#the golden age of monsterkind
hana-bun · 2 months
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another doodle of my humanized asriel/flowey, in color!! although he looks human, he can revert back to his original form like so ^o^ i used to draw and post him a lot back in 2019, when i happened to the same special interest in flowey gijinkas with a mutual.
there's a little more to him than just turning a non-human character human, which i'll infodump more below the cut:
* This is an au placed in a post-pacifist world.
I made a better ending for Asriel since he got his soul back (though a little incomplete). It allowed him a chance to grow up and develop a much more mature mentality compared to the one he's been stuck in for ages unchanged.
But humans do not take kindly to the presence of monsters. Instead of the peace monsterkind wanted, another war broke out after decades of tension. The humans of the present no longer had access to magic, focusing solely on "cleansing." The mountain was no longer safe, so instead, monster civilization scattered around the world, becoming myths and legends.
Asriel, curiously, did not follow after the rest of his people. He studied runes from eras long bygone when magic still runs free in every corner of the world. One of them includes a polymorph-like spell that allows one to alter themselves to another. He decided to take the form of a human and hid among them.
I currently don't have strong motives for him to do so. I think he just wants to live a peaceful life without having to be in hiding.
so here he is :] !!
✧ Asriel decided to be a florist because of two things: knowledge and experience from his father, and the other- well, if you were a flower once, you'll know how to take care of them, won'tcha?
✧ The flower on his arm isn't really a Flowey perse. Every seed originating from his magic will grow into somewhat sentient flowers, and they'll always be golden flowers.
✧ He's still very bad at names despite the magic aptitude. Asriel tried to combine both of his names (flowey + asriel) -> "floriel".
• Frisk suggested a similar sounding one "florian" since it's an existing human name.. they went through alot of baby names books. He goes by this one eventually.
✧ Technically, he's suppressing his power by keeping the magic in check in order to stay in the human form constantly. He's been doing it for years.
oh there i go again with my hyperfixation 😭 sorry for the ramble. thanks for taking the time to read this little au for my blorbo! i dont even have a name for it haha
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Let's Talk: Death Crawlers
The moral opposites of Night Watchers, and the current high ruling species of the modern world. They have been taking advantage of the fact the Night Watchers cursed them to be unable to physically harm humans by integrating themselves into society.
The Reveal of Monsterkind
Death Crawlers are solely responsible for humanity's awareness of monster/inhuman species. It occurred not long into the 21st century, and was a whole ordeal. There was a world-wide panic and Death Crawlers "stepped up to help ease humanity's fears".
What happened was the Death Crawlers set intentional traps for humans to discover several large vampire nests, werewolf dens, siren pod hideouts, etc. Once everyone began to panic because there was undeniable evidence supporting that monsters exist, Sortis and the Elders stepped forward as public representatives of their species to help humanity. Basically, they're mocking early-day Night Watchers by being the "median" between humans and everything else.
There were a series of "hearings" where Sortis, The Elders, representatives of different countries, and representatives of different species all met to determine ways of easing living for their kind/what their limits would be. Dragons refused to participate, knowing what Death Crawlers are, hence why everyone else pretty much agreed that as long as Dragons remain in their Realm, then there wouldn't be an issue.
Sortis and The Elders
Sortis is the first created Death Crawler. Only he and one of the Elders know the origins of his existence, but there is speculation that he is actually somehow a Demon/Night Watcher. He has a specialization in Time based Magic (for those that know Latin, yes this is where he earned his name). He's very limited in what he can do: he can only see events as they occurred/will occur. Can read people's thoughts (limited to what they actively think in response to something. ie if he says something about Malvo and Maxlar thinks "stfu", he knows it)
Death Crawlers don't have an official sort of government necessarily. They kind of do what they please unless Sortis declares it "unbecoming of our nature". Sortis is hailed as sort of this fictitious god on earth by the Death Crawlers (I mean, let's be honest, if humanity still had the first human alive today, wouldn't we do the same?)
The Elders are technically a second generation of Death Crawlers. Not related to Sortis by blood, but helped create more Death Crawlers so they could naturally populate over time. They're kind of interesting, as they each have a specialty that they use to assist Sortis in his plans. It is unclear why Sortis needs the Elders, but it is clear the Elders are like enforcers of the code of Death Crawlers. They monitor every Death Crawler to determine whether they are staying true to their nature or being misguided.
The first of the Elders is Ancteactus. He appears as an old, black man with a long gray beard. He has golden eyes and an aquiline nose. He specializes on seeing the past, thus meaning he can see much further than Sortis, can project the images of the past he sees whether onto a mirror/window/or directly into someone's mind. Ancteactus, despite being "the past" holds the second greatest honor between the Elders because he once saved Sortis's life.
Hodiernus is a middle aged man with a more Middle Eastern appearance, except his hair is a lighter color. He specializes in the present, meaning he can see your thoughts/hear your thoughts/can share your thoughts with someone else/can project your thoughts onto a mirror/window. He's an asshole, more so than the others. He is constantly interrupting you with your own thoughts and is the poster child for shit-eating grins.
Posterus is the only female Elder and appears as a young woman, very blonde with almost doll-like features. She's the most unpredictable Elder, and more often than not is siding against Sortis, yet he still keeps her in the highest esteem. It is unclear why, but many predict it is because she specializes in the future. She can see options for the future and can choose which one to expand upon. This is partly why she is so unpredictable, because as time unfolds, the original point of choice for her will solidify something and will change the paths once again.
Meaning, if she sees a rock on the ground she sees these options: Sortis steps on it and hurts his foot, Sortis does not step on it and nothing happens, or he sees it and kicks it away. She chooses the first option to expand upon. This will show her him hurting himself on the rock, becoming angry, and now, in a sour mood, is presented with bad news. However, what actually occurs is he sees the rock, kicks it away, is presented with bad news, but is able to handle it due to his mood not being already soured.
So, in a more complicated scenario, she may choose to put her faith into one path, but as time goes on, the path she chose no longer is an option/changes drastically thus presenting new options for her to view and side with.
She plays a massive role in the lives of Maxlar and Malvo Whishling, and the younger Whishling has a certain respect for her. As time unfolds, it becomes increasingly unclear as to why Malvo would respect her, but no one wants to question it.
And those are the villains! Technically! Anyways, soon the character drabbles will be here! They're gonna just be more in-depth descriptions of their appearances, their personalities, and for some of them, backstory that doesn't spoil anything!
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obsesiveblue · 4 years
50.If they got called out by someone, what would they do?51.Have they ever shot a gun before? 52. Have they ever been axe throwing? O"
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Welp you better don't get under her skin because you will regret.
Thank you for your ask .
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develation · 3 years
So @emeraldtrainer1 (Ao3), @writingforfunandbecauseboredom (Ao3), and DarkstarWolf53 (<-Dunno if they have Tumblr) did an SCP AU three-way Convo fic some months ago. I really enjoyed the outline and concept and asked if I could expand on it. With their permission and about a month of research into what the actual SCP Foundation is (and holy cow there is so much, no wonder people are all over this) I've finally managed to get a start on this. There is a decent amount of things that are different from their original Convo (via their permission) but it will basically follow the same storyline that they created. Please go check their Convo out, it's a very long and fun read with a lot of good fluff and Angst mixed in.
I will hopefully be drawing some of my designs soon but for now, writing seems to be the way to go. Here is a link to it on Ao3 -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/33213928/chapters/82464553
I'll also have it below in case you would like to read it on Tumblr instead.
Error: (The End Of All But Me.) There are too many unworldly traits that spiders have that I couldn't just not give to Error, so I've kind of combined their Puppetmaster concept to my design. He has 4 arms with clawed fingertips, his tail is prehensile and his jaw can split open. He has 5 tongues still, 2 of them are spear-like, and can shoot out and impale victims. The saliva produced under the tips of the barbs on the two tongues can liquidity a prey items insides so he can drink them up (still a clean freak, using the skin as a cup and drinking up any mess leaving a skin bag behind). His other three tongues are prehensile and can extend to an unknown length, they are barbed aswell but do not carry the venomous saliva. Strings wrap along his bones from his eye sockets, which he uses to create a nest atop the ceiling of his cell.
SCP-002's (Apollyon class) cell is a blank room (it ask for a TV later on) that goes up vertically 2 floors. The top half is required to be shrouded in darkness as it likes voids of either white or black. It has filled the darkness of its cell with a nest of strings that it spends all of its time in, even when feeding. It does not attempt to attack staff, when asked why it replied with, "Not yet." Personal have not been able to decipher what it means by that statement. In an interview via speakers and mics within containment cell, it was asked why SCP-002 stares off at seemingly nothing for extended periods of time and never touches the ground. Subject responded with, "Busy." When asked what it was busy doing- "Watching." When asked what it was watching- "The world. Everything." Due to this experience, it can be concluded that 002 can view any place in the world and perhaps beyond via "screens". These "screens" are unviewable to anyone but 002 and 001 as the latter SCP had called them so, hence their given name. SCP-002 has a strange relationship with SCP-001 and it can not be determined if 002 likes or dislikes 001.
Ink created Error on accident. In the beginning, Ink didn't know what he was doing, and the brutality of Earth's natural forces of destruction were uncontrollable. If he wanted to bring life to his chosen planet he needed a way to control the chaos. And so through the storm, a new force was born. And even if Ink didn't create it, he did wish for it.
Error is a ticking time bomb for extinction. He waits and watches until he decides it's time for a "spring cleaning" and starts his work. The Ordovician, Late Devonian, Permian, Triassic, and Cretaceous mass extinctions were all him. He deemed the human race ready for a "cleaning" a long time ago and Ink agreed with him, ready to see and make something new. But Nightmare threatened the both of them by stating that he would make the earth forever inhabitable and they would have to kill him before he stoped his rage. Nightmare fears that if another extinction event were to occur he'd lose his boys.
Ink: (God doesn't care about what's right or what's wrong. God just wants to watch interesting things happen.) His form is always changing, different traits from different animals and organisms he's created. Ink is basically Gaia. Born when Theia crashed into Earth around 4.5 billion years ago, he made everything that ever existed. Since he's made A LOT of organisms he has a ton of favorites and the traits from them are what mostly show up when he mutates. Sometimes it's Kaprosuchus with belonged snout and fangs. Sometimes it's Tylosaurus with its marine reptilian posterior. Sometimes it's Chital Deer and their antlers. More often than not though, his tail has consistently stated having bristle-like hair at the tip of it, which is basically his brush. The concept of paintbrushes is pretty new to him since the human race has been around for a short time compared to other species, so while he does have one, his tail is his broomie. If his next from doesn't have it then he just uses his hands and his blood.
Ink can't be contained. It's that simple, he just can't. He just sticks around because it's interesting and hilarious to see his creations so intelligent but so stupid. (remember how humans are still young in terms of Earth's age, so the fact that they're so smart... on a thought level that could almost match his own is so very interesting to see and watch. even if there ruining his planet.) The SCP foundation just has to let him do his thing and hope that he doesn't override 003's and 004's decision to not have an extinction event.
His cell is basically a mini-ecosystem, with all of his favorite organisms living within whether they are extinct or not. He loves his little sample of the world and it keeps him in his cell for a good amount of time so the foundation let him have it. If any of them even touch what is HIS without permission then he rips them apart and feeds them to the baby Rhamphorhynchus. Don't touch his babies.
...Cross though... he can touch his babies... and Dream... and maybe Error... That's it though!
SCP-001 (Apollyon Class) is a being older than all living things, despite his toddler-like mannerisms. Even more infuriating, within an interview, 001 openly admitted to being the cause of all SCP's and their anomalous effects. It stated that they were all just mistakes and/or experiments, testing the limits of their own abilities. 001's quoted response- "You don't get it do you? I made everything here! All of your little "SCP's" are just of my creation as all of you. Sure there all mistakes but, it just proves my point that it's time to start over again. A clean slate y'know? Pfft- wow you look mad! If it makes you feel any better, I don't like most of them either. They were cool at first but... it's like flicking black paint over a finished painting. Sure, you can try to get over it but eventually, it will just bother you so much that you just can't stand it! Well... I do kinda want some of them to stay... If I could just convince Ru..." -shows evidence to this conclusion. Termination trials were approved by the 05 Council, though have not been able to start since 001's creation of a barrier around its cell, preventing entry of anything that tries to pass.
[Note: Error, Dream, and Nightmare are not included in what Ink views as "mistakes". Y'know when you're trying something new and you don't know what you’re doing, yet it works somehow. That's them, happy accidents. Ink adores them.]
Ink finds the attempt of Termination trials on him to be absolutely hilarious. The fact that humanity's insecurity about their lifespan and control is so great that they'd try to KILL HIM. Amazing. He can't believe he's managed to make the simultaneously best and worst organism ever.
Dream: (When day breaks.)  Again he was accidentally created by Ink’s actions in an intense solar storm. The flare drifting over the earth in combination with Ink’s magic still working to bring life brought him to existence. Dream’s design is almost harpy-like, with beautiful golden, sun-like wings with a small feathery crest atop his skull. Two tail-like feathers sprout from the crest that can rise up and down depending on expression and mood. He also has bird feet and legs, and a tail.
Dream adores all life, his is the warmth and growth of the sun (original form being a ball of light and plasma that literally looks like a mini sun). He is basically like a piece of the sun on earth. His cell is kinda like Ink’s, only in the fact that there are just a couple of animal species. Some deer, birds, and insects mainly. Ink obviously just appeared in his cell one day and made it for him. While Dream could be considered to be a Safe SCP, his ability to damage or completely ruin the planet if inraged prevents that classification.
SCP-003 (Apollyon Class) has proven to be a relatively docile creature. It is elegant in nature (like that of a bird) and shows greater empathy towards all life in general. Unlike SCP’s 001, 002, and 004 who view it as more interesting and admirable, more like a pretty crystal than an actual being with its own consciousness. 003 can not be fully contained and has shown the ability to travel through light rays. Its aura has also shown to be some form of anesthesia, and exposure for prolonged periods causes victims to feel more at peace and calm. 003 does have the capability to travel through the “dreamscape”, what exactly that in tails is unknown.
Dream doesn’t agree with the extinction event thing because the Holocene period hasn’t lasted for nearly as long as it should. On the other hand, he does distaste humanity/monsterkind for all it has done to the planet. Even so, he feels like they deserve more of a chance.
Nightmare: (Does the Black Moon howl?)(Death) Complete with the theme of being Dreams opposite, Nightmare was born from a black moon and the combination of Ink’s magic bringing life to the earth. He isn’t an evil force or anything, just the night to the day. His design is pretty true to OG nightmare, although his legs and feet share the same digitigrade format. His tentacles are more ghostly than slimy and they drip upwards instead of towards the ground. His bones also have a ghost;y wisp to them, but it isn’t that noticeable. Instead of only having a turquoise glint in his magic, there are sparks of purple aswell. (His original form being a black sphere of what looks like smoke).
His cell is basically an entrance to a cave system that Ink had made for him. Inside is a galaxy of crystals and gemstones that glow and sparkle like the night sky. A small stream runs through, the light refracting off of the water, adding to the glow effect. It is a nice calm place for Nightmare to just chill in, his separate own little world.
Nightmare is kind of mysterious, in the realm of Error in which he likes to watch things happen. Just lurking in the shadows, a quiet observer. Though, he wasn’t as fascinated by life as the others. So to prevent his boredom Ink made him a present- Killer. Nightmare hated the little thing at first but it didn’t take too long to grow fond of the little guy. Not too long later Ink pronounced his joy in watching Nightmare sigh in frustration by sending 2 more bundles his way -Dust and Horror- and Nightmare had to threaten Ink to stop before any more joined the fray.
SCP-004 (Apollyon Class) is an entity whose intentions are completely unknown. A mysterious being that chooses to dwell in the cave system 001 made for it. The entity refuses to interact with personal unless in interview. And when it does respond, it does so in riddles and metaphors. It seemingly takes joy asking more questions than the interviewer, turning the conversation in its favor. On such question that has been repeated multiple times - “Does the Black Moon howl?” has puzzled personal. Though 004 states that if answered correctly and explained why, then it will share its secrets with that person and that person only.
004 proves to be uncontainable like its counterparts, able to travel through shadows. SCP’s 012, 032, and 024 seem to be “followers” of 004, and regularly go missing from their cells. Most likely 004’s doing.
[Ink created Killer, Dust, and Horror during the era where dinosaurs were still alive, so they have some traits from them.]
Killer: (War) Was created by Ink for Nightmare to keep him entertained. Killer was born as a baby in Ink’s very hands, a little skeleton with curved blades for hands and digitigrade legs and feet (and little quills on his back). Growing up under Nightmare’s care was an interesting experience, but he thought Kill’s everything he needed to know.
-[SCP-012, Keter]-
Killer is fast, very fast. And he enjoys killing things (what a surprise). He’s pretty much the same cocky boi as always. His more SCP side is that he doesn’t seem to ever feel pain and the black liquid that leaks through his eyes. That can be used as a type of venomous toxin to whatever he pleases.
Dust: (Pestilence) You know Epidexipteryx and Therizinosaurus? Those are Dust hands, long with even longer claws. He can also turn into literal dust, more of a phantom or wraith in nature. He can walk through walls, and turn others to dust and grow himself if he wishes.
He and Horror could be twins since Ink made them both at the same time. Holding his little creations in his arms as they wriggled and whined in confusion at suddenly being alive.
-[SCP-032, Keter]-
Dust is pretty quiet and tame. He has his episodes but he stays pretty much the same as bookwrym’s, writing’s, and Dark’s Dust.
Horror: (Famine) Since Horror is a vent crawler I based his design on that. Horror’s second set of arms are like a praying mantis with an extra joint, hands serrated blades almost like Killer’s. He used to sit in trees and wait for prey to walk underneath him, plucking them from the ground with his long arms and eating them alive.
Same thing when in vents, just waits over the openings and plucks a person off of the ground and into the vent (if personal don’t keep up with his feeding times)
-[SCP-024, Euclid]-
Other than his design Horror is pretty much the same as bookwyrm’s, writing’s, and Dark’s concept.
Outer: [SCP-044, Safe] His stardust makes him have luminescent galaxy and star patterns on his bones. He floats regularly without control over it and can sometimes make other objects float, in rare cases people, aswell. Ink made him a jacket where pieces of its hood and aglets float off like a sort of fluffy foam. The pieces orbit him like planets to a star before joining back, making a continuous cycle.
(And yes writingforFUN, he will still keep his anime sparkling eyelight’s).
Cross: [SCP-00X, Thaumiel] Was created by Dr. X to help contain and terminate Keter SCP’s. Being forced to kill his brother when he turned Keter, not completely in control of his actions. Dr. X’s “programing” making him see his brother no longer as such, just an object to be eliminated. When Cross became uncontrollable Dr. X put wiped his memory without the 05’s or administers permission and an MTF was sent after him that came back empty-handed. Cross was brought back soon enough and had his memory wiped.
They bring him back in as a staff member and that’s when the story kicks off, mostly following bookwyrm’s, writingforFUN, and Dark’s original outline/convo.
(I apologize for any typos)
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Undergloom: AU Concept
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What if...
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This is a ‘verse where monsters aren’t made of hope--it’s something that they have to get the same way humans do, through positive circumstances and sturdy social support networks.
So...being trapped Underground with no real chance of escape was, in a hilarious bit of understatement, kind of a huge bummer.
In Undergloom, the loss of the Royal Family’s children was pretty much it for monsterkind’s hope.
The Dreemurrs never split—lacking innate internal hope, Asgore was never overcome by anger and never declared war on all of humanity, simply succumbing to his grief. Toriel did the same and so they never argued over war, collecting souls, and falling humans.
Meanwhile, without a goal and the promise of impending freedom to inspire them, monsters have largely given up. Physically, most are very weak and lethargic, on the verge of Falling Down—and Falling Down is a depressingly common occurrence. Monsters are all relatively uninterested in any humans that fall or pass through, making no attempt to capture them. Any Encounters are half-hearted at best.
Not being hunted and killed for their souls, all the humans who have fallen (the six souls Asgore would’ve otherwise collected) are still alive and have made a small community for themselves in the abandoned Ruins. They gradually congregated there upon realizing that there was no way to escape the Underground without killing one of two very sad and polite (if distant) Boss Monsters. Their eventual plan is to wait for seven humans, the amount needed to break the Barrier, clumsily learning what magic they can from disinterested monsters in the meantime. They’re all an assortment of ages now, and mages of varying skill-level, just biding their time until the Seventh Human falls and they can all be free.
Major Characters
Asgore and Toriel: They never officially separated after the death of their children, but the loss caused an emotional rift between them. While they remain married, the passion has gone entirely from their relationship and they stay together mostly as a formality, to best co-rule their kingdom. They perform their duties separately, coming together only for public appearances--or when Asgore is tending to the Golden Flowers and Toriel ghosts in to pick one, leaving just as silently as she came.
Flowey: Doesn’t exist. Asriel’s dust was spread on the Golden Flowers in the palace, but no DT experiments were ever done, so his later incarnation never came to be. He and his adopted sibling Chara are both resting in peace.
Alphys: Without the guilt caused by the DT experiments, the Royal Scientist is actually one of the most hopeful monsters in the Underground. She’s been very inspired by the (ultra-shoujo/shounen) anime she’s found in The Dump and keeps trying to create things that improve the quality of life for monsterkind—if they’re all trapped and can’t get out, they should at least all try to be happy and not give up, shouldn’t they? It’s…it’s hard to believe that sometimes, her hope isn’t unfaltering, but she wants to keep trying anyway. It’s what Mew-Mew would do! She…thinks…?
Undyne: The Captain of the Royal Guard is bitter and frustrated with the whole situation. She thinks that they should be (should’ve been) collecting human souls from the beginning, to break the Barrier—or at least they should’ve harvested one for somebody to absorb and go through to get more! But everybody’s such a bunch of weak sad-sacks that they won’t act, doing nothing at all about the tiny tribe of humans just about everybody knows is living it up in the Ruins. …but she doubts herself too, because it seems like she’s the only one who thinks that way. That’s what bums her out the most, wondering if maybe she’s a bad person for feeling the way she does, but at least… At least all the passion pouring out of a certain (very cute) Royal Scientist makes her feel better, on her worst days.
Mettaton: A discouraged celebrity, once very excited when Alphys built him a new body, thinking that he was finally going to be able to achieve his dreams of stardom, but..well. An Underground of very depressed monsters makes for a pretty cold fish of an audience. He still has a viewership because there’s nothing else on... but his performances just aren’t very passionate these days, getting more and more lackluster by the episode. He wants to inspire monsters to rise up and reach their dreams, but he just doesn’t know how to do that when he’s not even sure he believes in his own dreams anymore...
Papyrus: Another monster who has a little more hope left than most, doing his best to stay optimistic in the face of a really bad situation. He...may be in a little bit of denial, actually? He maintains that somehow, monsterkind is going to be free again! He just! Doesn’t know how! But it’ll definitely happen, just you wait, they’re totally not all going to die down here without ever getting to experience all the neat stuff on the Surface!!! He pretty much has selective hearing about anything related to that kind of hopelessness, tuning it out and not responding to it, mostly because he knows if he dwells on it too long, he’s going to have an existential crisis/breakdown of uncomfortable proportions and noooobody wants to see that mess, hahaha… In the meantime, he’s thrown himself into human studies and analysis, full-on Little Mermaid style because it gives him something good to focus on, and hope that life on the Surface will be good, once they get up there! He’s actually very close friends with Alphys because of their shared interest (though he’s not sure how sold he is on those cartoons…). He’s also trying to befriend Undyne, because she’s Captain of the Guard and seems really cool! And maybe if he could be friends with her, and cheer her up, maybe she could help him spread that cheer a little bit…? Or! Maybe he just makes a cool new friend and at least one person around here a tiny bit happier, which is also good!
Sans: A guy under no illusions that their situation is anything but terrible. He’s very weak and very tired, even for the Supremely Bummed Out monsters he lives amongst. His nihilist sense of humor and his brother are pretty much the only things keeping him from Falling Down at this point—that, and the humans in the Ruins. He’s met a few of them, indirectly, through his knock-knock routine, and he knows that there’s six of them in there now; knows that with just one more, maybe…maybe…? …He tries not to hope too hard, there’s a lot of random chance and timing involved, and humans just aren’t as sturdy as, say, a Boss Monster. Something—illness, injury, old age—could happen to any one of the humans at any time before a Seventh Human can fall… but he still checks on the door every couple of days, thinking that impossible, “maybe…”
Frisk: The long-awaited Seventh Human! They’re greeted after their fall by the six humans who preceded them, and are summarily tutored about Encounters and souls and The General Situation. After that, their quest is to go through the Underground, learning and mastering their magic so that they’ll be able to help break the Barrier. They’re escorted by the other mages, but are mostly on their own, as they want Frisk to learn and strengthen their abilities by themselves. Frisk is pretty safe in Encounters, since monsters aren’t really enthusiastic enough to hurt them, even on accident—but maybe, depending on what they say and do, they could reignite the hopes and dreams of monsterkind…?
Potential Outcomes
No Mercy - Frisk kills all the monsters they can on the way to the Barrier. Once it’s broken, one of the mages (randomly decided each run) will turn on them. They may only be a child, but based on what they’ve just done, they’re dangerous and only bound to get more dangerous as they get older—it had to end here. The last thing Frisk hears is the mages arguing over the morality of it before everything ends… and they have the chance to RESET.
Neutral -  Frisk only kills a few monsters, or doesn’t kill anyone but does not restore everyone’s hope (major characters). When they get to the Barrier, they find that their magic alone isn’t strong enough to help break it…but the other six mages and any befriended monsters will comfort them and assure them that they can just…live down here a little bit longer. They can try again in a couple years, when their magic is stronger, it’s okay, Frisk! That’s fine, they guess, but maybe…maybe they can do better if they RESET?
True Pacifist -  Frisk kills no one and befriends/inspires all main characters. All the monsters show up to cheer them on while they and the mages attempt to break the Barrier. When Frisk’s magic alone isn’t strong enough, the monsters lend their magic too, and all together it’s enough to shatter the Barrier and let monsters and mages finally go free!
Getting the Good Ending
Asgore and Toriel have to be convinced to split--they realize that they don’t fit together anymore, at least not romantically, and after everything that’s happened, it’s time for them to move on from one another and let go of the past.
Alphys and Undyne have to be brought together-- Alphys’ resolve to reach for better things is validated by Undyne’s admiration of her, and Alphys’ belief that she’s not a bad person restores Undyne’s confidence.
Mettaton needs an enthusiastic audience for once. A cheering crowd (even just of one) is enough to make him perform better, which improves his ratings and viewership, which makes him perform better, and so on in a feedback loop of glitz and glamour until he can believe in his dreams and the Underground’s again!
Papyrus is easy-- he just needs to be told of the humans’ quest to break the Barrier. He knew it! He knew monsters were going to be free one day, somehow! And here’s the proof, a band of mages on their way to make it happen as they spoke! Take that, existential nihilist dread, optimism was right!!!
Sans is both the hardest and the easiest-- he needs you to inspire everybody else first, but then it’ll just happen on its own. When he sees all of monsterkind rallying together, having hope for once...it really makes him believe in that ‘maybe,’ more than he ever could before. Ah, hell...he’ll be rootin’ for you, too, kid!
Aesthetic Notes
Mostly muted, washed out colors and plenty of monochrome, big The Neopets Gray Paint Brush vibes.
Monster magic is mostly shades of gray: the default is white but pretty much only children too young to understand everyone’s predicament remain white. The more hopeless a monster has gotten at their worst, the darker and grayer their magic gets. It’s easier for magic to darken than to lighten, so it will take many years of living on the Surface for monster to see their magic work its way back to white, and some may never recover completely--but they can always get just a little bit better! Even if it takes time!
Asgore and Toriel: Very neat and well put together, but overwhelmingly dour--the vibe you’d expect off a very proper and serious Victorian couple. Perfectly respectable black clothing (for mourning), with little to no ostentation. Crowns are pewter instead of gold. Asgore’s hair has faded from gold to more of a dishwater blond, and his beard shows several streaks of gray. Toriel wears Chara’s locket and plucks a fresh Golden Flower every day to place behind her ear, in remembrance of her children.
Alphys: Some of the brightest colors in the Underground--but in comparison to monochrome, even the soft pink and blue pastels she favors look bright. She wears a lot of cute dresses under her lab-coat (sometimes Lolita style), and always has some kind of ribbon tied in her crest or onto her tail-- it makes her feel cute and pretty and she likes the ego boost it gives her.
Undyne: Droopy fins, scales lacking in luster. She wears her hair down, long and loose about her face, but generally has the same fashion and body type as her canon self. Her appearance is one of those things she hasn’t given up on just yet!
Mettaton: A very Apple tech-esque look, clean white and sleek minimalist lines, basically an iPad on wheels. It’s pretty, but...also kinda boring. His Ex form is a lot more fun, still a little bit of a JJ Abrams look, but with a splash of Daft Punk--the Ex form can do rainbow lights and in comparison, it’s mind-blowingly, eye-searingly flashy...and suits him so much more.
Papyrus: No battle body, and not so much of a Strapping Young Lad--he’s a little slimmer in the chest and shoulders, and dresses like the sweet Boy Next Door he is. His magic is a pearly color, almost white but with a faint tinge of gray.
Sans: Not overly different-looking, favors soft and comfy clothes, anything that’s easy to pull on and cozy enough to sleep in. Extra Rounde™, precisely one notch up from however chubby-looking you normally imagine your Sanses to be. Deep shadows beneath his eye-sockets, and eye-lights that match the color of his magic--ash gray.
Not a major character but I had a cool idea for him so
Grillby: Mostly the same, but his flame burns low and rounded, more like a match or a candle wick than a freely flickering fire.
If you made it this far through all of that, thank you for listening to my idea! That’s all I got. :3
ETA some other stuff, since I’ve been asked some other stuff! XD
More about Grillby
Muffet and Napstablook
The mages’ powers
Burgerpants and Nice Cream Bunny
More about Frisk and Toriel
Various Skelebros Stuff: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII
Monsters’ reception on the Surface
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awakened-harmony · 3 years
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Name: Vitality (Vita) ‘Aala’ Ekeri
Nicknames: Vee
Voice claim: WIP though it’s very rich and warm, Soothing
Birth sign: Pisces (Febuary 20th)
Species: Keloul
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2
Weight: 120 pounds
Age: 250-275ish years old give or take
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: High ranked healer within’ the royal guard
Canon universe: Underfell (But she can be found in UT/US/other AU’s if asked)
Battle theme: Phaedra
ATK: 100 DEF: 400 HP: 1000
* Smells like Cotton Candy
Current happenings: N/A TLDR: Vita was born on the surface to religious parents, Killed her first mate who she had been bethrothed to by accident, Eventually met drusil as he was one of the kings guards. Fell in love and spent a few happy years together before the monster v human war struck and drusil was killed a week before they were all sealed underground. Found out she was pregnant with their child and has raised him underground ever since. Hoping for the day they can all return to the surface.
Vita or Vitality as is her full name though she rarely goes by it nor does she like when other people use it as to her it’s needlessly unique and she far prefers just vita, She was born and raised in a small religious oceanic village a few hours from Mount Ebott and grew up under the strict though at the time she thought fair ruling of her parents, Learning the ways of the average house wife so to speak. Cooking, Cleaning, Dress modestly, Avert her eyes when she caught someone’s attention. It led to her being very meek and shy for her early years though very nice to even if her parents often scolded her if they thought she was being a little ‘too’ nice for their liking though it was rare anyone saw that side of her parents, Peachy perfect in public. It was hard not to love them and their only child who dutifully followed their word.
She was bethrothed to another, A monster named Orinda, Her and his Parents had declared it so, they’d be a perfect match to live and thrive, Have kids and continue on the family legacy and get married she did. Though unfortunately for her, He was a dick behind closed doors, Not that she would have had any choice in the matter whether he was nice or not and though some part of her deep down resented the situation she was in, She’d been raised that she just needed to be better. She just needed to do her best, She just needed to try and everything would be okay. They’d be okay, They’d be a happy little family just like her parents wanted, It wasn’t often that he struck her, So much more was said and it hurt far more then any blow. In some ways, She’s sure she would have never gotten out of there if not for that one, Fateful night. He’d come home angry, swearing and fidgety, She wasn’t sure why, She couldn’t ask. She still cooked dinner for him, Had cleaned up for him, Offered herself to him as she’d been taught. But it wasn’t enough, She wasn’t enough.
He’d struck her, Again and maybe it was a fit of rage or a desire to protect herself but she lashed out with her magic, With her healing magic. At first, he’d laughed yet then he’d spluttered, Bending over and groaning. Oh she’d never forget the way he hacked and coughed, His magic that was a odd tinge of red and orange, Blood orange perhaps? escaped out of him through his mouth. Leaking onto the floor even as she’d ran past him to get help, Help for what she’d done. But by the time she’d returned with someone, Anyone, He was far beyond any help. Only choking out that she’d done this to him before he finally collapsed and dusted.
A murderer, She was a murderer, She’d killed him were what came from the chants of her village. Outrage and outcry that spread, Spread far enough that it reached the city of Ebott and the ears of the king himself. It hadn’t been asgore yet, Rather his father. A huge, dark furred beast of a boss monster that showed up to her tiny little village and even as she quaked in torn clothes, Under the pressure of her entire village’s sheer hatred. Clamed up only by the king’s presence, He offered, No she supposed. Not offered, GAVE her a chance that she couldn’t refuse. Whether she wanted to or not. So with only a nod, She found herself whisked away by the king of monsters and his entourage of guards, She’d never see her family again, She’d made attempts to write but never got anything back so eventually. She stopped trying.
In ebott, She got trained in the ways of being a healer, A true healer with a good control over her power and her further specialization into being a midwife for Monsters, Helping to deliver plenty of children over the years. During her training, She found herself growing close to one of the king’s guards, Drusil, He’d come from a different settlement but they were the same type of monster. Oh he’d been stunning with dark, Almost black skin, His hair blended in!, Golden tinged fins and freckling along his arms and his back. He’d always been so nice to her, So goofy, so friendly and so damn stupid sometimes that it always made her giggle and though hesitant to enter a relationship again, Having to take the time to get past the conditioning her parents had put her through, He waited. It took three years but he’d waited and she eventually accepted.
She’d never been happier, His family had practically adopted her, His parents especially came to see her as a daughter and she considered them her true parents as well. She adored his few little siblings and they had a few happy years together, During this time meeting gaster and Rose to. A rumbling came by word of mouth, Of talks of rising tension and war on the frightened lips of monster kind, Seeding that doubt of worry in her belly despite drusil trying to reassure her. It would never happen, they wouldn’t go to war.
Yet even as the king passed on the throne to his son and his own bethrothed, The talk of war and rising tensions became even more prevalent and soon, War broke out, Many monsters like to say it was a war but to vita, It always seemed more like a all out slaughter. Her mate fought alongside gaster to help protect the new king and his Queen. She was a medic, She healed as best she could, Serving her own part even if she rarely saw action unless it was to protect her patients, Oh how often she’d longed for war to be over then. Longed for it to end and end it did, But not in the way she’d hoped, There’d been talks of a peace treaty a few years in, of monsters surrendering, That it’d be fine. That they’d all make it out. One last night with drusil with the promise on his lips that everything would be fine. It’d all work out...but it didn’t. Drusil, Among many of the kings other guards fell due to stopping a attempted assignation on the king.
Oh goddesses how she’d sobbed, How loud she had wailed, It was only a week after that the big final push came. To lock them underground and forget about monster kind with help of their mages, Oh they’d fought back for certain but they just lost more and more as humans grew only stronger as they gained LOVE. She was injured when a group of them had raided the medical tent, so lost from their own morals that killing the sick and injured didn’t matter to them, Injured in her attempt to save her patients, They were under her care, they couldn’t just kill them! Instead. One of them with a glint of malice she’d never yet truly seen came at her instead she though she fought. Two others held her to cease her struggling and they almost Methodically, Joyfully sliced one of her back fins off. She would have died there if not for someone hearing her screams, of pain and of fear, They’d never been able to a re-attach the ‘wing’, It scattered into dust not long after being cut off and all they could do was bandage what they could so she didn’t bleed out from the injury and helped her towards mount ebott. Still crying and weak, heart broken from all that had occurred.
She along with the remains of monsterkind were sealed below ground with a magic spell, She was numb to all that had occurred in some aspects. Throwing herself into work, Yet her healing wasn’t enough for all the monsters that fell simply do a lack of hope, A lack of supplies. There wasn’t enough food, enough water. It was around the same time that she came to the horrifying and stricken realization that she was pregnant. Oh she had thought about ending it, If the stress from the situations didn’t kill it first but...she couldn’t, She just couldn’t. It was the only bit of Drusil she had left. It was their baby. So despite all odds, She kept her child and almost a year underground (Her species gestates a bit longer then humans 9 months). She eventually gave birth with only the assistance of her surviving friend Gaster to help her, An act that almost killed her, Leaving her fitfully weak for weeks after and a few years until she truly felt 100% like herself again.
She remained a healer in the royal guard as years dragged by, Becoming accustomed to life underground like many others monsters, Focused on raising her son and teaching him to be good. Because even as their civilization stabilized, the monsters grew worse and worse. Far more befitting of their name, Many were angry, Aggressive and even violent, The king was the worst of them all and while she’d looked up to him once upon a time. The decree of collecting human souls was the final straw, She hated him and all that he stood for. She sympathized with toriel and her disappearance yet some part of her hated toriel to for leaving. For letting this lunatic take full control of the kingdom instead of sticking by to help. Yet she would only stew silently because there was nothing more she could do to help then any of the rest of monster kind.
All she hope for is the day they get released from the mountain.
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storyswap-color-au · 5 years
StorySwap Color - Toriel’s Bio
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Name: Toriel Dreemurr
Approximate Age: Mid-40’s, possibly early 50’s
Approximate Height: 5”9’
Likes: Snails, Bakery, Science, Her family (Including Alphys)
Dislikes: Alphysuki, the Royal Guard,
History: While Asgore worked his way up the ranks of the Guard, Toriel delved into the world of science. She eventually landed a spot as an assistant to the royal scientist of the time. About 2 months into her internship, the first soul was mysteriously delivered to the lab. She and her superior quickly jumped at the opportunity to study it, not knowing of its origins.
A couple of souls later, she realizes where monsterkind has been obtaining the souls, and is disgusted. Toriel furiously argues with her husband over the ethics of resorting to slaughtering children, and tries to search for an alternate solution.
Almost by some unknown magic, Toriel woke up to find a small hole in the wall near her house, with shredded bits of documents. From what she could gather, they seemed to be notes on an experiment to bring dead monsters back to life! Immediately, she began to transcribe the notes to the best of her ability, and handed them off to the royal scientist while she worked on a SOUL Analysis Machine (SAM). One of the readings seemed to indicate something that mattered little to Toriel, and significantly more to her son.
Eventually, Toriel retired the machine after nothing fruitful came about from anything she attempted to do. Meanwhile, the Determination Experiments begin their first rounds of testing. Everything goes smoothly for a few weeks. The monsters that had Fallen Down were up again, and walking around. This gives Toriel an idea; what would happen if you gave the will to live to something that didn’t have a SOUL? Something like… a flower.
Going out into her husband’s garden, she picked various flowers, including the golden flower that would later become Florescent. When she got back to the lab, however, she was confused to see that her superior was not around. Instead, there was only a small lizard monster named Alphys, who claimed to be the recently hired intern. Both of them had assumed that everyone else were busy with their own things, and began to casually chat as Toriel began working on injecting determination into each flower. The two bounced off each other well, and made an excellent team.
Not all was fun and games, however. Toriel and Alphys began to worry about the location of their coworkers, so they entered the basement level and after a while, they overheard something in one of the experiment rooms. Toriel burst through the door and reeled back in shock, mortified to find what had become of her coworkers and her superior, as well as the monsters who had been risen back to life. All of them had melded together into Amalgamates…
“CoMe, joIn thE fUN…”
She and Alphys both chose not to heed their advice. After subduing the coworker-amalgam, the two worked together to corral most of the amalgamated monsters back upstairs. After Toriel explained what had transpired to King Papyrus, he allowed the Amalgamated monsters that were rescued to be returned to their families. Additionally, Toriel was promoted to Royal Scientist, and Alphys rose to Toriel’s previous position as an assistant.
One day, Alphys came to Toriel to propose an idea; Alphysuki-chan! A bubbly, cute monster girl that would make everyone happy. Her logic was that the reason monsters seemed to be Falling Down was because their feelings of sadness were weighing down on their SOULs. So, if monsterkind had something to look forward to every week or so, then potential casualties could be minimized. Toriel was hesitant at first, but after being introduced to anime, slowly began to understand where Alphys was coming from, and the merit behind her idea. Although, she may never understand the cartoons. What even is an “anna-may”.
The first draft of Alphysuki was to create a lifelike catgirl robot that would be remote-controlled by an unseen operator. However, the development was quickly becoming costly, so Toriel attempted to steer Alphys towards something more manageable. Alphys seemed to do so at first, creating a huge costume for herself to wear, Toriel eventually learned that Alphys had continued to develop the first iteration alongside the second one, apparently funding it herself by selling garbage in secret.
Not only was Toriel disappointed in Alphys, the lizard’s drive to accomplish her goal was becoming concerning. She tried to subtly push Alphys to do other things, more and more, but for all she tried to help, it only seemed to serve to widen the rift between them.
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messedupessy · 5 years
Number 15 with the Fell brothers~! :3
Ahhhh here ya go man I literally wrote this in one day, which is today just frikking wrote it in pretty much one go and I am seriously proud of myself gnkjegnkjgkrje so yeah enjoy xD ❤
Edit 2021/01/05: Decided to update this, fixed some grammar and added some minor things, enjoy!
Stealing Flowers
Relationship: None, just bros
Warnings: Mention of animal death, but nothing graphic or detailed
Prompt: “Are you seriously stealing flowers off that grave?” 
Summary: Red joins Edge on a trip to the cemetery.
Story below cut
“Red, Really?”, Red heard Edge say slightly behindhim, clearly exasperated. “Are You Seriously Stealing Flowers Off That Grave?”
“yep, sure am baby bro.”, he replied with his usualwide grin, as it was true. He was currently picking, or stealing as Edge calledit, some flowers off of a grave he was squatting down in front of.
Though it wasn’t really stealing since the flowerswere technically grown there and clearly not planted, was actually rather whatmost people would call weeds. So in turn Red was actually doing the cemeterystaff a favour by removing some of the said weeds off the grave.
“And Do Tell Me Why Exactly You Are Doing Such AThing, Brother?”, Edge asked again, his voice stiff with barely held backirritation.
“jist doin’ my daily good deed of tha day, bro.”, Redjoked with a dark chuckle, the disgusted noise he got in return worth it. Hethen stood up with the flowers in hand, turning around so he was now face toface with his much younger, and also sort of angry, brother.
Edge was dressed in a fancy black suit; with some kneehigh boots that had some minor heel to them which Red was thankful for theother wearing. As Edge really needed to stop stomping around with those overlyhigh heels of his, they were so not good for that bad hip of his. And alongsidethat cute scowl his face was currently expressing, so was he holding a largebouquet of red roses with a large matching ribbon.  
Red himself was not dressed up for the occasion atall, he was in fact just wearing his usual outfit as he hadn’t bothered at allor even tried to dress up, unlike his brother.
“nah, thought i shoulda get somethin’ fer tha grave,pay me respects an’ all that shit, ya know.”, Red then added with a shrugbefore Edge had a chance to say anything else, fiddling with the flowers heheld in his hands slightly, his mind noting they were probably some sort ofdandelions or something.
That gave Edge pause, stopped him right as he wasabout to say something, probably a lecture, but instead he ended up juststanding there with stunned surprise on his features. But it wasn’t long untilhis whole body visibly relaxed, letting out a deep sigh in defeat, while alsogiving Red a suspicious glare.
“Let’s… Let’s Keep Moving.”, Edge uttered before hequickly began to walk, quickly making his way past Red and down the path of thecemetery with long steps.
And like the lazy ass he was, Red instead of followinghis brother simply took a shortcut.
Then quickly reappearing with barely a sound at theirdestination, which was another grave.
He eyed the grave lazily while he waited for hisbrother, which wouldn’t take long thanks to those long legs of his. The blackgranite of the headstone shined brightly in the strong summer sun, slightlyblinding him but not enough to stop him from reading what was written on it.
It said, with big fancy golden letters:
                                              Unknown July. 17          
                                                 2261 - 2284  
                                 Beloved pet,companion and friend
Around the textthere were paw prints carved into the stone also with gold in them, alongsideother golden squiggly patterns here and there which he guessed were leaves orsome shit, his brother not sparing any expense when it came to the grave of hisnow dead pet cat.
The old furballhad finally bit the dust last year at about 23 years of age, which apparentlywas pretty old for a cat. Though she might have been older as it wasn’t fullysure how old she had been when Edge found her back in the underground.
Thinking of theunderground, it was still weird how that was just about 11 years ago, that thebarrier broke and all monsterkind was freed from their imprisonment.
His thoughtswere interrupted by the arrival of his brother, who with quick steps made hisway next to him where he stopped.
He looked athis brother, who was looking very stoic and tense as he watched the grave,holding the roses in his hand tightly, before be abruptly turned to him,reaching out the hand with the roses towards him.
“Hold These, INeed To Clean The Grave.”, Edge muttered tersely.
“sure thin’,bro.”, Red replied taking a hold of the roses, the thought of saying no justbecause running through his mind, but he decided not to for once. His brotherwas already, no pun intended, on edge.
His brotherthen stepped forward and got to work, pulling out various tools from his phoneinventory before kneeling down, grimacing slightly as he did thanks to his oldinjuries. But his expression quickly turned determined as he got to work,removing any weeds that had popped up since last time he had been there,removing old flowers and so on, while Red just stood there watching him work.
The urge topush Edge to the side and do the work himself, even though this sort of shitwork wasn’t his thing, was overwhelming. But he knew his baby brother wouldn’ttake it well, since this was his duty and all that shit, so he let it be, sinceafter all the death of his pet cat had hit his brother hard, harder than youwould expect.
Like to Red itwas just a cat, an animal, they die quickly when it comes to monsters like themwho lives for a very long time. So he didn’t really fully get why Edge wasstill so upset about it and still grieving even a year after.
A low huffescaped him, guess he truly was an insensitive arse.
Still, hehappily tagged along whenever his brother went to visit Doomfanger’s grave,spending any time with his baby brother was time well spent.
It didn’t takelong for Edge to clean the grave, since he came and visited it at least acouple of times a month, so any weeds, rotten flowers or other cleaning of thegrave was quick work. Edge got back up onto his feet with a barely hiddengrimace of pain, for anyone who didn’t know what to look out for wouldn’t seeit as Edge was really good at hiding when he was in pain.
But Red wasn’tjust anyone, and knew exactly what to look out for to notice just how muchEdge’s old injuries affected him.
Which remindedhim, he still needed to beat that fish bitch into a fucking pulp for causingsaid injuries. He didn’t care that it happened almost 20 years ago, or that itwas all done fair and square or that the bitch was still his baby brothers socalled best friend, any kind of injuries caused to his brother would get paidwith blood.  
Edge thenwordlessly reached his hand out towards him, snapping Red out of his suddenthoughts of tearing that fish a new hole. Just as wordlessly he gave him backthe bouquet of roses and Edge then quickly squatted down and placed them ontothe now clean grave.
Without Rednoticing so had Edge also put down a couple of candles which he had lit, how hehad missed that was making his sockets twitch in irritation at himself, he wassupposed to be aware at all times after all, couldn’t risk missing anything nomatter how small said thing was. Edge then stood back up and took a step back,looking at the grave his whole body tense and his expression grim.
Ah, now timefor the part which always ended up making him uncomfy as fuck.
Red seriouslydid not do feely stuff, he did not know how to handle it at all, he glanced atEdge who was standing next to him again with his arms behind his back, lookingas stiff as the stick he at times had up his pelvis.  
As ever sincethe incident, from about 10 years ago, even just thinking about it makes Redgrit his teeth in anger as he didn’t even want to think about it properly, hewas still so pissed about it.
But since thatincident Edge had pretty much become incapable of crying at all.
He was unableto cry at his shitty romantic drama’s he so loved anymore, he was unable to crywhen Doomfanger got sick due for age. Unable to cry when she eventually diedand wasn’t able to cry even at her funeral.
Thoughtechnically it was his baby brothers own fault, he had insisted on finding outthe truth, had forced Red’s hand in the name of saving Red from going insane.
He much morewould had preferred going insane than having Edge suffer as he do now, how hisbaby brother now had the highest level out of all monsterkind and now wasforced to live with it. As he did have a reason, several of them actually, whyhe had kept the truth secret from Edge for so many years to start with and thiswas one of them.
But now herethey were, Edge unable to properly grieve and cry over his dead cat, and himselfunable to comfort him because what the fuck were feelings even, all because ofthat whole fucking incident.
Especiallysince Edge wasn’t the only one affected by the incident, Red himself was nowcapable of feeling shit for other people and not just his brother. Which wasweird, as he now was able to feel shit more proper overall and he absolutelyhated it.
As things thatusually didn’t bother or affect him suddenly did, made him stop and think whathis actions and words could do to people at times and fuck did he hate it. Shitwas better when he didn’t care jack shit about anything or anyone except forhis baby brother, but apparently said brother would rather he cared about othersas well and make him a emotional asshole instead.
Which was whyhe didn’t do his usual asshole thing, like cracking a very bad and insensitivejoke, do something seriously rude like tossing the flowers he still held in hishand onto the grave which he originally had just picked up as a joke. He wasincapable of been his usual nonchalant dickish self and it was frustrating asfuck.
So instead, hedecided to do something so out of character of himself that if there was somesort of overwordly being up there, so would it have struck him down on the spotfor heresy.
“gimme yehand.”, he said to Edge, lifting his hand that he didn’t hold the flowers in uptowards his brother.
“Why?”, Edgereplied stiffly, eyeing the offered hand in suspicion which Red couldn’t reallyblame him for, he was known to pull pranks at the worst of times after all.
“jist do et,i’m trynna do a good thin’ here.”, Red grumbled back, feeling uncomfortable asfuck as he shook his hand for Edge to just take it already.
“… Fine, But IfYou Are About To Play A Trick On Me So Am I Never Letting You Come Along HereWith Me Again.”, Edge huffed after a moment of glaring, rolling his eye light’sas he put his hand in Red’s own.
“don’t worry, iwon’t.”, Red reassured him, giving his brother’s hand a squeeze. Fuck this shitwas weird but he had gotten this far, might as well go through with it.
He then steppedforward towards the grave, the two of them already standing close enough to itso he didn’t have to let go of the others hand. He could feel Edge’s confusedeyes dig into his back as he then squatted down, putting the flowers down ontothe grave as nicely as he could.
“sup, furball.”,Red then spoke, wincing slightly at how corny and touchy feely the whole thinghe was doing was, keeping his one eyelight locked onto the grave. “thanks… ferya always been there for me bro when he needed ya… an’ for been jist a reallygood cat.”
He thenpromptly got up and stepped back so he was standing next to his brother again, ifhe had skin he would swear it was crawling with just how fucking uncomfy hisactions just made him.
Red didn’t evenlook at his brother, to see how he reacted, instead he focused his eye onto arandom piece of grass. A minute or so passed before he felt Edge squeeze hishand back, making Red turn his face back up to his brother who was looking downat him.
“That… ThatWas…”, Edge began, clearing his throat loudly before a very soft smile slowlyspread onto his face. “That Was Really Sweet Of You… Thank You.”
If it wasn’tfor the fact Red had promised to chill the fuck out with his habit of taking picturesof Edge, so would he had pulled his phone out faster than his shortcuts as theexpression Edge was wearing was something he so dearly needed a photo of, so hecould look at it whenever he wanted and needed to.
But at the sametime, he felt if he went and did it, he would ruin whatever this moment wasbetween them, so he resisted and instead gave his baby brother a wide grin.
“heh, anytimebaby bro.”, Red murmured instead, before turning his face away to look atDoomfanger’s grave, Edge doing the same.
They stoodthere in silence for awhile, just enjoying the moment, until suddenly Edgesqueezed his hand again before slowly removing his own from Red’s grasp. MakingRed look up at him, resisting the urge to grab it back, but Edge was notlooking at him, his eyes still locked with the grave before them.
“Al-All Right,I Am Done Here For Today, Thanks For Coming With Me.”, Edge said with a slighttremble to his voice, before he quickly turned heel and began to walk away onthe cemetery path. “Come Along Brother, I Need To Get Back To Work Before TwoPM And I Refuse To Be Late.”
“sure thin’.”, Redreplied, but he didn’t move from where Edge left him. As before Edge turnedaway and began to walk, Red could had sworn he saw something shine in hisbrother’s eye socket.
Quickly shakinghis head so to snap out of it, he decided it was most likely just hisimagination and wishful thinking. But he grinned widely and with a step forwardtook a shortcut to catch up to his much faster brother.
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smellslikejustice · 4 years
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* 𝙵𝙰𝙲𝙴 𝙲𝙻𝙰𝙸𝙼 :  Fanart, credited to the best of my ability. * 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 :  Undyne. Just Undyne. Born from an orphaned hatch of eggs, her biological parents lost to the war, she has no familial name. Yet, at least. * 𝙰𝙶𝙴 :  Twenty-five years of age.  * 𝙷𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 :  6′5ft. * 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙲𝙸𝙴𝚂 :  Shark Merfolk/Monster. * 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 :  Cis Female. * 𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 :  Aligns herself solely to the Monster Kingdom & Monsterkind. * 𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷𝙳𝙰𝚈 :  She hatched on the 25th of July.  * 𝚂𝚄𝙽 𝚂𝙸𝙶𝙽 :  Leo, fueled by fire & ruled by the sun. * 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 :  Born & raised within the “Underground” beneath Mount Ebott. Where she goes after they earn their freedom is up to Monsterkind,  * 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙰𝙻 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂 :  Single, with very little romantic experience. * 𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙽𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃 :  Lawful good as long as she believes the law is for the good. * 𝙳𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙺 :  Sea tea lemonade, with golden flower tea as a close second. * 𝙵𝙾𝙾𝙳 :  While she doesn’t exactly have the highest standards, she highly favors meat- being a carnivore in spirit. The juicier & rarer the better.  * 𝙳𝙰𝚈 𝙾𝚁 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 :  She’s spent most of her life in Waterfall, the luminescent caverns giving an illusion of starlit eternal nights... nights on the surface make her feel at home. That said, the sun is a wholly new experience, and will make days all the better for her.  She has no preference- she loves life in general. * 𝚂𝙽𝙰𝙲𝙺𝚂 :  Avoiding meats, cheese fries are her go-to appetizer whenever she swings by Grillby’s. She works out more than enough to justify an ‘unhealthy’ diet. * 𝙿𝙴𝚃 :  None. Some monsters joke about the Canine Unit being her pups, considering how well trained she’s got them, but I assure you they are her equals, not her pets. * 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚄𝚁 :  Fluorescent cyan, cobalt blue, coral pink, golden yellow. * 𝙵𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝚁 :  Echo Flowers, but those are too easy. Lets make a bouquet from... bouvardia (enthusiasm & zest for life), delphinium (big hardheartedness), gladiolus (strength of character), hyacinth (playfulness & sportiness), black-eyed susans (justice & growth), and a sunflower (adoration & loyalty). * 𝚂𝙴𝚇𝚄𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 :  Lesbian, only interested in women. * 𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈 𝚃𝚈𝙿𝙴 :  Mesomorph; she’s lean & deceptively thin, her muscles much more densely packed than a human’s. On closer inspection, she’s clearly built like a brick-house. Curvy. * 𝙴𝚈𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁 :  Golden yellow sclera, green irises, and dark red pupils. * 𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁 :  Coral pink, bordering on reddish.
𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈:  @pristinette​, thank you kindly fellow spear-maiden. 𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙶:  Steal it.
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argentdandelion · 5 years
Child Psychology and Chara
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(Sprites from the sprite resource of CrasherGale, who has since left Tumblr)
(Made with consulting from Keetah Spacecat.) (WARNING: This article covers Chara's possible motives for knowingly eating a lethal dose of poisonous flowers. It thus covers some dark material.)
Some fan works depict “Chara” (the default name of the Fallen Child that will be used in this article) as violent and demonic even before the completion of the Genocide Route. It’s possible this interpretation comes from a lack of familiarity with child psychology, or disagreeing on Chara’s age and thus age-appropriate moral awareness. Furthermore, there’s little evidence Chara acted demonic before the Genocide Route. Sometimes, kids are little sociopaths—and that’s not a sign they’re pure evil.
Basic (Canon) Information
Canon Details:
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Hated humanity.
Felt very strongly about that, but never talked about why.
With Asriel, poisoned Asgore by putting buttercups in a pie rather than cups of butter
Laughed upon hearing Asgore was really sick
Apparently does creepy faces sometimes
When Asriel had absorbed their SOUL, wanted Asriel to use his “full power” on the humans
Has a sophisticated vocabulary (“vanquished”, “absolute”, “consequences”, etc.) and formal way of speaking for a child
Climbed Mt. Ebott, a mountain it's said travellers never return from
Chara's reason for doing so "wasn't for a very happy reason".
Made the Mr. Dad Guy sweater
This is based on how Asriel just calls Asgore “Dad”, and how Chara may be reluctant to refer to Asgore as just “dad” due to being adopted when they could remember their original parents.
Chara’s age is 8-12.
This is based on Chara’s planning abilities and sophisticated vocabulary.
Chara hated humanity and was “very clear about that”: this is one of their few canon traits. However, dying a gruesome death by buttercup poisoning does seem quite a lot to do out of just hate. Most people wouldn’t go so far as to die to destroy something they hated.
While wanting to destroy humanity was surely motivated least partly by hate, the particular intentions of the plan and how well they would execute it would likely depend on age. Assuming an age range of 8-12, Chara would likely be in the Stages 2, 3, or 4 of Kohlberg’s developmental stages, with Stage 3 being the most likely.
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The apparent purpose of the buttercup plan was to “free everyone”. That is what Asriel emphasizes in the VHS tapes, and also what the Angel of the Prophecy is said to do.
In Underline, Growth Spurt, Dogs of Future Past: Chara Origins, Chara’s motives were initially explained or mentioned to Asriel in ways more sympathetic than punishment, vengeance or simple hate. It’s unclear whether Chara had the mental ability to anticipate Asriel reacting badly if they said their motives were one of those three, or whether Chara just reloaded whenever they got a bad outcome.
Kohlberg’s Stage 2
Ages 5-7 or 9, or Ages 4-101
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“People at Stage 2 are self-protective, dominant, exploitative, and opportunistic. The need to love and to be loved is gratified on the basis of reciprocal altruism.”- The Moral Development of the Child: An Integrated Model
Though those in Stage 2 may sometimes seem as if they lack morals, they do have some sense of right action. The stage is defined by fair exchanges and pragmatic reciprocating, with moral reasoning guided by a sense of “fair play”. Stage 2 reasoning shows a limited concern for others, but only to the point where it might further the individual’s own interests: it’s a “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” mentality. Thus, it’s not based on loyalty or intrinsic respect.
Chara’s needs or interests might include punishing/inflicting vengeance on humans for one or more of these reasons: treating Chara specifically badly, sealing monsters underground long ago, or their wicked deeds in general. According to this source, vengeance is in fact considered a moral obligation at this stage.2
Though collectively punishing all of humanity/a minimum of six people doesn’t make sense (assuming that minimum of six people didn’t abuse Chara), it might make sense if Chara is ages 8-10. Kohlberg based his work on Jean Piaget’s own work on moral development in children, though Piaget’s had fewer stages. Those in the first of Piaget’s stages (approximately from age 5 to age 11-12) believe in collective punishment, so, if one person in a group does something bad, it would make sense to punish everyone in that group.
Due to the principle of reciprocity, Chara may also have thought they should “return the favor” to monsterkind by sacrificing themselves for monsters’ freedom. However, because this stage is characterized by pragmatic reciprocity, such an altruistic perspective does seem unlikely at this age (and death by buttercups was an awful way to die).
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In the GlitchTale episode Continue, Chara tells Asriel that Frisk isn't the goody two-shoes they thought they were. Chara didn’t force Frisk to do the Genocide Route; Frisk did so themselves. When Frisk reset, all the hate (which is both a substance and a feeling here, like Determination) built up in that route went to Chara.3 Chara says it makes them sick that Frisk thinks they’re above consequences, wants to make “the little murderer” pay for their actions, and also believes that Frisk shall use all of Asriel’s friends as toys forever. This relates to the idea vengeance is considered a moral obligation in Stage 2.
In one timeline, Chara crossed the barrier with Asriel by holding hands, and some humans attacked Asriel because he was a monster. Later, during a horrific reliving of this event, Chara stabbed (who they thought was) a human. Chara believed humans thought themselves above consequences, and wanted to make them regret what they did. (Later, Chara’s motives were different. As a soul absorbed by Asriel, Chara wanted to destroy humans because they considered humans “the real monsters” who would destroy their family.)
Kohlberg’s Stage 3
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Age Estimate: 7-13.
People in Stage 3 are aware of shared feelings and expectations, which are more important than individual interests. Those in Stage 3 believe people should live up to the expectations of the family and community and behave in “good” ways. To do right is to conform to social expectations, such as showing concern for others and following rules set by others to win their approval. Belief in the “golden rule” is one aspect of Stage 3. The reasons for doing the right thing is to maintain rules and authority and to be seen as a nice and good person by others.
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If Chara believed they were expected to be “the future of humans and monsters” and/or “the angel of the prophecy”, that would count as an expectation of the family and community. Thus, Chara would believe they had to break the barrier by any means necessary because that’s what the angel of prophecy and/or the future of “humans and monsters” should do.
By this perspective, the buttercup plan would have seemed like a good, moral plan to get Asriel past the barrier to obtain more SOULs. Chara’s hatred for humanity might have made this plan easier to do, especially if Chara planned from the start to get more human SOULs by killing.
However, part of this stage is belief in the “Golden Rule”, and “do unto others as others would do unto you” doesn’t really apply, since Chara (as a SOUL absorbed by Asriel) wanted to kill humans but wouldn’t want humans to kill them in turn.
Dogs of Future Past (WARNING: This section is slightly darker than usual.)
In Dogs of Future Past: Chara Origins, Chara was raised in a cult. Chara tried to be “good” and obey the cult’s teachings and the claimed desires of The Player, a godlike being the cult worshipped. The cult said The Player would wipe away all those whose hearts were filthy with wickedness (that is, kill them) and would do so “soon”. Sometimes, Chara seemed to think The Player’s desires were valid, to the point they questioned why The Player hadn’t destroyed wicked people already. Yet, after the callousness and cruelty of the cult members, Chara concluded everyone in the cult was a bad as everyone outside it.
Later, Asgore calls Chara (and Asriel) “the future of humans and monsters” in front of a crowd of monsters, which causes them all to cheer. Chara interpreted this as a crushing responsibility to do the best thing for monsterkind. Later Chara concluded they were what the Player was playing as/conflating their identity with the Player's, and so executed the buttercup plan. Their original parents repeatedly told them how "selfishness corrodes the heart". Chara may thus have thus believed a sense of self-preservation was selfish, and fulfilling monsters' apparent expectations was worth more than their individual life.
Kohlberg’s Stage 4
Age Estimate: 10-15, on average.
““Right” is helping maintain social order by doing one’s duty, obeying laws simply because they are laws, and showing respect for authorities simply because they are authorities.” -Psychology Second Edition, by Hockenbury & Hockenbury
Stage 4 reflects a belief that rules maintain the social order and that the social system will break down if people do not follow rules. At this stage, doing good involves following through on what one has agreed to do, for the good of the larger social system.
If Chara believed it was their duty to free monsters, Chara may have believed any tactic that would enable them to fulfill that duty was justified. On the matter of "following through on what you have agreed to do", perhaps Chara thought Asriel ought to follow through with the buttercup plan they had agreed to do together, to the point of (potentially) manipulating him to ensure he complied.4
The Chara of Dogs of Future Past: Chara Origins is, of all the applicable Chara interpretations the author has studied, the closest to this interpretation. However, Stage 3 is better-supported in the work.
Kohlberg's work has been criticized in various ways. In the scope of this article, there's only one major flaw: Kohlberg’s early studies were done purely on male subjects. It’s therefore possible his work doesn’t reflect the development of moral reasoning in girls. The book Psychology Second Edition (by Hockenbury & Hockenbury) points out that, in general, men and women may approach moral matters from slightly different perspectives. Many works do not describe or specify Chara as a boy or girl, or openly define Chara as neither, so which perspective to take is unclear.
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If Frisk talks with Asriel in the playable epilogue of the Pacifist Route, Asriel will eventually come to terms with his decision to resist Chara’s control and not kill the humans attacking him. Asriel realized that if had killed them, it would have started a war with humanity.
Some suggest war with humanity was the whole point of the buttercup plan, and particularly point out the detail that Chara requested to see the golden flowers of their village before dying. It is, however, likely Chara couldn’t foresee all the consequences to monsters from their plan, including the immense emotional suffering for their family members. Thus, as far they knew, the plan was a good and moral one.
Related Reading
Flowey and PTSD (Part 1 and Part 2)
Age Estimate Source 1, Age Estimate Source 2 ↩︎
As Voltrathesparking pointed out, this does bring up some questionable motives: if Chara's goal was vengeance, how could they be sure vengeance would be executed if they died? Wouldn't they want to see the look on humans' faces as they/Asriel destroyed them? Some works presume the two Waterfall history plaques unreadable in the game (the one in the artifact room and the one defaced by Nice Cream flavors) provided the information that a monster that absorbed a human SOUL had control of its body split between the two SOULs. However, this remains speculation. ↩︎
It’s possible the hate substance itself made Chara feel hate spontaneously, and it was up to Chara to put reasons to it. (See this GlitchTale analysis) Nonetheless, this would reflect Chara’s, well, character. ↩︎
For more information, see this Nochocolate post, as well as this counter-post. ↩︎
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student-on-the-run · 6 years
Salphys, Kustard, Soriel, Lazyberry?
Oooh, damn my dude, asking all the hard questions.
Okay, so hmmmm....
Salphys depends a heck of a lot on your headcanons for Sans and Alphys. So let me share mine :
Sans and Alphys worked together in the labs for a while. There are two types of logs in the True Lab : some have cute emojis and perfect grammar and use capitals, others are all in small type and have no care for punctuation. Since we've seen Sans' handwriting in the note he left us in his room, and since we know how Alphys writes from her posts on the Undernet, I believe that we can safely assume that the logs were written by both Sans and Alphys.
One of Sans' most desperate logs was one about injecting the Golden Flowers with determination. He was part of the determination experiments and he was frantically searching for something, anything, to make things right. (I actually think that his scientist past wasn't just to get everyone out of the Underground, but rather, that he had motives of his own. I'm currently working on a very very long story going into detail about all of this, haha).
Let's not forget that at the time, Asgore was under pressure as well. Is was a hard time for monsters (the death of the Royal Couple's children, The Queen going into self-imposed exile), and I would think that quite a number of them fell down at the time, losing HoPe. And Asgore was the one pressuring Alphys, who was already hating herself for lying about Mettaton. And now she gets the job of "reviving monsterkind's hope" through a soul research that she did not even conduct.
Two options on how Salphys would happen, with my headcanons: either it's a past relationship, a flower blooming in the darkest corners of the True Lab, in the dust-covered hands of two monsters who could barely look at themselves in the mirror, lest they feel their sins crawling down their backs... it would've been fuelled by sleepless nights on a work bench, self-hatred, and the tiny, small silver of hope that maybe, just maybe, a broken soul could find solace in arms that have been tainted by the same darkness.
Second option for Salphys would be.... Alphys and Undyne breaking up. Alphys being unable to move on, to grow and amend for her sins. She would have spiralled back into self-loathing despite Undyne's best efforts, effectively breaking the fish monster's heart. Sans, in the meantime, would've had trouble adjusting. The initial happiness he'd felt upon seeing his friend in love and moving on, the surge of hope that had blossomed in his soul upon thinking that perhaps it wasn't too late for him to amend, to correct his mistakes... it would all have shattered. He and Alphys would both be deeply convinced that the two of them were forever shunned from the carefree, innocent happiness that other monsters could bask in. Lost in darkness once again, they'd hold on to each other out of despair and bitterness. The two of them will probably be on their way to falling down as well, distancing themselves from their loved ones. With the drama that would follow, as Undyne and Papyrus will undoubtedly try to heal them.... needless to say : Angst.
And as much as I love writing angst, I'd rather just have Undyne and Alphys cuddle and gush over each other, haha. ♡
Soriel is a cute pairing I was into for a while. (Before being into Frans / straight up self-inserts lol). Usually post-pacifist Soriel, with a healthy, healed Sans, and a fun-loving Tori. I mean, PTA Sans, am I right? That would imply that Sans is actually quite a bit old (cuz dammit, Tori is old af and that's canon haha). On the other hand, monsters do age a differently, compared to humans, so that's not much of an issue. Overall, it's kinda cute.
For Kustard and Lazyberry... welp, to be honest, I don't like fontcest. I'm just not into it. Just... not. I could give headcanons for those pairings are bromances/ friendships. But not as lovers. Not my thing. But hey, you do you, my dude~
Welp, I should've been working, and yet here I am, sharing exhaustive headcanons haha ♡
@lithiumpaintball21 expect an ask of your own in the near future! (As soon as I'm done with my computer science assignment, in fact, haha ♡)
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obsesiveblue · 5 years
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Name : Aurora .
Gender : female.
Nation : resurrected / skeleton.
Likes : Reading and embroider especially embroider it calms her and keeps her thoughts away .
Dislikes : duplicity in humans and monsters , she does not like giving promise's and receive them from others particularly when she knows you can't keep them.
She's calm and quiet an girl from an good home .
She has an character that should been shown with time .
She was a wife of an nobleman ,beastly murdered ,her body abandoned in the woods , found by an monster who resurrected her the same monster brought her in to the underground where she lived .
This is an character reference for Golden age of monster kind
time where humanity lived in peace with united monsters .
- sorry for my bad English I know that my writing sucks -
Polish version
Imię: Aurora.
Płeć: kobieta.
Rasa : wskrzeszeniec / szkielet .
Lubi,preferuje: uwielbia czytać oraz wyszywać zwłaszcza ,wyszywać to ja uspokaja pozwala nie myśleć na temat przeszłości .
Nie lubi ,nienawidzi : dwulicowości wśród ludzi oraz potworów .
Nie lubi dawać obietnic ,których nie jest w stanie spełnić lub dotrzymać ( tyczy się to obu stron).
Jest to cicha i spokojna dziewczyna z dobrego domu jej charakter okazuje się czasem.
Była żoną szlachcica brutalnie zamordowaną a jej ciało porzucono w lesie.
Ciało odnalazł potwór , została przez niego wskrzeszona i zaprowadzona do podziemi gdzie żyje .
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“You want me to what?” Rene sighed, sipping her tea. “I want you to record a message for a time capsule. Thing.” Asriel shook his head, leaning on the table. The cafe was crowded, but thanks to the King’s security detail and Rene’s willingness to chase people off, they had enough privacy to talk. “Explain this again.” “You remember the Voyager probes?” Rene asked, setting her mug down. “It’s like that, but going out into the in-between. A sort of Golden Record, but with monsterkind on it this time.” “But why?”  “I told you, it’s a whim.”  Asriel narrowed his eyes. “You don’t ever do anything more than trying new chocolate bars on a whim, sis.” Rene stared into her mug. The tea wasn’t as sweet as she used to drink. She wondered when she started to prefer the more bitter, aromatic flavors that her dad used to love. Maybe it just came with age. She watched the ripples settle in it, wishing they had some advice that she could decipher.
Asriel’s padded palm on her arm snapped her back to reality. She looked up to meet his gaze, and he gave her that same old patient, kind smile that had saved her so many times when they were kids. “Rene. You look worried. The other generals told me you’ve been staying all nighters at the office again. I haven’t seen bags like those under your eyes since we were children. You can tell me what’s wrong.” Rene put her hand on his. Her brother, the one constant in her life. Her smile faltered.
“There’s something pulling the timeline, Azzy.” She said, quietly. “Not all at once, but like a tugging at the edge of everything. I can feel it, and I keep pulling back. But it’s been getting harder, and I don’t know what it means. Maybe it’s getting stronger. Or maybe I’m getting weaker.” “Weaker? Nonsense. You’re only a hundred and thirty four years old, prime of your life.” Asriel said, taking his sister’s hand and squeezing it. “Is there anything I can do? Do you need me to get Frisk to come back into town?” “No.” Rene said, and her gaze fell. She was so proud of Frisk. While she herself could never have had children even if she wanted to, she’d raised the little firebrand from a shy blind kid to the most powerful magical human in the world. As a result, Frisk was currently overseeing the construction of a shunt in a magical mountain on the other side of the world, something that would keep magical buildup from causing earthquakes in five years. Frisk didn’t need to worry about her ridiculous older sister right now. Not when she’d sounded so excited to get involved in the project, not when she’d been so enthusiastic about its challenges over the phone.  “Just. Record a message for me. Just in case?” Rene said. “In case this isn’t just something natural. I want to send it out as soon as possible.” Asriel watched his sister’s face. A hundred and thirty four, and she still tried so hard to hide her worry from him. That she even was willing to admit that something was up gave the King a moment of pause.  “Okay. A message.” He said, after a long moment. “But promise me, if anything seems like it might happen, you won’t try to handle it alone.” “I promise.” Rene said. She met his eyes. “I’ll call you as soon as I know anything knew.”
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wingdgaster · 6 years
Send “Sword” for my muse to put themselves between your muse and danger.
      He’d watched... through glimmering shadow and the peering cracks of true Void, as towering beast of mortal blooded men; hate blinded humans, stalked forward and forced the hooded child back to topple into the towering chasm of the ruins’ very maw-- 
      He had thrown out the hand that had cushioned the would be mortal blow of that fall, lashing out through what veil he could tear, and letting the dense foliage of quick bloomed golden blossoms catch the girl. 
      It had been something of a terrible drain to throw out such a massive rush of magic in one fell swing but-- this... 
       The barbarous form of a trio of unruly monsterkind lingered near, fear burned hot in their chests-- following through and around corners as... gods, what had her name been... sweeping fingertips called forth the image of the human’s data, and in the next moment, lone eyelight locked back to the image beyond this dark veil. 
        Following through... as the trio of fear clutching monsters, with stories of the human and monster wars-- of ages old burned hot in their minds and watching... Chara... follow the sweeping halls of the underground’s cavernous paths to the icy river’s edge, and corner the one aware of this world’s true self... of the timelines and their ever shifting nature.
      With fear for the stories of their mothers and fathers heavy on their hearts-- thrumming in their very SOULs-- a rush of color surged forward, clawed mitts aimed to shove the teen back and into what could almost certainly leave the mortal blooded girl to suffer an icy demise-- 
      The flowers... had been a drain in the many months before... but this-- 
       A fiery surge of crystalline energy tore from the very air beneath the mountain’s surface, rending the skin of the real world to make way for the good doctor himself-- hole bearing hand surging forward and knotting about the wrist of the teen before icy water could so much as lap at the hem of her coat. 
       Voice rang through the very air, beyond perception of traditional sound, projected through thought itself, the gentile voice of a since lost and so briefly returned monster. 
           ‘I’ve got you...’
        Turning round, and staring down the stunned trio of young monsters, tugging the attacked girl behind his being and staring down the three that had gone beyond their very nature as Monsters to lash against one unsuspecting-- lone socket locked its stare on the offenders and jaw ground tight with a defensive fire hot in his gaze, daring the others to make a move. 
           ‘You’re safe now, my child...’
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chabby4memes · 4 years
My Super Psycho School Trip fangan
Age: 12 Occupation: Ex-guard, Gardener/Baker Species: Angel Wyvern Aliases: Slashmark, Prince of Stars. Affiliation: The Spirit Realms Weaknesses: Ice, Silver, lack-of-thought. Strengths: Regenerative, Durable Hide. Attributes: Dreamer, Astral. Zeitliche was a Half Dragon, and she wasn't the only one, but the king of Starfall, Netronutaya was known for abducting young children, and subjecting them to intense mental and physical abuse, so they obey without a single thought. But Zeitliche had thoughts, so despite being put in the program, she had another thought, one that led to an outcome. Devour. Zeitliche was much more rabid than the other guards, she desired food more than her King. One day, a Human had gotten lost in Starfall, where Zeitliche found and ate them, absorbing the Magical spirit. This happened for five years, until 45 had been sacrificed as food. Her hunger had led her to the laboratory of the insane scientist. When the chains that separated Starfall from the human realm was destroyed, she met a Golden haired girl, Mary, despite her hunger, Zeitliche understood the laws, so she didn't immediately eat her, But she didn't talk anyways, now that she had no use, she was useless. Zeitliche refused to talk as now she was at hungriest, and she had no real goal, she was taught to kill for her king, That's all she knew. Mary persisted to talk to her, until one day they met when Zeitliche was at a cafe. At first she was silent, until Mary brought up the topic of opening a cafe herself, and she wanted a garden. Zeitliche wanted to garden there, and from then, Zeitliche became a gardener at the cafe. Zeitliche finally allowed herself to talk, but only to Mary, most of monsterkind is still scared of her but it's become a place where humans and non-abrasive monsters eat in peace, as Zeitliche 'deals' with troublemakers.
1. Prologue; You; a high schooler- the Ultimate Optimist, better known as Naoki Yuki, are stuck in a cabin in the woods, alongside initially, 2 others, the Ultimate Evil (Coverup ultimate Hunter) known as Sol- and the Ultimate Mediator Kaguya Miki You three avoid each other until you hear an announcement saying, This is your lead teacher speaking! Karasu, the curious crow demands your presence at the clearing. The door opened slowly, and while you and Kaguya make your way quickly, Sol is very much at leisure. There are 21 students, including yourself, some you recognise from middle school, Toko Fukawa, Miu Iruma and Nico Rika. Insert sdr2 plot and Karasu it Monosu now blah blah, but killing game has not begun yet, instead, there is an initation period, in which each student must pledge their life to another student. Now Toko and Sol choose each other accidentally, and Miu chooses You, you however chose a Hajime Hinata fellow, nice, yet bland. Everyone has chosen... and three students are killed off. There were unchosen students, including the Ultimate guide, Herman von Marang, ultimate Forager Pome Yuko and ultimate cop Yumeko Koshira. Now, when you get to the tents, each tent has a colour on it, out of the eighteen students left- all of them here in groups of three, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Brown, Peach, now You, Sol and Toko are Red house. 2. Chapter one, Free time starts immediately, and you realise, you are in a dome, the sun is just a light, you have no tech, not even a monopad, instead a map each and two special items for each character it is 1. You, Gold Whistle and Present boxes 2. Kaguya Miki, Time out card and Broken Pottery 3. Toko Fukawa, Typewriter and Ink cartridges 4. Miu Iruma, Toolkit and K1-B0 piece 5. Hajime Hinata, Note Pad and Wrapping Paper 6. Nico Rika, Blueprints and Hard hat 7. Orman Romano, Staff list and Cleaning Regulations 8. Erica Greene, Wigs and Sewing kit 9. Yuta Okazaki, sugar pot and Cookbook 10. Roman Verde, Family photos and Idol CDs 11. Ako Takeya, Gong and Speakers 12. Amagi Okoten, D20 and Board games 13. Isaac Brownie, Bin Bag and Food bin 14.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 7 years
💀 Buttercup and Cardamom! 🐐
okay so im keeping this in a read more since its really long
⭐Buttercup and Cardamom AU Headcanon Masterpost!⭐
Personality: Kind, patient, intelligent, and shy…
Interests: Reading, Painting and Cooking …
Favorite Food: Avocado and Guacamole…
Fav Color: Gold…
Powers: Flaming bones, blue and orange magic, shortcuts/teleportation and gaster blasters…
Personality: Kind, playful, brave and loyal…
 Interests: Singing, Dancing and Gardening…
 Fav Food: Pie and Ice Cream…
Fav Color: Purple…
 Powers: Flaming bones, blue and orange magic, healing magic and karmic retribution…
1 Buttercup bullied a lot during childhood, thus making Cardamom gain a protective streak.
2 Buttercup is a master chef while Cardamom is the ultimate gardener.
3 Buttercup is bad at gardening (at any kind of outdoor activity) while Cardamom is bad at cooking but is aware of it.
4 Buttercup is a shipper and Cardamom loves to tease them about it.
5 Cardamom LOVES puns, pranks and knock-knock jokes while Buttercup likes puns and jokes but prefers silly animal videos.
6 Cardamom loves fashion while Buttercup is neutral with it.
7 Both love anime and manga.
8 Both of them love Star Wars and Harry Potter.
9 Buttercup has monophobia while Cardamom has a blood phobia.
10 Both siblings would be willing to die for the other.
11 Buttercup and Cardamom have such a strong bond that it’s unbreakable across all alternate universes.
12 Buttercup is not only great at painting and art but with knitting as well.
13 Cardamom loves to do sports, their favorite is basketball.
14 Cardamom also knows all kinds of dance styles.
15 Buttercup would write fantasy novels in the future.
16 Buttercup’s nicknames is Butter while Cardamom’s would be Cardie.
17 If Buttercup had a tumblr blog, it would a mix of his art, his fanfiction and reblogs of cute animals. If Cardamom had a tumblr blog, half of it would be videos of their song covers or original songs that Cardie made and the other half would be reblogs of what their family posted or the things that Cardie likes.
18 Buttercup will suffer from depression during their teenage years but would be pretty good at hiding it and Cardamom would feel sad, scared and powerless at what’s happening to their smaller sibling.
19 Both Buttercup and Cardamom would view Sans as the ‘Fun Parent’, Toriel as the ‘Smart Parent’ and Asgore as the ‘Responsible Parent’. Asgore is considered the ‘responsible one’ because he doesn’t let Butter and Cardie wander by themselves like Sans and Toriel would. (Since that’s what Sans and Toriel do with Frisk in Undertale! XD)
20 Both siblings love video games, specifically the Pokemon games.
21 If Buttercup had a undertale theme song it would be called ‘Star Eyes’ and Cardamom’s would be called ‘Trouble Maker’.
22 Buttercup though shorter, is the older sibling by a few minutes but everyone thinks that Cardamom is older due to Cardie’s height and protectiveness of Buttercup and both of the sibling were born in the summer!
*UF Buttercup- Personality: Selfless, patient, intelligent, and tricky… *Cardamom- Personality: Good-Hearted, mischievous, brave and loyal…
*UF Buttercup would have one red eyelights and the other being gold.
*UF Cardamom would have red and gold eyelights, just like Toriel.
*Buttercup and Cardamom are rougher and edgier then their original counterpart but they are still the same compassionate kids and are undyingly devoted to each other.
*In Flowerfell, FF Sans would give Buttercup his star necklace and would give Cardamom his scarf!
*Buttercup would have Cardamom’s playful and outgoing personality and Cardamom would have Buttercup’s shy yet sweet personality, but they would mantain some of their original counterparts traits and interests. (What they are is up to you!)
4.(Swapfell and Fellswap)
*They’re basically an edgy version of their Underswap selves!
*Buttercup- God of Stars and the Constellations…Powers: Telekinesis, Teleporting, Flight (with wings), star manipulation and can create light that looks like silver fire… *Cardamom- God of Rebirth and Reincarnation…Powers: Telekinesis, Flight (with wings), healing magic, can either create zombies or can reincarnate old souls into the next life…
(Asgore carries his trident (like in Undertale), Sans carries scythes and so Buttercup and Cardamom carry scepters.)
(Buttercup has black wings that have golden tips on the tips of the feathers, while Cardamom has silver wings.)
(Buttercup and Cardamom live with Asgore and Toriel on MT. Ebott (Home of the Monster Gods) but Sans and Papyrus visit as much as they can.)
(On a couple of random notes that are unrelated to the skele-goats, I headcanon that Reapertale Asgore’s powers are all of the elements of the sky including fire, sunlight, lightning, wind, rain, hail and snow…and Asgore has giant golden wings.)
(Actually, all of the gods have wings, Toriel has white wings, Sans + Papyrus have black wings, Undyne has yellow wings, Alphys has blue wings, Gerson has green wings, Muffet has purple wings, Grillby has orange wings, Asriel has rainbow wings and Gaster has dark grey wings with sparkles of purple, blue and orange in them… and if Frisk and Chara became gods they would both have red wings!)
*Cardamom would have star eyes, just like Buttercup.
7.(Storyshift and Altertale)
*The siblings would rule monsterkind together should anything happen to Sans and Papyrus, since Asriel isn’t royalty in these Aus.
8.(UT Mob/Mobtale/Mafiatale)
*They would be born around the time Little Pup/Frisk is a teenager or young adult and after Frisk’s dies of old age, they would take charge of their parents’ gang.
(Let’s pretend Sans was pregnant with Buttercup and Toriel was pregnant with Cardamom around the time of Asgore’s death, shall we?)
*HT Buttercup- Personality: Calculating, patient , and insane… *Cardamom- Personality: Manipulative, loyal (to their family) and insane…
*Buttercup and Cardamom live with Toriel, so they could be safe from the rest of the Underground. Sans, Toriel and even Papyrus are violently protective of them.
*Sans and Papyrus would often visit the ruins to see the kids.
*They would join Aliza on her journey, cause their curious about what the rest of the Underground looks like.
*Cardamom and Buttercup won’t try to eat or hurt Aliza unless she tries to hurt or be mean to either of them…
*Buttercup’s dance style would be Tap Dance and Cardamom’s would know multiple styles, since Cardie is great at dancing in the original universe.
11. (Undersail)
*Skele-Goat Mermaids for the win.
12. (Birdtale)
Buttercup would have Blue and Orange wings and Cardamom would have Red ones.
13. (Overtale)
*Buttercup as a human would have a Soul of Kindness.
*Cardamom would have a Soul of Integrity.
*In this AU, they would be adopted.
*Buttercup would be half-british. (Since Buttercups can come from Europe, including Great Britian.)
*While Cardamom would be indian. (Since the cardamom spice, comes from India.)
14. (Pokemontale)
*Buttercup would have Dragon, Fire and Psychic Types.
*While Cardamom would have Fairy, Plant and Psychic Types.
*Buttercup’s starter would be a charmander, while Cardamom’s starter would be a chikorita.
15. (X-Tale)
*They would join the royal guard, like Sans and Papyrus.
16. (Errortale)
If a version of Error that belonged to a ‘Buttercup and Cardamom Sansgoriel AU’ existed, he would never stop searching for them and if he finds them, he would either be filled with happiness and relief or suffer from a reboot…
17. (Inktale)
Ink would be a troll and jerk to Buttercup and Cardamom, even if they are his kids. (I mean look at Paperjam!)
18. (Underfresh)
A couple of fresh parasites that Fresh gave birth to and are now possessing a version of the siblings? XD
19. (Underlust)
*All monsters are cured from the lust injections in this AU, so Buttercup and Cardamom are pretty much the same here…
20. (Reborntale)
*Buttercup and Cardamom would both be reborn into angels.
21. (Underkeep)
*They both would be a couple of fancy and regal fashionistas and would be called ‘The Little Darlings of Monsterkind’. (In this AU, Buttercup loves fashion almost as much as Cardamom.)
22. (Gaster Blasters AU)
Since only Buttercup can summon gaster blasters, only he can turn into one like Sans and Papyrus…
💖 And those are all my ideas for the Sweet Skele-Goat Siblings! So, what do you think? 💖
th is is way overdue lmao i apologize
there are some that i dont agree with, like the ff one because i quite enjoy it just frans,, 
i dont think sansgoriel will ever happen there tbh lmao
and for the humans, hmmmm 
i could fix that, because someone sent me a buncha human designs which i really like!
i agree that buttercup would be british hm hm
though, with cardamom
they would be a scottish redhead with albinism
freckles are kept
the rest are fine!
probably last post about these two i’ll make for a long time
because i have so many asks and im too tired and too bored to use them
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