#the immortal squad
daenerystargaryen06 · 3 months
Reasons Why Daenerys Sacrificing Herself is Stupid
So, I have seen from the fandom points on that while people might not believe Daenerys will be killed, she will die sacrificing herself for the good of humanity against the Others in the books. Thus ending her arc in a 'better' manner. Yet this STILL includes harping on a female characters death, even if it is 'heroic', it's still just as bad as contemplating Dany dying by being killed by anything else. Some reasonings based on this theory vary:
-Some say Dany sacrificing herself will be a 'redemption' after she goes mad in the books and burns shit down (which is as ooc as it is and stems off of misogyny).
-Some say it is better for Dany to die sacrificing herself as a hero to rid/atone of the 'sins' of her ancestors (also misogynistic, and stupid.)
-Some say they'd rather see Dany die through self-sacrifice than any other way (but why see Dany die at all? Why not want for her to live happily instead, either as Queen or in a home of her own choosing?)
-Some say Dany will sacrifice herself to Jon as Nissa Nissa for the good of humanity (also misogynistic. Reduces Dany as a character. Dany is Azor Ahai, not Nissa Nissa).
The issue within Dany sacrificing herself overall, is it is an inherently misogynistic act within itself perturbed by those who want it to happen. Either way Dany sacrificing herself makes her a plot device, no matter how it happens. It strips away her character and what she represents.
-Dany sacrificing herself as Nissa Nissa is misogynistic in the way it strips Dany down from her character and simply makes her a tool. A vessel used for 'man pain' and only given a role for the man to be the hero. The woman dies so the man can continue on. She dies for the man and that is her only role in this portrayal. Even if Dany 'willingly' made herself Nissa Nissa and allowed it, overall it leaves a bad taste. It paints a narrative that her only use was for another man. A narrative that she was only useful for being a man's 'lover' and murdered in the end. A piece to be used and tossed away once done with.
Let's face the truth here, Dany is Azor Ahai. Her dragons Lightbringer. Dany does not need to be Nissa Nissa, because she already fulfilled the prophecy. Drogo was the sacrifice in this situation instead of Dany. The roles were reversed.
-Dany sacrificing herself (through battle or other means) also paints a misogynistic narrative. Her being a piece for sacrifice strips her of all her qualities; her intelligence, her ability and skill, her overall character arc and what she has done and achieved. It paints a picture that she is only of use to die. It makes everything she has ever achieved and accomplished and learned wasted on nothing. What is the point of her arc and all that she has learned and done if it's all just going to be wasted on her death in the end? Her apparently 'sacrificing' herself?
I do not see anyone discussed more of sacrificing themselves than Dany. And it's sad how people cannot enjoy a deeply written and amazing character without speculating on how they're going to die. It's sad people cannot enjoy Dany just for what she is without needing to make up theories just for how she will die. Why must she die? Why can't she live and have an accomplished and complete arc that results in her eventual happiness?
-The theory that Dany sacrificing herself for redemption after burning a city (like KL) is gross. Season 8 isn't canon, it isn't a part of G.R.R.M's ending. I highly doubt Dany is just gonna go crazy and start massacring people, when that has never been the point of her character and arc. G.R.R.M paints Dany as a HERO. Her narrative arc overall is that of a heroic one (but that doesn't have to include self-sacrifice done as a 'heroic' or 'redeemable act' either). G.R.R.M has also already denied a theory speculating Dany burning down the Water Gardens, why would he have her burn down KL instead? It makes no sense and would be a very ooc thing for Dany to do (no matter the circumstances). It is again, misogyny, to believe that Dany would just suddenly go crazy and burn shit, only to be able to 'redeem' her actions later by sacrificing herself and getting killed. If I needed that shit of an idea as an arc for Dany in the books, I might as well just ring up D&D and ask them to finish the books instead.
-Dany sacrificing herself to atone for the 'sins' of her ancestors/bloodline is also just as bad. What sins have her ancestors committed that she needs to atone for? I'd say most of her blood already atoned for their own sins given the tragedy that befell many Targs throughout the years. It does NOT fall on Dany to 'atone' for what her ancestors have done by sacrificing herself. There is the saying 'not to judge a person by the sins of their family'. Dany is not her family. She does not need to 'atone' for any sins. I'd say she's already doing a pretty good damn job of it already by upending the slavery economy, and being the person that she is- kind, compassionate, etc.
-As for theorizing she will sacrifice herself because there is no other vision for her death- again, I ask the question: why does she need to die at all?
Dany doesn't need to sacrifice herself. I doubt her arc will lead to that for her end. She is TPTWP, Azor Ahai. Her role against the Others will be one of triumph, not death. Dany is fire, she is life, she is Mother. There would be no point in her entire narrative arc, or even her written existence for that matter being raised up as such a large role, just for her to die in the end through 'self sacrifice'. I am sure many sacrifices will be needed during the Long Night, but Dany won't be one of them.
Let's not forget that Dany is the only person to
-First learn of the Song of Ice and Fire within the books
-Bring dragons back from extinction into the world
-Upend the slave trade/economy to help those enslaved
-Walk through fire to hatch dragons from stone
It is not her role to simply be used and traded off as some pawn for sacrifice. Her role is much bigger than just that. Dany is one of the main central characters within ASOIAF, she is the Fire in the title: A Song of Ice and Fire. Her role is not to sacrifice herself to the Others, but to end the coming darkness and bring Spring.
Dany is a hero, and she will continue to slay. Stay mad about it.
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aq2003 · 7 months
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ten x rose love loses moodboard - space girl by frances forever // doctor who (2005) 2x03 doomsday // why losing rose was so devastating on doctor who, according to david tennant // twitter user arojotaro // tumblr user heartless-aro // against the kitchen floor by will wood // doctor who (2005) 4x13 journey's end // julie gardner in the journey's end dw confidential // a screenshot of my discord messages
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vertigoartgore · 5 months
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Alex Ross's 2018-2021 cover run on the Immortal Hulk series (2/2).
Tip of the hat to https://lirhyapetitpain.tumblr.com (a big fan of this excellent run).
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rox-of-iu · 9 months
bought "immortal life" as a gift for myself and I'm immediately obsessed
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it's stardew valley style farm sim but xianxia (said by someone who never played stardew or farm sims this is guesswork lol)
anyway it's early access now but it will come out as a full game in Jan 2024! and I guess there is a possibility that the price will go up once it's a full game cuz that happens sometimes so if ur interested now is your chance hah (its on sale rn for 11,19€)
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urcatisacunt · 1 year
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marveltournaments · 10 months
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tadpole-apocalypse · 10 months
I think I’m really into romancing Astarion as a human cause it just makes for such a fun dynamic in my head. He’d see them as short lived little mayflys, aging and dying in the blink of an eye…why bother forming relationships or even learning their names? They’ll be gone before he knows it. It’s bad enough he has to deal with the immortal ones, like Petras.
Except for the one that got her clutches onto his soul and now he has to cherish every single second he’s got before it’s over.
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trek-tracks · 1 year
I have a mighty need to see Pelia and Guinan interact at some point
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no-where-new-hero · 10 months
The Problem of Ianto Myrrddin
So. I said the characterization of A Study in Drowning was patchy and problematic, and it would take too long to complain about Effy (not to mention it would come across sounding whiny and ableist), so I won't. I'll stick with what I know, which is Byronic heroes, and complain instead about Ianto.
Unfortunately, I do have to shit on Effy a little bit first. She receives her lucky prize of getting to design the house almost instantaneously and gets an invitation to stay there while she plans by the son (Ianto) of the guy who is her literary hero. This is the equivalent of me getting to like ,,, build and decorate the Disappointed House for Stuart MacDonald or another of LMM's descendants. I would be beside myself with excitement. I would fangirl. I wouldn't believe my luck. This isn't some kind of anonymous recognition, this is personal recognition by the son of the most influential person in my life.
When she meets Ianto, though, it's all very...predictable according to what we've been learning about the story world: Men Lecherous. Men Not to Be Trusted. Men Weird. Ianto's just another man behaving exactly the way we’re told men always behave. I think he's supposed to be a Byronic hero, but even there, the trope isn't really leaned into: no questions about his handsomeness, no dog, not really even any personal secrets. He's just wet and makes overtures to Effy the way every other man has. There's nothing distinct about him or his oddness of personality.
So that's why it comes as a huge surprise when later in the novel, Effy almost starts feeling kinship for him. This, by the way, isn't based on any conversation they have or rapport they might have grown, because they haven't HAD any real conversation aside from his creepy flirtation to her, which of course wouldn't endear her, because why would it? But we’re supposed to believe he could be a sympathetic figure, and so therefore we get a random ass line like this:
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We've never seen a single hint of Ianto being genial, lighthearted, or hopeful. He isn't charming because chatting up women isn't supposed to be charming in this world. He has no sense of humor. He doesn't seem to love his father, or his father's legacy, or his father's house, or his mother who is being kept as the madwoman in the attic, and thus doesn't seem to care about the future of any of them. We later learn he's bound to the house, but his desperation for Effy to build him a new one never seems to come from any sense of home or belonging. I know that at the end the whole architectural project is just kind of a ruse, but that’s from the Fairy King’s point of view. What is Ianto’s point of view?
The whole possession twist ending falls flat because we never get any dynamism in his character. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him? Or no, because he’s just another man? Are we supposed to even think of him as a real character, or just the vessel of evil? It’s all just kind of. Bleh.
And it’s even more annoying because coming into this novel I was SO PREPARED for him to be the most interesting one of the cast.
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xxcringeizdead666xx · 2 years
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My Immortal- draw the squad
someone out there has probobly done this already, but if I haven't seen it, it didn't happen.
person with the mic: Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
praying person: Doombledore
person in jail: Darkness (Ginny) Weasley
person crying on the floor: Willow
person getting money thrown at: B'loody Mary Smith
person throwing the money: Draco Malfoy
the... other person having a mental break down?: Vampire Potter
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bafflement · 1 year
Sometimes RWBY annoys me
Ozpin was a tragedy. The terrifyingly young headmaster of arguably the most famous of the Huntsman academies, shoved into the place he was in solely because of Ozma.
People conflate them, but they're not actually the same person. Ozpin hates himself, even after death... but there's no real evidence that Ozma does.
He's horrified that he's taking over Oscar because that was never meant to happen, he hoped to be the last just as much as previous Ozcarnations did... maybe even more, considering where he was and the protectiveness he feels for his students. Oscar, given a few years, could so easily be a Beacon student, after all.
He ran, he locked himself away and yet that still wasn't enough to stop the merge. OZPIN did not ask Jinn the question shown and we don't even know just when he was given the particular information that that even happened. Should he have shared it? Yes, maybe. But then again, he'd only known team RWBY and what's left of team JNPR for about a year when they all jumped him for not telling them and we do have canon proof that when he trusts people [Lionheart and Ironwood] they can and do betray that trust for their own reasons.
What's worst? He's fighting a war he no more signed up for than Oscar did, yet everybody seems very set on blaming him, as the last Ozcarnation, for the sins of them all.
Ozpin might be the voice, but that's merely because he was the last. EVERY incarnation of Ozma is a tragedy, it's one of the shittiest reincarnation methods in fiction. 'You'll never be alone', no, but the process gives the new host exactly no choice in the matter.
Basically... Oscar is a victim, but so was Oz. And it's quite likely he might not even have been in double digits when it happened.
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kbirbpods · 8 months
no turning back (ready or not) - @clonebang 2023 Team 7 Authors: @flowerparrish & kbirb Artist: @PaxDuane Word Count: 10,310 Fandom: Clone Wars Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Relationships: Jon Antilles/CT-782 | Hevy, Cutup & Droidbait & Echo & Fives & Hevy (Star Wars), Jon Antilles & Fay, Fay & CT-782 | Hevy Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Immortal, Canon-Typical Violence, Temporary Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Old Guard AU, Fix-It of Sorts, Mental Connection/Psychic Connection, psychic dreams, That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), Force Bond (Star Wars), Immortality, POV Alternating, Mentioned Quinlan Vos, Pre-Relationship, Developing Relationship, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Hopeful Ending Summary:
It is rare for the Force to create immortals. So rare that only those who remain know. When Jon Antilles dies, he wakes back up, but he is not alone. After the events of Rishi Moon, Hevy wakes up. Alone but dreaming. Dreaming of two Jedi he does not know, who dream of him too. Or, a Jon/Hevy Old Guard AU
featuring gorgeous artwork from PaxDuane:
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fever-pitches · 6 months
We're in our pretty gorl era
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comicwaren · 10 months
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This week on Marvel Comics (22nd November 2023):
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #038
Avengers Inc. #003
Captain Marvel Vol. 11 #002
Carnage Vol. 4 #001 (NEW!)
Immortal X-Men #017
Incredible Hulk Vol. 4 #006
Invincible Iron Man Vol. 5 #012
Moon Knight: City of the Dead #005 (Finale)
Sensational She-Hulk Vol. 2 #002
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #040
Star Wars: Dark Droids - D-Squad #003
Uncanny Spider-Man #004
Wolverine Vol. 7 #039
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ashery24 · 1 year
Josh: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Mac: >:0 language
Virginia: Yeah watch your fucking language
BH: 'The fuck word'.
Dagon: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Billy: Oh my god they censored it
Dee: Say fuck, Dagon.
Mac: Do it, Dagon. Say fuck.
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
This entry was dedicated to the first steps the whole group will take in order to follow Dracula, along with a really important change of perspective in the dynamic since now Jonathan has made sure that Mina is included in their decisions no matter what.
Yet, there is one thing that is on the back of my mind regarding the impact of all of these decisions in the novel, and how it will flow through the in-context of this hunt.
This is not only a mission to save Mina in both body, and soul from eternal darkness, but also is an implicated mission to save all of Transylvania as a whole from the Count's reign of terror. The characters don't even mean it, but in their hurry of rightfully saving our Mina, they are also saving the same kind people that warned Jonathan at the beginning of the novel.
The old lady who gave her rosary to Jonathan won't fear for the lives of anyone again, the villagers that gave him the flowers won't need to give any flowers to possible new victims. Just like Mina, their recovery will have ups, and downs since it will never be easy to get up from hundred of years of terror, but it will be steady.
As Mina gets more ideas in how to stop the Count while tracking him, and Jonathan sharps his kukri knife for slaughter. The people that lived under this horror every day are starting to breath easier.
It's incredible how this conflict feels so important, and so significantly small, yet so indescribably big. Our dear Mina is at stake, both her mind and her soul, and the people of Transylvania are also at stake too. Destroying Dracula not only will save Mina, but thousands of people as well.
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