#the girl and the robot
mattidwan · 20 days
classique absolue
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transhuman-priestess · 9 months
EDIT: 1/1/24: turning off reblogs for this because it's made my activity page fucking hell.
The poll is over, and I'm exhausted with explaining to people over and over again that my fantasies exist outside of capitalism and that i am in fact quite aware of the current moment re: technology and intellectual property.
It's was fun, but now it's not, so it goes bye-bye.
P.S. I am genuinely sorry for forgetting to add "spine" as an option.
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orrenlane · 3 months
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she misunderstood
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systemdeez · 1 year
Completely inactionable fetishes are so funny to me. "I wanna be a robot girl and I want you to install a virus on me." Like okay good luck with that.
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wanderlight-witch · 1 month
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unrestrained summer fun
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itsjesscapade · 9 months
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Poor girl's CPU is being worked so hard...
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foone · 3 months
Bad idea: butch who is mainly into robotgirls so she's got usual carabiner of screwdrivers and pliers and stuff, but she's also got a "THIS MACHINE VOIDS WARRANTIES" tattoo right above her dick.
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galaxicnova · 3 months
you forget to charge yourself so your body automatically enters low power mode. you reach for your cable, but autonomous movement was deemed lesser than core function, so all your servos go offline at once, leaving you trapped in your own body.
you lay there in a heap, fingertips millimeters from your charger. yet you aren’t worried. your core can last for weeks in this state, without all those hydraulics and higher processing power draining your electricity cells.
your partner finds you hours later, though in your drained haze it felt a lot shorter. her touch imparts a brief static tug back to awareness, your subdued sensors briefly overwhelmed after so long in such a low power environment.
she lays on the floor, filling your cameras viewport with her face (eventually recognized as “smug”). she asks you something, but your taxed system’s language recognition fails to identify a meaning.
you just lay there in response, endlessly buffering.
she sits you up against the wall, letting you see her in her entirety as she grabs your charger and begins fiddling with your access ports, her fingers grazing the unshielded metal of the outlets.
biostatic impulses are a lot stronger than most organics realize.
she finds the right port and gently inserts the charging cable, instantly filling you with sensations as all your previously-dampened subsystems flare back to life, your body subtly jolting back to working order.
your movement and vocal systems still won’t work for a while as a precaution until your battery level gets higher, but the instant spinning up of your fans lets your partner know exactly how you’re feeling.
with a kiss, again lighting up your newly responsive sensors, she leaves, eagerly awaiting your return to full functionality.
you stay seated, replaying the sensation of her kiss over and over.
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ashes2caches · 3 months
robot girl who’s clearly a bit disappointed after her maintenance session with the butch mechanic turned out to be decidedly non-erotic.
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lazypiper · 1 month
So I've been playing this Minecraft server with some friends recently, and one of the mods we have on it is this lil computer mod, with these blocks that serve as LUA environments and can have code run on them right
So I thought it'd be a fun change of pace to not 'join the server' directly at all, and exclusively play through remotely controlling these lil computer blocks via a small websocket server I made- seemed like a unique way to play and I, of course, love robot characters. It's been going well so far! Been really fun
I'm sitting here playing with everyone else in the server and people are actively referring to me as a robot/machine/etc and mentioning robotic parts like 'threatening' to hit my power button when getting jokingly mad and discussing my nature as a digital consciousness spread throughout a buncha puters here etc and it's been REALLY fun and
This feels WAY too much like gender euphoria
This has potentially developed into a complicated situation what the fuck do I do
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clunkyrobogirl2000 · 5 months
Being horny for mutuals is so fucking embarrassing because I’m grinding on a pillow like a bitch in heat for a girl across the planet whose saying the silliest things ever
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as-easel · 5 months
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you know how it is with bodysuits
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nradiowave · 5 months
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orrenlane · 3 months
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hey man, robots gotta get high somehow
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radi-0silence · 4 months
Human wearing a shirt that says "The only 'AI Generated' slop I like comes out of my gf!"
They are holding the hand of a extremely embarrassed robot girl covering their screen face...
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お腹を気にするメカJK by めいかあ/Meikaa
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