#the curse of the cowlick
meanbossart · 5 months
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apropos of nothing but my desire to see a scary looking child
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pixlokita · 2 years
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Discord shenanigans with @cookieruma29 and her human Helpy but with the DLC costume 💖
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amaranthoi · 1 month
When they said ur bangs r gonna need constant styling they weren't lying huh
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corpsoir · 2 years
skagen and lovart
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avantguardisme · 1 year
hm. i think i need to shave my whole head again.
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heartandfangs · 1 year
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GENRE Roommate AU, Smut, Hint of Romance
PAIRING Jongseong/Jay x Fem!Reader x Heeseung
WARNINGS 18+ ONLY MDNI, Threesome, Cursing, Jealousy, Breast worship (what’s new), Making out, Oral sex (f!receiving), Mention of food, Light biting, Daddy kink, Role play, Cum eating/swapping, Unresolved feelings, Dom!Jay, SoftDom!Heeseung, PowerSub!Reader, HeeJay are pervs
SUMMARY After several long months of ignoring the angel and devil living across the hall, said roommates take matters into their own hands to please you on your special day. 
AUTHOR’S NOTE This one’s simple but kinda crazy?? ngl I REALLY got carried away with the wc for this first request, but I’m going to try and keep the others shorter so I can get through them quicker. Definitely felt less pressure while writing this for fun tho. Happy birthday 🪶 anon! I took some artistic liberties with your simple request lmao, but hope you and everyone enjoy it regardless (if it’s not ur cuppa tea dw!) 🖤🤍🖤🤍 
See end for cont. author’s note.
© 2021-2023, Heart and Fangs. All rights reserved. Do not translate or post anywhere.
After an incredibly rough week of work, you’d completely forgotten to switch off your alarm last night so you could sleep in for your birthday. It was your long-awaited day. 
“The fuck,” You groaned before tapping the screen of your phone to silence the obnoxious sound. 
Clambering and scurrying footsteps could be heard outside your bedroom and in the shared kitchen. A nagging feeling in your stomach told you that you wouldn’t be allowed back to sleep any time soon. 
After about a minute, you noticed the sound of your roommates gathering outside your door— then knuckles tentatively rapping against it.
You pulled your duvet over your head and curled up tighter onto your side, refusing to answer. 
Another knock.
It was more insistent this time, annoyingly so. 
“What?” Your grumpy tone made it known that they were unwelcome visitors this early in the morning. 
Please go away…
Jay, seemingly unbothered by your attitude, cracked open the door, surveying your condition before swinging it wide open to reveal a birthday cake in his hand. 
Heeseung didn’t look any better than you in his black sweatsuit set and cowlicked ash-gray hair hiding his half-lidded eyes. Jay more than likely dragged him out of bed to help him prepare your surprise, yet he still gave you a smirk behind Jay’s shoulder and flashed you a peace sign. 
With a mischievous smile, Jay strode to the edge of your bed wearing a typical pair of gray sweatpants and a black tank, his lean arms on display. “Morning, birthday girl.” 
Heeseung made his way in and released a handful of red and pink balloons that floated to the ceiling; you’d think it was Valentine's Day or something. “Happy birthday, ___.”
Slowly, you dragged yourself up to sitting, keeping your blanket wrapped tightly around your shoulders. You rubbed your eyes, “I can’t believe I sabotaged myself with my alarm today.”
“Happens to the best of us,” Jay balanced the cake in one hand as he kneeled on the floor by your bed and ran a hand through his pale blonde hair, “And well, now you just have more of your day to enjoy. But first, cake.”
Of course, they knew better than to sing. You sighed and stared down at the simple, pink-frosted cake piped with red dollops in a heart-shaped border. 
In the center was written in red frosting:
u can’t pick ur dad
but u can pick ur daddy(s)
You snorted and pressed a hand to your lips, raising an eyebrow at the two. Grammatically, it didn’t even make any sense, but you guessed it wasn’t supposed to. 
“What the hell is this? Which of you—” You barely managed to get out, shoulders shaking from laughter as you eyed Heeseung and gave Jay a look of scrutiny, “Or should I even bother to ask?”
In return, Jay playfully swiped the pads of his fingers across the corner of your lips, effectively smearing a bit of pink cream onto your skin. 
“Hey—“ Despite flinching, your tongue automatically darted out to sample the rich semi-sweet frosting, eyes widening in approval, “Mm!”
Jay chuckled and licked the remaining frosting off of his thick fingers, watching as you quickly averted his gaze, “I baked and decorated it. Obviously. But this guy stalked your Pinterest boards and saw something similar. So that’s how we got the idea, I guess.”
“Stalked? I just follow her,” Heeseung insisted, twirling the pink ribbon from a balloon around his finger. The two of them glanced at each other, and despite being touched by the sentiment, you paused.
While you had some pretty questionable content saved to the boards on your account, you definitely couldn’t have known Heeseung bothered to keep an eye on them.
What else did they see?
“Oh— how thoughtful of you,” You glanced over at the culprit, who suddenly found your carpet fascinating.
Jay cleared his throat and gestured the candle-lit cake towards you, its dancing flames taunting you, “Well, make your wish before the candle wax melts all over it, ___. Anything you want?”
“Hm,” You casually stretched your arms and shrugged off your blanket to reveal your gym shorts riding up your thighs as you crossed your ankles, “So if I wished for you both to leave me alone right now, you’d grant my wish?”
Heeseung untangled his finger from the balloon ribbon, blinking in surprise just as Jay’s shoulders slumped slightly, a flicker of hurt unexpectedly crossing his features. The blond pressed his lips together and stood to his feet. 
“Well, if that’s what you want. We’ll leave you be.”
He nearly bumped into Heeseung on his way out but stopped at the sound of your sultry voice. 
Heeseung seemed enraptured as you gnawed at your lips and ushered Jay back with a simple look and tilt of your chin. The younger man’s gaze settled on the stretch of your thin cotton shirt over your breasts, and you felt yourself flush.
“I’m fucking with you both. Bring my pretty cake back.”
Both of them seemed to perk up as though they misheard you before trying to cover up how your choice words affected them.  
Jay huffed at your smug grin, “Go on then, blow it out, princess.”
With a roll of your eyes, you leaned forward and blew out the candles lined along the top of the rosy pink cake, leaving a trail of smoke in the air. 
“There, I made my wish. Thank you, boys.”
The last word seemed to grate on Jay’s nerves, with the way he haphazardly slid your cake onto your desk. 
“Hey, be careful. Why wouldn’t you handle your hard work with care? I’m gonna eat that later,” You quipped. 
“What was your wish?” Jay dared to ask, crossing his arms as he leaned back onto your desk. 
That earned him a weird look from you. 
“You can’t just ask her that,” Heeseung nudged Jay in his side and took the opportunity to sit next to you, the mattress dipping under his weight. Heeseung was a bit intimidating in size, but his proximity didn’t make you uncomfortable in the slightest— or so you liked to tell yourself. “We’re not done with your gifts yet.”
You faced him and leaned back on your hand, placing the other atop your thighs, skin suddenly prickling with goosebumps. “No?”
Heeseung couldn’t help the subtle smile playing at his lips due to the unnecessary but predictable tension between you and Jay, “We know the extra attention isn’t your favorite, but just for today, don’t fight it.”
“What do you mean? Don’t fight what exactly…?” You continued to feign confusion, feeling your heart thump erratically as Heeseung tucked your messy hair behind your ears and dragged his soft caress along your warm cheeks.
You felt a sense of adoration in his touch, those languid eyes of his melting into your own so you wouldn’t have doubts about what was to follow. 
“This,” The manner in which Heeseung moved against you was gentle but confident, his moist lips capturing yours as though he didn’t want a second with you to go to waste but still knew he could take his time with you. 
How could you fight such a sweet kiss?
Not long after, Heeseung began to playfully prod his tongue along your inner cheek before swirling it against yours, slowly dropping his palms down your delicate neck, then even lower, until he found your soft breasts. The squeeze of his warm hands around them sent a jolt through your body and tightened the knot in your belly; you couldn’t help but arch your back to press closer to him with an airy moan.
It took a second before you realized the gravity of what you were doing with your shyest roommate and steadied yourself against his chest. “Heeseung—”
Then you felt a rougher set of fingers hook underneath your jaw and steal you away from Heeseung’s kisses. 
Jay stood over you and held you in place, pressing a frosting-dipped thumb past your lips, the flavor awakening your tastebuds once more. 
“Suck,” Jay commanded under his breath, which was somehow more intimidating than if he were to shout it. As he pushed the pad of his thumb down onto your wet muscle, you obediently closed your lips around the knuckle of his finger and met his keen eyes.
He nodded approvingly, “That’s a good girl.”
It was common for the two of you to always give each other a hard time, but if he ever overstepped his boundaries, he always made up for it through an unexpected warm gesture or a home-cooked meal the next day once things had simmered down. He wasn’t as much of a hardass as he let on.
At first, Heeseung appeared to be the most laid-back and benevolent of you three, but you always figured he was more of a maverick than one might initially guess. It wasn’t until he started playing clever pranks on you after a couple of months of getting to know him that you realized you’d finally cracked through that bashful exterior of his.
Although the three of you shared an undeniable chemistry that allowed you to live together as roommates without entirely wanting to rip each other’s throats out, neither of them had ever made a move on you before— and you couldn’t have ever guessed they’d make a move on you together.
Were there signals over the months that you’d missed? Looking back, yes, that might’ve been the case— but you’d chosen to ignore them due to an inability to make up your mind. Perhaps that’s why things were getting out of hand; you’d driven the two of them up the wall, and they had no choice but to retaliate.
All you could do right now is try to make it through whatever they had in store for you… and somehow, you didn’t mind that. 
“Hate it?” Jay asked.
Judging by your heavy eyelids and the sweet hum of your voice vibrating against his digit, he had an idea that it was quite the contrary.
“Figured,” Jay removed his thumb from your mouth with a pop and leaned over to pull you against his lips for a crushing kiss of his own.
He was all heat and didn’t hesitate to tug your lips between his teeth or shove his tongue against yours until you were red in the face, gasping for air and more of him simultaneously. 
“Mmh— Jay!”
He gave you a haughty look and continued to make a mess out of you, ruthlessly nipping at your ear and down your neck, knowing that you enjoyed the roughness of his affection. It almost killed you when he slowed down a bit, eyes flickering open to stare at you with his forehead pressed to yours, breathing the same air as you.
Right then, you felt Heeseung mouth over the fabric of your shirt, gradually coaxing your nipple to hardness. With the moan you rewarded him with, he grew bold and pulled the fabric over your breasts to take the one closest into his mouth, suckling sweetly around it.
You swore your nipples had a direct connection to your clit because it pulsed against your tight shorts and made you sink your fingers into tufts of Heeseung’s dark grey hair with a whimper.
Of course, Heeseung would be the one to make you give in.  
After seeing your lovely reactions to his other roommate’s ministrations, Jay promptly kneeled on the bed and caught your other nipple with his soft lips. You cried out as he released it with a smack, only to continuously flick at the tip with his tongue, sending you into oblivion. 
The two boys worked in tandem to pleasure you, tugging at your delicate nipples and laying kisses on your burning skin, the delicious sounds of their mouths worshiping your body falling on your ears. How they had their own ways of going about it made you feel even more cherished by the two. This was the kind of gift that kept on giving. 
“Oh my god, that feels so good,” Panting, you tipped your head back and squeezed your eyes shut, letting the pleasure wash over your body at being tended to with such enthusiasm. Your panties were growing wetter by the second. 
“I told you she’d lose it once we started milking her tits,” Heeseung commented, reaching up to stroke your cheek with his thumb, “Like the feeling of getting milked that much, baby?”
The way Heeseung addressed you made your stomach do flips. 
“Mmn, yes… You guys are fucking— ah— crazy,” You whined helplessly.
“We’re not the ones posting kinky shit to our public socials,” Jay deflected with a hoarse laugh, remembering something in particular he saw on yours that he liked.
He continued to suck and knead at your breast with the intent to make you swell under his touch, and by the time you were begging for release, he wanted you to be soaked through your little shorts.
With a bit of tooth and control, Jay gradually sucked around your areola until you let out a delighted yelp, in which he quelled your pain with laps of his tongue. He was extremely cognizant of how your hips twitched, inviting him to touch you further.
“Hngh— please, it’s not like I planted a seed in your minds. You were both perverts to start with,” You shot back despite feeling stranded in the fog of bliss, “Jacking off in the shower with my soap…”
Jay, in particular, froze at your accusation.
“I’ve used that brand my whole life and noticed each bottle went quicker ever since I moved in with you two. And then jacking off in my bed when I’m not home—”
You punctuated your slight annoyance by curling your fingers around Heeseung’s cheeks. That irked you a bit more than Jay’s shower antics for hygienic reasons.
“I can smell your shampoo all over my pillow, you know. Can you at least change my sheets out of courtesy once you’re done? Bet you wanted me to figure it out, didn’t you?”
The entirety of Heeseung’s skin above his collar turned a deep shade of scarlet, his large eyes shining from embarrassment. “Shit, uh. I-I…I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll even do your laundry for a month.”
“What, so you can steal another pair of my panties?”
Heeseung couldn’t hide his startled expression. A few seconds passed before a smirk made its way onto his flushed face, and he wet his lips. “‘Course not …”
Jay cocked a brow at Heeseung having been exposed to the degree that he was. Really, the two of them should’ve known better. Although the blond wasn’t sure if there were more things Heeseung’s done that you hadn’t caught onto yet, he knew that to be so in his case.
“I knew it all along,” You sat up straighter and stroked Jay and Heeseung beneath their chin, spreading your legs to reveal how your arousal had seeped through your layer of panties staining the fabric of your bottoms a darker, enticing shade.
With greedy looks in their eyes, both boys set their sights on the evidence of your excitement, saliva collecting under their tongues. 
“So, how are you both really gonna make up for such shameless, deranged behavior?”
Heeseung felt his cock twitch heavily in his sweatpants at your challenge, knowing it was all your fault. 
“We were just getting to that part,” Jay appealed, caressing his hand along your inner thigh, dipping closer and closer to your warmth, “___, trust me, you’ll forget all about our fuck-ups in a few minutes.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” You directed Heeseung to continue stimulating your tits by dragging his chin forward as you leaned back onto your elbows. 
He peeked over his shoulder at Jay, who positioned himself between your legs, and it was evident by the dark glint in his eyes that he wanted to taste you as well. However, you judged his sinful shenanigans to be greater than Jay’s and instead jerked his head towards your chest, your free hand gripping your breast.
“C’mon, Daddy, make my wish come true. Milk my tits and pussy, I want it so badly...”
That was a first. Your words seemed to reset the two back in order; Heeseung’s breath caught in his chest, but Jay fell back into the flow of things quicker. 
“Shit, baby. We’ll give it to you.”
You squirmed as Jay ran his hot tongue over the seam tucked between your swollen mound, his fingers tugging at your waistband to strip you bare.
Heeseung held your hazy gaze as he yanked off his top, tossing it onto the floor before diving back into devouring your breasts. With each messy kiss placed on your chest, your entire body shuddered, and Heeseung found himself groaning against your skin from how amazing it felt to finally gratify his urges for you. 
It was so satisfying to make you moan nonsensical things while feeling your nails scrape along his nape and upper back. 
Once Jay freed you from your shorts, all that was left was your drenched panties, which he took an even more passionate lap at, shoving his tongue against the dip of your entrance through the fabric but all too conveniently avoiding where you needed him most. 
“Mm, Daddy… please,” You whispered with a gulp, spreading your legs even wider to lure him in, “Please make me come on your tongue.”
Jay’s eyes softened; in return, he pressed a kiss to the flesh of your trembling thigh and began to remove the last barrier of clothing that kept him from your warm, wet pussy. “Alright, baby. I’m gonna help you come so much, okay?”
“Mhmm…” You nodded.
Ah, it was so different to see him like this. He’d always spoiled you one way or another, hadn’t he?
If only you noticed how his cock was straining in his pants at seeing you spread so prettily for him while thoroughly enjoying getting your tits sucked. 
“I haven’t seen a pussy prettier than this,” Jay commented, catching his roommate’s attention.
For a second, you were given a chance to breathe and merely collapsed onto the sheets, staring up at the balloon-covered ceiling as Heeseung leaned over your body to enjoy the sight of your arousal dripping down your folds. 
“Fuck, it’s so wet,” Heeseung murmured, his eyes drinking up the erotic view of you from above as he spread your lips apart with his middle and index fingers. “Look at that drooly little hole. It’s clenching so tightly…”
Jay chuckled, and you could only whimper, feeling Heeseung’s breath ghost over your pussy. Hearing them talk about you so casually caused your face to overheat; you wondered if they ever discussed you behind your back like this. 
“Think this pink little clit would like it if we suck on it?”
Before Jay could respond, Heeseung pressed forward and swiped his tongue across your swollen clit, fit his lips around the nub, and then sucked. 
“Heeseung!” You jerked against his face and reached back to grip your duvet, feeling more wetness drip onto your sheets. 
Heeseung had the nerve to snicker in front of Jay’s face before pressing himself back up at the sound of your needy voice.
Jay’s jaw clenched, but he hadn’t made a move to stop the other male since it wasn’t against their agreement. All he could do was sink his grip into your mattress, pissed that Heeseung had just stolen the first taste of you from him.
Well, he did practically invite him over to gloat before feasting on you. He just didn’t anticipate that it’d backfire; should’ve thought twice about that. 
Little did you know it’d work in your favor. 
“Mm, knew you’d taste like candy,” Heeseung hummed, clearly trying to hold back a smile. He tipped your chin up, his voice low and tender, “Give Daddy a kiss, I want you to taste yourself.”
You were tentative in doing so but eventually got lost in the sensation of sharing the taste of your arousal with Heeseung. It made your lips tingle, toes curling against Jay’s shoulders. 
Every inch of your skin became a magnet for Heeseung’s lips as he kept himself busy, rubbing at your tits, fully aware of the havoc he’d wreaked with Jay. He supposed that’s one thing he shared in common with you— getting on Jay’s nerves when he felt like it. 
Oh, were you feeling absolutely dizzy now, and even more so when a plush pair of lips you’d been missing began to make out with your pussy. 
You exhaled harshly and glimpsed down your body at the blond tending to your aching mound. All that softness previously on display was gone; Jay’s never looked more starved than he did now, grip fierce on your thighs whilst plunging his tongue into your pussy.    
“Oh fuck, Jay—!“
He wasn’t messing around. With each heavy drag of his hot tongue on your clit, your muscles seized, breath growing shorter and shorter, your body on the brink of an orgasm. 
Heeseung latched onto your tit and rolled your other nipple under his fingers, watching your desperate expression from beneath his lashes. 
With the incredible sensations you were experiencing all over the pleasure points of your body, you were done for. 
Jay reveled in the fact that you couldn’t keep your plush thighs from squeezing tightly around his head. He was just as attentive to your responses as Heeseung, his kisses to your clit pushing you over the edge as your eyes fluttered shut. 
Shocks of pleasure traveled up your core, causing spasms throughout your entire body. The boys couldn’t get enough of your precious moans echoing off your bedroom walls, and Jay seemed to be enjoying your high as much as you were. You felt his moans rumble against your skin— had a feeling he was savoring every drop of you.  
Heeseung fondly ran his fingers through strands of your hair strewn across the sheets while your limbs were awash with ecstasy. Despite your twitching, you felt Jay continue to dip between your thighs and gather your creamy release on his tongue. Shortly after, he crept over your body and reached for your jaw, his eyes trained on yours as you felt his cock scorch against your abdomen.
“Open,” He urged, and not a second later, you were mindlessly offering him your tongue. 
Your cream dribbled from the tip of his tongue onto yours, like honey— and just before the strand could break, he sealed his lips over yours, stroking deeply and slowly into your mouth like he wanted you to blackout in his arms from lack of oxygen.
Oh god…
After all that, you managed to let out a breathless chuckle and offer Jay a bashful smile which he returned.
“So, did we somewhat make up for our shameless, deranged behavior?” He asked. 
Well. You supposed you could say you weren’t nearly as put off by the secret perversions that took place over the past several months as you were 30 minutes ago.
You swallowed thickly, adrenaline still coursing through your veins as you pressed your sticky thighs together. “Yeah… a bit.”
“Just ‘a bit’ she says. Good thing we have more gifts,” Heeseung exchanged a look of amusement with Jay and kneeled by your side.
He began to stroke himself over the jet black sweatpants hanging low on his hips, brazenly shooting you a heated look as he did.
Without thinking, you reached out to touch him, and his large hand immediately covered yours, guiding you to squeeze along his thick cock and feel him up as you pleased. You just couldn’t get your hands on enough of him— either of them.
Heeseung clicked his tongue.
“Wanna open mine?”
Yay, I can finally add something to Jay’s repertoire! It was fun to see what naturally came out on the page for him in this fic, he ended up being Very Daddy. 😵‍💫 I actually started a femdom sub!Jay fic months ago but never got around to finishing it so I’m glad some other anons requested more of him lmao
I wasn’t sure if I’d like writing a threesome fic, but I thought I’d try it out– I didn’t hate it. A threesome tit sucking scene had been a long time comin 🤭 ANYWAYS Hee was a nice contrast to Jay in this as I’m still high off of him in NIIY. 🥰 This is also my first time writing in some aspects of a Daddy kink, but I’m still exploring it. Let me know if you enjoyed that aspect bc I know I usually tend towards more switch dynamics in my fics?
I was about to write a part 2, but I gotta get the other requests done! Also random but not, I feel like perv Hee is just a running joke in this fandom on here, so I’m just keeping the legend alive (again), he’s the official panty thief ™
As always, reblog, like or follow me if you enjoyed and check out my masterlist for more fics ⚰️🖤 It’s appreciated!
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annahxredaxted · 9 months
Always Enough
Characters: Guy/Honey
Tw: cursing.
Honey feels bad for being standoffish.
“Baaaa-Byyyy…? Are you here in the living room? Ohh there you are hi honey!” Guy giggled and sat next to them, they didn’t look at him, but had a half smile. The half he couldn’t see of course.
“Hi.” Honey mumbled, flicking through Shows on some streaming service. “How was your nap?” They asked, turning to look at him. Guys hair was a wreck to say the least, bed head, cowlicks and thrashing around mixed in one.
“Mmm it was good thanks! Now how are you my sweet pumpkin?” He said with a baby voice.
“It’s not even October yet.” Honey mumbled. Which earned a smile from guy.
“I knoww but when you look so cute and cuddly in that orange shirt you can’t expect me not to say anything!” Guy explained while talking with his hands.
Honey looked down, double checking the shirts color before looking back up.
“I’d say this is more of a yellow-ish gold.” They debated before clicking on a movie, dumb and dumber.
“Ugh! Whatever,” guy rolled his eyes before cuddling into their side. “I like this movie! Can I watch with you?” Honey nodded.
“Of course you like it.” They muttered to which guy had an offended look before chuckling and grabbing the nearest blanket to cuddle them.
“Your hair looks good today.” Guy complimented before moving his hands to twirl a single finger in it before dropping his hand back to their leg. They blushed, stupid things like that making them not know what to say.
“Uhm thanks I guess.” They said breathily, their hand planted on guys thigh.
He chuckled, “you are just so cute.” He said giggling to which they rolled their eyes.
“Watch the damn movie.” They scolded before smacking his hand out of their hair.
He giggled and said ‘owwww’ guy kissed their cheek before being quiet and staying still, continuing to cuddle up beside them.
Honey smiled ever so slightly as he watched the movie, their gaze but not their head making its way to him.
‘I love you.’ They thought. But refrained from saying anything, because guy would never let them live that down. For risk of being to-to sappy they looked at the Television intently.
Eventually 30 minutes went by and guy started whining.
“Honey I’m hungry.” He said with puppy eyes.
“Then go get something to eat. I went to the store yesterday.” They said before looking at him while he said,
“Can you get me something? Pleasee?” He smiled before honey groaned, and stood while muttering.
“Making me get up during my damn movie,” they paused in their steps.
“What do you want?” They asked guy as he shot up with a grin.
He smiled and thought for a dramatically long time.
“Hmm…do we have any crackers?” He asked before adjusting his sock.
“I think we have some goldfish..does that work?” Honey Asked with a straight face while grabbing a bowl from the cabinet
He nodded and smiled while waiting.
They retrieved the goldfish and trudged back into the kitchen, adjusting their sweatpants drawstring while standing.
“Here ba— uh guy.” They mumbled out and coughed to cover up their fumble. They refrained from any Petname— which was always normal for them, but they couldn’t quite place why it almost slipped out. Their usually better about that.
Guy gave a weird look but took the bowl, honey sat back down. He offered them crackers every now and then, but they usually denied.
Guy rose a cracker to their lips and looked at them from the side with a wide grin.
“If you make airplane noises I’m leaving.” They stated before taking the cracker and eating it on their own accord.
He giggled again and smiled. “I love you.” He said while looking at them. They muttered something.
“Honey. Say it back.” He said almost seriously.
They sputtered. “I did!” They defended.
Guy rolled his eyes. He seemed like he had been joking and only rolling his eyes to be a brat. But honeys brain kicked in.
They felt bad, their eyes look at him through their peripheral vision, not looking directly at him. They sighed quietly.
“I..I’m sorry.” They whispered, not knowing 100% what they’d did wrong.
He looked at them. “It’s okay honey— I was just joking I’m not actually upset baby.” He smiled and chuckled a bit. His face went serious when he realized they felt bad.
“No its..it’s not.. I’m sorry guy I don’t always mean to be so..so..” they searched for the words but their mind blanked.
“Reserved?” He asked quietly. They nodded with a sigh.
“Im sorry guy.. i really really-,” guy stopped them, holding them closer and kissing the top of their head.
He shushed them. He realized that they’ve always been like this. Nothing he could do but love them.
“I love you guy.” They mumbled, he smiled and nodded. “I know. I always knew, no matter if you say it or not. Hey. I’ll never get upset at you for being quiet with your feelings. You don’t always have to voice everything. I know you love me through your actions. And that’s enough Honey. You’re enough. You’ll always be enough.”
@itsdaifuku @darlincollins @shellssstuff @verrverii @youisagayhooman
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blackreaderfics · 11 months
Coffee Run | Clark Kent x Black!Reader
↳ Pairing : MAWS Clark Kent x Black!Reader
↳ Rating : PG
↳ Summary :  Clark frequents Waid's Cafe to see his pretty barista crush
↳ W.C : ~1k
↳ Tags: college era, crushes, staring, clark is super shy and blushy, he’s a pure boy
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There was only one thing Clark enjoyed more than sweets, and that was the feeling of obtaining the last stamp on his loyalty card to Waid's Cafe. Who didn't like receiving free coffee? Especially coffee that was well-earned after a workout. Of course, not directly after a workout. He had already gone back to the dorm, showered, and thrown on another casual and freshly laundered workout outfit. After all, you were going to be there. He couldn’t just walk in looking like a sweaty gross mess.
“You’re working out again?” Jimmy, his eccentric roommate of two years, called out from his desk. He was writing a script for his conspiracy YouTube channel and a pile of crumpled pieces of paper were scattered at his feet. He eyed Clark’s sweater and shorts outfit up and down with suspicion.
Startled, Clark jumped. He had been looking intently at his reflection in the mirror, trying his best to flatten a cowlick jutting from his head. 
“N-no. Just going to Waid’s.” He hadn’t told Jimmy about his crush on you. He probably wouldn’t hear the end of his teasing if he did. 
Jimmy peered at him through narrowed eyes as if he could sniff out whatever truth Clark was omitting. It’s not like he was lying. He was going to get coffee, that was true. But he didn’t want to say he was also deliberately going at the same time every day to see a certain someone. 
“You’re not telling me something.” He swiveled around in his chair to face him directly, eyes still squinted. 
“I… get a free coffee? Do you... want anything?” Clark offered weakly. Maybe that would get Jimmy off his back for a while. His cowlick popped back up and Clark moved quickly to smooth it back down.
Jimmy had known Clark since freshman year and like the astute journalism student he was, he could tell almost immediately when his roommate was lying, or in this case specifically, when he had a crush. Jimmy swiveled back towards his computer, satisfied with his deducing skills.
“Sure, I could use an espresso. I’m running out of steam.”
Clark hoped that would be the end of it. 
“Oh and… get her number this time, man.”
“W-what?” Clark wanted to retort. He didn’t want to give Jimmy the satisfaction of being right, but he was already blushing too hard to be convincing. 
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Clark sputtered and escaped out the front door. 
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He got to Waid’s Cafe faster than he’d expected. Partly because of nerves, but also because he was rehearsing what he’d finally say to you. He made some progress since last week. Though you knew his name (you wrote it on his cup all the time), he had shyly introduced himself to you for the first time. Since then, you began to greet him with his name and a friendly smile.
“Hey Clark.” 
He felt his heart lurch. He didn’t think much of his name but hearing it from you made it sound much better. 
You had your hair up today, and your hair created a halo of curls around your face. He’d been so fixated on how pretty your eyes were, and how your plush lips curved into a smile just for him.
And it wasn't just your face—he had eyes. Your modest workwear didn’t do much to hide your figure. Unconsciously his eyes trailed from your lips and dipped lower to your chest. He gulped.
“Clark? You ok?” You tilted your head to peer curiously at the very broad-chested man who stood frozen, wide-eyed and breathless in front of the register. His hair was damp and he looked like he just finished a workout. Ever since you’d started working this shift, you’d been seeing him more and he’d come by every day at the same time loyalty card in hand. 
“H-hi Y/N. Sorry.” He immediately looked down silently cursing himself for ogling you so openly. What was wrong with him? He was worse than a sex offender. He hoped you didn’t notice.
Visibly flustered, Clark made a show of searching his pockets for his coffee card. Clark had a habit of staring at his crushes, but he was usually better about being discreet, much unlike now. He felt a blush creep back onto his cheeks. 
“I uh finished another one.” He brought a hand up to scratch sheepishly at his cheek as you inspected the card.
You punched the last stamp on the card and passed him back a golden punch card. 
“We might need to make a new tier at this rate.” You joked. “Vanilla Bean Frappe right?” You found it amusing that the most frequent customer at the cafe was someone who only drank the equivalent of condensed milk.  
“And a small espresso,” Clark added mildly with a small smile. Only you had the privilege of teasing him, Jimmy be damned.
“Someone’s graduating to coffee drinker today.” You arched a brow cheekily, meeting his eyes for a split second. 
You watched his eyes widen and look away once more. You could tell he liked you; it was a bit too obvious. Every time you met his eyes, his would dart away, but you could still feel his eyes on you when you weren’t looking. Call it a woman’s intuition or just a painfully transparent shy guy. 
The cafe was not as busy at this time save for two college students who were working quietly at some tables on the other side of the room. The sounds of beans grinding and blenders whirring filled the silence. 
Clark fiddled with his new gold loyalty card and Jimmy’s voice floated into his head. Get her number this time.
He could be fine with continuing like this for a while longer. He could come every day to collect stamps just to see your face, hear your voice, make small talk. But something told him he’d have to ask now or he’d never get another chance to do it. 
“One Vanilla frap and small espresso.” You placed the two cups on the counter in front of him.
“I know we don’t know each other that well but I’ve been meaning to ask if you had some time with me I mean to go with me to I mean if you want you don’t have to but I’d really like to—”
“Clark—” You interrupted his nervous rambling and turned the espresso cup around to show your phone number written in Sharpie under his name. “I’d love to.”
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©️ blackreaderfics // credit to cafekitsune for the dividers
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tygertyger413 · 10 months
Sorry but I can't get over this
I know plenty of people have joked about this already, but Sylvain just...looks almost nothing like his dad???
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(Using Sylvain's Hopes portrait to account for any changes in artists/art style)
Like, just by comparing these two pictures I can list so many differences:
Sylvain has a slight widow's peak (more obvious with his Houses post-TS portraits) and Matthias doesn't
Sylvain has a more heart-shaped face & pointier chin compared to Matthias's square head & jaw
Matthias's nose is taller and rounder (with visible nostrils) compared to Sylvain's anime nose
Sylvain's hair is a more vibrant orange-red compared to Matthias's darker red
Matthias's tall cheekbones
Sylvain having slightly thinner eyebrows (unless he just thins them out with tweezers/scissors)
Matthias having a pronounced brow ridge and a worry line between his eyebrows deeper than the chasm Byleth falls into right before the Houses timeskip
Sylvain's ears are less...veiny (?) compared to his dad's? Unless that's just like, an art style thing.
Maybe some of it could be explained by Matthias being 20+ years older than Sylvain, but not all of it. Especially when you compare Matthias to his other son, Miklan:
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Same head shape, same jawline, same brow ridge, near-identical ears... Probably similar noses too, though it's a bit hard to tell with the different angles (Miklan's face is turned slightly more to the side compared to his dad's frontal view). Like it's obvious that Miklan inherited more of Matthias's physical traits.
But you know what physical traits all three Gautiers share?
Hair curliness
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All three of them share red hair that curls upwards at the ends, with a few notable cowlicks in the middle of their heads that stand almost perfectly straight up. They also have bangs on both sides of their faces that curl inward. (It's harder to see with Matthias since the hair on the side of his head is cut super short, but still visible on the top of his head where his hair is longer.
2. They have the same fucking eyes.
Like, look at this:
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Not only do they have the same eye color (or nearly the same color, in Matthias's case), they also have the same droopy eye shape.
AKA Sylvain's infamous sad doe eyes? He inherited them from Matthias.
Like can you imagine Matthias (or Miklan, for that matter) giving you this look?
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So now that I've cursed you all with that mental image, I just want to say one last thing:
Since Sylvain barely resembles his dad, logically we would assume that he inherited most of his facial features from his mom. Knowing this, we can use Sylvain's features to approximate his mother's: a heart-shaped face, widow's peak, small pointed nose, and probably light-haired (so the red color Sylvain inherited from his dad would more prominent than it would be in darker hair). Might be useful info for anyone who wants to create fan designs for Mama Gautier.
Also Sylvain's mom must be super hot in order to balance out his dad's ugliness, lol.
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acotrash · 1 year
How each batboy helps you with stress
Azriel can always tell how stressed you are when you bake
It’s really the only time you bake apart from the holidays
And you have a big assignment coming up. So instead of preparing for it, you’re making chocolate chip cookies
They’re easy and simple enough and they’re Azriel’s favorite, a classic
“(Y/N)?” Azriel came home, concerned with how you were doing, the apartment a mess all spilling from the kitchen
You call out, distracted as you try to remove the cookie sheet from the oven, slightly catching your wrist on the edge of the cookie sheet, burning your wrist
You yelp in pain, cutting the line of curse words threatening to fall from your lips as you drop the pan on the floor, running over to run cold water on your wrist
Azriel runs into the kitchen after that, assessing the scene in front of him, he steps on the cookies in a rush to get to you, pulling you into his chest
You try to push him away, needing to clean up the cookies he’s successfully tracked all over your floor, the mess you made in the kitchen, your assignment you still need to do, your mind won’t stop running
He tugs you back into his chest, cupping your chins to force you to look at him, swiping under your eyes with his thumb, that makes you realize you’re crying
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” He asks softly and that’s what does it, your terrible day spilling from your lips as you explain your lack of motivation for your assignment leading up to the idea to make cookies
He listens intently, not interrupting you once
When you do finish he nods, placing a gentle kiss to your wrist before fishing an ice pack from the freezer
He clears off a space at the kitchen counter for you, a place for you to do your assignment while he cleans up the kitchen for you, and then starts to cook something
You finish the assignment just as he’s pouring you a glass of wine, jumping up from the stool at the counter
He’s very proud, smiling as he takes you back in his arms, promising to take you out for a chocolate chip cookie
Cassian knows you don’t sleep when you’re stressed
Coffee mugs litter your nightstand
You always try to be discrete about it so you don’t wake up
You had an assignment due in a week and you didn’t like how it was turning out
Cassian woke up to to you in the kitchen, fighting with the coffee machine
“(Y/N) what are you doing?” He was sleepy, there was a cowlick at the back of his head and his eyes weren’t opened all the way, he dropped to the stool in the kitchen. You felt terrible
“I’ll be back up in a second Cass” you promised, but he waited till the coffee was done brewing and you made your way back to bed.
He tried to stay up with you, laying his head on your shoulder while you worked by the light of your laptop, he asked questions about what the assignment was about. But he fell asleep, his soft snores right in your ear
The next day, Cassian came home early with a game plan
He pulled you away from your laptop, ignoring your protests that you need to continue working, he just reaches around you shutting the lid down, smirk on his mouth
“We’re gonna have some fun today” is all he said before disappearing in the room, pulling out clothes for you to change into
It’s workout gear, he drags you to the gym, you probably needed a break but you weren’t happy to go to the gym. Cassian on the other hand is very happy
You spend an hour there, letting him train you, not letting you leave till you’re sore and sweaty and you absolutely cannot even lift your arms to type a single sentence on your laptop
You look over at him, his hair that fall out of the little bun he did stuck against his forehead and leaned up to kiss him “thank you, I needed this break”
“I know, we we’re running out of coffee”
Rhys would know you were stressed by how short your nails are, unable to keep yourself from biting them
You’re sitting at your desk, reading and rereading the assignment, you finished weeks ago but you kept obsessing over it needing it to be perfect
“(Y/N)?” Rhys knocked softly on the door, your purse dangling from his fingers “come on, turn in that stupid assignment, we’re going somewhere”
He’d fix you with a look as you opened your mouth to protest, only then you’d grumble that you need to look over it one more time before agreeing to go with him
He takes you to the store to pick out nail polish, announcing he’s going to do your nails so you can relax and stop biting them
You blush, looking down at your jagged nails, curling your fists as you hold them behind your fist, you start to protest but he’s having fun picking out polish
Purple is his favorite he decides. He holds up different shades of purple to you, whispering dirty things on your ear about how they’d look wrapped around certain things
“Rhys!” You hiss, but he’s laughing, tilting his head back.
You let him pick the polish, it’s purple and sparkly, be proudly told you how many tutorials he watched. You raise your eyebrows, surprised that you’re actually eager to see how he manages to pull this off
You’re mad at how good he actually is at this. He sits in front of you, patiently painting your nails even if you’re fidgeting around. He doesn’t yell at you to hold still
He does whine though “(y/n)” he whines as you mess up a nail, pouting as he’s grumbling that he has to fix that nail again
But you’re smiling so he’s smiling
“What do you think?” He leans back as you hold your hands up, twisting your mouth as you inspect them
You smile wide as you look at him, telling him how much you love it
He winks at you, asking if you want to see his it looks in other places, you reach next to you to launch a pillow at him and he’s shouting at you to watch the nails
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So! Hi. Potentially cursed by fae hair anon back (also Bronwyn anon just y'know as long as we're being honest,) so I've been paying close attention to my hair and trying to will it into submission since the lack of Welsh lakes with which to ask the fae for help is a hurdle I cannot overcome on account of there not being any Welsh lakes in the Upper Midwest of the US. I could hike over to Wales, WI where the road signs are in Welsh but it is also full of People Whom I Will Not Associate With on the basis of the prevailing political clusterfuck happening there. Also it's a 6 hour drive in what is gearing up to be A Winter (tm) and if I'm going to commit myself to a slog I may as well just save my pennies and get a passport (previous one was in deadname and I let it lapse for reasons that should contextually be obvious,) and go to Wales to attempt your suggested solution. HOWEVER More recently, I've noticed that the excessively straight hair has begun making itself even more obvious in one particular place: The Cowlick at the back of my head. I have discovered through Totally Scientific Means that no amount of brushing or combing is helping this; a new intensity to which it hated me before as if I let it get long enough it would eventually cave under its own weight and chill out sort of. At any rate I get up in the morning with this lock of hair fanned out behind my head. I brush it. It does not give up. I wear a beanie for hours on end. It remains undeterred. Eleanor, my not a hair expert, the only person whom I can possibly rely on. I have found the answer to my query of whom I upset. I exist as a fucking peacock. I pissed off Hera. Now, fortunately I have done a good deal of independent research on this particular subject and to my knowledge I have not insulted her or fucked Zeus and have Definitely Not borne a child because I'm fairly certain I would've had to be in the room for that that has not happened. So here's the depressing answer: my hair is subject to whatever I did to displease her and there is nothing I can do about it but ride this out and accept my fate because there are many many records of what happens when one challenges the gods or displays too much hubris. Spite may be my primary motivator, but I know when I'm outmatched. If it ever changes, I'll be sure to let you know that I have been released from my Hellenistic hair purgatory and will probably come off anon for that just as a treat.
Hmm. Okay. Perhaps you could consider a votive offering? You need to get a little metal or clay tablet and write across it "I, Wyn, make this offering to the gods to right the wrongs I have done, and beg them to ease their wrath upon my hair. If they do this I promise to build them a lil shrine." and then you take it to an appropriately godly water body and chuck it in. I'm pretty sure you do have to build the shrine if successful though or the whole thing starts again.
Alternatively, if that doesn't work, right, maybe we're looking at this wrong?
My husband, also straight-haired, also has a permanent cowlick at the back of his head. In HIS case, he has a double crown in his hair. Two crowns! Two of them whorls, it is. Which is very appropriate, because he's third in line to the throne if we ever revived the Welsh monarchy of the House of Gwynedd.
Are you perhaps a Lost Heir?
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deadbeatbirdmom · 6 months
I was inspired to draw something based on a scene in Chapter 22 of @electronicyarn's fic, A Different Shade of RWBY.
I'm slow at drawing. I've been working on this on and off since the chapter posted on Christmas Eve.
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Yang's reaction to Blake leaving under a read more cut, because it's a cursed image. Sorry. I really hope the read more cut works, because seeing it should be a choice you get to make.
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Based of course on this meme:
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As the image description says, the first drawing is based on a variant of a Star Wars meme of Anakin and Padme in a meadow:
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I decided it needed to include Yang's cowlick, so my version isn't as close up as the meme it's based on.
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huorror · 2 months
“...A visitor?”
It is not unusual to see visitors in the Parlor Car of the Astral Express. No, that’s not the unusual part. What is unusual is the morose young Foxian girl sitting on one of the couches, legs dangling off the side. Her dark eyebags hardly suit her otherwise youthful countenance and she seems to be mumbling to herself.
Ah, no use beating around the bush! The poor girl’s tail is on fire and she hardly seems to notice, much less care! It might not be burning the seat and there’s no smell of burning flesh, but surely it must hurt tremendously!
“Excuse me,” the hapless crew member can’t help but attempt to offer their assistance. “Do you perhaps need—”
The girl jolts out of her seat at the approach, ears and cowlick flopping as she bows deeply. The hat atop her head begins to slide off until she hurriedly puts it back in place.Standing up suddenly, her knees tremble like a newborn fawn. Her tail flicks (a sign of annoyance in Foxians, at odds with her timid demeanor), but the flame remains burning ever bright.
Her voice pitches upward, “I-I’m sorry, I’m in your way, aren’t I?! It’s just so relaxing here… b-but I can go back if you need me to!”
Oh dear.
The deep commanding voice of a man with no clear source resounds through the car, “Stand up for yourself, you spineless girl! You were here first! Don’t let a mere human push you around!”
“B-but Tail…” The girl mumbles, wringing her hands.
Oh… oh dear. She’s talking to her tail, which is on fire. A bona fide weirdo, this one. Whatever is going on here is far outside the scope of an average crew member, but they’ve already initiated the conversation. They’d never hear the end of it if they just left a visitor in trouble, especially when they can feel the Conductor glaring daggers.
An awkward customer service smile rises to the crew member’s face. For the sake of their paycheck, they must follow through…!
“Are you perhaps… having trouble relaxing in your daily life? Is there something you’re not content with, Miss…?”
“Oh!” The girl seems to realize she has neglected to give her name, tired eyes widening. “H-Huohuo! I’m Huohuo and this” —she gestures to her tail, who huffs in response— “is Tail. And um, to tell you the truth, I’ve actually… been trying to quit my job.” “Trying?” Tail scoffs. “Her resignation letter never gets anywhere even close to the desk! Can you even call that trying?”
“Your job? Where do you work?”
Looking so ragged for one so young, it definitely has to be retail.
“I—I’m a newbie judge of the Ten-Lords Commission. My job is subduing evil spirits.”
The crew member’s eyes nearly bulge out of their skull. She’s not just some weird kid with a talking tail, but one of the judges! A sudden rush of relief washes over them that they had not voiced their thoughts of her looking like a helpless child or that they found her tail quite unnerving.
 “Ten-Lords?! You must be very strong, Miss Huohuo!”
Huohuo waves her hands frantically, “N-No, not at all! I’m not cut out for the job at all! I’m afraid of evil spirits, but they still make me go out and catch heliobi anyway! I’m sure they just promoted me by accident! Besides, Madam Hanya and Madam Xueyi are always helping me out… I wish I was even half as brave as them…”
“Bah!” Tail spits. “Forget them, this wimp is always crying for my help! You should hear her, always crying, ‘Save me, save me!’ Without a powerful heliobus like me by her side, she would have been consumed by some weaker spirit long ago. I keep her out of trouble!”
“N-no, you’re the one who gets me into trouble! Every time I try to run away, you just send me right back towards the enemies!” Huohuo sighs and puts her head in her hands. “I’m probably going to spend the rest of my life as the Ten-Lords Commission’s resident scaredy-cat… There goes Huohuo, cursed one and chicken extraordinaire… None of the movies I’ve been watching have helped at all, either. I really should resign, after all.”
“Bahahaha! You really think those are gonna help you develop some guts?! Experience is what you need! And that means fighting!”
The host and parasite comedy duo continue bickering between themselves, crew member entirely forgotten. Taking advantage of the chance, they slip away quietly. Paycheck be damned, dealing with a Ten-Lords judge and her pet heliobus is way above their paygrade! If someone else wants to step in, by all means, be their guest!
By the time they’re several cars over, an anguished cry can be heard in the distance.
“Ahhh! My vacation time is over! I-I don’t wanna go back to work…”
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levmada · 2 years
thinking about playing with levi’s hair....it looks so soft
me too. always.
It's so wavy, the perfect combination of fluff and soft. If he doesn't wrap his hair up after he showers then it gets floofy and puffed, some of his bangs curling up and framing his face. Whatever you do, do NOT scrub a towel thru his hair >:( because that makes it fluffier (wink wink) !!
The cowlicks when he stirs awake all drowsy, especially since Levi tosses and turns in his sleep a lot; sleeping with you doesn't always mean he's sleeping well. Where his undercut lays has loose tufts curling up, bangs messed like a fringe across his forehead.
Levi's hair grows quickly. When it's the point of him cursing and flicking his bangs off his eyes, he just needs to tie them back. The shaved parts of his head get less prickly and more fuzzy, and sooner or later his undercut is long enough to scrape his nape. He's putting that up too until he gets time to cut it... but he won't object too much if you want to do a messy lil braid. He enjoys feeling your hands in his hair.
Like almost too much. Those scalp massages never fail to make his eyes flutter shut in bliss and, if you're lucky, he will lean into your hand the littlest bit and let himself enjoy it.
Tucking inky strands behind his ear when they slip free makes his heart clench with affection. When you pat him on the head, unironically, it stirs a little giddiness in him. He's really a simple man with simple likes, ok?
When Levi wants affection, he doesn't know how to ask for it, so he will take your hand and place it on his cheek, or in his hair. He loves to feel your fingers flow through the wavy strands and rub. It's really the way to his heart. Even though curling your finger around a strand makes it curl up later, his cheeks turn pink in the moment :(
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protocolseben · 6 hours
jenson hair swoop eternally how i identify this man. oh this man's cowlick (?) forever standing the test of time. if i can't tell a special feature i can't draw them. lewis has cool braids, nico has permanently the waviest hair, seb has eternal curls, kimi has glasses, fernando is cursed with hair spikes that dont even appear out of '21 anymore
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peefartress2 · 7 months
Saffron For CPC Vice President 2022 (fic)
WARNING: dialogue. a lot. and old writing! i didn't revise it but i actually kinda liked this one shot i did years ago... crazy i know.... prompt was frederick joining the cpc i believe? he gets mercilessly found family'd indeed. again this is older so if stuff doesnt match up with canon that is probably why lol
"Oh. Wow, uh, ok. You guys really weren't kidding when you said I could really join the club..." Frederick laughed nervously. He stood awkwardly in the center of CPC members eager to greet him, their way of making up for previous hostility. How did he get there again..?
It felt similar to the first time Frederick met the CPC, except without the false pretenses of course. Gwen offered to bring him to the club for the first time after the whole thing with Whitney- things slowly started to settle into a routine before it was time for the gala, Prez being glad to have some form of order restored. The members of the CPC eventually warmed up to him, and it was almost scary how fast they could go from frightening society-shunning royals to caring in their own way.
Earlier that day, some less-than frequent-members not caught up with the recent events had a briefing on club news, presented by Princess Syrah. Members gathered around the white-blanketed tables, little pastries and teas decorating the surface, courtesy of Curtis.
"So here's the tea-"
"...Can we not call weekly updates 'the tea'?" Saffron looked at Syrah exasperatedly.
"No. Anyways..." 
It was that noon when Curtis was able to sneak Frederick and Gwen into the mansion to meet Prez for the HQ tour, avoiding the members before they reintroduced Frederick to everyone.
"Thanks, Curtis!" Prez smiled and waved at the butler, who curtly bowed and exited. "So, hey you two! Ready for your tour?"
"Yup!" exclaimed Gwen. "I don't think I've actually gotten to seen the entirety of this place before, actually, so I'm happy to tag along!"
"Ah- me too, I've really been wondering about the origins of the whole haunted forest thing- were you settlers? Did your ancestors live in this mansion? Why does only half of the mansion look old and the other half new?" Frederick started to ramble.
The club president chuckled at his bright-eyed enthusiasm. "All will be answered in due time, kid." She gave a knowing look to Gwen, as if to say "He asked these questions faster than you as a newcomer."
Thus, the tour ended one the three of them left the mansion through the front doors of the mansion- that's when the shenanigans began to ensue as a small crowd of royals rushed towards them.
"Wow! A Plaid Prince, in person!!"
"What's your curse?"
"Are your brothers here?"
"Uhhh..." Frederick cowered behind Gwen, who waved her hands in a failed attempt to calm everyone down.
"Everyone! Back off!" Saffron stepped in. "Can we ever have a more chill introduction for this guy?"
"Can't blame them." quipped Prez. "Frederick, you're sort of a legend around here."
"Huh? ...For what?" asked Frederick.
"LADIES!" A loud call suddenly pierced through the air, silencing the rapid members. A glint shone off of a pair of bright red lobster claws. "Let's not be hasty, hm?"
"Oh, so you listen to Thermidora, but not me?" sighed Saffron.
The imposing lobster woman approached Frederick, walking through the crowd of Princesses like the parting of the Red Sea. She squinted at the boy, and beckoned at him to come forward from behind Gwen. "There is only but one way to tell if he is a princess like one of us."
"What?" Frederick tilted his head in further confusion. "If that's what this is about, then technically no--?"
"Do you have magic hair?" asked a princess with curtains of shiny hair.
"That cowlicked broom head of his has to count for something." snickered Abbi.
"Magic hands?" Thermidora waved from next to an unimpressed Saffron who's cursed hand shot up.
"He pushed me off a cliff." added Monika nonchalantly. "It counts." 
"Do animals talk to you?" Renee wrote on her notebook, as Prez held out her hand for a spier to perch on and whisper something to her. A couple of swans honked and flew around the velvet princess.
"Uh, we have a pet llama-? So I guess?"
"Were you poisoned?" perked up Syrah. "We did try to slip something in your drink, but it was only that one time."
"Wait wha-"
"What about kidnapped or enslaved?" asked Nell from her dark corner.
"Aah! When did you get here??" Frederick shrieked as he turned around.
"Oh! Now here's the hundred-dollar question." interrupted Syrah. "Do people assume all your problems can easily be solved by some magic potion or by just 'doing it'?"
"...Hm. Wait...like..." Visible thought clouded Frederick's face. "...I guess yeah, actually."
"HE IS A PRINCESS!" they all cheered joyously.
"I GIVE UP! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!" exploded Saffron. "Frederick, as a fellow prince and strict follower of the bro code, I feel it absolutely necessary that we go to the pond to arrange some flowers for both our sanities."
Frederick, still at a loss for words, numbly nodded in agreement, and waved goodbye to Gwen as he aimlessly followed Saffron, who watched him fade away into the distance. Gwen smiled a little, softly laughing at what just happened "I barely got to talk to him earlier, but I'm glad he's making friends here." she said.
Prez stood with a hand on her hip, and a proud grin for her fellow club members. "I get exactly what you mean. You've seen how happy Saffron is to not only have one other prince in the club, but two now."
Saffron picked out some bittersweet vines and bluebell flowers, listening intently to Frederick as he worked with the plants. Frederick sat on a nearby bench, simply just admiring some roses and just making small adjustments here and there to a humble floral arrangement.
"I think I get it- so you struggle with people and textbook learning and sports, which are exactly the things your father wants for you?"
"Yeah.. I'm pretty used to it at this point. Honestly, I think it's just everyone else who needs to give up on me. What's the point of pushing it, y'know?"
Frederick had no idea how he came to be voicing his thoughts like this. Usually he just kept it within himself- like with Whitney's meditation, it really helped him internally and Whitney was really respectful about what information he didn't want to tell. And with his brothers, with family, with Gwen... maybe he was getting better at expressing what he felt nowadays. It was just that no one really cared about his real opinion back then, and if he did express his opinion, it would often get him into trouble (see: anything he'd say to his father, Jamie's Wake, again, speaking up to his father, etc.) It was probably something about Saffron's open nature. He really didn't hold back in anything he said.
"Hmm..." Saffron glanced at the little prince with slight concern. "Ok, let me tell you this: I'm sort of the middle child in my family, and I've got a lot of brothers, too. A lot of the stuff I learned was passed on from them- like plants.
"Plants are way better than people, by the way. But part of the reason why I love gardening so much is because of the memories I've made with it. Mostly just the awesome flowers and stuff, but yeah, I guess the memories too." he joked.
"No, you're right." grinned Frederick. "Personally, I think books are better than people, but I respect your opinion."
"Hey, but aren't books... written by people? And made from trees?"
"Well, yeah."
"...Do you know where you're going with thi-"
"No I have absolutely no idea where I'm going with this." Saffron scratched his head.
"Understandable." nodded Frederick. "Uhh... sorry to dump all my weird jumbled up thoughts on you."
"Nah, it's cool. I do it all the time with everyone else, fair enough that I be on the listening end sometimes too."
"Yeah..it just feels so weird being here. I'm pretty sure everyone here is completely crazy, but... sort of in a comforting way." said Frederick with a faraway look in his eyes. He small smile formed on his face. "Don't think I've had this many friends in one place."
"Oh, definitely." chuckled Saffron, patting down fertilized soil in one of the potted plants nearby. "So at home, I'm surrounded by my brothers. But here, I'm surrounded by a bunch of princesses who don't even know my brothers. Just feel sort of out of place sometimes- that or I don't feel like an individual around my brothers- but after being here for a while, I learned we're all misfits in a way. Prez thought she killed a man, Nell was enslaved for years, Thermidora was forced to live in an unfamiliar country where she knows no one, Abbi's body was completely transformed into one of an old and aging woman, and my hand moves in funny ways sometimes... basically all the same, you know?"
Frederick went from furrowing his eyebrows, to a thin smile, to puffing his cheeks in thought, then blowing them out. "Actually? Yeah. That's valid."
"Don't worry, I kid. " he raised his hands up defensively before tending to the garden again. "I wonder if this is how Prez feels, getting to just talk with everyone. Because in that case, I'm absolutely killing it. Still waiting for the day I overthrow Prez, just saying."
Frederick looked up in intrigue. "You've been president?"
"Er- not exactly yet. And I do wanna, which sucks because Prez is too perfect for that role. Literally all of us know her by 'Prez'."
"Why don't you run for Vice President or something? That's a thing, right?"
"Run for Vice President- WAIT."
"Yeah. You could have your leader assemble a Presidential Cabinet if they don't have one already." he stated matter-of-factly.
"You say that like it's the most obvious thing in the world."
"Because it is??"
"Frederick!!! This is groundbreaking!! The solution I've been waiting for!!!" I gotta talk to Prez!" Saffron grinned widely, jumping up and running around to put all the gardening tools away. "Thank you so much!"
"Uh.. yeah, no.. problem?"
"Yo, take this." Saffron quickly shoved a potted plant into Frederick's hands before running off. "As a gift. Good talk, dude!"
Well... that was something, he thought. "Wonder what's gonna happen now."
It was until he looked down at the potted plant.
His vision started to blur around him, only to focus on the small yellow flower in front of him.
The tiniest...
Oh...oh no... GET IT TOGETHER, BRAIN!! DON'T DROP THE PLANT, DON'T DROP THE PLANT!!! SAFFRON GAVE THIS TO YOU!! Place it down. Calm down. Put down the plant. Down. DOWN. Down...
His heavy breathing increased, even as he kneeled to the floor, hastily placing down the plot. His heart raced. He hated whenever this would happen, when he'd see a sunflower and be reminded of those times again. It's been a while since it happened, too. I thought I'd be ok by now...
He shook his head, finally but slowly turning around to see the harmless plant again.
This time, the sunflower was a gift.
Frederick took a deep breath. He lifted the pot to examine the delicately tough petals of the dwarf sunflower, really getting a good look at it this time.
"Even through all this sun, you still grow, huh?" Frederick murmured to the small sunflower. "...Am I really talking to a plant?...You know what? I think embracing the weirdness here is my best option anyway."
The sunflower really was too pretty to be tied with memories of old school bullies. Maybe it was time to give it some new ones.
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