#the love language of flowers
dolceaspidenera · 11 months
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We all know at this point that the name Astarion is connected to the word "star" (starry or little star).
But Larian decided that they wanted to go all in with the details and they delivered!
The flower you can place on his tomb in the final romance scene (which I think is such a cute and tender gesture and I love his reaction to it), seems to be an Ornithogalum umbellatum, a star-shaped white flower with six petals. Among the plant's many common names, there are summer snowflake, starflower, and star-of-Bethlehem.
Moreover, in the language of flowers, its meanings are related to trauma, mourning, and welcoming pain without repressing it.
According to Doctor Edward Bach (1886 – 1936), these flowers are "For those who find themselves in a state of great anguish due to situations that, in a given period, have caused so much unhappiness", and can be used to help with the aftermath of a trauma, the alleviation of pain and the mourning process.
Edit: every time I see an artist include this flower in their Astarion fanart my heart swells with joy. Love this community
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bewildereye · 7 months
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Day of Love.
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friszil · 8 months
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episode 2: making adjustments.
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jobean12-blog · 15 days
The Reason for Flowers
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Word Count: 2,432
Summary: You love flowers and you love giving Joel flowers...he loves it too.
Author's Note: Just because I love flowers and Joel and the thought of him with flowers in his hair. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: soft sweetness, awkwardness on Joel's part, fluff, tension, pretty flowers
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Pedro Pascal Character Masterlist
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“Morning!” You sing song as you walk into the bar and see Tommy and Joel.
Tommy gives you a wide grin from behind the bar and Joel turns to look over his shoulder, his lips twitching with a ghost of a smile.
“Mornin’,” Tommy says. “Finished your walk?”
“Yep,” you answer. “And look what I found!”
You sit yourself next to Joel and lean over the bar, plucking one of the orange poppy’s you picked from the bundle and calling Tommy over.
He rests his elbows on the bar and waits while you tuck one of the flowers behind his ear.
“Isn’t the color amazing?” you sigh before taking another and sniffing it. “And it smells great too.”
You turn toward Joel and grab another stem, twirling it between your fingers with a silent question in your eyes.
He leans closer and you meet him halfway, gently pressing the bloom close to his nose. He inhales softly and closes his eyes.
“Does smell good,” he says quietly.
You smile and then tentatively reach up and rest the flower on his ear, adjusting it and then tucking some stray strands of hair behind it.
“There,” you say and meet his eyes.
“Thanks darlin’,” he murmurs.
You kiss his cheek, lingering a bit longer than necessary before turning to Tommy and handing him the rest of the bouquet of poppies.
“Give these to Maria for me,” you tell him. “I wasn’t sure if she’d be up yet.”
“That’s sweet, thank you,” Tommy says, taking the flowers and placing them in a cup from the bar.
“See you guys later,” you say with a wave.
Once you’re out of earshot, Tommy’s eyes land on Joel and his lips turn up into a mischievous smirk.
“She likes you,” Tommy states.
Joel glares. “And why the hell would you say that.”
“Really?” Tommy asks, his eyes darting to the flower.
“You got a flower too,” Joel counters with pursed lips.
“But not a kiss,” Tommy says.
“She was just being sweet,” Joel mumbles. “And that wasn’t a real kiss.”
“Whatever you say big brother.”
“Is it too early for a drink?” Joel asks as he rubs his palms over his face.
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“Where are you off to?” Joel asks when you pass each other on the street.
“Just going for a walk,” you tell him. “Want to come?”
He rubs the back of his neck, studying you. “I would…but Tommy is expecting me.”
“It’s ok,” you assure him. “Maybe next time.”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” he says quietly.
You smile and walk off, turning around again when you feel the weight of his stare.
He immediately drops his head when you catch his eye, his feet shuffling and kicking up the sandy soil. You giggle to yourself and continue on, digging your teeth into your bottom lip to stop your smile.
With an armful of flowers, you walk back toward your house, slowing when you notice Joel sitting out on the porch with his guitar.
“Hey,” you say quietly.
He lifts his head and squints into the sun.
“Hi darlin’,” he answers.
“Mind if I sit?” you ask.
Without a word he shifts over on the edge of the porch.
“Do you like licorice?”
When he gives you a curious look you hold out one of the goldenrod flowers.
“Smell this,” you tell him.
He sets his guitar down and takes it from your fingers to give it a sniff, never taking his eyes off you.
“That really does smell like licorice,” he says.
“It’s not my favorite smell,” you explain, “but I love the yellow color.”
He gives you a lopsided smirk and pulls some of the small yellow petals between his fingers.
You take another stem and shorten it. Taking special care, brush his hair away from his forehead and then secure the flower behind his ear.
“I like this one,” you smile. “The bushy and wild petals match your hair.”
“What’re you sayin’ darlin’?”
His tone is playful, and you snort back a laugh, giving the flower one last adjustment.
“If you’re not busy tomorrow you should come with me.”
He nods and you lean in to kiss his cheek, this time, closer to the corner of his mouth. When you pull away you see his eyelashes flutter against his cheek.
“Well, well, well, look at you,” Tommy hums when he finds Joel at the old tool shed.
“All these tools are rusted,” Joel says, clearly disgruntled.
“I told you they were,” Tommy shoots back.
“What’re you smilin’ about then?”
“Nice flower.”
Joel instinctively reaches up to his ear, gently touching the soft flower still stuck there. He doesn’t bother responding.
“Did you get a kiss too?”
Joel just scoffs and continues searching through the old tools.
“Wonder how long it’s gonna take you to get your head outta your ass,” Tommy muses wryly as he saunters off.
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The next morning when you open your door you’re greeted with more sunshine and a very uncertain looking Joel.
“Are you sure you want company?” he asks before even saying hello.
“Mornin’!” you chime happily then step into his space and kiss his cheek. “And yes. I’m sure.”
“Mornin’ darlin’,” he mumbles sheepishly.
He pops his knee out and sets his hands on his hips.
“I’m sure,” you say again when you see him standing there and hesitating. “Come on! We have flowers to pick!”
You walk in comfortable silence for some time, your fingers brushing every so often with the swing of your arms. Neither of you move away and when you catch sight of a canvas of purple blooms up ahead you entangle your fingers with his and pull him along.
“Oh, I think these are sticky geraniums!”
When you reach the spread of flowers you drop his hand and lean down to pick one.
“Yep!” you exclaim.
“Did you say sticky?” Joel asks.
You laugh and nod your head. “Yeah. There’s this sticky stuff on the petals that smells good and attracts insects, then they get stuck and the plant sort of digests them.”
Joel’s eyebrows shoot up. “Wow. How do you know all this?”
“I found some old books about the native plants in the area, and I read them. All.”
He tracks your every move as you bend down and pick several of the purple flowers.
“I’m not sure it’s safe for you to come out here all alone every day,” he says.
You walk closer to him and hold up the flowers.
“Are you going to come with me from now on?” you ask as you twirl a stem between your fingers.
He takes it from you and holds it up to his nose.
“Smells like pine,” he states. “I like that.”
“It reminds me of you. It’s one of my favorites.”
You watch as several emotions flit across his features, and he drags his gaze from you to study the delicate purple flower again.
Neither of you have noticed the gray clouds that now blanket the sky but when a strong wind picks up and blows a chill through the air you shiver and look up.
“Where did the sun go?” you ask as you clutch your flowers.
“We best get back darlin’,” he says.
“Yeah, I guess we should.”
You shiver again and he starts to unbutton his flannel, tugging it free of his shoulders before draping it over yours.
With a soft smile he looks you over.
“Thanks,” you whisper.
His hand reaches out for you, and he rests his splayed palm on your lower back. You wait, your breath caught in your throat, as he dips his head and presses his lips to your cheek.
“You’re welcome.”
You wrap yourself in the warm fabric and discreetly sniff the collar, deciding that as much as you love the geranium smell, his shirt is absolutely your favorite.
“Do you want your shirt back?” You ask when you reach the door to your house.
He stares, his gaze lingering on your face before sweeping down your body.
“You keep it for now. Looks like it’s gonna be a chilly day.” 
After a slight pause of hesitation he says, “I uh…I would like some of the flowers though. If you don’t mind sharin’.”
With a bright smile you section off half of the geraniums and hand them to him.
“Not at all,” you whisper as you slowly wind your arms around his neck. “Thanks for coming with me.”
As you slide back down his body and onto your flat feet you brush your lips along his jaw, stopping just beside his mouth to press a soft kiss there.
You hold it, savoring the feel of his rough beard against your soft lips and the hint of the taste of his skin.
“Anytime darlin’,” he says when you finally pull away.
He waits until you’re inside and your door is shut and locked. You watch from the window as he walks down the street, flowers in hand, until he reaches his door, and the first drops of rain start to fall.
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The rain doesn’t let up for the rest of the day but thankfully the next morning you wake to the warmth of sunshine spilling through the window.
You stretch out on the bed before snuggling back into the warmth of Joel’s shirt. Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind that you had slept in it, but it was just too comfortable and smelled too good.
Once you’re washed up and ready for the day you head downstairs to get breakfast before your morning walk. A knock on the door causes you to pause, the early hour making you cautious.
You peek out the window first and find Joel standing at your door. When you open it you’re greeted with broad shoulders and his gruff voice.
“Hi,” you say softly.
“Hi,” he says. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
Your lips spread into a smile. “You didn’t. Just wasn’t sure who else would be out this early.”
He laughs nervously but then you watch his expression change as he realizes that you’re still wearing his shirt. His swallow is audible and his tongue darts out to trace the outline of his lips.
“I hope this is ok,” you say quickly, motioning to yourself. “I just sort of fell asleep last night. You can…”
He dips his head and runs a hand through his already mussed hair. You notice his other hand is hidden behind his back.
“I uh. I went out early this morning,” he blurts out, ignoring your comment about his shirt.
He doesn’t say anything more and instead reveals what he’s hiding. A bunch of large dark purple flowers cover his chest, and he smiles nervously.
“Are those…?” you ask with wide eyes.
“Petunias. Spellbound…at least I think they are. I checked one of the books but I’m not very good at any of this.”
“They’re gorgeous” you say excitedly, reaching for the stems.
He hands them to you, and you press the whole bunch to your face with a squeal of happiness. “And they smell so good!”
“They reminded me of you,” he says, almost too quietly for you to hear.
“I love them.”
He smiles and continues to stare.
“Do you want to come in? I want to put these in a vase.”
You turn and open your door, waiting for him to follow.
He waits quietly while you get a vase and add water, setting the flowers on the table.
“I can’t believe you found these Joel.”
“The flowers…”
“What about them?” he asks, clearly distracted.
“I just can’t believe you found them,” you say again with a raise of your brow. “You ok?”
His eyes drop and linger on your legs before slowly sliding back up to your face. When you softly call his name again he clears his throat, letting a rush of words slide past his lips.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired…up early and all and someone in the town must have planted them and they took over the front of the house. There were a lot of flowers I think you’ll like. We can go there tomorrow.”
His clear awkwardness is endearing as he leans against the counter, strong arms crossed over his chest and his jaw tight, struggling to find the right words.
You take slow steps toward him until your chest brushes his forearms.
“We?” you ask with a smile.
He uncrosses his arms and rests his hands along the edge of the counter, gripping it tightly.
“I told you darlin;’ you can’t go out on your own. It’s too dangerous.”
“What about the days when it gets really cold,” you muse. “I like to go out even then.”
“You’ll need more of my shirts,” he says with a twitch of his lips.
“Don’t you need this one back?” you ask with a demure smile.
He doesn’t answer but you hear his breath hitch when you start to undo the top button. His breathing deepens with every inch of skin you reveal.
“I certainly don’t mind keeping it,” you say with the slight shrug of your shoulder. “I love having your smell on me.”
When you stop at the last button his eyes drop to your hands and he reaches for you, gently moving your fingers away and toying with the fabric.
He fumbles with the small button between his large fingers but finally pops it open, letting the material hang loosely at the sides. Only a sliver of your skin is exposed, and he slips his fingers between the space, light, and teasing.
His calloused fingertips move deliberately higher, parting the material and grazing your skin. You tremble and goosebumps spread along your arms.
His movements stop and his eyes lift to yours, holding your gaze as he closes the small distance between your bodies.
He continues to lightly graze your skin with his finger, never fully parting the material of the shirt, but inching higher until he traces the outline of your collarbone.
His hand slides behind your neck and his thumb brushes along your cheek. Your lips are parted, and his gaze drops as he moves his thumb to sweep it across their outline.
Lowering his head, his warm breath fans your cheek and his nose gently bumps yours, his lips hovering.
Your eyelashes lower and your hands reach up and find purchase on his shoulders.
“I’d like to return those kisses darlin’,” he murmurs against your lips.
His whispered name is like a prayer, and you cling to him harder, the soft press of his mouth stealing your breath.
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hanafubukki · 11 days
Lilia of (Briar) Valley = Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley is one of my fave flowers.
Lilia Vanrouge just encapsulates the meaning of the flower:
Motherhood - the love he has for Malleus and Silver, does it really need to be said? He literally went from “kids are annoying” to “I miss those day when” when he mentions the boys.
Joy and Love - the love he has for meleanor and Levan, the love it took to hatch Malleus and wake Silver, his ability to change because of it, etc.
Purity of Heart and Soul - his younger self might say otherwise, but despite it all, he gave Silver and co a chance to leave and he protected them and fed them during a time of war. When humans by all means should have been hated even if it is a dream
New Beginnings - someone who literally changed, General Lilia Vanrouge to Lilia Vanrouge (the father)
Sympathy for the Departed - His grief for meleanor and Levan, yes, but I also raise you Knight of Dawn and Princess Leia as well. ‘Fae and humans are alike. We just want to protect the ones we love.’
Life’s Purpose - In short, how he changed from General Vanrouge to Lilia Vanrouge. He has a purpose, it’s his family.
Death - if the flower is eaten, it can cause death. You know, like Lilia, with his hatchet (he wouldn’t even need it, his bare hands are enough)
[twst flower language masterlist]
(Flower language differs by region and color, the meanings I know might differ from yours)
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my-name-is-apollo · 8 days
Anyway, didn't find the vase painting I was looking for, but I did find one where Apollo is offering a flower to Hermes :D
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(Hermes is behind the horses btw, just letting you know cause it took me a whole 10 seconds to figure that out)
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gothpossums · 9 months
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hand in unlovable hand
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The Language of Flowers: An Alphabet of Floral Emblems – published by T. Nelson and Sons (1857) // Maroon – Taylor Swift
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fairykazu · 5 months
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this event is to celebrate my blog, fairykazu, hitting 500+ followers! as it is spring, it's themed after flowers! this event includes genshin / hsr characters (which will be listed under from sender), prompts are listed below flowers and the bouquets (fics) will be sent.
HOW DO I ORDER A BOUQUET ??⋆。˚ send an ask to order! as for an example, "can i have a bouquet with prompt and character ?" feel feel to add more to your request so i can write it better. bouquets are closed
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒PICK YOUR FLOWER ⋆。˚ daisy - collecting flowers on their way home carnation - walking in the park iris - new beginnings daffodil- picnic dates red rose - falling head over heels in love aster - weekend trips tulips - making flower crowns magnolia - riding the bike to the bakery in the morning lily of the valley - dancing in the rain in bright sunshine liliac - a gift of fresh flowers every week rosebud - spending their days outside petunia - realising their feelings blossoms - enjoying spring in the countryside poppy - risking something in order to achieve something jasmine - tea parties in the garden snapdragons - the park becoming their second home
𓍢ִ໋🌿FROM DESIRED PERSON ⋆。˚ this is likely going to be a genshin-centric event but i might write for other hoyo characters if i can. (i might write new characters that i haven't yet & please note that it might be written out of character.)
genshin: scaramouche, albedo, xiao, kaeya, kazuha, childe, heizou, lyney, itto, yelan, ayaka, yoimiya, ganyu hsr: dan heng, stelle, gepard, aventurine, topaz, seele
𓍢ִ໋💐༘ BOUQUETS ARE SENT ⋆。˚ located in tevyat: liliacs from kazuha lily of valley from scaramouche red roses and petunias from kaeya
out of this world: petunias from dan heng multi flowers from aventurine
THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING THIS SERVICE !! vidia's note: thank you so much for 500 followers, i didn't even know i'd make it this far! it feels like yesterday that i had only 50 followers. i might take a long time on writing these fics so keep that in mind!
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kaitokitty19 · 6 months
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More APTX!Saguru shenanigan 😅😅😅
Aristocrat of Evil (3/3)
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starlight-archer · 5 months
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What if our skeletons held hands? What then?
Ivy: Affection, Friendship, Fidelity.
Charles: Daisies (Innocence, Loyal Love), Baby's Breath (Everlasting Love)
Edwin: Red Tulips (Passion, Declaration of Love), Pink Camellia (Longing)
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ryuusea · 5 months
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💐 / sherliam, flower language
when married to a guy whose mind palace only stores flowers with poison/medicinal value
I recently got a book, “Floriography: An Illustrated Guide to Victorian Language of Flowers” and it was fun applying it here! I imagine Liam knows Sherly doesn’t really bother to remember flower language, so incorporates Sherly’s knowledge of poisons/medicinal herbs for the fun of it!
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shrimpari · 3 months
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Brothers, doomed by birthright, doomed by love, doomed by darkness.
My piece for the @mementomoristrahdzine of Strahd and Sergei
My wonderful DM altered their relationship fairly heavily so I wanted to represent their relationship through a portrait that could sit comfortably in the castle full of hidden meanings and secrets. Truly honored to be a part of this project! Everyone was so wonderful to work with and I am thrilled for the next one! Thank you @curseofsergei for running this!
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king-dumbasz · 2 months
Just a reminder that mimosas mean Sensibility, kindness, tenderness, safety, sensitivity, respect (often given to women on women's day)
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Basically, he's a softie
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watusingpaputok · 5 months
i was on tiktok when i found these flowers and oh my god they are very them!! (apologies for my incoherence i am insane for these two)
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orange lily: aka the enemies to ??? (lovers? idk) flower. self explanatory but hey gabe's fixated as hell on the 'insignificant fuck' turned duel partner or whatever secret third fucked up thing they have /lh
white poppy: representing v1 with how their victory over gabriel became both his bane with how he got his light stripped off him therefore bringing him harm as well as the entire duel thing. the antidote parts comes from gabriel being freed from heaven's control as if like a poison that clouded his mind with their views and v1 clearing them away in the messiest way possible.
asphodel: representing gabriel with how he's dying and may have many regrets in his mind like killing minos, being wrathful towards the sinners etc. you get it
rosemary: for how gabriel gets invigorated to the point of ecstasy in 6-2. v1 brought catharsis to an angel that never knew therapy and it shows /lh. also represents v1 since yk theyre a vampiric robot and gabriel is very flesh and blood. quite literally giving v1 a second chance on things and carnage
phlox: this one can be a reach but (HEAR ME OUT OKAY) for how they (gabv1el) keep bumping on each other twice (maybe even thrice in 9-2) after all ultrakill *is* gabe's story and v1 is a machine who happens to be another POV of that story
thats about it i think unless there is more to add. thank you for listening to my insane talk
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tlkdraws · 8 months
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Kieran and Morning Glories, which mean unrequited love and obsession, depending on which language of flowers you’re looking at.
So there’s a creepy Kiki version too haha.
Drawn for some friends that love Kieran! \o/
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