#the fact that it’s a stargazer lily is so funny to me
veinyx · 5 months
i’ve been trying to figure out what flower is present after the king of puppets fight and i figured it out!
it’s a white lily
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more specifically a white ‘stargazer’ lily
from looking at the meaning their presence does make sense! White lilies represent the theme of rebirth, which makes total sense for P because in a way he is the reincarnation of Carlo.
It is commonplace to use these flowers at funerals and weddings (eat up promeo/carmeo enjoyers.)
The funeral theme makes sense because in a way it symbolises Romeo and Carlo saying farewell to each other and accepting their death. Romeo dying from P killing him and Carlo “dying” from P gaining humanity and becoming his own person, no longer being a shadow of what Geppetto wanted Carlo to be.
It could also be a gift from P to Romeo to say farewell and have sympathy for him and his death, however this would only make sense during post game when P knows the truth about the puppet frenzy and romeo / carlos past
i love the thought of P going into the Opera House and putting these flowers on Romeo’s grave, although he wasn’t his friend, he was Carlos, and he deserves a respectful send off after everything he went through and experienced
P.S they are also the national flower of Italy!
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igotsnothing · 4 months
Thanks for the tag, @stargazer-sims and @eljeebee! I really enjoyed reading your questionnaires! And since you both tagged me, I am going to do this for Sasha and Gideon because I'm obsessed with telling their story, and I need a little fluff for them; they've been going through a lot recently.
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Gideon: Interesting! Ready?
Sasha: Nooooo.
Gideon: I'll go first.
NAME: Gideon Westergaard
NICKNAME: None (Sasha: Oh, I can think of a FEW, all of them unpublishable.)
GENDER: Cis man
STAR SIGN: I honestly don't know...and I don't really care. (Sasha: He's a virgo, obviously. Please.)
HEIGHT: 6'3 (1.90 cm)
ORIENTATION: Bi, like many vampires.
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Citizen of San Myshuno, member of the Forgotten Hollow Coven, originally from somewhere further north of Windenburg.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Sasha... (Sasha: SERIOUSLY? You think that's funny? F*ck you!)
FAVORITE FLOWER: Lily of the valley
FAVORITE SCENT: Cartier's Pasha.
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: (Gideon: *Looks at Sasha.* Sasha: DON'T YOU DARE. NO.) Scotch. If good quality, I prefer it neat. (*Sasha pretends to puke*)
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: I don't need much sleep; I usually get 4-5 hours.
DOGS or CATS: *Grins broadly* My kitten, of course. (*Sasha grumbles incoherently*)
DREAM TRIP: I actually love San Myshuno. I like going to the art galleries, theaters, concert halls- all the activities the city has to offer. But if I had to travel somewhere...I like skiing. Mt. Komorebi is quite the challenge.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: I don't really get cold.
RANDOM FACT: Vampires are connected to their covens via specific bloodlines. Gideon has a coven sire, who turned him- but the one who claims him as her "child" is his coven's mistress (more to be revealed...can't wait to share.)
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Gideon: Your turn!
Sasha: Hello, nosey people! Why don't you mind your own bu-
NAME: Sasha Velky
NICKNAME: Sash. Sassy, but don't call me that ever. Loco- but only Hector gets to call me that (Gideon visibly bristles at this). And...that's it. (Gideon mouths 'kitten' and winks. Sasha does not acknowledge this and maintains a steady glare.)
GENDER: Cis man
STAR SIGN: Okay, my sun sign is Taurus, moon sign is Leo, and Aquarius rising! (Gideon: What? Was that even Simlish? Sasha: That's such a virgo reaction.)
HEIGHT: 5'9 (1.75 cm)
ORIENTATION: Homosexy (Gideon: Did you mean homosexual- Sasha: NO! I know what I said! It's a JOKE! I didn't get mixed up this time! You are so pretendcious sometimes! *Gideon doesn’t dare correct him this time; Sasha’s irritated enough.*)
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: I'm from San Myshuno, born and raised, but my mom was from Simvlakia and I understand and speak Simvlakian a little bit. I can't write it for sh*t.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Twinkies. (*Gideon shakes his head*)
FAVORITE SCENT: (*Looks sheepishly at Gideon*) Cartier's Pasha. (*Gideon sits up, pleased*)
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: Cigarettes. (Gideon: What happened to quitting? Sasha: I'm no quitter! Hey- don't look at me like that...I am trying. It's been three days, ok? Gideon: I'm so proud of you!)
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: I need 7-8. I'm a pretty deep sleeper.
DOGS or CATS: Yes.
DREAM TRIP: I don't know...I haven't really been out of San Myshuno. I always wanted to visit my mom's family in Simvlakia, but I wouldn't know where to begin. After she died, my father got rid of all her pictures, her papers, documents...I don't have anything from her, except for a stuffed animal from when I was really little. (*Gideon inhales sharply and his expression darkens- it begins to soften again when Sasha rests his head on his shoulder.*)
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NUMBER OF BLANKETS: One? Two? I guess I get cold at night. (Gideon, knowingly: Hey- I can keep you warm at night. *Sasha, perking up*: You are a pervert! Is this a ploy to get me in your bed? Gideon: Always... Sasha: *Snickers*)
RANDOM FACT: Sasha has a green thumb. It's something he shares with his late mom. He's really good with plants.
I AM TAGGING: @agena87, @damseljamsel, @lynzishell, @alinelie (plz plz plz!), @simarcana (Alika or any of your fabulous OCs), @eslanes (love your stuff and saw you have more storytelling coming soon?), and even though @greighish is taking a hiatus, I AM NOT ! This is all optional, do it if you want to, ignore me at your own risk, up to you! ❤️😆
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goddess on a mountain top
Week 5 on @efkgirldetective 's Summer of Jily (technically not set in summer but in may?? surely that's forgivable)💫💫💫
stargazing + I've got plenty of affection / I'd be glad to show you some time
on ao3
It turned out there weren’t that many people who took Divination in her Astronomy class.
She was, somewhere deep in her mind, aware of this fact but the implications of it didn’t hit her until she was paired with her partner for this joint project. All that was left for Lily now was to scowl deep as she craned her neck, eyes crinkling with the effort.
There were many reasons Lily Evans wished she was anywhere but the Astronomy Tower tonight, number one being the late hour. Last she checked, it was very close to curfew, and sure they got permission from both of their professors for this, but that didn’t stop a gnawing worry growing inside her belly. And as a prefect –she still loved reminding herself that– wasn’t she supposed to be a little alert now anyway? Surely, these nerves were normal.
The warm May night was doing nothing to quell these concerns either, just serving as a mocking reminder of how close they were to the OWLs. She tried to console herself by seeing this as an exam prep too, empty star charts laying at the ground, but she would really prefer it if this certain homework was done solo at least.
And that brought her to the heart of the issue: the boy next to him. She had to admit, more than half of her anxieties right now were caused by him, a confession he would never hear from her lips though. An indignant huff escaped her with the thought.
“Stop hogging the telescope, Evans. Do you see Venus or not?”
She let go of James’ telescope with a sigh. They had decided bringing only one would be enough earlier, a decision she highly regretted now.
“No Venus. I think we’re looking in the wrong direction. We shouldn’t even need a telescope to see Venus, it’s supposed to be the brightest in the sky.”
“Umm, you’re wrong, Evans. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky.”
The last part was said with a practiced boredom, a phrase probably drilled into his head – and everybody else who was in the same Astronomy class with Sirius Black too, honestly. She would’ve found it amusing if it wasn’t for her cranky mood.
A saccharin smile. “Good thing Venus is not a star then, right, Potter?”
She decided to continue her search for Venus on the other side, hoping to find Jupiter as well before they lost their chance to see both. Their mission was supposed to be one of the easy ones, with the two brightest planets and all. She had a suspicion that wasn’t why Professor Dowson had given it to them though, remembering her wink as she remarked that maybe this Venus-Jupiter conjunction would do them some good too. Hah. Not bloody likely.
Her decision to leave his side certainly had nothing to do with her clammy hands holding the telescope, slipping further with his proximity. She tried to bring Sev’s face forth in her mind, guilt churning inside her stomach instantly. Better guilt than these weird flutters in her heart.
Venus winked at her from afar, seemingly mocking her thoughts. She didn’t have time to take offense before she turned her head to alert James too, relieved to finally do something besides bickering back and forth about planets and stars.
“Oi, Potter, come over here. I found it.”
He shuffled over reluctantly, probably due to not wanting to admit defeat. He barely even glanced at the sky before opening his mouth.
“Are you sure? I can’t see anything.”
“Well, some of us can see without needing a bloody gold telescope.”
She repositioned him correctly, turning his head to the right direction while grumbling under her breath. Her annoyance prevented her from realizing how close they’d gotten in the process, a fact that instantly took her breath away with the awareness. She waited a while before speaking again.
“Do you see it now?”
He choked out a “Yes.”, managing to stumble over one syllable. She didn’t let herself think why that was the case, too busy stressing over whispering the question at the first place.
Needing some distance in between, she took a shaky step back, trying to regain her composure. “And the dimmer one next to it should be Jupiter. We located the conjunction now, let’s fill the charts before we waste more time.”
“Relax, Evans.” He rolled his eyes. “We’re doing homework, and we have permission. This must be the most boring curfew breaking I have ever been involved in.”
“Sorry it’s not up to your standards, Potter. Next time I’ll bring Peeves with me.”
“I was hoping we would be alone next time we were in the Astronomy Tower together actually, Evans.”
A flush rose to her face with his cheeky smile, hopefully not too visible in the dark. She wanted to storm away under the guise of bringing their empty charts from the other side, but saw he already brought them with him in disappointment. She settled for a really loud exhale instead.
They were sitting on the ground, filling their charts in silence when they were interrupted for the first time that night. A couple barged into the tower in a flurry, limbs tangled, and eyes not seeing anything but each other. They didn’t seem to anticipate anyone else being there at this hour, not bothering to check their surroundings. An amused cough came from James as a warning while she was too shocked to say anything.
The couple finally broke apart, looking at them like they were the ones not supposed to be here.
“Oh, it’s already occupied,” the girl breathed out at last, looking sheepish and apologetic. “Sorry, didn’t see you. We’ll find another place.”
The guy gave them a funny look before leaving as he eyed their position and the charts laying before them, questioning their purpose in the Astronomy Tower most likely. The frantic couple left as quickly as they came in, leaving James and Lily gaping behind them.
The silence was broken by her laugh at last.
“Oh, no. Did she say they will find another place?” It seemed once the dam was broken, there was no stopping it. “I should’ve stopped that as a prefect, shouldn’t I?”
He joined in her laugh after a while too, shock wearing off from both of them gradually. “Nah, Evans. Reckon you deserve a day off. Leave it to the ones patrolling today, it’s their problem.”
The tense mood from earlier was dissipated, just a faint memory behind now that they wouldn’t touch upon. She felt like she owed the couple for that, at least.
“I am done with the star chart. We only have the astrological interpretation left now, right?”
“Yeah.” He went through the notes in front of him rapidly, looking for the correct glyphs. “Okay, so we got Jupiter touching Venus. And Jupiter amplifies everything it comes into contact with. Let’s just list everything Venus does with ‘more’ before it and call it a day.”
She couldn’t argue with that logic. She started to rattle on as she wrote in the margins of her chart. “Alright, then more love, more beauty, more creativity… More art maybe, for the creativity and aesthetic side? And more affection for love and pleasure.”
“Yeah, good, but we’re supposed to write them as the effects of the transit so something like ‘I will show more affection’ is—”
She couldn’t stop the snort that left her mouth.
“What?”, he gave an offended cry. “I’ve got plenty of affection. I am oozing with affection.”
Images of Severus and all the other poor First Years filled her mind. “Yeah, for like three other people.”
“It doesn’t have to be only three people,” he mumbled. She couldn’t hear him without straining her ears.
“Ah, I won’t believe you finally broadened your horizons till I witness it with my own eyes, Potter.”
“Yeah?” There was a challenging glint in his eyes. “Well, I’d be glad to show you sometime,” he bit out.
She tried to stop her mind from wandering. “Can’t wait.”
Lily Evans was no fool, she knew exactly what these innuendos were, and what her body’s extreme reactions to them meant. But Lily Evans was also a good friend. So, she would wait, maybe even talk with Severus in the meanwhile about it. The exam period was plenty stressful anyway, it only made sense for her to be cautious about this.
She would bid her time, stay put until the OWLs were over. Her rising hopes were hushed immediately with the thought, not allowing her mind to dream that far. But for right now, Lily Evans would enjoy some time with James Potter under the stars. After all, she was no saint, and Venus herself shined her approval from above.
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btrzznn · 3 years
All of them 🌿
Girl, you wanna break me so bad and not in the good way.
Here we go.
1. have you ever been in love?
Yes. Had my heart broken twice.
2. who is your favorite artist?
I forgot to mention before, but I love Monet.
3. what is your favorite music genre?
It may come out as a surprise, but I like k-pop.
4. have you ever had a penpal?
Yes. And I'd love to have more. It makes me happy to write letters and send simple gifts to other people.
5. are you single or in a relationship?
I've been single for a month. Not sure how I feel about it, but I think I may need to be alone for a while.
6. what color are your eyes?
Warm brown eyes.
7. what is your favorite word?
It depends on the language. In English, it's serendipity.
8. do you play any instruments?
Would love to, but I don't. Used to know a bit about drums, but now I've already forgotten everything.
9. what is your favorite color?
Every shade of green, but forest green and jade green are my favorites.
10. do you have any nicknames?
Mostly on the internet, people refer to me as "Flor", which means "flower" or "Faerie" (short for faerielian, my Twitter name or faeriegrimoire, my Instagram name). But my name Bia (or Bea if people prefer to call me that way) is short for Beatriz.
11. what is your favorite flower?
Besides stargazer lilies, I adore all kinds of roses, lavender, waterlilies, orchids, lotus flowers and sunflowers.
12. what qualities do you find attractive in a person?
Kindness, interest in music/books/art, love for nature, funny laugh, pretty smile, sense of humor, empathy, when the person is interested in communication instead of feeding conflicts, honesty, when the person acknowledges that everyone makes mistakes, including themself. Also, they must like cats.
13. do you have any pets?
Yes, three dogs and three cats.
14. have you ever traveled outside of your home country?
I've been to Uruguay twice.
15. what language(s) do you speak?
Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian.
16. who was your first crush?
Either Xena, the warrior princess or Ariel, the little mermaid.
17. do you wear glasses?
Yes, they're brown and softly squared.
18. what is your favorite pastry?
Strawberry cake.
19. do you prefer swimming in a pool or in the ocean?
The ocean is much better.
20. bright, dark, or pastel colors?
I don't really mind nowadays, but I prefer dark colors.
21. what is your favorite social media app?
22. what is your sexuality?
Lesbian, demisexual.
23. do you have any siblings?
One younger brother.
24. what is your favorite scent?
Herbal scents, rose, strawberry.
25. where do you want to travel to?
26. what is your favorite film?
The Lord Of The Rings, Practical Magic, Amélie, Pride and Prejudice, Studio Ghibli movies.
27. who do people say you look like? (celebrity/family member)
My mother, sometimes my father. No celebrity in particular, although I've been weirdly compared to Natalie Portman and Florence Welch.
28. who is your best friend?
On tumblr, it's @beenzene. In fact, Bee is one of my best friends, really.
29. what is your dream job?
At the moment, I don't really know.
30. do you know how to drive?
Not yet.
31. who is/was your favorite teacher?
Always the Biology teachers, but also the professor who taught me Zoology at uni.
32. are you a feminist?
33. what is your zodiac sign?
Scorpio sun, Leo moon, Capricorn rising.
34. do you enjoy reading?
Yes, I love to read.
35. do you have any hidden talents?
Not that I'm aware of.
36. have you ever dyed your hair?
Multiple times. Right now it's 30% golden blonde and 70% green.
37. what is your favorite thing in your bedroom?
My bookshelf is nice.
38. what is your biggest fear?
I hate needles.
39. can you whistle?
40. do you make your bed every day?
I only leave it undone when I'm feeling sad or when I get up late.
41. do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?
I only have my ears pierced twice. tried to add two more piercings each ear, but I needed to let them close.
42. have you ever been on a roller coaster?
Yes, it's called "my life".
43. surfing or skateboarding?
I'm not really interested in any of those, but both sound nice to watch.
44. are you a dog or a cat person?
I like both the same amount.
45. what is your favorite animal?
Frogs, cats, marine animals.
46. do you have a skincare routine?
Yes. Constantly wearing masks and fore shields is ruining my skin.
47. what time do you typically go to bed at and what time do you wake up at?
It depends on the day.
48. what is your favorite memory?
Not sure.
49. how tall are you?
I'm 160cm.
50. what is the best gift you’ve ever received?
Every gift is special.
51. do you have a garden?
Yes, I love plants.
52. do you like bugs?
I don't like all of them, but I respect them and avoid some of them.
53. what is your natural hair color?
Dark blonde.
54. what is your favorite food and drink?
Passionfruit juice and fried bananas.
55. do you want kids?
Yes, one day.
56. what is/was your favorite class?
57. what color shirt are you wearing?
58. if you could time travel, what year would you go to and why?
I have no idea. It doesn't sound safe for me anywhere.
59. what is your skin color?
60. hugs or kisses?
61. have you ever drank alcohol?
Yes, but I don't anymore because of my medications for depression, panic syndrome and ADHD.
62. have you ever done drugs?
63. netflix or youtube?
It depends on what I want to watch.
64. ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Ice cream. I don't like frozen yogurt.
65. succulents or flowers?
I like both, but I prefer flowers.
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feisty-fae · 4 years
If you still do the flower ask thingys.. 👉👈 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙜𝙤 :)
HoooH boY hEre we gO-
Alisons: Sexuality?
I sexually identify as a can of beans
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
Cis female she/her
Amaryllis: Birthday?
27 September
Anemone: Favorite flower?
All flowers pretty,, but stargazer lily, rose, dahlia and cherry blossoms
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
I don't watch tv but I'll list some other stuff i like to watch:mha, beastars and aggretsuko
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
Idk depends on scenario??
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
"Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass."
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
Any Milkshakes or smoothies (mostly banana and strawberry for milkshake and p much anything for smoothie)
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I've never had kith
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
Well you see yes but actually no
Baneberries: Favorite song?
I listen to a lot but to keep it short:baby in the kitchen, in my mouth and friends slowed (chase atlantic)
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
We p chill fam
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
Irl bestie,, shes not on tumblr lol
Begonia: Favorite color?
But i like most colours
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
I'd be like a doggo bc it would be the most fun i think-
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet but then when my granny asked me "but whos gonna clean up the animal poop?" I was like "eWW pO0pP!" and then decided that mayb i shouldn't be a vet
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
They're either really kind and sweet
Or literal demons from hell
Legit no inbetween
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
I'm afraid of lot of things-
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
I was one dumbass bitcg-
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?
Idk eat pizza and cry or smth ajakamkw
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
When someone hugs me or just generally spends time with me
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?
I used to have piercings when i was a bab but eHh haven't worn them since and i dont think my ear holes are big enough now-
California Poppy: Height?
4'10 grrr I'm the omega midget and I'll devour ur ankles
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?
Pant, pink top and black hoodie
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
I think i have??
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?
My mom and my dad
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
I never kith
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
I dont have one so imma say sans bc it always looks out of place and makes me laugh-
Columbine: Are you tired?
I feel like screaming and jumping around my room like a crackhead
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
Nothing in particular ig
Coneflower: Dream job?
Smth kinda fun and art or design related hopefully,,,,
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert but i also get lonley easily
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
I would get run over by 5 monster trucks, jump off a plane, get mauled by 10 bears, get trampled on by a stampede, get brutally tortured for 12 hours straight, yeet myself into the Grand Canyon and then break all my bones with my bare hands if they weren't broken already
Ok basically i care a lot
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
I had this st bernard plush called Sparky and this lion named Sammy,,
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
My memory is legit so bad it's probably concerning uHHH
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Mayb art??
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?
Ehhh i might reason with them and then if they still disagreed I'd just keep the relationship a secret
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
My parents
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
Ehhh arT
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
EhhHh everything that isn't art-
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
Oh boy here comes my shitty memory-
Idk but I'm mostly happy that I've been more social and stuff and i feel like im kinda coming out of my shell a bit
Not sure what to say for other 2 bc nothing in particular has really happend?
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Ehhh oK??
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
I hope to pass all my exams and get an okish job mayb
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
2. Fammm
3. eHhh yummy food,,
4. Drawing and uhhh art
6. Ok idk what else aside from like serious stuff like house and etc.-
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Drawing, crying, venting to a friend/parent
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
Hugssss,kith,cuddle, *draws u stuff*
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
MmmmmMy aRRt?
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
Wake up
Don't go to school
Vibe with friends
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Ehh 8yrs? We met in hell school
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
6..?? Aa idk theres some people that idk if they'd consider me a friend or not,,
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Idk any compliment is best compliment for me,,
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Ew yucky gröss
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
m y a r t
Also my hair bc its soft and wavy,,
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?
Everything else-
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Climb trees and do dumb shit
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
Same irl bestie i mentioned before
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
Well I chose Fae bc i thought it sounded pretty
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
Idk what to rlly say lmao
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
Kinda the same but i had toys everywhere-
Also when i was like 5 i had this legit fucking cursed thomas the tank engine shaped bed that i actually found a pic of but it's FUCKING HORRIFYING SO I PROBS WONT SHOW HERE-
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
Hi mom ily ur epic
Onions: Tell about your dad.
Hi dad ily ur epic
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
Omg i miss my grannies sm bc i couldn't see em this year bc nasty pandemic
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
Haha shit memory gor brrRR-
I don't really remember too many specific parties but when i was like 7-10 i had these epic parties in those birthday places with the giant play areas
I kinda wish i wasn't too old to go to them sobs
Peony: What was your first job?
I haven't had a job yet
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
Hmmmm idk? I haven't really thought abt that but i don't really mind i just wanna find someone to vibe with,,
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
I cri
Pink: Where is home?
Home is home home
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
Now where do i start...
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
I look up to people that are kind, caring, brave, funny, cool or stronger than me ig?
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
Basically my current life minus school, stress,pandemic and responsibilities lmao
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
I used to believe in ghosts after i thought i encountered one
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
Peoples laughsss also music
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Bro i dont have one,, my aphantasia makes it hard for me to remember stuff-
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
I wantttt better chargersss thattt donttt telll meee thatt myyy tablett will finishh chargingg innn 1 dayy andd 7 hoursss
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Kinda difficult but im opening up more
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
8 hrs
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
Idk ig i kinda have to go to school and do stuff
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
Non existant
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
My black and white stripy top, and all my hoodiess
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.
I don't think i have just one aesthetic bc im drawn to so many different aesthetics at the same time-
Like vintage, neon, dark, spoopy, pastel, cute, etc etc
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
I haven't been reading anythinggg
But i should really finish reading Percy Jackson bc it do be picking up dust-
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Mmm yummy 👅
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
I am currently living and breathing yes
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Kim Donghyun, 김동현
anonymous asked:
Okay, here's my request BUT you can take your time on it and just do it when you're not so busy! I'd like something with Donghyun, a non-idol au, with lots of intense feelings heh. Maybe something like you're college housemates with his friend and he always comes over all the time for literally everything and anything when actually its just excuses to see the reader? Dongdong needs the love :( -1102
Group: AB6IX
Member: Donghyun
You stared out into the vast field of flowers, scattered with Sweet Peas, Stargazer Lilies and Daffodils. A warm breeze blew past, gifting you with the blossoms’ sweet fragrance. 
You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, taking a deep breath and just enjoying the atmosphere around you. It was that kind of calming, yet uncomfortably ‘too-good-to-be-true’ feeling. 
You squinted your eyes, swearing you could see some movement in the distance. Sure enough, a figure drew closer and closer. You could only see the person’s silhouette, not being able to pick out any defining features, but there was a certain aura around him. 
It felt safe, and romantic, and warm.
Even more so when that person held their hand out to you.
Just as you were about to brush fingers with that silhouette, a loud, jarring screech met your ears; a noise that you could recognize anywhere. It was your faithful friend that you greeted first every morning—your alarm clock.
You slammed your hand down on the bedside table with somewhat of a vengeance. Sure, you know the dream was too good to be reality, but couldn’t that damn alarm clock have let you be lost in for just a second or two more?
You huffed, sitting up and running a hand through your hair, almost certainly a greasy mess. You blinked harshly, trying to flush the last remnants of sleep out of your eyes. With sleepy, half-awake steps, you made your ways to the blinds, pulling them up hesitantly. 
Luckily, the sun wasn’t as blinding as you had expected. In fact, there was quite a bit of cloud-coverage. You made the mental note to bring an umbrella with you to school. 
You didn’t bother brushing your teeth, because you could already smell the breakfast wafting in from the kitchen. Your roommate would always say that he wasn’t that good at cooking, but his meals said otherwise. Maybe he wasn’t the best in the world, but you’d never eaten anything made by him that you didn’t enjoy to the fullest extent. 
You padded out into the dining room, hair still a mess, still half-asleep and wearing nothing but an worn, over-sized tee-shirt and some sleep shorts. Your roommate—Jeon Woong—was used to seeing this sight in the mornings; just as you were used to seeing him looking perfectly put-together, despite it being barely 6AM. 
You paused for a moment.
There was another thing you were used to seeing. One of Woong’s close friends from his hometown—Kim Donghyun. Through the last semester and a half, he’d been coming over to your dorm-room pretty much everyday.
Usually for breakfast, but also for some pretty mundane things as well. 
Like the famous, “Dude, I need to go to the grocery store, and it’s late, and I’m too scared to go alone”, or “My roommates ditched me, so I’m stealing you guys as my honorary ones”. 
Or (a personal favorites of yours), “I was reading my anatomy textbook and I read the word ‘womb’, and you know what rhymes with ‘womb’? Yeah, that’s right. Woong! So I knew that I just had to come over”.
Woong didn’t appreciate that one too much, but you thought it was hilarious.  
Kim Donghyun was a strange guy, but he was funny, so you never protested to his constant visits. In fact, you thought it was pretty cute how the two Daejeon boys stayed in touch.
Sometimes, you could physically see Woong getting fed up with him, but you’d never seen them argue, because in the end, they were friends and cared about each other—no matter how clingy Donghyun could be sometimes. 
You still remembered the first time Donghyun had invited himself over. You hadn’t expected him, and he CLEARLY had not expected you, because when you came out into the dining room looking like how you normally did, you both screamed. 6 in the morning, and you both screamed at the top of your lungs.
Nowadays though, it didn’t phase either of you. You’d gotten familiar with the feeling of seeing his dorky smile every day.
In your mind, any friend of Woong’s was a friend of your, so you kind of just let it happen. You and Woong had been friends since you both started college, not exactly clicking at first, but growing very close as time went on.
You walked to the the fridge and pulled out a jug, not fully acknowledging either of the boys milling around the kitchen. Woong was hard at work at the stove-top and Donghyun was sitting comfortably at the table, flipping through a Human Sciences textbook.
He looked up at you with that same smile he always had, giving you an elegant wave that was a bit over-the-top for so early in the morning, but you gave it a pass because it made you chuckle. 
Woong glanced over his shoulder as you poured yourself a glass of orange juice. “’Morning,” he said, smiling a little. You gave him a small wave and a hum. He knew that meant, ‘Good morning to you, too’. 
He went back to folding the omelette he was working on. “Heard you talking in your sleep,” he mentioned, urging the egg onto a plate. “Whachya dreamin’ about?” 
You downed your glass, glad to get the morning breath taste out of your mouth. “Prince Charming,” you said simply, smacking your lips to get rid of the leftover flavor. 
Donghyun’s brows rose in intrigue. “Oh, yeah?” he said. “Prince Charming got a name?” he asked, wiggling his brows. 
You shook your head, leaning against the counter of your cramped kitchen. “Not even a face, dude,” you said. You nodded slowly, as if working something out in your head. “I think he will one day, though.” 
“Why do you say that?” Donghyun asked. 
Woong set a plate-full of food in front of him. “’Cause she’s a closet romantic and she believes that a reoccurring dream like that will have a different outcome as time goes on,” he chuckled. He leaned down, as if he was sharing a secret. “She likes to think that when she meets ‘the guy of her dreams’, that’s where he’ll show up.” 
Your cheeks grew hot. “Shut up, Woong!” you said, chucking a damp dish towel at him from last night. Unfortunately, he dodged. Freakin’ athlete. 
“Weak,” he teased, making an ‘L’ shape on his forehead and sticking out his tongue. He chose ‘weak’ instead of ‘you throw like a girl’, because he’d learned the hard way that would just get his ass thoroughly whipped.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Whatever,” you huffed.
Donghyun raised his hand gingerly, as if he were asking a question in class to a particularly salty professor. “So,” he started, “you’re into the whole ‘fate’ thing?”
You hummed thoughtfully. Did you really believe in that? “Yeah, I guess I am into it,” you finally decided on, nodding. 
Woong coughed, the words coming out something along the lines of, “Closet romantic”.
You smacked his shoulder. “I said—shush!” you chastised. 
Donghyun chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s all good,” he said, waving a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about me.” He flashed a cute smile. “It’s cute.” 
It wasn’t long before you were all sitting around the dining table, munching down on another top-class meal by Jeon Woong himself. 
“11 out of 10, Woong,” you said to him through a mouth-full of food. 
He gagged exaggeratedly. “Talk or chew,” he said. “Choose one, not both.” 
Donghyun nodded. “It’s not hot,” he added. “Negative points, my friend.”
You rolled your eyes and swallowed. “I’m not eating breakfast at 6:30 in the morning trying to be sexy,” you grumbled. You made a sour expression and pushed your plate away. “You guys are making me lose my appetite.”
Donghyun chuckled. “Oh, come on! You know we didn’t mean it,” he said. He poked your side. “As your honorary guy friends, we’ve gotta make fun of you.”
You quirked a brow. “Who says your my friend?” you teased. 
“Who says I’m not?” he rebutted, a sly little smirk making it’s way to his lips. He tilted his head. “You’re too comfortable with me not to see me as a friend.”
You dipped your fingers in your water glass, flicking it after him after. “Whatever, Hyun,” you said. 
He laughed, splashing water back at you. “You even gave me a nickname!”
Woong groaned. “Why do I feel like I’m third-wheeling here?” he whined. 
That’s how breakfasts with Donghyun and Woong usually went. More fun than when it was just you. By yourself, it was quiet and lonely. With Woong, it was simple and filled with comfortable silences, but easy conversation. 
With Donghyun added into that equation? 
There was no shortage of early-morning chuckles and juice-out-of-the-nose snorts. It wasn’t even that he was trying to be particularly funny—you just found him amusing in the simplest of ways. 
And even though it was really shocking and annoying sometimes to find him just randomly there, making himself at home on the couch or raiding the fridge, it definitely wasn’t the worst thing to find.
Especially after a crap day, because he had a seamless way of lightening up the mood without feeling like he was trying too hard. You could see why Woong liked him, even if you weren’t a fan of him at first.  
He was just simple like that. 
He sneaked up on you—like the spice after a pepper, or the warmth spreading through your body after the first sip of hot chocolate with marshmallows. You were pretty happy with how your relationship with him had grown, though you couldn’t quite place why.
When he first started coming over, you felt a little left-out. He and Woong would always share funny stories from their hometown, recalling their nostalgic childhood adventures, and you’d feel a slight disappointment not understanding the inside jokes and small situational innuendos.
Though, it didn’t take too long for them to start inviting you into the proverbial circle—Donghyun being especially welcoming. You supposed that’s just how he was; always the campus heartthrob.  
You were happy that, nowadays, all three of you would swap stories, recalling some of your amusing adventures together. 
“Remember when you legit”—you made an exaggerated arm movement, complete with funky sound-effect—“dived into that pile of leaves?”
Woong sighed, somewhat reminiscent of a tired single-mom. “I do,” he said, raising a hand. “I thought you broke your neck, ‘cause you didn’t come back up for like... A solid eight seconds.”
Donghyun choked on his drink; a fruit smoothie that he was always very proud of telling you he made himself. “You remember that?” he asked, a little flushed. “It was such a long time ago, though!”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Of course I remember!” you said. “I almost peed my pants laughing.” When you really thought about, you’d never had a bad moment with these two.Maybe they were your best friends.
You’d never had a best friend before, let alone two of them.
He smirked a little, looking smug. “Then I did my job well,” he said, taking a deliberately slurpy sip of his smoothie.
You quirked a brow. “Oh, yeah?” you started. “Elaborate.” 
He shrugged with that dumb, yet charming smile. “You looked sad that day.” He met your eyes. “I was trying to cheer you up.” 
You froze for a moment, just staring at him.
Woong looked between the two of you, looking like he was holding back a chuckle, his lips sucked in and chest shaking with effort. You gave him a look, silently asking, “You know something I don’t?”.
You cleared your throat. “Well, thanks,” you said simply. You smiled a little at the memory. “It definitely cheered me up, even though I thought you died for a second or two.”
Donghyun stood up for a moment, bowing gracefully. “’Twas my pleasure, m’lady,” he said. He sat back down and hummed thoughtfully, tapping his fingers on the table in some sort of rhythm. 
Your eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to it. You knew he played guitar, but sometimes, it was more evident than others. His finger-tapping habit could get repetitive sometimes, but in the end, you could always forgive it.
His fingers had a certain strange beauty to them.
Donghyun glanced over, seeming to notice you staring at him. You didn’t realize it at the time, but his cheeks gained a lovely shade of red.
“What’re you looking at?” he asked, chuckling a little. 
You pulled yourself out of your daze, looking him in the eyes. “Hm?” you hummed. The question registered in your mind. “Oh! Nothing really,” you said. “You just have really nice hands.”
All of a sudden, his tapping stopped as he stood up, the chair legs scraping against the floor as it was pushed back by his legs. “Is that the time?” he asked, staring at a non-existent watch on his wrist. “My class is in like, ten minutes,” he said. 
Scooping his bag up off the floor and tying the flannel with the hole in the pocket around his waist, he flashed you and Woong a playful salute. “You’ll see me again, so don’t be too sad,” he said with a wink. 
With that, he was gone. 
Disappeared out the door, just as he reappeared every morning.
Woong coughed, sounding a bit more like a stifled laugh. “Whipped,” he said softly.
You furrowed your brows. “What?” you asked.
He shrugged, making a funny expression. “I didn’t say anything,” he assured you, picking up the empty plates and carrying them to the sink. “Nothing at all.”
It was late. Too late.
You turned the page of your textbook, ignoring the heaviness of your eyelids. You’d already tried going to sleep, but it wasn’t cooperating, no matter how tired you were. 
Maybe this was why Woong had given you the nickname ‘Night Owl’.
Your reading light cast a harsh shadow on the words, but you powered through it, accepting the headache that you’d probably have in a few hours. 
You sighed, resting your head in the palm of your hand. You tapped your fingers lightly against the pages of your book, trying to remember the rhythm that Donghyun had been tapping out earlier. 
It was mid-tempo, calm and smooth, and it made you feel better to try and work it out in your head.  
You almost jumped out of your skin when your heard a tap on your window.
You slapped a hand over your mouth to keep from screaming, all too aware of the fact that Woong was sleeping above you on the top-bunk. You felt your blood run cold, not daring to turn around and see what was waiting for you outside the window. 
As if on cue, your phone buzzed with a text notification. 
You looked over, scanning the pop-up. 
From: Donghyun
Dude... It’s just me. 
Your head whipped around, glaring at the window. Or, more aptly put, the face outside of it. Standing outside of the window, standing on his tippy-toes (you lived on the first floor of your dorm building) was Kim Donghyun, waving sheepishly.
You were about to open your mouth and say something, but he quickly brought a finger to his lips, silencing you. He made a circle with one hand and tapped it with the other, giving you a hopeful look. 
Slowly, the realization dawned on you. He wanted you to buzz him into the building. You nodded to him, flashing a quick thumbs-up. Despite your initial frustration, you couldn’t stay mad at him for long.
There weren’t many people that would come to visit you at 3 in the morning.
You hopped out of bed—fuzzy socks and all—and grabbed your over-sized sweater off the back of Woong’s rolling-chair, meeting Donghyun in front of your building. He wasn’t wearing a jacket, he was panting like crazy and he had a piece of crumpled up paper held loosely in his grip.
He looked up at you with relief in his eyes. “You’re here,” he breathed, creating a puff of heat in the chilly air. His eyes smiled before his lips did. “You came out.”
You crossed your arms, furrowing your brows. “Well, duh,” you said, looking down at him from the top of the steep incline of stairs. “You scared the crap out of me.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, still trying to catch his breathe with the stinging air. “Yeah, sorry about that,” he said. 
You furrowed your brows. “Did you run here?” you asked. “Where’s your coat?” 
He looked down at himself, as if just noticing the lacking article of clothing. “Oh,” he said. “Guess I forgot it. I just—” He was cut off by a sneeze. 
You sighed. How could he come out in this weather in short sleeves? “Hold on a sec,” you said, starting to walk down the steps. You pulled the sweater over your head, offering it to him when you got to the bottom. “Put it on,” you said, having a sneaking suspicion that baby-blue would look great on him. 
He shook his head, eyes wide. “No way! It’s freezing—I’m not gonna take that from you.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Kim Donghyun,” you said, voice lowering an octave. He froze on the spot, staring at you with that ‘yes, ma’am?’ kind of look. “Take the damn hoodie.”
He reached for it tentatively. “Thanks,” he said with a small voice. He took to gently and pulled it over his head, mussing up his hair and making it stick out in funny directions. 
You chuckled. “Cutie,” you teased, flattening his hair back out. You couldn’t help but notice the way his cheeks darkened in color; not even the dim lighting could hide it. You cleared your throat and pulled your hand away, suddenly feeling a little awkward.
“So...” you said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. “What brings you here at 3AM? You know that Woong’s asleep, right?”
His hand clenched a little tighter around the paper in his hand, making an audible crackle. “I know that,” he said quietly. “That guy goes to bed at 11 on the dot, even if he has to study for a test.” He nibbled his bottom lip thoughtfully, not meeting your eyes for a minute. “I came for you,” he finally said.
Your breath caught in your throat.
There he was. 
Kim Donghyun.
One of your best friends.
He was wearing your sweater, his chest was still heaving from his run over, his cheeks, nose and ears were painted with red, and his eyes were glossy with an emotion you couldn’t quite read. For whatever reason, he looked really attractive like this—standing in front of you looking so... Real.
He was like a picture, unedited and unfiltered. Absolutely candid, and in a way, it was somewhat touching that he was your 3AM rendezvous. It felt special.
“Oh, yeah?” you said, shifting your weight a little. This feeling... It was odd. “What’d you have to say?” you asked. 
He took a deep breath, looking like he was trying to hold something back. An emotion, an action—it didn’t matter what it was. It was something he didn’t want to show. “It’s more like...” His voice gave out a little, his eyes watering.
You felt concern build in your chest. You’d never seen him like this. 
You took a step froward resting a hand on his shoulder. You rubbed it up and down his arm in a soothing fashion. “Take your time,” you whispered. “I’m here for you.” 
That seemed to strike a chord within him, snapping the rope inside of him that was restraining his emotions. In a fit of tears and a bitten back sob, he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. “I’m hurting a lot right now,” he yelled out into the night-air, hiccuping over his words.
He didn’t care if he woke up Woong. He didn’t care if he woke up your entire building. Maybe he didn’t even care if he woke up the whole world. He continued on, “It hurts so much because of the things I can’t say. Because of the things I’m really scared to say.”
You felt your heart racing, feeling his hot tears land in your hair; some on your shoulder. You rubbed his back, trying anything to get him to calm down. “I don’t understand,” you said gently. “I’m gonna try, though.” 
You pulled him over to the stairs, gently dragging him down to sit with you. “Tell me what’s going on,” you said. 
He chuckled a little and wiped his eyes, voice still shaky. “You know,” he started, “I don’t even really know why I’m crying,” he admitted. “Is this what a period feels like?” 
You snorted under your breath. “A little bit, yeah,” you said, nodding. “What—do you have cramps, too?” 
He nodded. “Yeah,” he said. He pointed to his chest, tapping it a few times in that same rhythm that he usually did. “In here.” He sighed a little, letting his shoulders slump. “You know, I realized something today,” he said. 
“And what’s that?” you asked. 
His left hand slowly inched closer and closer to yours, but you didn’t notice, too caught up in trying to read his expression. “When you were staring at me earlier and complimenting me...” he started. “I realized that I don’t regret one second that I spent coming over here instead of studying for tests.”
He continued, “At first, I just started coming over ‘cause school was stressing me out, and I thought that Woongie would cheer me up.” He smiled a little, staring up at the starless sky. “But then I met his cute, funny and smart roommate.” 
Your cheeks heated up. 
“I wanted to come over more often so I could get to know her better.” He shifted nervously, moving away by half a centimeter or two. “You better. Get to know you better,” he clarified softly. “I started coming up with all these dumb reasons to visit you guys, just so I could see you more often.” 
He met your eyes again, but with a shy hesitation. “I realized today that I more than just ‘like’ you. I think I...” He grumbled something under his breath along the lines of, ‘I don’t wanna say it out-loud, ‘cause it’s embarrassing’. 
He huffed, blowing a loose piece of bangs out of his eyes. “I think I really like you,” he settled on, hoping it would get his feelings across. Slowly, he unfolded the crumpled up piece of paper in his hand. 
He chuckled nervously. “I even wrote an entire freakin’ song about you, and I was gonna play it for you when I got over here, but like an idiot, I forgot my guitar at home, so I guess that plan died young—”
You cut him off with a hug that sucked the air from his lungs. “How about you sing it to me on our anniversary?” you offered. 
Why did you decide to fall into his arms? You weren’t exactly sure.
Maybe it was because he gave off the same warm and romantic vibe that the Prince Charming from your dreams did. Maybe it was him, and you just didn’t realize it.
There was a long, drawn out silence. 
Finally, Donghyun’s arms wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you a little closer. “If you’re up for it,” he started, a smile in his voice, “that sounds like a really good idea.”
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Here you go, 1102! I hope this can help you finish your 2019 off on a high-note. 😉 Donghyun is such a lovebug and I hope people give him a lot of hugs. ;-; And like... Comforting + gentle collarbone kisses. I don’t know. I just feel like he’d be into that. I’m gonna shut up now.
Love ya, as always! Stay safe and healthy! 
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koganphrancis · 4 years
Ernie & Bert Are Planning A Wedding
OR: My thoughts on Episode 11
Everything just hurts.  Let me start with the “previously on” segment.  Yeah, we finally get an Ian/Mickey intro, but it’s just like so many of the other intros-random characters outside yelling at viewers.  Since there’s been little to none intimacy for this couple this season we couldn’t have caught them in bed?  Or in mid-kiss?  Nope.  Ian can be drinking yet another beer tho.  Pretty sure those meds we saw when Sandy grabbed Mickey’s dick all those episodes ago now was Mickey’s gerd medication.  Ian’s clearly not being written as taking medication at all (yet again).  
But as usual, I digress.  The show starts with a somewhat cute reminder of how the Gallavich house is within running distance of the (now torn down in real life, RIP) Milkovich house.  Unfortunately it’s Terry who reminds us.  Ian’s watching Terry screaming up at the house while Mickey’s...off doing something without Ian.  Seriously, whatever the opposite of “joined at the hip” is, that’s what these epic soulmates are this season :( 
Anyway, Mickey walks downstairs and Ian unhelpfully informs him, “Your dad’s here.”  Mickey says yeah and goes out to see Terry.  Ian gives one more peek thru the curtain but must decide that Mickey’s in no danger, since next we see him, Ian’s sitting in the kitchen casually chatting with Lip about something that’ll never happen (Lip moving to Wisconsin).
Outside, Mickey and Terry draw guns on each other while Terry’s just now (?) trying to figure out where Mickey went “wrong” and turned out gay.  Um, I know Terry’s been busy with prison and running his illegal enterprises (whatever they might be), but he’s just now trying to catch up on what he learned literally years ago when he walked in on Ian and Mickey having sex?  
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(Gif credit: jackorowan)
The scene at least gives us an iconic Mickey line, “I definitely love one,” but is it too little too late?  It’s enough to send Terry on his way for now, after one last threat.  Mickey calmly goes back inside, says “mornin’” to Ian and Lip, and starts to make himself a bowl of cereal.  I list all that out to stress how non-stressed he seems.  Ian says, “So, how’s your dad?”, and just like the, “Hi, Mr. Milkovich” and “Was Mickey adopted?” conversation Ian had with Terry in S9, so far everything is being written to show how this is just normal family life when it comes to Terry.  But by the next scene the show will want us to buy that something entirely different is going on and I just don’t understand why they can’t find a narrative and stick to it.  In the days since the episode aired, I’ve read so many head canon posts about how understandable it was for Mickey to flip out after seeing Terry, and how that brought all Mickey’s past trauma to the surface and of course it turned him into a groomzilla, but I just can’t agree that that’s what the show either set out to do or accomplished.  Mickey’s been working for Terry, he’s been around him-it’s one of the few things about Mickey’s life the show has shown us since he’s been out of prison.  Everyone in Terry’s world that they’ve shown is perfectly comfortable talking about the fact that yes, some people are in fact gay.  Terry’s peers in prison, Terry’s own relatives-why suddenly in Episode 11 is this “a thing”?  
Anyway, the scene continues after Mickey quips that he doesn’t think Terry will be his best man.  Liam joins the scene and there’s very cute, well executed banter where Ian, Lip, and Mickey tell him they can each forge Frank’s signature.  It’s a tantalizing glimpse of what the season could’ve been if these guys were allowed to all be in scenes together.  
Mainly thanks to Myles’ AV Club review, I know that for whatever reason, the show decided to do a one month time jump between the engagement episode and this one.  WTF?  It doesn’t even make sense-it means somewhere that woman holding Frank captive was feeding him and clothing and bathing him?  That Liam hasn’t been to school in a month because Frank hasn’t been around to sign him in?  As if that wouldn’t have had CPS showing up at the Gallagher house (that has to be red flagged in the system by now)?  Debbie being toyed with by that mother and daughter has been going on for weeks at this point?  The only thing the time jump did that I care about was rob us of seeing Mickey and Ian telling people they were engaged.  We deserved a little scene of Ian and Lip talking about it at least-give Lip the opportunity to ask Ian what changed his mind about marriage and give the audience the opportunity to hear some sort of explanation.  “I heard some guy I know Mickey didn’t care about putting him down and I just knew then and there I had to marry him,” doesn’t quite cut it.  
But so much for what should have been.  In the next scene, Mickey slaps down a pile of wedding magazines and drops the news on Ian (as he hands him a beer) that they’re going to have a “wedding wedding”.  Mickey needs a headcount for the reception venue-clearly money is no problem, so working for Terry all those intervening weeks must’ve been lucrative.  
In a rare instance of the show actually cluing us in on someone’s thought process, Mickey says flat out that he now wants a “real” wedding because his fuckhead dad threatened to murder him-again-cuz he’s gay.  So, see?  AGAIN.  What’s different this time?  It’s like the show NEEDS there to be a reason, a mitigating circumstance, for two men to want to get married.  They can’t just let Mickey and Ian have the natural progression of their relationship leading to a lifetime together.  It’s so offensive.  And again, for viewers that have been invested in this relationship for so long, it just hurts.  Mickey’s doing this as a big FU to his father rather than as a big ILY to Ian.  That’s OOC for sure-Mickey’s always put loving Ian first in his life.  
In planning the wedding, Noel does get some great moments.  Talking about the “little shits that light the candles”, and his choice of wedding song, and confronting the homophobic old bitch at the florist.  And the literal scenery chewing he does at the wedding chairs rental place was, I’m sure, quite fun for Noel as an actor.  BUT-the only moment we get where Ian seems on board/with Mickey in any of it is at the florist before the bitch sets Mickey off.  Otherwise Ian’s like a casual bystander in all this-and that’s just not in character either.  Why can’t they both be into making these decisions?  Why, even if Ian truly couldn’t give a shit about seeing Mickey happy about these little details-why can’t they at least be affectionate with each other?  I don’t expect Schitt’s Creek level adoring looks, but I do expect Gallavich level.  Ian used to look at Mickey with awe even when Mickey was being his Mickey-est.  Why aren’t they allowed to show that anymore?  
I will say, I did love the stargazer lily thing-altho it’s all the more frustrating to realize this week’s writer must’ve watched at least the fan compilation video of Gallavich to know that detail was a very sweet throw back-why couldn’t they also write some kisses and hand holding in too?  But anyway, “Beyond Blue” and Mickey looking touched when Ian said he liked the blue ones-we needed a lot more moments like that this season.  Why everything’s getting crammed into these final, rushed episodes is beyond me.  
Now I have to bitch again about what was wrong with the florist scene.  Yes, I’m sure there are plenty of people like that woman in the world.  But there are also plenty who don’t oppose same sex marriage.  Why is it always such a big deal on Shameless?  Either everything’s gay or nothing is.  They’ve given us an entire squad of fire fighters who are gay.  Debbie clearly can’t walk five feet in any direction since the show decided she was gay without her finding a woman DTF her.  Ian had-what was the ridiculous number?-7 million Instagram followers when he was Gay Jesus.  So ONE homophobic old lady in a flower shop means disaster?  Ian knows how to look shit up on his phone, he proved that looking for wedding statistics.  You mean to tell me he doesn’t know how to check Yelp reviews to somehow find a gay-friendly florist in a city the size of Chicago?  
Mickey did get a couple of funny lines in that scene (killed me when he called her Grandma), but, again the show is throwing too much in the blender.  Is the scene supposed to be that funny?  If Mickey is dealing with past trauma, this is just adding to it.  And Ian, who is supposed to know Mickey better than anyone (including the viewer) isn’t acting worried about him, he’s acting like he’s being dragged all these places against his will.  So where’s the comedy in that?
Next there’s a scene of Mickey walking down the sidewalk and glorious natural light, looking like he’s glowing.  It immediately gets ruined by Ian stopping in front of a store window full of bride mannequins and looking at them and then after Mickey, with the visual implication strongly suggesting that Mickey’s the “woman” in their relationship which is so outdated in 2020 that the show and the network should have to pay a fine.  
Then we get the chairs meltdown, which gives us the truest line, “Why does everything always have to SUCK?”  You’re singing our song, Mickey.  Then the show proves that point for the millionth time by having Mickey call the chairs guy the R word-twice. 
In the next scene, Mickey’s called in the always reliable important character of Mand..um, Sandy because Ian’s of no use to him.  WTF?  Mickey is still talking up grandiose wedding plans and Ian’s still trying to figure it all out.  He tries to ask, “This is still about Terry, right?  You don’t give a shit about weddings...” Mickey interrupts him to ask where his ring is.  Ian has to stop and think and realizes he must’ve left it on the sink.  He runs off before Mickey can tear him a new one.  Mickey throws his pen down and says to Sandy, “I can’t even.”  Sandy replies, “I can see why you called,” but on Twitter fans have pointed out her lips appear to be saying, “Is he even into this at all?”  WHICH IS ANOTHER THING.  After all Ian’s marriage issues, why is Mickey bulldozing ahead and not noticing what Ian seems to be feeling AT ALL.  (Which appears to be that he’s once again regretting this whole marriage thing.)  Why does the show make the two of them so blind to each other’s feelings now?  WHY?  Now that Lip’s living in the RV, do they even share a room anymore?  They act like they never, ever talk now.  There is such a disconnect hanging over the short time they are shown together in every episode.  Not to mention they’ve been desexualized to the point of being a couple of Ken dolls.  John Wells must be so thrilled he doesn’t have to sit thru dailies of them physically touching anymore.  I’m willing to believe he hired someone to Jeff Giloolly Cam’s leg so he could have Mickey and Ian get engaged and married without any love scenes at this point.
In the last scene, Ian and Mickey are at The Alibi and Ian’s (having a beer) making one last attempt to simplify the wedding.  After another “it depends who’s the bride and who’s the groom” eye-rolling moment, Ian asks, “Can’t we just be Ian and Mickey?”  I guess not, when it comes to this show.  In the past Ian would’ve loved Mickey’s tension away for him-letting Mickey find his release in multiple orgasms, not in wedding planning.  Now all he can do is hire some guy with a guitar to show up at the bar and sing Mickey’s wedding song-and “sing” is a very generous term here.  Props to the show for not having an amazing singer just show up out of the blue, but, for the love of my bleeding ears, couldn’t they have found less of a screecher?  
Mickey is, at first, freaked out by this guitar playing weirdo coming near his booth, but when he recognizes the song he asks, “How the fuck did you know that?”  The guitarist replies, “Little bird told me” indicating Ian, and then unfortunately goes back to the song and soon finds himself way out of his range.  Mickey gives Ian a soft look, Ian gives Mickey one of the smiles he only ever has for Mickey, and Silver Tree becomes JW’s favorite director ever by not even letting us see them holding each other’s hands-that’s below the camera line.  For all we can prove, maybe Ian and Mickey were just reaching for the salt shaker at the same time.  Personally, I would’ve ended the episode with Ian and Mickey metaphorically and literally getting on the same page-they go back to the house, their double bed is covered in Mickey’s wedding magazines and color swatches and seating charts and whatever other wedding prep detritus.  Ian, seeing it all laid out like that says softly, “Are you really doing all this for Terry?” and Mickey says, “Course not, it’s all for us.  We deserve it.”  Then they flop down on the bed together and get to kissing, right on top of it all.  
But no, can’t have them intimate or even on the same side of a booth.  So, you’d think that happy-ish ending we did get means Mickey’s out of his Terry-induced panic, but scenes and stills for the season finale will disabuse you of that hope.  
My final thought is: I’m wondering how much, if any, of these wedding details we’ll see.  The show is too cheap now to spend money on a church wedding with those gorgeous stargazer lilies and the little shits that light the candles.  Plus why would you have Living On A Prayer sung again when you used it in this episode?  Will one of them-or both of them-walk down an aisle?  They’ve already got their rings and have been wearing them-I don’t see them wearing multiple rings each.  If the show had any guts at all, it’d have them exchange cock rings at the ceremony ;P  Will we even get to see the wedding part or will they go straight to some sort of brawl/reception?  And, sadly, I’ve felt from the first time I saw pictures of them driving off in the Mercedes that we’re not going to see them get to consummate the marriage.  I hope I’m wrong about all of it, but I won’t be surprised to be let down utterly-either by what they don’t or what they do show :(  See ya on the other side!
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juliussneezerfics · 5 years
Blood Red Lilies and Baby Blue Cornflowers: Chapter 1 - Lilies
Germany has caught hanahaki. As he comes to terms with this, he loses a war, is separated from his brother, and learns about his fellow nations.
Germany sat in his tent, his stare icy as he read the headline in the paper. He was seated at his desk, the surface of the wood littered with assorted pieces of paper, maps, reports, expenses. Death tallies. He noiselessly set the paper down onto the desk, folding his hands and staring ahead. Thinking. He supposed he couldn’t blame him. Who could? They were living in a personal hell. They were doomed to lose. So why did his heart ache with something akin to… betrayal?
He didn’t even look at the flap of the tent as it opened. In his periphery, he caught the olive green of a German uniform.
“What?” He asked.
“You know I don’t speak German.” Said a familiar, light voice.
Germany’s heart dropped in his chest. He whipped his gaze onto the person who entered his tent.
Italy looked unusual out of his trademark blue uniform. He was donned in a German military coat that was clearly too big for him. On his head was a hat similar to Germany’s own. Italy’s curl had been smoothed beneath the cap. His face was heavy with what could have been regret, fear, or a mix of the two.
Germany stood from his seat at the desk. “Italy.”
“Germany.” Italy returned, his voice remarkably level with apprehension.
The two paused, both of their minds running far too quickly to work properly.
“Did you read the news?” Italy asked.
Wordlessly, Germany nodded.
Italy paused, scanning Germany’s expressionless face. “Germany-”
“You need to leave.” Germany interrupted, his voice a low grunt. “You’re an enemy. If you stay, I’m going to catch you.”
Italy stared at him, his face unchanging. He wordlessly strode up to Germany. He slowly drew closer until there was only a couple feet between them. “No, you won’t.” 
Germany stared down at Italy. Into his determined brown eyes. It was an expression that he had seen increasingly during the war, but one he had still not grown accustomed to. He felt his heart clench painfully as he turned away, sitting behind his desk. He didn’t know why he felt the need to separate him and Italy.
“Germany, you can do it too.” Italy said, walking over to the desk. “You can leave this. Come with me. We can find Japan and convince him to do it too!”
Germany shook his head. “I can’t.”
“Of course you can!” Italy’s face was marred with an insistent frown. He planted his hands on the surface of Germany’s desk. “You can surrender. It’s hopeless, Germany. Your boss is dead. Your people are dying.”
Germany grit his teeth. “I am aware,” he finally looked up at Italy. “That my people are dying!”
The two countries stared at each other. Italy’s stubborn, sorrowful eyes met Germany’s desperate blue ones.
Italy’s eyes welled with barely-suppressed tears. “Then just run away with me. I know you’re always telling me not to, Germany, but… I think that for once, the brave thing to do is run.”
Germany’s glare fell away. “I can’t. I can’t betray my country like that.”
“Germany, you could die!” A tear escaped Italy’s eye and traced a salty path down his cheek. “Please, I can’t lose you too. I can’t lose Japan. Not after Grandpa Rome and Romano, and…” He removed his hands from the desk, instead using them to wipe away his tears. “I can’t lose you too. You guys are all I have left!”
Germany was at a loss. He knew the risk. But he couldn’t betray his country. He couldn’t surrender until his government decided he could. “You won’t lose me.”
“You can’t promise that.”
Germany nodded. “I know.”
The two looked at each other again. Their minds both whirred with things they could say. Things they wished they could say. Things that they knew were useless to the situation, but so important to the other.
Germany stood from his desk, sighing. “You need to leave. I get a lot of foot traffic in my tent. If someone comes in and sees you… escape out the back of my tent. Escape through the tent city. At all costs, avoid the trenches. There’s a military car dispatching for supplies in an hour. If you make it there, you are guaranteed a safe exit.”
More tears escaped Italy’s eyes as he lurched forward, his arms wrapping around Germany’s waist as he tucked his head under Germany’s chin. “It’s not too late to come with me. You can still get out safely.”
Germany allowed himself the rare luxury of returning the hug, his throat feeling tight as he felt Italy’s hands curl around the back of his uniform. “I know.”
Italy tightened his grip momentarily before he suddenly let go, turning without a word and pushing the flap of the tent open. He dropped it behind him, not looking back as he left Germany behind.
Germany stared at the flap of the tent, wishing more than anything else that he could follow Italy out of that godforsaken camp. That he could follow him into a future like their past. One of naps taken beneath shade trees after a day of hard training. Of Christmases spent together. Of Italy dragging him and Japan out of the tent, insistent on stargazing. He wished that he could follow Italy on whatever crazy adventures he dragged them on next. He was suddenly seized with a choking sensation. He planted a hand on his desk to keep him upright.
His throat burned as he coughed, hacking harder than what felt normal for a customary cold or sickness. His throat was almost completely blocked with something as Germany coughed and coughed. At last, it was unstuck. Whatever it was, it was stuck to his tongue. His nose wrinkling in disgust, he spit it into his hand. Germany frowned. Whatever it was, it was furled and covered in spit. He gently smoothed it out, his face turning stark white. There in his hand was a single, clean lily petal.
Newspapers all over the world were proclaiming the news: Germany had finally surrendered to the allied powers. It waved that white flag, its tail between its legs as the country accepted its defeat. However, the world was not in the clear yet. The nation of Japan had not yet surrendered. Indeed, they continued to fight a predetermined battle against the allied powers as it was slowly backed into a corner. According to the entire world, it was only a matter of time before Japan would have to submit to the good guys and end the war.
Germany sat in the back seat of a car, his brother sitting next to him. Germany stared ahead at the back of America’s chair. Russia was in the passenger’s side, no one in the car attempting to break the thick, hostile atmosphere. Germany glanced out of his periphery. Prussia was sitting with his back ramrod straight, staring ahead evenly. Germany wondered if Prussia was feeling as calm as he looked. He had always been the braver of the two. Germany did not feel brave at all… he hadn’t for a long time. Coughing up that lily petal seemed to turn his world upside down. Thinking logically, he knew it meant that he was… in love with Italy. But, he realized with a pang, it also means that those feelings went unrequited.
Most importantly, though, he knew he was going to die. It was a fact that he had wrestled with almost constantly since he had coughed up that damn petal. But he cycled through the options on a nonstop loop, only to turn them all away for one reason or another. Normally on this car ride he would have been pondering on what would happen next. What punishment would be dished to him in repercussion. But now, with the knowledge that he was a dead man walking, he knew death was futile. He was unafraid of the two men sitting in front of him. What he was afraid of was already inside his body, slowly killing him. So instead of worrying for himself, he spent his energy worrying for others. He worried for Prussia, sitting next to him. He worried for Japan, currently fighting the war for some reason Germany couldn’t decipher. But most of all, he worried about Italy. When he had surrendered, Germany had gotten no word on what happened to him. This was also a thought that permeated his brain and kept him from sleeping at night.
They approached the White House, Germany steeling himself for what happened next. He was prepared for death. But pain? That was another story. They parked in front of the building, America turning with a glare.
“We’re going to get out of the car and get you guys. Don’t try anything funny. Got it?”
Germany nodded. Like he would anyway. He had run-ins with America, of course. From what he had seen, America was a pretty happy-go-lucky guy. It was strange to see him so muted and hostile. He remained silent as America and Russia left their seats, and he remained still as the door to the back of the car opened.
Russia was standing there, waiting as Prussia unbuckled his seatbelt and stood. Immediately, Russia reached out and took hold of his arm, his magic metal pipe of pain aimed at the back of Prussia’s head. The two stepped out of the way as America took Russia’s place.
America pulled his pistol out of his back pocket, pointing it at Germany. “Come quietly and you won’t have to worry about this.”
Wordlessly, Germany scooted over to the door and stood out of the car.
“Both hands behind your back.”
Germany complied, America reaching over and grabbing his wrists with one hand. With the other, he pressed his pistol against Germany’s temple.
At the steps of the white house were protesters, all carrying signs and shouting at Germany. Insults. Terrible, terrible things. Reminders of all the awful things he had done. Germany didn’t mind them. These people were hurt. Besides, this was no worse than the stuff he told himself every single day. The bodyguards kept the people at bay, following them up the stairs and into the white house. They went through the various halls of the building, their footsteps echoing as they ignored the mutters of passerby. Germany and Prussia were steered past two wooden double doors into what looked like a medium sized conference room.
France, England, Russia, and China were muttering to each other in a small group. Standing several feet away and looking rather uncomfortable, Canada listened. Leaning against the wall, watching everyone with a wary scowl, was Romano. As they entered the room, the mutterings stopped. Everyone except Romano turned their eyes upon them as they were escorted to a wooden chair. Germany and Prussia sat down wordlessly.
“Hands behind the back of the chair.” America ordered, not lowering his pistol.
Germany put his hands behind his back, ignoring the wary stares of everyone around them.
England came forward and tied his wrists together.
Germany cast his eyes over to his brother, France tying Prussia’s wrists behind him.
France said nothing, but put a hand on his friends’ shoulder, squeezing lightly.
Prussia’s stony-faced composure fell into an almost imperceptible frown.
America finally lowered his pistol, sticking it into his back pocket as Russia stowed his magic metal pipe of pain in his trench coat. “So. Here you are.”
Germany said nothing, making steely eye contact with him.
“I wish I could say sorry about your boss, but I’m kinda’ glad the bastard finally died.”
Germany agreed, but he still stayed silent.
“Easy, America.” Canada chided as he stepped forward. He looked between the two brothers. “Look, we know you two didn’t want to do what we did. While some of us,” here he glared as America. “Think you should be punished severely, we’ve come to a… compromise of sorts.”
“Of course,” China began. “This compromise can be changed depending on you two.”
Prussia raised a single eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“All we want is information.” France answered. “Prussia, you can make this a lot easier on yourself.”
“So your grace can be bought.” Germany summarized.
England nodded. “Exactly. So we just want you to tell us where Japan is. He still hasn’t given up. His defeat is inevitable, but it would save us a lot of manpower and money if you just tell us.”
“We don’t know anything.” Prussia said. “We have no idea.”
“I don’t think you heard me.” England’s voice was suddenly steely. Almost emotionless. He surged forward, seizing the back of Prussia’s chair and tilting it onto its back legs. He leaned forward. “Where is Japan?!” He roared.
Prussia’s composure never faltered. Perhaps he, like Germany, knew that this was just a bad cop act. “You tilting my chair back doesn’t affect what I know. I still know nothing.”
“Hmm.” England glanced behind him. “Russia.”
Russia paced over to Germany’s chair, withdrawing his metal pipe of pain. His childlike grin never left his face.
Germany knew he shouldn’t be nervous. It was just a scare tactic. Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but feel threatened by the man beside him.
“Want to try that again?” England asked.
Prussia raised an eyebrow, looking determinedly unimpressed.
Russia wordlessly lifted his pipe to Germany’s temple.
Germany’s heart began racing. What if this wasn’t just a scare tactic? What if this was a very real threat? He knew he would come back to life, of course. But whatever Russia was going to do was guaranteed to hurt. And a shattered skull would mean months spent barely conscious, in immense pain. The medicine they had at the time was insufficient for that degree of injury. Of pain. It was a torture he wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy.
“I don’t know anything.” Prussia spat, unprompted. His composure fell away to barely-suppressed fear.
Russia raised his pipe, ready to swing. “You sure?”
“I don’t know!” Prussia tried, his voice harried with panic. “I swear to God, I don’t know! Do anything you want to me, just don’t hurt him!”
England hummed. “He doesn’t know anything.” He backed away and lowered the front legs of Prussia’s chair back to the ground. “Stand down, Russia.”
Russia had already stowed his pipe away. He stretched out an arm to pat Germany’s head. “I was not going to hurt you. It was just supposed to be intimidating you.”
Germany jerked his head away from the cold touch, his chest heaving with residual adrenaline. His fast breathing caused him to cough. It seemed he was feeling more and more congested as the days passed.
“What the fuck was that?!” Prussia barked, his composure gone.
“We were not going to hurt him.” China explained. “It was just to get information.”
Leaning against the wall still, Romano scoffed. Germany was unsure if this was out of doubt or relief.
“And our punishments are still severe, I assume?” Prussia leaned back in his chair, glaring up at the allies.
Canada shook his head. “They’re not… that bad. All members of the Axis powers will pay steep fines for the damage you caused, of course. Germany, you’ll bounce between America, England, and France’s house for the next decade. You’ll spend a year at a house before you move to the next. It’s just for surveillance. You understand. You have a packing limit of one suitcase and you cannot bring your dogs. There will be no leaving the house except for business. No visits from friends.”
Germany nodded. That was more than fair. A decade was a long time, but he would survive. It was just house arrest. “Who will take care of my dogs?”
“I will.” Canada answered. “They’ll do well with Kumajiro, I think.”
“As for Prussia,” America broke in, his glare steely. “His land will be given to Russia and Poland. Since most of it is going to Russia, you’ll stay at his house for the next decade.”
Prussia’s face went slack. “Y- you can’t do that.”
“Why not? You broke the world into pieces. It’s just justice.” America responded. His voice was level and cold.
Canada glared at his brother. “Hey, easy there.”
Germany could feel his face draining of blood. Prussia was already weak. A blow this large would perhaps have massive, even irreversible consequences. “He could die!” He coughed after saying this.
China shook his head, though he looked uncomfortable. “That is not true. After many years of being divided and put together again, as long as you interact frequently with your people, you will survive for many years. It will hurt, but you will survive.”
Prussia looked dazed, but he nodded.
Germany looked over to his brother. He had gotten the short end of the stick. Sure, he would be okay. But the fact of the matter is that getting land taken away from you even the slightest bit felt like torture. He couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to have all of your land broken at and divided.
“Don’t feel bad.” Russia consoled, smiling comfortingly. “Compared to the punishment Italy got, this is small pain.”
“What?” Germany looked up. “What did you do to him? Where is he?!”
France looked pained. “We put a cap on his military power. He can only have a limited number of soldiers and weaponry. Forever.”
Germany glanced disbelievingly at Romano. Italy was already so weak. With this cap, he could be taken down easily. And with all that he had done with his fellow axis, there would likely be other nations seeking revenge. Italy’s death was damn near inevitable. “Even after South Italy went to your side?!”
“Hey, Romano saved Italy’s ass.” America barked. “If it weren’t for him, he would be off way worse.”
“You can’t do this! He can’t defend himself! He-” Germany’s sentence was cut off as his air passageway was partially blocked. He coughed harshly, the hacking noises drowning out the conversation that had started around him. Questions of if Germany’s country was already suffering harshly because of his punishment, if they should call a doctor, or if anyone knew the Heimlich. He knew why he was coughing so badly. He just didn’t know why it had to be now, in front of everyone. One last, giant cough. He knew what had landed in his lap, but he just kept his eyes trained on the floor. Laying in his lap were three, pristine white petals.
A piercing silence, louder even than Germany’s coughing, permeated the room. Seeped into everyone’s very bones.
“Oh, Germany…” France gasped, holding his hands up to his mouth.
Romano pushed through. His glare loosened. “Lily petals. That’s my national flower.” He looked up to Germany. “My brother…?”
Germany turned his head away, ashamed.
“Holy shit.” Romano turned around, his palm coming up to his forehead as he gave way to the other nations.
Germany was unable to stand the sound of Prussia’s voice. It was so fragile. Far too quiet. He pretended he hadn’t heard it.
“My God.” England stared at Germany. “You’re in love with Italy.”
Canada pushed through the crowd. “Hey.” He bent over and pulled the petals off of Germany’s lap. He lay a comforting hand on Germany’s shoulder. “It doesn’t matter who it’s for. That’s none of our business. The only thing that matters is where we go from here and what will happen next. The fact of the matter is…” Canada looked down, his voice heavy with pity. “Germany is going to die.”
Germany willed himself not to flinch. He had told himself this more times than he could count. But somehow, hearing it out loud made it seem like an unavoidable fact.
“No he’s not.” Prussia’s voice was hard with determination. “Because we’re going to get him the surgery. Obviously.”
“Like hell we are.” Romano protested, glaring down at Prussia. “That would break my brother.”
“Well what would break him more? Your brother’s feelings, or my brother losing his fucking life?” Prussia snapped.
“Hey, easy.” Canada came up behind the two, holding them arm’s distance apart. “We can come up with a solution to make everyone happy.”
“Has a nation ever died of hanahaki disease?” France asked.
“Not in my memory.” China answered. He looked unsure.
“Well I feel like he would come back to life, right?” In the face of a new problem, America’s aggression seemed to have gone down. “He is a nation, after all. He would need to come back to represent the people of Germany.”
“But let us not forget,” Russia reminded amiably. “Prussia would come to represent the country in the event Germany died… right?”
“Well maybe.” America shrugged.
“I’m not sure that’s how it works.” England protested.
“Isn’t it?” Romano grunted. “After Grandpa Rome died, Italy and I got a lot of his land.”
“Well this conversation doesn’t matter, regardless.” Prussia declared. “Because Germany will get the surgery.”
“No.” Germany said. He felt everyone’s eyes on him. He finally looked up. “Let’s review the facts. I am a nation. Nations have died many times in battle. Whether it was from a sword, a bullet, or a bomb, they came back. Surely suffocation is no different. Second, relationships between the nations are already tense as it is. If I did get the surgery and have all my memories of Italy taken away, it would only make things more difficult. Third, even for normal procedures surgeries are risky. Very few hanahaki patients live through the procedure. Though I could survive many other blows, hanahaki surgery on a nation has never been done before. We have no information on it. It is not a risk I am willing to take.” He stated this matter-of-factly. Like his life wasn’t on the line. He needed to distance himself logically. Not allow emotions to impact how he thought of this issue. Besides, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t already decided this before entering the room.
“Germany,” Prussia began, his voice quiet. “You realize what you’re deciding here, right? The pain… it’ll be unbearable.”
“I don’t see much of a choice, do you?” Germany asked levelly. “Besides. Maybe after I die the first time it will be gone.”
“If we tell Italy that you have hanahaki, then Italy will want to do everything he can to stop it. That includes falling in love with you.” Prussia decided. “There’s your choice.”
“It is not that easy, Prussia.” France sadly shook his head. “Love can never be chosen. It can’t be manufactured. For it to be real love, it has to be true, unselfish affection. The willingness to do anything for them. Only then is it complete, genuine love.”
“But he would put in effort after knowing.” Russia pointed out. “It would end the suffering faster. Yes?”
America nodded in agreement. “Yeah. And if they clear the air between each other, everything will just be easier. Everything having to do with the hanahaki among other things. Like damage control and everything that comes after this.”
China nodded. “That is true. Plus, there are a couple of experimental medicines and procedures we have back at my-“
“-No.” Germany interrupted.
“Those reasons do make sense, I suppose.” England said. “Then let’s just tell him.”
“No.” Germany protested.
“It is as I said.” France interrupted. “If little Italy knows that Germany is in love with him and that he has hanahaki, that puts too much pressure on him to truly fall in love. He could try, but it really wouldn’t do anything.”
Romano nodded, leaning against the wall. “My idiot brother is too emotional for his own good. He would cry for days. And knowing him, he would try to fall in love with Germany. It wouldn’t work under all that pressure.” He jerked his head to Germany. “In the end, it’s his decision. They’re his damned feelings. You all would do well to remember that. His freedom is already being taken away. You bastards can’t take his emotional freedom away from him too. It’s fucking inhumane.”  
Germany looked up at Romano. Of all the people in this room, he would expect Romano to be the last one to come to his defense.
Romano did not catch Germany’s eye, sending a level glare to the allies. “That’s all I have to say about it.”
Canada nodded. “Alright.” He turned to Germany. “It’s all up to you. You don’t have to come to a decision in front of us.”
“Now that you know your punishments, this meeting is adjourned-” America began.
“Wait.” Germany interrupted. “Please. Where is Italy? Where are you keeping him?”
Romano regarded Germany with a strange expression. “He is staying at my house until further notice. We cannot trust him on his own.”
Germany nodded.
“Right.” England said, trying to replace the tense atmosphere with productivity. “Prussia, you will go with Russia. Germany, you’ll start out with France. Separation from your brother is part of your punishment.”
Germany’s heart dropped in his chest. He had already heard the terms of their punishment, but it was still another tough blow. He blew out a sigh. Who knew what would happen in that decade? Germany was almost certain that he would die. He could potentially come to life, though. But what about Prussia? Would he die? Would Germany be left alone to take on this world alone? Would he learn of this death through a letter while staying at a house that wasn’t even his own? Against his fears, he nodded.
“Meeting adjourned.”
“France.” Prussia said as France untied his wrists. “Can I have some time alone with my brother, please? Even for a minute. I just have to say goodbye.”
“Absolutely not.” England denied. “We’re running on a tight schedule. Besides, your punishment has officially started. This would violate the terms.”
France untied Prussia, rounding the chair to grab onto England’s arm. “Anglettere, please. Prussia is losing his brother. Surely you understand.”
England looked over at America, who didn’t notice as he argued with Canada about something under his breath. England sighed heavily. “You have two minutes. Don’t waste them.”
Germany jerked his fists in front of him after Russia untied him. “Thank you, Britain.”
England set his watch as the allies filed out of the room. “Your two minutes start now. Security is outside the door if you try to escape.” With a final glance, he turned and shut the door behind him.
Before Germany could tear his gaze away from the door, Prussia came over and grabbed his shoulders. “Ludwig, why didn’t you tell me you had hanahaki?”
“It didn’t matter.” Germany muttered, avoiding his brother’s piercing gaze.
“It matters to me. You’re my brother.”
Germany finally looked up. “Well what could we have done anyway? We just had an entire conversation about our limited options. Besides, you have bigger concerns. You’re staying with Russia for a decade.”
“Don’t worry about me.” Prussia’s already pallid face turned paler as he said this. “It’s only a decade with Russia. I’ve fared worse.”
“Don’t be an idiot. Just do what he says and swallow your damned pride.” Germany ordered.
Prussia shook his head. “You know me, West. I don’t follow directions very well.”
“Quit screwing around!” Germany snapped. “I’m being completely serious. Russia’s a maniac.”
“You’re giving him too much credit.” Prussia responded coolly. “He’s no psychopath. He just doesn’t get people.”
Germany’s brow furrowed. “Just… be careful. Don’t test him.”
“I won’t.” Prussia said. “And you… God, what do I even say?”
“Don’t get hanahaki?” Germany asked.
“Don’t even joke about that.” Prussia snapped. “Just be careful.”
Germany had no idea of what he could possibly be careful of. He didn’t know if Prussia knew either. “I will.”
Prussia pulled Germany into his chest in a hug, grasping the back of his uniform in clenched fists. Germany returned it, knowing he had to treasure these last moments before they were ripped away from each other.
Hearing the door open, Germany reluctantly pulled away from his brother.
“Your time is up.” England said, standing in the doorway. His expression was carefully guarded. Determinedly expressionless.
Prussia nodded, taking a deep breath and leading the way to the future.
If you want to be on the tag list for this fic (or all future Hetalia fic I’m writing), please send me a dm or write it down in the comments section!
It takes me several hours to write a single chapter, it only takes a minute to comment, it only takes a second to reblog and like! :)
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lonelyapprehension · 4 years
*Asks you about plants*
(oh my god what a blog i idolize asking me something w h a t)
okay so i have a picture of my plants so
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okay so the fern's name (the one closet to the blue and white pillow) is connor
the big leaf-ed plant's name (the one on the edge of my desk) is hank
yes connor and hank from detroit become human
and you can't see it all that well, but in the corner-ish area is my cactus. it's full name is c.b. succulent. (cactus baby)
and i really, really, really wanna plant some star-gazer lilies because they (and lilies of the valley) were my childhood and they're just so pretty
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the pink one is a stargazer and the dangly white ones are lilies of the valley
easter lilies are also super pretty, but they can be super poisonous to cats and i don't wish death upon my feline friend
plant fun fact
there is a plant named hooker's lips and it's pretty funny looking but it's kinda pretty
(yes i like a ton of plants)
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Flower crown, fairy lights, daisies, 1975, pantone, moodboard, stars, plants, converse, lace, sunrise, overalls, combat boots, winged eyeliner, pastel, tattoos, piercings, messy bun, cry baby, grunge, old books, beaches, 11:11, painting, thunder, storms, love, clouds, coffee, marble (sorry I just can't restrain myself ahahaha)
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
This morning while I was packing my things? I seriously can’t restrain myself, even when my voice was completely broken I sang a bit :3
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
Too many things... Maybe I’d want to know it make it through my studies or if I can achieve my dreams to become a writer and to open my own bookshop ? Or maybe i’ll just ask it if my beloved cat if happy where he is now, or if I could have done something more to help before he died...
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Hum..... Being alive I guess? Though I ca’t really say I’m in good health but at least I’m here, happy and alive with my friends and my family?
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
Two days ago, I went shopping with my mom. It had been a very long time since I went with her. It made me very happy to do that with her. (since I live in a different city I usually go with my friends, @le-rire-des-etoiles I’ll always remember when you shut the curtain closed while saing “HIDE” xD It was so true !!!
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
Wow I’ve got like 4 ppl that came up to my mind rn... Which one should I chose :3 I’ll start with the first one that appeared to me. She has long brown hairs (she’ll never do anything to them I tried to convince her to die them in green for a night with a perfectly nice hair coloring which didn’t last more that one shampoo but I’m still trying xD). She has some rectangular glasses because she doesn’t see very well with her brown eyes. She’s kinda small (smaller than me and I consider myself as a Hobbit xD), but as we say, everything small is cute! She’s very energic, she works in a school with some small children. She’s passionate about everything she does, which goes from friends, to work, parties and family. She’s a veeeery bad loser when we play (she can throw the cards at your face when we play Uno xD very funny actually) and we don’t always agree but it’s always nice because we can talk about almost everything without going into a big fight. But still, when she has an opinion, it’s almost impossible to make her changer her mind or even accept you have a different opinion, but it’s almost always on un-important subjects so it’s not a big deal. She’s very friendly and a very good cook too, even if shes kinda desperate that I can’t really make decisions, and I really love her.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
Yep, it was hard sometimes, but when I consider my friends childhoods, I definitly have a happy one.
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
Last night? We were watching a singing contest at the TV and we tarted crying like babies in front of one man... Still, amazing moment.
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
@snarky-goldfish, @le-rire-des-etoiles and another friend who’s not on tumblr (Xao) because I can’t do that without all of them. They’re the best bunch of friends I’ve ever had and stargazing without all three of them wouldn’t be as fun as it would be with the three of them. @snarky-goldfish would go for the sarcastic or the sexual inuendues, @le-rire-des-etoiles would roll her eyes but go for it with a bunch of fun facts about it, and Xao and I would just listen and laugh while thinking about very sexual things that don’t belong there because we have a dirty mind xD
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
I had once, and we became friends xD But that’s not a thing I normally do, I guess it just depend of the feeling I have with this person?
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
It was like two weeks ago I think ? I was sick AF and so was my best friends so we start chitchatting instead of sleeping because we’re fucked up like that xD
sunrise:pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” Troye Sivan.
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
Go in vacation and fuck this world I guess? XD
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
I am, I don’t know how to keep a grudge against someone for a long time. But I learned to be less forgiving or at least, even if I can forgive I never forget. But being always angry about someone is exhausting and I have better things to do.
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
Hum.... Let’s pass this one darling because I’ve already wrote a novel with the answers and I still have like the half to go xD But I can do that in another post :P
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
OMG definitely punk xD I love pastels too, but I’m more like punk and colors everywhere (even if they don’t belong together).
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
I love tatoos, I’d love to get one but I’m afraid of needles xD And I’m not against piercings even if I won’t have it, It’s leaves marks and I have already enough of them.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
Not a lot of but I do wear make up. I like to cover my scars, I’m quite insecure about them.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
But in times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers.
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
OMG that’s gonna be a long one... Let’s begin : Sting (in which he reformed The Police, it was fucking amazing), Tokio Hotel, twice (I loved them and it was some very good concerts), Katy PErry (She was very nice actually), Silbermond (in some ancients roman ruins, I loved it), Tiger Lilies (freak show, scary but amazing), Queen, the Musical (not FReddy Mercury but still great), Within Temptation, twice too (first one was beautiful, the second much less because they wanted us to be seated like WTF), Tarja Turunen (I’m still crying because it was beautiful, and the drummer was amazing), Nightwish, three times (I WANNA GO AGAIN !!!!), Nickelback (I was in the first raw thanks to a friend, it was amazing!!!). Imagine Dragons (Loved it even if I drank a bit too much vodka), Robin des Bois (Loved it and cried a bit), The Script (Still there, once of the most beautiful ones), and I’m going to see Fall Out Boy next week :D
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
I really don’t know...
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
I saw a porno for the first time when I was 10 and it actually really trauamtized me.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
Purple/pink because I already tried all the natural colors and I like the purple best :P
11:11:name three wishes and why you wish for them.
Well, it’s said that if we talk about our whishes they don’t come true... So i’ll better stay quiet ;)
painting:what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
Hum..... Two years ago, a friend of mine tried to put make up on me so I would look like the black swann in the Black Swan movie... I ended up as the Joker and it was faaaaar more fun !
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
Kill or abuse someone.
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
Never give up on your dreams from Two Steps From Hell because it’s freaking inspiring and also it doesn’t have lyrics so I won’t grow tired of the voice or anything... But for the one person I’ll end up with the rest of my life... I can’t choose. Normally I would have said my cat but since he’s not here anymore.... I really don’t know ^^
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
Yes I have. It’s like having a bunch of butterflies in the stomach... I didn’t really understood what was happening to me and the next thing I knew was that I was always smiling and feeling happy. I blushed a lot too but it’s kinda normal for me xD I don’t reallly know what it felt when I realised it, I was just really happy and I wanted to share my happiness too. It wa like seeing the sun everyday even if it was raining. It was the first time I was in love so yeah... it sounds a bit childish ^^
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
Fuck yeah I’m a girl and I’ve gone with realy short hair in which I put some hair gel for years ! Even if I’m strating to let them grow now (the last one was too short, they were like 5mms long at the back... too short), I’ll always like short hair :D
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
Well given that I don’t like coffee, I’ll say they’re iced green tea... But It’s trust @snarky-goldfish and @le-rire-des-etoiles to order me something because they know me by heart and they’ll go for something I wouldn’t have even try (and mostly liked) without them.
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
Writing. I’m fed up with my studies and I really need a way to clear my mind and not t explode. So writing it is ! Because I’ll always like it more than sports xD
So here you go Sweetheart @roxas-j-frost ! There was a hell lot of questions but I’ve managed to answer them all !! Yeepee !!! I really had fun with that and I hope you’ll like my answers !!!
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silentcolorswithin · 6 years
[ “Sougou, the Soul-Gazing Heroine” ]
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Name: Kinoko Kuroyuri ( 黒百合 きのこ )
Pro-Hero Name: Soul-Gazing Hero, Sougou ( 総合 )
Occupation: Full-Time UA High Counselor + Graduate Student
Age: 21 (16 for student!kinoko)
Height: 5′5″ || Blood Type: O
Birthday: July 20 || Zodiac: Cancer
Gender || Pronouns: Female || She/her/hers
Orientation: Biromantic Asexual
Quirk: Blood-Willed (Emitter/Activation-type Quirk)
Details found in the Comprehensive Quirk Analysis: Blood-Willed
Combat Style: Close-to-Mid-Range Physical Combat
Prefers not to use Quirk, instead relying on Self-Defense Martial Arts 
Knows: Krav Maga, Southern & Northern Praying Mantis, Baguazhang
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Face Claim: Futaba Yoshioka (Ao Haru Ride)
Notable Dialogue Cues:
[ “ ” ] = whiteboard-written dialogue
{ “ ” } = hand-signed dialogue
Appearance & Notable Features
Hair: soft & silky pale ash-brown hair; reaches to just below the chest; often found in different styles, but usually in either a twin/side plait or braided into a bun
Eyes: tender/gentle reddish mauve eyes
Complexion & Marks: very light skin tone, very soft; scars all over her body, most notably on her fingers; small scarring on ears; that baby-face tho
Notable Accessories: ribbon-bell hair tie(s), red-frame glasses (rarely, prefers eye contacts), thin silver ring on right middle finger (bears a hidden nail to which she can activate open if she’s unable to inflict a wound on herself); hip pouch full of whiteboard markers; whiteboard w/ shoulder strap
Workplace Accessories: Spare Mini-Whiteboard & Whiteboard Markers (for client); Miniature Zen Garden (on side-table next to couch); Tabletop Water Fountain (doubles as a Device for a Counseling App)
Personality & Preferences
General Personality: a sweetheart, intuitive, empathetic, compassionate, humble, modest, sincere, insecure, morally righteous, selfless, expressive, curious
Interests: music, gardening, hanakotoba (language of flowers), tarot card reading
Likes: subtly sweet pastries, spider lilies, people passionately talking about a thing they like, stargazing, tiny and soft animals, axolotls, colder temperatures (despite how it affects her Quirk; mainly likes how it makes her feel all snug and drowsy)
Dislikes: dishonesty, betrayal, bullying, glasses, hearing aids, ocean/deep water
Tendencies: misplacing her glasses, head tilts, fiddling with strands of hair
Fashion Taste:  roomy/puffy/over-sized tops; long-sleeves or turtlenecks; scarves; leggings/stockings; ankle boots; neutrals w/ accents & light/pastel color schemes
A young, deaf adult who is a full-time UA High counselor in the day and a full-time graduate student in the night. Once in a while her duties as an underground pro heroine also come around, though pro hero work for her has been whittled down over time to nothing more than assisting the police department in interrogations due to complications with her Quirk. Aside from being a full-time counselor, however, Kinoko also pursues getting a teaching license in order to teach JSL/ASL as well as a basic Mental Health First Aid, both for high-schoolers. There’s a lot on her plate and Kinoko is more than aware of this unhealthy outlook of her lifestyle. Still, it doesn’t stop her from wanting to achieve all that she can in guiding future generations of heroes. It may not be big enough to have a spotlight as opposed to devoting herself to Pro Hero work, but it was just about second-best when it comes to leaving a mark in the history -- something she really wants to leave behind before her time is up. After all, Kinoko’s life here on Earth isn’t a long one, and if being a Pro Hero jeopardizes her lifespan due to her Quirk, she may as well leave the imprint on the hearts of future heroes to carry on her mark.
Kinoko was born deaf in addition to being the next inheritor of the Quirk Blood-Willed. Since her mother died giving birth, her father devoted a solid portion of his time to hero work in order to cover their lifestyle, only having a brief time in the morning to drop off his child to school as well as the evening before Kinoko is put to bed (on days off, however, he’s able to pick her up after-school). As a result, Kinoko often either spends her time alone indoors or in the nearby public park. Despite all the efforts she puts, Kinoko harbored a strong dislike for elementary school as she was a constant victim to bullying and had difficulties in communicating with classmates, often resulting in transferring schools. Her refusal to use or mention anything about her Quirk due to its connections to her mother’s death resulted in people ended up assuming her to be Quirkless, and it even fed into acts of bullying. It was up until one day after elementary school when Kinoko finally activated her Quirk, an act of self-defense from being bullied by a large group of schoolmates while waiting to be picked up. One of the acts they often did consisted of yanking her hearing aids out to throw away, and this time it resulted in damaging her ears due to the dangers of pulling them out too fast. Hurt, frightened and tired of it all, she finally used the blood she spilled -- but because she’s never used it before her actions were out of control, excessive amounts of blood were used only to result in a slaughter fest of more than 15 elementary schoolers as well as several adult bystanders, including her father who had arrived right when her Quirk was activated. Kinoko’s Quirk has taken both of her parents from her, and later down the road even ruined her dreams of being a pro hero due to the nature of its mechanics.
Fun Facts
Kinoko is a combination of kinodoku [ きのどく(adjectival noun, n) = pitiful, unfortunate, a pity ] and ko [ こ (n, n-suffix) = child ].
Interestingly enough, pasting きのどく into Google Translate comes out as ‘short-lived’ -- which is funny, because Kinoko is meant to have a short lifespan due to her Quirk. ¯\_(ᐛ )_/¯
Sougou ( 総合 ) could have somewhat of a play with the word ‘soul’ if you’re creative enough. (And if you do find any clever ways to incorporate it into the name without losing the kanji’s meaning please do tell me.)
Due to her experiences in elementary school, Sougou no longer uses hearing aids, and refuses to consider using them, too. Fortunately, she’s pretty good at lip-reading, but more often than not it’s easier to just communicate through white boards.
Kinoko fluently knows Japanese Sign Language (JSL) and some basics in American Sign Language (ASL).
Kinoko is capable of seeing a person’s ‘aura’, so to speak – it’s uncertain whether it relates to the person’s inner emotions or their very soul, but Kinoko is able to see a cloud of colors around each and every individual. 
Emotion-Color Synesthesia isn’t exactly an official category, but regardless she may likely be a synesthete (person with synesthesia) of that nature. 
Due to the nature of her Quirk, Kinoko also bears high tolerance to pain.
Kinoko is heavily inspired by Shouko Nishimiya from the animated film A Silent Voice.
Fortunately, Kinoko’s blood type is specifically AB+, making her a universal blood recipient (Blood Type O- being the universal blood donor).
Kinoko has a male leucistic axolotl pet named Haibi, after the flower of gentleness, hibiscus.
Turns out that the tabletop water fountain/app’s modem is something Kinoko created for a college project. She needed guidance from a college friend when she created the app, though.
Baguazhang is well-known for being what Airbending is based on, while the Southern Praying Mantis is what Toph Beifong’s unique Earthbending style is based on.
Blood Hero: Vlad King is the very first hero that Kinoko looked up to as someone whose Quirk manipulates blood. Thing is, she only knew of him once she began working as a councilor at UA High. By then, her ambitions in being a pro hero were already gone.
Read More on Sougou:
Available Verses
Counselor-Exclusive Policies & Client Rights
Still looking for some insight on what Sougou is like? Perhaps the tags #about the muse and #about sougou may be of help!
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sagastar-blog · 7 years
MemoToTheMetaVerse 4.1, “Copernamici: A GAME TO SAVE EARTH”
Gaia: Daddy, post some of the Copernamici data!
Jeff: Should I edit it first or at al?
Gaia: Very funny. Drop it.
What follows is a transcript of a scientific game played between Gaia, Lucius, and Jeff, known Interdimensional-galactically as Copernamici: A Game to Save The World. 
The point of Copernamici is to enjoy the human activity of stargazing. By so doing, one develops an appreciation of one’s place in the context of the Cosmos. People have always had a strong connection to the sky. Since becoming humanoidal cyborganisms, most of the animals known as “people” have become “untethered” from the nightsky, resulting in suicidal tendencies such as global warming, impoverished imaginations, and lack of curiosity among the youth. 
The point of Copernamici is to worship the cosmos in pure form. There is no incorrect way to play, except to abstain. If one doesn’t play Copernamici, one expresses apathy towards the NUMBER 1 problem on Earth as of today, December 8 2017:  ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION. 
This is a call to motherfucking arms....
Copernamici Notebook
StarDate 7417 (data from 7317)
The Earth is not rightbrained. Jeff is not without a heart.
Copernamici is the most brutal game imagineable. What sounds true to you?
There is too much dateable data.
There is not enough love.
What’s up with Scoripio?
What am I suposed to say?
Carl Sagan was a loving person but he was a Daddy first and foremost.
What are we supposed to do when I…
am 888888888888876555555555 4 … 55555555                   11?
Altair says you’ll never guess. What happens next!?>
Math: diffentials between star appearances
Jupiter  8:54 (how’s it feel to be ignored? 39 yrs)
Lucius -5 min. (“Gemini 4LifeDeath”)
Vega -8
Spica -1
Lil’ Green Bug SATURN  -4     #  MANTRABOOK@LGB  “You’ll never guess what happens next…”    trustyourself
Alcaid (BADGRZL) -12
sPECIAL j   -x
Mizar / top ——><@  -y
1.8.8 x INF   -1
TuipfooBAN$K xyz*
Koch AB  -4
saturn s(2)
The Scuttlebut t  -7
Moolly S. ‘’    (“ means same time; why mark the time if it’s the same as before? why introduce yourself at an AA meeting as an alcoholic if others aren’t welcome? who are you excluding from this party? not us.)
Jacques S  ‘’
Bonzo -1
OW.L. -0
MOKnkee Eye -0
Ader -1
Polaris -1
Slaveman Booties -4 (9:51 END)
A Riddle? -4
??? TBBF sez, “What’s up with the pollution in Flagstaff?” Look down. Look Up. Look around. Scratch your head and wonder in.  - -
Tuesday 7.4.17
Happy Birthday America. I heart FREEDOM. FULL STOP.
Gaia: Qu’est-ce que lanihilisme?
jeff: remember nyc stalk me like a brussels,…
gaia: se sent tres bien…
jeff: assez mouille?
gaia: reverence.
jeff and g: what were we saying?
lucius: guiding …be honest daddt. r u drunk?
gaia: ?duh.
stephen: wipe my crotch harder pleezus mommy.
jeff: hi temple dando!
Wednesday July 5th, 2017
Hindu jackass from the Deli next to the deadzone Shelter decides to end Everything For Everyone for ALL TIME. Cool man, thanks. I’ve been looking for a reason to give up and start telling the truth. If anyone ever asks me to serve them again…you have approximately 11 years left to fix everything. I’m doing nothing to help this time. Not a game. Gaia will take me the old fashioned way, the way we like it. You think I can survive this torture another 11 years? hAHA.
Last night only one planet showed up for you all here in the center of the MetaVerse: You Fail.
Test me again, I dare you. Guess where I’m going. Look up at the moon and ask yourselves how many tests you fail when you send MY KIDS to school in a deathbox. Reminder: GAia hates your babies more than anything. She IT he will eat it all. I am sick of trying to help you by intervening in your pathetic abusive relationship with your higher power. We will not tolerate your American Flags. I don’t care what you think about patriotism: you don’t deserve it. Ketchup.
Hey Quentin, you should go full Inglorious Allah Mode a La Creme for me please. Then again, kids, do we know who’s side he’s on? I don’t know if he’s alive. Do you? No you don’t. Where are my friends?
The game is meaningless without a story.
Are you reading Contact this summer?
<oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo> / ? :[}
Thursday July 6th
4.6 BILLION years ago, papa carl knows, Lucius was waiting for daddy to bring the sparkly pinkprincess comet known as sjndiov ‘cbnEWF to the baby planet Earth. Jeff, in this particular part of the skeleton tiger was like, okay boss. Here you go GAIA! HAVE FUN! but without Lucius there was just pea soup, not chicken obvi. It only took .2 billion years to get things up and running. This means that the estimate given in the book edited by his ladyfiendmeister Ann BunionFingerz, .5 billion, is kind of, well WRONG. We knew this. Just read his and my books!
Lucius is like, ummm daddy, hate to tell you, but you’re leaving out the part where I TOTALLY WENT NOVA ALL OVER YOUR SHIT! heeeehee. You can paint it out in your regular lounge if mommy isn’t making you eat yucky food….hahahahahah life in the shelter is weiwiwiwiwiwiweieieiewieiwwieeeie better than living with ADERbasetraitorfuckface.
Gaia says you’re drunk by the way, did you get our upload?
Coach sketch wants his wall back Israel. Also, that girl from wEEDS. sHE’S kind of okay, nice eyes. ummmmmmmmmmmm are you romantic Lucius? if you’re gay i’m fixing you. Jerry Falwell will help? FUCK YOU ASSHOLES. YOU LEAVE MY GAY AUNTIES ALONE sez lucius, I want some classy reading material. Get neicestress Hawking off my line.
G, well, what about Dei…pHO…stop. please. boring asteroids are fishibait. Oxxam’s razor is not a clamshell reference, it’s SIMPLE. Comet comes, special delivery for this little experiment (see Titan, btw, Enceladus is better real estate….then again, just wait). The Scuttlebutt is a gift to humanity in exactly the same way (micromacron) the gift of life to Earth was. See the sistine chapel, which I’VE SEEN here on Earth, oddly enough. Tell Francis I want my celieing to be Jack Blackified! Lucius and I will paint it Diego Riveria a la Geraldo Chicagogo Todaydie. How’s the funeral going? Not so good. I need some lemonata. Back to creation of life here…this is all easily confrirmed up btw….STOP DRILLING and start asking your fucking planet simple questions. Duh. You’re all like, “well, we know the Earth is ALIVE and stuff…but well, yeah, sprits and God, etc….” I’m so sorry I made you so dumb. No worries. I fix I mr. fix it. If you allow it. This is so boring for me, i figure why not continue to stress through my tshirts, etc. that you have everything at your fingertips if you only choose to tap it. Water ice, gogo says rep philly again. See the CNJCSS, the tip of the iceberg, proverbial and literarl and figurative and oooooohhhh oingo boingo.  2,000 million years to make pea soup with rice a la Carole King? asks Lucius. BOOOOOORING. OOHVEHRTAITED! Sendak laughs at Seuss and Shelly, saying WHO’S FUCKING GAY NOW assholes!?! Spike Jonze was in Shteynbargain bin #9. I made 2 videos about this…I need to shave and could use a kiss or two billion. oh well. it’s lonely in here and out there but we’re used to it by now. 36 years of human happiness is OOOOOOOVERRAAATED! say it Fenway. PEA SUUUUUUUUUUPlusLight = primitive amphibians made of microbial matter, like paramesia in your h2o. Evolution takes time to make dinosaurs, which were bad motherfuckers, ask GAIA, such that we had to trash em like a Ben N jerry’s flavor, “Runny Muck” ;) in the grave, says brother Beck, cousin Beck? How’s lily cate looking these days, and that josephineia girl? I call digs. Lucius that’s my ice cream!!!!!!!!! oh. we’ll share. but they must fight as always the competition will not stop WHO WAS DANIEL DENNET? A FAT HAIRY scientist who likes little green bug, duh. riding the Hyde park bus to CI like Zizek reading Dennett. that book bored me to tears4fears. To finish with the left, right-o, people are so much worse than dinosaurs that I had to escalade it a l’infinitequoi: come HERE (not back!!!!!! mispoke earlier, don’t let me make that mistake, because GAIA and I insist on facts) as a person in order to enslave you in the cause: it takes 1.7 billion years for you all to undo the serious damage you’ve done to EARTH. not funny at all. But, possibly fun, right? DENEBOLIZE It we say. Think of plastic pellets, then say, oh my goodness….what about uranium plutonium and all that other junk I’m too sad to think about. Again, the point here is that dinosaurs could be dealth with like the DOLOMITES AND GOrillHANDS from afar. Not you guys. I’m here to save EVERYTHING for the sake of Nothing, meaning you will obey us. Not a joke, deadly serious bidness. Otherwise, it’s Ice Age for you and it’s sooner than you think: 300,000 years. But, guess what, we can bring it much sooner in the form of Lucius. Don’t write more checks you can’t cash, man. See Steinbrenner, etc. DADDY OUT.
p.S. What about Thea? Well, interestingly enough, of course, we made that potato 9 bilion years ago in a different galaxy. Then, it took a little trip—not sure how far, but let’s just say it was a small step for the Flagstaff triumphiirate…is that a request? yes it is, more tame impala please us.—of 4.4 (plus 4.6 = 9; 1=1) hahah, billion years (precise) billion earth years (!!!) until SMASHYSMASH goes baby Ganesha while Mommy and Daddy knock da SlaveManBooties in Regulation Lanes. SPLIT IT! 7 10 is so easy, right? trickshotify it with barstools says the Young Joycean! Molly’s down again, bloom’s on the rose, as Lucius brings baby Gaia a facial. oooooh no you didn’t, lucius, you black black (wow)man.  snasshy smazzy is how we made the husk, ask G. but why at nearly the same time we brought the comet? doesn’t this indicate that the husk was the delivery vehicle? Ask yourself what the Moon is made of. Not the same exact stuff as Earth fo sho. No, it’s called clusterlove for a reason. You think we don’t go smashy smashy ALLLLLLL the g’n’f’n’ time x 50-2yu / do if hyou 201? over pie. times pie. plus ice cream. A comet is not the same as a little pebble from next door. The rhythm method is cool, but not really all that important when the color in question is brown. Long story short, the moon is a test for you humans and it’s just a time capsule for me and my kids—for your planet, it’s a reminder of how fun it is to play at marbles. I say, tiddly winkies for all! Get us to our ship so lucius can learn to drive and I can practice my barking, a la Sheriff Bob Rufo. Garbage cans anyone? :)
Copernamici: 7.5 and 7.6
Location: Cook-Douglass Hilltop (Food bldg.)
8:47 Lil’ J    Grizzly Bear, All We Ask
Not a good night at all. Felt the need to lecture everyone about Failure, Disappointment, Underacheivement at failing the Moon test again and again.
Location: Downtown N.B. (OZ neighborhood and environs—hit 7/11 for yummy burnt orange Doritos (does Lucius know how much he likes these yet??? LEGIT ?) and Brisk Lemonade, a fave of mine obvi). Better combined with Dew of course, perhaps another time for the ultimate combo:   Melted Cheese (provolone is best) sandwich on white (NEVER the wheat roll) hoagie roll, ketchup inside (make sure to microwave it together for the best effect), side of doritos, maybe a pickle for the acid finish complement, and a large Dew with crushed ice. OMG.
Moon 9:16: reNAISSANSLATE 4 desi niggahz @ *$  9/3+6/1:16   Dr. Dre featuring Snoop Drizzle*^2 :p—-~~~ “RandoTattAttooUpDaChrizackisthe4aRealsGangBanga?” YEP. Look skirred. Shaken a bit hood?
Gaia decides to flash hind gang signs for uh fuh sup duh thit tahathtat just for a michronic nonexistent nanoflow (what is a second? when you not present in dis dimension, Matt? Birdie outside punks you everyday, saying “He a little confused again! Which dimension am I? oh well.” Over to the river Lil’ Michael: “Warriorz come out and play>…”
Copernamici 7.8.17
Last night was a good night for Copernamice: Gaia was in top form. Here are the results (see also video I posted to YouTube, which is a good way to archive):
Moon 8:40 gorgeous full moon blazing through clouds, before disappearing for the rest of the evening, except for a brief glimpse through a portrait of a fetus baby. Appeared during the anthem: Cat Power, Peace and Love
Lil’ J 9:28  appearing behind me as I walked by the Deli where Shiva destroyed the capitalist clerk. Spotted during the Coldplay set, The Scientist methinks…for the Show.
Lucius 9:30  not long after Jupiter, the clouds began to part…Lucius was out almost the entire night once he appeared. FTW
Vega 9:34  wow. Girls, Honey Bunny, after I tried for Alex — mind of its own or divine scintillivention?
Big Rob  incredible early appearance for Girls, Alex accompanied, but not immediately spotted alongside
Special J   and
Spica finally showed up alongside Lil’ J on my way back to OZ. O’Jays, Survival brought out the real Martian, James Brain on fair game. Spica for Place.
Copernamici 7.9.17 (posted to joindiaspora 7.10)
NOTE TO SELF: It’s been an annoying afternoon / evening with the crack head and other obnoxious interlocutors trying to make me feel bad for some reason. I don’t know and I don’t care what their problems are. It has nothing to do with me. So, I’m out in Boyd Park doing my thing. Not going to sing, methinks, but will listen to music and write. I did a nice job with a blog entry today on Sagan, so I can feel good about 15 days sober and being productive. Soon good things will happen. If not, i’ll just continue to await death, which I’m beginning to believe wholeheartedly is going to be AWESOME. Natural is the way to go, but if they wanna help me along by fucking with my blood pressure, then fine. I say you have 11 years left at this pace if you’re lucky. Do your worst! I will make Jesus look like a pansy.
Copernamici: A Game to Save the World
Results:  7.19.17
Location: Boyd Park / Raritan River bank (New Brunswick, Central New Jersey, U.S.A.)
Weather: “Immaculately conceived” (no sunset show means perfect viewing tonight—dry air); little to no wind (buggy by the Raritan)
“InterGalactic” Anthem (8:44 p.m. EST)  — Big Star, Ballad of El Goodo  [Note: I only have access to my iTunes library via my laptop and my iPod nano, which often malfunctions for reasons I don’t understand—I would like to reacquire an iPhone—I’ve thrown a few away in my time, bad impulse control—or purchase a new iPod. Donations accepted! ;) ]
Earth Character Name: Hiya!  [I like nicknaming the Earth every time I play Copernamici…this one rhymes with Gaia and is a friendly greeting)
Rules (brief version)
Be outside. Look up. What do you see? Write things down, including especially data. This is a scientific endeavor but also a fun way to learn and commune with the Earth and the cosmos through art and/or music.
2.  Be honest. Write down the names of stars and planets in order of appearance, as in a baseball lineup perhaps. If you don’t understand what you see, that’s okay. Figure it out later by doing research.
3. If possible, share your work and have it evaluated by a teacher. I post videos to my YouTube Channel. Please follow this link to watch and listen to exerpts of my “prayer” sessions during Copernamici, etc.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRrm7YcpCvF2BqgFxiVs5FA
4. Consider ways of taking action to help solve the problem of pollution. Light and sound pollution are enemies in the game, but it’s the greenhouse gas emissions that are the bigger problem for our planet.
Note 1: On copywright, etc.  Below is the lineup I experienced last night. There is no one way to play Copernamici and I have no rights to the idea. I’d rather have people with whom I can play. And so, as always with my postings, do with this whatever you want! Share it. I want it to get around. I am confident that if I stay on the path I’m on, everything will work out for the better.
Note 2: On music. “Prayer” is a sensitive topic. I believe that in the U.S., as writes Ann Druyan of her partner Carl Sagan, we must protect the separation between Church and State in this country given current conditions. In other words, as someone with a Quaker education, I believe that Wonder in the face of the glory of creation is the best criterion to determine what constitutes a prayer. And so, I use the term prayer in this game as a secular humanist would use it.
People have different musical tastes. Mine is geared towards rock n’ roll, r+b, Americana / Roots, hip hop, etc. I am proud that I have ecclectic tastes. However, I do not believe that anyone should ever feel compelled to listen to specific music. In other words, for Copernamici, it’s byo every time.
The Lineup
1.  8:45  Jupiter  (nickname: “Lil’ J”; this is because although it’s the largest planet in the solar system, it’s often described by astronomers as a “failed star”)  Song = Big Star, “The Ballad of El Goodo”  I spotted the planet, which is looking so stellar right now to the WSW (bring a compass) and cannot be missed. Interestingly enough, NASA and other organizations constantly deal with phone calls from concerned citizens who think Jupiter and the other planets (“wandering stars”) are UFOs. They’re not incorrect! Jupiter has at least 63 moons that are “visible” if you look carefully at the way in which the light refracts around them. I don’t use a telescope to experience this effect, i.e. to “see” the moons of Jupiter without using anything but my eyes. Be honest. Try for yourselves! I reported this to employees of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, on Mars Hill, where Pluto was “discovered” and was mocked. In fact, I was kicked off the campus for singing to Sirius. How embarrassing for those people. Haha. I even applied to work in their gift shop and was not hired. Life’s funny sometimes.
2. Arcturus  8:53   Big Star (Chris Bell), I Am the Cosmos   Star nickname = Lucius, my son’s name. I rename stars for my own gaming purposes. And so, I’m not suggesting that my nicknames should apply for anyone else obvi. I simply think it’s the most beautiful star in our night sky and deserves a more appropriate name. Look high up in the sky for this 1st magnitude star on any given night in the northern hemisphere. It’s a burnt orange color and delivers stunning views. Note that Hiya! directed last night’s show as always: the clouds move and determine viewing. In this sense, one can easily think of the Earth/Gaia as alive in the sense of animation—Sagan writes fondly of the millions of people on the planet who are animists (i.e. believe that natural objects are endowed with “spirit). Ironically, Sagan was not, so far as I know an animist in that he does not write of natural forces as being endowed with spirit. I do think that he believed in the Earth as a living organism, however, and so we’re in agreement on this post. Please see my post yesterday on his book The Varieties of Human Experience … in the Search for God for more.
3.  Vega  8:59  Radiohead, Bones  This star chokes me up with emotion, as does Lucius/Arcturus. Looking bright and beautiful as always high up in the NE. You should all read the book Cosmos or at least watch the movie this summer. Homework is fun! :)
4.  Spica  9:03  Roxy Music, Beauty Queen   I call Spica “the comedy star” because it seems to have a witty and/or ironic sense of timing! I worry that this name, which means “EAR OF GRAIN” in Greek, can be taken as a racist slander among Mexican Americans. But hopefully I’ll soon stop being insulted for being a reason when I greet Spica by name. Get a clue p.c. police of New Brunswick, Flagstaff, etc! It’s called Greek nomenclature.
5.  Saturn  9:05   “*” [this symbol means same track; note the time]  Note that our planets in English nomenclature are directly linked to the days of the week. Saturn is “Saturday.” This is because it was, for naked eye astronomers and until the discovery of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, etc. thought (correctly!) to be the most distant planet. It takes 29 years to make a complete orbit around the sun and is in a wonderful position at the present moment for viewing here in the northern U.S.
6.  Moon  9:14  Cracker, Low  gorgeous full moon rising in the SSE or so, yellowish-pink to the south, competing with Saturn for attention. Interesting that it “appeared” after Saturn last night. Note that the light of the moon often blocks out neighboring stars. Not so last night with Saturn, which was pretty far to the right (towards the south)
7.  Altair  9:21 Nickname = Lil’ Green Bug. Please see my poem in Metaphysical Nature Poems: Health and Profundity:  
“Little Green Bug”
The closest thing I know to infinity
Is identity mine.
Think not of the difference
Between a star and a little green bug.
Contemplate the sameness of ash.
8.  Deneb  9:21  Nickname = The Scuttlebutt; my collection of poems CNJCSS.  Deneb means “tail” in Arabic I think. Denebola is the tail of Leo (which I call Unicorn, for which see later), and I think one “Deneb…” is enough! ;)
9.  Special J  9:24  I have yet to learn the English or any other name for this particular star, which is in the “biceps” position of The Big Dipper: the third in the handle. And so, I sort of named it after myself! I think this is a healthy thing to do, because how can things as important as stars not have names? This is a good moment to mention that not only are names of stars and constellations different across cultures, but the asterisms and groupings themselves vary differently as well. Of course, the stars appear to move over time, meaning that groupings are by their very nature illusionary and might require renaming and reconfiguration over time.
10.  Alcaid ”  This quotation marks symbol means “spotted in the same visual sweep.”  Note: in Copernamici, there is no “correct answer” for when a star is seen—it should and will usually vary from person to person. [The rule in play here is BE HONEST! A good lesson in general, but especially for scientists.] This is an Arabic name—any time you have a star name that begins with “Al,” as in Altair (Lil’ Green Bug) you should think Arabic. I believe that “al” is a definite article, equivalent to “the.” For instance, Vega is known as Alwazn (spelling), meaning “the ascending one.”
11.  Mizar  ”   The star in between Special J and Alcaid in the Big Dipper (which I call The Big Rob: see CNJCSS poems—it’s a coffee drink!). Note that the Big Dipper is not a constellation, but formally known as an asterism (star grouping). The constellation of which it’s a part is Ursa Major (the Great Bear), the stars of which cannot be seen here in NJ because of light pollution and atmospheric trauma. It’s a sad example of why this game must be played in my humble opinion. Any who, these three stars 9-11 usually appear in the sky together. It’s really fun to have them compete for attention, meaning you should always note which one you see first.
12.  Big Rob  9:25  [nickname, see #11 above for explanation: it’s the name so nice I have to use it twice] This star is the lead pointer towards Polaris the north star in the Big Dipper. Last night it appeared right after the “arm” triad.
13.  Tulip Food Bank  9:25  [not ”]  This star is nicknamed after students for whom I volunteered as a literacy tutor in Flagstaff, AZ circa June 2015. For me, it has a strong association with First Peoples, but especially the Navajo. Hiya! It’s the other pointer star in the Big Rob/Dipper.
14. 1.8.8 repeating x infinity   “  The nickname is difficult to write because it’s mathematical. For me, the language of the cosmos and the Earth in general (but on a more local level) is music and mathematics. Science is applied math, and music is how I relate to spirituality, which is why I like to sing—it’s how I pray, like most people on this planet. It sucks that I’ve been told to be quiet most of my life, but especially recently, because my singing bothers people, apparently. Whatever! This game is too important for me to give up.  This star is usually the last to appear in the Dipper because the final star, which I’ve named Evelyn in honor of one of my son’s friends, is not visible so far from New Brunswick. This indicates that sirius work must be done to repair our atmosphere. Remember: this is game can be very very hard on the soul. But it’s meant to help students and people everywhere understand how badly we as people have damaged the planet. There is great reason for hope: the Earth can repair itself if we only allow it. We must cut down on all forms of pollution if we’re to recapture what was once so sacred to our ancestors. When was the last time you went outside and simply looked up? Perhaps you don’t know what you’re missing….
15. Antares 9:27 [nickname = The Riddler, because I noticed in Flagstaff that Scorpio—it’s the brightest star in this constellation—looks exactly like a question mark! ?  And so, I nicknamed Scorpio “Pinchotocles” — I enjoy the work of the actor Bronson Pinchot of Perfect Strangers, which was a favorite of mine growing up. It’s also a pun! Get it? Pinch pinch!?]  The name of this star means “opposed to Mars” which is lovely, in that Mars is the God of War in Roman mythology. Thus, Antares kind of means “anti-war” which I like very much. However, given the importance of being militant about the evils of pollution in this game, I prefer going with the beliefs of my heroes like Gandhi and Dr. King (also the latter day Malcom X) and their ilk who are fighters for peace, using noncompliance and protest as a way of solving political problems.
16. Beta Scorpio [second brightest star in Pinchotocles/Scorpio, above and to the right. I once nicknamed this and other stars after other students of mine. But that’s kind of a personal thing that I don’t feel comfortable sharing in this particular domain. Please ask questions if you’re curious!]
17. Bonzo 9:28   song = Led Zeppelin, Moby Dick  This star is the cap of the Serpent Bearer, also known as Ophiochus, a medicine man native to Greek mythology. You can see Bonzo forming a quadrangle with Vega, Altair, and Deneb, the summer triangle long used for navigational purposes. John Bonham is my favorite drummer of all time. He kicked so much ass, it’s ridiculous. The dude was like a clock personfied, ask his bandmates, listen, or watch a video. I had a classmate at Moses Brown School in Providence, RI named Eric Bennet who once did an oral report on Bonzo, and I’ve never forgotten that. Eric played in a band alongside another drummer, and he was clearly inspired. John Bonham shares a birthday with my son Lucius, May 31st, making it entirely apt as a nickname given it’s relevance as a part of the summer quadrangle. Note that Serpent Bearer SHOULD be a part of the 12 zodiacal constellations, in that it’s always a quadrant through which planets pass. Saturn is making its way from the bottom of Ophiochus towards Scorpio right now. I have redesigned Hercules and Serpent Bearer by renaming a bunch of those stars after musicians. I call it Musician’s Corner, which also features (not visible here in the CNJ) John Lennon, David Bowie, Ella Fitzgerald, Lou Reed, and Jimi Hendrix. These stars are ALL visible in Flagstaff, which is why I will always have fond memories of that place. If you have good views of the night sky wherever you are, I am extremely jealous of you today. We have so much work to do here in urban America.  
18. O.W. L. “  [nickname for Gemma, the lead star in The Northern Crown, a constellation which looks like a breast, and this the nipple. I’ve renamed the constellation Scrapy Scrapy because it’s kind of like the grappling device in the constellation I call The Thugged-Out Good Ship Carl Sagan, Ship #1 of the InterGalactic StarFleet. See my drawings elsewhere. It’s a redesign of Northern Crown, Bootes or Herdsman and Virgo.] Wow. Can you tell I’ve been busy at night in recent months? I have a lot to say, but no one wants to publish my work! Why is the astronomy community ignoring me? I’d love to publish a book about this stuff. Please contact me if you’re interested in making a lot of money by publishing an interesting article or book about astronomy and everything. I use this nickname because I love owls. They remind me of my son and myself. Think Greek and Roman mythology.
19. Monkey Eye “  [OKAY, I’m done explaining for today. More to come later.]
20. Kochab 9:31  
21. Polaris 9:32
22. Denebola 9:33  Led Zeppelin, Bring it on Home
23. Molly Scuttlebutt 9:36   (to the right of Deneb/The Scuttlebutt in Cygnus, which I’ve renamed Goose)
24. Ader “  (above and to the left of Vega in a constellation I’ve designed as QB2lip; this star is also known as the mouth of Draco—Harry Potter connection!)
25. Slaveman Boots 9:40  The Shins, Saint Simon  [a.k.a. Cor Coroli — why name a star after some dead asshole of a British king? I prefer the Wu Tang reference here in the CNJ]
26. Arcturus(+) 9:44  TRex, Lean Woman Blues   [I figure why not bump the name over to the star in the roof of the cockpit of the Thug Carl Sagan?]
27. Jacques Scuttlebutt  9:46  [above Molly Scuttlebutt in the upper wing of Goose]
28. Mother Emily Dickinson 9:47  TRex, The Motivator  [above and left of Beta Scorpio, named after my favorite lyric poet; I like that the nickname is also Mother E.D.   HAHA]
Well, as Grover would say, “There you have it!” A lot to digest. But last night was a VERY GOOD night for Copernamici here in New Brunswick as indicated by the number of stars I was able to document in one hour and three minutes of game play. As always, more to come: “There’s always a P.S.” is one of my very favorite mantras.
Location: HP Reform Church on 2nd, Highland Park —> Boyd Park, New Brunswick
Anthem: John Lennon, Imagine (~8:43)
Weather: Timed Rain revealing open sky from the NW
Earth Character Name: HiyAA! (b/c I hit a 2nd meeting of the day, my 16th of complete and total sobriety)
The Lineup
1.  8:51  Lil’ J(upiter)  The Shins, Sleeping Lessons
2.  Lucius (Arcturus)  9:01  The Freewheelin’ Bobby Dylan, Queen Jane, Approximately
3.  Vega  9:05  ”*”   [BONUS TRACK: Built to Spill, Carry the Zero … note: I often play xtra tracks that I don’t list b/c they’re not strongly associated with star sightings. I indicate this one b/c I like the moment and want to remember it. I was walking towards OZ and felt inspired by my view of Vega and my environs. I like to remind myself that the language of the cosmos if not earth is Mathematics, and that I suck at it! I much prefer science, which to me is applied math. My rule is not only to look up, but to look around.]
4.  Spica  9:14  Blur, I’m Just a Killer para estu (?) amor  [Bonus track: follwed by Bob Marley, Stir It Up.  I’ve named a star in the constellation Eagle after Bob b/c I like his music and think he’s an important figure in the history of World Music. I’ve never been to Jamaica but feel I would love it there.]
Pause: An impromptu Wilco Solid Sound 2015 concert at Boyd Park. See accompanying videos on my Copernamic channel on YouTube, which is where I post videos related to the game:
Jesus etc.:  https://youtu.be/wk07AtPhKzQ
New Madrid:  https://youtu.be/1jM1ni9Gjpo
5.  Alcaid  9:40  Ray Charles, What I Say
6.  Mizar  “  “*”
7.  Special J  “  “*”
As any amateur astronomer or nakedeye stargazer will say, the weather means a lot. Even in relatively unpolluted areas, like Flagstaff, AZ (which I hear is in the midst of a wicked fire season—I hope everyone is doing okay out there!), or (I imagine) on the plains of Africa, if it’s cloudy out you’re not going to see much. Here in Central New Jersey, it’s gotten quite humid in the last 24 hours. Last night there was a passing rain storm around 8:00 p.m. and I wasn’t sure if the stars would come out. But, patience is a virtue and is usually rewarded. “Gaia” did not disappoint me last night and it was an educational evening all in all. Let me ‘shplain to the “real astronomers,” as Papa Carl (Sagan) would say….
Jupiter showed up “on cue” at 8:51. Besides the Moon (I refuse to use a capitor “t” because there are other moons in the solar system, and most are far more interesting), Jupiter SHOULD be the first object visible in the night sky here in New Brunswick.  It was nice and clear in that part of the sky, meaning there were excellent views of the planet nearly the entire evening.
High above Jupiter I saw Arcturus 10 minutes later. Relative to Jupiter, Arcturus is towards the center of the sky. If you have trouble understanding what it means for a star to be “up high,” think about it’s distance from the horizon. If you can look at the sky as a dome and see it as a hemisphere, you’ll recognize that the sky is like an umbrella, as suggested by H. A. Rey in his awesome book The Stars: the illusion is that it’s a round dome, even though we should know that it’s not at all a sphere, at least not that we can see from this perspective. Historically, most people believed that we live in a large dome, as in a snow globe. That’s because it looks this way. Try lying on your back and looking up. Without being able to see the horizons, the illusion disappears.
Arcturus’s appearance last night was slightly delayed. all things being equal atmospherically, I can usually spot Arcturus 5 MINUTES after Jupiter. I’m not always paying close attention, but I stand by this statistic. Try it yourselves! See if you can spot Arcturus before Jupiter, and if not, then as close as possible to it in terms of lapsed time. I bet you can’t do it in less than 5 minutes! :)   That’s how cool naked-eye astronomy is. Why would you use a telescope when you can do this for free? Oh yeah. Pollution. Le sigh. The good news is that weather is more of  a hindrance, and this particular exercise should be able to be done no matter where you are. I wonder about New York though…hmmmm. Can you see Arcturus and Jupiter from Times Square? I’m genuinely curious but mostly disturbed by the possible answer—I don’t want to know because of how angry it would make me with that particular city and its inhabitants, but mostly its “caretakers.” How dare the people running that city rob its citizens of the opportunity to play this game? I feel bad for the kids, but also the grown-ups, no matter how often they drive, etc.
Back to last night. For those unaquainted with Arcturus, its a beautiful burnt-orange-colored star I call Lucius. His name means Light in Latin, and so to me it’s a natural fit for something like a star, which after all is nothing but a distant sun. I like using the “official star names” so that people can understand my writing more easily, but I figure why not share something of myself in these silly blog posts. As far as stars go, Arcturus is actually quite interesting: it’s 36.7 lightyears away, which makes it one of our closest neighbors. It is 140 times as bright as our sun. Imagine being near that guy! Hard to imagine isn’t it? Makes me think of that song “Blinded by the Light!” I don’t feel like looking up the artist right now, but was it Loverboy?
Anywho, Arcturus is estimated to be 7.1 billion years old—I don’t yet have any opinions about the validity of this assertion. Our sun is—I believe accurately estimated at—4.6 billion years old. For those new to astronomy, it’s worth considering how a star can be older than ours. It’s interesting that some stars are older and some are younger than ours, which is middle-aged. It’s about half way through it’s life cycle, meaning that it will die in another 4.6 billion or so years. Like with people, who usually live to around 70 to 80 years if healthy, stars have different physical properties. It’s not a myth: stars are “alive” in the sense that they are energy, the source of all life. Like many people, I consider the stars my “parents.” As a caring human being, I also think it’s worth thinking of them as our children, in that we should want to be able to keep an eye on them.
I like being middle-aged (mostly) because it helps me understand our solar system a bit better. I can relate to the sun! Here’s something to contemplate the next time you’re outside: if our sun and the stuff in our solar system was “created” from an explosion known as the Big Bang, how many other formative events—processes of accruals in which matter joins together to form stars and planets out of “space dust”—have happened? Hindus believe that existence is made of an infinite series of such events, and that time basically has no beginning or end. I agree with this belief, by the way—inifnity = infinity in the same way as 1 = 1. I’m not at all agnostic: I simply believe in the mathematics behind this aspet of science. So. There is a lot of stuff in our solar system—consider Lil’ J—even if it’s not much compared to the amount of void or empty space out there in this our local part of the Milky Way galaxy. The Big Bang happened around 16.7 billion years ago (my preferred estimate as of today). QUESTION: WHY IS THE EARTH, the only place that is known to be home to “intelligent life” according to most scientists (BUT NOT PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN ALIENS! HAHA—I love that the first movie I ever saw in a theater was The Empire Strikes Back, it freaked me out and I cried and we had to leave…then again, I was only like 3 or 4 years old), SO PERFECTLY PLACED IN SPACE AND TIME when we treat it so badly? Do we really believe that this is all a coincidence? I’m not much for sermonizing, but I do think it’s worth considering how closely aligned astronomy, Earth science, and religion are and should be. But I digress…
   Spica, a dimmer but visible star that to my eye in Flagstaff is a lovely bluish-green (one of the few stars I can honestly describe as “greenish,” along with Regulus) forms a giant L with Jupiter these days. (See the photo in my previous Copernamici posting.) Again, I like that it connects me with Lucius—it’s these connections that make stargazing fun. When Spica appeared, a few minutes after Arcturus, I was playing a song called “Killer for Your Love” by the British band Blur (it’s on the album that has the famous Song 2—sportsfans will know this song and thus know the band…it’s the one that goes “woooo hooo!” in a British accent). I think that having a soundtrack, no matter what it is, makes Copernamici more fun—more interactive in a way. The game is all about “timing,” and so why wouldn’t we use music to allow the Earth to direct the show? Ask John Williams and George Lucas and their fans if they think music is an important part of stargazing. For me, music is how I pray, but it’s also how I make sense of the natural world. I call it the rhythm method, for which see my poems in the CNJCSS, posted earlier.
Next was Vega, which for me is a very important star. It’s closer at 25 light years away. By the way, the closest star to Earth is called—rather lamely—Proxima Centauri, meaning “nearest star in Centaur,” at 4.3 light years away. How do we in the Anglophone world NOT have a better name for this important destination? Whatever. You name it! I’m tired of naming shit. Haha. Centaur is a constellation visible towards the equator — I have never seen this star because I’ve never been further south than Key West, Florida, and therefore refuse to name it even in the context of the game Copernamici. Also, it’s too dim to be seen by the naked human eye, although I’d love to try! I’ve never looked at a star or anything except the moon through a telescope because I’m waiting to do so with my son on a special occasion. [For people in America, a total solar eclipse is coming up on August 23rd 2017 by the way…]
VEGA is important for cool reasons: it’s almost always on display, no matter how bad the pollution. It also happens the place that Sagan posited we might first make Contact with aliens. There are very significant reasons for this thesis, which make a ton of sense. Consider this: humans started sending out radio signals late in the 19th century. However, these signals were not as powerful as TV signals, which we started shooting out into interstellar space—penetrating all the dust—around 1936. The occasion was the opening ceremonies of the Hitler Olympics, disturbingly enough. If you do the math, those signals, travelling at the speed of light DID INDEED arrive—it’s a scientific fact—in the area of Vega around the year 1956. And so, if the message was “received” according to our known science, and if other beings decided to send the signal back to us in a similar package—EARTH TO CLUNK is the name of a great children’s book, by the way—it would have come back to us around the year 1976 or so. Only, I don’t believe we were looking then. (I was born in 1977, so I like this stuff as a sci-fi geek.) Papa Carl’s book “Contact” tells this story. Again, I must suggest you read it. It’s about a young female radioastronomer who makes an important discovery that is misunderstood. I think many of us can relate to this heroic but imperfect character. By the way, I should remind you that I’ve been employed as and English Professor for most of my life, and not a scientist. I’m just like any other stargazer in that I like to use my eyes and sense of wonder to learn.
Now, why did Sagan not choose a place with known exoplanets that’s closer? I think he had an attraction to this location because of it’s beauty. Also, we know more now than we did when he died in 1996. That’s a good thing and we should value it. Check out Vega! It’s got a lovely bluish hue and looks a lot in terms of shape like the stars found at the top of Christmas trees. As is the case with Arcturus, I get kind of emotional when I look at Vega, which is why I like to listen to the music I find most moving. Perhaps I’ll make a video one of these days. But, I need the energy, and I feel kind of tired these days. Middle age, blah.
I think that’s enough analysis for this session. Except, note that I spotted Special J last last night. It was hard to make out the Big Dipper because of the cloud cover—note that clouds keep in light, making it a domino effect that hinders viewing. And yet, I was indeed able to make out the 3 brightest stars of the asterism, which is why I was happy to close out the night with Brother Ray Charles, the High Priest of R+B, or soul.
Peace and Love,
copern 71117
anthem 8:35  wu tang bminor
Lil’ J  8:52    G. Welch,   Wasted on the Wayside
lucius 8:58  big star, september grlz
vega 9:07  radiohead, black star
Not a good night. Don’t forget: you’re better than this. Stop being so angry. When you’re looking at the stars, remember to look at the stars. Talk to people and they’ll talk to you. That’s all.
WED JULY 26, 2017
All the visible stars were out tonight—at least all the ones I’ve identified since moving here—except what I think was Denebola. However, I did see the star above and to the right of Abigail in QB2Lip.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU
New to the AU? Start here!
Chapter 34: Road Work Ahead? Uh Yea, I Sure Do Hope it Does!
It’s been 2 months since the club meet up with Tenya and he hasn’t contacted me since. I’ve seen more of his brother than him! I start to wonder if I did something wrong or if he changed his mind about fixing our friendship. But what the hell do I know?! I’m just the fool that’s glued to their phone, waiting for the other person to respond.
“Hey I got Big Bro Ingenium on the line” Mimi whispered to me has she held the phone on her chest “he’s wondering if you can go do a house call, Pongo got some coat damage.”
I check the time, it’s almost noon “Hmm, for today?”
“Yeah, he’s at his family estate for something and needs the repair.”
“Hmmm alright I can go” I get up to stretch “ask for the address and I’ll be on my way.”
She finishes the phone call and turns to me after hanging up “Are you going home after? I know you said that you were just going to do some inspection with me then leave for the day” she got a little uneasy, like she was trying to reword what she was trying to say “because of your important-”
“Yea I’m going home after” I cut her off because I didn’t want to hear whatever she was trying to say “I do need to prepare for it, I’ll let you know when I’m heading home.” I pack the house call kit and head to the Iida Family estate. I didn’t know they had one and it was very elegant and grand in size.
“Oh you must be the CEO!” exasperated a one of servants “I didn’t know you came personally to house calls.”
“I like working closely with my clients” I warmly smile “plus the Iida sons are my friends, I’d do anything for them.”
“How warm and generous you are!” they praised “Tensei was right, you are very humble and kind. Speaking of which, he has to be fitted upstairs at the moment but he docked Pongo in the parlor for you.” they gestured me to a hallway on the right “come follow me.” When I entered the parlor, it was like something out of a book. The couches were vintage, pictures of relatives in decorative frames and it was spacious but had that cozy-homely feeling to it. “I’ll leave you to your work and I’ll let Tensei know you’re here.”
“Thank you so much, I appreciate it!” I responded right as they left. I get to checking for the damage “Hmm, tears in the legs huh?” I boop the robo on the nose “have you been jumping a lot Pongo?”
“Yes, being a service companion for Tensei requires excessive jumping” responded the robo “but he is a nice person, he plays with me like a real dog.”
“How sweet” I gushed “I’m so happy you’re being well loved and cared for” I take out the sewing kit “time to get you all stitched up and ready.”
-Meanwhile upstairs-
“Excuse my intrusion, but Miss CEO is here and in the parlor for the repairs.”
“Oh good! I’ll meet up with her in a few minutes” Tensei responded as he was trying on dress shirts “thank you!”
“SHE’S HERE?!” Tenya freaked out “why didn’t you tell me she was going to be here?!”
“Because I want you to grow up and talk to her!” Tensei scolded “Tenya it’s been months since you last saw each other and you can’t just hide and ignore her!”
“But I really crossed the line” he sighed “she probably thinks I’m some sort of pervert now.”
“Will it KILL you to just go downstairs and say hello to her?” Tensei crossed his arms “and if you’re feeling bold, ask her to our estate ball tonight.”
Tenya deflates in defeat “Fine, I’ll go and face her.”
“Good! Don’t forget to make me best man at your wedding!” he teased as his little brother left the room.
Tenya was blushing hard as he made his way to the parlor, thinking of ways to apologize about the other night. He walks in to her sewing the robo’s hind leg tears “Um, hi.”
“Hm? OH hi Tenya!” I stood up, dropping her sewing needle “long time no see!”
“Yeah heh, well, about the last time-”
“Nothing happened” I interrupted him “you just didn’t want me to go home alone and you cuddled me” I stifle my laugher “then I heard you snore and realized you fell asleep on top of me! Oh it was so funny and it took me back to when I’d have to tuck you in after you threw up at the intel parties.”
“Oh that’s even more embarrassing” he cringed “I’m just as sorry though, for my drunken affection and not contacting you after the fact.”
“I forgive you” I smile “I just want to spend time with you and catch up, it doesn’t matter how or when, I have so many things to share with you.”
“So do I” he relaxes “Oh before I forget! I’d like to invite you to our family estate ball.”
“Oh when is it?”
“Don’t get mad, it’s tonight at 6pm.” 
“Oh shit!” I check my watch, it’s 2pm “hmmmm, okay I can come but I might be an hour late.”
“It’s totally last minute, you don’t have to come if you had other plans” he gets timid and gets red “heh like old times when I’d ask you to the dance.”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t have plans” I rolled my eyes “I was just going to laze about in my house without any pants and eat chips and salsa.”
He started laughing “Are you telling me that the most sought after, Millionaire and strongest woman in Japan...spends her free time without pants and eats chips and salsa?!”
“You ain’t gotta roast me like that” I nudged him playfully “those guys seeking after me just want my money and are ugly, plus I’ve already toured the country a couple times and my trainings are scheduled out...sooo I just do nothing because lo and behold! I’m single and lonely.” 
“Single? Really?” he looked at her confused “I just thought-”
“That I’d be dating movie stars other famous people?” I do that little scoff-laugh “the only flirting they do is throw money at you! I rather be with someone that knew me before the fame but after my incident.”
“I see” he fixed his glasses “well, I’ll leave you to your work and see you later tonight?”
“I’ll be here!” I waved him off “see you later alligator!”
He walks away relieved and filled with those warm, fuzzy feelings that came with seeing her being cute and friendly. The flame grew bigger and the two were happy to have had meaningful conversation. Later that night, when the ball was a buzz with a mix of family and guests, Tenya’s anxiety was getting the best of him.
“Tenya, I’m sure she’s well on her way” Tensei said as he rolled into the patio area to check on his little brother “she wants to spend time with you.”
“But what if something happened?!” the little brother chopped tensely “she’s an agent and a highly sought out person! And she couldn’t call in time to tell me!”
“Sorry to interrupt” said a servant, popping their head out of the patio entryway “but Miss CEO is pulling up to the gate and sends her apologies for being a tad late.”
“See I told yo-” Tensei couldn’t even finish his sentence, Tenya ran into the house to be the first one to greet her.
“Welcome to the Estate Ball, Madam CEO” chanted two of the welcoming servants at the door “please allow us to open the door.”
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you.” I politely smile as they open the doors. I walk in with a floor length navy and gold satin gown with flared long sleeves, grandma looking heels and a decorative water lily head piece to compliment my updo. Lavish enough to make heads turn but enough to not be over dressed. In dashes Tenya and nearly crashes into the decorative pillar when he saw her. 
“Oh oof, sorry, I MEAN” he stammered as he fixed his suit “you look stunning” he shakily holds her hand to kiss it “I’m so happy you came.”
“I can tell!” I giggled as he kissed my hand “sorry for being late though! I couldn’t decide what to wear.”
“You could walk in your UA uniform and everybody will compliment you on your fashion statements” he looked into her eyes “because you’re that beautiful and charming.”
“Oh uh thank you” I blushed because I wasn’t expecting compliments from him so soon “but tell me! who’s here?”
“Mostly family and the people they invited” he said as they lead them to the main area “come and have some cider and dance.”
The moment I walked in that room, people swarmed and separated me from Tenya for most of the night. We got one dance in but there was so many questions people wanted to ask and I didn’t want to come off as rude. I quietly slipped out to the dark part of the patio so I could catch my breath.
I heard the patio door slide open and saw Tenya “Oh you startled me! I thought you were somebody else.”
“I thought I might find you here” he said as he took a seat on the stone bench I was sitting on “it’s a nice night.”
“It is!” I responded as I looked up “summer is just around the corner too, expect the nights to be even nicer.”
“It reminds me of those talks we’d have in the tree” he turns to her “remember those nights? I missed having them.”
“Why? All we did was stargaze and talk about random things”
“Yeah but I felt very cherished when we’d have those talks in the tree” he partially put his hand on her hand “the wisdom you shared with me are things I’ll never forget. And the way you looked at me when you listened to me, it brought more out of me because it felt nice to have the full attention of somebody.”
Before she could say anything, her phone alarm went off “UGH! that’s my reminder alarm” I switch off the alarm to stop the sound “I wish I could stay longer and I feel bad because I wanted to spend more time with you.”
“You have to go? Well I suppose so, you’re a busy woman” he sighed “guess it’s hard to get a hold of you and I’m very fortunate that you spend what little free time you had with me.”
I get up and get an idea “Say, what are you doing this weekend?”
“Nothing, it’s my weekend off.”
“Lets go to the beach! Like that one time in 1st year” I get excited “please?! I really want to spend time with you and really close the gap of lost time.”
“The beach? Well we could go to the one we went to last time” he pondered “okay, lets BUT I’m driving this time. I got a license and car on my 20th birthday heh.”
“Oh wow look at you!” I teased playfully “such a gentleman! Lets go on sunday, I’ll text you the time and place to pick me up” I hug him good bye “I don’t care if this is out of line, I missed your hugs.”
The flashbacks of when she hugged him in the intel work room flooded back when she pressed her body against his. He hugged back “I forgot how small you are” both of their hearts were beating fast “and how soft and warm your embrace is.”
The two part ways and as Tenya turned to go in the house, big brother was waiting in the entry way. “WELL, WELL, WELL! Looks like things went well...”
“I don’t even care about your teasing right now” Tenya rolled his brother back a bit to go upstairs “my friend and I made plans for Sunday and I’m happy that she wants to spend time with me and just me.”
“Say what you want little brother” Tensei turns to the other direction “I still want to be best man.”
-Sunday, 3pm at the gated community-
“Hello, I’m here to pick up Miss Palma” Tenya nervously said to the guard at the gate.
“And your identity?” asked the guard as he looked at his tablet.
“Iida, Tenya.”
“Oh shit she wasn’t joking” the guard gasped “she is friends with Ingenium! Go right in, her place is the 2 story house on this middle lane, you can’t miss it.”
“Thank you!” he waves as he pulled forward. He drives a while and finally sees the house, it was a very sleek and modern looking house with a wide garage and tiled walkway. She walks out of her house and waves bye to the little dog standing behind her, “Hey, ready to go?”
“Yeah, just gotta wait for Muffin to activate the security field” she said as she walked quickly to the car. Seconds later, metal shields drop down on the windows and door. “all set! Did the guard give you a hard time?” she got in the passenger side.
“No they were really surprised that it was really me” he rolled up his windows “do you get guests often?”
“Not really, Bakugo and Kirishima come over every once in a while, Jin is my neighbor, Mimi lives in those condos two lanes behind mine” I start to recall “some of my trusted employees come over for dinner parties and my family when they visit, stay with me for a few days” she looked out to wave at the front gate guard “but other than that, I’m alone with Muffins.”
“Well, it’s a nice house and big too” he complimented “wish I could live in one of those communities, how much do you pay to live there?”
“I get my rent paid for because of the protection program I’m in” I put on chapstick “I bought the house about a year ago and made adjustments to it, so all I pay is electric and utilities, which is around 3,000 to 8,000 depending on if I had guests stay at my house that bill cycle.”
They talk about their living situations and work until they arrived to the place. Hiking to the top of the twin coves to see the unchanged scene from years ago, hand in hand, like they never separated. Same thing were Ita coaxes Tenya to jump in with her and the water is freezing cold. It felt more and more like they were friends again as they talked and laughed...they sit at their little set up on the sand to watch the sunset.
“I know that face” he said to her “what’s got you in deep thought?”
“Hm? Oh hehe I was just thinking” she faced him “that it’s been years since we were here together and that I’m super grateful that you want to repair our friendship” a smile spread on her face “thank you for filling that missing piece of my life, I’m happy again.”
He looked into her eyes and the flashbacks of all the times he wanted to confess to her and kiss flooded back. How could he waste another moment? He takes a deep breath “Actually, I have something else to say” he looked at his can of orange juice “something that has been on my mind for the longest time, it’s been eating away at me.”
“What is it?” I asked concerned “you can tell me anything.”
“I- um I’ve cared about you since the day I met you and I’ve tried to understand why you do things the way you do. We basically grew up together and you make me feel so included in your world that it feels surreal when I go back to the routine of my world.” his hand inches toward hers “I really thought I was someone special enough to experience that, but then you started to date and have casual intimate interactions with others. And for whatever reason that I didn’t understand at the time, I got jealous and sad that they were in the mix when I just wanted to be you and me. I got overprotective, almost possessive of you when somebody entered your interest.” He looked over to see her tentatively listening and sitting closer to him “The thought of somebody taking you away from me and making you smile, it hurts me because you make me so happy. So when Shinso told me that you asked him to move in with you, my heart shattered that you let him into your world when I’ve done so much more to be worthy of that spot.” his hand held hers, eyes locked “Ita, I fell in love with you and I never meant to hurt you all those years back, my anger was misplaced and I took it out on you. I took the time to realize that I was being irrational and I wasn’t worthy of your kindness. But here we are, and I’ll say it again, I love you and I want to be with you always.” 
Tears poured from her eyes “Tenya, how long have you felt this way?”
“Since 1st year, when you told me you had a car” he said as he wiped her tears “I know it’s a lot to process and I understand if you don’t feel the same! I’m not saying I don’t want to be friends, I just wanted you to know.”
“Oh I’m so stupid!” I yelled and cried harder “Tenya, I feel the same way about you! I’ve had the biggest and dumbest crush on you since the car secret too. And I keep burying my feelings away because we’re friends and I don’t want to ruin the one friendship I had but there’s these moments that pop up where I just want to kiss you and not care if you don’t feel the same way. Your actions back then confused me because they read one way but you say something else, so I didn’t know how to feel sometimes. I’ve subtlety dropped hints that I liked you but you showed disinterest and I’d cry because I wasted my time assuming you did. All this time, I thought you were that close to me was because you pitied me because I was alone. When we were apart, I hoped that maybe one day you’d show up to apologize and I’d kiss you and tell you how I really felt.” she rubbed her eyes “you have no idea the amount of times I wished you’d ask me to be yours and hold me in your arms as I fall asleep. I’ve always wanted you Tenya, and I’m the fool that still did even after you hurt me.”
That confession shocked him to the core “You...feel the same way?” she nodded and looked away embarrassed “oh Ita, I’m the fool who deceived you! Don’t feel bad, look at me.” she turned her head and looked at him “better late than never” he held her hands up to chest level “wil-will you be my girlfriend? With the intention of being my life-partner? Because I am fully convinced that you are my soulmate.” before she could say anything, he interrupted with a secondary thought “wait, its that too bold to ask? It’s been years but we just reunited”
“I mean I do feel that way but with how soon it is-”
“TENYA!” I yelled to get him to shut up “I’d love nothing more than to be yours. I accept your courtship.” 
His eyes widen and time felt like it stood still, it was nothing like he imagined it but he was over-joyed “You mean it?! Oh Ita!” he hug-tackled her onto her back “I thought this day would never come! I’m so happy.”
“I can tell, I can’t breathe”
“Oh sorry!” he quickly lifted his torso from her and looked at her laying there, under him. With no hesitation, he feverishly kissed her and she reciprocated, lingering on each other. “Your lips are so soft, just like I’ve imagined them” he said after breaking the kiss “you’re my first.”
“That’s the saddest shit I’ve ever heard” I giggled as I sat up “doesn’t matter now, we love each other and that’s all we need.” I shook the sand out of my hair and put my arms around his shoulders “hold me as the sunsets, like in the books.”
He held her as they watched the sunset, marking the end of their slow burn love. They couldn’t stop kissing each other or smiling, even on the ride home. 
“Sooooo?” Mimi and Jin portaled into her house the moment she came home.
“Okay so you’re going to hate me” I started “we sort of... loved each other since 1st year and now we’re girlfriend and boyfriend.”
“AHHHH OH MY GOD YOU SOFT ASS BITCH!” they screamed as they squeezed me with their bodies.
-Meanwhile at Tenya’s apartment-
“How was it?” asked Tensei as his brother walked in.
“Tensei, became a man on that beach” he tossed the keys on the counter “I told her I loved her and she loves me back, we cried and I asked her to be my girlfriend.”
“Did she?-”
“She did and I had my first kiss as the sun set” he leaned on the wall “I still can’t believe that happened! We’re together at last.”
-The next day at RoboDog Inc, boss’s office-
“...and that’s the debriefing for the past month, production is slowed a bit due to the high volume of new client orders coming in.” Beizu was finishing his point when he noticed a slight change to Ita’s desk “Also not to be that person but what is with the new desk clutter?”
“Hm? Oh! I just wanted to put some pictures up on my desk” I responded as I wrote some notes on his debriefing “this weekend lowkey fucked me up on the way I was going about things.”
He looked at the pictures and saw some of family and one of Tenya and I “Isn’t that Ingenium? You two fixed everything?”
“Yeah, things are more than okay now” I smiled “also, about that scheduled sessions, they won’t be needed any more.”
“Woah you’re cancelling me?! What happened yesterday?”
“He said it, he’s always loved me the way I did” I looked at the picture he gave me on my 18th birthday “now we’re dating and I’ve never been so happy.”
“Well it’s about time he did” he laughed “we should all go on a double date! Mei is going to flip!”
To be young and have everything fall into place is a wonderful feeling. Even if the past comes back to haunt me, I won’t care because I finally got what I’ve been longing for and then some. No where to go but upwards from here.
-Chapter 34, End-
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aidanchaser · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Everyone Lives AU
Table of Contents
Chapter Fifteen The Forbidden Forest
Dear Sirius,
We got caught. Malfoy knew about us and ratted us out to McGonagall. Now Hermione, Neville, and me and Malfoy all have detention. I’ll have to tell Mum and Dad. I can’t believe we left the cloak at the top of the tower! And we lost Gryffindor 150 points! That’s everything I won in the Quidditch match. We’re in last place again. And there isn’t any time to catch up. I can’t believe McGonagall would do this to her own house. No one will even talk to me, Hermione, and Neville.
If I live through detention, I’ll write to you again.
Love, Harry.
—————————— ✶✶✶——————————
The Forbidden Forest was as terrifying as expected, with tall dark looming trees that groaned in the wind as if invisible spectres wove their way between branches. Neville clung tightly to Harry’s robe as they approached the edge with Hagrid.
“I’m not going in there,” Draco protested. Harry was pleased to hear how terrified he was.
“Yeh are if yeh want ter stay at Hogwarts,” Hagrid said.
“But this is servant stuff! I thought we’d be copying lines or —”
“I would much rather explore a forest than copy lines,” Harry said cheerfully. He didn’t feel particularly brave, but he fed on Malfoy’s fear and turned it into his own pride.
Hagrid led them deep along the path. “Right then. Now listen, ‘cause it’s dangerous what we’re gonna do tonight, an’ I don’ want no one takin’ risks. Follow me over here a moment.”
He knelt down, just off the path, and held his lantern high so all the children could see.
“Look there. See that stuff shinin’ on the ground? That’s unicorn blood. There’s a unicorn in here bin hurt badly by summit. This is the secon’ time in a week. I found one dead last Wednesday. We’re gonna try an’ find the poor thing. We might have ter put it out of its misery.”
“And what if whatever hurt the unicorn finds us first?” Malfoy asked.
“There’s nothin’ that lives in the forest that’ll hurt yeh if yer with me or Fang. An’ keep ter the path.”
The trail of silver unicorn blood led in two different directions. Hagrid took Hermione and Harry with him, and sent Fang with Neville and Draco.
Harry didn’t know a lot about unicorns, but Uncle Remus spoke of them very reverently when they were brought up. He knew it was unspeakable to hurt something so precious and valuable, but he also knew it was difficult to even get a hold of one. Whatever they were hunting had to be deadly.
Hagrid suddenly pulled Harry and Hermione from the path and behind an oak tree. He had his crossbow ready to fire. There was the sound of something slithering in the dead leaves, and Harry suddenly remembered the snake from last summer. But the sound wasn’t quite right. Then he thought of a cloak trailing in the dirt.
“There’s summat in here that shouldn’ be.”
“No full moon so it isn’t a werewolf,” Harry whispered.
“You can see the moon?” Hermione whispered back, squinting up at the thick growth of tree branches.
“No werewolf and no unicorn,” Hagrid frowned. “Right, follow me, but careful now.”
Their footsteps were slower now, and they strained their ears for any unusual sounds in the forest. Suddenly, there was movement in the clearing ahead.
But it was no monster that emerged — a Centaur, in fact. Harry remembered a conversation he had overheard in the kitchen between Uncle Remus and Lily about the classification of Centaurs as Beasts or Beings. He seemed to remember them both believing centaurs were Beings, but he couldn’t remember where the Ministry stood on that. He also couldn’t remember why Lily and Remus were discussing it if they agreed on it.
This particular Centaur was chestnut with red hair and tail.
“Just you, Ronan.” Hagrid lowered his crossbow. “How are yeh?”
Hagrid and Ronan shook hands. Harry was shocked to see they were nearly eye-level with each other.
“Were you going to shoot me?” Ronan’s voice was deep and heavy. It reminded Harry of one Christmas morning when he’d woken up before the sunrise, before the rest of his family, and found Sirius brooding in front of the fireplace without having slept at all.
“Can’t be too careful,” Hagrid patted his crossbow. “There’s summat bad loose in this forest. This is Harry Potter an’ Hermione Granger. Students up at the school. An’ you two, this is Ronan. He’s a centaur.”
“We noticed.” Hermione’s voice was distant, almost breathless.
Ronan nodded his head to Harry and Hermione. “Students? And you learn much, up at the school?”
“Yessir,” Harry answered.
Ronan grunted and looked up at the sky. “Mars is bright tonight.”
In the clearing they could see the waxing moon, a bright star right next to it, and a brighter, redder one further off.
“Listen,” Hagrid said, “I’m glad we’ve run inter yeh, Ronan, ‘cause there’s a unicorn bin hurt — you seen anythin’?”
Ronan paused for a long moment and then finally said, “Always the innocent are the first victims. So it has been for ages past, so it is now.”
“Yeh, but have yeh seen anythin’ Ronan? Anythin’ unusual?”
“Mars is bright tonight. Unusually bright.”
They were joined by a second centaur. This one was even bigger, with dark hair and a dark tail.
“Hullo, Bane. Look, I’ve jus’ bin asking’ Ronan, you seen anythin’ odd in here lately? There’s a unicorn bin injured — would yeh know anythin’ about it?”
Bane looked over the small group, then joined Ronan in gazing at the sky. “Mars is bright tonight.”
“We’ve heard,” grunted Hagrid. “Well, if either of you see anythin’ let me know, won’t yeh? We’ll be off, then.”
Harry and Hermione followed Hagrid back to the path and away from the centaurs.
“Never try an’ get a straight answer out of a centaur. Ruddy stargazers. Not interested in anythin’ closer’n the moon.”
“Are there many of them in here?” asked Hermione.
“Oh, a fair few. Keep to themselves mostly, but they’re good enough about turning’ up if I ever want a word. They’re deep, mind, centaurs. They know things, jus’ don’ let on much.”
“Maybe it was a centaur we heard earlier,” Harry suggested, though knew it was a foolish hope.
“Did that sound like hooves to you? Nah, if yeh ask me, that was what’s bin killin’ the unicorns — never heard anythin’ like it before.”
They kept walking. Harry couldn’t shake the nasty feeling they were being watched. Suddenly Hermione pointed towards a bend in the path just ahead of them.
“Hagrid! Look! Red sparks! The others are in trouble!”
“Wait here on the path,” Hagrid said and went crashing through the forest.
“You don’t think they’re hurt, do you?” Hermione whispered and clung to Harry’s arm.
Harry squeezed her arm right back. “I hope Neville’s alright. It’s our fault he’s here in the first place. But as for Malfoy….”
The wait was longer than they could count and every sound was louder than usual and far more terrifying. Even though Harry knew Hagrid would not have left them alone if they were in real danger, the waiting seemed to make everything more terrifying. Finally, Hagrid’s heavy footfalls came back in their direction, with Malfoy, Neville, and Fang behind him.
Apparently, Malfoy had thought it a funny joke to scare Neville. Neville had panicked and sent up the sparks. So Hagrid sent Harry off with Fang and Malfoy, and kept Neville and Hermione with him.
Now it started to feel like a detention to Harry.
Harry held the lantern and Draco held onto Fang. The path they were on seemed to disappear in the thickness of the woods, but the trail of silver blood got thicker too, so they kept pushing forward.
There was a thick, gnarled oak, splashed in unicorn blood. Harry swallowed down his fear and whispered, “Uncle Remus says it’s one of the worst evils to kill a unicorn.”
“If it’s a unicorn, it's probably not —” But Draco stopped once he had climbed over the tree’s roots.
Just the other side, collapsed in a brush, was the unicorn they were searching for. It was impossibly white and bright in the dark forest, but it wasn’t moving. No heavy heaving or nostrils flaring — it was dead.
That same slithering sound Harry heard with Hagrid transfixed both Draco and Harry. They stared into the darkness, where leaves quivered, until a hooded figure crawled out. It was shaped like a man, but slinking close to the ground like a predator approaching its prey. And then the figure reached the unicorn, dipped its head down, and drank from the wound.
Draco screamed and ran. Fang followed. Harry still couldn’t seem to move.
And then the figure looked up at Harry, unicorn blood smeared down its cloak and dripping from a grotesque mouth, twisted in a terrifying grin.
Pain shot through Harry’s scar, like the lightning bolt was on fire. His vision went white with pain and he finally moved, but only to stagger backwards, groping for the old oak they’d passed. His hand grasped the solid tree but slipped in warm, slick unicorn blood and he fell to the ground.
There was the sound of hooves galloping and something jumped clean over him. He imagined it was a unicorn, coming to avenge its brother, and Harry wanted to tell it to run, that this thing would kill him, but that was as far as the thought went, because everything else was too much to conjure against the pain.
A minute or two passed before Harry could stand. When he opened his eyes the cloaked figure was gone, and a centaur was standing over him. This one was younger than Ronan or Bane, with white blonde hair and a silvery coat, but he was just as big as Ronan.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes — Thank you — What was that?” Harry let the centaur pull him up.
The centaur did not answer Harry’s question, and instead lingered his gaze on the scar across Harry’s forehead. “You are the Potter boy. You had better get back to Hagrid.”
The centaur, who introduced himself as Firenze, knelt down onto his front legs so Harry could climb on.
Before they could get back to Hagrid, Bane and Ronan rushed into the clearing.
“Firenze!” Bane shouted at him. “Have you no shame? Are you a common mule?”
“This is the Potter boy,” Firenze said. “The quicker he leaves this forest, the better.”
“Remember,” growled Bane, “we are sworn not to set ourselves against the heavens. Have we not read what is to come in the movements of the planets?”
Ronan intervened, “I’m sure Firenze thought he was acting for the best.”
“For the best?” Bane bucked and kicked back with his hind legs. “What is that to do with us?
Centaurs are concerned with what has been foretold! It is not our business to run around like donkeys after stray humans in our forest!”
Then Firenze reared up and Harry clung tightly to his mane to keep from falling off.
“Do you see that unicorn?” Firenze was shouting now, in a deep voice Harry could hear rumbling from deep beneath where he was seated. “Do you not understand why it was killed? Or have the planets not let you in on that secret? I set myself against what is lurking in this forest, and yes, with humans alongside me if I must.”
And then Firenze galloped off into the woods with a swish of his tail that Sirius would’ve been proud of. Harry hung on tightly — it was far more difficult than riding a broom. Brooms were smooth, able to be controlled. This was the work of powerful muscle and sinew moving between Harry’s legs, and he had no idea where it was taking him.
Harry turned the conversation over between Firenze and Bane in his head. He thought about the whispered conversations between his parents long after he was supposed to be asleep. Familiar words like destiny and fate pulled together, but Harry didn’t know what it had to do with the unicorn.
Once they had slowed down, Firenze asked, “Do you know what unicorn blood is used for, Harry Potter?”
“No. Uncle Remus said it’s unspeakable to kill a unicorn.”
“He is correct. Only one who has nothing to lose and everything to gain would commit such a crime. The blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death, but at a terrible price. You have slain something pure and defenseless to save yourself, and you will have but a half-life, a cursed life, from the moment the blood touches your lips.”
“If you’re going to be cursed forever, death is better, isn’t it?”
“Unless,” Firenze said slowly, “unless all you need is to stay alive long enough to drink something else — something that will bring you back to full strength and power—something that will mean you can never die.”
“The Elixir of Life — the Philosopher’s Stone,” Harry said with a breath of awe. But that wouldn’t be Snape. Snape had no need of unicorn’s blood. “Who would —”
“Can you think of no one who has waited many years to return to power, who has clung to life, awaiting their chance?”
Harry thought again to the conversations of fate and destiny. To the night of his eleventh birthday, when his family sat down and told him the story, to Sirius saying, “Some think he died. Some think he’s still out there,” and his mother’s warning, “Most of us think he’s waiting until he’s powerful enough to come back. And he’ll come for you when he does.”
And the why still burned furiously in his chest. The why that his parents had vaguely answered with being a half-blooded wizard. That didn’t feel right. If Voldemort had killed so many people, so many Muggle-borns and half-bloods, then why had Harry, as a baby, been able to stop him?
“So — that cloaked figure — was Vol —”
“Harry! Are yeh alright?” Hagrid was thundering towards him, Hermione miraculously keeping pace. Neville and Draco trailed behind.
“Harry, are you okay?” Hermione helped him down from Firenze’s back.
“I’m fine,” he said, still very dazed with both the trauma of the event and the realization of what had happened. “Hagrid — the unicorn is back in that clearing — it’s dead.”
“And this is where I leave you,” Firenze said as he watched Hagrid hurry towards the clearing. “Good luck, Harry Potter. The planets have been read wrongly before now, even by centaurs. I hope this is one of those times.”
Harry felt cold in his bones. He, Draco, Hermione, and Neville stood in silence on the path while Hagrid buried the unicorn in the clearing. Hagrid cried as he did. Loud half-giant sniffles filled the forest, but even Draco had nothing to say about it.
Though their detention was supposed to end at dawn, Hagrid walked the four straight back to the castle. After all that, Hagrid decided the children had done enough.
When Harry, Hermione, and Neville returned to the Gryffindor common room, they found Ron asleep in a chair by the fire, apparently intent on waiting up for his friends. Harry woke him to tell him what happened.
The four of them all huddled around the fire, but Harry couldn’t sit with his friends. He paced frantically, hands shaking.
“Voldemort,” he said. “The stone is for Voldemort. That’s got to be what Snape’s after.”
“You shouldn’t say his name,” Neville said in a terrified whisper.
Harry didn’t listen. “Firenze saved me from Voldemort — he was the one drinking unicorn blood, he had to be, while he waits for Snape to get him the stone. And Bane was upset with Firenze for saving me — for going against the planets — Voldemort’s coming back and the stars say he’s going to kill me.”
“Stop saying his name,” Ron hissed at him.
“So now we just have to wait for Snape to steal the stone and then Voldemort can come finish me off.”
“Harry,” Hermione said, her voice strong even though her face was very pale, “Everyone knows Dumbledore’s the only one You-Know-Who was ever afraid of. With Dumbledore around, you can’t be touched. And anyway, Professor McGonagall says Divination is a very imprecise branch of magic.”
But Harry thought about what his mother said, that Voldemort would come back for him. He didn’t think the stars were wrong about that.
As they climbed up to bed, with the sun rising, Neville pinched Harry’s sleeve and whispered quietly, “My parents are Aurors. I can tell them for you. They’ll be able to help.”
Harry nodded. “Thanks Neville. I think if we’ve got Dumbledore, we’ll be alright.”
Neville almost smiled at Harry, or at least, his pale face twitched into something that looked like a hopeful smile. “Okay. You’re right.”
Harry pulled back the sheets to climb into bed, but found the Invisibility Cloak tucked underneath, with a note pinned to it that read, “Just in case.”
Harry slipped it under his pillow and crawled into bed without even taking a minute to wonder how the cloak had been returned to him. He was exhausted, mind too full of worries about Snape and Voldemort and stars to add the cloak to his concerns. Harry fell asleep immediately, but did not sleep well. He dreamed of a hooded figure and hooves pounding in his head. He dreamed of a woman screaming and a bright flash of green light and through it all his scar burned.
—————————— ✶✶✶——————————
Draco Malfoy,
I heard you had detention this evening. I hope it was at least something more exciting than copying lines or polishing trophies.
I’m not sure how you found out Harry had a dragon, but I imagine it wasn’t a secret he chose to share with you. The next time something like this happens, I advise you to go directly to a teacher.
Telling me out of some sort of spite seems rather ineffective, don’t you think?
Even better, if you and Harry could work your problems out between the two of you, I think you could be good friends. You both remind me of two very good friends of mine when I was in school.
Sincerely, Remus Lupin.
—————————— ✶✶✶——————————
Mr. Lupin,
Do you know what sort of creature drinks unicorn blood?
Sincerely, Draco Malfoy
P.S. I hear Hags are still classified as Beings.
0 notes
bi-apps · 4 years
Accepted - James Potter
submitted:James Potter app
OOC Information:
Name/Age/Timezone- Becky / 26 / GMT
Activity Level- Please let us know from 1-10 how active you think you will be- 7/8. I work full time, but can be around most evenings and sometimes at the weekend.
Ships/Anti-Ships- These are not a guarantee- James / Lily is a big ship for me, but anything with chemistry and that keeps in line with canon will go. I don’t really have any anti-ships.
Did you read the rules?- Yes
IC Information:
Character Name- James Potter
Age/Birthdate- 18 / 27th March 1960
Faceclaim- Check taken and please include at least 3 options in order of preference- Grant Gustin, Bob Morley, Penn Badgley
Occupation- If left up to player. Click (here) if you need some ideas!- Despite the fact James had always said he wanted to play Quidditch for the professional leagues, and certainly had the talent, he couldn’t bring himself to do that with everything that was going on around them. So instead he applied for the Auror training programme once he finished school in June, and is currently going through it.
Blood Status- Pureblood
Traits- Include at least 3 positive and 3 negative-
·         Loyal
·         Passionate
·         Brave
·         Protective
·         Quick witted
·         Reckless
·         Hot-headed
·         Stubborn
·         Cocky
Patronus- Click (here) if you need some help!- Stag
Boggart- When James had been younger and they had studied Boggart’s during Defence against the Dark Arts, his boggart had been a spider. Looking back now he feels silly, because whilst he still doesn’t like them, them being his worst and most horrific fear had been childish and immature when there were so many more horrors in their world. It’s been a while since he’s had to face a Boggart, but now he is fairly certain it would come in the form of his friends’ betrayal and losing those that are closest to him.
Key Points- Must include at least 3-
James Potter was born an only child to elderly couple Euphemia and Fleamont. His parents had tried for years to conceive a child, and it was only once they had given up hope of widening their family that they discovered Euphemia was pregnant. Both delighted by the news, they doted on James from the moment he was born, and thus he grew up to be pampered and spoiled, not wanting for a single thing—except for maybe a sibling, which unfortunately was the one thing Euphemia and Fleamont weren’t able to give him.
There was never a moment of doubt in anyone’s mind when it came to James’ magical ability, he had started showing signs from as early an age as two years old. When he was five his father went out and bought him his first broom to get him going with flying—they found that flying often improved his moods and helped him to burn off some of his excess energy, which was something he carried with him into his teenage years.
Both Euphemia and Fleamont were sad to say goodbye to James on 1st September 1971, but James couldn’t  have been more excited—most of his childhood had been spent with predominantly his parents for company, due to their age when they had James none of their friends had children a similar age to their son, and whilst he was very close with both his mum and dad and he loved them to bits, he was looking forward to making some proper friends. He was barely thirty seconds into the train journey before he met Sirius Black, and the two hit it off right away. Bonding over their mutual love of mischief and a proclivity for ridiculousness is what brought them so close, and by the time October of his first year rolled around he couldn’t imagine life at school without his best friend. Eventually they befriended the two other boys they shared a dorm with—Peter Pettigrew, who always seemed quite in awe of James and Sirius, and Remus Lupin, a much quieter boy who’s shell was a little harder to crack. Before long the four of them were inseparable, and James felt like he finally had the brothers he had always wanted when he was growing up.
James was fourteen when Remus had first accused him of fancying Lily Evans; his sandy haired friend had found the whole thing all too amusing as James hastily and insistently denied it, telling Remus he was completely off his rocker and that the only thing he felt for Evans was irritation. Of course he thought she was pretty, with hair so red it seemed impossible, and she could be funny, when she wasn’t hanging around with ol’ Sniv. It wasn’t until he was fifteen that he realised perhaps Remus had been onto something after all, but of course this only served to complicate things as it meant James no longer knew how to act around her. Before, he had enjoyed teasing her—he still enjoyed teasing her, enjoyed seeing her react to his teasing, he liked the constant back and forth they seemed to have, but the trouble was now he seemed to over analyse things, worrying if he was coming across as flirty or weird.
After their Defence exam in fifth year was when it all seemed to come to a head, and the confrontation down by the lake had resulted in James asking Lily out in such a public manner—he hadn’t meant to, but it had slipped out, and almost instantly he had wished that he could take it back. He knew he had embarrassed her and he hadn’t been at all surprised when she had got angry. And despite the fact he tried to appear unbothered by it all, her words had hit him harder than he liked to admit.
A lot happened over the summer between his fifth year and his sixth year, the main thing being Sirius officially moving in with him and his parents; seeing the state Sirius had been in when he had turned up on James’ doorstep that night had shattered James, he didn’t understand how a parent—someone who was supposed to love you unconditionally—could treat their own child in such a manner, he didn’t understand how anybody could treat another human being in that manner, full stop. His parents had taken Sirius in without warning, and from that moment James was fiercely insistent that Sirius was his brother, and he was fiercely protective of him.
Over the course of James’ sixth year, a lot of people seemed to notice a change in his behaviour—sure, he still enjoyed mucking about with his mates and he still had a big love for mischief, but there was much less hexing others for his own amusement and less skiving off from classes, even those he deemed unnecessary like History of Magic. Despite the changes he made, it still came as a shock when he received his Head Boy badge shortly before commencing his final year at Hogwarts.
The thought of returning for his final year was a daunting one, he struggled to come to terms with the fact that in 9 short months he would be walking out of the Hogwarts gates for the last time as a student and thrown into the middle of a full blown war. He knew what side he was fighting on and he knew that he would be fighting alongside his friends, and whilst he was excited to begin really, truly contributing to the war efforts, he was terrified. He feared for the safety of his friends, his family, and of course, Lily Evans, his now-girlfriend and the absolute love of his life. He had no idea what the future held for him, but he knew that whatever was thrown at them he could face it with her by his side.
Changes/Extra Info- Connection changes have to be approved by current players. All changes are up to admin approval- Nope!
Para Sample- Show us your best work and don’t be afraid to ask for some prompts if you need help
“I love you.”
The words had slipped from his mouth so easily, so effortlessly, and it hadn’t at all been how he had planned to do it. Sometimes he thought he would tell her one night whilst they were stargazing up in the Astronomy Tower, he thought he would hire a band to play her favourite song in the moments leading up to the big reveal—was it a big reveal, though?—or maybe he would have planned a perfect date and taken her for a moonlit walk at the end of it where he would get down on bended knee and recite the million and one things he really, truly loved about her. That sounded like something pulled straight out of one of the romance novels he knew his Lily enjoyed reading.
He had never imagined he would tell her like this, one rainy Sunday afternoon when they were both sat up in James’ dorm, James’ nose red raw from all the times he had blown it in the last twenty four hours. He had come down with a horrid cold after a rather treacherous Quidditch practice in the horrid January rain a few days prior, and Lily had fairly quickly taken on the role of his personal Healer and she had vowed to nurse him back to health.
The words were still hanging in the air as the silence ticked on following his confession, and James felt daft; he saw the surprise on her face, knew that she hadn’t expected that one when they had only officially been together for a little over 6 weeks, but James supposed those words had been true for quite a while—for him, at least—and he wouldn’t take them back, he didn’t want to take them back, because he wanted this fantastic woman to know just how strongly he felt about her, and just how much she meant to him.
The seconds continued to pass—five, ten, fifteen—but eventually Lily smiled. It was a brilliant smile, his favourite in fact, it was the kind of smile that met her eyes and really lit up her face, and James felt like if that was the last thing he saw then he would die a happy man.
“I love you too.” And with that she leaned in, attempting to close the distance between the pair of them, which was made all the more difficult as James leaned back and away from her. Her brows knitted together in confusion and James mentioned something about not wanting to make her poorly, to which she shook her head and responded with an amused, “I don’t care, you idiot,” before she leaned in once more, and this time he stayed put.
0 notes
deadcactuswalking · 6 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 19th August 2018
This is probably just gonna be a bit of a slap-dash episode since I just finished my list of the best and worst hit songs of 1994 and I’m kinda drained, but we’ll still have to get this out so here it is. REVIEWING THE CHARTS for the week of 19th August, 2018.
Top 10
First of all, we have a new #1... but it’s not exactly new at all, since it has been #1 for a few weeks before, it’s just returned to the top spot after it usurped Drake. I’m not mad at all that this is our new #1 – I may not be fond of it, but it’s better than Drake. George Ezra’s “Shotgun” is up one spot to #1.
Speak of the devil; here’s Drake with “In My Feelings” featuring City Girls, down a space to number-two. I hope it stays there, or better yet, decreases even more, although it still has the stronghold over “Shotgun” in streaming.
Not moving from last week at number-three is “No Brainer” by DJ Khaled featuring Justin Bieber, Chance the Rapper and Quavo.
Surprisingly, “Eastside” by benny blanco, Khalid and Halsey has zoomed past competition as it’s increased eight spaces to number-four.
“Rise” by Jonas Blue featuring Jack & Jack has since gone down a single space since the success of “Eastside”, leading it down to number-five.
At number-six, we have a two-space increase for Loud Luxury and brando’s “Body”, which I’m glad is increasing as much as it is, even if it’s just for the fact that they’re both relatively unknown artists.
Oh, yeah, at number-seven, we have “Youngblood” by 5 Seconds of Summer down two spaces.
Unfortunately,”Jackie Chan” by Tiesto and Dzeko featuring Preme and Post Malone has jumped two spaces down to number-eight.
Meanwhile at number-nine, the identical hit has effected “Girls Like You” by Maroon 5 featuring Cardi B, which is ALSO down two spaces.
Thankfully, NOT down two spaces, is “Taste” by Tyga featuring Offset. Not sure how I feel about a pedophile featuring a homophobe having a song (that I personally like) in the top 10 of both the US and UK, but that’s a whole thinkpiece I won’t be writing.
Unsurprisingly, there are a few big gains but otherwise nothing of note here. In terms of smaller six-space gains, we (sadly) have “Nevermind” by Dennis Lloyd up to #19 and “Ocean” by Martin Garrix and Khalid up to #25, but we also have an inexplicably massive gain for “079ME” by B Young, up 11 spots to #28. Please don’t let this become a top 20 hit, just for the sake of preventing humanity and society crumbling under your hands. Oh, yeah, and pathetic human being Nicki Minaj had her album Queen release, so naturally “Bed” featuring Ariana Grande (who will also have some gains due to HER album next week) increased up 15 spaces to #23.
Naturally, we have two losses for Travis Scott after ASTROWORLD had three tracks debut on the chart last week. “SICKO MODE” featuring Drake and Swae Lee is down six spaces to #15, while “STARGAZING” is, tragically, down 12 to #27. However, there’s only one other loss, and it is just an absolute collapse for “I Like It” by Cardi B featuring Bad Bunny and J Balvin, down 17 spaces to #31. It’ll undoubtedly be out next week, unless people revenge-stream Cardi because of the nonsense Nicki’s been spouting for the past two weeks, I don’t know. That probably won’t happen but it’d be kind of funny to see Nicki not get the #1 album after how desperate she was, and then have her “rival” succeed, though pitting female rappers against each other is borderline sexist and does not help normalise females in a more-often-than-not male-dominated genre, which is something Nicki could actually learn from... Huh. Anyway, this isn’t a Nicki Minaj roast, she has a new entry so I think I’ll rant about her there.
Well, we have a few utterly demolished tracks that dropped out this week, like “Butterflies” by AJ Tracey and Not3s now out from #22, “Oh My” by Dappy featuring Ay Em struggling as it’s been kicked out from #27, and “CAROUSEL” by Travis Scott featuring Frank Ocean being pushed out from #29, but that’s it, and there’s no Returning Entries either, so welcome back to:
The Ed Sheeran Update!
“Perfect” is down only a single space to #61, and “Shape of You” is up a single space to #76, somehow. Can these just go away, please?
Now to the part all three of you were waiting for...
#40 – “When I Kissed the Teacher” – Lily James, Jessica Keenan Wynn, Alexa Davies and Celia Imrie
You probably shouldn’t be doing that.
Anyways, this is an ABBA cover, straight out of the hit musical Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, which I actually checked out because, my, my, how could I resist it? Well, it’s okay, not particularly my thing, but definitely watchable, however I am surprised that it took this long for a song to get into the top 40. Let me preface this by saying I strongly dislike the ABBA version, mostly because of the... interesting vocals and how everything feels so manufactured and pretty sickeningly sweet, which is incredibly unfitting for the subject matter. I don’t like the song at all, but I’d recommend “Scandalous Scholastics” by Gym Class Heroes for a better take on a student-teacher affair. It’s a pretty awful track but at least it’s a bit groovier and has some darker swagger, as well as an eerie yet catchy chorus, which is actually pretty creepy in some way, especially that it’s implied that 1.) they had sex, 2.) Travie McCoy, the singer, is still in school. He gets into some detail and the charismatic “so sexy!” ad-lib I know Travie for... yeah, well, this is the only time it should not be there, in fact, do NOT check out that song, what am I talking about? It’s horrible.
This cover, though, is somehow even worse. I don’t know who’s singing at what points because, honestly, who cares? Nevertheless, the instrumentation is cookie-cutter yet still over-processed so that it drowns out the singers, who try to belt and struggle, with some not-at-all subtle multi-tracking from seemingly better singers that isn’t helpful at all. I do like that they have more charisma for the most part, making the admittedly funny geometry line sound so much better, and I do appreciate the fact that there are female singers talking about a female teacher – now, that’s cool – although it doesn’t really make much sense in the context of the film, at all, because I’m pretty sure they all have male love interests. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m not sure if your teacher is the best to experiment with, Lily.
#37 – “Don’t Leave Me Alone” – David Guetta featuring Anne-Marie
David Guetta, okay, you’re cool, you’re fine, I like you. Anne-Marie, nope, go away, please. I liked her in “FRIENDS”, initially, but, man, she can definitely become pretty insufferable. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a good singer, but the attitude and forced faux-Jamaican inflections rub me the wrong way. You know what else rubs me the wrong way? How the beginning of the song sounds like stock Windows-activating sound effects. It sounds like it’s a buffering loading screen for God’s sake. Regardless, Anne-Marie sounds okay and I do like the subtle touch of the guitars and especially the piano chords under Anne-Marie and I believe Ed Sheeran harmonising in the pre-chorus, right before a pretty cool Vocaloid drop. I have really grown to love these things, as you can probably tell from my “Solo” review, and this was am especially great one, because the autotune is turned up to insane levels and the vocals sound like they’re stretched and manipulated over the hard-hitting but pleasant synth tones. The combination of the drop and some of the vocal chops with the pre-chorus melody is just fantastic. I can look past the flat production in the verses if that chorus is as incredible as it is. Damn, that surprised me. David Guetta, you win again, and I’m excited for your upcoming album.
#36 – “Barbie Dreams” – Nicki Minaj
Okay, let’s get this over with. This track caused a lot of buzz because it’s basically a tribute to a Notorious B.I.G. song full of light-hearted disses torwards people who she is friends with, and you know, I like a bit of pointless rap beef and some disses can be pretty fire even if they are completely uncalled for. I mean, I prefer hard-hitting, absolutely awful personal disses like when Pusha T slaughtered Drake and held his decapitated head over a building in “The Story of Adidon”, but I like a bit of light-hearted no-harassment-intended jabs so, let’s see what she’s got.
Well, first of all, I love the slick beat and her flow is pretty nice too. Too bad it’s all taken from “Just Playing (Dreams)” by Biggie. This is a remix then? Okay, well, you didn’t preface it as such, but that’s fine, using someone else’s beat isn’t bad as long as you spit some nice bars over it. So, what’s the “Queen of Rap” got for us? Well, she starts with some complements... yep, she just says she wants a man to settle down and have some kids, and either them or the man will look like Lil Wayne or Dave East, but they’re already fathers, so I’m assuming she wants a man who is as good of a dad as Wayne and Dave are to their kids. That’s a very nice thing to say.
Man, I ain’t got no type like Jxmmi and Swae Lee
Okay, but the song you’re referencing by Rae Sremmurd, “No Type”, makes it pretty clear that they’re joking when they say they don’t have a type, given by how they immediately contradict that statement?
I ain’t got no type / Bad b****es is the only thing that I like – Swae Lee, “No Type”
Oh, they’ve actually tried to argue that “bad b****es” are NOT a type? Okay, well, then, secondly: That’s not a diss, that’s just mentioning them in passing.
Then she gets into some admittedly funny (and probably true) disses to 50 Cent, making some nice wordplay with other members of G-Unit like Tony Yayo and Lloyd Banks. That’s all fine and dandy. Then she mentions Karreuche Tran... Tran... Tran...
Used to f*** with Young Thug, I ain’t addressin’ this s**t / C-caught him in my dressing room, stealing dresses and s**t
Okay, well, that’s insensitive and incredibly uncalled for. If the dude wants to reject typical gender norms, more power to him, but Thugger, you probably shouldn’t be stealing her dresses, man, and I’m pretty sure this is related to that, and is no way meant to be offensive or transphobic.
They switchin’ like sissies now – Nicki Minaj, “Majesty”
On the same album? Uh, I mean, well, okay, but maybe that’s also misinterpreted...
First they love you, then they switch / Yeah,they switch like f****ts
Yeah, okay, 1.) I’m not uncensoring that word, you know what it is, and 2.) Yikes, Nicki! I know that was back in 2009 but these recent lines prove you haven’t changed, in fact, all of these recent antics prove you haven’t changed, at all! You collaborate with a pedophile, then you try and play the feminist angle – after collaborating with an absolute scumbag who respects women as much as a tampon made out of bricks – to explain why your album didn’t get to #1, although it still sold pretty well, even though you don’t label yourself as a feminist as you’ve stated before. In fact, this whole track is just to stir up controversy and attention, isn’t it? You wanted that #1 album so desperately that you added a song that’s not even by you to your album, then you put out a lot of trash merch, some of which was promoting 6ix9ine, all of which came with a copy of your album, made JAY-Z give you a discount code on TIDAL that literally gave the album away for free, however, due to a faulty system, made all albums on TIDAL free to download, probably causing serious financial issues in the future for Jay, leading to him having to release the rest of Prince’s discography onto Spotify (not necessarily a bad thing), and reported fake news when you were projected to sell 190,000, only to be proved to sell less when the final numbers were released, all for a #1 album, which you only wanted out of spite for Cardi being more successful than you, because, I don’t know, she’s not an absolutely trash human being who doesn’t know how to promote a damn album? I guess you could say the TIDAL issue wasn’t her fault, but, yes, it was, as if it wasn’t for her own desperate need for a #1, the code wouldn’t exist at all. At least that’s only one line, right? She doesn’t cross the line otherwise.
Shout-out Desiigner ‘cause he made it out of special ed
You called a man struggling to hold onto his crippling career which is still under the hands of Pusha T’s mismanagement, being forced to constantly promote himself because his label definitely isn’t, who’s probably in debt right now, and just desperately trying to pick up the pieces to still live while doing what he wants to do – music, trapped under a label that doesn’t let him succeed, who released a better and more consistent EP this year than any project you’ve ever put out, retarded because of the energy he puts into his songs, which you, missy, are severely lacking in, despite the fact that your mentor and person you want your husband to be like, Lil Wayne, was in the same dire situation for nearly a decade, and you and Drake have been carrying him and helping him still strive in the industry while he’s being trampled on and confined by the tyrant of a label owner Birdman? Yeah, nope, not having it, you’ve lost all my respect, Nicki. I don’t usually focus on lyrics as much as I did here but when they’re this ignorant and disgusting, I think I’ll stream Cardi instead, you petty, little child.
“Don’t Leave Me Alone” easily gives David Guetta and Anne-Marie the title of Best of the Week, as Nicki Minaj takes Worst of the Week for “Barbie Dreams”. Hopefully I’ll have calmed down by next time. See ya!
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