#the fragile male ego
injuries-in-dust · 1 month
Fun fact: a lot of sports are separated into mens and womens leagues because of fragile masculinity.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 4 months
I just have to say this: Aegon the Usurper flying off like an idiot in battle while Rhaenyra does not, doesn’t make this guy a hero, nor does it make Rhaenyra a coward.
We need to set the record straight: Women don’t have to be warriors in order to be worth something.
This is just another proof of classic misogynistic thinking of TG stans. But they also prove to be highly subjective since they give “poor sweet innocent” Helaena a pass for doing absolutely nothing and being less than relevant even as a dragonrider. And as the ringleader of the Greens, I don’t think Alicent sat on a horse and rode off to battle in order to further her own ambitions. She started the whole mess and then hid behind her sons. Even after Rhaenyra took King’s Landing, the only thing Alicent could say was something like “Just wait till my son Aemond returns bla bla bla.”
Rhaenyra is a girl’s girl. Those who read the book understand that. The canon version of her never wanted to be a son (unlike the stupidity induced in that show). She was very feminine: always choosing to wear the best dresses with the finest silks, many pieces of jewelry, and she is highly interested in men. She was always proud to be a woman. She embraced it. She never tried to act like the opposing gender as a way to make others look at her as worthy of the throne.
I repeat: Rhaenyra was a girl’s girl and she was proud of it.
She was not a warrior. She never trained with a sword in her life, unlike her idiotic half-brothers. She was not even the type (unlike Princess Rhaenys). Rhaenyra spent her time doing girly things and riding Syrax.
Shortly before the war started, Rhaenyra suffered a miscarriage which greatly affected her health. She needed months to recover. This is the reason why she didn’t ride Syrax in battle, as confirmed in the book. It was not because she didn’t want to or because she refused to fight her battles herself (as I hear many TG stans claim in spite).
And even if flying hadn’t been detrimental to her health, why would she fly into battle? You think that is a smart idea? It’s brave, but it’s also stupid, and the usurper himself proved that.
Aegon the Usurper rode his dragon into battle to show that he’s a man’s man, and what did that get him? Injuries which prevented him from being able to move well enough in order to sit on the throne he stole. The only battle he actually won was against a baby dragon, Moondancer. A baby dragon who inflicted deadly wounds on Sunfyre and caused his death.
So tell me again how ‘intelligent’ the usurper was to fly off into battle himself and what exactly he has accomplished with that. What exactly is so “heroic” about that? The fact that he shows off his masculinity on a big bad dragon?
And of course do forgive a poor woman for not flying her dragon into battle like a crazy person after a miscarriage and several psychological blows in one go like her father’s death, her daughter’s death, her son’s death and the usurpation through which a faction of snakes stole the throne that belonged to her.
Do forgive her for lacking any combat experience because you know…she was raised a girl and has a girlish personality!
And do forgive her for not being an idiot and getting herself disabled, like her half-brother did.
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numberonecodwomenfan · 2 months
soap is 5’11” but INSISTS that he’s 6’. he is not.
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radifemsara · 4 months
The day men stop using their fists and dicks as weapons whenever their little fragile male egos are hurt, is the day pigs will fly. And that's when I might consider agreeing with "women are the emotional ones"
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coochiequeens · 4 months
The sister is right to try to protect her sister and the about to be born baby.
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The details make it sound soo much worse for that poor woman
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They started dating when she was 21 and he was 30.
He lost his job a year after they married and she was making more.
She got pregnant after his savings were used up. Convient timing for him if she was starting to tire of a husband not pulling his weight.
Did they have a baby shower ?
They sold HER car? When she will needs it to attend maternity appointments and post birth checks for her and the baby? Great way to keep a power imbalance.
Bet his one of those guys whose mental health make finding a job difficult so they "deal with the stress" by gaming all day
Please let this be fake.
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
After I rape and impregnate you. I plan on pissing inside of you 😂🤣 that just fix your ocd. Stay safe sexy
My man. I carry 2 guns every time I leave the house. I've posted pics of them. If a man ever even gets too close to me, I will be the one having fun 😇
Also, pregnancy worsens OCD, u don't even make basic sense in a straightforward way OR a funny or ironic way OR even a scary way or any way honestly 😩 Again, I deserve more original and effortful and unique hate anons!
Btw thanks for even more receipts proving how right about men we are!
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wild-wombytch · 6 months
It's getting extremely tired to see all the books written by women after 2010 all starting with an introduction along the line of :
"I'm a very angry woman afraid of no one. However I'm still but a dumb cisgender-heterosexual oppressor, please dick-havers and dick-loving crowd I Shall Not Name, don't harass me and send me death threats if I ever offended you in my wording choices I'm really trying to do better to go against my logic and reframe it to coddle you! I know a woman is not a woman and I really respect whatever soulgender you are, please don't sue me!"
Like, it's ok gyn, you can say "woman". Males won't read your book anyway and if they want to take things out of context to be outraged over and feed their victim-syndrome, they will, regardless of how kind and respectful you're trying to be.
By gender logic™, wouldn't TIMs perfectly recognize themselves whenever we use the word "woman"? There's no reason to feel alienated if that's what they truly are. Unless they're more pissed off about the books criticizing men and the patriarchy and take this personally and want to silence "other" women for some very mysterious reasons 🤔?
It's really disheartening when they make a critique of the patriarchy or something about lesbians and still feel pressured to included males in their thoughts. We'll never be free of the oppression if that's how we act and the example we give to little girls. Not everything is or has to be about trans people. Also, even though I haven't read many male-written books recently, I don't remember having seen once that kind of preface in their books. Hell, I've never seen trans women making prefaces to include trans men.
At some point we will need to address the massive elephant in the room as a sex class. It's not normal nor healthy that women *know* this is a threat to their freedom of speech yet try to numb it, and that they feel like walking on eggshells when talking about her own frustrations and traumas with men. Traumatized women put their own feelings below male "gender affirmation" aka coddling and validation. It's really like hearing your best friend telling you about the horrific abuses, rapes and tortures from her Nigel and still trying to defend him. It's depressing, really.
Anyway, let's bring some SCUM Manifesto energy in the spineless feminism of these days.
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nymika-arts · 9 months
watching yet another movie that would have been 5000x better if it was written by a woman
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RTE’s Charlie Cox opens up about working with his wife on the set of Kin
By Megan Martin  3 OCT 2021  (X)
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Each week, RTE viewers are getting to know Charlie Cox as Michael Kinsella, as the menacing criminal in the new series, Kin. What viewers may not know, however, is Charlie works with his wife on the show and she was instrumental in his casting as a producer.
The Daredevil actor is married to Samantha Thomas, Executive Vice President of Canadian motion picture company, Bron TV. It’s not the first time the pair have mixed personal and professional. They married in September 2018, when they both worked for Marvel Television where Samantha was Vice President of Original Programming and Charlie starred in Daredevil.
These days, the pair are at home in Connecticut with their two children, when they’re not on location in Dublin, that is.
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Samantha was part of the producing team for Kin early on and played an integral role in getting her husband onto the cast.
Speaking to RSVP Live, Charlie said: “When I worked with her before, she didn’t have the same amount of responsibility she has now and I was amazed at what she was able to achieve with the rest of the team.
“It was a really wonderful experience. It’s nice because when actors have ideas, I’m conscious that a lot of the time they’re awful. What was nice about working with Samantha is that I can tell her my ideas and either way she would say, ‘that’s great let’s look into that’. And either something would happen or it would never be spoken of again”.
The fact that they were working together also meant the couple could relocate to Dublin with their two children and be together despite the strict lockdown measures.
He added: “It was just great to be able to go to work and be on location but have your whole family there”.
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myboredgeneration · 2 months
Men get uncomfortable when a woman (can be unknown) jokes about male genitals. Even on social media.
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scarletooyoroi · 1 year
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The goats within this whole scenario here is actually Kirara and Thoma respectively. After going through hell.exe I managed to crack a code to make a lot more of this livable.
Something I've never done..
Bring shields. LMAO. Having them utilize a favorable application in these situations have turned so much of the hell I dealt with right around.
Besides getting vaped to death like +8 times on the Cryo/Hydro herald floor. BUT Y'KNOWWWWWW. Thoma I knew always had the sauce, but Kirara popping off like this made me hella proud of her.
Definitely have to kick her up to the 90 treatment. ....Now! I just need to have Keqing handle floor 12 the same way and wreck hell and back.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
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stolen from fb
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dykekakashi · 9 months
make fun of women who do girl dinner or whatever but let's not forget about shaming men who exclusively want to be w women whom they consider inferior. tbh
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tehjleck · 2 years
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Quick and dirty - because I got tired of looking at this assholes face. Feel free to save and repost anywhere, no credit needed, just use it to fuck with that fragile fuckwit
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Okay so with the news of teenaged Obi-Wan questioning his sexuality in the new book Padawan. I am totally behind him either being Bisexual or Aro or Ace. Like this information makes so much more sense when you think about how easy it was for him to let go of Satine who he loved sexually/romantically but how hard and difficult it was for Obi-Wan to let go of Anakin. Newsflash. He never can let go of Anakin. To him. Anakin was his life. His brother. His son. His friend. His padawan. He would have done almost anything for him. He could never directly kill him and they both knew it. I'm still not sold on Obikin because I personally don't think Obi-Wan had feelings for someone he essentially raised. Anyways, Obi-Wan considered leaving the Jedi order for Satine and for Anakin. But they had to have had been the ones to ask him. He would never have left the jedi order on his own, it meant too much to him. But the very fact that he would have left that all behind for Satine and for Anakin means alot.
I'm getting sidetracked here, essentially what I'm getting at as someone who thought they were Bi for years to only realize they have no desire to have sex with anyone so lo and behold, they are on the Ace spectrum. I can recognize in Obi-Wan how much romantic feelings are complicated and how much you miss as a bisexual or Aro/Ace individual. Like Obi-Wan loved Satine. Would have left the order for her had she asked him too. But yet. He was able to let go of his feelings for her when she passed away. Like if that isn't something an Aro/Ace can do, "oh, I loved you but meh, attachments are gross". On the other hand as a Bisexual "I loved you and will always love you but I can move on and focus on my religion/work/family to not think about you for the rest of time".
For Anakin. It's more complicated. As an Ace/Aro. Obviously he missed alot of social cues with Anakin. Anakin, who loves too deeply and fast, would never be able to get rid of attachments which Obi-Wan wouldn't have been able to understand about him. The miscommunications ran deep between them and it just makes a lot of sense.
Sorry for my 2AM ramblings. Have a great day/night.
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Also side note, I love Obi-Wan, have for years. His sexuality does not diminish or change how anyone should view his character development in the movies and/or novels.
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yeswevegotavideo · 2 years
Indie video game plot twists I'm so bored with that at this point it makes me want to stop gaming when I encounter them:
Someone's been dead the whole time
The real Big Bad was [illness]
This surrealist nightmare hellscape is actually just a metaphor about how the player character killed his wife in a jealous rage and now he feels bad
Maybe not every story has to have a plot twist? Maybe a story can just be a fun adventure in a fantasy world without revealing that the whole thing is a contemplation on mortality? Like maybe that really is the motivator behind your making the game but you don't have to telegraph it in such a way that it makes me want to put my head through a wall? Just a thought.
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