#the familial chemistry is INSANE and the show really looked it over and never did it again
durtystars · 1 year
late siblings day post and i'm posting this cut of the S4 flashback exclusively for the trenwith trio, the poldark siblings, the cousin triplets, call them what you will
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mexicangela · 1 year
okay. so. about tedbecca.
this is long and i apologize i just have thoughts. first, the fakeout in the beginning was cruel. BUT i was willing to forgive because tbh it was kinda funny and i’m not convinced that the “morning after” tension between ted and rebecca didn’t make everyone, everyone, think for just a second that they had slept together. y’know, like, if there was never any chemistry there, why the fakeout to get tedbeccas excited/cut them down and antis worried? did the reason for ted, beard, and jane being there really make a ton of sense? no. therefore, it really does feel like it was just something they wrote in to be mean and, like. come on, guys. why be mean? second, their talk in the stands??? you gotta be fucking kidding me. rebecca welton poured her fucking soul out to ted and he didn’t have a thing to say about it other than that “i’ve already made my decision” bullshit? didn’t even offer her a hand or hug of comfort? how out of character was that? he seemed so stoic through the whole episode, like he was stunted. which, maybe has to do with his being sad about leaving but still it threw me off. jesus, talk about “subverting expectations” or whatever. also, the things rebecca was saying? “you go, i go”? the ultimatum of “either we both stay or we both leave” and then her saying they’d both go only to take it back in the end? be so fucking for real right now. the offer to pay him insane amounts of money then telling him there was really no kind of monetary compensation that could represent how much he meant to the club (and her), the proposed solution to bring his child and his child’s mother over to london for him to stay (it is one thing to offer to get henry over, but to extend the offer to michelle is something else)? those aren’t things regular old friends say/do for each other, i’m sorry. listen, i love my friends but that’s a lot to offer anyone. you really have to love someone to be willing to do all that and cry real tears while begging them to stay, to choose you, to choose the home you’ve made for yourself. third, the airport scene gutted me but AGAIN i was kind of at peace with it. it would have at least left it super open ended and allowed the fanbase to imagine what could have happened afterward, y’know. like the whole “rom-com leave-cute” thing was another mean thing to do because where was the rom or the com about that?? why do that? but like i said, i would have been at peace with it because, dear god, the way rebecca was looking at him (again, ted gave us almost nothing but whatever. not even a tear? ugh.). i mean, she was looking at him like she wanted to say “stay. choose me. choose your own happiness.” also i know she’s loaded but WHO BUYS A FIRST CLASS TICKET JUST TO GET PAST SECURITY ONLY TO SAY GOODBYE TO A GOOD PAL? doesn’t make sense to my little pea brain!!! sudeikis, make it make sense (unfortunately for me and everyone around me i still love him)! there really should have been an “i love you” and not even necessarily in a romantic way. these two are supposed to be soulmates, cosmically connected, there’s not supposed to be one without the other and all we got was…”thank you” and a head nod? like, yes, thank you. thank you for showing me warmth and kindness and grace. thank you for reminding me what my strength looks like. thank you for being there for me. yes, yes, yes, thank you! but an “i love you” really would have been wonderful and i’m actually sad they didn’t get to hear it from each other. fourth, the way nameless boat dude came back in like a fucking generic ass early disney prince was just lame. i thought it was lazy. here we have a rebecca who is devastated that this weird, funny, kindhearted american football coach who shoved himself into her life and her heart has just left to go back to kansas and this little dutch girl trips and suddenly rebecca’s found happiness? it’s frustrating. really, it is. like i’m happy rebecca has a shot at happiness and a family, but she just as well could have had it with ted, who is admittedly very similar to this dutch man. i don’t get it. this is where it well and truly lost me. fifth (this one’s a three parter, sorry), where’s ted’s happy ending? because i don’t think it’s a life of volunteering to coach children’s soccer. i know people have been implying/worrying that ted and michelle reconcile but i don’t see that happening. ted, at his core, is still the man michelle left. he’s still overly optimistic (although we didn’t see that in the finale, like what?), he’s still punny, and let’s be real, he’s still a mess. i didn’t see the resolution to his arc. in fact, returning to kansas feels like a regression. he literally ran from kansas. that’s the whole reason he went to richmond in the first place. what changed? why is he going back now? for henry, yes, of course, that’s understandable. and at the same time, within the show we’ve been shown that the bond of a father and child is not always enough to get dad to stay/be a good and decent father (i.e. ted’s father, i.e. james tartt sr., i.e. rebecca’s father). this isn’t, of course, true for ted and henry, but i think it’s a point to make concerning everyone saying things about the child-parent bond being end-all, be-all. for some people, that’s true. for others, it isn’t. it isn’t a jab at anyone or the parent-child relationship in general, it’s just the truth. this is a coin that has two sides, y’know. got off course there but anyway, henry also could have gone to london, which i think might have been the best thing for him anyway, he seemed to have a good time there and he would have had a whole band of new brothers with all the himbos. michelle isn’t a bad mother by any means, but she’s got her own shit to work through if the whole doctor jacob thing was anything to go by. i also don’t think the show did all that great of a job showing us that henry had this super deep connection with his dad, but maybe that was just me lol. regardless, i still understood the bond and its importance and of course ted wanted to be there for his child. that part does make sense. the way it was gone about felt like a disservice though. ted’s expression at the end there doesn’t scream happy. he looked rather sad to me, like something was weighing on him still. and i’m sure there was. i don’t think he’s at peace with himself yet, or happy. maybe he’ll get happy in kansas. i hope he does. but getting to see rebecca’s “happily ever after” and not ted’s hurt my heart. guess i was hoping they would actually subvert the expectations and have him stay in the home he’d made for himself instead of going back to the place where he lost so much. why did he have to give up his found family and the job he loved (and was still actively learning about!! offsides!!) and the best friend he made and the support system he found (which, no matter your age or your progress, you always need a support system) and the community that had come to love him andandand- all ted did was sacrifice to make other people happy and better and this feels like another sacrifice because his mom guilt tripped him by saying something he already fucking knew (sorry i’m not a fan of dottie). i just don’t get it. how is his happy ending going back to the root of all his problems and staying there? just sucks, really, even if it was always the obvious outcome. sixth, i’m just mad all the signs lead to nowhere. the matchboxes, the army man, the bantr fakeout (will never, ever be over this one), the hotel room fakeout where they cut from rebecca to ted in the room and then he opens the door and it’s sassy, the romcommunism, the soulmatism. it wasn’t all for nothing, of course. their friendship is so important and i love it, but this ending felt like a big fuck you to it too because ted was so…distant. it almost felt like he didn’t care that much that he was leaving rebecca and it makes me super upset. all of this is based on the one-time watch from last night but tbh i don’t know if i can handle watching the episode again right now. it really did hurt, especially the way rebecca looked at him at the airport. tbh nothing can convince me she wasn’t at least a little bit in love with him. and, yes, i know. henry is ted’s everything and that’s so admirable and it’s not all about romance, and it’s not. but just let me believe what i want to believe. let me find the joys in the media i consume and if it’s the hope that two attractive, single, middle aged leads could have gotten with each other in the end and figured out how to be happy together, then so be it. i just hate seeing the hate from all sides, honestly, and a lot of people are legitimately really mean about it when this show is all about being kind. ted lasso is a beautiful series and, at the end of the day, it’s just another piece of media that the audience is free to interpret and pick apart however they want to. me, personally? i will continue to live in my delusional little world where ted and rebecca figure out that they belong together/i will pretend the last 10 minutes of the finale didn’t happen. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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berie-kat · 2 months
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Lore (part 1/2)!
Santiago Corvus ( Bernie Corvos) Story
Born to the Rich Corvus Family, Bernie, or Right now known as Santiago Corvus, was raised to take over the family business of Wine and Crow Messengers. He followed the role he was meant to play for a few years till he found himself intrigued with chemistry and alchemy. In secret he studied books on the magics of the world. He finally found a passion in life that he wished to pursue.
Soon his parents found out his secret and disapproved of his dreams to become a rogue scientist. After long arguments that lasted for weeks they told Santiago that he had to leave if he wanted to pursue this ‘insane’ dream of his, and he did.
He left at the age of 15, with nothing but his books and some pocket money. For a few months he lived on the streets till one day he met a lady named Alexandra who was a fellow scientist, not exactly a rogue scientist but a scientist,who offered him to stay with her. He was grateful and started to get on his feet.
They lived together for a few years in peace. Alexandra allowed him to use her laboratory for chemistry, he did do some chemistry but also worked on Alchemy in secret. He worked through many nights while taking notes on what he learned and what he wished to improve in his mixing.
Santiago saw Alexandra as mother for taking him in, but he was still distrustful to show her his work because he thought she would kick him out. Finally at the age 19 he brought up the courage to show her his work that he was proud of.
But, the moment he showed her his books and potions she was shocked and terrified. Santiago panicked at her reaction and tried to stop her from leaving. In a rash reaction he tried to show off what he could do but instead he dropped a bunch of chemicals and caused a great explosion.
He was hit by the explosion on his back and soon the building caught on fire. He was on the ground from the explosion and developed burns. He tried to pull himself up, but he couldn’t from shock and he called out to Alexandra for help.
She was gone, he looked up to see she had left him in the burning building alone. He felt betrayed and heartbroken.
Slowly he crawled out the building before it collapsed. He laid on the ground crying from pain, not only physically but emotionally. He was abandoned again by someone he trusted.
Later on the news of a rogue scientist burning a building down and Santiago went into hiding trying to figure out what to do. He thought for a long while, and finally decided.
He was going to give up being a scientist. He blamed science for everything he lost. Changing his name and deciding to study medicine he started his journey to become a doctor.
He refused to make relationships of any kind and became cold hearted.
He believed trusting others is only for idiots, and never got along with his fellow colleagues while studying. In the end it came with a positive effect, he was the top of his class and became versatile in many subjects.
Finally graduating he worked at a clinic for a few months, but one day everything changed. He got a job offer to work as a doctor for society. At first he refused but after many calls and raises in pay he agreed.
He soon arrived to see he was going to work for The Society for Arcane Science. He immediately regretted his decision and tried to leave. But he realized he already signed the contract so he couldn’t leave even if he tried.
After that he officially became the Doctor of The Society for Arcane Science. He does monthly checks on each scientist, yes monthly, in his words “ if I could I would do it daily because how reckless those damn fools can get”.
Bernie Corvos( Mf couldn’t think of a different last name so he just changed a letter) soon became a permanent resident of the society against his will! :)
( he is secretly growing to love the place)
If ya read all this, congrats, wow, I really appreciate it :D
Thank you for reading
Soon Ales story will be told!
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someonefantastic · 1 year
Hiiii! Can you share some conversation snippets of your time at the Angel panel at C2E2? Anything Cangel or David x Charisma would be *chef’s kiss*
Thank you!
Hi!!! Yes, yes I can! I actually wrote down everything I could remember from the panel like right after I saw it and just for some reason never posted it to tumblr. This is more like "things I can recall" than convo snippets but here you go!
This is from the 2023 BTVS Cast Reunion panel at C2E2 this past April for anyone confused/curious
*(CC - Charisma Carpenter, DB - David Boreanaz, JM - James Marsters, MB - Marc Blucas)
the moderator wasn’t great imo, like she didn’t really ask any show specific questions and I think only asked Marc like one or two questions directly but the cast were fantastic
CC’s family were there cause they’re from the area and so she gave them a shoutout and thanked us for the applause because it makes her look like the cool aunt (also she didn’t really swear in comparison to the rest of the cast and I think that may be why)
Also CC and DB have SO much chemistry its insane
DB was asked how broody he is in real life and he told a story about how someone earlier told him he looked really miserable XD and CC jumped in and talked about how giggly he is
MB talked about his audition process and how when it was down to him and the guy who wound up playing Parker and he had to chemistry read with SMG he blew his back out playing basketball and had to wear flip flops to the audition cause he couldn’t put his shoes on and basically didn’t do well because he was in pain but in an unconventional Hollywood move, JW called him up later and said he knew he could do it and to come back after SMG got back from vacation and try again
CC also talked about her audition process and told the story how she was stuck in traffic going from the Malibu Shores set to the offices in Burbank and her agent paged her “911” so she pulled over at a gas station to use the pay phone and her agent was like “where are you? they want to leave” and CC went “they are not leaving, tell them to order a pizza!” and then went on and nailed the audition to the point where she walked out and told her agent she got it before she was actually told she got it
DB talked about his audition process too and how he was spotted walking dogs and asked in to audition and his first round with Marcia Roberts they talked about Italian restaurants for like an hour and then she was like “oh we need you to read this”. And then when he went to the second round with more of the execs he started talking about restaurants again and eventually Greenie was like “okay we get it can you read?” So he did and the scene he read had Buffy kicking Angel off a motorcycle and there was a rocking chair that he kept trying to visualize as the motorcycle and eventually JW told him that no matter how long he stares at it, it won’t become a motorcycle. Then DB said that his read wasn’t the best and he didn’t feel great about it at first but eventually he got it around to a place where he could end and feel good about it and then he kinda knew he got the part (And CC was like “oh you knew too!”)
also someone in the audience asked if a hotdog is a sandwich and all of the cast said no and then DB started talking about how the best hotdogs he ever had were grilled and from Boston or somewhere and then went on a huge rant about Chicago food and how it’s frowned upon to put ketchup on your hotdog (I’ve never really experienced that tbh and I’m originally from the area XD) and how Chicago pizza is like soup and it was so funny because he was just so adamant and just really funny
And CC was like “you triggered him!” and playfully trying to like almost talk him down
at the end of his rant DB just goes something like “the hotdogs set me off!”
Someone else asked about CC and JM working on supernatural together and if they knew they’d be working together before hand and JM said he did and that when he was told he’d be working with CC he was like “oh no” because he genuinely thought she was mean because of how good of an actress she is and then partway through filming he was like “oh I am SO sorry, I am an idiot” and CC was like “and I was like ‘oh so that’s why we never interacted on set’”. Also JM kept complimenting CC on her acting and said he was really happy to have done that episode because it allowed him to make a new friend and CC said she was really happy for that time because she got to really know James and because it was fun to try and not butcher Romanian together
they were asked about their favorite episodes and James said “The Body” because of the tonal shift and how they could do something so powerful they didn’t even need vampires or music. Marc said “Hush” and that when filming, he was newer to the industry but was so impressed by how much was able to be conveyed without dialogue and it was a moment he was like “oh they this creator [JW] has power”. DB talked about what he remembered from Becoming Part 2 with being stabbed in the gut and a mouth opening up and being sucked away and going “buffy!” and Marc jumps in and goes “are you sure you weren’t saying ‘Riley!’” and DB then goes “Riley! you’re next! you’re the next boyfriend!”
CC’s answer was when she got to finally stake a vampire in Graduation Day Part 2 and how she really felt like Cordy would know how to kill a demon at this point and then got to
The moderator did this like buffy themed personality quiz with the cast while people were lining up for questions and they were asked what outfit they’d wear if they got turned into a vampire and out of the options given (tracksuit, 19th century corset and dress, long leather trench coat) MB chose tracksuit, DB said “all of them” and also that he didn’t really care ahkdks, CC said the dress but she’d also be down for leather and heels because she likes to kick butt, and JM ofc said the coat
Also CC said she’d love to be a vampire and JM said she’d also make a great slayer and then asked the audience “wouldn’t Cordelia be a great slayer?” and everyone cheered
someone asked about how DB felt when he read that Angelus was gonna kill Jenny and if he was worried that his character wouldn’t be able to come back from that and DB was like “I was just happy I was getting paid” but then he talked about how you just go with it and let the script lead you and just go fully into it acting wise. And then he told a story about how when they were filming the scene where Angelus snaps Jenny’s neck, he remembers specifically where they were standing and when he did the crack he put a little flourish to it and afterwards people were like “dude are you okay???”
And then James talked about how the best character arcs are like a rollercoaster, you have moments of going up and being like “weeee” and moments of going down and screaming and you don’t want a flat rollercoaster
CC also started to go off of what they said but I honestly don’t remember what she said because she mentioned “salty goodness” and DB immediately perked up and got all smirky and faux flirty and put his arm around CC and she leaned into him and goes “helloooo salty goodness” and it was the highlight of the whole panel
someone asked what monsters they would’ve liked to either battle or be turned into in the show and ~ DB - Bigfoot, MB - Yeti, JM - Baba Yaga, CC - Medusa
CC’s Medusa answer was because in sixth grade she used to use curlers in her hair and it’d puff out and kids would make fun of her for that and she thinks having Medusa would maybe help her sixth grade self reclaim that. And then she goes “maybe this is something I should bring up in therapy”
MB talked about his sex scenes with SMG and how she’s little and he would have to be on top and he’d be like “you’re gonna kill this girl!”
Marc: “Looking down the line I realize we’ve all kissed Sarah” CC raises her hand really high: “I haven’t!”
DB joked about how the sex scenes with SMG were tame but on Angel he got to really let loose and he and Julie Benz got to go wild and CC goes “excuse me” and he kinda stops and playfully nudges her and says something that implies that hers were better or their scenes were good too (I don’t super remember because I think the moderator started talking over them)
also in the earlier discussion about all of them being Buffy’s boyfriends, DB got all goofy excited about going over to his own show and having CC on it and was like “see ya Buffy, I’ve got my own thing now” and sort of nudged CC
for some reason the QnA got cut short? it was super weird the moderator got a little card that I’m assuming had a note on it and said they needed to end the QnA and then James looked at the paper and the moderator said they had a raffle and everyone was bummed so CC was like “would you like a raffle or more questions?” and James handed her the paper and she immediately put her mic down
And the raffle was super strange because it was just trying to get people to guess how much Spike’s coat cost and people were guessing and she was like “higher” and then this woman was $400 dollars off and she was just like “oh I’ll give it to you” but then didn’t have a prize on hand and was just like “you’ll get one later” with no other info??? it was so strange
but we still had like 21 more minutes of panel left so the moderator just asked more questions which I probably have already talked about but I honestly can’t remember what order things were asked in
it was a really good and fun panel though, the cast were so great and they all talked about how much the fans mean to them and everything, they were very sweet and they also talked about how CC and JM were really championing the con scene from almost the very beginning and it was so super sweet and they’re all such a great cast
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The History Boys: Set in a grammar school in Sheffield in the 1980s, the show follows eight pupils as they prepare to take their entrance exams to Oxford and Cambridge Universities. They are led by the eccentric Hector, an ageing teacher who has a unique take on their General Studies course. However, his teaching is brought into question by the young Irwin, who has been brought in to make sure that the boys excel in their Oxbridge exams. Mediating between the two is Mrs. Lintott, a teacher who goes by the book. All three teachers face their own demons, as they attempt to guide the boys through examinations, interviews, and personal struggles.
Peter and the Starcatcher: A young orphan named Boy and his mates are shipped off from Victorian England to a distant island. They know nothing of the trunk in the captain’s cabin, which contains an otherworldly cargo. Aboard the Neverland, the boys are discovered by a young girl named Molly, a Starcatcher-in-training who realizes that the trunk’s cargo is starstuff, a celestial substance so powerful that it must never fall into the wrong hands. When the ship is taken over by pirates – led by the fearsome Black Stache, a villain determined to claim the trunk and its treasure for his own, and his sidekick Smee – the journey quickly becomes a thrilling adventure. As they head for a faraway land, Molly and Boy learn about love, friendship and forge an unbreakable bond.
Propaganda under the cut!
The History Boys:
every time I look at this play I find even more resonances woven between its different scenes and characters, truly both a comedy and a tragedy at the same time, and an amazing coming of age story that rings so much truer than the thousand cliches that exist on the subject
Rewrote my brain chemistry aged approx 16. All British actors of a certain age were in this play, the original line up is iconic (James corden before all the boring American shit lol) “history… it’s just one fucking thing after another” Great music! Miss Lintot trying her absolute best. “You complacent fuck”. So so funny but so so heartbreaking
Obnoxious northern boys being taught how to repackage history to make their essays more interesting, jokes about the 14 foreskins of Christ, the experience of that moment of time you will never get back 
It’s about the learning it’s about the references it’s about making interesting adults it’s about poetry you don’t need now but will understand later, it’s maybe the truth isn’t as important as the argument, it’s about growing up, it’s about thinking you’re grown up when you aren’t, it’s about the yearning and the songs from before your time, it’s about women following behind with the bucket
Peter and the Starcatcher: 
hands down best adaptation of the peter pan stories ever
this is literally the most heartwarming and heartbreaking play i have ever witnessed. its about the origins of peter pan. its insanely funny. its so sad. its about friendship and family and maturity and growing up. i cried so hard. the line "it has to hurt - thats how you know it meant something" has really stuck with me. 
play of all time forever. silly goofy for like 90% of it and then goes and makes you cry in the last scene. the protagonists are all thirteen and it fucking shows (positive). the villain is captain hook minus the hook and one million times more queercoded. the other "villain" is a small italian man living on an island nowhere near italy. the other other villain fails to flirt with a girl and then dies because he gets a cat thrown in his face. the word "dyke" is in the script. christian borle was in it can we get the christian borle girlies in on this please. i still have a worm in my bag from the production i did. this show is my best friend forever
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lydiaas · 1 year
Some of my unhinged thoughts on episode 6:
It was nice to get that flashback of “shitmas” between Susannah and Julia for some context, but I hope we get more because it definitely wasn’t enough. It also imo parrallels the relationship between Conrad and Jeremiah - I want so badly for them to be on good terms but it seems like it's always "one step forward and two steps back" and it kinda breaks my heart, especially after losing Susannah and Belly too, sort of.
“I THOUGHT YOUR SPECIALTY WAS COCOA” after Conrad leans over and takes a sip from Belly’s straw - omg, Chris’s line delivery and acting choices this season are INSANE. And even though this line happens differently in the book - the scene was SO GOOD.
Also I love that they both had green shirts on and Conrad’s kinda brought out his eyes.
When they're in the party store and Belly says they should talk about the “elephant in the room”, I totally thought Belly was gonna tell Conrad about how there is definitely something still between them, and I think Conrad also thought that because you can see his face/eyes shift when she brought up the funeral instead.
The attention to detail is everything - Conrad smoothing down Belly’s hair after taking the tiara off.
Jeremiah telling Belly how she was “mooning” over Conrad in the photo in the album, then later when Steven takes the pic of her and Conrad, Conrad literally cannot stop looking at her and she doesn’t even notice or wait to see how the photo came out. While Conrad is the one who calls her over to take a pic and immediately goes to Steven to see how it came out. Conrad is the definition of "heart eyes" to Belly while she is distancing herself from him, understandably, and moving towards Jeremiah.
At the start of the fight scene on the beach - “Leave me alone”, “I can’t” & “I’m not leaving you” “But you already did” - THE SUBTEXT , and a little foreshadowing imo of book 3 and a very specific scene that happens near the end
And near the end of the beach scene, for a second I thought Conrad would add “We do”, after he says “We did”
You're right about the great parallel between Susannah and Julia. Especially considering the dynamic between the boys and their dad. It's like watching a slow motion car crash with Jeremiah and Conrad. It is something I've always kind of struggled with when it comes to this show because the whole premise divides a family. I haven't read the books but have read summaries and even though there is technically a happy ending for the endgame ship it's really a very sad ending for 2 brothers? How do you recover that relationship after everything that happens?
The chemistry was POPPING this episode. The cocoa line with that look! FIRE. I agree that he thought the elephant in the room was the fact that they still clearly have feelings for each other. I know she's a teenager and insecure and has a lot of complicated feelings but it seems so obvious the Conrad is in love with her. The scene on the beach is going to keep me going for WEEKS! Lola and Chris are so dynamic together, I was hanging on every word. The whole "we did" is so classic slow-burn-never-saying-what-you-really-mean-angst but I still screamed at my tv.
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kleenex-tissues · 2 years
Yours Truly (5)
AO3 version here
Ch. 5: Ravings of a Mad Man
Every single day when Damian returned to his room at the end of his leisure time, a new email was waiting for him. He really should have deleted the email address after he deigned not to fall for his brothers’ scheme, but something stopped him whenever he hovered over the button. So, instead, he made a habit to open the account, delete the email from Marinette, and continue on as he had. It had become a routine for him, a regular part of his activity list.
Today, he made to do the same thing, but he hesitated before sending the usual email into his trash. Perhaps it was because he had such a quiet few days, or maybe he had finally inherited some of his family’s insanity, but he did not hit the ‘delete’ icon right away.
The last few patrols had been maddeningly quiet, as if every criminal in Gotham had decided to go on a joint holiday. Even Jason, for all his theatrical arrogance, had been docile, opting to leave his eye-sore of a helmet hidden away.
On top of this, not only had his schoolwork been mindlessly easy, his brothers and sister had vacated the house for various operations, leaving only him, his father, and Alfred, their loyal butler, to fill the space. It should have pleased him to have such a peaceful environment, but Damian was a creature built for excitement – chasing villains, busting drug deals, deterring gang violence. The silence was starting to annoy him.
And this email was beginning to become bothersome too.
He shouldn’t be hesitating, this isn’t like him. He is content with his circumstances. He has no desire to disrupt his peaceful day with an email sure to irritate him further.
So why exactly was he opening it?
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Things to look forward to!!
Hello again, Redbird
I have fully accepted at this point that you will probably never respond to me, but I still need to practice my English. So, today I will tell you all about the things I have in my upcoming calendar.
It’s the end of September now, which means the annual Paris Young Designers Contest submission goes live in just two days. Of course, as I do every year, I will be submitting my own fashion line concepts that I have been working on since last year’s ended.
The best part? If I win, my line will be featured in a runway show hosted by Gabriel Agreste, the biggest designer in the city. Everyone who is anyone in the fashion world will be there to scout the winner. If I win this, I could be working for some of the most well-known designers all over the world. I wouldn’t even need to go to University. It would be straight into the industry!
Obviously, that’s just a pipe dream for me. A ton of people apply every year, plus this is like my third time sending in a submission. If I haven’t gotten it yet, I’m not sure I will now. Alas, my dear friend, Alya, is forcing me to send one in.
See, she told my parents I was gonna join the competition (which I was definitely debating doing despite the book of design concepts sitting on my desk) and they got so excited about it, that how could I possibly disappoint them? So now, here I am, trying to put together a cohesive line to submit within the next eight days.
And next week, my parents have a gig to cater a major event for the mayor, so after submitting my line, I will be thrown straight into the kitchen to bake and decorate as many cupcakes as I possibly can before time runs out.
I also have this huge test for my chemistry class next week, but I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to study. Maybe I can get Adrien to help me? He’s a science whiz, I swear. I don’t know how I passed any science classes before I met him.
Are you any good with stoichiometry? I would definitely appreciate some help. You know, if you ever reply.
Anyways, I hope you look forward to my next email!
Au Revoir, Mari
This was stupid. Why did Damian open the email? Why did he read it all? And why is he now going through his deleted emails and reading every single one that Marinette had sent him?
Most of it was nothing more than idle chatter and rambling. She talked incessantly about her friends – Alya mostly, her schoolwork, her parents’ bakery, the commissions she was currently working on, and numerous other useless anecdotes about her days.
Damian read each one twice.
He must be going crazy, letting something as silly as this take up so much of his time. Maybe he was just that bored. As soon as the criminals of Gotham began to roam the streets again and life returned to normal, this would have no further importance, Damian was sure of it. He was just bored. Yes, bored beyond rational thought.
This small break in his sanity was also surely what was causing Damian Wayne, for the first time in his life, to respond to Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: re: Things to look forward to!!
I hope you will not continue to refer to me as ‘redbird,’ given that it is a moronic screen name my brothers wrote in my stead. I would prefer Damian from here on out.
I have not heard of the ‘Paris Young Designers Contest’ nor of this Gabriel Agreste, so it surely cannot be as life-altering as you state. You should continue your application to University for good measure.
I have heard that Gotham University holds one of the most prestigious fashion designing programs, but I have not experienced it to know. Perhaps, it can be added to your list.
Congratulations are to be awarded to your parents for being held in such high regard by the mayor of Paris, but I hope they should hire more workers to assist in preparing such a large event.
I am well-versed in all areas of science, but I do not have the time to teach you. Attached is a link to a great video on stoichiometry. It will not cure you of your inability to master the subject, but it will be an adequate beginning.
Sincerely, Damian
Later that evening, Damian and his father began their nightly patrol under the moniker of the vigilantes of Gotham, Batman and his loyal partner, Robin.
The title of ‘Robin’ had been tossed around for years, going through Dick, Jason, Tim, and even their family friend, Stephanie Brown. Each had filled the position sufficiently, but none were a match for him. Damian prided himself on being the ideal Robin. He was, after all, Batman’s only biological son, the one and only heir to both the mantle of Batman and the Wayne legacy.
Duty had driven him to his father’s home, but the suit became his very essence and his reason to not return to the den of assassin’s where he was raised. This was his new home, standing on the rooftops beside his hero and protecting the people of Gotham. This is what he was created for.
His ego pushed him to shoot his grapple gun across the four-lane road onto the next roof, despite brushing mere centimeters above a moving semi-truck. This was child’s play for him, but he supposed it did bring him a feeling of triumph whenever he landed perfectly on the roof he had aimed for.
While Damian riskily swung above the city at high speeds, his father merely leapt onto the next roof in his route, silently staking out the alleyways. Where Batman was careful, Robin was assertive. They were compliments of each other, working perfectly in tandem.
They prowled the night, and after three hours, the only crime that surfaced was a petty mugging attempt that the victim had thwarted on their own. All Batman and Robin had to do was bring the mugger to the police station along with the victim’s report. It took a total of eight minutes and thirty-four seconds to complete, Damian had kept count.
Peace once more filled the moonlit night, and the two returned to watching the city from the top of Wayne Enterprises. The silence that strained between them made Damian’s hands twitch. His mouth shot open without him thinking, “Do you think they’re planning something? The rogues, I mean. They’ve never been this tame before.”
His father turned to look at him. His mask covered the majority of his facial features, obscuring Damian’s ability to read how he was feeling, but after living with the man for seven years, he had been able to pick up on the subtle movements of his mouth to make his feelings more clear.
Bruce was thinking. Uncertain and curious, but calm. He tried never to let emotion get the best of him, so his body constantly radiated stoicism.
“I’m not sure, son. My job is to bring peace, so I would love nothing more than to revel in the tranquility of Gotham.” Bruce paused, in a way that seemed less like he was gathering his thoughts and more like he was drawing attention to the next line. He had always had that innate dramatism to the way he spoke. “But this feels off. If they’re planning something, it’s big.”
Damian pondered his father’s words. This wasn’t good, especially with his siblings' absence. While the two were capable of holding their own in a fight, Damian still reluctantly wished for the extended family to return for the comfort of his father. Fighting a battle with only two men was impossible, no matter how strong they were.
Bruce spoke again, his voice faint in the night, “Maybe we should go home and think about this. You’ve got school in the morning, so let’s call it a night.”
Damian nodded, and they headed towards the alley where the batmobile lay in wait. When Tim returned the following night, they could begin discussing further. Until then, there was an unspoken tension running down their backs. Something was waiting, for better or for worse.
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eyesontheskyline · 6 months
Ok so I wanted to post the link to a tumblr post but for some reason it’s not letting me, however I’m determined to get this off my chest mostly because so many people agree with this nonsense
sucker-for-emily-prentiss says:
“We do not talk ENOUGH about how Emily saw JJ break down when Will decided to go into the bank and confront the robbers and went in herself and actually SAVED Will’s life RISKING HER OWN. Will told her to leave but she didn’t and you cannot convince me that she didn’t do it for JJ. Because Emily would DIE if it meant JJ was happy. That’s my Roman empires.”
I don't really get jemily but I don't hate it, but to use THIS point to try to sell them to me is so insane. You could choose literally any other scene to show their chemistry or whatever, but people are acting like Emily didn't save Will because he's an actual human being??? Like hello?? And he's her friend too, not that if he wasn't she would've just left him, she's a law enforcement agent for fuck's sake. It's her showing basic humanity and a hole lot of bravery to stick with him, she did NOT do it because he's JJ's boyfriend, she did not do it because JJ cared about him, she did it because he's a human being who was in need of help at that time and she would've helped him even if he wasn't JJ's boyfriend. This post makes me so mad omg because that's just human compassion??? And Emily is such a caring person naturally so to reduce that to her just doing it because JJ loves Will feels cheap. You could literally use any other  scene to sell me on jemily but not this.
I'm assuming since you're anon you're happy for me to post this but sometimes people don't want their controversial takes out there so please let me know if not 🙈
So yeah I agree. I love Jemily pre-Will, and I can see it even for a little while around Henry being born, like I can imagine a world where him moving to be with her and Henry doesn't happen, or doesn't work out. But there comes a point in canon where JJ and Will have basically the only healthy, supportive relationship on the show, and they obviously love and respect each other a lot and work to communicate in a way that strengthens their relationship and their family. And for me personally, the Jemily ship has sailed at that stage, and it feels sad to me past that. (Like not "you're sad for shipping that", but actually the thought of either of them having feelings for the other past that point just makes me feel sad for them, and I don't like my ships to make me feel that way, so I don't go there.) And a lot of things people talk about as obvious Jemily things can just as easily be interpreted as Emily pining for what JJ has - a relationship, a little nuclear family, whatever.
Anyway, this scene specifically I 100% agree with you - especially at this point in canon, when I feel like her self preservation instinct is at an all time low, but also just the way she is in general - she's walked into a situation she thought would likely kill her before, she's had a gun to her head and been ready to die, and I think she would do this for anyone. No matter who she found strapped to a bomb with the timer at 2:45 and the bomb squad 3 minutes out, she'd stay there and try to save them. And Will isn't a stranger. There's a lot I'd do to save my best friend's partner's life, because (1) he's a person, (2) she's my best friend, and (3) she loves him. I don't want to bang or marry either of them.
What I also don't want to lose sight of in this moment by making it about Jemily is Will. He tells her to get out, he tells her to get Henry, and he's the one who tells her the right code and saves them both. They collaborate here in literally the most stressful situation possible and I love everything it says about both of them that they’re able to do that. And I'll never be entirely over "I'm not gonna leave you, just gimme a minute" / *looks at timer* "That's about all you got". Will's awesome in this ep.
I got a comment once on a Jemily ficlet I wrote (in my previous form lol) that they didn't normally ship Jemily because they felt it could cheapen the friendship between JJ and Emily but they appreciated how I had done it or whatever, and I remember at the time not really getting it. But I think it's this kind of thing - arguing that this kind of moment is definitive proof of a romantic connection puts romantic love on a pedestal and says this character would never do this for a friend. And idk. I think she would 🤷‍♀️
It's all subjective and open to interpretation of course. But the Emily Prentiss I see would absolutely do what she does in this ep without romantic love crossing her mind. She just sees a person in danger with nobody else around to help them, and does what she can. She never lets anyone feel alone, and she always tries to protect anyone she has a chance to protect. That's such a core part of her character for me and we see her do it for other characters too.
ETA I also really don't want to yuck anyone else's yum here (god I hate that phrase). . . Fandom is supposed to be fun, and I don't want anyone ever feeling attacked. I don't agree with the post you quoted but I honestly think there are a lot of fair interpretations and also even if you have an objectively insane interpretation of a scene from this crime show, if it brings you joy and entertainment that is ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT, no judgment here.
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cavehags · 1 year
'zero connecting threads and zero buildup' I mean, even other than like, all of season one, the soldier from ted by way of henry in the green matchbook, 'remember to let her into your heart' playing when ted picks up rebecca's call, rebecca looking at ted's biscuits when he asks what feels like home to her, the whole sleepless in seattle motif. i feel like the two narrative foil best friend protagonists who the creator has referred to multiple times as soulmates eventually falling in love
(2/3) is more well developed and interesting than a woman ending up with a guy that doesn't show up until halfway thru the last season and is introduced catcalling her and trapping her on a boat with no phone (and is very similar to ted in what im assuming is a deliberate way bc i have my issues with the writing of the show but they are not completely incompetent) ted is obviously going back to kansas but rebecca is meeting him there lmao (3/3) mind you i dont think its a sure thing, any more than (unfortunately) i think keeley/roy/jamie is a sure thing but you have to see that they are baiting the fuck out of people on purpose. i frankly dont care either way, but it has more basis than any other ted or rebecca ship and if the show ends with, like, michelle taking him back or something similarly insane i will personally frogmarch sudeikis into a therapists office. or possibly kill him with my bare hands.
i don't see it and i do not agree that it's bait! obviously, i have been surprised before, so i'm not saying it's off the table. and to go the romance route between the two leads is obviously a very common choice on tv so i can't say it would be shocking. but i do not see buildup. the show has never even hinted at them being attracted to one another! the green soldier and the idea of rebecca starting a family at her age both link to the psychic's predictions, but not to any soul-searching rebecca did herself that led her to wanting to be with ted. i also don't think they're even best friends! they've shared some really nice moments together, like christmas and quiet bitchy conversations like the one last week while ted's mom was talking to the team. they understand each other well by virtue of both being recently divorced and at a distance from their emotions. but the show hasn't laid the groundwork for them being interested in each other (usually telegraphed with meaningful glances, some degree of touching, and choosing each other over other priorities in their lives). it would feel cheap and random for rebecca to decide ted ticks enough of the boxes given to her by the random psychic she saw months ago (and didn't trust at the time) and just decide she's in love with him when that's nothing she's ever felt before. i obviously don't want ted getting back with michelle either (and i don't think that's likely) but like. who says these character arcs have to end in romance?
also i don't agree that the dutch guy "catcalled" her - i think their interactions were sexy and mature and felt safe for rebecca. rebecca was ridiculously engaged and horny throughout that encounter. she didn't feel scared at all. it was a rom com! full of sexy chemistry the likes of which she's never had with ted.
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corruptedforce · 2 years
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
Have you ever developed an OC for a certain fandom?
What are you looking for in a ship?
Do you tend to focus on shipping or do you not care at all?
Questions for the Mun // @hxdrostorm // Accepting!
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Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
I want to say no, because of the connections I made with some people, over the years, and the chance to develop characters that honestly are like a part of me now. 
Glee was honestly insanely toxic, but I have a close friend for 10+ years, and despite the fact that the actor is problematic, the character isn’t and I wrote Noah Puckerman for a very long time, and I will always have a little bit of him, in me. 
Harry Potter, I have friends that I will love forever and I will love James Potter and Harry Potter and despise Severus Snape for all eternity. So much of me as a writer comes from writing James, for as long as I did.  He doesn’t come to me as easily as he once did, but James/Lily are my OTP of all OTP’s, and I would never have met @possiblypadme, who I could not imagine not knowing.
Sons of Anarchy could be a mess, but Jax Teller is my favorite fictional character of all time, and Sons of Anarchy is my favorite show. It was something that got me through a horrible time, so I can’t watch it easily anymore, but I love everything about Jax and met some wonderful people, again. I could not have developed Jax without having the Wendy and Tara that I did for so long, and am endlessly grateful to people like Vesta and Lisa, who I know how to find on Discord but not on Tumblr now lol. 
Vikings could be a mess, but I played Ragnar, Bjorn, King Ecbert, Alfred, Hvitsert, Father Cuthbert, Judith, Aethelred,  I’m missing some I’m sure and I met some of the best people, and am actually really close friends with someone who was on Vikings. But, I would never take back by time in that fandom and I still do write Ragnar, Alfred, and Bjorn.  It gave me so so many people but so much development with @findablog and @contrecoeurs especially, along with a few others.
Star Wars, I am happy here, so I can’t say I have regrets. I’ve gone a little sour because of a few things, in the last couple weeks. Being gaslit and having people randomly soft block or block you out of nowhere is a weird feeling?  Sometimes, I feel like I want an exit interview but the unknown is better and there’s a situation that I’m just done crying over.  
Baseball, which for me is the Cubs and the Yankees.  I was born a Cubs fan. My mom has been watching them since the 60′s. We broke a 108 year drought in 2016, and when they weren’t producing, the fucking piece of shit, moronic asseating upper management traded the core of the team, which also included the face of the franchise, the love of my life Anthony Rizzo. I’ll always love the Cubs fanbase but I’ll admit that they became a bunch of entitled assholes after we won the championship. We went from lovable losers to jerks.  But, I had to follow Rizzo to the Yankees, aka the Evil Empire.  So look, the Yankees fandom is toxic af, they threaten their players family and don’t know how to be loyal but my fave is happy there, so I have to support him. So, I can’t regret it.
Have you ever developed an OC for a certain fandom?
Yes. I developed Marlene McKinnon’s older brother Marcus in the Harry Potter Marauders Era. He’s basically the only one. Many people can make fabulous OC’s. I’m not one of them. 
What are you looking for in a ship?
CHEMISTRY. I don’t like it without chemistry. I am well aware that Anakin has a canon ship, that he’s obsessed with, but if there’s no chemistry, I can’t and won’t write it.  It’s got to have that chemistry and dramatic pull.  I’m open to pretty much anything ship wise, but I have to have that chemistry.  He is 99% heterosexual so I do stick only to that, and Rex.  But, that comes to chemistry too. 
Do you tend to focus on shipping or do you not care at all?
I’m somewhere down the middle. Anakin is the King of Attachment.  I can’t have him not get attachment to people, because it is who he is. His emotions consume him.  But, unless there is a significant amount of chemistry (like with Anakin & Sabe), it’s hard for him to fall in love with not Padme.  
Also, I know everyone likes to think Vader has no emotions, but he’s capable of attachment too.  
But, I’m not here to write ships. Anakin is just a horny mess, and things happen???? But, his development and complexity is my first goal. 
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petalsmooth · 7 months
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And the season three tease that just uses old footage has 15 million and that's been out months. The first one here is just an advert for their wedding contest. The only content with more views is QC's trailer which has been out over a year at around 16.4m.
Now end of the day it doesn't matter how the show stacks up to other seasons in ratings because it's not like the show is suddenly going to change it's format. It's one couple a season, and if the prior actors stay maybe a side story but not near the same time onscreen and I accept that because I'm not delusional. However, it's important for a few reasons.
First is that I like the family and I hate the meandering triangle of season two which served no purpose aside from telling ME the showrunner at the time though he was more creative than he actually was, when really he had nothing to say or there wouldn't have been so much filler. If you cannot improve on the book, then stick to the book. So if THIS season is insanely popular, hopefully puts to rest any idea of future seasons being like THAT one.
Second, I'm tired of Kanthony fans and just fans in general playing ship wars with a show that shouldn't HAVE ship ways because of its format. It's among the most ridiculous things I've seen in an online fandom. It's one couple a season, everyone knows that. How do you then manage to create so much animosity in a fandom over new seasons not featuring your couple? I don't CARE if the season after POLIN is even more popular or if less. I only want it to be good. It won't diminish THIS couple either way. I am not rooting for other seasons to fail because I like the family! I want more eps! If you don't then STOP WATCHING THE SHOW and leave. Do not try to bully your way into a spinoff that will NEVER happen for you.
So, I feel like if the couple these ridiculous people trolled for year's is insanely popular maybe it will shut them up in a way season two should have shut them up. Because Kanthony is NOT the show. It never was. Infact season 1 STILL ranks higher in views. They did not make Bridgerton popular, and they are not why it would stay popular. People love the format of the show, the period, the costumes, the family of Bridgerton's. Really it comes down to more continued good writing and good casting for future seasons. Not any one couple.
That being said, contrary to their beliefs, Polin ARE popular and the views above prove it. And since women are primarily the audience, the idea they thought that same audience wouldn't identify with someone like Penelope...I dunno. Because while the show is known for diversity, that comes in ways aside from color of skin too. I think all women, even men really, can identify with not fitting a certain beauty standard or being socially awkward. This is rather universal across all boundaries I'd imagine. Even with Colin, being rather adrift in a family and uncertain of his purpose is...that is relatable. Throw in having seen the characters a couple of seasons and not sure how anyone would think there isn't an audience for this romance. And the chemistry? That was always there, need only look to season 1 with the "barb" scene to have a sneak peak of what would happen once the writing allowed it explored.
Also, in news related to the "family" of Bridgerton, Jonny has hinted will be a part of the show for years to come. Which I love because he has gotten more offers of late and could have followed same path of the previous lead, but indicated he wishes to be supportive in future generations of the show for the fans. Probably won't be on at same rate as before, but will still be there so I love that.
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stenka-razin · 1 year
Generations is bad though. Like it’s not so much of a movie as it is a movie that has a bunch of loose ends grafted onto it. And the core movie isn’t very great. Thematically Kirk didn’t need to come back of course, but this movie actively hurts his character arc from the previous films. Those were all about him rediscovering what he loved about exploration (and for us the audience, rediscovering what we love about the show). Here he seems to regret his whole career and the missed life he could have had with... lady we never meet.
Malcolm McDowell (forgot his character) is a weak villain. His cutting marks to Picard are really just coincidences. He doesn’t know shit about Picard so when he says “Time is a fire in which we all burn” to Picard (whose nephew burnt to death off screen which btw wtf it’s so horrific but the way it’s just mentioned is kind of hilarious) it’s more akin to saying “well I should kill myself lmao” to a casual acquaintance then learning their brother just committed suicide last month. It’s more of a faux pas than villainy. As for his core conceit... he doesn’t want to die? Like that’s Malcolm McDowell’s whole motivation. It’s relatable I guess, but I mean, like, tough shit? No reason to destroy planets and shit.
Most of the remaining cast is wasted. Data finishes an arc introduced by the show and is annoying. That’s the closest to a b-plot. Meanwhile Guinan has more to do than the rest of the regulars (except Geordie who gets to be tortured to set up an action set piece). I honestly can’t remember anything Crusher does besides getting pushed into water.
Oh also also also. The climax is stupid. They need to stop McDowell from blowing up a planet and throwing them into the Nexus. But when you’re in the Nexus you can exit the Nexus to any point in time? So if they fail... they can just leave the Nexus and try again. And if they fail... they can just leave the Nexus and try again. And if they fail....
Oh also it’s BORING. Like the third act is over 40 minutes long and most of that is Kirk and Picard’s cabin vacation. These two? No chemistry. Just putzing around until the final action set piece which is famously anti-climactic.
Insurrection is bad though. Like it’s a solid first draft of a script that rather than work out some inconsistencies to, they just through in a bunch of kid friendly scenes and action schlock to keep asses in seats. Like Federation doing something unethical for their own benefit, forcing the gang to rise up? Great idea. In fact it’s stuff Star Trek trades in on the reg. But here it’s so hackneyed, because they go out of their way not to have stakes. 600 Baku are being forcibly removed to save BILLIONS of lives. That’s BILLIONS plural. And here’s the kicker which drives me insane. Yeah, forcing people off their land is wrong and you can’t ends justify the means that. BUT. No one in the film just asks the Baku to leave. Because if they did and the Baku said no... that kind of makes the Baku look like the biggest dicks in the galaxy, right? And let’s be equally clear. This is not some ancestral homeland of the Baku. They migrated here within the lifetime of a living generation. And if they really wouldn’t want to share their entire PLANET to save the lives of BILLIONS, they’re assholes. And if they say yes... no movie. It’s a bad script.
Data is once again terrible here, though it’s the storyline more so than Spiner’s acting. This is the kind of dumb kiddie fair that I’m pretty sure kids never liked. “Don’t forget to play!” is so dumb, especially considering its coming from what is essentially a space Amish. And like, this plotline develops after the kid witnesses his family screaming as their abducted. Like if I just ran for my life and have no idea if my family is safe I am not investing time in teaching the Tin Man hide and seak.
Picard’s romance plot... like ok. So your polling shows audiences like romance subplots so you gotta do one I guess. Fine. Didn’t need to happen but let’s accept it. Here’s what drives me nuts though. The crux of this is the adage that “one perfect moment can last a life time” which kind of runs counter to the fact that the Baku are hogging life extending magic to themselves at the expense of BILLIONS of people (like the villain in generations!). But even accepting this adage is true...it makes no sense in the film when it becomes explicitly literal. Lady survives a life threatening wound because she’s so hot for Jean-Luc that time slows down and she doesn’t bleed out?????????? The fuck????
Oh you know what else sucks. This would have been a perfect opportunity to actually use the supporting cast. Make them fight over whether or not it really is worth abandoning the (600) Baku to save BILLIONS of lives. It could get pretty heated and personal. As long as we’re insurrecting, let’s insurrect against characters we care about rather than Admirals we don’t give two shits about. But nah, we get boobs firming up and Klingon pimples. But I’m not even gonna lie, I actually love the Gilbert and Sullivan scene. Especially when Picard acts like Worf is the biggest idiot alive for not knowing two relatively popular composers from another planet that are 5+ centuries dead. 
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letterstotheflre · 3 years
i'd beg you on my knees
summary: you loved sirius's fingers, but there's something you craved more.
warnings: oral sex (male receiver), daddy kink, a bit of religious imagery (you know how it is), a bit of spitting, mentions of throat training and finger sucking, i think that's it?
word count: 2.5k
a/n: as a celebration for passing my chemistry final and 300 followers, here is the second part to the sirius corrupting you series :)
ps: i know those look like feminine hands, but pretend they are sirius’s okay i spent 2 hours looking for something to use and that’s the best i got
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you couldn’t stop staring at his hands.
you had always loved them. they were big, always completely encasing your smaller ones, and full of rings, some of which you made yourself. the skin on his palm and finger pads was a bit rough, a consequence of years of holding a bat to hit the bludgers away from his teammates. but there was still a slight delicate appearance to them, courtesy of the black family genes which, despite years of slight inbreeding, somehow still managed to make some of the most attractive people in the wizarding world.
you loved the way they felt against the small of your back or your waist, always letting some warmth seep through the fabric of your clothes. you loved the way they cupped your cheeks before he leant down to kiss you, slightly squishing your cheeks and puckering your lips for him. but ever since that afternoon a few days ago, you adored the way they felt in your mouth.
you tried to be subtle, you really did, but it was impossible to stop staring at them. you couldn’t forget the weight of his fingers on your tongue nor the way they hit the back of your throat. the feeling of having them in your mouth brought a strange sense of comfort to you, it was like having a piece of him always inside you.
and sirius noticed. of course he did, you were one of the only things he deemed important enough to pay attention to, followed by the phases of the moon and any updates on the 5-year plan james had made to woo lily evans. and because he liked seeing your glazed over eyes and heating cheeks when he caught you staring, he started to show them off on purpose.
he started to talk with more hand movements, followed by always playing with any stray hairs around your face. he started to use his thumb to play with your bottom lip before kissing you, almost giving you what you wanted but then taking it away from you.
he caved in when he saw how truly needy you were for them. the teary eyes and little whines you made every time he pulled them away from your mouth were almost enough to make him hard, so he allowed you to suck on them every now and then. he watched attentively as you slightly hollowed your cheeks when he used both his pointer and middle fingers, sometimes trying to get as much of them inside you as possible.
so he started to push your limits, drawing circles against the back of your tongue before he pushed them further, not warning you before they entered your cavity, yearning to hear what other pretty sounds you could do besides moaning and whining. you had gagged violently the first time he did it, and you looked at him confused at the sudden intrusion, “remember the first time you sucked on them? remember what you wanted them to be?” you nodded slowly, embarrassed that he could recall how much you wanted other parts of him inside you. “I gotta stretch your little throat, bunny. gotta get you all ready for my cock.”
and that was that. the following days were spent with you either on his lap or on your knees in front of him, long and thick fingers prodding the back of your throat constantly until it only took you less than five minutes to get used to the feeling of something residing in it. sirius never let up, even if you had some tears in your eyes caused by the intrusion, always giving you new learning material: breath through your nose, relax your throat, open your mouth wide. his instructions ran through your brain every day, an urgent need to remember them controlling your thoughts.
and that’s how you were now, on your knees in front of him like a repentant while sirius sat on the edge of the mattress, mouth wide open as you waited eagerly for his fingers. you watched, intrigued, as his mandible moved around almost like he was collecting something. your unvoiced question was answered when his face came close to yours, his hand tangling itself in your hair to tilt it upwards, and then his spit was dribbling onto your pink tongue.
the sight of him spitting into your mouth sent a thrum of pleasure to your core. “swallow,” he said, leaving no room for disobedience. You followed his command, letting it fall down your throat as if it were your forbidden fruit, and once you opened your mouth again his fingers went in, immediately pressing on your tongue. you swirled your tongue around them, covering them in your saliva before he started to push them further. you only gagged a little, the previous lessons having already prepared you.
he let you suck on them a bit longer before removing them, watching as your hands scrambled to his wrist to keep them close. he shook his head, chuckling in amusement, “you needy thing.” he patted your head, “I think you are ready for my cock, angel, do you want it?”
you opened your eyes wide, looking like a kid in a candy shop. “yes, please!” your voice was a bit hoarse, “wanna make you feel good like you made me feel the other day, siri.” the smirk he wore on his lips when he heard your eager ‘yes’ fell into an honest smile, “oh I bet you’ll make me feel better than that, bunny.”
you watched from your position on the hardwood floor as he rose to his feet, unbuckling his belt and pulling the zipper down. he let his jeans fall to the floor, now only clad in his underwear that would soon meet the same fate and you wiggled, eager to finally see him. once he was completely naked he sat back on the bed, spreading his legs so you could kneel comfortably between them. he was already a bit hard, courtesy of the image of you suckling on his fingers so needily, but he still needed a little push before he was ready for you.
you were entranced by him, this being the first time you ever saw someone other than yourself completely naked. he wasn’t wearing a shirt, and you could see the slight ripples of muscle on his abdomen and the stray tattoos that adorned his skin here and there. he had a few scars, some of them caused by his parents' punishments and others from a few accidents during the full moon, but he was still absolutely beautiful.
and then your eyes fell lower, down the happy trail of hair that led to what you had been craving since that fateful tuesday afternoon. it was big, even though you had never seen another cock you couldn’t deny its length. there was a vein on one side that stood out a bit, and the tip was a bit red and something shiny was coating it. “can I please touch it, daddy?” you asked sweetly, wanting to remain on his good side.
the name had accidentally left your mouth a few days ago when you were suckling on his fingers. you were just so needy, so desperate for their weight on your tongue that your mind had started to feel fuzzy, and the nickname just slipped out.
your cheeks had resembled the heat of a fire, still sober enough to realize your mistake but when you saw the way his eyes had darkened and his grip on your waist tightened, you repeated it. he had cursed, voice low as his other hand cupped your cheek. “you want daddy’s fingers, hm?” he questioned, forcing you to tell him with your words what you wanted when you merely nodded. and that was a new lesson, ask for what you want and you were to only refer to him as daddy in private.
“go on, angel,” he said with a nod of his head. slowly, you moved one hand closer, still a bit hesitant with your movements. though eager to learn, you were still scared of doing something wrong and stop being his good girl as he had called you multiple times while he watched as you touched yourself for him. he would sit in a chair in front of the bed as he told you what to do and when to cum, and the rush of power he felt was extraordinary.
one finger traced the vein, the soft touch making sirius twitch. the skin was warm and actually pretty smooth, with a couple of ridges here and there. gently, you closed your hand around the base and moved it up and down, and sirius groaned. the soft touch drove him insane, your palm barely gripping him, “close your hand a bit more, puppy,” he instructed. you gripped him more tightly, “it won’t hurt you?” you asked.
sirius just smiled at your thoughtfulness, “no, baby, it’ll feel really good. just don’t add too much pressure as you did with your nipples the other day,” he slightly taunted. you blushed at his teasing, “didn’t mean to do that, daddy,” you grumbled and unknowingly thumbed at the slit of the tip, making him moan in pleasure. the sound was so heavenly in your ears that you did it again and again until one of his hands gripped your hair so you looked up at him.
“you’re teasing me now, bunny?” he said harshly, “that’s not how it works and you know it. d’ya want me to stop you from cumming again like I did yesterday?”
you shook your head quickly, or as much as you could with the grip on your hair, “no no, m’sorry, daddy, didn’t mean to.” but he just chuckled, an empty sound that wasn’t as nice as his previous moans. “oh, you didn’t mean to! like you didn’t mean to tug on your nipples. like you didn’t mean to wear that tiny skirt the other day. like you didn’t mean to cum without my permission three days ago.” he started to list all of your accidents, “is there anything you do mean, angel?” he asked harshly.
your lips slightly quivered at his tone, ashamed at making him angry when all you wanted was to please him. “I want to make you feel good, daddy! m’sorry, I promise I’ll be better. I’ll be your best girl.” you tried to convince him, and you really did mean it. all you wanted was to be good for him.
“well, then put my cock in your mouth and show me y’can be good.” with that, he moved your head closer towards him, and then slackened his grip. you looked at him while giving the tip a little kiss, then using your tongue to collect the pearly white liquid that had collected there. it tasted a bit funny, saltier than you remembered your own cum to taste, but it wasn’t necessarily bad. then, using the flat of your tongue, you moved along the length, using one hand to keep it straight.
sirius was biting his lip as he watched you, his little angel on her pretty knees about to suck him for the first time. after a few more teasing licks, you finally took him into your mouth, and the moan that escaped sirius was incredibly sinful. your mouth was so warm and so wet that the only other place sirius could ever possibly want to be in was your pussy.
you swirled your tongue around the bit that was inside your cavity, your hand still stimulating what you couldn’t fit yet. he was big, too big for your mouth, but you wanted to fit all of him inside, so you took a deep breath through your nose and tried to relax both your mandible and your throat before taking him deeper. you pushed as far as you could, staying there for a couple of seconds before pulling apart, heaving another deep breath before repeating your actions. you gagged and choked at the progressive obstruction, yet you pushed through it, but it sounded so good in sirius’s ears that he thought about just pushing your head down without warning.
sirius threw his head back with a groan when you started to hollow your cheeks, “fuck, angel, you’re so good, taking me so well.” he praised, and it made you shiver in pleasure, the meaning of his words accompanied by his gruff voice a perfect melody. you raised your eyes to look at him. he looked beautiful like this: head thrown back, lips red from biting them, completely exposed for you and one hand gripping the sheets while the other grabbed your head.
you pulled away with a pop, “y’look so pretty, daddy,” you complimented him, and it made the tension in his stomach tighten significantly. it was such an innocent compliment in a completely unholy scenario that he couldn’t help but twitch in your hand. you had just wrapped your lips around him again when he said, “not as pretty as you with m’cock down your throat,” and it made you giggle around him as you shied a bit at his words. the vibrations of your little laugh could’ve sent him over the edge, “shit—” he cursed.
you took him deeper than ever before, your throat now used to the intrusion and barely even gagging. sirius started to raise his hips, almost face fucking you but he held back some of the strength in his thrusts. you kept your eyes on him, and fuck you looked so good with your mouth full and those watery eyes and flushed skin that after a few more thrusts he pulled you away.
you whimpered, not understanding why he stopped your movements. there was still a string of saliva that connected your mouth to him, and he sped up his hand movements as he looked at your sinful image. “daddy,” you groused, tongue out so he could put it back in.
“fuck, angel, m’gonna cum,” he moaned, “n’ I’m gonna paint your little face, d’you want that?” he asked, slightly panting through his exertion. but you shook your head, “m’mouth, want to taste you,” and that did it for him. he cursed and moaned, all at the same time, as that wave of pleasure swallowed him whole. white spurts fell on your tongue, a few others coating your cheeks, and he looked so sinful while working through his orgasm that you had to clench your thighs together.
once he was fully spent, he watched as you eagerly swallowed what he gave you, showing him there was nothing left. his hands went to your cheeks, cleaning his cum from your face and forcing you to clean them, too. it was so dirty that he felt proud of what he made of you, his cock twitching once more before softening.
“was I good, daddy?” you asked him with a slightly raspy voice. you were looking up at him as if he were your god, his opinion of the highest importance to you. he smiled proudly, his fingers now playing with the chain that had a little ‘s’ that rested just between your collarbones. “the best, angel.”
TAGLIST: @gxtitobxby @emmaev @dracosafety @dracoxgeorge @sarcasmismyon1ydefence @remusjlupinisdead @mattefic @zzzfour —if you want to be tagged tap here
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wenellyb · 3 years
I don't know how to explain this but TFATWS reads a lot like “yes Sam and Bucky are romantically involved but this is not a romance so we won't delve into their relationship”.
If you think about it, in Marvel movies, the romance is not at the center of the plot. Even in solo movies, there is usually just one kiss, never more. And it the Avengers, there are usually no kissed between the couples. 
I'm trying to stay away my shipper googles but even then, some scenes don't make sense to me. I love watching movies and TV shows and one thing I like is that dialogues are not put there randomly, the script has a meaning, the words have a meaning, and the scenes they decide to keep have a meaning.
And for some of the Sambucky scenes in TFATWS,  I’m struggling to find any other meaning than “Sam and Bucky had feelings for eachother at some point”.
You can argue that jokes about the 2 partners being more than just friends is a recurring joke in a lot of buddy cop movies, but in those movies, it is usually a joke, just for laughs. The only scenes that would fall into that category in the FATWS are the rolling in the flower field scene and the therapy lesson scene where Sam and Bucky get so close that there legs are intertwined. 
All the other scenes are so emotionally heavy it's difficult to categorize them as only fanservice, or two guys being friends. I'm not saying they aren't any emotional scenes in buddy cop movies, but usually the emotional scenes don't go as deep as what we've seen  in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. 
I tried to look at all their scenes together and split them into different categories, and I stilll end up with some scenes that point to a relationship that goes beyond friendship between Sam and Bucky:
Scenes that fall into the fanservice category and there just for laughs:
The bickering about wizards and sorcerers in episode 2
The rolling in the flower field scene and the beginning of the therapy scene.
Sam asking Bucky to do something when the Dora Milaje are attacking John Walker in episode 4
Scenes that can be seen as purely friendship:
In episode 2:
 Bucky deciding to follow Sam because I quote  "he doesn't trust Redwing". What is that even supposed to mean? ... He probably meant I don't trust Redwing to protect Sam like he would.
Bucky standing up from the stack where he was sitting on, to go sit next to Sam when they were on the flight back from their mission. 
Sam waiting for Bucky in the police station, even though they try to act as if they're not friends
Sam agreeing to go see Zemo with little to no protest
In episode 3:
Sam making sure Bucky is alright and asking him if he's ok
Sam touching Bucky's metal arm when he’s pretending to be the Winter Soldier
In episode 4:
Bucky saying "I'm going with you" when Sam says Karli wants to meet with him alone.
In episode 5:
The shield practice scene when they have a heart-to-heart talk in episode 5 about what the shield meant for Bucky and Bucky finally apologizing for the way he treated Sam and explaining how as a White man he couldn't possibly know what it would mean for Sam to be Captain America
Sam asking if Bucky is ready for some tough love.
Scenes that make no sense if we see their relations as just friendship:
In episode 2: 
The therapist said she heard a lot about Sam, she wants Sam to stay for the therapy for I don't know what reason, she makes them do a couple exercise, and says it explicitly.
Why would the therapist say she heard a lot about about Sam, that she want to do a couples exercise with them? Those scenes alone are alright, but when you take them together it's quite interesting. 
The couples therapy trope has been used in a lot of Buddy cop movies or TV shows, but usually they don't delve into sensitive topics like they did in TFATWS, the scene was so emotional for a few seconds, I forgot it was a Marvel show.
In episode 3:
When Bucky tells Sam he helped Zemo escape, Sam was furious, and couldn't stop yelling at Bucky about how insane his plan was, and Sam was right. But the moment Bucky looks him in the eyes and basically says, "please do it for me", Sam agrees right away... Excuse me what??? How does this make sense?                                                                              
If my friends ask me to work with an international criminal who just escaped from prison, I wouldn't just stop arguing with them just because they looked at me with puppy eyes. I would continue to yell at them until the end of the mission. Sam was like, “ok, ok, I'll do it for you”? I'm sorry but that is not friendship only, it's something else.
In Episode 5:
 Can we talk about Bucky's reaction when Torres arrived in Episode 5?? The annoyed face when Torres walks in and Bucky walking away right after that, without even saying goodbye? Torres is the sweetest soul on earth, how can anybody hate him? Why would Bucky not like him??? This scene make no sense unless they're trying to tell us that Bucky is jealous or something.
Bucky asking a favor to Ayo, when he's not in good terms with the Wakandans. I'm sorry but do you realize how heavy this scene is? Ayo, just told Bucky that he should lay low for a while, and Bucky understands that, but his first thought is "I need to get a gift from Sam" first. Nope nope nope, you can't tell me this is just friendship. Ok, maybe it is, but I don't understand this filming choice. Plotwise, Sam could have asked for a suit or new wings himself.  I'm sure Sam is in very good terms with T'Challa and the Wakandans... What does it mean that Bucky was the one to ask for it as a gift to Sam, when Bucky was in a already in a difficult situation with the Wakandans due to him freeing Zemo.
Bucky touching Sam's waist to ask him to move when he starts helping him with the boat repair. And Bucky coming from behind to do so, giving us a very short but intimate scene.
Their conversation about Bucky staying over for the night: Bucky saying he doesn't want to make things weird with Sam and his family by staying over, and Sam saying how the people in the town are so open-minded. Why would they have that conversation if Sam and Bucky are only friends? Sarah knows about Bucky and his past, she know that he and Sam are friends (sort of), why would a friend staying over make things weird between him and his family? Why would Sam need to say that the people in this town are open-minded?
The video montage of them building the boat the day after. Anyone knows why they would show us that if they were only friends, and with THAT music choice? 
The extra long handshake at the end of their training scene, when they kept holding hands and looking into eachother’s eyes while talking together, and Bucky basically says he'll be there for Sam whenever he needs him.
I’m sorry but it doesn’t seem to me that they are being portrayed as just friends
Usually in buddy cop movies/ TV Shows, there are always joke but in the FATWS, some scenes are so emotional that I feel like I'm missing something. Bucky has this whole passive agressive behavior with Sam and yet he's unable to let Sam go on a mission on his own. One thing I really can't understand is that Bucky always seems know where to find Sam, as if he had been keeping tabs on him. 
So yes, there's definitely chemistry between Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie, due to their friendship but it’s not only that. The writers and director have made the choice to keep some scenes and some dialogues ambiguous.
In some of the scenes we can see that there's more to Bucky and Sam's story than we know.
And they're not the first Marvel couple to have a similar treatment: Wanda and Vision's relationships was very subtle at the beginning, same for Natasha and Bruce, we rarely see them together explicitly but we knew they had a relationship.
It's the same for Sam and Bucky, some of the scenes only make sense if there has been a romantic relationship between Sam and Bucky at some point.
To me it's really like Sam and Bucky are set up as a couple or at least two people who have been romantically involved in the past, but the show won't expand on that because this is a superhero show, not a romance.
In an action movie, you would see some couples, or people who are obviously in a relationship or hints that there is something going on between them, but rarely would you see a kiss, that’s what I feel is happening here.
Last point: if Sam and Bucky had kissed in Episode 5 after their talk, it wouldn't have been out of nowhere and it wouldn't have changed anything to the plot. That's how I know my theory isn't that far-fetched.
I would love to hear your thoughts about some or all of these scenes (especially the Torres one, that one is driving me crazy)  and see what you think about it?
If you see their relationship being portrayed as pure friendship, I would like to know why. And would also love to hear how you guys interpret their other scenes together and if you have some different point of views about the scenes in the show.
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: bridgerton season 2
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hitting play on this silly little show for kathony 😁
right just sat through the s1 recap and i’m deffo gonna need subtitles cos i can’t understand a word they’re saying 😭
LMAOOOO what is on her head
so redhead is basically gossip girl? why does she do it?
i already love anthony he’s hilarious
“do you read?” “books?” obviously 😭
well damn he has a nice body
DID HE PAY HER??$?$$4&($?&:&
wow doesn’t even have the courtesy to shut the door behind him
just made eye contact for the first time alright people it’s fucking showtime let’s GO!
oh her smile is beautiful
edwina’s gorgeous too woah and their mom is so pretty that whole family is fine
newton’s so fat 😭
kate’s a sarcastic shit and i love her
“this place may feel different, but it will never change the way you and i see each other.” this ages like milk
aurrr God i love kate and edwina’s relationship i am not ready for it to be ruined
those wigs are…🫢
kate is literally moving all over the room in order to keep watching anthony bitch GET UP
“wed, bed and bred” oh wow??????
anthony’s face 😭😭 he was not expecting her to go off on him like that i can’t breathe
“they escaped you? good for them 🙂” pls
eloise is def not played by a teen her voice is too damn old
my gawd kate loves edwina so much i’m crying
“i would rather DIE!” she’s a real one 😭
GOD i thought i’d never finish episode one
lmao kate really just embarrassed him in front of all those other men 😭
oh penelope is down bad
living for kathony’s banter
oh wow he really hired that guy to distract kate
one thing about anthony he’s gonna angrily rant about kate to his siblings
lmao she doesn’t even ride horses 😭
i’m sorry but i can’t seem to care about anything other than kathony
“write that down.” benedict looks so disappointed 😭
whew that scene between kate and lady danbury in her room…intense
he called kate a gatekeeper i can’t breathe 😭
kate looked so proud when newton barked at anthony lmfaooo
oh wow daphne thought kate was the one anthony was courting…even she can feel the tension
poor anthony he couldn’t even grieve his father
kate and anthony are serving in the enemies to lovers deparment
so far all this game is showing me is that edwina definitely doesn’t fit in with the bridgerton’s the way that kate does. she’s taken to their games v easily whereas edwina looks like she’d rather be anywhere else
“i knew i liked her.” oh kate’s gonna have that entire family wrapped around her finger just by keeping anthony on his toes 😭
oh colin shot those two balls that far on purpose!!!! he deffo ships it no i do not take constructive criticism
and the way daphne watches them? they all see the potential
my God this is the first time i’ve seen a full ass grin on anthony’s face…kate did that 😌
kathony laughing and smiling with each other…feels good feels organic
the flashbacks are so sad ☹️
edwina and anthony could’ve been cute if kathony’s chemistry wasn’t so strong
oh he feels everything daphne was describing just…with kate.
“edmund was the air that i breathed. and now there is no air.” oh my God
i just wanna give anthony the biggest hug
oh daphne is the captain of the kathony ship
that had to be deeply embarrassing for edwina
if i were kate i would wanna kill anthony for making edwina cry and assume his failing to propose was her fault
benedict is so fucking funny
they’re both losing their shit 😭
“i need your help getting him to fall in love with you.” oh she’s gonna regret saying that 😭😭
why is daphne’s husband never around? does he not fuck with her family?
God this scene is so awkward
damn anthony didn’t even let her get his entire name out of her mouth before immediately answering her he’s down so bad 😭
love kathony but this hunting shit ain’t it like i’m bored
anthony got one look at her thigh and lost all ability to function he’s so real
they’re so childish i love them
it’s about the ✨hands✨
“you must keep doing whatever it is that you are doing.” she just keeps digging a bigger hole for herself 😭
oh fuck this scene for being in the middle of a storm now i can’t properly watch it
their dance???? the delena of it all
need them to stop being interrupted before they get to the good part
oh God. oh no.
daphne looks so proud of him cause she thinks he’s gonna follow his heart but i have no doubt that what he’s actually gonna do is propose to edwina
i never wanna see kate cry ever again
the way kate thought he wanted to speak with her my stomach
aurrr God i wanna hug kate so badly
edwina talking about her and anthony having kids and them + kate all being a family…i cannot even imagine how kate felt in that moment cause i feel like i was punched
my God the way kate flinched back a bit when he said marrying her was an unthinkable fate this is fucking sick like genuinely sick
and now she has to try on the ring what the fuck
oh he’s jealous i love it here
okay anthony is dead wrong for interfering with kate’s well…date. like dude you’re engaged to her sister??? that’s gotta be so confusing for her
not them falling into the water 😭😭
“it’s not proper to stare.” she says as she stares
shit that dinner scene was intense as hell had me holding my breath and everything
danbury told her to tell the truth in the ep 1 and she never did it 🫤
oh Jesus edwina loves him
the kathony scene in the woods…i can literally see him falling more and more in the love with her the more she talks
the fuck did the queen just inhale?!
“i fear that he does not look at me often enough.” that’s because he’s looking at your sister.
anthony’s so fucking bitter about this marriage 😭
also it just clicked that kate called anthony by his name for the first time i’m gonna cry
damn daphne went in on him
this is brutal
imagine finding out that your fiancé and your sister are having an emotional affair on your wedding day
their first kiss is going to be so satisfying
“half. sister.” Jesus christ.
oh poor edwina ☹️
God that smirk on anthony’s face when he and kate make eye contact fjgjgjfks
love that newton likes anthony now
not anthony sniffing the air as kate walked by oh my boy is down horrendous
the dance scene was too damn cute
not penelope betraying eloise oh wow?
i’ve stopped being able to function
just fucking in the middle of the garden like wow
her blood on his hands aurrr God
this anthony scene with his mom has me crying
penelope is a backstabbing bitch
edwina deserves everything good
this episode has me in a chokehold
the queen was the real mvp for stopping the rumors + mentioning to edwina that her nephew is a prince
daphne having a smug ass smile on her face when kathony is kissing on the field cos she knew there was something more between them since day one i love it here
this show is so good i might tune in to season one
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starfire-s · 3 years
here's a list of the best, mediocre and worst kdramas i watched in 2021
back by popular demand (shoutout to the one person who asked me to do this) it's my 2021 best, mediocre and worst kdrama list! just letting you all know i did not watch many kdramas this year so this list is going to look a little sad and empty (in other words many dramas will be missing because i did not watch them) lmao but i had fun making this list so that's what actually matters! anyways as always all opinions are my own so just sit back and enjoy... or don't up to you really!
run on - they dropped this show early on in the year and i don't think any kdrama came close to how good this one actually was! run on set the bar too high too early and it was all kinda downhill from there in terms of good kdramas! the main leads and second leads in this show were such good characters and so unique! like honestly shoutout to ki seon gyeom (my beloved) for being the best male lead to ever grace my tv screen in my kdrama journey! just a fun and chaotic kdrama (with no love triangles!!!) like i am so glad this aired at the same time as true beauty because the serotonin true beauty took away from me run on would give back and for that i am grateful! 10/10
doom at your service - before i watched this kdrama i never understood the hype about seo in guk and then i watched this kdrama and i was a changed person forever! his acting as myul mang (kim saram) in this kdrama was sooo good i cannot praise him enough! also the chemistry between seo in guk and park bo young still makes me insane! i think we can all agree the "love me to the point you want to destroy the world for me" line ended us all on sight we were not ready but it's all about the romance, the line delivery, the chemistry, the chaoticness of that scene! also i still find it funny that the writers gave the love triangle to the second leads in this show and just let them do their own thing on the side which was fine i guess because the leads were just saying and doing romance and being chaotic 24/7 while the second leads were caught in the love triangle (which i ignored tbh even though the love triangle had some of my fave actors in it) lmao anyways myul mang x dong kyung 4ever and ever!! 9/10 (i know you all won't agree but this is my kdrama list and i had fun watching this so... lol)
navillera - song kang's range like wow can't believe he gave me this kdrama and nevertheless in the same year! i loved this little show about a grandpa and young ballet dancer just finding each other and growing together in their own way! the way chae rok gained a family through the grandpa and the grandpa was able to fulfil his lifelong dream of doing ballet it was so sweet! no show on this list made me cry like this one like truly every week i would be in tears! on another note song kang in ballet clothes wow what a look lmao 8/10
squid game - the urge to say "i watched kdramas before squid game" is always so strong also "i knew wi ha joon before squid game and when he played a baseball uncle in 18 again" lmao i think this show was very interesting i think it highlighted many of the things which are prevalent in today's world e.g. capitalism and rich people being vile and all... you know the fun stuff! overall a good show i am just very happy to see kdramas getting the hype but then i also want to be all THIS IS MY NICHE INTEREST!!!!! lol 7.5/10
so i married an anti fan - this show was actually a 2017 show which was released in 2021 but i had so much fun watching it!! it had the essence of why i started watching kdramas in the first place like i always love me a good stupid rom com and this show was exactly that! the villain or second lead(?) idk what to call him was so annoying i hated him the second female lead was also very annoying and i did not care about them at all! i also found it funny that the male lead was playing the character of a very famous kpop idol and we only really saw him singing one song over and over again which still makes me laugh like yes king give us nothing 😭 overall a 7/10 and yes i gave squid game a 7.5 and this show a 7... cry about it lol
the king's affection - confession time i dropped this kdrama after episode 11! there was no particular reason why i dropped the show it's just i missed one episode while it was airing and then just never got the urge to catch up?? however, let me say this show was good i enjoyed seeing rowoon being a himbo! also loved that his character accepted his feelings towards "the king" and wasn't weird about it the way most kdramas do it like he truly was a bicon in this drama!!! park eun bin also played the role of "the prince/king" so well and i really loved seeing her on my screen on a weekly basis! and we all love a good height difference between the leads so 6/10
my roommate is a gumiho - this show started off very good and it was so funny especially with the whole "you have my marble!" and then half way through it kinda lost it's way... lol idk what happened maybe it was the red thread of fate storyline that pissed me off because then the second lead kept getting dragged into the mess with the leads against his own will which i did not enjoy watching at all?? also it annoyed me when woo yeo became a professor at the university lee dam was at... because why add the student-professor romance aspect when it wasn't needed?? so by this point i guess i was only watching for hye sun and jae jin because they were also very very cute! overall a cute show but could have been better if they executed the second half of the storyline better 5/10
sunbae don't put on that lipstick - so firstly everyone was baited with a noona romance and the show wasn't any of that! secondly what was the plot does anyone actually know because up until this day i do not understand what this show was about? maybe it was about the sunbae not putting on the lipstick... maybe it was about something else so i feel like this is something WE will never know (did y'all see what i did there lmao) rowoon looked very good every single episode like his office clothes made him look even taller ahsjsj but other than that i cannot say one good thing about this kdrama because i actually don't know what i watched during those 16 episodes i did watch a solid 3.5/10 because rowoon looked hot so congrats to rowoon!
true beauty - lets all take a moment and give a shoutout to hwang in yeop (thank you for your service and for giving me sls this year as well king 🤡) okay now that we're all done appreciating hwang in yeop lets get to the reviewing part! i mean i didn't go into this show thinking it was going to be groundbreaking or anything like that but it was actually so stupid?? suho (eunwoo deserved better) stans close your eyes... but he was such a one dimensional male lead like he was rude to ju kyung for no reason and literally bullied her when he found out her "secret" and then after they started dating he left to america which understandable his father was sick but then he broke up with ju kyung via a phone call then showed up 3 years later acting like nothing had happened and then went ahead and stalked ju kyung??? and the writers actually want me to believe that seo jun just hung around ju kyung for 3 years and didn't confess and only confessed when suho came back... stupid!!! if i could use one word to describe this show it would be stupid because that's what it was!!! (this show also said no ❤️ to female friendships) however there were some parts i liked about this show and that was when suho and seo jun became friends again after clearing their misunderstandings (after that dramatic car accident scene which still makes me laugh) but other than that i have nothing good to say so i will stop 3/10 because one point each for hwang in yeop, moon ga young and cha eunwoo!!
nevertheless - so before i watched the kdrama i read the webtoon (which i paid $10 to read rip to that money i will never get back you are truly missed) but somehow the kdrama was worse than the webtoon which is so funny to me like how do you make something terrible even more terrible??? i just think everything about this show was not good... as i said before i know han so hee and song kang can act but throughout this show it's like they forgot everything about acting? also yes we all knew park "do you want to see my butterflies" jae eon was a red flag and we all could clearly see it but nabi really said "red is my favourite colour hehe" and chose jae eon over potato boy (i was only really watching for him in the end) like she is so dumb? can't believe i sat down and watched this show until the end however, i did not watch the last episode because i saw spoilers before that so i just went on netflix gave the show a thumbs down and removed it from my currently watching list! 0/10 for wasting my precious time which i did not have time to waste during my busy year (i mean its kinda on me for wanting to see f*ckboy song kang but ashdjd i am a simple woman really i will learn from my mistakes for next time)
vincenzo, beyond evil, the devil judge, happiness, law school, my name, sell your haunted house, and the witch's diner (maybe one day i will watch these shows too!)
anyways thank you for reading! i got clowned a lot this year because every show i decided to watch mostly led to disappointing me! so here's to hoping i watch more kdramas next year and get clowned a lot less! but it's alright we're always in this together… i'm looking forward to 2022 and all the kdramas we will be watching again next year! take care! 🥰
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