#bruh...I think you might be just bi
laurenfoxmakesthings · 8 months
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So, I've started reading the first book in Adam Diment's spy series. I mean, after hearing about the author's story, I was pretty damn curious. And, well...very 'everyone's felt that before, right?'.
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jelliebeanbitch · 2 years
btw someone explained bi lesbians to me the other day and i wanted to share:
they said it’s usually people who like multiple genders but always in a lesbian way, like someone who has lesbian relationships with women and non-binary people. (this might not be universal but my friend said this is most common.)
and LITERALLY that’s so fucking simple i felt so dumb for not computing that on my own
i think the diScOuRsE comes down to people not fucking getting bisexuality and assuming it means u like Men and Women, so they’re like “yOu cAnT bE a LeSbiAn iF yOu LiKe mEn” bruh. ok first of all who cares, but second of all when did they say they liked men?? they just said they’re bi, which can mean literally anything. like im bi, i tend to like men and non-binary people, and i STILL made this assumption about bi lesbians. wtf
also like. i wanna say that while it’s cool having this ✨new understanding✨ i still think respect should always be there even when u don’t get a label. and label discourse is stupid
tl;dr bisexuality is more varied and multidimensional and slay than we could have possibly imagined. thank you all, good night
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pedroscardigan · 1 year
off the bat XO, Kitty has a lot of potential. i saw where they were going with it, they tried so hard to make it like a kdrama, where you think one thing, or miscommunication trope, or the enemies x lovers trope, or the villain is actually a good person: all that aside, it failed in many ways. the miscommunication thing was a lot. it made me not really ship dae and her at all. like AT ALL. throughout this whole struggle for her to get to him, and finally end up with him, it felt like uGh bruh are we deadass?? their breakup was ill timed too, but i loved the ending speech. (i have not finished the last episode because i refuse to watch her board that plane)
i had a hard time shipping dae with her in the first place which i think the writers did intentionally because they wanted the audience to engage with the other possible people: Yuri and Min Ho. and you can see the appeal off the bat. i think the bumping into people trope got way too lost in the sauce, and Yuri letting her into the car just cause was absolutely stupid: to sell a “bad girl” villain, you gotta do better but they kept making you want to like her so it was obvious right off the bat we needed to keep an open mind about her. and then, min ho, he was our straight bait. like off the bat every audience member can say without a doubt that min ho is sexy asf. i can say it. we all can tell. he was obviously the other catch. the run in at the grocery store, the cooking for her, the giving her space thing, that was what sold it.
what this show did was rush things, yes. a lot of the tropes are cliche and a bit run, but what the show did succeed on was make the characters lovable. dae is adorable. his soft voice and endearing smile, and Q being the sweet one who happens to be an athlete and our bby gay, and min ho who is like a cat, where once he warms up to you, he lets you pet him, and yuri being our badass lesbian goddess: all these characters great. showing how some koreaboo went to KISS and the show making fun of that was good, but there were times where she was on screen and it was unbearable, like ugh, poor actress who had to play this :( , but also i loved the soundtrack, like these bitches paid MONEY for blackpink and itzy to pop up.
i feel like they rushed though all and all. but i will say this and it might be unpopular. i’m queer and i loved that kitty was figuring herself out. i needed that. it healed something in me because she realized at 17. i was closeted and pushed away my feelings for a girl being petty or feeling a tummy butterflies thing till like college. so this? was relatable af. yet, i still chose to ship min ho x kitty. why? because netflix set it up that way. you KNOW yuri is head strong. she’s after julianna and like the show kept saying, not everything is on kitty’s timetable. kitty getting rejected is bound to happen. i’m glad she fell for yuri and the connected on such a deep level: that’s a real crush and real feelings, but you see the parallels to peter kavinsky and min ho. the mom thing, the suddenly knows things about you, the “not surface level” deep, the “id rather move on with a koreaboo than face my feelings for my friends ex, and even when they get together, i still avoid my feelings because that’s what i do as a troubled lead man” thing. i ship them, i’m sorry. and i hate myself for it but i do ship it.
—my hypothesis is that something next season is gonna happen between kitty having to choose between Yuri and Min Ho. do i agree with this tho? no. —
i disagree with how netflix set up this ship. they give her bi awakening and already set her up for the straight ship. that’s why i’m not surprised. that’s why i knew to ship min ho and kitty together. netflix may say they are for the ppl but they will give the bare minimum. and this is not to say that this makes kitty less bi, no it doesn’t, and this is not to shame bi babes who are in heteronormative relationships, but it’s a reflection and call out to how netflix shaped this. if next season she doesn’t end up with yuri, you know why.
i’m rambling now. but my main point was that they rushed things. they rushed all these deep moments, they added too many plot twists in the season like a kdrama does (but kdramas actually make it good), and they rushed the way people fell for each other. i wish there was a bigger backstory to julianna and how they fell in love . how dae knew the comfort sock thing, the reason why min ho had divorced parents: how that affected him, and making Q a bit more dimensional. i hate when they include a gay character and only make it about them being gay. you only see him date florian, you don’t really get to know Q outside of his quest for Florian and his relationship with him. and even the talks he had with kitty were revolved around men. like bffr. i loved his character on Love, Victor and the undersold Anthony’s acting abilities in this one :(
overall i needed more from this show and i will finish the remaining minutes soon, but yeah. i think kitty’s bi experience was exceptional and beautiful, but the way that the show is setting up it’s love interests, you can see where this shit is going. i’m hoping kitty ends up with yuri, but at the end of the day i know it’s gonna be min ho, and he was played so well and became such a likeable character that i don’t mind shipping it and that’s when the inner conflict is where it doesn’t change the fact that kitty might be bi or pan, but that netflix acknowledges is and still sets her up in a heteronormative society welcomed relationship instead of the one like Yuri’s pushing the boundaries of South Korea one step at a time with interracial love and lesbianism <3
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
Im rewatching S19 as one does during the hiatus and Dr. carina DeLuca is FINALLY on my screen god the horror I've had to endure to get here I'm also rewinding their scenes just because- no reason just because uhhhh 👀 ALSO love cocky maya "I'm good at a lot of things" bishop but also baby is so deep in denial about her dad breaks my heart </3 ALSO ALSO carina's little "are you.. sure?" at Joe's? Illegal!!! jail time for stefania for that delivery ILLEGAL I'm too gay for this shit bruh (gn) I might come scream at you a little more as I go through the episodes again if that okay lmao because these bi disaster goddesses make me feel GAY EMOTIONS next episode will be their first office scene aphrodite help me 🙏
Hahaha I love your comments! Feel free to send more. I've seen a lot of people decide to rewatch so far...I've considered it but I really don't think I can deal with Season 2. I love Maya in Season 1, she's a precious little baby but I just don't want to deal with Maya and Jack in Season 2. 🥵 Usually when I rewatch or go back to watch scenes I always start from Season 3 now 😂
The offices scenes 😍🥵 we truly deserved more makeout sessions in there while Maya was captain. The captain's bunk should've been used and shown!
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strangeswift · 2 years
Controversial opinion but I cannot take non-straight!Eddie / Steve / Nancy / Max / Lucas / El etc headcanons or theories seriously.
I get that ppl all have headcanons about the characters and it is also because they want to see themselves in these characters or like certain dynamics between the chaarcters. But for the love of me, I just cannot really like it. Fanfics are fun and all but there's just something that irks me about non-straight!Steve or Eddie headcanons. Because there is literally nothing that shows or suggests that these guys are actually non-straight, nor there is any actual romantic dynamic written between them. It is also annoying that they are put in the same place as ships like Byler that actually has canon evidence and is half-way canon already. It is also that the writers havent spent so much time on queercoding Will and Mike's characters but then they just..... forgot to actually queercode Nancy, Max, Lucas and El? I heavily dislike it when ppl say Nancy must be a lesbian bc she doesnt actually love Steve or Jonathan. I dislike it when Max must be bisexual because... uh... because what? Because she might have had a crush on El? People basing Lucas ''bisexuality'' on Lucas's ST book bc he described a fellow black kid bc he was happy that he found another black kid like himself.... just doesnt sit right with me. I dont like it when ppl say El is a lesbian bc 'she got stuck in the lab and called nancy and other females pretty too'.
Bruh not everyone is non-straight, ok? Some characters (actually most characters) are straight on this show and dont have that sort of characterization. I am sorry i just cannot take Stddie seriously even if the fic is written well
Hi anon! I believe you are conflating headcanons and theories.
Let's define our terms!
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "Headcanon refers to something that a fan imagines to be true about a character even though no information supporting that belief is spelled out in the text. Sometimes that involves filling in your own explanation for a character’s strange motivation, or projecting aspects onto a character that make them more relatable to you."
So headcanons aren't something to be "taken seriously" in the first place. They're just for fun. And if headcanons about characters being queer aren't fun for you, just don't engage with the content. Unfollow, block, filter, whatever you gotta do.
Now... Is this the part where I remind everyone that I DON'T LIKE ST3DDIE EITHER. (Obligatory link to my St3ddie post that I will CONTINUE TO LINK in every single one of my responses on this topic.) I agree that Steve being heterosexual in canon is important to his character, and I don't personally HC him as queer for that reason. People HCing Steve as queer isn't problematic though because HCs don't affect canon and they don't even need to be based in canon! Because they are for fun! I promoted the St3ddie script because I'm a huge fan of Ella's writing and I enjoyed it for that reason. And she doesn't ship St3ddie either! It wasn't meant to be taken so seriously. It was for fun.
Most people who HC the characters you mentioned as queer fully realize that they were not written as such and aren't trying to comvince you that they are. Personally? My sexuality HCs (except Mike, but that's more of a theory than a HC) are based mostly on vibes.
For example: Lucas is bi to me because one time I saw a tweet that said that Lucas had a little crush on Will when they were younger, and I thought that was cute. And it's fun! Based in canon? No. Cute? Yes!! I hadn't even heard about the section in his book, and obviously when I did, I recognized that it was not meant to imply that Lucas was attracted to that kid (and yes it also rubs me wrong when people misinterpret it as such, because it takes away from the real meaning.) But Lucas is bi to me because I think it's cute and fun, not because there's any canonical evidence. And I literally don't care. Because it's a headcanon.
Max is bi because she's cool, and straight people are not cool.
Nancy Wheeler is bi because I want her so bad.
El is a lesbian because that's how I personally choose to interpret some of her actions. Not because I believe the Duffers wrote her that way.
Anyway. Hope this helps.
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I've been wanting to do this but I'll just do it all together :)
1. weight- 185, chest- 41.2, waist-34.0, hips-44.0, thighs- 28.0
2. 5'5, yes im totally okay with my height tbh
3. we have a very similar body type so i feel like it's the most realistic for me
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4. tbh just losing my dd boobs that's it.
5. im tired of being the big and ugly friend, i owe it to my young chubby self to finally be pretty.
6. define binge lol. to me if I eat normally i define that as binge. but tbh I don't think I actually binge idk.
7. yes they do, however they don't know how far I'm willing to go. but they don't. they're actually happy I am.
8. i would do cardio 3 times a week, and then do core 2 times a week, but now im doing chloe ting workouts so :))
9. 100% all the time, I've hears it ever since grade school tbh, and it's literally ruined who I am and my relationship with food.
10. i guess my love for baking, it's been really hard baking for my friends and family and not having the opportunity to have these things yk.
11. lol i don't have one hahaha.
12. hmm that's a good question, i usually stick to fruits i try to stay away from meat and dairy, however it's not always easy. but for a good day, I'll have my black coffee in the morning and then like a garden salad in the afternoon.
13. definitely unhealthy lmao, I will starve myself until I lose as much weight as I can.
14. 120lbs, it used to be 140 but that's how much my sis weighs and I wanna be smaller than her
15. I'm neither but I seriously am considering going vegetarian bc I didn't eat meat for 3 days and lost literally 7lbs so I just might.
16. I've always tried to lose weight, yk go on a diet, work out, however this year I realized I was going to go on vacation and I needed to look pretty for my pictures so I decided to go back to my old habits and I triggered my ed, it took some time like 2 months until eventually in the end of March I started thinking the same way once again. I would starve and calculate calories.
17. im not sure. I don't want to say yes since I'm not diagnosed, but I will say I have disordered eating 100%.
18. cheese. ik ppl are gonna scream, but I love it so much lol.
19. hmm actually a while back I think like a couple weeks ago maybe I month.
20. ballerina diet ahhh or maybe the iu diet.
21. triggered. lol I'm usually a L/XL for jeans I'm a 14. bra size is 38DD.
22. damn idk bruh, I remember when I used to be 160, that's the lowest number I can remember, that's when I started weighing myself and it ruined me. I don't remember gaining weight tbh, I think it was when I was recovering.
23. absolutely. growing up I watched eugenia a lot and i loved kpop in ms so I would always wonder what it would be like to be skinny like them.
24. uh i don't like them, but that's me personal. I'm not someone to encourage this illness to someone else.
25. yes. I've done it multiple times. my first time was at a party actually. I had eaten 3 slices of pizza and my stomach hurt rlly bad I had told my friend and she told me she'd find me laxatives or smth I told her no. so I hard searched up what to do and I found a reddit form about purging I did exactly that and threw up as much as I could. it was so bad I was crying bc I felt to bad but my stomach felt better. I think that's when I realized I could enjoy my food but also not consume calories.
26. CLOTHES. finally getting to wear what I want and look pretty no matter what. ugh I can't wait.
27. i try to slip into a mentality of like food isn't fuel it's trash, and it's gonna make you rot.
28. I'd love to, i want to lose as much thigh fat as possible I don't think i could think bc of my family genes
29. anything but me. I don't think beauty can be defined. to me beauty is a subjective what is beautiful to me is not beautiful to you.
30. im hispanic. i have curly hair. im bi. i have a gf. i like to bake. i can't swim. i have insomnia. i have social anxiety. i love kpop. coffee is my bsf.
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rainbeausobsessions · 2 years
Literally no one asked so I'm building my Sonic HC Library
100% vibing with him being autistic
no wonder I must protec
Gives off he/they enby, but I also don't think he's thought much about it one way or the other, he just feels like he knows who he is and that's valid
Panromantic, may or may not be demisexual.
He has a type(tm) and it's Maria, I mean, the beaniest of beans, I mean, 'the gentle and hopeful and somehow still fully in love with the world despite being forced to face with the cruelest realities of it' type
(he'd probably hear silver's backstory and just suddenly fall madly in love because this bean is such a bean despite everything he's gone through)
(does this count as demiromantic (probably))
Bruh would feel so awkward with a crush but he'd probably seem mostly normal except to people who knew him pretty well (Rouge, and then she'd tease him for it), and he'd get so flustered if they ever tried to make a move on him like 'what are you doing' + internal panic
Looks like he's totally in control, but if he ever gets his own place it will be an absolute disaster cuz our boi don't know shit
Asking him for polyamory would probably result in "whatever, just spend time with me"
They'd probably get overprotective in physically dangerous situations tho
Vibing with the transman fanon rn
I'd say he's on T if it wasn't for the fact that our boi couldn't stay in a single city to save his life
He has a type(tm) and it's Sally Acorn, uh I mean, 'the confident and self-assured but somehow still conscientious leader's type
(I can see him with some of the newer versions of Amy, considering her character growth so far)
(oh look, another demiromantic)
Man can't stick around long enough to keep a long term monogamous relationship tho, so he'd be a comet in a thousand different QPRs
Maybe he's relationship anarchist, idk but it makes sense
Definitely a solo poly guy tho. He's his own primary.
My boi deserves all the love
Would probably come back from the future at some point and then just keep delaying going back to the future because all his friends are in the past and he's so lonely
(oh no, can't go back to the future, accidentally started a family in the past, whatever will I do *lives the rest of his life in happiness and adventure*)
is giving he/they/she
Transmasc goth boi
(I love him)
Seems like he's pretty stable and self-assured. Would probably be really polite and attentive as a partner. Would absolutely just ask his crush out on a date, cuz again, he's in a good place.
(and if he didn't he knows that Vector would stage an intervention for him)
Rouge the Bat
Ngl she's giving transfem/mtf vibes
Absolutely loves messing with people. Probably partly why it's so hard to pin down what her moral compass is, she *likes* keeping people guessing
Can't do that with Shadow tho, they may have even gotten in an argument about it at one point
She still loves him tho, Shadow's a found brother/sibling
Charmy Bee
Baby trans boy
I imagine his Big Brother(tm) Espio started sharing his experiences as a trans guy and Charmy was like "GASP, THAT'S ME!!"
(Someone pointed out to me that female honey bees have stingers and not males, so now it's headcanon)
Unfortunately I can't not see him as the token cishet guy in Sonic's friend group
Probably gets some loving flack about it ("when's your shell gonna crack, big guy" "you sure you don't wanna check out men? I met a really sweet guy at the bar the other day")
May have a reputation for adopting gays.
Might not suddenly be housing them, but he'd absolutely send random care packages
(is this why you're always in debt, buddy)
Definitely has bi wife energy (his wife being Vanilla (eventually))
(more to come, probably, eventually)
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joshrgomez · 10 months
I'm not trying to waste more fucking time cause some man with fake tits or a dyke skank can't get the fuck over themselves. When I can just move LITERALLY one state away to Miami or Nashville and the women are actually women and they dont mind sucking dick. They might have queer communities cool but they stay in their own little corner and bar. So the women arent scared to talk to a man not knowing if they're a fucking fag or not. They're just like "oh that guys cute" and they go talk to you and having a fat cock helps too.
What you don't experience in those states is women going out just for them to jump or sing in their little shitty group thinking their the hottest shit on earth when in reality they're average as fuck. Just the ugliest fucker in the room has beer balls so they get a blowjob
When if youre in Florida or Tennessee if youre a good looking man you get your dick sucked from a good looking woman cause she won't mind saying hey and you take that shit from there. A STRAIGHT MAN doesnt have to make the first interaction, pay for bills, blah blah blah. WHEN THATS NOT HOW ITS DONE.
A woman build this whole "he's a creep" society for hitting on you or "he's gay" society for not hitting on you when you go out. It's a straight woman not minding to go home with a straight man.
Not some queer shit where you don't know if someone is straight, lesbian, bi, or gay. That shit is fucking GAY!!!! FUCK YOU and this faggot ass city. Gah damn black mirror ass city. Narcissistic women who are average as fuck and queer fucking men. Even worse lesbian ass skanks trying to turn straight women gay. Bruh. This city fucking sucks. Reason why crime is high.
That's not including the bullshit African Americans start with white people lately even taking that shit out on Latinos. That shit is fucking annoying. That part is the least of my problems. I actually have black friends.
That shit is a problem with these bitch ass kids not knowing if they want to act black or white. They should act hispanic. Shit ass parents I dont fucking like or even give a shit about being around. Loser ass kids they fucking raise lazy as fuck and stupid as shit too.
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(Disclaimer: I have only watched the show, not read the books, and the info about the books comes from the wiki. If you see any inaccuracies regarding them, let me know)
So let’s talk about Heartstopper.
It was recommended to me as a show that had everything! Lesbians in love! Gay guy! Bi guy! Trans girl getting a romance! Something for everyone!
You know. If you’re thin.
This caveat is always there, to the point that I’m used to it. The glittering world of movies and tv shows exists only for thin people. If there is a fat person, they are only going to be there to be made ridiculous, evil, gluttonous, or all three, so at this point I’ll take a full thin cast and try not to think about how I don’t exist there.
Enter Isaac.
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Isaac... reads. And is fat. And those are the only things we know about him.
Charlie says “he doesn’t talk much”, and yeah, we know that too, since he barely has any lines and his main role is to stand there and smile awkwardly in the background. He is literally asleep in one of the scenes. The writers seem to forget he even exists during the later part of the show, and honestly, it unintentionally makes his friends look like total jackasses.
Tao’s fear of being alone, now that Charlie has got a new friend and Elle has gone to another school? BRUH ISAAC IS RIGHT THERE.
The triple date? Elle and Tao didn’t know it was a triple date. From their perspective, Charlie had invited them and not Isaac to hang out with some of his other friends. Rude??
Isaac has no storyline, no wants, no passions, barely any lines, and he disappears as the story develops. He just reads. And is fat.
Alice Oseman, the creator of the book/writer of the show didn’t want one of their original characters (Aled) there because they wanted to use him for something else, so it was decided they needed an extra person to complete the friend group, hence Issac. Fine, sure, that’s not bad. But if you wanted to make a character who doesn’t pass the flowerpot test, you might as well... not have put anyone there. It would make Tao’s fear of loneliness seem that much more realistic. And Isaac, with his lack of....everything, sticks out like a sore thumb, and is understandably hated by fans of Aled who see him as his replacement.
When Tao referred to himself as “the token straight friend” in the first episode, I perked up. “Oh? Oh? Is Isaac going to be some flavour of Not Straight? A fat queer character? I wonder how this will develop?”
The answer is it didn’t. That’s all we heard from it. Alice Oseman simply said on a tweet that Isaac is aro/ace. It’s worth noting that Alice herself is aro/ace; before I discovered I was baffled, thinking “you really can’t think of anything for an aroace character to fucking do??”, but no, I think this is more likely to be an identity assigned to Isaac as an afterthought.
Everything about Isaac seems to be an afterthought.
Now, there is not a problem inherently on making a fat aroace character... if you have other fat characters. Otherwise, it just looks like you can’t possibly imagine a fat person falling in love and having sex, which is, you guessed it! Really fucking fatphobic.
Let’s go back to the characters from the book that didn’t make it to the show. There is one other, apart from Aled. Sahar Zahid. Let’s take a look at her.
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According to the wiki, "out of the main eight members of the Paris Squad, Sahar is the least explored member". Jesus Fucking Christ.
So. You had one (1) fat character that you decided to cut off for no given reason, and who was the least developed to begin with [EDIT: Apparently she doesn't appear until later events of the book, so she wasn't cut off for no reason, but she is still the least developed]. And then you added another fat character as a space-filler, without bothering to give him a personality other than “reads” and “is quiet”.
As I said, I usually ignore that there are no fat characters in sight, and that shows only show the rich inner lives of thin people. It’s harder to do when there is a fat person right there, having barely any personality and 0 impact on the plot.
You can have all the letters of the alphabet soup, but it is useless unless you have different body types. What use is it to have a trans girl who looks like a supermodel to a fat trans teenager watching this show? Remember that being fat is the number one reason kids get bullied. Fat people are taught from a young age that shows and movies are not For Us, same as any other marginalized identity.
Heartstopper will continue to reinforce that lesson.
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it’s pride month so could you do like a “dudes of ml” thing where they react to their s/o coming out as bi/pan/etc?
how the miraculous ladybug dudes would react to their s/o coming out
summary: basically just the title! (pronouns aren’t used for the reader but there are some points i made that might make it seem like a female reader. but most of it i would say could be considered gender neutral.)
words: 690
warnings: coming out? none of them are bad endings though! everyone ends up being supportive in the end!
a/n: so, since there are so many sexualities and i didn’t wanna exclude anyone, where bi or pan or omni or whatever would be, i just put a blank.
he would be so confused
i feel like his father is VERY homophobic so he has never even told adrien that you can be anything but straight
so he asks a lot of questions
after he feels he has a pretty good understanding, he’d think it was so awesome!!
he would think it was so cool and just be so interested in learning more about the community
also 100% would go to pride with you if you wanted to
he would be that one person to see something rainbow and buy it for you because aha, gay. rainbow.
but he’d be so happy about it that it wouldn’t even annoy you
i feel like if it were me, i’d be nervous to come out to nino just because i feel like he speaks his mind. like, he’s very blunt and honest. so i’d be worried that if he didn’t support me he’d be very like “EWWWW, WHAT BRO??? YOU’RE _____???”
but i feel like in the end he would definitely support you!
i feel like he’d be confused too, but not as confused as adrien. like, he knew the term gay. that is it
he too would ask a lot of questions
i feel like he has a very short attention span though so they’d be a lot of the SAME questions
“wait, so you’re ___?”
“yes nino.”
“right....and what does that mean again?”
he would be so supportive oh my god-
he wouldn’t make it a big deal as soon as you told him. he’d be like
“i’m so glad you told me! that’s so cool. i love you so much and it doesn’t matter to me who you’re attracted to.”
something like that
oh my gosh i can see him and his s/o watching a movie and they both start simping for the same girl or something and they get into the biggest play argument ever and it just leads to this whole war thing everytime you watch the movie. and everyone thinks it’s so funny.
personally, i strongly believe that he is also a part of the community, and is already out to you, so it’s like such a casual thing. i feel like it’d be something like this:
“guess what.”
“i’m ___”
“that’s cool. good job honey.”
and i feel like maybe you’re at school and you’re out to your closer friends and you’re just like “yeahhh haha gayyy” and nathaniel is just like “bruh stop telling people you’re just gay we’re literally dating-“
he would think you were joking at first and then start joking about it too
“hahah right i so believe you.”
“bruh what you are not gay-“
“wait you’re being serious? oh my god i’m so sorry i seriously thought you were kidding.”
he would feel so bad and would not stop apologizing as soon as he realized you weren’t kidding.
you were never really mad at him, cause you knew he didn’t mean it to be mean. he just sometimes doesn’t understand that it’s not the time to joke around.
after he finally realizes that you’ve forgiven him and he can stop apologizing, he’d make sure to remind you like, by the hour how proud of you he is and how awesome you are for just being yourself.
personally i think he is very gay but we’re gonna pretend that he’s dating someone who isn’t a male. otherwise it’d be like “bruh i know you’re gay we’re literally dating-“
but if he were dating someone who wasn’t male and they came out to him, he’d be just so happy you trusted him enough to tell him and he’d be so proud of you.
“really?! that’s so amazing! i’m so happy you told me!!!”
you know that guy on tiktok who does those “gay news” tiktoks? that would be max. he is your source of gay news.
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
Not an ask, just here cus m fed up ppl saying dont assume their sexuality cuz BTS can't be gay... they are straight and that.. they might feel offended cuz of this.
First of all...why should anyone feel offended if someone assumes your sexuality?? Cuz just bcz they are assuming...it's not means it's actually accurate and being queer or a part of LGBT community..is not something to be offended or ashamed of.
And second of all...if anyone feel offensive or angry bcz PPL assuming they can b gay or a part of LGBTQ even if they aren't....so dsnt a queer people should also feel offensive if ppl assume that they are straight??? It also wrong to just say that they are straight if by any chance they aren't...bcz it's already so difficult to hide yourself on a regular basis, to hide who you love..and plus this.. that PPL saying u cant be gay...i mean WTF....( M straight) but i can feel that if i were a queer person and CLOSETED and i hear someone says about me that NAH BRUH...he/she can't be gay..can't be a part of LGBTQ...what the FUCKING HELL...how can u assume that i can't...if i already feels suffocated to hide it on a regular basis...nope..u have NO RIGHT to assume this...if you think i must feel offended for calling gay..than i definitely gonna feel offended if anyone say that m definitely straight if i aren't...
So shut the fuck up all...who thinks it should offend any member of BTS if anyone assume tht anyone of them are gay...bcz being gay or queer is not a thing to be ashamed of..They can b gay or straight or bi or anything...it doesn't matter...or i don't think it also makes any member uncomfortable...YES..the thing that can makes them uncomfortable if they are getting shipped with their friends or bros over the limit if they aren't actually involve with them romantically...so just be in your limits if you ship them.
And DON'T JUST SAY THEY ARE ALL STRAIGHT...if you feel it's wrong to call them gay...than its EQUALLY WRONG to call them straight if anyone of them aren't.
(sorry eng is not my first Language🥺🥺)
Anon's rant.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Okay I'm going to request something, how about headcanons for Fem! Lilia, Jamil, Trey, and Jade with a s/o who is as terrible when it comes to cooking as Lilia, just batshit disgusting meals all around
Hi!!! So, I'm gonna do both version, male and female- Hope you don't mind!
Lilia, Trey, Jamil, Jade with an s/o who can't cook shit- (I'm sorry)
Lilia (Male and Female)
Male or female-
he/she sucks with you-
just that he/she likes your cooking-
"Oh my! What flavor! So tasty!"
And then ask his/her children to eat it-
oh dear-
"Malleus, Sebek, Silver! You got to try s/o's cooking, it's so good!"
when Lilia likes the cooking-
they know batshit something is terrible-
so they're like-
"Ha ha ha, we're not hungry don't worry-"
And Lilia is like, "Oh well, you're missing out on the good things!"
He/she can't provide you actual help-
Buuuut he/she provides you with confidence boost!
He/she likes your cooking so just give them to Lilia!
Trey Clover (Male and Female)
He/she took Master Chef class for a reason-
He/she is not passing up this opportunity to help you-
As you know,
Trey took the Master Chef class to learn how to teach others how to cook.
Personally, I think he/she teaches you how to cook an egg first-
the basic cooking of them all-
at least for most of my Asian gang I think-
And slowly progress.
He's/she's very patient with you,
and they don't mind you making mistakes.
The more mistakes, the more you learn!
Maybe he/she do that cheesy thing-
and just hug you from the back while he/she guides you to stir the soup slowly-
And you'll be getting tons of learning experience from Trey!
Isn't that neat?
Jade Leech (Male and Female)
Male or female-
teases you to no end-
“Oya oya? You don’t know how to cook a proper egg?”
I think female Jade would be like a lot more teasing by just rubbing your shoulders while she teaches you how to cook-
Cough, please I-
but either way-
he/she will tease you
But like Trey, he/she is very patient with you too.
With a few teasing remarks thrown here and there.
B r u h-
He/she will patiently teach you
while guiding your hands to stir, whisk and more!
Maybe female jade a little more touchy
but eh-
so would regular male Jade but less rubbing-
You’ll be a great cook in no time s/o 
I assure you!
Jamil Viper (Male and Female)
Oh god-
Well at least you don’t clean your mess with bleach like Kalim-
He’s/ she’s the least patient
But that doesn’t mean he’ll/ she’ll explode on you.
He’ll/ she’ll teach you
and their patience is quite big-
not as big as Jade’s or Trey’s,
but he’ll/she’ll hold that frustration in.
No, he’s/she’s not mad at you,
it’s just that Jamil’s scared you might hurt yourself.
Please don’t-
But Jamil is right there to save and help you along the way.
Just maybe
like you know-
be careful with that knife-
you know what,
I don’t want you to get hurt s/o-
I’ll do it-
He/she loves you and is worried for you
not mad at you-
don’t worry-
you’re precious to him/her <3
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I shall rate BNHA ships, because I have f e e l i n g s about some of them and I’m having a mental breakdown and hiding from my grandparents:
Tododeku: 10/10 bonding over similar traumas, we love to see it. I project onto both of them (does that make me self centered?) I love them both so much. They’re trying so hard please help them. They would help each other through their traumas and be such a power couple
Todobaku: 0/10 todoroki has been abused by his dad, who has a very fiery (pun intended) personality, and bakugou is a lil b*tch who thinks yelling will get him his way
Todomomo: 4/10 like I get it, and it’s cute, but I personally see them more as friends. Mlm and wlw solidarity. I do think that eventually it might be better. Right now Momo looks up to Todoroki so much and has a low self esteem, and todoroki seems relatively indifferent about everything, so I don’t personally think that’d be the best dynamic for a relationship. However, after talking a bit more and her gaining some more self confidence I think they would work well together.
Kochako: 0/10. I get that people want to say bakub*tch is a feminist because he didn’t go easy on Ochako, but the wench straight up thought izu planned the strategy and did not believe in her. He uses his all in everything and wouldn’t hold back if he was fighting a squirrel. Also, I will fight anyone who would hold back, Ochako is a powerhouse and I would die for her.
Izumomo: 8/10 okay man, this is cute. Like it’s not my favorite, but it’s cute. Izuku would help boost her confidence in her leadership abilities and how well she’s doing in general. Smart babies, couples who study together stay together I guess? Momo would also help try and boost izukus confidence in himself and they’d just work really well together 🥺🥺
Kiribaku: 0/10. I know a lot of you are going to hate me for that, but personally it makes me ✨uncomfortable✨ because kirishima was bullied for his quirk a lot, and bakugou bullied people for their quirks (or lack thereof) a lot. And honestly I just don’t think bakugou should be in a relationship until he’s gone through an anger management program and gotten therapy.
Bakudeku: -100/10 shipping a victim with their abuser is not my cup of tea thank you. Also, it reminds me of my abuser and my relationship with them, and I get ✨panic attacks✨ from that
Kirimina: 7.5/10 bruh,, it’s cute. Childhood friends to lovers. Also mlm/wlw solidarity. I go back and forth between wanting Mina to be a lesbian or wanting her to be bi though. But like,, overall it’s cute. Think if the chaos 😭👏🙌
Kirikami: 7/10 also very cute, 2 brain cells between the two, bless the himbos😭👏🙌
Kamisero: 7.5/10 again,,,, by beautiful children,,, very cute. Disaster bis working together, we love to see it
Kamideku: 8.83/10 Bruh,,, I love it they’re so cute?? I can see denki using terrible pickup lines on izu and he blushes e v e r y s i n g l e t i m e. Izuku would help denki learn how to control his quirk a bit more and they’d work together! Personal headcannon, but like,,, ADHD squad
Kamijiro: 6/10 personally it’s not my favorite, but I get it and it does provide optimal aesthetic
Momojirou: 10/10 dude I love them so much. Momo doesn’t even mean to, but she makes Jirou blush all the time. THEY COMPOSE TOGETHER
Dekujirou: 7.5/10 personally not my favorite, but it’s really cute. blUSHY BABIES. THEY’RE BOTH SO SHY! They make playlists for each other
Tokodeku: 8.9/10 revelry in the dark. Dude,, I love them, I’m going to be honest. Izu really went all out for the emos, huh? Insomnia boyfriends. Dark shadow loves izu too. He blabbed about tokoyami liking izu and the boi looked like a tomato telling tokoyami that he liked him too. Personal headcannon but,, non-binary significant others
Iideku: 8.99/10 Iida is one of the few characters in BNHA who stood up for izu when bakugou is bullying him. Izu helped Iida through his feelings about stain and his brother, and I think they have good chemistry. I do think that Iida might need to be a little more relaxed in the rules before they could happen though? Ya know?
Izuchako: 7.5/10 pure, pure, pure. Personally it’s not my favorite, but I do get it. Very supportive of each other and would push each other to do their best. Would fight anyone who dared challenge the others honor. Bench press each other often. Have a good day
Dekutsu (I’m sorry I don’t know their ship name😅): 7/10 cute, green children. Compassionate, supportive, cute. Tsu is blunt, which is something izuku kind of needs sometimes. They’d just be so domestic and cute??
Shindeku: 10/10 Y E S ! ! ! Bonding through trauma againnnn! Insomnia squad again as well. Izuku trusts shinsou, which is something that he needs. Shinsou would understand where izuku is coming from with being bullied for your quirk/lack of a quirk. Chemistry is very good, we love to see it. Very supportive babies, I love it. Again, I project onto both of these characters, so like,, I don’t know
Dekuyama/cheese and broccoli: 9/10 again,,, quirk problems gang. Bruh, they’re so cute??? Aoyama would help izuku with his confidence issues, izuku would help Aoyama with his quirk (he would help anyone with their quirk, but still) I love them. Sparkle bois😭👏🙌
Kirideku: 9.5/10 y e s ! ! ! Yet again, bullied squad and quirk related trauma squad. Supportive boyfriends who work out together and play video games together. We love to see it. Chemistry x10
Serodeku: 8.9/10 YES! They’re so cute man, I don’t even know why they seem so cute to me, but they really do???? Maybe it’s because they’re both described as plain looking, but my children are anything but plain 😭😭 I love it, highly recommended
Hatsume x izuku (again, I’m sorry I don’t know the name😅🥲): 9/10 honestly I think they’d be really cute together? Mei would listen to izuku rambling and like,,, actually offer input, and izuku would listen to Mei talking about her babies and offer input. Both have lapsed social skills but in the opposite direction and I think they’d balance each other out.
Hatsumina: 9/10 hyper pink girlfriends, we love to see it. BRUH, they’d be so cute okay??? I just🥺🥺 yes
Tokoshoji: 3.5/10 I don’t know, it seems like people put them together because they don’t have a lot of screen time, which I totally get. And like,, I can see it, but personally it’s not my favorite
Tsuchako: 8/10 they would be cute together
Tokotsu: 5.5/10 same as tsychako really.
Shinkami: 2/10 I know a lot of people are going to get mad at me for that one, but I just personally don’t see it. I get that people are thinking the hole erasermic dynamic, but I don’t know man, it’s just not my personal favorite, but I do get it.
Erasermic: 10/10 yes. Fathers. Would highly recommend. Also,,,, side note, but pEOPLE DON’T GIVE MIC ENOUGH CREDIT,,, MAN IS A GREAT TEACHER, BILINGUAL, AND HAS THREE JOBS, GIVE THIS MAN THE LOVE THAT HE DESERVES. Thank you for your time😌
Tokoyama: 7/10 cute but not my favorite. We love the contrasting personalities though, very fun.
Iida x aoyama (yet again, I’m sorry I don’t know the ship name😅): 5.5-6/10 not my favorite but I do get it. Aoyama might help Iida loosen up a bit, and I love that.
Todokiri: 5/10 not really my thing, but I do get it. Like,,, kiri would help todoroki to loosen up a bit and maybe learn how to be a teenager
Todoiida: 4.5/10 I get it, but personally it’s not my thing. They’d work well together, but I don’t see them really helping each other in the way that they need to be helped? Not because they don’t want to, I just don’t think they’d know how?
Momoiida (I don’t think that’s the ship name but I’m honestly not sure, my apologies😅): 6/10 rich kids club. Eh, not my favorite, but I do get it.
Kirikamideku: 9/10 TRAFFIC LIGHT TRIO, supportive babies, we love to see it. Kiri and kami try to make izu blush all the time, and really,,, they don’t even need to try😭 very supportive, very cute.
Kiribakudeku: -100/10 see kiribaku and bakudeku
TodoIiDeku: 8/10 it’s not my favorite, but I get it with the stain incident, and they do share a collective 2 brain cells sometimes. Always on the same crud. Also, not really related but,,,,,, why do you all say that Iida is such a rule follower????? Man attempted premeditated murder, come on.
And if y’all try to start that pedophellic sh*t with me I will fight you 😃✋🔪 this includes (shigideku, dabideku, hawks x deku, aizawa x deku, overhaul x deku, all might x deku, mt. Lady x deku, midnight x deku, eri x deku, koda x deku, and so on. Y’all are disgusting😌)
I don’t mean any offense to anyone who ships those things (aside from the abusive or illegal ones) and honestly, I can see the chemistry for a lot of them!
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bisluthq · 2 years
It’s really sad how mean Gaylors are being towards Joe. They truly have nothing to gain from all of this. They could use this energy to amplify other queer female (particularly WOC) artists but they don’t. Instead, they are upset that Taylor isn’t the doll that they created in their head. They stereotype gay men by circulating photos of Joe from his college days to insinuate that he’s gay. They repeatedly create lies about him not being William Bowery. The way they are acting reminds me a lot of how closeted kids are bullied in middle school / high school.
And how does behavior embolden Taylor to come out? Honestly — and forgive me if I lose you here — but their actions high key feels biphobic. Like they’re retaliating against Taylor (who is probably bi imo) because she’s with a man.
“And how does behavior embolden Taylor to come out?” -> this is something I actually feel extremely strongly about. I have a lot of new readers so allow me to share a TikTok on this with a lot of thoughts I agree with:
I’m sorry but did ANY OF YOU come out because people yelled “lmfao that’s so gay” at you?
I have shared a story here before about how two of the most embarrassing moments for me in middle and high school - like as I was sorta becoming yk sexual - were related to people IMPLYING (maybe on accident) that I’m gay.
The first was in middle school and tbf I got bullied a bit in middle school so she might’ve meant it in a gay way idk but like I used to make these Photoshopped edits for all my school projects using female celebs I liked (but on theme so like I made one for a Switzerland project with Renee Zellweger and I made other ones too but the Renee one is where this came to a head and it’s the one I remember best). So I had my little gay ass cover and this girl who sorta lowkey bullied me went “why do you always make these covers with the girls on them it’s so weird” and she might’ve meant it’s weird I Photoshop because it was weird but I just heard the “with the girls” part and almost died and never showed my little graphics again irl I think maybe ever actually.
The other incident was for sure on accident, like it was just banter: a guy friend of mine in high school looked at my laptop screensaver, which was Olivia Wilde in that GQ photoshoot yk the gymnastics one lol and he went “lol noice picture you got there lmfao” and it was an era where gay jokes were funny and that’s defs where he was going with it but because I’m actually gay I DIED and I went “yes I like House” and he was like “???” because that wasn’t the right response and I was like “yeah I like House dude why the fuck else would I have this picture lmfao” and a few days later I changed it to a pic of Hugh Laurie and had that for months before changing it to Amy and Eleven which I felt comfortable with and in hindsight both of whom I wanted to fuck although at the time I just figured it was neutral territory.
Now that’s me sharing my closeted experiences. I’m sure many of you have yours. I’ve NEVER heard of someone saying “ya people called me gay so I went well shucks you got me and came out! Thanks everyone who called me gay!!!”
If you think Taylor Swift is CLOSETED then why in the fuck are you trying to out her?
If you - like me tbh on some days idk I’m just not invested at this point - think she might be bi and signaled that (as other artists have done before formal coming outs) then like dope, she’s one of us, let’s make gay jokes and move on. She actively doesn’t mind Gaylor which suggests to me it’s either this or she’s a weird straight lady. Idk. Fuck, maybe she doesn’t know.
Either way, legit Hetlors and Gaylors - people whose online identity revolves around truthering her sexuality either way - are all equally out of line.
She’s got her London Boy, maybe she likes boobies, she doesn’t mind if you think she does, the end.
And if you genuinely think she’s a secret lesbian like BRUH STOP SAYING THAT OUT LOUD THEN like let it go dude. Because she sure as shit has NEVER implied this!? And calling closeted gays gay on main does not ever help them??? Ever??????
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patovpran · 3 years
Thoughts on ep 4:
- this boys really have anger issues, may I suggest therapy
- i love how they used their need for fight to get them to work
- Pat hiding behind Pran hdhdhd
- also Nanon looks great in purple
- Pat holding him by the waist!! I see you
- Pran picking up a slipper activated my fight or flight
- the girl's adorablee look at her!!
- "I thought you said you liked someone in Architecture" BET
- I love their bickering so much
- just say you want to hold his hand Pat no need to refuse to give him his headphone back
- Pran whining is both funny and adorable
- the bickering and that whole scene, I'm crying hdhdjd
- flirting in class I see
- oh shit
- nooo Pran baby :((
- "Where's your friend?" "Are you blind? Right her." I'm losing it hdhdhd idiots
- The girls <33
- Ink is sweet, I don't want to see any slander
- wound treating trope my beloved
- the laughing during make up scene ahhhhh
- "cute dimples you have there" sir you are in love
- "are you afraid people would think I'm flirting with you" you're not beating the gay allegations, they are beating you king
- he's talking about him I see
- BRUH the tension during the game is exquisite
- "If you hug me this tight you might as well take me as your boyfriend" Yeah he might as well and you'd happily say yes
- he likes him what do you think gotten into him
- oh Pran straight up asked if she likes Pat, god bless this series
- don't worry baby he's just gay
- bi Pat representation
- nooo the tears in Pran's eyes goodbye
- Pat started like hypothetically would you like me if you were Ink and then only had Pran on his mind...yeah ok totally not in love or anything
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meear · 4 years
HOW is reibert still not canon (long post oops)
1. there was literally no reason for reiner to look this salty. is this how y’all look when you tease a friend about their crush???
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2. we KNOW yumihisu is the one ship confirmed canon af and this whole arc they’ve been trying to protect the other what’s not clicking
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4. you can’t possibly think Reiner was being subtle in any way. it’s him. he’s talking about himself because he is the CEO of projecting onto others and we know that
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5. projecting onto Annie again
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how many times did Bertholdt rush to save Reiner from a life-or-death situation. hint : a lot
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the fact that reiner both consciously and unconsciously called for him haha anyway
6. you’re all aware by now but if Ymir doesn’t like men and she’s always with Historia it doesn’t take a genius to understand how she and Reiner parallel each other
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7. this line exists but go off I guess
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(the look he gives her though)
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he’s literally only thinking of Bertholdt. funny how he later worries about not being able to protect him against the titans when they had already lost Eren huh
8. by the way, right after Reiner says that about Ymir, Bertholdt worries about him dissociating again. 
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it’s interesting how Bertholdt immediately associates Reiner’s crush on Krista with Reiner not being himself and Reiner knows it perfectly. it literally can’t be more obvious, otherwise it doesn’t make sense for Reiner to say “I’m a warrior, so I’m not interested in Krista because she’s cute”. how out of the blue is that??? people still think Reiner is bi. he isn’t.
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Bertholdt really isn’t amused by Reiner’s bullshit and honestly same
9. remember the rushing in to save Reiner thing ? and how “if you lose you die, if you win you live” is a motto in this series?
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mikasa swears to win for Eren’s sake
historia literally tells ymir they’re going to live for each other
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“he has his own reason why he can’t lose” lmao so... Reiner is his reason to win?to live????? just say you’re in love and go
10. remember how RB’s mission would have succeeded if only Ymir hadn’t suddenly stopped everything to go back for Historia? how that gave the survey corps the time they needed, and how RB basically helped the SC??
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Bertholdt stopped for Reiner and gave the SC the time they needed to get away from the explosion. if he hadn’t done that, he definitely would’ve killed them all
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Bertholdt is a hypocrite lmao
11. nothing to see here just dudes and gals crying for their bros and pals
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12. we know Bertholdt is a much more capable warrior than Reiner and that he mastered the colossal titan immediately. there is no way Reiner would’ve been able to fight Mikasa like Bertholdt did. Isayama said that Bertholdt “could do anything physically”. sure, Reiner ranked above Bertholdt and Annie during training, but when you look at their childhood, i think both of them could’ve surpassed Reiner if they had been 100% serious. this is just my interpretation though, it’s also possible that Bertholdt’s lack of initiative and Annie’s unability to work with others hurt their grade. i think hand-to-hand combat (Reiner’s weakness) wasn’t graded either 
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at the very least Isayama’s literally saying that Bertholdt would let Reiner win if they fought
wild how reibert keeps on paralleling characters with confirmed romantic feelings
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(Ymir slacked off on purpose too)
+ Bertholdt waiting for Reiner as they race
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13. Ymir and Bertholdt are two tall dark-haired shifters who are both really tired of their smaller blonde partner retreating into their fake persona out of a desire to be liked what is n o t c l i c k i n g this is so specific
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14. reiner’s main reason for thinking Bertholdt likes Annie is that he stares at her and I mean sure
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look I’m not putting every instance of RB doing exactly that because sometimes it’s just because the other happens to be talking lmao but these?? no explanation
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bruh you can HEAR the stare
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this one is especially glaring since Annie is also in the picture so why didn’t he just draw Bertholdt looking at her??? guess we’ll never know
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Reiner has NO excuse for staring at Bertholdt here I’m sorry literally everyone is looking at Sasha and Connie teasing Annie. Bertholdt isn’t doing anything
15. Bertholdt’s development after accepting Reiner’s possible death and deciding to end it all is SO similar to Mikasa after Eren’s death in Trost. they’re both moving in this trance-like state before repeating that the world is cruel, but it’s really interesting because the events are in reverse order for Bertholdt. so it’s more like a mirror. i’ve tried to represent it lmao i hope it’s readable
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there’s the same onomatopoeia for the heartbeat, and Bertholdt and Mikasa were making similar expressions. even if isayama’s drawings weren’t as good in the first chapters, you can see that Mikasa has that same blank, wide stare when approaching Eren (it’s chapter 9)
both seem to become another person as they move, though Bertholdt is much calmer than Mikasa (which makes sense if their “normal” personality has switched I guess since Bertholdt is usually the nervous one). He sees everything around him perfectly, but Mikasa runs out of gas because she wasn’t paying attention to anything anymore
see it’s funny because Mikasa literally loves Eren
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only difference is after falling, Mikasa says the world is beautiful as well, which makes the omission in Bertholdt’s case (as he rises) obvious 
anyway might as well put those too I guess, though i wouldn’t consider them direct parallels but we’ve made it this far lmao
it reminded me of Historia after losing Ymir and Reiner after coming back alone :
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(btw the music when Historia cradles Ymir in her arms after she fought as a titan is also called Her heart still beating on Youtube, but I don’t know where that comes from because the actual title is AOTs2M他3... probably just a fan name, but that’s a cool coincidence)
16. this post i made the other day still not over it
17. if reibert not canon then why literal actual canon????
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