#the disgraced Atlesian scientist { Arthur Watts }
Hitman/RWBY crossover: "Agent 47, tonight you will be visiting Schnee Manor to deal with four priority targets. There names are Arthur Watts, Hazel Reinhardt, Tyrian Callows, and Cinder Fall.
"Arthur Watts is a disgraced Atlesian Scientist, presumed to have perished in the disastrous 'Paladin Incident' many years ago. However, we recently uncovered that he wrote the computer virus that allowed Ms. Fall to hijack the Vytal Festival broadcast, and our sources indicate he will be personally meeting with Jacques Schnee during tonight's gala.
"Hazel Reinhardt is the only surviving family member of the late Huntress in Training, Gretchel Reinhardt. He blamed Ozpin for her death, and has been murdering Huntsmen and Huntresses across the globe in an attempt to destroy the system that took his sister from him. That might seem contradictory, but he appears to be acting under the direction of Watts' benefactor.
"I'm sure you're aware of Tyrian Callows. The most infamous serial killer to ever plague the continent of Anima. He mysteriously vanished in a Grimm attack while being transported to prison, but it would appear as though the Grimm were actually rescuing him, under the direction of Arthur's and Hazel's leader.
"Cinder Fall is somewhere in the vicinity. The mastermind behind the attacks on Beacon and Haven Academies. Or at least, that's what she wants us to think. In actuality, she's taking orders from a higher power.
"This is Salem. The agent who sent us this photo perished, and he wasn't even the one to take it. She cannot die. If you see her, RUN! She can control the Grimm, and she turned Ms. Fall into something that isn't entirely human, granting the young woman abilities beyond your imagination. She is not a target. Avoid her at all costs. In a worst case scenario, take off her head. That should keep her busy for a few seconds.
"This jellyfish-like Grimm is called a Seer. Salem uses them to communicate with her subordinates, and coordinate her Grimm minions from a distance. Only take it out if it is the only way to prevent Salem from seeing you, as Salem WILL notice if one of them dies.
"Your mission? You need to kill all four of her known direct subordinates. Her goal is the complete erasure of our species, and I can imagine you understand why we don't want that.
"Good luck, Agent 47, the fate of Remnant is in your hands."
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episodeoftv · 1 year
Round 1 of 8, Group 4 of 8
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propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
RWBY: 7.11 Gravity
TW for mutilation, I think? Pretty sure the skin on his arm gets burned off but it's just colored a darker shade of red, no blood or anything)
Between Watts, Tyrian, and the seemingly endless swarm of Grimm, evil is encroaching on our heroes from all sides. The biggest threat, however, may be hiding where they least expect it.
Legit one of the best RWBY episodes of all time. It starts with a battle between the military Commander and later self-proclaimed Dictator of Atlas, James Ironwood, and Arthur Watts, a disgraced former Atlesian scientist and villain. They have the first gun-only fight in the show and it's awesome, held in a former combat arena that changes just as Watts hacks it to his whim during their fight. The fight ends with Watts trapping Ironwoods only good arm (the right half of his body is completely replaced by robotics) in a forcefield, and just as he turns around, Ironwood painfully pulls his arm out, leaving him heavily injured, before taking down Watts. The second half of the episode deals with Ironwood, arm freshly bandaged, finding a symbol of one of the main villain's other minions inside his very own office. This drives him into a spiral of paranoia, where he abandons all the progress the heroes and him have made this season, to replace it with a utopian dream of rising his kingdom high into the athmosphere, out of the villain's reach (for now) Little bit of context: The main villain, Salem, can only be stopped if literally all people on this world work together. She plans on uniting four relics which will call back the gods to this planet, and if they return and humanity does nit coexist peacefully, they will wipe them all out. So yeah, that's a big deal. While Ironwood and team RWBY (protags) argue, an apparition of Salem appears in his office, reminding him of how unstoppable she is, which further drives him into a spiral and makes him warrant an arrest for team RWBY. The episode ends with RWBY preparing to fight Ironwood's special ops team, the Ace Ops. https://youtu.be/QFngxDIYOqY
Tangled: The Series: 2.14 Rapunzel and the Great Tree
tw fakeout death? As mentioned Rapunzel magic-burns tf out of her friend's arm
The path of black rocks leads Rapunzel and her companions to the Big Tree, an ancient, magical place. They encounter the unpredictable Hector and discover the moonstone magic formula. Hector proves to be a dangerous adversary to the group and Rapunzel realizes that her only chance to save her friends is the uncontrollable Moonstone magic formula.
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"I couldn't help but notice that you seemed rather lost..." Watts was cut off before he could finish speaking by a young man with teal hair.
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"Why hello there lad! It's quite dangerous to be alone around here, if you'd like we could help you to wherever it is that you are headed." As he spoke Odran motioned towards the rest of his teammates. After a moment he took a breath before scratching the back of his head slightly.
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 4: Re-Bonding In Mistral Ch 6 (Part I)
Welcome back to Re-Bonding In Mistral! This is chapter 6, which is the same as  chapter 5, only in the RWY, SQ, and JNPR + O POV. Raven’s POV is also featured.
For those of you wondering, this chapter takes place during Volume 5’s episodes 7-9 and the beginning of episode 11.
Like the last chapter, this is semi-original.
As such, this’ll be long. Also, due to shit going on, this might be a weak addition, so I’m sorry if it’s not that good.
As usual, please give constructive criticism and enjoy!
Disclaimer: Still own nothing.
(In a forest in Mistral...)
The tribe leader perked up from her thoughts, turning to face Vernal peeking through the curtains. “We have guests… Salem’s...” The young woman said. The Spring Maiden sighed, rubbing her eyes. This was NOT what she was hoping...but now the two had to play their part. “If they ask for a maiden, you know what to do.” The red clad woman said, placing Summer’s cloak on the bed and putting on her helmet. “We planned for this after all.”
Vernal nodded as the tribe leader walked outside, noticing Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and Watts. She also noticed the bandits surrounding them. “I don't recall inviting so many guests into our home.” Raven started with a smirk. “Either I'm losing my memory…” She then growled, raising her voice in anger, “Or you've all lost your DAMN spines!” Chuckling darkly, Cinder raised her human hand, “Don’t be too upset with them, Raven. They merely recognized the power of a Maiden.”
After a few moments of silence, the tribe leader ordered, “Leave us and pack your things. We’re moving.” The bandits, excluding Vernal, nodded and split up. Raven then looked at Salem’s followers, “I don’t believe we’ve met. Even though I know about your ‘godly’ master.” Mercury went to open his mouth, only to be silenced by the tribe leader as she said, “And I doubt anyone would fear you… Especially given your cowardly stunt at the tournament and Beacon.”
“Why you old fuc-!” The gray clad follower almost shouted, only to shut up again as Cinder’s eye glowed. “Knock. It. Off.” She growled at him. “Or do you WANT to get CHARRED?”
Mercury froze, before backing up, his face pale and in fright. “That’s what I thought. Good child.” Raven said, grinning as she saw the terrified look in the gray haired brat’s eyes. “Now, your names?”
“Cinder Fall.” The Fall Maiden said. “My associate, Arthur Watts and my disciples, Emerald and Mercury.” The tribe leader nodded, “Two children you've tricked into following you, a disgraced Atlesian scientist…” She then looked at Cinder in the eye, “And a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself. You certainly seem to have a case of egomania, is that about right?”
“I was also a doctor, to be fair.” Watts said, before nodding. “Though everything else was on point.” Raven hummed with amusement, “You flatter me. Though…I’m sure you’re after the Spring Maiden. Correct?” Cinder nodded with a grin, before the tribe leader looked to Vernal. The young woman nodded, before playing her part. While Raven used her Maiden powers, Vernal choreographed movements, successfully making the four believe that the young woman was the Spring Maiden.
“Now then…” Raven said. “Now that you got your proof, what is it you’re REALLY after?”
As Cinder grinned, Raven knew damn well that whatever these brats were planning in Salem’s will, she’d have to follow along for the time being.
For her family’s sake. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Meanwhile...)
“Okay, so...what else do we need to be filled in on?” Yang asked. Weiss and Willow nodded, with the heiress saying, “We’d like to know too. Even though we talked virtually, there...seems to be something more complex going on.”
The group had gone back to Mistral, planning on warning Haven about Salem’s threat. They were hoping they could, at least, PREVENT further harm and loss of life. However, Summer, Evergreen, Qrow, Willow, and Ember KNEW that was a very heavy gamble...and were prepared for the possible oncoming battle. Ruby, Yang, and Weiss could tell that going to Haven could dictate a LOT of dangerous possibilities...and would have to look to the former STRQ leader, Qrow, and Evergreen for guidance.
Even though it was just vague, Summer had made it clear that she knew of Salem’s capabilities.
Speaking of the former STRQ leader, ever since returning from her night with Raven, she...hadn’t been in the happiest of moods. It was clear that the tallest of the group was trying to force herself to seem happy...or indifferent at the very least.
But every now and then, cracks in her behavior began to show.
No one dared to comment on them, thankfully. Qrow and Evergreen obviously knew the pain she was going through, as did Ember. Yang and Ruby knew as well...and were pretty certain the rest of the group had begun putting the pieces together too.
Though questions about that, if anyone dared had any, could wait. There was a bigger matter to discuss.
At the moment, only Qrow was absent from the room, as he was attempting to notify the academy about their arrival.
Ruby sighed, “It’s...a lot.” “To summarize what’s new, we need to stop Salem, the typical evil witch, from causing more harm.” She said. “Yes, magic exists...or still does. She wants the Maidens for her plan.” Willow nodded, “Sounds simple enough.” “Agreed, but one question. You mean to tell us that that fairytale is real?” Yang asked.
The group nodded, before Summer said, “Look at me, Yang.” Said blonde did so...only to meet her stepmom’s emotionless and tired expression. Yang’s eyes went wide, before sighing, “Mom’s one...isn’t she?” The former STRQ leader nodded, “The Spring one...and not by choice.”
“Cinder’s the Fall Maiden...which she stole.” Pyrrha explained. “Another reason why she attacked Beacon.” Yang clenched her fists, before growling, “That bitch...” Everyone nodded in agreement, with Pyrrha saying, “I feel like it’s my fault. I was given the choice to be the next Maiden…” “But I turned it down…” The red head explained, her expression saddening.
Jaune and Evergreen looked at her, shocked, with the JNPR leader saying, “Pyrrha, we had NO idea that this would happen.” Ruby nodded in agreement, “Even though Mom and I knew of Cinder’s criminal activities, there were too many unknowns…” “Not to mention it was extremely difficult to question or stop her anyway.” Summer added. She then turned to Evergreen, “I’m sure you or someone you know may have some info that could be useful?”
The silver haired man sighed, “Me, no. But I do know someone.” “Would you like to speak up, Ozma?” The former headmaster asked, looking at Oscar. “The kids need answers, even the one you’re currently occupying.” Everyone froze, before turning to the youngest of the group in shock and confusion.
Willow and Ember noticed that Summer remained expressionless…
They assumed that she had known for a bit of time...and figured Qrow knew as well.
Oscar sighed, raising a finger, before flicking his head. “Be kind and introduce yourself…” He said. “Please.” A few moments passed, before a new voice emerged from the boy’s lips, “Greetings…” The new voice did not seem happy about being revealed. Everyone turned to the former headmaster, who said, “This is Ozma. A….former acquaintance of Salem’s.” “Former?” Summer raised an eyebrow. After a few moments, her jaw nearly dropped, “Do NOT fucking tell me…”
Ozma raised Oscar’s hand, using the boy’s face to show his embarrassment and hesitance. “I’m her….ex...or widow, technically.” The immortal said. “That story will have to wait, though. Now, your questions?” “Firstly, how are you even alive…!?” Yang asked. Ozma sighed, tapping Oscar’s forehead, “I’m...cursed, by the God of Light, with immortality. Much like Salem is…”
“So, you got magic too? Like a wizard or mage of some sort?” Ruby asked. Ozma nodded, “Indeed. However, it is dwindling…” “What…?” Evergreen asked. “How…!?” The immortal sighed, “I do not know, currently…” “Maybe because I shared some of it…” He guessed. “I shared a large amount of it with four young women who would eventually become the first Maidens.” Willow tilted her head, “And the Branwen twins? You shared with them too?”
The immortal nodded, “Yes, but only a small fraction. Qrow will tell you that they made their choice, but…” He then trailed off, going silent for a few moments, before saying, “I don’t know if that’s true…” The immortal then looked at Oscar’s arms, before sighing, “This is probably stupid to ask you…” “Will you help me stop Salem from taking more lives? From taking more families?” He asked. “If you don’t, I understand. Really, I do. You...all deserve much better than this life....”
“Why?” Summer asked, drawing attention towards her. “Why are you giving us a choice?” Her tone was frighteningly serious, enhanced further by the glare she gave the immortal. Ozma lowered Oscar’s head, before Evergreen said, “It’s because of Oscar… Isn’t it?” The immortal sighed, “He’s a CHILD…as are all of YOU. I’d be destroying another family...again.”
“Just like I unintentionally did all those millennia ago.” He mumbled. “I...think I might be just as bad as Salem…”
After a few moments of tense silence, Summer looked at Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha, before shifting to Weiss, Willow, and Ember, and then finally at her own daughters. Closing her eyes, she forced a sigh, before saying, “Fine. We’ll do it.” “But if you keep more secrets...or if those I love dearly nearly die...I’m calling it quits.” She said. “Clear?”
Ozma nodded Oscar’s head, “Yes, ma’am.” The former STRQ leader then looked at Evergreen, before sighing, “Good. In that case, I’ll let Qrow know.”
With that, she left the room, before Oscar was given back control. After noticing everyone’s shocked expressions, he asked, “Did...something happen?” The group sighed with relief that the youngest of the group was back with them, before Evergreen said, “I’ll...fill you in about it later.” “It’s a bit much…” He explained. The farm boy nodded, noticeably feeling a little awkward.
Weiss, noticeably a little frightened by Summer’s threat, whispered to Yang and Ruby, “What...the fuck was that…?” The red cloaked leader cleared her throat, before rubbing the back of her neck, “Let’s just...say that she’s VERY protective over who and what she cares about...and leave it at that.” “She’ll open up and share the full story when she remembers and feels comfortable.” Yang added. “Besides, I’m sure any person who loves their family that much would do the same…”
Weiss slowly nodded, dropping the topic, since she KNEW Yang was right. More importantly though...after how awkward that conversation was...it would be WISE to avoid that kind of topic in the future.
Please continue to Part 2 here:
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maxiemumdamage · 5 years
Tyrian and Watts living their best lives down in Mantle
Watts looking great in his new outfit while also showing some appreciation for Bumbleby. (I see that purple and gold, Arthur.)
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Right before we see Tyrian in this scene, you can hear the person he killed scream.
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(Haha I’m scared for my children now.) Great details in animation and audio this volume.
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Also, has Ironwood and Winter’s speech been on a loop this whole time?!? It’s been at least an hour! (Someone in Mantle has probably made a mocking parody video by now.)
But we have confirmation of something very important.
Tyrian is from Mantle. Arthur Watts was introduced as a “disgraced Atlesian scientist,” but now we finally know more about our fave scorpion boy.
“But what if we’re seen? What if we’re recognized?” They are both at risk of recognition; if it were just RWBYJNRQO then he wouldn’t have him so concerned; how likely are they to run into those nine people in an entire kingdom?
No, Tyrian has regularly spent time in Mantle, and it’s not likely for any Faunus to chose to move there. Excluding a mission from Salem, he never would have gone. Maybe we’ll find out how he got those scars now.
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Also, does Tyrian just coil his new tail around his waist like a belt when he’s not using it? That’s a cute design quirk.
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@nutsandvoltsweek Sorry if this is bad I'm not a writer as much as I'm not an artist, I at least have some more experience with writing though, I know it's not perfect but oh well. I also know it's technically late for my timezone but it's still gonna be the 10th February somewhere.
This is my attempt at a role reversal Nuts and Volts for day 2
Humanity and Ferality
Word count : 2,150
Content tags : Role-reversal, Scientist!Tyrian, Feral!Watts, blood, implied cannibalism, implied self-mutilation/experimentation 
It wasn't exactly unheard of, the story of the Atlesian who went mad and lost his mind, in his unhinged rage it's said he brought down an entire lab and then disappeared, presumed dead, but now Tyrian knew the truth. Before him stood a ragged man, truly disgraced, soaked in blood that had previously resided inside the team Tyrian had gone with to an unusual site where people complained of moving shadows and nose curdling smells that kept even the Grimm at bay.
It was clear the heaving form wanted to finish off the last one and drag him too away to wherever he had stowed the other bodies, the only evidence that someone had been there being the blood splattered around after a vicious attack, Tyrian wasn't about to let him but he was curious, he supposed the poor guy had to have survived off something all this time, the thought would have made him shudder had he even cared at all. He simply watched the man carefully, neither daring to move, their foe was unpredictable yet somehow they had each other figured out - as long as they stood there like that no one was going to do anything, it was a stalemate of two men frozen purely to wonder if either was going to move first which they knew wasn't actually going to happen.
"Well, this is certainly something I never expected..." said Tyrian in a careful tone hoping his sudden speech didn't kickstart a sudden death, the figure flinched a bit, not used to his victims having any other vocal capability than a scream of terror. Though vision wasn't clear Tyrian was certain of something, it just made sense to him somehow, "Arthur Watts. The illusive one man catastrophe, thought to be dead, but of course that's only because no living soul has actually had chance to escape and tell anyone." The figure flinched again, it was more of a twitch, and Tyrian almost found it amusing, this man was more feral than a Sabyr, more animal than human, he wasn't even a faunus but simply a man who had nothing to lose. It was an ironic comparison to Tyrian's own self. Doctor Tyrian Callows, the scorpion faunus who managed to hide his feature his whole life and aid Atlas in great science feats becoming one of their most trusted with barely any challenge, he was almost more human now, it was hard not to follow their ideologies even if they involved the theory that Faunus were lesser and only useful for labour tasks which the humans were too good for, at one point Tyrian almost found himself hating his own kind because of how truly the humans believed they were in the right, they always thought they were right, and he had loved to prove them wrong. They could try to take everything from him yet he would still have the knowledge he'd come to accumulate and with that knowledge he'd almost brought their empire crumbling down as easily as a flick of a tail, that's what caught the attention of a certain goddess, she'd known he was perfect for the job and must have realised he actually barely needed her as he'd almost achieved what she intended solo, yet she still offered him a place and picked him up off cold bleak streets to give his terrifying, sly and genius mind a sturdy platform from where he could orchestrate a new wave of armageddon; His goddess had sent him on this mission with a group of, what Tyrian could only describe as, thugs (Tyrian thought very little of them and so their fates weighed insignificant in his mind), but he had to admit the ease at which this husk had dispatched them was impressive and showed really the potential danger he should find himself in.
It was perhaps not an insignificant detail to note that had Tyrian not just so happened to turn around at that exact moment the deranged creature would have been upon him hacking away at his aura with all the brutality and speed of a Beowolf, it was quite surprising that anyone could be so far gone that even the Grimm have no desire to come near, Tyrian himself had witnessed the creatures circling the area intending to prey on the mindless drones of a team Tyrian had with him, at first he'd thought they were responsible for the company gradually dwindling but he never once saw them dare to close the distance, they always stayed out there, away, and one could only wonder why. Now it made sense. One by one his lackeys disappeared and there was barely noise of a struggle, perhaps a new type of Grimm was a thought at first but there was never any evidence to back up the claim, it wasn't obvious to assume there was something or someone else lurking around picking them off one by one, leaving the best for last or perhaps just because Tyrian refused to be slowed down and so was at the lead of the group and it wasn't so easy to grab him, especially since he came most prepared for an encounter of any kind as Tyrian always calculated it was more worth it to over-prepare than to be left in a situation with no ability to get out.
He began to wonder if this new monster could even speak lest his humanity have slipped away altogether, but that was soon answered for him. The demented fellow had been watching this odd stranger in his territory, seemingly frustrated by the fact he'd been seen before it was too late, like an ambush predator once he was spotted he didn't quite know what to do, he'd been spending all these lonely crumbling years attempting to hone his skills to cause as swift an aura break and kill as possible, it hadn't been easy and he'd suffered a lot but he was sure he was better than this and it angered him that this invading doctor had simply turned around and halted his entire strike. He had to at least be thankful that the poor lighting and obscured distance still offered some veil, he was not the 'man' this pest had identified him as any longer, he left that behind long ago.
The voice that came from the sketchy silhouette wasn't clear, but it also didn't completely lack all intelligence, he was aware of that. "I intend to keep myself invisible to anyone who it matters to" came the sound, a bit scratchy and with a little wavering in tone almost to display the insanity, Tyrian had to admit it surprised him to hear sound come from such a thing but he smiled, and, perhaps acting a little too cocky for his own good, made the decision to move towards the crazed mess in an attempt to get a better look, this caused an almost growled "Back off" in response, the tone was chilling but Tyrian couldn't help being thrilled by it, messed up things was what he loved even if it was uncivil of him he couldn't ignore his true natural desire for such.
"You don't have to live like this anymore you know, I have a way to help you if you would accept it. Figures from your past don't even have to be aware of it, unless of course you wanted them to be" offered Tyrian, still keeping his tone careful, he would like to have this mission end well and not with any significant death, he wanted to please his Goddess. He was regarded by cold green eyes that clearly wished to inflict the most painful of harm on him.
"You dare to offer me anything, I have nothing valuable to you, how dare you come here and expect me to comply simply because you asked!" The voice was still broken from disuse, it still brought amusement and intrigue to the curious doctor,
"I didn't expect anything, until a few moments ago I was completely unaware of your existence-"
"And I would like to go back to that" interrupted the corrupt tone, Tyrian ignored him,
"Yet while I find it most fascinating at your sheer ability to eradicate your immediate enemy I find it hard to believe you wouldn't want to exact revenge on the very society that cast you out, what's a few 'immoral' experiments when you're clearly capable of more right? They didn't want you so you tried to destroy them, but you didn't succeed completely. You probably are aware that I think you might be-"
"Helpful to you? Easy to use? Manipulate? Control?!" This was more than a growl, this was a snarl, it caught Tyrian off guard and actually made him jump, it was becoming increasingly obvious that talking simply wasn't going to be enough,
"What would it take for you to find some way to trust me?" Asked the curious scorp almost softly, itching with anticipation of an answer. It took a while for his opponent to respond, it wasn't clear if it was because of outrage or simply no idea of how to react.
"I… to trust you?" Came an unsure sound, "Why would I want to trust you? Why would you want me to trust you? Trust requires closeness and closeness ultimately ends in parting."
Tyrian smiled again, "You're something else, something unique, if even the Grimm fear you just imagine what chaos you could cause with the proper footing to launch yourself from, we're not all that different you and I, while at the same time we're complete opposites. I know of somewhere there'd be a place for you, you'd have to leave this behind of course but you'd be rewarded in time with the exact opportunity your seething twisted soul desires" he could see this was perhaps sounding worthwhile. The reply didn't take long.
"I am not the man I was, I'm not sure if I'm much of a man at all… but you seem to believe I'm useful to you… how so?" The question was unsure almost cautious, it made Tyrian think there wasn't as little humanity left as they both thought, but he was all too happy to answer;
"I'm glad you asked, you see I work for a force this world will never be able to defeat and she only grows stronger with the aid of people like me, and perhaps even more so with you." He was always ready to jump at the chance to mention his Goddess, but took the opportunity to mention his own story, his own achievements, most particularly the ones under Salem's guidance, he exclaimed much glee at recalling events, he especially made sure to add in a little bit of how perhaps the addition of someone like the distorted disgraced ex-doctor Arthur Watts could possibly have influenced the outcome and made it so much easier, he mentioned the research he'd done on him and how he'd lamented at the belief the once great man was now apart from this world in attempt to play right into how he once thought of himself as an esteemed innovator. It seemed to work like a charm, not surprising, if Tyrian Callows knew anything it was how to use a person's own self against them for better or for worse. Eventually the newly revitalised man that was once a husk seemed to smile and said with as much attempt at contentment as his shattered voice could offer,
"Perhaps you are right" and that answer made Tyrian grin, but he continued "however I still feel like I am better off staying lost in the shadows of ruins, I would recommend you just leave" he seemed downheartned at having to say it and Tyrian simply had to ask,
"I cannot allow you to simply stay here, perhaps you could do me a favour" he had a glint in his eye which was observed by Arthur, who seemed perhaps a little uncomfortable and didn't want to ask what favour deciding it be best not to know. That didn't stop Tyrian from asking anyway. "Please step into light, so I may see you properly"
Arthur scoffed "So you can see what's become of me?"
Tyrian simply answered, gently, with a "Yes"
It appeared this was not the expected response. However unable to provide much more of an argument Arthur reluctantly, slowly, carefully, and in every way cautiously, moved closer. As soon as his body was bathed in light Tyrian caught himself being captivated, in awe.
The oddly shaped outline he'd been looking at this whole time was much more distinguished now. He was able to make out all the foreign non-human devices. The recognizable form of a man who in his own despair attempted to make himself into something else. He wasn't just less human in nature, but also in appearance. And Tyrian found it beautiful.
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livestosteal · 5 years
Raven: Two children you’ve tricked into following you, a disgraced Atlesian scientist, and a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself.  Something tells me you’ve got more than a slight case of egomania.  Is that about right?”
Watts: *cough cough* “Technically I was also a doctor, but I must say the rest was spot-on.”
And this, kids, is why Arthur Watts is the best villain in RWBY.
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lacependragon · 5 years
Actually on the concept of foils, I think Ironwood's foil is going to be Watts and I do have reasons for that I just can't really,,,put them to words right now h
Oh absolutely! I think Watts has been set up as James’ foil quite nicely. I mentioned that in my foils post, that I think they’re the obvious pair.
They’re both intelligent, well-spoken scientists with obvious sway over those under them. Not to mention the fact that Watts is a “disgraced Atlesian Scientist” according to the companion book, and his lines in C2 about designing much of the security used in Mantle.
Watts and James both have a great deal of power and control, as well as intelligence. However, while Watts uses it to puppet people and destroy, James uses it to trust people and build them up. James tells people everything and lets them make decisions; Watts makes decisions and offers explanation, not choice.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Watts is commanding Tyrian, this volume, and that Qrow is working alongside, or even under, James. I think that’s going to be a huge contrast to their characters. I also think this is where a lot of the contrast between Qrow and Tyrian is going to come, this season. And, if they develop the James and Qrow friendship more, I think this will be where it comes from.
There’s also the interesting detail, small as it is, that everyone in canon refers to both of them by last name. Watts is never referred to as Arthur, and James is referred to as James almost never. Qrow calls him James in V7C1, Jimmy in V3C3, and I believe Glynda calls him James as well, in V2.
It’s little things like that that really push it home, you know?
The companion book also takes about Watts’ allusion - Watson without Holmes, but with Moriarty. And even though Watson and the Tin Man are from entirely different universes, I could write up an entire post on how that sets them up as foils, as well.
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powerbottomblake · 6 years
RWBY:Ragnarok or predictions on the Atlas arc
Building on my previous post about how the RWBY arcs parallel seasons and the archetypal narrative structure linked to each season, I’ve established that Atlas corresponds to winter, aka themes of darkness, dissolution, the return of chaos, and the defeat of the heroic figure, but what I’m going to be developing here is how winter is linked to Götterdämmerung myths, a.k.a Ragnarok, otherwise known as the death of the gods in Norse mythology. So yes, Atlas is definitely a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Time for our heroes.
The thing is, that isn’t the only Norse mythology allusion tied to Atlas, be it the cast, the location or the events of Ragnarok itself. This post will be about delving into all of these allusions and find how Ragnarok’s narrative beats find equivalents in RWBY and how it might help predict the Atlas endgame (or at least part of it) as well as figure out some general plot points.
But before that, I feel like you need to familiarize yourself with the G.U.N theory (though I don’t know if I’m 100% in the scope of it with this post). I think the person that best explained it in a concise way would be @alexkablob in this post but basically the nitty gritty of it is that all RWBY characters aren’t allusions to a single myth but have layers of different allusions to several myths, and decoding them makes it possible to predict the beats of their narrative. Think v6 made it all too obvious with how Adam was Prince Adam (a.k.a the Beast before any character development or growth), the Rose curse and Gaston all wrapped in one (plus some references to Anakin Skywalker too apparently!); or how Yang is Goldilocks, Beauty and the Beast simultaneously (amongst others).
So characters that you know are allusions to a certain myth/fairytale, might have allusions to other ones, less obvious but still just as significant in determining that character’s fate and their overarching character arc, and the Atlas arc of the story is just full of these other allusions, all Norse mythology themed.
I’ll start with the allusions tied to the central figure of Atlas’ plot, aka the man himself, James Ironwood, then branch out on the connected cast’s allusions and how they’d fill their respective roles in Atlas’ version of Ragnarok.
So, as we all know James Ironwood is supposed to be our Tinman from the wizard of Oz. Thing is Ironwood also refers to a location in Norse mythology, Járnviðr (literally old Norse for Iron-wood), where a witch gives birth to giant wolves that are alluded to as Fenrir’s kin, one of them in particular being dubbed snatcher of the moon, who will swallow the moon come Ragnarok.
Before delving deeper into this, who is Fenrir?
Fenrir is a monstrous wolf who’s bound until comes Ragnarok, where he breaks free, wreaks havoc on the realm of the gods, and kills Odin, the patriarch of the Norse mythology pantheon and one of its most powerful figures.
I’m gonna go ahead and assume that CRWBY will merge all the monstrous apocalyptic wolf figures into one because that’s the decision that makes the most sense, and I’m gonna refer to it as Fenrwby to differentiate it from the original Fenrir (listen I couldn’t come up with anything else).
So now we’ve established that Atlas harbors or will get invaded by this giant wolf, Fenrir, who announces the apocalypse and swallows the moon.
Damn, I wonder which character is always closely associated to moon symbolism, incidentally also alluding to a tale called Dead Moon (again @alexkablob got you covered) and whose death circumstances are still a mystery till now?
That’s right I think Fenrwby will be confirmed to be the reason Summer died. Another point that absolutely convinces me of it is that he(it?) refers to. A gigantic evil wolf. Or you could say. A Big Bad Wolf. And guess where Little Red Riding Hood is headed right now?
But before eating Little Red Riding Hood, the Wolf eats the grandmother first.
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Yeah, this might very well be the last time Maria’s making the trip to Atlas.
But let’s go back to Ironwood. There’s yet another allusion to him and that’s the Norse god Tyr. Tyr was a war god, but also presided over law and justice, which aligns with Ironwood being leader of the military, headmaster and even has the Council (which I assume is executive and judicial power) bow to him.
Tyr’s most striking act and for which he’s most known though is that he’s sacrificed his arm when the gods first bound Fenrir, the arm the wolf bit off being the right one, and lo and behold:
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James Ironwood is indeed missing a right arm (well a whole right side because he’s also Tinman, but you get me). From this we can already surmise that the mission Summer was sent over to was probably the containment of Fenrwby, and it cost Summer her life and Ironwood his right side.
That leaves us with one question: who/what is Fenrwby and where did he come from?
We’ll have to go back to the original myth for a bit here. In Norse Mythology, the trickster god Loki fathers three children with a giantess:  Hel, a woman that becomes a sort of queen of the Underworld, the world serpent Jörmungandr and the world wolf Fenrir. All three siblings are prophesied to be big trouble to the gods but what sets Fenrir apart is that:
He’s the one foretold to announce Ragnarok; his unbidding decides it
He’s the one destined to swallow Odin himself whole
He’s the only “hellish” sibling who’s raised right where the gods live, in Asgard
Beyond the similarity in how the names sound, I do believe Atlas’ design takes after Asgard and is meant to symbolize it.
For further reference here’s Marvel’s take on Asgard:
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And here’s our first look at Atlas:
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Atlas even has those threads attached to Mantle below which I suspect act as anchors + elevators/transportation conducts (most of it probably dedicated to Dust transport) between Mantle and Atlas, but also are a visual reference to Yggdrasil's roots, the Norse world tree, extending from Asgard to the other realms below.
So Fenrir is raised right in Asgard, but the wee pup is growing at an alarming rate (plus is prophesied to destroy all of it) so none of the gods is keen on approaching him. None except one brave god that is the only one to get close and feed him. And who would that be? That’s right, Tyr a.k.a our basis for Ironwood.
Ironwood hosting and hand-rearing a monster that will ultimately cause Summer’s death and the Atlaspocalypse sounds extremely unlikely, but there’s one scenario where this makes sense.
Atlas is known for its technological advancement and its constant development of new weaponry. I believe Fenrwby was born out of such a project, under the general leadership of Ironwood, but someone must have taken the experiments too far and ended up creating something so terrible Summer Rose herself (and maybe all or a combination of the remaining STRQ team), a silver-eyed warrior, had to be dispatched to neutralize, dying in the process.
Now is the time to remember that Fenrir is Loki’s son. In the original myth, Loki, an Asgardian god, gets eventually banished and during Ragnarok sides with the enemies.
So we’re basically looking for a disgraced Atlesian, who was possibly a scientist and is now currently working with the enemy.
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And here is our Loki, none other than Arthur Watts himself, whose fallout with Atlas is yet to be explained.
I believe the reason he left Atlas was because he’s the one responsible for Fenrwby’s creation and in its immediate fallout, evaded arrest.
Another reason that leads me to believe Watts is our Loki is that Loki’s ties to Hel, Norse queen of the underworld, who was described to be “half-black and half flesh-colored”, which is a dead ringer for Salem.
Arthur Watts’ name also seems to refer to Arthur Conan Doyle and John Watson, the first one being the creator of Sherlock Holmes and the latter his dutiful companion and side-kick, so I believe Watts might be a combination of (evil) Sherlock and Watson. This is further supported with how Watts’ appearance seems to be a blend of both (Watson is described as tan, with a strong build and a moustache and Sherlock as tall and lean) and his outfit being Victorian-era inspired. He is referred to as Doctor by Salem, first to affirm his status as fallen scientist from Atlas but also most likely as a nod to Watson who was a skilled doctor and often would be referred to as Doctor as well. Sherlock Holmes is known to be an emotionally detached analytical machine with a caustic (and at times callous) kind of humor, having a usually dispassionate and cold demeanor, all of which match what we see of Watts. How is this linked to our Ragnarok? Well one of Sherlock Holmes’ most well-known stories, one where incidentally Watson has a very proactive and prominent role, is the Hound of the Baskervilles. The story is itself based on the legend of a “monstrously evil man” who sold his soul to the Devil (Salem) and after his death led a pack of phantom, evil hounds.
Evil hounds, monstrous wolves...Watts always gets linked to big bad canidae one way or the other.
Which brings us to our next question: now that we know who made Fenrwby, what exactly is Fenrwby?
Ok so this is the part where the theory gets tentative because there isn't much to go off of, so bear with me.
Watts is partly based on Sherlock Holmes, who is indifferent and detached usually, unless he's in the midst of an investigation. He then turns driven, getting tunnel-visioned and borderline obsessed (he can even go without food for so long he faints) until he solves the mystery. I think Watts is much the same. He carries himself with cool composure mostly but there was one instance where he showed a sort of zealous fascination: when he saw the seer Grimm.
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Ok so I have an inkling that Watts is fascinated by the Grimm, and his forbidden experiments involved Grimm creatures. This is further supported by the Baskerville allusion to a pack of phantom hounds, which could very well reference the Grimm.
So going off this, Watts experimented on Grimm - since Atlas is very much wolf-themed, maybe Beowolfs? - and out of them he made Fenrwby.
But what could possibly be combined to Grimm in a way that’d defeat the combined forces of Ironwood (whose entire right side got severed) and an experienced silver eyed warrior like Summer?
I think we can make an educated guess based off the two major technological breakthroughs we got to witness during V1-3, namely Penny, the first synthetic being able to generate aura and the aura transfer machine. You’ll have guessed it, I think Atlas was dabbling into aura experimentation and Watts rerouted it to his own Grimm endeavors. What if he succeeded in equipping Grimm with something similar to Aura? Something that would hijack the Silver Eyes. I’m just bouncing ideas here but I’m pretty sure Fenrwby is the result of Watts tinkering with Aura and Grimm, and I think Watts staying with Salem is in large part because she’s the crystallization of the divide that fascinates him, being both human (having a soul, so in theory having aura) and grimm. Salem is the long running case study Watts is pursuing in a way.
So. Now that we’ve established what Fenrwby might be and who is behind it, we can delve into the narrative beats of Ragnarok. I made a synthetic list of Ragnarok events that seem relevant and connect to RWBY as a narrative:
Fenrir swallows Odin
I think Ozpin having Odin references in his character is common knowledge enough in the fandom. Odin is the king of Asgard, is associated with wisdom, knowledge and sorcery amongst other things, and is known for having two raven familiars (Raven and Qrow), all of which fit Ozpin.
What could Odin being swallowed mean for Oz and Oscar?
Of course, this could simply be an indication of Oz/Oscar fighting Fenrwby with Ruby, and losing.
But we can take it further. Oz lives inside Oscar through the merge between their souls, their auras connecting. We’ve established Atlas has been studying and experimenting on aura; Watts has most probably even toed the line of what is morally acceptable in terms of experiments. What if Fenrwby, or one of the machines Watts has been “tinkering with”, is able to sever the connection, effectively trapping Ozpin’s soul or at least sending it in another reincarnation cycle? This is a reach, I’ll admit, but something about Odin being swallowed somehow does not bode well for Ozpin.
Thor fights Jörmungandr
Can’t talk about Norse mythology without talking about Thor! And incidentally we have someone in the main cast based off him. I’ve always found it weird how V4 gives Ren a comprehensive backstory but never an explanation for how Nora is just there, beyond “random Kuroyuri orphan”  (How did she get orphaned? Why was she in Kuroyuri? Who were her parents?). I think Nora’s backstory will be fully explained in Atlas as I have a feeling Weiss isn’t the only one coming home. Thor’s home is Asgard after all.
So Thor fights the giant serpent that is Loki’s other son and Fenrir’s brother. One of Jörmungandr’s most striking features is his venom, as he’s described spraying it through air and sea, and it’s how he kills Thor even as he’s slayed by him, poisoning the god to his death.
Our Jörmungadr equivalent thus needs to wield poison, and be sired (or fixed) by Loki aka Watts. That would be Tyrian.
I believe we’ll have the second round of Team JNR vs Tyrian - as foreshadowed by Tyrian’s interest in Jaune - and it’ll end with Tyrian dying and Nora being gravely wounded.
The frost giants join the fray against the gods
I’ve already expanded on this in my previous post, but Jack Frost, Jacques’ fairy tale basis, is said to be based on the norse frost giants. This, coupled with the “Jack and the beanstalk” references, pushes me to think Jacques is going to betray and cause the death of Ironwood and help team W.T.C.H steal the relic.
Gamr, another big hellish hound, kills Tyr
Gamr is another monstrous hound who breaks free of his bindings in Ragnarok. As I said before, I believe all hounds/wolf imagery is going to be compounded in a single entity in RWBY (especially when they sometimes share identical characteristics), so this is Fenrwby getting free of whatever binding Summer put him under (maybe the Silver Eye power petrified him the way Ruby did the giant Nevermore?) and killing Ironwood.
Surtr, a fire giant from Muspelheim, the realm of fire, covers the entire world with fire with his flaming sword
Surtr is a fire giant that guards Muspelheim, a hot and glowing land of fire, and who sets the world on fire with his flaming sword at the end of Ragnarok. This signals the destruction of the world, but also announces its rebirth with the surviving gods and humans meeting afterwards and leading into a new era.
So the guardian of a sword of destruction (Vacuo’s relic), coming from a hot unforgiving land (Vacuo), crashes the fight. I believe this is when the Summer maiden gets introduced, and she uses the relic to end the fight and save the thoroughly defeated team RWBY so that everyone may escape to Vacuo as Atlas’ destruction is complete.
So, to TL;DR this extremely long post:
There is a Big Bad Wolf kind of monster/entity in Atlas I’m tentatively calling Fenrwby
Watts created this monster by dabbling into forbidden experimentation, probably on aura and grimm
Summer Rose sealed said monster but at the cost of her life and the fight cost Ironwood his right side
Fenrwby is unleashed on Atlas, either by Team W.T.C.H, accidentally by Ironwood, or a combination of both
Jacques sides with W.T.C.H and helps them steal the relic
Fenrwby kills Ironwood and Maria
Oz is either defeated, sealed away from Oscar or sent in another reincarnation loop
Nora is from Atlas and we get her extended backstory
Team JNR fight Tyrian and are able to defeat him but Nora is gravely wounded
the Summer maiden arrives in a bind and with the relic of destruction ends the fight and takes team RWBY to safety
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valkyrieelysia18 · 6 years
RWBY Rewrite: WTCH
Hello again! Welcome once again to the RWBY Rewrite series of posts I’ve been working on if under the unlikely chance I was asked to consult on a reboot. Unfortunately for my opening line, this is not the Pyrrha Nikos post (believe me, I’ve got a bunch to talk about on that one), but instead this one will focus on the villains, specifically the main four of Salem’s underlings: Cinder Fall, Arthur Watts, Tyrian Callows, and Hazel Rainart.
Now, villains are always fun to work with; often times they are the most memorable part of a story. A hero is only as good as their villains, as showcased by certain heroes’ rogues galleries. Unfortunately, RWBY’s treatment of its villains has been.....not the best. With the way the heroes have been prevailing lately, it’s been kind of downgrading their threat factor. Not to mention the current writers’ inability to deal with morally gray conflicts and characters. As such, I feel the need to break up the villains into more manageable sections, starting with the villains that will serve as the immediate antagonists to Team RWBY.
Now it’s not going to come up too much here, but it should be made clear that these four are merely this generation’s evil team. There have been many members of Salem’s council, but all that have served previously are dead, mostly due to battle against Ozpin’s forces or by Salem for a number of reasons (betrayal, insubordination, became too much of a liability, etc.). In each of their cases, Salem would reach out to them, whether through a seer or one of her other subordinates, and they would join her cause of their own free will. She’d save her main manipulations and threats for those she’s going to use as scapegoats and those she’s planning on killing. But when it comes to her long term lieutenants, it’s generally best to try and set as positive of a relationship as she can.
So, why would each of them join her? Well, the thing about the great worlds of fiction is not just their positive traits, but also their dark sides. Take the world of My Hero Academia. You’d think a world where almost everyone has super powers would be amazing, but the more you look into the society, the more cracks you find and it becomes very understandable of why some people would want to tear it down. Each of these characters are going to be associated with a problem found in the world they live in, that directly played a part in why they are villains. It’s all going to contribute to the question “Is Remnant and it’s people truly worth saving?” I’ll deal more into this question when I get to Salem.
For this, I’m also going to run with the head canon that each of them comes from a different kingdom and that problem they’re associated with relates to that kingdom: Hazel Vale, Cinder Mistral, Watts Atlas, and Tyrian Vacuo.
Hazel: Apathy
No, this is not about that Grimm. Apathy is generally defined as the complete lack of emotion about a human being, a thing or an activity. And in this head canon, this would describe Vale’s biggest problem. Vale (or at least most of those in charge) doesn’t care about what happens outside of the kingdom’s borders. So long as the life that they’ve become so accustomed to is safe, the rest of the world could be on fire and they wouldn’t lift a finger. And that especially relates to how they, and other kingdoms, view huntsmen and huntresses.
Now, we don’t really know much about Gretchen Rainart’s death, only that Ozpin said that it was due to a training accident, but that’s not what this is focusing on. I imagine that after Gretchen died, Hazel might have tried to raise concern about the Academies’ practices and get answers....only to find that no one really cared.
So what if some no name huntress in training got killed in some sort of accident? Huntsmen and huntresses die all the time. Surely she knew what she was signing up for. And there will be many more just like her.
You know that lyric “Or are we weapons pointed at the enemy, so someone else can claim a victory?” That’s how many people would view huntsmen and huntresses in this Rewrite: weapons to be used and replaced when necessary. This also gives Hazel more of an understandable reason as to why he sided with Salem. Revenge against Ozpin is still his primary motivation, but he also wants to destroy the system that would label his sister and others like her as expendable pawns just so people who know nothing about fighting and sacrifice could live peacefully.
Cinder: Prejudice
Now I know the word prejudice usually comes in when people talk about racism (we’ll get to Adam and the White Fang another day), but as a sociology major I also know that prejudice applies not just to race but also gender, social class, sexuality, family unit, where you grew up, religious beliefs, and more. In the show, Mistral is said to have the most diverse environments and lifestyles. That I think would lead to some serious divisions in the country, particularly after the Great War. 
I always thought it was a missed opportunity that after that conflict, the King of Vale (Oz) essentially dismantled and restructured the governments of four different kingdoms to streamline world peace. Even if it may have had a greater long term benefit, there should have been lasting consequences to drastically changing established governments that had been probably been around for centuries. Entire ways of life may have been altered or destroyed and the power structure must have been completely scrambled. Like, what if most of Mistral’s population is in Central Anima and is more Asian themed, but after the Great War the southern trading ports that are more Greco-Roman (where Pyrrha is from) gained more influence due to being more cooperative with foreign powers? This would make Mistral much more complex compared to Vale and showcase that when you get a bunch of people with differing statuses and beliefs together you’re going to have problems.
Then there’s the royal family and that is where Cinder comes in. In my head canon, Cinder is in fact a direct descendant of the Mistralian royal family which fell into ruin with the deposal of the monarchy. That would perfectly tie into her fairy tale inspiration of Cinderella, a young woman of great status brought to the lowest of circumstances. Only instead of taking it all with grace and kindness, Cinder would grow resentful and bitter. Constantly having to deal with people mocking her for her status and her blood, hearing what family she had left reminisce about what was once theirs, and hearing everyone look down upon the last emperor and all that came before him who styled themselves like gods but turned out to be nothing more then men.
This would give Cinder a much more personal reason to join Salem’s cause, considering that Ozpin, more specifically his last life as the King of Vale, was the reason she and her family would have been in that state in the first place. Her desire for power, strength, and to be feared would be tied up in her desire to reclaim her family’s honor and status, to strive to the image of the old Mistralian emperors. The things she should have had by right and so she’s going to do whatever it takes to take those things back.
Watts: Corruption
While many might cite Atlas’ obvious racist issues and the elitism of its upper class as problematic, Atlas’ upper class and those in power have also exploited those beneath them in order to stay on top. A missed opportunity when it came to the racism subplot is the lack of human allies because when if you really think about it, there must have been human miners in the Schnee Dust mines alongside the Faunus. Mantle is still very much there and the Atlesian hierarchy have most likely exploited those from it who where just trying to live their lives, Jacques Schnee most certainly has. And some of Ironwood’s power plays are definitely overstepping his bounds. As such, I’m using Atlas to highlight corruption. Unlike Vale, the Atlesians do care about how the world sees them and they will do anything to come out on top.
So, how would the good doctor fit into all this? The show has stated that Watts is a disgraced Atlesian scientist, but we don’t know why that is. Well, what if it wasn’t because he went behind his superiors’ backs in making deadly unethical weapons (because that seems like something Atlas would be completely on board for), but because they needed a scapegoat?
In this rewrite, Watts would be Professor Polendina’s protégé and they and others were performing certain experiments for the Atlesian government. The exact type of experiments I’m a little fuzzy on (I’m a writer, not a scientist), but I think it would interesting if these experiments were what laid the groundwork on Penny’s creation. Given Pyrrha’s reaction back in Volume 3, you get the impression that messing around with Aura and souls wouldn’t be the most....moral inquiries. And naturally someone would find out and the government would need someone to put the blame on. Professor Polendina would have been at the head of things and thus would be too important to lose, his protégé on the other hand would be much more expendable. Heck, the professor might be talked into going along with it in exchange for support to build Penny.
Now in this rewrite, Watts is by no means a good person, he’s just not a hypocrite. He knows full well what he’s done is pretty terrible, but he doesn’t deny it or sugar coat it. However, he is extremely pissed how he alone was blamed while others got away scot free. Salem would promise him both freedom to conduct his experiments as well as promising the opportunity for revenge against his former superiors. This could lead to an angry confrontation with Professor Polendina down the line, tearing into his old teacher. Ultimately culminating in Watts telling him that for all his attempts to convince himself he was doing things for Atlas or the greater good, Polendina is no better if not worse than the ones who ordered the experiments.
I also a couple ideas for Watts involving Ironwood, Jacques, and Willow, but those didn’t tie into his motivations so I’ll save that for a backstory post.
Tyrian: Anarchy 
Of the four kingdoms, Vacuo is definitely the worst off. Shade Academy is literally the only form of order in the kingdom, with the rest as a harsh merciless desert. While it may be welcoming to those who can survive, who are the kind of people who would survive in such an environment? I get the feeling that we’d be seeing Raven’s philosophy ‘The weak die, the strong survive’ be taken to quite the extreme. While we certainly complain about our governments (when Donald Trump was elected, I felt the immense desire to beg the UK to take us back), they do provide certain things that keep our lives relatively stable.
And that’s where Tyrian comes on. Unlike the other three, I don’t think Tyrian needs an intricate backstory or compelling motivations. He’s just someone who wants destruction and death. Rather, it’s because of the lack of order that someone like Tyrian was able to live and grow so strong. Perhaps Salem reached out to him with the potential of stronger and more difficult opponents than he was used to. Over time, he would begin to view Salem with an amount of reverence given that she leads the Grimm and the Grimm are essentially made to kill and destroy.
Well, that’s it for this post. Now I’ve got a bunch of ideas, but no idea what I want to do next. If anyone has a request, I’d be willing to hear it. Hope to see you all again relatively soon.
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rwby-unknowns · 6 years
What is Arthur Watts’ semblance?
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Dr. Arthur Watts is described as a “disgraced Atlesian scientist” by Raven, and Cinder dismisses him with: “Fly back home and tinker with your machines.”
His trademark “W” is visible both on Cinder’s scroll and at Lionheart’s desk, and points to him as the creator of the “Black Queen” virus that Cinder uploaded to Beacon’s CCT Tower.
In addition, his name and character inspiration further hint at some sort of electricity/technology-based abilities. He has not yet participated in any sort of combat situation, though he has a casual, arrogant air about him even when entering the hostile Branwen Bandits’ camp, and Lionheart is easily cowed by his presence (even if it is as a representative of Salem).
(Happy Semblance Saturday!)
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deedeli-liveblog · 6 years
My Thoughts on: Team WTCH
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Arthur Watts
“You hear that? Silence. I’ve half the mind to thank the little girl that bested you.”
I can't remember if he's actually twirled his mustache at any point, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has. 
I don't have much to say about him seeing as he hasn't really done too much in the show just yet. He's a disgraced Atlesian scientist and doctor, so obviously I'm curious to know what that's about. I imagine he's done some morally questionable things under the pretense of the advancement of Science and that’s why he’s been scorned.
I'm interested in what he stands to gain by helping Salem. Is he just the type that wants to watch the world burn? Is it because Salem offers him the freedom to do as he pleases, so long as he fulfills his duty to her? Or is he like Hazel, and sees working with Salem as the perfect opportunity to get back at someone else? If he ends up being the kind of character I think he is, I feel like it would be the second option. He just wants to create and experiment without having to worry about morality and ethics.
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"My heart and body belong only to our goddess."
Tyrian falls into that category of "Character I Only Like Because They Make Me Laugh". Roman-- if you couldn't tell by the loving nickname I gave him-- also fell into this category. Backstory, development, interpersonal relationships-- none of these are important for me to enjoy this character. Tyrian was just a ton of fun every time he was on screen. Maniacal laughter isn't one of those things I usually enjoy, but Josh Grelle does an amazing job selling the pure insanity of this character, that it's hard for me not to giggle when he laughs.
Tyrians' loyalty and fear of disappointing Salem is so much like that of a puppy, that it was hard not to pity him and feel sorry for him when he was upset. Buuuuttt then he went right back to being completely deranged, and I went right back to laughing. All in all, I really like Tyrian, and I hope he doesn't get abruptly swallowed by a Grimm.
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Cinder Fall
Cinder doesn't get a favorite quote because I hate every time she opens her mouth. 
If it wasn’t already obvious, I don’t like Cinder. I get very little enjoyment from her being on screen-- and not just because she’s an antagonist. She wasn't a very compelling character or interesting villain. She did her job well enough being a powerful fighter, and cunning schemer. But Cinder falls too easily into the villain type I hate the most. The "Always-In-Control, Smuggest-Person-You-Know" type villain. This is the reason I hate every time she opens her mouth. 
When she talks you don't learn anything about her as a character other than these two traits. The “always in control” part would probably be infuriating if the show didn't take the time to show how much time and effort she put into her plan to attack Beacon. That, at least, made it a bit more reasonable for her to be so prepared and in control. But her motivations are also typical villain motivations-- strength, power, and to be feared. Nothing new or particularly interesting here.
There started to be an inkling of interest in her when we finally got to see her struggle with something. As we get to watch her recover from Ruby’s last attack at Beacon she became somewhat obsessed with taking down Ruby. I wasn’t about to start feeling bad for her, but I did start to become a little more interested in her. I wondered if we might begin deal with some inner struggle of Cinder’s, as well as her outer struggle of recovery. Buuuutttt, then she physically recovered, and was back to being same old Cinder. Taunting people as she sat there and fucked with them, until she tripped and fell to her death.
She didn’t literally trip, but she might as well have with how anticlimactic her death was. Which is why I don’t believe for a second she’s actually dead. Even if I don’t personally like Cinder, narrative-wise she was a huge part of RWBY. She was the main antagonist for our heroes, and the cause behind a lot of the pain they’ve had to deal with. So of course her death would have to end with a bang, not a fizzle. 
If and when Cinder comes back, I hope Rooster Teeth goes somewhere more interesting with her character. Some kind of change or growth for her. At least give her something more interesting to say.
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“She was only a child! She wasn’t ready!”
Out of the four characters that make up team WTCH, Hazel had definitely interested me the most. He was quiet and reserved, but unlike his teammates didn't seem to revel in or enjoy death or destruction. He actually tried to avoid it, and became upset at what seemed to him to be unnecessary death. I was really curious to see what could make a man like Hazel become subordinate to Salem, and I have to say that I'm actually disappointed. Revenge was probably the obvious answer, but the cause of his vengeful spirit is kinda lame. He blames Ozpin for his sister's death, despite it being her decision to become a huntress. I can understand it being the misdirected anger of a grieving brother, but it doesn't have much of an impact without knowing Hazel, his sister, or their relationship beforehand.
I do wonder if Hazel will have to be killed, or if he might eventually be reasoned with. I feel like it's more the latter option, since he's been shown to be more reasonable than his cohorts. He sympathized with and helped Oscar when he didn't have fare for the train, and he was upset by Sienna's cold-blooded murder. There may just be someone who could talk him down, but I sincerely doubt it will be Ozpin. Or Ozpin alone, at least.
Anyway, characters who are just straight powerhouses are fun. The fight with him was pretty insane, with him stabbing himself with dust crystals, his inability to feel pain, and his quick charge Aura. Weak motivations or not, he'll still be a challenge for our protagonists to deal with, and I look for to the next time we see him.
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☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up { for Watts, from Liliana. Jail Break AU }
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"The fact that your team was..." Watts was cut off as the young stranger pressed her finger against his lips. A startled yet annoyed sound escaped the disgraced scientist due to how rudely he'd been cut off by her. He quickly reached for her wrist to remove her hand from his face so he could thank the group of young huntsmen and huntresses for ' allowing ' him to join them.
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zsweber-studios · 7 years
Who is Doctor Watts?
This has been a question that I’ve had spinning around in my head ever since we first met the mustachioed villain during Volume 4. He’s a genius, that much is obvious, but who he is based off of, and how that affects him as a character in the series, was fairly left unclear. However, after watching and rewatching the newest episode of Volume 5, I think I have an answer.
Quick warning, there are spoilers for Volume 5 Episode 9 ahead.
Doctor Watts is Doctor Frankenstein.
Let’s go over the facts, as we know them from the most recent episode of RWBY. When Raven is giving ACME her very perceptive views on each member of the team, she mentions that Arthur Watts was a “disgraced Atlesian scientist”. While this could mean a lot of things, Arthur quickly jumps in after Raven finishes and clarifies, saying that technically he was a doctor.
Later in that same interaction, when Cinder is about to accept the terms to Raven’s ‘alliance’ with Salem, Watts cuts Cinder off. In response, Cinder states that Watts should go off and fiddle with his machines. Now, what machines he’d need to fiddle with as a doctor, I have no idea. But as a scientist, there can be any range of tools available for him, even ones that are a bit...unconventional.
Then there was his meeting with Salem in Episode 2. After all the business was said and done, and he was about to leave, Salem mentioned to him that Tyrian needed a new tail, and that the old one had been cut off by RWBY. The way she said it, and the way Arthur responded, seems to say that Watts was the one that gave Tyrian his tail, and has done so more than once.
But how?
Putting all of this together, it seems to me that Arthur Watts wasn’t any ordinary doctor in Atlas. In fact, Watts was a geneticist, and probably focused much of his time in trying to figure out what made the Faunus different from humans. Along the way, he proposed an idea of taking the traits of Faunus and applying them to humans--splicing them into their genetic code.
Of course, such an idea was quickly rejected by the Faunus-hating Altesian Government, and Watts was stripped of all of his funding. This led him to finding Salem, who offered him all he would ever need to conduct such experiments. And Arthur, having just faced rejection from all of his peers in Atlas, was quick to accept.
And Tyrian?
Tyrian was his first ‘successful’ spliced human/Faunus hybrid. Tyrian is, at least in Watts’ story, Frankenstein’s monster.
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vulkiin666 · 7 years
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Arthur Watts , The Disgraced Atlesian Scientist 
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kitsune-ryu-neko · 7 years
RWBY Vol. 5 Chapter 9 Thoughts
Oh boy we left on a cliffhanger last time o.o Let's hope everything goes well for our heroes... - It's called A Perfect Storm?! - Raven did NOT like that Salem knew where they were. Also....thats a helmet? - So Raven is on Salems list.....list for what? To join them? To destroy them? There was that empty chair or two at her table... - Arthur watts huh? And he's a disgraced atlesian scientist??? Hmmm ...what did he do? .... If he's based off of frankenstein....maybe he helped with penny? Or tried to bring other robots to life? - Ravens comment on Cinders last name and the fall maiden xD - so salem doesnt really want the maidens...she just wants the relics....but having all 8 would be amazing... - ok so raven just made a deal for them to kill qrow....but i think she's planning something because there is always something else. Perhaps raven is trying to push them into a corner of their own..... - ok so wtf is with this Full Moon stuff? How does it even get full? Its been shattered. And not only that but...is she implying that faunus get more power from the full moon or something? It would be easier for them to have an advantage during a new moon where there is no moonlight and the humans have the most disadvantage. Not only that. But the show finally addressed the fucking moon!!! And i still go by my long standing theory that the moon is important to the show, in that it might be that way because of Summer Rose or she might have somehow become the moon? So there is that and maybe Ruby... Whatever we'll see - ooohhh cinder did say machines. Maybe watts did help give life to penny. Or just tried to give life to other robots... - why does this fox have a wand looking weapon? - shit there went Ghiras aura - so raven is planning on taking the relic... - there was that sound again from like a volume ago... - and now we gotta wait yet another week to see if the belladonnas live or not Overall, great episode! I felt like things are progessing nicely and everyone is making their way to the next place. Can't wait to see what happens!
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