#the graverobbers chronicles
fourzerozeroam · 2 years
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intheyellowandgreen · 2 years
And I Want To Feel Something Again
DMBJ. Words: 863 . HeiPingXie. Reboot. Nightmare. References to snake venom. Caring. Hurt/Comfort sort of.
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unforth · 11 months
Okay time to take advantage of polls being anonymous to potentially start a war in the DMBJ fandom.
Bonus, reblog and tell me why you think so and/or which version of Xiao Hua you personal treat as "most canon."
(my personal answer is just full-on unequivocal no holds barred yes, and I favor Ultimate Note Xiao Hua tho also, Heihua movie, but hey, polls are anonymous and you do you and I'm genuinely curious how widespread this intepretation is.)
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wangxianficrecs · 7 months
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Proud Author Spotlight
Story is now complete.
Huli Jing: What Does The Fox Say
by faradheia, RhystaRose (@faradheia)
T, 19k, Wangxian & Others (MDZS & The Lost Tomb Crossover)
Summary: Rumor on the Huli Jing discord is that foxes are disappearing. When Liu Sang and Wei Ying are kidnapped and join the other taken hulis can they rescue themselves?
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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the song lestat wrote for louis is actually so annoying like write something comprehensible at least 💀
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Celebrate Aromantic Awareness Week with Our 8 Favorite Books with Aro Characters!
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To celebrate #aromanticawarenessweek, we asked our contributors (some of whom chose to remain anonymous) to recommend their favorite books with aromantic characters (some explicit, some implied).
Here are our 8 favorites!
Loveless by Alice Oseman This is the funny, honest, messy, completely relatable story of Georgia, who doesn’t understand why she can’t crush and kiss and make out like her friends do. She’s surrounded by the narrative that dating + sex = love. It’s not until she gets to college that she discovers the A range of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum — coming to understand herself as asexual/aromantic. Disrupting the narrative that she’s been told since birth isn’t easy — there are many mistakes along the way to inviting people into a newly found articulation of an always-known part of your identity. But Georgia’s determined to get her life right, with the help of (and despite the major drama of) her friends.
Commit to the Kick by Tris Lawrence For eighteen years, Alaric has lived under the cloying politics of family and his Clan community. His freshman year is supposed to be a chance to explore a world where Clan and his shapeshifting Talent isn’t central to his life. But when his inner bear bursts forth during his first football game, endangering those around him, Alaric realizes that it’s not so easy to ignore his past, or his own internalized anger. In his quest for anger management, Alaric begins to train in taekwondo, and makes new friends in both sports. He finds that he is creating his own small community, where Clan, Mages, other Talents, and even humans come together and build their own found family. When Alaric receives news that something has happened to his brother Orson, he must return and deal with his Clan and his place in their world. He discovers that old prejudices are still strong between Clan and Mage communities, but that both may be in danger from a creature long thought to be only a legend. Alaric must figure out how to move forward and prevent a war and protect both his home and newly built communities, his found family with him every step of the way.
The Graverobbers’ Chronicles by Xu Lei Uncle Three loves good food, good booze, good card games, and bad women–and he’s never found a grave he wouldn’t rob. He can’t help it – it’s in his blood – grave robbing has been the family business for centuries. So when his bookseller nephew comes to him with a map to an ancient tomb, Uncle Three sets off to find it, in the company of some grave-robbing colleagues, his nerdy nephew, and a strange poker-faced guy that nobody can quite figure out. Uncle Three knows that the grave he seeks will lead him and his companions to “another kind of world,” but not even he could ever imagine what they are about to find. Lost in a labyrinthine cavern that is full of dead bodies, Uncle Three and his comrades fight for their lives as they come up against vampires, corpse-eating bugs, and blood zombies.
The Devil’s Luck by L. S. Baird Years ago, a foolish wastrel once played a hand of cards with the devil… and lost. Now Frey has inherited his uncle’s double curse: the Devil’s claim written on his body in crimson letters, and the impossibly good luck that comes with it. Death is Frey’s only escape from his destiny, but not even Etienne, an expert assassin from the Order of the Crimson Seal, can defeat Frey’s luck alone. And when Etienne finds himself growing too fond of his victim, he doesn’t know if Frey’s good nature or the luck is to blame. However, Etienne will give his all to preventing the Archdemon’s return, even if his all includes wearing a corset, and killing a friend.
All Systems Red by Martha Wells In a corporate-dominated spacefaring future, planetary missions must be approved and supplied by the Company. Exploratory teams are accompanied by Company-supplied security androids, for their own safety. But in a society where contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder, safety isn’t a primary concern. On a distant planet, a team of scientists are conducting surface tests, shadowed by their Company-supplied ‘droid – a self-aware SecUnit that has hacked its own governor module, and refers to itself (though never out loud) as “Murderbot.” Scornful of humans, all it really wants is to be left alone long enough to figure out who it is. But when a neighboring mission goes dark, it’s up to the scientists and their Murderbot to get to the truth.
In Good Company by Nicola Kapron Haruki no longer remembered what had been going through his head the first time he’d killed. All he recalled was the sight of those he’d once loved with all the helpless force of a scared, scarred child covered in red and utterly still. He hadn’t felt grief or triumph when he realized they weren’t struggling anymore. He’d just felt— Empty. Better to be hollow than to despair.
Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel I was born on the full moon under an auspicious constellation, the holiest of positions–much good it did me. So begins Kaikeyi’s story. The only daughter of the kingdom of Kekaya, she is raised on legends of the gods: how they churned the vast ocean to obtain the nectar of immortality, how they vanquish evil and ensure the land of Bharat prospers, and how they offer powerful boons to the devout and the wise. Yet she watches as her father unceremoniously banishes her mother, listens as her own worth is reduced to how great a marriage alliance she can secure. And when she calls upon the gods for help, they never seem to hear. Desperate for some measure of independence, she turns to the texts she once read with her mother and discovers a magic that is hers alone. With this power, Kaikeyi transforms herself from an overlooked princess into a warrior, diplomat, and most favored queen, determined to carve a better world for herself and the women around her. But as the evil from her childhood tales threatens the cosmic order, the path she has forged clashes with the destiny the gods have chosen for her family. Kaikeyi must decide if resistance is worth the destruction it will wreak–and what legacy she intends to leave behind.
Firebreak by Nicole Kornher-Stace New Liberty City, 2134. Two corporations have replaced the US, splitting the country’s remaining forty-five states (five have been submerged under the ocean) between them: Stellaxis Innovations and Greenleaf. There are nine supercities within the continental US, and New Liberty City is the only amalgamated city split between the two megacorps, and thus at a perpetual state of civil war as the feeds broadcast the atrocities committed by each side. Here, Mallory streams Stellaxis’s wargame, SecOps on BestLife, spending more time jacked in than in the world just to eke out a hardscrabble living from tips. When a chance encounter with one of the game’s rare super-soldiers leads to a side job for Mal–looking to link an actual missing girl to one of the SecOps characters. Mal’s sudden burst in online fame rivals her deepening fear of what she is uncovering about BestLife’s developer, and puts her in the kind of danger she’s only experienced through her avatar.
Recommendations contributed by Nina Waters, softestpunk, Adrian Harley, and others.
Also: did you know? Duck Prints Press’s owner, Nina Waters, is aro! We’re an aro-owned company!
Who we are: Duck Prints Press LLC is an independent publisher based in New York State. Our founding vision is to help fanfiction authors navigate the complex process of bringing their original works from first draft to print, culminating in publishing their work under our imprint. We are particularly dedicated to working with queer authors and publishing stories featuring characters from across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Love what we do? Want to make sure you don’t miss the announcement for future giveaways? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get previews, behind-the-scenes information, coupons, and more! Want to support the Press, read about us behind-the-scenes, learn about what’s coming down the pipeline, get exclusive teasers, and claim free stories? Back us on Patreon or ko-fi monthly!
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percyverance · 6 months
Your Gangrel looks SOO fun! Could you share some tidbits about them? :3
Hey there, tysm!!! You've opened pandora's box here lol
Lauchlainn Douglas Black is a former WWI soldier saved from rotting in a mass grave by their sire’s Embrace. They were born to poverty in the late 19th century in Scotland, eventually joining the British army to support their family in 1912. When the Great War broke out across Europe, Lauchlainn was shipped off to the western front.
There they served for four years, and in that time grew close with a mysterious gravedigger nicknamed "the Mórrigan" by their Irish comrades. They hadn't thought it possible to dig graves gracefully, but somehow Mórrigan pulled it off.
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The two were eventually engaged — planning to wed upon the war's end, though they both knew the law would never recognize the union. Lauchlainn would not live to see the ceremony: the soldier was killed in the final hours of the war.
Over a century later, some would-be graverobbers got a wee bit more than they bargained for when they accidentally woke a blood-starved fledgling from torpor after digging up the mass grave where Lauchlainn had been buried (un)alive. All they want now is to reunite with their lover and sire — their engagement the only undying thing they have to hold onto in the cold, unfamiliar world that left them for dead.
I'm currently playing them in a chronicle alongside a Renaissance assassin, a Jewish Salubri scholar, a WW2 pilot, an Edwardian mad scientist, and a guy who responds to stress with IEDs — we as players are currently betting on who in the coterie tries to kill each other first LMAO
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fixaidea · 18 days
So when I'm done with Wizard, where to next?
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fourzerozeroam · 2 years
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you’d think after a weekend of outdoor sketching i’d get good at perspective huh
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intheyellowandgreen · 2 years
Must Be This Tall To Ride
DMBJ. Words: 7068. Pre-XiaPan. Themeparks. 12 year old Wu Xie. Papa!XiaZi series.
Series:  Skinned Knees and Other Growing Pains
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unforth · 2 years
Heyo Danmei Fans and Twitter Refugees!
Do you love danmei? Do you love fanart?
Hi, I'm unforth, and I also love danmei and fanart, and I wanted to just make a huge gorgeous pile of art and roll around in it so I've made and run for years eight, yes eight, side blogs of danmei art, all with the kind of organization and searchability that twitter can only dream of.
So, if you want to flood your dash with fanart (or if you're an artist and want a little assist getting more eyes on your work now that you're posting here - you can DM me or @/me), why not consider giving a follow to...
Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/The Untamed: @mdzsartreblogs
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing/Eternal Faith: @tgcfartreblogs
Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong/Scum Villain's Self-Saving System/Scumbag System: @svsssartreblogs
Erha he Ta de Bai Mao Shizun/The Husky and His White Cat Shizun/Hao Yi Xing and Yuwu/Stains of Filth: @erhaartreblogs
Daomu Biji/The Graverobber's Chronicles/The Lost Tomb/Too Many Other Names to List: @dmbjartreblogs
Zhenhun/Guardian: @zhenhunartreblogs
Tian Ya Ke/Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor and Qiye/Lord Seventh: @tykartreblogs
Literally Everything Else I Can Find (especially works by Meng Xi Shi, works by Priest, manhua on Bilibili, books by Fei Tian Ye Xiang, books by Please Don't Laugh (so yes, baihe too!), and so much more): @cnovelartreblogs
All blogs run on a queue; I post at a "the queue will last for 7 days" rate that changes more-or-less every day and varies from 30 to 40 posts a day (mdzsartreblogs) down to 1 to 2 posts a day (zhenhunreblogs) and everything in between.
Note that these spaces are all ship and let ship, don't like don't interact, and pro-kink. (I won't reblog everything, but I do reblog almost everything, and even if I'm personally too uncomfortable with something to reblog it - I SUPPORT YOU.) I tag extensively - you can check the pinned post on each blog for currently used trigger warnings (they're consistent across all the blogs) and many of the other tags I use for characters, ships, etc., and I strongly encourage you to use the tags to find That Rare Thing You Love, and also to blacklist anything that's not your thing. Antis kindly fuck off challenge.
Welcome to Tumblr (or welcome back, as the case may be), don't be a stranger, like and reblog works to support artists, and have fun!
(help signal boosting much appreciated. <3 )
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cheongyang · 1 month
i'm being thrown back to an old obsession with the graverobbers chronicles and i . . . am not well
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Small Graverobber Chronicles theory here.
Wu Xie frequently mentions parallel universe theories in the various dramas. They never go deep into the idea, for whatever reasons, but...
What if that really is why there's so many plot holes and discontinuities, both in the dramas and the books? What if Xu Lei decided, "Fuck it, I'll write what I want because it isn't the exact same timeline?"
It'd make writing a convoluted tangled web like Graverobber Chronicles so much easier if you don't have to worry about little details like, say, when the Auction Scene happens.
And maybe, in the end, he can blame it all on the Ultimate.
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unfortunatelycake · 1 year
Finished watching Ultimate Note and unsurprisingly there are many loose ends, but it was still a satisfying watch.
And like. I did not go into any of these Graverobber's Chronicles adaptations looking for ships, but they happened anyway. The characters just had the kind of dynamics that press all the right buttons, and such great chemistry.
I'd like to write some kind of intelligent review but brain is made of goo and fixating on What Next???
I'm torn between moving onto the next drama chronologically (Tomb of the Sea, which is the first one I watched lol) skipping that and going on to the next I haven't watched (Reunion: The Sound of the Providence) or just... diving into AO3 to see what tasty meals are on offer.
Or raiding tumblr tags. Hm.
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little-smartass · 1 year
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I was tagged by @guqin-and-flute! so here we go -
the untamed
Safety of Distance
A Proposition
Yanli and Zixuan are never put in an arranged marriage
NieYao timeloop
mass effect
what is title v2 +graveyard
Post-destroy jackanda
les mis
clothing swap
Les Hogwables
vampire chronicles (books)
bookshop/recordshop AU
Gabs visits during hell marriage AU
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indiarrow · 2 years
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task 004 || character inspiration
thalia grace - percy jackson & the olympians || riza hawkeye - fullmetal alchemist || donna moss - the west wing || tifa lockhart - final fantasy || the graverobber - repo! the genetic opera || marina wulfstan - valkyria chronicles || robin hood || saria - legend of zelda || cordelia chase - buffy the vampire slayer
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