#the extra 5 minutes to wake up sounds scary too
esprei · 2 years
Wisdom teeth story
I was 17. I had to get put all the way under bc mine were impacted (sideways) and I also had to get all four of them taken out at once. I was put into a room with a wild looking dentist chair looking thing. One doctor came in and I mentioned feeling anxious. She asked me if I wanted laughing gas and my dumb ass asked, "will that cost my parents extra?" like it was the fucking scholastic book fair. She was like "no wtf" and I was like "cool let's do it then." So at some point some other people come in and they put this plastic thing on my face. It covers my mouth and nose and blocks my view of pretty much everything. They turn the shit on and man. That was an experience. It made my hands and feet feel weird and tingly. I didn't actually feel any calmer, but I could hear my heart monitor slowing down. It was trippy af, but cool. I wasn't uncomfortable or anything. So the anesthesiologist comes by and sprays something that he called "cold spray" on my arm over my brachial artery. It served both as an antiseptic and a numbing agent if I recall correctly. He puts an IV in me at some point, but I can't feel it or see what he's doing. I remember saying that I was thirsty and he was like "oh, this will help with that." I guess he was flushing it with saline first. But then it was night night juice time. He says, "You might start to feel a bit woozy." I look up to the ceiling and say, "Yeah, I sure do feel a bit woozy."
The next thing I remember after that was me sitting in a different room, in a different chair, laughing hysterically and pointing at my mom who was literally just sitting there. I don't remember waking up from surgery or walking to the recovery room, but they did mention afterwards that it took me about 5 minutes longer to wake up than it should have and they didn't like that.
But anyways, a nurse walked me out with my mom because she has a physical disability and wouldn't be able to do much if I stumbled. I still almost fell. But anyways I got in the passenger's seat and my mom drove us to the pharmacy. She told me very firmly to stay put and not to touch anything. I kept waving at her the entire five to ten minutes she was inside the pharmacy. There were big windows, so she could see me the whole time. She looked nervous as hell. So she came back to the car with my meds and made me take them. Then she went through the McDonald's drive thru and got me a large chocolate milkshake bc I couldn't eat solid foods yet. We got home and she tried to spoon feed me the milkshake except I couldn't feel my mouth so I literally could not tell when the spoon was in my mouth. Messes happened. I probably only got through a third of that shake. At that point she told me to go take a nap. Now, I am not a person who takes naps. I wouldn't even take naps when I was a toddler. But my ass slept that entire afternoon and finished the milkshake for dinner.
omg i can only imagine getting laughing gas for that instead and man your poor mom, i can totally understand her nervousness and concern during all of that, she was probably like "hurry up, hurry up, hurry uuuuuup" at the pharmacy lol, we were able to go through a drive-thru with mine
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waking up with Daichi
Warnings: none!
Pairing: Daichi Sawamura x Fem!Reader
A/N: just some wholesome Daichi fluff for you guys tonight! I want nothing more than to wake up in Daichi’s arms omg :’)
Haikyuu Masterlist
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“Daichi,” Y/N whined, trying to tug off his arms off of her waist. “We gotta go!” She insisted, her giggles interrupting her very serious manner. 
“5 more minutes,” Daichi mumbled into her shoulder, nuzzling into her back further. His grip on her only tightened, squeezing her close for extra cuddles.
“You said that 5 minutes ago! And 5 minutes before that!” Y/N shook her head, hitting his arms playfully. “We’re going to be late!”
Daichi made a sound of objection, mumbling to himself how life was not fair before setting her free from his grip, “Fine. But more cuddles tonight,” he demanded as she jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom. 
“Maybe, but only if you promise to be nice to Asahi today,” she teased, smirking back at him.
“I’ll be nice to him when he stops being such a baby,” he huffed, turning back into bed as if he too didn’t have to get up. “Complaining to my girlfriend that I’m bullying him, what kind of scary dude does that. He’s the one that wanted to look wild and everything, but he can’t even come back to the gym to play.”
“It’s much more than that and you know that, Daichi,” Y/N insisted, beginning to wash her face. “Do your whole tough love thing but be nicer, it is Asahi we’re talking about.”
Daichi grumbled some more before finally prying himself out of bed. “When that idiot comes back to the team, I’m going to make him do so many laps for talking to my girlfriend about me,” he promised himself with a nod. 
“Stop being a pouty baby and get ready for school,” Y/N smiled, glancing over at him. “If we can get ready quicker, we can take our time walking there. It’s a prettier walk when we’re not rushing.”
Daichi nodded in agreement, starting to get ready. He watched Y/N for a moment, wondering if this was his future. No, this was his future. His past, present, AND future. There was no wondering about it.
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added!)
@scphiredrafts @aurumk @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @wolfishwriting​
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
The Self-Care Challenge
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Hi ya’ll! I’ve been thinking of doing something like this for awhile and after a pretty stressful past few weeks, I felt it was time to finally share it with all of you. I present The Self-Care Challenge. It’s a challenge for you to bring into your everyday lives to try and carve out just 10 minutes a day specifically for you. 
Self-care is a pretty broad term. We all know what it means but practicing it can be something else entirely. I’ve created a simple week long challenge with things your can do to make a moment of your day dedicated just to you. Please feel free to jumble up the schedule, skip what doesn’t interest you and focus on what does instead or simply choose just one thing to try out. These are all things that personally help me on the not so great days and I hope regularly integrating them can help your rough days too!
Day 1: Hydrate
Today’s challenge is to swap out one sugary drink a day for a glass of water instead. Or if you’re bad at drinking water altogether and waiting until the end of the day like myself, set a reminder for yourself at 10 am to have a midmorning glass. Keeping hydrated is such a little thing but is so necessary.
Day 2: Pamper
How often is your shower routine more of a to-do list than actually relaxing? Today’s challenge is to take an extra minute or two when you’re done with your routine and relax under the water. Live in a water conscious area or that doesn’t sound like your thing? Try a post shower activity for you. A face scrub because it feels nice. Lotion your poor feet. Whatever it is, do it because it feels good, not because it was on your to do list.
Day 3: Stretch It Out
Today’s challenge is to do a short and sweet stretching routine. As someone who sits for 10+ hours daily for work, stretching is one of the best things I’ve started to do. There are plenty available online to read or follow along to. I’m personally a fan of blogilates stretching routines on youtube. 
Day 4: Treat Yourself
Today’s challenge is to simply treat yourself! You want to do a little bit of retail therapy? Go for it. You want to have extra dessert with your dinner tonight? Go for it. You want to do that thing you really don’t need to but want to? Go for it. Self-indulgence every so often is a good thing. If you have the means, let yourself treat yourself. It’s why we work so hard after all isn’t it? 
Day 5: Hobby Happy
Today’s challenge is to do a hobby you enjoy or have enjoyed in the past or to start something new. Writing is mine but I have lots of others I enjoy too. Take ten minutes and do something you enjoy that’s in no way shape or form related to anything but giving you some fun times.
Day 6: Sleep It Off
Today’s challenge is to attempt to get 30 minutes more of sleep tonight than you normally would. Go to bed earlier or wake up later, whichever makes sense for your schedule. That TV show, fic, whatever it is will be there the next day but that extra bit of sleep might make a huge difference in how you feel.
Day 7: Something New
Today’s challenge is to try something new or plan to try something new. It could be finding a new recipe to try for dinner, for a baked good, a new hobby, a new workout, a new walking route, a new paint color for your bedroom. Anything and everything. Change is scary but new things can be good and give us something to look forward to. 
I hope one or more of these things helps remind ya’ll to take some time for yourselves!
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Stella’s first time alone with Harry
ahhhh!! i've been wanting to write some extras for daddy? and this kind of just came to me. i thought it would be a good first extra to start it off. send in any thoughts or requests you have for this little series!!
wordcount: 2370
It was very last minute. Y/n had been called into a last minute session and while she usually would bring Stella along, she knew the people around the artist she was working with were going to be doing an abundance of drugs and drinking various alcohols while they worked and she wasn’t about to bring her 4 year old around all of that. She didn’t mind it but her baby didn’t need to see that.
So she called Harry. Ever since they became official and he became a more permanent piece in Stella’s life, he’d been wanting to spend more time with her to bond. He was taking this whole father thing very seriously and Y/n could honestly cry, it was so cute. He wanted to be there when she went to bed and when she woke up. He wanted to make her breakfast in the morning. He wanted to comfort her when she woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. It was adorable how bad he wanted her to be comfortable with him.
Of course he didn’t want to overwhelm her, so he knew he had to take it slow and Y/n had told him this a few times now.
She’s still not used to being around someone so often, so it may take some time for her to really warm up to you. She explained. Of course there had been that night on the couch when Harry had confessed his feelings and all of this had begun, but that was kind of a one time thing as she hadn’t done that again. There were times where she still shied away from him, where she wouldn’t let him near her. Y/n had never exposed her to this much male attention before so she understood why Stella was still weary. She would be too if all the sudden her mom started bringing this dude she’d only met a few times around more often.
He had agreed before Y/n could even finish her sentence.
Of course I’ll watch her tonight, Love! What time should I head over?
He was there at 4:45. Y/n had to be at the studio at 5:30. This gave her enough time to make sure Stella would be ok here with just Harry and to make sure Harry had all the right emergency contacts and little tidbits he needed before she had to go.
“Ok baby, you gonna be ok with Harry tonight?” The mother asked her baby, crouched down to her level in front of the door, ready to cancel if the girl were to say no.
“Yeah mommy!” Stella smiled shyly, holding her mom's hand lightly, twisting back and forth. Y/n smiled and nodded, kissing her baby’s forehead and standing to her full height.
Harry stepped up to her, giving her a light kiss on the mouth, pressing his forehead to hers when he pulled away.
“We’ll be ok tonight Love. Won’t we Stell?” He smiled down at Stella, reaching down and pushing back her crazy baby hairs from out of her face. The child giggled and quickly nodded, hugging her moms legs before she shouted an excited bye mommy! and ran back to the living room, where her favorite movie Princess and The Pauper was playing. Harry and Y/n could hear her singing “I’m just like you, you’re just like me. It’s something anyone can see.” although it sounded more like “I just wike you, oou just wike meee, somefin anyone can seeee.” Y/n almost dropped everything to stay home at that. She loved hearing her little Stella sing, and now she didn’t want to miss anything while she was gone.
“Send me pictures so it feels like I’m here with you guys!” Y/n pouted, stepping into Harry’s open arms, resting her head on his shoulder. He pressed continuous kisses to her forehead, rubbing his hand up and down her back. He didn’t want his girl to be sad, but he understood that she didn’t love the idea of leaving Stella, even if she trusted Harry would take care of her. She hadn’t left Stella to go to work in years, she’s not used to it anymore.
“Ok Lovie, you’re gonna be late. I’ve got this, I’ll call you if anything goes wrong, I’ll send you all the pictures, and I’ll be waiting with open arms and a glass of wine when you come home.” His last kiss landed on her lips, deep and passionate, telling her all the things he wasn’t able to say with words. She nodded, leaning into his touch one last time before heading out the door.
Harry took a deep breath once her car had left the driveway, walking back into the living room to see Stella sitting quietly on the couch, watching her movie.
“Hey Stella, mind if I sit and watch the movie with you?” He asked. She shook her head, patting the spot next to her like she had seen her mom do before. Harry smiled and went to sit next to her. To his surprise, the baby laid her head down on his thigh, sticking her first finger in her mouth and let herself drift off to sleep while the movie played. Y/n had told him she usually took a nap right before dinner, which was at 6 for her. He smiled down at her, watching as her little chest rose up and down in steady, even breaths, wishing nothing but good dreams on her.
The man reached for his phone, snapping a quick picture and sending it to his girlfriend.
out like a light🥺 he attached to the message, not expecting a response as he knew she was still driving.
When the clock hit 5:30, Harry gently moved the girls head off his leg and set her up on the couch, sticking a pillow on the edge just in case she rolled around in her sleep, and went to start dinner. When he had first gotten there Stella had requested Mac n Cheese for dinner so he got to work boiling the water and measuring out the milk and everything that needed to be done, periodically checking back to where she was sleeping.
When it was finished he tiptoed back over to the couch, crouching down to her and smoothing her hair back, pressing light kisses to her cheek. Whispering, he said “Stella, m’love, time f’dinner. Wake up, baby.”
The girl stirred, letting out little whines and stretching out her little arms and legs. Her eyes peeled open, still riddled with sleep and he wanted to cooe at her and wrap her up in his arms. She’s just so adorable.
“Mac n cheese?” She mumbled and he breathed a laugh through his nose.
“Yes baby, I made mac n cheese for you.” He brushed his thumb over her small cheekbone, knowing she was always extra cuddly when she first woke up, even with Harry. She extended her arms out to him, a silent plea to be picked up and he obliged because how could he say no to this little cuddlebug? She nuzzled her little head into his neck and he walked them into the kitchen.
Stella was quite small for a four year old so she still sat in a high chair. Harry set her in, knowing she was big enough that he didn’t need to fasten the straps because she wasn’t really a jumpy child, and set a small bowl of mac n cheese with a baby fork on the tray in front of her. She said a quiet thank you just like her mommy taught her when someone does something nice for you and began eating.
Harry watched as she hummed little tunes to herself and ate her mac and cheese, not making too much of a mess.
“Hawwy?” She spoke up after finishing a bite of her food.
“Yes baby?”
“We have ice cweam please?” Harry laughed, seeing the little smirk on her face.
“Does mummy usually let you have ice cream?” He asked, knowing full well she would say yes no matter what the truth was. Just as he expected, she nodded her head feverishly with a big smile on her face. He pretended to think for a moment before agreeing that they could share a bowl of her favorite, double fudge brownie, once she finished her bowl of mac n cheese.
When she did finish, Harry wiped her hands and face off and swept her up into his arms. He set her on the counter, telling her not to move while he got the ice cream from the freezer and a bowl from the cupboard.
Standing next to the little girl sitting on the counter, swinging her legs back and forth and wiggling around with excitement, he scooped enough for the two of them to share and got out a spoon. Stella perched perfectly onto Harry’s hip and wrapped her little arms around his neck while he walked back over to the chair he had been sitting in while she ate her dinner. He settled her on his lap, spooning the sweet treat into both of their mouths so that she wouldn’t make a mess of herself. Ice cream is a little messier than mac and cheese. Stella didn’t make a big fuss even though when she asked nicely to feed herself, Harry said no.
Harry could see that Stella was still tired despite her nap from earlier as she rested herself back against his chest, her eyelids drooping shut every once and a while. She slowly began turning herself around until she sat facing his chest, little hands fisting his shirt and fell back to sleep on him. He chuckled lightly and finished the bowl of ice cream before standing up slowly and laying down on the couch with her sleeping on his chest. He threw the blanket on the back of the couch over them and closed his eyes, savoring the cuddles she had decided to share with him.
Harry’s eyes opened to the sound of Stella’s quiet cries. There she laid on his chest, still asleep but starting to stir around. He sat up, cradling her to his chest and rocking back and forth, smoothing hand up and down her back, trying to coax her out of her nightmare.
“S’ok baby. Wake up Stell.” He cooed into her ear, pushing her hair out of her face. Slowly, her eyelids fluttered open and she took a deep breath, lifting her head off of his chest.
“Hi baby.” He said with a smile, wiping the tears that had managed to escape down her rosy cheeks.
“Hawwy?” She mumbled, nuzzling into his neck, her fists clenching his shirt.
“I’m right here Petal, s’ok. You’re safe.” He whispered. She never talked about her dreams. He figured it was because she was a 4 year old and didn’t remember once she woke up. She just knew they were scary. Whatever it was, he made sure she knew he was there to protect her. That as long as she was with him, nothing could hurt her.
“Mommy home yet?” She asked, keeping her little head where it laid. Harry sighed, hoping his answer wouldn’t further upset the girl.
“Not yet m’love. She’ll be home later.” He reminded her. Stella didn’t say anything, just nodded her head.
Her eyes closed once more and she drifted back off to sleep.
A few hours later, Harry had dozed off again, Stella still cradled on his chest. Y/n quietly walked into the living room, seeing the two of them asleep on the couch.
This time she really did start crying because it was so cute, but also because she was happy that Stella finally had a father figure in her life. She tiptoed over to them, quickly snapping a picture before leaning down and pressing a kiss to Harry’s forehead. He stirred, opening his eyes to see his girlfriend hovering above him with a smile on her face.
“You promised wine!” She feigned a pout and Harry chuckled in his half conscious state, sitting up slowly while supporting Stella’s sleeping frame against his own.
“Sorry darling, I got a little wrapped up…” He smiled. Y/n returned it, leading them up to her room so they could lay her down and have some time to themselves before they turned into bed.
“Mommy?” Stella woke up when Harry laid her down.
“I’m here baby, go night night and I’ll see you in the morning ok?” The mother said, placing a kiss on her childs forehead and tucking her in.
“Hawwy?” She mumbled, causing Harry’s smile to reappear.
“I’m still here baby. See you in the morning, ok?” He asked, placing his own kiss on her forehead. She nodded, falling back to sleep and cuddling into her blanket.
“Did you two have fun?” Y/n asked quietly, cuddling into Harry as they sat on the couch, each with their own glass of wine.
“We had a lovely time. I’m surprised she fell asleep as quickly as she did because she convinced me to give her ice cream.” He chuckled. Y/n followed, imagining the puppy dog eyes her baby probably gave him to get her way.
“Of course she did!” Y/n set down her finished glass, “Sugar doesn’t really make her that crazy so that doesn’t surprise me.”
“Thank you for letting me watch her tonight. I think she’s more comfortable with me now!” Harry beamed, leaning in to kiss his girl since he hadn;t gotten the chance since she’d been home. She leaned into him, indulging herself in the kiss. A content hum resonated from her chest before she pulled away.
“Thank you for wanting to be a part of her life. You will never know how much that means to me!” Y/n pecked her boyfriend's lips a few more times before she suggested they turn in for the night.
Laying her head on his chest in bed, she took a deep breath, letting his cologne lull her to sleep and trying not to get too excited at the little family they were building.
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call-signvalkyrie · 4 years
Ignite the Spark pt. 1
So I quit my shitty job today. Yay me! With the extra time I had today, I got a chance to finish the first chapter of a Poe Dameron series I’ve been working on. Let me know what you guys think!
Summary: After years of undercover work for the Resistance, the daughter of Luke Skywalker has returned. Arriving on Ajan Kloss to a warm greeting from General Leia Organa, the Reader is given a gift and has their first meeting with everyone’s favorite pilot.
Pairings: Poe Dameron x Skywalker!Reader
Tags: talks of the Force, a few flashbacks, Poe being embarrassed lol
Word Count: around 3k
When your transport landed on Ajan Kloss, you weren’t sure you would be cut out for this. You’d spend so much time on backwater planets, filtering information to the resistance and doing your best to go unnoticed. You were so used to not interacting with anyone that the thought of being around so many people on a bustling base was a bit scary. All feelings of reservation were swept away, however, when the door of the transport opened to reveal the face of an older woman. Her hair was different since the last time you had seen her. Her face was aged from the many years of fighting the good fight for the rebellion. Her eyes, however, had not changed a day. They gleamed and twinkled in the dying twilight. Her smile made them sparkle even brighter as she reached out toward you.
“Aunt Leia,” you stepped off the transport and into her open arms. “It’s been too long.”
“Yes, it has. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t have kept you away.” She smiled lovingly, taking your face in both hands.  
“I brought the data you asked for. I’ve got it all here.” You said, pulling a flash drive from your jacket pocket.
“That’s wonderful, Stardust.” You beamed with pride at the mention of your childhood nickname. “Lt. Connix, will you please take this data to the command center. Start running a detail immediately.”  
“Yes, General.” Lt. Connix took the flash drive and was gone before you could blink.
“Beaux, see to it that Lt. Skywalker’s bags are placed in her quarters, please.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Beaux gave you a quick wave before stepping onto the transport and out of sight.
“Now, Y/N, I want to give you a quick tour before you settle in. I’m sure you’re exhausted but I want you to be as familiar as possible with everything on this base. This is your home now. No more field missions, I need you with me.” Leia smiled again, taking your arm and leading you toward the left wing of the base and toward the living quarters.  
Home. Leia was the only thing you had left. Wherever she was, that’s where your home would be.  
After showing you where your quarters would be located as well as the mess hall, med bay, and a quick tour of the Command Center, you were ready to get settled in for the night.  
“Well, Y/N, if you need anything tonight, my quarters are right down the hall. You should have a data pad on your desk all charged and ready to go. It’ll have your clearance codes as well as any information you’ll need to know while on base. I’ll need you with me in the morning to debrief that data. It should be downloaded and ready so make sure to give it a look over before the morning.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You said, smiling softly at the older woman.
“Goodnight, Stardust.” Leia gave a quick wave before walking out the door.  
Turning on your heal, you took a quick second to familiarize yourself with your new home. Being the niece of the general had its perks. Your quarters were small, yes but they were cozy. A small bookshelf and dresser were along the wall to your left, a double bed and desk and chair to your right. The data pad Leia had mentioned was right where she said it would be, all charged and ready to go from the looks of it.  Straight ahead was your own private refresher. After unpacking your duffle of clothes, along with your rucksack containing a few personal mementos, you decided to take a quick shower before bed. You could wake up early and review that data for Leia. It wasn’t like you hadn’t spent the last 5 years gathering every piece of intel you could on the First Order.  
Grabbing a fresh pair of underwear, a grey tank and a pair of sleep shorts from your dresser, you stepped into the refresher. Ten minutes later you were scrubbed clean and feeling surprisingly relaxed. It was amazing what a proper shower could do. Opening the door and stepping into your room, you turned to hang your towel on the desk chair when you spotted something you hadn't noticed earlier. On the desk were two boxes accompanied by an envelope. Scrawled across the front in a familiar script was the word “Stardust”. Opening the envelope, you began to read:
For far too long I have kept you in the dark and for that I will always be in your debt. Please accept these as tokens of my sincerest apologies. I hope at least one of these will help light your way. I understand if you’re conflicted but I have hope that one day you will be able to continue your training. Your fathers only wish in life was to see you follow his footsteps. Maybe we can fix that now.  
All My Love,
Setting the letter to the side, you wiped your eyes with the back of your hand. Picking up the smaller of the two boxes, you opened it to reveal a small jewelry box. Lifting the lid, you gasped allowed. Nestled on a small black pillow was a beautifully woven silver chain. Placed ever so delicately in the middle of the pillow was a pendant. Pulling the chain from the box, you let it dangle in front of you in the soft light.  
You never thought you would see this necklace again. Your father had given it to you when you left the Jedi temple to be with your aunt Leia all those years ago. When the temple fell and Kylo Ren rose to power, your necklace went missing in the night. That was almost 8 years ago now. Yet, here it was right in your hands like it was never gone. You ran the compass shaped pendant through your fingers, letting the wave of sadness and nostalgia run over you. On one side, a golden crescent moon surrounded by three silver stars embellished the surface. Turning it over, there was an engraving: Stardust.  
You gingerly pulled the chain around your neck and adjusted it to size. That’s why you had always loved this necklace.
“It will grow with you, Stardust.”  
Sniffling, you took a look at the other package. Thinking back to the note, you already knew what it was. How Leia had found it, you would never know but would be forever grateful. This box was longer, over a foot in length. The box was made of a soft wood that smelled faintly of burned embers. It had no exterior markings and no obvious way of exposing its contents. Slowly, you lowered the box to the floor. Taking a seat in front of it, closed your eyes. Reaching out with your mind, you felt it: The Force.
“The Force is all around you, Y/N. Reach out with your feelings and let it flow through you.”
“Okay, dad.”
“I mean: Yes, Master.”
The box gave no notice it had even opened. If some random onlooker happened to be watching, they would be none the wiser. You knew, however, the moment it happened. Lifting the lid, your breath caught in your throat. The inside of the box was lined with a soft, deep blue velvet pillow the color of the night sky. On top of the pillow, an emblem was stitched into the fabric. A shooting star wrapped in what looked like wings. Atop this pillow was a smooth cylindrical object, covered in beautiful ancient markings. It had a slightly curved handle for better grip for your smaller hands. You always favored nature and practicality over dominance and your build had reflected that.  
“You must gather your crystals quickly, younglings. The cave is only open for so long. We don’t want any of you getting stuck in here.” You could hear his soft chuckle even now.
Picking up the silver object, you ignited the switch. Your room began to buzz with the soft whir of noise from the object in your hand. Ethereal, green light radiated from the source. You disengaged the ignitor, taking the smooth metal in both hands. How could it have survived? You looked everywhere after the temple was burned and never found it. Had Leia had it all this time and was just waiting for the right time to return it? Who had taken your lightsaber?  
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of frantic beeping coming from the hallway. Quickly, you slid the blade back into the box. Tucking it away under your bunk, you scrambled to the door and hit the lock. The door opened with a soft shlick and you stepped into the hallway. Another round of agitated beeps could be heard coming down the hall followed by what sounded like combat boots. Coming around the corner was a small round droid, a BB Unit by the looks of him.  
“BeeBee-Ate, I’m sorry! Buddy, our room’s not even this way, where are you going?” a male voice called after the little droid.
“What do you mean you're telling Leia?! It’s the middle of the night, pal. She’s most likely asleep.”  
Leaning against the door to your quarters, you began to understand the little guy. He was angry because someone named Poe left him alone with the ship. AGAIN. And got captured and made him worry. AGAIN. You gave a slight chuckle as the little guy rolled by, angry beeps the whole way. Punching your code back into your door panel, you were just about to step back in when a voice called out to you. Stepping back into the hallway, you were greeted by a Resistance pilot. He was still wearing his bright orange flight suit. His thick, curly hair stuck up in odd directions from his helmet. He gave you a soft smile and waved.  
“I’m sorry for all the noise, it's been a weird day.” The pilot smiled at you apologetically. “I hope my friend didn’t wake you.”
“No, I was awake.” You smiled back, taking a step out of your room and into the hallway. “Just checking to make sure everything was alright. The General, however, won't be too happy about being disturbed.” You nodded toward the little droid, now rolling his body into your aunts' door at full force.  
“Gods, BB-Ate! It’s not that serious! I -” the pilots voice stopped in his throat as the shlick of the door BB-8 was throwing himself into slid open. The little droid went flying full force into the now open quarters of General Organa. You heard a loud clang followed by a series of confused beeps and whistles from the little droid.
“Dameron, you nerf herder! Get your droid out of my room right now or so help me not even the Force will be able to save you!” the General stepped out of her quarters and into the hallway, glairing toward the man to your right. You had to cover your face to hide the smile that was creeping onto it.  
“General, I am so sorry.” a deep blush began to creep up the man's neck and onto his face. “I tried to get him to calm down but he just wouldn’t! He insisted - “
“I don’t care, Dameron. Get him out of here NOW. You’re obviously alright so whatever it is can wait until morning.” Leia said, placing one hand on her hip. You hadn’t seen Leia this irritated since you were a child. You were glad that look was fixed on someone else for once.  
“Yes, ma’am.” The pilot said, lowering his eyes. “C’mon BB-8. It’s time for bed.” The little droid gave what you interpreted to be a light grumble but complied, rolling out to meet his master. Turning on his heal, the pilot gave you a light nod and started off in the direction he came from.  
“Y/N! Ben! Get in here.”
“I told you not to take her lightsaber!” You whispered to your cousin, jabbing him in the ribs.
“She’s my mom. I can take whatever I want from her.” Ben smirked at you and you rolled your eyes.
“Whatever, Bantha-breath! I’m gonna tell her you said that!” You skipped off toward your aunt's voice, Ben chasing close behind you.
“Y/N, you okay?” A hand touched your arm, bringing you back to reality.  
“Yeah, Aunt Leia, sorry. I think I’m just tired.” You yawned, covering your mouth lightly. “Hey, who was that guy?”  
“Oh, that’s Poe. Poe Dameron. He’s a pilot, leader of Black Squadron.” Leia said, exasperation in her voice.  
“Like, THE Poe Dameron? Wow.” You laughed lightly, shaking your head.  
“He’s a good guy, just has his head in his cockpit most of the time instead of down on solid ground.” Leia said, shaking her head with a smile.
“No, it’s not that. I just thought he’d be taller.” You both smiled, enjoying the joke between the two of you.  
“Well, between you and me, he really is the best pilot I’ve ever seen.” your aunt gave you a little wink before turning to go back into her own room.  
“Even better than...” but you stopped yourself, letting the thought trail on.  
“Almost. Maybe.” you could hear the smile in her answer as the door to her room shut behind her.  
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idjitlili · 4 years
Your eyes can be so cruel.
Kili x reader
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Summary:  Being apart of the company, and growing close to Kili. After stopping at an inn, some drunk men, decide to pick at Kili's appearance. Words from Bowie come into favour.
A/n: Requested by Thatfoolishhuman  I have seen this idea a lot for Kili, but I'lol make it my own :) Also I'm British, so don't be mad at my spelling. FIRST IMAGINE OF 2021
Word count:3375
Warnings: Listened to David Bowie while writing this, sorry Bowie you just too handsome. Swearing.
Songs in order: rebel rebel, as the world falls down.
There was perks from travelling with your parents; due to business. The most frequent place you'd go was Tortuga, it was a quite a large village. Every time that you'd go, you and your parents stayed in an inn, which had a pub connected to it.
You'd eat with your parents in there, before all the drunks arrived, it was also a Saturday that you'd go. Saturdays meant that a song writer, and singer in one , was always there. His name being Jareth, he was a very beautiful man, in honesty one of the best musicians, in history.
Jareth was a skinny man, had a huge blond mullet, beautiful eyes one pupil larger than the other, beautiful accent, beautiful everything. Who couldn't have a crush on Jareth, his songs were like none other. 
These trips started when you were 5, when your parents business finally picked up, all the way up until you came to age. Which is when you joined the company, due to Gandalf.
You didn't think you'd ever see Jareth again, but you do.  You had undoubtedly had a crush on the singer growing up, you had almost forgotten about him when you joined the company.
Personally you didn't know Gandalf very well, not like your parents did, but he recruited you for an adventure, how could you deny it. A chance to see elves, dwarves, dragons? No way you was going to pass up that chance, no way.
You were surprised when the company had picked up, after getting Bilbo, since you lived on the way. Scary yes, not knowing any of these people, a chance at getting friends, you could only hope.
Strange was to say the least, you had seen a couple of dwarves growing up , that was just in pubs mostly. The were always not so pleasant, but these dwarves, plump and strikingly handsome. That hobbit? Bilbo that didn't take long for you to become friends, being shy didn't help, but some how you managed.
Dwarves were were quite scary; to say the least they intimidated you. 
That was until a particularly rainy day, when the mud was like cake batter. Thorin had decided it was time to stop for the night, the rain hammering down, lightning even, every now and then. 
Everyone was getting off their pony's, as were you, you was about to step down, when a huge crack of thunder was sounded above you. Damn you Thor. You had jumped, slipping on the mud, but you never hit the floor, instead you into strong arms.
Looking up , drips of water from dark hair had dripped on you, as Kili looked down at you. Your feet upwards, like a trust fall, you had smiled in embarrassment back to Kili, who had pulled you up to your feet. "T-thank you." Now standing up on your own, pulling your tunic down, trying to avoid eye contact.
"You're welcome, wouldn't want you to ruin your clothes a day into our journey." Kili had smiled at you, as you looked back to him from your feet, smiling slightly back.
Dwarves weren't as bad as they were made out to be, you learned that very quickly. When it was time for baths, turns out they were protective over females, always when you bathed two dwarves stood guard, just in case.
On cold nights, you'd wake up with an extra blanket.
Even though Thorin didn't like you were on this quest, he was never horrible, maybe because you just stayed quiet. You did not want to anger that beast, Bilbo talked quite a lot and look at him..
On one night, you were told to hide, Bilbo had been kidnapped by trolls, you hadn't listened. You followed everyone else, staying the bushes, getting as close as you possibly could, before quietly climbing up a tree with your knife.
It wasn't long before they were all caught, you just staring down at them, specifically Kili, you had hoped at he look up, and see you drop the knife. You could not make nose that would have alerted the trolls immediately. Sat on a branch , trying to blend in as much as possible.
That was Kili had looked up wide eyed, as you dropping the knife , and quickly climbed further up the tree to get out of eye view. You had thought it had worked, oh you was wrong.
"That one has gotten out!" Kili had started running around the trolls , as if he was sonic. A few minutes that lasted before you had noticed a shadow. But it didn't matter because Bert had grabbed Kili tightly,like he was slime that wouldn't stay put. No way would not have bruises after that. Of course he got out of Berts grip as Gandalf had appeared, cracking the large Boulder, turning the trolls into stone.
Feeling terrible the next day still, when the company had stopped again for the night and everyone had went to sleep. You could not, Kili being on watch, you had gotten up quietly, making your way over to him, sitting on log next to him.
Thinking about what you would say, Kili had beaten you to it. "Can't sleep?" His voice sounded tired, but still as lively. "Yeah.. um I'm sorry." Very convincing, indeed.
" for what?" The fire glowing orange, causing Kili to be barely visible as he turned to his to look at you. "It's my fault, that you got hurt yesterday, I should've listened to Thorin."
"What on earth are you going on about? I wasn't hurt? I'm fine, no one is dead , you did great, you didn't throw the knife at my head, maybe then I'd be distrusting in you." You felt like sighing, thankfully, but that would be cringy.
"I haven't got good aim, so it could've happened."
"You need someone to teach you."  You had scoffed slightly at Kili, gaining his full attention.
"I do not think anyone would have the patience." The warm orange glow from the fire, lit up the outline of Kili's face, a small grin could be seen.
"Are you challenging me? I have to sit through multiple speeches from Thorin a day."
"That's because you and Fili mess with him, I saw you the other day tangle a bunch of branches into his hair ,while he was sleeping. Why are you always surprised that he gets mad?"
"That was funny though, did you not see that bird fly at him? It shat on his face." Kili's grin only widened, as did yours, you had seen, Thorins face was bright red with the whipped cream.
"I'm surprised Thorin doesn't just leave you somewhere." 
"My mum would kill him. Right that settles it, you will learn from the best , to throw knives."
"You will really get Fili to help me?" Kili had gasped at you , sarcastically. "Oh I see, you want that Lion, over me, I'm hurt y/n."
"No,no, thank you Kili."
Thus, a bond was formed every night the company stopped, Kili would take you from camp, taught you basic defensive techniques and knife throwing.
To say the least, it did not take you long to develop a crush. Fili and Bilbo had became suspicious and decided to sneak up on you two. Why you'd do , not sure, Bilbo supposed to be smart, for all they knew you could've been going at it.
Instead they found you both sparring, undoubtedly they were confused, as you knocked the sword from Kili's hand ,before tackling him. Straddling him, as you looked up to see Bilbo and Fili. Quickly letting go of Kili's wrists, Kili looking up confused too, as you stood up, pulling him up with you.
"Oh, hi, we were just sparring." Too embarrassed to speak, Kili did soon as he noticed his brother and hobbit.  "So, this is what you two have been doing for weeks? 'Sparring'?" Fili didn't believe it, if Thorin knew he would not have, an heir to the throne, left unsupervised with a woman? No way.
"Yes Fili, I've been teaching Y/n how to defend herself." Sweat dripping down both of your faces,  "Right okay, Thorin said it's time for you to have a bath in the quarry, before the dwarves filthy it. Come on y/n." Bilbo had pulled you away, turning your head back to Kili you had sent a smile back to him.
You were back on the road soon enough, Thorin had decided to let the company stop for a night at an inn, an inn with a pub on the side.
Tortuga, the inn you had grew up at.
What day was it? Saturday, you could only hope, you had a huge grin on your face. You had grabbed your stuff,  once everyone was off their pony's, heading in to the inn,
Getting to the desk, to check into the inn, which consequently next to the bar, you in front.  "Aye, it's y/n/n! It's been a while, luv. And you've brought friends, do you all need rooms?"  Sparrow, the owner of the inn had greeted you,with a grin. That man was also very handsome, but too old for you though.
"I know, mum and dad been here a lot though, I assume? Oh I'm, when they next come here, would you be able to give this. And yes please we need for 16." Handing Sparrow the letter from your pocket.
"Of course, okay right it's 2 coins each for the night." The dwarves soon pulled out there coins passing them forward, as did you.
As Sparrow got the keys after counting the coins, he had turned back to you. "Oh, and lucky for you, y/n/n Jareth is here tonight." Sparrow had grinned, as your face flushed.
"Oh,really?" Kili unknowingly to you had also developed a crush on you, the mention of Jareth, made him bubble with jealousy. The company wondered, why such a young woman would be on nickname terms with the pub owner, and who Jareth was. They hadn't seen you as that type of girl, they were right not you, you weren't an alcoholic.
You had all went to your rooms, you had bathed deeply ,  dressed and headed down to the pub for dinner. The company already there, sat at tables, with jugs of ale. There was a space next to Kili, who had waved you over to sit.
Squeezing next to Kili, Sparrow had catcalled you again. "Oi, y/n/n , usual?"  Nodded to his question, Loki the cook had brought out your favourite dinner, as Sparrow brought you an ale.
"You had it ready? Thank you." Sparrow had just winked leaving you to eat your dinner, the others were too busy drinking , but when they had noticed your food, they quickly ordered food.  
"So, you come here regularly?" Kili had questioned as you finished your food, "oh, I'm yes, I travelled with my parents growing up , we had to drop stuff off here in Tortuga often , so we would stay here for the night." You had spoken quickly , wanting to change the subject.
" Transporting goods then?" Kili was intrigued, watching you intensely as you sipped your ale. Really he wanted to know who Jareth was. "Yeah, pretty boring, got to see a lot of places though." After that, a lot of people began to pile in, and the dwarves got drunker.
You knew it was going to be soon, that Jareth would be here. Not long at all, customers getting drunk, it was lively indeed.
Though nothing ever happened between you and Jareth, he still held a place in your heart, as well as being your best friend.
That's when you heard it.
"Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo"  you head had shot up,in search of him, but you couldn't see him.
"You've got your mother in a whirl
She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl
Hey babe, your hair's alright
Hey babe, let's go out tonight
You like me, and I like it all
We like dancing and we look divine
You love bands when they're playing hard
You want more and you want it fast
They put you down, they say I'm wrong
You tacky thing, you put them on."  Then you saw him, on the stage , well sort of a stage. 
Catching sight of his mullet, down to his eyes, he had not noticed you, you wondered if Sparrow had told him you were here.  You hoped he would see you.
"Rebel rebel, you've torn your dress
Rebel rebel, your face is a mess
Rebel rebel, how could they know?
Hot tramp, I love you so!" Thats when Jareth finally caught your eyes, holding eye contact as he sang, Blush upon your face. You had gotten up and went to the bar, ordering something strong, before retiring to your seat.
As Jareth had already started another song, you smacked down your drink.
"There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes
I'll place the sky
Within your eyes."  Jareth , catching your eye, gesturing you to come closer , with his hand.
"There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast
In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon
Within your heart"
Standing up , Kili watched you as you walked towards the stranger man, as did the other dwarves. 
"As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down."
  Jareth had held knelt down, holding his gloved hand for you to take, which you did. Pulling you up onto the stage.  Still holding onto your hand, still singing, as he continued singing, you placed your hand on his shoulder as he placed his other hand on your waist.Kili's heart ached.
As the world falls down
Falling in love."  As you two danced , in sync, you truly loved Jareth, Kili stood up , went to the bar to get another drink.
"I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings though we're strangers 'til now
We're choosing the path
Between the stars
I'll leave my love
Between the stars."  Jareth had taught you how to dance, and every time you visited , he'd give you another song he had written for your book.  A book which held all his songs.
"As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
As the world falls down
As the world falls down
Falling in love
As the world falls down
Falling in love
As the world falls down
Makes no sense at all
Makes no sense to fall
As the world falls down
Falling in love
As the world falls down
Falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love."  As soon as the song was over, you both had gotten of stage and you had jumped into Jareths arms. 
"Missed you."
Jareth had looked over to your table, "so you are travelling with dwarves now?" You had smiled , looking back your table, Kili wasn't there.  "Yes, Jareth, I'm going on an adventure, we have already seen trolls."
Grinning down at you, realisation hit Jareth, and went rushed to his bag quickly before returning back to you with a sheet of paper.
'Magic dance.'
"Just in case you meet a Goblin king. So who is your beloved?" Taking the piece of paper,  looking at into Jareths blue eyes in confusion. "W-what?"
"The dwarf that stormed out, he does not like me."  Jareth had chuckled, as you folded the piece of paper up placing it away.  "We aren't together."
"Maybe you should go check on him, y/n/n, come see me later, I'm staying here tonight." You had briefly hugged Jareth before leaving the pub. 
That's when you heard it, "stupid fucking hairless, fuck."   Local drunks harassing Kili. "Oi, what are you doing?"  The men had turned briefly to look at you, before scoffing. "Fuck of tramp."
You had marched up to the greasy man, pulling by the shoulder, to face you , and kneeing him in the crotch, making the man double over. Kili had punched one of them.  The men soon ran, when you had tackled one of them, beating them into mash, when Kili had pulled you off,the ground, trying to get out of his grip. All the men ran.
"It's me, y/n, stop, if you continued you would have been arrested." Placing , you back onto the floor, Kili had soon walked off, heading to his room, you following. But he had closed the door before you could get in.
This, you climbed up the roof hanging over the roof, to look into Kili's room. Looking like Spiderman. Kili sat on his bed staring at the wall, not moving, jumping when you knocked the window.
He had rushed to the window when he had seen you , hanging of the roof, you definitely couldn't hold on longer. Though Kili wasn't tear stained , it was clear that he was upset.  He had opened the window, helping you in.
"What are you doing? On the roof, what if you fell." He as definitely annoyed, "I would not have, plus I wouldn't have to if you let me in before." You definitely would have fell.
He hadn't answered this time, just sat on the bed, away from you, you sat next to him on the bed. 
"Kili, talk to me, tell me what has made you not yourself. Please, Kili." You didn't dare touch him, but you did placing your hand on his foreman. "Why don't you go to your beloved? You won't be seeming him for a while , instead of bothering me." You had scoffed pulling your hand off of him, you already knew he ran off because of Jareth.
"You are very stupid dwarf, in all honesty, Jareth is my bestfriend, only friend I had growing up, and don't you think he is a bit old for me?" 
"I don't believe it, you like a man that has long soft hair, nothing like me, I can't even grow a beard."
"frankly beards are really gross, tell me that the dwarves don't smell? You know why? Because they drop food all their beards and don't know it."  You had laughed, imagine Bombur going through his beard and finding cheese.
"They do smell,"
"Exactly, and what's wrong with your hair, Kili?" You had turned on the bed, bringing your hand up  to his hair,touching it gently, moving it out for his face. "I think you've got lovely hair, those guys were just idiots, Jareth had to beat them with a soup spoon once, you are not stupid nor hairless. How could they call you hairless? They are bald?"
Cupping Kili's face, to bringing him to face you, looking into his chestnut eyes.  "Y/n, I must confess, that this would not have happened if I did not like you."   And with that you had pressed your lips to his.
"Your eyes can be so cruel
Just as I can be so cruel
Oh I do believe in you
Yes I do" Jareth singing faintly could be heard.
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blitzturtles · 3 years
Title: It Starts Like This, Ch. 3/?
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
Pairing(s): BruAbba, Platonic Bucci Gang
Summary: “I’d ask how you’re feelin’, but I’m guessin’ the answer’s ‘not so hot’?”
Bucciarati hums at him in lieu of an actual response.
Notes: Turns out being dead has a bit of a long term effect. Who would have thought?
This fic got away from me, so I'm breaking it down by character interaction (sort of). This is Mista's part of this very Bucci-centric fic.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Mista is too busy watching a movie from his spot on the living room couch to notice his two new companions until one of them is practically deposited on top of him. He startles but reigns in his reaction when he sees that it’s Bucciarati. He looks like-- ‘hell’ would be putting it nicely. The poor bastard looks like someone put him through the wringer, either before or after running him over with a train.
“What the hell?” Mista asks, looking up at the room’s only other occupant. Abbacchio isn’t looking at him so much as frowning at the back of Bucciarati’s head.
“He had three seizures,” Abbacchio says finally. Bucciarati makes a noise in the back of his throat and flaps a hand uselessly in Abbacchio’s direction.
“Yeah,” Abbacchio says shortly, “They did it on purpose. I need to--”
“Wait, what the fuck? I thought they were supposed to help!” That’s the whole reason Abbacchio took Bucciarati, right? Giorno had told Mista about it earlier after Abbacchio had apparently stopped by his office for long enough to explain why he was skipping out on work for the day.
Abbacchio pinches the bridge of his nose. Now that Mista’s looking at him, Abbacchio also looks wrecked, but in a different way. Exhaustion shows despite his makeup, and there’s black smudges around his eyes. It’s not significant, but enough that Mista has to wonder if Abbacchio attempted to clean it up after making a mess of it.
“They have to trigger them to-- I don’t know, evaluate them or whatever,” Abbacchio starts for the hallway. “I’ll be back in a minute. Just keep an eye on him.” He’s gone before Mista can respond. His voice has an odd waver at the end of his sentence that gives Mista a good idea of what Abbacchio is up to.
No problem, if the man needs a minute, Mista’s more than happy to keep Bucciarati company.
“I’d ask how you’re feelin’, but I’m guessin’ the answer’s ‘not so hot’?”
Bucciarati hums at him in lieu of an actual response.
“Yeah, thought so,” Mista shifts them so Bucciarati is tucked into his side. He wraps one arm around him, loosely, before letting the Pistols out to find perches of their own. They’re pestering him too much to keep them locked up, and the extra eyes can’t hurt.
They catch onto the situation quickly enough. Five snuggles up against Bucciarati’s neck, half obscured by black curtains of hair. The braid is still absent, which means there’s a lot more to hide in. Mista figures that that’s about where the rest of the Pistols end up, considering the fact that he can’t exactly see them.
As long as they aren’t fighting, Mista’s sure it’s fine.
He turns his attention back to the TV. He had only just started the movie about twenty minutes ago. Giorno had kicked him out of his office, claiming that he needed to focus on paperwork. Mista doesn’t think his presence was the problem, but he gets the nerves. They’re all a little on edge. It’s why he’s got a movie on in the first place. Something to distract himself, but now he has Bucciarati pressed against him. He remembers what Abbacchio said about stimulation the other day and decides to turn down the volume to near silence. He’s only interested in the gun-slinging parts anyway. Mostly so he can judge the accuracy (or lack thereof).
The two remain in silence for well over fifteen minutes before Mista is startled by the sensation of someone petting his head. Only it’s not his head. He glances down to see that Five has come out of his spot to cling onto Bucciarati’s shirt-- Mista takes a moment to appreciate the fact that Abbacchio got Bucciarati to wear something other than a suit in public, but that’s not important. He’s more concerned with the Pistols and what they might be getting up to.
But Bucciarati doesn’t seem bothered as he gently pets Five’s head with two calloused fingers. Five starts chattering away at him almost immediately. Talking about anything and everything. Mista’s cheeks heat up slightly. They don’t have to be so embarrassing, he thinks to himself, but Bucciarati doesn’t seem to mind. Nor does he seem to mind when One and Seven clamor in for their turns.
Mista startles again when he turns his head and ends up face to face with a blue helmet and a head full of spikes. They’re inches apart, and it’s a little unnerving to be stared at by something that he can’t actually meet the eyes of,
“Hey, SF.”
Sticky Fingers reaches past him and extends a hand out to the remaining Pistols. Two and Three climb on, each grasping a finger, while Sticky Fingers settles themselves on the floor, in front of the couch.
It’s a little odd to watch a stand so much larger than his own sit on the ground with their legs crossed, as if that’s totally normal. Mista has a feeling it has something to do with Bucciarati’s current condition. Five is always quick to pop out when he thinks Mista is in danger. Sticky Fingers must feel their user’s distress, and, if petting the Pistols is helping Bucciarati, they might as well join in.
Absently, Mista notes that Six must still be in Bucciarati’s hair.
“I thought I told you to keep an eye on him,” Abbacchio grouches upon his return. His footsteps give him away, thankfully. Mista doesn’t think he can take another shot at his ego. He’s already been startled twice. A third time would be absurd. (A fourth would be catastrophic. He’d definitely have to go check on Giogio with that kind of luck.)
“I am,” Mista says with a half grin, “Got fourteen of ‘em.”
Abbacchio grumbles something under his breath as he approaches. His fingers brush over Sticky Finger’s head carefully, “You know he doesn’t like it when you fuss.”
Sticky Fingers gives him a look that honestly amazes Mista. He doesn’t know how a stand with half their face obscured can be so expressive, much less expressive the level of unimpressed that SF is.
“Yeah, yeah,” Abbacchio pats Sticky Fingers and moves past them to take up the nearby chaise lounge.
Mista takes a moment to look him over. More so than earlier, and he winces. Abbacchio’s eyes are definitely red, despite his newly redone makeup. He must be trying to do his best to hide from Bucciarati. Not that Abbacchio walks around all that often with his face bare, but to take the time to redo his makeup and at least attempt to look like he hasn’t been crying from the stress… Mista feels for him, but he doesn’t know what he can offer.
He’s tempted to give Abbacchio his spot on the couch, so that the two can curl up together, but Bucciarati seems content where he is. Mista’s afraid to move him around too much, plus, Abbacchio isn’t exactly shy about asking (demanding) for something when he wants it.
The trio lapses back into silence. Bucciarati’s seemingly dozed off with two Pistols cupped under his hand. Two and Three join the pile when Sticky Fingers’ form dissipates, apparently recalled to their owner upon his falling asleep.
“They really take a lot out of him, huh?” The seizures, not the Pistols. Mista doesn’t think he has to clarify.
It’s weird to see Bucciarati like this. Two days in a row no less. There have been times-- in the past-- where Bucciarati had worn himself into complete exhaustion, but it’s a rare sort of thing where Bucciarati shows his weakness. Mista’s privileged enough to have seen it only because he’s been Bucciarati’s right hand a countless number of times. Plus, despite how he acts, Bucciarati isn’t that much older than him. He can’t soldier through everything. He has limits, like the rest of them. And trauma. So much trauma. Mista thinks anyone other than Bucci would have suffocated under it all by now.
“They gave him something to help relax his muscles. It’s supposed to help with the seizures, too,” Abbacchio explains, weary eyes flitting across Bucciarati’s form. He looks much more relaxed now, thankfully. Abbacchio doesn’t exactly like seeing his partner this way, but he prefers it to the painful tension that had been there earlier.
Mista frowns, “This all sounds crazy dangerous.”
“It is,” Abbacchio admits, eyes darting away.
“Oh,” Mista looks down at the man curled against him. Right.
“They wanted to admit him.”
“And he said ‘no’.”
“Nailed it,” Abbacchio sighs. “Look, it’s not exactly my place to tell you this, but… his father had seizures, too. One of the bullets,” he motions vaguely. Uselessly. He hates all of this, and he feels like he’s out of his depth, “Nicked his brain. Fugo and I think this is more uh-- he called it an ‘anoxic event’, but anyways. We don’t think it’s a hit that did it, but from when Giorno brought him back.”
“Oh yeah, Giogio said Bucci didn’t wake up when he healed him at the church. He had to do CPR.”
“Yeah, exactly, and it took him a minute. The brain doesn’t like that anymore than a bullet, I guess,” Abbacchio runs his fingers through his hair, only now realizing he never put his headpiece on. He can’t bring himself to care about it now.
Mista nods. That makes sense. He’s had his own head injuries in the past, and they usually throw him for a spin. He couldn’t imagine that being dead did the brain any favors. No blood flow, means no oxygen, and that usually means cellular death. That’s how Giorno explained it, anyways, and it makes sense to Mista
He runs his fingers up along Bucciarati’s arm. A gentle, comforting touch that he hopes isn’t too much. The man needs a break. Maybe they can plan a getaway for him.
“You said they gave him meds. They gonna always do this?” It’s honestly scary to see Bucciarati like this. Quiet and compliant. Mista doesn’t think there would be much protest no matter which way he might turn the man. He won’t. He doesn’t want to hurt him or set off something worse, but it’s disturbing all the same. This isn’t the man they’re used to, and he knows Bucciarati would hate it if he were more aware.
“Depends,” Abbacchio shrugs. He tries to sound nonchalant, but it’s obvious he’s failing, “Everyone responds to different shit differently, but this was more like what they’d give him if he went to the ED.”
It’s a lot to take in. Mista’s starting to get why Abbacchio looks the way he does. He feels completely overwhelmed, and he’s not actually dating the guy. He can’t imagine how Bucciarati is coping with all of this. Stubbornly, but it’s got to be a lot. More than anyone should have to deal with.
“I’d offer to get you something to drink, but I’m kind of pinned down by your partner here. But you look like you could use it. I still have seven sets of eyes… if you want to.”
“Maybe a little bit,” Abbacchio says after a moment. He wouldn’t consider it if Bucciarati were awake, but all he’s doing now is stressing over something that none of them can do anything about. He’s a coward for it, nonetheless. Bucciarati isn’t getting a break from any of this, except for when he’s unconscious. And Abbacchio has spent years trying to quell his tendency to reach for the bottle when life pushes him too hard, yet here he is.
“You’re overthinking it, dude.”
“Shut up,” Abbacchio grumbles as he gets up.
One glass easily turns into two, then three. Somehow he loses the bottle before it turns into four. He can’t figure out where to, and that keeps him busy and distracted for a while.
Whatever it takes to get Abbacchio out of his own head, Mista thinks. He teases him a bit, but he’s just relieved that Abbacchio doesn’t look like he’s going to have a breakdown if someone says the wrong thing about the color of his nails.
He doesn’t point out that the bottle is next to him and Bucciarati now. It’s not his own doing, of course. Bucciarati is firmly pressed against him, seemingly more drool than coherency. The Pistols can’t lift it either, at least not in any way that they could have gotten past Abbacchio unnoticed. The only thing that could do that would be the golden shine of a familiar zipper.
The other thing he fails to mention is the way Bucciarati had whispered, ‘shhh’, against him as SF made off with the bottle. It’s a little funny, and Mista’s happy to keep the secret for now. He figures Abbacchio’s good. Prone to drinking more than he needs to, he’s almost as likely to send himself careening back off the mental health cliff if given the opportunity (and enough wine). Right now, he’s perfectly tipsy and distracted.
Abbacchio eventually gives up his search for the bottle-- he never suspects his partner, nor his aptly named stand.
Bucciarati quietly restarts the movie and turns the sound up a bit. He doesn’t feel great, but his thoughts aren’t completely static now, which isn’t to say much about the coherency. There’s a full body nausea that he can’t shake, either, but the medication makes him feel somewhat detached from his body. Enough so that he doesn’t think he’ll be physically sick.
The television catches Abbacchio’s eye after a few minutes, and the man is scoffing almost immediately at some horribly inaccurate detail or another. Bucciarati says nothing, but he smiles in amusement.
“Thank you,” he whispers to Mista when he thinks Abbacchio is too engrossed to notice.
“No problem, Bucci.”
Mista grazes his fingernails over Bucciarati’s arm, a gentle press that feels nice against sore muscles. Bucciarati hums in response, once more grateful for his right hand. He’s not sure what he would do without his team.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Apple Of My Pie (5) — Jin
A Small Town Swoons story Chapter 5.
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader (nicknamed Buttercup)
Wordcount: 3.8k
Genre: non-idol!AU, Baker/Café owner!Seokjin, University student!reader Flatmates!AU, Friends To Lovers; angst, very little fluff
Rating: suggested 18+
Trigger Warnings: swearing, slight anxiety, verbal fight, generic allusions to sex.
A/N: Hello my cupcakes! Welcome to the Small Town Swoon Universe! 🥰✨
In this episode: As Jin and Grace grow more intimate, Buttercup realises she needs a way out of her situation, and Namjoon and Jeongguk offer her just that. However, as the events develop, she understands that her decision needs to be even more drastic. Jeongguk teaches Seokjin a very tough lesson — maybe the  toughest of them all.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Swearing. Allusions to sex; accidental overhearing. Seokjin is kind of a jerk, Jeongguk is very angry at him. Verbal fight. Buttercup feels slightly anxious/panics at the thought of going back to the apartment.
Remember to vote for next prompt (check the link in my bio) and in case you need it, here’s my masterlist 💜
If you’d like some company, here is the music companion (Spotify only, sorry 😔)
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
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There were things you never thought you would have to do, things that made you realise the absurdity of your position, the complete stupidity of the circumstances.
Real people don’t need to handle this. Real people live banal lives, date, fall in love, break up. Or get married, have kids, grow up and grow old together.
Real people aren’t awake at four am because their crush’s date is mewling from the opposite side of the apartment.
You didn’t want to ask yourself questions.
You wanted to sleep and possibly wake up cold. That is, dead.
She mewled. Of course, not actually cat sounds but rather that kind of small, shy squeals that usually mean “I’m shy but I love whatever this person is doing”.
You didn’t allow yourself to dig into that.
You just turned to the other side and pressed the spare pillow against your head, trying to mute the sounds — and maybe mute your thoughts in the process.
Maybe accidentally suffocate yourself.
It was ridiculous.
This had happened about a month ago, with reversed roles — you being the squealer and Seokjin being the unfortunate listener.
You wondered whether he had felt just like you were feeling at that moment.
You thought about wearing your headphones and blasting some music. You thought about rushing out of the apartment and smashing the door on your way out.
You knew you had no one to call, no one who could rescue you at four am on a winter night, sheltering you from the shards of your heart precipitating and stabbing your guts.
Maybe you were allucinating. Maybe it was the sound of your pulse getting too loud because you didn’t trust yourself breathing without emitting a sob.
No, it was the headboard. There was no other way to explain the thumping.
You turned and grabbed your phone, sending a hopeless shout in the void. Just a text to the one most likely to answer, even though the chances were pretty thin.
Are you awake? Perhaps?
The thumping subdued.
Your vision blurred as you stared and stared, occasionally tapping the screen and praying for a miracle.
You thought you had fallen asleep, trapped in a nightmare, when a small bubble appeared.
On the hunt. We’re just back from Mulbreigh field. I guess you’re home?”
You shook yourself up and got moving, not even caring to keep quiet. The thumping had resumed, and so had the mewling.
At Ginger’s in five.
You did exit the apartment in a few minutes, grabbing just the bare necessities, and closing the door quietly.
By now you were familiar with nightly runaways.
And you were also familiar with the trio headed toward you.
“Buttercup, is that you?” A calm, familiar voice asked.
“Yeah, it’s us. We have just one field left.” He said. “We’re hoping to get the last one in time for the meteor shower.”
You raised your eyebrows. “There’s a meteor shower tonight?”
The other man at Namjoon’s side was a vet from a city nearby, who occasionally helped him track new wild animals that inhabited the area. “Yes. At around five am. It will be barely visible, but it will be there. Nice to see you, Buttercup.”
“Hello Marcus, always a pleasure.” You said kindly, still shaking your head at the nickname. Shortly after, you noticed the third man greeting you. “Hi Buttercup!”
“Hello Guk!” You said. “How many did you find?”
“We found three owls and got them chipped and registered. And we found a new fox, just out of Mulbreigh. We’re going to track him or her soon, hopefully. No wolves, fortunately.”
You smiled. “That’s good news!” You said enthusiastically, thinking about how the farmer would have menaced those. The four of you walked toward the last location, taking a long path stretching north. 
“We’re hoping to find deers, honestly. Remember when we found that doe, last year? Apparently she found a way to remove her tracker and we’re hoping we can keep her monitored, just in case she has more fawns this year.” Marcus explained, at which you nodded in interest. 
Staying focused allowed you to remove some thoughts from your mind, but at the same time you kept yourself out of their way, letting the experts work, following them from a distance as they combed the field and placed pheromones signals around the area, hoping to attract the doe to the trees near the field, where it was easier to find her traces and where it was potentially easier to catch her.
“There’s no point going on here,” commented Marcus. “We can only wait. It might take weeks.”
Namjoon huffed and nodded. “Oh, there!” He said, pointing up. A white sign resembling a scratch slashed the horizon in the west, Jeongguk whipping his head in the direction, his pretty eyes widening in wonder as he saw one more shooting star zoom through the sky lighting up at dawn in such delicate shades, from rose to periwinkle to deep royal blue.
For a moment you stared at the sky, feeling its immensity, peace and beauty heal you slowly and steadily. How could such tiny human matters affect its infinity? You let your eyes drown in the greatness of everything, with the snowcaps rimmed in gold in the distance, and the meteors becoming invisible as the sky finally became too bright.
“Guk, Buttercup, why don’t you head home while me and Marcus drive back at the cabin and finish up the paperwork?” Namjoon suggested, by now extremely used to his routine.
Jeongguk looked intermittently at you and Namjoon, adorably confused before he nodded.
“Okay.” He agreed.
You smiled timidly before thanking him, the two of you starting your walk back to town. It was a thirty minute trek, at worst, but you were both fast walkers and in twenty-five you reached his small house. Bibby, his large, scary dog — who of course is a sweetheart, just like his owner — welcomed both of you, the oversized puppy throwing himself at you and barking just once before Jeongguk shushed him.
“How come you joined us?” Jeongguk asked, uncapping his orange juice bottle and pouring a glass, offering you some while you shook your head and declined politely.
You crossed your arms, your stance becoming defensive. You fidgeted and tried to speak, starting a couple times before stopping and starting again, trying to build an actual sentence.
Jeongguk looked at you and waited patiently. He was familiar with the blabbering, stuttering and reformulating.
“Okay. Don’t say this to Yoongi, but… Yeah, he took Grace home last night— That is, he brought her to the apartment and they… Slept together?” You said, your voice so squeaky by the time you said the final word.
“And by ‘sleeping’ you mean everything but, right?” Jeongguk asked tactfully.
You nodded and looked at the floor, busying yourself petting Bibby.
“I’m so sorry, Buttercup.” He said, coming close to you and caressing your back soothingly.
You didn’t have the energies to cry. You probably would, in a while, after waking up.
“You need some sleep, don’t you, Buttercup?” Jeongguk asked, patting your head.
Again you replied wordlessly, moving your head in approval.
“Bibby is a great nap buddy, and I can get the futon ready and let you sleep there.” He reassured you, already fluffing up the pillows and grabbing an extra blanket.
“I’d like to sleep on the sofa, please?” You said, sitting down and removing your shoes, Bibby immediately getting interested in your wiggling toes.
“Oh, you’d like that?” He asked in surprise, “try it first, I can still get the futon ready if you don’t like this old guy.” He joked about the piece of furniture.
You laid on your side, wiggling a little as you found the right position. “Can do.” You said with a barely-there smile. “Thank you, Guk.”
“It’s okay.” He said, throwing the blanket on top of you. “This one is just for guests. I washed it last weekend, don’t worry.” He reassured you.
Knowing Jeongguk, you didn’t even mind. He is a neat freak and a tattoo artist: cleanliness means everything to him. “Can I seriously keep Bibby?” You asked, soft eyed.
He beamed and nodded. “He only sleeps on the sofa.” He said proudly and, as if following his owner’s praise, Bibby climbed on the cushions, curling up in the space before you and laying his head on your arm, using it as a pillow.
You giggled and scratched the spot behind his ear.
“Ask me if you need anything.” Jeongguk murmured. “I’ll leave my door open, just in case you need help or something.” He commented sweetly, closing the blinds to the several windows before walking to the kitchen and coming back to you, placing a bottle of water close to you.
He noticed Bibby was already asleep and he caressed the dog’s head before whispering “sleep tight”.
You heard him leave the room. You closed your eyes, feeling Bibby’s lungs inflate and deflate regularly, his heartbeat strong, his short fur velvety and relaxing under your fingertips.
You fell asleep like a baby.
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Waking up meant a lot of things happening altogether.
Realising Bibby was in your arms.
Realising you were on Jeongguk’s sofa.
Realising you were heartbroken and that the idea of going back home nauseated you so deeply you couldn’t even remotely consider it.
Jeongguk greeted you from the kitchen. “You’re up, Buttercup!” He cheered, while Bibby turned around and placed his big head under your chin, shading his eyes. He always marvelled you with his curious manners. “It’s midday, would you like brunch?”
You sniffed the air. Bacon and eggs.
“Yes, please.”
Bibby seemed to follow your lead, sniffing the air and running to his owner, acting way faster than you.
“Okay, what do we wanna do?” Jeongguk  asked once you were both seated at the kitchen table.
You ate some food, chewing quietly as you thought. You took your time.
“Honestly, I don't feel like going home, I guess.” You said, staring at your dish. You felt a bit lost.
“We can hang out. Watch TV, meet the guys, do anything you want.” Jeongguk said.
“I was thinking of… No, it's okay, I should go home.”
“But you don't want to.” Jeongguk opposed.
“No, but I don't want to go back later tonight and find myself dreading sleeping in my room.” You said. You couldn't explain the emptiness in your stomach as you thought of the room.
“You know you can stay here as long as you want, right? I have a spare room. We can put the futon there.” He said touching your hand.
That small sentence felt like the water threatening to drown you was slowly lowering.
“I don't want to abuse your kindness.” You admitted shyly, softly.
“I am your friend. It is my duty to help you” He reassured you.
You mulled over your various possibilities. “Okay. But I'd like to go home and grab some stuff. Maybe they're not around.” You considered, looking at Jeongguk doubtfully.
“It's okay. We can go together.”
You exhaled in relief.
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Standing in front of the apartment door, you took a deep breath, Jeongguk rubbing his hand between your shoulder blades, over your jacket.
You could already hear them laughing and chatting.
You slipped the keys into the lock and opened the door.
“I'll wait here, yes?” Jeongguk reassured you.
You nodded and went in, walking to your room hesitantly, only to be completely overwhelmed by the sight in the kitchen.
Jin was standing behind Grace, helping her prepare his special avocado sandwich, an elaborate mug topped with whipped cream and crushed almonds waiting beside her while the breakfast table was filled with any kind of breakfast and brunch food one could only dream of.
However, what truly unsettled you was Grace, wearing an oversized shirt — Jin's — bare-legged, with Granny's thick handmade socks covering her feet and calves.
Seokjin said something in her ear and she giggled cutely, throwing her head back and leaning into his shoulder.
They ignored you completely, caught in their happy bubble, while you hid slightly.
You refused to hold on, rushing back to the front door.
Jeongguk spoke softly. “Where's your stuff?”
You shook your head.
“I'm coming with you.” He said, placing his hand on the small of your back and leading you inside, closing the door noisily.
“Hello, we're here.” He called loudly, bringing the two of you to the kitchen.
Seokjin's eyes zeroed in to the place the man's voice had come from, spotting you instead.
So this is it, he thought.
He. Grace.
You. Jeongguk.
His jaw contracted.
“Buttercup came by to grab some things. It won't take long, will it, sweets?”
You widened your eyes at him and shook your head. “Yes, sure.”
You almost ran to your bedroom, picking up the most basic stuff to spend a night out and to head off to lessons the following morning.
In the bathroom, you collected your toothbrush and beauty products before returning to the kitchen, your bag ready.
“Good to go, sweets?” He questioned, looking at you with his expressive, gleeful eyes.
You nodded and gave him the tiniest of smiles. “Let's go.”
Jeongguk turned towards Jin and Grace. “Have a nice afternoon, goodbye!” He greeted, letting you wave at the two before dragging you out, not before offering Seokjin a smug grin and winking.
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Wearing that mask took a toll on him. He hated what Seokjin had done to you through the years, acting like a protective older brother without being one. He hated that the man kept you emotionally busy and never let you out of his influence. Most of your past relationships had dramatically been brought to an end by Seokjin's asphyxiating presence, by the incapability of your partners to rival with your best friend.
He had ruined you for everyone else, and Jeongguk couldn't find any words to define how cruel that was.
“Are you doing okay, Buttercup?” He asked.
You smiled a bit coldly.
“I'm sorry you had to see that.” He opened the door and let you in, Bibby welcoming the both of you.
“It's okay. They've been dating for more than a month now. He's been by himself for a long time–”
“But he had you!” Jeongguk objected as he took off his jacket.
Your mouth stretched sadly. “Not like that.”
Jeongguk scrunched his nose in disappointment. “Okay. You know I’ve had the biggest crush over you. And we know that by now it’s just water under the bridge. And maybe I never told you but it was so easy to get over you — no offence — since to me, actually to all of us, you and Jin have always belonged to each other. It’s canon. Anyone else would be wrong for the two of you. Obviously.”
You completely ignored Jeongguk’s mention of those old feelings. You already knew; it was all water under the bridge — just like he said — and the two had discussed it years ago. Instead, you focused on the belonging part. “He has Grace now. They’ve been dating for what? Six weeks?”
“He’s been in love with you for four years!” Jeongguk said, slightly upset.
“Well, apparently he didn’t do a great job of showing that! And it doesn’t matter now. He has Grace.” You repeated.
“The two of you are so stupidly dumb, I need to call Yoongi.” Jeongguk said, absolutely frustrated.
Silence lingered heavy in the room, like a thick fog. “Don’t call Yoongi, please.” You said, sitting on the sofa and curling up in a ball. “He’ll scold me and then snap at Jin and then Spice will kill all of us for stressing him and interrupting their kinky Sunday afternoon.”
Jeongguk startled and put down the phone. “Kinky Sunday afternoon? Is that a thing?”
“With Spice, anything is a thing, especially if it means alone time with Yoongi.” You explained, scratching your nose and hugging Bibby as he got on the sofa.
“Okay. Let’s think about happier, less traumatising things. Do you wanna watch some TV? I have some Disney DVDs from when Namjoon comes over. No Bambi and Dumbo because those make him cry.” Jeongguk said, exposing his friend shamelessly. “And I don’t want to pay for Disney plus, Yoongi would disown me and I would never tattoo him anymore and I don’t want that.”
You giggled, completely endeared. “Do you think you have Tangled?”
“Oh, yes!” Jeongguk checked the case and placed the CD in his PlayStation. “Namjoon loves Pascal. The chameleon.” Jeongguk gushed, sitting on the sofa, switching on a small lamp. “Oh, would you like some popcorn?” He asked, ever friendly and welcoming.
You smirked before nodding.
Pausing the film, he dashed to the kitchen, getting a bag into the microwave and coming back five minutes later with a large bowl, the whole room smelling of salted butter.
You hummed in approval and settled down, Bibby miraculously uninterested in the snack. He restarted the film and your mind got completely absorbed by that.
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Seokjin was confused.
He had accompanied Grace home, and now he sat in an empty room — an empty house —, looking at the opposite end of the table, where you weren’t sitting.
Did you sleep with Jeongguk for revenge?
Did you maybe talk to him and he made his move and you said ‘why not’, just like you had with that dude almost a month ago?
Maybe you liked him. Maybe you had always liked him and the two of you had confessed — he had a different gleam in his eyes and he had called you ‘sweetie’ or some other dumb nickname like that.
He should have confessed. He should have stopped hiding his head in his ass and should have grown a pair and told you, Buttercup, I’m so far gone that I’d be ready to serve you for the rest of my life, hell, I’d even donate you my sperm if your husband was infertile and you wanted kids. I’d even give up a kidney, fuck, I’d give up my heart too for you.
He was a dumb, stupid fucker.
He wrote you a text.
I’m sorry about fucking Grace, please come home.
Please come home. We need to talk. I’m in love with you.
Don’t fuck Jeongguk, you can fuck me instead, please.
He realised he always wrote ‘please’, and the more he went on, the more he needed to add.
He tried to stop overthinking everything and focused on the actual reality of it all.
He stared at your empty seat again.
Are you coming home for dinner?
The silence felt eternal.
That must be how space rovers feel, he thought, thinking about that tiny robot that wandered over the surface of Mars all alone.
He felt like the whole apartment couldn’t possibly be home anymore.
He shook his head, telling himself he was being melodramatic. After five minutes, he decided to call you. You always answered texts about food! You knew how much it meant to him eating together!
With renewed tenacity, he found your contact at the very top of the list, three A’s added before your name to make sure it always stayed on top of the list.
And he called you.
The beeping sound of the call ringing went on for ages. He swore he could feel his hair grow and his skin wither.
He waited maybe for a bit less than a minute, his mind already knowing that you were upset with him, that you were making him wait and grovel. You were trying to get on his nerves. Most definitely.
The ringing stopped.
“What is it?”
It was Jeongguk.
“Is she with you?” Seokjin asked, cold as ice.
“Yes. Of course.”
“When is she coming home?” Jin asked dryly. He felt ready for a fight.
“When she wants to.” Jeongguk replied equally dryly.
“Give her the phone.”
Jeongguk breathed heavily. He didn’t want to pass the phone to you. Seokjin had no right claiming you like that, using that voice, acting so mean when he was the one at fault. “She’s sleeping.” It was true. You were really sleeping; you had completely crashed at the end of the cartoon, with Bibby keeping you warm and covering you in affection, never leaving your side. After all, some dogs have a sense of smell so fine that they can sniff at their owner’s skin and perceive the hormones making their human happy or sad.
Seokjin waited, trying to calm himself down. It didn’t work. “I bet you’re gloating. You finally have her, don’t you? You must be feeling so smug.”
Jeongguk stretched his neck, keeping his composure. “I don’t have her, okay? She came to me and I gave her space. I gave her somewhere safe—”
“Our home is safe.” Jin growled. “Here is safe.”
“With you breaking her heart by banging that girl you don’t love?”
“She also banged a man she didn’t give a shit about.”
Jeongguk raised his eyebrows. “Did you bang Grace for revenge, then?”
“No. God, I’ve been alone for years, can’t I have one good thing?” Seokjin almost screamed, his frustration spilling over.
“Maybe she banged him to get over you. Maybe she did that because she’s tired of being alone, too.” Jeongguk explained, his tone glacial. His anger was scary — it didn’t explode or break. It froze everything it touched. “You hurt her. The moment you chose Grace, and with every date you went on. When you went to her on Valentine’s, when you banged her the other night. And there’s a difference. The dude she banged? That was just sex. But you and Grace? There are feelings there. That’s the part she can’t stand. This morning, when she saw the two of you in the kitchen? You broke her heart, Jin. She was broken—”
“But you fixed that, didn’t you, sweetie?” He teased, sarcastic and poisonous.
“Stop talking about my feelings for her.” Jeongguk chastised him. “Unlike you, I told her. I told her I had had a crush for her. I told her three years ago and I also told her that my feelings died down once I realised how she looked at you and how you looked at her. And we’re friends, we’re cool. I would never be able to look at her like anything more than a sister.”
Seokjin shut his mouth. He felt horrible. Maybe because he was horrible. He needed your sparkly laugh and your soothing touch. To talk things out about last night. Make everything right again. “Please, convince her to come home.”
Jeongguk tutted. “I won’t. She’ll come if she wants to. At her own time.”
“Jeongguk...” Seokjin begged.
“You both need to move on from this toxic bond. And there’s no way other than separating. Physically first, and emotionally second.” Jeongguk reasoned, repeating something he and Yoongi had discussed a thousand times.
“She is my friend.”
“You’re not hers, though. You are the person she loves, and the person hurting her. She deserves a real chance, away from you.” Jeongguk rubbed the crown of his head. “I have to go. Goodnight.”
He hung up.
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
42 notes · View notes
sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Predestined - 5.
Part 5 of the Predestined series.
Run-through: Your wealthy family marries you off to a family friend’s son – famous businessman Sebastian. You two have known each other for a long time, so none of you oppose your families’ decisions. Life as Sebastian’s wife is pure bliss, he’s everything a woman could ever want. Until a certain secret of his resurfaces, and once it does – nothing in your lives is ever the same again.
Themes throughout the series: ceo!seb, fluff, angst, mob!bucky,
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Things between you three were going great, for months. Then one night, it all crumbled into pieces.
It looked like a movie scene; you couldn’t recall whether things happened too quickly or too slowly. A minute you three were on the couch, having a chill evening and the next, Bucky received a mysterious phone call.
One which made his body tense, and drained all the color from his face. His reaction was scary; given he was always the calm and collected one out of all of you.
You and Sebastian were truly surprised when he insisted that you two left the house immediately. You refused.
“What’s going on, Buck?” Sebastian asked, trying his best to keep his calm while his brother paced around in stress. You could see the fear in his eyes.
“Nothing, alright? Nothing, I just need you two to leave right now. It’s not safe here, just… just go, please.” He sounded scared, and you noticed the faint quiver of his bottom lip.
You walked over to him stopped him from pacing by cupping his face in your hands. “Hey babe, look at me.” He looked up sheepishly, an unspoken apology written all over his face. “I need you to tell me what’s going on. Please.”
He sighed. And you could tell Sebastian approached you two, and he was anxious as well.
Bucky opened his mouth to talk, but then kept quiet and you could tell he was avoiding your eyes. He seemed uneasy.
“They know where I am.” He simply said, confusing you and Sebastian further.
“My rivals, they’re terrible, terrible people… I- you need to leave. I’ll handle this I promise, I just can’t risk them hurting you two. So go, now.” he sounded just a scared as you were.
Sebastian sighed and stepped closer to you two. “Buck, I thought you were done with all that.”
Bucky nodded. “You can’t just walk away from that life.”
Your heart broke at the sight of that defeated look on his face. You couldn’t leave him there, alone. Who knows what those people would do to him?
“We’re not leaving you here, alone.” You said, making sure you left no room for negotiation. Sebastian nodded, taking his phone out and tapping furiously on the screen.
“I’m calling dad.” Sebastian said, walking away a little bit. Bucky was awfully quiet. He just took your hand in his and pressed your knuckles against his lips, kissing your hand gently.
“Leave, both of you.” he paused, and sighed loudly. “Just please listen to me. My guys won’t be able to get here in time, I’ll be outnumbered by many. I won’t be able to protect you.” he spoke, looking you deep in the eyes.
You could feel your eyes water and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. “No, what if they hurt you? I’m not leaving.” You repeated yourself.
And before Bucky could argue further, Sebastian spoke up. “Dad’s guys are coming. We need to get Y/N out of here.”
Before you could protest, Bucky spoke up. “What do you mean ‘dad’s guys’?” he asked, visibly confused, just as you were.
Sebastian shrugged. “Well, hate to break it to you now but you’re not the only one implicated with the mob in the family.”
“What?” you and Bucky asked simultaneously; shocked at the revelation. Sebastian rolled his eyes at his brother.
“Have you never wondered why mom and dad are so okay with your career choice? Or why they didn’t disown you the moment they found out about you being a mob boss? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, brother.” Sebastian spoke, as though nothing.
Your in-laws having secretly been involved with the mob this whole time didn’t surprise you that much. After all, that meant that Bucky would have people on his side in case this turns out to be a battlefield soon.
Bucky sighed. “I’m gonna have a talk with dad when we make it out of here.” Bucky turned to look at you. “I won’t let them hurt you. You need to go now.”
You opened your mouth to argue but Bucky shut you up by pressing his lips against yours, and pulled you closer to him; kissing you deeply. You heard Sebastian on the phone again in the background, but right now all you could focus on was Bucky.
He pulled away a few moments later and pressed his forehead to yours. “I love you.” he spoke, and paused for a moment or two. “Please doll, go upstairs and don’t come out unless one of us comes and gets you, please j-,”
He got cut off by the sound of multiple cars crashing through your gate and entering your front yard in a rush. And judging by the sound of it, it couldn’t be good.
Sebastian was still on the phone, and he ended the call immediately as soon as he heard the noise. He grabbed your hand and pulled you away from Bucky. “Dad’s guys are on the way.” His words reassured you for a second or two.
But then realization hit you while Sebastian tugged you along upstairs. If your father-in-law’s people were still away that means that Bucky would have to deal with those who just got here. And they might hurt him first and think about it later.
You felt an unpleasant chill run down your spine as you heard someone kicking down your front door; while you and Sebastian made your way to the attic. The silence which followed scared you, and Sebastian as well.
Once in the attic, you still couldn’t hear a thing about what was going on downstairs. Then again, as long as you couldn’t hear a gunshot, things were fine. Sebastian leaned in to kiss your forehead, and that broke you out of your reverie.
“Where are you going?” you held onto his hand and refused to let go as he pulled away. Sebastian sent you a reassuring look.
“He’s my brother, baby. I’m not leaving him alone down there.” He leaned in to kiss your lips. “We’re gonna be okay, don’t worry.”
You still wouldn’t let go of his hand. “No, Seb. Please…” to say you were terrified would be an understatement.
Sebastian leaned in to kiss your forehead. “We’ll be okay. Just stay here and don’t make any noise.” He turned around before walking out of the door. “I love you, baby.” And that was the last thing he said before rushing downstairs.
 A million thoughts ran through your mind as you looked around at the mostly empty attic, except for couple of extra couches and a few boxes.
A week of two ago, you three were talking about what you could turn the attic into. And now here you were, hiding in it from the bad guys downstairs.
So much was happening so fast that you could barely keep up. You couldn’t hear much, but you could hear voices getting louder and louder as you heard more cars entering your yard at full speed. And more loud voices.
Worry and terror washed over you when you heard the sound of not one, but many gunshots firing around. You felt weak and had to lean against the wall to steady yourself.
‘We’re gonna be okay.’
You repeated Sebastian’s words over and over again in your head. They’re gonna be okay.
 Sadly, life wasn’t a fairytale.
You don’t remember when or who came to get you upstairs. Perhaps it might have been one of your father-in-law’s people, or one of Bucky’s guys. But it definitely wasn’t Bucky or Sebastian.
You were sure of that, because you found both of them downstairs.
One was shot; lying on the ground and bleeding. While the other knelt beside him and stared in disbelief while tears streamed down his face. You felt a weight on your chest, and it hurt. Your vision got blurry and you realized that you were tearing up. You might’ve been sobbing as well, but you couldn’t hear anything – not even your own thoughts.
You knew people rushed past you. You heard loud voices, and the word ‘ambulance’ a lot. But you couldn’t focus on anything as you walked over to both of them. You felt disoriented, and the room was spinning.
You noticed Sebastian was applying pressure to Bucky’s side. Turns out, in that unfortunate moment, you finally found a way to differentiate between the two. Sebastian, of course, had recently started to wear his wedding band, and had forced you to wear your wedding ring as well.
Only now, his wedding ring was covered in Bucky’s blood.
The ambulance came, and took Bucky away. You and Sebastian followed in the car. Both of you were silent, and tearing up the whole time. Bucky was an important part of both of you and the thought of losing him hurt like a thousand cuts. You couldn’t imagine in how much pain Sebastian was, Bucky was his best friend since birth.
Perhaps this painful time brought you and Sebastian closer to Bucky in some ways. While in the hospital, while Bucky was undergoing surgery; Sebastian hugged you and cried like a baby. And this time, you whispered his own words of encouragement in his ear.
“We’re gonna be okay, baby. Don’t worry.”
Doctors said that Bucky’s bullet wound was not so serious, although he might take some time to recover because he had a head injury; caused by his fall.
He was unconscious, and they couldn’t tell when he’d wake up. But just the news of him being somewhat stable was comforting for all of you.
 You and Sebastian spent the night at Seb’s parents’ house, given your own home was currently being taken care of, since it had been a battlefield earlier. You had no idea what happened. So when Sebastian calmed down and held you close in bed that night, you asked him about it; if he was okay to talk about it.
And he told you everything.
When Sebastian got down the stairs, Bucky’s rivals had already found their way into the house. And they had surrounded Bucky.
Sebastian approached cautiously, and the ‘leader’ of the rival gang spotted him immediately.
“Ah! There’s the twin brother! Welcome to the party.” The man said. He looked evil.
Bucky sent an apologetic and questioning look to Sebastian, as if asking him if you were okay. Sebastian nodded discretely and Bucky let out a sigh of relief despite the situation.
“Leave my family out of this.” Bucky spoke calmly, his reputation forced him to act all smug and cocky even when he was scared. “And very brave of you Steve, to try to take me out when I’m unarmed and outnumbered.” Bucky smirked. “Wouldn’t you want to settle this down just one to one?”
Sebastian knew what Bucky was doing. He was stalling. Sebastian knew his brother, Bucky could talk his way out of hell.
Steve chuckled, pulling his gun out. “I don’t mind how I take you out, as long as I take you out. You’ve been a real pain in my ass for years now.” Steve spoke, toying with his gun. “I mean, come on, did you expect me not to show up? You didn’t think I would come and ruin your little vacation with that bitch you and your brother share, huh?”
Steve smirked when he saw the anger in Bucky’s eyes. To be honest, Sebastian could feel his blood boiling too, but he kept his calm because everyone in that room was armed, except for him and Bucky.
Bucky on the other hand, was the short-tempered one out of them two, and he had trouble containing his emotions.
“Don’t talk about my girl like that.” He said as a warning, and Steve laughed; shaking his head.
“Girl?” he laughed again. “That’s not your girl. Know what we call a woman who’s shared by two men?” Steve paused, for the sake of theatrics and spoke again. “That’s called a whore. Now, where did you hide her? I mean, I’m sure she wouldn’t even mind if I just-,”
Steve was cut off by the sound of multiple cars approaching at full speed. And not even a few seconds later, several men entered the house again. This time, Sebastian knew the faces – they were his father’s people.
And so began the crossfire.
Sebastian knew it was madness, but he had to step in and get Bucky out of there before Steve hurts him. And once in the middle of the gunshots and the punches, Sebastian realized that it was impossible to get Bucky out of there without Steve seeing them. But he had to try.
Sebastian somehow ended up in between Steve and Bucky; but that turned out to be a wrong move as well. In just a second, Steve aimed his gun at Sebastian’s head and smirked at Bucky. “Surrender, or say goodbye to your brother forever.”
Bucky had to be careful here, because one rash move and Sebastian was gone. But luckily someone, due to the chaos, managed to accidentally hit Steve and he stumbled for a second. That gave Sebastian time to move away and get to Bucky.
Bucky grabbed his arm and tugged him away from the brutal crowd. “Take Y/N and leave. Now!.” He said again, loudly.
Before Sebastian could reply, he heard Steve’s voice speak again. “Well, well. Who is it gonna be?” Steve smirked, at thought it was a game, as he shifted his aim from Sebastian to Bucky rapidly and suddenly pulled the trigger.
Sebastian braced for the bullet. But it never came. Turns out Bucky had stepped in just in time and had taken the bullet instead.
“Buck! No!” Sebastian could no longer hear all the gunshots and the shouts in the background anymore. All he could focus on was the blood staining his brother’s clothes. He dropped to his knees beside him and the tears immediately formed in his eyes.
Steve started laughing like a maniac, but luckily someone shut him up by shooting him. Sebastian looked up briefly and saw his dad with a gun in his hands – he understood that he might have been the one who shot Steve down. His dad shouted something at him, but he couldn’t hear what he said.
He instinctively placed his palm against Bucky’s wound and applied pressure to try and slow the bleeding as much as he could before help came.
Bucky looked up at him with a blank stare. He was on the verge of passing out by he managed to mumble out “I won.” Before he went out cold.
Sebastian felt his tears streaming down his face as the gunshots slowly diminished. He wondered if Bucky meant that he had won against Steve or if he was referring to that stupid game they used to play when they were young teenagers, pretending to be men, and betting on who would take a bullet for who if the situation ever arises.
Sebastian felt like his brother meant the latter. And the tears fell incessantly down his face. “Don’t you dare fucking leave me.” He mumbled out at his brother who was passed out on the floor.
And the next thing he knew, you were downstairs and kneeling right beside him – crying as well.
 Sebastian told you everything, leaving out the unnecessary bad words spoken about you and gory details of the fight.
His grip around you grew tighter as he pushed his face into your neck. “We’re gonna be okay, right baby?” he asked, and he sounded heartbroken.
You ran your finger through his hair, and kissed the top of his head. “We are.”
Visits to the hospital became all you and Sebastian could put your mind to for the next couple of days. Bucky was still unconscious, but his body was reacting positively to every medicine. Doctors said that his wounds would heal nicely.
But you and Sebastian missed him more than anything. You two would spend hours in his hospital room.
“I miss this idiot, and how he would never shut up.” Sebastian spoke, grumpily. You had noticed he wasn’t entirely himself when his brother wasn’t around.
“I miss him too, baby. More than anything.” You spoke, gently running your hand through Bucky’s hair and leaning in to give him a kiss on his forehead.
It hurt seeing him like this. Usually, he and Sebastian would argue all day. But now, your house seemed more or less quiet all the time.
You sat on the edge of Bucky’s hospital bed and placed your hand on his. “I swear it feels like he’s already awake, and he’s just messing with us.” You mumbled under your breath and you weren’t sure Sebastian heard you as he made his way over to you.
He walked right in between your legs and cupped your face in his large hands and leaned in to kiss your forehead. “I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“What for?” you wrapped your arm around him and he leaned in to kiss your forehead again, letting his lips linger on your skin for a little bit.
“I haven’t been myself these past days, and I haven’t been able to properly check up on you or take care of you like I always do. I’m sorry baby, I-,”
You cut him off by placing your hand on the back of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. His lips brushed against yours faintly and you then realized just how much you had missed your husband.
“It’s okay. We’re okay, don’t worry. I love you.” You mumbled against his lips. And he gave you a faint smile.
“I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for you, baby.” Sebastian leaned in again, kissing you deeply.
 Then you heard a hoarse voice speak up from the bed, “Disgusting. Get a room.”
  a/n: sorry.
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faustonastring · 4 years
Can I get reading with a side if cuddles for the main six please? (Let’s excuse the fact I’m requesting twice in a row I just love your writing so much)
Hehe, thanks for requesting twice I really appreciate it! I hope you like it, (apologizes in advance, I’m not the best at writing mushy gushy stuff! So hopefully everything comes out alright!)
Request R Open!
Main six reading and cuddling with mc!
This is something that happens a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. Like atleast once a week if not more. But hey, who here is complaining? Asra most definitely isn’t.
Youd be casually sitting on the pillow pile in the upstairs part of the shop, trying to read a nice calming book with Faust, calmly drinking your tea, but then here comes asra, curling up next to you, not saying a ward, just trying to silently follow along.
If you were to ever read something before bed, asra would very politely to read it out loud to him, and you’d think the sound of your voice would lull him to sleep, but that’s where your wrong. If he were to fall asleep that means he won’t be able to hear the you talk. Hear you read to him. Something he wanted for years. So he tries to stay up and listen for as long as possible, or until you can’t read any more.
When your cuddling while reading he likes to cling on to your waist, and if he happens to fall asleep, you could use him as a book Stan, no matter what position he’s in. If he’s reading something, he likes to have your back against his chest, or you in his arms in some way, even if he can barley make out the words on the pages.
It doesn’t happen as often as she would like, which mildly upsets her, so she tries to make room for it when she can. This is so,etching that happens once or twice a month. Maybe three times if your lucky.
Look, Nadia is a very busy women. She has priorities. But you wouldn’t believe how quickly her priorities can change from hiring a new peacock wrangler, to pulling you into her arms, when she sees your nose stuck in a book In the library.
Please please please read to her after she’s had a stressful day . Especially if it’s at night, while the two of your ar lounging in bed. Trying to get some rest. She’ll cuddle up to you, resting her head on your shoulder so she can see the pages and read along with your voice, as she slowly starts to fall asleep, all the stress leaving her body.
She likes to cuddle with your head on her shoulder, and and arm, wrapped around your waist, this way she can hold you close, and you’ll have the option to read along with her, also being that she reads so fast, she’ll take extra time on the pages if you can’t read as fast as her, so you can catch up. This position is also a go too vise Versa.
A very very rare occurrence indeed. He loves it nonetheless, he just doesn’t have the time you see. How often it happens really depends on how often you can pull him away from his work.
Any day, but specifically on bad days, the sight of you lounging on the sofa, or in bed with a book is enough to make him weak in the keens. Bonus points if it’s one of his medical books. He immediately will drop what ever he was/was planning on doing, and will crawl up next to you, draping his arms across your lap and stomach, crawling up into a ball enjoying your presence. (Please pet his hair and/or read to him. He probably won’t ask. But he needs it.)
Sometimes you can wake up in the middle of the night to him reading book, your arms wrapped around his waist, face buried in his side, and his arm draped over your shoulders and back. If he catches you awake, he’ll ask you to go back to sleep, but if he’s reading something and you ask him to read it to you, he gladly will. But if he’s reading a medical study or something of the sorts, he’ll put the book down and tell you one of his own stories, which are much more interesting.
He likes to cuddle in any position wher he’s being held, he also doesn’t mind spooning, wether he’s the big spoon or little spoon doesn’t matter, it just depends on if you can read sideways or not. ;)
Oh god yes. This is one of her favorite past times. For how often you do it depends on how much work she has, so to be safe I’m going to say atleast every other week, but probably way more.
She loves sneaking off to the palace gardens or library with you, and reading a a quick book together. She also loves reading together during picnics with your head in her lap as she dramatically read aloud the romantic mystery novel she’s reading and Vice-versa. She loves laying her head on your thighs (no matter how thick they are baby, Portia thinks all thighs are equal ;) )
She also loves reading before bed. She’ll snuggle up next to you, trying to get a peak at what you’re reading, and if she’s read it before she’ll go on long tangents about the story, and accidentally spoil the ending. (She tries to act sorry but her grin says otherwise)
Loves laying her head in your thighs, and vise versa, also loves laying in your lap and vise versa, or just leaning on each other on the sofa works good for her. Also don’t be afraid to tell her what’s happening in your book, if you don’t she’ll ask you a million questions about it. Even if she wants to read it.
This becomes a nightly ritual you two have. He loves being read too, so this happens almost daily, and Muriel is living. It. Up.
The ideal date for him will be going on a nice picnic secluded in the forest, and ending it off sharing a book together under a nice shady tree, with you resting against him with either your head on his shoulder or your back against his chest so your in his lap. And if you fall asleep like that? No matter how long you two have been together, how many times this has happened, he melts everytime.
Reading before going to bed has been proven to help you sleep better, so of course Muriel atleast tries to read every night before bed. And actually likes it. But he loves it if your the one reading to him, his head resting in your chest or shoulder, as he slowly drifts to sleep as you massage his scalp. And if he wakes up still in that position? He dies a little. In a good way!
He isn’t picky about what position you cuddle in at all, but likes lying on top of you, In any way that he’s certain won’t crush you, he also likes laying his head on your chest so he can listen to your breathing and heartbeat (he thinks it’s cute if/when it picks up during a scary/suspenseful part of your book)
Be careful with this one, because if you do it once, he’s going to be begging for you to do it again, and again, and again, and at the worst times too. How often this happens really depends on how much of his nagging you can handle
Likes to cuddle with you in the palace gardens, when he supposed to be doing work, with his dogs, as you lean against a tree and try to read, but it’s a little hard when lucio is nagging you about everything, he also doesn’t have the longest attention span, so he dips about 30 minutes in to play with his dogs, but if your reading out loud, he’ll still listen.
Likes it a lot when you read to him before you go to bed, also likes it a lot if you play with his hair when you’re reading to him, it helps him stay put and focused, it also puts him to sleep. He’ll curl up into so he’s practically laying on top of you, making it almost impossible to read, and complains of you don’t show him the pictures if your book happens to have pictures in it. (He’s a big fan of doctor Seuss-)
His faveroite position to cuddle in is either being spooned or spooning you, with his face buried in your hair, or laying on top of you, crushing you if your smaller than him, with his arms wrapped around your waist.
Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it!
Next headcanon: Asra being the mcs apprentice pre-plague (5/17)
Request R Open! :)
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sneezehq · 4 years
Two sisters, in the aftermath of the battle at Haven.
This is another fic that I've had in the works for a while, as this idea has been living in my head rent free since I finished watching volume 5. God that season just gave me so many feelings about these two, and I just love these two and their relationship to bits. So yeah, I thought I'd write it down and y'all can check it out. Enjoy!
For all her claims that she’s fine and more worried about the rest of them, Ruby crashes hard after the battle at Haven.
She manages to stay awake long enough to be interviewed by the Mistral police, although she does have to keep stifling the occasional yawn into her hand as she answers their questions. Ruby is barely able to keep her eyes open when she’s handed off to the medical team that was called in, but she reluctantly hangs on to consciousness long enough to get checked out.
As soon as she’s released, Ruby passes out, curling up with her head on Yang’s shoulder and snoring softly. She gets a few concerned looks from Weiss and Blake, but Yang just lets out a loud sigh and runs a hand through her sister’s hair.
They sit like that for a while, as the sun slowly creeps up in the sky, as Weiss is ushered off with a pair of medics and Blake is taken aside by a pair of faunus that Yang assumes are her parents. At one point, Sun is sitting with them—when did he get here? Yang tries to get Ruby to lay down properly, if she’s going to sleep, but her sister had stubbornly insisted that she was totally fine and that she was definitely going to stay awake, before immediately dozing off again.
For all of Qrow’s boasting about knowing everyone and his connections with other huntsmen, it doesn’t spare him (or the rest of them) from extensive questioning by the police about the attack on Haven. By the time they’re all cleared to leave, the sun is firmly in the sky and the day is well into morning.
“Hey, wake up, sleepyhead,” Yang teases, shaking her sister’s shoulder gently. “They’re letting us go.”
“Guh’what?” Ruby mumbles, eloquent as always when she wakes up. She scrubs at her eyes with one hand and brushes her bangs out of her face. It doesn’t do much, as the rest of her hair is a tangled mess. She looks up at Yang, blinking blearily. “Where are we going?”
“Back to the house, silly.” Yang reaches out a hand to help her to her feet. “You awake enough to walk?”
“Of course! I’m totally fine!” Ruby insists petulantly, batting aside the offer of help and clumsily scrambling to her feet. With her hair a tangled mess, flushed cheeks, and sleepy pout, she looks like the five-year-old that Yang used to read stories to. “Let’s go!”
Yang is willing to humor her at first, but after the third time that her sister trips over her own feet and nearly faceplants into the road, she decides that it’s time for her to step in. It takes some cajoling—and some quick rearranging of weapons (because Yang is not walking the whole way back with Crescent Rose jabbing her in the spine, Ruby’s baby or no)—but Ruby eventually gives in. She reluctantly clambers onto Yang’s back, with Nora carrying her beloved sniper-scythe beside them, promising to keep it within Ruby’s line of sight so that she can keep an eye on her weapon.
Despite her vehement protests that she was fine to walk and that she wasn’t even remotely tired anyway, Ruby is out within minutes, her head slumping forward against Yang’s neck. She doesn’t even stir when they arrive back at the house. It’s all too worryingly similar to the comatose state her sister was in after the fall of Beacon, and although Yang tries to banish those darker memories, she can’t help the relieved sigh she breathes when Ruby finally wakes upon being unceremoniously deposited on the floor of their room.
Scowling, Ruby starts to make an unsteady, shambling beeline towards the nearest bed, but she’s stopped by Yang’s hand on her shoulder. “Not yet,” she scolds gently. “Shower first, then sleep.”
Ruby glares at her, looking for all the world like an angry toddler who missed her naptime. “You’re mean.”
“Really hitting me where it hurts, sis.” Yang pats her sister’s shoulder. “Come on, I’ll get you something to eat afterwards. You’ll have weird dreams if you go to bed on an empty stomach.” Ruby pouts, swatting at Yang’s hand, but she reluctantly grabs her things and heads in the direction of the showers.
Heading to the kitchen, Yang quickly decides on sandwiches and fixes a pair of plates, making sure to leave a couple extra out on the counter in case anyone else is hungry. She’s exhausted, and every muscle in her body aches, but she knows from experience that she’ll feel less crappy when she wakes up if she takes a shower and eats something first.
She arrives back at the room to find Ruby fresh from the shower, hair damp and pajamas on, and hands her a plate. Ruby scarfs down the food as if she’s afraid that Yang will take the food away from her.
“How’s your head?” Yang asks when Ruby finally decides to come up for air. The medics had cleared her for a concussion, but she’d still taken a pretty hard hit from Emerald.
Ruby squints at her, grabbing another sandwich. “It hurts,” she mumbles through another mouthful of food.
“Anything else hurting?”
Her sister blinks slowly at her and shrugs, putting her half-finished sandwich down and resting her head on the table. “Everything?” she says finally, sounding more asleep than awake.
Yang nudges her awake before she can fall asleep at the table. “Go lay down in the bed if you’re going to sleep.” She holds out a couple of pain pills. “But first, take these and drink some more water. I’m getting in the shower.”
Ruby rolls her eyes but does as she’s told, downing the pills with a large swallow and stumbling off in the direction of the beds.
Freshly showered and dressed for bed, Yang expects to find her sister passed out for good, probably snoring loudly and drooling on the pillow. To her surprise, she emerges from the bathroom to find her sister watching her, propped up on her side by an elbow. She’s also laying in Yang’s bed.
“I didn’t think that you’d still be awake,” Yang comments, crossing the room and plopping down next to Ruby. “And scoot over, you’re hogging the bed.”
Ruby scoots, and Yang settles in, pulling the covers the covers up to her chin. As soon as she lays down, Ruby is pressed up against her side, tucking her head into the crook of her neck. Yang smiles at the contact, running her fingers through her sister’s soft hair. “So, what are you still doing up?”
Ruby is quiet for so long that Yang starts to wonder if she’s finally dozing off. “You were crying earlier.” Her voice is so quiet that Yang has to strain to hear it.
“I noticed it earlier, when you came back with the lamp,” Ruby says, stifling a yawn. “Did something happen down in the vault?’
Oh. She hadn’t thought that anyone had noticed. She didn’t think that Qrow noticed, and if he had he hadn’t brough it up. But of course Ruby wouldn’t miss something like that. “I,” she begins, before trailing off. She’d lied to Qrow, earlier, but she can’t quite bring herself to lie to Ruby. “I ran into my mom, down in the vault.”
“Oh,” her sister murmurs. “Wait, did she try to hurt you?” Ruby scrambles to try to sit up, as if expecting Yang to be hiding some grievous injury from her.
Yang stops her with a hand on her arm. “No, no, she didn’t hurt me.” Not physically at least. “If anything, I hurt her. I might have yelled at her when I ran into her.”
“Oh,” Ruby says again. “Good.”
Yang almost does a double take. If she had been drinking something, she definitely would have spit it out. “That’s good?”
“Yeah,” Ruby nods, her chin bumping gently against Yang’s collarbone. “She left you, and I don’t know why she left you, but I know that her leaving hurt you. A lot. It’s not good to keep all that hurt inside you, you know. I heard what you said to Weiss, and I’m sorry that I left you too.”
Speechless, her head spinning (and not just because Ruby is being a massive hypocrite right now), Yang flounders for a moment before responding. “You were right to leave,” she says, although it pains her to admit it. “And you know that you’ve more than made up for that already. I forgave you pretty much the moment you left. You were hurting too, and I took it out on you. That’s not fair, and I’m sorry.” She pauses, brushing some hair out of her face. Ruby makes a noise that sounds suspiciously like a sniffle. “But,” she takes a breath. “You know that the same goes for you, right? You can put up a façade all you like but I know that you’re hurting, and you can’t keep hiding it from everyone like this.”
Ruby sniffles again, scrubbing at her face. “I know,” she mumbles, her voice raw. “But I’m scared. Sometimes it feels like if I try to talk about it, I’ll just fall apart. I don’t have time for that.”
“If you fall apart, we’ll all be here to put you back together,” Yang soothes, running her hand up and down Ruby’s shoulder. “You’ve been strong for the rest of us when we were falling apart, so let us return the favor for once.”
“Yang? I’m scared.”
“Me too, Ruby.”
“Y’know, after the fall of Beacon, I don’t remember much,” Ruby says hesitantly. “Once minute I was on top of the tower, and—” she cuts herself off. “And the next I was at home, and everyone was gone. It was—it was really scary.” She takes a deep breath and wipes her eyes again. “I’m scared it’ll happen again. What if I close my eyes and everyone is gone again? I just got you guys back.”
“Well, I know that I’m not going anywhere. When you wake up, I promise I’ll still be here. And I can’t speak for the others, but,” she pauses to wipe her own eyes. “I guarantee you that if you don’t get some sleep Weiss is going to yell at you. She’ll probably yell at you anyway. I’m sure she can find a reason. And Blake,” She takes a deep breath to brace herself. “I don’t think, well I hope, anyway that she didn’t come all this way just to leave again. She said she wasn’t planning on going anywhere, so I guess we’ll have to trust her.”
“You’re right,” Ruby murmurs sleepily. She yawns. “Yang? I’m really tired.”
Yang smiles fondly, pressing a kiss to the top of her sister’s head. “I bet. Get some rest. We’ll be here when you wake up.”
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vivpurple7 · 4 years
Poison In The Dark |4| Normal
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Pairing: BTS OT7 x reader
Rating: explicit
Genre: mafia au, 1.4k
Summary: You can’t run from your past, no matter how hard you try. The shadows are scary, but why does it feel so much like home?
Warnings for series: poly, mafia, blood, guns, violence, fighting, swearing, illicit and legal drug mentions, weapons, arson, near death, torture, smut (eventual and mentions/implied), some crack (or attempts at it)
A/N: This is so much fun to write, I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Feel free to let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist however you'd like to tell me, or ask me/characters questions! 
Taglist:@nanie5, @geminidrawsstuff, @sami4life, @missseoulite, @xxqueenwxtchxx, @daydreambrliever
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The next morning you wake up, startled to find yourself in an unfamiliar bed. Right, the events of yesterday come flooding back, instantly giving you a headache at, what time was it, 5 in the morning according to your phone. Last night after the much needed bath, you had walked over and knocked on Jungkook’s door wondering if he had any spare clothes that you could change into. He had opened the door, saw that it was you, and stared for a good minute. You had waved your hand in front of him to try and catch his attention, but it seemed as if his mind was imploding. Hoseok had coincidentally come up the stairs with a mug in hand, and chuckled at his youngest brother.
“Jungkookie~” he sang as he made his way to stand in front of the poor boy.
“I think I just broke him.”
At that, Hobi had laughed and turned his little brother around and pushed him back into his room. He turned and winked at you before closing the door. Muffled talking and loud shuffling was heard, then silence. After a moment, the door was reopened and Jungkook’s hand appeared, shoving a bundle of clothes to you. You take it, thanking him, before he quickly closes the door again, with a blush evident on his cheeks. It didn’t come to mind that Hobi never emerged from Jungkook’s room. You had shuffled back to your room, changed, and plopped yourself onto the inviting bed.
  You find yourself in the luxurious bathroom, slowly waking up in Jungkook’s oversized T-shirt and too-large sweatpants. Stomach grumbling, you quickly throw your hair in a messy bun and make your way down the stairs and head for the kitchen. Surprised to already smell the comforting scent of coffee, Seokjin greets you with a warm smile. “Good morning Y/N! Did you sleep well?”
You nod, not trusting your morning voice yet.
“I’m making breakfast. Pancakes okay?”
You nod again, smiling shyly. Jin turns back to the stove, humming as he concentrates on making breakfast for everyone. Slowly, the other boys emerge from their rooms. Taehyung strolls in, bedhead in tow, as he stretches and yawns. Making grabby hands to Jin, the eldest passes him a cup of coffee and Taehyung sits down a seat away from you on the island table. He doesn’t notice you until he’s taken his first couple of sips, and grabs his chest dramatically as if he’s shocked to see you. He quickly composes himself before mumbling a good morning greeting. You hum in response as you nurse your own cup of coffee. The rest are lured from their beds with Jin’s brilliant cooking skills and show up in a similar fashion as Taehyung. Namjoon doesn’t show up for breakfast. Jungkook politely greets you but avoids your gaze throughout breakfast.
  “So Y/N, I wanna set you up with some stuff. Boss said you can go home and get your belongings after.” Yoongi drawls in between bites of pancake.
Confusion flits across your face, causing Yoongi to chuckle. “Don’t worry, it’s just safety protocol shit.”
You nod, trying to wrap your head around what could he possibly want to set you up with. You follow Yoongi to his office, and you notice on the door hangs a sign “Genius Lab”. You smile to yourself as he directs you to sit in one of the chairs.
“Hand me your phone for a sec.” Yoongi proceeds to plug your phone in, and starts typing on his computer. His lab isn’t small, but crowded with all the technological knick knacks he’s got laying around, as well as the massive six desktop screens he’s got going on. Yoongi proceeds to speak to you, while his eyes are trained on his screens.
“As you can see, I have eyes and ears everywhere. Now on your phone too.” He unplugs your phone and hands it back to you before he’s wheeling himself over to one of the shelves and digging around until he finds whatever he’s trying to find.
  He comes back to you and hands you a black metal ring. At first glance, it looks like any other thick-banded ring, but you have a feeling that it isn’t as simple as you think.
“Wear this. Choose your finger wisely. It’ll tighten to fit on the finger. I won’t go into detail and bore you, but essentially this gives me access to your location and transmits sound back to me. You won’t be able to remove it unless you chop your finger off, or if your swipe your thumb on the top. Swiping on the underside activates the camera, and again to turn it off. Got it?” Yoongi demonstrates to you as you stare.
  “So, you’ll know where I am always, and who I’m talking to and what I’m doing twenty-four seven?” You ask incredulously. You weren’t keeping secrets or anything, but that seems like an invasion of your privacy. Yoongi scoffs.
“Look Y/N, you’re important, but not that important. I keep tabs on everyone but I have other shit to do and track. It’ll only be when we need you or if it’s pertinent. If it makes you feel better, all the other guys have one. I have one too. Safety first, right?” He tilts his head, and smirks.
You sigh before taking the ring from his palm and sliding it on your middle finger. Instantly, it tightens around your finger to the perfect size. Its unfamiliar heftiness makes you frown.
“You’ll get used to it. Take one of the cars from the garage and get going. Training starts in an hour.” Yoongi turns around, dismissing you. You roll your eyes as you make your way out, still fiddling with the ring.
  You bump into Hoseok, who wraps you around into a hug and lifts you off the floor, twirling you around. “Y/N!” he squeals as he sets you back on the ground.
“You’re really energetic, you know” you mumble as you try to gather your bearings.
“Don’t be afraid to say loud and annoying” another male voice joins the conversation. You peer behind Hoseok’s shoulder and see Jimin smirking, flawlessly dressed in a suit.
“Where are you headed?” he tilts his head, making his blond locks sway.
“Uh, just back to my place to get my stuff. And find coverage for the pharmacy.”
“Oh! That’s exciting! Don’t forget training is in an hour, and you’ll meet the rest of the gang. It’s going to be at the gym located behind the house. Jungkook’s running today’s session so you know it’s going to be ass.” Hobi chuckles as he spots today’s coach coming your way.
“Hey! I head that! I’ll make you run an extra lap!”
Hobi grunts in retaliation. “Aish. I’m getting old Jungkookie, be nice to your elders.”
Hobi hooks his arm around Jungkook’s neck as they start play-fighting.
Jimin stands to the side rolling his eyes. “Better get going or else you might not be able to leave”.
You duck your head as you quickly find your way to the garage.
  You manage to get to your apartment without a hitch, and you quickly head to your bedroom. You take out your duffle bag and begin throwing in clothes and other necessities, digging into the back of the closet and grabbing the darker colored clothes you had tried to hide from yourself. You sigh as you look around your small apartment, barer than it was several minutes ago. You make your way to the bed, and grunting, manage to push it to the side. Loosening one of the floorboards, your heartbeat quickens as you see the cold, hard silver metal suitcase you buried there. With shaking hands, you pry it out of its hiding spot and place it on the floor next to you. You unbuckle the clasps and take a deep breath, steadying yourself before lifting the lid. Sitting snugly in the perfectly carved out space within the protective padding, is your beloved Beretta 92 pistol and custom-made hand-weld blade. You don’t realize you’ve started crying until a teardrop falls onto your lap. You take a moment to revel in your emotions before sniffling and wiping away the snot with the back of your sleeve. You carefully re-clasp the buckles, pick up the full duffle bag and make your way to the front door. You glance back once more at your apartment, before closing the door to the normal life you had tried to live as over the years.
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hyunjin-bun · 4 years
The  Good Mistake {Bokuto x Akaashi and Kuroo x Kenma}
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synopsis: Where Akaashi and Bokuto have to come to terms with how they feel and Kuroo and Kenma have to discover their feelings.
pairings: Bokuto x Akaashi and Kuroo x Kenma
genre: FLUFF! (or at least trying to be) crack (but like it wasn’t supposed to be that’s just what happened) mutual pining.
warnings: swearing that’s it i guess? (🚩for this chapter there’s a slight panic attack at the end.)
note: Chapter 5 finally..🙌 slighly angsty again but it’ll end happily I promise, and with the way this is going I might end up making it 7 or 8 chapters when my original idea was going to be just 6 but hey ho I’m excited and I hope you are too😄
If you’d like to be tagged just send me an ask (or a message if you feel to awkward with asks cos same👀💛) Enjoy!💕
Reaching Out
They had watched a total of 4 movies and saved a horror for last since it was becoming evening and the best time to watch a horror movie is at night. Or so Kuroo thought. He liked horrors and watched them regularly with Kenma. 
It’s just that sometimes they could get too scary for his liking or just straight-up gory. It was one of the scary ones they were watching tonight and Kuroo found himself flinching every time he heard a screech or saw a shadow in the film.  
The last scene was especially terrifying and he practically jumped. He heard Kenma let out a small snicker next to him, if you could even call it that, it was basically a soft huff of air but Kuroo knew the meaning behind it. “Oh shut up that was scary.” He said as he nudged Kenma’s side. 
Kenma hid it well but he agreed with Kuroo that it was quite scary. He wasn’t a fan of movies that took place underground, and with things that reminded him of the falmer in Skyrim, just grosser, made it worse. Yet he kept his composure a lot better than Kuroo.  
He was a big baby with things like this and Kenma revelled in being able to handle something Kuroo couldn’t, among other things. He smiled to himself while Kuroo snuggled closer. He side-eyed Kuroo and noticed that even though he was scared he was still very interested in the story. 
The dedication of this man made him all warm and fuzzy on the inside even if it was just while watching a movie. He let Kuroo snuggle up to him and it actually made up for the breakdown he had earlier.
When Kuroo had asked him if he was okay earlier he got really scared. The last thing he wanted to do was have to unload his feelings onto Kuroo directly after crying. Yet Kuroo stayed, probably expecting him to talk but even though Kenma didn’t say a word he still stayed. 
He was the most amazing friend anyone could ask for. Kenma tried to imagine what it would be like to be able to be his boyfriend. He couldn’t, he didn’t have the right words to describe how amazing that sounded.
At that moment he thought, fuck it, and put his head on Kuroo’s shoulder. Kenma felt him tense up just a little bit and he almost pulled away thinking he’d overstepped it but in a split second Kuroo relaxed. He stayed like that until his eyes started to feel heavy and he struggled to stay awake and eventually he lost the battle. 
Kuroo felt his face fire up completely when Kenma put his head on his shoulder. He thought he was going to explode when he heard soft little breaths coming from Kenma. Oh my god, he’d fallen asleep on his shoulder.  
Kuroo had recently noticed something about himself during the long hours of working through the countless cases. He missed Kenma, so much. And he’d realised some feelings popping up whenever he looked at him. 
It almost felt the same as when he would go into a volleyball game in high-school or when he stepped up to the front of a courtroom to plead someone’s case. It was butterflies.  It just added extra fire to how much he missed him
This movie-night finally gave him some time to be with him but he wasn’t expecting the guy to fall asleep on his shoulder. Kuroo was starting to get tired too and the movie was finishing up so he decided to take advantage kind of. When Kenma slept he slept like the dead. 
There was no waking him up once he fell asleep so he decided to carefully manoeuvre Kenma into his arms and picked him up to move him onto the bed fully. Kuroo moved the desk back to its original spot and went back to the bed and laid down next to Kenma facing him.  
This allowed him to observe Kenma. He’d done so in the past but not this freely. He had to stop himself from reaching out and running his hand down his face. He looked more peaceful while asleep than when he looked awake which is saying a lot since he looked high most of the time. Eventually, he fell asleep alongside the boy for whom his feelings were growing intensely.  
When Kenma woke up he looked at the clock on his wall and saw it was about 1 in the morning. He got a bit of a fright because when he opened his eyes he saw Kuroo lying close next to him so without waking Kuroo he got up to boot up a game on his pc and opted for headphones so he wouldn’t make too much noise. 
He tried to remember what happened after put his head on Kuroo’s shoulder but as usual, once he falls asleep he down for the count and doesn’t wake up till his body decides its time.  
He opened his game manager and decided on Overwatch and sunk into the game quickly. After about 2 hours of that, he wasn’t feeling especially tired but he had a headache and decided to go back to bed. 
He crawled under the sheets next to Kuroo. He decided to reach out and touch Kuroo’s cheek very lightly just to see how it might feel. His skin was so soft under Kenma’s fingertips; it was enough to send a jolt of surprise through his spine.  
Kuroo squirmed slightly and moved onto his stomach causing Kenma to pull away quickly but Kuroo was faster to open his eyes and caught as Kenma’s hand started to move away. 
Seeing the look of surprise on his face he pulled up to lean on his elbows, “Kenma what’s wrong, are you okay?” Kenma looked at his hand which he had let fall next to him in the space between him and Kuroo, “I-I’m fine.”  
His hand was shaking. Why was his hand shaking? He started to panic a little. What if Kuroo noticed? What if he asked enough questions to get Kenma to spill what was on his mind? 
Noticing the slight distress coming from Kenma, Kuroo slid closer to him and took his hand, “Hey, hey Kenma it's okay. Don’t worry it’s okay.” With the sudden close contact Kenma practically burst into tears and pulled closer to Kuroo.  
Kuroo took this as a sign to wrap his arms around the crying boy and just hold him. He put his hand in his hair and quietly whispered into his ear, “It’s okay Kozume.”
He continued to hold him as the boy in his arms sobbed. The feeling made Kuroo’s heart clench, “Just let it out, Kozume. You know that if you need to talk just come to me and even if you don’t want to talk just know I won’t force anything out of you even though I really want to know what’s happening with you when you say you’re fine. Because I can tell you’re not,” Kuroo had tears forming now because he hated seeing his best friend in such obvious turmoil.
He held him until Kenma stopped crying and his own tears dried up. He realised only after the whole ordeal that he was holding Kenma close to his chest and felt his soft breath on his throat. 
He cared so much for Kenma and was starting to realize it was growing stronger with every passing minute. He didn’t just want Kenma to be his friend anymore, because he wanted him to be his and his only.  
Tagging: @gabbywubby  @shou-kunn @super-noya @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @pudding-head-kenma @thirsthourdemon @thesecretlifeoflilly
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jeogiyall · 4 years
𝐈𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐝𝐞; 𝒏.𝒚𝒕
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⚓︎ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 𝟷𝟺𝚔 (𝚒𝚔 𝚒𝚝’𝚜 𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜)
⚓︎ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍, 𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾; 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖿𝖾𝗋! 𝖺𝗎, 𝗒𝗎𝗍𝖺 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
⚓︎ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ: 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖿𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝗈𝗒! 𝗒𝗎𝗍𝖺, 𝗋𝗂𝖼𝗁 𝗄𝗂𝖽! 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗁𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗂𝗂! 𝖺𝗎, 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇𝗇𝗒, 𝖮𝖢 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗆𝖺𝖽𝖽𝗂𝖾, 𝖺𝗋𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍, 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖿𝗂𝖼 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖺 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 :) || ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗏𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗍, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗈𝖽, 𝗍𝗈𝗑𝗂𝖼 𝖿𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝗌𝗂𝗍𝗎𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇, 𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀.
⚓︎ ᴀ/ɴ: 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝖻𝖾 5𝗄 𝗈𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗂 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗇𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗅. 𝗂'𝗆 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝖻𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗌𝗈 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝗂𝗍 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝖻𝖾 𝖺𝖿𝗋𝖺𝗂𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗂𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾!! 𝗂𝗍'𝗌 𝗆𝗒 𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗇𝖼𝗍 𝖿𝗂𝖼 𝖺𝗁𝖺𝗁𝖺 <3 𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝖺 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂'𝗏𝖾 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖿𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗋𝗅 𝖻𝖾𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗌𝗈 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝗉𝗎𝗋𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗁 + 𝖺𝗋𝗂'𝗌 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾𝗌. 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝗑𝗈𝗑𝗈! -𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝
The first thing you do upon entering ‘Yuta and Johnny’s Surf Shack’ is wipe dried tears from your cheeks. It wasn’t that you weren’t beyond ecstatic to be spending a summer in Oahu, Hawai'i, you really were! It was just terrible to be there with your family, terrible to be anywhere with your family. Seriously, you had been on the island for a week and the closest you’d come to having fun was watching your dad golf. Your mother had called you selfish upon your complaint, so you grabbed your bike from the front lawn and left with nowhere to go.
It had been an hour of pedaling with salty tears falling down your cheeks before there was a sign of people actually living here. Before you stumbled upon the small complex of stores it was just ‘Discount Golf Cart Tours!’ and ‘Authentic Oahu Dining!’ but something about this place felt real. Maybe it was the sound of water sloshing on the stilts that supported each building, or the smell of mango wafting out of the fresh grocers, or perhaps the man selling pineapples in front of the surf shack who had fallen asleep face first on his booth, but something about this felt genuine. It also didn’t hurt that you had been wanting to try out surfing. You parked your bike next to the pineapple stand, taking extra precaution to not wake him, and entered the surf store. 
The first thing you noticed was that your cheeks were still wet (hence the wiping,) followed by the smell of sunscreen and cedar wood. It felt like stepping through a portal, one that transported you to a place without overbearing mothers or artificial golf courses. You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply, entirely missing the tan boy perched on the storefront counter.
The boy in question was prepared to spill out the usual speech, ‘Welcome to Yuta and Johnny’s surf shack, I’m Yuta and am here to help with any of your needs. Are you interested in renting or purchasing today,’ but something about you made his voice stop working. He blames it on the way your head tilted back, like you were soaking in rays of sunshine, then inhaled deeply as if to take it all in. It seemed personal, fragile. Like it’d be criminal to impose. He doesn’t even consider speaking until you catch him. 
“Um... Are you interested in a rental?” His voice was low and gravelly, laced with an accent. You laughed awkwardly, entire body going pink.
“That obvious, huh?” You felt like an idiot standing there in pinstripe pajama shorts and a tacky button up that’s a few (read: three) sizes too big. Clothes weren’t exactly on your ‘escape the mother’ agenda. 
“Oh, no!” His eyes go wide as he takes in your outfit, “I mean now that you mention it yes, but that wasn’t what I meant at first. Sorry.” You almost see his cheeks turn red.
“It’s okay, I look ridiculous.” He chuckles a little bit, a low and warm sound. You think that he has a nice smile, “I’m actually just browsing today, but I’ll let you know if I need help.” You watch his hair bounce as he nods, it’s light purple and so long that it tickles the tip of his chin.
You doddle around the store for thirty minutes, pretending to look at surf equipment that you have no idea how to use. You almost ask the boy what’s what, but something clenching at your throat prevents you from speaking. In the end you buy a bottle of SPF thirty and a pineapple from the man out front (it feels like you should, seeing as he didn’t kick your bike off of his booth.) The ride home is tranquil and quiet, like a scene out of a movie. 
“I want to try surfing.” You lament aimlessly while hugging a pillow. It’s been a week since your excursion to the surf shack, and it’s been on your mind ever since. The surfing, and also maybe the boy working.
“Why?” Maddie Prescot, your neighbor, best friend, and (conveniently) father's largest business partner's daughter, asks while plopping onto your bed, “It’s so scary looking! Like what if you fall off or something, there’s no one else out there with you!” You roll your eyes playfully at the worried expression spreading on her face.
“That’s like the whole point, y’know our dads can’t talk to us if we’re in the middle of the ocean.” The words come out casual, almost as if they weigh nothing. When you see Maddie’s face her eyes are wide and her jaw is dropped.
“I take it back, sign me up right now.” 
(While you two laugh together you think about the first time you met Maddie, the summer spent in Europe. It was when your fathers had just started working together, and terribly miserable. Seriously, two fourteen year old girls forced to sit in stuffy dresses and eat small portions at restaurants where you had to speak softly. She had approached you after the first dinner right as your stomach grumbled lowly.
“Are you still hungry?” You nodded reluctantly, “Me too, let’s get food delivered back to our houses.” 
“Oh, um, I don’t-”
“Dad! (y/n)’s sleeping over!” She called across the narrow, Italian street. It was a summertime friendship, yet in a way it meant so much more. Maddie was the first person that understood any part of your life, and despite the fact that during the school year she was an entire country away it always felt like you could talk to her. Even if it was about something dumb, she was always there. )
“Are we getting uber food after dinner?” 
“Always!” She answers, smiling in a way that looks familiar, “I do have to go get ready though, see you tonight!” She exits the room in a flurry, leaving behind the scent of strawberry shampoo and a grin on your face.
“Oh my gosh Maddie-”
“Shush, you’re gonna wake up my parents!” Maddie chided, loading a glass plate with a pink bar of soap on it into the microwave. Your brain was certainly tired, but not tired enough to think this was a good idea.
“You’re trying to make something explode, but yes my convincing you to not explode things is gonna wake up your dad who’s two floors away!” She smiles brightly at your words while pressing the on button.
“I’m glad that we’re on the same page!” You groan, feeling gray hairs popping out of your scalp just from the sight of her.
“I swear being friends with you is like being a babysitter.”
"Hiding from the rain?” The boy at the counter asks. You immediately notice that it’s the same boy that was manning the counter the last time that you ran away to ‘Yuta and Johnny’s Surf Shack,’ except now his skin is even tanner. You inhale deeply while cringing at the wet clothes on your skin.
“If I was, I definitely failed, don’t you think?” You tease, motioning to the soaked hair on top of your head. He laughs, a sound that nearly warms up your wet limbs, and nods.
“Pretty miserably, let me get you a towel.” You’re about to tell him ‘No, don’t even worry about it! I’m fine!’ but a shiver runs down your body, and you want nothing more than to be warm.
“Please.” He giggles at the slight crack in your voice, you think that it’s the first time you’ve ever heard a boy giggle. It suits him, “So are you Yuta or Johnny?” You ask while the boy rummages beneath the counter.
“Umm, Johnny?” When he resurfaces with a pink fuzzy towel in hand he’s wearing a hurt expression, like you just told him that you don’t like his hair. Not that you would ever say that. Much like giggles and wide smiles, long lilac hair suits him.
“How dare you?” Despite your best efforts you laugh, walking over to take the towel where he offers.
“Sorry, Yuta.”
“I don’t want to hear it.” You take the towel from his hands, still biting back laughter, “I’m just kidding. Sorry, I tend to do that too much, what can I help you with?”
“You’re not joking too much, and I’m not sure. Surfing, I guess.” His eyebrows furrow as he watches you wrap the towel around your body like a blanket.
“You guess?”
“Yea...” Your voice is tiny, confused. It makes something inside of him turn pink.
“And you’ve been on the island for how long?” Your response barely sounds like words, but he somehow manages to gather ‘three and a half weeks’ from your sullen mumbles, “Yea, we’re done guessing, come back next Wednesday. One work for you?” It feels like your head is literally made of rocks as you nod, “Okay. You’re learning to surf.” If it weren’t for the fact that they weren’t rolling around on the floor, you would’ve thought your eyes had popped out.
“Oh, thank you. How much?” He looks at you like you’ve grown a second head, “Like... How much should I pay you?”
“Don’t be goofy, that’s why we have Johnny. To be goofy.”
“Seriously, I can’t not pay you.”
“(y/n,) I want to do this.” His eyes are trained on you, they feel heavy.
“How do you know my name?”
“Back of your bike.” The fact that he already has the answer to everything makes your cheeks heat up. You don’t know if it’s in a crush way or in the job interview kind of way. Judging by his strong arms and honey skin you think that it’s crush kind.
“That’s kind of weird... Really weird.” You move to leave, but turn around one last time. He’s smiling at your back, and you know in that instant that he’s going to ruin your life “I’ll see you next Wednesday.”
His smile follows you out the door and to the pineapple booth, then all the way home.
Your mom questions why you always come home with an enormous pineapple. You fib through your teeth and tell her that you pick them off the side of the street. She doesn’t really buy it, you don’t either. It’s clear that she’s about to push harder, but then your father walks through the front door of the rental home and suddenly everything is about him. For the first time in your life you don’t really mind it. There’s something nice about having the surf shack (and Yuta) all to yourself.
“You’re going to fall off, that’s just how it works. Everyone falls.” Yuta reasons while staring at your panicked frame. Everything was going great with the lesson, right up until you saw Johnny (co-owner of the store, and resident gentle giant) get entirely wiped out on a huge wave. Now you’re sitting on the lavender colored surfboard (that you definitely didn’t choose because it matches Yuta’s hair. Definitely not) with trembling arms, “Besides, when you fall it won’t hurt as bad as when Johnny does it.” 
“Why?” It’s genuinely obnoxious how high your voice shoots up.
“Because you’re not seven feet tall. You really don’t even need to worry about it right now, not like you’re catching any waves today anyways.” You cringe, the blue rash guard you got from their surf shack suddenly feeling too tight (you tried to buy it, but each time you moved to give Yuta the cash he would squeeze his eyes shut and pretend like you weren’t there,) “Seriously, just enjoy being out here.” He reaches out to grab your arm before realizing that his board is definitely too far away. He laughs, and you can’t help but join in. He has that effect on people.
When you two eventually paddle back to shore the sun is getting ready to set, casting a golden haze over everything. You think that the boy standing in front of you looks beautiful. It’s the first time a boy has ever been that to you.
“Thank you for my first ever surf lesson. It was really fun, but I sadly have to get going now.” Wet hair is tickling your chin, and you’re dreading explaining this to your parents. 
“Alright, same time next week?” Your heart catches on the hook of his words, slowly unraveling into a useless ball of yarn.
“Yea.” The word feels like it weighs five thousand pounds. It gets heavier with every step you take towards your baby blue bike, parked up against the shabby pineapple stand.
“(Y/N!)” Yuta shouts, still standing on the white sand of the beach. For the first time all day you notice that he’s not the only person there.
“What?” You call back, voice uncharacteristically loud. Yuta also has that effect on people, pulling out the daring parts that shout across crowded beaches and lie to their parents.
“Can I get you dinner next time?” A smile erupts on his face as if it’s volcanic, there’s one on yours too. You think to yourself that his smile could fix everything bad inside of you.
“I’d love that!” 
You wear his smile to sleep that night. 
Four days after your first surf lesson your muscles are still sore. It’s not a normal kind of sore either, one where you can take an advil and get over it, of course it’s not. It’s the kind of sore that makes your muscles spasm at the most inopportune times ever. In example: right now, standing in front of Maddie’s entire family while sipping red wine that you weren’t supposed to have. The fact that your dress was white cotton didn’t help to ease your nerves.
“Are you okay?” Maddies oldest brother, Warner, asks you. You try to nod, then quickly give up after remembering where your pain was.
“Yea.” You exhaled, rolling your head backwards, “I’m just sore, it’s a pressure thing I guess.” He chuckles, low and crunchy. It makes your stomach churn, but not the same way that Yuta’s does. 
“Can I ask you something?” Yuta asks while shaking water from his hair. You two were waiting for grubhub to arrive at the surf store with post surf lesson dinner. Yuta had taken to putting on dry clothes while you sat shivering on the counter, wrapped up in a fluffy towel.
“Depends.” There’s a small smile playing on your lips, immediately pulling a giggle from the tanned boy. You want to bottle up the sound and keep it tucked underneath your pillow.
“Why do you... Hold back so much?” You look at him as if you don’t know what he’s talking about. You do, obviously, you’ve been holding back for as long as you can remember, but it’s almost embarrassing that he’s noticed it “Don’t look at me like that, you know what I mean. Like... Like how whenever I make a joke you try to not laugh, why don’t you laugh? Not just that, but... That.” A part of you wants to not tell him, wants to keep Yuta and everything nasty inside of you completely separate. There’s a bigger part of you that gives into his dripping honey smile and blanket laugh.
“My parents sent me to a boarding school that’s really... Strict, I guess? I don’t know, it’s competitive and no one is friends with anyone. You’re literally my second friend ever, we are friends right?”
“Wow, imagine if you had said no.” You pull wet hair off the back of your neck, suddenly feeling very dizzy, “Anyways, yes. My parents, like... They are also super strict. I’m always too loud, or too goofy, or too serious, or just... Just too much. Too much.” You mean to keep talking, but your voice gives out as tears stream down your face. Yuta doesn’t notice for a second, but as soon as he does you have strong arms wrapping around your shoulders.
“Hey, hey, don’t cry!” He coos while squeezing you tight. If you weren’t bawling into his chest you would think about how this is the first real hug you’ve gotten in months, “Oh gosh! You’re gonna get sunscreen in your eyes, here! Use my shirt!” He’s shoving his shirt into your face, and if you weren’t crying out basically every frustration that you’ve ever had, it would be kind of funny. You wipe the tears out of your eyes, then the sunscreen from your forehead, and then you just hold the fabric.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” You sob, clenching onto his (once) dry shirt, “It’s the first time I’ve ever talked about it, a-and I ruined your shirt, and I’m so sorry!” 
“S’okay. You’re okay.” He makes the words feel true, holding you in a way that no one ever has. It’s a clingy kind of hold, one that doesn’t let up until his phone dings. He keeps an arm slung around your shoulder while reading the lit screen, “Food is here, why don’t you go put on some dry clothes?” You rub the sticky tears from your cheeks while shaking your head lightly.
“I didn’t bring any, my parents would’ve asked where I was going and then I’d have to-” He brings up one hand to cover your mouth while the other one fishes under the counter. You think this is the nicest way that anyone has told you to shut up.
“Borrow mine.” 
The shirt falls to your mid-thigh, so you don’t even bother with his shorts. (With how tiny that boy's waist is, the shorts probably wouldn’t fit anyways.) He spends dinner cracking jokes just to make you laugh and staring at your profile when he thinks you’re not looking. 
“Okay,” You manage through dad joke induced laughter, “I really do have to get going now. Sun’s starting to set, and I don’t have a helmet light.”
“I’d pay to see that.” He helps you gather up your trash and walks you to the door, which is only two seconds away from where you were previously, “I’m gonna say something, and I hope I don’t make you cry again, so I’m telling you that I’m gonna say something.” You smile, playfully rolling your eyes. It’s ridiculous to you how easy it all feels.
“It wasn’t your fault I cried, it’s just because-”
“Okay talking now!” Laughter floats in the space between your bodies as he smiles shyly, “I think you’re really sweet. Like, the way that you buy a pineapple from Mr. Kahale every time you leave, or how you still try to buy stuff from me, or... The way that you laugh at all my jokes? Even the ones that really aren’t funny, you still laugh. I think that makes you sweet, and you’re also funny, and sarcastic, and hardworking... And not too much. Never too much.”
The words scratch into the back of your eyelids, and you read them in between every blink.
“Hey Johnny!” You chirp upon entering the surf shack. It’s half past noon, but you doubted that anyone would send you packing for showing up too early. 
“(y/n,) hi! Come on in, can I get you a cup of coffee?” The tall boy asks, already turning around to prepare the mug. Honestly? You had already made a cup early in the morning and two cups would definitely make you jittery, but Johnny was so eager that you let him go ahead. 
“Sure, go ahead. No sugar and four creams, please.” You assume your usual position on the checkout counter while Johnny plugs in the Keurig machine. Words float out of his mouth and around the room, never quite hitting your ears. It’s not that he’s boring, just that something feels off, “Hey, where’s Yuta?” The boy rolls his eyes exasperatedly, knowing fully well that you didn’t hear a single thing that he said.
“He’ll be here soon. Didn’t come in this morning since it’s his day off and all; here’s your coffee!” Johnny sees something on your face, written in furrowed eyebrows and down turned lips, “Don’t worry, he’s still coming in for your lessons!” You take the cup, head swimming with tan skin and hair that’s a little too long.
“I didn’t know it was his day off.” Johnny smiles brightly, exhaling a laugh. 
“Wednesdays have always been his off days, well until recently. He comes in to teach you but that’s it.” Your cheeks turn bright pink, spreading quickly down your neck, “You know, he told me that- Yuta! Welcome home!” Something rises in your chest at Johnny's unspoken words, only to crest when you see the boy in question's beautiful smile (the one that reaches everything around him and paints it into something pretty.)
“Hi (y/n)! Happy to see you!” And that’s when it crashes in a big mess of soft smiles and snotty confessions. You want to tell him that he’s the second person that’s ever listened to you, that he’s the only boy that’s ever made you smile. You want to tell him that pieces of him live in your head, coming up in the moments where everything is too hard to handle.
The only words that manage to squeeze out of your throat are, “You too, ready to start?”
If his bright laugh was any indicator, then he certainly got the message.
“Sweetie, why is your face sunburned?” Your mother asks while dumping eggs on your plate. The burn across your nose was from staying out just a little too long with Yuta, but obviously she could never know about that. Instead you shrug, pretending like you didn’t even know it was there.
“Don’t know, sun’s bright I guess.” Her eyes narrow, and you know from eighteen years of stretching the truth that she doesn’t buy it. A groan (partnered with dread) rises in your throat at the idea of trying to dig your way out of this, just like you had to last week when she asked about your wet hair. This whole lying thing used to be so easy, something that just rolled off your tongue, but upon realizing that people can make you smile and that life can be enjoyed you always get terrible cottonmouth whenever you need to lie. A small part of you knows that it’s because you don’t want to lie about being happy, that you want someone to tell everything to, but a bigger part wants to stay in the dark. 
“You lie like a cheap carpet.” She teases, voice twinging with a southern accent that she never had. It almost makes you want to tell her, then you think back to your last summer roller derby practice. When you had scraped your knee open. Your mom had been shocked after seeing the blood that stretched from the bottom of your thigh to the middle of your calf, but that was all replaced when you told her where it was from. Within twenty minutes you learned every synonym for ‘irresponsible’ that there was
(”I do everything around this house and this is how you repay me?! By getting injured, and oh I don’t know lying?!” You had cringed at her harsh words, right leg still aching with pain.
“I’m sorry!” You sobbed out, praying that the high ceilings of your kitchen would crash down on your head.
“I’m sure you are, God (y/n) do you even know what it’s like to run a household?! I am exhausted, and you’re running around and hurting yourself?!” 
“Well maybe you wouldn’t have to ‘run the household’ if your stupid fucking husband would ever come home and raise his child! And maybe I wouldn’t feel the need to keep things from you if you didn’t react like this!” Tears trickled down your mother's cheeks, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. You had been crying first, anyways.
“To your room.” Her jaw was clenched so tight that even water wouldn’t be able to slip through it, “Now!” 
You had run up the stairs and into your room as fast as possible, then proceeded to slam the door and hurl your skates into a bookshelf. Needless to say, you never got to go back to derby.)
“I’m not lying, mom.” You breathe out, shoveling the last bit of scrambled eggs into your mouth, “I’m going over to Maddie’s, see you at the dinner party tonight!” Her gaze follows you out the door, sitting on your shoulders and swallowing you like a denim jacket.
You checked the time on your phone for the fourth time in the past ten minutes, only to groan upon realizing that not even a minute had passed since the last time you checked. Maddie had been getting the food for around fifteen minutes, and while the grubhub delivery boy was probably tripping over his tongue at the flirting that was definitely going on, your stomach was starting to grumble. It’s starting to sound violent
“Hungry?” A gravelly voice asks from behind you, causing hair to prick up on the nape of your neck before realizing that it’s just Warner.
“You shouldn’t scare people like that! Especially when they’re sitting on the ledge of a balcony!” It feels like your mother crawls out of your mouth, so you close it harshly and swallow before even considering speaking again, “And yes, extremely. Maddie’s supposed to come back up with the food, but she’s been gone for fifteen minutes.” 
“Yea,” He chuckles while sliding onto the balcony railing, it makes you think of Yuta’s soft giggles, “she’s flirting with the delivery boy.” A heavy breath runs down your cheeks while eyes roll into the back of your head.
“How did I know?” When he laughs a hand brushes on your thigh, then stays there. Your cheeks turn red, but it’s more of an embarrassed blush. Not the innocent sunrise blush that Yuta paints your body with. You stare at his hand, begging for it to move. It never does, “(y/n,-)” 
“I have t-to go. I have to go check on Maddie.” The way your body stumbles over the railing and through the French glass doors is embarrassing, but you don’t care. You’d trip over a million banana peels if it got rid of Warners expectant gaze.
It follows you down the hallway, through one living room, and into a stairwell, only leaving when Maddie bumps into you with a loud ‘oomf!’ 
“Hey honey, where are you going?” Her voice is so sweet, like the way someone would talk to a puppy. With anyone else it’d be patronizing, but with Maddie it feels like home.
“Warner like... touched my thigh, but it wasn’t a big deal. Just made me uncomfy.” She smiles sympathetically, knowing fully well that this wasn’t her brother's first time leaving a girl feeling like this.
“He’s an asshole.” The blunt words look funny coming out of your friend's soft face, so you laugh.
“Let’s eat, I’m starved.” You think to yourself that you’ll never find a person like her, before nodding and falling in line behind her.
The first time that you manage to catch a real wave, not the baby ones that Yuta made you ‘ride’ right by the shore, you feel so free that you could cry. The wave is at least six feet tall, but in your head it feels much taller. Like something that could swallow you whole, but also something that you told not to. And something that listened.
You don’t even know what to do with all of the energy coursing in your veins, so you do nothing. Just let it fester while riding the wave, exactly the way that Yuta taught you. With feet planted strongly in the center of the board, everything smelling like salt water, and a huge smile spreading across your face. Although you don’t see him, Yuta is cheering from the sand, which is exactly where you go once the wave breaks.
You start to run to the boy, adrenaline still writhing in your body, but the running stops as soon as you pummel face first into the shin deep water. Perhaps running with something attached to your ankle isn’t the smartest move, but you’re too high to care. It’s all you can do to not burst out laughing at yourself.
“Are you okay?!” Yuta asks as his arms materialize beneath you. His eyes are slightly worried, causing a ridiculous contrast to your wild ones.
“Never better, did you see that?!” He barely has you out the water before you’re bouncing around again.
“What, you cleaning the ocean floor with your face or-”
“Don’t be a butt!” You tease while flicking his temple, “Did you see it?!”
“Of course I did! I was cheering and everyth-” Your lips are on his. You’re standing in the water of a Hawaii beach, and kissing Nakamoto Yuta. You’re (y/n,) who just rode a six foot tall wave, and you are kissing Nakamoto Yuta. You are kissing him, and he tastes like sun drenched honey. There’s nothing that could make this feel real, not even if someone came up and pinched you.
Even as his tongue swipes over your lower lip, even as his hand comes up to cradle your jaw, even as your hands tangle in the ends of his long hair. Nothing could convince you that this isn’t a dream. Maybe it’s the way that Yuta kisses like he needs it to survive, or how he’s listening to you despite the fact that no words have been exchanged, or maybe even how the waves are crashing you endlessly closer to him. Everything about his mouth on yours is far too good to be true.
“Was that okay?” You exhale, hot breath fanning against the boys cheeks, “I mean like, that I kissed you?” Everything feels hazy as your eyes focus in on his giddy smile. You think to yourself that his smile rivals every sunset that you’ve ever seen.
“Yes.” He responds, chest heaving, “Yea, it’s okay.” He rests his forehead against yours as a wave brushes the hems of your rash guards.
“Did you really see?” Something in your voice sparkles, it makes Yuta’s heart stop.
“I see everything that you do. The sharp inhales, the way your head tilts back when you enjoy something, the way you smile when Johnny offers you coffee. I’m starting to think that the only reason I have eyes is to look at you.” The words ricochet around your head, leaving your eyes watery and heart heavy. 
“Yuta?” You ask before swallowing hard. There’s a hand tangled in his lilac hair, the other cradling the back of his neck. He thinks to himself that he could die like this and still be happy, “I’m going to kiss you again.”
“Okay.” He answers. The word feels like it weighs a thousand pounds, and also like you could lift it with your pinky..
There were three times in your life where you felt peace. The first time was a week spent in Spain with your boarding school, everyone stayed together in a hotel with a huge open air courtyard. You had spent each day out there amongst the plants, doing nothing except for school readings and breathing in the fresh air.
The second time was your first sleepover with Maddie. She had ordered Chinese and rented some Italian film that you can’t remember the name of anymore. She was the first person to listen to you about anything, and even though it was over something as simple as beef or chicken lo mein and what movie to watch, it felt nice. You remember falling asleep that night feeling like your heart was full.
And the third time was now, sitting on your board past where the waves break with Yuta. You’re about to paddle back to shore, but for now the boy is just basking in golden sun and splashing water at you.
“Stop!” You cry out, holding up one hand uselessly, “If I fall off you’re coming with me!” He smirks playfully, splashing the water even harder.
“Good, then maybe I can kiss you.” Something in your heart clenches at his childlike smile, and you almost understand the want to be pushed into the ocean just so you can kiss his honey lips.
“Come on, let’s head in.” As the two of you roll in with the evening tide, you can’t help but think that no one will ever make you happy the way that he does.
Despite growing closer with both shop owners, entering the surf shack still manages to transport you to a new planet. It’s like there’s nothing in the world that can brace you for the smell of bananas and fresh cut wood, or the sight of Johnny beaming from behind the counter while Yutas legs dangle from his perch. It’s nothing special, but in a way it is. At least to you.
“(y/n!)” They both cheer, Yuta sliding quickly off the counter while Johnny starts up the keurig. 
“Four creams?” Johnny asks as Yuta presses a loud kiss to your tanned cheek. The taller boy pulls a face of disgust, so you giggle and push the sweet boy away.
“Yea, please!” Yuta is still trying to kiss your face, his tan arms wrapping around any part of you that he can reach, “Yes, hi Yuta, I’m excited to see you too! Now, stop being gross.” You and Johnny both chuckle while Yuta pouts, pressing one last kiss to your temple.
“I like being gross.” He grumbles, returning back to his spot on the counter. You follow close behind and ruffle a hand in his lilac hair.
“We know.”
“No matter how hard he tries, he will never be as gross as keurig coffee.” Johnny states, head shaking solemnly. Yuta busts out laughing and pushes his friend's shoulder.
“I like keurig coffee!” You protest, causing Johnny to chuckle while Yuta continues to giggle. You accept the mug from Johnny when he hands it to you, and everything feels so regular that it hurts.
It’s another breakfast spent shoveling runny eggs into your mouth in hopes to leave before your parents bring up any taboo topics, except this time something is off. Your father is actually here, for starters, then add that to the part where him and your mother are staring at you as if they’re waiting for an answer and you end up with a churning feeling in your gut. Your mother's eyebrows haven’t relaxed since you sliced up the pineapple.
“Sweetie, have you ever considered dating?” The words are so unexpected that you choke, a hand flying to your glass of water.
“Excuse me?” You wheeze, cheeks flushing bright pink. She’s going to ask about Yuta, you just know she’s going to ask about him. It was the love bite that gave it away, the one in the hollow of your throat. You knew he shouldn’t have done it, but there were no real thoughts in that moment. Just his lips and your skin.
“Oh, you know, just going out to dinner. Seeing a movie, you know plenty of nice boys right?” The words are swimming through your head, pushing hard into the back of your eyes.
“I don’t think I understand-” Your response is choked, your throat clenching around each syllable that comes out.
“Like um... Cameron, the boy you did that group project with? Or Donny, the one who ran for class President?” You nod slowly, waiting for the final blow, “Or Warner! Why don’t you date Warner?” 
“Warner?” You don’t have to play dumb anymore, you actually have no idea what she’s talking about. Aside from the relief that no one knows about Yuta, confusion washes over you.
“Yea!” She chimes, hands clapping together, “He’s so sweet and smart, and I think he’s kinda handsome, right?” All you can think of is the way his eyes peeled you apart in the worst way possible, like you owed him something. Like it didn’t matter that you didn’t want his hands anywhere near you.
“Um, yea. Warner’s sweet.” The words taste like bile coming up your throat, “I have to go now, see you guys later.” You run out of the house like your heels are on fire, and the only way to put them out is to get as far away from their expectant stares as quickly as possible.
“Yuta, come on! I told you, no more love bites!” You groan, pulling him away by the hair.
“But I know you like them so much!” He pouts, moonlight cascading through the shop windows and across his tanned face. Tonight had been a dinner party night, which meant that right now you should be at Maddie’s house. Except for the fact that she had a secret date with the grub hub delivery boy.
(“I’m so sorry, please don’t tell anyone!” She had pleaded, eyes growing wide and watery. You always thought it was ridiculous how she could make herself cry on command. No one person should have that much power.
“So long as you don’t tell anyone that I’m sneaking out too.” Her eyes (now entirely void of tears) widened, one hand reaching out to push your shoulder while you giggled shyly.
“Who are you and what have you done with (y/n?!)” 
“... Nothing?”)
“I do, but I think my mom saw…” His pout expands into a smile while your cheeks turn bright pink. A giggle slips past his lips as he rests your foreheads together.
“Really?” The boy whispers, as if you’re not the only other person in the room.
“Yes!” You laugh back, “Stop laughing at me!” The words just make him laugh harder.
“I’m sorry, it’s just funny!” Your eyebrows furrow as you stick your tongue out at him, making him smile even brighter, “Come on, don’t be mad at me! Honey, don’t be mad at m- mmph!” The words (and teasing) stop as soon as your lips collide, swallowed by something hot and needy. You think to yourself that his lips taste like honey, then that you’d give anything to kiss him for forever. 
“Yuta,” You breathe out, trying to get the boys attention. It doesn’t work, his lips stay on yours, “Yuta!” 
“Yea?” He asks, pulling back so little that his lips brush yours upon moving.
“I love you.” The smile on his face is worth a thousand dollars. You want to kiss it, so you do.
The action is slow and fueled with passion, him whispering ‘I love you too’ against you any chance that he can get.
A long time ago you decided that the only good thing about dinner parties was the fact that you got to get ready for them. Last week you wore your favorite blue dress, the one with ruffles on the sleeves, and a petite golden chain (which ended up on the checkout counter of your boyfriends store. You’re ninety percent sure that he took it home.) Yuta had nearly lost his mind when you stumbled into the store looking like that, with high heels dangling from your fingertips.
This week was something slightly different, seeing as it was something that your mother insisted on. A form fitting white dress with detailed embroidery around the waist. You found it to be repulsive, but it matched your favorite pearls so you let her go ahead and take it to the dry cleaners.
“Sweetie, I’m coming upstairs with your dress in ten minutes!” She hollers up the stairs. You clamp the pearls quickly, then throw your electric blue rash guard into the closet.
“Okay!” You respond, opening up the makeup drawer of your desk.
She enters the room quietly and hangs the dress on your closet door. You were hoping it would get less ugly the more you looked at, but it was turning out to be quite the opposite. It really just looked like a bad ice skating costume.
“It’s sad to think that we’ll be leaving in two weeks, isn’t it?” You hum in agreement while taking a brush to your eyelid. This talk is barely something that phases you anymore, seeing as you’ve already discussed everything with Yuta. Leave for two months, take your gap year on Oahu, and then apply to all of the local universities that you can, “We have to go back to the real world, with all of the responsibilities.” The way she’s talking feels rehearsed, as if she’s been waiting to say this to you for a long time.
“... Yea?” Her smile is so sweet that you barely believe it’s hers.
“But you don’t have many of those right now, do you? Nothing but enjoying your gap year and-”
“Mom, can you just tell me whatever you’re trying to say?” You snap, the brush clattering out of your hand and onto the glass top of the vanity. She slides down onto your unmade bed, hands making fists in the fabric of her skirt while she swallows heavily.
“You’re not going to like it very much.” It feels like your tongue is made of cotton again.
“Tell me. Please.” Her lower lip quivers, causing your stomach to clench even tighter.
“Do you remember when we spent the summer in Europe with the Prescot’s?” You nod slowly, remembering your very first encounter with Maddie, “And your father spent the entire time negotiating with Mr. Prescot?” You nod again, vividly remembering all of the lonely nights spent pretending to be asleep while your father stumbled home drunk off of wine.
“Yea, but he decided to go along with it because dad offered him a huge share of the income.” She looks at you as if you didn’t finish the sentence, “Right?”
“Right... Mostly right.” You inhale deeply, hoping for a breath of fresh air. You don’t get it, the entire room smells like a thunderstorm, “They also reached an agreement regarding you.”
“W-what?” She reaches out to hold your hands, you’re so confused that you let her.
“Your father and Mr. Prescot agreed that when you turn eighteen, and Warner twenty, that you two would become e-engaged to be-” The realization settles in right as your pearls begin to tighten. She keeps talking, saying things like ‘legal,’ and ‘sweet boy,’ but you feel nothing. Nothing other than your pearls tightening, suffocating you slowly but surely. They tighten like a vice, and you’re sure that you’ll never breathe again.
“W-when?” Your words are small and pathetic, one hand reaching up to grasp the dainty necklace.
“We’re announcing it tonight, I-I’m... I’m gonna leave you alone to process.” She squeezes your hands one last time, then leaves, “And please do a little bit of makeup, there’s going to be photographs. We don’t want to see your splotchy skin, do we?” With that she’s gone, door shut tightly and room silent.
Something pounds heavily against your skull, turning everything blurry. The only thought you can register is that you have to vomit, now. It takes everything in you to stumble towards the en suite, but once you get there your body knows exactly what to do.
There’s cold tile on your exposed knees as you empty the contents of your stomach into the ivory toilet. You vomit for nearly forty minutes, pulling at the suffocating pearls the whole time. The strand almost snaps, you barely even care.
Your head feels empty, like you puked out every thought and anxiety until you were just a shell of a person. A shell of a person who was engaged to Warner Prescot, and not Nakamoto Yuta.
The dinner party feels more like a trip to the aquarium, but you’re the fish. You and Warner sit at the head of the table, his hand taking home on the small of your back (he wiggles his fingers far too much, which sends the worst kind of shivers down your spine,) and everyone is staring. It makes you wonder how many people knew about this before you did.
When Warner stands to announce the engagement you almost vomit again. Maddie looks at you, her eyes screaming “I’m so sorry.” You ask her to help, to get you out of here. She looks away. It feels like there’s no air left to breathe, you think that even if there was you wouldn’t inhale. You want to suffocate, you want to stop existing. You want the carpeted floor of this high scale restaurant to swallow you whole.
Most of all, you want Yuta.
It’s half past eleven when you barge through the doors of the surf store, and Yuta’s leaning against the counter. There’s lilac hair falling in his eyes, painting the picture of not having a care in the world.
“(y/n!)” He beams, heart clenching tightly, “You look beautiful baby- baby? What’s wrong?” You don’t know what it was, maybe the stress of everything. Maybe the taste of vomit that was stuck in your throat, despite brushing your teeth ten times. Maybe the feeling of Maddie’s sad eyes telling you that there was nothing she could do to help, but you start bawling. 
They’re ugly, wet sobs that shake you from your toes to your shoulders. You’re on the floor, hands gripping your hair so hard that it hurts. Yuta’s rushing over to you, and you can’t even bring yourself to look at his face.
“What do you need me to do?” He asks, voice soft and warm and painfully comforting.
“Hold me.” You whimper, suddenly afraid that if you say anything else your voice will give out and you’ll be nothing but a sobbing mess. A sobbing mess who’s engaged. 
So Yuta holds you, and holds you, and holds you. It’s a loving touch, one that wants nothing for him. A touch that gives endlessly, with warm skin and heaving chests. His fingertips brush your shoulder while his lips kiss the shell of your ear.
“What’s wrong?” He whispers, causing your heart to clench violently. You grab his face, hoping that if you kiss him he’ll stop asking questions. He doesn’t go for it, “Sweetie stop, tell me what’s wrong.” You don’t want to tell him, you’d rather plunge yourself face first into the ocean than tell him. Something about telling Yuta makes this real.
“It’s nothing,” He knows that your eyes are too sad to be telling the truth, “I just love you.” You sob out, collapsing once again onto his shoulder. His hand strokes your hair while your back shakes.
“I know, I love you too.” You wonder if this last time that you’ll feel like those words are true, “I love you too.”
Ever since the start of your engagement (a week and a half) you’ve been running out of the house as early as possible, not even bothering with the under cooked eggs. The days find you in different places, usually at the surf shack or trying to catch some waves, but never home. And never with Warner.
Today you’re on the checkout counter, slicing up pineapple with a knife that you probably shouldn’t have and passing it to your friends. Yuta is tending to a customer, a poor sunburned guy well into his thirties who’s trying to buy a board, while Johnny smiles and taps away on his phone. It’s not the usual smile, goofy and carefree, now he’s beaming like he has to outshine the sun. He almost does.
“What’s got you so happy today?” You ask, passing him a paper plate with perfect cubes of pineapple. That was one of the best things about Mr. Kahale’s booth (other than the fact that you’re still allowed to park there,) you’ve become a pro at cutting up the fruit. Yuta always asks you to cut his into stars.
“Nothing.” He answers, giddy smile threatening to crack his face. He knows that you don’t buy it.
“People don’t smile like that over nothing, Johnny.” There’s a nervous laugh, then he pops a cube into his mouth.
“Well, I do.” You roll your eyes so hard that it almost hurts, then return to cutting up the pineapple.
“He’s texting his girlfriend.” Yuta interjects, pressing a kiss to your temple while thumbing through a stack of cash. You were so busy trying to pull an answer out of Johnny that you didn’t even notice him closing the sale.
“Girlfriend?!” You gasp, laughing at the way his cheeks turn pink, “Tell me more!” 
“Her name is Maddie.” Your stomach drops as Johnny bites out his answer, but it’s probably nothing. There are thousands of girls named Maddie, right? 
“Just wait until you hear how they met!” Yes! How they met! Maddie’s going out with the grubhub delivery boy, Johnny works here.
“How did you meet?” Your voice tries to give you away, so you continue to cut up the pineapple. Maybe if you focus on this they won’t pick up on your uneven breathing.
“Well I was doing a late night delivery, for grubhub?” Oh no, “I guess I never mentioned that I do that. Anyways, it’s like half past midnight and I pull up to this huge house, like seriously the biggest house I’ve ever been to, and this girl opens the door. We talked for like twenty minutes before she took her food, but just as she was about to go inside I grabbed the bag and wrote my number on it.” Okay, so that’s definitely Maddie. Johnny is definitely dating Maddie, but this isn’t the end of the world. They know Maddie, but that doesn’t mean that they know about you. They probably don’t even know that she has a friend who happens to be engaged to her brother.
“And she has this friend, Johnny what’s her name?” Oh no, oh no, oh no. You can feel Yutas eyes boring into your skull.
“I don’t think she’s said, but (y/n) this story is just... Insane, really.” Maybe she just told him about the time that you tried to backflip into her pool when you were nine and nearly broke your neck. That’s probably all that it is, “She’s engaged to Maddie’s brother! It’s some ridiculous arranged marriage plot with their parents companies, it’s like a tv show!” There is no air left in the room, and you briefly think that you’re going to pass out. He keeps talking but you can’t hear. You don’t know if you want to hear, for some reason hearing Johnny talk about how insane it is reminds you that it’s terribly insane.
“Shit!” You cry out as your knife slips away from the fruit and then across the skin of your thumb. There’s blood, but you barely even feel it over the lump in your throat. Johnny’s getting you a napkin, Yuta’s cradling your hand. It feels like you're going to pass out, you think if you don’t leave then you’re going to fall onto the floor and pass out, “I have to go outside.” Yuta’s mouth moves, but there are no words. No words as you stumble out the door and down to the beach, or as you gasp for air and collapse onto the hot sand.
You sit there for at least twenty minutes, cradling your bleeding thumb and watching the waves retreat, before Yuta materializes next to you. He’s holding a band aid while wearing a concerned expression.
“Let me see your hand.” Suddenly he’s holding your hand, wrapping up the cut and then pressing a kiss to the inside of your palm. It makes your heart feel watery, or your eyes. You’ve kind of lost track at this point, “Will you please tell me what’s wrong? You show up to the shack at midnight and just start bawling, which is fine! I don’t mind, but you’ve been off ever since then. It’s like, the only time I’ve ever felt helpless, I don’t know how to help because I have absolutely no idea what’s wrong, a-and-”
“I’m Maddies friend.” He’s about to laugh, but then he sees your tear streaked cheeks. You don’t even know when you started crying, “I’m Maddies friend, a-and I have to marry her brother, who I hate! And my parents didn’t even tell me until the night they announced it to all of the business partners, how fucked up is that?!” There’s something breaking in your chest, Yuta thinks he feels it too, “I mean, how fucked up is all of this?!”
“You’re engaged?” The words make you laugh, which is probably inappropriate. It is inappropriate, but you can’t even make yourself care.
“Yes, and I hate him. And I love you.” His hands are buried in his lilac hair, it reminds you of the first time that you kissed. 
“Can’t you say no?” You want to say yes, say that you can leave everything behind and be nothing but his. Be nothing but yours, but there’s something clamping down on your tongue. He watches as your jaw tightens and a fresh set of tears fall down your cheeks, “Okay, I get it.” And then he’s leaving, and you know nothing other than the fact that you want him to stay.
“Yuta!” It sounds like you’re begging, in a way you are.
“I have to go!” You sit on the beach sobbing for hours, or minutes. Everything around you turns gray, and you think that this is just the perfect start to the rest of your life. 
Maddie is lying on her bed and speaking into her phone when you find her. Her eyebrows are furrowed, eyes full of crystal tears that won’t fall. You can only assume that she’s talking to Johnny.
“Yea she’s here, I have to go. See you tomorrow, bye bye.” The words were quiet, her voice trembling, “He’s telling Yuta that you’re with me.”
“Oh.” The sound is pathetic; all broken, and watery, and tired. You want to cry again, but there are no tears left. Just a hollow feeling returning to your chest. 
“(y/n,) I’m so sorry. I was sorry before,” There’s a heavy silence, one that expects you to say something. Or do something, but you can’t. There’s no energy left anywhere in your body, it’s a miracle that you’re still standing, “but this is just... I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” The words come out of your mouth, but you can’t feel your mouth move. You can’t feel anything other than Maddie’s sad eyes.
“No, it’s not. Come sit down.” She pats her white comforter, your legs carry you there, “Have you told anyone?” 
“No.” The word tastes sour on your tongue.
“Do you want to tell me about him?” Her hand is in between your shoulder blades, offering a comfortable weight. You think of how hard it’s been to keep this all from Maddie, of how many times you considered spilling everything. 
“Yes.” Your entire body relaxes with a sigh, Maddie smiles at the feeling.
“Tell me everything.” 
You tell her about his smile that outshines every star in the sky, about his beautifully sun kissed skin. You tell her about the way he pushes Johnny’s shoulder whenever the taller boy made a bad joke, and the time that you two paddled past the waves and he splashed water at you. She giggles, then asks to see a picture. You immediately know the perfect one.
(”(y/n,) pose with me!” Yuta cheered, voice growing closer. You turned, board still in hand, to be greeted with the sight of Yuta running at you while holding your phone.
“Wait, I’m not ready!” Before you could protest anymore there was a wet kiss on your cheek and the clicking sound of your camera ”You’re too much.”
“Yea, but you love me anyways.” He had pecked your lips, then the tip of your nose, then your forehead. It made something happy bubble in your stomach.
“I do, I love you so much.”)
“We had just finished surfing, that’s why we look like... That.” Your phone glares at you, flaunting yours and Yuta’s tanned skin. There’s two pictures where he’s not kissing you, just staring with lovesick eyes. It makes your heartbeat stutter.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n.)” 
“Yea,” you sigh, “me too.”
It’s not exactly clear how your bike ride turned into you sitting in front of ‘Yuta and Johnny’s Surf Shack.’ It’s not like you were trying to come here, you just wanted to see the island one last time before leaving tomorrow, that’s all. But you ended up here, with a heaving chest and a dry mouth. 
Something carries you off your blue bike, then parks it against Mr. Kahale’s pineapple stand, then makes you walk through the front door. The smell of bananas and fresh wood hits you like a memory, taking you to a time where everything is normal. Briefly, you catch a glimpse of life without Warner or your parents; Yuta perched on the counter and exchanging embarrassing anecdotes with Maddie, who’s working the register. She laughs, then casts her eyes to where you and Johnny are selling a customer on surf gear, and everything is perfect.
“(y/n?)” Johnny asks from his spot behind the counter, “What are you doing here?” His eyes are kind, soft even. You want to thank him for not kicking you out. 
“I um... I don’t know? I-I just,” A sigh escapes your lips, ringing out loudly in the empty store, “is Yuta here?”
“No, it’s Wednesday so...” It feels like he snapped a rubber band against your forehead, “He misses you, you know?” 
“Really?” You think it’s pathetic how small your voice sounds.
“Yea, like... A lot, he’s always holding that necklace that you left behind that one time. And looking at pictures, and watching rom-coms, then getting sad and eating all of the fudge pops in the fridge. I’ve had to buy about three new boxes in the last week.” He laughs quietly, in a squeezy and forced kind of way.
“Oh.” You want to cry. You want to cry, and scream, and throw things. But there’s nothing left in you except for the heavy silence permeating the room, and the act of accepting sad glances. 
“I’m sorry.” You’ve heard the words so many times that they don’t sound real anymore, “I know that you leave tomorrow, so um... Is there anything that you want me to say to him?”  
“Um... I guess just that,” You want to say: I only have a heart so that I can love you, echoing his words from your first kiss, “never mind. Don’t tell him anything, I don’t want to make this any harder.” He wants to tell you that he’s never seen someone love another person more than Yuta loves you, but he doesn’t want to make this any harder. 
“(y/n,) I’m-”
“Really sorry?” He cheeks go pink at your correct assumption, and he nods, “It’s okay, just let me rent a board for the day?” 
“Alright, but don’t expect for me to let you pay.” He tosses a pen at your face, eliciting a giggle from your mouth. It’s the first time that you’ve laughed all week.
“C’mon, I haven’t paid for a single thing here!” 
“And you never will!” He’s about to add, Yuta would kick me out if I made you pay.
“Alright, alright. Let me go get the board.”
When you finally get to surfing, the waves are relentless. A small part of you wants to climb off the board and let them whip you around until you feel something again. The other part of you rides any wave that you can catch, and it feels so damn good to have something listening to you again. So good to do something just because you want to.
There’s salt water mixing with tears and sweat, and sun setting on your skin. You think about how perfectly Yutas lips fit with yours, then about how soft his bleached hair felt between your fingers. 
“Maddie, why are you making us go this way?” It’s been thirty minutes of Maddie instructing your cab driver to turn down various back roads that don’t even lead to the airport, “Seriously, your flight is forty minutes before mine! You’re gonna be late.” She tries to wave the words away, then grips onto the front seat.
“Yea and then take this right. Yes, the one down that dirt road, thank you!” Now this is just getting ridiculous! You’re about to say something before she’s plopping back into the seat with wild eyes, “I’m not leaving.”
“What?!” Your scream startles the driver, causing him to slam on the breaks. Which may or may not slam your face into the headrest of the passenger's seat, “Sorry sir! Sorry!” He grumbles in response, you make a mental note to tip him extra.
“I’m not leaving! I talked it over with Johnny last night and then told my parents and put down the payment for an apartment! Then they cut off my card; sir?! It’ll be the next right, thank you!”
“Oh gosh, are you okay?” She grabs you by the shoulders, then squishes your cheeks lightly.
“Honestly? Not exactly, but at the same time I’ve never felt so free. I don’t owe them anything anymore, and like... Like, I scheduled an appointment to get my septum pierced just because my parents would never let me. I can do stuff like that now!” You want to ask how she can even afford it, then realize how awfully rude that is.
“I-I’m... I’m really happy for you.” Her eyes roll so far back in her head that you think she’s going to pass out.
“I’m asking you to come with me! And don’t argue with me on it, you know that you don’t want this! Marrying Warner, being a trophy wife? That’s not you, (y/n!)” She’s right, of course, but you don’t want her to be.
“Maddie, I can’t-”
“Why not?” The words are exasperated, almost angry, “Your parents are like, really mean to you. And it’s not like you owe this to them, if anything they owe this to you! They owe you one thing that’ll make you happy!” She’s pleading with you, forced tears taking home in her eyes. You just want everything to be done.
“But I don’t-”
“All of your favorite clothes are in your suitcase! You won’t need any cold clothes for a while, and you had a plan already anyways, right? With Yuta?” And there it is, the real reason that you can’t say yes. There’s the clenching of your heart, then your eyes falling to the dirty floor of the cab.
“I don’t know if Yuta still wants me. I mean, I really messed him up. Johnny said he’s watching rom-coms.” A shiver shoots up your spine at the thought of Yuta holding your necklace and staring with sad eyes. You don’t even think that you would take yourself back.
“Don’t. Be. Stupid.” She punctuates each word with a slap to the side of your head. You were going to complain, but then she’s spewing out more instructions to the cab driver and you can’t even remember how to breathe, “Of course Yuta still wants you! I saw those pictures, he looks at you like... Like...”
“Like it’s the only reason that he has eyes?” Her face lights up, now filled with hope instead of fake tears.
“Yes! We’re going to be at the airport in three minutes, so that you can either tell your parents that you’re leaving with me or make the biggest mistake of your life-”
“Maddie!” Her hands fly up defensively, and you’re not sure if you want to hug her or hit her.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” 
“It doesn’t mean that you should say it.” The words are mumbled, and you both know it’s so that you can avoid answering the question. She sighs heavily, then moves her hands to hold yours.
“I know it’s a lot to ask, but please consider it? Pretty please, I don’t want you to live the rest of your life knowing what could have been!” She’s begging, the words slipping freely from her mouth as if they’re memorized. Meanwhile, you have the worst case of cottonmouth known to man.
“I-I...” There’s no air left as the cab skids to a halt in front of the airport, “I just don’t know, I’m sorry.”
You move out of the car, then to the trunk, then through the doors. Your parents are waiting by the small coffee shop, Warner sitting next to them and laughing. His head tilts backwards as the sound rings through the busy airport, and you realize how wrong all of this is.You shouldn’t be listening to loud, staged laughter! It should be Yuta’s soft giggles, the ones that you’ve never heard before this summer. The ones that dance through your dreams and paint everything bright pink.
And maybe it’s not just about Yuta. Maybe it’s also about having a life that you live just for you, and not for your parents. Or for Warner,or business partners, or anyone. A life for you, filled with things that you love. Maybe if you run you’ll make it outside before Maddie pulls away.
“Shit!” So it looks like piggybacking off of her taxi was no longer an option. But that’s fine, you can get your own. The airport is basically crawling with them, it shouldn’t be too hard to get one, “Taxi!” A yellow cab pulls up in front of you, the driver looking terribly annoyed.
“We’re not in New York, you know? Hop in.”
“Yes sir, so sorry, thank you, thank you!” The top half of your body is arranging your luggage in the seat, while your mother stares at the bottom half.
“(y/n?)” She asks, voice hushed yet stern, “What in the world are you doing?”
“Oh, mom! I-I’m just...” About a million lies run through your head. ‘I left something at the house,’ or ‘This was my cab, just dropped something in the back!’ One’s about to slip past your lips, but you choke. Maybe it’s time to start telling the truth, “I’m not leaving with you.” You’re facing her now, trying to read her expression. It’s actually kind of hard, until her eyes shoot harshly into the back of her skull.
“Yes you are, now get out of the car!” She grabs your wrist, but you yank it back.
“No, I’m not leaving! I’m staying and moving in with Maddie, and not getting married. At least not now, or to Warner! I don’t like him, and you don’t even care!” There’s pressure building in your rib cage, it feels like it’s about to crash and drown everything else out. Her mouth opens to speak, but just the thought of her voice makes you want to scream, “Don’t speak! Don’t say anything, there’s nothing you could say to mess me up anymore than you already have, so just stop!” You’re yelling. So loudly that it almost hurts.
“No, you stop! You owe this to your father, how can you be so selfish?” It doesn’t register that she actually said that. That anyone would actually say that.
“I owe him?!” She’s gripping your wrist again, trying to drag your body out of the cab and to where the man in question waits by the entrance. 
“Yes! He’s provided you with a home, food, and private schooling for eighteen years! This is the least you can do to pay him back!” The pressure in your ribs finally crashes, and you see nothing but hot red.
“I owe him nothing! All the things you just named are basic things I need to survive. I owe him for not letting me starve?! That is ridiculous! If anything he owes me for all of the summers I wasted at dinner parties, or the months where I begged him to teach me how to ride a bike, or the spring break where I came home and said that the boys at school were bullying me and he was too busy on the phone to even hear me! Or for, I don’t know, not raising me?” There are tears welling in her eyes. You notice for the first time in a while that they’re the same as yours.
“Stop. Get out of the cab, you’re coming with us.” 
“Give me one good reason why I should.” She stammers for a solid minute before you grab the cab door, ready to slam it in her face and drive far far away, “That’s what I thought, goodbye mom. Call me if you want.” 
It takes four days of settling into the apartment before you can bring yourself to go see Yuta. Maddie and Johnny had harassed you for the last two, claiming that the boys moping was just getting harder to deal with. 
(”Seriously (y/n,) please tell him that you’re here! I can’t take another rom-com!” Johnny had whined while dumping coffee grounds into your french press. Well, his old french press that he gave to you as a housewarming gift.
“I’m going to! I just need more time, that’s all.” You’re not lying, there’s still a lot to process. Your parents cut off your credit card basically as soon as their flight landed, which meant that your net worth was about fifty dollars. It was an adjustment to say the least. 
“We get it, take your time!” Maddie interjected, taking a soft hand to your tensed shoulder while the other played with her new septum ring, “But maybe tell him before Friday?” You’re eyes widen while Johnny laughs into his mug, and you think about slapping Maddies hand away. You don’t, obviously, but you definitely think about it.
“How does giving me a time frame go along with waiting until I’m ready?!” You’re definitely whining, but it barely even matters. At least Johnny is laughing.
“I’m sorry! But if you wait forever then you’ll never do it, I know you!” You’re about to say that she’s right, but then her mouth opens again, “And he keeps asking if we can have dinner together...” 
“I have to rush my reunion for your dinner party?” There was a meek ‘yes,’ then you rolling your eyes, “I love you. And hate you, but love you.” She smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around your shoulders.
“I love you too!” She pressed a kiss to your temple, Johnny may or may not have made a joke about being jealous. You remember thinking to yourself that there was only one thing in the world that would make this perfect.)
From where you stand now, it doesn’t look like Yuta’s moping at all. He’s surfing with a wide grin and whooping excitedly, you always thought it was so cute how he does that. It’s like he’s an endearing little kid, the kind that you want to give dessert to.
He finishes the wave off triumphantly, then pulls in with the tide. He looks calm. Calm and happy, until his eyes settle on you. At first he thinks you’re just any other tourist, but then your arms are waving as you wade into the cold water.
“(y/n?)” He shouts, eyebrows furrowing harshly, “What are you doing?” The whole ‘following Yuta into the ocean’ thing wasn’t exactly part of your plan, you didn’t even bring a swimsuit.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working in the store?” You respond as the water starts to soak the hem of your shorts. Yuta’s not sure if he should smile or cry, but either way he’s paddling towards you. He’s paddling towards you and you’re here.
“Aren’t you supposed to be gone?” His voice sounds strained, and you can’t wait until he’s close enough for you to explain everything, but in the meantime your mouth hangs open as he jumps off his board “Why are you still here?” 
“I left them! My family, a-and fiance, I left them, I live here now! I live here, with Maddie we have an apartment and I left! Forever, I’m free a-and here!” Words are spilling out of your mouth like you can’t help it, and in a way you can’t “I’m here and yours, I’m here and mine!” 
���S-so you’re not engaged anymore?” Everything feels frantic, like you have to say the right things as quickly as possible, which is ironic seeing as how before getting here you were sure that you wouldn’t even be able to speak to him. But it’s not like that. It’s more like you can’t breathe and the only thing that will give you air again is explaining all of this to the beautiful boy in front of you.
“No! I mean yes! I mean- shit! I mean that I don’t have a fiance anymore!” He’s smiling hopefully, something warm and beautiful blossoming your bodies. 
“And you live here? Like, permanently?” You nod your head so fast that something sloshes between your ears. 
“Yes! I live about fifteen minutes from the shack and ten minutes from you, not that I just know where your house is! You never told me that, so why would I know that?! Not like Johnny’s been at my apartment everyday for the past four days-” Then his lips are on yours, and they’re just as you remembered. Soft, hungry, and drenched in honey. He bites your lip softly, eliciting a quiet moan as your fingers tangle in the boy's hair. It’s a little bit shorter than last time, but you still like it nonetheless. You like everything about him, he could’ve grown an eleventh toe since your last meeting and you’d still like him.
“Why did you wait so long?” He grumbles before pressing a kiss to your jaw. You’re not exactly sure how you’re supposed to answer while he’s doing that, but it’s probably worth a shot.
“I-I was scared.” His face shoots up to look you in the eyes, wearing furrowed brows and quirked lips. All you can think of is kissing him again.
“Why were you scared?” The words make your cheeks flush terribly pink.
“Because! I thought that I like... Broke your heart! I thought you’d never want to see me again!” He pushes the side of your face softly, then presses kisses all over your skin. You think that you’ve drowned and gone to heaven.
“Of course I was heartbroken, because I missed you! All I could think of was how badly I wanted you back, sitting on the counter at the store. I never hated you!” He smiles widely, and you realize that it’s the same one from the first day in the surf shack. It’s warm, and inviting, and it heals something inside of you. Not everything, but definitely something, and you think that you want to kiss it off his face. So you do.
He wants to kiss you back like it’s what he needs to survive. So he does.
It’s a Wednesday, which usually means surfing with Yuta until you’re both sore everywhere. They’re your favorite days, but this one is painted a little differently. You’re standing on the shore with Johnny and Yuta while Maddie fumbles over waves. She’s fallen off three times (which is about where you would’ve drawn the line and come to shore,) but she’s determined. Before going out she said, ‘I am not coming in until I ride a wave. Guys, guys stop laughing!’ and she’s really sticking to it. It’s been almost  an hour, you want her to catch one just so that you can go out.
“You’ve got this Maddie!” There’s almost a zero percent chance that she can hear you, but you feel guilty for not being able to help her back up after the fourth fall, “She’s going to have so many bruises.” Johnny suppresses a laugh, because even if the sweet girl can’t hear your cheering she will be able to pick up on Johnny teasing her. It’s like a radar. 
“Says you! Remember that giant one on your butt that poked through your shorts?” You instinctively rub the spot where it was, cringing at the memory of not being able to sit anywhere for a week. You want to scold Johnny for bringing it up, but then Yuta pinches the skin on your hip and your brain stops working. 
“I remember that bruise,” He mumbles into your hair, pressing a kiss quickly onto your scalp before reverting his eyes to Maddie, “made everything so damn difficult!” Johnny gags as you slap your boyfriend, who’s giggling in the chaos that he created. He tends to do that.
“Stop. Being. Gross.” You punctuate each word with a flick to his temple. He giggles and grabs your wrist, pressing a gentle kiss onto the skin of your palm. Then he flicks you back, to which you screech loudly, “Yuta! Stop it, oh my gosh!” 
“What? Am I too gross? Personally I think-”
“Guys, look!” Johnny’s voice pulls you back to reality, but it’s okay. Reality has warm sand, and crystal blue waters, and your best friend in the world successfully riding her first wave. Before you can even process it Johnny is cheering like he’s her number one fan (he is. You know that he is,) “That’s my baby! That’s my freaking baby!”
“Go Maddie!” Even from far away, you can tell that she’s smiling. You’re smiling, Yuta is smiling, Johnny is more than smiling. Johnny is grinning like it’s going to split his face in half. Everyone cheers as she breaks the wave left, Yuta doing nothing more than letting out an incoherent whoops as Johnny runs out into the water. You briefly think that they’re doing what you and Yuta did after-
“Isn’t that exactly what we did after your first wave?” A laugh bubbles out of your throat while you wrap an arm around his dainty waist. His skin feels warm under your hand, you think that you want to live in that feeling for forever.
 “I was just thinking that! And yes, yes it is.” Your words bring up a flood of memories; kissing underneath a setting sun, ‘I love you’s whispered into hot skin, and this beautiful feeling in your chest. A feeling that feels like everything is becoming right. You sink your head onto the boys shoulder, eyes trained on the crashing waves, “That was a good day.”
“The best one yet.” He turns so that you’re facing each other, and you know it’s because he’s going to kiss you. He always does this, then smiles with one side of his mouth, then pulls you in by the waist, then kisses you like he means it. It’s your routine, but one that you don’t think you’ll ever be tired of. 
His hands skirt across your jaw, then yours in his hair. He’s never gotten used to how that feels, and you’ve never gotten used to the way he turns into putty under your hands. Maybe there are some things about Yuta that you’re not supposed to get used to, like the way that he giggles like a school girl whenever something is funny. His hand pushes your hair back, then cradles your neck and pulls you impossibly closer. It feels like everything is perfect.
“Come on nasties! We’re surfing!” Maddie splashes water at the two of you, pretending like she and Johnny weren’t doing the exact same thing less than two minutes ago. You were wrong before, now everything is perfect.
“Alright, alright, Yuta will you pass me my board?” He smirks while turning to pass the purple surfboard.
“The one that you chose because it matches my hair?” Maddie snorts at your boyfriend's quip as your cheeks go bright pink.  
“Johnny, you promised not to tell!” You screech while chasing the tall boy into oncoming waves. Your respective partners tail behind, giggles slipping past their shouts of protest.
You think that nothing in the world could be more perfect than this, and you’re right.
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raisingsupergirl · 4 years
I'm Back! Returning to the "Real World" After Six Weeks Unplugged and Undrugged
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If I'm being honest, I don't really want to write this post. I don't want to go back to the way things were. It feels like returning from vacation on a Sunday evening and setting my work alarm for Monday morning. I know my next vacation won't come for a while. I know I'm "back in it" now. And the sensation is completely opposite of what I'd expected from all of the "restrictions" I put on myself six weeks ago. But I'm sure you're just dying to know how I did, so here goes.
I failed. A lot. Just like I said I would. And the number one thing I failed at was reading to my kids. I tried it. Once. I started Harry Potter, but it felt like pulling teeth. I didn't enjoy it. The kids didn't enjoy it (even though I poured all of my energy into the BEST character voices). But even if I didn't read to my children, at least I didn't fail completely at reading. In fact, I stayed pretty true to my goal of replacing my weeknight TV with reading (with a subtle exception… but I'll get to that later), and it was honestly one of the biggest successes of all. Just an hour or two of quiet entertainment and contemplation in the evenings (whether with a Bible devotional or a bloody space adventure) did wonders for my mood and sleep habits. And speaking of sleep habits…
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I failed at that, too. Again, not completely, but I definitely didn't live up to the whole bargain. I don't care how comfortable I got with going to bed at 9:45 pm and waking up at 5:45 am, when I would get home from work at 9:15 at night, there was no way I was going to have time to eat, shower, and wind down enough to be asleep within thirty minutes. And so, I bent the rules a little. But never more than an hour. And that's where I found my rhythm. I would never go to bed or wake up more than an hour different than I did the day before. That compromise allowed me to adjust slowly to different schedules without suffering too much.
Interestingly enough, the things I succeeded at completely are the things that sound like the biggest commitments. I worked out every day without fail, I didn't get on social media or YouTube, and I cut out all drugs (aka alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, night time snacking, and weekday fast food) cold turkey, right down to my morning pre-workout drink, which has a little caffeine in it. I'm not sure exactly why these things were easier to stick to. I'm sure a part of it has to do with my particular personality, but I suspect the bigger part is the nature of these things. They're easier to define. Easier to grasp and control. So what's the big deal about sleeping in a few extra minutes on the weekends (half-asleep rationale is always a little bit skewed…)? Why should I fight to read to my kids if they don't even enjoy it? But exercise and diet are very external. They're obvious to myself and to others when I screw them up. There's more accountability, so they're not as easy to make excuses for. The hardest promises to keep are the ones nobody knows about.
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And… there's a third factor, and I hinted at it earlier. Remember when I said I didn't TECHINCALLY stick to the "no TV during the week" goal? Well, I didn't "watch" TV during the week, per se. But that's because I was playing a video game. A video game called "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild." And, well, I was completely unprepared for it. First, Zelda is my jam. Always has been since I was a wee lad. Like most functioning adults, I fell away from video games after high school because I was trying to make all the monies and didn't have time to spend six hours at a time in front of a screen. But when Santa brought us a Nintendo Switch for Christmas, I knew there was a game I "had" to try. And, well, BotW didn't disappoint. Those who have played Skyrim or other open-world games would have known what they were in for, but I didn't. 
The moment I popped open that glider and drifted off of the Great Plateau, the real world faded away. This game had no limits. No boundaries. It's impossible to describe my awe at that slow and continuing realization as I delved into underground temples, climbed distant peaks, and trudged through vast deserts, so I won't try. Those who think video games are "a waste of time" will never get it, and those who embrace the value of story telling already know what I'm talking about. Suffice it to say that I "did the Zelda things." Not all the things, mind you. I didn't find all the koroks, beat all the shrines, or kill all the lynels, but I DID awaken the Divine Beasts, sneak into the castle dungeon to claim the Hylian shield, tame the royal mare, ride all the animals, build Tarry Town from the ground up, and head butt a guardian to death with the Lord of the Mountain. I trudged through every region and stared out at the realm from the highest spire of Hyrule castle. In the end, I defeated Calamity Ganon and brought peace to the land. And in that triumphant moment, I finally realized the truth about the game…
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It was just another drug. You see, I never did have a real urge to sit down to a whiskey and a pile of snacks on a Saturday night, even though that had become an engrained habit over the past year. Why? Because I had an entire world to explore and save! And I needed to stay hydrated and healthy to beat the biggest baddies in Hyrule. The game completely overshadowed other primal urges. Any time I was feeling lazy or weak—times when I would look for a quick, mindless reward—I would pick up the Switch controller. And sometimes, that would be during the week. In fact, all told, I played 110 hours over six weeks. That's around two-and-a-half hours a day, EVERY day! So the amount of time I would have generally wasted with social media, TV, or "drugs," I instead committed to Zelda.
In the end, I'm not sure what to think about the whole six-week experience. I do know that I grew closer to God. My thoughts cleared significantly. I experienced deeper and wider peace, seeing previously scary and stressful situations with new clarity and confidence. I loved my family more completely, and I committed harder to my duties (work, family, etc). But I had low moments, too. Not enough to hit rock bottom or consider giving up, but because I knew what it felt like to ride that "high" with my savior and creator, to be present in the moment with a sense of purpose and appreciation, every moment of minor disconnection or apathy hit me harder than it normally would have. So I guess everything is relative. Once we know just how good we can feel, our expectations rise. On the other hand, my perspective has changed regarding rewards and fulfillment. A moment of earned relaxation or celebration doesn't need to include a glass of wine. I don't "need" to stay up late and sleep in on the weekends. And most importantly, my joy comes from God, not from the things I do, but there ARE some things that keep me away from God's joy. Mostly things that become habit—things I fall back on when I want to "check out."
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And I guess that's the whole point. When we're present and intentional, life's good. We're happy with our choices and usually with the results. But when we're exhausted, when we've given all we can and think we've earned some reward (or at least a break)… well, that's when we make mistakes. And that's when we should just go to bed. Sure, maybe a little reading to calm us down and get our minds right first, but we're never at our worst than when we're mentally tapped out. And so, I plan to be more aware of this fact through the rest of the year. I'm going to continue to cut out electronics during the week. I'm going to avoid the Facebook scroll (which doesn't appeal to me even a little bit anymore). I'm going to enjoy sunrises and cuddles. And, most importantly, I'm going to create the time and space for quiet thought and divine whispers.
That's my secret to happiness. Do less (especially less "check out" activities like Twitter and television) and think more. Talk less and listen more. Let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no." In other words, live a life that speaks for itself and don't feel the need to justify your thoughts and actions to everyone. Live lightly, love deeply, and let the rest wash away with the tide. That's all I've got, friends. And you know what? This post was actually a joy to write. I'm excited to be back, to see my friends again, to share what I've learned with you, and to learn FROM you. And most importantly, I’m excited to enjoy all the beauty that the real world has to offer...
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 24: Someone Actually Called the Cops.
So recently I was like, “I should do something different than my usual” and I decided to open up a little thread for critiquing ppl’s short stories, and I kid you not, the very first story I got was someone’s Seto Kaiba erotica. Which, even in erotica form, did not have very much romance in it. So, now that Yugioh will apparently haunt my every waking move forever until I die, lets get back to S4. Lets desperately get back to canon. I miss canon.
Last we left off, Kaiba lost KaibaCorp...again. Really feels like he loses this company once every couple of years (weeks if we count season 1-3). Except, this time, Dartz didn’t read the fine print in the legal files that says the company must be run by a member of the Kaiba family. While that was a huge plot point with Pegasus, turns out that Seto and Mokuba’s memories have been blended so thoroughly, like a very fine Shadow Realm smoothie, that they just...forgot.
And like I’m positive that Roland remembers, but Roland’s not gonna say something and accidentally reveal he’s the 4th Kaiba brother and have to get abducted all the time and actually work for a living. Anyways, they forgot why Pegasus abducted them in the first place in Season 1, and honestly, so did the writers of this season 4 years later. Not like it mattered, because if Seto and Mokuba did take Dartz to court, the world would end before their case would even start.
Which is how, after one talk with Roland, Seto and Mokuba just sort of laid prone on the metaphorical ground and let it wash over them that yes, KaibaCorp is gone.
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I really like this extra-long helicopter, PS.
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Both members of Kaiba’s Sunglasses Army decided to align themselves with Kaiba, although honestly, I don’t think anyone else in this company has realized that they’ve been bought. It happened...1 hour ago. Like what do you even do if your company randomly gets bought in the middle of a workday? Like no lead up, no indication, just BAM you’ve been bought?
And if Duke works for Pegasus who got bought out by Dartz and then Dartz bought Kaiba Corp-------What does that make Duke? Is he gonna have to start wearing sunglasses inside?
Anyway, Roland knows better than to tell Seto Kaiba he doesn’t work for him anymore while still in the same helicopter as Seto Kaiba, who already crashed one plane today and will crash yet another plane before this episode is through.
(read more under the cut)
Seto decides to align with Yugi since he needs to confront Dartz eventually. Which is when we find out that Seto always planned to align with Yugi and was just giving him a really hard time.
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Because over the last several episodes, Seto has had an entire team at this random museum in Florida in order to take some pictures (that really should have already been on the internet but wtv, it was 2003 so maybe it wasn’t?)
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It’s like most of the way through s4 and the biker ninjas still send me. How did he make SO MANY biker ninjas? At what point was Dartz like...and now...all my mooks...will be ninja bikers. Or orcs. Mostly Ninja bikers.
Did Alister or the others ever tell him “hey, Master Dartz, I get that your 10000 years old but like...do you not understand what a biker is?” and was Dartz like
“clearly bikers are the most evil thing in the world, obviously.” completely unaware that most bikers are just 45 year old accountants.
In these scenes we also get a gander at their laptops and, if you ever want to see high level life crippling OCD anxiety in picture form, it’s illustrated very clearly right here:
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Not only did they draw this keyboard in 1 pt perspective, they used like a ruler to draw all those letters so they were the same size. Some artist put so much time getting this nice and crisp and smooth...and then this happened.
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And I’m pretty sure they died after that. I’m pretty sure this scene killed an artist.
It’s at this point that Yami kinda puts two and two together and was like “WE BOUGHT PLANE TICKET’S, YOU ASSHOLES.”
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(It’s been such a long time since we’ve seen Mokuba smile like this, and it’s because he’s been hiding the fact for So Many Episodes that he and his brother prepped like hours ago to get this huge dunk on the rest of the party. He just wants to dunk on them so bad. Look at him. His company was bought today. BUT he gets to spend time with his bro dunking.)
Serious question, will Delta refund your flight if the Great Leviathan appears in the sky and tries to eat your soul to reboot the world from the ground up?
Of course not. They will never refund your flight. Trick question.
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We switch back over to Rebecca and Duke, who have been absent from this show for so long, I actually forgot what Duke’s name was and had to think for like...5 entire minutes until I remembered that his nickname sounds like a poop and I was like “oh man, what name of poop would it be???” and then I recalled “Dookie. Yes. His name is literally Dookie. Wow that took way too long!”
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Then we start a story arc I’d to call “My Kingdom For a Sharpen Filter” where, much like King Lear, the Yugi crew splays themselves on a battle field just strewn with different ways to sharpen an image, but can’t for the life of them use any other one, but the one deep in the heart of what is now DartzCorp.
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And so yes, we are going to fly to San Fransisco, hop into ye Olde KaibaCorp, and log into proto-Noah in order to read a language that Arthur Hawkins can already read.
This is nonsense, but they put it there because it’s something to do. And honestly, it’s not a card game, so I’m down for this change-up. Lets go visit a version of Noah’s brain. At least they won’t drop an orichalcos for the 12th episode in a row.
On the way, Seto decides to try and egg on Yugi.
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This backfires as you expect it will because Yami doesn’t freakin care. Like he’s not Yugi, he doesn’t care who the King of Games is, he harnesses freakin Dark Magic. The Wizard never cares if he’s King Arthur or not, and in fact, he probably prefers it....
..................Except in that spinoff where they had Yugi as a reincarnation of King Henry VII.
...................................................never mind.
And then Seto Kaiba says this actual line and I just...
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This entire show is just watching Yugi desperately cling to his scary ass hobbies. The tagline of Yugioh is “1001 reasons to go back to school and get a real job.”
What does Kaiba think Yugi does when he’s not around? Does he actually think Yugi attends school or sleeps at night or works an actual job? Like...he thinks Yugi has...NO HOBBIES.
Very interesting insight into what Seto considers a hobby and not hobby.
Especially since this Yami, who spends most of his spare time farting around his scary ass brain castle and getting lost. Occasionally he is forced on a date with Tea and wipes minds. That’s it. That’s all the things Yami does outside of hobbies.
Anyway, what is Dartz doing during all of this?
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After this, Dartz pulls back the literal curtains on this room to reveal these candles that each hold the soul of someone he’s murdered.
There are not NEARLY enough candles for this segment.
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A very brave man to have candles littered on the floor when his hair is down to his ass and all of his mooks have floorduster coats.
I really want to know what the local arts and crafts store thought when Dartz strode in there and bought every single tiny styrafoam skull during the Halloween sale and was like “can I put souls in these? You sell the kind I can put souls in, right?” and then immediately pulled out like a dozen 50% off coupons like a complete asshole.
Anyway, using this candle hocus pocus, Dartz uses the Orichalcos powers to take advantage of something Yugi did in the first episode. We distantly recall there was a giant eyeball in the sky--turns out if you bust up the eyeball with, lets say, a card that has a dragon on it, the eyeball will explode into many tiny Orichalcos pieces that will fall all over planet Earth.
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So apparently Yugi didn’t save anyone at all when he busted that eyeball, because he instead set in motion Dartz’ evil plan to eventually use these many tiny Orichalcos pieces like the one seen here, to kill the hell out of people.
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Good job, Yugi. Too bad you missed the Actual Bakura.
In fact, actual Bakura is probably the only one who survived this incident because I guarantee that Ryou Bakura is too busy eating all the contents of his fridge out of stress. He’s probably opened his window at this point, seen the crazy lights in the sky and in the street and was like  “Blooooooody nope nopenopenopenopenope” and just locked the windows and doors, turned up Hercule Poirot to max volume, and stuffed his face with cookies.
(Or biscuits, I guess.)
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I don’t know how to tally that.
Yugioh not only broke the tally I was using to measure the distance they spent commuting this season, it also broke the tally on the amount of people who have died on this children’s show.
That’s a really big number.
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We’ve had real duel monsters for a couple weeks but youknow...this time they’re extra, extra, extra real. More so than the last times. Also they’re all Orichalcos versions of their cards so their extra edge now. They’re the hot topic versions of what were already pretty hot-topic ass cards.
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MMM. We come full circle, back at a dock, a warehouse, and some huge ass boat.
Right where we belong. Where all friends meet, where we can all finally be one.
Yugioh found one of the only cities that has a very famous and tourist heavy pier/warehouse district in it just so the Yugi gang could finally feel comfortable in their natural habitat. HOWEVER, there’s just one tiny problem in this scene, and it’s that it’s not overlaid with the actual soundscape of a SF pier, which is that of 100000 screaming seals
I don’t have a seal problem, you have a seal problem.
Anyway, the only healthy adults here attempt to follow the children into danger but someone on the animation team was like “we just lost the keyboard drawing guy to that capslock! We cannot lose any more interns to a crowd scene with 9 people in it and 2 dead bodies!” and they uh...
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And we immediately eject Roland and whoever that weird sunglasses guy is out of the script. Mokuba gave them a longing glance as they helicoptered away. Maybe because he missed his Dad stand-ins that he went through such efforts to call in the first place. Or more likely, because Mokuba would have preferred to be on that helicopter and far away from whatever the hell is going to go down on this dock.
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Honestly the rest of Joey’s storyline this episode is him going rogue because of Mai rage, and it both comes out of nowhere and also seems very on point for him.
Meanwhile, Rebecca’s unbridled rage towards Yami Muto is still low key hilarious to me.
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Witness the only character here who thinks Yami should suffer actual consequences and witness Yami just appear to not give a single damn about it.
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Nearly spat out my own drink watching this.
...exist in this universe?
Anyway, while Tristan and Tea try to locate a payphone to dial 911, Seto and Yugi decide to invade Seto’s own company by going through an elevator that you have to reach through the sewers.
Straight up I don’t think SF even has sewers. At least, not in the sense that you can walk in em like New York or Paris or other cities that have sewers. Our sewer systems are very small cuz we got something called “liquefaction” which means our ground is so soft (and artificial--a lot of the land is fake), that when there is an earthquake, certain parts of the city will...liquefy. It’s Terrifying. We kind of...avoid going and building underground except in certain stable places. (like even BART gives me the heebies.)
I just have a very strong distrust of basements, caves and other underground places in general and it’s not because of spiders, or ghosts or whatever, I’m just afraid of faultlines. It’s like having an active volcano, but you just don’t see it, and we haven’t had a Big One since 1989 so...any day now (I mean, 2020 has been such redic content, that I think we’re finally ready)
Again, Japan has way more intense Earthquakes than we do, and yet they have a billion underground subways and very, very tall buildings, so like, this is mostly a big cultural difference between the two of us. And the bedrock. They probably have better bedrock than we do (honestly, I just have no idea).
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Almost as good as that time he hacked into Pegasus’ company by dropping a satellite on it. I’m starting to think Seto actually doesn’t know how to use a computer.
Anyway, Seto is faced with...real cards, real monsters, indisputable evidence, and he decides, it’s time. It’s time to finally face facts.
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So, while these two are just flinging cards around willy nilly, Tea and Tristan are ...actually talking to police.
4 seasons. They’re actually doing it.
Although, TBH, they probably should have gone to the Japanese Embassy first? Just throwing that out there.
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Ah Yugioh, the only kids show around that tells you point blank not to trust cops. Timeless.
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In some weird underground earthquake hazard, Rebecca proves that she is smarter than Seto Kaiba. She’s maybe even the smartest person on this show. Nice that we gave her nothing to do this season but pine over Yugi who is already taken by Tea who he is also not even dating.
Not that I love Rebecca or anything, I actually have a hard time with her voice, but like...they really dropped the ball on Rebecca.
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If she does end up joining Kaiba corp as their back up Felicity Smoak while Seto just runs around aimlessly punching stuff that really is just offbrand Arrow but with cards. And with slightly less resurrections.
So, lets get a gander at that computer.
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We didn’t get to see Kaiba pull out 12 other discs to complete the installation process for these all these Hard Discs. Maybe the lure of throwing a very aerodynamic CD across the room like a paper card was so strong that his dev team forced him to switch to these defunct squares?
PS, I am a true millennial, OK? But, I don’t remember Hard Discs.
Hard Discs were SO long go. I stopped using these damn things in Elementary school. The last Hard Disc I ever touched was in college, when I had to put my art portfolio on a disc to submit it to my degree. I don't know even why. Everyone had a mac, so I knew no one’s computer in the department even...HAD a disc drive so it was like...whomst among you has this damn computer from 1997? Whomst among you is still using Windows 95? WHY would I put IMAGES on a floppy when I can just email them to you?
Anyway, I had to get a USB hard disc reader, and to get that reader, I had to call my Dad who had legacy software because he’s a computer engineer, and he had to mail it to me.
In that same portfolio review, PS, I also had to submit my portfolio as slides.
I didn’t even know where to produce slides so I had to ask all these old people and go to the last photo processing store on earth to get digital pictures turned into negatives and then turned into freakin slides.
I honestly think they just did that to weed people out of the art degree.
Anyway, I tell you this story just to say that there is no way in hell that Kaiba was using a hard disc during the height of the CD era. We were CD or go home since 2000. We had pretty decent jump drives at this point. We had wifi. It was realllly bad wifi, but we had it. Your phone could connect to the internet. It would charge you 50 bucks, but it COULD connect.
Who on the Yugioh team DID this?
Anyway lets see these pictures that for which, we spent thousands of dollars in unused plane tickets, destroyed a Caltrain, killed 2 ancient Atlanteans (and their dog), killed 3 random mid-villains, walked across the entire Peninsula, crashed an international plane, and left both the plane and the train to rot gas fuel into the nearest lake which is right next to a ghost graveyard?
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Like he reads it and is all “They’re gonna resurrect Atlantis” and it’s like WE KNOW. Dartz and his hooligans have talked about starting their Utopia to reboot the world since Gurimo. Since Day 1.
Anyways, there was one plus to the pictures, and it was that Seto Kaiba recognized the Oricalchos logo.
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The Oricalchos logo is...
...This logo, Seto?
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You...didn’t recognize...seriously? Not until just now? You have been inside of this logo, rearing to lose your soul to Alister 2 times, and he only recognized it...just now.
I mean Seto takes a while y’all. He’s a genius, but his memory is so, so bad, that he will Eventually get smart, but you have to wait until like episode 24. But he’ll get there. Just gotta be patient.
And, when he saw it, he wigged out in a way I wasn’t prepared for.
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Y’all I feel like I’ve seen to many weird zooms on Kaiba’s crotch in this show. Or just in life in general, especially after that surprise fic. That’s all.
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I don’t know why everything exploded, but maybe the logo is cursed in the same way as God Cards? I dunno.
Anyway, this is when Dartz shows up with his brand new dog.
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So they run outside onto the roof.
Now listen, does every Kaiba Corp building need the same weird ass roof? Is it like a McDonalds?
Because I’m just picturing this type of roof in SF and I’m having a time.
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Forgive me if I made this lemming joke already. He’s just stood on a cliff’s edge so many times I can’t keep up.
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RIP Dragon Jet, who took us from S3-S4, you’ll always live on in our memory, you glorious, wasteful, beautiful death trap.
Seto and Yugi are fine by the way, they just kinda jumped out, as you do when you’re an immortal god possessing a small boy and a...whatever the hell Seto is.
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It’s at this point we reintroduce Valon because Joey went rogue and has decided to take on Dartz by himself. This is what happens when Tristan leaves the party. You always need Tristan to hold back Joey by his armpits to keep him from fighting random people.
So I guess Valon’s gonna die next episode. That’ll be nice.
What’s great about this show is each arc is just watching each villain die. You know they’ll die. But...how much?
Anyway, that’s all for today. I’m still drawing a hell ton of stuff so I don’t know when the next update will be...but just now I haven’t dropped off or something. I’ll...eventually get to it.
And if you just got here, this is a link to read all of these in chrono order.
Anyway, I mentioned Hercule Poirot, (because watching a hell ton of BBC was how I spent time with my family when I was a kid, and my very Southern Grandma freakin LOVED Hercule Poirot) So here is the best subplot of that show, which is David Suchet eating stuff.
And which doesn’t want to embed for some reason. Probs can’t embed more than one video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17antzzJrzQ
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