#the makeup is fabulous tho
satans-knitwear · 8 months
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I need to do a look ft this blue lip!!! I adore it 💙🩵💋✨
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foxilayde · 11 months
Taking a break from Thanksgiving thots to ask how you envision OTTR Leto meeting reader?? I haven’t given it much thought before this moment and now I’m desperate to hear your thoughts on the beginning of their relationship
I think about this one all the time.
You met Leto in Venice. Ocean Front Walk Venice, CA.
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It gets hot in the Valley.
So hot that when you’re getting off your shift one blazing afternoon in downtown Los Angeles, the prospect of sitting in dead stop traffic on the 60 to Jurupa Valley, in your busted Honda Civic, only to go home to a stifling house with no AC…. Is anything but appealing.
So you do something unexpected. You are going to cool down, and you’re going to treat yourself while you do it. You’re going to pretend your life is ab-fab (absolutely fabulous) if only for one evening.
You take off from the parking lot of your job and instead of heading east, you go west. You stop at Neiman Marcus and you buy a dress. One that is too expensive to actually keep. So you wear it out and tuck the tags with every intention to return the next day. The dress looks amazing tho, it’ll be a shame to say farewell. It’s a classy little black cocktail thing that goes well with your plain black work shoes.
You get a little touch-up at the makeup counter to refresh your lipstick and spray on some Diptyque, and you head back to your car. You google, “open houses ocean view near me” and you take off to the coast.
You park your car a few blocks away from the listing. If the agent sees that heap, they probably won’t let you step inside. I mean this house is listed for nearly 15 million dollars. You shouldn’t even be walking down this block. You feel almost guilty for parking anywhere near this neighborhood.
There’s about 5 or six other people in the house looking around. The agent smiles at you and hands you a brochure when you enter. A glossy embossed thing listing the amenities as well as her contact information. You feel a little overdressed. The men are in tommy Bahama shirts and the women are in Lulu Lemon leggings.
You get a glass of free champagne and you help yourself to the charcuterie tray, looking around the house with appraising eyes, trying to nod your head at the bannisters and balconies like “hmm yes, maybe this will do.” Truthfully the house is beyond gorgeous. It’s ocean adjacent and has it’s own deck, pool, hot tub rooftop lounge, bedroom balcony… the kitchen is a thing of ART. The whole open concept and glass everything makes you feel so utterly out of place.
But its not like buying it was ever in the cards or the intention. the AC works, that’s all you care about, and you step outside the living room patio balcony, the ocean breeze hits your face in the most cooling fantastic sort of way. You audibly sigh and close your eyes breathing in the air. A voice from behind you startles you.
“Refreshing, isn’t it?” You nearly drop your glass, surprised by the man’s proximity.
God. He is handsome. Slick backed hair, mirrored aviators, a thousand watt smile, movie star jaw, and a dark navy suit cut, sewn, and ironed by Giorgio Armani himself. He looks like a magazine advert for Ray Bans. Now this, this is the type of man who buys a 15 million dollar home. Not you. The way he’s smiling at you now seems like… like joke or something. Like he’s laughing at you. He can smell the Honda Civic on you, can clock your shoes as Margiela knock-offs… heat creeps up your face despite the cooling breeze.
You look down at the floor and smile politely. “Excuse me” you mutter and go inside to investigate another part of the house.
You run into him again in the closet. Literally, you bump into him in the grand walk in. He’s probably going to need a closet this big for his collection of fine Italian sartorials. “Sorry” you mumble, ducking out. God he smells good.
You head back down to the kitchen to grab more cheese and crackers. Another bonus of open house crashing along with the free AC and free sparkling wine. Free food.
You’re midway through shoving another Brie covered cracker into your mouth when you see him again, in the kitchen, examining something attached to the marble countertop. His glasses are hanging from the center of his undone silk shirt. Those eyes.
You cover your cracker-full mouth and gulp. He’s so fucking cute furrowing his brow at the contraption and he spins the lever of it with one hand and smiles. He looks up at you.
“Pasta maker.” He points to it before shoving his hand back in his pocket. “You ever use one like this? It’s old school.”
You shake your head, still swallowing cracker.
“Wonder if it comes with the house…” He muses, looking up at the recessed lighting. He points up. “They all come with this now, you notice that?”
You shake your head again.
He tsks and continues, “Can’t stand it. I like something softer, y’know. These are harsh. You get up at 3 in the morning to get a glass of water and you want to kill yourself.”
You shrug and take a sip of sparkling wine. You wish you could talk to him but you can’t. You can feel yourself on the verge of saying something fucking stupid and it’s best to just not speak at all. So you look up at the recessed lighting with a curious face, trying to see the harshness, as he put it.
“Something hanging, like right over here,” he indicates over the island. “Something with yellow light. Soft, capiche?”
You smile at the word. It makes you more comfortable for some reason. “What? Like the Tiffany lampshades in the pool hall?” You offer with a smile.
He grins the most dazzling smile at you, stepping a foot closer and nodding. “Not exactly what I had in mind, but keep talking.”
“I was thinking more Venini myself.” You offer, taking another sip. He nods at you with appreciation.
“Tasteful. And soft. I’m listening.”
Your cheeks hurt from smiling at this point and you take a few steps to the living room gesturing near the sofa.
“An Arco floor lamp in the corner right here.” You submit to him, looking back over your shoulder with a wink. He chuckles.
“Took the words right out of my mouth.”
“And for the foyer,” you stride over to the front entrance, “A Sputnik. Right in the middle.”
“Gold or silver?” He asks.
“Bronze of course.” You reply with an affected air.
“How silly of me, dear.” He puts his hand over his heart.
The real estate agent makes a remark on what a gorgeous couple you are and how you just “fit the house”.
You start to protest but the man puts his arm around your shoulders and thanks the agent saying, “whatever baby wants, baby gets.” Winking at the woman and KISSING the side of your head. Which makes your face turn hot instantly.
He is… good at playing along, isn’t he. Well isn’t that what you were doing already? cosplaying as someone who could afford the house, and now you’re cosplaying a couple with this man whom you don’t even know the name of? Jesus—Just go with it, you suppose. Enjoy the pretending before you have to go back to the heat of Jurupa Valley…
“Now what about the dining room?” He asks into your ear in a deep voice, arm still over your shoulder.
“Hmmm,” You’re slowly running out of lamp styles, but you can’t let on. “How do you feel about Venetian glass, darling?”
“Inspired. Really,” he squints his eyes at the recessed lighting over the dining table. “We are in Venice after all.” He laughs with a toothy smile. “You have fine taste…” he leads.
You give him your name. He repeats it before telling you his. “Leto”
“I should have known you would have fine taste by the dress you’re wearing.” He compliments, picking up a glass of sparkling wine on the marble counter and gesturing your dress up and down.
“Thank you.” You blush. It’s not even yours. It’s on loan. You’re returning it tomorrow and you feel like a fraud.
Leto bites his bottom lip in contemplation then takes a step towards you, his hand making its way towards the nape of your neck with stern concentration on his lips. Oh fuck he’s about to kiss you. You make the split second decision to let him, closing your eyes gently, puckering your lips, holding your breath, and leaning in slightly.
But he doesn’t kiss you. You feel the slide of glossy paper down the back of your neck and the settling of it under your dress. He was tucking in the price tag of the dress for you. Jesus fucking Christ. You step back, embarrassed. He pats your arm. You cover your your brow, feeling your face get hot once again. So much for searching for that cool breeze by the coast!
Leto chuckles pleasantly. “Hey, hey, don’t be embarrassed. Happens to the best of us.”
God he’s probably giving you the benefit of the doubt. Probably thinks you just have so many new designer dresses that you innocently forgot to take the tag off… but if he had, would he have tucked it back in like he did? Or would he have just plucked it off?
“You like the house?” He asks, still jovial like the most embarrassing thing in the world didn’t just happen to you 5 seconds ago.
“It’s amazing. Perfect, really. The location, the style. It’s a dream. I have always wanted to live in Venice… the energy here is unbelievable.” You look around at the pristine grandiosity. The sun is close to setting now over the ocean and you sigh wistfully at the stunning view. “Whoever gets it is a lucky duck, I’ll tell you that.” You say, cheersing the sun itself before knocking back a sip of wine.
Leto watches you watch the lapping waves. “Let me buy it for you?”
You nearly choke on your drink. “Leto?! The house??”
Leto nearly doubles over in laughter, holding up his hand in apology, “No. No. I’m sorry, I— I meant the dress.”
Your face goes hot again. He knows! He knows you’re planning on returning it. Shit, he probably saw you pull up in your Civic!
“Please let me buy it for you. It suits you perfectly and it’d be a shame for anyone else to own it.” His eyes are so soft and kind and pretty and you almost want to cry.
“I… I can’t let you do that. It’s already on my card. I promise I won’t return it though, after that compliment, how could I?”
Leto nods. “At least let me take you out to dinner? Give you an excuse to show it off?”
Your heart nearly sinks. He’s probably the type to insist on picking you up. And he’s going to, what? Drive to the IE to do that?
“I live kind of far away…” you trail off, cringing slightly.
“I can send a car for you.”
“Leto, No, I—“
“Do you live father than a car ride? I can send a plane for you if you’d prefer?”
You laugh, but the returning stare isn’t a joking one. He’s fucking serious.
“I promise I won’t try anything funny. I just… want to pick your brain for more design ideas.” He grins and scratches the back of his neck, “It doesn’t have to be a date. Could be a business dinner? You would be my consultant…”
“Oh really? Consultant?” You cringe.
“Or it can be a date. A proper one. The best meal of your life. The Barber of Seville at the LA Operahouse, dancing, desert, a starlit walk on the beach outside my brand new house.” He grins. God what a fantastic smile.
“Sound like a 5 hour date.” You assess.
“What? You want longer? Because I will have a hot tub by the time this date rolls around and that can add up to 2 hours.”
“Two hours? Ambitious.”
“Agreed. But if done properly…” he winks and hands you a business card with his number on it. “Just think about it. I’ll be around.” He takes a deep breath, surveying the house and you, “I could stay and play house with you all day but I have a sudden urge to get ahold of my broker.” He takes your hand and kisses it.
“Nice meeting you Leto… Atreides.” You read off of his card.
“The pleasure was mine, gorgeous.”
Once he leaves, you have to go out to the balcony again for a breath of fresh air.
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Y’know, the ending of botfa was such a wonder to behold. BEAR WITH ME HERE OKAY, HEAR MY POINTS.
I’ll start by breaking down some of the scenes. So first, we have the scene were Fili is momentarily captured by Azog at the top of that old abandoned fortress-thing with all of Azog’s army behind him. Then good old Azzerz (thats my name for azog) does his speech about which order he’d kill everyone in his plan that went horribly wrong, f in chat for azog.
And then Fili does that badass backwards spinning-kick and knocks Azog to the floor, then he dodges all of the army like a pro and kills like 75% of them (we all know how it goes so there’s no point going through it. But fili was awesome in that moment so i just want some appreciation for him there)
And THEN we cut to Kili, Bolg and Tauriel. I love the dynamic between Kili and Tauriel in that moment as they work together to take out Bolg, jumping off rocks and attacking him from both sides and being fabulous as always. Especially that bit where Bolg grabs Kili then Tauriel walks up behind him and kicks him in the balls. What an amazing scene. Then they manage to chase him to Legolas and that sketchy bridge that looks like it would collapse at any minute and Legolas starts flexing his skills and spins and slashes and runs up the bridge as it collapses in slow motion and nearly falls then flips himself back up again and does that cool thing where he stabs Bolg in the head and bounces off his shoulders and the whole bridge sinks then collapses and Bolg dies from fall damage then just in case he wasnt dead, the piece of rubble falls on him. Then Tauriel and Kili finally kiss and see Legolas stood far in the distance and wave at him and he finally accepts that Tauriel friendzoned him but he’s totally chill with it and it’s so wholesome.
AND THEN WE HAVE THORIN VS AZOG!! AND THORIN COMPLETELY WRECKS HIM! So they fight on the ice and Thorin uses Azog’s weight against him. We all know how he picks up Azzer’s big old wrecking ball thing and throws it at him and Azog goes under the ice. Then Thorin starts following him which tbh could have been quite a risky move and could’ve got him killed, but he sees Azog’s eyes open and does a BACKFLIP to avoid Azzer’s sword and does a majestic hair-flip, then yells a dwarvish war-cry and starts attacking him. Then it goes a bit downhill as we all know and how as Thorin’s pinned against the floor, Bilbo comes running at Azog and knocks him off and Thorin’s like “omagawsh ma husband here to save me <33” then Azog is on the floor cus bilbo wrecked him, and Thorin does that thing where he waltzes up to him holding bilbo’s hand and stabs Azog in the back and its so cool tho
and then Thorin proposes to bilbo, they reunite with Fili & Kili and they all hug and they’re tearful and Dwalin shows up and gives them a big old bear hug and its the sweetest. And then the eagles show up and take them all away from the oncoming army.
then when bilbo’s going home, thorin basically does the same as sam and bilbo’s like “i’m going home alone.” Then thorin says “of course you are. And I’m coming with you!!” It’s such a nice nod to lotr and i cried my eyes out there. Then they kiss again and all the dwarves cheer and Kili’s there holding tauriel’s hand then BARD AND THRANDUIL SHOW UP and make up with thorin and the company then Bard and Thrandy kiss too and Thranduil proposes to Bard then Kili proposes to tauriel and thennnnn (sorry for the long post) they all have a joint wedding at the shire and all the hobbits are like 0.0 “wat” at the sight of all these dwarves and elves and men but they embrace it all confused like “those are gonna be some interesting kids lmao!!”
then you see thorin moving in with bilbo after giving the crown to Fili and i cried again when they adopted frodo and you see Fili as King under the Mountain with lots of children and you can see how he looks slightly older and Peter Jackson and the makeup crew did such a good job portraying all the horrors they SURVIVED and LIVED to tell the tale of. And then it cuts to Gandalf showing up like 50 years later and you can see thorin sat in the back in an armchair reading a book and i cried again. overall such a wholesome movie and my favourite out of all three. Love that movie to DEATH haha, death’s a funny thing to mention considering how little of it there was 😅
sorry again for the long post but i had to rant about that movie!
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madangel19 · 1 year
Ok. How many people are in Ghost? And do people know what they look like without the masks?
Is Papa (?) Pope (?) same person??? Same mask ? different names?
Oh man, there are a lot of people in Ghost, but currently, there are nine members of the band. Eight ghouls and Papa Emeritus IV. There have been many others, mostly those who played the ghouls, but they usually leave on their own terms.
For a long time, people didn't know what the band members looked like beneath their masks. They wanted to remain anonymous, but that didn't last long so now people know what they all look like under the mask.
All of the Papas are played by the same man, Tobias Forge, who wears a different mask for each character. Here's Tender Father below. He's a mad talented genius :D
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Onto the Papas! There are four of them and each album has a different Papa as the lead. All of them are brothers with their father being this old fart, Papa Nihil.
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He's the only Papa that's not played by Tobias Forge. I'll get back to him a little later.
This here is Papa 1, also known as Primo. He's the first Papa and he's also an old fart. All of them are old farts, but Primo is the second oldest fart behind Nihil.
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I honestly don't know much about him, but Ghost started out with him with the album, OpusEponymous. He's crusty and dusty lookin, but the fans still love him. Also, the fandom has collectively agreed that he loves gardening due to a very good cosplayer playing around in a garden.
Next up is Papa 2, also known as Secondo. He looks like an older Pitbull when not in makeup (that's still a mask :'D)
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He's the bone daddy and he's pretty intimidating with that stare. He was the frontman for the album, Infestissumam, which fucking slaps holy shit. I highly recommend that one.
Next up is Terzo, who quickly became a fan favorite as Ghost started getting more popular. Lord almighty, this man has most everyone in the fandom acting up. He's horny on main almost 24/7 and it shows lol
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With their Grammy hit, Cirice, came the most wanted experience by many ghost fans: Being picked by Papa Emeritus if you're near the stage so he can serenade you and give your hand a smooch. Lord, I'd die on the spot. The charisma is dripping from those gifs, good lord almighty I think I need to fan myself lol
He was behind the Meliora album where it focused less on the devil, which was focused on in the other albums, and more on worshipping the self. The ministry didn't like this and Terzo ended up getting dragged off stage and eventually killed along with Primo and Secondo. Very sad :(, but next up is when things get very good :D
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Before Terzo was killed off, we were introduced to Cardinal Copia
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He is also a fan favorite and he became the frontman for the Prequelle album once Terzo and the others were killed off. It's very likely that he is also an Emeritus due to Papa Nihil hooking up with Sister Imperator when they were younger.
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Anyway, back to Copia. Nihil didn't want Copia leading the band because he wasn't a part of the bloodline, but Sister said he was very good at his job as Cardinal and him having the second most employee of the month achievements convinced Papa Nihil to let Copia lead the band. Nihil wanted to lead, but he's an extra old fart and the band needed someone a bit younger.
So Copia became the frontman and he was goofy, sexy and fabulous!
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He wore a lot of tight-ass clothes and he liked to ride around on a lil tricycle both off and on stage. He's the rat daddy :3
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And then, everything changed when Papa Nihil died on stage and Copai just rolled out on his lil trike in this video where he became the new Papa. Warning, this video is loud, but it's mostly due to this one guy losing his shit
So, Cardi C turned into Papa Emeritus IV and he's the current Papa right now and I adore him :')
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Also, with Cardi becoming Papa, he got plastic surgery (new mask), so he looks a lot different now without makeup. Still love him tho :')
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So, Copia is still the frontman and he's on two albums: Prequelle and Impera (which fucking slaps). It's also very likely that he's gonna get killed off at the end of this upcoming summer tour due to this video
The fandom is scared for Copia because we have no idea what's going to go down on 9/11 and 9/12. Those are their last two shows of the tour and no filming from the crowd is allowed, so something big is gonna happen. I don't want rat daddy to die :'D
Anyway, thank you so much for the ask about Ghost! There's a lot of lore, but this pretty much sums it up for the Papas. The ghouls are totally different story since there's so many of them :'D
There are a lot of other explanation vids online you can check out if you want to look more into them
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starythewriter · 1 year
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Their will be smut/sex very short tho! Be safe!
A/N: I will be releasing my masterlist today! Get ready! I also have a MIKAELSON! Oneshot coming out in like 5 hours stay hyped!
you remember what you did this morning with Jack Harlow, you started to touch yourself… but you remembered you had to get to a fashion event…
you got ready, and the color of the fashion show was red and the lustful theme, so you already knew something was gonna go down…
as you got ready you put on the best, most fabulous red outfit, you end up going to the event… you see Jack getting the final touches of his makeup done by his team… your heart flutters seeing him…
you wander off, as this is your first time ever at an fashion show, or atleast one this big, you got ready, a couple moments before you were called you got some time alone, you went to a balcony for fresh air, their were very few but you got one alone…
you reflected upon the day, but also how proud you are of yourself for making the world a better place, wether it be by being outspoken aganist injustice, being friendly or just helping through acts of kindness and donations…
you feel a gentleman grab your hand… your caught off by surprise…
“hey Jack!” you say…
he replies: “hey baby… you look sexy…”
“thank you handsome your not that bad yourself”
you say rubbing your hand down his shirt and glaring at him…
but your interrupted with a knock and rushed to the runway as it’s your turn… you both wave at eachother…
you stand up tell and walk the carpet, you see so many cameras flashing at you, you spot Jack smiling in the crowd… he clicked his tongue… you just smiled back in a subtle way, almost like your smiling for the cameras, you knew what he was thinking but couldn’t show it off as you wanted to keep things private….
after that whole, but amazing ordeal you go to a private sector and find Jack there waiting for you…
he gives you a big huge and praises you about his sexy, and string you were for that…
you both start to makeout, he remembers what you both didn’t finish last night, slowly he grinds up aganist you…
while you are kissing Jack, you notice a photographer watching you, then he goes into the room with a camera, he tries to catch a photo, but only manages to catch the both of you holding hands…
you both rush to a private room, for celebs only… it was mostly for hanging out and relaxing…but you wanted more then that…
you saw the nearest chair and got Jack to sit in it, slowly you started to jump him while moaning, he started to grow lustful , then he moaned too… you felt his erection pressing into you… he pulled you towards himself, he grabbed your breasts with both hands and squeezed them… he was feeling hot under you too, but you weren’t sure if he was aroused, or if he was still thinking about last night… you tried to kiss him as his hand traveled down to your sex, you both started to kiss deeper and harder…
then Jack grabbed both of your breasts in his hands and started to stroke them… you felt your pussy tighten up, you knew he would want you now… you took your clothes off and threw them away…
you started to dnace on his lap … he reached up and undid his pants and took his cock out, he started to thrust into you as your legs wrapped around him…
this was a special moment between the two of you...the passion, the heat, the feeling that you both were finally getting together…after some more riding his long dick.
you both came together!
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hiiii!! :DD
long time no see!!
i want to come here and ask if u have any marla headcanon(s) in mind?
marla is awesome, and i would like to know how u interpret her character n’ stuff
thank u!!
have a lovely day/night
(p.s. i absolutely love ur milton headcanons!! they’re so neat!! ^ ^
and ur art is so fabulous!!)
HOWDY HEY!! big appreciation for the love :-] im always SO So delighted to serve up more headcanons & lucky for u ive been cooking marla headcanons in my notes app for a hot second
marla michelle velázquez crown
• puerto rican immigrant - didnt have a middle mame when her family moved to the states
• when she married callum & took his surname, she moved her last name to her middle mame to "americanize" herself while also respecting her culture
• was often shortened to just michelle by non-family members tho
• bilingual, grew up speaking spanish. practices with callum (multilingual) some to help him sound more like a native speaker
• military father, moved around alot before settling down in dialtown, wisconsin 
• first met callum when she interviewed him for the towns paper after he became a door to door salesman, also having viewed him as a town oddity but was allured by his freakish nature
• was a really good journalist and knew how to extract information, naturally charming, a bit flirty even
• callum was just as charismatic and returned the playful banter, only agreeing to an interview if he could ask questions in return
• got along really well and always had a bit of tension, ramping up their relationship subtly and knowing just how to make the other flustered
 • (although it was mostly callum the one being flustered by her)
• become seriously engaged when crown started running for president and he wanted her to be his first lady
• had a big, show-y wedding with tons of people ranging from marlas extended family to some of callums & milts peers
• had a more genuine and smaller wedding after with a handful of people later:-)
• pre-typewriter head she adored dolling herself up and using makeup and perfecting her hairdo
• obv cant do that now but she still keeps around an antique box full of makeup/product. maybe as a memoir to when times were simplier, to put it
• LOVED loved loved the aesthetic of the early 30s/40s and kept up the same fashion choices as the decades passed
• very iconic neck scarf..resembles mingus' alot
• not vain, but certainly concious of appearance. aware of how she has to look her best in the public eye at all times
• pampers mingus (cat) a comical amount and makes homemeals for her 
• fav office snacks are her banana chips & boiled plantains
• everyone is a big marla fan shes such a pleasant lady! however people that underwstimate her Quickly learn not to
• does alot of listening and studying...sits quietly and absorbs information like a spongue before firing back a question thatll catch the other person off guard. very intense person
• overhears alot more than youd think. if she wrote a book about political gossip itd be longer than the bible
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cyber-cry-baby · 1 year
Miasma Pt. 16 "Grand Soirée"
Caustic x fem reader Words: ~1700 Warnings: none A/N: oops, looks like I wrote three chapters today?? Also, this fic isn't 100% lore-accurate as you probably can tell… hope you don't mind. I’m trying my best to follow it tho! I'm glad to see that people are reading this fic either here or on AO3. I'm not sure which one is the place to post nowadays, but I'll probably continue posting to both. I'd like to hear what you think so far? Thanks for reading this, it means a lot to me!!
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You looked at yourself in the mirror. You hadn't seen yourself this polished in who knows how long. You were getting ready for the Grand Soirée with a small group of friends, and it was fun to see everyone dressed up so elegantly and impeccably groomed. The common rooms were buzzing with cheerful chatter.
The Grand Soirée was an annual event and certainly one of the highlights of life as a legend. With fabulous catering and guaranteed fun, what could possibly go wrong? You stood in front of the mirror and couldn't decide if you felt stunning or like a clown.
"Y/N, you look AMAZING!" Natalie clapped her hands while looking at you. Maybe you did.
"You look beautiful yourself!" you complimented her back. Everyone looked different than ever before. Your black evening gown sparkled and your dark makeup added a beautiful touch. Your hair was styled in classic, elegant curls. You were actually quite beautiful. You wondered how Alexander would look in his suit and quickly shook that thought away when you realized you were blushing.
"We look fabulous, darlings", Loba walked over to you, smiling.
"We should hurry, allons-y", Natalie announced to everyone.
"How do I look? Well, handsome, of course! Oh, I'm the star of the evening, take all the pictures you want", Elliott posed one more time in front of the mirror. You playfully pushed him away from the mirror.
"Alright, let's head to the venue", you urged. The venue was a place you had never been before, but you knew it would be magnificent, with its high ceilings, spacious terraces, large windows, and crystal chandeliers.
You mentally prepared yourself, gathering your composure. There was a lot to face tonight: the media, Alexander, people from the Syndicate. You knew that your family and friends outside of the games would be following the evening's events through the media.
Half an hour later, you got a taste of what life as a celebrity was really like. The red carpet seemed over-the-top, and the camera flashes almost blinded you, but you couldn't help but feel like a star. You had a few solo photos taken, and then a group picture with your friends. You posed confidently with a smile. As you arrived at the venue, you couldn't help but admire the grandeur of the hall and its decorations. You sat down at your assigned seats and began to enjoy the delicious food. You had never tasted such exquisite dishes.
"This is why we work and brawl in the games!" Walter exclaimed, almost devouring his food with both hands. You smiled blissfully, seeing how excited everyone was. You wondered how everything looked to outsiders, the glamour and glitz. You began to feel full and sipped on the expensive red wine. At this moment, you wholeheartedly agreed with Walter.
The rooftop terrace was not lacking in extravagance either. Bar counters and hot tubs were scattered everywhere. The atmospheric light installations added a festive touch to the whole setting. The music was playing softly, but you knew it would pick up as the night went on.
"Y/N Y/L/N! You are known in the game as Specter. You're one of the youngest legends and have been in the top ranks in the games a lot now. What do you have to say to your fans?" You were almost startled as a woman with a microphone and a man with a camera stood before you. You probably should have prepared for questions earlier. You stood there looking sophisticated with a wine glass in hand, smiling nicely. Your friends were probably cheering for you in front of the TV right now.
"I want to say, chase your dreams and work hard for them!" you responded with a cliché, and the duo moved on to harass others with their questions. You saw your chance and quickly moved a little further away. You leaned against the railing and took a sip from your wine glass. The view was breathtaking. The city looked massive, and all the other buildings seemed tiny. The billboards blinked in the evening's dim light, and the traffic down below appeared minimal.
You turned around and were taken aback when you saw Natalie talking to Alexander in the distance. They seemed to be having a good time, and you felt a little sad. Why couldn't you just go and chat with them? No, you couldn't act normal in his presence. Probably never again.
Alexander looked incredibly handsome in his suit. You wanted to burst. You wanted so badly to go and grab his arm and let everyone see—your friends, the media, everyone. But there was no chance.
"Oh, how sweet. Are you pining for him?" you heard a familiar, annoying voice from beside you.
"Doyle..." you spat his name contemptuously and rolled your eyes. He looked terribly official in his suit.
"Can't I come and chat with my favorite legend?" he said, leaning closer to you and clinking his glass against yours. You glared at him angrily.
"What? Can't I even admire my favorite legend?" he whispered in your ear, and you glared at him once again. Then he left to join his like-minded friends.
"That jerk", Loba walked over to you to check if you were okay.
"Ugh, he's just a loser, I'm not afraid of him", you waved your hand dismissively.
"Come on, let's stick together", Loba protectively took your arm and began to lead you towards the others. Yes, the others. You saw the whole group standing together in the distance, including Alexander. Natalie squealed when she saw you.
"I just praised Dr. Caustic about you. You look so beautiful, don't you think, Dr. Caustic?"
Well, this got awkward.
Alexander just grunted and turned away. You didn't expect any other reaction. You wondered what it looked like from afar when you and Doyle were talking.
"You and that Syndicate guy will probably be in the headlines tomorrow, the way you two were acting..." Anita pointed out. She looked like a bodyguard in her suit. You wished someone could have guarded your back tonight. Clearly, it was needed.
"That would be hell of a headline..." Kairi sighed and took a sip from her drink. "I need another one."
"Tell me about it", you huffed in response to both of her comments.
You noticed everyone around you gradually moving toward the bar counter. Soon, you found yourself standing alone with Alexander where you had been in a group just a while ago.
"Who was that bastard in the suit?" Alexander suddenly spoke.
"Aren't everyone like that here tonight?" you teased, and you could tell your joke didn't amuse him much at the moment. You couldn't exactly tell him that the guy was someone you were feeding information about his secret experiments to.
"I'll break his hands if he attempts physical contact with you again", Alexander growled, and you couldn't help but smile.
"Like any good colleague would?" you asked, feigning innocence.
"Of course", Alexander replied, adjusting his bowtie. You were relieved that your encounter wasn't awkward, and you could continue your conversation normally. You hoped for more, of course.
"Well, do you agree with Natalie?" you asked, and Alexander looked at you questioningly.
"Am I beautiful?" you flirted with a seductive look, just like any colleague would.
"You're very... alluring", you saw Alexander blush. "And that dress looks great on you."
"Thank you, but I think that you would look great on top of me", you whispered, and you saw Alexander almost choke on his drink. You struggled to stifle your laughter.
"If you weren't my colleague, I'd make you pay for that", Alexander muttered in a low voice, and your laughter abruptly stopped. Were you really going to continue this flirtation? Because if you did, you wouldn't be able to control yourself. You had to take a deep breath. This was truly torturing yourself. If you wanted to continue with your normal life, you couldn't do this to yourself.
"What did you have in mind? After all, I'm just your colleague", you asked innocently. You just had to continue...
"I'll come up with something. I find myself already too deep in this situation, and I'm uncertain whether it's possible to pull back", he said, giving you a meaningful look, and you felt like you were about to burst. You had just prepared yourself to detach from all of this, and now it continued. Not that you minded; it was better than anything. You knew you shouldn't allow yourself to...
fall in love.
But as Alexander had just pointed out, he was already deep into this, and so were you.
"I... I'll get a drink. Do you want anything?" you mumbled and started moving towards the bar counter. Alexander just shook his head and showed that he still had some of his drink left. You headed further away, and suddenly you saw Doyle signaling you over. His face looked serious. What the hell was going on?
You made your way over to him. It was best to obey. However, he couldn't do anything here with everyone watching.
"The files you sent have been examined now. Turns out, you were useful", Doyle said. It was a relief to hear. Maybe now he would be satisfied and leave you alone.
"You're probably interested in this...", Doyle pulled out his phone and began showing you something on the screen.
"It's no longer about Solace City; he's interested in another, more remote location where he's seriously planning gas attacks."
You furrowed your brows and leaned in to look at the screen.
"Does this look familiar? That is your hometown, right?" Doyle smirked as he saw the shock forming on your face.
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There needs to be more Sami Yaffa fics in the world. Anyways- Can I get a fic where reader (preferably fem but it's fine if you can't) is nearly the same height as Sami (he's 6 feet tall btw) and they go to a formal event (you can pick what the event is idrc) and she wears heels. And shes insecure because she feels like she shouldn't be taller than him because people keep making backhanded comments towards her for being taller than Sami.
a/n: AAAA THIS IS PERFECT and also slightly self indulgent cuz i’m 5’7 which isn’t that tall but i still don’t like wearing tall shoes bc ugh but i loveeee sami he’s a sweetheart tysm nonnie ur so right we need more sami stuff
this was a priority even tho i have twenty other drafts from weeks ago i could be finishing rn 💃
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cuz like!!! look!!!
you were sitting at the mirror finishing your makeup for the event that your boyfriend sami was brining you to tonight. you usually were pretty happy to go to whatever formal events regarding his band that sami brought you along to, and you were usually excited to go. sami helped you pick out your outfits, which today included a long v neck slip dress and a pair of black suede pumps. they added three inches to your height, and they’d stayed in the closet for a while for that reason. but sami must’ve found them and been drawn to them for whatever reason, and it probably didn’t cross his mind that wearing the heels would make you much taller.
“y/n? are you in there?” he knocked on the bathroom door. you set your makeup brush on the counter and opened the door, looking up at sami, who had a soft smile on his face.
“hi, sam.” you half smiled at the sight of him alone.
“did you like the outfit i picked? he noticed you were already wearing the dress he’d found in the closet earlier. you hesitantly nodded, attempting to hide your anxiety about the shoes.
“we’ve got to be there in about an hour, are you almost ready?” he asked sweetly.
“yeah… just a second.” you answered quietly, turning back to the mirror to clean up the counter quickly, then walking out of the bathroom. you grabbed the pair of shoes and walked towards sami, who was now standing in front of the mirror. you put on the shoes and stood next to him.
“we look fabulous, don’t we?” he asked confidently, smiling wide and putting his arm around you while your eyes were completely fixated on the mirror. you nodded, smiling after shutting your eyes.
“alright, we better get going.” he stated after turning around to check the time on the bedside alarm clock. he squeezed your shoulder lovingly and grabbed your hand, walking out the door of your apartment.
as soon as you arrived at the venue, it felt like everyone was watching you. you felt uncomfortably out of place and as thought you stood out a little more than you wanted to. you stood extra close to sami, not letting go of his arm. you were constantly trying to see if you were taller than sami with the heels on, or if you were still slightly shorter. eventually, he noticed you were acting strange.
“are you okay, love?” he asked, making sure he had your attention.
“yeah, i’m alright. can we sit down somewhere?” you asked, hoping your height wouldn’t be as noticeable when you were sitting down. sami nodded and took your hand again to find somewhere to sit. it was a fairly busy event, and you weren’t paying attention when you accidentally bumped into another girl, who was much shorter than you. but you noticed she too was wearing heels. the girl looked up at you after apologizing, and noticed you and sami standing together.
“wow, i could never wear heels if i was that tall…” you were sure you overheard her say to someone else close by. sami must’ve heard it too, because he looked at you with a sudden expression of understanding. you found a small table and sat down, and thank god, because you were just about holding back tears. sami quickly grabbed your hands tightly.
“is that what’s bothering you?” he tried to get you to look at him, but you couldn’t. you just nodded.
“oh love, don’t worry about that. it doesn’t matter if you’re taller than me, or the same height as me, or shorter. i love you so much, and i think you’re absolutely gorgeous. i always will.” he let go of your hand so he could move your head to face him. you quickly caught a tear from your eye. you sniffled, holding sami’s hand tighter and seeking comfort from it. you finally looked into his eyes and saw his genuine smile, causing you to relax a little more.
“thank you sami. i love you so much.” you kissed his hand that he was using to hold your face, and then he kissed you, still holding your hand from across the table. you stood up and held your hand out for him, he took it and did the same, standing proudly and kissing your face once more.
“let’s go get some drinks, alright?”
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chaoticabstractism · 1 year
Reading ✨The cage i call home✨ by @minjoon-love and dropping live comments here :
I’m already through first chep and they both seem in love lol but I’m guessing the angst is coming.
The smut was fabulous. Jiminie’s description is so pretty.
Lol taehyung is sucha tattle mouth.
So he has a limp, sour cunt, drunk brain and great friends! Life is good
They were FwBs before but they act like exes! People who know each others body in great detail and since they don’t talk much really all they’ve got is body language. But they care and long about each other too.
Mimi is sucha goner for yoongi! Sigh. I’m only little worried for him.
Yoongi knows taekook???????? So they’re in this secret business too????? Shit Jiminie shit
Oh okay they don’t. Then is Yoongi cooking something????
His entire body misses Yoongi :’)
The whole selling his soul to devil to monster - part 💀💀💀
Jimins headspace with praise kink and desire to be used and feeling guilty when he thinks he hasn’t deserved it, is really worrying. But really fascinating to read.
Kissing an asshole, literally and metaphorically.
The whole sequence of tracing the scar on Yoongi and silently asking for a scar back like a mating mark or something or something of yoongi to have with him when he isn’t close to the man!!!FUCK
JIMINNNNN oh god you traumatised baby
The choking scene was FUCK I MAY NEVER RECOVER especially with the undertones of their headspace shit
Alright chep 3 :
Oh would you look at that? It’s none other than Jiminie’s suga daddy !!!
Jimin is very good at making him feel needed. Well that’s kinda true for both of them. Sigh
What is yoongi Tryna do here really? See how much Jimin can take ? Break him? Push him so much that he’ll finally bite him back! ?
Hey hey hey hey hey what is happening in that bathroom I’m scared
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK WHY IS THAT SO HOT! stuffing his three holes FUCK FUCK FUCK oh god I’m ruined
Kimchi is their safe word!!! How romantic
For a couple who’s so messy in their sex life with derogatory tones and problematic kinks, they’re to domestic and lovey dovey other than sex.
And we are done with this chep too.
Let’s go chep 4 :
Taehyung fumbling and rambling describing Mimi’s hair and makeup style!!! I GET IT MAN I GET IT! I would too, he is just beautiful ✨
As soon as you admit the existence of happiness you’ve to face the reality that you could lose it - damn ! That hit way too close to the home.
OH GOD THREESOME! Get yourself a man like min yoongi who gets you another man to fill all your holes at once! Amen
Shit I can feel the humiliation seeping into my skin shit ! And I’m so turned on it’s embarrassing!! Fuxk you godddddddddd
Fuck yoongi fuck!!! THIS IS SO PERFECT feel bad for Seokjin tho! Yoongi used him as a literal boy toy to add pleasure into their dynamic.
“He tilts his head, opens his mouth and swirls the cum inside showing him” HE DID WHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT
Not Seokjin validated him like a baby showing his new cum-gurgling trick! HELPPPPP WHAT 😭😭😭😭
No disgust and no romantic feelings = best outcome in casual sex!!! Couldn’t agree anymore
The bathroom scene ???????? They’re so disgustingly in love and domestic and wild! And i love them so much
Oh my god the threesome was your block??!!!! I’m sorry I wasn’t there before or else I would have drowned you in praises because holy fuck!! That was so! I’ve thought a lot about such scene before but it’s just random dialogues and images and I’ve never been able to put it into words or paper but THIS WAS MINDFUCKING I love you for writing this
Okay chep 5 now whoooosh :
Theyre so cute in bed 😭😭😭😭
🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲whatever happened
“Hurt me” 😩😩😩
I kind of knew yoongi would be the one using safe word the way Jimins masochistic tendencies keep flowing up at the surface but it still didn’t lessen the hurt that that it left :’)
He really left huh :’) I wished he would have stayed and talked and gathered some courage , can’t he see yoongi’s all ready to give him more than he could anyway!
I haven’t read anything else by you so idk if you’re into open endings or just endings where they aren’t together like a fairy tale, or not. Which is okay by me, I just , it’s nice to have had known but there’s no turning back now shit, im so nervous
Plus he’s coming to terms with the depth of his feeling, on top of it he already sorta felt that Jimin had it too. And he was trying to heal from it , in ways he knew. But now he’s ran away again and that would be so confusing. Was it just him? Was it the yesterday nights event ? Does it still feel suffocated ? Poor baby
Oh fuck he came back OH FUCK OH FUCK shit! Okay wow this is anticlimactic because I was ready to bawl my eyes out phewwww (sorry my damaged brain thinks it deserves pain even in stories and it’s too dreamy to hope for happy endings everywhere) shit but he really came back oh my god! Thank god one of them is better at this! Very Ross and Rachel like huh tho
Bye I need to cry
Okay I’m back , they’re at the sauna and having fun waaaaa it soothes my heart, this is nice
are you really yoongi’s partner if you don’t enjoy making him a blushing mess !!!!!
Kinda want Jimin to pull the yoongi marry me act and watch him be a puddle
Okay I’m done ,i thank you so much for leaving me a crying babbling utter mess 😔😔😔 no but really, it’s been a while since I’ve read an intense story like this and I guess slice of life even with mafia tones is something I really like, even more when there’s delicious angst! But I don’t read angst without smut and oh boy oh did you deliver!!! THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS! I love it! The flow, the pain, the sex, the writing everything about it!
I’ll read more of your stuff now @minjoon-love 🫂
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rainydaydolls · 1 year
I've been trying out makeovers on some of my dolls recently. It's always seemed kind of cool to give like sad thrift store dolls fabulous new looks, but I've honestly been worried I'd just make them uglier.
My dolls tho, so it doesn't matter lol. If I hate it I can probably just redo everything anyway. + I've had a few ceramics classes and paint/draw so much that I should really have more faith in my artistic abilities. + I know everything takes practice.
After bingeing(binging?) some nice doll making videos, I felt confident enough to try some things out myself.
Both dolls originally just had a ring of hair pulled back into a ponytail to cover the rest of the head, so my original goal was just to give them hair I liked better, but I decided to try makeup too bc why not.
I also cut a barbie dress in half and made those stripy pants out of the bottom part.
I'm pretty happy with them considering it's a new medium for me. And I learned a lot from both dolls!
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Okay. So. I'm dyeing my hair and because of that I have some A//smo thoughts.
(more under the cut)
Vas didn't think about it seriously when they said "Damn, would be nice to dye my hair..." but the second A//smo heard it, his eyes lit up
He plans a whole spa day for that occasion, and that also includes face masks, manicure, pedicure...
Good thing he has his own bathroom or else we both would get scolding from L//uci for making a mess and taking so long
A//smo would get some high quality lavender scented candles
(when Vas sees it all, they almost choke like dude I just wanted to dye hair??? they appreciate it a lot tho)
They actually often spend evenings doing a self care routine (though less elaborate than this time) so they have a chill playlist for times like that
Gossips. Listen, Vas may not be so invested in social media nor do they know who is with whom and what are the big scandals of Devildom, but thanks to the demon they know all of the drama.
I feel like A//smo is REALLY good at hair coloring. There would be no blind spots, dye is put equally and he would apply for the human a ton of products to regenrate their hair and then style it. Basically, it looks like a job made by an actual hairdresser. He has to take care of his image so he definitely knows a thing or two about it.
He himself isn't that much into dyeing his own hair? He just really likes the idea of helping others (especially his bff) in changing their image
Though the demon wouldn't be opposed to get a strand colored, he would be excited that the two of them are matching, and same goes for Vas, they won't shut up about it
After they are done, they would act like highschool girls from movies - even more gossips, trying out different clothes and making a 'fashion show', singing and dancing to pop music and a photo shoot to commemorate it
They would also do each other's makeup. Vas is in heaven (lmao) seeing so many products to choose from, they would get creative and do their best to make their friend look fabulous as always
The both of them go h a r d singing Lady Gaga songs
Overall, the best lazy day ever
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fish-king · 2 years
Tips for transmasc folks:
Hair salons are your nemesis. Don't trust them. Barbershops, and specifically locally owned ones will be your friend. Reason being that they are far more likely to go "Aight cool" when you ask for a short haircut. See 2 for what to ask for specifically.
For super short hair your best bet is the fade. Fades come in all kinds of styles and lengths though, so note two things first: Where do you want the fade to start, and do you want the start of the fade to be skin. A low skin fade is my go to because I am fabulously gay, but you might want that frat boy look so go off king. Buzz cuts are ofc a choice, if you wanna rock a chrome dome you can, otherwise I can suggest the high and tight since if you walk around like you have a giant dick people will assume you're just a short guy in the military ngl.
Shampoo, plot twist all guys shampoo sucks ass and that's why you should get some. Its cheap, will make your hair weird as shit to style, and has esoteric nonsense instead of a scent. Do avoid the 2 in 1 but the everybody 5 in 1 is somehow alright. Don't eat the shampoo tho, it doesn't taste good.
Mustache and beard, congrats you can grow facial hair. Now shave it regularly for the first couple of months so it grows in evenly and not like a middle schoolers lip caterpillar. Plus, there is a learning curve to men's razors and avoiding razor burn/bumps.
Shaving the face, if you keep getting shaving bumps from shaving, try a different shaving cream or no shaving cream. Make sure you wet the blade and rinse it after every couple of passes though as it will eventually start getting jammed full of your manly™️ face hair. I recommend hot water so that any bacteria your face may have also die.
Face wash, depending on if you have T or not this one's hit or miss. Second puberty is a bitch for acne so wash regularly, and wash your pillowcase at least once a week to keep your skin clear.
Shaving everywhere else: Debatably not needed, but seriously do shave your armpits unless you don't sweat a lot. Just because you're a man doesn't mean you get to smell like shit. Make sure you pass this along to every other man as well because it's a real problem. [Your armpit hair will trap your stank down there and cause extra sweating, so please, just shave that one bit even if you don't shave anywhere else.]
Makeup: eyeshadow still looks hot on everyone apparently, so go off with whatever tbh.
Be sure to overly explain everything so people know you're a man [Sarcastic here but I mean, mansplaining can help you pass if that's your dice]
Lastly, get really into some kind of sport. I suggest MMA because regardless of your sexual preference you can watch two hot people punch each other for several minutes while shirtless so it's the best sport by default.
And that's my 10 shitty tips for being a man. Now watch as I ignore all of them to go be a woman.
I have no advice for packing aside from use softer materials since otherwise it'll look like you have a boner. Unless you're going for that, then just avoid melting it by sitting in the sun too long.
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
Hi. I love your blog so much. Your are posts are genuinely amazing. I was wondering if you could do moodboard or recommend me aesthetics for my placements (in terms of fashion, makeup, hair, shoes and just overall aesthetic) I have Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, Leo Ascendant, Venus in Aries in 9th House as well as Gemini Mercury. What hair colors and hairstyles would you recommend?
Ahh ty! I think I will add fashion to my list of posts but generally for your placements I think bold and individualistic would suit you best!
Generally Aries Venus in fire houses rock reds, blacks & bold saturated colours. Red lips, Edgy bright clothes, anything quirky you can incorporate into your fashion would work well as your chart ruler is in Gemini.
Your virgo moon may feel a bit out of place sometimes so you could incorporate a girlboss look and make it fierce to suit your aries venus! But generally wearing anything that makes you stand out like statement jewelry, particularly earrings (gemini rules ears) and wearing gold would suit you sooo well.
Look at statement blazers to add to your outfits!! It will look so good trust me. Especially red! Maybe even pink? You rock bold and bright colours for sure tho.
A nice red lip and winged liner would look fabulous for makeup and keep your hair down, poofy & curly or go for a sleek bun!
As for hair colours you could definitely pull off a lot with this combination. Im seeing red hair 100% as well as pinks and purples, if you like to keep it natural then go for auburn with gold highlights or a golden warm blonde It would look beautiful and showoff your leo rising so much.
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Really wanted to like Ahsoka. Enjoyed the bigger use of colour compared to the other series and the fabulous scoring (!) but the dialogue, cinematography and sfx (and I’m including hair and makeup here) kind of let it down for me and seemed incompatible with the serious chord they were trying to strike. Not a hater tho and I hardcore congratulate everyone who worked hard on it!!! It’s still a solid project. At the end of the day I’m a person that likes distinct versatile aesthetics and personality in film and I just miss the weird wonderfulness that made the prequels so visually enjoyable 😩 here’s hoping the next will incorporate more of the classic stuff that’s been missing recently.
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Once upon a time,In a shimmering palace,there lived two very spoiled and beautiful but sweet sisters named Jeanette and Noelle. Jeanette was the older sister,with sparkling blue eyes,a very curvaceous figure,a fair complexion,and silvery blonde hair that is almost always piled high on her head with a silver tiara,and she is always seen wearing the most fabulous gowns,shoes, jewelry, perfumes,and makeup that money can buy, Noelle on the other hand,was the younger sister,with shimmering violet eyes,a fair complexion,a petite figure,and cherry colored hair that's always styled half up with a gold tiara,and she's always seen with more subdued but still fabulous outfits, makeup, perfume and shoes.With both of their beauty and wealth combined, Jeanette and Noelle both attract the attention of equally wealthy suitors,and they both loved the attention their suitors gave them,as well as the gifts they both received from them.
Bro you should write a whole story on this tho
10/10 story telling WRITE A BOOK PLS
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Ashlie: A guy should mess up your lipstick, not your mascara.
Jon: Mess up my lipstick and people will watch your body get scooped out of a river on the news.
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