#the japanese version is soo pretty
sohcah--toa · 5 months
bullet train/マリアビートル details ~
Hello!! I recently dug up the Bullet Train script (if you search it up, you should be able to find it relatively easily!! I'm not sure if it's completely reliable but it seems to be the first version) and listened to the soundtrack. (It's awesome, you should listen if you haven't already!!)
There's a lot of stuff here about マリアビートル, I hope you enjoy reading 🥳 (It's really ridiculous)
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I attached a photo for reference in the book!! :D (there's highlighter marks, I'm sorry) His backstory is tragic and aahh noo 🥹... I won't say much on it because we're all thinking the same thing. In the script, this is carried over when Lemon passes out because of the water. But apparently, in the final movie, this isn't shown a lot. In the book and movie, they aren't brothers and have a considerably colder relationship, so I can understand why the childhood scene in the cut is so much more wholesome. (Still supersuper cool though!!)
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-- 2) "I'm forever blowing bubbles"
The original reason why this song was chosen for Bullet Train was because of Tangerine's West Ham United sticker (turns out, that's a football club). Hey!! But wait a minute!! There's a funny coincidence because Ladybug in the book was trying to become a football star. He has a quote that's like "my friend told me that someone like me could either become a footballer or a criminal, so I did both" and he says that his first crime was stealing a football.
The song delves into themes surrounding fortune as well!! I love their music selection 🙇‍♂️😤
Okay this part (in a way...) contains spoilers for Three Assassins, which is the first book of the "series"! ! The story revolves around a guy named Suzuki, who appears again in Bullet Train!! He kinda-sorta becomes friends with Ladybug and it's like 😊 they are so happy. To be completely honest, Suzuki's a bit traumatised but so is Ladybug, right?? Lovely friendship!!
It's also so interesting that he's reading a hotel buffet menu because his wife used to love eating at buffets and he adopted the habit of hoarding all the food as well. He's on the train to meet with his dead wife's family (which was extremely difficult for him after her passing).
There's this other book in the series called The Mantis or AX for the Japanese version. This one isn't talked about a lot but if you like family stories, this book is so so soo good. It really pulled at my heartstrings when I first read it but I can't say too much without spoiling everything. Anyway, it makes a few references to Bullet Train and literally starts with the main character, Kabuto (an assassin), having a flashback to talking to Tangerine and Lemon during one of his missions, where they had the same target so they worked together. The Twins really respect him, actually, but find it funny that he's so careful around his wife (YES KABUTO, AN ASSASSIN, HAS A WIFE). Some characters reappear so.. :")) yay!!
-- 5) 777
Ladybug comes back!! He comes back in the latest book in the series; 777. So far, the Japanese reviews have been pretty positive and I think there's an English translation coming in November!! 🥳 I like how the title is 777; 7 like 7 tails in Nanao (七尾), car 7, his favourite number is 7 (if I recall correctly), 7 the "lucky number".
-- 6) THIS GUY
No one asked but I heavily dislike the Prince in the book. (to be honest, who doesn't...) He's just mean for no reason and likes ruining people's lives, makes fun of poor Ladybug (this really isn't that bad compared to the other stuff he does) and yeah, the list goes on. Also apparently he (heavily) tortures other schoolmates and it's not like he gets paid for it like the Twins or the other guys. He just does it for fun?? OK!! The premise of his character is amazing and it's great to see a villain that's actually just straight evil but since he's designed that way, we are validated when hating him ww. He talks about politics as well for some reason... keeps referencing historical tragedies.... man.
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The Pusher is back too!! Weee~ (not really)
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In the movie, it seems as though this entire part got cut out which, like, is reasonable. I attached a photo from the Grasshopper (2015) movie for reference hahaha. The guy in the black suit is the Pusher!! Yeah, he pushes people!! (not in the fun way!!)
He is in charge of protecting Wataru from the Prince's guy, although he's reluctant at first. He's obsessed with bugs and stuff. Whenever he opens his mouth, it's probably going to be about bugs. The Pusher's also strangely poetic. Maybe it's because he likes old bands like the Rolling stones? Oh!! And he gets mentioned in The Mantis.
And speaking of the Kimura family, Yuichi Kimura says something very true and it's:
"who do they gotta make the train toilets so nasty"
This is very much a fact. In Mariabeetle, he gets kidnapped when he's 8 years old because he gets mistaken for a rich kid (after he lost a bet with his wealthy friend and had to wear his "rich person backpack"), then in the place he's being held captive, he escapes by HIMSELF since his dad isn't able to give the guys money for his son back (since they took the wrong person!!). But heyy he's resourceful and smart.
AND guess what?? He gets traumatised because there was this other boy being held but Ladybug didn't save him and it's haunted him ever since. This is also one of the reasons why he ends up helping the Prince even though he knows it won't do him any good.
Obviously, it gets worse from there. He makes it back to his family and they're pretty happy. Unfortunately, they're far from rich and Ladybug has to study extremely hard to get into a college. Spoiler alert, he doesn't. THE THING IS!! He studied so hard!! It's just that during his exam, some kid sneezed on his paper and he wiped it, smudging all his work and even his name!! Nanao! No!!
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To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
"We perished, each alone."
-> He really loves that quote. A lot. Also he's a Virginia Woolf fan!!
2. Forbidden Colours - Yukio Mishima
-> He's also a Yukio Mishima fan... I wonder if he's ever read "The Sound of Waves". What would he think about it? Hahaha this will keep me up at night 😅 (<- SLANTED EMOJI!!)
3. The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea - Yukio Mishima
-> To talk about Article 41 of the Penal Code of Japan. (Mr Kotaro Isaka, the author, studied law, by the way!! It's interesting!!) However, here, Tangerine quotes Mishima on Article 41 ;)
4. Hemingway and Faulkner
-> Actually it's a collection so it's not really a book recommendation but these two people are real - Ernst Hemingway (the Old Man and the Sea guy) and William Faulkner. They didn't really get along, by the way, and even though they respected the other's work, they criticised more than praised. Sounds like the Twins.
5. Demons - Fyodor Dostoevsky
-> "Crime is no longer insanity, but simply common sense, almost a duty; anyway, a gallant protest."
I think the author is a heavy Fyodor Dostoevsky fan, just because he also referenced his works in Three Assassins.
6. Crime and Punishment ;D
-> "Science now tells us, love yourself before all men, for everything in the world relies on self-interest."
(CONT'D) yeahh this book was referenced in Three Assassins and one of the characters is obsessed with it. Glad to see that Tangerine is a fan too hahahaha.
Opinionated text here but Lemon is plain awesome.
"Between the principal's name and Doraemon's gadgets, it was blindingly obvious which one was more important."
To each their own and I know he's a criminal but he seems like he has no enemies. Sounds very wholesome.
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She's in Three Assassins AND the Mantis!! Hypercool. In both books, the Hornet is a team of a male and a female. The female is eliminated (this word choice ww) by Ladybug but the male is still up and kicking, though Ladybug feels bad about it. They use poison needles, like the movie, but they trigger anaphylaxis, which is a really dangerous allergic reaction that causes body shocks.
"If people knew that they might be killed by someone tomorrow, economic activity would grind to a halt."
... well 😅 take from that what you will.
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(that's Suzuki!!)
Cela dit... that's all.... so long, I'm sorry. But thank you so much if you read until the end!! I hope you at least found it a bit entertaining!! :"))
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msweebyness · 7 months
Theater Kid HC's
Have some headcanons for my theater kid babies! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
As the class name may suggest, they all have a passion for theater, fitting since they’re the homeroom class of the school’s theater teacher. They’re always involved in the school’s drama productions, whether as crew or cast members. As a result, they’re all pretty close to Jean and Mylene.
Keep it well in mind, the only nickname Dorothy is okay with being addressed by is “Dot”. Heed this warning if you value your life, call her “Dotty” and she will make you suffer.
Due to the hectic current state of Paris, Ayesha leads the class in meditation sessions to help them manage their stress. It’s helped keep the akumatization rate of their class down, more so than some other classes. Ayesha also serves as the class therapist, listening whenever someone needs a shoulder to cry on.
Soo-Yeon is the unquestioned dad of the class, and takes his role very seriously. He keeps spare snacks and first aid supplies in his backpack and keeps track of everyone during class outings, and also provides pretty good advice in difficult situations. He also just has dad vibes.
Candace is the Class Mom to See-Yeon’s Class Dad (They may or may not have small secret crushes on each other, but no matter). She keeps tabs on everyone, making sure they’re safe, and helping them stay on track with their assignments. She also keeps a list of everyone’s triggers on hand at all times.
Jesse is without a doubt the baby of the class, and everyone is extremely protective of him, helping him to stay calm and happy. If anyone upsets him, they will pay dearly. (The same goes for his besties, Mylene and Jean, who both went feral on an asshole who pushed him into a panic attack. It was terrifying.)
Anais often gets way too wrapped up in her projects and school work due to pressure from their parents and doesn’t get near as much rest as it should. Her classmates can tell when they’ve pulled an all-nighter and make sure it gets proper rest and eats any missed meals.
Margo loves to use her talent for DIY to make all sorts of little accessories and presents for her friends. It’s her love language, the giving of gifts and she lights up when she sees how much they love what she makes!
The combination of Eri’s overly dramatic and formal manner of speaking and her tendency to slip into her native Japanese can at times make her difficult to understand, but her classmates have mastered interpreting what she says and relaying it to others.
When an akuma attack occurs, their number one priority is staying together and keeping everyone safe. They do a head count every few minutes and have several protocols to keep everyone calm.
Candace, Staci and Margo are all on the cheer squad together, and sort of form a benevolent, non-antagonistic version of the Plastics, (Jean actually calls them “The Nice Heathers”) in a way. Candace is kind of like end-of-movie Regina, channeling her frustrations into cheer but still a nice person. Staci is a much snarkier Gretchen, she knows a LOT but doesn’t use it against people, and Margo is basically a sweetheart, Karen, but like, with a brain.
Brecken cares enormously for animals of all shapes and sizes, hence him frequently volunteering at the animal shelter one of his moms manages and his desire to be a veterinarian. He also frequently takes care of injured animals and has even snuck them into the school on more than one occasion, with the help of Kim.
Everyone in the class ships Brecken/Evie and Jesse/Anthony, and had a very difficult time keeping it on the down low, and threw class parties when each couple got together. Both couples were embarrassed but also touched.
The class worries a lot about Mona, not necessarily because of her handicap but because their head is always in the clouds and they’re rarely paying full attention. They all like to check in on her throughout the day and pull them back to earth so they don’t accidentally roll down the stairs.
Roxie has a very high number of detentions due to getting into fights defending their friends. They just find it difficult to hold their temper when someone they care about is being threatened.
Mme. Winters is one of the biggest Mama Bears in the entire faculty. She is extremely proud of her students and their work, and will not tolerate any disrespect. She keeps fidgets on hand for Jesse and Anais, makes sure Brecken has the help he needs, has bandages on hand for Soo-Yeon and Aggie, etc. This also extends to other classes, she does NOT tolerate bullying of any kind. (Even Chloé is scared of her)
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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digitalgate02 · 10 months
SO, THOUGHTS! THOUGHTS ABOUT THE MOVIE I WAS WAITING FOR SO LONG TO WATCH, believing i’d never watch it that fast like happened lol.
First of all, I’ll assure EVERYONE who’s afraid of the Brazilian dub of the movie that the dub of it is not like that PV and i was right – the final dub is way better and incredible! I loved them all, all of them.
(Thoughts ahead -- spoiler-free btw)
The new voices for Davis, TK, Kari and Wormmon are WONDERFUL! Davis is very much like he used to be in the original dub, but older. I was curious if he would sound goofy like Davis in the series’ dub or like in the Japanese version. Well, the voice is perfect for the character, he sounded pretty fun and I’m glad they picked someone who nailed this role wonderfully. I think the new Kari is also okay, and i’m glad the legacy of the late OG BR dub TK’s voice actor is in good hands now.
As for Lui… He got not one, not two but THREE voice actors. And the adult one is one of my fave VAs… who also dubs Adrien/Cat Noir. So yeah, it was interesting. I don’t think he was unfitting or weird, but I think no one can beat the highest bar that is casting Ogata Megumi as him. Again, i love his BR VA! It’s just i think if you see someone saying something like “it’s weird” be aware it’s because there’s a very very HIGH bar here to surpass. And i don’t think the purpose was to beat it. So I’m here like “I love both VAs equally.”
Ukkomon’s is very good too, his voice is very sweet and soothing? smooth? idk how to describe it now. I’m glad we had amazing VAs in this movie, and i totally recommend watching it dubbed too if you want to!
As for the OG cast returning… GDI I WAS FULL OF HEART EYES AT YOLEI’S VA RETURN – I’VE BEEN ALWAYS DREAMING WITH A DUB OF A NEW MOVIE WITH HER IN IT. Like, I've been a real fan of this lady since i was a kid!! SHE VOICED SUPER PIG/CASSIE c’mon!! And also Yolei in the OG dub is so bright and energetic and now adult Yolei’s voice is so… soo… [chef kiss] Like gdi man! I’d watch this movie again and dubbed again and again and again AND AGAIN because of her! (oh and the rest of the cast too!!)
But you might understand my peak curiosity was about Cody. Because if you don’t know… Cody in the BR dub of the series was voiced by a KID! Yeah, it was a kid! And when i saw that he was returning… I was like “WOW THAT THE NATURAL GROWTH HERE!?” It’s fantastic witnessing a young VA returning to this role, as an adult! And Cody is an adult (ok almost) in the movie too!! I’m so shook about this!!
And then Ken. Ngl i think Ken sounded like an adult after the Kaiser arc in-series. His VA suited pretty well for the Kaiser role though. I like him okay, don’t get me wrong!! And I’m not surprised that his voice also sounded exactly like the OG series LOL Which means… yeah, i think it fits Ken-chan now haha (pls forgive me, sir… I’m glad you came back to voice our beloved Kenzinho orz)
The digimon made me nostalgic as well – all the main 5 returned, also the voices for Angewomon and Stingmon too (yeah, they were voiced by different peeps here) – I know they didn’t talk too much but man… I’m happy with them all. I’M HAPPY OKAYY!?
[Ni don’t just gushes about the BR cast of the movie and talk about the movie itself challenge]
Ok. About the MOVIE itself… Its pacing is much better than Kizuna’s. I think this movie is the kind to not hold many surprises to the audience – you get big warnings when something is going to get bad and creepy. Like, A LOT OF RED FLAGS by the music, coloring and especially by the animation. The movie is PRETTY STRAIGHTFORWARD. Yes, something that’s very rare to happen in Adventure/02 material. This movie is simple to understand, there’s no big plot twists that could catch you off surprise. You see things coming. And yet, it hits you hard in the feels. Also the scenes are well placed too.
And if you think there’s no battle… Uh, there’s some sort of a battle yeah, so it can be a mandatory digimon movie. Also i’m still laughing internally about the faux padding effect this movie has with the evolution animations. It felt as if this was 02 episode 51!!
The music is so fantastic! OH THE REMIXES ARE SO GOOD but there’s also new tracks in it. The insert songs in it are very good too and they feel they connect each other in their style of music (yes, a friend told me this and now that i saw it by myself i agree with her) – I hope they release the OST album soon ;o;
“Various Colors” is my favorite song now. It's very good and refreshing, it’s not sad and it’s fitting for both Rui and Ukkomon’s story. I hope to see the lyrics translated someday so i can see if my feelings were right about it.
Anyway, the movie is so beautifully animated. I love the usage of the colors in it, it’s pretty and it made me not blink a second! Except for one scene, but… yeah, you might know when you watch it. The design of the characters are so cool and i loved them all!! I’m happy that Hikari-chan and Ken-chan got scarves in the end!! Oh man, they all are stylish~
But my only only ISSUES with it were the fact Wormmon himself couldn’t pronounce “Wormmon” correctly. Ken did pronounce it correctly alas. Also it was a little weird how Paildramon is pronounced in it as well. Oh and Shakkoumon too… But okay, besides that…
… Oh yeah, the other thing that made me chuckle nervously was them translating “Motomiya Ramen” as “Macarrão Lamen” (TL: “Noodle Ramen”) – because it was weird for me… But okay, i know it’s a little hard to read もとみや (Motomiya) in the paper sign lol
Anyway, i wish i could go watch the movie again and subbed this time but it’s too far from my place and i can’t afford to go there atm ;o; But i’m glad i was able to watch it at least dubbed, and it was a good idea in the end. GO WATCH IT, SUBBED OR DUBBED!! RIGHT. NOW!!
I’m totes buying a Blu-Ray of this movie. I hope they release it here too, this dub deserves to be preserved!!
Thank you and see ya~
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
3, 7 and 9 for the music ask game pls! <3 mwah!
HI VEN!! TY! 💏 Like the last two, you also chose 7, but I will ABSOLUTELY do more "know-all-the-words" songs :)
3: A song you'd choose to introduce someone to your favorite genre
okay.. . . ... ngl I do NOT have a specific genre or even take note of genres like... ever.......... Spotify said my fav genre is "indie:pop" on wrapped so like 😭 ig I'll just share an indie 'pop' song........????? LMAO
idk what defines indie, cuz they have 100k monthly listeners but nobody talks abt them so... their songs are SOOO upbeat and lovely and the instrumentals (albeit usually similar, but similar in a manageable way?) remind me of Wii music!!
7: A song you know every word to?
I do not mess around with ricky montgomery songs, I have listened to Mr loverman religiously since like, 2020, listened to most of Montgomery Ricky, Rick, and Rick(y) RELIGIOUSLY since these albums have come out (Montgomery Ricky as an exception, listened to it a lot around 2020-2021), so I kinda know the all words to... well.. 99% of his songs?? I'm gonna go with a more recent song tho cuz its just... ugh... been on repeat non-stop since he released it
I WAS gonna say Talk to You - Acoustic version cuz that song..................... did things to my brain chemically when I heard it and never stopped listening to it 🥲😞
9: A song in a language you don't speak?
AGGGG if you asked me this like two months ago I would've been able to tell you this one spanish song that was SOO pretty... damn... 😞 Anyways, I have other choices tho :)
This one is KIND of cheating because it's mostly English but it has... Arabic? lyrics I believe? (I hope that's not wrong I'm sorry 😭 Google isn't always accurate) but they're VERY catchy even tho... I don't speak the language 🥲
here's another and better answer, it's Japanese with A COUPLE English lines :)
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alyss-kelly · 7 months
My opinion about Another Code : Recollection Part 1
First of all, I'm an old fan of the serie, so of course I compared the Switch compilation and the DS and Wii version.
I don't want to discourage people who are curious and want to play the game. If you're even a lil bit interested in them, play them, on DS, Wii or Switch, pick your poison and make your own opinion on it. Don't take my word as the absolute thing or whatever. It's not because I'm mixed about it that people shouldn't play it. Because I still think that a game that was, to me, very niche, from a studio that went bankrupt AND from 2005, is incredible. For a game like that to get a fully voiced remake almost twenty year after the release of its first installment, with most of the old crew working on them is to be celebrated ! Even if I didn't like everything, they still did an amazing job and I'm glad to see the franchise alive again in 2024.
I have strong feelings and I feel the need to share them to see if someone "relates" or not.
I may talk about spoilers but I'll try to limit them, be vague and put a warning before and after if I state it clearly.
Soo, now that this "introduction is over ~
In this essay I will
I have a LOT to say about Another Code Recollection. Good and Bad. Sadly, I have more things to say about the bad than the good. I have mixed feeling about it. I was very VERY excited when Recollection was first announced, I cried even, because I care about "Another Code Two Memories" and "Another Code R" A LOT, it's my childhood, they're in my top fav games list, they were very meaningful to me and I was sad it ended with Cing and with no hope of seeing the conclusion of Matthew's story. Even tho I was happy, I was still a bit scared about how they would adapt some of the puzzle on the switch. And I think I was right to have this fear. They did some cool things and others that I disliked.
I'll say my "+" and "-" and develop them further bellow each point.
+ Positive :
The graphism They're very nice, the characters's models are nicely done, the scenery and everything else is definitely a BIG glow up (mostly compared to the DS graphics)
The Redesign I like some of them a LOT, big glow up for almost everyone. I particularly love Charlotte and Janet. Charlotte finally looks her age! I kinda miss the old Matthew but his new version is also good.
Puzzles use the Switch motions thingy Just a few of them tho. I think that's cool, because they sadly don't use it very much in other games. And it's nice to see them try to replicate the same feeling you had with the DS and Wii games.
Confirmation of theories and new bits of story It's nice to see that after all these years. /!\SPOILER/!\ I'm thinking about Frannie's relative. /!\END OF SPOILER/!\
Musics They nailed the music; it still has that nostalgic and lonely vibe for Two Memories and the carefree with a hint of sadness vibe in R.
Voice Acting A very nice addition and very well done. I know there's English Dub but I played it with the Japanese voices. And being able to choose between them is nice.
Possibility to switch language That's maybe a very "me" + point, but the fact that I could change the game in every language available is cool. Even more for the jp, cause now if I want to I could try and practice my reading skills because there's an option to have katakana and hiragana on top of kanji. I just think that's neat.
Hint mode I just tried it in the tutorial but I think it's a nice touch for when you don't know where to go or how to resolve a puzzle.
Relationship between Ashley and D The way they would mimic each other poses was all I ever wanted. I love them a lot and seeing them being a little bit closer than I remember them to be in the DS version was great !
Art The new sprites are very pretty and it's nice to see the improvement the artist made. The endcredits was very pretty !
Flowchart & Map I like to see flowchart in any type of game, it's helpfull and pretty. I like that it was updated along with the story. And I also enjoy the map and the little commentary Ashley was "writing" on it.
End of Part 1
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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binniesoob · 1 year
Heyo Jo, I drop another thing into your ask box because I recently watched the Sugar Rush Ride (Japanese version) MV and I've fallen in love with this frame in particular
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It's so aesthetically pleasing that it can be used in a moodboard or something 🥺
But it also made me wonder in which part of the timeline we are here. In this one it seems that TxT have come back into Magic Island after "ages" so I was wondering if they're hinting the next chapter (get it? 🤣) into their storyline or not. The amount of butterflies I saw here makes me think so.
Also maybe it's a little obvious but Yeonjun keeps having that little scar/wound on his nose and he looks so adorable 🥺
I remember he had it in other previous eras so I was wondering if there was a connection to it (maybe his characterization?) or it's just a simple aesthetic detail that the visual directors keep adding on him because it's appealing.
Also I listened to Hydrangea Love too.
A soft cute ballad from them I CAN'T I love them 😭 idk if it can be included into the lore because it's an OST 🤔
Also I tried to at least finding some meaning behind the title because we don't have an official translation yet (and I think we'll get one only when Sweet will be released completely) and UGH, they should have choosed another flower instead of the hydrangea, that flower has so, so, soo many different meanings my head exploded when I tried to do some research about it.
Maybe they hinted something in the concept photos by putting some hydrangea there but I suck on recognising flowers so 😅🥲
End of this stream of consciousness for now, I think some of this rambling can help a little for the future posts about the lore ig
I tried to be vague because I don't remember if you like being spoiled of things or not BUT if you don't mind spoilers maybe next time I might come back on your ask box and making longer ramblings 🤣
finally answering this too!! 😭
MOOD!! THAT FRAME IS GORGEOUS!! they made a very good use of the CGI!! also perfectly delivers how txt are inside an illusion crafted by the devil!!
for the timeline, in the beginning we see yeonjun in his car that got away at the end of gbgb jap ver! he has an incident and gets transported to magic island/neverland. all of the others get transported too from wherever they are and they are able to reunite. so i think srr jap fits after gbgb jap that goes after loser=lover 👍
yeonjun with that scar on his nose is indeed adorable 😔 this frame especially is majestic likeeee look at that 🤯
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tbh i think both? it's like the aesthetic of having a band-aid over your noise bridge! but yeah, it's also an occurring theme for yeonjun 😮 honesty i didn't investigate if having a scar on your nose has a meaning 🤔 (if anyone knows feel free to explain it to us <3), anyways, the fact that he always has scars connects to his impulsive and risk-taking nature. and he's also a fighter! in the star seekers his weapon is a sword so he is definitely more exposed to being injured in combat than soobin for example, who is an archer.
Hydrangea love is such an heartfelt song 🥺 it's so pretty!!! soft rock too!!! i love it!!! i honestly didn't have time to analyse the lyrics and see if i connects to the lore 😭 but i have a feeling it does 👀 it sounds like a goodbye song to their first love from freeze and minisode 2..
i suck at recognising flowers too lol 😭 if you found out anything about this pls let me know 🙏
all the ramblings and asks and comments ALWAYS help for the lore so thank you so much!!! and it makes everything more fun and interesting 🥰 it's my fav part eheh
i'd love longer ramblings 👀 and spoilers are okay, anyone can drop them anytime, at most I will reply later if at a specific moment I prefer to see something with my own eyes first and try to understand it ;)
sorry again for answering this SO LATE 😭😭😭 and thank you so much for sending this ❤
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
taku it feels like i haven’t talked to you in ages. cries. also also i love the new theme!! even if i miss the mizo mid pfp
anyways i am here to tell you that i FINALLY watched s2 of tokrev omg aren’t you proud of me 😌😌 i don’t really have much to say abt it tbh bc i mean i knew everything that happened already you know everything that happened already soo... but i gotta tell you abt the moments that made me feel the most things bc well. i gotta tell someone and my qpp was live experiencing everything bc i watched s2 with them & three of our friends so it’s only you left. okay so first i gotta explain shakey time bc uhh my qpp & i are both shit with ~emotions~ and ~feelings~ so basically when either of us Feels Too Much TM we grab the other by the shoulder and shake?? honestly i have no clue why but somehow it helps with processing ??? well i’m calling whatever that is shakey time. so. too much shakey time in those 4 hours i swear. most notably the whole manila mikey shit (i mean i knew ehat was gonna happen but still 😭😭😭😭) and then on a wayyy happier note izana!! izana <33 and shion and mochi and the haitanis <33 so much shakey time. love izana’s japanese va (idk abt others we only watched it sub so). very happy and i have newfound motivation for sm stuff now help. also do you happen to know who that guy beside mochi was in that one shot where we see him, izana, shion, kisaki iirc, and the haitanis? bc my only guess is mucho. or some random unimportant guy. but like both of these don’t make that much sense. maybe i’m just forgetting smth idk
also i have no clue how the bd arc would do that but i am now going insane over the final timeline?? specifically the final timeline but everyone still has their memories from before the final jump. except maybe kisaki or smth idk but i haven’t figured good criteria for who remembers n why yet. i most specifically need bajitrio to remember bc i think that makes for fun hcs hehe. just kazu & fuyu subtly trying to check for baji’s pulse (or heartbeat) to make sure he’s actually still alive in this timeline n eventually it becoming a habit/subtle sign of love kinda thing bc they do it so often lol. also kazu & fuyu def have an obsession with falling asleep on baji’s chest while listening to his heartbeat. i feel it’d be very reassuring to them idk,, and i think kazu holds baji’s waist 24/7 when they’re the age he would’ve died + older bc there isn’t any injury or scar there (where he stabbed him in the other timeline-) and he sometimes needs to reassure himself that there really isn’t afjkfgjffh
while i’m on that mitsuya repeatedly calls draken in the middle of the night around the time where he died in the other timeline to make sure he’s alive. mikey just makes draken sleep over in his bed and solves the problem with that lol
also. hanma. hanma keeps forgetting that kisaki’s alive in this timeline at first and scares himself shitless every time they interact bc for a split second he thinks he’s going crazy seeing a ghost
kakucho simply never leaves izana again. problem solved 👍
mikey lives with emma & shin (& maybe izana... maybe......) so he knows they’re alive and well and since he makes draken sleep over anyways draken also knows they’re alive & well.
wakasa, benkei & takeomi call each other at ungodly times of the night n go ‘‘shinichiro is alive, right?’’ ‘‘last time i checked, yes’’ ‘‘good, thanks’’ and then hang up and go to sleep bc they don’t wanna bother shin but sometimes... sometimes there’s just doubt yk
while we’re at it i believe in takeomi being a better brother this time. like he still fucks up sometimes and all that but he genuinly tries and he actually pretty much fixes his relationships with his siblings bc they all learnt from the other timeline (and i want them to be happy okay). not sure if i believe in taiju being a better brother this time...
i’d like to say i’m normal abt this (au version of this) timeline but uh.... uh...... ngl i used to HATE hate the ending and i still don’t like it much but i am slowly starting to like it more but i’m not sure if i should be happy abt that ngl 😭 idk i think i mostly like the characters & some of the new interactions n dynamics, not the actual timeline. bc to me it will always be the final timeline’s biggest fault that basically nobody remembers anything from any of the other timelines bc all of the character development n shit is gone. but oh well
elys my love, hello! it really does feel like forever since we've talked youre righttttt. thank you haha!! my emo bands hyperfixation got so bad to the point of me putting in the effort of changing my theme, can you believe it? ok look, the mizo mid pfp aged like fine wine. still nice, but still aged
yayyyyyy!!! i am indeed very proud tehe. but that seems pretty effective? if it works for the both of you then good job!! yes the reveal of tenjiku!!!!! was screaming and pointing them out to my siblings the whole entire time so real. omg yes thatz good! [will answer that second ask of yours after this bcuz ik it was related to it lol]
big brainers i tell you
hanma :(((((((((
no cuz istg izana's whole death has to be one of the worst in tokyorev. like what did my boy kaku do to deserve this man :((
would be a nice house to live in / visit!
true theyre probably some of the characters that had it the worst ngl. like everyone went through an equal amount of shit with everyone's deaths but the bd's losing shin must've been horrible :(
YES LIVING FOR THE OMI GOOD BROTHER AGENDA this reminded me of that clear shot of him in s2 im gonna cry i love him i love him true i mean im sure he learns along the way tho, i'd hope so.
like the ending of tokyorev??? cuz boyyyy 💀💀 my thoughts on the ending is for another time but fr letz just say the ending wasnt the best thing ever like ong. i mean it was a good ending for the characters and its pretty much what everyone wanted but the way it took place was just not it T T ok but the koko n kisaki agenda is REAL they are so bffs honestly i live laugh love them. yeah nobody remembering what happened was shitty but at least chifuyu remembered? that was a nice detail during the ending ngl
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War for Cybertron
Battle Across Time Collection
Deluxe class (x2)
Skywarp (Maximal) & Sideswipe
By Hasbro (2021)
An Amazing pre-order which arrived on 09-17-21.
The Battle across time series (which so far there’s only two sets of this) I believe is Hasbros way of finally releasing some of the missing Earthrise figures to fill out the G1 cast, and also include some Maximal repaints, and I am not complaining. 
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Starting with Skywarp.
I know the name sounds Decepticon, but this is a Maximal from the Japanese anime series in the late 90s, ‘Beast Wars II’ I don’t know much about the character since I never really got to watch the anime, but the toy is referencing one of the Magna Boss combiners using the Kingdom Airazor mold, and sadly this figure doesn’t combine, and Hasbro didn’t make his two companions, Lio Junior, and Ironhide (I only know him by his American name).
Beast Mode:
Beast mode is an American Bald Eagle, and as stated is a repaint of Kingdom Airazor.
Skywarp (especially for a beast mode) has some pretty decent articulation, and you can get the bird into some decent poses.
The paint deco is simple but effective, and the feathery sculpting is okay, but maybe could be better.
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The transformation is pretty simple, but I have to admit I forgot how to do it, so it took my longer than it should have.
Robot Mode:
Once Skywarp is in robot mode he looks pretty good.
New sculpt with the eagle head draped over the robot head, and I think it’s sculpted pretty well.
No real changes in the color palate,
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Skywarp’s only accessories are his missiles. They can be pegged into any 5mm port.
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Final Thoughts:
Kingdom Sideswipe is a retool of the Siege version from 2019.
Vehicle Mode:
Instead of a Cybertronian sports car the Kingdom version is basically the Earth mode. I still think it’s funny that Hasbro had soo many Earthrise Transformers that they spilt over to the Kingdom line, or at least that is my theory. I guess Hasbro wasn’t totally committed to a full cast of Beast Wars for the Kingdom line so they shoe horned all of the unused Earthrise figures to fill it out.
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You can see the molding differences between the Siege and Kingdom versions, however I’m not sure Hasbro pushed the envelope enough.
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Sideswipe’s transformation is simple, and the same as all the other mold mates of this type.
Robot Mode:
Robot mode is really good.
The differences between Siege and Kingdom Sideswipe’s are noticeable. 
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Kingdom Sideswipes only accessories are his blaster and shoulder rocket launcher (and rocket)
Final Thoughts:
I like it. Personally I think Kingdom Sideswipe should have been a retail figure instead of an Amazon exclusive, but I’m happy to have it.
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calamityblog · 2 years
Do you guys speak any other languages?
Thanks for being patient, guys! Sasha really hates going to the doctor so that was the most worrying part. We finally got her to go and it's just the flu! She's taking some antibiotics now and should be better soon. 💙
Other than English, I speak Thai pretty well! There's a Thai temple near my parents' house that has classes I've been taking. And I have some friends I've been practicing with! I wasn't interested in Thai as a kid and my parents never pushed me to learn it, which I'm kicking myself for now because I would be soo much better at it. But I'm still pretty good at making conversation!
I thought it would be fun to share a few Thai phrases with you in case you were interested!
First, one of the most important things you could say imho (and basically the only Thai Sasha knows), how to say I love you! If you're a man, you'd say ผมรักคุณ (Phom rak khun), and if you're a woman you'd say ฉันรักคุณ (Chan rak khun). It's basically the same format as the English version where Phom/Chan means I, rak means love, and khun means you! Thai really isn't great with other pronouns yet but if you use anything other than he/him or she/her you should use the chan version because that's kind of the gender neutral term and then phom is just for guys?? It's weird.
And then a little texting lingo in case you're actually talking to someone! If you want to say lol or hahaha, you'd write 555 instead as the texting laugh! And the more 5s you type means the funnier you think it is! And then if you think something is really cute like a cute cat or frog meme you'd say ai tao! And you can use extra os afterwards if you think it's suuper cute!
Sasha is working on learning Spanish! She's using Duolingo right now. She took some classes in high school for it but they weren't very good and she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life then so she didn't think it was as important to learn another language. But now she's trying to start focusing her energy on helping kids who might not speak English as well which is super sweet!
Marcy can say hi in a whole bunch of languages but not much else. I think she just has so many different things that she wants to do that she doesn't have time for everything. She knows a few Japanese and Korean phrases from anime and webcomics and she'll like call stuff kawaii all the time but that's kind of it. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
I hope you guys don't mind that I had such a long response! I think Thai is so cool and I love sharing it with people because it's not as common as other languages here in the US!
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cyno1sm · 5 years
idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but i love the japanese versions. bs&t japanese mv? stunning. dna? tae's growl in the beginning kills me. don't leave me? my fave, my wife. ngl i listen to face yourself a lot.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
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absolutebl · 2 years
Any recs for series with himbos or himbo love interests? Just finished 2 Moons & I'm LIVING for Ming's chaotic bi himbo vibes 💗💜💙
Ah you mean the ones who are all, “Whacha know? I like boys. Well fine then. Let’s do this thing!” Enthusiastically stumbles over the edge of the Cliffs of Bisexuality (2nd cousin to the Cliffs of Insanity, in case you were wondering). 
Favorite BL Himbo Characters!
Wanting that chaotic yet earnest himbo vibe in your life? These are the boys for you! 
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Ming in 2 Moons & 2 Moons 2 - Thailand 
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Mark (and his Phi friendship group) in Gen Y - Thailand 
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Pat in Bad Buddy - Thailand 
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Ryu in Love Stage!! (both versions) + the rockstar older brother side character - Thailand & Japan 
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YeonSeok in First Love Again - Korea 
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JungWoo in My Sweet Dear - Korea (also the side character Jang Eui Soo plays in Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding is one of my favorite bit-part examples of this archetype) 
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Sky in My Day - The Philippines, to a certain extent Ace too. These two are such enthusiastic goobers when they finally decide they’re in love, it’s hot but earnest to the point of saccharine. 
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Hsia Yu Hao in HIStory 2: Crossing the Line - Taiwan 
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Bo Xiang (also H4) & Hao Ting (and their awesome friendship group) in HIStory 3: The BL that shall not be named - Taiwan 
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Li Cheng in History 4: Close to You - Taiwan 
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Mark in Love is Science? (side dishes) - Taiwan 
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Pu Le Chien in DNA Says Love You
Others of Note 
Xia Yao in Advance Bravely  
Gu Hai in Addicted but he’s pretty agro about it. 
Yuzuru in Seven Days (the very restrained Japanese version) 
Adachi in Cherry Magic (the unrestrained Japanese version) 
Aoki in Kieta Hatsukoi (even more unrestrained Japanese version) 
All the various Ossan’s Love adaptations (Japan, Hong Kong) pretty much most of the characters, which I why I find it annoying. Himbo overkill. 
Cheng Qing in HIStory Stay Away From Me 
Lin Yang in My Type is a poster child for this archetype, but it’s a very hard to find microseries
BingWei & ZheYu the side dishes in We Best Love
Cheng Ze Shou in Plus & Minus  
Tine in 2gether 
Neo in 3 Will Be Free 
Pete in the Kiss series, but not as much in Dark Blue Kiss 
Leon in Don’t Say No, side dish, unhappy ending 
Pitch in Golden Blood, side dish, a FAVORITE of mine 
Tagmo in Great Men Academy, another favorite 
Valen in Love Area 
Bon in My Engineer 
Match in My Mate Match 
Sky (side dish) in Secret Crush on You 
IG in Siew Sum Noi (and his cutie best friend whose name eludes me) 
Ai, Ni and OUR KING Na in Tonhon Chonlatee 
Nott in YYY 
Vietnamese BLs Stage of Love, You Are Ma Boy, and Stupid Boys, Stupid Love all feature this archetype. 
There might be more too, Vietnam LOVES this one. 
Honorable Mention 
Jung Ji Woon in The King’s Affection. He totally qualifies for this archetype, the romance turns out to be het(?) but he falls in love with her believing she’s a man and goes full on bi. It’s fucking spectacular in a historical Kdrama which often feature crossdressing women but never allows the boys to fall for them until after said boy “knows the secret.” 
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years
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Movies I watched this Week #88
Glorious summer on the Côte d'Azur: La Piscine (The Swimming Pool), a 1969 psychological thriller, starring Alain Delon, Romy Schneider, and a very young Jane Birkin. A throwback to Delon’s breakthrough role as Tom Ripley in ‘Purple Noon’ 10 years earlier, where he also kills his same best friend Maurice Ronet in the Riviera’s sexy waters. First watch.
I loved Luca Guadagnino’s 2016 remake of this ‘A Bigger Splash’, with Dakota Johnson in the Jane Birkin role, but I find this original even more wistful and ambiguous. 7/10. (Photo Above).
The Burglars, a 1971 crime noir starring Jean-Paul Belmondo. The genial opening scene with score by Ennio Morricone, and the initial part of a meticulous jewellery heist were very promising, but the movie quickly turn ridiculous. 60′s aesthetics of long car chases in Athens were not enough to offset the unfortunate story. The American version, where all the French and Italian spoke in Engrish, was jarring.
First watch: Carl Theodor Dreyer’s 1924 Michael, an early gay cinema classic. An unscrupulous young model exploits the love of his older benefactor, artist Benjamin Christensen. If it were to be remade today, Michael will surely be played by Timothée Chalamet.
The Wild Pear Tree (2018) my 4th masterpiece by Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan, by now one of my all time favorite authors. Stunningly beautiful story about a young aspiring novelist who returns to his impoverished village. Highly recommended - 8/10.
I haven’t seen too many ballet movies, and even fewer films about transsexuals, but the Cannes-winner Belgian film Girl (2018) is the best of the lot in my mind. It’s an incredible story of a 15-year-old trans girl who pushes herself too hard to become a professional ballerina, while at the same time undergoing gender reassignment. Brilliant on every level, with one truly-shocking scene at the end. There was some push back at the androgynous male actor who played the young girl, but it was a very difficult role, and he deserved all the accolades he received. 9/10
2 by (new to me) Derek Cianfrance (who later wrote ‘Sound of Metal’) - both starring Ryan Gosling:
🍿 Sins are passed down through the generations from fathers to sons in the tragic, gripping story The place beyond the pines. It starts when laconic bad boy Gosling, who works as a Wall of Death stunt rider carnie, discovers that he has a 1-year-old son with a former fling. The story goes from there in various unexpected directions, and I don’t want to give out any spoilers, as this movie should be seen ‘cold’.
Star-studded, emotionally-charged and challenging narrative - The surprise discovery of the week!
🍿 In his sad Blue Valentine, hopelessly romantic Ryan Gosling falls for Michelle Williams, and after a life together as a family, they drift apart. Subtle, beautiful and heartbreaking. It also had some innovative end credits.
(All I have left of his is the period piece ‘The Light Between Oceans’, which received generally bad reviews). 
What do you get when you combine Erik Satie and Japanese soft-core from the ‘Roman Porno’ period of the 1970′s? Aroused by Gymnopedies (2016), a strange meta-film about film-making a-la ‘Boogie Nights’. It tells of a has-been art director with insatiable sexual apatite (and a comatose wife) who reaches a dead end in his career, financial and personal life, and now has to resort to directing very cheap porn flicks. While at the same time many young women around him still desire him and are willing to do anything for him. A depressing black comedy. 4/10.
Another womanizing arthouse director struggling with his behavior toward his female fans is Right Now, Wrong Then, my 9th by Hong Sang-soo. It’s brilliantly divided into two equal halves. The first part is similar to his other films: A famous “Director” meets the pretty Kim Min-hee by chance in a temple, invites her for coffee, then to Soju, and in the course of a day and night tries to seduce her by getting them both drunk. It doesn’t go well, and truthfully, that regular Sang-soo story line is getting banal and tiring, like a standard Woody Allen plot. But then, the whole first hour repeats itself from the beginning, a-la-Groundhog Day, and this time, he's honest with her, and their feelings for each other turn genuine and bittersweet. 7/10. 
I was looking forward to see the original Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, but actually did not enjoy it as much as I should have. Yes, it was cutesy, and going for the heartwarming, clever touch, but the one-trick gimmick would have been better if it stayed a much shorter piece. It went self-referential 'meta’ too quickly. 🍿
Ingrid Bergman X 2: 
🍿 George Cukor’s 1944’s Gaslight, the film from which the phrase 'gaslighting’ was derived. A cruel and duplicitous husband isolates and psychologically tortures his young wife by manipulating her to question her reality. An unpleasant and ugly story of misogyny and domestic abuse. Part of the 1940′s cycle of 'Don't Trust Your Husband' films. Also, the film debut of 17-year-old Angela Lansbury.
🍿 Ingrid Bergman’s last role in Ingmar Bergman’s last film (not television productions), Autumn Sonata. The tortured relationship between self-centered world-famous pianist and her unloved, neglected daughter is hard to re-watch. The affected story was acted like a stage play and Ingrid Bergman looked as if she was still playing Golda Meir. The dubbing of the acting into English was a criminal act - This process should be illegal, and punishable by castration!
Two men emerge from the sea onto the beach carrying a large wooden wardrobe with a mirror on its front in Roman Polański’s 1958 short silent film Two Men and a Wardrobe. 25-year-young Polanski himself plays (again!) one of the thugs.
“Money is like Christ. It blesses you if you share it. Money enlightens those who use it to open the flower of the world and damn those that glorify it.”
Because I found Jodorowsky's The Dance of Reality (2013) so extraordinary last week, I had to watch it again. It still scores 10/10 in my book. The element of ‘Heart’ appears in it again and again, but what does it mean? 
Tim Robinson X 2:
🍿 Laughing again with the absurd sketch comedy I Think You Should Leave. The humor is different, embarrassingly weird, awkward and sophomore: People behave badly, like a person who farts in a crowded elevator, and then blame it on others. The only immature running theme is scatological, and even though he is obsessed with ‘shit’, he keep calling them instead ‘mud pies’ and farts.
🍿 So I checked out his previous Comedy Central series, Detroiters, which he created together with buddy Sam Richardson (whom I will always remember as the TSA agent in ‘We’re The Millers’). It’s a combination of stupid ‘Mad Men’ in Detroit with the bromance of ‘Dumb and Dumber’. Same cringe-worthy toilet-obsessed humor as his later show, but more structured and less polished. 4/10.
The only bad injuns... Don Siegel’s western Flaming Star, considered today as one of Elvis Presley 'better’ Hollywood movie. Elvis plays a biracial hero, half-white and half-Kiowa-Indian, in a tragic story about race and prejudices of 1950s America.
Wikipedia Fun Fact: The Andy Warhol silkscreens made of the Elvis publicity shots from the movie generated $380 million dollars (!) when they were sold.
...They say i'm crazy, just a little bit out of whack, cuz they always like to act like me, now they call me a maniac...
The 1980 comedy Stir Crazy starts with a lovely song, sung by the lovable Gene Wilder, but quickly turns into an outdated, unfunny prison break yarn with a paper-thin plot. At least, Sidney Poitier who directed it, became the first black actor to earn a million dollars for a single film for it. 2/10.
Know thy enemy: 2,000 Mules is an election-denial agitprop piece about the 2020 ‘ballot harvesting‘, made on the cheap by convicted felon and conspiracy theorist Dinesh D'Souza. As I remove myself more and more from following American politics, this was a little look back to see what I am missing: Grift masked as political discourse. Terrible on every level. 1/10.
Don’t kink-shame: I also watched Leni Riefenstahl’s propaganda spectacle ‘Triumph des Willens', to learn what the Nazis were seeing, when Hitler consolidated his power.
(My complete movie list is here)
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mystfanartgal · 3 years
Welcome to my Imagination World Blog [Read first before you visit and then ask a question]
You woke up in a little dark area it was hard to see anything but you felt ..something soft?.. like you were laying on something but you got up anyways to try to look around carefully in the dark and you felt something on your hand ...a string...? You pull the string to light the room you were in but you look around this random room but then you realize you see a comfy couch probably you were laying on it?, a bookshelf full of books and games on the shelf, a small long table with drinks, snacks, and a desk along with a computer with a sticky note that says "If you reading this note Welcome you enter to my blog I know you just woke up to my comfy guess room area but worry not there is a door right behind you but unfortunately, it super locked because while you enter a room it will automatically close and if you came here by mistake without thinking just simply say to the door in a calm voice 'Please open the door I didn't mean to come here'. If the door doesn't open I'm sorry to say this you came here for a reason to probably to check out of my blog in curiosity or whats caught your eye to hope you enjoy your stay". But before you took the sticky note out on the computer screen but you hear a sound in the computer camera light-up red it's like it starts to record something but then you see a figure on the computer screen.
???: test test *the camera turn on then you see a person trying to fix the camera in a closer view* hello? do you hear my voice?
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you see a girl with long brown hair in a ponytail, wearing sunglasses, and a black sweater
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???: ah good it's working but this camera view is a little close?
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???: hmm let see *she checks her phone again to fix the right angle camera control*
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???: hehe okay oops too far from this view angle
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???: hehe *smile*
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???: oh well this is good enough of the camera view
[HeavenlyImagination: Well let me introduce myself my name is HeavenlyImagination but call me HeavenlyGal for short if you like or you prefer a different nickname to call me (don't you try to give me a weird nickname) go right ahead.
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[HeavenlyImagination]: Okay so this blog is a second account to the post of whatever in here of fandoms I'm into if it is from anime I watch & games I play or other stuff as well
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[HeavenlyImagination]: *ahem* anyways as for my main account is for my art blog also yes I'm an artist but at moment I haven't posted anything there lately because of art block & I'll post my art in the summer if you like to check it out of my main account be my guess [LINK HERE].
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[HeavenlyImagination]: oh before I forget if your curious here a list of what games I play
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she shows you a picture screenshot of a list of apps games on her phone
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[HeavenlyImagination]:  so here my app games list I play on my phone I'm really into and also yes I do play other games I sometimes play it on my PlayStation 4 & my switch so yeah anyways let get this started.
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[HeavenlyImagination]: So my first list is Touken Ranbu Pocket the Japanese version of this app called QooApp when I discover this Qooapp I think in my high school? Well, I didn't haven't the chance to play the whole thing yet either I only pick the starter sword is Kashuu Kiyomitsu he is my favorite sword sure the rest of the starter swords and other swords bois are the best and the most favorites and I think will try to play it the Japanese version if I get a chance to understand this game whatever I'm doing but I did check touken ranbu fandom wiki has a guide of people how to play the game on my phone. Oh also, I heard there is an English version YES I played it on my computer or my phone I'm level 20, plus leveling up my swords bois I have to be strong when they are in battle. also, I did saw the anime seasons one & two but I do remember they're going to be touken ranbu season 3? ugh man I love touken ranbu so damn much I'm a big fan.
[HeavenlyImagination]: Oh, also I do have a full teir maker lists of my favorite touken ranbu swords and other characters as well if you were wondering who is my favorite characters the most so here you go.
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[HeavenlyImagination]: My Second list is Twisted Wonderland Okay, soo when I discover twst from Twitter and Tumblr on an ad or a tweet/post with beautiful fan art or a screenshot it was super random to see from that game even though I haven't a clue what going on in my timeline on the internet and why twst was so popular. And from what I understand Is part of Disney in japan & Aniplex its a villain's world with beautiful hot boys in a boy's school but you might see a very familiar seven Disney villains while playing in the game stories. Yes it got me hook when I download it from last year on June 1st, yes I know it's Japanese version as well but I love playing it so damn much sure can't understand the language but worry not I found someone who translates of twisted wonderland game while playing it to understand of what's going in the game story and leveling up your twst boys in the lessons and battles anyways here the link who they are the translators are [AmiYoshiko]/[OtomeAyui]/[Shel_BB] they are super amazing people check them out and here is my favorite twst boy's list.
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[HeavenlyImagination]: My Second list is Obey me! BOI when I download this game on June 1st, 2020 (the same day I download twst) it was very close to Lucifer's Birthday but Oh man this game of obey me! with demons world hmmm I understand people love this game hehe.*Ahem* this too was super random in my timeline as well at Twitter/Tumblr on ad + fanart kinda caught my eye with a confusing face I was making soo this app game is a romance simulation and RPG card mobile game is a series of tasks and to choose how you wish to enjoy your life at Devildom even I thought the part of the task has an ALOT of stories I thought there were 30 stories but then I saw Obey me Twitter keep updating more stories to 50s main stories long or more but right now I'm in chapter 30 I'm sorta behind of the game story chapters but my god leveling up your favorite boys in the dancing battle to the normal and hard mode are super challenging. sooo here is my favorite characters list of obey me demons + angels boys.
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[HeavenlyImagination]: My Third list is the Fate/GO app game but I did watch first is Fate/Grand Order & the servent in the anime are very interesting I know there a lot more fate series anime I wish to watch but I only did watch it Fate Grand Order & Fate/Apocrypha that all to understand it to watch but as for the rest of fate series is kinda meh, to be honest. I don't remember when I download the fate/go app game and yeah I play it in the past but I stop in chapter 3 I think but pretty much didn't play much anymore I only did to the login of what new their + new servant even though I didn't get any new servent in the gotcha thing whatever it called to get the new servants.
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[HeavenlyImagination]: My Fourth list is the Genshin Impact is a very super POPULAR game of people who LOVE playing this game and the stories oh so good I'm trying my very best to understand the stories while playing the game by leveling up to fight the enemy by leveling up even though I'm so new at it. So when I started download genshin impact last year on Nov 29 when I discover its free download on PlayStation 4 & play store so you could say I play it for a little because I need time to play it slowly reason why well I haven't played it on my PlayStation 4 for the longest while soo yeah I need to update it. And as for the same for playing on mobile, I play it & stop playing it for a little bit. (the other reason why stop playing it I have online classes with homework assignments I have to do soo I'm a little behind on games update) but I love the Genshin characters and their amazing fighting power to fight the enemy and my god some bosses are tough to beat I understand you need ALOT of food while going to a fight with the enemy with lower hp is a no-no.
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[HeavenlyImagination]: My Fifth list is Granblue Fantasy soo I saw the anime season 1 but I haven't watched season 2 yet and as for the granblue fantasy mobile game is a little confusing for a bit at the beginning even though I play it while doing how to play tutorial of the story thing. And for the granblue characters with some of them, I'm familiar with, and as for the other granblue characters not so familiar because I'm behind of what news games + animes I haven't seen or saw yet. But I do remember there other granblue fantasy game I might get in the future Granblue Fantasy: Versus on PlayStation 4, I heard it's a popular game I think but I might be wrong though.
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[HeavenlyImagination]: All right that all see you the next post I hope enjoy your stay see you all later
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*turn of the record camera off*
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kaisooficrec · 4 years
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Hello there, fellow KaiSooists. I have never had as much concentrated written fun as when I was reading these fics. I really love intense violence/crime AUs and I had to leave out so many spy and hitman and military fics for the sake of sticking to mafia. SO I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY LIKE I DEFINETELY DID.
Mafia Boss - kyungsoo is the mafia mob leader / vampire and has his secretary jongin by his side. he has to protect jongin since they got an unexpected news from him (mpreg)
Mad Love - mafia au, jongin is kinda soo's trophy wife ;) lots of sexual tension, nini in stockings n purple cropped sweater uwu 
Bluff - ot12, unfinished but chaptered. My all-time full EXO favourite. In a mafia based on playing cards system, Kai is a Heart and Kyungsoo the “leader” of Spades. Jongin betrays his group to join Kyung. Tao-centric but godDAMMIT THIS AUTHOR PREDICTED LOVE SHOT AND LEFT US ALL HANGING. I adore this, I really do.
Not Good People - Kyungsoo only wanted to prove his independence to himself and to his mafia boss of a brother, but he wasn't going to complain  when he got unexpected sex ed from a hot gang leader.
Ascending Rain - Yakuza!AU, psychological, angst(?), mystery, smut. You know what's hot? Japanese mafia heir tatted up Jongin and pristine looking genius sociopath Kyungsoo. You know what's even hotter? Both of them being in the darkest love-hate relationship in between murders and mind games. So much plot, so many details, great OCs, and occasional first person chapters. Awesome read, too bad it's unfinished.
spring snow - Character death, multiple ships. This is practically the modern shorter version of 48 Hours.Yixing helps Jongin find the man he left behind and watches a mafia slowly die out. It's heartbreakingly good.
Running Up That Hill - Recced before, but I can’t not mention this legend. A chaptered masterpiece with suspenseful angst, awesome smut, intricate detailed plot, ot12 characters, side XiuHan, top!soo and violence. No matter what I do there is no way I can express how unbelievably addicting this fic is. Just read it, it should be a fandom classic by now. 
Cypher - OT12, ongoing.
smoke - Oneshot. Kyungsoo as the heir to a security firm discovers that his dad is caught in mafia business. Later, as a president, he is faced with the same pressure from Kim Kai, the heavy smoker mob leader himself..
safe like springtime - only two chapters so far, with Jongin being bratty son-of-a-mobster teenager!Kyungsoo’s confused bodyguard.
4x4 (and away we go) - Twoshot, smut, tw. The Kim family is indepted to the famous stoic mafia leader, Do Kyungsoo, and Jongin finds himself obliged to pay back.  Uhm, unsettling
Subterfuge - Oneshot, smoking. Kyungsoo’s a mafia leader, and Jongin a heavy smoker barman. Again, a subtle piece that leaves you wanting more. (a.k.a I’m really whipped for kaisoo and mafia!au)
bang and burn - Incomplete, 4 chapters, pretty heavy drug use, smut and very mild angst. Jongin doesn’t understand what his retired sniper ex did to be worth a million dollars, but dead. He also didn’t understand how in ten years, his pancakes and skin are just as delicious. Indigo’s (a.k.a my favourite active author) freaky shot at assassins. Pretty damn awesome. 
in their blood and from the gutter - Oneshot, angst, smut, side BaekXing and murders. Kyungsoo is an associate of the biggest mafia ruling the city. He’s constantly in danger but one assignment officially makes him a dead man. An intense great read ; I’m not a fan of open endings but holy damn, I loved it.
and your sexy enemies closer - SeKaiSoo, based on the Love Shot MV, with bits of crack and uhm, a weird fingering scene. It was pretty good and unsettling because my first KaiSoo+someone fic.
I really don’t wanna let this rec go, but here, the latest pure mafia!AU rec. You can also (re)check other awesome fics here for extra action. And, well, long live KaiSoo, with lots of guns and rainbows.
- Admin Cookie
@icequeenpalace​ (Hey lovely reader! I am so so sorry for deleting your ask. I didn’t notice and our hero admin J in here told me about it. I hope you still know that it is for you too that this list has been formed and that I am sorry for the accident. PLEASE ENJOY ANYWAY AND FORGIVE A SMITTEN SOUL.)
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urirealvibekiller · 4 years
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˚   .    ♡ this is an idol life ship for @thechoppersan​ !! sistah nana !! i love you loads and loads okay :(( <3 hope you enjoy this ehehe !! 
˚   .    ♡  your entertainment company 
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˚   .    ♡ your pre-debut days 
you were scouted at the sm town concert in brazil. you were a little bit skeptical and unsure at first because it is such a big decision and although they were offering you a place among their trainees, it wasn’t guaranteed that you would debut so you had your doubts but ultimately, you decided to give it a chance. 
of course there were some challenges at first such as the language barrier, rigorous training, and your naturally shy personality. but that didn’t last long; you made friends with fellow trainees and the place practically became your second home. 
you’re a fast learner and a hard-worker so you adjusted to everything and everyone was impressed with how fast you learned the language and how diligently you work everyday. 
you trained for four years before debuting. 
˚   .    ♡ your position(s), role(s), and what you’re known for
you are the lead vocalist, lead dancer, and visual of the group. 
you’re also known as the quiet one of the group as well as the fake maknae. however, you’re the fake maknae because of how young you look and initially, fans mistake you as the maknae. your group members don’t ‘baby’ you or anything though. if anything they respect and adore you. 
you’re also known for your artistic abilities 
you’re playfully dubbed as snsd taeyeon’s sister (i had to, i’m sorry ahahah), which makes sense since you guys are from the same company and look similar.  
you actively participate in the songwriting process.
˚   .    ♡ your group 
there are four members in the group, including you. 
your group was hyped both by the company and by fellow artists even before the actual debut. 
your group members (in order of age) includes:
soo-ah (’91-liner) is the oldest and the leader. she’s from seoul, korea and she trained for six years before debuting. she’s the main vocalist and lead rapper. she’s the official mom of the group and is known for her cute nagging. she’s a great leader and can be strict during practice or serious times but is also so loving and kind-hearted.
yume (’95-liner) is the main rapper and the face of the group. she’s japanese and is from osaka, japan. she’s the mood-maker and social butterfly of the group. she trained for five years before debuting. she’s actually one of your first friends when you first joined as a trainee. 
ella (‘98 liner) is the main dancer, sub-vocalist, and maknae. she’s korean but she lived in england for five years with her uncle’s family before moving back to seoul after passing the sm global auditions. she trained only for six months before debuting. she can speak english fluently. she’s the savage one of the group - definitely the ‘evil maknae’ but she also has the kindest and softest heart. extremely funny. she’s kind of a tsundere but she genuinely cares about others. she just shows it in her own way. 
your group has a very tight relationship and bond which contributes to your team work. you guys are basically sisters. you, soo-ah, and yume actually have been best-friends since your trainee days and they were your first friends. ella did join you guys the latest but you guys welcomed her with open arms and she fit right in and pretty much immediately feels at home with you guys. 
˚   .    ♡ your group’s concept 
your group has a girly and innocent concept, similar to most songs done by apink (used to be my ult group omg i miss them). your debut song similar to nonono by apink and it quickly became a hit and became one of your most popular songs along with another title track which has a similar tune to mr.chu by apink. 
in the recent years, the girl-crush or darker concepts have become more popular so a lot of fans think that your group has a nostalgic feel and gives a taste of a more classic form of kpop with a modern twist which is absolutely loved by fans.  
˚   .    ♡ your female best-friend 
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hyuna || you and hyuna are an interesting duo, especially because you guys have a contrasting public image in a sense that she is known for her sexy image and you’re known for your innocent image. but you guys also have such a beautiful friendship and have more similarities than what is seen on the surface. 
you guys met at an award show where you guys met in the bathroom actually. you talked for a while and actually hit it off and ended up exchanging numbers and the friendship quickly blossomed from there. 
you guys are extremely supportive of each other and are each other’s biggest fans. she posts a lot of pictures of you guys together on her instagram. you guys even have also do instagram lives together, just talking and being yourselves which the fans love to watch and witness. 
˚   .    ♡ your male best-friend
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baekhyun || you guys are so similar yet so different and that’s what makes your friendship so precious. you help each other grow and become better versions of each other. 
you’re actually really good friends with all of exo through him; you’re especially close with chanyeol, kai, and sehun, you guys are basically a squad at this point. 
you have a lot of duet ballads together on sm station. 
some fans like to ship you guys but there is nothing but platonic love here. 
there are actually some funny rumors about you two. 
the funniest is that he’s only close to you because you look like taeyeon and he’s trying to replace her with you. :)) you, your group, baekhyun, exo, all sm artists, lee soo man, and the whole kpop industry finds it funny okay. it is very hilarious. 
˚   .    ♡ your boyfriend
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taeil || i mean you might be tired of being shipped with him at this point ajhsk YOU GUYS ARE JUST perfect. 
you guys have been pretty good friends since your pre-debut days. you become closer after being paired together for a couple cover song which was a special stage for inkigayo. 
working together with him and all for the performance, you guys bonded on a deeper level than you guys ever did before. you talked about really deep stuffs like your careers, your thoughts on certain issues in the industry, your plans for the future. 
since then you guys have been really close friends. 
as you gradually grow feelings for each other, you guys have this skinny love. everyone around you knows you and taeil have a connection that is more than just platonic and even both of you can feel it but you just didn’t really verbalize it. maybe because you have been friends for such a long time it was harder to admit romantic feelings. 
when he did finally ask you out, everyone was like not surprised but absolutely elated. 
you guys dated privately for a year before you decided to publicly announce the relationship on your first anniversary. 
the support from the fans is immense okay. you both quickly become the nation’s sweetheart couple. 
˚   .    ♡ miscellaneous 
you also professionally pursue art as more than just a hobby. 
some of your drawings are featured at some of seoul’s art galleries. 
xuimin used to have a crush on you (again i had to oops) but he never said anything because it was around the time you still had the dating ban. but you guys are good friends now. 
you guys won the award for best new artist at MAMA. 
thank you for requesting nana !! have a beautiful night sisturrr 
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
I know we are all starved for EXO content. Let’s spread a little love and positivity as EXO-L’s.
What are your top 5 favourite EXO songs of the moment? The songs can come from sub-units, solos and even the former members. Tag at least 5 people and spread the love.
tagged by @bikeryeollie to do this lovely little tag. thank you so much angel! i do love doing tags when they talk about current jams or music i can’t quit. ill put some little anecdotes after my choices to give everyone else permission who does this after to express why they love a song or connect with it just because its one thing to say you vibe to a song and entirely another to express why it makes you vibe.
EXO-SC - Daydreamin’ || i could easily put the entire SC album here, break the rules and make it six instead of five, but if theres a song i listen to so often i know it backwards and forwards its this one. it somehow preserves that endearing lo-fi vibe at the start with the click track while moving on to become one of the most beautifully produced tracks without muddying any bass or undertones. this song, for me, is summer - pomegranates and oranges bursting in the mouth; trees reciting poems as they rustle in the breeze; a purple sky; the question of what could love do if we learn to accept it in time; the knowledge that sometimes love is the passing of a ladle from mouth to mouth and the hum of pleasure that comes from offering sustenance to your lover; distant memories of a life lived long ago, or perhaps lived in parallel, nostalgic if only because we are suddenly reminded.
Chanyeol - SSFW (Japanese version) || its just so nice to be able to sing along to a song lmao i adore kpop so much but im studying japanese, so apart from every banger of a CBX album and some insanely difficult SHINee songs, theres not much a non-fluent, unpracticed speaker like me can sing. and here we have such a delicate song, seasonal but still preserving the warmth that comes from human affection. he handles the lyrics a little differently on this version - more nervous, more gentle - says them and delivers them the same way, of course, but the handling of his confidence alongside his uncertainty makes this version so much more human
EXO - Bird || in the same vein as SSFW, bird is actually really easy to sing and uses words i already know. i mean come on its just so pretty - i miss the hell out of soo and minseoks voices, and there are so many lines i know theyd absolutely crush. but its just such a well structured pop song and the sound stage is enormous? like you listen to this in headphones and it feels like youre in an entirely different universe, its huge. the production is *chefs kiss*
Chen - Love Words || i will scream about this song until i literally die, and i mean that with my whole goddamn chest. the movement. THE MOVEMENT. it borders on a key change and every single time i nearly fall out of my chair. i first heard this song on my last night in tokyo last year. it had just rained and the sun had set. @queenoftheimpala was packing and trying (and ultimately failing) to sleep early before her insanely early flight. i went out to get some food and took a walk, sad but also more in love with a place than i had been in nearly a decade. the blossoms were in full bloom. the street was wet. i cried on a bridge over the river and my aquarius ass felt so much more in 3 minutes than it allows itself to feel in a year.
EXO - Groove || not much to say here, my friends. this song is for grown adults to fall in love on a dance floor, or fall in love when someone brushes our hands, or someone hands us a coffee and smiles a little too warmly on a tuesday morning, or someone holds the door for you and for one solid moment you believe in miracles.
tagging: @yehet-me-up @kyungseokie @jenmyeons @j-pping @kvncity @baek-byunies @ninibears-erigom @x-exo @queenoftheimpala (you can do it for bts if you dont vibe too much to exo <3) @fairyyeols @baekwell--tart @pikayeollie and anyone else who would like to do this. you know me, i hoard music. but as always only do so if you wish <3
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