#the leftover temperance energy
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Can’t stop thinking about how after this when her dad says that is just speculation and she replies that it isn’t speculation because she lived it like…can you imagine that pain she has been harboring for 5 weeks??
She basically woke up from the most “that was so intensely real I feel strange feelings” dreams EVER where she lost both Ryan AND Ace but also she felt such unbridled happiness alongside that pain. And it wasn’t a dream. It was a premonition. It wasn’t foggy after you wake up like a dream. It was clear and palpable.
She knows deeply what it feels like to both finally be in love and loved by Ace and also what it feels like to lose him and she’s just had to sit with that for five weeks like no wonder she can’t find a fucking ferret
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moonstruckme · 2 months
Hi, I absolutely love your writing and i’d thought i’d try to request a remus lupin x reader kinda hurt comfort fic or blurb? Reader comes from a dysfunctional family where her dads alway angry and she feels like she’s walking on egg shells when around him and her mom throws all responsibilities like taking care of younger sibling onto reader so they always feel like they aren’t doing enough and they kind of cary these traits into their relationship with remus? maybe remus comes home from a hard day at work and reader can immediately sense he’s in a bad mood and like gets really quiet and starts working on the house instead of spending time with him bc she thinks he will be mad or something
This was way longer than i intended it to be im sorry😭 and I totally understand if this was too much or a topic that you don’t wanna write about there is no pressure at all!!!
love ya! -anon
Thanks for requesting lovely!
cw: implied past harmful/abusive dynamics
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 849 words
If the sharp turn of his key in the lock didn’t tip you off to Remus’ mood, the way he shuts the door behind him would. Automatically, your mind starts whirring with the things you can do. 
Your boyfriend has barely taken his shoes off before you’re in the kitchen, unloading the overfull dish rack. You’ve no idea how you let it go this long; some of these things have been dry for days. You’re shutting drawers and cabinets as softly as you can, wary of worsening Remus’ irritation with a racket. 
“Hey.” He pads into the kitchen, reaching for you. 
“Hi.” You smile and give him a kiss. His hands start to come around your waist, but you pull away in favor of grabbing a pot from the rack. 
“What’re you up to?” he asks. The exhaustion in his voice has a terse edge that makes your fingertips crackle with nervous energy. 
“Just tidying a bit.” 
“Want some help?” 
“I’m good, thanks,” you reply in your most serene voice. “You’ve only just got home, why don’t you relax?” 
Remus hesitates a handful of moments, watching as you go back to whizzing about the kitchen before wordlessly retreating to the living room. 
Once the dish rack is empty, you decide to start filling it up again. There’s an unwashed pot on the stove, an old container of leftovers in the fridge, and a handful of dishes on the coffee table. You make yourself as scarce as you can when you go to retrieve the last. Remus is still emanating traces of a worn-thin temper from where he sits on the couch, reading his book, and you try to minimize the clatter of the dishes as you stack them. When there’s a sigh, you try even harder. 
“Would you stop for a second?” 
You freeze in your tracks. “Stop what?” 
“Just,” he shakes his head, frustrated, “put the dishes down.”
You obey wordlessly. 
Remus looks at you with something you can’t decipher in his expression. “Now would you come here, please?” 
You walk over to him, tensing for—you don’t know what. You don’t think Remus would hit you, and he doesn’t seem like he’s going to shout. You’re stiff with anticipation nonetheless. 
He reaches for you. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, slotting against him naturally, the way you always do. Remus presses both palms into your back, hugging you tighter than usual but not enough to hurt. 
He nuzzles his face into your neck. “What’s going on with you?” he asks, and he sounds like the soft, grumbly version of himself that tells you to stop fidgeting at 4 a.m. before trapping you in his hold. You start to relax. 
“You seem like you’ve had a hard day,” you say. Not quite an admittance, but close. 
“I have,” Remus agrees. “I was hoping to come home and relax with you. Maybe have a kiss if you were feeling generous.” His teasing comforts you further, and you don’t flinch when he adjusts his hold so he can look you in the eyes. “Are you being weird because you know I’m in a bad mood?” 
When he puts it like that it sounds so silly. This is how you’ve learned to be around hot tempers, quiet and useful, but of course Remus would want someone to console him. To be with him instead of hiding away. 
“I’m sorry,” you breathe out. Your hands smooth over his shoulders, a belated comfort. 
He sighs, and this time when you hear the frustration in the sound you know it’s not meant for you. Remus takes your face in both hands, pressing a firm kiss to your brow before resting his own against it. 
“Nobody’s angry with you,” he says softly. 
“I know,” you reply just as quietly. “If I think about it, I know you wouldn’t be. It’s just…” 
“Old habits die hard?” he guesses. There’s a wry twist to his tone. 
You hum apologetically. 
Remus lets his cheek slide along yours, pulling you in for another hug. This one is gentler, his hand running the length of your back and squeezing in all the right places. “It’s okay,” he reassures you. “I’m sorry I came home so cross, sweetheart. I never want to worry you.” 
“I like to worry about you a little,” you tease, and you can sense the reward of your boyfriend’s smile spreading unwillingly over your shoulder. “And it’s not fair to expect you not to have any bad feelings around me. That’s just normal.”
Remus hums thoughtfully. “What if we try this: when you’re feeling like I’m upset, you just say something and we’ll talk about whether it has anything to do with you. Do you think that would work for you?” 
You turn your head to rest your cheek on his shoulder. Remus’ palm cruises down the curve of your spine as you let out a breath. “Yeah, I think so. Thanks.” 
“Thank you, lovely.” He tucks his chin to skim a kiss over your temple. “This is just what I needed. I feel better already.”
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invertedheaven · 2 months
If You Really Love Nothing
chapter 12: another one?
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And when sukuna met gojo half way the handshake held more weight and tension than any conversation could.
The employee who had been trying to chat it up with gojo immediately noticed the shift in energy and made himself scarce, he could tell this was a conversation he didnt want to be a part of.
“So its been a while” gojo joked uneasy, he doesn’t know how to explain it but he could feel that his father was watching
“It has” sukuna dryly responded “figured it’d be sooner considering the brat has been hanging around you lately”
“Around megumi, not me, I hardly see him” gojo lied and shrugged as he reached for a non alcoholic drink from the tray that a waiter was holding “Hes a good kid though, not sure how you guys are related”
Sukuna smiled with a glint of irritation behind the eyes that anyone else wouldn’t have notice but gojo had the luxury of being classmates in high school with this guy so his mannerisms didn’t go unnoticed
“So you and her?” referring to you, Sukuna bit the bullet and asked because at the end of the day both him and gojo knew the conversation would end up there
“What about her” gojo didn’t take the bait though
“Just didn’t take you for a guy who would take someones leftovers” sukuna shrugged he knew the line that came out of his mouth was gross and in no way did he view you in that manner but he just needed to get a reaction out of gojo and insulting you or that black haired loser gojo used hang around would be the quickest way
“So thats what you think of her? Im sure she’d be thrilled to hear that” gojo tried to temper his attitude but sukunas comment agitated him, even if he knew it was just to get a reaction, it was working.
The immaturity sukuna was displaying made gojos stomach turn at the idea that sukuna would talk about the mother of his kid like that (sure he doesn’t know airi exists but still why would he speak about you in that manner even if it was for provocation)
“Well she’s dating you, so I’m sure shes heard worse” sukuna bit back, still not getting a direct answer
“Thats interesting for you, of all people, to say” gojo smiled with a contemptuous look on his face. Sukuna was halfway to a response before he was cut off
“So I see you two are finally having a chat” Gojo Sr. cut in conveniently at the right time to which satoru rolled his eyes
“Yes, I can see your son inherited your way with words” sukuna changed his demeanor entirely as he addressed Gojo Sr.
“I hope you mean in a good way” Gojo Sr. joked as he and sukuna laughed, Satoru stared at them with a fake smile
“Yeah, sukuna here has shown me why you both were able to come to an agreement with a deal” satoru interrupted with a cheerful tone “Certain minds think alike”
“Don’t you mean great?” Gojo sr. corrected with a playful tone that had an edge to it
Satoru hummed “no, I don’t think so”
Before gojo sr. could say anything back he was called away by his assistant and Satoru couldn’t have been more thankful, he didnt need his dad trying to get involved. The man wouldnt ever stay in conversations for long but when he did talk he was insufferable. Sukuna watched the interaction keenly, it was obvious by the way Gojo sr. spoke of his son to sukuna, that there was some level of disdain— from both father and son and the interaction only proved to be a confirmation.
“What are your intentions?” gojo finally spit out after his father was out of earshot, Sukuna gave him a look as if asking him to elaborate so gojo said your name quietly and that gained a glint of amusement from sukunas eyes
“That’s something that is none of your concern” sukuna replied smugly. Just because you’d been with gojo for the past few years doesn’t mean gojo has any right to be involved in you and sukunas business, at least thats how sukuna saw it.
“Not my concern?” gojo laughed in disbelief “You mean the same way it’s not your concern what her love life is like, right?”
Sukunas eye twitched slightly before gojo continued “if you really cared so much why didn’t you reach out to her in the months you’ve been back?” gojo was venturing into territory you would’ve smacked him over the head for but he doesn’t care he finds he genuinely needs to know what sukunas playing at
Through the years gojo has seen you pick yourself back up and piece yourself back together, constantly trying to be better. Trying to be someone without sukuna, something you hadn’t known since you started dating him so young. The very idea that sukuna could prance into your life and possibly undo all that makes gojo seethe. Gojo knows you’re an adult who can make your own decisions, he’s just looking out for you the same way he’s sure you’d look out for him if the shoe was on the other foot.
Before sukuna could even respond gojo was being called over by his father to prepare for some ridiculous speech. Sukuna is not stupid he’s aware if he screws up here with his behavior it wouldn’t look good for either company. No matter his distaste for gojo it wasn’t worth losing his job over. He kept that in mind (even if he despised gojos words) as he watched the white haired bastard walk away.
Or at least he thought but as the night went on he felt genuine disgust just being in gojos presence. Even as both father and son made decent speeches about another successful year for the company, even as gojo had the ability to work the room with literally any conversation. Nothing about it was genuine though, and it made it sukuna scowl every time he was subjected to hearing gojos bullshit in the next group over. Sukuna smirked thinking about how it looked bad on gojo considering this was supposed to be “his company” someday, yet the lack of tact was alarming.
Whatever, it wasn’t his problem, but it was truly sukunas favorite pastime to judge and criticize other peoples poor decisions. He just simply would not find himself in such ridiculous situations, he thinks, as he overhears most conversations through the night. It was all just petty drama or conversations that he considered himself above. A couple of times, rei would try to engage in conversation with him but his mind was only on you. As if fueled by his confrontation with gojo, he now swears he’ll be back with you. He doesn’t care if you and gojo are dating, he knows you still love him. You have to, right? He’s never really thought about if you don’t.
On the other side, in all honesty gojo had forgotten sukuna was there as he focused on entertaining the party. He was able to ignore sukuna for the sake of his job, something that he knew if he didn’t put his all into he’d hear it from his father later. So sure, he caves in and does what he does best— put on a show. A passionate worker that looks forward to all the great things the company has in store…bullshit. He did have changes he wanted to implement but with his father still in control of most of it, it just felt like an endless cycle of going nowhere. It wasn’t even two and a half hours into the event and gojo found a way to ease himself out of a too long conversation, as he searched for his secretary.
“Hana” gojo half shouted to her as she was enthusiastically talking with rei, she glanced over and waved at gojo
“Haven’t seen you all night, I assume its been busy” Hana joked
Rei admired Hanas ability to speak to gojo with such ease, if rei was in hanas shoes she’d be a rambling mess. Hana is aware that rei would jump at the chance to be with gojo but its simply hilarious to her because if rei really knew how gojo was, that physical attraction could only do so much for someone with a strong personality like he has.
“Yes, but im afraid I have to go” gojo made sure to sound somewhat devastated
“So early?” Hana asked with a bit of concern
“A family emergency” gojo smiled apologetically. He was flat out lying but he had every intention of getting out of this party unnoticed by his father but he figured he should at least have Hana pass the word along if she was asked.
“Oh” Hanas brows furrowed she fights the urge to ask what happened, knowing he wouldnt even tell her with this many people around “If Gojo Sr. asks ill be sure to pass your message along” Hana bowed her head slightly
And with that gojo left with a weight off his shoulders knowing he did his mandatory appearance and got away from sukuna without too much of a hassle.
“Okay, but we only have time for one book” you picked up airi from the living room floor, she was practically falling asleep as she was brushing her dolls hair but she insisted that she wasnt too tired for a bedtime story
“I want the one about the worm that eats too much” airi pleaded
“The caterpillar?” You asked, she couldn’t really say caterpillar at the time you bought the book so gojo told her to call it a worm and the name stuck, you really had to fix that soon
You’re not even 4 pages in and airi knocked out, still holding onto the sleeve of your sweater as you knelt on the ground next to her bed. You took in every feature of her peaceful sleeping face, she was so precious and looked so devastatingly like Sukuna, you wonder if he saw her would he figure it out without being told?
You brushed her hair out of her face as you hummed a simple song, you didn’t want to leave her yet but the sound of the front door opening caused you to rush out her room to find satoru holding a bag of takeout leaning against the door taking his tie off. He wasn’t supposed to be back this early and you bit back a comment on how he probably escaped
“Im exhausted” he moved to take his shoes off as you took the food from his hands
“Was it that bad?” You asked
“Not so much, just cant stand my old man” he waved off the subject
You nodded in understanding as you took the takeout to the dining table, megumi had retired to his room hours ago and it wouldn’t surprise you if he actually fell asleep and before you could ask gojo spoke up
“Saw sukuna”
You hummed in response
“He asked about you” gojo reluctantly admitted
Your breath got caught in your chest, quickly recovering because its embarrassing that you feel giddy at the thought of him asking about you like some idiot with a crush “about me or about if we were dating” you snap out of your hopefulness knowing Sukuna probably didn’t really care to know about you but more if you moved on, which hurts you.
“Well about if were dating but” gojo sat down at the table pulling out his food from the bag “I don’t know, I asked him what his intentions were and he told me it wasn’t my business” gojo shrugged
You rolled your eyes “hes a grown man, if he had any intentions besides being petty about the idea that I might’ve actually moved on he should say it”
Gojo could tell the subject touched a nerve with you, there was no winning. You would’ve been unhappy if he didn’t bring sukuna up, thinking he didn’t even ask about you and here you are unhappy that what sukuna did ask was immature. Gojo tries not to laugh at how you seemed to never really change, and he guesses he hasn’t either
“Ungrateful children” Gojo Sr. grumbled as he stood next to sukuna “never have them” he continued, swirling the liquid in his glass which by the looks of him wasnt his first drink
Sukuna refrained from rolling his eyes but he was irritated for two reasons, he purposely secluded himself to the corner of the room where he wouldnt be dragged into conversations and the second reason being he didnt care one bit about this old man yet he played along
“I don’t plan on it” sukuna playfully responded
For the duration that hes been in collaboration with the gojos company, sukuna has been more or less working at an angle of trying to get Gojo Sr. to trust him, not for any reason other than it would get under gojos skin to see sukuna being chummy with his dad. That and maybe Gojo Sr. could tell him something useful about you and gojo.
He’d have to know something, yet as time went on sukuna lost hope, seeing as the old man hadn’t mentioned anything at all and seeing how this was probably the last night he’d be around the Gojos, he couldnt bring himself to pretend to care about what the old bastard had to say.
“I don’t understand, he’s getting this successful business I’ve built from the ground up, literally handed to him, and he cant even stay until the end of the event” Gojo Sr. scoffed “all for some ‘family emergency’ which is just a lie”
Sukuna glanced at Gojo sr. he didnt wanna make it clear that this intrigued him considering you were probably who gojo considered family. In the forefront of his mind he was wondering if something had happened to you. Were you okay? he didn’t care for gojos brat but he knows you cared about him, so for your sake he hopes nothing bad actually happened. He doesn't think for a second it involves his brother because yuji wasnt even supposed to be around the fushiguro kid today and if yuji was involved you would contact sukuna... or you should at least.
For someone who swore up and down about maintaining the family image, Gojo Sr. sure did a great job at undoing it in just a few minutes, thanks to a few drinks in his system and some misplaced trust. Sukuna had yet to say anything because for all he knows, Gojo Sr. could possibly get mad if sukuna does choose to say something, even if it was a chance to dunk on gojos character.
“Family this, family that yet those damn kids aren’t even his” Gojo Sr. turned to look sukuna directly in the face who now had a look of interest on his face “he should be more like you— motivated and passionate, hell you even stayed later than him” he dryly laughed as he took another swig of the drink in his hand
“Im sorry, kids?” Sukuna asked, he brushed off the other comment, he needed an elaboration. There was no way there was more than one, it’s just supposed to be fushiguro.
“That whore he lives with is using his no-- MY money” the older white haired bastard took sip of his drink “now my idiot son is raising some kid who isn’t even his” sukuna tries to keep himself composed, hearing you spoken of in such a negative way has him more irritated than any encounter with gojo could.
Sukuna is still convinced this escaped nursing home patient is just confused “i’ve met the kid, he’s well mannered” he tries to frame it in a way that’ll get Gojo Sr. to elaborate
“Not that one… that kid” he waved his hand in the air in a dismissive motion “his dad died years ago” Gojo Sr. shook his head at the memory
Sukuna hoped he wouldn’t elaborate he didn’t care for a back story right now (hes pretty sure he’d already heard it from you anyways). Right now he’s finding out you and gojo might actually have a kid together. He thinks this old man must lying about it not being gojos kid since it seems he doesn’t like you at all. Sukunas too focused on genuinely trying to keep his shit together
“There’s another one” Gojo Sr. bitterly continued “he thinks I’m not aware but I know and I don’t appreciate him being played for a fool its bad for our image and damaging financially” Gojo Sr. doesn’t really realize, through his buzzed state, that hes revealing more than he would had he been sober and it didn’t help that he truly thought positively of sukuna.
Another one? An actual second kid? Whatever else the old man was saying was drowned out by the ringing in sukunas ears. He could feel the sweat building up on his forehead as his heart beat wouldn’t slow down. He swears he feels himself grow light headed. Years of memories flashing in his mind as he accepts the reality that you’re actually with gojo, hell you even have a goddamned kid with him. His mind is racing genuinely questioning if you truly moved on so fast. He really thought he’d get you back but now? That seems like the most unlikely path in this scenario. His mind finally registers the old gas bag next to him is still talking and he catches onto something that he wishes he misheard, for the sake of his sanity
“That whole mess was... 4 years ago. I haven’t heard much about that disgrace of a woman since, but she’s still being a gold digger” Gojo Sr. sighed “I may have found out but my son does a good job at keeping his affairs private, I’ve only met that woman three times”
4 years? sukuna doesn’t want to let himself think about the fact that the timing was weird. Were you cheating on him with gojo? Did you rebound as soon as sukuna broke up with you? Every possibility was running through his mind until a horrifying possibility hits him as if a bucket of ice cold water had been thrown on him. That couldn’t be it… there was no way.
Sukuna thinks back to how the past two weeks yujis been avoiding him in ways he didn’t before. The kid can barely make eye contact and while sukuna initially thought maybe he was just hiding bad grades, was it actually something serious?
Theres no way you had a kid and it was sukunas, he refuses to accept that reality because the you that he knows and loves, would tell him. You wouldn’t keep something like that from him, so sukuna decides to convince himself that the idea of you possibly rebounding with gojo hurt less. He also refuses to accept the idea that you’d cheat, in his mind he creates an elaborate reason that maybe you and gojo had a kid for tax benefits or something along those lines.
Even if yujis awkward and terribly distant behavior was an indication that he’s hiding something and even if the way you no longer looked at sukuna with stars in your eyes, none of that was enough to convince him that you had his child, and decided not to tell him. And even worse, his own brother knew of this and didnt say anything. He rules this idea out of his mind as he doesn’t even realize its become painfully obvious how fast he’s spiraling.
Gojo Sr. finally realized sukuna was no longer paying attention to him “Are you okay there? You look awfully pale”
Sukuna abruptly ended the conversation, excusing himself as he ran to the nearest bathroom, he splashed water over his face and stared at his reflection for longer than he realized. He needs answers, and he needs them now. He knows he’d be able to get something out of yuji, the brat couldn’t lie to save his life, and now that sukuna knew what he needed to ask, he was gonna see what exactly yujis been hiding from him.
Sukuna didn't even remember his drive home, his mind was simply not present. He really truly hopes he’s being unreasonable and piecing together a theory that could very possibly be incorrect it was more than likely he was dead wrong and yet he's never felt so anxious in his life. You having a kid is enough of a shock for him— but it possibly being his? He cant even wrap his head around it. He actually finds himself hoping that its actually gojos, because if you knew… if you knew the kid was sukunas and didn’t tell him. He doesnt even stop to allow a logical thought like adoption or something, no he immediately jumped to conclusions, because when it was you all rationality was thrown out the window.
As sukuna slammed his car door, fumbling with the keys in his hand and struggled with the door knob just long enough that yuji swung the door open with an agitated look on his face — frustrated because he had to pause the movie he was watching when it was at the best part.
But the frantic look in sukunas eyes was enough to have yuji quickly making his way back to the couch
“Wait” sukuna said so quietly yuji would’ve missed it had the house not been dead silent
Yuji turned awkwardly to look at his brother. Yuji was never truly afraid of his brother, he’d always considered him all bark no bite, but there was something about the almost crazed state he was in that made yuji doubt that judgement in this moment. What could possibly have him this frantic? Yuji wondered, it was truly out of character for his brother, he was always composed even in the worst situations. Yujis breathing got heavier as he realized theres exactly one thing— one person, who could have him on edge like this. He’s scared to think of what would come out of sukunas mouth next
Sukuna mumbled your name so quietly, it was enough for yujis to hold his breath as he waited for sukuna to continue “does she have a kid?”
Yujis eyes widened and he took a few steps backwards, his heart was beating so fast he swears you’d be able to hear it thudding. How sukuna found this out was still a complete mystery, yuji swallowed slowly trying to think of words to say but this was not his conversation to have. Did sukuna talk to you? Or Gojo? Yuji genuinely had no words, nor was he ready for this.
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softer-ua · 1 year
Hc that Kacchan developed a very discerning sweet tooth as a little kid after learning about the existence of devils and angels food cake, which he thought was hilarious and became fascinated learning about flavor profiles and how they shape the perception of food
As he gets older he leans more into cooking than baking because he grows too impatient and ill tempered to create the level of baked goods he wants and huffs it off as a waste of time anyway
But after the war Izuku wants to make Eri and Kota some treats for their conjoined birthday party,
Izuku didn’t even have to ask Katsuki to help him, Katsuki just found his feet moving on their own into the kitchen where some cook books were stored and grabbing a small one for simple desserts, while asking the freckled hero what he had in mond
Beaming Izuku started rambling that it should be something portable because their having the party outside, he knows Eri loves apples, he once made her some candy apples, has Kacchan ever made candy apples? It was harder than he’d expected but Kacchan would probably have no problem, especially since he’s more heat resistant. He’s not too sure about what Kota likes but he kinda reminds him of a younger Kacchan so something spicy? Can desserts be spicy? Eri might not like that
Katsuki caught himself leaning against the counter, book forgotten, listening with rapt attention and blatantly staring. Embarrassed by his lack of irritation he quickly straightened up and shoved the book into Izukus mouth.
“Start looking nerd, choose something good, because it’s gonna have to stand out against sugar guy’s cake”
With that Katsuki stomped over to check the cupboards and fridge, mostly to hide his blushing but also making note that they had plenty of apples and the base ingredients for nearly any dessert, so they likely wouldn’t need to go to the store
After some debate they decide on Apple Pie Snickerdoodles, adding a little more to the spices, it’s something different but nothing beyond an amateur bakers capabilities and sure to be enjoyed by both kids
It’s not as mind-numbingly boring as Katsuki remembers, maybe because Izuku is there making himself both useful and entertaining; from using a hand whisk to cream the sugar and (cold)butter together with the efficiency of even the best stand mixers on the market, to catching leftover apple chunks in his mouth like a trained seal
Katsuki hasn’t had this much light hearted fun in what feels like eons, that light feeling carries over into the next day at the party
The cookies are big hit, Eri might be the smiley-ist child Katsukis ever met, her joy is so contagious that everyone is infected
Even the shy cranky little boy Kota is full of energy and high spirits, he seems so different from the brat he watched punch Izuku in the dick at camp
Watching her and Kota jump around feels healing in a way he can’t describe, he’s not great with words, but it’s like proof of their victory, reassuring that their sacrifices were worth it
More than that it brings to mind his own childhood birthdays-
The ones where he had to invite Izuku; annoyed he showed up, and devastated the one time he didn’t, only to be annoyed when he arrived the next day with a gift and apologies.
The ones where he had to go to Izukus, grumbling the whole time but never leaving his side and even throwing a fit when it was time to leave
The ones were he no longer had to invite Deku, so he didn’t, and the building annoyance when he didn’t show up that day or the next, instead a present and card were just left in the mailbox, so a singed card was left on Dekus desk that next Monday
The following ones where Izuku invited no one and no one bothered to inquire about it, what the nerd had done if anything at all was a mystery
Now he stood watching two kids with just as different temperaments as him and Izuku, choosing to share a birthday, pulling each other out of their usual bubbles with wild exuberance for life that only children can possess
Well children and a handful of UA losers who seems just as excited about the party games as any child
Mirio was helping his boyfriend cheat at twister by disappearing a leg, Kaminari was failing epically to pin a tail on a donkey, and Kirishima was trying to break open a piñata with just his arm while Sero kept it out of reach so he was left swinging wildly at nothing, while Mina was trying to incorporate her dance moves into a game of charades and making it impossible to guess what the hell she was miming
All of which was entirely independent of the actual birthday kids, who were currently being swung around by Izuku’s black whip like a living carnival ride
Katsuki enjoy just watching, so he sat next to Momo who’d brought tea and some seriously fancy looking scones(they each had had a perfectly candied fruit slice on top) to go along with a costume closet she’d tailored for each kid for dress up tea time
Humoring her he dawned a crown decked out in concerningly realistic looking rubies, when she refused to meet his raised eyebrow he changed the unspoken topic and in faux haughty tone asked for the recipe of the scones, when she actually produced several recipe cards he was pleasantly surprised by how warm the idea of making them made him
The idea of spending Sunday morning in the kitchen slowly making a perfect replica of each brought a smile and sense peace to him, even as he looks over the cards and noted how simple the steps, there’s be no rushing and he kinda liked the idea of taking his second chance at life a little slower, enjoying the little things just a little more.
No grande event on the horizon that he felt the need to rush towards, this time he’d enjoy getting there just as much as he enjoyed the victory,
Maybe even more he thought smirking up at an out of breath Izuku, who’d come to join him, now adorning a glossy top hat and a monocle that were completely out of place on such a sweaty dopily grinning face
Definitely more
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crowned-peony · 1 year
His Darling (An Aomine x GN reader)
Just a little fluffy drabble about you being the only one Aomine tolerates and how you became his stuffed animal (this came from a conversation with @the-masked-ram ♡ thank you the encouragement to write it♡)
Word count: 1.1k
Aomine was not one to hold back when something was annoying him, and practices really did annoy him. He might be the laziest player on the team but there was no denying that when his interest was sparked there was no stopping him or winning against him. Practices brought him nothing but headaches.
Why did he have to run drills? Why did he have to repeatedly listen to plays when he didn't need them? Moment he got the ball in his hands he would make a score with no help from the team. 
Him being there was pointless. A waste of time and energy. He finishes the drills faster than anyone and just glare at anyone that would ask to go over the plays again. 
This was nothing short of torture, but at least the floor was cold enough for a nap. Just as he was about to close his eyes and sleep the time away he felt something on his stomach. Removing his arm from his eyes he say you standing next to him smiling. Looking down at him with a lollipop in your mouth. You always were eating some candy and he wondered how much of your money was spent on your sweet tooth. 
He looked away from you to look at what was on his stomach. A bag of his favorite snacks. He is nowhere close to being like Murasakibara, but snacks do make laying down a bit more enjoyable and how can he say no to someone as pretty as you.  After all, you are the only reason he comes to practices after all. You come just to hang out with Momoi and offer your support and encouragement to the team. Occasionally treating everyone with snacks during breaks but he was the only one that didn't need to share (not like anyone dared to try taking some of what he was eating). Everyone in school referred to you as the team's sweetheart. A little nickname that he really did love for you. The team thought of you as an angel really. Aomine was more tolerable when you were around. It was a cute sight when you would be sitting on the floor with his head on your lap, talking about a new show or book you just finished and him just listening, with the occasional nod. Everyone knew better than to come near you both and interrupt the little bubble you both lost in. 
The team was so grateful that you would be the one that would wake him up when it was time to leave. He gave no fuss or harsh words, just slowly got up and wrapped his arms around you and did not let you go until you both at school entrance. You would have to practically beg and use sweet words for him to let go.
Today was a bad day for Aomine and no one was free from his wrath (except for you of course). He woke up with a horrible headache, making his temper even shorter than normal. An aura of pure anger radiated from him, and he had a look of daring anyone to talk to him (he wanted an excuse to take out his frustration out on someone). 
People held their breath when lunch break came and you walked into the room with two bentos. During one of the first few practices that you befriend him, you shared with him some of your leftover lunch (he complained that the school lunch was so bland and he was too lazy to go get a snack for himself). He loved it so much that you promised him that you would make him a matching lunch only if he attended every practice from then on. The team was so thankful that they all chipped in to get you a few sweet treats from an expensive bakery. You placed his bento in front of him and sat down on one of the empty desks next to him. You woke up early to make some pork dumplings, octopus shaped sausages, white rice, hearts shaped strawberries and blueberries. You noticed that something was off with him. He was usually quiet but today he seemed to be a bit colder. You got up forgetting about your own food and sat in front of him and slowly began to feed him. Nothing was said even after he finished eating. You removed the bento from his desk and gently rubbed his cheek. You noticed how tired he looked and felt so bad that the break wasn't long enough for him to get some rest. You would switch from rubbing his cheek to gently running your fingers through his hair. He appreciated you giving him those small comforts more than you would ever know. Before you entered your class you sent Momoi a quick message that Aomine wouldn't be participating in practice today. 
After classes ended you ran to the basketball court and went to get the pillow and blanket that Momoi had told you about (Momoi had a soft spot for her childhood friend and the benefit of being the team's manager no one questioned why there was a pillow and blanket into the team's equipment room) to make sure everything was ready for him to have the nap he been needing all day. Not too long after did he appear. You were sitting on the floor with the pillow on your lap and the blanket was laid out next to you. You just smiled at him and patted the pillow (luckily you always had a book in your bag so as he napped you would be able to get yourself lost in a story, but unknown to you Aomine had other plans). He took the pillow of your lap and placed it on top of the blanket. He kneeled down next to you, one hand found its way under your knees and the other on your back, before you could even question what he was doing he picked you up, set you down on the blanket and laid on top of you. He very easily manhandled you until he had you in a comfortable position and held you close to him and quickly fell asleep. Everyone on the team quietly was snickering and whispering how you had become his stuffed animal. You were so embarrassed but made no fuss in order not to wake him. Having no other choice you followed him to dreamland. It was the best sleep he had gotten in days. He decided from that day forward he wouldn't participate in practice and instead you both would take a nap together. He insisted that you had become his stuffed animal (he was so much bigger and stronger than you that there wasn't a sense in fighting him, you would end up pinned under him). Slowly you began to actually look forward to your naps together and would be your favorite part of your day (but never in a million years would you let him know, his ego was already to big for the universe to handle and didn't need to get any bigger). 
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lissomelace · 4 months
⭐ go on, give us the bizarre worldbuilding? (The kind of worldbuilding-theory where you take a crack trope and go, 'what kind of world would you need to end up with this' is always fascinating).
Oooo, bizzare worldbuilding!!!! Not sure how crack of a trope this is, but it was something that got cut from the current chapter to ATTEMPT to reduce the infodumping that Mirisse had going on! In short, that reproductive cycling/heats/ruts in this universe can be very influenced by climate and weather. Here was the original sentence that got cut:
… “And before we came to Valinor, seasons were more of a factor. Everything tends to be temperate here, but a temperature shift towards warmth—a distinct winter-to-spring trend—also tended to trigger reproduction.”
…I THEN lost the thread trying to figure out what seasons actually were, in absence and presence of the Trees and before the sun and moon. Are Varda’s Stars, in the early days, close/significant enough to provide seasonal warming through light energy? The sun is a star, after all, so if the stars were close enough, they could have some warming/seasonal effects. Is there leftover warmth being passed around from the Lamps? Is it all geothermal at this point? And in absence of the rotation of a globe, how does that work? And do the Trees have any climactic effects on Middle-Earth, even if the light isn’t visible? If the light of the trees has energy, it should at least impact wind patterns and heat diffusion.
And then I realized that if there weren’t dramatic seasons anywhere, that wouldn’t have an effect on the reproductive cycles of anything (elves, or, like, wildlife with a distinct breeding season as well) UNTIL the sun/moon were invented. I’m not the first to think of the death of the trees (in Valinor) and later birth of the sun (in Middle Earth) as potential mass extinction events, but I do think they significantly impacted if not outright devastated the flora and fauna. The world HAD to be changed by that.
And in this universe, what does a “spring babies” breeding season mean? Could there be nomadic elven cultures that travel north at certain times of year for resources only available closer to the Helcaraxe who then travel south and thereby trigger reproduction? (conception one year for birth around the same time the next? I think? I should look up elven gestation again.) Is it like circadian rhythm, where enough exposure to extremes for long enough can literally ‘break’ it? If elves live in temperate climates long enough then move to seasonal ones, are their bodies so calibrated to the most minute shift in temperature that the change leads to either very aggressive heat/rut cycles, or do things figuratively short-circuit and they can’t reproduce until they acclimate? Maybe elves in extremes (extreme cold like the north, warm like the desert, or extreme temperate climes like Valinor) are very regular with their cycles, and elves in places with seasonal variation are more variable.
(I stopped before going down a rabbit hole in which I looked up the reproductive habits of migratory birds and how climate change is currently impacting them!)
I didn’t really come to any conclusion at the end of this, but here it is! A director’s cut of my worldbuilding process for one particular element, really. Also, I am not a climate scientist, biologist, or a geologist or other earth scientist. All of this was off the top of my head, and will require more research before it makes it into the story as backstory for How Biologically Sponsored Horniness Could Work, Climactically Speaking.
Hope this wasn’t too much! Just what was on my mind for recent adventures in bizarre wordbuilding! Thank you so much for the ask!
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ghostofnibelheim · 5 months
it's too soon [ from zack ]
This is Goodbye || Always Accepting~
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"... Now it's you again. Are you... and that little boy taking turns? Excellent synergy."
Behind the cold venom of those words, Sephiroth's voice was changed beyond recognition. Gone was the subtle warmth that used to express care and nobility beneath the steely dryness of a tone tempered by years of war and formality. That domesticated flame had gone from candle to wildfire, and scorched everything in its path.
Before even consuming Nibelheim, that inferno had burnt Sephiroth's spirit to the bone, and what was left now was black charcoal, toxic smoke and embers.
Underneath his leather coat, Sephiroth could feel his own body threatening to slip down on the floor, against the slick surface of his own blood that had been pooling from the deep wound opened by Angeal's sword, straight through the back and out of his chest.
'Turning your back to the enemy. Your overconfidence will destroy you.'
He'd said that to someone at some point. Couldn't remember when or where. But was it not ironic?
The sword his friend would never use. A symbol of honor... funny how things came back to haunt you, one way or another.
When Zack had made his way back to where Sephiroth sat, slumped against a vent at the far bottom of the Nibel reactor, the silver-haired had almost mistaken him for his mentor instead. But then he remembered Angeal was dead. Genesis would also die soon.
Zack probably thought now was Sephiroth's turn now, didn't he? Turning against him, like everybody else. How blind he'd been. Sephiroth felt like his eyes were finally open for the first time in his life... only to watch himself die? What sort of pathetic joke was this?
Maybe if he died it'd be the most fitting irony before the arrogance of men who had decided to play God. That thought elicited a laugh out of him, and it hurt.
"Haha... hahaha..." He laughed, and coughed. Felt his own blood crawl straight down his airways and bubble against breaths he could no longer afford. Sephiroth's upper body lurched forward, with a choked gasp, and he spat.
Exhausted, he sank again back against metal. In that moment, Sephiroth was spending every leftover of his energy on keeping his left boot against the ground. It was carrying all of his weight from slipping down on his back, firmly planted on the cold metal of the platform.
"Tell me something... Zack. Do you feel like a hero, now?" Sephiroth asked, and at the same time, he did not. He found that he didn't care one bit what Zack had to say, after all. It no longer mattered. And he'd been a fool to think it did before. "I have never wanted... Never wanted to be one. Other people decided that for me. All I ever..."
A sharp sting to the head cut off his thoughts, and he stuttered.
He was feeling a heavy wave of dizziness. A fainting spell blackened his sight, and Sephiroth had to fight it. His features contracted, he felt his hands squeeze. Only then he realized he was holding onto things still. His sword in his left. His right was wrapped around something, pushing it against his chest.
That painful twist in his stomach, was it the wound, or his own agony? Before his sight had even returned, Sephiroth's eyes opened to point down a mournful look on the fossilized features of Jenova cradled against him. An expression of sincere grief, sadness and despair that his face had never displayed before. His brows twitched, his mouth couldn't curve in a way that felt right. The struggle of a child who'd never learned how to show whatever he was feeling right now.
"All I ever wanted was just..."
The home I was robbed from. The unconditional love they had stolen. The life he never had.
To be with her. To feel whole again. To fill the hollow in his heart.
It was here, so close to him at last. He refused to lose it now. That weight on his chest spoke to him, it cried for justice. For retribution.
I cannot die here. I cannot leave you in their hands. They will see...!
His hand had lifted the blade, stabbing it with vicious strength into the floor. With that support, Sephiroth groaned, and slowly stood.
"All I ever... wanted..." He heard himself say again while fighting to find balance on his feet. Left foot first, then the right. His legs were shaking, cold with the drape of death that slowly tightened around his form. Sephiroth drew one last breath, and with it looked up again. Seeing again.
Seeing true.
Seeing a traitor.
"... You will see it come true."
The curse was little more than a whisper, while his feet stepped back, one after the other... towards the edge, and the bleeding pool of lifestream awaiting beyond.
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alyjojo · 5 months
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May 🏋🏻 2024 Monthly - Libra
Preshuffle: You’re financially abundant and independent, ready to take on some goal you have in mind - could be related to travel, maybe for work. I get it’s really boring though, and not what you’re expecting. You’ll be irritated with the slowness of everything.
Meditation: You were in a ‘70s looking house (lots of yellow & orange), chatting away on a cord phone attached to a wall, with a big container of salt 🧂 that you were pouring down the kitchen sink with boiling water…oddly specific, apparently the salt is a thing - says Google. After that, you started talking about all of the bad VIBES and how you just wanted them to go away, and you salted your doors and windows before taking a handful and throwing it in the air to salt yourself too. Bad vibes be gone 💯 #saltbae
Main energy: Ace of Wands
Beautiful energy, kinda witchy even, with the meditation & Walrus talking about signs & omens. You’re in the middle of creating a whole new reality for yourself, with more passion, emotion, stability, clarity, you have all 4 Aces showing up - Pentacles being under The Magician at the bottom - who has all four Aces in his hand. You’re a magic maker this month. Your oracles again nod towards a trip, travel, getting to your destination, something about renting a car. Could be buying one too. You’re excited by this new possibility or purchase, Page of Pentacles clarifies as a contract, documents, a plan set in motion. I’m not sure how open you are about it yet, it looks like you’re waiting until the decision is made to actually speak up. Some of you could be finding romance with someone you’ve considered a friend, coworker, someone at school if you’re in school, it’s been casual & platonic.
What’s going on in May:
Ace of Cups:
You could be somewhat recently out of a past romantic connection and ready for the new, or there’s the potential for new showing up. The Magician at the bottom again could show you’re the one seeking something new. If not love, then something you do love, could be travel, a hobby, a new thing you’re studying, a new friend even - something that fills your heart with joy and love on some level. You’ve felt held back from being able to create this for yourself, either due to a lack of money, debt, or some leftover ick feelings from a past relationship. Not feeling worthy, abandonment issues, having to process the last thing that’s over with now. If you aren’t there yet, this reading shows you’re close, and that you can create whatever reality you desire for yourself.
Knight of Swords rev:
Your new person could live at a distance, this is someone you already love. Ace of Cups, 2 Cups, you’re smitten with this person. You may not know how to move this forward, Temperance shows a need for patience that you probably don’t have but also don’t have a choice. SEX is heavy on the brain, you’re obsessed with this person, seeing them as Queen of Wands with The Devil on the bottom. Could even be mutual with 2 Cups here, an equal obsession between two people that can’t keep their hands to themselves 😍 This goal or travel would be to see them. There may not be much communication about this, it’s just known, or your guards are up emotionally…maybe both of you.
Ah, you’ve missed your opportunity before, that’s why you’re so OBSESSED with making things happen this time. Probably because of money, that seems to be the main reason coming out for you. Could just be a vacation you’re taking. This time though, things 👏 are 👏 happening! The decisions have been made, contracts or reservations are scheduled, I don’t think anything could stop you this time. You feel like this is something you’re meant to do, it lights a fire under your butt with Page of Wands, in a way most things can’t. It’s like feeling alive again 🔥
Page of Wands:
There’s a lot of communication between you and someone, maybe everyone, once a decision has been made. 9 Pentacles at the bottom, Justice is here, it could be a divorce going through - if so it’s taken awhile and has cost a lot of money. You could be free to be with the person you clearly already love. The distance could be literal for someone, but in this case it’s more of an emotional/legal wedge between you, being unable to be truly *theirs* or vice versa, someone has been otherwise engaged, legally. Through whatever blocks or missed opportunities, you’ve felt conflicted about how long something is taking, whether it was really going to end the way you hoped/thought it would, kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop. You could be apprehensive about this person being “single” now, or switch that, because…well marriage can be like being in chains ⛓️ when you don’t want to be in it. It’s not likely or common for someone to be free of the shackles and jump right back in ya know, that’s almost silly. Unless you’re famous or something, then it’s just a normal Wednesday.
Ace of Swords:
A conversation is due, I see a lot of that going on this month. Passionate, planning, honest, revealing or enlightening even - transparent communication. Truth. Saying the thing that needs to be said, that maybe you’ve avoided for some time while other things were going on. Something has blocked you before, money, other people, legalities and contracts, but I’m seeing the green light 🚦 for you now, and…depending on who is who, there’s no rush. There’s a *desire* for rushing, but the energy is more about a sigh of relief. Whew, finally. Knight of Cups clarifies with 10 Wands, this is romantic action being a burden. It’s felt, there’s genuine love, reciprocated even. But there’s pressure to go from 0 to 100 and someone here is like no…not a chance. But it’s not personal. Still, holding every Ace is powerful energy, you can go ahead and quietly celebrate your wins while also maintaining a level head and doing what’s best for you (or them). I’m not sure if sex is actually on the table, that may be disappointing. Could be, someone is obsessing over it, and has been. On the other hand, if it’s pressured then it’s coming off as a red flag 🚩 This could be like a friends with benefits thing and there’s finally a chance to shoot your shot, or switch it. Do you have a reservation for a person? 😆 There’s no rush, maybe inform them of that too. Otherwise, all your goals are a go 👍
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Cancer, Aries, Virgo & Leo
Oracle: ✨
Goal 📈
Purpose - Expectation - Destination
Reservation 🚘
Desire - Worth - Extravagance
Walrus 🦭
“Remain vigilant about the current situation; pay attention to signs and omens, and let them dictate your choices.”
Signs and omens show up in myriad ways, from the wind’s rustle of the trees that make it seem as if they’re whispering to you at a barely audible level, to the rainbow that appears just before an event in which you’re participating. When you’re pondering any kind of question about your life purpose, relationships, career, or even everyday concerns such as whether to actually take the vacation that you’d been planning, you can ask Spirit to give you clear and specific signs. Then watch, listen, feel, and allow thoughts to flow. While you may not always get absolutely clear responses, more often than not you’ll pick up on signs or flies through your eyes, ears, sensations in your body, or thoughts that seem to come out of the blue. You may even have remarkably lucid dreams that you can easily recall in the morning.
Look for the unusual and repetitious. For example, if you hear someone at the supermarket talking about Phoenix (auditory); spot a billboard advertisement with the word Phoenix prominently displayed (visual); and then recall a period of time when you lived in that city, feeling a calmness and joy (sensations) when you bring up that memory (cognitive), these are all clues. It could be about the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Or it could be a subtle way that the spirit guide is offering you their help when you’re ending one cycle completely and beginning another, like the metaphor of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Omens are perceived in the four ways mentioned. Journal about anything you find significant, and look for repetition. When you see an animal showing up repeatedly, Spirit is with you. Trust the signs and your discernment of them, they’re a personal and significant way Spirit helps guide you along your path. Your Spirit knows how to get *your* attention 🙏
We enter into May as:
Shrinking Violet 😥
“I don’t trust my intuition.”
Are you retreating from a situation that could bring you success? We all abandon projects that seemingly lack merit. However, Shrinking Violet indicates you may not be trusting your intuition, which is mostly likely on target. Choose three people to ask advice from, then take their advice, throw it out the window and go with your gut. There is every indication you should complete the task at hand. Block yourself off from thoughts of what will happen at the completion stage. Stay the process, don’t worry about the ending, or results, don’t be frightened. Just continue on.
What is to be learned in May:
Sun Sparkler 🎇:
“Integrity is what turns on the light.”
Sun Sparkler reminds us that it is through kindness to others and being of service that we are abundant. Are you living your life as fully as you can? Are you being honest and kind to others? Do you hold the door open for people on the elevator, or let it close? Do you let people merge over in traffic, or pretend not to see them? When we put a blinder on one area of life, it creates the same blind spot in every area. You can’t shut out pain without shutting out pleasure too. Sun Sparkler reminds you of the miracle of honesty, it leads to integrity. You may have done work for another but do not expect a reward, revel in alignment with Spirit, self-esteem is the gift. You’ve been elevated to a new level spiritually, continue to serve others and life will prosper beyond your wildest dreams.
Yellow may be a lucky color 💛
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booklove22 · 1 year
Just another theory to add to all the theories
Nashua was the first HSB sin eater – but we know from 4x09 that there were many failed attempts to create a sin eater out of the kidnapped Native American children before they were ultimately successful with Nashua.
Which means…while all the subsequent sin-eaters were reincarnated while still in-utero, Nashua was already a child (age unknown) when they successfully turned him into a sin eater.
So…what if Nashua grew up and fell in love with Ghost Girl in their time and they used (or were even the originators of) the lover’s vigil, wanting to tie their souls together through all of time? Maybe they could tell with each new eaten sin, that Nashua was getting weaker and weaker and that he wouldn’t be able to sustain much more and they were so in love and wanted to tie themselves together throughout time.
The problem is – they didn’t realize that Nashua actually had two souls – his own, that he was born with, and the sin eater soul – that was tied to him later. When he died, his souls were separated, his “real” soul going on to other people and eventually reincarnated into Ace, while his sin-eater soul reincarnated into the other 7 corpses, and eventually into Tristan.
Ghost Girl’s ONE soul was basically tied to both of Nashua’s. And as she was reincarnated through time, she was never able to be reunited with her true love, because this other soul was tied to hers as well. And if Ghost Girl has reincarnated into Nancy, then here we are again, in the same situation.
But since I’m not willing to give up on the human plugonia doll theory – how about this as an add-on to the above?
When Nashua was created, his “real” soul took on the leftover good energy to counterbalance the “bad” energy used to create the sin eater. So Ace is now the good energy plugonia doll to Tristan’s bad energy plugonia doll – because it CANNOT be a coincidence that they were born the same year (India died in 1998 – so we know Tristan was born then) and Ace mentioned being a senior when Nancy was a sophomore, and we know Nancy was born in 2000, meaning Ace was born in 1998 too.
Other things that may or may not be relevant?
Tristan’s dark features to Ace’s light (how many of us thought certain trailers scenes were definitely Ace until we realized later they were Tristan). Is the dark/light play intentional?
Tristan’s sin eater form started coming out when he was 6 – is this the age Nashua was when the founders successfully turned him into the sin eater? ALSO happening at age 6?? Ace’s dad’s car accident (probably just a coincidence but here I am remembering this so may as well throw it in).
Tristan naming his boat The Jolene and Ace reluctantly admitting it’s a good name even though Tristan was openly flirting with Nancy. Just for comedic effect? Or another small thread meant to connect their characters?
Tristan landing on top of Ace when they pulled them out of the 1970’s ghost web. This was weird, yes? Their positioning was very yin/yang though and maybe intentional?
The leaves blowing through Icarus Hall after Ace left after seeing them dancing. Just a reminder to Nancy that yes, someone was there and saw here? Or some outside force recognizing when these two halves (Ace and Tristan) are in close proximity?
Anyway, all of this feels so MASSIVE AND EPIC compared to Temperance’s stupid little moth curse now. If any of this is true, its like, who cares about mothy? How are we going to reconcile these soulmate issues?
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huskynotwolf · 8 months
Howling Stars Au
Howling Stars is a fanfic of a mix with Crane Wives (the band) and Life Series, with Scott and Pearl as the lead singer and Impulse and Gem as the instrument department. Here are some clarifications of everyone’s personalities.
Scott Smajor
Basically he’s Last Life Scott and has ties with Pearl. He enjoys singing and wears his Third Life skin most of the time.
Pearl is Double Life/Limited Life Pearl. Her emotions are bent on the path of destruction (she sent so many people to the infirmary) and she’s extremely unstable. She also likes playing the guitar and annoying Scott by breaking them.
Gem is her Secret Life self. She plays more like a guitarist/other role in the group. She owns multiple instruments in her room, including a violin (for Icarus) and a cabasa for multiple occasions (I’ve been calling it the shooka shooka thing when I didn’t know the name at first)
Impulse has leftover feelings with Team TIES, therefor he’s Limited Life Impulse. He specialises in the drums and that’s basically his whole job.
Grian stays in his Third Life self. He likes joking with Scar and making him confused.
3L!Scar (GoodTimesWithScar)
As expected, he often runs around naked. On some special occasions he would at least wear a cape but he usually refuses.
LimL/3L!Martyn (InTheLittleWood)
He’s obsessed with Ren and as in the love kind (Joel has repeatedly caught the pair lip-locking in the males’ toilet). He also likes to set up traps as a prank and likes drama.
3L!Ren (RenTheDog)
As to Martyn, he’s also kinda in love with him. He also wears a stupid bedsheet as a cape and would run around in a cardboard crown screaming “Red Winter Is Coming!!!” and scare the hell outta people.
SL!Joel (Smallishbeans)
As the gossip queen and the bad boy with the most chill, he would wander around the base and he enjoys spreading rumours. He has a secret crush on Etho but never tells him. He’s also convinced that violence is the solution to everything. Literally.
Etho (Ethoslab)
Etho and Bdubs have a close relationship with each other, and also knows that he is constantly being shipped with Joel. He still acts as the “Absent Father”.
LimL!Cleo (ZombieCleo)
She treats Scar and Bdubs like her sons and has some beef with Etho most of the time.
LimL!Bdubs (BDouble0010)
Bdubs is like the chaos sibling but with hyper energy. He is friends with Tango and Skizz (or Team TIES) and is often made fun of him height (being 6’5)
DL/LL!Tango (TangoTek)
Being Tango, he likes redstone and often tampers with the base’s redstone system. He has a crush on Jimmy (Ranchers) and is half blaze.
DL!Jimmy (SolidarityGaming)
Jimmy has a crush on Tango and sticks to him most of the time. He even attends TIES meetings with him.
LL/LimL!Skizz (Skizzleman)
Skizz is also part of TIES and is usually carefree and happy most of the time, but gets angry really easy.
SL!BigB (No. I will not type his username.)
He would take every possible opportunity to gaslight people. For fun.
Lizzie (LDShadowLady)
Lizzie usually wanders around with Joel but will sometimes stay in the base garden for hours. She also knows about the SmallEtho ship and slightly dislikes Etho for that cause.
Mumbo (MumboJumbo)
Mumbo’s main role is the engineer, and he also likes playing with redstone. He also has a mini Grumbot toy.
Watchers and Listeners (OCs):
Ruby is a Watcher who likes music and arts. She also has a short temper and is usually likely to lose it on Winter.
Winter is a Listener. He enjoys drama and is the only one in the latter who actually talks sense.
Shi (putonghua pinyin for “vision” 視) is a talkative and snappy Watcher. He is also violent and tough, often starting fights.
Marilyn is a Listener. She is the gossip queen among the four and is usually the one to spread rumours. She also likes music.
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patchy-patchy · 1 year
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Niko the Cat Drone~🐾
Some Facts -
Hiding out in alleyways, Niko is one stray cat who knows how to get their point across to anyone who screws with them. Sassy and pretty snappy, Niko is short tempered and won't hesitate to leap and claw at their foes.
They have more cat behavior rather than worker drone which includes cleaning themselves with their tongue, stalking smaller robots like robotic roaches, twitching their tail when angered and eating leftovers from the trash that the worker drones throw away.
Their claws are made from sharp metal which can leave marks in other metals with ease and even tear into them if enough pressure and force is provided in a swipe.
Niko has more agility than the average worker drone, able to dash and make swift turns while running on all fours. They can even squeeze themselves through tight spaces to make quick escapes when needed.
They have plug-like tail which they can use to drain electricity from most sources and use that energy to boost their agility.
They prefer to be alone and can become very territorial, attacking any worker drone unfortunate enough to anger them and even fearless enough to hiss and threaten disassembly drones before making quick escape.
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jabbage · 2 years
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fferal-archive · 2 years
@fiddlingonthetympanic sent an ask (in September) (I am very grateful) (I wish I had the ingenuity and energy to match this):
Eventually, Krakoa spat out seasonally temperate zones; the island grew as the mainland shrank beneath the rising tide of seawater. 
They’re too tired to party all night–Krakoa’s seasonally temperate zones developing really sucks the energy out of everyone–no matter how wonderfully batshit the Thoroughfare of Masks was throughout the month, or how much of a distraction Bob-Cat needs with all his kids grubbing for candy with their other parents. The last straggling trick-or-treaters were skulking their way through the trees, many of them darting out to snatch bits of candy from colorful platters before older members of the Wild Hunt could leap out and catch them with a swipe of the claws. (That was all part of the game.) 
Woolf’s fending off Bob-Cat and Daken in the gnarled ‘doorway’ of the pod, but in that annoyed, half-hearted manner that really means ‘you’re both still getting laid.’ 
“Go–off, you two idiots!” She writhes between them, batting Bob’s clawed fingers away from the white fabric of her dress with a huff of exasperation and a gentle shove to Daken’s side. (The latter is sniffing at her. Right time of the month.) Another authoritative push sends Bob-Cat into the pod after him. “Start without me. Put the tape on or something.”
“Thanks for pulling me out of my dad-funk, you guys.” He pauses, reconsidering his  language before giving an apologetic grunt, slinging one hairy arm around Daken’s neck as the other gnaws at him like a chew toy. “‘You two’.” He gives a little sigh, a chuckle, and a laissez-faire shrug, allowing himself to be pulled deeper into the pod. “My bad. We’re never too old to check ourselves, are we?”
“Hey. Bob-cat. Blow me.” Daken’s voice faded into the background, as did the telltale swish of the Krakoan biomattress beneath their weight. 
Woolf lingers  in the doorway, breathing deep the crisp, sugary air and smoke. Ghoulish candlelight flickers from behind the carved faces of fruits, vegetables, and G-d knew what else. The laughter of children rises and falls within the shadow of the trees. ‘A good night,' she decides, reaching to brush her fingers over the warped turnip jack-o’-lanterns she’d hung outside earlier.
When she glances down, the child is there at her feet, smelling of overripe pumpkin and moldering leaves. Her eyes widen beneath the white, wide brim of her hat, a seasonally appropriate breeze rustles the hem of her dress.
Kid’s carrying a giant orange sucker, and it’ll be a miracle if they don’t choke on it before the night’s done.
Her brows draw together in an apologetic frown. “I don’t know if I have any candy left, honeybee.” 
Black button eyes gaze up at her from a burlap sack–face. They’re so–expectant that she tips back the brim of her hat and sighs. ‘How things are done,’ she realizes, then sighs. ‘Gifts for the children.’ 
“Let me get something from inside. D’you like spicy n–” A pumpkin sails past them, exploding against the trunk of a nearby tree with a wet, hollow thunk; Woolf makes a garbled sound of shock and frustration as one Raw Dog–newly reborn as a teenager, as all mutants are eventually-stops his shenanigans,  raising one hand in a not-so-apologetic wave.
“Sorry, ma’am!” A pause stretches between the three as Dog Howlett shifts. “You smell–uh– look nice tonight?”
Fire Knives raised him to be polite to women at least. She glowers at him, then darts back into the pod, briefly hissing at the men inside to ‘keep it down, there’s a kid!’ before returning with a little bag of spiced nuts from a leftover party bag, dropping it into Sack-Child’s treat basket. “Here,” she murmurs, reaching out as if to pat them on their burlap head before pulling her hand back. “Sorry. You caught me a bit late.” 
The child scurries away without a word, and she feels a weight leave her shoulders as she foils her arms over her chest and narrows her eyes at the teenager vandalizing his way past.“You should have some respect for tradition, Dog,” she calls disapprovingly “The roots of this sort of thing run deep!”
Then, she leaves him to mull the importance of the old ways in favor of watching an old mummy-themed porno while eating Hunt-jerky off of washboard abs. 
“When I told you to get started, you really ran with it…”her voice fades away, and “Raw Dog” Howlett and the strange, solemn trick-or-treater are left relatively alone, one with an oversized sucker and candy bucket, the other with his general douchebaggery and disrespect for the holiday season.
A bare foot punts a jack-o’-melon like a soccer ball.“Go to bed, yo,” is all Raw Dog–whose birth name is Wild Dog–tells him, sniffing loudly and rubbing a hand over his runny nose as the sad remains of fruit rind and candle wax drips down the side of a stone ledge.“The grown-ups have things to do.”
Black button eyes glint.
Woolf wakes up in a pile of man-flesh in the middle of the night, her nostrils flaring at the scent of drying blood. She grunts, spitting out a mouthful of Bob’s hair even as she runs a hand along a sleek, bare thigh. (Daken’s, judging by the thick pelt of manfur.)  Blood. Too close. 
Don’t like that.
“S’mone g’see what that is,” she mumbles, less concerned about the vaguely familiar smell than its proximity to her ‘autumn-summer home.’ “Bob. Up.” At his rrroooorrwl of protest, she nudges the thigh-haver. “You. Fang. Up. No kids vandalizing my porch tonight.” 
Daken eventually does drag himself outside, muttering and bitching about family. The blood smells of Raw Dogging, you see.
So does the severed head hanging strung alongside  the turnip jack-o’-lanterns, its eyes glassy and staring, lips split wide by the bright orange sucker jammed into its mouth.
“Tell your nephew to clean up his mess!”
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heroofshield · 2 years
Comfortember 2022, Days 1-3, Hugs, Stressed, and Warm Food (Clint/Laura & BossGat)
Days 1 & 2: Hugs and Stressed (Clint/Laura)
Clint Barton bounced his leg up and down repeatedly, wishing the rental car agent would hurry it up with the paperwork. He was on his way back to Iowa, to see Laura and the kids, and it seemed like the universe didn’t want him to get there. First there had been a lockdown of the Triskelion when he was on his way out, something about a security breach, and he’d had to wait while security dealt with the issue. Missing his flight, he’d had to ask Deputy Director Maria Hill if she could get him on another one. That had come with a veiled ‘you owe me’ and as Clint sped towards the airport he didn’t want to think of what a favor from Maria might entail.
Barely making his new flight, the two connections and bumpy rides hadn’t made the trip easy. Now he was trying to keep his temper in check because it looked like the rental car agency had lost his reservation. “It’s not the agent’s fault. I’m sure the later flight didn’t help.” Clint told himself as the computer keys kept clicking away.
“Ah, here we are.” the agent said at last, looking up at Clint with a customer service smile. “We’ll pull your car up in a few minutes.” 
“Thank you.” Clint all but collapsed on the counter as the agent turned around to get the car keys. Slowly letting out a sigh, he picked up his back and walked outside. 
Getting into the car once it pulled up, Clint pulled out of the parking lot, merging into the highway…and into near gridlock traffic. Turning on the radio he heard, “-accidents in both lanes have caused traffic to back up to nearly five miles.” 
Letting out a groan, Clint rested his forehead against the steering wheel. “I’m never going to get home.” he muttered to himself.
It was late when he finally turned onto the access road that led to the farm and Clint was bone weary. Shutting off the engine, he grabbed his bag and walked up the gravel driveway, letting the frustrations of the day fall from his shoulders.
Clint knew from the time and the lights that Lila was asleep, but since there were a few lights still on he hoped that Laura was still awake. He’d texted that he was going to be later than expected but didn’t expect her to wait up for him. Quietly catching the screen door as he walked in, he set down his bag and lightened his footsteps over the old floorboards. 
“Hey stranger.” Laura smiled, looking up from the book she was reading on the couch. “Nice to see you finally made it.” 
“Somehow.” Clint rubbed the back of his neck with a hand and sat on the arm of the couch. “It’s been a day.” 
Laura let a half-smile appear as she placed a bookmark in her spot so she didn’t lose her place. “But you’re here now, so that’s all that matters.” she leaned towards Clint and breathed in his aftershave, the sharp pine smell that made her think of the woods of her childhood, as she gave him a kiss. “Need anything to eat? There are still leftovers in the fridge.” 
Clint shook his head, “I grabbed a burger on the way here, but thanks.”
“Anything I can do? You seem tense.” 
“Just a hug, traffic didn’t lighten up until way away from Des Moines.” 
“You know I’m always good for a hug.” Laura crossed the short distance between them, wrapping her arms around Clint’s sturdy torso.
Closing his eyes, he leaned into the hug, feeling the stress from the drive and the rest of his trip slowly melt away. “I missed you.” Clint said softly, wrapping his own arms around Laura as they continued the embrace.
“So did I.”
Day 3: Warm Food (BossGat)
Ros Shepard climbed the last step and rubbed the back of her neck as she walked towards the door of Shaundi’s apartment. It had been a long day at Technically Legal and she was starving but at the same time couldn’t muster enough energy to make something to eat. 
“And I already pulled out turkey slices from the package once this week.” she thought to herself while pulling out the apartment key and unlocking the door. “Pathetic does have its limits.”
Walking into the small place, she expected silence to greet her- everyone else was out trying to hustle for their nightly haul, but the smell of something wonderful greeted her. Inhaling deeply, Ros paused just inside while wondering what it was. Following the smell into the kitchen, she saw something she never thought she’d see, Johnny Gat standing next to the stove stirring something.
“What’s going on?” Ros asked from the doorway of the kitchen, still wondering if what she was seeing was real. “Who are you and what happened to Gat?”
“Funny Boss.” Johnny smiled while still concentrating on stirring whatever was in the pot. “Figured you could use something nice and hot after working all day.” Nodding to the table, he deftly switched off the knob to turn off the burner before cracking open the oven door a bit to check on the rest of what he was making. “‘Sides, gotta keep my cooking skills sharp or they’ll go rusty.”
“Knock me over with a feather, Johnny Gat knows how to cook.” Ros shot back with a smile as she walked over towards the table and sat where he’d indicated. “Mind telling me what you made or is that a secret.”
“It’s nothing fancy, just something my moms used to make.” Johnny replied, opening the oven door all the way to pull out what Ros saw to be some kind of roasted meat.
“Damn Gat, that looks edible.” Ros teased as he set it on the empty burners and then carefully grabbed the pot and dumped it into the sink. A cloud of steam rose up and the smell of cooked noodles wafted towards her. Taking off her heels, she flexed her feet to wake them up after being on them for so long, and watched as Gat went for two bowls and filled them with noodles, veggies, and some kind of sauce.
“Here we go; Teriyaki chicken noodle bowl.” Johnny said with a smile as he set one bowl in front of Ros and the other in the space across from her. Sitting down in the empty chair, he then opened the bottle of white wine that he’d had chilling in the fridge while Ros had been gone.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say this was a date.” Ros smiled as he poured the wine.
“And if it was?” Gat asked, tipping his face so he was looking over the rim of his trademark sunglasses. He’d be the first to admit that dating in their line of work wasn’t easy, too much could go wrong and he didn’t want to get hurt again. 
Losing Aisha had nearly destroyed him but it had been Ros, Shaundi, and Pierce that had pulled him through the worst. Then somewhere along the line Ros had become his best friend and someone he could just blink and hours had flown by. Now that they were in Steelport, trying to take down the Syndicate, he wouldn’t want anyone else by his side.
Ros finished her swallow of wine and set the glass down carefully, trying not to show how much the comment had surprised her. Her and Gat had always gotten along, they clicked when fighting and knew that the other had their back when the bullets were flying. “And I won’t deny I’ve had my share of sex dreams where Gat just fucking railes me.” she thought, feeling her face flush involuntary at the thought.
Taking a breath she continued cautiously, “If I say yes, would I be replacing Eesh?” 
“Not replacing, just moving on.” 
“Then that’s something I feel good about. Now let me eat for fucks sake, I haven’t had anything other than a power bar all fucking day.” Ros said with a wink, picking up her fork and digging in. Letting out a moan after swallowing, she continued, “This is just what I needed Gat after a long day at work.”
“Glad to hear it Boss.” Gat replied in his usual even tone, while inwardly glad that his mother’s comfort meal hadn’t lost its touch.
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jodilin65 · 8 months
Tom’s giving plasma now. Hopefully anyway. They won’t take him if they see leftover bruising from the last draw, and he’s been having trouble getting his arms to clear completely. He’s been gone a while now, so I’m guessing they took him.
I’m trying to make a point of getting 10 minutes of sunlight every day that I’m available during daylight hours. I didn’t get up until 8 this morning, so by the time I was fully awake nearly two hours later, I went out and it was beautiful. The sun still hurts my eyes at times and I guess it’s because I spend so much time indoors. That’s part of why I’m making a point of getting out there when I can. I’m definitely going to add two vitamin Ds a week rather than three because I can tell my TSH is rising. My energy levels are still better, but I definitely want to keep out of those double digits.
Spectrum was next door again yesterday and Ray still hasn’t gone back to blasting the TV. Who knows if that’ll change when I’m staying up in the evening when sound travels better and he’s more likely to open a window? Maybe he was busy doing something else in another room at that time but still wanted to hear whatever was playing so he cranked it up. We have the same house model and his TV is in the same place ours is which means the only way you can see it is if you’re actually in the living room. Hopefully, it won’t override the MLV or be noticeable in other rooms to the point where I need to talk to him. You just never know how people may react, but I do know my temper. I still shouldn’t have to listen to anyone else’s TV, music, or anything in my home just like they shouldn’t have to hear any of my shit in theirs.
Still sorting drawers and cabinets in the kitchen and closet and making progress. The negative to a small place is that while it may be good for the electric bill, it’s not good for finding things because you have to have so much stuff packed in tightly. In a bigger house, there’s room to spread it out, although I still forget where things are a lot because my short-term memory is going to hell. Nonetheless, I’m doing my best to organize things.
I have all things painting gathered in a large, clear plastic bin but there are other hobby-related items to organize as well, like diamond painting and drawing. I now have the latch-hook rug and cross-stitching stuff as well, though I don’t see myself taking the cross-stitching too seriously. As for the latch-hooking, I don’t know yet.
I’ve been toying with the idea of dedicating a Facebook profile that wouldn’t be in my real name to journals and other things. I already have an account that I’m slowly adding old journals to and the reason the idea kind of appeals to me is that while I wouldn’t be able to see my visitors there, I could easily share pictures and even my tweets there. On the other blogging sites, this is a real pain in the ass and I have space limits on me as well. I wouldn’t give up the blogging sites, though. I’d just share the link to it. I decided it’s okay to share links that don’t involve my main Facebook account. I’m very picky about who I add on my main account. I prefer to keep that for people I’ve actually met or cyber friends that go way back in time. I mean pre-Citrus Heights time.
I still long for a friend like Aly but I realized this is never gonna happen. There will never be another Aly again. It still would have been nice if there could have been someone with similar traits. Tinkerbella isn’t Tinkerbell, but she’s similar. She’s smart, playful, loving, and affectionate.
Understandably, we all want some attraction to those we’re intimate with but whenever it comes to friends, I’ve never given a shit what they look like. I would value a 300-pound blimp full of acne who was honest, real, intelligent, and accepting over a gorgeous person who lied and was judgmental. Honesty and intelligence are what I value most on top of acceptance. They don’t have to be a rocket scientist because no one knows it all. It’s just that smarter people tend to be more reasonable.
Only stupid people like Andy would think I could possibly have some reason to lie about my sleep disorder, for example. What compounded his stupidity was that he should have known better after knowing me all my life. It wasn’t just me, though. He thinks everybody is lying about everything. But smarter people are usually smart enough to be able to tell these kinds of things and also able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, even if they’ve never been in those shoes themselves. They just seem to be better at being able to rationalize and understand things even if they’ve never experienced them. So Aly was smart enough to realize A, there couldn’t be any good reason why someone would make up something so bizarre to begin with, and B, no one would want to live with such a thing. It didn’t take her God knows how much time to finally “hit her like a bell in the night” that no one wants to get up at 3 in the morning.
Actually, it’s getting up around 6 in the evening I hate most because while I may get more peace that way, by the time the sun is up and stores are open, I’m getting tired.
I like smart people. They’re observant, they catch on quicker, they tend to retain what they learn, and are just more open and accepting in general. I would love to have a special friend like that where we share what’s going on in each other’s lives nearly every day and have some interests in common, especially writing. But I just don’t see it being meant to be. I wasn’t kidding when I said that Aly losing her life wasn’t just a punishment for her, but for those who cared about her as well. There’s been an empty void in my life but you can’t make people be what they aren’t or hunt for a specific person and expect them to want a relationship or friendship and like the same things you do in the way you can hunt for a specific item of clothing. There’s just no ordering up a second Aly-like friend. I’ve found that most things that happen aren’t planned. If she’s out there (a he would be fine, although I still prefer a she) I haven’t met her yet and if I have I don’t know it.
I made a promise to myself that if I ever meet this special friend, as long as she’s honest, not overly emotional/dramatic, doesn’t use me as Mary did, and isn’t hurting anyone, I’ll never judge her and will be a good listener when she wants while also giving her space when she wants. If she wants me to keep her out of my journal, I will do that as well. People seem to be all over the place as far as that’s concerned. Some don’t care if you write that they’re crazy mass murderers, others only want you to write good things, and some don’t want you to even mention the most mundane of things.
Unfortunately, Aly was a little less open with her life than I was but one of the things I really liked - for reasons I can’t understand – was that she really came to know me well through our talks and my journals, and she really got me too. I really liked her curiosity and how she cared enough to pay attention and learn things about both my past and present.
It really does seem like so much of life is unplanned. I never planned Tom, but even though I have been attracted to more women than men, his award-winning personality drew me in like a drug. Not that he was ever ugly or just there in the looks department. He’s always had nice eyes. The face is what I notice most. I’d rather a nice face on a less-than-perfect body than a perfect body with a boring or ugly face.
Here we go again with the barking. What happened to being able to go weeks at a time without hearing the fucking thing? It’s been a daily occurrence again. Still better to have a few bursts of that that only last a minute or less than TVs that go on for hours, but still. I guess I’m just a real peace junkie.
A dog I’ve never heard before was making this horrible squeaking sound the other day and the honker’s mutt was howling. I feel bad for the poor thing because he’s been out more and more and therefore it’s got to be lonely. Before, when he went out with his girlfriend, the other dog was still with it. So the thing is spending an awful lot of time alone.
In real life, Nane never had kids. She got pregnant at 39, lost the baby, and didn’t want to try again. But in the dream I had last night, I was thinking that her son was 8 years old when we last talked and would now be 12.
Then I had a nightmare that woke me up for a few minutes. A guy kidnapped me and was trying to pin me down on his bed. I was able to punch him hard enough in the head to knock him out. Then I wasted precious time trying to decide if I should carry on with the attack to ensure I got away or if I should just run.
I made the wrong decision and chose to run. I sprung up off of the bed, out of the bedroom, and down a flight of stairs, hoping to hell the door was unlocked at the bottom because he was already up and chasing me. I was able to get out the door and into the dark of night. I seemed to have run from a building that had a row of apartments in a secluded foresty area. The nightmare ended with me screaming and pounding on doors, hoping someone would be up and able to help me as the maniac closed in on me.
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hermmachinery · 11 months
6 Types of Raw Materials Commonly Used in the Production of Feed and The Role of the Conditioner
The main raw materials of feed are mainly divided into the following types:
1. Feed ingredients that contain a lot of starch These feeds are mainly composed of grains, seeds, and roots or tubers containing a large amount of starch. For example, all kinds of grains, potatoes, wheat, barley, beans, etc. These feeds mainly provide energy through polysaccharides and contain little protein. They are suitable for ruminants, poultry, and pigs, but feeds containing too much starch are not suitable for horses. After being processed by a pellet feed-making machine, their starch is converted into nutrients and absorbed by animals.
2. Oily-containing feed ingredients These feeds are composed of oily seeds (rape, soybean, sunflower, peanut, cottonseed), etc. The energy of these feeds mainly comes from lipids, so their energy density is higher than that of feeds containing starch. The protein content of these feeds is also relatively low. Because these oils also have industrial uses, the popularity of such feed is not high.
The residue left after industrial oil pressing still contains quite a high oil content. Such residue can also be used as feed, especially for ruminants, and is also widely used. For example, adding rapeseed oil residue to the chicken feed machine to make chicken feed can improve the egg-laying rate.
3. Sugary-containing feed ingredients These feeds are mainly straw feed or pellet feed based on "sweet sorghum straw". The sugar content of sweet sorghum straw is 18% - 23%, and the animal palatability is very good.
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4. Protein-containing feed materials These feeds are mainly plant protein feeds based on the protein mulberry. The plant protein of protein mulberry reaches 28% - 36% and is rich in 18 kinds of amino acids. It is the best raw material to replace plant protein.
5. Green feed ingredients In these feeds, the whole plant is fed, such as grass, corn, grain, etc. These feeds contain a lot of carbohydrates, and the nutrition is very miscellaneous. For example, grass mainly contains carbohydrates, 15% to 25% protein, while corn contains more starch (about 20% to 40%) and less than 10% protein. The green feed can be fed fresh or stored after drying. They are more suitable for ruminants, horses, and waterfowl. You don't usually feed pigs. The green feed preserved after fermentation is called silage.
6. Other feed ingredients In addition to the above-mentioned feeds, there are many other kinds of feeds, which can be directly from nature (such as the fish meal) or industrial replicas (such as rice bran, distiller grains, leftovers, etc.). Different livestock use different feeds, but these feeds are especially suitable for ruminants. Function of conditioner
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4. The conditioning equipment can improve the granulation of materials, increase the output, save the energy consumption of granulation, and improve the service life of the die and roller of the granulator. Through quenching and tempering, the material can be softened and more plastic. In the extrusion process with the die hole wall, the die inner wall, and the surface of the pressure roller, the friction is reduced, which avoids the transformation of a large amount of mechanical energy into heat energy in the granulation process, and slows down the wear of the die and the pressure roller.
Henan Herm Machinery Co., Ltd was established in 2010 and has been devoted to the research and development of Feed Mill Machinery ever since. With more than 10 years of experience, Herm® has become a leading manufacturer and supplier of animal feed machines and complete animal feed production lines, cattle feed plants, poultry feed plants, animal feed pellet production lines, etc. It always endeavored to improve the quality of products and aims to meet the new requirements of the international market. 
If You Are Ready to Start a Feed Pellet Plant Business, please contact us for the feed mill machine. We Can Provide Professional Design and Comprehensive Guidance According to Your Needs. Get in touch with us now!   Welcome Contact Us! Henan Herm Machinery Co., Ltd Email: [email protected] Phone/Whatsapp: 86-18037508651
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