#the league is just a good place to hide from all the government nonsense happening in the states
charlietheepicwriter7 · 4 months
Ra's knew who the boy was the moment he'd snuck into the room. He'd allowed the child--more man than child now, but everyone was a child compared to him--moments to steel himself while Ra's refrained from acknowledging his presence. The boy's breath was barely audible but unsteady, and a drop of something fell to the floor.
His grandson was injured. "Danyal," he greeted and finally gazed upon him for the first time in seven years.
Danyal had grown into his father's height, yet stayed lean in regards to his musculature. His black hair had grown out of the League-regulation haircut, held back in a messy braid. He held himself as strong as he could, but kept an arm wrapped around his stomach. His shirt--standard American teenage garb, he dismissed--was spotted with blood and he could see bandages poking out from under the cloth.
With great care, Danyal knelt before the Demon Head and recited the Oath of Loyalty.
Ra's watched.
The boy's tongue, fat with English, spoke the League's variant of Arabic with the grace of a mace to the head, yet his words were clear. He took his time speaking the oath, carefully sounding out words, working hard to avoid mispronunciation. The Oath in question was the older version, from before Deathstroke's insurrection, but Danyal spoke it with a calm certainty that it would be accepted.
And without a doubt, it would be accepted.
Talia's eldest son had been born from her body instead of through science, a mistake that nearly cost her the child and damaged him upon birth. While the best doctors in the world saved his life, Danyal Al Ghul would always be weak in a fight, always prone to illness, always struggling to excel. When it became clear that the boy couldn't become the next Demon Head, Ra's sent Talia to create a replacement while arrangements were made for her first child to be taught business and science, for the betterment of the League. Danyal, very much his father's child, thrived in his intellectual pursuits while Damian grew and developed into a budding assassin.
But Danyal was more like his father than he'd ever knew. Ra's couldn't miss the signs of one of his family turning away from the League. Not the mission--Danyal had written several university level papers defending the environment by the time the boy was 10--but Ra's methods...
Ra's had a conundrum. Danyal was a dedicated conservationist; once the boy was an adult, Ra's was certain he'd take the world by storm and bring the League to new heights. But if he forced his methods onto Danyal, he could create an enemy of him, just as his father was.
Ra's gave Danyal an offer; Danyal would be allowed to leave the League and live a normal life if and only if he faked his own death in such a way that reinforced Damian's loyalty to the League of Assassins.
Danyal had been hesitant at first, but past his test with flying colors. Instigating one of the more unstable assassins into organizing a coup, cutting the insurgents off near immediately, but "dying" protecting both his younger brother and mother. It was a masterful performance. Even Talia hadn't known about the deceit.
And yet, here he was, on his knees, pledging loyalty. Danyal knew what that meant, knew what he was returning to, which morals he would be allowed to keep.
"And what do you bring with you, child of no one?" Why should the League accept the return of this child, who left once before?
Danyal met his eyes. "I bring with me, my team, who are loyal to me and me alone. I bring with me, research surrounding the Lazarus Pits, in origins and further uses for the waters." Ra's raised an eyebrow, and Danyal smirked. "I bring with me, my knowledge, nurtured within this very home and sharpened in the world outside. I bring with me, my weapons, built with my own hands. I bring with me... my body, finally healthy and whole." He brought his head down to the floor, trembling with pain. "I bring my whole self to the Demon's Head, for Him to accept or reject."
Ra's smiled. "By the shadows that guard our order and the blood that binds us, I accept this oath. From this day forward, you are an instrument of the League, a harbinger of justice, and a weapon in the hand of Ra's Al Ghul."
Danyal returned to his feet, swaying percariously. He needed immediate medical attention. Despite this, he continued, "Long live the League of Assassins. Long live Ra's Al Ghul."
And he collapsed onto the floor.
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ratcandy · 3 years
Ok then tell me about shitass mom. I have a pistol ready.
Fear? Should I be afraid for my life? /j
As for Momma Hat, IIIiiii. Still don't have all that much!! Besides some, like. General ideas that will morph over time as I flesh her out more. What I got so far, though:
She was of high commission in whatever society there was on HK's planet, but was cast out after some abuse of time powers (and generally being irrational and cruel). What specific instance had her removed is beyond me for right now. This is mainly due to me seeing a lot of "HK's old society in general was just full of bad people," and I decided. Eh. Nah. Strict people, maybe, but that's to be expected in a place that literally dictates the flow of time. Rules are important, but they don't have to be oppressive. This was something HK's mother clearly didn't agree with, though.
She may have fully believed she was doing things for the greater good, however. The only way to achieve it was her being in complete control. And complete control meant more laws, stricter laws, only she should have her hands in the sands of time, and if anyone else tampers with it they will suffer horrendously. But I don't think this government was a dictatorship. More an oligarchy, probably. A group of high commission that would dictate who and what can do what to time and how. Once HK's mother started stepping on the toes of other officials, and/or a specific incident happened in which she went leagues too far, she was kicked out.
Prior to her demotion, she was still overly strict with Hat Kid. Held her to the same expectations that she held the rest of her counsel, and the people of their planet - which was to be solely obedient to her. But also follow in her footsteps in any emergency. Which probably wouldn't happen, but. You can never be too careful. Didn't believe HK was mature enough to handle timepieces - making HK losing them in-game all the more rough, as she feels she's only proving her mom's point - but expected her to be "one of the few" she would maybe allow to mess with 'em in her perfect little dystopian society owned only by her.
Luckily, though, HK's mother was so busy, she wasn't around enough to really screw over Hat Kid until she got demoted. I like to believe this is where the other parent - haven't decided on their gender yet - had their moments with Hat Kid. And they were The Better One. Still reasonably strict, as this planet kinda deems that necessary, but more likely to let Hat Kid... act like a child. Essentially, they're the reason HK has her curiosity, her outwardly happiness, her energy; the reason it hasn't all been crushed by her mother. But her mother is the reason she hides all anxiety, sadness, or anger, as she was likely told some nonsense about that sort of stuff being a weakness. Even if her mother was angry like 90% of the time I'm sure
Anyway then the demotion happened. And her mother went from Bad to Worse! but the full details of that. I do not have yet. I don't want to cogr this and make it so Mom did something bad to Parent 2, so I probably won't go down that route. But somehow Hat Kid has to end up in that time rift clear across the galaxy, so. Who knows what happened there.
Guess we'll see!
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tragedybunny · 5 years
The Blade’s Edge - A League of Legends Fanfiction - Chapter 13
They had a simple arrangement. She was the weapon to be used on his enemies. Things get more complicated when emotions bleed into what should simple. Now the two of them find themselves on the precipice of something that was entirely unexpected.
He’s already gone when I awake, of course, the sun indicating that it’s already near mid-day. How do I still feel tired? I roll over and stare at the canopy above me, reliving the feeling of him undressing me last night and pulling me into his arms before sleep overtook me. It’s maddening. No, I’ll continue in my resolve to see nothing in it, to not give meaning where there is none. I suppress the memory and pull myself from bed, heading to my room to dress for the day. A note waits for me on my dressing table, written in his measured script, exacting and precise, as would be expected from him. 
“I trust tonight the Guild will be meeting and you will take control of it with little resistance. Once you have that firmly in hand I require a task of you. Augustus Montrose must be eliminated tonight, he’s begun to realize the alliance between his sister and myself. As always, take care of yourself.  - J”
“PS. I was informed that you were almost out of that violet perfume you always wear.”  
  I finally notice the ornate glass bottle to the left of where the note was, full of the aforementioned scent. My reward for being a good little pet. I wonder what Augustus’s death will earn me. That poor little idiot, he tried so desperately to be important and powerful, he’s earned a death sentence instead. I’d almost feel bad for him, but getting in that deep with any faction in Noxian politics is basically asking to be struck down at any moment. 
After I’m dressed I ring for Gwen and she appears in short order, always eager to be of use. “Yes Madame.” She has a sober look to her face, as if she already has sensed why she’s here. 
I sit at the dressing table and examine the wide bruise that has bloomed on the right side of my face.  “I’ll need your kitchen boy to come through, I need to know where Montrose intends to be tonight.” 
In the mirror, I see her expression change to one of smug self-satisfaction. “As it turns out, I took the initiative to inquire after him this morning. He complained that tonight another elaborate dinner party has been planned, even after all the Solstice revels. Montrose is celebrating some new, powerful friends he’s made.”
I stop and turn towards her. “Did he mention a woman at all, unusually pale?” How deep is he in, what are we about to stir up?
She bites her lip and shakes her head. “No, just some of the usual nobility who rankle at the loss of privilege they’ve experienced. He’ll stay in the kitchens after dinner and the other servants have been dismissed. Knock if you see no movement inside.” 
Well, we won’t be taking a piece off the board that she’ll desperately miss. “Perfect, thank you, Gwen, that will be all.” I dismiss her with a gesture and turn my attention to readying myself for the Guild tonight. Augustus will be easy to find when I’m ready for him. 
Weapons sharpened and muscles stretched in case of confrontation, Inara, Lark, and I gather early in the Guild’s headquarters, finding it empty thanks to a generous bribe I supplied via Lark.  The unassuming building sits amidst a group of others housing various government functions. While most of High Command still functions from within the Immortal Bastion itself, bureaucracy has spread like a fungus to the area around it. It’s a reflection of the temple district in that way, both of them evolving over the years with Noxus itself, Old Town pressing up against them both and the Bastion as the nobility grappled for power.  In times past, the Grand General dwelt in the Immortal Bastion, making it the ultimate seat of power. Jericho is different, preferring the control he has over his own family home to the mysteries and hidden spaces where a plot could come to fruition at any time. Of course, he still has unfettered access to it anytime he wishes. The Guild’s place here would shock outsiders who don’t understand it’s place within Noxus. Assassination has never been a method that our government or military has considered off-limits. The position in Intelligence of a Guild Officer enables the government to make use of its services at will, effectively making the it an unofficial branch of High Command. 
I spent countless hours here as a child before our move to Shurima, and many more once we returned. I know all its twists and turns and nooks and crannies as well as that of my own family’s home. I even pass a small alcove I remember as a favorite of mine for spying, shrinking into the shadows as a child to listen to the adults around me. We clear the rambling structure room by room, including any hidden ones and secret passages that I know of, ensuring no one is lying in wait. Next, all secondary exits are secured, leaving only the main door as the way in or out. When I’m satisfied that everything is in place, Inara and I retreat to a side room off the main hall, to await or moment. 
They trickle in through the next couple of hours, Inara and I taking shifts pressed up against the door to listen, some voices we recognize, some are unknown. Someone opens a stored cask of ale, they drink and converse, some begin to openly mourn the fallen. There’s a rising tide among them, confirmed dead members, Marius among them, who is targeting them? For what reason? Suspicions are aimed everywhere, including the Grand General. When the time is right, Lark raps on the wall next our hiding space, three sharp knocks, it’s time. 
We emerge and push through the crowd to the very center, gasps and whispers following in our wake as recognition dawns on them. Time seems slow, this is it, the moment there’s no going back from. Now that I’ve come to it though, I know that every step I’ve taken has lead me here. Perhaps there is such a thing as destiny, and this is mine. Destiny or not, I am no longer General Du Couteau’s shamed daughter, and no longer the Grand General’s pet, I am Commander of the Assasin’s Guild, a force and entity in my own right. 
“Brothers and sisters, your leaders are dead. They were weak and have paid the price for that. I stand before you now to take my rightful place in their stead, as your Commander.” Raucous noise breaks out among them, the three we recruited before this passionately on my side in the debate. 
The din reaches its crescendo and a woman steps to the forefront. “You would deliver us into the hands of the Usurper, to be used as his weapon.” 
I snort, someone was bound to put this forth. “The Grand General is the rightful ruler of Noxus, along with the others of the Trifarix. The Guild will support High Command as it always has, nothing more, nothing less.”
“So says the Grand Whore. Do you believe you can deceive…” She’s cut off by the dagger that flies from my hand and buries in her chest. I’m weary of the same nonsense being spewed over and over again.
No other moves to challenge me, they’re undecided, for the moment. “As I was saying.” Inara covers the fallen in a cloak and moves her discreetly out of the crowd. “Our numbers have dwindled, our coffers are depleted, and those arrogant bastard ‘guilds’ take our potential recruits. Let us rectify this, and find our strength once again. We’ll scour the lessor guilds from Noxus, once and for all, and become the power we were meant to be.” 
Father made a grave error in his leadership, he finally succumbed to the Black Rose. His single-minded pursuit of their objectives took a toll on the Guild. I can see it in their faces, they hunger for a return to glory. The murmuring returns, this time it begins to swing in my favor. She took down Marius, we would have the Grand General’s support, she’s here and Marcus is not. Lark joins in, adding to the momentum, a vote is called for. I take note and the slim few who still dissent, they’ll have to be watched. When it finally ends, I’m officially Guild Commander Katarina Du Couteau, with Lark and Inara acting as seneschals. 
My first order of business is just as I promised, both the Guild and Jericho, I assign a few of our members to begin tracking our competition. My second act is far less exciting, Inara and I head to the archives to understand the degree of disorder things have fallen to, leaving Lark to monitor for any fresh discord. I have some time before it will be clear to go after Augustus. I had briefly considered assigning someone else to the task, but I’m familiar with the Montrose estate. I suppose it’s fitting, he once said I stole his heart, now I’ll steal his life. 
The Guild records are a shambles that reflect the last few years of leadership. I thumb through the latest records, noting the brazen embezzlement, and stare longingly at the fire. Inara laughs at me from behind a stack of loose papers belonging to gods know where. “Didn’t think this would be the hard part?” 
I lay my head down on the desk. “How did it get this bad? Is this a Guild of idiots?” 
“This is what happens when we rely on anyone who volunteers to do this. We only get thieves and idiots.” She sighs as she tosses the stack back down in front of her. 
“Nevermind, I resign my position.” That gets a small laugh from her and her eyes brighten a bit. I stand and stretch, time to get the blood flowing back into my limbs. “I’m done, I’ve got some other business to handle.” 
“Happy hunting, Commander.” For all that we have a mess ahead of us to deal with, there’s satisfaction about her. It makes me even more proud of what we’ve accomplished here tonight. 
The city is quiet, still wrapped in a snowy mantle from the other night. I move through the streets in welcome solitude, reaching the Montrose estate with ease. With my cloak tucked around me, I watch the kitchen from the garden, someone has left a lamp burning so I can see the vague shapes within. When I’m finally satisfied that no unwanted company is around, I approach, keeping my cloak tight, and tap lightly. It only takes a second before a scrawny young man with dirty blonde hair cracks the door, the corners of his mouth up turning into a vicious smile the second he sees me. “He’s saying a drunken farewell to his guests, a girl awaits him in the blue parlor upstairs.” With that he vanishes up the servant stairs, leaving me with free reign. 
With the other servants all withdrawn to their quarters the halls of the manor are as silent as the grave. I cautiously stalk through them, not making a sound, nearing the blue parlor.  My plan is to take the girl first and wait for him. Quick and clean, he won’t even know what happened. Then I hear it, from a room back near the main staircase, that ancient snarling voice. “Augustus, you spoiled little hedonist, where are you?” 
“Coming Grandmother!” His impatient reply comes from the bottom of the stairs. Life is good sometimes. 
The old woman is ensconced in an over-decorated bedroom that’s rotten with faded glory. I slip in and silently shut the door behind me. She scrambles to prop herself up in bed, she knows I’m not her grandson. Her eyes have begun to fail though, so that’s all she can make out. “Wh-who’s there?” She summons some power to her voice, she’s so used to being obeyed. She and many others are relics of old Noxus, a time when the nobility were parasites, feeding off the strength of the Empire. They are a vain, petty, self-absorbed, lot whose time has passed. 
I steal to her side and she makes a quiet gasp as her eyes finally reveal me. “Death Lady Montrose, death is among you tonight.” She makes to cry out but my hand slams down over her mouth. “This will be the fate of all who refuse to bend to the Empire’s new order.” I slide my blade between her ribs and down into her heart, a task made easy since she has no strength to struggle against me with. She slumps forward, her lifeblood draining into her fine bed covers. 
There are footsteps in the hall, Augustus finally decided to answer his grandmother’s summons, and I slip behind the door to await him. It's only a moment before he throws it open snarling. “What do you want, you old bat?”
Three steps in and he finally takes in the scene before him, coming to a dead stop. I softly shut the door once again. He sucks in a breath as if he wants to scream and then I’m right behind him, breathing down his neck quite literally. He laughs, a mirthless sound. “Two nights. I was allowed to live two nights after getting too close to you. He’s certainly possessive.” 
  “Don’t be dramatic. This is about something entirely beyond you and me.” He’s unnervingly pliant as I put the dagger to his throat. Poor, weak Augustus, he doesn’t even know how to resist me. He sniffles when he feels it against his skin, all his bravado evaporated. He’s not the first I’ve seen to shed tears at their end and I’m not inclined to be moved by it. 
“I would’ve done great things, you could have joined me at my side, Kat.” The words are marred by a strangled sobbing that he fights to keep from overtaking him. Back firm, but shoulders quaking, he struggles to meet his end with dignity. 
“I’m already doing great things.” I dig the edge of the blade into his flesh and a whimper escapes him. His knees buckle immediately and I step back from him as his life flows into the plush carpet. It’s not long before a shudder marks his last breath. 
Surveying the carnage around me I realize I may have gone a bit far with the old woman’s death. If Coraline faces repercussions from it Jericho will be furious. But then again, I smile to myself, it had been deeply satisfying putting an end to that bulwark of old Noxus. Either way, it is done and can’t be changed. I’ll need to slip out before that girl gets impatient and comes looking for Augustus. 
I find the kitchen door left slightly ajar after heading back down the servant stairs. I shut it fast behind me and return to the waiting darkness of the night. It’s been a long night and I feel it in the stitched wound in my leg and the aching bruise on my face, and it feels wondrous. Tonight I am triumphant. I finally have what my father once promised to me. I took it with strength and cunning, as a Noxian should. Would father be proud? Perhaps I should go ask mother, a cruel, petty voice inside whispers. No, forget it. I’m beyond her, she’s nothing, a ghost haunting the ruin of her own life. The rage I have toward her will not be so easily extinguished though.
I focus myself back on the Guild, that thundering sensation as the crowd declared for me. I feel pride welling up in me, my confidence soaring. I’m damned self-satisfied and achingly confident as I approach the house. I wonder if Jericho is awake. He shouldn’t be but he rarely sleeps as much as he ought to. If he is, we should celebrate tonight’s success. The thought of him whispering in my ear about how pleased he is with me sends a shiver through me. 
I’m broken out of my reverie by the sight of Dras shutting the gate. Odd that it’s open at this hour. He looks up at me and quickly looks away, but movement on the stairs has already drawn my attention. Jericho, he stops at the door when he hears me on the walk behind him. Breathing becomes difficult as I ascend the stairs to where he’s paused. I’ve always known I wasn’t the only one, I’ve just never had to viscerally confront it until this moment. 
“Kat.” He already sounds like he’s going to attempt some insincere apology. I brush past him, an ache spreading through my chest. Then it hits me, the cloying smell of decaying roses, the scent that always marks her presence. Her, why her?  Of course, it’s all another little power game to him. He puts a hand on my shoulder.
I shake it off with a violent shrug. “Don’t touch me.” I need to get away from him. I feel my eyes start to sting. No, I can’t do this in front of him. 
He cuts in front of me, blocking my way to the stairs. “Don’t be like this.” He’s so irritatingly calm compared to the storm exploding inside me. 
I put my hand up to ward him off. “It’s fine.” My voice somehow remains steady. “Exclusivity wasn’t part of our arrangement. I just want to be alone.” 
He steps forward, stubbornly ignoring everything I said, and reaches out to put his hand on my cheek. Gods, that normally has the power to melt me. “If it is fine, why are you being dramatic?” How typical of him.
“Fuck you.” I shove his hand away from me. “You always have to have the last word. You could’ve just let me walk away.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, eyes shut for a second, as though I’m the one who’s offended him. “Fine go. I’d rather not put up with a childish tantrum.”
Childish, it stings in ways I can’t define. The pain of it all twists and transforms, becoming fury. I close the distance between us, tilting my head to glare up at him. “Maybe you’d prefer to not put up with me at all? I can arrange that.”
“Try it. What have you ever accomplished in your life without me.” He snaps back at me. 
Black washes over my vision, my thoughts vanishing into rage, and I lash out, striking him across the face. He catches my wrist with his left hand as I pull back. That roiling anger too quickly vanishes, replaced by a sudden dread as his eyes begin to smolder an unnatural crimson. I’ve never born witness to the demon truly unleashed. An aura of terrible power blazes around him, filling the hall with a haunting flickering red light. I quake slightly as I feel those unliving fingers dig into my wrist. “You ungrateful little bitch.” Another voice speaks along with his. Is it him or the demon in control now? 
Instead of the unnatural warmth of his touch that I know so well, a burning begins to singe my skin. “Let go!” I try to pull away and I flashback to that night that started all of this, a similar altercation between us,  how frighteningly strong he actually was. “Jericho, you’re hurting me.” In fear and desperation, I step forward and slam my shoulder into his chest.
He inhales sharply, backing up, and let’s go. His eyes close and that terrible power dissipates, coiling itself back inside him. I turn and flee, scared, humiliated, heartbroken. “Kat wait. I’m so sorry.” He calls after me, but I can’t even turn to face him. 
I slam the door to my room behind me and collapse into the window seat. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I try and steady my rapidly beating heart and panting breath. I should leave, just forget whatever this absurd arrangement has become and go. I look down at my wrist, a scarlet, irritated handprint wraps around it. I shift and a sheath digs into my back, causing me to recoil as though someone was behind me.  “Godsdamn it.” I pull out the dagger and send it across the room to embed in the wall. “Damn it all.” I rip the other blade from my back and toss it to the ground with a snarl before pulling my legs back up to my chest. Why can’t I find it in me to leave?
I stare apathetically out at the dark city until there’s a soft knock at the door. I’ll have to face him sooner or later anyway. “You wouldn’t go away if I told you to, so you might as well come in.” 
He doesn’t meet my eyes as he enters, genuine guilt for once written on his features. “I wanted to apologize. You told me that I should not wait to do so. So I am here. Peace offering?” He holds out a bottle of wine, Shuriman, dark and bitter, very fitting. 
Perhaps I am mad, but now that he’s here I don’t want him to leave me alone. I take the bottle and gesture to the seat next to me. As he sits I take a long pull from it. “Well, I’m listening.” 
He fixes his gaze on the floor. “That was...not entirely me. However, losing control, that was my fault. And I do beg your forgiveness. I will understand if you do not wish to give it.” 
After everything tonight I’ve grown numb and his words leave me oddly empty. But that lack of feeling brings some clarity, he’s not the only one who bears responsibility for what happened. “I shouldn’t have hit you. I’m sorry about that.” I take another pull off the bottle. “Interesting choice for an apology, what should I make of it?”
He shrugs. “I was sure you would be gone. I actually planned to drink myself to sleep.” 
I hand him back the bottle. “Would you really allow that?”
At last, he turns to look up at me, our eyes locking.  “I would not stop you if that is what you really wanted.” He passes the bottle back to me. 
I take another long pull. “And where would I go? What would I do?” Our fingers touch as he takes the bottle back from my hand and he brushes his thumb along mine.
“You would work something out. You don’t really need me. That’s the truth, despite what I said earlier. ” Is it? I stretch my legs out into his lap and hiss as pain shoots through my leg.  He looks at the floor again. “I forgot about your leg.” He sets the bottle to the side and takes my hand, looking pointedly at my wrist. “Should I go? Am I only making things worse?” 
I don’t think I could bear it if he did. “No, it’s fine, stay.” I leave my hand in his. He squeezes it ever so slightly as if he’s worried I’ll make him let go. 
Suddenly he leans over, arms around my waist and leaning his head against my chest. “I would prefer it if you didn’t leave though. I would miss you.” 
Why is it that the only mercy that exists in my soul is for him? I wrap my arms around his shoulders and return his embrace. “I’m not going to leave.” 
“Swear it?” he asks softly. 
“I swear I’m not leaving.” I kiss the top of his head and lean my cheek against it. 
He sighs as though he’s been relieved of a great burden. “And I swear to take more care from now on.” He pulls himself even tighter against me. “My Kitten.”  Does he really not know that oath or not, I can be nowhere but by his side?
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fymoanstax · 7 years
First Time: Kissing
Request: I’m a sucker for first kiss reactions, could you do a first kiss reaction for monsta x? ps. not sure if this is deliberate but your anon is turned off :)
Thank you for requesting! We hope you like it and we have now turned anon on for requests.
- Admin Wonhoe & Admin Hyungwon
Shownu/Son Hyunwoo (Written by: Admin Wonhoe)
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You are part of the student government at your university and there’s a fundraising carnival being held for a local orphanage in need of supplies
It’s like the whole shabang. Cotton Candy. An unhealthy amount of fried foods. Couples winning prizes for each other
But you don’t get to enjoy any of it because you’re working a popular booth
You didn’t expect many people to want to pay 25 cents for a peck on the lips you know
But the line proves you wrong immediately
Lol the line wasn’t for you though. It was for you partner. Son Hyunwoo. People around campus called him Shownu. He was part of the student government too.
The line of girls for the kissing booth could probably wrap around a building twice if you had to take a random guess
You weren’t like disappointed or anything at least he was raising money for a good cause you know
So you sat back on your stool with your baby soft lips which weren’t being put to good use right now
Like why did you spend a whole week keeping them moisturized
Like to compare you had maybe $5 in quarters
But Shownu had dollar bills in his jar. Way more than $5
So the night goes on an yeah you get a few more kisses but it seemed like Shownu’s line never even got shorter
At this point it was like 10 PM and the carnival was ending slowly but surely.
It was time to take the kissing booth down but there was still al line of girls.
Shownu apologizes to everyone still in line in literally the most polite way ever and you’re melting from the boyfriend look he’s sporting right now.
The group of girls left simultaneously groan but leave because they literally have to now
Shownu is like inspecting his jar with a proud smile on his face
“Wow, this was a big success wasn’t it-”
He sees your jar and the significant difference in amounts is obvious.
“Yeah, you did such a good job Shownu! We should do this again for sure. I didn’t realize you were such a heartthrob. You must have at least $50 in your jar.” But you know, he’s very observant so he sees the upset look on your face
“Nonsense, I’m sure you have more than I do!” You scoff. YOU SCOFF right in his face.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I made $6 at most.”
“No, I’m serious look at your jar!”
You look down at your pathetically empty jar and you’re so confused because this is literally almost empty
And then you look back up
AND BAM Shownu’s very plump, very soft, very kissable lips are on yours.
You’re surprised they’re not more idk chapped or something he’s been kissing for 5 hours straight
But you kiss him back
Because your mom always told you to follow your dreams and you were pretty sure you dreamt about this one time.
Shownu gently takes the jar out of your hands and places it on the table and he cups your face in his hands while he kisses you.
You involuntarily wrap your arms around his neck because that’s what happens in all romantic kisses and you’re not about to jinx it by not doing it.
So you guys kiss for what seems like a really long time.
Like when Shownu pulls away you’re kind of panting in each others faces and you can smell the mint on his breath
And he gives you that smile YOU KNOW THAT SMILE OF HIS? The one that can end wars? He gives you that one.
And he reaches over onto the table and shakes your jar a little bit while lifting it up to eye level.
Inside is a hundred dollar bill and your eyes widen bc holy shit
Did Shownu just pay $100 to give you the kiss of your life
You bet your ass he did
Only one sentence comes out of your mouth
“…I wonder if this is what strippers feel like.”
Wonho/Hoseok   (Written by: Admin Wonhoe)
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Ok you’re casually in like Victoria’s Secret trying to find some bras or something spicy idk but the point is you’re there right
And you’re really just browsing to find the right size and stuff
But like you hear the most annoying laugh you have ever heard
And it sounds close
You know who it is
Your ex
You look around the store and you spot him hand in hand with another girl
Of course he would have another girl already
It’s been like a month.
You try to sneak your way to the opposite end of the store but you end up dropping every bra in your hands.
So now you’re hiding near the floor between racks and suddenly some guy is in front of you, helping you pick bras up
How embarrassing
But also at least he gets to see your cute new bras because nobody else will (your DMs are dry as heck)
Oh no oh no oh no
Your ex-boyfriend is definitely coming this way
“Hey Hey. My name is Y/N. I need you to pretend be my boyfriend for like 5 minutes. My ex is here and oh god this is embarrassing.”
The look on this guys face
Is not as surprised as you thought it would be
And oh god he’s handsome
“Yeah. Sure. I’m Wonho.”
“Great. You’re a lifesaver.”
You stand up, pulling Wonho up with you hoping your ex doesn’t see you
But with your luck
He will
And oh look here he comes
“Wow. Y/N. I didn’t think you even knew Victoria Secret existed. At least not from what I remember. Do you even know what lingerie is?”
You’re about to speak up
But Wonho beats you to it.
“She definitely knows what lingerie is.” lol you’re blushing.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“I’m her boyfriend. I would say it’s nice meeting you but you tried to disrespect my girlfriend right in front of me so it’s not.”
The girl right next to your ex chimes in next
“There’s no way you’re with her. You’re out of her league. This has to be a joke.”
“I can assure you we’re very much together.” You’re also very much lying out of your ass
“There’s nothing even pretty about her. She’s average at best”
“Well I mean average is an understatement. What are those?” Wonho gestures to the items in your exes hand.
“Those have to be what, B cups at most? While you’re playing with a child I got a real woman right here. Not that I’m all about looks I mean have you had her lasagna? I should’ve wifed her up then and there.” WHAT A FUCKING BLUFF BUT WONHO BUT SO GOOD.
“Oh man that lasagna was great I remember it….” the girl next to your ex smacks his arm and you hold back a laugh.
“Have you ever had someone take care of you when your sick? Y/N is the full package. Soup, medicine, warm socks. WARM SOCKS DUDE.” Okay maybe now Wonho was hyping you up a bit too much
When you’re about to say something he cuts you off?
“And holy shit have you seen those lips? I could kiss them all day if she’d let me. I bet they’ve never been chapped a day in her life. And they always taste like strawberry. AND she wears lipstick that won’t rub off on me. That comes in handy if you know what I mean.” Your ex literally has no words to say now and the girl next to him is fuming.
“Just talking about those lips drives me crazy. Anyway run along now. Y/N and I have some shopping to do for an important date.” Wonho winks before leaning down towards your face.
At this point your ex is being dragged away by the girl he was with.
You expect wonho to pull away as soon as they’re out of sight
BUT HE DOESN’T!!!!!!!!
He plants his lips right on yours right in the middle of this Victoria Secret (Right in front of someone’s salad).
They’re really freaking warm and he’s really freaking gentle despite looking so big and tough.
Like one hand is gently caressing one side of your face and the other hand is on the small of your back pulling you in a little closer.
And it’s kind of perfect?
You’ve never had a kiss like this
Usually it was like the other guy was trying to eat your face and there were teeth clashing and tongues literally fighting for dominance
But suddenly with this stranger it’s butterflies and fireworks and just enough tongue
Wonho pulls away slowly and it’s been like 2 minutes since your ex left but you were just really enjoying that kiss.
“Wow. OKAY. Can I pretend to be your boyfriend for a little longer?” You blush a little bit because he’s such a good guy and he’s handsome and he wants to be your fake boyfriend longer
“Yeah okay. We can fake date a little longer if to buy me real dinner!”
Both of you laugh
The fake dating isn’t fake for long.
Kihyun  (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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You and Kihyun are roommates (and they were roommates, oh my gosh they were roommates), living together because it was a cheap place why not
So you guys were probably like arguing or something. Probably about groceries, or you didn’t like how he folded the towels.
The whole deal of you two picking on each other, and none of you would admit this was all just innocent teasing, you two seemed like you were going at it.
Eventually you did actually start getting at it. Very intense, words start flying.
“At least I clean my room!”
“You can’t even put the milk back in the fridge!”
Next thing you know you screamed at him that he never did any of the dishes and now you guys are just staring at each other, faces inches apart.
You both looked mad though, arms crossed, gritted teeth.
You don’t even know what the fuck happened my dude. You were ready to throw punches because of how he folded that stupid towel.
And now he had his lips on yours like what the actual fuck?
He kissed you first, though. Like this boy grabbed your face and smashed it on his.
For some reason you didn’t pull away?????
In fact, you kissed him harder????
You physically pulled yourself closer to him, wanting no space in between.
It was very confusing for you.
But Kihyun was not at all phased during this. You felt yourself hesitate in the beginning, but not once did he even stop.
Eventually, he pressed you against the wall, not even flinching once. Wow what a whole man.
You have lived with this boy for months and you don’t know how you never thought about how soft his lips were. There wasn’t even a thought in your mind that you two would kiss.
Yet here you two were, your back pressed against the wall, Kihyun cupping your face, making sure your lips stayed on his.
It was hungry kissing, the kind that felt like separating would be torture.
It went on for a long time though. Like a very long time. Lungs begging for oxygen long time.
When you both finally come up for air, you’re both shocked.
Well, more you than him. He was actually smirking, trying to catch his breath.  
Your mind kept racing, though. Why did Kihyun kiss you? Where did all that energy come from? Why didn’t he let go of the stupid towel that started the argument while he was kissing you?
You didn’t get off the wall, and he wasn’t moving either. You both just kind of stared at each other, trying to breathe.
You broke the silence first.
“…you still fold towels wrong no matter how good you kiss.”
“Oh my God Y/N, are you going to yell at me about towels or are we going to kiss again?”
Apparently kissing again was an option.
Minhyuk  (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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The first thing you need to know?
This boy planned this kiss.
Okay, maybe he didn’t plan it to happen the way it did, but he had been planning to kiss you.
You two had been just friends, but this boy could not stop thinking about what would happen if he just went for it.
One day, you had gone over to just chill with him like you always do.
You were sitting next to him on his bed, playing random songs on your phone, innocently leaning against him.
This poor boy could literally smell your hair, and he didn’t want to do anything impulsive. You were right there though, the girl had he had a crush on for ages.
He should’ve been used to you being this close to you. But, this day in particular made it hard for him to concentrate.
It was probably because he knew outside the door the other boys were listening intently.
You had finally chosen a playlist to keep, then threw your phone to the edge of the bed.
“Hey Minhyuk, I have a question.”
You suddenly spoke and he jumped. You sounded serious though, it kind of made him nervous.
“Why in the hell is your heartbeat so fast?”
Poor Minhyuk had no idea what to say. Like????
You were sitting there, smirking at him because his heartbeat was going ten thousand miles a minute.
He could have said something like he was exercising before you got there, or he was thinking about something that made him nervous.
Maybe he could have told the truth and admitted he liked you.
But no. You know what this boy says?
“I was thinking about ordering a pizza.”
First thing that comes out his mouth, yup. He could practically hear the boys outside groaning.
He was mentally kicking himself though. Ordering a pizza.
He saw the slight disappointment in your eyes though. Or maybe he just imagined that. He couldn’t be sure though, you leaned back on him.
The music kept playing, and all he could think about was if he should just go for it.
You had repositioned yourself, your head now laying on Minhyuk’s chest. This was making it so much harder for Minhyuk to not kiss you right now.
Especially when you started singing along to the music and he was completely focused on your lips.
What did it for him was when you got a lyric wrong and you pouted.
That pout made it nearly impossible for Minhyuk to not kiss you now.
I mean hey, there’s lips. They’re out. Minhyuk wants to smooch them.
He didn’t mean to do it. He was trying to face you, but you weren’t exactly paying attention.
So, instead of some romantic, look in eyes deeply like he wanted, he accidentally pushed you off the bed.
Yup. Homeboy pushed you off the bed.
He immediately got off the bed to help you up though. He kept apologizing, his hands on your shoulders, making sure you weren’t badly hurt.
You were trying to reassure him that you were okay though, actually laughing a little.
“Minhyuk! I’ve fallen off this bed before I’m not going to die from that.”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to I swear—”
He kept apologizing profusely before he made eye contact with you. His apologizing stopped immediately.
He just kind of…stayed there, his hands on your shoulders, head tilted, looking at you. You could tell he was worried though, or was it nervous?
He finally talked after a while. His voice wavered, so you figured he was nervous. What he said though just kind of shocked you.
“So uh…I’m…I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Also. What were you supposed to do with that information? Literally, in reply you just kind of squeaked and nodded.
He was slow about it too. He was the one telling you he was going to kiss you then took his sweet ass time doing it. His hands were shaking as he went to cup your face, so that was probably why he was going slow.
When he finally did it though, wow. You felt what movies describe.
Fireworks, butterflies, air leaving your lungs, the whole thing.
He did it so softly too?????
You don’t know why that surprised you. You knew he had the softest looking lips ever. But, feeling them pressed on yours????
Wow what a feeling.
You kissed him back, trying to be as soft a kisser as him.
You pulled away first, wanting to ask him what that was all about. But when you did, you saw Minhyuk grinning from ear to ear.
“Y/N you had no idea how long I have been waiting to do that.”
Now it was your turn to be speechless and say stupid stuff.
Instead of saying something meaningful or maybe kissing him again. You know what  you said?
“Hey, does this mean we’re ordering pizza?”
Wow. A true match in heaven.
Jooheon  (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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All you wanted to do was be a good sister and take your brother out to watch a baseball game.
It sounded so nice at first.
Hot dogs, foam fingers, possible cute guys with bats.
Sure you got all of those, but baseball was so boring?
You didn’t remember it being so boring, but whatever. Your brother seemed to be enjoying himself.
He’s just sitting there, waiting for a foul ball to come his way so he can catch it or whatever.
Everything’s going smoothly, you guess.
You don’t know.
What even is a baseball?
You were slouching in your seat now because it was just the same and you were just bored. Even the excited chatter coming from your brother couldn’t keep you from not being bored.
Finally, there was a break and you could finally pry your attention away from the boys with bats without it being considered rude to those around you.
You heard cheering and wondered what was happening. Like what are they cheering for nobody’s playing.
When you turned to look at the jumbotron, you saw that it was time for the famous kiss cams.
You know the ones. They picked two poor souls, couple or not, and then the crowd pressures them to kiss.
Luckily, the ones that were chosen all seemed to be couples since they looked so comfortable with each other.
You were hoping for like….mascot dances or something.
So there was a break, but you were still so bored because what were you going to do?
Watch other people kiss each other?
Be reminded that you literally haven’t been kissed in a while?
No thanks, you’ll just chill.
But then your brother is gasping and slapping your arm, repeatedly saying “jumbotron”.
You looked up to see who the poor unfortunate souls were and then realized that it was you up there.
Maybe a doppelganger?
Nope it was definitely you.
And it was focused not just on you (that’s not how kiss cams work) but also the guy sitting next to you.
You hadn’t paid attention to him because why did you have to?
All you knew was that he was equally as bored as you were. And actually, he looked very confused from time to time.
When you turned to look at him, he was already staring at you, shock in his eyes.
And lemme tell you.
This boy was handsome.
So handsome.
There was no doubt in your mind, or any other person’s mind in this arena that he was handsome.
You should’ve stared at him more throughout the game. You might have actually enjoyed yourself more.
The crowd kept cheering, trying to get you guys to kiss but like?
You had no idea who he was. What if he had a girlfriend? What if he didn’t want to kiss you?
He just kinda smiled at you though. It was like this little half-smile that you knew he probably used on all the girls.
Mostly because it made your heart melt.
He was that handsome. He hadn’t said a single word to you yet and he was already ruining your life.
“I mean…we can’t defy the jumbotron right?” He finally spoke.
Were you supposed to say no???
A cute stranger really just agreed to go along with a kiss cam so there’s like a 100% chance that you’re going to get kissed.
And of course the crowd just keeps edging you two on to kiss.
So logically, you decide to kiss him.
You actually kissed him first, which caught him by surprise.
He was a really good kisser???
Like you expect a kiss with a stranger to be awkward and short but nope.
He was kissing you like he had done it a million times before.
And for that reason only you just kept kissing him because wow this is better than any hotdog you ate today.
He actually tilted your chin up with his fingers, to keep your head still during the kiss.
Sadly, even the best of kisses have to end.
But, you wished it didn’t end because your brother had interrupted, telling you that you guys were off the jumbotron.
You didn’t really realize how warm this guy’s lips were until after you had separated and the cold hit your lips.
“I’m Jooheon, by the way,” he smiled at you, introducing himself.
“Y/N,” you smiled back.
“You know we should do that again sometime. Preferably not on a jumbotron. But maybe at the movies?”
Hyungwon  (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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Your friends decided that hey, you need a date.
You didn’t agree with them but they were very persistent.
They kept telling you that he was cute, amazing, really talking him up.
Finally, you just gave in. You’ll see exactly how cute and amazing this boy was.
You showed up at the restaurant, trying to find the guy, but there’s like 500 guys all sitting alone.
“Hi, are you Y/N?”
You turn around and see nobody other than Hyungwon.
He looks like a whole meal with his suit and tie, his hair all looking nice.
And his smile. It could possibly have been the key to world peace.
You thought your friends were lying when they gushed about how cute he was. But nope. He was cute. Super cute. You kinda felt like you wanted to die because of how cute he is.
You realize that yikes, you’ve just been staring at him.
“Yeah. You’re Hyungwon?” you were stuttering, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Yeah. Wow they told me that you were pretty but they didn’t tell me you’d be gorgeous.”
Your face goes bright red. He just called you gorgeous and you are so paralyzed you can’t even say coherent sentences.
He kind of feels that you’re nervous and just guides you to a table.
The rest of the date went off without a hitch.
After you got past your nervousness at least.
The beginning of the date was you hiding behind the menu because you were expecting a horrible date, but now you gotta actually make a good impression.
He was nervous too, but god forbid he’d show his nervousness to you despite you being a jittery mess.
It was when you both ordered the same drink at the same time and then started laughing right after did you both start to loosen up.
You guys connected so well after that.
He was funny, interesting, and he didn’t seem bored when you talked his ear off about your favorite book.
Instead he asked to borrow it? Like he was really interested in this book (and you obviously).
But also, you could listen and watch him talk for the rest of your life.
You guys were at a really expensive restaurant (apparently a huge first date place) and you know what this guy was talking to you about?
Not money, or his job, or anything like that.
He was talking to you about how he saw the biggest teddy bear in target.
(In your mind you were thinking that he was the biggest teddy bear)
The more you guys talked the more you thought, wow, maybe being in a relationship wouldn’t be so bad if it was with him.
The thought of kissing him kept creeping in your mind.
Like he had such soft looking lips. You just wanted to smooch them.
Maybe like a peck, just to see what they’d feel like on yours.
But no this was the first date and you told yourself you wouldn’t kiss anyone on the first date no matter how great he was.
Apparently that thought process took a while and you had zoned out because next thing you know, hyungwon is waving his hands in front of you trying to get his attention.
“Y/N? Oh my god I’m so sorry am I boring you?” He was apologizing??? Because he thought you were bored???? You were actually just thinking of kissing him though.
“No no! I’m sorry I was just distracted.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah I was just-“
You stop there. Were you about to tell him that you were fantasizing about kissing him?
Not in front of your salad you weren’t.
He looked at you confused so of course you had to keep talking.
Well, actually you were babbling. You seemed as nervous as you were at the beginning of the date.
But this time it was because you were trying to not think of kissing him.
The worst thing happened.
You ended your babbling with “And I know I don’t kiss on the first date but it’s getting extremely hard not to, you know?”
And you are mortified.
You just told Hyungwon, the boy you were set up with, that on your first date, a couple hours knowing each other, you wanted to kiss him.
I mean, it could have been worse. You could have said something way more forward and then get rejected.
But in that moment you were just kind of panicking.
But he leans forward on the table?
And you were also leaning forward the entire time, so now you guys are super close and you can feel his breath?
“Yeah,” he finally speaks. “I definitely know.”
And he presses his lips against yours??????
Your heart is beating so fast you think you’re about to explode.
His lips are as soft as you imagined, possibly even softer.
You start to pull away to like I don’t know thank him or say something dumb.
But nope, he’s not having it and he leans forward, making your lips meet his again and you are so thankful he did because you can’t have enough.
This is probably like super pda but nobody is stopping you and you two definitely aren’t stopping.
Well eventually you two do stop because you can only kiss for so long.
“So does this mean there’s a second date?” He was smiling so wide, looking so hopeful.
You started to say yes, nodding your head when the waiter comes up to you guys.
“We closed an hour ago.”
I.M/Changkyun  (Written by: Admin Wonhoe)
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Okay so with Changkyun it started off as a dare but it turned out great in the end
Changkyun and the other guys often went to like an indoor pool when they were bored
And you were a lifeguard there right
So all of the other guys knew Changkyun had the BIGGEST crush on you but he never really acted on it because he’s a baby.
So one day Minhyuk was like “I dare you to kiss Y/N at the pool today”
And Changkyun was like
“No way I’m not gonna do it just because you dared me to”
Then Wonho chimes in
“I double dare you”
And Changkyun’s smile drops
Bc oh shit a double dare is serious. Can’t back out now. It must be done.
So he has to do it. Today.
He needs a plan or at least an excuse to talk to you.
So confident Changkyun walks up to the lifeguard tower with a little pep in his step you know
And he finally gets there
He has no idea what to say to you
He could go with like ‘hey I like your eyes’ but he couldn’t even see them from the bottom of the tower.
‘I like your shoes’
You didn’t have any on
‘Wow isn’t the weather nice today’
You were inside
Changkyun spent 10 minutes there before giving up and diving into the pool
The pool didn’t allow that but you let it slide because he was cute.
He spends the next hour hanging with the guys and swimming and trying to devise a way to get you to kiss him
And then it hits him.
Literally why hadn’t he thought of this sooner.
Changkyun quickly gets up from the sitting area where all the guys were hanging out the past 10 minutes.
And he just casually wades through the water.
You of course have your eyes all over the pool darting from kid to kid and the occasional grown man like Changkyun.
You’re distracted by a coworker for a minute until you hear splashing and thrashing
You turned your head so fast your sure you almost gave yourself whiplash
You can’t quite tell who it is underwater but your duty as a lifeguard has you jumping off the tower and into the pool in a split second
And you swim and swim until you get to the thrashing and you try to help whoever it is towards the edge of the pool.
There’s no way you’re going to be able to get him out
“Changkyun!” You hear from the edge and suddenly this guys body is being lifted out of the pool by a whole group of guys
You pull yourself up and get to work. You put your ear to his chest and listen carefully to hear if he’s breathing. He doesn’t really respond to anything so you start CPR
You place your hands, one on top of the other, in the middle of his chest and begin compressions. 100, just like you were taught in that CPR class.
You swore you saw one of his eyes open slightly so you stopped but he wasn’t magically all better
After no response still you begin mouth-to-mouth and you know that works because the water he coughs up goes all over your face which is something they don’t tell you will happen when you take a CPR class by the way.
Changkyun immediately sits up and begins apologizing through his coughing
He nearly died and he’s,,,,,,apologizing,,,,,,,what an angel
The other guys begin bombarding him with questions but you insist they back off and give him room but you stay by his side.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, thanks for like saving my life. Sorry about the whole water in your face thing.”
“It’s okay. Just be careful next time. I’m gonna go file my incident report now.”
You leave and Changkyun stares at the other guys with wide eyes.
“That’s not what I planned but I think I completed your dare.”
The other guys are like wtf
“Did you,,,,plan,,,,,,that,,,,,Changkyun,,,,,,”
“Well I planned the CPR part but I was supposed to be faking it you know like in the Sandlot movie. But I guess I pretended to drown too well and I ended up taking in a lot of water when I was under and I really did start drowning after I got a cramp in my leg…”
“The point is she kissed me.”
Kihyuns kinda smirking, “Did she really kiss you?”
“Yeah you guys totally saw it!”
“Are you sure about that Changkyun?” Hyungwon has a smug look on his face and Changkyun is confused about what’s going on because it literally just happened didn’t they see it
“Why are you guys acting weird?”
Changkyun jumps when he feels a tap on his shoulder and he turns around only to be face to face with you
“I came over to to ask for your name for my incident report but I guess I won’t need to ask anymore will I, Changkyun?”
“I won’t get you banned if you tell all my coworkers I really did kiss the pools resident cutie.”
“Well who is this guy? I’ll vouch for you.” The other guys facepalm bc Changkyun is a dummy
“It’s you! They triple dog dared me to kiss you and now that I told them I did they don’t believe me.”
“Oh my gosh, hear that guys! I’m the resident cutie.”
“WAIT, you’re friends with manly muscles (shownu) AND dimple daddy (jooheon)?”
That’s it.
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ciathyzareposts · 4 years
The Black Gate: Making Britannia Great Again
This is taken out of context, but it amuses me to pretend it happened right after I said. “Hello, Lord British! It’s good to see you again!”
           I thought I remembered that The Black Gate’s plot leads you around Britannia on a leash, and for the purposes of my second session, I was willing to follow. For role-playing reasons alone, I wanted to see Lord British as soon as possible and get his take on recent events. All the clues from the murder in Trinsic also pointed in that direction, including the fact that there was a similar murder there a few years ago and that the Trinsic murderers–a gargoyle and a man with a hook for a hand–had likely escaped on The Crown Jewel, bound for Britain.
              It’s a little unnerving that the Guardian approves of my choice of route.
             A few years ago, I tried to calculate the “real world” size of Ultima IV. I came up with figures ranging from 4 square miles (if you go with 10 feet per square, which made sense in relation to houses and furniture) to around 75 square miles (if you go by in-game travel time) to 144 square miles (if you go by the practical average size of landscape features). Even at its most generous, Britannia is the size of a large town or a small county. That is (somewhat disappointingly) felt more keenly in this game, where the developers significantly expanded the ground size of the cities but not the size of the world. The Serpent Mountains are now basically the rear wall of Lord British’s castle, with no open plain between the two. Paws is a twist in the road up from Trinsic, and Britain continues immediately from Paws. All of this to say is that “a ship bound from Trinsic to Britain” is more than a little silly since the entirety of the ocean is about the size of a municipal reservoir, and the distance from the dock of Trinsic to the dock at Britain is maybe a dozen boat lengths. You could walk it before the ship’s crew had a chance to finish hoisting the sails.
          As I said, the village of Paws is a twist in the road north of Trinsic, and there’s something at that twist in the road: a theater where three characters named Paul, Meryl, and Dustin perform a “passion play” about the Fellowship. We paid to see it. I was a bunch of melodramatic nonsense about how a man loses his wife but rises out of his despair through the inner strength he finds through the Fellowship. He pledges half his wealth to the Fellowship and somehow receives a bundle of gold in return, at which point he declares:
The voice came to me in a dream
‘Twas mine ‘inner’ voice so fair
I now have a companion and provider
And a master about whom I care.
          Are you fourteen or four?
         If you’d been paying attention, you’d note that the terms “companion,” “provider,” and “master” are what the Guardian calls himself during the game’s introduction, but in case you weren’t paying attention, the game calls attention to it for you:
             Why not just provide a flashback while you’re at it?
          So only a few hours into the game, not only is it clear that the Fellowship is rotten, but that there’s some connection between them and the Guardian whose face keeps taunting you. Maybe that’s okay, but I’m not sure that for storytelling reasons it was a good idea to show that many cards that quickly.
           It’s called “intelligence-gathering,” Iolo. Look it up.
          If the Fellowship’s basic corruption isn’t already obvious to the player, it becomes more so in Paws, where the organization runs a homeless shelter but only lets you stay there if you join. A couple of proud beggars panhandle in the north of town and refuse to join the Fellowship, speaking contemptuously of a fellow beggar who did the opposite and now recruits for them. One of the beggars is on crutches and the other has no legs below the knees
                I guess magical healing doesn’t restore limbs.
          (The beggar on crutches is either a peeping tom or the programmers didn’t bother to restrict the opening-the-shutters-on-a-sunny-day animation to NPCs who actually own the structure in question.)
          The shelter is run by a married couple, Feridwyn and Brita. They’re skeptical that I’m the Avatar. Other than Merrick, the beggar, there’s a widow named Alina staying there with her baby. Her husband, Weston, has recently been jailed in Britain for “stealing fruit from the Royal Orchards”–based on the testimony of a Fellowship member. She’s hung up on the irony of being forced to join the organization that ratted on her husband, but I’m wondering how stealing fruit from the Royal Orchards could possibly be a crime, let alone one that carries a prison sentence. One more thing to talk to Lord British about.
        Back in Trinsic, I had found some scroll from the “Britannian Purity League” demanding that someone “Keep Britannia clean — send the gargoyles back!” I had suspected that there might be a connection with the Fellowship. Feridwyn and Brita had the same scroll prominently on a table in the shelter, right next to the Book of the Fellowship. I guess that removes all doubt. It’s just weird to see an organization striving for legitimacy so open about their racism.
            Send them back where? Isn’t the other side of the world gone?
         Feridwyn and Brita have a son named Garritt. They insist he’s a master of the pan pipes and will one day study at the conservatory in Britain. The only other child in town is a boy named Tobias whose mother, Camile, runs a farm. The two don’t like each other but are forced to hang out sometimes because of their age. Tobias hates the Fellowship. Feridwyn and Brita judge Camile for being a single mother. They hope that the behavior of their perfect son rubs off on Tobias.
            The social commentary in this game is 30 years old but, depressingly, not out-of-date.
                        Camile was delighted when she saw me in the inn. She somehow recognized me immediately.
          The source of her delight soon became apparent:
          If George Washington ever steps out of a portal in my yard, I’m going to ask if he wouldn’t mind cutting down some trees before he moves on.
             In 200 years, the legend of the Man from Another World who shows up to Do Menial Errands and Solve Small Problems has clearly grown strong.
             Meanwhile, the butcher, Morfin, is reporting that someone has recently stolen a quantity of serpent venom from him–serpent venom being an extract from silver serpents, a creature that has only appeared in one previous Ultima game, Exodus, where it was unique. According to Morfin, serpent venom causes increases in strength, endurance, and euphoria, skin necrosis after repetitive use, and fatality at high doses. The government is close to regulating sales of it. Morfin coyly reports that he “keeps a small stock” of it and occasionally sells it to “the apothecary in Britannia.” (I assume he means “Britain.”) The owner of the abattoir, Andrew, tells me that Morfin hides a key in his shop. I spend some time moving things around before I find it under a plant. It opens not the locked door in his shop but a chest in his home, where I find some gold but refuse to take it.
        I identify a key under a plant.
           But I do find a key in his house that opens the door in his shop. It opens a door to a small room with an unlocked chest. Here, I find several vials of silver serpent venom, five gold bars (indicating he’s been making a lot from his side-business), and a ledger showing dozens of sales over the last year–clearly not just a “small supply” going to some apothecary. When I confront him with the ledger, he confesses that he sells the venom to the Britannian Mining Company, which uses it to make gargoyles work longer hours.
         Pro-tip: Any time you argue that what you’re doing isn’t “technically” against the law, you’ve already lost the argument.
          Anyway, you’ve probably already solved the mystery from what I’ve told you. Feridwyn and Brita are quick to blame Tobias–a blame that grows stronger when a vial of venom is found among Tobias’s things. But Tobias says that Garritt was hanging around his place, supposedly “looking for a ball,” and indeed I soon find a vial of venom among Garrit’s belongings. Moreover, Garritt soon displays symptoms of using the venom. This revelation causes Feridwyn and Brita to realize their own arrogance and selfishness and to re-dedicate their lives to . . . Sorry, I can’t even finish.
                       Paws has a few other things going on. The register at the only inn in town, the Salty Dog, shows that someone calling himself “The Avatar” has been there recently, as has Dupre. I buy some bread there for my party members’ bottomless maws. The innkeeper, Polly, is the object of affection of the miller, Thurston, and I get the two crazy kids together after a couple of dialogue back-and-forths. Both refuse to join the Fellowship for their own reasons, which is as close to anything as a virtue test in this game.
        The miller confesses his unrequited love to a complete stranger.
           There’s an antique dealer in town who sells a sextant for 20 gold pieces, a lot less than the guy in Trinsic wanted. When you use the sextant, it tells you your coordinates. But when you use the map while in possession of a sextant, it shows your position in the game world.
           If only this could be called up with a single keypress.
              I realized with a start that I’d lingered in Paws too long. An obviously-evil organization with a connection to an extra-dimensional demon is gaining power; the gargoyles, whose home we accidentally destroyed, are being exploited and denigrated; there’s a booming drug trade; a serial murderer is at work; we just had an ominous earthquake; people are being jailed for stealing fruit; maimed farmers are begging in the streets; and someone said she’s not even sure that the shrines are around anymore. Surely, Lord British must have something to say about all of this. It was time to head to the castle and get an explanation.          
          Okay, I’m guilty of a little selective screenshotting here. In truth, Lord British seems to realize–      
You’re not helping.
              No, seriously. When pressed a little bit, Lord British admits that–         
I think I’d advise you to take the Fifth from now on.
         I really am somewhat kidding but, as we’ll soon see, not entirely. The way Lord British is written in both VI and VII is curious. The character has never had a lot of depth, but for many games that was largely due to a sparseness of dialogue inherent in the limitations of the game engines. Here, as in Ultima VI, he has a lot of dialogue, just hardly any that conveys any of the things that we are repeatedly told about Lord British in the game materials. He shows little wisdom, little nobility. He seems bored, unengaged, uninterested. And of course he’s just wrong about many things, including the Fellowship and its founder:           
             It’s not like Batlin has been particularly crafty, either. Lord British just isn’t paying attention. Now I’m all for having complex NPCs with flaws, and perhaps it is time to introduce some complexity into the tired trope that TVTropes calls “The Good King.” It just still seems a bit weird that the owner of the company allowed his avatar to be treated this particular way. I’m trying to imagine the meeting at which this dialogue played out:          
Developers: “We think Lord British needs some flaws to balance out his wisdom and nobility.”       Garriott (thinks for a moment): “Make him well-meaning but wrong about everything.”       Developers (nodding): “That’s good.”       Garriott (catching a glimpse of one of the custodians bending over to empty the trash): “Also, maybe he’s boning the domestic help?”       Developers: “Ooh, even better.”       Garriott: “Also, make sure you really put the screws to Electronic Arts again. It’s not like we’re about to sell them the company.”        Everyone: [roars laughter]
         I’ll cover my full dialogue with Lord British (as well as his nighttime proclivities) next time. For now, a few notes about the small things that the developers programmed into the game:
        Double-clicking on a sundial gives you the current time. 
              Not very precise, but still . . .
         Clouds pass overhead and temporarily darken what you can see on the ground. 
You have to be careful walking through or near swamps. The very second your character strays into the swampy terrain, he gets poisoned and glows green. I assume swamp boots prevent this condition.
         A cloud passes overhead, rain falls, the swamp burbles.
          If you double-click on a chair, the Avatar sits there while the entire party tries to find seating nearby. Sometimes it produces comical arrangements.
        Wow, they are really mad that I made them watch that play.
             Double-clicking on a cow causes all the party members to yell, “Moo!” at it. This reminds me of how every time we drive by a field of cows, I’m compelled to roll down the window and yell “Moo!”
           Irene, meanwhile, is compelled to say, “Chet, can we please not this one ti—“
            According to the ledger in Morfin’s shop, the current Britannian year is 360. I can’t remember if specific numbered years have ever come up before. I assume the numbering is from the re-creation of Sosaria into Britannia between Ultima III and IV.
The members of the Fellowship all use the exact same words to describe the organization and its philosophy. At first, I thought this was lazy re-use of dialogue, but now I’m thinking that it’s deliberately meant to suggest that they’re just parroting what they’ve been told.
      It’s not many games that allow you to get 2,500 words out of a couple of hours of walking and dialogue. I’m three entries into The Black Gate, and I’ve still yet to fight a single combat, level up, or do anything that you would expect from an RPG. And yet, the developers have managed to create an intense urgency upon the part of the player to get out there and fix this place. This desire is particularly acute to a repeat visitor–someone who is making the trip to Britannia for the fourth time. I imagine that players who came to the world for the first time in Ultima VII didn’t feel that same angst. They might have enjoyed the game for its plot and mechanics, but lacked the sense that a place they loved was in serious danger.        Well, one thing at a time. Today, the Mystery of the Stolen Venom. Tomorrow, the world.          Time so far: 5 hours
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/the-black-gate-making-britannia-great-again/
0 notes