#the carn case
naggingatlas · 9 months
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a bad dream about glitchhunting
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mr-saturnnn · 10 months
lesbian radfem flag icons
ayyy i've made edits with some gnp characters!!! all ladies below are LESBIANS they love only WOMEN
lesbian july is never over
feel free to use my icons! likes + reblogs are appreciated! pls credit me when use :>
Cakey / Obsequious
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Macne Nana
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Candle Queen / Chloe
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Stephanie Glass
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Say Carnes
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Creative Rana
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cineolho · 1 year
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and she’ll tease you
emily prentiss x reader
18+: smut; teasing, office sex, boot riding, finger sucking, oral fixation kinda, dom!emily, mommy kink, degradation, praise, lowkey hand kink icl i was thinking about them and salivating from all my lips
a/n: title from the song ‘bette davis eyes’ by kim carnes - this is from a request !! wc: 1.7k
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Emily seemed to have woken up on whichever side of the bed makes you walk the path of torment. She, of course, was the devilish one in this scenario, and you were merely the one she was so determined to tease. 
You’d woken up in the older woman’s bed, an occurrence not so uncommon, with the soft pad of her fingertip trailing over your arm and the light smile on her lips being the first thing to greet you. 
Her lips grazed yours with her murmur of ‘good morning’, and in your sleepy haze you returned it as best you could. And, despite the briefness of the kiss, your breath halted just as it always does. She pulled away much too soon for your liking, rising from where she lay with a smug glance at you over her shoulder. 
In spite of the way your eyes were fighting against tiredness, you couldn’t keep them away from the muscles of her bare back, the inward curve of her waist when she stretched her arms above her head and the perfect view of her naked body when she sauntered away into the bathroom. 
She’d let you stay in the duvet-covered comfort for a little bit longer, leaving you to blink yourself into as much of an alert state as you can before work. You were still savouring that last bit of comfort when you heard the water shut off mere moments before she came back out to you. 
Her flirtatious disposition she’d decided to emphasise was in full swing, sauntering to her wardrobe in her underwear, droplets of water still sitting in the contours of her back. Her eyes didn’t shy away from you when she’d pulled the covers from your body, leaning over to ghost a peck over your lips whilst luring you from the mattress. 
And the drive to work left little respite; her hand crept daringly high where it rested on your thigh, a teasing move rather risky this early in the morning. Especially on the way to work. Unbeknownst to you, however, that was her plan entirely. Emily adores you when you’re worked up - when she can tell you’re thinking of nothing but her.  
Her hopes for the day couldn’t have worked out more flawlessly; she was blessed with a case-free day, just paperwork and a couple of meetings to occupy her time. So she had plenty of time to fit in some playful torment. 
She watched out of the window of her office at you working at your desk, taking part in conversations here and there. She waited until you went for your mid-morning coffee to make her move, making sure to approach you with the sleeves of her shirt rolled up in the way she knows you like. 
Your eyes glazed over her forearms as soon as they came into view, and your cheeks warmed at the smirk she regarded you with. 
“Want one?” you asked her with a gesture towards your mug, instantly reaching for another at her nod. 
The quiet between you was palpable yet comfortable whilst you waited for the coffee to brew; you shuddered at the fingertips she dragged across your back, tracing lines up to your neck and along your collarbone. 
She nudged beneath your chin, guiding you to face her - so close you could feel the heat of her breath. 
“You working hard?” she smiled, eyeing your lips and the way your neck twitched with your swallow. 
“Mhm,” you nodded, watching the way her tongue swiped along her bottom lip with a movement so slow and deliberate it made your heartbeat quicken. 
“Always a good girl for me,” she breathed, almost daring to let her lips brush against yours yet pulling away before letting you give in. With that, she left, coffee in hand and a wink to you over her shoulder with the swaying of her hips fogging your mind. 
She’s playfully scolded you before for picking up your personal phone when you’re meant to be working, but when you saw the screen light up with her name, you swiped it open. 
‘I miss you in here’, she’d typed.  
Before you’d finished a reply, another message came through, a photo of her shirt partially unbuttoned; the black lace of her bra poked into view, and her necklace sat against the line of her collarbone, dipping into the space between her breasts. You glanced at her office door despite knowing there’d be nothing to see, you just hoped nobody caught sight of your antsy state, fidgeting in your chair. 
Emily knows the effect she has on you - how her hands so often capture your attention. She catches you following their movements when she talks, the way her knuckles strain with her grip on the steering wheel. The next photo that popped up confirmed your suspicions of her hellish behaviour, the teasing and flirting, the sly touches at any moment she was near. 
A photo of her hand, fingers splayed on her thigh. The svelte digits served as a reminder of her constant hold on you, the ease with which she can have you yearning for her attention in one calculated decision. You could only think of her touch, the one she’d graced you with only last night. 
You stood from your chair with a huff, feeling pathetically desperate for the attention of your lover; your back felt hot, your stomach twinged with need, and the ache between your thighs only grew at the idea of her. 
You didn’t bother to knock and just let yourself into her office with the door clicking shut behind you and an instant pout mirroring her smirk. 
“Can I help you?” she spoke, leaning back in her chair behind her desk, legs spread with confidence. She oozes power and she knows it, it drips like honey from her skin. 
“You’re doing this on purpose,” you frowned, still feeling hot beneath the collar of your shirt despite your frustration with the woman. 
“Doing what?”
“This,” you gestured towards her seated form and the cocky look on her face. “The teasing, the messages - all day.”
“Aw, has it made you desperate?” she mocked, beckoning you towards her with a crook of her finger. She used the same hand to grab your hip, keeping you firmly in your place with a bashful heat in your cheeks as she peered up at you. “Are you needy, baby, hm? Have you been getting worked up just thinking about your mommy?” 
You whimpered at the way she cupped your clothed cunt, she felt the radiating heat and the subtle twitching of your hips and laughed beneath her breath. 
“On your knees, sweetheart.”
You hardly ever consider going against her command, and right now, with the pulsing ache in your core, you obey it right away. You didn’t mind so much the pathetic way you knelt at her feet when you were sinking into a haze of submission. A deep-rooted and visceral desire and need to relieve the buzzing feeling flowing through you. 
“Tell me what you want,” Emily muttered with her voice deep and quiet. 
“I want you.”
“Tell me like you mean it, baby. Beg for me, or I’ll leave you whining like the little mess you are.” 
“Please, mommy,” you murmured. “Please, I need you. I need you so much; it’s all I can think about.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” she practically cooed, nudging your legs apart before pushing the toe of her black leather boot against you. “C’mon, be a good little slut and get yourself off.” 
With a thick swallow and a glance towards her office door, you pushed yourself down onto her; the idea that someone could interrupt made you flush in a pleasurable apprehension. The thrill of it all spurred you on. 
The seam of your jeans hit against your wanting clit with each thrust of your hips against her boot, and you choked back a moan at the feeling. The way your girlfriend watched you intently made you eager to please, urging yourself to chase after the high you desperately needed. 
“You’ve gotta keep quiet, sweet girl,” she uttered, poking at your lips with her fingers before pushing them past. You latched around the digits that hooked over your teeth, gently biting into them to keep yourself quiet, sucking them into your mouth with pleasure. Emily just sat back and watched, filling your mouth while you humped the boot she sporadically pressed hard against you. 
Your cunt clenched around nothing, and you could feel how soaked you were with each stimulating push of your clit. Your hands held onto her thighs for a semblance of balance on your shaking knees, and you felt the heat of your orgasm creep higher and higher. 
“God, you’re such a needy thing,” she mused. “And when anyone could walk in,” she tutted. “Do you want them to see how desperate you get for your mommy, hm? How much of a little whore you really are?”
You shook your head with an incoherent mumble around her fingers, but truly, in this moment, you couldn’t care much less. 
“I wouldn’t dare to let them see,” she added, stroking her thumb softly over your cheek. “Nobody gets to see you like this apart from me - I love watching you fall apart too much to share it.” 
With each word breathed and each snap of your hips you teetered on the edge of release, staring up at her with eyes pleading a silent question. And, when she nodded with a glimpse of a smile, you let your actions grow hurried in a quick capture of your orgasm. Her eyes were dark and blown, lips parted as she watched you. 
It took little more for you to cum, biting into her skin with a roughness she didn’t mind and a moan at the back of your throat that she muffled. Whilst your heart was still pounding and your cunt still reeling from your high, she pulled your lips to hers with fervour, leaning down to catch each heavy breath you let out. 
“I’m gonna have so much fun with you when we get home,” she rasped against your jaw, cupping the back of your neck in her palm. 
“How am I meant to focus on my work now?” 
“Mm, I dunno,” she smirked, shrugging as she leaned back in her chair, and you stood up shakily. “Think about how good the reward’ll be if you keep on being so well-behaved.” 
“Yes, Chief,” you teased, smiling at the blush she always sports at the title. “I’ll see you later.”
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adriennebarnes · 3 months
Hips Don't Lie part 2
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N invites Henry Cavill to a carne asada after a month of dating
Warning: probably some stereotypical Latina/Mexican things because I'm half Mexican, no translated Spanish, unwanted comments from an aunt about weight (for me it’s with my mom) and about Henry, spelling and grammar errors
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After a month of dating, Henry and Y/N were at his place, they were cooking tallarines saltado. Everything was going well and Y/N got a text.
“Give me a minute, guapo.” Y/N said, washing her hands to check her phone. It was a text from her mom. “Hey Henry, how do you feel about going to a carne asada? It’s this weekend, I know it’s a little soon to be meeting my parents, but I really don’t want to go alone.”
“Darling, it’s fine, I’ll go with you to the barbecue.” Henry said. He put the cut up steak into a pan to cook it along with the onions and tomatoes. “Why don’t you want to go alone?”
“Because my mom and my aunts are all going to be like ‘y el novio?’ Like I’m 32, not married or engaged, in their eyes…something is wrong. So please, my handsome British boyfriend, come with me to the carne asada.” Y/N practically begged, having her hands together in a praying motion.
“Yes, my tiny dancer, I’ll go to the carne asada.” Henry said, kissing her forehead and she was pouting with her arms crossed.
“I am not tiny, You’re just big.” Y/N said and her eyes widened at the last part of her sentence.
“In more ways than one.” Henry winked and kissed her. “Do we have to bring anything?” Y/N looked at him in a ‘are you kidding me’ kind of way. “Sorry, what are we bringing?”
“That’s better, and that depends. My mom usually makes her agua de Jamaica which is hibiscus water, don’t ask how it got the name, and red rice. Obviously my uncles bring the meat, um, I’m thinking, someone usually brings dessert which is like fruit salad and cookies, uh, carajo, no puedo pensar. Okay, I got it, we can make alfajores and picarones, mainly because I crave it.” Y/N said,
“What about really food? Should we bring macaroni salad?” Henry asked
“Never in my life have I ever seen macaroni salad at these carne asadas (I’m using my own experiences, obviously). We could make pasta though and like that we could eat some before we go and the rest we take it there.” Y/N said.
“Why would we eat before we go to the carne asada if we’re going to eat there?” Henry asked.
“Ay, amorcito, there’s so much You need to learn. Just in case there’s something you don’t like, and they never really start grilling right when you come in, it’s usually an hour after everyone’s there so you won’t be starving.” Y/N said.
“Alright, I’ll make the list so we can go shopping tomorrow. Now, I know this is going to be a stupid question, but what do I wear?” Henry asked.
“It’s not stupid at all. So again, my mom taught to dress presentable for whatever ‘event’ so like dress semi formal but summery.” Y/N said and Henry looked at her confused. “Just wear your khaki pants your navy or light blue button down.” Henry nodded.
It was the night before the carne asada and Y/N and Henry were in Y/N’s kitchen, their dessert is chilling, her dog Concha laying down in her bed (any breed you want), and they’re going over the family tree.
“Yeimy is my favorite cousin, she’s a music producer, love her to death. Then we have Juan Luis, Yeimy’s brother, kinda mujeriego, me entiendes, very fuckboy, but he’s a lawyer so we’re friendly. There’s my Tia chela, but you have to call her Graciela until she says you can call her Chela. Now Chela comments on my weight, a lot more than my mom does pero eso es otra cosa aparte.” Y/N said, showing pictures of each family member to Henry.
“Okay…who is Veronica?” Henry asked.
“She’s my mom’s friend from church, I don’t think she’ll be here though, she’s in Colombia.” Y/N said, looking for her photo to show him.
“And we’re going to your mom’s house for the carne asada?” Henry asked.
“Yes, I got her a house with a nice yard, my dad has the grill with the charcoal y todo. Now if there’s anything special that you want to drink or eat, get it tomorrow morning, we have to be there at 2.” Y/N said, now cleaning up the kitchen. So are you staying the night so you can help me with everything or are you coming here early in the morning?”
“I got all stuff in my car, I’m staying the night. I’ll just bring it in.” Henry said, he opened the door to leave and Concha got up from her bed to leave with Henry. “Nope, not you, just me.”
The day of the carne asada, Henry was in the driving with Y/N carrying the alfajores and picarones, the pasta in the backseat with Concha chilling so she could see her cousins. Y/N was wearing a sundress with wedge sandals.
“Okay, when you go in your obviously say hello to everyone, depending on whether the women of my family lean in, it’s a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It’s not a real kiss, it’s more of a cheek touch and the kiss sound, and with the men, again, obviously a handshake.” Y/N reminded him.
“Darling, I know everything, please relax.” Henry said.
“I cant relax, they never met any of my partners before.” Y/N said.
“Well i feel very special now.” Henry said.
“You should.” Y/N said.
Henry parked on the street, they go out of the car, Henry helping Y/N with the food as she put Concha on a leash so they could go to the house.
“Mami, ya llegamos!” Y/N yelled as she opened the gate to enter the yard.
“Ay Y/N, mi niña, cómo estás, amor? Y trajiste a supermán! Sabía que tenías amigos famosos pero nunca pensé de esta altura.” Y/N’s mom, Carolina, said.
“Ah mami, él se llama Henry, es mi novio, pero habla inglés, por favor.” Y/N told her mom.
“Oh my god, Henry, it’s so good to meet you. Finally my daughter has a boyfriend!” Carolina said and Y/N looked away to roll her eyes (because who the hell rolls their eyes in front of the their mothers, right?) “Princesa, has subido de peso? Te está saliendo un poquito la panza, no? Bueno, deja toda la comida en las mesa que no falta poco para llegar lo demás gente.” Carolina said and walked away to get paper plates and plastic utensils for everyone.
“What did she tell you?” Henry asked,
“Nothing it doesn’t matter, just put the food on the table, okay? Come on, Concha, let’s take you out your harness.” Y/N said and placed the food on the table to let her dog loose and Concha started running on the grass with Carolina’s cavalier King Charles spaniel, Honey. A few minutes, the cousins came, there was Yeimy, Juan Luis, Fabian (Peluche) and his wife Cecilia (Chiquis), Irma and her husband Erick, María José and her husband Diego, Alfonso (Poncho), and Maite.
“Prima, que bueno verte! Ooh, look at you, love the dress, you look so good.” Irma said, letting her Maltese, Cinnamon, off leash, Cinnamon ran to Concha.
“My mom didn’t think so, que bueno verte.” Y/N said, hugging her and kissing her cheek.
“Ay, no la escuchas, you look Great.” Yeimy said, placing what she brought on the table as well.
“Quien es el güerito?” Peluche asked, letting his german shepherd, Roscoe, off his leash
“Ay Peluche, mira quien habla de güerito. Anyway, everyone, this is my boyfriend, Henry.” Y/N introduced Henry.
“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you all.” As Y/N told him, Henry greeted the girl cousins with a hug and let them kiss his cheek while shaking hands with the boy cousins.
“You landed Superman? The Witcher? How did you do that?” Maite asked. Y/N was going to answer but the tias and tíos came in as well.
“Hola hola! Carolina, ya llegamos! A ver, gordita, arrímate otra mesa, si?” Tía Chela told Y/N and Y/N did as she was told, she pulled another table to they could also place the food. Henry was saying hello to everyone. “Y mija, segura que es fiel? Como que es muy guapo, ha trabajado con mujeres como tú amiga Eiza, con la mujer maravilla, no sé, me parece raro que esté contigo.”
“Ay mamá, deja de escupir tu veneno a ella, ve con mi papá que está juntado al heladera para las bebidas.” María José said and Chela left reluctantly.
“Thanks, Majo.” Y/N said,
“I grew up with her criticizing me, can’t have her do the same to you. Look at us, we’re in our 30s and we still care about what our mothers say.” Majo said,
“Eso nunca va a cambiar.” Y/N said and she walked back to Henry where he was listening to her Tío Juancho (Juan Camilo) telling a story about his camping trip.
“Hey, pececita, I was just telling your boyfriend about the time I went camping,” Juancho said, hugging and kissing Y/N.
“So glad you’re back, love.” Henry said, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.
“Oye Henry’s ven conmigo un momento, come with me.” Y/N’s dad, Carlos, told Henry, tapping his shoulder.
“Papi, que vas a hacer?” Y/N asked.
“Nada mija, es como male bonding, help me grill, Superman.” Carlos said.
“Papi!” Y/N whined.
“Ve con tus primos, princesa.” Carlos said.
“It’s alright, maybe it’s a good thing.” Henry said, kissing Y/N to ease her worries. Henry went with Carlos to the grilled, grabbing the tray of seasoned meats to cook.
“So, Superman, how long have you been dating my daughter?” Carlos asked, sipping a bit of modelo beer.
“Not long, a month.” Henry answered.
“You think of dating her for longer?” Carlos asked.
“Of course, sir.” Henry said,
“Ah, escucha eso, ‘sir’, mira que respetuoso me salió. Listen, Y/N is a good girl, she worked hard in her music, bought this house for me y mi mujer, and if you break her heart or hurt her in anyway, I know some people.” Carlos threatened and Henry got paler.
Carlos laughed. “Ah, te estoy vacilando, it was a joke, you seem like a good person, you know how to grill?” Henry let out a breath of relief.
“Yeah, yes, I know how to grill.” Henry said.
“Good, pass me the orange container, it has the ribs.” Carlos said. Henry did what he was told and gave Y/N a thumbs up. Y/N gave him one back.
“You think your güero can eat what we brought?” Diego asked.
“Let’s hope so, as long as he doesn’t add salsa, it should be fine.” Y/N said. She looked over to where Henry was grilling with her dad, they’re gonna last, maybe not forever, but they would totally last.
Everyone was eating.
“Mija, te salió muy bien la pasta.” Carolina said.
“Gracias, me ayudó Henry también.” Y/N said, making sure she knew.
“Who knew you could cook, Henry, and with seasoning.” Carolina said, sitting down to eat. Henry looked at Y/N and she put her hands up in surrender. Everyone was serving themselves until.
“Haz platos para sus hombres también, que no se te olvide.” Chelis announced.
“Ay mamá, mas anticuada no puedes ser, ellos tienen manos, que se sirven solos.” Majo told her mom.
“Whats happening?” Henry whispered in Y/N’s ear.
“Do you see why I couldn’t come here alone? Just don’t serve yourself any salsa, the sauces are usually very spicy, the rest should be good to eat. There’s tacos dorados that have potatoes, some are chicken, others are beans, it’s a surprise. Take one of each, I’m sure you’ll like it.” Y/N whispered back to him. Everyone serves their own plate porque así debe ser, and they were all chatting, mainly trying to get to know Henry.
“So Henry, You’re a good looking man, why are you here with Y/N? I’m sure you can do a lot better.” Chela said and Majo states at her mom and mouthed her apology to Y/N.
“Has she been telling you this the entire time? Asking why I’m here with you?” Henry asked Y/N and Y/N just nodded. Henry stood up from his seat. “Listen, Graciela, I fell for Y/N the moment I saw her, I don’t know what you have been telling her since we got here but I have had enough. She didn’t want to come here alone and now I know why. If she shows up alone, you’ll ask why she doesn’t have a boyfriend, she shows up with me, you ask her why I’m here with her, that’s enough.” Henry said, Y/N pulled his arm to sit him back down.
“Perdón, Y/N, que Pena contigo.” Chela said and Y/N just nodded, it was nice to have someone other than her cousins defend her. “I’m sorry to you too, Henry.” Henry nodded his head and everyone continued eating. By the time they were finished, they went their “separate ways”.
In the carne asada, there were 3 sections, where the cousins were talking about their memories, what they’ve been up to. The aunts and her mom were talking about neighborhood gossip and about their kids. And of course the uncles and her dad drinking and talking about whatever.
“How did you and Henry meet?” Maite asked again.
“Well my coworker Eiza wanted to set me up with her, saying she was going to be at the after party. I didn’t want to be set up but when I went to the after party, I saw this beautiful woman dancing like she was the only one in the room, she captured everyone’s attention, including mine. Eiza noticed I was staring at the dancer and it turned out to be Y/N so Eiza called her over and there you have it.” Henry told them.
“Mira eso, prima, lo dejaste embobado desde el primer momento.” Ponchó said, petting Concha that went up to him.
“Así es, I thank our parents for playing Shakira when we were growing up.” Y/N said, raising her beer bottle to toast.
“Speaking of Shakira, how did you dance when he spotted you?” Chiquis asked, connecting her phone to the Bluetooth speaker that Peluche carried. It started playing the song ‘hips don’t lie’ and everyone was cheering ‘oh’.
“Alright, alright, I’ll show y’all.” Y/N said, getting up from her chair, handing Henry her beer. “It was something like this.”
Everyone was cheering, Henry was whistling, they were just having a good time.
“Pero ya, i guess that’s how Henry fell for me.” Y/N said, sitting on Henry’s lap now, taking her beer form his hand.
“You have no idea, sweetheart.” Henry kissed her.
“Mira Que lindo, pero no sé comen delante de los pobres.” Juan Luis said, sipping his beer.
“No que tienes novia, hermano?” Yeimy asked.
“Pero no está aquí, boba.” Juan Luis said.
“Wait Henry, why did you really like my dancing?” Y/N asked.
“You want the really answer or the savory answer?” Henry asked and Y/N hit his chest playfully. “Alright, alright, you were having fun, I wanted to be with someone I could have fun with. That, and the way you moved your hips gave me an idea of how you would be in other activities.” Henry smirked and Y/N laughed.
“Ay, you’re so dirty.” Y/N said, placing her head in the crook of his neck. “How you like my family?”
“I think I could come over more often, if you invite me, of course.” Henry said.
“Of course.” Y/N repeated and they kissed, his hands on her waist.
Taglist: @f10werfae @warriormirkwood @marieksg
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shuttershocky · 16 days
Wouldn't I love for Carnelian to get true dmg with her delta module. Ngl, I feel like that's the only thing that can at least salvage her in the age of Lin.
I theorycrafted a delta module to Carn for fun last December where I thought up how to implement true damage into her kit, but after 6 more months of playing around with her and Lin, I don't think simply adding true damage is the way.
This might be a hot take but I don't think true damage would save Carnelian. Unless she were to get Mlynar levels of DPS which is unlikely, even a massive increase to her damage output will not help her be any more relevant vs Lin than she is now.
I believe there are two main reasons for this. Big post about Carnelian's flawed design and delta module theorycrafting below.
1.) DPS is the most replaceable role - In a tower defense game, everyone and their mother does damage. You can be at the very top by providing an absurd amount of damage, but as time goes on the competition only gets more and more fierce, until even monsters (like Ch'en the Holungday) meet even greater abominations (Wisadel) in the end.
You stand out in this game by dealing damage + doing something else. Even the three DPS gods of Mlynar, Surtr, and Chen the Holungday (whose dynamic is bound to change because of Wisadel) offer gimmicks besides raw damage: Mlynar his always active taunt, Chen her AOE slow and DEF down, and Surtr her immortality. There's a reason why Silverash's module buffed his respawn cd reduction apart from just his damage: your unique utility is your strongest selling point.
Anyone who only has damage/stats to offer needs it to be the highest in the game, or else falls on the wayside. For example, I love Siege, mine is E2L90 and M6, but she is undoubtedly the worst of the three 6 star pioneers, when her (very high) damage potential is compared to Saga's survivability talent + SP support, or Flametail's ridiculously high evasion and fast skill cycling. Sure if you're doing Vanguards only, Siege gets the niche of being the tankbuster with her high DPH, but if you don't restrict yourself like that, why not just bring a Guard?
In that same manner, Carnelian's niche is being the damage-focused Phalanx. She's got the highest arts burst among them, but without Beeswax's regen, Mint's shift, or Lin's shield, damage is ALL she offers, and given that being an Arts DPS in Arknights sucks ass when you don't have RES reduction and have to deal with Eyjafjalla/Logos/Goldenglow existing, things look really bad for Carnelian's use cases even if she did have the damage to justify her terrible weaknesses, which she doesn't.
2.) Carnelian's kit is inherently flawed - Carnelian's kit was HG playing around with the Charged mechanic, where you could double charge your skills to get extra effects. Unfortunately, the base charge time for Carnelian's skills are as long as regular skills, but aren't particularly strong without their overcharged effects. This means you always want to overcharge her talents.
This means her talents are trying to compensate for her weaknesses instead of allow her to do something new. Her first talent heals her on skill activation since she's a Phalanx and will be taking damage, but without the constant regen that Beeswax has, this makes Carnelian reliant on her skills cycling fast (which conflicts with Charged doubling her SP costs) or having a medic (making the first talent useless), while her second talent speeds up her SP gain (which is diluted since it only works once the skill is already charged).
This is why boosting her damage isn't going to save her from Lin. She's a DPS unit in a tank class making her meh at both jobs, and actually increasing the damage she deals isn't going to help how she struggles to deal it in the first place due to her Charged mechanic and lack of self-sustain.
So what does Carnelian need in a delta module?
I believe Carn needs a delta module that gives her new features that let her play like a Phalanx. It should increase her damage of course, but needs a feature that lets her be placed as aggressively as Beeswax or Lin. She shouldn't be exactly like Lin, but she should at least have a different take on Lin's playstyle of taking enemy aggro while in the highground tile.
I want to propose a new mechanic. If your units can now place elemental debuffs on enemies just like enemies could place debuffs on them, I propose elemental buffs, where filling the elemental bar will apply powerful buffs on your units, powerful because it's harder to apply than a normal buff.
Carnelian Delta Module - When this unit takes damage, gain 100 points of Sandstorm. If an enemy dies inside its attack range, gain 200 points of Sandstorm.
Sandstorm - Triggers when 1000 points are accumulated. This unit regenerates 5% max HP/s and +1 SP/s, and deal 400 elemental damage per second. Sandstorm loses 100 points per second and ends once all points are gone, but points can still be gained from enemies dying while Sandstorm is active.
Talent Upgrade at level 3: Meal of Life - Restores 40% Max HP when skill is activated; Effect is doubled when Charged. When Sandstorm is active, slow enemy movement speed within ATK range by 30% and deal 30% of damage dealt as bonus Elemental Damage.
With this buff, even if Carnelian doesn't nullify damage the way Lin does, if she can survive taking 10 hits (a lot!), she gets a 5% Max HP regen buff and a 1 SP/s buff for 10 seconds, which helps her charge her skills faster and survive. She cannot take on powerful attacks the way Lin can, but surviving lots of minor hits helps her sustain without a medic while dealing small amounts of AOE elemental damage.
When activating her skills while Sandstorm is active, the HP regen from Sandstorm should help her survive despite removing her Phalanx buffs, while killing enemies extends the length of Sandstorm by 2 seconds each, allowing her to prey on large crowds like Lin does without cramping Lin's style. The movement speed slow and elemental damage on her talent upgrade should help Carnelian get kills on enemies while keeping them within her attack range to keep Sandstorm going.
This way, Carnelian actually wants enemies to attack her, can survive mild-aggro when she finally activates her skill, and provides utility beyond just damage in the form of her AOE slows (which would make for killer crowd control with her Bind on S2) and her self-sufficiency allowing her to finally be placed very far forward the way Lin does.
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asliceofzosan · 7 months
pspsps Zeff meeting Ayari 👀👀👀
zeff knows how much sanji loves kids.
he first noticed it when he was roughly turning into a teenager. around the age of 13-14. it isn't often that families come to the baratie. but when they do, sanji actually volunteers to wait tables when on normal understaffed days, zeff would have to drag him out of the kitchen kicking and screaming. he didn't understand it until he decided to watch sanji and everything made sense.
if one is the child of a pirate or a marine, you're bound to be a little fussy (case and point: sanji). and his boy was a natural at calming down fussy babies. those chubby little rascals would immediately stop crying when sanji would pick them up and carry them on his hip, taking everybody's order like usual. the parents would look at him gratefully, even allowing him so far as to let him wait other tables with their baby in his arms.
during sanji's break, he would play with them. if they won't stop crying, he'd ask patty or carne to heat up some milk or mushy vegetables to feed the kid. and more often than not, sanji would sometimes be seen with a sound asleep baby as he barks out the orders to a bewildered kitchen.
zeff asked him once if he wanted a baby sibling. sanji just laughed until his sides hurt.
"you can barely raise me, you old coot." he said in response with a bright grin that reminded zeff how much he loved this kid. "i'm better off as an only child. trust me."
(he does. trust sanji, that is. but he will never forget how his laugh sounded pained. like an echo of a terrible memory. he'll come to realize why after a long while.)
as sanji grew up, his natural gravitation towards children never wavered. in fact, kids often flocked towards him at the baratie, following behind him like little ducklings in a row. sanji's smile was softer on those days, the sparkle in his eyes as prominent as when sanji talks about his beloved all blue. the kids would hang onto his every word.
he doesn't know how qualified he is at knowing good parenting from bad parenting. but he did raise sanji for most of his life. his little eggplant turned out pretty decent by his standards.
so of course, it's a no brainer for zeff that if sanji would one day have his own kid, he'd be the best dad in the world.
"head chef?" patty says as he enters zeff's office. "someone downstairs really wants to meet ya."
"if they want a discount they better fuckin' run." he gruffly replies without looking up from the newspaper. "customer is always right my ass—"
"–and you know what's real upsetting? the fact that they think they're all hot shit! i don't care who you are. you pay to eat here–"
"–would be nice if i didn't get some dumbass like that for once—"
"chef, it's sanji!"
zeff has fought sea beasts, marine fleets, and pirates with a worse death wish than him. he has faced starvation, dehydration, massive bloodloss without batting an eye.
but nothing. absolutely nothing makes his heart jump more than hearing that his son has come home to visit.
"well what the fuck are you doing standing there, patty?" he bellows, standing up and stalking towards the open door. "you better be preparing a feast for my boy."
"actually, he's already in the kitchen cooking one himself."
zeff laughs. that sounds exactly like his boy, alright.
it took zeff all of two seconds to notice that sanji isn't alone.
the swordsman is there, hanging off his shoulder like it's nobody's business (and he's pretty sure sanji mentioned at one point that he had gotten his head out of his ass and finally got together with him. lord was that an ordeal). and it looked normal for a few seconds until sanji turned around to face zeff.
there was a child there.
strapped to sanji's chest with some sort of blanket-like contraption was a baby. it couldn't be more than two years old. its shrieks of delight echoed in the kitchen as it drooled all over sanji's suit. its hair was green – the same shade as that of the swordsman glued to sanji's side. and it was tied up into little pigtails that bounced as it moved.
"zeff!" sanji greeted, that same bright sunny smile plastered on his face. "come meet your granddaughter!"
his... what?
then he looked closer at her and it all made sense.
the curly eyebrows.
but it also made no sense at all. because the longer zeff stared at his granddaughter, the more confused he felt because how in the love of the all blue did sanji get a child that looked exactly like him and his idiot swordsman?
he was so much in his head that he didn't notice sanji take the kid out of her baby sling and hold her out in front of him. he was brought back to reality when one small hand wrapped around the end of his mustache with a continuous giggle. zeff stared at her, his whole world stopped on its axis. he never saw sanji as a baby. he wonders if this is the closest he'll get to experiencing that for the first time...
then the baby pulled on his mustache with a high pitched shriek that could reach the heavens.
"jiji!" the little girl squealed, now holding onto zeff's mustache with two chubby baby hands. zeff stayed rooted to his spot, transfixed by the girl's mere existence. but also there's a stirring in his heart that occurs when she smiles at him. she looks exactly like sanji. though with a lot less teeth.
"would you look at that, old man." zoro laughed as he gently pried his daughter's (????) fingers off of zeff's mustache. "you get her fifth word. congratulations."
on a normal day, (but god what even classifies as normal anymore?) zeff would have probably kicked that swordsman's chest in and sent him flying into the next room. but there's something about the way sanji's smile softens as he watches zoro play with the baby. his eyes mist over and the only reason he probably isn't openly crying right now is because zeff is right there.
there are precious few instances where zeff's seen sanji genuinely happy.
now is one of them.
he coughs roughly to get their attention. all three of them look up, sanji's gaze particularly nervous. but zeff just shook his head, figuring he'll ask all the dumb questions later, and holds his hands out expectantly.
"you gonna let your father hold his grandbaby or or ya just gonna hog her the whole time you're here?"
the laugh that escapes sanji's mouth has both zeff and zoro staring fondly at him. then when sanji transfers his baby girl into zeff's arms, sanji's smile is freer and more open than zeff's seen it in years.
"zeff," sanji says, smoothing down ayari's hair down with one hand, his other hand resting on zeff's bicep. a strong grip. a grounding force. "meet ayari. our little blessing."
ayari coos up at zeff and grabs his mustache again. sanji bends down slightly to rain her little face with a million kisses. zeff just stares at this all with the barest hint of a smile on his face.
yeah. he always knew sanji was gonna be a good dad.
genuinely i am in agony i love this family 😭 do you have any idea how much i was crying while writing this??? is it possible to get baby fever from your own oc zosan baby???
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My personal little experiment
Heeeeere's another Jade fic hehehehehehe-
Warning(s): slight yandere behaviours, manipulation, body horror-ish
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There's a weird disease going around recently... it has some fancy scientific name, but most people just call it "mushrooming"
Basically, this new species of mushrooms popped up basically out of nowhere, and people learned very quickly that they can grow on people... and they feed on flesh.
So.. it's not great for people. You've had it particularly rough... your left eye has been consumed and replaced with a mushroom growing out of the socket, and a lot of your flesh is rotting... according to doctors, you should be dead... but you're not.
And oh boy... this unique scenario you're in was about to attract some unwanted attention to you.
You sit in a hospital waiting room. You've tried to cover as much of the rotting as you can. Looking around the waiting room, you see people with various injuries. Sitting directly across from you is a small girl with a mushroom growing from the top of her head... you can only hope her illness doesn't progress to the point yours has...
"Is there a (Y/N) here?"
You sigh and stand up, being led to the room and now waiting for the doctor. It takes a while, but eventually he arrives. A young redheaded man you've gotten quite acquainted with over the course of your infection, Dr. Riddle Rosehearts.
"Hey Riddle." You sigh, pulling down your hood you were wearing. "So... how have you been...?"
"I've been... well. However, you look worse than I remember." He sighs. "Have you been taking the medication I prescribed?"
"Yeah. It's working really slowly, if it's working at all."
"Your condition is just going to get worse and worse if this continues... I really do not want to do this, however..." Riddle writes something down on a piece of paper, and hands it to you. "Please visit this man, he may be able to help you more than I. Just be warned, he can be quite..." Riddle pauses, looking like he's searching for the right words. "He's quite eccentric."
"...I see. So... he'll be able to help me with this... advanced case of mushrooming?"
"He might."
"Okay... well then, if that's all you wanted me here for, then... I'll be going now." You stand up and put your hood back on.
"I look forward to seeing you get better."
The address led you to... a house outside the city walls. It looks quite... overgrown.
You knock on the door.
You wait for a few minutes, before knocking again. Eventually, the door opens ever so slightly.
"Who is it? If you're a member of the authorities, allow me to reassure you once again there is nothing illegal going on here."
"What?? N-no, I... I was sent here by someone, uh, D-Dr. Riddle Rosehearts..."
Then, the door opens, revealing a six-foot-tall man that definitely gave off some... strange vibes...
"Oh my... what an unfortunate situation you're in... your eye has been consumed and replaced..." He smiles. "Please, come inside, sweet child..."
When you enter the house, the scent of damp mustiness and decay hits you all at once... the room is somewhat organised, but there is still little space to walk. Piles of paper and books cover the floor and tables. Jars of mushrooms and plants line the shelves... it kinda freaks you out.
"Now, sit yourself down and tell me about your condition. I'll make us some tea." He smiles.
"...So you've been infected with Carne Comedere, have you?" He asks, as he sits down next to you, sipping his tea. "It's interesting that you've survived to this point, especially when the fungus is being... this intense to you." He smirks, chuckling slightly. "You are quite the... interesting specimen. May I ask your name?"
"...it's (Y/N)..." You say, taking a sip of the... surprisingly bitter tea. "And... who are you? Dr. Rosehearts didn't really... tell me who you are. He just sort of... gave me a piece of paper with your address on it and told me to visit you."
"Ah, good to know he's doing that. You see, what I do is not exactly legal within the city walls. As such, I prefer people don't know m name right away." He pauses, before looking straight at you. "That being said, you look trustworthy.... my name is Jade Leech."
"Wait it's not legal-?"
"Now, if you'd please stay still for a moment, I just want a small sample of one of your mushrooms, okay?" He pulls out a pair of scissors.
"Oh, um... o-okay..."
Jade stands up from his seat, walking over to you. He begins to comb through your hair, until he eventually finds a tiny mushroom, and he uses the scissors to cut it from your body.
"Why not just take the one from my eye...?"
"Well, you see, that one is in a very sensitive spot... who's to say what damages I could cause if I were to take that one out!" He sighs and pats you on the head a few times. "We wouldn't want that, correct?"
"...I-I guess I see what you mean..."
He takes the "sample" and brings it over to what you assume is his kitchen, and he begins to observe it.
"Yes... yes, it's quite interesting... Carne Comedere, the flesh-eating mushroom... you have quite an advanced variant..." He places the knife down on the counter, and cuts it in half. "It's so strange that you've survived to this point. I'd love to study you... but of course, you're counting on me to cure you... so perhaps I will not!"
You don't like the way he worded that...
The days go by and you keep visiting Jade.
He keeps taking samples from you... the mushrooms, your skin, your blood... he keeps giving you strange substances, but you aren't getting any better...
One day, you decide to confront him about it.
"Hey Jade, I... I'm not getting any better." You tell him. "Nothing you're doing to me is working..."
"Oh really? What a shame." He smiles deviously. "Here, lease have some of this meat."
"What-? No! Tell me why I'm not getting any better!"
"Why should I? You should trust me. I'm your doctor, after all." HE pauses for a moment. "Well... actually, I am not legally allowed to call myself a doctor... I suppose I'm more of a healer... regardless, you should just trust me."
"Not until you tell me why I'm not getting better..."
"You're sure you want the truth?"
"Fine then. I've decided not to cure you."
"WHAT-?! Why the hell not?!"
"I want to see how far it will progress. I want to see the extent of what your body can survive… after all, you've survived much longer than anyone would in your condition… so I'd like to test your limits." He hands you the plate of meat. " Now, we need to make sure the mushrooms inside you continue to live, as such you must have protein to build more flesh and muscle for it to feed on… of course I'll provide you other foods every now and again to keep you alive and healthy, but for now it's important I feed you meat. Enjoy."
"But you told me you would cure me-!"
Jade shoves the piece of steak into your mouth.
"Oh goodness, no. Not in your state. Your infection has progressed to such a point that it would be MUCH more beneficial to keep you like this so we may study the mushroom's long-term effects on the body!" He giggles to himself. "Not to mention, I never said ANYTHING about curing you!"
"I-I'm going back to Dr. Rosehearts, I can't deal with this..."
"No no no, we can't have that! I have so many things I need to do to you... I need to take a blood test… and a sample of both the mushroom and your skin… and a full body exam… ohhh, I need to do so many things to you~ Now sit still."
He suddenly injects you with some kind of syringe...
You try your hardest to ignore the increasing feeling of dizziness and exhaustion...
But you're just so tired now...
You slowly lose yourself to the... whatever he injected you with...
"Yes, yes... go to sleep, my personal little experiment...~" He smiles in an almost evil way. "Don't worry, I'm only doing this to you for the betterment of humanity!"
Even in your current state, you can tell he's lying to you...
"I'll see you again soon, my patient."
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wilderebellion · 1 year
Calorum Lore Shared in the Dropout Discord
Thank you, Past!Brennan.
Some of them might re-contextualize a thing or two about TRW series. Typically in response to specific questions, but I focused solely on posting Brennan's responses.
Lore on The Ravening War (from April 20, 2020 1:02am ET)
In 1188, a conflict broke out because Count Jacques Tomaté, a Fructeran noble, was by birthright next in line for the throne of Greenhold!
Culture of the Meat Lands (Feb 21, 2020)
Brennan: Meatlanders have clan delineations based on bloodline and their worship/propitiation of The Great Beasts, which is a pagan, polytheistic faith! Warfare between various clans goes back centuries and centuries, a lot like the ancient Celts, so while some Meatlanders might feel kinship with other Meatlanders over outsiders, it's just as common for a given Meatlander to feel THE MOST animosity to a member of an enemy meat clan. So "The Meatlands" doesn't really have a national identity in the same way that, say, Ceresia does, and individuals there are much more likely to define their loyalty by family, clan and faith than by nationality.
(May 18, 2020 8:14pm ET)
The Meatlanders are like ancient Celts: The fact that they don't wear shirts lets southerners stereotype them as barbarians, but their culture is equally as beautiful, ancient and complex as any other land's. Carn is a metropolis full of architectural wonders, beautiful art, etc. Meatlanders rule!!! Labeling them barbarians, like in real life, is a tool artistocrats use to breed xenophobia and hatred into their homleands population, making them more malleable and compliant
The Rocks Sisters (May 1, 2020 11:46pm)
The four sisters were the four archetypal classes! Fighter, Wizard, Cleric, Rogue!
Magic Items (April 20, 2020 9:44pm ET)
Magical items aren't quite as prevalent in other nations as they are in Candia!
Amethar's Mom (April 20, 2020 1:21am ET)
Amethar's mother, before she was Queen Pamelia Rocks, was Pamelia Pomegrana, a Fructeran noble!
Magic and Miracle Workers (from April 20, 2020 1:04am, 1:06am, 1:15am)
Brennan: Just like in normal D&D, it takes SPECIFIC training or divinatory magic to tell if magic is arcane or divine, or where its power source originates from! People's reactions to magic are LARGELY based on uninformed prejudice, and aesthetic. This is how Lapin is mostly able to con people.
Even within the Bulbian Church, 99+% of its clergy CAN'T cast magic. Being a miracle worker is a REALLY big fucking deal, and almost always guarantees ROCKETING to the top of the church hierarchy
Liam's magic truly getting him in trouble depends on context! Obvious spellcasting would get him in a lot of trouble, but Candian's magic items usually get a pass from commonfolk because it would be viewed as "alchemy," which isn't seen as being heretical at all!
Leadership in Calorum (from May 6, 2020)
5:32pm ET
Brennan: Plumbeline is the Sovereign Ruler of Fructera, yes! Gustavo had to abdicate in order to become Concordant Emperor! Plumbeline's title is still Lady though, Fructera doesn't have a monarchy, it has a complex consortium of Noble Houses that rule through an orchestrated bloc of alliances, kind of an aristocratic bureaucracy!
5:40pm ET
Brennan: Dairy Islands ALSO a monarchy, just doesn't confer the title of King or Queen to its monarch (uses Prince or Princess), also Ceresia HAS been a monarchy at times, has vacillated between Republic and Imperatorship MANY times, with some dynasties of Imperators lasting a dozen generations or more!
Social Categories
Brennan: All the food nations have weird edge cases, so the delineations are DEFINITELY social and not biological/botanical. Pie people, a combination of grain, butter and fruit, are overwhelmingly Candian. In Calorum, these edge cases would be much like they are in our world, the result of historical wars of conquest, marriages, alliances, etc!
Genetic Complexity (from April 20, 2020 2:14pm ET)
Brennan: Popping in here like a goddamned troll to say that Calorans' DNA are powerfully influenced by more than just their parents genetics, but also by the geographical location of their conception, their gestation and even their childhood dwelling place up through puberty! I suspect that every question I answer only serves to raise further questions, for which I am deeply sorry!!
Other Monarchies in Calorum (May 6, 2020 5:40pm ET)
Brennan: Dairy Islands ALSO a monarchy, just doesn't confer the title of King or Queen to its monarch (uses Prince or Princess), also Ceresia HAS been a monarchy at times, has vacillated between Republic and Imperatorship MANY times, with some dynasties of Imperators lasting a dozen generations or more!
Queer Rights in Calorum (from May 18, 2020 8:23pm)
Brennan: Candia is the MOST permissive of all the nations in terms of most issues, but no nation in Calorum is openly homophobic. However, it's important to remember that archaic concepts like bloodlines, political marriage, heirs and primogentiure [sic], etc. still exist in this world, and are more emphasized and expected in nations outside of Candia, which puts a lot of pressure on the nobility from that end of the spectrum. In a weird way, that means peasants are a lot freer in terms of who and how they love and marry than aristocrats and especially royals, which there is also some interesting IRL research and precedent for!
Post-War Events (May 18, 2020 8:07pm ET)
I don't think any of these are spoilers, but Amethar and Caramelinda married shortly after the war ended. King Jadain died shortly after the war, after the establishment of the Concord!
Funeral Rites of Calorum's Faiths (May 18, 2020 8:04pm ET)
Bulbians practice burial and very formal funereal rites, and have a sharp delineation between body and spirit, so the body which is crass and material goes back into the ground, and the soul joins the Bulb. Meatlanders practice cremation, and have different beliefs based on religious affiliation, but most Great Beast faiths belief that an afterlife is EARNED through great deeds, otherwise you're reincarnated and get to try again!
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nicherayyy · 1 year
i saw ur thing that you had ideas for la unita, and i thought of a very funny thing. Unita with child reader that is just the embodiment of chaos. like, they will run full speed into a screen door cause they feel like it, or they just bite people for some reason. i think it’s kinda funny lol
omg u just described my lil' cousin
and sorry for taking so long, I lost my ID and had a really fun time making a new one💀
La Unita x Chaotic Child Reader
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Squalo and Tiziano
Never in their lives these two thought that they would babysit a child as random as you. Not that they actually seen a lot of children but you just.. hit different.
And honestly, Squalo thought that today would be not like any other ones. You know, calm day. Just him, you and Tiz peacefully watching TV. It was until you decided to bite into his arm.
"ARGH", he screamed surprised with you still biting into him. Tiziano immediately taking you away from him.
"What was that for?", Tiziano asked sourly, actually disappointed in your action.
"I don't know", you replied unbothered, returning to watch TV.
Cioccolata and Secco
Doc likes to observe as you do random things, it's like a free circus to him. He truly finds it amusing. And if he's in a mood he asks Secco to film it. They won't bother if you hurt yourself trying to do something weird.
"You have a bruise after running on full speed into the wall? Hm, too bad then"
Okay maybe Secco would be kind enough to bring you an ice bag.
Another one who just observes. But the difference is that he won't let you do something harmful. Or at least tries to prevent you to do so. And he's actually can help with your cuts or bruises, just in case you fall off a tree or decide to play with a squirrel or something. Honestly he had seen enough.
"Please, stop running, you can hurt yourself", he said before witnessing you fall on your face "Well here we go again"
Considers to put you on a child safety leash.
Diavolo and Doppio
Doppio is literally the main reason you're still alive. Because if Carne only considers to get you a leash, Doppio already has one for you. It actually helps a lot, but not in every aspect. You can still try to bite him. Or try to bite the leash off
And Diavolo couldn't care less. He believes that everything needs to be learned the hard way. Want to eat dirt? Okay, I'll even give you a spoon. Want to dive into the puddle? Sure, do you need your swimsuit? Yeah.. that is the reason why he's not allowed to babysit you.
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rai-chuuuu · 2 months
Hey can i get a nct127 headcanon
They dating a latina reader? Thanks🩷 if you want to do it in spanish or English it’s fine
╰┈➤ nct (127) dating a latina !
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dating a latina + extra facts (0.8k words)
pairing ; every member x fem latina!reader
warnings ; fluff , silly stuff , pet names (theyre from doyoung and jaehyun) ,
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Taeyong - At first, he was scared to meet your parents, but they absolutely love him. He’s a bit shy, but that doesn’t stop Taeyong from helping out with your family. Whenever you visit your family, it’s either your mom or an aunt giving you a plate full of food and saying, “Oyes, esto es para tu novio. (Hey, this is for your boyfriend.)” Taeyong makes an effort to learn Spanish to the best of his ability. Maybe it isn’t the best, but he has a good understanding of it. 
Extra: His favorite dish would be fresas con crema.
Taeil - One thing about Taeil is that he doesn’t play around when it comes to Sundays. Sometimes he’s up before you, singing his heart out to Selena or Luis Miguel. He would absolutely love the two singers. On a nice Saturday, he’ll ask your dad or an uncle to start grilling. The whole time he’s either with you or grilling with your tios, taking a few sips of a Modelo or Corona offered to him. Taeil absolutely devours carne asada with a semi-burnt tortilla. 
Extra: A nickname he would have is “Bebé” because of his baby-like skin.
Johnny - You know when you have a crush on a sibling or cousin's partner? That’s the case for one of the teenagers in the family. It’s because of how charismatic Johnny is. Other than that, your tias love him and talk about all kinds of family chisme. Whenever he’s asked to put tortillas on the comal, he always manages to miss a tortilla or grab it when it’s too hot. He calls you his “beautiful Latina queen.” 
Extra: Johnny probably loves your mom's food more than yours. You can’t even blame him for that.
Yuta - The little kids love hanging out with him! Whenever he’s over, you can always find Yuta playing soccer or messing around with the dogs. If you go to a family gathering without him, the kids ask where he is. Sometimes he’ll try to give the dog some tortilla, but he isn’t sneaky with it. Yuta’s favorite holiday is Christmas, especially with your family. Most of the time, he gets more gifts than the kids because everyone loves him. You’ll get a present or two, but he goes home with the best stuff ever!
 Extra: Yuta sleeps with a wolf blanket.
Doyoung - Everyone loves Doyoung. He’s amazing at Spanish, can get along with every age group, and has such a nice charm. He abandons you for your tias. Whenever you try to talk to Doyoung, he’s in the middle of chismeando or is helping someone cook. When you two are talking with the señoras, it’s a conversation that lasts forever. That’s why you guys leave so late. He calls you things like “mi vida” or "cariño,” and it’s so heartwarming when it happens because he really does love you. 
Extra: Your family might love him more than you.
Jaehyun - Unlike Doyoung, your family abandons their activities for him. They all swarm around Jaehyun and ask him all kinds of questions, as if they’ve never seen a man. They always ask him such weird things, like if he’s an alien or something. Also, unlike Doyoung, whenever he calls you “mi amor” or “mi reina," it’s honestly terrible because he’s not saying it in the accent, but it’s okay because it’s Jaehyun. He tries, and that’s what really matters. Honestly, he’d be a perfect vaquero boyfriend.
 Extra: He once got on a horse but got flung off not long after.
Jungwoo - He loves hanging out with the guys in the family. Once Jungwoo is with them, expect him to not leave until it's too late. He always finds a way to impress your tios, whether it’s speaking Korean, Chinese (Mandarin, I believe), or even the little bit of Spanish he’s picked up. On game days, Jungwoo’s watching the game and might’ve bet some money as well. Whenever a holiday pops up, everyone already knows to serve bigger portions for him due to his appetite. He gets spoiled. 
Extra: His grito is really good. Impressive, even.
Mark - The adults love him, but the children have a burning hatred for him. He’s getting showered with affection while not understanding what they’re saying at all, but he’s always getting stared down by the kids. The reason was because Mark took all the piñata candy. He doesn’t play around when it comes to piñatas. Mark also shows people his music and convinces them to stream it, but that doesn’t work.
 Extra: When he’s traveling with you to a Latin country, he gets scammed by street vendors.
Haechan - Sometimes you can’t tell if your family is yours or Hyucks. They adore him and spoil him rotten. You get to eat a single plate? Your moms already gave Haechan three. It’s sick and twisted. He’s a prank puller, but everyone still loves him. Other than that, he’s a real family guy. Haechan loves being with you and your family, even if there’s a slight language barrier. 
Extra: Once planted, place baby Jesus in your rosca slice to avoid making tamales himself.
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monstersandmaw · 9 months
Laces for a Lady - 18th century, poly, shifters x human romance - Chapter Five (sfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me. 
Here's chapter five! I've been blown away by your reaction and love for this story so far, and the fact that I've got two lots of fan art out of it as well has just totally humbled me. Thank you! You can find them here and here, by the way, as well as my own doodles of Locryn and Ned.
Anyway, here we have the Harvest Festival Dance, where all bets are off, and there's some angst and a sprinkling of drama for some *spice*...
Wordcount: 4203
Part One (sfw), Part Two (sfw), Part Three (sfw), Part Four (sfw)
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The night of the Lammas Festival dance ticked around in no time, and even though the focus of the festivities was the great barn and the yard outside, the whole of Heath Top House itself came alive.
The staff spent the entire day scouring the stone floor of the barn and setting out the long tables in the barn and preparing the feast, while Winnie and Nel tried not to get in their way while weaving and hanging decorative wreaths and festoons along the walls, and tying ribbons in bows on the huge doors.
As promised, Aggie had come to the house a few days before to teach the two ladies how to weave the traditional corn dollies, or Nests as they were called in these parts, much to Nel’s confusion. Her own hadn’t turned out too bad, despite her lack of skill with an embroidery needle, while Winnie’s was decidedly lumpy and misshapen. Still, they laughed and hung them in pride of place in the drawing room window, and Aggie had even managed a kind word about their efforts while gossipping about everyone in the village.
“Little Betsie Carne is going to get a proposal from Arthur, you can count on that, and Meg has been leading poor Jack on something dreadful. If he can get a word out without turning red as an autumn apple to ask her to dance on Lammas night, I’ll eat this whole Neck with gravy and turnips!” she cackled, waving her own intricate corn dolly at them like a cook with a wooden spoon while they all laughed.
Nel refrained from asking about whether Edmund Nancarrow or Locryn Trevethan would be seen with anyone, though she was curious if the older woman had noticed their seemingly obvious adoration for one another. Perhaps it was one of those things that everyone knew about and simply didn’t mention in case it brought unwanted attention down on them, much like the smuggling and Free Trade in the area. Nel was not one to rock the proverbial boat, and kept her focus on the plaited strand of corn in her fingers, all the while remembering the way Locryn had crowded close to Edmund on the quayside and the sound of his smouldering voice as he’d growled soft endearments at him under his breath.
On the night of the dance itself, the trestle tables in the barn stretched all the way down its length, and were flanked by long benches for seating, and the stall doors of the stables along the edges of the barn each sported a different wreath and a coloured ribbon.
Blackthorn immediately ate the enormous sunflower that had been at the top of her wreath with great relish, and Nel fell about laughing while the black mare blithely scattered yellow petals all over the floor while Winnie looked honestly heartbroken. The stable hand nearby chuckled too, and Nel moved the remainder of the wreath to a spot where Blackthorn’s pincer teeth couldn't reach.
As dusk fell and the lanterns were lit around the yard and in the barn, Nel continued to help the staff where she could until Winnie emerged and called her name into the dying afternoon. It was so unlike her that Nel nearly dropped the basket of hazelnuts she’d been carrying. Liddy, a kitchen servant, gently took it from her and chirped, “Best see what she wants, Miss Nel.”
The slight glow of affection that she felt whenever the household called her ‘Miss Nel’ instead of ‘Miss Bywater’ or even ‘Miss Eleanor’ hadn’t faded since she’d first heard them start it up, and she offered Liddy a quick smile and her thanks as she handed the basket over and scuttled over to Winnie on the threshold of the manor house.
Winnie laughed and dragged her by the wrist through the house as though they were both barely fourteen, not twenty-five and thirty. “Come on! The guests will start arriving any minute and you’re still wearing that horrible brown dress! And it’ll take me at least an hour to style your hair properly…”
In the end, her hair only took twenty minutes, though that was more because Nel’s wild tresses refused to be properly curled and even Winnie simply gave up, but it was a good couple of hours before they were both fully dressed and ready, and dusk had well and truly fallen outside.
Winnie led her arm-in-arm across the hallway to the front door of the hall, where her father and mother in law were standing and smiling. “You both look beautiful,” Lady Mary said, speaking first to Winnie but surprising Nel by including the young woman in her gaze too.
“Shall we go?” Lady Mary asked her husband, who nodded and a servant opened the door for them.
Nel’s breath caught when she saw how the staff had finished off the decorations, with lamps settled on the ground all around the courtyard, candles glinting within them, and festoons of foliage and flowers around the edges of the open space. The shrill piping of a tin whistle and the steady, heartbeat rhythm of a drum kept a leaping fiddle carefully in time as the music rose above the chatter and laughter in the barn beyond, and she walked with Winnie towards the celebrations that were already kicking off by the sound of things.
Nel recognised many of the faces from the farm and estate workers, as well as a few from the village, and she caught Agatha’s eye as the old woman beamed at her while laughing with the man beside her. Nel grinned at her and slipped away from Winnie to hug the woman.
“Dearie, you look right lovely,” Agatha said as she released her and gazed up and down at her embroidered green dress. “Doesn’t she, Martin?” she asked, and her husband nodded enthusiastically.
They glanced around the great barn and smiled at the sight of all the horses poking their noses over their stall doors, clearly wondering what the fuss was all about. Blackthorn had a piece of hay in her dark forelock, and Nel had just thought about going over to pick it out for her when Lord Penrose cleared his throat and tapped a knife against the edge of his glass, calling for silence.
Although he wasn’t as popular with the local folk as Winnie herself was, people fell silent quickly to listen to him. Just as he opened his mouth to begin, however, one of the carthorses near the back of the barn broke wind and let rip an enormous noise that made everyone go completely still and then burst out laughing. Once one person started, the cacophony rose and people slapped the table and guffawed, and even Blackthorn joined in with a shrill neigh of her own before things eventually sputtered back to quiet.
Nel covered her mouth with her hand and turned her face into Agatha’s shoulder, still shaking with silent laughter, but just as she shut her eyes, she saw Edmund Nancarrow standing nearby, biting his own lips together to keep from laughing. When their gaze met, it was all over for Nel and she whickered out a shuddering breath that was just the right side of decent to escape Lord Penrose’s attention as everyone else gained control of themselves.
“Yes, well… quite,” the older man chirped around a tight smile of his own. “Well, after such a crude reminder from Old Flint there for me to keep things brief, I would just like to thank all of you for your hard work and dedication this year. I believe this was a record harvest for us, and I hope you know how valued you all are as my tenants. None of this would be possible without your daily hard work. Providing a feast like this is a truly inadequate way of thanking you, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Please…”
And with a gesture and a wordless toast, he raised his glass and everyone cheered.
Nel glanced back at Edmund, who was then looking in the other direction and speaking to a young woman in a dark blue dress, so Nel used the brief opportunity to take in the slender lines of his body in the wine red coat he wore. Angular and handsome, he was quick to laugh, and he ducked his head shyly as he ushered his companion forward ahead of him to the trestle table to help herself before him.
The motion left him standing alone, and Nel slipped free of Agatha to join him.
He watched her approach and bowed his head as she joined him. “Miss Bywater,” he said in his quiet tenor.
“Mr. Nancarrow,” she said. “Old Flint got things off to a good start,” she giggled, and Edmund snickered like a schoolboy again.
 She could see an endless well of mirth in the depths of his brown eyes and didn’t trust herself not to laugh along with him if he started up again in earnest.
“And here I thought it was going to be my dear Blackthorn causing all the trouble,” she went on, nodding at the black mare as she popped her head curiously over her stable and sniffed curiously at the tankard of cider someone was holding in their hand while talking and facing in the opposite direction. “She’s a bit of a menace, but she’s a sweetheart too.”
Edmund looked very much as though he wanted to talk, to say something in response, but perhaps his innate shyness got in the way and he just swallowed thickly and he smiled one of those devastating, dimpled smiles instead.
“No Locryn tonight?” she asked quietly, and he smiled to show he wasn’t anxious about the topic.
“He said he might come later,” he said. “He doesn’t tend to have much to do with the village, even at big events like this one.” He finished the statement with another bashful smile that lit him up from the inside out, and she fought down a wave of selfish jealousy; she would have been lying if she’d said she didn’t want someone to smile like that at the thought of her.
“Can’t say I imagine him being overly comfortable at a gathering like this,” she ventured, and Edmund snorted.
“No. It’s a shame though,” he added with a glance at the musicians near the back of the barn. “He loves music.”
“Let’s hope he shows up then,” she said. “I’ve been to my fair share of gatherings and balls in London, but this is already ten times more fun.”
A hand at her elbow made her start and she looked round just as Winnie giggled and squeezed her arm. “There you are,” she said, and then her eyes fell on Edmund and her smile grew. “Oh.”
She clearly recognised him, but didn’t know his name, so Nel turned and said, “Winnie, this is Mr. Edmund Nancarrow. He is assistant to Mr. Fordyce.”
“Oh, a tailor!” she beamed, with a rosy flush in her cheeks. “How talented! You must never, ever be allowed to see my embroidery, Mr. Nancarrow,” she said with the perfect sincerity of the very tipsy. “Nel’s isn’t much better though. Dreadful, actually, but you didn't hear it from me.”
Nel gave a laugh through her nose and began to steer Winnie towards the table, and towards a glass of water. With a look back over her shoulder, she said to Edmund, “Will you excuse us before Winnie drops any more embarrassing truths about my shortcomings? Give her another glass of Mr. Meddlar’s cider, and she’ll be telling everyone how bad I am at the fortepiano too. At least I can speak French to a passable degree. Come on, Winnie…”
Edmund was smiling again as if she’d told him the world’s funniest secret, and when the young woman who’d been with him earlier joined and immediately led him away by the elbow with the air of a close friend who needs to know every detail of recent events, he shook his head fondly and indulged her.
Nel lost track of him after that. She and Winnie sat down together near the head of the table to enjoy the glorious roast beef and pork pie and boiled vegetables that had been prepared for the feast.
“Who was that young man you were talking to?” Winnie asked about an hour into the festivities, having soaked up a little of the cider with some supper. “He was rather handsome…”
Shaking her head, Nel reached for her own wine glass and sipped from it. “His name is Edmund Nancarrow. He’s Mr. Fordyce’s assistant.”
“You told me that,” Winnie said flatly. “That wasn’t what I meant. You seemed…”
“Don’t,” she sighed, and whatever bitter, sad undertone carried in the single word, Winnie caught it and let the matter lie.
Instead, the young widow closed her hand around Nel’s forearm and leaned in close. “Make sure you dance with whomever you like tonight, mmm? There are no rules at the Harvest Dance, and no one will think anything of whatever happens tonight.”
She didn’t reply, but she mulled her friend’s words over while they ate dessert, and when the merry drone of the bagpipes started up outside in the courtyard and the people began to line up, Nel followed Winnie and tried to take part as best she could. Nel had never danced most of the country dances they all seemed to know there though, and after embarrassing herself by stumbling through a few sets under Winnie’s rather chaotic directions on the fly, she slipped away and strolled along the barn towards Blackthorn’s stall, snagging an apple from the table on the way.
The horse whickered, low and warm when she opened the door and slipped inside the dark stall, and while the heat of the dancing faded a little from her cheeks, she stroked the mare’s velvet nose and fed her chunks of apple until it was all gone.
The mare’s ears pricked forwards suddenly and Nel turned to see Edmund slowly sinking down onto one of the long, empty benches outside the stall.
He had a tight expression of pain on his face and he seemed to be breathing carefully through the sharp discomfort in his leg with the practised pattern of someone who deals with chronic pain on a daily basis.
Aware that she was intruding on his privacy, she had just begun to turn back to the mare when she heard Edmund laugh quietly and she glanced over her shoulder again to see Locryn’s massive form sliding onto the bench beside him.
He wore an undyed linen shirt that was open a little at the neck, and simple brown trousers and boots, but somehow he had the presence of a lord in a great hall, and she found herself transfixed. He pulled Edmund against his side for a moment and then, from what she could see from her limited angle, he appeared to lay his big hand quietly on Edmund’s painful hip. After a few long, measured breaths, Edmund simply melted into his supportive touch, allowing the bulk of the bigger man to buttress him up entirely, and he half closed his eyes in the relative privacy of the shadowed barn.
The noises of dancing and merriment drifted down the empty table, over the abandoned plates and tankards, and for a time, everything stayed perfectly, timelessly still.
Nel hardly dared breathe, let alone turn around, in case her skirts dragged on the straw and disturbed the couple by alerting them to her presence.
Blackthorn scraped her hoof along the stall floor a few moments later, shattering the silence with the jarring sound, and she nudged at Nel’s hand for more apple. Using the shuffling of the horse to mask her own movements, she turned her back on the two men to breathe in the scent of the mare’s glossy coat.
She rubbed her cheek against the silky hair on Blackthorn’s neck and slowly buried her fingers in the dense, dark coat that was starting to grow as the year turned colder. Tears prickled hot around her eyes as she was struck starkly by the force of her loneliness, despite her friendship with Winnie. The sting of knowing she would probably never curl up with a man in bed, never feel his hand resting on her hip, never hear him sigh with pleasure or feel his lips brush over her neck, suddenly seemed all the sharper with the knowledge that just outside the stable were two people who meant the world to each other.
With a huge sigh, she pressed a kiss to Blackthorn’s neck and prepared to walk out with her head held at a dignified angle, politely ignoring Edmund and Locryn as she left and went back to the manor house for the night.
Instead, she turned around and found Locryn leaning his huge, bare forearms on the stable door immediately behind her, and nearly leapt out of her skin. How on earth he’d moved so silently, she couldn’t fathom.
He offered her a lopsided grin and opened the door for her as she approached. “Not hiding in there, are you, Miss?” he asked as he stepped back, and, comically, both Nel and the mare made to leave the stall together.
Nel turned around and glared pointedly at the horse, who tossed her head, snorted, and then promptly turned her quarters around and stuck her nose in the hay trough on the back wall without so much as a farewell nicker for the apple.  
“No?” Nel grimaced at Locryn, nodding her thanks as he secured the door behind her. “Truth be told, I got fed up with tripping over my own feet in dances I don’t really know, and I wanted to make sure Blackthorn didn’t feel too left out. You’re not dancing either, I take it?”
“Me?” he laughed, the oddly delighted sound carrying easily over the deserted table and echoing around the otherwise empty barn. “You think anyone wants to partner up with me?”
“Why ever wouldn't they?” she asked with a frown, stopping abruptly and staring up at him. He was nearly a foot taller than her, and so broad and muscular in the confines of the dimly-lit barn that he seemed almost like a giant out of a fairytale.
“You saying you would?” he countered, one thick, steel-grey eyebrow rising.
“I —” her gaze flickered to Edmund, who was sitting on the bench and watching the exchange with a wry twist to his lips that made his dark eyes glitter. “If I were halfway decent at dancing, and if you asked me, I might,” she told Locryn archly. “But I didn’t think you liked anyone else here enough to want to dance with them, let alone me.”
At that, a little of the playful laughter faded from his green eyes and he took half a step back. “Now why would you think I don’t like you, Miss?” he asked, arms folding across his chest. The movement pulled the fabric of his undyed shirt across his shoulders and accentuated the enormous muscles of his arms and chest, and she looked down at the ground before answering him. Some of the heat from her earlier dancing returned to her cheeks and refused to leave a second time.
“Well,” she mumbled, “For starters… you glowered at me something fierce the first time I came to Polgarrack, and you nearly knocked me flying off the cliff when you brought Mr. Nancarrow up from the sands. You didn't even check to see if you’d toppled me over the edge in your haste.”
“Forgive me for caring about —” he hissed and stopped himself from saying what Edmund truly meant to him and ground his teeth. “You weren’t in any danger,” he said with a clenched jaw.
“Perhaps not,” she conceded, “And you did redeem yourself somewhat by helping me onto Blackthorn afterwards.” The way his huge hand had lingered around her ankle joint had lived far longer in her mind than it had any right to. “Fine. Are you saying you would genuinely dance with me?”
“You saying you want to? Thought you weren’t enjoying the dancing… Two left feet and all…”
She rolled her eyes and flapped her hands a little in frustration. “Oh, you’re impossible. Forget the whole thing. I was going to call it a night anyway.” She looked over at Edmund, who was just barely holding back a laugh at his lover’s antics. “Mr. Nancarrow, I wish you good night. I hope you and Locryn enjoy the music. God knows, I think I’ve had quite enough of all of it.” Her cheeks were stinging and it had nothing to do with the exertion after dancing.
With that, she turned and walked briskly towards the open doors of the barn, her chest churning with the strange and unsettling feeling that she’d either been flirted with or made a fool of, and she couldn’t tell which it was. Perhaps it was a bit of both.
“Wait!” Locryn's bass voice was soft, and she almost missed it over the shrill piping and rapid-fire scraping of the fiddler outside, but she stopped all the same.
Slowly, she turned and found him walking towards her with a completely new expression on his face. With his green eyes wide and dark, he looked contrite and abashed, and behind him she could just make out Edmund, leaning his elbow against the table while he drank deeply from a wine goblet as if to hide a smile.
“If I asked you, would you dance with me?” Locryn asked in a low rumble.
A little suspicious, she frowned and jutted her chin back towards Edmund. “What about…?” she asked carefully.
Locryn shook his head. “He asked me to ask you. He knows I like dancing, and it’s not something he’s comfortable doing.”
“You like dancing?”
The mountain of a man just nodded.
“And you’re not making fun of me?” she asked.
“No,” he breathed. “I’m sorry if I made you think I was just now. I was just having a laugh with you. You give as good as you get, and I like that.”
She smiled and held out her hand, palm down. “Alright then. One dance. And if I tread on your feet or trip over, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“I won’t let you trip over,” he said with a smile that showed his thick canines and made his eyes glint. Despite all that, she trusted him, and let him lead her out of the barn and towards the dancing.
A few people looked at them as they joined the end of the line for the next set, but true to his word, Locryn neither embarrassed her nor let her embarrass herself. His big, rough hands were gentle as he turned her under his arm, and he moved with surprising lightness of foot for someone his size. And he really did enjoy the music. She saw it in the way his eyes lit up and his lips curved into an attractive, heartfelt smile. He picked her up by the hips and floated her down to the ground again in a turn that left her dizzy, with two points of heat searing into her skin where his hands had been, if only for a second or two.
The set passed in a blur of lines weaving in and out of each other; of steel grey hair and dark green eyes and wolfish smiles that lit her up inside. From time to time, since they were on the end of the line, she caught glimpses of Edmund’s pale face watching from the shadows of the barn, and each time she saw him, he was smiling.
And then it was over almost before she’d even realised it.
They stared in breathless silence at each other for several pounding heartbeats while the rest of the dancers cheered and applauded the musicians, but Nel couldn’t tear her eyes from his. They were as green as the sea on a summer evening, and there was an otherworldly glow about him that drew her in like the promise of soothing waves after a long and thirsty day in the sun.
For some reason she could almost taste saltwater on her tongue.
There was a pounding in her ears like the thunder of distant surf and she couldn’t catch her breath.
Locryn leaned down and she watched the very tip of his tongue move to wet his upper lip. For a wild, wonderful moment, she thought he was going to kiss her.
Someone bumped into her from behind, sending her lurching a step towards him and he steadied her where he still held her hands in his rough, rope-callused fingers.
The moment vanished like sea foam and she swallowed, looking up at him. He looked as stunned as she did.
“No wonder he’s so in love with you,” she whispered, blinking back tears. She bobbed a tiny, stiff curtsy. “I thank you for the dance, Mr. Trevethan.”
Without waiting long enough for him to react, she turned and walked as quickly as she dared back to the house.
Uh-oh... :)
Next chapter ->
I hope you’re enjoying it and I hope you’ll consider reblogging as well as leaving a like if you enjoyed it. Take care of yourselves, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this.
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makeyoumine69 · 2 months
My Lovely Detective Masterlist 🩸 | Patrick Bateman x OC Series
— PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Detective!OC
— CO-WRITER: @iron-flavored-lipgloss
— SUMMARY: Being a detective in New York was pretty hard, and being a woman detective was even harder, but not for Andrea Moore. Despite the fact that she lived the life of an average American without any luxury or wealth, she loved her job, her life and her boyfriend, who always supported her. One day, her boss — Detective Kimball — assigned her to a case regarding the disappearance of a very rich man from Wall Street named Paul Allen, and her first task became to interrogate the man who was suspected to be connected to it. From that moment on, Andrea would have to reveal what secrets were hidden behind the perfect facade of Patrick Bateman...
— CONTAINS: SMUT, gaslighting, dark explicit sexual content, kidnapping, rape/non-con elements, imprisonment, sexual abuse, near death experiences, emotional/psychological abuse, misogyny, forced pregnancy, mind manipulation, etc.
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Chapter I — 01/04/2024
Chapter II — 03/04/2024
Chapter III — 09/04/2024
Chapter IV — 05/05/2024
Chapter V — coming soon
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Related songs:
Rockwell — Somebody's Watching me
Real Life — Send Me An Angel
Blondie — One Way Or Another
Kim Carnes — Voyeur
Daryl Hall & John Oates — Maneater
Modern Talking — Cheri Cheri Lady
Depeche Mode — In Your Room
TOTO — Hold the Line
Robert Palmer — Addicted To Love
Phil Collins, Philip Bailey — Easy Lover
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OMG! I've just read your latest post about an Overlord and I am so psyched! Are you going to continue the route of the Y/N being Ainz's twin sister? If so, what would the human characters of the anime would react when they see Y/N and witnessed her strength?
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The Flower of Nazarick meets Humans | Yandere Overlord 
If you referring to the Madam Butterfly Sister Reader your interactions are very similar to Ainz disguising yourself to become a hero and it's a collective sense of forlorn admiration. As his twin, it doesn’t leave a lot for you two to get much of a different reaction. Now in my first original reader, where you aren’t exactly related by blood, you have a built-in buff where characters below a certain level naturally are drawn to you and become hopelessly obsessed with you. All humans typically fall under this scope and even in disguise your power isn’t truly impeded:
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Enri Enmot
She was bewildered by Lupisregina’s reaction to hearing that you’d be visiting
Squeezing her legs, breathing erratically while pulling at her braids
When it was explained that you were on the same level as Ainz
She could hardly imagine what it’d be like when you arrived without your veil
A case study Ainz wanted to trial your effect on others
“A-ah y-you must be (User)-sama! Thank you for gracing this village with your wonderfulness!”
She can hardly come down from the high she got being around you
Granted she was able to snap out of it to shoo order her goblins away
Your beauty has her heating up in places she’d rather not
‘A true paragon of beauty…a flower hardly captures your eminence!’
Not to mention your kindness to everyone in the village
Allowing them to feed to you
And interact in playful banter
It feels like a knife pulled out when you’re escorts signal your departure
Carne Village is in emotional shambles
Their only saving grace is the letter of appreciation you left behind
She almost wants to keep it from them but her better half stops her
“Oh…yeah…we have to go on, right? Make this place a better place for them to come visit, right?”
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Nfirea Bareare
He knew it was you, the masked visitor that spoke to Momonga
Even then he didn’t understand why he kept dreaming of your muffled voice 
But he knew now 
Now that you showed yourself without the mask he now felt true love
“Y-yes (User)-sama! W-whatever you need! I’ll happily make it for you! S-sorry!” 
He’s a blushing mess around you all the time
But since Ainz gave the all-clear with him he’s been gifted a touch of your ungloved hand
He nearly ejaculated right there
He is beside himself with how little he can handle you 
Thanks to Enri he gets a little more confidence when you’re eyes look at him
Not to mention they both seem to bond over you together like never before
In more ways than one
He helps Enri when her compassion  in sharing you is shaken
He gets the feeling
“M-maybe we can keep some of the letters to ourselves, right? As the leader, you we can keep our little secret. It is your our duty after all.”
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Meeting you in your disguised form
he may never see your face unmasked
But he doesn’t need to
He’s already smitten 
Whether he witnessed you fighting playing or just dodging expertly 
He admires you beyond a simple squire
He blushes at just the sound of your name
enduring this when he reports to his princess what you did in your stay in E-Rantel
“T–they were radiant, as always but today…hah~they complimented m-my bravery, Princess.”
“What was it like? How did it feel?” 
“I-it was like being burned, cursed to replay their voice whenever they’re gone. B-but in the moments we shared it was like an inferno in my heart and my cheeks S-sorry Princess I spoke too much!”
“No no, all is well. I greatly appreciate it.”
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Princess Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself
Knew something was different immediately when she saw you 
Immediately turning away to smile her true smile as she reveled in the pure obsession being ignited within her
On a constant high, she feels so great already about having to do it through Climb but when you finally meet 
It changes nothing
Except amplifies her obsessions more so 
Drooling in her lonesome she imagines what it’ll be like to have both of you at her whim
But when you align yourself with Momonga she has to relish in the painful pleasure of watching you from afar
“I thank you for your service in protecting E-Rantel. And thank you for protecting mine my knight.”
And when she finally has Climb and she sees you’re veiled appearance beside Ainz
She knows immediately and has to hold herself back from shaking in pleasure
For any unfortunate soul that should listen in the halls of the castle she was left, she laughs hysterically so overcome with joy at her obsessions passionately weak and tortuously out of reach
“Ahh~My loves! I can hardly ever contain it all hah~!”
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Now by the time she’s in her prime, you may have not even bloomed 
But if you do it's toward the end
You’ve either fought alongside Momonga or joined him in his decimation of Clementine and her partner
You’re not emotionally immune like Ainz so you might lose a little bit of control
And man does she think it's hot
“Oya Oya are you mad, cutie? Well, when I win I’d love to stab you more and more!”
Her obsession is twisted and disgusting 
Especially after you had begun to quite like the group you were with
You might be too angry; unable to regulate your power when you simply think about getting revenge
So it's likely that Ainz will send you away or forbid you from fighting
But you can watch 
Floating far above her head you watch as she gets angrier at Ainz’s evading
Eventually looking up at the bristling ferocity steaming off you
Even when you're giving her a death glare 
She’s somehow irrevocably excited
“Oi Oi what’s Pretty doing stayin’ up there? Don’t you want to meet with Lady Clementine? Get you’re own ‘revenge’ on me?”
Even as Ainz crushes her to death she’s as happy as she can be while looking at you
Only feeling absolutely destroyed when you turn away
As Ainz gives the final blow
“No! No! No! Agh–!”
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adriennebarnes · 1 year
Say It Back
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: After completing the “there’s a frog in my hand” couple trend, Y/N wanted to see how would Xavier react if he says “I love you” but Y/N doesn’t say it back
Warnings: Boyfriend!Xavier, I guess sad!Xavier, fluffy
A/N: you don’t have to read There’s A Frog In My Hand before reading it but if you want to, cool. I’m also trying very hard for the Hispanic reader not to be from a specific Latin American country. There’s also spelling errors probably
Y/N was scrolling on TikTok when she saw a video where when the boy was leaving a room, he said “I love you” to his girlfriend but she didn’t say it back. Y/N sent the video to Enid. A few minutes later, Enid texted her back.
Enid: Do you want to do that with Xavier?
Y/N: Seems harmless enough, kinda wanna see how he gets.
Enid: Okay, good luck!
Y/N turned her phone off, she started to think about how we was going to do this. She won’t record it in case it takes a bad turn, this will just be a little…experiment. She’ll do it tomorrow, right now she’s going to visit Xavier in his art shed and bring some food. When she went into Jericho, she bought ingredients to make empanadas de queso and also alfajores for dessert. She put some of each on different containers to bring to Xavier just in case.
Y/N on a sweater and her sneakers to walk to the art shed. She knocked three times. “Xavi, amor, I brought food.” Y/N said. She waited a few seconds and Xavier opened the sore to his shed. “Hi love, you made these for me?” Xavier asked, kissing her forehead. “Yeah of course, I get worried that you don’t eat when you’re here. I would have made something more filling but I figured empanadas are easy to eat.” Y/N said.
Xavier opened the empanada container and took a bite. “These are really good. Did you put any of your healing stuff in it? I’ve been sneezing a lot lately.” Xavier asked, taking another bite of the empanada. “That’s because you’re always out here, it’s so cold! But yes, I used my magic to bless the food so hopefully your sneezing will stop and you won’t get sick.” Y/N said, kissing his cheek.
Y/N is a healer, she can heal people using magic. She either uses her magic directly on the person to heal them or “blesses” the food with her magic and heals them through food. When she was around normies, she discovered she could use her magic through food when she did a said a small incantation, the same one used to heal people, when stirring the soup she made for her friend. Her friend’s fever was gone and she looked so much better minutes after finishing the soup. With normies, she uses food, with outcasts, it’s directly unless they want the food option.
“Thanks love.” Xavier said hugging her. He finished 7 empanadas and ate 3 alfajores. Y/N ate the rest of the alfajores. “I feel so much better now, thank you. I’ll just finish up this painting and then we can go to my room. Maybe you can spend the night.” Xavier said, looking at Y/N with puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah of course, querido, I would love to spend the night, I love you.” Y/N said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. Xavier smiled into the kiss, “I love you too.” Xavier said, he pulled away from the kiss to continue painting. Y/N sat on one of the stools. “Just for future reference, would you like to taste more Hispanic food? I could make some ropa vieja, that’s filling, or arepas, pupusas, maybe ceviche, carne asada, I gotta practice my cooking too.” Y/N said, playing with the bracelet Xavier gave her.
“Anything you make will be delicious, I’m happy to try any dish you make. We’ll talk more, I just need to finish this and then we can talk as much as you want.” Xavier said, looking at Y/N. Xavier turned back to focus on his painting. 20 minutes later, Xavier was finished and the both of them made it to his dorm room. “You can use one of my shirts as pajamas if you want.”
“Okay, sounds good. Did you by the skincare products I recommend? I really don’t want to walk back to Ophelia Hall and get mine.” Y/N said. Xavier went to the bathroom and showed Y/N his skincare shelf full of products she recommended. “Aw, you do listen to me.” Y/N said, kissing Xavier’s cheek. Xavier gave Y/N one of his shirts and when Y/N went to change on the bathroom, the hem of the shirt reached about mid thigh. Y/N tied her hair with one of Xavier’s hair ties and washed her face and did her routine with Xavier’s products. Y/N got out of the bathroom and saw Xavier on phone.
“I’m all done.” Y/N said. “Perfect, let’s get to bed, I am exhausted.” Xavier said, he went to the bathroom to change, brush his teeth, and washed his face. When he got out, Y/N was already under the covers. Xavier laughed and walked to his bed and lift the covers. “Move over, honey.” Xavier said and Y/N scooted over to Xavier can fit. Xavier positioned himself in a way that Y/N could lay her head on his chest and his arm was wrapped around her waist. “Goodnight, angel, i love you.” Xavier said kissing her forehead. “I love you too, flaquito, goodnight.” Y/N said and they drifted off to sleep.
The next day, Y/N woke up and checked her phone. It was 7:15 am, she was with Xavier, it is the perfect time to try that TikTok video she saw. She waited until Xavier woke up on his own. “Good morning, love.” Xavier said, kissing Y/N. Y/N laughed, “good morning Xavi. I gotta go back to my dorm to get dressed, okay?” Y/N said getting off the bed.
“It’s Saturday, we don’t have class today, can’t you just stay here and ask if Yoko can bring you a change of clothes?” Xavier asked holding Y/N’s hand. “No I can’t, she’s probably still asleep.” Y/N said. “Okay fine, go change and then come back, okay? I love you.” Xavier said. “Me too, bye.” Y/N said. She was about to leave when Xavier stopped her.
“Baby, i said I love you.” Xavier said with a little pout. It almost made Y/N say that she loved him too but she had to stay strong. “I know, Xavi, me too, but I gotta go.” Y/N said trying to get her hand out of his grip but Xavier stood up to look her in the eyes.
“Honey, i love you.” Xavier repeated. “I know you do, but I really need to go.” Y/N said but Xavier is not budging. “Why won’t you say it back?” Xavier asked sadly. “It’s nothing Xavi.” Y/N said, looking at him, touching the side of hi face. “If it’s nothing, then why are you not saying you love me too?” Xavier asked.
Y/N stayed quiet. “Are you mad at me or something? Was it something I said last night?” Xavier asked, playing with your fingers. “Of course it’s not, flaquito, I’m not mad at you.” Y/N said. Seeing Xavier look sad made Y/N’s heart hurt, she hated seeing him like this. “Well it must’ve been something I did because you won’t say you love me. Was it because I paid more attention to my painting instead of you? I’m sorry about that, okay? But if I don’t paint, I can’t sleep. I should have paid more attention to you and what you were saying, I’m sorry.” Xavier said, kissing Y/N’s forehead.
“It’s not that, cariño, it’s..” Y/N was interrupted by Xavier. “Then tell me what is it that I did! If it’s that bad that you won’t say that you love me, I promise I will never do it again. Just please say it back.” Xavier said, leaning his forehead against Y/N’s. She couldn’t take it anymore and said it.
“I love you, mi Vida, I love you so much, okay.” Y/N finally said, kissing him. “Thank you, I love you too, angel. Why weren’t you saying it back before?” Xavier asked, hugging her, resting his chin on the top of her head. “I saw a TikTok of this girl not saying I love you back to her boyfriend. I kinda wanted to test it out. I didn’t record it though, it was just for me. I’m sorry though.” Y/N apologized.
“It’s fine, angel. I will get you back though when you least expect it, so be careful. Now can we spend the morning in bed? I think you owe me that for what you out me through.” Xavier said getting back to bed. “Of course, flaquito, we will stay in bed all morning.” Y/N also got into bed, leaning against his chest. “I love you” Xavier said, “i love you too” Y/N said kissing him.
I was thinking since Y/N calls Xavier nicknames like flaquito, Xavi, amor, and all, imagine if she calls him by Xavier instead of his nicknames. I feel like Xavier would be so confused, wondering what did he do, should I write that?
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ihavemanyhusbands · 9 months
Re: this post hehe
A request where Richie and reader are friends that are super flirty (a lil too flirty), but they’re close!! Like he’s met some of your fam, your mom calls him mijo, y’all always say hi w the usual cheek kiss (he justifies it to the guys that he does that w Tina too, just to hide the fact that he gets lil butterflies when you do it), you teach him and Eva Spanish here and there
At some point he has this “oh fuck she’s hot but oh fuck she makes me feel 🥺💕” moment after ages
"Wait, is that...?" You gasped as you recognized the tall figure emerging from the car, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a case of Modelo on the other.
Immediately, you looked down at your fachas -- a pair of sweatpants and an old college hoodie, perfectly paired with some slippers. Your parents were hosting a carne asada, but your dad had assured you it would just be family around.
No one ever really dressed up for this kind of thing, but that was unless the guy you had an embarrassingly big crush on was in attendance.
You turned to glare at your dad, who was working the grill. "Apa! You invited Richie?"
"Yeah, of course! What, you didn't want him to come?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you two were friends... or something."
"We are friends! It's just..." you gestured at yourself exasperatedly. "You could've given me a warning!"
"Oh please, if he doesn't like you all fodonga, then that's his problem."
You rolled your eyes, having to plaster on your best smile as Richie came closer. He greeted your mom first, kissing her on the cheek before handing her the bouquet.
"Para ti, mamá. Just for you. Pretty, right?" He said with an utterly charming grin, accepting her excited embrace. "Thank you for inviting me. Let me just put these in the cooler."
As he approached you where you stood, coincidentally right next to the cooler, he nodded and waved at a few more of your family members. Everyone seemed excited to see him, and it was as if he had always been a part of things.
"Hey, Richie," you said with an awkward little wave, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Hey, pretty lady," he said, his handsome smile seemingly wider than before, bending down to kiss your cheek. "Todo bien?"
A pretty fierce tingle ran down your spine as you felt his stubble graze your skin, and you had to keep yourself from shuddering.
You nodded quickly. "Y-yep, all good."
He knelt to put the beer in the cooler and your dad called out behind you, "Ey, Richie! How are you, compadre?"
Richie went to greet him next, the two of them clapping each other's backs.
"Smells fucking amazing. You need help with anything?" Richie offered, his eyes momentarily flicking in your direction and meeting your gaze.
You looked away, smiling a little to yourself.
"Niña," your mom said teasingly, elbowing you a little on the side. "Is there something you wanna tell me? Are you two finally dating?"
"No! We're just friends," you said defensively. "I don't even know if he likes me like that."
"Ay, por favor. You two have more tension than my telenovelas. You can't keep your eyes off each other."
"Amá!" you hissed, bringing a finger to your lips. "Not so loud. He's right there."
She shrugged helplessly, which only made you sigh. Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.
"Come on, mija, take a shot of tequila for courage and tell him how you feel," she said. "You know what? I'm gonna play some Luis Miguel to set the mood. Wait here, I'll bring the bottle."
You shook your head, knowing that even if you were definitely not making any confessions, you would still need the tequila to get through the night.
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