#the dolly dolly spy
laurenfoxmakesthings · 4 months
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So, I've started reading the first book in Adam Diment's spy series. I mean, after hearing about the author's story, I was pretty damn curious. And, well...very 'everyone's felt that before, right?'.
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radarsteddybear · 9 months
Whumptober Day 3 - Why Won't You Help Me?
Fandom: Original Fiction (H.O.U.N.D.S.) Prompt(s): Delirium; Gurney Rating: Teen Additional Tags: whump, hurt/comfort, friendship, found family, spy-fi
Part 1
Cassandra smoothed Minnow’s hair back from her sweaty brow as the latter slept restlessly in the back of the truck.  She seemed to be growing warmer every minute.  Cassandra found herself holding her breath each time they hit a bump, hoping and praying that it wouldn’t wake Minnow up.  
Minnow writhed in pain underneath Cassandra’s hand.  Cassandra gently hushed her, wishing she had something, anything that could help.  
“We’re almost at headquarters,” Dolly called from the driver’s seat.  “The Medical ward here in Chicago isn’t as robust as the one in Arlington, but it should do!”
“I don’t think any headquarters has got a Medical as robust as Arlington’s,” Cassandra called back.
“Atlanta’s is.”
“They’ve got the CDC practically next door.  All sorts of crazy things going on there.”  
The truck hit another pothole.  Minnow whimpered.  
“Shhh.  Everything’s alright.  We’re nearly there,” Cassandra soothed.
“The important thing is, our Medical will definitely be able to handle George,” Dolly called.
“Good!” Cassandra said.  “No offense to your driving, but after a ride like this, I don’t really want to take her on a helicopter.”
“None taken.  It’s these roads, anyway.  You should see how they are when I’m not trying to keep it smooth!”
“Maybe another time,” Cassandra said.
Dolly laughed.
They swerved suddenly.  Minnow was strapped securely to the gurney, but that didn’t stop Cassandra from grabbing onto her to make sure she didn’t fall off.
“Hey, cool it!”  Cassandra regretted the words as soon as they came out of her mouth.
“I’m trying my best up here!” Dolly called back good-naturedly.
“I know,” Cassandra said.  “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t sweat it.  I know it’s tough right now.”  They turned and the truck soon came to a stop.  “We’re here.”
Dolly hopped out of the driver’s seat and came around to open the back of the truck just in time to be met by nurses and orderlies rushing out of the building to meet them.  Cassandra followed close behind as they whisked Minnow into the building.  They took her into a room and crowded around her, doing all sorts of examinations and tests. 
Cassandra knew that she couldn’t be much help here.  She’d done her part, spending sleepless nights anxiously searching, waiting, hoping, praying.  She’d brought Minnow back home; now it was up to H.O.U.N.D.S.’ doctors and nurses to bring her back to health.  She pressed herself against the wall, small and out-of-the-way, the exhaustion of the last two weeks hitting her all at once.  But Cassandra still felt on-edge, her muscles tense and ready to strike.
Minnow quickly grew restless and agitated as she was transferred to her hospital bed.
“No!  No!” she cried, squirming and writhing.  Luckily, H.O.U.N.D.S. medical personnel were trained for this.  “Cass-where’s Cass?”
Cassandra shut her eyes.  The best thing she could do to help was to stay out of the way. 
Minnow’s cries suddenly grew more desperate.  “No!  No!  Cass—please!  No, no more!  No more!”
“I’m just taking some blood to run some tests, Miss George,” said the tech.
“Cass, help!  Please!  Help, Cassie, please!”
Cassandra couldn’t take it anymore.  “It’s ok, Minnow!  You’re at the hospital!  You’re safe!”
At the sound of Cassandra’s voice, Minnow began to thrash harder, her voice dissolving into sobs.  “Cass?  Where are you?”
The techs and nurses closed ranks around her, restraining her so that she wouldn’t hurt herself (or any of them).  To their credit, they didn’t admonish Cassandra, didn’t even ask her to leave—or maybe they were too busy with Minnow to pay her much mind.  Cassandra squeezed her eyes shut as tears began to fall.
“Cass, why won’t you help me?”
Cassandra couldn’t take it anymore.  She rushed out the door and ran down the hallway, the sound of Minnow’s voice calling her name echoing behind her.
Cassandra didn’t stop running until she left the Medical ward and entered a hallway of agent offices.  She found an empty room—either it was currently going unused, or the agent assigned to it was particularly minimalist—and dropped into the chair, where she laid her head in her arms and cried.
To Be Continued...
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toadplatypus · 1 year
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Meet me!!!!!!! Hello!!!!!! 👋👋👋👋
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faerieroyal · 6 months
hii can i be added to the batman, star wars, and x-men tags pls?
of course, my darling !! i'll add you right away, thank you so much for asking !! <3
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cy-cyborg · 9 months
People on the internet: they can't hire actors who are actually in wheelchairs to play wheelchair users in movies! What if there's a scene where they need to stand up? A wheelchair user can't do that!
Robert Rodriguez: hold my beer
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This is a scene from spy kids 3 - a movie in a series famous for its shoe-string budgets, where Ricardo Montalbán's character is in a wheelchair, but spends most of his screen time in a digital reality where he doesn't need it. Ricardo Montalbán was actually in a wheelchair though in real life, so they just used a combination of VFX and camera tricks (and a dolly for a few shots) to film those scenes. Also if I remember correctly the movie ends with him back in the real world, fighting a mech with his jet-pack wheelchair lmao.
The disability rep is dated (as is the VFX lol) and does fall into a lot of tropes I personally dont like, but it's so earnest in their attempts, and the visible effort behind the scenes to include a real, disabled actor outweighs it for me - even as a kid who wasnt fully aware of why.
Bigger studios have no excuse.
I've linked the video I got these screenshots from, they talk a lot about how they handled Ricardo Montalbán's character being out of his wheelchair there. If if you like behind the scenes stuff for campy old movies, I highly recommend it!
[ID 1: a screenshot of the movie Spy kids 3D, showing Juni, the main character in a suit of yellow power armour, talking to his grandfather, who towers over him in red power armour. his grandfather is kneeling so he can be at eye level with him.
the caption underneath reads "where he kneels down and talks to Juni" /end ID 1]
[ID 2: a photo of the same shot but without the effects. Grandpa is shown to be in a wheelchair, and is being held at the needed height by a moveable platform his wheelchair is sitting on. Juni is wearing the armour, grandpa is not, and there are green screens behind them.
the caption underneath reads "but we just had him lowered in a dolly" /end ID 2]
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frost-queen · 6 months
Bodyguarded // part 3 (Reader!Grimes x Daryl Dixon)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, Tag: @strangerthingslover69, @ankhmutes, @yoowhatthefuck, @sseleniaa, @deansapplepie, @abbiesxox
Summary: After your little fall-out with Shane, you start to distance yourself. Daryl gives zero f*cks about you distancing yourself as he keeps himself aroud. During a heart to heart with Daryl, you might discover more of the underlying tone of Shane's attitude towards you. [ read part 1 & part 2 & part 4 & part 5 & part 6]
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Crickets cricked in the bushes around the fire. Rick sat by the fire with Lori and Carl. Carl was leaning against him staring at the mesmerizing flames. Lori was in deep thought. Some had joined them but mostly everyone had an agenda of their own. Daryl stood a bit further away, leaning against a tree. His gaze turned away from the fire, but rather turned towards you. You weren’t engaging with the crowd, but keeping your distance from them.
You felt humiliated. Like a spying glass had been cast upon you. Everywhere you went, a set of curious eyes followed. Trying to figure out what was going on between Shane and you. Frankly you hardly had a clue to his behaviour towards you. Perhaps you needed to dig deep. Go way back to old memories from before the fall. Before the world went to hell.
Looking over at your brother made you smile faintly. He looked so happy yet somehow you felt like an outsider. Adverting your gaze from him, you turned your posture to take your leave. Going further away from the others to find solitude. The moment you got in motion, went Daryl after you. Leaving the others for what they were to go with you.
Hearing a second pair of feet trail behind you, you exhaled deep. – “Daryl I want to be alone.” – you told him keeping your pace up. – “Fine. I’ll just keep my distance.” – he answered slowing a bit down. Looking up with a heavy sigh, you stopped. – “Daryl you don’t understand. I don’t want you here!” – you made clear having turned around to him. – “Too bad for I’m not going anywhere.” – he made clear. – “Daryl!” – you groaned out. – “What!” – he called back going in defence.
You groaned loud pressing your palms against your eyes, feeling yourself get worked up. – “Daryl please give me some space.” – you begged. – “I’ll give you space but at least let me be around.” – he asked in return. It made you furrow your brows. – “I don’t want to lose… I mean… if a walker appears…” – he spoke swallowing a lot of his words back in. – “Then what? I can shoot Daryl, remember!” – you made clear.
“I know but you…” – he exhaled loud walking up to you. – “You are not in the right headspace right now.” – he told you, touching your elbow. You turned your head bothered away. You hated how right he was. – “Just… just let me keep you save.” – he lowered his head a bit to catch your attention.
Untensing your muscles with a deep sigh, you surrendered to him. Daryl took you by the other elbow as well, pulling you closer to his body. Sensing just how much you needed it. He wrapped his arms one by one around you. Your arms remained at your side, not feeling it yet. – “Give it a few moments.” – Daryl teased half chuckling. You scrunched your nose, hating how right he was. Not a moment later you gave in, wrapping your arms around him too.
“Good girl.” – he said chuckling. You slapped him hard on the back. – “Don’t patronize me.” – you responded grumpy. Daryl removed his arms from around you, cupping your cheek as he tilted your head a bit back. – “Never.” – he whispered staring down at you. He left a quick kiss on your forehead as it didn’t feel satisfying to you.
He let go of you, spinning you around by your shoulders. He started pushing you through the woody parts of the camp. – “Where are we going?” – you questioned. – “To be alone, like you wanted.” – he simply said, continue to push you forwards. Using you like a compass, navigating his way through.
You came to a clearing in the woods. All the cars were parked over there. Daryl guided you towards the truck opening the door for you at the drivers seat. You got inside, watching him jog around to get in on the other side. He shut the door firm behind him. – “Solitude and silence.” – he joked. – “You are still here.” – you reminded him with a tease. Daryl leaned down in the seat, getting all comfy. – “No I’m not.” – he adjusted the seating lower, leaning back.
“Go ahead and mope or cry or shout, just wake me up when you see a walker.” – he said casually flopping his arm over his head. – “Daryl!” – you said laughingly nudging him hard. – “What?” – he responded unable to hide a smile. – “You’re an idiot.” – you nudged him again with a silly smile on your face. – “I know.” – he answered all smug. He shut his eyes, pretending to take a nap.
You exhaled soft looking out of the dusty window. – “It’s a bit too quiet.” – you said out loud. – “I’m not singing any songs.” – Daryl mumbled in response without moving a muscle. It made you laugh. Daryl set himself back up with a deep exhale. – “Alright fighter, let’s talk.” – he tapped his hand on your knee.
You grabbed the steering wheel staring in front of you. – “How are you feeling with your brother being back, Y/n?” – he asked. You breathed out a laugh, looking at him. – “What I can be serious.” – he let out making you laugh even more. You then calmed letting your hands rejoice at the top of the steering wheel. – “It still feels a bit weird seeing him alive. Don’t get me wrong I am overjoyed he is alive… it is just…” – you started. – “You thought he was dead for so long.” – Daryl finished as you hummed.
“Before… before it all went down my brother was shot.” – You told Daryl. – “They were armed and shot at my brother. Shane… my brother’s partner brought him to the hospital. He wasn’t waking up so they left him in a coma. It was already then a risk if he would make it out alive.” – taking a deep breath you let your forehead rest against your hands on the steering wheel. Suddenly you were pulled back in the memories of the first strike.
Shane drove his car aggressively onto the front lawn. He stepped out all worked up when Lori appeared in the door. – “Shane?” – she said. – “Lori get your bags!” – Shane ordered pointing firm at her. Carl squeezed himself between the opening and his mom, coming in front of her. – “Lori your bags!” – Shane shouted having opened the trunk. – “What for? What is going on Shane?” – She asked feeling herself go in a panic because of his behaviour.
A few houses away broke the window with a clashing sound. Screams filled the streets when a woman tripped. A person going up to her and dropped himself to the ground. A moment later his head lifted a bit of flesh between his teeth. Blood staining his chin as he munched on the flesh. Lori covered up Carl’s eyes, shakingly holding a hand before her mouth. – “Lori!” – Shane yelled startling her. – “The bags!” – Lori nodded shockingly letting go of Carl.
Shane rushed over to Carl, grabbing him roughly by the arm. – “What about dad?” – Carl asked when Shane opened the car door. Shane pushed Carl on the backseat, closing the door on him. Shane ran into the house to help out Lori. Carl looked out of the window, crying silently at what he saw. Flesh being ripped off and blood splattering all around.
You were running horrified by what was occurring. Utter panic in the streets. People eating people. Biting bits and pieces for their own hunger. You didn’t lived far so your first reaction was running over to Rick’s house. There you saw Shane’s car parked poorly on the grass. Upon seeing Carl in the car, you started running faster. – “Carl!” – you shouted loud. Carl heard some muffled sounds before his eyes fell upon you. – “Auntie Y/n!” – he called out, pushing the car door open.
He ran up to you, bumping hard against you. He was crying loud against your body as you shielded him from the horrors. Lori and Shane came out of the house with bags. – “Y/n!” – Lori said surprised. – “Get in the car!” – Shane ordered to Lori. Lori nodded going to the car, tossing the bags in the trunk. Shane walked up to Carl, pulling him off you. – “In the car!” – he shouted at Carl, tossing him towards the car. Lori took Carl, putting him in the car.
“Where is Rick?” – you asked confused. Shane remained silent. – “You were with him! You were at the hospital so where is he?” – you wanted to know. – “Where is he?” – you shouted punching Shane on the shoulder.  Shane grabbed you by the wrist. – “He’s gone!” – he shouted at you. – “No!” – you cried out.
“You are lying!” – you told him. Shane grabbed you by the arms. – “You want to go and see for yourself? Fine! It will be your dead. He is gone Y/n!” – Shane’s hands moved further around you towards your back as it made you step back before they could fully close around you. Shane’s expression hardened. – “Go chase a dead man than!” – he said rudely pushing you away.
You stumbled to the ground in shock. Shane stormed off towards his car. – “If you would just…” – he began, looking over his shoulder to you. Without another word he got in the car. Your eyes widened knowing what he was about to do. You got up to your feet running towards the car. The car got in motion as you missed it. It took a turn, driving off. – “Shane!” – you shouted running after the car.
“Shane!” – you screamed as the distance increased. You couldn’t keep up, you never could. Stopping you dropped to your knees crying and screaming. Carl on the backseat knocking against the glass and shouting was the last thing you saw.
Your head shot up making Daryl blink confused. – “Is…is everything alright?” – he asked after your long silence. – “He told me Rick was dead.” – you mumbled staring hard in front of you. Your hands tightening around the steering wheel. Knuckles turning white. – “He lied…” – you said a bit louder. – “Who?” – Daryl asked getting a bit cautious of how terrifying cold you were being. – “He lied!” – you called out.
Out of anger you started to slap your hand against the steering wheel. Hitting it repeatedly even when your hand felt sore. – “Y/n, Y/n.” – Daryl said trying to get you to stop. He grabbed your hands as you continued to slap, hitting Daryl in the process. He pulled them off the steering wheel pulling at your hands to turn your posture more towards him. He wrapped his arms around you tight as you cried your heart out against his chest.
Pressing his lips hard on top of your head. Daryl turned his head spotting a trailed off walker appear from between the trees. – “Y/n.” – he whispered. – “I’ll be right back… you stay here…” – he said as you felt his grip around you loosen. You lifted your head up as well, seeing the walker. Daryl moved his finger to his mouth, letting you know to remain silent. He then gestured for you to stay put. He was going to take care of it. Your gaze darted down to the crossbow on the floor. His arrows sticking up.
You grabbed an arrow, getting out of the car. – “Y/n!” – Daryl called out, hurrying out of the car. Clenching your grip around the arrow, you went up to the walker. – “Y/n!” – Daryl shouted as it caught the attention of the walker. The walker gaged making it’s way over to you. Daryl ran up to you trying to keep you out of harms way. You raised the arrow, jamming it into the walker’s eye. Pushing it further in, the walker fell backwards with you on top of it.
Pulling the arrow out of it, you jammed it again in it’s eye. Then again and again. Gory blood splashing up. You kept trusting it in the eye, creating a massive hole. – “Y/n! Y/n!” – Daryl called out grabbing your arm to stop you from hitting it once more. – “It’s dead.” – Daryl made clear. You gasped for air with a loud sob, lowering your arm. Daryl took the arrow from you.
You wiped some gore off your face with your arm. Getting up with a loud huff. You wanted to walk off as Daryl grabbed your wrist, keeping you in place. – “What the hell was that about?” – he wanted to know. You didn’t have to speak as he understood. Daryl searched his back pockets taking out a key with the most ridiculous keychains on them. He opened your hand slapping them in your hand.
It made you frown. – “You can drive if you like.” – he said. – “Daryl what… what do you…” – you began as he interrupted. – “I don’t need all of them! I don’t! Hell I can survive better on my own!” – he made clear with a loud tone. – “So f*ck them all and drive off!” – he continued finally making himself clear to you. He grabbed you by the shoulders with a deep exhale.
“All I care about is you Y/n. Let’s get in the car and go. Just go. Leave this pile of shit behind.” – he pulled you closer letting his forehead rest against yours. – “All I want is for you to be save Y/n. So say the word and we’ll leave.” – he finished. You closed your hand with the keys in it, smiling up to him. You kissed him tender on the lips.
Daryl held himself back knowing it was a bittersweet kiss. He knew you couldn’t leave Carl… or Rick. – “I’ll hold you to it.” – you told him not saying entirely no to his offering. Daryl cupped your cheeks, kissing you once more. Deepening his kiss. Lips brushing against one another. A promise made underneath the moonlight.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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nonomives · 1 year
What kind of jobs would Mob!Dolly take? Like is it just assassnations and spy missions or would they be up for something like body-guarding and ambushing?
Chucks this at u
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Okioki so Dolly's main job is assassinations, she's the so called janitor that cleans up the mess, snips off the loose ends, covers the nasty work. Got a loose tongue? She shuts you up with a death sentence. Know a little bit too much? You'll know you'll be dead before dawn.
As much as Wally's gang is well known among the streets, they can still get in trouble with the law if any solid evidence ties directly back to them. So it's Dolly's job to make sure that doesnt happen.
One of her main advantage is the fact that she cant easily be traced back to the mob. Who would think a blind person would be involved with them? Usually, nobody. Thats why she hasnt been caught yet. That and the fact that she is completely cut off from her past life, where most people assumes she's dead especially after a freak incident that made it in the news. This way, it helps her carry out her tasks a lot easier because her targets would be caught off guard. There's rumors of her maybe existing, but thats just rumors. Nothing more.
That being said, no. I dont think she would be doing any body-guarding bc that would take away her anonimity, thus putting her at a disadvantage. Ambushing can still work, but if theyre meaning to keep a person alive, she'll only act as support for someone else, and only from the shadows.
She works best when she isnt seen with any of the mob members, especially with the boss. If she ever does stick around, she makes sure its in private away from prying eyes or if not, she's in disguise. She def gets creative with her disguises, mainly to mess with Howdy (its one of the few times she gets to talk with "family" lol, let the girl have her fun--).
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Sorry this is a bit of a long post but hope this answers your question!
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juxl25 · 3 months
Kuroshitsuji theory (spoilers)
Is there a spy in the reapers who works for the undertaker?
I think there might be! (Let me cook plz)
Today I was thinking about Dolls death and the events at the end of book of circus and realised, how tf did the undertaker get dolls body and cinematic records?! Because William and Ronald were at the mansion collecting the records of all the dead children and the count, and I honestly don’t think William would let some random guy with a death sythe show up and take the records.
Unless William is the spy.
Now let’s think about this. William is the only repeating Reaper that we don’t know much about other than the stuff from the OVA and as well as that he was at the circus during the times of the kidnappings. And I know we’ve had reapers show up to the places of major events such as Ronald and Grell with book of Atlantis, but that’s most because they wouldn’t of been able to get to the cinematic records if not. But if so why was William at the circus? No major deaths happened there, all deaths happened away from the circus. Unless he was there to spy on o!ciel and Sebastian.
Second off William’s appearance at the end of book of Atlantis. I know he was there to get Ronald and Grell but I think it’s kinda weird how he just showed up out of the blue and didn’t bother to help with all the bizarre dolls. We know that Grell and Ronald were completely out of it when William showed up, so what if he helped undertaker and r!ciel back to land?
Third of all, how did the undertaker get Dollys body when he was taking care of r!ciel? Knowing how loyal the undertaker is I don’t think he would have left r!ciel alone in that moment and I don’t think he could of come back for the body and the records because, people would of shown up to fight the fire and because of the grim reapers that were there. So maybe William brought him Dolly body as he (William) thought she could be a good candidate for a bizarre doll due to her history with o!ciel and Sebastian.
And my final point for why William might be a spy is how he always shows up at the end of all major event involving the bizarre dolls and blood transfusion. He always shows up when things start to go wrong, as show is Bards arc. I theories that the events in the hospital where Bards is happened first out of the 3 mini arcs due to the amount of time show to have past in each arc. Hence why he hasn’t shown up in the other mini arcs.
I would also like to say why I don’t think Ronald Knox is the traitor.
Firstly he was only called as back up in book of circus and had no way of knowing about what was actually going on inside the mansion. Secondly in book of Atlantis Ronald is shocked to find out about undertakers true identity as a reaper as well as the state he was left in after the fight with undertaker. And finally the events in Bards mini arc, Ronald is shown to be actively searching for the Bizzare Doll and if he was a spy why would he do that? Bear in mind William only showed up after the Layla was found.
But what do yall think? If I’ve made an error or missed something important let me know! And thanks for reading my ramblings:)
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Saw One of These for Masters, Made One for Classic Companions
Good night to unearthly children, science and history teachers, plucky space orphans, crashed spaceship pilots, Dodos, sailors who just want to get back to work, dolly rocker duchesses, Jacobite pipers, Victorian maidens with anxiety, girl geniuses in sparkly outfits, scientists who are too good for this shit, cute blonde girls with hidden spy talents, determined journalists, imbeciles (affectionate), warrior women, gorgeous Time Ladies, boys who can make things out of numbers, space princesses whose planets got nuked, Australian flight attendants, exiled space princes pretending to be schoolboys, American(?) girls who never asked for this, 80s fitness enthusiasts, and girls who invent bombs for fun. 
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lovely-lauren-arts · 6 months
All done!!
It took me a while, but I'm finally done with the finished product, and I'm so happy with how everyone turned out
(More about them below)
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- Male, 13, human
- Weapon of choice: Baseball bat
- The leader of the group and the glue holding everyone together
- Orphaned at a young age, very loving adoptive family back home consisting of Rachael (mom), Tracy (younger sister), and King (pet dog)
- He feels like he's "too normal" and has doubt that his normalness would compare with Paula's psychic abilities, Jeff's intelligence, and Pū's ability to shapeshift
- Most stable of the four mentally and emotionally (which, unfortunately, isn't saying much)
- Gets homesick VERY easily, and calls his mom very often
- Has encountered Dolly and her gang several times, and prefers to stay out of her way
- Brave, determined, crafty
Paula Jones-Polestar
- Female, 12, cyclops
- Weapon of choice: Frying pan
- Has the ability to see into the future, but her ability is very limited
- After her parents died, she was in the process of being indoctrinated into Mary's cult because of her future vision, but she ran away upon getting a glimpse of what the future held if she joined
- Ness found her alone in the woods and led her back to his house so she could feel safe
- Subject to frequent anxiety attacks due to her visions of the future
- Has a crush on Ness, but is too shy to admit it
- Once tried one of Catherine's blood cupcakes; she said it was the worst mistake of her life
- Kind, caring, polite
Jeffrey "Jeff" Andonuts
- Male, 13, human
- Weapon of choice: Stun gun
- Father is a world-renowned scientist who has worked with Dr. Nightshade in his experiments, mother left the family and disappeared under mysterious circumstances
- Child prodigy in engineering, he has won numerous awards for his inventions
- Originally joined Ness and Paula as a way to spy on them, but he eventually grew fond of them
- Aside from his father, Ness, Paula, and Pū, he does not like being around others most of the time, preferring to work alone on his inventions
- Is gay and he has a crush on one of his classmates at the all-boys boarding school he attends
- Utterly loathes Daisy and Zeki, and the feeling is mutual
- Quiet, inventive, dependable
- Male, 14, bodyshifter
- Weapon of choice: Switchblade
- Crown prince of a foreign nation, now in exile as a commoner; believed to be dead in his home country
- Parents were assassinated by bounty hunters who were after their shapeshifting abilities
- Pū, in particular, has a huge bounty on his head because he has the ability to shapeshift his entire body
- Very distrustful of non-shifters until he met Ness, Paula, and Jeff
- Has a secret fondness of media from outside of his home country; only Ness, Paula and Jeff are aware of this
- A high-priority target of Mary's cult, he tries to stay hidden and not pay much attention to himself while outside
- Mysterious, stoic, perseverant
Looks fantastic! <3
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 10 months
Hello! I like your TF2 headcannons alot, what kind of song's do you think they would listen to? I have no idea if this has been asked or if there are canon answers, but I'd really like your take on it if ever! <33
What's Songs Do The TF2 Mercs Like?
LOVE THIS. Thank you for your ask! This hasn't been requested yet, so I'm so excited to write it. I'm not sure if there's canon music taste and favorite songs either, but we can just ignore the Canon lmao. Also, mutual appreciation! Thanks for being a mutual 💖
Also, it's totally not based on songs I've listened to or like, not at all. Completely unbiased. I'm going to give their top 3 favorite songs and why those are the top 3! I hope you like this, and I didn't go too far of the original ask 😭
Demo -
1. Escape (The Piña Colada Song) Rupert Holmes. They find it funny in an endearing way. He likes the idea of love fading only to reconnect. (Does he choose to ignore the fact that they were both trying to cheat)
2. First - Cold World Kids. The second he heard this song, it hit him like a ton of bricks. He just thinks about every relationship he's lost and how unfairly he must have treated people and just ugh.
3. Problems - Mother Mother. He feels like a disgrace to people he cares about and people he loves. He listens to this music to make himself feel worse, but don't worry the other mercs always try and turn him to cheerful music when he's like that, but sometimes he genuinely likes Problems and First just from a liking music perspective.
Engie -
1. 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton. Engie is the number one Dolly Parton fan. He's head of the fan club. Speak ill of her, and you'll never speak again. He can also just relate so well with a girl boss, because he is a girl boss.
2. Black Betty - Ram Jam. He loves uptempo songs to work to. He finds he works faster with them. I just think he thinks this song is so great for work.
3. Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) - Big & Rich. This man. I wanted to be a cowboy so badly growing up! Let's him feel like a cowboy and just a fun song that he really likes playing. (For a while, he didn't know what the implications were. It was super fun when the other mercs caught him singing it and then having the meaning explained to him.)
Heavy -
1. You're My Best Friend - Queen. He wants to be everyone's friend so bad! He wants someone to listen to this song and think of him. He just wants to be a good friend above all else. (He is! He just doesn't think so.)
2. Count On Me - Bruno Mars. Much like above, he wants to be a friend. He wants to be seen as dependable and caring. Scared he doesn't come off that way!
3. I'm Still Standing - Elton John. Resilient fighting, man! This is his hype song. It especially helps him after a bad match. It helps him remember that he does a lot to help carry the team and he shouldn't be so hard on himself.
Medic -
1. Body - Mother Mother.
I never really touched on this in my previous headcanons but I think Medic also has some body dysmorphia. It's just not as bad as spys. I also think this man has vivid intrusive thoughts. I feel like this song for him is most of the things he thinks about put into words he doesn't have.
2. Are You Satisfied - MARINA. This. Man. Has. Never. Felt. Good. Enough. He's always set his own expectations of what he should be so high that he can never do anything but fall short. He also feels a lot of pressure from the other mercs and is always scared of disappointing them. He loves to hear someone else sing of the feelings he has.
3. The Dismemberment Song - Blue Kid. I had to throw this in. It was either of this or The Red Means I Love You. He loves both. He thinks their really good inspiration songs to go into surgery humming. Be afraid if this man comes at you while this tune is playing.
Scout -
1. Get It Up -Mindless Self Indulgence. I don't know why but this song just feels like Scout is singing it. Like I genuinely think that he fucking wrote this song 😭 Likes the beat and the way the singer sounds more than the lyrics themselves.
2. Everywhere I Go - Hollywood Undead. See above. No, but genuinely he loves this song. Gives him such confidence for no reason. Makes him feel so cool. I do think he hasnt done anything like this. Yeah, he drinks,but he's never acted like the song. He just lives vicariously through it. Likes the lyrics more than the song in this case.
3. Without Me - Eminem. He wanted to be Eminem so bad! He wanted to be that controversial white boy who could rap. I think all of his favorite songs are just any white man's favorite song ever. He actually does good rapping the song without lyrics. You'd think it be embarrassing but it's actually not, somehow.
Sniper -
1. Read Between The Lines - Tom Cardy. Come on, how is he not supposed to love this song. It fits him so perfectly. I definitely feel like he loves this song because he always feels like people should know how to understand him even though he isn't giving them anything to work with.
2. Ballroom Blitz - Sweet. He likes the beat and tempo of this song more than anything. He also likes the entire vibe of the song if that makes sense. He can also imagine "being the man in the back," an imaginary scenario king if you will.
3. Another One Bites The Dust - Queen. Took all my restraint not to make every song a Queen song. Had to keep reminding myself I could make a post for that on its own lmao. No one can convince me that this song doesn't play in his head when he gets a good kill. One time, just for fun, he tried to sync with the claps and was super successful.
Spy -
1. Money, Money, Money - ABBA. I know this man is like probably 50 or something and has a son and whatever, but sometimes I forget that and think he's a 30 year old classy woman from the 1920s. So, in my mind, he likes ABBA. Likes Money, Money, Money though because he likes the idea of a rags to riches heist plot (that's what I imagine when I hear this song anyway)
2. Royals- Lorde. This man wants to be royalty so bad. He tries to be so classy and dignified, which is funny because you'd think he'd want to be as mundane as possible, but that's neither here nor there. I definitely feel like this song just makes him feel fancy.
3. Vous Le Voulez - ABBA. Yes, I did hc Spy as having two ABBA songs in his top three. No, I will not apologize. This man has definitely killed this song. And! He also dance fought to this song. (Think that one scene in Jumanji, the one with the Rock.)
Soilder -
1. Party in The U.S.A - Miley Cyrus. I mean, can you really blame me for adding this one? I already added it to shitpost canon!
2. Cherry Pie - Warrant. Dad song! This is such a dad song, just like he's such a dad! This man just reminds me of any middle-aged white dad who grills and drinks beer. And I get that so much when I hear this song. So I'd think he'd like a dad song:)
3. Dragula- Rob Zombie. THIS MAN CAN YELL. He loves to sing (scream?) this song! It's a good song to start with, and the fact that he can have a fun time yelling and singing makes him happy!
Pyro -
1. drop pop candy - reol, giga. I have this headcanon I never touched on for some reason. Pyro knows every human language that exists. So they love listening to music in other languages!They actually really like how sweet the music sounds in contrast to the actual lyrics.
2. My Axe - Insane Clown Posse. PYRO. IS. A. JUGGALO. 100%! You can't convince me that they haven't painted their mask to look like juggalo fave paint. Definitely would play this song in their head during a match. They just replace axe with fire or something similar.
3. Buttercup - Jack Stauber. They like most of Jack Staubers' music! They really like the different soft sounds and low tone music.
Okay. I'm posting this hoping everything works! I've had to start this over 5 times and I am exhausted 😭
I loved this prompt, but I swear to god I got such back writers block halfway through just finding the songs they'd like. I'm really sorry if this turned out to be bad. I'm going to go sleep for the years.
Soldier headcanons tomorrow!
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scifigeneration · 8 months
An X-Files expert on the show’s enduring appeal – 30 years on
by Bethan Jones, Research Associate at the University of York
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On September 10 1993 the pilot episode of The X-Files aired. Thirty years later to the day, I was at a convention centre in Minneapolis with 500 other fans and the show’s creator, Chris Carter, celebrating its legacy.
Ostensibly a show about aliens, The X-Files swiftly became part of the cultural lexicon and remains there to this day. In part its success was down to the chemistry of its two leads – David Duchovny, who played FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder and Gillian Anderson, who played FBI Special Agent Dana Scully. After all, it was the X-Files fandom that invented the term “shipping” (rooting for characters to get together romantically).
But, as I argue in my new book, The Truth Is Still Out There: Thirty Years of The X-Files, what really made the series successful was its ability to tap into contemporary cultural moments and ask us to really think about the times we’re living in.
When the series began in 1993, the US was still grappling with the effects of Watergate and the Vietnam war, but concerns were also rising about the approaching millennium and the economic and cultural divisions within US society. It also coincided with Bill Clinton becoming president – marking the end of more than a decade of Republican leadership.
It’s little surprise that fears about immigration, globalisation, national identity and technology emerged and were adopted – and sometimes foreshadowed – by The X-Files’ writers. Several episodes throughout the first nine seasons dealt with artificial technology, for example, and Eve, an episode in season one about clones, came four years before the birth of Dolly the Sheep.
Critical theorist Douglas Kellner argued in 1994 that The X-Files “generated distrust toward established authority, representing institutions of government and the established order as highly flawed, even complicit in the worst crimes and evil imaginable”. Though I’d argue it was less that the show generated this distrust and more that it leveraged the growing number of reports about the government’s secretive activities to inspire its storylines.
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As the public became more aware of the government’s role in – and surveillance of – public life, so too The X-Files considered the ways in which technology could be used as a means of control.
In the season three episode Wetwired, for example, a device attached to a telephone pole emits signals that tap into people’s paranoid delusions and lead them to kill. And in the season six episode, SR 819, a character’s circulatory system fails because he has been infected with nanotechnology controlled by a remote device belonging to a shadow government.
These themes reflected growing concerns about government agencies using technology to both spy on and influence the public.
The X-Files’ enduring appeal
During my X-Files research, carried out with viewers after a revival was announced in 2015, it became clear that the show has remained part of the cultural lexicon. As one fan explained: “The cultural context of conspiracy theories has changed since the beginning of X-Files. Nowadays, every pseudoscience documentary uses similar soundtrack and narrative.”
Of course, the X-Files didn’t invent conspiracy theories, but as one of the show’s writers and producers, Jim Wong, points out, it did “tap into something that was more or less hidden in the beginning when we were doing it”.
The focus on the rise of the alt-right, disinformation and fake news in seasons 10 and 11 seemed like a logical angle from which to approach the changing cultural context the revival came into. Carter and his co-writers dove straight in to what Guardian critic Mark Lawson calls “a new era of governmental paranoia and public scepticism”, fuelled by the 2008 financial crisis, the fall out of the war on terror and scores of political scandals.
Season 10 saw the introduction of a right-wing internet talk show host who argues that 9/11 was a “false flag operation” and that the mainstream liberal media lie to Americans about life, liberty and the right to bear arms. The parallels to conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck were obvious.
Carter’s incorporation of topics like surveillance, governments’ misuse of power and methods of social control meant that seasons ten and 11 were very much situated in the contemporary moment. This is perhaps most obvious in the season 11 episode, The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat, which deals with the disinformation of the Trump era head on. The episode’s protagonist, Dr. They, tells Mulder that “no one can tell the difference anymore between what’s real and what’s fake”.
While The X-Files’ search for the truth in the 1990s may have ultimately been a philosophical endeavour, in the 21st century it is a commentary on how emotion and belief can be more influential than objective facts.
Watching the show again while researching my book, I was struck by how it was dated predominantly by its lack of technology, rather than the ideas it expresses. In the second season episode Ascension, Mulder pulls a phone book off a shelf in his search for Scully – now we’d use Google. But in other aspects the show remains as relevant today as it was in the 1990s, encouraging us to think about the big questions relating to faith, authority and truth.
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radarsteddybear · 9 months
Whumptober Day 2 - I Saw Everything
Fandom: Original Fiction (H.O.U.N.D.S.) Prompt(s): Made to Watch Rating: Teen Additional Tags: whump, hurt/comfort, friendship, found family, off-screen character death, spy-fi
“Minnow!” Cassandra called, running through grey corridors lined with solid, metal doors.  “Minnow!”
Cassandra turned a corner.  The doors down this hallway each had a window near the top.
“Minnow!” Cassandra called again.  No answer.  Starting with the first door on her left, Cassandra began peering into each window, zigzagging back and forth across the hall.  
Most of the rooms were dark.  Cassandra didn’t have the time to investigate each one in the off-chance that Minnow was trapped in there, hidden in plain sight.  It had already been a week since she’d gone silent, and her last message…Cassandra shook her head.  She didn’t want to think about it.
“Minnow!” she repeated.  She looked through a window—someone had left this light on, and she could see it was somebody’s office.  Somebody’s empty office.
“Minnow!”  Cassandra hurried to the next door.  And the next.  And the next.  Finally, long after Cassandra had lost count of how many doors she’d looked through, and how many of them had enough light to see anything, she came to a window that showed a figure laying on what looked a lot like a doctor’s exam table.
“Minnow!”  Cassandra knocked on the window, but the figure didn’t move.  A thin blanket was pulled tightly around her shoulders, and Cassandra could see her chest slowly rise and fall.
Cassandra took a pair of hairpins out of her hair and set to work on the lock.  Almost…almost…shit, she lost it.  
Minnow had always been better at lockpicking than she was.  
Cassandra had no choice but to try again.  Almost…almost…the lock gave a click, and Cassandra quickly flung open the door before it changed its mind.  She rushed inside, leaving the door to bang against the wall.
“Minnow!” Cassandra cried, rushing to her side.  
Minnow looked terrible.  Her hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed in days, and her face shone with beads of sweat.  Cassandra pressed the back of her hand to Minnow’s forehead.  Sure enough, she was burning up.
Minnow opened her eyes—wide, wild—and a hand darted out of the blanket to grab onto Cassandra.
“Cass!” Minnow said.  Her voice sounded strange, almost feral, if Cass didn’t know any better.  “Cass, they took her!  They took her!”  She broke down into sobs.
“Took who?” Cass asked, startled.
“Joan!  Joan!  They took her, Cass. Oh, it was awful…”
Joan.  The agent that Minnow had come looking for.  Cassandra bit back a curse.  She knew she should have come with Minnow.  She knew that this would be more important than the Button case.
“It’s ok, Minnow.  We’ve got a team looking for her now.  They’re sweeping the building…”
But Minnow was shaking her head.  “It’s too late, Cass.  She’s gone.  They killed her.  I saw it.  I saw everything.”
A pang went through Cassandra’s entire body, sending a rock to her gut and tingles through her fingers.  Cassandra had no choice but to shake it off.
“Let’s get you out of here,” she said, rising to her feet.
But Minnow clutched onto the front of Cassandra’s shirt, holding on like a drowning man might hold onto anything within his reach.  “Don’t leave me, Cassie, don’t leave me…” Minnow sobbed.
“Hey, shhh,” Cassandra said.  She frowned.  Minnow was in really bad shape.  She took Minnow’s hands in her own and gently removed them from her shirt.  “I’m not leaving you.  You’re coming with me.”
Cassandra pulled the blanket off of her friend and coaxed her into swinging her feet over the edge of the bed and putting them on the floor.  Cassandra gently pulled her to her feet.  Minnow immediately began to crumple, so Cassandra pulled her arm over her own shoulders.
“Lean on me,” she said.
Minnow trembled.
“Come on, that’s it,” Cassandra said as they began to walk.  “First one step, then the next…”
They continued this way, Cassandra murmuring words of encouragement as they slowly, slowly made their way back up the corridors.  The stairs were even harder—by then, Minnow was shaking so badly that Cassandra was afraid she would rattle right out of her grip.  But she held on tight and encouraged her up each step.  Cassandra gave a silent prayer of thanks that another group of H.O.U.N.D.S. agents had already neutralized the F.E.L.I.S. lackeys that had been running this joint.
Finally, they reached the top of the stairs.  Just about a hundred more feet until the door.  
“Come on, Minnow, we’re almost there,” Cassandra said, practically dragging her now.  Cassandra wished she were stronger.  She wished for a full moon.  Hell, she wished for any moon.
They inched toward the door.  75 feet…50 feet…25 feet…
Minnow slipped right out of Cassandra’s grasp and onto the floor.
“Minnow!” Cassandra cried.  She crouched down and put her shoulder under Minnow’s, ready to pull her back up.  She tried to keep her voice upbeat.  “We’re almost there!  We can’t stop now!”
“I can’t!” Minnow gasped.  
“Sure you can!  Look,” Cassandra pointed, “the door is right there.  That’s as far as we need to go, and then you can rest for as long as you want.  Ok?”
Minnow looked blearily towards where Cassandra was pointing.  Then, she nodded.
Cassandra lifted her back up, and together, they hobbled to the door.  Cassandra shoved it open with her free shoulder, and they were thrust, squinting, into the bright sunlight.  
Ok, so Cassandra had lied.  They had about 50 more feet to go to get to the waiting H.O.U.N.D.S. truck.  She didn’t say anything, and Minnow didn’t, either, as they made their way over.  The driver jumped out of the cab and rushed around to open the doors.
“Any injuries?” she asked.
“I didn’t check,” Cassandra said.  
Dolly, the driver, easily scooped Minnow up bridal-style and brought her into the back of the truck.  
Cassandra rolled her aching shoulder, catching her breath.  She hadn’t realized just how taxing it had been to carry all of Minnow’s weight.  
Dolly lowered Minnow into the cot and started tending to her, carefully inspecting her for wounds.
Cassandra twisted the gem on her communicator ring.  “Agent Jacobson calling Delta team.”
After a few seconds of static, a tinny voice returned from the ring.  “Delta team.”
Cassandra took a moment to gather her thoughts.  “I have Agent George.  She reports that…Agent Shaw is dead.”
There was a pause on the other end of the channel.  “Please repeat last message.”
Cassandra took a deep breath and closed her eyes.  “Minnow said that Agent Shaw is dead.  I have no other evidence at this time to confirm.”
“Copy.  Over and out.”
Cassandra turned her communicator ring off with a click.  She took another moment to compose herself and then climbed in the back of the truck.
To Be Continued...
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renthewerecatboi · 1 day
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once again fucked around with loadout.tf until i had yet another oc
i call them dolly, they are actually the size of a doll, and you can control them with their strings, although they would really rather you didn't, it's not like they can tell you not to though
this is the second time i made a spy oc that's just the saddest, most pathetic, little wet cat of a person
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maulfucker · 2 months
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Star Wars oc time !!!! Crew of guys who don't need air to breathe
Boss Wulli (Helon Dop, she/he) - Big fucking gungan. ~2,20 m (~7'3") and really strong - Former Gungan Army soldier and engineer, still holds a heavy preference for gungan technology - Knows how to make boomas, and had Booma install a booma cannon in the ship - Lost an arm and part of an ear at some point but that only made her more powerful
Booma (Lei Leiru Been, he/they) - A genius gungan engineer and Boss Wulli's long time friend - They suggested becoming space pirates as a joke, Wulli decided to take it seriously and dragged him along - Engineered a lot of modifications to the ship, to suit their needs and tastes
Nass (Ahak Keer, she/her) - The crew's big money maker - Used to be a spy, but got tired of risking her life and settled for a slightly less risky career - Has had that harpoon gun since forever. it can pierce ship hulls. she loves it - Secretly gay for Boss Wulli (it's only a secret to the two of them)
Bullet (he/him) - Entirely unrelated to those two weirdos, met them on the job - Kind of a jack-of-all-trades by necessity, he used to be a solo bounty hunter - Knows a lot about guns. like A Lot.
Bone (it/its) & Rust (it/its) - Eggmates who work as cyberneticists together - They each know how to deal with one half of the process, so for your own good Do Not Separate Them - Didn't know about anesthesia until they started working off-world - Easiest way to tell them apart is to see which one is wearing a silly scarf (that would be Rust)
Knives (KN1-V35, she/any) & Dollie (D0L1-33, it/any) - Reprogrammed pit droids - All-purpose assistants - Dollie is usually helping Bone and Rust - Knives is usually either with Dollie or stalking Bullet - Knives realy really reallly likes Bullet. because he lets her shoot guns
I have not designed their ship because well. I am no good at drawing spaceships. but it's a pretty spacious repurposed freighter ship. the interior looks very gungan - every room is sealed off from the other so the ship only has atmosphere where they want atmosphere - Boss Wulli's, Booma's and Nass's rooms are submersible - Bullet's room is connected to Bone and Rust's, and they are usually full-time no atmosphere areas since the three of them are always wearing breathing tanks. (they activate the atmosphere sometimes, but their atmosphere setting is only breathable for them)
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puppuptrixii · 6 days
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Here's my aj sona, Dolly the dumbo phantom.
She's a phantom type that was made for the seas that decided to leave the phantoms to find where she truly belongs. She was hired by the alphas as a spy due to her small size and her speed. She can't really talk but instead communicate through little noises. She likes sweet food and looking at bugs.
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