#the character is gender neutral so you can imagine who you want. also I'm missing a lot of fandoms so i put what i watch there sorry
mintiicinnamonii · 3 months
Ok, so, idk if I missed the character limit so I'm sorry if it's too much, I also don't want to put any pressure on you either!
So! What if reader was half human half dragon? (I mean like, How to train your dragon kinda dragon)
Where they can either be human, half human/dragon (like, walking on their legs but being a bit taller than before, having scales instead of skin, wings and tail) and full dragon form (like toothless)
(I apologize if it's too complicated 😭)
Reader: gender neutral
Characters (romantic hc): Sun Wukong, Macaque and MK? (Maybe Mei Mei too if it's not pushing it)
Again, no pressure, and if it's too much I'll understand! Have a lovely day :D
Mei, MK, Wukong and Macaque with a dragon hybrid reader
(notes: MUAHAHAHAH YOU HAVE FED ME YOUNG ONE!! I didnt have much ideas but this was so fun!)
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like?? a fellow dragon? a PRETTY ONE?!!
she asks if you breathe fire, and depending on your species you answer
you two go on joyrides in the sky <33
the second you transformed she was like 🫦
she is in AWE OF YOUUUU
she asks you so many questions about your species and you’re happy to answer them all
her fans think you’re a cosplayer 💀
she demands piggy back rides, and pulls your collar down to kiss you
”i love my tall partner”
she catches you hoarding gems and has a picture saved on her phone
her parents are like 🙌
you have asian parent approval congrats (im viet, so i should know)
seductive monster x shy human real!!,
he was very intimidated at first, he thought you would eat him
but when you purr with your lil reptile noises hes SMITTEN
i hc that you pick him up and fly with him
hes happy he can relate to someone who can relate to having this animalistic side of their life
he blushes a lot. like.. you’re HELLA TALL and MK is probably short as hell so… add two and two together
you steal his stuff a lot and hoard it as treasure. he doesnt mind, as long as youre happy
you reach things on the top shelf for him. change my mind.
you two fly in FFF together
he thinks you look so graceful and pretty
you could kick his ass and he would say thank you
you spar with MK sometimes to help him and MK is FLABBERGASTED
imagine wukong getting into a stupid fight and you jsut swoop in and save him
he gives you as many treasures as possible for you to hoard
and when you’re in dragon form hes like 😳
mans thinking of situations. none of them are in the tripitaka/the buddhist bible
he tries to turn into a dragon, he cant do it
”sighhhhh i miss my tall pookie bear”
he leans on your shoulder
he admires your strength, but not in the sense that Wukong does, more like respect and love
you go on nighttime flights together, its rlly relaxing
he pets you. fight me.
like dragon pookie = cat pookie
scratches, pets, distracting you with shiny things
you get rlly mad and then he just kisses you and youre like 😳
the only man that can calm you down
if you were dating before he joined the gang, POWER COUPLEEE
”hey babe ready to beat up wukongs student” “hold up lemme change firstttt”
he pulls you down with your collar to kiss you
hes still a massive flirt <33
i hc that you make little replite/cat sounds. the first time macaque heard them hes like “wait did you just”
he has teased you for it ever since
the dojo’s kinda small, so you have to duck to enter, and he literally CHANGED HIS DOOR so you can enter easily
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glowinggator · 6 months
First I need you to know I absolutely love the way you write rocky! He feels so in character!
Second I saw requests are open so speaking of rocky: imagine if reader was a wealthy client who helps fund the speakeasy but they're only really there for rocky
like everyone else thinks it's pretty obvious they're into him but I imagine rocky would be clueless lol
(can be neutral or fem pronouns, whichever you prefer :) )
A/N: Thank you so much! I'm always worried that I'm a little too heavy-handed with his speech patterns, so I'm glad that it comes off right! And wow, I loved this idea so much! I got a little bit carried away with this it, actually -- never let it be said that I don't love this silly cat. Buckle in friends, it's gonna be a long one -- 3.4k, to be exact. Thank you all for all of the lovely asks and reblogs thus far -- because as much as I love writing, it's all of you that keep that fire burning when times get rough. Enjoy!
Content Warnings: None! Gender neutral reader, no pronouns or presentation indicators used.
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Deafening raindrops turn into quiet pitter patters as you descend the long, spiraling staircase into the speakeasy. Comforting and familiar walls lift your spirits from the dreary outside world, caked in gloomy clouds and ever-growing smog. You wipe your boots on the doormat as you reach the bottom of the stairs, frowning a little when you notice just how far the mud splashed up the leather. 
        What a shame -- you'll have to clean them off when you get home tonight. Lord knows how your coworkers love to gossip, and with how calm things have been lately, they're just itching for something to discuss. Like how the head doctor has mud on their evening boots… after a heavy rain. How scandalous. 
        You're pulled from your thoughts by the gentle voice of the doorman, peering over at you with a hint of concern -- Horatio, you think his name was? Sweet boy. 
        "Is everything alright, Doctor?"
        You tear your eyes away from your shoes, smiling kindly. 
        "Of course," you chirp, "Just a bit of mud. Do be careful when you head out tonight. That suit looks nice on you, I'm sure you wouldn't want it getting dirty." 
        He straightens his posture at the compliment, adjusting his cufflinks with an endearing -- if not a little overenthusiastic -- nod. Content, you smooth out your outfit and move forward once again. You stride through the door, flashing your pin for formality's sake, and slink into the main room with a neatly contained excitement of your own. 
        Red satin curtains line the wall, contrasting beautifully with the natural grey stone -- the Lackadaisy speakeasy has a unique atmosphere, and despite having seen it no less than a hundred times, it never ceases to light a twinge of admiration within you. You weave between the towering stone pillars, letting your eyes rake across the room as you pad towards the bar. But… something is missing. Or, more aptly, someone. 
        The barstool squeaks in protest when you plop down at the bar, brows furrowed. Although before you're allowed to stew in your disappointment, a drink is placed in front of you. You look up, meeting eyes with the tall cat in front of you. Victor Vasko, resident bartender, for lack of a better word. He glowers down at you, although you know him well enough by now -- it's hard to be intimidated when you know his scowl is all but carved into his face. 
        You're also acutely aware that you're one of the last benefactors of St. Louis' finest speakeasy. 
        You slide a ten across the bar -- more than enough to cover drinks for the night, if not everyone else's too -- before swirling the drink in your glass. The amber liquid dances just shy of the rim before settling back down against the ice -- it's liquid gold in these parts, and they call it that for more reasons than one. You don't miss the subtle widening of Victor's eyes as he pockets the money and moves to the other end of the bar, presumably to clean -- or more aptly, shatter -- a handful of glasses. 
        Sweetness cascades over your tongue when you raise the glass to your lips -- it's a far cry from the common coffin varnish. That is to say, it's a luxury reserved only for new patrons… and those with deep pockets. You smile to yourself, savoring the taste. It's not the greatest drink in the world. Even a priest could tell you that. It's bitter, and burns in a way that tells you that its creator would really prefer to put the "fire" in firewater over anything else… and yet you couldn't fathom going anywhere else. It's not like you're aiming to get drunk here, anyways. 
        "So," Zib drawls, lumbering onto the bar stool next to you, "What's a man gotta do to get a drink around here?" 
        You huff a laugh into the glass, rolling your eyes. "Sorry, I only buy drinks for pretty boys."  
        He leans forward onto the bartop, leaning his head on his arms and gazing at you. His eyes are half-lidded, pupils lazily tracking your glass as you raise it to your lips. It's hard to tell if he's just tired, or if he's already gotten a headstart on drinking tonight. You'd put money on the "all of the above" option, if you could. 
        "I can bat my eyelashes if you want," he says.         "Jesus Christ, shut up," you laugh, swatting at him but waving down Victor nonetheless. He stomps over, rolling his one visible eye, but acquiesces and pours him a drink at your soft smile. It's clearly a cheaper alcohol, but Zib doesn't seem to mind. He seems to prefer it, if anything. He takes a strong drink, sighing at the burn. He pulls himself up from his crossed arms, leaning back with a groan.
        "Thank God, I don't know enough violin to pull anything else off. Or Shakespeare."
        "Hey!" You sputter, kicking his leg beneath the countertop, "What's that supposed to mean?" 
        "Nothing, nothing." He hums, pausing. Sips. Tilts the glass. "Just that you seem to have a favorite here, no shame in that. Other than the fact that you've chosen the strangest man in all of St. Louis to set your sights on." 
        "Excuse me, for one, I don't play favorites. And two, he is-- he isn't…" Swirling the liquid around in your own glass, you furrow your brow. When nothing comes to mind you take a sip of your own, thinking. 
        You know well enough that your protests are just for show at this point. It's become a near-daily point of banter between the two of you, considering how obvious you are in your affections. Many moons have come and gone since Wick showed you the Lackadaisy, but unlike the astral body, your interest in Rocky Rickaby has never waned. 
        It's hard to remember what kickstarted your affections for him -- maybe it was his natural lyricism, or perhaps his flair for theatrics. Maybe it was his unwavering spirit, or his penchant for getting into trouble. If you asked Wick, you're sure he'd tell you that you were simply attracted to the danger he brings with him, but he's never seen the way his eyes sparkle when he's excited. He's never seen the way he glows when he's truly happy -- not like you do, anyways. Maybe it was a combination of all of those things and more. What you do know is that…
        "He's got his own charm. He's different, yes, but I like different. But again," you say, looking at him over the rim of your glass, "I don't play favorites."  
        Zib chuckles, shaking his head, but says nothing. You wait one breath, then two. 
        You scoff, muttering to yourself. "Set my sights on… You make it sound like I'm picking out a dog at the pound." 
        He grins, and you sense that you've fallen directly into his trap. Damn it. 
        "He'd bark if you asked him to."
        "Oh, you reprobate," you exclaim, laugh tinging the edges of your words. You swat at him once again, this time making contact. You'd like to say he choked on his drink, or sputtered at your attack, but this has become such a song and dance that really, you'd be more surprised if he didn't expect it. "You're incorrigible, you know." 
        "Just being honest," he says. 
        You shake your head, sipping lazily at your glass before slipping back into easy conversation. It's nice to simply chat the hours away with him -- despite his dour outward demeanor, he's quite good at keeping a conversation going. His taste in literature doesn't hurt much, either, nor does your own affability towards his own theatrics. For as much shit as he gives Rocky, he isn't all too much better in the drama department. 
        You weren't always treated so casually -- the memory of Mitzi all but batting Zib and Rocky away from you still brings a smile to your face. Hell, you're sure if Mitzi heard the dreary remarks falling from Zib now, she'd pick up the broomstick again… if only for her own sanity. But once it became clear that you'd sunk your claws into their best -- and up until recently, only -- rumrunner, the air changed. 
        You don't have to guess why -- everyone's been plenty clear about it.
        'If Rocky hasn't driven you away yet, there's not much anyone else can do to scare you off.'
        You cast a look over your shoulder every now and again, glancing at the door, aflutter with anticipation. It's impossible to hear the rain this far down into the cave system, although it's unlikely that the rain has let up at all considering the torrential downpour you weathered just a few short hours ago. You nervously bite at your lips, forcing your head back into the conversation. 
        'It's just the storm holding him up,' you tell yourself. 
        You vaguely realize that somewhere along the way your simple affection and interest has bloomed into something more all-consuming, and you can only hope that Zib doesn't catch your sudden fluster. Best to file that thought away for later. 
        It's half past midnight when Rocky waltzes through those towering wooden doors, caked damn-near head to toe in mud. His suit seems to have taken the brunt of it, although the drying flakes embedded in his fur and the single symmetrical pair of clean streaks along his lapel tell a story all on their own. He clasps two bottles in his hands, mysteriously absent of any dirt or grime. 
        Calvin is hot on his heels too, pupils pinpointed with what you assume are the remnants of adrenaline. He too comes through the door with bottles of what you presume is liquor, although he certainly has an… abundance compared to Rocky. Because for Rocky's two, Calvin anxiously clutches no less than eight bottles to his chest. He practically waddles through the door, more out of fear than exertion. He, however, is almost entirely clean of grime… save for his pant legs, which are all but drenched. 
        Once Calvin is past the doorway Ivy comes skipping through too, hands wrapped around her own pair of bottles. Her wardrobe seems to be in slightly worse condition than Calvin's. Mud dapples her sweater, and the twigs tangled in her fur so abundant that you could probably call her a fire risk. But she seems joyful nonetheless as prances past Calvin and falls in line right behind Rocky in his march towards the bar. You realize in the back of your mind that she's chatting happily with Calvin behind her, although the words turn to water in your mind as you gaze at Rocky. If he's noticed you yet, he gives no indication. His tail, slicked thin with muck, flicks happily behind him. Small drops of mud hit the stone floor, causing Calvin to flinch back and clutch the bottles tighter to his chest. There must be a story there, you think to yourself. 
        You huff out a laugh -- partially out of amusement, and partially out of relief. You'll have to ask for the story of tonight's escapade later on. 
        "Praise be to the rain, protector of your ever faithful moonlight servants," Rocky finally reaches the other end of the bar, placing the bottles down with a thunk. He spins, his back towards you as he casts a hand in the air with a flourish. The smile that stretches across your face is painfully lovesick, if the way Zib nudges you gives you any indication, but you pay him no mind as you lean forward to watch the show. 
        "For such modern ventures, we need no stream to wrench forth our gold from the Earth, dearest raindrops. Rather, it is you, oh dearest clouds who bring us such prosperity, such joy. It is--"  he spins back towards you, locking eyes. He stiffens, blinking owlishly. A moment passes before his eyes sparkle in that perfect way you've come to adore, fangs peeking beneath his lips as his expression changes into a grin, and then a beam. 
        "You," he moves across the floor towards you, stretching his arms out for a moment before realizing his state of dress and letting his arms fall back at his sides. His tongue darts between his lips, practically buzzing with excitement as he pads towards you. 
        (You briefly catch the shocked looks of his, quite literal, partners in crime. Eyes wide, the two look at each other inquisitively, then at him, then back at one another. Clearly they're shocked at his willingness to drop his monologue, and the feeling is mutual. It makes the smile stretch further across your face, and you realize that if he hadn't silently retracted the offer, you would have accepted the hug, velvet be damned.)
        You spin your stool to face him, pushing your drink to the side with a wave in his direction. And it should be illegal for anyone to be so damn cute, because the way he lights up -- at your acknowledgement? At your excitement to see him? -- sends a hot flush through your cheeks that has you melting from the inside out. Up close you realize that despite (somewhat) clearing himself of mud, he wasn't able to keep entirely dry from the rain. Water drips down his nose, and you fight back the obnoxiously domestic thought of drying his fur for him. Tender looks and loving touches, of hands carding through fur… It's soon replaced by the vision of him toweling off himself, and Christ, something so mundane shouldn't be so damn attractive. That too, you tuck away for later. 
        He stops at your feet, eyes crinkled with mirth. 
        "I didn't think you'd still be here," he says, leaning against the bar countertop. Although he quickly notices the muddy stain he's left, and while he does pull back to attempt to clean it… it's not like there's much clean real-estate left on his suit to wipe with. You giggle -- honest to god, giggle -- at his antics, and just like that his attention is pulled back to you. He leans back against the countertop, resting his face against his hand. It squishes his cheek with a boyish charm, ears flicking towards your voice. It's cute. He's cute. 
        "Well, I wouldn't want to miss my favorite…"  Heat rises to your face at your own use of the word 'favorite.' Zib will never let you live this one down. 
        Said cat snickers behind you, and oh yeah, you really aren't living this one down. It takes a lot of willpower not to shove him off the barstool then and there. But Rocky simply waves his free hand at him before turning it upwards, fingers splayed. It's clear that he's attempting to be casual in his body language, but the energy in his voice and barely hidden beam ousts his joy at your praise. 
        "Pay him no heed, dearest muse. Now, what form of entertainment would you desire tonight? Pick a key, any key! Through spoken word or melodic strings--"
        Any other night you'd be enraptured with his rambling, but tonight you seem to get lost in his words. Your eyes rake across his face, taking in the little details that make him, him. You're only a little ashamed at the way your eyes keep darting to his lips while he speaks -- truthfully, you're more embarrassed at the longing it sparks within you. Maybe you should have taken the time to unpack this earlier, but alas. You force your eyes upwards, taking in how his own bright blue ones shine with excitement, before letting them fall once again.
        And Rocky is nothing if not unique. The bridge of his nose tells stories beyond your imagination -- no matter how many times he tries to tell you their stories. They all just seem too wild to be true -- littered with little dots and lines that you could connect like constellations, they convey decades worth of life. A knife trick accident here, a wire snap there… allegedly, a horde of bees created many of the smaller dots. An experiment from youth gone wrong, he said, but you can't imagine he'd do anything different if presented with the opportunity again. Your lips upturn at the thought, and let your eyes roam to his cheeks: his fur bounces with every word he speaks, but even still, you can see little uneven patches. A thin line here and there, not quite reaching skin; a patch that's just a fraction shorter than the rest; all from recent incidents that simply came a little too close. But on his left cheek there's something new, something that you've never seen before.
        There's one last streak of mud on his face that, clearly, he had missed. You're so focused on the mark that you hardly even feel yourself move to grab your handkerchief. 
        "--But in an art such as this, moderation is for the weak. If you'll give me just five minutes I'll have--" 
        He stills at your gentle touch, halting his speech for the second time tonight. His fur is softer than you expected, despite its dampness from the rain outside. You tilt his head upwards by just a fraction, your thumb and index gently holding his chin in place. Stricken with a sudden wave of adoration, you drag your thumb experimentally across what you can reach. The movement is so painfully fond and oh, so close -- just millimeters away from his lips. It's a gentle action that lasts no more than a second -- hell, maybe you didn't even realize you were doing it -- but it feels like a lifetime to him. He thought he'd get used to the lightheadedness that you always seem to inflict upon him, but he couldn't be more wrong. And before he has any time to recover, you're dabbing at his cheek with a silken cloth. 
        And for all your observations tonight, you end up missing the way his breath catches in his throat. You miss the way he leans into you by just a fraction, how his eyes widen at your softness; how they take to memorizing every contour of your face in awe; how he melts in your hold, like he's never been held with such kindness before. He doesn't think he has. 
        And that's nothing to say of all the things you can't see -- how his heart leaps into his chest, pounding so hard he's half sure you can see it through his shirt; how he prays for the world to stop just as it is now, so that he could enjoy this for just a few more seconds. How he's so sure that he's dreaming, but far too joyful to even consider pinching himself awake. 
        He's so enraptured with your touch that he hardly even processes your movements. It's only once you lean in -- close, so damn close, so easy to close the gap -- to get a better look at the spot that he finds his voice again. 
        "Oh, you don't have to, it's--" he curses himself for stumbling, for being so breathless in your presence, considering your previous praise for his eloquence. He doesn't know why you keep coming back here, why you keep entertaining him as you do, but he's not going to complain. He swallows, counting to five before starting again with renewed, albeit artificial, confidence. "I'm sure that lovely, lovely silk piece cost you quite the pretty penny." 
        And this time, it's your turn to blink owlishly. You look at the cloth, then back at him, before laughing softly. And just like that you're leaning back in, once again coaxing the mire from his face. It's silent between the two of you for just a moment, so quiet that you damn near forget where you are. And in a moment of courage, you up his face in full. You feel his jaw clench beneath your hand, emboldening you to push just a bit further. You catch his eye, smiling softly. 
        "You know money doesn't mean a thing to me, Rocky," you murmur, just loud enough for the two of you to hear. 
        A million words are left silently humming in the gap between you, a million words you hope he can pick up on in your silence. 'Not when it's you,' you think to yourself. 'I'd give up every penny for just another second with you.' 
        There's a glimmer in your eyes that can only be described as fond, and he basks in it before you turn back to your task. This time, he doesn't stop you. 
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Romantic yandere Geto Suguru concept
I actually enjoyed watching the transition of Geto's characters in Volumes 8 -> 9 so I just had to write for him. For him, my thoughts went from "Oh, I like him!" to "Oh, I'm scared of him!"
In the future, if you want to request him, put if you want Jujutsu Sorcerer! Geto or Curse User! Geto. Then if you want Fake! Geto, you can just say that or "Kenjaku" I guess.
Possible Spoiler Alert For Volumes 8 -> 9 of JJK
Yandere! Suguru Geto Concept
(Jujutsu Sorcerer! Geto and Curse User! Geto)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Violence, Genocide mention, Blood, Kidnapping, Degrading behavior, Human pet mention, Murder, Dark themes, Isolation, Forced relationship.
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Okay, I'll say this now...
JS! Geto's darling could be either a non-sorcerer or a Jujutsu Sorcerer like him.
CU! Geto would have a Jujutsu Sorcerer darling or a non-sorcerer pet.
He goes through a drastic change in character I've noticed... and it scares me as it's depicted really well in the manga.
JS! Geto would fully be on board with protecting his darling.
If you aren't someone who sees curses, you're like the one friend he has that isn't in his immediate circle of Jujutsu Sorcerers.
He cares about you, while Gojo mocks him for having a soft spot for a non-sorcerer... Geto doesn't care since he enjoys your company.
Geto also wishes to protect and care for you if you are a fellow Jujutsu Sorcerer.
This is before everything that's happened... before he gained a God Complex and lost his way.
He tries not to use lethal force and has a righteous attitude.
He truly does care about you before he loses his way... but I imagine he isn't quite sure how to confess such feelings.
However, even Gojo can tell Geto is fond of you.
He speaks about you with praise regardless on your relations to curses and that only ever changes after "the incident".
He allows you to talk to him, if you're a non-sorcerer he takes the curses attracted to you off.
He'd do anything for you... he just tries to keep things professional and tries to hide such emotions.
Gojo no doubt jokes about Geto dating you... which causes fights, as expected.
He's not usually a physical yandere regardless of what Geto we're talking about.
He probably tries as a JS, but apologizes in case you react badly.
His tone shifts later, after the change of mind and literal genocide.
He's even more manipulative, violent, egotistical, malicious, and dangerous.
I refer to this Geto as CU! Geto, or Curse User! Geto.
Geto would be overly fond and manipulative towards a Jujutsu Sorcerer/Curse User! Darling.
However, with that same non-sorcerer! Darling as before?
They become a pet.
He hates non-sorcerers by this point.
What irritates him even more is he still has feelings towards you.
No matter how much he tries to deny himself or ignores it, he's still fond towards you.
So he makes you a pet, still a monkey... but you're his.
He feeds off your cursed energy and comes off degrading and condescending.
Geto calls you lucky, perhaps he won't slaughter you like the rest.
You feel like a trophy more than anything.
As a Jujutsu Sorcerer/Curse User, however... Geto is still manipulative yet affectionate.
He more openly admits the feelings he has for you and praises you.
He probably gives you lessons and manipulates you to garner loyalty.
He adores you... hell, even as a pet he likes you to some extent.
You silently miss the old Geto, you liked him before.
This one only scares you... makes you cry...
He isn't Geto in your eyes.
Yet... none of that matters now, does it?
One way or another, Geto will have you completely under his control.
He'll slaughter those around you... parents, relatives, friends... after all, he killed his own parents.
He'll isolate you, kidnap you if he has to...
Geto has embraced his dark desires fully.
Morality doesn't matter anymore.
He'll feed from you, train you, and coat you both in blood to have you...
He isn't Geto anymore, not to you...
He's a monster wearing the face of the one you once cared for.
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As someone who just got out of In Patient care, could you write headcanons as to how they would greet the reader when they first see them? Maybe it’s actually a surprise and they come to the Ministry first!
I can absolutely do this!! I hope you're doing well after being in inpatient care and that you're taking it easy now that you're home <3 I'm going to write the main 4 Papas for this one as you didn't specify who you wanted, but if you wanted another Ghost character(s) from my list please let me know and I can write the headcanons for them too. I hope you enjoy!! :) also trying a new thing I saw on here where the o or a at the end of Italian words is swapped out with an e to make it gender neutral! If this is wrong to do, someone please let me know! I wanted to make these as gender neutral as possible so that reader can be anyone of any gender so hopefully I've done that well
Because of his age and how fragile his health can be, he wasn't able to visit as much as he would have liked but would video call whenever he couldn't visit in person
He knew you were going to be leaving inpatient care because his admin ghouls keep him updated on your progress
However, they hadn't given him the date because they wanted it to be a nice surprise for him!
You find him tending to the plants in his greenhouse with a couple of earth ghouls, back turned
If you're able to reach, you put your hands over his eyes from behind and do that "guess who" thing that you've seen on TV before when you would cuddle up in bed before you went into inpatient care
If you can't reach or you're too tired to do so, you'd do that corny "honey, I'm home!" that he loves so much
He'll have the biggest, warmest smile that anyone has ever seen
Will immediately pull you into the most gentle but warm and loving embrace
Won't let go for a while
"Il mie fiore, how I have missed you. Was your journey a comfortable one? Come, we should have some tea. I bought your favourite brew especially for your return. Had I know you were arriving today, I would have sent my ghouls to escort you here themselves."
Cups your face, placing gentle kisses all over as long as you're happy for him to do so
He won't pry information out of you, but he will make it very clear that he's happy to listen if you want to talk about your time in inpatient care
One of the annoying parts about being such an important figure in the Ministry is that he can't be by your side 24/7 while you're in inpatient care
And he's already on thin ice with Imperator for using his ghouls to visit you instead of performing their duties around the Abbey (and even Terzo's ghouls when he needed them)
So, Secondo hadn't had time to check when precisely you were leaving inpatient care, just that there would be someone from the Ministry to pick you up and take you home when you needed them to
Imagine his surprise when he returns to his quarters after a long day of meetings, paperwork, and making preparations so that the Abbey was ready for your return if you need any accessibility adjustments
And he finds you waiting for him, laying on his bed with a couple of ghouls adjusting the pillows to make you comfortable
Will immediately send his ghouls out because that's his job damn it!
Plumps the pillows exactly how you want them, will bring you more blankets if you want them, has one of the siblings of sin on kitchen duty bring you whatever food or drinks or snacks you desire (and they will be the finest quality, he assures you)
Lots of slow, passionate kisses but he doesn't push any further than that. He knows you're likely tired from the journey and he wants you to rest up and make yourself at home rather than thinking about his dick
"I've missed you more than I can express, mie piccole uccelline. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to pick you up and bring you here myself. I won't be so flaky next time."
You'll need to reassure him at first that you're not upset with him for not picking you up himself and that you purposely didn't tell him as you wanted it to be a surprise
He'll show you every single photo that he took on his phone while you were in inpatient care to try and catch you up and make sure you don't feel like you've missed out on too much or that he's not considered you
Will also give you all the Ministry gossip that you missed while you were away. People think Terzo is the biggest gossip out of the brothers, but the way Secondo tells you every piece of dirt makes his younger brother seem clueless about the goings on in the Ministry
Terzo is a difficult man to surprise
He visited as often as his duties and the location of your inpatient care allowed, so he was updated frequently on how you were doing and when you were likely to be coming home
However, as thorough and difficult to surprise as he is, there's something he didn't count on
That you, the staff, and everyone privy to the date you'd ACTUALLY be leaving the facility would give him a fake date
And so, in a rare moment, he is caught off-guard and completely surprised to see you sitting at the front pew of one of his sermons three weeks before he'd been told you'd be coming home
The sermon goes out of the window immediately in favour of rushing over to you and pulling you into the tightest embrace that he can muster
You will need to remind him not to be so rough with you and he'll apologise profusely while smothering you with kisses
Your face will be smeared with his papal paint by the time he's done with you
"Mie tesore. Mie cuore. Mie tutte. How did you manage to...? No, that can wait. Come, you must eat."
Straight up escorts you to the cafeteria. Sister almost has a meltdown getting someone else to step in for him. Terzo thinks this is hilarious
He'll sit with you the whole time in the cafeteria. He won't force you to eat anything, but he does make sure your favourite drink is brought to you with some snacks
Spends a lot of time holding your hands, kissing them, putting a hand on your back or an arm around your shoulders, doesn't want to be away from you now that you're finally there with him
The moment he catches wind of you leaving inpatient care, that's it
He's so anxious about you coming home that keeping him in the dark to try and surprise him feels mean
So you tell him the date, but not the time so that there's compromise there
Yes, it's not a total surprise but there is still an element of it while he gets to count down the days and doesn't fret too much about the when
As soon as he sees you out of the car and the ghouls helping to unload your bags, he's on his tricycle speeding down the path to meet you
Might fall off at one point in his haste
When he finally gets to you, the tricycle is abandoned to sweep you up into his arms as he showers you with kisses and affection (ignores his back pain because he's so happy to have you back in his arms once again)
He'll even cry a little bit from how happy and overwhelmed with emotion he is at the fact that you're here and no longer in inpatient care
"Mie care, how miserable the Ministry has been without you gracing our halls! How was the trip? My ghouls took very good care of you, si? Did you eat? Have you had a drink? Did you nap on the way here? Were you comfortable?"
Despite being kept updated and visiting regularly, he still worries about you and wants to take care of you
Has the ghouls follow behind him with your belongings as he carries you all the way to his quarters, stopping occasionally to adjust you in his arms to make you as comfortable as possible
It's safe to say you won't be leaving his chambers that night. Not for any spicy reasons, but more because he's missed you so much and wants one night where you have each other to yourselves before life starts to return to normal (whatever normal is)
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asillylittleistik · 9 months
Hello y'all, welcome to my BG3 writing blog. I don't wish to share my real name, but you all can call me Cain on here! This blog will mostly be me filling out asks from y'all, but I'm also totally open to chat about anything BG3, like potential AUs, what-if scenarios, and anything else that comes to mind. Just make sure to read the rules before going on, thank you!
We are for the girls here! This is a blog specifically for WLW and NBLW! Reader will be gender-neutral by default, and can be made female on request, but will NEVER be male. I am also only writing for female characters.
If you think your ask may contain sensitive content, please try to find a way to mark it with a CW. I'll be including CWs in all my posts, but it's still important and appreciated to put that in the ask as well.
I am human, and it may take me a while to get to your ask. If you think I may have missed your request, or would like a progress update, I will gladly answer, but please try to give me some time to get to it first.
If you give me a request while the inbox is closed, it will be thrown out (so no, it will not be first in line when my inbox opens again, that's not how that works).
Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut.
Readers of any race and class (and this includes races not listed in BG3, anything from 5e is allowed, for those who know what that means).
Drabbles, scenarios, one-shots, matchups, and possibly a multi-chapter fic if I really like your idea.
I also write character x character, assuming both of those characters are still female (I love my little gaggle of bisexuals).
Werewolves (PLEASE somebody ask me about werewolf Shadowheart), ABO, G!P, and trans female characters (both of the BG3 characters and reader)
Any kind of AU you can imagine (modern AU, godhood AU, mind flayer AU, literally anything).
Some hardcore kinks, like piss, scat, vomit, age-play, and snuff. I doubt there was a big audience for that anyway, but still. Y'all nasty sometimes. Anything else is pretty much fair game though.
HEAVY angst or major character death (of the character, not the reader). I'm sorry but I'm a big baby and can't write things that are so hopelessly sad. This rule is kinda so-so, so if you have a request, feel free to submit it, but just know that I might not do it.
MALE CHARACTERS AND MALE READER. I know I said that once already but I don't want the Astarion girlies taking over, sorry y'all.
Dame Aylin and Isobel (only together/poly)
If you have any other characters to request, feel free to ask, this is not a definitive list.
That's all from me. Thank you for reading!
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teammelodies · 4 months
So I got a bunch of undertale soul OCs
And I decided that I'm gonna share them with the internet in order of creation.
The Patience Soul
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Hope (she/her)
She's the first of the human soul OCs I have, I've had her for years at this point. She's a sweet little girl who's happy to sit and wait when she's told to. She was blind, and her parents couldn't afford to care for her, so they had to give her up to the orphanage with the plan to earn enough money to be able to take care of her (sadly, that would never happen). Her ribbon was the last gift she got from her parents before they died tragically.
Now *initially* I didn't consider whether Hope would be a pre-undertale soul (before the game) or a post-undertale soul (after the game). Buuut I do have a basic idea of how she would've fallen underground if she was a pre-undertale soul.
See, not every human is a good person (there has to be a reason that Chara didn't like humanity, after all), and not every kid in the orphanage that Hope stayed was very nice to her. Some of those kids were cruel enough to bring Hope up the mountain and push her down.
The Justice Soul
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Astrea (she/her)
She is the first Soul I made after Hope and was made very recently, much like the rest of the souls. I made her on whim, really, and the rest of the souls followed. Took some inspiration from Starlo with her poncho, and as a nod to Clover (and the omega flowey fight), I put a clover on her hat.
Something I did with Astrea and all the other souls is find names that mean whatever their soul trait is. "Astrea" comes from Astraea, the Greek goddess of justice. (It's also a spacey name, which gave me a good excuse to put stars on her poncho)
Clever, right?
Anyway, much like Clover in yellow, Astrea goes up the mountain in search of the humans that went missing before her.
The Perseverance Soul
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Perry (he/they)
Perry is one of those bookworm types with a passion for writing and journalism. He carries a notebook everywhere he goes, so he's always able to write down his thoughts. (Kinda like me, except I carry paper around to draw with LOL)
Perry (at least of the site I initially found it) is a gender neutral name that's a "playful take on perseverance", but it also means traveller, pilgrim, or "one who dwells by the pear tree" which is neat too I guess.
Being a journalist in the making, Perry most likely went up the mountain to write a story about the monsters that live there, to get the truth about what they're really like.
The Bravery Soul
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Casey (they/them)
Casey is one of those kids that will sock you in the nose if you do something to hurt their friends. The first thing they'll do is punch you. They aren't afraid of getting in trouble. (Ngl, they do seem to dance on the line between brave and reckless sometimes, at least in my mind... idk, still developing their character a bit)
Fun fact, when making Casey, I had *no idea* what wether I was gonna make them a boy or a girl, and in the end, I decided on neither.
Casey's name means watchful, vigilant, and brave.
They probably went up the mountain seeking adventure, not sure tbh. Casey and the next two souls are the ones I haven't fully figured out reasons for going up the mountain yet.
The Kindness Soul
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Winnie (she/her)
Winnie is an absolute sweetheart, as you can imagine with her being the kindness soul. And, of course, she has a passion for cooking.
Winnie's name doesn't *directly* mean kindness. It means fair and pure (or that's just one meaning)
She probably went up the mountain to find some ingredients.
The Integrity Soul
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Olive (They/Them)
I wanted to do something different with Olive because most of the versions of the integrity soul I've seen were all girls, so I decided to try and make a boy. But of course, I ended up changing them to look like they could be either gender (not that Olive would really mind if they're misgendered. I'm thinking they're more fluid than anything.)
Olive is one of those people who usually has their head in the clouds, if that's the right away of describing them. (They're sort of like a Luna lovegood type of character if that helps, but a little more chill?)
I actually chose the name "olive" because I kept seeing the name "oliver" and I thought I'd go for something more gender neutral.
Olive is (of course) a name derived from the olive tree, which "signals a time of integrity and peaceful power, when we are being asked to own the decisions we made"
Pretty cool.
I have no idea why Olive would go up the mountain.
Okay, so then, if these characters are the humans that fell before frisk, how would they lose their souls?
I will take a note out of UTY's book and say that, presuming they were all pasifistic, all of them gave up their souls willingly.
I think doing this would fit their soul traits, too.
Hope gives up her soul, knowing that she'll be helping to free the monsters with a little patience
Casey gives up their soul to help the monsters stay brave
Olive does it because they think it's the morally right thing to do, showing integrity
Perry does it to help the monsters perservere
Winnie does it out of kindness
And much like Clover, Astrea does it to bring them justice
(Okay so some of the reasoning might be stretching it, but still)
Delving into a bit of AU territory
Something I like to think happens as well is that every soul that dies becomes a ghost that follows the next soul that falls, so the first Soul would be alone, the next soul would have the first soul, the third would have the first two souls, and so on so forth until frisk who has seven ghost children (including chara, who was awoken by frisk's determination) following them around.
And then when the souls are used to break the barrier, they return to their bodies, and they all live together with frisk.
"But how would that be possible?" I hear you asking, "How come their bodies are still healthy enough to return to?"
If anyone wants to know more or have any questions about these guys or the "Souls AU," feel free to ask!
Bonus images
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 months
Hey so I was the one who gave this ask but erm I actually meant Non-binary Yata & Asexual Yata, like yata not having a gender and not liking sex when I said 'Sarumi AU' I didn't mean Non-binary Fushimi, I just said Sarumi au because I know you also get Misaru asks and I'm not a huge fan of that dynamic so I put Sarumi AU, but never meant it as Non-binary Fushimi & Asexual Yata. (I'm hoping this didn't sound rude or anything)
Aaaaahhh sorry anon, that one was my fault ;; I have no idea how but my brain thought that ask read ‘non-binary Fushimi and asexual Yata’ and I don’t know why, I had to go double check after I got this one and was like ‘how did I even miss that?’. So! Since this one was my fault I’m gonna answer this one out of order so you still get your place in the queue properly. Non-binary Yata is interesting, I feel like Yata is a fun character to explore with different identities because canon indicates he’s not really good with computers or online a lot and I think especially as a kid he would have less exposure to different identities so I see him struggling a lot with a thing he knows but can’t vocalize (also again, just using ‘he’ for convenience sake. I could see Yata going for more of a ‘he/them’ pronouns, though on that end it’s much easier to use non-gendered language in Japanese so he might not even really need to ‘pick’ a pronoun, everyone just uses neutral language for him).  In this case I could see that actually being part of why he has all these masculinity issues, because he’s increasingly aware that he doesn’t really feel like a guy and he’s desperately trying to hide it, overcompensating by trying his hardest to be aggressively manly so no one thinks he’s weird. I could see his only exposure to trans people being like unfortunate comedic stereotypes on TV so any idea that he could be a girl also doesn’t work for him (and then at the same time even without those stereotypes he doesn’t feel like a girl either, he just thinks that if he’s not a guy then girl is the only option and he rebels aggressively against the idea).
It’s in meeting Fushimi that Yata really starts to realize who he is, imagine Fushimi not only being supportive of Yata but also the one who kinda realizes what’s going on. Fushimi can be perceptive when he wants to be (and especially in situations where he himself isn’t directly involved) so I could see some time shortly after they’ve become friends when Yata’s putting on a show of masculinity and Fushimi clicks his tongue and calls Yata annoying. Yata’s a little hurt by that and Fushimi says it’s annoying, when Yata keeps putting on this fake show that Yata himself doesn’t even believe, how bothersome. Yata realizes that Fushimi’s seen through the whole thing and imagine him kindly nervously admitting it, that he doesn’t feel like a man. He quickly adds that he’s not a girl though and Fushimi scoffs: ‘why do you have to choose one or the other? Idiot.’ Up until this moment Yata’s never even thought about that, that he doesn’t have to make a binary choice, and this is really one of the big moments where I could see him just falling for Fushimi all over again because Saruhiko is that amazing, finding the answer to the question Yata’s been struggling with for most of his life.
So then post-ROK Yata has a whole new crisis with realizing that it’s not just that he’s a virgin, or nervous about sex, it’s that he’s simply…not interested in it. I could see this bringing back his old worries from before he realized that he was non-binary, like maybe this is another thing that’s weird or wrong about him and he doesn’t like this because he thought he was finally comfortable with himself. Imagine he tries to force himself to ignore these feelings though, because he does love Saruhiko and he doesn’t want Fushimi to think Yata isn’t attracted to him or anything. But then when things start getting hot and heavy Fushimi suddenly pulls away from Yata with a tongue click. Yata asks what’s wrong and Fushimi coldly says if Yata was going to fake it he should just say so. Yata tries to argue but Fushimi’s already getting dressed and leaving.
Afterward Yata’s really upset, feeling like this is his fault for being weird (and also aware that Fushimi absolutely thinks that Yata’s issues were because there’s something about him, not that Yata doesn’t care for sex in general). This would probably turn into one of those ‘Kusanagi/Homra alphabet teach Yata what asexuality is’ moments, and Yata is again amazed because there are all these things about himself that other people have felt too and it’s kinda cool, realizing that there’s a word for what you feel. I also think it would help him a lot to learn that asexual people can still have and even enjoy sex, it’s just that it’s not something he actively desires. I like the idea that someone tips Fushimi off about this conversation too so when Yata gets back to his apartment later Fushimi is there being all awkward and trying to avoid apologizing but looking like he wants to. Yata feels this rush of relief that Saruhiko still came back after all and they get to sit and have this talk, imagine Fushimi being like didn’t I already have this with you when we were in middle school. Yata’s like yeah but that one was different, smiling as he says even if he isn’t interested in sex himself that doesn’t mean he hates it or anything, maybe just take it slow, and that Fushimi’s gonna need to learn to be honest if that’s what he wants from Yata because Yata doesn’t want Fushimi to think that Yata doesn’t care just because Yata’s way of expressing love is different.
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dearemma · 1 year
do you have any headcanons for christine's relations with other characters?
boy, anon (gender-neutral) do i have some!!
first and silliest, i think christine is responsible for the rumor that transporter chief kyle is mean. she said it as a joke once and the rumor got a life of its own
to me, christine, unlike erica, la'an, spock and uhura, does not enter the kids jokes the fandom makes. the fandom at large loves to joke about pike and una as mom and dad (respectively) and their kids going on space adventures. while i do find that cute, i don't like including christine in that scenario. i think christine, due to her not being starfleet, and therefore not being in the chain of command, not sharing their jokes about starfleet, wouldn't really be one of the kids, which leads her to have a more grounded relationship with both pike and una.
to me, her and una, end up developing a really amazing friendship. una, who is more slow to trust and let people in, is not ready for the hurricane that is a determined christine chapel. and the two of them are together in various tense moments in season one where una has to be more open, exposed (revealing that she is an illyrian, the whole surgery scene). una, who keeps everyone at arms length, can't and... doesn't want to keep christine at a distance.
her and pike, i like to think of them having this very warm friendship that's easy to miss. they are both stubborn, adventurous people, who don't let others take care of them. i can see the two of them being able to just... nudge the other one in the right direction. christine getting him to sickbay after a mission when he is determined to go back to the bridge, pike roaming the halls and seeing christine working on an experiment and distracting her with stories about his farm until she forgets about what she is doing and realizes how tired she is.
her and erica are besties. i think we'll eventually learn they were in the war together (it explains why the two of them and m'benga have a sort of code only they know during the pilot). i think they also sleep together sometimes, no strings attached (and that eventually they get tangled up in those strings, but anyway). i like to imagine christine dragging erica on trips, going rock-climbing together, having all these wacky adventures that only they laugh about (everyone else is horrified and mouthing how did you not die).
her and la'an, look... christine getting la'an to lower her walls? making la'an laugh? is something that is very personal to me. la'an is determined, very closed-off but she is becoming more open and i think allowing christine to show her the more lighthearted things that she's missed out on would be very sweet. i also like the idea of la'an teaching christine how to fight more efficiently. christine's style is more: i'm faster than you and i'm going to take you down. while la'an really knows the technique. and i think la'an likes to feel useful, so she wouldn't just accept christine showing her what she missed out on while becoming a baddass starfleet chief of security. so showing her how to fight, would be a fair trade.
christine and uhura love to dance. that's my first thought. christine and uhura twirling around the room, laughing obnoxiously loud, singing along to the music, being the center of gravity and warmth in the room. i'm a big shipper of christine and uhura in the tos timeline, but in the snw... i see them more as sweet friends, the two of them growing together, having a good time, both becoming more connected with starfleet, enterprise and each other.
right now my thoughts about her and m'benga are shifting. babs and jess described them as a familial sort of relationship and i always had that in my mind as a sibling sort of thing. the two of them knowing way too much about each other's lives, being nosy, bantering. but right now, with the latest episode, i'm starting to think its more a family forged in fire sort of situation. they are family because no one else could ever understand what they went through. they are still very close, still banter and quip at each other, though.
her and spock are in love, thxns.
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popcultureoverdosed · 2 years
Jojolands Chapter 1 Review- The Mechanism
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If someone had told me a few months ago that part 9 would be GTA with stands, I'm not sure if I would laugh or just dance with joy. Probably both. Jojolands  is already off to a strong start with probably the best first chapter out of any part. Readers quickly get introduced to Jodio and their sibling Dragona getting accosted by police that then delves into sexual assault. Jodio doesn't tolerate this at all and he breaks out his stand to wreck some havoc. November Rain is the name of the stand and it appears that he can manipulate water to create crushing raindrops. That's a cool ability but seems way too cut and dry for a protagonist stand. It's probably just an application of its true ability. 
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Jodio is without a doubt the most amoral Joestar thus far. He has no issue with severely beating cops(potentially killing them), stealing cars, and selling drugs to teens. All of this establishes him as a weird alternate universe counterpart to Giorno. Jodio's ruthlessness will take some getting used to so I'm hoping he eventually gets character development that makes him more noble. He's a cool guy but very punchable at the same time. Kinda like how Johnny was at the beginning of part 7. He also seems to be very hedonistic since he wants to get rich simply for the sake of it. He's a true gangster at heart. I also want to talk about Dragona who's easily the biggest highlight of the chapter. Despite their feminine appearance, Jodio calls them his brother. Jodio monologues how Dragona has always been into women's fashion and even got injections to expand their breaststroke. This implies Dragona could possibly be trans or nonbinary. The original Japanese version doesn't even use gendered pronouns to address them but all three translations( you know a manga is hyper when three different people translate it) uses male pronouns. I feel that using gender neutral pronouns for now is the wisest decision. I'm curious to see where Dragona's gender identity will lead but then again, Araki is infamous for never elaborating on important plot points. Here's to hoping he doesn't screw them over.
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Near the middle to end of the chapter we are introduced to the primary objective: stealing a 24 carat blue diamond from a Japanese tourist. To assist in this mission they are joined by Paco, a kleptomaniac with some seriously sticky fingers and an unnamed character in a wetsuit who buys drugs from Jodio. Yeah, this part has a lot going on for it. It fills me with excitement just imagining how this heist will play out. The narration implies things will go horribly wrong and piques my interest even more. It's important to not that all the stands seen thus far are non-humanoid and only Jodio was one suited for combat. This makes me believe there'll be an even lesser focus on battles than in Jojolion and will focus more on tactical espionage. It's a fun change of pace but I'm seriously missing  the powerhouse stand battles we used to get. Overall, Jojolands is destined to be a captivating new installment of JoJo.
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vxmp-loml · 2 years
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♡As the rose petals continue to fall.♡
A/N: Hello~! I was bored and my head was going crazy with some obey me scenarios so, I decided to make one of them come to life! I hope you enjoy this and don't mind my grammar too much... Also, it would be very helpful if you guys could give me some chapter names If you want ofc I would appreciate it a lot^^ But yea- I'ma shut up now. I hope you enjoy this~!!
Mc is Gender neutral with They/Them Pronouns
TW: Cursing, suggestive kinda, that's all I can think of Let me know If I missed anything
This is an obey me! smau (Social Media Au)
This is just what to expect in this series and a preview:))
But this preview sucks a little soo
Started: January 14, 2023, 5:50 PM (EST)
Preview: You were about to close your eyes to start another day, ready to get some peaceful sleeping. Or so you thought, before you could even get comfier in the mattress you teleported into a mysterious place seeing many people staring down at you for whatever reason, you're very annoyed at the loss of sleep due to whatever the hell is going on here, but, you decide to wait for the answers to come to you. And they do! Turns out you're an exchange student for this program to unite Demons, Angels, and Humans! Isn't that fun! totally not questioning, and scary- Who knows who you'll meet or what might come your way but, it'll all be worth it to unite Demons, Angels, and Humans I hope...
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
This is just my take on the storyline with a hinch of my Mc's personality and appearance maybe if I'm feeling it... but everything for the Mc is up to your imagination!
What to expect: The chapters not coming very fast or at the time you want them I'm still in school. I still have exams, tests, and more.
The first chapter coming out very late as to when this will be posted. I'm posting this hella early before I'm fully finished with the first chapter. But, I'll edit this post to notify you when I finally post chapter 1:))
There being like Tweets and text messages in this series:)) I'll try my best to make a link for the demon brothers, the royals, the side characters including the new ones! even you the Mc!^^ and two of my ocs
There being A LOT of Grammatical errors. I try my best but Writing isn't my best subject ☠️
The plot being shitty as fuck. This is the first series I put a lot of time and effort into. even though this is my first "Obey me!" fic so I'm not experienced?
Half of the Information being wrong. I'm not that into the storyline I'm only on lesson 22 or lesson 28 ☠️
There not being a Masterlist until very late. I'm still very new to Tumblr so It's gonna be very difficult to create a Masterlist and do other stuff that'll benefit the series. But I'll try my best!
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
That's all I can think of at the moment but I'll think of some more things and write it:))
A better Authors note down below!
A/N: Hello everyone!
I hope you're all doing well today. I'm excited to share my "Obey Me!" SMau (Social Media AU) with you. It's been a while since I've been able to work on something like this, and I'm thrilled to finally bring it to life.
Before we dive in, I want to clarify a few things. Firstly, please forgive any grammar or spelling errors you might encounter while reading. Writing isn't my strongest subject, but I've put a lot of effort into this series, and I hope you'll enjoy it regardless. Additionally, this is my first "Obey Me!" fic, so I'm not too experienced in the storyline.
With that said, let's talk about what you can expect from this series.
First and foremost, the main character (MC) is gender-neutral, with they/them pronouns. I thought this would be the best way to approach the story, as it allows the reader to fully immerse themselves in the world without any preconceptions.
The series is set in a world where demons, angels, and humans all exist together. You'll follow the MC as they navigate this new and exciting world as an exchange student, working towards uniting these three groups. However, it won't be an easy journey, as there are sure to be many obstacles and challenges along the way.
As for the format of the series, I'll be including tweets and text messages throughout. This will allow you to get a better sense of the characters and their personalities, as well as keep the story engaging and dynamic.
Now, for the not-so-great news. As I mentioned earlier, I'm not the best when it comes to writing, so there will likely be quite a few grammatical errors throughout the series. Additionally, I'm still in school, so the chapters won't be coming out as quickly as you might like. The first chapter will be posted quite late, so I appreciate your patience in advance.
Finally, I want to mention that I'm still very new to Tumblr, so creating a masterlist and doing other things that will benefit the series will be a bit of a challenge for me. However, I promise to do my best and keep you updated on any changes or updates to the series.
Overall, I'm really excited to share this "Obey Me!" SMau with you all. It's been a labor of love, and I can't wait for you to read it. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm always looking for ways to improve and make the series more enjoyable for everyone.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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outivv · 4 years
Sorry it's me again, again idk if u have ur requests open but if u do can I request zhongli, childe, albedo and kaeya having a huge argument with reader and reader says something like "maybe you'll understand when something happens to me and I don't ever come back" and runs off to a commission but the thing is reader doesn't return for like days and the boys feel very guilty and become worried sick, frantically searching for them their last words ringing until they find reader who was badly hurt from the commission and someone else took care of them. And then they're like I'm sorry and get super protective. Angst to fluff. U don't have to do it if u don't wanna. Ty :)
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Synopsis: angst to fluff with Childe, zhongli, albedo, and kaeya
Warnings: huge argument, minor gore, yelling, mentions of death/ near death experience, and cursing
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: don’t be sorry! You have nothing to be sorry about, I love taking requests! I was in a bit of a angsty mood so I was really excited when I got this request! Also to anyone that may be wondering, part 2 of my ‘toxic traits of genshin characters’ will be later this week and quite possibly tomorrow. Anyway hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: for kaeya’s I wanted him to say something based on a insecurity the reader has but everyone’s different so... just imagine he says the worst thing you can possibly imagine to you. Ok? Ok.
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— Childe —
Childe is one to hide the fact that he’s part of the fatui a secret from his loved ones, for as long as he can. Now you never had a huge problem with the fatui, their motives and how exactly they get what they want maybe. But you didn’t know too much about them to form a full opinion on them.
Childe typically flew under the radar though. But after a few too many dates missed and nights you spent mostly alone in your shared bed, you started getting upset. Reasonably so too.
Now It was the 11th date he’s missed in the past two months. Claiming that he was working at the bank. So you waited at home for his delayed arrival. Only to be met with a bloody and bruised Childe. He seemed out of breath, and looked as though he would collapse any second. But you didn’t care, you were pissed.
“Where were you.” You said. It was more a statement than a question though. Child looked at you as though he knows he’s been caught. “Ah haha... uh... work” Childe said clutching his side. He winced when he collapsed into the chair closet to him, and the farthest from you.
“That’s the same excuse you’ve used for the past two months” you said through gritted teeth. “Now, I’ll ask again. Where. Were. You.” You’ve lost your patience at this point. Childe looks as though he’s lost his too. “I said, work.” He responds with a fake smile, clearly trying to keep this “I was totally at work” act.
You slam your palm on the table next to you, and Childe doesn’t even flinch. You stand up and scream, “cut the bull shit! I know you weren’t working at the bank this late at night! Or two weeks ago when we had a date! You said it was your day off!”
Childe stands up too, though not as abruptly as you did. “Listen I’m sorry! But I genuinely had work to do! It’s not that big a deal that I missed some plans we can just reschedule!” Childe yelled trying to match your volume, but failing.
“Wow... are you fucking kidding me? Not that big of a deal huh?” you said standing there shocked by his words. Childe realizes what he had said and wanted to take them back as quickly as possible. “Hey, no... I... I didn’t mean it like that. You know I wouldn’t mean it like that...” he said walking over to you and placing his hands on your shoulders.
“No. You did mean it like that. And you know what? It isn’t that big of a deal. So it surely wouldn’t be a big deal if I just left. Now would it?” You said. Childe’s face contorted into one of shock and fear. You’ve had enough and you need a break. And what he said crossed the line.
“Y/n... wait no no, you can’t just leave? Please.” Childe desperately said as he walked over to where you were currently putting your shoes on. “Well maybe you’ll understand the fear of wondering where your s/o is if they don’t show up for a while if I finally just leave.” You say slamming the door behind you and right in childe’s face.
Those were the last words you said before you walked out the door three days ago. Childe feels so guilty as he lays in bed unable to sleep. He can’t shake the thought that something may have happened to you or that you just flat out dumped him.
Those thoughts clouded his mind until he said “fuck it” and climbed out of bed to go look for you. He searched all of liyue harbor except for bubu pharmacy. He doubted that you’d be there but he tried it anyways.
As he walked up the steps to the pharmacy he heard a familiar voice, your voice. He ran up the steps and rushed inside. “Y/n?!” He shouted. Qiqi jumped at the sudden appearance of the ginger, and said “do you have a prescription”
You laughed and looked at qiqi “no qiqi but it’s alright he’s not here for medicine, just me” you said. Qiqi almost looked disappointed at that but compiled and went back behind the counter.
“Y/n? Are you alright why are you here?” Childe said frantically. You sighed and said, “yes, yes I’m fine. I went to do commissions while I was gone and got hurt but I’m fine now.” Childe’s face turned pale at your words.
He hugged you close and said “I’m sorry... I’m so, so sorry, but please don’t leave like that ever again.” You hugged him back and said “I won’t... but please, let’s talk when we get home.” To which he later complied to.
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— zhongli —
Zhongli was always a gentleman to you. He was the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for. Except for when he would treat you as a child. He’d explain simple things to you or correct you for a minor mistake and then proceed to explain it thoroughly to you about how what you did was incorrect.
This rightfully got on your nerves, so you decided that the next time he would do it, that you’d call him out on it. He was in the middle of explaining to you how you were wrong when you suddenly called him out.
“Zhongli I’m not a child. You don’t need to explain this to me like I’m one.” You said calmly. He looked at you as though you were crazy. “I know... I’m just saying you’re supposed to do—“ he was saying until he was cut off by your frustration.
“I get that but you don’t have to explain it to me in such explicit detail. I appreciate it but you’re speaking to me as if I’m a child.” You said shortly. You were losing your patience. If he tried to explain how he was just helping you one more time— “yes but you did it wrong so I’m just explaining it” zhongli said.
Now you’ve lost any and all patience you’ve had since the beginning of this conversation. “Alright, you know what? I’ll just figure this out myself you don’t have to teach me.” You said moving him out of the way of your work station. Zhongli looked almost as if he were offended. And quite frankly, he kinda was.
“Y/n. You could hurt yourself if you do it like that.” Zhongli said shortly. “Yeah well better than being talked to like a baby.” You slightly mumbled. But it was still loud enough so he could hear it. “Excuse me? I was just trying to help.” Zhongli said now on the other side of your work station looking you dead in the eyes.
“Well then you were doing a shit job.” You said looking back down at your sword which you were trying to sharpen. “No I said it calmly and in a way you can understand.” Zhongli responded. Maybe not the best words of choice though. “So I can understand?! I understand more than a 5 year old, so don’t talk to me like I’m one!” You shouted.
“Well you’re certainly acting like one.” Zhongli said, but as soon as he did he knew what was gonna happen next. You stood up straight and picked up your sword from off the table, sheathing it and walking towards the door. You were about to leave but before you did you said, “well then I guess you won’t have to babysit me for a while” and then stormed out the door.
Days went by without word from you. Zhongli couldn’t sleep, to be honest he can’t without you next to him. You’ve never gotten into a fight like that before. Actually you’ve never gotten into a real fight. You’d always talk about your problem with the other person.
Zhongli got so worried by the 4th day that he searched all of liyue for you. He was even considering looking in mondstadt but first he decided to look for you at the wangshu inn. And thank god he did (ok a break from the angst wouldn’t thank god just be another saying for thank myself if zhongli or venti were to say it)
He found you talking with verr at the front desk. Bandages apparent on your arms and a few on your face. “Love...? What... oh my god” he said walking up to you and hugging you tightly. He never showed a lot of affection in public so this took you off guard at first. That and the fact that he found you.
“Zhongli... hey...” you said hugging him back. You felt guilty now that you’ve seen him again. You may have over reacted. “I’m so sorry.” He says into your shoulder. “Hey it’s ok, I’m sorry too.” You said removing his face from your shoulder, and brushing back the hair in his face.
He doesn’t care what happened over those four days. He only cares about the fact that now your safe and happy in his arms.
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— Albedo —
Albedo was typically busy with his work, which you understood and respected that. But when he started pushing his work into later in the night and refusing to take breaks, you became worried.
“Albedo? You should really sleep, or eat, or just take a break. Even for five minutes.” You pleaded to your lover. He almost disregarded everything you said to busy with his work. Until you said in a quite and worried voice, “please?”
He felt guilty but wanted to finish his work. “I will later y/n.” He said not taking his eyes off of the paper he was writing on. “Albedo—“ you began but were cut off with a palm hitting a desk. “Y/n! What did I say! Stop bothering me!” Albedo shouted. He has never raised his voice at you, actually just in general he never raised his voice.
This all came to you as a surprise but you also weren’t going to take rate him yelling at you like that. “Albedo. Don’t yell at me, I’m only saying that you should take a break.” You said shortly. “Well you’re being annoying about it. Now go, leave me alone so I can finally work in peace.”
His words cut through you like a knife to the heart. Were you really that annoying? No, surely not, and he surely doesn’t mean any of that. Does he? “Fine. If I’m that much of an inconvenience to you.” You said as you headed out.
“Where are you going y/n?” Sucrose asked as you gathered some of your things. “I’m going to mondstadt. If albedo asks just tell him I left. Don’t tell him where though.” You said walking away despite sucroses protests behind you.
The next morning albedo left his work station to crawl into bed with you and cuddle for a couple of minutes. Only to realize that you were gone. Not sure where though he looked around the house, expecting you to be there.
He saw no one though. So he thought that he might as well ask sucrose the next day if she knew your whereabouts. “Sucrose, do you happen to know where Y/n is?” He asked. Sucrose turned pale and tried to make up and excuse. It clearly wasn’t working. Through her rambling albedo managed to slip in a few words “sucrose. Where is y/n. I need to know.” He said shortly.
Spoiler alert sucrose told him where you were. He rushed down dragonspine and into mondstadt. He found you at the adventures guild talking with Kathryn (I think that’s her name). You clearly had bandages on you due to some wounds. “Y/n? Why... why’d you leave without saying anything?” Albedo said hesitantly. You shot him a glare which turned to worry as you saw that he had bags under his now glossy eyes.
You sighed saying goodbye to Kathryn and walked to albedo. “You told me to.” You said. Albedo tried to recall what he said last night and when he did he turned pale and his former glossy eyes were now filled with tears. Albedo was never an emotional person, but when he’s both tired, stressed, and you were in danger unbeknownst to him, he does get a bit emotional.
“I... I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I love you and I didn’t mean to say that.” He said hugging you, and burying his face in the crook of your neck. You brushed through his now messy hair and hugged him back saying, “hey, I know, it’s ok...” you both stood there for a solid three minutes before heading back to dragonspine.
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— Kaeya —
Kaeya is a man who doesn’t always watch his tongue. He says things with almost no filter. Actually no I take that back he does have a filter, but most times he doesn’t use it due to the fact that he wants to be a sarcastic asshole.
Now this time he stepped to far, you can barely remember what he said but one thing led to another and now you’re in the middle of an argument. Or a you-yell-at-kaeya-while-he-just-watches-you-with-a-smile-on-his-face argument. Which surprisingly doesn’t happen that often.
“Kaeya you can’t just say things like that! That was an absolute ass thing to do you—“ you were shouting at him until he stood up and spoke up. 
The absolute filth of words that spewed out from his mouth made you sick. “Why... why would you say something like that...” you said “what the fuck is wrong with you!” Tears were streaming down your face and you ran to the door. Kaeya realized the impact of his words and ran after you.
“Y/n, wait! I didn’t mean it like that!” He said trying to grab into your arm. “Then what we’re you trying to say hm? You could’ve said anything else but you chose that” you said. He knows you’re insecure about it. And in the moment he was so mad that he thought that he should say it.
He couldn’t stop you from leaving, so he went to your shared bedroom to internally beat himself up about what he said. He wanted to take it all back and start the whole argument over, but he knew he couldn’t. He took the next day off from work.
And instead he went looking for you. He looked everywhere but eventually found you coming back to mondstadt. Though you were bruised and had bandages all over your body. “Y/n...?” He said from across the street. You looked up from the ground and glared at him.
“What do you want? Here to insult me more.” You said. You knew it was petty but you didn’t care. “No I’m here to apologize.” He said calmly. You walked up to the adventures guild to cash in your commissions. And Kaeya hugged you from behind burying his face in your shoulder.
This wasn’t anything new but still took you a bit by surprise. “I’m sorry for what I said. And I’m sorry I let you leave and get hurt.” He said though it was muffled by the fact that his face was in your shoulder. You sighed and patted his head “just... please don’t say something like that again... I’m still mad but... I just want to make sure you won’t do that again.” You said.
He lifted his head up and agreed to your conditions. He wasn’t surprised by the fact that you are still mad, but he promised not to say something like that again.
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rvrindousvpet · 3 years
Hey i couldn't find your rules but could you do ( lovesick high school Baji hc) 🥰
note : I'm sorry anon, but hehe i haven't establish/decided any rules yet. So for now i pretty much accept everything. But i only accept request for headcanons ^^ also of course i can do this, hihi as always I'm sorry if he's too ooc and if this is vv shitty 👎 I'm so sorry for the late update I'm a bit busy for thiis day and also the mse past few days
warnings : swearings !
character : baji keisuke x gn!you (gender neutral reader)
Lovesick High School Student Baji !
This boi is a big fucking tsundere !!! He is literally akkun ( in akkun to kanojo, if you haven't watch it, then you should cause it's fuckin cute :/ ) but the gang member version 🤔
hmm instead of him going to your house like shinichiro, for baji, it'll be you the one who came to his house in the early morning to go to school together~
If he ever saw you in his house with his mom or sitting around he'll be like "huhh?? what the fuck are you doing here? i told you that I don't want your annoying ass to come here right" well it might seem rude but that's just him ^^
Also you already knew that he didn't mean what he said, and yes it's true! He literally didn't mean what he just said because deep in his heart he'll go like "ahh they're so cute ! The fact that y/n is willing to come over here~ but they can't do this again no no, it might be too dangerous what if something happened to them on their way here, i have to scold them throughly so they won't do that again!!"
but he failed to do so because you just look so sad when he started saying that should stop come over, it's like you're a lil pup that has been kicked by him :( and also it's because he's weak to you <33
you guys won't go to school by riding his bike, instead you guys will walk together. It's because he can't handle if your body is pressed to him and if you're holding him while he's driving, he feels like he will definitely faint on the spot if that's ever happen and he can't risk to embarrass himself in front of you, his beloved one no no!!
he loves watching you skipping to the classroom cheerfully, he thinks it's cute- no it's endearing the way you hops around, ehem ehem he once think that you may perhaps be a bunny in your past life, and every time you hops or skidding around he never fails to imagine you with cute bunny tails and ears 😳
hehe yess, you guys are in the same classroom and sit next to each other.
baji would try to concentrate in the class but fails miserably cause he was too busy looking at his cute s/o who was busy writing down the notes
sometimes he'll mumble that you're too cute and precious for this world hehe, there would be times where you would catches him mumble around
"hmm? kei, what are you mumbling n' why aren't you focusing in class? ah! it's okayy, i will lend you my notes later so you can use it (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) "
"hahh?! why would i want to use your notes? whatever just make sure you wrote it properly cause i can't read ya shitty handwritings"
what a big fat lie baji 0_o he literally thinks that your handwriting is the cutesy shit he ever seen and he desperately wants you to write 'y/n ♡ kei' and if you did and decided to give it to him, he'll grumble about how useless it is but! he'll definitely keep that paper on him allll the time untill it worns out :D
you must have an extra hair tie on you all the time! cause sometimes baji's hair tie will go missing mysteriously 🤔🤔🤔 definitely not because he lost it on purpose just to get yours ^^
lunch break !! he will always complain on how he didn't need your shitty bento box and he would rather eat plain bread, but either way he still finished it in no time so there's absolutely no issues~
hmmm should we take a look on what is going on inside his head while he's eating??
'how JUS HOW CAN I EAT THE LUNCH THAT Y/N GAVE TO ME??? ughh they're so fucking cute i might just bite their cheeks. why the fuck they're so thoughtful it'll be harder for me to maintain my expression?? this shit is so endearing, god i love them so much i might just die'
ah also! he once threatened chifuyu to punch him if he didn't give baji, the lunch that y/n gave to chifuyu earlier. of courses he did it when y/n is not there ^^ ( you can only give foods to him and him only !! no one else is allowed because they're not special enough to receive your heaven gifted food !! also cause he's jealous lmaoo )
p.e moment ! (idk if actually have this but idk )
i think it's canon that baji is actually really really good at basketball 😔🙏
but right before he goes to play, you suddenly appeared in front of him and dragged him to a bench...?
"kei! wait a bit okay?" you moved behind him, and then ! he feels your fingers through his long hair 0-o
you...you broke him, his head is just reeling, dizzy, warm because you decided to tie his hair from him :( because he is stunned instead of yapping around how annoying and how he didn't need this, he'll stay quiet this time because he's in tooo much sh0ck !1!1!!
'oH d-did y/n just tie my hair for me?? i mean i can do that but but they still decided to do it for mE? ahhh they're too kind for this world. must protect this babie !!! ahhh y/n what r u doing with my poor heart :(('
he feels so touched by it so he played the game with full concentration to make sure that he'll win it for you the love of his life
fast forward to after school, he will hold your hand while walking you to your house! well his reason is because ehem you kinda like to wonder around? so yeah he'll lost you and also you're vv clumsy so he hold onto you to make sure you're not harmed or hurt in anyway. he'll feel like his heart is ripping apart if that ever happened
lowkey hates the fact that he arrived at your house so soon. he wants to spend more time with his darling !!!
but he'll endure it anyway because he wants to look cool in front you
wants to bring out his dere side? sure! all you just need to do is hug or kiss him on ze cheeks and he'll be red as fuck and malfunctioning 😔🙏
he will also hide his face behind his hand, will turn around and groans out "for fuxk sake y/n why are you FUXKINg cute i just wanna keep you by my side forever." and will hug you tightly at that time and say how much he loves you and how he feels bad the way he treated you.
hmm wait for a bout a few mins and then he'll snap out of it! he'll push you away gently and say that you're a stupid annoying a brat and proceed to run away from your house !
uhh his room? well yeah he has your pictures pasted on his bedroom wall, as he quotes that he can sleep peacefully and how he need to your face~
will message you "goodnight stupid head and don't sleep too late" before he goes to Dreamland to dream about you !! cause he feels like seeing you today just isn't enough :(
bonus : remember how i said that he thought you as a bunny? well he saves your contact name as baby bun ♡ actually. don't ask me why i just had the feelings, and ofc you didn't know . he would rather die before you finds out bout it!
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levi-supreme · 3 years
Lost and Found
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Characters: Levi x gender neutral!reader
Genre: Mordern!au
Warnings: SFW, fluffy. Domestic fluff. Reader insert (y/n). Established relationship (reader and Levi are married). They/them pronouns for reader. Mentions of Erwin and Mike. Slightly ooc Levi.
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: It's D-14 to Levi's birthday! This has been living in my head rent-free for a while and I NEED to get it out of my head lol. Levi with a wedding ring gives me emotional stability urgh!! Enjoy a slightly henpecked!husband Levi.
Summary: Levi loses his wedding ring, or he thought he did.
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"Oi, y/n," Levi called out from the bedroom, "have you seen—you know what, never mind." You merely raised your brows in question, before continuing to have your breakfast. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and you were enjoying your blueberry waffles. Your husband, on the other hand, was in a flustered state.
"Where is it?" Levi muttered. Scratching his head, he lifted the pillows on the bed one by one, reaching his hand under the covers before flipping the mattress over. Crawling under the bed, he looked around, unable to find whatever he was looking for.
Rummaging through the entire room, Levi searched every article of clothing, every box and drawer, even under the carpets, but to no avail. He stormed around the entire house, seemingly irritated. From the study room to the kitchen, and even the balcony. The frown never left Levi's face.
"Levi, what are you looking for? Is it your car keys again?" You looked up from your phone, taking a sip of coffee. Levi ignored you and walked back to the bedroom before sitting on the bed.
"Where is the fucking ring?" He let out a sigh of frustration.
The last he remembered was drinking with Erwin and Mike last night, him sharing a taxi home with Mike, and the rest was a blur. Levi woke up in the morning with a fresh set of clothes and an excruciating headache.
And to his horror, his wedding ring was also missing.
Even though you have been married for almost five years, Levi knows how angry you get when he loses things of sentimental value. Once, Levi misplaced his car keys that had a couple keychain on them, and you didn't speak to him for a week. He imagined the look of horror on your face if you found out he lost his wedding ring, and he felt chills shoot down his spine.
He picked up his phone and dialled for the first person that came to mind.
"Yes, good morning Levi, what do you have for me at eight on a Saturday morning?" Erwin's voice chimed through the speaker. Levi could hear the sound of dogs barking in the background. Erwin must be out on his morning run.
"Did you see my wedding ring?" Levi cut straight to the chase. Any second of delay is a second closer to facing your wrath.
"No, I don't think so," Erwin let out a yawn. "Perhaps you could ask Mike? He shared that taxi with you after all. Maybe he saw something." Levi rolled his eyes before muttering a small 'thanks' and hanging up the call. He immediately dialled for Mike, but he was not picking up. Before Levi wanted to end the call, he heard a sleepy voice on the opposite side.
"Levi, it's eight. What do you want?"
"Oi, did you see my wedding ring when we were in the taxi last night?" Mike went quiet for a few seconds before Levi shouted his name.
"Don't think so. I can't remember," rubbing his eyes sleepily, Mike turned around, snuggling into his blanket.
"Fuck me then, I woke up and my wedding ring is missing. If y/n finds out, I'm fucking dead. They're going to kill me." Levi paced around the room, thinking of all the possible places where the ring could have been.
"Well I don't remember you taking it out yesterday night, so it must be at home somewhere..." Mike groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah, whatever. Call me if you can remember anything else." Levi hung up and threw his phone on the bed.
Where could the ring be? If he woke up with a new set of clothes, you must have been the one who gave him a shower while he was knocked out. Did you realise that the shiny metal on his ring finger was missing? Deciding to act normal, Levi splashed some water on his face before joining you for breakfast.
"What were you looking for? Something missing?" You poured Levi a cup of tea before pushing it towards him.
"N-nothing." Levi took a bite from his pancakes refusing to meet your eye. You shrugged and continued scrolling on your phone. Wanting to add some more maple syrup on his pancakes, Levi was holding the bottle and unscrewing the lid when—
"W-what ring?" Levi nonchalantly replied, pouring the maple syrup. You put down your phone and pointed to his left hand.
"Levi," your voice an octave lower. Levi gulped. "Where's your ring?"
"Your wedding ring, Levi, OUR wedding ring. Where is it? Why's your finger empty?"
"O-oh. Our wedding ring. I-it's, uh—" half the bottle of maple syrup was now coating Levi's pancakes. Levi quickly placed the bottle on the table and stared at the pancakes drowning in syrup.
He sighed.
"Sorry, y/n. I woke up and it was missing."
"Missing? How can it be missing when it's snugly worn on your finger?"
"I-I don't know okay? I remember sharing that taxi with Mike last night, and the next thing I knew, it was morning already." Levi scratched his head, trying to think of where the fuck the ring was.
Stupid fucking ring.
"I swear I didn't do anything funny yesterday night. I didn't hook up with anyone, I didn't do anything wrong. I just have no fucking idea why I woke up without the ring." Levi continued rambling when he realised that you weren't responding to him still. At the back of Levi's head, he wondered what you were thinking, probably all the different methods to skin him alive.
"I called Erwin and Mike, but they don't remember if I took it out or not," Levi sighed dejectedly. Mentally preparing himself for a lashing session, he was also surprised when you remained silent, arms crossed tightly across your chest. "I'm sorry, okay? I'll go search for it again later." Levi hugged you from behind, leaning his chin on your shoulder. You rarely found yourself in this position, it was usually the other way around.
"So," you huffed, standing up and staring at Levi, "the ring is missing, you say?" Levi nodded, eyes darting between your lips and your hands currently buried deep in your pockets. You continued frowning, fingers fidgeting in your pocket. Levi took another nervous gulp.
"I took it off your fingers while I was giving you a shower," you giggled once more, taking the ring from Levi and sliding it back on his left ring finger, "I wanted to see how long it took for you to realise it's missing." It was Levi's turn to frown, and he looked at you disapprovingly.
"This what you looking for?" You took out a silver ring from your pocket, your expression still nonchalant. Levi snatched it from your fingers and examined the ring. In the interior were both your names and your wedding anniversary engraved. Yup, this definitely was his wedding ring.
"Wait. Where did you—no, why is it with you?" Levi stared at you feeling utterly confused, "did I drop it somewhere?" To Levi's surprise, a smile broke across your face.
"Shut up," Levi stared down at you, leaning forward to press a kiss against your neck, "I really thought I lost the ring. It felt like a part of me was gone." Whispering against your ears, you suddenly felt bad for toying with Levi. Turning your head to gently peck his cheek, you turned your bodies around and hovered above Levi.
"Tch, you shitty brat. So you knew I was looking for the ring and you hid it from me?" Levi's hands mercilessly started tickling you, attacking all your ticklish and sensitive spots. You shrieked and ran from Levi, yet you knew that he would catch up to you anyway. Levi chased after you as you ran into the bedroom and tackled you onto the mattress, pinning you down.
"Not bad, it only took you four hours to realise." You replied Levi cheekily.
"I know. I saw you frantically searching for it, and I knew how important you value this ring, and us." You smiled, leaning forward to meet his lips. "Don't worry, I won't play this trick on you again." Levi sighed and hugged you close, stroking your back.
"I love you, okay? Don't ever play this shitty prank on me ever again, or I might just throw your clothes away." You looked at Levi and nodded, pushing yourself up.
"Now that the ring is found, shall we properly have breakfast now? I think your pancakes need help." Pushing Levi towards the dining table, his pancakes that were drowning in maple syrup earlier were now soggy and looking very sad.
"You brat, you ruined my pancakes." Levi took a bite and cringed at how sweet it was. You merely giggled again while bringing Levi a new plate of piping hot pancakes, the silver ring on your finger glistening under the morning rays of sunlight.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
I hope you don't mind me sending this early because it's late at night where i live and I'm about to fall asleep 😭😭😭
Fandom: JJBA
Character: Okuyasu Nijimura
Pairing: Romantic
Type of fic: Concept, plus if you want the reader could also be in the duwang gang?
(If you don't write for him you can ignore this obvi 🤍🤍)
Honestly, been a hot minute since I've written for JJBA or watched Part 4 so if anything is off I'm so sorry. Here you go though :) I need to write more for this show... I missed it. (For those who don't know, I started yandere writing through JJBA on Wattpad. Although I don't like most of my old work for it now.)
I may add it to my next fandoms since this sparked my interest again 😅 Maybe even bring back some old JJBA fics if I feel I liked them enough, although most of them are female reader so... we'll see. Anyways! I hope you enjoy the new content I bring to the table!
Yandere! Okuyasu Nijimura Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Delusional yandere, Clingy behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Possessive behavior, Stalking, Threats, Attempted murder/Murder implied, Abandonment issues, Mentioned kidnapping, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Okuyasu is a very driven character.
He acts through his heart and is often very impulsive.
He even complains about the fact he has no girlfriend in the show.
I feel Okuyasu can both be a very intimidating yandere while also being extremely sweet.
Especially if you are part of the Duwang Gang.
I feel Okuyasu would be very sweet, considerate. and caring for his darling.
However I also feel he'd get easily carried away.
His emotions drive him too much at times which can lead to some problematic situations.
Okuyasu gets to know you when you join the friend group either through Josuke or Koichi.
Okuyasu may even be the type of guy to fall in love fast when he finds the one for him.
As stated before, Okuyasu allows his heart to guide his actions.
The heart wants what the heart wants!
While this behavior can make him sweet at times, it has side effects.
Such as making his jealousy and aggression more intense due to his impulsive behavior.
He doesn't always think his actions through and with a stand as strong as The Hand, that's a dangerous combo.
I don't imagine Okuyasu is good with flirting but his actions certainly show he has attraction towards you in the friend group.
He's very honest in his actions and openly compliments you but he's also respectful.
I no doubt feel Okuyasu pursues you slightly out of jealousy due to Koichi's relationship (Which has its own problems).
Okuyasu seems like a yandere you'd be able to control for the most part with Josuke but there's times he gets out of hand.
He takes dating advice from others on ways to impress you.
Then he tries to apply that to pursuing you.
Okuyasu feels like he'd be a clumsy stalker but still would.
Okuyasu also seems like he'd be a bad liar and feel horrible doing it, which means Josuke or Koichi would pick up on his tendencies quickly.
It's hard not to when they keep catching Okuyasu making puppy eyes over you.
It's like there's not a time he stops looking at you.
He's always just daydreaming about you and often lets his crush over you control him.
I'm sure Okuyasu means well but he would come off so strong in his obsession.
He can't help complimenting you and often gets jealous when you give away your attention to someone else.
Ah here it is, the problematic part.
Due to his impulsive behavior, Okuyasu would definitely get aggressive towards anyone he feels are taking you from him.
He's been shown to threaten those he doesn't like in the show and has tried to use The Hand for lethal force too.
It would take you to calm him down since I feel Okuyasu cares for you enough to calm down.
He doesn't want to look bad in front of you, after all.
His emotional behavior extends into other aspects of his obsession too.
If you gave this man anything of sentimental value, like a gift or a hug, it excites him and probably nearly sends him to tears.
Okuyasu holds so much love towards you and has no idea how to vent it.
He feels he can finally have a partner if he just plays his cards right with you!
Okuyasu is so optimistic and hopeful, too.
He thinks one day you'll get together, even if you don't show any signs now.
I feel if he ever asked you out and you rejected him he'd act fine, shuffle away, then start sobbing.
However, afterwards with some encouragement, he just thinks he needs to wait a bit longer before asking again!
Honestly, Okuyasu may accidentally guilt you into dating him as he's persistent.
He just knows you have to be together!
When you eventually do start dating, Okuyasu does whatever he can to please you.
He is completely head over heels for you when you finally give him a chance.
For the most part he is very sweet.
He asks others for advice on what gifts he should surprise you with.
He's often physically affectionate.
Okuyasu's biggest problem is his emotions towards those he doesn't like.
If he felt someone was flirting with you, even if you were just talking, he'd probably beat them up if not stopped.
Okuyasu can be clingy by following you everywhere.
He hangs out with you with the rest of the friend group, he even plans little dates with you alone.
As said before, Okuyasu means well, he just easily gets carried away.
If not kept under control then he may become a disastrous yandere.
For example, wiping away someone undesirable with The Hand.
I want to say Okuyasu wouldn't kidnap, he seems like he'd know better in a way.
Although if he was really pushed he may do it by accident, like in an attempt to get you to not leave him.
For the most part I feel Okuyasu would just be clingy and follow you around.
He really just acts like a puppy at times around you.
It's cute until people start going missing... and he just never wants to let you go.
Okuyasu may also have abandonment issues due to what happened in his past.
Which would make breaking up nearly unbearable or downright impossible.
Okuyasu would go into denial to the point of accidentally forcing you to stay.
He'd do anything for you!
Don't just let him go!
I feel like I want to say more about him yet I'm also out of ideas.
Overall Okuyasu certainly means well in his obsession but that same driven behavior causes dangerous problems.
From stalking, threats, potential murder, and maybe even kidnapping... Okuyasu just wants to please!
If isolating you will keep you guys together... Maybe he has to do it?
All he knows is he depends on you... he can't have you leave him!
He'd do anything for you to please you... just as long as he can have you as his.
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pyro-doll · 3 years
Can I request a angst to comfort Albedo x reader (I’m unsure if I wanna request it as KOF captain!reader) where Albedo and Sucrose are spending a lot of time and reader is fine with it on the outside but on the inside selfishly wants Albedo’s attention. When reader asks for their time so they can go out and do something, Albedo disregards them, not paying attention to them while focused on something with Sucrose and reader decides to leave and finds themselves hanging out with Diluc outside of Mondstadt walls. With Albedo, he finally takes a break and find reader not waiting for him. He goes looking for them when commotions happens and he is informed that reader was in a accident. He goes to Barbara and find reader getting treated for wounds but is also in some type of coma. Albedo is in distress seeing reader not waking up and stays with them till he can’t. This accident starts to affect his work till he gets news that reader is awake. Then apologizing ensue and heartfelt reunification. Angst to fluff comfort
What a lovely request!! Hurt to comfort is one of my favorites! I had so much fun writing this oml albedo is one of my favs. the new summer quests just made me love him more <3 I really hope it is to your liking! It also ended up being rather long I think... Hmm (Side note: hopefully I wrote the relationships in a way you were imagining!!)
"I won't take you for Granted." ~ Albedo x Gn!Reader
Summary: You find yourself missing spending time with albedo, yearning for some time alone with him, only to be pushed away. When you get into an accident, Albedo is forced to reflect upon your relationship, as he misses you more each day.
Characters: Albedo, Reader, (mentioned): Jean, Kaeya, Barbara, Diluc.
Content/Warnings: Hurt comfort/ angst to fluff, description of injuries, reader in coma (you wake up), some cuddles and kisses at the end.
Reader Pronouns: Gender neutral / They/them.
A/n: to the other anon who requested keqing: the fic is in progress and should be out soon ;) + proofread this at 1:30 am so apologies for any typos
(Content below the cut! <3)
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You wiped your brow, letting your weapon rest against the wall of your office with a sigh. Training new recruits for the Knights of Favonius was never easy, but you always loved the enthusiasm from the rookies. This particular bunch had been pushing you for harder training, but with the satisfaction of teaching also came the fatigue of combat.
You walked over to your desk, eyeing the schedule you had left lying there. Lunch, perfect timing. It always felt nice to have a good meal after hard training. "But it would be even better with Albedo." You thought. You stretched smiling to yourself. Yes, you would go see if your boyfriend was available for lunch. He was always a good listener, and you would be able to tell him about the eventful training that morning.
Pushing open the door to the office, you spotted Kaeya and the acting Grand Master chatting in the hall. Kaeya gave you a small wave. "Ah, good afternoon Y/n."
"Hello." You waved back. "Hey, while I have you here, have either of you seen Albedo? I'm off for lunch and I thought I'd stop by to see him." You shrugged. Being high ranking knights such as yourself, you reckoned there was good chance that they had seen the alchemist recently.
"Albedo? Hm.." Jean said hand resting on her hip. "I believe he is with Sucrose, in her lab. I don't understand alchemy very well but it sounds like they're working hard at something."
"Thank you, Master Jean." You nodded and walked away, headed for the stairs at the end of the corridor. Albedo was with Sucrose again. You weren't surprised, he was her Mentor after all. You shook off the twinge of what could only be jealousy, as you turned the corner, heading for the door you knew lead to the girl's lab. You gave a quick clear knock, tapping the wood a few times with you fist and taking a step back.
You heard a small scuffle from inside and soon the timid Sucrose appeared on the other side of the doorway. "O-oh! Hello Y/n." She stammered. From the looks of it she hadn't been expecting you. "Are you looking for Mr. Albedo? Let me get him for you." Without waiting for your response, she disappeared again.
You shook your head. Sucrose was always on the shy side, and you hoped you hadn't freaked her out. She wasn't wrong though you had come to her lab several times over the past week, looking for Albedo. Unfortunately, everytime he had dismissed you or apologized, saying he really must work. Then he would turn, and disappear back into Sucrose's lab. You tried to remain low key about the situation. It was common knowledge Albedo was both an incredibly gifted alchemist and not a social butterfly, but you were used to spending more time with him.
You were snapped out of your reverie as the man in question appeared in the door. "Is something the matter Y/n?" He asked, his soft voice monotone and direct.
"Oh, yeah. I was on my way to pick something up from Good Hunter. It's lunch break." You gestured over your shoulder, in the general direction of the town. "I was wondering if you wanted to join me, it's been a while since we've done something." You gave an apologetic smile, trying not to sound to pushy. You knew his work was important, to him and the knights.
Albedo shook his head, expression unchanging. "I am sorry, Y/n, but sucrose and I really must keep working. Alchemy is an ever evolving practice." He had that determined look in his eye that he always got when his work posed a new challenge to him. He made eye contact with the green haired girl, who nodded back with the same enthusiasm. These alchemists held a different level of resolve entirely.
"I understand, good luck in your work." The smile on your face felt a bit more forced than you would have liked. You decided it was time to be honest with your partner. "But seriously Albedo, it's been quite some time since we were able t-" He turned his face away from you pointedly. "... To do something..." Your voice trailed off and you sighed, watching him return to Sucrose's side as the pair worked in tandem leaving you to your thoughts. You closed the door, taking a deep breath.
You turned, trudging away from the lab. You felt a prick of a dark feeling and shook your head trying to right yourself. Surely, there was nothing to worry about. You knew both Albedo and Sucrose quite well, and we're positive that the idea Albedo could be in love with her was out of the question. Then why did you feel so... so bad? You pushed the feeling away attributing it to a mix of you hunger and weariness from the hard morning. You headed for the entrance door, meeting once more with Kaeya and Jean.
"Albedo somewhere else? He always did have a habit of sneaking off when nobody was looking." Kaeya asked you, with a small laugh. You blinked, slightly confused.
"No, he was there. Working as hard as ever." You said, shaking your head and doing your best to look unbothered.
"Y/n is something bothering you?" The acting Grand Master looked at you with tender concern. Something about your body language seemed a bit off, even if your face was as cheery as ever.
You shook your head again, more vigorously. "I mean, nothing personal of course. Those rookies gave me a run for my mora in training this morning though, I'll admit." You faked a yawn, trying to sell the tired act. "Not anything lunch won't fix, in any case." You finished with wave, and you headed out the door, eager to escape the conversation.
You ordered your usual from Sara, who was as kind as ever, and taking your food in a to-go box headed towards the city gates. You liked to enjoy your lunch outside the city walls, though usually you preferred to do it with company. Walks in nature with Albedo were always pleasant. Occasionally he'd find an interesting plant, or a butterfly with an odd pattern and get distracted as he examined it. The alchemist would tell you about the strange flora and fauna of Teyvat and seeing him so passionate about something always made your heart flutter. Albedo was not a talkative person, so the moments where he was deep in thought about a subject brought out a side of him most people often didn't see.
Kind memories of Albedo slowly looped back to him in Sucrose's lab, the way he seemed so intent on what she was saying, the way they seemed almost in sync with their thoughts. You felt bad, for wanting him to yourself, even If it was just for a mealtime. You tried to ignore it, it made you feel selfish, and possessive. You hated feeling jealous, but was it too much to ask for some Alone time with your boyfriend? You missed the way he would sit attentively and listen, and tell you all of his most recent thoughts, show you his new paintings, and let you into his life.
A choking feeling rose in your chest, unable to push the feeling away anymore you felt it wash over you in dark waves. You thought getting away from the city would do you some good. You sped up a little as you exited Mondstadt's walls, yearning for time away from the hustle and bustle.
As you cleared the gates, you met a familiar face. A tall red headed man was in conversation with one of the knights guarding the entrance gate. The man turned away ending the conversation abruptly, leaving the poor Knight looking helpless, and a bit frustrated. When you passed the guard he saluted you with a muttered "Afternoon, Captain Y/n."
The man turned, overhearing the exchange. "Y/n? I don't typically concern myself with knights but, aren't you supposed to be working?" His voice was slightly heated and you guessed whatever conversation he and the guard had finished was not a pleasant one.
"Good afternoon, Master Diluc." You plastered a smile on your face as you walked nearer to him. "I just finished actually, lunch break." You held up the box of warm food in your hands. And then added, under your breath, "I'm of half a mind to not go back today." You walked past Diluc, beginning to cross the bridge.
"Are you planning on eating away from the city?" He asked, taking a few strides to catch up to you. "Yeah, that's the plan. Just me and nature I guess." You couldn't hide the upset tone of your voice this time and the man next to you looked down in concern.
"I'll accompany you. From the sounds of it-" he cast a scathing look back at the guard who flinched under his gaze. "-there's a couple abyss mages running rampant nearby. It's not smart to head out alone."
"Mm.. I'll have a chat with him when I return then." You glanced at the guard who was now positively shaking. "Although, that's a problem for after lunch." You agreed, and the two of you set out away from the city of freedom. Diluc had always had a strong sense of justice, and you knew he would insist to escort you, in the name of caution. You also couldn't find it in yourself to explain you wanted alone time, fearing that if you mentioned anything you might breakdown entirely.
You had met diluc some years prior. You had both joined the Knights of Favonius when you were teenagers and had gotten on well. You kept in contact ever since, and if there was ever an issue you couldn't fix because of your ties to the knights, you would find diluc, and when there was a problem too big for him to handle alone, he would find you. Ever since a coincidental meeting in the middle of the night some time ago has revealed his double life as a vigilante, you had grown to be good friends.
You walked in comfortable silence, which was normal for the two of you, but as the silence hung over you, it gave space for your doubts to fester. Diluc peered at your face, noticing the way you were biting your cheek and how your eyebrows knit.
He cleared his throat, before hesitantly speaking. "Something seems to be bothering you, Y/n." His words were gentler than usual, giving away to his concern.
"No? Nothing." You said. Your voice was full of an exaggerated incredulity, as you tried and failed to act nonchalant. "What even made you think that?"
Diluc sighed giving you an 'Are you serious?' look that you pointedly avoided, turning you eyes to the worn path. "Do you really need me to answer that question?" He was exasperated, and you knew you were caught, but you stubbornly pushed through.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's not like you too worry in any case. Are you okay?" It was all a lie, but you were convinced pretending you were fine would ease the creeping feeling still sitting heavily in your chest. Diluc raised an eyebrow at you. "I think I hold a reasonable amount of concern."
You knew he had a point. Your cool facade surrounding the your troubles had slowly been cracking, as if being chipped away by a chisel of doubt. When your companion had asked you what the matter was, you had barely enough to cover your problems anymore. You crossed your arms tightly, turning to look at Diluc. Under the look he gave you, you sighed and let your arms relax, anxiously drumming your fingertips on the box of food.
"Yeah... Yeah something is bothering me." You admitted. "It's really not a big deal though, I know I shouldn't be upset." You fiddled with the box not sure where to go with the conversation. Truth be told you were hoping the subject would drop, if Diluc pressed matters you would have to admit your feelings out loud.
The man beside you hummed, apparently thinking on it. "Is there any way I can be of assistance?" He said simply. You shook your head, making your way to a large bent over tree, and perched yourself on top of it. Diluc sat next to you.
"I appreciate the offer, but really I don't think you can." You felt helpless at the moment. Could anyone help you? What would you even ask for help with, pulling Albedo away from work, getting the attention you wanted? Of course not, you would sound insane. Your hands shook slightly and you set your food on the ground near your feet, suddenly not hungry, the knot in your stomach taking up too much space.
"Would you like to... Talk? About it?" Diluc's question was gentle. You knew he wanted to help where he could. "I might not have the best advice, but I'd gladly listen to you Y/n."
You were quiet, the offer hanging tantalizingly in the air. You did want to talk about it. Letting your emotions sit twisting around in you like smoke, making you feel sick, was doing you no good in any case. You nodded slowly. "It- Well I know that it's irrational-"
Suddenly there was a loud panting and ruffling sound from the trees behind you and you snapped your head around. Eyes fixed on the scenery with intent, you and Diluc slowly stood, both immediately on guard. Then, from the brush a man stumbled out. He looked like a resident of one of the nearby towns, a basket on his back spilling out mushrooms he had been foraging for moments before. You rushed to his side, weapon drawn and help steadily at the ready.
"Excuse me sir, are you hurt?" You asked urgently.
"N-no I- Abyss mages. Two of them." He panted as you helped him to his feet. The fellow seemed unhurt but thoroughly shaken. "And hilichurls!" You did your best to calm the man as Diluc kept his eyes fixed on the trees.
"You should head back to town, Springvale is near." You soothed. The man nodded, gratefully scrambling away from the trees he had just come from.
"Diluc we need to take care of these as soon as possible." You had slipped into your work mode, voice clear and sharp and you analysed the situation at hand. "This close to the villages... It's a recipe for disaster."
Diluc nodded agreement, his claymore held ready at his side. With that the two of you were sprinting into the foliage, the safety of the city laying priority in both of your minds.
Albedo's hands turned pages in a large book, as his eyes lay fixed on the small vile of strange liquid In front of him. He picked it up briefly, swishing the contents around, before taking a quill to the pages of his journal. He and sucrose had been working with a new ingredient in the lab over the past week, and we're studying it to find out it's origins and how it was to be used, as the reactions they had so far varied wildly.
With a huff, Sucrose dropped a heavy book beside him, pointing to a highlighted passage. "Mr. Albedo I think I found a family of flora which could possibly yield similar results." Her voice was meeker than usual, catching Albedo's attention. He took his attention away from the book, observing Sucrose's weary eyes and slumped shoulders. They had been working tirelessly for days, and it was only natural she be tired.
Albedo nodded at the book. "I appreciate it sucrose. I think you have well earned some rest now." It was a bit after lunch time in any case, and he was starting to get hungry. Sucrose agreed gratefully.
"Uhm- Mr. Albedo, are you going to find Captain Y/n?" Sucrose stammered, and she swallowed hard when Albedo turned to look at her. "Well Y/n has showed up a few times a-and I think maybe you should go see them?" She finished unsurely.
Albedo's expression was unusually soft. He had been planning to see you. Giving a break for lunch was just as much to see you as it was to give Sucrose some rest time. "Yes. I was planning on finding them." He checked the clock that was hanging above the door, noting that at this time you would still be out. You liked to take your time over lunch, stopping to look at flowers or simply enjoy the outside. That was one of the things Albedo loved about you, was that you appreciated nature like he did.
He pulled on his coat which he had discarded in the stuffy lab, and opened the door striding out into the hall. Making his way down the corridor he gave a quick acknowledgement to his fellows as he passed, making his way to your usual lunch spot, stopping by good Hunter as he walked.
His pace was a bit brisker than usual, and as he strolled through the streets he became more engrossed in his thoughts of you. Perhaps he had been a bit harsh earlier, he thought. It wasn't his intention but he would make it up by giving you his full attention over lunch. He was on the tired side from an intensive few days studying, and wanted nothing more to lace his fingers in yours as you talked about your week with him. He could sit in silence and enjoy your company. A small smile pulled at his lips as he imagined it, turning onto the hard dirt path outside of Mondstadt.
He spied your lunch spot, finding it empty. He frowned, perhaps you had gone back to headquarters early. He noticed something was off as he approached the crooked log. A tin a food lay near the base of the log, apparently flipped over and discarded. Shooing a squirrel away from the tipped over contents, he recognized the ingredients as part of your usual order. He stood up quickly scanning the ground. There were small signs of a struggle, the brush behind the log was slightly flattened, several bushes bore broken twigs.
His heart skipped a beat. He shook off the feeling you might be hurt, you knew how to handle yourself in a fight. He stood uselessly eyes glued to that tipped over box of food. The meal was still warm. He remembered a time you told him you asked for hot food on days when you didn't feel your best. 'Something about it is comforting, you know? It's like getting a hug from your food almost!'
The memory of how you laughed about that stuck out in his mind. The feeling something was wrong grew stronger, as his eyes found a set of foot prints. Two sets. From the spacing he gathered they had run off into the forest, offering explanation for the trampled plants. He followed them, something urgent had definitely drawn you away from your lunch. Albedo drew his sword as he navigated his way carefully through the trees. His practiced eyes followed the path, picking up trampled flowers and more foot prints. He marched into a clearing, avoiding some felled trees. Scorch marks. The beaten trail he had been following appeared to go ahead but the alchemist stopped, caution becoming his priority.
"Y/n? Y/n are you here?" He called out. Your voice did not answer but he heard others, a group of people. He snapped his head around when he heard the faint desperate voices. They sounded serious, perhaps urgent. Albedo rushed away from the clearing and towards the voices, heading towards the nearby Springvale. The voices seemed somewhere between him and the town and as he ran, he noticed more foot prints. This time there was one set only.
He rounded a corner spotting a small group of people. Still no sign of you. He reminded himself that there was a chance you were not involved in whatever happened here as he approached the villagers.
"Excuse me, has something happened?" Albedo let his weapon go as he in joined the conversation. At the sound of his voice a woman turned nodding, her face anxious.
"A monster attack, they were staying near the town and a few of the villagers get caught." Her voice was shaky, and clearly she was in shock. "My husband was one of them."
"A couple of the city folk ran in to save them." A man added it, patting the woman on the shoulder to calm her. "Actually it was that Ragnivindr boy. And one of the Knights of Favonius's captains. Can't remember that one's name, Y/n I believe?" He shook his head, trying to recall the details. His description of you matched perfectly and Albedo tensed.
"Where are they now?" Albedo urged.
"Headed back to the city. They cleared those monsters right up but not without consequence." The man sighed, a bit sadly. "That Knight looked pretty badly injured. Had to be carried back, and quickly too." He said, and began to muse about the risk of such dangerous creatures near their town, but Albedo had already turned and began headed for Mondstadt.
The journey back to the city passed in a blur, as Albedo rushed over the bridge and passed the gates, anxious to make sure you were okay. He was unsure where to go first, and decided ultimately to ask Jean. Albedo was remaining calm on the outside but internally he was bordering Panic. He knew you had an instinct for protecting others, but he really could do without you running into battles randomly. Unfortunately, that was part of your job. Albedo steadied his thoughts as he walked into headquarters, logical thinking was typically his strong suit but there was no logic behind emotional distress like this. The only way to deal with it would be to try not to worry. Which currently, was not working for him.
Without knocking he walked into Jeans office, to find her talking to a tall well dressed man, that he recognized as Diluc. The two turned around looking for who was responsible for the sudden entrance. "Apologies for the intrusion." Albedo kept his voice calm, outwardly showing no sign of distress. "I heard Captain Y/n may have gotten into some trouble."
Jean nodded. "I was wondering if you might show up. I was just talking to Master Diluc about it." She looked at him now. "I'm not sure what happened myself, needless to say I'm surprised you took the time to come here."
Diluc sighed, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. It was true that normally, he would not be found in the Favonius headquarters, but something seemed to be off about him. "Yes, normally I would trust that Y/n would have no issue filling you in themselves, but I doubt that is going to happen this time."
Albedo and Jean looked at diluc, with looks of concern and curiousity. Diluc proceeded to fill the two in on what had happened.
There had been more hilichurls than you had expected when the two of you had found their camp. There was only one Abyss mage to be found though, so Diluc and you had jumped in preparing for a hard fight. You were managing well, despite the extra effort needed to compensate for numbers. The second abyss mage however, had used the commotion to sneak up and ambush you, but it's attempt did not go unnoticed. The mage had aimed a cryo attack at Diluc, and without time to warn him you had thrown yourself between the mage and your friend, taking the full blast of the attack.
Diluc had his eyes fixed on his feet. "Barbara is taking care of the injuries now."
"How bad are they?" Jean asked, worry lacing her voice. She felt the Knights were her responsibility, and her deep care for each of them left her with a twinge of guilt.
Diluc didn't answer at first, and Albedo began to fear the worst. If he knew you would be okay he could quell his worries but here... Something like this was out of his control and it made his heart clench.
"Not fatal." Diluc said finally, after some consideration. "I've seen people come out of worse, nothing Barbara can't handle for sure but..." He trailed off.
"Is there something else?" Albedo's question came out a bit sharper than he intended, letting some of his internal feeling slip into his tone. Diluc looked at him, slightly sadly and shook his head.
"No, that's all." He turned and walked out of the office, not paying either of the knights another glance. In truth, there was more too it. Diluc had seen firsthand how lifeless your body had fallen after getting hit. Your skin had been cold and breath faint as he carried your limp form to the cathedral. The way Barbara had gasped as she laid a hand over your chest exclaiming how distant your life force felt. The guilt he felt kept him from telling Albedo exactly what was happening. You had mentioned you had started seeing him before, and the regret Diluc was feeling about your injuries made looking at him a little too difficult.
Albedo was frozen in place as he tried to process what to do next. A dark feeling of guilt and worry was eating at his insides, keeping him stuck uselessly in place. Luckily, Jean provided him with an out.
"Go check on Y/n, Albedo." She said softly. Though you two had not publicized your relationship, the Acting Grand Master was not oblivious to the fact he had grown close to you. "Let me know how bad the situation is when you return, unfortunately I still have much work to do." She returned to her seat, leaning on her desk with a knowing look.
Albedo nodded. "I will, thank you Master Jean." He turned, leaving Jean alone with her work and worries. Shutting the door behind him he began making his way towards the cathedral. He past the large statue in the square, climbing the stairs with haste, and entering the large building.
Inside was quiet, and though the people inside went about their daily lives, praying and chatting Albedo couldn't help but feel a heaviness to the air, pressing down on his chest. He walked as quickly as he could, approaching a small arched doorway in the back of the church that lead to a small infirmary. He rushed through it, nearly running into one of the church's sisters in the process.
"Apologies, miss." He said taking a step back. The nun looked at him with a kind smile, holding her hand up in a friendly gesture.
"No worries. Is everything alright? You seem to be in a hurry." She asked, checking Albedo for scratches or cuts. "You don't seemed to be injured?"
He shook his head. "No, I'm here to see somebody who was brought here recently, a knight by the name of Y/n?"
Even the sister could hear the strain in his voice, noticing the way his brows knit in both worry and hope. The girl's face fell as he mentioned your name, looking at him with slight pity and Albedo's heart lurched. "How.. how bad of condition..." His voice faltered and he clenched his jaw.
The nun rested a hand on his shoulder momentarily. "It'll be okay, Barbara is seeing to the healing now." She gestured to a door down the hall a ways and suddenly Albedo moved by her, heading towards the door.
As he slid by her she let out a cry of protest, but he paid it no mind as he reached for the door. His thoughts were jumbled, only focusing on seeing you okay. He had finally gotten the chance to see you today and he had pushed you away, again. Regret bubbled as he pushed the door open, and took in the sight before him.
Barbara stood near the edge of the bed concentrating as she held her hands over her chest, faint blue light pulsing around her finger tips. You lay unmoving before him, bandages that were quickly wrapped around your chest to stop the bleeding where you were hit had already been dyed red. Your skin looked pale and clammy, the only sign you were still living was the deepening red of the bandages as your heart still beat, if even faintly.
Albedo stopped dead, unable to look away from your body played sprawled on the bed, vision and jacket discarded on a nearby table. Suddenly the nun was at his back again.
"Excuse me sir, we best not disturb the deaconess. She needs full concentration." She said softly. No matter how many injuries the sisters saw too it didn't make it any easier to see people suffer.
"Please, I need to see Y/n." He said as the nun gently guided him away. "I won't leave them alone this time. It's not a good idea t-" The woman hushed him trying to reassure him.
"Barbara knows what's she's doing, she'll have the injuries healed soon sir. Perhaps it would be best to take a walk and come back tomorrow." She suggested and made to return to her work, leaving Albedo alone and stranded.
Barely noticing what he was doing, he began walking, out of the cathedral and towards the Knight's headquarters once again. He knew you would be in safe hands with the sisters, but he couldn't shake the image of your beaten skin from his mind's eye. He dragged himself into the building, aptly avoiding any other knights. He didn't feel like conversation much now. He pushed open the door to his office, half of which was converted to a lab and and moved inside, standing uselessly near his desk.
His eyes moved to the ample amounts of notes that lay in a disorganized mess a top his desk. He always said he would organize them, but it never happened. You had offered to help him telling him that "It might be no fun, but it'll be better together." His hands trembled. He had never reached a state like this before. He had grown so accustomed to your presence he never noticed how much he needed it until it was nearly pulled away from him. Head feeling light, he slipped behind his desk collapsing into the chair. He needed to unwind, to bring his mind into a state where he could return to focus.
His hands opened a drawer subconsciously, reaching for a blank sheet of canvas and a stick of charcoal. It had been a while since he painted anything. He pulled the supplies onto his desk, lazily brushing away studies as he made room for it. Bright eyes scanned the room and settled on a vase of flowers. The beautiful plant within happened to be one of your favorites. Albedo began to sketch, slowly letting the image appear before him. The drawing was supposed to ease his mind but he couldn't help but think how much you would have liked it, the soft encouragement you would give him if you were there, and he slowly sketched his nerves away, left with pleasant thoughts of giving this to you when you were back. You would be better tomorrow, he assured himself, and he would go apologize for missing lunch with you. It wouldn't be much trouble to eat his lunch in the cathedral, as long as you were okay. And with a solid plan in place, his mind was at peace again. If only he knew how it was going to be shattered.
The next morning came and went like usual, and Albedo took the time to fill Jean in on the situation before returning to his work. Come lunch time he let Sucrose go, telling her to be back in an hour and a half. "Sucrose take this time to yourself. Use it how you wish, I will not get in the way of any independent work you decide to do." He said, waving away her rather over enthusiastic thanks as he left the lab, heading to the cathedral.
He took his time walking through the streets the time, appreciating the lively shops, and the way children laughed and ran around the cobbled streets. Usually, this bustling city life was of intrigue to him, observing the haggling and patterns in which people came and went, but he had other things on his mind today. You.
As he entered the cathedral he met no staff as he headed back to the infirmary this time, heading straight to the door without complication. He set his hand on the handle, before deciding it might be best to knock instead. After a short moment, the young deaconess appeared behind the door.
"Ah, Albedo!" She smiled wearily. From the looks of her ruffled skirts and tired face she had been working all night. "Sister Victoria mentioned you might visit. Come in." She stepped aside letting Albedo into the room.
Your bandages were clean, and wrapped properly now, and you had been changed into a light nightgown, your work clothes removed to be clean. You looked so peaceful, lying so still with your hands on your stomach. Too still, perhaps. Albedo approached the bed, taking a delicate hand to your cheek, brushing his fingers against your skin. It was colder than he would have expected. He moved his hand to hover over your nose and mouth, feeling the faint breath there his shoulders relaxed, but something still felt off.
"Have they woken up yet..?" He asked. Albedo was a smart person, and he knew something was wrong but he was scared to draw any conclusions.
Barabara looked sad. "No. Y/n has been unresponsive, even to my elemental magic." She shook her head. She didn't want to say it to Albedo, but she had feared you were dead before she had used her vision to check you life force.
"When will they wake-up." He said shortly.
Barbara paused, not wanting to deliver the news. "I'm not sure, for the time being Y/n is in-" she took a shaky breath. She too had grown to know you better as you had come in with small injuries often, or were with jean working, and this accident had not left her unaffected. "In comatose." She finished unable to meet Albedo's gaze.
That was no issue though, if she had tried he would have avoided eye contact himself. He wanted to tell Barbara she was wrong, that it hadn't been long enough to tell but he was a learned man and recognized the signs himself.
"Albedo I-"
Albedo shook his head. "You did your job to it's full extent, thank you." He said honestly. If it weren't for Barbara, your wounds would never have healed so quickly, or so nicely. "I would like have some time alone."
Barbara nodded knowingly, leaving Albedo to pull up a chair and sir silently beside your bed. He hand found yours and he interlaced his fingers with with yours, but did not feel the familiar squeeze you always gave him when he did this. He had convinced himself you would be okay, only for that small hope to be ripped away from him too.
Albedo was not a very sensitive person. He was logical, and a realist, but you meeting you had brought in a strange yet warm feeling into his life he had never felt before. You intrigued him, and you took the time to understand him and get to know him. Lots of people were either infatuated with his good manners and kind words, but you had taken the time to listen to them, and he was realizing that these past few weeks he had never given you that time back. He had taken you for granted, spent his time with other people, and turned you away in times where he didn't realise how much you meant to him. Now as you lay unmoving infront of him he realized how much he yearned for your company.
Had he made you feel like this? All those times he declined your invites or pushed you away to work. He couldn't help but feel he had treated those situations wrongly, you had only offered him some company. He had been working and he knew you knew that, but he began to think he had treated you to harshly. Relationships like this were new to him, and you were always so gentle and patient. He should have gone with you today, prevented the terrible outcome. His mind ran probabilities, weighing situations against each other as he imagined ways he could have stepped in to stop you, or how the fight could play out differently.
He leaned forward, holding both of your hands gently in his, as the feelings washed over him. How curious, that a single person could move his heart so strongly.
Time passed both to slowly and too quickly. Albedo stayed by your side well into the evening hours. Every once in a while he found himself drifting off to sleep head resting on your chest, desperate to feel the slight rise and fall no matter how irregular it was. When Barbara returned to the room, it was to usher Albedo out of the cathedral, as she began her nightly duties.
"Albedo, it's time for me to see Y/n again, we'll be starting our nightly rounds here soon." Barbara said in a soothing tone. "You should head home for the night, I'll take good care of the Captain."
Albedo nodded slowly, slightly groggy from the half asleep state he was just in. He stood, brushing off his jacket and giving your resting face a look of longing before quietly walking out of your room. Barbara closed the door, and he was alone with his thoughts again. The night ushered in more issues, including the work he had left unfinished that afternoon. He decided that best course of action was to get a good night's sleep and organize his thoughts in the morning, and he walked off into the night.
The next week in the Alchemy lab was dreary to say the least. Albedo's work quality dropped as well as his focus, as he plowed through experiments clumsily. Sucrose was finding herself with random breaks through the day, and had put together they were more for his own sake, than hers. Work was typically Albedo's escape. He would be able to pour himself into his studies, mindlessly observe and take note but he kept finding things that reminding him of you. Maybe it was a color that he thought you would have liked, or some ancient script you would giggle at pointing out how the letters looked like weird animals. Your absence from his life had left a large hole, that no amount of alchemy could fill. He tried painting, but every time he picked up a brush he found himself painting your favorite things, or places, or telling himself he would give you the drawings when you woke up. When you woke up. Your sleeping face was etched into his mind as if with a fine quill.
You were so devoid of life, all because of a stupid accident and he couldn't bear it. Everytime he visited the hope he would find you laying awake and upright grew dimmer, and soon he began to expect nothing more than your still body, cold and unmoving. Everytime he saw you it was accompanied by a pang of guilt, and longing for your return. Every evening when he decided he could focus on work no more he would make his way to the cathedral and sit by your side until dark, and then a sister would usher him out once more and he would leave, only to repeat it again the next day.
His life moved forward in this depressing spiral for days, until one evening as he made to leave headquarters he was stopped by none other than Jean.
"Albedo?" The dandelion knight called out to him and he stopped, preparing to head out the door. Jean walked over to him. "Before you go I have something for you."
Albedo turned around, curiosity piqued. "Sure." He said simply as the woman pulled a letter from her pocket and handed it to him. He studied the seal, recognizing the symbol of the church pressed into the wax. His heart skipped a beat, as he feared both the worst and hoped for the best.
"Barbara told me I should let you read it yourself. I have already seen the contents myself." Jean couldn't keep the smile from creeping into her voice as Albedo slid a piece of paper from the envelope, unfolding it hastily.
His eyes scanned the letter. It was short and sweet, written by one of the sisters. He barely absorbed the content as his attention was taken by one phrase over the rest.
'Y/n has woken up and will make a full recovery, we will keep you updated on their condition and let you know when they are fit to return to work.'
Albedo's heart leapt. As he reread the line a few times. 'Y/n will make a full recovery.' He handed the letter back to Jean. "Thank you. This is wonderful news indeed." A small smile played on his lips, and his soft voice lost the edge it had carried all week. He pivoted on his heel pushing open the door with an enthusiasm that Jean had not seen before, and strolled out of the building.
He felt the pressure that had been so present in his chest for days alleviate as he grew closer to the cathedral. Albedo was practically jogging with the pace he entered the church, throwing open the door and making a beeline for the infirmary. His head pounded, hazy at the good news. It all seemed to be happening so fast, was it possible that after all of that you could be okay? That you were going to be okay? He found Barbara in the infirmary hallway and she gave him a warm smile, different from the sorrowful ones she had given for what had been many visits now.
Albedo paused outside of your door, taking a deep breath, and Barbara gave him a reassuring nod. "Y/n woke up some hours ago, just please be gentle, the affects of a coma can be quite draining."
Albedo nodded pushing open the door carefully and stepped inside. You were sat, looking out the small window on the other side of your bed, but you turned hearing the door open. Your heart fluttered as the blonde figure shut the door quietly and approached your bed, his eyes not leaving yours. You smiled softly, and weakly held out your hand and he took it, relishing in the returned warmth in your fingers as you gently pulled him on to your mattress and into a hug.
Albedo buried his head against your neck, letting you hold him close. The feeling of your hands pressing into his back and on his hair was all he could ask for after weeks of feeling them limp and lifeless.
You pulled away and your hands found each others, fingers intertwined as you laughed gently. "Been a little while, huh?" You hummed.
Albedo nodded still speechless.
"I'm sorry for making you worry, Albedo." You smoothed your fingers over the skin on the back of his hands, and he softened hearing you say his name. Oh, how he had missed that. Suddenly that familiar guilt crept into his throat, tightening it as he tried to speak. He had no idea what he wanted to say, before without thinking: "No, don't apologize Y/n. I'm sorry."
Suddenly the feelings he had felt over the past weeks welled up again and he felt his chest shake as he took a deep breath. You tucked a strand of stray ash blond behind his ear, smiling all the while. "For what?"
"For taking you for granted." He choked out, as the feelings spilled their way into words. "I'm sorry I pushed you away like that. I realise now that time with you is just as precious to me as it is to you. In a way this helped me realize that." He looked into your eyes, and his honest apology made your chest tighten.
"It's alright, I shouldn't have been so pushy. I understand your work is important I just.. missed you?" You sighed, voice week from your recent ailment. "It was selfish, I shouldn't feel entitled to you like that." Finally admitting it was difficult, and you felt a weight lift from your chest yet the feeling remained still.
Albedo leaned in and kissed your forehead gently and you relaxed under one of his rare affections. "Do not feel guilty for expecting that time from me, I admit you were right. Yet with all things there is a balance, my love." He said softly as you took him into your arms once more. It was rare to see him so touchy in a place that wasn't your home, but you welcomed it pulling him into your chest.
"I supposed your right." You agreed. "As usual." You lay against the pillows that were propping you up minutes before, the alchemist laying against your chest. He hummed softly at your joking praise and his arms tightened around you.
And that's how the two of you stayed for a long while. The relief of both of your apologies settled in place of that dark feeling that had previously sat heavily in both of your hearts, as you drifted back, into a more peaceful sleep. The weight of Albedo against you felt secure keeping you anchored. You ran a hand through his hair as you enjoyed the comfortable silence for a bit.
"Barbara told me you came here every day while I was asleep." You murmured.
Albedo turned his head so he wouldn't be speaking into your shoulder. "I did." He said simply and you smiled.
"That makes me feel a lot better, I'll be honest." Your hands worked through a few knots in his hair absent mindedly. "I'm still a little freaked out about the whole thing."
"I'm glad my presence was of some reassurance Y/n." Albedo pressed a fleeting kiss to your cheek, as there was a knock from the door. Albedo stood, your hands lingering for a moment in one another's as he went to open to door. Barbara stood there holding some fresh bandages.
"Excuse the intrusion but I need to check Y/n's injuries once more. I won't be long."
Albedo nodded stepping aside and letting the girl into the room, before stepping out himself. You gave him a look of confusion, wanting him to stay a little longer."Wait Albedo-"
"Don't worry. I'll be right here waiting for you when your finished. I won't leave you again."
You sat silently, nodding slightly.
"I promise Y/n." And with his sweet words echoing in your mind, Albedo gently shut the door to your room. He would not take you for granted ever again.
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jotatetsuken · 3 years
A Woman of Unshakeable Faith (Daichi Sawamura x Reader)
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Summary: Growing up, your grandmother was always the closest to you, and even be supportive of your relationship with Daichi Sawamura, whom you'd been friends with since childhood and who later moved to Japan in middle school, but you ended up staying in touch with him, and eventually getting into a long-distance relationship with him. When, unfortunately, you lose your grandmother, you know who to call.
Warning: Reader is going through an angsty situation (grandmother’s death), there will be fluff, mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, and crying. Oh and Haikyuu time skip spoilers too. Please lmk if I’ve missed any other trigger warnings. You can block #shyna angst if it gets too much.
Number of words: 2227
Tagging: @lea2107-foxsin @lucacangettathisass @akaashi-todorki @ceo-of-daichi @cuz-like-why-not @kiiraes @beware-of-the-rogue @saltyvanilla
(thank you lydz for encouraging me to crosspost it here <3) . Let me know here if you want to be tagged in more content like this :)
A/N: So, Daichi's my first Haikyuu crush and there are a number of reasons why, BESIDE the fact that he looks really handsome. The leadership qualities he possesses, the willingness to be there for his friends, I even found the way he gets angry very adorable help. Last year, days after I lost my good friend, and months before I lost my sister, I lost my grandmother, and just like the last time, the way I was able to cope, was through writing. I wonder why, but I was able to imagine Daichi in this scenario. So, I hope this comforts you in some way. Also, anything related to Haikyuu (the character, the setup) belongs to Haruichi Furudate but the storyline is mine, so reblogs, likes, and comments are highly appreciated <3 This was cross-posted from Quotev (attached the link too 😄) Also, this is the first time I'm writing from a gender-neutral perspective, so if I mess up pronouns, please let me know? Thank you in advance :D
I surrender who I've been for who you are For nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart If I had only felt how it feels to be yours Well, I would have known what I've been living for all along
What I've been living for
Somewhere in 2002
“Gran-Gran!” I called out to my paternal grandmother as I was climbing up the stairs of my duplex house looking for my paternal grandparents’ bedroom. I finally find the bedroom, only for their bed to be covered by a huge mosquito net, my grandmother reading while my grandfather would look at me angrily for no reason, maybe because he forgot who I was?
My grandfather had met with an accident a long time ago and recently he had a stroke, because of which I could only hear him speak in our mother tongue and because he seemed to have been suffering from dementia, he had trouble remembering who all of us were, but since I was young at that time, it was hard for me to grasp all of that, so his eyes would scare me, only for my grandmother’s embrace to be equally warm and comforting.
“Hello, my darling. How’s my little one doing today?” Gran-Gran would reply ruffling my hair, and showering loads of kisses on me. I swear I’d never been this grateful to have received immense love and affection as much as I received from her. “I’m scared, Gran-Gran. I’m scared of sleeping alone. Please sing me to sleep.” I replied, pleading to hear her lovely voice.
“Okay okay, my child. Here it goes:
My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me. Bring back, oh bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me, Bring back, oh bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie…” she’d stopped singing to find me asleep. Smiling, she ended the song with “…to me. Love you, my child. You’re a treasure of God, this house, and of this family,” and called out to my father to take me to my bed to sleep.
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Present (one day before The Day)
“Y/N, your uncle and aunt are coming to visit Gran-Gran, so make sure to make them feel welcome,” my father called out to me.
“Yes, dad, on it,” said I, while holding my grandmother’s hand, not knowing how to react to whatever was happening around me. Months ago, when I was in (the country of your choice for studies), my grandmother fell down in the restroom, breaking one of her hips and hitting her head hard, which caused her to have a stroke, which later caused her dementia.
It was weird to say that she couldn’t recognize who I was, and that had hurt me a lot. Even when I came back, the conversations we did have didn’t have the same love that they once did. She still had a sense of humor, but she still couldn’t recognize me, and I did my best not to lose patience with her, and it was taking a toll on me. I needed to hear a calming voice to tell me that it’ll get better.
I’d ended up calling my boyfriend, Daichi Sawamura, who by now, was working in the Miyagi Police Force, and I’d thankfully caught him at the right time. We’d known each other since we were kids, and Gran-Gran actually took a liking to Daichi, hoping and praying that we’d be together, not knowing of his religious background.
So, when Daichi moved to Japan for his middle and high school, I was really upset, but, I also remembered his promise that we’d still be in touch. We kept our promise, continued to be in touch while he introduced me to Kōshi Sugawara and Asahi Azumane, his best friends and fellow teammates in the Karasuno High School Volleyball Team, and were there for each other in our highs and lows. So, when they won the Miyagi Spring Prefectural Qualifiers under his captaincy and I got to view the match live, I was crying in happiness and while I was certain that Daichi might have a crush on someone else there, he immediately video called me after the match, and asked me to be his girlfriend. Without a shadow of a doubt, I accepted his proposal. I was sure of my love for him, but I felt stupid as to whether I should tell him, ‘cause he was far away, but every call, every text, every conversation quelled all of the uncertainties I had when it came to Daichi.
While everyone wasn’t for it, Gran-Gran was. She even fought for our relationship, which was surprising, to say the least. Eventually, everyone warmed up to the situation, welcoming him to crash at our place whenever he came to (your country).
I’d gone to a separate room, taking a small break from the chores, and decided to call him. Our conversation went like this:
“Babe!!! Oh my god. I’m so glad you called. Guys, excuse me, I’ll be back.”
“Did I disturb you, babe?”
“No no, my colleagues and I were having a bonding session. They know about you, so I’d been excused so as to talk to you. How’ve you been, darling?”
I start crying in fear, “Daichi, *sniffles* Gran-Gran’s not doing well. *sniffles* She’s getting worse. *sniffles*  She’s breathing heavily, *sniffles* she’s being fed nasally now. *sniffles* I’m scared of losing her…,” I couldn’t bother continuing as I began sobbing, not realizing that I could some heavy breathing from Daichi too.
“Oh babe, I’m so sorry to hear that. I can’t imagine the pain you must be going through. But if it makes you feel any better, you can be certain that she’s going to heaven. Remember what she told us that day when I came home?”
I calm myself down hearing his words. It helped that while he was upset about her demise, I know that he’d have to steel himself up for me. To be my rock. Sometimes, I’m so lucky that Daichi’s the mature one in the relationship. “Yeah, I do. It just doesn’t make it better though, babe..”
“I know babe. If you need me to be with you…”
“…You’re a call, a text, and a flight away. *sniffles* I will, babe. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. You’ve got to help your family more now, Y/N. They need you.”
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Somewhere in June 2013
The moment I’d heard that I’d just got into a top-notch engineering college, I was speechless. I was about to be the first engineer in my family and it hit me. It was because of Gran-Gran who was patient enough to teach me mathematics and instill the love for the subject in me that enabled me to fall in love with Science, which led me to apply for engineering. I immediately went to Gran-Gran, touched her feet in gratitude, and hugged her. No sooner did the bell ring than I ran to the door and noticed that Daichi had come home.
I was so surprised to see his genial smile and I couldn’t wait to receive his warm hugs and kisses. Oh, how I missed him. I hugged him, he picked me up and then put me down, both of us crying. I brought him first to Gran-Gran to introduce him as my boyfriend, “Gran-Gran, do you remember…”
“Of course, I remember Daichi. Come here, darling. Welcome home.”
He touched her feet out of respect and sat by her side on the ground.
“Daichi, I know that you’re in a relationship with Y/N.”
“Yes, ma’am, I am..”
“No, ma’am, Gran-Gran’s fine. You’d be a part of this family soon, no matter what Y/N’s family says.”
“Gran-Gran, I promise to take care of Y/N as they're so precious to me. I’ll make sure to give them a happy life.”
“Absolutely, also, remember this..”
“When I pass away,”
Both of us replied “GRAN-GRAN!”
“I’m serious, kids. When I do give up on my life, be certain about two things: 1. I am going to heaven. To be with my Heavenly Father. I’m sure of that. He’s saved me far beyond my imagination.”
Daichi replied, “We’re aware, Gran-Gran. We’re in awe of your devotion,” and I nodded in agreement.
Gran-Gran’s faith was really sturdy. Despite an innumerable amount of sicknesses, trials, losses, and everything else she went through, she never lost her faith, which I was in awe of.
“2. You have my blessing for your union. Anytime you two decide to get married, know that I’d be watching you from afar, wishing nothing but a strong marriage with a solid foundation.”
“Gran-Gran, seriously?” We were shocked. We were so delighted upon hearing the news.
“Yes, Y/N. However, both of you must equally work hard to be financially stable.”
“You have our word, Gran-Gran.”
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Present: The Day She Stopped Breathing
“Y/N,” Aunt Yolanda called out to me and I ran to her, “do you know how to check a pulse?”
“Yes, Aunt Yolanda, I do. But what happened?”
“Your Gran-Gran stopped breathing a couple of minutes ago and I just wanted to make sure.”
I could feel my heart drop upon hearing this. No, this can’t be true. Gran-Gran can’t just die. I checked Gran-Gran’s pulse. It was mild, but I could feel it.
Chaos ensued for some time. No one knew how to react. Then, one moment, we couldn’t feel the pulse anymore. Her body started growing cold. I called for my brother-in-law, who ended up doing chest compressions on Gran-Gran, but no response. Then, finally, we called for a doctor who then confirmed it and then called in the time of death.
So it was it. My Gran-Gran was dead. She’s gone. I didn’t know how to process it all. My brother-in-law and I went to my sister who didn’t know what was happening, and when we broke the news to her, it’s safe to say that she didn’t take it well at all. You could say that we were all broken. But I still didn’t know how to process it. I then called Daichi, who immediately picked up the phone,
“Babe, you never call me at this time. What happened?”
“Did Gran-Gran..”
“Yes, babe.”
“Baby, I..I’m..I’m so sorry. I just..I don’t know…”
“Babe, were you serious when you said that you were a call, a text..”
“Or a flight away? You bet I was. I’m applying for leave right now so to speak.”
“What? Y/N I’m serious. You’re the love of my life. Someday, you’re going to be my partner. So, this is me showing you how I’d be there for you when times get hard.”
I felt my cold heart eventually grow warmer upon hearing this, but I still couldn’t bring myself to cry.
“Babe, come soon if that’s the case.”
“Of course. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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The Next Day
My cousins and relatives had come over to help our family with everything that was going on. My father had one brother and two sisters, one of whom passed away years ago due to lupus. So dad’s siblings, their partners, and their children came down to help with the funeral and memorial proceedings, which was a blessing in disguise. We were getting ready for lunch, that’s when I’d heard the doorbell ring. I was surprised considering everyone was here. Then it hit me. Opening the door, I then noticed my boyfriend standing in front of me with his luggage. He really was here. Daichi really flew all the way from Japan to be with me. Me! I don’t deserve him one bit.
No sooner did I see him than I engulfed him in my arms and gave myself permission to finally cry and sob. Everyone looked at me but I didn’t care. Daichi really was the best part of my life. My rock. I felt safe whenever I was with him. I really did love him.
He cupped my cheeks with his hands, wiping my tears, and said, “I told you I was a call, a text, and a flight away.”
We chuckle and I then invite him over, introducing him to everyone. “Family, this is Daichi Sawamura, my boyfriend. Gran-Gran loved him a lot as well, and even approved of our relationship.”
“Y/N ‘s family,” Daichi replied, addressing everyone while bowing down his head. “Gran-Gran was a woman of unshakable faith. Her sense of compassion, kindness, love, forgiveness was seen from her beliefs, and that impacted me in my personal life and in my relationship with Y/N. I’m going to miss her a lot and I’d love to help all of you in any way.”
My father went up to him, hugged him, and thanked him, “Thank you, Daichi. I couldn’t have asked a better partner for Y/N. Child, you’re lucky. My mother saw something in you that we couldn’t see. I truly apologize on behalf of all of us. She not only was a woman of unshakable faith, but also a woman who had a good judge of character. Truly, I say this to you, Daichi, from now on, you’re a part of our family. You have all of our blessings.”
Daichi and I looked at each other, smiled, and hugged Dad. The acceptance of our relationship wouldn’t have been possible if Gran-Gran didn’t fight for us. Thank you, Gran-Gran. Until we meet again.
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© Shyna 2022
If you’ve come till here, thank you so much. Hope you have a great week ahead. Also, if you have your grandparents, please cherish that relationship. Serve them and love on them everywhere. Learn life lessons from them. Time's too short to lose patience on them.
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