#the crawler fable 3
prettyboishin · 1 year
made this and lost my fuckin mind over it your Wellcome
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fable-finder · 2 months
Y’all should I dig up the old crawler bot messages from a few years ago, it’s funny as hell
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ariwa003 · 16 days
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Encounter with Crawler...
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Random post but it always annoyed me when people called Walter weak or a p*ssy for getting scared during the Shadelight part of Fable 3. Do people not understand he has PTSD surrounding caves and the dark?
Guess what?! The Crawler represents BOTH of those and it’s talking to him. Y’all really think he’s weak for freaking out during a trigger?
Also for those who say it didn’t break the Hero. Y’all. The Hero of Brightwall is the player character. Of course it isn’t.
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cocoaletta · 1 year
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“you have done terrible things… did you think that i wouldn’t know? did you think that i would allow it?”
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aragaki · 10 months
I've played Fable 3 so many times because it's arguably the easiest but I still manage to miss little details and they break my heart.
After you fight Walter when he gets possessed by the Crawler and dies in the Hero's arms all the lieutenants circle around to say goodbye to their friend I didn't notice but Logan is there too. He's at the bottom of the screen, standing away from the others!!
Now it's just in my head that Logan didn't feel worthy to stand with the others while they grieved. Walter was the father figure to his sibling, he was longtime friends with Sabine and Ben Finn, he planned a revolution with Page and owed his life to Kalin and her people. But.
He was Logan's advisor first.
Before everything fell apart, he was friends with Sparrow. When Logan became king, Walter was who he turned to to advise him. Logan is just as heartbroken as the others but he ruined whatever relationship he had with Walter a long time ago and everyone at his side when he dies are people that Logan has done unforgivable damage to. He isn't worthy and can't imagine Walter would want to see him in his last moments after everything he did.
So he stands away from the rest and grieves alone. He's been doing it for half a decade after the Crawler, longer since his parent's death. He's good at it.
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elgaravel · 2 months
YOUR top 5 fable moments 🫵
ehehehehehehehe thank u quill
the introduction to the crawler?? like. i remember playing it as a kid and shaking in my fucking boots down there with walter and it still gets me as an adult. the atmosphere of it is just soooo fucking good and unforgettable to me. i just love the aurora section of the game
i will have to agree with you on the reaver introduction in 2. he's such a pompous loser <3 his first appearance in 3 is also very good, always makes me smile despite him being wretched
"death is not your destiny today, little sparrow" lives fucking rent free in my mind. that whole scene is obvs very sad but i just love how it's executed
ALSO will have to agree with starting 3 with fighting walter and ending with killing him :( like i just. where else am i gonna get that
reaver killing lucien for you if you let him talk too long. i know people hate that but it's soooooo fucking funny to me. imagine being sparrow and going through all of that and that jackass shoots him for you 😭
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my favourite fable theory is the one where the oldest sibling has more diluted heroic potential, and only in one area
Theresa is obviously a will user- a super op one at that. No further explanation.
Rose died right out the gate, so this one's a little trickier, but I wholeheartedly believe she would've shown through in skill. Living on the streets already made her rely on her resourcefulness and quick-thinking, but imagine she had another outlet to put that into. Also she got knocked down in one shot, girl is not shining through in strength
Logan tho- definitely strength. Emphasis on toughness and combat abilities, rather than bulk. Maybe some skill mixed in- because I see him valuing technique in combat more than brute force. However, I like to think that his toughness was one of the factor's that allowed him to face the crawler and live. Think sparrow's fall, and them still breathing on the brink of death. Or, I heard this awhile ago, but succumbing to your injuries is how you get scars in fable 2+3, and we've all seen his face. so angst potential there.
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danteatlas · 11 months
Fable hell is looking at Logan and not enjoying the way the story portrayed him at all. Listen the way the game treats this man does not make sense and I could fix it. You want Tortured Morally Gray Logan? Make it about revenge!
Killing the crawler isn't about saving the world, or even saving himself. The crawler killed his parent, and he is going to see the monster undone! Let the guilt eat him as he makes harder and harder decisions. Let his hair start out brown and turn black from the residual Will in his blood. Let ME SEE HIM. LET ME SEE HIS HAIR TURN BLACK AND HIS EYES SINK IN AND HIS SKIN TURN PALE. You want True Villain Logan? Cool! Let Logan resent his lack of Will. Let him hate his name and his family. Let him attempt to kill the crawler for his own glory. Let him be driven by greed and glory!!! I personally think Tortured Morally Gray Logan is my favorite and thank you for coming to my TED talk the way fable 3 handles the plot twist is bad and please come back when I talk about how much I hate the final fight.
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mrs-theirin · 2 months
top five fable moments >:) from any or all of the games, up to you <3
ezraaaaa you can't do this to me (please do)
again in no particular order!
1) such a small moment but i LOVE theresa asking sparrow if they feel the weight of killing after they've killed thag. it's just. so good. what other game would ask you if you feel bad about killing an enemy
2) meeting reaver in 2 because he just radiates loser pussy boy. LOVE him. his introduction is fantastic
3) just the entire spire sequence in 2? again, i say what other game has done it. what other game would take 10 years of your journey and make it MATTER. make you FEEL. god i love fable so much
4) the crawler's introduction in aurora. leaving a blind, scared walter behind..... it's always soul crushing. such an effective part of the game god have i mentioned i love fable
5) well. you know. full circle moment. start the game fighting walter and. and end the game. killing him. such a good fucking game. rip walter you were always the best dad
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prettyboishin · 1 year
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I really want you to know you're responsible for this monstrosity.
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heroofshield · 9 months
Whumpcember Day 26- Collapse (Fable 3 Hero/Ben Finn)
Carolina felt her feet start to slip, the sand underneath it giving way. She tried to keep her balance but couldn't, so she slid down the dune-rolling to a stop at the base. Closing her eyes against the sun, she lay there for who knows how long, ever since arriving in Aurora she's lost track of time.
"I have to get help. For Walter." she dimly thought, feeling a stab of guilt at having to leave him back at the ruins. Even if he had ordered her to...
Taking a breath, Carolina slowly pushed herself up-standing and mustered up the energy to start walking again. The sun beat down relentlessly and she wished for night so she could at least get a break from the heat. The sun had started to angle downwards when she heard a shout. Pausing, she raised her sun-burned arm to shade her eyes so she could see whoever it was better.
Confused, she squinted at the waving figure-taking a few halting steps forwards.
The figure became clearer and Carolina wasn't sure what to think. Lowering her arm she watched Eliot walk towards her with his trademark smile. "Elliot?" she whispered when he was closer. "But...how? You're dead."
"You killed me. It's your fault." Eliot said, his voice distorting into the Crawler's as his body twisted and contorted into smoke, winding itself around Carolina. Turning into shadow demons, the Crawler grew until he blotted out the sun.
Carolina let out a frustrated howl, she'd thought that she'd gotten away from the cursed demon. Pulling out her sword, she swung it at the demons, jumping away as they tried to attack her. Tapping into her Will, she let loose a whirlwind and ice spell- to confuse and then freeze them in order to keep them from overwhelming her.
As she fought, the Crawler kept taunting her; how she'd left Walter to his death back at the ruins, how she'd sent Eliot and Swift to their own deaths by letting them believe that she could overthrow Logan.
Eventually she drove her sword through the last shadow demon and the Crawler disappeared, the sudden light of the setting sun making Carolina near blind after so long in the dark. Blinking rapidly, she kept her sword out- letting it drag in the sand as she started her trek again.
Ben Finn raised the spyglass to his eye, slowly sweeping it across the sand. "She has to be out here somewhere." he thought, trying not to let the knot of worry in his stomach get to him. "I know the Princess and she's a fighter."
"Ben." Kalin said while placing a hand on his arm, her voice neutral but sad at the same time. "We need to start heading back.
"Just a few more kilos. We'll still have time to get back before dark." Ben replied without tearing his gaze from the spyglass.
Kalin gave Ben a sympathetic look, she knew the hope that he still held all to well. But at the same time they needed to get back to the temple before dark. Before the Crawler came to the city. Letting a slight sigh escape, she turned to the small party that had accompanied them-giving a slight nod to signal that they'd continue.
Ben led the group, his white head covering helping to block the worst of the sun, but he could still feel the tan that he was getting. Climbing the top of the dune, he lift the spyglass to his eye again and started the search all over again.
Still not seeing anything, he was about to give up for the day when he spotted movement out of the corner of the glass. Pausing he turned towards the movement and felt his breath catch.
"There." Ben said, pointing before lowering the glass and handing it to Kalin so she could verify it herself. "I'd know that sword anywhere."
Kalin was silent for a few seconds before lowering the glass and collapsing it before handing it back to Ben. Turning towards the rest of the party, she spoke in her native tongue sharply. Everyone sprung into action, racing down the dune and in the direction she had pointed.
Ben skidded down the dune, the hope in his chest exploding as he shouted, "Princess!"
Carolina paused at the shout, knowing that the voice sounded familiar but didn't want to believe it. "It could be another trick." she told herself, trying to draw the strength to fight the mirage, but was struggling. Fighting the Crawler so much had drained her of her Will.
Then the mirage sharpened and Ben Finn, still in his Royal Army uniform, can running towards her. "Ben." she whispered, wavering as her legs felt weak.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Ben laughed, glad that he had finally found them. Then he realized that Carolina was alone and his joy turned to confusion. "Where's Wally?"
Carolina closed her eyes as a wave of dizziness washed over her and she pitched forwards.
Ben was close enough that he lept towards Carolina as she collapsed and gently lowered her to the ground, getting on his knees so she didn't have to lay in the sand. "It's okay, I've got you."
"Walter...ruins." Carolina whispered, eyes fluttering closed again.
"Ruins? What ruins? Where are they?" Ben asked while looking up at Kalin, who had quietly moved to the side.
"I know of what she speaks. Fortunately it's not far from here, we'll be coming close to it but we can make it there and get back just as darkness falls." Kalin said before turning towards half of the group and ordering them towards the ruins. "We need to get your friends inside the temple, our healers can tend to them there."
"I've got you love." Ben whispered, gently brushing some hair off of Carolina's face. "I've got you."
Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.
Carolina dimly heard Ben's voice and after a few seconds pause, gave his hand a light squeeze. There was muffled cursing that roused her enough to crack open an eye. Shutting it again, what felt like a few seconds more, she slowly opened both eyes.
Staring at an unfamiliar ceiling, she tried to sit up to see where she was but found that she couldn't.
"Easy there, Princess." Ben said, all but jumping off his chair to help Carolina sit up. Once she was comfortable, he sat back down. "Am I glad to see you awake. You have no idea the fright you gave me."
"Oh?" Carolina said, her voice harsh from unuse. Clearing it, she tried again. "I couldn't have been out for that long."
"Trust me you were." Ben moved the chair closer so he didn't have to lean forwards so much.
Carolina gave Ben a slight smile, "I guess I should thank you, for finding me."
"You remember that? I'm flattered." Ben tried to pass it off as a joke, but he was suddenly overwhelmed with the relief that he'd been keeping at bay while Carolina recovered. "I'm just glad that you're going to be okay."
Carolina took Ben's hand and gave it a squeeze, "With you having my back I know I will."
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ariwa003 · 7 months
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What is your real enemy? We have plenty to choose from!
[Another Fable 3 art I present you with. Although I decided to draw the trio of enemies that I think should somewhat be in spotlight! Hope you gonna enjoy!]
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tombstone-pisa · 9 months
me and ku made a fable 3 au and honestly i'm brainrotting it constantly
ingo goes mad and becomes a tyrant out of a desperate need to save his people + being traumatized for weeks by an eldritch abomination that could see into his very soul and taunt him with hallucinations and attacks and everything. he has a crippling fear of the dark now and hates himself for hurting people even as he tries to save them
Emmet, meanwhile, is more mad at Ingo for lying to him and not letting him help then anything else. When the others want to kill Ingo, Emmet instead makes him a prisoner... and imprisons him in his bedroom. Yknow. To keep an eye on him. And interrogate him. And gather information about the crawler.
He puts his most trusted guards outside of the king and queen's chamber (now his and ingos room since he's the king and he'll make ingo his queen eventually. he'll just make sure the kingdom sees the truth about ingo and how he was trying to save them all along)
Royal Guard 1: The ex-king sure is... loud. Royal Guard 2: I try not to think about it. Royal Guard 3 and 4: *discussing their new OTP together secretly*
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Austin, Jack and Sylvi playing Etrian Odyssey 3 is up on the youtube. they get a boat and try to become good at Boat Business, which is a difficult thing to get good at
On The High Seas, As Always - Etrian Oddyssey 3 pt. 2 | streamed 07/31/24
Etrian Oddyssey is a 1st person 3d dungeon crawler with dragon quest style turn based combat. Austin and Sylvi's Seabirds Guild head into the Labrynth to find a fabled Drowned City...
6:45 PM PDT, 04 September 2024 (Source)
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