#the killer drawing i actually did a few days ago but i wanted to do a few more spicy killer doodles to go with it before posting
didderd · 10 months
(some middle of th night suggestive and mild nsfw)
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hhhhhhhh these were supposed to all jus be mild spicy like th first two but then.. th horror drawing hh
(anyways i. need to go back to bed lmao)
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shaunamilfman · 7 months
Look What You Made Me Do (part 1)
Summary: "The small town of Wiskayok had been rocked by the brutal murders of the so-called Ghostface killings, leaving you and your girlfriend Shauna Shipman unsure of who you can trust. Just remember: it's always someone you know. "
A/N: loosely based scream (1996) au. warnings for graphic depictions of violence. part 2
There were two prevailing theories on when the Ghostface killings first started: Either with the murder of Shauna's deadbeat father a year ago, or with the recent double murder of Mari's ex-boyfriend and his girlfriend-cousin. You personally believed in the latter, as your girlfriend Shauna insisted that Ben Scott was the true killer of her father. 
You still remember the day it happened well. Shauna was truly devastated by the news, but not nearly as devastated as she would be if it happened to her mother instead. You remember all too well the day her father had walked out on her, and you think she cried harder then than at the sight of her fathers body. She’d unfortunately been the one to find him after dropping by at his house to presumably yell at him; He’d forgotten that he was supposed to come see her once again, and she was getting tired of getting his excuses the next day. She’d arrived just in time to see the flash of Ben’s iconic jacket as he rushed away from the scene. Privately you thought her father deserved what he got, but you comforted Shauna all the same.
The original murders had been the closest one to your friend group until last night, with the murder of Travis Martinez. You didn’t know him all that well, by reputation more than anything, but it still hit you hard. This was a kid that you knew, that all of you saw on at least a weekly basis. Coach Martinez would be out of school indefinitely, and as much as you felt for him it left the rest of you scrambling to find a soccer coach with one grieving and the other doing 20 to life. Jackie was particularly upset about it being the captain.
“I just don’t see how we’re supposed to find someone to replace him at such a short notice.” Jackie complains, slipping into the seat across from Shauna. Nat scoffs as she looks over to glare at Jackie.
“Yeah, Jackie. I’m sure Coach is real concerned about soccer right now.” She says derisively. “It’s not like his son was just brutally murdered or anything.” Nat’s eyes are hard and piercing, and even you have to look away. Jackie shrinks in on herself in shame, crossing her arms defensively across her chest as she stares down at the table.
“I wasn’t trying to,” She starts, but is interrupted by Shauna.
“I just think it’s funny.” Shauna says, in that voice of hers you knew meant trouble. You lace your and Shauna’s fingers together in case she was planning on jumping the table and brace for impact. “That Travis seems to have died so horribly just after asking you out a few weeks ago.” She finishes. You wince. Nat had shot him down brutally in front of half the school, actually laughing in his face. It was a pretty sore spot between them, but mostly because Nat had seriously considered him to be one of her friends.
Nat’s face goes cold as she slams her hands down on the table and stands up so hard the chair goes clattering to the floor behind her. “Asshole.” She spits out, turning away and storming away from the table. The cafeteria goes quiet as everyone turns to watch her walk out. As soon as the door to the cafeteria slams shut the whispering starts as everyone points over at her chair and makes their own assumptions of what happened. Nat and Travis’s fight had gone down in front of the entire school, and you knew just as well as Shauna did what conclusions everyone had been drawing from that. It’s why you had invited Nat to sit with you in the first place, as she usually skipped lunch to smoke behind the bleachers. You wanted her to know that you supported her.
The rest of you sit in wide eyed silence until you exhale loudly and whisper, “Jesus, Shauna.” Shauna tenses next to you and gives you a stiff glare. You return her look for a long moment until she softens against you, giving your hand a quick squeeze in apology.
“Sorry.” She murmurs quietly into your ear. “I’ll talk to her later, promise.” You don’t think she’ll be able to find Nat until Nat wants to be found, but you appreciate the promise nonetheless. 
“I just don’t get what her deal is.” Jackie says, much more relaxed now that Nat had left.
You give her a look of disbelief. “Jackie, her friend just died.” You say.
“It’s not like we killed him.” She defends guiltily. You sigh. You knew that Jackie meant well, but she really had a tendency to focus on whatever affected her the most. She didn’t mean to sound so insensitive in front of Nat, but just didn’t think it through before she said it. 
“What did the principal say about getting a new coach, anyways?” You ask, deciding to let her off the hook for now. Jackie and Shauna both seem grateful for the change in conversation topic as Jackie begins to animatedly describe her meeting.
You and Shauna share an amused look as Jeff drones on. “-it's obvious where the connection is.”
“Is it?” Shauna asks dryly. Jeff beams at the slightest amount of attention from Shauna as he turns to talk to her directly. 
“Well obviously it has to be someone connected to Natalie Scatorccio or Mari…” He pauses and turns back to Jackie,” What’s Mari's last name?”
Jackie's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she thinks about it. She looks over at you and Shauna but the two of you sure as hell don't know. “That's not important, Jeff.” She says finally, trying to save face. “Just because they know someone who died doesn't mean they know the killer. I don't think any of us are killers.”
“Yeah, but don't they always say serial killers hide as normal people?” Shauna asks. Jackie and Jeff both give her considering looks as they mull over the statement. Your girlfriend’s edgy attitude was going to get her thrown in jail. You elbow her in the side and she grunts in pain, plastering a smile on her face at your significant look. 
“Definitely not one of us, though.” She says, looking over at you for approval. Oh my god. Somehow that was even worse than before. Jackie looks slightly nervous now as she looks at Shauna, knowing what she was capable of better than almost anyone. 
“Of course it's not one of us. We were watching a movie at Jackie's house last night, remember? We both fell asleep like ten minutes.” You remind Jackie, relaxing at the look of realization on her face. You and Jackie share a concerned look as she comes to the same conclusion about Shauna's consistently morbid attitude as you. 
“Unless it was all three of you.” Jeff jokes, breaking the tension between the two of you immediately. You roll your eyes and Shauna scoffs. The two of you walk off to the comfortingly familiar sound of Jackie berating Jeff for being an idiot. 
“What the hell was that for?” Shauna asks the second you are out of earshot, rubbing at the side of her stomach soothingly. You shoot her s slightly concerned look as you had truly just meant to get her attention, but you can tell by the slight quirk of her lips that she's mostly teasing. 
“Seriously, Shauna?” You ask. She looks honestly confused so you continue. “Serial Killers could be anyone, really?”
She holds her hands out placatingly. “It's true.” She defends. 
“True or not, you can't just say that Shauna. Especially when.” You cut yourself off as you bite at your lip. You sigh. “You need to be careful.”
“Especially when, what?” Shauna asks slowly. You shoot her a slightly guilty look as you shake your head and keep walking. She follows you step for step to her car, not letting up on her questioning as you close the door behind you. 
“Shauna, people think it's you.” You confess finally, just wanting the conversation to end. 
“What?” She asks in utter disbelief. You don't deny the slight relief her disbelief gives you. You didn't truly believe your girlfriend to be capable of such a thing; Well, that wasn't quite true. You believed her to be capable of murder, but you had hoped she wasn't involved in these specifically. 
“They don't have any proof. It's just.” You pause as you try to think of a good way to explain it, but find none. “You're violent, Shauna. You broke Justin's nose at a party last week.” She scoffs. 
“He called you a-” She starts, but stops as you place a calming hand on her arm. 
“I know, Shauna. I know. It just doesn't look good with everything happening right now. I know you didn't mean the serial killer thing either, but you need to watch what you say right now.” You say. She softens at the obvious look of concern on your face, raising her hands to bury her face in them. 
She groans in frustration and you make quiet shushing noises as you move her hands away from her face. You lean forward and press a gentle kiss against her lips. “Hey.” You soothe. “It'll be fine. No one who knows you thinks you did it, okay? Who cares what they think.”
“The police.” She says wryly, but seems to accept the comfort. She smiles over at you and squeezes your hand gently. “Love you.” She says. 
You smile back. “Love you too.”
“-and you're sure?” Shauna asks again. You roll your eyes as you wrap your arms around the back of Shauna's neck and rest your head against her shoulder. She wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you tightly against her. You can't help but squeal as she lifts you slightly off your feet, arms clinging tightly to her. 
“Shauna!” You chide, and she laughs as she sets you back down. You smack her lightly on the shoulder as you push yourself away from her. “Brute.” You murmur playfully. 
“Brute?” She asks in disbelief. You shrug. If the shoe fits. Her easy grin falls off her face as she gets more serious. You cut her off before she can ask one more time. 
“Yes, Shauna. I'm sure that I'll manage to not get brutally murdered in the 20 minutes it'll take you to go get Jackie and drive back to your house.” You say. You'd run a little late getting over to Shauna's house and still had to finish getting ready. You weren't sure why Lottie Matthews was still throwing a party three days after your classmate was murdered, but Jackie had insisted that you all go. 
Unfortunately, when it came to your girlfriend it seemed that Jackie got most things she insisted upon. That wasn't entirely fair, you'd readily acknowledge, but you couldn't help but resent her for the hold that Jackie didn't even know she had over Shauna. This was made even more difficult by your own friendship with Jackie. You'd been friends with the two of them for a long time, but you didn't know anyone who knew someone quite as long as Jackie and Shauna did. 
Shauna nods unsurely as she grabs her car keys off the table. She presses a quick kiss against your lips before heading out the door. You breathe out slowly as you try to collect your thoughts. You turn to get the clothes in your bag but pause as the thought strikes you. You grin as you head off to Shauna’s clothes rack instead now that she wasn’t here to stop you; Not that she usually would, but it was much more fun this way.
You’re adjusting the length of the sleeves on Shauna’s favorite flannel when you hear a knock on the door. You roll your eyes as you head down the stairs to answer it, not putting too much thought into why Shauna would knock on the door at her own house. She knocks again as you finally set foot on the ground floor. “She acts like she doesn’t live in the fucking attic.” You mutter as you throw open the door without looking. You peer at the empty doorway curiously, slowly leaning out the door to look around the front of the house. 
You sigh as you lean against the doorway. “I know that was you, Jackie!” You call out. “You’re the only one I know that would think ding-dong ditching is funny.” You wait another minute or so as you look around before trying to slam the door shut; Trying, being the key word, as the door catches on someone's foot. You wince slightly, realizing how hard you’d shut the door, until you catch a glimpse of who the foot’s attached to. Your eyes widen in horror as wide soulless eyes stare back at you from a hauntingly familiar white mask. You scream in utter terror, louder than you’d ever previously thought yourself capable of.
You desperately try to force them back out the door, but whoever’s there is much stronger than you are. Your socked feet slide back against the hardwood floor as you fruitlessly try to get some kind of friction. You jump back entirely as they slip a large hunting knife through the crack of the door and start blindly swiping it. They stumble forward to their knees as the door swings open, obviously not prepared for the resistance to completely disappear and you take the chance to sprint back up the stairs.
You hesitate at the top of the stairs as you hear the loud sound of footsteps coming from the bottom of them. You quickly reach towards the hallway table to grab the lamp sitting there. You whirl around and absolutely chuck the thing at them, pausing to watch in satisfaction as it hits them dead on in the center of their face and sends them falling back down the stairs. You run the rest of the way to Shauna’s room, slamming the door shut as you propped a chair underneath the handle. Her room never had a lock so she tended to just throw the chair in front of it when she wanted people out.
You knew more than anyone how sturdy that chair could be but you knew it wouldn’t keep them out forever. You desperately went diving for the phone sitting on her nightstand. You buried your head in your knees and sobbed when you lifted the phone off the receiver to realize that the phone line had been cut. The loud sounds of the door being hit fill the room and you frantically search for something to defend yourself with. From your position on the floor you can see the end of Shauna’s old hockey stick peeking out from underneath the bed. You quickly crawl across the floor and grab it, rising back to your feet. You stand in the middle of the room holding it over your shoulder knowing that your only hope was to get to them before they got to you.
As they finally manage to break the door down you ready the stick and take a quick swing with all your might. You manage to get a good hit, but aren’t able to see where as you jump back with a painful cry as they manage to get a good swipe at your arm in return. You don’t bother to look as you painfully raise the hockey stick again, but before either of you has a chance to make another attack the loud sound of sirens rushes down the street. You watch carefully as their mask flickers back and forth from red to blue as the lights from the street fill the room. They slowly raise the knife to point it at you, before turning around and sprinting out of the house. 
All of the adrenaline escapes your body as you fall to your knees, still clutching desperately onto the hockey stick and just cry hysterically until the police officer carefully steps through the destroyed door and finally finds you. You stare up at him, unable to stop your sobs as the reality of the situation has finally struck you.  He slowly lowers the gun he has pointed at you and slips it into his holster. “We have an ambulance outside.” He says.
You give him a wild look, not quite cognizant enough at the moment to understand why that would matter to you. “Your arm.” He says slowly, as if talking to a wounded animal. You're reminded of your wound by the sudden throb of pain it emits. You stare at it blankly for a long moment before looking up at the officer and nodding. 
“Yes.” You mutter distractedly. You finally manage to unclench your fingers from the wooden stick, leaving it to clatter against the ground. You rest your hands on your thighs as you try to catch your breath. You manage to force yourself to your feet and stumble towards him and out of the house. As you step out the door you're nearly blinded by the sheer amount of red and blue lights flickering at you. The officer places a hand on your shoulder to lead you to the ambulance. You nearly swing on him reflexively but manage to catch yourself at the last moment. You quietly let him lead you over to the ambulance even as you clearly resent the hand he’s placed on your shoulder.
You stare off into the distance as the emt bandages up your arm, and even manage to smile wryly when he says that you were pretty lucky with the placement: it did no major damage after all, mostly superficial. Lucky. You think, rolling your eyes at the thought. You didn’t feel particularly lucky right now. 
“Hey.” You hear a familiar voice say. You look up quickly, eyes widening at the sight. 
“Van!” You cry out, rushing forward to wrap your arms tightly around her. She reciprocates the motion, pulling you even closer as you start sobbing again. She makes quiet comforting noises as she rubs her hand in circles across your back. 
You hadn’t seen Van all that much since you were a kid, but she was always your favorite babysitter. It was never that formal of an arrangement, your parents had just paid her to watch you for a couple hours every once in a while, but watching horror movies with her on Friday nights had been a highlight of your childhood. You’d been devastated as a kid when Van had joined the police and stopped coming by, but as you pull back to look at her you’ve never been more grateful for it.
You give her a weak smile as you let your arms fall at your sides.  She shifts awkwardly on the balls of her feet as she slides her thumbs into her belt loops.  “Should I call you officer Palmer?” You ask.
“If you don’t mind.” She says with a small grin. She gets a more somber look as she takes in the bandages covering your arm. “I actually need to know what happened in there.” She says. “It was him, wasn’t it?” You nod, not able to fully lift your eyes from the ground.
“He was wearing the mask, at least.” You say quietly.
Van nods again as she pulls out a notepad from her pocket. “You’re the only one who’s lived to tell the tale so far. I’m sorry to make you relive it, but we need to know.” She says apologetically.
“I understand.” You say, almost in a whisper. You’re about to start talking when you hear loud yelling coming from further away. You glance up finally to see Shauna frantically running towards you as an officer chases behind her. You spring up from the ambulance to meet her head on as she goes crashing into you at full speed. The two of you just barely manage to stay on your feet as she sends you careening back a few steps. 
She wraps her arms hard enough around you that she nearly crushes you. You grasp desperately at the fabric of her shirt as you bury your head into her neck. Her hands start patting at your sides trying to find injuries as she finally pulls away to get a good look at you. She grabs at your arm to inspect it, being careful not to further injure it. “Shauna.” You murmur at the devastated look on her face.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” She whispers. “I never should have left you alone.” You lace your fingers together and squeeze her hands as you make gentle shushing noises. 
“Hey,” You say. “I told you I wouldn’t get brutally murdered while you were gone.” She laughs wetly, pulling a hand away to wipe pointlessly at the tears still steadily streaming down her face.
“Got me there.” She says quietly.
“Can’t help but notice you got here just after that fucker left.” Van says. Shauna pulls away from you with a stricken look as she turns to face her. 
“Are you accusing me of attacking Y/N?” She spits out, but can’t quite manage any actual anger to go with it. She glances back and forth between the two of you before deciding not to bother with Van as she sits herself next to you and wraps her arms around you. Van watches the two of you with a knowing look before sighing. Van turns to wave off the officer that was chasing after Shauna. 
You watch him walk back to where he was patrolling and see Jackie standing by Shauna’s car outside of the police tape watching the whole scene with an expression of shock and horror. She waves so hard her body shakes with it and you lazily wave back as Van asks another question.
“Do you have a cell phone?” Van asks Shauna. You can’t help but snicker at the question, hiding your face in your uninjured hand. Shauna shares an amused look with you as she shakes her head no.
“What’s so funny?” Van asks. 
“Have you seen Shauna’s car? You think she can afford a cell phone?” You say wryly. Van turns to look over at Jackie who’s still leaning against the car. She shrugs, conceding the point. 
“Why’s that matter anyways?” You ask.
“The phone calls.” Van mutters as she writes something down on her notepad. “What did he say to you on the phone?” She prompts.
“I’m sorry, the phone?” You ask bewilderedly. She stops in her tracks to look up at you.
“You didn’t get a call?” She asks. You shake your head. “That’s weird.” She says, “All the other murders show records of a phone call right before. Just start from the beginning then.”
You start telling the story from the beginning, Shauna leaning heavily against you as she keeps flinching whenever you mention something frightening. Van pauses as she gives you a slightly incredulous look. “You ran up the stairs?” She asks. 
“The back doors busted.” Shauna defends with the promise of violence clear on her face. “Handle doesn’t work. Door doesn’t open.” Van holds her hands out placatingly as she writes it down in her notepad. 
You tell the rest of the story without interruption before you’re allowed to go home. Van insists on getting an officer to follow you around until someones able to contact your parents who are both out of town. You decide to go stay at Jackie’s house as her parents are the only ones actually home.
You climb wearily into the passenger seat of Shauna’s car, Jackie having extremely reluctantly relinquished the front seat given the circumstances. Shauna uncharacteristically takes one hand off the wheel to hold your hand the entire drive to Jackie’s house. You stare blankly out the window as you replay the entire confrontation over and over again in your mind.
You, Shauna, and Jackie share mutually annoyed looks in the backseat of Van’s cruiser. She’d insisted on driving you to school in order to keep you safe. You appreciated the thought, truly you did, but there were few things worse in your mind than being driven to school in a cop car. You can’t hide your smile, however, as Shauna and Jackie bicker quietly next to you over which one of them is taking up the other's space in the backseat. Shauna really was not made to sit in the middle seat but she insisted on being able to sit next to you. 
Van pulls to a stop in front of the school and turns to face the three of you in the back. “Ready?” She asks. You nod unenthusiastically as you wait for her to get out and open the door. You try to slide your backpack onto your uninjured arm but Shauna pulls it out of your hands to carry it for you. You roll your eyes at her but find yourself to be endlessly fond of the action anyway. You’ve barely taken a step off the pavement before you hear a voice call out.
“Shauna! Shauna Shipman!” You hear. You start to turn around but Shauna just drags you forward by the hand as she refuses to even humor the voice. You follow unquestionably behind her towards the entrance, more than happy to get away from the prying eyes of the other students. “Nothing to say about the innocent man you got locked up?” The voice calls out.
Shauna whirls around angrily to face her, sending you a quick apology after she accidentally drags you with her. “I have nothing to say to you Taissa Turner!” Shauna says furiously as she points an accusing finger at her. Tai holds her hands out placatingly but you can tell she’s not all that sincere about it. 
Ah, You thought. You knew all about Taissa Turner, the hotshot reporter that was writing a book in favor of Ben Scott’s supposed innocence. Shauna was furious for days when she found out, and judging by the look on her face you think she might finally get to release some of that tension. You wearily look for Van, who's watching the entire interaction with a curious expression. 
“You’re seriously saying that you still believe Ben Scott is guilty?” Tai asks, baffled. “Not only are there new murders taking place in this town but the next person attacked is your friend? In your house?” Shauna scoffs, incredibly dismissive of anything that Taissa Turner could ever say. Even if you thought privately that she might have a point. Still, you and Jackie stand protectively behind Shauna as you give Tai a dirty look over her shoulder.
“She’s just hoping to write a sequel.” You say dismissively. Shauna sends you a thankful look as Tai scoffs.
“Is this about the book? You know someone was going to write it. Why shouldn’t it be me?” Tai says defensively.
“Hope it made you feel good to mock my father like that.” Shauna spits. “If he hadn’t been murdered your little hatchet job in the press would have done a pretty good job of it, bitch!” 
Tai puffs her chest out with what you're sure would be a truly epic rebuttal had she ever got the chance to make it. Shauna’s fist goes flying into her face, landing with a loud thud as it sends her head bouncing off the van behind her. She looks a little dazed with blood running down from her nose, but you can tell she’s getting ready to swing back when Van swoops in.
“Hey! Hey! Enough!” Van yells as she separates all of you. “Go inside. Now!” You gently tug at Shauna’s arm and she lets you lead her inside, but you can tell she’s not happy about it. You bring her hand up to your face to look at her knuckles to inspect them for damage. You lace your fingers together as Jackie leads you over to her locker.
“I can’t believe you just hit her like that.” Jackie says, but she doesn’t seem upset about it. In fact, when the two of you turn to face her she has a darkly amused grin on her face. 
“She deserved it.” You defend Shauna. Shauna hums in acknowledgement, finally managing to calm down after seeing that both of you took her side. Shauna sighs as she looks down at her feet. You squeeze her hand gently but allow her solitude. She’s always been emotionally distant when she had half a mind to, and the murder of her father was no different. You talk quietly with Jackie and she collects her thoughts.
“Hey,” Nat calls out, running over to catch you. Shauna gives her a scary look as she shifts defensively in front of you. 
“What do you want?” Shauna says, crossing her arms in front of her. You roll your eyes; you had a sneaking suspicion this had more to do with just protecting you. You'd heard how Nat had blown up at Shauna the other day when she'd tried to apologize for what she said at lunch, and had a feeling that Shauna was still hanging on to some lingering resentment. 
“Look.” Nat says, awkwardly scuffing her boot against the ground and wincing at the particularly loud sound it made. “I just… I just wanted to say that we're good, y'know? About lunch, I mean.”
“Why the sudden change of heart?” Shauna asks, relaxing back against you. 
Nat shrugs. “Hard to hold a grudge when another one of your friends almost gets turned into a pin cushion”. Shauna tenses up again at what she perceives as fighting words, but lets it go as it makes you laugh. You wrap your uninjured arm around Shauna to pull her closer against you as you rest your head on your shoulder to peer at Nat. 
“I could have taken him.” You say with a grin. Nat rolls her eyes, but the affectionate grin on her face is unmistakable. 
“Yeah, real killer you are.” She says jokingly, before turning strangely serious. “Do they know why he came for you?” She asks.  Shauna reaches up to lace her fingers with yours, trying to calm the both of you back down. 
“Nat.” Jackie interjects sternly, giving her a dirty look at the question. The unavoidable tension creeps back in you as you mull over her question. 
“No.” You answer honestly. You pause for a second then say quietly, “Between us?” Both Jackie and Nat nod quickly, Jackie on her part looks pretty shocked that you're willing to talk about it so soon. 
“They said it was pretty different from what they've seen at other crime scenes. Said maybe it was possible that they were trying to get Shauna and I just shocked them or something.” Nat and Jackie exchange a strangely worried look as Shauna tightens her grip on your hand. 
“But, hey.” You say, holding up your injured arm. “Got me out of practice for a while so jokes on him, right?” You relax back against your locker as Jackie goes on a predictable spiel about how difficult she's found it to get a new coach. 
You rub a comforting hand against Shauna’s back as she lets out an aggravated sigh. “I just don’t get why she’s still here.” She mutters angrily. You and Shauna are leaning up against her car watching Taissa Turner doing yet another update about the Ghostface case in front of the school, carefully applied makeup hiding the bruise on her face. Shauna had hit her a lot harder than she’d thought, to the point that even she had winced when she saw the bruise. Your girlfriend was feeling oddly guilty about the whole situation, given that most of her anger had come from how helpless she’d felt the night before.
“Don’t focus on that, Shauna.” You say. She gives you a slightly amused look.
“Should we talk about how Officer stalker is talking her up?” She asks. You sigh. Shauna, while appreciating Van on some level, was getting more and more fed up with how much she was driving by to check up on you. You found it pretty touching, and it did help you sleep better on some level. Van usually left you alone at school for a few hours given that they had another officer here to watch out for Ghostface, but she seemed to stop by more and more to see Tai.
“I think ‘Officer stalker’ has got some pretty good game, honestly.” You say, nudging Shauna. Tai’s finished her recording and seems to be laughing loudly at something that Van’s said, given by the smug look on her face. Shauna rolls her eyes but ultimately concedes the point. Shauna watches Tai for another long moment before pushing off of the car and walking towards her.
“Shauna!” You call out a little frantically, hurrying to fall into step with her.
“No, I know.” She says. “I just want to talk, promise.”
Judging by the look on Tai’s face as Shauna approaches she seems to have the same idea that you did. Tai tenses up like she's waiting for a fight, the easy going smile previously lighting up her face is gone in an instant. Shauna looks as broody as ever as she steps up to her.
“Do you really think Ben Scott is innocent?” She asks seriously. Tai looks surprised, glancing over at you and Van before slowly nodding. 
“You know I do, Shauna. I wouldn’t have defended him if I didn’t seriously believe in his innocence.” Tai says honestly, still tense and unsure. You can tell this interaction is really unsettling her.
“Tell me why?” Shauna asks quietly. Tai opens her mouth and then pauses to consider. You take this as your chance to leave, deciding that Shauna and Tai probably needed to have this conversation by themselves. You place a quick kiss against Shauna’s cheek before heading off into school. Van walks you to the door, but you can tell her heart isn’t in it as she keeps turning to glance back at Tai.
“You’ll get back to her in a second, Casanova.” You tease Van, shifting your bag on your shoulder. 
She gives you a slightly surprised look, but shakes her head. “Shauna already hit her once.” Van defends weakly. You shrug. She probably wouldn’t hit Tai again. Probably.
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sonntam · 1 year
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Chapter 1 of God of War "Lore and Legends": (part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Sometimes Father looks at me like I’m a stranger.
He frowns a little bit, and his eyes get dark. When he speaks, it’s usually just “Pass the goat butter, boy,” or something like that. If he ever smiled and asked, “How are you feeling today, Atreus?” I’d have to go check his hunting pouch for spotted mushrooms.
Actually, I have seen Father smile. But only when he’s sitting by the fire with Mother.
One night a few weeks ago they were discussing Leviathan’s balance and heft. The axe used to be hers, but she gave it to him a while ago. Of course, Father’s favorite topic of conversation is always weapons. But his eyes were so bright in the firelight, looking at her.
I could tell she means everything to him. Way more than me, that’s for sure.
Tonight is the best night of my life!
After dinner, Mother told me a bunch of amazing stories about Skaði, the great giant huntress. We talked about hunting for hours.
And then came the surprise!
She pulled something wrapped in oilskin from our weapon locker and told me to unroll it. I did and there it was — she finished the longbow! It’s beautiful! I helped her string it. She grabbed the bow and flexed it herself while I hooked the bowstring to each end.
I was so excited, I started to cough again. I don’t cough as much as I did when I was little, plus Mother has taught me how to breathe so I calm down. She taught me how to think about the animals I love.
Anyway, we’re going out to practice tomorrow, just Mother and me.
I’m so happy I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight.
I was right. I can’t sleep.
I can’t stop starting at my longbow. It looks like a flying bird. A hawk, maybe. When I nock an arrow, it’s a hawk with killer talon. I’ve decided to call it my Talon Bow.
What a day! I am sitting on my fvaorite old log in Wildwoods. Mother’s just down the path, refilling out water flask in the falls.
We’ve been on a practice hunt!
This morning, Father returned from another two-day trek just as we were heading out into the woods. He gave me a nod and hugged Mother. But when he saw the Talon Bow, his eyes got big.
“Very nice,” he said.
I handed it to him and slid an arrow out of my quiver. He notched it, pulled it to full draw, and sighted down the arrow’s shaft.
“Remarkable,” he said, squinting.
But he didn’t shoot. He just eased the string forward and returned the arrow to me. Then he gave Mother a look. He smiled… I think. It’s hard to tell with him.
Mother showed me how to set my feet in a direct line to the target… move them shoulder-width apart… nock the arrow and pull back with three fingers just below it… line up my eye behind the arrow’s spine… slowly let out my breath… relax and aim… shoot.
After an hour, I got pretty good at hitting trees. Hitting rabbits? Not so good. Mother is amazing, though. She never misses.
I wonder how she got so good with weapons.
Why do I still get sick? I don’t get it.
It makes me really mad. Like today, Father was glad to see I’m learning skills that matter to him, so he coiled thick straw into a round target so I could practice with my new bow. I wanted to impress him. My first shots were a little wild… I was nervous. But pretty soon I started hitting the bullseye.
As I drew another arrow, a black-trailed hare suddenly hopped out of a bush near the target! I raised quickly and swung left to aim ahead of him. But just before I released, I felt a weird pulse in my head.
It was the rabbit! I could hear it… like a voice, but not words.
He was really scared.
I felt bad, so I swung away… but the bowstring slipped from my fingers! The arrow shot straight across the yard toward Mother, who sat carving wooden utensils with her special knife. It hit the fence just above her. In that second of flight, I fell to the ground.
I wanted to bash in my own head, I felt so stupid. I could have killed the thing I loved the most! I started yelling at myself.
Masterpost with God of War "Lore and Legends" transcriptions.
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allthingsnerd01 · 2 years
5 STARS: A Must Watch If You Can!
Ok so I finished Dahmer a few days ago, and was eagerly waiting for Conversations with a Killer: the Jeffery Dahmer Tapes to drop. I started the first episode of that last night, but was to tired to continue lol
So Finally thoughts on Dahmer: Evan Peters did a PHENOMENAL job playing Jeff. After even seeing the first part of Conversations with a Killer, you see that even more. Jeff did feel a lot of guilt about what he did, and ended up confessing to everything, but I think that Peters did a great job of showing that as well. He put both a lot of emotion into a character, who struggled to show it and accurately portrayed with Dahmer felt during those moments.
As far as the accuracy of the show, I know a lot of things have come out the past few weeks criticizing the show for the discrepancy that the show had with the actual case. Honestly, don't know how much truth is to those since I don't have an all inclusive knowledge of the case, but that happens with dramatizations all the time so not really surprised there.
For the idea that the show idolizes Dahmer behavior, I don't necessarily think that is the case. I think that to accurately show Jeff’s story, you had to show all of what he was doing, as well as what was going on in his head, but does that mean that it was “idolizing” him? I personally do not believe so. I think the show did a good job not just showing Dahmer actions and feelings, but also showed the aftermath of what his actions did to the victims of the families. The last two episodes show the victims families, the neighbors, and Jeffs family struggling to deal with the aftermath of Jeffery’s behaviors which I think was a great thing to include (One thing that I didn't feel like the Ted Bundy movie accomplished or even remotely attempted).
As far as the show sparking sympathy for Jeff, I don’t necessarily think that but I could see what people are getting that. Jeff did express that he wanted to know why he was doing the things that he was doing, it was part of the reason why he had confessed to begin with. Jeff repeatedly has said it was like a compulsion that he couldn't control. It leads me to believe that he genuinely had a problem or some sort of condition that made it difficult for him to control. Does that mean that I sympathize his actions, no, do I believe the man needed help. Absolutely.
Overall, it you take Dahmer as simply a show, its great, if you take it as a documentary, its still pretty great. In the end, it is a Netflix show and they always have to add things for “show business” and to draw people in. You have to see the show through that light. It is terrifying, creepy, disturbing, and heartbreaking all at the same time. If you can stomach the show, if you can take the gore and the trauma of it all, it's a must watch.
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calculated, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Some people would call you far too serious. Some would call you stuck-up. And some would call you a bitch. But to freshman Jeon Jungkook, you’re the head Calculus I TA noona  – and he’s determined to fuck you.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; intense smut (fem reader, semi-public sex, pussy spanking, fingering, m-receiving oral, doggy, dirty talk); non-idol!AU - university!AU; dom!Jungkook x sub!noona!reader, ft instigator Jimin lol
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv
"I think Jungkook likes you."
The lead of your mechanical pencil snapped suddenly. Stupid soft graphite. You glared at it, annoyed, and brushed the broken piece away to complete the equation. 
"I think he's taking the afternoon class."
You double-checked the last question and handed him his homework back. "Jimin, you used the wrong equation, here and here."
Park Jimin frowned, face falling when he saw all your corrections. Being one of your parents' friends' kids, your parents and his parents naturally asked you to help him out when he entered the same university as you. You pretty much figured the likelihood of Jimin speaking to you was zero, since he was a dance major and you were a graphics design major. You shrugged and agreed.
Except you forgot you were also the head Calculus I TA and Calculus I was a required course for all students. And, turns out, Jimin wasn't that great at math. That's why you were sitting on cushions at your coffee table in your apartment with Park Jimin, watching a music program as you checked his homework.
Jimin began to look over your arrows and circles. You never actually gave him the answer. He usually ended up forgetting a step in the middle and thus fucked the answer. Usually he caught on easily once you pointed it out. 
You stared at the television screen, listening to the latest hit. Not bad. Catchy. 
"I think I should tell you because he's kind of reckless," Jimin was saying.
You placed a hand under your head and took a sip of your tea, distracted by the cute MC with the blue hair. He had a cute smile. It reminded you of a bunny.
"Jeon Jungkook," Jimin snapped impatiently.
You raised an eyebrow and faced Jimin. "Oi. I'm correcting your homework here. I could just correct it tomorrow and hand it back to you with red marks instead," you threatened.
He pouted at you, his full lower lip sticking out. "Sorry, noona."
You sighed. "Don't call me that. Makes me feel ancient." You turned your body so you faced him as he scowled at his homework. "Okay, okay, I'm listening now. What did you want to say?"
Jimin put his pencil down immediately and began to chat like an excited gossiping auntie. Round brown eyes getting rounder, glad for a break from his math homework. You didn't want to get him started, but he was going to nag you incessantly until you let him talk.
"I think he sits in the back?" Jimin pondered. "Dark longish hair, wears a lot of black. Looks scary when he's thinking because his eyes go really wide and he furrows his brows."
You twisted your mouth to the side and thought. You only attended the class when they had quizzes or exams because during lectures the professor didn't need your help. Mostly you remembered people by their personal scores or their handwriting, because you graded everything as the head TA. Looking at people's faces wasn't really necessary, unless you were looking for cheating. 
"Can't recall. I remember his handwriting though. Not bad," you said, shrugging. "I think he's pretty highly ranked at the moment."
"I think he likes you."
You scoffed. "How did you come to that consensus?"
Jimin tapped his temple sagely. "Intuition."
"If only you used that intuition on Calculus."
He frowned at you, pouting again. You let out a puff of air, conceding.
"What do you want me to do about it?"
Jimin scratched the back of his head. "Well, er... I'm just warning you."
"... Is he a serial killer or something?"
"No, no, no!" Jimin waved his hands on the air hurriedly. "He's really nice. But he can be kind of, uh... forward."
"How old is he?" you asked, glancing at the television for a moment as you took another long sip of your tea.
"Two years younger than me."
You choked. 
"What?" you squeaked between coughs. Jimin hurried over and patted your back as you struggled, becoming pink in the face. "The fuck? Tell him to find someone his own age."
"I did!" Jimin whined. "But he's stubborn."
You rolled your eyes. "You're warning me that I have to break a poor freshman's heart?"
"Kind of."
You rubbed your throat. "Hmph. Darn whippersnappers these days."
Jimin smacked your arm, laughing. "I thought you weren't ancient?"
"I am now knowing some kid is fantasizing about their fucking Calculus TA."
You had said your comment sarcastically. You fully expected Jimin to make some joke, but he froze up a little. You looked over to him. He looked somewhat guilty, like a lost puppy who got caught stealing food. You sighed and patted his back.
"Don't worry, I won't chew your friend's heart out. Finish your homework, so I don't drop you off too late. You have practice in the morning, yeah?"
"Y-yeah, thanks."
Forward, huh?
An understatement. 
You were sitting in one of the math department offices, laptop open, your drawing tablet in your lap, thinking. The conversation with Jimin happened about two days ago. In that time, you hadn't attended either morning or afternoon class yet, since it was only lectures. Not that it mattered, because lecture halls were massive. If this Jungkook kid sat in the back, then you probably wouldn't be able to see him anyway. At the moment, however, you were preoccupied with your assignment, to design a logo. Logo designing was difficult, especially since a school assignment didn't exactly have a real client attached to it to ask questions. 
Technically these were Calculus I office hours, but who attended office hours? Nobody.
Who attended any type of calculus office hours?
Yeah, exactly. 
You spent the time doing homework with the door open. You were the only TA that actually showed up for the office hours. Every other TA said it was a waste of time. It was. You still came through; in the off chance some poor kid decided her grade mattered. You felt bad since the actual professor wasn't very patient when people needed extra help. Also, technically you were the head TA, so you did have a bit more responsibility than the others.
Your black boots were perched on the desk as you sat back in your office chair, sketching a few ideas. If a member of the math department saw you, you would probably get in trouble. Thankfully, the math department was usually deserted. Math wasn't exactly the most social subject. 
You took a sip of your tea from your thermos, tapping your tablet pen on your black jean-covered thigh. 
"You look even better close-up, noona."
A clear, silvery, male voice cut through the silence. The voice came from the doorframe right in front of the desk. You frowned, slowly lifting your head from your tablet. How had you not heard him? Were you really that focused on your assignment?
Chucky black sneakers. Black cargo pants, slim fit. Distressed black sweater, hands casually in his pockets. Broad shoulders. Lightly tanned skin. Sharp jawline. A tiny mole under a mischievous smile. Your eyes narrowed as you made eye contact with those sparkling dark brown orbs. Long hair slicked back, with only a few wispy strands on his forehead. 
"Calculus I question?" was your response. 
His smile quirked a little higher. The young man didn't have a backpack with him. Didn't even have a piece of paper stuck under his arm. Wasn't even trying to pretend that he needed help.
"I have questions."
He didn't elaborate. You lowered your legs, placing your tablet on your laptop. 
"This is Calculus I office hours. For calculus questions only."
His eyes flickered to your laptop and tablet. Back to you. 
"Is this what the TAs should be doing during office hours?"
Suddenly, you could feel your pulse in your ears. Point taken.
"What do you want?"
He slid into the chair across from the desk, hands still in his pockets. Watching you carefully, still smiling thoughtfully. It should have been unnerving, but there was no malice in that smile. Maybe you were imagining it though, so you kept your guard up. 
"I'm Jeon Jungkook."
Yeah, I guessed, you thought wryly. "And my name is on the syllabus. What do you want?"
He tilted his head at you, studying your face. 
"How do you know Jimin-ssi?"
Isn't Jimin older than you, punk? "Our parents are friends."
He nodded slowly. He looked around the windowless office, at the three papers tacked to the wall – outdated notices – to the still open door, to the desk with your laptop, tablet, and backpack. Then to you, sitting back in the black office chair, eyebrow raised, hands half-in the sleeves of your gray flannel, cropped black sweater underneath. 
"I think you're beautiful, noona."
Your brain winced at the compliment and your hormones looked up from the abyss. Your brain scolded them to go back to their hidey-hole. You clicked your tongue. 
"I'm too old for you."
There was an ever-so-slight tick of his head. His eyes shifted downward and then flicked back up to you, almost shyly, if it wasn't for the small smirk dancing on his lips. 
"We both know such a mindset is outdated."
You felt your breath catch in your throat. The fuck? Your hormones peeked out again. Your brain was too distracted with trying to find a comeback to tell them to fuck off. You figured you better cut this off right now before it went too far. 
"This whole conversation is inappropriate," you said evenly, standing up from the chair and rolling it back. You walked around the desk and stood in front of it, balancing your ass against it. You crossed your arms over your breasts. "You should leave."
He slowly, slowly gazed up at you. Why did he look so satisfied? Your heart did a little three beat skip. Stop it. Keep it together. Jungkook got to his feet, hands still in his pockets. Then he pulled them out and pushed his sleeves up.
Tattoos ran up his right arm, the beginnings of a sleeve. Ink black against light tan, flexed muscle. He was not a skinny pretty boy. You were so busy staring at his arms that you barely registered him placing them casually on either side of you, face right next to yours. Now you were staring down at his broad chest, at his black distressed sweater.
"Excuse me?" you snapped testily, lifting your head to look into his smug eyes. 
"I won't touch you," Jungkook murmured quietly. "Unless you ask me to."
This punk ass bitch.
You narrowed your eyes. "What makes you think I would?"
That small teasing smile came back. 
"Well, for one, you haven't actually told me you have absolutely no interest yet."
Your hormones prodded you excitedly. Your brain told them to shut up. Your eyes moved to the open door behind his head, looking into the empty hall, trying to keep a balanced, even tone. It came out a little sharper than you intended.
"Door's wide open."
"Embarrassed to be seen with me?" Jungkook purred, breath on your cheek. 
You tried not to react even though your hormones were fucking losing it. "What about you?" you shot back sharply. 
You heard Jungkook chuckle. "Fuck no I'm not." Your heart jerked heading the crude word come out so daintily and casually from his lips. "I want to be seen with you. All the time. In every position." 
You finally tore your eyes from the open door to give him the side-eye. "Real big words there."
Jungkook smirked. "I'm giving you a chance to tell me no. It's taking everything in me not to bend you over this desk right now and fuck your brains out."
You sucked in a breath. Accidentally. Not on purpose. There's absolutely no way Jungkook would have noticed unless he was literally right next to you. Which he was. Shit. He leaned in closer, still not actually touching you. 
"You like that idea?" he breathed, the lust evident in his voice, not even trying to hide it. 
"I am not some easy bitch at the club, Jungkook. This is the fucking math department," you scolded, eye-level to the base of his neck, wanting very badly to make out with it.
Now it was his turn to inhale sharply. He pulled his head back, and now you were face-to-face with those dark, dark eyes, falling, falling, your body screaming at you to do more. And still you didn’t, torn between reason and instinct.
"I'm so pissed," he growled, breath against your lips. "That the first time I hear you say my name, I wasn't watching your pretty lips form it."
Those few strands brushed against his exposed forehead, framing his furrowed brow and those intense dark brown eyes, making you breathless, telling you that you should, even though the last shreds of reason were telling you, do not, do not, do not give in to Jeon Jungkook. 
"It's the middle of the damn day," you murmured.
"And you make me horny every second of every day," he groaned, so close now that his nose almost touched yours. "With your stem stare, your assertive stride, your well-spoken words, and your beautiful body that demands to be kissed, loved, fucked." He panted, shoulders shaking. "God, I want you under me so bad. You have no idea, noona."
Resolve? Hello, where are you?
You raised an eyebrow. "You think you're enough for me?"
His dark eyes gleamed. 
"I know I am."
Your eyes flickered to the open door, the vacant hall, feeling Jungkook's body heat hovering so close, so close to you, and then you shifted your eyes back to him. Your brain was screaming at you and your hormones bonked your brain silent. The words at the tip of your tongue came tumbling out, nothing to hold them back anymore. 
"Let's see."
And then you kissed him.
Jungkook’s reaction was immediate, his large hands leaving the desk, grabbing your waist, ramming his crotch into you. You gasped against his soft lips and he slid his tongue inside, playing with yours, moaning, kissing you hungrily. His fingers pressed into you through your clothes, strong, tight, unforgiving. Your eyes flew open, surprised at his eagerness. He retreated his tongue and nipped at your lower lip, sucking on it lightly. You shivered, feeling him lift you onto the desk, pushing your legs open with his hips, grinding against you. He kissed down your chin, lifting your head impatiently, moaning against your skin. Every gentle kiss a jolt to your system, contrasting with his rough hands kneading your waist, pulling you close against his firm body, the fucking desk cutting into your thighs, eyelids fluttering.
There was movement at the door.
You froze.
Jungkook’s lips latched onto your neck, sucking sharply. You choked back a wanton moan, seeing a familiar face. A familiar, plump smile with cute, lovely eyes. He waved a small hand at you and reached for the doorknob, locking it from the inside before winking at you and closing the door silently.
Park fucking Jimin.
That bas–
Your thought was sharply cut off by Jungkook nipping at your throat, hissing as he rolled his hips into your thigh, a distinct bulge pressing into you. He yanked down the front of your sweater, sucking on the space right between your collarbones. You whimpered and shuddered, wrapping a leg around his waist and hooking him towards you, hands finally leaving your chest and grabbing his, fingers getting caught in the holes of his sweater.
“Fuck,” he growled. “I’m so fucking hard already because you’re so fucking hot.”
You caught yourself against the desk, elbow slamming onto the wood. You winced. “I haven’t done shit,” you said, surprised to feel your lips slightly swollen.
Jungkook grinned. “You don’t have to. Just you below me is enough.”
You glared at him and he bent over the desk, grabbing the back of your head, pushing your face to his, kissing you again, stealing your breath. It was the perfect mix of force and desperation, leaving you yielding, back arching as he sucked on your tongue, bobbing his head up and down slightly to pull on it. You tried not to make noise – everything was already too noisy anyway – only crying out softly when he let you go. Now you were on your elbows with Jungkook towering over you, licking his lips, the spare strands now stuck to his exposed forehead. His eyes roamed over your body before landing back on your face. You gave him your best questioning look.
He chuckled darkly. “I want to rip all your clothes off, but something tells me you will be upset with me.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Because this is still the middle of the math department, let me remind you, Jungkook.” You huffed. “I don’t live here. Don’t get crazy.”
He grinned, leaning forward. “Say my name again, noona. God, let me watch your delicious lips speak my fucking name.”
You raised your eyebrows. Then you felt his hands on your jeans, undoing the button, making you jump. The zipper going down, down. He yanked at the seam, digging it into your already wet pussy, shoving your panties into your slit.
“A-ah, Jungkook…”
Oh fuck. That sounded kind of pathetic.
He bit his lower lip, and yanked again.
“J-Jungkook, ah…” Your eyelids fluttered, trying to keep your strict demeanor.
“Fuck,” he hissed, firmly gripping the waistband of your jeans and pulling them down your ass, half-dragging your panties down. “You like that, noona? Do you want me to be rough with you?”
You prayed to the higher power that he would just take the damn hint and not make you say it. But Jungkook was dragging your panties back up, the thin black fabric being sucked into your folds and ass as he pulled them far too high. You gasped, trying not to look down, trying not to look at his face. But he grabbed your chin, dragging you back to him, making you open your glazed eyes, making you see his excited expression.
“Look at me, noona.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Jungkook held the front of your panties and pulled, hard. You had to choke back a moan, the fabric nearly ripping, rubbing harshly against your clit. You felt the squelch of you getting wetter, hearing it clearly as he yanked at it, stimulating your clit.
“Tell me you don’t like it, noona,” Jungkook whispered hotly, letting go of your chin. “Tell me and I’ll stop.”
You spread your legs involuntarily, trying very hard not to make a fucking sound, but it was already obvious by your fists clenched against the desk, your widespread legs, and your pussy lips practically sucking your panties in, so much so that they nearly disappeared into you.
Jungkook snuck a glance down, gasping softly at your glistening pussy being tortured by your panties. He dropped to his knees and you had only one second to be confused before Jungkook’s tongue licked up your slit. You had to slap a hand over your mouth to avoid crying out, leaving your sounds limited to muffled whimpers as he lapped at your juices, groaning into you. Your entire lower body vibrated as he teased your covered clit, smushing the fabric into your deeper, rougher. Your hips strained, trying to hump his face but only digging your panties into you harder.
You removed your hand from your face, biting on your tongue to regain some semblance of thought so you fucking talk.
“T-take it off…” you gasped. You looked down, seeing his mischievous eyes above your quivering mound, licking his lips slowly, pink tongue tracing the contours of his mouth.
Jungkook raised his hand.
This time you had to actually shove to knuckles into your mouth and mute your squeal as pain radiated through you, your pussy stinging. He slapped you again, right on your clit, hard, making your throw your head back and nearly hit the desk, hips raising to meet him. Oh, God. He pressed his finger against your aching clit, rubbing hard, standing up to bend over you, an impossibly strong presence as he pleasured you.
“Say it, noona,” he breathed. “Tell me you like getting your pussy spanked.”
He was rubbing your clit so hard that you felt your hips raise into it, eyes rolling back into your head.
“Say it or I’ll stop,” he warned menacingly, voice so low it ripped through you.
You tore your knuckles out of your mouth. “Don’t stop, please, fuck, Jungkook, I love it when you spank my clit, fuck, please, fuck.” The words came jumbling out in a rushed, half-panicked whisper, cut off by your sharp gasp as your orgasm clawed into you. You felt Jungkook slap his free hand over your mouth, shutting off your wail as your throbbed into his hand, turning into helpless whines as he spanked your clit hard and fast, accentuating your high with waves of sudden, aching pain. You pushed his hand away, pressing your head against the desk, gasping.
“Harder, please, Jungkook, harder.”
He was staring at your fucked-out face, massaging your throbbing pussy with his palm, coating his fingers with your cum. Your voice a thin moan, hips rutting into him.
“Believe me, I want to,” he snarled. “I want to so fucking bad, noona, but we’re already loud enough and you’re making a fucking mess.”
He pulled your panties down, nearly useless at this point and roughly shoved two fingers into you. You gasped, tongue lolling out and he took the chance to put two fingers of his free hand into your mouth, rubbing your wet tongue. You could feel every joint, the calluses of his fingertips as he thrust them into you, slopping, wet sounds accompanying his movements.
“Fuck, look at you, noona, sucking in my fingers, letting me fuck your mouth,” Jungkook murmured, centimeters away from your face. “I haven’t even fucked you with my cock yet and you’re already taking me so well.”
If you could think, you probably would have a snappy response, but Jungkook was stuffing his fingers into your mouth and scissoring the others inside your pussy, driving you insane. You made eye contact with Jungkook, him and his blown-out pupils, his lips trembling as he rammed his fingers into your holes faster, harder, sliding you up the wooden desk. Something inside you snapped and you squeezed your eyes shut, your body shaking as you came again, trying to yell, but unable to because Jungkook shoved his fingers into your throat, making you almost choke if it wasn’t for your own expertise. An embarrassing amount of liquid poured down his hand and wrist, dripping down your thighs. You clamped your legs shut, burying his hand, hips jerking as the aftershocks rippled through you.
You heard Jungkook swallow loudly, jaw tight. He slowly pulled his fingers out of both holes, strings of bodily fluid following him as he did so. Your shaking knees were barely holding your lower body up, jeans constricting your calves and your upper body way too fucking hot.
You laid back on the wood, trying to catch your breath. Was it a fucking cliché? Probably. You felt Jungkook lift himself off the desk and you closed your eyes, chest heaving. Of course. He was just going to leave you like this, tearing your secret out of you and then leaving to boast about how he turned the head Calculus I TA into a helpless, submissive puddle of goo without even actually fucking you. Why did you even bother–
You suddenly felt the desk creak and snapped your eyes open to Jungkook climbing onto it, straddling your chest, unzipping his pants right in front of your face. His slicked hair was becoming unfurled now, more and more dark strands falling down around his ears. His brow furrowed, eyes so wide and focused you weren’t even sure he was actually looking at you.
He reached in his black boxer briefs impatiently and pulled out his thick, leaking cock. Your eyes widened and his found yours, glittering with arousal. A smear of pre-cum grazed your cheek as he adjusted his position to push the red, bulbous tip against your lips.
“I want to fuck you, noona, but you have to clean me up,” Jungkook breathed, gently asking you but also trying to greedily push his dick into your mouth.
You could say something, but somehow you concluded you were going to be muffled anyway, so you opened your mouth, tongue snaking out and licking the head. Flat, wide, and all over, coating your tongue with his pre-cum, moaning at his taste. Jungkook sunk his teeth into his lower lip, hissing softly as he spread his legs even more, lowering himself slowly into your mouth. You licked around his cock before closing your lips and sucking, growing wet as he thrust his hips into your mouth, slow and steady, eyes closed. You reached up to hold onto his thighs, whimpering as you felt his muscular quads through his pants. He opened his eyes and looked down at you, sliding his cock in a little deeper, hitting the back of your throat.
“Fuck, noona, so fucking sexy, taking my cock like that,” he groaned, reaching down and pushing your hair out of your eyes. His dark hair hung down, framing his face in shadow, making your pussy throb at the image. “Makes me want to fill all your holes up, makes me want to coat you with my cum and see you covered in it, messy and dirty with me.”
You couldn’t say anything so you just whined, nails digging into his covered thighs.
“You want that?” His voice dropped several octaves again. Your skin prickled hotly with every word. “You want me to jack off all over you and leave you a mess covered with my cum?”
You squeezed your thighs together, desperate for friction, now moving your head to suck harder, rubbing the tip fiercely against the back of your throat.
“F-fuck,” he gritted out. He tapped your hand hurriedly, eyelids fluttering. “S-stop, stop.” You whimpered, sadly looking up at him. He chuckled, rubbing your knuckles soothingly.
Look here you little shit, you can’t say all that dirty stuff and not expect me to be horny, your eyes were telling him.
“I know, I know,” he purred. “But I want to fuck your pussy and office hours are almost over…”
You glowered at him, but reluctantly unhinged your jaw, opening your lips. He slid out, gasping, hitting you in the chin and getting the front of your sweater wet.
“You’re a jerk,” you muttered as he climbed off you.
Jungkook chuckled. “Sorry, noona.”
You shook your hair and reached into your backpack, pulling out a condom, only to turn around and see Jungkook pulling one out of his back pocket.
“Oh.” You blinked at him. “You’re prepared.”
Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows. “I knew what I was coming for.”
A muscle in your brow twitched as he tucked his tongue in his cheek, grinning widely at you as he ripped it open and slid it on slowly, rolling it down his thick cock. His voice changed, dipping raspy and low.
“Turn around.”
Part of you wanted to fight, but then you spied the time. You rolled onto your stomach, sighing exaggeratedly as your legs tangled a bit in your jeans. You felt Jungkook’s presence behind you as he bent over your back, hand sliding over your lips and covering your mouth.
“Sigh all you want, noona,” he growled, chuckling as you shivered. “Just don’t scream when I’m fucking you.”
Your eyes widened as you felt the head press against your puffy pussy lips, pushing in forcefully, expanding your tight little hole as his cock entered you, his moan against your ear, your name dripping with lust. Both of you still mostly clothed, but his cock sliding deep, deep inside you, his teeth on your earlobe. Your walls throbbed around him, squeezing him. He gasped, jutting his hips experimentally into you. A stifled moan sneaked past his fingers, your tongue licking them lightly.
“That’s it,” he breathed. “Nice and tight for me, bent over this desk.” He nipped at your ear, whispering softly as he began to fuck you. “What if someone hears you, whimpering for my cock, begging to be fucked?”
Your hands clenched into fists, eyes fluttering shut, feeling him pound you into the wood, deep and slow and far too perfect.
“Noona, what if someone sees you?” His voice like smoke, invading all your thoughts, threatening your dreams, cursing you with the feeling of his lips on your ear and his hips pounding your ass. “Proper, harsh, strict noona turning into a slut for this cock, bent over this desk and humping my hips so you can get this dick deeper inside you?”
You squeezed your eyes shut and wiggled your ass against his cock. He thrust his hips harder into you, jerking you forcefully upwards, your thighs smacking against the desk. Light flickered in front of your closed eyelids and you opened them, seeing your phone screen glaring at you. A message from Jimin. Finish already! You struggled to say his name and Jungkook lifted his hand for a moment to hear your shaking breath.
“Jungkook,” you panted. “Time.”
He covered your mouth again. “You’re right,” he grunted, rolling his hips into you, biting back his moans as you clenched around him. The wet, slapping sounds became louder as he changed his angle, fucking you roughly into the table. It pushed your hips up and you clung onto the edge of the desk, moaning around his hand, tongue pressed flat against his palm as he fucked you with reckless abandon, beating a damn indent of the edge of the desk into your thighs. The dull ache was going to lead to a bruise, but you didn’t care, pushing your hips back to meet him. A choked wail vibrated in your throat as you came again, whole body lurching as he sunk his teeth into your clothed shoulder, groaning as he came inside you, cock twitching and throbbing against your walls. You felt the condom expand, matched with Jungkook’s hiss as he pumped into you. You pulsed your pussy around him and he detached his mouth, whispering your name against your ear.
“You’re dirty, noona,” he rasped, the words so breathless they made you shiver. “I love it.”
You shakily reached up and peeled his hand from your mouth, gasping as he straightened to hold the condom and pull out of you. Fuck. Oh fuck. You scrambled for your phone, seeing Jimin’s text.
You better rush outta there, noona.
You heard the wet, peeling sound of Jungkook pulling the used condom off gingerly. You turned around, hissing at Jungkook before he threw it in the trash.
“Are you crazy?” you muttered, snatching it from him. “Someone will see.”
Jungkook blinked at you. “What else do I do with it?”
You glared at him and tied it up, grabbing some tissues and wrapping it inside. Then you shoved it in your backpack, along with your laptop, your tablet, the spare condom, and reaching over the desk to unplug your laptop’s AC adaptor so you could shove that in your bag too.
“Fuck, your ass is so sexy,” Jungkook marveled behind you.
“Jungkook, we have to get the fuck out of here, so pack your damn dick,” you ordered, yanking your jeans up. Squelch. You sucked in your lower lip in at the cold, uncomfortable sensation of your soaked panties. You zipped your bag and checked around the desk to make sure you took everything. You grabbed your phone and shoved it in your back pocket, turning around to see Jungkook rezipping his pants. Thank God. You might have been tempted if he hadn’t listened to you. Then you remembered the two bits of condom wrapping on the floor and picked those up too, shoving them in your other pocket.
Jungkook smirked at you. “So thorough, noona.”
You scowled at him. Maybe he hadn’t been in this situation before, but you sure as hell have.
“Stay here for twenty seconds and then leave.”
Jungkook pouted at you. You felt your heart skip a beat.
“But I don’t even have your number.”
You rolled your eyes. “Ask Jimin. You two are in cahoots anyway.” You popped your head out, looking around. No one. You popped your head back in. “Also, you owe me new panties the next time I see your smug little face, you punk,” you added, tone irate.
He smirked at you; his long dark hair wispy around his playful eyes.
You gave him one last look before you tore your eyes away, rushing through every back stairway to get the hell out of there before someone could realize you just fucked a freshman during office hours, your slopping, torn-up panties reminding you with every step that you really needed Jeon Jungkook to fuck you again.
part ii
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frankiekatt · 3 years
Wowy hii, saw that you're writing for slasher, so here I am!
Can I plz have some hcs about any slashers with s/o, but their s/o is a literal gremlin, like they're not serious at all, always joking and annoying people around, but sometimes might be quite soft and quiet.
Thank you and have a nice day! ❤️
This was fun to write lmao
Warnings: Sexual harassment, NSFW, murder, blood, canabilism
Characters: Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Billy Lenz, Stu Macher, Michal Myers
Slashers With An S/O That Never Takes Anything Seriously:
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas is a little overwhelmed by your personality at first.
He’s a quiet and reserved man who’s never had any kind of friends, so goofiness and jokes can make him feel uneasy at first.
But!! He gets used to everything very quickly!!!
Thomas loves everything about you and he finds you to be incredibly charming.
He can get a little anxious when he sees you annoying Hoyt because he doesn’t want his uncle to do anything bad to you in irritation/retaliation.
Your jokes are always a stress reliever for him, since he spends most of his days in a dark basement, surrounded by blood and gore. Your humor just shines a little bit of light on his day, and he loves you for that!
While Luda Mae and Hoyt might not like the fact that you never take anything seriously, Thomas finds it relieving. At the beginning of your relationship, Thomas was terrified of losing you because he thought you would be terrified of all screams, murder, and cannabilism, but he was pleasantly surprised to see that you didn’t pay much mind to it.
Thomas’ family mostly saw you as a clown, but Thomas could only ever look at you as the brightest ray of sunshine that has ever graced his life.
After all, he was the only one that saw your softer side.
Your soft and quiet side mostly shone through during the evening. Something about the sunset and cicada chirping calmed your heart.
You would often take Thomas by the hand and lead him outside to sit on the front porch with you, so the two of you could cuddle and watch the sunset together.
Thomas was always so used to your voice, because you loved to talk about anything and everything, so your temporary quiet nature was new, yet comforting.
During these moments, there didn’t need to be any talking between the two of you. You deep emotional bond allowed you both to communicate through actions.
You would lay your head on Thomas shoulder, stroking his chest, and Thomas would wrap his big arms around your smaller frame, resting his masked cheek against the top of your head.
This was Thomas’ way of saying, “I love you, you’re the best thing in my life,” and your way of saying “I could never live without you.”
Bo Sinclair:
You’re gonna annoy the fuck out of this boy
Sometimes you both wonder how the two of you even got together, but the nights you and Bo spent pleasuring each other, going round after round, reminded you both how. (Your both just sexy okay its that simple)
Bo was a serious guy, so he was a little miffed that he was always the one having to take the lead in everything since you just couldn’t stop making a joke out of everything.
Sometimes you would actually make him really irritated due to your tendency to irk people endlessly, so he would have to step away to cool off and blow off some steam.
Sometimes he would yell at you in anger, which always made him feel like shit after, so he tended to stalk off to his shop to calm down before speaking to you.
You would have to go see him a couple hours later to wrap your arms around him from behind and shyly apologize to him.
He favored these moments the most.
Your voice quieter than usual, focusing on just him, touching him gently.
He would always accept your apologies, of course, and would let you know by kissing your lips softly.
Bo liked to take advantage of your softer side by lifting you up by your waist and setting you on the hood of whatever car he had been working on and kissing down your neck.
As revenge, Bo liked to draw out his teasing as long as possible. Kissing down your neck, chest, stomach, massaging your pussy through your skirt, palming your breast roughly.
It gets to a point where you just have to tell him, “Bo, I need you to fuck me.”
And he would oblige.
He would take you right then and there, on the hood of the car.
The metal beneath you was always shockingly cold, making you shiver against Bo’s chest.
“You cold, Darlin,” Bo would ask teasingly as he pulled your panties off. “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you right up.”
He would spend hours licking your pretty pink pussy if he could. He licks and sucks and kisses your most intimate part until you're shaking and crying above him, begging him to fuck you sensless.
After he’s satisfied with your helplessness, he’ll lean back up and ram himself inside of you. There have been many nights where he has taken you gently and slowly in his garage, holding your hand with every thrust, kissing your sweet lips to quiet your whimpers, but tonight was different. There was a primal need shared between you two. Bo wanted to let his frustrations on through loving you, and you wanted to be taken hard and fast.
When the two of you are done, you lounge around inside the car to catch your breath, holding hands. Everything seems so perfect.
“Hey, Bo? What did the toaster say to the slice of bread?”
“I want you inside me! Eh ha ha..”
Lester Sinclair:
You like constantly joking and never taking things seriously? He does too!!
Lester would find you absolutely hilarious. Every joke you cracked would have him doubling over in laughter. Which would make you double over in laughter. Which would make Lester laugh harder, because now you both have the giggles and both of your laughs are just too infectious.
Everytime the two of you would go to Ambrose to visit his brothers, you guys would annoy the hell out of Bo and Vincent. Bo just wants to be left alone to work in his shop but instead he’s stuck listening to you tell a 40 minutes story about how you burnt dinner last night.
And Vincent just wants to be left alone to paint and sculpt but instead he’s here listening to Lester crack jokes that are a.) not funny and b.) don’t make any sense. -_-
Your and Lester’s trailer is always filled with so much love and laughter and the two of you could not be any happier.
You both have your own soft and quiet moments that hit at random times.
Sometimes it happens when the two of you are play fighting in the living room, howling with laughter. You both fall to the floor, wrestling and giggling until the both of you run out of breath and just gaze at each other as you lay on the carpet.
“You look so cute,” he giggles.
“No, YOU look so cute!”
“W-well!!! I love you!!”
“Uhm...well...I love you MORE.”
And it just turns into an argument about who adores the other more.
Billy Lenz (1974):
The perfect couple.
The two of you are always joking around, cackling and goofing about every little thing.
Billy has finally found his soulmate and he could not be happier.
He two of you prank the sorority girls together, making sex sounds in unison to sound even more vulgar.
Everytime you crack a joke, you get worried Billy is joking because of how hard he’s laughing.
“Umm Billy you okay? It wasn’t even that funny.”
“HA haha...piggy makes me laugh...Billy loves your jokes.”
Needless to say, your relationship is filled with smiles, laughter, and praise.
Billy will tell you you’re the funniest person he’s ever met and he wants to keep you forever.
You tell Billy you love how much he laughs at your antics and that you can’t live without him.
It’s impossible to annoy Billy. It’s just not feasible.
Any time you try, he’ll just giggle and pat your head, telling you you’re his ‘favorite piggy ever.’
He LOVES when you annoy the sorority girls thoug!
Hearing you moan and squeal and speak so sexily vulgarly to Barb and Jess makes Billy so proud. And horny.
Almost all of your sexual encounters are filled with complete silliness.
Sometimes, however, the joking and cackling subside. The two of you will just be chilling, nothing else to do, and you just feel the need to profess your love for your boyfriend.
“I love you so much Billy.”
Billy will look startled at your sudden outburst, before he breaks out in a huge grin, launching across the room to tackle you into a hug.
“Billy loves you too! Billy loves you more than anything!!!”
Now the rest of your day will be spent in Billy’s arms, whispering sweet nothings to each other.
Stu Macher:
Match made in Heaven!
Stu loves to joke around.
He hardly ever takes anything seriously.
He annoys everyone.
And once he meets you? It's love at first sight.
The two of you are always in detention because you guys just cannot shut up in class. You are always disrupting something.
But you know what that means!
Detention dates <3
As long as the two of you together, Stu couldn't care less about where he was.
He and Billy appreciate your habit of not taking anything seriously because once the murders start occuring, you don't think too much about it, never asking questions or arousing suspicion around your boyfriend and his bestie.
When Billy had told Stu his plan to kill Sydney, and asked him if he was going to kill you as well, Stu’s heart sank.
He remembers when he was dating Tatum, just a few months ago, before he broke up with her for you, he had no qualms about killing her,
But you?
He loved you. You were his other half. The one person who understood him, who accepted him. He could never hurt you.
“Nah dude. I’m leaving her out of this.”
That night, he sneaks through your bedroom window to see you.
“Stu! (where the hell have you been loca) What’re you doing here?”
The sparkling smile you flash at him and the love swimming in your big, beautiful eyes makes him feel even guitler.
He feels bad that you’re dating a serial killer. He thinks you deserve better, but he would never let you go.
“Hey babe! I just missed you!”
You rushed over to him, dressed in kitty cat pajamas, and hugged him tight. He had only snuck through your bedroom window a couple of times before, and they had all been planned. Seeing him in your room as a surprise made your heart burst with happiness.
Stu led you to your bed and pulled you up onto his chest to cuddle you. It was late, and the both of you were tired. Stu just wanted to lay with you in silence, appreciating your presence.
You didn’t feel like releasing your usual high energy at the moment. Right now, you just wanted to fall asleep on your boyfriend’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
Michael Myers:
Michael does not appreciate your antics.
Annoying him is easy, but you would never know that.
He keeps his emotions very private, so when he is annoyed he’ll just stalk away from you.
He does not think you’re funny :(
He does enjoy your quiet moments. He likes to come home when your energy is low.
He’s usually covered in blood when this happens, so you clean him up without cracking a joke which he appreciates.
You’ll turn on a movie for the both of you, and Michael lets you cuddle up with him.
He does like you, he just doesn’t want you to know that...
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astoryisaloveaffair · 3 years
Verses - A Triple Frontier Rock Band!AU
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Pairing: Triple Frontier boys x fem!Reader (Will Miller x Benny Miller x Santiago Pope Garcia x Frankie Morales x fem!Reader)
*reader is weight and ethnicity neutral despite moodboard
Rated: M
Words: 2400
Warnings: Polyamorous vibes, cussing, misogyny, consumption of alcohol
A/N: HELLO! Remember when ONE DAY AGO I said I would be taking a hiatus?? And now I’m posting??? Welcome to my brain. I’d actually written this up before I posted Howl based off of a discussion I had with my sis @leannawithacapitala and then I abruptly switched fics to push Howl out by Halloween. This little one shot is scooting forward in our Band’s timeline story here a bit, so this will be an out of order universe. I hope you enjoy! I do plan on making little one shots on how Animal fell for each guy and vice versa! And the consequences of this one 😏
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“Fuck! What a show!” Santiago exclaims as he kicks the door to the back lounge room open. He throws himself immediately onto the purple plush velvet couch, feet up on the coffee table. The rest of the guys filter in with you bringing up the rear.
You’re nervous. You still were nervous, even though you’ve been playing with them for a couple months now. You’d only had a few months to get in the rhythm with the group, and it was a huge relief to you that Santiago, the most critical of all of them, was pleased with the performance.
You choose to sit down next to Frankie. You’d connected with him the fastest and felt the most comfortable with him. Perhaps it was his soft and observant nature, or that he was always in direct eyeline of you on stage, but there was a strong bond there. There has to be, for a bassist and a drummer.
Frankie’s legs are spread wide and his lower thigh and knee brush up against yours, the hard black denim against your fishnet stockinged leg drawing out goosebumps on your skin. He turns slightly to you, his arm thrown over the back of the couch behind you. You don’t notice how his hands are twitching, opening and clenching in a fist with the indecision of whether to cup you around your shoulders. “You did amazing, Animal. Fucking perfect!”
You let out a huge shuddering breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. “Oh, thank god! I’m so glad to hear that. I’ve been so fucking nervous.”
Benny smirks. “Nervous about what? You know you got the talent, come on.”
“Not about my playing, just what you guys all think. I want to make sure we are a good fit. Cause, I dunno, I like you guys. This is the best vibe I’ve ever gotten from an all-male band.”
It was true, and not just in a business sense. You’d been spending almost all of your time with them, sometimes even crashing at Santiago’s place with everyone else because you’d been too exhausted to drive home. You bite your lip when you recall one particular evening you’d awoken with a killer hangover only to realize you were nestled in between Frankie and Benny, both their arms flung over your waist, head tucked into the crook of Frankie’s arm, Benny cuddled up behind you. Or the time practice had devolved into an argument over who the best rapper of the 2000s was, and you had ended up grinding your ass against Will to Jay-Z. Or the way Santiago looked at you when he discovered your beautiful voice, insisting you join Benny in backup vocals despite your shyness about it.
You’d been in bands before with all men. It was rare that you felt so comfortable. You’d almost given up on them entirely, but you had been so desperate to play when you answered their casting call. Usually, you were either an object or ostracized, it was made very clear that you were ‘Female’ and they weren’t. You didn’t want to be looked at that way. Well, you didn’t mind being seen as attractive, but you wanted to be included, in a non-sexual way. Valued. Appreciated. Viewed as an equal member and not pushed to the side under the guise of, “‘Just the guys tonight sweetheart.” No sexual comments behind your back, no lewd facial expressions, no feeling uncomfortable stuck together in a tiny tour bus.
But you couldn’t deny that you were developing feelings for them...all of them, even though you knew how complicated catching feelings could make things. It was the little touches, the easygoing flirting, and eye-fucking while you were playing together that for some reason, coming from them, was not creepy or unwelcome.
It wasn’t like that with them, and you couldn't help but preen at all of their attention. But...they were your friends. It jars you for a moment when you realize that they are actually your friends, people you enjoy spending time with that you would still seek their companionship beyond the role of the band. They treat you with respect, they appreciate and value you and your skill, they want you included in hangouts and bar crawls, they actually...like you. Like your personality. Which is...rare.
You know you’re a prickly person. You’re assertive, intimidating, sometimes snippy. You have to be in this male dominated industry. You don’t have many friends. You’ve just hopped from place to place with your drumsticks in your backpack. Band to band. City to city. But they aren’t put off by it. They tease and joke, but defend and uplift too. You realize that after these few months together, you couldn’t imagine yourself not being with them. They’re like your found family. Just a bunch of flawed people who are drawn together but accept each other as they are.
You constantly chide yourself as you often find yourself looking too long at them, seeking their touches, their laughter, their attention. It’s completely ridiculous. You’re sure they see themselves as your older brothers. And you don’t want to ruin what you have. So you ignore it and put everything into your performance instead. Thoughts of Frankie’s thick fingers dancing across the strings of his bass, sweat dampening the chocolate curls under his hat. Will’s muscles bulging, almost splitting the sleeves of his flannels as he plays. How Benny likes to turn around and wink at you, or move over to play beside you. The way Santiago smells when you’re sharing a mic on an acoustic duet. All of those pent out feelings you force into your arms and sticks. You’ve never played better in your life.
“Hello. Earth to Animal!” You blink rapidly as Santiago’s tan hand flails in front of your face.
“S-sorry, I was just...mentally going over my performance. For ways I could improve.” You cover.
Benny scoffs. “Plenty of time for that tomorrow babe, you need to relax.”
I can’t relax. You think to yourself. Not sitting here in this room with all of you covered in sweat and oozing pheromones thinking about how I just want all of you to fuck me.
Whoa, where the FUCK did that come from? Jesus Christ.
You clear your throat, grasping desperately for a topic that could distract them from the fact that your breaths are coming shorter, that you’re struggling not to rub your thighs together thinking about all of them on you. “So, any hot chicks in the audience tonight?
That worked.
You chuckle to yourself as they all start chattering loudly about this girl or that girl, usually a common occurrence after every show. But despite all of the talk, you’d never actually seen them bring anyone back to the bus, and anyone brought back to Santiago’s pad for an after-party never stayed the night. Strange, but you figured they just didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.
“How bout’ you Animal? Finally find yourself a groupie?” Will teases. You’d always indulged them in their conversations, but you never joined in. It had become a running gag to bring it up after every performance if anyone had caught your eye. No one ever did.
“Nope.” You reply, popping the ‘p’ as you pull beers out of the mini fridges and hand them out.
“Oh come on!” He throws his hands in the air. “At some point we are gonna catch you with a man.” You roll your eyes and smirk.
“Maybe we are approaching this the wrong way. Maybe she doesn’t even like men. Or anyone. She could be A.” Santiago chastises. It completely shocks you, hearing that from him of all people.
“Oh, fuck. Yea. Sorry babe. Don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
You huff a laugh over the rim of your beer. “I do like men. Just generally not actual men.”
“Oh...like….Queens?” Santiago asks. He knows how much you like to watch Rupaul’s Drag Race on long drives between cities.
“Queens are actual men, but I meant like, I’m only into fictional men.”
“Ouch.” Says Benny.
You feel a small tickling on your shoulder and realize Frankie slyly did get his arm fully around you, his thumb lightly tracing circles into your bare shoulder. “Like who?” He asks. The way he’s looking at you makes you want to melt into a puddle.
You cover your face in your hands, your cheeks on fire, unconsciously leaning more into Frankie’s chest. He wraps his arm more fully around you.
“Fuck, this is embarassing.” You groan.
Benny leans forward. “You listen to us talk about chicks all day, come on, spill!”
You sigh. “Alright. Just...don’t tease me alright?” You start ticking your fingers off with each character you name. “Oberyn Martell and Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. Poe Dameron from Star Wars. Ragnar fom Vikings, he’s fine as fucking hell. And Robin Hood.”
“Which one?” Benny pushes.
You close your eyes and sigh. “The...Disney one.”
“Do you mean the fucking fox?” Will exclaims.
You shrug. Might as well lean into it. “He’s a fox, what can I say?”
The awkwardness broken, everyone laughs, settling into more normal chatter. But despite the mirth of the boys, you can’t help but feel a cloud passing over you. Eventually, you get up and stretch your sore arms. “Alright guys, I’m gonna head back to the bus. I’m kinda tired.”
They say goodnight and that they’ll be there shortly, and you open the door to head to the back exit of the venue.
“Hey Animal…” Frankie calls before the door shuts. You poke your head back in.
“Why only fictional men?”
You swallow and lock eyes with him.
“Because they can never disappoint you.” You give them a weak smile and move away, letting the door slam shut.
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“Fuck.” Frankie sighs, scraping the back of his neck. “That’s not how I hoped that would go. I think we just made her sad.”
The room falls quiet as they all feel bad for possibly upsetting you.
“Kinda want to find out what guys made her feel like that and beat the shit out of them.” Mutters Will. Frankie nods.
“We could show her different.” Santiago says after a while. Everyone’s gaze snaps to him. He’s circling his pointer finger around the rim of his final beer, brows furrowed.
“What...what do you mean?”
Santiago sighs and rolls his eyes. He points to Frankie. “You’re in love with her.”
Frankie startles, his cheeks pinking slightly at being called out. “...Yea.”
“Well so am I.” Santiago says.
Frankie furrows his brow in annoyance as Will slides forward on the couch. “Well, that’s just fucking great, because I am too.”
“I WILL FIGHT AND BEAT ALL OF YOU FOR HER?!” Benny yells, throwing his beer bottle on the ground with a smash.
“Benny, sit down. Will, chill out. Frankie, be quiet for a minute. I said we could show her different.”
Frankie’s expression shifts from indignation to confusion “Like...all of us with her?”
Will scowls. “Okay, only problem with that is, I’m not into men.”
Santiago rolls his eyes. “First of all, it’s 2021, get with the program. Second of all, no one said anything about any of us having to hook up with each other. Just like, a polyamorous relationship. Just with her.”
Benny points at Santiago and stands back up, eyes wide and crazed. “DUDE. You are a fucking genius!”
“Wait...wait. Isn’t this a little presumptuous? That she is even interested in any of us at all let alone all of us and all at once? It feels weird talking about her like this.” Frankie huffs.
“Trust me. She likes us.” Santiago assures. “Frankie, every time you walk by her she looks like just met John Bonham or something. She’s always sitting next to you, standing next to you, it’s like you’re attached at the hip. Will, ever since you knocked out that guy that groped her she positively drools every time she looks at you. Benny, what person who isn’t into someone sneaks into their bed for cuddles every night? And when I share a mic with her...I dunno, I just know. And yes, all of this would be her choice and up to her and with her initiation. I’m just saying...I don’t want to fight any of you for her attention. I’m really good at sharing. I knew when she came into her audition this could happen. I don’t want to break up what we got here. And I don’t want to break up this fucked up little family we have. Also…” He chugs the rest of his beer. “All of us with her sounds pretty fucking hot to me. Anyways, I’m off to bed. Think about it and then we can decide how to get her to figure it out, if she wants it.” He tosses his bottle across the room into a recycling bin and exits the room with a slam.
Frankie shifts, suddenly aware that he’s hardening in his jeans. “Shit. I think- I think I’m into it.” His eyes race between the two Millers, attempting to adjust himself in the least obvious way possible.”
“Oh, I’m one hundred percent down.” Benny says with a smirk. “This is going to be fun jerking off to tonight.” He gets up and raises his eyebrows at his brother. “Guess it’s just you now.”
After he leaves, Will meets eyes with Frankie. “How...the fuck would this even work?”
Frankie shrugs. “Guess we will figure it out, If she even wants it. But there’s no way I could sit and watch her be with one of you and not with me, and absolutely not with anyone else. So yea. I’m down to figure it out.” He tips his hat to Will and exits the room too.
Will sighs, his head falling into his hands as he thinks about what it would be like seeing them all with you and not him too. “Fuck.” He gets up and trails after Frankie. “Alright, but I’m not fucking my brother.”
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basically a Striker x male imp with powerful regeneration powers, the two knew each other before Striker worked as a noble assassin, y/n by having these powers was almost always in extreme danger situations (like fighting a noble without a head and still somehow win), the two constantly bickered and usually ended up with broken bones. Now these days they meet again after years without seeing each other and with repressed feelings they finally have time to talk... after fighting a little more
Striker x Male Imp with a healing factor.
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You and Striker first met each other years ago.
The two of you ran into each other during a job. You both had been hired to kill some petty mob boss.
Striker was seconds away from killing the target, when you jumped through the guy's skylight splatting onto the ground.
Jumping up you effortlessly killed the mob boss and all his bodyguards.
Striker confronted you outside the building, surprised at how good you look after falling through a plate glass windows.
He told you that was good work, if sloppy, but that was his kill. And he just couldn't tolerate theives.
He was surprised by just how nonchalant you were, as though he were telling you something you'd heard a hundred times.
You told him a job is a job, and you wouldn't hold it against him if it were the other way around. And much to Strikers surprise, you turned, and began walking away from him.
Striker, froze, processing what was happening, before he raised his rifle and blew your brains out.
Usually didn't like shooting people in the back, especially a fellow assassin like you. But hey, you practically asked him to do it.
He began to leave, only for you to suddenly jump him from behind, scratching up his shoulders and back, almost managing to cut his throat.
He threw you off, before spinning around and fired three more shots into your chest. That seemed to keep you down this time.
Dragging himself away, he looked back to find you weren't there.
He found himself on edge for weeks after that, never sure If you were gonna go coming looking for pay back.
He only calmed down after running into you at a bar.
And much to his surprise you didn't seem to hold any animosity towards him, in fact, you actually offered to buy him a drink.
Not wanting to offend you, he said yes.
He ended up actually enjoying the night, the two of you having a lively conversation over a few drinks
He couldnt help but ask about the whole, "I shot you in the head, why aren't you dead" thing.
So over a few glasses of whiskey, you explained that you had a serious healing factor, so serious, you were borderline immortal.
Needless to say Striker was amazed and honestly found it kinda hard to believe.
Although what happened next put it all into perspective.
A large demon walked up to you, saying a few words he sunk a large blade into your chest.
Before he could draw his pistol you placed your hand on his shoulder.
Taking a large gulp of your drink, you pulled the blade from your chest and plunged it into the demons stomach. And like nothing had happened, you went back to the conversation.
After that Striker finished his drink, thanking you before he got the fuck out of there.
That was not the last time you and Striker crossed paths. The two of you often ending up taking the same job.
You always having an advantage as you could just recklessly run into a fight, absorbing every attack before killing the target, and walking away unscathed. Where as Striker had to more carefully think his strikes through.
And much to your surprise and joy, you found that through the many jobs you and Striker fought over, you developed something of a frienemy complex.
As annoying as you stealing his jobs was, he couldn't deny, he was having the most fun of his life.
Striker was an extraordinary Imp and it was exceedingly rare he found anyone on his level. So getting to test his skills against you was great.
The two of you were constantly fighting.
Most of the fights were picked by you, usually finding something petty to fight over.
You found the fights good fun, since you weren't really in any danger and Striker always gave his all in a fight.
Your fights got more common, Striker randomly attacking you on the street. The two of you fighting for hours, both refusing to submit.
Bloody knuckles, bruised bodies and broken noses, the two of you were relentless.
And oddly enough, between the brutal smackdowns and all night benders, you found you began enjoying each other's company.
It was an odd dynamic.
The way you could go from brutal fighting, to casually enjoying a meal together, back to a brutal melee.
Though despite your questionable relationship, the teo of you ended up seeing less and less of each other.
Striker began taking much higher risk jobs, often taking on nobility, and as such becoming harder to find.
While you on the other hand, with the pile of cash you made through your killing work you decided to take up several hobbies.
Painting, music, craft, but you would quickly grow bored of them, they were all too easy.
So you decided to travel, taking up any job that caught your fancy.
You tried to let Striker know, you know, for old times sake. But just couldn't get in contact wirh him.
A by-product of being known as a royal killer, you suppose.
You travelled for a few years, traveling the seven rings, taking up various jobs and drastically expanding your resume.
Eventually you'd find yourself in the wrath ring, finding work on a very quaint little ranch.
Usually you'd spend a couple months on the job before moving on to the next one. You'd done this for years, never sticking around for more than six months.
But you found yourself sticking around.
Life on the ranch was good. It was lots of hard work, but you were never bored. And the annual blood moon festival was always something to look forward too.
And over time, you found yourself genuinely enjoying your work. finally finding some sort of purpose in your life, finding yourself being treated like a member of the family. Eventually you worked your way up to foreman.
It wasn't long after a tornado tore through the ranch, you and another worker getting caught up in it.
Only managing to survive because of your healing factor.
You limped back to the ranch, you had to at least act like you were injured. The whole family was overjoyed to see you alive.
But it wasn't long after that a familiar face showed up.
Striker. In all his cowboy glory.
Initially you were overjoyed, tackling the Imp to the ground. Striker effortlessly throwing you off, before he recognised you.
He seemed just as happy to see you, the two of two sharing a hug.
You couldn't explain it, but it felt amazing to hug the Imp. The two of you sharing an long moment together. Staring into each other's eyes.
Apparently he was in town and looking for work.
You didn't buy it for a second, of course. Striker was a cold blooded killer, not some field hand.
But when the boss asked, you still backed his story, telling the boss he was the hardest working guy you knew.
Which wasn't Untrue.
So Striker began working under you, which was great, since he had to do everything you told him to.
But eventually you confronted him about it, telling him you knew he wasn't there for a field hand job.
Striker tried to keep the facade going, but he quickly gave in and told you he was there for a target.
You figured as much, striker telling you he actually planned on taking the position of foreman, as his cover and after hearing that you knew you couldn't let this opportunity go to waste.
So you didn't.
For the first few weeks he was there, you made sure he got all the grunt work, the two of you often getting into fights like the old times.
Though you did take emense pleasure in watching Striker struggle to do basic field work.
But if striker was one thing, it was adaptable.
And soon enough he was working as hard as anyone.
The two of you became close again, alot like last time, but there seemed to be something new between the two of you.
Like a longing that had grown between the two of you, after spending years apart.
Your feeling would grow come to a head after a trip into town.
Striker would use his first pay check to buy a bottle of local brew. Which in wrath, was essentially moonshine. You'd find a hill not to far from the ranch, before popping the bottle.
The two of you would go through the bottle fairly quickly, reminiscing about the good old days.
Both of you getting more and more inebriated as you dug deeper and deeper into your past.
Telling him you had tried to sat goodbye, but couldn't find him. Striker would admit that he had missed you desperately. Hed tell you how it was only his work that kept his mind off of you.
You would lean in close, inches from each other, leaning in, you'd share a much over due kiss.
You weren't sure how Striker would react. You half expected him to knock your lights out.
But instead, Striker pulled you deeper into the kiss, his hands beginning to roam your body.
The kiss would only grow in intensity, the two of you shedding layer after layer of clothing.
You would embrace each other in that field.
You couldn't remember who was on top, and who was bottom, but you woke up the next morning feeling very satisfied.
The next morning was... interesting.
Youd woken up in lots of interesting situations. But hungover, buck naked in the middle of a field besides your long time friend, was a first.
The weird part though, was that It wasn't awkward.
You woke up about the same time. The two of you just laying there, Basking in the early morning sun.
You would just curl up together for a while, quietly discussing what should happen next.
You were shocked when Striker said he wanted to be with you.
Not really sure how to answer, you just kissed him. The two of you ending up having some early morning sex.
So after hundreds of fights, years apart and a pretty severe hangover, you and Striker were finally together.
Thanks for the request y'all. Usually I like don't write for Striker as I just felt there was a bit too much content surrounding him. My headcanon is a little more intimate than the prompt suggested, but none the less, this was still fun to write. Thanks for reading I hope you liked it.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Quite at Home in Hell
For @whumptober2021 day six & day 21:  blood-matted hair & hunger
CW: Vampirism, blood drinking, noncon touch, creepy whumper, sadistic whumper, biting, captivity, dehumanizing language
Vampire Chris AU Masterlist | Follows directly from this piece
Thanks to @boxboysandotherwhump for helping me with the German & @alittlewhump for helping with the French!
1918, the Western Front of WWI
The prisoners are held in a small, hastily constructed sort of barracks far too close to the front lines.
Gefrieter Erich Eeten knows why, of course. The hope is that his own people will hesitate before they blast this bit of dirt apart, that they will be concerned enough about killing their fellow soldiers that they’ll give up a few key moments of pause to the French, the Americans, and the British. Give them the advantage in a firefight.
They want to shield themselves with the bodies of the men in this tent, unwashed and dirty, who are exhausted from a day spent digging trenches for their enemies to hide in. 
He can’t exactly blame the Allied powers for it. 
It’s a brilliant bit of strategy, if less and less effective as men on both sides become so battle-hardened that they cease to care about their own lives, let alone each other. Still. He’d almost rather be at one of the true POW camps further away from the front lines, where the Red Cross at least comes to check on their treatment.
Here, so close to the front, there is no one keeping watch on what happens to them at all… and the longer the war draws on, the more viciously they kill each other, the more the prisoners kept here too far for oversight feel like they are teetering at the edge of some terrible invisible cliff. 
There’s a stiff breeze outside the tent, whipping the heavy, waterproofed canvas edges. They’re flapping a little, making a sound that Erich will one day hear in his nightmares. The cold sneaks in through the slight space between tent and ground, and the men in here are huddled together for warmth, sharing the meager blankets they are given. 
At least, though, their captors are officially the French. 
Say what you will about the blasted frogs, they never deny their prisoners a nip of strong cognac to help hold off the cold. The Americans, on the other hand, seem to be laboring under an enforced lack of good liquor, not just for prisoners but for their own soldiers, too. That seems a worse crime than nearly any other, in circumstances like this. To force a man to be a cruel killer without even a nip or three to soothe his conscience… to Erich, it sounds like brutality.
There’s a bit of a scuffle outside the tent, and the prisoners look up. Erich is at the back, leaning back against the rough frame of a cot he sleeps on at night, cards in his hands wrapped in strips of bandage cloth just for warmth. What happened to his gloves, he’s no idea. Probably one of the Allies took them for a souvenir.
The canvas wraps work well enough.
“Au garde-à-vous, prisonniers! Sur vos pieds!” Erich knows the voice - it’s the main guard of the tent they sleep in, a man named Alain who looks entirely too old for war. Here he is, anyway, all moustache and silvering hair, pulling open the entrance of the tent, moving the flap aside. 
Erich glances left and then right, meeting the eyes of his fellow prisoners, and the half-dozen of them that share this single small tent push heavily to their feet, shifting apart as much as the tent will allow, hands behind their back. 
His stomach dips, a low drumbeat of dread alongside his heart. Something tells him this isn’t a social call he wants to be part of. 
He’s even more certain when a tall, thin American steps into the entrance, nearly silhouetted by the dim, barely-there light behind them. Their hair is long, in a loose plait with parts undone, and their eyes gleam, briefly seeming to glow in the dark. Erich is reminded of his mother’s cat, who would stalk mice at night and whose eyes did just the same when light hit them.
He feels very… mouselike.
They wear a medic’s uniform, but it’s a little tattered. There are unrepaired bullet holes through the heavy woolen tunic, and they move with grace and disdain for how heavy wet wool must be, how itchy and uncomfortable. As if it simply doesn’t matter to them.
Because, of course, it doesn’t. The damn thing is a walking corpse, baring fangs in a grisly smile.
“Hello, soldiers,” They say, in a voice that isn’t quite a purr. “You all look a fright.”
“Verdammte Blutsauger,” Lukas Müller mutters to his right. 
Erich hates the bloodsuckers. Everyone does. They come with the Americans, monsters brought from the shadows as a kind of secret weapon. Erich has never seen vampires out in the open before - back home, they are creatures of hiding. They live in cellars and basements and houses with the windows painted in thick matte black. They sweep along the streets at night, a risk for anyone who stays out too late.
But they’re not part of anything. 
Here, they’re death itself, demons quite at home in hell.
 Oh, sure, the Americans claim they use them only for bringing the injured back to safety - and some of them, he’s sure, are kept to that purpose. Some kind of ability to deny the truth of them, if there are enough seen doing only what the official story claims.
Erich, though, has seen one dispatching wounded German soldiers one by one left behind in a field, killing them before they can be recovered by their own people. He’s seen one with fangs buried in the throat of a man who would otherwise have lived. They’re listed as medics, but those things are what keeps the Germans on their own side of the battle lines after dark, and everyone knows it. 
His own side brings canisters of poison gas. The Americans respond with an army laced around its edges in abominations the gas can’t touch.
The vampire sighs, faintly disappointed. “No good morning for me from my audience?”
Erich speaks the best English out of them all - his grandmother was English, taught it to his father in the cradle, who taught it to him. It’s made him more or less the spokesman for his small group of prisoners, and for the larger group when they are moved and briefly allowed to interact with the others. He clears his throat, stepping forward slightly. Lukas and Vilhelm, on his other side, nudge him just a little with their shoulders. It’s meant to be support, he supposes. 
He feels like he’s being pushed onto a target painted on the floor, one invisible only to him. 
“Good morning,” Erich says, voice flat, letting his accent roll far more heavily off his tongue than it needs to, turning good into gut. It’s always good to let the enemy believe you know less than you really do, so he pretends that English comes with difficulty and not ease. “Should you not turn to ash?”
Their eyebrows raise just slightly, not quite in amusement, and they give a brittle little laugh. “First off, Fritz, that’s a myth. Secondly, it’s not even morning. Probably close to evening now, honestly.” 
Erich rolls his eyes. Lukas mutters something under his breath next to him, but the slight creaking of their boots seems to cover it too much to be understandable. Erich sighs, heavily. “Then why did you have us say to you good morning, Blutsauger?” 
“Because it’s funny that you don’t know what time it is, of course. All right, who here is Fritz, who is Hans, and who am I just going to call Kraut?” 
“No one here is named Hans and no one is Fritz, fangs.” Erich tips his chin down slightly, a lock of greasy brown hair falling into his eyes. “May you drown in holy water.”
He spits at the vampire’s feet.
He feels a pang of regret when the vampire turns to look at Alain, the French guard and points back at Erich, cheerful. “I want that one. He’s rude.”
“Das ist pech,” Lukas whispers.
When Alain simply stares at them blankly - and Erich knows Alain speaks English, they’ve spoken before in a tongue they had in common when neither spoke the other’s mother-tongue -  the vampire groans. They don’t seem to know Alain is pretending not to understand them. “Fine. Let’s try this again. Je veux cet homme, s'il vous plaît.”
Alain’s expression tightens a little. He nods, and he won’t look Erich in the eyes as he draws the entrance open a little wider. “Emmenez-le alors.”
“Merci beaucoup,” The vampire says, giving a little bow. Erich backs up, but there isn’t anywhere to go, and none of them is armed. Besides, any resistance is met with removal of meals, with being denied the smallest comforts that make this bearable. With the possibility of all of them being handed over to a vampire, not just one.
This war had been civilized, in some ways, before the Americans brought their monsters.
It’s not actually true, but in this moment it comforts him to pretend it, to have a place to put his furious disgust as the vampire’s thin, long fingers close around his arm and yank him forwards with inhuman strength. They’re clicking their tongue against the top of their mouth in a strange animal way. Erich thinks again of his mother’s cat, making just that sound watching birds outside the windows.
“May your hands be pressed into the holy cross,” Erich snaps as he’s forced out into the freezing humid air outside the tent. There are others walking around - a war camp is never less than controlled chaos, no matter the time of day - but none of them will look at him. No one acknowledges him, although they’ve all seen this before. They know what’s going to happen here. 
“Je déteste ça,” Alain mutters.
A bell is rung, clanging in a discordant note, and soldiers move into the POW tents. Erich is led towards a pole in the center of the ring of prisoner tents, something that a half-century ago might still have been a flogging post, a punishment for mutinous men. 
“Crosses don’t really harm us,” The vampire says, careless and casual. “Very little does, actually. I’m a big fan of garlic, for instance. Silver, though…” They hum, dragging a fingernail over Erich’s wrist. “That hurts.”
He jerks his hand back and free, only to have the vampire laugh, bright and brilliant, and grab him again, spinning him around until they’re behind him, chest pressed to his back, using that demon strength to twist his arms up his back until his bones creak and ache, forcing him forwards towards the pole. 
“I hope you have silver shoved down your throat,” Erich manages, but his heart is pounding in fear as the vampire grabs his hair and jerks his head to the side, forcing his cheek against the rough-hewn wood. Splinters bite into his skin and he grunts as his arms are moved, forced to encircle the pole. His wrists are tied with rope, leaving him looking a little ridiculous, as if he decided today to go for a hug. 
Another rope goes around his shoulders, keeping him in this awkwardly pressed position. He tries to kick back, pulling viciously, but then his ankles come next. The rope goes from them to small metal hooks driven hard into the ground, keeping his legs more than shoulder-width apart. He can’t kick, or even balance himself. He must rely entirely on the pole he’s tied to in order to stay upright. 
“I’m going to enjoy you,” The vampire murmurs. 
Behind Erich, the sounds of a crowd gathering begin. Soft mumbles, exhalations of surprise and disgust. He closes his eyes against the rush of heat he feels - more rage than tears - knowing the prisoners are being brought out to witness this, to be shown what could happen to them next.
It does an excellent job of making them grateful for every day it’s not.
The French commander of the POW camp is barking a running list of commands to his men, but Erich doesn’t speak enough French to clearly understand them. Someone comes close by behind him, and he jolts as there’s a clap to his back. There’s a laugh behind him, not the vampire but someone else.
He manages to see from the corner of his eyes. A different American, of course. Comfortable enough with the vampire to get this close to them. 
“Isn’t this a sorry sight,” The American says, and laughs. “What’s the prize for, fangs?”
The vampire lifts their hand, gently brushing Erich’s hair from his eyes. He spits in their face, this time, and is gratified by a flash of very real anger that briefly overtakes their constant amusement. They slowly wipe the spit away, then clean their hand - sort of - on Erich’s uniform. 
It’s so dirty they’re probably even less clean after that than they were before.
“Reported a desertion. Now I get fresh food.” They lean down, meeting Erich’s furious hazel eyes. “I’m so hungry, Fritz. All the time. Imagine being surrounded by schnitzel and cabbage as far as the eye can see, and you’re not supposed to eat your fill. Imagine how empty you would feel.”
“Fick dich.” 
“What, you won’t even curse at me in English anymore?” The vampire pouts, lower lip sticking out. He hates them more than he’s hated anyone during this godforsaken war. “Come on, you have to understand how hard this is for me, right?”
Erich ignores them, jerks his wrists again, trying to yank himself free of the ropes through sheer force. His back already is aching from being slightly bent forward, his thigh muscles stretched. He does the only thing he can think of - he slowly, with effort, drags his face along the wood and manages to turn away, and look the other direction. 
“Well, fine. I suppose you’ll be mad at me for acting like you all eat schnitzel and cabbage, too,” The vampire says behind him. He doesn’t dignify them with an answer. He fixes his eyes, instead, on a point in the dark roiling clouds in the sky, above the remaining trees. 
“The prisoners are well-positioned to witness,” A French officer states, speaking with a light, dancing accent but without the difficulty and hesitancy some of the regular infantry have. “You may feed when ready, Private Saathoff.”
That gets Erich’s attention. “Saathoff?”
“That’s right.” The vampire laughs, stepping up behind him. Their fingers move through the hair that curls, grown a little too long, over the back of his neck. He shudders with disgust at the intimacy of it. Their mouth moves close to his ear, but there is no heat of breath. Only the brush of lips. “Ich bin Deustcher, genau wie du.” 
“Nothing like me,” Erich grinds out with his teeth gritted together so hard his jaw is already aching. He presses his forehead into the rough wooden pole and closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath. 
If he’s going to die…
“Vater unser im Himmel,” he begins, halting. He hasn’t seen the inside of a church since he was fourteen, and that was twelve years ago now. Still, the words to the Lord’s Prayer come easily, more muscle memory than thought. “Geheiligt werde dein Name. Dein Reich komme, Dein Wille geschehe, wie im Himmel so auf Erden-”
“Zu jeder anderen Zeit hätte ich dich als Haustier behalten.” They use his hair to jerk his head back, and their fangs jam into his neck with a flash of sudden agony.
It’s a white-hot pain that races down his spine to the very tips of his toes, and Erich screams, the sound strangled and thin but still echoing, bouncing off of trees and tents and back into his mind, crashing like the shells that slam into the earth. 
Lukas jerks forwards as if to run to help him and is pushed back by one of the French soldiers, their expression set in a grim line. They have to twist Lukas’s arms behind his back to hold him as he shouts, angrily, that this isn’t fair, it’s against the laws of conduct. 
There’s laughter, at that, from their captors. 
The other prisoners grumble and shift uncomfortably, look at anything but Erich whenever they can, but they can’t escape the sound of his horror, of his pain. 
There’s no pulse of the much-spoken-of venom. There’s no numbness to drift in, there’s no fog to cloud out his awareness of what is happening to him. Every muscle of Erich’s body is tensed tight enough to snap the bones they wrap around, the veins standing out in his throat as if giving them a roadmap of where the food can be found.
He didn’t know vampires could choose not to use the venom.
He didn’t know they could make it feel like this.
When his scream dies, he can’t get enough breath to make another. All he can do is let out high-pitched, thin whimpers and cries. Spots dance before his eyes. Beneath the sound of his heart pounding in a sudden panic to push more blood faster to replace what is being lost, he can feel - can hear - a low rumbling sound against his back.
Erich has heard the rumors that vampires purr, and now he knows they aren’t rumors at all.
He can feel it right through his back, just barely. It’s a vibration that would be pleasant if it didn’t seem to be somehow making everything hurt even worse, waking up his nerves the way the venom is supposed to deaden them. Their hands are closed around his ribs, pressing the tips of their fingers rhythmically against them, as if playing a piano, as if he is dough to be kneaded, as if he isn’t human at all.
As if he’s nothing but a field mouse that found his way into the wrong house, and the vampire is the housecat who has waited too long for a living toy to torment.
There is no prayer, in pain like this. There is no thought beyond the body’s fight for survival and the mind wanting to flee from it, if surviving means this feeling will not end. There is nothing but the feeling of his blood being pulled forcefully out of his body, nothing but his nerves screaming to escape it, nothing but the bite of the ropes that ensure he can do no more than jerk in his bonds and choke on his agony.
It feels like forever - and like a moment - when their fangs pull free, their cool rough tongue lapping at the wounds to close them, purring against his ear with contentment. Their fingers knead into his skin a little bit longer, drawing the moment out as he slumps against the wooden pole he’s tied to. He’s only standing because of the ropes.
Pain rolls through him, breaking against the edges of his body from the inside, like the smaller waves after a storm falling onto a beach already strewn with debris. He slumps. His own breath is a rasping wheeze, taking far more effort than it should.
Nein, Erich, Erich stirb nicht…” Lukas’s voice comes from somewhere so far away, filtering through the noise in Erich’s mind slowly. He can’t even begin to form a response. His mouth won’t answer his commands. It only hangs open, panting, pulling in the chilly air over his tongue. He starts to shiver as the breeze hits the cold sweat in his hair and on his neck, cuts through his uniform somehow.
He doesn’t have enough blood left to warm himself.
Their tongue licks up his neck behind his ear, matting his own blood into his hair there, sticky and hot. It starts to cool and dry immediately in the cold air. Erich’s stomach twists.
“Oh, he won’t die,” The vampire coos, petting through his hair slowly. Their nails scratch at his scalp. “Not today.” Their mouth presses back against his ear. “Thanks for the meal, Erich. And for being so entertaining. Maybe I’ll find you after the war. I’ll buy you a beer… and some schnitzel.”
They push themself away from him, turning away to wipe a bit of blood from the corners of their mouth, and walk with a jaunty step through an opening that appears in the ring of watching prisoners, whose eyes follow them with apprehension and no small amount of fear. 
When Alain comes up to untie him, Erich simply collapses into the Frenchman’s arms as soon as he’s free of the ropes. Lukas is allowed to move up to stand at his other side, putting Erich’s limp left arm around his shoulders, while Alain supports his right. Erich lets his head fall into Lukas’s shoulder, hitching his breath as he forces down a sob. 
“Wh… why do you let them do this?” He asks, his English slurred with the exhaustion that means he is dragged with his boots carving paths through the mud back towards the tent. 
Alain is silent until Erich is dropped onto his cot, the hard frame digging into Erich’s back right through the thin mattress. He glances over his shoulder, the three of them alone in here for the moment, and then looks back. 
“It is believed that this is how we will win,” He says, and pats Erich’s hand. “My apologies. I do not believe in the monsters, but I am not the one to run this war.”
“None of us are,” Erich says, weakly. He closes his eyes. “We are only the ones who must fight in it.”
There’s a pause, and Alain’s exhale is audible in the quiet tent. “I will ensure you are given extra meat rations tonight, and I will find you some schnapps. Essaye de dormir, maintenant, si tu peux,” he says with soft regret lacing his voice. Then there is a shuffle of footsteps, and he’s gone.
Lukas shifts and sits with his back to the cot, in the same position Erich was in before. He swallows, picking up the abandoned cards from the game they’d been playing, looking over Erich’s hand. “You’d have won, you know, on the next hand,” He says in German, before he reaches out to grab the others’ cards and reshuffle the deck.
“Do I still get my… my winnings?” Erich can barely move his lips to speak. He’s so tired. So, so tired. He can feel his hands starting to shake, now that it’s over, the trembling moving slowly up his limbs, stuttering his breathing. 
“My share of the liquor? Not on your life.” Lukas pauses, and then his tone gentles as he looks Erich over again. “You know what... of course you can. You’ll need warmth. What did the bloodsucker say to you, anyway? I couldn’t hear.”
Erich thinks about the promise to find him after the war, about the way they spoke into his ear as if he were little more than a toy top to be spun at their command. In another time, I’d keep you for a pet, they had whispered, before they bit down. 
He shakes his head, slowly. “Lies,” He answers, and feels the softer-edged darkness of sleep begin to take him.
“I hope… I hope they were lies.”
For the moment, at least, he is too exhausted by the present to feel terror for the future.
@mylifeisonthebookshelf @insaneinthepaingame @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @burtlederp @finder-of-rings @newandfiguringitout @astrobly @endless-whump @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @doveotions @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @downriver914 @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband @what-a-whump @thefancydoughnut
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fieryhonesty · 3 years
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“Story’s based on a request from a Nonnie and they are right! Our Xiao needs hugs and rest a bit.”
Words: 1910
Genre: fluff, f!reader
Xiao is always keeping things for him. He will never seek company to share his burdens. After all, there is no trouble which will last long enough, he says. However he can't deny there are moments when he is fed up. Be it the never ending war he fights or his own problems. Which are having roots back in history.
Sometimes there's too much to handle at once, yet he stands tall and faces it headon. Never argues or falters with decisions. As long as it means he can protect Liyue. 
To anyone who has never seen him or rarely, he looks like a strong and cold man. But is he really like this? He is an Adeptus, he has seen a lot and experienced some battle scars. Was Xiao always like this? Back in the days when all other Yaksha existed. 
Many things happened in his life. He can't even count or remember it all. But all those things made him who he is now. Although there are things which still surprise or confuse him. 
He never liked showing himself in front of mortals. There are just a few ones which he tolerates or even allows to talk to him. If he is in a good mood of course. The ones who know Xiao also know about keeping distance when he is upset.
But there's one mortal whose boldness or maybe stupidity never ceases to amaze him. He told you so many times to leave him be, added harsh words and yet... you didn't turn away. Instead approached and offered a companionship. 
He eventually gave up with chasing the silly female away. At first he didn't know why she was so stubborn. Mortals are strange but you are like one or two levels stranger than anyone else. Just why do you wish to spend time with somebody like him?
You are like a bridge between the silent and closed up Adeptus and mortal realm. Part of him is still hesitant and refuses to share his burdens. He might have allowed you to stay beside him, be it in silence or tell him what you did that day. What strange things happened or something. He would just sit there and listen. But none of this means he will let his guard down. He will always be fully aware of what's happening around. 
You are often asking yourself: does he ever rest? As you know him for a while you are able to recognize when he is really sad and you shouldn't say much. Or when he is quite alright and willing to listen to your rambling until you fall asleep. The fact you can peacefully sleep in Xiao's presence amazes him.
Today is one of those nights when he would have preferred to be just alone. But why does he feel this burning desire to pay you a visit? Is it because you didn't come for a few days and he got worried? No. That can't be it. Xiao has no attachment to anybody, especially mortals.
Truth to be told, he feels tired and despite feeling the way he feels. He decides to silently knock on your door. At first he thought he knocked too lightly. For a brief second he thought to himself to leave. Why is he here anyway? But then he heard your footsteps from behind the door. 
He feels so conflicted. He shouldn't be here, seeking anyone's company. Solitude and sadness are nothing to him.
When you open the door of your apartment, the cold is immediately making you shiver. Not wasting any second grabbing Xiao's wrist and pulling him inside. The cold is too much for you. How the heck he can just stand there and not shiver?! 
Be it anyone else touching him, he would have asked them if they do have a death wish. He got used to your touch at least a bit. You sometimes gently squeezed his hand in a friendly gesture. To assure him you are there, willing to listen to anything or just sit silently and observe the sky.
Letting go of his wrist and looking into his golden eyes. As usually his expression is the same but you can feel he is not alright. His shoulders are unusually down and overall his posture is different. 
"Is something wrong?"
You ask with a slightly tilted head to the side. You are not even aware of this, you do it automatically all the time. It's kind of cute but don't expect the Adeptus will say it out loud. He is already confused. He wanted to be alone, why did he come here. He is clearly delaying your bedtime. He should have never come. But the words escaping his lips are even more confusing him. 
"You didn't come..."
Is he really worried about a mortal? Didn't he promise to himself to never get any attachment to anyone? Not even to another Adepti. 
Your next move is really bold and unexpected. Xiao gasps in surprise as you wrap your arms around him.
"Y/n? What are you...?"
Perhaps embracing him would not be the brightest idea if you consider how little he knows about human interactions. But you couldn't help yourself. Feeling a bit guilty for making the poor man worried. He already has a lot on his plate.
"I'm sorry if I did worry you."
You said as you gently rubbed his back, drawing circles in a soothing manner. 
It took him a while to realize what was going on. He seen this act between other mortals but never cared what does it mean. It's just two people are in close proximity, touching each other. But there's something strange about the act. 
Your warmth. 
He didn't feel cold while being outside, he is used to it. But when he feels your warmth he can't help it but feel a bit at ease. When you pull back to check on him, he feels a little... sad? Perhaps he missed the opportunity to repay the act. 
"You know. There's something I had noticed about you, Xiao."
He lifts an eyebrow at you. Unable to contain the curiosity.
"How much do you trust me?" 
You ask while trying to keep your smile. Aware of how much the question doesn’t make sense with what you said before.
Xiao on the other hand is pondering over your question. How much does he trust a mortal like you? And why are you asking him in the first place?
"That's stupid thing to ask. You should have known the answer already."
There we go again. Xiao and his not so sugar coated words. Surely you know he has at least a bit more trust in you than other humans. But would he let you touch him even more? No matter how you put it, it will sound wrong.
"Well then... it just crossed my mind out of nowhere but. Uh... There's something that always bugged me. Do you ever rest or relax at all? I mean yes you do just hang around at Wangshu here and now. But I mean like a real rest..."
You had to stop yourself. Feeling how your monologue was getting worse by each said word.
"I don't need to-"
"Yes, you do." 
Oh no. It slipped out faster than you could think of it. He is silent, eyes slightly narrowed. Did you anger him? It's quite easy to do it after all.
"What do you propose then?"
"Don't 'eh' at me. If you think I need to relax then you should have an idea how."
You are finally on the same page. Sometimes you hate your brain to jump into way too fast conclusions. You motion for him to follow you to your living room where you both sit on the sofa. Telling him to sit turned back to you. 
You are sitting behind him. What are you planning? Ah! A gasp escaped his lips making him feel embarrassed. You just barely touched his shoulders. Not even using too much force, just a gentle squeeze to test waters. 
"So, can I give you something that my mom calls a medicine for tired muscles?" 
A simple massage. Just by a single touch you could feel how tense his muscles are. He nods. Being glad you can't see his face now. Biting his bottom lip. He didn't know how much his back actually hurts. Not paying attention to it anymore. But now, he is melting under your touch. 
You try to be gentle but also applying some pressure to help his muscles to relax. You had learned how to massage when you were teen as your mother always had back pain from her work. This was the fastest help, along with pain killers.
Xiao deeply exhales, closing his eyes. He hates to admit it but this feels good, maybe too good. Perhaps he could let his guard down for a bit, at least for now. Letting your skilled fingers caress him. Exhaustion and fatigue is slowly getting under his skin. And this warm feeling, he wants more. Just like when you embraced him a while ago. 
You noticed how much he relaxed under your hands. You can't help it but smile from ear to ear. The mighty Guardian, always so rigid can't endure the pleasant feeling. 
"If you are tired you can sleep over, I don't mind. Unless... you have plans to mess up your back just right when I fix them up?"
You had secretly hoped he wouldn't disappear when you are done. You know when he leaves your place he will go back to his stiff attitude again. 
"Somebody has to keep you safe at night. Take it as a payment..." 
You giggle as he says that. You could tease him about admitting he likes this but decided to rather not.
When you were done and brought him a spare blanket you noticed his blush. Not saying anything and just offering the warm cover. What you did not expect was him grabbing your wrist. 
"How can... I keep you safe if you are in the other room?"
Oh damn. Your brain is preoccupied with why he just won't admit he wants to keep you close. 
"Um, you want to move the sofa into my bedroom?" 
He groans. Why you must play dumb now? All he wants is more of your warmth. When you embraced him, when you touched him. He felt at ease  which is new to him. Is it too much to ask for more? Well, maybe he should actually ask and be straight for once.
"Just... stay close." 
That escalated quickly. For both of you. You decided to spare him from more suffering as you could see his face was slowly turning to tomato color. And you? You weren't much better. Turning off the lights before sliding under the blanket. For once being glad to have a bigger sofa. 
As you are both laying on your sides you feel Xiao's hand hesitantly go over you to pull you closer to him. Don't even think of escaping when he falls asleep. He has you secure. And certainly he won't admit any of this the next morning.
He is tired and confused by his behavior but he decided to blame it on his fatigue. You better don't mention any of this. Not even the way he is having a firm grip of your clothes. Or how quickly he fell asleep.
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hxt1b · 3 years
Let’s Just Let it Go
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Doyoung x Reader 
Genre: Angst, some fluff (it’s there I swear) CollegeAU (HockeyPlayer!Doyoung) 
Warning: MATURE CONTENT/DARK THEMES, drinking (drink responsibly please), SMUT, swearing, TW sexual assault. 
WC: 11k 
Song Rec: when the party’s over by Billie Eilish 
Accompanying Stories: As Long As I’m Here, Isn’t It Lovely All Alone. 
Hockey AU Masterlist 
A/N: You do not have to read all the stories to read this one. You can read this as a standalone, however reading the other two will give a better understanding of the backgrounds of the characters so if you do read all I’d suggest reading the other two first. However, by all means this can be read independently you will still understand the plot and everything without reading the other two. Lastly, please excuse the grammar, I read it over but still some things may have slipped through.
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“You keep condoms in your wallet?” You asked looking up at him. Doyoung’s head was swimming, but then again that much alcohol would do that to you. 
“Would you rather I didn’t have one right now?” he asked his words slurring. You shook your head. Doyoung smirked returning his attention to opening the packet and putting the condom on. He pushed you into the wall again, grabbing you from the back of your thighs forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist as he pushed into you. 
“Fuck,” He grunted as he began to move in you. To be honest, Doyoung didn’t remember your name, he had asked, but he couldn’t recall. You’d met a couple of hours ago in the packed club, Doyoung was seeing double of everyone by the time his eyes landed on you, keeping his steps stable was a feat as he made his way over to where you were dancing, drawing you in however wasn’t that hard. You were just as drunk as him. 
Your arms looped around his neck as you filled his ears with breathy moans. Doyoung was so far gone, his mind was empty as you tightened around him. A few more thrusts and he came, letting his head fall into your shoulder as he did. You stilled against him; he didn’t really know if you finished. But he was too drunk to care. After getting his breathing to even out slightly he pulled out of you. 
“Well,” He said as he carefully took off the condom, “Thank you I guess.” He looked around the bathroom locating the garbage can and tossed the used condom into it. With that, he left the bathroom not looking back at you. He was still stumbling seeing two of everyone one that passed by him. 
He laughed to himself as he ran into a chair. But it was better this way, he didn’t remember anything this way. Kim Doyoung could successfully say that he had just wrapped up the most unmemorable summer of his life. Unmemorable because he was drunk throughout the entire thing, but it was okay because not once this summer did Doyoung think about the girl that cheated on him. Not once did he think about Yuta, the man that he looked up to. The one that slept with his girlfriend. Nope, they didn’t even cross his mind. 
But they did. 
Every damn day. 
“Get up.” The voice pounded in Doyoung’s head and a hand reached out and shook him. He grumbled. Slowly opening his eyes, he glared up at Kun. He watched as his friend rolled his eyes at him. 
“We have practice.” Doyoung pulled his blanket over his head, he shouldn’t have drank last night. “Come on.” 
What a new kind of hell he’d entered. He’d told himself that once the hockey practice started, he’d be fine. He wouldn’t drink, Yuta had managed to graduate, he’d avoid his ex, the campus was big enough. He could still avoid his ex, she wasn’t even on campus yet. Only the athletes were here a month before everyone. But the not drinking once hockey started, that didn’t happen, so he told himself when the semester started, and today after practice the semester started, he would have to stop drinking and his ex would be back. 
He groaned again throwing his covers off of himself and getting up. His head ached with each step he took towards the shared bathroom. They had moved, this house was bigger but they still needed to share a bathroom, well at least Ten, Jaehyun, Jungwoo and himself did. Kun upon stepping into the master room with the huge en-suite pulled his new captain status on them and took the damn room. 
“You’re just waking up?” Jaehyun asked him, as he passed the younger boy in the hallway. Doyoung didn’t respond just walked past him keeping his head down.  
Getting into the bathroom he looked at himself, taking in his appearance, he had a huge hickey on the side of his neck, how he got it was a slight blur to him. He remembered flashes of the night only. His hair was sticking out into a million directions he looked awful, he looked sick. Looking away from himself he grabbed his toothbrush and got ready for practice, he was gonna need a gallon of coffee. 
Hockey was an escape, he could be as brutal as he wanted on the ice, he was itching for a proper game so that he wouldn’t have to hold himself back he couldn’t bang up his teammates. He needed a game. 
Well, it was an escape until the new guy opened his mouth. 
“Hungover again Kim, why am I not shocked?” Doyoung sneered at the man lacing up his skates as he walked into the change room. His hands clenching into fists at his side, but he didn’t reply, because he was hungover, and this guy was the only one that called him out on it. Because he was the only one that didn’t know. Yet, it didn’t make Doyoung hate him any less. 
What kind of a nickname was Winwin anyway?
Rolling his eyes Doyoung dumped his stuff into his cubby taking his gear out and getting ready for practice. 
“Ignore him,” Kun said from his left. 
“I am,” Doyoung replied. 
On the ice, Doyoung couldn’t deny the new kid was an ace, why he transferred to their school he couldn’t say. He used to play for the team that they lost to last year, one step away from the cup. But that school had a killer roaster, this kid being one of the beasts on it, but here he was. Skating towards Doyoung with the puck. Their coach was ending this practice with a scrimmage, the hockey season would be starting in a few days and the coach claimed that this would re-charge everyone’s competitive sides because this was their season. 
He let him get close before he began his chase, letting Winwin come to him before blocking his path he hit him into the boards. It wasn’t a hard hit, but it was a hit. They both lost the puck as Winwin bounded off the plexiglass and slammed his hands into Doyoung’s chest. 
“What the fuck man?!” He asked. Doyoung shrugged, their coach was yelling as he skated over. Kun already there grabbing Winwin as he glared at Doyoung. 
“What on earth are you doing kid?” The coach barked at Doyoung. 
“Sorry I just got into it.” He said not feeling sorry at all. Maybe he wasn’t doing the best job of ignoring him. 
“Apologize to him.” He mentally scowled, he didn’t appreciate being treated like he was a toddler. 
“Okay get off the ice, shower. Practice is over!” 
“Dude you gotta relax.” Ten said skating next to Doyoung. 
“Why the fuck do they even call him Winwin?” Doyoung’s irritation was evident “I fucking hate the guy.
“It’s because he fucking Wins, they use to call him their lucky charm ‘Winwin.’” 
Loneliness was a part of life that you accepted long ago, it was something that just came with your life. Your parents were rich, and they shouldn't have had kids, because they couldn’t give two shits about the two children they had. So, loneliness wasn’t an issue for you not until the reality settled in that this wasn’t loneliness it was abandonment and that was a hard pill to swallow. Looking around your dorm you took in your roommate's side it was decorated in whites, it kind of hurt your eyes but you weren’t going to say anything. It was better than being stuck in an apartment with your brother. You felt bad when you left him alone in the huge penthouse seeing as you were the reason that the two of you were here. But you couldn’t take it there anymore everything reminded you of the fact that your parents didn’t care about you. 
Your phone rang pulling you away from the anger that was bubbling up inside of you at the thought of your parents. Being replaced by a growing laugh as you looked at the caller ID. Your brother. 
“Hello.” You answered. 
“Want to move back yet?” He teased. 
“No, I do not I actually like it here.” You replied getting off your bed and beginning to pace your room. He laughed, the sound making you smile. 
“I was just teasing. I called to ask if you wanted to get lunch together today?” He asked. You frowned. 
“Sicheng, you aren’t eating with your teammates yet?” Your tone not hiding your disappointment. 
“No,” he replied curtly. 
“Be nice to them, be friends with them.” 
He ignored you, “So are you going to eat with me or not?” 
“No, I’ll be eating with my roommate.” You answered as she came into the room, she smiled at you having heard what you said, and you smiled back. Despite her obsession with white, you actually really liked her. “Speaking of whom, I gotta go now.” 
By lunch, Doyoung was starving, having not had time to eat after he showered in the change room. His stomach was grumbling loudly when he took his seat next to Kun at their table in the cafeteria. 
“You know I’m shocked by how good the cafeteria food is here.” Mark, a first-year rookie, said drawing the attention of the table. 
“Yo same, people complain a lot about cafeteria food I was actually stressed.” Hendery another rookie agreed.  
Doyoung nodded, “We lucked out.” 
“Yo Winwin, come sit here!” Kun yelled from next to Doyoung making him turn his head in the direction Kun was yelling in. Winwin stopped in his tracks and looked over at the table. Doyoung glared at the side of Kun’s head, but Kun ignored him. 
“Be nice,” Kun muttered to him as Winwin sat down across from him at the only empty seat on the table. Doyoung did his best not to scowl. Doyoung retreated into his own brain as the table continued to chat. He focused on the broccoli on his plate. He didn’t dare look around the cafeteria. 
Fuck looking at the insufferable cocky bastard in front of him, he was afraid he would see his ex. Ever since practice ended in the morning he was on edge; he didn’t want to run into her in a hallway again he was afraid because he didn’t know how he’d react. He wanted to say he wouldn’t care that he’d just walk by her and maybe he would, but he felt like he wouldn’t the risk was too high. 
“So, the party is at our place on Friday to kick off the year, that way we can celebrate the four rookies joining our team, along with Winwin coming to us this year and our boy Jungwoo finally hitting the ice in a game,” Jaehyun said, as Doyoung finally tuned back into the boy's conversation. 
“So, you’ll come Winwin?” Ten asked. Doyoung looked up at him frowning, the younger boy played with the fries on his plate as he nodded. 
“Yeah, I’ll come by.” 
“Cool bring friends if you want to.” Ten said smiling at him. 
Doyoung made it to Friday without a drink, and then he thought about how he promised himself he wouldn’t drink when the semester started. He then re-evaluated his choice and edited his promise, he wouldn’t drink without cause this semester, and a start of the year party was cause. Was it not? The boy in the mirror smiled back at him as he held his cup up to his reflection in a cheers before downing it. 
It was most definitely cause. 
Leaving his room his body already buzzing he skipped down the stairs, straight into a girl. You.  Doyoung looked you up and down, taking in the tight jeans you had on. He liked the way they made your ass look. He also really liked the baby pink top you had on. It was clinging to you like a second skin showing off your assets. Doyoung smirked down at you, for some reason you looked familiar. 
“I’m sorry about that.” He said and you scoffed. 
Doyoung stared at your back as you walked away confused at the reaction he gleaned. He’d never been bad with chicks or at least he thought he wasn’t. He looked over at your friend who shrugged at him before following you. 
His house was full of people he didn’t know, and some he did. But he was at ease, this was one place he knew that his ex wouldn’t show up. So, with a quiet laugh to himself, he followed you into the living room. You were standing beside Winwin. He leaned against the wall and watched you interact with his teammate; the interaction was friendly. From the way you reacted to him it was easy to see that the two of you were close. 
“What are you looking at?” Xiaojun, another first-year rookie, asked coming up next to him. 
Doyoung replied by nodding his head in the direction of the pair, and Xiaojun nodded. 
“His sister is hot, isn’t she?” Doyoung froze as the words left the youngers mouth. Sister.
And then it came to him, the image of you pressed against a bathroom wall, with your dress pushed up as he moved inside you. Doyoung mentally facepalmed as he remembered how he left you. Turning away Xiaojun, Doyoung moved out of the living room and into the kitchen. He went straight to the cabinet where Jaehyun kept his good liquor. Pulling out a large bottle of tequila Doyoung looked around for a shot glass. He turned around and straight into Jaehyun himself. Jaehyun looked at him with a ‘what are you doing’ expression on his face. 
“I will buy you more.” Doyoung simply said finally locating the object he was looking for. Bringing the small glass over to his spot he poured some for himself. Jaehyun watched him as he tipped his head back downing the alcohol not even flinching at the burn. 
“Whoa,” Jaehyun said as Doyoung went to pour himself another one. “Aren’t you trying to like drink less or something?” 
“I slept with Winwin’s sister.” He quickly replied taking the next shot. 
“Just now?” Jaehyun asked taking the shot glass from Doyoung after poured himself another shot. 
“No. Last week.” 
“Dude what the fuck.” 
“Dude what the fuck indeed.” Your voice cut into their conversation making them both snap their head towards you. Leaning forward you took the full shot glass from Jaehyun’s hand and drank it. 
“I didn’t even get to finish.” You said after the burn in your throat subsided. Doyoung flushed as the memory of how he left you in the bathroom flooded his mind. Jaehyun looked at him a shocked expression on his face before he broke into a smile. Doyoung could tell he was trying not to laugh at him. 
He scowled in your direction taking the shot glass from you before pouring himself another shot. Jaehyun took it before he could drink it. 
“Slow down,” Jaehyun said the previous laughter gone. Doyoung rolled his eyes and moved to walk away from you and Jaehyun. 
“You know,” You said moving into his space. The two shots he’d just taken hadn’t quite hit him full force yet. “up until you ran away from me, I was actually having a good time.” Your chest brushed his as you leaned further into him. Doyoung narrowed his eyes but didn’t back away from you. 
“Too bad you don’t actually know how to make a girl cum.” You pulled away from him taking the shot glass again. Doyoung glared at the side of your head as you poured yourself another shot. He looked past you meeting Jaehyun eyes again, the boy flat out laughing this time. 
“I do, in fact, know how to make a girl cum.” He said. You scoffed. 
“I wouldn’t know.” You replied and threw your head back taking the shot. You shot him a wink before walking away from him. Jaehyun only laughed harder when Doyoung looked at him again. Sneering at the younger boy he reached for the shot glass again. 
“No,” Jaehyun said grabbing it before he did. “Pace yourself, Kun will slaughter you. You promised.” He regretted speaking to the new captain sometimes, he regretted telling Kun so much, but he did need help keeping himself in check. Doyoung rolled his eyes at Jaehyun before walking away. 
For the rest of the party, he couldn’t get his mind off of you. You stuck to your brother and your friend for the majority of the party and Doyoung didn’t like to interact with him more than he already needed to. Taking his eyes off you as you laughed at something your friend said Doyoung looked around the living room, Kun and Jaehyun weren’t anywhere in sight. He could only spot the rookies as they played beer pong in the corner of the room. Getting up from his spot on the couch he made his way into the kitchen again not seeing any of his roommates. Taking his chance, he made his way to the cabinet pulling it open and grabbing Jaehyun’s Tequila again. Your words pounding in his head as he took a shot straight from the bottle. 
“Getting shit-faced as usual,” Winwin said coming into the kitchen. Doyoung didn’t look at him as he took another swing. 
“How about you mind your own business,” Doyoung said and brushed past him back into the living room taking the bottle with him. His eyes narrowed in on you as you swayed to the music. Doyoung wasn’t in the mood of arguing with Winwin but if he had been he would have claimed that this was nothing compared to how his drinking usually went. He hadn’t had more than a couple of sips of Kun’s drink after the shots he took in the kitchen until now. Walking up to you he caught your attention, your eyes landing on the bottle he held in his hand. 
He let you take it from him as he leaned into the wall. He watched you take a drink some of the alcohol flowing out the corner of your mouth. 
“Where did your friend go?” He asked as you wiped at your mouth. 
“Home. She’s not really into parties.” You replied. Doyoung watched as you licked your lips passing him the bottle back. But he didn’t want the alcohol. His mind running as he took you in, his mind flashing to the night last week. 
“That’s a shame.” He replied. Your eyes darkened as he reached out and pulled you to him. “So, you're just here all by yourself now. Hanging out with your brother.” His hand moving to the side of your neck as he looked down at you. You let him, biting your lip as you looked up at him. 
“There’s nothing wrong with hanging out with my brother.” You replied. 
“No there isn’t except that you aren’t hanging out with him right now, are you?” You frowned up at him and then looked around the room. Doyoung followed your gaze, Winwin was still in the kitchen. Doyoung smiled to himself as you turned your eyes back to him. 
“It’s a good thing I came when I did.” You snickered at his words. 
“Is it though?” He rolled his eyes at you. That was it, he could not go down in history with this shit on his name. 
You crashed into his door, your back stinging from the impact but you ignored it as his lips returned to yours. His lips were rough, moving against yours at a bruising rate, you loved it. His hands were roaming your body pulling at your clothes. 
“Bed.” You breathed against his mouth. He chuckled at you as he grabbed your hands holding them above your head as he continued to kiss you. 
“You don’t get to call any shots babe.” He said, his mouth moving from your lips to your jaw, leaving a start mark on your skin. You moaned tilting your head to give him more space, he took the chance to leave soft kisses down your neck towards your chest. His hands letting yours go as he lowered himself down your body. 
He looked up at you as he got on his knees, his fingers grabbing at the buttons of your jeans before undoing them. You watched as he undressed you, leaving you naked from the bottom half as you stepped out of your jeans. Doyoung licked his lips as he grabbed your leg draping it over his shoulder. 
He pressed a wet kiss to the inside of your thigh, your breath hitched as you watched him. Your hand moving to his hair. He moaned softly when you tugged on the strands pulling him towards your wet heat. He pressed a kiss to your clit, using his fingers to separate your folds, relieving some of the tension that was boiling up in your body. You moaned when he darted his tongue out, a short lick. Before retreating again and looking up at you. Your eyes glassed over as you pulled at his hair again. 
He obliged again, licking up your slit slowly, dragging his tongue through your wet folds. He groaned into you, the vibrations causing you to shiver. Your head fell back against the door and he took your clit into his mouth, sucking slowly. His tongue ghosting over it. You moved your hips against his mouth wanting him to add his fingers. But your words were lost on you, only nonsense flowing past your lips as he picked up his pace. Your moans grew louder as you drew closer, your eyes closed shut as you chased your climax. 
His name rolled off your tongue as your back arched off the door. The muscles in your body tightened, as you clambered for a better grip on him. You felt his teeth gently nip at your hard nub and you crashed over the edge, your orgasm taking over your body as you pulled at his hair. He continued his ministrations, working you through your orgasm. Your body was in overdrive as you came down, a lot more sensitive than you previously were. You pulled at his hair again pulling away from you, he scowled up at you as you finally looked down at him. His lips were red and wet. He grabbed your hands as he got up. Pulling you to the bed. 
He let you lay down, as he rounded the bed going to his nightstand. He pulled out silver handcuffs. Your breathing shallowed as you took in the steel in his hands.  
“No more touching me.” He said as he placed a knee onto the bed leaning over you. He grabbed your hands bringing them up to his headboard. He closed one handcuff around your wrist the cold metal making you hiss as it came in contact with your skin. He looped the handcuffs around one of the metal rungs on his bed before bringing the other one to your other hand locking you in. 
He took a second to look down at you, before leaning down and kissing your swollen lips. You moaned into him, his tongue brushing against yours, you could taste yourself on him and it was driving you crazy. Your thighs already moving against each other as your body reacted to him, more moisture pooling in between your legs. 
“I probably should have taken this off first,” Doyoung said pulling away from your lips. His hands moving under your shirt pushing it up off you leaving it around your hands, he did the same with your bra. 
“But then again, you’re not the most attentive to details, are you?” You teased, he narrowed his eyes at you pinching your nipple, earning a soft cry from you. 
“I wouldn’t be saying shit like that right now.” He threatened, lowering his mouth to your breast. You gasped as he took your pointed nub into his hot mouth, swirling his tongue around your nipple before letting it go. He glanced up at you before trailing wet kisses over to your other breast and doing the same thing there. You squirmed underneath him, clenching your thighs tightly as you got worked up again. He pulled back from your chest looking down at your closed legs, a chuckle leaving him as he looked back up at you. His eyes dark, his pupils blown. 
Adjusting so that he was between your legs he hovered over you, leaving marks on your collarbone. You hissed moving against him, you could feel his erection through his jeans. You rolled your hips into him savouring the small amount of friction you were getting until he grabbed your hips and pushed them down into his bed. You groaned against his mouth as he pressed his mouth onto yours, his tongue pushing against yours. 
Finally, his fingers connected with your core, he slid a finger into you using his thumb to rub your already abused and sensitive clit. A loud moan left you again as your wrists pulled against the handcuffs, the metal biting into your skin. 
“Faster please.” You whined trying to move against his hand but not being able to, his hand holding your hip only tightened. You’d most definitely have a bruise there tomorrow. He picked up the pace. He kissed you harder as he added another finger, his tongue mirroring the actions of his hand as he propelled you towards another orgasm, your body seized up again, muscles tightening as you arched up into him. Your orgasm came faster this time, having already been worked up from the previous one. You panted against him as he pulled his fingers out of you, you watched biting your lower lip as he took his fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean. 
“I’d say you’d agree, I’m actually great at making women cum.” 
You walked into the cafeteria the next day for lunch, the hockey team as per usual was in their typical spot. Your brother sitting in the middle talking. You smiled as you neared the table coming up behind Doyoung. Kun smiled at you as you looped your arms around Doyoung’s neck. He stiffened for a second before turning his head to look at you, only relaxing when he realized it was you. 
“Your dear brother is right there.” He said to you quietly. 
“My brother doesn’t dictate who I fuck.” You replied pressing a kiss to his lips. Doyoung narrowed his eyes at you as you took the empty seat next to him. For some reason, you were really bold around this man, something you hadn’t been in a long time. You looked across the table feeling your brothers’ eyes on you. You smiled at him before turning back to Doyoung, but Doyoung was looking past you. Trying to get his attention but failing you followed his gaze, seeing a girl who was also staring back. You recognized the girl as your neighbour. 
“Do you know her?” You asked finally getting Doyoung’s attention. He didn’t reply just pulled your chair closer before snaking his hand around the back of your head and pulling your lips to his. You kissed him back with the same desperation he displayed only pulling away when you needed to breathe. Kun whistled as you wiped at your lips, when you looked at Doyoung he was looking past you again. You threw a quick glance over your shoulder to see the girl gone. 
“My ex.” He answered you as he turned to his food. 
Sitting in your room as Sena, your roommate and you waited for your next class you replayed the way Doyoung had reacted in the cafeteria.
“Sena,” you started looking over at her, “you said you stayed in this dorm last year too?” Sena nodded turning her attention to you. “Did you have the same neighbour?” 
“Yeah, why?” She asked, now putting her pen down and turning her full attention to you. 
“Her and Doyoung used to date, right?” Sena sighed her eyes moving around the room as she realized what you were asking. 
“Yeah, they did. She cheated on him though. I would hear them sometimes, mostly Doyoung, but it was painful to hear. One night. He begged her to let him in for hours and she just left him out in the hall. It was all over campus too, she slept with his teammate. Yuta.” 
You bit your lip as Sena turned back to her book, you didn’t know how to react. Being cheated on was a horrible thing but to have it happen with someone as close as your teammate. 
“Fuck a teammate that doesn’t know the first thing about being a decent human.”  
Your brothers’ words floated into your head. You were confused about how people could just so easily trample over others. You thought about Doyoung’s face at lunch, how quickly he shut off after seeing his ex. Your mind floating to the dark places you tried very hard to hide from as you remembered the last party you’d gone to at your old university.  
“Crap Y/N we have ten minutes until class let’s get going,” Sena said as she scrambled to get her stuff together. 
You saw Doyoung again after class, he was walking across the parking lot to his car. He hadn’t seen you yet but you smiled as you decided to make your way over to him, it was weird that you enjoyed his company only because besides fooling around nothing else had really happened. You made it to his car before he did. So, you took the extra free time to stare at him, you took in the way he scrunched his eyes against the autumn sun, the way the breeze blew through his hair. 
“Doyoung!” You blinked your eyes away from him and moved your eyes in the direction of the call. You saw your neighbour again, you quickly looked back at Doyoung as he froze, stopping in his steps. You watched as his hands tightened into fists at his side and his chest rose and fell with deep breaths. He ignored her and continued in your directions towards the car. 
“Hey,” You said softly catching his attention. His head snapped to yours as he unlocked his car. He didn’t smile at you just nodded. “You going home?” he nodded again taking his bottom lip between his teeth in a manner that showed he wasn’t happy. 
“Get in.” He said as he yanked open his door. You obliged, pulling open the passenger door. You threw a glance over your shoulder. She was still standing there; you couldn’t help but sneer as you ducked into his car. 
He was silent as he pulled out the parking lot, his hands holding the steering wheel tightly causing his knuckles to turn white. You leaned forward and looked at the side of his face, you stared, because he wasn’t even turning on the radio. 
“Uh, you're being weird.” He said as you tilted your head more and moved closer to his side. 
“Am I?” You asked, he furrowed his eyebrows and pushed you back taking one hand off the wheel. 
“Tell me about it.” You said settling back into your seat, “Just say what’s bothering you it’ll help and I swear I won’t judge you.”  
He stayed silent and you sighed. 
“It can’t be worse than not knowing how to make a girl cum.” You joked. He scoffed as he glanced over at you again his face fighting a smile. 
“You know that’s not true.” He replied. 
“So, tell me.” You insisted again, “I mean I do know that she cheated on you.” You added bluntly. His barely-there smile disappearing again pushing him back into his silence. 
“She doesn’t deserve this much from you, you know that?” you said as he pulled into his driveway. “This much energy, and time.” He parked the car, but he didn’t move, both of you stayed in your seats not even unbuckling your seat belts. 
“She didn’t apologize, not once.” He was looking down at his hands. “Everyone tells me that she doesn’t deserve my time. She once told me that I didn’t deserve this, but you get what you deserve right? People always say that, what the fuck did I ever do to deserve this?” You shook your head as he spoke. Unbuckling your seat belt, you reached for him. Letting your hands guide his head so that he was looking at you, his eyes were watery and red filled with angry unshed tears. 
“The world does not give you what you deserve Doyoung, the world is unfair, and people are cruel. You did not deserve to be cheated on.” He stared at you, his hands shaking. He blinked his eyes forcing the moisture away before he moved, grabbing your chin and pulling your lips to his. You let him, getting caught up in the way his lips moved against yours, he stole your air. Greedily moving his hands to your hair and you let yours slip to his shirt, holding him close to you. 
He pulled away; his breathing uneven as he looked at you again. 
“Why are you here?” He asked, and you smiled at him. 
“Because babe, contrary to my jokes you can make a girl cum.” 
Doyoung enjoyed your company, he liked your weird bluntness, your lack of fear of the world but most of all he liked the sex. He liked that you looked at him like you wanted to eat him. He like that he didn’t feel lonely around you. He just liked you. 
“So we're basically friends with benefits then huh?” You asked pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked over at you, taking in the fact that you were still naked on his bed even though you two had fucked over an hour ago. 
“I mean because like if we are I just wanna know if we're the kind that don’t fuck other people or if we’re the kind that do.” He was perplexed by your rambling not expecting you to say this, and he wasn’t sure how to respond not that he got the chance because you continued. 
“I mean I’m not the type to sleep with more than one person like that, not that there’s anything wrong with people who do, I just would like to know if you’re, like you know, sleeping with people other than me that’s all.” 
He smiled at you as your cheeks turned a dark shade of red as you let words pour out of your mouth. 
“I’m not sleeping with anyone else.” He said cutting you off. You bit your lip, trying to hide the painfully obvious smile that was stretching across your face. Doyoung’s own smile only grew as he got up from his desk chair and moved to his bed climbing on top of you. He pressed his lips against yours lightly. 
“Want to go out somewhere today?” he asked looking down at you. 
“Like where?” 
“An indoor theme park?” You asked your eyes widening as you took in the rides and attractions. “You know in the month that I’ve known you Kim Doyoung, I did not take you for the theme park type.” He smiled at you as you continued to look around your hand reaching for his the more excited you got. 
“Come we have to start with this.” You said and began to pull him in the direction of the roller coaster. “No, wait,” You paused and pulled him in the other direction, “That’s gotta be last.” Doyoung laughed behind you letting you pull him. 
“Doyoung!” You exclaimed in amusement stopping in your tracks as you got excited again. “Look how big that bear is.” Your eyes moved to Doyoung’s face a huge smile taking over your facial expression. He looked down at you, his eyebrow cocked up as he looked down at you. 
“What?” You asked, getting slightly self-conscious as he looked at you. 
“I haven’t said a single word, yet you know that?” He teased leaning towards you. You rolled your eyes and pushed at his chest. 
“Get me the bear, Kim.” 
He didn’t get you the bear, turned out Doyoung sucked at these kinds of games because he tried five times and each time won nothing. You had to drag him away from the stall because if you didn’t, he would have stayed there the entire time. Hours passed as you went on ride after ride and played a couple more games where you did win a small bear, you’d passed it to Doyoung with a teasing remark that had him glaring at you. 
Exhausted you settled into the bench as you waited for Doyoung to come back with something to eat. You smiled at him when he looked over at you as he stood in the line for mini donuts, he winked back at you. A warm feeling settled into your stomach, you didn’t have time to think about it though as your phone began to ring. 
“Hello, brother.” You said happily. 
“Mom and dad called,” he said getting straight to the point, “They instructed that we have to go back for a dinner.” Your heart rate picked up as you processed what your brother had just said to you. You were beginning to feel warm as anger bubbled up inside you. 
“After they kicked us out?” You asked. Your anger coming out in your tone. Winwin didn’t respond. “Fuck them I’m not going.” 
“We have to Y/N, you know we have to.” He said and you hung up on him. Fuck them all. Who did they think they were? Winwin called again and you ignored the call turning your phone off. You didn’t want to deal with this right now. First, they kick you and your brother out over a business deal and now, now they were threatening money. You knew that you and your brother didn’t have incomes you knew that at the end of the day you still needed them. But you hated it. 
You tucked your phone away, looking up at Doyoung as he walked over to you and sat down, you took a mini donut shoving it into your mouth, your mouth burning with how hot it was. You swore as you opened your mouth and took in air to cool it down. Doyoung laughed at you, and just like that the anger from earlier dissipated and the warm feeling you had from before came back. You watched Doyoung as you chewed and he laughed at you, you couldn’t get enough of his laugh. He laughed around you a lot, and to be honest, you lived for it. 
“You’re so dumb.” He said still calming down from his laughing fit. His hand reached out rubbing at the corner of your mouth, wiping away sugar, and you swore your stomach felt like you were on the rollercoaster all over again. 
His hands were everywhere, grabbing at everything. Loud breaths filled your ears as he panted around you, your heart was beating a mile a minute in the worst kind of way. You opened your mouth to scream but you couldn’t as he pushed his tongue down your mouth. You couldn’t push him away he was everywhere.  
You woke up with a startle, your body drenched in a cold sweat. You shivered as your mind went into overdrive, your pulse drumming loudly as you turned over in your bed. You took in large breaths to try and calm yourself, to distract yourself from the memory. But every time you closed your eyes that night would come back. 
“No.” You said as Dae swarmed you, backing you into a corner. He was drunk insanely drunk, you pushed at his chest as his hands began to wander up to your thigh. 
He shushed you, his mouth coming down to yours. You shoved at him again turning your head to the side. 
“Why are you being this difficult?” he asked, his hand shooting out and grabbing your wrists. Your mind went blank as his mouth pushed back against yours his tongue pushing into your mouth. His knee came up between your legs. You screamed, and before you knew it, he was ripped off you. Your brother over him, fists were flying everywhere but you couldn’t hear anything over your own hysteria. Your hands were shaking as you pushed out the room and out the house, gasping for air as you tried to calm your breathing. 
 More hands were around you, pulling you towards them but you pushed them away. 
“Hey, hey.” It was Winwin, “I’m here. Let’s go home.” He said. You looked at him, your vision blurry. His lip was cut and from the way, his cheekbone was swelling you knew it would bruise tomorrow. 
You cried harder. 
You opened your eyes again, reaching for your phone. You thought that was gonna be the worst day of your life, but the next day was worse. 
Hitting the call button, you held the phone up to your ear. 
“Hello?” His voice was groggy, you realized that you’d woken him. 
“Doyoung.” You said quietly, “Can you come get me?” 
You weren’t shocked when he came, but that shocked you. The fact that you weren’t shocked. You could tell he was tired when he pulled up to your building. 
“Sorry,” You said as you got into the car. He shook his head slightly shivering as he looked over at you. 
“Are you okay?” You looked at your hands. You knew you could tell him, you knew you trusted him. You also knew that if you said you didn’t want to talk about it he’d just take you to his house and you’d sleep, but you needed to talk about it. You wanted to tell him. 
“My parents called my brother today.” You started, “They want us to go see them for dinner.” You looked over at Doyoung taking in his reaction, he looked confused, but he didn’t say anything he just listened and waited for you to continue. 
“My parents are complicated,” You continued, “they, well they kicked Winwin and I out at the end of the last school year…” 
Your father was furious the next morning, you’d never seen him this mad. Your hands were trembling in your lap as you listened to him yell at your brother. Your anger rising. 
“My deal fell through because you can’t keep your anger in check!” Your brother stayed silent as well, “Do you understand how much money we just lost, we’re all over the news our family name is ruined. They’re calling you a thug, what the fuck is wrong with you?” 
“He was coming on to me.” You finally said having enough, “H-he was trying to do things when I was saying no!” You yelled getting up. Your father turned his glare towards you. His eyes didn’t soften the way you expected them to. 
“He’s your boyfriend, isn’t he?” He asked his voice cold. Shock ran through your body at your fathers’ words. A business deal really meant more to him? You looked up at your mother who looked away from you. You blinked back tears as the rage in you rose again, you looked over at your brother who looked equally as shocked. His anger on his face. 
“You two need to get out of my house. I have to show the world that I don’t support your stupid behaviour and there will be consequences. You both are going to a different school and I will send you a fixed fund and pay for your tuition, but you will not stay at my house. I do not want to see your faces.” 
Doyoung listened intently as you told him everything, your hands fisting into your sweats as your anger rose inside you as you spoke. You couldn’t look at him though, you looked out the window. 
“And now you have to go see him because if you don’t, he threatens to not pay for anything?” Doyoung asked. You nodded still not looking at him. His hand reached out and grabbed your arm, but you flinched. His hand instantly shot away from you. 
“Baby, look at me.” He said keeping his hands to himself. You slowly turned your head to him; his face was angry. “That motherfucker that did that to you can rot in hell and your dad’s a greedy bastard. I’d say fuck it and don’t go but I understand why you have to.” He hesitantly reached for you again, this time you leaned into his reach taking his hand and pulling him towards you. “I – I can go with you if that would make you feel better.” He said. 
You’d done a lot of things to help you get over the incident, one of those things was trying to find a guy at the bar and fuck him, to prove to yourself that you had control over your own body that what happened with Dae, and your dad did not need to take over your whole life. That you did what you wanted, and you had control over what you wanted, you didn’t regret it either because somehow it got you to him. You pressed your lips to his kissing him slowly. You didn’t understand what you felt for him, but you knew that there was something because when you were around him you felt warm and safe, and free. 
You didn’t take Doyoung with you, but he told you that he’d have his phone on the entire time and that you could call him whenever. Getting out of your brothers’ car you both looked up at the huge house that you both use to call home. 
“I fucking hate him.” You mumbled to yourself and you both made your way up the few steps to the front door. Winwin pressed the doorbell and you both waited only a few seconds before your mother pulled the door open for you two. 
“Hello,” She said a tight smile on her face. “Please behave today, your father has put a lot of effort into making sure this day would come to be.” You were confused, you looked over at Winwin who mirrored your reaction. Effort into getting the two of you here? 
Your confusion vanished when you followed your mother into the sitting from and saw him. He sat there with a smirk, his body relaxed as he leaned back in a high back chair. His father sitting on a couch beside his mother. You looked around the room for your father, he was already looking at you with a fake smile on his face. 
“Welcome home kids.” 
You followed your father into his office, Winwin at your heels, he’d ushered the two of you to follow him as a deafening silence filled the sitting room for ten minutes as you all stared at each other. Your hands were sweating so much that you had to wipe them on your dress every few minutes. You were glad the dress was black. 
Your mother had finally ended the silence by announcing that the dinner was ready. Your father had ushered you after him the moment everyone had gotten up. 
As Winwin closed the door of the office you glared at your father. 
“What is th-”
He cut you off, “You will apologize to them after dinner, both of you. They agreed that the deal could be back on if you apologize.” You both balked at him. He didn’t allow either of you to speak before ushering you out of the room again. Both of you were too shocked to move still processing what your father had just said to you. When neither of you moved, he did, swinging open the door and walking out. You stared at your brother as he glared at the spot his father was standing in. 
“Fuck that.” He said and stormed after your father, you scrambled after him. 
“I don’t know what you thought was going to happen at this dinner, but the last thing we’re going to do is apologize to that fucking rat,” Winwin said stopping at the head of the long table as your father turned around and glared at him. The room was silent everyone staring at Winwin with wide eyes, even you were shocked. 
“And your inheritance? Your funds? Don’t forget your place kid. You will apologize.” Your father replied calmly. Your brother was fuming, taking a step forward until he was standing right in front of your father. 
“Fuck you and fuck your money.” 
Your father snorted. 
“How do you think your gonna afford your life boy?” 
“We’ll figure it out, we don’t need you.” You finally said taking your brother's hand and pulling him with you. You both left the large dining room, taking hurried steps towards the front door, both itching to be out the house. You pushed the front door open and walked out. 
“Go to the car,” Winwin said unlocking his car for you, “I have to grab something.” You nodded not questioning him and made your way to the car. 
You opened the door and got in, but someone caught the door as you pulled it. Dae leaned down into your space grabbing your face in his hand. His mouth a fraction away from yours, your nose was assaulted with the strong cologne he overused. 
“You think that you won?” he asked, “You didn’t, now you’re a broke bitch with nothing to your name. You’re a nobody.” You shoved him off of you kicking his shin as you did. He swore and let go of you backing up. He chuckled. “I heard about your new toy. I heard you suck his dick like a real whore would. So, it’s just me huh? It’s only a little bit before he gets bored of you. You aren’t enough and you never will be.” 
He slammed the door shut as Winwin bound out the house. You watched your brother as anger took over his features again as saw Dae
“See you on the ice motherfucker,” Dae said slamming into Winwin's shoulder as he passed him. 
“What did he say to you?” Winwin asked as he got into the car. You shook your head and looked away from him. 
“Let’s just go.” 
Three days and Doyoung hadn’t heard from you he’d called and texted only to be ignored. His head was spinning, he was feeling crazy. You weren’t his girlfriend, but he was losing it. His head ached as he stared at your contact. He felt lonely again his mind drifting to every place it shouldn’t go, every insecurity he’d developed lapping at him as he sat at the kitchen table. What happened? Did he do something wrong? Was it a mistake to tell you that he’d go with you? You hadn’t taken him after all, you hadn’t called him after and when he had called you, you’d ignored him. That awful feeling of abandonment hit him hard, his heart hurt and he couldn’t explain why. 
He got up stalking over to the cabinet and pulling out Jaehyun’s alcohol again. He didn’t need a shot glass he just opened the bottle and took a swing, the liquor burned as it made its way down his throat. He didn’t give himself time to think before he drank more. 
He wasn’t going to go see you, one because he couldn’t do that to himself this time not again, he couldn’t beg like he had with his ex. He also realized that he didn’t have a single clue where your dorm was. That realization also hurt because he’d let you into his life every inch of it, and the moment he found out something dark about you, you shut him out. He closed his eyes as he took another swing, no rational thought entering his mind as he did so. 
“Why do they ruin all my good places?” He muttered to himself as he grabbed his keys from the key holder, stumbling towards the door. 
“Hey what the fuck, Doyoung are you drunk?” Ten’s voice caught his attention as he opened the front door, cold hair hitting him as he did. 
“I mean I don’t know.” He replied, his words kind of slurring. Ten furrowed his eyes brows at him rushing to him as he did. 
“Were you going to drive?” He asked. 
“I mean maybe. I don’t know.” He replied. 
Ten narrowed his eyes at him and took his keys. Doyoung rolled his eyes and glared down at the boy. 
“Well fine then you gotta drive me, okay?” he said and grabbed Ten's arm pulling him out the house towards his car. 
“Why are you drunk on a Wednesday Doyoung, I thought you stopped this.” Ten said, Doyoung could sense the judgement in his friends’ words. But he’d expected it. His vision blurred as he leaned back into his seat, his head spinning from the alcohol. He closed his eyes and laughed. 
“Ten my man, it’s because I’m a fucking loser and everyone leaves me.” His head fell to the side as Ten started the car. 
“Take me to the indoor theme park.” He said and then laughed, “because I’m a sucker for a bad time.” 
A couple of minutes later Ten was parked in the parking lot, but the theme park was closed. Doyoung just nodded his head as Ten told him leaning his head into the window. 
“Did you really like her?” Ten asked, his voice soft. Doyoung shrugged. 
“Not that it matters now.” But he did, the answer was yes. He liked you around him, he liked your laugh, your smile, the ease you gave him. He liked that you spoke too much practically all the time and never really thought about what you were about to say. He liked how you made him feel, he liked that you didn’t make him want to drink. He liked you. 
Ten frowned, staring at Doyoung. 
“I’m not back to drinking like before,” Doyoung said quietly, he wasn’t able to look at Ten. “I just – I’m not back to drinking okay?” 
“Give me a couple of minutes and then we can go.” Ten nodded at Doyoung’s words and turned up the music. 
Doyoung was pissed, it had been a week and honestly, he didn’t give a fuck anymore, or at least he liked to tell himself that. He kept his word and didn’t drink, but that just meant that he was always angry, especially angry whenever he looked at Winwin. 
“We’re playing against your old school huh?” Doyoung heard Jaehyun ask Winwin. The other boy only nodded as he got into his gear. Doyoung ground his teeth and continued to get dressed. He wanted to be out on the ice bad, his blood was pumping, he needed to let the anger out one way or another. 
Halfway through the game, Doyoung was drenched in sweat, but his anger was coming down as he let himself be taken away by the sport. Adrenaline pumped through him as the whistle blew starting the third period. The other team got possession and Doyoung focused on defence. He kept his mind blank as he played only thinking about the game, Jungwoo checked the player with the puck, the puck going astray. Doyoung took his opening and claimed the puck, skating as he looked around for an open teammate to pass to. Seeing Winwin open he sent the puck down the ice in the same second he was slammed into the plexiglass. His ribs ached from the hit he slipped onto the ice and looked up at the guy who’d hit him, for some reason he was hovering over him still. 
“How are my sloppy seconds?” He asked, “The prude give you blue balls yet?” Doyoung’s head spun as he slowly got up, he was used to hits so his usual recovery time wasn’t this slow but, then again, he never was hit this hard. “But then again I heard that she sucks your dick like a prostitute.” But he wasn’t slow to understand what this fuck was saying. Taking his gloves off as he got up, Doyoung swung at the other man. His hands shoving him hard in the chest, before skating after him and grabbing his jersey. Doyoung didn’t think he just began to punch him, he was shoved back his helmet coming off as the other boy took his own helmet off. 
“Fuck you.” Doyoung spat, as the boy charged him, he got one good hit in. Straight to Doyoung’s jaw, before the refs were on them. Winwin was in front of him in seconds grabbing him from the ref. 
“Relax.” The younger boy said as the ref ejected both Doyoung and the other guy. 
“Let me go.” He said and shook Winwin off of him as he skated off the ice and went straight to the change room. 
He was under the spray of the shower when you walked into the locker room. The steam was filling the locker room, making the air hot as you quietly walked in his direction. He saw you before you spoke his eyes darkening as you leaned against the wall. 
“Doyoung.” You said his name softly, earning a glare from him. You deserved it; you’d let Dae’s words get to you. But now looking at him, taking the way he winced under the hot water the darkening bruise on his ribcage, the cut on his lip. You frowned. 
Dae was wrong. You looked at Doyoung, you knew whatever happened on the ice was because of you, and he’d done that even when you’d ignored him. 
“I’m sorry,” you said and took a step towards him. 
“For what? Ignoring me?  Or fucking with my head?” You didn’t reply just walked towards him, slowly getting under the water and letting your hands trace over his ribcage, your fingers skimming over the growing bruise. 
“For everything.” You said, letting your hand move up to his wet hair. The water soaked into your clothes as you pulled him into you, he let you. His arms looping around your waist. You looked up at him watching his face soften as he took you in. 
“Why’d you ignore me?” he asked. His breath fanning across your face. 
“Someone told me I wasn’t enough for you and I believed them.” Doyoung’s hands tightened, you closed your eyes and pressed your forehead against his. “I let my head get carried away with every insecurity I’ve ever had.” 
“I’m glad you came to your senses.” He said, his hand moving your shirt up so that his fingers could trace your skin. He pressed his lips to yours kissing you slowly as he moved your wet shirt up your torso. 
“Don’t ignore me next time.” He said moving his lips to your jaw, “Come talk to me instead.” You nodded and pulled out of his hold. Pushing him to the wall you ripped your shirt off over your head and quickly took off your pants. 
“Promise.” You said, “but we don’t have that long until the game ends.” looking up at him through hooded eyes, you pressed yourself against him again, you kissed his jaw, before moving down to his collar bone, taking the skin onto your mouth you gently bit it before running your tongue over it as he hissed. You kissed down his chest to the side of his ribcage pressing hot kisses down his wet skin. Until you got to his erection, he was hard and ready for you. You squatted down taking him in your hand as you looked up at him, he looked at you through half-lidded eyes as you slowly moved your hand up and down his length before pressing a soft kiss to the head. He groaned before letting his head fall back as he tangled his hand into your wet hair. 
“Babe,” He moaned as you took this tip into your mouth swirling your tongue around before moving him further into your mouth. Your hand working the rest of his cock as you continued to slowly move down on him. 
You stopped when Doyoung removed his hand from your hair and grabbed your wrist, you looked up at him again. His chest was heaving, and he looked at you like he was ready to devour you. 
“I love it when you give me head, but we really don’t have time for that.” He said moving himself out of your mouth. He pulled you up to him, his mouth joining yours again and his fingers trailed to your core. 
“So wet.” He said dragging a finger through your fold. Pulling his hand away from you he turned you around before turning around himself, your front against the cold wall, you moaned at the contrast. 
“Don’t take too long.” He said and lined himself up at your entrance. You moaned when he sank in his hands grabbing roughly at your ass before he started to thrust into you. You arched your back as you clenched around him, his cock twitching in you. 
“You’re so tight.” He moaned, his hand grabbing at your shoulder as his thrusts became harsher. You heard the buzzer of the game, indicating that the game was over. Your moans grew louder as the idea of the entire hockey team rushing in hit you. 
“Fuck,” Doyoung groaned his thrusts growing harsher, as you neared your climax. “You gotta cum now, pretty girl.” He said his arm winding around you so that his fingers could rub your clit. The added pressure pushed you along until your orgasm smashed into you. You moaned loudly as Doyoung continued to thrust into you, your muscles twitching around him pushing him to his climax. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” He panicked as he pulled out of you, using his hand to reach his orgasm. “We forgot a condom.” You turned around pushing his hand away and working him with your own until he came. You pushed your lips against him, both of you breathing erratically as you kissed. 
“What am I going to wear to get out.” You asked him pulling away from him. You both looked at your wet clothes. 
“I have an extra hoodie here, and I can look in Ten’s cubby he’s probably got sweats that will fit you.” 
He didn’t finish his sentence as the boys crashed into the locker room. Your eyes widened mirroring Doyoung’s. He quickly yanked you pulling you towards the line of toilet stalls. He shoved you in as the boys barked at each other not noticing the two of you yet. 
“Sorry stay here.” He said shoving his towel at your chest. 
“Dude why are you walking around naked?” You heard Mark ask as you wrapped the towel around yourself. 
“Because I can.” You hear Doyoung mumble back, his tone irritated. 
“You guys take forever in the change room.” You complained as Doyoung walked with you to the dorms. 
“My coach would have killed us.” He stated as he pulled you into him. “I’m sorry though that’s the only thing I could think of.” 
“Whatever it’s okay.” 
“So, I finally get to go up to your dorm huh?” He asked, and you nodded. 
“I would have brought you sooner, but I have a roommate who never leaves our room. I love her but damn is she anti-social. Getting her to that start of the year party was hard.” You explained as the two of you climbed the stairs. Doyoung looked at your ass as you walked up in front of him. It was hard not to. He was glad to hear that the reason for not seeing your dorm was because of something simple and not what he’d actually made it into in his head. You rounded out the stairwell pushing the door open into the hall of your floor. Doyoung froze as he realized what floor you lived on. A floor he’d been to many, many times last semester. 
“Doyoung?” He heard her voice before he saw, and dread set into him again. He snapped his head towards her direction as your hand slipped into his. His ex was staring at him, her eyes slightly wide as she took in his profile. The cut lip, the slightly swelling jaw. He frowned at her. 
“What?” He asked his voice cold. 
“Uh, what happened to you?” She asked. 
“None of your business.” He replied. She nodded. He watched her as she swallowed and hesitated again. He tightened his hand around yours again. 
“Uh yeah. D-do you think I could talk to you in private for a second?” she asked glancing over at you. 
“Whatever you have to say you can say in front of Y/N.” 
“Yeah, okay sure, you know I – I realized I never apologized to you.” She finally said. Doyoung was shocked, he was silent for a few seconds. He wasn’t sure if he heard that right. He was only snapped out of his daze when you tugged on his hand lightly taking his attention from his ex to you. You looked up at him with a soft expression on your face, you looked so wholly his. The way you were looking at him his heart clenched as he looked back at his ex. Somewhere along the way, he realized that he didn’t care about his ex anymore, he didn’t miss her or want her back. He was hurt sure but that was fading too. He knew he wanted to hear this and here it was, and it felt like he was being freed. 
“I forgive you.” She nodded her eyes filling with water. Doyoung turned away from her taking you into his arms. 
“Now show me where your room is baby.” He said smiling down at you. You smiled up at him and nodded pulling him with you towards your room. 
“It’s nothing special.” You said as you pushed the room door open. He didn’t look around as he closed the door behind him. Just pushed you onto your bed, kissing you. 
He wasn’t gonna let you get away from him. 
Not that you were planning on going anywhere.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading this, I really hope you guy enjoyed it! Please let me know what you guys thought, any opinions or comments you have on the story are very much welcome I love to hear from you guys so please don’t hesitate to let me know what you think. Additionally if you have any constructive criticism don’t  be afraid to let me know, I always want to get better so its welcome and appreciated. 
The next part to this AU will be Winwin so please look forward to that! and once again thank your for reading I really hope you liked it! 
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baguettehead · 3 years
Quarry days
Stan Uris x they/them reader
warnings: some curse words, richie tozer, lil bit of angst, possibly based off of real situations, lil bit of Reddie ;)
Summary: You’ve always had a thing for the brown eyes and mop of curly hair, the voice that made you melt like a Popsicle, but what if you added in scheming friends, darkness, missing gas, and maybe a turtle.
   You had known the losers since 6th grade. That was the year your parents decided to make the move from Michigan to Derry, Main. You moved around a lot, and you weren’t even an army brat, your parents just seemed to enjoy hopping from place to place. Your parents owned their own business, all the work was mostly online so it was pretty easy to just up and leave. You were born in Washington state, lived their for a while, then you lived in California for a few years, Colorado for a singular year, Michigan, and now the shithole that is Derry, Maine.
    You had no idea why your parents chose Derry, there really wasn’t much here. A few nice shops, a pretty decent arcade, old people with sticks up their butts, and what you thought to be a normal group of neighborhood bullies.
    When you moved to Derry you had no one, and at this point you didn’t care enough to try and make friends, you didn’t know if you were staying long. After an tantalizingly long day of being forcefully introduced to classmates and eating lunch alone, in the library, you honestly just wanted a nap.
  Leaving the school you were suddenly pushed into the wall next to you, your bag thrown off your shoulder, and coming face to face with the wonderful scent of vodka and utter shit. Must be Bowers. He held you by the shoulder of your shirt with his right hand and with his left he put his forearm on your neck, effectively trapping you to the wall
  This was your first encounter with the infamous gang, but you’d heard about them from the few conversations you’d had with kids in classes and passing periods. Let’s just say, he was as disgusting as you’d heard. Has he ever tried a toothbrush before??
  “Look at this” he spoke, looking back to his gang of douchbags “Fresh meat” his goons laughed a little while you just rolled your eyes, you’d dealt with your fare share of bullies and asshats that you simply couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore
 “look” you said in an exasperated sigh “i don’t have cash, my mom packs my lunch”
  “well then” Bowers said “you’ll just have to pay me in another way darling” a disgusting grin overtook his face and his goons began laugh and cheer like they just took a shit on the toilet for the first time
  “i’m good” you spoke calmly as you attempted to leave his grasp. Bowers just stared down at you confused for a second before he snapped back into action and held you a little tighter
 “it wasn’t a question” he seethed through closed teeth
 “and i wasn’t giving a suggestion dipshit”
 Henry’s jaw tightened and you could practically see the anger bubbling inside him while his group of misfit toys got real quite
“now listen here you little bit-”
“no you listen asshole” you cut him off  “i don’t have time to deal with insecure little boys who didn’t get mommy’s attention as a child and now take it out on all those around him” you spoke quickly faking a pout and slowly worming your way out of his grip “your just some stuck up prick who relishes in the hurt of others because you are so hurt that your deranged little brain finds pleasure making other miserable so that you can fake happiness. News flash, hurting others won’t make you happy, you’ll always be an attention deprived, whiny ass child who probably won’t live past their 30′s, will definitely have a substance abuse issue, and even as a 15 year old attempts to drown his sorrows in vodka and punching kids smaller than him for fun” you finished your little rant, taking in a short breath “now” you continued, marveling at the befuddled looks on all their faces “i have a can of pepper spray in my back pocket and if one of you little rascal looking ass children comes any closer i’ll mace you in the face. Got it”
 As soon as you finished you slipped from his grasp and starting running like hell towards your house. You could hear him screaming profanities, and you knew you were now on his hit list, but you really couldn’t find it in yourself to give a shit.
 Once you knew you were far enough, you knew he wouldn’t follow you but didn’t want to risk it, you sat on the curb to catch your breath. Almost immediately you saw 4 bikes coming around the corner, the occupants stopping in front of you and throwing their bikes down.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT WAS INCREDIBLE”  the one with coke bottle glasses screamed at you practically screamed at you, you returned a weak smile
“H-h-he’s gonna f-f-fu-fucking kill you” another rushed out
 You shrugged your shoulders “ive got a at least a few days” you told them “i wounded his masculinity, gotta build that back up” you muttered
 “I can’t believe you did that” the one with the fanny pack stated as he started to pace in front of you “i mean, now bowers and his whole gang are gonna be on your ass” he stopped in front of you and made direct eye contact “your gonna have to watch for him at all times” he deadpanned and you grimaced a little bit
“don’t worry” coke bottle glasses spoke up again “bowers is always on our asses so we can show you the best place to avoid him”
 “a-and the hallways to a-a-avoid h-him” the dirty blonde spoke up
you smiled up at them “i’d actually quite like that”
“Then welcome to the losers club y/n” the forth boy spoke up as he held his hand out for you, the one with curly hair and amazing eyes. You had him in two of classes and he always seems to catch your eye. You took his hand and he helped you off the curb before they gave you their unofficial, official, tour of the town.
 After that you were practically glued to the four boys, you did everything with them now. And if it wasn’t all of them, you were with at east one practically at all times.
You told them about your moving adventures, even opening up about your constant fear that your parents are gonna pack up and leave forcing you to leave them, and earning Richie’s nickname for you Cali. For some reason Richie couldn’t seem to let go of the fact that you lived in California, asking questions about it whenever there was downtime, and telling you about his dream of living there one day and making it big. You always told him that he could do it, because you truly believed he could.
Soon Bev, Mike, and Ben joined the group, making it 8. You gained your ‘secret’ clubhouse, and Bill, Mike, Stan, and Richie all got their licences.
 Now its junior year, you’ve made it almost 5 years in Derry, and you’ve gained the closed friends you’ve ever had
“You guys wanna go to the quarry after school?” Richie asked, his mouth half full of turkey sandwich and pretty much yelling over all the noise in the cafeteria. You shuddered and watched as Eddie slapped his shoulder and scolded him for talking with his mouth open, Rich pouting like a child. You loved watching them, a knowing smile on your face.  
 “sounds like fun” Bev voiced “y/n and i just went swimsuit shopping and they looked killer in their suit” she smirked at you from down the table while you blushed and rolled your eyes
“i mean i’d prefer to see the suit on the floor but whatever your comfortable with” Richie commented
you threw a baby carrot at his face, which he caught in his mouth promoting cheers from the others and for you to dissolve into laughter
“i is s-s-s-supposed to be like n-n-ninety degrees today” Bill added in
“oh fuck that” you groaned as you lent your head on stand shoulder next you and continued munching on your carrots, missing how he smiled down at you
“quarry it is!” Richie exclaimed before everyone else fell back into their conversations
“sooooo” you heard Stan draw out from above you, moving your head to look up at him but leaving it resting on his shoulder “will i get to see this new suit you apparently look amazing in?” he questioned while wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way. You simply laughed, shoving his shoulder and telling him to shut up.
You’ve had a crush on Stan since 7th grade. You always thought he was attractive, like REALLY attractive, but after getting to know him and spending time together you knew you were fucked.
Bev has tried convincing you that he likes you back but, something in your brain just can’t accept it. She’s gone on and on about how ‘different’ he acts around you, how hes “not such a stuck up prick, he like, actually kinda nice and soft”, her words exactly. But, that was just the Stan you knew, the one you always saw. Caring, kind, funny, and enjoyable.
Bill drove you and Bev to her house, where your suits where from the last time you slept over like 4 days ago, and then took you both to the quarry. Once you got there you saw all the other cars and heard splashing and screaming.
“Those assholes went without us” Bev cried as she ripped the car door open, bolting for the cliff and immediately jumping off. You and Bill just laughed and sat there for a moment.
“r-ready m’lady?” Bill asked as he left the car and extended a hand for you
laughing, you took his hand “Of course good sir”
Bill was already in his trunks so after the short walk up the hill he plunged into the water , full cannonball, soaking almost everyone except Mike who swam out of the way. You watched from the top, laughing as they splashed each other back and forth. Sometimes it was nice to just watch their antics and relish in the moment.
“you coming sweet cheeks” Richie yelled up to effectively drawing every ones attention you
You blushed at the sudden attention “Whatever Tozier” you yelled back before you began stripping down to your swim suit.
Unbeknownst to you at the top of the cliff, you had some effect on poor Stan down in the water. He sat with his eyes glued to you as you exposed more and more skin. He’s seen you in a swimsuit before, hell he’s even seen you in your panties, but every time it still manages to make his mouth go dry and eyes widen.
“They’ll catch you drooling if you stare too long” Richie quipped with a smirk
“Shut it Tozier” he murmured lowering into the water to hide his blush right as you jumped from the cliff.
The eight of you spent hours in the water. Chicken fights, splash wars, and Richie attempting to dunk you, Bill even found a turtle which he claimed meant good luck. You only got out of the water for a bit to dry off before leaving. You and Bev lie on the rocks to dry off and maybe tan, that was, before Mike carried a bucket of water over and splashed you both with started yet another splash war. You finally got out when the sun started to set. You sat around and talked, told stories, before you had to leave. You were all still pretty wet but you didn’t care.
Stan had offered you a ride earlier and you happily agreed, knowing you’d get some alone time with him and ice cream if you begged hard enough.
You layed back on the rocks, to watch the sunset and see the stars starting to pop out.
“alright were heading out” Richie suddenly said
 Mike had already left, taking Ben with him due to their stricter curfews. But Rich was taking Eddie and Bill Bev.
“What, why?” Stan said, narrowing his eyes as if he knew they were plotting something
“j-just tired is all” Bill replied casually before he began walking to his car
“bye” Eddie chimed in
“Bye Edds!” you called back
“wait why can she call you that” Rich argued walking side by side with Eddie
“cause i actually like them” He replied casually with a shrug
Richie just huffed and pouted like a child before Eddie nudged his shoulder and he was all smiley again
“See you at school” Bev called, sending a wink in your direction which you replied to with an eye roll
As they walked towards their cars and began to drive away Stan turned towards you “That was suspicious right?”
“completely” you replied climbing down from the rock you previously lied on
“Okay good, it wasn’t just me” he said with a sigh
You laughed a bit “But when are they not suspicious?”
“You got me there” he said before he leaned back on the rock behind him
You crawled over to sit next to him, laying your head on his shoulder and just admiring the sunset. You both sat like that for a while, surrounded by comfortable silence.
One thing about Derry was that no matter how hot the days were the nights seemed to always be freezing, accompanied by wind. You crossed your arms over yourself in hopes of generating more body heat.
“Are you cold” Stan asked taking notice of your shivering form
“Just a bit” you answered not wanting to ruin the comfortable bubble you’d found yourselves in
“i have a blanket in my car” he started to stand up only for you to groan and cling on to his arm. Laughing, he sat back down and you cuddled into his side.
“you’ll catch a cold babe come on” you blushed at the pet name and melted even further into his side when he started combing through your hair with his fingers. Noticing that you weren’t going to budge he huffed a bit, though, he didn’t want to move either.
“I’ll get you ice cream” he sighed
You bounced up with a goofy grin on your face, pulling his hand towards the car
“Lets not waste time” you started “i’m in critical condition, need creamed ice immediately” you feigned sick with a hand to your forehead and pouty eyes. He only laughed, getting up and heading to the car, his hand never leaving yours as you walked to the car.
“what the fuck” he muttered as you reached the car
Tucked under the windshield wiper of his car was a note that said ‘use protection’, clearly in Richies handwriting, and a roll of condoms
You blushed lightly, giggling a bit. Stan looked to with a puzzled expression on his face “i don’t know” you shrugged trying to prove your innocence.
“I don’t understand half the things he does” you comment as you climb into the passengers seat
“does anyone?” he questions with a laugh
Stan throws the note and condoms into the center console before starting up the car. Your bouncing in your seat, the anticipation of ice cream making you giddy and Stan laughs at that. Well, the car doesn’t start. Stan tried multiple times, clearly getting frustrated
“uh Stan” you try and grab his attention, it works, anytime you talk Stan always has his full attention on you. You point towards the gas meter, which displays empty.
 “I literally got fucking gas on the way here what the fuck” he exclaims as he gets out of the car, you follow. You see him stop and stare at the gas tank opening
“what?” you question before reaching the other side of the car and falling silent
Right below the gas tank, on the ground, lays a rubber pipe.
“Did they fucking siphon my gas?!” He yells
You stand there for a moment longer, staring at the gas lined pipe, before you break out into hysterical laughter. The pure kind that comes from the belly and leaves you gasping for air with side cramps
“its not funny” he yells
you try to talk but it just dissolves into more hysterics and soon enough Stan is laughing with you, your laugh is just contagious and your radiant smile that could light up the entire galaxy never fail to make him follow along.
After you both calm down, clutching your bellies, you break the silence
“so, what do we do now?” you look over to Stan who’s sitting next to you on the curb
“i guess i’ll call Rich and have him come pick us up” you nod
He stands up, pulling out his phone and calling Rich. You sort of zone out, guess you were more tired than you thought, but your brought back to earth by Stan yelling into the phone. All you could catch was
“what?! No! Hey no no no” and “Fucking asshole” as he ended the call. You new what was coming but you asked anyways
“He said hes not coming” Stan sighed in defeat as he sat next to you and lied his head on your shoulder. Your hand immediately immersed itself in his hair, gently scratching his scalp and brushing through his curls. You sighed wondering how the fuck you were gonna get out of this one.
“what about Mike and Bill?” you questioned
“in on it” he sighed out and you hummed in response. You both sat there for a moment, in comfortable silence, trying to calm Stan down.
“did he say anything els-”
“do you like me?” Stan’s head rose from your shoulder, looking you in the eyes and cutting off your sentence. You felt your mouth go dry, eyes widening, cheeks getting hot and probably bright red.
“i- uh- well” you stuttered out, really having no clue how to answer that question
“I mean” he started, sighing and nervously running a hand through his head of wild curls “not in a …. friends way” he finished slowly, meeting your eyes
He had a blush of his own covering his cheeks and his marvelous brown eyes danced all over your face as if looking for the answer there. You sat there staring at him for what felt like forever, running over your choices. Just as the though of running away and joining the circus came into your mind you felt a surge of confidence and smashed your lips into his.
He tasted like mint, salt, and something you could only describe as Stan.
Your lips moved together perfectly, dancing around each other in the best dance you’d ever preformed. Teeth hitting teeth as the years of desperation and pining were finally put to a rest. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you into his lap to straddle him, as yours wound around his neck and wove into his hair.
You both pulled away panting. His lips barely leaving yours, still ghosting over them like a precursor for whats to come. You stared into his eyes, you could get lost in those brown orbs so easily, drowning hopelessly in their beauty and dying happily. Stan was the first to break the silence
“yes?” he questioned
you threw your head back and laughed heartily. The sight alone made him melt in your hands and the sound dug his grave. The brilliant smile you flashed him afterwards felt like the afterlife and when you leaned down to capture his lips one again he knew he was in heaven.
“yes” you breathed as you pulled away from him, as difficult as it was
Stan smiled so brightly and let out a little cheer before falling right back into your lips and kissing you more passionately than anyone ever has and you doubt anyone ever will. There you sat, Straddling Stanley Uris in an empty parking and kissing him until you were gasping for breath.
You pulled away from Stan, leaning your forehead on his, pressed into his chest, barely inches away. He leaned up and peppered your face in small kissing causing you to break into giggles.
“I love you y/n y/l/n” he spoke softly into the night air
You stared into his chocolate eyes, in complete euphoria
“I love you too Stanley Uris” you told him with the most confidence you have ever had in a statement.
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
i ♡ u (Spencer Reid Imagine)
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Summary: Reader and Spencer are trapped in the office during a storm. 
Category: Smut, Fluff Content Warning: cussing, unprotected sex/creampie, thunderstorm Word Count: 4.5k A/N: I don’t really like this imagine tbh so don’t be afraid to share your opinions
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“It was a dark and stormy night just like this one . . .” Reid said with a spooky voice. Thunder clapped in the distance and lightning flashed, adding to the mood of the room. Reid waited for your reaction, but you didn’t have it in you. You pressed your fingers to your temples, hoping that moving them in a circular motion would somehow stimulate your brain and magically generate logical thoughts that weren’t clouded by your weariness. 
“Sorry, Reid. I’m listening. Keep going.” You didn’t want to discourage him with your fatigue. You were the only one who would consistently give Reid the time of day, and you never faltered in that. At times, you were the only one who’d let him finish speaking.
“You usually love my campfire scary stories,” You knew without even looking at him that Reid was pouting out of disappointment. “I really think you should go home. I’ll call you if I find something or if I need you.”
“No, no you shouldn’t be working on this alone. I’ll be fine.” You slapped your cheeks gently to wake yourself up and forced yourself to refocus on the case. 
Hotch and JJ had to fulfill parenting duties, Prentiss was away doing a custodial interview for a couple days, Rossi and Morgan both went home a few hours ago because they could barely keep their eyes open, and Garcia was most likely knocked out in her bat cave. The team had been working on this case for 24+ hours straight and it was draining, but you weren’t about to leave Reid alone to work on it by himself. It wasn’t a contest or a way to prove that you were somehow a better agent if you stayed up working with him, but you genuinely didn’t feel right delegating all of the responsibility onto him. It happened too often where Reid’s good heart and great work ethic was taken advantage of. 
“Have you narrowed down the comfort zone?” You sipped at your lukewarm coffee, wincing at the unpleasant taste but grateful for any burst of energy you could get. 
Reid nodded, drawing a large red circle. He was in the middle of explaining when his words started sounding like complete nonsense. “Interstate 55 miles true North latitude triangulate.” 
You almost thought you were hallucinating or something to that effect, but Reid saw the genuine fear in your eyes and quit his prank. “No, you’re fine! You’re fine! I was just saying random words to play with you. I thought it’d scare you enough to realize you need to get some sleep.” 
“Reid!” You chucked a pen at him that he successfully dodged. This only made him laugh harder. “You’re not gonna get rid of me that easy.” You told him. 
“When was the last time you slept?” He asked seriously.
It was a huge red flag that it took you somewhere around a minute to come up with the answer since it had been so long that you couldn’t remember. You waved your hand in the air to rid him of his concerned expression. He had no reason to worry. “Really, I’ll be fine. It’s less dangerous to be running on less than 8 hours of sleep than it is to leave one person to solve an entire case by himself. I’m not going home, Reid. I’m here to stay.” 
He noticed your stubbornness and thought of a new approach to neutralize the situation. “What if you and I both call it a night right now and then wake up in a few hours?” 
Now, this sounded like a plan you could get behind. Without any resistance, you set an alarm for 5 a.m and flopped onto the couch just beside the round table. Reid joined you, slipping into his rightful spot behind you. You’d had plenty of platonic sleepovers that constituted sharing the same couch/bed with him, so this was nothing new. With your back barely touching Reid’s chest, you shut your eyes. It didn’t take more than ten minutes for both of you to drift off. 
A loud blaring noise filled the room. It made you and Spencer wake up at the same time. 
“What is that?” His voice was all raspy from where he just woke up. 
The sound was weirdly familiar, but you didn’t know where you recognized it from. That’s when you looked out the nearest window and saw that it was still dark outside. 
“I don’t know, but it’s not our alarm.” You pointed out. That’s when Reid eyed the clock on the wall. 
3 a.m. 
You quickly felt around in the dark, reaching inside your purse for your phone. When you pulled it out, the ear-splitting noise got louder, making you realize it was your phone after all, but you were right. It wasn’t your alarm. 
“It’s just a flash flood warning.” You relayed to Reid, squinting at the brightness of your phone. No wonder Reid didn’t know what the sound was - his ancient phone didn’t have the feature. You grumbled, falling back onto the couch. 
“There’s no way I’m gonna fall back asleep after that.” He groaned. 
You hummed in agreement. “Yeah, I’m wide awake now.” Stupid flash flood warning. 
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes while Reid stretched and got up from the couch. Checking the notifications he’d gotten on his phone, he said, “Garcia left while we were asleep.” 
“And then there were two.” 
Everyone was probably catching z’s while you two were catching the killer - or trying to at least. 
So, if it was just going to be Reid’s brain and your brain functioning to work on the case, you needed some coffee. 
“I’ll be back.” You walked down to the kitchen with your mug in hand and just as you were about to grab the coffee pot, a huge flash of lightning struck outside and suddenly the office went dark. The lights went out and the gentle hum of the generator shut off.
“Spencer!” You screamed out of fear. You heard the pitter-patter of his footsteps rushing to you. That’s when you saw Spencer using his archaic phone’s flashlight to find his way to you. He pulled you into a quick hug asking if you were okay, and you answered you were fine, just spooked. When you came down to pour coffee, you didn’t remember seeing anyone else, but now your stomach turned thinking about how someone might be in here with you - listening to you.
“Take out your gun,” He whispered. You did as he ordered you to, pulling your gun out of the holster. “Turn on the flashlight.” You clicked it on and handed it over to him, remembering that he didn’t have a flashlight on his gun because he had a revolver. 
“Stay behind me.” He commanded. You moved back, basically hugging him from behind. You thought you were actually going to pass out from fear if you didn’t hold onto him for dear life. He did a quick pass with the flashlight, revealing no one else was in the bullpen unless they were hiding. 
You yelped in fear. “It’s just the thunder, Y/N,” He reasoned, reminding you of the ongoing storm. Oh right, there was a thunderstorm happening, too. Great. “Here take this and go back to the conference room.” He gave you his revolver and kept your gun, ushering you to walk back to the round table. 
“What? Why? Where are you going?” Your small voice had never sounded so shaky. 
“I’m gonna check the power box and see if I can fix it.” 
Your first instinct was to shake your head disapprovingly, but then you remembered that he couldn’t see you in the dark. “No way! You’re not leaving me alone in a dark room. I’m coming with you.” 
He didn’t argue against it probably because he was just as scared as you were. Reid did another quick survey of the room, using the beam of your flashlight to double check that there was no one else around. 
As you clung to Reid, you made yourself sick just by thinking of all the horrifying possibilities that could happen. For all you knew, a whole group of unsubs was waiting for you at the power box, knowing you and Reid would check there as soon as the electricity went out. Would whatever happened to you two tonight become a campfire scary story that other FBI agents would talk about just like how you and Reid talk about them? The odds were not in your favor. No lights. Storm outside. 3 a.m. Just the two of you, and no offense to Reid, but if this were a horror movie, he was probably the last person you wanted to be with. Top of the list was easily Morgan, because at least if Morgan was scared shitless by the predicament, he wouldn’t show it.
While Reid led the two of you through the pitch black darkness, both of your hands were holding onto his upper arm. You’d taken cover behind him, poking your head past his shoulder just far enough to see what he was seeing but only so far that you could duck quickly if you needed to. Frankly, Spencer didn’t even seem to mind that you were clinging onto him for protection. It kind of made him feel good actually. 
When you reached the power box, you released your grip on him, only realizing just how tight you’d been clutching him when you saw imprints left on his shirt from where you’d been holding on. 
“Take this.” He handed you the flashlight while he used both of his hands to pry open the box. 
You watched as his fingers grazed over the wires and fiddled with the buttons. Would it be weird to admit that his hands were kind of attractive? You’d never realized the largeness of them or how veiny they were, but there was something about them that made them so sexy to you.
He made a disapproving sound after further inspection.
“What’s wrong?” You weren’t actually wondering, but if you asked him, it would seem like you were actually paying attention to the situation at hand and not his hands. 
“It looks like the power shut off from a larger source, meaning there could be a blackout citywide. That also means I can’t fix it.” 
Hearing you’d be in the dark with no heat source was enough to snap you out of your trance. 
“I have an idea.” You led Reid to Garcia’s bat cave, after a memory of Garcia showing you her collection of glow in the dark figurines replayed in your mind. 
When you opened the cabinet, you smiled instantly at the sight of all the toys brightly lighting up the inside of the drawer. You knew that spending hours with Garcia listening about her toy collection would pay off eventually. Both of you carried all the toys you could and headed right back into the conference room. You placed them sporadically so that the entire room was dimly lit. Had these been candles instead of luminescent toys, it would’ve been ambient and romantic, but again - they weren’t candles. 
Unintentionally, you shivered audibly when a loud wind crashed just outside. The generator went out along with the lights, so it was awfully cold in the room.
Reid was about to give you his sweater when you stopped him by walking right up to him and stealing his body heat in a hug. Rather than embracing him around his sweater, you snaked your arms under the cardigan to really feel his warmth. And as if Reid was trying to kill you with kindness, he pulled the sides of his sweater to stretch around your back and swaddled you into his sweater with him. You smiled against his chest. Not much could make this moment sweeter.
“Better now?” He asked, peering down at your face.
You silently nodded, closing your eyes as if removing your sense of sight would heighten your sense of touch. You wanted to feel his affection as deeply as you could. 
“Tell me when you want me to let go.” 
“Not yet.” 
He laughed at your childish desire to be swaddled like this, but he was enjoying the warmth just as much as you were. 
“We can’t do much work with the power out so let’s just try to get some more sleep.” He walked with you to the couch, keeping his promise of not letting go until you told him to. 
With the storm outside and the flash flood warning, you two would just have to stay in the conference room until you had the all clear. You weren’t opposed to this entirely, though. There were much worse things you could do than listen to the rain in the arms of Spencer Reid.
“Okay, you can let go now but just for a second.” Your baby voice made him chuckle. He loved how you unabashed you were when asking for his attention. Reid laid down just as he did before, with his back on the backrest of the couch, and instead of having your back to him, you cuddled right up to him. While still wearing his sweater, he covered you in it again, drawing you even closer. 
For some reason, even though you were beat and you knew you needed the sleep, you couldn’t seem to shut your mind off and rest. You were awake for what felt like hours. You would’ve tossed and turned all night, but instead, you kept very still so Reid wouldn’t wake up. 
You’d be so focused on trying to fall asleep yourself that you didn’t even notice when Reid did. When you looked up, you saw his mouth was slightly agape, his eyes were shut and would occasionally flutter, and when you pressed your ear to his chest, he was breathing much slower than he was earlier. 
“If you stay still for 15 minutes, you’ll fall asleep. Just lay in the same position and don’t move.” He mumbled. So he wasn’t asleep? And he knew you weren’t either?
“I have been staying still, but it’s not working.” You whined. 
“Just try.” Reid murmured again.
You shut up and sighed, closing your eyes. This time, you made a conscious effort not to move a muscle. You even counted to 60 in your head 15 times, but after those 15 minutes, you were still awake. You weren’t even sure what was causing your insomnia. It was really peaceful to have the sound of the rain cascading down the window and the occasional boom of thunder outside. Being in Spencer’s arms was cozy, too, but there was still something keeping you up. 
“Spencer? Are you awake?” You scooted up so you could see his face. 
The only thing the moon was illuminating clearly was his lips. There was a distinct beam of silver light casting on his mouth, almost like it was lighting them up specifically. Like some sort of sign. A sudden urge possessed you, so without reason, you brought your hand up to his face and grazed your thumb over his bottom lip. Even with the gentle touch you were using, you were still able to feel how soft it was. You slowly dragged your thumb in a downwards motion, watching the elasticity of his lips cause it to bounce back up into its place. You nearly giggled at the sight. You moved your thumb to the corner of his mouth and followed it upwards to the natural curve of his upper lip. If you weren’t so observant before, you wouldn’t have noticed how Spencer very subtly parted his lips wider for you. Curiosity overcame you and you slowly inched closer to his mouth with your own.
“I think I want to kiss you . . . Can I kiss you?” You spoke in a soft voice, with each of your lips ghosting over his. 
A moment of stillness. Maybe he was asleep. Then, a small, very small nod of Reid’s head. You smiled as he let you take control. With your hand already along his jaw, you lifted his face slightly so you could feel the full force of your kiss. You pulled him in closer to relish the soft feeling of his puckered lips. He released his grip on the sweater that was still swaddling you so he could press the small of your back, forcing your hips to drive into his. The need to be even closer was translating into the kiss. It grew hungrier - more passionate and needy. Spencer raised up from the couch, propping himself up on his forearm so he could hover over you. You followed his lead and shifted to be underneath him. With his body over you, he was able to push off his forearms and onto his hands. They were on either side of your head, forcing you to sit up with him so your lips wouldn’t leave his. 
“Wait, wait,” He muttered, pulling away. You followed him with your mouth is desperation, until you couldn’t anymore, making you sit up entirely while Spencer backed away. 
“What’s wrong?”
“If we don’t stop now, I don’t know if I can stop later . . . I won’t be able to control myself.” 
It was in this moment you realize why you were often the only member on the team who’d actually listen to Reid. Nothing he could say would ever turn you off. Any word that escaped his lips was something you wanted to hear. His confession of being uncontrollable was no exception. 
“Do you know what I want to do?” There was a newfound confidence in your tone that shocked the both of you. 
“What do you want to do, Y/N?” Apparently, Spencer’s tone was just the opposite. He sounded like he was trembling with fear with anticipation. 
“Guess.” You flirted. 
Even in the dark, you could see Reid’s gears turning as he tried to find the right answer. He read your expression for a hint and made his guess by planting a chaste kiss on your lips.
“You’re cold.” 
He quickly caught on. You were making a game out of this. 
Hot and cold.
Reid made his next move with uncertainty. He slowly started moving forward to resume the position he had before he pulled away. As he came closer, you followed his lead and leisurely fell back. Every inch he would advance closer to you was an inch that you’d move back further until finally your back was pressed against the couch again and Spencer was hanging over you once more. With each of his hands beside your head, you smirked. “Getting warmer.”
This boosted his confidence. He was heading the right direction, and there was nothing Spencer loved more than to get things right. 
The same moonlight that was streaming onto his lips earlier was dancing on his eyes. The hazel color glimmered in the silver light. You could see they were asking, ‘Can I?’ You answered his look with a silent nod. 
Spencer reached behind him, following his hand with his eyes as he watched his fingers brush along your thigh. Looking back up at you for permission, which you granted, he peered back down, watching his fingers slip underneath the hem of your skirt. You lifted your hips up so he could raise the skirt all the way up. As if he was uncovering lost treasure, his eyes lit up when you were finally uncovered. 
“Fuck me.” He cursed under his breath. This made you ooze with confidence. 
You sat up to align your lips right beside his ear. With a breathy voice, you whispered, 
He’d finally figured out what you wanted. 
The satisfaction he had in winning your little game gave him the confidence he needed to finally make a move. 
Hurriedly, he dragged your panties off, leaving prominent scratches from his nails on your thighs. He threw them somewhere behind him, while you frantically unbuttoned his dress pants. You almost giggled with glee when you saw just how hard he was. You barely did anything to provoke him, but he clearly enjoyed what little you did do. 
“I don’t have a -” You cut him off with a hasty kiss. 
“You don’t need to worry about that.” You needn’t explain more. He got the message when you reached down and gave his shaft a few shallow strokes.
“Oh-” He was immediately caught off guard by your forwardness. “Wait, wait shouldn’t I . . . um, help you first-”
You smiled at his stutter. “Spencer, please. I need you now.” 
There was that unabashed ask for Spencer’s attention that he loved so much. He made small movements until he was properly aligned with your entrance. 
“Tell me if I’m hurting you.” He breathlessly uttered, while gradually pushing in.
You thought you would’ve regretted not letting him finger you before in preparation but the bliss was far greater for some reason. 
The sensation was definitely new to Spencer when his eyes widened. “Oh fuck. You’re so tight.” 
Meanwhile, your face contorted at the feeling of him stretching you out. It was actually more painful than pleasurable. 
“Wait, Spencer - I need to change positions.” You panted. 
He instantly retracted, looking incredibly sorry. “Here,” He helped you up to your feet while taking a seat on the couch. You didn’t need an IQ of 187 to figure out how to position yourself, so you straddled Spencer, hovering over his erection. Taking charge now that you knew you’d feel more comfortable like this, you reached below you to align his length. Instantly, euphoria washed over you when you lowered yourself all the way until you were practically sitting on his lap. Spencer let out a heavy exhale now that you were able to take all of him in this new position. You moved your hands out from under you and put them on Spencer’s shoulders as a way to stabilize you each time you’d come up. After a few cursory movements, you found a comfortable pace. Spencer couldn’t contain himself, he had to grab your hips in his hands and buck up before, his pelvis meeting your ass before you could even fully lower yourself again. With the tempo of motion increasing drastically because of Spencer’s participation, you couldn’t even adjust to his length anymore. Every time he’d pull out was temporary relief for the ever-growing knot forming in your stomach. You bit back a moan when Spencer curled his hips to thrust into you at a different angle. This stroke mercilessly hit that knot in your stomach, forcing a strangled noise out. 
“Don’t stop, Spencer!” You were surprised at how you were even able to put together a cohesive sentence since your brain felt like it was short circuiting. 
With Spencer’s curved thrusts, the knot in your stomach grew bigger and bigger. You even felt yourself clench around Spencer. He felt it, too and his head instantly lolled back in pleasure. His eyes rolled to the back of his head with him. Your skin felt prickly as sweat started dripping from your forehead. If you didn’t know any better, the generator was working again because the heat in the room was thick. Spencer’s strokes were growing slower in anticipation. You picked up the pace for him and made a conscious clench around him to help him reach his peak. 
“I can’t control myself, Y/N. I need to pull out now.” He sputtered.
You made an indistinct noise that communicated your disapproval. It was the only thing Spencer needed to hear to know that it was okay if he came. 
“Cum for me, baby.” You moaned, knowing you were going to follow close behind. 
He dug his nails into your hips, bringing you back to reality as if it was his way of pinching you to tell you it was real. From the pain of his hands clawing into you, you almost couldn’t feel him coming, until you felt it dribble down your inner thigh. Suddenly, it felt like his warm essence made electricity surge through your body and course through your veins. With a speed faster than light itself, the knot in your stomach released. You cried out as his seed mixed with your own and cascaded down like the relentless rain outside cascaded down the window. The euphoria of your orgasm brought you to a complete stop. 
“Holy fuck.” You swallowed hard. The inside of your mouth was dry from where it hung open for so long. 
Spencer was at a loss for words. His silence was so unfamiliar you had to giggle. 
“You okay?” You lifted yourself off of his lap to gain some clarity. He gulped hard. 
“Am I dreaming?” He sounded genuinely dazed and confused, it was adorable. 
Garcia’s glow in the dark toys helped you to find a box of tissues. You took one from the box and wiped yourself before pulling your skirt back down. Meanwhile, Spencer zipped up his pants and ran his fingers through his hair. 
“Spencer,” You laughed a little. “You’re scaring me. Are you okay?”
He hadn’t changed his spot on the couch so you straddled his lap again, this time with more pure intentions.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in his neck, while his hands rested on your hips again and his lips were pressing on your shoulder, leaving quick pecks. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” He confessed against your skin. You leaned back so you could see his face and kept your hands behind his head to play with the hair on the nape of his neck. Enjoying your soothing touch, he closed his eyes and tilted his head to lay against your wrist. He was so precious like this. With Spencer’s head cocked to the side, a distinct beam of light was revealed. This time it was shining onto your face, almost like what it feels like when you accidentally walk past a projector screen and look at the projector light. In this instance though, the light wasn’t nearly as blinding. It was soft and ethereal. It lit up the rain falling on the other side of the window. It even displayed signs of steam coming from the inside. You could see condensation running down the pane. It had gotten so hot in here because of you two that steam was produced. That felt like some sort of accomplishment. You mirthlessly chuckled and leaned forward. With this sudden movement, your chest was pressing against Spencer’s. He was forced to lift his head back up from your wrist when he wanted to examine what you were doing. You leaned past the backrest of the couch and exhaled a hot breath onto the window to make it fog up. Spencer watched you do this over his shoulder, trying to figure out what you were doing. With the glass fogged up, you started drawing a heart with your index finger. You lazily shaded in the heart and looked back at Spencer to show off your creation. It wasn’t pretty by any means, but it meant something. 
Spencer pulled a hand away from your hip to use his fingers to add to the drawing. To the left of the heart, Spencer drew a vertical line with a dot above it, and then to the right of it he drew a small horseshoe shape. You pouted your lips when you finally got the message. 
i ♡ u
You looked at him before blowing another hot breath onto the already existing fog to extend it. You drew a number right beside it. 
i ♡ u 2
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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hello! i was wondering if you could write the following request; you are a member of the Brotherhood, the most dangerous assassins league of Middle Earth. To say that the Company of Thorin Oakenshield is both impressed and intimidated is an understatement.
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The Company/Reader: Killer Good Looks pt.1
Trigger Warnings: Referenced assault and child abuse, murder
To say you're an excellent fighter would be a gross understatement.
You're the very definition of a rogue; you like shiny things, you're stealthy, cunning, persuasive, what are we missing...? Oh! And you're also an infamous deadly assassin for hire, and you get hired alright.
You're wanted (in more ways than one), for people are always looking for someone to fulfill their dirty deeds for them.
Almost everything is on the table with you; you'll steal things for people (and yourself), kill if the price is right, infiltrate and lie, and many other things, however, there are some things off limits.
For example, you won't kill kids. You never have and you never will, you flat out refuse; you also don't sell yourself to others for pleasure or other things of inappropriate nature; and, most importantly of all, you don't kill those whom you have a relationship with (meaning you don't kill friends, though those are few and far between).
When you were but a child your parents sold you off to put bread on their table, and you knew nothing but torment from that moment on.
For months the lady's husband would sneak into your rooms at night, and she would always pretend not to notice; she took to releasing her frustrations out on you under the false pretense that you were an issue, beating you, berating you, yelling, abusing; they were horrible people taking advantage of a 10 year old child in every way imaginable.
You felt no remorse when you finally gathered the courage to slit their throats one night, and to this day you still don't.
The news of your deeds spread quickly, for they proved to be quite shocking and a wonderful topic for conversation.
A mere child servant manages to kill their masters unseen and unheard, escaping into the night never to be seen again? That would catch anyones attention. And it certainly caught the attention of The Brotherhood.
They found you, took you in, and honed your sloppy skills to make you into the perfect, lethal weapon.
You've killed more people than you can count, stolen more than even the richest man has, and lied to everyone you've ever met at least once.
It's safe to say that you're not exactly a stand up citizen.
Your name, as well as the name of the organization who taught you all you know, is well known throughout Middle Earth which is why you were, ultimately, employed to assist and protect the line of Durin in their journey to reclaim Erebor...
Except, unbeknownst to them, you have ulterior orders from The Brotherhood regarding the operation.
Once the dragon is either confirmed dead or slain and the mountain is reclaimed, you are to kill the Durin's (and anyone else who stands in your way) and claim the mountain for The Brotherhood.
When you were first given this assignment you had no qualms with it.
Yes, dwarfs are strong, brave, and resilient, but you are fast, intelligent, and one of the best fighters in the organization because of your early start and ability to disconnect yourself from almost every situation. Also, you don't know them, any of them, and you've never had trouble killing royal, powerful people before.
It was supposed to be easy.
You joined the group in a cute little place called The Shire in a hobbit hole belonging to one Bilbo Baggins, and when you met everyone you figured that killing them would be easy, but as time went on you began to forget about your mission.
Everything started out simple. You didn't talk much and they stayed away from you for the most part; partially out of intimidation, but also from reservations on disturbing you.
You're a private person, and they'd hate to make you dislike them by being nosy or prying.
Gandalf is the only one who knows of your past, but even knowing who you truly are, he never for a second suspected what your true purpose was.
It's around the time you all leave Rivendell and return to the road when things start to change.
Thorin wanted to keep a schedule and reach the Misty Mountains before the end of the 4th week, and halfway into the 4th, you're already there are the entrance to the mountain pass.
Because the group makes such excellent time Thorin chooses to reward the group with a day and night full of rest to spend restocking supplies, regrouping, and relaxing, which is something that benefits you all greatly.
By this point, you've worked up enough 'trust' to actually sleep in short bursts around them, and you take full advantage of this day of rest to regain your strength.
At some point during the night you manage to fall asleep, and hen you wake you find that you managed to pass out for a good 4 hours.
The very first thing you notice is Dwalin sitting not far from you, and the blanket draped over your resting form.
To say you're taken off guard would be an understatement, for you never expected to be treated with such tenderness (or at least, tenderness by your definition considering the life you've lead).
"Dwalin...?" You call after a time of looking ahead, wanting to find out his motivations.
His gaze snaps over to you and a small, greeting smile falls upon his lips, "Good evening. It is mid-night, I'm sure you'd like to know."
You glance briefly up at the sky and observe the position of the moon and stars and find that he's correct, then your gaze returns to his face. "I see. What are you doing over here, though?"
The balding dwarf looks a tad more sheepish when you ask your question, and his voice contains slight embarrassment, "Well, we know you don't much like sleeping around us, or in general, so I thought that keeping watch here may help you feel even a bit safer."
Those words shock you to your very core.
"You'll always be safe with us, you should know. You protect us in waking, so the least we can do is return the favor in sleeping."
Any and all responses that come to your mind in this moment seem inadequate in comparison to his declaration, so you're left sitting there looking at him with a blank, yet dumbfounded stare.
"You needn't say anything in response. I just thought you should know." Another smile graces upon his lips, and then his attention turns back out towards the darkened tree line surrounding the mini camp in a half circle. "Sleep more if the desire is to suddenly strike you."
And, for some odd reason, you do.
For the first time in what has to be years, you sleep through the night and do not wake again until the sun beckons you to do so.
When the first light shines through the trees and makes the forest sparkle with morning magic, you arise and find that a new dwarf, Ori, has taken the place of Dwalin.
A feeling, one that you can't identify, rises within you, and you find yourself unable to handle it.
"Ori." You greet curtly, "I am going to depart for a time. Expect me back in 20 minutes."
The young dwarf looks up at you and nods shallowly, not even entertaining the thought that you would need an escort. "Alright. Get back safely."
His words linger with you after you leave, for the act of being cared for is alien to you.
When was the last time someone genuinely cared for your well-being and not just what they would lose if you were to perish? When was the last time someone thought of you as a person who could be harmed instead of a weapon that maybe tarnished every-so-often?
These thoughts plague your mind as you go to search the game traps you lay around the camp the morning before, and you find that the prize is well worth the early journey.
3 rabbits, 2 squirrels, and a wild hog around 2 feet long and a foot wide. The hog you caught along the way, actually. It had been sniffing around one of the game traps you sent (the trap wouldn't have been strong enough to hold it anyways), and you wasted no time in throwing a dagger straight into its' head.
You string up the rabbits into a line of rope and carry the hog over your shoulders (it's really heavy, so you made sure to evenly distribute the weight), and then you head straight for the group with your prizes in hand.
When you enter the clearing you're noticed immediately, for the game hanging from your body draw a lot of attention.
"Odin's beard!" Gloin exclaims, jumping up from his spot once his eyes fall upon you, "Look at all of that!"
All eyes are on you as soon as the red-haired dwarf alerts them to your presence, but you maintain a mask of nothing even despite your discomfort with being the center of attention.
"Where did you get all that?" Fili calls, getting up and approaching you to help carry the load.
You shrug off the line of rabbits and squirrels to him when he begins to tug on it and bring the hog to the middle of the camp, dropping it down heavily.
Bombur looks up at you with a grand smile and praises you in his low, baritone voice, "Well will you look at that! Now that's a hog."
You dip your head in acknowledgement of his compliments and offer right after, "Do you want me to skin them?"
"Oh, no, no! You have done more enough for us, we can manage that at the very least." The older dwarf assures you, patting the fat belly of the swine, "Thank you, lass. We haven't had a commendable meal in months, so this will be a real treat."
You received so many compliments and acclimations that you almost began to blush, but that's an unconscious ability that had left you a long time ago.
Everyone traveled with full bellies that afternoon, and there was plenty of leftovers to last everyone well into the next day as well.
Things like this are seldom the topic of talk or praise in the organization you work for, and you can never rely on anyone. You're all thieves, after all. Liars, tricksters, murderers... how could you trust someone like that to have your back? But... somehow, they trust you to protect them and their precious royal friends.
You: the liar, trickster, and murderer.
They sleep in your presence as if you hadn't stolen millions in treasure, product, and money; as if you hadn't killed a quarter of the people you've met in your lifetime. They trust you, the real you (or at least the realest version of you that there is), and it's a truly foreign feeling.
Of course, even though these good feelings long since lost to you have returned for a time, you keep yourself in check with the thoughts of what they would do to you if they found about your true intentions.
The images of their betrayed, angry faces, the disgust that would shine in their eyes when they realize what you're truly capable of... you're always sure to not lose sight of your end goal; the Mountain of Erebor and its' lost treasure. If you're to fail, you're certain that you'll be killed (either by the dwarfs or The Brotherhood), so you don't even entertain the thought of abandoning your mission.
Later in the day, during the trek up those horrible, treacherous mountains, you're approached by Bofur, the hat wearing dwarf with a smile more contagious than any sickness.
"Hello." You greet curtly when he falls into step beside you, eyeing him in your peripherals. "Is there something I can help you with?"
"Oh, no." He shakes his head no and reaches up to straighten his fur hat, "You just looked a little lonely, is all."
Lonely, huh?
You don't reply right away and look ahead with your usual blank expression and dull eyes, though you do feel an uncomfortable, appreciative feeling swell inside of you. "I am not lonely." You inform him matter-of-factly, though when you glance down at his face you see that your words have slightly hurt his feelings.
Your heart twists slightly painfully when you see his saddened countenance, and before you can even think about it you're blurting out, "But I welcome the company regardless."
His frown is immediately replaced with a brilliant smile and his eyes positively shine with enthusiasm; you never thought your acceptance would garner such a reaction from him (much less anyone for that matter).
The dwarf practically talks your ear off while the 15 of you travel up the Misty Mountains, telling you everything he possibly can about his homeland, family, and feelings regarding the journey (as well as other things), and while all this incessant blathering would normally irk you, you actually find that you quite like it.
Bofur's excited speech does eventually die down when it starts to rain, though, for he and yourself both think it safer to concentrate on the hike as its level of danger grows.
It isn't long before night falls, and once it does the rain becomes a much more dangerous obstacle.
There is lower visibility and the rocks become horribly slippery, though neither of these things could ever hope to top the giant stone beasts that begin to battle right in front of you all.
The stone giants don't seem notice any of you, and if they do then they simply don't care, and you all barely escape with your lives. They throw huge boulders bigger than any building you've ever seen, and their hand-to-hand combat leaves you all shaking against the mountainside, fearful of falling to your deaths as you sway every which way.
To your, and everyone else's luck and great joy, a little cave in the mountainside appears before you all (after a horrible death scare with half of the company), and it becomes your resting spot for the night.
You, like usual, choose a spot closest to the cave entrance with rock that covers both your back and left side and fall asleep effortlessly. You plan on only resting for four or so hours, hopefully until the rain passes, and then you can resume watch so the others may regain their strength (they're heavier and bigger than you, so they need more rest and food).
Those 4 hours (and an extra half!) pass by without issue and your internal clock eventually wakes you up.
One of the first things you see when your eyes flutter open is the stone ceiling of the cave hovering above you, and the next is Bofur who sits in the little watch spot right across from your sleeping area.
You sit up as soon as your sleep addled mind clears and your blurry eyes gain focus and call softly, "Bofur, go ahead and take a rest. I can resume your watch."
The dwarf jumps slightly when your soft voice breaks through the silence and reaches out to him, but he doesn't move to get up. Instead, a small smile upturns the corners of his lips and he whispers back, "No, you do a watch of your own every night and refuse to wake anyone else up often enough. Please, go back to sleep."
He noticed that?
You can't even keep the surprise from your face, for your eyes widen almost imperceptibly and your lips part slightly. "I..." You've been shocked speechless, something that you thought impossible.
"We have all noticed, in case you're wondering. Now, go ahead and resume sleep. I've still got another 30 minutes of watch."
And, for some reason, you don't protest.
Sleep calls to you and tugs at your eyelids, making them heavy and causing your eyes to burn. What spell have they put you under to make you tired again under a simple command, you wonder?
You fall back asleep despite yourself, but it doesn't last long, for within 20 minutes after Bilbo tries to leave and the storm begins to quiet, the floor opens beneath you all and swallows everyone whole.
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flyhigh150 · 3 years
I’ll never marry you.
Amy March x psychotic reader
R makes a promise to Amy, then one day after being locked up for murder and put on the death row. She keeps her promise.
Might make a part two haven’t decided
5 Years ago
 “You’ll love me one day, you know that right.”, Amy looked up from her drawing to give me a questioning and disgusted look. “You know that will never happen. I already told you I love someone else, besides your crazy, that would hurt my reputation.”, I chuckled looking down. “I might be crazy but you’ll still love me.”, Amy looked up again this time with an annoyed sigh. “No. I love another.”, I look up again but this time I take notice of who she was drawing. “Laurie.”, I look across the field and see him laughing with Jo. She doesn’t even look up this time. “Always.”, I stand up to start walking away. I took a few steps before stopping and turning around, she doesn’t look up. “One day I’m going to ask you to marry me.”, she waves me off coldly. “If you say no, I will disappear from your life.”, her pen pauses briefly before continuing on its course. She thinks I didn’t notice. I turn around and start walking again. I couldn’t help the wide and crazy smile that appeared on my face at the thought of my new game. I was going to win.
 The chains they had me in were digging at my wrist. I hadn’t tried to escape yet they insisted to chain my arms out like a eagle. I would never try to escape anyways, I hadn’t finished my game. The cell was old and moldy of course, my legs ached from the amount of time I had been standing. “Couldn’t of chained me up when I was sitting down.”, I say humorously to the guard outside my cell. He had fear in his eyes. Weak. “What you afraid if you say anything to me I’ll kill your family?”, I laughed at my own joke, it took me a while to calm down. I sighed contently, “What’s the point of the bench and bed if I’m not allowed to use them?”. Once again no answer, I sighed looking around. It shouldn’t take long for the news to reach Amy, they had just caught me even though they knew it was me since the first time I killed someone. I guess you could say I was just too slippery. I would go and see Amy at night and every time she would have her sisters go get the police leaving me with about 4 minutes before they arrived. I would use that time to chat with her, sitting in one of the comfy chairs in her living room. She would never answer me, or well not at first. She eventually started to ask me questions, the typical ones like, “why would you do it?”, “what was the point?”, blah, blah, blah. I wouldn’t answer, just continue talking. She wouldn’t answer my questions at first either, asking how her day was, what changed since I last saw her. Eventually though, she started to answer me and have conversation with me. She would still be cold and tell her sisters to get the police. Sometimes Laurie was with her as well, but he would follow Jo to get the police, sad really. But she still had conversations with me, and that's when I did it. That's when I started to make her fall in love. She never showed it but I knew, I could tell. She even threw things at me sometimes, it made me happy, because someone who didn’t care about you wouldn’t feel the need to throw things at you. I was pulled out of my flashback by the sound of footsteps on the stone floor. I smirked my eyes closed when the footsteps stopped in front of my cell. I briefly heard the footsteps of the guard walking away. “They finally caught you, good.”, I chuckled and repositioned myself so I wasn’t slouching. “Yes it seems so, but why would you come visit me? The rational thing to do would be celebrating with your sisters.”. She cleared her throat and straightened her posture when my eyes locked with hers. “I wanted to make sure they actually had you.”, fear, her eyes held fear, she knew what would happen to me. Death. In the worst possible way. I smiled brightly and she scoffed. “You deserve everything you get, after all this time torturing me with your stupid conversations after sneaking into my house. All the people you killed. I hope that they burn you and make it hurt.”, harsh coming from her, tears started to brim her eyes and I couldn’t tell if they were for me or the people I killed. “All those innocent people didn’t deserve what you gave them, they didn’t deserve death and your death will avenge them. I hope you understand-”, I cut her off with one simple question, still smiling widely. “Marry me Amy.”, her eyes widened and her mouth hung open. I could see the memory of what I had said to her many years ago flash in her eyes. Most people who fall in love with a psychopath think they can heal them. Think they can make them normal again. I wonder if she thought that was possible, I was willing to give it a shot for her. She stared at me with hate on the surface, but I saw the sadness lying underneath that she tried to hide. People lose themselves for love, the question was, would Amy lose herself for me. The psychotic killer. She would never understand that they deserved it. Yes, I am crazy. But for Amy I never killed the innocent. Her mouth finally closed and she took a small step back. I glanced at her feet then looked back up at her with an emotionless face. Disbelief grew on her face as what I said finally set in. “No.”, “I would never marry you.”. She took another step back. “I will never marry a crazy person.”, I watched her for a second before lowering my head. It hurt, that feeling was new to me. I was sure I had won, that I had made her love me. My face stayed emotionless though, not showing what I was thinking. I looked up again, “A promise is a promise.”. She looked at me confused then glanced at my chains. She was wondering how I was going to keep my promise. Then the emotion left her face as she came to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to be able to. I watched her as she walked away and the timid guard came back. A smile grew on my face as I looked at the guard, “She put something in my pocket you know. She has great aim.”. He looked at my slightly open pocket then back at me suspiciously, after glancing at the chains making sure I couldn’t move he made his way to the door starting to unlock it. A smirk made its way onto my face, idiot.
 Amy was drinking tea with her sisters when Laurie came sprinting through the door. He was out of breath and looked at Jo then Amy, then Meg, and lastly Beth. “She's gone.”, he gasped out. Jo stood up quickly as did Meg. Amy sat there shocked as an ache grew in her heart. Its not possible. There was no way you were able to escape. “Who.” Jo said quickly although they all knew who. Laurie looked at her and answered “Y/n.”. No. Amy couldn’t believe it. She didn’t want to believe it. There is no way you actually left. She didn’t understand the overwhelming sadness that crashed down on her. As she cried in her sisters arms. All the nights you came to talk flashed through her mind. They thought she was crying because she was scared. In truth, she was crying because you were gone.
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holy-guacamoly · 2 years
Congratulations on 200 bbyyyy! I’m here for your event ☺️
- Your Fav Character - Erwin Smith
- Pronouns - She/Her
- Name if you feel comfortable with sharing, otherwise, I will refer to you as Y/N - Mia
- Hobbies & Interests - I Bike, Kayak, Swim, Read, Sing, Bake and draw 🙃
- A few bullet points on your personality (introvert, bubbly, etc.) -
Im an ambivert. Extro with my close ones, intro with people i just met.
I’m strict about my daily routine - everything needs to be done at a particular time.
Neat freak.
A decent balance of emotional and practical.
Basically Levi minus the grump and killer combat skills 😛
- SFW or NSFW (or both) - Surprise me! Haha 🤗
Congratulations again ❤️🤗
Mia! <3333 Thank you so much! You are Erwin's one and only wife so I am more than glad to deliver some HCs. <3 Warnings: description of sexual actions, Dom!Erwin, slightly Sub!Erwin, Pinning Genre: Headcanons ♥ First of all, Erwin would do EVERYTHING to make you happy. All your friends are jealous of how sweet he is. Their partners are shit compared to yours lol He knows how much you care about your routines and will do everything to make them as easy as possible for you. Breakfast? Already set at the table. Your shower exactly at 08:06? The towel is warmed up. This man is in love. ♥ I feel like you are a couple that does daily chores together. Cleaning, cooking, even brushing your teeth is always something you can't do without the other. Erwin just loves to snake his arm around your waist while doing these and pampering you with little kisses. ♥ This man can't put on a shirt for the love of God and will always walk around in just sweatpants at home. Claiming it's hot when it's certainly not? Sir, it's snowing outside. ♥ Erwin Smith just gives me the biggest husband vibes. He does stuff like coming home with a puppy because he needs the family feeling. Also buys nice things just to spoil you. You talked about that dress 3 months ago. He ordered it so he can take you out on a fancy date. <3 A keeper. ♥ Your man kisses your shoulder in the morning while he snuggles up from behind. :( This became a ritual and without that, neither of you can start the day. "Good morning, Mia," Erwin's raspy voice awakens you from your deep slumber. His face is already nuzzled in the secure spot between your neck and shoulders. You sigh contently as you lean into his embrace. ♥ Erwin certainly has some CEO position and his job can get really draining. During especially hard days you are his safe haven and the only thing this poor man looks forward to. A big hug from you, while you stroke the back of his head makes Erwin so happy. He also needs some affirmation from you, like the big baby he is. "How about I run you a bath? You deserve it after all the hard work you did," you say, gently cupping his cheeks. Erwin nods while a small pout shows on his lips. "I feel like I am not doing enough," he admits, eyes tired. You give him a soft kiss. "You are doing more than enough, baby. You are perfect just the way you are."
♥ It's canon that this man loves to carry you around. When you fall asleep on the couch or just for fun, this dude picks you up and carries you like you weigh nothing. ♥ Ok, but Kayak trips would be so much fun. He is a big man and looks ridiculous in those tiny boats. We love that. But he is so weirdy skilled with it? You prepared yourself to do all the work but he just knows how to handle that tiny boat? How?! Is he skilled with everything?! Talking about skilled... ;) NSFW ♥ Erwin's big hands roaming your shivering body, cupping your breasts. It's just so hot. :( He loves to tease you until you beg for him to actually do something. "P-please...more" you whine, as Erwin kneads your boob. A devious smile paints his lips. "But baby, I want to take my time with you. Wanna make you feel good." ♥ I feel like he would make you count while he slaps your ass. And if you miscount he will start all over. Poor baby. ♥ But this man is a switch. He fucks your brains out one second and the other he is tied to the bed and begging for you to ride him. Imagine this huge man asking for your cunt over and over again. Oh my god </3 Is a sucker for you calling him a good boy. ♥ When he is in a dominant mood, Erwin loves to pin you down, especially while taking you doggy style. Simply to show that he is in charge. Goes especially deep while you are just helpless under his touch. <3 "You like that, darling? The way I fuck you senseless?" ♥ He loves visits from you at the office. When you come, wearing a trench coat and nothing but lingerie underneath it, it's over for him. Takes you on his desk right away, but before he deletes all his meetings and tells everyone to not disturb for the next 2 hours. In conclusion: Erwin loves you more than life itself. He would do everything for you, vice versa. You guys can always rely on each other.
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