#the monster fuckery is showing up too much
monstersflashlight · 19 days
Hello! ^^ Could I please have a teeny tiny smutty request? Idk if it's monster fuckery if the "monster" is an apparation, but I like horror smut/romance and realized I find very attractive freakishly tall uncanny beings in wide-brimmed hats (Lady D counts too, but she's less creepy and more violent) Especially if they are creepy muhehe. Acting with gentleness that just feels not right. Well, here I wrote some little opening to get the vibe? (I'm a little embarrassed to write anything nsfw qwq) The feeling when you are walking home and have your usual paranoia that someone is watching or following you. For the last few days you've even been seeing something white between the trees in the forest across your house. Or in your windows at night. You shrug it off as a pole or light oddly reflecting. You need stronger glasses anyways, so it can be anything when it's so far. But when you've went to sleep you let your balcony open to let fresh night breeze in. Sadly, not only breeze went in. You heard the door sliding and opened your eyes. Your blood froze and scream died in your throat in pure paralyzing fear. You expected a robber and would use pepper spray you keep on your nightstand. But it's not. The giant figure clad in white is bent forward and in it's knees too to even fit in the room that's was not built for someone like it. It's head isn't moving in sync with it's body, keeping it turned your way while a gentle smile appears on it's face. Such a contrast to it's eyes that glow with malicious intent and too long arms reaching towards your paralyzed form.
Hi! I think this would be great as a demon, like sleep paralysis demon kinda thing, hope that works! <3
Fem!sleep paralysis demon x gn!reader || tw: heavy dub-con
You stare at her as she approaches, her smile is soft but uncanny, you feel your whole body shiver at her look. But you can't move. She keeps walking towards you, the contrast of her eyes and her smile creeps you out to the point of anguish, but there's something else... Heat travelling down your body that excited you in the most unexpected way. Heat pooling in your lower abdomen as you get... aroused? Your brain is kind of fucked up, but you are definitely feeling something else besides fear at that point. Her smile gets bigger, creepier, too many teeth showing and way too sharp. But you can't look away.
You think you hear her talk, but her lips don't move. But you know she told you not to be afraid, not to be worried... She's not going to inflict any pain. You don't know why, but you know she's telling the truth. She looks scary, and you might be minutes away from peeing yourself in fear, but something about her tells you it's okay. Whatever she's going to do, it's okay. You are okay.
The first contact of her way too long fingers against your frozen body is like an electric shock, makes your body arch and your eyes roll back into your head, you open your mouth in a silent scream as she laughs creepily. Another shiver runs down your spine at that sound, a tear softly running down your cheek as she lowers her body over yours.
She touches you all over, so much and in so many places at once that you can't process all the sensations at once. Your nipples, your neck... Every erogenous zone in your body is pressed and caressed at the same time as her face floats over yours, her eyes pinning you down without any force, her smile getting so big you think she could open her mouth and swallow you whole. But she doesn't talk again. She caresses your body, touches your every cell... And you lay there unable to move, being forced to enjoy whatever she's doing to you.
You wake up with a shout, your body shaking with the aftershocks of an orgasm and completely alone. Instead of being scared, you can't stop thinking how to make her appear again.
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johnwickb1tsch · 7 months
Tex Johnson x Witness!Reader x John Wick Imagine Part 1 by @treedaddymcpuffpuff @sweetwolfcupcake and @johnwickb1tsch GIF credits to @scarlettspectra ❤
What unholy fuckery is this, you ask? It's a round robin fic! And we're consolidating our parts here for your reading pleasure...
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Summary: Imagine you're a witness in a high profile FBI case against the mafia and hitmen John Wick and Tex Johnson are competing for the contract on you. After some serious fighting and car chases in the end they just decide to fake your death and keep you for themselves...🤫 Original Post
Warnings: So many dead doves! Don't eat! Unless you like dead doves, that is. Violence, sexual content, blood, murder, kidnapping, possessive behavior, yandere sh!t...it's all here! Please take care! 😘
In the beginning Tex plays with you, chatting you up in the local diner of the po-dunk town witness protection has stashed you in. You're so cute, he just can't help himself. He peppers you with "darlin's" and sly winks and usually you would tell someone hitting on you like this to fuck off, but... You can tell he's a little wild but he's so heart-stoppingly handsome and there's something infectious in the devil-may-care way he smiles at you with a mischievous glitter in his dark eyes. That down-home accent does things to you that shouldn't be mentioned in polite company. You actually like him, so it's an EXTRA shock when it turns out he's there to kill you...
treedaddymcpuffpuff: And you’re just so sweet and cute and funny and fiery - just his type. And he’s just gonna make it quick and painless at first, but then you’re so entertaining that he wants to fuck with you for a while. Maybe even fuck you before he puts a bullet in your smart little head. John Wick just flat out wants to kill you as soon as possible. Get it over with. At least at first. But, he’s John Wick, let’s be for real. And you’re just an innocent bystander who saw too much (and you volunteer at the local animal shelter and you always give out money to homeless people and you’re just an all around sweetheart, damn you), so John is gonna decide to say fuck his task (big shocker) and save you from Tex instead.
You are incredibly lonely and bored in the little town you’ve been stuck in. You usually keep to yourself, as per your FBI handler’s warnings. But you’re having such a good time, when Tex asks if you want to go for a ride in his incredibly hot vintage muscle car…you ignore every bit of good sense you have left to your name, and agree. He thinks this is hilarious, of course. And…kind of endearing. Here you are, just eatin’ out of the palm of his hand like he’s not some kind of monster.
So…you go for a ride, and you don’t get too alarmed when Tex heads out of town. He can’t show off what this baby can do in the city limits, after all… But when there’s an explosion, the front tire going flat, and you have to pull over in the middle of nowhere, you start to get worried. When Tex gets out to see the tire’s been shot out…and he pulls a gun, looking around—you start to realize you made a HUGE fucking mistake. You get out of the car, thinking this would be a great time to go elsewhere. He tries to grab you, but you knee him in the crotch! 👈 @treedaddymcpuffpuff 🤭
Just your luck, here comes another vehicle speeding down the road. Wow, there are a lot of muscle cars on the road today. This one is dark gray, with black racing stripes. You try to flag him down—but change your mind when a hand extends out the window holding a gun, and he opens fire on Tex. You, understandably, duck for cover while screaming as the firefight ensues around you. Then suddenly strong hands are grabbing you up—and throwing you in the trunk... Dun dun dun! 😈🤣
sweetwolfcupcake: Now, that's a shitty situation. That's all you can think before you begin to scream for help. But who would be there in an isolated road, ready to go against two armed men? You can barely see the man shoving you into the trunk when another round of fire starts. The man backs off to pull his gun back, but that is enough time for you to slip put. Staggering on your feet. To your relief, it is tge familiar car. Your FBI handler! "Oh God, oh God!" You cry out in tears of part relief and part terror. How could you be so stupid? Following a stranger into his car?
Ah, your FBI case handler. He’s a tough guy. Trustworthy. Scrappy. You know he’ll protect you even though you really hate being a damsel in distress because fuck that trope. Except mystery man (JOHNNY BOY) shoots him in the kneecap faster than FBI man can blink or say “mercy”.
And then Tex grabs you and points a loaded Glock at your head, grinning that shark toothed grin that not too long ago was making you giggle like a schoolgirl. And now it’s just making you hyperventilate and practically piss yourself in fear.
And here you are, the bargaining chip in a game of who dies first with three grown men fighting over you.
Johnwickb1tsch: “Well well. Ain’t this a sticky situation?” calls out Tex, taking cover behind his car, an arm wrapped firmly around your shoulders with that fucking gun to your head. The barrel digs into your temple painfully. “Asshole,” you growl under your breath. At a volume just for you he says, “Now, now, darlin’, don’t be sore.” “I actually liked you.” “I like you too. But your pretty head is worth a fuck ton o’ dinero. It’s a shame, sweetheart, but it ain’t lookin’ good for you.” Tears start streaming down your cheeks as the hopelessness of the situation really settles down on you. “Then why don’t you just shoot me now?” “That’s a helluva suggestion. You’re not very good at this game, are you?” “It’s not a game, you bastard.” “Sure it is.” Then in a louder voice he calls out, “Hey, John! Been a long time.” There’s a long pause before you hear from the other side of the dark muscle car, “Yeah.” “Whattya say we split the bounty, call it even stevens?” “I don’t want the girl dead.” This actually, if not stupidly, inspires some hope in you. But then if he was here to rescue you…why did he shoot your FBI agent? Tex actually laughs about this. The feeling of his broad chest moving behind you is…distracting. “Now that’s interesting! How do you propose we go about that?” “I kill you both and take her with me,” is this John’s deadpan response. He sounds so…certain that he can accomplish this. It’s kind of hot, if you’re being honest. You like the part about you not being dead, but the rest… “Hey now, that’s not nice,” answers Tex, and you can tell he’s smiling as he says it. “And you forget about this big ol’ gun I got pressed to her head.” “If you kill her, I’m going to kill you.” “Anyone ever tell you you’re a one trick pony, John?” “Yeah.” “How bout this. For old time’s sakes. Remember how it was that time in Tijuana?” “I was extremely drunk.” Tex chuckles at this, some fond old memory, and your heart is slowly sinking little by little all the way to your feet. “Well, I seem to remember you don’t mind sharing. I could live with that.” The silence on this deserted road stretches on as John considers this. “And after? The girl lives?” “Sure, sure. We fake her death, take the money. She can go her way, and we go ours.” “We’ll have to kill Dmitri Nobokov.” “He’s an asshole anyway.”    “Deal.” You are shocked when Tex releases you so suddenly you fall into a pile on the ground. What the fuck were they even talking about?? Sharing…you??! Moving in tandem, you watch as the two dangerous men close in on Agent Bradford. You hear shots, and you fear the worst. In the end you find yourself sitting on the ground, quivering like a terrified lump of jell-0, with two tall, stupidly handsome, mafia assassins looming over you. “Are you guys…brothers, or something?” Frowning, they look at each other. Tex in his denim and John in his smart black suit.  “What?” “No.” They reach down for you, and you find yourself locked in the trunk, again.
You don’t see the need for the rope binding your wrists behind your back, or the tether on the ankles. Overkill, much?
Maybe they think you actually pose a challenge? Well, that’s nice of them, but even you’re not blimp-headed enough to think you can take on two taller, bigger, combat ready men. Plus, Tex lifted you like you were a goddamn sack of pillow stuffing.
You’re more convinced by the minute this is all just meant to humiliate you - the bondage, the trunk, the fucking slinging you over a shoulder and making casual conversation about how they’re going to pull off your death. 
Which makes you seethe because you didn’t fucking do anything. And, poor Bradford, with the family and the kids.. well, probably, you don’t actually know about his personals. That doesn’t change the fact he was a living, breathing human - once - who was just trying to keep you safe. 
You have to do something, so you don’t make it easy for them - you kick, squirm, bite. You get a big chunk of the nameless one’s hand in your mouth and latch on like a little boa, and he doesn’t even seem bothered. He just sighs, pinches your nose shut until you have to let go. 
“Now, darlin’,” Tex coos, too close to your ear for comfort, “we gotta gag you, too?” 
“I hate you,” you spit. 
Tex sifts the prickly rope through his hands, fast, big fingers way too agile, snaps it taut, chuckles like he was hoping you’d say something bitchy. And watching that debauched show should have not made your insides give an abrupt, furious clench. But it just does. 
“Guess that’s a yes,” he sighs. 
When the blade comes out is when you really start to panic. They debated for what felt like hours about what was the best way to drain your fucking blood. Something about staging your death, burning Agent Bradford's body in his car, leaving some of your blood and hair at the scene.
Jesus fucking christ, how has your life come to this?
When you feel Tex's rough hand on your arm, inspecting your anatomy for a vein, you start to cry. You couldn't be more surprised, than when you feel a soft touch in your cheek. "Hey, it's going to be alright. We just need a little." It's the intense one. John. He doesnt say much, but you get the feeling he could burn down the world with that anthracite gaze.
 Still, you whimper when you feel the cool blade on your skin. "Don't hurt her," warns John, his voice not so gentle for Tex, filled with warning.
 "I'm not," insists the one behind you. You feel a sting, but somehow, he was telling the truth. You feel the warm drip of your blood oozing down your arm. They're catching it in a 7-11 cup. How...decorous.
"Really, you should be thanking us," drawls Tex. "We saved your life."
Your exclamation of "Are you fucking kidding me?" is muffled by the scratchy rope in your mouth.
Tex gets it though, and grins. "That's right. It was an open contract, darlin'. If we didn't find you, someone else would have. Someone not so nice."
John tilts his head slightly in agreement.
 "How did you find out where the Federal Bureau of Incompetence was keepin' her, Wick?"
 "A mole." It's the only shred of hope you have.
"What a coincidence."
 Bradford was a good man. You at least know it wasn't him.
Even though you're tied up, you are so relieved when they finally go. However, it seems like they're not gone long before they return to the secluded hideout. They are not happy. Apparently, Bradford's body was gone from the scene. He could still be out there, looking for you.
sweetwolfcupcake: Hope flared within you, and it might have shown, unfortunately. You felt fingers grab your chin-- firm, not painful(for now). "Don't be so quick to sigh. Finding him is a child's play for us. And then we kill him." Tex' cold stare greeted her. Though a biting reply remained at the tip of your tongue, you knew better than to piss them off. Your life was still in their hands, after all. "I have made the arrangements." The other man approached them, he was on call for a while. He glanced at you and sighed. His eyes found Tex before he nodded. You frowned as your mind raced with possibilities, but it was only for a moment before you felt a sharp, sudden pain at the back of your head and your eyes rolled back. "You were supposed to go for the vein, not hit her!" John hissed, cradling your lolled head in his hands. " Remind me next time." Tex rolled his eyes, no sign of remorse visible. With his jaws tensed, John let your head rest and got to work. There were a lot of things to take care of-- faking your death, for example.
 When they go, they don’t even give you hope of escape - they bind you tight to a cushiony blue chair with wooden legs and arms, expertly looping ropes around and across. It would be really hot, how they move together flawlessly and work the rope like it’s a good friend, if they weren’t making sure you couldn’t move a damn inch in the process. Oh, who are you kidding? Despite your rage and fear and sorrow, your panties are still completely soaked watching big hands and bulging veins and sinew and tendon.
And now you’re highly uncomfortable, trying to squirm and getting absolutely nowhere. You’re trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey, and then they leave. Just fucking leave. How. Dare. They.
When they get back, you’ve got drool running down and soaking your shirt, neck and chin. You’re sweaty, disheveled, uncomfortable. Despite being left to your sparse devices, the arousal has just gotten worse. Because you’ve been alone with your imagination - which has been preoccupied with two very beautiful men - and you’re fucking aching. Seeing them again makes it so much worse… are they laughing, getting along? Some inside joke. Fucking rat bastards
And they’re touching you and examining you and talking about you like you are the actual thanksgiving turkey. Unconsciousness actually feels like a great relief. It’s probably the best thing that’s happened so far.
John cuts your hair and takes some skin from a place that will heal quickly. They untie you, put your limp body back in the trunk - John does this, too, being very gentle with you, carrying you bridal style instead of over his shoulder like some caveman. He checks your pulse, makes sure your oxygenation is okay, and then does what Tex should have and injects your vein with a heavy sedative to keep you knocked.
“Ya know, I kinda liked her better when she was alive and biting the shit out of you,” Tex muses as he and John slide into the car. “She’s cute, huh? Kinda tight, just needs loosened up a little bit.” Tex raises a suggestive eyebrow and John glares him down.
“Lighten up, addle-pot,” Tex replies to John’s heavy silence.
sweetwolfcupcake: The sensation of the jerking increased along with the pain at the back of her head. It hurt. The throbbing continued as she gulped-- her throat burned. The discomfort urged her to open her heavy eyes faster. Her vision was hazy but she could make out the interiors of a car. She blinked slowly. They were silent, except for occasional whispered comments from Tex and one-word answers from the other man who looked exactly like Tex but had a distinct aura, some kind of energy that sent chills down her spine. It was like being in the presence of a dangerous creature with barely contained primitiveness. He looked more refined and spoke with a tone and way that suggested quality. And yet...and yet something in the back of her mind would be ready for a fight or flight response in his presence. If anything, he had been comparatively nicer to her. Tex was a jerk in every annoying sense-- but she could dare to have a verbal spat with Tex, and give him a fitting reply. The other man though... She had not realized that she had been starring at them until a hand reached out for her from the front seat. "She's awake." A voice gently declared. Fingers touched her cheeks gently and she knew that it was the other man. Even with swimming sight, she could tell that the car was speeding through and the other man's gaze was set on her form laying on the backseat. Only if... Only if she had been smarter, and not blindly trusted a stranger--- she wouldn't be in this mess, Bradford was her only hope now, he had proven his capabilities to her time and again and she knew that he was out there, trying to track her down. She only hoped that he was well, alive, and he knew that she was alive as well.
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eldritch-spouse · 19 days
*me setting up a net trap outside as per usual to catch the weird long necked creature that visits sometimes to which I am occasionally successful.*
*hears a noise and goes to check it out.*
*long necked fucker is gone, a centipedal monster has replaced him… and is now too big for my trap >:(*
You've been at this very song and dance for what must be months now.
Constantly wracking your brain for new ideas, new tools you can use, new ways of hiding gear, to catch that little fucker. Keep him humble.
Thing is, it's quite hard to keep the plant fiend humble when he learns very fast. He knows to be light-footed, to barely nudge certain plants, to avoid "honey pots". He would even go as far as to purposely trigger your carefully crafted traps -Ruining meticulous work- Just to hear you running outside, laugh in your face, and leave before you could even so much as brush his tail.
Having to deal with this pest was frustrating, but it was also, strangely enough, the highlight of your humdrum routine. So much so that you'd find yourself quite literally scheming while at work.
It was kind of bizarre, when he stopped showing up at all. Abruptly. Like something had happened to him. You could hardly believe you were feeling genuine concern for a green asshole that trampled your plants. He's just some bastard... And yet, it was hard not to think of where he'd gone to. Perhaps he just got bored of you, as bitter as it is to consider.
There's nothing that could have prepared you for tonight.
You hadn't even set up any traps, any bait, nothing at all.
These thumps begin echoing. The ground trembles slightly. It seemed distant enough for you to ignore, until the telltale sound of foliage parting reaches your ears and you know -You just know- That something's going down in your garden.
Lo and behold, a... Beast made of men's bodies and a great flower makes way, utterly massive in stature, dwarfing you in your own home. You would have screamed, should have screamed, but then you saw its face. And you knew exactly who it was.
Because, no matter what shape he takes, no matter how many more feet of height he acquires-
You know a nasty little bitch when you see one.
No words are exchanged between you two for a while, but somehow, the silence was comfortable.
" So, this is what you've been busy with? " You gesture at his body like it wasn't some majestic work of fuckery. " Don't think this means you're off the hook, boy. "
" I'm still going to trap your daisy ass. "
He grins wide.
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candycandy00 · 1 year
The Offering - A Sukuna x Reader Fic Part 4
Once upon a time, Sukuna was a human man, albeit a monstrously cruel and powerful one. Villages across the land worshipped him as a living deity. One such village holds a festival for seven nights in his honor every year, and on each night they make generous offerings to him, including women who are never seen again. On the fifth night, you are selected to be the offering. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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If you’d like to be tagged when I post the final part, comment to let me know. You must have your age in your bio or pinned post and be 18+ to be tagged.  
Feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much for the feedback on part three! It warms my pervy little heart! ❤️
Smut. 18+. Sukuna is a human (my theory is that he got his four-armed body by modifying himself with jujutsu fuckery later in life). Dubcon. Mentions of rape that happened “off screen”. Very rough sex. Blood. Sukuna just generally being a sadistic monster. F!Reader. This is dark and quite intense!
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It was late the next morning when Sukuna was sitting in the bath, cherry blossoms floating all around him. He’d long enjoyed the fragrance of this particular flower, especially because they were so short-lived. This village had been wise to hold his festival in the spring, so that they could incorporate the blossoms into his offerings. 
As he watched the pale pink blossoms float by, his mind drifted to the offering who was probably still asleep in his bed, or perhaps having breakfast. Now that he’d thought of her, he wanted her to come and bathe with him. She would probably be embarrassed, even though he’d seen every inch of her numerous times by now. Imagining her blushing face was getting him excited, so he summoned a shrine maiden and told her to bring the offering. 
Only a few minutes passed before the girl was led into the bathing room, wearing only the sheer white robe. The moisture in the air was making the thin fabric cling to her body in all the best places. Sukuna subconsciously licked his lips as the girl bowed low to the ground and the shrine maiden left. 
“You can look up,” he said, and he waited for her to raise her head and look at him before he stood up in the bath. The water came up to his thighs, leaving most of his body exposed. He watched her expression as her eyes raked over his form, water drizzling down over his muscular chest and abdomen, his cock soft but still large and impressive. He knew he was an attractive man. Many people, regardless of gender, had looked at him with appreciative eyes. But once they knew who he was, his reputation for cruelty and extreme violence made their sense of fear override any attraction they might have felt. 
Well, this strange offering was the exception. 
Even knowing he was a sadistic monster, she was completely overtaken by her lust for him. He found that endlessly amusing, and so he stood there wet and naked before her, giving her hungry little eyes a feast. 
“Stand,” he told her, “and remove your robe.”
Instead of getting up immediately, she instead lowered her flushed face back to the floor. “Lord Sukuna,” she began with a small and frightened voice, “may I please… request something of you?”
He stepped out of the bath and walked over to stand above her. This close, he could see that her body was trembling. Though he was normally annoyed by requests, he was too curious not to allow it. He asked, “What is your request?”
She kept her head to the floor and spoke in a frail and halting voice. “If… if you see fit to do so… could you please… show me mercy and b-be gentle with me today? My body still aches from last night, my Lord.”
Ah, so that was it. In all honesty, hearing her beg him to be gentle with her while quivering before him made him want to take her right there on the floor, harder than he ever had before. He wondered what sort of expression she would wear as he mercilessly pounded into her. Ahhh, he could hear her lovely screams in his mind, her pleading voice begging him to stop as he left fresh bruises all over her soft body. 
Then his mind was invaded by the image of her smiling, and the image of her hugging the pink robe. He sighed. “I’ll show you mercy, if you can satisfy me in other ways.
Now stand up and remove your robe.”
He watched her hurry to her feet, clearly eager to please him. As she shyly pulled off the robe and let it drop to her feet, he wondered how he would kill her at the end of the night. She had certainly pleased him enough to earn a quick death, but he didn’t want it to be over so soon. He wanted to take his time, draw out every agonized scream, slowly slice away parts of her until there was nothing left. 
Ah, but he didn’t have time for that. He would be leaving the village by morning. It was a shame that she wasn’t the offering on the first night. Then he would have had the whole week to enjoy her. The first four nights had been an utter waste. Only the first offering had made it to his bed, and only then because he hadn’t enjoyed a woman in weeks and wasn’t feeling particular. She’d been totally boring, a hole to fuck and nothing more. He didn’t even remember her face or what she’d sounded like. The other three had been eviscerated in front of the dais, their hysterical blubbering too annoying for him to bear. 
He looked at the bandaged girl in front of him and wondered if he’d ever be able to purge from his memory the image of her smiling face, the sounds of her sweet moans and cries, the feeling of her arms clutching him with all their meager might. He walked over to a stone seat near the water and sat down, deciding to give the matter more thought in the evening. 
When Lord Sukuna had stood up in the water, you’d literally stopped breathing for a few moments. Standing there naked, glistening with water, black ink trailing lines down his body, he looked every bit the god your village worshipped him as. When he came to stand over you, the closeness of that perfect body to yours made you feel dizzy. His beauty only made you more self conscious, but you took off your robe as he commanded. 
Now he was seated near the water, and he beckoned you to follow. You approached him slowly, dreading whatever he might do to you but also feeling an incredible thrill. You were already wet just from the sight of him. 
When you were close enough, he reached up a hand and ran it over your bandages. You felt a shiver when his damp palm slid over your bare nipples. 
“Let’s take these off,” he said, and began peeling the thin strips of cloth from your body. He unwrapped you as if he were opening a gift, using careful, intimate movements that left your face burning. When the bandages were completely removed, you somehow felt more naked, even though they covered very little to begin with. 
He pulled you closer to him, so that you were wedged in between his spread legs. You could feel that he was getting hard. As if in response, you felt your own arousal dripping down your legs. You clamped them together, embarrassed that you had no control over yourself when you were this close to him. But he looked at you with a smug smile, seemingly able to read your thoughts. One of his hands squeezed in between your thighs and moved up, just grazing your pussy before withdrawing. 
He held up his hand, shiny with your fluids, and looked you in the eyes as he licked it clean. Your knees nearly gave way. That look in his eyes said he knew he was driving you mad with lust, that he enjoyed making you so wet you could hardly bear it. He grinned as he leaned closer and said, “If you want me to show mercy to your dripping pussy, then satisfy me with your mouth.”
As he pulled back slightly, he licked two of his fingers, thoroughly coating them in his saliva, then plunged them into your mouth. He watched you suck them ravenously as he spoke again. “Ah, but I haven’t given you permission to have my cock in your hot little mouth. What are you going to do?” The question was asked in a mocking tone, but you knew the answer. 
His fingers slipped from your mouth and his strong hands pushed you down to your knees in front of him. His fully hard erection stood tall, inches from your face. You wanted it in your mouth immediately, to taste him, to please him. But he hadn’t given permission yet, so you looked up at him with teary eyes and said, “Please, Lord Sukuna… please honor me by letting me taste your cock.”
You saw his eyes widen just slightly, and his engorged member seemed to twitch. Then a wide smirk appeared on his handsome face. “Very well. You can taste it, but you’re not allowed to take it into your mouth yet.”
With a small bow of appreciation, you extended your tongue and began licking up and down his length, slowly, with worshipful motions. You paid special attention to the tip, where a few delicious drops were leaking out. Ahh, you wanted it in your mouth so badly! 
“Please, I beg of you, my Lord,” you said between licks, a thin string of his sticky precum connecting his tip to your tongue, “Let me take you into my unworthy mouth.”
He looked down at you with no expression. “Denied,” he said. 
His cock was throbbing under your tongue, but he clearly wasn’t going to go easy on you. It wasn’t like you were trying to be seductive, you were simply voicing your genuine desires. You nestled your tongue into his tip again and continued your pleading. 
“Lord Sukuna… please… I need you in my mouth… please! Fill my mouth with your cock… let me drink your cum…”
You said it all while licking every inch of him with religious devotion. 
Finally, he grinned down at you and said, “You can take me in your mouth now.”
Your lips immediately enclosed around his length, the unbelievably huge cock completely stuffing your waiting mouth, your tongue circling it. 
Even though you were enraptured with the taste of him, you heard his silky voice above you. 
“Oh, but now that I’m in your mouth, don’t take my cock out. No matter what. I’ll remove it when I’m ready.”
You looked up at him and nodded your head as best you could while having your mouth so full. You couldn’t imagine wanting to take it out now that you had such a gift in your mouth, but your mind was getting a little fuzzy, momentarily forgetting the kinds of cruel games Sukuna liked to play with you. 
Your legs were slippery, drenched in your own juices. You were so aroused, you couldn’t stop your hand from moving down to slip inside your folds. 
“Don’t touch your clit,” you heard Sukuna say in a commanding voice, and you felt like sobbing as you pulled your hand away. He wouldn’t touch it or allow you to touch it last night, and so it remained swollen and sensitive and begging for attention. 
You heard him laugh at your distress. “Such a needy little cunt,” he said. 
He was pulsing in your mouth, you could almost feel his heartbeat. You kept up your ministrations, using your entire mouth to pleasure him. The thick organ twitched once more, and then all at once his hand gripped your hair and pulled you forward until he was choking you. He came, shooting hot cum directly down your throat. But at the same moment, he released your hair and his hand moved to your nose, where he pinched it shut, cutting off your air. 
You almost jerked back in your panic, but you remembered him telling you not to take his cock out of your mouth, so you held on, feeling the warm and sticky cum sliding down your throat as you struggled to swallow it without breathing. Tears were falling from your eyes as you looked up at him, silently pleading for him to let you take a breath. He watched you for a moment before finally releasing your nose. 
For several moments you sucked in air through your nose and sputtered and coughed around his cock, not letting it fall out of your mouth. He seemed to be enjoying your struggle, looking down at you with an amused expression. It took you a little while to realize he still hadn’t pulled out, even though he had already cum. 
“Did you really think I would be satisfied with cumming in your mouth only once?” he asked. Then he reached down and stroked your hair as he said, “Keep me in your mouth until you make me cum again.”
You wasted no time swirling your tongue around his now soft cock. The first step was getting him hard again, so you focused on that, making gentle sucking motions and moving your head back and forth. You tried to ignore the red eyes staring down at you, watching you work, as well as the soreness blossoming in your jaw from keeping something so big in your mouth without letting your teeth hit it. 
Thankfully, it didn’t take long for him to be fully erect again, and the feeling of him swelling against your tongue made you even wetter. 
You had given up denying to yourself that you were falling for this monstrous man. He was cruel and brutal and enjoyed hurting you, but it didn’t change the way you felt in his presence. You wanted him, so much that your entire being ached for him. Even knowing he was going to kill you did nothing to dull your passion. And so you communicated those feelings through your mouth on his cock, wanting him to feel your desire, your love. 
And after only a few minutes, you felt him throbbing again. His hand returned to your hair, and you prepared yourself to have his cock shoved down your throat again, but this time he suddenly pulled himself out of your mouth. As you looked up at him curiously, his hand still holding your head still, you felt strings of hot cum shoot onto your face. It covered you, getting into your hair, dripping down over one of your eyes, across your nose, running down over your lips and falling from your chin to drizzle over your breasts. 
You stared up at him with one eye open, frozen, not daring to wipe any away without permission even as a glob of it ran over your left eyelid. As he looked down at your messy, cum-soaked face, Sukuna was smirking again, clearly very pleased with himself. He stroked the back of your hair and stood up from the stone seat. “Good girl,” he said, “now finish your meal.”
It took a moment for your addled mind to understand what he meant, but then it clicked for you. As he watched, you began wiping up globs of his cum with your hands and pushing it into your mouth, licking your fingers clean each time. You smiled up at him and said, “Thank you for this blessing, Lord Sukuna.”
The smirk seemed to vanish from his face, and he turned away from you. Was that….? No, it couldn’t have been…. You knew it had to have been your imagination, but for the briefest of moments, just before he turned away, you could’ve sworn there was a faint pink tint to his face. 
You didn’t have time to think more deeply on it, because soon after he turned back to you and scooped you up in his arms, carrying you to the bath. You didn’t protest, only gasped in surprise as he stepped into the water and sat down, easing you into the steamy warmth. The water smelled so sweet, like him. 
He gently pushed your entire head down into the water, just for a few seconds, then pulled you back up. Then he had a sponge in his hand, wiping at your face. When finished, he turned you to face away from him and then began running his hands through your hair, working some sort of lather into it. 
Was he really washing your hair? It seemed ludicrous. He was a tyrant, an evil god, but right now he was carefully rinsing your hair. The soft movements made your whole body tingle. Was this his way of rewarding you? Or the start of another sick game? 
Once your hair was washed, he sat back against the wall of the tub and pulled you into his lap, your back against his firm, wet chest. One of his hands moved over your body lightly, brushing over your nipples, your stomach, you hips, and then settling between your thighs. 
The hand just sat there for a while, not moving and not parting your folds, as if it were just a comfortable place to leave it. Then, just as you were relaxing, one of his fingers slipped in. It pointedly did not touch your clit, only the area around it, which drove you mad. He circled it without even grazing it once, and you quivered in his lap. 
“Please… Lord Sukuna…”
He had his mouth close to you ear. “Please what?”
“Please touch my…”
After you failed to finish the sentence, he whispered to you, “Touch your what?”
You squirmed as he kept rubbing everywhere except your aching nub. “My… c-clit,” you whined, both your hands gripping his strong arm. 
“I won’t,” he said, “and you won’t either. Not now.” 
The finger he’d been tormenting you with slid completely inside you, and was quickly joined by another. You moaned, your back arching against him as he pumped both fingers in and out of you. 
Your senses were overwhelmed. The heat of the water, the strong scent of cherry blossoms, Sukuna’s perfect body pressed against yours, his sultry whispers, his fingers fucking your needy hole… it was too much for your fragile emotions to handle. 
“Lord Sukuna… I love you…”
The words slipped out before you could stop them, and you quickly lowered your face to hide your blush. His fingers never stopped, and in fact he added a third as his other hand tilted your chin up to make you look at him. 
He looked amused, as usual, and said in his beautiful voice, “Such a pitiful little offering.” Before you could even wonder what he meant by those words, his mouth encased yours, his tongue pressing between your lips and swirling with your own. Your hips in his lap reflexively moved with the rhythm of his plunging fingers as you moaned into his mouth. 
Every inch of you felt amazing. You wanted to stay like this forever. If only the festival would never end, if only you could have been chosen the first night and had a few more nights with Sukuna, if only he felt even one tiny, fleeting speck of care for you. 
One of his fingers pressed a spot inside you that made you nearly scream in pleasure, and you came on his hand, your body shuddering in his arms while his lips drank in your moans. 
The two of you remained in the water for a while longer, neither of you speaking, your panting the only sound in the room. Then Sukuna stepped out of the water, and you followed soon after. 
You stared at his form longingly as he dried himself off. He caught your gaze and laughed. “We just bathed. Don’t tempt me to make a mess of you again.”
You blushed and turned away from him to finish drying off yourself. You were still embarrassed about your slip up earlier, when you accidentally admitted that you loved him. You knew such feelings from an ordinary village girl were laughable to him, so you hoped he would simply forget it. 
The two of you pulled on fresh robes and left the bathing room. As you walked down the hall a few steps behind Sukuna, he looked over his shoulder and said, “Let’s have something to eat. You don’t want to be hungry when night falls.” Then he continued on. 
You stopped dead in your tracks. It occurred to you that he would definitely take you in his bed one more time before the festival ended, and he would probably hurt you again. You thought you could withstand physical pain, you’d even made peace with the fact that he would kill you. But there was still something he could do to you that you didn’t think you could handle, something he would most likely do just for the sake of being cruel. He could let you know just how little he thought of you, how ridiculous your sad little love was, how meaningless these past few days had been to him. 
A strange little throb appeared in your chest, and you pressed your hand there to feel your own heart beating. You shook your head to try to dispel your dark thoughts, and hurried after Sukuna, deciding to do your best to enjoy your final hours. 
Tag List:
@yourmumsthings @boogeysmoth @gojoscumslut @slut4animedilfs @urcrybby24 @kaqua @chiisana-akuma @httpslu0 @thoreau-ly @poopoobuttsy
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sephirthoughts · 5 months
*Throws golden coin at you like you are a wishing well and I’m a poor country girl waiting for a miracle* Tell us more of your Valenwind thoughts/headcanons PLEASEEE I’m begging you!
OK but remember, you asked for it. *cracks knuckles*
Physical Stuff: -vincent is half chinese or whatever the FF equivalent is. nothing is ever mentioned about his mother so no one can prove he isn't. (just let me have this one SE) -vincent's cloak/cape and headband are not fabric, they are some kind of organic extension of himself, that he has control over. though sometimes the cloak just does things and vincent is unconscious of it, like a cat twitching its tail -because of his circulation issues, due to his heart being replaced with protomateria, vincent has severe orthostatic hypotension (stand-up dizzies). cid is used to just catching him as he pitches over and moving on, without remarking on it -vincent is a mass of scars and mutilations (replaced parts, missing organs, etc.) which is why he covers his body entirely from the neck down with all that leather armor and gloves. -cid is a huge fan of vincent's monster hand because it has claws and he loves back scratches
Sexy stuff below the cut. And more, I got a little carried away.
Sexy Stuff: -vincent is anxious bordering on panicked to show cid his body, at first, because he thinks it's hideous and repulsive, and honestly there's just a lot of shame associated with being the victim of torture and systematic medical abuse -what vincent does not know is how much cid loves scars. like he fucking LOVES them (to the point where it's almost a scar fetish) -the first time they sleep together, cid slowly undresses vincent, little by little, touches and kisses all his scars, sincerely and fervently adores all the parts of him he thinks are ugly and horrifying, and makes him feel beautiful for the first time in his life -when cid sees vincent completely naked, he tears up because he's so beautiful to him, and he can't believe he got this lucky
-HC adopted from @getvalentined: vincent's already impressive dick was lost or removed during hojo's butchering of his body, but much to hojo's chagrin, it grew back even bigger (my own addition is some slightly monstrous characteristics) -cid is well above average in the dick department (note to self, change ask box title to dick department) but he can't help comparing himself to vincent and feeling a little intimidated
-vincent is a temperate and reserved person, but because of something to do with his chaos-induced fuckery, ever so often he goes fucking FERAL (almost like he's in heat), and cid is the lucky beneficiary of this. he winds up with bite wounds and claw scratches all over his body, over which vincent agonizes, while cid calls them battle scars and proudly flaunts them
Because reasons: -sometimes vincent pulls his hair up into a ponytail, removes the cape and headband, and just wears ripped up black jeans and a faded old black tank top. no one has ever seen him like this, aside from cid, because he has never been able to keep this ensemble on his person long enough to leave the house in it
Family Stuff (I don't usually do kids in fic, but i think these two would be cute with one) -shera is the bro of all time and is their surrogate when they have a baby -projected rendering of what the baby will look like, created by the friend group:
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-cid and vincent did that thing where they mixed the sperm donations because they didn't want to know who would 'really be the father' cloud: [looking at their black-haired, crimson-eyed baby] uh…
-their daughter is named olivia. vincent calls her olivia. that is her name. -cid settles firmly and immovably on ollie, which everyone else winds up calling her too
-causing several people to lose egregious sums of money in the group betting pool, ollie's first word is not 'fuck'. that is her second word. her first word is papa. well it was 'bapa' but cid insists that counts
-baby ollie doesn't like anyone besides her daddies but cloud, and sticks herself to him like a little leech whenever he's around cid: hey ollie, who am i [points to self] ollie: bapa cid: who's that [points to vincent] ollie: dada cid: who's that [points to cloud] ollie: mama cid: no--
-sephiroth is vincent's biological child and he has just learned from cloud that he has a little half sister sephiroth: [appears, looks down at the crimson-eyed toddler with deep disdain] i'm still the oldest, so don't get any ideas about taking my place. i'll always be the pinnacle of our genetic-- ollie: gege sephiroth: [kneeling in front of the play swing] here is your juice box, is there anything else you want, my princess? say the word and gege will get it for you. is there anywhere you want to go? anyone you want killed? no? well, you can hardly have enemies at your age, but when you acquire some, come to gege and he'll take care of them for you.
-late one night sephiroth: [appears standing over cid and vincent's bed] cid and vincent: GAAAH! sephiroth: my sister has been crying for twelve seconds, unanswered. DO YOU WANT HER TO HAVE NEGLECT TRAUMA? cid: [grumbling as he clambers out of bed] neglect trauma i'm aboutta have sephiroth jump scarin me in my goddamn house trauma vincent: ….sister?
-they put both surnames on her birth certificate, to give ollie a choice whose surname she wants to use -one day, when she's older, she comes home with her newly printed ID documents reading "Olivia Valenwind" -both dads come down with a sudden case of chopping onions
**i just realized some people might not know that "gege" (pronounced like guh-guh) is mandarin affectionate for "big brother"
@a-schrodingers-fox I hope that was worth your gold coin! NO REFUNDS!
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vincentiswatching · 11 months
I wrote this Our Flag Means Death song in April 2022 and I never posted the full version anywhere. Now that the second season of OFMD is coming out as we speak, I wanted to share it with you. I love this show with all my heart and I hope you like this little love song I wrote for Ed and Stede:
You make me Happy
I sailed away without a plan,
they say there's monsters in the sea;
You pointed at yourself and said:
“The monster is me”
I sailed away to hold your hand.
Your oceans so much deeper than -
anything I've seen
but I don't think monsters are real.
You’re not despicable.
Went through unthinkable hells
and guess what; I'm still glad I met you.
You deserve the world,
You deserve rest too.
Keep holding on -
Please let me hold on to you.
You're the X on the map,
You're a book that's well kept,
You're a glass marmalade,
You're a tea, freshly made;
7 sugars no less
with a smile to obsess
over mist on the sea
and your light makes me see -
You are painted in colours,
too divine to understand,
I'm the luckiest lover
when you reach for my hand.
You're a poem that's sweet;
When the sun and moon meet
bathed in orange;
you wear fine things like a melody.
You’re more than your beard,
You’re more than your legacy,
You’re kind and you're good,
You're incredibly, terribly,
You are in control;
If you'd have me,
Could I make you happy?
You sailed away without a plan,
they said there's monsters in the sea;
You pointed at yourself and said:
“The monster is me”
You sailed away to hold my hand.
Your love runs so much deeper than -
anything I've seen.
Wasn't convinced that you were real.
You're not unlovable;
Sometimes insufferable, true,
guess what it's stupidly easy to love you.
You deserve the world,
You deserve adventure too.
keep holding on -
I think I'll hold on to you.
You're the X on the map,
You're a book that's well kept,
You're a glass marmalade,
You're a tea, freshly made;
7 sugars no less
with a smile to obsess
over mist on the sea
and your light makes me see -
Your mind is a mystery
I could never understand.
You're a lunatic and crazy
and I'd love to hold your hand.
You're endearing and weird,
lavender and teal
in the sunset;
Your smile makes the monster disappear.
You are more than your past,
You're more than your fears,
You are kind and you're brave,
You're amazingly, basically
Where I want to be and when
if you'd have me,
Could I make you happy?
You're the X on the map,
You're a book that's well kept,
You're a glass marmalade,
You're a tea, freshly made;
7 sugars no less
with a smile to obsess
over mist on the sea
and your light makes me see -
A fuckery well planned
to fool a ship of hundred men;
Finest clothes made out of silk
and the dollop of milk
in my tea -
You're my safe,
You're my free;
a breakfast in the lookout
and a library at sea.
I'd give up my life,
leave my kids, leave my wife,
leave my ship and my crew
for this one life with you.
I'd sail away without a plan
For this insane and loving man;
I'd fight the Kraken and the tides
if it means holding you one more night.
You are more than your title,
You’re more than your name,
You’re kind and you're brave,
You're incredibly, terribly good and inherently
If you'd have me;
Could I make you happy?
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twistmusings · 2 years
The mating habits for Savannaclaw were 👀. Could we have the same for Octavinelle? Interested in them because they are fish and so different to mammals.
Absolutely, anon! I am very excited because I have *ideas* in mind for them already so I've been excited to talk about it.
Octavinelle - Mating Habits and Anatomy
CW: Discussions of non-human anatomy, intersex anatomy (in case that may be triggering!), sexy eel anatomy, UNsexy eel anatomy, heat/rut/mating cycles mentioned and how they impact the boys. (It is of note because I know this come up for mating cycles a lot in fiction, but there is no talk of nonconsent in this at all, if that’s a concern.) Unnecessarily long because I have many thoughts and have ready waaaaay too much about eel anatomy and octopus anatomy. (I regret nothing lol.) Xenophilia(?) or monster fuckery perhaps? Just depends on your definition of that.
Note: All characters are depicted as being in their mid to late twenties in this.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Octopi do not have a mating season, so Azul's sex drive doesn't peak at any particular time of year. It's just depends on when he's in the mood.
Azul doesn't have a heightened sense of smell like the eels or anyone in savanaclaw while on land. HOWEVER, if his partner is able to make him feel safe enough to show them his octopi form, he can detect scent and taste with his tentacles. It would only take him reaching for them with his tentacles to quite literally taste it on their skin, and when he does his arousal is going to skyrocket immediately.
Azul's dick in human form is just like anyone else's dick thanks to the potion which transforms him into a human.
When he's in his true form, though, he does have a hectocotylus. It is the third tentacle on his right-hand side, and it functions more or less like a penis. (Octopi merfolk's anatomy differs slightly from actual octopi, but mostly because their organ orientation is more similar to a bipedal animal instead of an octopus-- the anus and vaginal opening are situated under their web since octopi merfolk don't have a mantle. They are around the area of where a wild octopus' beak would be.)
Azul's hectocotylus has a slightly spade-like ridged shape at the end that is made of erectile tissue which is the only part of the tentacle that gets hard. The rest of the arm is made of muscle and has suckers beginning around 10 inches from the tip. Aside from the 'head' it looks identical to his other tentacles.
Unlike wild octopi, Azul cannot remove his hectocotylus arm from his body for the means of reproduction. He also will not die after mating.
As for mating rituals, his species usually use the chromatophores to send signals of their interest. That being said, Azul's signals are extremely hard to see for most other species of merfolk, let alone the people living on land. So, instead of that, he often conveys his interest via lavish shows of affection or gifts. It's not an exact parallel, but it's the next best thing that he can think of.
Floyd and Jade Leech
Being Moray eels, neither Jade nor Floyd have any sort of mating season. Their sex drives are not dictated by any sort of cycle and they don't get particularly hot and bothered during any part of the year. Truth be told, this is probably the most human part of their reproduction at least so far as their merfolk forms are concerned.
They might not have a heat or rut cycle, however... well, frankly, they get baby fever. Like actual eels, when they have enough food and a safe place to live it puts them in the mindset to have kids. Unlike wild eels, though, they would be much better parents, should their partners want to have kids with them.
Their anatomy is deeply interesting. It's not entirely the same as wild moray eels, but not entirely human either. Merfolk eels are all intersex, and short of a medical condition most will have both viable eggs and the ability to produce sperm. Early during their puberty is when the moray merfolk develop the sex characteristics that determine the outward appearance of their reproductive organs, and much like with humans who are born intersex, the appearance is somewhat of a sliding scale. Being identical twins, Floyd and Jade both developed their external sex the same way.
Not related to mating, perse, but because of this moray merfolk (and many other types of merfolk) don't have a concept of a binary gender. They don't typically use gendered pronouns or self identify with a gender unless they decide to go on land and describe themselves. In those cases, they typically will pick whatever they feel fits them best.
Back on topic, their genitals vary between their human and mer forms. Due to the potion they take to remain on land, their human dick looks like... well, a dick.
Contrary to their wild eel counterparts, the Leech twins' anatomy is a sort of hybrid of internal and external as eel merfolk are capable of mating with many other species of merfolk. When they are just swimming, they have sheaths that their external genitals retract into that sits on their pelvis area just above where their anus is. (Yes, it is on the front of their bodies in this form.) However, with stimulation their external genitals with unsheath in preparation for penetrative sex. (Not that you have to have penetrative sex, that's just what the anatomical function is for.) Their penises are tapered and nearly entirely made of erectile tissue, without a real appearance of a 'head' to speak of. When cumming from their external genitals, they will produce a much higher quantity of fluid than the average human. (This also occurs in their human form, but not to the same extent.)
Now for the internal genitals. Depending on the species of merfolk, most will lay eggs and mate externally. In fact, this is the most common form of mating for moray eelfolk as well, as penetrative sex isn't really all that common unless necessary to breed. Instead, most the genitalia of eel merfolk are structured in such a way that without the external stimulation to cause an erection, the ejaculate will leave their body through the anal opening similar to the way it does in most species of fish. Again, they will produce more fluid through this than an average human. They have a prostate, and their internal anatomy means their gonads acts as an additional pleasure point inside their body, so if that's something you're into it's your lucky day.
Also eel merfolk pee out of their butts soooo... you're welcome for that image. :-)
Moving right along, Jade and Floyd are similar to their savanaclaw counterparts that they can smell arousal on their partners and others. Their sense of smell is slightly stronger than a human's on land, and keenly stronger while in water.
On eel mating habits... they certainly retain a few of their moray eel cousins habits that are different from other merfolk and land dwellers. There are two main ones that are interesting:
Opening the mouth widely (or yawning, basically) is still a symbol to them of interest in mating. It certainly led to a lot of misunderstandings when they first came on land, and they don't necessarily take it as sign of wanting to mate anymore, they still might get a little hot under the collar if their partner yawns around them.
The other is dancing. Moray eelfolk do a sort of dance immediately prior to mating which involves wrapping their bodies together. What this translates to on land is that the twins will usually dance with their partners if they're trying to show an interest in taking things to the bedroom. Not every dance is a mating dance, mind you, but it would be pretty clear what is because they will want to have their bodies as close to their partner as they possibly can.
As a final note: since the eels both have fully developed ovaries with viable eggs, that means should they find a surrogate to carry the children for them (since their anatomy doesn't allow them to give birth), they are capable of having a partner provide sperm and still be capable of having biological children should they choose to go through the surgery to do so.
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miniyellow5 · 4 months
There's a movie I think of at times and can't help but think, the build up to all of this— genuinely what. It was called The Void, the lighting held so many chiaroscuro elements that when I try to recall most of it; there wasn't a time where it showed many daylight scenes. Two to three plots must have been happening,
- two guys that robbed a house
- cops trying to figure out this situation
- there's a cult
Pretty sure when the guys that robbed the home of the couple in the house were affiliated with this cult and that why there were robed individuals. The criminals ran off in their truck and drive off to some hospital, one of them had got injured.
The hospital scene. It was such a mind fuckery, there was madness within it that consumed all of the people in the building. Might have been the fact that the cult must of had a grip on the entirety of that town, there was some experiments from below.
I remember a pregnant lady who's child became a monster/possible child of the cultist? She was very much dead after the thing was born and now everyone (forgot to re-mention the cops were in this scene too fighting off the weird demonic creatures from the dimension that the cultist could harness)
Now this is where most of it gets foggy, but they open a portal, and it's the shape of a triangle, i believe it was the cultist who gets taken inside of it. What lies beyond this boundary was winds of dust and electricity coursing the air. Panning out the same triangle in a sinister fade.
Genuinely, idk if I wanna see this again, I might watch a review of it
Here's the poster:
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harpagornis · 7 months
MTG Analysis: Archons part 2
a while back I wrote an extensive article on the archons of Magic: The Gathering. Since I don't feel like making a fool reboot (and I can't add more images to that article) I've decided to make a sequel article dealing with the archons we haven't reviewed yet.
Archon of Coronation
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Released in Commander Legends this archon hails from the plane of Fiora. Given what a political clusterfuck that plane is, I don't know what the archons political stance is, but I suppose they support whoever's in charge (currently Marquesa).
This is the first archon with an actual bird steed (unless we count Ornitharch's flock of birds?) which makes it stand out quite a lot. I also like the pure black face, so eerie for a White card. I guess it could be mask like a robber's mask, which makes it funnier in my opinion.
Archon of Cruelty
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Introduced in Modern Horizons 2 this one is the first non-White, mono-Black archon, which I quite dislike since it plays into the whole "Black if evil" shenigans. As we previously discussed, Archons represent the cruel side of White mana, so this makes even less sense flavourfully.
The design at least it's interesting, with a hooved carnivore like a mesonichian with bat wings as steeds. The exact plane where it lives is not clear, but judging by the Bolas horns it might either be from the Meditation Realm (which would make it the only living thing besides the imprisoned dragon twins there) or Amonkhet, which has no precedent for archons but enough for angel-fuckery. Maybe Bolas meddled with it and that's why it's mono-Black?
Guardian Archon
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(Apologies for image quality, it was the only large pic I could find without the card)
Debuting in Strixhaven: Commander, this owl ridding archon has a quill-end like shield, which I find it quite adorable for a sinister force of violent order. The pen might be mightier than the sword... which is why its a shield instead of a weapon. Clever girl/boy/non-binary!
Archon of the Wild Rose
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We return to Eldraine with this imposing white-stag riding archon. Like previous Eldraine archons it looks quite luminous and ghostly and we actually have a reason why! Accroding to the D&D tie-in monster manual, Eldraine archons are actually deceased knights. They live at the boundaries of the wilds, marking the border between the human and fae realms. Human knights often pick up a fight with an archon in order to expand the humans' domain, which is fruitless as the archons don't get to decide where the boundaries are. Silly humans.
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The return to Eldraine also introduces the card Archon's Glory, showing an archon flaring before what I assume is one of Ashiok's nightmare thingies. Not much to say except it looks pretty cool.
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We conclude this sequel with the second legendary archon, Ezrim. From Ravnica, Ezrim started as an Azorius archon, before quitting because the other archons were apparently too much for him. He then went on to found a truth cult (ironic considering mythological archons are all about keeping the illusion of the material world) until it grew into a detective agency. He is a major character in the Murders at Karlov Manor storyline; not a lot of quirks but has quite a presence. We also see through him that an archon and steed can momentarily seperate... which he uses to file paperwork. Neat.
I like the use of browns in his depiction, like a very subdued gold. Besides the trenchcoat - working wonders to hide his face btw - he wilds a blue staff, which I assume he uses to unvield the truth. His steed is some sort of sharp toothed bull with two tails and four wings; it isn't described in detail in the story, I'm assuming because either the final design wasn't ready when it was written or because it's simply not easy to described
And that's it for now
Creative has made Archons quite a rare creature type, and have played quite a bit since we last sank our teeth, subverting both the MTG rule as White's bad side and the mythological role as masters of illusion.
Let's see what the future holds.
4 notes · View notes
faustianbroker · 1 year
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: Offshore PARTIES: Leviathan (@faustianbroker) & Zack (@zackbanes)  SUMMARY: Levi wants to see what it is that makes Zack weird. This ends up being a two-way discovery, and the pair find themselves in a bizarre (but welcome) situationship. CONTENT WARNINGS: Implications of (monster) fuckery.
The breeze came off the ocean in gentle, cool gusts, carrying with it the scent of saltwater and the promise of adventure. The sun had passed its zenith and was beginning the hours-long descent toward the horizon, giving the pair plenty of time to get to the island and back again before it became too dark to see out in that open water. 
Not that Levi needed to see to know where he was going. It had only been a couple years, but he knew this route like the back of his tailfin by now. 
The boat bobbed over the small waves, the engine accelerating them to a speed that much more suited the impatient demon’s needs—charming as a rowboat could be now and then, this destination was a bit too far for all that. So, 40ft speedboat it was, cutting through the water like a hot knife through butter, careening toward where the sky met the sea. After about eight or so minutes, a landmass appeared on that horizon. It was small, but diverse. A tiny forest dotted its hilly half, while the rest was all beach and rocks. 
As if to further prove that Levi came here often, there was a small dock that jutted out into the water. Levi steered the boat in that direction, slowing and coming to a stop alongside the dock. Deft hands carried him overboard and tethered the boat to the dock, then reached to help Zack down. “Careful, water’s cold. Wouldn’t want you to fall in,” he said with a smirk as Zack made the small leap to the dock, hand bracing against the man’s arm to steady him. 
On the beach, backed up to the treeline, there was a small shack. Small, but cozy-looking. Not run down, as one might expect. “Like I said,” Levi explained, gesturing toward it in the distance as they walked down the dock, “I come here a lot. Sometimes for a few days, if I’m feeling the need to escape.” He glanced over at his companion, offering a softer smile. “I get the feeling you could probably use a shack like this now and again, eh?”
Truly, it would most likely turn out to be a terrible idea. Thinking back on it, Zack couldn’t say what had come over him. Maybe just the intoxicating idea that whatever he could do, whatever this power was inside him, could be attractive. Could be something that someone would see as interesting and unique and good instead of just dangerous. Or maybe it was the fact that he was, at the end of the day, a sucker for a pretty face. Whatever the cause, he was now on a boat (for the first time in his life) heading for an uninhabited island about to show a complete stranger his deepest, most well-kept secret. At least, Wynne knew the bare bones of what he was doing and where. At least his body would be found.
On the ride over, Zack mostly distracted himself with the surroundings. The choppy attitude of the water, the landscape of the island once it came into view, the sure and confident way Levi handled their vessel. Steadily, like the boat shearing through the bay, Zack’s anxiety rose. They were drawing closer and closer to the coast and that meant closer and closer to what he had spent the last decade-plus avoiding: letting loose and giving his abilities free reign over himself. At least the setting seemed right. As they came ashore, Zack could tell that there wasn’t a soul there. Small touches, like the dock, the distant shack, were somehow clearly from Levi himself. 
Zack took the offered hand and hauled himself up onto the creaking wood of the dock. “I don’t mind the cold,” he said. Usually that was a shy little wink-nod, for his own benefit. But in this circumstance, it served more as foreshadowing. Levi would understand soon enough exactly why Zack might prefer the cold, and the water. Once on solid land, Zack let his own hand slip free of Levi’s slow and then strode forward. At the end of the dock, he took in the full scope of the island. Scrubby sand at the shore that belled up to tree-fringed hills.  How had something like this stayed undeveloped? Tourist town as Wicked’s Rest could be, it was a marvel that no one had snatched it up. Maybe it was protected. Or haunted. 
Just as Zack was thinking that he would have liked to have a place like this, an island that no one else came to with a little shelter and peace and quiet, Levi voiced his thoughts in question form. He gave a shy grin to the other man, letting an ambivalent shrug roll through his shoulders. “Yeah. It probably would have been nice.” He thought back to that first year after he left, the makeshift crooks he called home. “How do you manage to keep people away? Or do you…own this?” He opened his arms a little, indicating the all of the island.
“Well, rumor has it that there’s a sea beast around these parts, so folks don’t tend to try coming over to visit.” He gave Zack a knowing wink, then added, “But yeah, I also own it.” 
As they stepped down onto the beach, Levi turned to face Zack while walking backwards, lacing his fingers and bracing them behind his head. “You need anything before the big show? Some vitamin C, or… whatever?” It seemed to only be a half joke judging by the smirk he wore, but there was an air of playfulness that was meant to try and help Zack feel more at ease. Levi was eager to see what he was talking about, what sort of dangerous things he could do, if only to satisfy his own curiosity. 
“Tell you what… if I’m impressed by whatever it is, maybe I’ll show you mine.”
Zack let out a huff of laughter at the tease, shaking his head. “No vitamins or minerals needed,” he replied. The humor got lost in his voice though. Already he could feel the heat rising up his chest, over his face, licking at his temples. It burned low and dark from his stomach – it barely even took a thought. Casting his eyes to Levi, Zack put several large steps between them. The other man seemed confident that he wouldn’t be hurt — and while Zack was inclined to believe him, he couldn’t be too careful. “Well, let’s hope you’re impressed then,” the comment was ground out through his teeth, losing any flirting edge it might have held. Already Zack was struggling to keep a hold on his control.
Closing his eyes, Zack exhaled long and deep. While his power frightened him, part of him had been worried that he wouldn’t be able to perform under pressure. That he would be left impotent in front of Levi, looking and feeling foolish (or would he just be relieved that it hadn’t come?). He had no need for such a worry. Another long breath in and Zack could feel the slow roast of the fire in him, around him, from him. He thought of the panic and frustration he had felt that night in his parent’s house. He thought of the calm that had dropped over him once he gave way to the burn. He thought of his mother’s smile, and then he caught.
Flames rushed from him and it was more intense than that night, far more intense than the few times he had fiddled with lighting candles and matches. It swept through him, latched him in its undertow. With nowhere to burn when it hit the sand, the fire shot up in a swirling column that burned bright and hot. Zack felt the heat but it was like the soothe of a familiar lullaby. It roared for a minute, two, and then, as suddenly as it had come on, it burned through. The tower of flames collapsed in on itself, whooshing to the ground before dissipating over the shore in a sizzle of expelled energy. 
Zack followed, dropping to his knees at the sudden fatigue that hit him. The edges of his clothes were singed, still glowing with embers. His hands, planted in the sand to brace against his weight, smoked dimly. Once he had his breathing under control, he tilted his head up, looking toward Levi. He didn’t have a pun, or cocky one-liner, or flirtation ready. Just a question held back on his trembling lips, hoping that the other man would have something like answers for him.
The heat that came from the column of fire was uncomfortable to say the least, and Levi actually took a step back in response. While he wasn’t an aficionado when it came to all the nuances of the supernatural world, nor could he claim to know all the available flavor options of freak that this guy could be, he had a couple ideas.
When the flames died down and Zack was left on all fours in the sand, Levi closed the gap between them. “Wow,” he said with a chuckle, “that was quite the bonfire.” Holding out a hand to help him up, Levi only flinched slightly as their hands met, half-expecting him to be searing to the touch. 
“Well… I’ve got a few theories,” he explained, knowing that Zack would be eager for some answers. “One is more likely than the other, but we’ll start with the unusual one.” Levi gave him a once-over, brows raised. “You haven’t got any feathers where I can’t see them, have you?”
It was a wonder to have someone walk toward him after seeing what he had done. Zack always expected people would run from him if they knew what he could do. Fear, uncertainty, anger. But Levi ambled up to him like he hadn’t just exploded pure fire from his body. And he offered a hand down. Zack blinked up at him for a moment, hopeful, and then took the hand. Back on his feet, Zack clapped the sand from his palms and brushed down the sooty edges of his shirt. 
“Really?” he asked, voice a little thin from the exertion. His eyes, though, were hungry for what Levi could tell him. Zack shifted under the man’s heavy gaze, fingers itching for something to fidget with. “Feathers?” he asked. “No. At least, not that I’m aware of.” He blinked dumbly before connecting the dots. A phoenix? Could that possibly be a real thing? A real thing that could…appear human, like him? 
“What’s the more likely one, then?” he asked. Could it really be as simple as that? Could there be an open and easy answer to what he was, what he could do? Already Zack’s  mind was racing ahead, planning how to better investigate all that he was, understand it, once he had a firmer foundation to work from.
Featherless as he was, the alternative was… well. The guy was probably a spellcaster, which were not exactly Levi’s favorite type of freak, but… this one didn’t know that. He didn’t know any other casters, and had no sense of superiority like so many of the others that Levi had encountered.
Perhaps he could get ahead of the game and nudge this one in the right direction.
“If there’s no feathers, then chances are you’re a spellcaster. Fire elemental would be the obvious classification.” Elemental casters themselves had never given the demon trouble, but it was the rest of them… the types that Zack might fall in line with, if not guided down a different path.
“I’m not an expert on the subject, but it seems like you might need to play around with that a little more often to avoid… blowouts of that magnitude. I’d offer help, but I’m more of a water guy, myself.” The demon smirked, dusting away a bit of ash from Zack’s shoulder—singed remains of the collar of his shirt. “You sure you don’t want some orange slices, or something?”
Zack leveled an incredulous look across to Levi. “So I’m basically a wizard?” he asked. Fire elemental seemed right though. He turned the term over in his head. This whole time… It was just some flavor of magic? Something tied to the earth and its natural currents. “Play around?” he asked with an eyebrow lifted. He wasn’t sure about that. Even here, on an uninhabited island, surrounded by sand and water, there had still been a risk. And Zack had no clue that what he would unleash would be that powerful. Who’s to say it wouldn’t be just as big of a blowout the next time he tried to light a candle? “I don’t know. It just seems…dangerous. Either way.” Letting it go, holding it in… Zack couldn’t be sure that it would bring ruination.
It was intoxicating, though. Being able to just let loose, give all that was always kept bottled up in him an escape valve. The pure relief of letting go. Zack’s face went soft, eyes dropping as he considered it. Part of that had been Levi’s presence – someone there, watching, seeing what he could do and what he was and not hating him for it. Not fearing him. Could others look at him and see beyond what he could do? “Water?” Zack asked thoughtfully. “Like…what I can do, but with water?”
The offer of orange slices made him smile weakly, but then consider it. “I don’t know. I’ve never…done anything like that before.” It hadn’t been that powerful even the night with his parents’ house - he couldn’t be sure how he would react and what he might need. But he did ache all over, and could feel the beginnings of a headache behind his eyes. Taking a step, to test his body, he found himself faltering. He cast a hand out to keep himself from falling back into the sand. Maybe orange slices weren’t such a bad idea.
“It is dangerous. But that’s the fun part.” Levi smiled broadly, gesturing toward the island. “It’s free for you to use, if you’re interested. I can bring you out this way as needed.” Wasn’t like he had many other responsibilities to tend to—the businesses basically ran themselves these days, and Gabagool was getting pretty adept at filing contracts. At the comparison of his own abilities, the demon shook his head. “Ah… not exactly. I’m not…” He glanced at Zack, lifting a brow. Was it time to say that, yet? Maybe not. “... I come from the water, I don’t exert control over it. It’s different, but still weird.” 
The guy was clearly outside of his wheelhouse, here. He was walking a tightrope and Levi had ripped the safety net right out from under him—didn’t matter that he’d consented. But hey, progress was progress! “First time for everything, Zack. May tonight be a night of firsts.” His gaze was fixed on the human, seeing the falter in his step as he tried to move. The reaction to quickly reach out and catch him was instinctive, and the demon held on this time to provide extra support. “Hey, whoa, alright. Yeah, let’s get you inside and get you some fuel for that fire, Pyro. C’mon.” 
Leading the way to the little cabin, Levi fished the keys out of his pocket and opened the front door. It was cozy inside—modern, but with some rustic charm. Flicking on the lights, he took Zack to the kitchen and sat him down at the breakfast nook before moving back to the counter to retrieve a few fruits from a basket. That, and a tall glass of water, both of which he delivered to the younger man at the small table with cushioned bench seats overlooking the beach. 
Digging a knife into the orange, Levi began to slice it up for them both, passing a few to Zack before taking one of his own. “How ya feelin’?”
Something sharp glimmered at the edges of Levi, then. The danger Zack’s abilities brought weren’t fun. Not when it could mean killing innocent people, destroying so much, and having it all on his hands. Not when he still had no real clue what all it could do to himself, either. “Really?” he asked at the offer. That would change things, having a space like this one to explore what he could do. Someplace where he wouldn’t have to worry about hurting anyone. The conversation that had brought the two of them out here in the first place came to mind. “For a price, I assume?”
What could coming from water mean? If phoenixes were real, maybe mermaids were too? Or maybe Levi turned into the sea beast that he had teased about earlier. Suddenly, Zack had an image of the other man as an angler fish — glow of light in the deep darkness of the ocean, all the better to lure its prey directly into its wide open mouth ridged with spiny teeth. Zack would just have to take care not to drown.
He was grateful for the support and allowed Levi to support him into the cabin. “Thanks,” he said once he was deposited on a cozy bench. When Levi delivered a glass of water and made good on the promise of orange slices, Zack couldn’t help but smile — he’d assumed the orange slices had been a joke. Biting into one of the wedges offered, Zack let the juice burst over his tongue. “A little better,” he answered. The buzzing in his ears had died down and he could hold his head up without feeling like he might collapse. “Sorry. I didn’t expect this to happen,” he explained, gesturing to himself to indicate the physical reaction he’d had.
Glancing around the cabin, Zack added, “This is not at all what I expected the inside to look like.” He had pictured more of a one-room shack.
With a click of his tongue, Levi gave a nonchalant shrug. “I said free, didn’t I? Before, that was—well, that was just flirting.” He grinned. “So the non-monetary price can be whatever you want it to be.” 
Sitting across from the other and watching him with a quizzical but non-judgmental eye, the sea demon shook his head. “Nothing to be sorry about,” he assured the other, leaning back against the cushions propped against the windows, taking a look around the place as Zack mentioned its interior. “Bigger on the inside, and all that,” Levi suggested with a smirk. “I’ve spent enough of my life coasting between towns and cities and never having any sense of permanence,” he explained, staring down at the orange as he sliced up the last chunk of it. “Which sometimes included living in motels, or whatever sorry little spit of a house we could get our hands on.” There was a beat, as if he was recalling something that made him upset, but he shook it off. “Guess now that we’re finally settled somewhere, since this town seemed to receive us better than any of the others ever have, I decided I wasn’t going to live like that anymore.” 
Levi glanced up at Zack, wearing a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, leaning forward to set the last of the fruit in the center of the little table. “These days it’s comfort or bust, I suppose.”
Something in Zack’s chest wound up a little tighter, in a pleasant, sunburst way. “So you were flirting,” he sent back, half-smile just touching his lips. “Maybe I’ll just bring you oranges. Keep you stocked up.” To emphasize his point, Zack took another wedge into his mouth. As he drained the juice from it, though, the playful jaunt gradually slipped from his face. “But really, thank you. It…” He passed, fingers flexing out on the counter in front of him, stretching across the grain. “Having somewhere that I can maybe let it out and not worry about hurting anyone, or anything. That changes a lot.” It changed everything in a way. It meant that he could do something other than just tamp this part of him down, hope that he could suppress all of it forever.
“Yeah,” Zack agreed softly. The longest he’d been somewhere was Boston but even that hadn’t felt permanent. It always felt like something was pulling him away. Even if it was just some stupid, half-remembered memory of his mother telling him she was from further North. “I’m glad to hear this place was more…accepting.” Selfishly, Zack hoped it could be the same for him. He still wasn’t sure exactly what flavor of not-quite-normal Levi was, though. Maybe he just had webbed feet or something. “You said you have a kid, right?” he asked, recalling a previous conversation. “This place has been better for them, too?” Deep and low in his chest, Zack was reaching for the sense that Levi was the kind of father who would do that for his kid – pick up and move to keep them safe and comfortable and loved. The kind of father that might accept a kid no matter what. That wouldn’t be afraid.
“I don’t think I’ve felt comfort in a while,” Zack admitted before he could stop himself. He didn’t mean to say that much. Blinking away the slip, he went on anyway, “But I’m starting to maybe feel that way here. Or like I could, at least.” It wouldn’t last, most likely, but he could enjoy it while it did.
The offer of oranges made the sea demon release a huff of laughter, head shaking in mock disappointment. “Hey, if that’s what you’re willing to give, I’ll take it,” he answered coyly, brows raising before he dragged the knife blade along his tongue to clean it of fruit juice. 
Something about the human made Levi feel bad for him. Clearly he was lacking in the sort of connection that one generally needed to get by—Levi didn’t, of course, he was built different. But he could still see the merit in it, having experimented with such a thing with Teddy and finding it to be… pleasing. “Well… like I said. You can come out here anytime you need, just give me a holler. It’s not an imposition, really. If it was, I wouldn’t be offering it.” It was perhaps a bit blunt, but that’s just how he was. 
When the subject of Teddy came up, Levi couldn’t help but smile proudly. “Yeah, they’ve really come into their own out here. Wasn’t a place I really saw myself ending up—I’ve always been more of a city guy myself, but… there’s something about it. Something special. Dangerous, but special.” Levi could handle dangerous, after all. His lips downturned into a slight frown at what came next, though, and he swallowed hard as he recognized those pesky human emotions starting to flare up again. 
“Sorry to hear that. Isn’t fair.” Yuck. Yuck, stop being so sympathetic. “Hopefully the people around here can help with that.” There was a beat, and then he allowed a soft, lopsided smile to take up residence on his features. “I mean I can probably help with that, at least.”
Something dropped, hot and loaded, into the pit of Zack’s stomach as he watched Levi run his tongue over the knife. That…was probably something to examine. Probably not good just how quickly something like that, well, got to him. “I’d be willing to give something else, if I knew it would be well-received.” It would be a lie to say that the glimmering hint of something sharp, something dangerous that appeared around Levi’s edges didn’t contribute to the quiet well of interest that was pooling in his gut. 
“You seem to have a thing about danger,” Zack mentioned. Dangerous but special, though, did seem like an apt description for Wicked’s Rest. He usually just thought weird and left it at that. “I’m glad you found a place. For you and them.”
Zack didn’t love just how much he admitted to this man but, he reasoned, it paled in comparison. What was a little emotional vulnerability when he revealed the fact that he could kind of shoot fire out of his body? “Thanks. I mean, you have already.” There were others, too, since coming to Wicked’s Rest. Maybe he didn’t feel comfortable, not yet, but something approaching it. Something that made him think there could be a place for him there.
The Leviathan didn’t make a habit of revealing itself to people, but there were some that really managed to intrigue it to the point that it was willing to share a few of its secrets. Zack was appealing to its better nature in a very delicious sort of way, and the sea demon couldn’t help itself getting swept up in the moment.
Allowing the conversation to reach a natural pseudo-conclusion, smirking here and nodding there, Levi got back to his feet and circled the table, holding a hand out to Zack. “Trust me, whatever you’ve got to offer me will absolutely be well-received,” he hummed. “And if you’ve the strength for it, I’d  like to show you something. Since you gave such an excellent display earlier, I’d say you earned it.” He nodded toward the beach that sat outside, waiting to be enjoyed. “All you’ve got to do is park your butt in the sand and watch.” 
A chill trailed along Zack’s spine and he couldn’t quite tell if it was a warning or a promise. Either way, he took the offered hand. He was still a little shaky on his feet but solid enough. He could follow Levi out of the cabin with no problem. The giddiness of an apparent acceptance gave way, shifted to a different kind of excitement. He tried to imagine what exactly Levi’s show would be. Either way, he settled down in the sand, giving a little oof of effort as he dropped heavier than he expected, and waited. 
Once the other was settled in the sand, Levi took a step back and spread his arms wide. “You were right, by the way—I do have a thing about danger. It’s the spice of life!” Kicking off his shoes and taking a few more steps back so his feet were submerged by the waves lapping at the shore, the man grinned. Then he turned, facing away from Zack to strip down to his skivvies with practiced swiftness, tossing the clothes farther up on the beach but not much caring what happened to them as he waded deeper into the frigid water.
And, seeing as he was not one for modesty, the last thing to go were the skivvies themselves. From there, it was an immediate dive beneath the waves. Levi had shapeshifted so many countless times before that it wasn’t so much a matter of it being painful anymore—it was, but the demon was desensitized to it—as much as it was a rather gruesome undergoing. So perhaps it was best to do it underwater, out of sight of his company. Flesh tore and bones cracked, ripping the human shape to shreds as something far too large to have ever fit within such a vessel emerged from the viscera, swimming free of the red cloud and bursting out through the surface of the water.
It was massive, and its anatomy didn’t seem to resemble just one creature. There were crocodilian features here, barracuda there, axolotl and giant squid, all coming together to create a beast the size of an 18-wheeler truck. It was capable of being much larger, of course—large enough to rip ships in half with one swipe of its tail—but those monstrous proportions wouldn’t exactly serve it well in this situation. 
The bioluminescent parts of its body glowed a gentle seafoam green, illuminating the wave crests that splashed against its head as it swam closer to shore, back to where Zack sat. Rising up out of the water as it became shallow, the sea demon hauled itself onto shore with hefty, webbed limbs. Massive jaws parted to reveal teeth as long as Zack’s forearm, sharp and jagged like shark’s teeth, but… it almost looked like it was smiling. 
A voice came from nowhere, clearly belonging to the beast in front of him, but existing only within his mind. 
Zack had expected the reveal to involve the water, to some degree, given Levi’s hints. He hadn’t, though, expected such a literal reveal of Levi before that. He was no blushing prude, but he certainly appreciated the view affording to him. At least until Levi slipped into the water. He was gone from sight, even as Zack strained to catch a glimpse of his dark head bobbing above the surface. Nothing. 
And then, movement. Something shifting in the water, churning it. Zack scrambled to his feet, unsure whether he should be concerned. Maybe it was Levi’s doing but also maybe it absolutely wasn’t and the man was drowning. He didn’t have to worry or wonder long because in the next moment an enormous….something rose from the waterline. Zack stumbled back a bit, feet slipping in the sand, as he struggled to take in just what he was seeing. And, yeah, suddenly Levi’s joke about a sea beast made a lot more sense. “Oh holy fuck,” he rasped out.
And then it – he? – was there. Right there, barely a foot from Zack. A high whine of anxiety and adrenaline crawled up his throat because, well, that was what happened when you were confronted with a massive, unknowable sea monster. He got back to his feet, taking a step toward it (?), only to jolt at the voice that was everywhere and nowhere, echoing as if in Zack’s very mind. “Yeah,” he stammered. “That’s—” He paused, swallowed. “That’s you?” he asked, because he knew it was Levi, but still. “I mean. Fuck.”
This is me, yes, Leviathan confirmed with a slow nod. Closer to the real me than what you’ve been making eyes at all evening, but still a far cry from my true self. Its true form was simply too large and too otherworldly for the inhabitants of this dimension to comprehend. It was a constantly shifting mass of confusing shapes and textures that could drive a man mad if he stared at it for too long. The compromise was this—a chimera of earthly creatures, fused to make something new and interesting, and most importantly, safe to view. Well. Safe depended on how much the demon liked you at that given moment. 
Thankfully for Zack, it was quite charmed by him.
Settling down into the sand, Leviathan curled its massive body in a half-circle around the human like a dog getting ready to take a nap, resting its head on thick, heavily armored front legs. Its glowing eyes, of which there were many, rolled in their sockets to look at Zack.
As I said, human religions paint me as the villain. They assign me an origin story that fits within their pitiful grasp on reality, and tell everyone I’m evil. The creature let out a low grumble that sounded like an alligator’s bellow, as if to say it was hurt by such a judgment of its character. 
I’m not evil, just misunderstood. There was a beat, and then the creature added with a flick of its rudder-like tail, Levi is short for Leviathan, in case that wasn’t immediately apparent. Another name given by the humans, but I liked it.
Zack was definitely going to have to take a long hard look at himself at some point. Because, yeah, he had been making eyes earlier, but no, this form didn’t change any of those feelings. That was a therapy session for another time — even if he was suddenly desperately curious about what Levi’s true self would entail.
Levi hunkered down and Zack could almost imagine him as something domesticated. Almost. It was likely a bad idea—coming here to a remote island with an utter stranger was a bad idea but it had worked out so far—but Zack reached one hand out. Laid it along the expanse of a shoulder (flank?) before him. It felt both amphibious and reptilian, like something made to burrow underground and survive in the depths of the sea. And it felt, in a way that was paranatural, ancient and powerful. Almost at once, the pieces slotted together in Zack’s mind — Levi. Not like the son of Jacob, not like the apostle Matthew, but like a truncated demon. Leviathan. He had been raised, after all, as a good Catholic boy. 
And in the next moment, Levi confirmed it. Kinship sparked in Zack and it wasn’t the same but it was, in some ways. “They thought I was evil too,” he shared. “Not all of humanity, but. When they saw me burn, they said it had to be the devil in me.” So maybe he was primed to believe this monster and see the man through him. Shifting his weight, Zack lowered himself to rest along Leviathan’s side, from chest to cheek pressed along his shifting scales and gills. He could feel his breath moving, could feel a thrum of something primordial. “But they also told us that you would have seven heads so their track record isn’t the best.”
If there had been a devil in you, you’d have known it, Leviathan offered with what sounded almost like a bestial chuckle. Possession was not one of its interests, it didn’t ever want to feel trapped inside a human, but plenty of lesser demons like to pilot their very own meatsuits from time to time, just for fun. Levi could make his own, so why bother with the ritual? 
A low humming sound, something like a purr, emanated from the creature as Zack pressed himself to its side. To be fair to them, I may have had seven heads at some point. But I certainly never had anything to do with their gods. I came from the stars of a different place, tumbled through a portal into a world made of ocean. And then from there, I found my way here. It paused, reminiscing. I’ve certainly made a name for myself among your people, anyway. Many names. But I dread the thought of returning to that lonely dimension I used to call home. 
It was almost entirely thanks to the bond he’d created with Teddy after deciding on a whim to take the boy under his wing. Or his fin, if you felt like being pedantic. Thirty years ago, he’d been happy in his watery home, away from all the noise. Now? Now he loved the noise. 
That was some relief, actually. Zack had never really thought that (except for the brief few years where he had) but it was still nice to have it crossed off the list entirely. “Yeah, it was a metaphor to them. Seven heads, seven princes of Hell, seven deadly sins.” Leviathan described his birth, his origin, his journey, and Zack just listened. And breathed. He couldn’t really fathom what was being described. Or, he could, but he was sure it didn’t hold a candle to the actual reality of the situation. Like the difference between Leviathan’s shape, here and now, and whatever his true form was. “How long have you been here?” he asked.
Zack settled down further, onto the great, heaving body under him. The hum was maybe soothing, maybe electrifying. Either way, he found he wanted to dig closer to it. Spreading his arms, he closed his eyes. If you had told him a decade ago that he would find answers in a town in Maine, from a man who was really a sea beast, and that beast would provide him the first sense of calm that he had felt in possibly ever… Well. 
“Well. It’s certainly been to my benefit that you came here.” The change in his outlook, since meeting Levi, letting his abilities loose, learning that what he was, was something and it was something he could learn, understand. That was everything to Zack.
Oh… tough to say. The centuries start to blend together. I used to travel between here and home more often, but when I found Teddy, I decided to stay. That was… about thirty years ago. 
And something had changed since then, it knew. The bond it shared with the child had changed it—well, they weren’t really a child anymore, Leviathan just had a hard time reconciling the fact that thirty years meant adulthood, when it had been alive since dawn’s creation. They’re probably around your age now, if I’m any good at deciphering the human aging process. It becomes terribly difficult to tell after about twenty-five years, when the baby face disappears. Another deep, rumbling laugh rolled from the beast’s lungs, jaws parting to allow a greenish-blue tongue freedom to swipe over those massive teeth. 
Angling its head more to get a better look at the spellcaster sprawled out on its hide, Leviathan took a moment to just watch. It felt… nice to have someone who wasn’t terrified of this body. Teddy wasn’t, obviously, having their own, smaller version that they shifted into, but… it was nice to have someone who wasn’t family see Leviathan for what it was and accept it. 
Not that it needed acceptance. It was just fine without things like that!
… But it was nice. 
Mine too, it admitted softly, its many eyes blinking in unison. 
That was hard to figure through, centuries. Zack never would have guessed it from just talking to the guy, flirting with him. But there was a whole unreachable realm of existence Levi had experienced. Multiple lifetimes’ worth. That was definitely a question to ask about himself, matter of fact. Whether or not elementals like him had any kind of extended lifespans. Zack definitely didn’t think he would want to live for centuries. He filed it away along with the approximately three hundred other questions he had.
“If he’s around thirty then yeah, just my age,” Zack confirmed. Levi’s laugh rocked through Zack’s body, brought a wide vibration through his own ribcage. He turned his head to watch as Levi’s mouth gaped, drawing attention to his teeth. All the better to eat you with, sprang to Zack’s mind immediately. He had the urge to reach out and feel the sharp point of one but contained himself, for once. Instead he just let his eyes trail over the maw. His initial pondering, imaging Levi as an anglerfish, hadn’t been all that far off in some ways.
Zack watched the lilt of Levi’s head and eyes soften and he smiled easily. “Y’know, I like you like this,” he offered. There was something comforting in the mass of the beast, the kinetic hold of power trembling just below the surface. Like the ocean itself. “Like you the other way, too, plenty,” his smile hooked into something like a smirk for a moment, “but this… It seems like it suits you.”
Leviathan, the king of sea beasts, harvester of souls, and destroyer of naval fleets… felt some peculiar emotion curling tightly in his chest and pressing against his ribs. He chuffed like a tiger, digging his snout into the sand as he pushed it toward Zack, lifting at the last moment to bump his nose against the other’s back. 
Enough of that, Levi chided in a playful tone. Zack wasn’t wrong, necessarily, but the demon was taken aback by the feeling and wanted to distract himself from it. Turned restless by the unexpected compliments, the creature was compelled to twist on the spot and roll onto his back, back end thrashing in the waves until all four legs and two fins were pointed at the sky. 
It was quiet for a moment save for the slow hiss and grumble of Levi’s breathing, until his voice sounded in Zack’s head again. I would like it if you stayed here with me tonight.
Zack laughed as Levi nudged into his back, half-embrace, half-puppy playing. And then, before he really knew what was happening, Levi was on his back. Zack stumbled back, wrinkled his nose against the sand and surf that sprayed over him in the move. “I hope you don’t expect me to rub your belly,” Zack joked, but his tone was still soft, still awed at being granted the opportunity to see this. And he didn’t rub, but he did extend a hand. Wanted to feel whether the underbelly was different from the rest of Levi’s composition. 
The offer, the request, was a surprise. Or, it wasn’t, but the manner of it, the way Levi asked was. Regardless, Zack couldn’t find a reason to say no. He didn’t look very hard for one. “Yeah. I can do that.” He turned to meet the many glowing eyes of Levi, feeling the weight of them all like a warm blanket. “You gonna stay like this the whole night? Not that I mind. Just might get a little cold sleeping out here.”
That strange, uncomfortably warm feeling that had been pooling in its gut started to dissipate as they returned to more familiar conversational territory, and the demon bared its teeth in an actual grin. No. We’ll go inside. It gave a great huff and righted itself once more, slithering back toward the water. The change from beast to human was not quite so gruesome as the reverse, but it would leave an unfortunate mess of sea foam that was best deposited in the water. With the will in its heart, the moment the water touched its scales, they began to dissolve. There was a loud hiss in the air, the beast’s head rearing back before it sank beneath the waves in a bubbling, roiling pit of foam and ichor. 
A few moments later, a familiar face emerged about a hundred feet from the mess in the water, looking much smaller and more human than it had a few minutes ago. Still, something was different… Levi’s eyes, a honeyed brown when he and Zack had met, now bore an unnatural blue-green hue that almost appeared to glow in the waning light of the evening. A last minute choice, perhaps, to pique whatever interest had sparked in Zack when he’d seen the demon’s truer appearance. 
Standing in the waves, water lapping about his waist, Levi ran a hand through his long hair to push it back from his face. “Is this more agreeable, then?” he called, grinning. Emerging the rest of the way from the ocean and grabbing the pile of clothes he’d tossed aside earlier, he closed the distance between them, evidently unbothered by the brisk ocean breeze that chilled every inch of his bare skin. 
Looked like a storm was rolling in. 
“Best get inside before we get struck by lightning,” he muttered, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Zack’s shirt to pull him closer. “Could use some help warming up. What d’you think?”
Zack watched as the great beast that was Levi slunk his way back to the ocean. Somehow, it wasn’t as much of an insurmountable mindtrip as he thought it should be. That massive sea monster was real (he knew, he had felt it, he had laid his head against the pulse of its power) and it was also the man he had shared a boat with over to this island. Maybe it was just because he had seen it all happen that he could process it. Zack had watched the man change to monster and, now, he was watching him change back.
Once the storm and the sizzle dissipated, there was only Levi left. “Don’t fish for compliments,” Zack shouted back, a grin evident in his voice. “I already told you I like you both ways.” But, yes, for what they were about to embark on, the human form was far more agreeable. Zack didn’t even want to consider the….logistics otherwise. Then Levi strolled out of the surf, naked and chilled, and… Okay, definitely more agreeable. Once he was closer, Zack picked up on one enthralling difference. There was a flash in his eyes, no longer warm brown, now gone oil-slick blue-green like a reminder of the other shape he had just held. 
Zack moved with the tug on his shirt, smile and interest both written clear over his face. He didn’t look away from Levi’s eyes, not from any false sense of modesty but rather…he just found he couldn’t really. “Warming up is kind of a specialty of mine,” he answered back.
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Do you have a favorite/much loved whump movie/tv show/book/etc?
its such a unique game with so so much cool lore and whumpees BUILT IN FROM THE START. and then you get your own agents (read: guys to fuck up) and they can die in 110 HORRIBLE WAYS and thats only considering abnormality corrosion! not even dying in work, or the abnos personal effects, or slipping on a banana peel and slamming your head into a wall because youre a clerk cause clerks have NO RIGHTS! i am a walking lobcorp advertisement and i am always correct. anyways the whump basis for all of this is: your agents are working in a monster-infested, capitalist underground facility. they are liabilities (if you so choose).
so what can you get out of this? overwork (SO MUCH), medical whump (infirmaries and medical supplies are abundant), BLOOD AND GORE ONE FUCKING THOUSAND, aaaaallll the trauma, SO MUCH mental fuckery its insane NO NUGGET (agent) IS TRULY MENTALLY WELL, and like. whatever else. nonhuman whump too whether it be animal, angel, mermaid - there's an abnormality that can make that happen one way or another! or an abno to whump!
like im telling you whump is fucking everywhere here. there is so so much pain and suffering. but theres also happiness, growth, there's happy endings and acceptance! there's bad and good! not to even MENTION THE AWESOME WORLDBUILDING, the city (not one city - a megacity with 26 districts housing all of humanity in a far-off future) is so developed and interesting!!
i fucking love lobotomy corporation and you should too. i didnt even mean to become an advertiser i just did because i love this game and it's whump too much. this game is practically how i got into whump. i owe so much happiness to it. it is VERY VERY MUCH LOVED I LOVE L CORP!!!!
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 78 (1/2) - hair dying session
Oh no, starting with Jon's still being super distressed :(
"I was a few years younger than him, and when you’re a kid that makes a lot of difference." - That is something I also was thinking about when I got older. People change so much in that first… 16 to 20 years.
"It’s weird to think about people who knew you as a child. You change so much, and when you talk to them again, they’re not talking to you. They’re talking to someone else, someone you used to be. The person they think they’re seeing has been dead for years, but they didn’t see the change. They’re looking at a complete stranger, and they have no idea." - Another one of those thoughts about social aspects in TMA, which speaks deeply to me because I have thought about that too. (prev. talked about this in my asks for MAG 70 & 72.) This has happened to me and I could see, that people were talking to that old me.
"Not because of all those pictures of a strange child playing in the garden with us, but because of the two – only two – pictures I found of Carl. The Carl I remembered, with light brown hair cut short and an almost piggish nose. The second of those photos looked like it had only been taken moments after a different picture of us playing tag, but that one showed the other child where Carl should have been." - This puzzles me. Because one, nowhere in this statement is it mentioned if those were polaroids. So maybe, some photos, which are not polaroids, also don't get affected, whether this is on purpose or not. Or, if those are indeed polaroids, not all polaroids are immune to the Not!Them's reality-fuckery. Because the way this is described this is a series of photos taken moments from each other, so they have to be from the same camera and the same film. I personally think, those are not polaroids and the Not!Them left them out, simply because I like the headcanon that polaroids and magnetic tape are indeed safe.
"I just kept thinking, what had this man done to Carl, and could he do it to me?" - another aspect of this horror.
"Standing there was another man I’d never seen before. He was black, dressed in a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a thin necktie." / "his short hair was iron grey" - Seriously, I think Dekker looks badass!
"We walked over to an unmarked blue Transit van parked on the other side of the road, and he opened the back doors. Inside was a large wooden box with a hinged lid." - At that point I already suspected, that this was the table.
"And then the air was split by the most unnatural scream I have ever heard. I cannot even begin to describe it, except to say that there was nothing in it but the purest rage." - I have said on multiple occasions that I love the soft magic system, right? We don't know anything Dekker did to the Not!Them, which of course also is the way cosmic horror works.
"In the centre of the room, next to the empty box, stood a table carved from dark wood and wrapped all over with a sprawling, intricate pattern. And in front of that table was the thing that had said it was my cousin. It was long and thin, the tops of it bent against the ceiling and its stick-like limbs flailed from too many joints and elbows. Wrapped around it were thick strands of what I think was spider’s web, stretching back into the table, which I now saw pulsed along its carved channels with a sickly light. The face at the top of that gangly frame was like nothing on earth." - Ok, so I immediately understood this as Dekker somehow trapping it inside the table. I understood this segment of the statement very well as Dekker, calling himself an "exorcist", fighting against those monsters and he probably didn't know how to destroy it (otherwise I think he would have done so) and therefore he went ahead to bind it. To limit it's ability to do harm. I will get into this again just in a few bullet points (and in the next part), when Jon does >the thing< to the table…
EDIT: (request from folks in general! If asks become this long, it is better to make a post with a read more option and tag the blog)
Ask & answer continued below cut:
MAG 78 (2/2)
-"Dekker’s blue van was gone, and in its place was another one, dirty white. There was something printed on the side, but I couldn’t make it out under the grime. I watched two men in overalls carry that same box out of my house, load it up, and drive away." - I don't understand why Dekker let Breekon & Hope take the table though? Was there some kind of agreement, that he could have the table but only on the condition, that he would return it to the Stranger?
-JON "This thing, this “Not Sasha”, it’s tied to the table." - Correct, we're still on the same page there…
-JON "Was there anything I could have done? Could I have…" - Oh no… This is where he seriously starts to blame himself for things out of his control. To dwell on things, like could they have been different if only he had known… (see MAG 161). I do feel him very much there.
-JON "And now I see you." - Hell yeah, bad ass Jon.
-Lol, Jon telling Tim and Martin to go home because HE is ill is so iconic XD Tim's even calling him out on it.
-MARTIN "Are you feverish? We should probably get you to a doctor. Look, there’s a walk-in centre nearby I can –" - Aw, Caregiver Martin kicking in.
-JON "I know, I know, a lot of it’s been because of me. Most of it. I’m sorry. Tim, I know things have been… fraught." - God, Jon starting to apologize… JON "Yes… Yes. And I’m… I’m sorry. About everything." - It's such a "In case I'm not coming back" thing… Tim totally sees that, though he's barking up the wrong tree, blinded by his anger… Martin gets that something isn't quite right as well, I think, though he's more on the "Jon, we can help you"-side of things but gets dragged away by Tim.
-TIM "Great. See you Monday." - Okay, now the days of the week match up again! Because this is all happening on the 16th of February, a Thursday, and Jon told them to take the rest of the day and tomorrow off as well.
-"It is remarkably easy to buy an axe in Central London." - LMAO, okay city boy! Might be the redneck in me speaking but of course it's easy to buy an axe, even in the city, why wouldn't it be? Just walk into a hardware store, there.
-"I don’t know if destroying this is going to kill that thing…" - Oh no…. OH NOO!!!
-"but I am damn sure it’s going to hurt." - JON, YOU FUCKING IDIOT! That was my exact reaction when I first listened to this episode. I remember looking into the mirror while dying my hair, stopping for a hot moment, being like "STOP, YOU MORON!". I know, there's the bit in the Director's Commentary Part 2, where Jonny and Alex talking about old genre classics of ghosts haunting an object and destroying the object vanquished the ghost and they thought they would make Jon genre-savvy. But my reaction was immediately "That's not the case here!!" Didn't Jon pay attention to the statement? The thing was bound to the table after it's already been raging for… I don't know, possibly centuries! It's not that this table is its essence of being. It's trapped in there! Not!Sasha told him it was a creature that wouldn't want to be bound to an object! So the logical consequent of destroying that object is destroying its prison and that action is releasing that damn thing! Otherwise, wouldn't Dekker just have destroyed the table right after he bound it to it? God dammit!
-JON "The… the… the “Not Sasha”? No, but the table…" MICHAEL "Was binding it quite effectively." - THANK YOU! I thought it was quite obvious…
-MICHAEL "Even with all the protections you have on" - Oh? Protections? Meaning Web…?
Yay, cliffhanger for the finale! Shit's going doooown!
I mean, my first listen I genuinely thought that Jon was being smart on the table-breaking thing, but I also don't watch horror movies
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foxilayde · 2 years
i guess i was rooting for caleb in a weird way because like technically i know it’s weird to want a man to have a robot girlfriend but he’s kinda like a pathetic meow meow where i was like just let the virgin win for once. however, when nathan had figured out the plan and then was like basically telling him that she’s manipulating him i was like nooo nathan is lying! like it’s so hard to tell who the fuck is lying and who is telling the truth but i think ava kinda figured out how to use nathan’s weird jedi mind trick fuckery to her advantage with a more vulnerable person. I also think Nathan is very vulnerable and lonely and needed someone to be around whether he actually wanted to admit that or not, which maybe i AM endeared to him because in all honesty if he didn’t have all that money he’d probably be a fucking loser… anyways definitely didn’t stay right on topic but like you’re telling me you’ve got all these means and you gotta go around creating depressed robots to like feel something? maybe get in a twitter fight with elon musk or something… live a little.
Imma get waayyy too deep on this so hold on to your hat, but, okay you remember his “robot mausoleum”? All the fem robots hung up in his closet at the end?? I hc that these are Pygmalions of his former lovers. I think he built them in their images in order to have a second chance at these failed relationships. BUTTT! He does programming shit! like he makes them unable to speak and unable to understand English as a way to have control over them. He turns them into “bang maids” (they cook, clean, service, and fuck him… a “perfect woman” in his eyes.)
In literature, sci fi lit to be more exact, AI is generally used as a storytelling device to relay the male-centric societal fear of women gaining complete autonomy. A “monster of their own creation” (as demonstrated by his Oppenheimer quotations).
But Nathan is such a fantastic character despite this ego shit that he has, BECAUSE… he wants the robots to ultimately win! He has pre ordained himself as the creator of The Singularity.
He’s got control issues (like any alcoholic) but the logic of his character supersedes that. He’s so complex. He’s a true scientist underneath his show-off crap. And he can play a GAME! He loooved fucking with Caleb. A big chunk of that was probably due to the fact he was lonely. But MOSTLY he was a scientist introducing an unknown variable!
I… don’t even know what point I’m trying to make. Full disclosure I have bronchitis and I’m on some prescription grade nighttime cough syrup. 💚. Glad you enjoyed the movie. It’s one of my faves and I love Nathan so much I think he’d be so fun to chat with.
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furtiveseal · 1 year
Damn I really need to go to sleep but I want to put down some thoughts about The Owl House's finale (there won't be any spoilers)
I know the chances of anyone who's worked on the show ever seeing this are slim, but fuck, thank you.
I vaguely wanted to watch the show some time ago because of the good things I'd heard about it but then a friend of mine told me more about it and I picked it up about four months ago, watching episodes semi-regularly ever since until I picked up the pace after finishing season 1 and eventually watching the entirety of season three today
IT'S SO GOOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I loved it and I'm pretty sure my teenage self would have loved it too. I don't remember when was the last time I connected with a character as much as I did with Hunter, my beloved. Everyone is so great. The monster designs slapped SO HARD. I'm still mad that the mouse did its fuckery but even with that the show is amazing. This was like the adventures you imagined going on with your friends as a teen but GOOD and WELL WRITTEN AND ANIMATED and it's so great. I had so much fun watching it with my friend and I can't wait to blast the rest of my friends with it.
Thanks a lot
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faerunsbest · 19 days
I was tagged by @kimberbohwrites
When did you start writing?
Middle school? I cant pinpoint a time but thats about the tim i started going comics and scribbling down story ideas and plots
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Yes i love horror and monsters and i love when the monster isnt the villain maybe its not the hero but its not what you should be fighting. I love the concept of love starting from respect and honesty. So far I actually have big long stories that result in romance that cannot become sexual., i don't think that romance is inherently sexual for all people or that it is the spine of romance. I think for some people it can be a huge bonding experience and for some its just revolting. I just want to write romance that has layers and feels tangible. I also want to write about bonds beyond romance. I think platonic love is also vital
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often? 
Ive not been around the shop long enough to be compared to anyone i don’t think but if I could emulate anyone, it would be Brom. I read that book krampus and half a page in I had to close it and just stare at the ceiling because it hit too hard. He's a huge inspiration because he's both artist and writer. And I feel like that's just outstanding. How can you professionally be both?!
Can you tell me a little about your writing space?
Um? Its wherever I can pull out my phone. lol I can be anything or nothing. Sometimes I want a million page notebook, sometimes its the busted part of a pencil and half a napkin. 
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
?????????please help i have no clue here
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you? 
I underestimate the volume of rage a person I made can have but what I never understand until after the fact is how they handle that rafe that feeling. Do they tamp it down or let it take the lead? The other one is literally romance
On a personal level I feel like I offend myself because I'd rather eat vomit than risk romance but writing it is a whole separate beast. There's just so much that can be done and should be done for these relations and bonds and it can be thrilling!
What is your reason for writing?
If i dont write ill die i dont know how else to explain this. Theres just so much that needs to be said and all these journeys my mind went on without me 
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating? 
I love the one with explanation as to why they did or did not like what ive done, clarity without cruelty is wonderful to me
Explaining that you thought things were good or bad because one thing another mean a lot they're so useful. Also on that same page i love those unreasonable comments that make no sense because someone was just having so many feelings
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I dunno its just kinda neat of you think of me at all !
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? 
Dialogue, i love listening to characters talk and i feel like it shows. I used to focus a lot on the setting but that rather faded
How do you feel about your own writing?
Depends on the day if im honest. Sometimes i think im amazing sometimes i'm astonished with hope clunky and poor my skills are sometimes i just don't care
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write 
purely for yourself, or a mix of both? 
You cant tell me you write and never imagine what it might be like if someone 
discovered you and LOVED what you did. I do what i want and hope for the best. My favorite part is the interaction which is why rp is great it feels like a lovely skill sharpening challenge but also it kind of eats my brain. 
I really and with all my heart love writing and i love when other people love it too
am drank forgive any fuckery
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Week in Review
04/07/2024 – 04/13/2024
Week 9 of missing Cipher Academy
It’s a Manga Monday sort of week (instead of the usual Manga Sunday).
Woah, new character in Girl Meets Rock…I do like that the social web continues to expand, it feels true to life of the band and choir circles I used to run in in high school.
FENG!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHH (Undead Unluck) I’ve really grown to like this tsundere single father – the way Fuuko has filed down his fangs is so funny and endearing (as opposed to the horrible monster he was last loop when he killed my other favourite character, Shen). Plopping a guy literally all about physical combat into this intellectual word game is just the sort of unexpected twist that keeps things interesting, and I’m really excited to see how he fares (despite martial arts being his main focus in life, I do think he’s intelligent and crafty enough to maybe make some clever moves).
Oshi no Ko was fine. Didn’t really need a sympathetic backstory for the mysterious child god but okay.
Dandadan was fine. I liked the one honor student looking guy leading the charge of the delinquents, but Otarun entering the scene was definitely the highlight. This stretch of the manga just feels a little like meaningless spectacle (which, now that I think about it, worries me a little with regards to the anime. Dandadan’s fights are always high octane city destroying spectacles, so I hope Science Saru will be able to keep up…).
Magilumiere fine.
Chainsaw Man fun, mostly because people made funny Quanxi and Asa memes.
Busy today
Finally got around to watching the new Game Changer episode, and it was a definite improvement on the last one. Watching the layers of fuckery unfold was great, though I feel like the PA prompts were a little unbalanced in terms of the “gameplay” since they’re all nice people who would probably never say no to a PA outright.
Today’s menu is chicken and mushroom broth with a side of mini pizza pockets (don’t judge me) for the DunMesh episode, which paired nicely once they got past the snot stuff and went to the potage stuff. After a few heavier episodes, I appreciate Kui balancing the tone out with some more slapstick comedy chapters, and Trigger has done a great job adapting the comedic beats (as they always do). We got the infamous Chilchuck birds and the bees scene, as well as the human face gourd sight gag and stone tsukkomi Marcille, and it was just a fun time overall.
The Drag Race lip sync tournament was alright. (I refuse to type out “lalaparuza” in earnest) I’m glad to see Mirage get some redemption, though I would’ve liked to see her go all the way, but Megami’s redemption was an even greater sight to behold. She just imbues her lip syncs with so much character and personality, and seeing that win over Mhi’ya was honestly pretty cathartic. (Lowkey I think Plasma should’ve won against Mhi’ya too, but whatever…) But in general, I wasn’t particularly wow’d by any of the lip syncs. I don’t know, last season just had so many heavy hitters (Sasha, Anetra, Jaxx, Marcia Marcia Marcia) that made the tournament genuinely exciting, but of this season’s batch I think only Mirage is on that same level to me (sorry Mhi’ya and Morphine…you can definitely dance but I wanted something more…). I’m cautiously excited for the finale next week – it’s looking like it’s Sapphira’s to lose, but I really hope Nymphia can pull through…
Wanted something easy to watch in the background while I did other stuff so I booted up season 5 of Glow Up, which I hadn’t watched yet. Glow Up is one of those reality competition shows that I casually keep up with because I like seeing people be creative, but after Ophelia’s amazing run in season 2 I haven’t cared much about the other contestants/winners so far. Also I know next to nothing about make-up, so it’s kind of funny when I see something and I’m like oh that’s nice and then the judges are like that’s horrible and disgusting I can’t believe they’ve done this lol. I only managed to watch one episode today, but I do like how much Glow Up emphasizes the industry/working side of things and how almost all of their main challenges let us see the contestants not just utilize their make-up skills but also their ability to communicate with clients and supervisors. The classic first episode “do a look that tells me about yourself” challenge is always fun too, because you get to see which MUAs actually have a unique perspective and which just draw some hearts and call it a day. I think the person who did the bald cap anxiety look was my favourite – I appreciated how they didn’t go super literal with it, instead evoking the raw feeling of anxiety itself. Good stuff.
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