#the danger is unleashed only if you disturb this place physically.....
slaygentford · 1 year
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do y'ever think about how anthropologists of a distant future culture might find a nuclear waste site and read the messages on it and go "oh I recognize this from the digital fragments of memes we keep finding, this place must have been a really popular comedy venue"
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cabalittle · 2 years
That giant horny emoji poast broke my app and froze my phone for a minute. Nothing fucks up my phone, what the hell was that?
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chansaw · 2 years
PSA for new tumblr users!
This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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sbnkalny · 2 years
All right! now we can get to the center OF danger is unleashed only if you can take us to the ground and engage targets at close range.
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sadclowncentral · 1 year
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transhuman-priestess · 3 months
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orchidbark · 1 year
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The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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nrdmssgs · 10 months
Hi! I love your writing! Could you please write some more angst? I love fics where the reader is in danger/peril. Platonic or romantic is fine!
Before he snaps
Masterlist Angst with an open ending
Pairing: Soap x reader
Summary: Soap finds a new face on the base, that wakes his utmost interest. Your face. There is only one problem: you have a rule to never date military men.
TW: heavy swearing, implied abuse (physical and psychological)
AN: sorry for taking forever, I needed to gather a bit strength to formulate and share this one.
Johnny smiles widely in surprise, when he discovers a new face in the office. He stops on his tracks, turns around and heads straight to you. "Never seen ya here before, lass. I'm Soap, nice to meet you!” You are taking aback by his assertiveness, since you didn't await for anyone to come to your office on your first day here. Nevertheless, you answer. “Soap? Is it because you always smell nice?” “Check it yourself if you want.” He moves closer and hovers over your table so that you really can feel the deep fresh aroma with slight notes of spice emanating from his skin. You frown and laugh in surprise. And just like that, Johnny, who had a million things to do today, suddenly finds a whole hour to distract you from onboarding.
You know the golden rule: “don't date military men”. Even if mankind extincts and there is only you and that handsome sergeant with his endearing accent and eyes, you could easily drown in, are left alive - don't date military men. But it will do no harm to have a little chat with him time to time, right? And It's certainly not your fault, he has so much paperwork, he needs your help with. You always have time for Soap.
“Gaz, no time for explaining, I need your forms 17-A-41 and 17-A.1-41!” Johnny rushes into Kyles room with a speed of a freshly unleashed greyhound. Gaz doesn't even manage to reply, while Soap roams through the papers on his table. “Soap, don't tell me you drank coffee from the captain's mug before bed again…” But Johnny completely ignores his friends words and grabs papers. “Here they are! I'll fill these in for you, dinnae worry, pal!” Kyle still processes, what has just happened, when Johnny disappears behind his door, barely closing it. It's only a week later, when he notices, who exactly in the office verifies these forms. By that time, Soap manages to steal and fill these papers for the whole TF. 
You are warned very soon that Captain John Price's crew need not be disturbed, even if they owe you some documents. Their work is different from the tasks of the rest of the soldiers on the base, and their incredible workload must be treated with understanding. But Johnny keeps visiting your office every other evening, when they are not deployed. He may be tired, may struggle to stay awake, but stopping by your desk is a ritual, and it's not to be broken. When he brings you form 17-A-41 from Price himself, you take the same one out of your table and show him. “Johnny, you are overworking. You've already brought me Prices version last week. Now, I do not accuse you of forging documents, I know that you fill out everything conscientiously. But don't you think it's time to take a break? Because at this point, your work starts losing its point.”
Other guys on his place would be embarrassed, but not him. You never see him down, in fact, even when he comes to you obviously straight out of the med bay.  “I can find more soldiers, who still are not done with these forms, you are waiting to validate. Or we can skip all paper work and go on a date already.” He is pretty straight forward, but one can afford such boldness, having an absolute disarming smile. A smile so beautiful, it's a pity, you have to brush it off from his face. “Sorry, Soap. It's better if we stick to the paper work.” Despite your fears, his smile doesn't disappear, as if his face could never be sad or angry. “As you wish, lassie.”
You two keep it friendly yet professional. Even when you start attending little gatherings, the 141 has every now and then at a small pub in the nearest town to the base. Although every time you come there, whoever was seating next to Johnny, finds something very urgent to tend to on an opposite side of the table. 
“It is still not a date,” you note every time, and Johnny makes a funny face, bringing his brows together. “Of course, bonnie. Not dating military guys, I remember. It's a complete ordinary work meeting. Now you get those documents ready and I'll bring you a pint.” His smile still shines ever so bright, it feels, as if someone brought an extra lamp to your table. 
“Still not a date?” His mischievous eyes narrow, when you freeze a few inches away from his face. This year you've gradually become so used to such evenings, you didn't even notice, how others left you two alone. Didn't even notice, how you two spent a whole hour talking, how you laughed at his jokes, head thrown back, how you gradually leaned closer, until his hand rested on your shoulder. 
“Yeah, you're right, sorry.” You instantly remember the №1 rule and all the reasoning behind it. A wave of fear washes down your body, you move away from Johnny and clasp your fingers around your arms.
At first, Johnny thought, it's a matter of principle for you to not start any romantic intercourse inside the military. It was not the first time, he came across someone with such a rule, so he isn't surprised. But slowly a different thought develops at the back of his mind: something led you to this principle. Something unsettling, something, he doesn't like at all. But you never told him anything, never let him question you on that topic. So Johnny waits and tries to be somewhere near you, just in case you'll need his help.
You try to not let it slip, but there are tiny cracks in your demeanor here and there. Stories cut off in mid-sentence, your restless glances around when the two of you go out of any building. Johnny never shows it, but he remembers every time, something like that happens. And despite his ever-blooming smile, it accumulates anger and concerns deep inside him. 
Soap regrets, you two are not dating when you disappear from the office for a week and return with a medical mask on your face. “Caught bad cold, I'm afraid I'm still contagious.” Your explanation reeks of lies a mile away. But Johnny accepts it without questions. After all, he only wants for you to feel safe around him. Of course, it pains Soap a bit, that you obviously keep secrets from him, but who was he to ask you to always be honest to him? So he keeps smiling like an idiot and only lets himself touch your hand and remind, that you can always reach out to him, no matter what.
And you actually contact him in some time. It is late, the whole base was sleeping. “Johnny, you there?” A short message, to which he immediately responds, wondering, why aren't you asleep at this late hour. “Can you walk me from the office?”
Walk you from the office? Now? Something doesn't add up. It's too late even for after hours at work. What made you stay that long at the office? Or maybe… (And this is when Johnny remembers your frightened eyes, when you two exited any building.) Or maybe, who kept you from going out of the office? Soap throws on his jacket and almost runs towards the offices. He is met by a dark building with one alive window - yours. Johnny almost flies up the stairs and knocks on your door. 
You open the door and thank all the gods, it's Johnny with his warm, caring smile. “I'm sorry, I promise, I'll explain everything, just please let's go out of here! I want home, I'm so tired.” Soap doesn't protest and lets you take him down a dark hallway, then up empty flights of stairs, and finally out into the street. "It's probably all right! I just thought, I've seen something... We'll just get to my apartment and everything will be all right." You mutter incessantly when Johnny stops abruptly and takes your hand.
“Wait-wait. Look at me, please.” Johnny still smiles, but his voice is now low, rumbling, menacing. “Whatever is happening here with you - this is not ok. And I want to help. But you'll need to tell me, what exactly is going on.”
You stand before him, gathering all your strength to speak up. But when you finally open your mouth, Johnny's gaze darts somewhere behind you, and he automatically steps forward, shielding you from something, you have not yet seen. But you recognize, what, or rather who, is coming at you. He is your pain, your fear, everything, you thought, you've left behind, your #1 rule. For a short moment, you press your whole body against Johnny and plead him. “Please ignore him, let's just walk away, please.”
“Leave her be, mate. You can find yourself something much more fancy.” The painfully familiar voice makes you freeze. You clench to Soaps jacket and mumble ‘please-please-please ignore him’. 
“This whore is my cross to bear, you don't need her. You can do much better than a stupid twat, that apparently ‘needs more attention when her man is not deployed’, but still won't abandon her useless work to spend more time with me.” Soap doesn't answer, doesn't even flinch, only covers one of your hands with his. “You don't need a useless slut, that accepts your attention only to abandon you, because you apparently didn't match some image of a prince Charming, that she bears in her fucking head!” You could not make yourself lift your gaze to the man speaking to Soap. You only beg Johnny to leave. And when it feels like he is almost convinced to not start a fight, the man adds: “You, boy, can do so much better than a fruitless tree, that throws a tantrum when its “bark” is slightly scratched.” Johnny looks down at you. Forgotten, that you still have your medical mask on, you cover your mouth with your hand, as if trying to hide something from him. Soap doesn't ask you to remove the mask - there is no need. He turns back to the man, takes a deep breath. 
And then Johnny snaps.
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synnthamonsugar · 1 year
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tasiales · 5 months
writing prompt idea - Alcina Dimitrescu x reader (long text below)
you've just recently started your new job as a nurse at the asylum, and it's during one of many meetings with one of your patients you're assigned to now what makes you trully fear for your life for the first time since you started your working journey there.
it takes one quick glimpse towards the haunched woman sitting seemingly peacefully on her bed scribbling something away in her journal to take your breath away. the woman before you is stunningly beautiful; her features and soft curves of her body hidden underneath all the clothing remind you that of someone sculpted by the gods themselves. it's only after your quick introduction to her that you've been pulled aside by one of your new colleagues to warn you in hushed whispers about previous unfortunate accidents revolving all other nurses ever interacting with your new patient you'd just met.
she's dangerous, they said.
be attentive around her, they warned.
she's a lunatic, they proclaimed.
how could she be, you thought, when she's one of your peaceful patients who you never had a problem with and whose sign of acknowledgement is barely there nods and tentative smiles she gives you during your rambling episodes to fill the silence in the time it takes you to finish your tasks. honestly, she's a delightful company in regards of not messing with you like others tend to do throughout your regular checkups. you try to focus on staying professional but it's hard to resist the pull you feel towards this mysterious woman who barely speaks. you'd been told she has amnesia and doesn't remember much, and you can't help but be sympathetic towards her with that bleeding heart of yours.
you don't give those warnings you'd received at the beginning of your job any ounce of significance until it's too late.
you have no clue what could be the cause of her enraged moment - snapping at you like that - but you don't feel like finding out any time soon. it was one of your checkups during which she suddenly lunged at you knocking the tray you were holding out of her way, pills and other equipment scattering on the floor and getting crushed under your feet. you had barely any time to think of screaming before there were hands around your throat and strong legs weighing down on you pinning you to the floor which you hadn't even noticed you were pulled down to. luckily for you, all the commotion taking place in the room was loud enough for one of the guards to take notice in; with their line of work they were accustomed to picking up on even the slightest signs of sound disturbance. you would never in your life forget those eyes staring down at you; they shined alarming golden - which was as disturbing as the fact she's physically strong enough to kill you - smoldering and daunting making your blood run cold, and in that moment you came to realize one thing that was probably meant to be kept as secret... that woman is not entirely human.
now resting in the safety of your apartment recovering from your miss death encounter, your fight or flight instinct though still in overdrive making you paranoid and jumpy, you're thinking back to that moment - with the woman you've been attracted to for a while squeezing the life out of you - you should've recognized something amiss when those eyes of hers - normal human grey-ish color before she went berserk - had started staring you down; should've heard the low tremble of her growls stuck in her throat waiting for the moment to be unleashed. you should've seen it coming, should've paid more attention and not getting your guard down like you'd been warned about not to do. but you were too preoccupied with chatting away believing in the innocence of your patient. now you know better.
you still don't know what was the reason for her to lash out in such a way, with such ferocity and animalism - the only topic you talked about when she decided it was a good day as any to choke you was Greek mythology(it's being your hobby since childhood), with Cassandra being brought up that particular day - and those golden eyes that still haunt your dreams is another mystery you're not sure you ought to crack open.
you're a new nurse at the asylum getting attached to one particular patient of yours - mysterious Alcina Dimitrescu with amnesia who your colleagues claim to be deranged and a lost cause - until she assaults you during one of the checkups, and you're left wounded and terrified for your life. it isn't until few weeks later you have a chance at civil conversation with her but what you hear makes you want to rethink your eager approach to forgive her because cults? some cryptic sounding Miranda responsible for getting Alcina locked up at the asylum? her daugters being in danger from that woman? even though police claimed them to be dead? them being not entirely human? you talking about Cassandra triggered her memory? the two last ones you may believe but the rest of it? you find this all hard to be convinced of with no proof whatsoever. you would've thought her crazy if not for the fact that while looking at the sketch of that Miranda that Alcina showed you, dread starts pooling in the pit of your stomach because you recognize this woman staring at you from the confines of the journal; she's been everywhere you look after the choking accident making you all the more suspicious than you already were. now you think you were right to be unreasonably fearful of people surrounding you these days.
the question is... would you dive in into this sea of madness helping a complete stranger who you feel a pull towards and resurface unscathed, or would it consume you without mercy? only time will tell.
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vicmillen · 6 months
So I've seen several art pieces playing with the long-term nuclear waste warning messages, and it gets me thinking.
There's like, at least five to six languages mentioned in totk, right? There's Hylian, ancient Hylian, ancient Sheikah, ancient Zonai, the Zora script, and possibly an ancient Gerudo language. It's safe to bet there's probably also one each for Goron and Rito. We also sees a lot of the storyline revolves around translating ancient texts, and a lot of researchers dedicated to this.
What if there is a Hyrule version of the Rosetta stone? In the form of these long-term nuclear waste warning messages. Like imagine these messages carved into those pillars that rise up around the castle in botw. Not just in Sheikah but also ancient Hylian and the long lost Zonai, and the ancient language of the other four races? What if that's how they figure out the Zonai language despite not much record of it is known even before the calamity strikes?
I just think it's a very interesting idea. Imagine the pillars are absolutely covered in repeating texts of varying font and sizes. The direction the text goes in is different for each language, but they all repeats the same message. Again and again, warning off the future generations from this place of ancient evil. As Link and Zelda went into the cavern deep under Hyrule castle, they saw these same messages carved into walls and framing the murals that tells of the birth of the demon king. The text gains length once they went beyond the old castle tunnels, not just warning against a danger but also warning against disturbing this place that seals the danger. They have no choice but to proceed though, because it seems like the seal is already disturbed enough to let the gloom leak out. So deeper they went, despite the walls warning them against it every step they take.
(It's also fitting for the theory that the Sheikah is drawing energy from Ganondorf's mummy corpse and using it to fuel Sheikah tech. But Ganondorf the nuclear power plant is a topic for another day.)
Also here's how I imagine the text is divided. since the original one in full is a bit weird when they also build an entire castle on top.
The section above ground on the pillars:
This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The additional bits once they went underground:
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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mythical-lotus · 25 days
Concept: the Chernobyl warnings in the Phantomhive manor after Sebastian claims O! Ciel's soul. Just imagine it.
"This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here."
- The entrance hall, dilapidated, with the stairs collapsing on themselves. The Phantomhive insignia is scattered around the room.
"What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger."
- A hallway, with paintings falling and torn. The portrait of Vincent and Rachael is present.
"The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us."
- Panning downstairs to the kitchen, then to the servants quarters, then to Sebastian's bedroom.
"The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours."
- Lingering wisps of magic, a shadow in the corner. Sebastian is long gone and yet the tainted nature of him lingers.
"The danger is to the body, and it can kill."
- An abandoned silverware knife near the sink. There's dried blood on it that was never cleaned. There was no one left to clean it.
"The form of the danger is an emanation of energy."
- An eye patch left behind on a random floor. It should not be there. But no one remains to claim it.
"The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited."
- The Young Lord's room. A tea set sits untouched. The binds are drawn. The candles are unlit and burnt down to the base. No one is left.
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frootbyethefoot · 11 months
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saw the full "this is not a place of honor" message on wikipedia and instantly thought of this [ID: a gravity falls comic containing six digital images. the first image shows stanford pines, who is wearing a large tan coat, a light blue button up, a brown sweatervest, and dark blue pants. he in a dark cave filled and is holding a lantern. he is looking up towards something and looks happy. the text above him reads, in red, "This is not a place of honor."
the second image shows fords study cast in very little orange light. there are three pictures of bill cipher on the wall, all looking towards the desk in the middle of the room. on top of the desk is one of the journals, flipped open to a page covered in scribbles. the text reads, "What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us."
the third image is completely black. in white are the blueprints for the inter dimensional portal made up by the three journals, while on top of it, in a bright neon cyan, is a vending machine. the text reads, "The danger is in a particular location of a particular size and shape and below us."
the fourth image shows dipper pines near the top. he is wearing a white cap with a blue pine tree on it, a dark blue jacket, a red shirt, gray shorts, and black shoes. he is holding a laptop in one hand, and the other hand is being held out towards something and engulfed in a bright blue flame. below dipper is mabel pines. she is wearing a bright pink sweater with a pink cake and confetti on it, a yellow skirt, a yellow headband, and black shoes. she is holding the inter dimensional rift and looking down sadly. finally, towards the bottom is stanfords hand engulfed in a bright blue flame while shaking a small black stick figure hand. the background is all black or gray while the text reads, "The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours."
the fifth image shows the inter dimensional portal shooting a bright white light out of its opening. the text reads, "The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically"
the final image shows the third journal sitting on the grass. it's on the first page, which reads, "Property of-" the name being cut off. the text reads, "This place is best shunned and left uninhabited."]
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starry-genome · 2 years
📢📢This place📍is not ❌ a place of honor🏅🎖no highly esteemed deed 🏆is commemorated here 🙅🏻‍♀️ nothing valued💰💸is here 🚫
What is here was dangerous 🔪🔪and repulsive 🤢 to us 🤮
This message 📩 is a warning🗣 about danger⚠️
The danger ⛔️ is in a particular location 🗺🌎 it increases 📈towards a center🎯
The center of danger ☢️ is here ⬇️ of a particular size 🤏🏼🔍and shape 🟣🟪 and below us 👇🏼
The danger 🚧 is still present 🎁 in your time 🕰️ as it was in ours ⏳
The danger 🆘 is to the body🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏽🧍🏼‍♂️and it can kill😵⚰️ ☠️
The form❓of the danger 🧨 is an emanation 💥 of energy ⚡️
The danger 🛑 is unleashed 🔑🔓 only if you substantially disturb 👉🏼👉🏼 this place physically 👷🚜
This place is best👍🏼 shunned 🤫🙈and left uninhabited ⏹⏮🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️💨🏚🏚🏚
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utherumbra · 2 years
This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
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This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
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The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
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The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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You can’t convince me these things aren’t radioactive I mean their abilities unravel other pokemon dna at the base stats!
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