#i can honestly say that sometimes NOT using the nickname is better
doctorhoe · 1 year
good trope: the (future) love interest has a special nickname for the main character, which showcases the uniqueness of their relationship
even better trope: everyone calls the main character a certain nickname except for the love interest, who calls them by their full name to showcase how they see them fully and love all of them
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muchmossymess · 14 days
okay but the unexplored potential of a revali and purah dynamic
revali is so keen to be the best of the best and push himself past all conceivable limits, and purah wants to find the limits of sheikah tech and magic only to barrel past them and nearly become god
so one day, purah comes to revali "how high can medoh fly?" and he pauses bc he hasnt thought about that much, which he realises is asinine how has he not thought of taking her higher "well her resting altitude is x but its possible to go higher, though i dont know her limits" and they just look at each other bc well now they have too know-
and it continues like that, purah coming to revali with questions about medoh or the rito or his wind magic or eventually just requests for assistance "i need you to fly this up there for me, clear out this monster camp, ect ect" and revali loving the attention and the chance to show off, and that hes able to prove himself as truly better (he often tries to rope in the other champions to compare) and purah is loving all the data and the chance to work so closely with a pilot and they both compliment each others personalities quite well, both sassy and intelligent and where purah is overbearing and bubbly revali is insecure and sulky
anyway this is all pre calamity stuff, i want them to be very good friends and cause chaos together and push each other to constantly better each other, and purah would scoff at revalis creative insults but internally laugh and file them away to use later, and revali may act uninterested when purah talks for hours about conclusions shes come to and different approaches they could take hes actually paying complete attention and thinking of ways to use this knowledge in piloting or training
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timkontheunsure · 21 days
Blitz's has dyslexia 🙂
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Him singing it is just so cute.
He dose know the alphabet as Blitz gets it right right after this. So this is an ordering issue.
(I still have to use the alphabet song to get it right, and worked at a library for a while and used to tutor English).
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Dyscalculia is a fairly normal side effect of dyslexia, and is under the same umbrella term.
This can make estimating groups on the fly very difficult.
Blitz struggles to switch language tracks, and doesn't pick up that Loona's making a joke out of he skinning the manly meat with the manly men.
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Blitz is normally great at these sorts of dirty jokes, but because it was unintentional he doesn't spot it.
This is because being serious and puns/jokes are sorted in a different 'box'.
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Stols - Blitz spell a lot thing as they sound, with a few transportion errors like night to nihgt, and some typos like missing the o in sorry, or missing words out.
As he says Sto-lus, that gets shortened to Stol's when said quickly. It's a cute nickname. 🙂
He also occasionally reverses letters.
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(oh look a nice wee pile of evidence).
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Transcription - the case files are written by Blitz dictating to Moxxie. This is normal adaptation for working around this disability.
Ok addressing the elephant in the room, cus someone always says it. "But Blitz is just uneducated".
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He got in and went to collage. (Dropping out was probably to do with the fire. Blitz is met to have been around 19-20 when that happend).
And Fizz, who he grew up with and worked the same job; has perfect spelling. They would have had the same people teaching them.
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Honestly this idea bugs me a lot, because it's equating being poor to a lack of education. And then spelling proficiency as a stand in for intelligence level.
We saw this when people were trying to claim Blitz was too thick to use the word supremacist. 🤦
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This ties in to whole host of classist and ableist tropes.
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Blitz can with alot of effort Sometimes spell correctly, when it's very important. (For Fizz and Loona).
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It takes 4x as much energy for dyslexics to do these tasks. It's common to sometimes get it right, but not others.
Dyslexia is kind of short working memory issue.
Working memory is the time you can hold something like an image, or a string of numbers, in your head before it fades.(Human ram). If it's short it can be extremely difficult to get it into long term memory.
So rote tasks with nonsensical none phonetical rules don't stick well. (Eg Fonetic).
Blitz getting it right some of the time, when trying hard at the hospital tracks. Cus he doesn't want to stress Loona out more.
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The 'wiring' of dyslexic brains also makes it difficult, because reading and writing are processed across both hemispheres. Nerotypicals all do that one side, which is quicker as less far for the impulses to travel.
We also don't get the visual overlay trick that alot of Nerotypicals get. The thing were you can see the spelling in your imagination and copy that pattern to spell it right every time. (Anyone able to do this is so cheesy 😛).
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And lastly Blitz talks a mile a minute, but only write a few short replies to Stolas' wall of texts. (Which are probably tricky to read as of bad formatting).
Here's hoping Stolas gifts him a better phone with a good spell check, and speech to text at somepoint. Then he gets more than just memes.
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noellefan101 · 8 months
Nick-Names - Genshin
Characters: Xiao, Scaramouche, Venti, Lyney, Albedo, Kaveh, Thoma, Diluc, Childe, Heizou, Kazuha x GN reader
Warnings: a lot of cheesy and weird nicknames, if you dont like some for a specific char you're welcome to send me your ideas, could be modern au, established relationship
(you can clearly see that i prob put in an OC, so im so sry, but some i just also really head-canon as the "would rather date a loving person than be loving" if you get what i mean)
Summary: both of your pet names for each other, some silly some sweet
Note: you can really tell where i had no ideas for nicknames. and ik i use both 'pet names' and 'nicknames' but im just kinda stupid and didnt care to change stuff when i was already done with it. also i may just have a problem but why does princess sound 10x better than prince, no matter your gender, anyway love youuuu
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He will always say what is on his mind, and he did the same thing when you brought up using pet names. he wasn't very fond of the idea, and sometimes he still isn't(depending on the situation). but he has gotten used to it more over time, like when you burst open his door and to talk to him while using the most absurd nicknames he´s ever heard of.
Pet names for you: lovely, qinxing, [shorter version of your name](sry people with short names, i fell ya)
Pet names for him: babe, baby, cutie, dove, birdy, my alatus
Will never admit he likes being called weird things by you, EVER. if he did then he was drunk and he was totally lying. and that counts with calling you stuff as well, he would rather die than admit he doesn't just call you that bc you wanted him to.
Pet names for you: idiot, princess/prince, dear
Pet names for him: smoochi, love
He was probably the one who suggested the idea at first, like two days/weeks (seconds) into your relationship. i also think he already had at least one nickname for you when you were "just friends", in the crushing phase, and has some for all his other friends as well(prob also his teachers if school au, lul).
Pet names for you: windblume, cecilia, [insert the cheesiest thing you can think of], my love
Pet names for him: venni, my dear, sweetheart, my bard
He would be over the moon if you gave him a nickname, and would instantly be looking like a tomato too. would increase its usage by tenfolds if you said you liked one of his nicknames. you cannot stop him even if you somehow got 'Father' involved.
Pet names for you: babe, mon trésor, mon amour, beautiful
Pet names for him: sweetie, amour, lyn
He didn't really see a use for it at first, finding it kind of useless. but sooner or later realized how happy you looked when he had somehow slipped up and called you 'love' when he needed your assistance. and later just didn't bother to stop.
Pet names for you: love, my cecelia, my dear
Pet names for him: 'bedo, lovely, (my) genius
He LOVES nick-names, probably made one for everyone in the friend group(yk alhaitham, tighnari n cyno), and would be delighted to make some up for you.
Pet names for you: beloved, lovely
Pet names for him: baby,
He really wanted to try using them, yes he calls Ayato and Ayaka my lord and my lady, but its just not the same as calling your lover something sweet. and good luck if you don't like it, he's keeping those names forever.
Pet names for you: babe, sweetheart, baby, sleepyhead, lovely
Pet names for him: babe, love
He honestly wasn't a fan at first, he hated it even. but of course, you being you, insisted on using names for him, and encouraged him to at least try to use some for you. so he kinda got into routine with it.
Pet names for you: my love, my dear
Pet names for him: dear, red head, love, my hero
Of course, he would use nick-names and such, he uses nick-names for the traveler and paimon, so of course he would be using such with you. honestly how could he not, especially when you're looking all cute cuddled up in his hoodie.
Pet names for you: my love, beloved, cupcake
Pet names for him: ginger, ma strong man(only for teasing purposes), hubby
He'll almost never call you by your actual name, he didnt even when you two were just friends, only in the most serious of times would he do that. so it was no surprise that when you actually started dating, they could only become sweeter and cheesier as time goes by.
Pet names for you: princess/prince, baby, beautiful, (my) sunshine
Pet names for him: hei, zou-zou, babe
He loves it bc no matter what you call him he'll be happy. and he makes sure you have "some" as well, and i guess he just can't stop coming up with more, and they're always more cheesy than the last. you don't know how he does it, but maybe its just his poetry skills coming through.
Pet names for you: dove, (my) love, sweetheart, sweetie, my dear
Pet names for him: kazu, dear
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thank u for reading whatever this thing is(totally not a filler bc i habe been working on that streamer au for too long), luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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benedictscanvas · 9 months
pretty boy, pretty girl - jamie tartt x reader
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pairing: jamie tartt x fem!reader
word count: 2.1k
a/n: okay yes. it has been six months. which is actually mad to me, but there we are - whoops! i've been off following my dream and wrote this while procrastinating an assignment, so this is by no means a return!! honestly i was just itching to write it, but i don't know how much time i have for more - enjoy nevertheless <3
warnings: just a little bit of suggestion towards the end, reader is referred to as 'pretty girl' as the title implies amongst other pet names, quite a lot of swearing (some things don't change)
“Hi love.”
Jamie barely murmurs it as he walks past you, can’t help himself but to drag a palm along your back, one shoulder blade to the other, as he goes. 
He knows he’s bold sometimes, but he swears it’s instinct. He glances back to see whether your expression holds any discomfort, but all he finds is your grin, a tiny wave. He continues on his path towards the canteen, knowing that your corridor conversation with Rebecca is probably important.
Somewhere between here and there, he decides to get your lunch, your usual, and sits alone on a table until you appear.
You do, three and a half minutes later. As soon as he sees you, the irrepressible urge to make you grin again is back with a vengeance. He waves you over to his table with a gesture to the food he’s got for you and- there it is again.
If he was a slightly smarter man, maybe he’d consider why all it took was the sight of him to draw your lips upwards, set your eyes alight.
“Thought I’d save y’ from the queue,” he speaks, still soft, in a tone he feels he only uses with you. You match his unnecessary low volume.
“Thanks, angel,” you say easily, and you must not see his stomach doing flips, “Too good to me, you are.”
“Shut up,” he deflects, wonders if you can see him fluster at your nickname for him, “Are you still coming tonight?”
You groan. He frowns, and you quickly correct.
“Sorry. It’ll be fun.”
“Yeah, you sound proper convinced, an’ all.”
You chuckle, taking a bite out of your sandwich and taking a pause to chew. Jamie eats too, content to let you think before you speak. It was slowly teaching him to do the same.
“I’m just boring, Jamie. My favourite people are all under this roof, but usually they’re sober, you know?”
He often forgets you don’t really drink. Your friendship (however sour that word feels in relation to you) usually confined to these halls, to the pitch, to various football stadiums up and down the country. When they all get a chance to let loose, you’re very quick with the excuses, but he’s believed them blindly until this moment.
“Shit, y’ don’t drink, right? I can’t imagine that’s much fun in a club. I won’t tell anyone if you happen to come down with an illness or somethin’ this afternoon.”
You’re grinning at him again, all bright and sunny. It’s downright infectious, so Jamie nudges your foot with his on purpose and then apologises like it’s an accident.
“You’re alright,” you reassure, “I will join tonight. Even if it just proves to myself I’m not missing out on anything. Maybe Colin’s not as bad a drunk as I’ve been led to believe.”
Jamie winces.
“No, he is pretty bad,” he admits and then finally comes up with something to make you more comfortable, “Hey, what about this? I won’t drink either and we can spend the evening laughin’ at everyone else.”
You poke his hand and he tries not to drop his crisp packet.
“It’s everyone’s ‘relax and recharge’ night, Ted said. We both know you relax much easier with a few drinks in you. And I’d never judge anyone for that, I really hope it doesn’t come across like I’m judging any-“
“It doesn’t, sweetness,” he cuts in, “But actually, I’ll relax better if I’m one hundred percent positive that you’re relaxing too. What better way than judgin’ everyone else, together like?”
You purse your lips thoughtfully, mid-chew. He feels like he’s holding his breath, like he’s underwater and you’re in charge of the oxygen tank.
“Well, see how you feel when we’re there. It sounds lovely but only if you’re still up for it when we’re right next to a bar,” you say, still unconvinced. He wants to convince you fully, but he can’t decide if he should argue with you or kiss you silly before you speak again, “Hey, if not, I’ll buy you a drink?”
“Pretty sure that’s my line, love.”
“I said it, I meant it. Girls can buy drinks for pretty boys, you know.”
He thinks you might have removed his oxygen tank now. There’s some cruelty in that sentence but you don’t know you’re wielding it. He wills himself to flirt back even though it’ll only make him feel sick.
“Okay, pretty girl. One passionfruit J2O, please.”
Another grin. He’s so fucking fucked.
He’s been waiting for you for around forty minutes. He doesn’t know if that’s the normal amount of time you take to get ready, even if he wishes he knew, so he just waits, leaning against his car.
After fifty, he decides there’s no harm in just checking you’re alright and haven’t slipped on a sparkly floor that an evening cleaner has done a number on.
You mentioned going to the kit room to get changed, and he meets Will on his way there.
“Hey mate, you seen Y/N?”
Will looks paler than he’s ever been. Guilty. Jamie narrows his eyes and waits.
“Kit room.”
It’s all that Will says. When Jamie doesn’t walk off immediately, still waiting for an explanation for Will’s strange demeanour, Will turns around and legs it all the way down the corridor, turns left at the end and never returns.
Jamie shakes his head and continues in the direction of the kit room. The closer he gets, the more he hears. Muffled banging, shouting. He picks up the pace.
“Y/N? Love?”
“Jamie! Jamie, in here!”
Your voice floats out from the kit room and he hurries over. Still very confused, Jamie turns the door handle and finds the door won’t budge, however hard he shoves his shoulder against it.
“It’s locked, babe. Did you lock it?”
He hears your exasperated sigh and feels a little embarrassed.
“No I didn’t bleeding lock it! Well, I did, when I was getting changed, but then when I unlocked it my side it had been locked from the outside.”
Jamie struggled to put the dots together. Had Will locked you in? Judging by the running, he had… and he’d done it on purpose. A spark of anger shot down Jamie’s spine but he tried to convince himself there must be a reason.
Before he could, there was a hand on his on the door, pulling him away. It was being unlocked by another hand and then he was being shoved inside, hard enough to stumble against one of the benches. A piece of paper was thrown at his face and Jamie groaned as he heard the lock click back in place.
“What the fuck?” he muttered as he stood up fully, more dazed than angry now as he stared at the locked door.
“Jesus, Jamie, are you alright? Who the fuck was that?”
“I dunno,” he says, staring at the door as if it might have answers. Your hand on his face wakes him up, his eyes shifting to yours where you look him over with concern.
“You’re alright, though?”
You ask it like you need the answer, and Jamie needs you to stop trailing a finger along his hairline either way.
“Fine, love,” he assures you, patting the juncture between your shoulder and neck gently until your hands drop to your sides. Then he raises his voice, and he’s not really talking to you anymore, “Whoever’s locked us in here as some kind of joke won’t be fuckin’ alright though!”
No answer. He picks up the small piece of paper from the floor and reads it in his head.
Tell her, you prick.
He’s actually going to hit Roy with his car. Lightly, definitely not enough to damage him, but enough to really, really piss him off.
This was all some ridiculous attempt to make him tell you how he felt about you? Absolutely not. Never. He wouldn’t be coerced into something so delicate, so important.
“What’s it say?”
You’re peering over the top of the paper, but he folds it in two before you can read anything. His chuckle comes out strained.
“It says: Get fucking pranked. Must be Roy, he’s probably scared Will into helpin’ him, the fucker. I’m afraid it’s payback for putting all his socks on the ceiling last week, babe, an’ you’ve been caught in the middle.”
You pause, staring at your shoes. For some reason, you look far more forlorn than the situation calls for, but it’s gone before he can think about it further.
“On the ceiling?”
He nods and you giggle. It’s only as you step away from him in your laughter that he realises how close you had been. He should’ve savoured it.
It’s also only as you step away that Jamie finally gets a glimpse of your outfit and nearly reaches out to the nearby bench for strength. He’s never seen you in a v-neck anything before, let alone a dress, and he thinks it might do him in.
“You look good,” he says lamely, then tries again, “Great. Fan-fuckin’-tastic, I mean.”
“I like that last one,” you smile, ducking your head. He thinks, or rather hopes, you’re a little flustered, “Fan-fuckin’-tastic happens to be what I was going for.”
“Yeah,” he breathes, words gone as soon as he’d found them. And now he was staring. Shit.
“I like your suit,” you say, maybe breathless yourself. It must be his ears. You reach up as if you might fiddle with his lapel but just point towards it before your hand drops again. You practically fall down onto the bench you’re both stood beside and he follows, ever obedient, “Shame no one else will ever see it. How long do you think we’ll be stuck here?”
The suit isn’t for anyone except you. That’s what he’d say if he had any stupid bravery. He’s an awful coward, he thinks.
“Until Roy gets bored or Keeley finds out I reckon,” Jamie guesses, “Y’ wanna play I-spy?”
You sigh, but when he peeks at you out of the corner of his eye, you’re grinning your silly, lovely grin again.
“I spy with my little eye…”
It is around 11pm, when Jamie has not long fallen asleep against the jacket he had scrunched behind his head, that he feels your hand on his ankle. He can tell, as he wakes without opening his eyes, that you’re not trying to rouse him. The touch is light, feathery. Maybe an accident.
No, not an accident. It wouldn’t have lasted this long, and your thumb is drawing absentminded circles into his ankle bone. You think he’s asleep and you’ve reached out to hold him anyway.
He opens his eyes but doesn’t move. His legs are stretched out on the bench in front of him and you sit upright next his sock-clad feet, one hand on his bare ankle. You’re staring at a piece of paper so intently he wonders what could possibly be so interesting.
“This doesn’t say get fucking pranked, Jamie,” you murmur, and his hand flies to his jacket pocket. It must have fallen out when he slumped into a slumber. He’s sat up in a blink, watching the hand that had been so soothing, fall back at your side suddenly.
“I’m sorry. Shit. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“No, don’t,” you insist, still staring at the piece of paper. Instead of whirling on him for answers, you reach calmly into one of the boot cubbies beside your head and pull out a piece of paper from one of the boots. You chuck it at him without looking.
He unfolds it with careful, if shaky, hands.
Tell him, you silly shit.
It takes him an absurdly long time to understand what the hell this second piece of paper means. Later, when the two of you look back on this moment (and you do so often), you’ll wonder how he could have been so dense and he’ll spin you a line about how too good to be true it all felt. But in the moment, he has no lines and no words, until your hand lands heavy on his knee this time.
“Jamie,” you say softly, through a grin that is so different from your usual that he could pass out. It’s so beautiful and so strikingly lovesick that he thinks he might actually be sick, “What do you have to tell me?”
He feels dumber than he’s ever felt. But your hand is still on his knee and now you’re shuffling closer to him on the bench.
“What do you have to tell me?” you repeat, then you poke his chest playfully as you add, “You prick.”
He still looks confused, so you clearly decide the best way to catch him up is to kiss him.
You pull away after a moment, a moment of pure heaven, because clearly you don't want to kiss him fully until he's all clued in.
"Come on, pretty boy," you say, teasing, "Figure it out. I was going to buy you a passionfruit J2O. It's the sign of all signs."
He should be laughing at your joke, but all he really wants to do is kiss you again. And again.
Maybe again.
"Oh pretty girl," he says, and he feels the rumble of his low tone in his chest. He places a hand on your face, fingers itching at your hairline, "I'll tell you anything ya wanna hear, I swear. Anythin'."
He hears your breath hitch, but he feels it too, where the meat of his palm is covering your neck.
"Anything?" you answer back, "I could have a lot of fun with this."
You scrunch up your brow like you're thinking and he's so stupidly in love with you that he just tells you. Too-soon be damned.
"Smooth talker," you laugh, giddy, and you kiss him again. And it's so good that he doesn't even remember you didn't say it back until hours later.
(at which point, you say it back so many times and in so many ways, Jamie is certain that he's the luckiest man in the world. he might not hit Roy with his car after all)
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seredelgi · 4 months
And what pet names do they use the most? / AOT x ferm!reader
featuring: Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Reiner Braun, Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman
tw: kissing, groping, pet names, slight angst, fem!reader
You love to hear him say it, honestly. Doesn’t matter if you’re actually with him or if you guys are talking over the phone. It’s about the hoarseness in his voice as he breathes it out. And it honestly already puts you in a better mood as soon as you walk into your new shared apartment. He immediately catches the tiredness in your expression and he comes to take you in his arms “ C'mere, doll”.
He loves to call you his princess. It’s his way of making you aware of how much you mean to him. And of course, he knows how to treat you like one, as well. Armin always showers you with praises and gifts. It honestly baffles you how much affection you can feel in the way he treats you. And if you ever question him about it, you know the answer will be “That’s ‘cause you deserve it, princess”
The way Jean addresses you is the sweetest you’ve ever heard him use. His tone of voice can go from harsh to downright sugary the moment his words are referred to you instead of his friends or co-workers. No matter the situation, he can’t bring himself to be rude to you, not even while fighting. So it’s no surprise when he stops mid-sentence during an argument over the phone as you enter the room. He smiles charmingly before greeting you “ What’s up, darling?”
Connie plays around with a lot of pet names, honestly. He uses many, and some are very weird and even too sweet, but very often they’re thrown around playfully. His favorite one, however, remains the one that has always been able to genuinely make you smile shyly to yourself. And it comes out of nowhere, maybe as you’re cuddling snugly on your couch, only for him to pull you in closer and whisper it huskily in your ear “ ‘Gimme a kiss, baby”
You honestly have no idea where it came from, but you love it. It speaks of the way Reiner sees you, the way he feels as if you’re everything good in his life. He’s had a harsh childhood, and you’re the only person he ever trusted with all his secrets, the only one who has been able to help him through a long process of acceptance and self-love. So it makes you giddy and ecstatic when he greets you warmly and hushes on your lips “ I love you so much, angel”
Erwin is a gentleman. The man just never misses an occasion to remind you how good you look, and it’s been like this since you two started dating. He loves to call you gorgeous or even his pretty girl, which always makes you feel some type of way, honestly. But he reserves his favorite for whenever you’re feeling especially down or insecure. And it’s said lovingly, usually while holding your chin up with his finger, making you look into his shimmering blue eyes “Tell me what’s wrong, beautiful” 
Levi doesn’t use nicknames. He honestly just loves the sound of your name, the way it rolls off his tongue and so easily gets your attention. However sometimes it just slips, very often in the bedroom, and very probably because you mewl so loudly at every single one of his hot kisses on your skin that he can’t help it. There he says it, and it’s so breathless that your insides twirl “Want me to touch you, kitten?”
So what about the way they kiss you?
What gets them going?
How do they take you?
Do they get jealous?
What's their love language?
How do they take compliments, then?
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This is a follow up to my aninal lover post.
Confused as to where you got an actual cat in Hell.
At least it's not a dog.
Will say he doesn't like cats and complain about it getting fur everywhere but constantly has the cat near him while he's boradcasting, idly petting it.
If the cat is a menace and knocks things over a lot, especially while he's broadcasting he's using his shadows to restrain it or throw it out.
He literally makes a shadow cage for it sometimes when it has zoomies and attacks his feet.
Is annoyed with you for laughing and calling it "baby jail".
The cat better be useful and actually hunt the pests around the hotel.
He's feeding it flesh as a treat guys. Just accept it.
She wants your cat and Kiki to be best friends.
Buys all of the cat toys. Expensive multi level cat trees. She cooks for it.
If it's not a cuddler, she's willing to suffer dozens of scratches just to hold it.
Has dozens of nicknames for your cat and spoils it all the time with treats.
Prefers dogs probably, but won't complain about the cat because it's more practical for people who are as busy as you all are.
He's mildly annoyed by all the cat hair everywhere, especially if it gets in his wiring or joints. Is also annoyed because he generates heat and hums from his mechanical parts, so the little shit literally won't leave him alone. It's hard to be an intimidating Overlord when there's a ball of floof on your lap/chest, and it purrs really loud to match your humming.
He swears he doesn't enjoy it, and you can hear him scolding the cat like it's a child whenever it does something, it shouldn't. Also has a kennel/cat carrier made to put the child, he means cat, in timeout. Threatens to feed it to his sharks while he watches it bap the tank glass for hours.
Buys it little ties and suits with his colors and logo on it since the damn thing wants to be with him at all times. If the child (cat) wants to come to meetings it's gonna dress the part. The cat is literally your child with him he just refuses to acknowledge it.
Let's go with him not being the type of guy to shoot a pet for being annoying.
At first, Valentino doesn't like it because he just isn't an animal person. Like I said before he likes the idea of them more than actually having one. He does get annoyed with cat hair on everything and the little shit knocking things over.
However, let's say this cat is very sweet and snuggly. I think overtime he'd get used to it and begin to enjoy petting it and snuggling it. Maybe you, him, and the cat, all cuddled up to watch a movie. It helps him relax, especially if the cat is purring. He's also the type to dress it up and take photos with it.
Overall, I definitely think it's still more your pet than his, but he doesn’t hate it, and it does help him a lot, and he enjoys seeing you happy.
Cat dad. Immediately commits to that being your first child together. Like Charlie he will suffer unholy amounts of scratches to pet and cuddle it. Buys it fancy clothes and collars. Cooks homemade food for it. That's how I view it going down no matter where or how you acquired the cat.
Honestly, he's probably the only one where you suggest outright getting a pet and pick out the cat together. You didn't even know an actual normal cat was an option for a pet in Hell, but he surprises you by taking you to some fancy ass place where high ranking demons have collected things from the mortal world and sell them. Running an actual high class, well documented, and strictly maintained cat breeding business, is a cat demon, and you two spend days meeting different litters of kittens and interacting with them in various scenarios to get a feel for their personality.
You guys definitely get a snuggler, because Lucifer really needs as much extra love as he can get. He excitedly tells Charlie she and Kiki are big siblings now and posts dozens of pictures on day one of owning it. You guys have a family portrait with the cat, Charlie, Vaggie, Razzle, and Kiki.
Refers to it as his child when speaking and calls himself dad and you mom (regardless of gender. You're mom)
Alternatively, he's mom and you're the father. He thinks gender norms are bullshit anyway. He can be a mom, he can shapeshift. (Also ya know, he apparently birthed Charlie).
Charlie loves her new feline sibling and brings Kiki and Razzle over to play all the time. It helps her spend more time with her dad too.
Angel Dust
He's a pet mom too! Will bring Fat Nuggets with him to play with your cat.
You guys dress them up and do photo shoots with your cats. Angel has an entire social media account now dedicated just to your cat and Fat Nuggets and eventually the other Hotel Pets.
He likes that both your cat and Nuggets can tell when he's had a bad day, and therefore you can tell. He likes that you can just sit with him in quiet solidarity, or play music, or a podcast, or just talk shit to distract him. He loves Cherri, but her method of getting through stuff is kind of exhausting for him sometimes.
Your voice, a kitty purring (if only it was Husk), Nuggets nuzzling his floof, that's kind of all he needs right now.
He and the cat just stare at each other, sometimes for hours, just staring. The cat will make little chirps, and he'll do it back if he's not thinking about it.
If the cat hisses at him he hisses back.
Skippity baps. The cat started it, he swears, and he just bapped it back.
Both of them high and catnip with zoomies. So much shit gets knocked down. Alastor strictly forbids Husk to ever get near the stuff again afterwards.
Alternatively, he, Kiki, and your cat, sprawled in a patch of sunlight, and all purring as they doze.
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directdogman · 2 months
(Sorry if I have bad English, I'm from Spain.)
I'm super hyperfixated on the original managers, so I have 2 questions.
1. In Dialtown, Tango/Terrence says no one called him Tango before. Assuming that in the DSaF universe he also liked that nickname, did any of the other original managers call him Tango or not?
2. A headcanon I've seen in the DSaF fandom is that Abel hated everyone BUT the real Scott Cawthon, and that Scott was the only one that tolerated Abel (some ppl even ship them). Is that close to canon? Or the og Scott Cawthon also hated Abel? I really want to know what they thought about each other.
Btw, I really love your games, I've played the DSaF trilogy many times, and the Dialtown demo (I haven't played the full version of Dialtown yet, but I've seen gameplays and I'll buy it for my birthday), thank you for making 4 incredible games <3
I don't answer many DSaF questions these days, but this one's interesting so here goes:
1)Tango's nickname is a DT invention as far as I remember. If he preferred the name in DSaF's universe, Harry would've used it for sure, given how much he liked Terrence and since he's literally using a name he doesn't believe is really 'his' because it makes him feel better. He of all people would understand.
2)Yeah, that's a pretty good way of stating it, but there's a little more nuance to it that explains a little bit more about Abel/Joe's rift.
Basically, the original Scott Cawthon was a unifying figure. He got on with every single one of the original managers and they all thought the world of him. The Phone Guy process was started in an attempt to recreate him by Abel (and the other managers at first) and you gotta consider why they'd all want to do that. He was the glue that held the group together, the only manager liked by everyone else there without exception, someone who could defuse tension and resolve conflicts amicably.
It's true that he had the most patience for Abel and never badmouthed Abel to the other managers and even defended him earnestly, knowing Abel the best of the other managers and knowing some of Abel's early life and where he came from, while the others were more willing to honestly discuss Abel's short fuse and occasionally mean nature (even Terrence to some extent!) This led Abel to develop more of a bond with him than the other managers and somewhat distrust the others.
While Abel was essentially Scott's number 2, as time went on, Joe became more and more integral to the running of their budding company, since he was a skilled accountant and managed to balance the books despite Scott's somewhat reckless spending at times (he was overgenerous to the point where it sometimes led to financial trouble for the company, a stark contrast to what Freddy's became later.) Since Joe was so blunt (and Abel's biggest critic), Abel was incredibly jealous and insecure that if the trend continued, Joe would supplant him.
This also explains why Abel was so willing to toss his other managers into the 'machine' when each of them suffered accidents. Ultimately, it wasn't just sheer cowardice, it was him trying to recreate the past - to recreate the one person who seemingly saw him as anything other than a vampire. Someone who actually wanted him around. Of course, no two snowflakes are ever exactly the same. Abel was a poor replacement as the owner of the company, Joe was barely able to keep things afloat amidst a messy and chaotic expansion and Harry wound up presiding over the company's demise.
There's a pretty widespread narrative theme in DSaF of damaged people trying to recreate something they've lost - Dave trying to turn Jack into the new Henry, Jake and his family, Harry and his former identity, the Kennedy family reuniting.
“Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course you can!”
But, the fact is, you can't recreate the past. The only way forward is to pick up the pieces and build something new.
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chlorinecake · 1 year
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 Restless Nights w Enhypen ! ⩇⩇:⩇⩇
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༯ pairing: bf!enha x snoring s/o ☁️
༯ warnings: cavity inducing fluff, language, a lil crack
༯ wc: less than 200 words for each member
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니키 | Niki - Once you and Niki started sleeping in the same bed together, it was game over for you about three nights in when he ~discovered~ your snoring habit. The menace in him couldn’t help but record your noisy fits, just in case he ever ran out of things to tease you for 🤭 He even nicknamed you “piglet” the next day 😭 You’d feel a lil insecure about it (at first) until asking him what he meant by it, and he’d simply show you the video, holding back his laugh… He’d use his height advantage against you as you desperately tried reaching for his phone to delete the video 🤧🤧 “NIKI IF YOU DON’T DELETE THAT SHIT, I’M NEVER SLEEPING WITH YOU AGAIN!!” He’d drop his arm immediately, handing you the phone. “I’m sorry,” he’d whisper, pulling you in for a hug.
정원 | Jungwon - Usually, Jungwon is a VERY LATE sleeper, so there are nights when he doesn’t mind your snoring as much. However, if he’s really tired and in need of some quality rest 😪, your snoring can be somewhat of a hinderance to him. So, he researched methods that might aid your noisy habit. Meditating or simply listening to calming music with you before bed soon developed into more than just an anti-snore scheme, but a part of your nightly routines 🥰🥰
“I’m so tired, Wonie, can we please just go to bed?”
“Right after we meditate first.”
“But why,” you pouted.
“It’ll help you sleep better, ____. Just give me 10 minutes, and afterwards, we can cuddle.” After that offer, you’d happily oblige, and sometimes, end up meditating in each others presence for even longer than planned.
선우 | Sunoo - Some nights, Sunoo finds your snoring cute, while other nights he finds it ANNOYING AS HELL 😩, so it really depends on his mood. One night, he was so fed up with it that he plugged your nose while you were sleeping, just to laugh his ass off when you wake up wheezing 💀 until you look at him like “😤” and he makes up every excuse 🪦
“Go back to sleep, honey, you probably just had a bad dream.”
“Fine, the truth is, your snoring was annoying the hell out of me, so I tried to cheer myself up by letting the intrusive thoughts win. My apologies.”
“Look, I promise I’ll never do it again, baby 🥺.”
“What?” Those were his final words before you’d initiate a revenge tickle fight, tiring him out before you both fell back to sleep, snoring together this time 😴
성훈 | Sunghoon - Honestly, Sunghoon isn’t bothered by your snoring habit at all. He GETS his beauty sleep 💅✨💋, regardless of the earthquake occurring on your side of the bed 🥴 The only time he’ll tease you about it is if you snore ~excessively~ right after intimacy 🙈 He’d wake up the next morning and trace lazy shapes on the small of your back, admiring your EVERYTHING in the moment of silence before saying some cheeky shit like:
“Was it that good, baby?”
You’d wake up at the sound of his voice, groggy and confused.
“What’re you talking about, Sunghoon?”
“Last night, silly. You were snoring like a beast, so it must’ve been fabulous.” You could feel heat rush to your face, both out of embarrassment and affection ☺️☺️
제이크 | Jake - As you came to learn while dating him, Jake is a softie at heart 🥹🫀🍬 He finds your snoring habit SOOO endearing. Sometimes, he likes to think of the different animals your snores remind him of 😑, but his all time favorite snores are the kitten purrs you make while nuzzled against his chest, making his heart thud like a whole ass drum!!! He can’t wait to update you the next morning, telling you how cute you sounded/looked in your sleep 😌 He also DEFINITELY took a picture or two 👀
“Baby, guess what! It’s really important,” he’d say in his adorable Aussie accent, shaking you from your slumber…. at 5am 🫠
“Yeah, what is it Jakey?”
“You looked really pretty while you slept, and your snores sounded saur freaking cute, and I love you, and I also can’t wait to sleep next to you again TONIGHT, and-”
제이 | Jay - Jay absolutely can’t STAND your snoring! He’s pretty big on physical touch in a relationship, viewing cuddle sessions as a form of ~life support~ in most cases. Though, he simply has a very low tolerance for the noise you make, especially when he’s tired 🥱 The poor guy ends up sleeping on the couch during most of your snoring fits so he doesn’t wake up cranky or disturb you with his tossing and turning 😭😭 It’s honestly for the best 💝
“Jayyyy,” you call from your shared bedroom.
By now, he knew exactly what you wanted whenever you called his name like that.
He picked up his pillow and blanket from the couch, meeting you on the mattress.
“Cuddles?” You’d ask, tugging at the hem of his shirt.
“Always 😏”
희승 | Heeseung - Knowing Heeseung, he’d probably be snoring right on with ya. He’s a ~vocal~ man in his waking life and it’s not very different when he’s asleep either. His snores aren’t as loud as yours, but he sleeps like a baby through your noise anyways 😌 Heeseung believes snoring is an indicator that one is catching up on some well-needed and deserved rest, so he’ll likely NEVER complain about it 🫶🤗
Hugging you from behind, he’d pull you closer the second you tried to escape his hold.
“Heeseung, I need to pee,” you’d whine, squirming in his arms.
“What if I miss you while you’re gone?” He’d ask you, pouting.
“I’ll come back as soon as I finish, okay?”
“Ugh, okay,” he’d answer, only for you to come back two minutes later and find him smiling into your pillow, drifting back to sleep.
૮˶- ﻌ -˶ა⌒) thanks for stopping by! make sure to check out my bookshelf for more fun reads! 🎂
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nogenderbee · 8 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Hello, hello! Pleasure to meet thee!
Could I request Gepard, Blade, Dan Heng, and Jing Yuan with an s/o who loves writing stories about them because they think they're (the boys) are the most magical person in the world?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hello there! Absolutely! I mostly just wrote it for their adventures but for everyone except Gepard and Jing Yuan I also tried including some past lifes... I dunno much about those two past but uhh... hopefully it was still alright!
Now I'm realizing it's probably just Dan Heng's past life I kinda know, Blade's... well it appears here too?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ when it comes to Dan Heng, it's not often he rambles about his experiences so it all must've started with you asking him a bit here and there
✧ if you're not part of Express crew, it probably started with you asking about his adventures and naturally, he answered it with some more details, figuring you may not know how it is to adventure between planets like that
✧ if you are part of the Express tho, he'll still answer your worries but they most likely won't include as much details and there will be times when he just tells you to check it by yourself next time
"Jarilo VI is actually rather nice. You should join us next time we drop by there so you can see what's interesting for you yourself. Oh, but make sure you have some jacket, just in case."
✧ he isn't trying to be mean or anything, he just figures it's the best if you see it with your own two eyes instead
✧ tho after Luofu, he was also ready for you to ask a lot about his past life and his dragon form, so he was pretty much ready for most questions
✧ he's also rarely lying about anything, he may just keep quiet if he doesn't want to share anything but that's it
✧ you definitely will know about the basics of his past life and still only if you ask
@miya-akane - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Gepard honestly doesn't mind telling you about things he've done and places he's been at but sometimes he needs to keep quiet...
✧ he does trust you but sometimes it's just better for your safety if he won't say anything, especially if you're curious by nature
✧ but if you're the type who'll instead check something out if you won't know everything... he sometimes tells you more than he was supposed to just so you won't get into troubles
✧ once he knows that you'll ask what he did every time he get's home after long adventure, he stops waiting for your question and immidietly tells you all he can once he sees you looking at him
"Eh... I can see it in your eyes. Let me at least change into more comfortable clothing and I'll tell you everything, okey?"
✧ he's honestly surprised how you're finding any of his stories enjoyable, all he does is protect the city, beat or catch some guys sometimes and train...
✧ there's really nothing more than that but you seem to see it as if he's knight of Belebog which often causes a blush to appear on his face, especially if you tell him this compliment in person
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✧ you and Jing Yuan often have your calm cafe dates or when you just drink tea at his place or even office!
✧ during your rambles, his adventures definitely were a topic and he most certainly took notice of how much you liked them
✧ since then, he'd often tell you about even smallest adventures just to see any reaction of yours, though his goal will always be your smile
✧ he've heard quite a titles and nicknames made for him but yours is definitely the cutest
✧ I mean, you're literally saying he's magical being! It's hard not to let out small chuckle at that
✧ just to be clear tho, he's not making fun of you thinking so, rather adores your way of thinking and makes it known
"Heh~ I've heard many titles but this one is something I can carry with pride. Thank you for assigning it to me, dearest."
✧ but nothing for free! In exchange for him telling you about his adventures, he also want's to hear a bit about you! And don't you dare tell him you're not as interesting because he won't let go
✧ he'll listen to any of your stories with soft smile, making sure you know he's listening carefully, interested in every bit of your past
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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✧ now Blade is someone who won't start babbling about himself so easily, in fact you'll have A LOT trouble getting smallest bit out of him
✧ what makes it worse, he's not using any excuses, he just tells you in the face that he won't waste time for somthing like that
"No. I'm not telling you anything that'll lead to you having even more questions. Now and ever."
✧ in the end, he has enough of your constant asking and tells you just a bit, makinig his story very brief, almost with no details but it's always first step!
✧ you might as well immidietly get to his past life because somehow, it's easier to convince him to talk about that than his last mission
✧ you literally have to lead him to the verge of bursting out with annoyence so he'll tell you anything you're interested in
✧ you better not ask too many questions at once or in one conversation or he'd quickly grow annoyed and go back to being unwilling at telling you anything
✧ and then you call him a big title? magical person? he doesn't show it but he actually appreciates the compliments and just maybe he'll tell you easier about his past if you continue to spoil his pride
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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peachyscenes · 8 months
home sweet home | san x yeosang x fem!reader x wooyoung
maybe part three to sweet sweet love and even sweeter love, who knows.
established!sansang & reader, wooyoung happens to be just as loved. woo also has a (not very) discreet crush on reader and sansang, no one minds. reader is the real freak! (/lh) honestly kinda messy since i'm not used to longer pieces hhhh
warnings: smut, smut, this is actually my longest piece and i have no idea how many words this is (word count will be added later), a little plot (?), unprotected sex (do not do this, this is fiction!), foursome, throat grabbing but not choking, bulging (throat and mention of stomach bulge), oral (lots of it), dirty (?) talk, they all like each other and it makes me sick. hints of other kinks but not straight up in your face, idk what else is in here i just started typing 🫶 no established dynamics but san kinda takes charge (but he's not labeled a dom). no use of y/n, everyone has their own nickname for reader
the sun is slightly peeking out through the curtains, but it's not enough to disturb your little trio. although you each have your own bedrooms, san made it clear that he likes sleeping with you. and the night before, yeosang decided to join your sleepover.
san is in deep sleep, his arm is around you and you can feel his warm breath on your back. yeosang is to your other side, he's not a cuddler like san, but every now and then his hand will find yours, just like now. just as you felt yourself going back to sleep, you hear the small buzzing sound of yeosang's phone. you know it's yeo's because of the distinct vibrations imitating the mario theme song.
careful to not disturb your two boys, you reach over to see who it is.
a small smile graces your features as you answer.
"hi woo."
"o-oh! hi! good morning," wooyoung stutters out. he feels a little bashful hearing your voice this early, he likes the slight rasp that still holds so much love and kindness.
"sorry that yeosang didn't answer, he's still asleep," you say in a hushed tone as to not wake up the other two.
"no, it's cool! i was just gonna tell him that i was planning to head over now, but if you're all still sleeping then-"
"no it's fine woo, come over. i'll make breakfast if you haven't eaten yet."
wooyoung doesn't feel awkward being with you. he's welcomed with a hug by you at the door and he's immediately seated and offered a cup of coffee, exactly how he likes it. no, instead he feels at home and he feels a little guilty for feeling this way about you considering you're dating not one but both of his best friends. however, nobody could blame him. you were kind and to top it off you were very attractive.
"yeosang was telling me about your new dance project, he feels real good about it." as you're speaking to wooyoung, you're making several stacks of pancakes to accompany the eggs, ham, and home potatoes you made for breakfast.
"yeah? i'm glad he thinks so. sometimes i feel like i'm not pulling my own weight, but it makes me feel better to know that it's actually going well."
you sent wooyoung a small smile. "don't worry, you always do so well, woo. i've always loved your dancing." wooyoung blushes a bit at the compliment before letting out a small thank you. you plated his food before patting his head. "i'm gonna wake the other two up, ok?"
your home is lively as wooyoung had decided to spend the day with you all. he's a real chatter box when speaking to san and yeosang, and it makes you feel a little jealous knowing he's still a little shy around you. it's times like these where you remember a conversation you had with san after sex.
"youngie likes you." san had his arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you on top of him. his skin was still a little sweaty and his chest littered in love bites and lipstick, he was absolutely gorgeous and you had to fight the urge to take a picture of him and go for another round.
"well i'm glad he does, i like him too." san let out a chuckle before caressing your scalp. he was always so tender, especially on rougher nights.
"no baby, i mean, he really likes you. like how yeosang and i like you"
"but you and yeosang love me."
that night, you giggled at san's confession and told him that maybe wooyoung loved differently. you didn't completely disregard wooyoung's feelings about you. no, that's not something you would do, especially when wooyoung wasn't there to defend or explain himself.
since then, it's been something that's lingered in the back of your mind. but it made you notice things that you hadn't before. you started to notice his lingering gazes, the soft smiles, and how his hugs would last just a tad bit longer. you didn't ask yeosang about it either because it's likely that he knows as well. he and san are very synchronized. and for whatever reason, they didn't mind wooyoung's little crush, so you chose to not mind as well. suddenly, someone wrapped their hands around you, the small hint of citrus fruit hits you. immediately, you know that it's yeosang. speak of the devil.
"what are you thinking about, love?"
"about wooyoung."
"what about wooyoung?"
there's a moment of silence and you're sure that neither yeosang or san would refuse because as observant as they are, so are you. wooyoung may like you, but you also see how much he likes them. like how you like them.
because you love them.
"i hope you don't think i'm being greedy for this, sangie."
"well, that depends on what you're going to say."
you hesitate before deciding.
"why don't we let wooyoung join us?"
wooyoung feels like he woke up in a dream. when san asked him if he wanted to join them for a night, he didn't think it was because of you. he also thought it was going to be an outing, not you in between his legs and on your knees. but wooyoung isn't mad because he actually preferred this than going out to dinner with you all.
wooyoung lets out a soft moan as you take more of his cock into your mouth. he's not very long, but he is on the girthier side. he had no idea you'd be amazing at blowjobs, and he's thanking every god in existence.
while you're on your knees, san is right behind you, guiding your head down on wooyoung, praising you for doing such a good job. and right below you is yeosang, eagerly sucking on your clit as you sit on his face.
"that's it baby, making youngie feel so good," san says to you. you let out a moan and you're not sure if it's because of yeosang or wooyoung or san, but you're enjoying yourself and that's all that matters. "make youngie come baby, do it for me, yeah?" and just like that, you're eagerly sucking him off without so much as a sweat and wooyoung is seeing stars as he dumps his load down your throat.
"you took him so well, so proud of you baby." san gives you a charming smile before pulling you off of yeosang's face. a small 'hey!' resounds throughout the room.
"i wasn't done, y'know," yeosang whines as he begrudgingly sits up. "you didn't come, love."
san ignores yeosang as he sits you down right on wooyoung's lap. you take the liberty to turn around and straddle him. his cock slowly becomes hard again as your pussy rubs against it. you feel yourself getting wetter.
"hi." you giggle out before planting a sweet kiss on wooyoung's lips. he returns your giggles with a smile of his own before chasing after your lips again into a deeper kiss.
the bed dips a bit as san sits next to wooyoung. his fingers lightly dance on your thighs before dipping between your legs to tease your clit. you moan softly against wooyoung's lips at the feeling. it is then that yeosang stands behind you and he breaks your kiss with wooyoung to pull off your shirt and bra in one swift movement. you can't help but chastise him for his abruptness.
"sangie! you have have to be careful," you complain to him. he chuckles at you before proceeding to take off his pants. "you can't just pull my bra off like that."
"m'sorry love," he kisses your shoulder. "just want youngie to see you." you huff at him before kissing wooyoung once again. it's san's voice that breaks your little kissing session.
"i know we invited you woo, but i want you to choose what to do first." he tells him. that's just like san, always a giver.
wooyoung looks down to see san's fingers still ghosting over your pussy and it's then that he faintly remembers when san told him how much he and yeosang love to eat you out.
"can i taste you?"
you give him one last kiss before climbing off his lap and laying on the bed,
only for wooyoung to stop you as you're midway on your hands and knees.
"i wanna eat you out from behind, if that's okay..."
it's your turn to feel a little embarrassed before telling him that it's fine. it's not like you haven't received head like this, for christ's sake san loves your ass a little too much, but it's wooyoung and you feel a little embarrassed being spread out for him like that. you make sure to get a bit comfortable.
wooyoung almost immediately presses his face onto your bare pussy before breathing in and letting out a groan.
oh that's hot you think.
"you smell so good. all wet, just for me." you let out a whine as his tongue licks a stripe up before he completely dives in. he stays like this for a bit before stopping to breathe.
"fuck, san was right, you taste sweet."
you let out a moan at his words and wooyoung responds by kissing a cheek.
wooyoung then goes back in, this time he licks a stripe from your clit to your ass, making sure to tongue at your puckered hole before lapping up your juices from the main source.
he's good. a little too good, and you're afraid that you're addicted. your head is buried in the sheets and you think you might rip the sheets if you keep gripping them so strongly. you feel someone nudging your head and when you look up, it's yeosang with his own cock in hand.
without another word, you greedily open your mouth to welcome his length. yeosang is actually longer than both wooyoung and san, but with the many times you've given him head, you're basically trained.
yeosang gently holds your head with one hand as he thrusts into your mouth at his own pace. you can feel him at your throat and he moans at the feeling as his other hand finds your throat to feel the bulge.
"love, you're doing so well, ffuck."
one particular hard suck from wooyoung makes you moan, the sensation causes yeosang to sigh out in pleasure. you know you're gonna cone soon and it's then in that moment you feel fingers at your clit. you momentarily pull away from yeosang to see that it's san.
his other hand is working on his own cock and you can't help but be mesmerized at san. san's cock is thick and it's especially heavier when he's hard, but never have you seen it be this hard. you quickly remember yeosang telling you that san was a bit of a voyeur and you make sure to keep that in mind before turning back to yeosang's cock.
with a final lick from wooyoung, you let out a deep moan as you feel yourself coming on his tongue. wooyoung rides you through your high before parting from your pussy with a final kiss.
yeosang is next, coming down your throat with a deep groan from his chest. san is last, finishing on your back and painting it with his cum.
you all take a moment to breathe before san pulls you up to sit you on your knees and pulls you to his chest.
"you still up for another round baby?" san nips at your neck, waiting for you to respond.
"yes sannie, want you all bad," you whine out. san chuckles before motioning to yeosang. yeosang immediately understands and reaches over to the bedside drawer.
"woo, you're gonna take her pussy. you can take her ass next time."
next time. you hope it comes soon.
yeosang quickly comes back with the lube. you can't help but feel a little nervous. you've done anal before and definitely double penetration, but you don't do it often, so it always feels new. luckily, yeosang senses this and is immediately by your side.
"don't worry love, sannie and youngie will take care of you."
you look at yeosang before smiling.
"and who's gonna take care of sangie?"
he chuckles before caressing your face, "you, if you're still up for it." you nod at yeosang before kissing the palm of his hand. carefully you climb onto wooyoung's lap and align his tip with your entrance and there's almost no difficulty with wooyoung. there's a small stretch, but the slight burn immediately fades away and instead he feels comfortable in your pussy. yeosang is softly rubbing your back as you prepare yourself for san.
you tense a little feeling the cold substance at your hole, but it slowly fades to pleasure as san inserts his fingers.
"'s tight baby, you sure we fuck you enough?"
yeosang chuckles at san's words.
"i don't think so, i mean, we did invite wooyoung, who's to say she won't ask for our other friends. what do you think, youngie?"
"you're quite the greedy one, doll."
you let out a moan at their teasing. you suddenly feel san take out his fingers before taking his own cock and lining himself up.
"breathe f'me baby, relax, okay?"
you nod at san's words and feel him entering. yeosang is by your ear, praising you, as is wooyoung on your other ear. san finally enters you and you're pretty sure there's a bulge on your stomach.
"you feel okay doll?"
"yeah, i feel so full." wooyoung's leaning back on his arms. your head is resting on his shoulder and your hands are holding onto his biceps. san's own hands are on your hips.
slowly, you lift yourself up from wooyoung's lap and fall back down, the feeling of his cock sliding through your walls is euphoric and you really hope he sticks around after this. san takes this as a sign to start moving and eventually you all find a rhythm.
at some point wooyoung lays down, resulting you in riding him and san helping you. the sound of skin on skin resounds through the air.
"y-your cock feels so good youngie. fuck! you fill me up so good mhhh!" you suddenly feel a slap to your ass and a hand on your throat. san is then pulling you back to his chest, almost as if spreading you out for wooyoung to admire.
"what about me baby? don't you like my cock?"
a hard thrust from san has you crying out and he smirks.
"i love it! love your big cock! fuckfuckfuck! please, please, please, san! don't stop please hhng!"
san begins to thrust into you at a harder pace, causing you to fall forward onto wooyoung. wooyoung takes the lead and thrusts up into you, leaving you to just take it. it only takes a few more thrusts from both men before a dam is broken and you come with a loud cry. without realizing it, you had squirted all over both men. san orgasms inside of you right after, slowly pistoning in and out of you before pulling out his now softened cock. wooyoung comes a bit after san, a small puddle of your squirt on his stomach. when he pulls out, some of his cum drips from your opening and yeosang moans at the sight.
wooyoung gently kisses you before laying you down on your back. it's then that yeosang takes over your vision and you giggle at the eager look in his eyes.
"just be a little gentle please."
"of course love."
yeosang pulls you to the end of the bed where he stands and using wooyoung's cum as a lubricant, easily slides into you.
you groan a little at the overstimulation and yeosang does nothing but smile at your reaction.
"sorry." he half-apologizes before pulling out and pushing back in. he keeps his pace as you gradually begin to feel the pleasure of his movements.
"mmm, right there sangie~"
you moan out. yeosang groans and dips down to suck on your nipple. one of his hands travels from your hip to your other nipple, tweaking it between his fingers.
yeosang's pace starts to get faster and it's when you realize that he's close. you reach down between your bodies to fondle his balls and it's then that you feel him come inside you.
it's obviously early when you stir awake from your sleep. the sun is barely peaking out, courtesy of the blackout curtains wooyoung got you. when you suggested for him to move in with you all, he was a bit hesitant.
for one, none of you really made your relationship with wooyoung "official". he knew he was with you all and you all knew that you were with him, but no one really bothered to make it official, abd you were all okay with that. besides, it was pretty clear that wooyoung had joined your trio (now quartet).
secondly, wooyoung wasn't sure if he'd be able to move into your home. what if you didn't have enough space? he did own a lot of things. it wasn't until san had told wooyoung that he was going to take his and yeosang's exercise equipment out of the spare room.
you stretch in your spot when the arm that's wrapped around you tightens a bit more. wooyoung is quite the cuddler, that's for sure. on his other side, is san who is holding tightly onto wooyoung as well. you chuckle a bit, thinking that there wasn't much of an issue with the rooms if wooyoung was just gonna sleep with you every night. in front of you is yeosang, who's gently holding your hand in his.
you smile at your trio before ultimately going back to sleep.
besides, it was wooyoung's turn to cook breakfast.
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kindagayfish · 2 years
General (Stampede) Wolfwood x reader headcanons cause he makes my brain go brrrr
Tumblr media
Also, reader is gn and there is some nsfw below the cut!
You’re in the car when Meryl hits him, and the first one to his side to see if he’s still breathing. When he looks up at you and sees the sun haloing your face, he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven
Nickname’s you “angel” for the day
“And that just leaves the last one for me and the angel.” The dark-haired man flashes you a grin, nodding towards the fourth chamber inside the giant worm.
“Wait, hang on, why do I have to go with you?” You stammer out, heat rising to your cheeks.
“You guys don’t trust me right? Wouldn’t it be smarter to keep an eye on me then?”
“Would be better if I went instead,” Roberto cuts in, eyeing the man.
“Sorry old man, you’re not really my type.” He waves Roberto off before heading towards the opening of the chamber. “Now we don’t have any time to waste standing around.”
“Y/n” Roberto tosses you his gun. “Shoot’em in the knees if he tries anything.”
“Yes sir”
You’re surprised when he’s the one who pulls you from the giant worm’s guts. And after thanking him, he gives you his name.
Falling asleep on Wolfwood’s shoulder in the car is just a habit that wordlessly happens after he joins the group. At first you would just lean your head back and try to stay upright while squished between Vash and Wolfwood. However, this will lead to your head bobbing a lot and not actually being able to fully fall asleep so after watching it happen for the tenth time, Wolfwood just guides your head down gently onto his shoulder. Vash would definitely raise an eyebrow at him but Wolfwood would ignore it with the deepest blush on his face.
When you ask him to do something for you the first time, he’ll ask for a kiss as a reward.
If the request flusters you, he’ll laugh saying he’ll put it on your tab and wink. If you take him up on the request, he’ll completely lose his composure and be stuttering out nonsense (honestly didn’t think you’d actually do it).
Keeps his white shirt unbuttoned even more than normal after catching you staring one day (I MEAN HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN’S TITS?????)
Will sometimes just hand you his cross just to see you struggle with holding it up. Thinks it’s hilarious and always waits until you beg for his help.
While running from danger Wolfwood will legit throw you over his shoulder and carry his weapon under his other arm
If you are getting shot at though, he will use his god-given strength to throw you out of the way. You might still get hurt, but better to be alive with a broken arm than be dead full of bullet holes.
I think every time he uses one of his vials, it also heals the damage in his lungs from that nasty smoking addiction and that’s why he can still sprint at full speed without wheezing
Will finally have his Oh shit I’m in love with them moment after you get hurt for the first time (I have a fic im writing for the confession and it’s so good omg) but keeps it to himself because he isn’t sure you feel the same. Probably thinks you wouldn’t ever want to be with a man who calls himself an undertaker.
Even before his big realization, Wolfwood was very protective of you. If you got into a disagreement at a bar, he knew you could handle yourself, but that didn’t stop him from hovering behind you with a deadly aura, his eyes threatening any man who dare approach you.
A nsfw treat >:)
I honestly believe this man is the definition of a switch
Like I feel like he himself would be such a brat, but also could dish it out to a brat partner???
Praise and body worship!!!!!!!! Literally your body is a temple to him
I feel like he would have some silly and serious moments with you. Like this man makes LOVE to you, but also just loves to tease and fluster you and loves when you get shy/embarrassed.
But Wolfwood is also so easy to fluster too so it’s just a battle of who can shut the other person up first
He’s got some hot breathy moans (lord have mercy)
Wolfwood will say a prayer before going down on you
He’ll have you naked, situated on the bed so that your legs hang off the edge while he’s knelt in front of you on the floor
“Oh heavenly father, I have come to thank you-”
“Nicholassss what are you doing?” You laugh as you prop yourself up on one elbow to give him a look.
“Uh, thanking the lord for this meal? You’re ruining it. Now I have to start over.”
He’ll trail kisses up your leg and thighs while finishing his prayer, before finally bringing his eager lips to where you need them the most.
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nanis4thewin · 1 year
quackity married headcanons
(this is my second post! so if theres any errors just lemme know. the way reader is described as a female. uhm a few things before we start. the nickname “mami” and “mama” are used. for those who are still learning spanish. mami means mommy and mama means mom. but in hispanic culture calling someone “mami and mama” are also used as terms of endearment. im saying this bc i saw somewhere that those nicknames are not used and i was just there like “girl what🧍‍♀️”)
-ok, i see alex as a “yes ma’am” or “gentleman” type dude. so like if u were to ask him “hey can i please get me some water” he would say yes in a heart beat. or like if u were with ur friends and u ask for a pic, he would do it no complaining. stuff like that !!
-if you’re in like a bad mood. he would STILL be so respectful to u. but like obviously theres a point where he’s like “ok, i get ur mad but that hurt” but the way he would tell u is just so kindly. but if its like a small thing he would say stuff like some friends annoyed u “yes i know mami” and just agreeing with u.
-HE WOULD GET U THE PANDORA BRACELET🫶🏻 like omg he would get u it for u first anniversary and like its just so cute 😽. if u have any siblings, he would take them to get the bracelet and ask them the type of charms u like. but honestly he would know what u like better than ur sibiling 🤭.
-The type of music he plays WITH U specially would be 90s/2000s chicano music. you most likely showed him that type of music and now, he’s hooked. if u need some idea listen to the song “all my life” by MJ magic <3
-also…i see alex totally being into taking the 90s/2000s chicano type of picture?? like look it up on pictures and he would take those with u. like u guys a few of those of ur wedding and they’re so pretty <3
-speaking of wedding, the song u guys dacned at ur wedding was “hypnotized” by linda jones. and i know he mentioned he wasnt the best at dancing, but i think he would be good at doing slow dances
-GOSSIPING. all i gotta say. he loves it. especially like if u know spanish and you’re like “oye sabes lo que paso con mi amiga?” and he’s like “que👀?”
-whenever he comforts u, he would be so gentle. but he would still try to get something out of you because he wants to fix the problem.he would say stuff like “whats wrong, baby?” and sometimes u dont wanna talk. so he’s like “just say it?? lemme help” and well that stresses people out. but u always cave in.
-he’s a thigh/ass guy 🤭. and like i see him playfully slapping ur ass and giggling. or like when he drives his hand is on your thighs. <3
-he LIVES for you when he hears u giggle into kisses. he doesnt say anything but he just like “ohmygoshthatsactuallysocute”. and like he would do that thing- where its like, you guys are kissing and he puts your thighs around his waist🥲? idk how to discribe it but yea. also neck kisses/forehead kisses/and lip kisses r a must 👌🏻
(well thats all i can think of.im taking request so if y’all have anything im free!)
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allthegothihopgirls · 5 months
I really love the headcanon that Dick is half Italian and half thai, sometimes I forget it's not canon
oh i liveeeeee for this. i've personally been more inclined to romani!dick, due to it being the closest to anything canon (although i take that with a grain of salt) and the most portrayed in fandom.
the thai take is really interesting, i've seen pretty much zero asian!dick grayson stuff but i can definitely get behind that.
honestly i'm down for any cultural headcanons for dick that let him continue to embrace his heritage after bruce takes him in.
let him speak his native language, call bruce by endearing nicknames instead of dad, because it's less confrontational, but all the more meaningful. let him slip in phrases to his sentences that make no sense to bruce, but at the same time he definitely understands in his own way, because of how much he hears them. i want him muttering sayings under his breath which make bruce and alfred double-take and determine whether or not he's saying appropriate things, and if they should call him out on it.
let him celebrate cultural holidays, and explain the traditions to bruce who's oh so clueless but best believe he's trying. let him share the folktales his parents used to tell him as a child before bed. let bruce research them and learn even more so he has something to tell dick when it's night time and he's scared and just needs something familiar to fall asleep to.
and most of all let him be so proud of his culture.
i also love love looooove the idea of him getting to teach bruce some of the more mundane things that made his childhood unique culturally, and him adapting to them + making changes in their lifestyle to better reflect what dick's been used to in his life
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astranite · 16 days
Love is Stored in the Pasta
Scott, John and pasta.
This started off from a tumblr post 'cause somebody needed to cook that guy some pasta!!
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, really very mild scott is hangrysad, ft john's space issues, Chronic Illness, as thats what im treating it as and its not the focus here he's just living with it, Scott Tracy has ADHD, this is important, Autistic John Tracy, lowkey here but also Important to me, this is fun and fluffy and i love them, i hope this is like a warm comforting bowl of pasta to you too
“We need to talk,” John said.
On the other side of the call, Scott’s hologram slumped over his desk, his head landing in his hands. “Oh God.”
“I found your search history…” John began.
Scott peered out sheepishly from behind his fingers. “I can explain!”
“It’s just pages and pages of pasta?” 
John was puzzled, honestly. Five to ten recipe blogs and that was Scott trying to decide what to make for dinner during a meeting or while he was struggling to concentrate on work. During lulls between callouts, he and John would sometimes debate options together. More than forty separate sites visited at 3:12pm on a Tuesday afternoon and Eos had flagged it for John, on suspicion that Scott’s computer had been hacked by a malicious entity or some other AI virus.
Scott went from double facepalm of despair to full on faceplant, his head hitting the desk with an audible thunk.
“Why so much pasta?” John questioned. Now his curiosity was piqued, he couldn’t let it go or he’d be doing EVA work later, still turning over possibilities in his mind, which wasn’t conducive to the constant concentration needed while floating around in the vacuum. Outside, any misstep would be your last.
“I dunno. I just feel like pasta,” Scott mumbled into the wood.
Scott sounded…weird. Like he was about to start laughing, or coming down with a cold.
“Scott? Are you okay?”
It had better not be another flu; corralling Scott to take care of himself was hard enough even if he wasn’t feverish. John wouldn’t be able to come down either, quarantined up in Five unless he already had it. Was the slight tug of a headache at his temples from his sinuses beginning to clog up too?
Scott hadn’t looked up yet; his shoulders were shaking. John wiggled his fingers anxiously.
Big brother’s head shot up at the nickname John so rarely used. Had John intended to provoke that reaction? The name had been a slip of the tongue but if he was was honest, he sort of had meant to jar Scott out of his thoughts. He never called Scott, Scotty unless he was scared though. And Scott not answering him did tick tick tick up his system from yellow alert into red.
“I’m fine, it’s okay. Don’t worry about me.” Scott’s words ran over each other in an attempt to come first. His voice sounded oddly wet.
Tears, yes those were indeed tears dulled by holographic format, tumbled down Scott’s cheeks.
As soon as he saw John looking, Scott turned away.
Suddenly, John landed on the spark of insight that he had a hunch would crack the code to his big brother’s distress. “Have you eaten anything all day?”
Scott dug around for tissues in a drawer of the desk and gave a half shrug. “I guess not—not really? I tried to before you say anything. Got a mouthful of breakfast in and then there was a call out. Lunch didn’t happen, there was a meeting, I had to make coffee, I ran out of time. I don’t really feel hungry though…”
That did explain a few things. It was well known family lore that Virgil and Alan got hangry, and Gords went all sad and mopey. Scott and John himself though, they got …really, unstably emotional. 
So yeah, hence the unexpected bursting into tears. John got the whole shit interoception and not even noticing if you needed to eat while you were buried in work thing; Scott was way too used to ignoring his body too. 
John took a deep breath. “Scott, and I’m one-hundred percent serious about this, do you want me to come down there and make you some pasta?”
Thunderbird Five systems whirred around John in the quiet as Scott hesitated.
“Maybe,” he whispered. “Or you don’t have to, I’ll wait, Virge’ll be doing dinner in a bit anyway.”
“Virgil won’t be up until past sunset after the hours Thunderbird Two was out yesterday and into this morning,” John said gently. “You need to eat before then.”
Nor would an overwhelmed Scott and the kitchen be a good combination at this point, and John saw the moment Scott realised this, while fidgeting with the rubix cube on his desk. 
“I want to do this for you,” John told him.
Scott dashed at his eyes, sniffled a few times and finally capitulated. “Okay. Thanks, Jay.”
John smiled and signed off, heading for the space elevator. He was usually so far away, he was right now, but it was in his power to close off that distance when he needed to and today he could use that. 
He farewelled Eos; she so often missed him but the opportunities to run the space station on her own that weren’t emergencies where he was incapacitated excited her. They showed how much he had come to trust and rely on her. Plus she got full reign of their virtual chess set.
On Earth, Scott was waiting for him as the elevator docked, his hands stuck casually in his jeans pockets but looking as pale and wobbly as John felt. His face was still tearstained.
“Hey to you too.” John took a few heavy steps before throwing himself at Scott, wrapping his arms around his brother tightly, all the while careful not to knock him off balance. Scott stiffened then melted into John. 
Usually that interaction went the other way around. 
Scott used the extra height space gave John to rest his head on him without having to duck down like with everyone else. John hugged him close and comfortingly as his fingers tap tap tapped their rhythm at Scott’s shoulder. All of it meant I love you.
“Pasta time?” John said eventually.
Scott nodded silently, following when John started off towards the kitchen. The raw rock wall of the hanger was rough and vividly solid in its three dimensions, as John ran his hand along it for balance as he walked that initial part. He was touching the Earth, he was in the Earth, he was on Earth.
With cold water from the fridge dispenser and the fizzy, brightly coloured tablets shook out of their tube, John made up lidded cups of electrolyte drink for himself and Scott. John needed to be sculling the stuff perpetually to stay upright down here, and he would not be at all surprised if Scott was dehydrated too. It might to something for John’s headache, could go either way for the nausea coming on.
He put a large pot on the heat. One advantage of having a stove so high powered that it could nuke anything it touched was that any volume of water boiled fast. 
An entire packet of fettuccine got tipped into the enthusiastic cacophony of bubbles. John poked at it with a pasta scoop, regretting that he hadn’t snapped the long pieces to actually fit in better. Ah well. 
He shook in an excessive-to-anyone-not-him amount of salt with a shrug ‘cause he needed it, before having another go at separating the pasta. The pasta scoop was quite an effective implement for that, there were reasons after all it was Gordon’s favourite utensil as John remembered from previous discussions. One could also use it to mash potatoes when held vertically, if one so pleased. His second favourite was the tongs as they could be clicked like crab claws and used to pinch unsuspecting siblings. 
Scott watched from his place slumped over the kitchen bench on a stool, chewing on the ragged skin at the edge of his thumbnail. He was trying to work on a couple of screens pulled up as holomonitors, as unsuccessfully as could be expected. John came over and hopped up to sit on the bench, clipping through the projected email inbox and meeting minutes so Scott dismissed them. It was with a sigh of relief.
They smiled tiredly at each other.
The pasta! John tapped at his uniform comms watch. “Eos, set a timer for the pasta, please?” John shaved the minute that had already passed off of the box time and then another couple to ensure it wouldn’t come out mushy.
“So what sort of stuff on pasta do you feel like? There’s a good lot of options you were looking at earlier.”
“We don’t have the ingredients for most of those, I checked. No eggs and no mushrooms so no carbonara. Technically that wouldn’t be authentic carbonara though. No cream cheese. We missed this week’s supply run so we don’t even have any frozen peas!” Scott threw his hands up in the air.
“Hmmm. You feel like something creamy?”
“Yeah. Honestly at this point I’d eat anything.”
John swung his legs and tapped his fingers on the counter while he thought.
“I believe some bacon is hiding in the bottom of the freezer so that’s something. And…” he trailed of as he moved his head too fast and set off a wave of dizziness as he looked around the kitchen.
“Avocado!” Scott exclaimed.
“Funny story, we ended up with several cases of them after that rescue on that farm where we saved the whole village and nearly all their trees from catastrophic flooding. They really need eating too and there’s only so much toast you can stand.”
“I have heard theoretically of putting avo on pasta and it does sound good. Mmmm bacon and avocado, John hummed. “Worth a shot?”
Scott reached towards the fruit bowl in answer, grinning at John. “Soon we will have pasta!”
John peeled off the upper half of his uniform and tied the arms around his waist in preparation. In the subtropical summer down here he was already getting too hot and while the temperature regulation built into his suit would do its best to make up for his own body’s lack thereof, it felt weird to have everything covered up from fingertips to neck down here while he was cooking.
Scott began to giggle.
“Huh?” John said, extremely eloquently.
Scott gestured at him. 
“My suit?” Was something up with his suit? The full gloved hands and sleeves flopping about without John in them had been known to amuse the lot of them on occasion, ever since he’d used the empty suit as a phoney decoy of himself to trick Eos. It was pretty funny now no one was in mortal peril and Eos was his friend.
“Your face!” Scott exclaimed.
“What’s wrong with my face?” 
John frowned. Was it his fringe that never could survive true gravity? He hadn’t gotten freckles while he’d been down all of half an hour and inside, had he? Then he looked down.
His t-shirt had a photograph of his face printed on it, and across the chest, emblazoned in neon orange read the words ‘Space Face’, courtesy of one particular fish brother. Ah yes. That.
John sighed, resting his chin on his hand to hide the smile he couldn’t quite control. “Not exactly subtle, is it? In my defence this was the only one in my closet that was clean and you can’t exactly see it beneath my suit. It’s all Gordon’s fault anyway!”
Scott was still laughing, albeit a touch hysterically and at him, but John took it as a win regardless.
Eventually Scott grabbed himself a cutting board and knife to get to work on the avocados as John carefully slipped off the bench, steadying himself on the counter as his ankles went noodley so he could handle the bacon. 
Bacon, bacon, now where had he seen that bacon? He had the image of it in his head, but that was only one piece of the puzzle, a photograph, humanly imperfect, memory woven out of instinct. Digging about in the deep freeze which the evidence pointed to as best John could tell had his fingers feeling like he’d stuck them out in space with out gloves on. They ached sharply as John cursed his crappy circulation. 
He gladly found the bacon though, lurking at the second darkest depths. He would not be willing to venture into the midnight zone of Unidentified Frozen Objects and charred dinner leftovers put away for ‘later’. He chucked the packet into the microwave and thawed out his hands by running them under lukewarm water, wincing all the while. If he’d thought this through, if he’d been smart enough, he would’ve put his suit gloves back on—his space rated, cold proof, most definitely impervious to domestic appliances gloves— and saved himself the pain.
Scott came over to rinse his avocado green hands. He dried them off then wrapped his arms around John’s waist so he could lean on him, giving in for a moment in face of daunting gravity. With Scott, he could because Scott got him; they both could.
“You alright?” And there was big brother smotherhen coming out.
John flexed his defrosted fingers. “I will be.” He turned and smushed his face into Scott’s neck for a little bit, hugging back, Scott rested his head on John’s, and they stayed there for a while.
They were both fading. The pasta would help with that, Scott really needed to eat and so did John at this point, the half a dry bagel for breakfast and another at lunch hadn’t really been enough. The trick now was finishing the task that felt as if it expanding faster by the second than the Universe, as measured by the Hubble Constant was. They could do this though. Together.
Scott chopped up the bacon roughly and John cooked it, hissing back when it spat hot oil at him. 
When Eos notified them the timer had gone off, and John had very scientifically tested the pasta was done by nomming on a bit, he called Scott over carry the large pot to the colander in the sink to strain. 
“Gravity plus boiling water plus my space noodley arms are probably not a good combo,” he laughed. 
He was getting better at knowing his limits. Scott’s smile was small and proud, he saw John.
Scott stared at the bacon with the intensity of a starved wolf with its mouth watering, then stole some pieces hot from the pan and burnt his mouth. Scoff Tracy strikes again. 
They dumped the pasta in a big mixing bowl with the mashed avocado, a little lemon juice, the bacon, and a whole lot of salt, pepper and parmesan cheese, mixing it together with the big pasta scoop.
John swayed on his feet then, grabbing onto Scott to stay upright for long enough to decide actually the best place for him right now was sitting on the kitchen floor just here. John folded himself down to the ground in a slithering pile of too long, too bendy limbs, Scott wordlessly guiding his descent. 
“You want me to grab some sporks to eat with?”
“They’re splayds, technically,” John remarked. He gave Scott the thumbs up anyway, while he rested his spinning head on his knees.
Scott waved about his ‘sporks’ acquired from the cutlery draw with a victorious grin before he sunk to the ground to join John.
John took one, passing the pasta to Scott once he was settled, lanky legs stretched out for miles, bumping into John’s.
“We forgot plates,” Scott said.
John shrugged. “At this point, who cares. We have pasta.”
“We do.” Scott blinked for a moment. “I didn’t before and I wouldn’t’ve but now we do.”
He hugged the warm pasta bowl to his chest, and when John observed more closely he saw the tears collecting on Scott’s eyelashes, sparkling in the kitchen light as he looked up at John.
“Thanks. I love you so much, Jay.”
John gave him a gentle smile, ducking to knock his forehead against his brother’s shoulder like a cat. “Love is stored in the pasta.”
Scott smiled back at him and they both dug in.
It was good pasta.
Really good pasta, because he was here with Scott and through everything they had made it, together.
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gyustarzzi · 4 months
ateez react to you being taller than them
★ hongjoong
- doesn't care if you're taller the him, he just thinks that sometimes you use your height at advantage - hongjoong is the type of person to bite back, so when you make fun of his height, he's obviously gonna try and defend himself - will wrap his whole body around one of your legs so you can't go nowhere - loves when you give him piggy back rides
" If you call me shorty one more time, I will bite you ankle off! "
☆ seonghwa
- your height never fazed him, until he saw you both in the mirror - he was shocked, flabbergasted, he was almost quick to ask if you grew an extra feet - will use you to grab stuff in higher shelves when cooking - if someone were to make fun of you bc of your height, he will be your little knight in shining armor
" Omg..your so tall.. "
★ yunho
- even though you're tall, he's still taller - when the other members met you, they were so amazed by how you were almost as tall as yunho (they all look like beans compared to yunho and you) - he will still pick you up and throw you over his shoulder like you weigh nothing - since you're also as big as him, you fit in his clothes so you steal a lot of his clothes
" Your not intimidating Y/N, you're still small "
☆ yeosang
- he LOVES how long your legs are, always has his hand on your thigh - when you guys cuddle, he basically melts and is hidden from you - has to get on his tippy toes to kiss you, but he doesn't mind - he definitely is very soft when around you
" Give me a kiss Y/N "
★ san
- BACK HUGS 24/7 - he's also a big baby when it comes to you so be ready for the most CLINGIEST version of him - piggy back rides all the time - sometimes is a little shy/embarrassed when out in public
" I hope it's not awkward that I'm shorter than you "
☆ mingi
- he honestly wouldn't care if you're tall or short as long as you give him love and company - you guys share a lot of clothes ngl (hoodies, shirts, shoes, etc.) - finds it better that you're tall so he can reach you and kiss you - when you hold hands he always says that you were made for him cause your hand fits perfectly in his
" Look Y/N we were made for each other "
★ wooyoung
- calls you nicknames like skyscraper or tree but you call him shawty and short king - wants to be babied by you a lot and is a lot brattier (you'll get used to it soon) - is always little spoon, NO QUESTIONS ALLOWED - will sometimes make fun of your height but gets so defensive when you make fun of his
" C'mon Y/N, it's time to give me cuddles!! "
☆ jongho
- doesn't really care about your height either - loves you more of you personality but finds your height interesting - likes to make sure you feel confident in your clothes (especially heels) - if he needs something he can't reach he won't be shy to ask
" Woo!! That's my girlfriend! "
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