#the entire day every time i heard a door slam or someone run down the hallway i was flinching
billowyy · 4 months
#i had a training today about how civilians need to act in active attack situations#and a school shooting that happened here a few years ago got brought up#the entire time the cop that was leading the training was really respectful about everything except during this one part#she said that it took some cops 6 months to a year to be able to return to duty after what they saw that day#which i respect and all that bc that shit is traumatic at fuck#but she didn't say shit about the students having to return#like i'm pretty sure the students had a week or two before the school opened again but they had to go back so fast#to the place where it happened#and she basically just dismissed that#i'm sure she didn't do it on purpose but it really fucking bothered me and hours later it still is#and there were probably at least one or two people in the room who went to that school and were there on that day#that training was really hard#we had to watch a video of this teacher from sandy hook talking and jfc man#a lot of us were trying not to cry for a lot of it#shit's fucked but all of us in that room work with kids so it was really hitting hard for us#it's forced me to think about what my experience was on the day of that local school shooting which is always really difficult#i was in high school and my mom called me while i was walking to the bus stop#and told me that there was an active shooter at this high school about 30 mins away#so i went to school that day knowing there was an active shooter at another high school so close to mine#the entire day every time i heard a door slam or someone run down the hallway i was flinching#it didn't really sink in how close that was to me until i got to college and started meeting people who went to that school#today's not a good day and i'm glad it's almost over
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ratskcoreddie · 1 year
finish what you started
(bully!eddie x fem!reader)
introduction: eddie had always been so mean to you growing up and had been getting progressivly worse with the coming years. now a senior you celebrated your last homecoming at a party you unwilling attended. you just hoped you wouldn't run into the man you dreaded most. [WC: 10k] this started as a request but developed into this monster. it wasn't really proof read and is all over the place but i really love it. check out the request @honeybelle99 sent here!
tropes: enemies to lovers. porn with plot. oblivious to love.
warnings & tags: 18+, bully!eddie, fem!reader, slight angst, self doubt, strong language, suggestive language, swearing, drinking, teasing, smoking, sexual tension, dominance, eddie is mean in a teasing way, nicknames, eddie being a simp, confessions, intoxicated sex, unprotected sex, this isn't proof read.
parings: bully!eddie x fem!reader.
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you shouldn’t be here. you didn’t like parties in the first place. it was your boyfriend that had convinced you that you deserved a night out after a successful homecoming at hawkins high. it had been a long busy week for all the students and apparently now it was time to “let loose”. there were parties being hosted everywhere throughout the small town but the real rager was being thrown at steve harrington’s. anyone who knew someone, who knew steve, got in. it was why you had an invite. 
you yourself didn’t know steve much, but you had been a victim of his long time best friend, eddie munson. that awful man doubled as your sworn enemy. 
class of ‘86 had grown up together from pre-k to senior year. eddie had always been a year ahead of you until recently when he was held back. you dreaded that he had been pulled from graduating. the first three years of your high school career the asshole would pick on you. you thought you would’ve been free by now but you had underestimated his laziness and his determination to make every day for you living hell. you hated eddie munson. you hated how he treated you and his peers, how loud he was, how confident, you despised him. you couldn’t believe you still had an entire semester to go. and in the spring? you would be required to walk the same gradation stage as him. 
his sadistic personality towards you was awful. each of his actions had become a blur but you loathed the recurring events the most. between classes he would slam your locker shut in your face just to hear you let out a pathetic whine at him. he’d pick on you at lunch time by pulling you to the side and saying the most vulgar things in your ear. after a few sentences you would lose your appetite and he’d steal your lunch. always casually walking away with a statement of “love that i can count on you, babe”. in shared classes he would steal your answers or convince you to let him borrow your notes (only because he needed to copy them for a test).
besides the thought of his looming presence, the party was grand. there were jocks running up and down the stairs with paint on their bare chest, girls were on the kitchen counter letting strangers do body shots off of them, trashy red solo cups littered the halls, and you heard someone announce that ‘king steve’ was about to take on an entire keg by himself. grand it was, the environment was still to busy for you. further deducting you to someone who absolutely did not like parties. to make things worse the taste of liquor on your tongue wasn’t muffling the impact of the overstimulation one bit. 
you took another shot before you moved to the back door of steve’s home. you made an exit hoping to catch some fresh november air. regain your composure before going back inside to bum a ride off of anyone. your boyfriend had been missing in action for over an hour. pulling open the door gave you a sense of relief, as you pushed it shut the sounds of the crowd muffled. you took a step out onto the grass. it helped that this new environment was quiet, better yet, it lessened the chances of bumping into eddie. 
so you thought.
you should’ve known you would’ve found him there. eddie wasn’t a fan of parties either due to his social class. he was sitting under a tree across the yard with a freshly lit joint in his mouth. you watched him from a few feet away. his sudden presence had made you wish to turn and run from him. he lifted his head slightly at you and gave you a sick grin. you could only stare. it was just the two of you in the dark yard. how reserved you both were from the rest of the student body made chills run up your spine. rumors weren’t sparse when it came to the devilish boy and he was always such an asshole to you at school. because of his behavior, a feeling of dread always sat at the bottom of your stomach. you couldn’t help but wonder if what you overheard was true. you had to face that reality being alone with him. part of you grew excited at the thought of being able to lash out at him now that he didn’t have his friends or a crowd of onlookers to perform for. the idea of giving him a taste of his own medicine pumping adrenaline through your body. 
he grinned like a cheshire cat. his eyes sparkled at you under the moonlight. eddie continued playing with the joint between his teeth, rolling it with his tongue every once in a while. “what are you doin’ out here, sweetheart?” he laughed at you. “get lost looking for someone..?” he paused, “or were you looking for some trouble”. the lighter he must’ve used to light his smoke was dancing between his fingers. light from the moon was reflecting off of the silver as it sparkled. the object looked so small in his big hands.
you were quiet on your feet as you walked closer. you watched as the once seated tall dark figure moved to stand. he was just a shadow when you spotted him from the backdoor but as he moved the light of the house illuminated him. it wasn’t on purpose that you found him, it was more like fate. your curiosity urged you to find out what he was doing at the far end of the backyard. your mind raced as you began to think of what to say to him while you both slowly inched closer. before you even had time to think he was in front of you. he crossed his arms and snapped his lighter shut. you jumped. the action made him chuckle at you. the sound was low and from the depths of his chest. he puffed out his chest. 
you puffed your chest back and glared at his nonverbal teasing. you thought you had caught a glimpse of nervousness on his face at your actions but that couldn’t be true. the two of you stared at each other for a bit. you couldn’t tell because of his hard exterior but eddie’s heart began to race. he had been drinking throughout the night too and being intoxicated always made his brain a little hazy. “hi, eddie”, you barked at him. 
he liked the way you said his name in that tone. it was why he always pried and picked on you. you noticed his suggestive glance as he looked you up and down. a predatorial glint was swimming in his eyes. he wouldn’t ever admit it but he was hoping he would see you tonight, and god he was so glad the stars aligned. you were wearing a cute outfit. a swallowing brown patterned sweater on your frame, and hip hugging blue wide cut jeans. a jacket that was lined with fleece to keep you warm sat rested on your shoulders while your big boots tied the look together. eddie never understood what came over him when you were around but it was almost like you boosted his testosterone levels. the need to have dominance over you was astounding. he felt overly confident.
his adrenaline mixing with the alcohol in his body was dangerous. 
“hi, pretty girl..” eddie bent slightly down to your eye level with his words. as he moved he puffed smoke out of the corner of his lip at you. you swatted it out of your face and coughed away from his direction to shield your embarrassment. after you had regained your posture you looked up to find the man leaning over your frame and laughing.
“hey!” you jabbed him in the chest with your finger to warn him to back up. he didn’t move an inch. “you’re such an ass, eddie. i wasn’t going to run away from you and give you the satisfaction this time. i wanted to be nice”. he giggled, “oh, baby i'm so so sooo sorry i’ve ruined your plans of being nice to me” he teased. “you wanna start over, doll? we can try again. promise ill be good for ya this time”. he smiled stupidly while standing up straight and waiting for your next greeting. his irises were dark and shielded by his eyelashes as he stared.
“i.. what are you doing out here?” you questioned him instead of offering a greeting like he thought you would. “oh, now you’re interrogating me? can i remind you that you were the one that walked out here and to me? i didn’t even have to whistle you over here”. he said the last statement as if you were some pet to him. “no, i'm not interrogating you, eddie. unless there’s something you shouldn’t be doing out h-...”, your words slowly died on your tongue as he raised an eyebrow and pulled the lit joint away from his damp lips. he laughed at your speechlessness, your body tensed. 
“mhm”, he let the lit smoke fall to his side as his fingers pinched it tight. “wanna know a secret?” you slightly nodded. “i think you wandered out here to me because you’re nosey… you wanna know what the town's misfit gets up to when he’s not picking on his favorite girl, baby?” he gave you a wolfish smirk. you sent him a death stare at his gross pet names. “oh, don’t look at me like that, you know i love when you’re all pouty for me..” eddie lifted his hand to take his third or fourth drag of the night. 
“god, you’re so gross. i'm so glad i won't have to hear your stupid insults when you leave next semester..” you tone was a whisper though you meant it. eddie acted overly insulted. “oww, words hurt, you know? it’s really rude to say something like that to someone that’s been such a constant in your life”, he smiled. you pushed a flat palm into his chest with as much force as you could muster. “oh so it’s fine for you to call me names?? but as soon as i do it your act crumbles?” you knew he was being sarcastic with his comment but it set you off, you continued, “i hear it almost everyday, ‘baby’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘doll’, and what about your favorites huh? ‘whore’, ‘slut’. what about those words, eddie?” each vowel you said was a blow to his chest. he stepped back from you but not before he grabbed your wrist to stop your assaults. he pulled you into a close proximity with his burning grip. 
eddie had subtly and secretly pulled his hand holding his joint away from you, careful not to inflict a burn on your delicate skin. he would hate himself if he caused an accident like that but he didn't let his tenderness for you shine through his knives of assertion. “hey! you watch it!”, eddie growled at you. his tone almost shut your body down. you could tell he was mad now. “i only call you a whore because you deserve it. always fucking sucking face with your piece of shit boyfriend. i think you need the judgment. maybe if i keep it up i’ll see it less and less, hmm?” you cowered under his gaze and trembled in his grip. “oh i know why you came to find me now, you wanted to get me alone so you could take it all out on me didn’t you? wanted to give me a taste of my own medicine”. eddie read your mind. his grip loosened on you but you didn’t dare move. “whatever … an- and.. he can’t fucking kiss you anyways, such a slob with you”. he mumbles.
eddie didn’t elaborate his statement but he let it linger. it hung in the air over the both of you as he glanced at your lips. you caught him but he didn’t care, he studied them. they were damp with your hot breaths in the cold, almost winter air. he was breathing in what you were exhaling. he could smell your pretty perfume and shampoo. you felt your heart begin to race and your cheeks heated up the space between your bodies. he couldn’t shy away from his own doing the same. you wiggled against him to shift your body weight onto your other foot. he didn’t like your struggle. you felt him move his own feet with yours, eddie’s big boots boxing you in even more. you felt his hard metal belt buckle dig into the side of your hip. his cuff of his leather jacket was cold on the exposed skin of your wrist he continued to hold.
eddie smiled childishly at you. the new expression was something you hadn’t seen from him before. you moved your chin down to avoid his stare but as you pulled away, he just as easily let your wrist go and instead gripped your chin. with his thumb and pointer finger he held you. you fought to keep your eyes away from him to the best of your ability. eddie huffed, he pinched your face harder. “look at me”, as soon as you did you wished you hadn’t. his look was determined and sultry. his bangs framed his face messily. you had never been this close and his features were easy to get lost in. he was pretty, which was such a huge inconvenience for you to realize now that you were alone, it was dark, and he was this close. “don’t go shy on me after having that burst of attitude. c’mon you wanna give it to me? then give it to me, baby”. 
your thoughts raced back to your boyfriend. you shouldn’t have been talking with eddie like this. you pulled away from him and turned your head back to the sliding glass doors of steve’s house. they looked so far away. when you looked back at eddie your eyes were wide. you noticed his tongue twirling the joint between his lips. waiting for a response from you. you dared to indulge. his gaze fell to your lips again. his cheeks burned red when he felt your stomach slightly bumping into his own. you stole a look at his lips like he had moments ago. you watched him nervously wet his lips. your cheeks blushed even deeper. eddie smirked at you and tested the waters of your new expression. he stuck out his tongue further and licked his sharpest canine tooth. you were mesmerized.
your stomach flipped. you wondered what he was thinking. “what do you know about kissing?” you blurted out without thinking. eddie coo’d at you “i know far more than your stupid boyfriend, i guarantee it.” eddie said with confidence. he crossed his hands over his chest, now that space was granted between you. you mirrored his actions and your forearms grazed his. you shrugged his suggestive gesture off. you were certain he was just bluffing. his rough exterior surely scared any girls he tried to smooth talk away, as he had tried many times with you. 
but now you weren’t scared, now you were looking to pick a fight. you decided to ignore his comment about his kissing skills to avoid yourself from growing more hot. this conversation could easily take a more suggestive turn if you urged him on, and you weren’t going to let him win the stand off. you wracked your brain for ways to shut him down before speaking again. your next sentence tried to change the subject, but it definitely fell short.
“you’re right. he’s a shit kisser, but that’s none of your business and you don’t have to be mean about it.” the drinks you had doubled as truth serum. he whined pathetically at you, “wasn’t trying to be mean. if anything you’re being mean to me for a change.” you frowned, “seriously?”. “yeah, you told me i'm ‘such an ass’ and then started hitting me.. don’t think i deserved that. you’re so cold hearted, you know?” he giggled.
the playful banter you shared made you both smile. the absurdity of your dynamic was so dramatic. the buzz was hitting your system hard and he was right there with you. you watched eddie as he bent down at the waist to grab his almost empty beer off of the ground. he must’ve been babysitting that while outside by himself. when he raised back up he tilted his head back and drank the rest of the can. you watched his adam’s apple bob up and down while he chugged the golden liquid. a bit fell from the corner of his lips and down his throat. you watched as it dripped down to his shirt collar. when you reached the edge of the garment you noticed a tear. under the rip was his sharp collar bones. his pale skin contrasted against the darkness. you noticed a dark inky black line through the split of the aged t-shirt. it peeked at you. when he was done eddie dropped the can. 
when he connected your eyes to his quicker than you could register, eddie noticed you watching him intently. the fresh liquor in his system gave him another boost of confidence. he stepped to you. the distance between you two closed just mere inches between your bodies in a now comfortable silence. his frame was large, his body casted a shadow that consumed you. you had always thought there wasn’t much of a height difference between you two, but now you weren’t as sure. no matter the inches and centimeters you tried to think about, the numbers didn't help to busy your brain. you knew even if there was a large difference, eddie was sure to make you feel small under him in anyway. that's how it has been your entire life.
you watched his left hand raise between your bodies and to his lips. still holding onto his darling joint. he submitted to placing it once again between his teeth. the hot cherry on the end was slowly dying because of the icy outdoors. you blushed as he caught you stealing another glance at his lips. you seemed so intrigued by him now, not angry or upset. eddie realized you weren’t just looking at his lips for no reason. the tension he craved was there. the tension he thought he would never be a witness to snap. he was always so desperate for you to see how badly he wanted your attention but it was hard for him to express his feelings and he knew it was even harder for you to catch onto his rude ass behavior translating to him flirting. he didn’t blame you for hating him after all these years, he hated himself for it.
your attentiveness caused his body to ignite. you wanted something more now, and he so desperately wanted to provide anything to you. he wished he could read your mind to know what you were thinking. his eye contact didn’t budge from yours as he slowly pulled his lighter back out of his pocket. when his fingers couldn’t quite grab a hold of it his eyes trailed away from yours and down to his jeans.
“fuck.” he grunted.
you felt frozen. the vulgar word was said in just a breathy whisper, it gave you goosebumps. not in a bad way like before, just different. he grabbed his lighter and put it between the two of you. his tone was gentler because of how close he was. making sure that you would know he wasn’t directing the term towards you and instead the inconvenience his overly tight pants were causing him.  his hot breath brushed over the sparked flame putting it out and in its path you felt it on your cheek. he clumsily tried to light it again. 
after the constant spin of the wheel and the strain of his hands, his actions snapped you out of your daze. when you realized he was trying to spark a flame. you let out a sweet giggle. eddie looked at you before watching you take the lighter away from him. he gave you a glare while you continued to laugh at him softly. it was directed at him but he didn’t feel spiteful like he usually did when people laughed at him. eddie craved to have you laugh at him, craved to be the sole reason he heard that sound fall from your lips. 
he was so soaked up in each of your expression  as you moved in front of him with his lighter in your hands. eddie left out a small grunt when his fingers lightly brushed against yours. he wouldn’t have caught it himself if you hadn’t pointed it out, “stop whining, let me help you”. he willingly let you take it into your hands. he was quite possessive over his belongings so him letting you just snag his lighter was a very big deal to him. the contact of your hands made shivers go down his spine. 
his hands were warm compared to yours. the only contrast was his cold rings. in one motion your small thumb sparked the flame of the lighter. he looked back up and your eyes met once again. eddie motioned his hand to take it away from you as he nodded appreciatively, but gave you a confused look when you wouldn’t give it back. you swatted his hands away. you held the lighter in your right hand. the flame burned. you moved your vacant left hand onto his lips slowly. your palm touched the bottom of his chin while your cold fingers pinched the joint out of his mouth. your fingers lingered on his lips longer than they should have.
in an instant eddie’s confidence shattered. he let your motions continue as he was stuck watching you. his cheeks burned a brighter red then the flame. you gave him a smirk as you placed his joint between your lips. successfully stealing it from him. you tasted eddie, the damp end was sweet but there was a touch of beer that laced the end of it. your hands cupped the flame while relighting the smoke for him.
you snapped the zippo shut. his jaw dropped. 
eddie watched you spark a bright red cherry between your lips with your lungs. you inhaled the smoke easily, and pulled it away from your lips. eddie turned away from you to avoid your eyes, he was flustered. his jeans tightened around his groin. he tried to not think about your soft, plush, lips that stole his joint. he felt you pull his chin back to face you with your index and thumb, just like he had previously. your hand on his face startled him, your touch was cold. he almost let a sigh leave his chest, but he held it back. you moved in just a bit closer before a big cloud of smoke left your throat and puffed into eddie’s face. the boy began coughing while you laughed. when the cloud cleared you noticed eddie hadn’t really moved away from where he stood. he liked how close he was. you pulled the joint away from your mouth while looking into his eyes. you spoke in a sultry whisper, eddie barely heard you.
“you know, you really shouldn’t be smoking these. kills your brain cells.” you said softly. “oh, yeah? and what do you know about smoking?” he teased. “far more than you’d imagine, munson. I guarantee it.” you mocked his earlier jab at you about your boyfriend.
your comment reminded eddie of the conversation you previously shared. he gulped, lost in thought while he watched your hand raise back up to your face. you inhaled deeply, the musky taste of the plant covered your tastebuds. when you exhaled you turned your face away from him. eddie was in a daze. his eyes trailed up and down your features. you turned your face back to his, luckily you didn’t catch him that time, he would’ve died of embarrassment. your faces were a little more than inches apart. 
he wished he could have the strength to get closer. to really close the distance. this wasn’t like him. he never dared to come onto you intimately, scared of rejection, and he definitely never expected you to have the courage to stay so near. after he had been tearing you down for years it was surprising. he always knew you were strong willed but this was another level. he didn’t know if you wanted to get to know this eddie munson. the eddie he hid from everyone, the eddie that he acted like a hardhead because he had to. now he couldn’t be mean as he melted at your soft gaze. the poor boy had imagined what he would do if he ever ended up in a position like this with you. on several occasions it was after a long week of classes, in his own bed with his hand between his sweaty thighs. 
his blissful stare gave you the confidence to speak again. you had no clue what came over you but you decided to be alluding. it could’ve been the mood that you two found yourselves wrapped up in. or the unspoken tension. you knew this was bad. your boyfriend that hated eddie more than you was only ten or so feet away, partying in the house behind you. you weren’t the only victim to his constant bullying and degrading speech. and in the stance you were both in if anyone caught you it could be horrific. 
you threw your cares to the wind and continued.
“i like smoking. keeps my mouth busy.” you whispered looking at his lips and taking a puff. eddie paused. all of the blood in his body rushed south. you watched him try to gather himself. his stomach was in knots at your words. he almost short circuited when he realized you were being even more suggestive than before. you were blatantly flirting with him. a growl left his throat. his head lolled to the side. his neck was exposed again. 
your eyes traced his neck with curiosity. you wondered if he was sensitive there. what it would be like to lick your tongue up and down the veins bulging out. he looked down at his hands to avoid your glance. you eyes followed. you watched him clench his fist till his knuckles went white. his sparkly rings glistened under the light the moon supplied. he quickly shoved his hands in his pockets. fighting the urge to reach out and grab you. that's when you saw how his already bulge hugging jeans were swollen. you averted your gaze embarrassingly. you didn’t know he was this easy to get worked up. when you looked back up at him. his shoulders trembled and he let out a deep breath. the whites of his eyes glowing as he closes off more distance between you and him. his voice was drawn out in a low mumble, almost strained. his whispered in the vicinity of your ear. chills rushed down your spine as his grunts made your tummy turn.
“you’re fucking killing me, sweetheart”, he almost moaned. “i bet i could keep your pretty mouth busy all night. even better than your boyfriend”. eddie coo’d. “...you think I'm supposed to believe you know a lot about girls and their mouths, munson?” you mumbled around the smoke. “i’d love it if you’d let me show you…” he paused for a brief moment.
eddie moved his right hand and opened his palm to touch you. his fingers wrapped around to your jawline. his hand was massive when it fully surrounded your face. his touch was slow and deliberate. his rings were cold, the metal almost stung your face. his fingers danced across your features with purpose. eddie’s thumb touched the bottom of your face. your movements followed his direction. his index finger met your top lip and his middle tugged on the corner of your mouth. your lips stayed closed anticipating his next move before you realized he was pinching the smoke out of your mouth just like you had done to him moments ago. you were stunned. 
eddie was tugging at the joint with his delicate fingers. he giggled at how easy you were, but before letting go of the joint with your lips you stared up at him with your eyes. he watched you intently. your cheeks went hollow as you sucked on it and inhaled one more hit. eddie had never been so jealous of a joint in his life. you watched eddie’s eyes slowly roll into the back of his head at your actions before he closed them. he shamelessly moaned. your chest tightened at the noise. the cherry of the joint burned a bright red as he released it from you. 
eddie rushed to inhale the remnants of your taste with his own hit. you both had reached the last of it. he turned his head away kindly to exhale the smoke but his eyes stayed fixed on you and your lips. his fingers flicked the ash of the smoke onto the ground and stopped it out. your eyes sparkled at him. you hummed a soft note innocently before he reached his hand back up to your face. his grip was stronger this time, like how it had been when he was mad at you. eddie moved his fingers from your cheek to the bottom of your lip rudely. his thumb pulled at your bottom lip. you drooled onto his fingers as he blew smoke into your throat. 
he exhaled, you inhaled. 
it tasted like eddie. he felt your spit on his fingertips before he released you. your bottom lip wetly snapped back in place as he dragged his thumb downwards. his eyes stayed fixed on your plump slobbery lips as his irises burned with the smoke rising. he could think of thousands of things he wanted to do to you and your pretty face. his fingers remained on your chin. holding your face towards him.
“oh, you're gonna get me in a lot of trouble. i just know it.” he purred. “why’s that?” you questioned.“...don’t tell me you forgot about your boyfriend already, baby?” he paused.
you heart stopped. the way he called you baby now made your thighs clench together. he smirked as your cheeks glowed red. the strain you two had been sharing always calmed eddie down. it seemed to have the opposite effect on you. all your senses were heightened as it buzzed in your body. your mind was on overdrive. you wanted eddie bad. but as quick as you realized you needed him his hand left your chin. the touch lingered. it was electric. you lost yourself in the moment. your eye’s closed before you let out another soft hum and giggle. the strain turning all your nervousness into making you loopy. eddie raised his eyebrow at you, questioning your motives. you realized you hadn’t answered him. 
“y– yeah. you’re uhm…”, a pause, “right. i should get back to him. don’t want him finding out about this.” you whimpered. “uh-huh, that's right, baby”. eddie laughed at you.
your body stayed still. he brushed some of your hair out of your face to get one last look at you. the quick movement brought you back down to earth. he stared, no, began glaring into your eyes as you looked at him with a fucked out expression. he was leering at the sight of you. his gaze was filthy. you gasped as he experimentally traced his fingers on your skin. his touch started at your lips where he had played before, but he didn’t stop there. he moved his big heavy hand down to your jawline, and then your neck, and onto the collar of your sweater. his touch barely danced on your skin. he listened as you whimpered when he moved one finger down the center of your chest and then it was snuggled onto your hip. 
his grip was needy and harsh. it resembled how your lousy boyfriend would paw at your hips when he wanted something from you. the difference was your body willingly moved with eddie’s grip. you were basically throwing yourself at him. his hand moved under your sweater. his touch was cold on your warm sides. half of his hand stayed fixed on your skin, the other on the waistband of your cute jeans. he didn’t want to seem too eager, but his grip was tight and aggressive. he pulled you into his chest by your waist and your arm gripped onto his big shoulder that was guarded by his leather jacket. his head was almost buried in your neck at the soft sudden embrace he whispered in your ear.
“you should really get back to him. i think it would be better for both of us if i left. what do you think?” he whispered. you couldn’t think. the only thing that was on your mind was eddie and how he was holding you. he infiltrated your thoughts. you arm tightened around his frame. physically begging him to keep you here. he listened to you whimper into his chest at his question. you felt his jeans tighten on your thigh. he whispered into your ear again, 
“fuckkk, sweetheart… you making those pretty sounds for me? barely even touched you”, he teased. things were moving too fast. you slowly broke away from his grasp to ground yourself. he looked down at you with consolidating eyes. if this continued on you wouldn’t know what could come of it. you both weren’t very sober either. your cheeks were almost purple as you looked up at him with a hazy stare. he smiled. you just nodded. scared of what you might say next. 
he figured you pulling away was his cue to leave, so he started to walk back towards the house. the foot of distance that was put between you two helped cut the tension. you couldn’t tell but under his skin he was a mess. eddie was secretly glad that he had a few too many drinks and a joint. he wouldn’t have been able to face you like that otherwise. he heard you let out a small sigh with your exhale. your hand that was holding him fell to your side. 
truthfully he tried walking away. but he felt your eyes watching his back and the idea of moving forward without acting on his fantasies was enough for him to suddenly still. your eyes followed his movements as he turned around. the next actions were fast. his big arm moved past your head and grabbed the back of it. with you in his control it allowed his other hand to wrap around your throat and constrict. the feeling of the tingles caused by the weed mixed with the overstimulation from his touch made you delusional. he listened to you whimpering in fear as he imposed on your personal space again. he let out a devilish chuckle. he opened his mouth slowly to say his next words. they came quickly but you spoke before he could.
“you’re s–” he was cut off. “do you want to kiss me?” you choked out.
eddie paused, the soft question seemed so innocent. he knew that if he did kiss you he wouldn’t be able to stop himself soon after. it would be long and messy. he also couldn’t promise that he could fight off the urge to do more to you. he put some reasoning into his own head. it was totally irresponsible to kiss you right now. you both were standing in a vast open yard, intoxicated, and not in the best headspace. it was the drugs and liquor talking, not you, no way you wanted this. he had to shamefully admit, if he was gonna kiss you and make it count now would be the best moment. 
he felt his cock stiffen as he watched you purse your lips. his mind wandered to how you would feel wrapped around him like that with a pretty pout and puff kissed lips. he wanted to know what you would do if he pushed you up against his body and embraced you fully. he wanted to sloppily lick up and down your neck and hear the noises he could spawn from your throat. his eyes consumed your mouth as he processed what his next move would be. he had thought about this moment just hours before steve’s party. your eyes looked so sparkly as a blush crawled up your neck and onto your cheek bones as you waited for his answer. you wet your lips with your tongue. knots were in his stomach. 
he grunted, “shit.. it doesn’t matter how bad i wanna kiss you”, he paused, “and it doesn’t matter that i think you're the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen. this wouldn’t work. i’ve been such a dick to you. you deserve better than someone like me”. you thought that was funny coming from him considering how much eddie hated your boyfriend.
his eyes continued watching the mouth he desperately wanted to kiss before you started to speak. “tha-..”, he glared at you before raising his index finger onto your lips. he applied a little pressure. he watched as they pushed out and around his finger. he smirked while shushing you. he thought back to how you looked with your cheeks hollowed out sucking on his joint again. his soft hands felt so good on your face. you weren’t going to fight him on this, you never wanted this moment to end. 
before you could stop yourself your lips opened slightly, inviting him in to play with your tongue. he groaned as he felt you kitten lick his finger gently. he didn’t pull away. his dick was sore with how much you two had been teasing each other back and forth. he fought every urge to shove his index down your throat to really feel it. he continued talking to you. his tone was mean and messy, laced with dominance. you loved this eddie, you didn’t care that he was mean. 
“.. shhh… you really do love keeping that mouth busy don't you…”, he teased, “i was right about you being a little whore..  hmm?” eddie raised his eyebrow at you. pulling his wet finger back onto your lips. he played with your top and bottom lip slowly before he adjusted his hand. his thumb was pushing at your bottom lip, testing if you were gonna welcome the other digit into your mouth. you stuck your tongue out fully at him. he placed the pad of his finger onto the wet warm muscle and you took it into your mouth. you looked at him with eyes that put him in a trance. you were successfully distracting him from pulling away from you. he tasted like all the things you loved about a man, but it was uniquely eddie. warm, salty, and a hint of beer he must’ve spilled on his hand earlier. sucking on him slowly he moaned. 
“oh. fuck. me.” whining between words. he watched you for a second before trying to speak again. “do you… do you really want this as bad as i do?” his face was so close. you watched his chest rise and fall as his breath invaded your space. you smelled the musky combination of liquor and smoke on his tongue. he looked longingly into your eyes waiting for you to say something. you continued to play with him. you must have stood in silence for far too long because eddie spoke for you. his tone was heavy. you watched his lips move with his words. while his fingers toyed with yours.
“baby?’ he asked. you just nodded and sucked harder.
he giggled while rotating his soaked thumb on your tongue. “hmm, what’s the matter, that sweet mouth of yours doesn’t wanna be so mean anymore does she? poor thing. how devastating, i love hearing your pretty noises.. and whines… and pouts. you just need something to fill you up, don’t you?”. eddie clicked his teeth in dissatisfaction as your tongue continued to play with his salty finger. you shook your head at him like a child. telling him you didn’t wanna talk and would rather do this. you were scared of what you would say anyways. the man smirked at you before moving closer to whisper something in your ear. as he spoke softly you reminded yourself this was your sworn enemy. never did you think he could make you so hot. never did you think you would let something like this happen.
eddie was fully in control as he spoke to your empty mind. when his lips barely touched your earlobe you could hear his breath. it made your head spin. that was the closest he had been to you. you felt his hot exhale on your neck. his tone when he said his next words were laced with evil. “tell me, what is it that you want out of this? i can tell you’re touched starved.” his breath grazed your ear again, his lips fell to your jaw and he kissed you there. “mhm,” eddie groaned. “your boyfriend isn’t taking good care of you and your mouth is he?” eddie paused. “because if he was, i bet you’d have way less of an attitude with me all the time.”
this was a dangerous game you two were playing.
you moved your hands between your bodies. the tip of your finger grazed the hem of his shirt and slightly pulled it up. you felt the path of hair that guided you into his pants. eddie winced at the action. he pulled away from you slightly to give your hand room to slip into his waistline. you looked down at his jeans, realizing he was about to pop the zipper on them. you wished it was a bit brighter so you could see exactly what he was packing. there was really no need because you could feel him in your hand. he groaned into the skin of your neck and started leaving messy open mouth kisses in his wake. when you curved your hand just right he whined. “ohh… fuckk”. 
eddie grabbed your hand away from his body and instead rushed to pick you up. you yelped and giggled as he drug you back to his bestfriends house. “what.. what are you doing, eddie?” he let out a gruff laugh. “finishing what you started”. his boots stomped on the ground as the pitter patter of your own soles tried to keep up with his. when you both had arrived back inside the party was in its last stage. he rushed you through the doorway and then into the kitchen. bodies were passed out on the livingroom floor. cans were both empty and spilled all over the stairs that eddie was leading you up. there was a door that had a sock on the doorknob in the hall that led to the guest bedrooms of the large home steve and his absent family stayed in.  
he threw open a door to a room he knew wouldn’t be occupied because steve always kept a room reserved for eddie and robin when they stayed over. as he manhandled you he slammed the previously open door and pushed you against it. he looked into your eyes. “..this okay, yeah?” he huffed. his chest raised quickly anticipating your answer. “ye-..”, the reassuring words hadn’t even left you before he was swallowing them down. 
eddie forced the searing kiss onto your lips while he groaned. it was all tongue and teeth as you both fought to taste each other. he grabbed you cheeks to keep you steady while he studied each curve and imperfection of the lips he had always wished to kiss. he traced his tongue though your crevices. you were everything to him. he had secretly been starving for this very moment since he had a sample of your taste from his damp joint you bummed. your spit teasing him. 
though he was rough with you his hands were gentle. he held your face softly and pawed at your hips. it was easy for him to maneuver around you and unbutton your jeans. you were both so desperate, but eddie was pathetic. he was whining and moaning while grinding against your thigh. he pulled away with a soft bite on your bottom lip. he lifted you up by the waist and carried you from the door and further into the room till your back was met with the guest bed. he grabbed your ankles as you fell back and pulled your pants down just enough to where he could see the tiniest bit of your panties.
eddie bites his lip softly, smiling to himself. he had been wanting to get you into this position since the beginning of his toments. eddie crawls up your frame as he slowly pulls your jeans completely down. his arms wrap around and spread your thighs. your head unwillingly fell backwards. the muscles of your neck strained. you felt him leave a gentle kiss on your covered clit. it wasn’t much, but it was enough to drive you insane. he laughed with his face close to your center. his hot breath so close gave you another sensation of how crazy this was. eddie teased you with his fingers over the fabric making your thighs clench together around his head. blocking his view and slowing his moments. 
“ah.. you keep those legs open or we’re stopping… been thinking ‘bout this too long.” he hooks his strong arms around your calves. he forces you into the position easily. eddie wasn’t being dramatic. he had been dreaming about this for years and now he wasn’t gonna let you move an inch. you let him hold you. 
you hated him. you loved this. 
you cupped your hand around your mouth to try to stay quiet. as soon as you did, eddie raised over you and pulled it away harshly. he laid your palm flat and open over your head. “none of that either.. talk to me, doll. let me hear you…” he demanded with a sultry tone. “yes, eddie..” you nodded and then he kissed you. the kiss this time was softer and laced with feeling. 
“that’s a good girl… such a good girl”, he murmurs the words to himself as he makes his way back down. “your boyfriend ever do this for you baby…?” eddie possessively played with the hem of your panties while purposely teasing your lips. you answer him with a small whine. “..no..”, you lean forward to watch him. he grins at you like a devil. eddie slides his fingers under your panties, rubbing your slick around your mess. “oh god.. you.. you were this wet for me while we were out there talking weren’t you?” all you could do was nod. he slowly hooks his fingers onto the straps of your panties and pulls them off to expose you to him fully. his breath hitched, you heard it. the damp fabric moving from your hips down to your thighs and past your ankles makes you roll your eyes back and instinctively buck your hips towards him. as your panties had moved down, his lips now moved up. a kiss on your ankle, a harsh bite on your inner knee, a wet suck and pop of his lips on your inner thigh. 
“gonna make you feel so good, you’re gonna feel so good cause of me, baby. no one else, m’kay?” eddie opens your legs wide again so he can indulge himself. he grunts as he gets a good look at you. he kisses your exposed clit and sucks deeply. his eyes roll back at the taste. soft, messy sounds start to fill the room from your dripping wet pussy and his sloppy tongue. you could subtly hear the grind of his hips against the spring mattress. his tongue worked in firm circles on your sensitive nub, followed by gentle slides of his up your tummy in tender touches.
“god, you soaked through your panties, pretty girl”. you whined above him, unable to answer his statements. you watched him as he collapsed your worn garment into a bundle in his free hand, he stuffed it deeply in his back jean pocket. “gotta save that for later so i know i'm not dreaming…” eddie growled from deep in his throat. the overwhelming and confusing feelings made you reach for him. he giggled and stuffed a finger into you while continuing to lick his flat tongue up your center to savor your dripping arousal. 
the air was filled with the smell of sex and the sloppy sounds of him drinking you down. he worked you open for him. he was silent as he catered towards his own needs and fantasies, still not fully comprehending that you were wincing under him in pleasure.  when he felt your walls clench around his fingers and your pants grow even shorter, eddie began to talk you through your finish. “does that feel good, sweetheart?” his hips rutted into the mattress, hard. the prospects of getting you off was getting him harder than he had ever been before.
though eddie was so fucked out, his mean demonor didn’t stray far away. he slowed his movements just to hear you cry out for him. when you looked for an answer to why he was slowing down, he smirked at you. you watched through your lashes as he flicked his tongue just right and in a dreadfully slow curve. “taste so.. fucking.. good”, he said to himself. then he harshly slapped your clit after your hand had fallen back over your mouth to muffle your moans. “ahha!” you cried. “what did i say? answer me.. feels good, doesn’t it?”. “yes.. yes feels…ah… really good.. don’t stop. please. don’t stop.” you whimpered for him. his chest grew warm, his tummy turned. 
he whispered his words while kissing your clit “mhm… wasn’t hard was it? all i needed to hear, baby.” he continued his faux attitude while you cried for him. he was close to falling apart. he had to be dreaming. eddie moved his fingers over you in an agonizingly slow manner, while he day dreamed. as he mindlessly day dreamed of all the things he could do to you tonight he heard you cry out for him to give you more. you didn’t have to tell him twice. he picked up his pace once again. you trembled, a moan stuck in your throat threatening to rip through you. you couldn’t hold on anymore. your entire body shakes for him as your breath leaves your lungs. his name is a constant curse of how good he could make you really feel. the way you moaned for him was making his cock unbelievably hard. you can feel his devilish smile againsts you as he furthers his torture and fucks you through your first orgasm, not daring to slow down for you to catch your breath. his hips continue to chase friction from the mattress.
a massive tidal wave washes over you. the sounds of your hot cunt leaking for him and down his fingers make him leak through his pants and onto the bed with his own pre. the relief you feel brings tears to your eyes as you cum harder than you thought was possible for a person to. your dripping hole clenched around him like a vice. it continues to suck him back in, he’s not ashamed to give your greedy pussy more.
“eddie! ahhha.. eddie!” you scream out from overstimulation. your needy tone surprises him so he quickly slows down his pace. he calms you. eddie places hot kisses on the hollow spot between your hip and thigh. after he sucks your skin a deep purple eddie sits up a little. he’s letting go of your legs, and placing both of his hands on the top of your thighs. he grips the doughy skin gently to ease your tingly body. the tenderness of his actions allows you to come back down to earth. you look up at him over you. as you made eye contact eddie pulled his shirt off of his chest. his hands worked on loosening his belt buckle. he was so handsome like this. “you’re handsome..” you mumbled in a drowsy state. 
“you.. you really think so..?” he blushed a deep maroon while you hummed when he collapsed onto you. he raised slightly to help you take your own shirt off. he moved desperately. “need to feel you..” he pulls you into a searing hug. skin on skin. eddie raises your back to arch for him before he pops the back of your bra undone. you whine at how efficient he was with it. “eddie..” you whimper. he pulled the garment off of you as he raised himself up. he threw it somewhere into the room with the rest of the now growing pile of clothes. 
then he was working on his jeans. he clumsily moved his knees back and forth to rock out of the tight restricting pants. your hand must’ve made it’s way to his lower tummy while he undressed. he pulled the band of his boxers down and he let his swollen cock bounce free. it slapped the back of your hand. you both moaned at the contact. his tip was bright red and dripping. eddie whined as he grabbed his base. he got a serious glint in his eyes as he let you take it and guided it down to you.  “you think it’s handsome?” "y-yeah," you nodded, sounding a little hoarse. 
you sighed a little at the feeling of him letting you run it through your folds. he was huge and bigger than anything you had ever taken. he grabbed your hips to keep your body from running from him, or worse pushing him into you when he wasn’t composed at all and risking hurting you. he insulted your past experiences to make himself feel better about the fact that he was forsure going to bust early. “never had a dick this big?” he teased shyly. his false confidence died when you looked at him with need. oh, he was so fucked. he had already been so on edge while playing with you using his fingers.
he bent at the waist and kissed you again, right when you least expected it. you felt his hips pull away from your slightly. he whispered “..you.. shit.. are you ready?" he asked you, but it sounded like he was stalling.
karma's a bitch and you were tired of waiting. you were going to win this standoff. the break between your last orgasm and now allowed you to catch your breath. with a huff and a whisper into the shell of his ear, you teased, “are you?”. you broke down all his walls with those two words. "baby… oh baby.. fuck i've been ready for this for years," he choked the confession out breathlessly before plunging forward and filling you with his cock in one smooth motion. eddie shivered as he pressed his hips up to yours, moaning weakly and so completely in love. his eyes were shut tight and his head tossed back in concentration.
when he regained his composure he fucked into you like he was crazed. he grabbed the back of your thighs and threw you into his cock. back and forth. his pace was relentless as he started moving his mouth a mile per minute. just like his hips. “i don’t deserve this. always been… so mean to you and.. you still wanna give me this sweet pussy? god, you’re gonna make me cum, sweetheart. i’m sorry i'm already gonna cum.” he was rambling while he lost his tempo. eddie pulled your legs onto his shoulders as he rotated his hips deeper. he popped his finger in his mouth and licked the digit before he laced it between your bodies and started working on your clit. “it would be really mean.. of me to not let you.. cum again. and.. ahha- fuck.. i need to feel you cum on me. please”. 
your legs trembled, your walls sucking him in deeper. “yes! yes! just like that, baby”, he grunted in your ear. “eddie ohh.. god.. im gonna cum. im gonna cum!” you felt him shake over you while his hot breath painted your neck in a allowed dampness. he bit your neck to suppress his needy whines. he chanted your name but not before dropping an absolute bomb on you. 
“fuck… i love you, always loved you. and i love this pussy shit..” you hardly caught his confession as your orgasms both teetered on the edge. “gonna fucking fill you up, fill my good girl up.. you want that? fuck give it to me… i need it. i need you...” you nodded your head with haste. “give it to me, eddie. please.. you can cum inside me..” both of you crossed the finish line together as the waves washed over you. eddie’s entire body shuddered. his grip his rough hands had on you was so tight there was sure to be evidence that this wasn’t just some sick dream tomorrow. the way your nails had clawed against his back and forearms branding him in the same way. he felt both of your liquids gush around his cock as he slowed his pace and grunted. he didn’t wanna pull away. eddie was too scared of what your reaction would be to his afterglow of the best orgasm he had ever had. not to mention the embarrassment of his loose tongue.
after a few moments of silence he slightly moved so he could look into your eyes. you had a dumb smile on your face. eddie accepted the humiliation and grinned back. he stayed buried inside of you. only adjusting to see you better in certain moments. you allowed his words from earlier to ring in your ears. he looked at you with pure devotion wondering who was going to address what he said first. 
“so-“ he started. 
“we-“ you said at the same time. 
“you.. uh.. you go first.. please?” he nervously bit his lip while adjusting the warm blanket you two had found yourselves wrapped up in. he moved his face to yours. “no.. how about you finish what you started”. 
the boy could only slowly blink at you. oh how the tables had turned.
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villain-enthusiast · 4 months
The hero knew they'd be found one day.
So they weren’t entirely surprised when they were ambushed in their house, drugged, and dragged off to the enormous castle that they used to call home. But their anticipation didn’t stop the dread from pooling in their gut as they were tossed, unceremoniously, onto the ground.
They stifled a groan, flexing their bound hands behind them as they tried to shake off the last of the sedative in their system. Someone grabbed the scruff of their collar and yanked them up to their knees before pulling down their blindfold.
They blinked several times at the ground, squinting through the sudden change in light. As their vision cleared, the marbled pattern of the throne room's floor came into view and they involuntarily stiffened.
Fuck. That voice. The cold, cutting power laced in every syllable, the venom in each word that had haunted the hero's dreams for years, even after they escaped. Or so they thought they did. The hero's mouth went dry.
They kept their gaze trained down, hearing the guards behind them leave and close the doors with a harsh, resolute click.
Silence stretched between the hero and the villain, who sat languidly on the throne in a grotesque show of vanity. Of pride.
After a moment, the villain sighed. "So you thought you could get away."
The hero swallowed, hard. "I guess I was just playing hard to get." They hated how unstable, how hoarse their voice was.
The villain chuckled dryly. "You, my prized possession, the greatest weapon I've ever had the pleasure of crafting, were just playing hard to get." The hero heard them shift in their seat. "I'm sure that's a fantasy you'd love to be true, but I knew you'd run. Did you really think I haven't dealt with this before?"
"Guess I thought I'd get lucky." The hero looked up then, to stare the villain straight into their eyes.
The villain held their gaze and smiled, flashing teeth. "Unfortunately, even the most precious treasures are always found at some point." They tilted their head, brow furrowing. "Come here."
The hero did not move.
The villain tapped a finger, and an invisible force pulled the hero taut, dragging them towards the foot of the throne. They grit their teeth, knowing better than to struggle, but hating the agonizing memories that flashed through their head of when they used to fight back, of what the villain was capable of beyond simple commands.
"I see you've grown into disobedience after so many years," the villain tutted. "That's certainly fixable, but what I want to know," they dragged a hand through the hero's disheveled hair, who shuddered at the familiar touch, "is if you still remember what I've taught you." Their touch suddenly turned sharp as they grabbed a fistful of—
The hero's body reacted to the pain before their mind did, and they kicked their leg around, slamming their foot into the villain's forearm. Apparently they still remembered a thing or two.
They landed on their stomach, panting as they faced the wide expanse of the gilded room before them. The villain crouched down beside them, placing a boot on their back and squeezing the air from their lungs.
"Look at you. You could've had all this," the villain hissed in their ear. They grabbed the hero's chin, forcing them to look up. "You could've been by my side, sitting with me on the throne. But you chose to run and try to become someone who could overthrow me, the very person who created you. You are nothing, nothing, without me."
For the first time since they've been back, fear struck the hero deep in their heart. "Please," they breathed, and immediately realized their mistake.
Begging was a weakness. A crack in the boulder. An infection in a festering wound. And the villain saw it all too well.
"Forgiveness," the villain murmured, honey-sweet, "is for the traitors. Punishment is for the cowards. Which one do you think you are?"
As the villain's hand tightened on their face, the hero closed their eyes, knowing the question had already been answered for them.
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stevesjockstrap · 5 months
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Odds Are
Based on this post or Eddie gets his hand stuck in the Family Video return slot… and Steve finds him.
read on ao3 • rated T • cw: mention of injuries
Slamming his van door, he hurried through the parking lot towards Family Video. He knew they were probably closed but he needed to return his rental. Eddie was very high, but not as high as his late fees.
Getting to the front, he yanked hard on the obviously locked door.
“Fuck!” He looked around, remembering Wayne saying something about an after hours returns slot.
Finally locating it on the side of the building, he peered at it, crouching down to see how it worked. It was just a metal flap that opened into the building. He frowned. Was there a soft landing for the tapes? A pillow? What if the tape got damaged and they charged him for it even if it wasn’t his fault since he was just using their shoddily designed returns slot? He couldn’t afford to replace this tape. He was here because he couldn’t afford another dollar late fee.
Stomping around the parking lot, he couldn’t decide what to do.
He pulled his trusty D20 from his vest. Crouching down again by the wall, he rolled. A three. Well. That wasn’t hopeful.
Deciding he could hold the tape and try to get it as close to the floor as possible, to lessen the chances of breaking the case or tape, he rolled again. Fourteen. Good enough for him. He wrapped his hand around the tape and slid his hand through the slot, leaning in with his shoulder so most of his arm was through, and he finally let go when he couldn’t push inward anymore.
Grinning when he heard a soft sound from the other side, he pulled his arm back. But then winced when it didn’t come out.
“Fuck!” His rings were caught on the other side.
Wiggling his fingers and yanking his arm back did nothing but send sharp pains through this hand. Clenching his jaw, he decided he had to stop. He couldn’t lose his fingers. He needed them to play his guitar and D&D and there’s no way he could jerk off left handed now, it would be miserable.
Settling back on his heels, he craned his neck and looked around. Every other building he could see was dark. There were no cars in any of their lots and of course no one else was out at this time of night. Wayne was at work. He wouldn’t miss him until tomorrow.
He felt his chest clench with panic as he realized he was stuck here forever.
Or at least until someone came to Family Video.
“Am I going to be stuck here until morning?” He whispered to the D20. He closed his eyes and rolled.
Cracking one eye open, he checked. A fifteen.
Managing to get into a somewhat comfortable position with his legs under him but not yanking on his fingers, he leaned against the side of the building with a sigh. At least it wasn’t raining. His eyes widened and he looked up at the sky suspiciously.
“Is it going to rain?” A four. He sighed again in relief.
Scouring his pockets one handed for things to entertain himself, he somehow managed to not die of boredom over the next few hours.
Something jolted him awake, and air pushed out of the return slot at him. Someone must have unlocked the front door. Before he could decide what to do, he heard a ‘holy shit’ from inside.
“Woah man, uh, are you okay?” Steve fucking Harrington was suddenly standing beside him. Could this day get any worse?
“Yeah, just um, returning my rental. Making sure it got here safely. Your death trap here is a little much, don’t you think?”
Steve blinked, eyebrows coming together for a second before he smiled and held back a laugh. Eddie bristled. “Usually people don’t stick their entire arm into it. Oh! Let me go, uh, get you out. Sorry, I just saw a hand and freaked out. Stay there!”
“As if I could run away, asshole,” he grumbled.
There was an odd sensation of pressure on his hand yet everything was numb.
“Don’t go anywhere, come inside and let me make sure you're okay.” Steve was talking to him through the open metal door, after releasing his hand.
He slipped his arm out and may have let out a very manly scream when he saw his hand. It was nearly blue and his fingers were swollen.
Finding himself in the back room of Family Video with Steve Harrington fussing over him hadn’t even been a blip on his radar of how this day could’ve turned out.
“Keep it below your heart, so the blood flow can get back to it, you know, easier. I think it’ll be okay. Once it’s not blue we can do an ice pack for the swelling.”
Eddie peered up at him. “They giving out medical degrees at Family Video now?”
Steve anxiously grabbed the back of his neck and looked around, “No, but I’ve, uh, gotten myself injured a lot recently. So-“
“I’ve got a lot of personal experience being a human punching bag, myself, actually,” he snorted. He’d heard about the Byers thing, and the fight with Billy.
Steve groaned but he got to watch the blush rise on his cheeks, bringing out his freckles. Oh.
He decided to try to hurry this along, shaking his hand around and flexing his fingers to try to get feeling to them. However, the feeling that came back first was pain.
“Ow, oh fuck,” he hissed.
“Time for ice, then,” Steve suggested.
He watched him open a small refrigerator in the corner and pull out a soft sided ice pack, wrap it in a towel and bring it to him. He looked embarrassed for some reason, and shrugged a shoulder when he helped settle the bundle in his open hand.
“I get migraines. Since- well, for a bit. So. The ice pack helps sometimes. If I catch them right.”
Eddie watched him closely as he rambled. “You’re a lot different than I thought you’d be.” The words tumbled out as they usually did, without much thought.
“Oh yeah?” His eyebrows shot up adorably.
He was really enjoying this attention from this new and improved Harrington. He sunk back further into the couch, easing his sore hand back. “Yeah. Why are you being so nice to me? This isn’t very King Steve of you.”
Steve winced and he instantly wanted to take it back. But he shrugged, throwing his entire body into it. “Im not him anymore. I’m trying, really trying, to do better. Robin helped a lot.”
Eddie frowned. The only Robin he knew was, “Robin Buckley?”
Steve’s demeanor changed completely, excited and almost bouncing on his toes to explain, “Yeah. She’s awesome. We’re best friends. She got me this job basically. After the whole Starcourt thing,” Eddie watched his face close off at that, “we, uh, we’re really close.”
He felt like his entire world shifted on its axis. Sure, he’d seen them at the mall at Scoops and he knew they both worked here, but… best friends? He was also pretty sure Robin Buckley was gay. Did he know? Was he okay with that? Would he be okay if he knew he-
��Holy shit,” he covered his face with his other hand and the ice pack dropped to the ground. This was too much.
“Are you okay? Are you gunna hurl? Eddie?”
“I’m okay, I’m just…” He shook his head again, rubbing across his face. When he looked back at Steve, he found him crouched in front of him, inches away really, holding out the ice pack for him. “Thanks,” he breathed. He wanted to trace his finger over the freckles and moles and scars across his cheeks and down his neck.
After Steve deemed his fingers safe from danger, he unfortunately really had to leave. Steve held the front door open for him, a cute little smile on his face.
Throwing his van door open, he stopped and looked back into the video store. Steve was standing behind the counter now, and raised his hand to wave at him. He waved back, dazed.
Patting his pockets, he found his D20.
“Do I have even a microscopic chance?”
He cupped his hands around the die and shook it, letting it drop into the seat. A nat fucking twenty. He blinked. He had to get to school. But he was hours late already.
Leaving the door hanging open, he ran back inside.
“Hey, uh, Harrington, you ever been to The Hideout?”
@spdrgwen @eddiethehunted @callmeloverr
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The Boy is Mine
Pairing: EddieMunsonxReader
Request: I had one in mind where the reader and eddie are high school sweethearts and hes a big rockstar now and they just had a baby and they hire a nanny for a few days cause they need to go to meetinfs and tours and stuff and she notices the nanny is eyeing eddie and flirting with him but he doesnt pay any attention to it and one day when the reader hears them talking and the nanny crosses the line eddie throws her out and the reader confesses she struggles with her body after the baby and they make love? :)
18+ Only!
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You swayed back and forth gently, soothing your sweet son to sleep. The door was cracked just enough that you could see your husband in the living room of the suite, chatting with Sara, the nanny. You silently seethed as you watched her once again hit on your husband. She gave him her most demure smile, resting her hand on his forearm and laughing lightly at something he’d said. To Eddie’s credit, he seemed completely oblivious to the fact that she was hitting on him all the time. 
It had been Eddie’s idea to hire the nanny after you had Jax. Between meetings and late night shows, you needed help. Eddie wanted you at everything. He insisted that his best girl cheer him on every night. So, he figured the nanny would be the perfect solution. She could do the late night feedings so you could sleep after the concert. She could watch him so you could attend meetings with the record label, the tour manager, and the media. Eddie valued your input and he wanted you there to hear everything firsthand so you could give him your honest opinion. 
You appreciated it but you hated watching someone else take care of your sweet baby boy. And now, seeing that she wanted to take care of your big boy too was about to send you over the edge. You hadn’t said anything to Eddie because you knew how he would respond. He would tell you that you were overreacting, that everything was fine, that he would never cheat on you. You knew that but it didn’t mean you enjoyed watching some girl hang all over him. 
Sighing, you moved to Jax’s portable crib, tenderly laying him down on his back, stroking his cheek with the back of your hand. He was so beautiful with a dark head of hair and full lips just like his father. But you could see yourself in there too, in the curve of his nose and his eyes. He was the perfect blend of the two of you, the product of your infinite love for each other right there for the world to see. 
“What the hell!?” you heard Eddie yell, your hand stilling as you paused to listen. “Absolutely not! What the fuck is wrong with you!?” “I just thought…” began Sara but he quickly cut her off.
“You just thought what? That I would throw away my entire life? That I would ever cheat on my wife? You need to get your shit and get the hell out. You’re fired.”
“But we’re all the way in Minnesota!?” shrieked Sara loudly. “How am I supposed to get home?” “I really don’t give a shit,” snapped Eddie. “Just get your shit and get the hell out of my face!”
“Eddie, come on,” she pleaded. 
“No. You don’t get to fucking touch me like that. You’re here to take care of my son so I can enjoy time with my wife. My goddamn wife, Sara, who I have loved since high school! The fact that you even thought I would consider something with you tells me you’re delusional. Seriously, get your shit or I will have security remove you.”
You heard a choked sob and then the sound of the suite room door slamming. Eddie let loose a string of curses, a pounding following. He must have punched the wall. You stood, frozen in place, unsure of what to do now. He had to know you’d heard. He wasn’t exactly being quiet. 
“Darling?” he called, his voice gentler, softer now that he was speaking to you. 
“Yeah?” you replied quietly, stepping out, softly closing Jax’s door behind you, not wanting to wake him. 
“Fuck!” Eddie muttered, running his fingers through his tangled mane. “Can you believe her!?”
“Yeah, actually, I can.”
Eddie spun on you, shock written all over that beautiful face. “What? You’re not surprised that our nanny just grabbed my dick?”
You sucked in a sharp breath at his words, “I didn’t know she did that, exactly. If I would have known that, she wouldn’t have been walking out of here without a black eye to match that tiny black skirt she likes to wear around you so much. But no, I am not surprised. I mean, seriously Eddie? She’s been hitting on you for weeks.”
“She has?”
“Oh baby,” you mused, stepping into him, cupping his cheek in your hand. “It is so sweet how absolutely oblivious you are.” You pressed yourself into him, your breasts pushed against his chest. “Oh Eddie.” You batted your lashes and then covered your mouth, giggling like a schoolgirl. “You’re so funny. Your wife is so lucky. You’re so talented. I love watching you play.”
Eddie’s nose crinkled, his head jerking back, “She really did that stuff?” “Yes baby. I mean, can you blame her?” You laughed, shaking your head. “Look at you. Every single girl that comes to your shows wants a chance with you and who could blame them?” Your fingers gently danced along his forearm, up over his chest. “You are the sexiest man and when you put a guitar in your hands, well, no girl stands a chance.”
“But I don’t want any of them,” he stated as if it were that simple, as if that was just a fact and that should be the end of it.
“And I love you for that but that doesn’t mean they don’t want you.”
Eddie smirked, that sweet little dimple appearing on his cheek, his hands coming to rest on your hips, “And what about you? Do you want me?”
“Every minute of every goddamn day,” you breathed softly. “It’s hard, you know, watching all of those beautiful girls throw themselves at you all the time. It was hard watching Sara. I mean, she’s gorgeous. You’re lucky I trust you. I just had a baby. My body is definitely not what it used to be. But I know how much you love me.”
“Princess, you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me, inside and out,” Eddie spoke low, his lips grazing your jaw. “I don’t pay attention to any of those girls because they don’t matter. They can’t begin to compare. You’re all I want.”
“Eddie,” you sighed, tilting your head back as his lips explored your throat, his hands slipping under the back of her shirt, calloused fingers grazing your bare skin and sending a shiver down your spine. 
You gripped the bottom of his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against yours and he pulled back just enough for you to pull it over his head before his lips were on your again, his tongue parting your lips to meet yours. You moaned against his mouth, tracing the contours of his back with your fingers, the curves along his shoulder blades that you loved so much. The way they rippled as he moved, strumming his guitar in nothing but sweats in your room. You could watch him for hours, shocked and awed that this beautiful man was all yours. 
Eddie disposed of your shirt, quickly followed by your bra, nimble fingers making easy work of the clasp. Then his mouth was exploring your breasts, lavishing one nipple and then the other with that talented tongue. You arched your back, pressing yourself against his mouth, your hand tangling in his hair, your center aching, throbbing with need. 
“You are so goddamn perfect,” he whispered, one hand gripping the back of your neck as his other slid past the waistband of your leggings and into your panties. You were already wet from his teasing and his fingers slipped easily inside of you, pressed to the hilt, curling in that delicious way that had your legs threatening to give out from under you. “That’s what my girl wanted, isn’t it?”
You nodded, barely able to form a coherent thought, let alone actual words. Your hands clung to him, one still in his hair, the other gripping his bicep to keep yourself steady so you didn’t collapse to the floor. The muscles in your legs quivered as Eddie nipped at the flesh along your shoulder and collarbone before running the flat of his tongue along the side of your neck. 
A guttural moan from deep within you passed through your lips and Eddie growled, pulling your earlobe between his teeth. Your body shuddered, on the verge of completely losing all control. He brought his thumb up, circling your clit as his fingers moved against that sweet spongy place within you and a sound you didn’t even have a word for ripped from your body as everything in you stretched taut until snapping completely. You unraveled at his touch. 
“That’s it baby,” he praised, his hand on your neck the only thing keeping you from collapsing completely as you shook with pleasure. “You’re so fucking sexy when you come for me.”
As his fingers slid from you, his lips crashed against yours, hands pushing your leggings and panties down in one frenzied movement. You worked at his belt and then the button on his pants, pressing them over his hips and down his legs. Your lips never strayed from one another as he walked backward, bringing you with him to the couch. When the backs of his knees hit it, he sat down and you straddled his lap.
“Yes princess, I want to watch you ride me,” he murmured, eyes lust blown, one hand gripping your hip as the other gripped his cock. 
You lowered yourself over him, both of you moaning as you snuggled your ass against him, fully engulfing him within you. Jesus, there was nothing like the feeling of your bodies coming together, two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly. Sex with Eddie was just as exciting as it had been in high school, possibly even more so because you were connected on a whole different level. There was nothing you wouldn’t try for him and the two of you had explored a variety of things. There was a level of comfort that made everything so much more fun. 
Your hands held onto the back of the couch as you rocked your hips against him. Eddie pressed his face against your chest, his hand on the small of your back as his mouth teased, licked, and nipped at every bit of skin he could get to. Your head fell back with pleasure, hair cascading down your back. 
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart,” he mumbled against your skin, “you feel so goddamn good.”
You rotated your hips, forming figure eights and he cried out, biting his lip, fingers digging into your flesh. You knew how much that drove him crazy. You would rock forward and back, then move in circles, then figure eights, constantly switching it up and relishing every single sound of pleasure and surprise he made. This had always been Eddie’s favorite position. He wanted you facing each other so he could watch you and he loved letting you take control. 
“Baby…” you gasped, “I’m close again…fuck!”
“Me too, princess. Me too…don’t stop…come with me, baby.”
Reaching one hand between your bodies, you toyed with your clit, urging your orgasm on in an effort to give Eddie what he wanted. He brought a hand up, gripping your breast, pinching your nipple between his thumb and forefinger and then rolling it. It didn’t take much and you were ready to explode once again. 
“I’m gonna…shit…don’t stop…” he grunted, his hand on you losing traction as he came close to the edge. “Fuck!”
You felt his release fill you just as your own came crashing down upon you. Eddie’s arms held you in a vice, keeping your bodies pressed together as you both rode out the high. He shuddered, releasing a slow breath as his arms loosened. His hands came to cradle your face, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“I fucking love you so much.”
“Me too,” you murmured, pressing your forehead against his with a smile. 
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
hear me out… washing the impala at the bunker with dean when you’re bored. please and thank you 🫶🏼
literally rbed a gifset of him doing that exact thing earlier today. i’m feral for this scene {and the entire episode} so my brain is running wild rn hehe (also the quote from said episode, “i’m mostly confused” was one of my first handles on tumblr)
pairing: dean winchester x reader
You strolled around the bunker, frankly unsure what to do with yourself without the absolute urgency of chasing down some big bad. Not even a casual case had come up in a couple days, and you were growing a bit restless.
You finally ran into Sam after wandering for a while, catching him as he made a sandwich in the kitchen.
“Hey,” you greeted briefly, walking over to steal a piece of ham.
You chewed on it as he glanced at you with a quirked brow. He chuckled softly, then sighed.
“Hey,” he finally said. “You done eating my sandwich ingredients?”
“It was one piece of ham, Sammy.”
“Sam,” he corrected.
“I’ve been living with y’all for how long?”
He paused, then shook his head softly with a smile.
“You doing anything today?” you asked, hopping up on the counter.
He watched you for a moment. “Not really.”
“Ugh,” you groaned.
“What?” he asked, laughing.
“I’m bored,” you exclaimed. “We’re all cooped up, I need to… I need to do something.”
“I don’t know what to tell you,” he shrugged. “I’m gonna eat my sandwich.”
You sighed hard. “Where’s Dean?”
“Garage. I think he’s washing the cars.”
“All of em?”
“Probably,” he said with a smirk. “Go bother him.”
“Bother him? You think I’m bothering you?”
You scoffed playfully, hopping off the counter. You started walking away, but made sure to get the last word in.
“One of these days I’ll be long gone and you’re gonna miss me like crazy, Sammy.”
He smiled again, not able to get in a word as you left for the garage.
You heard music playing before you even got to the door, opening it carefully and walking inside. You saw him, soaking the impala in soap and water, just a black t-shirt and jeans.
At least he wasn’t wearing the short-shorts this time.
You let yourself watch him for a few moments, never not in awe as to how someone could look so good in a plain black t-shirt. Eventually you decided to stop creeping on him and headed towards him instead.
“Hey,” he said as soon as he saw you.
“Hey. You need help?” you asked, lingering near the hood as he wiped down the windshield. “And by that I mean, please let me help. I’m dying to do something.”
He smiled, nodding towards the suds-filled bucket.
“Grab a sponge.”
You picked up the other sponge from the bucket, wasting no time in scrubbing down the roof of the car. You both listened to the music, slowly but surely getting every nook and cranny of the vehicle. You were working on one of the back wheel wells when Dean grabbed your attention.
“Hey, trade-off,” he said, tossing a newly-wet sponge in your direction.
Unfortunately for you, he didn’t give enough of a verbal warning. The heavy sponge hit you in the leg, knocking you off your balance and making you land straight on your butt. You opened your mouth in a feigned offense.
“You dick,” you said, laughing lightly.
He laughed at you, not even bothering to help you back up. You scrambled up, slamming the sponge on top of the car and grabbing the hose. You called for him, stopping him from laughing right as you sprayed him with the hose, effectively soaking his shirt.
His eyes went wide, freezing in his motions for a few seconds.
“You little—”
He started after you, not stopping even as you started spraying him again.
“No!” you squealed.
He closed in, grabbing you and effectively trapping you against the car. He wrestled the hose from your hand, turning it on you.
“How do you like it?”
You screamed and laughed, trying to push him off. He was relentless, giggling with glee as he soaked you completely. You reached behind you to get the sponge, wringing it out over his head. Luckily for you, it shocked him enough to get out of his grip. Unluckily for you, he quickly recovered and caught up to you before you could get far.
“You’re not getting away that easy,” he muttered.
He grabbed you from behind as you tried running, pulling you into his chest. His arms wrapped around you, holding your arms to your chest. You laughed hard, trying to wriggle away.
“You’re so mean,” you yelled, his grip only tightening.
“Don’t start what you can’t finish,” he said into your ear, clearly proud of himself.
“Whoa,” you heard Sam’s voice. “Should I give you two some privacy?”
You stood up a little straighter, looking in his direction. Dean only slightly loosened his grip.
“We’re washing the car,” you stated as if he didn’t just walk in with fully functional eyes.
He merely quirked a brow. “You two look cleaner than the car.”
“She started it,” Dean said quickly.
You craned your neck to see him behind you, giving him a sour look.
“You threw a sponge at me.”
“You hosed me down.”
Sam nodded slowly, backing out of the room quietly to retreat.
“Not fair,” you said, almost smiling again.
“Very fair,” he stated.
“Let me go,” you laughed.
“No way,” he said, only holding on tighter. “This is your punishment.”
You smirked. “If you really wanted to cuddle this bad, you could’ve just asked, you know?”
“How much you gonna let me ask for?”
“Not much I wouldn’t,” you said, hoping this wasn’t crossing any lines.
He hummed, an obvious smile in his voice, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Apparently, he didn’t care much about a crossed line or two.
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livyjh · 9 months
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Temptation ch.10
Co-written with @fhatbhabie
No outbreak!Dbf!Joel x Fem!Plus size!Reader
Series Masterlist
Rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Summary: After breaking things off with your toxic boyfriend, you move back home with your dad. His best friend and neighbor, Joel Miller, takes an interest in you. But you’re the one who has to convince him to make the first move.
A/N: the drama continues!!!! Have fun reading ;)
Chapter warnings: family drama, mention of violence, yelling, crying, anxiety, mention of cheating, someone’s birthday!!, mention of work, sweating, risky car sex, oral sex (f receiving), gifts, spanking, date gone wrong, unprotected p in v (wrap it bitches), a dash of breeding kink, mention of lactation, I think that’s it??
Divider art by: @saradika
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“What do you want, Kendra?” Your dad said.
“I came to see my daughter. Is that so bad, Charlie??” She snapped back.
“It is when you flat out said you wanted nothing to do with her or me.” Your dad rolled his eyes.
You grabbed your phone and purse and pushed out the door. You heard your dad call out your name but you got in your car and drove off.
“Where is she going?” Your mother questioned.
“Kendra, get the fuck off my property.” Your dad seethed.
“News flash, this is my house too.” The car door opened and closed as your dad looked over and saw his old best friend, Will.
“Are you fucking serious??” Your dad yelled out. Joel walked out of the house and looked over, seeing that your car was gone and your mother was there.
“This is her house too, Charlie.” Will piped up.
“You not remember when I fucking caved your face in, Will?? Or do you need a reminder???” Your dad yelled out, making Joel run over and push your dad to back away.
“Don't do this. Think of Y/N. You think she wants to see you in jail? Or worse?” Joel muttered in your dad’s ear. He gave Joel a nod and walked back into the house, slamming the door behind him.
“Kendra, it’s best if you leave.”
“Joel, this is my house! I want to see my daughter and I want my house!” She whined like a child.
“You lost every right to call her your daughter when you chose Will over her.” Joel snapped back.
“Babe, let's go. We'll come back later.” Will said, pulling her back into the car and driving off.
Joel pulled out his phone and called you.
“What?” You said, sniffing.
“Darlin’ where are you?”
“Coffee place down the road…”
Joel walked into the small coffee shop and saw you sitting in the corner scrolling on your phone. He walked over and sat in front of you.
“They left…” he muttered.
“Good.” Ypu said, still looking at your phone.
“C’mon...” he grabbed your free hand and walked you out.
You and Joel walked around for a while. He held your hand the entire time and listened to you talk and vent and cry. He hated to see you like this but he did everything he could to make you feel better. After a few hours you got back in your car and drove home with Joel right behind you. You pulled into the drive way and saw your dad sitting outside on the front porch.
“Dad?” You said, standing in front of him.
“Y/N…” he walked over to you and pulled you into a hug. “Are you okay? Are you hurt??”
“No, dad, I'm okay... What's going on?”
He sighed and sat down with you. “Your mother wants to see you. Obviously you're old enough to make these choices on your own, but…” he thinks for a second, “what do you want to do?”
“Dunno… never thought I'd see her again, really…”
“I know… Like I said, it's all up to you. I don't want you to go alone though and I sure as shit can't be around her. Think your boyfriend can go with you?”
“Oh… um, I don't think so, he's away on work…” you make up an excuse since your boyfriend was actually standing right next to you.
“I'll go.” Joel said. “I can sit there with them, makin’ sure Kendra’s not tellin’ lies or anythin’.”
“Joel I can't ask you to-” your dad began.
“Already said I was going, you can't change my mind.” Joel said, making you and your dad smile.
It was the day you planned to meet up with your mom. Joel drove while you sat in the passenger seat thinking of everything you were going to say. He pulled into the restaurant and helped you out.
“I'm nervous…” you frowned.
“Don't be darlin’, I'm right here...” he pulled you into a soft kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too… Thank you so much for being here.”
“Anythin’ for you, baby.” He kissed your forehead and walked in with you. You looked around and saw your mother sitting at a table with who you assume was now her husband. You walked over and sat down across from them.
“Y/N… you look beautiful, honey.” Your mom gave a fake looking smile.
“What did you want to see me for?” Your asked, looking over at her. She looked at Joel who was sitting next to you and chuckled.
“You two? Really?” She said, laughing.
“He's here as a favor for me and dad.”
“Oh, honey. I'm not blind, you know.”
“Answer her question.” Joel said, giving her a glare.
“Aww. So protective of your girlfriend, aren't you Joel?” She said, smirking. “Y/N, be careful with your dad’s friends. He’ll end up bruising that pretty face Joel has.”
“You cheated on dad with Will. You got mad when you got caught. Then you played the blame game and said dad trapped you with me and he forced you to have me when all along you wanted nothing to do with me or him. Now I'm going to ask again before I’m the one that's bruising faces. What do you want?” You spoke through your teeth.
“I want to see you more.” She pleaded.
“You lost that when you left, Kendra.” You spat out .
“Hey, you need to learn to respect your mother.” Will said, making you roll your eyes and scoff.
“She left me! She flat out said she wanted nothing to do with me! She lost all my fucking respect when she walked out the door!” You yelled out, making everyone in the restaurant look over at you.
“Listen here, you little bitch. I am your mother. You will respect me.” Kendra spat out.
“I don't have to respect shit. You are not my mother. You're just the cunt who slept with your husband’s best friend and left your child alone making her blame herself for the entire 25 years of her life!!” you stood up and grabbed your purse. “Do me a favor, Kendra. Don't talk to me. Don't try to contact me or my dad. Do what you know best and pretend that we don't exsist.” With that, you stormed out of the restaurant.
A few days had passed since the night at the restaurant and Joel hasn't left your side for a minute. Every morning he'd walk over and check on you and every night he'd stay on the phone with you until you fell asleep.
You were sound asleep when your dad walked into your bedroom with Sarah. She jumped on top of you, making you groan. You rolled over and saw her.
“Happy birthday!” she yelled out as she pulled you into a hug.
“How did-?”
“Your dad came and picked me up. He said you could use a friend today.” She said, making you tear up.
“So what do you want to do today, birthday girl?” Sarah grinned.
“Well… I gotta work for a bit today.” You sighed.
“How about the bar? Later tonight?”
“Yeah that's perfect.” You smiled.
You walked into work and into your office. You got yourself situated when the office receptionist knocked on the door.
“Come in!” You called out. She walked in with the biggest bouquet of red roses you've ever seen.
“Got a delivery for you.” She said, smiling as she sat the vase down on your desk.
“Oh my god...” you laughed in disbelief.
“Happy birthday.” She said as she handed you a card. “This came with it.”
You thanked her as she walked out. You opened the card and knew it was from Joel just by the hand writing.
Happy Birthday darlin
I love you to the moon and back.
You grabbed your phone and called Joel.
“Hello?” He answered, out of breath.
“Oh sorry baby, are you busy?”
“Nah, just trying to show these pack of fools how to do their jobs. Everythin’ alright?”
“Yeah, perfect actually. Wanted to call and say thank you for the roses.” You smiled.
“Oh you got them? How do they look?” You could hear him smiling through the phone too.
“Expensive... but beautiful.”
“Just like my girl.” He said, making you blush. “Sarah told me you’re going out tonight?”
“Yeah, just to have a few drinks nothin’ too crazy.”
“Gonna be a little crazy. Just you wait and see what she has for your gift.”
“Oh god.” You chuckled. “Same time for lunch?”
“Same time darlin’. Love you.”
“Love you too, baby.”
Around lunch you walked out of the office and drove off. You pulled into a driveway surrounded and shaded by hedges at the house Joel had been working on the past few days. He walked over, getting in your car.
“Hey darlin’.” He said, pecking your lips.
“Mm, hey.” You looked him up and down and chewed on your bottom lip. He was covered in paint and sweat, making his t-shirt stick to his chest.
“Working hard, baby?” You bit your lip.
“Yeah, damn house owners got the AC shut off so we're all sweatin’.”
“Mmhm…” you scanned him again.
He looks over at you and chuckles. “This gettin’ you goin?”
“Baby, you have no idea…”
“C’mon.” He looked over his shoulder to the back seat, making you quickly get back there. He pulled your skirt up and slid your panties off, tossing them on the floor of your car. He tossed your legs over his shoulders and kissed the inside of your thighs.
“Joel…” you breathed.
“Look at that…” he said as he ran his finger up your folds. “Good thing I'm hungry...” he pushed his head down, running his tongue up and down your slit, making you moan. He spread your folds open and took your clit into his mouth.
“Fuck, baby...” you moaned as you tangled your fingers in his graying curls.
He made his way downward and slipped two fingers in, making you gasp. He sucked away at your clit like a man deprived of water as he pumped his fingers in and out.
“Oh fuck, Joel!!” You yelled out as you pulled his hair, making him groan. He curled his fingers up, making you squirm as he touched the spongy spot inside you. He kept curling his fingers up, over and over, making your eyes roll back. You felt the tightness in your lower tummy, knowing what he was gonna make you do.
“C’mon darlin’, you know what I want...” he muttered against your clit. You had the feeling that you had to pee build up, making you realize Joel had done his job right. You squirted into his mouth as he pulled his fingers out and covered your cunt with his mouth, collecting every drop.
He pulled away, giving your swollen folds a soft kiss, making you whimper.
“Come here...” you said as you pulled him into a kiss, moaning in his mouth at the taste of yourself.
“Happy birthday.” He whispered against your lips, making you smile.
Later that day, you walked over to Joel's and knocked on the door to see him in a dark green button up with the first 3 buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows with a pair of jeans.
“What do you think?” He asked.
“You know that's my favorite shirt...” you giggled.
“Exactly.” He smirked. Sarah walked over in her favorite, classic, purple dress and smiled.
“Hot dress.” She said. You had on a short black dress which just happened to be Joel's favorite.
“Ready?” Joel asked.
“You're coming with us to the bar?” You asked.
“I am going to the bar. Dad has something else planned for you two. Have fun, don't wait up!” She said as she drove off, leaving you and Joel alone.
“Ready?” He asked as he closed the door behind him.
“Don't know, feel like you're gonna murder me or something...” you said, making him laugh. You both got into his truck and drove off. After driving for a few minutes Joel put his truck in park and shut it off. You hopped out and looked around. He drove to a small, secluded outlook on a mountain overlooking the skyline of Austin and a night sky full of stars.
“C’mon.” He said, patting the bed of his truck. He had a blanket laid down with a few pillows and a small gift box in his hands. You kicked your heels off and sat down next to him.
“Happy birthday.” He said as he handed you the box.
“Joel… you didn't have to buy me something... the roses were plenty.”
“No, the roses were for everyone to know at the office that you belong to me. This is for everyone else to know.” He smiled. You opened the box revealing a silver necklace with a small “J”. You pulled out the necklace and laughed.
“Funny how this was the exact same one I was looking at in the mall with Sarah.” You said, making Joel chuckle. He took the necklace from your hands and wrapped it around your neck, clipping it on. He smiled as he looked down at the silver letter that laid perfectly on your chest.
The entire night you laid in the bed of his truck with him, talking and looking at the stars.
“Thank you Joel… for everything today.” You said, looking up at him.
“Anything for you, darlin’.” He smiled.
After a moment of silence, you asked him something. “Whatever did happen between you and Sarah's mom? If you don't mind me asking.”
“Well… I always wanted a house full of kids...” he chuckled. “When Sarah's mom got pregnant, God, I was over the fucking moon... Her mom on the other hand not so much. We were married before Sarah but when she got pregnant it's like everything fell apart. She hated me and she hated Sarah. Said Sarah “ruined her perfect body”. Blamed me because I didn't want her to get rid of her…”
“So her mom did basically the same thing my mom did?” You said, sitting up. He sat up with you and pressed his back to the back window of the truck.
“Those two women were best friends. I got closer with your dad through working on a sign for the contracting business and one night all four of us went out to dinner and they became friends.”
“Cunty friends...” you mumbled, making Joel chuckle.
“Cunty friends is correct. One morning I got woken up by Sarah crying and I saw all her stuff was gone. She left a sticky note on Sarah's chest saying I'm done. Talk to my lawyer. Good luck.”
“Baby…” you said, looking at him sadly.
“Don't be sad, honey. Her leaving was the best for me and Sarah. Plus, you know, I found this girl and damn… She's the best thing that ever happened to me.” he said looking at you smiling. You straddled his waist and pulled him into a deep kiss.
“Joel Miller, you know all the right words to tell a woman... Don't know how you stayed single for so long.” You said, making him laugh.
“Because no one felt the same except for you…” you felt yourself tear up. God you loved this man so much and he loved you the same. You felt his hands slide up your dress and caress your outer thighs. You pulled him back into a kiss tangling your fingers in his curls. His hands slid up to your waist, making him smirk against your lips.
“No panties?” He hums.
“Nope.” You giggle.
“That's my girl...” you whimpered at the words that came out of his mouth. You loved being his and by God did it drive you fucking crazy when he reminded you. He bunched your dress up around your waist letting the cool breeze graze your cheeks. He grabbed your ass and started kneading your ass like it was fucking dough, making your bare pussy grind on his clothed crotch. You felt his hands disappear for a second, only for them to connect with your ass hard, making you hiss.
“C’mon that didn't hurt.” He said with a cocky smile. He smacked your ass again, harder than before, making you whimper at the stinging sensation.
“Joel…” you whined, making him smack your ass harder, sure to leave a bright red handprint. You heard your phone buzz against the bed of the truck. You looked over and saw Sarah's name light up your screen.
“Shit, hang on...” you grabbed your phone and answered. “What's up, Sarah?”
“Please come pick me up.” She sobbed.
“Of course, just text me the address, we're on our way.”
“Okay.” She hung up.
“What's wrong??” Joel asked.
“Don't know, she called me crying, asking to come get her…” you and Joel quickly picked everything up and hopped into the truck cab, driving off.
Joel pulled into a small apartment complex only to see Sarah sitting on the curb, crying. You looked over and saw his eyes turn black and his jaw clench. He was pissed.
“I'll get her...” You jumped out of the car and walked over to her. You wrapped her arm around your shoulders and helped her into the car.
“I- I'm so s- sorry..” she sobbed.
“Don't be...” she laid her head on your shoulder, making you wrap your arms around her, holding her close.
You walked into Joel's bedroom and saw him sitting in bed with his back against the headboard.
“She said some guy invited her back to his place and she started feeling sick and he kicked her out…” he looked over at you with his eyes still dark and his hands now balled into fists.
“Fucking asshole.” He said through gritted teeth. You walked over and straddled him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You felt him relax a little but he was still pissed.
“She okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, baby... I helped her change out of her dress and I stayed with her until she fell asleep.”
“Thank you...” Joel trailed off.
“Anytime.” You said, giving him a soft smile. He pulled you down and kissed you softly. He slid his hands down to the back of your dress and unzipped it.
“Joel, we don't have to…” you mumbled against his lips.
“I want to.” He said as he looped his fingers in the straps of your dress and slid them off your shoulders. You quickly slipped off the dress, making Joel leave a trail of wet kisses down your neck to your chest.
“So fuckin’ pretty…” he mumbled. He slid his hands down, making his finger tips touch every curve of your body. You felt his length grow harder and harder underneath the blanket. You pulled the blanket back and looped your fingers around his boxers, pulling them down just enough so his dick springs out.
He grabs your ass and picks you up, lining himself up to your entrance. You gripped his shoulders and slowly sat down, making both of you groan. He started bouncing you up and down, making his tip hit your sweet spot every time and making your tits bounce in his face.
“Look so good ridin’ me, honey... So fuckin’ beautiful.” He groaned. You dug your nails into his shoulders, trying your best to keep yourself up, but… fuck. His dick was too damn good. He pulled you close to his chest and kissed up your neck.
“So good t’me and Sarah. Makes me wanna make you a mama so bad...” he whispered in your ear, making your pussy flutter and clench around him. He smirked against the skin of your neck and bounced you faster and harder.
“Fill you up so good, darlin’... Watch your tits grow even bigger, suck the milk out of them...”
“Jesus fucking Christ..” you gasped out, tossing your head back. He slid his hand down and rubbed your clit in circles making your walls tighten around him.
“That's it mama, cum for me.” He said, making you cum all over him. He bounced you a few more times, releasing his hot seed deep inside you. You rested your forehead on his, trying to catch your breath.
“Didn't think you had a breeding kink.” You mumbled, making him chuckle.
“Could say the same about you… mama.” You felt your pussy flutter again. Maybe he's right...
Joel woke up the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee and breakfast being made. He got up and got dressed for work and then made his way downstairs to see you and Sarah in the kitchen.
“No more alcohol for me. Made a fool of myself once, not doing it again.” Sarah mumbled as she stuffed her face with breakfast food.
“You know what, I'll do the same with you. So you don't feel alone.” You replied.
“Ugh. You're the fucking best.” She said, making you smile.
Joel walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around pulling you close to him. “Mornin’, mama.” he whispered, making you giggle like a damn school girl.
“Morning, baby.” You sigh and lean into him.
“Sarah, how are you feeling?” He asked, looking over at her.
“Like I'm never drinking again...” she said, making you and Joel laugh.
Tag list: @evyiione @chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @dizzyforyou @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @vampire7595
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marvelous-slut · 2 years
Miss Me - Happy Lowman x reader
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving)
Have I ever said how much I love this man?
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“Jackie boy, we have trouble.” Chibs blurts out, seeing you hop out of your car, slamming the door shut in rage. Jax makes his way over to the window at TM to see you.
“Shit.” He lets out, running a hand through his hair. “I’ll handle this.” He states, walking toward the door. He opens it for you in hopes of calming you down. You rip the sunglasses from your eyes and throw them in your back, crossing your arms.
“Where is Happy?” You hadn’t heard from him in almost a day in a half, you knew he would have to be sniffing out pussy at Diosa or with the MC. Jax took a deep breath, thinking of how to word this just right.
“He’s away, doing some work with the Chinese.” You laugh in his face, shaking your head in furry.
“Jax, that’s bull shit and I know it. That man texts me constantly, even when he’s with you shit heads. Usually junk pictures, really missing my daily pick me up.” Jax mutters out a ‘shit’ as Chibs and Tig stand by.
“I mean, I can send you some of mine to make up for that.” Tig lets out, trying to calm the situation down.
“Sweet offer Tiggy, but we know you don’t hold up to that standard.” Tig immediately takes offense, but can’t say anything before Jax lets out the truth.
“Okay look, the Chinese took Hap for collateral with the Irish. He’s fine, I’m handling this. Happy can handle himself, don’t need his old lady doing it for him.” You laugh, holding back every urge inside of you to slap Jax right across his stupid, pretty boy face.
“Jax, let me tell you something. Happy better make it back in one piece or I swear to God, someone is going to get hurt.” You turn away and head straight to your car, giving a wave to Chucky before you slam the door shut. Jax kicks dirt that covers the floor.
“Jackie boy, we have to get Happy back, if his ole lady is as crazy as him the Irish are the least of our concerns.” Tig nods in agreement.
“Is it bad that I’m scared and a bit turned on at the same time?” Tig questions himself, Chibs shakes his head muttering as he leaves the room, Jax gives him a look that could kill.
“What did I say wrong?” Tig asks as Jax walks away to regather his plans.
Two days pass since you had let Jax have an earful of your thoughts. You couldn’t help but think about Happy, even more now that you knew he was in danger with the Chinese. You laid down on your bed, the same bed that Happy had fucked you stupid in many times, but also the same bed he made love to you in. You think about these moments, deciding to attempt to take your mind off him being in danger. You sit up, reaching to your bed side table and grabbing your black vibrator and laying back down, making sure you were comfortable. You lift the over sized shirt that was Happys up and slide the toy down to your went cunt, making sure it was on the highest setting. You let out a moan, running it up and down your slit.
“I’m out here in danger and you’re in here putting on a show.” You hear a familiar voice that makes you immediately jump out of bed. Happy stands in the door way, grin plastered on his face. You were entirely sure if it was from the sight he had walked in on or maybe he genuinely was glad to see you, or both. Either way you ran to his arms, planting your lips on his kissing him like you’d never see him again. He drops his bag, running a hand down to your ass, grabbing it roughly. He pulls away breaking the kids and places a hand on the side of your face.
“I missed you baby, I see you missed me too.” He motions to the black vibrator on the bed, you smirk and run your hands to his belt buckle, immediately undoing it.
“Doesn’t do the job like you do.” Happy pulls his shirt over his head and then moves to his pants, throwing them across the room. You discard the shirt you wore and got on your knees, giving him no chance to say anything else or think anything else. You take his hard cock, stroking him slowly before sliding your mouth onto him slowly. He picks up the pace and you’re doing everything in you not to gag on him, taking every inch of him in your mouth. Before you know it he pulls his cock out of your mouth, helps you to your feet and lays you back on the bed. He spreads your legs, sliding two fingers in your wet cunt and starts to finger fuck you. You let out a moan, grinding yourself on him.
“Happy baby.” You let out softly, he continues doing his work, but this time making eye contact with you, making sure he saw what he was doing to you. “I missed this.” He smirks, deciding he wanted to feel you around his cock. He pulls his fingers out, licking them, tasting your juices. He lines himself up with your entrance, slamming himself inside making you gasp.
“I missed this too. I missed this tight pussy, all mine.” He whispers before attacking your neck.
His thrusts are deep and passionate, making you let out ungodly noises. He runs a hand to your nipple, rubbing it between his index and thumb, once he is done he runs the hand to your throat wrapping it around softly. “You really thought that toy could do the job like I do?” He questions, wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead.
“Happy, nothing makes me feel as good as you do.” You weren’t lying either, no toy or man could make you feel like he did. Nothing compared to having him inside of you, stretching you out or fucking you how he did. You feel yourself closer to an orgasm and he can see it, picking up his pace, slamming into you. He makes you hold eye contact.
“Come on girl, I wanna see you come undone.” The words send you over the edge, you let out a moan and a few ‘oh my gods’, it’s not long he feels himself closer to the edge. He loved seeing what he did to you, loved seeing the way your eyes went dark as you came all over him, he loved feeling your cunt tighten around him when you came. He loved it all. He goes to pull out of you when he feels himself dangerously close to orgasm, you wrap your legs around him forcing him to stay put.
“Don’t do that,” you let out slowly, nails digging into his back. “I want to feel all of you.” He doesn’t need anymore assurance and he releases into you, filling you with himself. Once he’s done, he pulls out and lays on the bed beside of you. You sit up, taking a glance over at him and he smiles.
“Heard you were going to kick Jax’s ass if I didn’t make it back.” You smirk, running a hand up and down his tattooed chest. “Is that cause you’d miss this too much, or you’d miss me?” He asks, you shake your head, standing up to go clean up.
“Guess you’ll never know.” You reply before leaving the room, leaving him wondering what the two of you really were.
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leeus-writing · 8 months
Personal Assistant
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I was asked to write Alpha/beta/Omega with Rufus, And so I did. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Hahah. I apologise in advance >.<
(Dividers by @cafekitsune​)
Personal Assistant
Alpha, Beta and Omega. It was the way of the world. The Alphas ruled in every capacity. Omegas always seemed to be in a caring role, healthcare, childcare and anything else with the word “care” in it. And Beta’s were everything in between.
For years, ShinRa were trying to work out the why of things. Why did Omegas have two heats unprompted every year? Why did Beta’s need to be bonded to trigger their own heat? Why were Female Alphas rare and why did they only have one heat a year once bonded?
And why couldn’t ShinRa find suppressants that could stop a heat running. Yes, they could prevent pregnancy, but they could not stop someone from falling into the uncontrollable effects of Heat. Of course, this affected Omegas more than any other group. Soft, caring Omega’s who were so good with children and excellent at medical practice.
You hated being called soft. You were Rufus ShinRa’s PA and an Omega. You’d ignored every suggestion that you go into the medical or care field. You wanted an office job, something different and so you landed one. One with the hottest man in power of course. Well, the hottest vice president anyway. You felt so lucky carrying in files, sitting at a desk only a few feet away from him.
You’d only been in a job a few months and you loved it. Your friends were so jealous! You grinned to yourself and fanned your face. It was warm that day. You removed your jacket and unbuttoned a few buttons on your shirt.
Uncomfortably warm.
Rufus stepped through the door, his Alpha smell always present. He ensured it was ever present, to show everyone who was boss. He couldn’t dominate President ShinRa, or Scarlet though. Scarlet, being a female Alpha, could be scarier than President ShinRa. Female Alphas, being rare, dominated all men. So, it was strange that she allowed President ShinRa to be in power. She was horrible.
You took a deep breath, breathing in his scent. Your body lurched and you felt drunk.
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You knew it well. You gathered your things to run to the infirmary. They had places for caught-out people to go.
A hand however stopped you. You flopped into the strong arms of Rufus, oh how lucky … and unlucky you were. All your dreams of him taking you in his arms were truth. But this wasn’t really the time you wanted him to catch you. That and his scent was making your heat spiral faster.
“Caught out?” He asked taking in a deep sniff of your neck.
He rubbed his teeth along your scent gland. And you shuddered, “Guess so,” You managed to reply, a grin on your face.
Soon you’d be entirely driven by hormones, unable to resist.
Rufus lifted you easily and took you to the red carpet Infront of his desk. He lay you out, you made no reaction, thoughts of running now gone. He started to unbutton your clothing. You sighed and let the heat take you as you heard his belt clatter to the floor.
Fingers slipping down your front and into your underwear. You whimpered, pulling your knees up, letting him in. You gasped as his fingers slipped over your clit. He grinned, slipping his fingers inside you. Your body shuddered, heat emanating from your body. He struggled to get your underwear free with one hand. He pumped his fingers a few times and pleasure washed over you. You groaned into the touch as you came.
His lips met yours, and you found strength again and kissed him back harder. Rufus flipped you over and pulled you onto all fours. You gasped as his fingers worked again and again over your clit before slipping into your hot pussy. He placed a hand over your mouth as you moaned loudly, cumming again. He held you open and lined up his cock behind you.
He thrust into you, and you cried out pushing back onto him. He clutched your hips and thrust deep into you. Alpha Rut taking over him. His eyes dilated as he slammed into you. He was not gentle. You moaned, feeling another orgasm building. Eyes squeezed shut as you arched your back, his scent overpowering you. Rufus leaned over you, teeth touching the skin of your neck. He lingered there before biting.
You let out a scream as his teeth sunk into your skin, claiming you. Your body cumming over and over. He snarled biting harder as he came in you, knot popping and locking you both in place. You flopped to the floor once he let go. You lay panting and shivering, the heat would last for a few days.
Rufus gently stroked your hair and lay beside you.
“My darling,” He whispered happy to have an Omega, happy to finally have a mate.
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corpseofbunny · 2 months
゚。˚ ୨୧ ⁞ ❛ YOU'RE SCARING ME! ❜
part two of this! i am still not active or have a new tumblr and i now realize jinho is ooc (imo) in my previous works but this was requested by someone so i decided to just make it and go back to the grave, lol.
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wiping your runny nose with your sweater sleeve, you looked down at the sidewalk from where you sat. it was a rainy day, the streets were still full. some had umbrellas, some used personal items to protect them from the rain, some didn't use anything and were doused.
you and your friend were lucky, the cafe you went to had outdoor seating under a reflective awning, the grey skies giving everything a murky and disgusting appeal. "you wanna talk about it yet or...?" she finally asked, almost too shy to break the silence that'd grown between you.
you ruined your entire life for him.
now you had nothing. you didn't say anything at first, just staring at the iced coffee and rice balls she had bought you. "not really," you hadn't eaten in days, too despondent to even fathom anything other than rotting in bed all day. her staring was enough to make you finally give in and pick up the cup, bringing the blue straw to your lips. you didn't know what to do without him, or where to go, he supported every aspect of your life and now you had split up. you packed all your things and when you reached the front door of his apartment, jinho didn't say anything or move. you opened the door and took your things, making sure to slam the door.
your other friend was kind enough to let you stay with her, her bed big enough for the two of you. on the nights you cried, she held you close and touched your hair lovingly. something he used to do with less sentiment. he took everything from you. you no longer had a single first that wasn't his. everything that was once yours was his - he robbed you blind and you let him. when you got ready in the morning, you only ever thought about one thing, one person; you'd always be thinking of him and what he wanted. "i'm just gonna go, yeah?" you ran your fingers across your scalp, strands of hair running through them.
"what? you just-" despite her attempt at trying to keep you, you shook your head. "no, i'm just not feeling it. i'm really sorry." you knew you shouldn't be apologizing. you couldn't even try to stay or open up - being a bad friend. you were a runner, always straying away from difficulties when you shouldn't - yet you did. you never wanted to confront or face anything, a lack of accountability followed you everywhere. it didn't take five hours into you breaking up with him to realize he liked that, jinho made you believe you were the victim in every situation. it was his way of making sure you were never going to doubt him, everyone else was at fault - never you. he comforted you, kept you safe, why would you ever even think to question him? the train home was crowded and sticky but you didn't care, as long as it got you out the rain and being questioned by those who liked to pry for few minutes more. the sun had descended by the time you got back to the flat. it was different than jinho's home - smaller, crammed but loved. his felt empty, always lacking something. unlocking the door with the spare keys, you didn't bother turning the lights on, removing your shoes, and hanging the keys on the wall. it wasn't until you heard a click that you got tense, reaching for the light switch and flicking the lights on.
and there he was. "what are you doing?" for the first time, he scared you. jinho was comfortably sat in one of the armchairs, leg crossed over the other and looking at various papers on the coffee table with a smile. job applications, credit card requests, everything you needed to get back to a decent life. "don't worry, i'm only here for one thing and then i'll leave."
he was so calm, the complete opposite of you. "what do you want?" you don't know what it was that made you start saying it but you did. "look, i love you. i love you and i miss you, okay?" you teared up because for the first time he was making you feel afraid and you were defenseless. you took a deep breath and as he stepped forward, you stepped back. it went on until he backed you into the wall, making you flinch. "don't, don't! don't touch me." something was telling you to get away from him but you were stuck. " what are you crying for?" you didn't answer him, shaking your head. what was it that was putting you off? something about all of this was disturbing you and you didn't know what it was. you were trying to figure out how he got in but what was sound before you turned on the lights, that familiar click? you didn’t want to confront the idea on what you thought it could be. how could someone you loved make you worry like this? he used to make you feel safe. "what was that noise like?" you finally asked. he didn't respond. "jinho, what was that noise? you're scaring me, you're scaring me." you gasped at the end of your sentence when he grabbed you, his hand resting on the back of your neck as he pulled you in a hug, free hand resting on the small of your back. "please tell me. i love you and i just want you to tell me.” there was still no response, just the feeling of his lips connecting to the top of your head.
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ja-reau · 1 year
You write angst so well so I thought I’d send a request.
Could you write a Larissa x normie!reader where they’re in a relationship and Larissa, being a workaholic, has missed so many dates and they get into an intense fight about it, then in the middle, Larissa says something hurtful that makes them both stop and reader just leaves in defeat. Larissa regrets it so she takes a break from work and tries to make it up to reader.
Hurtful Words - Larissa Weems x Reader
Word Count: 655
Warnings: fighting
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“Larissa!” you called out, pushing the door to your girlfriend’s office and closing it behind you. You had been in a great mood. Work had been significantly easy today. You had no rude clients, your boss wasn’t being a pain. And on top of that, you got to leave work earlier than usual. Which meant you had more time with Larissa! The smile on your face only faltered slightly when Larissa didn’t reply. “Rissa?” You called again, your smile still on your face. “What, y/n? What is it? Can’t you see I’m working?” Larissa asked, frustration evident in her tone.
Your smile flattered slightly. “I’m-“ you started but she instantly cut you off. “Sorry? You’re sorry?” She asked; laughing slightly. “You don’t get it, y/n. I love you, I do. But you have to stop coming in here and bothering me. I’m running a school. You don’t understand how hard my job is.” Larissa said. This wasn’t like her. This wasn’t your sweet Larissa. This wasn’t the Larissa you knew and loved. This was someone else. “I understand your job is hard, so is mine. But I don’t take my frustration out on you.” You spoke, the smile that one adorned your face was now gone completely.
“Oh please, y/n. All you do is work at a store in Jericho. That’s not as hard as running an entire school.” She shot back, and you felt stabbed in your chest. “You’re being mean.” You said to Larissa. “Mean? No, I’m being honest. You come in here almost every day and disrupt me.” she said, turning to face you better. “Y/n, I’m sick of it. All you fucking do is disrupt me. When I’m working, when I’m at home. All the goddamn time, y/n!” she said.
You never felt so small before. You coward back, moving towards the door. “I’m sorry.” you repeated, tears started to well around your eyes. “I’ll see you at home.” you whispered softly. As you backed away from Larissa, she felt sudden regret. Seeing you back away from her like she was some form of a monster, broke her heart. She didn’t mean it. She shouldn’t have said what she said. “Y/n wait-” she started, but you never let her finish.
“No. You made it clear that all I am is a bother to you.” You said, wiping away your tears before leaving, slamming the door behind you.
Larissa sat on her chair, her face in her hands. She fucked up. She knew she did. Seeing the look on your face when she yelled at you was just heartbreaking. “Fuck, what the hell did I do?” she muttered to herself.
Later that night, you had been curled up in bed, the tv on with some reruns of your favourite show on the background. You had changed and laid down in bed since the moment you arrived home. You heard the front door open and the familiar click of her heels and knew that Larissa was home. Your interest in her presence peaked when you started to smell your favourite food coming from the living room. “Darling?” Larissa called as she entered the room.
Despite not wanting to turn around, you did. You couldn’t help the small smile on your face when you saw Larissa, and the roses she had. “For you.” she said as she watched you move to sit up. “I’m still mad.” You said softly, even though you took the flowers.
“I know. And I’m so sorry sweetheart. I shouldn’t have thrown my frustrations towards you, especially since it wasn’t even directed at you.” She said, moving to pull you into her arms and you let her. “I brought your favourite food..” she said “and wine.” She added. You couldn’t help but smile at this. “All is forgiven then. Let’s go eat.” You said, taking her hand and leading her out of the room.
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For the 1,000 followers event (which I am so freaking happy for you about! Congratulations!) Can we get #3 with Manny? Please and a great big thank ya! 😘🩷
Red Light Blue Light
Contains: Mentions of sex, friends to lover, angst with a happy ending, car accident, mild injury, hurt/comfort, fluff. Takes place in a universe where there's no war with the Sons.
2.3K words
More than 19,000 people are injured annually in California hit-and-run accidents.
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"Come on Querida, I know it means you'll miss your show but you record it anyway." Manny called you just as you finished work, and you knew when you heard his tone what he would be asking for.
You sighed, "Why not. You better make missing the biggest scandal in reality TV since Willam cheating on Drag Race worth my while."
Manny chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you have a great time, I'll even buy you dinner at that Taco place a few streets away."
You rubbed your face, "Ok, fine, but next time you want to hang out, you're coming to my place. I'll cook for you and you know I have that fancy craft beer you won't admit to liking."
"Done, that's a fair trade. I'll see you tonight." He sounded so smug.
"Ok Manny, see you tonight."
Manny got off the phone and grinned at Coco, "She coming?" Manny nodded, "Alright, good, I haven't seen her in ages. Are you planning a repeat on the last time, or have you jumped back on the just friends train?"
Manny sighed, "It was one time man, and we agreed that it wouldn't happen again."
Coco tutted, "She didn't just fall on your dick dude. Give it a chance, she might feel the same way."
Manny shook his head, "You see many old ladies around here? You and Hope are the only ones who aren't fucking struggling."
Coco raised an eyebrow, "We'll see. This time next month, she'll be your old lady."
Manny had been smiling like an idiot ever since the call and his excitement only grew as sunset drew closer. He and Coco were out on the road, coming back from a day trying to lock down the prisons after Iron War filled the void that the Sons had left.
Coco waved his hand to grab Manny's attention and pointed to the road ahead of them before raising his voice above the roar of the bikes, "Is that y/n?"
Manny nodded, "Yeah." He chuckled, "Her and that car, she might as well wrap it in bubble wrap." Manny would laugh every time you compared his bike with your car and its side airbags and superior crumple zone.
"She must be on her way to the clubhouse, do you think we'll catch up with her?" Manny could see that Coco was calculating the distance between their bikes, your car and the next light.
Manny shook his head, "Nah, we'll just miss her." Sure enough, the light turned green and you slowly pulled into the intersection as they got going too.
It happened in a flash, and Manny could hear the revving of a car before he saw a flash of silver, then an all mighty crash as a vehicle slammed into the driver's side of your car. To make matters worse, the offending vehicle only stayed idle for a moment before reversing and speeding off.
Manny was stuck still as he tried to process what he saw and his mouth opened before he could think, "Go after the car."
Coco was already racing after the pickup truck and Manny sped towards the wreck. He was off the bike so far he almost fell over and then he wrapped his fingers around the twisted metal as he tried to pull the door free, "Y/n, Querida. Talk to me."
He heard a groan but the airbag hanging from the roof stopped him from seeing your face, "What happened?"
Manny relaxed, if only a little, "Someone slammed into you, Coco's got after them…."
A quick look at your legs showed you weren't trapped, but there were more pressing matters, "Manny, I can smell gas."
"Shit, I'm going to pull you through the window, cover your face." Manny took his blade and beat in the corner of the already shattered window before pulling it out of the housing entirely, "Grab on to me."
You stretched across the seat and grabbed your bag before you wrapped your arms around his torso as he leaned into the car and wrapped his around your waist and he let out a breath when he saw your legs were free despite the damage to the car. The movement was fast and left your head spinning as awareness of the pain you were in suddenly flooded into your consciousness as your feet touched the ground, "Ow fuck."
"I know but we gotta get away from the car." He dragged you across the street and the sound of another bike distracted you as Manny called for help.
Manny could tell by the look on Coco's face that he didn't manage to catch up, "I got the plate but the fucker was driving right for the station."
Manny was still holding you up as he finished the call, "Help's on the way. I take back everything I ever said about that car, I think it saved your life."
Coco chuckled, "That thing was a fucking tank. Those fucking pickups, I swear they flatten everything they run into."
"I don't think I'm that hurt. But a fire just caught." Sure enough, when they looked over, flames had started to flicker from the puddle of gasoline.
Manny and Coco shared a look, "The firefighters and EMTs will be here soon, just hold tight."
You nodded, "Can I sit down, my legs hurt?"
Manny shook his head, "Nope, just in case you've rattled your brain we gotta keep you awake."
Before you could say more, the sound of sirens drowned you out and people were rushing everywhere before the rush of water put out the growing fire.
A paramedic came into view and you did your best to disconnect from Manny and stand up straight, "I'm ok, the car took all of it."
The paramedic chuckled, "I can see that, we gotta get you checked out anyway."
You looked to Manny for support but he shook his head, "Go on, I know you've got good insurance. I'll follow you."
You sighed, "Alright. My poor car, I loved that thing."
"I know, but you can replace that, we can't replace you." He sounded more relieved than worried.
The paramedic nodded, "Your friend is right, ma'am, that was a very close call."
Manny pulled up to the hospital just after the ambulance and waited in the waiting room while the doctors looked you over. To his great relief, it didn't take long before a woman in a white coat came out, "Your friend is fine. Her thighs are bruised, and she has a sprained knee and a bruise from the airbag. Other than that, nothing is wrong. I don't believe in miracles, but this is as close as it gets."
Manny felt the weight lift from his shoulders, "So I can take her home?"
The doctor nodded, "Yep, we've given her a few days of meds so she can get some rest but other than that the only thing she needs is time."
"Thanks doc, I'll take her home now." Manny knocked and pushed the door open when your voice floated through the wood, "You ready to go?"
You nodded, "Yes but not on your bike."
Manny chuckled, "I had the prospect bring the car."
Once the hospital was out of view, Manny took a moment to look over your face before speaking, "Do the cops want to talk to you?"
You shook your head, "No, I wasn't drunk or high and I didn't see the car. There's nothing I can tell them, I can give my statement whenever I want so I can get my insurance payout and that's the end of it."
"I'm sorry, if I hadn't pushed you to come out tonight, this wouldn't have happened." You could hear the guilt in Manny's voice.
"You couldn't have known, this isn't anyone's fault. I'm ok, really." You hoped you'd sounded convincing but the look on Manny's face told you something different, "I want nothing more than to have a nice hot shower, take a few pills and get some sleep. Please don't beat yourself up about this, it isn't your fault."
Manny smiled softly, "Ok I won't but you gotta let me check in on you over the next few days."
You sighed, "Sure, if it will make you feel better."
The rest of the ride was had in conversing about the TV show you missed and by the time you pulled up to your home, Manny was just as pissed as you, "How could he cheat on someone so amazing? With a woman like that too. What's wrong with him?"
You shrugged, "He's a worm with a moustache."
Manny chuckled, "Well, I'll watch the reruns with you tomorrow. I spoke to Bish while you were getting checked out and you've got the whole day with me."
You huffed, "You could have let me know that while we were still in the car, I would have gotten snacks."
Manny placed his hand on your lower back and walked you inside, "We can do that anytime, you need to get some rest."
The weight of the day hit you just as you threw on your sleep shirt and hobbled to bed. Manny placed the pillow under your knee and brushed a strand of hair from your face, "You good Querida?"
You nodded softly, "Yeah, very sore but other than that, I think I'll be fine, the shower did wonders."
Manny took a deep breath, unsure how to break the news he got while you were bathing, "The guy that hit you's been done five times for drunk driving. The club's on it now."
"Figures, that explains why he ran." You rubbed your face, "the fact that you said the club's on it makes me think the cops aren't interested."
Manny shook his head, "No, they're not. He used to be one of theirs. Do you need anything else? Name it and it's yours."
"Please stay, I don't want to be alone tonight." You regretted it the second you said it, you had agreed after that night to keep things simple.
Manny smiled softly, "Sure, you want me to take the couch or.."
"Here's fine, if you want to, that is, it's not weird to share a bed with a friend." The way that Manny was looking at you made you think you might be more than that.
"I'm pretty sure I still have a pair of sweatpants around from that time I helped you paint your kitchen, can I have a quick shower and change before I climb into your nice clean bed?" Manny was always so thoughtful.
You nodded, "You do, they're in the bottom drawer and thank you."
Manny smiled, "What are friends for."
Manny was quick, leaving the door open to talk to you while he washed up. His chest was bare when he emerged and you flicked your eyes right to his to avoid gawking, "I can throw on my shirt if you want?"
You shook your head, "No, that would defeat the purpose of showering. I've seen you shirtless plenty of times Manny."
Manny dropped the subject and climbed into bed next to you, "Are you comfortable?"
You thought for a minute before turning on your side and facing him, while Manny repositioned the pillow, "I am now."
Manny smiled softly, "Good." There was a pause as you stared at his chest just inches before you and then you made a decision, one of which Manny seemed to come to simultaneously because just as you went to nestle into his arms, he was stretching them out to wrap around your body.
Nothing was said as sleep came over you, not even a good night but you swore as the last bit of awareness faded that you heard an "I love you" whispered into your ear.
The next day was spent smoking weed and eating while Manny's attention stayed glued to the TV so he didn't miss one second of what led up to the big scandal you had told him all about. He got a phone call just after six and hurried to the backyard to take it, coming back with a small smile on his face, "I've got good news."
"Ok, what is it?" You could tell by his tone it wasn't good news for someone.
Many sat down and popped a chip in his mouth, "We found the guy that hit you. Needless to say, he won't be hitting anything in a very long time."
You exhaled through your nose and shook your head, "I don't want anyone getting into trouble for me."
Manny smiled, "He did it to himself, we just gave him a push. Well, Coco did, but everyone else helped."
You took a moment before making your next statement, "I heard you last night and we need to talk about it."
"I meant what I said and I'm not upset heard me. I know we agreed to let go of what happened that night but I don't want to and you almost dying hasn't exactly made it easier to keep my feelings to myself." He had moved closer to you, his leg almost touching yours.
"And if I return your feelings, what then?" You knew what would happen.
His hand came to stroke your cheek, "What do you think Querida?"
Your eyes close unconsciously at his gentle touch, "I love you Manny."
He leaned in, his lips barely brushing yours in a soft request for persimmon before you closed the gap and sealed your lips to his. When you pulled away, his pupils were blown so wide that there was hardly any brown left and his tongue darted out to lick his lip, "As much as I would like to keep this going and have a repeat of that night, I am very bruised and it's not going to be any fun."
Manny scrubbed his hand over his face and huffed, "You're right, plus, I want to watch the whole series before the next episode airs and we don't have a lot of time."
You pecked his cheek, "I love you."
His nose nuzzled your skin as he returned the gesture, "I love you too y/n."
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itsvixx0 · 3 months
Love Letters [Shuichi Saihara x Reader]
[Copy and pasted from my Wattpad]
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Today was the day.
The day when you finally build up enough self-confidence in yourself to tell your crush your true feelings.
You and Shuichi had been friends ever since grade school. You two would do basically everything together. Every sleepover, every birthday party, he was always there by your side and you were always by his.
But recently.. you've started to develop strong feelings for him. Romantic feelings to be specific, and you had no idea what to do about it besides tell him.
It was the end of 4th period, and the halls were quickly filled up with everyone trying to get to their locker for the last class. You had spent some time in between periods to write a certain special note for a certain special someone.
You placed the note in your pocket as you started to shove in between people to get to [F/C]
After a few minutes of trying not to lose your balance through the crowd of students, you made it to your last lesson. You sat down at your usual spot and re-read your note one last time. You looked at Shuichi who was in the front of the class, taking notes and listening to everything the teacher was saying. He looked so pretty...his golden eyes, his navy blue hair...
After an hour, you finished your assignment for the day and turned it in. Luckily, it wasn't quite time to go yet. You still had...a good 15 minutes left of the day and everyone started to just goof around for a bit.
After a few seconds of hesitation, you let out a very deep sigh and walked over to the detective. He was reading a book when he noticed you in front of him.
"Oh hello, Y/N."
He gave you a small smile and put a bookmark inside of his novel before looking up at you.
You decide to not beat around the bush at all and try to get this confession over with as quick as possible. You pull out the note and shove it towards Shuichi's chest. He seems confused.
"Y/N? What...is this?"
He slowly unfolds the paper, but before he can actually read a full sentence, a boy too familiar appears behind him and snatches the note out of his hand.
"Oh? What's this?"
He roughly grabs the paper and runs away from the two of you.
"Kokichi! You asshole, give that back!"
You shout, running across the classroom, chasing him...If he reads that note, it's completely over for you.
"Nishishi! You gotta catch me first!~"
He giggles while opening the letter and reading it out loud for everyone to hear. The class turns their attention to the scene in front of them.
'Dear Shuichi, ever since middle school, I've been having romantic feelings for you! I just love your blue hair and the way that you're so incredibly kind to me! You're so perfect in every way. You never fail to make me smile, even when I'm sad. You give me one look and I melt. I have liked you forever and I'm so glad that I have the chance to talk to you as much as I do. I'm glad that you've been there for me ever since we were kids. I hope that you can return my feelings. Love, Y/N!'
. . .
You're absolutely frozen in place as Kokichi finishes his last words. The classroom got quiet and you could feel everyone's eyes on you. You look at Shuichi from across the classroom and he's just..staring at the supreme leader with a shocked expression, then he looks back at you. You snatch the note out of Kokichi's hands and throw it in the trash. You can feel tears start to form in your eyes and you run out of the room, crying. This was the most embarrassment you've ever felt in your entire life.
You slam the door to the classroom, not caring if a teacher heard or not, and you sit down against a wall, feeling ashamed.
'That damn jackass...'
After a few moments, you hear the door open. You don't even bother to see who it is.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
A deep, soft voice spoke out to you, yet you buried your head in your knees.
"Yeah...just peachy..." You mumble.
Suddenly, you feel him sit next to you on the tiled floor. His shoulder touching yours.
"Y/N...was...all of that true?" He asks in a quiet tone.
You roll your eyes as you wipe your face with the sleeve of your (shirt/hoodie/etc.). "It doesn't matter..."
"What are you talking about? Of course, it matters...I just wish you would have said something sooner." Shuichi sighs. You could feel him hesitantly place his cold hand on top of yours.
"What do you...what do you mean?" You ask him.
"Look, what I'm trying to say is that...if that note really were your true feelings, then I think it's safe to say that I return them." The blue-haired boy smiled at you. It wasn't often that he did that, but this was a very heartfelt special occasion for him.
You look up at him, eyes all red and puffy from crying as he pulls you into a tight hug. After a few moments, he suddenly pulls away and plants a quick kiss on your lips. You can tell that he was very hesitant to do that and his red face made that even more evident.
"Thank you for...just for everything."
Shuichi smiles at you and hugs you once more, placing his chin on your shoulder.
"Oh and by the way, I talked to Kokichi and he said that he was sorry." He whispered.
You roll your eyes at the thought of him.
"He's probably lying, anyways..."
"When is he not?"
You two laugh and smile, looking into each others eyes.
You don't know whether to be thankful for his antics or absolutely despise him because of it.
All you know is that you're finally in love. And nothing can change that.
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ninchen1909 · 1 year
The Teacher and the Mob Boss - Chapter 6-
Warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing
Word count: ~1.800
This chapter is written from Bucky's perspective, so enjoy
I stare fixedly at the car key lying on the desk in front of me, as I have done so many times in the last few hours, trying desperately to suppress the urge to grab it and just drive to her. I clench my jaw tightly and frantically run it through my already tangled hair.
The radio silence between me and (y/n) is unbearable, again and again I go through the last days with her in my mind, I analyze every single aspect of our time together. However, I can't think of anything that would make her mad at me. For the first time in my entire life, I have real interest in a woman, for the first time, it is important to me what she thinks of me, and whom I want to show everything of me. Someone I want to be completely involved with.
Every time Charlie tells me a new story about her, every time it comes back to me how loving, smart and understanding my princess is, and with each story, the need to see her grows. How many times I have stood outside her apartment, resisting the urge to knock on her door and nag her until she finally tells me what is going on. But I will respect her wishes and her personal freedom.
Frustrated, I slam my fist on the surface of the desk in front of me and take a big swig of whiskey from my glass.  Her rejection almost causes me physical pain. The need to see and hold her grows with every passing second. I don't know when it happend, that I'm so addicted to her, I just know that it happend and that i don't want to change it.
The ringing of my cell phone snaps me out of my cloudy thoughts, without paying attention to the name recognition I pick up and hold the phone to my ear.
"Barnes" my voice sounds monotone, devoid of any emotion
"It's nice to hear from you too boss" I roll my eyes in annoyance
"What do you want Natasha?"
"I have news for you" I can literally see her grin in front of me. Silence falls over our conversation.
"Nat if you don't say something right now I'm hanging up."
"It's okay, calm down Barnes. Wanda just called me." Annoyed, I exhale
"Anything interesting coming up now?"
"Now hold on. Wanda told me your teacher doesn't want to know about you anymore.”
"If you were just calling to state the obvious, I'm hanging up now." My finger is already wandering over the display, about to end the call, when Nat stops me.
"Wait Barnes..." again a short pause fills the conversation.
"I know the reason why she doesn't want to talk to you anymore" abruptly my whole posture changes, I now sit bolt upright in my chair listening to every word that comes out of Natasha's mouth.
"She thinks you are engaged"
"I'm what now" I jump up from my office chair so fast it falls over backwards.
"I'm not engaged, I most certainly am not. Who would say something like that?"
"Linda Pierce" the name makes my blood run cold and my eyes narrow to slits. I can hear the blood rushing in my ears and the blind hot rage rises inside me. In a flash, I grab my car keys and am about to rush to the door when my conscience, in the form of a certain redhead from the other end of the line, speaks up.
"James for fuck's sake chill", I immediately stop in my movement.
"How am I supposed to go down when they're spreading rumors about me, I'm definitely not engaged to her, that will never happen. I really want to put a bullet between their eyes, right now."
"I can understand you, really I can. And believe me, every one of us has a rage against this family, I mean they are the reason why half of our people are no longer with us. But we need a plan, all right. We can't just run into this thing haphazardly. Wanda will come to me now and we'll talk about it again in detail, I'll let you know tomorrow what exactly came out of it." a low grumble escapes my throat.
"You do know that I'm actually the boss here, right?" a soft, laugh can be heard from the other end of the line, which also elicits a smile from me.
"then act like it Barnes. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Before I can say anything back, a steady beep is heard from the other end of the line, a clear sign that Nat has just hung up.
The rage against Pierce and his family is omnipresent, various murder fantasies shoot through my head, one more bloodthirsty and brutal than the other before. The urge grows in me to implement every single one of these ideas personally on Pierce and his sieve.  However, it doesn't take all too long for these to be replaced by a freshly acquired knowledge.
"She thinks I'm engaged, that's why. The reason she's mad at me is not because of me,but because of a lie" an disbelieving laugh escapes me as I realize why my princess suddenly didn't want to talk to me anymore.
Without thinking about it for long, I grab my car keys and thank God that Charlie really wanted to spend the night with her grandma today. With quick steps I cross the foyer of my mansion and a little later I'm already sitting in one of my cars. With a quiet purr the engine comes to life and I bring the already very familiar route to (y/n) apartment behind me.
The bright lights of the street lamps pass by the car windows like bright flashes and the darkness covers the city like a threatening blanket. Arrived at my destination, I leave my car almost in a hurry and rush in the direction of her apartment and finally hammer like a madman against the door.
I hear how the door of the neighbor opens, which, however, after only a short, sharp look from me immediately disappears again in the interior of his apartment.
"Princess open the door. Please" After a short while, can hear loud poling and a quiet "Damn" from the inside of the apartment, before the door is torn open. And for the first time in what feels like an eternity, I look into her bright eyes. Already at first glance, I can see that she is apparently drunk or at least on the best way to it.
Tenderly, I push her aside to make room for myself in her hallway, grinning at her, and I can't help but pull her into my arms and hold her so close to me. Her familiar smell rises to my nose and I close my eyes for a moment, enjoying it. When I finally break away from her again, I meet confused eyes.
"What are you doing here James? Shouldn't you be with your daughter?" she turns her back on me at that and makes her way to her living room, with quick steps I follow her.
"Charlie is with my mother and I really wanted to see you." an incredulous sound leaves her perfect lips.
"I told you to stay away from me. It hasn't even been eight hours James." she takes a deep sip from her wine glass
"I can't help it, you put a spell on me. You're a drug I can't get off of. And I know what your problem is now." She raises an eyebrow in invitation.
"Oh you do?" tenderly I pull her to me and take the glass from her hand before setting it down on the living room table.
"Yes, and I just want you to know that I'm not engaged. I would never flirt with anyone else if I were. You might want to keep that in mind for the future."
A disbelieving laugh escapes her and she looks at me, stunned.
"It's really beyond belief that you assume we're going to have a future together, which then goes as far as an engagement. Your ego must really be bigger than the Empire State Building." Annoyed, she rolls her eyes and drops onto the sofa, quickly I do the same and sit down next to her.
"If it makes you feel any better, my ego has shrunk quite a bit since your rejection." I watch her as she intently observes the liquid in her glass. A desperate attempt to avoid looking me in the face.
"Definitely won't hurt you if you take it down a notch." Her bitchy tone makes me laugh before I take the glass from her hand and allow myself a hearty sip from it.
I quickly become serious again, however, as I remember the real reason for my visit. With a deft movement, I put the glass back on the table and grab her hand instead. With slow, circular motions, I let my thumb glide over the back of her hand.
"I'm serious though (y/n), I'm not engaged, I would never make false promises to a woman. Loyalty still means something in my world, you have to believe me."
I look lies still on our hands and her voice is more like a whisper, an insecure undertone resonating in it.
"But James, why would a perfect stranger come to my workplace just to tell me this lie. It doesn't make any sense at all."
She finally lifts her gaze and looks at me, at the sight of sadness in her eyes, I have to swallow hard and it feels like my heart is breaking a bit.
"I can't tell you why she did that, at least not yet, I have to find out for myself first. But I can tell you that my family and the Pierce family have a long history together..."
"Tell me."
"Princess, I don't think this is the right time."
"It wasn't a request James, it was an ultimatum. Tell it to me or leave. Your choice, I deserve the truth and if you can't even give me that then I can't need you in my life. You just said loyalty still means something to you, so prove it to me." her face is rigid and her voice sounds firm, I don't doubt for a second that she means her words. I straighten up further and intertwine our fingers together.
"Alright, but please let me finish, alright?" after a short nod from her, I start to tell her my whole life story.
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plushii-gutz · 9 months
Yep, Fallen Stars is getting a Spooktacle special set one year later - cut into multiple parts, as tumblr began to lag as I wrote more. Also, this will have spoilers from the main story, so please keep that in mind!
If you find a typo, no you didn't. These were made solely for fun and aren't to be taken all too seriously
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Leaves and wrappers crunched under the feet of two wandering monsters. The air surrounding them smelled of warm baked treats, their path lightened by the orange glow of candles and streetlights. They were surrounded by other monsterlings, each wearing a costume from their favorite shows, stories, and games. Joyful laughter flew through everyone's ears as buckets were filled with candies of every kind.
"I think we've been through every street," a young clamble spoke. A pumpkin-shaped bucket was clasped in their claw, filled with many candies they had gotten over the hours. "Should we call it a night?"
"We could," the other, a T-rox, answered. "But.. There's one last house we haven't gotten to yet!"
"Oh? Where is it?"
"Follow me, Sprout!"
Sprout fell behind, surprised at the sudden energy their friend had gained to run off so quickly. He ran without direction out into the night - and it seemed like the forest was his choice. Are there houses within the trees?
"Rocky, wait!" The clamble said with a pant, slowing with every step. "My mom told me not to go off the road! Where - where's the house?"
"Right up here!"
Soft grass turned to stone as the two finally came to a stop. Up a short hill, surrounded by darkened trees and fog, stood the old Plant Island castle. They were standing on the bubblerite path, clusters of mushrooms and grass sprouting from between its cracks, that led right up to the entrance. It wouldn't be too far of a walk now.
"What? We can't go there! It's off limits because some monsters kept trying to explore it and got hurt!"
"I heard someone died," Rocky whispered, a bit of morbid laughter coming after.
"Why.. would you want to go there?"
The t-rox began his walk, forcing Sprout to follow behind.
"I was told the reason everyone wanted to go in was because, one day a year, you can speak to Plant Islands old kings! Don't tell me you aren't at least a little curious."
"Not one bit."
"Well, you can stay behind and be a little crybaby!"
Sprout stopped in their tracks, watching their friend walk on. It was too dark to be alone, and Rocky was the only one who brought a flashlight.
"I'm not a crybaby," the clamble scoffed. Their costume was a burger - not a baby.
The door of the castle had been worn down over the decades, hardly anything more than a stone and wood slab with two round handles. Sprout raised a claw, giving it a quick knock.
"No ones home. Guess we have to leave!"
The moment the clamble's words escaped into the air, the door opened with a whistling breeze.
The inside seemed to be in a different time. A long hallway with a red, velvety rug lining its path, lit candles hanging from lanterns on either side, shadows overcoming the entire scene. The wallpaper seemed torn, withering away from years of neglect. Old, yet new.
"Ladies first," Rocky teased.
"No. You first," Sprout replied.
The bickering was minimal, and they agreed to go in together. The temperature felt as if it dropped the second they stepped in - not a good sign. The floors creaked with every step, their breathing becoming visible fog the deeper they went into the castle. Sprout froze.
"Sprout? Sprout! Move it, come on!"
Rocky nudged their friends arm, following their eyes to what stood before them in the shadows. A foggy white cluster of icy winds and clouds loomed above them, forming an uncanny face that vaguely resembled any monster that came to mind with jolts of lightning flashing within its shape that rattled with thunder. Its face slowly tilted down, looking through the two with empty, soulless eyes.
"Leave," its voice echoed.
Sprout and Rocky slammed into one another, falling onto their backs and dropping their collected candy before scrambling to their feet. They darted back out the front door of the castle, screaming for their parents, anyone.
The floating figure disintegrated, bits of ice laying flat on the ground and melting into shallow puddles. Attmoz fell from it as well, laughing up a storm. Glaishur poked his head out from his room, Galvana sitting on his shoulders.
"I'm guessin' they're gone?" Glaishur asked.
"Oh yeah," Attmoz wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye. "They're gone!"
A new laugh filled the room, belonging to none other than the spooky monster himself: Punkleton! He clapped his hands, cheering on the scare they gave. He was quite proud of their creativity!
"As funny as that was," Furnoss came into view, "This is the one time I'm letting it happen. You know we can't be seen by any common monster."
"What about rares?" The air monster commented.
"Don't even start."
Galvana hopped from their spot, scooping up the bucket of treats. They dug around in it, trying to find something up to their expectations. The rest of the kids came along shortly after, starting to fight over who gets what. Attmoz broke them up, holding the bucket high above their grasps and keeping Plixie from swooping in.
"Alright, cool it! Look, Glaishur and I can divide these evenly for everyone, but'cha gotta be nice."
"It's not fair!" Torrt complained. "Why can't we have a Spooktacle? It looks fun!"
"Because it isn't safe, bud. You know that."
"I promise that we will.. celebrate in our own way," Furnoss assured. "Maybe."
"Maybe?" Punkleton said with shock. "Maybe! Hah! There's no 'maybe' here! Spooktacle is all about costumes and masks - it's perfect for you guys! You know what? Stay right here! I know just the guy to call!"
"Call? Call who?"
Punkleton didn't respond, leaving out the front door to get better cell service. Furnoss followed in an attempt to get an answer, but he was met with nothing. Attmoz trailed behind, which in turn brought along Glaishur and Galvana. Soon enough, the celestials poured out into the night. They could see the distant lights and hear the muffled laughter, all tucked away in the town hidden from their view.
It wasn't long after Punkleton's call that a new face arrived, stumbling with every step and seemingly disoriented. They appeared to be about the same height as an entbrat, covered in gray fur, and two curled, black and gold horns being their most prominent features. They carried multiple bags and buckets in a rush to provide whatever is needed to whoever was called.
"Tawkerr! Going as a mummy again this year?"
"I got toilet papered."
"Oh. Hah! Anyway, did ya get the goods?"
Tawkerr dropped the armful of supplies, finally able to get a better view of who exactly he was helping. The young celestials stepped back, intimidated by the new arrival.
"Wh- Punkleton, is that?-"
"Costumes galore!" They interrupted, digging through the many accessories. "We ought to have something for everyone! C'mere ya rascals, pick something out!"
Attmoz and Glaishur encouraged the others to look through the options, Syncopite and Furnoss keeping an eye on the werdo. Punkleton went on to explain who Tawkerr was - a friend. The name 'Parlsona' came up frequently, though it seems she's off busy tending to a Spooktacle party. There were only four known werdos, though they strongly believed that there had to be more somewhere. Their lifespans weren't longer than an average monster - they were well aware of such. They wanted to find more of their kind someday.
"Are you.. Furnoss?" Tawkerr would ask.
"As strange as it is, yes. I was hoping we could keep a low profile," He glanced over to Punkleton, "But maybe it's for the better we ease our way into the world. We can't stay hidden forever."
"It - it's a honor to.. - uh, your majesty?"
Furnoss was humored but assured the gray monster that he was alright with being referred to by name. The other still felt uneasy in the presence of someone with such high powers, and it was hard to believe that all of the lost celestials were simply on Plant Island. Especially right in front of him. Syncopite gave a brief explanation, as it seems they're always required to do such.
The kids tossed aside jackets, headbands, shirts, and shoes of many kinds. The materials felt rather cheap, a few even ripping at light touch. Attmoz took out a ragged black and red collared cape, draping it over himself and clipping it shut near his neck. He did a few twists and turns, showing off the fluid movements. He added on a simple white shirt and black waistcoat, something he probably should have put on first.
"Vampire, eh?" The skeletal monster laughed. "Here, you're gonna want some of these!"
Punkleton took out another bag, this one containing sharp, plastic teeth. They came in many different sizes to appeal to the abundance of monster species, though some pairs could work for either. Attmoz took one for his own, clamping onto it and showing off his new fangs. He was given a plastic mask, having pale white skin, pointed ears, and a stupidly goofy smile. As much as Attmoz didn't like it, he knew it would be for the better. For now.
Glaishur dug around, helping the others pick before he did. Hornacle wanted to go as an astronaut, the suit and helmet perfectly hiding their identity, yet still being recognizable and creative. Galvana zipped themselves up in a Woolabee onsie, which initially seemed cute before they revealed to have also taken a pair of the jagged plastic fangs. Weird, but alright.
Plixie chose to go as a robot, though it restricted their ability to fly. At least it lit up! Vhamp chose the cowboy option, the hat casting a shadow over their face to keep them hidden. Torrt put on a simple smunkin costume with the stem as a hat, able to retract inside to appear solely as the festive food. He found it rather silly - exactly as they wanted! Blasoom suited themselves up with a shimmery green hood, a jeweled mask with a long pointed beak, and a dress that dragged behind with layers of blue, green, and black patterns. A peacock! Scaratar took a while to finalize her decision, but she settled on a dark queen. A black and purple gown, bejeweled silver crown, feathered mask to hide her face - she loved it! Almost matched Blasoom, too!
Glaishur was last. He was still unsure as to what he wanted to go as, pushing aside pieces of different costumes and taking suggestions. He came across a blue flannel, the sleeves covered in false rips to expose dusty gray furred arms. He found the matching headband and ripped jeans - oh hell yeah.
"Hey Synco, how about you?" Attmoz asked.
"I'm not going out."
"Oh, come on, it's our first Spooktacle. You have to at least dress up!"
Syncopite tapped their foot, leaving for the castle. He came out seconds later, a pillowcase covering their head.
"I'm going as a pillow."
"That doesn't count."
"A marshmallow, then. Try not to catch me on fire."
"Can't argue with that."
Glaishur made himself present, dressed fully in a costume similar to an epic drumpler - a werewolf. It came with matching slippers, which admittedly were very uncomfortable, but he'd make it work. Syncopite snorted, holding back a bit of laughter before it was knocked out of him by Scaratar. Rude.
"Looking good, Glaish!" Attmoz praised. "Did it come with something to cover your head? Other than the ears."
"Oh - uh, maybe?"
The cold monster turned back around, digging around once more before coming across a latex mask. It was torn, bits of paint either smudged or missing around the teeth, giving it an unsettling look that likely wasn't the intended design. He put it on, mumbling at the uncomfortable feeling.
"It smells like fish."
"Ah, it's just like hanging out with Hornacle."
Hornacle snapped their claw at Attmoz's tail, narrowly missing him.
"Hey Smokey, are you dressing up?"
"It.. depends. I mean, if the rest are, I don't see why not."
There wasn't much left to choose from, even less so in sizes larger than a small. Perhaps a Sox? No - too similar to Glaishur. A firefighter? Too ironic. Furnoss picked out a long, deep blue cape with yellow stars and a matching hat with a fake gray beard. It was dusty and a little worn. It fits, at least.
"I'm sorry for the.. lack of sizes," Tawkerr apologized. "Punkleton said it was someone's first Spooktacle."
"I wasn't wrong, now, was I?"
"No, but.. I thought you meant, like, little kids."
"It's fine," the fire monster assured. "I think it looks nice, actually."
"Alright," Punkleton took back the spotlight, "Let's see.. everyone's got a costume, right? Now, all ya need are buckets or bags - to hold the treats in! Have any on ya, Tawks?"
"Uh.. Good question."
"I brought some!"
Tawkerr recognized the voice immediately. The celestials made sure their faces were covered, another new monster coming into their front yard. She was slightly taller than Tawkerr, sporting a pale blonde pelt and shorter pointed horns. Feathers grew a little ways past her elbows and coated her arms, pink and blue sprinkled among them and matching her dyed hair and polished hooves. If the horns weren't enough of a hint, her similar build defined herself as a werdo, and the other seemed glad for her arrival.
"Parlsona! You made it!"
"Sorry I'm late!" She yelled, coming to a stop. "The monsterlings just kept coming! I left Maggpi and Stoowarb in charge! Not my smartest moment, but you forgot a couple of things back at the house. Oh! Hello there!"
Parlsona kneeled to the others' level, complimenting their costumes and wishing them an amazing Spooktacle. They're adorable! She wondered their names or what species they were, but they seemed bashful. Probably best to let them open up on their own. She offered the many monsterlings a fabric bag, each having a unique and spooky design printed on in neon colors. The gift was well received!
"Why did we meet up at the old castle?" She asked. "You know it isn't safe to be in! especially during Spooktacle - the kids go crazy over it!"
"Doesn't matter. Let's get on with this!" Punkleton cheered.
Tawkerr and Parlsona gave their goodbyes and wished the group a happy Spooktacle. Their job was far from done, and the continuous calls from Maggpi and Stoowarb reminded them!
With anxious excitement, the celestials began their walk down to the nearby town for their first ever Spooktacle. What would come of the night? Only one way to find out!
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Made off of a daydream I had a couple days ago, pls don't get offended or anything I've only watched five episodes of bungou stray dogs so I don't know much:
Begrudgingly you find yourself in the armed detective agency, witnessing a murder was definitely traumatizing and constantly having to talk to detectives was not helping.
Luckily there was only one detective in the entire place, meaning you'd only have to talk to one detective.
This is the last place you have to get interrogated at so once this is done you'll be free.
The detective greets you at the door, his white hair and purple-yellow orange initially shocking you.
He immediately greats you.
"hi! You must be rosie? It's super nice to meet you, I'm Atsushi" he says to you.
"yes I am, nice to meet you too" he reaches his hand out to shake your hand but you quickly pull back, giving an awkward smile when his face turns confused.
"sorry, but I don't touch people"
"oh that's okay, why don't you take a seat and then we can start" nodding you go to the seat he had pointed out.
"do you want any drinks? Tea? Coffee?" Atsushi asked you, "oh I'd love some tea please" you responded.
He quickly heated some up and brought it to you, then you make your way to your seat.
It was comfortable but not too comfortable, Atsushi sat down on the chair opposite of you.
Grabbing a notepad your meeting is ready to start.
"your name is rosie Sam right?"
"would you say the death was a murder or an accident?"
"How would you say she died?"
"being slammed by a car"
"what time?"
"I'd say around 10:45"
"where were you"
"almost the other side of the crossroad"
"can you put this all together into one big sentence"
"she was run over by a car when crossing the road, it happened at 10:45 p.m. I was among the people crossing the road, though I was way closer to the end of the crosswalk, I don't remember how the car got at her but my best guess was the cars breaks shut down" looking at Atsushi you ask him a question.
"did you know the victim?" You asked, Atsushi looked up at you before looking down again.
"I did, she was a really great friend of mine, it just hurts me so much to see her die, she was so just precious to me" Atsushi was almost on the verge of tears, normally people would be sympathetic but the only emotion you feel is disgust, how dare he.
"I'm sorry" you say, pretending to be sad.
"don't worry it's not your fault, I do believe you when you say it's a accident but if I ever find out it was something else, like a murder I will do everything in my power to bring the killer to justice" hm, just like him immediately assuming people hurt other people.
"are there anymore questions?" You ask him.
"are they're any details that you think you might of missed?"
Thinking for a moment you talk more.
"it's such a tragedy someone so young had to die, I even heard the body disappeared five hours after the fact" I look at Atsushi expecting to see more of his sad face only to see that his face was shocked.
"you- that- that information wasn't given to the public? How do you know that!?"
The shock that hit you was so powerful that you accidentally dropped your disguise, he looked at you in disbelief and relief.
"yn!?" Immediately you bolt for the door making it three steps before your tackled to the ground by Atsushi.
"get off you bastard!!!" You tell as your hands are pinned behind your back.
"wait, yn sweetie, shhh shhcalm down it's okay" he attempts to comfort you.
"let me go!"
"shhhhh, shhhh relax, you can't go the outside world, it's too dangerous"
"I don't care!!" With every energy you have you attempt to get him off of you but it's no luck with his powerful tiger hands.
"baby, why'd you go, it's too much for you, why can't you just stay here with me and the others"
"why the hell would I stay with you Infantilizing bastards!!!" the memories of all the time they never let you out of the agency, the times they babied you, and most importantly all the times they humiliated you. Those time where horrifying and you never want to go back to them, but alas it was too late you were caught by the tiger.
"see your over reacting, I'm gonna have to sedate you now" he reaches for his belt and uses it to tie your hands, as he walks to go grab something you try to crawl away only to yet again get stopped by him.
He moves your neck to the left and injects something into it, almost instantly you feel the drowsy effects you've felt so many times.
As you falling into the black Atsushi bridle carries you.
"there there sweetie, just fall asleep I'll take good care of you" his words where so humiliating he didn't treat you like an adult he treated you like a baby.
The last thing you remember think was that you should have taken dazais invitation of commiting double suicide a long time ago.
The end.
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