#the modern pygmalion
niceyreflektor · 30 days
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"Come closer dear. Shut the door behind you. I wish to look at my patron by myself. What human wishes for me?"
New horror oc concept for a new story
A painter filled with bodily resentment and loathing dreams of a masquerade ball full of monsters the night after she paints her masterpiece. A sphinxlike being offers love and consumption and the offer is all too tempting.
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araneapeixes · 3 months
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in the bathroom at the gay clubbbb
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This post gave me the idea for a modern AU where Eliza Doolittle is rooming with an older couple, Higgins and Pickering, and keeping them up to date on whatever the latest memes and drama on social media are. Hell, maybe they're even still giving her lessons on professional diction, but then she uses that style of diction to talk about Xitter's latest trashy celebrity drama (in place of "come on Dover, move yer bloomin' arse" and the preceding gossip involving a family member and a spoonful of gin).
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nerdferatum · 1 year
Pottery date for nat and lamia maybe?
Thank you!! This isn't the usual pottery date, but I hope you like it (and also that you don't mind that I'm using the prompt for the OC Kiss Week day 3: nostalgia)
Short spin-off for Natalie Sewell or the modern Pygmalion (read on AO3)
Pottery date, making their own homemade gifts for the other (+AO3 link)
Spring in Wayhaven was a beautiful sight. Nat had mentioned it to Lamia a few times in the last few days, but, she, used to the blooming flowers and the joyful chatter, just said that it looked the same it always did. She was probably right, Nat thought while waiting outside of the workshop. After all, she had seen those same trees lose their leaves thirty times by then, how could it be as impressive to her as it was to Nat?
However, when she turned to the store window, she was as transfixed on the details of the ceramic work as she was the first time she was close to a ceramist for the first time, even though that happened more than 300 years ago. She still got lost in the delicate details of the lusterware and the bright colours of amateur mugs, to the point she didn’t notice Lamia approaching her until she was right by her side.
“I’ve wanted to give pottery a try since this store opened,” Lamia stated as a greeting.
“It took you long enough,” Nat replied, smiling.
“I was waiting for the right company.” Lamia leaned in to kiss Nat’s cheek and took her hand, before leading her inside. She was wearing her favourite hijab neatly pinned so it wouldn’t get in the way of their lesson, matching the blush toned scarf with a long vest and wide pants. Only she could choose a white sweater for a pottery class, thought Nat, trying to hide a chuckle.
“So,” whispered Lamia as everyone was taking their seats, “any tips for beginners?”
“Me? I know as much as you do.”
“Really? I was hoping for some help from an expert,” Lamia sighed, looking less confidently at her block of clay.
“Sorry to disappoint you, but I was more interested in sculpting back then.”
“Of course you were.” Lamia rolled her eyes fondly at her. “Is there that much of a difference?”
“Just enough, I suppose. It will be nice to be an apprentice again.”
“How long has it been since the last time you were in an atelier?”
Lamia scooted over her chair to get closer, genuinely curious about what Nat might say. She knew the vampire didn’t usually share too much of her past, so, during conversations like that one, she would gently push for any nugget of information. Nat was aware of her need to know her story, all of it, and, although it melted her heart only to think about it, there was something holding her back from saying anything that could detangle her past for her. They didn’t know each other for a long time, even if it felt like a lifetime. What was a year in eternity?
“Seven years,” Nat finally confessed. She knew Lamia was waiting for more, but she couldn’t bring herself to it. What would she think after she heard the story? Would she still see her the same way? What if she hurt Lamia by showing her what was left of her memories of Galatea?
Luckily, she didn’t need to look for an excuse. The owner of the store caught everyone’s attention with a cheerful introduction and Lamia went back to her place, not after gently squeezing Nat’s hand. She would wait until she was ready.
It turned out that the pottery lesson wasn’t extremely complicated. Nat worked with ease in creating gradually longer cylinders of clay and then piled them up until she got a decent sized bowl. She then blended them together with a tool shaped like a half moon until all sides were only slightly uneven. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but Nat was surprised her hands remembered working on clay. When she turned to Lamia, she found a very different picture.
Lamia was frowning at her clay. It kept breaking over and over again and she tried to fix it by pressing her fingers along the surface. Her white top had muddy stains around the wrists.
“It hates me,” Lamia whined, after a crack formed again from the edge and the top crumbled from its own weight.
“It doesn’t hate you,” replied Nat; she brought her chair closer to Lamia’s and grabbed a small piece of clay, “you have to touch it just the right amount. Let me show you.”
She guided Lamia’s hands to roll smoother cylinders, lightly pressing the clay to shape it, taking just a drop of water so it didn’t dry too quickly. With Nat’s help, she managed to piece together a small acceptable vase. Her face lit up with pride and she watched delighted as the teacher put her creation in the oven.
Lamia looked chippier throughout the next step. She mixed the powder, water and alcohol to get the most vibrant colours. Green, blue, orange… They were already stunning in her palette. The hour went by all too quickly for Nat, who wasn’t so sure about her own design. As much as she tried to copy Lamia’s process, she was too distracted by her focused expression. The tiniest wrinkles had appeared between her eyebrows and she could see the shadow of a smile on her pursed lips. She worked efficiently, with no time to spare for doubt. It was mesmerising. When the pieces were out of the oven and were finally cooling down for paint, she had managed to draw and cut a beautiful design imitating a fantastic mosaic. She laid her handmade stencil over the curved surface.
“I think we make a great team,” said Nat.
“Of course we do,” answered Lamia, without looking up, “how is your bowl going?”
Nat looked back at her own piece. She had placed some small flowers and birds which didn’t look too bad, but hadn’t really been thinking about it.
“Aw, it’s cute,” Lamia cooed at the shy strokes of her brush to which Nat laughed.
“I wasn’t paying too much attention to it. Yours is more interesting.”
“Do you like it?” asked Lamia, excited, “my cousins and I used to do mosaics at school, you know, with colourful paper. It was fun.”
“You look like you are having fun.”
“Absolutely. Much better than shaping clay.”
“Agree to disagree,” smiled Nat and went back to her work.
Nat was satisfied with her work when she put her brush down. She had missed getting her hands dirty and she was pretty sure Farah would be ecstatic to learn about that class.
“I expected it to be more like Ghost, but this isn't too bad,” admitted Lamia, observing her lines from a close distance.
“Yeah, the movie. You haven’t seen it?” She looked horrified when Nat shook her head. “We are watching it tonight. You need to watch Ghost.”
“If you say so,” conceded Nat, who knew when a battle was lost, “but we won’t be able to watch it if you look at your vase so closely.”
“I think I moved the stencil at some point. Look! These lines don’t make any sense.”
Nat took Lamia’s hand, which got her attention back.
“It looks beautiful. We need to let it dry now.”
“Again? Can’t we take it home now?”
“I don’t think your sweater can take more of this class,” Nat chuckled and rubbed the fabric between her fingers.
They left the store after thanking their teacher to slowly walk towards Lamia’s apartment. The night was a bit too hot for that time of year, but perfect for a calm stroll. Lamia was unusually quiet, until her home started to take form between the buildings.
“What happened seven years ago?” she hesitantly asked.
Nat took a moment to consider her next words and Lamia patiently waited for her, intertwining their fingers.
“I met a woman.”
“Ah,” Lamia sighed, “that’s how most of my stories start too.”
They both laughed, aware that the joke was just a way to tell Nat how impatient she was.
“It’s a complicated, long story.”
“I have time,” Lamia tried to reassure her with a smile.
Breathing deeply, Nat continued.
“You remind me of her.”
“How come?”
“It was just a moment, the first time we met.”
“So I look like her?”
Nat looked on her face any shadow of hurt, but there was none.
“Not anymore. You two are too different for any physical resemblance to matter.”
“So what happened?”
“She left. It was the right thing to do,” she added quickly when she saw Lamia's surprise, “I can see that now.”
“But it wasn’t easy back then.”
“It rarely is,” admitted Nat. Even after so many years, she still felt the weight of melancholy thinking about those few months.
Lamia quieted down again for a few minutes, mulling over the small blinks of her past. When she spoke again, she did it in a soft voice, calmly, as if she was prudently choosing her words.
“I know you don’t want to or you don’t like talking about your past and it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me why. But I want you to know that I understand that you had a life before me. A very long life. I won’t hold anything against you.”
Nat sighed, unable to answer like she wanted or how Lamia deserved.
“There is… a bust in the warehouse. One of the last I made of her. I’ll show you some day.”
Lamia stopped and pulled Nat’s hand to bring her closer. She cupped her face with her hands before giving her a short, tender kiss.
“Thank you. Now, let’s go. We have a movie to watch.”
The next day, after picking up her work at the workshop, they headed to the warehouse. Nat let Lamia enter first in the dark room, where most of their belongings from other missions were carefully stored. The bust was unceremoniously balanced between other small souvenirs.
“She was beautiful,” whispered Lamia. She reached to caress the cold cheek of the one who looked exactly like her, and still so different.
“She was.”
Lamia tore her eyes from the bust to look worryingly at Nat.
"Do you know anything about her?"
"Not in a long time."
Lamia nodded. After a hesitant instant, she took the bust in her hands.
"She deserves to be seen."
She held it against her chest, making sure it was safe and gestured for Nat to open the door again. Lamia walked in front of her, and took them to the library. Nat opened the door again for her and watched Lamia place the bust on the shelf in the middle of the room, right at the level of their eyes. The sunlight hit its cheeks almost bringing it to life.
"I'll buy some flowers and we'll put my vase here," said Lamia, pointing next to the statue.
Nat stood next to Lamia in silence. Looking at that face she knew so well didn't cause as much pain as she thought it would. Lamia leaned against the shelf, and lightly kissed the statue's forehead.
"I hope she is okay."
Nat stepped hesitantly towards the bust and repeated the gesture. The dried clay remained cold under her lips and she smiled against the stone.
"I'm sure she is."
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All the times I've seen Itsuki Shuu likened to Pygmalion, with Kagehira Mika as his Galatea, my mind interprets them as some kind of insinuation by the respective OPs, that Itsuki will come to regret "allowing" Kagehira to "become human".
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riggedbones · 2 years
see like i have actual reasons for the ways i refer to mr. creature from frankenstein but also like i know and perceive the truth….
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muffinwalloper · 2 months
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AI Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins in 2024
Love her, didnt think he'd look that old but alright
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tristinian · 11 months
There’s always going to be something so transgender to me about building a body, whether for you or someone else
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pr0fessional-cunt · 5 months
*tries not to think about how saltburn is some twisted version of pygmalion*
pygmalion is a greek story of how a sculptor created a woman from marble and fell in love with her. he prayed to Aphrodite to make her real, and his wish was granted.
pygmalion has soon become the story of molding a person into who you want them to be, and falling for them; falling for how you perceive them in your head. “she’s all that” is a modern retelling of pygmalion; the change, the love.
oliver changes for felix, one could say by his hand. he molds himself to be what felix loves, what he needs. oliver is both pygmalion and the statue.
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The Witching Hour: Spooky BBC Merlin Fic Recs
A Modern Pygmalion by supercalvin
A Warlock's Blood by Lullabylily
Ain't No Grave (Can Hold Me) by Val_Creative
All the Dead Are Here by Footloose
all our dead, unfinished selves by schweet_heart
An Ox on the Tongue by seapotato
and with my opened mouth i join the singing light by intothefirewego
Death is Only the Beginning by Val_Creative
Deliquesce by BeautifulFiction
Dying to Return by StormDancer
Feeding Grounds by N16  [gen]
From Darkness Comes Light by beren
From The Ashes by RandomSlasher
Gibraltar May Tumble by shes_gone
Grave Mistake by kickflaw
Haunted Ride by Sage_Owl
How It Will Be by Trojie. 
Hunter's Blood by Shadecat
I'll Be Your Fire (The Dragon Dream Remix) by claudine
In It For The Thrill by TheCourtSorcerer
Into the Dark by kriadydragon
i will always pick you up by daffodilprince
It Will Have Blood by kayura_sanada
London Tower by significantowl
Mating Call by orphan_account
My Breath In Your Lungs by Zaharya
Quickening Days by Fahye
Resurgam by La_Temperanza
Seeds of Darkness by N16 [gen]
The Devil's Table by kriadydragon [gen]
The Beast of Winter by linaerys
The Fallen by ArtemisPendragon
The Kingcraft of Arthur Pendragon by SauraUnderscore
The Maze of Malus by beckybrit
The Tomb by kriadydragon [gen]
The Washerwoman by schweet_heart
You Can Be King Again by asuralucier
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Modern day Pygmalion and Galatea esque au wherein Shen Yuan is an animator for the donghua adaptation of PIDW who subconsciously adds so many little details of his genuine love for the character into his drawings of Bingge and Luo Binghe who comes to life and is trying to find a way to escape the computer and run off with the cute guy that always smiles while drawing on him
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bethanydelleman · 9 months
I always see on Facebook mentioning how Mr Knightley "groomed" Emma...
On the joys of the internet...
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Grooming (as a form of abuse), like gaslighting, has a very specific definition. And as gaslighting doesn't just mean "you lied to me", grooming doesn't mean, "person who is older dates someone younger and I feel squicky about it." Even most Pygmalion plots (think My Fair Lady) actually aren't grooming because... the woman is an adult!*
We'll use this Wikipedia definition: Child grooming refers to actions or behaviors used to establish an emotional connection with a child under the age of consent, and sometimes the child's family, to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse.
Now let's review the facts of the case, while Mr. Knightley does have an emotional connection with Emma, he is not doing anything problematic with it. He mostly just helps her manage Mr. Woodhouse and the relationship between Mr. Woodhouse, John, and Isabella. He also tries to use their emotional connection to help Emma become a better person. Somewhat Pygmalion? Sure. Illegal even in the modern day? Nope!
But more importantly, and this is assuming that Mr. Knightley was trying to build himself a wife WHICH HE WASN'T, if Mr. Knightley had wanted a vulnerable Emma (the point of grooming), he would have married her years earlier (or at least tried, Mr. Woodhouse would have a say obviously). He didn't! He waits for her to not only be way past the age of consent (14 at the time) but twenty-one years old, the legal age of adulthood at the time.
So no, Emma and Mr. Knightley's relationship may feel a bit odd to modern day readers, but it is not grooming in any way.
Related posts because this has come up before.
Also, last point: Given how little Emma actually listens to what Knightley says, it's barely even Pygmalion.
*There can be an imbalance of power in a relationship where one party is older or richer, but that also exists in the Emma/Harriet relationship. An imbalance of power ≠ grooming, though it should be thought about carefully.
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eeunoia · 1 year
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Greek Myths
pairings: nishimura riki x reader
synopsis: like any other artists, nishimura riki, loves his sketches. but he grew fond of this one sketch of girl he sees in his dream. what will happen if suddenly, she appreared right in front of him? this time in real time, not in dreams land.
word count: 10k
important note: i originally planned to write enhypen as greek gods but then i didn’t find some love stories that i like so i end up using some love stories that aren’t greek gods. also these are like modern versions of greek mythology love stories.
warnings: grammar errors, not proof read, a dead relative. let me know if i missed some!
note📎: you have come to the end of this series. i can’t believe i finished this one already. i hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @edensgardenn @simpforniki @classicroyalty @angel-hybrid @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @hime98 @moonsclover @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @sta-rie @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @ayayiiie @moonlightisland @aeyeree
© 2023 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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“But seriously, do you think I’m the wrong one? I really think she’s the one at fault!” Ni-ki smirks while listening to his friend ranting. He heard he had a fight with his girlfriend and now he’s here ranting about it.
He offered to accompany him to go buy some art stuff. If only he knew his friend will just be like this, he would’ve gone alone. He can’t focus on picking the right materials with him talking and talking.
“I think you are the wrong one.” he spat just to piss his friend off. The look of betrayal flashes through his face that made Ni-ki laugh before continuing on checking the rack of color pastels in front of him.
“What? Dude! She literally just got mad at me because—”
“Because you didn’t told her you will go out with us yesterday.” Ni-ki finished off his sentence for him. He picks up one pack of pastel of a well known brand and looks throughly over it.
Jungwon sighs, “So? Does she have to know everything that I’m doing?”
Ni-ki shrugs his shoulders off. “I don’t know. Do I look like I’m in a relationship to know?” the sarcasm over his tone made Jungwon shut up for a while. He looked at him with pitiful eyes. It made Ni-ki roll his eyes and look at him, abandoning his pastels for a while.
“Look, hyung. Let me put it this way,” he starts. ”If she goes with her friends and she didn’t inform you at all. You just found out when you saw her story and you’ve been waiting for her text for hours, what would you feel?”
Jungwon furrowed his brows, “I will be worried and pissed.”
Ni-ki nodded his head, “That answers your question on who's at fault.” and he now moves on to go look for a new sketchbook, holding the chosen pastel in one of his hands.
His friend sighs and leaned over a rack before unconsciously picking one, eyes scanning it randomly.
“Fine. I’ll say sorry to her later.”
Ni-ki rolled his eyes and just grabbed his usual sketchbook before walking towards the cashier. He can feel his friend following behind him, he’s not ranting anymore. Probably realized he’s the wrong one.
“Ah right!” Jungwon jogs so he can catch up with Ni-ki. “Do you want to come with me tomorrow? My girlfriend says she will take her best friend with her tomorrow to keep her off from her books.”
Ni-ki falls in line before he glance at his friend with a tired look over his face.
Jungwon’s girl goes to the other school and so they often go on dates during weekends. He doesn’t even know how the two ended up meeting each other.
“I’m not interested.” he coldly rejected it.
Jungwon rolled his eyes, “Come on! One date?”
Ni-ki sighs and shakes his head for his friend. “Dude, why do you guys keep on forcing me to date? I’m all good.”
His friend draws in a strained sigh, “So you will stop spending too much with your sketchbook. Seriously, dude? Are you going after Da vinci’s steps?” he joked and even told him that he will just step out of the store to call his girlfriend. He will wait for him outside.
Ni-ki nodded his head and just waits patiently for his turn. His mind are now slowly floating, getting filled by thoughts of what his friend said. He do spends so much time with his sketchbook. He loves arts and drawing stuff. Ever since he was a child, he’s always been interested about it. But that’s not the only reason.
There’s this girl. She kept on appearing inside his dreams. He don’t remember when it started, but all he knows is that she appeared often that he find her already familiar even if he haven’t met her yet.
He also have a lot of sketch of her face. As times pass by, he almost perfected it. The sketches was always beautiful. Well, she is very beautiful.
He smiled at the counter and muttered a low ‘thanks’ after he grabs his stuff then the change. He slowly walks out of the store and saw his friend smiling slightly while talking to his girlfriend. Ni-ki scoffed, couldn’t believe what he’s currently seeing. He approaches him silently and he signalled wait before finally ending the call.
“Done?” he asks him. Ni-ki gave a short nod before they both walked together to head home.
“Are you still having dreams about that girl?” the question made Ni-ki glanced over his friend.
“Its not like I have it everyday, Won hyung.” he smirks.
Jungwon stole a glance before shrugging his shoulders off and putting his hands inside his pocket. “I mean we still think that one of the reasons why you don’t want to date is because of her.”
Ni-ki gulped and tried to keep his smirk. “What?” he let out a scoff. Making it seem like what his friend just said is very funny.
“No. I haven’t even seen her, we don’t even know if she’s true or my mind just created her..” he says, letting out his thoughts.
“Exactly.” Jungwon stated and taps his shoulder, “Then come come with me with the double date.” he even gave his friend this smile that he thinks can convince him. He looked pretty confident.
Ni-ki lets out a sigh. He knew how his friend can be persistent at times and even if he spare him today, he will try again some other day. He don’t want him annoying him about this matter again. One date won’t hurt him, right? Besides, he didn’t really told him that he should be in a relationship with that person. They will just go on a date and hang out.
“One date?” he tries to make sure his friend ain’t bating him into something funny.
Jungwon scoffed, “Yes, one date. Unless of course if you end up liking her and stuff.”
Ni-ki rolls his eyes and stood up once he saw their bus approaching. “That’s impossible.” he replied. Jungwon didn’t said anything else then just get on the bus with Ni-ki.
Once settled in, they both started talking about other stuff like video games and basketball. The date long forgotten.
Saturday came and Ni-ki was suddenly called in an emergency basketball practice. He cursed while trying to grab his gym bag and also his jersey. While going down the stairs, he almost missed one and fell. His mom furrowed her brows as she try to check on him. She got bothered by the noise he makes with all this rush.
“Ni-ki? I thought you will go out with Jungwon?” she asks, confused as to why he’s wearing a jersey.
“Oh shit.” he got stoned over his position right after remembering about the date he agreed to go to yesterday. It totally slipped off his mind because of the sudden call for practice.
“Language Nishimura Riki.” his Mom said strictly. He gave her a smile before kissing her forehead then jogged out of the house waving her good-bye.
“Sorry, bye Mom!” he says and continues.
While in a hurry, he fished his phone from his duffle bag and dialled his friend’s number. Jungwon picks up after two rings.
“Hey, where are you? I’m on my way to the meeting place right now.”
Ni-ki gulped, feeling slightly guilty for cancelling at the last minute. It’s not like he planned to ditch this date. It just happened that they were called in an unexpected practice because their coach will be gone the next day so he couldn’t train them. He moved the practice today.
“About that...” he started and stood over the waiting shed to wait for the bus.
“I can’t make it today, hyung. I’m sorry. We were called in for basketball practice.”
“What? I thought that's tomorrow?” his tone sound confused.
“Yes. But coached ask for us today since he’ll be going somewhere tomorrow.”
“Ah, is he going to the seminar too? I heard our school sends some of the teachers for it.” he mentions. He’s part of the student body, so it isn’t surprise anymore that he knows about this things.
“Probably.” Ni-ki sighs and silently cheered as he saw the bus driving close. He gets on right after it stopped in front of him. He clicked his card and sat down at one of the vacant seats.
“I’m really sorry, hyung. I didn’t mean to cancel on this.” he felt really bad. Not because he wanted to go, but he hates it whenever he couldn’t keep his word.
“That’s fine. I understand. I will just tell my girlfriend and her friend about it.” he seemed okay with it. Jungwon knows Ni-ki and he will never make an excuse just to get away on something.
Ni-ki glanced outside the window with blank thoughts. For some reasons, he felt something on his chest because he won’t go on that date. Its a little weird because he’s not really into it. He shrugged it off and focused back on talking to his hyung.
“Tell them I’m sorry too.”
Jungwon assured him that he will let them know which somehow made him felt relieved. He doesn’t want to look like a jerk who just ditch dates. That’s an asshole move. He ended the call with his friend and just spaced out the whole ride towards the school.
On the other hand, you let out a small groan when your friend dragged you towards somewhere. You can’t help but to imagine how good it would’ve been if you just stayed in your house today. Your books are probably waiting for you right now, but instead you are here with your friend. Going to a double date with his boyfriend’s friend.
She always brags about how good-looking his boyfriend is and that his circle of friends are all eye candy. She said none of them are ugly that she finds hard to believe. Well, due to being a book worm and a sucker for love stories, you kind of sets the standard high. Boys in your school find it hard to impress you, and that’s why you can’t seem to see yourself to date.
“I should be just in my room, reading my book.” you mumbled while she continues dragging you.
“No! I won’t let you be miserable today.” she says sounding so determined to make a change in your life.
You rolled your eyes and just let her do what she wants. When you arrived near the place she told you, you looked bored. As you roam your eyes around, you can see a lot of couple around. It seems like its a hot place to date nowadays. Your friend roams her eyes around, probably looking for her boyfriend.
You’ve seen his picture already. But this will be the first time for you to meet him in person and hangs out with him. Usually he just picks your friend at school and stuff. You can say he is pretty attractive. Even some students from your school knows him. Seems like he really is famous. Your friend is very beautiful as well so you can’t really blame him for falling for her.
“Baby!” she screams and even waved her hand crazily. You scoffed and slightly find it funny how she’s like this towards him.
She started dragging her towards somewhere once again. When you looked at the guy she hugged, he is tall, neat, have this pretty eyes and all. Just like how she usually describes him. But he ain’t your ideal type. His visual is too soft for you. You’re more on a mysterious vibes.
“Where’s your friend Ni-ki?” she asks and even tried to look for someone.
Ni-ki? Is that suppose to be the guy she was talking about? No offense but his name sounds like a girl’s name. You sighs and tried to stop yourself from overthinking before you spoil the mood.
Jungwon smiled apologetically and just by that you already figured out what he was about to say next.
“He had an emergency so he couldn’t make it today.” he sounded so sorry.
“What? But y/n is here...” she sounded a bit disappointed. She’s really excited to have you meet his friend, but now its not going to happen because he didn’t come.
A part of you are happy, because now you can escape from here. But a part of you is also pissed because you just wasted your time coming here. Three or four chapters are already finished if you didn’t come.
“It’s fine, (friend’s name).” you gently grab her arm and smiled at the two of them. She pouted at you, feeling bad that she dragged you all the way here for nothing.
When you looked at Jungwon, he's staring at you. He seemed drowned with his own thoughts, but when you met his eyes he then composed himself. You can see how his cheeks tinted red after getting caught staring.
“I’m sorry, y/n. My friend also said sorry. He didn’t really expect that he couldn’t make it today.”
You quickly smiled and assured him that it was alright. He’s not at fault and there’s no reason for you to be upset over him.
“It’s totally fine. You guys enjoy your date. I’ll go stop by at a bookstore.” you waved at him and gave your friend a hug.
“I’m sorry, y/n. If you want you can come with us.” she says pouting.
“No, spend quality time with each other. I’ll be good, don’t worry.” and you tapped her shoulder.
You glanced at Jungwon and you saw him staring at you again. “Keep her safe.” he nodded and reached for your friend’s hand. Honestly, you aren’t worried at all because you are sure that he will take care of her.
She waves cutely before you finally walked away. You suddenly felt annoyed once again, but comforts yourself that you can go stop by at one of the bookstores you wanted to check out.
Suddenly, the thought of that boys name popped out of your mind.
You scoffed and tried to shove the thought of it away.
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“Waah, you’re painting again?” Ni-ki glanced over his friend when he suddenly appeared at the rooftop where he usually spends his free time. Jungwon have this amused look over his face before plopping himself down beside him.
Ni-ki nodded his head and resumes to what he was doing. He did mention his fondness over sketching and drawing people’s portrait. He just finds it interesting how he can put it into arts. He draws landscapes too, but he’s more on sketching people. For him, he enjoys it because he can notice how different one individual can be.
Out of all the portraits he had drawn, the portrait of the girl in his dreams is his favorite. Funny, because he never seen her before yet her portrait is what he likes the most.
He’s actually pretty sad about it because its been weeks ever since he saw her in his dreams. It doesn’t occur to often, but also not this long. A part of him is worried that she won’t show up anymore and that he’ll slowly forget about what she looks like.
“I can’t wait for later.” Jungwon says with a big smile over his lips, eyes glued at his phone screen.
Ni-ki scoffed and teared his gaze away from his friend. He perfectly knew what’s behind those big smiles of him.
“I’m actually surprised you’re not the one who transferred to her school. You’re the simp in the relationship.” he commented that made him snap his head at his direction. A frown was present over his face that made Ni-ki chuckle.
“No I’m not.” he denied.
“Yeah, and pigs fly.” he says before resuming on scribbling through his sketchbook.
He had practice before class so he went to school very early. He’s actually just got off from practice and he went straight here after taking a bath. His hair is even slightly damp.
“Oh, by the way.” Jungwon catches his attention once again. “Did I mention that her friend transferred with her?”
Ni-ki furrowed his brows. “What friend?” he asks, acting curious before he slowly went back on sketching.
Jungwon sighs, “The one you ditched last month, dude!” he exclaimed, finding it unbelievable how he already forgot abour ‘that friend’.
Ni-ki’s hand halts from moving and he was stoned at his position. For some reasons, he got a weird feeling about it. He felt his chest tightens and stomach churns. He couldn’t explain what it is, but he just shrugged it off thinking that maybe its just because he was too tired of practice.
After a couple of minutes, the bell rang and so both of them went down to their class. The hallway was packed with students trying to hurry themselves towards their respective rooms. Jungwon and Ni-ki arrived at class just in time. They sat down at their chairs and soon enough, their homeroom teacher arrived.
Ni-ki glanced over his friend while he pulls out his notebook and scoffed when he saw how excited he looked.
“Dude, your lips will rip any minute now. Cut it out.” he teased because he was smiling crazy.
Jungwon ignored him and he just shakes his head side by side. His eyes darted towards the front as their teacher started to orient them about the newcomers. He wasn’t surprised about ir anymore because his friend spoiled the news to him already. His gaze dropped down to the notebook and he flip the pages over the back of it. He grabbed his pencil and started sketching.
He can hear all the commotion inside the classroom, but he ignored them when he’s slowly getting drowned with his own world. The face of that girl popped up inside his mind. It was so random but he was used to it. Maybe, Ni-ki is missing her in his dreams already.
“Okay, please come in. Don’t be shy.” you heard the teacher says while you and your friend pushes each other who will go first.
She was left with no choice but to go first because you are too shy. When you both entered you can hear some of the students reaction. This is totally nerve wracking for you. You usually feel anxious around a new environment. When you roam your eyes around, you can see all of them looking at the two of you. It made you feel nervous.
One student tho, caught your attention. Unlike all of them, his focus is at whatever he was doing. For that moment, the teacher talking beside you suddenly became muffled. The boy just have this aura that pulled you to stare at him. You can’t help but to feel your stomach turning. These scenes are pretty familiar for you. As someone who loves reading books, you had imagined experiencing moments like this. To actually have it now is amusing for you.
“Ms. y/n?” you snapped back to reality and your stare got teared from the said boy. You looked over the homeroom teacher and they are staring at her.
You blushed, feeling embarrassed for spacing out. “U-Uhm,” you cleared your throat because you felt it slightly drying. “I’m Y/n L/n.”
They welcomed you warmly and after the teacher gave you few reminders, she started assigning you to your respective seats.
“And y/n, please sit down beside Mr. Nishimura.” she says and you roamed your eyes around to see who she’s referring to.
“Nishimura, raise your hand.” she instructed and your chest almost fell when you saw the boy from a while ago raising his hand. He was still busy with what he was scribbling so he didn’t turn his head to look at you.
The teacher just sighs out and asked you to take your seat. You thanked her and you slowly made your way. The boy still kept his attention to his notebook. When you pass by Jungwon, he gave you a wave and so you waved at him as well.
After settling down beside him, he still didn’t spared you any glance. You pursed your lips into a pout and suddenly, you felt like being friendly. He seemed very quiet and you planned to have a good school year.
“Hello, I’m y/n! I hope you take good care of me.” you said excitedly the moment you sat down beside this quiet kid. You noticed him not paying attention when you introduced yourself and so you did him a favor and repeat it for him.
Ni-ki lifts his gaze and was ready to accept your hand but he was stunned when he saw the exact girl he drew a portrait of. The one in his dreams.
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“Hyung! I can’t believe you!” Ni-ki grabbed his hair out of frustration while leaning over the railings.
His friends are all watching him. Some are staring at him in a weird way and some are just smirking. He couldn’t pay attention to them teasing him because he have a much better thing to discuss.
Jungwon silently munches over his food and looked at Ni-ki. “I didn’t know it was her, okay? Maybe that’s why I found her familiar when I first saw her.” he says trying to defend himself.
“Wait, wait. So you’ve known the girl Ni-ki’s delulu about and you didn’t remember her?” Jay tries to summarize everything.
Jungwon frowned, “It’s not like I know her, hyung! I've met her once. The day when I set Ni-ki up a date with her.”
Ni-ki groaned and feel more frustrated. He couldn’t believe that he just missed that opportunity. The fact that he met the girl he was sketching for months and that you suddenly appeared out of nowhere is still unbelievable for him. Its like he’s laying in clouds right now.
Heeseung snorted, “The one you ditched because you have practice?” he asks Ni-ki and the boy just nodded his head. He and Jake laughed even more, giving each other's shoulders tugs.
“Ugh! What am I going to do? She seems upset when she heard my name. She didn’t talk to me after that too!” Ni-ki stated that earned more chuckles from his hyungs. They were clearly enjoying teasing the youngest. They’ve never seen him this stressed over something like this.
“Well, you’re already a bad shot that’s for sure.” Sunghoon says with a smirk.
Ni-ki stayed silent as his mind slowly and stared blankly. He looked pretty funny for his friends. Sunoo sighed and rolled his eyes while the others kept on teasing Ni-ki.
“What are your plans now, Ni-ki?” he asks. Out of all of them, he’s the one who seems pretty determined to help him first rather than laughing at his misery. They said real friends do that often. Sunoo’s real with Ni-ki, he just left that job to their other friends. He felt bad for him, he really is bothered about it.
“What do you mean?” the younger one looked clueless.
Sunoo rolled his eyes again.
“We all know how much you’re into her. Now, we may not understand how did it happened that the girl you are sketching which you never seen before, just happen to really exist, but what do you plan to do?” he stated.
Ni-ki is just listening carefully to him.
“She’s a new meat and you know what happens whenever there’s a new face at the campus.” Sunoo smirked. The boys got his point right away.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure she’ll be the talk of town for a while.”Jay.
Ni-ki furrowed his brows lightly and realized that they were right. That’s what usually happened. Now, he got more things to worry about.
“What about Jungwon hyung's girl? She’s new too.” he stated.
That made Jungwon furrow his brows. “They all know she’s very much taken so nobody would dare to even try.”
“Honestly, all I can think of doing is to make up to her since I ditched her and made myself look like a total jerk.” his tone sounded so stressed.
“That’s a good idea.” Jake stated, he finally managed to say something after laughing at his younger friend.
“Although I couldn’t seem to think what’s your fault since Jungwon already said that you are called in an emergency practice.” Sunghoon.
Ni-ki shrugs his shoulders off and throw his head back, staring at the clouds above them. They looked so peaceful and somehow ease his frustration. He couldn’t think of anything but you. He’s still amused at what just happened. He can’t believe that you actually exist. There’s no definite explanation to any of this. At the back of his mind, he do wish you are true. But now that he had come face to face to you, he can’t help but to have mixed emotions.
“I should’ve went there and told her myself that I was called in.”
“You were running late already that time, man.” Heeseung.
“Then be it.” the firmness of his tone just made them realized that he is sincerely sorry of what happened.
“What? Nishimura Riki? Will have himself late for basketball practice just so he can tell a girl that he’s called in?” Sunghoon's smirk are wide and wildly teasing. He let out a big sigh.
“Waah, is that really you? Basketball dude. We’re talking about basketball here.” he added.
Ni-ki rolled his eyes and his ears are starting to get red. His friends are well aware of how fond he is over to the girl in his sketches, now it just shows how much he really is into her. And he even just saw her today. Even him think its a little crazy.
On the other hand, you are thinking of Ni-ki as much as he’s thinking of you. His face truly is ethereal. The visual can pass as someone stripped out from one of the books you have read. His proportions are perfect as well, tall and long legged. His aura is slightly mysterious as well, although you still find it odd how he reacted when he looked at you a while ago.
Maybe because he knew he stood you up before. You scoffed lightly. You aren’t really mad about him and you know he isn’t at fault. But you can’t help but to feel a bit of disappointed, because that’s the first time you actually tried to go on a date with someone. You thought that fate already made a move on not making you two meet that time. Maybe that’s already a sign.
“He’s good looking, isn’t he? I told you!” she’s been talking about this one for 15 minutes already.
You can’t help but to roll your eyes. Ni-ki is indeed very good looking, but of course you won’t say that. She will surely tease you so much and you don’t need it for today.
“Do you like him?” she sounded like she’s expecting so much from your answer. Her eyes sparkles in excitement.
You stared at her in disbelief, “Do you actually think that I will like someone just because they’re good looking? Books don’t raised me to be like that.”
Instead of showing a disappointed expression, her smiled grew bigger and started pointing at you like she caught you or something.
“So you do think he is good looking!”
You got stunned by what she said. It was too late to realize what you have said and you can’t take it back or else you will look defensive.
“Whatever.” You just looked down your lunch and started to silently eat it. She started to tease you, but you chose to ignore her.
When you both returned to class, you felt so nervous of seeing him again. You actually don’t understand why, but you just did. Some of your classmates greeted you and you smiled at them, a little shy. Your eyes darted at your seat and the chair beside it is vacant.
You walked over and you even saw Jungwon rushing his way to his girlfriend. You sat down and your eyes took a short glance at Ni-ki’s seat. For an unknown reason, you felt a little sad. You shrugged it off and just grabbed your textbook for the next class.
“Hi y/n!” your eyes darted over to the guy who approached your table. He’s one of your classmates and also part of Ni-ki’s circle. Jungwon introduced the two of you a while ago to his friends, so you know.
You flash him a small smile and your eyes follows his hand as he put a banana milk on your desk. You stared at it a bit, confused then you eyed him.
“I’m Sunoo and that’s from Ni-ki! He asked me to give it to you since they’re called in practice.” he said and your eyes darted back at the banana milk.
The class then started to go seat at their chairs when the teacher for that subject arrived.
“Nice meeting you, bye!” he bid and quickly went to go sit down.
You didn’t even manage to say something to him. While the teacher starts his discussion, your eyes are still glued back to the drink on your desk. You slowly grabbed it and checked the note sticked to it.
‘Hope you enjoy this! :) — Ni-ki’
Your attention was called by your teacher. She asked you and your friend to introduce yourselves because you are new. Then she welcomed you both with a warm smile. After that, she asked you to take a seat so she can start the lesson already.
“Kindly turn your book to page 378.”
As you grab your textbook and start to turn its page, your eyes darted at the drink once again. You scoffed and a ghost smile appeared over your lips before you tried to concentrate to the lesson.
Dismissal came faster than you expected and Ni-ki didn’t showed up in class anymore that whole afternoon. You heard that they’re preparing for the big game and that Ni-ki is actually one of the star players. He really is important in the team. Somehow, you now really understand why he needs to ditch that day.
“Hello,” your heart almost fell when you saw Ni-ki standing right beside you. He’s wearing a plain black shirt and sweats while his duffel bag hangs over his shoulders. His hair looked a little damp, you assume he just finished practice.
You tried to keep your cool and glanced back at your locker. “Hi.” you shortly replied. It made him smile a little.
“Did you receive the banana milk?” he asks and leaned over the lockers. He glanced over the students passing by that greets him.
“Yes. What’s it for?”
He smiles, “I just want to give you one.”
You stared at him for a while before you resumed on arranging your things.
“If this is still about that day, you know you don’t have to give me one.”
He sighs then put his hands inside his pockets. He looked so attractive. Its so crazy to even think of it that way, but its just how it is. You don’t even understand how someone can look this good in just wearing plain black shirt and sweats.
“I know, I just want to.”
You kept his stares at you for a while before you nod your head and glance away. After closing your locker you start walking towards your friend. She’s smiling when she glanced at you and her eyes shifted at the person behind you. That’s when you realized Ni-ki followed you. Your heart races, but you still tried to keep your cool.
“I’ll g-go first. See you guys tomorrow.” you said and gave her a hug. She nods and waved at you telling you to stay safe.
While you’re walking out of the school, you looked over your shoulder because you can still feel someone following you. He smiled innocently and pulled his hand out of his pocket to wave.
“Are you following me?” you tilt your head over to the side.
“Why? Do you need anything?”
He pursed his lips, trying to suppress a smile. “Nah, I just want to walk you home. Can I do that?”
You blushed and quickly glanced away like as if you can get answer from somewhere. He kept his stares at you and Ni-ki can’t help but to admire how adorable you look.
“Uhm, I take a bus ride home.”
He nods, “Then I’ll wait for your bus with you. Is that all right?”
Your stomach turns while staring at his innocent looking eyes. The way that he kept asking for permission does something in your heart. How can he looked so intimidating, but be super soft? It’s crazy. You gulped and left with no choice but to let him do it.
He grins and slowly reach for your things so he can help you. That action definitely caught you off-guard, while he looks cool with it. It was almost like he’s very used to doing such things. Is he just really a gentlemen or a playboy? You can’t decide.
You walk beside him, slightly trying your best to keep up. When he noticed, he chuckled softly and stopped so he can wait for you. With a pout, you shoot him glares. “You walk so fast.” you mumble.
He let out another chuckle, “I’m sorry. Let’s go?”
You nodded your head and you both walked towards where your bus usually stops. Ni-ki was the one initiating the conversation which you find very nice because you are shy and you have no idea how to start it. Surprisingly, he isn’t that boring and also not that overwhelming for you. He’s actually very fun to talk to. You cannot believe you actually said it. That he’s fun to talk to.
When you saw the bus driving close, you glanced at him and awkwardly smiled.
“U-Uh, thank you for waiting with me.”
He nodded and gently passes you your bag. “You’re welcome. Get home safe.” and he waved his hand.
You nodded and quickly went to ride the bus. After settling down, you looked over Ni-ki who's still standing where you left him. He glanced at you then smiled when you two met eyes. You signalled him to go and he mouthed something like ‘After your bus left’ and even pointed at the bus.
When the bus started to go, he waved one last time. As it drove away, your mind was left with him. You don’t understand. This was the first time you met Ni-ki and his first impression was even not good for you, then why does it seem like its something else? You can’t point what really is it. All you know is that he made you feel things nobody else does before.
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A week has already passed and Ni-ki continued on joining you while you wait for your bus at dismissal. Sometimes he eat lunch with you and your friend, together with their group of friends. They’re all cool and funny. Its obvious how they get along pretty well.
“Here,” your eyes darted over to Ni-ki when he pulls out something from his pocket.
“What..?” he handed you this bookmark that left you a little speechless. It was a sketch of you. The one when you both are studying at the library.
You glanced at him with amused eyes, “Did you draw this?”
He smiled and nodded, “Yes. I told you I do sketches.”
You are still amazed at how good he is so you couldn’t really say anything right away. Your eyes dropped at the pretty bookmare once again and you stared at it. He’s very good, very talented.
“I didn’t know you are this good.”
He chuckles, “Thank you.”
You glanced back at him and smiled, “Thank you for this. I will use this.”
He smirked happily, feeling his heart jumped after knowing you enjoyed and appreciated his small gift for you.
“You better.” he joked that made you chuckle.
As you spend more time with him, the more you get to know Ni-ki. He’s not just amazing, he’s very ideal for you. He’s funny, playful, caring and so much more. You can’t believe you’re actually getting interested over somebody. Fictional characters usually makes you blush, but he’s a real person. He’s real and making your stomach go crazy because of his actions.
“Hi beautiful.” your head snaps over to your side when someone sat down.
A smile quickly made its way over your lips when you saw who it is. It’s Ni-ki and he’s wearing a plain white t-shiry, paired by a black slacks. His hair still a bit damp while he put his duffel bag down at floor. He pulled out a banana milk from it and put it on your table.
“Good morning, how’s practice?” you gently asked and even before you can stop yourself, your hand reached over his hair and softly brush it away from his eyes.
Ni-ki gulped and felt his heart thumping by the affection. You pursed your lips and instantly got shy when your eyes met. You glanced away and pulled your hand away from his hair. He smirks and bite his lower lip.
“It was good. Coach is being a little rough with us tho, because the competition is next month.” he says and you nodded.
“Good luck with your games.” you tried hard to maintain an eye contact even if you can feel your whole face heating up.
“You’ll watch, right?”
Your eyes roamed over his handsome face. They looked so soft, almost hypnotizing you into agreeing to watch his games. You caught your lower lip between your teeth and again, you stretch your hand to brush his hair off.
“Yeah, I’ll watch.” and his stares soften more, if that’s possible. He looked so good. Ni-ki looked so handsome right in front of you. You can’t explain the feeling that you are having right now. It’s uncomfy, how your stomach churns but if he was the reason of it, you’ll want to experience it over and over again.
“Good.” he says and kept the eye contact before gently grabbing your hand to slightly intertwin your hands.
He pulled it closer to his face and placed a small kiss over your hand, “You look so beautiful.” he mumbled.
You gasped lightly and glanced away. He chuckled lightly then he helped you opening the banana milk. Soon enough, your classmates arrived and your day continued. The days passes by too quickly and you just grew closer with Ni-ki.
Another week passed by after that. You mostly spent it with your friend and Ni-ki. He’s usually around you, accompanying you. Some even said that you two are starting to get inseparable. Of course your friend couldn’t stop teasing you about it. She wants you and Ni-ki to be together so bad. Before you get annoyed by her constantly talking about it, but now the idea doesn’t seem to be bad for you. Its just, Ni-ki isn’t saying anything about it. You don’t know if he likes you the way you like him.
“Ni-ki! Valo later?” a smile appeared across your face when you heard a voice from somewhere says that. Soon, you can feel a figure approaching close to you and a hand gently reaching for your bag.
“I don’t know. I’m busy later.” Ni-ki responded. You heard his friend complained about something that he don't join them anymore and somehow you felt guilty, because you clearly know what keeps him ‘busy’.
A hand rests over the small of your back, asking for attention. You turn your head and smiled at him.
“Hi. How’s practice?”
“Good. Was the food good?” he asks curious, his hand now caressing your back gently.
“Yes. Thank your Mom for me.” he gave you lunch a while ago and he said that his Mom cooked it for you.
He nods and smiled then waits patiently until you can go. After a couple of minutes, both of you are off to go at your bus stop. It’s Saturday tomorrow, so you don’t really know what to do. Maybe you’ll just read some books or go out to look for more books.
“What are you up to tomorrow?”
Your head snaps at his direction while the two of you walks side by side. “Nothing. Maybe read some books.” and you even shrug your shoulders off.
“Do you want to go with me?” he glanced away while his ears turns red. He’s incredibly cute so you can’t help but to smile.
“Go with you? Where?”
“Double date.” his eyes dropped over his hands before he slowly raised to look at you.
“Are you asking me out?” your lips almost trembled because of the idea. It excites you.
You pursed your lips and jokingly squinted your eyes at him, “Do you promise not to ditch me again?”
He chuckles, “I promise.” and even raised his left hand. Your smile fell and you shoot him glares.
“Its suppose to be your right hand!” and you swat his arm. He laughs and fixed it, “Oh my bad, I’m left handed.” he joked.
“So is that a yes?” and he stretch his hand to brush some of your hair off of your face. The slight touch of his skin to yours makes you blush right away.
“Yes.” and you even nodded.
This time, you're the one who reach for his face to pinch his nose lightly.
“All right.” he smiled and held your hand to intertwin your hands.
“Let’s call later?” he asks that made you pout. Your eyes looked over your holding hands. Ni-ki noticed that its a bit cold so he took your hands and put it inside his pocket.
“You should join your friends on playing valo. We’ve been facetiming each other every night.”
He shakes his head, “Nah, I’m not in the mood to play anyway.”
“They’ll start to be suspicious.”
He shrugged his shoulders off, “They know I’m talking to you.”
Your eyes grew a bit big and you blushed just by thinking his friends are aware of it. Ni-ki smirked.
“You’re so beautiful.” he mumbled and just in time, your bus arrived.
Your mind is still occupied even after you ride your bus and it left. His actions and his words all leads to one conclusion, but you still keep yourself from assuming things.
The next day, you woke up early to prepare. You don’t understand, but you are so excited to see Ni-ki. Not that you don’t see him at school, its just different to hang out on weekends.
When you arrived the place where you are suppose to meet the first time, your brows slightly furrowed. All you can see is Jungwon and your friend. No Ni-ki can be seen.
“Where’s Ni-ki? Is he late?” you asked right away.
“Huh? No! He’s...” your friend roamed her eyes around. “right there!” she added.
You looked over your shoulder and saw him walking closer while holding a cup of coffee. He's smiling so big and so you did too, but your eyes trailed down to what he's wearing. It's his jersey.
“You have practice?” you asked, confused.
He nods his head, “I’ll take you with me.”
Your eyes grew big, “To your practice?”
He nodded again, finding you adorable.
“B-But are you even allowed to take me?” you are worried, but you want so bad to go. You’ve never been in their practice.
“Yes. Then after that, we’ll go check some bookstores.” he says excitedly.
He pulled out a piece of paper that shows a list of bookstores around. You pursed your lips into a pout, completely moved over what he did. You hugged him and he was caught off-guard.
“Thank you!”
He broke into a soft smile and dropped a kiss at your forehead, “Anything for you.”
You both bid good-bye to your friend and Jungwon before you walk hand in hand towards the bus stop. Ni-ki assists you to ride and ask you to take a sit while he beep his card to pay for the two of you.
While on the way to school, you enjoy the coffee he ordered for you. He enjoys watching you at the same time. You offered him a sip, but he declined. Soon enough, you both arrived the school. You can barely see people inside, just some maintenance people and some school personels.
You two went straight to the gym. You can already hear the sound of shoes and basketball echoing inside. He gently guided you inside and you started feeling shy when you felt them eyeing you. Once they seen who it was, they started teasing Ni-ki. He can’t help but smile while he guides you at the benches. He sets his bag down beside you and ask if you’re all right. You nodded, despite the blushing cheeks.
“You can watch or read your books.” you nodded and he started jogging towards the court after he took off his plain t-shirt.
You don’t know much about basketball, but surprisingly you enjoyed watching him play. He’s very attentive and you can really tell how he pour everything to things he like doing. He’s full of passion over it.
A loud honk errupted all over the gym, signalling that the practice is now over. Their coach blew the whistle then asked them over. They all approached him and you think he started telling them about the things he noticed. After a couple of reminders, they let them go.
“I’ll just take a quick shower.” he said and you nodded your head before he goes and left you.
While waiting for him, you noticed that a group of players stormed inside. Base on their uniform, they seem like the volleyball team. You didn’t mind them and just busy yourself with your phone.
A pair of shoes caught your attention when it enters your line of sight.
“Hi!” a guy wearing a jersey with a number ‘04’ smiled in front of you. He have this clean haircut and a pretty set of teeth.
“U-Uhm, hello.” you awkwardly greeted.
“Why are you here? Practice? Or waiting for someone who had practice?”
“Waiting for someone.” you answered right away.
He nodded his head while pursing his lips, “Who?”
“Me.” both of you turn your head over to the side.
Ni-ki’s walking closer while having both of his hands inside his pocket, duffle bag hangs over his shoulder and his hair a bit damp. His eyes looked so serious while staring straight to the guy who approached you.
“Nishimura, huh?” he sounds a bit amused.
Your view of him got covered when Ni-ki stood in front of you. He tilt his head, “What do you want?” he asked him straightly.
“What is this? Are you finally over with your dream girl?” his tone taunting him. Your brows furrowed at what he said, confused and curious at the same time as to what he was talking about.
“Shut up.” Ni-ki took advance, but you are quick to grab him by his arm. He glanced at you and his eyes soften.
“Let’s just go.” you plead lightly.
He clenched his jaw hard before he glanced back at the guy. His friends approached closer as well so you somehow you felt at ease.
Thankfully, none of them engaged into a much more trouble and decided to just go leave each other. Ni-ki bid good bye to his hyungs before gently grabbing your hand to take you away. Your mind is still occupied about what that guy said a while ago. The one with Ni-ki’s dream girl. What was that? A part of you felt curious and a part of you doesn’t want to ask about it. You’re afraid to know what his answer would be.
When you arrived at the bus stop, he draws in a strained sigh. He looked a little frustrated.
“I’m sorry that you have to see that.” he apologized, probably referring to him almost getting caught in fight.
You pursed your lips, trying to get rid of that thought and focus on what he is saying right now. “It's f-fine.” was all you can respond.
You wanted to say more, so he wouldn’t caught on you overthinking and stuff, but none came out from your mouth. Your mind couldn’t process anything. Are you that comfortable with Ni-ki that you’ll just let him see through you?
He pursed his lips and sighed once again. You watch him do that and look a bit nervous. He’s obviously holding back on telling you something. It made you nervous as well, what it may be.
“About what he said a while ago,” he started that caught your whole attention. Your thoughts instantly pushed at the back of your mind and the noises around suddenly muffled.
He gulped and his hand plays through your hand that he was holding. Ni-ki’s very nervous to how you will react about this. He knew better than to keep this and make you overthink.
“Promise me first that you won’t find it weird.” he stared straight to your eyes, hopeful.
You nodded your head unconsciously.
“This may sound crazy, but I’ve seen you in my dreams before.” he says and kept his stares at you.
You blinked, confused. Totally confused. You almost think that you’ve heard it wrong or he’s trying to pull a prank on you. But his serious face and the fear in his eyes says otherwise. He’s completely serious, leaving you in wonder of what he was talking about.
“O-Okay..?” you tried to say something that better than it, but you failed.
Ni-ki sighed and lets go of your hand, embarrassed. “You think I’m weird.” he mumbled.
A smile crossed your lips and you quickly took a hold of his hand, now holding it. “No, I don't!” he looked at you and you try hard to suppress a smile.
“You’re laughing.”
That caused a chuckle to escape from your lips, “It’s because you’re cute!” you try to pull him again because he’s trying to turn his back so you wouldn’t see his blushing face.
“Cute? Stop kidding me, y/n.” he says and glanced away, cheeks tinted red and so does his ears.
Soon, your bus arrived so you hold your conversation first. Both of you went inside and sat down at a vacant chairs. He was still avoiding your eyes and you’re trying to catch them.
“So, you dreamt of me?” you tried opening the topic again. He groaned, embarrassed still.
“If you’ll just going to make fun—”
“No! I’m really curious about it. I promise, I’m not making fun of you.” and you tried to look as serious as you can. He sighed and nodded his head.
“How do I look like in your dreams? Do I look just like this?” you asked, curious.
He stared at you, his embarrassment now long forgotten. His eyes stared over your eyes, down to your nose, your cupid's bow and your lips. He carefully scanned each and every one of your features, admiring them.
“You looked more beautiful in person. My drawings can’t do justice in that face of yours.” he said in a very sincere and serious tone.
This time, you’re the one to get shy because of his compliment. He always tell you that you’re pretty, but this time its a little more intimate. You can’t help but to blush a bit more than normal.
Ni-ki took your silence as an opportunity and gently held your hand. Your eyes dropped over them for a while before you glanced back to his eyes.
“I don’t want you to think that I liked you only because you look like the girl in my dreams. I admit, that was one of the reason why I got interested, but you as a person is what made me like you.”
“You l-like me?” you are totally caught off guard.
He smirked then chuckled, “Isn’t it obvious?” he then leaned over to give your cheeks a light kiss. “I like you very much.”
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“When are you going to show me your drawings?” you asked him one afternoon. You’re at the rooftop, hanging out since its your vacant hour. He decided to take you here with him. He says its his most favorite spot in school and he’s sharing it with you because you’re his most favorite person.
“Probably soon, baby.” he glanced at you and smiled when he saw your pout before leaning in to give you a kiss at your cheeks.
“But I want to see it.”
“Soon.” he gave your cheeks a light tap before he continues to draw again. This time, you sighed and just let it slide. You don’t want to force him even if you’re already dying out of curiosity.
Its already been two weeks ever since you knew about these drawings and Ni-ki’s confession. You haven’t told him yet that you like him as well, you’re waiting for a perfect time.
You focused on reading once again. You read one sentence. Read it again. Again. And again. You put your book down when you realized you couldn’t understand anything. Ni-ki on the other hand looked too hooked over his drawings. A smile forms your lips just by watching him too focused. He looked so ethereal. How can he call you pretty all the time when he’s the one looking like this?
While you’re spacing out, you had come up with a bright idea to confess toda with Ni-ki. Of course, you don’t want it to be just plain. So you came up with a plan to take Ni-ki to your special place.
“Do you want to go with me later?”
He lift his gaze from his sketchbook towards you, “Where are you taking me?” he even gave you this funny face, like as if he’s scared and that you’re planning something horrible to him.
You rolles your eyes and leaned in to place a peck over his cheeks, “Don’t be dramatic. I’ll tell you where later.” you stood up and flattened your skirt, Ni-ki helped on fixing it because it strides up while you’re sitting.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“Going to buy something and look for (friend’s name). You want something?”
He shakes his head, “Do you want me to come with you?”
You told him you’re good and he just nodded his head. Ni-ki have no clue that you are planning to confess to him. You are too excited when you told your friend about your plan and she was as excited as you. She thinks the two of you are perfect for each other.
“Bye, y/n!” she waves and smiles meaningfully at you.
Ni-ki nods at her way and to his hyung while putting his arms around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. You are waiting for the bus because you told him you will take him somewhere. He even teases you that you are planning something to him which you just respond with an eye roll.
“So where are we going?” he asks for nth time when you rode the bus.
“Can you just stop asking and wait?” you spat at him that made him chuckle.
“All right. I can’t help but to feel excited, this is the first time you asked me out on a date.”
You gave him a teasing smile, “Who said this is a date?”
His smile fell, “Okay, I’m going down at the next stop.”
You chuckled and grabbed his arm tighter, “I’m kidding! You’re such a baby.”
He smirked and leaned his cheek at you, asking for a kiss. You rolled your eyes and gave in, giving him a peck before you two slowly talk about something.
Arriving at your stop, Ni-ki furrowed his brows when you took him at a memorial park. He didn’t ask anything and just followed behind silently. He held your hand tighter when he noticed how your eyes flashes sadness and longing.
You glanced at his direction after you felt him tugging your hand. The worry over his eyes touches your heart. “Let’s go.” and you started pulling him towards the grave of one of the most important person in your life. Your Dad.
“Hi Dad!” you smiled and waved before you crouched down to take out some leaves all over his gravestone. Ni-ki didn’t waste any time and quickly helped you. A warm smile spread across your face.
“Hello, Sir. I’m Nishimura Riki.” he introduced himself and even bowed.
Your eyes got teary just by seeing him paying respect. You draws in a big sigh then glanced at your Dad’s grave.
“Remember when I cried here, Dad? Because I feel like nobody will take care of me and love me. Well, I am back.” you smiled as your eyes heats up and form tears. “But this time I’m with Ni-ki.” you looked over him and he’s staring at you with that worried and affectionate eyes of his.
You laid your hand and he hold your hand tightly before placing a sweet kiss. “He takes care of me, Dad.”
Ni-ki leaned in and kissed your cheeks this time before turning to your Dad’s grave. “You don’t have to worry about her too much, Sir. I will make sure she’s okay. I will take care and love her with all of me.”
Your eyes grew a bit big and you stared at him in awe. He smiled and raised his hand to wipe your tears away.
“I love you.” he said sincerely that made you teary even more.
“I love you too, Ni-ki.” this time, it was his turn to be surprised.
He cupped your face, “Say it again.”
You chuckled, “I love you.”
“I love you more.” and he lean to give you a peck over your lips. He pulled away after a couple of kisses then he rests his forehead at yours.
“Do you think your Dad will be mad that I kissed you?” that made you chuckle so you pull away a bit to look at his eyes.
“I guess so.” you joked and this time, you leaned in to give him a kiss. Ni-ki closed his eyes and even followed your lips for more.
“That’s her. She kissed me.” and he even pointed at you like a kid.
You rolled your eyes and you rest your head over his shoulder. The two of you stayed like that for a while. After that, you pulled Ni-ki to the place near the memorial park, its like a cliff where you can see the whole city lights below.
You walked over the railings and you let the breeze blew over your hair while you stare blankly at the pretty view. On the other hand, Ni-ki was stunned. He was stoned at his position while he stare at you. This scene is very familiar to him.
You glanced over him as the air blow over your hair and Ni-ki’s heart thumped faster. It was the scene in his dreams. Now, he was certain that it was really you and he was destined to meet you.
He smiled, a tear left his eye before he caged you in a tight embrace. He enjoys his passion and the art he was doing, but you made him fell deeper to it. You are his favorite art piece and now, his favorite person.
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enviedear · 1 year
if you dance i'll dance ⟶ kendall roy
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DESCRIPTION ⌙ in which you let kendall roy take you home. CW ⌙ smut so 18+, kendall x fem!model!reader, mentions of alcohol, poker, the word suicide, age gap (if you squint) WORD COUNT ⌙ 5.0k
i caved, blacked out and wrote a kendall fic. there are so many personal headcanons in here because this man is clay and i am a modern pygmalion
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you're unabashedly staring at the dark-haired man just a few feet away from you. it’s sly, the way you study him, discerning the jeering look in his eyes and an obvious trace of annoyance in his posture—he looks wildly opposite of how you remembered him.
gone were the blankly formal stares you had become accustomed to seeing him with at events like this, no, now he exuded self-assuredness. he had become wholly—machiavellian.
he's toying with his cuff links, his deep hazel eyes peering over the man talking to him, and straight into your own. in your somewhat inebriated state, you can't help the small smile that works its way onto your face. you enjoy his gaze on you, consuming you a in gentle sense of cardinal obscenity.
really, you should have looked away from him ages ago. the ideas and whispers of the wealthy party-goers were quick to jump to judgment. one wrong move and you'd be labeled; scandalous, unseemly, or, as your sister put it— "wildly inappropriate and bad for the brand".
but you couldn't tear your eyes away. there was an abnormal pull between the two of you, a connection that left the boundaries of reason and social norms. it wasn't the first time you had found yourself caught in his captivating gaze.
in the past, before your departure from your father's company, you indulged each other with subtle glances exchanged during business meetings and corporate events— a few fleeting touches of hands when passing each other documents— an unspoken language that existed only between you, concealed beneath the façade of professionalism.
tonight, after almost two years since seeing him, something was different. he seemed bolder, more daring. the way his eyes lingered on you conveyed a message of desire and longing, impossible to ignore.
you discreetly shift your position, knowing he was aware of the effect he had on you, reveling in the power he held over your senses.
you mull over the past moments of connection, witty banter shared during business negotiations, and the occasional late-night phone calls that blurred the line between professional and personal. it had always been a delicate dance, a game of push and pull.
now though, under the dim lights of the extravagant party, you wondered if it was time to err off your path of caution. the air feels wrought with anticipation, and the weight of unspoken words hangs heavy on you.
you take a sip of your vodka lime and, finally, you let your eyes scan the crowd of people. mostly business partners of your dad's, a few of your brother's old college friends, and a plethora of trophy wives, all huddled around your elder sister.
the woman in question soaks in the attention beautifully, mimicking movements you grew up watching your mother do. she fits in so easily, whether aided by her connections and power or the rather large diamond ring on her finger. you continue to eye her, only to meet her gaze, watching with a soft smile as she excuses herself.
her mauve dress flutters around her ankles as she makes her way over. she looks light, graceful, stern. you can admit she had a notable walk. which is, comical, since you've spent years walking runways— frequently run by tyrannically strict show directors— and yet, she had somehow managed to do it better.
the party continues around you, the opulent setting of your family's estate providing a backdrop of luxury and excess. crystal chandeliers cast a soft glow on the attendees, their laughter and conversations blending into a symphony of privilege and ambition. a world you were born into, but one that has always felt suffocating.
your family relationships are better than most, but always complex. a delicate web of power, dissension, and affection. your father, ever the patriarch, built an empire that you and your siblings were expected to inherit.
to his disdain, the weight of those expectations never fell comfortably on your shoulders.
as your sister approaches you, her presence commands attention. her success is undeniable, and her ambition rivals your father's. she's the embodiment of family legacy, but beneath her polished exterior, you still see the funny little girl you grew up with.
she reaches you, her gaze shifting between you and kendall, her voice carrying a mix of concern and warning. "you know he's trouble, right? kendall roy is not someone you want to get involved with," she peers down at you, "trust me, i've done deals with him."
you feign shock, "what are you talking about?"
a slight eye roll from her, "he's trouble, and you know it— or at least, you should."
you put your arms up in faux surrender, "i don't know. trouble sounds a lot better than standing around here."
"right— because isn't this just the best thing we could be doing on a friday night?" her voice is sweet, with a sarcastic undertone, lips falling into a smirk.
you roll your eyes, but feel thankful for the deflection, "for you? yes. me, no."
she huffs out a small laugh, "you could always network with my socialites."
nodding you reply, "i'm just... not sure the thirty-something wives of infantile rich guys, necessarily, want to hear about my twenty-something nepotism baby spiel."
your sister laughs, smile lines prominent, "fine, yeah. just stop brooding against the wall—" she goes to say something else before stopping, lips slowly down turning into a very polite grimace, "kendall, how nice to see you,"
you take a glance at him— he’s reminiscent of shadow, in his fitted black suit and the general aura of discordance that falls around him. he's a murky mess of a man, and you were well aware. looking quickly back to your sister, you opt to sink back further against the wall and watch the pair.
"yeah, you too," he's smiling at her, but the look in both of their eyes is full of contempt, "congrats, by the way. i heard about the wright deal."
your sister nods, "all in a day's work, and sorry, by the way, for souring your proposal."
he takes the remark, grin growing, "eh…roman's proposal, but still, congrats, really."
she hums a response before looking at you, eyes reflecting an imminent request, "i think it may be time to introduce dad for his speech, hm?"
you shrug, "i mean—i don't work here, why would i present him?"
"because you're his kid." she replies, pressing you once more.
you point into the crowd, "our heir apparent is right there." your brother stands tall amongst his circle, looking as though they were all picked straight out of a business 101 textbook. she gives you a short-lived glare before stepping away, priorities falling back to her aspirational COO position.
now, left alone with the older man, you can finally indulge him. he decides to make a show out of greeting you, taking his time to meet your gaze, before looking down at you with obvious mischief in his vision.
"you know,” he draws out, smiling down at you as though he has you tightly bound around his finger, “i’ve been meaning to, uh, congratulate you, as well.”
you stare at him for a second, trying to decide if his words were earnest or insincere, “yeah? on what?”
his words come out soft this time, but still loud as to be heard over the party around you, “you. you’re— fucking everywhere. i can’t go anywhere in the city without seeing your face.”
you wonder if kendall was aware of the way his words sounded? you’re sure he must. he was audacious, so much so that you questioned how much ego he had left to spare. surely people had already begun taking notice of the two of you, and he had to know they'd talk.
it wasn’t unknown to you that anyone who manages to obtain kendall's presence is often cursed with at least one or two scalding rumors afterward. but, right now, as his words replay in your head, it feels significantly harder to care.
you draw closer to him, “oh, come on... don't tell me you're getting tired of seeing my face?" your tone is teasing—saccharine.
"yeah?" his head shakes in a curt nod, a smirk on his lips, "no, i— obviously wouldn't say that." you quirk your brows up and he continues, "i mean really, fucking, it's deserved. you look good."
"thank you, kendall." you feel brave as you stare into his eyes, enthralled by his mere presence, “you’re a lot sweeter than the google alerts on my phone make you seem.”
kendall smirks at you, "oh, i'm sure i could be much sweeter if given the chance."
you raise an eyebrow, intrigued but cautious. "mhm, is that what you think?"
he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he speaks. "you could give me a chance to prove it to you?"
you go frigid at the sensation, feeling both excited and apprehensive about whatever he might have in mind.
you feel a wave of excitement wash over, tinged with a hint of fear. you've see kendall roy and his infamous reputation first-hand countless times. you know that if you go with him— it’s a risk. but at the same time, you can't deny the strange pull that he has on you. there's something magnetic about him, something that draws you in and makes you want to take a chance.
you glance around the room, catching glimpses of your family and their friends. so far off from you. none of them would ever understand the thrill of indulging in irreverence. but kendall...he understands. he's bold, and right now, he's offering you a chance to be the same.
hesitating, you slowly nod your head in agreement. "sure," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "let's go."
he flashes you a crooked grin and takes your hand, leading you out of the crowded room and into the cool night air. as you follow him, you feel a sense of excitement building inside you. you have no idea where he's taking you, but you don't care.
you walk side by side with him, the sound of your heels clicking against the pavement providing a steady beat to the anticipation that courses through your veins. the dimmed headlights of his awaiting car cast a soft glow upon the two of you.
you get into the car, falling into a silence— comfortable yet charged. you steal glances at him, trying to decipher the enigmatic allure that surrounds him. there's a darkness in his eyes, a hint of a tumultuous past that has shaped him into the captivating figure he is today.
as the car glides through the city streets, the world outside rushes by in a blur of lights and shadows, mirroring the whirlwind of emotions swirling within you. kendall's presence beside you is both intoxicating and unsettling, and you find yourself questioning your decision to join him on this impulsive escapade.
the silence stretches between you, long with unspoken words and unexplored possibilities. you steal occasional glances at him, his profile illuminated by the passing streetlights. his face is a mosaic of contradictions—handsome yet hardened, alluring yet guarded.
finally, unable to contain your curiosity any longer, you break the silence. "so, where are you taking me?"
he glances at you, a hint of amusement dancing in his hazel eyes. "somewhere a little more private," he replies, his voice low and velvety. "somewhere we can talk without prying eyes.” his cryptic response only fuels your intrigue. you lean back against the plush leather seat, contemplating the enigmatic man beside you.
as the car pulls to a stop, and he opens the car door for you. you step out onto the sidewalk, the cool night air brushes against your skin as he leads you towards the building's entrance. inside, a doorman greets you with a nod, recognizing kendall immediately. you follow him into the elevator, the atmosphere brimming with anticipation.
he presses a button for the penthouse floor, and the elevator begins to rise. the doors slide open, revealing a lavish living space bathed in soft lighting. expansive windows offer breathtaking views of the city skyline, and you can't help but be captivated by the luxurious surroundings.
kendall leads you further into the penthouse, passing by a sleek bar stocked with an impressive array of wines and spirits. he gestures towards it, a troublesome glint in his eyes. "want a glass?" he asks.
you nod, "sure, why not?"
he moves behind the bar, pouring two glasses of wine. as he hands you one, your fingers brush against each other, sending an embarrassing shiver down your spine. the air crackles with tension as you take a seat at his dining table.
your ears perk up at the sound of cards being shuffled, and you look up to see kendall dealing them out on the table. "do you play?" he inquires, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
you contemplate him for a moment, your own smirk rising to the surface. "a few times," you reply, curiosity glinting in your eyes. "but why? what are we playing for here?"
he leans back in his chair, his gaze unwavering from yours. "we could make it interesting? a friendly wager to add some excitement?"
your brow rises in question. "what do you have in mind?"
he moves closer, his voice dropped low and sultry. "okay, if i win, you owe me a dance—one song of your choice."
you tilt your head slightly, feigning innocence. "and if i win?"
a sly grin creeps across his face. "then i'll owe you, fucking, whatever you want."
you take a sip of wine, its sweet taste still lingering on your tongue as you lock eyes with him. "deal," you declare with newfound determination.
you watch as kendall expertly shuffles the deck of cards, his fingers moving with a grace that hints at his confidence, you can't help but be drawn further into him. with each card played and every glance exchanged. you find yourself captivated by it all.
“you certainly have built quite a reputation,” you joke, wanting to break his poker face. “they say you are a master manipulator—a cunning strategist. is that true?”
kendall scoffs with smug satisfaction in his eyes. “reputation is such a fickle thing, huh? good press, bad press.” he leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “but to answer your question, yes, it’s true. i’m strategic, finding ways to come out on top. i don't like being beat.”
you lean in, intrigued by his confidence. “you're making it sound like it’s a game,” you say, studying the way his eyes light up with a fire that both excites and intimidates you.
“it is a game,” he replies nonchalantly. “it's all a bullshit game, and the only way to win is to play it better than everyone else."
you hesitate, “is that sort of power really worth it?”
he pauses, his expression shifting from smugness to something more thoughtful. “maybe it isn't about the power,” he admits after a moment, “yeah, it's not just about getting ahead—it's about staying ahead of everyone else." he gazes at you intently, and for a moment, you can see why he has earned himself such a reputation.
"i want to be the one in control," he says softly. "i want to be the one making the decisions—the one with the upper hand, all of it."
his words have an unmistakable charm and magnetism. the logical woman inside of you begins to unravel and melt away.
he grins, his eyes never leaving yours. "but what about you?" he asks, his voice low and husky. "what's your strategy?"
you feel a shiver run down your spine at the intensity in his gaze. his words and his presence have a way of making you feel both vulnerable and powerful at the same time.
"i don't have a strategy," you reply honestly, feeling a little embarrassed by your lack of direction.
he leans back in his chair again, his face unreadable. "everyone has a strategy," he says. "especially people with dads like ours."
you think about this for a moment, trying to figure out what your own could possibly be. "i guess, doing what's best for me," you say finally. "i left my dad's company for a reason. i don't fit in that world."
his eyes narrow a little as he looks at you. "so is that why you're modeling?" he asks teasingly. "competing for ceo isn't glamorous enough?"
you resist the urge to roll your eyes at his teasing. "no, it's not about glamour," you say firmly. "it's about control over myself, my image, and my identity. things you don't get working at a finance company."
kendall watches you carefully, his expression unreadable. for a moment, you think he might say something sarcastic or dismissive, but he surprises you by nodding slowly, "i can respect that," he says after a moment.
you feel a strange sense of relief wash over you. the conversation with Kendall has been intense, but hearing him say that he respects your decisions and aspirations puts you at ease.
"thank you," you say softly, the tension in your shoulders dissipating. "i know it might not be the most conventional, but it feels right."
he nods again, his gaze never leaving yours. "there's nothing wrong with that," he says, his voice low and velvety. "i mean, again, you're fucking everywhere. almost every damn billboard i see."
you warm at kendall's directness, but you can't deny the thrill that runs through you at the way he looks at you. it's like he sees past all of your insecurities and doubts, straight into the heart of who you are.
"i work hard," you say simply, trying to keep your voice steady even though every nerve in your body is firing with desire. "and i enjoy what i do."
he leans forward slightly, his eyes darkening as they meet yours again. "i can tell."
as the final card is played, you can hardly contain the sheer overlay of thrill on your face. he looks up at you, a sly smile playing on his lips. "looks like luck is on my side tonight," he says, voice laced with triumph.
you cock an eyebrow, but you are elated inside. your plans with kendall are about to become a reality. you slowly stand up from the chair and extend your hand toward kendall. "all right," you say, though you can hear your own anxiety in your voice. "i owe you that dance."
kendall takes your hand in his, an intense jolt of electricity surging through your veins. he leads you into a quiet corner of the room where a record player with a stack of vinyl records sits, their edges tattered and aged by time. you reach for one particular record, its smooth surface familiar beneath your fingertips. julie london's image is frozen on the cover, a beautiful reminder of a forgotten legend.
you turn to him, admiration in your eyes as you hold up the record, "i commend your taste," you say.
he looks surprised, an unexpected vulnerability showing in his expression. "i've never actually listened to it," he admits with curiosity.
insisting on this one, you declare, "well then, this one's perfect."
kendall nods and watches as you start the record, extending his hand toward you. you take it without hesitation, and he pulls you gently to your feet. the music softly plays in the background, its melodic rhythm setting the stage for your impromptu dance.
as you step closer, the world around you seems to fade into the background. it's just the two of you, swaying to the music, locked in an intimate embrace. his touch is electrifying, and you find yourself getting lost in the moment, the now inescapable vying between you growing stronger with each passing second.
when the song comes to an end, you and kendall hold each other for a moment longer, reluctant to let go. the room is filled, shortly, with a charged silence, the air heavy with unspoken words.
the lingering silence is finally broken as the next song begins, and as kendall breaks the embrace, his eyes searching yours. there's a vulnerability in his gaze, a flicker of uncertainty mixed with desire. his voice comes out softer than before, as if he's baring a part of himself that he rarely reveals.
“you know,” he begins, his voice hardened with a cutting edge, “you’ve really worked hard to create this saintly image of yourself, so i'm a little confused as to why you want to ruin it with me.” his assessment hits you like a ton of bricks, the apprehension and fear intensifying as he speaks. But despite the risks looming over you, you can't help but feel drawn to him, knowing that the connection between you two is something extraordinary in a life otherwise full of strife.
a mixture of determination and amusement flashes in your eyes as you meet his gaze,"i doubt you'll ruin anything." you say confidently.
He carefully mulls over your words, his gaze piercing you as if he's trying to unlock the unspoken secrets behind them. A wave of gratefulness and yearning wash over his face before he softly murmurs, "no?" His voice is deep and velvety, laced with a newfound conviction.
"no," you reply softly, eyes low. "i... trust you, and i've wanted this for a long time."
kendall's eyes light up with a mixture of surprise and joy. "you have?" he asks, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
you nod, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. "yeah, i have. but you know— had to keep it professional, right?"
kendall chuckles softly, his gaze never leaving yours. "fucking professionalism."
you feel your heart skip a beat at his words, and a rush of excitement courses through you. "oh, and you're saying you wouldn't have cared?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
he nods, his eyes shining with intensity. "no, not it if it's you," he says, his voice filled with conviction. "i'll make new rules for you."
the air between you two crackles with electricity, and without another word, you lean in and kiss him. the kiss is soft at first, but quickly intensifies as the passion between you two builds. you feel his hands on your back, pulling you closer to him.
as the kiss deepens, you feel a sense of surrender. despite knowing that being with him is societal suicide, you can't find it within yourself to care. with a sense of abandon, you let yourself get lost in the moment and in the man in front of you.
you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your body flush against his. his hands move to your hips, pulling you even closer to him.
you can feel his desire for you, his need for you, and it only fuels the fire within you. now, it's you to deepen the kiss, your tongue exploring his mouth as his hands roam over your body.
the music continues to play softly in the background, adding to the atmosphere of the moment. you feel a sense of freedom and liberation, letting yourself go.
your hands move from his neck to his chest, feeling his heart racing under your touch. you break the kiss, breathing heavy, and look up at him. his eyes are filled with hunger, and you can feel your own want growing.
without a word, he leads you to a nearby couch, laying you down on it as he hovers over you. he starts to kiss your neck, and you can't help the moan that comes out.
his hands move to unzip your dress, as he continues to kiss and nip at your skin. you arch your back, allowing him easier access to your dress. as he pulls it down, revealing your bra, he trails his fingers over your skin, sending jolts of electricity through your body. "you're fucking beautiful," he murmurs, his voice filled with awe.
you reach for the hem of his shirt, pulling it off and running your hands over his chest. his skin is warm and smooth under your fingertips, and you can feel his muscles tense as you explore his body. "you're not so bad yourself," you whisper, a smile playing at the corners of your lips.
he leans down to kiss you again, his hands moving to unclasp your bra. as he pulls it off, he takes a moment to admire you. he leans down to take one into his mouth, and you gasp in pleasure as he teases it with his tongue.
"fuck, kendall," you can't help it— you moan his name, your hands tangled in his hair as he continues to explore your body.
you feel him smile against you before pulling away, “you make the prettiest damn sounds.”
you feel yourself fluster at his words, choosing to hide it by pulling him back toward you. your lips find his again, and you feel his hand begin to sink further down your body.
his hands come to a stop at your hips, fingers drawing circles on the exposed skin. you roll your hips, a weak attempt to release the ache you feel.
“oh come on,” his voice is taunting, “you gotta work for it a little more, sweetheart.”
you huff, eyes finding his own, “is that what you want me to do?”
he breathes, head coming to rest between your thighs, hazel eyes never leaving yours, “i want you… to lay back, and let me taste you.”
he doesn’t wait for you to say anything, instead, he lets his hands fiddle with the hem of your underwear. you squirm at the touch, before leaning down fully onto the couch.
you watch him lower himself to you, leaving chaste kisses on your upper thighs. your hands find their way to his hair, urging him closer.
he peeks up at you, sly smile on his lips, “did you want something? because if so, you need to tell me.”
“you’re a dick,” you say, voice weak as he continues to unwind you. you know what he wants. begging.
your remark, however, neglects to effect him. instead his fingers begin to massage your clit. your eyes grow heavy at the touch, hips rolling to get more friction.
he refuses to speed up, and you reach for his arm, nails digging into his skin, “ken— please.”
his only response is to hook your waistband with his fingers and pull your underwear down, revealing you fully to him. he moves out of your reach, and you hear him take in a sharp breath as he feasts his eyes on you.
“fuck you look so good,” he mutters, voice thick. “so fucking good.”
you don’t have time to respond as you feel him kiss you, his mouth falling on your most sensitive spot. you let out a soft cry, and he takes the opportunity to slide a finger inside you. you move against him, trying to get used to the foreign feeling. but you don’t have long to get used to it, because soon he adds another, and you finally feel yourself relax, letting him in.
you let out a moan of protest when he pulls away, but he just gives you a wicked grin and lowers himself to you again
your hips buck at the feeling, but he shows no intention of stopping. he starts to move his fingers faster, and you can hear yourself moaning his name again and again, your hands gripping the couch beneath you as your eyes roll back.
you feel yourself getting closer to the edge, but you don’t want to come just yet. you reach down, finding him and taking him into your hand. he lets out a sharp breath, before moving his fingers faster.
you start to feel yourself build up again, and you let yourself go; moving against his fingers, against him. you come quietly, your body twisting in pleasure. you’ve barely come down from it, when he reaches up and pulls your face towards his, and kisses you.
you can taste yourself on his breath, and the sound of him unzipping his pants is loud in the silent room. you reach for him, and you can feel him jerk in your hand.
he stares deeply into your eyes, desire blazing in the darkness of his gaze. "do you know how badly i want you?" his voice is strained with longing.
you smile and whisper back, "show me."
he removes his clothing and lowers himself between your legs. you gasp as you feel the length of him press against your thigh. he leans down to kiss you as he slides through your folds inch by inch.
his eyes are locked with yours as he slides down between your legs. you let out a sharp intake of breath as you feel him pressing against your thigh, his arousal evident. his mouth captures yours in a passionate kiss as he gradually moves inside you inch by inch. his movements spark intense waves of pleasure throughout your body, leaving you breathless and helplessly whimpering below him.
he pauses, allowing himself to adjust, before passionately planting a kiss on your lips. his hands carefully lift your legs around his waist, as he pulls you closer. then, without warning, he thrusts deep within you, making your body quiver and shake with pleasure. the room is filled with the sounds of his body colliding with yours, as you both share passionate moans of pleasure.
the sensations ripple throughout your body and you moan into his mouth as he pushes further and further until he's completely embedded within you.
“fuck, honey," he breathes, pulling out slowly and steadying himself before planting a passionate kiss on your lips. he moves your legs up around his waist and pulls you closer, then starts thrusting gently back inside of you. the sound of skin slapping together reverberates around the room, along with your moans of pleasure.
he speeds up, pushing against your walls with each rhythmic thrust. you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge as he moves faster and harder inside of you, until finally— your breath catches as an orgasm crashes over you intensely.
kendall's thrusts become sloppy, his head buried into the crook of your neck. with a deep groan, he finds his own climax shortly after yours subsides, breathless from the sheer intensity of it all.
finished, he pulls away gently and wraps one arm around your waist, pulling you into a soft embrace. you press closer to him, both of you silently taking each other in.
you let him peer down at you, as you gaze up at him. he looks softer in the dim light of his living room. he's still a cryptic cynic, no lights can hide that. but the way his hands hold you to him halts your care. you decide then, that you're committed to the risk of him.
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
I should've been sleeping before my flight but instead I drew Seb as Antinous :D
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Reference + Commentary:
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But seriously I spent like an hour obsessing over statues of Antinous just thinking; "holy fuck, he reminds me so much of Seb???"
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Big, pretty eyes? Check. Magnificent curls? Check. Beautiful side profile? Check. Etc etc.
I read this description of a statue and was instantly struck with "this is so Seb.":
"The body and face of this sculpture are in idealized youth, with plump cheeks and round face, and his hair is usually unkempt. Antinous's hair has also been described as artificial looking, even wig-like, because of how similar the placement of his hair is across statues. His youthful appearance, large eyes, pouting lips, and layered locks of hair over his forehead are some of the iconography that can be used to identify him"(x)
Also which AU of mine is this hmmm. It can be either the Renaissance Muse AU(x) or the random Roman Caesar Fernando AU(x) I drew it with the latter in mind(bcs its basis is literally just Hadrian and Antinous), but it's fun to imagine the Martian version as well!! Maybe an AU of an AU, where Mark is Pygmalion, and Seb is Galatea 🤭🤭
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stygianoaths · 1 year
Luke Castellan and his team of godkillers but they don't kill with weapons stained with ichor, but with the illusive Mist that warps the mind of mortals so easily, it shakes their faith.
In eons past, these mortals revered the Olympians with offerings and prayers daily, told their stories that inspired fear and awe all the same. It was something the pantheon had gotten hooked on, something more addicting than the ambrosia and nectar the texts had waxed poetry over. And the council of twelve did their damn best to keep it around. After all, there was no other high out there that can compare to the feeling of being in control, of being powerful.
But like any high, it wears off, sooner or later.
So that's exactly what happens.
Alabaster C. Torrington, with the help of Dr. Claymore, "discovers" new texts that discuss Greek gods that have never been heard of before; gods who are kinder, wiser, more trustworthy, than the ones everyone has come to know in this era.
It's interesting, how the origins of these gods and their lives seem to have no relevance or connection to the other pantheon and its history. No Titanomachy or Gigantomachy to speak of. There are a few parallels, but they are pleasant, like the love stories of Dionysus and Ariadne or Pygmalion and Galatea. Otherwise, it's like an alternate timeline of its own, where every god present is named a god for a reason.
It's fake.
But the mortals don't need to know that. For what's false, if persisted in, would become true anyways. Furthermore, it isn't like a new pantheon will harm any of them. The lucky ones with clear sight may win the heart of a deity who would actually see them beyond their fleeting mortality, who would care for them.
It takes a while, though, for the mortals to adjust to this suddenly newfound information. They are stubborn creatures, Luke knows, who tend to fear the unknown and new. Yet the youth crave it like bears after a beehive laden with honey. With time, they'll come around, he knows. Maybe he might not be there to see if the plans work out for himself, but someone would, and that's all that matters to him. He just needed to be the one to start the movement.
Luckily for him, he doesn't have to wait too long.
The faith spreads through idealized modernized takes on the mythology, as silly as it sounds. It's very of the era, isn't it? Books are being published on these gods who endure hardships and come out irrevocably changed but for the better. Ethan flips through one by an author under the pen name S.J and devours it in three hours. It reads nicely and he wonders when he'll get a chance to meet the main character of the story, and ask her if the myth holds true. It is, obviously, but it's different hearing it from a god. The fanfictions are even better, but Lou Ellen Blackstone gets drowned out by Alabaster's "lalalalala" before she can start talking about the recent one that was updated a few hours ago. Eh, so what if it's a little spicy?
Nonetheless, the new band of believers grows, and it's like a sucker punch to the gut for the Greek pantheon.
Apollo comes to camp and drops to his knees before his own cabin, surprising the campers. He looks terrible. Dionysus had already looked miserable, but the children attributed that to his sour personality. And, as usual, no one noticed the girl by the hearth who had disappeared weeks ago. But Apollo, golden boy Apollo, well, he has eyes that are sunken and sickly yellow, matted hair, muscles shrunk, and hands that shake as if they are beyond his control.
"They're killing us," he whispers to Lee Fletcher, "all of us."
"What do you want us to do?" Lee asks. Apollo coughs into his fist and looks down to see a smear of gold staining it.
A nosebleed. Gods don't get nosebleeds.
His children, gods bless them, are trying to heal him, but to no avail. It's kind of funny, how on any other occasion, such an act would have been annoying. If the solution was to simply heal, don't you think he would have tried that? But, weak as he was, he felt touched. Loved, even.
But love wasn't always enough to save another. He, of all gods, should know that.
"Can you write?" he asks. Lee scratches his head.
"Stories. Poems. Songs. Anything."
"Um, no, not really. Dyslexia kicks my ass, and you know archery is more my thing. But Will does sometimes. Healing is his forte, but I always see him writing something in a notebook, though that could just be medical notes, now that I think about it-"
Apollo disregards that last part and begs Will Solace to take up the pen and fight back. It's their last hope. If nothing is done, this camp and its children will become all that is left of the Greek Pantheon, for textbooks and website links are not enough to keep the faith going, especially if left to collect dust or rot in an archive.
"Write us new myths. Stories that can happen now, that we can make happen. Redeem us, so that we can live. We'll do it. We'll do any of it," Apollo begs.
"Anything?" Will asks. Apollo nods.
The Fates looked at each other from above. How time has changed. In the past, battles were fought with swords. Now, they had to be fought with words.
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