#the chi season 3
mileenaxyz · 3 months
The Sydcarmy wasn't Sydcarmying enough for me this season, but Sydluca...we up. 😈
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marahsfandomloves · 10 months
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Moments in Marvel that live in my mind rent free.
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unladyboss · 3 months
When Sydney first started working at the Beef, Tina made a point to tell her that she'd been doing this work before Sydney was even born.
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That led me to believe that Tina had been around the beef for decades maybe. At least before Mikey took over.
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So imagine my surprise when Tina walks into the Beef the day she got a job and it's a random Tuesday in, get this, 2018!
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The time on the ticket says 12:32. The time on the clock, which was shown one song before the ticket says 11:53 am.
This whole show is like this.
This is done on purpose and with intention, mind you
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Timelines are off in this world. Dates and times don't really match what we are told.
I notice in season 3 as they're trying to wrap up the story, they are showing more and more anomalies.
It kinda confirms my theories
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haru-rain · 9 months
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The fact that they were all crying...
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And the rainbow appearing as if their father and mother were giving them an answer from the sky~
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This episode was incredible and beautiful.
Hayato, Mikoto, Minato, Gakuto, I'm really going to miss you.
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punk-63 · 1 year
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iriswestallenn · 6 months
Nicole has always been beautiful but wowowow she's stunning in this trailer. Anyway P*lin still has no chemistry lmao I'll be tuning in for literally everyone else.
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atlas-affogato · 1 year
yall think the whole ‘being turned into inhuman creatures and being enslaved by an evil sorcerer who tortures us for our mistakes’ has a lot of angst potential?
because i do
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daminouspurity · 2 days
Chicago Bears vs. Indianapolis Colts | 2024 NFL Season Week 3 | Predictions Madden NFL 25
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lonepower · 10 months
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cantofworms · 1 year
sorry youre sick :( heres some soup
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yumeka-sxf · 2 months
Japanese Linguistic Observations in Spy x Family - part 5
Part 5 - Translating humor and wordplay
Translating jokes from one language to another can be difficult, especially when the humor revolves around wordplay that's only apparent in the original language. Luckily for a comedy series like SxF, most of the humor relies on concepts that are universal to all languages, but there are the occasional jokes that require creative translation in order to get the same effect in English. What I think is the most well-known example of this kind of joke in SxF is from chapter 26, where Yuri tells Anya that "knowledge is power" during their tutoring session.
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The Japanese phrase for this is 知は力 ("chi wa chikara"). Anya mishears this as ちわわぢから ("chiwawa jikara"), which means "chihuahua power," which is why we see the image of a muscular chihuahua in her thoughts. This results in Yuri calling her チワワ娘 ("chihuahua girl") from then on. Obviously this joke would be lost if translated directly, so Casey Loe, the official English translator for the SxF manga, got creative with making it work in English. He cleverly utilizes the English expression, "the whole enchilada," which sounds enough like "swole chihuahua" for Anya to believably mistake the two. This translation also makes it so that Yuri calling Anya "chihuahua girl" later on makes sense.
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But unfortunately, because a series can have different companies working on the localization of its anime versus its manga, inconsistencies between the two often come up. In this case, the anime team translated this joke completely differently, and less effectively in my opinion. You can see from the below screenshots that they had Yuri use the word "unleash," which then led to Anya associating a (muscular) dog without a leash as powerful (?) Again, this translation was a stretch in my opinion and not as good as the manga version. This also makes it so that translating Yuri's nickname for Anya as "chihuahua girl" won't make sense.
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But what's interesting is that, many months and episodes later in season 2, they stayed consistent with that translation and had Yuri call Anya "stupid leash girl" in episode 28.
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Despite my dislike for this translation, I have to give them kudos for remembering it all that time later and not just directly translating it as "chihuahua girl." Though it makes me wonder if they'll stay consistent in season 3 where Yuri will be referring to Anya as "chihuahua girl" once again.
A further complication is that, not only do these kinds of inconsistencies exist between the anime and manga translations, but they also exist between the different streaming services that stream SxF with English subtitles throughout the world. I only have access to the subtitled version from Hulu, which is where my screenshots are from, and I think other streaming services in the US like Crunchyroll, Amazon, Netflix, etc, use the exact same subtitles. So when I refer to "the Hulu subtitles" throughout this post, I mean other major US streaming services too. However, I'm not totally sure if they all do share the same subtitle script, so if anyone who has these services could confirm, that would be great! However, @tare-anime informed me that Muse Asia's English subtitles for SxF are completely different! For example, they translated the above joke more closely to the original, by using the phrase "puppy power" and keeping Yuri's nickname for Anya as "chihuahua girl."
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There are further differences with Muse Asia's translation as well, for example, they directly translate Anya's names for Loid and Yor, "chichi" and "haha," as "Father" and "Mother" instead of "Papa" and "Mama."
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(thanks again to Tare for the Muse Asia screenshots!) This is different, not only compared to the Hulu subtitles, but also the official English manga as well, both of which have Anya consistently use "Papa" and "Mama."
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Tare also let me know that Disney Plus in Asia, another service that streams SxF, has yet another version of the English subtitles! And these are only the subtitled versions for the US and Asia - if SxF is streamed with English subtitles in other countries, I wonder if those are different as well. That means there's at least 3-4 different English subtitle scripts for SxF, with different ways of translating certain things, like what I described above. This could make things confusing for someone without any knowledge of Japanese who reads the English version of the manga and watches the subtitled version of the anime on one or more streaming services...if they read the first few volumes of the manga with the "swole chihuahua" translation, then watch season 2 of the anime, they're gonna be confused about why Yuri calls Anya "stupid leash girl." There's other more minor inconsistencies too, like how the Hulu subtitles have Yor call Anya "Miss Anya" all the time, but the manga doesn't.
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I'm sure there's some licensing reasons why there isn't one official English subtitle script that all the streaming services can use, and why they don't consult the manga translations, especially for the more difficult-to-translate parts. It seems like wasted effort for so many official English translations to exist for the same thing.
But anyway, back to the translations of jokes in SxF, another one that stood out to me occurred in chapter 23. During the scene where Loid is asking Anya about a name for Bond, he explains how dogs have trouble discerning the sounds of consonants. The phrase he uses for this is 子音の聞き分け("shiin no kiki wake"), which means "distinguishing consonants," with "shiin" meaning "consonant." However, there's another word "shiin" with the kanji 死因 that means "cause of death." This is what Yor thinks he means - 死因の聞き分け ("shiin no kiki wake"), which means "determining the cause of death." So in her thoughts, she imagines asking Bond if he prefers death by blood loss (失血死) or by being crushed (圧死), and when he shakes his head at both, she says "you're not good at these distinctions, are you?"
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This is a difficult joke to translate, so Casey got a bit loose by having Loid use the word "plosives" instead of "consonants," and then having Yor mishear it as "explosives." He then changed up Yor's dialogue by having her say that Bond prefers C-4 explosions over other methods of death.
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While I don't think the translation of this joke worked as well as the previous one (I feel like Yor wouldn't know about C-4 explosions?) I couldn't come up with anything better myself, lol. It just goes to show how translating things as closely to the original as possible isn't always the best choice…but oddly, that's what the Hulu subtitles did! For some reason they opted not to even attempt to rework this joke for English, and kept both Loid and Yor's dialogue as exact translations. This results in an exchange that makes no sense and will leave people wondering how Yor could mistake Loid's "can't tell consonants apart" as "can't tell causes of death apart."
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However, there are some cases where the wordplay works similar enough in both Japanese and English that the joke can be translated without too much modification. An example of this is in chapter 59 where Becky asks Yor how she was able to "get" Loid…"pierce his heart" as she puts it. Yor thinks she means this literally, to which she replies that she wouldn't hurt Loid.
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The Japanese version is very similar, with Becky using the verb 射止める("itomeru") which means "to shoot down" (with an arrow). However, it has a figurative meaning too, which is "to win" as in "win someone's heart." Yor thinks Becky means the literal meaning of shooting down, so she says that she wouldn't shoot Loid and that she doesn't even use a bow and arrows.
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The Hulu subtitles translate it more or less directly, having Becky say "shoot an arrow through his heart" and keeping Yor's "I don't use a bow and arrows" that the manga omitted. Rare case where I think the anime translation worked better than the manga!
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In the case of this joke, the concept of "shooting someone's heart" to mean "winning someone's heart" is universal in both English and Japanese, so little reworking was needed. This also helped keep consistency with Yor's tendency to associate otherwise benign concepts with violence due to the nature of her work.
I'll wrap up this post with what I think is the most commendable translation of a joke so far in the manga: how Casey translated the names of the guest characters at the ski resort in chapter 94.
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Their names are puns in Japanese as well, and Annie over on Twitter already did a great breakdown of how each of the wordplay in their names was translated, so definitely check out that thread here. Since this chapter has yet to be animated, I'm really curious how the anime translators will handle this…since it seems like they don't reference the manga, they'll probably either translate the names literally or come up with their own pun names, and either will unfortunately lead to the same kind of inconsistencies between the anime and manga translations that I touched on earlier.
To summarize, humor can be a very culture/language specific thing, so it's up to the translator to make sure the same feeling is conveyed in their translation even if they have to essentially make up their own jokes. With that said, it's a shame that there isn't collaboration between the translators of the anime and manga to ensure consistent translations across the franchise. So I hope this post helped shed light, not just on how some of the jokes in SxF were conveyed in Japanese, but also on why some things in the English version of SxF seem inconsistent between the anime and manga.
<- Return to Part 4
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wardenparker · 29 days
Bones Full of Words, ch 5
Javier Peña x plus size reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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“He pleaded so much that he lost his voice. His bones began to fill with words.” ― Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude
Javier Peña had no way of knowing for certain the American journalist he sometimes sees sniffing around the embassy for her stories is also getting information about the narcos from the same girls that he is. After Helena is brutalized by sicarios, it is that same journalist who comes to take her away and look after her -- giving Javi reason to pause and reconsider his opinion of the woman he had previously not considered as anything more than eye candy.
He has no idea that once she has walked fully into his life, he will be battling with himself over whether or not he should stop her from walking out it of again.
Rating: M for Mature but this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 11.3k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: sex work, time period appropriate sexism, cursing, alcohol, food/eating, talk of weight or size, fatphobia (sometimes internalized and sometimes not), canon typical violence* Fatphobia, misogyny, internalized fatphobia, self-esteem issues. Summary: The raid on the club effects more than just the people inside, and it finally puts you and Javier in a room together for a real conversation to be had. Notes: Hi all! Sorry about the erratic posting schedule, but I'm doing my best. Thankfully I'm coming out of my busy season at work and moving into something that is chaotic in a different way 👍
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4
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Getting an oversized guard dog into the back of your tiny, broken-down car and halfway across the city was not on your checklist of things to do today. Fleeing your apartment was not either. Getting Chi-Chi to vaguely calm down enough to drive was a task in and of itself, but when you finally pull your car into one of the spare parking spaces adjacent to Javier's building, you breathe a sigh of relief. At best, you know where his spare key is. Though you doubt he'll be glad to see you in his apartment when he gets home from a night of work.
You just didn't know where else to go.
Javi sighs as he closes the door. He's had to convince himself not to go to the club the entire way back to his apartment. Almost turning around at one point, but he knows he would just be turned away. He doesn't want to care about your safety, you've made your feelings towards him very clear, but he can't just leave you to twist in the wind.
Up to his floor and to that now-familiar front door, you take a deep breath and tell Chi-Chi to sit before knocking twice on Javier’s door. Even if you assume he’s working — why wouldn’t he be? You’re not just going to barge into his place. Not after the awful things you said to him. Not when he very well might have saved your life tonight.
Turning and frowning at the door, Javi puts down the cigarette he had just been about to light and opens the door. His eyes going wide when he finds you on his doorstep with a very large dog by your side.
Chi-Chi starts to bark immediately, but you reach down (barely having to reach) to soothe her and frown apologetically when you look back up at Javier. “I didn’t know where else to go,” you admit softly, wondering why he’s here and if he’ll even let you in.
Javi opens the door wider and wonders if the acute sense of relief is just because of your soulmate status. He has thought more about fucking soulmates in the past week than he probably ever has in his entire life. "Want a drink?" He grunts, figuring it would be a neutral question and shouldn't piss you off too badly.
“Thank you.” Your own relief is just as mysterious, but you’re willing to set that aside for now just because you’re grateful to be safe. “I’ll um…I’ll put Chi-Chi in the guest room. She’s well behaved and has had a lot of excitement so hopefully she’ll just take a nap.”
"Let her sniff around." Javi doesn't mind dogs, he likes them. He doesn't approach the large furry creature, but he does offer a hand if she would like to sniff him. "The more comfortable she feels, the quicker she will calm down."
“She doesn’t like men,” you offer, trying to explain why you were going to set her up elsewhere. But aside from barking just once, Chi-Chi hasn’t done much besides look at Javier curiously. So you let her off her leash with a scratch behind the ears. “She uh…she’s my landlady’s dog. My landlady and my neighbor were both out tonight so it was just me and her and…and I didn’t want anything to happen to her.”
“She’s protective.” He hums, watching as the dog cautiously approaches him. Her nose is wet and warm as it bumps against his hand and he doesn’t move as she starts to sniff him.
“It’s okay, sweet girl,” you coo softly to the massive dog, fascinated to see her like this with a man for the first time ever. “Javier’s good. We can trust him.”
He almost snorts at the comment, knowing the last thing you do is trust him. But maybe that’s not true, you left your apartment after all. After long minutes of sniffing his hand and his shoe, a brief bump against his crotch, the dog bumps her head under his hand in the universal demand for attention. “Good girl.”
“She’s sweet,” you assure him, and breathe a sigh of relief when Chi-Chi accepts the pets she is given and goes to flop down at the feet of the armchair you used to like to sit in while you were staying here. It must still smell like you. “We, um…we won’t overstay our welcome. I know you didn’t mean to invite me over when you called.”
“I doubt you can go home tonight.” Javier admits. “If you don’t want to stay here, I can get you a hotel.” Helena isn’t here to be a buffer anymore. “But there are clean sheets on the bed.”
“I’d feel safer here,” you admit with a half shrug of your shoulders. He has been busying himself with pouring drinks and you accept one gratefully. “Are you, um…are you okay?” You motion to your own cheek, indicated where he has a bruise blossoming from the fight earlier. “I mean…is that why you’re not at the raid?”
“Suspended.” Javi takes a sip of his own whiskey and reaches up to touch his cheek, wincing slightly. “Bastard.” He hisses, wishing he had blacked both of Alex’s eyes.
“Motherfucker,” you murmur with a shake of your head, and sit down in the chair that Chi-Chi is currently guarding. “I’m sorry.”
“Could be worse.” He shrugs slightly. “I could be a CIA prick.”
“He…did not look good.” That is for damn sure, though you’re still hesitant about whether not you’re entitled to even say anything about it.
“Good.” Javier grumbles a little under his breath, but he’s happy that little fucker is having a worse day than he is. He drains the rest of his whiskey and walks back to the bar cart.
“Can I ask…” You’ve barely touched the glass in your hand but you hang on to it tightly like some kind of security blanket, wondering if Javier is already regretting letting you in. “What the fight was about?”
He turns and looks at you for a moment, his brows pinched together and he’s about to say something sarcastic when he sees that confused and worried look on your face. The same one that you had worn when the ambassador had been there. One that said you couldn’t possibly think that the fight was about you. “What do you think it was about?”
“If I had to guess?” Since you’ve been chewing on it all afternoon and now with the raid tonight? It seems obvious to you. “Something to do with the CIA staking out the club you were — are — going to raid?”
He shakes his head and takes another swallow of whiskey to dull the ache and to settle the unease in his stomach that’s been rolling around since he ran into you in the embassy halls. “Not quite.” He grunts and sighs after that, his shoulders rolling slightly. “It was about you.”
“Me?” The audible surprise in your voice is enough for him to understand that that is the very last answer you were expecting.
He turns towards you, aware that you will just claim he’s using your soulmate connection to control you or he’s jealous, but he says it anyway. “He’s a fucking prick. You don’t need to be with that son of a bitch.”
Deeply confused about why he even cares, you just take a sip of your drink and look down at your toes. “I already dumped him.”
“Good.” Now he understands why the prick had felt the need to take stabs at your weight, he was emasculated when you dumped him.
“What about me?” You ask after a pause, since it doesn’t make any sense to you that either man would care that much. Enough to get into a fist fight over someone that neither of them, apparently, liked a little or at all.
"Doesn't matter." He's not going to hurt your feelings by telling you what the man you had been sleeping with was saying about you.
“If it was about me, don’t you think I deserve to know?” Maybe you shouldn’t push, but being told the reason doesn’t matter feels a lot like saying you don’t matter. And if they were fighting about you then that clearly isn’t true.
Javi rocks his jaw, hating that you are pushing this. "He was running his fucking mouth." He finally says after staring at you for a moment. "So I punched him in it." Hopefully you will leave it at that, but he has a feeling you won't.
“It was that bad?” You ask simply, bewildered that Alex could possibly have cared enough to say anything cruel.
He doesn't say anything, just stares down into his drink and hopes that you will let the question die if he doesn't answer. He honestly doesn't know why he cares what that fucker thinks about you. You made it clear that you would rather anyone else be your soulmate, and it's not his business what kind of man you decide to fuck. Still, he had been like a bull with a red flag waved in front of his face. Reacting furiously and only now examining the whys of the moment that had gotten him suspended.
Stoic silence has never exactly been a response you have taken lightly or well, and the attitude that you came here with —apology and peacemaking — so easily gets stomped under the heel of your shoe when provoked even the slightest. “If it’s that bad then don’t I deserve to know?”
"Christ, you won't let it go, will you?" Javi sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "He fucking called you an assignment because no one picks a fat chick, but maybe he would visit again because 'even whales suck cock'." He doesn't snap it out as hatefully as Alex might have, but he can't look at you when he says it, immediately draining the rest of his whiskey to have something to do.
It’s certainly not the worst insult you’ve ever had slung your way in your life, but it’s not kind by any means. But it is the sort of comment that will probably have you second-guessing even going to Freckles or Vanessa for at least the next several months. The kind of comment that will have your eyes downcast at floor and pavement without the confidence that you have spent your entire adult life working to cultivate. The kind of comment that makes you feel as useless and unwanted as you always did as a kid. “Got it,” you murmur, head bobbing in a repetitive nod. “Got it. I, um…I’ll get out of your hair…” you decide, setting down your glass and altogether ready to flee his apartment despite having nowhere to go, just so he won’t see how genuinely hurt you are by what Alex said. Or worse, how much you appreciate the fact that Javier stepped in to defend you.
"Don't go." Javi won't make you stay, but he doesn't want you to leave when you're upset. He can hear the hurt in your voice. His eyes sliding over to where you are halfway out of your seat. "You don't have to." He has a feeling that being alone would be the worst thing for you.
“You can’t possibly want me around when I’m like this.” The tears have welled up in your eyes and are threatening to spill over, and Chi-Chi has sensed the change in your mood, sitting up in front of you and whining softly in concern. “Or at all, for all the grief I’ve given you.”
"Don't go." He murmurs again softly.
“I’m sorry.” That’s when the first tears fall. With two small words that mean so many different things.
"Don't be sorry." He shakes his head, frowning and wishing that he had another drink but he doesn't move. "It's not your fault he's a fucking prick."
“I’m sorry for so much more than that.” You wipe at your cheeks, calling yourself back to order as quickly as you can and also scratching between sweet Chi-Chi’s ears to soothe her so she doesn’t get too worked up. “I’ve given you nothing but grief and you didn’t deserve it.”
He frowns slightly, wondering what is with your change in attitude. "No, I didn't." He won't mince words and make you feel better. You were wrong about him.
“Helena set the record straight.” He deserved to know the discussion that was had about him just like you did, even if the one about you was far worse. “About how you protected her, and she was the one who insisted on trying to get information. That—that you didn’t send her in for it. I misunderstood the whole situation and I’m sorry for thinking the worst of you.”
Javi lets your explanation settle over him for a moment. Absorbing it. Letting it sit for a moment before he nods. "It was a shit situation." He admits. "At least she survived. Can one day move past it. Unlike the other girls that went with them that we fished out of the river last week."
“They’re all psychopaths. The sicarios.” The best you can do is shake your head in utter disgust. “But she’s going to be okay. It will be good for her to get to move. To get away from the memories, at least physically.”
"They are." That he will completely agree with. His jaw tightens slightly, knowing that right now he is on the outs of the action, unable to be there. Murphy probably won't even call him tonight. He looks at his empty glass and knows that before he gets too drunk, he should probably eat. "You hungry?" He asks, looking over at you curiously. He had never been around while you and Helena ate, often working long hours that week that you stayed here, but he had appreciated the leftovers in the fridge.
“Sure.” The olive branch he’s offering isn’t insignificant, and you’re not going to ignore it. Especially when you actually are hungry. In all the commotion of the day you’d completely forgotten to eat at all.
"Anything in particular you want?" He reaches over and nudges your drink towards you, urging you to drink it. "I can go pick something up or we can get it delivered."
“How do you feel about Lebanese?” It hadn’t at all been what you expected to see when you arrived in Bogotá, but there had been a wide variety of international restaurants in the area owned and operated by immigrants from other countries. Not the least of which was the amazing Lebanese restaurant two blocks from Javier’s apartment.
“I normally get the lamb kafta.” He tells you. “Haven’t tried much else on the menu to be honest.” He’s a simple guy, if he likes something, that will be what he orders every time. Someone had brought some in to the office one day and he had asked where it had come from.
“Have you never tried their falafel?” You ask in mock shock. The fact that you’re pushing forward, trying to be relatively normal with each other, it matters more than you want to admit.
“I don’t have clue what that is?” Javi admits with a snort, shrugging slightly. “Is it good?”
“It’s amazing, I promise.” In fact you’re prepared to swear to it, just hoping that what you consider amazing also fits his taste buds.
“Then I’ll let you order.” He offers, figuring it makes more sense because he doesn’t know what you like. In fact, he knows very little about you. “Sound good?”
“I’ll put it under your name.” And you’ll get an order of his lamb kafta, just in case he doesn’t end up liking the falafel. You’re balancing on a very thin and fragile tightrope right now so you don’t want to push too hard. Not anymore than you already have, anyway.
“That’s fine by me.” He stands with a groan and fishes his wallet out of the back of his suit trousers and pulls out some money. “I’m going to take a shower.” He tells you. “Use this for the food.”
“I’ll have it back by the time you’re dressed.” And you’ll use your own money, but there’s no use turning it into an argument. Arguing seems to be what you and Javier do best and most easily, but you’re trying to avoid it for at least a little while.
“Don’t leave.” He stops and turns around with a frown on his face. “Have it delivered.”
“Okay.” The look on his face is so set that you only nod. “I promise.”
He nods and looks like he’s going to say something before he just turns around and walks to his bedroom. Eager to get out of the suit and clean up a little.
It would be easy and very like you to just disregard his request and go pick up the food on foot. It wouldn’t take very long and it certainly wouldn’t be difficult. But something about breaking this first promise you made to him in good standing just doesn’t feel right. It feels worse than just sort of off. So you head back into the kitchen and pick up his phone, dialing the number for the Lebanese place listed on the front of the menu at the top of his take out drawer.
Javi feels bad about asking you to stay in the apartment, but he gets the nagging feeling that if he lets you out of that door, he won’t see you again. Plus he’s on edge, knowing that the sicarios will be trigger happy after they learn a kill team has been sent out.
You’re closing the door behind the delivery guy when Javier comes out of his room. “Good timing,” you tell him, holding up the bag. Your shoes are off and sitting by the door, so hopefully he doesn’t question that you kept your promise.
You are still in the professional wear from the Embassy, making him feel guilty about changing his own clothes. He doesn’t have anything for you to change into and he doesn’t want to embarrass you by bringing that up. “Good.” He hums. “I’ve realized I haven’t eaten anything since a slice of toast this morning.”
“I’ve had coffee and cigarettes, does that count?” Forks from the drawer and refills for each of your glasses, and before you know it you’re both sitting down at his table with plastic takeout containers full of fragrant dinner.
“Coming from a place of complete hypocrisy—” he points at you with a fork. “That’s not good for you.”
“Bite me,” you smirk, and shove the container of falafel, rice pilaf, labneh, and other tasty goodies toward him. “We both have terrible habits.”
He glances down at the container and pokes at it with interest. “Didn’t say we didn’t.” He points out. “But you took care of Helena, maybe you should take care of yourself.”
“As long as I’m in enough of one piece to get my work done, I’m fine.” You shrug, poking at the container of kafta, turnip pickles, and baba ghanoush in front of you. “Besides, I think we’ve established tonight that I could stand to lose a few pounds.”
“Don’t do that.” Javi huffs, picking up one of the round little balls and inspecting it. “There’s not a goddamn thing wrong with you and you know it.”
“I definitely do not know that, but I appreciate the vote of confidence.” The first bite of lamb is unctuous and warm with spices, but you lean on the table and frown. “I’d be the biggest liar in the world if I said I hadn’t heard it before.”
“Because people are fucking assholes.” He snorts again and shakes his head. “Are you happy with who you are?”
“Fuck no.” You snort at the absolute ridiculousness of that question and lean back in your seat. “Why? Are you?”
“I don’t know much about you, but I don’t have any problem with anything I’ve seen so far.” Javi shrugs slightly, a little surprised by the vehemence in your response when you see so self-assured. “You’ve got a nice ass.” He adds, as if that helps prove his case.
For a minute you just stare at him, bewildered, before a disbelieving laugh punches its way out of your throat. “I—what?”
He looks down at his plate again, stung by the laugh when he had thought he was being nice. “Okay.” He huffs, shoving a bite of food into his mouth. “Forget I said anything.”
"No, no, I mean—" You pinch your eyes shut and remind yourself not to snap back. To just be a fucking normal person for once in your life instead of always being on the defensive. "I'm surprised that you...I mean I thought you hated me. That's what I mean."
“You hated me.” Javi corrects. “I didn’t know you.” He remembers that one meeting in the street in front of the brothel and snorts. “Except we sleep with the same women.”
"I hated my assumptions." You're a big enough person to admit that, though it feels appropriately humbling. "Thankfully, they were mostly wrong."
“Mostly?” That amuses him in an ironic kind of way and he wonders what it is that you think you have gotten right.
“Mostly.” Though this does make you smirk slightly. The amusement is so deep-seated you can’t help it. “I was not wrong about every woman you speak to falling at your feet.”
“Shiiiiiiit.” Javi snorts and shakes his head with a sardonic smile on his face. “That’s damned sure not the truth.”
“Name one,” you counter, knowing he’ll struggle. “And the ambassador doesn’t count.”
He lifts a brow. “You.” He says bluntly. “Damn sure woulda remembered you falling at my feet.” He takes another bit of the rice and reaches for a lamb kafta.
“I did.” You fidget slightly in your chair with the uncomfortable realization that he didn’t notice you at first. Not that he should have. But knowing that he is your soulmate makes it sting now. “The first time I saw you…at the embassy. I was with one of the secretaries and she…she told me about you.”
“You wore a pink shirt,” Javi hums. “Three inch heels that made your ass bubble up under a pencil skirt.” He had thought about it, thought hard on it and remembered seeing you around the embassy in passing. Although you always seemed to skitter away from him rather than come towards him.
“Because you were wrong about me not seeing you.” Javi has a wandering eye, he won’t deny that. If there’s a woman around, he’s going to appreciate her beauty. “You just seemed to rush away any time you saw me.” You seem shocked that he is telling you this and he wonders if it’s because you think that you shouldn’t receive a lot of attention because you aren’t thin.
“I guess I’m just…used to not being noticed.” It’s a nasty feeling to admit it, but being more or less invisible has always given you an edge as a journalist. Let you observe and be absorbed by what is happening around you. Apparently that isn’t the case when it comes to Javier.
“I noticed.” He takes another bite of his food and notices that you haven’t eaten much so he motions to your plate. “Eat.” He orders softly. “Noticed you outside the brothel too. Wondered if you were a client or if you were going to become a working girl there.”
“My editor wouldn’t sign off on me going undercover,” you admit, picking up your fork again. “I almost did it anyway.”
Javi shakes his head. “You don’t want to do that.” He frowns and looks down at his food, thinking about Helena. “For good damn reason.”
“It took me a while to get my footing down here, that’s all.” He doesn’t seem to be a big fan of the falafel, so you switch plates with him and try to find your appetite again.
“Thanks.” He pokes at your plate and frowns. “You like that, right?” He asks, wanting to make sure you aren’t just switching to make him happy.
“I got both of our favorites…” It feels silly to admit, but here you are. “Figured it couldn’t hurt to try.”
“Did you try it?” He doesn’t wait for you to answer, just reaches down and picks up one of the skewers to put on your plate.
The striking difference in how he’s treating you now versus just a week ago is enough that you simply nod, thank him, and try to imagine what it would be like between you now if the unfounded anger — yours was unfounded, his was reactionary — had never existed. If you had met by accident. Spoken that day at the embassy, or any of the others since. If Alex had never been a part of your life. If you hadn’t fled your honest attraction because Colleen had advised you to stay away from the skirt-chasing agent.
The silence settles between the two of you. It’s not uncomfortable, but it’s anticipatory. As if waiting for one of you to break and ask a question, any question. He takes another bite, happy when you start to eat again. Keeping an eye on you as he starts to devour his own plate. He’s got a lot of experience waiting for a suspect to talk, understanding the value of silence and how it affects some people.
To say that you have questions would be somewhat of an understatement, but what’s overshadowing it is that you don’t even know where to begin. When your whole consciousness is wrapped up in trying to understand, how do you choose where to start? Some part of you seems to build up and build up, until what comes out of your mouth is finally: “So why is the elephant on your thigh?”
The question of you really being his soulmate is put to bed. He had thought that it might have been some kind of joke. The girls yanking both of your chains, but he doubts they told you about what kind of tattoo he had. They might have fucked with him, but they wouldn't share that. "Who sees my thigh?" He asks, chuckling quietly. "I can't have visible tattoos, it's too dangerous."
“Sure, but…” It came out more bluntly than you meant it to, you know that. It’s just so hard to try to imagine how you and Javier are meant to knit together so perfectly that the universe made you soulmates. “That was blunt. I’m sorry. It just surprised me when it appeared. It’s the last place I ever would have thought to put a tattoo.”
"It's a spot I...." He struggles with how to explain it. He sighs softly. "It's the last place my mother touched me." He admits after a moment. "She was surprisingly alert, reaching over and grabbing my thigh." He looks down at his food and remembers how his frail and perpetually exhausted mother had suddenly had a burst of strength. "It's— that spot is where her thumb was. Elephants were her favorite animal. It made sense when I was drunk."
“It makes perfect sense,” you assure him, voice dropping in shame over having asked so bluntly. You really do just spit things out sometimes. “I’m sorry about your mother. It sounds like you were close.”
He wonders why you sound upset, but he nods. “Thanks. She was amazing.” He glances up at you again. “What about yours?” He asks. “Any special meaning?”
Because you had just taken a bite you have to wait long enough to chew, but eventually you motion to your right foot, where your one small tattoo sits on the outside of your ankle. "The anchor? Yeah, it's...it's on our state flag." He raises one eyebrow slightly, so you explain. "Rhode Island. We have an anchor on the flag and the state motto – hope – underneath. I got it so that no matter how far I traveled, I would always have a piece of home with me."
You're nostalgic and sentimental. He can see the wistfulness in your eyes as talk about home because that's apparently what it is to you. "Makes sense." He chuckles. "I thought maybe you had been in the Navy or something."
"One of my brothers joined up, but that's the closest I'll ever get." His laugh, though small, is infectious, and you end up joining him in it. The warm sound shared between you is almost a hug. "I love boats, but not rules."
"Yeah." He grunts, reminded of his own disciplinary action because of breaking some rules. He sometimes gets annoyed at all the red tape and he's not above doing dirty deeds to make sure the bad guy doesn't win. "I get that."
"Is there..." You shift in your seat, feeling acutely aware of yourself. “Anything you want to know about me?”
Javi is fantastic at flirting. Amazing at charming women and getting in their pants. This is much more important than those simple tasks. "Why journalism?" He asks, looking into your eyes and wondering why a reporter from Rhode Island was here in Colombia, if not to somehow run into him.
"People deserve to have their stories told." It's why you specifically tell human interest stories. Why, as a reporter, you have focused on sharing the words of people who otherwise might not be heard. "Helping people understand each other is something that newsprint can still do really effectively."
“Your stories are really compassionate.” He agrees, looking back down at his plate and realizing he’s almost done.
Surprise overtakes your face again. "You've...read my stuff?"
He looks back up at you, frowning slightly at the surprise. “Why wouldn’t I?” He asks. “You’re my soulmate.” It seems simple to him, he considered it research and at the time, he wanted to know why the fuck you seem like you thought you had some kind of moral upper hand.
"I guess," you swallow, embarrassed all over again. "I guess I've never really had high expectations for whatever relationship I might have with my soulmate. Nothing to do with you specifically. I just didn't hold out very high hopes."
That’s something Javi could relate to. He chuckles and shakes his head. “So we both weren’t looking forward to meet the ‘perfect match’ the universe chose for us, huh?”
"It doesn't sound like it." Another tick in the column of things that the girls had said you have in common. The irony certainly isn't lost on you. "But here we are."
“Soulmates were kind of ruined for me.” Javi figures you should at least know why he had been so unenthusiastic.
“How so?” Not all soulmate pairs are perfect. You know that. You’ve seen plenty of it in your own life. But it sounds like he has a very specific example of why he wasn’t looking forward to meeting his.
“I was engaged.” Javi figures you deserved to know. “Hell, I stood her up, didn’t go to the church.” He huffs slightly. “You ever meet someone and you’re told that they are perfect for you – they are what you are supposed to want – but there’s just something you can’t put your finger on?”
“Yeah,” you huff slightly, acknowledging your own memory even as you nod. “She lied to you about being your soulmate?”
“Yeah.” He nods. “Told me that she was pregnant too, doubling down on the pressure for me to tie the knot.” He had felt sick and trapped, hating how he was being dragged along to this elaborate wedding that was supposed to be the talk of the town. It was, but not for the reasons Lorraine’s family had hoped for.
“Shit.” That takes some serious balls to go into, with lies that big, and you’re instantly furious with this woman for being so selfish.
“I got drunk and got the tattoo the night before the wedding.” He explains. “I was already upset my mother couldn’t be there, so the tattoo was a way to keep her with me.” He picks up his glass and takes a sip. “That morning— shit it was probably four-thirty? I was hungover and needed to talk to her. Figured I could get around that old wives’ tale about it being bad luck to see the bride of the sun wasn’t up yet.” He laughs at himself. “She was wearing’ these little red shorts. Tiny things that she honestly would have been better just not wearing anything to bed. But she didn’t have a tattoo.”
“Hell of a way to find out.” Instinctively, you reach across the table. Fingertips find fingertips and even though you only touch him for a second you try to offer some small comfort. “I’m so sorry. She sounds horribly selfish.”
Javi looks down at his hand and yours still just within reach. “I didn’t even confront her.” He admits. “Couldn’t think. Just left and went through the motions of getting ready to get married to a woman who had lied to me, who had manipulated me.” He shakes his head. “When we were driving to the church….I just drove by and kept going.”
“I can’t lie,” you swallow a laugh, not wanting to seem insensitive. “I would have made a scene. That bitch’s dirty deeds would have been smeared all over town.”
“It came out. But she was more humiliated, standing there waiting for me to show up when everyone was at the church.” He shrugs. “But if that hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t be in the DEA.”
“You would have stayed home instead of joining?” It’s only in this moment that you realize you don’t even know where he’s from.
“I was a Webb County Sheriff’s deputy.” He tells you. “I took the job after college so I could take care of my mama. Lorraine wanted me to quit and go work for her dad, and I didn’t want to do that, but she probably would have gotten her way if we got married.”
“Webb County…” Running through the Rolodex of relatively trivial information in your head, it takes you a few seconds before you place the department but then your head pops up like you’ve won a prize. “You’re from Texas.”
“Laredo.” He confirms and he’s curious how you know that. “Although I don’t think that Texas has the only Webb county.”
“I’m sure they don’t.” You can agree to that right away. “But if I combine the fact that you specifically were a sheriff’s deputy it narrows down the number of states you could be from, and then cross-referenced with what’s left of your accent and the fact that there more than ten DEA field offices in Texas, including one in Webb County? It…it narrows it down.” Revealing how your mind skips around to make connections and your weirdly encyclopedic knowledge of certain aspects of government organization makes you fluster at the table and look away, assuming that he’ll find it uncomfortable or off putting like so many others do. It’s useful for your work to be able to do this sort of thing, but people tend to find it odd.
He tilts his head and studies you for a moment, impressed by the way that you filtered through the pieces of information to come to your – correct – answer. “Huh.” He muses. “Maybe I should come to you with information rather than the fucking CIA.”
“Journalism is also a way to utilize all the weird factoids in my head,” you admit, quietly pleased that he doesn’t immediately think you’re some freak of nature for the way your mind makes connections.
“It’s fighting through the bullshit useless information to put the pieces together that you need.” He nods. “You’re analytical, but compassionate. I can see that in your writing. You don’t twist the facts to your own personal bias.”
“My opinion has no place in the writing. If I wanted to do that I’d be writing OpEds or I could have stayed in the gossip columns where they wanted to keep me.” With both of your dinners finished, you nudge the empty container away and take your whiskey glass back in hand. Not necessarily to drink it, but for the comfort of holding it. “I’m sorry we didn’t talk like this weeks ago.”
“You didn’t like me.” He shrugs. “I don’t know if I would have liked me either, under the circumstances.” He snorts. “Hell, I barely like myself now.”
“I understand that feeling very well.” Your shrug matches his. “Maybe we’re every bit as alike as the girls said after all.”
“Look.” Javi leans back and searches his jeans pockets for his pack of cigarettes. “I’m not going to tell you we need to be together or whatever.” He pulls out the half-crushed pack and takes one, offering the pack to you. “You didn’t come down here to find love and I sure as hell didn’t.”
"But?" You prompt, hearing the word in his tone and accepting a cigarette gratefully. You always crave a smoke after a meal and it's nice to not have to explain that to the person you're eating with.
“But….” He takes a long drag off the cigarette and blows it out towards the ceiling. “It’s dangerous here for anyone going after Pablo.” He warns, glancing back at you. “There’s a bounty on my head.”
"It would be easy enough for anyone to think I'm going after him, too. My articles are about how Escobar is destroying the country and the people that he alleges he's fighting for." Sitting back in your seat, you take a matching drag of your own cigarette and exhale the smoke slowly afterward. "I'm not going to back off, if that's what you're implying."
“Didn’t think you would.” He admits. If the girls think you two are alike, then you would have a stubborn streak as wide as the Rio Grande.
"Alright." Trying not to sound as frustrated as you temporarily feel, you bring your head down and look forward at him again. "So I'm not going anywhere, and we've established that neither of us came here looking for some world-changing love story. Does that leave us as acquaintances? Friends? People who occasionally pass each other in the halls of the embassy and happen to share marks?"
“I don’t have those answers.” He admits, flicking the ashes into the empty take out container. “What’s your gut feeling?”
Without meaning to, you half-laugh and take another drag from your cigarette. "That we're both too stubborn," you admit on the exhale. "So we shouldn't decide anything, and just let life fall into place however it's going to."
He smirks slightly and tilts his head in acknowledgement. It’s a relief that you are on the same page he is. It makes the nagging guilt he’s had for wanting to see Vanessa and Freckles, subsequently why he’s stayed away, disappear. “So we sit on it.”
"Sit on it." There is a twist in your gut that is both guilt and relief. Not making it out to be more than just a fact of your lives is a relief, but the guilt that you maybe should hangs heavily on your shoulders. "Not bury it, and not shout about it. Just let it exist."
He lifts the rest of his drink in a salute before he tips it back. Swallowing it in one go and wondering why it doesn’t feel as good as it should.
Spending the night in the same guest room that you spent a week in while you were caring for Helena doesn't feel as odd as it could, but the intensity of knowing that your soulmate is sleeping right down the hall has you lying awake staring at the ceiling for more hours in the night than you would like to admit. It isn't until Chi-Chi leaves the doorway to climb into bed beside you that you find any sleep at all, but at least you can clock a few hours before sunrise starts to wake the block.
Javi rarely sleeps past five in the morning. Too acclimated to years on the ranch, needing to get up before school to feed livestock, clean out stalls or whatever his pop might need help with. Now it’s his body craving that cigarette he smokes as he takes that first, glorious piss of the day and then shuffles into the shower. Once he’s out, he realizes that he doesn’t have anything to do today, and it makes him ill, knowing he should already be raring to go to the scene – if he had even come home the night before. Now, he decides that maybe you’d might like some breakfast and he slips out of the apartment to run down to the market for some fresh fruits and see if Señora Rodriguez is selling those little pastries that he sometimes grabs.
Showering seems superfluous since you only have the same clothes to put on again afterward, but you go into the second bathroom you're accustomed to using to wash your face and wish you had your toothbrush. It's futile, but Javier was kind to let you stay last night when he didn't strictly have to. You'll go home and get out of his hair today if you can. The comfort lying low in your belly is knowing that the next time you run into him in the halls of the embassy, neither of you will flee or fight. For now all you can do is wander out to the kitchen, following the smell of coffee and cigarettes.
There are files spread on the kitchen table, a half-drunk cup of coffee and cigarette burning in the ashtray. He had waited to tear into the bag of pastries and fruit until you woke up and he’s proud of himself for that. He had even left a second coffee cup out for you to pour yourself a cup. “Morning.” He murmurs, still reading a CentraSpy report from two days ago.
"Morning." During the week of staying here you had paid attention only to Helena, and mostly hadn't even been speaking to Javier. So this sight is something of a surprise as you move to the coffee maker to pour yourself a cup. "You're an early riser."
“Raised on a ranch.” He glances up at you, watching your ass for a moment and trying to ignore the tug of lust in his belly before looking back down at the page. You didn’t want to hop into bed with him and he shouldn’t complicate things. “Mama would make you miss breakfast before you missed the bus for school.” He chuckles. “And your chores had better be done or you would get an earful when you got home.”
Small town. Texas. Sheriff's deputy. Ranch kid. The puzzle pieces of Javier Peña drop into place one by one. "Do you ever miss it?" You ask, bringing your coffee over to the table after you've fixed it. You don't mind sitting with your mug in your lap so he can keep his papers spread out everywhere. It's his space, after all.
He snorts. “If you had asked me that two years ago, I would have told you ‘fuck no’ so fast it would have knocked you over.” He reaches for his cup and sits back. “Now? It’s not as boring as I remember. Or maybe I’m just tired of the excitement of getting shot at here.”
"That's...fair, honestly." One half-glance at the papers around him tells you they're all about work, and you would be lying if you expressed any surprise at all. You're the same way. Always working, always composing in your head and stamping headlines on your life as you go about your day. "I bet even being a deputy would be a hell of a lot quieter than what you're doing now."
“Telling Mr. Johnson he can’t ride his fucking lawnmower to the liquor store. Cock blocking on the little lot where couples like to go to fuck.” He smirks. “Telling Mrs. Taylor that her husband was not abducted by aliens, he’s just a fucking prick. It was fucking cake.”
"Sounds like a retirement job." Not that you've really ever known anyone who retired. But it sounds like something that people say when they aren't raised scraping by every meal of every day. You're lucky as hell to be where you are now, and you know it.
“Yeah.” It was too boring for him at the time. That desire to do good and get the fuck out of town and away from the mess he caused with Lorraine, the DEA had come knocking and he couldn’t pack his bags fast enough.
"Maybe one day," you offer, going back to sipping your coffee.
"Maybe." He doubts it but he doesn't say that this job is dangerous enough that he will count his lucky stars if he gets out of Colombia alive.
"My Mom always says that if you don't think about what comes next, you'll give up on what's here right now." But he didn't ask for your family advice and you're not going to push it on him, so you offer him a small smile and reach for your first cigarette of the day. "Are you a breakfast person?"
"Been waiting on you." He nods towards the kitchen counter. "Picked those up this morning."
“You didn’t have to wait.” It’s sweet that he did, in a way that makes your chest tighten and think things you have to banish from your mind immediately, so instead you pop up from your chair and grab the bag to bring over to the table.
"Be rude to eat without you." He points out, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Is that that Southern hospitality I’ve heard so much about?” You set the bag down in the place he clears for it on the table and go back for two plates. Your cigarette is smoldering in the ashtray but you care less about that than whatever this morning patter is that the two of you have going. “We don’t have much of that where I’m from.”
"So why do you like it so much?" He asks, curious about your own history. "Where you're from."
“New Englanders are straightforward.” The bag has two arepas con huevos and two roscón — presumably one for each of you — and some assorted small cookies that are spiced and baked hard so they’re especially dunked in coffee. It’s a sweet gesture in more than one way, and you distribute the pastries evenly between you. “Everybody says what they mean, and sometimes they say shit things but then the same cranky ass old guys will turn around and give you the shirt off their back or the food off their table to help you.”
“You haven’t met many Texans, have you?” Javi snorts. “They are blunt, proud as fuck from being from Texas, but they also work together.” He shrugs. “Old man Sanchez had a heart attack in his field, crop of hay was going to go to ruin, so everyone met at his place and put up all the hay for winter for his herds while he was in the hospital.”
“Sounds like two groups cut from the same cloth.” Which is wholly a good thing in your book, and goes a big step to explain how you’re so similar coming from very different places. “You guys are the ranchers and we’re the fishermen.”
"Surf and turf." He chuckles slightly at his admittedly bad joke and shrugs. "We should open a restaurant."
“My father was a chef.” The morsel of information is offered up just like the food between you. “So it’s not a terrible idea.”
"Was?" He catches the phrasing and he wants to know more.
“He had a heart attack a couple a years ago.” Like you’re slipping into the memory, you stare at the pastry in your hand rather than at Javier. “Out on the fishing boat with my oldest brother. It was barely dawn and they had a haul to get in, so he ignored it. The second one he had, before dinner service that night, that’s what killed him.”
"I'm sorry." He really is. He knows how it squeezes your heart and doesn't let you breathe when you are swimming in grief so deep if feels like you are drowning. He sometimes thinks that it might have been because of his grief that he had ended up so lost in his relationship with Lorraine. He had been anchorless without his mother and she had swooped in and comforted him.
"Thank you." It means more coming from him because he knows exactly how much it hurts to lose a parent, giving you an odd and unwanted comradery in that way. "It's...pronounced. The things we have in common."
"Losing someone you love is shitty." He agrees.
"It does." You can agree to that wholeheartedly. So far these shared meals with Javier have been eye-opening, but not necessarily happy. The conversations tend to be more serious, which just might be the type of people you are. "I try not to let it overtake the other things, but it's not easy."
"Is that why you came to Colombia?" He asks, wondering if like him, you are running away. His own journey here had been a little longer, having to go through the academy and then his first post, but you are both here for a reason. "To escape?"
"Not consciously." Although now that he mentions it, there is a distinct possibility that that was an undercurrent in your decision making. "I fought for this assignment. My editor wanted somebody on the ground covering Escobar and I argued that every paper is reporting just on Escobar, but nobody is talking about the people in Colombia and how they're being affected by everything going on down here. How Escobar is ruining lives."
"It's a good angle" Javi shifts in his seat. "Some sing his praises, but they've never been touched by his violence."
"That was pretty much my point." And frankly, it's a comfort to know that it's coming across in your articles. "He might be doing good for some people on the surface here. Handing out money, claiming he's working for the people when he tries to run for office. But the fact is that he's hurting more than he's helping. And the hurt is spreading worldwide."
Javi snorts. "They don't fucking care though." He is bitter about that. "It's a fucking party favor to them. Something to experiment with and cut on a mirror in the big house that they are partying in. They don't see the fucking twelve-year-old overdosing on the street or the workers that have outlived their usefulness, rotting in the goddamn jungle."
"I know." You nod solemnly. "That's why I'm writing about it."
He watches you, his respect for you growing even more. After a moment, he nods. "Then it's a good thing you're here."
He wouldn't let you go back to your building alone. Something about wanting to make sure it was safe, but you couldn't really hear him over the blood pounding in your ears when he held open the door for you like some kind of fucking gentleman. Southern. You remind yourself, fully ready to reprimand your own stupidity into submission. It means nothing. It's just good manners.
But when he pulled up outside the club a half an hour later, you were suddenly very glad that he had insisted on coming with you. Chi-Chi growled low in the backseat, seeing so many men around the building, but you reached back and shushed her with some gentle pets that once again thanked her for somehow not spending all night making the same noise at Javier. The policemen outside were all busy and some of the club windows had been shot out, but all of it was taped off to prevent people from coming inside.
"Shit..." you murmur, sitting back in the passenger's seat as you slowly process the fact that you can't go home yet.
Javier frowns as he throws his Jeep into park. There's Steve, camera in his hands as he takes photos of a body laying outside the club. "Shit." He hisses, knowing there is no way he can poke around without being seen.
"Go around the block and park on the next street down," you tell him, annoyed that this day has taken an inconvenient turn. "I'll sneak in through the side door and grab some of my stuff. Enough to last me a few days at a hotel, at least." It was enough that you showed up at his place last night unannounced after having been there another week previous to that. You're not going to invade his space anymore.
He furrows his brow and shakes his head. "You don't have to stay in a hotel." He protests, not happy about you being in some hotel. Even if he's not got any right to tell you what to do. "Unless you'd rather have some space besides my guest room?"
"I don't mind your place." If you were being totally honest with him, not feeling isolated or alone is a lot better for you. Even with Inez in the next apartment over, living on your own had been lonely. "I just don't want to put you out."
"Because I spend so much time in my spare bedroom." He rolls his eyes at you sarcastically and frowns again. "Use it." He urges you. "You don't have to waste your money on a hotel." He shrugs, knowing that he sounds a little overprotective. "After all, it's because of my team that your apartment is now a crime scene."
"Why don't you and Chi-Chi stay in the car and I'll pack up some things quickly." If he's offering, you won't turn down a free place to stay. You'll do your part and keep the place clean so he barely recognizes you're even there except for putting a little food in his fridge now and then. "I guarantee my landlady is still with her son. I can drop our four-legged friend off to her later today."
"No." He shakes his head, knowing that someone could stop you from entering. Plus he can get a quick look to see if anyone important was taken out. "I'll come with you."
You raise one discerning eyebrow at him and motion to the backseat. "That means all three of us have to go in. You think you can sneak Scooby Doo's sister over here past all those cops?"
"Not going to sneak her in anywhere." Javi smirks and looks back at the dog. "She's going to go to work with me. Aren't ya, girl?"
For perhaps the first time in her life, Chi-Chi awoos softly for a man instead of for any of her usually preferred female companions.
"Well hell," you snort, shaking your head at both of them. "I guess that's a yes."
It takes a minute to get her out of the car and her leash unwound from her body. Then there are the two minutes that she has to sniff around the side door where she normally comes outside to pee and takes a squat while Javier smokes a cigarette.
It's ridiculous to watch, as the large and normally fearsome guard dog trots happily at Javier's side, but one intrusive thought breaks through the others and you snort under your breath in amusement as Chi-Chi indicates she's ready to go again. "I was right," you point out, smirking at Javier when you pull out your key to the building's back door. "All women really do roll over for you."
He rolls his eyes and huffs at you. Pursing his lips and murmuring a curse. "Shut up." He manages, although it's not exactly vehement. "Do you want me to come up with you?" He doubts anyone has ventured upstairs, but he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable.
"Might as well," you nod toward the stairs, letting the warmth of friendly teasing instead of annoyed barbs warm through you. "My living room has that good view of the front of the building and approaching street that you knew Alex was using."
"We were watching to club." Javier admits. "Saw the fucker there. The bartender giving him your note."
"I kind of figured." Climbing the stairs quickly, you reach your floor as quietly as you can and turn back to make sure you don't lose Javier on the stairs. "Otherwise how could you have actually gotten the note? It's not like the CIA and DEA cooperate. Even I know that."
He smirks, not at all embarrassed about stealing that fucker's note. "For a spook, he's shit at keeping track of things." He huffs.
"He was probably distracted." At your door, you scratch Chi-Chi's head and fit your key in the lock to shove it open. "I've been thinking about it ever since you pointed it out, and I think he went in with the intention of actually hitting on Inez."
"And he found you instead?" He asks, wondering what you saw in that schmuck. Granted he was tall, blonde, classically handsome. Everything he was not. Maybe your preference was completely different than the soulmate the universe gave you.
Pushing into your apartment, you shrug sheepishly and drop your purse on the table by the door to let him in behind you. "I was lonely," you admit, not feeling particularly proud about it.
"That happens." He knows that firsthand. He looks around the apartment curiously, eager to get an inside view of your life.
"I'll grab some clothes and stuff. Chi-Chi's allowed on my furniture, so she'll probably go sit on the couch if you let her off leash." He'll poke and prod. That's fine with you. It's what you would do if you were him – yet another similarity between you to note.
"Take your time." He moves over to the window and looks out, a little irritated that it was indeed a good fucking view. Pissed that he hadn't thought of that before Alex had.
You disappear into your room, glad that you had just done a big load of laundry after returning from Javier's place the first time and that you had neatly put everything away. It made it a hell of a lot easier to simply remove stacks of clothes from your dresser and pile them up in the one small suitcase you had arrived to Colombia with. After having been here for a little while you had accumulated a few more things, but most of them can just stay put. Your toiletries go into a bag to be packed away, and your work has its own tote bag. At least your typewriter was already packed up in its case. That saves you some time.
Your space is neat, not too many personal things, although he picks up a framed photo of what must be your family. “Nice looking family.” He murmurs to himself, the photo obviously taken before your father passed.
"My parents' thirtieth wedding anniversary," you tell him, knowing what photo he's looking at. "My Mom, my two older brothers, then me and my Dad. We're all dressed up because my aunt and uncle insisted on throwing them an anniversary party."
“It’s nice.” You look happy, beaming from the photo. “Soulmates?”
"Yeah." When you come out of your room, you're toting a full suitcase and heading for your work things on the coffee table. "They met at the beach. My Mom was out with her girlfriends one day when she was twenty and they started catcalling this group of guys down the other side of the sand." The memory of the story makes you crack a smile. "Reverse of the usual situation, but my mother isn't a shy woman. We used to go back to that beach every single summer. Usually three or four times a summer if we could manage it between everybody's work and sports and camp and everything else."
He laughs at the mental image and smirks. “Most men actually like it when a woman hits on them.” He agrees. “It’s nice to be chased every now and again.”
"Yeah..." It makes your cheeks burn to remember the times in your life you've attempted it – and how the one time it didn't go terribly wrong it was a CIA douchebag who didn't even reciprocate your interest in any real way. "I guess I just...never understood a lot of it. But my Mom is drop dead gorgeous even after three kids, so more power to her, I guess."
Javi studies the picture again. “Yeah, you look just like her.” He murmurs offhand.
“Except…not.” You wave one hand at yourself and shake your head, going back to stuffing your work things into their tote bag.
He frowns down at the picture sighs, not liking that you just wave off his compliment. But you aren’t really his problem to tackle. “I’m going to go downstairs.” He calls out.
“I’ll be down in a few.” Seeing that it’s flashing, you push the button on your answering machine to listen to your message while you get the last of your things squared away.
Javi reclips the leash and hurries down the stairs as Chi-Chi half drags him down. Chuckling to himself when the large dog growls softly at the crunch of glass under boots. "It's okay, girl." he soothes when he is standing by her in the small hallway that connects the apartments to the club.
“Hi mija.” The message is from your landlady, who sounds tired and shaken. “I am sorry for the short notice, but if you are listening to this you will know that the police have control of our building. We cannot return until they release it, and since you were kind enough to take Chi-Chi – thank you for your call otherwise I would have worried – mijita I am too old to be running that place anymore. I’m selling it, honey, I’m sorry. If you need help finding a new place to live, let me know. I will give you a wonderful reference. Call me at my son’s when you get this.”
“Fuck.” You groan out loud, looking around you and realizing that you need to pack up more than just a few days’ worth of things. It’s going to take you a hell of a lot more than a few minutes to get this all squared away, but there’s nothing you can do about that.
Almost a full half hour later you’re dragging things downstairs, including a plastic container of Chi-Chi’s food and treats, and a bag of her toys along with all your own stuff. “Bad news,” you tell Javier, when he looks at you with confusion.
"Are you moving in?" Javi half jokes, half wonders what the hell you had in the bags. It looks like a hell of a lot more than what you had brought when you were taking care of Helena.
“My landlady got spooked by the cops and all the agents crawling everywhere and she’s selling the building. I’m gonna have to find a new place.” It makes you wonder where the hell Inez is going to go since this place was her home and her work, but you’ll call her later to check in. After you call Señora Perrín about getting back this month’s rent since you haven’t even been in the place for more than a few days this month. “I’ll call her tonight about returning Chi-Chi to her and I’ll get out of your hair as soon as I can. I’m sure the last thing you want is roommates.”
It's a surprise, Javi sighing and looking around the area. "Shit." He hisses. "I'm sorry." He is. Feeling like this is also his fault. Maybe if he had been involved with the SearchBloc raid, there might have been less bloodshed.
“It’s not your fault.” He’s the last person you blame. After all, he wasn’t here last night. His partner might get a piece of your mind, though. “Guess I just became fodder for my own column.”
He snorts. "Another victim." He agrees. "This time because of us instead of Escobar." He doesn't tell you that you can just live with him. That would be too much. For both of you.
“We should get out of here.” It feels intrusive to be here now, but it feels intrusive to know you’re now going back to his apartment with no idea of when you’ll be able to leave. The whole thing is uncomfortable and grating and you don’t like not knowing what the next step is.
"Is that all you have?" He moves to take some of the bags from you, happy that he has a vehicle that can hold more than the little box car you drive. That thing is a rolling hazard.
“In this country?” You nod, reluctantly letting him take some things from your arms. “It was a furnished apartment, that’s why I took the place. This is all my shit, plus some things for Bogotá’s best guard doggy.”
"Okay." He nods and moves to the door, pushing outside to hold the door opened for you. "Then let’s get you back to the apartment so you can get settled."
“Javier, I—” He doesn’t question it. Doesn’t hem or haw. Doesn’t even hesitate. And suddenly your father’s favorite words of wisdom float to the top of your mind, about how your soulmate comes into your life when you need them most. You have no idea how true that is, Dad.
“Thank you,” you say finally, offering him a grateful smile.
Javi nods, always having a hard time accepting thanks and whistles for Chi-Chi to stop sniffing the side of the building when you walk out. "We'll stop at the market on the way home." He offers. "I know you'd rather have some food in the fridge."
“That will work.” Loading up the car together, you get Chi-Chi settled and give her a treat for being so good. Somewhere in the back of your mind you fear there is a strong possibility of her spending at least one more night with you so you would prefer her to be happy. Once everything is inside and you’re buckling your seatbelts, you turn to look at Javier again. “Give it some thought and let me know what you think a fair number for rent would be. Since I’m basically subletting your guest room now, until I find a new place.”
Javi grunts, knowing that he won't take money for you using his room. He's not that kind of person and he already pays well below market value for his apartment. Instead, he starts the Jeep and throws it into gear. He had managed to get an overall view of the scene, so he's happy. "You know what we need to get?"
“At the market? Yeah.” There are a good handful of meals you can make easily and well, and those ingredients aren’t hard to come by. But as the child of a career cook, you know your way around a kitchen. At least you can cook some decent meals for Javier as a thank you.
"Sorry I don't keep much there." He huffs. "Honestly, I'm not home much."
“Don’t worry about it. Youngest kid of a chef, remember?” That grateful smile still tugs at your lips. “I do about half my work at home and I’m a fair cook.”
He nods, not as upset about you staying as he ever imagined he would be. He had resisted living with Lorraine before the wedding and he's never actually had a roommate unless his parents counted, which they didn't. If he wanted to go see Freckles or Vanessa, he would just go to them, but maybe he would find another girl.
One that you hadn't also slept with.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
BFoW: @haileymorelikestupid @theorganasolo @missladym1981 @alexiamargot06
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apparently-artless · 6 months
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Spring Anime 2024 Watchlist
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen
Boku no Hero Academia Season 7
Kaiju No. 8
Kuroshitsuji: Kishuku Gakkou-hen
Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen
Wind Breaker
Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi
Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid Season 3
Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau
Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
Astro Note
Tadaima, Okaeri
Henjin no Salad Bowl
Tonari no Youkai-san
Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai
I will also check these out:
Boukyaku Battery
Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnouji
Kenka Dokugaku (Viral Hit)
Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai
Request will be open for these series and limited to:
Icons (indicate circular/square)
Character gifset per episode
Specific scenes in a certain episode (with/without dialogue)
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amevello-blue · 9 months
Things in Rise that Echo 2003 TMNT
Hi Ame here back on my bullshit-- getting right into it. I can't remember where or who said it, but one of the creators of Rise mentioned that 03 was their favorite iteration, and it really shows sometimes. Spoilers for 03 and Rise below ;)
The first thing that comes to mind is Shredder. "But Ame, 03 Shredder was a little alien guy-" NO I'M TALKIN ABOUT THE ORIGINAL SHREDDER. In 03, Ch'rell took on the mask of a well-known boogeyman at the time; the Shredder, who was a demon that had lived 1,000 years ago. Oroku Saki was a man who defeated the demon alongside the rest of the Ninja Tribunal, and after he defeated it, became possessed by it after falling prey to its promise of power.
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The most obvious I think are their markings. In 2003 they use 'chi' to give them mystic abilities. It's the act of becoming one with the world around you, but it also seems to work when you are connected to the people around you. Even the medallions over their chest mimic the Hamato symbol that glows on Rise's chest when activating their ninpo.
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Their markings even mimic each other (except for Raph, whose Rise version doesn't have any markings, which is a travesty). Leo has slash-like marks, Donnie has geometric marks, and Mikey's got a lot of circles!
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NOW OKAY THIS ONE'S A BIT OF A STRETCH, BUT-- Leo has made portals with his sword before! Specifically, he held one open with it.
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It's the little things <3
Like the ghost of dead Hamatos coming back to assist their rat sons in the final moments :)
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Some more small things! Raph and Donny's brains being rifled through! (Which also happens to 2012 Mikey)
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Raph's and Leo's shoulder! (Hard to get a good shot of Leo's, thanks 4kids) Ironically both happening at a moment where Leo has "failed" to protect his family.
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Rise Mikey being the "greatest mystic warrior" reminds me a lot of what is alluded to many times with 2003 Mikey; he's very good at what he does! He's a Battle Nexus Champion! He's the one who can channel chi the best! He could surpass Leo even in skill if he actually applied himself, but he doesn't. Because he just doesn't find it fun. But it's shown a little in the episode Same as it Never Was, where he's able to dispatch a whole group of guys with guns all on his own, including three armored cars and a HELICOPTER.
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Also making comparisons between 03 SAINW!Mike and Rise F!Leo losing their arms is kinda a stretch but I'll point it out anyway.
And speaking of the movie. My absolute FAVORITE thing to compare is the Krang of Rise to Sh'Okanabo of 2003's Fast Forward season. It's like they took all the concepts of Sh'Okanabo and made it BETTER. Everything was executed SO MUCH BETTER.
Gooey tentacle villain? Check
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Weirdly organic flesh ship? Check
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Alien invaders turning people into drone versions of their species? Check
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(Also side note about that one, I think it's hilarious that in 03 Raph's the only one who DOESN'T get Kanaboe'd but in Rise Raph is the only one who DOES get Krang'ed.)
Taking over structures with their goop? Check
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And finally. Small boy son that is a descendant of Casey Jones. Check :)
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strawburry01 · 5 months
Let's Dance
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Summary: Y/N and Angus at a frat party. Shenanigans ensue.
Word Count: 4k
MDNI because of directions this will go in the future.
Authors Note: This will probably start a wee series of college age Angus and Y/N having some classic college adventures. Also was really hard to figure out what fraternity I don't HATE based on irl experiences. DU is fine but on god fuck Delta Chi and fuck SNU. That's all <3 hope you enjoy. (also I said I'd get this out today and I still got 30 minutes to spare! go me)
Down the hall you heard your friend, Abby, shriek as another girl cackled at her misfortune. You simply shook your head at yourself and continued to try and get the perfect curl in your hair without burning it all off in the process. It was the second Friday of the Fall term which meant the honorable men of Delta Upsilon invited your, and many other, sororities to their house for their yearly toga party. It was how they properly introduced their newest men to everyone. You had found a pale yellow sheet in the bottom of your suitcase that you definitely hadn’t been saving just for this occasion, even since you heard about it last year. You weren’t one for attention, especially from fraternity brothers, but so what, you wanted to look good if you were going to look silly at the same time. 
“Y/N please you’ve been in there for an hour, let’s go,” Abby whined through the door following it with some demonic scraping from her nails. You laughed and set your curling iron down, deciding this would just have to be good enough. You opened the door to see her nearly tumble in after leaning on the door to wait for you.
“Oh come on it wasn’t that long,” you laughed as you gently pushed her arm. 
“You’re right it’s actually been five hours. For fucks sake all the cute boys will be gone by the time we get there!” she groaned, throwing her hand against her forehead dramatically. You scoffed and rolled your eyes as you walked into your room to grab your bag and coat. 
“They’re frat brothers, you aren’t missing out I promise,” you mutter as you throw your keys and lipgloss into your bag. You hesitate before admittedly throwing a condom into your bag, trying to do so out of view of Abby before she crucified you for just calling the boys unworthy. 
“But Jake was so nice to me during football season last week,” Abby continued as she flopped onto your bed.
“What were you wearing?” you asked, putting your arms carefully into your coat to try and avoid running your perfect knots keeping the sheet up and over you. 
“My cheerleading uniform but I hardly see how that’s relevant,” she answered, raising an eyebrow as she lifted her head. You zipped up your jacket and shrugged.
“ ‘M just saying there may have been some ulterior motives,”. She threw a pillow from your bed at you which you laughed at and dodged before it thunked to the floor. “Alright sleepyhead let’s go I hear we’re late,” you said as you turned out the door. She quickly jumped up and trailed close behind you. 
Abby was a year younger than you, it was her first year in college and you had been trying to keep a close, but not too close eye on her. There were certain mistakes everyone in college had to make once, just to learn how to be a human, but there were other ones you figured you could save her from. One of these being, frat boys. 
You two walked down the cold Boston suburban-esque street, her bouncing off the sidewalk beside you listing off everyone she’d gotten to know this week. You could only nod and laugh as you tried to figure out how she wasn’t freezing. It was a Friday night so you could hear music and shouts coming from several of the houses you passed, but it wasn’t until you got to Greek row it got real rambunctious. Even outside of the Sigma Tau Epsilon house, a large horde of white toga-ed folks were forming. Part of you just wanted to scurry back home and call it a night, but you knew once you were a few drinks in you’d warm up to the idea of socializing. It was just going to be a grin-and-bear-it situation until then. Before you could even track her down, Abby had started talking to a tall blonde guy who was certainly a fifth year. You grabbed her wrist and dragged her away from him. 
“At least talk to someone reasonable for your age,” you chided her. 
“Oh come on mom,” she whined, but happily followed you dragging her inside. Inside was thick with the waft of alcohol, cigarettes, weed, and BO. As expected of course. You dragged her inside and threw your bag into a safe looking corner and draped your coat over it. People didn’t usually take shit unless it looked valuable. 
“Okay- you ready for this?” you asked, turning to your bright-eyed and optimistic friend. She eagerly nodded. You couldn’t help but smile at her. You were in her shoes only a year ago. The two of you wander into the kitchen area to try and steal some drinks from the coolers before any of the boys could catch you. You tossed your friend a Coor’s and cracked open your own before weaving between the robed frat boys and girls to try and nudge your way to the basement where the music was thumping from. It was Marvin Gaye incredibly, and impressively loud.
You start to make your way down the stairs before you realized Abby wasn’t trailing behind you. Your head snapped back and found her somehow talking to the Jake boy. How she did that was beyond you, but you did have to admit Jake wasn’t terrible looking. At least if she was going to be infatuated he was going to be cute. Her hand touched his bicep as she laughed at his joke, making eye contact with you and shooting you a wink. Okay, she was fine. You raised your drink in silent cheers before continuing down the stairs. 
If upstairs was hot, the basement was hellish. You could feel the speakers in your bones as everyone stood dancing and gyrating around each other in the middle of the basement. Maybe it was good it was a toga party, less clothes to stink up the place. Most of the girls seemed to at least figure to wear a bra underneath. Others seemed to be a little less fortunate as they tried to cover themselves and retie their sheets. You find yourself pressed up to the side of the basement, enjoying the coolness of the wall, albeit fleeting. You nodded your head to the music as you sipped the beer. It wasn’t great, but it would get the job done to get your guard down a little. 
You nearly jump out of your skin as the new presence beside you scares the living shit out of you. Even though it was a crowded basement, someone standing specifically besides you really snapped you out of your wallflower state. You nearly spit out your beer but manage to keep it in as a last ditch at saving grace.
You’re glad you did as you look over to see who so rudely scared you. He was tall with a disheveled and sweaty mess of curly brown hair that stuck to his forehead and the side of his face. Precariously perched on top of the nest of hair was a wreath of (spray painted) gold laurels, an attempt to stick to the theme with the white bed sheet that hung off his lanky frame. He was looking down at you with a smirk plastered to the left corner of his face. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he laughed with a raspy-esque voice, no doubt from yelling over music. He didn’t look like the other frat boys you were so used to.
“ ‘S alright,” you say as you instinctively tuck some of your loose hair behind your ear as a nervous habit, looking up at him. He leaned against the wall and cocked his head to the side.
“What’s your name?” he asked. You felt your stomach flip again, cursing the fact that you were just so critical of Abby falling head over heels in a single conversation. It was something about him that wasn’t like other frat boys you’d met. He wasn’t groping you or slurring his words. He was startlingly present. He also looked like a pipe cleaner compared to the jocks that usually joined greek life. It intrigued you. 
“Y/N, what about you?” you answered, leaning forward on your heels a little. You could blame the noise. He nodded, and kept staring into your eyes, like he was analyzing everything about you.
“Angus,” he said, leaning his head forward a little. Definitely because of the noise. “Do we have Greco Literature together?” he asked, “ you look insanely familiar”. You felt your face heat up a little as you realized you totally did have class with him, and had just never noticed him.
“At 10:00am? With Dr. Moreland?” you asked as you copied him and leaned against the wall on your side now. He nodded, his eyes not leaving you.
“Really interesting stuff huh?” he said. You couldn’t tell if he was joking and you raised an eyebrow before he laughed. “I’m fucking with you, that man teaches with a stick up his ass,”. You chuckled as you took another sip of your drink before offering Angus some. He took a long swig before handing it back to you. 
“What the hell man you drank it all,” you fakely scoffed as you felt how light the can was now. He grinned mischievously,
“Don’t act like you didn’t steal that from here,” he said as he returned your raised eyebrow. You couldn’t help but bite the inside of your lip as he looked at you like that. Maybe you had a weakness for brown eyes.
“You DU’s are all the same,” you said, intrigued to see how he’d react. His face didn’t move an inch.
“Generalizations? Really? You seemed so smart for a sorority girl,” he remarked, pouting his lips. You opened your mouth to protest before realizing he was pulling your leg. You hit his arm instead.
“You’re just waiting for this all to become an orgy down here with all these bed sheets,” you said, leaning in again, looking up at Angus through your eyelashes.
“It’s not gonna be an orgy, it’s a toga party,” he said, drawing out the words, moving his head only to a few inches from yours, that fucking know it all smirk back on his face. “Yours looks nice though,” he added on, as he held some of the fabric between his long fingers. You tried not to overthink it. 
“Thank you. I came to last years and learned my lesson,” you said as you heard another scream from a poor girl losing their top. He laughed as he turned towards the scream.
“So you’re a sophomore huh?” he asked, turning his attention back to you.
“Don’t tell me you’re a freshman,” you said, faking that you were aghast at the idea. He rolled his eyes at your dramatics.
“Yeah, but only because my prep school wouldn’t let me graduate on time. I’m 20 next month,” he explained, obviously not wanting to get anything misunderstood. As long as he wasn’t 18 you’d be able to be at peace with yourself. He opened his mouth to add something before one of his frat brothers grabbed him and quickly whispered something in his ear, you awkwardly looked back to the mass of dancing limbs, trying not to notice Angus watching you as he listened to his friend. He firmly punched his friend in the side as he laughed off nearly tripping over his own feet, but not without leaving Angus with a bottle of Double Diamond which he somehow expertly struck against the wall to pop the cap off of. You kept how impressed you were on the inside as you watched him quickly try to consume all the beer before it foamed out the top. You tried not to watch his Adam’s apple bob as he somehow drank it all in one go. Was it weird if you said you were impressed and slightly turned on by it? 
The piano of Louie Louie distracted you. Angus gingerly set the bottle on the ground and grabbed your hand. 
“Dance with me?” he asked, cheeks rosy from chugging the beer. You couldn’t help but nod and smile as he pulled you into the crowd. Before you tumbled to the floor at the pull he placed a hand on your hip to steady you before quickly removing it. He mouthed the word sorry to you. God dammit could he try to be unlikable.
You laughed as you began to move your body in rhythm with the music, raising your arms above your head both for effect and also because there was simply no space. You felt Angus’s hands return to your hips as he moved in sync with you, but kept his distance away from you still. It only was until after the song and you draped your arms around the back of his neck and moved yourself closer so you were pressed up against each other. He looked down at you again with that smirk but it didn’t seem judgemental this time. 
“You dance with all the girls like this?” you said/shouted into his ears, on your toes to reach his ear. 
“Only the ones I like,” he said back into your ear, shivers running down your spine feeling his breath. You laughed and blushed as you tilted your head back so you were looking right up at him. You hand behind his neck ruffled his hair which admittedly did feel sweaty and sticky at this point, but you were over it.
“I like your hair,” you said-shout, still feeling confident and oddly optimistic about this one. He smiled and carefully wound the golden crown that was now flaking off gold specks, out of his hair and placed it gently on top of your head. He looked down at you like you were the only person in the basement and lifted his hand to hold your chin before making eye contact with you for a second. “Are you really a frat brother?” you asked/shouted, locking eyes with him. The familiar mischievous look was back in his eyes as he bit his bottom lip and shook his head no.
“Hope that’s not a dealbreaker,” he said with a flitting wink, leaning closer. You closed the space between you two and sloppily pushed your lips together. Angus’s hands moved to hold both sides of your face as you two continued to kiss in the middle of everything around you. You could taste the beer on his tongue and lips as you continued to push yourself closer against him, feeling him getting hard between you and the bedsheet. 
You pulled back for air and couldn’t help but sheepishly laugh as you laid your head on his chest. You felt his hands holding the middle and small of your back as he looked over the crowd, using his height. 
“Care to move this elsewhere Y/N, I think my secret’s getting out,” he said into your ear as he tightened his grip around your waist. You can only nod as he grabs your hand and slightly ducks as he tries to blend in with the rest of the crowd. You hold onto the crown with your other hand as you continue laughing, it only getting drowned out by the music. Angus throws a look over his shoulder before speeding his way up the stairs, taking two at a time which causes him to nearly drag you up the stairs as you can’t keep up. 
“Y/N?” Abby yells at you from the kitchen, now sitting on the counter with now a swarm of frat boys to her sides talking to her. They all turn to stare at you and Angus.
“Who the hell are you?” one of them yells at Angus as he starts to move. Without a moment wait Angus pulls you again out of the kitchen starting to pick up the pace.
“Get home safe Abby!” you shouted over your shoulder as you followed after Angus, his hand squeezing yours as he navigated the cramped hallway full of couples making out at this point. “I need my bag!” you shouted to Angus as you tried to move towards the living room. 
“For God’s sake woman,” he huffed as he looked back at you, letting your hand go so you could run to grab your stuff. Nearly stumbling into a pile of vomit you reach over and grab your coat and bag before rushing back to Angus who is anxiously checking for any peeved frat boys. You shuffle your coat on as he pushes you out the door hearing the kitchen erupt in, “where the fuck did he go?”. The lawn has substantially cleared out by now and the two of you hurry down the steps hand-in-hand again and pick up the pace again as you hear the door slam open.
“YOU’VE BOTH BEEN BLACKLISTED FROM DELTA UPSILON! DON’T EVEN THINK OF COMING BACK YOU LITTLE FREAK,” one of the frat boys yell to you two as you stand across the road on the other side of the street. Instinctively you chuckle again as you wrap your arms around Angus’s side as he places an arm over you and delivers a swift middle finger back to the house.
“Wouldn’t have even wanted to!” he shouted back, “oh fuck okay I think we should run now,” he quickly added as he saw more frat boys start forming in the doorway, once again grabbing your hand and quickly walking down the block to try and put some distance between you all. Once you’re about a block away he finally slows down and you’re able to keep pace with him. He drapes and arm around you and pulls you closer to him. You slide an arm around the back of his waist. 
“So what’s the truth? Is your name even Angus?” you asked, looking up at him. He snorted and glanced over at you.
“That’s the truth. The only thing that wasn’t the truth is me being in a fraternity. Seems stupid to me, but y’know-” he trailed off trying to think of the right word, “I can see some of the benefits,” he said as he pulled you a little closer. You sarcastically rolled your eyes, with a grin on your face. 
“You just snuck in?” you asked. That took some balls. He coolly shrugged and rolled his head back to look up at the unimpressive overcast night sky.
“Everyone knows about the toga party, all you have to do is dress the part and act like one of em’. Most of ‘em are too drunk to realize they don’t know you,” he explained, using his free hand to gesture into the air. He paused and turned you towards him in the middle of an empty road before pressing his lips against yours to which you hummed happily against his. 
“What was that for?” you asked once you two pulled back. He shrugged and looked back to the road, resuming his hold around your shoulder.
“Making sure you’re real,” he said, as if it was obvious. You could’ve melted right on the spot, but your legs were so tired at this point in your shoes you knew you would’ve never stood up. Your face heated up though as you leaned your head against the side of his chest.
“Do you know what way you’re walking?” you asked once you regained your senses. 
“No clue,” he admitted without breaking stride. 
“I’m in Tri Delta. Walk me back home,” you say to which he dutifully nods. The rest of the walk back to your sorority house consists mostly of you two talking about how terrible your class that you share is and how you promise to sit by each other to keep each other awake. The two of you leaning into each other, bed sheets still wrapped around in loosening knots. Eventually you both stop outside of your sorority house. Angus turns you so you’re facing him and places a hand on each of your shoulders.
“I can’t come in I suppose can I?” he asks. You shake your head no.
“No boys in the rooms,” you say. 
“Figures. It’s how you keep these looking so…nice,” he says, looking at your house.
“I also don’t just go sleeping around with anyone,” you add, pointing into his chest with your index finger. 
“But I’m not just anyone Y/N, we’re accomplices now, we’re wanted criminals, we’re-” he continues as he gently shakes your shoulders to prove his point, but you cut him off with a kiss before pulling back. He drops his hands and moves to put them in coat pockets he realizes he doesn’t have. He folds his arms instead. “Can I take you out for coffee on Monday? After class?” he asks, finally sounding genuine for the first time tonight, his voice finally sounding earnest. You scrunch up your face as you put a hand to your chin acting like you’re giving it immense thought. “Oh come on, that was a fun night, imagine what we can do when we aren’t in bed sheets,” he says to which you slap his arm at. “Not like that you perv oh my god I just mean-” he stammers over his words realizing his mistake.
“Angus, I’d love to,” you answer before the poor boy runs out of words. You quickly give him a kiss on his cheek before turning to go inside your house. Before you take another step he grabs your waist and spins you back into his lips as you throw your arms back behind his neck, deepening the kiss, feeling his tongue meet with yours.
“I can’t believe you’re just leaving me with that,” he grumbles as you step apart. 
“Hush you horn dog,” you say as you shoo him off, “I’ll see you Monday, get home safe,”. He stretches his arms above his head as he prepares for his walk back.
“Fineeee,” he dramatically sighs, “now get inside so I can leave,”. You chuckle and turn away to the door before waving as you step inside. He waves back and starts walking down the street as you close the door behind you. 
At least he wasn’t really a frat boy.
A/N : don’t worry, Jake walks Abby home and lets her wear his coat
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tatoda · 1 year
Truth or Dare || Chris Briney x fem!reader
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summary: you join chis on one of his interviews with the cast and one little detail calls you out
pairing: chris briney x fem!reader
warnings: none! fluff
wc: 300 (not sure)
just a small little thing hope you enjoy. not really edited so sorry
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You have always been off the grid as chris’ girlfriend. All your social medias was private other than the fact that chris now had millions of followers digging into your daily lives. You both met back in college in your english class and started off as friends for the 4 years and he finally had the courage to ask you out at graduation. Ever since, y’all have been inseparable. He would bring you up in any conversation, post you on his instagram, being you to set. He was the best person you have ever met.
With chris getting a huge role in the show The Summer I Turned Pretty, you knew people would try and get in between y’all’s relationship. Since the fans couldn’t reach you, they would comment things on chris’ instagram just for you. But it never crossed chris’ mind that he would ever lose you, he would always talk about you no matter what no matter where.
And now season 2 has been filmed and now the first few episodes have been released, it was time for the cast to film some promo videos and production boosts for the fans. Chris brought you along for the day so you sat backstage in almost every video just smiling at the cast but mostly your boyfriend. You watched as they went through the truths and dared having a dance battle to eating horseradish. It was now chris turn to go and he picked out a truth.
“kiss sean kaufman again.” you rolled your eyes playfully
“again.” sean said jokingly “guys who put that one again.” and the whole cast started talking over each other
“nah, it’s what it said.” chris shows the paper around but too fast for anyone to see “look at it. it’s what it said.”
“one day it’s actually going to say kiss sean.” lola said before chris cleared his throat and read the paper
“besides your phone, what is the one item in your house you couldn’t live without.” you knew the answer instantly it was Aquaphor it’s what he cared almost as much as he cared about you, you introduced it to him about a few years ago and he hasn’t stopped using it since
“aquaphor,” gavin said before anyone
“aquaphor.” chris reached into his coat jacket and pulled out the tiny bottle you bought him last week “i’m on it because of my girlfriend.” he glanced at you before looking at the bottle and opened it “it’s the best things that’s ever happened to me… um.. besides.. my girlfriend.” he guested towards you and your cheeks instantly filled with heat as the cast looked at you “her introducing me to aquaphor.” he rubbed some on his lips
“she’s blushing!” lola pointed towards you and you laughed messing with your rings on your finger out of nervousness and chris gave you an apologetic look knowing you don’t like a lot of attention
After the interview was over you went into the back room where the cast was and sat down before their next interview. You sat on the couch drinking a lemonade while the cast talked around you. Sometime you didn’t like being here, you felt out of place sometimes.
“hey girly.” lola sat down next to you. you and lola have became very close friends despite all the rumors saying you hated her for kissing your boyfriend when it was all acting for a tv show
“hey, you ready for the next interview?” you turned towards her slightly
“yeah but my bed is really calling my name right now.” she sighed taking a sip of her water
“chris has mixed feelings about the interviews, he never wants to say anything wrong he really gets into his head about it. plus these are your last interviews before the strike happens so.”
“yeah it honestly sucks that we have to do this but it’s worth it, it’s also stopping us from telling the fans about season 3 too. we can’t promote anything.”
“it will be worth it in the end.” you smiled at her and a body fell next to you, glancing to your side you saw chris sipping on water too “hey you.” he smiled tipping his head to kiss the side of your forehead
“tired.” he whispered
“we’ll go home soon enough.” you leaned into his side and he wrapped an arm around you
“sorry i mentioned you with the aquaphor, it’s just really important to me and you kinda slipped out.”
“shush, it’s okay i want people to know you love the product more than me.” you nudged him with your shoulder
“hey that’s not true!”
“sure sure, anyone on the cast can tell you otherwise baby.” he shook his head playfully at you and brought you in closer to him
He was lucky to have you by his side in this major point in his life. He would never choose anyone other than you to be with him right here right now.
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