#the link in the caption goes to the other images
wigglebox · 2 years
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Wings of Love [x]
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fairuzfan · 5 months
Update: North Gaza Aid!
As part of his promise, Hussam sent 20% of your HelpGazaChildren donations ($4000) to Mahmoud AbuSalama for the 5th time now, including the earlier North Gaza Campaign (as location on our notion site) to buy food and necessary products for families still surviving the dire situation in North Gaza. The food package contains, as you see in the picture below: flour, lentils, canned food, formula, diapers, and women pads!
Please continue donating and spreading the word — every penny means so much! Feel free to share our campaign link to other platforms as well!
Donate to our GoFundMe which goes directly to Hussam, who manages camps in Rafah, with NO middleman in between!
HelpGazaChildren Notion Site || #helpgazachildren tag
GoFundMe Link
[Quick ID: The video is of Mahmoud speaking in front of bags of flour and a tumblr sign. There are captions to the video in english. The image below is of groups of packages of items in front of a tumblr sign.]
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rebirthgarments · 6 months
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Mohammed Hammad increased his goal for evacuation to $25k so that he can bring his 6 younger siblings with him!
I was informed by my comrade Brenda that the first goal was originally $10k to evacuate Mohammed Hammad and his mother because since he is under 18, he can only evacuate with a parent or legal guardian. But in this case, his 6 younger siblings would have to be left behind on their own, so @fedup4palestine raised the goal to $25k so that Mohammed’s whole immediate family can all evacuate together. Since you all have been so amazing and we have raised $9k in just 24 hours, I think we can do it!
[Image description: an amazing colored pencil drawing by my 12 year old student Mos @NicoCavalu made of Mohammed Hammad laying down with his leg propped up with the metal fixator on his knee. Hand drawn block text in red, black, white and green reads “Disabled 17yo Mohammed needs medical Evacuation immediately”. Red typed text in red reads “Goal increased to $25k so that his 6 younger siblings are not left behind alone in Rafah
There is a QR code that goes to the Give Butter Link.]
Caption continues:
I’ve had some questions from people asking about my vetting process and about @fedup4palestine and if @moh.2090727 is able to access the money for sure, so here are some short answers:
I or a trusted comrade have personally vetted all of the fuhnd-raizers that are under the heading labeled “Pal-eh-stienian Fundraisers Sky of Rebirth Garments is helping with” in my AllMyLinks. Half of them we vetted through video chat, and the other half were already friends of my friends from before the “escalation”. Mohammed Hammad’s campaign was already vetted through @fedup4palestine , and over the course of the last 36 hours I have messaged with him extensively. I talk to every one of the people that I have been working on helping every day (unless they lose access to the internet).
Pretty much all of the families I am working for are more than down to be connected with anyone and answer questions, so don’t be shy, if you are not supporting fuhn-raisers because you are not fully sure about them, just DM me and I can get you directly connected with a family so you can see how real they are!
Note: I am currently not able to add on any more fuhnd-raisers for me to personally work on (until more of them have been totally met)
@fedup4palestine is a very new nonprofit, they have been too swamped with making the fuhnd-raizer pages to finish and launch their website yet. They have their nonprofit status, and they use it to create the GiveButter campaign pages. I just went through the process with my other fuhnd-raizer with Seraj to make a GiveButter, and you have to be a nonprofit in order to make any campaigns there (I ended up using my fiscal sponsor Allied Media Projects’ GiveButter in order to make the auction for Seraj, which will go live in the next couple days!). GiveButter is now the recommended alternative to GFM, since GFM keeps shutting down Pal-eh-stinian fuhnd-raizers. This does not mean you shouldn’t give to GFM’s that you know are vetted, but it means that you should also work to help folks get GiveButter campaigns as well!
Mohammed Hammad has a bank account with Bank of Pal-eh-stein , and I have confirmed with both him and @fedup4palestine that he has access to withdraw the money from his fundraising money anytime he needs. He is currently waiting to withdraw until he now has the full amount for him + his siblings’ evacuation because he doees not want to leave them behind.
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babycharmander · 1 year
Okay so, this is not the kind of post I normally make, ever, nor a sort of post I ever wanted to make. But this is an incredibly important issue that goes beyond fandom stuff, and I've talked with a few other people about it to confirm that it is something concerning.
I want to start by saying that I am not Jewish, but I know that you should never let antisemitism get its foot in the door. (If anyone who reads this is Jewish and needs to correct me on anything, please do so immediately.)
This was posted to the tags yesterday:
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[ID: A screenshot of a post from @/liu4ka. The caption at the top reads "well he looks at me / and i look at him / and then he smiles" in very small, stylized text. The image below is artwork of Otto, facing right, with his eyes squinted and his mouth in a skewed, toothy grin, with his hands held up in a strange way. /end ID]
This picture looks perfectly fine at first glance... but the thing is, that caption you see there was not the original caption. I managed to get a screenshot of it before it was changed, and the original caption was this:
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[ID: A screenshot of the original caption of the above post, which reads "well he looks at me / and i look at him / and then he smiles like sly jew" /end ID]
That's... a weird way to describe a smile. I'd wondered if this was referencing something, and apparently the first two lines are lyrics from a Weird Al song, but the third line is definitely not. That was making alarm bells ring in my mind, along with the pose Otto was in (which I'll explain in a moment).
Still, I wanted to give this user the benefit of a doubt, because it's entirely possible to unknowingly say something that sounds Bad. So I looked at their other account on VK (which is a Russian website that is, as I understand it, similar to Facebook--they have the same name there and post some of the same art). It didn't take me long before I found... this (photo taken with the google translate app). (I hate sharing this, but I need to show proof here):
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[ID: A photo of a computer screen taken from the Google Translate app. It features a character facing right, with their eyes narrowed and with a toothy grin on their face and their hands clasped in a specific way in reference to the "happy merchant" Nazi meme. The caption reads "SCARY JEWISH MUSIC PLAYS." /end ID]
It's not in the screenshot here, but the post this was in also had a song linked with it whose title directly referenced the "happy merchant" meme.
If you're not familiar with that meme, please look it up, as I'm NOT comfortable putting that image on my blog. But it's an image people should be familiar with because it is VERY FREQUENTLY referenced by white supremacists and nazis, and that's what's being referenced here.
Obviously not every single piece of art with a character giving a sly look is going to be a reference to that meme, but CONTEXT is important. The Otto image isn't posed exactly like the meme--the hands are not the same--but alongside the original caption AND given the other art this same artist has drawn, I don't think there's any room for doubt here.
What also doesn't help the case is that there was misinformation going around that Otto was canonically Jewish, so I don't think any of this is coincidental.
I feel awful writing this stuff up. I never wanted to make a post like this, but this was a case where I felt like I should not remain quiet. Once again, this is something that goes beyond fandom. Antisemitism is not something you ever, EVER want let through the door, ANYWHERE. I do not want it in this community, and you shouldn't either.
If any member of the Jewish community wants to correct me on anything or add to this, please do so.
Thank you.
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skywheeldate · 6 months
Analyzing the Skywheel Dates
Unable to wait patiently for the Ultimania releasing next month, I wanted to provide my own analysis of the Skywheel dates between Cloud/Tifa and Cloud/Aerith.
By analyzing Cloud's behavior on these two dates, which are explicitly more romantic than the other four, I aim to understand why the dates played out the way they did and what was going through the character's heads during them.
Tifa Date:
What sticks out in most player's minds during the date is the kiss Cloud gives Tifa while riding the Skywheel, and it's easy to see why! It's the first time Cloud has kissed a woman on screen, after all. But I have seen fans state that this proves Cloud likes Tifa more, and while I hate to get myself involved in any shipping war, I feel there is a more interesting conclusion we can draw based on the timeline of events throughout both remake games.
First, I want to direct you to this caption from the Remake Ultimania:
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When Cloud gives Tifa the flower, he wants to "Show off a youthful image of what he himself wants to be like"...
I think this caption is very important to helping us understand why Cloud was able to be so bold as to kiss the girl he was always too shy to befriend as a child. And I think it's linked to his new "ex-soldier persona."
See, the ex-soldier persona Cloud crafted is modeled after a person he admired and wanted to be like: Zack. Although making this new personality for himself was an unhealthy response to his trauma, I think there are good things to it, as well. For one, it allowed him to take action again and thereby begin his first steps towards recovery. In addition, it gives him courage to do things he never could before, such as strutting his stuff on the dance floor:
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I don't think it's too far of a stretch to say that this extends to him giving the flower to Tifa.
So this, in my mind, explains how Cloud had the courage to kiss Tifa and why some fans might think it felt a little sudden or out of character--it's because it almost is, in a way. But let me reiterate, I don't think that's a bad thing. I think Zack's influence on Cloud is somewhat natural and, frankly, having the courage to do the things you want and have fun is never a bad thing. I truly believe Cloud is exemplifying being Zack's "living legacy" by becoming more confident and outgoing. It's a good thing!!
And let's not ignore Tifa in this scene. Before the kiss, Tifa brings up that she feels she and Cloud have become closer, but frets that she's rushing to conclusions again. She's giving Cloud a clear opening to prove his feelings for her--and frankly, after all this build up? Giving the flower, all the tiny touches they've shared? Cloud is more than ready to prove it to her, and he does. It's so easy, and he does it the best way he knows how: with a kiss. In that moment, the boy became the man he's always aspired to be.
Aerith Date:
Conversely, the Aerith date isn't quite as simple--at least to me. It's hard to understand what's going on in their heads, and I think they comparatively have more obstacles in the way of their romance.
The biggest obstacle is that Aerith has seen through Cloud's persona, and almost calls him out on it during the date. She tells him she's looking for the real him, and that she wants to meet him someday.
I believe this stops Cloud, subconsciously. While the persona he built around Zack gives him more confidence, it's still a persona. It's not who he really is. By giving into that persona at all, he is not giving Aerith what she wants. Being confident and bold with Tifa was important, because she needed proof he liked her, but here? What's important is being the "real" Cloud, whoever that is. It must have stumped him.
Aerith gives him an easy out though: she asks Cloud to let her snuggle up against him until the ride ends. And that much, at least, Cloud can manage. And he goes even further than that when he interlaces their fingers together. I think this is his way of showing that he'll be there for Aerith--not just till the ride ends, but after. He's showing her that he does, in fact, care about her, and that her selfish request isn't as selfish as she thinks it is.
I also want to bring up the lyrics from No Promises to Keep here since I think they're extremely relevant to the Clerith relationship and the hand-holding symbolism seen throughout the game:
Till the day that we meet again At our place, just let me believe In the chance that you'll come Take my hand and never let me go Take my hand And believe We can be Together evermore
The hand holding symbolizes their shared desire to be "together evermore" and the belief that they will be. The interlocked fingers display a powerful, mutual bond that cannot be so easily severed. I think this imagery is both simple and extremely beautiful.
In summary, although they are not at a point in their relationship where they're ready to kiss yet, I believe this scene is meant to show that there is still possibility for their relationship to grow and get to that point.
.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。• *₊°。 .❀
Thank you for reading till the end! I hope you enjoyed my thoughts. Feel free to use or reference this post if you found it resonated with your own interpretations of these scenes. And if you have your own interpretations to share, I would love to hear them!
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paperuniverse · 1 month
I keep seeing things about how fans outside of Japan absolutely shouldn’t post screenshots of the musical it’s copyright they’ll arrest you and never have another heta musical again have mercy! But that made absolutely no sense to me why posting a single screenshot and someone going “fruk are gay and in love” is as bad as downloading the entire musical and distributing it on a pirating site to hundreds.
So someone in a server I’m in did some research and looks like people are blowing it out of proportion!
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Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m dumb and misinterpreting this info, maybe the info in these links are wrong. But then, I gotta ask, why this musical? I don’t remember seeing anyone yelling about copyright back when the other musicals were live and fans were posting screenshots. I didn’t see any of this when screenshots of the seventh season was coming out.
I also don’t want actors, artists, and other creators losing money, but I think it’s pretty crazy that there are fans going after other fans for posting a single screenshot or two with captions or edited to be a meme.
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The Moonlight Chicken Sign Language Index (aka signs that are the same or similar between Thai Sign Language and American Sign Language)
I asked, literally one person answered, and I kind of already had this assembled because of a conversation with @respectthepetty but that's enough for me at this point so...I'm basically just gonna copy and paste what I already had from that one reply in to it's own post.
DISCLAIMER: I am a hearing person with a minuscule (self-taught) knowledge of ASL and no knowledge of MTSL. My intention in making this post is not to teach anyone ASL, that is not my job and I should not be doing it because I am not Deaf. I am simply identifying signs I recognize. ASL is a beautiful language that I do hope to one day be able to learn properly because it is, personally, a very important language to me. I invite any Deaf or CODA people who may be reading this post to give me any critiques, or if anyone with actual knowledge of ASL, not my self-taught knowledge, identifies any more signs from the MTSL in Moonlight Chicken to ASL I would be incredibly interested to see them!
I am making this index partially because I really enjoy seeing where and how MTSL and ASL are identical or at least similar. Sorry they are not in alphabetical order.
The first couple are from @respectthepetty who also did a write up in the original post of this about finger spelling MTSL versus ASL.
So without further ado and in whatever order I feel like...The Signs:
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Tell me why when I google TODAY sign asl gif I get signs for literally every holiday "st patricks day, labor day" but not DAY on it's own. It's essentially the same in ASL although in ASL instead of a flat palm moving down it's can also be the letter D in sign language
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Side note, this is the sign for HEARING in ASL but in Moonlight Chicken the same/similar sign seems to mean SAY:
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(i don't) UNDERSTAND
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UNDERSTAND is the first part of this gif where he sticks his finger up next to his ear, it's essentially the same in ASL.
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To say I DON'T UNDERSTAND in ASL you would use the same finger motion but also shake your head no.
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Double side note, sorry all of these ASL gifs are of white men, the Google Images market is absolutely overflowing with gifs of these two in particular.
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If memory serves, Heart does not slide his hand from his lip to his cheek, just taps his cheek.
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Clapping in MTSL:
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Clapping in ASL:
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And that is all I have so far. I linked it above, but please click through to the finger spelling write up that respectthepetty did because it also discusses Gloss and comments on Black Sign Language which is it's own sign language form in the US and is not ASL. I will update this post again if I find other signs that seem to correlate. There are a couple of more signs I discuss in the previous post about this, but I didn't include those in this index because they are far more speculative sign comparisons than these ones are and I don't want this index to have potentially incorrect information on it
Edit: Okay I know I literally just said above that I didn't want the index to have potentially incorrect information on it, and this bit of signing is not translated through caption or through Li Ming saying the words so I cannot be 100% certain that this is correct. However, I am posting this one because given the context of the scene (this is when Li Ming goes to Heart's house after his big fight with Uncle Jim and Heart sprays Li Ming with the hose) and how similar the sign is, I think it means the same thing. I will only put the word down for the ASL just in case I am wrong, I don't want to attribute the wrong word to the MTSL sign but...
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oswaldsleftbicep · 7 months
I just saw that you have 0 requests, so imma give you one:)
How do you think would the boys insta profiles look like? Like their posts oder their stories..
You can show it with pictures like you did at that other request.. if it is easier for you;) Greetings
the boys and their insta profiles!
the way i ran to pinterest as soon as i read this ask-
i decided to go with instagram since that's the social platform i use most, also i have officially decided that the brothers' last name is morningstar lol
all images found on pinterest!
genre: other
cw: mature themes in ricardo's, language
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❧ he's basically a social media influencer
❧ he posts about the places he travels to and the shenanigans he gets up to with his friends
❧ on his stories he'll post his friends' content, little updates, and any memes he finds funny
❧ he'll also boost any social movements/local efforts, uses his platform for good
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❧ wanted to make a dark academia aesthetic page but that was too much effort
❧ also thought about doing a book review page, but that was also too much work
❧ ended up getting a lot of attention from lucia's fans who comment on his posts thinking it'll get lucia's attention?? so levy has the word "lucia" banned from his comments lmao
❧ his stories are full of historical content, and he absolutely follows a "this day in history" type page
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❧ most people think his page is some sort of arg, cryptic mystery
❧ his followers have tried to reverse image search his post, thinking it's ai or from a video game, but it's completely original and taken by mefy
❧ where is this place? why did he take it? why does the caption only say "time is running out"? why is he verified??
❧ added to the mystery is the fact that the year on the post is years before instagram was launched mefy hacked the app to do that, he just likes fucking with people
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❧ had kurt help him set up his account lol
❧ all of his captions are complete sentences, it's very old man of him
❧ posts mainly about nature and his garden, and he'll show off anything that kurt makes him
❧ on his story he'll post inspirational quotes
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❧ only has this account to keep an eye on lucia and kurt
❧ he also follows levy, mefy, and oswald
❧ mefy doesn't follow him back
❧ doesn't intend to post anything ever, he just doesn't see the point
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❧ goes live a lot to do readings and horoscopes once a week
❧ keeps his regular posts to a minimum, but posts a lot on his story about space, nature, and astrology
❧ lowkey the only reason why he's got so many followers is because lucia beefs about him a lot on his page
❧ now there's a whole team lucia vs team mikael feud going on in their mini fandom
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❧ lemme hear you say thirst traps!!
❧ the only reason he's so famous is because he's hot and an asshole
❧ every now and then he'll post his gun and if it gets taken down within a week, he'll let a random follower choose his next tattoo
❧ he's technically also a social media influencer, but for all the wrong reasons
❧ the link in his bio leads to his other socials, paypal/venmo, and an only fans
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❧ ricardo lowkey talked him into getting an account so he can cyberbully him
❧ doesn't know what he's doing; looked up "profile pictures" and picked the first one he found amusing
❧ same thing with his singular post, and the caption is simply "this is funny"
❧ his followers are mikael, ricardo, oswald, and lucas, whom he follows all back as well as a cat meme page
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❧ another influencer who got famous for his pretty boy aesthetic and howl pendragon vibes
❧ none of his followers know his location, and they cannot for the life of them figure it out; it's similar to mefy's page where all his posts are completely original, but nobody knows where they were taken
❧ also uses his platform for good, and the link in his bio leads to a bunch of activism resources and articles
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❧ this is his main page, just a bunch of middle school shenanigans
❧ has a spam account that's really popular at his school; it's basically a school meme page with regular memes sprinkled in
❧ he also secretly runs his school's shoot your shot page
❧ complaints about his job on his story but always forgets that kaim follows him lmao
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More environmental virtue signaling from Gen today. She wants you to believe that 1.) magic fairies drop off these bags free of charge and evaporate your old sweaters into butterflies and 2.) that she actually gave away her designer jeans because she cares so much about saving the world.
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Of course there’s a cost involved in these start-ups, this only makes sense. So you PAY for them to send you a bag to put your things into and then the return shipping is already paid for so long as it stays below a certain weight. There are several options but at minimum, one bag costs $14.50. A subscription option for 6 bags per year for $94 also exists. And that gets you access to their Rewards program.
But you won’t hear Gen mention any of that in her little ad or caption. Which is intentional.
While donating to your local charity shop is indeed free, there’s nothing saying that all or part of your donation doesn’t still end up in the trash. Especially if it’s rags already. They don’t pledge to resell, reuse, or recycle everything whereas Retold says this:
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Clear as mud. Seriously, can someone translate that last sentence? Some of this sounds ok, but it also sounds like you’re paying them to use your textiles in their upcycling projects that they will continue to profit off of?
The Retold website also partners with several “sustainable” brands that you can purchase from their “Sustainable Store.” (Anyone else remember when Gen mentioned a storefront for the Towwn website?) And their rewards program goes something like this:
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If you send them one scrap of cloth, they pledge to send you $15 in rewards but it doesn’t go back in your pocket like it says above. No, you get $15 worth of credit to spend on a bunch of brands you’ve never heard of. Here’s the link. I’ll wait for you to come back…
In case you’re not seeing it yet, the whole thing is a great big circle jerk of consumerism. It’s that image of the snake eating itself. Ain’t nothing for free. Especially not Gen and Towwn.
Here’s my point: Sustainability is a challenge. And I understand and appreciate anyone who wants to try to reduce their carbon footprint. But please stop treating this woman as if she is actually doing anything but patting herself on the back for profit.
If this bag still sounds like something you’d be willing to engage with, then that’s cool too. It’s not the worst trade off if you have the money to spare and if the textiles really do stay out of the landfill. I’m just here to be a good steward and to help you be an informed consumer. Per her branding for Towwn, Gen wouldn’t have it any other way. And whether you buy a bag or not, rest assured her check has already cleared.
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icestudios · 2 months
The History Of Ice Studios:
Ice Studios is a company that appears to have been created by Renell Medrano as early as 2016. The earliest mentions of this company are by Renell herself in interviews with Vogue. Jess Moloney is not mentioned in either of the earlier interviews nor was she mentioned in anything more recent that can be found about Ice Studios. Renell seems to always take full credit for this studio.
Yet, somehow, Jess seems to be listed as the co-founder of this studio. The first instance of her having contact with Renell that can be found is in 2019, two years after the studio was founded and two years after what seems like her having any connection to Jess in any capacity. That is not to say that Jess did not help to found the studio, but if she had, why has Renell failed to ever mention her name in any news publication where she is asked about the studio that she runs?
Despite these discrepancies, Jess is in the business of taking clearly stolen media and adding #IceStudios or @IceStudios.co to these photos on IG for some unknown reason. Initially, she merely added this to the post, and the theory is that the intent was to artificially increase engagement for IceStudios. More recently she started to add the caption “Post-Production” and then attribute Ice Studios for that.
However, on several of these posts where she claims involvement directly, it is clear that Ice Studios or herself was not involved in the production of these images, nor do they own them. Most recently, she posted a campaign for Tommy Hilfiger where she claims that Ice Studios did “post-production” for the images. None of which can possibly be true.
The campaign was launched weeks before she posted about it. The official Tommy Hilfiger account doesn’t tag, attribute, or mention her account or Ice Studios (nor do they follow either) and any official press release on these images does not mention her or Ice Studios. On top of that, when I questioned Jess about her involvement in the production of these images she immediately blocked me. I mean within a minute or two. She’s also hidden likes on the posts which seem to have gotten little to no engagement anyway. You will find the same to be the case on a good majority of her posts with stolen magazine covers, or images stolen from more popular accounts like Lily-Rose Depp.
The IceStudios website is very confusing. If you go to IceStudios.co you get a static page and the only links are back to their IG account and a contact link, an email that goes directly to Jess. The only way to see other pages on this website is to manually enter the addresses for them. Why all of these pages are hidden unless you specifically try to find them, is anyone’s guess. One of the pages does attribute Jess Moloney to being the co-founder. All contact e-mails refer back to Jess herself and there doesn’t seem to be any contact that goes back to Renell.
The management company listed as managing IceStudios on official records is listed as Odis Management and not Jess Moloney Management. There is no public business registry that I can find anywhere that says Jess is involved with the company in any official or legal capacity other than clearly having access to the website and claiming she’s a co-founder.
Just as I started to question Jess’s legitimacy and involvement with this company she posted a job listing on her IG account (as a story) looking for a freelance graphic design artist for Ice Studios. Questions about this range from:
Why does she suddenly need a graphic artist?
Why wouldn’t she post this listing on a legitimate employment website?
What happened to the graphic design artist who is clearly already working for them?
How serious is this job listing if she only posted it as an IG story, no link to any legitimate website to apply, and provided just an email address?
One would think if this was a serious offer she’d have made a more serious and legitimate post. One would also think that with how small the business is and how little she seems to be truly involved in it they aren’t so inundated with sudden work that they need to hire someone else. As the job is listed as “freelance” and not full-time, it’s curious as to why she didn’t just Google literally any website that has freelance graphic design artists listed (of which there are many) or ask any of the various connections she allegedly has. Ironically, this website is supposed to be an artist collective, and yet she still needs to hire an artist? It seems to me that this post is not a legitimate position for her company but an attempt to make it look like she’s actually doing work when, in reality, she doesn’t.
This is all the current information on IceStudios as it is known publicly and should anything be found out in the future it will be added to this post.
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amurr-reha · 1 year
“Navigation is hard, it’s not intuitive.” - I keep hearing this.
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If any twitter friends have questions, I would love to answer any to try and help make using Tumblr easier for you, if you choose to use it. It’s honestly very simple and has a ton of creative features.
                                       (More below!)
A big big big thing I want to stress - Tumblr is NOT a quick consumable metric chasing website, it’s not built to be. I would recommend Instagram if you want to chase metrics and consume media versus focus on the artistic or RP building atmosphere of it.
Don’t worry about the “layout” so hard. If you want to make one, there’s free layouts out there but it’s a legacy thing, so I wouldn’t make a priority. Unless you give someone your NAME@tumblr link versus tumblr.com/NAME link, they’ll never really see it (you’ll never see it). Focus on that later.
Asks: A built in CuriousCat/Telloynm
Messages: DMs
Lovenotes in tags (People write comments in them along with the actual proper tagging when reblogging - not required but it makes people’s days and will inspire them to do the same for yours/others)
Commenting (self explanatory - comment on an image and we can reply back)
Re-blog commenting (If you make a text post, we can reblog and add our own text to it - can make it a back and forth chain but I wouldn't recommend unless it’s RP or questions or intellectual debate)
                  (Hey look, I don't have a 280 chara limit)               (This baby can fit so much text customization)
Asks: a great feature to ask questions or submit reblogged writing prompts for RP. Comes with Anon feature (togglable).
Reblogging is exposure. Likes are personal and do not populate on dashboards like on Twitter. People can still access them from your page but odds are they aren’t going to do that. You can make your Likes private for only you to see if you wanted as well.
You can upload an array of things from Text, Photos, Quotes, Music, etc. as shown on the easy access post bar at the top of your dashboard.
Tumblr has an Archive function, so if you want to search everything you tagged with XYZ, it will show you everything you uploaded with that tag. No blackhole like Twitter.
Already mentioned but don’t censor tags. They aren’t used as weapons here. You don’t get punished for using the full words, it’s for the protection of others to use the correct terminology when tagging so they can add it to their Blocked/Muted Words list.
Yes you can post nsfw here again.
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Posting text - if you highlight your word/sentence, a bar will pop up with some text customizations. You can also use keyboard functions CTRL B/CTRL I. To undo it, click on the icon again so it goes from (on) blue to (off) black.
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Omg what’s that? An EDIT button? We can edit our posts after posting.
All in all - click the post photo button, upload photo, write caption, tag and post. That’s literally it. 
If not getting 100+ likes instantly honestly and truly bothers you (that's called social media addiction btw lmao), go to Instagram. Best wishes my friends - may the blue bird rise and fly with it’s one remaining wing again  ♡ 
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Is there any chance you can give us a tag directory?
I can certainly try!!! Its not a complete directory because i have over a hundred and even i lose track of all of them. Anyways im putting the list under the cut ... i tried to organize it to the best of my ability so GENERAL is for housekeeping, TANGIBLE CONCEPTS are for physical things, FLEXIBLE CONCEPTS are things that hover between physical and conceptual, INTANGIBLE CONCEPTS are things that fully conceptual, and SPECIFIC MEDIA is for specific bands/shows/etc. I highly recommend if youre on mobile you DO NOT hit keep reading because its absurdly long and will take over ur dash. Anyways have fun knock urself out
hollyws: original posts..... went by holly for a while on here, first url was honeyhollows, hollows has similar spelling to holly, you get the gist
a: a is for assorted, so anything that doesnt have an actual organizational tag goes in there-- memes, textposts, current events, etc
srb: self reblog, but not for every one of my og posts that i rb, just the ones that surpass a thousand notes and therefore get deleted. Its my greatest hits pretty much
for later: links, resources, things i want to return to, you get the gist
tag game: those like questionnaire-type games one gets tagged in
asks: asks that ive answered
vdo: in-app videos
the world flows past on both sides distant and mute: audio tag. From nazim hikmet's poem "things i didnt know i loved"
mb: moodboards
our hands empty except for our hands: webweaving and parallel posting. From ocean vuong's "on earth we're briefly gorgeous"
fave: favorites, obvs
blog thesis: the tag equivalent of me calling something real as hell, containing things that qualify as my belief system
my face: selfie tag, but most (all of them actually) get deleted approx 24 hours from original posting time so there's not really anything in there
maeve tag: pictures of my dog reside here
foster tag: my family fosters dogs sometimes, so if we've got a foster and i post a picture, it goes here
matryoshka dog, blue is your color, gi posting, betsy's ordination song, evan's dream journal: personalized tags for friends of mine
born to blow your mind or something along those lines: art! From the last shadow puppets' "miracle aligner"-- pretty much everything but photography...
the human eye is the loneliest creation: ...because this is the photography tag. I typically only use it when an image doesnt fit into any other tag, so its basically my "a" tag but for like formal images only. Kind of an ocean vuong quote but i changed it from "the human eye is god's loneliest creation" to that bc i go back and forth on god and whatnot
there's a brand new talk but it's not very clear: fashion, both in the conceptual runway sense and the "this is cute, i would wear this" sense. Aptly from david bowie's "fashion"
play pause rewind: anything having to with film or tv (that i dont have a specific tag for)-- gifsets, interviews, editorial style guides, etc.
people!: pictures where you can put a name to the face, so either celebrities or pictures that have their name in the caption
let it go free: items-- jewelry, knick knacks, tchotchkes, etc. A combination of things i would want and things i find beautiful, which are not necessarily mutually exclusive
cabinet of curiosities: a multitude of objects at once-- dollhouses, boxes full of stuff, dishes of jewelry. Its different from "let it go free" because i said so
interiors: decor, interior design, etc.
dishes: plates and platters and whatnot that i like
they really want you: dolls. From hole's "doll parts"
the light on your door: mirrors. From the velvet underground and nico's "i'll be your mirror"
releases: cars, usually crashed or rotting or in some other form of disuse, but also just normal, completely fine cars. Go watch crash 1996 dir. david cronenberg and then we'll talk
hundred voices: spirals. Also concentric circles.
nacreous: pearls, things with a mother-of-pearl inlay, etc
it's coming coming down: eyes. From sonic youth's "beauty lies in the eye"
bad girl meat: teeth. From lady gaga's "teeth"
divine and sharp: weapons, or at least some very pointy things one shouldnt run with
happiness is: a warm gun. Guns in general actually-- this is my tag for guns. From the beatles' "happiness is a warm gun". Duh
prisms: food. Lots of cake in this tag but its all foods not just cake.... i just like cake
o sailor: sailing, nautical stuff, ships, etc. From fiona apple's eponymous song
it's buzzcut season anyways: cutting hair, from lorde's "buzzcut season".
tattoos: well, its tattoos. Not necessarily ones i would want or even inspiration for future tattoos, its just that if a tattoo is the main focus of an image, it goes in here
invitation to peace: deer tag, from system of a down's "deer dance".
draw blood just to taste it hold bones just to break them: canine tag as in dogs, not the teeth, and also one that i wish wasnt so long because man this is a pain to type out. From nicole dollanganger's "dog teeth"
weird fishes: fish. From radiohead's "weird fishes"
lo voy a tener que matar: cats! From los saicos' "el entierro de los gatos". Also yeah i know it means "i'm going to have to kill him" i just think its real funny
in silence i have pulled myself free: tag for horses and all things horse related. From pj harvey's "horses in my dreams"
cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other: cowboys. From willie nelson's eponymous song
they don't love you like i love you: places i grew up in/nearby-- it's pretty much everything west of colorado with a bit of mexico in there. From yeah yeah yeahs' "maps"
like the blue blonde hollyhocks of the dead: flower tag (all sorts, not just hollyhocks). Another bastardized quote, this time from sandra cisneros' a house on mango street-- the original is "dusty hollyhocks thick and perfumy blue-blond hair of the dead". Very good book you should read it
we return to each other in waves: things relating to the water-- the ocean, lakes, rivers, etc. It's definitely a quote from something but i cant find the og source and i dont trust pinterest
consumed and refined: fire, things on fire, burning, yada yada yada
tamer: ice, snow, frozen things, etc
01010000: all things mold and rot. Referring, of course, to the date the world began to decay, which was the day it was created
lamentations! lamentations!: art or quotes or whatever that make me scream cry throw up wail howl prostrate myself etc.
the everything the patterns: my humanity tag! Doubles as both an "awww, arent humans cute?" tag and a catchall for people who aren't celebrities and don't have their names in the caption
god and other highways: religion and god, but mostly god. If you see something in there and you think "how could this possibly be related to god OR religion?" mind your own damn business <3
i believe in angels: things i consider to be angelic, which is a classification system even more lengthy and unnecessary than this tagging system. From abba's "i have a dream"
bolts in the head: monsters and generally spooky things. And yeah ik frankenstein doesnt actually have bolts in his head and that was a lie the movie made up but also the nature and definition of a monster is just as illusory and invented as the bolts are
whispers in the air: ghosts, or the fleeting nature of things, or the imagined, or the abstraction of the memory. So yeah its ghosts
when i love you it's forever: the dead, but focusing on the flesh left behind instead of the ghost that proceeds ahead. From "confessions of a skull mask", in the anthology "necrophilia variations"
we have put her living in the tomb: houses or general structures, officially haunted or otherwise (because all buildings are haunted in some way tbh). From my favorite edgar allen poe story "the fall of the house of usher" :)
the roots of the tree: things relating to childhood, development, or family
the lovers: art, photos, etc typically with two things interacting in some familiar way. Not necessarily nsfw, but theres definitely some lesbian erotica in there so beware
cut open my sternum and pull my little ribs around you: gore and blood and all that fun stuff. Not all images of blood go in here so if youre sensitive about pictures of blood beware. You probably shouldnt follow me if you are tbh. Anways it's from purity ring's "fineshrine"
is it a love song?: hunger, desire, violence, and the place where they intersect. Gore is in here also <3 and it's a quote from the 1983 film the hunger
race my heart race my soul: images i really really love. I would say its my aesthetic but aesthetics are a lie propagated by Big Capitalism to get you to buy more shit you dont need so no its not and dont get it twisted..... from "i'll never learn" by the shangri-las, which is possibly my favorite song. I go back and forth on what my favorite song is, but this one's up there for sure
put on your red shoes and dance the blues: all things red. From david bowie's "let's dance", but the original or 2002 remaster and not the 2018 remaster because as much as i love saxophone its totally out of the blue in the intro of the 2018 remaster and i dont like it
love me blue: all things blue, from zayn's "blue". And i have no qualms with any version of this song because i love you zayn
twilight sun: all things pink, from something that someone said to me in passing once and i thought it was nice.
the dead image of life: all things green
capable of charming god: all things yellow
tête à tête: ballet, and things relating to ballet. Even pictures of models with their ribbons tied all messed up go in here, im sorry to say
do you think you've made the right decision this time?: departure, transit, etc. Coming from, though, not going to-- the emphasis is on the leaving. From the smiths' "london" (underrated track tbh)
disappearance in transformation: bugs that can fly-- mainly moths and butterflies, but some beetles and other grubs appear here too
kill this chorus: people in relation to water-- in puddles, swimming, drowning, etc. Im not saying what this is from... if you know you know and also you know why that phrase pertains to that imagery
the luckiest by far: celestial bodies, clouds, the sky, etc. From madonna's lucky star
heaven waits on the other side: weddings, mostly brides and wedding dress-type stuff. From nicole dollanganger's "heart shaped bed"
godspeed your love: all things relating to love (and occasionally heartbreak). From possibly the greatest love song ever, the righteous brothers' "unchained melody"
lily left alone: playing cards and things having to do with suites of cards. Kind of from bob dylan's "lily, rosemary, and the jack of hearts" but not really
bloodied black: martyrs, warriors, knights. Lots of pictures of armor and joan of arc imagery here
mourning lamb: farm animals, mainly sheep but also cows and pigs and whatnot. From ethel cain's "ptolemaea"
all down: typography, handwritten things, etc-- everything from journal entries to song lyrics to letters to typed notes
time is a river: myths, folklore, classics, historical art, etc. Technically a quote from heraclitus but every knows it bc of marcus aurelius
from the fire roads: get ready for this because this and the following five tags are all connected. This is the tag equivalent of exposition on the hero's journey-- the scene is a small town, a childhood bedroom, a parking lot, etc. From bruce springsteen's "racing in the streets"
and i see big things for you: this is the first threshold (transformation) in the hero's journey. In this particular case, the protagonist becomes a groupie for a band that passed through the town, and this world of travel and casual excess is very different from the world theyre from. The scene is a basement shows, cigarettes in a hotel bed, underfunded recording studios, etc. From wolf alice's "white leather"
somewhere there's a party: the "challenges and temptations" part of the hero's journey-- our protagonist gets tired of the constant moving and, craving something more, ends up in a big city working as a model/socialite. The scene is a closet filled with frills and designer clothes, a gala, the backstage of a fashion show, etc. From the replacements' "swingin' party"
don't cry about it: now at the second threshold (abyss) of the hero's journey, things start going downhill. The protagonist loses themself in a wave of drugs, sex, and excess; the scene is now a large bathroom with a shattered mirror, a smoke-filled bdsm club, a nosebleed, etc. From lana del rey's "this is what makes us girls"
careful fear / dead devotion: with the third threshold (atonement) in the hero's journey comes the protagonist's realization of their own rock bottom and the desire to get better. The scene is a dark bedroom with light coming through the door, a park at night, an open window, etc. From the nationals' "don't swallow the cap"
born with a weak heart: the end of the hero's journey-- the protagonist takes what money they have left and splits, getting a place in the middle of nowhere and working as an attendant somewhere they won't be recognized. The scene is a clearing in the woods, a warm kitchen, a grocery store, etc. From talking heads' "this must be the place"
there was to be no death in eden: Mostly i use it for animals that i dont have a specific tag for, large groups of animals, animals in little people clothes, fantasy art, folk tales, children's books, or anything else i consider to be edenic. Im gonna be honest with you i have a weird idea of eden because i saw it in a dream ... more on that here if u scroll down to where it says september 22 2023. Its an ellen g. white quote im pretty sure, and while i personally hate the seventh-day adventists and everything that entails, i do respect a woman who gets visions
you got your good thing: things pertaining to heaven, which is a vibe i cannot possibly explain bc i saw it in a dream as well but i will link you here nonetheless and just hope you get it. In short basically heaven is an archive and the angels never build it right because they're working off pure image untainted by emotion and human perspective so everything looks a little wonky and clinical (they mean well though). From david lynch's "in heaven (lady in the radiator song", off the eraserhead 1977 soundtrack
pelican island: birds. Also any sort of ghostly island or mysterious shore. Ghosts, too. From deena metzger's eponymous poem
ST PAUL MOMENT ST PAUL MOMENT: the nature version of my humanity tag. Refers to the biblical tale of st. paul, who was blinded then healed by jesus as a way of converting him to christianity (which is fucking crazy and sooo dramatic but we're not here to talk abt that). The point is that its the sensation of being awakened to a natural power higher than yourself, like how flowers always have a number of petals that complies with the fibonacci sequence
thou mayest: being good, being bad, the feeling of being torn between your capacities for good and evil, the shame of feeling evil, etc. Go read john steinbeck's east of eden and then we'll talk
soul opium: solitude, isolation, loneliness
thorn without a rose: hole theory. From aerosmith's "hole in my soul" #sorrywomen
shadows: poems that come off as gray to me. Yeah i dont know either man they just do its a very specific vibe and there is no other way to describe it than gray
ritualism: the color white being used in a holy, ritualistic context (or at least a context i perceive as holy)
74: my yamaha tx750 was created in 1974, which is a year that is important to me for no other reason than that (if u go into the tag its pretty obvious and if its not.... well im not telling)
p: im not sayinggggg. But here you will find white horses and things about grief
are your ears on?: writing, particularly having to do with the idea of a grand overarching narrative that tropes are forcefully enacted within
it's impossible to compete with the dead: my tag for all things sharp objects-related. Tag is a quote from the book
spn: that would be the 2005 cw show supernatural. #Sorry
mcr: that would be the post-hardcore band my chemical romance. #Sorryyyyyyy
shattered teacup: tag for the 2013 tv show hannibal and no other version of thomas harris's work-- silence of the lambs and whatnot can be found in the "play pause rewind" tag
little nudie turtles: tag for the 2018-2023 hbo show succession. Quote by tom (it's literally tom).
and the angels wouldn't help you: tag for david lynch's twin peaks, both the show(s) and the film
time is a flat circle: tag for season one of true detective... haven't watched the other seasons of this show because honestly nothing can beat that. So its only for season one
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
Internet Hcs About the Evans
i don’t know. read it
warning: like everything language mentions of porn idk dont read it if ur gonna be like ew stop being lewd
Tate: Knows the fnaf lore. Specifically watched Markiplier play it and also a Sally Face fan like hardcore and kins both Sal and Larry equally. Has a Tumblr acc but it’s only to interact w fanart of fnaf and sally face and like idk follow other fan accs he’s one of those empty accs with some random ass username no posts no bio no prof pic just his name in lowercase. has a deviantart?? again doesn’t post just to look at fanart he’s really into fanart and almost gets into reading fanfiction about his various interests but ultimately decides against it cuz i feel like violet would clown on him for it if she ever found out
Kit: Has an insta but it’s private with like 27 followers and it’s all like just his family and friends and sometimes when his friends post he’ll comment something like ‘Looking good bud 👍’ and then disappears from the internet for another month or two until he gets a notif that his wife posted or something. too scared to go on twitter and i don’t blame him. for the most part he just doesn’t understand how the internet works and has no intentions of finding out so he leaves it alone. he also has a facebook but same rules apply with the instagram only ever goes on to hype up his wife and kids and sometimes friends
Kyle: frat boy sorry cuz i don’t imagine frankenkyle can fathom the internet anyway i feel like kyle gets into debates online like way too much and he sees nothing wrong w the fact that he’s like actively searching out bigots to give a piece of his mind to. he’s got a tiktok and only follows like racist sexist ppl so his feed is full or opportunities to curse someone out digitally. he’s also got a twitter thats almost been banned a lot. he’s completely anonymous w it tho and his insta is completely regular he’s got like maybe 900-1000 followers just of like his friends and frat guys from his own or other frats and a bunch of girls who asked for his insta cuz they thought he was cute even though he never replies to flirty dms. he WOULD have several white boy went fishing posts and you guys can’t argue w me on this ok i wrote too much for him. he definitely has a lot of girls commenting every time he posts and i think his brothers would give him a lot of shit for not ‘jumping on that shit’ but he’s all like ‘oh i’m old fashioned u know i’m not like that’ has an active snapchat that he adds stories to all the time but once again never responds to messages
Jimmy: he has an account on instagram, twitter, probably facebook but they’re all mostly like linked to the freak show ykwim like he’d have like a verified checkmark but he only ever posts like freak show related announcements or like every now and then a little video that he records of him and some other ppl in the show behind the scenes and it’s captioned like ‘come see us (enter date here)’ and that’s pretty much it he’s not super big on being active in social media because he claims he has plenty of friends irl he doesn’t need fake robot friends. also may not know how the internet works
James: i mean sally runs the hotels official instagram page and all other socials and he probably has no idea that she’s doing that until he finds out she posted some image of video of him on one of the accounts and then some guests recognize him at the hotel and say like ‘omg ur that guy!!’ and he has no idea what it all means n shit. I think he would get a great kick out of instagram reels like non tiktok but you know how like a month after a trend happens on tiktok then it goes to reels? right like he eats that shit up he thinks its the funniest goddamn thing like funny cat videos or someshit
Kai: right so like we all know he trolls reddit and 4chan and posts rude reviews on thatcow. the kinda guy that kyle finds himself internet battling like this is the enemy he's been preparing for. he has a tiktok to stay relevant and he's just a comment section lurker 'user17896379' type shit he just likes various biggoted comments and occasionally replies just to start fights and shit. he's got a facebook and insta where he's totally normal tho like 'hey guys vote me for senate!!' again similar to kyle but like opposite ends of the same spectrum. i would love to view his search history. searches the most despicable things on p0rn websites every time he yanks it and i just am desperate to know what shit he's looking at
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rebirthgarments · 4 months
Support Seraj on Go Fund me at
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Seraj’s family is experiencing immense hardship in Khan Yunis. They were forcibly displaced (for the 4th time) from their camp in Rah Fah this week. Aid is no longer entering the Gah Zah Strip. Scarcity and price gouging have become such that a cup of drinking water costs $67 in USD today. Additionally, liquidity is horrendous. Seraj is being charged a 25% commission to withdraw cash, which is required to pay for everything. Others have reported commissions of up to 50%. Seraj describes life these days as “hell, hell, hell.” He is unable to put into words how difficult their situation is. We would only really understand if we were there to see it with our own eyes. He told me this morning that his head feels like it is “at the bottom of the sea, so much is inside it, so much.” As we continue to wait and fight for a Seas fire, we are committed to continue supporting Seraj and his beloved family. Thank you for joining us. Image description: A gradient background in grey with a photobooth style strip of 3 photos of Seraj on the right. In the first, he is wearing a red sweater, jeans, and a backpack and smiling with his hands in his pockets. In the second, he is wearing a t-shirt, open sweater, and keffiyeh and standing in the rubble of his home with his brow furrowed. In the third, he is wearing a black and camo t-shirt and gazing into the camera. Black handwritten style text says “Seraj’s goal:” and beneath that is “$7,000” underlined in red. Text says “Since evacuating to Khan Yunis Seraj’s family has spent $1,340 on necessities. One cup of water costs $67 today. We are—“ Text is interrupted by a large red handwritten “40%”. Text continues: “to our goal at $2,000. Support Seraj at bit.ly/serajvenmo “
Note: the venmo link goes to our comrade Bex who is the one who does bank transfers to Seraj, it is just the fastest way for him to get support! If you do venmo, just put a pink heart emoji in the caption!
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kpoptradingguide · 1 year
How to make a kpop trading/selling proof !
If you're used to trading on instagram, you'll know all about proof stories and proof highlights. As stories and highlights aren't possible when using Tumblr, this has to be done using tags.
The example used is NOT a real proof, and has since been deleted.
Step 1: how to post proof for someone
You can simply make a post that shows the mail that arrived in a picture. In the post, make sure to write who the proof is for in BIG letters! This way, if someone were to repost it who's not the person the proof was made for, it's very obvious.
Also make sure to watermark the image OVER the photocards, so someone else can't just reuse your image for fake proof
At the bottom, add a hashtag that does NOT include the word proof. This is important later.
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Once the post is up, send it to the person the proof is for, as they don't get notified when mentioned in a post with their @ (at the moment)
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Step 2: How to repost the proof
In Tumblr you can reblog, so you can simply click reblog on the proof post.
When doing so, make sure to add your own proof hashtag from your diretory. Most people would use your username + proof as 1 tag.
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Step 3: how to prevent someone else from reusing your proof
Now that the proof is reblogged by the seller, the original poster who received the mail can lock reblogs, so nobody else can reblog it to claim it as their own.
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After locking reblogs the reblog button should be gray like this:
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Since prior to you locking it anyone can repost it, it's smart to first let the seller know through DM that it arrived, and agree on a time to post the proof. This way the window of time where it is up for reblogging is as short as possible.
Important stuff to keep in mind
Someone else can just reuse your image of arrived mail if you don't watermark it properly. I recommend using a watermark that states both your own username, and the username of who it is for. Do this by writing proof by: your username, and proof for: the other person's username
As mentioned before, agree on a time and date through dms before you post the proof, so the other person can quickly reblog it and you can lock it from being reblogged further by people who's proof it isn't.
Don't use the word proof in the tags if you are posting the proof for someone else. Otherwise if someone wants to check out your proof as a seller, the proof you posted for other people will also show up.
The same goes for the caption. In the example I used "thank you @" , but you can also write "for @" or anything of the sort. As long as it doesn't include the word proof, and does mention the person it's for. Cause when you do include the word proof it will still show up in the search on your own account when people wanna look for your proofs. I realised this later, sorry for the confusion.
If you as a buyer want to check other people's proof, make sure you check thoroughly; is it a real reblog? Was it meant to be reblogged by this person? Much like how proof can be faked on instagram, it can be done on Tumblr as well, so don't blindly believe it to be real and watch out for fake proofs
You can also just link to your instagram proofs
Since this method isn't the most secure in the sense it takes a bit more effort than a simple Instagram story, you can of course also use Instagram for your proofs. This is however the method to be used when trading/selling to someone who does not have Instagram and would only post proofs on Tumblr for you
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a-captions-blog · 11 months
sending this in response to the ask about shorter descriptions—take this with a grain of salt as i am sighted, this is just what i've picked up from spending some time writing descriptions myself following guidelines from other web accessibility sources outside tumblr.
while i can't find any sources on "industry standard" descriptions being ten words or fewer specifically (i did see fifteen from one source, though,) i do see that alt text should generally be around 200 characters at the most, as alt text should be concise and give just enough detail to understand the image clearly while not including anything that isn't vital to that understanding. some screenreaders aren't compatible with alt text that goes over that limit.
however, a lot of what you do on this blog is outright transcriptions, which isn't quite the same. aside from that, what most people (including you) who write descriptions on here are writing are long descriptions, which are intended for describing images in more depth than alt text and aren't meant to be concise in the same way. i think part of the problem is that people on this website tend to use "image description" synonymously with "alt text," implying that alt text and long descriptions should work the same way and aren't made with distinct (though related) goals in mind.
on websites outside of tumblr, long descriptions are usually used for images containing lots of vital information like charts and graphs, in conjunction with a short description in alt text—the alt says something like "a chart showing (general data)," and the long description provides the specific information, sometimes linked on another page or put in a collapsible menu so that the user can choose to access it. on tumblr however, especially when you're not the original poster of something, i don't know what a good equivalent to this practice would be. you could always warn at the beginning of a description that it is meant to be a detailed/long description or a transcription of lots of text.
image description guidelines are also not the same as guidelines for describing audio or video. this isn't something i do as much as image description, so i don't have any specific knowledge about it, but i'd keep that in mind too.
i don't mean to come off as contrarian to that anon (because i think their criticism is justified and i'm open to correction if there's something about their perspective i'm missing,) or condescending towards you (as i'm sure you probably know some of this already, being a caption blog,) i just thought i'd provide some context i don't see often that might help you figure out what you want to do with your captions ^_^b (happy thumbs-up emoticon).
[Previous ask for context.] Hello! Thank you for your input. The difference in purpose between alt text and long descriptions makes sense to me, and I have some non-Tumblr experience with video transcriptions that I try to apply here as well. I do agree with the previous anon that my descriptions for art and such tend to be a bit verbose, so I can definitely work on trying to capture the general essence of the piece rather than every minute detail. I think I will go with the idea of putting a pre-description for longer captions that are as concise as possible and mention that the following description is lengthy. I will also add the ‘long description’ tag moving forward in case people want to block that pre-emptively. I am also open to further discussion on this if anyone (especially screen reader users) wants to comment :] (rectangular smiley)
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