#the dragons of everlasting
sweetfirebird · 11 months
I had a weird dream last night and woke up and thought, "That was so Zazzie/Bernard" and couldn't go back to sleep while I considered this, and it really is a shame that they never got, and cannot get, a whole book of their own because it really is a whole book story.
And before anyone yells at me about it, I fully intend to give them a story but it's not going to be a novel because, sadly, every time people insist that yes I should do that queer love story that is not strictly m/m.... nobody buys it. I cannot commit months to a year to writing something that no one will buy, sorry.
But I definitely know how it would end.
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vasiliquemort · 2 months
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Commissions are open!<зз
Within my tender and my aching and postponed (for did they months had passed in-between of old and new one list of question, indeed o////o) - there is again a pricelist here concluded, and even form for a commission inquiry, too!
Full information regarding working process, commission's references and requirements of vision's disposition that might be needed to be toned firmly in the project, the list of prices - and all of questions that could be rising are yet detailed in the file~
I'll gently so adore to hear from you of evermore, please don't be shy - to message there or here onward if such comes to your heart - and mine shall follow!<з
Here comes the link to google form!~
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dragonshoardofworks · 6 months
Green with Envy 2024 (part 3)
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Everlasting Trio my beloved! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Lines by @things-i-cannot-do-in-amitypark, thank you so much for the good content!
This was the first coloring I had began back at the start of the event, but my indecisive ass made me drag on the publishing of it because of both real life obligations and I couldn't choose among the background options I made! (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
So like I did for my previous piece, I'm uploading all of them! (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
(The rest is under the cut.)
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These two were the first tries, but they didn't satisfy me completely, so I started messing around with abstract shapes and these came out:
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Then the ingenious @midnightectosnack told me that it reminded them of an arcade carpet design and so my mind went feral with that idea and made an Everlasting-Trio-themed carpet!
At first I decide to assign a shape and color to each of them, then I realized: circles -> blob ghosts!
Thus I also added an additional design/concept for every shape (I also kept the leitmotif of the matching gadget's colors):
Circles = Blobs = Danny
Mixed triangles = David's star = Sam
Quadrilaterals = Horus' eye/Hourglass = Tucker
And then boom, here it is @green-with-envy-phandom-event !
(Sorry, Tumblr hates me, I didn't finish writing all the tags and published it anyway! (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠) )
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herwrittenuniverse · 1 year
Put Your Lights On
by HerWrittenUniverse
The hard wooden floor swayed beneath his body. His chest fluttered - up and down, up and down - and while his breaths were steady, his heart was wild.
…Rotted, more like. Corrupted. Corroded. When the chains fell loose to their slithering demise, there was the instant gratification of relief - and yet, a piece of his soul flecked off and wasted away. His heart was eroding much like the old wood holding together this very ship.
He had to. I had to . There was no choice. 
Read the rest on AO3
A short, quick, experimental one-shot that sees Callum reflect on using dark magic. Inspired by this song of the same name. Highly recommend listening to the song before, during, or after reading.
Thanks for the support. As always, reblogs are appreciated. ❤️
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Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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rhymeswithchronic · 6 months
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A little bit of older pieces, but going through my art folder I realized I had tons of art I’ve never posted so I wanna start going through and posting more hehe
Bug Fables Inspired fight, both in digital art and Pearler beads!
Strike, Splash, Petal, River, and Arrow against Cryo. Might redo some portions of this (I’d like to redo Cryo specifically)
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cieyarutii · 2 years
𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐯𝐮𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞
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fluffypichu876 · 6 months
you can pray to a dragon in dark souls...
i love this game
look at how imposing he is! he looks kinda lonely here...
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thinking about Commander Pirkko, Saoirse, and Scarlet's dynamic across Regrowth is so interesting to me because like. Regrowth is fairly close to canon at first, but still diverges in one major aspect: the Commander was meant to be a set of three. and in Regrowth, it only LOOKS 'normal' because the other two-- Scarlet and Saoirse-- never made it to where they were supposed to be.
but their roles and abilities? those haven't changed. they're still who the Dream fashioned them to be. they fill the holes in the Commander's leadership, seeing all the blindspots that Pirkko can't.
if they were working together, that'd be great. therein lies the problem, though; they're not working together. at all.
the two people who were meant to be the Commander's most trusted allies instead become her deadliest and most effective enemies for all the same reasons. everything that would have made them the perfect team make them also the perfect enemies, and the end result is a clash so catastrophic it nearly ends Tyria all on its own.
and it takes the entire dragon cycle for them to finally figure that out.
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character dragon! Delphi from Windrose Everlasting!
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sweetfirebird · 9 months
Prompt for Lieselotte on Patreon who asked for Azar/Bernard. This is probably not what you wanted, like, at all, but this is where they are at in my head… in fact, they are still kind of here. Azar’s eventual attempt at directness (at the end of this summer) almost doesn’t matter because it was the outcome she kind of expected by then. Bernard is clueless but he was not actually the problem here. (He was the problem later when he kept trying to help Azar in a way that would only work if she hadn’t been controlled by her parents. Anyway.)
Content tags: age difference (but it’s one-sided at the moment). Think teen with a crush. Zazzie, my pet. You are a child. Uh. Also, Azar’s parents (offpage) consistently and constantly undermining her even when they aren’t there. Dramatic teen behavior but totally justified and valid feelings. Body issues. My poor little rich girl. :( uh. Spoilers for His Mossy Boy and Treasure for Treasure.
m/f, in case anyone didn’t know that going in.
“There you are, my gorgeous queen. You only had to ask.” Bernard’s low, warm voice was audible even on the landing, where Azar stopped to listen and quickly check to make sure the hair around her bun was smooth.
She took a step to peer down the stairs to where Bernard was dusting and speaking to the house. Of course, it was the house. She didn’t know why she’d thought anything else, no matter how briefly. Bernard loved the house. Azar’s family had a claim on it, stronger than anyone’s except the one who had built it, but to Bernard it was his house.
He never said that, not to them, anyway. But he said it to the house all the time.
Azar put a hand to the banister, which was smooth, well-polished wood that gleamed in the morning light. Probably preening for Bernard. If any house could preen, it would be this one, and it certainly wouldn’t do it for Azar.
“Going to have you looking exquisite.” Bernard was practically cooing. “There will be no complaints.”
Bernard didn’t use a feather duster to dust. He said it just spread dust around. He used soft, clean cloths and went through the house room by room on a regular schedule even when he was the only one there. He didn’t wear a uniform. He wore jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers, even when Azar’s parents were around, and after only one attempt, her parents had given up trying to make him. Azar wished she knew how he’d managed that.
He had somewhat wild hair at the moment, shining like the banister, and metal in his ears and leather cuffs at his wrists. Those were new or he didn’t normally wear them where Azar or Zarrin would see.
Azar continued down the stairs before he could look up and see her watching him, tugging one last time on the hem of her red shorts when it felt like it was riding higher than she would have liked. After the disaster of her arrival last night, she’d wanted to look better—more put together.
She didn’t like flying. Thankfully, no one in her family had caught on to that, but her fears plus turbulence had left her shaken. She’d had days of exams and studying before then, which she’d been grateful for at the time since they’d meant she’d had that to focus on and not her impending summer at the mansion. She never knew what to feel about the place where her parents sent her and Zarrin when they didn’t want to deal with them. She loved the woods. She liked the house. She loved her brother. She hated that she was sent there because her parents were not proud of her. And Bernard was there.  
She’d seen him first thing as she’d gotten out of the car. Bernard had been on the porch with Zarrin, already home… well… home was what the mansion was to Zarrin. Like Bernard. Azar was merely there, but they were home.
She had been a sleepless disaster: hair in a drooping ponytail, tired eyes, hungry because she hadn’t eaten on the plane, her study materials in her arms while the hired driver got her bags. Bernard came forward to take them, in a band shirt with rolled up short sleeves that clung to his biceps.
The driver had been trying not to show his fear of dragons but Azar had smelled it most of the way, distracting and uncomfortable, and made worse when the driver stepped away from her before she could thank him.
Then Bernard had said, “Studying already?” with a disapproving glance down over Azar. “It’s your summer vacation.”  
A cloud of something had taken over Azar for those to be his first words to her in months. She’d walked past Bernard to greet Zarrin, and told him she was tired and wanted to go to bed, then left them both there, staring after her.
She was no kind of valedictorian, she had reflected later. She’d been rude and stupid just because she was tired and Bernard had… it didn’t matter. She was determined to do better now, anyway.
She kept her book in one hand at her hip, because she did need to study to get a jump on next year and stay ahead and at the top, but she kept the title facing out in case Bernard happened to have read The Cherry Orchard and might want to talk about it.
She had a pencil case with her highlighters in her other hand, and tapped her rose-red fingernail on it before she controlled her nerves. Her polish matched her lipstick. She’d only done a hint of eye makeup, not wanting to seem too obvious, and chosen a simple necklace of small gold chain for the same reason. Her earrings—hoops as large as she dared—were less subtle but she thought they went with the twist of her bun.
Without her parents around to see, she’d put on clothes borrowed from her roommate, red shorts that rested high on her thighs, but her roommate insisted Azar had the legs for them. She’d almost put on a tank top, but then worried about her chest. Flat was fine for a dragon, but might not appeal to others, so she’d thrown on a loose, long-sleeved shirt with thumb holes at the cuffs that she’d cut in herself—another piece of clothing she never wore around her parents. She was casual and comfortable and elegant. Last night might not ever have happened.
The staircase gave her away and creaked beneath her tennis shoes.
Bernard looked up.
Azar’s heart pushed against her ribs and was nearly consumed by the fire inside her. A shock went through her all the way down to her toes and she worried she might trip, and then that she might blush. She could never seem to be cold-blooded how she was supposed to be, and wouldn’t forgive herself if it happened to her now, with Bernard gazing up at her as she came down the stairs.
“Oh, it’s you, Miss Azar,” he said, and Azar felt herself slow and then stop. Bernard hadn’t put down his dusting cloth. “I was expecting Zarrin to wake up first,” he went on. “He mentioned an early hike yesterday.” Bernard glanced over Azar much as he had done the night before. He frowned and then possibly smiled, but it was so quick Azar might have imagined it. “There’s no way your mother approved of those shorts.”
Azar glanced down without thinking. All of her tugging had not lowered the hem any. “I’m nearly eighteen,” she answered without thinking, louder than she’d meant to speak. “She doesn’t dress me.”
“Okay,” Bernard said, lifting his hands in a placating sort of way that he had no business using. “I take it from that, that you could use some breakfast.”
“Take it from what?” Azar asked in return, even louder before she caught herself and looked away from Bernard’s incredulous face. She realized a little too late what he meant and her voice crept higher again. “You think I’m upset because I haven’t eaten?”
“Don’t worry.” Bernard gave her a warm, crooked smile to go with his warm, friendly voice. Warm and friendly because he thought Azar was being irrational and ridiculous because she was hungry. “When I heard you were coming back this summer as well…”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Azar clutched her pencil case so hard it should have broken in two. “It’s as much my house as Zarrin’s.”
“Of course it is.” Bernard’s eyebrows came together. Then he bent down to set his dusting cloth aside before he straightened back up. He cleared his throat. “I was just letting you know that I made some Brioche for your French toast.” Her French toast, the recipe with the Brioche and orange peel, honey, and cinnamon that Bernard had discovered in his first years of figuring out how to be a housekeeper. Zarrin liked it but Azar had loved it. Bernard directed another brief smile her way, sending more lightning through Azar’s nervous system. “I got berries and cream too. I can make simple pancakes to satisfy Zarrin but you always did have a sweeter sweet tooth.”
Azar stared at him with eyes that almost felt like they were burning. “Yes, when I was a child.”
She was only one or two steps from the bottom of the stairs. One or two steps above him, and then another one or two steps from where he was standing. Close enough for her to see the quirk of his eyebrow and the way he pursed his lips.
Because he thought she still was a child. Or just childish.
Azar drew herself up, although she was not a large dragon. “I don’t eat that anymore. I’ll have oatmeal.”
“Oatmeal?” Bernard was absolutely astonished. “You loathe oatmeal.”
“No, I don’t,” Azar insisted. Then, uncomfortable with the lie, added, “I have it every day at school.”
“Because that’s what they serve.” Bernard stared at her while his eyebrows came together again. “That’s why you hate it. You said so last year.”
“I’m surprised you remember,” Azar returned immediately, crossing her arms and then uncrossing them because the pose gave away too much.
“Oh yes?” Bernard answered with a hint of the attitude that he gave to rude delivery people, or anyone in town who stared at him, or, occasionally, Azar’s parents. But she barely had time to notice it before Bernard sighed and gestured loosely at something. “Is this how it’s going to be this summer, Miss Azar? Just like winter break?”
Miss Azar. He never called Zarrin Mr. Zarrin. Azar was the only one who got that nickname. She’d used to think it was done out of fondness, but it clearly wasn’t. Bernard was mocking her.
And why shouldn’t he? Zarrin had hobbies and interests. Azar didn’t have anything but a room full of books hidden under her clothes so her parents wouldn’t worry about her wasting her time on novels. She didn’t know what Bernard thought of them, but he definitely knew about them. She shied away from the memory from a few years ago, and how she’d been heading outside to hike and read, and a novel had fallen from her bag and Bernard had been the one to pick it up; a thick paperback from the library, the cover red and pink, with a human woman with a large, heaving breasts in the arms of a tall, dark-haired human man. The title had been A Rake for the Duchess.
Azar would have to study all summer to stay at the top of her class. She wouldn’t go anywhere or do anything. She wasn’t permitted to travel during school breaks, and she had no license, so she couldn’t even drive into Everlasting. She’d half hoped Bernard might teach her if she could get a permit in time. But now she decided bitterly that he would probably think she’d needed a car seat.
“Is what how it’s going to be?” she demanded with all of that on her mind. “I can’t imagine we’ll have much interaction.” She raised her chin. “I don’t mingle with staff.”
Bernard’s mouth fell open and he took a step back. He swallowed, then narrowed his eyes. “Is that what you’ve learned at that boarding school they made you go to?”
“What do you care?” Azar nearly hissed it, and shook to think of what she must look and sound like. Probably flushed and loud enough to wake Zarrin. She was nearly eighteen. Her parents had already started to introduce her to other dragons, hoping for a match because they didn’t yet realize…. Azar took a deep breath and made herself quiet and haughty the way that other dragons liked. “Never mind. I won’t bother with breakfast. I’ll just have coffee.”
Bernard’s voice went flat. “You hate coffee.”
“Coffee is perfectly fine,” Azar the dragon said and descended the rest of the stairs. She went past Bernard without looking at him, although there was frustration in the air. She could taste it.  
“I have the kitchen set up for your tea,” Bernard said, not evenly. “You want your tea.” He didn’t ask. He got that way sometimes. Certain. It was probably elf magic.
Azar briefly stopped but still could not look at him. “You don’t know me as well as you think you do. No coffee either then?” She raised her head but didn’t meet his eye. “I’ll prepare it myself.”
“That is my kitchen.” Bernard had no problem facing her, or in snapping at her, dragon or not.
But Azar wasn’t much of one. So she said what her mother would have said. “Then do your job.”
Of course, Bernard wasn’t intimidated by Azar’s mother. What he could be was hurt, and Azar had hurt him. She could not have done this worse.
She brought her gaze up to Bernard’s eyes, as warm as the rest of him, though a gentler heat than the fire inside Azar. “Sorry,” she said quietly and pulled her book to her chest. “I’m going out. I don’t know when I will be back.”
She had hurt him, but Bernard stopped her again. “You need to eat. You had no dinner either.”
Azar almost pulled her lower lip in between her teeth, but then remembered the rose-red she’d stupidly put on her mouth. A blush did nothing for the feeling in her chest. “You don’t tell me what I need.”
“Forgive me, your majesty,” Bernard said, tricking Azar’s heart into pounding even though Bernard had to be talking to the house. “If Miss Azar wants oatmeal, then I will prepare oatmeal.”
Azar was so hot she shivered.
He didn’t mean it. He was being condescending because he knew Azar really did loathe oatmeal.
“I’m not hungry,” she answered at last, as frostily as she could with her fire like this.
“Azar,” Bernard began, taking a moment before speaking again, “did you not want to come home?”
“Home?” Azar echoed softly, barely audible even to herself.  
“Maybe,” Bernard was still halting, finally uncertain, “you got a boyfriend and didn’t want to leave him? A girlfriend? I suppose it’s about time you started doing that. I guess I just don’t think of you as old enough.” He laughed a little.
Azar looked up.
Bernard stared back at her, stunned silent. By what, Azar didn’t immediately understand. She just gazed back, wishing she’d never come here. Then she saw why Bernard was staring. There was gray smoke around her.
Gray, as if Azar hadn’t given enough away already.
“Azar….” Bernard tried. “Did I… do something?”
“No.” Azar was beyond blushing, beyond hot. She was about to explode, nearly out of control, like a child. “No, it’s nothing. Never mind.”
And Bernard only stared, a frown forming as he considered Azar’s childish display.
If it would have made a difference, Azar would have apologized, but there was no way to do that without telling him everything. How very silly he would find it. He would be embarrassed for her, the rude child. The dragon who could not even… her parents were right.
“I have to study,” she muttered, not allowing the word she wanted most to say to pass her rose-red lips. Then she turned and was out the front door and running for the safety of the trees.
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gawrkin · 9 months
The power of dragons
Looking back to the previous souls games, dragons seem to have always been associated with storms.
The dragon weapons (other than the uniques like Priscilla's dagger and ol' Moonlight) seem to be using wind-based attacks:
Drake Sword, Dragon Greatsword, Dragon King Greataxe
Curved Dragon Greatsword, Drakewing Greatsword
Tailbone shortsword and spear
With Elden Ring, it seems to have come full circle with dragons being the primeval lightning wielders.
With the existence of "dark" lightning/Bolt in the Gael fight, I wonder if Gwyn's lightning - and lightning miracles in general - was more of a "Theft of Fire myth" situation.
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
i love y'all so much :' )))
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royalreef · 1 year
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       Meanwhile, she is still waiting for some dashing knight to come by, her true love, to sweep her off her feet and take her away and save her!! To go someplace far, far away where she can live happily forevermore! Someone has to still be holding out for a hero, and Miranda is all too happy to fit that bill.
#Glory and Gore || IC#The rumor mill || Dash Commentary#(( PRINCESS SEEKING DASHING KNIGHT TO SAVE HER FROM HER TOWER. ABILITY TO SLAY DRAGONS NOT OPTIONAL.#(( fuck i still have so many thoughts about miri's knight fantasies#(( namely. yeah sure fucking would be apt that someone who feels like she has no control over her situation and nothing she can do#(( would want someone who loves her regardless and doesnt care about the hard and awful details#(( and will some and take her away and it doesnt matter if she cant save herself because they'll be there for her every time#(( but also in terms of#(( miranda and how she's. the princess and the dragon.#(( how much miranda fantasies about this because ironically she believes herself already tainted and impure#(( that Something Isn't Right with her and she's a failure and a disappointment#(( that she's not the perfect prize that the princess in the tower should be#(( how this makes her want a knight to save her all the more#(( she's a princess under a curse of everlasting sleep. all the good parts of her are hidden away where even she cant see them or touch them#(( all the good parts are nearly dead and all that's left are thorns and scales and flames and a cold body barely breathing#(( and she wants that to be true. she wants someone who can wake up that part of her. someone who can end this nightmare.#(( she is very desperate and very scared and wants beyond a shadow of a doubt for hope. any hope.#(( she doesnt deserve a knight and goodness but she does want a knight and goodness and she doesnt deserve love but she wants love#(( this is even funnier (in a painful way)#(( because miranda will. push away muses that feel ''too good'' for her#(( because she doesnt feel like they understand the danger at hand nor understand HER#(( but she still has to believe in the knight. everything is lost if she doesnt believe a knight is coming for her#(( she just wants to go home but the only home she knows is this tower#(( anyhow GIVE MIRI MORE KNIGHT-THEMED MUSES TO INTERACT WITH
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johnhelliwell · 2 years
Short haired Wayne is the most cursed thing ever
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evervita · 4 months
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Fontaine is such a beautiful country. The rolling hills of green grass and the ever expanding ocean was a sight to behold. That wasn't even including the architecture, which was a marvel in itself. Perhaps if Magnolia ever had the mind to stop her travels and settle down, Fontaine would be the place she'd choose.
A bit outside the Palais Mermonia, the woman encountered an injured girl... who was very clearly not human. She had been told about the race of beings known as the Melusines, but she had yet to speak to one of them.
It was a mere scrape to her skin, but Magnolia would help her all the same. Gently pressing a hand to the scrape, it knit back together quickly and without pain. In awe and gratitude, the Melusine insisted on taking her to 'Monsieur Neuvilette' for a reward.
Despite her trying to politely decline, it's why they were standing in this spectacular building, waiting for the Iudex of Fontaine to be available. The Melusine said he would be nice to her, but Magnolia couldn't help the bead of nervousness that settled in her belly.
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