#the joke is your username
bugbashir · 3 months
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sunforgrace · 1 year
actually the “I don’t care if x wins I just need destiel to lose” is sort of comical if for nothing else the amount of destiel blogger popular posts which broadly circulate on the regular. what you don’t know is that sweater is not just blue, it’s not turquoise, it’s not lapis, it’s actually cerulean. to you that’s a 100k post to me that’s my mutual my BROTHER in the trenches. how do you all know each other. man we went to destiel together
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months
Yangvik: Fake dating AU/scenario
Rangshi: "Oh no there's only one bed" scenario
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ducktracy · 6 days
are you anti "sour-puss" daffy? that characterization of him is the primary one in my head. like duck amuck is epitome of daffy in my mind.
CRACKS KNUCKLES SO LOUDLY THEY EXPLODE. i’m giving my “HEADS UP THIS WILL LIKELY BE EXHAUSTIVE” warning now because i love love love love love love love love any chance to talk and analyze and pontificate about the duck. TLDR: YES AND NO
SO. i don’t consider myself “anti sour-puss” so much as i would consider my stance “if Daffy has to be more egocentric and miserly than he usually is then i prefer a very specific set of circumstances for this to be the case”. i have warmed up to the Jones and Freleng duck of the ‘50s onward CONSIDERABLY in recent years—there was a point where i just refused to touch any Daffy short made after a certain point because i knew it would make me frustrated and sad and mad and that’s, respectfully, ridiculous!
it took me watching the Speedy and Daffy cartoons to realize that Daffy in THOSE shorts is what i thought Daffy was in the Jones and Freleng shorts. it dwindles a bit over time (compare how he behaves in The Hunting Trilogy to something like Ali-Baba Bunny, which is a short i still have yet to come around to for that reason—i don’t like the “MINE MINE MINE GO GO GO DOWN DOWN DOWN” duck very much and my issue was that i thought he behaved that way in every single cartoon after a certain point which is thankfully incorrect!), but there’s still some nuance. by the time we’re getting to shorts where Daffy is saying “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO STARVE ON MY PROPERTY” is when i fully throw in the towel lol
another thing that’s helped me warm up is the realization that Daffy’s personality change is not nearly as objective as it’s made out to be. he has always had an ego, he’s always been reckless, impulsive, and yes, this absolutely includes the ‘30s shorts! Chuck’s Duck is Chuck’s Duck from day one with the line “not bad for a guy that never took a lesson in his life!”.
Scalp Trouble has Daffy on an ego trip fancying himself as an army general (and there is a legitimate, honest to god small dick metaphor joke in that short because he has this huge giant sword sheath that is indiscreetly phallic in design, only to reveal a tiny little dagger), ordering people around and essentially LARPing in this role we immediately know is way too big for him. and when it comes time to battle, what does he do but spend the majority of his time cowering in a corner.
he’s always had these traits! maybe they’re a bit more primitive earlier on, some other traits are a greater priority. but Drip-Along Daffy is one of my favorite Chuck Jones shorts because it’s basically a sequel to The Great Piggy Bank Robbery. and you could argue the same with Duck Dodgers! all shorts have him fantasizing about a hero role that is clearly too big for him to fill, and he is absolutely getting the biggest kick out of assuming this role. Drip-Along is still early enough to also have this sort of innocence and unflappability (that may more accurately be described as delusion or ignorance): when Daffy gets no reception whatsoever in the bar, instead of screaming at everyone to look at him, he just marches to the next order of business and indulges in his next part of his fantasy. this NEVER would have happened had the short come out 5-10 years after when it did.
likewise, the Daffy of the ‘50s and ‘60s is still insane, it’s just a different manifestation of how that’s the case. earlier on, he’s a bit more visibly unhinged. his HOOHOOHOOing fits are a catharsis that you can just FEEL crawling up his throat and dying to get out, and in the really early shorts you can see this sort of half and half battle between cognizance and succumbing to insanity (The Daffy Doc and Porky’s Last Stand especially come to mind). it’s an insanity that relieves itself through sheer manic catharsis. as time goes on, he matures a bit, he knows how to keep better wraps on it; the manners in which he gratifies his impulses just shifts.
and also, Daffy can still very much be a sourpuss early on! Bob McKimson’s Daffy, whose interpretation is very integral in my sort of mental default of who Daffy is, can be very bitter and cynical in particular! or, again, early shorts like The Daffy Doc or Scalp Trouble where he’s more argumentative and his ego is clearly much more tender.
the seeds of what Daffy would become have all been planted, and so that’s allowed me to bristle a bit less and lower my haunches. and i am making more progress in coming around to the later shorts! i’ve been on a Chuck Jones kick recently and been watching lots of Chuck Jones Daffy shorts and enjoying them. i love Drip-Along, Duck Dodgers, Duck Amuck, Deduce You Say, Robin Hood Daffy—i’ve even come around to Rabbit Seasoning which is kind of NUTS to me because there was awhile where i was acting like Bugs and Daffy shorts killed my firstborn. “pronoun trouble” is an inside joke with my friend and dear lord i laugh every time at Daffy’s reactions to Elmer falling for Bugs’ drag act, and the ENDING!!!! omg. i love it. i’ve come around to Beanstalk Bunny as well! it’s a great short!! in getting to know the duck better and understanding how nuanced his development is, i’ve gone a bit softer which is good.
i was just chatting about this recently—i think most of the thorns in my side come from the Daffy and Bugs pair-ups. what i like best and get most out of each character, i get none of when they’re together. i’d rather see Bugs behaving and doing something else, and the same for Daffy. i’m not opposed to a sourpuss Daffy so much as i really don’t like seeing him suffer. i feel like the Bugs and Daffy shorts “punch down” a bit more on him, and i still haven’t found a way to really properly articulate this… i’ll just copy and paste what i was saying the other day here:
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Daffy earlier on has all the traits above we talked about, but the difference is that he isn’t really shamed for them outright? of course we’re meant to laugh at his cowardice as he says “go… back… in again….” to the giant towering rat gangster he screamed at to confront him, we’re of course supposed to laugh at the asininity and selfishness of him dodging the draft and taking the Little Man From the Draft Board down with him by locking him in a safe and suffocating him. Daffy isn’t exactly meant to be a role model (but that still doesn’t stop me from finding his bombasm and exuberance and zest for life extremely empowering!), but there’s less narrative pushback against it. seeing Daffy be Daffy and have every action be interrupted by another character rolling their eyes going “oh brother” is where i have a problem, it just sucks the air out of the room for me. especially when Daffy is made to feel ashamed or beaten down for this as well. that’s why i enjoy shorts like Beanstalk Bunny or Drip-Along so much, ending with stuff like “it’s a living!” or being contented in his new position that is often very degrading and a direct consequence of his impulsiveness. a huge part of Daffy’s charm for me is his resilience (even if that equates to ignorance at times), if he wants something he will go to absolutely asinine lengths to get it! and i love that! his drive is so admirable! and i just feel like after awhile that resilience is lost. the issue isn’t that Daffy is a loser, as he’s lost quite a bit before that—moreso, he doesn’t have that good humor about being a loser anymore
I’M ALMOST DONE I PROMISE. but my tags in that video post, as i said in them, i watched The Million Hare the other day which is a short i very much dislike. and it’s not really out of anger or “UUUURGH NOT MY DAFFY”, but moreso it just makes me SO. DAMN. DEPRESSED.
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this is the most soul sucking image i’ve ever seen. i get genuinely sad that the cartoons have devolved to starting with “characters watching TV because they’re too bored to do anything, and Bugs just joins him”. no part of this is the resilient, impulsive, manic, pleasure seeking duck that carried us through the past few decades. and this certainly doesn’t represent the wily, impish, inciting rabbit of the past few decades either! Bugs has a greater excuse since i know there’s the pattern of his domestication and Jones’ rule of Bugs minding his own business before being provoked, etc. but man. this image just represents all of my problems with the later shorts and dynamics. the characters are hollow and so are the stories and the directors are checked out or moving onto greater things, and i think all of that just coagulates and manifests in the characters.
I HAVE SO MUCH MORE I CAN SAY but i’m finally realizing i’ve gone on way way way too long and don’t even know if i answered the question all that well LOL. don’t even get me started on “modern”interpretations of Daffy… [starts ranting about how TLTS killed my family for the 80th time as i’m gently lured into the nursing home].
BUT! to answer your question! i’m not really opposed to a more cynical and conceited duck because those traits have always been there, just in varying degrees of intensity. my ideal duck is definitely one locked in the ‘40s—Frank Tashlin and Bob Clampett’s Daffy have always been my favorite, but i’ve sort of adopted a coagulation of Art Davis, Bob McKimson, Norm McCabe and Friz Freleng’s duck as my mental default. i am extremely protective and loving and fanatical of Daffy, i love him more than any cartoon character and i resonate with him more than any cartoon character! i bet he too would also spend an hour typing up a diatribe on his character evolution and how he’s been sorely misrepresented. maybe. Daffy is one of the most varied characters of all time, and it’s really hard to pin him down for this reason. i like a duck that best has a bit of a balance between his traits, and i get more chafed when he’s made more narrow and transparent and just “flanderized” (for lack of a better word) to one or two tropes that then speak louder than his character. i prefer shorts that are more sympathetic and celebratory of Daffy rather than admiring how funny he is as a loser. which, he is funny! but IUNNO. i like a more upbeat and resilient and charming duck, and he can be all of these things later on, but it unfortunately does get fleeting
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daydadahlias · 4 months
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me when it’s my first day on earth and I’ve never heard of a joke before
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crabsnpersimmons · 8 months
Mmmmmm a tasty persimmon and tasty art score
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d'awwwww thanks, anon!
would not recommend eating the persimmon crab tho. she may be hamburger-sized but eating her would be a mistake
Disclaimer: Eating the persimmon crab will result in death, dizziness, digestive issues, depression, dishonour upon your whole family, and the disapproval of every Chinese auntie past, present, and future. Or at least a really bad tummy ache.
and Sun will react like this:
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The "Positive Parasites" series by Neptune_139
[neptune-139 on tumblr!]
Takes an idea used a LOT in MLP fics and shoves it in another while
Howdy, & thanks for the recommendation! The fic being recommended is...
Positive Parasites - Ecstacy Epidemic (An Underverse Infection AU) by Neptune_139 (Teen And Up, Complete)
Book 1/3 When the balance of Positivity and Negativity slide to Nightmare's side, Dream and Ink take a drastic action to tip the scales in their favour- even if they're causing much more than everyone bargained for. Anons Closed! Book 1 complete [Series on temporary Hiatus, working more on Skeletons in the Closet for pride month]
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solidwater05 · 11 months
I found you in a game.
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(This is totally not one of the worst jokes)
[ID: A screenshot of a game menu of an item called Solid Water. The description reads as follows:
Compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen, essential to support carbon-based life. Keeping it in the solid state makes it easy to carry.
"...Isn't it ice?"
End ID]
Oh my god I'm canon to [Game Title]!!
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allthegothihopgirls · 5 months
screaming 'i PROMISE i'm going to get interesting again!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVEEE' and banging on the locked door, every time i lose a follower
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supernovaa-remnant · 2 months
hi good luck for next week 🫂 random question: have you ever gone stargazing? i dream of getting a telescope to gaze at the night sky with, i bet it's even cooler for someone that can actually identify all the Stuff out there lol
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thank you jadeee 🫂💕 I have the next two days off so at least there’s that
I do go stargazing!! I love stargazing :3 tbh, my hometown and the general area gets pretty good views of the night sky, so I grew up just looking up at the stars at night. there’s definitely light pollution, but also you can kinda see the Milky Way just with the naked eye while stargazing here, which is pretty cool.
Speaking of stargazing!! We have a convergence of meteor showers ahead of us. The Aquariids peak Monday night, and the Capricornids peak Tuesday night. Since the exact peaks are literally just one day away, you’re gonna be able to see lots of meteors from both showers within the next few days. And, the Perseids are around (though they don’t peak for another couple weeks), so you’ll probably be able to see some of those, too! Definitely recommend trying to catch that if you’re able to!
Anyway, I hope you’ve been well, Jade <33 I love you thank you for sending me an ask :3
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unicornsaures · 6 months
one of my irl friends found my tumblr one day and now they just hold it over my head wnv they get pissed off with me - this is a type of torture because what the fuck
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crimsonbubble · 2 years
some of yalls usernames are fucking wack 💀💀
nah bc who tf is philipgravescocksucker
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bgs-cave-o-thots · 1 year
One of the posts going around about discord's username change is a little bit wrong btw, you can change your handle after picking one, including non-nitro users, so dont be too afraid of goofy handles like that one post says.
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ravencromwell · 7 months
hi! not sure if appropriate to ask, but is your username derived from thomas cromwell at all? cheers, from one considering cracking into the diarmaid maccullough biography if i can lift the damn thing
A. I love! this question. B. GOD I _wish. My username came, very pedestrianly, from a fanfic oc created in the early 2000's. I remember nothing! of this oc except it was shared between @blindbibliophile and I. I dunno if you were around in fandom back then, but the usernames on fanfiction.net were shudders just utter mishmash gobbledygook. We both wanted something that sounded kinda comparable to a human while having a properly _exotic flare. GOD we were both internet babies with no business out of swaddling clothes much less let off the leading strings :). So we coin-flipped for who would get to use the name, as I recall--she'll correct me if I'm wrong. I barely produced anything with it, but was fortunate enough to pick up fannish connections via leaving lavishly verbose fic comments for other people that evolved into convos/friendships (going around sprinkling comments like a fairy overburdened with rainbows and pixie dust will forever be my fav way of interacting in any and every fandom and I'm fortunate very few people have asked me to stop :). When I transitioned over here, I kept it for continuity with those folks and because I'm terribly, terribly fond of all the shared history with one of my fav humans.
Y'know, for all the years I've been a Thomas Cromwell geek--I don't remember when I read and adored Wolf Hall, but it was before 2015, and I have yet to read Mirror of Light because. I. just can't watch him die via headsman, if that tells you how insanely attached I am to the fictionalized bastard of her work--I'd never put the connection together, and am almost sheepish in answering this because for just a second there, I seemed so much cleverer than I was ;)! But! you have no idea how happy you've made me <33333333333333333 because oh! oh my god I didn't know that biography existed I now have flashing hearts in my eyes and need it immediately (he was kinda a religious zealot holy shit!!!!!!! with administrative competence I already found the Mantel version hot apparently I'm gonna find the real one that way, too. I have a weakness for revolutionaries--in whatever form-- with bastard morals, particularly when they lived long enough ago their bastard morals aren't affecting my friends and family and I can crush in peace :)
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foul-milk · 1 year
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Remember kiddos, people will put you on a blocklist and try to ✨slander ✨ you because they don't read your tags if you have a nuanced opinion about anything
Obligatory "I'm not a terfy-werfy, not a racist, I just like shitposting about gay angels and David Tennant's fabulous existence"
I got called a 'crypto terf' lmao does that mean I get free bitcoin now
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