toward the Crest. Din nodded once and strode up the gangplank, finding himself almost eager to see the improvements for himself.
He spent the next several minutes surveying the changes, noting that the repair of the carbonite freezer had apparently necessitated the complete disassembly of most of the starboard wall. He could also see where panels of the bulkheads and deck plating had been displaced to access other tubes and powerlines, though if this were not his ship, if he didn’t know it better than his own reflection, he wasn’t certain that he would have noticed. Everything had been re-assembled flawlessly, the only evidence of tampering being the slightly shiny look of freshly-welded solder along the panels’ joints.
However, he nearly burst into laughter when his eyes landed on the change that clearly had to be the “privacy screen” Peli had referred to in the work order. In the space between his bunk alcove and the port wall, a steel rod had been mounted, and a thick, black tarp had been hung from it, attached with a series of matching metal rings.
You had installed a makeshift curtain in front of the ship head.
Trusting that he would be able to test the improvements to the hyperdrive once he was out of the atmosphere, Din returned to the hangar, still chuckling under his breath.
“Well?” Peli prompted, crossing her arms across her chest in a confident pose.
“This is more than I could have asked for, especially given the time,” he replied honestly. He glanced back and forth between the two of you, noting the way Peli’s smirk expanded into a grin and the way your posture seemed to loosen as if in relief. “Thank you.”
“Aw, shucks, Mando! No need to thank me,” the older woman insisted. In spite of the dismissal, her voice couldn’t hide her pleasure at the praise. “Just sign at the bottom of that work order and hand over the credits! That’s always thanks enough!”
Din sighed, hearing it as a gruff hissing sound as his vocoder transmitted it. Why was he not surprised? “Yes. Of course,” he agreed, pulling the work order back up on the datapad. The price quoted at the bottom was significantly more than he had planned on spending (which, he knew, was very much intentional on Peli’s part), but the work was already done, and the security job he had just been paid for made it so he wouldn’t have to dip into his profits from this trip too much. He signed the work order with the tip of his finger. “This should do it, I think.” Reaching into a pouch on his utility belt, he pulled out a sizeable cloth drawstring bag, half-full with New Republic credits, and dropped it into Peli’s waiting hands.
Peli yanked the bag open immediately, assessing its contents with a keen eye. “That it will, my friend. That it will.”
Now that the hangar operator had been satisfied, Din turned his attention to you. At some point during this exchange, you had removed the welder’s helmet and your gloves, and you were in the process of untying the dusty scarf from around your head, revealing your hair. You had been sweating, and tendrils of it clung damply to your forehead, ears, and neck.
Shoving each of these inappropriate observations to the back of his mind, he cleared his throat and said, “So. You’re a starship engineer. I didn’t know.”
You seemed taken aback by that statement, your eyes narrowing and your brow crinkling in puzzlement. “Huh. Well. Like I told Peli. I’m not…exactly a starship engineer. But I suppose I might as well be.” You paused for a moment as you tugged your lower lip between your teeth. You seemed to debate something for a beat, and then you added, “I worked in the Chardaan Shipyards for almost a decade. I guess I thought you already knew that?” You phrased that statement like a question, confusion evident in your tone. “Didn’t you get a bunch of background information on me when you accepted my bounty puck?”
The Mandalorian shrugged. “Every bounty is different. Yours was…sparse. Planet of origin, last known location, your name. Some biometric data that allowed me to find you with your tracking fob. Nothing else.”
You seemed to digest that for a moment, your expression thoughtful, but before you could comment further, Peli interrupted.
“Hang on, honey – did you say the Chardaan Shipyards? The one where the New Republic has their fighters built?”
You nodded, a tight, closed-mouth smile tugging at your lips. “Yeah, that’s the one.”
Of course, Din had heard of the Chardaan Shipyards. Anyone who knew anything about starships knew about them – the conglomerate of pressurized hangar spheres orbiting the planet Chardaan in the Inner Rim, the home of some of the most well-known custom starship and engine producers in the galaxy and the shipyard of choice for the New Republic since the days of the Galactic Civil War. He knew your bounty originated on Chardaan, though it hadn’t occurred to him that that might have been a clue as to your personal history. You had been easy enough to find, even easier to capture. He hadn’t bothered to dig any deeper than that. For some reason, that ignited a pang of guilt in his gut. He typically made it his business to know everything there was to know about his quarries. If he knew their history, if he understood them, he could walk in their shoes – predict their next move.
“That explains a lot,” Peli quipped, putting words to Din’s disorganized thoughts.
You didn’t respond, but regardless, an idea occurred to him then, and he couldn’t stop himself from taking a step toward you.
“You could have repaired the Razor Crest on your own. The carbonite freezer, the hyperdrive, the powerlines, all of it,” he said, trying to keep the accusation out of his voice and only partially succeeding.
A blush burned high on your cheeks, and you stepped back, bringing your bare arms to wrap around your midriff defensively. A heavy silence descended on the hangar, and you looked away. You were chewing on your lip again, digging your teeth into the rosy flesh, and Din allowed the quiet to linger, allowed you to come to your response on your own.
“Yes,” you eventually whispered. “I could have.”
“You never said.” Din recalled the way you had known the carbonite unit was broken before he did, the way you sat in the Razor Crest’s cargo hold, cradling Grogu, and watched him futilely attempt to repair it, the way you had sat back and allowed Peli to take the lead on the ship repair in his absence. Had he even needed to come to Tatooine? If you could have done it on your own…
You sighed then, your expression shifting from guilt to something like annoyance. “Mando… Come on. Why would I help my captor fix something he has already promised he will use against me?” You reached down to the tied sleeves of your boilersuit then and began tugging the garment back up your torso and over your arms. “That’s why we’re here, right?” you continued, your voice picking up speed and intensity as you spoke. “Peli and I did a bunch of other work, but it was the carbonite unit you were after. Why would I make it easier for you to put me in stasis? I’ve seen what that thing can do to people with just…the smallest miscalculation. Why would I volunteer for that?”
If you are able to fix it…are you going to freeze me?
Are you going to try to run again?
Three days, you had been here. No restraints, no locked doors, just a few meters away from potential freedom. You hadn’t run. Instead, you had repaired the means of your continued captivity. Why?
“Then why help fix it at all?” Din asked incredulously. “Why not just let Peli – ”
“Because her life was in danger,” you cut in. You seemed almost offended at the suggestion that you ought to have done something different. “Carbonite technology is dangerous, and not just for the people imprisoned in it. I wasn’t going to let her die just for the chance of keeping myself out of stasis.”
Peli chose that moment to weigh in. “It’s true, Mando. It was almost ‘time’s up’ for old Peli – if your girl hadn’t caught a gas leak, I’d have blown myself and your ship sky high.”
“And…” you shrugged, less defensive now, “It was better than doing nothing at all. It’s been a while since I got the chance to get my hands on a pre-Empire vessel. It was…nice.”
Din frowned. He had underestimated you. Not just your technical capabilities, but your character. He hadn’t met many bounties who would sacrifice their own freedom for someone they hardly knew. Unbidden, the memory of what you had said when you learned about the threats to Grogu’s life echoed through his mind. How could I ever hurt him?
There was no way he was going to be able to sleep at night if he froze you. The guilt would eat him alive.
“Well.” He paused, considering his next words carefully. “You’ve done fine work. Both of you.”
Peli grinned toothily and offered Grogu a tiny high-five. “Damn right, we did!”
“Unfortunately, I’m not able to compensate you for your work,” he continued, addressing you directly. “However, I would be willing to consider allowing you to remain out of stasis for the remainder of this run. In exchange for some additional maintenance work on the Crest as we travel. As a thank you.”
All of the breath seemed to leave you at once – your shoulders sagged, your mouth dropped open, and you allowed yourself to drop back to lean against the sandstone wall of the hangar. “You’re serious?” you asked softly, bewildered.
Din nodded once. “You’ve demonstrated that you can be trusted without restraints. You’ve been kind to my foundling. And you’re a talented engineer.” He paused for a moment, then added, “You have to understand, I will need to turn you in once I’ve collected the other quarries. I accepted your bounty puck – my Guild agent is owed a return of the asset. I can’t go back on my word. It’s against the Guild code, and against mine. But…I see no reason for you to suffer in the meantime.”
You broke his gaze, staring down at your hands. After a few seconds of contemplation, you murmured, “I understand.” With a nod seemingly to yourself, you pushed away from the wall, closed the distance between you, and extended a hand to shake on it. “It’s a deal.”
Din accepted your hand, finding it to be small in comparison to his own, but your grip was strong, and he felt his lips curl into a small smile behind his helmet.
With an affable grin, Peli patted each of you on the back bracingly. “See, Mando? Everything works out!” she crowed.
And Din thought that perhaps she was right.
With the matter of payment already settled, it took only a handful of minutes for the Mandalorian to load his many sacks of supply purchases into the Razor Crest and begin his pre-flight checks. With Peli’s blessing, you took those sacred few minutes to duck into her ‘fresher and take a break-neck sonic shower, eager to get the sweat, engine grime, and Tatooine desert dust off your skin before you settled in for another indeterminate period of time in deep space.
As the sonic waves vibrated and lifted away specks of oil and dirt faster than your eyes could follow, you felt as though your thoughts were moving just as quickly. You had known the risks when you stepped in to assist with the carbonite freezer repair. You had fully anticipated that the moment Mando returned and confirmed that it was once again operational, his first action would be to seal you away in frigid, half-life stasis between two sheets of carbonite. Regardless, you had done what you needed to do to keep Peli safe and to keep the Razor Crest intact. You had never expected compensation for that choice.
To know that the bounty hunter recognized this, to know that he acknowledged not only your technical skills but your sacrifice, and saw fit to offer you what he could in exchange was both validating and deeply unsettling.
Resentment and bitterness still clung to your sentiments toward the Mandalorian. You could appreciate that he was just doing his job, that he had been given a task and he was executing on that task for payment, just like anyone else trying to make a living in the galaxy. He ensured you were well fed, he offered you medicine when you were injured, he left you in the care of a kind woman when he had to leave, and now, he was giving you the opportunity to remain both out of stasis and out of your restraints for the next several weeks while he finished his hunt. There was man of honor buried under all that stoicism and beskar. You couldn’t deny it.
But before he had come into your life, before he had stood across from you on the other side of your bar with your bounty puck glowing in the dim cantina lighting, you had finally gotten a taste of freedom. You had gotten to choose the clothes you wore, the food you ate, how long you slept. You had been paid a fair wage, and you had gotten to choose how you spent it. You had even started to make friends, which wasn’t something you had experienced since childhood. It was a life unlike any you had known before, and you had relished it.
Every time you caught yourself thinking somewhat fondly of the Mandalorian and the respectful, almost gentle way he treated you, you were immediately reminded that if it were not for him, that freedom would still be yours.
What he was offering you was far better than the carbonite alternative, and you would be a fool to turn it down. But it was not true freedom. It was temporary, false. You were grateful, but you would be lying if you said it didn’t leave a touch of sourness in your stomach.
Your mind was still cloudy when you emerged from the ‘fresher, your long hair clean and soft against your neck as you braided it back away from your face once more. You spotted Mando immediately, hovering near the ramp up into the Razor Crest, Grogu balanced contentedly on his hip. You smiled involuntarily. In spite of your complicated feelings toward his caretaker, you couldn’t seem to muster any negative sentiments toward the child. He was easily the best part of your current situation, with his toothy smiles and his sweet babbles and his giant, bug-like eyes. After the life you had lived, he brought a softness out in you that you hadn’t been certain you still possessed, and you adored him for it.
“Ah, there she is!” Peli called out, shading her eyes and spotting you in the shadow of the overhang.
Mando turned to face you, his impenetrable black visor reflecting a mirror image of the surrounding hangar. “Come,” he said, beckoning to you with orange-tipped fingers. “It’s time to leave.”
You nodded once and crossed quickly into the beaming sunlight.
Peli smiled at you, offering you a firm handshake. “Well, missy, not often do I get to work with someone like you around here,” she said brightly. “It was fun. Maybe we’ll get to do it again sometime.”
You swallowed hard and fought to muster up a smile in return. You wondered if that was just a platitude, something people said to one another when parting ways, or if she meant it. You weren’t sure which one you would prefer.  
“Yeah, maybe we will.” You hoped your voice didn’t sound as shaky to her as it did to you. The Guild is sending me back to Chardaan. We’ll never see each other again, you thought.
“And you take good care of the little guy, Mando, you hear?” The older woman stepped forward and offered Grogu an affectionate rub of one large ear. “See you later, bright eyes.”
Mando nodded in her direction. “Thank you again,” he said. With a gesture that told you to follow him, he strode up the ramp and disappeared into the cargo hold, you close on his heels.
As the gangplank retracted and the blast doors closed, the bounty hunter passed Grogu into your arms.
“I’m going to get us out of the atmosphere,” he rasped through his helmet modulator. “There’s fresh fruit in the chiller locker if you’re hungry.”
The child cooed at that, and you felt the corners of your mouth turn up in spite of yourself. “Sure, thanks,” you said. Mando quickly ascended the ladder up into the cockpit then, leaving you and his foundling to your own devices.
Grabbing a meiloorun from storage, you settled yourself on top of one of the anonymous gray cargo bins, Grogu watching your every move with interest as you peeled back the skin and exposed the sweet flesh inside. You took a bite as you heard the Razor Crest’s engines turn over, and you passed the fruit to the child as you felt the landing gear retract beneath you. He dug in with gusto, his ears wiggling in approval as juice dripped down his chin and onto his brown robes, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm.
The sound of heavy footsteps on the deck above drew your gaze away from the spectacle, and a moment later, the Mandalorian dropped down the ladder into the cargo hold.
“We’ll get out of the system then jump to hyperspace,” he said somewhat absently as he examined a datapad that he had brought with him from the cockpit. He grabbed one of the several packs he had loaded onto the Crest from his supply run and began pulling various items out, appearing to record them on the datapad in some kind of inventory. He said nothing more, and it left you feeling a bit out of place just sitting and watching him while he worked.  
After what felt like several minutes of this, you cleared your throat. “So…what happens now?” you asked, your hands twisting hesitantly in your lap.
Mando did not look up at you, ostensibly fully absorbed in his task. “Now, I move on to the next bounty,” he said. “And you do what you did with Peli. Identify systems on the Razor Crest that need your attention and repair them accordingly.”
You frowned slightly at that. “I’m sure you know that some work I won’t be able to do while we’re in hyperspace. Some things will have to wait until we’ve landed somewhere.” You were already mentally running through the list of systems in need of repairs based on the diagnostics you and Peli had run before you left Tatooine. There were more powerlines to replace, the air recycler was well past due for a cleaning, not to mention you were certain that given enough time, you could get more out of the Razor Crest’s hyperdrive than it was currently giving you…
“I’m aware,” the bounty hunter agreed. “Those are things you can work on while I’m away on a hunt.”
“You want me to stay on the ship by myself while you hunt?” You did nothing to hide the discomfort in your voice. In spite of your complex emotions surrounding the Mandalorian, you felt as though you would be safer with him than you would be on your own. You didn’t know the first thing about bounty hunting, but surely it would be taking you to some…unsavory places? Did he really want you to stay behind?
That was finally enough to get him to look at you. Dropping the datapad into the supply bag, he turned in your direction, crossing his arms over his broad, armored chest. “Do you know how to handle a blaster?” he asked impatiently.
You shook your head. “No.”
“What about a vibroblade?”
You bit your lip, shaking your head again. “…no.”
“Then yes, I want you to stay on the ship while I hunt. It’s too dangerous to take someone with no combat training into the field. You’ll be safer here with the ground defense systems activated.” His tone carried a note of finality you knew better than to argue against. You supposed you could understand his stance, and though you didn’t relish the idea of being cooped up in the narrow walls of the Razor Crest for days on end, you knew yourself well enough to acknowledge that you didn’t have the skills you would need to be of any help against another bounty.
“And, if you’re up for it,” he added after a moment, “Grogu will stay here with you.”
You felt your eyebrows raise at that, but you didn’t protest. “Sure. I don’t mind keeping an eye on him,” you said. The little guy had a streak of mischief in him a mile wide, but he was also incredibly sweet, and he seemed fond of you. You knew that if he ever got out of hand, you could simply strap him to your body in the carrier you had fashioned for him, and he would be content.
Mando nodded at that. “Then it’s settled.” Turning back to his inventory task, he continued, “You’re welcome to any of the food or hygiene products we have on board. You don’t need to ask permission before you use something. The only thing off limits is that cabinet.” He pointed at the mysterious silver cabinet you had noticed days ago when you had been surveying the ship. A flickering control panel was mounted to the wall next it, which you knew meant it was locked. “Don’t attempt to open it,” he cautioned, his voice firm and dark. “If you do, I’ll know.”
Inexplicably, the harshness of the command sent a flash of heat through you, and you knew a blush had to be burning in your cheeks. “Understood,” you said, your throat suddenly dry. You looked away from him immediately, desperate to find somewhere else to rest your gaze.
As you did so, another thought occurred to you. “Um…one last thing?”
“Yes?” His reply was curt but not cold as he continued his work.
“Sleeping,” you said hesitantly. “Where should I sleep? If you have a few spare blankets, I can make do with the deck, it’s not a problem. I just don’t want to be somewhere where I’m going to get in your way.”
That seemed to give him pause, and he turned his head to you once more. After a brief silence, he answered, “There’s a bunk in the corner.” He said it as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, as though he was confused as to why this was even a question.
You fought not to roll your eyes at him as your blush burned hotter. “No, I know, it’s just that…that’s your bunk,” you said.
The Mandalorian appeared to consider that for a moment before shrugging dismissively. “I’m accustomed to going long periods of time without sleep. It won’t be difficult for us to take turns.”
“Are you sure? I really wouldn’t mind sleeping somewhere else,” you insisted.
Rather than replying, he simply stared at you. It was clear that he wasn’t understanding your hesitance, and you thought perhaps it was best to just drop it before he began to question it further.
“Got it,” you said eventually. “I’ll use the bunk when I need it.”
“So what’s the next stop?” you asked after a beat. Grogu had finished the meiloorun, and you took the sticky remnants from him and hopped down off of the storage bin to toss it in the refuse recycler. “Where’s the next quarry?”
“There’s a bail jumper whose last known location was on Ryloth. I wasn’t planning on doing that one next, but it’s so close, I don’t know if I will be able to justify a trip back to this sector. It’s just a short jump down the Corellian Run,” the bounty hunter explained.
You considered this information for a moment. You knew little of the planet Ryloth; it was mostly known for being the home planet of the Twi’leks and for its somewhat treacherous terrain, so you didn’t feel as though you knew any better what to expect when you landed than you had a minute ago.
Just as you were using the back of your sleeve to wipe the meiloorun juice from Grogu’s mouth, Mando seemed to finish his inventorying.
“We should be well out of Tatooine’s star system by now. I’ll get us into hyperspace,” he said.
“We’ll be here,” you said, gesturing at the grinning child now nibbling absently on the wrist of your boilersuit.
Mando paused for a moment then, one foot on the ladder, and appeared to study you both. He glanced from you, to Grogu, and then back to you, and that blush came roaring back into your cheeks as you swore you could feel his gaze settling on your body through his helmet.
You almost laughed at the ridiculousness of that notion. What the kriff was wrong with you?
However, the moment passed as quickly as it had come. The bounty hunter appeared to almost shake himself, and then without another word, he took the ladder rungs two at a time and disappeared.
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intermundia · 3 months
Good day (or whatever it may be where you are) :)! As yours is a cherished staple on my dash I got curious when I saw your acolyte post just now. Is there any easily explainable reason for why the show not for you, or is it just a mix of preferences? Absolutely no opinions embedded in this question, I haven't seen the latest episode and try to enjoy it as well.
sooo i don't want to really spoil it if you are still watching, as the emotional impact of the episode is supposed to be delivered in a series of reveals and shocking deaths that take you by surprise, but it's a chaotic bloodbath of an episode that left me feeling numb disappointment rather than excitement or intrigue.
no amount of sexy dark siders or fancy choreography can make up for what we lost, like i guess the deaths were supposed to heighten the stakes of the series, but instead to me they fell extremely flat. they didn't give me any time to process grief i felt for one character by killing another one immediately afterward.
if they'd just killed one or the other, i might not have been so bothered, but as it was, it just felt like a slap in the face. it made me feel like a fool for caring about those characters, treating them as disposable and unimportant relative to the main story of the twins. i'm just not as invested anymore, like the characters i was looking forward to seeing most, the relationships i was most excited to see develop, are all gone.
but also just like in general, i have a limited amount of interest in star wars stories that are not fundamentally about hope, where good and evil are not clearly defined in the actions of heroes and villains. i'm not excited by what i perceive to be a more casual fan's hot take of undermining the forces of good to be more 'realistic' and indulging the forces of evil to paint them in a sympathetic light. that's not why i watch star wars, it's not what draws me to the material.
the original worldbuilding of star wars is extremely simple and extremely clear, and i know that bothers a lot of people, but it's all based on a mythic and elevated morality play of light and dark, which i happen to love. it feeds my soul and gives me hope, which is in short supply these days. if we can't even dream of a fantasy world where the good guys are good, what are we even doing lmao
i love the jedi philosophy and culture, and i don't particularly want to see them depicted as just another ineffectual bureaucratic institution, who let people down and betray their trust. i'm tired of shows using the jedi order as narrative antagonists and telling stories where the heroes misunderstand or reject the jedi philosophy on what seems to me to be bad faith terms.
if someone gets the right to speak from the rostrum and expand canon, i'd love it if they'd frame the story in a way that honors the material instead of undermining it from the inside. like please just let star wars be star wars, nobody else can offer what star wars can! i know people like their genre-swapping deconstructions, and that's fine, but it's just not for me ultimately.
sorry lmao this ended up being more of a rant than i intended, but i care so much about star wars and wanted so badly to like the show, and it betrayed my emotional investment and made me check out. i have a limited amount of good will, and they killed it. twice.
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missfrieden · 2 months
Tech as a father Chapter 61
I managed to tear away from my book or from the current book I read since last sunday.
Chapter 61: Back to Callo
Tech carefully scoops up Orion, who stirs in his sleep, adjusting his hold to ensure the infant's comfort. The gentle hum of Gonky's movements continues in the background. Tech moves to the designated feeding area, a small setup he's created with efficiency in mind. He prepares the cut fruits and reaches for the bottle, all while keeping a watchful eye on Orion, who blinks sleepily in the dim light. Dozing off in his tiny high chair, before blinking again.
As he begins the feeding process, Tech talks to Orion in a soft, reassuring tone. "Time for a little snack, Orion. Let's see if you enjoy these cut fruits today." He carefully offers a small piece, observing Orion's reaction. Orion, still groggy from his interrupted nap, seems intrigued by the new textures. He reaches out with tiny hands, exploring the fruit before attempting to bring it to his mouth. Tech smiles at the sight, encouraged by the gradual introduction of solid foods. The feeding session continues with a mix of puree and fruit pieces, with Tech maintaining a calm and patient demeanour. The squad's resident tech expert seamlessly juggles his responsibilities, seamlessly transitioning between father and scientist as he notes Orion's preferences and responses. And he still seems more interested into his milk anyway. As Orion finishes his snack, Tech expertly burps him before settling him back into the makeshift crib on Gonky. The rhythmic movements lull Orion back into a contented slumber, and Tech takes a moment to reflect on the intricacies of caring for an infant within the dynamic of the squad. With a smile he starts doing some of his tasks close by.
Hunter, having received the urgent communication in the middle ot he night, moves quickly to wake the squad. The dim lighting within the Havoc Marauder gradually illuminates their shared living space as the clones stir from their slumber. "Gear up, everyone. We've got a mission," Hunter announces, his tone serious and focused. The urgency in his voice prompts the squad to spring into action, each member retrieving their weapons and equipment with a practiced efficiency.
As the squad gathers in the centre of the ship, Hunter relays the information he received. "Separatists are making another move on Callo. Our expertise is needed. We're going in." Crosshair, already checking his blaster, nods in acknowledgment. "Five clones enough for this?" "For now," Hunter responds, his mind already calculating the potential challenges they might face. "But if it gets hot, we call for backup. Let's move out." “I suspect you mean the clones on site there helping around?” Echo asks as he heads to the cockpit. “Yes, but we have been requested due to our help the last time.”
The Havoc Marauder hums to life as it prepares for take-off. The squad, armed and ready, takes their positions. The ship lifts off, leaving behind the quiet of the night by the base as they head towards another mission, united by their unwavering commitment to the Republic and the challenges that lie ahead. Tech, focused on installing the safety railing, so his son does not tumble out of the bunk during the flight, takes a moment to glance at Orion, who is now becoming more aware of his surroundings. The tiny distances of crawling and increased curious babbling signal the approaching stage of exploration.
"While we're on Callo, you might get to see your mother again," Tech says to Orion, his voice carrying a warmth that transcends the cynical(?) technical precision often associated with his communication. As he secures the last part of the railing, he can't help but wonder how the reunion will unfold. Amanda Pacem, the Jedi stationed on Callo, holds a significant place in both their lives. Tech contemplates the delicate balance of emotions such a meeting always evoke for Orion, who is still too young to comprehend the complexities.
Finishing the installation, Tech leans Orion into his bunk, adjusting the miniature armour that marks him as a unique addition to the squad. The Havoc Marauder is now en route to Callo, a journey that holds the promise of reunions, challenges, and the unfolding chapters of Orion's ever-evolving life.
Tech not able to let his little trooper for just a while picks him up, cradling Orion in his arms, continues the heartfelt conversation. "Your mother misses you, Orion, just like I miss her. And I know you miss her too," he says, his words carrying a sincerity that show the emotions he keeps neatly behind his build walls. As Tech speaks, he gently strokes Orion's cheek, his touch a comforting reassurance. The connection between father, son and mother, bound by both blood and the Force, deepens with each shared moment.
"There will be challenges, little trooper, but we face them together. Your mother is a strong and wise Jedi. We'll navigate this journey, and you'll get to see her again soon, very soon" Tech adds, his gaze fixed on Orion's bright blue eyes, wondering how much the infant truly understands. The Havoc Marauder hurtles through hyperspace, carrying the squad toward Callo and the potential reunion that awaits. Tech, anticipating Orion's discomfort during the descent, expertly places the earplugs in his son's ears. He remains unfazed by the initial cries, knowing they will subside once they reunite with Amanda. As the Havoc Marauder lands, Tech efficiently adjusts the tiny helmet on Orion's head, ensuring his son is protected during their mission.
With precision, Tech retrieves the small toy blaster for Orion, a miniature version mirroring the ones the squad uses. He hands it to Orion, who, despite being an infant, seems to grasp the familiarity of the gesture, calming down as he holds the tiny weapon. The squad, geared up and ready, prepares to disembark on Callo, united in purpose and the unspoken anticipation of a family reunion. The air on Callo carries a sense of familiarity and urgency as the squad, led by Tech with Orion securely in the carrier, steps off the Havoc Marauder. Amanda and Alma's presence adds a layer of reassurance, and Orion's cries have shifted to gentle sniffles, the small blaster in his hands a testament to the familial atmosphere.
As they approach, Amanda's eyes meet Tech's, conveying a silent understanding of the challenges they face. Alma, still under Amanda's care, appears curious, her gaze alternating between the squad and the bustling surroundings of Callo. Tech, mindful of Orion's comfort, adjusts the carrier slightly, ensuring the little one has a clear view of his surroundings. The small helmet on Orion's head seems like a miniature version of the ones worn by the squad, a visual connection that resonates with familial bonds. Something Alma always found to adorable.
Amanda, having sensed Orion's distress earlier, approaches with Alma. The reunion brings forth a mixture of relief and joy. Amanda reaches out to gently stroke Orion's cheek, whispering soothing words that only a mother could provide. Alma, in her childlike innocence, watches with wide eyes, not hearing what her Master is murmuring, is sensing the emotions that swirl around her… Is this just Amanda’s caring nature of a Healer or is there more to it?
Chapter 62
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter @moonwreckd @sskim-milkk @heidnspeak
Honestly I read since last month eight book, soon nine, with around 460 pages each. And five alone, while I worked all day. And since my vacations I am finishing another series! Read 3 1/2 books since last week. I am nearly through my to read pile.
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the-oc-lass · 5 months
Because Dave Filoni really looked at us and said “FUCK YOUR TECH DREAMS!”
Tech did not return and I am screaming.
Anyway, please enjoy Tech and a Baby
Crosshair and a Baby
Wrecker and a Baby
Gregor and a Baby
Echo and a Baby
Full fic below the cut in case you don't want to go to Ao3:
Tech isn’t what you would call a “baby guy.” Babies are illogical and can’t be reasoned with. At least once they reach a certain age, you can start communicating and getting some understanding out of them. Unfortunately for Tech, baby Echo “Ec” Yothia is still just that: a baby. None of this is to say that Tech doesn’t love Ec because, no, no, he does. He just tends to find himself a little…Uncertain when it comes to the child. He prefers to simply observe others interacting with him rather than truly engaging with the child himself. 
So, of course, he would find himself in this situation. Ec’s mother, Rayona, has been working herself incredibly hard for the clone rebellion. As the acting pseudo-General and one of two resident Jedi, she takes what she does very seriously. She’s worked herself so hard, in fact, that Echo, as their resident Rayona-specialist, has taken it upon himself to start enforcing nap times for her. This is fine. Usually, it’s Echo or one of the other Bad Batch squad members that sit or lay with her to make sure she actually rests, some even resorting to lying on top of her. The problem is, Rex has Hunter and Wrecker helping him with a job and Crosshair is preoccupied with Omega. Apparently, Rayona is extra unwilling today, so Echo said it would be best for him to enforce nap time. Which leaves Tech with the baby. 
“Are you absolutely certain that you cannot come and watch over him? I am not equipt for the caretaking of an infant,” he says into his comm. He can hear Crosshair laughing on the other side of the transmission, but it’s Omega who answers. 
“Sorry, Tech. Crosshair and I are busy with Plaa and Ky right now.” Ah, of course. Rayona’s Jedi friend and her padawan/adopted daughter. Crosshair has taken a rather keen interest in them. “Have you asked any of the others?” 
“I have accounted for everyone else in the base. They are all either busy or not currently able to properly watch over Ec. While I am not equipped to care for him, I will not pass Ec off to someone who has more pressing matters to attend to. His safety is prioritized over my own comfort,” Tech says. He adjusts his goggles slightly. “I will attend to him. Thank you for your help, Omega.” 
“Good luck, Tech!” With that cheerful send-off, Omega is gone and Tech is once again alone with his thoughts and the infant. Ec stares up at him with big brown eyes, taking a moment before he smiles and reaches up toward Tech’s face, gurgling. His hand waves toward Tech’s eyes in particular, and Tech quickly deduces that he must be able to see his reflection in Tech’s goggles. He shifts the child away slightly, hoping to avoid getting any small fingerprints on his goggles. After taking a few moments to consider what he could possibly do with the child, he comes up with an idea. 
For the time being, Tech sets up Ec’s feeding chair near his workstation and places Ec in it. This will allow him to monitor the child but will prevent Ec from possibly grabbing something he shouldn’t. With Ec out of his lap for the moment, Tech is able to work on his latest project. It is, however, a project for Ec. A common problem is that Ec constantly needs to be held since there aren’t many good places to put him down. Tech has been working on a solution for that. Simply put, a hovering pram for Ec to rest in. It would make it easier to transport him around while still having one’s arms free. Tech decided to fit it with an energy shield, should the day ever come when they need to move the baby through an active battlefield. He also asked about mounting small automatic turrets to shoot anyone not in a specific scan-related database, but Rayona had very quickly nixed that idea. Despite his well-cited argument about the turrets keeping Ec safe, she’d argued that it was “too dangerous” for the rest of them. A rather preposterous concern, if you ask Tech, but he went along with Rayona’s wishes. She is Ec’s mother and Tech respects her too much to go against her will. It’s easy for him to focus all his attention on the project in front of him…At first. After approximately three minutes and thirty-six seconds, Ec begins to babble. Tech ignores him at first. He can’t expect the infant to be quiet, after all. They’re only quiet when they sleep. However, it quickly becomes clear that Ec is seeking attention and Tech looks over at him. 
“Yes?” he prompts, though he knows Ec won’t respond. Ec giggles and smiles at him, and Tech adjusts his goggles as he considers what to do. Ec seemed pleased that Tech spoke to him, which makes sense considering that infants recognize the sounds of speech. After Rayona had Ec, Tech also read that speaking to infants helps their cognitive development, meaning they’re able to acquire speech and language skills sooner. Perhaps he could help move that process along. Yes, that solution will do nicely. Tech pulls the feeding chair a little closer to his side, turning it slightly so that Ec can watch him work. “Now, Ec, while I understand that you do not currently have the capacity to understand me, I assure you that listening to me will help with your mental development. Now, as you can see, I’m currently wiring together the necessary controls to activate and deactivate the energy shield over the body of the pram. Once that is complete I will finish calibrating the repulsorlift and set it to the inner shell, which will allow your pram to hover, therefore making you easier to transport. I should also incorporate a sensor so that the pram can be summoned from a distance, and the sensor can be synced to your mother and-” 
“Why are you sayin’ all that to him?” Tech lifts his head from his work, turning to look over his shoulder. Ah, it seems that Wrecker and Hunter have returned. Tech adjusts his goggles again. 
“I had read that speaking to an infant helps with their mental development, especially when it pertains to speech skills,” he says. Wrecker blinks, clearly confused, and Tech sighs. “If I continue to talk to Ec, it is likely that he will learn to talk more quickly.” Now Wrecker’s eyes widen with understanding. 
“Oh. I get it. But why all that…Smart stuff? Doesn’t he want to hear about baby stuff?” he asks. Tech glances at Ec, who he finds looking back at him. When Tech’s eyes land on him, Ec smiles and babbles slightly. Tech smiles slightly in satisfaction before looking back at Wrecker.
“I believe my ‘smart stuff’ is plenty entertaining for Ec. Perhaps he will retain some of it and someday have an intellect matching my own,” he says, perhaps just a little proudly. Hunter appears at Wrecker’s side, helmet held against his hip. 
“Does that mean you don’t want us to take him? Omega mentioned that you weren’t sure what to do with him,” he says. Tech once again looks down at Ec, who is still smiling at him. 
“No. He may remain with me,” he says after a moment. Hunter shrugs, then gestures to Wrecker with his head. The two leave and Tech turns back to his project, though not without briefly brushing some of Ec’s hair back. “Now, where was I? Ah, yes. I should consider making some sort of gauntlet or chip to ensure that your pram can be summoned to…”
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Anakin kink headcannon
Here is my veiw on Anakin's kinks. This one was fun. He is a sick little puppy, i love him so much 🥲🥲
Warnings: smut takl, kink talk (tried to make this more gender neutral please tell me if i failed miserably)
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Anakin is a precious boi. Confusing. But precious.
It takes alot to fully understand anakin as a parnter. Sure he is cocky, playfull protective and pretty scary when his temper is aroused.
But in the bed room he is pretty needy and sweet, oh so easy to break.
If we are honest he becomes a feral little whore.
Mommy/daddy kink. Thats it. Thats the elephant in the room. Despite being the chosen hero without fear he is desperate to find that one partner who will let him be the apple of their eye.
And who also takes care of him, and is stern enough to stop him from thinking too hard. He needs to have the weight lifted from his shoulders sometimes? You know?
Needs to be needed. In all aspects of life he lives to serve, he needs to be wanted and appreciated. Rewarded even.
Definitely a chest man, whether his partner is male or femal theres something about titties.
He isnt even too sure himself. He loves to lay on them, snuggling up into your chest leaving kisses on them listening to your heartbeat below.
Yes, he is a sucker for titties and sucks the titties more often than not.
To rial him up all you gotta do is show some chest and give him a stern look and he is ready freddy!
Praise kink for days! DAYS! Tell him he's a good boy and 'making mommy/daddy so proud' and he will be putty in your hands.
Also filthy. He has a knack for lacing his pleading with dirty talk. Like the nastiest shit
Some of which even makes you blush. He wants to be your filthy little whore, to have his hair pulled and face slapped. 'Use me' is on of his favourite things to moan in your ear. And obviously you ablige itxd be rude not to~
He has asked to be spat on.
But its not all scratces and sobbing, oh no he also enjoys the way you litter his face with sweet kisses and shower him with affection afterwards.
The chosen one is obsessed with making his partner cum, he lives for it! The need to please and receive his partners approval drives him.
But sometimes he is a little too eager. There has been times where he tries so hard to be the bestest boy and forces you across the finish line one time too many.
Youd be laying their in a daze tasting colours after being forced into multiple orgasms;during which you were unable to speak to order him to stop.
He'd become the most attentive he's ever been, scurrying about the room collecting anything and everything he could think of to help you relax. Juice, datapad, blankets pillows.
Fuck he'd even fetch some body lotion and start trying to coax you into having a massage from him.
He will do anything and everything because he is just that type of partner.
He has and ingrained need to earn approval and praise from everyone he holds dear to him, and if you start feeding that need in the bed room? Well congratulations you just earned yourself a jedi general for the forseeable future.
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