#the hundred acre woods
dorovalley · 10 months
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punkishtoxtricity · 19 days
new pinned post yayyy
hi i’m koda/punkish!!! i’m a 16 year old punk who’s really into wolves and pokemon and some more stuff i’ll mention below. most likely neurodivergent based on my families opinion and diagnosed chronically ill. they/he for me!
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my main in general interests are pokemon, wolves(and any kind of canines), reptiles(especially dinos), monster high, btd6, digimon, musicals, plush collecting, sweet tooth (the netflix show), riordanverse, and sonic. (also really into eurovision rn)
my fav musicians are 100 gecs, hevisaurus(my fav member is riffi raffi), mcr, discharge, crass, front bottoms, powerwolf, mobo, the hundred acre woods, misfits, against me, pure hell, siouxsie, manesekin, sex pistols(mainly just their lives not so much the music), and fleetwood mac!
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i mostly reblog stuff but sometimes i post about my collections and interests! my tags to filter by are “they howl” and “actual image posts”
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laurenillustrated · 4 months
Winnie-the-Pooh 🍯
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thefantastician · 1 year
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back when Sora got into Super Smash Bros
want more kingdom hearts comics?
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toffeeteapot · 8 months
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Get ready for bed with sleepy little roo!! 💤
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maculategiraffe · 4 months
baby, charging around: I'm Christopher Robin and I am in de Hundred Acre Wood!
me, playing with his stuffed toy otter: do you think there are any otters in the Hundred Acre Wood?
baby, suddenly serious: dere are. at de end of de Hundred Acre Wood.
me: at the end?
baby: yeah. and I don't see dem. and I don't talk about dem.
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best-childhood-book · 2 months
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chesnutbutter · 8 days
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“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." — Winnie the Pooh
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sailforvalinor · 2 months
Not “Sora is a brainless airhead who is happy and cheerful all the time because he can’t understand evil due to being so pure-hearted” or “Sora is deeply deeply traumatized and his happy persona is completely a front to disguise his depression” but a secret third thing (in KH3 he’s gone through a lot and tries to fall back on his old cheerful mindset and attitudes and ideas that carried him through most of his childhood and had so far proven to be about to buoy him through anything, but while there is nothing wrong with that mindset or attitudes or ideas, they are inherently childish—not in the sense that they are immature, but in the sense that they are more suited for a child’s mind—and because he’s getting older now, that way of thinking and acting isn’t helping him persevere like it used to, but he’s clinging onto those old habits for dear life because he’s terrified and doesn’t know what else to do. Not to mention, that attitude is what everyone expects from him, depends on him for. In some ways it is a front, but in some ways it really isn’t—cheerfulness isn’t unnatural to him, it’s just that he’s growing up and maturing while trying to cling to that comfort of being a kid, because growing up is scary.)
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marboloabuser2016 · 5 months
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bubmyg · 5 months
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115/638 posting a picture every day until yoongi is home
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coolbowcat · 7 months
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Did this couple of days ago
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hasaniwalker · 6 months
Hundred Acre Kingdom: Prologue Teaser
I started expanding on my Hundred Acre Kingdom story for print now that tigger is in public domain. Kessie and Gopher will be changed, they’re still very much all Disney.
If you didn’t see the original story post years ago, this is the story of Christopher Robin’s daughter and the world she creates after she gets her father’s childhood toys. With a more adventurous imagination, she creates a world of knights, castles and monsters. This isn’t a horror film (though those adaptations get the most attention). Instead, it’s a coming of age story about what we inherit from others and finding our own paths.
I’m planning to self publish this for myself and anyone who cares to read it. It’ll probably be limited once it comes out.
Anyway, here’s a first draft of the new opening prologue for the book.
The Hundred Acre Kingdom
“I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen.” 
― A.A. Milne
The covers were a poor defense. She knew that, but pulled them close all the same. As the thunder rolled closer, it was only a matter of time before it found its way to her home. Destroying the door to and pouring inside. Lightning striking the walls, tearing down all the comforts decorating the hallway. All to make its way to her room and take her away to the darkness outside.  The Noise outside was proof enough of the sky’s intent. Loud, desperate and hateful that it hadn’t found her yet.  Yes, the covers were a very poor defense.
“Tut, tut little one.” Her father told her. “It’ll pass in good time.”
His ignorance of the threat outside was laughable. How could anyone be so calm with the storm so close to finding them? However, his words were a distraction. And a distraction of any kind was welcomed.
“I was just as afraid when I was your age, but you come to enjoys the thunder after a while.”
“I’m not afraid.” She nearly snapped in a whisper. “I’m just, wary.”
Her father smiled. “Well, when I was wary, I had some friends who would help me through it. Would you like to meet them?”
The girl barely paid attention to his words. A flicker of light lit up the room for a second. The threat was closer. Checking windows. Trying to find any trace of her. Time was running out.
“This one, he was always so afraid.” The man continued. “But his friend was always by his side to help keep him calm.”
The thunder had lost its way. Confused. They were safe for a little while. The girl looked to her father to see him holding a stuffed pig and bear. Old and ragged. They looked up at her with curious eyes. He placed them on the bed with her.
“These are your friends?”
“They were, a long time ago.”
She lifted up the pig. He was a small creature, but not without charm.
“Piglet.” Her father said. “On account of his size.” The girl smiled at this as her father stood up from the bed. “They’ll keep you safe through the night, and you can do the same for them I’m sure.” He looked at her, waiting for an answer to a question he didn’t ask.
The girl looked at the bear and the pig. The covers wouldn’t help, but reinforcements would.
“Yes.” She responded. “I’m sure I can.”
With that, her father left the room, closing their door behind him.  The rain still poured outside. Gently hitting the window and roof. For a moment, it was peaceful. Until a shattering boom was heard. The girl pulled the covers closer and looked to the window. Everything went silent again, except for a low whimper from the side of her bed.  She looked over to find the bear. Quivering, paws over its head and eyes tightly closed.
“I don’t think it’s found us yet.” She reassured him to no effect.
“He’ll be like that for a while mum.” The pig, Piglet had moved to the window. Peaking outside. “Looks like pure fury, but he’s nothing but fluff.”
“Don’t look out the window, it’ll see you.” The girl warned the pig.
“Looks to have lost our scent.” He leaped from the window and walked to the bear. “But if it comes back, I’ll be ready.” Piglet scratched the bear’s head. “And you’ll find bravery then, won’t you cub?”
The bear raised his head and nuzzled Piglet. He was large, but gentle with the small swine. Another flicker of light outside sent the bear into trembles. He looked to the girl. Eyes pleading for her to do anything to help. All she could offer, was a hand, to which the bear licked affectionately.
“We should pass the time then.” Piglet suggested.
“With what?”
Piglet leaned against the bear as if relaxing in the grass. He placed his hands on his stomach and thought.
“A story would be nice.” He offered.
“Something adventurous?” 
“That would be preferred if you’re able Miss…What should I call you?”
The girl thought this over. Not a strange question, but to be asked by a pig seemed like a unique situation.
“Clover, you can call me clover.”
Piglet nodded. “We’ll, Miss Clover. Tell us a story of adventure and courage and when the rolling thunder is done searching, I’ll take you beyond this fortress to real adventures waiting outside.”
“Along with the bear?” Clover found herself growing excited.
“Of course, can’t leave our steed.”
As Piglet rested and the rain passed, Clover spun a story of perilous events and wondrous places. It was the first of many that she would share with her new friends. Eventually, light shone through the dark clouds, and the rolling terror was long forgotten. Now it was time to go outside with the bear and Piglet, and ride off into the vast woods. Making discoveries and creating their own stories. Of which, there would be many.
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candyheartedchy · 1 year
I remember a LONG time back I did a reblog game where folks sent a franchise and I made a s/i design for it and I remember making one for Winnie the Pooh and I kinda want to bring that sona back just so I can befriend Pooh Bear 🥺
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noweakergirl · 2 years
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I want whatever he has going on
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toffeeteapot · 10 months
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