#the gang of murderous babies back at it again
lianlianlianlian · 1 year
Right I've long begun envisioning an AU where kenshin takes in soujiro at some point after Kyoto Arc because he sees himself in soujiro. so soujiro has been wandering for a short while right? and then he meets kenshin again and somehow finds himself being taken in by the Kamiya Dojo.
saito is like yeah okay new dubious legal man in the kamiya's place nothing new
might update this au I love it actually
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theemporium · 2 months
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[22k] in attempt to bridge the decades old rivalry between the two gangs, a marriage of alliance is proposed between the new jersey devils and the new york rangers. the last thing you expected was to find yourself offered on a silver platter to your enemies. and you certainly didn't expect your future husband to be the likes of the devils leader himself, nico hischier.
new jersey mob masterlist || nhl mob masterlist
warning: this is a mob au. topics and themes such as violence, blood, murder and gun use are prevalent and constant throughout the fic. please keep that in mind if you choose to proceed with this fic and the whole series.
read part two here
“You know I would never question your authority—”
“It sounds like you’re about to question it.” 
“Are you really sure this is a good idea?” 
The footsteps echoing through the long corridor came to an abrupt stop as Nico stopped walking. The second set stopped shortly after, and he turned to find his second-in-command already looking at him with a mixed expression. It made him sigh, pushing back the meeting they were currently walking to to the back of his mind as he turned to his closest friend and confidante. 
The same man he had chosen to stand beside him in this lifestyle of theirs without a moment of hesitation because he knew no one would have his back the way Jesper Bratt did.
“Would there even be a point if I said no? It’s not like we can back out now,” Nico pointed out, and he watched Jesper’s shoulders slump a little like he was expecting that answer.
Jesper gritted his teeth. “I just don’t understand why you are doing this.”
“It’s for an alliance, Jesper, we’ve been over this,” Nico said, and despite himself, his eyes softened a little when he noted the hint of concern in his second-in-command‘s face. “We have too many enemies for our own good. We need to have people we can trust.” 
His eyes narrowed. “And you think you can trust them?”
“Just as much as they can trust us,” Nico replied, though the response sounded way too rehearsed and planned, even to his own ears. “We need this as much as they do.” 
“We have plenty of enemies you could have negotiated an alliance with,” Jesper pointed out. “We could have strengthened the bond with Philadelphia. Or even the Sabres. Hell, Nico, you could have even tried to fix things with the Panthers down south. Why in loving fuck would you pick the Rangers?”
Nico remained silent.
“Because you want something from them,” Jesper murmured, realisation clicking into place as he carefully noted Nico’s expression. “Or someone.” 
“I am doing it for the sake of the gang,” Nico answered simply.
A slow smile spread across Jesper’s face. “Us, huh?” 
“Shut up.” 
“You know, as your second-in-command, surely I deserve to know what your game plan is.” 
“My game plan is to get to this meeting and sign the papers to start a new era of alliance with the New York Rangers,” Nico stated, his voice simple and blunt, but Jesper knew better. “That is all.” 
“Nothing else?”
“Nothing else.” 
“Hm, sure.” 
Nico shot the boy a look over his shoulder, but Jesper just grinned in response.
“I should’ve brought Palat with me instead,” he grumbled under his breath, lips twitching upwards when he heard Jesper let out a noise of disagreement. “C’mon, don’t wanna be late.” 
“Please, we are already thirty minutes early.” 
“Walk faster.”
“Stop making that face.” 
“You look prettier when you smile.”
“Rogue, baby, come on. Don’t be like that—” 
Your hand snapped out, your fingers wrapped around his wrist and halting his actions before he could even reach out to touch you. You turned your head to look at him for the first time since you left the house back in New York, your glare icy and cold. 
“Don’t try to fucking touch me again.” 
Jacob Trouba stared back at you, his face remaining impressively blank but you noted the small twitch in his jaw. It wasn’t often someone talked back to the boss of the New York Rangers and didn’t face some consequence, but you guessed you were getting a pass due to current circumstances. 
“Play nice,” he said eventually as he leaned back against his chair. You sat in the seat next to him to his right, with two men settled behind. Jacob had said they didn’t need any more men in the room, but you knew well enough that he would have some of his men crawling within a block radius of the building. “And try not to be too difficult.” 
“You picked the wrong woman then,” you retorted, your whole body feeling stiff and on edge as you glanced over at the clock above the door. Two more minutes before the meeting was set to begin. “There’s still time to change. There’s always—”
“Not happening.” 
You gritted your teeth together. 
“Don’t fucking test me right now.” 
You heard one of the boys choking on a laugh, quickly trying to cover it up with a laugh. You didn’t need to turn your head to know that Jacob was probably glaring at them. 
You couldn’t even find it within yourself to smile at the interaction. 
When Jacob had called you into his office two weeks ago, you honestly thought he was joking. He had told you about the offer the Devils had offered, a few other members of his inner circle in the room as the lot of you discussed it. Most of you mocked it, talked about how it was a fucking joke that such a deep, historical rivalry was meant to be fixed with one marriage. Jacob himself had made a few teasing comments during the whole thing. 
Then, a week later he told you he was actually contemplating it. 
And then, just this morning, he gave you next to no warning that it would be you heading across the river to marry one of the Devils boys. 
Your reaction was as one expected when they were told they were practically being sold off for the sake of an alliance—you were fucking pissed. You laughed it off but when he didn’t join, you felt an unexplainable rage bubble inside you.
You knew how this world worked. You knew the reality and the politics of mob life. You knew nothing but mob life. And you knew very well the way women were seen in the eyes of the mob, the way they were seen as objects more so than humans. You had seen friends close to you be shipped across the country for the sake of alliance arranged marriages. 
But never once did you think it would be you.
Never once did you think Jacob would pull this shit on you. 
And for an alliance with the Devils, of all fucking people.
You weren’t the kind of girl that mob men liked. You weren’t quiet or compliant or a pushover. You weren’t the kind of girl they liked to have on their arm to show off. You weren’t the kind of girl to be a mob wife, full stop. 
Jacob knew this. He knew it better than anyone. It was the main fucking reason you were close to him, that you had his respect, that you were one of the few people in his inner circle that he trusted beyond belief.
And he had thrown it back in your face. 
You hadn’t spoken to him after your initial outburst. Once your throat was raw and your hands were shaking with rage, you had turned on your heel and walked out the room. He had tried to speak to you, quite a few of the boys did. But you remained silent for the whole ride over, for the hours that passed, for the whole day until a few minutes ago. 
“You are being fucking ridiculous right now.” 
A muscle in your jaw twitched, an overbearing urge to turn in your seat and spit out every thought you had bubbling in your mind since this morning, but your attention was quickly diverted by the sound of the door opening. 
You had encountered many of the Devils before, though not many of their faces were familiar and recognisable. It was good to know one’s enemy, to know the strongest and weakest points of their group. You had studied them far more than you cared to admit, probably more so than needed over the years. 
However, years of meetings and unfortunate accounts meant you recognised the faces that walked through the door, but the last person still took you by surprise. You knew he would be here, you expected as much. 
But never once had you met Nico Hischier in the flesh. 
His reputation preceded him. You had heard a lot about the man, most of it surrounding the young age he stepped into power for the Devils. You knew what the other organisations thought about him, the whispers and rumours that travelled outside of New York where the hatred and rivalry wasn’t so prominent. 
He was seen to be…fair. 
You didn’t think it was necessarily possible to be considered fair in the life you all were in.
You watched the man stop at the other side of the table, making a point of dragging the chair out and settling down comfortably. He waited a few moments as his men stood behind him in formation, and only after they were comfortable, did he speak.
You could only imagine how much he was seething. A small part of you enjoyed it, even if you didn’t turn to watch his expression closely. 
“I assume you still agree to the terms of our deal.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement that laid heavy in the air between the two men.
“As long as nothing has changed on your side.”
Jacob’s lips twitched. “Now, Nico, what kind of man would you take me for? This is about an alliance.” 
Nico raised his brows a little. “To the start of a new beginning.” 
Jacob’s eyes shifted away from the man he had called his mortal enemy for years now, and instead shifted to you. “Your boys will like her.”
Your jaw clenched. 
“A wife isn’t meant to be shared,” Nico retorted, though there was a hint of something in his voice you couldn’t establish. “Though, I am not sure how things are run in New York.”
Jacob laughed, but it wasn’t one of amusement like the room pretended it was. “Of course not. I am sure—”
“Do I get to know who I’m marrying now?” You spoke up, watching as every pair of eyes in the room turned to you. They were heavy and judging and focused, but your expression remained impassive. “Or am I expected to just sign a paper and be done with it?” 
Nico’s eyes fell onto you, something swirling in them that felt strong and captivating and almost made you want to lean a little closer to read whatever was written in them. He tilted his head, almost like he was inquiring your words before he spoke.
“You’ll be my wife.” 
You froze, blinking. 
Understanding washed over Nico’s expression. “You didn’t know.”
“No,” you gritted out, your nails digging into your palm as that bubbling rage from earlier returned. “I did not.” 
Nico’s eyes shifted to Jacob, and you resisted the urge to do the same.
“I didn’t see it necessary information to share,” was all Jacob responded with. 
You bit your tongue.
“Hm,” Nico hummed, seeming to have a lot more to say but resisting the urge to do so. His eyes lingered on Jacob for a few moments, analysing and observing before his gaze settled on you again. “Are you returning to New Jersey with us, or do you wish to return to New York to collect your things?” 
You opened your mouth but Jacob bet you to it.
“She will go with you once the marriage is official.” 
Nico didn’t take his eyes off you. “I wasn’t asking you, Trouba.” 
You heard someone cough behind you, but you found yourself staring right back at Nico.
He raised his brows in question. 
And you could feel Jacob’s eyes boring into your side. 
And maybe it was petty or maybe it was fuelled by the lingering anger you had towards the man, but you kept your eyes on Nico as you spoke. 
“Might as well get used to New Jersey as soon as I can, no?” You stated simply, but you could have sworn he almost looked pleased with your response before his eyes returned to Jacob. 
“Then it’s settled,” he said as he pushed himself off his chair, the two men behind him quickly taking a step closer as if on instinct. “We’ll be sure to send you a wedding invitation.”
You thought you had an idea what it would be like to live with the New Jersey Devils, truthfully because you didn’t assume it would be all that different to life with the Rangers. You weren’t naive enough to think both organisations were run the exact same way, but you assumed there would be a lot more similarities than there actually were.
The first thing that caught you by surprise was the way they talked. 
You hadn’t spoken a word as you left the room, not taking Nico’s offer to say your goodbyes to the Rangers you had come with. The last thing you needed to hear was an earful from Jacob for not following his orders, or his plan (the one he conveniently kept to himself and expected everyone to simply know). You followed Nico out the door, trying not to feel so on edge about having the two other Devils flanking you from behind.
When you reached the car, it wasn’t too much of a surprise that Nico reached to open your door. Most men were raised to act like gentlemen in this life, even if they were far from it. He waited until you were settled in the seat behind the passenger’s seat, seatbelt clicked in place before he closed the door.
You were somewhat surprised to find him round the car and settle on the other side of the backseat, and not sit in the front. You tried not to stare at him too much. 
You expected the drive back to be similar to the journey you had with Trouba this morning. It almost startled you the way the three of them instantly broke out into conversation. 
It wasn’t anything damning or secretive, but it still felt wrong to listen in. It felt wrong for them to talk in front of you. It felt like a culture shock, being in a car and not having the people inside the vehicle with you being overly paranoid at the car being tapped. It felt weird that they didn’t even hesitate, didn’t even wait until the dark haired man (the vague memory of his name on the tip of your tongue) in the front had turned the key in the ignition. 
“I get to choose the music since I rode shotgun!” The blond in the passenger seat blurted out before the car had even reversed out of its space.
“Fuck off, you like my music!” Nico snapped back.
“Sure, Boss, sure.” 
You blinked. 
The fact they spoke was one thing, but you certainly didn’t expect them to talk to each other like that. The fact they spoke to Nico—their boss—like that. It was far from what you were expecting. 
“Back me up, Siegs,” the blond tried again but the man in the driver’s seat just snorted. 
“I don’t care, Jesper,” Jonas replied, though there was a smile on his face.
Jesper let out a huff. “You are so fake in front of him, I know you hate it.” 
Jonas only shrugged in response, which made Nico’s smile widen a little.
You tried not to gape at the three of them, but it was a little difficult. It wasn’t like you expected to be treated like an outcast—although, maybe you did—but you certainly weren’t expecting them to seem so…relaxed around you. 
The silence that usually filled the Rangers car was nowhere to be seen. The underlying tension between the boss and his men was non-existent. It almost felt like you were sitting in a car full of friends. Maybe even a family.
It was a little disconcerting. 
The second thing that caught your attention amongst everything else was the way they treated you.
You knew the expectations of a mob wife. You knew that arranged marriages, like yours and Nico’s, had been happening for decades now. You had seen many play out with your own eyes back with the Rangers, saw what was expected of these women who were thrown into new homes and lives for the sake of alliances, money and more. 
It wasn’t a surprise when Nico led you through the house, guiding you upstairs with a hand placed in the dip of your back. The shock came when he stopped suddenly outside a door, turning to you with an expectant look. 
“This is your room. I thought you would want to rest for tonight, maybe have some time to yourself,” Nico explained, polite and curt, like a true gentleman. “I can have some dinner sent up to you. And my office is just down the hall. Feel free to knock if you need anything.” 
You stared at him with a confused expression. 
Nico’s brows furrowed a little in response. “Sorry, is that okay? You look…lost.”
“You said your room,” you said, though the boy still looked a bit confused. “Instead of ours.”
“Oh,” Nico nodded, realisation dawning over his expression before he gave you a polite smile. “My room is the next one over.” 
Your eyes narrowed in suspicion. “We aren’t sharing a room?”
“We aren’t married,” he stated simply.
“Do you expect us to share a room after we are married?” You asked.
His expression remained impassive and unreadable. “If you wish so.” 
There was a small voice in the back of your head telling you he was being genuine, and yet, somehow, that only made your confusion grow. 
“Goodnight, Rogue,” was all Nico said before he headed down the hall, leaving you lost in your own thoughts and suspicions and mixed emotions.
You thought there was nothing less that the New Jersey Devils could do to catch you by surprise. And you were very wrong about that.
You had hardly slept the night before. There was something unsettling being away from the place you had called home your whole life. There was something even more unsettling knowing you were in enemy territory—even if you couldn’t really call it that anymore. There was just something unsettling about lying in a bed, knowing that you didn’t know a single soul beyond the door. 
And after tossing and turning, you had mostly given up by the time someone knocked on your door just after nine in the morning. 
You had almost expected that yesterday was the last you would see of Nico before he rushed off, hiding away in his office or meetings or whatever other excuses he could make to avoid you. You certainly weren’t expecting to find him on the other side of your door, a polite smile on his face once again.
“Good morning,” he greeted you, his hands tucked behind his back. The sun had barely been in the sky for a few hours and the man was dressed immaculately in a shirt and suit pants, looking far too put together. “Sleep well?” 
“Yes,” you lied, because it wasn’t exactly like you wanted to get into the details with your soon-to-be husband. “Can I help you?”
“Oh yes,” he cleared his throat a little, taking a step back and only then did you realise he wasn’t alone. The boy beside him was taller, a little skinnier too. With curly hair and a baby face, you would guess he was at least a couple of years younger than Nico. “This is Luke.” 
You glanced over the boy before your gaze returned to Nico. “Is he my babysitter?” 
Nico’s lips twitched upwards. “I was going to say bodyguard.”
Luke cleared his throat a little, ducking his head down but not fast enough for you not to see the small smirk playing on his lips.
Nico straightened his spine before he spoke, his expression impassive again. “He can help you with whatever you need. And if he can’t, then he knows someone who can.”
“Let me guess,” you started, leaning against the door as you surveyed the older man with a knowing look. “He’s under strict orders to make sure I don’t run off?”
Nico’s brows furrowed together. “Of course not. If you wish to go out somewhere, Luke will accompany you.”
You could only blink in response. You felt as though you had been doing that a lot lately.
You didn’t remember what else Nico had said before he ran off, muttering something about a meeting and someone called Jack—the name familiar once again—blowing up his phone. Truthfully, you weren’t sure if it mattered. Everything in the last twenty-fours had thrown your life upside down, you didn’t think you could handle much more.
And then Luke turned to you with a shit-eating grin on his face and said, “wanna go get McDonald’s breakfast?” 
You had come to realise that despite his baby face and slight cartoonish laugh, Luke wasn’t as bad as you expected him to be.
Back in New York with the Rangers, you had crossed paths with your fair share of young and ambitious members. They were dedicated and strong-willed and determined to do anything to prove themselves to the cause, to prove themselves to their boss. They were willing to be ruthless, merciless and cold-hearted. 
New Jersey was very different. 
There was a strong lack of fear in the air, replaced with something more akin to encouragement. The boys here didn’t fear to make mistakes as badly as you had seen in the Rangers. They followed the rules and did what they were told because they wanted to, because they wanted to thrive. Not because they were scared of what would happen to them otherwise.
Truthfully, you didn’t know how you felt about it.
“Every week?”
“Every week,” Luke confirmed with a nod.
“Without fail?”
“Mhm,” he nodded once again.
“Usually,” Luke answered, pausing for a moment before he shrugged. “Unless someone has something else on. But nobody actively goes out of their way to miss it. Candy would kill them.”
You paused for a moment, your brows furrowed together as you tried to put a face to the name, only to come short. In your defence, though it had been close to a week since you arrived, most of your time had been spent with Luke. You would see people here and there, wandering around the house or passing by, and Luke would always try to inform you on who they were as best he could. But there were so many new names and new faces and new…everything to get used to.
You still felt like an outsider wandering the halls. 
You still felt pretty pissed that Trouba, or any of the Rangers back home for that matter, hadn’t tried reaching out to you.
You still felt very fucking confused on the fact you had yet to see Nico since the day he brought you to Jersey. It seemed as though he was hiding away to avoid you after all. 
“You’ll know her when you see her,” Luke informed you, seeming to pick up on the confusion on your face. “She’s the loud one in colourful clothes who has a guy resembling a lovesick puppy following her around.”
You raised your brows in question.
“Long story,” Luke snorted. “But where Candy goes, John follows.”
You nodded. “And John is…”
“Tall guy, dark curly hair, always silently brooding and judging people,” Luke listed off like it would help. “He kinda looks at you like he wants to kill you.” 
You let out a huff of amusement. “You sure he doesn’t just do that to you?”
Luke paused, almost as though he was having a revelation. 
Your lips twitched upwards. And then, because apparently you couldn’t keep a nice thing going, you found yourself asking, “are you even supposed to be telling me all this?”
He frowned. “What? That John is kinda emotionally constipated?” 
“I—” You paused, your nose scrunching up a little. “What? No. Just about everyone in general.”
Luke stared at you. “Why wouldn’t I tell you?”
“Information,” you replied with a shrug of your shoulders. 
“Anyone with two working eyes could see half the shit I tell you,” Luke retorted with a snort. “It’s hardly confidential information when I tell you what a pain in the ass Jack is. Or that Dawson goes through three bottles of shampoo in a month. Or that—”
“That you are scared of spiders?” You interrupted, something close to a teasing smile on your lips as you watched the boy scoff.
“I’m not!” He insisted. “That spider just caught me by surprise.”
“You screamed.”
“I wasn’t expecting to see it.” 
And even if you never said it to Luke, it was weird he was being so open with you about the members of the New Jersey Devils. Every piece of information—no matter how small or insignificant—could be used against you. It was a life motto, one ingrained into you when you grew up as a Ranger. It felt like a basic life rule everyone followed. 
At least, it did back in New York. 
In New Jersey, it seemed like the second you stepped foot onto their premise, they saw you as one of their own. And once you were one of their own, there were no secrets between you. Everyone knew everything about everyone—or at least, a general understanding. No one was shying away from each other, from you. 
You didn’t know how you felt about it, but it did make your heart pine for something familiar. For something that felt like home. 
And New Jersey would never be that. 
To your utter surprise, the next time you saw Nico was that following Sunday.
You weren’t naive to think he would be glued to your side, that much was confirmed when he ordered Luke to be your round-the-clock bodyguard. He wanted to keep an eye on you, he just didn’t want to be the person to do it. You were somewhat surprised he didn’t send one of the bigger guys—like Kevin or Kurtis—to be your bodyguard, someone to intimidate you. Though, you assumed he was probably saving them for more important jobs than a glorified babysitter. 
Your days had been blurring into one, and though you hadn’t spent much time in Jersey, it had felt like a lifetime.
Your life was stuck in routine and you had gotten pretty used to it by that point. 
Luke would be at your door by eight sharp, ready to get the day started. You would share every meal with him, though it varied whether you both bothered in the kitchen or went somewhere out to eat—Luke had been enjoying showing you various places around the city. But that was about as exciting as your days got. You might bump into some others, talk to them, get to know them.
But your days were boring, pointless and repetitive. 
The only slight change to your routine was Sunday. The unspoken but very relevant rule of every member attending the dinner, by your surprise, extended to you too. Luke had told you as much over breakfast, talking away about how Candy had been interrogating him on what dishes you would prefer. 
You had told him you didn’t care—because you didn’t and you had a feeling it would give him a harder time with Candy, which amused you. 
However, Luke had been frustratingly vague with the timings of everything. It wasn’t a big deal, considering you didn’t have much else on your plate to be worried about. But the limited wardrobe and Luke’s shrugged response when asked about the dress code for the dinner was turning out to be quite the issue.
It was somewhere just past seven when you heard three knocks on your door.
“I’m decent!” You called out, frowning at the few options hanging in your wardrobe. It was quite sad, to be honest. But you hadn’t had the chance to get everything transferred from your New York apartment, not that anyone from the Rangers seemed eager to offer their help. 
But instead of coming in like he usually did, Luke knocked again.
You frowned, turning to look at the door. “Just come in!”
The door remained shut.
“You’re so dramatic,” you muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes as you made your way towards the door. You reached for the handle, fully prepared to see Luke on the other side with his face in his phone or even giving you a shit-eating grin like he knew he got under your skin. 
You were not expecting Nico to be standing on the other side.
“Oh.” You blinked. “I thought you were Luke.” 
Nico’s lips twitched. “I gave him the night off.” 
You raised your brows. “Oh?”
“There was a small change in plans.” Nico continued. “I thought I would escort you to dinner.”
“Escort me,” you repeated, something quite like amusement lacing your voice. “I didn’t realise these big dinners were so fancy. Should I change?” 
“We won’t be joining the others this week. I thought we could have dinner alone,” Nico corrected, his eyes watching you closely like he was inspecting your reaction. “If that is okay with you.” 
You tried to hide your surprise that he was giving you an option. A part of you wondered if it was a formality, something he phrased like an option but was really a command—something Jacob would do often. Yet, you couldn’t really find yourself imagining Nico was one of those people.
“Just the two of us?” You questioned.
Nico nodded before he spoke. “I thought it would be best for us to get to know each other.”
Your interest piqued but you didn’t show much as you nodded, telling him to give you a few more minutes before you joined him.
For the dinner itself, he led you away from the large dining room where you assumed the large group dinner was taking place. He didn’t say a word as you walked, seeming comfortable enough in the silence until you reached the room. 
And Nico played the part of a gentleman well. He opened the door and guided you in first. He pulled the chair out and waited for you to settle in your seat before he even made his way to his seat. He reached for the wine and filled your glass before even daring to touch his own.
You felt on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
“You look tense.” 
You raised your brows. “Just what a woman wants to hear.”
Nico’s lips twitched. “I have a feeling that you wouldn’t care what people say about you.” 
“Your feeling would be correct.” 
“Your reputation precedes you,” he mused, leaning back against his chair with an ease only a man in power would have. 
You tilted your head. “And yet, you still agreed to marry me.” 
“Who said your reputation wasn’t what appealed to me the most?” Nico retorted, hiding the smirk on his lips as he took a sip from his wine glass. 
“I am sure whatever flowery promises Jacob added definitely sold it,” you commented, unable to hide the bite in your voice. 
Nico stared at you for a few moments before he spoke. “I do apologise.”
You raised your brows in questioning. 
“For blindsiding you that day,” Nico continued. “I was under the impression you were aware of the contract.” 
“Funnily enough, I was not informed my name had been thrown into a deal,” you replied, jaw clenching a little as the reminder of what Jacob had inserted you into washing over you. This was your home now, not New York. “Jacob knew better than to tell me.” 
“Well, if it’s any consolation, your name wasn’t officially included,” Nico added. 
You paused, a crease forming between your brows. “What do you mean?” 
“Just that the official agreement between the Devils and Rangers included me marrying someone but no names were included for technicality reasons,” Nico answered and it took everything in you to keep your face straight. 
Up until this point, you were under the impression that Jacob had practically thrown you into the deep end with no warning because your name was the one on the contract. You had seen it time and time again in arranged marriages, you had seen demands to be made because men felt entitled to certain women or dangled them in front of the enemy as a bargaining chip. 
If you were being completely honest, you had assumed that was what happened here. You had assumed back and forth negotiations had been made and Jacob had deemed you the best bargaining chip to get whatever he wanted from the Devils. The Rangers tended to be old school and traditional that way. 
It never occurred to you that you weren’t a part of this, that you didn’t need to be a part of it. 
“So, Jacob just offered me up to fill a spot?” You questioned, your voice remaining steady and calm as your mind swirled with a million thoughts.
Nico’s eyes glimmered with an unreadable emotion. “Something like that.”
Your heart was racing in your chest. “And any woman could be in my spot and the agreement would still remain?” 
“I guess so,” Nico stated, seeming like he wanted to say more but he remained quiet. 
“Interesting,” you commented, a plan already forming in your head as you reached for your glass. “You may have made a mistake, you know?” 
Nico’s lips twitched upwards. “What makes you say that?” 
“If this is to be my wedding, I want it to be absolutely perfect,” you said with a casual shrug of your shoulders, staring at the man across the table from you. “I refuse anything less.” 
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Nico mused before raising his glass in your direction. “Do as you please.” 
Your smile widened in response as you took a long sip from your glass. 
You were going to break Nico Hishcier and you were going to make sure he sent you running back to New York, if it was the last thing you did. 
And then, you would make Jacob Trouba regret even uttering your name into the stupid agreement. 
“It was targeted?” 
Jesper nodded, his face serious and shoulders tensed as he slid a copy of the official police report across the table towards Nico. “Last night,” he said with a heavy sigh. “They broke in, roughed the place up a little and then set it on fire. It didn’t seem like they found whatever they wanted so they burned the place down.” 
“Talk about dramatic,” Jack grumbled from his spot on the couch. 
Nico shot the younger boy a look before turning back to Jesper. “What did the police say?” 
“As much as you would expect,” the blond shrugged. “They don’t want to get involved if it’s dirty work.” 
Nico raised a brow. “And is it?” 
“You tell me,” Jesper shot back, his jaw clenching. “Did your best friend Trouba mention anything about his boys’ weekend plans to break into one of our warehouses?” 
“Bratter is feeling sassy,” Jack sang, snickering even when Jonas tried to jab him with his elbow to keep quiet.
“These attacks have been going on for months,” Jesper pointed out, his lips turned downwards in a frown. “And they aren’t going to stop until we retaliate.” 
“We don’t know who is behind it yet,” Nico retorted. 
“Of course we fucking do.” 
“Jesper,” Nico shot him a look. “I know you don’t like my agreement with Trouba but he wouldn’t break it. We signed the truce.” 
“It isn’t official until the wedding,” Jonas spoke up from his spot on the couch next to Jack. 
“Jacob Trouba is many things but stupid isn’t one of them,” Nico sighed, ignoring the ‘ehhhh’ Timo muttered out as he leaned back in his chair. “And it would be incredibly stupid to target the people you are trying to sign an alliance with.” 
“Still,” Jesper grumbled as he nodded at the police report. “One week earlier and half of our stock could have been up in flames.” 
Timo raised his brows. “You think someone knew?” 
“I think someone may be getting delayed information,” Jesper corrected.
“I want you and Timo investigating this,” Nico said as he tapped his finger on the file. “Dig out the reports from the other targeted attacks and—” 
Nico frowned a little as the shrill of his phone echoed through the room. He ignored the boys’ curious looks as he reached for it, answering the call and lifting it to his ear. “Nico Hischier speaking.” 
“Uh, Mr Hishcier, so sorry to bother you,” a mousy, timid voice spoke from the other side. “This is Jeff from the bank calling and—”
“Get on with it, Jeff,” Nico stated bluntly. 
“Right, yes. Uh, there has been a suspicious amount of transactions coming out of your bank today and we wanted to inform you in case you wished us to freeze the accounts or—” 
Nico tried to bite back his smile. “Where are these transactions coming from?” 
“The last one to go through was a purchase of four hundred thousand dollars for…flowers?” 
This time Nico actually let out a loud, boisterous laugh which caught both Jeff and the boys in his study off guard.
“What was the one before that?” Nico asked, clearly amused. 
“Three hundred dollars spent at…McDonalds.” 
“Keep letting them through,” Nico assured the man on the other side of the phone. “That’s just my fiancée having some fun.” 
“Oh. Right. Sorry, Mr Hischier, and congratulations!” 
Nico thanked the man before hanging up, throwing his phone back down on the desk before he turned his attention back to the meeting they were having. However, he seemed to pick up on the eerie silence and lifted his head to find all of the boys looking at him with various expressions painted across their faces. 
“Out with it then,” Nico said eventually. 
“Count on Nico bagging the most expensive fiancée in New York,” Timo teased, a shit-eating grin on his face.
But Nico just shrugged. “It’s her wedding day. She wants it to be perfect.” 
“Even if it leaves you bankrupt,” Jonas snorted.
“As long as she’s happy,” Nico answered, sincere in his words. 
“If only Trouba knew how whipped you were for his girl, he would have never agreed to the deal,” Jack commented, raising his hands in mock surrender when Nico turned to glare at him.
“She’s not Trouba’s girl,” Nico gritted out. 
“Yikes, Boss has claws.” 
“Anyone with a pair of eyes can see how whipped Nico is,” Jesper commented with a huff of laughter. “Trouba is, in fact, stupid if he didn’t notice. Now, can we please get back to the main problem before he starts singing limericks.” 
Nico frowned. “Hey—” 
“My money is on the Sabres being involved!” 
“As if they even know how to light a match.” 
“You look like you have had a busy day.” 
You turned your head to find Nico standing in the door entrance, leaning against the frame as his eyes wandered over the dozens of bags in your room. His hands were tucked into his pockets, his sleeves were rolled to his elbows and a few strands of hair were falling into his face. It almost annoyed you that this was the most dishevelled you had seen him and he still looked so good and put-together.
“I decided to take it slow,” you answered casually, turning back around before you could see the smile tugging on his lips. “I didn’t want to scare Luke off too soon.” 
“The boy is tougher than he looks,” Nico commented. “I am sure he can handle whatever you throw at him.”
Your lips twitched. “You weren’t the one listening to him whine about carrying a couple of bags.”
“A couple is an understatement,” Nico mused. “He’s still unpacking the car with Dawson’s help.” 
You glanced over your shoulder, something victorious and smug shining in your eyes. “Is there a problem with that?”
Nico flashed you a smile. “My money is your money. My boys are your boys. Knock yourself out, schatz.”
You blinked, his words barely processing in your head before you realised he had already begun walking away. You glanced down at the countless bags littering your bedroom floor, most of them useless purchases you picked up to push the balance higher. 
And yet, Nico just walked away without a care in the world. 
“I really wouldn’t recommend this.” 
“Then it’s a good thing I’m not listening to you.” 
You rolled your eyes, listening to the satisfying clicks of your heels against the floor as you made your way down the corridor. “He’s my fiancé.” 
“He is in a meeting,” Luke shot back. “He doesn't like being interrupted. Not even by us.” 
“I’m not you,” you retorted, almost hearing the eye roll from the younger boy following behind you. “And I don’t care if he is in a meeting, he can make time for me.”
“That’s not how it works,” Luke muttered under his breath.
“It is now.” 
“God, I’m going to have to plan a funeral.” 
You ignored the boy’s last feeble attempts to stop you from going through with it—or to at least knock on the door—but it was hopeless as you reached Nico’s study, hand on the knob and opening the door before Luke could even think to pull you back. Or throw you over his shoulder and run back down the corridor. 
The room fell silent as you stood in the doorway. 
You didn’t recognise the men sitting across from Nico at the large desk. They were old and burly and quite literally looked like characters out of Sopranos. They turned to face you, eyebrows furrowed and lips turned downwards at the interruption. 
You smiled in response. 
“What’s the meaning of this?” One of them spoke, the Jersey accent strong and thick and coating his words generously. “We’re doin’ business here, sweetheart. Bounce!” 
You glanced at the man, unfazed before you turned your gaze towards Nico who was watching you with interested eyes. “I need to talk to you.” 
“We are busy here, lady, can’t you see?” The other man spoke, huffing and puffing in his seat and it took everything inside you not to roll your eyes at his tantrum. 
“And now I’m busy with him,” you stated simply, arms crossed over your chest as you stepped further into the room. “Scram. You are done here.” 
The first man huffed, puffing his chest out as he opened his mouth to say something but Nico cut him off. 
Both men turned to Nico, angry and outraged. “You cannot be serious?!” 
“Go,” Nico repeated himself, a little more firmly this time. 
The men were smart enough not to test Nico’s patience any further, rushing out the room with their tails between their legs as they did. It almost made you smile the way they avoided your gaze as they did so. You heard Luke let out a sigh behind you, muttering something under his breath as he followed the other men out and closed the door behind him. 
“You’ve intrigued me,” Nico spoke up, leaning back against his chair. “What could possibly be so important that you needed to discuss it with me?” 
You grinned as you lifted the folders in your hand. “Wedding venues.”
Nico blinked. “Wedding venues?” 
“Wedding venues,” you repeated, your eyes eagerly watching every inch of his face for a reaction. 
It took years of training to school your features as Nico nodded you over, still relaxed in his chair as he smiled back at you. Back in New York, a move like this would’ve gotten you killed and yet here—
“Show me,” he replied. 
Your eyes stayed on his face, waiting for a slip up as you walked towards his desk. You rounded the piece of furniture, pushing the boundary a little bit more as you hopped up on the desk and placed the folder down beside you rather than handing it to him. 
“Comfortable?” He asked, his voice almost sounding playful as he reached for the folder. 
“I’ve sat on more comfortable desks,” you commented offhandedly. 
His eyes darkened a little at that. But before you could even bring yourself to comment on it, he was already opening the folder and scanning through the options. 
They were obscene, if you were completely honest. They were tacky and loud and far from a place you would even step foot in, let alone have your wedding in. But they were expensive—so expensive that it would send a normal man into cardiac arrest to see the numbers beside each venue. 
Then again, Nico Hischier wasn’t a normal man. 
“Which one would make you happiest?” He eventually asked, lifting his head to look at you expectantly. 
Your eyes narrowed. “Are you that incapable of making a decision, Hischier?” 
His lips twitched. “And if I say I just want you happy?”
“I would say that is a weak man’s response,” you replied, lifting your chin a little. It was a testy comment to make, not one that many men in power would take lightly. 
To your shock, Nico just laughed. “Then I say pick the church.” 
You raised your brows a little—the church was the most expensive option on the list. 
“Do you disagree?” Nico followed up, watching the way you stared at him with an odd look in your eyes.
“No,” you said as you took the folder from him. “The church will do.”
“Is that all?” Nico asked, something in his voice that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. It was like he was eager, whether that was for you to leave or stay, you couldn’t quite work out.
“Yes,” you answered, though you made no move to slide off the desk just yet. “Seeing as I have nothing else to do in this place. Just a sweet, complying fiancée doing her duties and planning a wedding.” 
Nico’s eyes glimmered in interest. “Sweet sums you up pretty well, no?” 
Your eyes narrowed in a glare. 
“I mean, by all means, take the honeymoon planning off my hands if that is what you want,” Nico continued, shifting a bit closer so your foot was nudging his thigh. You were almost distracted by the casual drop of information about the honeymoon he was apparently planning.
“You’re mocking me,” you stated bluntly.
“A little,” he mused.
“You know my reputation,” you added. “Surely you knew what kind of wife I would be.”
“I had my guesses,” Nico confirmed with a nod.
“And yet, here we are.” 
“Here we are indeed,” Nico grinned. “Do you want to reserve the venue or shall I?”
It was safe to say Luke steered clear of you for the rest of the day following your mood after you left Nico’s study.
“You don’t get it,” Luke huffed, fingers tapping along the wheel. “This is the best bakery on the east coast, maybe even the whole country!”
You raised your brows. “Is that so?”
“Just wait until you try Peter’s strawberry tarts,” Luke insisted, so serious that it took everything inside you to not snort. “It’s like…heaven in your mouth.” 
“Peter is just that good, huh?” You mused.
“You’re teasing me now but you will be wanting the guy to make your wedding cake after you try some of his desserts,” Luke stated confidently. 
You had no real plan for today other than the desperate need to get out of the house. You were bored out of your mind and Luke was not too far behind, considering you spent almost every waking hour with the boy. It had been an offhand comment about wanting something sweet that made the boy grab your hand and drag you out of the house.
Luke was adamant that Peter’s Bakery in Hoboken was the best bakery in the state. You had been content to just sit in the passenger seat and let the younger boy ramble on about how all the Devils frequented there, that Candy was known to visit once a week, that Jack tended to hide out there after a particularly bad day. 
It was endearing to hear about the place. 
It was even more endearing that Luke trusted you enough to take you there, even if you wouldn’t dare to admit that out loud.
“One sec!” 
Luke glanced at you over his shoulder, grinning wider than you had ever seen before turning back to the counter. A few moments passed before a man walked out: brown hair, average build, a little mousy looking. And the apron covered in flour truly added to the baker charm.
“Moose,” the boy greeted with a large smile. “What can I get for my second favourite Hughes?” 
Luke rolled his eyes but began listing off far too many pastries and sweet treats for two people to enjoy. 
Five minutes later, you found yourself sitting across from the boy in a booth with a large variety of baked goods laid out on the table in front of you. It was borderline overwhelming and intense but you didn’t have the heart to stop Luke from ordering so much when he kept insisting on all the classics you had to try.
“So,” you began as the boy pushed a slice of apple pie towards you. “Moose?” 
“It’s an old nickname,” Luke answered with a halfhearted shrug. 
You raised a brow. “How old?”
Luke’s lips twitched. “Peter is an old friend of mine and Jack’s. He…he’s been there for us through a lot.” 
“Because our line of business crosses paths with bakers so often,” you mused, lighthearted and playful. You could tell the words were heavier than he was letting on but you didn’t have the heart to start poking at old wounds. Not today.
Luke snorted. “Nah, he needed to lay low after some close calls. He made some deal with Nico. Boss offers him protection, he offers the best apple pie you will ever have in your entire life.”
You shot a glance towards the other boy, working away behind the counter with a sense of ease that told you he was comfortable, that he felt safe even being so out in the open and exposed to the public. It wasn’t something you saw often in this industry when people had a target on their back. 
“He did?” You asked, your voice a little softer than before. 
“He’s a good guy, you know,” Luke murmured in response, watching your expression closely. 
“He has a reputation for being fair,” you commented absentmindedly. “Which is a load of bullshit when it comes to our work.” 
“Not with Nico,” Luke retorted. “He is harsh when he needs to be. But he is understanding. He gets it.”
“Hm,” was all you could respond with, your mind spiralling with a million different stories of men in power that exploited and corrupted the world around them in the greedy hunt for more. You had seen men crumble under that desire, you had seen them sacrifice their lives and loved ones to get what they want. 
You couldn’t imagine someone having all that power and not being corrupted by it. 
“Hey,” Luke whined, all youngest child like, as he lightly kicked your shin under the table. “Stop procrastinating and try the pie!” 
You rolled your eyes, making a show of grabbing the fork and cutting off a good sized chunk before shovelling it in your mouth.
Luke looked at you expectantly. “So?” 
“It’s good.” 
He blinked before frowning. “Just good? Are your taste buds broken?” 
“Fine, it’s very good,” you corrected with a small smile on your lips. “But it’s not the best apple pie I have ever had.” 
Luke raised his brows. “Oh yeah? And where was that?” 
“Tony’s Tiny Bakery,” you shot back, watching as the boy huffed across from you. “It was around the corner from this cute Italian place that did amazing garlic bread too. I’ll have to take you one day, it’s only—” 
And then you paused. 
And it was stupid to say when you had quite literally spent the better part of the last few weeks in your new home, when you had been coming up to the three month mark in New Jersey. But it hit you that you would never see New York again, not in the way you had growing up. 
You were a New Jersey Devil now. You had a new home and new territory. You had a new family you were supposed to be accepting. You weren’t able to step back in the city you grew up in, not without direct permission from the people you used to call your family. 
You had been so pissed that day when Jacob had thrown you into the deep end of an arranged marriage you had never known about that you wanted to get him back, you wanted to hit him where it hurt and have one last act of defiance. You had walked away from New York with no proper goodbye because you knew it wasn’t what he wanted. 
And truthfully, it wasn’t what you wanted either. 
You never got the chance to say goodbye to such a large part of your life and identity. You never got the chance to say goodbye to the people who raised you and the people you grew up with. You never got the chance to visit your favourite places in New York with the freedom of being a Ranger before you jumped ship. 
It never really hit you that you missed New York as much as you did.
“I get it.” 
You almost jumped in your seat when you felt a hand over your own, when you blinked away the tears welling up in your eyes to find Luke smiling fondly from the other side of the booth. You tried to pull your hand away and pretend everything was okay, but the boy tightened his hold on you.
“I know what it’s like to leave the only place you called home,” Luke murmured, his voice soft but thick with emotion. “It gets easier.” 
You nodded, swallowing the ball in the back of your throat before you flashed him a small smile. “This apple pie is pretty damn good.” 
Luke’s smile widened. “Of course it is. I don’t mess around when it comes to food, Rogue. Catch up.” 
You let out a small but genuine laugh in response. 
“How quickly can you get dressed?” 
Your eyes wandered over your magazine page towards the boy standing at the bottom of the couch you were currently laying on. He was dressed in his usual attire—the shirt, dress pants and nice shoes that probably cost more than the average man’s monthly salary—and raised your brows. 
“Depends,” you answered as you lowered the magazine you were halfheartedly reading to rest on your stomach. “Get dressed as in ‘we are walking around the park’ or ‘we are about to go to a gala’?” 
Nico smiled a little. “More ‘wear something that is comfortable and easy to carry guns on you’.”
Now that caught your attention.
You sat up on the couch, the magazine abandoned on the pillow beside you as you stared at the boy with interest. “You’re taking me on a job?” 
“I was hoping to use your expertise for something,” Nico said with gentle but watchful eyes. “Are you in?” 
“Give me fifteen minutes,” was all you responded with before walking past the boy and towards your bedroom.
Less than thirty minutes later, you found yourself slipping out of Nico’s car and looking at the absolute mess in front of you with raised brows, a low whistle of surprise leaving your lips as you took in the damaged property. 
“And this was done recently?” 
“Two weeks ago,” Nico confirmed with a nod, frowning at the warehouse with a look of frustration and annoyance. “Third warehouse chosen. Fourth targeted attack.” 
You glanced at him. “What was the other?” 
“A person,” Nico frowned. “We were lucky that their plan failed, which is why I assume they began to target buildings instead.”
“Coward move,” you frowned, choosing to ignore the way Nico snorted a little at your response. “What did the warehouse hold?” 
“Just some of our basic exports,” Nico shrugged.
Your eyes widened a little.
He frowned. “What?” 
“Nothing,” you shrugged, clearly your throat a little. “Just a little surprised you told me, to be honest. I thought you would have given some weird elusive answer.” 
His frown deepened a little. “Why would I do that?” 
“Because I’m a glorified stranger,” you retorted like it was obvious. 
“You’re my fiancée,” Nico corrected, his voice still serious and sincere as he spoke. “What’s mine is yours.” 
You swallowed a little at his intensity. “So this mess is mine too?” 
“Just like everything else I own,” he said with a nod. “And as much as is your right to be here as my fiancée, I also brought you because you’re smart. Because you know how to get in people’s heads. Because you’ll be able to spot things neither me nor the others will see.” 
“Trouba’s favourite tool,” you deadpanned.
“You’re your own person here, Rogue,” Nico assured you, something else written in his expression that you couldn’t quite read. “It’s something you should get used to. You’re a Devil now.”
You didn’t get much of a chance to reply before he wandered towards the desolate warehouse, footsteps crunching with every step he took whilst you were left slightly baffled by the enigma that was Nico Hischier. 
“So, is she in love with you yet?” 
Nico shot Jack a look. 
“Because from what Luke’s told me, she has been doing everything under the sun to piss you off. And I’m no expert in love but that doesn’t seem like something someone in love would do,” Jack continued as he settled happily on the couch in Nico’s study—one of his favourite spots.
“Did I not give you a job?” Nico asked bluntly, leaning back in his chair and sighing. He knew there was no point of attempting to do any more work whilst the younger boy was in the room.
“Yeah but we both know I’ll get to it eventually,” he waved the older man off, his hands tucked behind his head as he lounged back on the comfy couch. “This is far more entertaining.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nico sniffed. 
“I have seen you shoot a man between his eyes without a second thought,” Jack mused, the glee in his voice unmissable as he continued to tease the older man. “And yet, I watched you have a full breakdown to Dougie on whether or not your fiancée would prefer your hair slick back or product free on the off chance you bumped into her that day.” 
“I like to make a good impression,” Nico retorted. 
“You’re trying to seduce her and failing miserably,” Jack shot back.
“She is my fiancée,” Nico huffed out. 
“She is the girl you have been downright obsessed with since she knocked you on your ass four years ago,” Jack corrected. “And she doesn’t even remember.” 
“I was undercover,” Nico defended. “Pally hardly recognised me that day, too.”
“Are you listening to yourself, Hisch?” Jack questioned, his brows raised in amusement. “This is getting a little pathetic.” 
Nico let out a heavy sigh, raising his hand towards Jack for him to continue. “Okay then, what do you suggest?” 
“Less mind games and playing the elusive mob boss character you’ve been trying out,” Jack answered, his voice a hint softer than before and it caught him off guard, “Be Nico—the real version.” 
“That was very High School Musical of you,” Nico teased. 
“I knew it was a bad idea letting you watch those movies,” Jack playfully groaned but he was grinning back. “I take it back, put the scary mob boss face back on. She is gonna laugh you back to Switzerland if you quote that shit to her.”
“She could be a fan,” Nico pointed out.
But Jack just shot him a look. “I know you’re blinded by love and all that jazz, but even you have to know that is a load of bullshit.”
“Go do you work now, Jack.” 
The younger boy gave him a mock salute. “On it, Boss.” 
In your mind, the plan was full proof, effective and successful. 
In reality, it was a form of torture that didn’t have the results you wanted and instead left your brain scrambled on whether you really wanted it to work or not.
When you stepped out of that meeting room months ago, you were under the impression you were stuck in this arranged marriage with Nico Hishcier. A week later, you thought you had a loophole and a clear path back to New York and the life you had. 
Instead, you were laying in your bed and reeling that although you may not be the typical mob wife, Nico Hishcier was far from the typical mob boss. And it was completely fucking with your plan. 
And maybe you weren’t fully ready to admit it but it was fucking with your desire to go back home too—if New York even felt like home anymore. New Jersey was a breath of fresh air that you never knew you needed, that you never knew you wanted. 
The Rangers may have been your family once upon a time, but the Devils felt more like the word than the former ever had. You felt like you were watching the family of them through a window, and you were starting to realise maybe being on the inside wouldn’t be so bad as you thought. Maybe being in a place where they valued and listened to you wouldn’t be so bad either. 
But New York was all you ever knew, was all you ever thrived in. It was hard to just throw that all away. 
Even if Nico Hischier was making the option of staying very appealing. 
Even when some of the other Devils—the ones that weren’t your biggest fans—felt more welcoming than the boys back in New York. 
Exhibit A: Jesper Bratt. 
Nico had pulled Luke out for the day, saying he needed the boy’s help with a different job. He hadn’t offered to put anyone in Luke’s place. To be honest, you think Luke was only continuing with it because he enjoyed spending time with you too. But it had been Jesper who offered himself into Luke’s role when you had mentioned visiting a few shops in town by yourself. 
It didn’t take a genius to work out he was suspicious of you.
You didn’t take it to heart, not really. He wasn’t going out of his way to make you uncomfortable or wary, but the lingering tension was enough to make you observe him with the same watchful gaze. 
“You don’t like me.” 
Jesper’s eyes flickered to meet yours in the rearview mirror before returning to the road. “I never said that.” 
“You didn’t have to,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “It’s written all over your face. And the extra gun you slipped into your waistband before we left.” 
His cheeks burned a little at your words. 
“It’s fine,” you assured him. “You’re his second-in-command. It’s your job to be wary, to have Nico’s back.” 
Jesper hummed but didn’t say anything right away. 
Instead, a few minutes of silence passed as you two made your way through usual Jersey traffic. The radio was on, but turned on so low that the two of you could barely hear it. The streets were busy, even for a random Thursday afternoon. It was like the world was going on as normal, despite the lingering tension in the car between you and the blond.
“I do like you,” Jesper said eventually. “I just don’t trust you.” 
“Because you think I’m going to betray the Devils?” You guessed. 
“Because I think you are capable of hurting Nico far worse than a gunshot or a knife in the back ever could,” Jesper corrected, seeming to catch the surprise on your face.
“You think I would hurt him?” You questioned, ignoring the way your stomach twisted at the words. Growing up in this life had meant you had seen far worse than a gunshot or a knife in the back, had meant you had done much worse. And yet the idea of any of it being directed towards Nico seemed to leave you on edge and make the hairs on the back of your neck rise.
“I think you are capable of a lot without even realising it,” Jesper answered honestly. 
You didn’t reply to the blond but you wondered if your return to New York would hurt Nico. 
You wondered why it made your chest feel tight and uncomfortable. 
“So how did you get the nickname?” 
You blinked out of your thoughts, looking over at Luke who was walking by your side. “What?” 
“Rogue,” he said with a nod, like that was enough of an explanation. “Nicknames stick in this industry. So, where did you…go rogue to get it?”
You let out a small snort of laughter. “How do you not know it’s my actual name?” 
Luke glanced at you, his brows furrowed together. “Is it?” 
“No,” you grinned at him before shrugging. “I don’t know, to be honest. I just…never did well with listening to people’s instructions. It was a nickname my father gave me and I guess it just stuck.” 
“You listened when Trouba sent you here though,” Luke pointed out, unfazed by the glare you sent his way. You assumed that was bound to happen after you spent almost every day with the boy for the last few months or so. He was bound to feel comfortable enough to poke at the uncomfortable subjects.
“Because I’m stubborn not stupid,” you shot back, giving the boy a look. “I value my life.” 
Luke frowned. “You think he would’ve killed you if you didn’t comply?” 
“He’s killed people for less,” you shrugged but noted the way the boy still looked uncomfortable, unsettled even. “He wouldn’t have killed me. I’m too valuable, even if I’m disrespecting him. He probably would’ve just put me on some really shit jobs until his ego was healed.” 
Luke nodded, still looking quite on edge. 
“Luke,” you stopped walking, placing your hand on his arm to catch his attention and make him stop too. Logically, you knew that he was a grown man and he could handle his own emotions. Especially in an industry like this. But another part of you—the part that had spent the last few months with the boy almost every day—felt the need to wipe that frown off his face. “It’s fine now. And it doesn’t matter.” 
“Does it not?” Luke shot back at you. “You’ve been trying your hardest to find a loophole out of here, have you not? But you still want to go back there? Back to him? Even after everything he’s done to you?”
You blinked. 
“I’m young but I’m not stupid,” Luke huffed out, shaking his head as he took a step back. “It’s—whatever. Let’s just go. You said you wanted to check out that shoe store?” 
You took a step forward. “Luke—”
“We should head over now before heading back to the house. We—” He paused before continuing. “I don’t want to be late for dinner.”
You didn’t see Luke over the next few days. 
He had sent a brief message about being busy wrapped up in a job Nico gave him, which albeit wasn’t the best excuse but you let him off. You weren’t sure what upset him and you didn’t think poking around and asking more questions would do any favours. So, you let the boy take his space and take his time. 
It was Luke. 
You had no doubts that he would talk to you again when he wasn’t as worked up or upset about the situation. 
But the lack of daily companion left you feeling quite lonely, which was ironic considering you had considered your whole stay in New Jersey to be quite lonely as an outcast. You hadn’t realised just how much you relied on Luke’s company until he wasn’t knocking on your door every morning, convincing you to try some new outrageously overpriced cafe using Nico’s card to pay. 
You broke around the third day, deciding to seek out your own company in the form of your fiancé.
“I was told you would be here.” 
Nico lifted his head, peeking out from under the hood of the car he was currently hunched over. He glanced at you, an expression between surprised and elated as you stood on the opposite side of the garage.
“Is that so?” 
“Mhm,” you nodded, glancing around the large garage with eagle eyes. “Apparently this is how you spend your limited free time.”
Nico stood up straight, giving you a full look at the white tank top clinging onto his torso. It was criminal the way wiped his hands on a random rag, his biceps clenching with the movement before he tossed it to the side and gave you his full attention.
“I like fixing up old cars,” Nico said with a shrug, though there was a sense of ease in his posture. “It’s relaxing.” 
You blinked. “Tinkering around with some old metal is calming? Even if you can’t get it running?”
He laughed. “It takes my mind off things.” 
“How…mundane,” you responded, your brows furrowed together as you glanced at the few cars dotted around the garage. You didn’t know enough to know the brands or names of any of them. You didn’t even try to attempt it. 
“Mundane is nice sometimes, especially with the lives we live,” Nico retorted and you were inclined to agree. 
“This still seems stressful though,” you added. 
Nico leaned against the car, arms crossed over his chest like he knew it would snag your gaze. “And what would you recommend I do?” 
“I don’t know, something normal people do to relax,” you shrugged your shoulders. “Like, go on a picnic.” 
Nico paused, staring at you as he tried to fight the grin off his face. “A picnic?” 
“I don’t know!” You threw your hands up in mock surrender. “People do it all the time in movies and shit.”
“What movies are you watching?” Nico laughed, though he seemed to enjoy watching the way you tried to hold back your own amusement. 
“They have picnics in plenty of movies,” you argued back. 
“Alright then,” Nico nodded. “Then we will do it. You and me, tomorrow at twelve.” 
You blinked. “What?” 
“We are gonna have a picnic and be normal,” Nico stated, leaving no room for questions as he reached for the rag once again. “Unless you have some super normal thing you do to take your mind off things to do instead?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Shooting range.”
“That’s what I thought,” he snorted as he flashed you a grin. “Me and you, schatz, at twelve. Don’t be late.” 
A small part of you thought Nico was joking about the picnic. 
A larger part of you knew the boy would be knocking on your door by half past eleven, dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoodie and looking so normal. So unlike the mob boss you know him to be. 
And the white bucket hat on his head was oddly endearing. 
In complete honesty, you hadn’t expected much from the picnic and how seriously the boy would take it. Though, you should have known better when he parked his car, an excited smile on his face as he led you towards the grassy patch in the park where a blanket and wicker basket had been laid out. 
“Oh wow,” you murmured out as you walked towards the scene, his palm warm and guiding on the small of your back. 
“Really fits the movie vibes, huh?” Nico retorted with a knowing smile.
You snorted. “I feel so normal right now.”
“Then my job here is done,” he smiled as he leaned back on the blanket, balanced on his elbows as he looked up at you. 
You were surprised how far he ran with a passive comment. You wondered what it must have looked like to people passing by the two of you, if you looked like a normal couple on a date, enjoying a sweet picnic together. You wondered if it even counted as a date at all. 
It was ironic that the man beside you had been your fiancé for the better part of the last four months and you didn’t know much about him, that neither of you knew each other all that well. 
“What’s your favourite colour?” 
Nico paused, looking up from the small plates he was loading up for the two of you. “My favourite colour?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded. 
“Favourite kind of music?” 
“Swiss rap.” 
“Favourite animal?” 
“I don’t think I have one.” 
“Cat person or dog person?” 
Your nose scrunched up. “You can’t be both. That’s cheating.” 
Nico raised his brows in amusement. “I don’t think I can cheat at a game I don’t know.” 
“Just wanted to know what kind of man I am marrying,” you replied with a shrug of your shoulders. 
“Is there where you tell me that being a cat person is your deal breaker?” Nico joked.
Your lips twitched. “It would be something I would have to take into consideration.” 
“Might have to keep some secrets to save my marriage then,” Nico said with a sigh, the skin around his eyes crinkling as he smiled. You don’t think you had ever noticed that before. It was weird seeing someone in his position show any emotion but intimidation so easily. 
You raised your brows. “Doesn’t everyone have a few skeletons in the closet?” 
“Is this your subtle way of asking me what mine are?” He questioned, pushing the plate towards you. You were surprised to find a few of your favourite snacks on the plate. You wondered if he had bothered Luke or someone else to find out, or if it was a lucky guess.
“Would you tell me if I asked?” You shot back.
“I would tell you anything if you asked,” Nico replied, the playfulness replaced by sincerity that made your brain spiral a little.
“You know,” you tried to laugh it off. “I don’t think many people in this life agree with you there.”
“I’m not them and you’re not their fiancée,” he answered with a shrug. “Who gives a fuck what they think?” 
You looked at him with a mixed expression. “And you’d answer anything I ask you right now?”
He gestured for you to continue. “Try me.”
You tilted your head, taking a few moments to contemplate before you spoke. “Did you know I was going to be the one waiting for you in that room?” 
“I did,” he confirmed with a nod.
“And you had no issues with that?” 
His lips twitched. “Quite the opposite.” 
You shot him a curious look. “And if Jacob had lied to you? If there was someone else in the room?”
“I would have refused the alliance,” he stated simply, like he was reiterating a well-known fact.
You snorted. “Yeah, okay.” 
“I would have,” Nico insisted, his expression remaining dead serious.
Your smile faltered a little. “Nico.” 
“Rogue,” he mocked in the same tone of voice.
“You don’t have to lie to me,” you murmured.
Nico frowned. “Who said I was lying?” 
“You would have refused an alliance that would massively benefit you?” You retorted, your brows furrowed a little. “Don’t be stupid.” 
“Both sides went into that alliance wanting something,” Nico answered with a heavy look in his eyes, one that you couldn’t quite read. “I knew what I wanted and I wasn’t signing shit for anything but that.” 
“And that was me?” You teased because the conversation was getting serious and your heart felt like it was in your throat and you were pretty sure you would lose your mind if Nico kept staring at you with those intense eyes. You were also pretty sure you would lose your mind if he looked away.
You blinked, waiting for him to laugh but he didn’t. 
“I think you heard me clearly enough the first time,” Nico mused, watching the way a million emotions passed over your face.
“Oh,” was the only response you could come up with. 
“Still don’t believe me?” Nico questioned, something like amusement in his voice. Something quite like a challenge too. Like he was expecting you to call him out on it, like he had been waiting for the chance to prove himself.
“And if I don’t?” You murmured, a little more breathless than you intended.
You watched as his eyes dropped to your lips, lingering for a few moments. “Then I’ll find a way to prove it.” 
You opened your mouth to say something, though you weren’t even sure what. You didn’t know if you were going to beg for him to do it, to prove it. You didn’t know if you were going to tell him to stop playing whatever game he was playing. You didn’t know if you were going to tell him to fuck the vague, elusive chat and to just fucking kiss you already. 
You were pretty sure it was most likely going to be the last option.
But you never got the chance to even utter a word before the loud, high-pitched shrill of a phone broke the moment.
You blinked, quickly glancing away and taking a few moments to ground yourself as Nico quickly sat up on the blanket. He patted his pockets before slipping his phone out, answering it with a slight peeved off look on his face.
However, that quickly changed when the person on the other side of the phone began speaking, the words muffled but the urgent tone was clear even to you.
It took less than a few seconds before Nico was scrambling to get up, abandoning the basket and blanket before he nodded for you to get up too. His hand was a little more pushy as he directed you towards his car, his face serious and almost murderous as he quickly got in the car, racing to turn it on.
“It’s Jack,” was all Nico could mutter out for context before the two of you were racing towards the house.
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Weasley Siblings Reacting To You Saying You Are Pregnant
Writing Comission’s Are Open
William ‘Bill’
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“Excuse me-?” He was left practically speechless, when he picked up the onesie on his bedside table. A little blue thing, with the words To The Moon And Back. He was so full of emotions. Panic, excitement, horror, joy. Would the baby inherit his wolf tendencies? Would something go wrong, because of his bad blood? He was so scared. Would you be in danger, because of him? With his eyes turning to you, and seeing that excited smile, he couldn’t help but calm down. Teddy existed after all, didn’t he? He was as fine as he could be. The idea of holding his own little ball of joy. To see that orange hair, and watch you nurse. “I’m going to be a dad….” He trailed, with a smile. “I’m going to be a dad-“ He repeated, as he would hold the little sleep wear to his chest. Tears ran down his broken cheeks, as he kept reacting it. So full of pride. He’s going to be a dad, with you.
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“IM GONNA BE A DAD-!” He was screaming, bloody damn murder, as he was running around at the sanctuary. Screaming it with pride, as you chased after him. Just laughing, as the dragons would lift up their heads. “IM A DAD IM A DAD IM A DAD-!” He keeps roaring, as the dragons would tilt their heads. Watching their motherly figure jump for joy. Literally. “Charlie-!” You laughed, as he was just to full of excitement. Laughing, cheering, and crying. That’s when one of the older mothers would grab him by the collar. Yanking him into the air, before plopping him right next to you. As if to convey that he better step up now. That had you laugh, as he pouted at her. “I am I am-!” He said, before he was on his knees. Holding your belly. “I’m gonna be your daddy-!” He squealed, as he kissed it over. All the excitement getting the new borns curious, but those mothers made sure they didn’t get to close. Letting him have his moment. A new baby, to join the herd.
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“You cannot be serious-“ Percy was blinking, as he had hardly taken two steps through the fire place. Just gotten off work, early for once, only to be surprised by you making a baby box. It was meant to be a surprise, and something you would give to him after dinner. Seems like he was still surprised, regardless. “Who had the baby this time-?” He asked, as he would set his belongings where they were designated. That had you snort, as it didn’t quite dawn on him yet. With the fact you didn’t say anything, he turned around. “Honey?” He asked again, as you keep smiling. Slowly, the gears turned, before he was left with his cloak dropped from his hands. It was him. He didn’t expect that. Was like the last one to join the family gang. He couldn’t help his worry. He didn’t exactly grow up to well. He wasn’t to well connected with his family, and only came around when it was almost to late. He didn’t want that to happen to his kid. To have such a divide. You could tell he was worried, and patted the seat next to you. He joined, and you would kiss his head. “Who do you wanna tell first?” You asked, as he held your hand. The name he said, reassured himself that this kid won’t have that tension. Not like what he made. “George is perfect.” Another kiss to his head, as the plans were made. A big and happy family.
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The words barley left your lips, before you were tossed over his shoulder. As quickly as you were tossed, you were soon hearing the noise of the busy shop. "HEY EVERYONE!" He shouted, causing everyone to look up at one of the railings. George as well, with curious eyes all the same. "IM GONNA BE A DAD, AND GEORGE IS GONNA BE A UNCLE!" He cheered, and everyone was a roar of cheers as well. George was quick to drop what he was doing, and soon aparate next to him. "Put your damn mother to be down!" He laughed, as Fred finally set you down. All three of you in a warm, and tight, hug. "i'm gonna be a uncle!" George cheered, as you laughed. You had to wonder who was more excited for the baby. Your husband, or his twin? It did not matter to you. They were both so happy for this wonderful news. They just could not let you go, as they were just laughing in joy. Children. More children. What could make them hate that?
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"Pregnant?" He whispered, as he almost looked like he would burst into tears. "I heard that right, didn't I?" He asked, as he felt over the scarred skin that was once his ear. You nodded, before you held up your hands. You could not grasp sign as fast as George did, but you knew the alphabet. P.R.E.G.N.A.N.T. Pregnant. He was soon tackling you, as he was sobbing into your shoulder. "I'm going to be a dad-" He sobbed, as you rubbed his back. Some joy, in his world of darkness. You had fallen pregnant, not long after the death of Voldemort. Made senes, since the stress was gone. For you, anyway. "Jellybean....If its a boy...." You would peck his cheek, and nod. "A boy, Fred. If a girl, Fredrick works as a beautiful middle name." You comforted, getting another hiccup in return. The world was moving on, but the world will not be forgotten. Fred lived on, and hes going to be your tiny terror. How excited you two were, for it.
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“No-“ He gasped. “Really-? No-! Are you-? No-“ Was like he was trapped in a loop, as he now paced around your living room. Looking at you, before looking at his feet, then repeating. As if every time he made a full pace, he turned. You had to admit, was pretty adorable. Figured news like this would make your Auror husband short circuit a bit. You let him pace, with a smile. Just grinning, as he was trying to register it all. Suppose work fatigue makes anyone’s brain mush. Especially a job like his. You would watch him pace, until his brain was finally registering that YEP you are indeed pregnant. “Bloody hell….IM GONNA BE A DAD-!” His face was beaming, before he was stealing you into his arms. He was exhausted, but not tired enough to not huggle and cuddle. “We need to tells ‘Mione and Harry-! Oh those two will be so excited-!” He beams. Uncle Harry and Auntie Hermione. He was going to crush you, you swore, if he kept being so happy. “Blimey, guess that over time is finally coming in handy.” You hated his over time, but he had a point. Now you two had a secure start. That had you relax a little more. “Hope Harry doesn’t mine if I slow down on my career a little.” You would stroke his hair, and pecked his cheek. “He’s Harry. I’m doubtful he will be made you want to not be dead on a side walk, and leave me a single parent.” You snorted. “Yeah, probably doesn’t want history repeating.” Morbid, but point proven. “Gonna be a dad-“ He kept smiling, as he pulled you into his lap. Unable to stop holding you close. He was so happy, and you were all the same. Your family.
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“SHUT UP-!” She gasped, as she was looking towards the Quidditch stands. No way was she seeing what she was seeing. Your wife just won the first game of the season, and she was looking straight at you. In the VIP seats, and holding up a sign. I’m Pregnant. In bold and colorful letters, so she couldn’t miss it. “NO WAY-!” Ginny kept screaming, as her team mates looked over, as they were shaking hands with the enemy team. “What’s up?!” One of them asked. “IM GONNA BE A MUM-!” Ginny cheered, as that had all the broomstick flyers stare towards where her eyes looked. “CONGRATS-!” The enemy seeker said, with a clap. Good sportsmanship. “IM GONNA BE A MUM-!” What a way to start her quidditch season. The first win, and the fact she’s going to be a mom. “Well, go and fly over-!” A team mate smacked her back, and she wasn’t needed to told twice. The fans went nuts, with famous Quidditch Star Ginny Weasley was flying towards the stands. Right to you, and nearly tackling you down in the box. The fellow VIP seaters clapped for you two, as she planted a big kiss on you. Tears in the corner of her eyes, as she hugged you tightly. “You knew I would win, didn’t you?” She asked. “No, but I mean what better way to recover from a loss?” That had her smack your shoulder, but she was soon was wiping her eyes on her gloves. “Oh fuck, look at me. Crying like a girl-“ She joked, as she sniffled. She was so happy, and you were as well. She just couldn’t contain her joy. Her, you, and your own little precious snitch. What more could a girl want?
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pynkgothicka · 9 months
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Gangsta JJK
Ask/Req-Should do one where OC basically gets taught all her life skills from Jungkook(maybe) and he can mold her anyway he wants- wether it’s cute and innocent, or just oblivious. Maybe OCs parents were never hands on in the slightest and that left her to group up with only Jungkook there for her
Synopsis- Jungkook’s soft spot is you. The love of his life, someone who was given to him and will love him forever and through all his days.
Pairing - Yandere! Dark! Mobster! Jungkook x AFAB! Reader
Featuring - No one!
Tags and Warnings - Murdered Parents, hints towards a dark relationship, some smut
Authors Note - This took me so long! I’m sorry guys!!
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! These depictions don't pertain to reality. This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Jungkook was the kindest guy you had ever met. He was easily the love of your life. Even if you were in college with no one else, there was nobody in comparison to him. How he shielded you from the world he preached about being so evil, the man who saved you from your family. Jungkook would go leaps and bounds for you.
You stood in deep thought, awaiting his arrival to get you from the university grounds, the icy winter air swirling around you. At last, you perked up to only hear the rumble of Jungkook's loud motorcycle engine.
You smile as you see him whip his motorcycle into the parking lot. His leather jacket and ripped denim only make the man you adore even more attractive. His bike slows down in front of you; he takes off his helmet, revealing his black hair.
His shirt was covered in sweat as he gave you a signature smile. “Hey baby, I'm sorry I was late."Hey baby, sorry I'm late," he said, shifting to let you on. You wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head against his back.
You mumble softly, "It's okay, I know you won't forget about me." You take a deep breath of his jacket, the scent a mixture of weed and spearmint. The odor would make others nauseous, but you find it comforting and familiar. “I just can’t wait to make it back to your place.”
Jungkook fed you cotton candy grapes as you lounged in his apartment, making sure to cater to his one and only. With one hand scrolling mindlessly through his phone, his other hand brought the grapes to your lips, the tips of his tattooed fingers brushing over them each time, eliciting giggles from you with the sweet gesture.
Jungkook's loving gaze met yours, and he smiled. "Are you staying the night again?" he asked, putting his phone down to give you his full attention - something he had done for most of his life.
"I'm not sure if my parents are home right now," you say quietly to your boyfriend. “Besides I don't want to go home, my dad's being well himself again.” His gaze turns soft with understanding, and he feeds you another grape to sweeten the sorrowful moment. As the sweetness spreads across your tongue, you feel the sadness fading away. Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap. His hands trace the curve of your body tenderly.
He understood how your parents mistreated you, ignoring you to indulge themselves as if you didn't belong to them. Yelling at you and shoving you aside to satisfy their desires - that was typical of mafia parents, and he would know. But now he led his gang, and he vowed he'd never treat you as cruelly as others had. He always made sure to distract you when your mind wandered to such thoughts.
While kissing your neck, he slid his hands over your backside, eliciting a blissful yet pleading whine from you. "Koo, remember no hickeys," you said softly. With a sigh, he detached himself from you.
“Fine no hickies, but I want to ruin you, baby.” He says snickering and pulling off your shirt. his mouth attaches to your breast as he moans around it. His lips suck on your areola, tongue lapping at the exposed breast. You let out languid moans as your hands go to his shirt, pulling it over his head as he pulls away. His eyes stared at you as you looked back panting.
You go to unhook your bra, revealing yourself to Jungkook. “I'm so needy for you.” You mutter into his neck littering the skin with kisses and hickies. He lets out a groan, his hands moving to dig into your ass. Small crescents form and you let out a lewd groan. “Don’t ever leave me Koo…”
"You know I could never replace you, for no one could ever be good enough to take your place," he said poetically, connecting your lips once again.
After fulfilling his promise to ruin you, Jungkook put you to bed as he had urgent business to attend to. Not wanting you anywhere near his work, he made sure to leave you be. With a kiss on your forehead and lending you his jacket for comfort, he left.
Jungkook sat in a chair, glaring at your parents, whom he had kidnapped and brought to the base of his operations. As your mother stirred awake, his eyes narrowed. "Welcome back to reality," Jungkook sneered as he approached her chair.
"Jungkook? What the fuck is this?" Your mother hissed angrily. She tettered in her chair. He smiles as he places his finger on her lips. He then pulled out a gun and shot her dead in the head. He never had a problem with her, nothing too serious to be upset about. The quicker she was gone, the easier things could be.
But him.
He was the one who neglected the person to whom he had devoted all of his life. So, with his wife gone, everything would be much more satisfactory when he made him pay.
Speaking of, he watched as your dad stirred awake. His eyes went to the side of him seeing his wife was dead, a bullet going straight through her head. “God no. Please no… not her.” He mumbled before struggling in his seat.
“It hurts doesn’t it?” Jungkook mumbled going behind him. His hand went to the back of your father's neck, the grip hurting before he started to squeeze. “Seems kind of unfair doesn’t it?”
Your dad started to rage internally. “Y-You killed her? Why we gave you everything you could've ever wanted, shit you practically own my daughter what more could you want?” He said as soon as Jungkook's grip let up. He watched in horror as the man just laughed, all Jungkook could do was laugh in his face.
“You still hurt her though. How could you just leave your daughter like that… just having to settle with being around me? You are actually kind of lucky that she loves me. But I mean it's not like she spent any time with anyone else.” Jungkook started to walk around your father, taunting him with nothing but his thoughts. “She loves me, practically worships the ground I walk on. I mean thats a benefit for me, but pretty shitty for you. I get to finally kill you for all the pain you caused her.”
Your father started to scream and Jungkook allowed him. But finally, he had enough before stuffing the man's mouth with a towel filled with gasoline. “Scream and you’ll choke. I mean no one heard you but it got annoying pretty quickly. Now Shh, and let me do what I have to do.”
“Koo? Where did you go?” You mumbled feeling strong arms wrap around you. You leaned into his touch groaning at the comforting feeling of his skin on yours.
“Had to take care of something, sorry for leaving.”
“It's fine, just tell me beforehand.”
“Of course, I love you.”
Let me know through a dm or ask to be included in my official Taglist- @darkuni63 @captainengineer-trixie @chimmisbae @iloverubberduckiez-blog @mageprincess7 @looneybleus @whipwhoops
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earlgodwin · 6 months
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The tragic disconnection between Lucrezia Borgia and Juan Borgia::
What I find sad and compelling about Juan and Lucrezia's relationship is that every time he genuinely makes a gesture to make her happy, it inevitably ends up being misguided, resulting in her getting hurt in some way. Like the debauched play he had prepared for her as a surprise at her wedding to make her smile, not realizing that it would anger her husband and cause him to hate her and her family even more. The Paolo situation is where their dynamic changed forever. Juan, as someone who was assigned as the protector of the family by his father and is already feeling inadequate and incompetent in his position, already saw Paolo as a threat. A guy who could expose his sister, calling himself the father of her child, making demands to see her? Had Juan known what Sforza did to her, the hell she was living, and how she found solace in Paolo, most probably, he would've let Paolo live. He legitimately believed getting rid of him (and he was motivated by jealousy as he has incestuous feelings for Lucrezia)—was the right thing to do—and expected applause for his misguided notions of protecting his family's honor. He didn't realize how much he hurt Lucrezia and tried to make her understand that he did it to protect her honor and didn't mean to hurt her. When he realized that she tried to avenge Paolo and kill him, he made a speech about how their family triumphed because they weren't dysfunctional when they came to Rome, that they should always stick together, and that he's motivated by wanting safety for all of them. After he came back from Spain a changed man, he gifted his sister something that positively represented her—a stunning rare panther in a gilded cage—a genuine gesture to reconcile with her and earn her respect. However, it bites her, and they're unable to make peace. And after Cesare betrayed him at Forli, he spiraled once again, and he realized that no matter what he did, he would never earn his siblings' respect, specifically Lucrezia's. This realization hurt him and made him act on his impulsive as by lashing out at her and dangling her baby from the balcony, which also gave Cesare the motivation to do what he always wanted and justify his jealousy by murdering him.
"I had an amazing personal journey to go on with that character and hopefully I presented it with a sense and reality and hopefully you will feel a bit sorry for the guy. I don’t think he’s useless. Everyone says he’s a useless coward. He’s just placed in some shit situations. He’s not afraid of dying in that sense, he’s afraid of not being liked or loved and being left by his family. Whether they know it or not, they have been ganging up on him from the very beginning of the first season. What’s the problem with him? I think he’s lovely. I think he’s really kind and compassionate and cuddly." — DAVID OAKES
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buckrecs · 1 year
ur account is my absolute go to!!! any chance u could rec biker!bucky fics 🥺🥺🥺
masterlist | req masterlist
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Wanted by @jadedvibes
You consider ending things with Bucky after seeing a girl come on to him, but it's not that easy, and you get a hard reminder about who he really wants in the clubhouse bathroom.
Best Friends? Nah. by @wicked-mind
Classic best friends don’t realize feelings for each other until someone points it out.
Business as Usual by @world-of-aus
Not My Babe by @avecra
After a nasty break up to a nearly two year relationship, you find yourself dragged to a bar by your best friend, though a familiar blue-eyed biker makes the best of your crappy situation.
rough around the edges by @wndalovebot
Let Me Love You Old School by @mysecretlittlelibrary
Bucky meets you at a diner and plans to sweep you completely off your feet.
The Bogeyman and Other Monstrosities by @pellucid-constellations
As the local biker club president, Bucky Barnes had a reputation for being tougher than nails and feared by many—he’d never be caught dead at a halloween street fair. Too bad his best girl always got what she wanted.
Waiting Game by @buckychrist
You knew being associated with one of the most notorious and dangerous biker gangs in the city was bad, let alone scandalously dating their kingpin in secret, but you never thought you’d have to face those consequences. Until now.
Home by @all1e23
Bucky runs into his ex at a winter carnival the MC is helping host, but she didn’t come alone.
Whatever It Takes by @sgtjbuccky
Bucky Barnes knows the way to drive you up the wall in frustration, fed up with it, you show him that you know how to play just the same.
deny me by @drewbarymore
In which you feel like Bucky’s ashamed of you.
Drunk, Dumped and Empty by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
After a nasty breakup, you go out drinking. After an absolute creep hits on you, you’re saved from a concussion by a mysterious, kind man, who reveals himself to be Bucky Barnes. The bar you’re in is a bit suspect, but you never expected him to be head of a biker gang.
yayo by @sergeantxrogers
“I need you safe. I need you here, and I need you safe, and I need, God please, I need you to let me in, baby, just let me in and I promise I’ll make it all better,” his broken voice pleaded through the door.
Drabble by @fandoms-writings
Biker!Bucky x tattooed!reader
hot and cold by @bucksfucks
you & bucky had never gotten along, but when your ex-boyfriend ransom turns up at the same bar you’re at, bucky goes to every length to protect you.
How To Get Away With Murder by @empyreanwritings
Bucky was always good at helping you clean up your messes, which is why he doesn't bat an eye when you show up on his doorstep covered in your abusive boyfriend's blood.
Hush by @buckysknifecollection
Bucky finds a stray kitten but he doesn’t know anything about cats. A friendly librarian helps him out.
little favors by @onceuponastory
Since Bucky saved her from her shitty boss, Y/N hasn’t seen him again. For a while, she gets closer and closer to giving up hope. Until he comes back. And this time, he’s asking for her help.
Swallow by @all1e23
Since he was fifteen years old, Bucky Barnes has only been sure of two things; the club should be the most essential thing in his life, and he’d burn it all down for you.
Delicate Edges by @wkemeup
Your family’s beloved flower shop was not the only thing you inherited when your parents passed. Trapped under a mountain of debt to the Hydra club, you bear the cost of your father’s desperate bargain. It’s only in moments when the charming Bucky Barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. But a war is brewing. The border is crumbling. You're trapped in the middle. And Bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
For The Best by @metalbuckaroo
Bucky is tired of waiting for you to realize what you're doing. He does the only thing he can think of to break the cycle.
White Horses by @whitewolfbumble
Kicked out of school and exiling yourself in a town time forgot, one little incident lands the sights of the locally infamous Avengers biker gang square on you. Wild horses run faster and there was no chance to turn back now.
Howlin’ For You by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
When Y/N gets an unreal deal on her first home, she wonders why her neighbor scared away all the other buyers. Despite being cautious, she wonders why the town has given Bucky Barnes a bad name.
Brotherhood & Bullets by @rookthorne
The 107th motorcycle club has been the protector of their collective hometown for many, many years - shouldering all the bloodshed and loss that came with it. Little did you know, you'd become the President's own twisted version of an angel on his shoulder; the tips of your angelic wings tinged red by your own demons.
Stars & Stripes, Studs & Spikes by @buckyismybicycle
The crew has always been tight, but you and Bucky are best of friends. When Bucky sees Brock's mark on you, he nearly loses it and wants to end Brock for good. But, there's something more important - keeping you safe.
call me baby by @cherryrogers
Returning to Brooklyn for the summer after a year of travelling from city to city, you hadn’t expected to find your best friend, Peggy Carter, hopelessly in love with a biker, and when she decided to introduce you to the rest of his club, you hadn’t expected to fall for one either — that was until you met one with pretty eyes and a habit of calling you baby.
Masterlist by @angrythingstarlight
Masterlist by @metalbuckaroo
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slasherscream · 11 months
the crazy ass boys and that punisher scene *would* be kooky crazy and you absolutely should do it - the FLAVOR…
A/N: do i feel bad for reader? yeah, of course... but lowkey this shit kinda funny. TW: the kevin and josh parts of this feature attempted sexual assault of reader. if you get the urge to community label this block me and don't read it instead xoxo.
crazy ass boys gang + reader kills someone based on that one punisher scene
billy loomis:
He deserves it. The hands wrapped tightly around his throat, his mind going foggy from the lack of oxygen. Head pounding in pain from the several blows he’d taken to it. His vision swims as he stares up at the monster he himself had created: Ghostface.
One thing he’d never considered about making it so he and Stu were the sole survivors of the Woodsboro massacre was what tantalizing targets they’d become for any Ghostface copycats. He curses himself for it now. It was ridiculous to think that infamy like theirs wouldn’t inspire other bloodthirsty maniacs. 
To be murdered in his own home, the way so many of his own victims met their fate, is particularly insulting. 
‘What an ironic way to go,’ Billy thinks as he starts to black out. 
And that should be it. There shouldn’t be anything after the blackness. But suddenly he’s taking large, greedy gulps of air again and rolls to the side heaving. He finds himself face to face with the Ghostface copycat who sports a new accessory: a kitchen knife in the side of their neck. 
Senses coming back to him, he slowly begins to hear the miserable animal-like whimpering of another person in the room and rolls onto his back. Standing over him and his cheap knockoff is his partner, Y/N, blood splattered across their trembling hands. 
“Did I kill them? Are they dead?” Before you’ve even finished the sentence Billy is shaking his head no.
“No, baby, no you didn’t kill them. It’s okay.” The words hurt to get out but he forces them anyway. He has to reassure you that you aren’t like him. That you aren’t a killer. 
Believe it or not, he never wanted this for you. You aren’t like him or Stu. You aren’t built for this. But here you are, blood on your hands because it came down to Billy or a stranger and you’ll always choose Billy, no matter what the choice costs you. 
Billy forces himself to move when he notices the way the rise and fall of the Ghostface’s chest slow to the jerking heaves of the dying. 
He yanks the knife from their neck and they make a gurgling, wet noise of pain. It’s the sound people make while they drown in their own blood. Billy is more than used to it, and barely registers it. But as quiet as the room is, the noise is deafening for you, and you turn to retch.
“You didn’t kill anyone baby, I promise.” Billy slits their throat so quickly it’s done before you even turn back around. “I killed them, okay?” 
josh washington: 
Josh’s hearing these days is inhuman, which is only fair since Josh himself isn’t quite human these days. 
Also inhuman is his bond with you. He’s in tune with you, to put it lightly. His abnormally cold body forever seeks out the heat of your own. He relishes in your calming scent. He listens eagerly for the sound of your breathing, your heartbeat, your voice. 
That’s why, even with the music at this party turned up to deafening volumes, he registers the sound of your scream as if you were standing side by side. 
The noise awakens something animalistic in him. His mouth, already half split into a permanent, razor-toothed snarl, pulls back even further. He looks monstrous. He pushes and shoves violently through the crowd of mindlessly gyrating bodies in a panic. 
‘Where are you, Y/N?!’ He thinks, sick to his stomach. 
Even through the heavy smells of sweat, alcohol, and weed, he’s able to follow your scent outside. Here he’s in his element. The air is clear and damp, and it’s easy to track you. You’re in the woods just beyond the house, still screaming, when he finds you. 
Immediately he gathers you in his arms, snarling and growling into the open air at any potential threats. 
“I killed him. I killed him, Josh.” You shriek, voice high and sharp with panic. 
He nuzzles his cheek against yours comfortingly. It takes him a second to remember he’s human and can speak. That’s when he smells the blood. His pupils dilate at the sweet, metallic scent and he searches for the source, eyes seeing perfectly even in the darkness of the night. 
His eyes land on a man laying haphazardly on the ground, head bent at an odd angle on a rock. Blood oozes sluggishly over the stone and Josh’s heart stops at the sight. 
“I was just trying to get some air and this guy followed me out here and he wouldn’t leave me alone, so I ran, but he followed me. He followed me! And he tried to…” You sob on the words that won’t come and Josh knows instantly what happened. His mind paints the rest of the horrible picture. “... all I was doing was trying to get him off me. That’s all I was trying to do! I didn’t mean to kill him, Josh. Oh god, I didn’t mean to kill him.”
You’re not a killer. Josh isn’t one either… but if he has to choose which one of you will have to bear the weight of taking a life he knows he won’t let it be you. 
He crosses over to the man, who looks up at Josh with unseeing eyes. There’s only one thing to do. Josh bends down low and braces himself for the way your attacker's blood will taste when he rips out their throat with his teeth.
stu macher: 
text from babygirl/babyboy: [ stu there is someone in the house pls hurry im scared ]
He glanced down at the pocket of his jeans ready to roll his eyes when he heard your text notification. 
You were probably texting him because you’d checked the kitchen and realized you needed some spice or vegetable ‘desperately’ to be able to make dinner tonight. He almost felt like ignoring it and telling you he hadn’t seen the text until he pulled into the driveway of your home. 
But begrudgingly he paused, shifted the grocery bags around in his arms, and pulled out his phone. 
His heart stopped. 
Instantly, he knew you were serious. He might fuck with you like this but you’d never do the same to him. He dropped the groceries on the ground and ran to the car. 
He doesn’t text you to ask if you’re okay. He’s terrified of the answer he could get. More terrified of getting no answer at all, so he just drives. He focuses on the thought of you at home, needing him, and breaks every speeding law there is to get to you. 
He parks down the street so as to not tip off the intruder. He grabs the hunting knife he always keeps in his car even though Billy tells him not to and stalks like an animal toward the home you’ve built together. The rage he feels is indescribable. Someone is in his house terrorizing what’s his. 
He creeps in through the wide open back door of the house. He pauses and listens for a sound over the pounding of the blood in his ear. 
Nothing. For one soul crushing moment there’s nothing at all. 
Then he hears the sound of you crying from upstairs and it makes his heart stop. He runs up the stairs as quietly as he can and throws himself into the bedroom ready to do anything to save you.
But you’ve already saved yourself, it seems. 
You’ve curled yourself up in the corner closest to the door, watching as the man who attacked you bleeds out from the stab wounds you put in his stomach. 
Stu stops moving and watches as the man tries to stop himself from bleeding out, his own cries blending with yours. You were smart enough to keep the knife and you hold it towards the man, shaking with adrenaline and fear.
“Baby-” Stu’s voice breaks the spell you’re in and you turn to him and begin to cry in earnest. You were holding yourself together, waiting on him to save you and he came too late. 
“He’s dying Stu, I killed him. Oh god, I killed someone.” Blood from the knife you’re holding drips onto the hardwood floor of your bedroom. 
“No, baby, you didn’t kill him.” Stu already failed you tonight. He’s not going to let you become a killer because someone broke into your house and you had to survive. 
He crosses the room, kneels in front of the burglar, and stabs them twice in the neck. The warm blood hits his face and he doesn’t even relish in it. Just waits for the light in the burglar’s eyes to dim. When it does he turns back to you. 
“I killed them, honey.”
jd/jason dean: 
The sound of a gunshot rings through the basement loud and clear. 
JD freezes, mind racing as he thinks of what to do next. It’s not every day that you’re caught planting bombs in the building where the Dean’s office happens to be. This was his last stop. 
All the other bombs have already been carefully placed throughout campus. Even if he’s caught now, the detonator is only just out of reach. If he can reach it, the plan will still be a success. The only minor hiccup would be dying beneath a couple thousand piles of rubble. But that’s a small thing. It’d be worth it. For you, JD would do anything. 
This university had taken everything from you. He’d watched it happen. Had sat by, rage simmering just beneath the surface as he tried to let you handle your own problems. You’d insisted he’d let you handle the situation. You’d let yourself get walked all over, is what happened. But JD doesn’t blame you for how everything turned out. 
You’re too gentle. Too sweet. You don’t have that animal instinct to fight or go to war. It was one of the reasons you endeared yourself to JD so quickly. You were intensely vulnerable in a world so resolutely cruel that you were breathtaking just by existing. To watch you come to harm of any kind was painful. But it all ended today. Even if it killed him. 
“Oh no, oh please no.” Your voice makes JD turn in bewilderment. 
“What on Earth are you doing here-” JD’s eyes go wide at the scene before him. 
There’s a security guard on the ground, unconscious, a pool of blood seeping from them. He can see the entry wound on their back. He wonders if the bullet is lodged in them or if it went straight through. 
“I didn’t want to kill him. I was just- I was coming to stop you from doing this but I didn’t… I saw the guard coming up behind you with a gun, and… and his finger was on the trigger. He was gonna kill you. He was gonna-” 
JD steps gracefully around the puddle of blood the guard is making and takes you into his arms. You fall into them with a wet sob. 
He feels his heart go warm, the way it always does when he holds you. You came here to stop him from protecting you and wound up protecting him in turn. Whether you like it or not, the two of you are soulmates. You’ll always come first to one another. Damn the rest of the world entirely. 
But JD knows you’re too tender for this. Knows that killing will break your spirit, not free you the way it freed him. 
He gently pries the gun from your fingers (and almost laughs at the thought of you trying to confront him with his own gun), turns, and shoots the guard execution-style in the back of his head. 
“You didn’t kill anyone, darling. You don’t have it in you.” He pulls you back into his arms. “But don’t worry about that, you’ll never have to when I’m around.”
kevin khatchadourian: 
Kevin told you the guy was bad news. But generally, Kevin was an untrustworthy judge of character because he hated everyone, especially anyone who pulled any of your precious attention away from him. So, you decided to tutor the other man despite Kevin’s insistence you do no such thing. 
You should have listened to Kevin. 
Of course, your classmate didn’t actually need tutoring. He was just trying to get close to you. He said as much as he pinned you against your couch, rough hand sliding up up up your leg, to the juncture of your thighs. It quickly became clear that your classmate didn’t care whether or not you wanted to become close to him as well. 
You’d shoved him away from you as hard as you could once he started trying to remove your clothes. It was a good shove. He’d landed right on the corner of the coffee table. There’d been a sickening crunch as the back of his head hit the wood. Then there was nothing. And now he was making a low, animal noise from what seemed like the very pit of his stomach. He must’ve been in agony. 
You didn’t move a muscle. You were probably in shock. You just sat, holding your ripped shirt to your chest. All the while knowing that if you didn’t do something soon, this man that had tried to force himself on you would die. 
Kevin walked in through the front door of your apartment. You heard him take off his shoes. Throw his keys onto the table in your entryway. Heard him begin to shuffle his way toward the scene of the soon-to-be crime. 
“Y/N?” He’s suddenly kneeling in front of you, blocking the view of your attacker, who still keeps on with that miserable whining. 
“Kevin?” Numbly, you reach for him, place your hands on his shoulders and grip them tightly. You try to pull him towards you but he holds himself away, staring at you. 
“What happened?” 
You glance a little to the side and can see the other man still sprawled across the ground. “I should have listened to you.”
Kevin’s thumb gently drags along your freshly busted lip, smearing blood along the length of your mouth, “What happened?”
His voice is so unusually tender that the haze of confusion and fear breaks and you sob. You try again to pull him towards you and this time he comes willingly, enveloping you in his arms. For someone so distant, who adopts and discards emotions and feelings as easily as a mask, Kevin’s embraces are always tight and all-consuming. 
You stay like that for only a few minutes. When Kevin pulls back, he wipes away your tears with your own ripped shirt. You stare at one another. You never know what he’s thinking, now being no exception, but for once you let yourself get lost in the inky blackness of his eyes and feel comforted, not unnerved. 
“Go take a bath.” The command comes out of nowhere. 
“What? Kevin I-” A slightly louder moan than the rest cuts you off and the look on Kevin’s face fades from whatever was there when he was looking at you to his typical viciousness. 
“I’m going to put him out of his misery. He’s already dying. There’s no use calling an ambulance, and I wouldn’t let you anyway. So you’re going to let me do what I need to do, and you’re going to go take a bath while I do it. Then you’ll go to bed, and when you wake up, it will all be over. Understand?” 
He doesn’t give you the option to disobey. He helps you to your feet, guides you to the bathroom, and even starts the bath for you. Then he goes back into the living room to kill a man as if it means nothing to him. 
You sit in the bath with your knees to your chest, and listen to the sounds of running water instead of focusing on the fact that the man has finally gone quiet.
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darkbluekies · 4 months
jerry x idol reader (any gender but preferably fem reader)
reader is a super famous and beloved by many (including jerry) and this causes reader to have some stalkers (including jerry jajaja)
anyways jerry is walking home one day and sees someone getting kidnaped and was going to just leave and then *gasp* its her baby girl idol reader but oh nooo the person trying to kidnap reader had knocked them out so jerry saves the day (yippee!!) and help nurse them back to heath but oh no now that jerry has them why would she let them go??????
SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH also sorry if you have already done this
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Female!mafia!yandere x fem!kpop!idol reader
Summary: Jerry gets to finally have her little kpop girl to herself and will never let her go
Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of starvation, disordered eating, faking death, yandere, mafia, mentions of sexualisation, handcuffs, humiliation, self hate, loneliness, drugging
Word count: 4.2k
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The earbuds are deep into her ears, blasting your groups new single. It must be her favorite comeback yet. You came back with a bright bubblegum concept for the spring, with the song being everything Jerry rejects. You’re the rapper, with the sweetest voice Jerry has ever heard. You’ve been called ‘siren voice’ on numerous fan accounts and in articles. She can’t help but grin ear to ear while fiddling with the phone. You’re her wallpaper, her profile picture on social media and her photocard in her phone case. She has been to your concerts, your fan meets, your birthday cafe’s and — thanks to her contacts — been able to find out where you stay for overseas promotions, your phone number, your siblings names and countless other things that Jerry loves to keep for herself. When she’s tired, she watches your variety shows and vlogs, often falling asleep to them when she feels lonely.
Everyone around her knows about her love for your group — and especially you — and no one dares to talk badly about it. Jerry, the gang’s coldest and rudest member is soft for a little kpop girl and they can’t help but let her have that. They even give her your merchandise on her birthday. 
You’re the same age but you couldn’t be more different. You are humble, sweet and full of charms … Jerry is a murderer, involved with a criminal gang and unpleasant. She has talked to you a couple of times during fan meets, but only for a minute at a time, and you’ve always been so nice to her. You’ve admired her tattoos and thanked her for gifts. You’ve held her hands and smiled at her. Not many people do that to Jerry. Most people give her disgusted looks and stay as far away from her as possible … but not you. You’re the best person Jerry has ever come across … and she’s just … Jerry. 
Unfortunately, she isn’t the only one that loves you. More people have figured out how wonderful you are and have started to follow you wherever you go. Jerry had believed that she was your only stalker, but was proven wrong when an article came out about a person breaking into your group’s dorm and scaring you and your members. The police caught him, but didn’t do anything about it. Jerry took things in her own hands and, together with a ‘friend’ of hers, killed him. She enjoyed the feeling of his blood on her hands and is certain to do it again. As long as you are safe, she will continue to kill for you. 
She’s next in line. Jerry can barely understand that she’s going to talk to you again. She has a small goodie bag in her shaking hands. Damn those hands, exposing her. She isn’t nervous when following enemies through dark alleyways, killing them ruthlessly … but she feels like she’s going to faint when talking to you. She doesn’t want to talk to your members, only you. But she doesn’t want you to think that she is rude, so she always manages some cold smalltalk. 
She talks with your members for a minute each before she finally reaches you. Oh God, you. Your pink hair makes you glow and your bright smile could melt Jerry’s ice cold heart. 
“Hi!” you gasp in surprise and wave at her, almost doing jazzhands. “I remember you!”
Jerry feels her heart stop. 
“D-Do you?” she asks and hits herself for stammering. 
She sits down in front of you. 
“It’s you with the tattoos!” you smile. 
“I wanted to give this to you”, Jerry says and puts the small goodie bag on the table. 
“Really? For me?” You pout. “You’re so nice. 
You open the bag and pulls out a little bag charm in the shape of a sun. You smile, touched at the sweet gesture, and meet Jerry’s eyes. 
“It’s so cute, thank you so much!” you say. “I love it, I will wear it all the time.”
You start to admire the little plush sun. Jerry stares at you with emotions she can’t explain. She feels guilty for looking at you, yet so very thankful. In her darkest moments, you have been there without even realizing, but she pities you that you have to be the one she’s obsessed with. You, who never wants anything to do with things Jerry does, and Jerry who involves you without you knowing. But Jerry is so happy that you exist, that you can give her a few moments of escape from her cruel and dark life.
You suddenly frown.
“Why are you crying?” you ask and hurry to take her hands. “Don’t cry.”
Jerry hurries to dry the tears she didn’t even notice that she was spilling.  Your soft hand comes up to wipe one of her tears.
“Don't cry, it's okay”, you smile. 
“Thank you”, Jerry whispers.
Fucking hell she doesn't deserve you.
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She picks up her phone to see that you’ve posted a new selfie on Instagram. Your strawberry pink hair brightens up your face, making you even cuter than you already are. She presses the heart icon, but frowns. It’s near two am, you should sleep, not post gorgeous selfies on Instagram. The pic must have been taken earlier today, youre wesring the same clothes and hairstyle as you did during yhe fansign, but that gives you no reason to publish them now. If you could have waited until two am, you could have waited until the morning. But, nonetheless, Jerry smiles. It was as if you posted the picture specifically for her. She’s on her way home, walking the dark streets of Seoul all by herself. Maybe you knew that she needed a bit of cheering up?
Muffled screaming cuts through the headphones and Jerry glances up, seeing two men trying to pull a woman with them. The darkness hides their faces. Jerry decides to ignore them and take another way home, not wanting anything to do with other people’s business, but suddenly notices the familiar pink hair. She takes a few steps closer and freezes with realization that the pink haired lady about to get pulled into a black van is none other than her little kpop girl!
Jerry pulls up her gun from her belt and hurries over. She doesn’t want to shoot them in front of you, but she knows that it will be enough to scare them away. These men are just normal pathetic stalkers, not real criminals.
She wastes no time trying to talk or intimidate them. One of the men tries to attack her, but he isn’t prepared for Jerry’s many years of martial arts training. She's quicker, smaller, more precise. As soon as they're down, she grabs you by the arm and runs. You're crying as you run beside her. And suddenly, you fall.
 “Oh, shit!” Jerry gasps and hurries to catch you. “You can't faint here!”
She sinks down beside the building's wall with you in her arms, breathing heavily. Jerry has never seen you this close before and she can't stop staring. She knows that you are gorgeous, but you're unbelievable in reality. Jerry stands up and picks you up in her arms before starting to walk towards her apartment. She can't leave you alone in the middle of the street … and she most certainly won't give you back to your agency. They can't protect you like she can, she thinks, just watch what just happened and all the other times you've been close to harm. Jerry will make sure nothing ever happens to you again.
As soon as she comes into her apartment, she locks the door behind her and carries you to her bedroom, places you down into her bed, tucking you in. Jerry stares at you with wide eyes as she slowly backs away from the bed. You are in her bed …she never thought that this would happen … but here you are. Her little kpop girl.
Jerry scoffs with a smile and runs her hand through her black shoulder length hair. 
She fumbles for her phone and calls her boss.
“What is it, Jerry?” he asks before she has the time to say anything.
“You will never guess what just happened”, Jerry smiles. 
“Let me turn on video chat …” she presses the little icon with shaking fingers and directs the camera towards your face. “Do you see that? Do you see who I have?”
Her boss breaks out into a smile.
“No fucking way you kidnapped her”, he chuckles. “You're unbelievable. Do you think she will fall in love with you? After you've kidnapped her?”
“I saved her, she will thank me.”
“I doubt that you will let her go.”
“Of course I won't. How am I going to be able to let her go back to her shit company? They don't even protect her properly and they mistreat her! Besides, I will save her from all of those creeps that she has as fans.”
“Are you really going to pull her into this world? How nice is that, hm?”
Jerry feels a spark ignite in her chest.
“Mind your own fucking business, will you?” she snarls. “I don't tell you how to deal with your private life.” With that said she hangs up.
Anger is still bubbling in her chest, but when she looks at you, it all disappears. She sighs sadly. I'm sorry, Y/N. I will make sure nothing happens to you. I promise.
She brings a chair to the bed and sits down on it, facing you to make sure that she can reassure you when you wake up, so that you don't have to be afraid. She has been knocked out and woken up in strange places multiple times and knows how terrifying that can be, especially if it's one’s first time.
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She's awoken by someone poking her arm and hurries to sit up.
“Fuck, I fell asleep”, she mumbles.
She looks up and meets your terrified eyes. Your entire body is trembling.
“W-Where-?” you stammer.
“Oh, right!” Jerry gasps. “I saved you from those two men that tried to kidnap you.”
“You …” your eyes widen, and you look almost … relieved? “It's you! I'm happy to see a familiar face, at least …”
“You don't have to be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you … if that's what you think.”
You nod carefully.
“Where are my things …?” you ask carefully.
Jerry frowns. You hadn't had anything.
“I think you must have dropped them”, she says.
Which, if anything, is better for her.
“What time is it?” you ask. “I have to go back…”
Jerry freezes. It's still in the middle of the night, and she doesn't want to let you go!
“It's still night and you're shaken up, you should stay here … at least til the morning”, Jerry says. “Lat down again, get some sleep. Or are you hungry? Should I order some food for us?”
“I'm okay … thank you, though.”
“Yeah, yeah, o-of course.”
That fucking stuttering. She wants to hit herself.
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In the morning, you meet Jerry out in the living room. Jerry has barely been able to sleep because of the extreme excitement, scared that if she falls asleep she'll wake up and realize that all of this is a dream.
“I realized that I never got to know your name”, you say and sit down in front of the couch. “I have talked to you multiple times but never known what your name is.”
“You can call me Jerry”, Jerry says.
“‘Can call me’? Isn't that your real name?”
“Well, I kind of changed it.” 
She clears her throat and picks up her phone, before quickly hiding it again. Your photocard. Too late. You've already reached for her phone with a smile.
“Is that me?” you ask excitedly. 
Jerry looks away in embarrassment.
“You weren't supposed to see that”, she mutters. 
“Oh, it's from this comeback! You have our most recent album?”
Jerry got herself seven copies to get your photocard. Damn your company only giving one photocard per album.
“Yeah”, she mumbles.
“Do you want me to sign it for you?” you ask.
“Shit, really?”
“Of course. You helped me.”
Jerry gets up from the couch. You follow her into the bedroom again. Jerry opens her wardrobe where your albums are hidden. She's afraid to be broken into and have someone realize her obsession with you. She wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment.
“Look, you have them all”, you smile and bend down to pick up a paper fan with your face on it from your debut era. “Oh. You even have my merchandise! You must be a big fan.”
“I have been following you for a while”, Jerry admits as she picks up the right album. 
Both literally and figuratively.
“We are the same age”, she says. “I found you when I was still in high school.”
“That's years ago!” you gasp.
Jerry shrugs and hands you the album. While you sign it, she stares at you, admiring your bare face. You never show it on camera, always saying how ugly you are without makeup. That must be the most bullshit thing Jerry has ever heard.
“Here”, you smile, giving the album back.
“Thanks”, Jerry says and smiles slightly. She clears her throat, gathers herself. “We should order food.”
Jerry walks back to the living room. You follow. Both of you sit down on the couch and Jerry pulls out her phone. 
“Should we order some fried chicken?” Jerry asks. “Might not be the ideal breakfast food but who cares?”
“Oh, uhm … I'm actually on a diet”, you mumble embarrassedly. “My company wouldn't like me eating that …”
“Your company isn't here now.”
Jerry knows that you love fried chicken, and also know how much your company hates that you love it. 
The chicken delivery arrives twenty minutes later, no matter what you say. You stare at it with guilt in your eyes.
“I really shouldn't”, you mumble, forming fists to avoid taking one.
“Don't you want one?” Jerry asks, holding one crispy chicken sign in front of your face.
“Yes, I do, but-”
“Your company won't know. They have corrupted your brain. Take it, it won't kill you.”
You sigh and give in, taking the chicken wing. Jerry smirks and holds out a sauce packet.
“Poor little Y/N never gets to eat edible food”, she cooes. “They're starving you.”
“I know …”, you whisper and lower your eyes. “But I can't do anything about it. I will need to go back-”
“Wait a little more. I'm sure that there are a big commotion now, going now will only make things escalate. You will be bombarded by people.”
You sigh and nod.
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The day goes by. You try to persuade Jerry to go back to your group, but she always responds with the same sentence: “Let's wait until tomorrow”. You've enjoyed Jerry’s company, to an extent. Something about her feels off, almost like the initial shock of having you here has been worn off and she has started to show her real colors. She doesn’t let you know what she’s working with or why she isn’t at home during the nights. Of course you’ve tried to sneak out during the nights, but she has locked the door from the outside and her apartment is way too high up for you to be able to climb out. You can see the entirety of Seoul from here. If only the people down on the street knew that you were trying to catch their attention. Jerry cut all internet connection. You have gotten to borrow her clothes, her bed and her shower products. You have eaten her food, drunk her drinks. 
Jerry comes home one night, finding you by the big windows in the living room, curled up against the glass, wearing her hoodie and sweatpants, crying. 
“Baby girl, what’s wrong?” she hurries to ask and runs over. 
Baby girl. The word makes you even more terrified than you already are. 
Jerry sinks down in front of her, wearing those black clothes of hers. Her black brows are furrowed as her hands grab a hold of your shoulders. 
“What is it?” she demands to know. 
“Let me go home!” you scream, unable to contain your emotions for any longer. “Let me go!”
Jerry’s face drops. Her grip on your shoulders tighten. 
“No, not a fucking chance”, she says firmly. “I’m not letting you go.”
Your eyes widen at how dark her voice sounds, much darker than you have ever heard it before. 
“You can’t leave me”, Jerry continues in the same voice as her grip tightens even harder. 
“Stop”, you plead, voice breaking. “You’re scaring me.”
Jerry lets go off you and stand up, looking around for something. When she walks into the kitchen, you hurry up from the floor and throw yourself towards the door. You hear Jerry gasp and soon, her arms wrap around you. What feels like a dishcloth gets pressed against your face. The cloth have been drenched in something. Your legs wobble, losing control, and Jerry sink down on the floor with you in her arms. You try ripping her hands from you, but you can't seem to form fists anymore, can't grip anything.
“Don't try”, she whispers in your ear. “It's no use.”
“I can't breathe”, you manage to get out in a weak, slurred tone. 
“I'm not killing you.”
You sob one last time before everything goes black. Jerry wants for a few seconds before removing the cloth. She holds you in her arms, letting your unconscious head rest on her shoulder. Your tear stained face makes her heart sink. She's so selfish for keeping you. You don't belong to someone like her. You don't belong in the world Jerry lives in, but she can't give you back now that she has gotten to know you for real. Her life hasn't felt as complete as it has been these last few days. She has had a reason to come home, to not die on the job. She has a purpose now. And it's all thanks to you. For the first time in years, she has felt alive.
“I'm not letting you go”, she whispers firmly and wipes your tears with her sleeve. “There's no way.”
She picks you up, carrying you to the bedroom and tucking you in. Everyone is looking for you — you are all over the news. Everyone is worried about you … and here you are. It's not right … but she can't let you leave.
Jerry has handcuffs, and they have been intended for much different use, although for the same purpose. She handcuffs your right hand to the bed frame. The cuffs are surrounded by a pink fluff, and she finds it painfully ironic.
She pulls her chair to the side of the bed and sits down, watching you with her arms tightly crossed over her chest and burning tears in her eyes. The second they fall, she wipes them harshly. 
You're not asleep for long and when you awoken, you tug at the handcuff roughly.
“Stop!” Jerry demands and grabs your handcuffed wrist. “You will hurt yourself!”
Your terrified eyes shake as you look at her.
“Y/N, stop trying to get free”, Jerry orders. “You will hurt yourself. It will leave scars.”
Her perfect, untouched kpop idol. You have no marks on your body, not like her. Jerry's body is tainted — she has marks and scars from wounds, tattoos. You're a blank canvas and nothing can happen to you. Maybe, if she keeps you clean, she will be clenched of some of her own sins.
She picks up her phone and calls her boss. 
“You always call in the middle of the night”, her boss says before greeting her. “What is it this time?”
“I want to stage a murder”, she says surely. “I want everyone to think that Y/N has died. I can’t take this anymore. Everyone is looking for her and she knows it. It gives her … hope.”
“That isn’t hard. We grab a girl somewhat similar, color her hair and make sure that it will be hard to do DNA testing.”
“That is easier said than done.”
“If I manage to fix this for you, will you for the love of all fucking things, stop calling me in the middle of the night?”
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She doesn't think that is is a good idea to leave you alone after that night and decide to bring you with her to her headquarters one day. You feel no courage to disagree. You sit in silence in the passenger seat of her sports car, fiddling with your fingers. She plays your song on the aux.
“So this is the little kpop girl you’re obsessed with?” a rough looking woman says as the two of you walk inside. 
The other people around try to get a look at you. You hide behind Jerry without noticing. Where has she taken you? Why does everyone look rough?
“Don’t touch her”, Jerry warns the woman. 
“Why are you bringing such a poor soul here, huh?” a man asks.
“Mind your own fuckign business, will you?” Jerry snarls and grabs your arm, pulling you past them. 
You’re placed on a couch where you hold your knees close to your chest, as if you don’t dare to move. A woman to your left has bought a pizza and is nonchalantly eating it. You glance at it, feeling hunger roar through you. Jerry seems to notice as she reaches forward to grab the pizza box. 
“Share with the rest of the class”, she says. “Y/N, eat.”
You hesitate. Jerry practically puts the pizza slice in your mouth. You want to ask why the other people in the house look dangerous, but their glazes towards you make you cold to your stomach. 
“Oh look, if it isn’t the news”, a man says as he comes into the room. 
“That’s my boss”, Jerry whispers to you with a half smile. 
The boss turns on the TV with the remote and what meets you make you freeze. The screen in front of you contain news filled with you being dead. Seeing your name in the sentence as ‘dead’ and watching people you have never seen before cry over you evokes an emotion you have never before felt. Your entire body has gone cold and never before have you felt such a nausea. You lean forward on the couch. 
“N-No …”, you whisper in pure panic and shake your head. “T-That's not me! I'm not dead!”
Your hand clasp over your hurting heart. It's going to rip in two, you can feel it ripping. All eyes are on you which, if possible, makes the situation worse.
“N-No … that's not—that's-”
You feel a pair of arms wrap around you from behind and a chin on your shoulder. Turning enough to see Jerry's dark eyes fixated on the TV.
“The country will mourn you”, she says in your ear. “But they'll forget you. That's what happens with products. Someone else will take your place.”
“W-What- … who are you?” you ask with a trembling voice and look frantically between her face and the TV. “How could you…?”
“She hasn't told you what she works with, has she?” her boss asks.
“No …?” you stutter.
Jerry nods towards the TV. Your eyes widen.
“You kill … p-people?” 
A choir of mocking laughter echoes through the room. Everyone seem to take pleasure in your horror. You’re nothing more than the punchline in their sick joke.
“Every now and then”, Jerry replies as if she hasn’t heard them and strokes your pink hair. 
“Let me go”, you plead through new tears. “P-Please, I will do anything! I won't tell anyone what happened here. What do you want? Money? I-I can get you whatever you want!”
A new, even stronger, wave of laughter echoes. You see them bend in half, grabbing random furniture to not fall over. 
“I don't want money”, she scoffs. “I want you. That company isn't treating you right, your fans write sexual fanfictions of you on the internet and take pictures of you the second you bend down and you were almost kidnapped just a week ago! Is that what you want to go back to? Everyone sees you as a toy for their own benefits! Now you're free from it. I dont think that I have fucking saved you because I've pulled you into something worse, but at least now you’re not a product anymore.” 
Jerry runs her hand through her black hair and sighs. You feel naked under everyone’s gazes.You start to wonder if it really was you on the TV, because you can't seem to move, think or feel. You’re dead. In all senses, you’re now dead. Your blurry eyes wander around the dimly lit room, seeing too many mocking faces. You meet eyes with the boss and whimper at the realization that if Jerry is a killer, he must be something much worse.
“Well, welcome to your new life, Y/N”, he chuckles and gives Jerry a quick glance. “You have absolutely no idea what you’re in for.”
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lexkent · 22 days
Why Lionel Luthor is the True Villain of Smallville:
Threatened to expose Clark's fake adoption records unless Jonathan Kent persuaded Pete Ross’s family to sell their factory to him.
Kidnapped Clark and put him in a vat of kryptonite solution to be studied in an attempt to discover his secrets.
Kept Clark trapped in a cage made of kryptonite in a separate incident.
Impregnated his dying wife's nurse while he was in a position of power over her as her boss, denied he was responsible, and had her locked away in a psychiatric ward for 7 years after taking her baby away from her. Lionel insured the child, Lucas, remained in poverty in the foster care system and prevented him from ever being adopted.
Forced the second woman he impregnated while married to Lillian, while in a position of power over her as her boss, to give their child to an orphanage where she was tortured. He soon found another home for Tess where she grew up in poverty and extreme physical abuse.
Forced his wife to have another baby despite her objections and was then dismissive of her postpartum depression. "I told you I didn't want any more children. I see how you treat Alexander, chipping away at his spirit."
Found a child, Davis Bloome, in a cornfield and believing him to be The Traveler, ran experiments on the boy until he realized he wasn't who he wanted and proceeded to dump him off alone on a dark Metropolis street.
Created a clone from a dead little girl, Emily Dinsmore, and locked her away in a lab, refusing to let her father ever see her again. "You can't take her away from me. She's my daughter." "She's the property of Luthorcorp."
Was such a terrible father to Lex that Lillian Luthor killed her infant son to spare him from the cruel and twisted parenting Lex endured from Lionel. Was such a horrible husband to Lillan that Lex took the blame for his baby brother's death knowing Lionel would have murdered her in retaliation.
Lied and told Lex that Lucas died in infancy, like Julian, knowing how much it would hurt Lex to hear.
Paid someone to kill Lucas once he became a potential threat to his power. Clark stopped the bullets, and Lionel had the shooter killed in police custody before he could talk.
Forced Lex's mother figure, Pamela Jenkins, out of Lex's life following the death of Lex's mother because he didn't want her to make Lex soft. Convinced Lex that Pamela never loved him and was only ever interested in their money. 
Blew up Chloe and Gabe Sullivan's safehouse in an attempt to kill them and prevent her from testifying against him at his murder trial. Hired a mutant hitman to kidnap and kill Chloe after she escaped the explosion.
Had Oliver Queen's parents killed in a plane crash leaving him orphaned at the age of 5.
Ordered the murder of Andrea Rojas’s mother who was an activist who worked for an organization that fought back against gangs, dealers, and large business corporations. In addition to losing her mother, Andrea was stabbed in the heart during the attack.
Resurrected a teenager, Adam Knight, to get close to Lana Lang and spy on Clark Kent. When Adam failed to retrieve useful information, Lionel refused to give him any more of the serum he required to stay live. As a result, Adam suffered immensely before dying of organ failure.
Resurrected Vince Davis who lived for a short, painful period of time before his body deteriorated without access to Lionel's serum.
Poisoned Lex with a lethal dosage that would've killed 99.9% of people.
Told Lex he loved him in prison only to persuade him into accepting his hand so he could use a Kryptonian stone to body swap them, leaving Lex to rot and die in prison in his place while Lionel escaped with Lex's body. Instead, Clark intervened and Lionel escaped inside of Clark's body, leaving Clark trapped to die in prison. Shortly after the bodyswap occured, Lionel looked down the front inside of his(Clark's) waistband while smiling to himself. While in Clark Kent's body, Lionel initiated a hug with Martha Kent where he was turned on to the point of shooting heat vision from his eyes. Lionel-in-Clark's body flirted with Chloe, a teenager, and was centimeters away from kissing her. And when Lionel-in-Clark's body encountered Lana, a teenager, he said to her, "A man would travel around the world to pluck your succulent fruit," and forced a kiss onto her, smiling to himself after she slapped him and ran away. Lionel proceeded to attack Lex, choking him, slamming his head against a desk, and demanding 57 million dollars using Clark's super strength. He then went to the Kent Farm and threw Jonathan across the room into the kitchen cabinets. Lionel told Clark he would murder Lex if he didn't cooperate with his demands.
Pretended to be blind. "Playing the handicapped card is low, even for you." "But I was able to see more clearly than ever. It's amazing what people try and get away with right in front of your eyes when they think you can't see."
Fired 2,500 Smallville citizens to force his son back under his control. When Lex attempted to organize an employee buyout of the factory, Lionel bought the Smallville Savings and Loan and threatened to foreclose on every employee's mortgage. When Lex continued to organize and fight to save everyone's jobs, Lionel threatened, "I'll bury you and everyone in Smallville who takes your side."
Blackmailed Smallville sheriff Ethan Millar into digging up dirt on every Lexcorp shareholder(Smallville factory workers), so Lionel could blackmail each one into selling their shares to him in order to take over Lex's fledgling company. In addition, Lionel threatened to expose the sheriff if he didn't do him various favors.
Once again tried blackmailing Jonathan Kent leading to a physical altercation between the two. Lionel fled the scene as Jonathan suffered a fatal heart attack.
Installed hidden cameras and microphones throughout Lex's office, so he could sabotage him and steal his business deals.
Took over Lex's company, which Lex had invested everything he had into, leaving him with nothing and immediately kicking him out of his home.
Insisted an ill-advised, life-threatening surgery be performed on Lex after he had been shot and wasn't stable enough for further surgery, making it clear he'd prefer a dead son over a physically disabled one.
Set Lex up for the murders of Dr. Teng and her entire team at Metron Labs after Lex refused to work for him.
Had sex with Lex's lover, Victoria Hardwick, while they were still sleeping together. 
Hired Dr. Helen Bryce to seduce and spy on Lex for him. Helen later attempted to murder Lex on their honeymoon.
Gave Martha Kent a watch engraved, "To Martha, with deep affection. L.L." while she was his employee and happily married to Jonathan Kent.
Refused to come clean about his past sexual involvement with Rachel Dunleavy and the existence of their son, Lucas, despite Lex being held hostage and his survival depending on Lionel telling the truth.
Refused to come clean about Level 3 when it would have saved the lives of a group of teenagers and his own son. 
Ignored and denied any care to his employee, Earl Jenkins, who was poisoned by kryptonite on the job which led to uncontrollable, dangerous seizures.
Created a deadly fear toxin for the military that leaked into Smallville.
Drugged, gaslit, attacked, and framed his son, orchestrating a scenario where everyone would believe Lex to be crazy after Lex discovered Lionel had his parents murdered for insurance money. Lionel had Lex committed to Belle Reve Sanitarium where he had Lex further drugged and put through electroshock therapy, forcing 600 volts of electricity through Lex's brain. When the doctor insisted they pause the procedure for Lex's safety, Lionel ignored the warning and demanded they continue. This brain frying could have easily destroyed Lex's mind, as it did for others who endured it, and ultimately wiped away months of Lex's memories, allowing Lionel to be off the hook for his parent's murders. Everyone involved in Lionel's plot, all loose ends, met untimely deaths.
Threatened, manipulated, controlled, hyper criticized, denied affection, and lied to Lex constantly. Lionel mentally, emotionally, and physically abused his child throughout his entire life, raising him to become a monster and then denying any accountability for what Lex became in the end.
This list is far from complete, so feel free to add more!
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victiamai · 29 days
Tokyo Revengers Interactions - Part 2(motorcycle rides and other things)
⚠️Inappropriate language and some obscenities ⚠️
🦋Visit me on Instagram 🦋
✨Personal Instagram: @vic_m.d✨
✨Arts Instagram: @vic_tia_mai ✨
⚠️English is not my first language, so forgive me for any mistakes in this story ⚠️
💋Female reader 💋
💜Happy reading! 💜
⭐ characters: Hakkai Shiba, Takemichi Hanagaki, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Souya Kawata (Angry), Nahoya Kawata (Smiley), South Terano (Bonus)⭐
Hakkai Shiba:
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•He's trying to overcome his shyness around you. But even so, he can't stop blushing when you hug his waist.
•Motorcycle rides are frequent.
•He was taking you to your parents' house.
•You slowly got off when he stopped the bike. You hugged his neck or kissed him. "Are you sure you don't want to stay, my love?" You asked looking into his eyes. "I'm sorry princess, I really can't today... Gang stuff..." You made him promise to stay next time.
•You kissed him one more time and he left on the motorcycle.
Takemichi Hanagaki:
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•Your idiot childhood best friend Hanagaki Takemichi
•You almost regretted asking him to take you home after school.
•He got the "twin" of Mikey's bike not long ago. Takemichi didn't seem to be very experienced with bikes.
•"Takemichi, for the love of God... DON'T LEAN SO MUCH WITH THAT BIKE!" you shouted in complete despair.
•Hanagaki took a turn so fast that you were forced to lean over to avoid falling with the bike, you and everything. "TAKEMICHI!" You screamed as your leg scraped on the asphalt.
•Get ready to give him a lot of slaps and get a lot of apologies.
Chifuyu Matsuno:
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•"Hey Chifuyu?" He looks at you over his shoulder. "Yeah, Y/N?" You lightly fix your hair. "I need to be home early today... I thought you could drive me there. Well, you have a motorcycle right?" He healed violently at her request. "Of course y/n..." You hear his friends celebrating.
•He is worshipping your body close to his.
•My God, how he wants you to hug him!
•He took great care while riding with you on the back of his motorcycle.
•He is 100% fulfilled with the event.
•When he dropped you off in front of your house, he felt light as feathers, ready to fly away.
•You can be sure he will tell Baji everything, This one will be extremely happy and proud of his friend.
Shuji Hanma:
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•Being Hanma's companion has its challenges. But it also has countless advantages.
•"Hey y/n, sweetie" his voice is so sweet today that you even found it strange.
•Hanma drags you up and down to his gang meetings. And there you were once again.
•You had to fight your way through the various delinquents to get to him. When you got to the front with him, his face was grim.
•"Let's go!" Something very serious had happened soon but you didn't dare to ask.
•Hanma joining the Tokyo Manji gang was quite a surprise for you.Mad you're a good girl, you're a good girlfriend, and good girls and good girlfriends don't ask their evil boyfriend questions.
•Hanma was "asked to leave the gang" another big surprise for you. And once again you didn't ask anything.
•That night, he took his anger out on you. Hanma thrust in and out of you with a murderous fury. His eyes flashed as you grabbed his back with your sharp nails. And that only made him more excited.
• "Do you like that? Is that right baby girl?" Good luck walking the next day.
Takashi Mitsuya:
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•Mitsuya is your best friend. You call him that, although Mitsuya doesn't like that title very much.
•He made a beautiful new outfit for you. 'She's going to look hot in that outfit...' he thought, unable to contain himself, as far as his imagination went.
•Mitsuya imagined what you would look like in the outfit he made. You and your beautiful body covered in the soft fabric he chose especially for you.
•Mitsuya picked you up from your school that afternoon. He offered you his helmet and you sat behind him. As usual, you hugged his waist to keep from falling off the bike.
• "y/n... I made something for you" he said fixing shyness.
•It was clear that it was a new outfit, you hugged him and rested your face on his shoulder.
•"You must have looked beautiful, Suya" and you really did look beautiful, you looked beautiful. And Mitsuya let it show.
•That night, Mitsuya stopped being your best friend, although he still remains just your.
Souya Kawata (Angry):
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•Angry is completely different from his smiley twin brother. Anyone can easily see that.
•The other twins are childhood best friends, and this has generated countless virtues for you.
•You never walked again, for example. You didn't have to worry about your own safety, and that was wonderful for you.
•You love the twins. And they love you. Although in different ways.
•Smiley you just a little sister. As for Angry... Ah... He worships you like a true goddess.
•You were going to the market when the twins passed you on their motorcycles.
•"Hey y/n" shouted the smiley "get on the bike girl, I'll give you a ride!" You were happy until the pink-haired twin. Until Until you noticed the blue-haired twins staring at you with those sad eyes. Although he maintained his usual furious expression.
•"Sorry Nahoya, but I'm going with your brother this time..." Smiley whispered whatever. Smiling as he watched you go to his brother.
•You held on to him tightly as the two bikes rode side by side down the street.
•When you got off the bike, Nahoya looked at you smiling "go on girl, we'll be waiting for you outside."Souya looked at you desperately and said, "And please choose me again."
Nahoya Kawata (Smiley):
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•(lots of sex between you two.) He loves fucking his childhood friend.
•Make no mistake, in this part of the story it is Smiley who is in love with you. And Angry to see you as a younger sister.
•Smiley is fast. One minute you're talking about high school, and the next you're having sex for the first time.
•Grind your ass on his cock, he loves it when you do that. "Fuck baby girl... You're gonna make me cum like that!"
South Terano (bonus):
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•Please your man. He deserves it. South grabs your hair, pushing your head against his body. You choke, relax your throat and try again.
•He makes a huge effort not to be too rough with you. After all, you are his precious and favorite rag doll.
•Come on girl, get that dick down your throat nice and tight. He'll reward you in no time.
💋Hey, did you like the story? Suggest me more characters for part 3💋
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kokoch4n3l · 4 months
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BONUS — sugar baby bunny
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chapter summary: how Maya's first day on the job would have gone if she had been nosy or, Izana and his sugar baby bunny
chapter warnings: dark content 18+, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals and medical treatment/conditions, canon typical violence, gang activity, dehumanization, drug addiction(c*caine), drug addiction recovery, drug withdrawals, withdrawal symptoms, abuse of power, murder, non-graphic torture, blood and gore, panic attack, blackmail, alcohol, slight sugar baby-sugar daddy dynamic, suggestive themes, possessiveness, gold digger!oc, guns, vomiting, threats, very fast-paced, making out, kissing, implied smut, suggestive themes, slight bondage, implied virginity loss, collaring(?), open ending, not edited
word count: 20 493
masterlist | previous
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Izana stares up and down at his new doctor in charge of the night shift. She's young. Wearing blue scrubs and a white doctor's coat on top and sneakers on her feet. Her long curly black hair is clipped behind her head with a black claw clip. She's got pale skin, delicate features and light freckles and is looking at him with these big blue eyes. How cute. Honestly speaking he was expecting another old lady. "Kaneko... Maya..." He reads off her ID badge clipped onto the breast pocket of her white coat
She's holding a tray of food which is dinner, a few shorter stray curly strands falling in front of her eyes. Cute. "Yes... That's me" She says with a soft smile and places the tray of food in front of him "I'm the new psychiatrist in charge of the night shift"
Izana watches her every move and then smiles at her. "Nice to meet you, Doctor Kaneko, I'm Kurokawa Izana" He scans her up and down again "You're quite... young... how old are you?"
"22" she answers without hesitation
Oh. She was young. "Just out of college, I'm assuming doctor"
Maya nods. She's cute. Izana can't help but think she reminds him of a little bunny. Izana leans forward, his gaze lingering on Maya as he studies her intently. "So, Maya," he says, his voice smooth and curious, "what brings a young, bright thing like you to a place like this?"
Maya's eyes widen in surprise at the question, caught off guard by Izana's sudden interest in her. She fidgets with the edge of her coat, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Oh, um, well," she stammers, unsure of how much to reveal, "student loans... and no one wants to hire a fresh graduate"
Izana can't help but notice the nervousness in Maya's demeanour, her vulnerability only adding to her charm in his eyes. He leans back in his chair, a playful glint dancing in his gaze as he listens to her response. "Ah, the ol' student loans trap," he remarks with a mock sympathetic smile that she catches easily "I've heard that story one too many times."
Most of the sugar babies Ran, Rindo and the other guys had were with them for that exact reason. Student loans. Maya sure seemed like sugar baby material. She was cute and young. Seemed pretty sweet and the clingy type as well. "At least there is no interest" Maya says with a little laugh, clearly trying to appear more welcoming
But Maya didn't need to seem welcoming. Her pretty face was enough for Izana to feel captivated. Izana chuckles softly at Maya's attempt to lighten the mood, her laughter ringing like music to his ears. He watches her closely, his gaze lingering on her delicate features, the way her eyes sparkle with warmth and kindness. "You have a point there, Doctor," he replies, his tone smooth and velvety, "but sometimes, the cost of those loans can be much higher than we anticipate."
Maya's smile falters slightly at his words, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. She senses something beneath Izana's charming facade, something dark and dangerous, but she pushes the thought aside, unwilling to dwell on it. "Oh well. At least I'm not unemployed" She says
It's cute. She's so cute. Fucking adorable.
Maya leaves not too long later as she needs to collect the trays from the other patients and is called by the hospital director for something. Izana watches her go with a predatory gleam in his eyes. He can't deny the allure of her innocence, the way she carries herself with such naivety. But beneath that veneer of sweetness lies a vulnerability that Izana finds all too enticing. He pictures her as a bunny, a creature of soft fur and wide, innocent eyes, navigating the treacherous terrain of the psychiatric hospital with a naivety that both intrigues and enraptures him. As Izana sits alone in the suffocating silence of the room, shadows swallowing the corners, his fixation on Maya grows into something more sinister. She exists in his mind like a fragile doll, her innocence a tempting facade that belies the darkness lurking beneath. It was funny. He's meeting her for the first time today and he already can't get enough. "shit" he says, laughing a little to himself like he was a schizophrenic
As Izana reflects on his current situation, memories of Mikey's stern words echo in his mind. Mikey, his little brother, had always been the voice of reason, the one who urged Izana to confront his demons head-on. And Kakucho, their trusted ally, had echoed Mikey's sentiments, pushing Izana to seek treatment for his addiction. It had been a bitter pill to swallow, the realization that even someone as powerful as Izana was not immune to the clutches of addiction. But Mikey had been adamant: addictions were a weakness, a stain on their family's honour that could not be tolerated.
So here he was, confined within the walls of Sunshine Grove, stripped of his power and reduced to nothing more than a patient in need of treatment. It was a humbling experience, one that forced Izana to confront the demons that had long haunted him. It had been a total of a month since he was admitted here. It hadn't been bad... It was just the fucking medication that was the problem. He stares down his left arm with the iv in it. Apparently whatever medication was being given to him was essential to his recovery but he really fuckin' hated it. He felt like actual shit. Tired all the time, sleepy as shit. He hated it.
Oh well. At least now he had a pretty doctor to look at. He can't help but smirk at the thought of Maya, her presence a welcome respite from the sterile walls and clinical atmosphere of the hospital. Despite his initial reservations, there's something about her that intrigues him, something that stirs within him a sense of forbidden desire. As Izana waits for Maya to enter the room, he finds himself lost in thoughts of her, his mind conjuring images of her delicate features and gentle demeanour. It's a dangerous game he's playing, allowing himself to be drawn to someone like her. But it's fine. he figures. Sooner or later, Maya comes back for his tray, holding an IV bag in one hand. A replacement for the empty one he's connected to. As she's setting it up it looks like Maya wants to ask him something. "you look like you want to say something" Izana says
Maya pauses in her task, her brows furrowing slightly as if she's debating whether or not to voice her thoughts. Izana watches her closely, the smirk still lingering on his lips as he anticipates her response. Finally, Maya sighs softly, her gaze meeting Izana's with a mixture of uncertainty and determination. "I couldn't help but notice," she begins hesitantly, her voice soft but steady "Your file that they gave had a lot of things blocked off... Is there a reason for it?"
Izana cocks his head. "things like what?"
Maya hesitates, her lips parting as if she's unsure how much to reveal. "Well," she begins cautiously, her gaze drifting to the floor before returning to meet Izana's, "it's just... your medical history, for one. It's heavily redacted, and there are some notes about your background that seem... unusual. And also for the thing you're here for"
Izana's eyebrows raised in mock surprise, though inwardly he was amused by Maya's curiosity. "You don't know what I'm here for? But you're my psychiatrist"
Maya flushes slightly at the implication, her cheeks tinted with a faint blush as she shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "Well, yes," she admits reluctantly, "but... they haven't exactly been forthcoming with the details. It's... unusual, to say the least."
Izana's smile widens at Maya's response, a sense of satisfaction coursing through him. It's clear that Maya is out of her depth, her curiosity piqued by the mystery surrounding his presence in the psychiatric hospital. But as he watches her squirm under his gaze, Izana can't help but feel a pang of guilt tugging at his conscience. Maya may be just a pawn in his game, but she's also a human being with her own fears and vulnerabilities. Pushing aside his misgivings, Izana leans back in his chair, his smile morphing into a more reassuring expression. She won't judge him. She's probably encountered many people like himself here who were probably in worse condition. "cocaine addiction" he tells her
Maya's nerves are palpable, her hands trembling as she struggles to maintain her composure in the face of Izana's questioning gaze. She swallows hard, her throat dry as she searches for the right words to say. "So... You're not a convicted criminal?" she asks tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.
Izana's eyes narrow slightly at her question, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. He may not be a convicted criminal, but that doesn't mean he's innocent. Still, there's no need for Maya to know that. "No, and why does that relate to this?" he responds, his voice firm and commanding.
Maya's stomach churns at his response, her mind racing with a thousand different thoughts. She knows she's treading on dangerous ground, but she can't help but feel a sense of obligation to uncover the truth. "The second floor is where patients admitted for addiction stay," she explains, her voice trembling slightly, "you're on the fourth floor, where the convicted criminals who claimed insanity are housed."
The realization hits Izana like a ton of bricks, his anger simmering just beneath the surface as Maya's words sink in. He clenches his jaw, his fists tightening at his sides as he struggles to maintain his composure. "Oh," he mutters through gritted teeth, his gaze fixed on Maya's trembling form.
She looks like she might be sick, and Izana's frustration only grows at the sight. Without a word, Maya reaches into her pocket and retrieves a piece of gauze, her hands shaking as she gently places it over the insertion site of Izana's IV. He watches her silently, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that sends a shiver down her spine. As Maya begins to remove the IV, applying pressure to the wound as she withdraws the catheter, Izana remains silent, his mind swirling with a mixture of anger and disbelief. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was here for addiction. Not because he got caught. So why was he on the third floor? "Keep pressure on it for a few minutes," Maya mumbles as she finishes dressing the wound, her voice barely above a whisper.
Izana nods curtly, his eyes never leaving Maya's retreating form as she gathers her things and prepares to leave the room. But before she can make her escape, Izana's voice cuts through the silence like a knife. "Doctor... If this is what I think it is..." he begins slowly, his words hanging in the air like a threat.
But Maya shakes her head, her eyes wide with fear as she hurries out of the room, leaving Izana alone with his thoughts. He stares at the closed door for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities, before reaching for his flip phone and dialling Kisaki's number.
As the line rings, Izana can't help but feel himself get angry.
Someone had to pay.
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How Maya ended up back in Izana's room after that was beyond her. She's pressed into the side of an older man with slicked-back purple hair and black highlights. He forces her to keep looking ahead as the hospital director and the nurse in charge of this floor are tortured. Maya isn't able to speak or even move. The man holding her isn't doing so in a painful way nor is he being mean. Rather he's being an odd mixture of condescending and sweet. "I'm Haitani Ran by the way" He says as if they met at some coffee shop "I'm Izana's childhood friend. We met in juvie"
Fucking figures.
Maya's blood runs cold at the revelation, her mind racing with the implications of what she's just heard. She swears she's heard his name from Chifuyu before whenever he talked to Kazutora about the recent news of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Had Maya really gotten herself caught up with Japan's most ruthless gang?
No way. No fucking way.
In front of her by the bed, Izana is putting on a new set of clothes, changing out of the hospital uniform like nothing is happening. Ran chuckles as he watches Izana change, his gaze briefly darting towards Maya before returning to his friend. "You know," he says, his tone light but with a hint of mischief, "your little doctor is quite adorable. Think we could keep her around?"
Izana lets out a hearty laugh, a grin spreading across his face as he meets Ran's gaze. "You're kidding, right?" he replies, his amusement evident in his voice but then he hums and looks at Maya up and down as if contemplating something "Well she is pretty..."
Maya shifts uncomfortably under Izana's scrutiny, feeling increasingly like an object rather than a person. The air around them feels charged with tension, and Maya can't shake the feeling that she's become the subject of some kind of twisted game between Izana and his friend. Ran's chuckle breaks the uneasy silence, but Maya can't help but feel a sense of unease lingering in the pit of her stomach. Izana is buttoning up his shirt while a guy with a scar across his face is beating the hospital director's face in and walks over, looking up and down at her. "I have to say, I was contemplating whether or not you should be on the floor with them..." Izana gestures to the hospital director and the nurse on the bloody floor "But today is your first day, yeah doctor?"
Izana cups her cheeks and Ran lets go of her. He's staring down at her with this crazed, almost obsessive look in his eyes. "You haven't done anything wrong after all... You came and told me right away what was wrong" Izana speaks to her the same way one would talk to a child
Izana's fingers linger on Maya's cheek, his touch sending a shiver down her spine as she struggles to maintain her composure. She can feel his gaze tracing every contour of her face, his eyes drinking in every detail with an unsettling intensity. "You have such a pretty face, doctor," Izana murmurs, his voice low and seductive. "It would be a shame to see it tarnished..."
Her breath gets stuck in her throat. Maya thinks she might either throw up, faint or die of cardiac arrest. She's nervous and scared and doesn't know what is going to happen to her. The hospital director was trying to exact revenge on Izana due to something. She wasn't really listening. Maya didn't know. She didn't care. Right now, she was terrified and unable to think about anything else. Unable to tear her gaze away from Izana's intense stare, Maya feels a sense of vulnerability wash over her. His words linger in the air, suffocating her with their weight, and she struggles to find her voice amidst the chaos unfolding around them. The hospital director's screams echo in her ears, a grim reminder of the danger lurking just beyond the walls of Sunshine Grove. Maya knows she's in over her head, caught in the crossfire of a world far darker and more sinister than she ever could have imagined. As Izana's fingers trail down her cheek, Maya flinches involuntarily, her skin prickling with unease. She can sense the power he holds over her, his presence casting a shadow over her every thought and action. "tell you what, hm... You're clearly a good doctor... Honest... Sweet—"
"easy on the eyes" Ran butts in, cutting off Izana
Maya's cheeks flush with embarrassment, her pulse pounding in her ears as she struggles to maintain her composure. She knows she's caught in the middle of something far beyond her control but she needs to keep calm. Izana glares at Ran then looks at Maya again. "How about, in exchange for you being the sweetest doctor ever... You work for me and I spare your life" Izana says
She opens her mouth to speak, to assert herself, but no words come out. Instead, she finds herself gasping for air, her vision blurring as her heart races uncontrollably. It's as if the walls of the room are closing in on her, suffocating her with their oppressive weight. As Maya's panic intensifies, her knees buckle beneath her, threatening to send her crashing to the floor. In a swift motion, Izana reaches out, his strong arms wrapping around her to steady her trembling form. His touch is cold and unwelcome, sending a shiver of fear down Maya's spine. With Izana's support, Maya struggles to remain upright, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she fights to regain control of her body. She feels utterly powerless, trapped in the suffocating grip of her own fear. Izana's grip tightens around her, his touch suffocating and possessive. Izana's arms wrapped around her, his touch cold and unwelcome against her skin. "You're trembling, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Are you afraid of me?"
Maya struggles to form coherent words, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and terror. "I-I..." she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You don't have to be afraid, sweetheart," Izana coos, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "I'm not going to hurt you... unless you give me a reason to."
Maya's heart races in her chest, her pulse thundering in her ears as she struggles to comprehend the gravity of her predicament. Ran is laughing at the whole scene. Her panic is something amusing to them. "Aniki, I think Kakucho killed the guy" another guy with purple hair styled in a mullet says and Ran looks over
"My bad..." Kakucho mutters "I got carried away"
Izana turns his head to see the mess on the floor but Maya doesn't look. She really doesn't want to but clearly, Izana doesn't share that same sentiment and forces her to look. Izana's gaze locks onto Maya's, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that sends shivers down her spine. "Do you want that to be you?" he asks, his voice low and menacing, as if daring her to defy him.
Maya's breath catches in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggles to find the words to respond. Fear grips her tightly, its icy fingers wrapping around her throat and squeezing the air from her lungs. "I-I..." Maya's voice falters, her words barely audible above the chaos surrounding them.
She wants to scream, to beg for mercy, but the words die on her lips, suffocated by the weight of her fear. Izana's grip tightens around her, his touch sending a jolt of terror coursing through her veins. "Answer me, bunny," he growls, his voice laced with menace. "Do you want to end up like them?"
With a frantic shake of her head, Maya manages to whisper, "N-No..."
Everyone in the room is looking at her. She feels panicked. Maya wants to go home. She wants to go back to her bed. Never did she think that her first day on her job would be like this. How the fuck did she end up surrounded by members of the Tokyo Manji Gang? Izana's lips curl into a mocking smile, his eyes gleaming with amusement at Maya's distress. "Oh, bunny, I didn't realize you were so sensitive," he taunts, his voice dripping with condescension. "But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you... as long as you play nice."
There is a short moment of silence before the guy with glasses, Kisaki, is calling someone and Kakucho is cleaning his hands of all the blood. "Tell me you agree and you'll live" Izana murmurs, continuing to force her to look at the dead body of her former boss and the nurse in charge of the 4th floor
Maya's heart pounds in her chest as she struggles to process the surreal situation unfolding around her. The weight of Izana's words hangs heavy in the air, filling her with a sense of dread, unlike anything she's ever experienced before. She feels a surge of panic rising within her, threatening to consume her entirely. All she wants is to escape, to run far away from this nightmare and never look back. But as she looks around the room and sees the hardened expressions of Izana's associates, she knows that there's no way out. With a trembling voice, Maya manages to whisper, "O-Okay"
Izana's smirk widens at her plea, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Good girl" he purrs, his tone laced with malice.
"Keep calm, sweetheart," Ran interjects, his voice surprisingly gentle. "We don't wanna have to knock you out."
With a trembling breath, Maya tries to steady herself, her hands shaking as she clutches onto the edge of the nearby table for support. She can feel the weight of their gazes bearing down on her, each one filled with a different shade of menace and intrigue. Izana's eyes linger on her, his smirk morphing into a predatory grin. "You're doing well, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice dripping with false praise. "Just remember to play nice, and everything will be fine."
Maya nods weakly, her stomach churning with unease. So she's led out of the hospital and into a car worth just as much as the student loans she has to pay off and they take her home. "I'm sure you know calling the police will be embarrassing," Rindo tells her as they stand in front of her door "so unless you're interested in embarrassing yourself, go ahead"
Maya's heart sank as Rindo's words hit her like a cold splash of water. She knows he's right. "Rindo be a little nicer" Kakucho mutters to him
Rindo shoots Kakucho a glare before turning back to Maya with a forced smile. "Sorry about that, sweetheart," he says, his tone slightly less abrasive "We're just trying to avoid any unnecessary complications. You understand, right?"
Maya is fiddling with the sleeve of her white coat, unable to do anything but nod. "get some rest, we'll be in contact" Kakucho says
The next morning, Maya gets an email that all her loans have been paid in full.
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"tiny" Izana says as he barged into her house alongside Kakucho hours later
"Uh, what are you doing here?" Maya manages to stammer out, her voice trembling with nerves.
Izana's grin widens, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "We just wanted to make sure you got our little gift," he says, his tone almost playful. "And to see if you're settling into your new life nicely. Your loans have been paid"
Maya's in loungewear, sweatpants and an oversized shirt. She's trembling. Oh how grateful she was that she showered already. "Y-You paid them?" She asks, watching as Izana looks at the array of picture frames on one of her walls
Izana's grin remained, his eyes still alight with mischief as he turned back to her. "Of course," he replied, his tone almost nonchalant. "Consider it a token of our appreciation for your cooperation... And of course, we're buying your silence too if you couldn't tell"
Maya's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to process the implications of his words. She knew she was entangled in something far beyond her control, a web of danger and deceit spun by Izana and his associates. "I-I don't know what to say," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Izana's grin widened, his demeanour almost mocking. "No need to thank us, bunny," he said, his tone dripping with condescension. "Just remember who's looking out for you now."
Izana's gaze swept across Maya's living room as if he owned the place, his expression filled with casual entitlement. He wandered around, examining the decor and pictures on the walls with a detached interest, while Maya stood frozen in place, feeling like an intruder in her own home. Kakucho, on the other hand, watched Maya with a hint of remorse in his eyes, his expression tinged with sympathy. He seemed uncomfortable with the intrusion, but powerless to stop it. "Sorry about this, Maya," he muttered softly, his voice barely audible over the silence of the room.
Maya forced a weak smile, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to maintain her composure. "It's okay" she replied, her voice wavering slightly. But inside, she was anything but okay.
She was terrified, trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape. "As cute as this place is..." Izana says sarcastically from inside her room "It's tiny as fuck"
Maya's smile faltered at Izana's comment, her anxiety rising with each passing moment. She felt exposed, vulnerable, as if Izana's mere presence had stripped away any sense of safety she had left. "Yeah, well, it's home," Maya replied, her voice tinged with defensiveness.
She wished she could muster the courage to stand up to Izana, to demand that he leave her alone, but fear held her tongue captive. After what she saw last night, what happened to the hospital director and the nurse, Maya knows better than to say anything against Izana. He emerged from her room, his smirk still firmly in place. "Well, lucky for you, bunny, you won't be spending much time here anymore," Izana remarked, his tone dripping with mockery. "We've got plans for you."
Izana takes a seat on the couch and says "Get me a drink"
At the same time, both Maya and Kakucho say "no"
Maya's heart raced as she and Kakucho spoke in unison, their voices firm and resolute despite their trembling nerves. She knew that giving Izana alcohol while he was still recovering from addiction was not only irresponsible but dangerous. Izana's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flash of irritation. "What did you say?" he demanded, his tone sharp and demanding.
Maya swallowed hard, her hands shaking as she struggled to maintain her composure. "I said no," she repeated, her voice trembling but firm. "It's not a good idea for you to drink right now, Mr. Kurokawa."
Kakucho nodded in agreement, his expression apologetic as he glanced between Maya and Izana. "She's right, Izana," he interjected, his voice calm but firm. "You're still recovering, remember?"
Izana's gaze hardened, his jaw tensing as he stared down at Maya with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "You're playing a dangerous game, bunny," he warned, his voice low and menacing. "But fine, I'll indulge you... for now."
It was dumb for Maya to be like this especially when these guys were literal killers, gangsters and whatnot. She knew she was playing a dangerous game by standing up to Izana, but she couldn't ignore the voice of reason within her. Despite her fear, Maya remained steadfast in her decision, her resolve unwavering even in the face of Izana's menacing glare. She couldn't afford to compromise her principles, not when the stakes were so high. Kakucho's gaze softened as he regarded Maya with a mixture of admiration and concern. "You're brave, doctor," he murmured, his voice tinged with genuine respect. "But you should be careful. Izana doesn't take kindly to being challenged."
Maya nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for whatever consequences her defiance might bring. Izana is holding a picture frame he picked off one of the tables, looking at it with amusement. "Tell me, how long have you known Matsuno Chifuyu?" Izana asks
She feels sick. "H-He doesn't have anything to do—"
"—to do with this, yeah I know," Izana says and chuckles "Why would I do anything to him? He's a former member after all"
Maya furrows her brows at Izana's words. Her mind raced with confusion and disbelief. Chifuyu, a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang? It was a revelation she couldn't fathom, a stark contrast to the kind and gentle demeanour he always displayed. She didn't think he was a gang member. How the fuck would a gang member pass high school and then run a pet store and listen to fucking girls generation? How was the boy she fell in love with in middle school affiliated with the gang whose scrutiny she's currently under? "I-I don't understand," she stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "Chifuyu wouldn't—"
Izana's laughter cut through her protests, his amusement evident as he tossed the picture frame aside. "Oh, he's not with us anymore, sweetheart," he explained casually as if discussing the weather. "But he used to run with the best of us. We go way back. He was... First Divison Vice Captain, huge position until he left after he finished high school"
Maya's mind reeled at the implications of Izana's words. She had known Chifuyu for years and had trusted him implicitly. But now, faced with the harsh reality of his past, she couldn't help but question everything she thought she knew about him. "I-I had no idea," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Chifuyu never mentioned anything..."
Izana's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, now you know," he replied, his tone laced with amusement. "And now you're one of us, doc. Welcome to the family."
Maya thinks she's going to be sick. "I don't... I..."
No words are coming out. "What Izana means is that we would like you to work exclusively with us..." Kakucho says noticing Maya's panic, quickly jumping to do damage control "Izana is sick recovering and we can no longer trust anyone with continuing his treatment... You have proven to be... innocent and the best choice"
Maya felt trapped, her options shrinking as Izana and his associates painted her into a corner. The weight of their expectations bore down on her, suffocating her with the realization that she had little say in the matter. "I-I guess I don't have much of a choice," she murmured, her voice trembling with resignation.
Izana's grin widened, his eyes alight with triumph. "Smart girl," he remarked, his tone dripping with satisfaction. "You won't regret this, bunny. Welcome to the family."
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"Financial control" Maya mutters as she looks around the new apartment
There are large floor-to-ceiling windows lining an entire wall and the place is already furnished. On the coffee table are shopping bags with logos of expensive brands on each. "hm?" Kakucho says curiously
Maya looks around in awe as she mindlessly says "Where someone takes charge of all finances to foster dependency, is a form of abuse aimed at gaining power over the victim's financial resources and independence"
Kakucho's brow furrows in confusion as Maya's words hang in the air, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and apprehension. "What do you mean?" he asks, his tone cautious.
Maya shakes her head, trying to compose herself as she struggles to articulate her thoughts. "I-I mean, it's just... this," she gestures around the lavish apartment, the extravagant furnishings, and the branded shopping bags. "It's all so... overwhelming."
Kakucho's expression softens with understanding as he takes in Maya's apprehensive demeanour. "I know it's a lot to take in," he says gently, "but we want you to feel comfortable here. Consider it a gesture of appreciation for everything you're... doing for us."
Maya nods, though her mind still churns with uncertainty. As she gazes out of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the bustling city below, she can't shake the feeling that she's stepped into a world far beyond her control. "Financial control, huh?" Izana says as he's lounging back on the couch "That's not what I was aiming for but now that you said it, I might take it into consideration"
Maya's heart sinks as Izana's casual response confirms her worst fears. She realizes now that she's truly trapped in a web of manipulation and coercion, her every move scrutinized and controlled by those around her. "I-I didn't mean..." she starts, her voice faltering as she struggles to find the right words.
Izana chuckles, a cold edge to his laughter that sends a shiver down Maya's spine. "Relax, bunny," he says, his tone deceptively light. "I was just teasing... for now."
Maya forces a weak smile, though inside, her anxiety continues to gnaw at her. "Izana..." Kakucho says with a frown "You said you'd stop scaring her"
Izana's grin falters slightly at Kakucho's reprimand, though the mischief in his eyes remains. "I'm just having a little fun, Kakucho," he replies, his tone dismissive. "No harm done."
Kakucho's frown deepens, but he doesn't press the matter further. Instead, he turns his attention to Maya, his expression softening with genuine concern. "Sorry about him," he says, offering her a reassuring smile. "He's... not always like this."
Maya doesn't really believe Kakucho but she nods anyway. She knows better than to trust the assurances of those entangled in the murky world of the Tokyo Manji Gang. As she watches Kakucho's friendly demeanour and Izana's playful banter, Maya can't help but wonder what ulterior motives lurk beneath their facade of friendliness. She forces herself to push aside her apprehensions, knowing that she has little choice but to play along for now. After all, she's seen firsthand the consequences of defying Izana and his associates. "Now c'mon, take a look at what I got you" Izana gestures to the bags on the coffee table
Izana directs her attention to the bags on the coffee table. She approaches cautiously, her suspicion mounting with each step. With a hesitant hand, she reaches out and grabs one of the bags, her fingers trembling slightly as she pulls it closer. As she peeks inside, her eyes widen in surprise. The bag is filled with designer clothing, each item more expensive than anything she's ever owned. Maya's mind races with conflicting emotions. On one hand, she's grateful for the gesture. On the other hand, she can't shake the feeling of unease that accompanies such extravagant displays of wealth. "Wow, thank you," Maya murmurs, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I-I don't know what to say."
Izana chuckles, his grin widening at her reaction. "Consider it a welcome gift," he says, his tone almost jovial
Maya picks up a small Vivienne Westwood bag, unwraps the box and all the other packaging and sees a... A lighter? "I uh... I don't smoke" Maya says slowly, holding up the small silver heart-shaped lighter
She had seen it a bunch of times online. It was cute but no reason for anyone to spend a whole bunch of money on it when the contents inside were the same as any other lighter. "Oh yeah I know," Izana says dismissively "But I saw it and thought you'd look so cute on my lap while I'm in a meeting and lighting a cigarette for me with it—"
"You also can't smoke" Maya shuts it down immediately, her cheeks flushing pink from Izana voicing out his daydream
Izana's laughter only grows louder, echoing in the room as Kakucho shakes his head in bemusement. "Well, there goes that fantasy" Izana quips, his grin widening mischievously
Maya exhales a nervous laugh, relieved that the tension seems to dissipate, at least for the moment. "I suppose we'll have to find another way to make use of it" she says, trying to inject some lightness into the situation.
Izana's eyes gleam with amusement as he considers her suggestion. "Indeed," he agrees, his tone suggestive, making her cheeks flush an even darker shade of red
Kakucho clears his throat, interjecting with a hint of impatience. "Let's not get carried away, Izana." he says, shooting a warning glance at his friend.
Izana's grin widens, but he relents, setting aside the lighter with a playful shrug. "Fine, fine" he concedes, though the mischievous glint in his eyes suggests he's only biding his time
Then, with a flourish, he produces a Cartier jewelry box from his pocket, revealing a delicate bracelet nestled inside. Her eyes widen a bit at the sight of the bracelet. She recognizes it from her online browsing—a love bracelet, renowned for its distinctive locking mechanism. It was pretty popular but also pretty fucking expensive. "And this is also for you. From me, personally," Izana declares, taking Maya's wrist and fastening the gold bracelet "I noticed you wear gold jewellery so I got you gold"
Maya watches in silence as Izana locks the bracelet around her wrist. "Y-You really didn't have to" she murmurs, her gaze fixed on the shimmering gold bangle, unaware of Izana discreetly pocketing the golden screwdriver-like key.
As Izana steps back, admiring his handiwork, Maya tentatively flexes her wrist, feeling the weight of the bracelet. "It's beautiful" she concedes, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Despite her reservations about Izana's intentions, she can't deny the allure of the elegant accessory. Izana's grin widens at her response, a glint of satisfaction dancing in his eyes. "Glad you like it," he says, his voice laced with amusement. "Consider it a token of appreciation for being such a good sport."
Maya's smile falters slightly at the reminder of her precarious position. She knows accepting gifts from Izana only further entangles her in his web of influence. But for now, she chooses to focus on the fleeting sense of gratitude that accompanies the gesture. Kakucho watches the exchange with a knowing look, his expression unreadable. "Well, now that we've got that sorted," he interjects, breaking the momentary silence, "shall we eat?"
"Yes, let's eat" she agrees, relieved by the distraction.
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As the sun begins its descent beyond the towering skyline of the city, casting hues of orange and pink across the horizon, Maya finds herself drawn to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the apartment. She stands by the glass, her gaze fixed on the mesmerizing spectacle unfolding before her. The vibrant colours of the sunset paint the sky with an ethereal glow, bathing the city in a soft, golden light. For a fleeting moment, Maya allows herself to be captivated by the beauty of the scene, the worries and uncertainties of her new reality momentarily forgotten. But as the last rays of sunlight fade into the twilight, casting shadows across the room, Maya's thoughts return to the daunting challenges that lie ahead. She knows she can't afford to let her guard down, not with Izana's watchful eyes constantly monitoring her every move. "If you ever need anything we're in the penthouse. You can just come up" Kakucho tells her
Kakucho's casual mention of their residence in the penthouse suite above jolted Maya out of her reverie. "Wait, you guys live here too?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief, her eyes widening in surprise.
Kakucho nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, we're just a floor above," he confirmed, his tone calm and collected. "If you ever need anything, we're right there."
Maya's heart skipped a beat as she processed the implications of their proximity. She hadn't realized that they had secured her an apartment in the same building they resided in. The realization sent a shiver down her spine, the boundaries between her personal and professional life blurring in a way she hadn't anticipated. Before she could fully digest this new piece of information, Izana interjected with his trademark nonchalance. "We own several buildings in the city," he explained, his tone matter-of-fact. "This one just happens to be one of our properties."
The weight of Izana's words settled heavily upon Maya, their implications sinking in with each passing moment. She felt a growing sense of unease, a nagging suspicion that she was more deeply entangled in Izana's world than she had initially realized. "Thank you, Kakucho," Maya murmured, her voice tinged with gratitude, though a knot of anxiety still tightened in her chest
Kakucho's phone rings and he steps away for a moment. Izana takes that moment to walk over to her, standing next to her as he stares out the large window. As Kakucho stepped away to take the call, Izana seized the opportunity to approach Maya. He stood beside her, his presence imposing yet strangely captivating against the backdrop of the city lights. "Quite the view, isn't it?" Izana remarked, his tone casual as he leaned against the couch by the window, his gaze fixed on the sprawling cityscape below.
Maya nodded, though her attention remained divided between the breathtaking scenery and the enigmatic figure at her side. Despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, she couldn't shake off the unease that settled over her like a heavy cloak in Izana's presence. "Yeah, it's... impressive," Maya replied, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty as she stole a sideways glance at Izana.
Izana chuckles. "If you don't like it I can get you another." He says it like it was nothing "new apartment, house, bungalow, mansion, beach house..."
Maya's heart skipped a beat at Izana's nonchalant offer. The idea of being handed another luxurious residence as if it were a mere trinket left her feeling unsettled. "Uh, no, that's not necessary" she replied, her voice tinged with unease.
Izana's grin widened at her response, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Suit yourself," he said, his tone laced with a hint of mischief. "But just know that the offer stands. Anything you want, just say the word."
Maya forced a tight smile, though inside, her mind churned with apprehension. The notion of having access to such extravagant wealth at her fingertips was both exhilarating and terrifying. She couldn't help but wonder what strings were attached to Izana's seemingly generous offer, and what price she would ultimately be expected to pay. "Oh..." Izana murmured seeing something he hadn't noticed earlier
He walks over, closer to her, taking hold of the two pendant necklaces she was wearing. Both were gold. One was a coin pendant with a flower in the center and the other was a butterfly. "these are cute" he hummed, examining both
Maya's breath caught in her throat as Izana approached, his proximity sending a shiver down her spine. She watched in silence as he delicately inspected the two pendant necklaces adorning her neck, his fingers tracing the intricate designs with a casual familiarity. "Yeah, they're just something I picked up..." Maya replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her cheeks flushing pink under Izana's scrutiny.
Izana's lips curled into a faint smirk as he continued to examine the pendants. "Interesting choice," he murmured, his tone contemplative. "They suit you."
Maya offered a tentative smile, though inside, her heart raced with apprehension. She couldn't shake the feeling that Izana's interest in her accessories went beyond simple admiration. There was something calculating in his gaze, a hunger that made her skin prickle with unease. Izana lets go of the coin pendant and holds the butterfly one, admiring it for a moment. "real gold, yeah?"
Maya nodded nervously, her eyes fixed on Izana's hands as he examined the delicate butterfly pendant. "Y-Yes, it's real gold," she confirmed, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Izana's grin widened, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Nice," he remarked, his tone almost playful. "I like someone who appreciates the finer things in life."
Maya forced a weak smile. Izana tugs lightly at it. "take it off"
Maya's breath catches in her throat at Izana's command, her fingers instinctively clutching the butterfly pendant as if it were her lifeline, her thin fingers wrapping around Izana's tanned ones. "W-Why?" she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes darting nervously between Izana and the necklace.
Izana's expression remains unreadable as he meets her gaze with an intensity that sends shivers down her spine. "Just because" he replies smoothly, his tone laced with an underlying threat, easily prying his hand out of hers
Maya's breath catches in her throat as she surrenders the necklace to Izana, her fingers trembling slightly as she releases her grip. Without a word, he takes the pendant from her hand and deftly fastens it around his own neck. She watches in silence, unable to tear her gaze away as Izana adjusts the pendant, his expression unreadable. Maya's eyes widen in surprise as Izana removes the gold chain from around his own neck. She watches in astonishment as he delicately places it around her neck, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her veins. "A trade, yeah" He murmurs as he fastens the chain around her neck
Maya's heart races at Izana's words, her mind struggling to process the implications of his actions. "But why?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper
Izana's smirk returns, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Consider it a symbol of our... partnership..." he replies cryptically, his tone laced with intrigue. "A reminder that we're in this together now."
With a final adjustment, he secures the chain in place, his touch lingering against her throat for a moment longer than necessary. As Izana steps back, his grin widening, Maya's mind races with conflicting emotions. She feels the weight of the gold chain around her neck, a tangible reminder of the bond forged between them. But beneath the surface, a sense of unease gnaws at her, a whisper of doubt that refuses to be silenced. "Izana, I..." Maya begins, her voice faltering as she searches for the right words.
But before she can articulate her thoughts, Kakucho returns, his expression unreadable as he takes in the scene before him. "Everything okay here?" he asks, his gaze flickering between Maya and Izana.
Izana's grin remains firmly in place as he nods, his tone casual. "Just making a trade" he replies, his eyes never leaving Maya's.
Kakucho's eyebrows furrow slightly, but he doesn't press further. Instead, he offers Maya a reassuring smile before turning his attention to Izana. "We should get going," he says, his tone indicating that the conversation is over.
Maya nods, her mind still reeling from the exchange. As they prepare to leave, she can't shake the feeling that she's entered into a pact with the devil himself
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There are certain things Maya never thought she'd experience and waking up in a huge apartment was one of them. She was never able to sleep in new places very well so she watches the sunrise through the floor-to-ceiling windows of her new bedroom, still lying in bed. As the first rays of dawn pierce through the glass, casting a warm glow across the room, Maya lies in bed, her thoughts drifting as she watches the sunrise. The vast expanse of the cityscape stretches out before her, its towering skyscrapers bathed in the soft light of morning. It's a breathtaking sight, one that fills her with a sense of awe and wonder, even amidst the turmoil of her current circumstances. But beneath the surface, a knot of anxiety tightens in Maya's chest. She can't shake the feeling of unease that has plagued her ever since she first stepped foot into this opulent apartment. It's a stark reminder of just how far removed she is from her old life, a life that now feels like a distant memory. As she lies there, lost in thought, Maya can't help but wonder what the future holds. She knows that she's entered into a world fraught with danger and uncertainty, one where the stakes are higher than ever before. Her new phone buzzes. Along with the designer clothes and jewelry, Izana also bought her a new phone.
[5:34 am] hey bunny you up?
Maya can't help but turn a little red. It sounded like a typical booty call text and that probably wasn't even what he was texting her for. She knows she shouldn't read too much into it, but the playful tone of Izana's text sends a wave of mixed emotions coursing through her. Despite her reservations, Maya can't deny the pull of curiosity. With trembling fingers, she types out a response.
[5:36 am] Yeah. What's up?
As she hits send, Maya can't help but wonder what Izana has in store for her. She knows better than to let her guard down around him, but there's a part of her that can't resist the thrill of the unknown. Almost immediately, her phone buzzes with a reply from Izana.
[5:36 am] I'm hungry come make me food you're a good cook and I'm tired of kakucho's cooking i need variety
Maya's cheeks flush a deeper shade of red as she reads Izana's message. Despite the casual tone, she can't help but feel a sense of unease at his request. The idea of cooking for Izana in the early hours of the morning feels both surreal and oddly intimate. Nevertheless, Maya knows better than to refuse him outright. With a resigned sigh, she begins to type out a response.
[5:38 am] Sure, I can make you something What do you feel like eating?
As she sends the message, Maya braces herself for Izana's reply, her mind already racing with ideas for what she could whip up in the kitchen. Despite her misgivings, there's a small part of her that can't deny the satisfaction of being able to provide for him, even if it's just through a simple meal. Maya waits anxiously for Izana's response, her heart pounding in her chest as she anticipates his reply. A few moments later, her phone buzzes with a new message from him.
[5:40 am] Surprise me
Maya's brow furrows in frustration at the vague response, but she knows she has no choice but to comply. With a resigned sigh, she throws off the covers and swings her legs out of bed, steeling herself for the task ahead. As she makes her way to the kitchen, Maya's mind races with possibilities. She sifts through the ingredients in the pantry and refrigerator, her thoughts spinning as she considers what she could prepare for Izana. Despite the early hour, Maya finds herself strangely energized by the challenge, a sense of determination driving her forward. With practiced efficiency, Maya begins to gather the necessary ingredients, her hands moving deftly as she sets about preparing a meal fit for a gangster. As the aroma of pancakes and brewing coffee fills the air, Maya can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over her. Despite the unusual circumstances, there's something comforting about the act of cooking, a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of her new life. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Maya puts the finishing touches on Izana's breakfast, arranging the food neatly on a plate before carrying it over to the table. As she sets the plate down in front of him, Izana looks up at her with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he says, his tone teasing as he surveys the meal before him. "I must say, you've outdone yourself, bunny."
Maya can't help but smile at his words, a sense of pride swelling within her chest. Despite her initial apprehension, she's relieved to see that Izana seems satisfied with her efforts. As he digs into the food with gusto, Maya watches him with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, wondering what other surprises her new life has in store for her. Maya isn't too surprised he has a key to her new place. After all, he lived just above in the penthouse and owned the building itself. "um... where's Kakucho?" she asks curiously, watching Izana eat
It's about 6-something now. Izana looks up from his meal, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Oh, Kakucho had some business to attend to," he replies casually, his tone betraying nothing. "Left bright and early, just like him."
Maya nods, though she can't shake the feeling of unease that settles in the pit of her stomach. She's become accustomed to Kakucho's presence, his calm demeanour serving as a reassuring presence in the midst of Izana's unpredictable behaviour. Without him around, Maya can't help but feel a sense of vulnerability, a nagging suspicion that she's once again at Izana's mercy. As she watches Izana finish his meal, Maya can't help but wonder what other secrets he's hiding, what other schemes he has up his sleeve. Despite her lingering doubts, Maya knows she has no choice but to play along, to navigate the treacherous waters of Izana's world with caution and cunning. With a heavy sigh, she pushes aside her concerns and focuses on the task at hand, steeling herself for whatever challenges lie ahead. "You haven't showered, yeah?" Izana asks as he sips his coffee
Maru shakes her head no. She's in sweatpants and an oversized shirt which was a huge contrast to Izana's silk pyjamas which probably cost more than her. "shower, be ready by 10. I have work and I wanna take you out for lunch"
Maya's heart skips a beat at Izana's directive. It didn't sound like a casual invitation; it felt more like a command. Despite the faint flicker of apprehension that flares within her, Maya nods obediently, her mind already racing with thoughts of what Izana might have planned. "Okay" she replies, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes darting nervously
She knows better than to defy him, especially after she watched him and his friends kill her boss and co-workers last night. Izana flashes her a satisfied grin before returning his attention to his coffee. "Good," he says, his tone dismissive. "I'll see you then."
Izana leaves her apartment to go back to his own. Maya heads toward the bathroom to prepare for her unexpected lunch date, she can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at her insides. Despite Izana's outward charm, there's a darkness lurking beneath the surface, a reminder of the dangers that lurk in his world. But for now, Maya pushes aside her doubts, focusing instead on the task at hand. With a mix of apprehension and curiosity swirling within her, Maya steps into the shower, allowing the warm water to cascade over her, washing away the remnants of sleep and uncertainty. As she lathers soap over her skin, her mind races with questions about Izana's intentions and what this lunch outing might entail.
After hastily drying off Maya tries to figure out what to wear. It takes her a long time to decide what to wear. Izana hadn't exactly told her where they were going for lunch but he did say he had something to do first since it was still pretty early which meant he would be wearing a suit. So, she should probably wear something somewhat formal as well. She wears a light blue satin ankle-length skirt and a white off-the-shoulder blouse. Maya does her makeup and stares for a moment at her neck. There sits the gold chain Izana put on her in exchange for her necklace with the butterfly necklace. It was honestly a bit odd that he had given it to her but oh well. Maya wasn't exactly in a position to argue with him. She looks down at her wrist where the gold love bracelet is. Maya had tried to take it off last night but couldn't find the screwdriver for it anywhere. She didn't want to force it off and hurt herself so she just kept it on. Perhaps she'll ask Izana about it later.
Maya glances at the clock to find it's already 9:45. Checking her appearance one last time in the mirror, she grabs her bag, which was another one of the unnecessarily expensive gifts from Izana, and heads out the door. The elevator ride down to the ground floor feels like an eternity, each passing second amplifying Maya's nerves. As the elevator doors slide open, Maya steps out into the lobby, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of Izana. Sure enough, he's waiting for her, leaning casually against the wall with an air of confidence that sends a shiver down Maya's spine. "Right on time," Izana remarks, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he straightens up to greet her, wearing a suit just like she predicted "Shall we?"
Maya forces a tight-lipped smile, her heart pounding in her chest as she falls into step beside him. With each passing moment, she can't help but wonder what lies in store for her on this unexpected lunch date with Izana. As they stepped out of the building, right in front of the door was a black Lexus and one of the men from the night at the hospital. Shion, if she remembered correctly. He's standing with with his arms crossed over and a scowl on his face. "boss" Shion greets as he opens the back door of the car for Izana
Izana simply nods at him and Maya greets him with a weak smile. "huh, didn't know you'd still be alive" Shion says raising his brow
Maya's stomach churns at Shion's comment, a wave of nausea washing over her. She fights to maintain her composure, forcing herself to keep a neutral expression despite the discomfort gnawing at her insides. "Just lucky, I guess," she manages to reply, her voice barely above a whisper.
Shion's eyes linger on her for a moment longer, his gaze sharp and assessing, before he turns his attention back to Izana. "Where to, boss?" he asks, his tone curt and businesslike.
Izana settles into the backseat of the car, motioning for Maya to join him. "You know the place," he says casually, his tone betraying nothing of his intentions.
Maya slides into the car beside Izana, her nerves on edge as they pull away from the curb. After a few minutes of driving, she speaks up "uh, where are we going?" she fiddles with the bracelet he gifted her
"I have a meeting to go to then we'll go for lunch," Izana says as he undoes the button on his suit jacket "You can just stay in the car with Shion"
She can only nod as her unease grows with each passing moment. She nods silently, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. The car glides through the bustling streets of the city, the rhythmic hum of the engine the only sound breaking the silence. "uh..." she decides to speak again, fiddling with the gold Cartier love bracelet "I couldn't find the screwdriver for the bracelet in the box last night while I was trying to take it off. Do you have it?"
Izana who is on his phone doesn't even look up as he says "hm? No actually. I left it in the box after I put it on you. Maybe it fell somewhere"
"Oh..." she murmurs, her fingers tracing the smooth surface of the bracelet. "I-I'll have to look for it later then."
But even as she speaks, a sense of resignation washes over her. Deep down, she knows that finding the key is just another impossibility in a world where she's already lost control.
But of course, Maya doesn't know Izana still has the screwdriver.
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"So... You guys fucking?" Shion starts a poor attempt at conversation while they sit in the car outside a large warehouse for Izana's 'meeting' to end
He's looking at her through the rear-view mirror. Maya's cheeks flush crimson at Shion's blunt question, her eyes widening in shock at his audacity. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, her gaze darting nervously around the car before settling on Shion's reflection in the rear-view mirror. "Uh, excuse me?" she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart pounding in her chest.
Shion merely shrugs, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Just making conversation," he replies casually, his tone laced with amusement. "You and the boss seem pretty cozy, that's all."
Maya's cheeks burn hotter with embarrassment, her mind racing as she searches for a suitable response. "uh... no we're not..."
Shion shrugs again. "yeah that was a stupid question. I just didn't know what else to say"
Maya lets out a nervous chuckle, grateful for Shion's change of topic. "It's okay," she replies, her voice tinged with relief. "I get it. It's just... I'm still getting used to everything."
Shion nods in understanding, his smirk softening into a more sympathetic expression. "Yeah, I can imagine," he says, his tone surprisingly gentle. "It's a lot to take in, especially with someone like Izana."
Maya's shoulders relax slightly at Shion's empathetic response. Despite his initial brashness, she senses a genuine sincerity in his words. "Yeah," she agrees with a small nod. "It definitely is."
Before Shion can respond, Izana reaches the car, his presence filling the space with an air of authority. Maya's heart quickens at his approach, her thoughts momentarily distracted from the awkward conversation with Shion. As Izana slides into the car beside her, Maya steals a glance at him. She furrows her brows seeing he isn't wearing his tie or suit jacket anymore, instead, they're hanging off his arm, the sleeves of his black dress shirt are rolled up to his elbows and the top few buttons are undone. Oh wow. Wow. Wow. He looks good. Maya's breath catches in her throat as she takes in Izana's appearance. Despite the casual attire, there's an undeniable aura of power and confidence emanating from him, drawing her in like a moth to a flame. She feels a flush rise to her cheeks as she realizes just how striking he looks, his rugged charm only adding to his magnetic presence. "Everything alright?" Izana's voice interrupts her reverie, pulling her back to reality. His piercing gaze meets hers, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
Maya clears her throat, forcing herself to focus. "Uh, yeah, everything's fine," she replies, her voice slightly breathless. "Just... thinking."
Izana quirks an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "About what, exactly?" he asks, his tone teasing.
Maya's cheeks flush a deeper shade of red at the implication of his question. "N-Nothing important," she stammers, averting her gaze to hide her embarrassment.
Izana chuckles softly, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. "Well, if you say so," he replies, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before turning back to Shion.
"Everything go well?" Shion asks
"yup" Izana answers simply "Now, let's get going. I'm starving." With that, he turns his attention to Shion, giving him a nod to start the car.
As the car pulls away from the warehouse, Maya can't shake the fluttering sensation in her chest. Kurokawa Izana is unfairly hot. How is it that older guys are always so hot? Maya's phone buzzes and her eyes widen realizing she forgot about Chifuyu. "answer it" Izana says
Matsuno Chifuyu, the guy who is the reason she is quite literally still alive because of and her first love. One sided love actually. Maya has been in love with Chifuyu since middle school. He was a good 5 years older than her and he didn't like her back. Due to all the things going on, she hadn't contacted him and of course, he was worried(she texted him maybe 100 times a day, obviously he'd notice if she stopped). Maya is about to decline the call but Izana takes the phone and answers it, putting it on speaker. She can't help but glare at him. "hello?" Chifuyu says
Maya is about to snatch the phone from Izana but he pulls back and just smiles teasingly. Chifuyu keeps talking on the phone while Izana mutes it and Maya keeps trying to take it back. "Give it back" She hisses as Izana moves to the other side of the car, his back pressing against the door
Izana just grabs her waist with one hand and then unmutes the phone. Immediately Maya stops trying to pull it out of his grasp and goes quiet, the only sound in the car being the hum of the engine. "Maya? Hello~?" Chifuyu says and Izana gestures for her to talk
Maya's eye twitches in annoyance. "hello" she answers back
"fucking finally. where have you been? You haven't texted me in two days!"
Izana's arm around her waist tightens. "I-I've been busy... I quit the hospital and—"
"After the first day?!" He cuts her off and Izana looks like he wants to laugh
Maya just glares even harder at him. "I got a better job. It uh... pays a lot better" She wasn't about to tell Chifuyu the truth
Kakucho had explained to her pretty vaguely that Chifuyu and Kazutora had left Tokyo Manji Gang years ago and probably just didn't want her to be afraid of them. They had retired and were good people, only a part of the gang before it became as big as it is today. Maya had no reason to feel betrayed. Chifuyu and Kazutora's past had nothing to do with her. "Better job? One that got you out of your tiny ass house? I even went to your apartment today to check on you but your landlady said you moved out"
Maya laughs nervously. "My new job pays me to be... closer" It wasn't exactly a lie
"c-close? Oh my god Maya don't tell me you actually took Kazutora's joke of becoming a sugar baby seriously?!"
Maya turns red at his words as she makes eye contact with Izana who has a mischievous smile on his face, very clearly enjoying this conversation. Chifuyu wasn't too far off though. She might as well be Izana's sugar baby. The only thing left was sleeping with him. "What the fuck? NO!" She replies quickly "I'm not sleeping with old men... A-And I have to go Chifuyu... I'll call you later"
Before Chifuyu can say anything, Maya grabs the phone out of Izana's hand and ends the call. Izana looks like he wants to laugh and Maya just glares at him. "You can't just do that" She says
"hm? and why not?" He asks with a smile
It's right then that Maya realizes while she was trying to get the phone from Izana she ended up in his lap and his arms were now around her body. Her face turns bright red. Shion whistles teasingly from the driver's seat and Maya pulls herself out of Izana's grasp, landing back on the leather seat. "You're so..." Maya pauses and then groans in annoyance, clutching her phone tightly
Izana just shrugs and starts fixing his shirt as Shion pulls into the parking lot of some high-end-looking restaurant. "Use your words, I don't know what that sound means" Izana says teasingly as he loops his tie around his neck
Maya rolls her eyes and then decides to not be so cautious about her words for a moment. "You're really annoying and childish"
What she said wasn't even that bad but Izana seemed like the person to get angry at any form of criticism, even sarcastic like the one she just said. Maya expects Izana to get angry but he doesn't. Instead, he laughs and says "hm, you think so?"
And so, Maya decides she should try and see how far she can push before Izana pulls out a gun on her.
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It lasts for months. Maya trying to get under Izana's skin and he just responds back in an equally teasing manner. At this point, his system has been completely detoxified of the drugs and he's doing much much better. At this point, Maya is very much a damn freeloader too. Izana just keeps giving her things and she's always attempting to be mean. Izana must think she's flirting or something.
Well... She kinda is. But then again, with a wallet like that, who wouldn't? Sure he tortured her previous employer right in front of her but what's bygones is bygones right? Maybe that made her a little morally grey but when you're fresh out of uni with no money and suddenly given a whole bunch all at once and your loans have been paid off, maybe living with a murderer and using his money isn't that bad. Right?
Maya is their therapist of some sort. Izana is paying her a lot to stick around and in this economy, she'd be stupid not to. Her rent is paid, and she never has to worry about food or money. Things are scarily comfortable so she hasn't let her guard down. Who knows when Izana will pull the carpet out from beneath her feet? He is very sweet though sometimes— Izana. Kakucho as well. Out of everyone though, Maya got along with Shion the most. They bonded over Izana being an asshole. "And so I told him, I'm not an escort. I won't go to your stupid fancy party just to make you look good" Maya says making wild hand gestures
She and Shion were in the car, both in casual clothes rather than the formal wear Maya had gotten accustomed to. Shion looks like a back street drug dealer in his all-black outfit with cargo pants and a hoodie and Maya looks like a high school with her basketball shorts and hoodie. There is fast food resting on the armrest between the driver and passenger seat and two drinks in both cup holders. "shut up you did not say that" Shion says as he picks up his drink "Am I talking to a ghost right now? Did Big Boss kill you?"
He reaches over and tries to make his hand go through her face in case he is talking to a ghost. Maya smacks his hand away and kicks off her sneakers so she can get more comfortable and shoves a bunch of fries in her mouth. "fuck off dude" she says then looks away "I didn't exactly say that but y'know... something along the lines"
Shion narrows his eyes. "pussy"
Maya gasps about to throw the entire pack of fries at him. "Take that back!"
It's about 12:30 am. Dark outside and not a person was in sight in the parking lot of the fast-food place. Shion apparently loved the place and she could understand why. They often took late-night runs and Shion being her 'driver' took her where she wanted. He at first did say it was boring but he figured that shopping and doing groceries was a lot less stressful than meeting with foreign mafia. After all, Tokyo Manji Gang was getting a lot bigger. "Anyways, Izana is fine now. Why does he keep you around?" Shion asks as he takes a bite of his burger
Maya shrugs. "Beats me. Overpaid escort I guess"
"Or maybe..." Shion says slowly with a suggestive tone raising his brows
"No" Maya shuts him down immediately, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment "I dunno why he keeps me around"
Shion just grins. "he likes you~"
"fuck off, what are you? 12?" Maya grumbles in annoyance "That scary man doesn't seem like he's capable of love"
"oh he is—" Shion is cut off when there is a knock on the driver-side window
They both screech at the same time. There stands Izana in a suit, his gun pressed against the glass. "OH MY GOD!" Shion screams louder than Maya
"DRIVE!" Maya screams
The mood in the car shifts from playful to terrified in an instant. Izana's expression is a mix of annoyance and amusement as he watches their panic through the glass. "Calm down, you fucking idiots," he says, his voice muffled but clear through the closed window. "Open the door."
Shion, still pale and shaking, fumbles with the lock and opens the door. Izana slides into the backseat, his presence dominating the small space. He puts his gun away, but the tension remains thick in the air. "What the hell are you two doing out here?" he asks, his tone deceptively calm.
Maya, heart still racing, struggles to regain her composure. "W-We were just getting some food," she stammers, holding up the pack of fries as evidence. "It's late, and we were hungry."
Izana raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "You know it's not safe for you to be out here like this without extra security," he says, his gaze shifting between Shion and Maya. "Especially you, Maya."
For some reason Izana using her name rather than the nickname she had gotten used to coming from him made her feel odd. "Yeah, boss, sorry. I didn't think—" Shion gulps, nodding fervently
"That's right, you didn't think," Izana interrupts, his voice sharp. "You're supposed to be her protector, not her playmate."
Maya looks outside the window to see multiple cars with multiple people standing outside in suits. Was something going on? She feels nervous and Izana's words about Shion being her protector made her wonder what he meant. "I-Izana is something going on—"
"Not right now, Maya" Izana cuts her off and looks at Shion "You should have known better. Do you not remember what was happening tonight?"
Maya feels nervous and a little frightened. Shion's face goes pale as the gravity of the situation dawns on him. "Boss, I—"
Izana cuts him off with a dismissive wave. "Save it, Shion. Get her back to the apartment. Now."
Maya feels her stomach churn with anxiety as she glances at the men outside, their serious expressions and ready stances indicating that something significant is unfolding tonight. She turns to Izana, her voice trembling. "Izana, what's happening?"
Izana meets her gaze, his eyes cold and unyielding. "Business," he says simply, his tone leaving no room for further questions. "Go back to the apartment."
Maya nods, swallowing her fear. Shion starts the car, his hands still trembling, and they drive off, the silence between them heavy with unspoken words. As they make their way back, Shion's grip on the steering wheel tightens. "Maya, I'm sorry," he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. "I messed up."
Maya shakes her head, trying to offer some comfort. "It's okay, Shion. We didn't know."
"No, it's not okay," he insists, his voice strained. "Izana doesn't take mistakes lightly. I put you in danger, and that's not something I can easily forgive myself for."
They reach the apartment, and Shion parks the car, turning to face her. "Stay inside and lock the doors. I'll be downstairs, keeping an eye out."
Maya nods, stepping out of the car and heading into the building. As she rides the elevator up to her floor, her mind races with thoughts of what could be happening and what kind of trouble Izana might be dealing with. She tries to shake off the worry, reminding herself that Izana is capable and resourceful. Once inside her apartment, she locks the door and leans against it, taking a deep breath. The opulence of her surroundings feels starkly at odds with the tension and fear coursing through her. She walks over to the large windows, looking out at the city below, the lights twinkling in the night. A sense of isolation washes over her as she realizes just how entangled she has become in Izana's world. The luxury and security come with a price, and tonight she had glimpsed a piece of that cost. She wrapped her arms around herself, wishing for a moment of normalcy, a life where she didn't have to worry about the dangerous games played by men like Izana.
The night had been going well. Or well at least she thought it was. Oh god, Maya hoped Shion wasn't in trouble. It was just a harmless outing after all. They were just getting food. Maya's fingers tremble as she reaches for her phone and texts Izana.
[12:54 am] don't be mad at Shion I was the one that insisted
Izana just leaves her on read and it makes Maya even more anxious. She isn't sure if she or Shion are in trouble. She hopes they aren't. But at the same time, Maya isn't sure when she got so used to this violent life. It was bad. The minutes stretched into an eternity as Maya anxiously waited for a response from Izana, her eyes flickering to her phone every few seconds. The silence from him was deafening, and her mind raced with worst-case scenarios. She paced the length of her living room, her nerves frayed and her thoughts jumbled. Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, she sank onto the plush couch, trying to calm her racing heart. The city's lights glittered outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, but they provided little comfort. Maya's thoughts were consumed by worry for Shion and the potential consequences of their late-night outing. Her phone buzzed, breaking the silence, and she snatched it up with trembling hands, hoping for a message from Izana. Instead, it was Shion.
[1:05 am] Don't worry about me Just stay inside
Maya sighed in relief, but it was short-lived. The uncertainty of the situation still loomed over her. She typed out a quick response.
[1:06 am] I will I'm sorry
She set her phone down and leaned back, closing her eyes in an attempt to steady her breathing. The night's events replayed in her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her chest. Despite her growing familiarity with this dangerous world, she couldn't ignore the fear that gnawed at her. Hours passed in restless silence. Maya couldn't bring herself to sleep, so she decided to distract herself with a book. She picked up a novel from the coffee table and tried to lose herself in the story, but her mind kept drifting back to Izana and Shion. The unease wouldn't leave her, and every noise from the city outside made her jump. As dawn approached, the first light of morning filtering through the windows, Maya's phone buzzed again. She grabbed it, her heart leaping with hope and fear. It was a message from Izana.
[5:47 am] Shion's fine. Don't do that again. No more late night outings Not anytime soon.
Maya let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. It wasn't exactly comforting, but at least it meant Shion wasn't in immediate danger. She quickly typed a response.
[5:48 am] I won't I'm sorry
She set her phone down and rubbed her eyes, exhaustion finally catching up with her. The adrenaline that had kept her awake all night was wearing off, leaving her feeling drained. She decided to take a quick shower, hoping the warm water would help clear her mind. As she stood under the stream, she couldn't help but reflect on how much her life had changed in such a short time. The luxury and security of her new lifestyle came with strings attached, and she was constantly navigating the fine line between safety and danger. Izana's world was one of power and control, and Maya was acutely aware of her precarious position within it.
Dressed in fresh clothes, Maya returned to the living room, feeling slightly more composed. The city outside was beginning to wake up, and she could hear the distant sounds of traffic and activity. She made herself a cup of coffee and settled on the couch, determined to stay alert and ready for whatever the day might bring. As she sipped her coffee, she glanced at her phone again, hoping for more communication from Izana. She knew better than to push him, but the silence was maddening. She decided to text him again, keeping it light and non-confrontational.
[6:15 am] Good morning Do you need anything today?
She waited, her heart pounding with anticipation. The minutes ticked by slowly, and just when she was about to give up hope for a response, her phone buzzed.
[6:22 am] Be ready by 9 We're going out.
Maya's heart skipped a beat. She had no idea what Izana had planned, but she knew better than to question him. She set her coffee down and began to prepare for the day, her mind racing with possibilities. Maya took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She glanced at the clock and realized she had just under three hours to get ready. She decided to take her time, knowing that projecting confidence and control was essential in Izana's world.
After another quick shower to freshen up, Maya meticulously selected her outfit. She opted for a mid-length black dress with a sweetheart neckline and white trim, paired with comfortable yet stylish heels. She knew that appearances mattered greatly to Izana, and she wanted to make sure she looked the part. Her hair was styled neatly, and she applied just enough makeup to highlight her features without overdoing it. By the time she finished getting ready, it was 8:45 am. Maya took a moment to collect herself, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She grabbed her phone, keys, and a small handbag before heading out of her apartment. As she stepped into the hallway, she found Shion waiting for her, leaning casually against the wall. His usual smirk was in place, but there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes. "Morning," he greeted her, straightening up.
"Morning, Shion," Maya replied, offering a small smile. She felt a mixture of relief and nervousness at seeing him again after the previous night's events. "Izana said we have plans today."
Shion nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Yeah, he's waiting downstairs. Let's go."
They walked to the elevator in silence, the tension from the previous night still lingering between them. As the elevator descended, Maya glanced at Shion, searching for any signs of what might be in store for them. He met her gaze and gave a reassuring nod, though it did little to ease her apprehension. When they reached the lobby, Maya spotted Izana standing near the entrance, his presence commanding as always. He was dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, his expression unreadable. As they approached, he turned to face them, his eyes briefly scanning Maya's outfit before nodding in approval. "You're ready," Izana stated, his tone leaving no room for doubt.
"Yes," Maya replied, her voice steady. "Where are we going?"
"Brunch," Izana said with a cryptic smile, motioning for them to follow him "We're getting Kakucho first"
They stepped outside, where the usual sleek black Lexus awaited them. Izana opened the back door for Maya, a rare gesture of chivalry that didn't go unnoticed. She slid into the car, followed by Izana and Shion, who took the driver's seat as usual. The drive was quiet, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the occasional soft clicks from Izana's phone as he checked messages. Maya's mind raced with possibilities of what this brunch might entail, especially after what happened last night. They stop at another large apartment building and a few minutes later Kakucho steps out and gets into the passenger seat at the front and Shion starts driving again. Maya hasn't seen Kakucho as much lately. He was busy according to Shion and Maya doesn't think she wants to know the details.
Evil doesn't rest is something Maya remembers reading some time ago. It seems it's true because even gang members can't have much time to rest. Maya can't help but wonder if she is their only connection to normalcy. Maybe that's why Shion lets her talk to him all informally even though he's 9 years older; Maybe that's why Kakucho lets her mess around with him; Maybe that's why Izana lets her spit out smart comments.
As they drove through the city, Maya reflected on the question Shion had asked her last night: why does Izana keep you around?
Izana kept Maya around for normalcy.
To feel a little less like a bad person.
Izana had long recovered from his addiction and didn't even smoke anymore, only drinking for leisure. Maya was a reminder of what it felt like to be a regular person, a tether to a world he could never fully inhabit but still wanted to touch.
When they arrived at their destination, an upscale brunch spot tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, Izana led the way inside. The restaurant was elegant, with soft jazz playing in the background and sunlight streaming through large windows. They were seated at a private table in the back, away from prying eyes. As they settled in, the waiter came to take their orders. Maya glanced at the menu, her mind still buzzing with thoughts. She ordered a simple meal, trying to gauge the atmosphere. The place was empty. "Do you own this place too?" She asks as Izana pours himself water
Izana hums. "Of course, bunny" Ah, he was back to calling her that "How else do you think I booked the place out? Is this the first time I've brought you here?"
As usual, it was only her and Izana together in the restaurant. Shion never joined them as he'd go do whatever errands Izana assigned him and Kakucho was never in the mood to 'third wheel'. Maya's thoughts were interrupted as the waiter returned with their drinks. She took a sip of her orange juice, the tartness a welcome distraction from her swirling thoughts. "I guess it is the first time," she responded, her voice carrying a hint of awe as she looked around the empty, elegant space. "It's beautiful."
Izana smiled, clearly pleased by her reaction. "I thought you might like it. It's one of my favorite spots. Quiet, private."
"Must be nice to have so many places you can call your own," Maya said, trying to keep the conversation light. "Do you ever get tired of it?"
Izana leaned back in his chair, studying her. "Sometimes. But it's necessary. In my line of work, privacy and control are everything."
She nodded, understanding the underlying message. In Izana's world, trust was a luxury few could afford. As their food arrived, Maya glanced at the beautifully presented dishes. Despite the tension and the ever-present undercurrent of danger, moments like these almost felt normal. Almost. "How's your breakfast?" Izana asked, cutting into his food.
"It's delicious," Maya replied, taking a bite. "Thank you for bringing me here."
Izana waved off her thanks. They ate in silence for a while till she spoke up again "Uh... What was last night about?"
Izana puts his utensils down and Maya immediately regrets touching the topic. "Maya..." Oh there he was using her name again
Maya had gotten so used to being called bunny by Izana that now it just felt wrong when he called her by her name. May puts down her utensils as well, looking at him nervously. "There is something I didn't account for when bringing you along places with me even if you were just in the car most of the time and the only places we went were restaurants..." Izana says cautiously
What did he have to be cautious about? Maya's pulse quickened as Izana's tone turned serious. She swallowed hard, waiting for him to continue, her mind racing with all the possible directions this conversation could go. The elegant surroundings and the quiet, empty restaurant suddenly felt like a pressure cooker, the weight of Izana's words bearing down on her. Izana sighed, leaning forward slightly, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her breath hitch. "Maya, being around me, being part of my life, it's dangerous. Last night, we had a close call. I underestimated the risks involved in keeping you close, even if it's just for something as simple as getting food."
Maya frowned, confusion and concern swirling in her mind. "What do you mean? What kind of close call?"
"There are always people watching, always enemies waiting for a moment of weakness," Izana explained, his voice low and measured. "Last night, we had a situation that could have escalated. You and Shion were vulnerable, and it was a mistake for me and Shion to let our guards down, even for a moment."
Maya's stomach churned. She hadn't realized the full extent of the danger she was in, or how her presence might complicate things for Izana and his operations. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to put anyone at risk."
Izana shook his head, a rare, almost tender expression softening his features. "It's not your fault, bunny. It's mine. I should have been more careful."
She shifts in place. "What exactly does this mean for me?"
"Someone put a bounty on your head, sweetheart... That's what it means"
Maya felt a cold chill run down her spine at Izana's words. The world around her seemed to narrow, the elegant restaurant fading into the background as the weight of the revelation settled in. Her mouth went dry, and she had to swallow hard before she could speak again. "A bounty?" she echoed, her voice barely audible.
Izana nodded, his expression grim. "Yes. It seems my enemies believe that getting to you might be a way to get to me. I underestimated how visible our connection had become."
Maya's mind raced. She had known that being around Izana came with risks, but she had never imagined something like this. "What... what are we going to do?"
Izana reached across the table, taking her hand in his. His touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the deadly world he inhabited and to the teasing and patronizing way he usually treated her. "I'm going to keep you safe," he said firmly. "You'll stay closer to me from now on. I'll increase your security. We need to make sure you're protected at all times."
Maya looked into his eyes, seeing a flicker of something she hadn't expected: genuine concern. Despite his ruthless exterior, it seemed Izana did care about her well-being. "Okay," she said, squeezing his hand. "I'll do whatever you think is best."
Izana nodded, releasing her hand and leaning back in his chair. "Good. For now, just enjoy your breakfast. We'll discuss the details later."
But even as Maya eats she can't help but feel sick. As they leave the restaurant, Shion and Kakucho are already back from whatever they had to do. It's as they're driving, Maya's phone buzzes with a text.
[10:54 am] watch your back, doctor
Maya stares at the text in confusion and then comes another.
[10:54 am] Izana won't be able to keep you safe forever
Instantly she feels her stomach churn and her mouth fill with saliva. "Shion..." she says weakly "Pull over"
He looks at her through the rearview mirror, Kakucho and Izana turning to her as well. "Maya are you okay?" Kakucho asks, furrowing his brow
Maya just grips her phone tight. "I'm gonna throw up, pull over"
The car comes to a screeching halt on the fairly empty road and she stumbles out of the car. She barely made it to the side before doubling over, retching violently again. Izana was beside her in an instant, holding her steady with an arm around her waist and hand holding her hair back. "Maya, what happened?" he asked, his voice a mix of concern and anger.
She handed him her phone, still trembling and hunched over. He read the messages, his expression darkening with each word. "Who sent these?" he demanded, his grip tightening on her phone.
"I don't know," Maya managed to say between breaths. "It was a blocked number."
Shion and Kakucho are standing right by them, water bottle in hand. Izana trades Maya's phone for the water bottle and makes her drink. Maya took a few sips of the water, her hands shaking. Izana's presence was both reassuring and terrifying. She could see the fury simmering just beneath the surface of his calm exterior. "We need to get you back to the apartment," he said firmly, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any immediate threats.
Shion nodded and quickly moved to open the car door for Maya. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe," he urged.
As they got back into the car, the atmosphere was tense. Izana was on his phone, barking orders to his security team, ensuring every possible measure was taken to protect Maya. Kakucho sat in the front, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, while Shion kept checking the rearview mirror, alert for any sign of trouble. Maya leaned back in her seat, trying to steady her breathing. She felt a mixture of fear and guilt—fear for her safety and guilt for causing such a commotion. She glanced at Izana, who was now off the phone and staring out the window, his jaw clenched. "Sorry" she whispered, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her.
Izana turned to her, his expression softening slightly. "It's not your fault, bunny" he said, using the nickname that now felt oddly comforting
Izana pulls Maya over into his arms so she's pressed into his side. Maru looks up at him, sad-scared puppy eyes melting his cold heart. "shh~, c'mere" he murmurs, pulling her up so she's sitting across his lap
It felt nice being comforted by a man that was cruel to everyone else. Maya nestled into Izana's embrace, her anxiety slowly ebbing away as his steady presence enveloped her. She could feel the tension in his body, a coiled spring ready to unleash fury on anyone who dared threaten her. For a moment, she allowed herself to find solace in his strength, pushing away the fear and uncertainty that had gripped her earlier. The drive back to the apartment was tense, the atmosphere thick with unspoken fears and simmering anger. Maya stayed curled up in Izana's lap, her head resting against his chest. Izana's grip on her tightened slightly, a protective gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Shion and Kakucho. They exchanged glances, both aware of the gravity of the situation "shhh..." Izana hushes gently every time he felt her shiver
He holds the back of her head, pressing her face to the crook of her neck. Maru wraps. her arms around Izana's neck, clinging to him for comfort and security. Maya never thought she'd go to Izana for something other than money, especially after knowing everything he'd done, especially after watching him order his men to torture her former employers to death.
It was all because it was so nice being comforted by a man who was cruel to everyone else.
Izana pulls her impossibly closer to his chest. The tension in the car was palpable, each mile stretching the silence as they made their way back to the apartment. Izana held Maya securely, his thumb tracing soothing circles on her bare knee while his other arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Despite the chaotic swirl of emotions, she found herself relaxing into his embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her ear acting as a grounding anchor.
When they finally reached the apartment, Shion and Kakucho quickly exited the car to ensure the area was secure. Izana gently shifted Maya, preparing to carry her inside. "It's okay," she murmured, trying to stand on her own, but her legs were shaky, and she had to lean on Izana for support.
"You don't have to be strong all the time, bunny," Izana said softly, lifting her effortlessly into his arms. "Let me take care of you."
Maya didn't protest further, resting her head against his shoulder as he carried her into the building. Once inside, they were greeted by a heightened security presence. Izana's men were everywhere, scanning the surroundings with keen eyes, their postures alert and ready for any potential threat. The usual quiet luxury of the apartment now felt like a fortress under siege.
Even in the elevator, he doesn't put her down, carrying Maya bridal style, no longer caring who sees. Izana carried her to the living room and gently placed her on the couch in his penthouse. "Listen to me, Maya," he said, his voice firm yet gentle as he kneeled in front of her "I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. But you need to stay vigilant. Don't go anywhere without Shion or Kakucho or any of my top men. Shion, Kakucho, Ran, Rindo, Mochi— only them. Understand?"
Maya nodded, her heart pounding. "I understand," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Izana stood up and turned to Kakucho and Shion, who had just entered the room. "I want a full sweep of the building. No one gets in or out without my explicit permission," he ordered, his tone brooking no argument.
Shion nodded, his expression serious. "Got it, boss."
Maya watched as he moved with a sense of purpose, directing his men and checking the locks. Shion and Kakucho were by his side, their expressions mirroring his seriousness. She felt a pang of guilt for being the cause of such turmoil but reminded herself that Izana's world had always been dangerous. She was just more aware of it now.
Izana directs more of his men to her apartment as well to do a sweep of her place too. Maya just watches, fingers curled into her dress. Once it seems like Izana has given his men enough orders, he crouches down in front of her again down on one knee. It's an odd sight to see a man so powerful kneeling, let alone being kind. "How about you stay up here tonight..." Izana murmurs as he begins to unstrap her heels from her feet
He isn't asking but Maya tires to protest anyway. "You don't have to—"
As expected, he doesn't let her protest either. 
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A week passes like that. Maya stays in Kakucho's room and Izana refuses to let her leave the penthouse without any of them. Now, had she been your typical dark romance novel female lead, Maya would be begging to leave and get out. But no. Maya grew up all alone, having to provide for herself. Here, in this huge penthouse owned by scary gangsters with the country under their boot, she didn't have to lift a single finger. It was honestly amazing if you ignore the current threat to her life. 
During that week, Maya settled into an unexpected routine of luxury and security, a stark contrast to her previous life. She had her meals prepared, her every need attended to, and she could actually relax, albeit under constant surveillance. Despite the danger, she found herself growing more comfortable with Izana and his men, even if the circumstances were far from normal.
One evening, as she sat on the balcony of the penthouse, watching the sunset over the city, Izana joined her. He handed her a glass of wine, and they sat in companionable silence for a few moments. The orange and pink hues of the sky reflected off the glass buildings, casting a warm glow over everything. "You seem more at ease," Izana observed, taking a sip of his drink.
Maya glanced at him, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I guess I am. It's strange, isn't it? Feeling safe in a place surrounded by danger."
Izana nodded, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "Danger is relative. In my world, safety is a luxury we create, not something we find."
Maya pondered his words, understanding the depth behind them. She had seen firsthand the lengths Izana went to ensure her protection, and she couldn't deny the sense of security that came with his presence. "Thank you, Izana," she said softly, turning to look at him. "For everything."
Izana's gaze met hers, a rare, genuine warmth in his eyes. "You're welcome, bunny. But I must say this is my fault. I should have known the consequences of bringing a civilian along with me everywhere. Of course someone was going to put a hit on you"
Maya just shakes her. Of course, Izana was right but she wouldn't outright say that to him. "Also" Izana continues "There is a party on Friday. I'd like you to come with me"
And Maya agrees. What's the worst that could happen?
Later that night, as Maya prepared for bed, there was a soft knock on her door. She opened it to find Kakucho standing there, his usual stoic expression softened by concern. "Just wanted to check on you," he said simply.
Maya smiled, touched by his gesture. "I'm okay, Kakucho. Thanks for asking."
He nodded, lingering for a moment as if unsure whether to say more. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me," he finally said, his voice gentle.
"I will," Maya replied, appreciating the support from him and the others. She watched as Kakucho left, feeling a strange mix of emotions. This life of danger and luxury was a far cry from the one she had known, but she was adapting in ways she hadn't expected.
As she lay in bed, thoughts swirling in her mind, Maya couldn't help but reflect on how much her life had changed in such a short time. She had gone from a struggling therapist to a woman under the protection of one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the city. And yet, amidst the chaos, she had found a semblance of peace, even if it was fragile and fleeting.
The days continued in a similar fashion, with Maya growing more accustomed to her new reality. She found herself laughing more with Shion and Kakucho, enjoying their company despite the circumstances. Izana remained a constant, his presence both commanding and comforting. 
Soon comes Friday, the day of the party Izana was talking about.
Maya stood in front of the full-length mirror in Kakucho's room, adjusting the strap of the elegant dress Izana had chosen for her. It was a deep blue in the same shade as her eyes, accentuating her figure without being too revealing. The fabric felt luxurious against her skin, a stark reminder of the opulence she had been thrust into. "Are you ready?" Izana's voice came from the doorway. 
She turned to see him leaning against the frame, looking impeccable in a tailored suit. His eyes held a mix of pride and something deeper that she couldn't quite place. "Almost," she replied, taking a deep breath. "How do I look?"
"Perfect," Izana said, stepping forward and offering his arm. "Shall we?"
Maya took his arm, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement. She was stepping into a world that was both fascinating and terrifying, but with Izana by her side, she felt an unexpected surge of confidence. As they descended to the lobby, Shion and Kakucho were already waiting, dressed sharply in suits. They both gave her approving nods, a silent reassurance that she was part of their inner circle tonight.
The drive to the party was relatively quiet, the tension in the air more anticipatory than fearful. Maya couldn't help but wonder what kind of people attended these events and what role she was expected to play. When they arrived, the venue was a sprawling mansion on the outskirts of the city, its grandeur illuminated by an array of lights. The driveway was lined with expensive cars, and elegantly dressed guests milled about, sipping champagne and exchanging pleasantries. Izana led Maya inside, his hand resting possessively on her lower back. As they entered the grand hall, Maya was struck by the sheer opulence of the place. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the room. Tables were adorned with lavish floral arrangements, and a string quartet played softly in the background. "Stay close to me," Izana whispered in her ear, his breath warm against her skin. "And remember, you're here as my guest. No one will dare harm you while you're with me."
Maya nodded, her heart pounding. She clung to Izana's side, observing the room and its occupants. There were people of all ages, mingling and chatting, but she could sense the underlying tension. This was not just a social event; it was a gathering of power players, each with their own agendas. As they made their way through the crowd, several people approached Izana, exchanging polite greetings and respectful nods. He introduced Maya as his companion, and she noticed the curious glances and whispers that followed them. "Izana, my friend," a smooth voice interrupted their progress. Maya turned to see a tall, impeccably dressed man with a predatory smile. "It's been too long."
"Takeda," Izana replied, his tone polite but guarded. "Good to see you."
Takeda's gaze shifted to Maya, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And who is this lovely lady?"
"This is Kaneko Maya," Izana said, his grip on her tightening slightly. "She's with me."
Takeda nodded, his smile never wavering. "A pleasure to meet you, Maya. I hope you're enjoying the evening."
"I am, thank you," Maya replied, her voice steady despite the unease she felt.
As Takeda moved on, Izana leaned in close. "Be careful around him. He's not to be trusted."
Maya nodded, grateful for the warning. The evening continued, a whirlwind of introductions and conversations. Maya did her best to remember names and faces, but it was overwhelming. Izana never left her side, his presence a constant source of reassurance. At one point, they stepped out onto a terrace overlooking the gardens. The cool night air was a welcome relief from the crowded room, and Maya took a moment to breathe deeply, trying to calm her racing heart. "Are you holding up okay?" Izana asked, his eyes searching hers.
Maya nodded. "It's a lot to take in, but I'm managing."
Izana smiled, his expression softening. "You're doing great. Just a little longer, and then we can leave."
Before she could respond, the sound of raised voices drew their attention back to the ballroom. Izana's body tensed, and he quickly led her inside, his demeanour shifting to one of alertness. As they entered, they saw a group of men gathered near the center of the room, their argument growing more heated. Izana motioned for Shion and Kakucho, who immediately moved to flank him, ready for whatever might happen. Maya stood close to Izana, her heart pounding as the situation escalated. She could feel the tension in the room, the eyes of the guests watching intently. Izana stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. "Gentlemen," he said, his voice calm but authoritative. "Is there a problem?"
The men turned to face him, their expressions wary. One of them, a burly man with a scar across his cheek, spoke up. "Just a disagreement, Kurokawa-san. Nothing to worry about."
Izana's eyes narrowed slightly. "Make sure it stays that way. This is not the place for conflicts."
The man nodded, backing down. The tension in the room eased slightly, and the guests began to return to their conversations, though the air was still charged with an undercurrent of unease. Izana turned back to Maya, his expression softening. "Let's get out of here. We've had enough excitement for one night."
Maya nodded, grateful for the escape. As they made their way to the exit, she couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and exhaustion. The night had been a glimpse into a world she was only beginning to understand, and she knew it was just the beginning. It's as they reach the car parked outside the venue someone shouts for them to stop. It all happens too fast. You see a man in a trench coat pull something shiny. Her body moves almost on instinct as she pushes Izana out of the line of fire. The next thing she knows she's on the ground on her knees. 
Maya kneels on the cold pavement, the searing pain in her arm confirming what her mind struggled to process: she had been shot. Chaos erupted around her as Izana's men sprang into action, surrounding her and Izana with drawn weapons. She could hear Shion shouting orders, his voice a distant roar in the growing haze of her consciousness. She touches her arm and sees blood on her hands. She looks up and sees Izana staring down at her in shock. Maya thinks Izana is about to say something but before he can, she passes out. 
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The smell of antiseptic is something Maya got used to after staying in the hospital for a week. The sterile environment of the hospital room was a stark contrast to the chaos of the events that had landed Maya there. She lay in the hospital bed, her arm bandaged and elevated, the pain dulled by medication but still present. Izana sat beside her, his expression unreadable as he watched over her. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice quiet.
Maya shifted slightly, wincing at the movement. "Sore," she admitted, her voice hoarse from disuse. "But I'll survive."
Izana's gaze softened, a rare vulnerability in his eyes. "You saved my life," he said softly, his tone tinged with something akin to awe.
Maya shook her head, dismissing his praise. "I just reacted. Anyone would have done the same."
Izana reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Not anyone," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're special, Maya. You have a courage and strength that few possess."
Maya felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words, a sense of validation she hadn't expected. She had always seen herself as ordinary, unremarkable even, but hearing Izana's praise made her feel seen in a way she hadn't before. "Thank you," she murmured, her eyes meeting his. "For everything."
Izana nodded, his hand lingering on her cheek. "I should be the one thanking you," he said, his thumb tracing a gentle circle on her skin. "You've changed everything for me."
Maya felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her, a mix of gratitude and something deeper that she couldn't quite name. She reached out, taking Izana's hand in hers, their fingers intertwining. She's about to say something but then Izana pulls his hand out of her grasp. "Just before I forget"
In the blink of an eye, the gold Cartier love bracelet is locked back on her wrist. She hadn't even realized it was taken off. Maya raises her brow in amusement. "That's a priority for you?" She asks as he pockets the screwdriver
Izana just grins. "Of course it is bunny"
Maya laughs softly. "Keep the screwdriver safe, I couldn't find it last time and had it on for months"
Izana simply nods.
He doesn't give it to her. 
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A few days after Maya is discharged, Izana quite literally carries her to his room. While she insisted she could walk, Izana also insisted on carrying her. "Wait, why your room?" Maya asks as he sets her down on his bed
"hm, I thought it was time to give Kakucho his room back" Izana says simply as he removes his suit jacket
"Could've just left me in my apartment too" She tells him "it's literally right under this one"
Izana's eyes flashed with a mix of amusement and something more possessive as he hung his suit jacket on the back of a chair. "I want you close, Maya. You know that."
Maya sighed, knowing any further argument would be futile. Izana was nothing if not stubborn, especially when it came to her safety. She looked around his room, noting the minimalistic yet luxurious decor, a stark contrast to her own apartment. "Fine," she conceded, leaning back against the plush pillows. "But you're making a habit of this."
Izana's lips curved into a small smile as he unbuttoned his shirt cuffs. "Perhaps I am," he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her. "But it’s a habit I have no intention of breaking."
Maya watched him, feeling a mixture of exasperation and affection. The week in the hospital had been an emotional rollercoaster, and now, back in the penthouse, she felt a sense of surreal calm. Despite the danger, despite the chaos, she had found a strange comfort in Izana's presence. Maya sighed, knowing better than to argue with him. Despite the lingering pain in her arm, she felt a strange sense of security in his room. It was luxurious, just like the rest of the penthouse, but it also had a personal touch that reflected Izana’s taste—minimalist, with dark tones and high-end finishes. As Izana busied himself with something on his desk, Maya settled into the plush bed, sinking into the soft comforter. She felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her, the events of the past weeks catching up. Izana returned to her side, a glass of water in hand. "Here, take these," he said, handing her a couple of painkillers.
Maya took the pills, grateful for the relief they promised. She downed them with a sip of water, then handed the glass back to Izana. "Thank you," she murmured, leaning back against the pillows.
Izana sat on the edge of the bed, watching her with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat. His hand comes up, slow and careful to cup her cheek and before she knows it, their lips have locked together. Maya's mind swirled with the mixture of sensations—Izana’s firm yet gentle touch, the warmth of his lips, and the undeniable chemistry that had been building between them. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the kiss, a momentary escape from the chaos that had become her life. When they finally pulled apart, both were slightly breathless. Izana’s thumb brushed against her cheek, his gaze unwavering. “You’re incredible, you know that?” he murmured, his voice filled with a rare softness.
Maya smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. “I don’t know about that,” she replied, her voice shaky yet filled with sincerity. 
Izana leans in and kisses her again, this time more eager and a little more aggressive. Maya's pulse quickened as Izana's kiss deepened, his lips demanding and passionate. She responded in kind, her hands moving up to tangle in his hair. The intensity of the moment was electrifying, every touch sending shivers down her spine. Izana's hand slid from her cheek to the back of her neck, pulling her closer. Maya felt herself melting into him, her worries and fears momentarily forgotten in the heat of the kiss. When they finally broke apart, both were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting against each other.
“Izana,” Maya whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. “What are we doing?”
Izana's eyes bore into hers, a mix of desire and determination. “What feels right,” he replied, his thumb brushing over her lips before he kisses her again
Maya's head swam with a whirlwind of emotions as Izana's lips met hers once more. The intensity of his kiss, the possessiveness in his touch, made her feel more alive than she had ever felt before. Every sensation was heightened, every touch electrifying, as they surrendered to the moment. As their kiss deepened, Maya's hands roamed over Izana's back, feeling the taut muscles beneath his shirt. His hands were no less explorative, tracing the contours of her body with a mix of tenderness and fervour. The world outside his room faded away, leaving just the two of them, entwined in a passionate embrace. It's right then that as they kiss, Izana takes her hands and starts wrapping something around her wrists. She pulls away. "I-Izana?"
"You're so pretty" He murmurs, a look of excitement in his eyes
Maya's gaze shifted between him and her wrists which he was currently tying together with his necktie, the ache in her shoulder now turned to numbness. When did he take his tie off? "Izana..." She tries saying as he loops the silk around her wrists once more
"Shhh..." He coos and presses a kiss to her forehead "It's gon' be fine. Won't be too rough with you, I know your shoulder hurts"
But it wasn't about the damn bullet wound and Maya wasn't sure how to explain it to him. "N-No wait Izana—" He finishes tying her wrists together and lowers her back onto the bed
Izana stops when he sees her panicked state. His fingers clench around the silk that binds her wrists together. "hm?"
Maya looks up at him, wide watery eyes. His heart melts. "I'm a virgin"
In an instant, the necktie is slid off her wrists but Izana makes no move to get off her. "Do you trust me?" he whispers, lips meet her cheek
With those four words, the months she has spent with Izana play through her head like a movie being played on fast forward. From the day they first met till now, Maya knows how absolutely scary most of the situations she was put into. Hell, she almost died too. Maya's heart raced as she looked into Izana's eyes, searching for any hint of deceit or malice. But all she found was sincerity, a genuine concern that made her want to believe him. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside her. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible
And Izana smiles, his lips meeting her's in another kiss.
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It's about 8 am when Maya wakes up. The night before had been... Eventful. Of course, that was one way to describe it. After Izana had taken her virginity they showered together. She's wearing her own pyjama pants but one of Izana's shirts that he didn’t bother helping her button up. Maya stares up and the ceiling, lying on her back as Izana lays next to her with an arm around her waist, still asleep. 
Maya couldn't help but feel a swirl of conflicting emotions as she lay there in the early morning light, wrapped in Izana's shirt and tangled up with him in his bed. She felt a strange mix of vulnerability and comfort, a sense of intimacy she had never experienced before. Part of her wanted to stay there forever, cocooned in this moment of peace and connection. But another part of her was filled with uncertainty, unsure of what this newfound closeness with Izana meant for their relationship.
As she gazed at him sleeping beside her, she couldn't help but marvel at the contrast between the man she had come to know and the one she had feared when they first met. Izana seemed almost... vulnerable in his sleep, his usual guarded facade softened by the peaceful expression on his face. Maya reached out, tracing the line of his jaw with her fingertips, memorizing every contour and angle.
Maya pulls her hand back and slips out of bed without waking him. Her arm was aching again and there was no more water in the glass on the bedside table. She cradles her injured arm to her chest as she walks through the empty penthouse toward the kitchen. Maya fills herself a glass of water and leans against the kitchen island as she drinks. The events of the past weeks replayed in Maya's mind like a movie, each scene more surreal than the last. She couldn't quite believe how much her life had changed since she first met Izana. From being a struggling psychiatrist to now being entangled in a world of danger and luxury, it was a journey she never could have imagined. As she stood there in the quiet of the kitchen, Maya couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at her. Her relationship with Izana had taken a sudden and unexpected turn, and she wasn't sure where they stood now. Did last night change everything, or was it just a momentary lapse in judgment? "Oh well" she thinks 
Just as she's about the head back to Izana's room, something on the counter catches her eye. Oh. It was the screwdriver for the bracelet Izana gave her. Maya picks it up. She couldn't find hers for months after Izana put the bracelet on her. She stares down at the bracelet and then puts the screwdriver in place which then unlocks it. Just as she's about to pull it off, someone speaks up. "Kaneko... Maya...?" a voice says startling her
She turned around fast, the bracelet slipping off her wrist easily now that it was unlocked. Standing a little too close for comfort is a man with pale skin, black bottomless pits as eyes and black messy long hair. He stares at her for a moment and Maya attempts to take a step back only for her back to hit the counter. "huh..." he mutters, looking at her up and down, watching Maya cradle her injured arm to her chest
He crouches down and picks up the Cartier Bracelet off the floor. "Didn't think aniki would let you walk around the place so freely like this" he murmurs as he examines the bracelet
Aniki? Oh. "You're.... Sano Manjiro"
This was Izana's younger brother. The leader of Tokyo Manji Gang. "In the flesh" Manjiro says and looks at her "But I prefer Mikey"
She just nods, keeping her arm cradled to her chest and also trying to cover up her bralette which was exposed since she hadn't buttoned up her shirt before leaving Izana's room. "Nice to finally meet the girl that's got my brother's attention" Manjiro— Mikey— says
Maya lets out a shaky exhale. "Nice to meet you too, Mikey," Maya replied, trying to keep her voice steady despite the nerves churning in her stomach. 
She couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny, especially from someone as formidable as Izana's brother. He exudes power in the same way as Izana. Although she can't help but notice they don't look alike at all. "Um can—"
"you know," Mikey starts, cutting her off as he fiddles with the bracelet "owners usually don't give their pets the key to their collar"
Maru furrows her brows at his words. "um... Excuse me?"
Mikey looks up at her with a smirk, his gaze piercing. "You heard me," he says, his tone casual yet filled with underlying tension. "You're wearing Izana's collar, aren't you?"
Maya's heart skips a beat, her mind racing as she tries to process his words. She glances down at the bracelet in his hand, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable. "It's just a bracelet," she replies, her voice defensive.
Mikey raises an eyebrow, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Is it now?" he says, his smirk widening
He turns the gold love bracelet over and shows her the inside of it. Maya felt her stomach churn uncomfortably at the sight of what was engraved onto the inside. It was a common thing. Cartier offered a service that allowed you to get what you wanted engraved on the inside of certain rings and bracelets. But this certainly wasn't what she expected. 
Engraved on the inside of the bracelet is 
property of Kurokawa Izana
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notes: ngl, I'm not super satisfied with this chapter but oh well, it's a bonus anyway. It's super fast pace, I know but it's a bonus for a reason and I kinda lost interest in writing the smut so I just left it off. Have I ever mentioned I hate writing smut which is why none of my one-shots have smut. but anyways, I hope you enjoyed :)
This is a wrap to Dead Girl's Beach and thank you so much for reading <3
special thanks to: @mysouleaten @yaya4thawin @piroporopo @reiners-milkbiddies @bontensbabygirl @tenjikusstuff4 @fairey555 @haikyuusboringassmanager @firstdivisiongirl @bakuhoethotski @xoxowhateveroxox @maraya-007 @dolfiins-art @short-cxke @milky-aeons @asirensrage @blueblazecrusade @brisssaaa009 @m-ilkiee
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dirtysvthoughts · 1 year
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pairing: gang leader! soonyoung x stripper! reader
word count: 2.3k
general tags/warnings: smut, pwp, female! reader, mentions of violence, m*rder, and blood, stripper things, a steamy lap dance, reader gets fully nude, big dick! soonyoung, pet names (pretty girl, baby, etc.), reader falls for soonyoung, sex w/o condom (remember if they can’t wrap it, protect yourself please), kinda a slow burn for the start of the series!
playlist songs: everything you want - pap chanel, streets - doja cat, naughty girl - beyoncé
notes: ITS FINALLY HERE BABESSSS!! i’m so excited to share this series with y’all and i hope you enjoy it! <3 every chapter will include up to 3 songs inspired by the events of the story!
soonyoung sits alone in a dark corner of his faction’s warehouse, only a few spotlights illuminating their large meeting space - deep in thought. tonight, it was just him and his five most trusted guys, finishing what might’ve been their most difficult job yet.
soonyoung is the leader of one of the most infamous gangs in the region, known for their ruthless ways. they’ve murdered, gambled, brawled with other rival gangs. many of their incidents have ended in extremely close calls, with someone either near death or two steps away from handcuffs. but they didn’t care. this was they way of life they chose. anyone that dared come in their way, they eliminated them without hesitation.
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“double check the duffel bags, and make sure not one bill is missing," soonyoung says as he gets up, going to wash away the rest of the blood remnants from his hand. their job tonight was taking out another gang’s higher ups, they and they put up a hell of a fight. soonyoung genuinely wondered if the close calls he got in that knife fight were even worth they amount of money they were promised. “i swear to god if he fucks up my income again, that’s his ass,” he grumbles, hoping that this would be over with faster than he thought.
when he finishes, he approaches the table where the rest of his comrades were. “well?” he says, watching one of the guys as he puts the last stack of paper through the money counter, the familiar sound of cash rustling through the machine.
“that’s it - all $40,000 from tonight’s job, boss,” one of the guys say, wiping his forehead, hissing when he brushes against a slight gash. soonyoung smiles for probably the first time all day, relieved that finally, he could get to do what he wanted to do.
“alright boys, gather up the bags and shut all of this shit down - i got the perfect place for us to spend some of this cash,” he presses a button opening a garage door as he walks out first, heading to a black suv.
“club illusion?” another one of his guys say as they pull into the club’s parking lot, viewing the neon purple and green signs. “not to question you soonyoung, but why here?”
he rolls his eyes and scoffs i’m the passenger seat, surprised at how not everyone was connecting the dots. “word is, they have the best and prettiest dancers here, and they might have some dealers here, heard they have the strongest shit too..” soonyoung says as he jumps out the car, fixing his jacket as he walks forward, everyone else exiting the car packing around him for protection.
the group walks past everyone in the long line, complaints and shouting starting to get louder the further they reached the entrance. but before soonyoung can sneakily bypass to get inside, one of the bodyguards stops them.
“yo, i’m pretty sure you see this line - what makes your think that you’re better than everyone else?” soonyoung smirks as he shows the patches on his jacket, signifying his affiliation and ranking. the guard’s eyes widen for a second, but he slips back into his demeanor.
“listen,” he says in a low tone for only him and the guard to hear, “i’ve had a long day, and i would really like to relax.. and you don’t wanna see me not relaxed,” the guard glances at the other men, meeting their menacing stares, and looks back at soonyoung.
“drop your weapons in the bin,” the guard says. soonyoung places his hand on the guard shoulders, smirking at him as he walks past. “wise choice,” he says as he drops his knife in the bin, the others following suites, chuckling as they walk past, some of them flicking him off.
blue stage lights flood the club’s main floor as people sit on the tables and lounges, dancers in skimpy outfits, twirling on the poles and shaking their asses to the heavy bass. cash scatters some of the stage platforms, dancers teasing their audience by sexily covering themselves with it. the air smells hazy, a tinge of weed lingering in the atmosphere.
“forget i questioned you boss - we definitely needed to come here tonight,” he smiles, nodding his head at a dancer he made eye contact with. “i’m not leaving until i fucked one of these girls and have them screaming my name,” he says starting to drift away from the others.
“you guys are free to go where you want,” soonyoung says, eyeing his surroundings quickly. “if you run into any body, let me know and i’ll handle it.”
as the guys separate, soonyoung walks forward, observing the sights around him. as his mind takes it all in, the dj drops a beat and comes back on the mic.
“what’s up, club illusion!” the dj yells and the crowd responds appropriately. “we got some great dancers in the building and they got bills to pay, so show ‘em some love!” the audience cheers and more people continue to toss their cash on the stages.
“now coming to the main stage, one of club illusion’s sexiest, seductive dancers - welcome to the main stage, ms. sageeeeee!!” the crowd screams wildly as the lights dim and they focus on the main stage, soonyoung’s eyes immediately taking what was in front of him.
the music starts, the familiar “oohing” of the streets silhouette remix playing with through the speakers.
and that’s when he sees you.
you confidently strut on stage, your black, glossy 8 inch pleasers striding one in front of the other, your strappy black bodysuit practically exposing all of your backside. once you reach the pole, you roll your head to the right and slide your hand up your body.
“put your head on my shoul-” the music switches and you go into a side spin, the crowd continuing to go crazy as you transition and hold a pose upside down.
as the song progresses and come to end, soonyoung can’t your eyes off you for one second. he’s enamored by you - your movement, your presence, not to mention how sexy you looked in that barely-there bodysuit. you strike a final pose on the pole as the music fades. the audience continues to scream, bills covering the front of the stage.
after holding for a few seconds, you transition off the pole and gather your money, one of the bodyguards helping you down the steps when you’ve finished.
and that’s when you notice him.
from across the room, he looked like just another man in the club, but close up, you couldn’t deny how hot you felt when your eyes met each other’s. his all-black fit from his distressed jeans to his oversized jacket, his height, his black hair - he looked too good to be true.
as you begin to part ways, you wave and wink at him, hoping you caught his attention. he smirks at you, letting him know that the message was received. you blush inwardly as you turn back around, praying that he would at least rent out a section on the main floor, if not a v.i.p. room.
as soon enter the dressing rooms backstage, you’re met with showering compliments from some of the other dancers. you thank as many as you can as you reach your spot, freshening up in case you get called back again.
as you scroll through your social media after a few minutes, one of the bottle girls comes in to the room and approaches you. “sage!” she calls you, your head snapping up to meet her eyes. “oh hey, min! what’s up?” you say putting your phone down.
“there’s some guy that keeps asking for you in one of the vip rooms, he looks kinda cute too,” she smiles nudging at your shoulder. “you better hop on that before someone else does,” she walks away heading back with her empty tray. you pause and think before you finally make a decision.
“wait, min - which room is it?”
“should be room 3!” min winks at you before going back to the main floor.
you’re never nervous about vip room experiences. so why now? why do you feel like your heart is about to burst out of your chest?
you’re embarrassed at your conflicting emotions. never once has a customer gotten you flustered. but then again, your customers don’t usually have an air of mystery and attraction hanging over them.
you breath out a huge, but silent sigh and pull yourself together. no matter how attractive the man downstairs was, he wasn’t gonna start making your falter.
you push the curtains away as you enter the dimly lit room, silently thanking the gods that min’s guess was right. there he was, sitting on the couch across from the pole platform. his eyes were on his phone, but now they’re completely focused on you. even closer, he still had you writhing. how could one human being look so insanely hot?
“so, you’re the man from the main floor,” you twirled your hair strands, smiling at him, walking toward him with your left arm crossed against your chest. “i heard you requested me by name. no one’s ever really done that before here,” you now are in front of him, getting dangerously closer to each other’s bodies.
“well they should more often, baby,” he says as he runs his fingers through his hair. “you’re too fucking phenomenal not to be called out by name.”
if you weren’t flustered earlier, you were definitely flustered now, desperately making sure it wasn’t showing on your face.
“speaking of names, you now know mine,” you sit next to and face him on the couch, crossing your legs. “but i don’t know yours.”
“soonyoung,” you repeat, smiling to yourself. “i like that.”
“well soonyoung,” you say getting up from the couch, standing in front of him, slotting a leg between his. “i don’t normally give my customers choices, but i like you. do you wanna see me on the pole again? or would you rather you and i get a little closer?” you say as his hands begin to touch your body.
“i think you know where i wanna go with you,” he caresses your cheek, “i wanna see you dance on me, for me, pretty girl.”
your back faces his chest as you grind into him, his hands simultaneously roaming your thighs and playing with the straps of your bodysuit. beyoncé’s naughty girl plays through the speakers, your waist rolling in rhythm to the music.
you push your ass further on him, making sure you can feel all of him as he gets harder under your touch. “you know you can take it off right?” you say as you turn your neck toward his face. “in fact, why don’t you take it off for me?” you bite your lip hard as his hands reach further up, fondling your breasts.
after some time, he does as you ask, slowly taking off your bodysuit. you help him out as the material goes down your legs, and once it’s fully off, you toss to the front of the room.
“you’re so gorgeous,” he groans as he traces your folds, and it takes everything in you not to moan out loud. instead you muster a sigh as you turn around to have your body face front.
“if i told you i wanted to fuck you, right here in this position, how much would it cost me?” he places his hand near his jeans, hoping you were feeling the same way he did.
you pause to think about your options. “mmm, $500 sounds good to me.”
without hesitation, he pulls out a large wad of cash, thumbing through the bills and giving you a little bit more than $500. you swear he read your mind because before you can even ask, he opens his mouth.
“think of it as a nice tip,” he winks at you as you stuff the bills in your heels.
you slowly bring him in a kiss. he separates from you first, but you quickly bring him back in, kissing him with more fever. he unbuttons his jeans, zipping them down as his boxers come into view. you think you’re ready, but you’re still visibly stunned when he pulls his dick out. his thick length and veins on full display.
“damn, soonyoung,” you say biting your lip, nearly drooling. “you’ve definitely proved you have big dick energy.”
he laughs as he starts to pump himself for you, more pre cum beginning to gather at his tip. once he’s finished, he beckons you with his finger.
“make me feel good, my pretty girl,” he says as you sink down on him, both of you groaning out at the same time.
“sh-shit, soonyoung, fuck!” you hiss, holding onto his broad shoulders. “you’re so big and i feel so full,” you feel like you might cum already with his he was sheathed inside you.
when he finally starts moving, you feel like you’re seeing stars. the way he pounds into you, you can feel the coil in your stomach get tighter. after a few more minutes of him penetrating and you moaning soonyoung’s name, you finally feel it.
“o-oh, soonyoung, ‘m gettin’ close, shit, ‘m cl-clo, ah!” you nearly scream as you come all over his lower half, part of your juices on his black denim.
“well, uh,” you giggle, looking down at him. “that was something,” you brush your hair away from your face, finally looking in his direction. he smiles back at you, putting his dick back in his pants.
you pull each other for one last kiss, wanting to feel his touch just one more time.
“something tells me that it might be a minute before i see you again.”
“you never know, pretty girl. yeah i have busy job, but i can definitely make the time for you.”
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rowretro · 3 months
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✧Warnings: kissing, mafia hoon, blood, suggestive, dead body, detailed murder
✧Synopsis: Sunghoon is a very innocent man, a beautiful, sexy wife, 3 kids, a 12 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. He's a perfect family man who owned a homely café. He's just an ordinary person.... until one of the most feared mafia men paid a visit after a dreadful incident.
"Honey, I'm sorry I have to overwork a few late hours at the office... I missed work so many times so I have a lot to do, I'll come home tomorrow..." Y/n said, from the airport as Sunghoon sighed. He had a small pout on his face as he looked at Ryuu "Sweetheart, must you work so late?" he asked as y/n smiled at him "I missed a lot of time, so many clothes to design for the new set, im sorry, I'll see you, I love you" she said as she hung up. Sunghoon stared at his home as he stared back at Ryuu, lying on his front on the soft blanket laid out on the floor "You aren't suspicious of me too are you?" Sunghoon asked as Ryuu squished his cheeks. "Of couwse not daddy!" he said as Sunghoon tilted his head "Why son?" "because youw my daddy!" he exclaimed as Sunghoon lifted him in the air, turned over and palced him on his chest.
Y/n didn't want to have her suspicions about him, she loves him, she always has, that sweet little nerd who hesitated to ask her out, Sunghoon. She trusts him, the man she trusted enough to have a baby with, to marry, trust with her deepest darkest secrets. She's just doing this as a formality is all... Just so everyone else knows, Well specifically the law. She made her way to board the flight back to Busan, where the orphanage he grew up in was. All the while, Officer Lee was sitting before a prisoner, who was caught in the big drug deal that was brought out by the Park Mafia. Hence he will know what happened to Leo.
"Listen Choi Yeonjun is it?...I hear you have your death sentence in about 3 weeks, I can bring up a petition, I have the power to cancel that out... You just need to do one thing.... Tell me the truth of what happened to Park Daeheon's son... LEO Park..." Heeseung tempted in a serious manner as the male before him started drumming on the table, glancing up at him "I've raised Leo for Daehoon, and I'm bound to die either way.... I'll tell you only because Im going to die anyway.... Park Daehoon treasured his only son.... but he treasured his mafia more, a mafia he'd do sacrifices for, in order to make sure his business runs successfully, the sacrifices started with animals, then eventually humans...." He started.
"Where the fucks' Leo? is he out messing about?! our drugs have been stopped by the police Goddamit what's going on?!" Daeheon complained over the call to his brother Park Jeonghan. "He's on it now, just trust him, ill be there in a minute." He replied simply hanging up. The man got in his car nodding at the driver. All the while, the police were yelling at the gang, having seized their vehicle. "Who's that smoking?! move out the way you fuckers, officer go drag the smoker here." the head officer said.
However, the armed gangsters moved out the way, and there, lying on his back, leg crossed over the other, a very fine man, smoking, his silver hair recognizable anywhere. "L-Leo? this is your truck?! fuck- let the vehicles go bro! sorry sir... we were told to seize them, so we assumed some other gang was using your route!" The officer excused, bowing nonstop as Leo smoked, sitting up. He was about to go for his usual violent mannerisms, and beat the shit out of those fuckers, but something caught his eye. A pink bow, a very long one... no two long ones, braided into the girl's black hair.
"Don't let it happen again." He coldly spat as he got up walking away. Leo hid by a tree as he stared at the girl, she looked as if she was in here teenage years, just about his age specifically, like 18? He never really paid attention to girls, or anything really, his whole childhood he just did what his father told him... as a child him and his uncle Yeonjun would visit the orphanage every now and then. Leo thought high school was useless for him, he was already smart, he studied so much in his free time, but when he saw his angel enter a high school, he regretted his decision of not going.
Since that day Leo had kept his eye on her, he secretly found out everything about her, he wanted to change for her, he even started wearing glasses, and suits, he found out her name's y/n.... y/n such a beautiful name, especially to put Park next to that name. She's everything he could ask for, he sworn to himself he'll always take care of her.... but he'll have to change for that. "Dad. I want out." he said as the man frowned "out on what" "this gang- mafia- drug business.... what we're doing is wrong, and I don't want to be a part of this." He said as the man glared at him.
He took note of his son's sudden random changes, every time he smiles, whenever he leaves the house at a specific time. Daeheon has been tailing his son. who led him straight to his next sacrifice. Y/n. In order for his mafia business to go without any issues, he needs his rock. Leo. Therefore the distraction needs to go... "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Leo yelled, as he knelt before the unconscious y/n. "Sorry son.... sacrifices must be made." Daehoon said as he tried to drag y/n's unconscious body away.
Yet Leo didn't let him. He beat the fuck out of him no matter what, then a suddenly he had a big blow to his head... he turned around to see his uncle Jeonghan. "if we don't have you you think this whole thing will crumble?!" he asked darkly as he glanced up at his injured brother, Daeheon. "You'd kill your own flesh and blood for this?!.... well fuck. you." Leo coughed up some blood as he threw a lit matchstick at the warehouse filled with drugs, With a gunshot, he laid unconsious in Yeonjun's arms...
"So.... is Leo dead?" he asked as Yeonjun looked at him silently "I saw with my two eyes officer, my lil boy, he tried save the one thing that made him human, and he died..... he died in my very arms, and his so called farther was the man who fucking.... sorry...." Yeonjun apologized after lashing out. "It's ok.... and this woman... any chance she's still alive?... if so what's her name?" Lee Heeseung asked "We never knew who she was... she died in the fire, she must've been an orphan too".
Y/n had no memory of anything that happened that night, she had lost her memory of that night and the 3 months before that, hence she never cared for the random nightmares she had. She came home, happy that she knows her dear Sunghoon is not Leo. She came home to find Sunghoon sitting on the floor by the window, Ryuu asleep on their shared bed. "He slept in our room? sorry I took so long babe, how have the kids been?" She asked as Sunghoon glared up at her slapping the letter, that proved his documents are true, on the floor "This came in the post for you..." he simply said as Y/n 's blood ran cold.
"I didn't care when Officer Lee asked, it faintly hurt when Cherry argued with me but you?! my own wife?!.... how could you peacefully sleep with me thinking I was another man huh?!!!" he yelled, crying as Y/n kneeled before him. "Goddamit why would you have that suspicion?! I fucking love you like crazy is that not enough?! we have to kids together we're fucking married!" he added as she sniffled. "Dad?.... are you crying?" Ryuu asked as Hoon wiped his tears away. "Don't worry sweetheart, daddy had a nightmare... I'll take care of him hmm?..." Y/n said as Ryuu snuggled his stuffed toy falling asleep.
"Sunghoon... I believe you, I'd never suspect you, I just had to gather evidence for officer Lee without hurting you... but me even doing so is hurting you... I know words can't fix what I did so..." She leant in, kissing him passionately, as he held onto her waist. His love, his y/n his vulnerable little sweetheart, oh how she falls for his tricks. Of course Park Sunghoon is Leo, but to believe Leo is dead, Sunghoon should exist in the same timeline as Leo... He had made many mistakes in his past, but was willing to change for his sweet girl... his darling y/n.
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Lovers dispute
Pairing: Toji fushiguro x reader
Warnings: Hate sex, Blindfold, Gagging, Bondage, Fingering, Hair pulling, Betrayal, Murder, Fighting, Torture, Cum-shot, Augst, Hurt / Comfort, Tears, Ex-Cop reader, Yakuza Toji, a bit of Dubcon.
Summary: You thought your past was buried and gone. Oh how very wrong you were.
A/n: Fanart, not mine.
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"Mornin' baby," Toji gently whispered into your hair as he kissed your head, "Mornin' to you too." you hummed as you opened your eyes and set your chin on his pec, glazing up into your husband's smaragdine eyes "Do you have to go?" you asked softly as you reached up, caressing his bruised cheek, a mark left by the courtesy your 'step-father' "he'll raise hell n' I don't feel like dealin' with that bullshit." Toji kissed your palm "Besides the meeting won't be long." he reassured you as he moved your hair out your face, his large hand resting on your cheek.
"Okay. fine. I love you." you sighed rolling your eyes, already feeling the rising hate for the man your husband calls father."Oh, I know you do." Toji replied with that devilish smirk and pulled you into a passionate kiss before leaving your comfortable bed to get dressed.
You frowned while you watched Toji look for a suit to wear, you hated that he couldn't just skip it, but being the head brunch's son he'd not only show great disrespect, he'd also dishonor the Zenin family. You scowled, that family didn't deserve honor or respect, especially his father from Toji of all people but your words would be nothing, you're a foreigner and not born of a highly known family.
No, to them you were more a pet that they let Toji have Instead of a wife.
When you came to Japan you didn't plan to fall in love and marry a member of the yakuza, after all, you disliked Toji at first, a woman or two always on his arm, gambling away money, and picking fights with unfortunate souls who either earned it or was there at the wrong time. Over time you learned there was more to him, he was broken and you couldn't stand by and not try to help, days you spent listening to him, comforting him, and simply having fun, you can't pinpoint when it happened but happened all the same and you wouldn't change that. But you didn't come for that.
You came to eliminate the yakuza.
You see in your country, you had a nickname from high Officials, you were called the 'Reaper of kingdoms' and known for stealthy worming your way into gangs, into crime empires, and destroying them from the inside out, very few have seen your face or had read your real files, and those who weren't so supposed to were killed. No, loose ends.
The prime minister of Japan had heard of your service from one of your co-workers visiting the country and seeing as the yakuza was getting more and more powerful, he hired you, that was the plan but life works differently and you don't regret it. "See ya later baby," Toji spoke as he bent down to kiss your cheek and left for the meeting.
As much as you'd like to lie down and wait for him, you too had to do errands, you huffed and left the warm abyss to bear the cold air for suitable clothes and you were on your way to the grocery store. Humming you picked items and items from the shelves of the lively supermarket, walking to the drinks sections you stopped as you grabbed and held up different types of milk when that old gut feeling crept up. You put one of the milk back in the freezer and the other in your shopping cart. You continued, subtly looking behind you, once you turned your head a dark figure slipped into an isle and disappeared. The Mysterious person shadowed you the entire time and only varnished when you finished paying yet you knew it wasn't over, it mostly never is it. Just as you were putting up your groceries in the back of your car suddenly did the sounds of running footsteps coming towards your direction
The gut feeling came again and your combat training kicked in as the attacker reached you, a knife in hand. they tried to slash you but failed as you nonchalantly weaved and kicked the knife out of their hand, they barely had time to get their weapon as you gripped their hoodie from the back with one hand and the other on the trunk door. You quickly shut the lid and slammed the person against hard metal, they groaned as they fell to the concrete "You bitc-" they managed to croak out before you placed your sneaker-covered foot to their throat "Who are you?" you questioned, your (e/c) was filtered with the ice cold of the antarctic. "You're gonna regret this-" "Wrong answer." you snarled digging your heel into their pinned throat, the sounds of their choking and gargling had attracted people's attention.
"Ma'am?!" a man shouted, distracting you enough for your attack to push your leg away and run off. You watched angrily as the person hurried off, they looked behind them, and the hoodie that hid their face flew off. Your eyes widen as you get a good look 'No.No!Not her!' a dreadful, fearful feeling consumed you. You were snapped out of that as a hand grabbed your shoulder and without thinking about it, you latched on the person's arm and flipped them over said shoulder. The fear on the man's face made you realize what you did, and whispers and pointing of the scene finally pushed you to enter your car.
Why was she here? You could think of one reason and you knew you needed to find her before she could do any damage.
You spent the rest of the time waiting for Toji and doing chores. Toji got home with gritted teeth and a spine-chilling glare, it was like he was looking past you and into a vision of his father, the day was a quiet one, tensions high of unspoken anger and worries, and unlike, even in the strong arms of your husband, the worry did not fade if not it had worsened but by some miracle, you fell asleep.
Weeks upon weeks you looked for Ava. The search looked more and more pointless as you couldn't find a would trail, and you felt hopeless. You knew she wanted vengeance for her gang, in all the time you were deemed the Reaper of kingdoms she was the one who had gotten away, and she followed you to Japan, you assumed she had been stalking you and was plotting something and for the first time you feared whatever her plan was. You sighed and rolled your shoulders as you walked into your house, pulling your keys onto the key hooks by the door, Toji said he had something to discuss with his parents and he wouldn't be home. So you headed to the living room when you faltered at the sight of your father-in-law merely siping away his tea with Toji by his right...Toji refused to glaze at you instead glaring at the table "Ahh, if it isn't Miss 'Reaper of kingdoms'." Toji's father; Kenji chuckled humorlessly as he sat down his teacup on a coaster, his cruel gray eyes bore into you. Your body froze, feeling the cold and heavy dose of dreadful realization of the situation "Kenji-" "DO NOT ADDRESS ME BY MY FIRST NAME!! DECEITFUL WRETCH!!" Every part of you worked to not flinch at his volume and the sound of his fist hitting the wooden surface of the table "You took advantage of my kindness and my son. And now you will learn I am not always ruled by my kindness." Kenji cleared his throat and fixed his black tie.
"Take her away," he ordered, and unexpectedly Multiple pairs of hands restrained you and dragged you away. They had thrown you into a torture room that must have been in the head house, the room was almost bare, sporting a chair with cuffs bolted into the wood, a flat futon, and tools. Sleep was unreachable as the look of indifference Toji had given you kept you awake. It was like you were a stranger again, a person he wanted nothing to do with. You loved him like you never loved before..what if he hated you? A single tear escaped as the thought graced your mind No..no he couldn't right? Soon tears ran down your cheeks as you sobbed, curling into yourself.
You cried until you couldn't. You couldn't tell how long you've been down here, you spent most of the time on the futon with your back to the door, they gave you little to eat and drink even then you didn't touch it. Thoughts of where you and Toji stand and the ache of the unknown devoured your being. Like clockwork, someone opened the door and walked down the wooden steps to your small room.
No words were spoken for a while "So you haven't been eating?" Toji said, "T-Toji?" you stuttered as you sat up on the little mattress, He looked as handsome as ever, he wore simple black jeans and a gray shirt, his hair in its usual state, and his jade eyes shined cold as he peered down at you. "I'm so sorry." you begin as he slowly lowers himself "Don't. Just...just don't." Toji cut you off before you could continue, he pinched the bridge of his nose "I can't even fuckin' look at ya for too long without-" Toji huffed "Eat okay? I'll come back another day." with that he left you in the dimly lit room, not once sparing you a glance.
The real torture started after you began to eat, you were stripped, whipped until you bled, beaten in all different shades, and tied up. Today they forced a blindfold on your wary eyes and a ball gag passed your clenched teeth and then left
an hour late, the door opened as someone walked in, and soon the sounds rustle of clothes being shed.
You tightened your fists.
Regardless of being bonded, however, this person is, you weren't going to let them take you without a damn fight.
"They sure did a number on ya." you sat up from your lying person and you unclenched your fists. You tried to speak your husband's name but failed, the gag in your mouth became covered in your saliva from your failed speech. You jumped as his hands pushed you to lay back down and his knees nudged your legs apart "It's been so long." he whispered into your ear, his warm breath smelled heavily of sake "I hate that I fuckin' miss you." he hissed, his fingers rubbed your lower lips and clits roughly, the coarse padding of his digits felt amazing against your sex-deprived heat. Your eyes rolled back behind the black silk of your blindfold as he sank a thick finger into your soaked cunt, he slowly, agonizingly slow, pulled it out and slammed not one but two back in, your surprised cry came out mulled. He held nothing back, each hard thrust and curl was accompanied by the wet palp of your leaking pussy, your slick no doubt covered his whole hand.
He grew bored soon and decided that he'd have the main course now. His fingers left you and he wiped your wetness onto your thigh and got into position "Ya used me." he spat before slamming into your messy cunt, driving his bulbous tip to hit your cervix and his heavy balls smacked the curve of your ass, leaving stinging sensation. "'n I think it's fair I use ya," Toji grunted, throwing your legs on his broad shoulders and griped your hips with his strong, painful hold, He thrusted forward. The first was harsh and was followed by an equally unforgiving second to a third to a fourth thrust that quickly bled into rapid, brutal pounding. You cried and shook your head as your body jerked up and down the thin futon, the pleasure was overbearing "Goddamn, such a tight cunt." Toji groaned and stood up, lifting you with him, leaving only your shoulders on the ground as he ruthlessly jackhammered your pussy from above you.
You could do nothing but take it and imagine what he looked like, how sweat-covered Toji's muscular build was, his broad, scarred chest and shoulders shining in the dim lighting, his thick biceps bulging from his hold on your hips, his black hair stuck to his forehead, as he pants and groans, his skilled hips jerking as he pounded and ruined your cunt for anybody else. You couldn't help but imagine the view of his thick, girthy nine inches cock drilling into you, your juices flying and coating the dark hair around his base and balls. You yelped as Toji bend down, his dick reaching deeper into you than before as he picked you up from the floor and wrapped his arms around your lower back, his brutish hammering directed upwards, slamming into that toe-curling spot.
You came when a hand took hold of your hair and pulled it down, your pulsing walls gushed out your release. Toji growled as his thrust sped up before he yanked himself out, for a moment all you could hear was his grunting, panting, and groans until a hot liquid graced your stomach and you were un-too gently sat down on the floor. He didn't speak to you the whole time he put on his clothes and left you there.
You numbly remember two members of the gang ungagging you and taking the tear-filled blindfold off. Of course, they left a wet rag to clean yourself up.
Toji hadn't visited you since. And you don't believe he would. The torture continued, but the pain was nothing compared to the pain of knowing that the person you loved the most hated you. You didn't know how long this would continue but you knew one thing, you didn't want to be stuck down here until Kenji determined whether to spare your life or not, you wouldn't allow him to decide your fate. You eat every meal and drink every drop of water, slowly but surely gearing your strength and waiting for the moment to review itself. You didn't have to wait long.
Two men came into the room, laughing and pushing each other, the men looked new to the gang and arrogant in the stupidest of ways. Just your luck. "Well, isn't the little traitor. How are you today?" one of the men, cooed mockingly, squatting down beside you. The man had terribly bleached hair, that looked like a five-year-old dyed his hair, and cut like a sad excuse of a mohawk, his teasing grin showed off his yellow teeth and he adored cheap shit and chins. His Partner didn't look any better. You didn't say anything "What? Ain't gonna talk?" the man behind him taunted, his own shit-eating grin on his face. "Hey Jiro hand me your knife will ya?" 'blondie' asked over his shoulder his eyes never straying from you "Sure man." 'Jiro' chuckles darkly, he receives his lame pocket knife from his pants and flips it open before handing it to 'Blondie'.
"Now why don't we have some fun?" his grin turned crooked as he inched the blade closer to you, just as the knife was close to your face, you griped his wrist tightly and kicked his stomach, the momentum knocking him on his ass and causing him to let go of the digger and right in your palm "You bitch!" 'Blondie' spat as you stood up. He scrambled to get up but fell back as your knee made contact with his face, easily breaking his nose. he groaned before going lay still and unmoving, blood steadily pouring out his crooked nose.
"And stay down." you spoke coldly then looked to your next victim "W-what the fuck!!" Jiro stared in terror as you calmingly stepped over his friend's body, blade in your hand. "Are you just gonna stand there?" you asked, which seemed to knock some sense into the man as he ran to you with his fist raised beside his head, you waited when he was about to swing to duck and slash his chest, while he was stunned you kicked his knee out from under him. An echo thud rolled around the almost empty room as he succumbs to unconsciousness.
Quickly you tore Jiro's suit off his body and put it on, it didn't exactly fit but it would do. Pocketing the digger and the key to the door, you locked them in and made your escape. You couldn't stay in Japan, it was time to go back to your country.
Toji had never felt the pain of betrayal when you expect the worst out of people it was hard to feel, disappointment and the treachery of someone you love. Toji wanted to hate you, he gave you a part of him that he showed no one, no woman had gotten anything but sex from him but with you it was different, you made him feel like everything was gonna be okay, you made the Toji Zenin fall in love. When he was told of who you were, he didn't want to believe it yet the evidence was the beacon of truth he couldn't ignore. His father didn't waste a moment to tell him how much he was a Disappointment, and a shame to the family, and if he wasn't his only son, he'd be in the ground, and for the first time since his young childhood it sting. All he could do was listen and bow to his father once he was dismissed. Toji didn't want to miss you, regardless every bone in his body cried to be with you and he thought maybe he only missed the feeling of your body against his.
He was wrong, it helped to feel you again though it didn't last long. His pride and mind battled, he wished to forget his love for you, he couldn't live without you and so he decided he was gonna free you and you'd run away together he didn't need his clan, he never did but he needed you. It was too late.
You had left. His love was gone and even beating the shit out of the newest recruits did nothing to please him like it normally did. He sighed as he walked away, leaving the recruits in a puddle of their blood. "WHAT?!!" The raging scream of his father made Toji's eyes roll "She escaped." Toji repeated lazily, a bored look on his face which only made his father furious "This is all your fault!" Kenji hissed through gritted teeth, stamping from behind his desk, and stopped in front of Tojj. "You married the witch and you bring shame to me! You were a mistake!" Kenji yelled and backhanded Toji "You never should have been born!" his father growled as he tried to punch him, he never connected as a hidden blade sliced open his throat and his body fell to the floor, gagging on his blood. "I think it's time ya retire old man," Toji spoke, watching as his dad slowly died with a grin.
He was now the head of the biggest gang in Japan and he knew what he wanted to do first.
It's been four weeks since you made it back to your hometown and you didn't know how much you missed it after living in Japan for a year. You just finished getting groceries and others as you walked into your rented apartment to put everything away, the strong, pungent scent of cigarettes whiffed into your nose. Dropping the shopping bags you reached behind your shirt and hastily pulled out your concealed gun "Jumpy aren't ya?" the baritone voice of your husband chuckled from the couch of the living room, his prasine eyes looking you up and down, a devilish smirk on his lips as he blows out a puff of smoke. "What are you doing here?" you stepped forward, gun pointing directly to his heart "'m here to take you home." he put out his cigarette on your side table and stood up, his biceps flexing as he pushed himself off the tiny couch, even as he did things so nonchalantly, he was still so bewitching, all he wore was a white undershirt, sleeves rolled up showing off his tattooed arms and a black suit vest over and simple black jeans, normal cloths that would make anyone looked good but him, he looked like a sinful god.
Your hands shook at every step he made toward you "I'm not going back to Kenji." you spoke sternly, stepping back "Kenji's dead. I killed him." you paused as you stared at him in shock "W-why? Why now?" you slowly lowered your gun "He made me doubt your love, that's fuckin' unforgivable." Toji gently took the weapon out of your hands and let it fall to the ground "You can't just expect that you'd just say that and I'll forgive you?" you glared at him, wanting so badly to be more mad at him for what he did "I know..let me make it up to ya." his glove covered hand cupped your cheek and he leaned close "I won't forgive you so damn easy." you whispered, "I know.." his scarred lips barely touching yours "I hate you.." Toji chuckled softly "No, you don't." with that his lips locked with yours into a passionate and loving filed kiss.
Taglist; @18lkpeters, @ablondehoe @sherlockzss, @gummi-1 @kyrie-kami, @m00dycr4nkybitc, @cvqidd, @darkstarlight82, @twistedw0nd3rland3acc, @a-big-multi-fandom-mess, @liluzisimp, @silbersee, @xxmaddhatter39xx.
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absolutebl · 8 months
This Week in BL - The Sign is Slaying
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top. Happy new year, BLabies!
Jan 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 8 of 12 - Tharn in Phaya’s too big clothing is the cutest thing in the world.
I gotta to say something about Babe's acting really quickly. I love the way he’s inhabiting the personality of his naga character with reptilian eye and body movements and (I don’t know how to put this) a certain reserved, elegant, slithering- ness. He's very good this new boy of ours. (He come from something physical like dance?)
I adored them doing the walk of shame and being teased.
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ALSO I enjoyed the way they handled Tharn’s gender in the past with his costume (the pha chung hang is gender neutral but that green top is a kinda combo m+f) and pronouns et al.
Language corner:
They are using ancient pronouns. I *think* I heard: daow (3rd), khun/jao/tan (2nd), kaa (Ist) - all pronouns in use are gender neutral - to the best of my understanding.
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 10 of 12 - Ooo. Day comes out to fam. Also his maa legit took his phone away and said
“I don’t mind you being gay but you can’t date a poor.”
Still, these 2 do kind of make the best secret boyfriends ever.
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Also I begin to love Night: “that’s my baby” indeed. You special ain’t ya?
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 7 of 12 -  I’m starting to find this pretty boring at this juncture. Bummer, because for a while I was enjoying it.
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 11 of 12 - The stuff with the spy on the team is super boring. I’m not wild about the side characters either. So most of this episode was a bust for me. I did like First’s ex. 
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 9 of 14 - Charlie & Babe = honeymoon phase. Jeff & Kim = forgotten. Pete & Way = riddles wrapped in alphas but actually enigmas. Everyone else = gang bang phase…. Apparently. Trash watch happening here.
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 6 of 12 - Loved that this was a mutual kiss. (Also how comfortable are OffGunn kissing now? Babies!) I’ve moved from indifference to absolute loathing of the side couple tho.
Oddball LIES from the script = the gayest bridge in Bangkok isn’t lit up after 9pm.
Meanwhile, very important kicky kicky feet and Doc is a dork about flirting now that he’s all in. Looks like we get the official boyfriend ep next week.  
You and My Stars YT 2of 2(?) - Couldn’t find it. Not fussed. 
Time the series (Thai Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Okay so there’s a gang and someone named Chris is killed and his boyfriend, actor Foam, is jumped back in time to save him? NO SINGING. Between Chris’s death and that time-slip there’s some kind of accidental murder, a pink pocket watch, Chris being alive again but also a different person, and a make out scene. Are you also confused? Actually, the real question is: Do we continue watching? Remember we (the collective BLorg) do not trust MFlow. 
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) ep 21 of 24 - The acting has been pretty terrible all along with this series, but this one is the worst. I just can’t. I may tune in for the last installment but this one is a DNF for me. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - It’s utterly adorable. Very manga, but so far not grating on my nerves. They so cute! You know I adore a hyung romance. Add a v gay sauna scene and an OUT gay boy and just... YES. All the married breeder regulars being overly invested in their pretty cook’s queer drama queening, it's so good.
AND THEN a confession in the first episode? Japan sure loves to mess with the pacing of plots drops.
Also, how much do I want to eat every single piece  of food in this darn show? 
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 8 - Man I wish this were better I enjoyed this more. Sigh. I do LOVE the stepbrother sides. Of course I do. But how can this feature 2 of my favorite relationship types (age gap, stepbrothers) and not be my favorite BL airing? Japan, how do you ALWAYS do this to me? 
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 9 of 10 - I don’t know. I just wish this were better. Also shorter.
I really miss KBL right now.
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It's done I Need to Catch up
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have a spare day.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Veitnam so I assume it's on YouTube. I never even noticed. Anyone?
After Sundown - aired on Netflix Thailand. No word on inter release.
It's Airing But...
[INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
Night Dream (Sat YT) 6 eps - It’s a pain to track down and I really didn’t like the first episode so… DNF  
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if safe.
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) - horror, meh, tell me if it's worth my time?
In Case You Missed it
All my year-end round ups:
TOP 10 BL Trends of 2023
Top 10 BL Secondary Pairs of 2023
2023 BLs Best Trope Execution Awards! TOP 10
BL 2023's Best:
Back Hugs Thailand & Elsewhere
Cute Bits of Domesticity
Boys Feeding Boys
Best Cuddles
Heads in Laps
Touching Head Touches
Thailand Put His Head on Your Shoulder
Put Your Head on My Shoulder (not Thailand)
BEST KISSES (not Thailand)
All the BLs Announced for 2023 that didn't happen
Next Week Looks Like This
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More Coming Jan 2024
Beside You (Thai YouTube)
1/24 Love For Love's Sake (Korea Gaga)- based on the Manhwa ‘Love Supremacy Zone’ by Hwacha. A young man is dropped into a game based off a novel he loves. His mission is to make another player, YeoWoon happy. But then the game starts unfolding completely different from the novel.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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Why are the oversized flappy flappy sleeves so adorable? (The Sign)
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Pit Babe
Frankly 2024 is starting on a whimper... mostly from Babe.
(Last week)
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klbwriting · 7 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 1
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Toddxfemale!Reader
Warnings: Some violence, Batman level of violence
Summary: Everyone sees the world in black and white until they meet their soulmate. Jason Todd assumed Gothamites didn't have souls let alone soulmates, so when he as Robin saves a girl from thugs attacking her school he is shocked when their eyes meet and the world is suddenly a vibrant rainbow. Before they can speak she passes out and he decides to keep her safe he has to watch from afar. Until he dies.
You saw Robin and you saw color. You knew it must be dangerous to be Robin so you let him stay away, hoping someday you could meet and at least hear his voice. Then, it's all black and white again and you mourn the loss of a soulmate you never knew.
A year later you wake up and the world is back in color. You are confused and frightened, not sure what is happening, but you know one thing, you accepted your soulmate hiding before, but now you would find him.
Notes: Hello! This Jason Todd fic is brought to you by the people see in black and white until they meet their soulmate. I thought how crazy it would drive someone to first know their soulmate is a masked vigilante, then they die and everything is back to black and white, and then its color again. That person would probably be obsessed with finding out what happened, why it happened, and who exactly their soulmate was to go off and die and then come back to life. I hope you enjoy! Comments/critiques always appreciated! PS. once again, my Jason Todd fancast is Lewis Tan (but also this GIF of baby Jason Todd brings a sweet tear to my eye)
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The first day of high school could be a lot of things. The day you met a new friend, the day you get a lunch tray dropped on you, the day you have a mortifying wardrobe malfunction. What it shouldn't be was the day you almost die AND meet your soulmate. One or the other, not both. However, your life always seemed unnecessarily complicated so when a pair of armed thugs arrived, taking teachers hostage and diligently searching lockers and bags it shouldn't have surprised you. Honestly, it didn't surprise you when they found what they were looking for inside your backpack. You knew your foster dad was shady, shady enough to try and steal money from Two-Face and hide it in your bag like the coward he was. The minions took you, kicking and screaming, out a side door, dragging you by your hair. You tried to fight, swinging wildly and trying to pull away, yelping when you were yanked back easily.
"What are we taking her for? She's just some snot-nosed kid," one of the thugs said, looking around warily. "We don't have time to take a hostage, the Batman's out early today." The other minion scoffed, yanking again on your hair.
"I'm not scared of that psycho, and I want a new plaything, this one looks fun," he said. "A little young normally but she's filling out well." You felt sick rise in your throat at what he had planned for you. He pulled you ahead of the other attacker, letting him fall back to watch his back. You were rounding the side of the school towards the alley, certain you were going to horribly mutilated and murdered, when you swore you saw a shadow amidst the dumpsters.
Then you heard the other thug collapse, grunting. You tried to turn and look, worried that some other gang was coming to join the fun, but the one holding your hair threw you. Your head rocked against the brick wall of the school. You muttered out a curse as you sat down, starting to see black engulfing you, when you made contact with Robin. Before you lost consciousness you saw it, his eyes suddenly in full color, then you succumbed.
Gotham wasn't the place Jason thought he would find a soulmate. He didn't he'd ever see color in the world. Between the rich trying to buy, sell, or steal anything and everything their sick hearts' desired and the criminals who would kill you on sight just for fun he was surprised anyone, including himself, has a soul to begin with. So when black and white suddenly became color he froze, almost missing the fist coming for him face. Almost. His dodge was late, the thugs punch grazing his cheek, not enough to knock him down but enough that he felt pain in his jaw. He still recovered before the attack, throwing his own punch that was reinforced with black brass knuckles, landing true right to side of the thug's head, knocking the man down and out.
Batman looked at him, gaze dark. He dropped the other attacker on top of the first, grabbing the backpack and getting the money from it. They had been tracking this cash, needing it collected before the toxin that it was doused in caused anyone to start laughing. He promptly lit the stack on fire, making sure it burned to ash, while Jason picked up the girl and took her out of the alley, nearer to the school. He waved down the GCPD that was there and saw two officers come running, waving for an ambulance to follow them down the street. He took one more glance at her, his soulmate, before going back to the alley. Batman motioned to the building next to them and Jason followed, grappling to the roof and landing just after Batman, knowing he was going to get chewed out for at least two things.
"Brass knuckles Robin?" Batman asked. "Those are something you aren't able to use properly yet." Jason glared, but bit his tongue. Better a tongue lashing now than extra training drills in the evening. "And what happened back there? You hesitated, that isn't like you." Jason didn't answer again. The last thing he needed was Batman knowing that the world wasn't in shades of gray for Jason anymore. He could see the red of the bricks of the school, he had seen the brown in your eyes, and the auburn of your hair. He had no idea what these colors were actually called, he would have to borrow the flashcards Dick had bought when he'd met Barbara. "Start talking Robin."
"The brass knuckles are helpful, I didn't need to use more energy to take out that guy who is literally twice my size," he said. He hated to remember that while Batman was fully grown, in his mid-30s, and the peak of his physical self, Jason was still just 16, a little scrawny despite his weight training, and maybe had some growing to do. "And I don't know why I hesitated, maybe it was seeing a kid my own age almost getting her head smashed in." He was watching the EMTs carting her to the ambulance. He felt the need to follow them, make sure she was safe. He wanted to find her tomorrow and talk to her, hear what she sounded like when she wasn't screaming. Batman watched Jason as he watched the girl they saved. Something was up, but he wasn't sure what. They weren't in an area of town that Jason had ever lived, nor did he go there when he wasn't Robin so he didn't know the girl. He would have to keep an eye on his sidekick. For now he just told him to go home. He would do one last sweep of the city and make sure the tainted cash was all collected and destroyed.
Jason should have gone back to the manor, but instead he followed the ambulance to Gotham General, perching on the roof. He watched them drive inside and wished he had a change of clothes, he could at least sneak in easier. He moved to the access stairs and headed down, keeping to the quieter hallways and stairwells until he was able to find her. She was still unconscious, though it looked medicinal now. He stared at her, memorizing her face, counting every freckle, watching her chest go up and down as she slept. He heard voices in the hallway and looked back at her for a moment, silently promising her that she would safe from now on, he would make sure of it. He disappeared into a vent, heading back outside and starting back towards the manor. After about three blocks he knew that Nightwing had found him, so he stopped, waiting for his big brother to catch up.
"Batman wanted me to keep track of you little bird," Nightwing said. Jason rolled his eyes at the name but didn't say anything. It secretly made him feel special, hearing his brother call him a nickname. "So who was the girl?" It figures he had seen him in the hospital room.
"We just saved her from some of Two-Faces bitches at Gotham North high school," he said. "The asshole threw her into a wall, I looked at her and her eyes, they're the most beautiful color I've ever seen." Nightwing's eyebrows got high enough that Jason saw them peeking out of his mask.
"Going to need those flashcards, did you tell Batman?" Nightwing asked. Jason shook his head. "I get it, but he should know..."
"No Dick," Jason said. He knew that Batman would have him running laps around the grounds until he collapsed if he heard Jason calling Dick by his mortal name, but right now he needed his brother to understand how serious he was. Jason didn't want Batman to know, didn't need Batman or Bruce Wayne worrying about him, about what finding his soulmate might do to him. He would be considered a liability, too young to handle the responsibility, balance the need to see her, to protect her, with the need to keep Gotham safe. Dick had already been Nightwing when Barbara had come along, Bruce had simply told him to not let the soulmate urges distract him, and that had been enough. Jason was younger, more reckless, more unpredictable and Bruce would be waiting for him to screw up, another thing to add to the list of things Jason didn't do as well as Dick with.
"He will figure it out," Dick said. Jason stood up and shook his head, grappling away, wanting to get back home and get a shower before patrol tonight. He needed to think.
You started learning the names of colors as soon as you got home. It was amazing, seeing everything the world had to offer, so much beauty and so bright. But nothing could drive the image of Robin's eyes out of your mind. You knew that he probably hadn't come back to see you again because he was Robin. No one knew who Batman, Robin, or Nightwing were and despite being soulmates its not like he knew you, knew he could trust you. So you went about your life, telling only your closest friends that you had a soulmate. They of course questioned you on who it was but you said that it was a quick glance, no names exchanged, no phone numbers, nothing, so you weren't sure how to find him. They had plenty of suggestions that you pretended to entertain but you knew it was useless, if Robin didn't want you to know him then you wouldn't. You would gaze at every boy with dark hair and brown eyes you came across, at school, at the arcade, the library, your job at Big Belly Burger, everywhere, just trying to find someone who's eyes matched his. You never found him. Then everything changed.
It was evening, you were sitting in your room, watching a movie, once again marveling about the colors in the mountains as the camera swept over the scenery. Your new foster parents didn't understand your fascination with nature documentaries but you didn't want to tell about Robin, they would be worried you were crazy and send you back to the group home and you didn't want to be there ever again. The documentary was just changing to the ocean, your favorite part, when suddenly the world went back to black and white. Your breath stopped, eyes getting wide. You blinked once, twice, three times, but it stayed black and white. You stood, wanting to run out the door, find Robin, but you couldn't, you had no idea where he might be. You knew what had happened, the world only went back to black and white when your soulmate died. You couldn't believe this. You'd never even heard his voice and now you never would. You collapsed on your floor, tears streaming down at the future you had been imagining, all of it crashing down around you. Your parents found you like this, inconsolable, and despite not wanting to go back to the group home that's where you were taken a few days later, the world still dull and gray.
You spent the next year in gray, unable to bring yourself back to the person you had been before. You bounced around homes, therapy seeming useless for you, new parents not sure how to draw you out of your depression. Your friends told you about support groups for people who lost their soulmates, people who could help you recover, but you didn't want to. You wanted to hear his voice, feels his hand, know what his name was. It wasn't fair, nothing in your life seemed fair. You went to bed every night with dried tears on your cheeks.
Until, one day, you woke up, and the color was back.
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