#the leaks didnt do justice
deathberi · 1 year
jic anyone’s wondering 🤣 my aquakana shitposts are currently on twitter. might be overkill to spam more gifsets here jk duhhh i’ll post them here some time tmr maybe
fab ending all in all. doga kobo nailed that choreo 😋 cute intro on tb arc (shit, touki and whats taiki’s chara’s name again?? look soooo effin good in the art posted!!??? hngggg) and more importantly the twins’ contrasting eyes at the end…
BUT ya girl depressed af over manga latest chapter 122!!!! srsly who told them it’s a good idea to make the anime scheduled on wednesdays as well 🥲 thats the real overkill. anime ending and CHAPTER 122 ON THE SAME DAY JFCCCC
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ravenmoodle · 10 months
Beyond Good and Evil Remaster!!!!
I'm SO hype!! It'll finally be playable after the original PC port was god awful.
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thedgeofreality · 1 year
Reader is at an event or party with boyfriend elvis. She has to go to the bathroom so she excuses herself from elvis and the group of people that both of them (mainly Elvis) were talking to. Unfortunately she started her period a couple of days early so she was not prepared and had no supplies with her. Also it was a bad day to wear all white luckily she had caught it before it leaked all the way through her panties but it wouldn’t take long at this point and if she sat down she knew it would seep through. She sat there for a short moment to calm her panicked state before deciding to go find elvis. When reader found him she grabbed his arm, he smiled at her returning but noticed a subtle expression that only he would recognize as something being wrong and y/n motioned him to lean down to whisper in his ear that she had a problem and needed his help quick. He apologized to the new group of people saying he would be back in a minute and then lead the reader to somewhere private not knowing what was the issue was but people were still passing by so all reader mouthed was bathroom and elvis lead the way to quickly find the bathroom. Once inside elvis asked what was going on as reader was sitting down onto the toilet. For some reason she was embarrassed not wanting to look at elvis when she told him she started early and she didn’t have anything with her. He saw her now ruined panties and was thinking about what to do as they had to stay at this event for the next hour. Reader starts crying elvis comforts her and dries her tears carefully to not mess her makeup up. he stands up and starts unbuckling and taking off his pants reader is confused. He was thankful that today was a rare day that he had worn underwear because he had to give a speech in front of everyone and his pants tended to cling in areas without any. He took off his underwear and put his pants back on. He then took the readers white pants off and wrapped a ton of toilet paper around y/n’s ruined panties and slid his underwear over them before putting her pants back on. His underwear was bulky under her pants but it was the only option. He embraced her kissing the top of her head telling her it’s okay. They return to the event and elvis keeps on eye on her to make sure she doesn’t leak.
I apologize that this request is so long but I wanted to get the scene set. Hopefully you can write this with Jaycees award era 1971 elvis in mind (maybe that is the event they are at) thank you!
A/N: I LOVE THIS REQUEST DEAR!! thank you so much anon. my first request and i hope i do it justice. i also made reader wear a dress instead of pants as i thought it would be a little more formal (and honestly i didnt notice the pants part at first whoops!) anyway enjoy ♡
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Wc: 1.9K
Elvis had been invited to the Jaycees as he had been named one of the 'ten outstanding men of the nation'. He was so excited and so honored so he wanted you to come with him to the event. You agreed immediately.
It was the day of the event and you were sitting at the table with Elvis and a couple of people you didn't know. Elvis did most of the talking as you were quite shy and didn't know what to say to them. You held Elvis his hand under the table. Occasionally he would smile at you and try to involve you in the conversation as much as possible. Elvis started talking about how thrilled he was to be there and you watched his face light up. You loved watching him talk about things that genuinely made him excited.
"Man, you won't believe how nervous I am." He said jokingly. Though you knew he meant it as he told you beforehand how nervous he was for his speech. The night before, he stayed up writing things down on his little notepad and would show you occasionally to get your opinion on it. Because he would give this speech in front of a bunch of millionaires he wanted to be explicit and intelligent to them. Once he had written out the final draft he read it out to you and you were amazed by how eloquent it sounded. He went through the speech multiple times on the way to the event.
After a couple of minutes, you felt the urge to go to the bathroom. So you let go of his hand and he looked at you. You smiled at him as you excused yourself from the conversation.
You quickly made your way into the bathroom and locked the door behind you. You pulled your white dress up and sat down. As you looked down you saw a red stain in your panties. Your period had come earlier than usual, so you didn't take any tampons or pads with you. You hoped some girls were outside the bathroom, but no. There was absolutely no one outside. "great day to wear white"  you thought to yourself. As you sat there on the toilet, panicking thinking of what to do. The only thing you could think of doing was finding Elvis. You weren't exactly sure on how he could help, but you had to try something.
You breathed slowly trying to calm yourself down from your panicked state as you straightened yourself out. You took one deep breath before stepping back into the room and making your way through the crowd, hoping the blood wouldn't seep through at this moment. Elvis usually stood out but in a dark room like this, he was nowhere to be found as he was wearing dark clothes. You made your way back to the assigned table, hoping he would still be there and luckily he was standing near the table talking to a different group of people than before.
You walked up to him and grabbed onto his arm. He looked down at you and smiled when he saw it was you. "Oh hi honey." He said before his expression dropped and he looked at you worriedly. You were so thankful Elvis could read you in moments like these. You knew no one else would understand, but him. He turned to face you completely. "You alright?" He asked softly. You motioned for him to lean down.
He leaned down and you got closer to his ear to whisper. "Something happened, I need your help quickly." He stood straight up and nodded, turning around to the group of people. "I'll be back in a minute." He said and gave them a smile before he faced you again. You held his hand and led him through the crowd taking him to a spot where fewer people were. "Baby, what's going on?" He asked softly, growing more worried by the minute. People were still passing by the two of you so you just mouthed the word 'bathroom' to him.
Elvis took your hand again and led you back to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. "What happened?" He asked, looking into your eyes. You sat down on the toilet and broke eye contact with him as you lifted your dress to show him your blood-stained panties. You felt deeply embarrassed and on the edge to break down in tears. "I started my period earlier." You said softly, looking down at the floor. "I didn't take any products with me."
"Oh, honey.." He said softly as he noticed your blood-stained panties. He stood there in silence thinking of what he could do to help. "No need to be embarrassed, it's alright. I'll help you." He said assuring you and you nodded. You didn't look into his eyes as you still felt a little embarrassed this even happened. You sighed and he rubbed your back, knowing how you felt. As soon as you felt his touch you broke down into tears. He kneeled in front of you and hugged you tightly. "Shh shh it's okay, I'm gonna help you." He whispered in your ear and leaned back to kiss your forehead. "Line your breathing up with mine, okay?" He said softly trying to help you out. You nodded and closed your eyes. He started taking deep slow breaths and you tried to line yours up with it. "Good job, baby." He said and caressed your hand as you continued to take deep slow breaths. You slowly opened your eyes back up as you felt a little calmer. He smiled as you looked at him. He let go of your hand as he wiped your tears away. "My make-up." You said with a shaky voice and he chuckled. "I'm bein' careful, don't worry." He said and he dried your tears making sure to not ruin your make-up. "Now, you didn't leak through yet?" He asked. "No, I didn't leak through." You replied and he nodded. He stood back up and started unbuckling his pants. You looked up at him confused as he took his pants off.
"What are you doing?" You asked. He chuckled "Well honey, thankfully I'm wearing underwear today." He said as he slid his pants off and smiled at you. "I don't understand." You replied, feeling even more confused. What does that have to do with your situation? "Well, you could wear them." He said and took his underwear off. You stared at him with a bunch of thoughts and he chuckled as he put his pants back on. "Just go along with it."
He kneeled in front of you again and looked up in your eyes. "I have to lower your panties a bit, okay honey?" He asked softly waiting for your consent and you nodded. Smiling at the way he was taking care of you. He carefully lowered your stained panties a bit and grabbed the roll of toilet paper. He took a ton of toilet paper and wrapped it around your stained panties, trying to make it work like a pad. He made sure it would be thick enough for the remaining hours you would be there with him and raised your panties back up. "That feel okay?" He asked, looking into your eyes again and you shrugged. "A little uncomfortable but it'll do." You replied and he nodded. He grabbed his underwear from the floor. "You can wear 'em for an extra layer."
"Raise your legs, baby." He said and you raised your legs as he slipped his underwear on your legs. You chuckled at him as you easily could've put them on yourself. But you liked how he treated you as if you were a porcelain doll, that could break any minute.
Once you had his underwear over yours, he helped you stand up. It felt very weird to be wearing 2 pairs of underwear with a thick layer of toilet paper, but it would have to do for tonight. His underwear was bulky as it had a lot more space than women's underwear. It looked a little weird under your dress but you had no other choice than to go along with it. He hugged you tightly again and kissed the top of your head. "There we go baby, everything is okay." He said softly.
"Can't believe you were wearing underwear." You said and he chuckled. Elvis never wore underwear as he said it was uncomfortable and weird. "Well, I have to give a speech and these pants cling in the wrong places." He replied and sighed. "If they get a face full, I'm blaming you." He joked, trying to lighten the mood and you laughed.
You looked in his eyes lovingly and smiled. "Thank you so much, Elvis. I love you." He smiled back at you. "Anytime honey, I love you too." You kissed him quickly.
"We have to go back now." He said and you nodded. You made sure you looked alright and held his hand. He unlocked the bathroom door and led you back into the room to the group of people he was talking to. The group gave you guys a smile and welcomed you back.
Everyone sat back down at their tables as the event was about to continue. You and Elvis held hands the entire time. You stared at him as it got closer to his award. You noticed how much more nervous he had gotten and you caressed his hand hoping to calm his nervous a little. He looked at you and gave a weak smile.
They finally announced for him to come up and he let out a deep shaky breath, squeezing your hand. "You alright?" He asked referring to the situation that happened earlier. And you nodded. He smiled and stood up, making his way to the stage. You watched him stand there and accept the award. And once it was finally time for his speech he searched for you in the crowd. When finding you he smiled to himself and looked down to get himself together. You could tell he was shaking but he hid it well.
"When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer." He started saying and you stared at him in awe. His speech had come out great and you looked around to see people staring at him the same way you did. You smiled and felt so proud of him. When the speech ended you applauded loudly with everyone else. He thanked everyone and made his way back to the table, his eyes not leaving yours as he sat back down. He held your hand again and leaned in to whisper. "How did I do?" He asked feeling a little unsure.
You looked at him and smiled. "That was amazing! Everyone loved it." You whispered back to him and he smiled. "Felt I was gonna die right there." He said and chuckled softly. You laughed with him.
After a few minutes passed he leaned in again. "You haven't leaked yet, right?" He asked softly making sure no one would hear it and you shook your head. "No, I'm okay." You replied and he nodded. He was very protective of you the entire day. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder to pull you a little closer to him. He looked at you smiling and kissed your cheek.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 1 year
Okay time to rip this crossover trailer to shreds. First the Grimm are no threat to the Justice League.
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You cannot convince me that Superman will have any difficulty dealing with a Grim army. Add in Wonder Woman, Flash, and Jessica Cruz and it is basically over. Grimm arent even on Parademon level and those things are Apokolips cannon fodder that Batman can beat with ease. I know they see the Grimm are evolving to their weaknesses, but Kryptonite only works on Superman?
Wonder Woman is almost as strong as him and has almost no weaknesses, besides in her early days when you could beat her by tying up her hands but I dont think these grimm can consider that a great deal of strength. In Batman's contingenies for the JL, he needs to give Wonder Woman a "Phantom Opponent" aka fake construct of some sort like a hologram or a simulation to keep her locked in battle. No way any of these Grimm are doing that.
And as for Flash? Again, no Weaknesses besides plot stopping him! Unless those Grimm tap into the speed force no Grimm should be able to touch him.
I didnt see any yellow Grimm either so unless these things can somehow make Jess lose her will power they stand no chance. She has taken on way stronger armies, these glorified hell hounds dont stand a chance
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I didnt mention them above so I'll speed run them cuz I still think the Grimm stand no chance. Cyborgs tech is way too immense and can adapt and upgrade constantly, so if the Grimm evolve so can he. Vixen and Black Canary are meta humans and can easily take on the Grimm cannon fodder, both hero's are around building level and are amazing at hand to hand combat. And as much as I hate how OP he is for being a rich guy with good tech
Batman can clear out these grimm. Not only does Batman have contingencies for every league member up above who can easily stomp these Grimm into black mist, Batmans no kill rule only applies to humanoids. Grimm are just animals on steroids, Batman is gonna be mercing them.
Like does the Leauge REALLY need team RWBY? Just call up the other members like Martian Manhunter, the 3-4 other Lanterns, Aquaman, Dr Fate, Shazam, the Hawks, Zatana, Constantine, the Teen Titans, or literally so many other people? If they say in the movie that the other members are across the world also dealing with this then thats fair. Not really cuz so many of these characters can wipe out these Grimm with ease! Grimm are weak! They aren't like something that can give the Teen Titans a run for their money!
My power scaling complaints really popped off huh? Okay whats next?
So they hype up Kilgores partner in crime who's supposed to be stronger and smarter. We get this shot which makes me think this is another simulation
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But oh jeez I dunno who this potential secret villian is! Really it could be any RWBY villian who's a genius and has the color yellow as one of this primary colors. Oh! I know! Hazel! (pst its Watts)
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Okay so Team RWBY got new powers to show off. Except Weiss. Yang shoots fire, Blake has staffs and shadow energy, and Ruby with her wooden Cresent Rose teleports.
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And Weiss...
Yeah in both of her actions shots to show off her new abilities she's in her shitty V7 outfit and not using that stupid gun she's supposed to have in the cover.
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One noticeable thing is that JNPR is just gone. They haven't been seen, mentioned, there's been no leaks on them, so I dont think they gonna appear. Im thankful that Renora Cyborg love triangle isnt gonna happen, but im also disappointed that the one good part of the first crossover, that being the Jess and Jaune duo, will not happen. You know I actually feel bad when I wanted to see Jaune on screen.
And im sorry but this is just choppy work when it comes to editing
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This scene of the sea dragon comes out of the water and scares Blake, Ruby narrates and says fearfully "What is that?" And Blake as bland as she can says "They made a new Grimm". Im sorry but, if they made a new Grimm, why not show it when they say its new? Why show a Grimm from Volume 4? Just show the new Grimm!
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Thank you! It actually looks cool! Except it shouldn't even be that scary! It looks like nothing out of the ordinary for team RWBY minus the Kryptonite, which shouldn't be an issue when you have WW, Flash, Jess, Cyborg, and everybody else who isnt weak to it.
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And I hate that Jess just flies and shoot fire. I can tell this is as creative as its gonna get for her, the girl who's powers allow her to make ANYTHING!
All in all it's nonsensical. Its like putting Goku into My Hero Academia and expecting something to actually hurt him. The RWBY verse is not that strong, its just not. The JL who are arguable the strongest super hero team in all of comics, are not supposed to have trouble with these things. Now if it was the Teen Titans I'd believe it. But with the JL this is like Tuesday to them. They've fought the Legion of Doom, the forces of Apokolips, Gods new and old, whole Lantern Corps, demons and monsters, Meta Humans out the ass, and so much more. Hellhounds that can replicate their powers and weaknesses should be a cake walk. But somehow they're gonna nerf the hero's and make team RWBY the greatest hero's of all time! They're gonna save the Justice Leauge and the earth! They did everyone now clap! Clap and forget how those incompetent idiots doomed their own world!
I hate this. I hope this is the last RWBY project released. I feel bad for the animators who got forced to make this, I dont want it to flop so they dont suffer but FUCK do I hate this and want it to flop so bad it finally kills Rwby so I can stop seeing greenlight volume 10. The only hashtag more annoying is the restore the Snyderverse.
So yeah those are my thoughts. Cant wait to pirate this in October.
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justabeewithapen · 6 months
:0 if you have ideas for a maskless hero drawing then i want to see it! but if not then what would the others reactions be if they see him without the mask(considering TLQ didnt know that it was a mask i think the others would have the same idea except for contrarian)?
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I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!! I had these grand visions of drawing all of them, then that task was so daunting I kept pushing this back. I didn't draw everyone, but I did draw the most important one. Firstly, the list of people who knew Hero's helmet wasn't his face: Smitten - While a peaceful creature himself (unless righteous justice is needed) Smitten has seen the after-math of other employees from less kindly monsters. His first and only concern when seeing Hero was fixing that man's horrible haircut. No one knows how he learned to cut hair considering his head is a skull, but I don't think anyone is brave enough to ask. Cold - One of the less peaceful monsters, he's blown a few heads off employees before and has picked up on helmets because of how they shatter. He thinks they're more like some sort of artificial shell employees wear for protection like they do the nutcracker body, and they're not far off! Cold would mock Hero for willingly leaving his protective casing and then would be tackled by TLQ as he loads his shotgun Contrarian - Being a masked they obviously know how people work. If he ran into Hero without his helmet he wouldn't be too different. Assuming Hero lets them, they would be far more touchy-feely and grabby, and more of that 'blood' substance might leak from their face on instinct. They wouldn't convert him, but it would be more obvious the urge is there. Skeptic - While he can't see he has pieced together from the way Hero talks that he wears something over his face. Skeptic envisions it more like a carapace situation like bugs, physically apart of Hero and hiding the squishy undersides. If Hero allowed (he would but he would be very anxious) I think Skeptic would want to sniff and feel Hero's face with his own to get an idea of it. He would also probably suggest Hero get his hair preened by Cheated because he is very good at it. Stubborn - Stubborn has eaten a lot more employees than Hero would be comfortable knowing about. It doesn't make any difference to Stubborn, but he would make fun of Hero's "baby face" because he doesn't have any scars. Secondly, people who did not know the helmet came off: Broken - Broken is always very touchy-feely when interacting with Hero. Because his acid is so light Hero's suit is perfectly capable of resisting it for pretty long periods of time. The same does not apply to skin however. Broken would probably try and climb up Hero like it normally does, only to be startled out when Hero freaks out because their goop burns on skin. They would """"run"""" off to mope until Hero finds them to promise there aren't any hard feelings. Cheated - Like Stubborn he immediately comments on Hero's lack of scars. While startled to find out the helmet wasn't Hero's face, Cheated is pretty quick to accept that fact and move on. He would offer to preen Hero's hair and would actually be more comfortable around Hero. Having a face to read emotions off of makes him more comfortable, even though Hero normally has a very expressive voice. Hunted - Hunted already has fairly bad eyesight, so the only thing this changes for him is that it is slightly easier to separate Hero's head from the background of facilities. Normally Hunted stares at Hero's chest when they talk because his bright green suit is a good spot to focus on. The thought Hero also has an exoskeleton is easy to understand, but Hunted would be freaked out at the idea Hero is putting back on his old 'molts' instead of moving to new ones!! Do you want to be less protected squishy friend???? Opportunist - Similar to Hunted it is not hard for him to accept that Hero has an exoskeleton. He is less caught up on the removable aspect, but he is suddenly very interested in the helmet itself. There is no way he didn't try and steal it at least once... or twice. Paranoid - Very much freaked out and bothered that the helmet isn't his face. The first time Hero takes it off Paranoid has a breakdown trying to figure out why Hero is
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enden-k · 1 year
The fact that you’re possibly getting into ren/heng makes me excited beyond belief because your art skills are out of this world and I know you’d do them an insane amount of justice, just like all the ships you draw. Just know that there’s a hungry audience ready and waiting for your masterpieces when you get around to making them! 😁
ohhh i already am into renheng, i just didnt get around to draw them properly but if you look up renheng on my blog, there should be a doodle or two YAJZHSB
anw thank you so much for the high praise?? ajxksh i rlly wanna draw them properly but im also kinda waiting for the new story quests since i avoid story leaks, so doodling more meaningful things about their connection prob have to wait for a bit 💦
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mrkanman · 6 years
ok wait no because i'm still not over this
the fact that letting adam die in silent hill homecoming leads to a bad end when the achievement is specifically called "Angela's Choice" is so fucking disrespectful.
angela killed her father because there was literally no one else to help her out of a horrible situation, she was alone and traumatized, and he deserved it.
for sh: homecoming to frame that decision in alex's situation, and moreover as a CHOICE and not something angela was backed into a corner to do, as a "bad" action in-game and name that achievo for is just so shitty of the devs.
also adam totally deserved to die and no weakass last minute apology fixes anything.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Twin Bed (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
are u taking requests rn? 🥺 ive read ur tsukki fics and i know to myself ur the only one who can write this request amazingly: tsukki sneaking in to his s/o’s room at night bc he misses her and he saw how cute she is in her pajamas but couldnt help getting turned on as well bc she is wearing shorts and an oversized shirt it also didnt help that her bed is for one person only ;) UR AN AMAZING AUTHOR AND NEVER STOP WRITING TSUKKI OR HAIKYUU SCENARIOS COS THE PPL NEED U
Word Count: 2,475
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: SMUT, my shit writing, bad language
Yoooo this is was legit so fun to write lmao. I hope I did your request justice anon and I appreciate your kind words!!! I know I have other requests sitting in my inbox and I will try and to get to them soon. I might be a bit inactive the next couple of weeks, I will be going vacation (I definitely fucking need it lol) this week and then I start classes again. RIP. I hope you guys enjoy this one and let me know what you think!:) I literally am at a lost for words with how amazing you guys are and how unproblematic you guys have been considering the bullshit that’s been going around in the community. I just want to reiterate that this is a safe and fun place for everyone, it is never my intention to make anyone uncomfortable and if I do please let me know so that I can apologize correctly for it! But to make things clear I will not tolerate any fuckery on this blog, I don’t have the energy nor the patience to deal with shit like that. We are all capable of being decent human beings to each other. No drama, no bullshit, just a fun and safe place for everyone that wants to be part of it. ANYWAY, enough of my ranting, please enjoy this filth and my shit writing lmao 😘😘😘💕💕💕💕
You frowned slightly as you looked at your phone, your eyes squinting against the harshness of the light. 
 Tsukishima had texted you, multiple times - at two in the morning - in fact. While you dearly adored your boyfriend of only five months, you didn’t exactly adore the fact that he woke you up at this time.
 Especially considering you had to be up in about five hours to get ready for an exam.
 You sighed through your nose as you tugged your blankets from your body and made your way to your door. 
 “Kei… it’s two in the morning…” You yawned, looking up at your tall boyfriend with sleepy eyes. “The dorm manager is going to get mad at me if she catches you here.” 
 “Well let’s not get caught then.” he drawled out, gold eyes flickering over your body. A blonde eyebrow arched up; “is that my shirt?”
 You blinked at him for a moment, not fully registering what he had just asked before a soft blush began to coat your cheeks.
 You were definitely wearing one of his shirts, a green Sendai Frogs shirt that was way too big for your body, given his tall stature. He had left the shirt at your dorm two weeks ago, and naturally you wore it to bed almost every night. 
 “No.” You said in a small voice, carefully playing with your fingers as you looked up at him through your lashes.
 A soft blush covered Tsukishima’s cheeks before he scoffed, his slender fingers reaching up to push his glasses back up his nose. “You’re a terrible liar. Looks good on you though.” he said, brushing past you to get into your room.
 You turned to see him plop himself onto your bed, and you couldn’t help but stare. It was a strange sight to see to say the least. His 6’4 frame was just a tad out of place in your room, especially sitting on your incredibly small bed. But more so he was out of place because, well, your boyfriend was beautiful. It was like a Greek god decided to pay you a secret visit before the sun came up, ready to disappear at any moment. 
 Tsukishima’s hair was tousled perfectly, the tight black shirt he wore complimented him perfectly, emphasizing his broad shoulders and thick biceps. You felt your mouth go dry as you realized that he was wearing grey sweatpants, clinging low on his hips.
 How could someone look so good at two in the morning?
 “Are you just going to stare at me the entire time?” He called out, his back leaning against the wall your bed was pushed up against, his phone in hand. 
 “You’re the one that wanted to come over.” you frowned, locking your door before making your way towards the bed. “You’re taking up all the space.” You whined. 
 He rolled his eyes before his long legs parted, creating a space on the bed. “Come here.” 
 You felt your face burn even more, a strange shyness overtaking you at the intimate position he wanted you in. 
 It wasn’t like you had never been close to Tsukishima before, you guys had been intimate, many times... but then why were you so nervous all of a sudden?
 “What are you waiting for?” he asked, a blonde eyebrow quirked up.
 “Shut up.” you grumbled, carefully climbing over one of his long legs. You settled yourself against him, your upper body fitting easily between his legs, your back resting against his stomach and your head gently pressing into his strong chest.
 Resting against Tsukishima was far better than resting in your tiny bed. 
 One of his arms carefully wrapped around your waist, his large hand gently pressing against your stomach, the other hand held his phone in front of both of you, a volleyball game overtaking the screen.
 It was silent for a moment, both of you absorbed in the video. It had only been fifteen minutes into the game when Tsukishima began looking over your body. His gold eyes taking in your bare legs before flickering up. He zeroed in on the exposed skin of your hip, the shirt you wore had been pulled up slightly. 
 He swallowed thickly, arousal beginning to spike in his blood. Christ, it wasn’t like you were naked right now; it wasn’t like you were wearing anything incredibly enticing, but… fuck. Tsukishima began wracking his brain for when the last time it was that he had seen you. That’s right, it had been a while, a little over two weeks in fact. 
 His sudden desire was because he had just missed you right? He couldn’t possibly be turned on from the simple fact that you were in the shortest shorts known to man, or the fact that you were in his shirt and you weren’t…. Christ, you weren’t wearing a fucking bra. 
 He could see your hardened nipples through the shirt despite how baggy it was on your small body. 
 “Can you hold the phone, my arm is getting tired.” he said quietly, hoping that you hadn’t felt his hardening member against your back just yet. 
 “Really Kei?” you rolled your eyes but took his phone nonetheless, your eyes completely glued to the screen. The game was just beginning to get interesting.
 It was silent again.
 But this time, Tsukishima trailed his hand down to your exposed skin, carefully sliding his fingers under your shirt, gently tracing against your soft skin.
 You sighed softly at his touch, your body wiggling slightly against him to get more comfortable. Tsukishima took that as a good sign, his hands traveling further up, the rough pads of his fingers felt incredible against your skin; goosebumps erupting over your body.
 You shivered slightly, desire spiking in the pit of your stomach as his long fingers began moving further up, until they rested just below your breasts. Your breath hitched, your heart thumping loudly in your ears now. 
 His fingers carefully dragged against the soft underside of your breasts. You felt Tsukishima shift, his upper body sitting up slightly, his lips brushing gently against the shell of your outer ear, hot breath rustled your hair. 
 “Who’s winning?” he murmured, lips grazing against your ear before carefully brushing down towards your neck.
A soft whimper tore through your lips. “It’s uhmm… uh - o-oh Kei.” your eyes fluttered shut as his tongue darted across your skin, tasting you before biting down softly. You could feel your cunt clenching at his actions, your bundle of nerves suddenly throbbing to be touched.
 “What was that?” he teased softly, the hand that was gently caressing the underside of your breasts suddenly moved up, carefully cupping your entire breast, long fingers gently tugging at your hardened nipple.
 You moaned loudly before immediately dropping his phone, both hands clasping your mouth shut tightly.
 “Oh, that’s right, if your dorm manager caught me here, she would be furious right? I don’t want you getting in trouble, so you best be quiet hmm?” he murmured softly against your skin before pinching your nipple hard between two fingers.
 Your breath hitched, your eyes squeezing shut as pleasure rippled through your body.
 “But you make the cutest noises when you're turned on.” he said, his voice incredibly quiet and calm, despite the growing hardness that was pressing into your back now. “You’re in quite the dilemma, aren’t you?”
 His other hand suddenly trailed down, his fingers curling against your through your shorts. 
 “Fuck… you’re soaked.” he groaned quietly, feeling your arousal leaking through your panties and staining your shorts.
 He suddenly leaned back once again, your head once again resting against his strong chest. But despite his composure, his heart was racing just as much as yours. 
 He suddenly bucked his hips up, his cock rubbing against your back. A soft sigh escaped his lips, the hand that was groping your breast pulled out of your shirt and tangled into your hair, gently tugging and forcing you to arch your neck, staring up at the blonde male now.
 His gold eyes held nothing but lust now as he stared down at you with half-lidded eyes. 
 You had never seen a more gorgeous man in your entire life. 
 “What do you want?” he asked, his voice deep with arousal. But before you could say anything, the hand that was grasping you through your clothes suddenly tugged your shorts and panties to the side, long fingers brushing softly against your weeping slit.
 Tsukishima exhaled loudly, his cock jumping against your back as he felt just how wet you were. 
 “Fuck…” he whispered quietly, and carefully slid his finger to the top of your cunt, his finger gently pressing down against your clit.
 A jolt of pleasure erupted through your body, your mouth falling open in a silent plea as your eyes fluttered shut.
 He began rubbing delicate circles against you, a soft pleasure beginning to build up in your lower stomach, your hips rocking up carefully with his movements.
 “K-Kei…” you trembled, your hand reaching down and grasping at his forearm helplessly. 
 “Are you close?” he asked, his finger pressing down just a little bit harder, but that was all that you needed to get your legs shaking.
 The way he touched you… the way that he took care of you… it was no wonder you were completely head over heels for him.
 He was just too good.
 You nodded helplessly against his chest, and then suddenly he pulled his hand away from your dripping cunt, a soft cry of distress tearing through your lips. Why did he… but you were so close…
 “Can you move away for a second?” he asked quietly, gently pushing you forward. You shakily scooted away from him and heard the rustling of sheets and clothes. You twisted your head to look back and - your mouth went dry.
 Tsukishima was still resting against the wall, his lower body easily sprawled out against your bed as you still sat between his long legs, but this time… this time… he laid with one hand behind his head, the other was easily grasping his member, lazily sliding up and down his shaft. His grey sweatpants were bunched up around the tops of his thighs, his black shirt pulled up slightly, exposing his lower stomach and the perfect lines of his Adonis belt.
 “Come here.” he demanded, you turned to crawl over to him, fully intending on taking him into your mouth- his hand flew up, halting your movements. “No. I want to be inside you.”
 Your lips parted slightly as you nodded in a daze, your cunt squeezing around nothing at his words. But before you could sink down on top of his cock, he stopped you once more. 
 “Turn around.” he commanded. Your lips trembled softly, your hands gripping his upper thighs as you situated yourself on top of him, you could feel his fingers tugging your shorts and underwear to the side again, and then something blunt and thick began rubbing up and down your soaked entrance. 
 “Don’t tease me Kei, please.” you whimpered out, but before you could plead further, he grabbed your hips, forcing you to sink all the way down onto his member in one movement.
 You gritted your teeth tightly, biting back the loud shout that wanted to escape your throat at the sudden intrusion, at the force of him already hitting the most devastating depths within you.
 Fuck you had never been quite this full, never had someone quite this deep until you met Tsukishima.
 “Shit.” he cursed, growling slightly, his grip on your hips tightening as his eyes fluttered shut as your tight heat engulfed him completely.
 He could never get used to this. 
 After a moment of adjusting to the new intrusion you began rocking your hips, carefully sliding back and forth, your lips forming into a silent o as pleasure jolted through your body at each drag of his cock against your walls.
 A soft whimper tore through your lips as he began grabbing handfuls of your ass, his fingers gripping tightly at the soft flesh, kneading and pulling your cheeks apart. Before his hand settled on pulling your shorts and underwear further away, his eyes taking in the obscene way your cunt swallowed his cock.
 The quiet room was filled with the sound of rustling sheets, the wet noises of your arousal leaking through your stuffed cunt as Tsukishima slid in and out of you, the soft and breathless moans that escaped your lips, and the soft grunts of Tsukishima as he fought back his release. He couldn’t cum yet, not until you did.
 But he could tell that you were close by the desperate way you rocked your hips, faster, sloppier, chasing for a release.
 “Cum for me.” he demanded, his large hand cracking down against your ass. Your hand came up, stifling the loud gasp that wanted to escape your lips, your cunt clenching tightly around him. You could feel it then, the pleasure mixed with the sharp pain, the tightness in your lower stomach finally releasing. 
 “Fuck that’s it.” He murmured, watching as you trembled above him, his hands coming down to grip at your waist, forcing you to move faster against him as he began chasing his own release.
 Tsukishima gritted his teeth tightly before carefully shoving you off of his member, a soft cry escaping your lips as you collapsed on top of his legs. He gripped his member tightly, shooting thick ropes of his warmth all over your raised bottom, staining your shorts completely.
 “Shit hold on.” he panted slightly, carefully moving himself from under you. He tucked his softening member back into his sweatpants before moving towards your closet, grabbing a towel and making his way back to you. His gentle hands easily cleaning you up before tugging your shorts and panties off, replacing them with fresh ones.
 You looked up at him sleepily as he began situating you both on your small body, half of your body resting on top of his as he drew the blankets over your guys’ form. 
 “You suck Kei. If I fail this exam because I’m too tired to focus, you have to buy me ramen.” you mumbled against his chest, your eyes drooping as sleep began to tug at your mind.
 “If you fail this exam just because you’re tired then that just proves you didn’t actually study for it. You should’ve been able to retain that information regardless.” he said, fingers gently running through your hair.
 “You suck.” you sighed again, softly nuzzling your face into his chest.
 A smile tugged at his lips, but he didn’t say anything else. 
 Not that you would have listened anyway, considering that you were knocked out now. 
 Tsukishima’s body was definitely more comfortable than your twin bed. 
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Imagine skz realizing their s/o reads smuts about them .... sksksksksk
LEZ GO HEADCANON/REACTION (i swear i know the difference i just dont know what to call these LMAO)
Warnings; SMUT!!! mentions of rough sex, mentions of pegging, mentions of threesomes, mentions of degredation, sub/dom!skz x gn!reader
he just needed to check the weather on your phone or smth
but was instead greeted by hardcore smut with him choking and fucking the reader
“why dont you read the cute like fluffy stuff? like going on dates by the beach or getting a dog together or something?” 
you try to act innocent like “read? i do read book with those themes if you didnt kn-”
“no i mean the things about me”
realisation just HIT 
“chan,,, how much did you read??”
“maybe like 3 or 4 pieces, all very rough??”
smile through the pain, you’re busted and theres nothing you can do about it lmao
“here i am,,, thinking my partner was so excited over news articles but no,,, oh no they reading about wanting to dom me. never baby”
he says it in such a serious tone so you’re cracking up, half embarrassed, half amused.
but he doesnt even blink
“also why the fuck does changbin get to fuck but im stuck jerking off in a random ass corner?”
so defensive
justice for minho in fics
starts judging how its written
“the writer doesnt describe my handsome face?”
“Y/N!!! COME HERE!!”
you skip into the room, your buff boyfriend sitting infront of your computer scrolling through a smut post you hadn’t bothered clicking down
“this is pretty hot not even gonna lie”
you punch him playfully on the shoulder but it doesnt make him move an inch
“c-can you not?! thats invasion of private property!!”
“ ’ah fuck yes changbin, im yours’ doesnt sound like private property”
you slam the computer screen shut and walk out but he grabs your wrist
“do,,, do you wanna try?”
“try what?”
“you know,,, recreate those,,,”
“b-but im right here?”
so confused??
like why would you need to read about having sex with him
rolls his eyes and starts making fun of you 
“y/n wants to be called a whore!!”
but then discovers smth really kinky that you like
idk like being tied up or restrained or smth
eyebrow wiggle 
“hey y/n i just wanna test something” 
you’re cooking food and you nod
he takes both of your hands behind your back and CLICK
mf had handcuffs behind his back 
he leans in real close to your ear, pressing his chest against your back
“dumb baby didn’t know that i would have found out, hm? reading those dirty things behind my back every night”
“my dick is not small”
you’re like wtf,,, he just says it randomly while you were grabbing a snack from the kitchen
“in that story you’re reading, it says that i have a small dick”
you cant even say anything, you just frozen, with a packet of crisps in your hands
“what more stories are there of me? are there any with me and a big dick?”
he vibes with it but kinda pouty because why didnt you tell him what you wanted to do in bed
baby starts worrying that maybe he’s not good enough :((
highkey loves the sub fics OOP
“y/n, i wanna try this”
he says, showing you a fic about him getting pegged/buttfucked
you’re all like static tv noises at first cause how the fuck did he even find out
but ya know,,,, it opened door ;))
“do you want to fuck my bandmates?”
bruh you choke on your mf water
“w-wha? why would i-”
“especially jisung, theres just countless links of jisung smut in your history”
you’re impressed over how calm he is?? 
“s-smut? pffft,,, i dont read that,,,”
he pulls out his phone cause he took a picture of what you were reading and you just wanted to sink underground and stay there forever.
“I quote; ‘jisung grabbed his leaking cock an-”
he just chuckles, looking up from his phone with his sharp eyes
“should be me instead...”
“wait is that the new volume of that manga?”
he says all pouty before he jumps on top of you, you lying on your stomach on the bed, deep into the story until you scrolled down and boom
the smexy scenes started ;)))
you quickly scroll up again but he’s all like;
“wait scroll down,,, im pretty sure i saw my name”
he grabs the phone out of your hand and runs away
flops down on the floor out of embarrassment 
and you flop down on top of him
just a pile of embarrassment
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years
Oh yasss so 1,28,32 a Lucas x male reader College au with frat boy, play boy, fuck boy Lucas who is STRAIGHT literally lives on the attention of pretty girls, has pretty girls in his DMs, he’s also the basketball captain, a vaper, six pack you know Lucas the casanova. But Lucas really has the hots for the male reader who is a dancer and is quite feminine and flexible 👁👄👁. This is kinda angst and smut since the male reader obviously doesn’t want to only be seem as an object and used for sex since he has feeling for Lucas but Lucas says “I’m straight!” But at the same time Lucas really wants to get in the male reader’s pants. The male reader almost gives in but I guess slaps Lucas then they do it anyway, really really hard. But after that the male reader completely avoids Lucas - @cherubsandswans
Ooo~ thank you so much for the request! I hope I did it justice.
Prompt game here
Warning(s): Smut, Semi-public sex, Unprotected sex (suit up boys), Creampie
Enemies to Lovers trope, College Au
"Calm down ladies. There's enough of me to go around."
*sigh* Once again, the very annoying voice of Lucas resonated in the hallways.
You've always hated Lucas. Why? You didnt quite know the answer yourself anymore. Hell, you remember having a huge crush on him way back in middle school, before he became the attention whore he is now.
"Hey, (M/n)!" You rolled your eyes in response and waited for the inevitable interaction.
"Make it quick Lucas. I have to get to dance class." Said male was still trying to catch his breath considering he had to run through the crowd of thristy girls fawning over him.
"Okay, well... I was wondering, would you like to go out-"
"I hope you're not trying to ask me out again?" You cut off the male in front of you.
"I mean, yeah I was." He sheepishly smiled.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you rubbed your temples.
"Look, Lucas, how many times do I have to tell you. I don't care that you 'like' me. You're obviously just some straight frat boy who only likes girls for their bodies and thinks that you can get into my pants for whatever hidden agenda you have. Now do me a favor and please leave me alone." You state and make your way to your class.
"Can I atleast watch you dance?" He begs with puppy dog eyes.
"What?!" You retort.
"Can I watch you dance? Please?" He again begs.
"Fine." You sigh and make your way to class. The handsome giant following behind.
Once you made your way inside the studio, you began your stretches and then plugged in your speaker.
"Just sit down and dont fuck with anything, okay?" You told him and he nodded.
Music began to overtake your body as you began to start the rountine. Routinely looking behind you to make sure Lucas didnt run off to mess with something.
You continued to freestyle as the rhythm in your body seeked an outlet to express itself.
You caught Lucas staring at you in the mirror and decided to give him a show. Slowly turning the choreo into a more sensual vibe, you began to move your hips in a suggestive way.
"And who allowed your ass to be this thicc?" Commented Lucas as his eyes continued to trail you like a starved wolf.
You chuckled as you continued to dance and grinded slowly on the floor. You finished the dance with a split, amazing the boy sitting a couple feet away from you.
You had just barely stood up when Lucas pinned you against the wall, his lips sloppily kissing up and down your neck.
"I want you to bend over for me." Lucas whispered in your ear.
"You want me to what?!" You yelled and then slapped Lucas across the face.
"Ow!" He exclaimed and rubbed his, now red, cheek.
"What did I do?" He asked.
"'What did I do' oh- so you're just gonna ignore the whole 'I want you to bend over for me' no, fuck you Lucas!" You yelled and began to make your way out of the studio.
"(M/n), wait! I'm sorry please let me explain!" Lucas said as he trailed after you, his voice loud as can be considering that everyone appeared to have gone home.
"Explain what Yukhei?! That you're some sex hungry motherfucker who decides to have his fun by playing with people's feeling? Why, just why can't you leave me the fuck alone?!" You screamed at him.
"Because..." He looked down at his shoes before regaining his confidence, "I love you so much it hurts!" He announced.
You stared blankly at Lucas, who could barely make eye contact with you.
"W-what?!" You stuttered.
"Ever since we've been kids, I've had the biggest crush on you. But I always thought that since you were a boy it was wrong. I've had these feelings for you hidden away for who knows how long all because of my own insecurities. But I dont care anymore! (M/n), I love you with everything in my heart." Lucas finished, struggling to catch his breath as if he had just ran a marathon.
You slowly began to clap, and Lucas looked at you, confused beyond all hell.
"Not gonna lie to you Xuxi... that was kinda hot." You state, to which Lucas responds with a cherry red blush.
"Follow me." You whisper and take Lucas's hand to drag him back to the practice room.
"What are we doing back he-?!" Before he could even finish his sentence, you cut him off by pinning him to the wall with a kiss.
He slowly began to trail up and down on your body, clutching onto any flesh he could. He then tapped on your thigh which you took as you signal to jump and wrap your legs around his waist.
Lucas laid you down on a, conveniently placed, training mat, before removing his and your clothing.
You laid back and admired his figure. His body was toned and it was obvious. From his shoulders to the abs, it was hard not to drool. And his chocolate brown skinned complimented it so beautifully.
"Can I put it in?" Lucas asked to which you eagerly nodded.
Lucas spit on his dick before slowly sliding it into your hole.
"God, you're so fucking tight!" Lucas moaned once he was fully sheathed inside of you.
"Y-you're really big Xuxi." You whimpered.
"Shh, sweetheart. Just wait and adjust." He comforted.
"You can move." You said and Lucas wasted no time and began to hammer into you.
Nothing but moans and slaps of skin could be heard as the room probably reeked on sex and sweat. (Good thing this was all after school.)
After a while, you began to feel the knot in your stomach begin to come undone. And considering how sloppy Lucas's thrusts were getting, you could assume that he was too.
"Lucas, I'm gonna cum!" You screamed.
"Me too, baby. I'm gonna fucking fill you up till bloat." Lucas growled.
His hips met your's as you both reached your climaxes. You spilling on your chest and Lucas inside of you.
"That was, fucking amazing." Lucas panted.
"Yeah... now get out." You said.
"Heh?" He questioned.
"I've still got to practice and you're gonna be a distraction, so go." You restated.
"I'll atleast get you some tissues." He said and pulled out and watched as his cum began to leak out of you.
You cleaned up and Lucas began to gather his things.
"Can I see you tomorrow?" He asked.
"Nope sorry. I have a competition tomorrow so I'm gonna be gone for a week." You tell him to which he responds with a groan.
"No fair! I finally confess and now you're leaving?!" Lucas whines.
You chuckle and place a kiss to his cheek.
"Calm down. I'll only be gone for a week. And when get back, we can do this again." You smile.
Lucas regains his happy demeanor and struts his way out.
Damn... all those years of hatred led up to you getting laid. Can't say you're complaining.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 3 years
Heyy, i just wanted to ask what do you think about bnha’s 315 leaks or the storyline. I’m personally really disappointed so im just wondering if you feel the same way
Sorry for late answer, anon. I am waiting for story to progress cause i really dont know where it goes right now but my general thought about latest chapters is;
First, the thing bothers me the most is the people Deku work together;
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Hawks, Best Jeanist, especially Endeavour etc.
One of the most problematic characters in series. The biggest flaw os those characters is lack of growing, not seeing their faults and not really changing.
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You are not the one who judge Afo, Endeavour cause you used your family for your selfish goals too. (I really hope Endeavour and others doent get away with what they did.)
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By the way, Lady Nagant's story is really interesting but i feel like its really rushed and ended quickly.
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Also didnt like how Deku easiely defeat her, it doesnt make sense, just like how Bakugou's always winning or how them defeating Nine etc doesnt make sense...of.
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And for someone who sick of faults of society and reached her breaking point, i feel like she was convinced too easiely. I find it a little unrealistic.
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Like i said, refusing to seeing their faults is the problem with heroes. I dont think Hawks's being optimistic. He is being ignorant, turning a back to what he did to Twice. This is not a good thing. (I hope author doesnt justify it cause they are heroes and i find it ridicilous the part when she said Hawks has heroic eyes -_-).
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And good part about those chapters is Deku pays more attention to villains words. He wont just dismiss them (Though its still not very good way to do it, lets say baby steps.)
He is listening their stories, believing in redemption and change. In past, he wouldnt do that. (I really loved the answer he gave to Overhaul.)
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But just let me remind you, Deku, you cant just get rid of problems by saying everything's grey. If you think Overhaul should be punished for what he did to Eri, then you should think the same for Endeavour. I think this is what Deku still lacks as character. He shows empathy for villains which is great but there is no point, if he doesnt really acknowledge the faults of pro heroes.
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Deku right now acts like a Batman, he fights mostly alone, having a few talks with villains, playing the justice, he destroy or try to help them, depending on their answers. This kind of behavour kinda reminds me of Stain.
Its still not enough character development but compared to before, its a step cause Deku used to be blinded soldier but now he is on streets and facing/interacting with the dark sides of society more.
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While Deku acts like Batman, Afo acts like Joker. We will see where this will go. We might see Deku's being more violent cause of Afo's pushing him corner, we might get more interactions between villains and Deku.
Right now, What Deku needs by his side is young generation, people who will question the faults of society. Like Uraraka, Todoroki and others. He needs to be with them. As long as he isolates and push himself, things will only get harder for everyone. Maybe, Deku will realize this, after he gets pushed by Afo. He might realize how he shouldnt separate himself from his friends. If Deku abandons his humanity, he cant help people. This is why Deku needs them. I hope he realize this.
Anyway, this is what i generally think about latest chapters.
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wrightfamily · 4 years
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i dont know if i trust this or not but holy shit. also they didnt even import apollo justice so what’s the point :/
edit: i just noticed they spelled it “swich” L
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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An uprising that created a dystopian Seoul gave birth to a monstrous judge and a live court trial setting.
The Devil Judge episode 1; A Monster Emerges
Episode 1 of The Devil Judge begins in a dystopian Seoul with chaos everywhere in the streets. There’s a unknown plague covering the entire country that made companies fallen and people homeless. The chaos which made the poor lead an arson and acts of terrorism. This created the Gwanghwamun riot and the Social Responsibility Foundation has send out a press conference.
The virus that created the monster
President Heo says a powerful speech. The economic troubles are part of the past. The plague will be forgotten as it’s been resolved by the government. While President Heo speaks this event, the important guests are being introduced: Seo Jeong Hak who is the Chairman of Social Responsibility Foundation, Cha Kyung Hee (Minister Of Justice), Min Yong Shik (Minbo Group Chairman) and Park Duman (Saram Media Chairman). The president also promises to create more jobs and to bring back Korea to the grand country as it was before. We also see on the screen how donations kept on rolling and another character was introduced. Jung Sun Ah (Executive Director of CSR Foundation) commented how the President overreacts whenever a camera is on his face. They know that he’s a clown and the attitude never goes away.
The president adds, they must rectify their law and order. He has passed a bill for a powerful judicial reform which allows the public to participate as jurors. Im not sure if that is such a good idea. Here comes Kang Yohan who is being introduced by the President as a ruthless judge. Judge Kang will preside over the trials and hands out sentences in a live television setting. Here comes the judge who exudes with much charisma and suave. Alot of concerned questions were raised like how the live broadcast is a anti-humanitarian act and it’s only for show. Another comment was mentioned that Judge Kang punishes too severely and are inconsiderate of the weak. Judge Kang interrupts and asks “Who’s weak?”.  The journalist made a sample of the disadvantage but he retaliates that they are still the defendants. He mentions that he doesnt care if there’s a powerful person or not. Another journalist asked if he can hand down a hefty sentence on a defendant for the live show. A sample was made with Chairman Joo Il Do, who is known for being well connected. He then makes a statement saying “I am power!” and how he exercises the judicial power that was delegate to him and who is above him (the public). He then ends his speech which made many people impressed especially the President and the Minister of Justice. After the speech, Sun Ah congratulates him for the sexy power he has and the rest of the influential people stares at him.
Kim Gaon
We see another character who Kim Gaon using a public transportation watching the speech of Kang Yohan about to go to The Supreme Court. He then enters the office of Chief Justice Min Jungho who is apparently his former Professor. Gaon and Jungho discusses the live program which made Gaon question Yohan and his intentions. Jungho describes Yohan as no ordinary judge. He is a revolutionist who will eradicate court corruption. He is the nation’s only hope.This made Gaon realize that Yohan is extremely popular. As the riots dies down Jungho compares Yohan as a monster that emerges from turbulent times due to the absurb bills he keeps on passing. Yohan doesnt thinks more of a politician, politician for the people. Gaon realizes how Chief Jungho has a dislike with Yohan and asks why he wants him to be part of the live show. Jungho wants Gaon to observe Yohan and compares himself to Judas.
Gaon and Yohan finally meets at Yohan’s office. When Gaon left, Yohan opened his personal information file with a picture of his parents an a article title “We Just Wanted To Do A Good Deed”, “Conned Restaurant Owner Couple Kills Themselves”. He makes a comment on how he looks just like the father. I wonder if Yohan has met the parents before and if he has anything to do with them being dead.
Gaon enters to his office and we’re introduced with Oh Jinjoo (Associate Judge). They both introduced themselves and Jinjoo made a comment about Gaon’s smile. She mentions how he looks good when he smiles and realizes that there’s a criteria on picking judges base on their visuals. Being charming enough creates power.
Bus incident 
As Gaon leaves, we see a group of young students crossing with their teacher. There’s also a incoming bus that is speeding and out of control and is about to enter the Supreme Court entrance. This prompts Gaon to be alert as he sees a young girl about to get hit and covers to protect her. While he does, Yohan was seen shooting the bus driver which made the bus topple. The bus is about to explode with the driver still in it. Gaon continues to be a good citizen and saves the driver on time. There’s a news coverage with the important members of the live show watching. The coverage mentions a arrest warrant for the chairman of JU Chemical Joo Il Do (who was at the presscon) was suspended and the kindergarten driver is connected as a act of protest. The Ministry of Justice says to the President that its a challenge to the authority but SongA responses and says its a outcry. CEO Joo created an incident leak of toxic waste water. Another comment was raised that the many of the public are still out of work and the government can’t collect taxes. If they dont solve this, another revolt would break out. They move on to the live show and asked the Saram Media Chairman how the process is doing. The president mentions that Yohan wanted to do this case personally and makes sure that it goes well.
Gaon sees Yohan leaving and thanks him for saving his life but comments on how Yohan didnt hesitate to shoot. He asked Yohan if he was going to kill the bus driver and Yohan answers back to Gaon with a response like “If i had to?!”. Gaon unsure with his intentions, Yohan counteracts and says if he didnt do anything the bus wouldve continued to spiraled straight. Gaon says that Yohan doesnt care if the bus driver dies or not and makes a calculation stating saving 2 is better than 1.
1st case preparation
There’s a meeting discussing what case they’ll do for the first live show. Yohan wants to take on the JU Chemical case as his first states that it’s a appropriate case and is confident that he’ll go by the law. Yohan makes it clear that its not the people’s court and just wants to make the trials transparent.
Chairman Joo and his lawyer discusses before the first trial. They talk about how hard it is to get clear evidence related to environmental issues. Since itll be difficult to find evidence they’ll plead not guilty. If things turned not well, the judge will charge them with professional negligence resulting death which will lead to 5 years imprisonment. Chairman Joo asks if he can trust the lawyer and says that he will.
Gaon and Jungho talks privately. Jungho asks why Yohan wants the toxic waste case to be his first. Gaon answers the obvious. Jungho also added that Chairman Joo is the biggest donator of the Social Responsibility Foundation. The reason why Yohan is there is because of the Foundation and the Ministry of Justice being his back support. Jungho thinks he has a ulterior motive, despite being in a awkward situation and yet still took the case. Ji Yoonsik and Yohan discusses the bus incident. Ji tells Yohan that he doesnt want to create a scandal and thinks the incident is carelessness but Yohan mentions that its noise marketing (since the incident is related to Chairman Joo). I assume that Yohan only cares for his status and following the law without caring how it affects others.
Gaon makes a comment that the 3 year old is a daughter of the bus driver is part of one of the many deceased related to the JU Chemical Case. The grandmother committed suicide over the case. Gaon internally looks frustrated after Yohan looks like he doesnt care. He says that Yohan rejected Chairman Joo’s warrant and yet want to incarcerate the bus driver.  Yohan mentions that the bus driver was caught on the scene but Gaon talks back and says that they must take the motive into consideration. Yohan says that despite being a victim, does this give them a right to hurt others? Well you have to agree with Yohan on that one though. Gaon then mentions that the bus driver is injured and Yohan says that they have a medical detention center so the issue is solved which lead Gaon to become quiet. Do you think Gaon is putting his emotions over the law?
A news report about the incident broke out that the child named Yu died from the toxic waste water leakage incident of JU Chemical. The grandmother of the child committed suicide. The result of the incident led 11 dead, the rest of the alive victims are receiving treatment.
Gaon and Jungho ate out. Gaon made a private investigation on Cha Kyunghee. During the time Chairman Joo caused trouble as a startup business, Ms. Cha was the person who helped him as a elite Seoul prosecutor. To return the favor when Cha became a assembly woman Chairman Joo is the head of her campaign club. Jungho made a assumption that theyre both helping each other and since Yohan was forced to be part of it, he still wanted to put Joo on a trial. Cha is watching on the sidelines with no objection. What do you think are the intentions of Cha and Joo? It’s not for the good right? Its all speculations for now. They compared the scenario as someone’s first love. Gaon continues to spy on Yohan to find more evidence and puts in spy devices around his office. Yohan almost caught him as he entered the office. Gaon continues to spy and spots Chairman Joo’s lawyer about to enter a restaurant meeting Kang Yohan. Gaon and Jungho meets up after discussing the scenes which makes them even more suspicious over Yohan. They just need to watch him closely at court.
Gaon’s childhood
As Gaon comes home, we are introduced to Soohyun who is a RIT Lietenant who is a childhood friend of his. Soohyun compares the 2 of them and says how the public loves judges with different backgrounds. We learned that Gaon doesnt want to move out as the place reminds him of his parents. Gaon and Soohyun continues to joke around, Soohyun mentions that she has a crush on him but he had rejected her. Gaon didnt want to lose his only best friend.
While Soohyun was doing her rounds, Soohyun hears a woman screaming for help. A highschool student was being attacked on the streets and saves her. This makes Soohyun becoming a likeable character. Ironically a poster above with the caption “A safe Korea will be realized from now on.”. Not so safe yet isnt it?
Ms Jung and Ministry Of Justice meeting
Ms Jung starts the discussion stating that the sponsors are becoming worried with the upcoming trial. The reason why theyre holding the mock trial is to ease the citizen’s anger over criminals. Suspicious to why they put a businessman on trial and if he receives a serious punishment, itll become a negative precedent for the business people. Cha says a rhetorical question if Yohan has ever made a mistake, but he hasnt. Song still adamant and wants the case to be a lighter trial. Asks why Cha is adamant about this being the first case and also mentions that Ms Song has overstepped by being arrogant. Before Jung leaves she commented on how everything from the office to her expensive car was paid by her foundation. Damn, straight fire. I like her. She also adds statistics information that the Ministry of Justice lacks budget and added that her foundation should create more prisons themselves. OMG
The First Live Trial
Before the trial begins, Yohan begins to be reminded of his past with a shadow that looked like Gaon surrounded with fire.
How to watch the trial?
Install the DIKE app, tap the statue and you’re in! While watching the trial 2 buttons will appear: Red button - To be punished and otherwise they can tap the other button. Votes will be collected and visualized in court. The judge will be able to see the people’s opinions and decide easily.
The court case is about a chemical company who caused sewage leak and didnt do any treatment. The water was used by the residents for their daily lives.
Yohan comes a conclusion and decides that there was intent murder. Five years is the maximum. As mentioned during the beginning of the episode, Yohan became a monstrous judge by passing insane bills. One of the bills is about the number of years accumulated for the sentences, based on the victims. To make it more dramatic since its a live tv show, he lowered down the blinds and lights mentioning all the names of the victims. He also mentions that there were 11 dead and 36 disabilities. The case resulted from 5 to 235 years of imprisonment, which equates to a life sentence. Ministry Of Justice watching from behind the tv looked in shock. While Yohan mentions the names the President continues to watches and compliments how Yohan is a true master.
The trial resulted to professional negligence and 235 years of imprisonment. The ratings also were soaring high and the Ministry of Justice is pissed while the President smirks. Yohan speaks to Chairman Joo and wishes him a long life..
The live trial ends and a victim’s relative thanks Judge Yohan. While the victim’s relative was crying and hugging Yohan, Yohan was seen yawning as if he was bored. Gaon saw it and continued to stare at him. Yohan stared back acting like a devil. We see a flashback of Yohan handing out a USB and mentions that there will be a flash of the victim’s pictures will be put out during the show. Yohan then smirks at Gaon. The scene fades with Yohan standing facing off with Gaon. A flashback of his tragic past shows him and a look-a-like Gaon (Yohan’s brother or a former colleague maybe) facing each other surrounded by which looks like a burnt old church. They both continued to stare at each other as the scene concludes. It looks like there’s a past which needs to be disclosed.
+ Good acting (Ji Sung, Kim Minjung, Jang Youngnam)
+ Live trial setting
+ Buildups of the faceoffs: Yohan vs Gaon / Ms Jung vs Ms Cha
+ Buildups of the 1st case
+ Good suspenseful bgm
+Script looks full and engaging
- Dystopian setting looks poor production wise but is made up by the + cinematography
+/- Needs a 2nd rewatch for the pilot incase you miss something out
7/10 so far for the pilot. I look forward for the rivalries and the upcoming cases.
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lucidpantone · 4 years
I thought I was done being disappointed with wtfock but honestly the lack of lead in or hype they are giving to Yasmina and her season is unbelievable.
Like you’ve got your future mains bday just mere weeks before the season starts and all your cast have been filming and yet the content is just still so mediocre.
They should be throwing everything but kitchen sink at this season to claw back some of the viewers from last years trainwreck. I cannot understand their thought process at all.
The absolute clownedy some of us were on last year to think they might pull a Wtfockdown 2.0.
Nora really deserves better.
after the cut
anon pt 2: Lackluster is the word I was looking for...
similar anon: At least they put in more effort than last year
similar anon: I dont really know how to express what I am feeling rn... exhausted? maybe I'm just emotionless now and numb to the fact that they really couldn't be bothered to do the characters justice. It's Yasmina's season coming up and you really can't post new content or just prove that Yasmina still has a face on her own account? At least Luca's account is thriving
I mean I do wonder why today we got Sobbe leaks and Tom leaks?!?! I do think wtfock plants all these leaks for us to find for example the confirmation for Tom came from an account that was private and all of sudden the account unprivated and posted that story about Tom like what?!?!? That is a plant leak if I ever saw one. Then I get confirmation via a deep connect and they were like yea I knew for awhile Tom’s coming on set was confirmed just didnt know what dates he was coming. I don’t think its just some magical coincidence that all this movement happened today. Now the sm content i told you guys last week it was gonna be more of the same and its because I heard through the grapevine that peeps had pitched cooler stuff and it was denied and its like wtf!!!! I have a feeling wtfock is going for this starve the fandom approach because they want to completely control the fever run but its like fam your fandom is small and honestly not that particularly engaged anymore. Stop with this trying to be mysterious shit like you don’t hold that power over anyone anymore ain’t no one checking for you like that..... just stop playing coy.
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geodebiome · 7 years
i am so upset about the stevenbomb
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witnessprotectionau · 5 years
By M’gann
Welcome one, welcome all! M’gann here today, since I’m the only one in the superhero community with experience running a blog. It’s a pleasure to meet you all, even if it isn’t under the most ideal of circumstances...
This is the Justice League’s official tumblr blog! Since our identities were outed, we don’t have to worry about accidently leaking personal information anymore, and we decided to create various social media accounts so our actions are more public and available to everyone, and totally not because if we didn’t, our actions would have to be monitered by the government and none of us want people following us around at all times, or Secretary Ross anywhere close enough to have his eyes on us!! :)
(Scarlet Witch/Wanda just burst out laughing, and she doesn’t have her phone on her, so I think she’s reading my mind, now I know how it feels, but at the same time, I’m glad I made at least one person laugh with that)
If we just post what we’re up to, then we can just refuse to post about when we go to the bathroom unless it’s important, which was a big concern for us all when people following us was first brought up. But that’s besides the point!
This blog will contain all the stuff we’re posting on other social media, so you can just follow us here to get all the tea!
... My uncle just came in to inform me that those of older generations might not know what that means, and that I have to try to not leave anyone out.
‘Tea’ means gossip.
Okay, so starting off this blog with a bang, the entire superhero community (which also includes vigilantes, anti-heroes, and villains, not just superheroes, it’s just quicker to say!) decided to all create twitter accounts to post their name, if their identity was revealed and their civillian name. Now, I don’t know EVERYBODY in the community, so I put in everyone who commented superhero-like stuff on the post. I’m pretty sure that they aren’t real heroes, but it’s better safe than to be rude and exclude people! Besides, I didn’t know about the Defenders half an hour ago until I heard someone in the house exclaim that someone named Daredevil was finally getting media coverage because of this. Apparently a few people in the house were fans of him. __________
Okay, so... You guys weren’t there, but I stopped writing for a few hours to attend a justice league meeting with the avengers and quite a few other people, and here’s what was ultimately decided:
Because we have so many enemies, it isn’t safe for any of us to live alone anymore, so we’ve basically all moved in together? Well, not all of us. Those who had their identities revealed, and those who lived with them, or could have their identities revealed based on everyone else.
For example, Batman had his identity revealed, which, by the way, what???
Bruce WAYNE??
But yeah, Batman had his identity revealed, but Robin didn’t. The new Robin. Not the first one. Nightwing is his eldest son, Dick Grayson. But people can figure it out based on his height. Which, by the way... Bruce has his reasons for letting him into the community, give him some slack. He’s been getting a lot of hate from it. And speaking of Bruce Wayne, it is his manor that we’ve all moved into, since it’s large and has excellent security. I haven’t met his other kids yet, so I don’t know if they already knew their dad was Batman, and their siblings were Nightwing and Robin. I’ll ask them when they show up. __________
Okay, so I left to get food for five minutes, and when I came back, the og JL members were staring at my screen and laughing their heads off while Bruce sat by the side and scowled. So... I’m concerned. If this post never goes up, assume I’m dead.
I made everyone in the house promise not to read the comments on the original twitter post, and only read them here, as some of us wanted our accounts not to be spammed by their friends. Like, Garfield uses his account to advocate for animal rights, he doesn’t want to constantly respond to other supers’ messages. He’s too busy for that!
The mess on Twitter, as follows: __________
Youonyourphone,situpstraight! @ #1FBIAGENT Plastic Man, aka Patric O’Brian. I was outed, which makes my job VERY interesting now... (read: awkward)
Winged Warrior @ Hawkwoman ✔️ Shayera Hol. I have wings. If  you couldn’t figure out my “civillian identity” by me walking down the street, earth is too dumb to save anymore
r3d @ 70rn4d0 The children chose this name for me. Red Tornado, AKA John Smith.
Green Arrow @ notrobinhood ✔️ Oliver Queen, revealed too... Let’s hope this doesn’t affect STAR labs... Sorry PR department. :/
Adam @ DrStrangeJunior League doctor, last name strange. The avengers already have a doctor strange, and I’m younger than him, hence DrStrangJunior. I never really had a hero identity in the first place, but everyone insists that I’m a part of the group, so... yeah
Big Boy Blue @ TheREalSuperman ✔️ Clark Kent, Kal-el, Superman. Speaking of, why was @ Superman already taken?
Aquaman @ KingOfAtlantis ✔️ Even though I don’t REALLY have a secret identity, I have to do this anyway for some reason? Arthur Curry.
rocket @ PCHOOOOO raquel ervin. rocket. the only reason icon is around so bow down to me. Tim chose my name.
therapist @ capitalsareimportant Black Canary. Dinah Lance-Queen. Betcha Imma bout to lose my job.
take the shot @ harperoy Red Arrow, Will harper, Previously Speedy. I had this @ before... everything
Fastest Man Online @ 2fast2type ✔️ flash, barry allen, dying inside BECAUSEI’MLIVINGINABILLIONAIRE’SHOUSENOWANDTHEREISSOMUCHFOOD
zatanna @ annataz Only one name, Zatanna. That’s both my civillian name and my superhero name, but my stage name SOMEHOW is still a secret??? smh everyone’s blind...
cptnmarvel @ SHAZAM! Captain Marvel. The male one, since apparently I have to say that now?? My identity is still a secret tho!
Themiscyra❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 @ Wonderous ✔️ Wonder Woman. Princess Diana. However, my Civillian name is Diana Prince __________
Now, The Green Lanterns... Kilowog got an account first, and it didn’t end well... __________
Kilowog @ GreenLanternOFFICIAL ✔️ As one of the Green Lanterns assigned to this sector, I decided to join in on this internet stuff, since it seems so important to everyone on this planet. Kilowog here! Green Lantern.
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ SOMEONE stole @ GreenLanternOFFICIAL  🙄
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ @ GreenLantern1 ???!?!? ONE!?!?! I WAS THE FIRST HUMAN GREEN LANTERN THANK YOU VERY MUCH JOHN!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ It was the first thing I thought of aside from GreenLantenOFFICIAL, don’t yell at me!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ why didn’t you just do GreenLanternJohn instead of stealing what was rightfully mine?
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Hey, you aren’t the boss of @’s!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ who says I’m not?
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ You’re obviously not!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ but who says?
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Me!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ but you’re not the boss of me!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Since when?
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ since i’m your senior!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ I’m older than you!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ i’ve been a green lantern longer!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ That doesn’t matter!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ then if it doesn’t matter, change your name!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ To WHAT?!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ GreenLantern16 or something, i don’t know!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ There aren’t even that many Green Lanterns!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ there are hundreds of us!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ I meant HUMAN Green Lanterns!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ then fucking specify next time? is that so hard?!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Fuck off, asshole!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ you first!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ That’s not even an insult!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ and yours was?!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Shut up!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ just change your name and i will!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ You can’t change your @’s, just your user!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ then get a new account!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ That’s a pain though!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ suck it up!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ You’re the one who started all this!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ you started the argument with Kilowog’s account when he’s not even on the planet anymore!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ It was a joke! You’re the one who took it seriously!
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ hey Guys...??
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ ...
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ ... __________
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ ok so kilowogs off planet, and the others are refusing to use their accounts after the incident where i murdered them both, so im doing their introductions for them
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ @ GreenLantern1 is john stewart, obviously. @ OriginalGreenLantern is hal jordan, and yeah, he was the first human lantern. and me? the only Guy who had the bright idea of actually checking to see if @ GreenLantern was available like a normal person?
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ i was off-world when everyone’s identities were revealed, and thus have my secrets!
hey Guys @ GreenLanten ✔️ well, i mean... i didn’t exactly hide it before, so some people might know, but im loving the fact that i kept my identity secret when batman didnt, so i decided to keep it to flaunt that fact to the others. peace out __________
Ro(g)y @ arsenal The OG Roy Harper here. Arsenal. Previously speedy.
Kaldur’ahm @ Aqualad ✔️ My user and @ says it all. I was revealed. Uselessly, but still revealed.
Mygreatestachievementwillbebeingborn @ Impulsive Bart Allen, AKA Impulse. My identity WAS revealed, but good luck finding out who I am. ;-)
Apollo’s Crockpot Sister @ Artemis ✔️ Artemis, AKA Artemis Crock. Now y’all can finally stop asking me about my name.
From Fanboy To @ LagoonBoy L’gann here. Lagoon Boy. I’m green, you should be able to know what my civillian self looks like. It’s not like I can hide.
buzz off @ bumblebee I wasn’t revealed, but... being a superhero would be a suitable excuse for being late to classes... Karen Beecher-Duncan, Bumblebee! (Don’t worry, I discussed revealing myself with the entire league, and they said it was cool)
World’s best dodger and bullshitter @ Guardian Bumbles’ loving husband, Mal Duncan.
hello megan! @ hellom’gann ✔️ M’gann M’orzz AKA Megan Morse AKA Miss Martian. Superboy doesn’t have an account, but also didn’t get his identity leaked (somehow) anyway!!
Wall-Man @ It’sKIDFLASH ✔️ Wally West, Kid Flash. Nice to meet Y’all
Apollo’s Crockpot Sister @ Artemis ✔️ Y’all
Wall-Man @ It’sKIDFLASH ✔️ Okay, you used it just two seconds ago so don’t @ me
Jaime @ ScarabHost ✔️ Jaime Reyes here. Now, the previous blue beetle is in a coma, and has been for years, I’m the new one. I just never had a public enough persona to tell everyone that I’m not just him with a new suit before...
Cassie @ WONDERgirl ✔️ Come to my room @ ScarabHost, I have marshmellos to cheer you up! Yes, you can come too, @ Impulsive  😋
Mygreatestachievementwillbebeingborn @ Impulsive Like you could keep me from food.  😜
Dr. Tony Stark @ youknowwhoiam ✔️ I Am Iron Man
Hawk-ayeeee @ hawkeyeshadow Clint Barton
Brunhilde @ TheLastValkyrie All in the name.
Platypus @ TiredOfTony Col. James Rhodes, AKA War Machine, previously Iron Patriot (Thank goodness)
The Black Panther @ Kingofwakanda ✔️ T’Challa of Wakanda.
godofhammers @ kingofasgard ✔️ I am Thor, son of Frigga
Captain American’t deal @ Steven19 ✔️ Steve Rogers, Captain America.
My Name’s Not Scarlett @ It’s Wanda ✔️ Scarlet Witch
On your above @ FalconPINCH ✔️ Sam Wilson
🅱️lums @ WhiteWolf James “Bucky” Barnes here. Previously Winter Soldier... Sorry.
Toaster @ Eyesight ✔️ Vision Stark.
Dr. Tony Stark @ youknowwhoiam ✔️ I’m crying.
Master Of The Mystic Arts @ DrStephenStrangeMD ✔️ I didn’t change my @ when I got into this world
Fury @ DirectorOfSHIELD ✔️ My name is already there.
Not That Maria @ AssistantDirectorOfSHIELD ✔️ Maria Hill, Assistant Director Of SHIELD
I am Groot @ Multilinguism I am Groot.
PETER NO @ GamoradaughterofABITCH Gamora.
Chocolate Works @ WeAreVenom Identity kept, bitches!
Shield Maiden @ LadySif I am Sif.
T’Challa’s babysitter @ GeneralOfWakanda ✔️ I am Okoye.
Logan @ Wolverine ✔️ I would reveal my identity, but I don’t know what it is myself.
Laura @ Wolverine2 ✔️ OMG DAD! You got your memories back, stop making amnesia jokes, they’re lame!
Logan @ Wolverine ✔️ This isn’t Private Messages sweetie
Laura @ Wolverine ✔️ FUCK
DannyRand @ AngstPuppy Iron Fist here!
notthedevil @ kurtthenightcrawler I’m blue, it’s not like I can hide?
Godda go feast @ Quicksilver Pietro Maximoff, Wanda’s twin brother.
Freshuricado @ WakandaHeadOfScience ✔️ Princess Shuri. I don’t have a hero name, but I sometimes fight with gauntlets, so...?
Best Grandma @ Gi-Ant-Man Scott Lang here, also known as Ant-Man!
The Wasp @ HopeVanDyne ✔️ Scott’s better half.
Quill chose my name @ trashpanda Rocket Raccoon. That’s my name, nothing else.
Iron Daughter @ Blueberry My name is Nebula Stark, Gamora’s sister.
Dr. Tony Stark @ youknowwhoiam ✔️ 😭😭😭🥰
bobby @ Iceman So... My identity wasn’t revealed, but... most mutants at the school don’t really hide their identities, so everyone knows who I am here? But I didn’t wanna get left out of the train, so I’m Bobby Drake. AKA Iceman
Unbreakable @ LukeCage I don’t have an alternate name?? Yet my identity was still secret somehow?? (Well, not anymore) I hate everyone’s blindness. No offence to someone though, you know who you are.
Drax @ Drax I am Drax!
Jessica Nones @ AliasInvestigations ✔️ I never hid, but I guess I’m finally advertising.
💚🔪💚@ Iammantis! Hello everyone! I am Mantis!
NAME WAS GIVEN BY DUMBASS BROTHER @ butiapprove The Invisible Woman. Sue Storm.
CHOSE MY OWN NAME @ FLAMEON The Human Torch. Johnny Storm
My name wasn’t chosen by me @ butitboostsmyego Mr. Fantastic. Reed Richards.
My name wasn’t chosen by me @ butitboostsmyego SIGH
So, quick note, the next people... Well, I haven’t got any confirmation that they’re ACTUALLY heroes. But I don’t wanna exclude anyone, and they might just be obscure vigilantes that I don’t know about, but they commented on the thread that only heroes were meant to, and it’s not like believing them to be heroes will get me hurt like it would on a mission if they were villains in disguise, so... I’m just going to trust them this time! __________
Anathema @ Device I’m Anathema Device, and I’ll be doing the technology side for Crowley, Aziraphale, and Newton Pulsifer.
Adam @ DEATHJR Kids of the Armageddon’t, unite! (Except Warlock, cuz he didn’t actually save anything) Adam Young here.
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR Brian here! (My mum says I can’t give out my last name until I hit 18, sorry for the lack of syncronity...)
Adam @ DEATHJR (It’s all cool Brian, not your fault!)
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR Well, most of us can unite, anyway... I miss Pep, even if she had a weird name that I’m pretty sure was fake, looking back on our childhood.
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR You wanna go, Wensly?
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Yeah, I’ll DM you three my number so we can catch up.
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR Is it really her though?
Adam @ DEATHJR Well, you DID forget to put your name down Wensly. Nice to see you again Pep!
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR But they could have just hacked your computer?
Adam @ DEATHJR If she did that, she would have called him Wenslydale, not just Wensly. She knew better.
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR One way to find out. @ WARJR, say you’re name to us all within the next five minutes!
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Pippin Galadriel Moonchild, Pleb. Bow down to your missing member.
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR OMG, I’m legit crying you guys...
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR IT REALLY IS YOU!
Adam @ DEATHJR Glad to know you’re safe and sound, Pep. 🖤
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Puh-lease. You really think *I* could keep out of trouble?
Adam @ DEATHJR Glad to know you’re sound, Pep. 🖤
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Glad to be sound, Antichrist! 🖤 Still haven’t learnt what safety is tho... :P
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR Pepper? Living a calm enough life to be SAFE? Wouldn’t dream of it. 🖤
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR Send me your number so I can cry while hearing your voice 🖤
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Sure, it’s in your DMs now, and Wensleydale? You were right. “Pippin Galadriel Moonchild” isn’t my real name.
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR FUCKEN CALLED IT!
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Think that’s bad? Remember how all that Stuff™ went down when we all were 11? Lies, I was 9.
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR BUT YOU WERE IN OUR CLASS
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR OF COURSE I WAS YOU ASS! But nah... I ran away from home, hitchhiked, skipped the county, forged my ma’s signature to put me up for adoption, stole some adoption papers, and placed them on the mayor’s desk filled in, and as far as anyone was aware, I was now the daughter of the local hippie
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR I picked “Pippin Galadriel Moonchild” as my name because I was a massive nerd.
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR I’m an agent of Chaos.
Two Seconds Away From Giving Up @ JERomY Kid... __________
This thread wasn’t important, but... I just found it heartwarming that they found eachother after assuming Pepper was dead, and I found it funny. __________
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL Okay, I have convinced all of the team to say their name and position. I even managed to get everyone to get matching Team Names, and put their superpower as their user! Only those with identities revealed will have to say their name, however.-OGLB
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL This account is run by two different ladybugs. If you don’t see a signature at the end of a post, it’s Bugette, the current Ladybug. If you do, it’s me, the last Ladybug. -OGLB
Cataclysm @ ChatNoirOFFICIAL My identity is still secret, suckers!
Like I’d tell you @ RenaRougeOFFICIAL Rude. Alya cesaire. I’m a retired hero, but doing my best every day to be once again worthy to wield a miraculous. I doubt it would be the same, however, as @ NeurofoxinOFFICIAL is a much better fox than I am it seems.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL DM me -OGLB
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL Alya! You were meant to put your special power in the user! :(
Like I’d tell you @ RenaRougeOFFICIAL I was going to, but then Viperion pointed out to me that our powers were too obvious by our special power name, and that the two of us in particular needed others to not be aware of what we can do to make us all safer.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL That is a very sound judgement! I’m glad you thought ahead and made the wise deciscion!
Your new goth gf @ NeurofoxinOFFICIAL Rena, you’re a better fox than me, it just seems like that due to self-doubt. You are more suited to the fox than I am, it’s just that the fox is needed that I am even a holder at all. WHEN you get back on the team, I’ll either be retired or given another miraculous instead. I just have the better name.
SHELLter @ CarapaceOFFICIAL Not gonna say my name, but it’s pretty obvious if you pay attention, so just like... watch if you wanna know?
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ I used to be the best holder of the Bee Miraculous, but I gave it up to @ HoneyBeeOFFICIAL, and they are acceptable.
Wenom, uwu @ HoneyBeeOFFICIAL Thank you Chloé! I couldn’t ask for a better predecessor!
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ You are most welcome, HoneyBee!
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL Uhmm... Chloé? You were meant to put your power in the user, not your name. And everyone knows what you can do, so there’s no point hiding it from everyone. -OGLB
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ You misunderstand, Ladybug. As Chloé Bourgeois, I am well known for being rich and famous.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL And? -OGLB
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ Being rich IS my superpower.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL SMH -OGLB
BRB, Got sword homework @ RyukoOFFICIAL @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL @ HoneyBeeOFFICIAL I am Ryuko. While the previous Hawkmoth knew my identity, the new one does not. So I will remain in the shadows, as it is now safe for me to do so and wield once more.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL I thought we all agreed to put our powers in our users!!
BRB, Got sword homework @ RyukoOFFICIAL My skill with a blade is much more beneficial than my power over storms, I thought it more prudent to use the talent that I actually worked for. Besides, @ ChatNoirOFFICIAL sent me a meme, and it was enough to make me laugh in front of my mother, so I decided to use it.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL DM me about how she reacted...
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL ^Same, and Chat, stop spamming our inboxes with memes! -OGLB
Pls don’t need me so I have to use it... @ ViperionOFFICIAL I am the Aforementioned Viperion. And yes, my weapon IS what you think it is. No-one knows who I am as of right now.
Your new goth gf @ NeurofoxinOFFICIAL My identity is a secret but my name is Neurofoxin.
Creation @ Ladybug Tikki here! The current active kwamis are going to sound off. Our usernames will be what we are the kwami of, and our @ s will be what animal we represent!
The ORIGINAL @ Catwoman Plagg here.
Creation @ Ladybug PLAGG!
The ORIGINAL (Destruction, THERE, HAPPY TIKKI!?!?) @ Catwoman UGH!
Avatar @ Fire Nation Dragon Well, since Plagg already broke the rules... Longg here. And I am technically not exactly breaking the rules..
Creation @ Ladybug See what you’ve caused?!
Emotional @ Peacock Duusu here!! :D
Intuition @ sassysnake Sass here.
Timey-Wimey @ BunnyIsLate Goodbye and Hello! I am Fluff, and I won’t be active on twitter often unless I will.
Trixx @ FoxyLad Technically, I’m also following the rules. 😎
;) @ Multiplication I know I just put my special ability down, but if I put my animal representative down (rat) I’ll ruin the joke... Mullo here.
Subjection @ Busylittleworkerbee I feel like I’m one of the few that still actually listens to Tikki... Pollen, at your service!
Y’all better be rich if you talk to me @ TransportationTeleportationHorse Just providing a friendly warning... Kaalki here, and I only interact with the best.
Protection @ Turtle Wayzz here, feeling like a fool since I decided following Tikki’s rule was a good idea. __________
These two groups seem like they work together? Or they’re both coincidently animal-themed, and I’m making connections when there are none. The next few are seemingly one-off people! __________
Caroline @ GLaDOS While I never saved the world myself, I saved the life of someone who did, and that should count for something.
Refined Pig @ Waddles ✔️ ((I know this is an account for my pet pig, but the creator of this account, me, has saved the world, and Waddles was there, along with my brother, @ ConspiracyTheorist))
The government isn’t the only one hiding the truth @ ConspiracyTheorist ✔️ You make me sound like a sidekick like I didn’t save your behind multiple times.
Danny Phantom’s cousin @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL Dani Phantom here! I save Amity Park, plus the world, and I’m cute to boot!
Red @ Huntress @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL is my sidekick, ignore her.
Danny Phantom’s cousin @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL Rude!
Danny Phantom’s cousin (Ghost Princess?) @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL You love me! 💙💚
Danny PHANTOM @ GhostKingOFFICIAL ✔️ I know you are using those for the color aesthetic, but I hope you know the blue heart represents loyalty, because you have absolutely none of that for me.
Danny Phantom’s cousin (Ghost Princess?) @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL True... How’d you even find this account anyway?
Danny PHANTOM @ GhostKingOFFICIAL ✔️ I know better than to not keep an eye on you. I’ve known for months. __________
And that’s all for now! I know we’re missing some, like Batman and my uncle, but they should be on by tomorrow. An update will be posted then!
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