#the cool dad in a leather jacket
bennidraws · 5 months
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a dog man. times six
(template under cut for those who wanna have fun with this!)
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dei-dolores · 1 year
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arthur-r · 1 year
hello world i am in my real bed for the first time in a week this is so strange
#i have been sleeping on a shiatsu table and it’s been like. fine. cause my regular mattress isn’t very comfortable anyway but there’s like#i mean. i have a closed door. this is cool and nice#say what you will about living with my dad but. i have a room. that’s nice#and my guitar is here and my record player and my inserts on the walls and my brown leather jacket and my st bernard pillow pet#i’m really liking what the apartment is becoming but. it’s good to be home. kind of#anyway i’m listening to this weird cool computer riot grrrl album that i can’t quite decide if i like#it definitely isn’t me. but it’s cool and i enjoy it. like that vocaloid creator loolin sent me pinnochio p!!#i definitely appreciate it at music. and i’m gonna listen through it. it just would create a different bluer version of myself#and i’m not interested in entertaining that possibility. so i’m gonna stay here shdhdf#there’s like a grey side of myself that i go into for like. normal riot grrrl. which i like#like i’m grey when i listen to dazey and the scouts and that’s fine by me. but when you add computers it’s blue#and i’m not interested in being blue. i like staying in a safe brown yellow midwest emo#or venturing in a different direction it can get more electronic while being orange. like hobo johnson or green day#and yes i understand the irony of green day being orange. shdhdf. let me live that’s just how it is#and so anyway. this is very much blue music and that makes me uncomfortable. but it’s pretty good and cool#(hunger for a way out by sweeping promises)#not sure how good of a descriptor computer riot grrrl is but that’s the emotions i’m getting of it so that’s why i’m calling it that shdhdf#anyway i’m pretty tired but i’ll be up for a while longer probably#idk. there’s no school tomorrow but there is the next day. but i’ll also be at home and there’s some sort of advantage there#more sleeping through the night so later bedtime? theoretically? less waking up from people upstairs#but anyway. i’m here and i’m listening to music and i’m in my bed. and that’s pretty cool#i’m around if anybody needs anything. but pretty tired so sleeping soon enough#me. my post. mine.#delete later#friends only
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phjlavtia · 1 year
one day i Will raid both my parents and grandparents closet some of the stuff they're hiding in there is too good to be collecting dust like that
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the-purple-possum · 7 months
I've decided that I know why voldemort didn't get a nose. Wormtail's hand was missing a finger, obviously the spell knew that the motivation behind him giving up the hand was flawed (he wanted a full hand with all five fingers), so presumably he missed out on the nose DLC.
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deconstructthesoup · 6 months
Okay, now that all of the Bad Kids have their new art out... I can finally freak out/gush over/analyze it, because I didn't have the energy to do posts for every single one.
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Fig!!! My girl!!! The mismatched shoelaces! The bass guitar from Gorthalax! The phoenix feather earring for Ayda! The fishnet! The classic leather jacket/gray band shirt/red pleated skirt combo! The fingerless gloves! THE CHAIN WALLET!
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KRISTEN IS BUTCH. Let me repeat that---KRISTEN! IS! BUTCH! And she's wearing the yellow jumpsuit that we saw in her figurine but she still has the purple in her backpack and her staff and her TIE-DIE SPORTS BRA! And she's got a new hairstyle! And a rainbow bracelet AND a lesbian bracelet! THE TEDDY BEAR! THE ICE CREAM SANDWICHES!
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RIZ HAS AN UNDERCUT AND GLASSES AND HE KEPT HIS TATTOOS!!!! We've got the briefcase! We've got the angelic weapons! We've got the sword of shadows! We've got GADGETS! WE EVEN HAVE ARO/ACE RINGS! He looks so cool and nifty and crafty and BADASS! My boy has grown!
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Gorgug. Oh my god, I can FEEL the "going into a worry" energy radiating from this. But he's got the axe! He's got artificer goggles and tools and a rucksack! He's FINALLY got the emo ripped jeans that he always deserved! He looks so sweet and huggable and perfect! AND HE HAS THE BIG HEADPHONES STILL!
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ADAINE. My god. I love this girl so much and her art is perfect. She has patches on her jacket! We can see the cool design on her shirt! She's got high-fantasy boots and belts and she's got her new arcane sword! BOGGY IS THERE! And she looks so lovely and cool and her hair, oh my god, her hair is perfect! I'm so proud of her!
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And lastly, the man, the myth, the LEGEND. Fabian looks perfect. Everything from the sword to the sheet to the expression to the tap shoes is spot-on. And his outfit? He's got harem pants! He's got a stylish shirt! He's got wraps around his hands! He's doing a dance move! Man-bun Fabian is now officially canon!
(Also, I'm never gonna shut up about how the Bad Kids are now all spellcasters, and almost all of them are different than how they were in freshman year because that's how growing up works! Fig's ditched College of Whispers as she learns to be truer to herself and has claimed the coolness of College of Lore, and she's got some warlock action to be closer to her dad! Kristen's a Twilight Domain cleric instead of the Life Domain, and I remember being so excited when that became official because that domain is so freaking cool! Riz is an Arcane Trickster, just! Like! Penny! Gorgug's an artificer as well as a barbarian, which is one of my favorite classes, and it looks like he's leaning even further into it! And we can't forget Fabian double-classing as a College of Swords bard! It's so beautiful! It's amazing! Maybe we'll get Adaine doing a martial multiclass to round out the "we're doing different things!" ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE!)
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mozzarella-stickz · 8 months
something about being abby's cool, girly babysitter (and eventually mike's gf hehe) is just so personal to me
idk just like imagine mike hires you, sheepishly telling you he can't really pay you yet, and you just smile and tell him not to worry. you can always pick up shifts at your dad's office if you need.
you show up your first day in low rise baggy jeans, a bedazzled tank top, leather jacket, and chunky sneakers. your nails are done in french tips, you have lip gloss slathered on your lips, and silver hoops dangling from your ears. abby is immediately drawn to how cool you look, and mike is lovestruck.
from then on you nearly become abby's big sister. she loves spending time with you. you'll take her for drives, playing 90s hip hop and britney and even some hole and alanis morrisette. sometimes when mike works late, he comes home to find you asleep on the couch, abby and you snuggled up, watching the end of a disney movie. it warms his heart. you also sometimes let abby try your sparkly lipgloss, but never letting her overdo it. you tell her she's too young for it, but you do give in and buy her a couple lip smackers tubes and roll-on flavored lipgloss.
mike loves how much you take care of abby, but feels guilty he can't pay you the way he should. you don't mind. you love hanging out with abby.
she does, however, feel slightly betrayed when she walks into mike's room in the morning, you asleep on his bed, asking why she wasn't invited to their slumber party and demanding they have one that night too.
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kennedysbaby · 28 days
Vendetta leon n' reader fluff where they go to a café after he fixes his bike - 🐰
sweet — leon kennedy.
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ugh i'm so weak for vendetta leon. and this is such a cute prompt, i gotchu. incredibly sorry for the month-ish long hiatus life has been on my ass. will start working on the other reqs asap. <3
wc: 1.3k
pairing: vendetta leon x fem! reader.
content: could be age gap, but doesn’t have to be. established relationship. very cute & fluffy. leon’s dad jokes. kisses. fangirling.
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"babe…you're still workin' on that thing?" 
the soft lull of your voice snaps leon out of his concentration, rising to his feet and turning around to face you, standing at the doorway, gently holding onto the frame. the wrench he'd been holding drops to the floor with a loud clatter. 
"she's not gonna fix herself," leon shrugs, wiping away the sweat that glimmered on his forehead with the back of his hand that was littered with oil.
the scent of motor oil and grease lingered heavily in the air, mingled with the faint smell of gasoline, the acrid aroma unwelcomingly invading your senses. tools were scattered across the floor—wrenches, screwdrivers, and a few special instruments you couldn't quite recognize. 
"aren't these given to you for free anyways? why bother?" you ask, stepping down the couple stairs to the garage. "you're so extra sometimes," you huff. 
leon rolls his eyes, watching as you pick up the engine he was tinkering with, examining the contraption curiously. "you see, sweetheart," he swipes the engine away from your hands, afraid you might mess something up accidentally, "this one's special to me." 
"whatever," you settle yourself onto the empty stool, lazily draping your arms over your thighs. "we're still on for this afternoon though, right?" 
it was a clear, sunny saturday morning—the weather was perfect and tulips were blooming, painting a picturesque scene outside. after being away for a long week on some taxing mission, leon had finally returned, straight into your embrace—he'd promised to take you out today, but here he was, still messing with his ducati. 
"sorry baby," his piercing eyes meet yours, a smug look etching onto leon's face. "change of plans. i'm takin' her out," he teases, patting the seat of his motorcycle. 
a flicker of annoyance flashes across your features. you scoff, rolling your eyes, "you're not funny, leon." you deadpan. if there was one thing leon absolutely adored—that wasn't you—it was awful dad jokes. deep down, you found them incredibly endearing, but you'd never admit that out loud. after all, was leon really leon if not for the terrible jokes?
he laughs lightly, shaking his head—a habit of his you'd picked up over the two years you'd been together. "don't get all pouty on me, doll," leon leans in to press a kiss onto your soft lips, "of course we are. just lemme finish this up and shower."
"okay, take your time," you slide off of the stool, your hands gliding over his arms to gently push him off of you, not wanting the grease on his hands to mistakenly dirty up your clothes. maybe it was deliberate, you think, he probably wanted you to take that shower with him—not that you were opposed to the idea.
the roar of his motorcycle's engine vibrates through your body as you clutch tightly onto leon's leather jacket, arms wrapped tightly around his waist as you hold on for dear life. this wasn't the first time you rode with leon, but it still served to be somewhat terrifying. the landscape around you blurs into a kaleidoscope of colors while the sun kisses your exposed skin. 
gusts of wind brushes past the two of you, whipping your hair and billowing your skirt. with every turn and bend, you leaned in sync with him, your face pressing against the cool leather. 
leon loved the way you clung onto him like this, a smirk creeping onto his lips as he felt your plush tits press up against his back when he'd make a sharp swerve. 
eventually, leon turns off of the highway, now only several minutes away from the café that you'd been wanting to try out for so long. he pulls into an empty parking spot, kicking the stand to set the bike in place to allow you to slide off easily. you take the helmet off, shaking your head to straighten out your hair. leon smiles, admiring the sight before him.
"c'mon pretty girl," his arm snakes around your waist, pulling you closer to him while you walked towards the café. an obligatory kiss is placed on the side of your forehead. leon was cute.
the small bell above the door chimed softly as the café door swung open, letting in a gentle breeze as you and leon stepped inside. the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries enveloped you, a sense of warmth washing over the pair.
it was quaint and inviting inside, with mismatched chairs and tables, each adorned with small vases of tulips or peonies. the walls were lined with bookshelves crammed with an eclectic mix of novels and magazines. a soft hum of conversation mixed with the sound of clinking cups and the whir of the espresso machine as a bowie record spun in the background.
"of course you'd pick a place like this," leon quips with an amused chuckle, his hand absentmindedly smoothing up and down your side. "what're you in the mood for, baby?"
"i'll be taking that as a compliment," a pretty smile adorns your lips as you mull over his question, wondering what you wanted to order. your eyes scan over the menu chalked above the counter, the barista also waiting to take your order. jeez, places like this truly brought out your indecisiveness.
after pondering for about a moment, you decide, "i think…i think i'll have a hot vanilla latte and one of those raspberry scones," your finger points to the glass display filled with treats. 
"always back to the basics, hm?" leon teases, looking down at your adoringly for a moment while pinching your stomach, before ordering himself, "i'll go with a black coffee and a blueberry danish." 
the barista—a teenage girl—nods, quickly jotting down both of your orders as she swung over to prepare your drinks effortlessly. when she thought the two of you had walked far enough, and out of earshot, she fawned over you with the other barista working there. "aren't they so perfect? ugh, that's all i want in life." she gushes woefully, yearning for something similar. 
truth be told, the two of you were quite a picturesque, swoonworthy couple. leon, with his ruggishly handsome looks and signature leather jacket, and you, with your pretty features and stylish outfits. a total juxtaposition to one another, yet still fit so seamlessly together. the comment drew out an amused scoff from leon and a light laugh from you.  
it wasn't long before the same barista brought your coffee and pastries, handing them to their respective owners. a sheepish, stupid smile played on her lips, "enjoy!" her eyes darted between both you and leon, admiring the two of you in your entirety.
you raise the ceramic mug to your lips, taking a nice swig of the your latte, savoring the sweet taste that trickled down your throat. "this is perfect," your tongue glides over your top lip, wiping away the foam mustache that had formed. a contented smile spread across your face, the sight alone causing leon to smile. you were cute.
"isn't it?" leon agrees, taking a bite out of his danish. unbeknownst to him, you quickly snap a picture of him, a sly look on your face. when he notices, his eyes narrow, "you delete that right now." his tone instantly firmed, but it was obvious he was only playing around.
"oh, no way in hell," you shake your head with a giggle, setting your phone down on the table, "this is going straight to claire and the others." 
"this is what i get for paying." he sighed sharply, shaking his head in disbelief. leon would get brutally mutilated by one of the b.o.w's he dealt with on the regular before ever making you pay on a date. 
sunlight poured in through the large glass windows, engulfing the café in an amber embrace, only adding to the already cozy atmosphere. you and leon sit there on that corner table for another hour or so, the two of you talking each other's ears off over tasty—and overpriced—coffee and pastries.
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frooogscream · 2 months
Every Con O’Neill character ticks at least three
•alcohol problem •manhandled by scary strong man (oh no😏) •shirtless scene •dad shaped (wholesome) •daddy shaped (sexual) •trauma •useless little worm •a homosexual •cool leather jacket •seductively smoking
…and then there’s Jim
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illmetkismet · 6 months
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hi hello i'm crying and thinking about Leon's cool guy cropped jacket in the og with the popped collar and slim fit and barely any lining vs. remake Leon looking like a kid in his dad's coat, this big bulky shapeless thing he's swimming in like it's keeping the world out, layer of shearling thick enough to stop bullets probably, and it's just hanging off him, the leather of the sleeves all wrinkled from wear.... this is truly..... how to express a tonal shift in the narrative thru character design..... on the left is a cool dude who showers daily and moisturizes, on the right is a little traumatized guy with sensory issues who hasn't eaten a vegetable in three days and just wants to go home. bravo.
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ultralightpoe · 6 months
Full House ll - Eddie Munson
Authors Note: Went from cute fluff to straight angst. Sorry?
Warnings: Domestic Violence (not Eddie and reader though), angst angst angst. A fight.
Word count: 10,009 (ohhhhhh boy)
Part l HERE
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(THANK YOU FOR THE GIF @feodor-dostoevsky)
(Warning. This chapter contains hints of domestic violence and if any of my readers are going through that you deserve better. I love you all, also Motley will be showing signs of abuse this chapter. It's a long chapter that I'm really nervous about and I really hope you guys like it <3)
Eddie had been in a pissy mood on Halloween morning of his second year as a senior, mostly because his friends that had graduated last year were all going out to awesome college parties and he was stuck redoing school. Embarrassed and alone. 
But he sucked it up, wearing his favorite leather jean combo as he walked into the halls of hell, keeping his head down while people passed by him in a flurry, excitement and laughter in the air. 
He had planned to just keep his head down and make it to class, no need to get into something with Harrington and his cronies. He had enough of their teasing and bullshit to get him by for the rest of the year. 
Normally it was fine since he had friends, but now he was alone. 
A body slamming into a locker pulls his attention to where someone in a rustic leather jacket was slamming one of the juniors into the wall of metal. The kid being assaulted was called Jeff, he was the only black kid in the grade and Eddie had seen him around a lot. The kid didn’t hang out with anyone and seemed lonely. 
The one slamming him was Billy Hargrove, a new kid that seemed to immediately become one of the cool ones. He spent most his classes not caring and any free time harassing everyone else. Eddie had his fair share of issues with him already. 
It would be a good idea to just walk away and let them handle this on their own, but Eddie could not do that. If there was one thing his dad taught him it was that he could take a punch and his Uncle Wayne always told him that you should always stand up for the weaker man. Even if Eddie wasn’t strong enough to beat Billy “steroids” Hargrove, he was strong enough to take a hit for someone else. 
A sigh falls through him as he makes his way over, tapping the shoulder of the assailant quickly, the second Billy has his eyes on him Eddie shoves him quickly. 
Billy reacts in an instant, hands clenching into his jacket, swinging Eddie around until it was his back being slammed into the lockers. A grunt passes his lips as he sends Jeff a quick look to escape while he can, the kid gives him a grateful smile as he snatches his backpack and dashes off. 
“If it isn’t the super senior!” Billy laughs bitterly, pulling Eddie forward and shoving him back into the lockers harshly. 
Don’t hit him. Don’t hit him. Don’t hit him. 
“What you doing here bud?! Trying to get your ass-“ Eddie loses some of his patience after the third hit into the lockers and hits Billy’s hands off of him, shoving him back enough that Billy nearly trips over his feet. 
Gasps fall from the crowd as Billy glares, staring wide eyed at him as he sneers. Eddie tries to play it cool, the anticipation of a fight howling beneath his skin as he preps himself. 
Before they can get into it Steve Harrington pops up, his back to Eddie as he watches Billy. “Not that I don't want to see how the freak handles business but the principal is on the way.” 
Billy casts one more glare, walking off quickly as Harrington turns to Eddie. 
“You stupid or some-“ 
“Yeah yeah. We get it Harrington. I’m a repeat senior.” Eddie snaps, rolling his shoulders to relieve some of the pain. “Why don’t you find a new joke?” 
“Sorry, I was just trying to make sure you were good.” Steve sighs, rubbing the back of his neck before moving to pick up what Eddie had dropped. 
“I don’t need help from you.” Eddie snaps, snatching the lunch box he had gotten from Uncle Wayne and walking off quickly. 
Eddie had spent the better part of that year dealing with Hargroves shit, the only thing that made him feel better was the fact that Steve Harrington seemed to be having his own issues with Billy. Then the summer between his second senior year and his third Billy Hargrove died. 
Eddie had avoided the pool that entire summer but he heard about it from Jeff the day the mall caught on fire. The next thing he knew Max was moving into the trailer near his and Wayne’s and everyone was bothering her and her mother about it all but they seemed like they didn’t want to talk about it. 
After he dealt with VECNA they all explained a little about what happened, and when El closed the gates and fixed the time warp she ended up bringing a couple people back. That’s how he came back. 
No one had seen Billy, so everyone assumed he didn’t come back. Even Barb had shown back up (though her memory was hazy on everything). 
Now, Billy Hargrove stood in the doorway of his home, catching Motley when she ran to him with an easy smile. “There’s my baby!” 
Eddie doesn’t know what to do, stuck between anger and shock, watching this play out before him as Ziggy grabs at his jaw. The little toddler leans to kiss his cheek, a wet open mouth kiss that normally makes Eddie laugh, but this time he just stands there. Waiting for the “just kidding!” Or someone to pinch him so he can wake up. 
“Sugar,” Billy starts, keeping Motley in his arms as he stares at Eddie. It takes him a moment to realize that when he says sugar he is talking to you. “Why is there a drug dealer holding my daughter?” 
“I can explain-“ you start, watching Eddie angrily set up the crib in your shared room, jaw tensed and eyes heavy with anger. “Eds please.” 
“You don’t need to explain.” He snaps, turning quickly. “No actually. You do. What the fuck?”
“I met him a couple years back. Okay? It was a one night stand from a bar, he was new in town and I ended up getting pregnant. After that he said he wanted to stay together because of the baby and I didn’t want to parent alone so I said yes-“ 
“So you’d rather have parented with a racist jackass then?” He laughs bitterly. You draw back, eyes wide as he does so before he sees you get defensive. 
“I didn’t know about any of that. Okay? He was sweet with me for the most part-“ 
“For the most part?” 
“He had moments of anger, sometimes I got hit. But he always made up for it. And then I got pregnant again and I thought I was happy and then….” You trail off then, shaking a bit. “I left for a reason.” 
“He hit you? More than once?” Eddie bites out, hands on his hips. 
“It was fine-“ 
“No no no. It wasn’t fine. But the fact that you’re saying it was fine and you say he made up for it means that you didn’t leave because he hit you, you left for another reason.” He sees you get nervous under his gaze and he knows he’s figuring out. Anger coursed through him at the fact that Billy had ever laid a hand on you in the first place but it’s beginning to reach tenfold when he puts the pieces together. “He hit Motley?” 
“You were okay with him hitting you, which makes me upset that you thought you deserved that, but the second he hit Motley you ran.” He fills in the blanks, watching as you crumble before his eyes with tears falling freely. 
“Ohmygod-“ you sob, covering your eyes. 
“And that’s why you’re so weird around Max because when you came out here you recognized her, right? And when we all shared the truth of what happened you recognized Billy in it? And you didn’t say anything because-“ 
“What was I supposed to say Eddie?! That I was dumb enough to fall for it?! That I slept with a racist abusive asshole one night drunk and then agreed to let him move in with me because I was scared even though I knew nothing about him?!” You snap, tears streaming down your face. “You guys would have thought the worst of me. You guys are going to think the worst of me- maybe I should just grab the girls and go get a hotel-“
“Hey hey hey.” He eases, reaching for you as you stand up to leave. His hands find your hips and he pulls you in for a hug. “No. I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry-“ 
“I’m sorry. I’m over reacting and being a pain in the ass because I’m surprised is all.” He mumbles, kissing your head and keeping his nose pressed into your hair. “You are very brave for leaving him, yeah? And I’m so sorry that you had to go through that, you’re not stupid you were just played. You always think the best of people and you are so fucking brave for getting the girls out of there.” 
He lets you sob into his chest for a minute, rubbing your back in comfort as he holds you to him tightly. 
Eddie was gonna figure this out. He was gonna find a way to get Billy Hargrove out of his life for good. 
The morning was always filled with excitement, mostly on Motley's part. She loved getting ready for the day, for all the things she would do. She loved talking yours and Eddie’s ear off about the plans for the day. Then she would be crankier when she got home and she knew it was time for bed, but Eddie loved her in the mornings because he loved seeing her excitement. 
He wore his glasses in the morning, while he helped get them ready for the day since you both liked to tag team the morning and get the process done faster. This morning was his turn for Motley, who currently sat at the table blabbering on about how she was excited for secret santa while Eddie sat at the stove watching the pancakes bubble. 
“-and I keep thinking what if Vinny gets me? He will probably get me the dumbest thing ever and I would be so upset. But what if Troy gets me, oh I hope Troy gets my name- Daddy are you listening?” 
“I’m listening, pretty girl.” He smiles, looking over her shoulder where she sat coloring. “You hope Troy gets you. Cause you have a big ole crush on him.” 
“DO NOT!” She yells which makes him laugh and turn back to the pancakes. Before he knows it he feels a pair of arms wrap around him, with you kissing along his exposed back slowly while ge fights off the blush. 
“You cooking bacon without a shirt, handsome?” You smile and he tries not to laugh. 
“I can’t feel half the skin on my stomach anyways.” The scars made sure of that. “You want a piece of bacon?” 
“I’ll wait to eat with you and the girls. Did we get any yogurt on our last trip to the store?” You ask, moving to the fridge to check. Eddie takes a moment to admire you before looking to where Ziggy sits in her high chair, playing with a piece of paper that Motley gave her. 
“Morning metal head.” He coos, walking forward to kiss her head. She giggles and claps before Motley follows what Eddie did, kissing her sisters head. 
“Come here Daddy.” She smiles, and he bends down to let her kiss his forehead which makes her laugh. 
He sets them both up with plates, eating breakfast quickly before rushing to get a shirt on as you bring them both to the door to get them in shoes. When he gets back he finds Motley with her arms crossed and shaking her head. 
“What’s going on?” 
“She found out Steve is taking her to school.” You sigh, trying to grab her foot. 
“I want Papa to take me. He said he wanted to!” She snaps and Eddie watches you tense up, choosing to intervene here. 
“I got this, go grab her bag.” He smiles, switching spots with you. “Alright. No playing around. Metalheads put their shoes on when told.” 
“But daddy-“ 
“Ah.” He holds up a finger and she sighs before grabbing the left shoe and moving to put it on her right. “Wait. This is a good time to teach you left from right.” 
“I’ve got time.” She smiles , watching him. 
“Alright. This is left,” he holds out his left hand, the metal bracelet he always wears drawing Ziggys attention as she waddles closer. 
Motley holds out her right hand, repeating “left.” 
“No. That’s right.” 
“I’m right?” 
“No. That hand is right.” 
“Yeah daddy. I know I’m right.” She scoffs, staring at him like he’s insane. 
“No pretty girl. You’re opposite of me, like a mirror. So if this is my left hand you’re left hand would be….” He picks up her left hand, wiggling it a bit. 
“Oh. So this would be my right hand.” She mumbles, shaking her right hand. 
“Exactly. So if this is your left shoe it would go on…..” 
“MY LEFT FOOT!” She yells excitedly which makes him smile. 
“You got it! You rockstar!” He helps her tie it, letting her rest her foot on his thigh before switching the feet and tying the next shoe. 
“We ready to go?” You ask, coming around the corner and smiling. 
“Daddy taught me my left from right, Mommy!” She giggles, rushing to get her bag and holding your hand as you lead her out of the house with Eddie close behind, Ziggy in his arms trying to reach for the bandana on his head. 
“Hey Uncle Steve,” she calls, running up to him to hug him. “I know my left from right!” 
“You’re a genius kid!” He smiles. You pull her attention, kissing her forehead before kissing Steve’s cheek. Eddie follows, kissing Motley then snatching Steve and kissing his cheek which makes everyone laugh. Ziggy coos the second she sees Steve and he instantly makes grabby hands at her. 
“There she is, my pretty little angel.” He coos, bouncing her up and down as Motley climbs in his car between his two sons. Vinny glares while Jackson waves his grubby little hands. The kid was four and thought the best thing to eat was a crayon. 
“You know what gender the baby is yet?” You ask, watching Steve with Ziggy. 
“No. But Nancy is sure it’s another boy.” He sighs out. “And she wants to name one after her brother.” 
“Do we need another Mike?” Eddie laughs which makes Steve laugh as well. 
“That’s what I said!”
“Alright, I have to head off. Drop Ziggy off at daycare before work. Have a wonderful day boys.” You smile, grabbing Ziggy from Steve who sighs in disappointment, before kissing Eddie and heading off to your car. 
Steve turns to Eddie, a raised brow, he opens his mouth to start asking but Eddie holds up a hand. “Nuh uh. We don’t talk about within hearing age of Motley.”
“Why’s that?” Steve asks, squinting. “She get upset?”
“The opposite.”
“But the guys a massive dick!”
“And that’s her dad.”
“You’re her dad.”
“No, I’m the step dad.” Eddie sighs, something clenching in his gut. “I gotta get going. Thanks for dropping Motty off.”
The thought that he was just the step dad stuck, it clung to him like a second skin, sticking like a shadow over the sun. He thought about it while he tucked the girls in, and when he woke them up. He worried over the thought of Billy fighting for custody and turning the girls against Eddie. 
He was just the step-dad. 
This is what he was thinking about as he changed the oil on one of the cars in the shop, a frown stuck to his face as music played in the background. It was Dylans, the other repairman that worked today, turn for the stereo and he was playing all the rock hits. Which included ‘rock you like a hurricane.’
And all Eddie could imagine was his girls having a dance party but instead of him being there it was Billy. Billy dancing with them to all the music and-
“HI DADDY!” Motley shouts, making Eddie gasp in shock, whipping his head to find her on all fours so she could see him under the car. 
“Hi pretty girl.” He smiles, using the cart to roll out from under the car and sit up, whipping the bandana off his hair as she whirls around the car to attack him, roaring like a tiger as she jumps on him. “What are you doing here?”
“School let out early today, they have their christmas party tomorrow and then winter break.” You explain, walking around the car with Ziggy on your hip, still wearing the cute diner uniform. “Motley wanted to come grab you for lunch.”
“Oh yeah?” He smiles, laughing when she slips a bit and he has to catch her before she hits the floor. “Where do you wanna go?”
“Pizza?!” He acts shocked, eyes wide as she begins laughing. “Well I don’t know about that…. I don’t really know if I like pizza.”
“You LOVE pizza.” She scoffs, jumping up and dashing to the radio to turn it down. “Does Dylan want pizza?”
“Why thank you for asking little lady.” Dylan smiles, wiping his hands on his suit. “I love pizza.”
“Hear that daddy? We have to go get pizza for Dylan.” Motley sasses, coming back over to snatch Eddie’s bigger hand between her own. “Get uppppp!”
She groans as she tries to lift him, and Eddie picks himself up so she thinks she was able to do it. “Jesus you are strong.”
“I pulled a secret santa today, and you’ll never guess who I got!”
“No.” She sighs, disappointed for just a moment before her face lights up again. “I got Samantha, she likes jump rope.”
“Yeah? Is that what we are gonna get her then?” He chuckles, moving to wash his hands as you go and put Ziggy in the car. 
“Well I don’t know. I don’t want my gift to be too basic and not surprising. But I want to make sure she actually likes it. And do you think-” Eddie lets her ramble, grabbing her hand and leading her to the car as she goes on and on about the ideas she has for gifts. 
The store was busy when Eddie took Motley Christmas shopping, holding her hand in his own as walked across the street and headed into the warmth. He had been more focused on making sure she wore a coat then grabbing a coat heavy enough for himself. 
The second she is in the store her eyes widen and she makes a mad dash to the kids aisle, Eddie right behind her trying to slow her down a bit. 
“Alright, take a look and see what you might like to get Samantha.” He huffs, breathing into his palms to warm up his face, ignoring the weird look he gets from a do-good mom passing by in her expensive shoes. 
He had gotten used to the looks by now, it’s not like he screamed father with his leather jacket and tattoos, but you always told him that he was a better father than any country club dad you had ever met. And he was constantly lecturing Motley that ‘it’s what’s on the inside that counts’ so how would this be different?
“How about this?” She asks, picking up a barbie car that makes Eddie’s eyes go wide. 
“Isn’t there a price limit on this thing?” He blurts, moving to check before she is completely gone and looking at something else. 
“Can I get a dollhouse?”
“For Samantha?”
“No, for me silly..” She laughs, like it was the most obvious thing.
“We are supposed to be shopping for your secret santa cheeseball.”
“Oh, right.” She sighs, moving back to the barbies. “How about for christmas?”
“Have you asked Santa?” Eddie smiles, and she shakes her head. “We’ll write a letter tonight, then.”
“Okay.” She giggles before pointing to a ken doll. “Hey daddy?”
“Santa already answered my wish this year.” She mumbles which makes Eddie look at her curiously. “Last year I asked Santa to bring my dad back. And he did even better.”
Eddie’s heart practically shatters as he tries to smile at her, the vast empty feeling at her words killing him. Of course, what little girl didn’t want her dad on christmas, and she wanted Billy. 
Steve was suspicious of him the entire Christmas party, giving Eddie the side eye every chance he could while you sat not far off with Nancy gossiping amongst yourselves. 
Steve was room mother, and as much as Eddie made fun of him for it his friend was an amazing room mother. He had thrown the class’ holiday party at his house rather than that stuffy classroom so that the parents could come as well. His house, which was already insanely decorated for Christmas, had tons of ‘activity stations’ for the kids to do. Motley and Vinny were currently arguing over what color gumdrops they wanted to put on their gingerbread house. 
Charles, Samantha's dad as Eddie found out, had wavered off after talking to Steve and himself for the past hour and finally the two men were left alone. “Who knew parenthood would be just like highschool again?”
“You’re telling me.” Steve snickers. “I feel like-”
“King Steve again?” Eddie taunts, shaking his head. 
“Oh no no. You can’t make fun of me since you’re apart of the cool kid club this round.”
“No I’m not-”
“Oh yes you are. Please, everyone talks about you and Y/n. One, all the moms think you are attractive and so gentleman like for taking on the girls. Two. The dads are jealous of you cause you have this cool rock thing going on while still being a parent. Three, everyone loves Motley. She is the class princess. Everyone wants to play with her at christmas, if she shows up to their birthday party then their year is made. Admit it Munson, you’re raising a prom queen.”
“I don’t think I have much to do on that front, and it’s more to do with I’m your friend and you are the Room Mom.”
“Shh not so loud.” Steve mutters. “Nancy has been feeling a little guilty about being ‘less of a mom’ cause she spends all day at work. I tried telling her it was fine but she thinks it’s a bad look that her husband is room mom and not the actual mom.”
“I don’t think it’s a bad look. I think it shows that Vinny is being raised by two people who understand life a little better than other stuck up parents.” 
“Thanks pal.” Steve sighs, leading them away so Eddie can go up and check on where they put Ziggy to nap. Steve had been nice enough to set up a little crib in his room so she wouldn’t have to be dragged around the party. 
They catch up on everything, Steve complains that he think Jaxon might just be a freaky kid considering the amount of crayons and pencils he eats and how Nancy babies him. He complains that Mike is the worst uncle and never actually helps but always claims to do so. 
Eddie catches Steve up on the Billy situation, which had shocked the group to no end. 
“He’s been calling everyday, arguing that he should get visitation.” Eddie sighs, taking a swig from the beer Steve smuggled for them. 
“That’s bullshit. Tell him no.”
“Y/n is worried that he could fight and get full custody.”
“Why on earth-”
“Because she took the girls and ran. She did it for their safety but the court will never look at it like that.” Eddie sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “All they will see is Hawkins very own mall hero being abandoned as she runs to Hawkins very own freak.”
“Motley and Y/n don’t think of you as a freak.”
“Maybe not. But Motley adores Billy, and that leaves me on the sidelines.”
“That’s not fair.” Steve sighs but Eddie shrugs. 
“You know how long I hated Wayne for taking me from my dad? That man hit me and all I did for years was look up to him and try to be better. I pushed away anyone that actually cared. I know what she is going through right now, and I don’t want to be the one to ruin that love she has for her dad. Shit person or not.”
“Would you rather ruin her dad for her or have her heart broken when she is exposed to him on her own?”
“I think if he ever hurt her I would actually-”
“Kill him. I’m so in.” Steve finishes the sentence before there is a quick knock on the door. 
“Dad!” Vinny whines. “Where’s the gift?! We are doing secret santa!”
Steve sighs, moving to his dresser to grab the wrapped gift before handing it to his son. Eddie waits to follow Vinny, surprised when he turns to him rather than immediately running away. 
“Will Motley like this wrapping paper?”
“Yeah? I think she’d love it.” Eddie smiles, watching in shock as the kids dashes out. “He got Motley? Bet he hated that.”
“Nah, he was worried she might now like the barbie car.”
“Wasn’t there a price limit on this thing?” Eddie asks, raising a brow. 
“My kid is head over heels for your daughter Munson. Just be happy Troy didn’t get her. Little punk thinks he’s everything.” Steve scoffs, walking past Eddie and mumbling under his breath about Troy being a little shit. 
There was a new form of hell to Eddie, not having his girls under the same roof was that hell. After a very long argument it was agreed that Billy would get them for the night, they would have a fun time at the shitty motel room. 
So, after a long night of pacing back and forth, Billy finally dropped the girls off around noon, smoking easily as he carried Ziggy’s car seat in one hand. 
“Really? Right by her?” Eddie snaps, grabbing the handle carefully as Ziggy coos up at him. 
“Didn’t think you would be one to care, Munson.” Billy laughs, looking past him to where Motley stood with a grumpy look and her bag around her shoulder. “You used to make sure our class was coked out just fine.”
“Motty go inside.” Eddie sighs, moving to open the door for her, getting a little nervous when she glares and stomps in. “Has she eaten?”
Only when he turns back to ask Billy the jackass is already halfway in his car, sending a cocky smile in Eddie’s direction as he turns the speaker up loud. 
Now left alone with the two girls since you were at work Eddie shuffles inside to go find where Motley stomped off to, finding her in her room sitting on the floor and playing with a toy he didn’t recognize. 
“New barbie?” He smiles, watching her carefully. This was the first time she had ever gone with her dad and he didn't know what to expect, maybe he had been hoping for a hug or kiss. “She’s very pretty-”
“Papa got her for me.” She bites out, voice dripping with attitude. 
“Okay. You hungry? I can make you-”
“LEAVE ME ALONE!” She screams, rushing to slam her door in his face, the tiffany poster she had on it staring back at him as he blinks in shock. There had been fits, a couple of screaming fits, she sometimes called him meanie head when he told her not to do something. But she had never before slammed a door in his face. 
Not really knowing what to do he decided to focus on bathing Ziggy first, making sure the smoke scent didn’t cling to her before setting her up to eat something. 
A couple hours later you came home, a nervous smile on your face as you looked at him only to realize he was upset. 
“What happened?” 
“She’s upset, won’t come out of her room.” He sighs. 
“Let me go check on her.” You mumble, kissing him before heading to her room and knocking softly. “Hey bugs? Why don’t you come out and say hi? Daddy can make something for dinner-“ 
“Eddie can fuck off!” She screams, which makes you freeze as Eddie’s heart drops and he leans his forehead on the wall. 
“Motley Marie-“
“NO!” She screams from the other side of the door and Eddie feels like he might throw up. 
“Maybe I should go to Wayne’s tonight?” He offers, shaking a bit as he shoves his hands into his pockets. “I need to help him fix the replace his fridge anyways” 
“Eds, no.” You mumble, tears welling up in your eyes as you shuffle closer. “She’ll be fine in a bit. We just need to get her to eat and-“ 
“She’s not gonna come out to eat if I’m here. I’ll come back tomorrow to see if she’s feeling better. Okay?” He tries, rubbing your arms in a comforting manner. “Just one night, maybe she will eat and calm down” 
You shake your head, crying, but you both already know the answer. And Eddie already knows this might not work out for him. 
After packing an overnight bag and heading off he makes it to his Uncle Wayne’s and spends the night there, hoping Motley would feel better if he wasn’t there. 
He helps Wayne sort out the kitchen, both of them planning on switching the fridges out in the morning now that his is empty. So, later in the night, Eddie lays on the couch staring at the ceiling. 
He couldn’t fall asleep without you beside him and he’s used to seeing the hall light under the door so the girls could see if they needed to get to the bathroom or your room. 
He tossed and turned, doing his best not to get too upset at all of it before he began thinking about all the ways this could go wrong. 
He never wanted to hurt the girls, and as much as he loved them and loved you there was always that thing about “if you love someone set them free.” So, as much as he hated it, he figured maybe it was time for some breathing space. Let Motley learn about her biological dad for a bit, and he would take whatever he could get even if it was just a dinner a month. Anything to make sure she didn’t hate him forever. 
So, around 6am, when he finally managed to close his eyes and get some sleep he had decided that the best plan of action was to give his girls breathing room. 
When he woke up Wayne was already starting on the fridge, which made Eddie realize just how much he had slept in. Jumping up quickly to start helping, he didn’t think to call you. 
They spent the next few hours moving the fridges and getting the new one set up, making sure everything was working before hauling the old one to the junkyard. By the time they were done the sun was going down and Eddie was starving so Wayne offered to order a pizza. 
The only problem was your car was at the trailer when they got back, with you sitting on the hood smiling at him as Wayne pulled his truck up to park. 
“Hi Grandpa Wayne.” You called which made the older man smile and hop out quickly to give you a kiss before moving to say hi to the girls in the back seat. 
Eddie moves to hug you, kissing you deeply before you pull back and smile. “You didn’t call, and we called this morning but no answer so I figured you boys were busy.”
“Sorry. I slept a little late and we were fighting that damn fridge all day.” He smiles. 
“We were thinking about going and getting dinner tonight, thought we’d come pick up daddy.” You offer, holding his hand. He casts a quick look to where Motley is sitting in the backseat, laughing as Wayne pretends to steal her book. 
Breathing room. 
“I actually got more stuff to help Wayne with. That okay?”  He could see you visibly deplete, trying your best to keep smiling. 
“Of course that’s okay. Just don’t forget to call okay?” 
“I won’t.” 
“You wanna say bye to the girls?” 
“I….Not tonight.” He feels like he’s stabbed himself in the gut and twisted the knife, his throat tightening up with the urge to cry. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” You mumble. “And you’d tell me if something was wrong, right?” 
“Right.” He smiles, leaning to kiss your cheek. When you kiss him one last time you move to Wayne, tearing up a bit. 
“Enjoy your handyman Wayne. But I expect him back tomorrow by dinner, got it grandpa?” 
Wayne, to his credit, smiles politely and nods. Mumbling something about making Eddie work overtime as you laugh, he hears Ziggy blubber sadly, probably upset that she’s in her car seat. 
He spots Motley when you open your door to get in, leaning against the window already staring at him. There is a glum look on her expression and Eddie feels that stab wound tighten. She hates him, she can’t even smile when she sees him anymore. Billy must have told her what a fuckimg freak he was. 
Instead of crawling into the hole he wants to, he merely raises a hand slowly to wave, attempting to seem like everything was fine. 
She raised her own hand, and Eddie thinks he’s mistaken when she presses it to the glass of the window as you drive off. 
“You okay?” Wayne asks, rubbing his boys shoulder. 
“Not really.” 
True to his word Eddie calls the next morning, only to be surprised when he hears Motleys voice answer. 
“Hello?” She asks. 
“Hey Mot…ley.” Eddie panics , thinking that she might now like her nicknames now. “I called for your ma.” 
“Oh.” She mumbles, obviously disappointed that it was him. “I can go get her……” 
“Not if she’s busy, okay? I can call back later.” He hears her set the phone down and scamper off, feet hitting the hardwood of the kitchen as she rushes to find you. A couple minutes goes by and he hears both your voices trickle back into hearing distance, probably from the downstairs hallway. 
“- dy Eddie. He just wanted to talk to you.” He hears Motley mumble, and that shooting pain was back. Eddie. She called him Eddie again. 
Panic claws at him as he hears your footsteps get closer and he hangs up quickly, wiping the tears from his eyes. 
After helping Wayne around the trailer he returns that evening, feeling lame and tired. Kicking his shoes off in the doorway, hearing your music downstairs which tells him you had probably started reading once putting the girls to bed. 
He planned to shower and then go see you, so he makes his way to the room, shucking his jacket off and tossing it on the bed in the dark. 
“Heyyy.” Someone whines, making him stop and look to the bed to see Motley climbing out from the blankets and pillows, eyes wide. “Watch it.” 
“Sorry kid,” he smiles, moving to grab the jacket. “Didn’t see ya there.” 
She giggles softly, moving to the middle of the bed and turning on the light before going back to her spot. He gives her a soft smile before moving to grab clothes and heading to the master bathroom only for her to call out. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“For what?” He asks, turning with wide eyes. 
“I’m sorry I was mean and hurt your feelings. I’m sorry I made you mad.” Tears well in her eyes as she says it which makes his chest clench. 
“Hey hey. I’m not mad.” He says softly, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, she immediately crawls over and crawls into his lap. 
“You are! That’s why you didn’t want to come home!” She cries. “You hate me now.” 
“No no. Take a breath.” He tries to calm her down, rubbing her back in soft circles as she sucks in a deep breath. 
“I made you mad…”
“You didn’t make me mad, I just had to help Grandpa Wayne with some stuff. He’s old now. He needs help.” Eddie offers, still rubbing her back. She calms down a bit, face pressed into his chest as she slowly puts herself back to sleep. 
He carries her into her own room, making sure she’s nice and comfortable when he tucks her in before going back to the master bedroom to shower. 
When he comes back out he finds you waiting on the bed, a smile smile tugging st your lips. “Hey stud.” 
“Hi baby,” he whispers, moving to lay down. He gives you one kiss before laying down and shoving his face into the pillow quickly, desperate to sleep. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You ask, rubbing a hand on his back. 
“Nothing to talk about. I’m fine. Just wanted to give her space is all.” He sighs. 
“She loves you Eddie.” 
“I know.” He lies, closing his eyes to sleep 
Motley spent the next day at the Harrington household while Eddie and you went to shop for some last minute gifts you hadn’t gotten at the beginning of the month. 
With Christmas being only a week away now you were beginning to panic and Eddie was doing his best to ease your anxieties as you tried to think of what the girls would want. 
“I think we got everything.” You sigh out when you make it to the car, Eddie pushing the cart filled to the brim with bags as he rubs your back. There was something off about you today and he felt guilty that he hadn’t come home until late last night. 
“I think we did.” He moves away only to open the back of the van, beginning to pile all the bags in before he hears you gag and dash to the chunk of grass he parked near. 
“Shit- “ he snaps, tripping over himself as he tries to get to you to hold your hair. “You okay? Nervous about Christmas?” 
“Y-yeah…” you whine, rubbing the back of your hand under your nose to wipe the snot after you finish puking. “Over stressed myself is all.” 
He sighs, helping you up and getting you set up in the van before moving to finish his original task. 
He spends the rest of the day making sure you’re okay and wrapping the gifts. He tries to change his handwriting on the tags so Motley would think other people were signing them. Make her think she got a gift from Santa and the elves and one from Mrs. Claus before he took his coffee grounds and make a hoof print on the gift he had made from Rudolph. 
He hides them all in the basements laundry room, moving to wake you up when he’s done. 
Two days before Christmas Eve Motley and Ziggy go with Billy again, and Eddie makes himself scarce when they are dropped back off the next day, wanting to give Motley room to breathe in case she needs it. 
He hides in the basement, keeping his headphones in as he practices guitar, hearing the echo of stomping around upstairs. She had come home in another mood, that much he had figured out by the sounds of her yelling when she came in. 
The phone rings in the distance and Eddie ignores everything as he practices more riffs until your in front of him with a small smile. “That was Gareth. They wanted to rehearse? Asked if you could head over.” 
“Oh?” He asks, standing up. The perfect excuse to give Motley some space without hurting anyone’s feelings had just arrived and he was gonna take it. “I’ll head over now.” 
“Are you gonna be home for dinner?” You ask softly, face tense with worry and exhaustion. 
“We’ll probably practice too late.” He sighs, kissing you before moving to walk away. 
“Eds?” You call, making him look back at you as you stress. “Y-you’re okay…… right?” 
“I’m okay.” He lies. Really he feels pathetic, useless, a lame ass excuse for a stepdad. ……he feels like his father. 
She just needs space.  He thinks to himself, smiling at you. But deep down he already knows it’s not working. He loves his girls but if they don’t love him back then he is just dragging them down. 
And his heart breaks at the thought of the inevitable. 
I don’t wanna say bye.
As he passes the hallway to pack clothes for the night he sees that the Tiffany poster on Motleys door had been ripped down the middle, and he risks a peek in to find it the missing piece wadded in the trash along with her fleetwood poster she got around thanksgiving. 
Sighing in defeat he shuffles to grab his bag and head out. 
 The morning of Christmas Eve he wakes up to find that sometime in the night Motley had crawled into bed with you and Eddie, curled up between you two with tear streaks down her face. 
Nightmares, nasty little things. 
He kisses her cheek lightly before getting up to get ready for work. By the time he is putting on his boots he finds her yawning and sitting up. 
“Are you leaving?” 
“Only for a bit.” He tries to sound positive. “I’ll be back soon.” 
“Swear it?” She asks, eyes wide. 
“Triple swear it.” He smiles back, and something eases in him when a smile breaks out across her face, going from ear to ear. 
So he leans to kiss her cheek, taking the good mood while he can before heading to work and coming back home by 5. Only to find Billy’s Camaro in the driveway when he does come home. 
Walking into the house, tense and tired from the day, to find Billy sitting on the couch as you work in the kitchen. You send him a quick look and Eddie follows, rushing into the kitchen with you. 
“He invited himself for dinner.” You whisper. 
“Because Motley told me I couldn’t come for Christmas morning.” Billy snaps from the doorway, leaning on it like he owned the place. “Which is really fucking weird considering that I’m her dad. I should be able to see her on Christmas. And I can only assume that you’re the one saying no Munson.” 
“Hadn’t even known that we had that discussion but sure. I’ll take the hit.” Eddie smiles. “Cause you are 1000% banned from this house on Christmas Day.” 
“You can’t separate me from my kids.” Billy snaps. 
“We’re not. You can have dinner with us tonight, but you can’t be here tomorrow.” There were far too many people coming tomorrow that Eddie did not want having to deal with Billy, and he didn’t want your day being ruined by this asshat. 
“I’d prefer the dinner to be a family occasion” Billy snipes. “And last I checked you weren’t.” 
“Eddie is family.” You snipe back, backing up when Billy glared at you. “This is our home. His home. He stays.” 
And before he knew it everyone was seated at the table, in the most uncomfortable dinner of his life. You were just pushing food around your plate, while Eddie was doing his best to stay cool. 
“How are your grades Motley?” Billy asks, turning a heavy look to her. 
“I’m one of the top in my class-“ 
“One of?” Billy interrupts. 
“They have top three. They all tie in that spot so the kids don’t lose self esteem in the competition.” Eddie explains, tapping a ring on the table in annoyance. 
“That’s bullshit. If her grades are the best then that needs to be said-“ 
“She’s doing fine. Her grades will help win a pizza party at the end of the year.” You snap, rubbing her cheek. 
“I just want to make sure I’m not raising a retard that turns into a super senior.” 
“What’s that mean?” Motley asks, wide eyed as Ziggy shoves some spaghetti in her mouth. 
“Oh baby, it’s noth-“ you begin but Eddie cuts you off, looking her gently. 
“It means I wasn’t good in school. I got held back from graduating for three years. That’s right. I was held back another year after you…. Well you know.” 
“You got something to say to me, jackass?” 
“Not really.” Eddie snipes, picking up his plate and heading to the kitchen before he loses his temper. Lucky him that Billy was set to follow. 
“So this is where Motley gets all that attitude huh?! Some shit for brain pathetic piece of shit starts raising my daughter, showing her shit music and telling her the world is all rainbows and sunshine. Right?!” 
“We’ll she’s 7. The world is supposed to be a little brighter-“ Eddie starts, watching as Billy grabs the front of his jacket and shoves him into the cabinets behind him. 
“You think you’re something, huh?! Well you’re nothing more than a trailer trash piece of shit!” Billy yells in his face, and Eddie remains bland. Not letting any motion on his face as he shrugs. 
Motley was going to hate him. 
This would never work because your kids needed to come first, and Eddie knew that. He would always put them first. If he stayed with you Motley would soon begin to resent you. 
He couldn’t let that happen. 
“No. I don’t think I’m anything more than a piece of shit. I’m quite good in that life.” He shrugs. “And it’s not shit music that she was listening to, it was her choice of music. Music she liked, and if she likes it then it’s not shit.” 
Billy laughs bitterly, then Eddie can do nothing but watch his hand pull back into a fist, getting him right in the face. 
Pain shoots through his face as his head hits the cupboard behind him hearing the wood crack at the impact. Motley screams out loud “DADDY!” And Eddie assumes she’s screaming for Billy to stop. 
He didn’t want to hit her dad in front of her, so he took it. Punch after punch from Billy before you jump on the man’s back, hitting him to get him off Eddie. 
Billy pushes you off quickly, making you tumble to the floor as Motley runs for you before you try and ease her back. Eddie can’t feel his face but he knows it’s swollen and bloody, spitting out the taste of iron as he swipes a hand under his nose, pain shooting through him when he does so. 
Motley is still screaming, over and over “DADDY DADDY!” And when Billy takes one aggressive step over to where she is in your arms Eddie finally loses it. 
He shoves at Billy’s back, drawing his attention back and taking one quick swing across Billy’s cheek. One of his rings slices his cheek as Billy’s head whips to the side. But Eddie doesn’t stop, too built up on protective rage. 
Ziggy is screaming in the background, Motley crying for her dad while you hold her back. Eddie takes a couple more hits, pushing Billy to the door so they wouldn’t have an audience. Only problem is the second Eddie pushes Billy out he finds a cop car already waiting, the cop hopping out and rushing to the scene. 
Christmas morning was spent inside a jail cell with a broken nose, Eddie laying on one of the benches staring up at the ceiling and trying not to think about how much his face hurt right now. 
One of the neighbors had heard yelling and called the cops, who had taken 15 minutes to respond. And since Eddie didn’t start hitting back until the end he could only assume that meant he had taken nearly 15 minutes of that beating. 
What a fucking coward. 
He had hit Billy in front of Motley. Oh my god her entire Christmas would be ruined right now. He was an absolute piece of shit. 
“Hey kid?” Someone calls, making Eddie try to open his unswollen eye and see. Hopper stood there in mundane clothes, sighing in disappointment. “Thought we agreed last time I arrested you that it would be the last time.” 
“What can I say?” He croaks out, dropping his head again. “I’m trailer trash. Always have been and always will be.” 
“Come on pity party.” Hopper sighs, unlocking the door. “You’ve been cleared. Witness statements.” 
So they had questioned you. Fuck. 
When he grabs his rings and jacket from the clerk he doesn’t bother putting them on, keeping everything in the bag including his chain and wallet. He puts the shoes on, groaning in pain when he bends over, before moving to see that Wayne had come to pick him up. 
“Uncle Wayne,” Eddie grunts, not bothering to smile due to the cut on his lip and cheek. 
Wayne doesn’t say anything, merely leads Eddie out, keeping a hand on his arm to help lead him to the car since he can only open one eye. 
When they are both jn Wayne lights a cigarette, handing it to his nephew. “Have some before we get there. Relax you a bit.” 
“Get where?”  
“Your house? It’s Christmas? We agreed I’d bring gifts for the girls and get a nice meal?” Wayne asks. 
“No. I’m not going there. Not like this and not after that.” Eddie snaps, tears falling from his eye as he thinks about it. That would just ruin Motleys Christmas even more. He couldn’t do that. 
“I just wanna sleep.” 
“Edward Wayne Munson.” 
“Wayne John Munson.” 
The sigh that falls from his uncles lips tells Eddie that he won. 
(A POV from you? Gasp!) 
After watching Eddie and Billy both get arrested you had to give a statement to the police, not like you could actually get a word out considering you were sobbing. 
Eddie was bleeding profusely and could barely open his eye when they dragged him to the car, Motley sobbing at your hip as they did so. The officer talking to you tried to calm you down, rubbing your back in a soothing motion that didn’t work and only stressed you out more. You begged them to let Eddie go but the officer said it was protocol and that you should call in the morning to give your statement. 
But you didn’t. You sat there with that cop until you calmed down and gave a proper statement, he said he would write a report and get it all sorted so you took Motley in. Getting both girls showered and ready for bed. After tucking them in, still crying, you found yourself moving to the kitchen to clean up the mess. Starting with the the broken glass that had fallen, then the dishes before you moved to scrub the floor, crying harder when you had to scrub Eddie’s blood. 
At some point Motley came out, rushing into your arms to keep sobbing so you took her back to yours and Eddie’s room to try and get her to sleep there. You put her in one of Eddie’s sweatshirts before laying with her and trying to calm her down. 
“He hurt daddy.” She sobs. 
“Honey, Eddie was just trying to-“ 
“No. Billy hurt Daddy.” She explains. “It’s my fault. I told him he couldn’t come over on Christmas!” 
There it was. You had wondered since Billy brought it up, you hadn’t said anything and Eddie hadn’t. So why had Motley? 
“Why would you do that Motley? That was an adult decision that you should have let me tell him. I don’t want you getting in trouble because-“ 
“He’s mean to daddy, I didn’t want him bullying daddy! Okay?!” She cries, swiping her cheeks. “But now Daddy hates me! He hates me mama!” 
“No. He doesn’t. He doesn’t hate you, okay?” 
“He does!” 
It took all but 30 minutes to lure Motley out of room after Eddie left for Wayne’s, promising her some chicken nuggets for dinner and that was it. 
She ate silently with you before bath time, then when you sat with her on the couch before her bedtime while Ziggy slept in her crib, you noticed her watching the door every 2 minutes. 
“What’s wrong?” You whisper, smoothing out her still damp hair. 
“Is daddy Eddie coming back for bedtime?” She asks, scratching her arm. “He always lays with me.” 
“He’s gonna be at Grandpa Wayne’s tonight. Helping him out with something. We will see him tomorrow, okay metalhead?” 
Only when you called the next morning there was no answer, Motley getting dressed beside you with a look of excitement on her face as it rang. 
“Is he there? Ask him when he’ll be home!” 
“He didn’t pick up ,baby, I’m sure they are busy. We will see him later okay? Maybe we can have dinner at the diner.” 
And that’s what she talked about for the rest of the day, you tried asking about her time at Billy’s but she simply shut the conversation down. By the time dinner time came about she was upset that Eddie hadn’t come back so you offered to go to Grandpa Wayne’s and pick them up. 
You had been there for about 5 minutes when the van pulled up and you could hear the gasps of excitement from Motley when Eddie hops out. 
Inviting him to dinner, only for Eddie to be nervous and say no. He looked upset, and you were beginning to panic deep down. 
Please don’t leave us. I love you. You wanted to say but you were pretty sure that would scare him off more. 
Who wanted the mother of two with the racist abusive ex? Right?
When you drove off without him Motley was just as upset. “Why didn’t he come mama?” 
“He had some more stuff to help with.” You answer, smiling at her through the mirror. 
“Why didn’t he say hi?” 
“He’s just not feeling good.” Lie lie lie. 
The next day you were doing laundry while Motley was dashing around upstairs and Ziggy was waddling around you. 
The sound of the phone ringing didn’t draw your attention since you were too busy trying to kick the washing machine into working. But when your daughter dashed down the stairs you looked at her. 
“Who is it?”  You ask, laughing at her excitement as you snatch Ziggy up and follow her up the stairs. 
“Daddy Eddie. He just wants to talk to you though.” And you found yourself rushing to the phone, only when you got there it was just the dial tone. 
“Is he coming home? Can I do his hair when he gets back?” She asks hopefully. 
“Maybe later.” 
By the time you realized he was back Motley was on her own bed and the shower to your shared bathroom was running so you laid on the bed waiting for him to come out. 
When he did your heart beat out of your chest, nervous and in love. 
He laid down, face in the pillow as you let him know Motley loved him. 
All he could say was “I know” before falling asleep and you were heartbroken. 
He’s gonna leave. 
Two days before Christmas Eve when Motley is dropped off from Billys  he doesn’t say a word, merely tosses her bag at you as he slams his car door and drives off. 
Motley storms past you, pushing into the door as you carry Ziggy in, watching her in shock. “I HATE HIM AND I HATE YOU!” 
Eddie, who had been waiting in the kitchen, sulks downstairs to give her space and you feel a twist in your gut. “That’s not fair to Eddie, Mot.” 
“I’m not talking about Eddie. I’m talking about HIM!” She screams, stomping to her room and ripping the poster from her door. 
“Hey!” You snap, following her and trying to get her to stop as she tears down the Elvis and Fleetwood Mac poster. 
“I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM! It’s bullshit!” She screams, slamming the door. Only she slams it so hard it creaks open a little. Before you could make it worse the phone rings and you find yourself heading downstairs to tell Eddie about the call. 
The excitement on his face breaks your heart as you realize he is so desperate to get away from you. Jesus you trapped him didn’t you? 
By the time Motley comes out of her room she looks around for a minute, sitting at the table. “Where’s daddy?” 
“Band practice.” You smile. 
“When will he be back?” 
“Don’t worry about that. Just eat.” You felt bad about the short answer. But you were upset about the way she was acting and you were upset that she said she hated you. Not to mention the way she ripped the posters and the way Eddie seemed to run from you. 
You already dragged her away from Billy once, now she was going to lose another father because of your mess. You were a terrible mother. 
She hates me , and so does Eddie. 
“He will be here, okay? Daddy would never miss Christmas.” You smile, crying softly yourself. “Just wait and see. Daddy will be home.” 
She calmed down a bit at your promise, laying beside you. 
“I asked santa for dad back last year….” She mumbles. “And he gave me an even better one.” 
“Yeah, he did.” 
You don’t get a lick of sleep, waiting all night for the sound of the door to open. They had to have released Eddie, right? 
You overthink it all as you sneak all the gifts out to the tree, ones that Eddie wrapped while you were sick and see all the dedication he put into them which just makes your heart melt more. 
When the sun starts coming up you realize that maybe no officers were there to release him and they would in the morning during normal processing hours so you focus on starting the meal and getting the girls ready. 
Motley refuses to go near her presents, choosing to wait for Eddie. You’re okay with it, letting Ziggy open a gift since you know it will take her forever. 
You focus on cooking while Motley waits on the couch watching out the window. 
But then people start showing up for the early dinner and you begin to let that panic sink in. Steve shows up, his two sons dashing for Motley as Nancy waddles in behind them. They thought three dishes that they add to the table. Steve asks about the broken cabinet but before you explain Lucas and Mike show up with their own dishes. 
One after one they all show up and sook enough you break from the crowd to go in your room and call the station. 
“I’m looking for Edward Munson? He should have been released by now but-“ 
“He was released two hours ago.” The kid on the phone sighs. “Anything else.” 
You don’t respond, choosing to hang out and close your door so your guests don’t see you cry. 
He wasn’t coming, you had messed everything up like usual. God you were pathetic. 
Just as Billy would say, useless as hell. 
Shuffling to the bathroom to try and catch your breath, turning on the water and sitting under it as you try to ease the panic attack. 
The pink pregnancy test box stares back at you from the trash bin, the actual test on the counter where you had planned to surprise Eddie. 
God I can’t do anything right. 
Part lll HERE
(OHHHH I really hope this chapter didn't disappoint. Please please please no hate on it! If you want to see something specific such as a blurb or scene with Eddie and the girls feel free to request. -Ultralight)
Taglist::: (Let me know if you want removed)
@localemofreak @paradise-summertime @jenniquinn @eddiesxangel @mariamayhemrsmunson @venuslayla23-blog @cherrycolas-things @scout141 @thehuntresswolf @natie335 @alyisdead @animechick555 @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @mysticpeachobject @jackiosstuff @slytherinroyalty16
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bingbongsupremacy · 2 months
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Pairing: Father! Eddie Munson x reader
Summary: Years ago you and Eddie used to be friends. After you graduated, you two fell out of contact. After years of not speaking to each other, Eddie offers you a job you can't resist; be a nanny for his little girl.
*Not Proof Read*
Pt.1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
" Rose! Where are you, Rose? " A loud voice shouts from one of the nearby isles. " Come on, this isn't funny anymore! "
A small black-haired blur shoots past my legs. Surprised, I stumble back and drop the handful of plastic bags I was putting away.
" What the fu- " I catch myself as my eyes land on a pair of wide brown eyes.
A little girl with dark curls stares up at me, watching every movement. A light giggle escapes the mouth of the toddler who's enjoying the chaos she's creating. She tightly hugs a well-worn bunny to her chest, her wild hair bouncing around as she waves up at me. " Hi! " She greets.
" Hi. " I greet back, a small smile crawling onto my face. " Are you Rose? "
The little girl shakes her head quickly. " No. " Her smile betrays her lie.
Over the register, I spot a figure dashing between the isles. The store's fluorescent lights bounce off of the man's black leather jacket.
" Well, not Rose, I think your daddy might be looking for you. "
The little girl shakes her head. "Nuh-uh. "
I chuckle slightly at her sassy attitude. " Well, how about this. If you come out from under the register, I'll give you this cool sticker. Does that sound good? " I show her a small roll of shiny animal stickers we keep for kids who come into the store.
The little girl ponders the offer. Finally, she agrees, crawling out from underneath the register. " Okay. "
I hand her a small sticker before turning towards a figure that comes out of the isles again. " I think you might be looking for this one. " I gesture down to the small child who's attempting to stick the sticker onto her shirt.
" Oh my god. Thank you so fucking much. " The man rushes over to us. He quickly snatches the kid up from the floor, holding her tightly against his chest. " That wasn't funny, Rose. You can't run away from Daddy like that. You almost gave me a heart attack. " The man lets out a sigh of relief as he presses a gentle kiss to the toddler's head.
Not aware of the stress she caused her dad, Rose proudly shows her sticker to her father. " Daddy look! " She giggles while sticking the small lion sticker onto her father's cheek.
" That's cool, baby. " The man mumbles. He still looks stressed out.
My eyes widen as I finally take in the man's appearance. His long curly hair nearly perfectly matches the little girls'. His hands are covered in rings, some more familiar than others. " Eddie? Eddie Munson? " I ask in shock.
The man snaps his head to me. " Yeah? " For a moment he looks slightly more tense. That quickly dies away as a flash of recognition takes over his features. " Oh my…Y/N? "
I smile over at the man. " Yeah! Oh wow, it's been…years. "
Eddie returns to the smile. " Yeah…how-how have you been? I thought you moved out of Hawkins. The last thing I heard was that you moved to Chicago with your boyfriend. " Confusion takes over his expression.
I nod. " Well, I did. For a few years actually. Ben got a job at some firm in Chicago and we thought it would be easier for me to move with him instead of doing the whole long-distance thing. About two years into living out there Ben got the bright idea of sleeping with his assistant and we broke up. " I shift uncomfortably at the memories.
The last thing you do is walk in on your boyfriend fucking his new assistant. long-term. It's not a fun thing to deal with.
Sympathy flashes through Eddie's eyes. " Oh shoot, that sucks. I'm sorry. "
I shrug. " It is what it is. We were moving too fast. I shouldn't have moved with him. I was so eager to leave this place I didn't think about how things could go wrong. " I don't want to turn this into a pity party. " It seems like a lot's happened with you the past few years. " I gesture to the wiggly child in his arms.
Eddie glances down at Rose. " Yeah. It's been a little crazy. " He laughs. " Corroded Coffin ended up taking off and we started traveling around. " Eddie's tone goes silly as he gently pokes the tip of his daughter's nose, sending her into a fit of giggles. " Then this one came along and here we are. "
" I heard about your band! That's amazing, I mean you guys deserve it. I remember seeing your shows at the hideout. You guys know how to entertain an audience. "
Eddie's smile widens. " Thanks. We try. "
There's a moment of silence as memories of the past seem to fill both of our minds.
Memories of how our friendship started in middle school and began to fade after I graduated and Eddie failed his first senior year. How we went from hanging out almost daily to barely managing once a week during DnD. It wasn't either of our faults. Right? We were bound to grow apart at some point. I mean, I was in college and Eddie was still in High school. Suddenly getting by with cramming for tests the night before wasn't cutting it. Suddenly I needed to put in more work to earn the grades I wanted and needed. And then Ben came around and our weekly hang outs basically fizzled out. We were lucky to hang out once a month.
Ben just easily got jealous and I didn't want to stir the pot. We had something good. Or at least I thought.
" Can I ask you something? " Eddie's voice drags me out of my thoughts.
" Yeah. Go for it. " I say, moving towards the register. I begin to wipe down the machine, trying to keep myself from getting sad over the way our friendship ended. I'd spent enough nights with regrets bouncing around my mind, I don't need to spend a day on it too.
" Why are you here? "
I glance back at the man. " What do you mean? "
Eddie nods towards the store. " Why are you working at Danny's Grocery? Weren't you planning on becoming a teacher or something? "
My heart drops at the question. That had always been the plan. But things change. Sometimes plans don't always work out. " When I moved back to Hawkins I had 100 dollars to my name. When I was with Ben I got too comfortable. I'd always planned on going back to school and finishing my degree but something always happened. My records didn't come in on time for me to apply for the upcoming season or my dad died. Something always delayed it and eventually, I just pushed it off. When we broke up I used everything I saved up to get back here. I don't make enough to pay my way through school and afford rent, food, bills, whatever. I've tried getting multiple jobs but I just can't seem to land one that doesn't pay barely minimum wage. " I let out a small sigh in frustration. " I'm gonna go back to school eventually, I just need to get my sh-sorry, life together first. Save up a little. " I glance over at Rose, hoping she didn't hear my slip-up.
Eddie is silent for a moment. I feel his gaze on my face which makes me shift slightly.
" I have an idea. " He begins. " I've been looking for a live-in nanny for Rose for my upcoming tour. I just haven't found anyone I trust yet. I'll pay for everything. Your room, your food, tickets. I'll also pay you to watch Rose. "
My eyes widen. " What? "
" Is 50 an hour good? " Eddie's voice is serious.
" Oh my-Eddie! $50 dollars an hour? That's- I can't take that much money from you. On top of paying for my room and everything…that's too much. " I shake my head in disbelief.
$50 dollars an hour?!
" My kid is important to me. I'm going to pay good to make sure she's taken care of. And…I trust you. I mean, you've always been good with kids. "
That's true. I used to babysit Dustin Henderson and a bunch of the other local kids all the time.
" But $50 is insane. " I say, still in disbelief of his offer.
Eddie shakes his head. " It's not that bad. I promise. I wouldn't be offering if I couldn't afford it. "
Corroded Coffin really must've taken off. I should keep up with the news more.
" Please, Y/N. You'd be doing me a huge favor. I've spent months trying to find a replacement nanny and I only have a few weeks until we leave for tour again. I can't leave Rose by herself. " Eddie's eyes are filled with hope.
Should I do this?
The money is tempting. I could do so much with money like that. I could finally move out of my aunt's basement.
I nod. " I'll do it. "
239 notes · View notes
At Your Service
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Summary: As a trainee mechanic, you apply for an apprenticeship at Stark Automotives on a whim. What you don't expect is for Tony Stark to reply personally with an offer to train you, and if that wasn't enough, a certain redhead also takes an interest in your sessions.
Word Count: 2303
Pairing: (Mentor/Mentee relationship for both) Natasha Romanoff & Reader; Tony Stark & Reader
Warning: None :)
A/N: Thanks for the response to my last fic, all the comments and reblogs kept me writing even with all my deadlines, and Mechanic!R was the clear winner of the last poll, so here you all go! Enjoy :)
»»————- ★ ————-««
You rested centimetres from the cold floor with the sight of oil-covered gears, shafts, and pipes overtaking your vision as you rolled under the automotive.
"Does the axle cover come off?" you said after a short inspection.
"Yeah, those two hex screws, I'll get you the tool. You've worked out the issue?"
"It's meant to be 4-wheel drive and only the front wheels are moving; I'd guess a problem with the connector shaft meeting the rear axle."
"You'd guess or you'd know?"
"I can't know anything 'til the cover's off and I can see inside."
"Good answer," Tony replied. "Hand out."
As instructed, you stretched your arm until your fingers just about reached out from under the car chassis, where a tool handle was placed in your palm.
"One 5/8 hex screwdriver, that's the one you'll need."
"The screws are imperial?"
"'Course, kid, we're in America."
"Yeah, but you sell these cars globally; I just assumed-"
"Dear old dad set up factories all over the globe – allows for some regional differences in the schematics, then each production line just does its own thing. It's easiest for everyone."
You hummed your acceptance of his method, then started to undo the screws, until a light rock to the car paused you. The movement stopped, so you assumed it was just Tony leaning on the car and you moved to continue your work, until the hum of a motorbike -- the sound of which you'd previously ignored -- grew even louder. You jolted when the bike pulled into the garage, causing you to smack your head against the car's underbody and let out a low groan.
"Watch yourself, kid; are you alright under there?" Tony said from above. At your murmur that you were fine, he continued, "roll yourself out, there's someone for you to meet."
"Why's there someone under your car, Tony?" came a woman's voice -- the person to meet, you assumed -- "can't get under the car like the old days, hm?"
When you emerged, the bright light of the outside world temporarily blinded you; you could make out Tony's figure, and as your vision returned, you saw the newcomer's back was turned to you, so only an orange plait could be seen from under her bike helmet.
"Very funny," Tony scoffed, continuing the conversation before he pointed at you. The woman turned and you only just managed to stifle a gasp when you recognised her face. "This is an apprentice, wrote to me a couple months back asking to learn about Stark Automotives, so I've been training them since. Y/N, this is Nat. Nat, Y/N."
From the moment Tony suggested training you here, in the garage of the Avengers Compound, you knew there would be a chance of running into the rest of the team you'd spent your childhood idolising. But truthfully, you were too starstruck that Tony Stark himself had offered to train you to truly believe that moment of meeting the other Avengers would ever come.
Now here you were, facing the Natasha Romanoff, looking effortlessly cool with her white vest, jeans, and leather biker jacket...while you laid on the floor in a Stark branded boiler suit and a definite grease mark where you’d hit your head. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment when you realised that the Black Widow's first perception of you was seeing you smack into an object directly in front of your face. You only hoped the blush didn't show when you finally met her eyes.
"Good to meet you," she said cooly, holding her hand out, but her eyes tracked up and down as if sizing you up.
You took her hand instantly, about to ramble through an introduction before a slight gasp from her shook you back to attention. Your eyes snapped down to where your hands met, and you realised then that you still wore your gloves, coated with oil from working on the vehicle, and now you've smeared it all over her uncovered hand. You instantly broke away -- apologising profusely -- and grabbed sheet after sheet of blue paper roll, offering it to her to help clean her hand.
"I'm so sorry," you repeated again, but she shook her head and smiled at you.
"I've had much worse meetings. I'll happily take a little bit of grease over being shot at."
"Hey, kid," Tony began. Both your head and Natasha's snap in his direction; you'd honestly forgotten he was still there. "Not to interrupt, but have you ever worked on a motorbike? I made a few modifications to Nat's, and now that she's so kindly brought it to us I can show you how they work."
"Do not lay a finger on my bike, Stark," Natasha growled in a tone that reassured you that if she had actually been angry at the grease before, you would have known.
"I won't," Tony scoffed with a roll of his eyes, "...Y/N will."
You gulped, eyes darting between the two Avengers as you were drawn into the fold. "Me? Tony I'm not sure that's-"
"It's essential learning. We don't just make fancy cars so you have to learn it all. Nat, you wouldn't deprive Y/N of this learning, would you?"
Natasha groaned, but eventually relented, crossing her arms and perching on the counter by the wall. "Okay, but I'm not leaving you alone with it. And Y/N?"
You looked up, fear probably showing on your face. Natasha smiled in return, and allowed you to see a glint of mischief in her eye, "give me a running commentary of what you do. I trust your honesty more than Stark's." She smirked at the last part, rolling her eyes as she pointed to Tony behind his back, an action for you and you alone to see. Something about it put you at ease, so you nodded, smiled back, then got to work, spending the rest of the session under the assassin's watchful eye.
»»————- ★ ————-««
You watched the phone in your hand, hoping and waiting for those three little dots. Tony Stark was not a man famously known for his punctuality, but he’d been early to every lesson so far and now, ten minutes after you were due to meet, you’re starting to worry.
The worry wasn’t the lesson being cancelled so much as the worry that one of the other Avengers would walk in and accuse you of trespassing – there were still so many residents you hadn’t met, and without Tony present, you were just a stranger loitering unaccompanied in the Avengers’ garage, surely that looked suspicious. No matter the fact that you were supposed to be there and had gained authorised access with your security card, your anxieties continued to grow and grow.
Your heart rate sped up proportionately to the increasing rumble of an approaching bike. The seconds seemed to elongate when you knew there was no escape to being caught there alone. In the remaining time you had, you pulled your phone back out and, with shaking fingers, messaged Tony one more time – at least then you had proof, you kept your eyes on the device even as you felt the newcomer pull in and dismount from their motorbike.
“Let me guess, Tony didn’t tell you he’s away?” Your head snapped up at the familiar voice, face breaking into a grin as red hair broke free from under the helmet. Natasha had been showing up more and more frequently to your sessions, so her arrival was no surprise, but you were glad to have a friendly figure to justify your presence, lest anyone else appear. Natasha set her headgear to the side and hopped up onto the counter, following her usual routine; you watched her intently until you realised she was watching you too, still waiting for an answer.
"Oh, uh, yeah, no, he didn't- he didn't tell me. He's not coming?"
“He got called on a mission last night. Should be back in a few days, if all goes to plan, but I’ll have a word with him about keeping you informed.”
Her undivided attention unnerved you – Tony had always acted as a buffer before – so you fidgeted, avoided eye contact, and wondered what your next move should be. Thankfully, Natasha answered that last question for you: “It wouldn’t be right to send you home so soon,” she said, “And I am officially a Stark Industries employee still, you know, if you wanted…”
“Yes!” you exclaimed instantly, speaking before you thought. “I mean, yeah, if it’s no trouble. That would be awesome.”
“We both know I’d sit here and watch anyway.” She spoke softly and with a smile that you found yourself drawn to replicate, feeling more at ease in the spy’s presence. “Now then, I know about a lot of things but mechanics is an area where you might already have me beat, so how about something else?”
“Like what?”
“What do you want to know?” she shrugged, “Russian? Latin? Artillery? Archery? Wrestling? Weightlifting?” At your dumbstruck expression, Natasha smiled and realised she would have to make the choice for you, “how about the gym? You can impress Tony with your strength next time he makes you use that scissor jack.”
Your cheeks burn at the memory – neither Natasha nor Tony had said anything at the time, but both of them had needed to jump in and assist when you’d been unable to turn the jack enough for it to actually lift the car and fulfil its purpose. From Natasha’s warm smile, you could tell she still wasn’t mocking you for the incident, but you still nodded quickly and murmured agreement with her plan, before following her through the Compound towards the gym.
“Can I ask why you’re a Stark Industries employee?” you asked on the elevator, as a way to fill the silence and out of curiosity from her earlier words.
She laughed, “It was back in ‘09, we had to get intel on the newly revealed Iron Man, and the man behind the suit-”
“Exactly. So, S.H.I.E.L.D. made some edits to the employee list, added my cover there, and I successfully infiltrated the company for as long as I needed. I only officially revealed myself at the 2010 Stark Expo – do you remember that? – and in all the chaos afterwards, they never officially took me off it.”
“I think I remember seeing it on TV – you were there?”
“I left before the explosions started, but I was around, trying to make sure as few people were in harm’s way as possible-” Natasha cut herself off as the two of you entered a space larger than any lecture hall, fitted with all sorts of workout machines – the majority of which you’d never seen in your life. “Here we are.”
“You use…all of this?”
She nodded, then paused, before pointing to a section in the corner where the machine structures and weights seem almost treble that of the current area. “That section’s for Steve, or Thor if he ever bothered to train. Us regular humans wouldn't move it an inch if we tried to use those machines.”
Natasha smirked and shook her head again, guiding you towards one of the regular machines: a chest pad adjusted to press against your front as you sat on the stool, while Natasha adjusted the weight and pulled the two handles back for you to grab them. With the position set, you looked up to her for advice,
“Pull the handles towards your chest and push them back to neutral, it'll work out your upper arms. That's where a mechanic will need strength the most, so aim for 10 repeats.”
Natasha watched carefully, adjusting your posture where needed, until you completed the set. You broke into a grin at the realisation that you'd managed it, one which Natasha happily replicated as she held her hands up for a high fives. “You'll be a pro in no time,” she promised, “ready to increase the load?”
The rest of the session continued in much the same manner – Natasha introduced you to different bits of equipment and perfected your form until your phone buzzed with a routine alert to mark the end of a session. 
Natasha accompanied you to the door, smiling, receiving, and occasionally rebuking the many thanks you bombarded her with for stepping up. “It was truly my pleasure,” she said at last, “I'll make sure Tony is back next week, but if you want to do this again, you have my number.”
She squeezed your shoulder, turned, and began to walk back inside – all before you came to the realisation: “I don't actually have your number!” you shouted after her. Natasha didn't respond, but when you checked your phone only seconds later, a message had appeared in your notifications.
‘Yes you do :) 
She really was some spy.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Everything changed from then on: you walked in to Tony and Natasha arguing a week later, their sudden pause at your presence a very good indicator that they were discussing you, something they confirmed only moments later.
Next thing you knew, both Tony and Natasha had taken you on as their mentee, a session with each of them once a week, and neither of them wanted you to leave. Your apprenticeship was extended into the next academic year, where you moved even closer to the Avengers Compound to visit them more often, the two Avengers – not to mention the others they'd introduced you to – always making sure you were well cared for whenever you visited. Eventually, Tony even offered you a full-time job post-graduation as the Avengers' official mechanic, and who were you to refuse? You loved the work just as you loved spending time with your mentors, so you could think of no better job in the world.
»»————- ★ ————-««
taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
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corroded-hellfire · 8 months
Something Sweet - Eddie Munson x Reader
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A collab with my beloved @munson-blurbs
An As You Wish story
Summary: When the Munson boys that you babysit ask you to join them for trick-or-treating, how can you say no? Especially when you have a massive crush on their father.
Note: Happy Halloween! Please enjoy the first time that reader gets to spend the holiday with the crazy Munson gang 🧡
Warnings: older!eddie, dad!eddie, babysitter!reader, male masturbation
Words: 4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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It’s the week before Halloween, and while the weather has cooled and fall decor is in abundance, the Munson boys are still trying to determine their costumes. 
“I can’t deciiiide,” Ryan whines to you, flopping back onto the couch with a dramatic groan. 
You take a seat next to him, scrunching up your nose in thought. “What’re we down to?” you ask. 
“Vampire or Scooby-Doo.”
You consider both options, trying to drown out the sound of the Hey, Arnold episode Luke’s engrossed in. “Hmm…my vote is for vampire.” You laugh when his face pinches in a frown. “That right there tells me you wanna be Scooby-Doo. I knew I could help,” you teasingly add. 
“Hey!” Luke calls out, startling you briefly.  
“Hey is for horses.” You grin. “What’s up?”
The front door opens with a soft groan, and Eddie steps inside. He shrugs out of his leather jacket and hangs it on a hook near the door. 
“Daddy!” Luke calls, pushing himself off the ground and running full speed at his father.
Eddie catches him easily and tosses the small boy over his shoulder as he walks further into the house. Luke’s little legs kick excitedly against Eddie’s torso. 
“Hello, my two jesters.” Eddie smiles, holding onto Luke with one hand and ruffling Ryan’s hair with the other. 
“Whatsa jester?” Luke asks from behind his father’s back.
“Like a clown but fancier. For a king,” Ryan tells him.
“And Princess,” Eddie addresses you, doing an abbreviated form of a bow with his son slung over his shoulder, being sure not to drop him.
The name and gesture make you giggle nonetheless, and you can feel the heat climbing in your cheeks.  
Eddie heads towards the kitchen, but Luke starts to flail in his grip, legs kicking dangerously close to a light fixture on the wall that’s already had to be replaced twice because of incidents involving the little boy.
“Waaaait! I hadda question!” 
“What’s up?” Eddie asks as he plops Luke back down on the floor.
Luke raises his eyebrows. “Not for you.” His tone implies that this should have been obvious. The five-year-old turns towards you and gives you his best pleading smile, complete with batted eyelashes. “Will you come trick-or-treating with me and Ryan? Pleeeeease?”
Ryan instantly loves the idea and bounds over to the stand next to his brother, both of them giving you those large Munson eyes that you’re helpless against.  
“Yes, pleeeeeease!” Ryan adds, jutting out his lower lip in a puppy dog-esque pout. 
As if you could say no to them. You didn’t want to either, really. It’d be fun to go around with them, and you’d never turn down time with Eddie. 
Speak of the devil… “As long as it’s okay with your dad,” you tell them.
As one, the boys spin around to face Eddie, giving him the same longing stare. 
“Don’t give me that look; I invented it,” Eddie tells them before looking at you over their heads. “But, of course. You’re always welcome, you know that.” 
“Yesssss!” The boys cheer and you give Eddie a grateful smile. He nods in return before grabbing a beer from the fridge, opening it using the side of the countertop. For some reason, it’s incredibly attractive to you, and you smile at him. 
“Ryan!” Luke says loudly, jarring you out of your daydreams about your boss. Luke turns to his older brother and places his hands on his shoulders. “I have a very important question.”
“What?” Ryan asks, frowning in confusion.
“Are your pillowcases bigger than mine? Cause we gotta use whatever lets us get the most candy!”
“Ooh!” Ryan lights up at the idea. “I’m not sure, let’s go check.”
Eddie turns to you as the boys dart to their rooms. “How long do you think it’ll take them to realize they’re the same size?”
You just laugh, thumbs dancing around each other nervously. “I’m excited to trick-or-treat with you. Them. All of you.” Heat creeps up your neck in embarrassment.
If Eddie notices, he doesn’t show it. 
“Yeah, me too. I gotta warn you, though,” he adds mischievously, “I’m more ‘tricks’ than ‘treats.’”
You furrow your brow. “What does that mean?”
He leans in so his lips are next to your ear, about to let you in on a secret. 
“I’m home!” an already irritated voice calls from the front door. You’d been so caught up in your conversation (flirtation?) with Eddie that you hadn’t even heard Brittany come in.  
Eddie lets out a small groan under his breath that you don’t think you were meant to hear—it’s just that his lips are so close to your ear. 
Brittany strides down the hall and Eddie takes a subtle step away from you. His wife hardly spares a glance in the direction of you two as she continues down the hall towards the master bedroom.
“I should head out,” you say, eager to avoid any more Brittany appearances. 
“Drive safe,” Eddie says. “Lots of weirdos out there around Halloween.”
“I’m a college student,” you remind him. “I’m very used to weirdos.”
Eddie chuckles and you give him a wave before walking out of the kitchen, exhaling a long-held breath once the door closes behind you. 
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On Halloween, Ryan and Luke come bounding out of school, even more hyper than usual. They come bearing crafts that they made in school and chatter on a mile a minute about the fun activities they’d done that day in their respective classes.
“Are you guys sure you need more candy?” you tease. “Looks like you’ve had enough sugar to last a lifetime.”
They just chant “more candy” in response, and you regret even asking. One of them hyper, you could handle no problem. But when it’s both of them? This is how you assume zookeepers feel while trying to care for the monkeys.
“Whatcha dressing up as tonight?” Luke asks once their chanting has come to an end.
“Ah, that’s just gonna have to remain a surprise,” you tell them, a smirk growing on your lips even though they can’t see it from the back seat.  
Once they figure out that they’re not going to break you and get the information they want, the car ride is filled with them singing at the top of their lungs, even Ryan, who is usually much more reserved. They jump from song to song: some they must know because of Eddie and some from Disney movies. 
Despite their protests to rifle through their bags when you get home, you manage to get them to eat some apple slices with peanut butter for a snack. Something healthy before their mouths feast on the pounds of sugar they’ll collect tonight. 
They still have an abundance of energy, so you get the idea to teach them the Time Warp dance. It’s something you remember learning long ago—from your sister, actually. And even though they are far too young to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show, it’s still fun to pass on the iconic choreography to the brothers. 
It also serves as a means to distract them since they’ve now tried twice to peek inside your bag and find out what your costume is. All attempts were unsuccessful. Maybe soon they’d actually start believing that you have eyes in the back of your head. 
You’re just finishing up cleaning the dishes as they jump to the left and step to the right, when the front door opens. Fight or flight instinct kicks in as you freeze on the spot, ready to protect the boys against the mystery intruder. But you relax as soon as Eddie calls out, “who’s ready to trick-or-treat?”
Ryan and Luke run over to their dad as usual, even more excited than they normally are since he’s come home early. 
“Look what we learned!” Luke exclaims, and the two of them execute the moves to The Time Warp as well as they can without music. It’s a little stiff and robotic, but they give it a valiant effort. At least Eddie was able to figure out what the hell they were doing.
“All right, little Riff Raffs,” Eddie chuckles, ruffling their hair. “Let’s get going before it gets too dark.”
“We’re not afraid of the dark!” Ryan protests. 
Eddie points to you as you step out of the kitchen, a shit-eating grin on his face. “She is.”
If the boys weren’t there, you’d flip him off; instead, you stick out your tongue. 
“Don’t worry, Sweetheart,” he coos, “I—we’ll protect you.”
“My hero,” you playfully gush, hands coming up to clasp beneath your chin and your voice going an octave higher to portray your role as the damsel in distress. 
The boys shuffle off to their rooms to change into their costumes, and you go into the bathroom to do the same. You unzip the old, faded gray duffel bag and take your fairy costume out piece by piece, the bright colors contrasting nicely in the mostly black and white bathroom. It would be a little difficult to attach the baby blue wings in the cramped space of the bathroom, so you decide you’ll do that last, out in the living room. The off-white dress you zip yourself into is off the shoulder and the short skirt has layers of cream-colored chiffon resting atop one another. The ballet flats you slip into are the same shade of white as well, with a touch of silver glitter sprinkled on them thanks to one of your friends in the art department at school. Deciding it’s probably easier to put your fake pointed ears on before your flower crown, you struggle to get the right ear to stick. Once it’s successful, you pick up the beautiful, thick flower crown adorned with red roses, pink peonies, and yellow carnations. It takes a little maneuvering to get it to sit on your head just right, but you smile to yourself in the mirror once you’ve got it just how you want it. You inspect yourself as you’re looking in the mirror and decide you’re glad you chose this costume. Of course, since Eddie’s going to be seeing you in it you want to make sure it looks good. 
Bringing the wings and bag out with you, you make your way back into the living room.
“What do you think?” you ask Eddie, mustering up all your courage to give a little twirl. The layers of your skirt spin with you, giving a cool breeze to the tops of your legs. 
Eddie swallows thickly. “Wow, um, I mean, you’re…” Hot. Gorgeous. Sexy. The girl of my goddamn dreams. “…a fairy,” he decides lamely. 
You nod, trying not to show your disappointment at his reaction, or lack thereof. “Yeah, I am,” you say softly. “My friend is going as one, too, so we’ll kinda match.”
Eddie wrinkles his nose. “Which friend?”
“Just someone from school. But we’re both going to the same party tonight, so we figured it would be fun to have similar costumes.”
“Oh, right, yeah.” Of course you’re going to a party. You’re young and carefree. Was he really expecting you to stay here with him and the boys? What would you do, curl up on the couch and watch Charlie Brown and his pumpkin while snacking on candy? And then after the kids go to bed, you and he would taste the chocolate on each others’ tongues—
“We’re ready!”
Luke’s announcement catches Eddie off guard and startles him. He’s quick to compose himself though and gives his boys a bright smile.
“Let’s head on out.”
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“Wait, I’m coming!”
Luke’s slightly shorter legs have him trailing behind his big brother as they climb the small hill to the next house. The orange streetlight glints off the golden dog tag resting against Ryan’s, or Scooby Doo’s, throat. The younger Munson brother’s hand comes up to keep his pirate hat in place as he struggles to catch up. 
The boys have all but forgotten that you and Eddie are there with them. The pair of you trail along behind the two excited boys, strolling leisurely in the chilly air and enjoying talking with one another. 
“Do you think the constant running will balance out any effects from the sugar so that they might actually fall asleep before four in the morning?” Eddie asks. He shakes his head in amusement as Luke barrels up to the next door.
“Unlikely,” you say with a chuckle. “But don’t worry, I’ll make sure they’re all hopped up on candy again when you come home from work tomorrow.”
Eddie narrows his eyes at you and even in the dim lighting as you walk in the dark patch between streetlights, you can tell how nonthreatening of a gesture it is on his face. You don’t dare for a moment think that Eddie isn’t capable of an intimidating look. Without a doubt, you know Eddie would flip a switch if anything happened to either of his children. You would never want to see anything happen to your two favorite boys, but part of you is curious what temper Eddie hides beneath the coveralls and metal band t-shirts. 
“You want me to fire you, huh? Is that it?” Eddie teases, bringing you back to the conversation at hand. 
“Oh, please,” you say, shrugging your bare shoulders. “You wouldn’t know what to do without me.”
You have no idea how right you are, Eddie thinks. He pretends to consider your words though, as he slips his hands into the pockets of his denim jacket—one better suited to combat the wind tonight than his usual leather. 
“I don’t know,” Eddie playfully muses. “How about you ask that friend of yours tonight if they’d be interested in babysitting two adorable, if not slightly crazy, little boys?”
Your responding giggle is like air to Eddie; he needs it so desperately that it goes far beyond a want or a craving. Each laugh of yours has him feeling like he’s Tinker Bell who needs applause to keep himself alive. 
“Lily serves coffee all day, so she could just as well give that to the kids. I think candy is the better option here,” you say, pulling Eddie out of his thoughts. 
Okay, the friend tonight is a girl, Eddie thinks with relief, before it’s quickly replaced by guilt. Why should it matter to him anyway? But it does and he’s in deep enough where he can admit that to himself. She said they were going as fairies, of course it’s a girl friend. But aren’t you glad to have that bit of confirmation? Jesus Christ, Eddie. Stop having internalized conversations with yourself and listen to what the intoxicatingly beautiful fairy next to you is saying. 
“…my sister’s for Thanksgiving, but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen,” you’re saying as Eddie manages to zone back in. “Do you know what you guys will be doing?”
“Uh…” Eddie stammers as he tries to shake the cobwebs out of his brain. “I think it’s our house this year.” Eddie scratches at his stubble as he thinks back to whatever Brittany yammered on about Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. “My uncle might be coming over. Or Britt’s sister and family. I don’t know, I’d rather just go over to my uncle’s place, honestly. Bring the kids back to the home I grew up in and have a nice dinner.” He’s babbling, but he can’t stop himself. “H-Have you met Wayne?”
You nod, confirming with a kind smile. “A few times. He seems really nice, and he obviously loves the boys.”
“Yeah,” Eddie beams. He’s so used to Brittany bashing his uncle that he’s caught off-guard by your compliment. “He pretty much raised me, so Luke and Ryan are like grandkids to him.”
Your heart soars, yet you’re compelled to know why Wayne took care of him instead of his own parents. It’s not a discussion for right now, so you tuck the thought in your pocket and move on. 
“If you need a babysitter to keep an eye on the kids while you get the cooking done, just let me know,” you chirp. 
“Thanks, Fairy Princess.”
“Any time, Boring, Costume-less Man.”
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Somehow despite all the energy they previously possessed, the boys drag their feet on the way back to the house. At one point, Eddie even throws Luke over his shoulder, the little boy slowing you all down so much with his tiny, tired steps. Happily, you hold his plastic pirate sword in one hand and pillowcase full of candy in the other as Luke is slumped down his dad’s back. Ryan trudges along beside you, each of his steps looking like it’s heavier than the last. You duck your head away to hide your smile; it’s just so nice to see him tuckered out after a fun evening with his family—and you, you mentally add. As much as you’d love to be part of this family, you’re still just a paid employee. 
Even through his massive lack of energy, Luke still begs to go through his collected stash before they go to bed. Because he can tell his youngest is wilting fast, he gives the okay while Ryan gets his pajamas on and brushes his teeth. 
“Both of you tuck me in?” Ryan asks sleepily, the palm of his hand rubbing his left eye.
“Sure thing, bud,” you tell him, following him to his room. You and Eddie tuck both of them in, watching contentedly as they snuggle into their blankets. They’re happy, innocent kids; just as they should be. 
Eddie presses a kiss to each of their foreheads. Luke is nearly asleep, but Ryan musters up the energy to crinkle his nose, looking at you through heavy-lidded eyes. 
“Can you kiss me, too?” he asks, yawning at the end of his question. 
“Me, too,” mumbles Luke. 
You look at Eddie for permission, not wanting to overstep bounds. He smiles and steps out of the way, and you place a soft kiss on their scalps and wish them sweet dreams. 
“Thanks, Fairy Godmother,” Luke says with a sleepy smile.
Jesus Christ, I wish she was your mother, Eddie can’t help but reflexively think, shaking off the idea. Brittany. You’re married to Brittany, and she’s the love of your life. Something nags at him that he shouldn’t have to constantly remind himself about it. 
Oblivious to Eddie’s inner turmoil, you giggle and muss up Luke’s soft curls. “See you tomorrow, First Mate Luke.”
“I’m the capt’n…” Luke slurs as he already falls headfirst into sleep. 
Both you and Eddie head back out to the living room and you scoop up your duffel bag that now holds your clothes from earlier in the day. 
Eddie takes full advantage of your back bring turned to let his eyes rake over you. “Have fun at your party tonight,” he says as he appreciates the curve of your ass. “Just be careful, yeah?”
His eyes automatically snap back up as you turn around to face him, hoping the pink tinge in the tips of his ears doesn’t give him away. 
“Of course,” you assure him. You hike the strap of the bag over your shoulder and give Eddie a smile. “Thanks for letting me come with you guys tonight. I had a lot of fun.” I always have fun with you and the boys, you think.
“No need to thank me, sweetheart,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “You did me a favor being there. Didn’t have to wrangle two hopped up munchkins on my own. Also, I had fun too.” Eddie feels the heat stinging his cheeks at the statement, but it’s the truth. 
He walks you over to the front door and just before you reach for the doorknob you remember the wings attached to your back. 
“Oh. Would you mind unhooking the wings for me? It’d be kind of hard to drive with them on.”
He nods quickly. “Yeah, uh, sure. How do they come off?” Eddie asks.
You turn your back towards him and maneuver yourself so he can see them better. “There’s a little hook about midway down my back. About where my bra clasp is.”
Eddie bites down on his lip to silence any noises that might have wanted to escape him at the reference to your bra and just how close his hands will be to it. That, plus the way your soft dress feels against his fingers as he undoes the hook and the heat radiating off your body has him half hard in his pants. 
Okay, maybe three-quarters hard, but who’s measuring?
A shiver goes down your spine as well at the feeling of his hands so gentle against you. Guys your age just paw at you, treating you like a piece of meat. You’re not used to being handled so delicately. Eddie clears his throat and removes the wings, handing them to you when you turn around. 
“Thanks,” you say, giving him a shy smile.
“No problem.” Thank you for giving me a reason to think about your bra. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“See you then.” He winces as he’s sure he’s coming off cold, but really, he’s just trying to keep his composure. You’re going to a college party with college guys; what could you possibly see in a man of his age, who has two kids of his own? 
You open the front door and a chill wind bursts in, making you shiver. 
“It gets cold earlier and earlier each year, I swear,” you joke lamely, forcing a smile through your nerves. 
Before he can overthink it, Eddie quickly grabs his denim jacket off the hook near the door and drapes it over your shoulders. 
“Here,” he says. “Can’t have you getting sick, can we?” 
“Thanks. Again.” You pull the jacket tighter around you, reveling in his scent engulfing you. If the smell of his cologne lingers on your skin, you’ll be hesitant to wash it off. “I’ll bring this back tomorrow.”
“I trust you,” Eddie tells you with a playful wink that sends fireworks erupting in your belly. 
On the inside, Eddie is thinking that you never have to give him back his jacket. He’d rather see you wearing it any day. Though, if he’s being honest, the sight of you in an item of his clothing is not helping the situation behind his fly.  
“Bye, Eddie.”
“Bye, sweetheart.”
You give him one more smile before heading out to your car. 
Eddie closes the door behind you and lets out a long groan. “Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath. He rubs his hands over his face as he heads towards the bathroom. Suddenly he has a whole new variety of fantasies about you to play in his head while he’s in the shower, starring one particular fairy princess. 
As soon as the water is warm enough, he steps into the tub and wraps his hand around his cock. It only takes a few tugs—coupled with images of you—for him to get fully hard. 
You, in your cute fairy costume. 
You, flirting with him and showing off your body. 
“Thassit,” Eddie mumbles to himself, “on your knees for me. Please.” He pictures you following his orders, opening up your mouth as he taps his length on your lips. “Good girl.”
He increases his pace, groaning as he jerks himself. “Love being in that pretty mouth of yours, honey. So warm and wet. Almost as good as your pussy, fuck.” He blinks the water from his eyes. “You knew what that costume would do to me, didn’t you? Knew how fuckin’ hot you looked, hmm? Would be a shame if someone were to…ruin it.”
He can’t help how quickly he cums, grunting and panting as he spills onto his hand. In his mind, his load drips down your once-flawless costume. “Poor little fairy. Christ, you look even better covered in my cum.”
Embarrassment sets in as his orgasm wanes. He needs to stop thinking about you this way. You’re twenty years old, you’re his kids’ babysitter, you’re forbidden fruit. 
What he wouldn’t give to take a bite. 
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upsidedownwithsteve · 1 month
If any of these float your boat, mama! 🥰
Catching Dad!Steve being amazed at tiny fingers and toes on his first newborn.
Pregnancy/pregnancy test reveal for dad-to-be!Steve
Dad!Steve getting invited to a daddy daughter dance
Dad!Steve at his baby girl's Kindergarten Graduation
we went for the daddy daughter dance, babe! 🧡
dad!steve harrington x fem!reader
“Do I have to wear a tux?”
Margot frowned at her dad and you rolled your eyes good naturedly from the door way. Your five year old was peering at Steve with scrunched brows and narrowed eyes in a way that she’d definitely inherited from her father.
You’d never seen a kindergartener look so judgemental.
“What’s a tusk?” She asked, gazing back at you too.
Steve snorted and stopped chopping the peppers he was prepping for dinner. “A tux,” he repeated kindly. “A tuxedo, like a suit, babe.”
Margot scrunched her nose at that, shaking her head. She butted it against Steve’s hip, nose pushed to his leg and her small hands clinging to his jeans as she groaned. “Dad, no.”
Steve laughed then, his gaze meeting your own and you smothered a laugh behind your hand as you witnessed what was surely going to be another father-daughter battle of stubbornness.
“What?” Steve smiled, staring down at his daughter’s smushed face. She was still clinging to him, pouting and with her chin digging into his upper thigh. “You asked me to the daddy daughter dance! Shouldn’t I look fancy?”
Margot shook her head, nose still scrunched. “It’s not fancy!” She declared. “You gotta look cool, dad.”
She’d slumped to the floor now, her butt sitting on Steve’s socked foot as she wrapped her arms around his calf. Her birthday was fast approaching but she was still a small thing, slight and with wild hair, more freckles appearing each day the summer drew out.
“Cool?” Steve exclaimed, his voice taking on that playful tone he kept exclusively for Margot. You loved it. He’d went back to stirring his pasta sauce, the dish towel slung over his shoulder more attractive than it should’ve been. “I thought I was the coolest? What’s cooler than a tuxedo, Margot, huh?”
Margot frowned again, something she did when she was deep in thought. She poked at Steve’s toe through his sock and then confidently told him, “nah, uncle Eddie is the coolest.”
You let out the laugh you were trying to keep between your fingers, unable to help yourself. Your daughter turned to the sound, grinning giddily at you as she realised she’d said something funny. Turning her smile on her dad, she cackled as Steve gasped down at her, her giggles turning to shrieks as your husband dropped his wooden spoon and scooped Margot up instead.
With your daughter upside down in his arms, Steve dug his fingers gently into her sides, eliciting more shrieks and happy noises as he told her to take that back right now.
“But uncle Ed has a— dad! Uncle Eddie has a leffer jacket!”
Steve ended up at Margot’s dance without a tux. But he looked just as handsome in his white shirt and jeans, accompanied by his daughter in her new lilac dress with the tulle skirt, the leather jacket Eddie had gifted her on top.
And as the next song started to play - the Spice Girls - and the disco lights spun around the old gym floor, Margot poked at her leather jacket with its first pin and said, “see, dad? Cool.”
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 month
Got A Problem With That? (Male!Reader x Dean Winchester)
@innerpiratefun Can you make a part 2 of Dean Winchester x Male Reader he's a mechanic in California, it's my favorite fic also could you include a part where Sam realizes the collar and says something to dean but dean doesn't take it off or something like that, btw love your fics
Here's PART 1
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"He's good at that stuff. Maybe better than you." Dean smirks at his little brother.
Sam scoffs. Skeptical.
Dean chuckles, turning up the music.
They've left you back at the motel - there's no way you're letting Dean travel off alone for this journey, but you're also not skilled in monster hunting, so you've made yourself useful through research.
You're currently compiling a little database on monsters through research and the brothers' anecdotes.
You're not very happy about being dragged into a search for John Winchester, but you want to support Dean, who seems to have genuinely missed his brother.
Besides, apparently Sam tried to leave, but was driven into a deeper need for vengeance when his girlfriend was killed in the same way as their mom.
"You're pretty, ah, serious with him, yeah?" Sam asks again. In the two weeks since you started traveling together, Sam has asked this quite a few times.
"Yeah." Dean responds shortly - as he has each time. He knows their dad might be weird about it. Knows he and Sam weren't exactly raised to even know about sexuality besides heterosexuality.
They both know things, but it's still... awkward to see each other after so long and have to share that.
Dean's been wearing a leather jacket and many layers - trying a little harder not to let his collar show.
It's technically just a necklace, but it serves the same purpose.
You have a thicker leather one for play, but for just wearing, it's a black chain of twisted links attached to a black circle. It's not particularly noticeable, but it is distinctive.
"So... what's this?" Sam asks, reaching out and pointing at the necklace.
Dean tenses as if about to smack Sam's hand away, as if thinking he was going to touch the necklace. "Y/N gave it to me."
"Oh. It's... nice."
Sam clears his throat, uncomfortable. "Looks kinda like a BDSM thing."
Dean winces. And that tells Sam all he needs to know.
He chuckles a little. "Wow, Dean."
"Shut up." Dean growls. He's not laughing.
"Jeez..." Sam smirks, happy to get under his skin. "I was just-"
"It's something special to my partner and me. That's all you need to know. And all I feel like telling you. Got it?"
The drive is unbearably awkward, especially on the way to take down another spirit.
"Dean?" Sam asks as they park.
"Yeah?" Dean asks gruffly.
"I'm... I'm happy you're that close with someone. I wanted to have what you have with... with Jess."
Dean shifts uncomfortably. But he doesn't protest or shy away - you've helped him learn to communicate and part of that is listening.
"So yeah. It's really cool that you have a partner you're so close to. You're a lot less of a douche than you were." Sam chuckles.
"Yeah. Th-thanks."
Sam makes to open his door. "How'd you pull a guy so much smarter than you, anyway?"
They leave the car, already more relaxed.
"Yeah, well, it's actually a funny story..."
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