#the intro post not damon
justinefrischmanngf · 2 years
help my damon gifs r now a top post instead of the one being like hello its nessa allthepresidentsmen1976 😭😭😭😭
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about me!
my names abbie but you can call me julian, he/she/they, 14, british, bisexual, suspected autism but its not diagnosed yet…
interests are mainly british music, mostly 80s-90s. my carrd has a list of some bands(made it for twitter so ignore some stuff). i am the biggest blur fan🤫
also intimidated by most people but i want to talk!!!
if youre homo/transphobic, racist, ableist, etc..Get lost!
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maramatoh · 2 years
King Damon de Ressa
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"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -Sun Tzu, The Art of War
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Damon tends to be polite and charming but the young man becomes cold when he feels that it has to happen. Damon wanted the throne as much as his beloved older sister, Atheris. With the mindset that none of his older siblings was fit to the throne. Not the annoying and love sick Prince Richard, not the ruthless and cold Princess Atheris, and especially not the naive and meek Princess Freya. Damon genuinely thinks that he is the right one to sit on it, the right King after his father.
Such things that get inserted in his mind by his mother.
Damon is smart and vigorous. He spends his time reading books in the library, but he doesn't get cooped there, because he also spends time in training thus he is skilled in combat. He is skilled in all combat methods Sir Arnold taught him: swordsmanship, archery, and close combat. Thus, earning a muscular build and a scar on his cheek for it. After all of his training and reading and other efforts to get the throne, Damon was successfully chosen by the sword to be the new ruler of Rhivenia.
Generally, he treats people with respect and is polite and warm, he is confident and playful when it comes to socializing or just talking to people in general. Which makes him charming, remarkable, and magnetic. However, he is not necessarily kind but not necessarily cruel either. Yes, he commonly treats people with kindness and humility but how people treats him will mostly decide his actions and opinions.
Damon appears to be independent and hard-skinned, he swore that he won’t let himself be easily manipulated even if he does manipulate others. But this is different when it comes to someone or to the people he absolutely cares for or has been there during his earlier years. People like that will find it rather easy to make him believe things and inserting stuff in his brain, this is partially but mostly the reason why Damon wanted the throne, Queen Alvena must’ve inserted in his mind that he needs to train to achieve the throne.
With his new title as the King of Rhivenia, Damon changed himself and his ways that he thinks fits a king such as himself. From good to neutra and from stoic to confident, he is well aware that some people might be displeased with the latter but he does not care what people think. He is very well aware that a lot of his own people doubt his ability to rule a kingdom because he is the youngest of the heirs thus he has less experience than them. But it's alright for the young king, he is understanding of their doubts about him.
Though he would be absolutely have a hysterical and sadistic amount of satisfaction once he makes the forcefully get onto their knees and bow down to him.
Damon is willing to put up a front as a neutral king. While he is known to be merciful and very trusting during his young years as a prince, his ruthlessness and coldness would now fruit more, Damon will and he will earn the respect of his own people and make his enemies fear him. He wants the power that the fear for him can bring.
Damon appears to be a contrast of merciful and ruthless, sometimes evil and malicious but sometimes not. He will show Rhivenia and other rulers that Namherys, the Lord of Swords, has chosen the right and suitable ruler for the throne. Whether it's by force or not would be decided in place.
King Charles - Damon doesn't love his father but he doesn't hate him either, he just doesn't care about the man. Charles didn't bother to show that he cares about his son so why would he? Though Damon poured a lot of effort gaining Charles' approval of everything he does for his mother. Damon didn't feel anything when his father's death was finally announced, though there was sting there, but that was all. While Charles neglects Damon and his sisters and took a stupid favoritism towards his older half brother when he is still alive, Sir Arnold took the place of a father in Damon's heart. While King Charles has the title, Sir Arnold has the place. Damon will name his first son after Sir Arnold.
(Ironically, King Charles’ beliefs is the reason why Damon thinks that King Oliver deserved to die and he also believed that Charles did the right thing by executing Prince Francis.)
Queen Isabelle - Damon and Isabelle don't talk much unless they have to, he just mostly ignores her presence. Damon got influenced by his mother growing up, he is well aware that his mother outright disliked Isabelle, which is the reason why he never puts effort on having a bond with her or even talking with her. Damon had no strong feelings towards his step-mother until he became king.
He looks like he is indifferent towards her but Damon started to become strongly suspicious of her which became outright hatred towards her, which now includes Richard himself. Damon doesn't want to be anywhere near the woman, but whether he will have her executed in any means is still yet to be decided.
Queen Alvena - Damon loves his mother dearly, after all, she filled the void caused by his father's neglect. Besides that, Damon was rather influenced by Alvena when he was growing up. While a lot of people think negatively of her because of her ruthlessness and coldness, Damon admires his mother because of that. because that is not all she has, she is protective, brave, and intelligent. Damon wanted to be just like that. He greatly admires and respects his mother, after all the things she did for him.
Damon is even willing to ignore or forgive his mother's flaws, which also includes the fact that she poisoned a innocent woman and killed her babe when its not even born yet.
Prince Richard - Their relationship started out as great, young Prince Damon is happy for Richard when he told him that their father trained him.  He is happy for his older half-brother because he actually loved him, poor little Damon doesn't understand how favoritism is bad since it means that his brother is receiving love from their father.
But as Damon gets older, he now realizes and learns that it was a bad thing, especially for both him and his sisters who never received much attention and love from their father compared to Richard. He started to dislike his brother because of their father's favoritism towards him. It might just be his mother’s influence on him speaking but Damon strongly dislikes Richard, to the point where he didn’t even think a second about whether or not to marry him off for an alliance to make “use of him”. (Meaning that Damon deemed Richard to be useless after Damon was crowned as king.).
Hatred for Richard seems to be one of the things Damon inherited from Alvena. After all, Damon have intentionally took 3 things from Richard in purpose to hurt him: his freedom, the love of his life, and his uncle's life. We'll yet to see if there is more to be stolen.
And you know what made Damon and Richard's relationship fall out completely other than the favoritism? Well, a certain lovely girl just caught the attention and was fancied by both of the Princes of Rhivenia with one of them becoming king, that’s all.
Princess Atheris - Their relationship started out as neutral, they don't dislike each other but not close either. It probably has something to do with Richard. As said before, Damon and Richard's relationship started out as great, but since Atheris just outright dislikes Richard, Damon and Atheris didn't become as close because of this. Though Damon did treat Altheris like a sister, and often even agreed on her savage outtakes and opinions.
But they started being close when Damon started and learned how to dislike Richard, with Damon finally being able to sympathize with his older sister’s point of view and understanding it. While Damon is still being disapproving of how her temper rises, he still managed to create a strong bond with his sister because she reminded him a lot of Alvena. They became best friends, Damon deeply trusts his beloved older sister, and was willing to take countless and unmeasured pain for her.
Princess Freya - Most beloved and favored sibling he has, which would be the reason why Damon will be naming his first daughter after Freya. Damon loves Freya so much that he will kill whoever tries to hurt her or if it means protecting her, but despite this sworn ruthlessness for his sister’s sake. After hearing that Freya has a lover who is a pirate, Damon is enraged that she is putting herself in danger. But before swearing that he will execute this pirate (even if he did promise himself that he will do it), he will plan to gently talk with Freya about it and try to persuade her to leave the pirate for the greater good.
Damon loves his sister, but at the same time that he is a doting and protective brother, he is a king with responsibilities and power. Freya SHOULD and WILL leave this pirate, either this or death. Whether it's for Freya, her pirate lover, or both is yet to be decided.
Damon knows that it will not be easy, but he will see what will happen.
Love Interests
Xavier and Clara (Polyamory)
(Damon is bisexual, and he will probably have a fling with Mazelina). By the first time Damon landed his eyes on Clara, he was absolutely smitten by the beautiful girl he saw. At first, Damon chose to ignore the budding feeling in his heart because Clara is close to Richard and they might have something for each other, he doesn't wanted to be a villain in their love story. But despite that, he found himself complementing her often and do everything or put everything away just to spend time with her; like he doesn't care at all about his brother. But then Damon chose to ignore Richard's feelings altogether one day.
Damon is aware how close Richard and Clara are, but he hoped that Clara doesn't like his brother because Richard obviously does, he hoped that Richard won't make so much of a deal of it. Damon is wrong, but he seems to not mind at all when he realized it.
When Damon is much older now, he'd now notice the frown Richard has on his face when Clara touches his face and hand and even whenever they hug. He knows he shouldn't, but Damon found himself well pleased by his brother's displeasure of their closeness, he strangely found it satisfying. 
Did Damon regret that he made his brother's crush fall for himself instead? No. Will Damon fix his broken relationship with his brother when he was given the chance? Maybe.
Unlike Damon's attraction to Clara which is love at first sight, Damon's attraction to Xavier came slowly. When it was revealed that Xavier's father was guilty of betraying Rhivenia, Damon firmly believes that what happened to King Oliver is well deserved, but he thinks the harshness and abuse everyone does to King Oliver's son is not right.
Especially if Rhivenia really wanted to blackmail Xavier's older sister into not doing anything displeasing or destructive.
So, Damon took him under his wing and took care of him by giving him a place like those of a soldier so that people won't be as harsh on him anymore. And, well, Damon started caring more about him than he thinks he does. He found the young man rather…entrancing and handsome, which is the same way he felt towards his dearest Clara. 
When King Charles died and when he saw Xavier's satisfaction, he became rather...upset.  Since Damon wanted the throne. When Xavier was about to be tortured, he didn't step in for him or even stopped them from doing so. Damon says that he believed Xavier poisoned the king when he actually didn't, he is just upset at Xavier's satisfaction and the fact that he hopes Rhivenia will lose the war. But then, he started to understand that it was only fair since it was just because of King Charles' ruthlessness. Damon then found himself not caring about Rhivenia and the would-be consequences of his actions when he freed Xavier out of love.
He agreed to marry him to forge the alliance between Asinea and Rhivenia and was looking forward to the events with himself, Xavier, and Clara in the future.
If you felt like you've seen this before in the The Sword of Rhivenia tag (one of the oldest posts about the if, even before the game released), I rebooted my MC's bio to celebrate the game's release and to change a lot of things because I was not satisfied with it when I did a reread months after I posted that. I deleted the past post and redesigned Damon.
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haydenigmatic · 1 year
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You are the King’s third child, a Princess/Prince third in line to the throne of the eight kingdoms,Third in line to the throne, you have nothing to worry about , well of course you have your lessons but not as extensive as your brothers because your older brother is the heir and even if something happened to him, there is your other big brother.
Maybe you will be a pawn for your father in a marriage alliance, However, who knows what the future holds, something or someone could ensure that your dynasty will be nothing more than dust and you will have to fight for the throne as the heir apparent, or maybe you won’t have to fight at all…
RO's intro post: ✸ Aurelia/n✸Damon✸Doria/n✸Hanniel✸
               ✸ Jasira✸ Nesrin ✸ Odette ✸ Sorin ✸ Verena ✸  
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Play as a Princess/Prince of a powerful dynasty.
Variety of dialogue depending on your gender
Find love among nine characters of whom two are gender selectable
Manipulate, or genuinely care for your people
Bond with creatures that used to be extinct
Blurry the line between good and bad
Form alliances to win the crown
Do anything to survive at court
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♢ Lady/Lord Aurelia/Aurelian Mezzei (She/her - He/him) 2 years older than MC
Aurelia/n is a proud and skilled adventurer with a free-spirited nature, always yearning for new experiences and the freedom of the open road. Beneath their composed exterior, they possess a kind heart and a rational mind, but can become a formidable force when provoked.
"The world is a tapestry, woven with threads of wonder and complexity. With each step, I strive to unravel its mysteries and add my own vibrant colors."
♢ Lady/Lord Doria/Dorian Muriel  (She/her - He/him) 3 years older than MC
Doria/n is a complex and enigmatic individual, shrouded in a veil of cynicism and guardedness. Their ruthless actions and lack of remorse paint them as a hardened figure, while their hidden heart of gold and capacity for loyalty reveal a deeper layer beneath the surface. They navigate life with a cautious scepticism, harbouring deep-seated wounds and a relentless desire for self-preservation.
"There's no room for sentimentality or second chances in my life. Once you cross me, there's no going back."
♢ Hanniel (Connell) Almlinger  (He/him) 4 years older than MC
Hanniel is a chivalrous and principled knight, driven by a strong sense of justice and an unwavering dedication to doing what is right. Despite the shame he feels as a bastard, he possesses a warm and compassionate heart, and his experiences have shaped him into a resilient and empathetic individual.
"The measure of a person's worth is not determined by their birthright, but by the content of their character."
♢ Lord Damon Lavone (He/him) 4 years older than MC
Damon is a charismatic and ambitious knight, driven by a relentless pursuit of glory and recognition. His privileged background as the heir to the second wealthiest man in The Eight Kingdoms, combined with his natural talent and captivating presence, has made him a captivating legend and a force to be reckoned with. Beneath his confident exterior lies a fiercely loyal and protective nature, willing to go to great lengths for the ones he loves.
"To be ordinary is a fate worse than death. I was destined for greatness, and I will leave my mark on this world. Remember my name, for it will be whispered in awe and reverence."
♢ Lady Jasira Oursbar (She/her) 2 years older than MC
Jasira is a fiercely independent and outspoken individual, unafraid to challenge societal expectations and fight for what she believes in. As the daughter of a northern duke, she defies the traditional role of a lady, embodying strength, determination, and a rebellious spirit. With a background rooted in nobility, Jasira carries a deep sense of loyalty and a strong connection to her heritage, guiding her actions and shaping her unwavering pursuit of justice.
"I'd rather live a life of freedom and danger than one of safety and confinement."
♢ Lady Nesrin Parovus (She/her) 1 year older than MC
Nesrin is a cunning and intelligent individual, skilled in the art of manipulation and strategic thinking. Born into nobility as the daughter of one of the seven dukes, she exudes grace and elegance while harbouring a hidden depth of ambition and determination. With her background of privilege and a mind shaped by political intrigue, Nesrin is a formidable force, always three steps ahead in the game of power.
"There's nothing more satisfying than outmaneuvering someone who thought they had the upper hand."
♢ Lady Odette Lavone (She/her) 1 year younger than MC
Odette is a compassionate and idealistic individual, driven by a strong sense of empathy and a desire for justice. With her noble background as the daughter of one of the seven dukes, she possesses elegance and grace, often regarded as the epitome of a court lady. Her genuine kindness and unwavering devotion make her a steadfast ally and a beacon of hope in a complex and sometimes treacherous world.
"Love is not just a fleeting emotion; it is a profound connection that binds us together. With each beat of my heart, I choose to love fiercely, fiercely enough to change the world."
♢ Sorin of Soirsa (She/her) 2 years older than MC
Sorin is a resilient and resourceful individual, shaped by a challenging past as an orphan and a former courtesan. With a guarded demeanour and an independent spirit, she navigates the world with a keen intellect and a knack for survival. Beneath her tough exterior lies a tender heart yearning for connection, a hidden vulnerability that only a select few are privileged to witness.
"Life may have dealt me a difficult hand, but I'll play it with audacious grace, turning adversity into art."
♢ Lady Verena Sarpe (She/her) Same age as MC
Verena is a captivating and ambitious noblewoman, known for her seductive allure and calculated strategies. Born into a distinguished family, she carries the weight of her tarnished reputation and navigates the intricate web of political power with cunning and determination. Behind her enchanting facade lies a complex soul yearning for genuine love, battling her own insecurities and the shadows of her past.
"Love is a delicate dance, and I have perfected the steps. But be warned, for the fire that burns within me is as treacherous as it is enchanting."
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jokeroutsubs · 1 month
🧊JokerOutSubs Iceberg Explained
Layer by layer
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Explanations below the cut 👇
First layer:
Three kaksi ananas lonkero: 
This is a fun anecdote told by Jan during our Tampere interview. They wanted to order three ananas (‘pineapple’) lonkero in Finland and… well, watch the video at 7:44 to find out :)
This is how Jan (again!) described his friendship with Nace when asked about the Damon Baker photoshoot during our London interview. Check it out here at 46:42 if you missed it!
‘JokerOutSubs: No one translates it better.’: 
Another reference to our London interview with the boys. This is something that Bojan said about JokerOutSubs. We loved it so much, we added it as an intro to our original content, and a tagline on all our platforms! See it here at 0:08!
Second layer:
‘We have a certain type of door locks.’: 
Another fun anecdote from our Tampere interview, this time from Jure! Did you know that Finland and Slovenia had such different door locks? We sure didn’t! Learn more about it here at 4:33!
JOS Stožice live: 
On the 6th of October, several of our members went to Joker Out at Stožice, and live streamed the gig for over 1000 people! You can find both parts of the livestream here and here
‘Ofcourse the best interview was done by joker.out.subs’ and ‘always a pleasure chatting with joker.out.subs: 
These are some lovely messages that Joker Out shared through their IG stories after two of our interviews.
Hvala, fantje. Radi vas mamo <3
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Third layer:
This was an award that we gave to the winner of our ‘How Italian ARE YOU?’ game during our Padova interview. Watch the game and find out who the lucky winner is here at 13:10!
Kiki the PR genius: 
This funny tale from the Padova interview here at 3:15 is about Kiki, their ‘beloved technician’ (Bojan’s words, not ours). It’s thanks to him that the whole JO fandom had a meltdown over the lyrics to Šta bih ja before we even heard the song live in Helsinki! Thank you, Kiki, you mastermind. 
Carpe Diem and Welcome to the Backstage translations:
Possibly the greatest pride for us at JokerOutSubs was being allowed to add subtitles to Joker Out’s Carpe Diem and Welcome to the Backstage series. Thank you boys and THANK YOU MARK for your trust. 
Translating Cvetličarna: 
Did you know how JokerOutSubs started? What the first big video ever translated was? It was this, the concert in Cvetličarna. If you want to know some lore, make sure not to miss our chat with Anja, who founded JokerOutSubs, and who came up with the idea of translating in the first place!
You haven’t really tasted Slovenia if you hadn’t had a sip of Cedevita, a fruit-flavoured instant fizzy drink, packed with vitamins. (Cedevita pls sponsor us). This drink is actually Croatian, but it’s so popular in Slovenia it’s a staple in every household. It was part of the ‘package from home’ we gave to Joker Out during our London interview - you can see the snacks we gifted them here at 3:18. One of our members was served a very generous portion by Jure!
Fourth layer:
‘Deeeeej mi vse.’:
This is referencing the original lyrics to Umazane misli, explained to us by Bojan himself in our London interview at 30:42. One of our members also sang this version in Milano during Umazane misli karaoke!
Damon Baker mentioned you in his story:
The moment that gave JOS members a heart attack. The wonderful Damon Baker shared our short interview with Kris on his Instagram story to 1.2 million people! We love you Damon! 
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'Your nipples are shining so much man.’:
One of the most cursed translations we have ever done - Bojan slow dancing with a mannequin during the London era.
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April fools:
On April 1st 2024, we decided to have a little fun with the fanbase and post some fake articles on our Tumblr. Kris and Jure even shared their articles on their stories! You can check them out here:
Bojan moving to Finland
Kris joining K3
Jure’s drumstick crisis
Jan and Nace’s new cat
Kris told us in our Tampere interview that one of his biggest culture shocks in Finland was that it’s always hard to find the lightswitch. You can watch it here at 4:19.
Fifth layer:
Pięćdziesięciogroszówka w klubie:
Jan told us in Finland that he liked long words, so we came to our second Joker Out interview in Poland prepared! This means '50 cents (in the club).' Watch the boys try to pronounce it here at 12:54
Translating made up words:
Joker Out enjoy making up words, which we then have to translate! That means we need to make up our own words in lots of different languages. We have hundreds of examples of this, but our favourite is probably sparklative - and here it is in different languages! 
Danish - Glitretivende (based on glitrende, ‘sparkling’, the adjective henrivende, ‘good looking/charming’ and the adverb rivende, which is an amplifying expression meaning something like ‘completely’)
Dutch - Sprankelijk (based on sprankelend, ‘sparkly’ and the suffix -elijk)
Finnish - Kimalleltava (based on kimaltava, ‘sparkling’)
French - Brilliantesque (based on brilliant, ‘sparkly’, and the suffix -esque)
German - Glitzernig (based on Glitzern, ‘to sparkle’ and the suffix -ig)
Hungarian -Csillogoló (based on csillogó, ‘sparkling’)
Italian - Scintalloso (based on scintillare, ‘to sparkle/shine’, the suffix -oso and an -a instead of on -i in the second syllable. The correct word for ‘sparkling’ is scintillante or brillante)
Japanese - かやがいてる, kayagaiteru (based on かがやいてる (輝いてる)/kagayaiteru, ‘sparkling/shining’)
Macedonian - Cветникаво, svetnikavo (based on светка/svetka, which means ‘sparkle’ and the suffix -никаво/-nikavo)
Polish - Iskrzające (based on iskrzące, 'sparkling')
Serbian/Croatian- Šljokičazmično (based on šljokičasto, ‘glittery/sequined’)
Slovenian- Bleščečitno (based on bleščeče, 'sparkly', and the suffix -no/-tno which serves a similar purpose as the suffix -ive/-tive in English)
Spanish - Brillantivo (based on brillante, ‘sparkling’)
Swedish - Glittererande (based on glittrande, ‘sparkling’)
Turkish - Fışıltılı (based on ışıltılı, ‘sparkling’)
Stožice project:
The fan project at Stožice, in which everyone held coloured hearts to their phone lights and held up signs with a message, was actually organised by JokerOutSubs members! We hope you liked it boys! 
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Another slightly odd translation from the London era. This means, ‘Nace, give me your cock’, and was said by Bojan! We made sure to check thoroughly before posting this out to the fanbase!
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Uno reverse card:
One of our favourite moments from the See You Soon tour was seeing the entire band sing Umazane misli, as Bojan was tricked with UNO reverse cards by our founder, Anja! You can watch the whole thing here
Gate trga:
In a Val 202 interview in August 2023, Bojan decided to use a piece of Slovene slang, ‘gate trga’, which literally means ‘ripping underwear’, to describe what Martin is up to these days. Cue confusion in all our non-Slovene teams!!! This is a prime example of how difficult slang is to translate, and has become a go to comment for our members when the boys use slang words: “It's another ‘gate trga’ moment!” We translated it as ‘kicking ass’, and you can read the original article here
Sixth layer: 
One of our favourite memes to come from our original content - Bojan holding the ‘no’ paddle in Padova looking extremely indignant at the idea of sweatpants in public being a fashion crime. We call him Nojan and we love it! Check out our Padova interview games at 13:10
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Only BoMartin hug video:
A fan favourite moment from Stožice was the hug Bojan and Martin shared after he appeared onstage for Kot srce ki kri poganja. It was an incredibly sweet moment, that was captured by the JOS livestream but cut out of the official Stožice documentary! Now it only exists in our saved livestream on Instagram! 
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‘You are and are amazing’: 
These were Bojan’s sweet words at the end of our interview in Tampere. It’s at 15:12.
‘Was some AI included?’:
The day of our first interview with Joker Out was also the release date of SSOL. For the occasion, we translated the song in 15 languages! Kris asked if we had done the translations using some AI - but we would NEVER at JokerOutSubs! You can check it out here from 0:31.
RTVSLO notice:
While in Helsinki during the See You Soon tour, one of our members recorded the first playout of Šta bih ja and Bluza and sent the videos straight to our discord server for translation, and they were posted up for everyone to enjoy overnight. We were so happy to see Joker Out themselves mentioned this in their press release about the songs, including the one to RTVSLO!! 
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Bojan’s fish hat:
Just some fun JokerOutSubs lore, but the now famous Women want me, fish fear me hat was gifted to Bojan by one of our members during the soundcheck in Milano! He posted a picture right after receiving it. We love to see!
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Seventh layer:
‘You don’t love me??’:
In our London interview, we asked Jan and Nace why they chose to do their Damon Baker shoot together, and Jan quite beautifully explained Damon’s vision of a portrayal of non romantic intimacy. Bojan then had to make a joke. You can watch the moment here at 46:43.
We love a good mistranslation here at JokerOutSubs, and many British fans were left confused when the boys posted that Kiki had lost his ‘bunda’ (coat), as it has a very different meaning in the UK! We discussed it in our fan interviews in London for episode 2 of Queue and A! Check it out here at 11:12!
Stolen Joker Rangers meme:
On March 9th, we posted the trailer to our new translation, which was a collaboration with the radio RadioAKTIVNO. For the trailer we used a moment in the interview where the boys talked about which Power Ranger they would be. Of course, we had to make an edit worth of Joker Out!
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The very next day, Joker Out posted a picture of themselves as Power Rangers to promote their gig in Kraków. 
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A funny coincidence? Maybe. Of course, we had to remark on it!
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Demoni karaoke:
During their gig in Helsinki in September, one of our Finnish members sang a Demoni karaoke! You can watch the video from 7:50 here. Way to go!
JokerOutSubs’ biggest fan Nace and second biggest fan Häärijä: 
We can count many important milestones during our first year of life, but nothing beats the moment Häärijä, and later Nace, started following us! Thank you for acknowledging our work!
As a result, we joke that they are our biggest fans. But is it really a joke?? 🤔
Umazane misli in Japanese:
Another amazing karaoke done by one of our amazing members, this time it was Umazane misli in Japanese during the gig in Ljubljana last December. How cool is that?? We posted a video of that on our IG with Japanese subtitles.
Eighth layer:
Wet towel removal and wonky flag tying: 
Our members who interviewed the boys in Padova gave the room a spruce up before recording, including the removal of a pile of wet towels and tying up a very wonky JokerOutSubs flag. We had to credit Anja for this hugely important piece of work, so we snuck some silly credits in at the end of the interview! 
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Do solzice: 
When we read a message to the boys at the end of our London interview to explain the impact they’ve had on Slovenian fans, we were all quite emotional! Bojan later posted the message with the caption ‘Tole je bilo pa do solzice’ - ‘This one was a tear jerker’. For us too, Bojan! You can watch the moment here at 56:37.
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'Che c***o! (in serbo)': 
We were super happy to see the band post about all the translations we did for the Carpe Diem series, but our Italian team had a giggle that THIS was the screenshot they chose to highlight the new Italian subtitles - this translates to ‘What the fuck? (in Serbian)’.
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Furious native English speakers: 
Our native English review is a hugely important part of our process, partly because there’s some things that are consistently mistranslated. Here’s a few that have become iconic within JokerOutSubs for the sheer number of corrections. 
Neki - it’s not ‘some’, it’s 'some kind of'
Dejmo en aplavz - not ‘give an applause’, it’s ’give a ROUND of applause’ 
po eni strani - not ‘on one hand’ but ‘on THE one hand’!
JOS Twitch stream: 
Only the OG’s will know! In the earliest days of JokerOutSubs, we actually streamed a few shows on twitch, where our team was working as fast as possible to live translate in the chat for all the international fans who were watching! The devil works hard but JOS works harder!!
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We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing a sneak peek at some of our history, lore, favourite moments and behind the scenes here at JokerOutSubs in honour of our anniversary! Here’s to many more years of translating for you wonderful Baby Boos!
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flowers-for-em · 3 months
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Hiii im Emma the amount of fandoms I'm in is concerning. The amount of books i'm writing at once is also concerning. Point is you should just be concerned, enjoy your stay at my blog - here is a piece of cake 🍰
-> Im Emma/Ems or whatever nickname u want to give me I love giving people nicknames and petnames. Basic info -> She/her, minor, capricorn, intj, australian, ferrari girl, i will defend my babies warnette and evajacks until i die, a believer in sarcasm, i post about my writing sometimes, sometimes - cause im too lazy to write, im an ambivert and a joey lynch and damon torrance defender
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Books -> [series] The inheritance games, acotar, shatter me, the folk of the air, pjo [im new to the fandom] the prison healer, caraval, ouabh, dance of theives, divine rivals, boys of tommen, the lunar chronicles, the red queen, the naturals, six of crows, devils night, boys of tommen [standalone] Better than the movies, the do over, betting on you (basically anything by lynn painter), the cheat sheet, powerless, the summer of broken rules and A LOT more. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 Music -> taylor swift, gracie abrams, [recently getting into] maisie peters, tate mcrea, sadie jean, a little of lana del rey, chase atlantic, artic monkeys, guns and roses, conan gray. my music is all over the place lmao. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 Movies/tv shows -> friends, b99, babysitters club, alexa and katie, fuller house, now you see me 1&2, oceans 11,12&13, knives out 1&2, mamma mia, adam project, red notice, enola holmes, and pretty much most chick flicks 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 Other -> rain <3, christmas, baking/cooking, art -> I paint, sketch, and draw, whenever I feel like it. I mostly draw though. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 Moodboards -> I love making moodboards here is the masterlist 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝Writing -> i have a few side blogs but my public writing blog is @the-ballad-of-us and i also have a secret one see if you can find it ;)
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Misc -> my dream life is to runaway to paris or new york and open up a bookstore/cafe/flower shop. (and to be the rich hot aunt the everyone loves), I want to travel when I'm older! [places] -> London, Paris, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Germany, New York, Bahamas, Japan, Korea, and a bunch more!, I spend an unhealthy amount of time on Pinterest and Tumblr, 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 -> If we're moots, we're best friends, no takes backs. -> I over use lmao, lol, <3, :), and 😭 too much. im trying not to come on too strong and be rude lol (right there see? perfect example) -> My Wattpad -> My Pinterest -> I love talking to new people, and asks and dms (only for minors unless i agree to it :)) are always open <3 -> i most likely won't follow you back if you don't have an intro post, but if you want to get to know me just send me an ask :) 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
Special people ->@skeelly - kris, @percabeths-blue-cookies - har, @a-beautiful-fool - lou lou, @moonlightt444 - mare bear, @nqds - nadsies, @mqstermindswift - nicky, @lost-in-reveriie - addy, @art-of-fools - mr o'hare, @reminiscentreader - jas, @myster3y - my wifey kiara, @sophiesonlinediary - soph, @deprivedofbraincellsandsleep - zia, @runwiththerain - ives, @doyoujustnotwantto - mihane, @that-multi-fandom-hijabi - nova my world manipulation partner, @hijabi-desi-bookworm - esme, @gergthecat - scout, @baboland - aria, @missedyour21st - fay, @daydream-of-a-wallflower - kat + all my other moots that i didn't tag but rlly wanted too [if you want to be added or removed just let me know!! <333
𓆝 this is a safe space for everyone!! ↳ Dni - if you're a racist, homophobe, sexist, pedos, ect..
love ya all <3
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queenshelby · 11 months
The Fourth Season (Rewritten)
Part One: Intro
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Religious and Anti-Religious Themes
Being obsessed with Cillian’s post Oppenheimer image, I have decided to rewrite this story as well and make it play during the filming of “Small Things Like These”…
I hope I still get some following and promise no further re-writes! Following my break from the fandom last year, I struggled a bit with finding my style and my head was a bit all over the place, so when I started this fanfic, I wasn’t planning it out properly. I do like the premise of it though and do not want to abandon it.
I also won’t rename it as “The Fourth Season” seems quite fitting considering that “Small Things Like These” follow a character leading up to Christmas.
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This fic plays in 2023 and, as usual, there will be an age-gap romance as Cillian is 46 and the reader is 25. I made her a little older than usual.
The reader comes from a strictly catholic family and, as a result, her family is appalled by the fact that the reader has taken a roll in this movie as it does not put the catholic church into a very good light.
For the reader, however, this is an opportunity not only for her career but also to get away from her family for a little while which is still in turmoil after the reader had separated from her high school sweetheart and husband James McCallum.  
As for Cillian, in early 2023, he is divorced with two young children. He has been single for three years and life was good. He finished filming Oppenheimer and took some time off before embarking in this passion project of his.
Six months ago…
Cillian’s POV
It was late July and the summer heat was scorching as Cillian walked down the pier in Dalkey with a fellow actor friend Matt Damon who, just like Cillian, had invested in the movie production.
The movie was said to be produced by Tim Mielants who also accompanied Cillian and Matt on their walk, and filming was scheduled to commence just after Christmas which left just one minor issue yet to be considered.
Whilst Cillian was staring the lead role of Bill Furlong, the woman who had been casted by Tim to play Bill’s wife Eileen had just pulled out, leaving this role yet to be filled with an affordable actress.
“You could ask Emily” Matt joked, seeing that both him and Cillian were close friends with Emily Blunt, but both of them knew that Emily would not be available for this role.
“I think we should concentrate on getting someone Irish” Tim told both Matt and Cillian who, by this point, had already come up with four unsuitable candidates for Tim to choose from.
“I think Matt was joking when suggesting Emily Blunt for the role” Cillian chuckled while adjusting his sunglasses and looking towards the horizon which prompted Matt to an idea.
“You know guys, I’ve seen a play last night at the Gaiety” he said before pulling out his phone and handing it to Cillian and Tim.
“The actress in that play was good and, when I say good, I mean really good. The play was called Dark Horizon and she played a widow named Siobhan who lost her husband at sea. Her ghost then plagued her until she was driven completely mad” Matt explained while showing Cillian and Tim the video he took from last night’s performance.
“She is good. What’s her name?” Cillian asked as he watched the video with an intention of his own to go and see the play.
“Y/N McCallum, aged twenty-five, from Cork” Matt said after pulling his phone from Cillian’s hand and opening the e-pamphlet which he had saved on his screen instead.
“She might be a little too young to play a forty something year old woman” Cillian chuckled while Matt put your name into Google.
“Make-up can take care of that” Tim said before continuing to read your agency profile and anything else that popped up in his newsfeed. “The bigger problem I see now is that she is married to James McCallum and working with couples on set might get a little annoying” Tim then pointed out, causing Cillian and Matt to furrow their eyebrows.
“Who is James McCallum?” Cillian asked as he could not remember anyone by that name
“He is in charge of logistics. You would have met him on the set of Peaky Blinders last year. He is thorough when it comes to staying within budget and organising essentials for the cast, which is why I hired him for the shoot” Tim explained and Cillian remembered him.  
“Fuck, I do remember that guy. He gave me a bible after he caught on to…you know…never mind…” Cillian said, aborting his sentence but Tim already knew.
“After he caught you and Sarah making out?” he thus said, causing Cillian to swallow harshly.
“Who is Sarah?” Matt wanted to know as he was not privy to this kind of onset gossip.
“His ex” Tim explained but Cillian shook his head.
“It wasn’t like that. It was just a fling. Nothing serious” Cillian pointed out but Tim couldn’t help but make another joke about it.
“Yeah, that’s why he gave you a bible, so that you could pray for forgiveness for your sins” Tim laughed before suggesting to see the play together with Cillian that night.
Your POV
Later that night, Cillian and Tim had indeed gone to see your play and the way you performed a troubled woman like the one on stage blew them away.
They were both mesmerised by your performance and ought to speak to you when you finished, which was something that you had not expected.
“This is a little weird but there are two men here to see you” one of the theatre clerks said after barging into the change room where you and some of the other actresses were putting on your regular clothes.
“That sure is weird” you joked, seeing that you did not usually get any visitors backstage.
“One of them is Cillian Murphy” the clerk then said and your chin dropped. You have heard of him, of course. Your husband had spoken of him in the past when working on set, although he did not have the nicest things to say about him.
“The actor?” you ought to clarify nonetheless, causing the clerk to nod.
“Yes” she said. “Do you want to speak with them?” she then wanted to know and, of course, you were intrigued about what they had to say.
“Tell them I will be just a minute please” you instructed the clerk who did as you had requested and, after putting on a jumper and tying back your hair, you met with Cillian and Tim in the lobby.
Both men greeted you professionally and with a handshake before telling you that they enjoyed the play and your performance.
“Thanks. I really appreciate it” you said before asking the men whether there was anything you could help them with and, when Cillian said that there was indeed something you could him with, you looked at him with some surprise.
“Okay, what is it?” you asked with a smile while struggling to focus. His eyes were really as blue as everyone had said and he must have noticed you starring at them by now.
“Well, we’ve got a role for you in a movie” Cillian said, causing Tim to furrow his eyebrows. Cillian was clearly more confident than he was and he would have approached this a little differently to say the least.
“And you want me to audition for it?” you queried, causing Cillian to shake his head.
“No, I want you to take it. Your performance on stage today was incredible and I would love to work with you” he responded, causing your chin to drop again.
“I have never been in front of a camera before” you explained but Cillian did not seem to care.
“There is always a first time for everything” he reassured you and you felt somewhat shocked.
“Well, I feel flattered” you said before asking Tim and Cillian for a script.
“I will send it to your agent tomorrow along with all of the particulars for production” Tim said just before shaking your hand and when Cillian said that he was looking forward to working with you, you could not help but chuckle.
“I didn’t say yes yet” you informed him. 
“I know, but I like being optimistic” he winked which left you and some other girls in the lobby somewhat speechless.
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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bennett-mikealson · 4 months
Bonnie gets so much hate for being a kid who understandably doesn't want anything to do with vampires why would she there's a logical reason vampires and witches are enemies with how bonnie ancestors are treated by vampires its obvious why
The thing about it is that they never have this energy with Carolines mom, Tylers mother, The council, John Gilbert even Matt. All these people collectively hated vampires bc of all the meseed up things they either heard about vampires/ made to believe or the negative things they've experienced from them; but for some reason they can't seem to care about Bonnies negative experiences with them. It's not even that they don't understand what made Bonnie act the way she did they just don't care. They wanted Bonnie to be this mute puppet that does everything for everyone else without regarding her own feelings.
It's like I said in my original post they sound like Caroline when she said Elena used to be fun before her parents died. They hate Caroline for that bc it was insensitive to Elena's trauma but when Bonnies first intro to the supernatural was 1 touching Stefan and feeling death then Damon biting her to death then losing grams on top of that ppl still won't give Bonnie the same sympathy they gave Elena.
That's not Fair.
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snowyrey · 6 months
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so how was yalls christmas ^^ or whatever winter holiday you celebrate, really
typing this before christmas so i don’t know how mine went yet but hey
back to your regularly scheduled nonsense, i redid my broken colors oc AGAIN- i really need to focus on one thing, my god(tho i did say i was in fact multi fandom in my intro post sooo :3c)
extra sketches under the cut(ft damon)
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theunboundwriter · 2 years
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Writeblr Intro
Hi everyone! Thanks for stumbling upon my little corner of Tumblr :) Please call me J (she/her) and I’m just using this space to post about my projects and shamelessly throw out random info about my ocs.
I have a sideblog where I hoard writing prompts like a feral gremlin if you're interested in that over at @unboundprompts
Thank you for being here and I hope you have a great rest of your day :)
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Link to more info about me: Meet the Writer
Please recommend me music: Link
To Get Tagged in Tag Games: Link
My WIPs below the cut:
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⋆ A series following an immortal girl who is trying to find her place in the world.
⋆ Includes two main books and numerous side stories following other characters introduced in The Prices We Pay and It All Started At The End
⋆ Link to all character moodboards Here.
⋆ Link to all character piccrew face claims Here.
⋆ Tag used: #unbound time universe
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⋆ Book One of The Unbound Time Series
⋆ Kendyleigh's world was ripped apart in a single night.
After being betrayed in the ugliest way possible, leaving her bloodied, frightened, and broken from grief, Kendyleigh fled into the night to get away from the people that wanted her nothing less than dead.
She had sworn to herself that she would never make the same mistake again— a mistake that exposed her most dangerous secret— but as she was hunted down by some of the most powerful people in the nation, she began to grow desperate. Fate placed her in the home of a witch, and for the first time in her life, she was offered a chance to exact her revenge on those who wronged her. Torn between the path of good and evil, Kendyleigh's decision was cemented when she was told there was a way to remove the curse that had plagued her life for centuries.
Now in over her head and blinded by rage, Kendyleigh has to figure out what kind of person she has become and what it means to trust people again.
⋆ Fantasy-Adventure, Found Family, Right vs Wrong, Quest, Destruction, Revenge, Companionship as Salvation,
⋆ Link to WIP intro found Here
⋆ Tag Used: #wip: the prices we pay
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⋆ June ‘Cutthroat’ Marlowe had built up quite a reputation for herself. Not only was she the daughter of legendary Captain Damon ‘The Marked,’ but she was the only one brave enough to wrong him and get away with it. Now fleeing for her life, June has to find a ship and a crew, and sail to wherever the map she stole from her father takes her, before he can get his hands on the treasure she’s after. 
Word travels fast, and it seems as if the seven seas were against her, as she’s being hunted down by more than just her bloodthirsty father:
Captain Bates Anderson— The British Navy Officer— who she’d outsmarted time and time again, and wants nothing more than to see her pay for the crimes she’s committed. 
The love of her life, who she had left for dead. 
This pesky pirate who just so happens to have exactly what she’s looking for.
And an ancient curse that had been following her family for years.
⋆ Adventure, Pirates, Curses, Buried Treasure, Found-Family, Will to Survive, Self-Reliance, Learning to Love, Loneliness as Destructive Force
⋆ Link to WIP Intro found Here.
⋆ Tag Used: #wip: the sea is in her blood
⋆ Tag List: @fearofahumanplanet @marinesocks @parttimeghost @houndsofcorduff @creatrackers (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
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⋆ Jacques and Louis Monet weren't surprised when they were approached by a stranger, saying he was investigating some of the most prominent criminal masterminds in the world. They were surprised, however, to learn that he wasn't a detective.
The man went by a code name, Chaos, to conceal his identity from not only the rest of the world, but also from the group of people he had gathered to assist him in robbing the Natural History Museum in London, England.
The ragtag group of criminals banded together,-knowing nothing about each other or what their life was like before the heist- and invaded the museum of London.
The goal?
Return the items that were stolen by the British to their rightful countries (at a high price, of course), and don't get caught.
Both objectives were difficult, but as each hour passes they only get harder, especially when dealing with a building of unruly hostages, and having to undermine UK law enforcement.
The worst part, though?
Hostages keep turning up dead, and no one has the slightest clue why. They do know, that with each body they find, the deeper and deeper they're digging a hole that they aren't sure they can climb out of.
⋆ Crime, Heist, Interrogations, Adventure, Mystery, Greek Mythology, Stealing from the British,
⋆ Link to WIP Intro found Here.
⋆ Tag Used: #wip: god complex
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pilk0id · 12 days
intro post so that i dont have to cram everything into my bio 🦕
da basics: i’m sophie, my pronouns are she/her, i identify as unlabeled (bc i’m still questioning my sexuality), i’m from texas, and i’m 18 years old! nice to meet you :3
warnings n stuff:
‼️ i am autistic!! if you feel so inclined, please use tone indicators whenever possible :3 i can usually pick up jokes, sarcasm, etc. but some tones are a little trickier for me.
‼️ i do not post NSFW on my page, nor do i draw it, so this page is relatively safe for minors! this is both personal preference bc i want my page to be safe for everyone, and bc its lowkey weird to look at idk 😭
‼️ i am a full time college student so artposting (and posting in general tbh) does tend to get really dry during semesters
‼️ DNI list:
homophobic, transphobic, TERF, racist, sexist, etc. (the basics ig 🚶)
proship (loud get out sound effect)
anyone under 13 (terms of service)
autism speaks apologists and supporters /srs
if u dont like seals and horses /j
my interests!!! :D
my special interest has been the ricky gervais show and its associated media & people since 2017! we haven’t been fed in literally years so any interaction about them / fanmade content is so so so lovely :3 my fav is karl (if that isn’t glaringly obvious), but i love steve too! i only like ricky’s stuff pre-2006 ish (extras being the cutoff) because… yuck
my other interests / hyperfixations include:
metalocalypse (i do not like the music of dethklok tho so uhh…….. awk)
breaking bad and better call saul
madchester and britpop music and culture, more on that later (ask me about my pookies)
adult swim in general - shows like aqua teen hunger force, the venture bros, king of the hill, etc.
the 1975 (probably my fav “current” band)
i actually love sports very much, especially bc of college :3
my fav people / characters (both real and fictional):
karl pilkington obvi
stephen merchant
ricky gervais (to a certain extent……..)
charles offdensen (metalocalypse)
saul goodman (better call saul)
jesse pinkman (breaking bad)
jarvis cocker
damon albarn
wheatley (portal 2)
simon (rain dogs - char in my PFP)
rainbow dash (mlp:fim)
george harrison
fav music:
the 1975
the smiths (tomodachi life super all time fav) and their associated solo work
the beatles
gorillaz (my first ever real fandom 🤍)
the stone roses
the psychedelic furs
random fun facts about me :3
i do colorguard full time in the fall
i collect records and i am the proud owner of the blue album
i am currently on my 2nd relisten of RSK on XFM + the podcasts and audiobooks
i own every single karl pilkington book
i’m trying to start a DVD collection, but right now the only real “valuables” i have are ATHF volume one, the office full series, arrested development full series (?), and a random frisky dingo i got from my dad 🚶
i can’t drive
i do all my art using procreate :3
i have not used the term “smerchette” to describe myself since like 2019
ok i think thats all for now bye :3
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laminasnumber1fan · 1 month
probably overdue intro post
im grace!!! i post alot on pinterest, mostly treemina braintot and damon albarn edits 💀 if i had a wish itd be to be good at art, but im totally incompetent with anything that involves a pencil. you should see my handwriting.
one of the treemina hyperfixators
very very obsessed with gorillaz, goo goo dolls, pheobe bridgers, gracie abrams, blur and damon albarn. never really left my hunger games phase and now we are back at it again
people regularly ask me why i use tumblr when tiktok exists and short answer : because its better
one of us is lying fan <3
SPAM ME with asks or ill be in ur walls 💗✨
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krakenartificer · 6 months
I was tagged by @gpedia
3 Ships: I am not that much of a shipper, and when I do it's generally fairly boring discussion-wise because I am a sucker for canon ships, but when I have an "imagine your OTP" moment it's usually Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak from CW Arrow, or Violet Liu/Arkady Patel from The Strange Case of Starship Iris. Sometimes Damon/Naomi from Secondhand Shadow. For "imagine your OT3" it's Eliot/Parker/Hardison from Leverage
First Ever Ship: uhhhhh. Good heavens. I mean honestly probably Oliver/Felicity again. I never invented shipping independently, so my first ship was probably my first fandom after joining Tumblr.
Last Song: According to what's stuck in my head, it must have been Big Yellow Taxi ("they paved paradise and put up a parking lot")
Edit: that was true when I started writing this post, but my stereo just turned on to tell me that it's time to start cleaning the kitchen, so now it's Shine by Kerry Patrick Clark. (I am not cleaning my kitchen, I am messing around on Tumblr)
Last Movie: Oh gosh. Oh, Love Actually. It's my noise-in-the-background movie, and I had it on sometime in December. Or if we mean "actually watched" um ..... probably Free Guy?
Currently Reading: Paladin's Faith and Paladin's Grace by T. Kingfisher, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal, Easy Crafts for the Insane by Kelly Williams Brown, and some intro-to-psychology textbook but idk the name or author.
Currently Watching: Fraggle Rock season 3
Currently Consuming: just finished eating some chia-seed chocolate pudding
Currently Craving: more chocolate, more sugar, cuddles, a nap
Tagging: OK, overcoming social anxiety, trying this. *deep breath* @turtletotem @yetanotheropinion @stitchlingbelle @insert-cool-themesong-here (if you want to)
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kevinsreviewcatalogue · 4 months
Review: The Last Boy Scout (1991)
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Rated R for graphic violence and very strong language
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<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2024/02/review-last-boy-scout-1991.html>
Score: 4 out of 5
The Last Boy Scout is a wild, unwieldy, and immensely entertaining buddy-cop action flick cut from the same cloth as Lethal Weapon, not much of a surprise given that Shane Black wrote both movies. It's a movie that opens with an over-the-top song that would make for a legitimately good intro to an NFL broadcast, followed by a prologue of a football player (played by Billy Blanks in a cameo) shooting three members of the opposing team on the field before killing himself. The plot of the film is one that has only become sadly relevant in the years since 1991, especially as sports betting has been legalized and normalized as just a regular part of the professional sports landscape. It's got Bruce Willis at the height of his glory post-Die Hard playing a salty private eye, a young Damon Wayans in a role that, while more dramatic than anything on In Living Color, still supplies a lot of funny moments in his interactions with Willis, and director Tony Scott delivering a ton of exciting, spectacular action scenes. It's a shallow film that's mostly an excuse to have Willis and Wayans do their thing, but that alone is enough to make it practically obligatory viewing during football season.
Our protagonists are both disgraced men. Joe Hallenbeck is a private detective and former Secret Service agent who lost his last job after he punched out a senator he caught raping a woman. Jimmy Dix is a former star quarterback for the Los Angeles Stallions (because like hell the NFL would let them use real team names in a movie like this) who was fired and banned from the league as the chronic pain caused by his injuries on the field led to drug addiction and, from there, involvement in gambling. Together, They Fight Crime -- specifically by uncovering a gambling ring within the league that's scheming to get sports betting legalized in order to make it a more exciting experience for viewers, damn the consequences (gambling addiction, game-fixing), and is willing to kill in order to do it. It's the kind of suspicion of authority and rich fat cats that, almost as much as witty buddy-cop banter, I've noticed is something of a trend in Shane Black's screenplays, and while it's an altogether shallow treatment of sports betting that serves largely as background flavor, it's a story that predicted, decades before the rise of DraftKings and FanDuel, just how corrosive it would be to sports in general. (One change, though: I would've had the shadowy hitman in the opening threatening to kill the running back if he wins instead of loses, since throwing matches and point-shaving are how a lot of sports betting scandals go down in real life.)
The heart and soul of the film is Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans as Joe and Jimmy, both deeply troubled men who mean well but are otherwise plagued by all manner of demons. Joe's strong moral code gets him compared to a Boy Scout (hence the title), but it also ruined his career once it put him on a collision course with the powerful crooks who run everything, while Jimmy was chewed up and spit out by a corrupt sports league that wore down his body and then blamed him for the resulting drug addiction. They're both bitter, cynical assholes, but they have damn good reason to be. Willis was always a master of action movie snark, and his talent for such is on full display here as he has to put up with indignities from everyone around him, not least of all his estranged wife and his rebellious daughter. Wayans, meanwhile, gets the more serious role as a guy who's pissed at the world and jumped head-first into hedonism as his life fell apart, but one who's not all that different from Joe except that his vices aren't as socially acceptable as alcoholism. Two guys who look like polar opposites, especially in the contrast between Joe's blue-collar status and Jimmy's fame and fortune (highlighted in a great exchange involving Jimmy's $650 leather pants), but turn out to have a lot more in common than they think is ripe material for a buddy comedy, and Willis and Wayans have great buddy chemistry together. The supporting cast, too, is filled with character actors giving fun performances, whether it's Noble Willingham as the villainous team owner Marcone, Taylor Negron as the terrifying hitman Milo, a young Halle Berry as Jimmy's stripper girlfriend Corey, or a young Danielle Harris stealing the show as Joe's daughter Darian, feeling almost like a prototype for Angourie Rice's character in The Nice Guys in terms of being what happens if you gave Nancy Drew the mouth of a sailor. (And now I wanna see Shane Black write a Nancy Drew movie.)
When it comes to action, this is a Tony Scott movie, and if you know the first thing about Tony Scott, you know what you're getting: flashy action, glamorous vistas, and a lot of visual flair. This movie looks damn good in that peculiar '80s/early '90s studio way, a movie that knows exactly how big and dumb it is and leans right into it. The opening scene of an ill-fated running back at the end of his rope giving a whole new meaning to "pistol offense" sets the tone and lets you know what you're in for straight away, a film big on splashy visuals and moments designed to set a mood. The plot is fairly boilerplate and easy to figure out, existing largely to drive the action and the characters' banter and get you to the real reason this movie exists, which is the car chases, shootouts, and explosions that are all handled with aplomb. From start to finish, this movie is incredibly entertaining, the kind of flick that invites you to turn off your brain and have a great time watching a pair of very charismatic actors run around Los Angeles with guns.
The Bottom Line
The Last Boy Scout is a kick-ass, no-nonsense buddy action/comedy anchored by a pair of great lead performances, a witty script, and director Tony Scott doing what he does best. This was perfect viewing just before the Super Bowl, and honestly at any other time of year.
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scmir · 2 years
❛   yerrrr ( ! ) aigh’ so imma’ keep it a stack, i’m not that fye wit’ intro posts so bare wit’ me. 𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄 is a thirty-one year old dispensary owner and an alumni that studied chemistry during his time at thu. you can find some vital facts + wanted connections below all this. willing to grab some of yall open plots too or come up wit’ some wild ass shit together. however it go, get me lit b.
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𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄     ⥋     samir aziel baptiste.
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒     ⥋    sos, mir, and azi ( ah-zee )
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄    ⥋     june 12, 1991 ( thirty-one )
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄     ⥋    bronx, new york.
𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍      ⥋    chemistry major, medical + science.  
𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄    ⥋  INTJ + chaotic neutral. 
𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐓 + 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁𝐒   ⥋  sigma gamma nu, football, gaming central.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐒    ⥋   cam watkins ( all american ) —  jake taylor ( the chi) — luca hall ( grownish ) — bishop ( juice )
𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒    ⥋  eating different foods, smoking, deep conversations, having his brain picked, affection, physical touch, acts of service, child-like activities.
𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒    ⥋  inability to hold convo, lack of support, inability to express ones feelings, indirect messages, arguing about small shit, fast food.
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄𝐒     ⥋   mother of child, half sibling, clientele.  
𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐒    ⥋  emmett x keisha ( the chi ) , cam x keisha ( all american: homecoming ) simone x damon ( all american: homecoming ), jordan x layla ( all american )
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒     ⥋   lil baby, brent faiyaz, blxst, mozzy.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, October 29th
ANGEL: (yelling) What the hell did you do? WESLEY: What I had to. ANGEL: I don't remember seeing 'Stab Gunn' on the agenda this morning!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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A slayers heart by Dragonprincess19961 (Buffy/Faith, not rated)
New Traditions by Amejisuto (Xander/Spike, M)
A spontaneous training session by Bl4ckHunter (Buffy/Faith, T)
Quintessence by OveliaGirlHaditRight (Buffy/Angel, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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All That Is And All That Seems, Chapter 48 by MalkMcJorma (Faith/OC, Buffy/Riley, M)
north star, Chapter 29 by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Jenny & Buffy, T)
Athena Luthor - Slayer Travels, Chapter 41 by Hermione2be (Buffy/Clark Kent, Smallville crossover, T)
Sandy Places in Tomorrow, Chapter 37 by Raihne (Xander/Spike, M)
Sunset Valley, Chapter 27 by dwinchester (Buffy/Dean Winchester/Stiles Stilinski, Supernatural & Teen Wolf crossover, T)
The Time We Had, Chapter 11 by Dusty87 (Buffy/Spike, M)
Carrot's snippet collection, Chapter 66 by CaptainCarrot (Faith, multiple crossovers, G)
The Consequences of Not Fading Away, Chapter 9 by missxfaith (Angel/Cordelia, T)
Dawn of the Future, Chapter 13 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/OC, Faith/Dawn, T)
A New Family for Buffy, Chapter 10 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/Faith, Charmed crossover, T)
Extra Pickle, Chapter 2 by Alwaysandforevermylove (Buffy/Faith, E)
Ultimately Charmed, Chapter 2 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/Kyle Brody, Charmed crossover, T)
Dawn of the Shaun, Chapter 1 by buffvamporigfan (OC & Scoobies, T)
Drive, Chapter 1 by HollyDB (Buffy/Spike, E)
Through a Mirror darkly, Chapters 1-2 by davidf89 (Buffy/Spike, E)
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Colonial Bride, Chapters 8-9, by Feanix88 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Bound, Chapter 27 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Fade Away Again, Chapter 5 by Willow25 (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Not Back to the Future Rules, Chapter 2 by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Seph, Chapter 1 by sweetprincipale (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Colonial Bride, Chapter 8 by Feanix88 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Road to Hell...., Chapter 15 by All4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Not Back to the Future Rules, Chapter 2 by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Sunlight On Your Face, Chapter 5 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: S4 E9: Pangs Lil Pincushion (Sketch) by goofwarrior (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: S4 E22: Restless Classic Vamp Pose by goofwarrior (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy "Every Outfit" "Where The Wild Things Are" by whatshisfaceblogs (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy "Every Outfit" "New Moon Rising" by whatshisfaceblogs (worksafe)
Buffy comic by johnmcguinness.art (worksafe)
Fanvid: spike and drusilla | my love paramour by cocteau twins by deadwivesclub
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Manip: True Romance by loveisntbrains_ (PG-13)
Comic: A Better Place Than the One We're At, Chapter 1 by BewitchedXx (PG-13)
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Playlist: buffy summers playlist for slaying vampires | a vigilante inspired playlist by MusicThroughTheMoods
Vidlet: Buffy x Angel by Shannon Rey
Vidlet: Buffy x Angel - Video Games by Shannon Rey
Fanvid: Spike and Damon- Come As You Are by Bobblehead89 (The Vampire Diaries crossover vid)
Fanvid: Buffy The Vampre Slayer- Anime Opening (Blue Bird) by Just Arvin
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - If I Don't by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Chosen Warriors (BtVS edit) by Random Ships🌈🛳 (Chosen episodic vid)
Buffy intro & theme music adaptation: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, except 'tis Sengoku Period Japan by Friar Untuck
Buffy intro & theme music adaptation: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, a bardcore tribute by Friar Untuck
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Angel Season 5 Rewatch - #21 Power Play by Involvere
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Top 5 Fics That Are New To Me by dragonyphoenix
Fanworks that are (mostly) new to me by dragonyphoenix
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Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (Oct 2022) by mcgnagallsarmy
[Community Announcements]
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I Will Remember You: posting starts in a couple of days by iwry-marathon
[Fandom Discussions]
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Season 5 is the only season of Buffy in which Joyce Summers appears in or is talked about in every single episode by coraniaid
Buffy Summers by aesthetic-solar-space
if you calculate the dates between the airing of The Gift and Bargaining it's only 133 days by disco-tea
faith would 100% run after buffy when dawn and the others kicked buffy out of the house (but...) by faithlehanegf
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Is Buffy a Good Slayer? by worth1000kps
This episode [Lie To Me] is underrated by Opening_Knowledge868
First reference to Dawn by onugirl90
Why did The Initiative - or Maggie Walsh - make Adam? by First-Speech-5622
Character dynamics you would’ve liked explored by nerdalertalertnerd
How would/should Buffy have dealt with Maggie? by Awkward_Awareness
Confessions that can get your Buffy card revoked by moonwalker_96
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: Architect Breaks Down 5 Haunted Houses From Scary Films by Architectural Digest(discussion of Crawford Street mansion starting from 5:28)
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