#the fact that the last time we got alex scenes that were about alex (or kylex scenes for that matter) was with carina... whew
gin-juice-tonic · 30 days
Okay something else about that bill book page from last night real quick
So, the other thing about this page:
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Is, despite the fact that I don't really think Ford would write it down, I don't really think this page is all *that* weird. Like I said, we know Ford is lonely, we know Ford's lived a life of being made fun of by strangers. The concept in here isn't really that off. Like, it doesn't sound like something Ford would write but it doesn't totally NOT sound like Ford.
So why then, do the next two pages
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Reading this was the equivalent of like, being hit in the gut by a hammer for me. The first page of the Bill pages, that lost woods page, passable Ford voice, sure. I didn't think much of it upon first reading. But these next two pages do not sound like anything he would say or write ever! The emotions I felt when I got here were crazy!
Which is why it bothers me when people will excuse these two pages as "Oh Alex probably just forgot how to write Ford".
For two pages?
For two pages even though he seemed to be doing okay on the first page?
I really don't think so, guys!
The book goes on and off the rails back and forth in really weird ways. Not just in this section. (Though i dont have time to share other examples) And I think it's worth paying attention to.
Is it pure coincidence the writing starts to take this wild turn when Bill enters the scene?
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teamcavota · 3 months
50 milo murphy's law facts
5 not so fun and 45 fun!
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Not so fun to start!
The only Milo Murphy's Law official merchandise is a notebook released in Japan for the MML X PNF crossover.
Disney actually apologized to Dan (and I assume Swampy) for the treatment of Milo Murphy's Law. Dan has expressed frustration at the MMLs treatment before, citing the Hiatus between s1 and s2 and the fact it did not air on the main Disney Channel.
Doof appears in more episodes than Cavendish and Dakota in s2 (this is the real reason we needed a s3). Also, while PNF/Doof stuff was planned from the start, Disney did push for more PNF.
When season 2 was airing, new episodes would randomly be released in other countries.
Milo was cut from CATU due to a feeling from Disney that audiences would not recognize his cameo.
ok LAME ones out of the way
On the first drawing of Milo there are three names beside it: Milo, Mikey, and...Monty. As you probably know the Mikey one got pretty far and is the name used in the pitch bible (and was referenced with "I am Mikey!".) The reason Mikey was changed to Milo was not a creative choice, but because there was a popular YouTuber named "Mikey Murphy."
Speaking of, Milo was also just going to be another character apart of a different pitch, but Dan kept thinking he should go into his own show. He went to Swampy and asked him what he thought of Milo (at the time Mikey) and the idea of a show about Murphys Law. it took them about an hour to come up with the concept pitch.
You can find several of MML song dubbings on YouTube and other platforms. Most notably the Japanese version (マイロ・マーフィーの法則) highly worth checking out. Fun fact in a fun fact, Doof and Dakota also share the same voice actor in this dubbing.
In re-airings of some of the first MML episodes, second versions were made that included Cavendish and Dakota in the background.
Yes, Melissa was originally going to feel the lasting effects of the pistachion uprising by remaining looking like one instead of Bradley having his arm turned into a vine. This would have been a source of conflict for her in season 2, but in the end they felt it was too much of a change. As far as Bradley's plant arm it was originally only going to come out sometimes before it was changed to being a constant thing. He does have feeling in this arm.
The Island of Lost Dakota's was going to include a scene with merman Dakota's ("merkotas"). There was also going to be "mutation" Dakotas, such as ones with multiple heads.
There exists a live action version of the Milo Murphy's Law theme song. well, sorta, watch it
Before Milo came out Dwampy made the song "we're gonna do it again."
MML was originally set to debut in early 2017.
Weird Al did not originally come to mind for Milo. One of the idea voices they had was Noah Z Jones (Fish Hooks). They auditioned hundreds of people for Milo, but many had issues such as sounding too nervous in their lines. It wasn't until Alex Hirsch (Gravity Falls) posted a photo with Weird Al that Dwampy realized he'd be perfect for the role.
Sara is based on a friend of Dwampy.
In tune with the popular headcanon/fan theory, it's possible they did actually consider making Cavendish a descendant of Milo. When Cavendish was going to agree he also liked Milo, he was going to say he was his descendant. *this may have also just been a joke line
Milo and Cavendish are meant to mirror eachother in the fact Milo deals with Murphy's Law and Cavendish is the "author of his own misery" in regards to things going wrong.
Another thing they considered was the possibility of Dakota and Cavendish being in a romantic relationship, but they ultimately decided they wanted them to have them represent a strong male friendship.
The Milo Murphys Law crew did keep up a fanart and concept art wall. Here, here, and here are some photos.
There was a baby Cavenpus cut from final productions.
There are no official ages for Dakota and Cavendish. Dan has said he believes Cavendish to be older, while Joshua Pruett has said he believes Dakota to be the older one and by a bit of a margin.
Pistachios came to be a thing in the show because a son of some of Dan's neighbors had been allergic to specifically pistachios. They needed an idea for the larger plot and somehow those two came together. (Swampy also notes it's a funny word).
Several of the scripts for MML storyboarders included just the words, "and Murphy's Law happened."
Dan has made at least one Vinnie Dakota dedicated Tiktok similar to his Doof ones.
The Doof and Dakota lines were recorded together, back and forth.
Melissa was going to have a hamster nemesis named Ham. In the Pitch Bible the name wasn't included, but it's explained it was a pet class hamster that would always escape and end up on her things.
The secret handshake Milo and Zack do in scream-a-tourium was intended to be longer.
The studio executive for MML originally thought The Island of Lost Dakota's was a joke idea until he read the script.
There was a MML kids menu at Disneyland circa 2016.
Dakota and Cavendish were originally not in the shows ideas, nor was any B-plot, but being used to it in PNF the writers room felt they "needed something to cut away to"
Joshua Pruett pitched for the MML x PNF crossover for where when Milo opened his backpack to pull out the thing he needed to save the world it'd be...Phineas and Ferb.
Dakota is the reason parking tickets exist, as he can be a bit careless about leaving time vehicles all over the place. Dakota is proud of this.
Melissa's likeness and name is based on Dan's daughter Meli, as to sorta "balance out" Isabella also being based on his other daughter.
They considered a twist where Bob Block would be an alien wearing a face mask.
"Cavendish Farms" is an episode that never came to be pitched by Pruett where in order to track Cavendish Dakota would try to duplicate Cavendish, though none of them would quite be Cavendish. One of the Cavendishs would have a heart to heart with Dakota, while Doof would ultimately call out Dakota for what he's doing and tell Dakota "you already know what he would do." dwampy rejected this idea because this was a bad idea, to which pruett felt that is exactly why Dakota would have tried it. if renewed, pruett would have tried to convince them more on it.
Chop Away at My Heart was originally called "Jump Jump Jump" and was made for another project by one of Dan's friends. After Dan have asked to transform it into something else for Milo, Joshua Pruett suggested a "Lumberjack themed boyband" in the script.
unfortunate split for character block limit
Dakotas voice was inspired by Elvis Costello. It's also the harder voice for Dan in comparison to Doof.
Mark Hamill originally auditioned to play a teacher on the show, but Dwampy liked his audition so much they decided he'd better fit Mr. Block.
In the MML pitch bible it is stated, "Mikey has a destiny to fulfill, something vital to the future of the planet." The goal of Cavendish and Dakota would be to make sure he stays on the right path.
There IS a full version of We're Going to the Zoo, which was played by Dan in this interview at 3:00:30. Several MML songs have had full versions leaked, implying this is probably the case for some other songs too.
Like several other characters, Sara in the MML pitch bible was different from her show counterpart, being "a hipster like Thora Butch in Ghost World."
The song "A World Without Milo" is based on the song "Happy Together" by "The Turtles"
Almost every character, including creatures or minor one-offs had a name in the script. An example is "Pia," the name of the poodle Diogee falls in love with.
In regards to when Dakota talks about cutting through the Mesozoic in First Impressions and the fact it is illogical, Dan says this is likely just Dakota being Dakota (aka, it was a mistake), and not every such line should be taken serious.
In a deleted "Snow Way Out" line it was confirmed that the raccoon in Going the Extra Milo and Fungus Among Us is recurring raccoon.
Brick and Savannah were going to have a role in the crossover.
Story ideas from the MML pitch bible that never came to include a beach episode, a Friday the 13 episode, and an episode where Cavendish and Dakota try convincing Milo to take a self defense class leading to conflict with a hidden ninja gang.
For unspecified characters (probably multiple different sets) Pruett wrote in hugs that were cut by (mostly) Dan. In response, he says he "put 4 in so at least 1 stays."
S3 would have likely included: A third Block (yes, still voiced by Mark Hamill and a Block "family meeting"), Milo creating the universe, Dakota and Cavendish getting the promotion they wanted but being unsatisfied, Elliot cleverly being connected to the overarching plot, AU exploration (akin to pnf) including an episode where Dr Zone is real, and a conclusion to the Prof Time arc. The overarching plot would have been the "biggest yet."
credits to: danvillecheese for suggestions + encouragement, cheetochild989 for facts the fact about going to the zoo and a world without milo, the 2nd dimension on YouTube, my hamsterward friends, and of course all the talented people who worked on MML :3
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allinestarr · 8 months
Relentless 2/?
Charles Leclerc x Fem Driver Reader Platonic! / Max Verstappen x Fem Driver Reader!
(Guys if I had to describe this chapter in a song, it would be this.)
“ Uhhh I’m telling you going out tonight is a mistake.” You groaned as you spoke to your best friend over FaceTime.
“Y/N you deserve to celebrate. You worked hard all season and made second in drivers and constructers. Don’t devalue yourself. I know you’re bummed I can’t make it out but I promise we are going to have so much fun during break.”
“ I know Rachel but it’s just going to be so awkward. Lewis had to leave to Paris because he had some work obligations and everyone’s bringing their significant others and I’ll be the only one alone.”
“ That’s not true. Lando’s single and he’s going.”
“ Yea but you know how he is. He’s always got a crowd around him and goes off to Dj and can’t sit still. I’m going to look like a lost puppy following him around..”
“Well what about Fernando or Charles?”
“ Fernando left to be with his girlfriend in Spain and Charles.. well I don’t know. I think Alex had to leave because she had an emergency.”
“ Well there you go. Just hang out with Charles.”
“ Yea but I don’t want people to get the wrong idea. You know what happened last year. We hung out after he broke up with Charlotte and everyone blamed me for their breakup. It took a lot of pr to clear my name.”
“ Y/n it will be fine. Stop making up excuses and enjoy yourself!. Now, what are you wearing?.”
Sighing you went over a few outfits before you settled on a mid length open back black dress with some heels. Minimal make up cause you didn’t need it and some loose curls.
“ Y/n you look amazing!!” Rachel screamed.
“ You sure?. The dress feels tight and keeps riding up.”
“Y/n it’s perfect. Now go and get to the club. Have fun but not to much. Call me in the morning so we can debrief!. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
Soon after the Uber came and you made your way to the club.
“Y/n you made it!.” Lando said as he hugged you.
“ Yea. I said I’d come and here I am.”
Max was sitting off to the corner with Kelly and didn’t bother looking up to greet you. As time and drinks passed by everyone separated to dance or head off. Lando as predicted was at the Dj booth with his friends and Charles was pretty much drunk. You only had a few drinks so you only had a light buzz. To be honest, clubs and galas weren’t your scene so you couldn’t wait to leave.
“Y/n I love her soooooo much.” Charles slurred against your shoulder he leaned on.
“ I know Charles. Do you want to leave?.”
“No you don’t understand.. I love her soooo much. I regret being here. I wish I was with her right now. Everytime I’m not with her I’m so sad.”.
When you looked down at him you saw he was in fact crying, so you smiled and wiped away his tears.
“ Charles why don’t we leave so we can talk away from prying eyes.”
He smiled and nodded. When your Uber was outside you helped Charles up and he put his arm around your waist for support as you made your way outside the club. With no time to tell everyone you just decided to text them when you got back to the hotel. You didn't miss Max’s cold gaze following you with his fists clenched as you got closer to the exit. Kelly looked at him and followed his gaze to you. She raised her eyebrow curiously before looking back at Max with a scowl. Weird you though, but not your business.
Arriving at your shared hotel you took Charles to his room. He was pretty much dead weight by the time you laid him down on his bed.
“Ok Charles I’m going to leave you a glass of water and some ibuprofen for the morning. Get some rest and we will talk over breakfast.”
As you were walking away he grabbed your hand.
“No wait I want to ask you something…”
“Will you help me find a ring?..”
“Uh sure.. for what?..”
“For Alex. I want to ask her to marry me.”
“Yes!!. Of course I will!.” You smiled and hugged him.
“Please don’t tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise.”
“My lips are sealed. Now get some rest. We will have much to talk about in the morning!.”
Walking back to your room you bump into Lance. He smiled and nods a hello as you walk to the elevator to get your floor.
You woke up to your phone ringing and when checking, it was your best friend. As much as you wanted to decline the call to sleep in for another hour, you knew she would just call till you picked up.
“Hello..” you groaned.
“ Are you ok??.”
“Yea why would I?.”
“Well the things people were saying was pretty cruel.”
“What are you talking about??”
“Have you not checked any of your socials??”
“ No I just woke up. What’s going on??”
“Well, you were photographed with Charles and he was holding onto you and it looked like you had something going on. He was leaning close to your face and you were touching his face. They're saying Charles broke up with Alex since she’s not there and that you and him are having a fling. And the worst part is that someone who they say is a credible source said it was true.”
“That’s insane!. There’s nothing going on with Charles and I. He was drunk and was saying he missed Alex and started crying so i comforted him. I brought him back to his room and left. I can’t believe this is happening again!.”
“I know y/n. I didn’t believe it when I saw it. Listen I can come earlier if you want so you don’t have to be alone.”
As much as you wanted to at yes, you couldn’t. She’s already done so much for you and she’s taking 2 weeks off work just to spend time with you when she could be with her family.
“It’s ok Rae. I’ll be fine. I’m sure my pr is already working on fixing this. I promise I’ll keep you updated. I’ll see you next week.”
“Ok, just call me if anything. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye."
Staying in bed all day to grovel sounded pretty good right now, but you promised breakfast with Charles so after a quick shower you sent him a text and met in the lobby. You were met with paparazzi outside the hotel bombarding you with pictures and questions.
“Charles why did you cheat on your girlfriend?.”
“Y/n how long have you and Charles been together?. Before Charlotte or before Alex?.”
“Charles is true you let Y/n win in Brazil?.”
You couldn’t get to Charles car quicker as you sped off to the cafe. Opting to sit in the farthest table away from anyone you ordered some food and sat down in silence before Charles took off his sunglasses. His eyes were red and puffy. He'd been crying.
“Charles, what’s wrong?.”
“Well apart from what’s come out everywhere, Alex called me this morning. She… she broke up with me. She saw the pictures and said she couldn’t do it anymore.”
“But it’s not true.”
“I know, I told her that but she didn’t believe me. Not when they said there was a credible source. I called around and tried to find out who it was but all they said was it was someone close to the grid. I just don’t know who would do this!.”
“ No but I have my suspicions. Don’t worry about it, I will get this all cleared up. It's going to be ok. Now, I believe we were suppose to talk about a ring..”
“ I don’t know anymore..”
“Charles, listen to me. You love her and she loves you. You and i both know that that’s rare to find with our jobs. She’s been with you through thick and thin. You said you couldn’t stand being away from her for a second. If you say she’s the one, then she’s the one.”
“You’re right. I’m putting my faith in you. So should we talk about rings?.”
You smiled and nodded as you spoke about what kind of ring she’d like and where to go to look at some and what kind of proposals he had in mind. After wrapping up the conversation you parted ways promising to meet up in Monaco to go ring shopping.
The week passed by and you were in your apartment in Monaco with Rachel.
“What should we do today?”
“I have to meet up with Charles so I won’t be back till 3 or 4. Landos in town if you want to hang out with him.”
“What are you doing with Charles?.”
Remembering your promise to keep his secret you had to come up with a lie.
“We have to go over some stuff our pr asked us to do.”
She looked at you suspiciuosly but accepted your answer.
“Oh ok then. I’ll go hang out Lando. Call me when you get back.”
“Alright see you later.”
It felt bad lying to your best friend but under the circumstances, it was necessary. After visiting pretty much every jeweler in Monaco, nothing caught Charles eye.
“It’s ok, we will find something somewhere else. What if we go to Paris next week. I heard they have the cutest vintage rings.”
“I guess. It’s just so frustrating. Nothing is going right. I have been calling her nonstop and she blocked me. I showed up at her house and she won’t answer. I sent her flowers and letters and she sends them back. I’m losing hope here.”
“ Hey don’t say that. She will forgive you. I’m narrowing the list of suspects and when I find out, I'm going to set this right. Till then, call me if anything.”
The only 2 people you could think of was Lance and Max. When you called Lance and asked him straight up, he denied it. He said he saw you walk him into his room and walk right out but didn’t suspect or think anything of it. You believed him and apologized for bothering him. That left none other then Max. The last person you would ever talk to yet you found yourself dialing his number.
“Meet me at my place in 1 hour.”
Before he could say anything you hung up. Luckily Rachel was still gone when you got back. An hour later the door bell rang and upon opening it, revealed a pissed off Max. Walking away from the door you waited for him in your living room. He closed the door behind him and sat next to you on the couch.
“Well on with it. You called me, so what do you want.”
“Did you tell the media I was having an affair with Charles?.”
“No!. Why the hell would you think I would waste my time talking about you?.”
“Gee I don’t know, maybe because you hate my guts and you were scowling at me all night at the club. I know it was someone close to grid who confirmed those false rumors. It all leads to you!.”
“Do you hear yourself sometimes?. I’m pretty sure it requires someone to care about the person to talk about them and you y/n, I don’t care about. So if that’s all, I’m out of here.”
Looking into his eyes you knew he was being honest so how was it possible you got it wrong. Is there someone else out there that hates you?. Who could it be?. Wait… now that you think about it.. it couldn’t be..
“What?.” He furrowed his brows.
“It has to be her. The way she looked at me that night.”
“She would never do something like that!. Unlike you she has class.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?!.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve ruined Charles relationship.”
You couldn’t help the pit in your stomach and the tears welling up in your eyes. He went to far.
“You motherfu..”
Before you could finish your sentence Rachel walked in calling your name.
“Y/n everything good here?.”
“Yea, he was just leaving.”
Max regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. He didn’t know why he said it. Was it because you accused his girlfriend or because he was jealous?. He got up and walked to the door but before walking to the elevator he turned around thinking of something to say but before the words came out you closed the door.
“Sorry…” he whispered to himself.
Walking back to his place he thought about what you said. Kelly was mad that night and has been mad at him for quite a while. She said all he talked about was you. Whenever he lost he would talk about how you cheated someway or whenever he won he would say how much you sucked or how you didn’t drive as good as him. He said the only reason he wanted to win the championship was to rub it in your face. That night though was the worst fight he had with her.
Flashback to fight after club
Kelly saw how Max tensed when y/n showed up. She couldn’t tell if his face was red from the alcohol or from looking at y/n but she would keep a close eye. As the night went on and everyone went their own ways y/n danced with Charles and sat back down in the vip booth with him. Kelly didn’t miss how he clenched his fists and jaw when he saw y/n leave with Charles. It was so obvious to Kelly why. He didn’t want to talk when they got home but she wasn’t going to let it go.
“You like her don’t you?.”
“What are you talking about?. You’ve heard me all season complain about her, why would you assume I’d like her?.”
“Max im not blind. I saw the way you tensed when you saw her with Charles and how you watched her all night.”
“You’re imaging things. I could care less about y/n. Now please Kelly, drop it.”
Max didn’t leave any room for her to talk as he walked away to change and go to sleep. Deep down she knew it was more then that. Y/n would not take what she worked hard to get. So she made a call to one of her friends.
Back to Max POV
When he got home Kelly was sitting on the couch on the phone. He didn’t want to eaves drop but when he heard your name he stayed silent against the wall.
“Yea I can’t thank you again. It’s good everyone sees how much of a home wrecker Y/n is. I just couldn’t believe it when she told me she was with him again. I just hope she doesn’t do it to anyone else.”
When she finished her call he walked up to her.
“Hey baby you’re back early. I didn’t hear you come in. How was coffee with Charles?.”
“What do you mean why?”
“Why would you ruin Y/n’s reputation?."
“I don’t know what your tal..”
“Stop lying!. I heard you!. You were the one who told the media Y/n was with Charles!.”
“And so what if I did!. Why do you care?!. You hate her, right?.”
“That’s not the point!. You lied!. I thought you were better then that.”
“And you don’t lie?. You think I’m stupid?!. I know you’re in love with her!. It’s so obvious. You said me and P were your whole world. We’ve been together for so many years and now you want to throw it away for some whore!.”
“Don’t try to manipulate me into the bad guy. I told you I don’t care about her. You lied and I can’t trust you. I think it’s best we take a break. We need space to think things through.”
“This is a mistake Max. We are a family. We can work this out.”
“No. I’ll pack some bags and you can stay here with P. I’m going to stay with my sister for a little bit. I’ll call you when I’m ready to speak to you.”
“Max don’t do this. Please!.”
As much as Kelly tried to convince Max to stay he had already packed his bags and prepared to leave before stopping in P’s room to say goodbye and that he’d be away in a business trip for a few weeks.
Back to Y/n
After Max left, Rachel tried to get you to talk but you told her you didn’t want to, so she dropped it. Instead you had a girls night in with some romcoms and your favorite foods. Everything was a mess so you decided to do something about it by starting off with Charles.
"Hey Rae, how do you feel about going to Italy next week?."
"Are you kidding me?? Is that even a question?. YES! YES! YES!!!!."
"Great, ill book our flights now."
Mission get Charles and Alex back together is in play.
The week went by fast without issue and soon enough you and Rachel were on the flight to Italy. You told Rachel about the plan minus the engagement part. After settling into the hotel you put on a summer dress with a hat and shades to not be recognized and headed to Alex’s house. Knocking on the door you waited till someone answered. When someone did, it was a middle aged lady.
“Hi, is Alex home?.”
The lady looked at you confused like she didn’t understand and you realized she probably didn’t speak English and you definitely didn’t speak Italian. So you tried loading up your translator app but it was taking forever to load. Another voice came from behind her that you recognized to be Alex.
Taking of your sunglasses and hat you nodded. She said something to the lady who walked away and then she leaned against the door.
“What are you doing here?.”
“Well, first to say me and Charles have never had any kind of relations. He’s been my friend since I’ve joined formula 1. I have never seen him in that way and never will. Secondly, I couldn’t stand seeing Charles mope around Monaco any longer. All he does is stay inside all day on his sim or play piano. And finally, I wanted to have some good gelato.” You smiled.
Alex’s face didn’t change as she processed all you've said. Eventually though, she smiled sadly.
“I miss him. I’ve never gone this long without him. I was so hurt and embarrassed when I saw those articles. Then he showed up here and it made me sick seeing him but even more turning him away. I tried moving on but all I can think about is him.”
A single tear dropped down her cheek as you hugged her.
“Is he here?.”
“No, he doesn’t know I came here. Listen why don’t we get some gelato and take a walk?”
She smiled and excused herself to get her purse. You texted Rachel.
y/n: Mission Charles and Alex back together Successful 💞✅
y/n: getting some gelato with Alex, be back soon. Don’t tell anyone including Charles, want it to be a surprise. 🤔
Rae: yayyy 😃
Rae: I love love 💕 🥰
Rae: my lips are sealed promise. 🤐🤫
Rae: also please bring me back a gelato 🍨 😀
Y/n: will do, see you soon!! 🫡
After talking to Alex for a while she agreed to come back with you to Monaco to see Charles. She didn’t call or text him to let him know, wanting it to be a surprise as well. Till then you spent your days eating the best food you could get and every gelato flavor you could find. Your pt was going to be pissed when you got back, but it was worth it.
The day came and you’d finally made it back to Monaco. Rachel had to leave the last day in Italy since she had to go back to work, so it was just you and Alex. The plan was to drop off your things first and head to Charles place. You didn’t know who was more nervous, you or Alex.
When you arrived at Charles front door you nodded to Alex as she let out a breath and knocked. Charles opened up and held his breath when he saw Alex. He was to stunned to speak so Alex did instead.
“Oh hey sorry.. I just can’t believe it’s really you..”
“I’m sorry..” they both said in unison.
They laughed and Charles spoke,
“I’m sorry that I hurt you. Those rumors were just rumors. I love you and only you.”
“I know. I love you too. I was hurt but I know now that it was all lies. Y/n explained everything to me.”
That’s when he noticed you were next to Alex and he was confused.
“But how?.”
“She came to my house and told me. We spoke for a while and I understand. I’m sorry I doubted you.”
“My love, you don’t have to apologize. It was my fault. I hope you can forgive me.”
“There’s nothing to be forgiven. It was a misunderstanding. Let’s just forget about this.”
“Well that’s my queue to go. Guys im happy for you. Im gonna leave you two love birds to it. If you need anything call or text. See you later.”
You said your goodbyes and headed back to your apartment. It was late so you just stopped by your favorite restaurant and got some food to go. Getting out of the elevator you could see a man sitting against your door. Cautiously you approached him and as he heard your footsteps he looked up.
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Taglist: @itsjustkhaos @sadg3 @d3kstar @runs-with-scissOrs
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cxhleel108 · 10 months
S7 Thots for this week: I’ve had enough…
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• Here go this bitch🙄🙄🙄
• The new bed outfits were kinda meh but that purple and gold number was cuuuuuute.
• Lame ass sex scene on the daybeds yayyyy.
• Yes Willow we had a VERY nice evening. Did you have fun with the “him-shaped space” in your bed?😁
• Aw Bonnie and Vicky are sad that I made love with Bryson? That’s awful, I really don’t give a fuck tho.
• Snog, Marry, Pie day is here😍😍😍
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• Oh don’t worry bitch I got somebody in mind too!
• Daphne immediately going to snog Evan like she’s so real I’m sorry.
• The fact we get to dodge the pie getting thrown at us LMAOOOOO Willow you’re never gonna win bookie.
• The fact everyone wants to marry Tanya (my MC for clarification) oooohhh she’s mother!
• Bryson you really coulda just snogged me babe but Imma look past it cuz you still made sure to put a ring on it😁
• Willow I know YOU of all people are not tryna call ME predictable.
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• Not Rafael coming to kiss us??? Sorry Daph🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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• Why I actually got upset cuz he ain’t choose us?
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• Oh ok nvm I’m good now🤭
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• 🫵🏽🤣
• Why did Vicky emphasize that she had to tell us stuff about our LI and the other boys and then we proceeded to pay 29 gems just for her to not tell us anything about our LI…Fusebox somebody is gon sue y’all niggas one day while y’all keep playing.
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• Oh Bryson you are so shady for saying last to come should be the first to go, aka Vicky and Travis needa pack they mf bags. I’ve taught him so well🤩
• I don’t wanna go talk to these people about “where their heads are at” I DON'T CAREEE.
• Evan asking me who I think the most annoying couple is omg? Why are y’all so messssyyyyy??? (I love it)
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• Oh that's cool, we really don't give a fuck tho!
• Oop it's date time so you know what that means girlies...outfit reviews🤩🤩🤩
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• Don't get me wrong these are both cute but there are certain details on both of the tops that's fucking them up.
• The date was cute. Not much else to comment on.
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• OH-
• I'm crying how #Raphne get destroyed just after they was pledging to leave the villa for each other😭😭😭
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• Honestly real asf.
• Ok my whole thing is...Uma...If y'all just made up and had a wonderful lil freak session then why after a very small, I mean MINISCULE, disagreement about not talking so quickly about the future are you gonna just go out and try to make a move on another bitch's man? Niece I can only keep defending you for so long like...
• But at the same time Alex lowkey deserve it cuz he pissing me off with all this hypocritical whiny ass lil baby shit.
• Omg Bryson finna ask us to be his girlfriend soon oooo #Raphne watch out cuz #Tyson is gonna take your spot😘
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• Uma you may be immature and a lil slow at times but you still a real ass bitch, I can't hate you💯
• Outfit time again🤩
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• Omg omg omg these both eat thank god I was so scared.
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• Don’t say what I think you're about to say...
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• Oh ok you did it anyway lol🙂
• Willow if you know what's good for you, you will keep your mouth SHUT!
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• So Willow gets to stay and now Evan's gone...ok.
• So what I'm gathering from this confession about Raf (I literally couldn't be any less shocked) is that every man that has met Tanya in here has wanted her...she's literally queen of the villa like all you hoes are peasants at this point🤣🤣🤣
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• Willow...don't get fucked up😄
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• Willow...don't. get. fucked. UP.
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• ...
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jmagnabo92 · 3 months
Underwear Mishap
When Alex gets back to his hotel room the evening after Zahra had caught them, Henry reveals that he's been accidentally wearing Alex's underwear all day, and some fun ensues.
Alex was too distracted and his phone too dead for him to realize what had happened that morning with his underwear until he got back to his hotel and plugged in his phone. 
The second it was charged enough to turn on, he sees a text from Henry. 
A picture of his underwear on Henry in a full-length mirror.
I suppose you’ll be wanting these back?
He laughs.  He can’t help it.  It brings back the absurdity of that morning.  Henry falling out of the closet in Alex’s boxers as Zahra storms the place.  When Nora and June asked about Zahra’s bad mood, he told them what happened, and June had felt guilty that she hadn’t gone to get him herself, but he figures it’s time to face the music. 
Still, at least he can laugh at the scene now.  Henry was right about the image being on the nose, but it doesn’t matter. 
Read on AO3 or below
He knows it’s late, but he wants nothing more than for Henry to be with him right now, and if he can’t have that – at least he can hear his voice, see him on facetime. 
It connects in moments and Henry’s visible in nothing, but Alex’s underwear and that does something to Alex. 
“God, they look better on you than they do on me.”
Henry laughs.  “I had to admit it was rather strange to realize that I was wearing your underwear and you were wearing mine –”
“Actually, I went commando,” Alex says.  “But I can put them on?”
“Commando?  As in without underwear?”
“Yes, baby.  I actually do it often.”
“Why ever would you do that?”
Alex shrugs.  “I just think underwear isn’t always necessary.  Even on the way to the DNC conference, when I found out Zahra has a boyfriend, I asked her how she could have one we don’t know about since I see her more than I see clean underwear.  My ma said I should change my underwear more often, but I told her I mostly go commando.”
Henry looks stunned through the phone. 
“It’s not – not a big deal.”
“I rather think it is.  At least I know why this underwear is so clean.”
“To be fair, I was wearing them yesterday, and I do try, just not terribly hard.”
He shakes his head and redirects back to the conversation back to how good Henry looks in Alex’s underwear.  “Let’s forget about my use or lack of use of underwear and focus on the fact that you’ve been wearing my underwear all day.  They look good on you.”
“Ah, does seeing me in your underwear do something for you, Alex?”
Alex shifts the camera down so that Henry can see the tenting in his pants.  “What do you think?”
“I think you’re a demon, but I like it.  Why don’t you take it out for me?”
Alex grins as he does one better.  He takes the pants off entirely and lays back on the bed completely naked.  Henry smiles and drinks him in greedily even though it’s only been twelve hours since he’d seen him last. 
“You look as good as I remember.”
“What?  Like it hasn’t been twelve hours?”
Henry gives him a look.  “I was going for something that you rather ruined, thank you very much.”
“Sorry, baby.  Go ahead.”
“Maybe I should leave you high and dry instead.”
Alex gives him a look, fluttering his eyelashes in a way to make Henry melt.  “Come on, baby, you wouldn’t really do that to me, would you?”
“Only because I know how tough this weekend’s been for you.”
“No kidding.  It was bad last night even though you made it so much better and then, with the whole Zahra thing…”
“I wanted to be there for you, but I didn’t mean to ruin anything.”
“You didn’t ruin anything,” Alex states.  “Just because Zahra’s being difficult, and I have to tell my ma, doesn’t mean anything’s ruined.  I am so happy that you came, and it was – exactly what I needed, but honestly, I don’t want to think about that anymore.  Just wanna think about you, standing there in my underwear, wishing I was there with you so I can tear them off with my teeth.”
Henry flushes.  “You’d like that, huh?  I was rather imagining something different.”
“Oh, do tell.”
“Well, I’d be standing like I am, in nothing, but your underwear, and you’d come up behind me and slide your hand beneath the band and tease me as you whisper about how hot I look in your clothing.”
Alex hums.  “Sounds hot, baby.  Maybe I’d tease your cock for a few minutes, letting you get close, but not push you over the edge.”
“Denying me pleasure, love, how unfair.”
“Not for long, though.”
Henry smiles, his hand in Alex’s underwear, clearly ready to play.  “What’s next, then?”
“Well, when you’re begging me for release, I’d swing into my fantasy.  I’d move before you and rip my underwear off you with my teeth.  I’d tell you to watch how beautiful you are in the mirror as you come, and then, I’d give you – a better than adequate – blowjob.”  Alex’s own hand is on his own dick, slowly speeding up as he talks.  “You’d do that delightful breathless laugh, seeing what I see as you reach that wonderful moment of bliss, and you’d melt against me.  Your legs turned to jelly.  You’d hall me to my feet and kiss me passionately moving us to your bed.  My knees hit the bed and I fall back in a heap…”
“And then I’d move you up the bed until I can tie you there completely at my mercy,” Henry continues the fantasy.  “You’d look rather good in one of those deep green ties I have, I can just imagine you, sprawled out on my bed, completely starkers aside from the tie.  I’d tease you with my hands as you’d tease me and then, when you’re aching and begging, I’d start prepping myself…”
“Oh, God,” Alex moans.  He knows where Henry’s going with this, the thought of Henry riding him while he’s tied to the bed almost has him coming, but he staves it off, wanting to finish when Henry’s done with the fantasy.  “So close, baby.  Keep going.”
Henry hums.  “And then, once I’m all ready for you, I position myself right above you and wait for you to beg me to ride you.  I sink onto your dick, and you let out the most pornographic moan –”
Here, Alex complies.  Fulfilling part of the fantasy. 
“– yes, just like that, dear.  You’d try and control the pace, but I’m the rider here.  I tease with a slow but pleasurable pace until –”
“Baby, please.  Please just… so close.”
Henry’s grinning.  His own hand speeding up still inside Alex’s boxers.  “And the begging would push me to speed up, riding you harder and harder until –”
He stops because he’s coming all over the inside of Alex’s boxers, but Alex doesn’t mind because he, too, is coming.  They’re both panting slightly, and it takes a moment or two or twelve before either of them can say anything.  When they do, it’s Henry that speaks. 
“Well, I do believe I’ll have to clean these before I return them.”
Alex can’t help the burst of laughter.  “After that, that’s all you have to say?”
“Well, to be fair, if we were together, I’d be kissing you and cuddling into you, but I can’t have that – and it is a pressing problem.  I was planning on sleeping in these and now, I can’t.”
“I think you’ll find that you can, but it might be a bit sticky,” Alex teases.  “When you do return them, even cleaned, I’m never going to look at them the same, again.”
Henry hums.  “At least they’ll bring a good memory from this weekend.”
“That they will.”
Which is exactly what he needs after this weekend, underwear that brings a good memory.
Thanks for reading :)
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cutemothman · 1 year
I need to talk about Scully in season 8.
Her best friend has just been abducted and the search for him is being treated like a manhunt. Like he's a criminal. After all she's done to stick up for him, she has to watch as his name gets dragged through the mud over and over again. He's a joke to everyone. Despite the fact that he's brilliant and loyal and has the biggest heart, they still see him as a raving lunatic who's obsessed with aliens and ghosts and cryptids. It's even suggested that he staged his abduction because he knew he was dying and wanted to go out with a bang. But that's not Mulder and she knows that. She's not even put in charge of the taskforce to find him, even though she's the person who has the best chance of finding him because anyone else is going to go looking in the wrong places. They can't find him because they don't know him like she does. The power is completely wrenched away from her.
And at the exact same time Mulder goes missing, she finds out she's pregnant. At the end of Requiem, you can see all the emotions she's feeling. Fear because Mulder's gone, confusion because she thought that she was infertile, and hope. So much hope. Gillian does a fantastic job in this scene. She's crying and she's scared but you can tell she wants to be happy about this. It's what she's always wanted. To be a mother. And she knows it's Mulder's baby. And it's so fucking unfair. She got what she hoped and prayed for. After all she's been through. After discovering Emily and having to watch her die. Just as this dream comes true for her the love of her life is ripped away from her.
And she's alone. Without the person that's been by her side for 7 years. I wrote in a fic once that Scully and Mulder are like two bonded shelter cats that can't be separated. She's not used to him not being in her life. Thank god she still has Skinner who always has her back (I get super emotional thinking about how he didn't even entertain Alex's ridiculous request to take out Scully's baby in exchange for a vaccine for Mulder). And despite a rocky beginning with Doggett, he's more than proven himself to her. But none of that matters because she doesn't have Mulder. The person who understands her better than anyone. And because of all the things she's seen, everything she's been through since they first went to Bellefleur, she can't deny the existence of all the improbable things that he's has been showing her all these years. Scully loves Mulder so much that she becomes him. When she's out on cases with Doggett, she assumes the role of believer as a foil to Doggett's realism. She knows how badly Mulder was treated, but now she has to experience that firsthand. Stepping into his shoes, she has to listen to people calling her crazy just like they did to Mulder all those years.
When they find Mulder's body, Doggett literally has to drag her off of his corpse.
Beside Mulder's grave, Scully comments to Skinner how it doesn't feel real that she's standing there. They've had a lot of close calls over the years, but they've always ended up okay. No matter how scraped and bruised and bloodied they always managed to get out alive. Until one of them didn't. He was the last one, she says. His father, his mother, his sister, and now him. In a beautiful moment, Skinner points out that he wasn't the last in reference to her baby (god, I love Skinner).
It's real this time. He's really gone. No matter how much she wishes that she'll see him walk through the door of his office or hear his voice when she picks up the phone he's gone and it's real and he's not coming back.
We as the audience don't get to see what those three months were like when she believed that he was dead, but they must have been absolute hell. She has to grieve him. Knowing that their child will never meet their father. She got her miracle but at what cost? She has to think about how she can move forward. How she can pick up the pieces and continue that work that he started, because if she doesn't, then what the hell was it all even for?
Three months isn't nearly enough time to even scratch the surface of her grief but she's getting up each day and surviving. She has to. What else is she supposed to do?
And then he comes back.
Scully saw them put Mulder in the ground. She stood by his side as he was lowered. This wasn't a magic act. This wasn't a trick of the light. It wasn't a case of a 'missing presumed dead suddenly reappears' soap opera plot. He was dead and now he's not. Scully's seen a lot of shit and opened herself up to new beliefs but this is a whole new level of bizarre. How do you even begin to process the return of someone you put in the ground. People don't just come back from the dead. Aliens exist and monsters are real but people don't come back from the dead.
No one who spends three months buried alive comes out of that okay. I love how they show the change in Mulder's personality. Duchovny portrays him so well. His jokes have more bite. He's darker. There's a new kind of tension that hangs between him and Scully. So thick it's almost choking. It's palpable, especially in that scene where they go back to his apartment. They seem to be dancing around each other. He even apologizes to her for being cold. He says that he's having a hard time figuring out where he fits in. He sees Scully, heavily pregnant, with a new partner by her side living her life without him, and that must be so fucking hard for him. I think back a lot to their conversation in the motel room in Requiem. How he tells her that she has so much more she needs to do with her life. Not our lives, your life. What really strikes me is how he doesn't include himself into that equation. The white picket fence domestic life that she craves. Even though she asked him to be the father of her child, he doesn't see how he fits into that scenario. He never did, even from the beginning but he was willing to try because it's Scully and he would do anything for her. But now, he sees her doing okay without him and he super doesn't feel like he belong.
I sense a kind of hopelessness here from Scully when he comes back. She doesn't know how she can convince him that, yes you belong in my life, so a lot of things go unsaid. There's something that's so maddening but also so special about this show and things that are unspoken. The things that are left up in the air. All the things that we are left to piece together. They don't even touch on the topic of the baby's paternity right after he comes back even though you can tell it's just eating at him. I think he knows but a part of him just can't believe it. He flashes Scully a confused look when Langly makes a comment about him being the father. She doesn't tell him because he's been buried for three months and she doesn't want to pile anything else on him. She can sense that he's hurting so deeply and there isn't a whole lot that she can do about it.
So here she is. She has him back, her best friend rose from the dead. By all intents and purpose, this is a miracle. The man that she loves crawled his way from the grave and back into her life. But things are different now. He's changed and so has she. And she knows they can't ever go back to the way they were before.
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An Incomplete List: Eight
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So we all know that this was behind the scenes, and this #8 was not in the movie. So, instead, I shall lean into it inspiring me with a prompt. (As it does each time I look at this image, or think of the quote from the list.) I really like to imagine this is Alex and Henry being boyfriends, reading together in the park, okay? Henry starts reciting lines from the book Alex is reading, only Alex hasn't gotten to that part yet and is now spoiled.
Alex's long eyelashes blink rapidly as he looks at Henry, sitting primly on a park bench beside him, speaking words that he has not yet read in the book that he has been incredibly invested in for the last two days.
Henry is breathless as he emphatically recites the fifth paragraph of dialogue from the main character's love interest. "It has never felt like a chore to love you, Andy, merely an annoyance at times. I was annoyed that I realized I loved you while we were watching Pricilla Queen of the Dessert. You were more interested in reciting every stupid line from that movie than you were interested in me sitting beside you, having a gay panic about my feelings for you. I was annoyed when you first kissed me while you were drunk and laughed it off, then avoided the conversation any time I tried to bring it up. I was annoyed when you admitted to me that you had been in love with me for months, but got angry when I told you that I had loved you for years at that point, as if it was impossible for me to have loved you much, much longer. But it has never been a chore to bask in your heart's giving nature, your pockets of sass that tell me you are, in fact, not always perfect, and it has never been, nor will ever be, a chore or to love you completely, just as you are."
Alex coughs to cover his moan of want that starts to pour out of his mouth. He drops his book to his lap and demands, "Did you just give away the climax of this book? You know that I haven't finished, given that I am clearly in the middle of reading it?"
Henry shrugs. "I am sorry that I ruined the climax, Alex. I thought that with your level of intelligence, you would have already realized what was about to happen."
Alex glares. "Sure, sure, I knew they were about to break up because Andy is an idiot and can't accept that his struggles are not damaging Hartley's life and because he thinks Hartley deserves better than him, but I didn't need you to summarize all of it!"
Henry rolls his eyes, takes the book away from Alex, and flips a couple of pages forward. "I'll have you know that I recited that word for word. It was not a summary."
"There's no way you memorized all of that from a book you told me you read fifteen years ago," Alex says, skimming his finger down on the page Henry stopped at.
"I apologize love, but I did," Henry says, sounding proud.
"I think you're missing the point," Alex tells him.
Henry glances at him with a smirk and then points to the part he recited for Alex. "I promise you that in return for me spoiling that climax, I will make sure you experience a much more fulfilling one tonight."
Alex reminds himself that he is in public and he cannot show Henry just how hot he actually finds what Henry did, truly is. How beautiful he is whenever he does something he enjoys, and how turned on he becomes when Henry becomes passionate and proud of himself. Alex leans closer and Henry begins to read the part once more. He has to admit, but only to himself of course, Henry's voice reading Andy and Hartley's lines is much better than the ones his imagination came with up. He leans back on the bench, drapes his arm across Henry's shoulders, and lets him tell the story.
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siberian-xanadu · 5 months
Final PRSC update:
Hey guys, as you know my best friend and beloved co-writer left tumblr about two weeks ago, and as part of our deal for leaving, I asked him if after he left if I could spoil the rest of the PRSC. He agreed to it, because we both know now we're never getting back to it lmao. Well, tonight, during our conversation, I asked him explicit permission to upload the 44 page document of lore and unreleased entries we had created, and he agreed.
There are a few things that we came up with that are canon, but we didn't get the chance to write down, like everything after Day 22. However, I'll spoil the end for you now: the final battle is between Fripp and Ian, and Ian wins. He is then congratulated by Roger Waters, who reveals he set up the PRSC in order to promote The Wall and kill off prog competition. Ian promptly knocks him out. The last entry was planned to be David Gilmour apologizing on Pink Floyd's behalf, claiming that the PRSC was entirely Roger's doing, and that the rest of Pink Floyd had nothing to do with it. So, yeah.
Anyway, as for specifics after Day 22: - The Conglomerate disintegrates, Carl sacrifices himself - Rick and Keith have a final encounter, and we killed them both off - That drives Ian to find Fripp and Muir and take them out - The end :D Here's the link
Some other fun facts: We also originally had Tony Kaye in the PRSC, and he was gonna be killed off via mysterious STD
I wrote all the even days, including Day 0, and my friend wrote all the odd days, which is why it switches back and forth from American English and British English Pink Floyd were originally gonna be contenders as well, but we were having a hard time killing that many people off, so my friend came up with the twist ending. We were also going to include the scene where Fripp poisons Broof in a special update that we never got around to writing. We were also going to make Fripp x Broof fanfic and pose as one of our readers sending that on anon to the account.
The Two Dumb Blonds skit was written by us roleplaying as Alex and Rick, and then copying that conversation. Hope you enjoy cause you're not getting any more (unless you ask nicely in my asks)!!!
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djsherriff-responses · 7 months
Hi, im really curious? Do you have any Dolph headcanons/ideas/analysis etc? :0 I’m really bad about keeping a consistent idea of a character in my mind, so I’m curious!
First off for tips on keeping a character consistent, I’d recommend rewatching/rereading the source material or at least bits off it.
I personally have a combination of “throwing crap at a wall till it sticks” and “imagine my own stories as tv episodes and replay it over and over again”, while that’s more how I generally write my own characters than specifically fan works, doing that and rewatching clips I find helpful. I also recommend reading up on analysis on the character by other people in the fandom. While some you may strongly disagree with, it’s worthwhile to have different perspectives
Anyways headcanons on Dolph
I used to headcanon Dolph having issues being possessive but after what the manga reveals, I no longer feel that’s in character for Dolph as it goes against what we learn about him
However I do HC that Alex made Dolph believe he was possessive , playing on Dolph’s need for affection and protective nature, and Dolph now struggles with the idea that wanting any affection and reassurance from someone is him being “too much”
Dolph is terrified of getting close to someone and hurting them (this is a combination of Alex self projecting onto Dolph at times and Dolph in the process of the fact he killed Alex and the grief that comes with that)
However I do still think Dolph is a bit of a freak in the bedroom , but now there’s the added fact that whatever he’s into is a by product of some sort of horrible trauma having a weird effect on his brain chemistry and it causing a lot of uncomfortable feelings being discussed
Going off that last point, I think Dolph would be into the idea of getting pregnant/having kids in some way, for the wrong reasons. That sounds out of character unless I explained this one so: I think Dolph has an unhealthy view of himself in that he feels like he has to be “useful” to someone in order for his life to have meaning. Obviously throughout most of his life he was a weapon and then later a boytoy to be discarded. Despite the betrayal , Dolph wanted to die once he got his revenge against Alex, showing that Dolph didn’t see any reason to stay alive if he had no one to be alive for. There’s also the fact he desperately longs for family , particularly parental/mentor figures, so it wouldn’t really shock me if Dolph “I’m gonna settle down at the age of 23 with a man twice my age” Laserhawk had fantasies of starting his own family with Alex ( just imagine that one suicide squad scene were Harley imagines her and the joker as a Suburban family) which goes further into the idea he only values himself if he has value to someone else
……… though realistically Dolph would actually be incredibly freaked out if he did end up having a kid with Alex , despite said fantasies (the difference between fantasy and reality and all that jazz)
I think he should get into gardening. I think it’d be a nice contrast to the intense tech he grew up with and be symbolic of him learning to be independent and free
Dolph does a surprisingly amount of stupid shit , he literally gave himself salmonella on several different occasions just because he wanted to eat cake/cookie mix and didn’t have the patience to bake it
Dolph is competitive with games to the point he’d break a leg just to win bingo
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missmeganlee · 1 year
I re-read and (re)watched Red White and Royal Blue so let's talk about it
Grab your popcorn guys, gals, and non-binary pals I'm writing this on my laptop instead of my phone so you know it's gonna be a long one
To preface, Red White and Royal Blue is one of my favorite books of all time and it brought me so much joy to re-read it in preparation for the movie. Casey McQuiston's writing will never not make me laugh out loud. But it's because I love this book so much that I was suuuper apprehensive about the announcement of a movie adaptation. That being said I think the movie lived up to the expectations I had for it. I think I would’ve enjoyed the movie more had I not just read the book
TLDR: I thought that the movie felt like the bare bones of the book and lacked the emotional depth that the book had. 2/5 stars as a book to movie adaptation. 3/5 stars just looking at it as a movie and not an adaptation
Things I Liked About the Movie
ZAHRA! I loved her character in the movie so much. In terms of side characters she was definitely the one that felt most faithful to the source material to me. And I think every time she was in a scene she made it 100x better. She was definitely a scene stealer for me
The banter between Alex and Henry. ESPECIALLY in the montage of texts they send each other in the beginning of the movie, which was taken basically word for word from the book. I think it was important for the movie to get this right because their banter is basically the foundation of Alex and Henry's relationship.
I also really liked how they shot the text conversations and the turkey phone call
The confrontation at Kensington Palace. By far the best scene acting wise for both Taylor Zakhar Perez and Nicholas Galiztine
When they were both at the piano and Alex started playing "My Country tis of Thee" and the Henry joined in for the final cadence cause the melody is the same as "God Save the Queen" that musical symbolism was just *chefs kiss*
That one reporter who questioned Miguel about Alex's right to privacy
Alex reading One Last Stop when they’re on the hammock in Texas. Great little easter egg for fans of the book and Casey McQuiston
“Baby” “Alex?” 🥺🥺🥺
The New Year’s Eve party where it’s just them standing up while the crown dances
The interview montage. That was hilarious
The nervous tick Nicholas Galitzine added to his performance as henry where he twists his signet ring, and then when Alex twists it when he wears the ring *chef's kiss*
Things I Didn't Like About the Movie
The pacing felt off. Everything felt rushed to me. We got 3 sex scenes over the course of 10 minutes; that is so unnecessary. I don't think enough time was spent establishing our characters and their relationships to one another. In fact their entire romance felt rushed to me. especially in the first half of the movie. I don't think it was necessary to have their first hookup at the white house and then the scene immediately afterwards being their hookup at the polo match (as much as we all love that scene in the book). Without the added context of what Alex had to cancel on and talk with Zahra about to get to the polo match I felt that Alex's need to be with Henry again and that longing was lost. In the same vein I don't think the turkey scene had the same amount of weight in the book. It was played as thought they had spoken on the phone before which they hadn't, so that was a big step in their friendship and relationship, but I think that emotional impact was glossed over. And in general the emotional depth to Alex and henry's relationship felt lacking to me. I think more time should've been spent showing us their emotional intimacy rather than their physical intimacy cause Alex's almost "I love you" in Texas didn't feel earned
The characterization of a lot of the characters. Because I had literally just finished reading the book the day before I watched the movie everything is still extremely fresh in my mind and because of that a lot of the characters felt very one note to me. Like Bea is 1/8th of the character that she was in the book. They took away her spunk and made her into this very typical prim and proper princess of England. What happened to the girl who "accidentally" pours hot tea into her brother's lap to make him shut up? And my girl Nora... if I hadn't known from reading the book that her and Alex were best friends and had a previous romantic relationship I would've never known that was the nature of their relationship in the movie. The way she's painted in the movie is that she just works on the Claremont campaign team and just happens to be the granddaughter of the vice president. And yeah her and Alex are friends, but best friends? I just wasn't getting that vibe from them in the movie. And it also made me mad that on New Year’s Alex just kissed two random girls at the party instead of Nora which was their tradition. Also was it ever mentioned in the movie that Nora was bi? I think they conveniently skipped over that part in the scene when her and Alex are talking about Henry. If Nora's only purpose of being in the movie was to provide a little insight to Alex's very minor sexuality crisis and some emotional support I don't understand why that couldn't have been June instead. Last thing I'll say about characterization is that I wish they had balanced President Claremont with mom Ellen better. She had some good mom moments, but I really wish we had gotten the scene from the book (or a scene similar to it) where after the emails leak Ellen clears the conference room to just talk with Alex and check in with him and how he's feeling as a mom and not as president of the US. Which leads me to my next point
The lack of the white house trio and the super six. Not gonna rehash my thoughts on Nora, but I think it's insane that June was just completely eliminated from the movie narrative. Like she was one of Alex's main support systems in the book and like the whole magazine poster thing in the book was cause of her too. June knew Alex sometimes better than he knew himself and I think it was a shame that he didn't have someone like that to lean on in the movie. (Also the lack of gay subplot between her, Nora, and Pez. What a shame). Speaking of Pez, it really bothered me that they only called him Percy in the movie. Yeah that's technically his name, but it's like only people who don't know him call him that. If you know him like Henry and Alex are supposed, to you call him Pez. I missed the found family aspect of the story that came with the "super six" and I think both Henry and Alex could've used that support from the group of friends in the movie. It felt very much them against the world in the movie when they really had so many people supporting them (bringing it back to my need for more mom Elle scenes, like her "I'll back your play" line in the book).
Miguel. Ugh. This guy. The movie needed an antagonist so they decided to create an entire new character instead of making some nuanced commentary about how dirty (unfortunately) American politics can be with the inclusion of Rafael Luna. And I think the thing that pisses me off the most about Miguel is that they didn't even link him back to Jeffry Richard's campaign. And with that omission it just seems like Miguel leaked the emails to get back at Alex for not wanting to sleep with him again or as a guy who just wanted to break his first big story to be seen as a serious journalist. And I also think it reduces the severity of the crime Miguel committed by not linking it back to the Richard's campaign, which would be conspiracy against a sitting president and lead to a federal investigation (took that straight from the book lol) (maybe they felt it was hitting a little too close to home). And the fact that whoever leaked the emails faces. no repercussions in the movie or even any mention of potential consequences is criminal (no pun intended). Again I feel like it reduces the severity of the crime. AND HOW FUCKING DARE THEY GIVE MIGUEL THE "FUCKING EYE LASHES" LINE
The fact that Alex calls Henry baby in the movie exactly once and never calls him sweetheart CRIMINAL
Some of the dialogue felt very clunky to me "... and I'll bother you no longer." What was wrong with saying "and I won't bother you anymore"?
Lastly (though I'll probably have more to say after another watch), the quality of the production of the movie was lacking at some parts. I hated how obvious it was to me when one scene was shot at an irl location versus a scene shot using green screen or a fake background. And the lighting specifically didn't help with some of those scenes. Everything just seemed a bit too bright some times
Ha ha ha I actually thought of more but these are more minor complaints that these things were omitted from the movie. The fact that they referenced but didn’t do the whole PowerPoint scene. I really wanted to see Uma Thurman do that scene lol. The fact that “Your Song” by Elton John wasn’t included at all. THE FACT THAT ALEX DIDNT CALL HENRY AN OBTUSE FUCKING ASSHOLE. No mentions of Star Wars. WHY DID THE CUT THE CORNETTOS SCENE
Oh another minor thing (but I think it's kinda big). The house in Texas is supposed to be Spanish style not the modern looking thing we got in the movie. The symbolism of that house representing a core part of Alex was just poof gone
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honey-from-hell · 1 year
Red, White, & Royal Blue Movie Rant
Spoilers. All the spoilers. You've been warned.
I'm going to be talking pretty negatively about the movie, and if you don't want that, please, please scroll. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade. I know how important this movie is to a lot of people and the last thing I want is to upset anyone with my opinions. I just need to get my thoughts down. I'm a list autistic (yes, ha, like Alex).
My ramblings about this are not in any way meant to take away the importance of this movie. It is sacred in a way to a lot of people, the same way Harry Potter was when it came out (fuck JKR). It makes people feel seen despite how good or bad it is and that is important. This is my opinion on this piece of media as just a movie, as a thing. NOT as a concept that is good and needed and unashamed. I really hope this is the beginning of more feel-good queer movies. As a queer person, as an American in a time of trans-bills who is dating a trans person, this movie is powerful. But like, also bad. And I have opinions on it. 
So, I didn't like the movie. The mixture of the promos, the R rating, and the 90% it had on Rotten Tomatoes before it came out definitely got my hopes up. And I love the book. But in the end, I don't like the movie. I wasn't expecting something worthy of awards and critical acclaim, but I was expecting something more.
I think the reason I can say I didn't like the movie and not something more along the lines of, "I enjoyed it despite its problems," is because of how many issues I have with it. If it was just pacing, or just the cheesiness, or just an actor I think I would have liked it. But I pretty constantly went, "Oh, I don't like that." And the issues just kept stacking.
Going into it, I knew the main differences from the book were the lack of June and the fact Ellen and Oscar weren't divorced. And I think those two huge elements that play a part in Alex's character are really apparent in the movie. I thought Alex was kind of flat. I thought a lot of the characters were kind of flat. And this one is going to piss a lot of people off, but I didn't like Nicholas Galitzine's acting at all. I think the moment the movie went from enjoyably bad to bad bad for me is the last third where it's from Henry's perspective. The scene where he started browsing the books in the red room like that was particularly awkward and stilted. A lot of his scenes felt like that, like he was acting for a play or something. It wasn’t realistic. Since he’s a main character, it really did affect my opinion of the movie as a whole. 
Amy and Zarah were amazing. And Stephen Fry as the King did a great job. Taylor Zakhar Perez’s acting was on point, most of the time. I think some of my favorite scenes were Alex interacting with his mom, Zarah, Amy, and Nora at the beginning of the movie. Also, I fucking loved Nora. I wish she had been in the movie more, and also explicitly bisexual. And Pez. I just really wanted Nora/June/Pez, but I digress, not having that is not what made the movie unenjoyable for me.
I tried not to compare it to the book as a way to determine how good or bad it was. Like, when I heard June wasn't a character, I didn't immediately go, "Well, that means it going to be bad." But one of the great things about the book is the way all the characters interact with each other, not just Alex and Henry. We get to see what kind of relationship Alex and June have with their mom as their mom and as the president. We get to see the White House Trio be goofy but genius young adults figuring themselves out. Those were the moments that flesh the characters out and make you care about them. And there just really wasn’t very much of that in the movie.
The R rating made me happy, for one, because Alex says “fuck” so much in the books. His potty mouth is commented on. It is part of his character. It’s such an easy way to portray this very genuine and good character as someone who is still brash and a bit of an asshole. I had also hoped that the rating would help it feel like the book (says the person desperately trying not to compare it to the book). It is supposed to be sexy and fun on top of being unapologetically queer. But on the flip side, that was such a PG-13 movie and I have a feeling whoever decides the rating of movies was being homophobic. Because a gay sex scene is more “inappropriate” than a straight one. I also associate a level of maturity with R-rated movies, not because of more mature content but because the people consuming the movie and the movie itself should appeal to a more mature audience. If that makes sense. But it felt like a Hallmark and Disney’s ever so slightly more raunchy lovechild. 
The pacing immediately took me out of the movie. It was like watching a movie on 2x speed. I totally get why so many people thought it should be a mini-series or something. And I know they couldn't fit all 400 pages into a movie, but there have been adaptations before that do a solid job. I don't think RWRB did. I feel like Alex’s character development was flat and a bit magical—unnatural and unearned. Like, Henry apologizes and suddenly they are BFFs.
AND THE EMAILS. That’s what the whole ending conflict and it felt very much forgotten. We got the text messages and stuff, but when it came to the emails, it was just voiceovers. I think, like in the book where Alex thinks about private email servers (which is like my favorite joke in the book, it’s so layered in so many ways), there needed to be the equivalent of that in the movie before to bring attention to it. But this catalyst just kind of gets overlooked until it’s relevant.
And motherfucking Miguel Ramos. He felt like just a juvenile addition by being into Alex and being big bad because he’s into Alex. It was kind of icky in a way the book avoided. In the book, it was about politics, and while icky, they didn’t use a queer character to achieve the big conflict. His character, and really the whole progression, reminded me a lot of fanfiction written by a new writer. Like, the concept is good but the execution is what holds it back. 
Okay, so, I for sure have more things I disliked than things I liked, but I did appreciate the humor. It was the one part that 100% felt like the book. It was stupid and inappropriate, but witty and compelling. The direct quotes had me fangirling. Zarah, Amy, and Nora. Just ugh. I’m gay. Shaan? I also miss his sweet ass. 
I didn’t expect this movie to be perfect but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. I’ll try watching it again when I’m not in hyperfixation mode. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
EDIT: Also, Alex confirmed their relationship in the speech BEFORE the talk with the king. Like, Sir King Stephen Fry, it's already out there, man. The speech was supposed to take place after their talk with Philip and the King.
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I see we'll are very sad to not be on a boat with Matty and honestly I feel for all of us because we deserve it but think how annoying it would be to remind him constantly to put on sun screen? And have him saying: baby, I'm a man I don't burn that easily...
(unrelated but yesterday a used a new sunscreen and I must have been allergic to it because it gave me such a bad reaction to my eyes while I was at the pool. I was miserable)
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Sunshine Baby
@heralldaylong ‘s request for a summer vacation one shot was perfect for this. So here you guys go.
warnings: none. Maybe some mentions of past trauma but kept it super vague
She closed her book and set it down in her lap at the end of the 7th chapter. She pushed her sunglasses off her face and into her hair , and unfolded her crossed legs over the sun-lounger. Over the railing of the boat, the sun glitter shimmering over the surface of the ocean brought a smile to her face. Closing her eyes and letting the gentle warmth of the atmosphere flow through her, she listened to the soft chatter from around the corner. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the realization that she could pick out Matty’s voice, and his sweet giggle, from the medley of voices on the other side of the deck. She sat up over the edge of the sun lounger, dropping her feet to the floor. On the side table, her ice-cold beverage had a few sips left in it. She picked it up, watching the circle of condensation that had formed at the base of the glass slip off the table. Then she reached for the bottle of sunscreen and set her book down in its place.
on the Deck, Gabi looked like she had fallen asleep in her seat next to John as he and Polly giggled at whatever private conversation they seemed to be having. Across from them, Ross smiled and shook his head, the wind. Blowing through his hair. She couldn’t quite hear him, but he was responding to what Matty, and the boys’ two trainer, Ben, and Alex, were saying. If she had to guess, they were probably attempting to entice Ross into a swimming competition, and judging by Ross’s self-assured smile, they were failing.
Matty sat closest to the edge, remarkably, his phone was nowhere in sight. The shirt that had been loosely draped over his upper body when she left him not too long ago was now on the seat next to him, leaving his back and chest completely exposed. he looked at peace for the first time in a long time. She never thought that someone else’s quiet contentment could bring her so much joy, but watching him run himself ragged day in and day out had been difficult. While she was nothing but proud of him, she’d been worried he’d burn himself out.
That worry, in itself, was a privilege, she’d decided. in her past relationship, she never felt connected enough to her partner to have such a concern for him. The fact that she was not only a part of Matty’s life, but also of his friends’ lives, overwhelmed her sometimes. It took moments like this, of quiet reflection, of almost stumbling upon a scene from a movie unfolding before her eyes, for her to realize how lucky she’d gotten.
she walked across the deck, swinging her arm around Matty’s shoulder when she got to him. “Hey, you.” She kissed the side of his head. a massive smile spread across his face when he felt her, “hi, Angel.” He kissed her lips. “How’s my favorite introvert feeling? You get a little me time?”
she smiled, nodding and squeezing a bit of sunscreen onto her hands. “good, cuz it’s Matty time now.”
she rolled her eyes. “That might work on thousands of adoring fans, but it doesn’t work on me.”
“what about it I wink when I say it?”
she placed her SPF covered hands on his neck.
“Mate- what? It hasn’t even been 40 minutes since you put the last round on my face!”
“well, mate, I didn’t get your shoulders and back. Cuz you were dressed. But since you’ve decided to expose the rest of your body, now we gotta get that, too.”
Matty shrugged, “whatever. I’m going in the water soon, anyway.”
“oh, ok then let me go get the swimming one-“ she moved to walk away from him but Matty instantly caught a hold of her hand, pulling her back to him.
“Don’t- go- or get anything. Stay with me for a moment, would you? Come- over here. Sit in my lap I wanna show you something. No-“ he laughed when she gave him a raised eyebrow. “I’m not being- I’m not trying to be cheeky or whatever- you just won’t see it from over there.” She relented, letting him pull her by the waist and set her down in his lap. Matty leaned them both over the railing and pointed down at the water. “Look! We’ve got company.”
“oh my god, dolphins!” She squealed. The pure joy and surprise in her voice almost made Matty’s heart implode in his chest. He kissed her cheek as she watched the dolphins swim along the side of the boat. “They’re following us.” She mumbled. Ross happened to glance in their direction and noticed them having a small moment of privacy. He took his phone out, snapping a picture as of them as Matty began to sway his hips and placed a kiss on her cheek again.
“Well, Matty.” Alex tapped his shoulder. “Your friend won’t listen to reason.” His head nodded towards Ross who was too busy texting the photos he’d taken to their group chat to notice his friends conspiring. “we've gotta do it then.” Matty whispered.
“What, do what? What’re you guys talking about?”
Matty grinned. “You’ll see.” He tapped her hips gently and stood up when she got off of his lap.
she watched as Alex and Matty exchanged a look, then went over to Ben and Waugh, whispering conspiratorially.
they all gathered around Ross’s side of the deck, forming a smal line with Matty in the front, Ross behind him, and everyone else behind Ross. “what’re you doing?” She yelled out as Matty stood over the edge of the deck smiling. “count to three?” Ben alerted over Ross’s shoulder. “Matty’s never been good at counting down to stuff”
she mumbled to herself, not that anyone could hear her anyway.
before Ben could count them down all the way, matty had already grabbed Ross by the arms and pulled them both into the ocean. Alex, Ben, and Waugh all followed behind.
the girls on deck were sure they could hear Ross inventing new profanities as he cursed out Matty, but the sound of the ocean waves splattering over the side of the boat, and the boys roaring laughter left little for them to hear.
“alright! Listen to me! You’re in the water now. Might as well do it.” Matty directed everyone’s attention. “First one to pop his head out of the water loses, okay? Polly’s gonna time us” he raised a thumb up to Polly and she nodded. “on the count of three, and I do mean three Matty, you boys ready?”
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For the one shot request, can I request tim/brian(pre-mh) fluff if u don't mind:)
Date Night
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Brian leaned back in the booth, arms crossed behind his head as he eyed the shorter man sliding into the seat across from him. His stare didn’t go unnoticed and the corners of his mouth twitched upward as Tim caught his gaze and stared right back.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” The brunette rolled his eyes, shrugging off his coat. 
“Maybe I will. I think you look good on camera.” “Not as good as you.” 
A short laugh escaped. “Well duh, I am the star after all. I have to look good.”
A faint pink tinted Tim’s ears and his dark eyes flickered to the menu lying on the table between them. Brian sighed and leaned forward, opening his own menu with little interest in actually looking through it; he knew what he’d order. 
After another few seconds of silence he spoke up again. “I meant it, Tim.” 
As much as he joked around about being the all important star of Alex’s student film, Brian wasn’t sure he fit in front of the camera. It made him feel awkward at times, unsure what exactly to do at times—of course part of that was the lack of instruction in the script. The fact most of his scenes lately just had him standing and reflecting or doing shorter scenes than his co-stars definitely had him questioning his acting abilities. 
Tim on the other hand, well… Brian had occasionally hung around to watch Alex film his scenes and his boyfriend almost looked like he belonged behind the camera. Maybe it was Tim’s usually stoic demeanor but it was as if he didn’t notice the camera recording him. He was certainly perfect for his character’s role. The only issue was how often Alex and Tim seemed to butt heads—Brian felt like it was getting worse as the student director grew more and more stressed about the production. 
“Guy needs to take a break.” Brian glanced out the window, watching as the daylight faded. 
“I guess.” Tim finally responded. 
Their waiter appeared before Brian could reply. After the pair gave their order and handed over the menus, they were once more left to talk in peace. 
Once more however, he wasn’t allowed to speak as Tim changed the topic. “So how was that party you went to?” 
Brian grinned and arched an eyebrow. “Maybe you shoulda come.” 
Tim gave him a look and made him chuckle; Tim was never much for parties, especially not the ones he liked—loud and full of people. It’d gone until early in the morning too, which had of course been used as a further excuse since Tim had to go to Alex’s shoot. 
“A blast. Nothing too extreme. Cops weren’t called this time.” The smile widened at the memory of a different party. “Just a typical college frat party. Bunch of people getting drunk and shouting along to loud music. They had a bonfire that surprisingly didn’t burn the house down.” 
Considering he’d planned this date, he hadn’t drank as much as some parties. It wouldn’t be fun for him or Tim if he’d been hungover today. It was one of the few times he’d been the designated driver for some of his other buddies instead of one of their girlfriends. 
His smile faltered slightly. Had Tim shuddered when he’d mentioned the house burning down or had he imagined it? Brian leaned over the table a little, reaching out to take his hand. “Something wrong?” 
“It’s nothing.” 
So he hadn’t imagined it. He wouldn’t pry. Tim always told him things when he was ready and if something truly bothered him, he’d let Brian know. “Alright then, keep your secrets.” 
He earned another eye roll for the quote.
“Hey, after this you wanna go back to my place?” He shifted back against the booth again. “I just got some new movies we could watch. Promise you’ll like them.”
“And they aren’t super long this time? ‘Cause I might fall asleep again if they are.” 
Brian wouldn’t mind if Tim fell asleep on him again though. He was a cuddler and Brian honestly found it cute. Sometimes his boyfriend would mumble under his breath, though he could never understand the words.
Their food came a while later and they continued their light banter. Most of the topics were small talk, though parts of it had circled back to Alex’s film—most complaints or worries. For a short time Brian went on about his job—he totally needed a raise considering all the people he had to deal with. Tim seemed to find his complaints entertaining. 
As they wrapped up, Brian handed off his card to pay, much to Tim’s apparent dismay. “I could’ve gotten half.” 
“I got it.” Brian shook his head. “I asked you out, I’m paying this time.” 
He gave the shorter man a reassuring nudge as he pocketed his card and took Tim’s hand to walk out. The night air was warm as they walked to their cars. Despite knowing they’d see each other in a few minutes, Brian was reluctant to let go. 
Leaning against the side of his car, Brian looked down as he pulled Tim closer. They shared a kiss before Brian pulled away and took out his keys. “I’ll meet you at my house, ‘kay?” 
“That’s the plan.” Tim lingered for a second longer before walking the short distance to his own car and following him out of the lot.
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alpinelogy · 9 months
10 & 19!
Lourdes do you have the slightest idea what have you just asked me? Thank you so much for asking :DD
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
maybe we got lost (in translation) a thousand times over. Beyond the fact that it is my second fic that has broken the 100 kudos barrier which is already insane to me cause I did not expect anyone to read it since its a niche ship imo, the way people see the fic is so different from the way I saw it as I wrote it. For me it is a fic mainly about language and communication and how it changes based on who we talk with. Also specifically Esteban's relationship with English is very much based on my own experience with it, from being thrown into an English-speaking group and told to swim to English slipping in even when he is speaking in a different language ('the language spoken is a mess of French and English') Meanwhile at least from comments people see the relationship between Esteban and Lance way more strongly than I do. Which fair, it was partially written as a love letter to my bilingual friends who try to understand me even when my brain does not comprehend language and in hindsight I sometimes ignored the language part in favor of developing their friendship so I can see where they are coming from. And the fic is tagged as estelance so... lol Essentially what I am trying to say here is that people focused on way more on a part I considered secondary than I did while writing it, but I can see why. Also I've gotten so many nice comments on it and even tho I forgot to respond to them I do reread them on the regular because they spark so much joy (also first time someone whose writing I enjoy commented on my fic and it sent me for a loop lol)
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
I actually dont have that many wips rn, I know, shocking, its mostly just scribbled ideas and disconnected scenes. And kinkmeme claims cause I currently have uh... 50 of those
Anyway i do have this. A race engineer!Oscar AU Loscar in which Logan has never been normal about anything related to Oscar. Ever. Starring Logan as a pining mess, Oscar as the calm and collected love interest and Fred, Alex, and Liam as the victims of Logan's pining
“Good morning Logan.” Oscar says as a first thing on the first day of testing over the radio and Logan returns back to his thoughts of screaming, almost vibrating out of his seat in excitement. Goes back to his year old promise of not doing anything stupid ten seconds into the season. Hopes that when the cameras catch his inevitable joy after he gets back to the garage it will be brushed off to just being glad to be back in the car, rather than anything else. As a worst case scenario, he will just put up the Alex Albon patented peace signs because those always somehow make pictures so much more grounded and Alex is really onto something there, Logan needs to study it. He will need it for this year. Probably. Maybe. Most likely. It's fine. It's, whatever. It's definitely not that Logan also spends so much time looking at Oscar in meetings that Fred has noticed. It's definitely not that Fred, with all the subtlety he has, cornered Logan in his drivers room and unceremoniously asked what gives two days into the season. Logan deserved that one probably. When Logan tries to brush him off, it seemingly works because Fred lets himself be brushed off, does not mind Logan redirecting the conversation onto another topic instead. Logan does not know what actually awaits him days later. It's Liam this time, who corners him a few days later, after testing, after the first race weekend of the year properly starts, right after the last free practice before qualifying. Being Formula Two teammates must have done something to their understanding of personal space between each other because Liam waltzes into his driver's room like he owns the place without even knocking. Logan has a half mind to kick him out just for that, force him to knock before entering.
(this got long but look, this is 300 words out of 7.8k that i am fighting to stay under 10k it's small okay?)
fic writer ask game
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 113 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting apples again!
MARTIN: "So, you actually met vampire Trevor then?" Trevor Herbert plays quite a role in Jon an Martin's relationship. First that little dispute whether he's dead or not, which led Martin to reveal his forged CV and, so I think, brought them a bit closer. Now they're chatting about him. And in S5 there will be quite a moment again...
MARTIN:"Ugh, ooh… Is that the one Trevor…?" JON: "Yes." And they also talked more than just "I met Trevor Herbert" it seems, Jon already told him Trevor got rid of a Stranger thing.
More of Gertrude's no-eyes-policy, except for Gerry of course!
JON: [Exhales] "It’s just a notebook. I think… um…" [MARTIN SIGHS IN RELIEF] MARTIN: "What’s in it?" JON: "Not sure, er… Names, locations, dates. I’ll, I’ll check properly later. Doesn’t look like it’s to do with the Unknowing, I don’t think." Do we actually ever get back to the content of that notebook? I can't remember...
MARTIN: "I mean… it wasn’t actually paranoia, though, was it? Because, they were out to get you." Thank you for being the voice of reason, Martin!
MELANIE: "Wasn’t a great time back here, either." God, the way Melanie immediately shuts their conversation down.
MELANIE:"I don’t need your apology. Or your pity." JON: "Of course. ... Of course." This is already a foretaste for Jon of what's to come in S4.
Martin touching everything is so funny. And then that little fight he has with Jon about it and their simultaneous, annoyed "What?", like they rather would have continued bickering! That is something I love about them because you can tell they don't mean it in a hostile way. They already did that wonderfully in MAG 39, and they weren't even planned to get canon back then.
I think this scene is a wonderful example of demonstrating in an audio medium what their surroundings look like and what items they are looking at, by somehow talking about it. Is happens so casually in conversation. And the way they talk about the C4 also creates a bit of build-up.
JON: "I just – I mean – I forgot!" MELANIE: [Indignant & furious] "You forgot?!" MARTIN: [Screeching] "Turn it off!" JON: "I am! Just give me a second –" MELANIE: [Clenched teeth] "Turn it off!" I know (and I also thought this before) that there is the question whether that first "Turn it off" was also Melanie. But go back and listen closely (5:56). It actually is Alex/Martin screeching. You can very well recognize it in the "turn" of the line.
"It’s not like I sleep enough to worry about dreams." Another build-up for that dreams thing. Though it's a bit odd since this is a written statement. With Jon it's very clear it has only been live statements which create that effect.
"I was pursuing my researches into the new emergence I mentioned earlier. I know you are dismissive of the possibility, but if I’m right, the sudden urgency of these “immediate dangers” you are so focused on could very well be a direct result." Extinction foreshadowing!
"I wonder if… death is the same way? No clear dividing line, just… gone, only to realise after it’s happened, except for the fact that there isn’t an after. Is that a comforting thought or a terrifying one?" Aw fuck, thoughts like this always get me... Because I've had them is the very same way before. It has been a while since the last bit like this in a statement. (I think last time it was MAG 78? The other times MAG 70 & 72.)
"I don’t know if my little ‘theoretical’ is strong enough yet to start taking avatars" It is quite a convenient little coincidence there, that Dekker also uses the term "Avatar" for people who can channel a Fear through their body and mind^^ I mean, since it's something Georgie just threw into Jon's brainstorming about a suitable description.
"It’s hard to scream with a breathing tube in you" [surgery/anesthesia/intubation content warning for this bullet point] I mean, I haven't tried to scream and I think the general anesthetics still did a good job numbing me, but being aware of being intubated wasn't so bad. I once woke up still in the operating room (surgery was luckily already over!) and gave the tubus a good bite, asking myself "what the hell is that thing in my mouth- oooh, the tube!" The machine recognizes when you start breathing on your own, so I wasn't force-ventilated. But I guess - and this is total speculation - you wouldn't be able to scream because all the air goes through the tube and therefore can't bring your vocal cords to vibrate.
"The nurse I talked to hadn’t been there, but he had apparently had some sort of near-death experience, and had been describing awful visions to those attending him, muttering obliquely about “terrible things” he’d had to do to return, and prices that would need to be paid." Sounds similar to that one in MAG 155, but still not quite...
"As you know, I am not by any means a Hunter, and if Justin Gough was as far gone as he appeared, it was likely he was no longer human enough for me to remove him without the aid of one." Interesting lore there. Some, who serve the Fears, can only be destroyed by a Hunter. That’s gonna be important for S5...
Dreams kinda seem to be an End thing though, since Oliver Banks describes his quirks also to be dreams. Do dreams come up in other instances or just the End and the Eye?
JON: "I’m not too concerned, to be honest, my dreams are, uh… well, let’s just say I don’t think they’re going to be letting anyone else in any time soon." How can he be so sure of that? He already knows what they are and how they work I suppose...
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black-cat-aoife · 11 months
Tagged by @kathastrophen
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
somehow I need to write words before typing the number 55 because otherwise this very functioning website fucks up the formatting
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sad Cops The last ones were for Blind Ermittelt, Detective Anna, Endeavour and Polizeiruf Frankfurt.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In Which Everybody Regrets Their Life Choices (Daredevil)
The Tale of the Beautiful Professor (Guardian)
Tee Mit Folgen (Tatort Berlin)
Adam, Vincent und die Eule (Polizeiruf Frankfurt)
A Sickbed Visitor (Society of Gentlemen)
OK, technically there's another Daredevil Fic on 2, but it's a collection of shorter fills for a prompt meme so does that count?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. I try to respond to all but occasionally fall in the "Oh yeah I will do that later" trap where I...y'know...don't do it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I had a whole paragraph here, about how I don't usually write Angst and wanted to name a few sort-of-angsty ones, and then I remembered, that I did in fact write Never To Be Told which is very angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot, but Look Not Into My Eyes has a veeeery sappy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
None yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Well, if you equate "crazy" with "nobody but me wrote it" then it's my Ein Fall For Zwei/Tatort Saarbrücken Crossover. But honestly: a crossover between two crime shows that feature abusive dads whose heads make sudden contact with blunt instruments and the resulting fallout from that is not particularly crazy. I also have this idea for a Blind Ermittelt/Allmen one, but as it's so often the case that's all vibes, no plot so far.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I once wanted to, and we even discussed some plot ideas, but then I got ghosted
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Yeah, Niko/Alex caught me like few others, but I also always will have a soft spot for Till/Felix
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Currently, I'm having a really hard time with my Alex & Sophie pre-canon fic, because it requires writing Alex shortly after the attack, and I am not sure if I can do that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm quite good at character-voices, both in dialogue and when internal-monologuing
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting from one scene to the next. Also in dialogues the right amount of surrounding description. I tend to start off with a screenplay, and then turn it into character says one sentence, followed by three paragraphs of description.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I hate it. Either your POV character understands what is said, and then you can tell the audience what is being said, or they don't, and then you just write "they were talking in XY." Don't make me use Google Translate to understand your fic. And don't make me read phrases like heiße schokolade mit gepeitschter creme, because your foreign language knowledge also comes from Google Translate. (That is an example from an actually published book, but my feelings on that transcend the fanfic/pubfic barrier, and I also read enough bullshit in fanfic).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. As in write-write. I don't think I ever wrote down any of the Sailor Moon self insert I made up.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hmm I wrote A Sickbed Visitor with me as the target audience in mind, and considering that, I am quite happy that it also ended up being reasonably popular. Because this is the fanfiction for a romance series that doesn't feature one of the main couples but the friendship between two halves of different couples. (Yeah. Having fun writing something is nice. Validation is also nice)
And Es Wird Wieder ein Sommer is well...it's not the same, because it is an Alex/Niko fic, and I always meant it to be one, but it's also about Laura and her relationship with those two and that was lots of fun to think about and write.
No pressure tag for @cricrithings and @tatzelwyrm
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