#the nickname everyone used. because she didnt even like that nickname and just went with it
doctorhoe · 1 year
good trope: the (future) love interest has a special nickname for the main character, which showcases the uniqueness of their relationship
even better trope: everyone calls the main character a certain nickname except for the love interest, who calls them by their full name to showcase how they see them fully and love all of them
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zikkytheblicky · 5 months
hii! how are u?? Hope I'm not bothering<3
could u do (separate) headcanons with Alastor and Vox x a chubby Male Reader who is kinda insecure and very sweet and kind?
if u only do for one character for request, i prefer alastor
have a Nice day/night!
anyway this idea is so AGGGGH its so adorable ☹️☹️☹️ also some characters might be a little ooc ! im not too sure that’s kinda ur pov!! :3
SORRY FOR THE bit of lore i js inserted for the angst
you and charlie have a little brother older sister relationship. very loving <3.
for the french/creole i used google translate so im sorry if its wrong :(
everything about the little niffty part i had to google cuz i genuinely thought niffty was 5..
husk is so black coded idc idc idc
sir pentious holds such a special place in my heart i love him. ☹️☹️💓
alastor’s is kinda crack like until you get to the NSFW and the angst part!!
mentions of cannibalism.
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the first time alastor met you was the day after the meeting with the overlords. charlie mentioned you were one of her best friends and somethings about you and how you and her clicked like two puzzle pieces because of your similar personalities.
alastor, like the gentlemen he was, introduced himself first, complimenting your looks and calling you sweet names off the bat..
you obviously caught his interest. may it be because of your calm aura, your gentle eyes, or the sweet tone of your voice… or maybe the plushness of your body?
as the sinners finished trampling you with questions and introductions, alastor spawned right in front of you- you didn’t know he was watching or even there for that matter. “hello there my dear! it seems charlie has friends besides her girlfriend after all!-“ “hey!” you heard charlie interrupt, a pout on her lips. their antics caused you to giggle into your palm which immediately caught alastor’s and the rest of the sinners’ attentions. “you are quite the adorable thing aren’t you?” alastor whispered, his tone holding what seemed to be a seductive tone behind the static that filled the room. “huh ?!” you asked as your face became flustered, refraining the urge to hide your face into your palms and slowly sink into the floor of the hotel. alastor just smirked, standing up to his full height (wait.. he was leaning down this whole time? what the fuck is it with overlords and there overbearing heights ! you thought bitterly, craning your neck to look up at the (sadly) much taller demon.) later on when everyone went to there respectable bedrooms you went down stairs for a nice, tall glass of water. unknowing of the pairs of red eyes that stared hungrily at your abdomen.
that day you went into your specially made bedroom with a teeth mark on your tummy.
after a few months he got to know you better.. and better.. and ended up dating you. which wasn’t a shocker to charlie since she’s noticed the overbearing and possessive stares alastor has sent you and the bashful glances and flustered faces sent alastor’s way.
but the others..
“toots theres no way you’re dating that jackass.. though he’s good lookin’ though.. got taste.” angel dust had said with a disgusted yet amused look on his face, faking a gag as he stared at the claws massaging your scalp and the toothy grin on alastor’s face. “tsk. gays.” was all angel said before turning away from you both and going back to bothering husk.
“i know already. you guys don’t think i haven’t noticed the bite marks on m/n/n (male names’ nickname) thighs and stomach ?” husk had huffed out, rolling his eyes at the look that was sent his way from charlie and forcing himself not to laugh at the way blush that was already on your face sprouted from your face to your neck. “i had to keep it a buck. sorry.” (husk was definitely not sorry he likes seeing you flustered it’s funny to him.)
“oh! sssso i guess the eggssss were right!” sir pentious slurred out, a grin in his face. “you too make such an interesting couple! one a nice, kind and sweet sinner and the other a… a..” sir pentious stuttered as static started to fill his ears. “a..a very well put together gentlemen overlord!” sir pentious rushed out before going back upstairs to his pet eggs.
“wait men can impregnate other men ?” niffty had asked curiously. all you did was sigh, clasping your hands together as you shook your head while alastor let out a staticky cackle, clutching his chest as he leaned over in laughter. “thats- thats not what we said niffty .” you murmured, rubbing your temple gentle before playfully hitting alastor. “it’s not funny she’s like 5.. or something!” you pouted, crossing your arms over your chest. “she-“ alastor coughed- “she was in her 20s when she died, mon amour (my love). and that was in the 1950s.” alastor corrected you gently with a toothy grin and a pat to your head. “oh..” you mumbled leaning into the touch with a pleased sigh. “gay people!” niffty blurted out, raising a rainbow flag she clearly stole from charlie in the air in front of you both. “oh my god. so out of pocket.” you gasped out, a slight giggle coming out while alastor cackled even harder than before
when alastor found out about your insecurity he was very confused. very. who cares about how you look? you’re so beautiful to him and that’s all that mattered. who cared if someone wouldn’t date you because of your weight? most people like that are still lonely masturbating themselves on valentines day while listening to those break up songs.
though that’s what he wanted to say, he was actually very gentle with you and was so sweet and practically worshiping your body when he found out (not like he didn’t worship your body on the daily.) though he was a little silly.
“what’s all this nonsense you’re saying, Mon pécheur ? (my sinner)” alastor cooed with a frown, pulling you into his lap and gently squeezing your stomach. “you see this? this is what keeps me sane.” “and these?” alaator grabs your thighs pressing small kisses to them. “these keep me from killing everyone in hell.” alastor mumbled into your thighs, resting his head on them as you combed through his hair. sitting in comfortable silence despite the happy tears that flowed down your chubby cheeks beautifully.
the time you fat shamed yourself in front of charlie and he got so mad at you. (he comforted you by being scary as fuck and then complimenting snd practically worshipping your body.)
“‘m so.. fat i need to start starving myself again.” you murmured quietly. so quietly. so quietly the sinners you say near didn’t hear you. but who did? charlie. she was standing across the room talking to vaggie and she STILL heard you. the only reason alastor didn’t hear you along with charlie was because he was out taking “care” of the eggs (you made sure he listened to vaggie by threatening to revoke his permission to bite your thighs and stomach.) charlie turned your direction and furrowed her eyebrows. “hold on, vaggie. i’ll be right back..” charlie mumbled as she strutted her way towards you where you, angel, husk, and sir pentious were in a group chatting.. well except you. you only sat with them because you were lonely and didn’t want to disturb charlie and vaggie- that’d be rude. charlie pulled you away with her to the second floor of the hotel in a dark corner. “m/n/n..” charlie started, a knowing frown and glance in her eyes. no. not this again. “charlie- charlie please..“ “listen, m/n/n. i don’t wanna have to tell him but i kinda have to. alastor will never trust me again if i dont tell him this… but seriously, amour (platonically.) going back to starving yourself? you remember what happened last time?” charlie whispered, cupping your cheeks with her soft palms. “‘m sorry.” you mumbled into her palm. “it’s ok. now are you ready for me to tell al?” charlie asked as she slowly took out a bracelet that had “INCASE OF EMERGENCY” written on it. “yes..” you mumbled, slowly moving towards al’s room as you got ready for a feral alastor to appear. “now.” charlie clicked the button on the bracelet, flashing a smile at m/n before disappearing back downstairs on the main floor. almost immediately alastor appeared behind you, grabbing you by your waist rather roughly and taking you inside of his room. “al, please i didn’t-“ “silans (hatian creole; silence).” was what you could make out- he was glitching slightly and his voice was very staticky. and also- oh god he’s speaking creole. he usually only spoke creole when he was pissed or was cursing someone out. you felt a shiver down your spine as alastor’s shadow locked the door- hell even it looked mad. and it’s a shadow for hell’s sake. “Wi mesye (yes sir)” you mumbled back in his native language, pulling your legs closer to your chest and resting your head against your thighs, sniffling slightly. you felt like such a disappointment (your nails digged into your thighs), why couldn’t you just listen for once? so useless. useless, useless, useless.“are you crying, love? what are you thinking?” alastor pulled you hands away from your thighs, watching the skin heal in a split second. “‘m such a disappointment. why can’t i just listen to you and charlie? im so fat too- why can’t i be as skinny as-“ you were immediately shut up by the cruel, almost scary laugh alastor let out. when you rubbed your blurry eyes full of tears you could see al’s eyes glowing, his regular toothy grin was now a scary, painfully fake (even more fake than his usual one), and prey-like. “silly boy. so stupid yet sweet and bashful yet so careless. do you not know how much your body is worth? in the city i practically was born in (cannibal city) your body is worth over a million. and i get to have it all to myself- every curve, every freckle, every birthmark, every bump and every hair. just to myself. do you know how nice it feels to know that, little deer?” alastor hummed out, pulling his coat off and pulling you up onto him to sit on his chest, his hands roamed around your chest and thighs, treating each and every curve with so much love it hurt.
he uses your ass or thighs as a pillow sometimes and likes to bully you by telling people he’s friends with on how much he recommends your ass or thighs to his friends (as a joke of course).
“i truly recommend this pillow to you, dear !” alastor lifted his head up slightly, grabbing your ass in his sharp claws and squeezing it gently. “very soft and squishy too!” al gave his signature toothy grin as rosie chuckled into her palm. eating another piece of human legs that she had boiled up nicely and was seasoned to perfection; just the way she liked it.
purposefully does doggystyle just to see your ass jiggle (very much an ass man imo.)
loves your kind personality. one time you told him not to go to hard because charlie wanted you to help her do documents the next day and it required you to move a lot. alastor purposefully fucked you into the stars (his excuse was, “i don’t like getting told what to do.”). you didn’t realized though. you just thought he was really pent up and didn’t mean it.
alastor added special noise cancellation to his room once he started dating you. you never asked him why when you started dating but now..? you understand.
alastor loves watching your ass idk why.
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alr that’s it bye bye!! :J this is a lil late (๑´·.̫ · `๑)
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tommysdaddykink · 1 month
i keep seeing posts/people talking about how buck hates being called evan and how tommy calling him evan is so disrespectful and i just wanna know when buck says that in the show. he didnt even choose the nickname. he went most of his life without it. he has the nickname literally only because there were three other evans in his class at the fire academy so they all started calling him buck and he ended up kinda liking it. but he doesnt say he hates evan now. so when did he start hating evan so much like fandom keeps saying he does. is this just fanon that got so mainstream and now everyone just believes it?
like heres the scene where hes telling maddie about the new nickname and theres no mention of hating evan. none. buck just becomes his go-to name because everyone in this show is connected to him through his job except maddie. and she uses what everyone else does mostly. who knows maybe he told her off-screen to use it cuz she keeps going back and forth depending on the situation.
now there is one time where buck corrects his dad and tells him to call him buck because people who know him call him buck, and it seems to be almost like some kind of olive branch to reconnect with his parents. that still doesnt say that he hates being called evan and it somehow traumatises him. and it also shows that if buck really was upset about tommy calling him evan he would have already corrected it.
also im so tired of this ana/edmundo comparison, yeah she called him edmundo but she musta been corrected at some point because she started calling him eddie too. i just cant remember what episode she was corrected or if it even happened on screen tbh, i dont remember everything in season 4.
i also have no idea why none of his exes called him evan, but honestly i think they either probably tried at some point and got told no, because that is something that had to happen at some point, or they went with the flow and called him buck the whole time never once trying to call him evan, who knows.
either way, tommy has not been corrected, he clearly has some kind of permission to do it by buck, or he woulda stopped. buck is a grown man who can tell people to call him by his nickname if he wants to. if i see another deadname comparison i might actually lose my mind ngl
anyway TL;DR: buck has talked about his name twice in the show so far and he's proven he will correct people if he wants to like he did with his dad. tommy isn't doing anything wrong if he's never been told to stop. people cannot read minds so if buck wanted it to stop he'd have to say something and he hasn't. which means 1) he doesn't mind or 2) who knows maybe even likes it.
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
do you have some fluffy headcanons about husk and vox bonding? 🥺
just for you, heres some fun little dad!husk morsels
husk and rosie were originally friends before rosie nd alastor became friends, and they were walking together in cannibal town on the day that vox fell. when they noticed the newly fallen sinner, husk decided to take him in originally as a means of promotion for his casino (not that he didnt already have techheads, but a full crt television? not many of those were walking around hell)
vox was kind of distrustful of husk at first, but one day, he malfunctioned while on the job and when he woke up, he found himself inside one of the casino's private rooms with a blanket draped over him and a glass of water on the table next to the couch. to vox, who had seen the kind of shit that other overlords do to their workers when they stop being useful, this was something that made him start to trust husk more
though a lot of people thought otherwise, husk never actually contracted vox for his soul. it had been a passing curiosity at first, he had only meant to pick up the naive sinner for fun and would have passed him off to someone else once he stopped being entertaining- but somewhere along the way, husk started to see the kid as something more than a mere form of entertainment
they used to bond at the bar after closing, where husk would teach vox how to play card games and bartend and such. to this very day the only person who can beat vox in card games is husk
husk gifted vox most of his early wardrobe. after husk lost his overlord status and vox rose to his own, he still wore all the clothes that husk gave him
against popular opinion, voxs suit isnt actually supposed to resemble alastor's- he actually referenced it from husk's overlord suit. whenever someone remarks on him looking like alastor (assuming they havent made up yet) he fries them and tells the press that actually, its modelled after a *far* better and more powerful overlord than the radio demon
after they meet again vox gifts husk several electronic devices where they can talk through
he sends husk a bunch of indecipherable memes and stupid quotes that the other vees say
husk has them saved and sometimes bursts out laughing in the middle of nowhere when he thinks about voxs memes
vox used to create a lot of inventions and floor plans for husks casino. not all of them went through the initial planning stages but husk put up all his drafts on the walls (like in the way a parent would put up their kids silly little scribbles up on the fridge)
vox and husk are very competitive when it comes to table games. the hazbin gang once had a game night where they played monopoly and husk and vox ended up yelling so loud at each other vox short circuited half of pentagram citys electricity and husk ended up dive bombing his kid (they had to explain to the others that it was just playfighting before angel and alastor started joining in on the attack)
husk has a secret sweet tooth. this is the reason why vox knows how to bake but not how to cook
back when vox was newly fallen he used to have nightmares. when husk and him got closer, husk used to cradle the other to sleep in his wings
vox used to call husk vati (affectionate nickname for father in german) and husk used to call him kotyonok (<- phonetic spelling of kitten in russian)
they do still do it sometimes but its less now bc everyone around them makes it awkward
also sometimes husk used to take vox flying when he got too "pent up" over work and such
nowadays, vox takes husk through data streams sometimes when al's being too hard on the bartender
also, just for fun because transfem!vox lives in my head:
husk is the first one she tells, assuming they both kept in contact even after he lost overlord status
his first reaction is to take her downtown for a shopping spree (she pays for everything and doesnt let him touch a single cent but she's just glad to go on a trip with him)
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strawbs-screaming · 9 months
☆ punch out sexuality headcanons ☆
im running out of funny things to say help me, also tw for mentions of homophobia & transphobia
Glass Joe
- aromantic asexual (sex neutral, romance positive) + trans, he/him
- Just because hes ace doesnt mean he doesnt make inappropriate jokes on a daily basis, if there was a ranking of who made the most sexual jokes he'd be at the top
- when he came out as trans to his parents they were suprisingly supportive even though they didnt understand much, it just went like: "mom, dad, im a boy and if you dont like that too bad" "we dont care as long as you dont murder anyone" And they were generally chill with him
- when he first binded he used bandages & cloth instead of a actual binder (before he came out) and due to that he almost wasnt able to get top surgery
- has faked a lot of crushes to fit in during his childhood, ended up dating 3-5 people he didnt even like
- thought his gender envy was attraction until he just asked himself "do i wanna be them or be with them" And boom, gender confusion
- fell down the "im not like other girls!" to "im not a girl." pipeline
Von Kaiser
- demiromantic, demisexual + bi with a preference for men, he/they
- when he didnt know the demi labels he just saw himself as a picky dater, when he saw the demi labels he was like "Wait thats me" And pretty much ascended on the spot
- thought everyone just liked both men & women until he said it out loud and got met with pure shock
- his first crush was a famous model he saw in a fashion magazine, also slipping down the "do i wanna be them or be with them" pipeline
- his dad wasnt really supportive but became a bit more open minded once he realized that his hatred distanced himself from his son even more
Disco Kid
- nonbinary,gay, he/she
- okay with both feminine & masculine terms
- somebody tried to call him "princess" to insult him when he was little, instead he took it as a compliment and saw them as a friend, still in contact with said person & theyre besties now, the princess thing has become a nickname for him
- when he first came out his parents were like "the closet was wide open" and were not suprised at all, they saw it coming 1000 miles away as soon as he started it out with the "i have to say something important"
- started doing make up & playing around with dresses thanks to a close friend of his (the childhood friend) , when he first put on a dress he was like "i think i realized something"
King Hippo
- #1 label hater + all pronouns
- if he were to use labels, he would count as gender apathetic and pan oriented aroace
- labels are for losers to him
- not out but his parents know that he doesnt give a shit about labels, they first found out when he didnt care about being called "queen" and liked it, they have no problem with it
Piston Hondo
- pan, cis (?) + he/him but likes to refer to himself with feminine pronouns in japanese
- not out to his parents but dropping hints, theyre struggling to pick up on it and hes going mad over it
- going through some major gender questioning™
- playing around with dresses & femininity and enjoying it
Great Tiger
- polysexual (prefs are enbies, men & genderqueer ppl), genderqueer + all pronouns
- closeted it but trying to make it clear hes not straight,its just flying over his parents head like "oh me oh my our son is sure close with his friends!! Such close bros"
- likes dresses not only for spinning skirts but also how comfy they are
Bear Hugger
- gay, bear (ITS IN THE NAME. COME ON THE CLOSET IS GLASS), trans + he/him but ok with they/them
- when he first came out there was a lot of crying, not in the "i wont accept this wahh" way but more in the "i cant believe you trusted me enough to tell me this" way
- didnt know he was trans until he said "yeah i like being called son, yeah i like being called manly, im a girl though" out loud and he was like "wait a minute"
- has had 2-3 boyfriends during his teen years and is still in touch with them since the break ups were done without any harsh feelings & grudges, hes the only person that can see his exes all chatting together and not die of a heart attack on the spot
Don Flamenco
- gay, trans + he/they
- got called gay way before he knew it since he kept calling his male friends handsome often, always passed it off like "cant a man call his friend handsome?"
- the only feminine terms he will accept is queen and aunt, refer to him as anything other than that and he will punch you to orbit
- cut off contact with his parents since they didnt accept him & kicked him out, the only person who took him in was his aunt, she helped him get t & bind safely before he got top surgery
Aran Ryan
- genderfluid, pomosexual + all pronouns
- label hater but still uses them because why not
- came out in the most casual way possible, was just chilling on the couch with his dad and he just said "i kinda like being called miss sometimes" from boredom just to see dad go "huh??"
- sometimes does drag when he feels fem
Soda Popinski
- gay, cis + he/him
- Rocky dating history, most break-ups of his were really sad since it was either forced by family members or over arguments
- exes with bald bull but they still get along & dont care about their past, they just had better platonic connection and decided together
- out but not, making it clear hes a bit fruity but not too much for it to snowball into "the rumour come out: does soda popinski is gay?"
Bald Bull
- Boyflux, gay + he/they
- flamboyantly gay and cannot hide it no matter how much he tries, the closet is not even present, show him someone he has a crush on and you'll hear the gayest squeal in your life before he evaporates into thin air and holds you at gunpoint
- has the Don Flamenco issue going for him, compliments his male friends and calls them handsome wayyy too often, this time its 99% more obvious
- either really bitter with his exes or close friends, no inbetween, if you tell him "yeah your exes asked about you, theyre there" theres a 50% chance its gonna have his soul physically exit him and another 50% chance hes gonna walk right over to them and say hi
- not out publicly since it would cause a shitstorm, only out to a few people he trusts, has issues trusting people to not say his secrets since a close friend of his outed him during his teen years
Super Macho Man
- bi (slight pref for women), cis + he/she
- didnt really come out, he just showed up to his parents door with his (now ex) bf and was like "heyy say hi to my boyfriend" and everyone just kinda accepted it
- thought the attraction to men was envy for a long time until he learned the fact that wanting to be lifted into the arms of a man and making out with said man is not really straight
Mr Sandman
- gendervoid, demiromantic, acespec, pan + all pronouns
- feels like he should be more masculine but cant bring himself to it,he cant force his behavior to act in a way that doesnt fit him
- out and about, hes not repressing himself for anyone
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Finally (Bokuto x Reader) Oneshot
Bokuto has added Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Hinata, Yamaguchi, Kiyoko, Yachi, and Atsumu to the group chat.
Bokuto has named the group chat ‘HELP ME”
Everyone is online
Bokuto: HELPD ME
Kuroo: Bro what’s wrong?
Akaashi: Bokuto-san tell us what’s wrong first
Iwaizumi: You might find out if you stop talking
Oikawa: Mean Iwa-chan
Hinata: Don’t worry! We’ll help you!
Kenma: Who is it?
Yamaguchi: BokuY/n >> 
Hinata: YES YAMS
Yachi: I KNEW IT
Oikawa: YES
Atsumu: YES
Hinata: YES
Kiyoko: YES
Yamaguchi: YES
Yachi: YES PLS
Iwaizumi: YES
Kenma: YES
Akaashi: YES
Bokuto: OKAY
Oikawa: How do you plan to do it?
Iwaizumi: Can’t he just tell her?
Atsumu: It has to be special!
Yachi: I’m pretty sure she would say yes even if you called her now lol
Bokuto: OKAY
Bokuto is offline
Akaashi: Bokuto-san is not the type to think before acting
Kuroo: Yeah I have to side with Kaashi on this one. As much as I love my bro, he’s kinda dense
Kenma: Kind of?
Kuroo: He’s really dense
Yamaguchi: How long has he been pining for her? I lost count
Hinata: He first started talking about (Nickname)-san 2 years ago
Kiyoko: And Y/n first mentioned him after that training camp in her first year of high school. 
Hinata: WHAT???
Iwaizumi: Wtf that was 4 years ago
Atsumu: How did she hide it for that long?
Oikawa: YEAH we only figured it out during her last year of high school
Yamaguchi: I didn’t know she was so good at hiding her feelings
Akaashi: I don’t think that’s a good thing
Kiyoko: The only reason Yachi and I knew was because we spent so much time with her
Yachi: Even then she didn’t tell us until she was a second year
Hinata: Do you think Bo-san has told her yet?
Kenma: All we can do is wait
Bokuto paced around his room, phone clenched tightly in his hand. Your contact was open on the screen, but every time he went to hit ‘Call’, he chickened out.
“What if she doesn’t like me?” He mumbled. “Oh god, what if I ruin everything? What if she starts to hate me?!” 
Bokuto groaned in frustration, dropping his phone on his nightstand, completely unaware that he had accidentally hit the ‘Call’ button when he did. 
You groaned softly at the sound of your phone ringing. You rolled over in bed, nearly knocking it off the nightstand as you tried to pick it up. You blinked blurrily at the screen.
Bokuto is calling…
You sat up and swiped your finger across the screen to answer the call. You raised it to your ear, reaching for the lamp as you did. After some fumbling, light flooded the room.
“Bo? Why are you-”
You paused at what you heard next. 
“How the hell am I supposed to tell her?”
Bokuto’s voice sounded distant. He must not be near the phone. Did he call you by accident?
You were about to call his name again when he continued. 
“It would be different if it was just a random girl, but it’s not.”
You pushed the covers back and stood up, searching for something to wear. You put your side of the phone on mute, set the phone on speaker, and started getting dressed. 
“This is someone important to me. If I lose her, I-” Bokuto’s voice cracked harshly, and you felt your heart clench.
He must really love her.
You slid your shoes on and grabbed your house keys. You connected your phone to your headphones and continued to listen. Bokuto only lived twenty minutes away by foot, but you had a car, so it would only take about five to ten minutes to get there, depending on how fast you drove.
You got into the car and reached for the seatbelt, freezing when you heard sniffles on the other side of the phone. You quickly clicked the seatbelt into place, turned on the ignition, and pulled out of your driveway. 
It was dark, and the streets were empty. You were incredibly thankful for it because you reached the apartment building easily. You parked in the parking lot of the park down the street and ran the rest of the way there. Once you were inside, you headed straight for the elevator. Once you were inside, you jabbed the button for the 3rd floor, tapping your foot impatiently as you waited. 
“How do you tell your best friend that you’re in love with them?” Bokuto mumbled.
The elevator doors finally opened, and you ran down the hallway. You reached Bokuto’s apartment and raised your hand to knock, only to freeze at the words that left his mouth next. It was almost inaudible, but you heard it as if it was spoken right next to you.
“I can’t lose, Y/n.”
Your heart was beating too loud to hear anything else. You ripped the headphones out of your ears and ended the call. 
Bokuto was talking about you. 
He’s in love with you.
Oh my god, he’s in love with YOU.
You knocked (probably a bit louder than you should’ve, but you were too shocked to care). After a minute, you heard shuffling, the sound of a lock clicking, and the door opened. 
Bokuto’s eyes were puffy and red from crying. You could see the remnants of tears on his shirt. His eyes widened when he saw you standing there. 
“Y/n?” You almost winced at how hoarse his voice was. 
Nervousness swelled like a tidal wave in your chest. 
“Can I come in?”
Bokuto didn’t respond. He just stepped back and opened the door wider. You slipped past him, watching silently as he locked the door back. He turned around, jumping when he found you standing right behind him. He started to make a joke, but he saw how serious you looked. 
“What’s wrong?
Your gaze darted away before returning to him. “Can I ask you a question, and have you promise to answer me honestly?”
That made him nervous. “You’re really worrying me, Y/n.”
“Promise me.” There was something almost desperate in your eyes, so Bokuto nodded quickly.
“I promise.”
You nodded slowly. “Do you..Do you love me?”
Bokuto’s eyes widened to the point that he really matched an owl. You probably would’ve laughed if you weren’t on the verge of panicking.
“I..” Bokuto swallowed thickly, his voice almost inaudible. “...Yes. I do.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and braced himself for you to scream at him, to tell him you never wanted to see him again, but…
It never happened. 
Instead, he felt your fingertips brush his cheek before you pressed your lips to his. It was just a soft press of lips, but it still took his breath away. 
When he opened his eyes, you were smiling softly at him. “I love you too, Kotarou.” 
It took a minute for him to process your words, and you waited patiently while it sank in. You knew when it did because a grin split across his face, and he wrapped you up in his arms. 
“Hey hey hey, that’s awesome!”
You giggled at his excitement, squeezing him back just as tight. 
Nothing had ever felt this right.
In the ‘HELP ME’ group chat
Bokuto is online
Bokuto: (Bokuto has sent an attachment)
*In the photo, you and Bokuto are laying on his bed. He has one arm wrapped around you while the other is raised to take the photo. One of your arms is under his head while the other is slung over his stomach. Your head is resting on his chest. Bokuto has a huge smile on his face, and you’re grinning, seemingly caught while you were laughing.*
Oikawa: OH MY GOD
Akaashi: I wish you two all the happiness in the world
Kenma: I’m glad you two are happy
Iwaizumi: I think you two will be really good together
Yamaguchi: I hate to sound like a broken record but
Yamaguchi: BOKUY/N >>
Hinata: No problem!
Iwaizumi: Glad we could help
Bokuto sat his phone down and grinned at you. “Can I take you on a date tomorrow?”
You smiled, eyes glowing with amusement. “You have practice tomorrow, and I have a bakery to run.”
Bokuto pouted when he remembered everything the two of you had to do. You giggled and kissed his cheek, tangling your hands together. “How about we have a movie marathon this weekend?”
Bokuto’s expression brightened immediately. “Deal!”
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savethepinecones · 6 months
1, 16, 20, 25! + any one of your choosing
1: what is your nickname?
i dont have any based on my name since its already v short but ive had internet folks call me pinecones or piney and i like those!
16: what do you think makes you attractive?
i think physically my eyes are my best feature but if were talking personality uhh i guess ive got a solid sense of humor?
20: whats a totally random and useless fact that you know?
every piece of knowledge ive ever had just abandoned me lol. if you feel like youre going to sneeze you can stop it by touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth a few times, like if you were saying la la la (i think i was told youre supposed to say "pineapple" but its the tongue thing thats the actually effective part)
25: do you/have you played any sports?
oh man. i did gymnastics for a bit when i was like four. tried ballet when i was seven but eventually decided to pursue piano instead (my mom had my sister and i try both for a year and then pick one to stick with). i also was on a soccer team at some point, maybe in first grade? i actually dont remember it at all but i vaguely remember looking at the team photos. also i remember the high socks lol. and then i briefly did softball in middle school because my childhood best friend had picked it up the year before and i wanted to fit in. im very asthmatic though so most if not all of these Did Not Go Well lol
and for the bonus one ill go with 19: a time that you told a lie
first off some important context for this is that i was raised mormon and every summer the church would have all the girls ages 13-17 go camping for like a week. they do hikes and crafts and devotionals etc. i think its all standard church camp type stuff.
so the first year i went they had the younger girls go on a short hike while the older ones went on a longer one. when we got back, a couple friends and i were curious about the longer hike so we decided to check the trail out during free time. we kept walking for quite a while. idk how long it was but we knew wed been gone long enough that people would have noticed we were missing. if i had to guess id say maybe an hour or so idk. anyway we got to a point where the path started to trail off and disappear so we decided to stop for a bit and then work our way back. we were in a pretty big meadow but there were some trees partway down a hill and one of my friends went down there to pee and carved some initials on a tree. i think she said she carved something for me and my crush at the time but i never saw it lol.
anyway eventually we started to head back and at some point we realized we were probably gonna get in trouble for disappearing. i was really worried about it but one of the girls was like "no dont worry about it ill take the blame" and suggested that we tell everyone that she had seen a deer and followed it and then the other girl and i went after her because we didnt want her to get lost in the woods alone.
about halfway back to camp we started hearing people calling our names. we kinda figured there might be some people looking for us but what we werent expecting was that they were men. remember, this is Girls Camp. usually the bishop would show up for a day or two but other than there werent any guys up there. turned out the bishop showed up while we were gone and some other guys whod driven up with him to drop off some food offered to help him look for us.
eventually the search party found us and we all stuck to our story when they asked us what had happened. i think we also said that initially wed been lost and really scared but then we said a prayer and just like that we found a path! and thats why they found us on a trail even though wed supposedly run off into the woods at random. it was very dramatic and spiritual. and also complete bullshit.
so we finally get back to camp and the leaders are all fretting over us. the girl who "followed the deer" did get a lecture about not chasing wild animals because they could be dangerous but that was about it. no big repurcussions.
that night we had a devotional, which is basically just the whole group sitting around the campfire and telling stories about when they felt the holy spirit or whatever. usually the leaders will start off by reading some scriptures or a talk from some church official and then theyll turn it over to the kids to talk about their experiences. in the middle of this, a deer wandered into the clearing near our camp. some of the girls pointed it out because cool, a deer. but the moment the three of us saw it, my friend who had supposedly followed a deer into the woods earlier that same day jumped up and shouted "thats the deer!"
for some reason everyone, including the adults, took it at face value that this random deer in the woods must be the exact same one wed supposedly seen earlier that day and also that it was some sort of sign that god had been looking out for us while we were "lost"
looking back on it now it doesnt really seem like a big lie but it felt like a huge deal at the time because we lied to The Bishop. for a long time i considered this to be the worst thing id ever done. we never came clean to anyone whod been there at the time and i dont think i even told my mom the real story until like a decade later lol
that story ended up being way longer than i thought it would be lol (ive told it before but never written the whole thing out so the word count is surprising) but its probably the most exciting lie ive got. the alternative stories are mostly like "i was super depressed but didnt think that would be considered a valid reason to bail on something so i said i had a migraine" so i think it was the best option despite the length. also its been a while since i thought about this and it made me nostalgic so yay
thanks for asking!! i had a lot of fun answering these (you can tell by how long this post ended up being lol)
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
making this a series ig (spoilers, mostly minor, idk well just have to ROLL WITH IT AND SEE)
episode is starting from zero, episode 1 (quick note: i love how excited everyone is aty the beggining for this camoain, so heartwarming) "'for all you audio listeners your about to hear what a man catching on fire sounds like' 'and also a house catching on fire'" "so its like 3 belts? yeah" "this character sucks not enough belts" ok chip hasnt been described and hes already drawn blood "how much trouble does this woman have keeping her pants up holy shit" "anything that looks valueable, take it" "whats a barrel" instant love with this campaine from here "ill carry this" "ok" "but w h y" “this is the fastest I've ever committed arson in a campaign” "ok as soon as we light this ill let them know so they die an honorable death" "but the barrel is terrified of fire" "so this is a barrel" "lets blow up this popcicle place" hes trying guys "grab a barrel as well i need to study" "in you multitude of belts" when did i forget jay had so many and got bullied for it "i hope she didnt find any more belts in there" ok but whenever i hear marshal jon being described the dopamine just floods out "oh! that wasnt the bathroom!" "no it was not, it was the room where we got the explosives" "WHAT ARE YOU GRABBING THE EXPLOSIVES FOR" "to blow up your ship" bro i loved how gill interacted with people before what an idiot /pos "gill make a-dont make anything you told the truth" gotta love grizzly doing a save "and jay you go to kick this man in the back of the knee and you do you realise that his calf muscles are literally built like boulders" "i want to put my hand on his shoulder" and so it begins the convincing! yes gill go!! "hang on let me see that...big j" "JON, ITS YOUR CHOIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE" "as the door is blown off-" "did somebody fart?" ah yes gill you lit the explosive that makes people fart" "BACHOW!" please dont stop this man from making random noises its great "is your skin always wet or is it dry?" GRIZZ ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS!! "you are to learn a lesson from the moisture master!" remember when gill made his title canon now, its 6 seconds to 20 minutes in "THOSE PIRATES!" man knowing him now its kinda strange to hear him hunting them down "i just occasonally grab people and im like 'you can be better'" cant believe gill went from telling people to be better to just immedately trying to solve their problems (like not even 2 episodes later if im remembering right) "excellent jay you are a fog frog" "im gonna steal somebody's hat then run out the door" jay stealing chips job now "im passing the barrel out the window" i remember when hed just be a problem for any stealth kind of movements "MY FRIEND SAID HE DOESNT WANT YOU TO HAVE AN ADVANTAGE" "there is still time" ITS STARTING WOW "you get the sense this guy cannot see very well" i forgot he had sight problems "YOU BLEW A HOLE IN OUR TOWER" "and you blew a hole in my heart" ACCIDENTAL FORESHADOWING AND A GREAT MOMENT FOR SHIPPERS?? HOW MUCH IS CHARLIE FEEDING US WITH GILLION TIDESTRIDER!?!!? (spoiler: a lot) "can i make a persuasion check?" "sure" if charlie never said this we would never have the future pirate jon, IF HE NEVER GOT A 16 THINK WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED "you cant tell if i cry a single tear or if im usually that moist" the fact that he is can make for an angsty hc that nobody really would notice gill crying "jon didnt make it" oh this better not be another accidental foreshadow "you see, a pink frogtupus" everyone being excited for the preztal reveal was also all of us huh dont lie! "i look like a big flounder" fanartists canon gill description /j "god damn it big j" friendly reminder that (from what ive seen) marshal jon is the only character gill gave a nickname, and he had met him like 20+ minutes ago "YA BOY GILL ABOUTA BE FRIED" "ima just grab them both and jump" ngl i cant put my finger on it but calmer gillion probs the chaos control thats needed because of him being feral "jon this is for you" *proceeds to get an 8* (would have been epic if he suceeded that charisma tho) "jon, the power is- eyeh" "i look over wistfully (?) 'but w h y?'"
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bullshit-bulltrue · 11 months
Hawk Talk
Okay so sorry if this is a little jumpy I'm having a so far two-day long anxiety attack anyway-
We got assigned seating in history and i got sat next to the biggest cunt wad i have ever met i fucking despise her and she's my desk partner
she was cordial and so was i but she has not fucking changed at all
And the cute boy from years ago is still cute and shy and such a sweetheart but he sits behind me ish and to the very far right
So I can't even look at him anymore without anyone noticing :(
And nyxie darling (@whennyxfallsinlove) was right, i was looking at him like a deer staring at headlights the first day because holy shit i REALLY *REALLY* liked him (still do) because he was one of the only genuine boys I met at the time and I was having a really difficult time and yk hanging out with him helped me out since things were happening in my home life that were difficult to say the least
So then the rest of class went smoothly
For math, there is no cute guys
But thats fine because I really like my teacher and he's taught ways to do math that are so much easier
Not only is he funny, but he also REALLY goes into depth of equations and helps out a lot!!
Sooo yeah
I had a mini heart attack bc after I left class I thought my phone fell outta my pocket but the pockets on my jeans are high (since the jeans are high-waisted duh) so it turns out my butt just didn't recognize the feeling since majority of my jeans don't have wider pocket space
But yeah
Anddd then I went to English class
And if you saw the recent small Hawk Talk posts of me interacting with nyxie, you'd know that there are two boys that are lowkey cute 👀
Idk they're cute by my standards but probably not everyone else's lmao
So I feel like I should call these guys smth??
So umm let's call one of them Baseball guy bc he likes baseball and I also didn't wanna ask his name but when I do, I'll probably make a nickname to refer to when I post about him
And the other we'll call D/Dee ig??
So yeah D was funny as usual
And the baseball guy talked more and lanie, him, and I were going through this box
It was a worry box and my English teacher (we'll call her Mrs. K) basically had a chest and put it at our table to write our worries on an index card and put it in there (anonymously, but some kids put their names so now we have Blackmail™️ . Probs won't need it, but it's good to have information on people)
And like she said that we could NOT under ANY circumstances go through it..
But we did 😘
So yeah that was fun because I didnt get caught
so i'm her favorite student while also being a little shit
So me and Lanie started following Cute Baseball Boy™️ to his locker because we're nosy bitches
But then I lost lanie so I sat on the floor until i was found like a 7-year-old who lost her mom at the supermarket
Aaand then we had lunch together !!
But then I found out she thought baseball guy is cute too :(
And idk how to feel about that
So I'd anything happens between them I'm gonna be kinda bummed bc I don't want her to get the wrong idea about me thinking he's cute
So im gonna have to find a way to not like him ig??
Or just keep shit to myself (with the intention of telling y'all every little detail)
Gonna je bummed if they start dating or smth but I'll be supportive nonetheless because they're both my friends and if they're happy then that's all that really matters to me
So anyway
Thus guy across from us at lunch was fucking hilarious
His friend kept putting a plate of school food someone forgot to throw away in his face and he let out the most high pitch ear piercing scream I have EVER heard lmaooo
Same bro, same
Felt that
And like I looked at him like wtf was that dude
And his eyes got SO wide
He kept frantically pointing to the girls that were sitting near him and even his friend 💀
So like that was funny
And then we got to gym !!
We didn't get to actually do anything :(
Basically what happened in PE: got gym clothes, got gym lockers (mine and lanie's are next to each other!!), and watched boys get play basketball (D was playing and he wasn't that bad)
Sooo yeah
Ik I said that I went basic white girl mode and watched the boys play
But like half the time I was just taking selfies on snap and scrolling through tumblr memes lmao
But the other half me and lanie were laughing at the boys clothes and haircuts bc they look like they rolled out of bed and asked a 5 year old to make their hair the shape of a fucking broccoli spout or whatever tf you call it
y'all it was that bad
(we also laughed abt that shit at lunch too)
Oh forgot something
While we were all going into the girl's locker room of the gym i thought lanie was right behind me but when i turned around i had to tilt my head up and look around for her head because she's way taller than me and she was at the very back of the crowd
So i went to the side and waited for her to get close to me
And she literally fucking said
L: damn girl i keep losing you, you're really speedy
Me: yeah i'm short but it means i walker faster than you, you're a fucking giant
L: well yeah to YOU. but like i'm tall enough to be your mom
And I lost it. I laughed so hard bc of the way she said it lol
Soo yeah that was the end of my school day
Hope you enjoyed <3
Oh and tagging people that wanted to hear about my day and/or have been reading my Hawk Talk posts (if you dont wanna be tagged lmk and i wont anymore, and lmk if u do wanna be tagged in the full day hawk talk posts!) : @cereal-is-a-soup100percent-true @whennyxfallsinlove @dizzeners @cau-lee-flower215 @sp1rit-realm
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caramelmochacrow · 9 months
hey. im sorry but i need to just. spill this because it's sorta been in my mind for a few months, not outwardly, but a feeling i finally realized when this term ended.
(a vent about myself under the cut, sorry.)
i really hate how much im separated and need to hide myself from people. even if it's something simple and dumb to hide.
like, will you believe me if i say i need to keep my love of math from all of my classmates? everyone in my class hates it, they complain all the damn time and im the only one who genuinely enjoys math (even though i get frustrated with it sometimes). everytime i say "i love algebra!" or "i love graphs!" they look at me as though i am a liar or im some sort of freak. even my friends, they tell me to shut up when i say it out loud even though i dont say anything when they say they want our math teacher to die or they complain about something i like about math. (which kinda hurts me as well lol)
i understand the dislike for math, i disliked it before, but saying you genuinely want our teacher to die just because she teaches a subject you dislike is fucking dumb. i was starting to unlearn that, but now im starting to relearn it, which isnt helping myself at all. (i really want to tell them off about it, but i dont want to also.)
there's also my love of music that i've complained here before once, i need to keep it quiet because when they hear someone likes anime or j-pop they think im a weeb that's obsessed w anime men and want to see them butt naked. i hate it. i hate when i listen to rock, i hate when i listen to metal, but i love it so much i cant. i don't even listen to music in school anymore because i feel so self conscious about it. i feel that i'll be judged at and be seen as some sort of weirdo that they'll whisper about behind my back.
there's also the glaring obvious fact that im very-gay-for-girls-but-also-a-transguy. im in an all girls school, but there are a few non-cis people here for semi obvious reasons. i dont feel comfortable being out much for obvious reasons and i feel miserable here. most of the people here are actually chill w the trans people in my school but some just love asking uncomfortable questions like why they were there instead of the boys school or about their names. it freaks me out. it scares me. it makes me want to never come out and be myself. there was this time today when i was in my business class and made my nickname for this game 'birdboy' which led to my teacher asking why i used boy rather than girl, which led to me and my friend (another non-cis person and one of the people i came out to) saying that it just flowed better and not because i was a transguy. that teacher was surprisingly chill w trans people being in her class though, she asked my friend his preferred name and started calling him that, there's also another friend of mine in that class and she's also chill w him and his name, so i think she's ok.
other than my gender, there's my sexual orientation, which im not even sure on. i like girls, girls are can be pretty and handsome, but if i said that, they would hate me for being gay(?), which is also terrible because most people in my school are homophobic, yay. i got asked once for no fucking reason and without prompt if i liked girls or boys and i fucking panicked and said i didn't like either, which led them to asking if i was straight or bi (didn't even say lesbian, smh) which i also denied because i didn't rlly liked men anyway (what they got for not saying lesbian) and also didn't want to say i was gay(?) to my entire class before a fucking we went to our social studies class. i was so fucking scared when they asked that.
like, my school is accepting of queer people and lets them wear what type of uniform they like (except for me because my mom filled out my form for me which didnt let me put my preferred pronouns and kind of uniform) but it feels so hard to believe with the amount of hate towards specifically those who aren't fem presenting. it makes me feel torn apart with if i want to be who i want to be or be hidden behind this false version of myself that ive been hiding behind for almost my entire life. i feel so terrible.
i feel so disconnected from people of my own culture as well. i suck at tagalog, i know how to talk in tagalog, but i speak like a little five year old. every time i speak to other filipino people, there's a disconnection, there's a thing i dont understand or know about my own culture. i feel like some sort of failure as a filipino person.
im better at english than tagalog, so that means i must be fine, right? no. not at all. other than the other stuff i said above, they dont use american english, the one i learned. and since i lived my entire life in the philippines, i dont know some stuff in new zealand. they get shocked when i dont know something that is pretty much so well known here, when i dont know the british equivalent of an american word or when i dont know any maori words. i feel so fucking dumb every time it happens.
i just hate how much i dont know and how disconnected i feel from the world and those around me.
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
Noelle is just gay as hell for lumine its a fact. You are correct both her hangouts are just them on dates. I always forget people use aether too & then see like. Hangout scenes with him or ayaka's forest scene with him in the inazuma story & go who tf is that oh yeah people pick aether & miss the gay shit. Abyss queen lumine supremacy real i know her jp voice doing abyss lumine is real good. I only know something about faruzan being in a cave for a long time. No context just that. They should give us a fish hangout i want my favorite weirdo to have one. Her & mona have been having real good interactions when they show up together. I read that comic in real time & it was a special kind of hell. I am also a dr fan but talk about it less. Ooooh nice! Ruin serpent isnt the worst honestly but it is slightly annoying. Cryo hypo was my beloathed now its rifthound boss. Had to fight it so much for yun jin & im still not done. Ahh thats entirely fair. I will look forward to your updates! Oh wait do you mean uh. Average avery on here when you mention avery? I dont think i saw a trailerbfor genshin but i did see ganyu & keqing & went alright ill play. & they keep adding hot women so here i am. Rpg style grinding is hard to focus on for me when i could simply not but i do it for my faves. Oh. Also glad to see you are a fellow rangers apprentice enjoyer
HI IM OFFICIALLY BACK FROM THE NORWAY TRIP SO UH. no more waiting 18395092895 years for a response. sorry about that. anyway rigghhhtttt??? its so funny that mhy by making the "canon" traveler male and trying to make his playthrough fanservicey to please That part of the fanbase they also made lumine playthroughs just. lesbian impact. THE AYAKA QUEST IS SUCH A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THIS YEAH. and SO true, gaslight gatekeep girlboss and yeah the jp va's are generally really good. yeah me too tbh??? and that she always calls herself "madam faruzan" and insists shes everyones superior??? no idea what thats about but she seems interesting. YES itd be so fun i can already tell. fish hangout when. SO TRUE i LIVE for the monafischl friendship. the way mona just. accepted that shes gonna get a Lot of weird nicknames. yeahhhh i uh. heard a lot about it. never had the motivation to venture in myself asjdkkgkjjskf. danganronpa rewrote my mind permanently tho. dark times. but i got a lot of friends from that fandom and even keep in touch with some of them. yeah ruin serpent is just kinda annoying, but i have personal beef with cryo hypostasis. the message ab the area round the ch being extremely cold is kind of a meme to me. OUUGH NOT THE RIFTHOUND...... RIP......... hate that one. tho i fortunately didnt have to grind it. and coming back to the trip, it was great! fed some reindeer. ate some reindeer. their meat is SO good btw. saw the northern lights. drove a dog sled. life is good. and yes i do mean average avery!!!!! shes my best friend 4 life. and fairrrrr tho for me it was uh. that one eula ad from a long time ago that got me into genshin? and now i main her so. lmao. i started grinding because of my everlasting love for bianka but now i have no life. rangers apprentice was my LIFE when i was younger omg. pretty sure it was one of my first ever special interests and GOD was it long. still love these books tho i havent read them in a While.
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megismorallysunny · 9 months
i might upload 2 today bc i have a lot, not from today just in general, so much so that i wrote it down. i had science first, turns out the school wanted every teacher for their first class to show their classes the new one way system because they felt it was clogged up. its really fucking stupid and we were supposed to follow it as soon as we left first class.. spoiler alert no one did, absolutely no one, i didnt see any teachers not following but no students are. I feel like using that system its only a matter of time before a 1st year gets hit by a car, your supposed to go outside to get to some classes that would have only been a few metres away now, and the way you go sometimes has cars on it, i seen one going pretty fast just a minute after class started.
i had irish after science and turns out that irish hw i was doing wasnt even the hw, and i had already done the hw a week ago, omg i just cant but it was a-ok. after that was maths, everyone was in for once so there wasnt enough seats for everyone, hopefully 4k4 and his other friend 5k5 dont steal my seat, i worked my ass off for that. a student who came 2 weeks ago, nickname -bluebird, is just annoying, its not that shes done anything wrong its that shes a complete loner, wont talk to anyone, not like ive tried but more in the sense, you wont hear even a squeak. in business she doesnt take down notes, in maths she doesnt do questions (not that i can say much) and in french she doesnt even know ça va and wont do her french hw. so yeah plain infuriating. i did my english hw wrong after i spent an hour carefully constructing only a third of my answer for an hour last night. my friends went to the shop but i didnt bc i wanted to stay in the cspe classroom and eat my lunch and maybe also read trollhunter fanfics, hard enough to find good ones involving a very cute and fluffy relationship between jim and walter. anyways we had to have a fake election in cspe, to try out ballot box voting, in first year for student council i tied with another girl for top votes. guess how many i got this time? yeah thats right a solid one, thinking about it makes me sad, does no one like me anymore??? but i laughed at the time even tho every1 looked back at me, it felt really dehumanising, the only way i deal with bad situations is by laughing and joking, and that situation made me feel a little shit.
made me also feel real great when aprciot turned back at me and said i put you 5, its like he constantly tries to talk to me and be my friend and when i ignore him he gets mad, its not great that i was standing beside granite today and apricot started pushing granite and while he did that his hand touched my tit. great. made me feel just great, it wasnt on purpose he wouldnt even try.. well he did say consent didnt matter today if it was me. he was obvi joking but considering he tried to sa someone before and this day a year ago, "mango" his friend and apples friend sent diorite a voice message saying apricot said he was gonna do a thing to her. idk im sorry i feel uncomfortable typing out the word rape. but yeah thats what he said apparently. doesnt make it better he could walk to her house and he knows where that is. but unfortunately it is what it is no matter how cruel it can be.
anyways, after cspe i fucking raced through the classroom to get to another because it had a door to the outside which was closer to the door to the other outside door to get to or religion classroom, we had a proper sound sub, she was rly nice and i thought she was a bitch because of her hairstyle but she really wasnt, AND I GOT MY FAVOURITE SEAT!!!! mission acomplished, my friend was happy bc i always run to get good seats and i actually did unlike last time where some people were unfortunately quicker.
idk if i mentioned this but i learned about shifting maybe early 2021 and it didnt really go anywhere, id tell you where i have planned out for me to go but it would be embarassing, i have one for the embarassing one and one for a library, filled with extensive knowledge and characters from shows i watch. anyways my body felt like it was floating last night, just like my first shifting attempt nearly 2 years ago now, i nearly did it but i chickened out, opened my eyes and couldnt ever do it again or get those symptoms. when i woke up at 4 in the morning i was half stuck in a dream, and was trying to do my tasks to meet my goal, i dont even remember what my tasks or goal was.
i skimmed the entirety of sex education, it was my first time watching it, it was pretty good, i really liked ruby she was definitely my favourite i also really loved roman but cmon ruby, she was so good also aimee. i redownloaded farmville2 so its time to relive my farmer life whoop whoop. ill do another blog post later. anyways goodbye have a good morning, good day and good night
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red-revival · 2 years
howdy hey!! tell me about ur ocs!!! thru a cursory tag i saw one emari and as such would like to hear about them but please use this as a soapbox to talk about any ocs!!
YESSSSSSSSSSS i am so happy rn ok so so
Emari is a ferrokinetic vigilante I play in a superhero game- specifically using the Mutants and Masterminds ttrpg system which is my favourite ever
Um so. Yallve seen the art. Big pretty man covered in spikes with 2 prosthetic limbs. Fun design fact- Emari’s leg has a heart design on the knee! The loss of his limbs was directly related to him becoming metahuman, so he knew right off the bat he would need to get them specially made to not be fucked up by magnets. So they were like fuck it if i gotta pay insane amounts of money for my limbs I’m making them cute. His hand has a heart shape on the back of it too <3
Hes a big sweetheart and very friendly and nice to the point where. The loner ace detective character one of my friends plays ended up into him, he’s befriended almost everyone hes met IC, and usually ends up friends with ppl after one rp scene together. Also usually when he has to fight people he treats their wounds after because he really doesnt like hurting people even when he has to
Fun facts: 1 He dropped out of hs because of a combination of chronic fatigue syndrome and depression and ended up in a band with his best friends. 2 their sister taught them to fight and their dad taught them first aid after they came out as trans. 3 he has nerves in his metal spikes. He can feel them
Other fun fact I LOVE telling so. A lot of people think Emari is a self-insert. This is incorrect! I made Emari back when I was bi, nonbinary, ace, didnt have chronic fatigue, hadnt gotten the depression diagnosed yet. All of those similarities where I also ended up a homosexual trans man with chronic fatigue and depression happened AFTER i made him. Basically Emari is not my self insert they were like this first, my friends joke that I’m their self insert
Other smaller oc rambles in that server I’m ALSO playing
-Corvid gadgeteer nicknamed Maggie who is. Not very nice but she does care a lot. She also works for an organization called the vulture division, which does research into how exactly metahuman abilities work. Basically mad scientist but instead of being eccentric shes just kinda rude
-Superhero/secret villain with ink-based powers. Shes kinda boring on her own tbh but shes important for the story im leading players thru rn
-Star themed hero named Nova, a terrifying character both mechanically and lore-wise. There’s a LOT abt Nova so I’ll save his info for a separate ramble but tldr starry hero raised by a pair of villains who turned in the evidence to get his own parents captured and went on to become a hero out of pure fucking spite
-Biological manipulator/shapeshifter named Finch. 200 year old body horror villain who only actually cares about his Scoundrels, which. Technically is a villain team, but as far as Finch is concerned is their family <3 She is the worst, I love her, and she has THREE false identities. Also its like. ‘True’ identity is legally dead. So.
0 notes
binkszamsstuff · 2 years
Call me baby
Summary: you work in a night club as a waitress some how the most unwanted and unexpected happen. With a mob boss who's enchanted by you too a man ready to murder.
This story is set in the late 1960s, old Hollywood aesthetic blah blah.
Warnings: smut! Dark! Soft steve Rogers dark! Soft bucky barnes, anal sex (Male and male) pet names (baby, pretty baby, angel baby ect...), mention of pregnancy, kidnapping, mention of sex, Stockholm syndrome, . That's all I think?😤😵🤷‍♀️
Pairings: dark!stucky x virgin! Innocent! Sweet reader. (Steve and bucky are lovers as well. They had a pre-established relationship before they brought reader in.)
Part two!!
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The cloudy sky that blocked the light from The stars and the moon making the road hard to see. The air had a damp drizzle to it, your work uniform on as you speed walked into the building.
Tonight was going to be long. Your boss/friend Mr. Barnes it having a private party you have to work tonight. You amble through the night club. Making your way to the changing room putting your bag in your locker you quickly make you way to the private room.
In the room theres a round stage in the middle a pole stood in the center, the woman with no top on was warming up -miss natty they called her. She had long red hair that was flat and shiny, that would swing when she moved. She was the best out of all the dancers the men called her 'easy on the eyes' but her beauty was more then that. Like a million stars with golden rings, she was the most gorgeous girl you had ever seen. She was nice too, she helped you out all the time.
You and her were some what of friends. You knew why she was here, Mr. Barnes would only have miss natty dance in a private room when the 'big dogs' came thats what some people called them. They where mob men and as the best waitress, barnes wanted you to serve his best guests.
You've never done this before. You only started working here 2 months ago, Mr. Barnes was shocked to see how much of a good worker you were. Most girls who came into work in his club were slobs. He liked you so naturally he gave you the private room to work. Boy were you lucky and whoever got to work in the private room got triple the pay that night. Bucky didnt really tell people why he pays more if you work that room -but he really didnt need to, you and everyone knew why. The men who went in that room were mobs. Some men who walked in that room never even walked out.
That room was dangerous. Bucky didnt like to put his girls in their specially you of all people. The Innocent, shy, bookworm girl who just happened to be the finest girl in all the city. Boy bucky liked you, you worked hard, looked down and kept working. You didnt even get on his nerves etheir!
He talked about you alot, the boys had business tonight so steve buckys old time friend/lover decided it was time to see the star waitress, to fully make himself known. You waited in the corner where miss natty told you to wait. "Hey baby, you know the rules?" She asked one last time.
The rules:
1. Do not speak unless spoken too.
2.do not move unless told too.
3. Do what they say.
4.try to make little eye contact with them.
5. Once your done doing what they've asked you return to this corner and wait an till they need you once more.
6. Be as quick as possible and be CAREFUL.
"Yes ma'am" you squeaked, bucky had a rule: no waitress or dancer used their real name. It was for your safety. bucky and miss natty named you baby because they said your soft like one. It made you feel nice when they gave it too. Made you feel special because miss natty and bucky really didnt talk much to the others or did they care to give them nicknames. They just let the others pick what they wanted.
You waited and watched miss natty dance on the pole her tits on full display nothing covering her top half. The door swung open bucky and a group of men walking in laughing. The fear hit you, the panic was setting In. You really really didnt want to mess this up.
The men sat "baby come" bucky called to over to couch where all five men sat. Steve's eyes almost fell out at the sight of you. The soft blush on your gorgeous face, your hair flowing over your shoulders -the natural beauty that you held made him shiver. Your small figure and little hands holding the note pad for dear life.
"What would you like gentlemen?" You asked out in a soft small voice. Steve was enchanted by you. He could tell you didnt belong here, he could see the clouds of innocents flout around you. He wanted to take you away and he was going too. "coke and rum baby" tony mocked out in a charming tone. You nodded a shy smile on you face. God he was head over heals for you. "I'll take two shots" sam said with a toothy smile.
"Whiskey, baby doll" steve condefenitly spoke after, your eyes locked with his. You nodded before running off. "That the girl you keep yappin' about barnes?" Sam mused. "Yes that is, she's the best dame" bucky wasn't playing around they could just tell. "I'd like to feel her up" rumlow the man that they were about to do business with spoke up.
Steve hated the sonvabitc, but steve knew rumlow would make good dough so he let him in -but not without a watchful eye. Steve also hated they way he had talked about you.
You quickly walked in the door with a tray of drinks in your hand. "Thanks baby" bucky said with a wink. A light blush dusted your cheeks, Steve's eyes ran down your body saving the image of you for later.
You returned to the corner being mindful to be quiet and still as possible. Soon after the men started to work, talking back and forth yelling at one another. But out of the three hours they spent there two pair of eyes kept coming back to you. After they were done they stayed for drinks and dances by miss natty.
All truth be told bucky and Steve where in love. The moment you walked in that club their hearts where held in your hand, you were just to innocent to notice nor did they share. Steve listened to bucky go on and on about you for two whole weeks after your arrival. Then one night on his way to the private room he saw you. You were on your break sitting there staring off into space, your lips in a pout. Hair all smooth and shiny, steve must have been staring at you for awhile because bucky had to come looking for him. "Come on punk! Let's go!" Bucky called out while walking towards steve. Once bucky saw what Steve was so caught up in he smirked. "Who's that?" Steve questioned breathsly. "Y/l, y/l/n other wise own as baby. I named her that." Steve all but froze when he saw you, the cold mob boss was only this dazled by his boyfriend. "That's the girl you been talkin' my ear off about" steve asked his lover. "Yup" bucky grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him away. All that night and the rest of the week steve thought about you.
Bucky and steve both knew they wanted to have a third, a pretty little wife to come home too. So they decided it was you. Bucky was more relaxed -steve on the other hand not so much. He would follow you wherever you go and sometimes -well most of the times when they didn't have work bucky would come along too.
Both men watched you day and night. Day in day out, all around the clock. They knew you where the one they have been looking for. The mobsters wanted a family a beautiful wife to come home too, to make endless love with. Both men knew many woman would run from them not only because they were mobsters, but also because they are bisexual. They wanted a soft and understateding woman, to them both and love their love the two men share. Buck and steve always wanted little kids running around in a nice big house, playing and laughing as their parents watched. But their dream became better the more they watched the more they fell in love with you, your crazy laugh. Your stupid puns and jokes, your love for reading. How soft and sweet you are to all things, they loved everything about you even the things you hate about yourself.
So they planned to take you to buckys mothers childhood home to live. It was a nice one too a three story White House with a big porch and big yard.
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Miss natty was in the middle of a lap dance with a man named bruce he looked shy. "Pretty baby come here!" Bucky called you over. Steve and bucky where sitting off to the side away from the rest of them who where all gang banging miss natty now. You kept you eyes down to give them some respect and privacy even though they were having a five-some. You walked up to the men eyes down, trying block out the sounds of the men and miss natty moaning. Bucky patted his lap -you froze a little confused about what he wanted. "Oh look at my shy baby. Come on." He encouraged, steve sat with a smirk as he watched you sit on buckys lap.
Steve inched his way close to you, his hands running all over you. Buckys hands gripped your hips, slightly moving you back and forth over his hard member. "Baby doll, relax okay? It's just me baby. It's just us, your daddies" steve whispered in your ear.
"Your beautiful baby, you wanna go steady with us?" Bucky questioned out. "Mr barnes your my boss this isn't aloud" you spoke softly both men laughed at like you said something funny. "Oh you sweet sweet girl, you have no choice. Your ours." Steve said in between kissing your shoulders and neck. Steve stood up picking you in his arms. "Where you taking me! Stop!" You tried get away from him bucky grabbed you chin "baby dont worry an innocent little lady cant stay here while the pigs have their fun" shame rushed through you miss natty was not a pig "miss matty's not a pig that's not nice" steve snorted "yes she is. Look at her baby getting fucked in ass while choking on another man's dick. And the rest beatin' their meats. That ain't no lady"
You closed you eyes while steve locked your legs around his waist caring you out of the room. Steve walked back to buckys office he set you down on the desk. "Can I go home now?" You asked once they closed the door both men standing in front of you "sure baby doll" bucky picked you up this time "i-i can walk. Its okay" you politely tried to get out of his arms. "No. Stay still" bucky ordered fear ran in your head. He had ever once used that tone with you.
Once outside "alright you can let me go now, I have to get home" again the laughed like you told a joke. "Oh you silly girl, why would we have our sexy little baby walk back to our home?" Your blood ran cold "our?" You squeaked out, your doe eyes filled with fear.
"Baby doll we told you, your ours! Remember?" Steve said in sweet voice. They got in the black limousine. You kicked screamed begged them to stop. "Baby!! Stop right now!" Steve yelled in your face, tears ran down from you eyes. bucky shoved steve "way to go you made our girl cry. Ass." Once the door was closed steve and bucky started to kiss. The driver in the front rolled up the divider to give the three of you privacy. "I'm gonna fucky this tight ass" bucky mumbled in Steve's ear. Shock and horror filled you eyes.
What were they going to do too you? Yourself asked a million times. "Baby? I'm sorry I yelled. I just want my girl to be safe." Steve held your hands in his. You couldn't meet his eyes "I'm not your girl Mr. Roger's. I just met you" you softy told. A frown casted on both men's brow "baby we want you. We'll give you nice big house with us -we can take care of you. An innocent little lady like you shouldn't be working, you need us. And we love you all we ask is for you to love us back."
"O-ok" you said softly tears falling down your face. You knew you couldn't say no to them and if you did they wouldn't care. Both men smiled taking you in their arms. Steve's hands ran up your legs, rubbing your feet. Your head laying on buckys chest -him playing with your hair also leaving soft kisses on your neck and shoulder.
The warmth coming off of them made you sleepy also and the fact that it was now 3 in the morning. both watched as you slipped into dream land, small smiles on their lips. "We got our girl steve!" Bucky whisperer yelled "I know!" Steve said equally excited the two men shared a kiss. Tongue, and teeth bucky moaned into Steve's mouth hands wondering while you still slept peacefully in their arms.
The driver soon announced that they had made it to your new home. Steve carried you too the bedroom you all shared. They undressed you -eyes scanning over you hungrily both of them hard and having to hold themselves back from making love to you till you wake.
They dressed you in a nightgown both to caught up in your beauty to look away. Your hair softly flowing on the pillow case, your beautiful y/e/c eyes closed -gosh they could watch you for the rest of their lives. The moon light spilling in from the window is glowed on your skin. You looked so peaceful -you looked right where you belonged. With them.
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*the night gown they put you in.*
They both made their way to the bathroom connected to the bedroom. Smiles on their plump lips "I cant wait till we can feel her." Bucky said as he undressed himself steve already naked waiting for him in the shower.
"I cant wait Ethier, but till then you can fuck my ass." Steve whispered the last part in his other lovers ear while bucky stood under the water.
Bucky lips grew in a large smirk, bending steve over. Steve's hands on the tile while bucky pounded into his tight ass. Both men moaning out "I'm gonna fuck you till your raw stevie." Bucky groaned out as he quickened his pace. Steve's eyes rolling back when bucky snaked his arm around Steve's waist, grabbing his fat horse cock staring to jerk him off while he fucked his ass.
"Oh! Buck right there keep jerkin' me off. Come on handsome fuck my ass good" steve all but screamed out. Bucky pounded even more into steve while he moved his hand faster up and down Steve's cock.
Steve came in buckys hand moaning out his name mixed with yours. Bucky could feel the coil snap in him before he came in Steve's ass. Warm creamy cum shooting out of buckys fat dick leaking from Steve's tight muscle.
Soon after both lovers cleaned up and put pjs on. Making their way back to the bedroom both felt their heart melt at the sight of you. You were cuddled up in the warm blanket, snuggling in steve's pillow. Both mobsters slowly got in next to you steve pulling you close to his chest while bucky wrapped an arm around your waist. Subconsciously you snuggled your back into bucky nuzzling your face in Steve's chest.
"Look at her punk, she already loves us" steve murmured while he rested his head on yours. Bucky and steve could both smell you mango and lemon body wash. Your strawberry shampoo and pulm lotion. You smelled like heaven to them -no you are heaven to them.
To be continued...
Part two!!
A/n: I think I will do a part two? Maybe who knows but I love dark soft bucky or steve with innocent/sweet reader.
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certaingoateeavenue · 2 years
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•Mary is a Catholic bi girl
•Edward is gay and didn't realize until Liz just straight up told them.
•Edward goes by He/Them pronouns
•Henry goes by either Hal,Fitz or Roy
•DO NOT call him Henry.
•Also gay but knew and accepted himself the easiest with that.
•Mary Queen of Scots goes by the names of Scots,Stuart,Maria & Ree.
•Her son James gets reincarted when she's 25.
•Eventhough this time around she doesn't have to she still declares Elizabeth as his godmother something, Bess pretended not to cry at.
•Jane Grey goes by Janie or Grey (really only Elizabeth calls her Grey as a joke tho).
•Janie is pansexual and uses she/they pronouns.
•To Mary's dismay, Elizabeth is more chaotic than Anne if that is even possible.
•Elizabeth has many nicknames consistin of ,Eliza, Liza, Liz, Lizzie, Beth, Bess, Bessie, Eli, Betsey, Betty, Lisbeth or Lisbet (only by Anne for that that one) or all of them if your Edward trying to get her attention.
•Elizabeth is now known as the biggest flirt (when she not committed to Robert Dudley of course) because she veiws it as a little F U to her father that killed her mother on behalf of those reasons.
•This time it's much to Fitz and Ed's dismay.
•Elizabeth always forces Edward to letting her his nails and make-up (they secretly enjoy & Bess knows that he does). Sometimes she does Hal's nails too
•Mary become the least proctective of Liz purely because she realised how much worse it was for her now that Anne & Hal & Edward & Scots & even sometimes Jane Seymour or Anna Von Kleves are with coddling or protecting her.
•Mary Seymour only goes by Mae it's such a big thing Cathy is just considering changing her name to that legally.
•Mae is the youngest in the queen's(+ a king) household.
•To everyone surprise Mary is actually better at babysitting her than Elizabeth while Edward is just being her supportive cousin on the side.
•Their heights go Hal:5'10 Mary:5'8 Maria:5'8 Edward:5'6 1/2 Elizabeth 5'4 Janie:4'10 (small bean).
•Their ages go Mary:21 Hal:21 Elizabeth:15 Edward:15 Maria:15 Janie:14
•Fitzroy was reincarnated about 5 years before the rest of the Tudor siblings were because his mum works with the reincarnation company.
•Anna was the one to open the door when Mary, Elizabeth, Edward & Mae woke up outside the house and the first thing she did was yell back to the queen's sitting anxiously inside the living room "I have one hell of surprise for you guys!".
•After a short-lived staring contest between Anna & Mary, the kids (well only one toddler really and two teengers + a 20 year old) were escorted to shocked faces sat on a sofa.
•Edward & Mary did not instantly go to mothers but instead opt to death stare Cathy until Liz slapped them round the back of their heads as a way to say stop.
•After Anne embracing her and sobbing for ten minutes, Bess simply got bored step back from her, look down at her hands and go "Holy Shit, I'm young!!!" and proceed to run around like a headless chicken continually shouting at the top of her lungs " I'M NOT SIXTY" " Mary,MARY,LOOK!!"
•It took a couple of weeks with a lot of convincing of Bess to stop Edward from wanting to murder Cathy every time he saw her.
•Edward might be the youngest but don't get wrong Elizabeth is the baby of the family.
•When Mary came out as bi to her Catalina, Elizabeth & Anna went all protective mode in that conversation
•This later became the reason why Mary didnt go out of her way threaten Robert whe he started dating Bess, as a little but meaningful thank you to her for her support.
•At some point in the future Scots' son (James) is reincarnated.
•Elizabeth is once again his godmother but this time it's not a bribe.
•Because Bess babysat James so much Mary asked why,, as she usually wasn't to keen on baby no matter what relation, she answered to it with a calm response of "James is my GODSON, I am his GODMOTHER, this child makes a God by name, of course I will protect him with my life"
•They both hate to admit but our both (especially scots) protective of eachother, with Bess denying something that's true and Mary just using an excuse like "If someone is going to cause Elizabeth bodily harm it's going to be me".
•When the Dudley's get reincarnated (John now as a better person) she (and Janie) are accepted as part of the family, with Bess being Mary (Mars) Dudley's best friend, Roberts kinda girlfriend depending ont the day(wife in everyway apart from legally), Guildford's chaotic partner-in- crime and John's golden child (even if it's not legal)
•Liz & Mars' friendship is basically them bitching about people they don't like and/or disgust them, daring eachother to do dumb shit and Mary pretending Elizabeth isn't making out with her brother in their school corridors.
•Elizabeth & Guildford Dudley go further than the rest of Bess's siblings and cousins in calling him there cousin-in-law by calling eachother 'My practically brother/sister in law' to the point everyone refers to the two them like that.
•One day Robert goes up to Liz and asks if she considers them 'practically married',she of course denied it (once again tho it was true) but they both ( and everyone else for that matter) know it's the reason behind her & Guildford's nicknames.
•To any encanto and spop fans Robert Dudley & Elizabeth is literally just Pepa & Felix + Mermista & Seahawk rolled into one.
•The queen's + kid's household now just expect to see Ed rolling after school looking exhausted and judgemental at the fact right behind him Elizabeth is storming inside with an apologetic Robert behind her. Sometimes Mars is there too taking pictures of her distressed brother.
•During the many off stages of their on & off relationship Robert has acquired many things thrown at him while they've been breaking up. Consisting of an egg Elizabeth for some reason had in her bedroom, hairdryer, hair straightener etc.,etc.,many,many shoes + hats, the two miny pride flags she has in honour of Edward & Mary ( gay for Ed, bi for Mary), a lot of makeup bags, a few pillows, and a couple of hairbrushes, + more ( at separate dates to be clear, this wasn't all at one of their break ups).
•The Duldeys mainly call Elizabeth Eliza out of habit because in their past life they remembered how she cringed when saying her full name because it was a reminder that as the king's daughter she could never relax in a place that wasn't her household.
•John Dudley considers Elizabeth his daughter and has at many points in time invited her out to a coffee shop even when her and Robert weren't in their realtionship.
•Lizzie has always considered John a father figure.
•To start it of we have Bess & Eddie who have the closest bond within the siblings due to there now only being a 33 day age difference between them. Plus their both in most of eachothers classes in school.
•Then we have Mary and Hal their relationship is complicated, always has been, always will, but they do occasionally bond on being the oldest of the reincarnated Tudors and obviously their bat-shit crazy siblings.
•Mary & Bess are probably the pair that are the second closest to eachother. It's more of advice giving bond they have, mainly because Mary's still trying to make up for the past and Elizabeth doesn't trust her mum to not go mental with some of the stuff she needs help with.
•With Mary and Edward it's quite awkward with how they nether saw eye to eye in the past. But Mary will still do anything for them because of gravely she missed them when he died.
•Edward and Hal really only occasionally roll their eyes to eachother whe their sisters are being dramatic (acting like their not).
•Roy still has a hard getting over the fact the Bess is a teenager and not the 3 year old girl who could barely reach his knee, but height dilemmas aside, their quite close and always tease eachother. Roy always beats everyone else in being Elizabeths biggest supporter
• Mary nor Hal are particularly closes to their cousins and usually stick together when the have their family reunions.
•They both might die keeping it a secret, but with as much agression they display towards one another Ree & Lizzie have one of the most heart warming friendship you will ever see.
• Janie and Eddie are eachothers best friends and are referred to as the little sunshine's of the family.
And no I don't take criticism
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maria-akira · 3 years
good girls don't get used: michael langdon x fem! reader
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summary: michael langdon, your ex, falls into a bet wherein he has to (fake) date you. if he falls in love again, he loses and doesn't get the prize.
warnings: private school au, fuckboy!michael, slight mention of sexual topics + i didnt proofread this mwahaha
this fic is inspired by the song 'good girls (don't get used)' by beach bunny.
i don't know if other private schools have bells, because mine doesn't :(
italicized bold words are direct lyrics from the song. but in this chapter, there are none since this is like an intro :)
"Dude, shut the fuck up."
"Are you kidding? She really said that?"
"You really think that's gonna happen?"
"Who's class do you have first?"
Voices of different students flooded the white and grey hallways of the school. Different friend groups and teachers can be seen roaming the halls, getting stuff from their respective lockers as they waited for the bell to ring.
"Y/N! Do you mind if I borrow your calculator? I forgot mine at home and Math is my next class." She said while panting.
"Sure, here it is. If you lose it, I'd probably drop kick your ass." Y/N let out a small laugh and grabbed the calculator from her locker, giving it to her friend.
"Gosh, Y/N. I'll never lose it! I'll give it back during recess. Thanks again!" She flashed Y/N a smile and waved bye, before returning to her locker.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror she had on her locker, fixing the tie that always seemed to be out of place whenever she checked. Her hair was neat, complete with a white headband that complimented the color of her school's uniform.
A few seconds later, the bell rang and everybody started rushing. Different couples were seen kissing before they parted ways for the mean time.
Cringe. Y/N thought. She shrugged it off and held her books tightly to her chest, walking to her next class.
Walking straight into the classroom, she noticed a group of guys dart their eyes to her direction as she entered. They gave her weird smirks. In return, she stared back at them while she made her way to her seat and never broke eye contact. Eventually, she noticed a familiar face among the group.
Michael, her ex.
How the fuck is he in my English class? She thought, along with a whole hundred thoughts roaming around her head. Michael stared back at her, giving her a wink.
Y/N's face gave a hint of disgust, "The fuck do you want, Langdon?" She stood up from her seat and walked over to Michael, pushing his other friends. She heard his friends coo and tease Michael for his act towards her.
Michael put up his hands in defense, "Chill, is it bad to wink at a pretty girl like you?" He said with a smug look, while he grazed his hand over her arm.
"Shut the fuck up, Langdon. Don't you ever touch me." Y/N slapped his hand away, his friends taken aback from her actions. As she walked back to her seat, the teacher entered as well.
Y/N put her face in her hands. By now, a million thoughts were in her head. It's been 2 years since Michael and her broke up, and since then, she made a promise to herself that she would never fall in love with men like him. She was so tired of all the tears and sleepless nights that Michael gave her.
She let out a sigh and lifted her head from her hands. The soft light from the windows filled her eyes after the darkness formed by her hands, causing her to rub her eyes to adjust from the light.
The rest of the hour went smoothly for Y/N, after English class was recess, her most favorite time of the day— aside from going home, of course.
She glanced at her watch, 10:28 AM.
2 more minutes, and English will be over. She thought.
She averted her gaze back on the white board full of scribbles about some writing lesson she clearly did not listen to. She looked over to her classmates and friends, Well they aren't listening either. She laughed at the thought.
As soon at the bell rang, everyone started packing up their notebooks, textbooks, and whatever they had on their table. Every student was seen rushing out of every classroom in hopes of being the first ones in line for the cafeteria.
On the way there, Y/N bumped into her friend group. "Hey Y/N! We heard about happened in English class. Michael is really in your class?" A friend of hers mentioned, "Yea, and apparently that son of a bitch winked at me, such a disgusting ass motherfucker. he should keep his fuck boy ass to himself." Y/N spat out, earning a chorus of 'oh's' from her friends.
When they arrived at the cafeteria, the line was painfully long, all of them groaned in frustration and they had no choice but to wait for the line to move. But once it did, it was faster than usual. After Y/N and her friends received their food, they left the cafeteria to eat at their usual place.
The school rooftop.
A few students know that staying in the school rooftop is permitted, which was why Y/N and her friends loved eating there.
When they arrived at the rooftop, they saw the usual people that they always encounter while staying there. The view was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. The small garden in the rooftop gave a beautiful and elegant touch.
Though there were a few chairs and tables, Y/N and her friends always preferred to eat on the floor. So, they laid the linen cloth on the ground and sat on it. Y/N was wearing the skirt uniform, thus she removed her tux and placed it on her legs to prevent her skirt from lifting.
They shared a few giggles while they ate their meals, laughing about some life experiences, or whatever they wanted to talk about.
Y/N loved this. She loved how she and her friends would have little moments like these, it was like an escape from reality.
The rest of the day went smoothly for Y/N. She didn't fall asleep in any of her classes, which in this case was a very big accomplishment for her.
As soon as she arrived home, her little brother, Aaron, rushed towards her. "Y/N!! I missed you!" He chimed, Y/N kneeled down onto his level and gave him the tightest hug. "I missed you too, Aaron!" Her mom came into the room and smiled. Y/N stood up and gave her mom a hug as well.
"How was school?" Her mom asked, Y/N placed her tux on the coat hanger by the door. "It was fine, Mom. Where's Dad?" Y/N walked over to the fridge and poured herself a glass of milk, "He'll be home soon, he still has a meeting right now." She took a sip of her milk, "Oh, okay. I'll be upstairs doing school work." The glass of milk that was once full, now empty.
She took her things upstairs and plopped herself on the bed. Out of nowhere she felt a vibrating noise from her bag, she rummaged through her bag to find her phone and once she did, a message was see on her lockscreen.
Unknown Sender has sent you a message.
She unlocked her phone and went to her messages.
Unknown Sender: hey ;)
Her eyebrows furrowed. What the fuck?
(Y/N): hi? whos this?
read 2:29 pm
Unknown Sender: oh shit you deleted my number? damn.
"Huh? I don't recall deleting anyone's number..." She went to her recently deleted contacts and it showed nothing.
(Y/N): im sorry, i haven't deleted anyone's number recently, maybe you have the wrong number?
read 2:32 pm
Unknown Sender: im pretty sure you know me, Y/N.
They know my name. And her heart started pounding.
(Y/N): and im pretty sure i dont, so just reveal yourself before i report this number
read 2:35pm
Unknown Sender: ayo chill 😬 its me michael.
"Michael fucking Langdon? You've got to be fucking me right now." She felt rage fill her, slamming her keyboard.
(Y/N): langdon what the fuck do you want? i made it very clear that i dont want you talking to me.
read 2:40 pm
Before Michael could reply, she changed his contact name to 'Motherfucker'
You have changed Unknown Sender's contact name as 'Motherfucker'
Motherfucker: damn you still mad at me after 2 years? gosh (Y/N). whats with the nickname?
(Y/N): of course im still mad, asshole. ill never forget what you fucking did.
read 2:43 pm
Motherfucker: i thought you forgave me 🥺
(Y/N): FORGIVE YOU???? god langdon you're so fucking stupid, i will never forgive you. you didnt even say sorry in the first place!
Pissed off, Y/N blocked his number. "That fucking asshole." She mumbled to herself.
"Hey! Y/N!" A familar voice called out from the crowd. Y/N removed one earbud and turned around to find the voice that called her.
Once she saw the shiny blonde locks from that stood out in the crowd, she immediately ran in the opposite direction in hopes of avoiding him.
It was Michael, again.
"Y/N wait!" Michael called out again, chasing her
For some reason, Michael was able to catch her. He pulled Y/N into an empty science laboratory and they were both panting.
"What the fuck do you want this time, Langdon?" Y/N was catching her breath, fanning herself with her hand.
"Okay. First off, sorry for the sudden message. I know I pissed you off and that wasn't my intention at a—"
"What was your intention then?" She cut him off.
Michael panicked.
"Uh, you know? I just wanna talk to you again. Clear the bad air between us.."
Y/N let out a laugh, "Clear the bad air?? Oh gooood Langdon, you are really so stupid! You know what? You just made it worse." She pushed him off and walked out of the room,
"Whatever it is your planning, Langdon, I'm telling to stop it. I don't wanna talk to you or even go near you."
Michael was dumbfounded. She changed so much. He thought to himself.
2 years ago, Y/N was the sweetest, most innocent girl he knew. Playing with her feelings was Michael's biggest regret, and he's starting to feel it again.
Michael was about to leave the room until he felt a buzzing from his pocket, He pulls out his phone to see who was calling him.
Duncan, one of his bestfriends.
Michael answered the call, "Hello?"
"What's the update on your little girl?"
"She still doesn't trust me."
"That's sad man."
"I know. She changed alot. "
"What do you mean by 'changed'?" Duncan emphasized,
"I can't point it out, Dunc."
"Whatever you do, don't chicken out. I promise this bet is worth it."
"Fine, I trust you."
Call Ended.
Michael ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and left the room before the bell rang.
It was the last subject of the day. Most students were falling asleep or on their phones.
Y/N was scribbling weird things on the back of her notebook, when suddenly the bell rang. She packed up her stuff and stood up from her seat. Before she could leave the room, she saw a familiar face again.
Michael stood by the doorway of her classroom, the strap of his bag over one shoulder while he looked for Y/N among the other students.
Y/N ignored Michael and walked past him, but he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him.
"Langdon! What the fuck do you want?!" She screamed, all of the students averting their attention to her.
Michael put a finger on his lips, shushing her. "Let's go somewhere private, yea?"
Before she could object, Michael dragged her outside towards the parking lot.
"Okay this is actually something serious—"
"Woah‐woah! Easy now. I actually need your help, with school..."
Michael rubbed her shoulders, looking straight into her eyes. For once, Y/N believed him. His eyes were speaking the truth.
"Okay, fine. Shoot."
"I can't believe I'm saying this.."
"Don't waste my time, Langdon."
"Fine! I'm failing."
Y/N's mouth hung open. Michael was one of the top students in their batch and this was obviously a huge surprise for her.
"Oh, really? What am I gonna do about that?" She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.
"Can you please help me? Like, tutor me?" At this point, Michael was desperate.
"Um, no thanks. Just fuck some other girl's pussy for your grades." Y/N pushed him away, but Michael stopped her again.
"I'm serious, Y/N. I really need your help."
"Why me?"
Now that made Michael nervous.
"Because you happen to be the top of our batch right now?"
"Fine! Under one condition."
Michael was curious, "What?"
"If I do this tutor shit, we're doing it at my place. I can't tutor you in your messy ass room." Y/N said. She always remembered how messy Michael's room was when they were together. He would only clean when he was scolded by Y/N.
"That's fine by me."
"Okay then. 5pm, sharp."
She walked away, but Michael pulled her again.
"Let me go! What do you want now?" Y/N said, clearly annoyed.
"Unblock my number, silly." Michael chuckled,
"How are you supposed to know if I already arrived?"
"Theres a doorbell, dimwit. I'll be downstairs waiting for you."
"Bye, Michael. I'll see you later." Y/N flashed him a small smile and continued to walk away.
Once he saw Y/N reach the bus stop, he started walking to his car, until someone tapped him on his shoulder.
"Hey Michael, whats the update? I saw you talking to her." It was Duncan. His brown hair was lightly gelled back and the first two buttons of his white dress shirt were undone.
"I'm still trying to win her back, I lied to her that I was failing so she could tutor me. That way, it'll be easier."
Duncan smirked, "That's my boy! When will this tutor thing start?"
"Later, 5pm."
"Hmm, that's good. Remember, if you fall in love again, bet's over."
"I won't."
tags mwah: @kitwalker02 @sojournmichael @angelicmichael @deademobitch @iheartfrogs101 @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs
i hope you guys enjoyed this. i wrote this while doing schoolwork </3
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