#the chamomile tea thing??
lord-westley · 8 months
Hey sweetie, could you please write some comfort headcanons about Gale, Wyll, Astarion and Halsin (if that's not too many) helping their S/o recover from jaw surgery? So their partners face is really swollen , they're in tons of pain and they have to be on an all liquid diet and all that - I'd love to have something to read in the hospital while I'm recovering! If you need clarification on details please don't hesitate to reach out! Thank you so so much!!
Tav recovers from jaw surgery
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Characters: Gale, Wyll, Astarion, Halsin Plot: Tav is not feeling so well after jaw surgery and requires comfort Warnings: Surgery... the plot of this is legit about surgery recovery... A/N: Hi lovie, I'm so sorry this took so long for me to get out, heckin almost 2 months now. Mental Health took a big hit, got better, then another big hit lmao. I hope this is what you wanted <3 (i didn't do Halsin since I don't know his character well)
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He would be the absolute sweetest, and perhaps the second best person to care for you in this moment
As a wizard, he has access to an insane amount of knowledge and tools that will help in your recovery
Gale crafts different kinds of pain management potions, hoping that at least one of them will help
When the pain becomes too much, and no amount of medicine will help he tends to hesitate for a split second
He's unsure as to what to do in that moment except to hold you close and press the softest of kisses to your cheeks
Whatever it is you need in that moment, simply ask, write it down, or sign it to him and he is immediately on it
Gale is canonically the cook of the camp, which translates well to when you're stuck on a liquid diet.
Makes the absolute best soups known to man-kind
and tea, oh my gosh, his tea is amazing to help soothe your jaw from the inside
He makes it with special magic herbs that provide warmth to soothe the soreness
His real secret ingredient though? Chamomile, a floral tea bursting with flavor that lessens the swelling
Overall, 10/10 would be taken care of by Gale
Sweet sweet boy
He's so damn proud of you for going through such a terrifying procedure
Wyll's aware of how nervous you were to go through with it, and the fact you did- Gods, he's so proud
He wouldn't know too much about how to handle the proper care, aside from the instructions given by the Doctors and Nurses
So he would definitely follow the papers to the T. No straying away from it
"Sweetheart, the paper said you-" is a constant statement in your household now
Tries his absolute hardest to make tasty liquid meals for you, some are amazing, others are downright horrid. Absolutely no in between
Wyll definitely has some sort of guilt regarding the liquid diet, feeling awful that you can only have liquids whereas he can have anything he wants
So he took it upon himself to join you on said liquid diet
You know that Simpsons meme, "It's "uter-us," not "uter-you."
That's Wyll when it comes to your recovery, you two are in this together, and he will do what is necessary to help you
If you want kisses at all from this man, you better prepare to convince him for 15 minutes that he wont hurt you
He's aware of how painful it is, and is worried he may hurt you in some way
which he wont. but still
9/10 caretaker, absolute sweetheart but too much of a worrywart
He understands the basics of healing as he himself has had to care for his own injuries by himself
but this is different, you're not alone in this, and he refuses to leave your side
Someone he adores, someone he loves with all his heart just went through a traumatic surgery, so yeah, he is not leaving your side once
Astarion insists on taking care of everything for you, announcing you as bedridden until you are healed
He ensures you take all your meds on time, fluffs the pillows, brushes your hair and cares for you 24/7
Finished your third book this week? Here's another one, Love.
Too tired to read yourself? Don't worry, rest your pretty little eyes, He'll read it aloud
Astarion does everything nearly perfect, if not a little overbearing. All except one thing
The food
He is definitely not a cook, sure, he can make a solid omelet, but are you able to eat it currently? nope
Tried to make a soup for you on the first day you got home... he doesn't want to talk about it
And so he enlists Gale to help create meals for you to accommodate your liquid diet
Astarion is definitely the biggest lovebug in regards to your healing, constantly pressing kisses wherever he can
cuddling you as you sleep with you head against his chest
holding you so so close, you can almost hear a heartbeat in the vampires chest
8/10, a babe but please just let Tav walk around
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Fun Fact: I get sick when I get too excited, so after this past week of fun in the sun and great shows, Only Boo! has pushed me over the edge, and now my tummy is in the throat and my heart is beating at an alarming pace, and it's all because I love these two soooo much!
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It started with Blue Boy Kang wearing his Yellow/Orange Oddity's colors during their dates.
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And hit a stride when the lights behind Moo where their colors when he was cooking for them.
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So it made sense that Moo wanted to tell the entire world about his boyfriend as he wore Kang's blue hat with that little Kai Palo embroidery on it which was symbolic of Kang's love for Moo just a few episodes back.
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Because no matter how much Kang wants Moo to stop telling everyone about them and giving away free food, he is just as much in love with Moo as Moo is with him.
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I have a theory that red = passion in this show, so to see Moo play his song of love and devotion for Kang while both wore red was the first assault on my senses.
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*heart racing*
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If I wore a smartwatch, this would have been the moment it started beeping to alarm me that I was entering dangerous territory.
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Then, the show hit me with the boys matching in GREEN (because a Blue Boy + Yellow/Orange Oddity = Two Green Peas in a Pod)
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But this green business started on the rooftop during the date when the lights started changing from yellow and blue
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TO GREEN WITH THE BLINDING LIGHT OF LOVE! (this is how a show gets a colors award!!!!!!)
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But it's the little 🔥fire🔥 over Moo's heart that really did it for me (with the red behind him!).
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Because Kang in his boyfriend era is the epitome of a Blue Boy in love as he is doles out all the touches
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All the kisses
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And all the affection to show Moo how much he loves him, especially because Kang plans to move to Bangkok to be with his boy after years of staying stuck in his grief.
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Which is, once again, peak Blue Boy behavior since once Kang decided to give into his feelings, he was all in.
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He is committed. He is dedicated. He is willing to keep their relationship a secret because he knows what is in his heart and doesn't need anyone else to confirm it.
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So I'm thrilled to see them living together
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And fully embracing their colors (and each other) next week.
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Hopefully by then I'll be much calmer, @avorbl and @doublel27
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But I doubt it.
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kimberbohwrites · 3 months
I’ve gotta request something sooo self indulgent…. Halsin x tav where tav has tummy hurty and halsin makes it better. how is up to you! xx
(My inner Druid is going to come out on this one)
Halsin Versus Tummyache
>Halsin realizes they aren’t feeling well before his heart is even awake. He hears them groaning in their sleep and sees the light sheen of sweat on their brow.
>He’s up and down to the river for fresh water, picking at wildflowers that remind him of Tav on the way. Reaching the outside of your shared cabin he stops to pick some of the white flowers with big yellow centers that you grow in large quantities. Chamomile flowers.
>Once inside he can hear Tav’s grumbles of stomach trouble. His chest strained at the misery in their voice. They’re calling for him.
>He sets the water to boil on the hearth and he checks in on them. Giving them forehead kisses and opening their window to provide them fresh air.
>Back in the kitchen he sets to a remedy for his dear heart, most of the chamomile flowers are made into a tea— to which he adds grated fresh ginger, and some of the fresh mint that grows in the window box you’d planted together.
>He brings them the wildflowers (mixed with the unused chamomile flowers) in a bouquet on a tray with the tea. Kissing their sweaty brow until they wake he presents them the tray.
>”Drink up my heart, you’ll feel better soon” He says, the kindness and warmth radiating from his honey color eyes.
>He sits with them as they drink their tea, running soothing circles on their back as the upset stomach starts to pass. They drift back off to sleep, a quality sleep this time, soon after the mug is drained. They sleep well in the arms of a rather large elf, who loves them so.
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midnight-mourning · 5 days
I said I would, and I did (ignore that I'm 28 minutes late)
I am, so tired, but I am proud, as i think this is the longest chapter so far (for sure this arc at least)
please enjoy, much love, I'm gonna go to bed now, buh bye
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candy-red-river · 3 months
He's really gone isn't he?
I'm gonna be off ALL of my socials for a while, these weeks have been so stressful and I'm pretty sure I just went throu a whole mourning process after loosing my best friend. I genuinely can't do this anymore I need to leave for a little while. I'm gonna miss him forever
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fallevs · 5 months
Oh how I hate when people put words I never said in my mouth.
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catmemey · 2 years
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ratwars · 29 days
New goal: be less cynical.
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ricoka · 9 months
I'm slowly regaining some of my sense of taste and smell 🙏
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eebie · 3 months
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pinging chest pain last night rabid dog thunder dome cramps this morning and overtaut rubber band dipped in liquid nitrogen leg syndrome now Plus the residual dogs that have not mauled themselves to death yet…
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asinglesock · 6 months
the heart of the issue blocking my development is a fear of being wrong. under the fear of being wrong is a fear of hard work, the work of correcting myself. under the fear of work is a fear of futility, which is not so far removed from my fear of being wrong.
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hauntedbythenarrative · 5 months
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akuma-homura · 5 months
the funny thing with my health anxiety is sometimes I do manage to not worry so much (there’s genuinely not much I can do being poor and no insurance) and think whatever is is
and then random spiral moments fearing what something could be and wishing I had the money or some way or job or something to finally get health insurance but also terrified if something isn’t mild and might actually be serious and cancer
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theknittingshadow · 8 months
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(via I got Lotuses... answer some questions and I'll tell you what type of flower you are, in my (un)professional opinion!)
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transgenderboobs · 2 years
so happy 4 you but i cannot imagine a less relaxing setting to listen to tma in than a store at night alone with headphones on. girl that is how u begin a statement.
see the thing about me is i live my life constantly hoping to wind up the protagonist in a spooky supernatural horror story. being in a statement is kind of my goal honestly. my dream job is to be an avatar of an unknowably terrible fear entity. i think that would be so fun :)
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
How about the 5+1 times thing? :D
5 times Gil protected Thena and one time She protected him
Up to you wich AU :)
It was his job to protect Thena. Technically speaking, it was his job to keep her safe and at an appropriate distance from anyone who could be a threat to her or any event tied to her or the label's reputation.
That was how his contract phrased it, at least. But his job was to protect Thena; that was how Gil phrased it.
And he took that job very seriously--always had. And there were different ways he protected her than just being her bodyguard, like most thought.
He could protect her image.
It was early on in his time working for her. They were at some awards show, and neither he nor Thena wanted to be there. But it was part of her job, which made it part of his, too. At least he didn't really have to talk to anyone, he could admit. Thena was forced to socialise with the odd interviewer or contact in the industry, much to her chagrin.
"Are you okay?" he frowned as Thena made the same pinched expression he'd seen a few times now. She kept rolling her shoulders in a way he'd never really seen her do before.
She scrunched up her mouth, obviously debating whether or not to tell him what she was thinking. They were still somewhat new to each other, after all. But she nodded him closer.
"I have to fix my dress, but these goddamn cameras are going to see every move I make."
Gil wasn't too proud to admit he blushed (just a little). He was...aware of how attractive Thena was--beautiful, really. That was part of her job, after all, and he wasn't breaching contract just by noticing that. But he didn't think of her in that way. She was a client, and also the boss of him, even if the label was technically in charge of them both.
Thena huffed quietly to herself, rolling her shoulders again.
"Here," Gil whispered, guiding her off to the side as a few other stars walked along the carpet ahead of them. He moved her in front of him, which was technically behind him, as far as the cameras were concerned. "Just hide behind me."
Thena gave him a questioning look for it, but he put his hands on his hips under his suit jacket, creating a curtain of sorts for her to fix the sparkly and skin tight dress she was wearing. He glanced over his shoulder too, just so she could have as much privacy as possible.
"Thanks," she whispered as she fidgeted with the bust of the dress. Or did whatever she had to do, because Gil was mortified at the thought of even looking at her in the moment.
He could protect her peace of mind.
"Thena, it'll be fine."
"Hey," Gil walked over to them, slipping his phone back in his pocket. Thena was on the defensive, arms crossed and angling herself somewhat away from the rest of the management team. "What's going on?"
Kingo held out a hand at her, "she just gets nervous about transportation sometimes."
Gil wondered what exactly was missing between the way Thena was acting and Kingo's vague statement. He looked at Thena, trusting that she would tell him more specifically what she needed and what had to happen to make it better. "What's wrong with what we've got?"
Thena shrugged, "nothing."
Kingo sighed, "Thena-"
Gil moved in front of her, which he could tell irked her manager/stylist greatly. But he focused on the singer folded in on herself. He nodded his head, asking her to speak in not so many words.
Thena squirmed and pursed her lips, like a kid who didn't want to go home yet. Or maybe wanted to go home right this minute. "The limo has to park on the main street. If we walk to it, there will be fans, and paparazzi, and-"
"And you can ignore them," Kingo suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.
But Gil held a hand out to him, which irked him even further. But he wasn't Gil's client (his priority), Thena was. "She's had a long day, man. And you know how they can get after a performance."
"Well, what do you suggest?"
Gil tilted his head, looking at Thena, who was both being very stubborn and trying not to make a big deal out of it. But her battery was completely empty, that much was certain. She looked ready to drop, and she probably was going to ask if they could go get greasy burgers or cheap tacos or something anyway.
"I've got an idea."
"What?" Kingo asked, but continued to go ignored by the bodyguard. He huffed, leaning past his massive shoulders to peek at Thena. "Just get home safe, and text me when you do, okay?"
She nodded, waving him and the rest of the team away. She looked at Gil, on his phone. "What did you think of?"
"You're hungry, right?" he asked her with a smirk. It stretched into a full grin when she perked up like a flower in the sunlight. "Ubers will take you through the drive-thru if they don't have another ride waiting."
That was one of the first instances of what had since become a tradition for them.
He could protect her physically.
He had done so plenty of times, obviously. He would always remember the first time that not only was he on the job, but rather when Thena actively sought him out for protection.
She wasn't even out as Athena: Goddess of Song. She was just out as Thena, with Makkari and Sersi. They were also in the music industry, of course, so it wasn't as if they could go around completely anonymous. But at the very least, they weren't at a music event, they weren't at a concert--they were just three friends out for drinks.
Thena had asked if he could be on call for the night, for when they had to get to and from different locations. He had easily agreed, not just because it was part of the job, but also because it was Thena; she would be socially exhausted by the third bar anyway. If anything, he was prepared to pick them up and get them all drive-thru on the way back to Thena's penthouse.
But Thena called him from the bathroom of the second bar. Apparently someone in there had recognised her and was being pretty aggressive about getting a photo - and her number - and meeting her friends. Without a proper escape route, she had called him.
And Gil arrived ready for a fight. The nerve of some creeps in this part of town astounded him. He easily found the guy, leaning against the wall outside the bathrooms, just as Thena had assumed he would be. Didn't the club have any security of their own?!
"Hey brother, I'm just waiting for my girlfriend t-"
Gil gave him a swift crack in the jaw, his fist sending the guy to the floor in the blink of an eye. He shook out his fist afterward, although his knuckles were well conditioned for impact. "Prick."
He knocked on the door, leaning his ear close, "Thena? It's me. Are you-"
She pushed the door open, nearly pushing it right into him. But she rushed right to him, her forehead pressed to his chest at the earliest opportunity. "Thank you."
Gil heard her loud and clear despite the head-rattling music from the dance floor. He folded his arms around her, knowing that no matter how much she didn't want to show it, that it was one of her worst nightmares to find herself in a situation like that. He pressed his cheek to her hair, "it's okay. I've got you."
He could even protect her from herself--in a way.
"Thena," he called her name for the umpteenth time, watching her pace the floor of her dressing room so consistently he was worried the rug would go bald. "It will be fine."
She wasn't listening to him. She wasn't listening to anything but whatever her head was screaming at her. And it was never kind things, Gil had come to learn.
She was picking at the cuticles around her press-on manicure, since she couldn't chew the fake nails. If she were sitting her knee would be bouncing a mile a minute. In not time at all she would start muttering aloud to herself.
"Thena," he tried again. He had been trying since he got her in the car, though. There was almost no winding her down from this point before a performance. Almost.
Thena grumbled as he planted himself directly in the path of her pacing. She tried to move around him but he trapped her in his arms against him. She huffed. "This is a little over the line, no?"
"So file a complaint," he chuckled, still holding her to his chest. He took a few deep breaths, deliberately letting his chest expand and contract against her.
Despite her attempt to remain cranky, she slowly fell into the same rhythm, her heartbeat slowing and her breathing becoming more even and more in sync with his.
"That's it," he whispered, running a hand over her hair. There was nothing he could say to comfort her in these moments. They would be as good as empty words to her anyway. The only thing that mattered to Thena were results. But to get the results she wanted, she had to be in the right mindset to perform in the first place. "You'll be great."
Thena sighed, dropping her head to his chin with a slight bonk. She would be burying her face right in his shirt if not for her full face of makeup. "You don't know that."
"You've got a pretty good track record so far," Gil shrugged. He didn't have to argue with her with false promises; Thena believed in results, and her popularity spoke for itself. "I'll be here waiting."
But his favourite part of the job was actually the part that was taking care of her. It wasn't actively protecting her from anything--maybe protecting her from burnout.
But it was things like carrying her after a long day in ridiculously tall heels when she was exhausted. It was knowing exactly what her order was at every fast food place in town, or coming over to make her breakfast when he knew she was sleeping until two in the afternoon after a performance. It was buying her medicine when she was sick; it was even running regular old errands for her.
He had come to like tucking her in when she was asleep and already snoring by the time he got her in bed (he had never told her she snored, just a little). He liked running hot baths for her so she could have a soak while he made a nice nutritious dinner for them (fast food was only for after performances). He liked that he spent more time at her place than his, these days.
He liked protecting her from the job.
Gil frowned as Thena's phone buzzed on the coffee table. She was in the shower, losing track of time as she sang to herself with the help of the steam stretching out her vocal chords. "Hello?"
"Gil?--I called Thena."
"Yeah, and I'm answering," Gil set down his breakfast burrito and got up for his own phone, left by the stove. "It's her day off--what's going on?"
"I know, I know, I'm sorry."
If he were really sorry then why was he calling?
"The label got a call from Ikaris' management team. Remember that piece she recorded with him?"
"Yeah," Gil murmured. He knew the piece personally--he had helped Thena rehearse it in this very spot.
"They want her to make a guest appearance at one of his shows he's doing on his tour--over in the UK."
Usually artists would just contact each other personally and let management figure out the details for them once they were or weren't in agreement over it. But then again, Thena and Ikaris weren't exactly friends. Friends through Sersi, and perhaps frenemies with a playful rivalry between them. But it made sense that Ikaris knew better than to slide into Thena's DMs. Not that she would know what that meant.
"We can talk about it tomorrow."
"Gil, come on, I wouldn't be calling if they weren't expecting an answer today."
"So tell them she's sick, or she's on vocal rest or some shit," Gil argued. He could hear Kingo getting frustrated with him. It wasn't that they experienced friction that often, and they were both part of Thena's team, and her friends. Gil considered Kingo his friend.
But if it was between Kingo or Thena, obviously he chose Thena.
"Kingo," Gil pressed, his voice softening as he heard the faint fluttering of Thena's voice. She had left the door cracked; her trust in him was incalculable. "She's exhausted from the show this weekend. She really needs today to just...chill, okay? I promise first thing tomorrow, I'll get her on a call with his label. But today is all hers."
Kingo sighed loudly - dramatically - into his end of the phone. "You're a little too good at your job, you know that?"
Gil smiled to himself, "I take that as a compliment."
"I'm sure you do, Gil. Fine, I'll tell them she's on doctor ordered silence. Just make sure to bring it up in the email so it doesn't sound like uncorroborated bullshit."
"Will do," Gil promised before the call ended. He swiped the notification of it away. It was still in the phone's logged calls, but Thena never looked at that anyway. He set her phone down again, resuming his task of finishing his burrito.
"Who was that?"
Gil smiled, licking his lips as he finished up his last bite. "Just Kingo--nothing that can't wait until tomorrow."
"Are you sure?" she tilted her head, but she hadn't knotted up at the mere mention of work.
She had come a long way since he had first started working for her. "I'm sure."
She could even protect him.
"What the hell is going on here?!"
Gil was being visibly mauled by a horde of fans. They were mostly young, all significantly smaller than him, most of them appearing female. And of course Gil wasn't in the habit of fighting children.
"All of you!" Thena barked at them, storming over without a second thought to her initial desire to find their ride and go right home. "Get off him!"
Gil groaned as Thena pulled him from the grips of the crowd previously shaking and clawing at him. He even had a few scratches on his face.
"What the hell happened here?" she asked him, although the crowd around them was still rioting at them. She backed up with Gil tucked against her side.
"They're fans of Eros'," he sighed heavily, leaning against her. At least, he was until she moved him behind her. "Thena?"
"Get the hell away from him!" she bellowed, knowing exactly how to shout at them loudly and with a sustainable strength in her voice. "I cannot believe you would attack him like this!"
"He deserves it!"
"He punched Eros right in the face!"
"You should've had him fired!"
Thena's back raised, her shoulders tensing. She took a step forward, ready to get in a screaming match with a child.
"Thena, come on," Gil held her hand in his. He was spent from defending himself (which meant letting them tear a strip off of him and not fighting back at all). "Leave them be."
Thena all but growled at the gaggle of little monsters glaring at them. She had no concern what they thought of her. "You should be ashamed of yourselves for attacking an innocent man."
"He's the one who attacked an innocent man!"
"Come on," Gil urged Thena again, before she could argue that Eros was the instigator, which would be a pretty clear and direct breach of their agreement with his team to keep the whole thing quiet. "Just ignore them."
Thena did finally turn away from his assailants. She raised a hand to his face, brushing over a slightly swollen cheek, "what did they do to you?"
"Please," he chuckled, brushing off literally being mauled by a riot. "They're just a bunch of kids."
"If that's his most devoted fanbase, it does nothing to increase my confidence in Eros' character as a person," Thena scoffed.
"This will all blow over soon," Gil murmured, not that he was entirely sure that was true. He looked back at the crowd still booing him as they walked back to the car waiting for them. He walked closer to Thena, pulling her ahead of him--which was technically behind him to them.
Thena reached behind her, finding his hand naturally and slipping her fingers against his. "I'm sorry."
He gave her hand a squeeze in return, smiling despite the soreness of his swollen lip. "You have nothing to be sorry about."
"Still," she whispered, pulling him to walk beside her properly. She squeezed his hand even harder, "are you okay?"
"I'll be fine," he promised her, smiling genuinely despite his little scratches and scrapes. She frowned at him, openly doubting him. But he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "I'm sure."
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