#the hunger games crossover
verdantflamingo · 9 months
Emma Frost and Scott Summers, The 13 district tributes and winners.
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So, I'm reading a cute crossover between X-men and The Hunger games fanfiction where there are Emma and Scott tributes. The second part is already in process: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47604244/chapters/119980147.
Author: @elusiveweekend
I'm still learning how to draw, now I try procreate, because I still hope for a program, that will draw instead of me... Well until this day I have to try, so I took as inspiration the scene, or rather the clothes they wear during the 3rd Quarter Quell's tribute parade. Lots of free inspiration…
PS: Of course, the clothes are very inspired by their Phoenix era.
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rowanspn · 1 year
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“Focus, boys. It’s showtime,”
Chapter 38 of Sticks and Stones: The Finale, now on AO3
Thank you for following along on this great adventure. I am sad to see it end but look forward to all the great journeys that will start.
If you have anything you would like to see put to paper, I am always happy to take suggestions!
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official-darkforest · 2 months
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oh yeah i did some hunger games cats recently too if u care
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ladytargtower · 5 months
You can’t tell me that Billy the kid wouldn’t be into the coveys music . Plus he plays guitar and fiddle so he would prob join up and he sings … and piss coryo off but whatever
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But then Coryo be like
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justrainandcoffee · 2 months
“May the odds be ever in your favour...”
Alfred 'Alfie' Solomons, from District 9, grains.
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Alfie was 17 when he was reaped.
It wasn't unexpected. Sooner or later it was going to happen considering the amount of tesserae with his name on them. His mother was sick, so he needed medicine and food for her.
The girl reaped with him, was only 12. Alfie tried not to get attached to her. He knew the fate of that girl... Too young. And yet, that first night when he saw her face projected on the sky, meaning she was dead, he felt anger and frustration.
Alfie was a favourite from the very beginning. He was big, strong and with angry issues. And because he was a favourite, tributes from other districts (especially 1, 2 and 4) wanted him dead.
Alfie didn't kill all of those who were after him, but several.
His weapon of choice were two sickles. Used to work on wheat fields, that was something he was familiar with. But contrary to the rusty ones his district had, these ones were extremely sharped. They made his job easier.
He ended the games killing seven tributes. The last one was a girl from district 2. Very skilled, very fast... But Alfie was stronger.
After 12 consecutive years where the victors were only from districts 1 or 2, Alfie gave district 9 its first victory in several decades.
Eventually, he became mentor. Eventually, too, he met the love of his life. Almost impossible and distant love.
Sadly, he saw a lot of the kids he swore to help, die in the Arena.
And of course he was part of the rebellion. He almost lost his life in the process. It costs him a scar on his face, but he survived once again. And next to him, was his love. This time till the end of their days.
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You can read the fic here
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tiendei · 4 months
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fkmt and hunger
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thechaoticrow · 1 year
the parallels between alina asking mal, “you with me?” and him replying, “always” and katniss’ “stay with me” to peeta’s “always” in the hunger games. katniss and alina, two girls that have lost (in some way) both parents, had to fend for themselves, plucked from the masses and forced into something so much bigger than themselves at such a young age. still children and having altars erected to them, being the capitol’s idol, meanwhile fighting off a terrifying fascist and being expected to save the nation with nobody to save them. both of them not knowing the meaning and the finality that “always”, spoken so quietly and passingly, would one day come to have.
peeta and mal, two boys that would do anything for their girls, kids themselves but ultimately used by a dictator to manipulate the ones they love, to force katniss and alina into doing their bidding by way of threatening/ causing harm on these ones they hold dear. two boys who unlearn corrupt things taught to them. peeta, who refuses to let himself be a weapon. mal, who takes power in allowing himself to be a weapon wielded in alina’s hand. katniss and peeta. alina and mal. you with me? “always”
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cf8wrk4u-us · 5 months
How The Lost Light Canceled The Hunger Games
Summary: To a Cybertronian, 200 years is nothing, barely a foot note in this peaceful time where bot are trying to rebuild their world and society.
But 200 years is a lot to humans though, 200 years is a lot for Earth in general.
Things change, humanity changes.
And as Cybertron will learn, not for the better.
But this is something the members of the Lost Light wouldn't stand for.
(Based on these ask given to @yes-i-write-fanfiction
We're on a flat, open stretch of ground, a plain of hard packed dirt. 
Behind the tributes across from me, | can see nothing, indicating either a steep downward slope or even cliff. To my right lies a lake. To my left and back, spars piney woods. This is where Haymitch would want me to go.
I hear his instructions in my head. “Just clear out, put as much distance as you can between yourselves and the others, and find a source of water”
But it’s tempting, so tempting, when I see the bounty waiting there before me. And I know that if I don’t get it, someone else will. That the Career Tributes who survive the bloodbath will divide up most of these life-sustaining spoils. Something catches my eye. There, resting on a mound of blanket rolls, is a silver sheath of arrows and a bow, already strung, just waiting to be engaged. That’s mine, I think. It’s meant for me.
I’m fast. I can sprint faster than any of the girls in our school although a couple can beat me in distance races. But this forty-yard length, this is what I am built for. I know I can get it, I know I can reach it first, but then the question is how quickly can I get out of there? By the time I’ve scrambled up the packs and grabbed the weapons, others will have reached the horn, and one or two I might be able to pick off, but say there’s a dozen, at that close range, they could take me down with the spears and the clubs. Or their own powerful fists.
Still, I won't be the only target. I’m betting many of the other tributes would pass up a smaller girl, even one who scored an eleven in training, to take out their more fierce adversaries.
Haymitch has never seen me run. Maybe if he had he’d tell me to go for it. Get the weapon. Since that’s the very weapon that might be my salvation. And I only see one bow in that whole pile. I know the minute must be almost up and will have to decide what my strategy will be and I find myself positioning my feet to run, not away into the stir rounding forests but toward the pile, toward the bow. 
I notice Peeta, he’s about five tributes to my right, quite a fair distance, still I can tell he’s looking at me and I think he might be shaking his head. But the sun’s in my eyes and-
A symphony of broken glass and metal erupted across the arena, the once sunny and clear blue sky darkens into a mess of pixelated screens and  crumpling scaffolding. But that's not what had our attention. 
From the growing crack in the forcefield  was a large aircraft, far bigger than the Capital hovercraft that had brought us to the arena. It was colored in a bright orange red and yellow with tinted dark glass on its front, so massive was its size that it literally scraped the sides of the entrance it cashed through. Sending more of the broken structure to crash down.
My breath picked up, heart hammering in my chest as I saw the craft get closer and closer to us,  I noted absently how its shadow easily shaded over me the rest of the tributes. Practically eclipsing the whole arena. 
A part of me screamed to move, to run, I thought of images of a hawk as it swooped over a desperate rodent. But the rational part of myself firmly and calmly reminded me that I needed to stay still on the circle before me or I would end up in pieces from the land mines.
But even that became a physical struggle as the aircraft landed sending a heavy gust of wind that threatened to blow tributes back from their stands. I braced my knees and even as I couldn’t stay on I grasped to stay right on the circle. In fact I noticed how others did the same , but a few weren’t successful. Such as one male tribute, from District 5 I believed, who was sent tumbling off. I gave a quick look from my position, ready to hear and see a mess of explosions…but nothing happened.
Even the District 5 tribute, whose face had paled, was now looking confused at the fact he wasn’t a mess against the grass.
The gong hadn’t gone off, yet the mines were not active, so what had the trigger time run out?
Has the Hunger Games begun?
In my head the passing thought came of how this could just be a scenario made by the Gamemakers. 
That perhaps the games already started and here I was just standing like easy prey.
But as I heard another groan of metal from the collapsing field above, even I had to admit that was a stupid idea.
Even so, then what was happening?!
Finally the craft opened and a bridge slid down, then stepping out with a thump of metal and heavy footsteps were what I can only name as giants.
Giants covered, no, made of metal!
Then it barely took me a second to recognize what these beings were.
In our history books it always seemed that throughout Panem past and even before the creation of the country, humans have always been each other's greatest enemies. But as stated in our history books, thousands of years ago, there was another race of beings that almost wiped out the planet and the entire human race with it.
Aliens from another world, giant transforming robots known as Cybertronians.
Beings of metal brutality and cold indifference, a warring species who brought their conflict with one another to Earth and put humans right in the crossfires of it.
Only leaving once almost irreparable damage was done to the planet.
As a child and learning about them in class I sometimes would look to the night sky in terror at the thought that these aliens were still out there. Just hiding among the deceptively beautiful stars.
But after losing my father, struggling to hold what was left of my family together, and the helpless dread that came with the annual Reaping; I learned rather quickly that the monsters in real life were far scarier than that of thousand-year-old metal terrors that hadn’t been seen in ages.
What was there to fear of beings who hadn’t been interested in Earth for centuries?
How ironic that my only fear had been my fellow humans when it came to surviving the arena.
Four stepped out from the ship, taking the lead was a fiery red and orange mech whose colors matched the design of the ship. Next to him came the largest of the group was colored a deep blue and red with white high shoulder guards on each side. Besides them was the shortest of the group of Cybertronians, his dark armored body barely reaching the orange one's waist and who unlike his companions didn’t have a visible face of sorts but a blue visor that fitted their red and white helmet. And finally from behind was an imposing gray and black figure, whose armor may appear more subdued in coloring and design than his group, his helmet a simple flat triangular design, nonetheless was buff and strapping. Power practically screaming from just his image alone, and when his red eyes gazed over to us I couldn't help but shiver under their intensity. Not feeling any better when I noticed a sort of dark blaster on its right arm.
He seemed familiar, his image perhaps one I had seen in my aging textbook?
I didn't have the time to ponder further as they finally stepped away from the ship and made it to the grassy field of the arena.
Like earlier I shifted my legs for a sprint, forgetting all about the food and weapons, my eyes shifting to the large expanse of forest that would be the only way to try to avoid whatever these stalking giants had in stored for us.
It was the only plan I could think of, the safest choice, and I’m sure Haymitch would agree.
Is he seeing this? Is the Capital? The whole country? Do they know where being invaded-
“Hello, there”!
I was taken off guard as the orange and red Transformer, the presumably leader of the group, called out to us. His voice was jovial and the smile that spread across his metal face was friendly.
Nothing that gave me a reason to trust him.
His grin persisted as he marched closer only shifting as several tributes cried out and scrambled to escape.
“Wait! Wait”! The giant robot hurriedly said “It's okay”!
I didn’t stop in my sprint  till I made it to Peeta, not complaining as he firmly grasped my wrist and pulled me into a hurried pace.
We needed to leave, put as much distance as we could from these metal monsters.
“We're not here to hurt you”! The Transformer said in a surprisingly desperate tone “We're here to help you! Save you! Too Stop The Hunger Games”!
I nearly fell as Peeta stopped.
“Peeta”! I hissed trying to tug him towards the forest, but he refused to move instead looking dumbfounded at the robot. As if he believed what it was saying.
But as I looked around I could see the other tributes had stopped as well, with the ones who made it to the woods actually peeking from the edge of the treeline.
The red and orange robot's face morphed into a softer expression before he went down on one knee. 
I gestured I couldn’t help but recognize from my sister Prim when she approached the small scared animals she nursed back to health or in my mom to the anxious sickly children that were brought to be treated at our home.
This Transformer, this giant of a being, was trying to make himself smaller so that the tiny humans before him wouldn’t be frightened. 
That…didn’t sound like the hostile warring species from my history class.
I stopped trying to move Peeta.
Seeing that he had our attention the robot spoke again, his voice soft but clear.
“We're here to save you, you won’t have to die today, not for some game, and especially not for your Capital” he stood up before looking at the smaller Transformer “Rewind, are we ready”?
“Just about” they, Rewind, answered “Though before we start mind stepping a little to the left”?
“Huh, why”? Asked the leader
“Because captain, if we were trying to sell the whole “we don’t mean any harm” image maybe we shouldn’t be showing how we trashed their enclosure”? Rewind said 
The apparent captain looked to the shattered entrance they had created before sheepishly smiling “Yeah…better not let them see that yet”
“Doubt it will make much a a difference” said the gray and black Transformer, his voice was sharp and curt “No doubt their Capital already knows about the damage done to their little arena”
“This difference is Megs is that we're making a statement” said the Captain “One that has to be said as soon as possible, ready Rewind”?
“Whenever you are” said the smaller bot, tapping the side of his helmet.
I was confused why he did that till I noticed a redlight shinning on the side of his helmet, a video recorder perhaps?
With that the red and orange giant stood straight ahead, his gaze intense as he looked at Rewind “Citizens of the Capitol and Panem, we come in peace”!
At that moment more scaffolding and material decided to come tumbling down into the arena as if to loudly object to the statement.
I winced at the noise and off to the side I could see the largest of the Transformers actually pinch his brow in an exasperated manner. A scene I could almost find funny.
 Despite this though the captain gave only a nervous chuckle before speaking again “This is Rodimus Prime, and despite our rather abrupt entrance, we have only the best of intention for our arrival” he face then became more serious “While I understand that as of now most of the citizens of this country recognize us in a hostile light, we Autobots,  many members of the Cybertronian race have viewed Earth and its people as sentient like minded beings. Ones who needed protection and safety when our war did unfortunately touch your planet. With some humans even becoming valued allies who fought besides us during such a perilous time” Rodimus stopped then, his blue glass eyes dimming even “After the war we left Earth, both out of a need to protect this planet from any further conflict we may have had  and out of respect for humanity who wanted to independently run their society once it was rebuilt, a wish we were determined to honor” his voice then harden as he continued “But recent discoveries and findings have forced us to decide to break this arrangement, this biggest being your so called Hunger Games” Rodimus practically spat that word out “A society whose higher caste who not only feeds greedily on it’s citizens but demands blood tributes out of its children, making a game out of their very lives! It will not continue! Not if I can help it”!
I watched transfixed as he raised a fist to his fiery chassis “I call an end to the Hunger Games! Starting now”! He calmed “Again this isn’t a message made out maliciously, I want more than anything to resolve this peacefully, I hope you can believe me citizens of Panem”
Rewind then made a gesture and Rodimus visibly relaxed, even giving a small laugh.
“So did we get all that”?
“Sent it right to our sources, hopefully it was enough to get it to the other Districts but you can bet those big cogs in the Capitol must have seen it”
“That's good” Rodimus nodded before beginning to walk “All we got to do is wait for now”
“You know Optimus Prime isn’t going to be happy about the stunt we pulled today” the gray and black one, Megs, spoke again.
“Well Optimus shouldn’t have been dragging his pedes over this,” responded Rodimus “But if anything just say you were following the captains orders, I’ll take the fall”
“I highly doubt he believed that” the blue and red Transformer said
Rodimus actually shrugged before looking our direction again, he gave another reassuring smile “Just hang tight” he said “I almost got you all out of this”
No one responded for the longest time, till in a quiet voice spoke out.
“Is this really happening”?
I couldn’t pinpoint who spoke, but that voice echoed a question I was asking myself.
Was this really happening? 
I recalled the proclamation made by the Transformer not even a minute ago.
An end to the Hunger Games.
No more Hunger Games.
The games were canceled.
Was this really happening? Barely a few minutes earlier I was ready to run for my life and fight against my fellow tributes in a bloody arena, but now I was being told that we didn’t have to fight by a giant metal alien.
I felt Peeta shudder beside me and when I looked at him I could see how wet his eyes were getting, he covered his mouth trying to muffle a sob. Without thinking I pulled him close and let his weight sag against mine.
I was ready to let our time in the tower be our final goodbye, knowing that the chances of us making it from the Cornucopia was slim at best and remaining allies had an even smaller chance.
But saying I wasn’t relieved would be a lie, I was relieved that the games hadn’t started, relieved that Peeta and I were still together, relieved that we were going to be okay.
And if a few tears and raspy breaths left my mouth I wouldn’t find myself ashamed for it.
When we were calm enough to pull away I looked to the other tributes; most  stood with their Districts. Some crying and clinging to one another, a few who decided to look through the packs of supplies littered around the arena, but most just staring at the Transformers that stood by their ship.
Well most of them.
The apparent captain, Rodimus, was actually walking leisurely towards the pond. Then literally popping open his chest cavity pulled out a pole of some kind that had a string at the end of it.
It took me a second to realize what he was doing.
“Is he…”? Peeta started
This Transformer, a giant metal warrior, a captain that led his own crew, and just broke into the Capitals arena and called an end to the Hunger Games; just plopped himself at the end of the water and began to fish!
Peeta actually coughed a laugh besides me “Can robots even eat fish”?
I didn’t know and wasn’t sure to find out.
But surprisingly enough Peeta let go of my hand and actually got towards the robot!
“Peeta”?! I whispered harshly “What are you doing”?
“I want to get a closer look at them” he said 
“Peeta, wait”! I said urgently “They’re Transformers, it might not be safe too-”
“They saved our lives Katniss and you heard them, they don’t want to hurt us” Peeta said but before he kept moving he held out a hand to me, encouraging me to take it.
I hesitated though.
Despite what these Transformers had done for us, despite their promises, I still didn’t feel comfortable putting myself in a squishing range of them.
Peeta gave me a disappointed yet understanding look and continued on. Surprisingly even some tributes began to take his lead, forming a small crowd.
The bot, Rodimus, began to notice their approach and gave a large smile at them. 
“Hello there,”!  he said 
None of the tributes worked up the nerve to greet him back verbally but I could see Peeta giving his own smile in return along with an energetic wave of his hand.
A part of me had to keep myself from rolling my eyes, it was just like Peeta to try to get people to like him. The games may have been over and these giants claimed not to mean any harm but Peeta was still trying to play it safe.
He really was clever like that.
But ultimately it wasn’t Peeta who opened up to the metal giant.
“You know how to fish”?
This came from the young 12 year old from District 4.
“Yup” Rodimus said “Back when I was stationed on Earth a good friend of mine taught me, I got really into it after that” He ended that by adjusting his line a little.
The District 4 boy's eyes widened before giving a curious gaze at the pond next to them.
“Do you think there’s anything in there”?
“I hope, in either case I’m just glad to be fishing again”! The robot said “I told myself that if I ever came to Earth again it would be one of the first things I did”! He stopped before asking the Tributes besides him “Do any of you fish”?
Again most stayed silent but the District 4 didn’t hesitate to raise his hand and say “My district is responsible for most of the fishing done, some of my father and uncles are even allowed on the boats to go to sea for the bigger stuff, we even have competitions during the season”
Rodimus' eyes seemed to glow brighter “Oh, so you're a bit of an expert huh”? He asked leaning closer “So what's the biggest fish you’ve caught so far”?
The young boy's face went red, from the freckles of his nose to the bouncy curls on his head.
“Um, just a couple of mackerel with my dads old fishing rod ” he said quietly almost embarrassed “I catch a lot more with nets with my friends”
“Mackerel! Wow that impressive”! The giant robot expressed eagerly “Most of my fishing is done in freshwater, I say the biggest I got was just  5 pound bluegill but boy was he a tough one-hey I didn't catch your name by the way”
“Luca” said the boy “Luca Alberts”
As the red and orange Transformer continued to chatter on about his fishing experiences the group of huns around him seemed to relax more and more, feeling at ease his casual attitude. And it seemed to affect some of the other tributes too who had previously kept their distance.
I moved closer to where Peeta was in the group, catching more of the conversation made by Rodimus to the District 4 tribute.
“So do you really hope to catch anything”? Asked the boy, Luca
“Who knows? Best way to pass the time anyway” Rodimus responded
“You might want to be careful” a voice suddenly said
It was one of the male tributes, I didn’t recognize him initially given he looked like another of the 14 year olds that were taken into the games. Then recalling a yellow suit I realized this must have been the tribute from District 3, his bright yellow dress shirt being the only thing that stood out in his rather dull interview with Cesar.
“You don’t know what might be inside the pond” the District 3 Tribute explained “The arenas are supposed to be set up with all kinds of traps, ones operated by the Gamemakers and ones set loose like the Mutts”
“Mutts” Rodmius said quietly “Right, those lab made animals they make” his happy expression turned into a somber one before his smile returned “Well, it’ll be fine! If there's anything dangerous lurking in these water, just trust your friend Rodimus to help”
He added a thumbs up that honestly felt corny, but seemed to please the younger tributes.
“I’d like to fish too”! Luca announced
Rodimus hummed unsure “Well, I only have one-”
“It’s fine” he stated before going to the nearest pack and rummaging through it “There pretty simple to make if you have the right supplies”
Rodimus nodded “Then I'll trust the expert on this”
The boy gave a proud grin though mad a disappointed sound at not fighting anything before moving onto the next pack.
From where I stood I gave another glance at Rodimus and his robotic teamates.
To be honest it wasn’t enough to say these were robots, the Capital miniature cleaning or delivering drones definitely fit the definition. There movements stiff and uniform, moved with purpose in their singular task.
But these Transformers, they moved as a human would. Maybe not with the same fluidity but unrestricted, like the armor they were wasn't just something attached to their bodies but actually a part of them. Even the metal on their faces, despite how alien they looked,  moved so easily. And given Rodimus examples, with so much expression and versatility.
How could metal and gears and inanimate material move and soften so much like flesh, like actual breathing beings.
Because they were alive obviously….
For years I had it in my head that these aliens were nothing but cold hearted machines of war. That's what our history books told us, showed us.
But then again those books were written by the Capital.
And the Capital says a lot of things.
 I looked at the large Transformers before me; Rodimus chatting with the other tributes, the smaller one Rewind holding the side of his face as he gazed around so obviously still recording, and finally to the two largest bots who stood rather detached from the rest of the group.
I part of me wondered how different things have been if Rodimus and his people had come sooner.
Would the first Rebellion have been successful, would the Capital still have demanded to Hunger Games, would their even have been a Hunger Games, would-?
My hypothetical thoughts were cut short when a piercing scream went through the air.
Turning I could see some of the tributes scattering away from the Cornucopia as the male District 2 tribute came barreling out of the entrance swinging a large sword.
“Stop! What are you doing”?!! cried Rodimus, quickly getting up and abandoning his fishing pole “Why are you fighting! Your free now! No one is making you kill anyone”!
The brutish tribute, Cato if I member his name,  looked at the robot and actually gave a snarky smile.
“Are you stupid”? he asked “Do you really think you can stop the games? That we'll let you”!
From behind him I can see more of the Career Tributes gather behind him, each brandishing their own weapons.
“We're here for a reason! And I'm not about to let you take that away from us”!
More tributes scattered as the pack of Carriers ready their weapons and stalk forward.
Despite everything, despite all of Rodimus hopeful promises, I'm sure that there's going to be death even if these aliens did call for an end of the games.
Really how stupid was I to believe them, how stupid I was for not grabbing a weapon, or not just running when I had the chance.
“That's enough”! Rodimus ordered taking a step forward, barely restrained anger in his voice “Stop this now or-”
But already Cato was rushing forward sword already at the closest, hapless target.
The District 4 tribute quest for fishing line and other supplies had put him just close enough to Cato line of attack, he kneeled by an open bag, to startled or afraid to run.
Rodimus quickly moved , the ground quaking in his hurried step forward. Avoiding get accidentally trampled on I didn't notice when Peeta left my side till I saw him rushing past Rodimus bright orange feet right for Luca.
The instance was too fast and too slow at the same time, Peeta running to the boy, taking him his arms to try and pull him away from the attack, the sword swinging down and blood sprinkling out.
I can feel myself yelling, Peeta name clawing its way out of my mouth as I saw the sword about to swing back down again.
A roaring blast echoed through the air as a bright hot beam of purple shot over the heads of the Carrier tributes.
The arena grew hot, it felt like the very air was singed from that one blast. Leaving A smoking crater in the far off distance that no doubt could have easily sizzled away any puny human in its path.
It felt hard to breath and my stomach threatened to lurch the meager breakfast I stomached back at the tower. But still I turned my head to look at the cause of the blast.
The gray and black mech.
Everyone was silent, afraid too move. Even the Carrier tributes, who had been a savage pack thirsty for our blood were left shaking. The District 1 tribute actually scared off his feet, ass to the ground as he look terrified at the glowering red eyed Transformer.
"You wanna try that again”? the Transformer said, his voice like a rumbling storm, his still smoking cannon leveled at the group of Carriers “I came here because I thought I was saving innocent humans from a cruel game made by a tyrannical society, not a rabid creature who sees fit to attack his own kind" 
Cato stupidly tries to argue "Its the Hunger Games-"!
"And as my captain stated, there are no more games from here on out" said the bot, but his face actually looked to soften a bit "Your a Carrier tribute, from what I understand, you were raised for this, all of you" he cast his eyes to the rest of the group "Raised to murder, slaughter, and entertain...but understand that from here on out the games are done….but if you feel so free to continue fighting than do it" 
The cannon lights up.
"Come forward and strike, make your District proud, make your owners proud" 
Cato seemed to be hyperventilating, he turned to his fellow Carrier tributes but they were all shrinking away under the gaze of the giant robot aiming their weapons at them.
All of these Carrier tributes, made into these roughness killing machines for the benefit of the games, reduced to scared children.
I find it laughable if I wasn't fixed on a moaning Peeta lying on the top of a silent Luca.
But I didn't dare approach till Cato, with an almost wheezy cry, squeezed his blade one more time before throwing it away.
The others following his example.
I rushed forward trying to evaluate the damage, kneeling besides Peeta I carefully tried to move him on his back and off of Luca. The boy looked fine but I startled to see that Peeta had a long slash cutting across his right arm. Cutting deeply by his elbow before becoming shallow by his shoulder. Bleeding very heavily.
I did my best to press on the wound, the warmth stickiness of it pooling between my fingers.
Peeta eyes were open with pain but still he managed a strangled “Katniss…”
“You idiot”! I couldn't help but snap “What were you thinking”?! 
He was so close to getting out! Getting out alive at least!
A shadow overtook us and I looked to see both Rodimus and Rewind staring down at us.
Rodimus was clear with horror as he looked at Peeta's wound.
“Scrap” I heard him mutter, I didn’t know what it meant but couldn't help but share his sentiment.
The sleeve of my coat was already soaked with blood. I knew I couldn't continue on like this, then stupidly I member there was a pack besides me.
I grabbed at it hastily looking through, cursing as I only found a few crackers, a empty canteen, and a pair of socks.
Despite this I stretched the socks as far as I could, rembering from my mother and Prims work that no matter what I had to press to keep the blood in! Huh, even with something so obvious I still was failing.
“Here” a voice said and I felt a weight besides me.
It was the young girl from District 11, Rue, and in her hands was a roll of bandages.
Quickly grasping it I thanked her and made to work trying to wrap the wound. Rue wordlessly held up the arm gently to let me encircle it further, though Peeta gave painful gasps still.
“Let's try tying part of the arm” said Rue tapping just above his elbow “It'll help with the bleeding” 
I nodded following her instructions, just like I would if it were my sister and mother. I was never a gifted healer like them and I didn't have confidence in the wrappings as I still saw red peaking through the white of the bandages. But I was still too glad that it stopped spilling on the grass.
The shadow above us got bigger and I felt Rue press up to me while Luca fliched.
“Will he survive”? asked the gray and black Transformer
“I-I don't know” Rodimus said “Oh, slag, we really should have brought Ratchet”!
“To be fair he may nor have been as helpful considering this is a human and not a Cybertronian patient”
“Yeah but-will you put that thing away Megatron”! Rodimus suddenly yelled in frustration 
I felt my blood run cold as I finally realized why I recognized this specific Transformer.
Images of him, him and his Decepticons, littered the chapter of my history book.
Describing one of the leaders of the two waring Cybertronian factions, this bot name was meantioned as to put a face to the carnage that was the species of Cybertronians. Deemed so evil and callus for his not only his utter disregard of human life but in his delighted in the utter suffering and destruction to the organic life on this planet. Pictures and accounts left no room for nightmarish imagination.
He barely looked any different,  I could still recognize him.
This was him.
This was Megatron.
I didn't hesitate to push myself in front of Peeta and the younger two. Despite knowing I was helpless to anything he want to do to us.
“It was just too prove a point” said the metal ravager “Wasn't even looking to maim”
“That's not the point Megs-”! Rodimus would have continued if the whole arena didn't begin to shake causing even the giant robots to become unsteady on their feet.
Suddenly the forest erupted in a burst of flames! And the once tranquil pond bubbled ominously, growing inside till literal waves were sloshing closer to the field the stood.
“I believe the Gamemakers are not too happy with us interrupting there game” said the blue and red bot named Mags as he approached his captain.
Getting a serious face Rodimus loudly ordered “Grab the humans, were getting out of here”!
Rodimus kneeled before us “We got to leave” he said before cupping his metal hand and holding it low “I know your friends hurt but we gotta move you guys”
There's a lot I can distrust Rodimus for, being a Cybertronian for 1. and having Megatron on his crew for 2.
But seeing the earnestness in his blue glass eyes and knowing staying in the arena meant only death, I could only silently shuffle Peeta onto the bright red metal with Rue and Luca following behind us. The metal felt oddly warm beneath me.
“That's it little buddies ” Rodimus said encouragingly “There we go” 
His fingers curling as the only warning before Rodimus lifted us up to a dizzying hight, from their I could see the other bots Mags and Rewind collect the rest of the tributes with surprising gentleness.
Something I also noticed is Megatron himself, simply standing there and staring at the Carrier tributes who panicked as the ground around them began to muddy as the tide of the water lapped at their feet.
I guessed that the metal destroyer maybevwanted to finish the job,but to my surprise he leaned down and scooped up the scared tributes. 
Soon enough Rodimus and the others rushed us towards their ship
It started dark before opening to a control room full of machinery and screen monitors.
“Magnus, get us ready for lift off” said Rodimus before going towards a large glass tank and gentle settling us inside there. Rewind did the same to the two tributes he held and the bot Mags/Magnus set down the rest.
There was some hesitancy as Rodimus saw Megatron with the Carrier tributes but he only made a clicking noise before jumping into one of the seats, no doubt the Captain chair.
“Are we ready”?
“Thrusters on captain”!
I barely felt the ship move but on the monitors is clearly showed us soaring above the almost decimated arena and lift towards the dome. I shuddered and continued to hold Peeta as once again the ship jolted as it scrapped against the size of the force field.
“Rodimus, I'm detecting several hostile flight carriers coming our way”
“Guess they really didn't appreciate our little peace demonstration” Rodimus said dryly as he gripped the steering device.
The monitors showed what was obviously Capital shuttles coming at the ship. 
There was a violent shudder from the side of the ship.
“Rodimus…should we engage” said Magnus quietly 
Rodimus voice was determined as he said “No, we agreed we weren't taking any lives today” but then an almost cheerful tone came to his voice “But I got something else in mind”!
The ship gave a jerk and I felt myself bracing against the surface of the tank.
“They want to chase us, then we'll go somewhere they can't follow”!
Despite the optimistic way he spoke it was becoming worryingly hard to breath.
“Rodimus” Megatron said in a stressed tone “Rember the elevation, the humans-”
“I think I know how to transport humans” Rodimus said sarcastically, but I couldn't help but notice that it was getting easier to breath.
I coughed and checked on Peeta, concerned how paled he was though with how alert he looked I was still hopeful.
The jostling stopped and soon it was a smooth ride. Though not a comfortable one as Megatron gazed at all of us within the tank.
I did my best to meet his gaze fearlessly, my eyes flickering to the scared Carrier tributes still in his hands. The squirmed and cried, terrified to be in the hands of a titan who could easily squish them.
The one-sided stare off was broken by Rodimus hysterical laughter “We did it! We did it”! the bot practically leaped from his seat to fist pump the air “We saved the humans and showed those higher cassette up”
“Yes” Magnus said in a tired voice “With 23 anxious young humans and 1 injured tribute in our care”
“Well, we can figure it out” said Rodimus jovially “Doesn't this prove we can do anything”? 
“Rodimus-” started Magnus 
“Oh, we need to get ready to dock”!
The way Magnus sighed you would think he was a  tired parent to a rambunctious child and not the crew member following his captain.
There was another shudder and soon a bright light entered the hall we had come from, soon Rodimus left his seat to the tank we were in.
He was all smiles as he began to roll the very platform our tank was on towards the entrance.
“Your safe now, your safe” he kept murmuring.
I wondered if it was more for his assurance then for our sakes.
The light at the end of the hall was blinding but when we emerged from it a roar of cheers followed.
“WE'RE BACK”! yelled Rodimus
As my eyes adjusted to the light I could see we were in a large hangar of some sort and inside it a group of Transformers stood, bots of versions colors and sizes all whooped and hollered in congratulations to Rodimus and his group.
Once we got closer several of them surged forward.
“You actually got them”? said one with sharp helmet a grey face and red marking around his eyes.
“Ha! I wish I could have seen the faceplate of those Capital jerks when you burst in there” said one bot who only had a single yellow glass eye that made up his greenish blue helm.
“Are these humans”? one small white and blue bot asked as they struggled to look at them from the height of our platform “They're so cute”!
A purple Transformers with a narrow face and red eyes leaned forward “One of thems injured”
“Scrap”! Rodimus said “Ratchet?! Where's Ratchet”?
“I'm here”! called a gruff voice, a red and white mech pushed through the crowd “What happened”?
“Um, we ran into some complications” said Rodimus gesturing to Peeta “Can you help him”?
“A human patient” the robot frowned “I can try, but I can't promise I'll be as much use given how long it's been and what supplies I have ir should I say don't have”
“Haha, he just being modest” Rodimus said nervously looking at Katniss “But he'll be in safe servos” 
That obviously didn't assure me and both bots could tell as I held Peeta close to me.
The one called Ratchet came forward before lowering his hand into the tank, tributes did scramble back till it was only me and Peeta before the metal hand that was as big as a storage door.
“I see your worried for your friend, I understand” he said “ But I need to take a  look at him, it's the best way to ensure his wound is properly treated”
“Your not a human” I found myself saying “You don't know what your doing”
“This isn’t my first time with an injured human, it's just been some time and I don't exactly have what I need….” He stopped before saying “He looks like aid was administered, was this your work”?
I nodded but admitted “I had some help”
Ratchet hummed and nodded before nudging his hand more instantly towards me “You can come along, perhaps you could help me treat him”
I gulped looking between him, the hand, and a grimacing Peeta. Then finally helped push Peeta onto the outstretched hand before placing myself onto the cold metal of the palm. I braced myself as once again lifted by a metal giant.
Ratchet began to quickly walk away with us, but I could still hear Rodimus speaking.
“Megatron make sure you keep those tributes separated” he instructed curtly, obviously talking about the Carrier group.
His voice became more lighter as he said “As for the rest of you, I want to welcome you all to the Lost Light”!!!!
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saltzerland · 4 months
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"horrors & famine"
Longan Dragon in Fear & Hunger style because i hav F&H brainrot
this is such a random mix i'm so sorry lmao
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callofdudes · 4 months
Dropping all my AU thoughts on you. (Lovingly) pt1??
Hunger Games AU: All of 141 bring previous victors from their games who find solace with each other in the capital. Would go through what they experienced in their individual games and how they won. But when the victors face off comes they all have to work together to end the games permanently.
Skyrim AU: Ghost works with the Dark Brotherhood. Johnny is 1000% a Companion. Gaz is a bard who is also attending the College of Winterhold to become a mage. Price is either a leader of the Companions, or he's a captain of the Imperial Guard. Don't exactly have a proper plot. And Gaz is obviously a redguard. Price is definitely a Nord. John is probably a mix of either Breton and Nord or something. It just makes sense. And Ghost is an Imperial. It just makes sense and I can't explain why!
Or, another Skyrim idea: Johnny as the dragonborn and Simon as a Daedric Prince of Akotosh who chooses to serve Johnny after doubting Alduin's reign.
Transformers AU: It could go either way, I envision it with Ghost as a Tranformer. He's the last of his squad who escaped captivity (I hope you catch on) and is sent to earth to protect Intel and find a place to stay. Runs into the annoying Scottish mechanic when his paint is dinged up. Or Simon as the angry mechanic who does not want to fix this alien thing that keeps yapping all day.
Rise of the Guardians AU: All the characters are there. If Y/n was present in this I'd make Ghost the angry easter Bunny who "hates his job". But if they weren't he's hands down Jack Frost. Sorry. Gaz can be Sandy (sandman) we all know who Price is, and Johnny can be the tooth fairy. If you know why, you know why.
Obviously a httyd AU: because everyone needs one. I'm already conjuring up things for Ghost's backstory it's insane.
Gaming AU: Price is a moderator for a large gaming community channel and streaming platform. He greenlights a lot of games that go through and plays them occasionally. RDR games and those likes. Johnny and Gaz definitely play the sims together. They'd play those games like Lethal Company and such. They try to play horror games but it doesn't always go well. Simon, (known to fans as Ghost) wears his mask or has one of those cool avatars. Plays horror games religiously and first person shooters which has attracted a glamorized following. Friends with Price and that's how he ended up getting together in the streaming group with Gaz and Johnny. They're annoying, but ok, they're cool.
Assassin's Creed AU: I've been working slowly on this for a while but Johnny as a sword/bow for hire whose work has slowed in the city he's at. So he packs up with friend Gaz who is going to a different city to study as a medic. Price is probably the king of said place. (I'm thinking of setting up in Greece or we're going to old Britain.) And Ghost is our famous assassin. And they meet and some stuff happens!
Not sure what to call this one (AU) As a young kid Johnny was diagnosed with ADHD and went to weekly day camp for kids like him. It wasn't particularly boring and Johnny had lots of fun. Until a new kid who is very socially awkward and reclusive starts coming. He's quiet and fidgety and doesn't make much eye contact. Johnny wants to be his friend. The story where Autistic Simon and ADHD Johnny become inseparable childhood friends.
Winged AU. I did a little thing on this a couple months ago. Some 30% of the popular are born with wings. Johnny is one of them. He's incredibly proud of his wings and it gives him some advantages and disadvantages in the military. Simon seems to hate Johnny for the sake of it. But every time Simon sees John's wings, he remembers the scars on his back and the pain of when his wings were torn off...
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teecupangel · 6 months
Hello! I was just wondering if you've gotten any asks yet about Desmond being in the hunger games :0? Like whether he was transported there or something else :v
I don’t think I’ve ever had any asks for a Hunger Games AU. For this one, we can make Desmond be born in one of the other Districts and volunteers himself as tribute to keep one of the younger children safe. In this one, I suggest he be born as an orphan who takes younger orphans under his wings, teaching them to a bit of self defense and anything he can that won’t get the attention of the Capital’s goons.
He knows there’s something deeply wrong in this world he is reborn in and, given any other situations, he would have already started to make plans to rain hell on the people directly oppressing his district but he gets caught up in all the Hunger Games to save one of his fellow orphans.
If you want him to be caught up in the Hunger Games that Katniss was in, then I would suggest he be part of any of the District where the tributes died during the initial bloodbath in Cornucopia.
Desmond would probably feel sick about the whole ‘appealing to the audience’ and will be snidely making remarks about how disgusting they all are for watching all of these for entertainment, making him more or less a black sheep of the tributes that even his fellow tribute would try to shy away from.
Honestly? Putting Desmond who has the memories of 3 mentors and 1 grand master in a field filled with children?
Not a good deal.
He would never hurt innocent children and would even try to help them even though most of them (if not all of them) would doubt his sincerity. He would definitely go head to head with the Career pack and kick their asses but he wouldn’t kill them because they’re children and he knows that they were ‘conditioned’ to think of killing as normal but, at the same time, he would definitely make sure they would not be able to harm anybody else.
In all honesty, Desmond’s real enemy in the Hunger Games would be the Gamemakers and he’d definitely get into their bad side. The only reason why he doesn’t fall for their traps is because of his Eagle Vision.
If this does follow Katniss’ Hunger Games then Desmond would probably have a wary truce with Katniss (after saving Rue ofc) and there would be less death this time around with Desmond fucking the Gamemakers’ plan all the time, all the while goading the watchers to see how fucked up this is.
Honestly, at some point, Desmond is probably going to find a weak point in the location they’re in and exploit it, maybe even use the monsters they send out later in the game by having them attack the weak point and essentially jail breaking everyone out.
(Although, there’s probably some tributes who would talk about how this would only punish their districts and Desmond knows that they are holding their districts hostage so it’s really between two hard places)
Sidebar: Desmond would probably understand why District 13 is not ‘acting’ against the Capitol and he would probably side with the rebels but, at the same time, he would definitely not agree with a lot of the plans the rebels. This also has the side effect of the rebellion probably having Desmond as the symbol instead of Katniss (or maybe not, who knows)
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Hear me out, Hunger Games and Transformers crossover. The war between the autobots and Decepticons ended long ago they left earth to repair cybertron for what they thought was a short time. They return 200 hundred years later and they find out the hunger games happened, and some of the more rash of the Cybertronians crash into the 74th hunger games to try and stop it.
-It's painful for the cybertronians to see what has happened to Earth while they were gone. To them, two hundred years is such a short time and while they knew generations of humans would come and go in that time they somehow always thought that things would remain the same as they were when they left.
-Seeing the tyrannical government and the oppressive system that's emerged during this time apart is almost unfathomable. How could Earth change so much in just a couple of centuries?
-The obvious luxury of the Capitol versus the poverty of the Districts is uncomfortably similar to pre-war Cybertron. The upper caste had also lived in such comfortable bubbles while the lower caste, the disposables, had slaved away to provide for them. A lot of former decepticon's especially are outraged about this, recognizing themselves in the people of the Districts.
-At first, there's this conflict among cybertronians about what to do, if they even should do something. While yes, they all recognize the state of Earth right now as terrible, do they have the right to intervene? Is it morally ethically correct for them to do so?
-The two sides are these; Observe for now and DOWN WITH THE SYSTEM. The bots wishing not to intervene just yet try to calm down the bots that want to go to Earth and put a stop to this right this very moment. There are multiple heated discussions, both official and unofficial and there are even protests in the streets.
-Learning about the Hunger Games is what finally tips the scales. A group of rebellious cybertronians, a mix of former autobots and decepticons alike, decide that enough is enough and straight up crash the Hunger Games. And I mean that literally. They show up in their ships, crash into the arena and declare that from now on the games are over. Straight up just say "this is fucking wrong, you Capitol pricks are disgusting and this is coming from a race that spent 4 million years in a civil war".
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rowanspn · 1 year
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“So much for finally being free,” he muttered.
Chapter 37 of Sticks and Stones, now on AO3
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maripr · 6 months
I don't understand people who get mad when other people have intersecting fandoms like "stop comparing fear and hunger with pathologic" no I won't bc creating patterns between things I love makes my brain do the happy thing, fuck off
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Had a thought driving home from work yesterday: Katniss Everdeen is connected to all four elements.
We have: the hunter/gatherer (earth), the girl on fire (fire, obviously), the mockingjay (air) and katniss (water).
I just...I don't know if this was intentional on Suzanne Collins's part, but it's been clicking around in my head and I can't stop thinking about it.
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justrainandcoffee · 2 months
Against all odds (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc) Part 1.
(Crossover Peaky Blinders - Hunger Games)
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Series masterlist - Alfie x Rose masterlist
Summary: Six years ago, Alfie won his games and the ghosts of those years still haunts him. But he has not choice but go to the Capitol, once again, because that's his role as mentor. No one of those kids who went with him to the Capitol survived and probably this year it'll be the same. Fuck the Capitol and its citizens. They're all the same. The thing is... Not all of them are the same.
Series warnings: Mentions of sex (consent and non-con). Murders. Blood. PTSD. Cheating. Prostitution. || This is set in Panem universe. Topics as minors being sexual corrupted are also mentioned because it's CANON.
Words: 3.1k
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Six years earlier.
District 8.
Rose woke up sighing. Last week she celebrated her 18th birthday. Already an adult and yet, once last time she had to prepare herself for the reaping day.
The last six years of her life were tortuous. Year after year, praying for a miracle. But for now, God or whoever was up there, listened to her.
Just one more time.
Her brother Samuel was already up when she went to the kitchen. He was 13, almost 14, and that was his second time facing that not so special day.
"Hi, Sam."
She tried to prevent him from asking for things so he couldn't get any extra tesserae but also, there was a time where she fell ill for almost a month and Samuel was the one who had to ask for medicine. His name was ten times on those damn papers. Rose's name was fifty-five.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"If by okay you mean that there's a chance I can be reaped and then die then, no, I'm not okay. But I'm still alive and these toasts are good, so yes, I'm okay."
"Everything will be fine, Sam."
"Except for one boy and one girl."
Rose nodded, "except for them."
The escort who always visited the district during the reaping day was an extravagant man called Alistair Pullman, who had half of his hair blue and half white. Perfectly combed. He also had a ridiculous moustache and talked in a funny way.
"Welcome to The 53th Hunger Games!" Alistair exclaimed. He was wearing a white hat and a brilliant green suit.
The introduction was always the same. Same words, same tone of voice.
"…as always, ladies first."
Her heart was pounding.
Please, help me one more time.
Alistair picked up a paper and opened it "Rose… Gregg."
Gregg. Not Coldwell. Not Coldwell. She couldn't help but cried. The odds were indeed on her favour. After all those years, after all those fucking tesserae, she did it. She was never reaped.
Rose Gregg was a thin ginger girl. She was also crying but for very different reasons. She was probably walking towards her death. Rose Coldwell felt sorry for her.
"And now the gentlemen…"
The boy, luckily, wasn't her brother but a boy called Martin Wallis.
When she had the chance, she ran towards her little brother and hugged him tightly.
It was indeed a good day. At least for the Coldwells.
Far away in district 9 a boy called Alfred had been reaped.
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District 9.
"How old are you?" Alfie asked.
"You're fucking not. How old are you?"
"Fuck off. Go home, girl."
"Please, sir! My sister and I, we're hungry! Let me show you! Other men say I'm good… I can be good. Whatever you want, sir."
Alfie went to the kitchen and grabbed some canned food and bread and gave it to her. "I said fuck off."
He growled. Not infrequently women and sometimes men knocked on his door offering sexual services in exchange for food or medicine he now had. Since he won his games six years ago that was a every day routine. And not so infrequently, too, he accepted their offer. It was a good way to stop thinking. As long as the person was adult and never vaginal sex. The last thing that the world needed was more kids. Were his actions questionable? Who the fuck cared? That was Panem not a fucking monastery. You had to survive and every person chose their methods. At least he wasn't a fucking rapist.
Alfie tried not to think about it. It was only once but…
He knocked the rest of the cans out of his table. He was angry.
It was months after his victory. A woman in her 50s paid for a night with him. And he didn't have the option to say no. The lady had a fetish for young teenage boys who were like him. They forced him to take a pill so he could last longer during the sex encounter. Not only the woman was older than his own mother but also was incredibly annoying. He forced himself to close his eyes and just do his job. It was the longest and most unpleasant night of his life.
No one else wanted him. Too rude and not childish enough to them. He already had beard. People of the capitol preferred baby faces. Alfie never shaved again in his life, that kept the rest of the citizens away from him.
And that day was the beginning of a new nightmare. Once again, a new reaping day. Another year where probably he was going to lose another boy and another girl.
He watched the ceremony from the distance. Both girl and boy were 15 years old. The boy named Philip had only one hand.
Alfie knew it from the very beginning, Philip had his days numbered. Later he could study the girl. In the distance he heard the train already waiting for them.
The Capitol. Wealthy, big, colourful… full of hypocrisy and heartless bastards. Full of people cheering for the tributes and waiting for them to be slaughtered by other kids. He despised that place. Their escort, Alissa, was speaking but Alfie wasn't paying attention to her.
The training centre was full of people. From servants to guards. Alfie saw how other victors talked to the new tributes, introducing that place. Philip and the girl were at his side in silence listening to Alissa who was too enthusiastic about these new games.
A short woman approached them and greeted Alissa with a big smile and also the kids. She just nodded at him, probably reading his facial expression.
"I'm the new stylist," she introduced herself to him and the rest "I'm Rosebeth. And I'm glad to announce you're going to shine."
Another fucking year. Rose watched the different kids being selected on TV. Same old story. Happy and proud faces on those from district 1 and 2, resignation on the rest of them.
That was her first year working as stylist and they assigned district 9 to her. The previous stylist had problems with authorities and he had been incarcerated. Probably killed by now, she didn't know. And Rose learnt that it's better not to ask.
If you wanted an answer all you had to do was wait and listen. Sooner or later, people talked. Especially those wealthy bitches ready to spread gossips.
The train was already there. And Rose prepared herself. Time to be someone new.
When you're part of the Capitol, you had to act like one. You couldn't have a simple and mundane name as Rose. Because of that she merged her both names in one, Rose Elizabeth: Rosebeth. And voilà, she wasn't a simple girl anymore.
Not long time ago she was part of the districts too. She didn't born there. She hated the Capitol, the ideals, the way that those kids were treated. Rose wanted to burn that place from the ground and watch it explode in thousand of pieces. And was already working on it.
But for now she was the stupid, superficial and happy Rosebeth Evert, married to one of the richest men there. And one of the biggest piece of shit, too.
"What happened to André?" the mentor asked. She looked at him and smiled.
"André isn't here anymore. As I said, I'm the new stylist and for the next weeks we're a team. The five of us, isn't that great?"
Alissa clapped happily and Philip smiled. Alfie and the girl remained in silence.
While they entered the elevator to go to their floor, Alfie realised he was mad. No, in fact, he was disgusted. At least André was a man who he could talk with. The woman in front of him was nothing but the perfect example of a empty minded person who probably celebrate every death. The next few weeks were going to be a hell. He looked at her and Alissa talk like very good friends but said nothing.
Alfie knew the place but the kids not. The floor that the Capitol gave to district 9 was big, elegantly decorated and with enormous windows facing the city.
Alissa was jumping here and there expressing her gratitude for the food on the table, the soft music on the background and almost everything.
"You're Reah," said Rose looking at the girl. Contrary to Philip, Reah was shy and quiet. Not agressive at all, just timid. The girl girl nodded "I'm already thinking about your dress, Reah. But I need opinions, what do you like about your District? I'm against all traditional, sweetie. André was good, but too classic. Make them talk about you, Reah."
"Reah wants peace. Her life is about to change forever, last thing she needs is to talk about stupid costumes."
Rose looked at the mentor who just talked. She read his files. Alfred Solomons, winner of the 53th Hunger games. An impressive number of seven deaths, one of them by decapitation. Two sickles was all he needed to be a victor. But the grumpy man in front of her had nothing to do with the photo in the files she read.
"Well, Alfred, what about let the girl talk instead of speaking for her? My reputation depends on the parade and I'm not going to ruin it because you're against it."
"It's okay," Reah said shyly. "I'd like to talk about the costume."
Alfie huffed before turning around and go to his bedroom.
The fucking Capitol.
But Alfie had nothing to say when he finally saw the costumes. Over the years, he had seen his mentored kids dressed as corn or a wearing weath hats. That night, both Reah and Philip represented Ceres, the roman goddess of grains. Comparing the costumes to distract 1, for example, probably they weren't that extravagant. But if you looked closer you could see the little details like weath ears made of golden threads perfectly sewed to the fabric. Plus longer weath ears made of real gold outstanding over their shoulders and heads.
Alissa was fascinated and told Rose. Alfie remained in silence.
Apparently, people loved them too.
The only thing that Alfie thought was that maybe that could help him to get sponsors for them.
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At that hour the building was almost empty except for guards and some night workers. No one asked her what she was doing at those hours. She's carrying a sewing machine in her arms and some clothes on her shoulders.
Rose was trying to ignore her heartbeat. You had to start with something, right?
"To spy my husband," she said to the seller who didn't ask much questions when she bought a microphone.
She gave two fucks her husband. He was probably now celebrating with some other men in a bar thinking about the tributes and who could win.
A guard stopped her when she tried to enter the control centre. She knew that was going to happen. She wore her fakest smile.
"You can't pass, ma'am."
Rose giggled stupidly "oh, I know, love. But Claudius is there and I have a message for him from my cutie husband Lawrie Evert. It's just five seconds."
The guard looked at her and used the communication device on his wrist to speak with other guard inside. After a short exchange of words he let her in.
The message was fake. Probably the man named Claudius will forget that, but it gave her the chance to be inside the most precious room in the whole Capitol. The fucking control centre. No one noticed that she put the tiny mic under the table. Especially because everyone was busy and because the clothes covered her arms. Long life battery. Probably it will last longer than this game edition.
Once she left the room and the hallway. That stupid smile she hated so much disappeared from her face.
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"Be careful with her," an old victor warned Alfie once the training began.
Alfie had been watching Philip and he was extremely surprised by his ability to use spears despite having only one hand. It's not like district 9 had a lot of wild animals to hunt. Alfie promised himself to ask the boy about it later.
"With who?"
"Your stylist. Do you know her husband?"
"I don't know a shit about her except that she's annoying and she's laughing like an idiot all the time. Who the fuck is her husband?"
"Lawrence Evert."
Alfie stopped looking at the boy to look at the victor. It was the black woman known as Volcano Girl. Alfie was a little kid by the time she won, probably 4 or 5 years old, he barely remembered those games. But for a few years Aveline Young was quite popular. She was 34 years now, almost two decades passed from the moment she won.
"What?" Alfie asked looking at her.
Lawrence Evert was a bad word. It was an open secret the things he did to some victors. Even Alfie who was one of the youngest and hadn't heard everything, knew about him.
"Just telling you, Alfie. I couldn't trust her if I were you. Who the fuck can marry that bastard?"
His head were full of questions. Not only now he had to protect those kids from other tributes, but in case that any of them could win, he had to ptotect her o him from the husband of a woman who was pretending to be their friend.
The hostility towards her the following days only increased. Alissa tried to calm him, talked to him about other things but he didn't cooperate. Every time Alfie found her talking to Reah or Philip alone, he approached them.
Those bastards were everywhere. Every night when Alfie looked through the window and watched the lights he asked himself how many of them corrupted kids. The answer was probably: a lot.
Four nights before the beginning of the 60th Hunger Games, Alfie saw Rose dancing with Philip a tropical song. Both of them were laughing, but he wasn't. Not just he turned the music off, but warned the woman with his finger.
"It's nothing…" Philip tried to say.
"It's fucking a lot. Go to bed, now. You need to rest," the man ordered.
"But Alfie…"
"Go to the fucking bed, Philip!"
The boy nodded and left the dining room, leaving the two adults alone.
"Stay fucking away from them."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Rose frowned "the moment you put a feet here you treated me bad, but these last days were awful… as far as I know I did nothing! So tell me, Alfred, what the fuck is wrong with you!!"
"With me? I came forced here! And I'm doing my job! Part if it is protecting those kids from monsters like you!"
Alissa appeared that moment to tell them that they were yelling at each other. Rose open the balcony door violently. Alfie was behind her.
"What the fuck do you mean by monsters like me. Because I was giving the kid a moment to be a child again? Joking and dancing trying to make him forget about his fate?? I don't understand, so tell me!"
"You know nothing, don't you?" Alfie snorted. "Probably you spend your days thinking what ridiculous shoes to buy, what new fucking bag to wear. Meanwhile in your back your beloved husband is a pe…"
"A what?!"
Alfie saw the exactly moment where life escaped from her eyes. She was paralyzed.
"You heard me. Why don't you ask victors what do they think about Lawrence Evert?"
"What the fuck are…oh God." Rose felt sick and ended up vomiting in a flowerpot that was there. Alfie didn't move.
It couldn't be. Those years she had heard those rumours and never doubted about it. But that was new information. Disgusting new information. Her marriage it was recent, she accepted because he promised to keep her brothers names out of the bowls and he fulfilled the promises. Now Samuel was safe from it, he was 19, but her little brother Louis was only 14.
"FUCCKKKK!!" she screamed in the wind, crying. She let him fucked her without knowing he touched kids. She felt dirty. It was disgusting. "How many…" she thought. She didn't want to know. When she calmed down, moments later, she faced Alfie who was still there.
"You too?"
"No. Not by him, at least."
"I didn't know. Please, believe me, I didn't know. This kid, Philip, he is barely older than my little brother. I miss him! For me he's nothing but like my brother Louis. I never… never!"
"Yeah. I can see you didn't know. I believe you. But I don't want you near them. I don't trust people like you. Capitol citizens enjoying the killing. You didn't touch them, but I bet my ass you enjoy the games. Born in a fucking golden crib..."
"Don't you dare to talk about me like you know me, Alfred. You know a shit about me! I'm from district 8! I put my fucking name 185 times during my adolescence. I was fucking lucky that I never been reaped. I suffer from the same misery than you or these kids. I was lucky that when I was 19 they accepted me to work here. I'm sorry your lucky was worst than mine. But don't you dare to judge me. You don't know me. You don't."
When she left the balcony, Alfie kicked the wall. Everything was a shit.
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Reah and Philip the next days continue training. Alfie prepared them to face the judges. Rose was in her studio finishing the clothes for their interview on live TV. They barely talk to each other during those days. But they didn't yell at each other either.
At night, alone on her bedroom, Rose heard the conversation in the control centre and took notes: Specific words, times, names, codes… She also knew that the arena was a copy of a Grand Canyon. Beautiful but mortal. She couldn't tell Alfie, even if she wanted to. She didn't trust him. He could tell this secret to other victors and it could be the end.
Both kids ending their training with 7 points over 12 and the TV presentation was successful even for the shy Reah.
If kids could make it, was another story. That night, the last night, no one said a word but everyone knew that it was going to be the last supper for one of them. In the worst scenario, both of them.
Alfie found himself staring at the woman he knew as Rosebeth. She was quiet and she didn't look at all like the person of the previous days.
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