#the next line though. still a man hears what he wants to hear!! so true bestie
luthienne · 2 years
stop. the boxer is literally my favorite song in the world and i just now realized i’ve been singing the wrong lyrics for my entire life. i’ve been singing chalk promises instead of such are promises 😭
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wrenwrongs · 8 months
Worth More Than Silver
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Summary: Sihtric has been frequenting the brothel in Winchester. Osferth and Uhtred investigate why he still pays for your company despite his claim that you love him.
Word Count: 1.3k
cw: afab reader, she/her pronouns, use of the word whore (2x), childbirth (not described in detail), slight deviations from canon timeline, Sihtric and his football team of kids
“Have you made a decision yet?” asked Sihtric, his horse striding alongside Uhtred’s own. “Have you given it thought?”
“Given thought to what?” His Lord answered in false ignorance. It gnawed at Sihtric’s insides. He would not give up in his quest, yet he knew if he pushed the subject too hard Uhtred was wont to set his denial in stone. Lady Gisela seemed to take pity on him.
“Uhtred,” she warned from her place next to her husband.
With her aid, Sihtric continued, “My request to marry, Lord. I wish to have a family.” It was true. More true was that he wished to have a family with you.
He had been captivated from the first night he met you. Your laugh ringing out as he threw you on to the bed. How your brushed your fingers through his hair as you caught your breath. Still, he knew it was nothing more than he had payed for.
It was almost a fortnight later when he saw you walking down the road, the frost had tinged your cheeks red. Your arms were overburdened with logs as you trudged though the ankle high snow. He carried them for you to your home; a small room with a bed and a hearth. When you invited him in for tea, he saw how you had decorated with herbs drying from the ceiling, furs, and paint all along the walls. It was a proper home in his eyes, not just the place you rested your head as he had become accustomed to.
You laughed as he regaled the time he and Finan strapped fake legs to a horse and convinced a drunk Uhtred that it was Sleipnir, the chip in your front tooth evident, and he knew he was yours.
A voice broke through his thoughts.
“Lord, you will answer the man.” It was Gisela again. In that moment Sihtric thought her sent by Freyja herself.
Uhtred sighed before turning his head to speak, “I will speak to her at Winchester and give you my decision.”
“Thank you, Lord.” With a grin, he fell back into line as Uhtred shouted back at him.
“But you are to give her no more of your arm-rings, nor silver!”
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A gentle breeze swept through the valley, cooling the sweat on their brows. The sun, now past its highest point in the sky, warmed the earth as they arrived in Winchester. Finnan and Sihtric accompanied Uhtred while Osferth was sent out on his own quest.
After visiting your home and inquiring at the brothel, he was directed outside the walls of the capital. There, he spotted a figure emerging from the surrounding trees. The glint of silver around your biceps confirmed your identity.
“My lady,” he spoke softly as he approached, not wanting to startle you.
“I am no Lady,” you responded, the wind rustling your hair. “And I’m not working today.”
“No,” he blushed. “You misunderstand me. I am one of Lord Uhtred’s men.”
You said nothing, but looked upon him with suspicion and doubt.
He cleared his throat before speaking again, “You are Sihtric’s woman are you not?”
“That I am." You stepped closer to him so that the two of you could hear each other clearly. Osferth took a glimpse into the basket you carried. Elderberries and yarrow sat among a myriad of herbs. "You must be the Baby Monk I’ve heard about.”
“You love him?”
“Yes." There was an edge to your voice.
“Yet, you still take his silver?” The hurt in your eyes sent guilt rampaging through him.
“He is not the first man to make promises of love in hopes of a free night. I have seen the heartbreak and shame those girls are left with too many times to allow myself to fall for the same trick.”
“It is no trick. He wishes to marry you.”
“So he says.” You began walking back to the gates leaving Osferth to follow.
“You don’t believe him?”
“I wish to." You nodded to the guards as you passed them. "As much as I believe that Sihtric is different, I know those other women thought the same of the men that left them.”
“He has asked for permission from Lord Uhtred.”
You paused, hands tightening on the basket till your knuckles turned white. “He will not get it,” your voice was cold as you spoke. Osferth opened his mouth to argue, but you had already disappeared into the crowd of the afternoon market.
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It was the next morning when Uhtred came to you. Sihtric had already departed after reluctantly leaving your bed and breaking fast together.
“Osferth spoke to me last night. He says your heart is true." Uhtred's words did little to calm your nerves. He sat across from you at your small table, drinking your own blend of vervain and violet tea. You could see his eyes flicker down to watch you tug at loose threads of your sleeve. "I will give my permission for you to marry.”
“Thank you, Lord Uhtred,” you said. Meeting his eyes was no easy feat, still you managed. “Sihtric mentioned last night, that if given your blessing, he wished to marry by the time your company leaves next.”
Uhtred shook his head. “You will come with us.”
A disbelieving laugh escaped before you could contain it. “A Saxon who fights with Irishmen, Danes, and monks now wants a whore to accompany them?”
“Not a whore, a healer. Osferth told me you where gathering herbs.”
“Mathilda’s son has a fever. I just made something to help bring it down.”
“Gisela said you often assist the læce. Do you know how to sew a wound?”
“Yes, Lord.” Though your experiences in doing so were less than pleasant as you struggled with the sight of open flesh. In truth, you would rather never do it again, but if it meant you could be with Sihtric perhaps it would be worth the sting of bile in your throat.
“Then you will be of use to us,” Uhtred said firmly, and you got the impression that he was not one to easily change his mind once it was set. “I will inform Sihtric of my decision. When we depart from Winchester next, you will accompany us.”
“Thank you, My Lord.” You could no longer contain your smile as Uhtred took his leave. As he bade you farewell he took notice of your thumb absent-mindedly stroking one of the rings while you stirred your tea.
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Perhaps it should have become routine at this point. Woefully, that was not the case. You had birthed six of your eight children with Sihtric and while the boys joked that pregnant was your perpetual state of being, the labor remained grueling.
“I swear this is the last one,” you said through clenched teeth as the midwife rushed around you.
Sihtric knelt by your side, cringing as you squeezed his hand, “You said that during the last one.”
“I mean it this time. Seven is more than enough.” You suspected Sihtric would have as many as you allowed.
Aethelstan had come into your lives just after you had discovered you were pregnant. You agreed it was best for you to stay back, even after your first daughter was born. Sihtric brought Cynlaef shortly after that, he was less than ten years old at the time. 
It seemed that if you weren’t with child when he and the others returned you would be by the time they left. True to the promise he made on your wedding night, he was present for as many of the births as he could be. Because then came the twins and later your youngest daughter, named Fianna after Finan who had pestered you one too many times about naming a son after him. Truthfully, if Osferth had been any younger you would have counted him among them.
It felt like ages before the midwife placed the boy in your arms. Sihtric turned to Uhtred and spoke, “Last chance to have one named after you Lord.”
“No.” Both Uhtred and you said at once. But you supposed your husband was right, it was the last chance to name your child after someone you both loved so dearly.
You turned back to the babe pressed against your skin, your words barely above a whisper, “His name is Osferth.”
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ataraxiaspainting · 2 months
The Country of the Blind.
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Yan Blade x GN (Stellaron Hunter) Reader. 
Synopsis: You had one job. You already hear Kafka’s scolding from several galaxies away.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, hostage situation/forced servitude, descriptions of corpses/violence, and manipulation.
Word Count: 1k.
“You were supposed to guard the cargo.”
Blade doesn’t move his legs a single inch toward or away from you. He continues to wipe the blood off his sword with two of his fingers, silent. You were used to violence and death at this point of your life; hell, you grew up surrounded by it all the time.
But… this… this is…
Unnecessary, and against the protocol Kafka had told both of you before setting you off on this hijacked ship. No bloodshed unless one of the employees acts up, and even then you two keep it to the bare minimum it takes for them to get back to work. We still need them.
“Do you have any idea what this means for me?” You glare, crossing your arms as you look down at the mush of what used to be a human at your feet. 
“Mm.” Blade murmurs.
“What the hell is all of this then?”
“You don’t get to tell me what to do.”
“Yes, I do,” You huff.
When Blade looks at you, you feel your heart drop to your stomach. He’s reverting from being mara-struck again, but the unnatural light in his eyes is still there, watching you.
Will… you be next?
He wouldn’t.
“I told you back then, [First]. I’ll repeat it as many times as I need to.”
He crouches a bit – slowly, but uncaring of the corpse he steps on to get closer to you.
“You are no Kafka. You can’t control the mara.”
Those words hurt more than they should. But they are true. You’re no Kafka… but you are [First].
“So what? Those orders came directly from her. I am supposed to be your retainer. Stop forgetting that, Blade.” He stands back up, and you can swear your legs are about to give way to the bloodied floor below.
“The point still stands,” With a heavy stomp and a loud squelch, what is left of the worker’s skull is reduced to wet dust.
“It does-”
“However, I don’t forget you’re my retainer, [First], but… it seems you forget who I am, not the other way around.”
You look behind him, to the other poor worker frozen in terror who was supposed to be cleaning this shared room of yours.
“Room service can never be so bad that it would make anyone want to murder someone who makes bare minimum wage.”
“They messed up your order,” Blade rebuttals. “And they forgot to wash your sheets.”
“The point still stands.”
“It doesn’t.” His fingers go back to wiping his sword.
“You’re ridiculous.” You sneer. No response.
A silent warning to shut up for now. Kafka warned you of this when you first followed Elio’s path. Your ‘destiny’ as she and him like to call it. 
“All of us are each other’s destiny. Your hands are my hands. Your words are my words. We lend out our hearts and souls and gain unimaginable joy in return.”
Kafka smiles. You continue to bow to your superiors. Only four wanted to introduce themselves, but you’re aware that there are more. 
“You can stop bowing, [First],” Firefly says after a few moments of silence.
Thinking of it as another order, your spine is a straight line as you salute to her. “Yes, ma’am.”
“You… really don’t have to call me that.”
“Do you prefer sir?” You ask, your face and tone still fierce. 
“Just… Firefly, please.”
“The same for me. Just Silver Wolf is fine, feel free to give me a nickname though… if you’re good at Kaihon that is.”
“Sigh… another NPC…”
“I’m sorry, I am not following.”
“She’s talking about Blade,” Firefly points to the man staring from the far corner of the room.
“Bladie,” Kafka croons. “Come a little closer.”
“The tea just came with oat milk and not soy,” You grumble, crossing your arms. “It’s not a crime-”
“It’s their job to listen to directions.”
“No. That’s your job.” You correct. The janitors came just a few minutes ago once you rang the service bell. One of them fainted while another vomited. A fair reaction, all things considered. Not only are they forced to be on this ship per Kafka’s idea to make it easier to enter this planet’s underwater cities, but your partner just had to act up at any minor inconvenience. 
“I disagree.”
“Sil’s right. You’re… just… so selfish.” You spit out the last two words as if you were choking on sand. Perhaps even small remnants of shells, with how you couldn’t breathe for a fraction of a millisecond. 
“That is part of the job, is it not?” Blade asks. He turns his head to the side. The confusion seems genuine, so you decide not to use an insult as an answer this time around.
“We as Stellaron Hunters follow the Path of Finality. We… fight our destiny, yes. But we still look out for each other.” You rest your bandaged hand on your collarbone area. Blade’s eyes widened at the sight. You aren’t sure why, you had had this injury for a few system hours. Unless…
Unless… he didn’t notice?
Was… he really that distracted with gutting that servant and fantasizing about making swords out of their bones?
You decide not to think about it for now. Partnering up with Blade guarantees a path to the top, but how bumpy and perilous that path is is up to him and him alone. So, you keep quiet. Sip after sip of the chamomile tea, Blade’s breathing gets louder. Wait. No. Slower.
“They cleaned up the mess,” You say, looking out the window to see the beautiful coral reefs all around the ocean floor. “Their family is onboard this ship too, per Kafka’s orders. I’ll attend the cremation tomorrow if they would let me. As for you…” Blade looks at you no further, staring down at his unwashed, red hands. “Just please… guard Silver Wolf’s virus.”
He just nods.
That ends that, right?
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corroded-hellfire · 10 months
My Favorite Elf - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: When you and Nancy go to the mall to finish up your Christmas shopping, the sound of a familiar voice leads you to a jolly surprise.
Note: I wrote this for @palomahasenteredthechat’s 12 Days of Joemas with the prompt “Is that velvet?” 💚❤️
Words: 1.4k
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The holiday season at Starcourt Mall can be a chaotic nightmare on nights and weekends. Crowds so dense you can hardly see any of the mannequins modeling the latest looks at the GAP. It’s for this reason that you and Nancy decide to make a mall run straight from school one Tuesday afternoon. 
With most parents still at work and middle and elementary schools still in session, the mall is the calmest you’ve seen since before Halloween. You and Nancy plan on taking full advantage of getting all those last minute gifts you’ve been meaning to buy.
“Okay, I got the shoes,” Nancy says, jostling the brown paper bag in her hand in emphasis. “You wanted to go to Walden Books next?”
“Yeah!” you say. “I saw this book there the other day and I think Eddie would really like it.”
“Why didn’t you get it for him then?”
“He was with me,” you laugh. “As busy as it was, I still think he would’ve noticed me buying something.”
The bookstore is on the second floor, so you and Nancy have to take the escalators closest to the food court. Right before you lift your foot to hover over the silver steps, you hear a familiar voice coming from behind the escalators. 
“Are you ready? Come on, we’ll go up together.”
Your brow furrows in puzzlement, and Nancy turns to look at you with the same expression mirrored on her face. Together, you walk around to see what Eddie is doing at the mall and who he’s talking to.
A Winter Wonderland greets you and Nancy as you step around the towering escalators. The centerpiece is a life-size gingerbread house decorated with every type of candy you can think of. Colorful gumdrops frame the front door, pieces of licorice act as shutters to the icing windows, and oversized swirling lollipops stand around the house like a security team. 
Fake pine trees dot the scenery, their needles covered in fake snow. In fact, fake snow permeates about every spare inch on the display. It’s all around the platform and heavily dusted over the roof of the house. 
Sitting right in the middle of it all is the man himself: Santa Claus. He’s perched atop a large red throne smack dab in the middle of the wonderland. The entire display is surrounded by a white, glittery snowflake fence. 
There’s a girl dressed as an elf in a green tulle skirt and red tights standing behind a camera facing the big man. Your eyes then come across the best sight of all.
Your hand comes up to cover your enormous grin as you take in your boyfriend in his very own elf attire. The left half of his button up shirt is red, while the right half is entirely green. The same is true of the pants, just reversed; a green left leg and a red right leg. His hair is tucked up in a bun at the base of his neck and the rest of his curls are hidden by the green Santa hat on top of his head. The hat has golden jingle bells on the top and fake points to rest on top of Eddie’s ears to give the magical illusion of elf ears. The part that tickles you the most though is the shoes. They’re green with pointed toes that curl up, with a golden jingle bell attached to the tip of each. 
“Did you know he was working here?” Nancy asks you, a few giggles escaping her. 
“No!” You laugh but find it strange to look at his hands and see no chunky silver rings. 
The only people in the line to meet Santa are a little girl with long blonde hair, half up in a pink ribbon, and her mother. It’s understandable that there's hardly a crowd here on a Tuesday afternoon. The little girl looks scared and won’t let go of her mom’s hand no matter how much she encourages her. 
Eddie walks over to the girl and crouches down to her level.
“Hi. My name is Eddie. What’s your name?”
“Christina,” she answers softly.
“It’s nice to meet you, Christina. Are you a little nervous to meet Santa?”
She nods her head.
Eddie offers her his hand. “What if we go up there together?”
Christina still looks hesitant.
“You don’t have to be afraid of him,” Eddie says with a shake of his head. “He just wants to know what you want for Christmas so us elves can get to work on it. That is…if you’re on the nice list.” Eddie tilts his head and raises his eyebrows. “You have been good this year, right?”
“That’s what I thought! Now, do you want to come up and tell Santa what you want?”
Christina stares at Eddie with wide blue eyes for a few moments before she nods her head. Eddie gives her a smile and extends his hand again. This time, Christina takes it. 
You watch as Eddie leads the small girl up to Santa and tells him her name. He crouches down and stays there until Christina seems more comfortable with Santa. When she climbs on his lap, Eddie steps aside so she can share what she wants with Santa in private. 
Once a picture has been snapped, Christina hops off of Santa’s lap and Eddie gives her a candy cane before she leaves the little Christmas village with her mom.
There’s nobody else in line to meet Santa, but he’s still scheduled to be there for another two hours according to the sign. The photographer elf starts cleaning up around her area and Eddie shuffles around his small space, looking for something to do. You take the opportunity to walk closer to the magical scene, Nancy right behind you.
“And here I thought Hermey the little elf dentist was the cutest elf I’ve ever seen,” you say as you approach the fence.
Eddie looks up and you immediately see his cheeks darken, but he gives you a bright smile.
“What’re you doing here?” he asks.
“Shopping,” Nancy answers, holding up her bags as proof.
“What’re you doing here?” you ask, looking at all the festiveness around him.
“I’m just here for the candy canes.” He laughs when you pinch your eyebrows together. “Figured I’d get a holiday job and make some extra money.”
“What for?” you ask, knowing there’s nothing you want that could cost more than a few dollars. And that Wayne will probably just get a new mug. Again.
“Well,” Eddie says with a shrug. “I know your favorite band is starting a tour next month…”
“My favorite band besides Corroded Coffin,” you say, pointing an index finger at him.
“Yes, of course, that goes without saying.”
“Eddie, you didn’t have to do this,” you tell him, though your heart grows three sizes at the gesture.
“I wanted to,” he says with a bashful shrug. 
You peek behind the gingerbread house and raise your eyebrows at Eddie when you see it’s away from any possible prying eyes. He chuckles and nods his head in that direction.
“Be right back,” you tell Nancy.
“Take your time,” she teases.
Eddie helps you over the snowflake fence and you take another look at his costume. He looks even cuter in it closer up.
“Is that velvet?” you ask.
“No, thank God. Cotton. This already gets hot enough.”
“Look at my adorable elf boyfriend,” you say with a playful smirk.
His face starts to turn red as you wrap your arms around his neck. He places his hands on your waist and gives a small squeeze.
“You know,” you muse, tilting your head to the side. “You didn’t ask me.”
“Ask you what?”
“If I’ve been good this year.”
Eddie laughs and leans in to nudge his nose against yours.
“Because I already know the answer to that one. Pretty sure I contributed to it,” he says in a low voice, causing goosebumps to run down your arms.
He presses his lips over yours and holds you up against his body as he claims your mouth. Your hands slide into his hair, and it makes the green hat move, causing the little bell to jingle.
You pull away, unable to keep kissing because you’re full of giggles. Eddie sighs.
“Fine,” he whispers. “I guess we’ll just have to get naughty later then.”
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Do first, think later—
Jack Hughes x Reader
Request: Jack’s gf finds out she’s pregnant but Jack doesn’t know how to process it at first. So she felt alone and decided to take a trip back home to Michigan to see family but Jack freaks out and flies out of NJ to see her
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She and Jack had their fair share of pregnancy scares over the span of their relationship, no matter how careful they were there was always a chance and a moment of pure fear while staring at the time on their phones as they watched the negative sign slowly appear.
This time though, this time was different.
The symptoms were really strong, nausea was insane, her boobs had grown a cup size, and the food aversions were becoming intense. That's when Jack suggested maybe testing, just to stop the stress from building, fingers crossed that the tiny stick would show the answer they both wanted. But as that second line appeared both Y/n and Jack went down a spiral, her hands covering her mouth to stop the gasp that was bubbling up in her throat.
"Okay, we can-" the tears started as she looked up at her boyfriend who stared at the counter in shock. All of the colours drained from his face as he swallowed thickly, finally looking at her, "I need to go for a walk," he said making a bee-line for the front door. She cried quietly while following him to the door, disbelief filling the empty space between them as he ignored the pleas for him to stay, "Can we at least talk about this before you leave Jack?" "I need to leave, I'll be back," he promised, still not fully looking at her as he slipped on his sneakers and was out the front door.
He didn't return that night, or the next, finally on the third day, she finally got confirmation on where he was. She had called Jack multiple times, then she called Quinn, Ellen, Dawson, John, Jesper, and then finally she called Nico who answered immediately.
"Please tell me he's with you, if he's not I'm filing a missing persons report," she said desperately as he let out a sigh. "Yeah he's here, physically at least, he seems zoned out," Nico frowned as he peaked into the living room at the twenty-two-year-old who was quietly staring out the apartment window. a weight lifted off of her chest as she heard the words, "Okay good, at least he's safe."
"What happened? if you don't mind me asking," he asked, shutting his bedroom door so that Jack couldn't hear their conversation. Tears welled up in her eyes as she sat down on the edge of her and Jack's bed, surrounded by clothes and a suitcase, "I'm pregnant, and we thought it was just a scare, but it wasn't, and then he left." "Oh." "I'm really fucking scared Neeks," she cried as her hands wiped away the smudged mascara from her cheeks, "I'm going home to my parents, I don't want to be alone right now," she tried to find a strong voice but lost as she received the notification with the confirmation of her flight. "You do whatever you need, I'll make sure he's safe, you go and be with your family," he said as she whispered a thank you and hung up to finish her packing.
Within the next twenty-four hours the girl found herself in the Detroit airport, Quinn waited for her in the arrivals, pulling her into a hug as he helped her with her bags and led her to the family van.
"He's gonna come to his senses," Quinn said reassuringly as she cried in the passenger seat, her puffy face hiding in her hands as Quinn ran a hand over her back. "He disappeared when I needed him," she frowned. "Trust me, I am not excusing his actions, I'm so mad at him for doing that to you," livid was more the word he would use to describe it, his brother was a much better man than the one who abandoned his young, pregnant girlfriend, "he's more of a do now, think later kind of guy, you know that, he just needs time, and when he comes back to his senses he's gonna hate himself."
She knew it was true, there was never an action that Jack Hughes made that he didn't immediately cringe after. He lived a life of regret, and this was going to be one of those things in his life that he's gonna look back at and be disgusted at for the rest of his life.
"So are you going home to your parents or mine?" Quinn asked as he looked from the road to her. She frowned and thought for a second before she looked at him, "Probably yours, if you think your mom wouldn't mind, I don't think I can tell my mom and dad yet, not while I'm so panicked," she mumbled as the tears started back up again.
Quinn frowned, trying to think of something to say to take her mind off of his idiotic brother, "So I'm gonna be an uncle? I've always wanted a nephew... a niece would be pretty sweet too" The girl grinned at his dorkiness, "Yeah? I've always thought Jack would be a good girl-dad," she grinned as her hand slid down to touch her stomach, her eyes widened at the realization that she was going to be a mom.
Jack returned to their shared apartment the night she flew back to Michigan, his heartbeat in his ears as he searched the apartment for her, only to be met with an empty closet and a lack of her bubbly presence. He chewed his bottom lip nearly off as he did another search of the house, his head spinning with nerves as he stumbled upon a sticky note stuck to the fridge.
"I'm going home for a bit, please call me when you're home and safe, just need to hear your voice -- Y/n <;3"
His phone started ringing loudly, his shaky hands fishing it out of his pocket as he re-read the note over and over again.
"Hello?" "Why is your girlfriend asleep in your old bedroom, looking like the shell of herself, by herself? So help me Jack if you did something to upset that poor girl I will have your head," Ellen scolded over the phone, his body deflated at the sound of his mother's voice instead of Y/n's.
"I fucked up Mom, like so bad," he started, and so did the tears, "I left her here all alone when she really needed me, and I just walked out," he stated rambling, choking on tears as his breaths grew short. Ellen started to tear up at the sound of her son in such distress, "Honey, I need you to breathe, can you do that for me?" she asked as she heard his cries grow quieter on the other end.
"What did you do? I'm sure you can fix it." "She's pregnant, I'm gonna be a dad," Ellen's jaw dropped as she stood in the silence of the Hughes Lakehouse, looking over to Jim who stared at her with furrowed brows. "I'm gonna give you some advice Honey. You are going to get on a flight as soon as you can and fix this in person," Ellen said as she hung up the phone and left him to deal with the issue of his own.
Jim stared at her with a quirked eyebrow, "we are gonna be grandparents," she grinned as Jim choked on his coffee.
Less than twelve hours later, Jack was on the porch of his family's summer house, his heart beating at a fast pace as he stared at the door, trying to convince himself to open it. He took a deep breath and opened the door to be met with Luke who looked at him with a confused look, "you look like shit dude," he said as Jack rolled his eyed. "Thanks, much appreciated, where's Y/n?" "She's out in the back, she was sitting on the dock," Luke shrugged, unaware of all of the tension floating around the house.
She was exactly where Luke said she would be. Sat prettily at the edge of the dock, watching the sunset on the rippling water, a foot in the lake as she stared away numbly.
He stood at the shore, hands shoved in his pockets as he watched her, staring so peacefully, but looking so small, so unsure of herself. He hated that he did that, just as Quinn had suspected. Jack knew they could do it, they could be parents, but in the heat of the moment he wasn't so sure, and now it was leading to be the biggest regret of his life. Even with their young age, a family was everything he dreamed of, this just happened to be a few years earlier than his original plan.
She looked back at him, tears in her eyes as she ushered him to sit next to her, "Please stop just staring at me, it's making me nervous," she sadly joked as he walked over and sat down on the aged wood right next to her.
He stared at her as she watched the horizon, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she ignored his gaze, "I'm sorry, about it all," he frowned as she blinked away the tears in her eyes. Jack knew he was gonna need to say a lot more but the words were dying on the tip of his tongue as she ignored him some more.
"We are just so young, and the positive showed up and I just blanked and all of sudden I was in Nico's living room with a million missed calls from everyone and I realized that I'm going to be a Dad." The tears started as he reached out for her hand, she pulled away from his grasp, wiping away her own tears. "I came back to reality and realized that I fucking failed you, I've never hated myself more for something in my life, cause you're my person and I left you, and by extension, I left our baby and holy shit I'm the worst ever Y/n," she finally looked at him to see his face red and puffy, her hand reaching out for his now, "I'm so sorry, I don't think I will ever be able to say it enough times to make it right, but I hope you know how much I truly mean it."
The tears that rolled down her cheeks itched as she tried to calm herself down enough to form a coherent sentence, "I'm so mad at you right now." "I know baby," his hand reached out to tuck her bangs out of the way of her tear-stained cheeks. "You disappeared, and I was at home worrying myself ill, I almost called the authorities!" she gave him a very much-deserved scolding, as she curled up into a ball, knees pulled up to her chest as she let out a tired breath, "I can't even be mad at you either cause you were scared!" "No no, be mad, I hurt you" "I can't cause I feel the same way, I don't know how to be a mom, I'm twenty-one," she cried as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her into his chest.
"We are gonna be great parents," he said, cupping her face in his hands as she cried, "You are so kind baby, and our baby is gonna be the most loved baby ever, and we can finally get that house in Hoboken we've been looking into," he started listing off all of the things to look forward to with this baby on the way, "we may be young, but there is no one out there that can be as compassionate and as kind as you, and you're about to be the hottest mom that's ever walked this earth," she blushed a bright red as she leaned into him.
"You're gonna be a good dad too," she said once she calmed down a bit, her lips pressing a short kiss to his shoulder. He grinned as his fingers intertwined with hers, "you think?" "I know you will be," she took his hand and placed it on her stomach, he leaned forward to capture her lips in a slow kiss, a mixture of passion and emergency filled their kisses as her hand wrapped around the back of his neck. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away with a grin, "your boobs grew," he smirked like a horny teenage boy as she rolled her eyes. "You're like a twelve-year-old," she smiled as he nipped at her jaw before pressing a kiss to it. "Suck it up, I'm your baby daddy," she grimaced at the term before he kissed her once again.
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moon1833 · 4 months
can u do a part two of URGES with kageyama with the team finding out or commenting on what they heard from that night? i love ur story’s on him!and please tag me in it 🙏. I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️
omg hi yes ofc !! thank you for requesting :) (sorry for the delay)
“Urges” part 2 (the aftermath)
prt 1
“Lemme take care of you”
Contains: Timeskip! Kageyama Tobio x female reader, fluff, like so much yearning, Kageyama doesn’t know how to act, smut at the end
warning: smut, oral sex (male receiving), slight dom reader (barely), sub(ish) Kageyama, inexperienced Kageyama
The sound of sneakers against a wooden gym floor and volleyballs smacking into the ground was a sound you had gotten used to. You had been team manager for Schweiden Alders for the past year, and you practically heard the sounds of the sport in your sleep.
Your feet felt heavy as you dragged them past the double doors to drop off the paperwork you finished earlier that morning to the coach.
After the night you had, you were less than happy to be preparing for the upcoming match, the soreness in your upper legs still prevalent. You would’ve done anything to stay cuddled up next to Tobio for a minute longer.
You hear a few snickers as you enter the gymnasium, but you’re too tired to pay it any mind. From across the net, Tobio follows your frame as you walk, memorized by how your hips sway.
His teammate snorts at his dazed reaction, even the coach chuckling. Purplish marks were peaking out from Kageyama’s uniform, and the scratches on his back were more than enough for the locker room to congratulate him.
Still, he kept his lips shut about who he possibly could’ve slept with on the three days they’ve been in the hotel for. He wanted to keep you to himself.
The idea of another guy thinking about you in that way was enough to permanently etch a scowl into his face.
However, the slight wobble in your step and your managers jacket zipped up all the way to cover your neck was more than suspicious.
Besides, even though the boys were lucky enough to get their own rooms this time, they were still all next to each other. And you weren’t exactly quiet last night.
You try to avoid Tobio’s eye. This morning, you both had agreed to keep it between yourselves, not wanting to risk either of your positions.
(He had nodded, sleep still clinging to him as he listened to you. Your head was on his bare chest and he was playing with your hair.)
Tobio wasn’t holding up his part of the deal very well. You could practically feel his eyes on you at all times as they warmed up.
To your ignorance, he had always looked at you like that.
It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Tobio to be looking at you with more emotion than he gave a single other person in the world, but you didn’t know that.
Ten minutes to lining up, you were handing out water bottles to the boys. Your hand shook a little handing Tobio his, a new nervousness around him. For the first time all day, you looked up at him.
You found yourself smiling softly at him, fingers brushing yours just a second too long. You turned away, handing the next water bottle to the next teammate.
A part of Tobio’s brain stopped, the curve of your smile and the glint of your eyes washing over him.
After the game, the boys were just as rowdy in the locker room as they always were. The caption, the oldest member on the roster, clapped Kageyama’s back as he walked by.
“Man, I never thought I’d see the day.” He said, a true sense of pride in his words.
“W-what are you talking about?” Kageyama’s voice cracked before he cleared his throat.
“You and y/n!” Another teammate cheered.
“You’ve been ogling her for years.” The caption agreed.
In a few seconds, Kageyama’s entire team was surrounding him in a huddle, congratulating him while he desperately attempted to deny it.
By the time the rest of the team had shuffled out of the locker room to make their way to the bus that would shuttle them back to the hotel, Tobio was flushed pink.
After he washed his face twice, he couldn’t shake the tinge in his cheeks. Even before last night, the thought of you alone made him half hard. Now, with the sight replaying in his mind whenever he blinked, he’d been painfully hard for the whole day.
He contemplated jerking off right then and there, but he decided to wait until he got back.
Eventually, he exited the locker room, almost barreling into you.
“Oh! Uh, sorry.” Tobio’s expression lit up.
“It’s okay.” You giggled, your jacket was off now, a purple mark peaking from behind your hair. “I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner?”
“Like, with me?” He asked, a bit surprised.
“Yes, Tobio, with you.” You smiled at his nerves.
Not trusting his voice, he nodded shyly, completely embarrassed by how bashful he had became. Luckily, you found it endearing.
“Takeout and a movie okay?” Your smile was growing the deeper his blush got.
“Yeah.” He said quietly. “Sounds good.”
“Be at my room in an hour.” You called over your shoulder, walking away.
Tobio didn’t move for a few minutes, just standing while staring at the ground with a dumbfounded expression. (He almost missed the bus).
“You shouldn’t have paid.” Tobio scowled as he finished the food you bought, placing the container in the trash.
“Well, I wanted to.” You argued, legs crossed on your bed.
He slid 10,000 yen across the sheets, but you just scoffed and slid it back to him. He tried to return it, but you pushed it right back.
“You are so annoying.” Tobio said, but there was an amusemed smirk on his face.
“Wow.” You said sarcastically. “I liked you better when you were too scared to speak.”
“I wasn’t scared.” He crossed his arms.
“Uh, absolutely yes you were.”
“I was not.”
“Were too.”
Tobio retorts by taking one of the pillows from beside him and throwing it at your head. You catch it before it can hit you, launching at him.
He falls on his back, hands gripping your waist for stability. You settle on his lap, shoving the pillow in his face as you laugh.
He blindly grabs your wrists, turning you on your back when he wraps his fingers around them. The pillow slides off, and your met with Tobio’s eyes peering into yours.
You smile melts into a smirk when you readjust your hips, feeling Tobio grow on top of you. His prior confidence falls, red creeping up his neck as you spread your legs under him.
“Aw, there he is.” You coo, trailing a hand up his crewneck. You cup his cheek, running a thumb along his jawline.
You nod at him, as if telling him “yes, you can kiss me” and he obliges. Your hands move to his hair, your nails tracing his scalp. His breathe halts at the feeling, giving you the opportunity to slip your tongue past his lips.
His hips rut into yours, and you wrap your legs around him in response. You continue to kiss him while pushing him up, now sitting in his lap.
His hands slide down your back, settling just below your hips, fingers barely grazing your ass.
“Lemme take care of you.” You mumble into his lips, rubbing the tip of his dick through his sweatpants.
“You don’t have to if you don’t-”
“I want to.” You cut him off, kissing his ear.
You move your body back slightly, pushing him so he’s lying down. You’re in between his legs, hands gripping his thighs. Kissing down his chest, you push his shirt up to touch his torso, pushing his pants off.
There’s a spot of dampness in his boxers, and you’re reminded of how impressively big he is (like you forgot).
You kiss him through his boxers, licking the spot of his precum that seeped through. Tobio lets out a deep breath as he curses at the feeling, his hands finding your hair.
He doesn’t push your head towards him or tug on your hair, instead he caresses your head, tucking a strand out of your face.
You look up at him. His face is flushed and his hair is a bit messy, his eyes are half lidded and he’s smiling at you helplessly.
You pull his boxers down as he lifts his hips to aid you with it. They aren’t even halfway down his legs before you’re licking the precum off of his tip.
Tobio whimpers.
It’s quiet, but you hear it. It sends an almost primal response in you, warmth flooding to your core. You trail your tongue down his dick, desperate to hear the sound again.
Tobio bites his lip, swallowing a moan. You stop, closing your mouth and sitting up. His brows crease, worrying he’s done something wrong that caused you to stop.
“Don’t do that.” You say simply, parting his lips with your thumb.
He nods, a bit dumbly. You kiss his lips briefly before shifting back down, a slight arch in your back.
You suck gently on the tip, swirling your tongue around it before taking him as far down as you can.
He’s thick, and it almost hurts how he’s stretching your mouth. Still, the noises you’re pulling from him are worth it.
He’s withering under you, cursing under his breath and letting out the sluttiest sounds. You alternately between licking up his dick and engulfing him fully, tugging at him whenever you needed a break.
“I can’t last, ‘m sorry.” He whines after a few moments, gasping as you hallow your cheeks.
You squeeze his thigh in reassurance, taking him deep as he finishes in your mouth. It was more than you expected, some spilling out of your mouth and pooling with your spit by his pubes.
He twitches as jumbled words of affirmation fall from his lips, and you swallow as much as you can.
You pull off as he catches his breath, grabbing a tissue from the nightstand and wiping him off. He sits up with his elbows, watching you with a soft grin.
“Are you okay?” You ask.
“Mhm.” Tobio pushes you onto him, one hand hugging your waist while the other caressed your cheek. He kissed your forehead, then your temple.
“You did so good, pretty.” Tobio praises.
You kiss the tip of his nose tenderly, smiling at him. He lowers his head to kiss you, sighing into your mouth.
You adjust your hips to kiss him more comfortably, pulling back when you feel him. “How are you hard again already?”
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holllandtrash · 2 years
may the best man win | lando norris, pierre gasly
pairing: lando norris x reader, pierre gasly x reader part 7 (final part) to better left unsaid (the better series)
time passes, feelings changes and sometimes they grow stronger. do you attempt to return to the history you know, to what once made you feel comfortable? is it even possible for you to love again, but more importantly, are you ready to be loved?
word count: 6.6k tags: heartbreak lmao but its not all heartbreak, or is it idk all i know is im team max
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Two Months Later
Pierre should have been ecstatic as he crossed the finish line in Abu Dhabi. It was his last lap, his last race of the year. He finished in the top ten in the driver standings, ahead of his team mate, which was something he should have been proud of, and he was. 
He was also proud of the fight he put in this season, especially when the points became close, specifically with Lando. The two of them spent the better part of these last two months battling it out for the same finishing positions.
But competition with the British driver had been tense ever since Monza. While it was unspoken, they both took their frustrations out on the track. Both of them blamed the other for why you weren’t there. 
Fans had picked up on it. Noticing that the two of them didn’t interact as much as they used to. There were no inside jokes shared in the paddock. They barely glanced at each other if they had press conferences lined up. There was a clear line drawn between them and that line was you. 
Pierre told himself that you were at home watching the races, that you were still cheering him on, but there was no way of telling if that was true or not.
He had thought about inviting you to the last race of the season, just out of kindness, but he didn’t want to push you further away. You needed time. 
So there was no one to congratulate him at the end of his last race. No one to drive back to the hotel with and reminisce about the season's highlights and no one to accompany him to the club where everyone was celebrating. It didn’t help that the girlfriends of other drivers were all there as well and Pierre just had to smile and greet them, pretending he wasn’t jealous even though all he wanted was you at his side.
Pierre stepped up to the bar. He’d be blind not to notice the tall blonde girl sitting on the stool wearing a tight black dress that made her legs look even longer. She eyed Pierre up as he approached, a coy smile on her face.
Pierre was polite, he smiled and nodded. She could have been a fan of motorsport for all he knew, he wasn’t going to be a prick. He rested his forearms against the surface of the bar and when the bartender approached, Pierre ordered a rum and coke. He didn’t need anything fancy tonight, he just wanted to get drunk.
The girl next to him adjusted herself on the seat, nearly slipping off. Pierre glanced in her direction, strictly out of concern, “You alright?”
She let out a breath of a chuckle, “Yeah, all good. Just-” she glanced around, but Pierre knew these tactics, he was familiar with them. “-just waiting for a friend, but I think I may have been ditched.”
Pierre hummed, turning his attention to the bar again, tapping his fingers against the counter as he waited. It was rum and coke. How long did it take? 
He froze when he felt a freshly manicured hand rest on his arm. He glanced at the contact, trying not to let the distaste show, but why was this girl touching him? 
Since you left him in Monza, Pierre hadn’t even bothered looking at another girl. He’d go out with his friends and other drivers, but he’d always end up back at his hotel room alone. He no longer cared about the chase, he didn’t care about getting in a quick fuck.
If he was being honest, there were dozens of nights where Pierre hovered his thumb over your contact name, debating calling you after a long day. He wanted to hear your voice, even if it was just for a second, even if you didn’t answer and he was left with your voicemail, he just wanted to hear you. 
But he never called. He didn’t text. Didn’t even like any of your photos on instagram, giving you the space that he knew you needed. Granted, you made it clear it was Lando you were trying to distance yourself from, but Pierre knew that trying to interfere while you were in the process of moving on wouldn’t be beneficial. 
So he waited, in the hopes that you would call. Or text. Or like one of his fucking tweets, literally anything. Anything to show that you still cared. That you weren’t done because he certainly wasn’t. 
No one compared to you, and Pierre had known that for a while, long before that night in the club. 
Ever since Lando joined F1 and you showed up at his side, Pierre took an interest in you. In the beginning, he didn’t know what sort of relationship you and Lando had, so he kept things respectful so as to not cross a line. 
But he could hear your laugh from halfway across the paddock and instantly recognize it. Your smile lit up whatever room you walked into and it wasn’t long before Pierre came to realise that he wanted to be the reason for it. 
So he tried talking to you, but at that point, he already had a reputation. You were polite, sure, but you didn’t give him the time of day that he wanted and your attention always went back to Lando.
Pierre noticed it pretty quickly, how in love with him you were. He could never figure out why, he still couldn’t. You deserved someone better than Lando, someone who put you first in their life. 
And even when you started to see that someone else could love you, that Pierre could possibly love you, you still went back to Lando.
Pierre should have accepted this as something that would always happen. He should have gotten over you and flirted with the girl next to him in an attempt to forget you ever existed. 
But that just wasn’t possible. You had made too much of an impact on his life and left too large of a gap when you left.
“You seem lovely, but I’m really not looking for anything,” Pierre let this girl down gently, slowly peeling her fingers off of his arm. He turned his head forward before she could say anything else and it was only a second later when she hopped off the seat and walked away.
The bartender came and placed the drink in front of him, apologising for the wait. Pierre brushed it off, it was a busy night in this club. He reached for his wallet to pull out his card and start a tab, knowing he’d be here for the next little while.
But the bartender shook his head. He wasn’t about to take the payment. 
Pierre chalked it up to him being recognized. Not that it happened often, but every now and then he’d get a meal comped or his drinks paid for if the employee or manager of the establishment was a fan. 
“Thanks mate,” Pierre put his wallet away and grabbed the rum and coke. 
The bartender only nodded his head towards the opposite end of the bar, “Don’t thank me. Thank her.”
Pierre’s smile dropped. If it was that blonde girl again trying another move he would feel bad because he’d just have to let her down a second time. Pierre took a sip of his drink before working up the courage to look towards the end of the bar. 
But that blonde girl wasn’t there. In fact, no one on that side was even remotely paying him attention, all focused on their own drinks and conversations or trying to shout their orders to the bartenders. 
Pierre didn’t let himself think too much about it.
Until he felt a tap on the back of his shoulder.
He sighed, “I already said I’m not looking for anything.”
Pierre turned around, fully expecting to come face to face with the girl from earlier. He was bracing himself for the tight dress, shy smile and long blonde hair. 
What he didn’t expect was you. 
Standing there wearing a baby pink long sleeve shirt with a neckline that showed off more cleavage than normal and a white skirt that sat high on your hips, giving you a very barbie-esque sort of feel, especially with the coloured heels to match. The lights from the club were flickering, highlighting the features that Pierre had burned into his mind. Your full lips, the small birthmarks you tried to hide with make up and your eyes that weren’t as important in colour as they were in the way that completely absorbed him. 
You were standing right in front of him. 
You glanced at the rum in coke in his hand, that familiar charming smile appearing on your lips as you darted your line of sight upwards to meet his own eyes.
“I owed you a drink,” you said, then you swallowed, eyebrows pinched together. “Or maybe I just owed you a thank you, I couldn’t remember.”
It was a cute call back to that night in the club, the first time you had given him more than just a friendly smile. He charmed his way in that night, and the rejection from Lando made it all the much easier to agree to leave with him, but you were thankful the night didn’t end with the two of you tangled between the sheets.
A relationship started that night. It started the second Pierre bought the drink for you, knowing he’d have an excuse to approach you later. Neither of you could have predicted how the next few weeks would follow.
Now here you were, after avoiding him for two months. And Pierre wasn’t one who often found himself speechless, but there were no words in any language that could describe how he was feeling. 
He wanted to be happy to see you. He wanted to pick you up and spin you around and kiss you like no one was watching. 
But the fact that you were in Abu Dhabi and he wasn’t the one who invited you, the door creaked opened for more insecurities to slide in.
If you weren’t there because of Pierre, you were there because of Lando.
Two Weeks Earlier
You flipped through a manila folder, slowly spinning back and forth in your chair. Recently you’ve been dedicating more time to your job and it was a helpful distraction. Most of your coworkers knew you had connections in the F1 world, but none of them knew what was going on behind the scenes. 
And because this motorsport series was so popular, you found yourself walking in on various conversations. Someone asked for your input on the Circuit of the Americas and you said about five words before changing the topic. Someone else asked what your thoughts were on the unexpected Alpine podium and you just shrugged and smiled, saying something along the lines of it was well deserved. When another coworker asked about an incident Lando faced during the qualifying session in Mexico, you said that it probably wouldn’t affect his race and then you pulled out your phone to tune out the rest of what was being said.
You couldn’t escape these drivers, you couldn’t run from this sport. The most you could do was at least try and avoid the conversations about them.
But when your coworker, Sam, walked by your desk at the end of a work day, he did a double take and knocked on your cubicle wall.
“Hi,” you glanced up from the documents in your hand. “Heading out?”
“Yeah, but I meant to ask-” Sam looked over your head at the row of windows on the opposite side of your work station. “Since when does Lando Norris let you borrow his cars?”
You scoffed, “What the hell are you talking about?”
“There’s a McLaren 720S outside,” Sam pointed out. “Isn’t that what he drives?”
“I don’t know what Lando drives but I can assure you, that man wouldn’t let me behind the wheel of any of his cars,” you spun to face your computer, wanting this conversation to be over. You wished no one knew you were friends with him. 
Sam didn’t leave though. Instead, he pulled his phone out of his back pocket. You could hear the keyboard sound effects as he furiously typed away before shoving his phone in your face. It took you a second to understand what you were looking at, but on the small screen was an image of Lando next to a blue McLaren 720s, a huge smile on his face.
“What am I supposed to do with this information?” you looked up at Sam.
“It’s the exact same car that’s outside.”
“Well I didn’t drive it.”
Sam’s eyes widened, “Is he here? Is he picking you up from work? Do you think I could-”
“Okay slow down,” you laughed, trying to make light of this situation but internally you were panicking. Was Lando here? In London? “I’m sure he’s not the only one who owns-”
You couldn’t finish your sentence. Not when the man of the hour himself came walking around the corner, being escorted by two other employees who were undoubtedly fans. Why else would they have let him into the employees only area? Lando wore a baggy jumper, his hands tucked into his pockets as he looked around with wide eyes until he finally spotted you. 
Sam’s jaw dropped and you understood why. You never tried to hide your friendship with the driver, but him showing up at your place of work was not something that ever happened. And you couldn’t understand why it was happening now. 
Lando’s feet shuffled against the floor. He thanked the two employees for showing them where you sat, but they didn’t return to their work, they just hovered a few feet away, curiosity getting the better of them. 
He nodded at Sam, offering him a smile as well and when Sam glanced your way you nodded your head for him to get the hint, hoping he’d give you at least a bit of privacy. Sam cleared his throat, still starstruck, but he walked away, joining the other employees who stood near the corner.
Lando stepped into your cubicle and leaned against the desk. You weren’t a fan of the height difference and you didn’t want to feel as though he was talking down to you, so you stood up from your chair. You leaned against the wall opposite of him, making sure to keep as much room between you as possible.
“This part of the gallery usually isn’t open to visitors,” you pointed out, not even bothering with an actual greeting. You didn’t like that he used his status to enter this side of the building. 
“Look I said I was fine waiting for you to get off work and they just-” Lando glanced over his shoulder and at once, the three coworkers of yours all scurried off in their own directions. Lando sighed and looked at you again, “I needed to talk to you.”
It had been just over two months since you last spoke. Since you left Monza without giving him an explanation. Since you stood in his driver's room and said ‘this ends here’. You were firm with that statement. 
Lando respected that, for the most part. He gave you space. He didn’t call or text, even though Max told you that there were a handful of times when he almost did and he had to physically force the phone out of Lando’s hands. 
But he should have waited until you decided you were ready to reach out again. He had no reason for showing up at your place of work. 
Now that he was here, you felt so unprepared. You didn’t know what to say to him, you didn’t know what he was going to say. Usually you worked your way up to any difficult conversations but Lando showing up out of the blue completely blindsided you. 
I needed to talk to you, he said. You hated that. The word need. Lando always needed something from you. He took so much. Your energy, your time, your love, and never gave any of it back and you put up with it for way too long. He didn’t have the right to need anything from you anymore. 
“This couldn’t have waited?” You asked, gesturing to the work space around you. “Better yet, you couldn’t have waited until I wanted to talk?”
“No, because I was starting to get the feeling that time would never come.”
 “So instead of respecting the space I asked for, you decided that what you wanted took priority?” You crossed your arms over your chest, “Do you sort of see how that’s not fair? How it’s selfish? Or have you just not learned anything in my absence?”
“I learned you don’t need me,” he shrugged his shoulders, as if that conclusion was one he could just brush off, like it still hasn’t fully resonated with him.
But it was a true statement. Your silence said it all.
Lando nodded slowly, “So you don’t- you don’t miss me at all?”
That’s where you still conflicted.
You did miss Lando, there was no denying that. He was your best friend, you shared hundreds of memories with him and it did feel like something was missing in your life these last few months. 
But you needed him gone to get over him.
Being in love with him took so much out of you. Knowing that he didn’t, and never would, love you back was something you needed to accept and grow from. Taking this step back, you realised just how much of yourself you dedicated to Lando and to his life. 
So you kept taking those steps back until he was no longer within reach. You needed to keep putting the distance between yourself and him. You needed to be your own person. You couldn’t just be Lando’s best friend anymore. As much as he wanted that, it wasn’t doing you any favours.
“Of course I missed you,” you dropped your head, jaw tightening for a second. “But I don’t love you anymore, Lando.”
Again, Lando nodded. If you were looking up, you would have seen the way his features softened, making him look so much younger than he actually was. He always had a boyish charm to him and when he was hurt or unsettled, those young mannerisms in him jumped out.
“Sort of feels like a break up,” Lando forced a smile on his face, as if it made this any easier.
But he was right. This was, in a sense, your relationship coming to an end. There was a dull ache in your chest as it hit, but deep down you had known this was coming for a while. The conversation, the confrontation and eventually, the conclusion. 
You once loved Lando. How could you not? 
You once loved everything about him. From his different types of laughs to the way you could tell his smiles apart better than he could. You supported him for years, you were his rock and one point, you thought that he was yours. 
But he was a crutch. Something you could learn to live without. Something you didn’t need, but was too scared to give up.
He would always be someone you cared about, but his place in your life meant something different now. More importantly, you took away his ability to crush your heart in his hands without so much as a second thought. 
You both noticed a few employees sliding on their jackets and heading for the door. Lando ran a hand through his hair before glancing at his watch, “Did you want a ride home?”
“No, I’m meeting a friend for dinner,” you denied his offer, but you noticed the way his eyebrows momentarily raised. You rolled your eyes, “It’s not a date if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“No I-” Lando stammered over his words. “I mean, it’s natural to be curious. But you’re allowed- obviously you can date whoever-”
“Lando,” you cut him off before he could say something stupid. He instantly closed his mouth and let you speak. “I’m going to walk you out, okay?”
And that was that. You grabbed your jacket and turned off your monitor. Lando grabbed your bag for you and waited until your coat was on before handing it over. The two of you walked side by side towards the doors of the gallery, elbows brushing occasionally. 
As you stepped outside, you were thankful that the silence wasn’t heavy. There was nothing left for you to say and Lando knew he couldn’t change your mind. Your friendship, while not completely destroyed, was certainly tainted. The space between you might become less distant over time, but it was permanent. 
You could still watch the races and support him, but on your own accord, the way you decided to. There would be no more McLaren paddock passes. There would be no more hanging out in his motorhome, you would just be a friend who could cheer him on from afar. 
Sure enough, Lando’s McLaren was parked outside. You walked with him towards the driver's side door, but you weren’t surprised in the slightest when he made no effort to get in or say goodbye.
He inhaled a heavy breath and you just knew whatever words were to follow weren’t going to be good.
“What if things were different?”
You had spent so much wondering about the what if’s that hearing Lando ask it now was almost humorous. 
“That’s a dangerous game, Lando.”
He leaned against the side of his car, “What is?”
“Asking what if.” 
Lando chuckled, dipping his head momentarily. “It’s a genuine question, though. What if things were different?”
“But they’re not,” that was all you could say. It was the truth you accepted and now it was his turn to accept it as well. “Things will never be different. You don’t love me, you never loved me and that’s all I wanted from you. I can’t hold that against you and in return I need you to be okay with me taking a step back from your life.”
There were so many thoughts travelling behind those bright eyes of his, you could tell he was trying to figure out which one to land on. 
You made it easier for him, “Why did you come here?”
That seemed to catch him off guard, “What do you mean?”
“Well I know you didn’t come here to ask me what if things were different so why are you here? I mean, you have two races left. You’ve gone this far without me. If you’re trying to pull some sort of grand gesture, could you not have at least waited until the end of the season?”
Lando hesitated before answering you, thinking of the right words first before just opening his mouth, “I won’t lie, Y/N, I wanted to see how you were doing. I think part of me expected you to come back or reach out and when you didn’t-” he shrugged, he always shrugged. “I just wanted to check in. No grand gesture, don’t worry. I know where you stand, but I’m allowed to still care about you.”
A gust of wind hit your back, blowing a few strands of hair in front of your face. It was early November, not an ideal time of the year to be standing outside and having a conversation, but this might be the last opportunity you two had to air things out. 
So you sucked it up and dealt with the cold, shoving your hands in your pockets and watching as Lando licked his lips. He also avoided your eye contact, something he only did when he was nervous.
“I also want to apologise.”
Your eyebrow twitched, “For what?” 
This man definitely owed you a few apologies, but you didn’t know what was going to come out of his mouth next.
“Everything, really,” Lando laughed softly and it almost made you smile in response. You were only human, you could miss his laugh. 
You nudged your foot against his, “I’m going to need a little more than that.”
He finally looked at you. There was a time when his grey eyes would have floored you, but not anymore. You were still standing.
“Everything,” Lando repeated, quieter this time. “For taking you for granted. Your friendship, your support, everything you gave me. For not appreciating you how I should have. For leading you on. For getting in the way of you and Pierre. For not loving you the way you wanted me to- I could go on, Y/N, but I need you to know I’m truly sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you needed.”
Maybe he did learn something in your absence. 
You didn’t know what to say. There were no words that could show your appreciation for his growth, for his ability to take responsibility and acknowledge what went wrong.
So instead of trying to rely on words, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him. Lando hesitated, unsure if he was even allowed to hug you back before slowly raising his arms and snaking them around your waist. 
He knew this would be the last time he’d get to hold you like this. 
You knew this would be the last time you’d ever allow yourself to be this close to him.
So there was no hurry to pull away. You could feel Lando’s heartbeat against his chest, his body heat pulling you in like a moth to a flame, his heavy breath as his face dipped right next to yours. 
You held each other for a minute, maybe two. No more words were exchanged, but you and Lando had a bond that couldn't be described by anything the English dictionary had to offer.
Even in these uncertain times, you could count on his embrace to make the world around you freeze. You both had your own problems, your own reasons for needing space from each other but in his arms, they didn’t matter. You felt safe, comforted, this was the Lando that you had loved and it was hard to believe you weren’t going to have this anymore.
And then it was like Lando knew he had to be the one to let go. He had to be the one to release you, to stop giving you a reason to hold on. 
He dropped his arms, both of you deciding not to speak about how painful this was, but your staggered inhale of a breath said it all. The way he sniffed and rubbed the back of his neck told you that this wasn’t any easier for him than it was for you.
For a brief second, you were almost crazy enough to apologise. It always hurt you to see Lando struggling, but your absence was something he was going to have to learn to live with. You didn’t need to apologise for it, for trying to better yourself.
“There is, actually, one more thing,” Lando suddenly said, reaching for the handle of the door, propping it open. You watched as the door to his luxury car swung upwards instead of out as Lando reached inside and grabbed an envelope. When he turned back around and handed it over, it was impossible to tell what it was.
Lando didn’t say anything as you opened it. His lips curled upwards when the realisation of what was inside slowly hit you. 
“A Paddock pass,” you swallowed, recognising the lanyard. 
“And plane tickets,” he added. “And a hotel booking. For Abu Dhabi.”
“The last race.”
“You should be there,” he said, taking in a sharp breath. His shoulders tensed, like he was suddenly debating if this was the best idea.
“Lando I can’t hang out in McLaren,” you sighed, wondering if the last five minutes of your conversation had already escaped him.
“No, you should be there for you,” Lando clarified. “You love the sport, Y/N, you’ve always attended the last race of the season. That shouldn’t change.”
You pulled the pass out of the envelope and twirled it around your fingers. The bright font of Abu Dhabi Grand Prix stood out along the black and you had to admit, it was a kind gesture, a selfless one for a change.
“You should be there,” Lando repeated. “And I’m not the only one who thinks that.”
Your eyebrows pinched together as you looked up at him again, dropping the pass into the envelope. “What do you mean?”
This man actually had the audacity to look at you like you were stupid.
“Oh come on Y/N,” a chuckle passed through his lips. “Pierre?” 
You hesitated, “What about him?”
“He wants you there.”
“We haven’t spoken in weeks.”
“He still wants you there.” Lando shook his head, putting a stop to your doubts before they could creep up. “He’s just got more restraint than me and isn’t about to reach out or make you feel like you have to be there.” 
You shrugged your shoulders. There was no question about it, you missed Pierre, but you were the one who ended things with him. You weren’t sure if you had the right to go back to him now and ask for a fresh start.
“Think about it, okay?” Lando extended his hand to give your arm an encouraging pat. He then made the move to get into his car and you took a step back to give him space. His eyes raked over you once more, probably wondering if this was the last time he would see you in the next little while, but he didn’t comment on it. He chose not to acknowledge it either, instead saying a quiet, “See you later,” and hoping those words would come true.
You had a few weeks to decide if you wanted to attend the last race of the season. You wanted to be strong and stay home. You nearly ripped the tickets up at one point, thinking it would make the decision easier, but everything was digital nowadays so it wasn't like that gesture mattered. 
You wanted to watch the race. You wanted to cheer on your favourite drivers. You wanted to see Pierre. 
And eventually it was your desire for all of those things that overpowered the distance you knew was better for you. 
So you found yourself in Abu Dhabi that last weekend in November. You walked into the paddock when you knew the drivers would be busy with their teams and headed straight for the Paddock Club, choosing to watch the race from there. You kept your sunglasses on and made yourself as unapproachable as possible as you silently watched and rooted for the French driver. 
When word got out of a few drivers heading to a specific nightclub, you knew that would be your chance to talk to Pierre. After the race and before he got drunk. 
You weren’t even sure what you were going to say. Lando said he would want you to be there, but you still had your fears. You had called things off and there was no guarantee that he would want to pick things back up, that he would be so open to letting you back into his life. 
When he ordered a drink, you saw it as an opportunity. When the bartender was near you, you quickly paid for Pierre’s rum and coke. He didn’t question it and neither did Pierre. 
You walked around the side of the bartop, behind all of the other patrons and watched as Pierre tried to look for who had paid for his drink. You thought about saying his name to get his attention, you even thought about just walking away because was this really a good idea? But when his back was towards you, something in you pulled you forward, just enough so you could tap on his shoulder. 
He turned around, wearing an expression you couldn't quite read. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“I owed you a drink,” you blurted out, thinking of the first night you finally decided to give him more than thirty seconds of your time. 
Pierre had approached you in the bar and bought your drink, telling him that you could thank him later. His words were laced with dirty intent, and while you were nowhere near as charming as Pierre was, you still tried. 
 “Or maybe I just owed you a thank you, I couldn’t remember,” you quickly added. 
Pierre was silent for a few seconds, mouth slightly agape. He certainly hadn’t expected you to show up and now he was speechless. There had been hundreds of things he wanted to say to you over the course of the last few weeks but for the life of him, none of them came to mind.
You had no choice but to take control of the conversation for a change, “It was a good race. Good job. A top ten finish, and you beat the McLarens that must-
“You watched?” Pierre asked. He hadn’t meant to cut you off but he was still trying to process that you were actually right there and now to find out you were also in the audience watching? He was about to implode. 
“Of course,” you nodded. Someone tried to step past you so you moved closer to Pierre to make room. And it was like nothing had changed, Pierre raised his hand to rest on your waist, automatically feeling that urge to reach for you, to be touching you. 
He quickly put the drink down on the bartop, he had no desire for it anymore. The absolute last thing he wanted to do right now was get drunk. 
With his other hand free, Pierre raised it to cup the side of your face. He tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear, his thumb tracing over your cheek. You were really there. 
“Chérie,” he spoke so quietly, his voice almost drowned out by the music playing from the speakers around you. But you watched his lips as he spoke, taking in every word, every breath. “You don’t know how bad I missed you.”
That was a weight lifted off your shoulders. Lando was right, Pierre did want you there. 
And you could have said you missed him too. You could have laughed it off and teased him for it. You could have rolled your eyes, something he was all too familiar with seeing. 
But instead of doing any of that, you grabbed hold of the collar of his shirt and closed the last bit of space between you. You kissed him like you were making up for lost time, you basically were. Pierre’s hand slid to rest where your neck met your jaw and there was a desire to rush, to taste every bit of his tongue against yours, to let him intoxicate all of your senses, but Pierre’s moves were slow. He wanted to take his time, relish in this moment and to keep you in his grasp for as long as he could, until you were both desperate for a breath.
Pierre pressed another kiss to your lips, and then another, and another and then to your cheeks and your forehead and every visible spot on your face that he thought needed some attention. You giggled like a schoolgirl as his arm slipped around your neck, pulling you tight into his chest to hold you, hug you, feel you in his arms. 
“I missed you,” Pierre said again, still quiet but there was no underlying ache in his tone. He missed you, but he didn’t have to anymore. You weren’t going anywhere. 
Neither of you cared that you were sharing this embrace in the middle of the club, but other people certainly didn’t like it. When someone made a playful 'get a room' comment, Pierre laughed into your ear. God you never wanted to go two months without hearing his laughter ever again. 
“Let’s get out of here,” Pierre suggested, placing his forefinger under your chin to tilt your face up. He kissed you again, his hand slipping into yours before turning around, his eyes set on the door. You happily followed.
The club was crowded. You recognized a few paddock employees and members from various teams and of course the drivers who were out partying, but everyone was in their own little world as the two of you walked past.
Not everyone.
It happened so fast. You turned your head at the right second and caught Lando’s eyes from where he sat in a booth. Not only was he watching you, he was watching you leave with Pierre. 
Someone walked in front of you, cutting off your line of sight for a brief moment. You felt Pierre’s grip on your hand tighten. Looking up, and saw that Pierre was staring straight ahead. If he noticed Lando, he didn’t hint towards it. 
Glancing back at Lando one last time, you watched as he lifted the drink in his hand and nodded once, a toast-like gesture, but in this case it was so much more than a little congratulatory one-sided cheers. 
He released his final hold over you. There were no more strings tying you to Lando. He wasn’t going to get in between you and Pierre. He was going to let you be happy with the French driver. 
Lando would still continue to want what was best for you, but that wasn’t him anymore. That was Pierre.
So he watched as a sliver of a smile appeared on your lips, so quick he almost missed it, before following Pierre outside. You were gone.
Feeling a nudge on his arm, Lando turned his head and met the concerned eyes of Max. Max, someone who had been a witness to everything these last few months, was definitely happy to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
“You alright?” Max asked him and Lando just nodded, glancing at the spot you just abandoned. 
“Yeah,” he didn’t sound very convincing, but Max knew that eventually he’d say it and mean it. 
He brought his drink up to his lips, “I guess the best man won.” 
Lando rolled his eyes, shoving Max with his elbow. Not hard enough to hurt him but enough that he spilled his beer over the front of his shirt.
“It was never a competition you numbskull.”
Max plastered his best dumbfounded look on his face, “Oh, you mean Y/N? I’m not talking about her. I’m talking about the driver standings.”
Lando snorted, knowing that Max was most definitely not talking about the driver standings, but it was a good retort to fall back on. Pierre had beat him in the last two races, putting him ahead of the two McLaren drivers in the championship. 
Lando put up a good fight throughout the season but towards the end he managed to come to the realisation that no matter what, he wouldn’t pull ahead. Beating Pierre wasn’t in his cards. 
Neither was keeping you.
But not all hope was lost. Lando would fight even harder next year. This year’s competition made him a better driver. And motorsport aside, he knew he’d still see you around. At a distance, only in passing, and most likely with Pierre, but you’d be there. 
Losing you forced him to grow up. He had no choice but to better himself, and he would. 
The what if’s would continue to haunt him, they would haunt all of you. The ghosts of what could have been. The paths you never took. What if Pierre hadn’t hit on you that night in the club? What if Lando spoke to you the morning after? What if you spent the summer break alone? What if what if what if. 
The thing was, though, none of it mattered.
You were happy. Lando would learn to live without you. Pierre played the long game and it worked out in his favour. The lingering questions didn’t matter. The only thing left to do was look ahead. The past held nothing, whereas your future, all of your futures, were brighter and better than they had ever been before. 
why am i crying lmao
and with that, the better series comes to an end :') thank you everyone for reading and for sharing your thoughts and being so invested in their silly little lives.
i will most definitely be writing another mini series, and if you have ideas or see something on my prompt list, pls send me a request here! i can't promise it'll turn into a 7-part fic but i do love getting requests and who knows?? maybe i'll write a lando fic and turn u all back into lando girlies??
love u all so much and for the record, i was always team pierre
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stsgluver · 7 months
can I request fluff drabble with geto where the reader has insomnia and he reads to her to help her fall asleep? Congrats on 2k!!
synopsis. you're struggling to sleep after toji's attack.
a/n. thank you!! I hope you enjoy <33 I keep adding Toji in as the bad guy atm and I will continue to do so. also to the lovely anon that requested the academic rivals to lovers I AM IN THE PROCESS OF WRITING IT but it's going to be a lot longer than a short drabble xxx
2k event
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“what are you doing?”
you squinted at the sudden light that filled the room. glancing over your shoulder, geto was half sat up, the bedside lamp next to him casting a yellow glow over his tanned skin. he looked tired, eyes half closed, and you felt a pang of guilt.
“sorry suguru,” your hand reached out for his and you interlocked your fingers, giving him a light squeeze. “i didn’t mean to wake you.” you’d been trying to get more comfortable in bed because after two painstakingly long hours of laying and staring at the ceiling, you were starting to get bored.
you’d initially been close to geto, limbs intertwined and his arms securely around you until you’d decided that maybe you were too hot and that was why you couldn’t sleep. except when you moved away you were faced with the same problem and now you weren’t in your boyfriend’s arms – your predicament only worsening.
“why are you awake?” his voice was groggy and sleep was still evident. in any other situation you think you would have just curled back into his arms and let him talk you back to sleep, loving nothing more than to hear him whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
there was a look in his dark eyes though, one that said he already knew the answer to your question. that there was no point in telling him that it was the temperatures keeping you up because you couldn’t even really convince yourself that that was true, let alone him.
you shuffled close to him to rest your head onto his shoulder. one of his arms wrapped around your body, holding you as close as possible to press an encouraging kiss to your forehead.
“i see him every time i close my eyes,” you whispered, voice trembling at the admission. 
geto was shirtless – as he usually was when he slept – and you could see the two large jagged lines that served as a reminder of the man that had nearly slaughtered the two of you and gojo. your fingers hesitantly traced the outline as a silence settled between the two of you.
you’d all been struggling since toji had attacked and you had lost the star plasma vessel. gojo had thrown himself into more training, happily taking on the additional workload the higher ups gave him. geto had become more withdrawn (something you’d tried to talk to him about and he’d dismiss everytime). you, on the other hand, had managed to maintain some kind of normalcy throughout your days, it was at night when all of your issues bubbled to the surface.
“satoru killed him,” geto murmured into your hair, trying his best to ease your racing mind. “you know i won’t let anything hurt you like that again.” you wanted to believe him, you really did, but the phantom pain that bloomed from the scar where you’d been shot throbbed. it was like it was mocking you that no matter how powerful your boyfriend was, no matter how powerful you were, you’d been bested by a mere man with a gun.
when you didn’t respond, geto slipped out of bed, leaving you to sit yourself up properly against the headboard. “where are you going?” you asked him tentatively, a brief moment of insecurity questioning if he was going elsewhere to get a full night’s sleep.
your face lit up in a smile, however, when you realised he was just looking for the book you’d left half read on your desk. when you’d first started dating, most of your alone time happened between lessons. geto would join you underneath a tree of your choosing, head in your lap as you read aloud and he took a nap.
“i love you,” you murmured once geto had settled back into bed. he’d committed to his bit, even going as far as to steal your reading glasses. your giggle was worth it and, for a brief moment, all feelings of unease disappeared for the two of you.
“i love you. now,” geto flicked through the pages to find the small bookmark you had made together, “where were we…”
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storiesfromafan · 10 days
Request - Benny Cross
A/N: this was a request, as per this challenge.
@thefloatingpickle, I hope you like this. I didn't want to go the obvious route 😅 I got a bit creative haha.
Not sure if most or any of what I described could happen. But just go with it 😅🤣 also, excuse grammar and mistakes haha.
Character: Benny Cross - The Bikeriders
Place: in the rain
Reason to kiss: life or death
Summary: Benny should trust you and your gut.
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You had a bad feeling about riding back to town after joining Benny and the Vandals on a bike ride. Seeing a murder of crows as you left the town you had passed through, sitting and leering from the power lines, was a bad sign. A small part of you being superstitious. Benny would always laugh at your notions, how you would say I have a bad feeling. You’d brought the crows up to him when you all had pulled over to stretch your legs and for those to relieve themselves.
Now the sky looked to be turning, grey clouds rolling over the beautiful blue sky. Again, you voiced your concerns. Something not sitting right in your stomach. Again once more Benny not hearing you, just brushing it off. But you continued on. The hallow pit in your stomach just seeming to sink further.
“Benny, I really have a bad feelin’ about the clouds. I think it’s gonna rain" you stressed, holding onto his arm.
He sigh. “Baby, we’ll make it back before it rains. I promise".
You wanted to believe him – and you usually would – but this feeling you had was just too strong. So, you kept at it. And so much, that Benny began to get annoyed. Soon you both having soft, heated words. He wanted you to drop it, worried your words could irritate those around you both.
“Please Benny, we can’t go on" you pleaded.
That was it for him. He made an annoyed noise, Benny turned his sharp gaze to you. “Enough! We’re goin' on. I’m done with this shit, (Y/N)".
You fell silent hearing the annoyance in his voice, and having those beautiful blue eyes of his look at you in such a way. It was rare for Benny to be like this with you. For your man usually is doting and sweet. You bit your tongue, knowing there was no use to further this. For you fear what Benny could say next. For he had a tendency to throw around taking off and hint at not coming back, something you couldn’t or wouldn’t handle.
Not long after the end of your argument, Johnny called out that they would get moving. Benny didn’t waste time getting on his bike, flicking the cigarette he had been smoking, before kick starting the bike to life. You took a deep breath, shakily releasing it, before getting on behind your man. That sinking feeling getting worse. When you wrapped your arms around his waist, you clutched at Benny’s t-shirt, out of fear but also wanting to hold him closer.
Once back on the road, you still had just over an hour till you got back to your town. Silently you prayed to anyone and everyone that you’d all make it back safely. But it seems your prayers went unheard, for soon it began to spit rain. It was fine and sporadic, which all the men were fine with. Benny even offering you soft words, hoping to keep you calm. Yet it did the opposite, that worry only amplifying.
Yet again you voiced your worries to the man before you, and once more Benny didn’t want to hear it. Back and forth you both went as riding along. Until Benny had enough and told you to quiet down and just relax. You again fell silent, clutching onto him tighter. And your fears and worries finally became true.
The fine rain started to grow to solid drops, which quickly then became heavy. Vandals persevered on, though it was hard to see at times. Soaked to the bone, your constant readjusting your hold on Benny’s t-shirt, he was greeted to the water running down his skin. His concerns started to come forth, and his thoughts thinking you might have been right. A bad feeling starting to rise in Benny.
If only you had been wrong. But fate seemed to be cruel. Being so close to town now, riding along the open fields, this would be where it would happen. Benny – unaware of what was to come – rode along, and was the one to encounter a leafy wet patch on the road. As soon as his front tire ran over it, he had absent-mindedly jostled his handle bars a bit. Which lead to his bike wobbling.
He tried to straighten up, while you gripped him tighter, holding your breath. But it seems fate was very cruel. The bike slid, Benny holding on to the handles, you holding onto him. You don’t remember much after that, nor did Benny. But it seems the back tire clipped a lone, stray sign post. The bike swinging around, which lead to Benny finally releasing his grip. You both slid, before rolling across wet, muddy grass.
You slowly, painfully sat up. Your hold on Benny being lost at some point. You groaned, noting the scrapes and cuts. Mind foggy and trying to process what had happened, yet never fully grasping it. Benny! Was what came to mind. Frantically you looked beside and around you. Before those frantic eyes spotted him a short distance from you.
Only he didn’t look to be moving. You moved as quick as you could, unable to get up on the first few tries. In the end opting to crawling over to him, your body protesting and burning with every moved muscle. You slide next to Benny, hands moving to his face. You cupped his gorgeous face, turning it towards you, noting a few scraps to his cheek and temple. You moved it back to a straight forward position, just as Johnny and Brucie rushed over. Both men dropped down on either side, Johnny next to you and Brucie across from you both, and moved Benny to lay flat on his back.
You leant down so your ear was against Benny’s chest, looking for a heart beat. It was there, softly. You sighed, and cried out your findings when both men asked if you heard his heart beat. They continued to look him over, making sure nothing looked broken or out of place or any bleeding. You moved back to Benny’s face, hands running over his cheeks, your eyes begging him to let you see his baby blues.
Softly you tapped his cheek with your hand, leaning down closer to his face. Voice shaky and unlike your usual one. “B-Benny" you stammered his name. “Come on, w-wake up!”
Still nothing from him.
Tears started to pool in your eyes. “C-come on" you repeated, voice breaking more. “W-wake up!”
By this time Johnny had noticed you, he placed a hand on your shoulder while telling you to stop. That it would be alright, that Benny was probably just knocked out. But you didn’t listen, shaking off his hand and continuing to tell the man laying before you to wake up. Your tears finally spilling over, running down your cheeks and mixing with the rain that was still coming down, only not as heavy now. Like a taunt to you all.
Without a thought you leant down. Sloppily you pressed your lips to Benny’s in an urgent kiss. A kiss you hoped to wake him. A kiss of life, hoping to revitalise the man you so painfully love. You put all your feelings, all your hope, into this kiss. Finally when you pull back, you hover your lips over his. Softly, shakily you say please wake up. One last ditch effort before you throw in the towl.
Then you heard it. A tiny, painful groan. Your eyes shot to stare at Benny’s, waiting with baited breath. Finally they fluttered, closing tightly as he groaned yet again, only a little louder. After what felt like forever, Benny opened his eyes and you were greeted to those beautiful blues you adore so much. You could hear Johnny and Brucie, one calling Benny’s name while the other calling out to the others.
You didn’t take much notice of any of them, for you were focused on Benny. Your hands holding his face, eyes locked with his. Your tears falling harder seeing him awake, the fear in you dying down, yet the worry still remained. Hoarsely and with some pain, Benny did his best to sooth you. A hand coming up to push away some wet hair from your face.
“It’s alright baby. I’ll be alright" he said, over and over. Though Benny knew he’d be scrapped and bruised for possibly weeks. But thankful no broken bones, for either of you.
In your mixed emotions, you felt a surge of anger. Which you let out by slapping his chest, but not too hard. “I told ya" you stated, “I told ya somethin' would happen!”
Benny groaned, a little from pain and from knowing you were right. “...yes baby" was all he could say.
Maybe this was a wake up call. Maybe Benny should listen to you and your bad feelings in the future. And he will, but for now you both needed to get looked at. And out of the rain.
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Tag list: @strayrockette
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queenshelby · 2 months
Our Little Secret (Part 57)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers, Smut
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"I was probably just one of many, wasn't I?" you eventually said in a low voice as you could see Cillian flinch before your gaze fell on the floor for a moment. You too were bothered by the article now, more than you could admit even to yourself and Cillian's audacity, telling you that you were out of line because you were trying to move on, made you incredibly upset and angry. 
"No actually, you were one of very few," Cillian   interrupted you with an almost angry tone in his voice. "I only ever got involved with you while being married and what happened between me and Amanda was a huge mistake," he began to say before trailing off slightly and bringing his gaze back up and meeting your eyes. "But you know, I am tired of this, because I can't change the past and I am sick of apologizing over and over again just so you can push me away," he admitted, frustration finally visible in his typically collected eyes.
Shock rippled through you at Cillian's admission. He was tired of apologizing? You were the one who should be tired. Tired of constantly being reminded of the choices he made in the past while still acting jealous and insecure, not letting you go or allowing you to move on. Despite, you knew that you pushed him away because every time you came close to him, you couldn't help but feel the sting of pain. It was hard for you to forget how he had hurt you, and it was even harder for you to trust him after all the harm he caused.
"And I am tired of your jealous behavior and your constant involvment in my life," you shot back, your cheeks flushed with anger. "Your constant nagging and commentary about Sean and now this. I am tired of it, Cillian!" you told him. 
Cillian clenched his jaw, trying to hold back his frustrations and thoughts. "Sean is.... I don't even know where to start...," he trailed off and you could hear the distain in his voice. "But you are right. I am jealous. I hate seeing you with him, or anyone else for this matter. The idea of another man touching you is enough to drive me crazy and every time I see you with someone else, it's like a punch in the gut," Cillian finally admitted with a growl in his voice, looking at you with a desperate gaze.
"Isn't that funny now?" you rolled your eyes. "You, as a famous Hollywood Actor, who can have every woman he wants, are jealous because I'm sleeping with someone else?" you asked incredulously, your eyes narrowing as you looked at Cillian. "That's pathetic," you added, trying to push him away when he attempted to take your hand into his.
"Perhaps it is, but you hold all the cards now Y/N. I haven't even been with anyone since you left me," Cillian confessed, letting go of your hand as if to prove his point.
You looked at him skeptically, not entirely convinced. "Bullshit," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. 
"No, it's true," Cillian insisted, his voice low. "I swear, I haven't been with anyone. Not since the day you left," he said firmly. "And the fact you question me about this now and the fact that you asked me about the allegations in the article indicates to me that...," he began to argue determinately but you placed your finger on to his lips quickly to silence him.
"No! Stop Cillian! I said I moved on," you protested firmly but, what he did next, caught you off-guard.
Instead of pulling away, he grabbed your wrist, forcing you to look him in the eyes, which were swimming with curiosity and hunger.
"I don't think you have," Cillian whispered, holding your gaze. "I think you're still mine, Y/N. And I think the idea of this, of us, excites you," he added, then moving his hand up to gently cup your check as he leaned forward and whispered in your ear. "I know it does. I can see it in your eyes," he added, causing a shiver to run down your spine as he breathed hot air against your skin.
"I have moved on," you whispered, though you couldn't help the way your breath caught in your throat as he traced his thumb along your lower lip.
"Like I said, I don't think you have," Cillian repeated, moving even closer to you until there was only an inch of space between your bodies.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do or say. But then, you leaned forward and whispered back, "But what if I have?" as you felt your resolve to stay away from him crumbling away like sand through your fingers.
Cillian's breath caught in his throat for a moment, but then, he smiled slowly and leaned in even closer to you. "Then I'll just have to change your mind," he murmured, his voice low and husky with desire. And before you could even react, his lips were on yours, and you felt yourself giving in to the desire that had been building up inside of you for so long.
"There are people here who can see us,"  you breathed in between kisses as Cillian began to trail his lips along your jaw and down your neck, causing you to shiver.
"I don't care," Cillian murmured back, his hand gentle as he traced the curve of your waist.
"But I do," you insisted, biting your lip and Cillian finally pulled back, his gaze intense and dark.
"Then let's go somewhere else," he said, his voice low and commanding.
You swallowed, feeling your resolve crumble.
You wanted him. You wanted him so much that it consumed you, but you knew you couldn't give in. You had made a promise to yourself to move forward, to divorce yourself from the pain he had caused you. 
But that was easier said than done when he was standing right in front of you, his blue eyes burning into your soul, tempting you to lose control.
"Please," he begged, his hand reaching up to stroke your cheek so gently that it made you want to weep.
"Fine, but I am in charge," you told him before pulling him towards the elevator quickly. 
Your hands were shaking as you jammed your finger against the elevator button. You kept your gaze fixed on the shining number above the doors as you waited for the elevator to arrive, trying to keep your nerves at bay.
But, when the elevator doors eventually slid open, any composure you had managed to muster crumbled away completely. The thought of what you were about to do hit you, almost overwhelmingly, but you shook your head determinedly and stepped into the elevator, Cillian following close behind.
As soon as the doors closed, you turned to face Cillian. Your breathing was shallow and your heart was racing but, yet, there was a burning desire in your eyes that matched his own perfectly.
You grabbed Cillian's collar roughly, pulling him towards you as your lips crashed together fiercely, as though you couldn't wait another second.
"Just so that we are clear, this isn't us getting back together . This is just sex," you whispered against his lips, trying to assure yourself as much as him.
Cillian didn't respond, but instead, he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close, holding you tightly against him.
He heard you, but for some reason, the words you spoke did not register with him . He only had one thing on his mind, and that was how good it felt to have you in his arms once again.
You deepened the kiss as you wrapped your arms around him. One of your hands moved up to tangle in his hair, while the other slipped under his suit jacket and began to explore his back.
Cillian let out a low growl as he felt your hands on him and he pushed himself closer against you, his arousal becoming more and more obvious as you continued to kiss him hungrily until, suddenly, the elevator dinged, indicating that it had arrived at your floor.
You broke the kiss, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you pulled away from Cillian, trying to steady yourself. Cillian's breathing was equally ragged and you could see the desire evident in his eyes as you both hurried out of the elevator and made your way down the corridor.
You fumbled with your key card for a moment, but eventually, you managed to open the door to your hotel room.
As soon as you entered, you turned to face Cillian, your gaze intense and full of desire.
You reached out and grabbed his suit jacket, pulling him towards you as your lips crashed together once more.
Cillian eagerly responded to your kisses, his hands roaming up and down your body, stopping to squeeze your ass.
"God, I've missed this," he moaned into your mouth, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
You pulled away for a moment, your breathing heavy. "But this doesn't mean we're back together," you reminded him, trying to keep some semblance of control over the situation.
Cillian just gasped in response; his eyes filled with hunger. "Okay," he said, although the words sounded hollow as he leaned in to kiss you once again, his tongue tracing the outline of your lips before delving into your mouth.
You moaned softly as you felt him push you back against the wall, his hand slipping under your dress as he began to hitch it up around your waist.
You gasped as you felt his hand on your thigh, sliding up towards the apex between your legs.
You felt your body tense with anticipation as his fingers lingered just above the waistband of your panties, and you couldn't help but writhe against his touch as he slowly began to explore your body.
"I want you so fucking much," he muttered against your lips, causing you to shiver in response.
You barely had time to reply before he slipped his hand inside your panties, his fingers finding your wetness almost immediately.
A low moan escaped your lips as he began to circle your clit, causing you to writhe against the wall with pleasure.
Cillian continued to tease you, his fingers tracing patterns along your wet folds until you couldn't take it anymore.
"Please," you begged, your voice barely above a whisper, and Cillian didn't hesitate.
He slipped a finger inside of you, causing you to gasp with pleasure.
He began to move it in and out, slowly at first, but soon picking up the pace as he watched your reactions.
"Fuck, you're so fucking tight," he murmured, his voice low and filled with desire. "I've missed this so much."
You moaned in response, your hips bucking against his hand as you felt yourself getting closer to the edge.
"Cillian, please," you begged, your voice breathy and needy. "I need more," you begged, but what he did next surprised you. 
Pulling on the fabric of your dress , Cillian tore your dress off of your body, damaging the fabric in the process of it, but not caring as he tossed it aside before pulling down your lace panties.
"Fuck Cillian, this was a 2,000 Euro dress," you cried out, but your words seemed to excite him instead of giving him pause.
"I don't care," he grunted; his focus entirely on you as he made you lift up one of your legs slightly before pushing you back against the wall. 
His lips then immediately found your neck while his fingers went back to work  , circling your clit and then slipping back inside of you.
You gasped with pleasure as he moved inside of you, his fingers hitting all the right spots while his mouth continued to explore your neck and shoulder.
"Cillian, more," you begged as the pleasure inside of you continued to build up and he didn't hesitate as he obeyed, his fingers pumping in and out of you with a renewed sense of urgency before, finally, he pressed the tip of his fingers against your g-spot skillfully. 
"Fuuuuuckkk," you shouted as waves of pleasure coursed through your entire body and you felt a powerful orgasm begin to engulf you.
Cillian wasted no time as he removed his fingers from inside of you and brought them to his lips, savoring the taste of your essence. He then dropped to his knees and placed a series of open-mouth kisses along the inside of them, making you shiver as the cool sensation of the air conditioning hit your wet pussy.
"Cillian, what are you-," you began to say but were quickly interrupted as he wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking it gently into his mouth.
You gasped, your fingers immediately making their way into his hair, holding him in place as he began to flick his tongue against you.
"Oh fuck," you muttered, your back arching as you felt another wave of pleasure run through you, which is when he pushed his fingers back into you to finish what he had started.
He was so incredibly good at this and you knew that he wanted to make you squirt , a task he usually achieved quite easily like this. 
"Oh my fucking god yes," you eventually screamed, your hips bucking against him clumsily as he continued to suck on your clit, increasing the tempo as you came.
Your entire body shook with the force of your orgasm, and you felt yourself melting into the wall behind you, but even that didn't stop him from feasting on you until your orgasm had completely faded away.
As you slowly began to come down from the high, Cillian pulled back from you, rising to his feet.
"You ruined my suit," he  said with a grin as his fingers traced your now swollen lips.
"And you ruined my dress," you chuckled, still breathing heavily.
Cillian just shrugged, taking your hand in his and leading you over to the bed.
"Lie down," he  commanded and you eagerly obliged, feeling the weight of your body sink into the luxurious sheets.
You laid there for a moment, staring at Cillian as he finally undressed himself slowly.
Eventually, your gaze traveled downwards and landed on his straining erection, making your heart race with anticipation.
"Like what you see?" Cillian asked with a grin as he noticed your gaze and you nodded eagerly.
"You know I do," you whispered, biting down on your bottom lip, causing him to groan with desire. "Now come here and fuck me already!" you demanded, your voice dripping with lust.
Cillian, not one to ignore your needs, wasted no time in complying. He stalked towards you, eyes trained on your perfect form as you lay sprawled across the bed, completely naked. With a fluid, predatory motion, he crawled onto the bed next to you, one knee between your thighs, the other planted firmly on the mattress.
When he finally reached you, he leaned in, claiming your lips in a searing kiss, one arm wrapping around your waist to pull you closer while the other traveled up the side of your body, cupping your breasts.
You let out a soft, needy whimper into his mouth and your hands went to tangle themselves in his hair, pulling him even closer as he sucked on your tongue and nipped at your lower lip.
"I need you inside of me," you breathed, your thighs shifting restlessly against each other as he traced a hot, wet path down your neck.
"Not yet," Cillian murmured, his voice raw with desire. He moved his lips over your collarbones, tasting the salt of your skin.
You gasped as his fingers found your nipples, teasing them into hard pebbles. "Please," you begged, your voice trembling.
"Alright, fine," Cillian said, giving in to your demands and positioning himself between your legs.
He looked at you with an intensity that made your heart race and you felt your cheeks flush with anticipation.
You soon felt the tip  of his cock nudge against your entrance and you couldn't help but moan as he began to push inside of you.
It was slow at first as he slid in and out of you, adjusting to your tightness. You could feel his tears prickle in your eyes as he filled you up, and you could feel yourself growing wetter as he slid in and out of you, deepening the thrusts with each passing second.
"Fuck, Y/N, you feel so goddamn amazing," Cillian moaned, his breath hot and heavy against the crook of your neck.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, urging him on. "Don't stop, Cillian, please," you begged, the words slipping past your lips in a ragged, gasping whisper.
"I wasn't planning  on it," Cillian growled back, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips as he continued to pound into you.
You could feel the pressure building up inside of you, and as you looked up into Cillian's face, you saw the same desire reflected back at you. He was as lost in this as you were, unable to think or feel anything beyond this moment. He was yours, and you were his, and nothing else mattered.
"Your cock feels so fucking good inside of me," you said, breathlessly, as you raked your fingers through his hair.
Cillian groaned in response, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he felt himself getting close to the edge. "Seeing you like this, so fucking wet and tight and ready for me, is the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen," he told you, his eyes burning with desire.
You nodded eagerly. "Please, fuck me harder, Cillian," you eventually begged, your hips bucking up to meet his thrusts and, of course, he didn't have to be told twice.
"Alright, then turn around,"  he grunted, pulling out of you as you eagerly flipped over onto your stomach, arching your back invitingly so that he could take you from behind.
Cillian didn't hesitate, his hands gripping your hips as he positioned himself at your entrance once more.
"I'm going to make sure that you won't forget this night," he promised darkly as he thrust into you, hard.
You cried out in response, biting into the sheets as he began to fuck you harder and faster than before.
"God, yes," you screamed as you pushed yourself back into each of his thrusts, eager to meet him halfway in this most intimate of acts. "Yesss, just like that!"
Cillian's breathing became more ragged with each passing moment and you reached up to grab the headboard, holding onto it for dear life as he took you hard and fast.
Sean never fucked you like this and you felt your orgasm building up inside of you quickly, threatening to overwhelm you almost at once.
"Cillian, I'm so close," you cried out, your voice hoarse with pleasure.
Cillian growled in response, his thrusts becoming even more erratic as he neared his own release. "Come for me, Y/N," he demanded hoarsely, his fingers digging into your hips as he held you in place.
And so, you did. You felt yourself shatter into a million pieces as the most powerful orgasm of your life tore through you.
Your back arched as you screamed out Cillian's name, your body trembling with the force of it.
Cillian didn't stop, but continued to thrust into you harder, the sound of his hips slapping against your ass echoing through the room.
"You feel so fucking good," he grunted, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips as you clenched around him. 
You felt yourself shuddering with pleasure as he continued to fuck you, his thrusts becoming more erratic.
You knew he was close, and the thought of making him come inside you was almost enough to push you over the edge again.
"Fuck, I'm going to cum," he grunted, and you felt him swell inside of you, filling you up even more than before.
"Yes, give it to me," you moaned, your voice hoarse with pleasure. "Cum inside me, Cillian. I want to feel you cum inside me."
And with a final, powerful thrust, he did. You could feel the warmth of his release as he pulsed inside of you, filling you up with his hot seed.  You parted your lips as you moaned, enjoying the sensation of his warmth filling you up.
Cillian held you up by the waist, his body still shaking from the intense pleasure. You wrapped your arms around his neck, staring into his eyes as he held you close, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips as he kept himself buried inside of you.
"That was – " you gasped, trying to catch your breath. "I..."
Cillian leaned in and kissed your back softly. "Incredible," he murmured, his lips ghosting against your skin.
You nodded in agreement, your breathing still shallow and rapid until, suddenly, his next words caught you off-guard. 
"I love you so much Y/N," he whispered against your skin as you felt Cillian's cock soften inside of you and slowly slip out.
You froze. The words hung in the air, heavy with meaning and regret and you couldn't believe he had just said that to you.
Slowly, you turned around to face him, your eyes burning with a mixture of surprise and resentment. "Cillian, this doesn't mean  anything," you bit out, your voice ragged from your orgasm. "We aren't back together, and we're not going to be."
Cillian's face fell at your words, and you could see the pain in his eyes as you spoke. "Then why the fuck did you sleep with me?" he asked, his voice hoarse with emotion. "Doesn't Sean do it for you?" Cillian asked, a twinge of hurt in his voice.
"I said that this would just be sex, nothing more," you reminded him as he rolled off the bed and gathered his clothes.
"Fine," he sighed, not looking at you as he dressed. 
"Cillian, wait, what are you doing?"  you asked, your voice worried as you watched him pull his shirt on.
"I'm leaving," he said, still not looking at you as he buttoned up his shirt. "If that's all this is to you, then why the fuck should I stay?" 
"Cillian, please," you said, getting up from the bed and walking towards him. "I'm sorry, but I can't just pretend that all is fine and forgotten between us."
Cillian turned to face you, his eyes filled with pain and anger. "You know what, Y/N?" he began. "You are no better than me," he  snapped, his eyes narrowed.
You flinched at his words, the sting of his accusation hitting you like a punch to the gut. "That's not fair, Cillian," you whispered, your voice shaking. "I am not the one who cheated," you reminded him.
But Cillian was blinded by his own pain and anger, unable to see past his own hurt. "No you are not, but you are using me just the way you are using Sean, although I am just not sure for what," he  fired back, his voice low and full of venom.
You felt your throat constrict at his words and you struggled to swallow the lump that had suddenly formed in your throat.
"What are you talking about?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper but Cillian didn't give you an answer.
"Look, if fucking around is what you really want, then fine. Go and enjoy yourself," he said with a sigh, his back still to you. "But I can't do this again, Y/N. I can't keep pretending that there's nothing between us when there clearly still is, and I am not going to be your back in call either." Cillian finished quietly, and then, before you could say another word, he turned around and walked out the door.
Needless to say, that night, you did not sleep  well. As you tossed and turned in your now-cold sheets, the words he had said to you repeated in your mind on a continuous loop.
As if to make matters even worse, the following morning, when you arrived at breakfast, you were worried that you would be running into Cillian again, but was relieved to see that he wasn't there.
You took your seat across from Siobhan whose husband was still in bed, passed out after having consumed too much champagne on his wedding night.
"So, you left early last night? With my brother out of all people," Siobhan commented with a knowing smile on her lips.
"How do you know?"  you asked, feeling the color rise in your cheeks, which is when Siobhan pulled out her phone.
"You won't like it, but I think you were seen and it's all over the internet,"  she explained hesitantly while handing the phone over to you.
As you took the device, your eyes scanned the slew of images that had been taken of you, depicting the two of you, well, entwined in a very messy situation.
"Oh god,"  you muttered incredulously as you took in the images, each more compromising than the next.
"It's not a big deal if you ask me. It's just a kiss and some PDA. Everyone does it, so why not celebrities," Siobhan tried to calm you down. "Despite, what matters most is that you are together again and that's a good thing,"  she added, trying to put a positive spin on things, but you couldn't help but feel embarrassed and humiliated. 
"God, I wish I could disappear right now," you muttered, closing your eyes and pressing your palms against your face.
Siobhan reached out and gently squeezed your shoulder, a reassuring squeeze. "It will blow over, and things will go back to normal," she said with conviction.
But you knew better than to believe that.
"Perhaps, but we aren't back together Siobhan. In fact, I think I made a huge mistake last night, jeopardizing our co-parenting relationship for good," you  replied, feeling the weight of your guilt settle on your shoulders.
@sunbeamseas @saint-ackerman @oatmealisweird @naxxsstuff @amanda08319 @r-m-cidnah @elysiannook @cillshot @infireddabdab @tastycakee @harrysbestiee @lilybabe22 @adalynlowell @henrywintersdearestgirl @ietss @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @ryiamarie @axionn
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@galxydefender @hunnibearrr @saint-ackerman @lunyyx @gentlemonsterjennie1 @ihavealotoffandomssorry @nadloves @lost-fantasy @nolucesn@mcavoy-girl @hjmalmed @bloodybagels @obeyme4life @richiesgroupie @blushykiss @tatumrileyslover @teawithsatanx @orijanko @rhaenyra4ever @xcinnamonmalfoyx @budugu @nadloves @kmc1989 @bloodybagels @obeyme4life @richiesgroupie @forgottenpeakywriter @smailaway @sophiaaguirred @blondie-22
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Dee better be a Leo!
I'm so happy the first day of Pride landed on a SaturGay because we were all greeted by a birthday-filled Wandee Goodday!
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Even though the birthdays were celebrated so the kids would have one day they didn't have to remember the sadness (this is going to come back to bite us in the ass when Yak and Dee aren't together, I'm sure)
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But the reason I love it is because we learned Yak was was born December 6
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Making him a Sagittarius. *horse sound effect*
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Who tend to be friendly, flirty, funny, optimistic, and down to clown.
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And you know what colors align with a Sagittarius? Purple (like Dee!)!
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So if we get Wandee's birthday, I'm hoping he is a Leo (the best!) or a Gemini because their guiding color is yellow so it could link with Yak's yellow.
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Wandee could also be an Aquarius because his (fake) blue would make sense, pero . . . I don't want it because, once again, I don't think the blue really captures his *essence*.
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So even though Yak keeps wearing blue
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I think that's just him absorbing Dee's environment without realizing how much he already feels for Dee, who is dramatic and stubborn, like a Leo.
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Therefore, I'm still hoping that Yak will realize his feelings when he finally wears Dee's purple, so I'll be patiently waiting here for this Sagittarius to wear his power color.
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However, if he does wear purple, it means that Dee has won since Dee is hellbent on making everything a competition; therefore, he must win everything, even trivial things that shouldn't be a competition.
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As @doublel27 pointed out, Dee already crossed the line into pink = 💕love💕 territory (aka how a show becomes a Colors Award nominee)
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Yet Dee won't even let Yak call himself Dee's boyfriend even though Yak has done it plenty of times for his advantage.
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The thing is, Yak is the perfect balance for Dee with their white x black color dynamic, and not just sexually (which would make sense if Dee was a Leo, so please do not let him a Aquarius, dear God!)
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Yak remembers important things like the EXACT amount of time they have been fake dating
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When Ter couldn't even remember how long they had been friends.
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Yak is honest and open with Dee and works as a team with him
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While Ter can't even be honest with himself and sees Dee as competition (y'all really hate this man, but he is my poor little meow meow and I am captain of his apology squad)
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But this is also Dee's problem - he isn't honest with himself and views everything as a competition, even when Yak has proven that Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.
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For Yak, a man who excels at a sport that is based solely on individual talent where a person must knock out the competition to take claim his spot, he clearly knows the importance of working as a team and the value of including others.
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This is something he has learned from his brother because even though Yak is the only one in the ring, without Cher and Yei's dedication to each other, the gym, and their child/brother, Yak would not be where he is.
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And that's something Dee, who was raised by his free-spirited grandmother, needs to learn, especially as a doctor who works in a hospital with other doctors and nurses. (Those tiny boxing gloves need to be hanging on my rear-view mirror immediately, GMMTV. YOU HEAR ME?! Where is my merch?!)
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A true balance (they switched colors) means you have to compromise. You can't always win. Sometimes you have to lose, intentionally.
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Because as cute as this argument was over the ridiculousness of names/positions and toothbrushes with Yak's yellow big bunny brush having little yellow boxing gloves (thanks @babyangelsky) and Dee's purple brush with an adorable teeny tiger on it, the argument still gets to the point that Wandee refuses to lose.
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He is sleeping with a big dick every night (I just really wanted to include the plushie)
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He is cuddling on the couch with his grandmother in the next room.
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He is dressing up and cuddling on the floor with the purple and yellow food items on the table.
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He is trying to bake and cook when his grandmother never did, emphasis on trying.
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And it's all because of Yak. Dee not only wants Yak, but he *needs* Yak because Yak makes him better and allows him to embrace his true self, but I truly believe Dee's need to win will overshadow everything else, which is maybe why he and Ter were such good friends for eight years since they don't remember dates they don't think are important, they need to win regardless of who gets hurts, and they won't realize what they have until it's gone.
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But . . . that's just me thinking as a competitive and ambitious tiger Leo, so who knows?
Dee could just be an unpredictable Aquarius.
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swarvey · 3 months
paper rings | harvey x f!reader
summary -> you decide to have some fun at the luau; harvey learns what it means to be truly humbled. warnings -> none! wc -> 2740
a/n: whaaattt i am totally not sneeking in leah x haley as much as i possibly can. absolutely not. anyways, another fun chapter to write!! this man is a prime example of dumbstruck with love. someone help him.
ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7
paper rings masterlist
chapter six: gorgeous -> "you've ruined my life, by not being mine."
Harvey couldn’t decide whether he wanted to cry or rip his hair out as Shane and Elliott berated him in each ear, both taking a different approach to dismantling his pride.
“You mustn’t let the Flower Dance dwindle your fiery love, Doctor!” Elliott insisted, twisting his head to try and meet Harvey’s downcasted eyes. “True love entails hardships and obstacles!”
“Sure, but I bet he didn’t expect his obstacle to be a damn kid,” Shane added distastefully. “That guy is a living example of ‘peaked in high school.’” 
“It’s true, I didn’t expect such a choice from our dear farmer, but it was her choice nonetheless. We must work with the present.”
“How? You think buying him a gridball uniform will help?”
“Shane, please, be realistic. I was going to suggest we find out when and where their next excursion will occur, so the doctor can reveal himself and profess his love—”
“What the— are you hearing yourself? What the hell are you on? Newsflash, we’re not living in a bad rom-com, pal.
“Alright, both of you, enough!” Harvey intervened, face beet red. “Listen, I have been thinking about this enough on my own, I assure you, so can we please try and enjoy the Luau?”
Shane cocked a brow, huffing. “Really? You think you can enjoy it with this shit going on in front of you?” He nodded towards where you were standing. 
Harvey glanced over, unsurprised to see Alex by your side. Emily smiled and nodded in front of you, her sister on her phone and chewing a piece of gum. At that point in time, the scene in front of him had become a common one. 
Except, one detail threw him off.
A familiar laugh sounded through the air, though it wasn’t yours.
A small smile lingered on Maru’s face as she continued to listen to whatever story you were telling, her eyes intently on you.
“Ah, yes,” Elliott sighed. “Leah informed me Maru took a liking to the farmer at the Flower Dance. Her efforts to befriend her haven’t ceased since then. I can’t say I’m not pleasantly surprised, Maru has always been a bit of a shy girl.”
“R-Right.” The writer looked over at his friend at the sound of his shaky tone, biting his lip when he saw Harvey’s face had paled. 
This was just about the last scenario he’d wanted to happen — after the Flower Dance, he had realized how his initial description of his “mystery girl” could fit Maru, despite him trying to pinpoint your characteristics. In the midst of it all, it seemed you ignored the fact you fit the picture perfectly, hearing only that he was interested in a nurse. Harvey cursed his past self, the full repercussions of his actions hitting him. 
Yet another mess he didn’t know how to clean up.
Shane let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his forehead. “You really know how to get yourself into shit, don’t you, doc?”
“I suppose so,” he replied, voice void of energy. 
“Alright, enough with this moping.” Shane paused. “As much of an idiot as you are, you’re still my friend, and I owe you a few, so I’ll —  I can’t believe I’m doing this shit — I’ll ask Emily about it, alright? They’ve been hanging out a ton, so she’s gotta know something.”
Harvey looked at him with softened eyes. “Shane, I—”
“You better not tell a damn soul about this.” 
With that, Shane walked away, Elliott trailing behind him rambling something along the lines of, “I had no idea you could feel such things!”
Just as he began to relax, Harvey felt a finger tap his shoulder, jumping at the touch.
You laughed, stirred even more by his exasperated look. “C’mon, Harvs, loosen up! I feel like you’ve been so uptight recently.”
Oh, you have no idea. “Sorry,” he said, ignoring his thoughts. “You caught me off guard, is all.” He gave an awkward laugh, adjusting his glasses.
“You’re a bit . . . off, today,” you noticed, tilting your head at him. “Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all! How, um, how are you enjoying the Luau? Did you add something to the pot?” 
Despite his rushed voice, you — thankfully — decided to indulge him. “It’s been great! Especially since the weather has been so warm. Haley and Emily have basically been dragging me and Alex to the beach all week. Anyway, you’ll have to wait and see what I added to this year’s pot, it’s a surprise!”
Me and Alex. Harvey had to clench his jaw to prevent a scowl from forming on his face. He realized then just how foul the sound of another man’s name seemed coming from your tongue.
“What’s Maru like at work, by the way? She seems really sweet.”
“Maru, yes!” he answered, blinking as he came up with a careful response. “I enjoy working with her, she’s very passionate about what we do. She was actually one of the first people I truly talked to when I moved back here, since she wanted to be a nurse.”
You hummed. “I see.” Harvey noticed how your eyes narrowed for a split second, as if you were trying to decipher the meaning behind his words, before smiling. “That’s what I assumed.”
Harvey thought for a moment, knowing he had something he wanted to ask you, before brightening. “You remember the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, don’t you?”
After a brief moment, you nodded excitedly, grinning. “How could I forget? We used to go every summer.”
Yes, of course. Harvey would never forget the evenings he spent with you on the beach, watching the water in anticipation as everyone waited for the jellies to arrive. He remembered you practically bouncing with excitement beside him, while he’d simply been satisfied seeing you happy.
Harvey smiled at the memory, a wave of nostalgia hitting him. “Well, it seems we’ll get to relive a memory this summer.”
“No way. They still come here?”
“Every year, just as before.”
“That’s great! Maybe you won’t be as scared as you used to be.”
“Hey, can you honestly blame me?! That is not a usual sight!”
As you laughed at him, Lewis announced the Governor would begin tasting the soup, and Harvey wondered why a mischievous look filled your eyes. Surely you wouldn’t put something unusual in the pot your first year in Pelican Town, would you? He expected you to save one of your best crops of the season for the occasion.
Instead, he watched Marnie nearly faint at the sight of the Governor pulling out a pair of purple shorts from his bowl. Lewis looked like he’d just seen a ghost.
“Are those . . . my shorts?! ”
After your little stunt at the last event, you were honestly surprised you were still invited to see the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. Oddly enough, everyone seemed to move on from it relatively quickly, including Lewis himself.
Deciding not to think about it too much, you quickly filled up your pet’s water bowl and double-checked all the farm animals’ enclosures before walking up to your horse. She looked down at you with gentle eyes as you put on her harness, closing her eyes as you pet her head.
“Ready, girl?” You urged her forward, wind biting your cheeks as you swiftly made your way towards the beach. The gleaming light of the sunset made the ocean shine as you approached it, and you couldn’t help but let out an easy breath as your horse slowed. Throughout the previous couple of seasons, Pelican Town had grown to feel more like home to you than the city ever did. Sure, it was small, and farmwork was tedious, but you’d rather spend the rest of your life in the freeing countryside than in the claustrophobic city.
As you hopped off your horse, giving her a quick pet as thanks, you were quickly approached by the sisters and Leah. You smiled, waving at them. 
“Your outfit’s cute,” Haley complimented immediately, a drop of surprise in her voice. Leah nodded in agreement.
Emily lightly grabbed your shoulders, looking you up and down before giving you a wide smile. “Yes, you’re especially beautiful tonight, Y/N. Your energy is stronger than ever.” You laughed lightly after she winked at you, to which her sister swatted her away.
“Ugh, don’t say that stuff, Em! Just be normal and call her hot.” 
Leah laughed. “She’s right, you’re radiant tonight,” she sighed dreamily. “You all will have to give me some tips on how to dress sometime.”
Haley whipped her head around, crossing her arms. “Why? Your style’s already perfect.” Leah blinked, speechless at her statement as she began to blush. After a moment, the blonde quickly turned away, checking something on her phone. 
“She’s never said that to anyone before,” Emily whispered in your ear, and you believed it. You were constantly surprised at her approval of your style, especially after seeing how she criticized pretty much everyone else in town — particularly Alex.
As if he could sense your thoughts, the jock himself appeared next to you, a gridball tucked under one of his arms as he heavily dropped the other around your shoulders. 
“How’s it goin’, farmer?”
You shoved him off, unable to contain your smile as he grinned playfully at you. Although the two of you had a bit of an awkward start due to Haley’s bluntness, you quickly learned Alex was much more understanding after opening up to you. After hanging out a couple of times, he ended up telling you about his background and how he didn’t have the best relationship with his father, which could explain why it was a bit harder for him to let down his guard. Hearing him talk had made you feel comfortable enough to bring up some of your own troubles, pleasantly surprised at how well he’d listened and expressed his sympathy to you. 
Now, the two of you were open friends, seeing each other every other day and helping each other out whenever you could. This explained why he eagerly held out the gridball to all of you, sweat glistening on his skin. From the looks of it, he’d abandoned his shirt a while ago, his muscular body showing in all its glory.
“You wanna toss around a gridball with me and Sam?” he asked, his excitement reminding you of Dusty whenever you approached him with a treat.
“I think I’ll pass this time,” you replied, watching as he turned hopefully to the other girls. 
Upon seeing Haley’s deadpan stare, he shrugged. “Suit yourselves.” With that, he ran to the other end of the beach, calling out to his friend as he reared to throw the ball.
“You two are actually pretty cute together, you know,” Leah commented. Emily looked at you with wondering eyes, while Haley scoffed. You had a feeling she already knew your answer.
“Yeah, well, he’s not really my type.”
Just as your blonde friend began to make a remark, Harvey walked onto the beach, and her mouth snapped shut. 
Maru was next to him. Not that it mattered, but she was. Is she blushing, or is it the heat getting to her? You frowned at your thought. Why did that even matter?
As they made their way further in, Maru spotted you quickly, waving enthusiastically. You raised your hand in a greeting, smiling at her.
“I seriously have no idea how you’re so nice to her,” Haley muttered, trying to keep her voice down. “She obviously likes him back.”
You shrugged. “Regardless of whatever the hell is happening between all of us, she’s still a nice girl.” Let’s ignore the fact I’m constantly trying not to compare myself to her.
When Maru went to join her family, you made your way over to him, which was apparently the other girls’ signal to scatter. You silently reminded yourself to tell them to be more subtle as he turned to you, giving you the same shy smile you’d seen for years.
“Y/N! It’s good to see you,” he greeted. You could smell the cologne he was wearing from a few feet away. 
“Hey, Harvey!” Ever since the Summer had started, Harvey had abandoned his coat, opting to simply wear his white button-up with his sleeves rolled up. You swore he must have started working out after college — he was no longer the scrawny med student you’d known in college. 
After realizing you had been staring at his broad shoulders and thick arms for a bit too long, you quickly cleared your throat, bringing your attention back to his patient gaze.
“So, how was your day?” you asked, hoping you sounded normal.
“Same old,” he sighed. “Maru and I had to stay at the clinic for a bit to finish up some work, though. We just got finished.”
“Really? What kind of work?”
He shrugged. “Nothing too important.”
Nothing too important? Really? You watched enough movies to have an idea of what that could mean. As the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, you snuck glances at Harvey, trying to read his facial expression.
Something was off, but you couldn’t figure out what.
Something was off. Harvey could feel it.
He couldn’t tell if it was because of your mannerisms — which were a bit out of character, he noted, as you kept giving him looks he wasn’t used to — or what Shane had gathered from Emily at the Luau. Being back on the beach brought Harvey back to his friend’s words.
“She wouldn’t budge,” he’d said, visibly frustrated. “She just said you should ‘tread carefully around her’ and to ‘pay attention to what you might not typically notice.’ Some shit like that. Sorry, bud.”
Although he hadn’t exactly gotten the answer he’d been looking for, Harvey was still grateful for Shane’s efforts, trying his best to read more into your body language than usual. Through his quick looks at you while you gazed at the water, all he was able to gather was that you, as per usual, looked completely and utterly breathtaking. The moon had completely replaced the sun at that point, its pale light exaggerating the features on your face he’d memorized over the years. 
He swallowed, eyes glued to the horizon as he prayed his dusted-pink cheeks wouldn’t give him away.
Just as he opened his mouth to break the silence, you turned your head, gasping.
“They’re here!” Sure enough, the jellies slowly floated into view, shimmering in the ocean’s waves.
As Harvey turned to get a better view of them, his hand grazed yours, and you flinched slightly. 
Am I seeing things?
While your eyes were wide and awestruck at the sight of the jellyfish passing by, he took the moment as a chance to admire your expression. The moment was quickly over, though, when the sisters and Alex joined you. Thankfully, the gridball player had thrown on his t-shirt for the event.
“Whoa, isn’t it cool, Y/N?” he voiced, eyes round with amazement, and you laughed. God, he usually loved the sound, but he couldn’t stand to hear it then.
Harvey grit his teeth at the sight of him on the other side of you, part of him wanting to grab your hand and pull you to his chest. How was it fair that Alex got to dance with you, to make you laugh, to go to the beach with you, while he had to watch from afar? 
His heart ached at the thought of you not being his. He honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if it stopped beating altogether. 
You turned to him then, and he jumped slightly as you met his eyes. 
“Still scared, Harvs?” you asked quietly, the teasing glint in your gaze reminding him of when you were young.
“Terrified,” he joked, tension leaving his body at the sight of your grin.
“Well, you’re in luck — I’m back in town, so I can protect you again!” He could hardly believe it. Despite decades passing, you still said the phrase with the same tone. It was as if he could hear your younger self’s voice echoing in the back of his head.
He couldn’t help but laugh, feeling his hand brushing against yours once again as the jellyfish disappeared. He swore it took all his willpower not to intertwine your fingers together.
Harvey wondered how you could be so, so close to his grasp, and yet so far away.
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mcondance · 9 months
black reader, typical stu violence
a wise man once said, about stu and his listening to you cry to him about ghostface, “he could probably get off to it, to your sad little words.”
he can get off to it.
what a paranoid mess you are, dialing his number to crumble into tears once again about how fucking terrified you are, how you can’t ever get comfortable, how unsettled you are. fat tears slide down your face. stu slides his boxers down just enough to free his cock.
he’s already hard, has been since he saw that you were calling. on the other line you sound fucking pathetic, blubbering about a murderer, about him, and the vile things he’s done, and it’s heaven to him.
it’s fucking divine as he wraps his hand around his cock and swipes his thumb over his tip, drooling pre-cum, using it as lube to stroke himself right as you sob something about feeling like you’re living in a nightmare.
“oh, babe,” he feigns, more from the pang your words sent to his dick than sympathy for you. all from it.
‘i just— i don’t know what to do, stu, i’m just so fucking scared.”
god, he can imagine you now, your head resting in your palm as your shoulders shake with the depravity of it all, the horrifying notion of being slain by the hooded killer stalking your town. and he shakes with pleasure, adrenaline and arousal running through his veins as he listens to your panicked thoughts.
you’ve composed yourself a little, now, able to quiet your sniffles, sniffles that make stu’s hand around his cock feel infinitely better, and speak to him again. if he closes his eyes he can see your wet face, the tears that stick to your eyelashes, how your nose crinkles and your body tenses and shakes.
“what if. . what if he gets me, stu. what if he-” you cut yourself off with another broken sob, a wave of terror washing over you as you imagine yourself becoming ghostface’s next victim.
becoming stu’s next victim. god he can just picture it, trying his hardest to stay silent with his hand jerking his cock, his hips bucking every time your cries leak from your side of the phone.
he hopes you can’t hear his hand moving on his cock on the other side of the phone, how he jerks himself to the chorus of your pitiful lamenting, to your unbridled fear of being caught by him.
you’d run and shriek: how beautiful you’d look darting from him, how the beads that adorn your hair would spin and twirl in the dim lighting, how you’d look back at his shrouded figure. . or maybe. . he’d get you in broad daylight, corner you in your home and watch red leak down your neck from the silver blade against it. with that playing in his head, he’s so close.
“you gotta be safe, baby. keep your doors locked ‘n windows shut,” he attempts to comfort, in your eyes, and it makes him have to hold back a psychotically cognizant laugh, knowing he and billy can get in your home even if every door is locked and every window’s been checked twice. fucking freak is an expert at hiding his true feelings, though he can’t stop it from leaking through a little. but in your hysterical state, you don’t hear a thing.
he’s so fucking turned on it makes no sense, fucking his fist listening to you, jerking himself to your fear. he couldn’t not cum even if he wanted to. not with the way you sound crying for him.
you spill your innermost thoughts while he spills all over his hand, almost getting himself caught before he tucks his head into his sleeve, shivering with the force of his disgusting orgasm, thick white cum leaking from his tip while you just keep fucking crying, and god that makes it so much better, brings him to climax so beautifully. and when he comes down, still reeling from it all, he does what he does best. plays.
“i’m so sorry, baby.”
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realityinsuspense · 2 months
one step closer | chapter 1: i guess we're roommates now
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--summary: "me and him? in one apartment? yeah, right. nothing is going to happen." ~~ two strangers living together. not talking and just going about each other’s lives. that was your plan. that’s how you’ve always done things, and you’ve gone far doing so. so when you have to suddenly move into a new apartment with your new roommate, you expect almost nothing. almost.
--pairing: mingi x fem!reader
--genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, a little angst, #mingi is cold and standoffish (? kinda), #eventual mutual pining
words: 2.9k
chapter 1: i guess we're roommates now
“I’m gonna miss you,” Your best friend Hongjoong, says through the phone. You could hear him fake a sniffle. “It’ll be so different without you.”
“Please,” you chuckle a little. “It’s only like an hour or so away from here. Crazy how much a difference that makes for the rent prices though…”
You’re doing your last minute checks in your (soon-to-be) old studio apartment, phone pressed to your ear. Everything for the most part seems to be packed up (minus the furniture of course) which made your once lively space turn into a barren landscape. It felt so unfamiliar to be in such a cold and empty environment that you once called home. So many memories were made here, but now it’s time to say goodbye. For good reason though.
“Yeah, who would’ve thought,” He heaves a sigh. “But I can’t believe you’re willing to move in with a stranger. A stranger that’s a man too? You’re crazy.”
“Hey,” you hold the phone now, sitting cross legged on the floor next to your packed boxes. “I know, I know! But he seems okay…based off of the listing he posted at least.”
“Just okay? y/n, you haven’t met him yet?!” Hongjoong sounded baffled.
“Not yet!” You defend. You were worried you sounded more desperate than you actually were. “I..I really had no time, you know? And the time I did tour the apartment, he wasn’t there. But we did talk on the phone once…so my gut tells me he’s okay!”
Hongjoong laughs at the other end of the line. “I guess it’s the real deal, but you still have to be careful. You know, just in case anything happens—and I hope not—you know you can call me right?”
“Of course I know that,” You try to assure yourself. It’s true, it was a crazy bold move to move into a new apartment, in a completely different area with a roommate that so happened to be a guy. But you really had no choice. This new apartment and new roommate was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
The bottomline was that your job was making you move company buildings. And in that small turnaround time you had, you quickly scrambled to find a new place—anything to assure you’d be able to make it to your new office building on time. Work is such a pain, you think to yourself. All of these life adjustments for what? But survival was essential. And you needed this job more than you know.
But in all honestly, the place was totally ideal. Not only was it was closer to your job, but the rent was way cheaper. I might be able to save more money to go on a vacation, you reasoned. It seemed like a pretty good deal, minus the fact that you’d be moving in with a total stranger. Whom you’ve never even met yet…
“Song Mingi” was his name. Based off his profile on the listing, you knew that he was around your age or so—which chipped off some uneasiness you had at first. You talked on the phone with him a while back, but it was mainly about the lease and rent and all that important stuff. You even went to tour the place yourself, but the landlord was there to give the tour in his place since he was “busy with personal matters”. I mean, it’s crazy to think that your new housemate is coming in. You’d expect him to want to meet his future housemate for the next year or so.
But he didn’t seem to be too interested in doing so. Maybe he’s really to himself, you think to yourself. I can work with that.
In fact that was even better maybe. Two strangers living together. Not talking and just going about each other’s lives. That could work, you thought. That’s how you’ve always done things, and you’ve gone far doing so. But the thought of living with someone new after a while made your stomach turn a little. You could handle it, sure—you had done so with your roommates back in college a few years ago—but nothing beats having your own place to yourself.
It’s just for a year, you think to yourself. You’ll have your own place again in no time.
“Just make sure you visit when you can please. I’ll even cook you dinner.” You say.
“Of course! I will soon.” You and Hongjoong wrap up your call. And just like that, as if in perfect timing, the moving truck calls.
It’s time.
Here you were. Your new home.
Before you, stood your new apartment complex. It was definitely much smaller than your old one, but you didn’t mind. It seemed a bit modern, but still had a homey feel to it. And the last time you visited, the neighborhood stole your heart. It seemed much more peaceful, with a bunch of small families around.
What a deal. But you couldn’t ignore your racing heart in that moment. You were about to move in with a total stranger. Maybe I am actually crazy. But there was no going back now.
You took your phone out and texted your new housemate that you arrived. Your fingers hovered over his contact name: Song Mingi.
“Just text me when you get here.” Mingi said through the phone the last time you spoke. Gosh. You were really going to live with this guy.
hey mingi, i’m here!! the moving guys will help bring my boxes up too!
And you waited for his response.
1 minute passed. 2 minutes. 3 minutes.
then 5 minutes…6…7…
Nothing. Would it seem impatient to text again? You were worried the moving company would have to leave soon. They were already unloading your boxes from the truck.
Should I text again?
hey, i’m outside!!
And you waited again.
“Hey, any way to get inside?” One of the staff members came up to you and said. “Not to pressure you, ma’am, but it’s almost 6 o’clock.”
“I don’t, I’m so sorry,” You can’t help but start to feel panicked. “Let me just get ahold of my housemate. It’ll be just a second.”
You knew texting would be inefficient. Who seriously replies right away these days? So you decided to bite the bullet and just call him. Would it really be so bad?
Ring. Ring. Ring.
No answer.
Seriously?! You felt horrible since the moving staff was growing impatient, and you knew they’d charge you extra for keeping them past the hour. It’s not too big of a deal, but you did have a lot of boxes. And you knew your new apartment was on the top floor. Plus, it was getting dark outside and you felt like a fool standing outside the apartment building doing nothing.
This wasn’t the ideal first impression you wanted to give your new housemate, but it was getting ridiculous. And at that point you couldn’t hold back: you went and called him again.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
And again.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
And again.
Ring. Ring. Ri-
“Hello?” His familiar deep voice croaked through the phone. FINALLY!
“Mingi? Hi! Yes it’s y/n… um, I’m here outside now!” You mask your slight impatience and worry with politeness. But by the sound of his low voice, you suspect he was probably asleep. A nap?!
“Ahh,” he sighed heavily on the other line. “I’ll be right down.”
You assured the mover that he was on his way down, and luckily they obliged to stay and help. The relief you felt suddenly turned into nerves. You were going to meet Song Mingi face to face for the first time. What a bold move indeed.
You head over towards the movers and try to help with your boxes when you suddenly hear the apartment building door open.
You turn around to face him. Your new roommate.
You're not too sure why you're so surprised, but he was quite...good looking. Not that you were expecting anything, but it is catching you off guard just a tiny bit.
He was even taller than you thought he’d be: dressed in baggy grey sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt—his black hair tousled messily and his face framed with thick rimmed glasses. Mingi stepped forward.
“Hey,” He greeted. “I’m Mingi.”
“Hi,” You return the greeting, giving a small smile. “Nice to finally meet you.”
Mingi nods and glances past you. “Sorry about the delay. I accidentally fell asleep.”
“No, it’s okay,” You try to assure, suddenly feeling awkward. At least he’s being honest I guess? “I thought I was disturbing you by calling you so many times.”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”
He clears his throat, his eyes still glancing past you. “Your boxes?”
“Right! Yes, thank you.”
“Well, this is it,” Mingi said after the movers left. He places one last box on the floor. For some reason, the words were barely reaching you—your move-in boxes piling high at the foot of the door. “I guess we’re roommates now.”
The apartment was just like you remembered it from the tour—well, except the pile of dishes and empty takeout on the kitchen counter. It wasn’t exactly like your old place, but it was different in a good, familiar way: cream coated walls, gentle ambient lighting, and modern furniture. The living room had a dark couch and a wooden coffee table. It had a basic kitchen design—white cabinets and tabletops, with an island counter and a small dining area. It was quite minimal, but still showed signs of living. Definitely cozy.
You open the door to your new room, which was opposite across Mingi’s. Similar to the rest of the apartment, it was quite minimal and held similar design styles. It was quite spacious, holding a luscious queen sized bed just for you. The best part was the wide, curtained windows on the left side of the room—natural lighting always brought your mood up so you were particularly excited about this. You turned the lights on, its soft yellow light glowing against your skin.
“You know, I can’t believe you’re actually taking this spot, but thanks.” You heard Mingi say from the kitchen. “I really needed a roommate asap…and, I don’t know if it was ideal for you to move in with a total stranger, much less a guy. But let me just say now, I’m not some sort of creep or something like that.”
You were quite surprised. If you weren’t so desperate, maybe you wouldn’t have been as blinded by this fact. A man alone with a single woman these days could be quite risky. But something in you felt like you trusted Mingi (after reading the listing and talking with him on the phone of course). And the fact that you were similar in age made it seem less scary—it was like moving in with a classmate or something.
“Oh yeah, of course. But no, I didn’t really think that at all.” You step out of your doorway and face him. “I really needed to find a new place in this area quickly as well.”
Mingi simply nods in response once again.
“Alright, well anyways…” he begins after a beat of awkward silence. He moves from the sink to lean onto the kitchen counter, and runs a hand through his hair. “To be brief, we’ll have a chores list to split up cleaning and all that. But I just want to make it clear that everything in this apartment should be split equally. The kitchen, the living room, and even the bathroom.”
For some reason, you were beginning to feel more intimidated. He had this aura, and you couldn’t put your finger on it. Maybe it was his looming height or his unwavering serious expression, but it was the way he spoke—short, direct, and his voice: husky and deep.
“And you know... we don't really know each other at all so..." Mingi finally looked directly at you. "Let’s just keep it simple and not get in each other’s way, okay?”
“Sure,” You say nonchalantly. “That’s fine by me too.”
And you honestly were. You felt pretty relieved because that’s also how you would go about things. I mean, you didn’t even know this guy. So what’s even the point? This was just your home. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yet, the way he seemed so cold about it bothered you just a little. It's kind of rude isn't it? But you shook your head internally and pushed that thought to the back of your mind.
Two strangers living together. Not talking and just going about each other’s lives. That’s how you’ve always done things, and you’ve gone far doing so.
That’s how it should be. This was better.
“Cool, well…I’m gonna wash up now. Night.” Mingi’s voice interrupted your thoughts.
Both of you go on your separate ways. You knew you had a lot to unpack and fix, but you took in a deep breath and exhaled heavily. Welcome to your new home.
next chapter
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andiboyo · 2 years
The following includes (John Price, John MacTavish, Simon Riley, Philip Graves, and Alejandro Vargas)
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"Price" John Price
-Very professional at first when dating, he’s a very respectable guy but later he’s just mush in your hands
-This man loves you with all his heart, poor man’s an old sap, but he’s your old sap <3
-Prepare for a lot of teasing from teammates
-If you’re in the military, he’s 100% for it, but will treat you the same as his soldiers on the battleground, little cracks include when missions start or end
-He’s very worried for you, he’s scared to see you getting hurt
-If you’re a normal civilian waiting for him at home you bet your ass he’s a domestic goofball
-He loves you, and any chance he gets he’s putting a ring on that finger
-Loves taking you to dinner either way, a gentleman
-You’re pretty much best buds with 141
-Quality time is his best strong suit, he’s an old man so he’s got more time on his hands
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“Soap” Johnny McTavish
-Scotsman, 100% teases you 24/7
-Loves the look of his flustered S/O
-Don’t even get him started on if his S/O’s in the military, always one eye open for them
-But otherwise, he believes in your strength, he’s just never had such deep love for a person as he has with you
-After every mission good or bad, kiss on the forehead, he’s affectionate
-If you’re a normal civilian he’s spilling the beans on military life, nothing gruesome though, you're the light of his life and he doesn’t want you hearing too much of his military brutality and sacrifices
-Overall he’s an attentive lover that gives gifts, he’s all for dates but since he’s on the younger side he’s always getting called in
-He loves you though and send you letters every week <3
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“Ghost” Simon Riley
-Serious on the battlefield before and after, but in private?
-This man is a cuddle bug
-Love him <33
-He's just so clingy
-If you're in the military he’s alright with that, doesn’t doubt your abilities and has good expectations for having his S/O with him
-If you’re a normal civilian chances are how you met is you are friends with one of the 141 members and they introduced you to him
-One thing led to the next
-And you got together
-It takes time but he’ll take off his mask
-He lets you do the honors, but it takes a bit for him to warm up to that idea
-So expect to sleep with a man still wearing his skull mask
-Overall a sweetheart and a fine gentleman, he likes spending quality time with you whenever he can, little souvenirs too from the battlefield
-Very shy to ask for anything, hugging, kissing, handholding? This man has had a few women in his life maybe, yeah, but you’re his first true love, he’s putty in your hands
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(Lord have mercy)
“Graves” Philip Graves
-He prefers a S/O that’s a normal civilian
-If you’re in the military and he takes a liking to you, then he’s gonna be wrapped around your finger
-He’s just so worried of the future that if he knows you face danger every day it’s gonna be a weigh on his shoulders
-He doesn’t mind it, he doesn’t doubt your abilities he’s just very worried
-Now, if you’re a civilian and he falls in love with you, he’s such a protective Boyfriend/Husband
-Loves you to bits
-Will never stop talking to you about missions and just wants you safe
-Hand holding 24/7
-He’s very shy when asking for things like hugs, just not used to it as much
-Gift giving and Quality time
-Best of both worlds with this man
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“Alejandro” Alejandro Vargas
-MI VIDA <3333
-Do not think he will judge whether you're in the military or a civilian
-He loves you no matter what
-Race? Ethnicity? Doesn't matter?
-Having a hispanic S/O? Great! You bond some more!
-American S/O who doesn’t know spanish? He’s using unknown compliments in spanish to his advantage
-Im sorry
-He's just so fine
-Now, he's a man of quality time, compliment giving
-But in his line of work, he’ll tease a lot, though serious, he needs a few laidback moments
-If you’re in the military, he’ll be one step behind you
-If you’re a normal civilian, he's always coming back to you with open arms a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶p̶e̶n̶ ̶l̶e̶g̶s̶
-He’s only nervous about one thing, kissing, mans always asks you even if you’ve reassured him one-hundred times
hey all! It's been a bit. Im alive. Been a good minute hasn't it? Not really going to be running a schedule again but if you'd like to request any characters from these fandoms go ahead! It might motivate me to write more! Thank you <3
-Resident Evil
-Arthur Morgan
Love you all!
- Andi
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Now Listen Here
Ban x Chubby! Reader
slight trigger warning I supposed, just some jerks making rude comments really.
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(Y/n) hummed softly as she walked hand in hand with the love of her life, she and the fox sin had been dating for some time now. When she initially discovered her feelings, she had lost near all confidence, she had heard what Elaine had looked like and (Y/n) was the opposite. She had a plump heart shaped bum and thick thighs; she had a chubby waist and was much thicker than the small figure that the fairy girl had. Turned out Ban was a true gentleman; he could love a girl no matter the size so long as she loved him back. And boy did she. She loved the leather clad male at her side, it's why she was more than happy when he offered to take her into the small town for a bit of a shopping trip.
Currently they were approaching a bakery, wanting to have a sweet treat before they had their adventure. It was a small peach colored building with a dark pink trim around the edges, the Sugar Lilly seemed quite popular as there was a bit of a line leading to outside the doors. Then again, they arrived around breakfast so many were grabbing something to eat before work, seeing so many people made the (H/c) haired girl excited as she knew their options must be quite delicious. Though as they stood there, she had noticed a male staring at her from the corner of her eye, he had long spiked red hair and wore a black leather outfit.
She could admit he was attractive but the look in his eyes made her nervous, they were cold and cruel making her subconsciously move closer to her silver fox. Though he didn't seem to notice and gave her hand a loving squeeze to display his affection, red eyes gazing over the crowd. She watched as another male approached the first, this one had long purple hair and approached the red-haired male as if he was a friend. She could vaguely hear them talk back and forth given how close they were, though they were just far enough away that they didn't feel the need to whisper.
She didn't really have to strain that hard to hear, but it was hard not to look over as she felt their eyes locked on her as they spoke. They mostly exchanged jokes, not specifying it was her they were joking about, but she still knew they were referring to her. She had learned that the red-haired male's name was Kai, as that's what the purple haired man had called him. He was the one that took it the next step, he spoke slightly louder and made a comment rather than a joke. "Damn, looks like the Lilly is gonna close early today when she gets in there... Assuming she could fit through the door."  The purple haired male looked a bit uncomfortable, clearly not wanting to take this rude joking into a malicious area. "What the hell are you doing man? People are starting to look at us, keep it down." His words were soft, and he continued to look around nervously, she almost felt bad for the boy. She understood what it was like to have a friend who seemed to love causing trouble, and then dragging her into the uncomfortable situation.
"Don't be such a coward, besides I'm just curious. After all, how does someone like her get a man like him? She'd crush his skull if she sat on his face!" His words were loud, and the purple male immediately began shaking his head and moving away, clearly attempting to remove himself from the situation entirely. Then she felt Ban's grip on her hand tighten, glancing up at his face she noticed he was no longer gazing over the crowd but rather glaring at the male. Many of the other customers began whispering about the red-haired male, it comforted her that so many people rejected his behavior. Though she was a little concerned when Ban moved her to his other side so that he was facing Kai with (Y/n) tucked behind him. "Now you listen here you little brat, a child like you shouldn't be bringing up such adult things." This seemed to offend and confuse the male, making him step closer as the people around them began to move back.
"What the hell did you just say!?" A sadistic grin spread across Ban's face at the male's rage, his crimson eyes near glowing as he rested his hands on his hips. "I said you were a child; a real man can recognize the fact that all women are beautiful. My little bunny here is gorgeous and the fact you can't recognize that tells me you're a wannabe playboy, you suck in bed and choose girls with very little experience so that you can flop around like a beached carp, and she won't know any better." Kai's face had nearly turned as red as his hair, though (Y/n) wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment or rage. Meanwhile Ban was still grinning widely, though his eyes were cold and deadly. "That's what makes us so very different, you see as a real man I'd be more than happy to die with my head squeezed between those luscious thighs and you can bet I'll be doing my job as her lover until my last breath. So why don't you run off back to school, I'm sure your mommy is worried about you." (E/c) eyes widened as the watched while Kai seemed ready to explode, but to her surprise he had turned and left, leaving the crowd around them to whisper amongst themselves. It made the (H/c) haired girl a bit nervous as she blushed deeply, though she was surprised to hear a soft round of applause. It seemed they had the townspeople's support.
Ban had wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, his other hand coming up to caress her cheek gently. He said nothing but she knew what he was telling her. From there the day had been fun, a few people let them go in front of them so that she and Ban could get their desired foods and they managed to find a couple dresses she adored. All in all, the day had actually been rather great, thanks to her sinful fox.
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