#the only person that i can think of that i've told abt it that took me seriously was my sister
grimforks · 5 months
thinking about the way i was experiencing real, honest to god genuine psychosis all through middle and high school and up until idk a couple of years ago. what the fuck.
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amarmoria · 2 months
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꩜.ᐟ Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Why would your master want a padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Notes: I've seen fics abt padawan reader and none can quench my thirst eugh😫pls note i have nooo idea what goes on in the star wars universe please don't come for me😣
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"Hand me that one, fast" He gestured to the purple fruit just beside you, not daring to glance at you. "Yes, sir"
You curiously peeked over your master as you handed the fruit, what was so important it had him rushing like this?
"It's for Mae," he says, the squelching fruit making you frown, you forget he reads minds as easily as breathing. Your frown deepens as you remember. Mae. His acolyte, he took you in a few months before Mae came, that first few months felt like heaven, it was just you and him, in this unknown planet, training, practicing.
Yet, after Mae came, it almost felt like you were some kind of servant for the both of them, he trained with her day and night, leaving you to fend for yourself, he told you it's because you've already been trained by him, that you don't need to anymore, you didn't mind, you got along with Mae... on your perspective that is.
Mae was a fast learner, you were proud of her, now you have someone to share your training with, converse like a normal person, but later you realized that him and her were two sides of the same coin, quiet, mute, they don't like conversations, although you made an effort to be friends with Mae, than you ever did with your master since she was the lesser evil, you're quite proud of yourself when your conversations with her turned from smalls nods and no's to simple phrases.
You didn't care that your master had two Padawans under his belt, that is until he taught her some things he never even told you about, every now and then he would drop hints about what he would teach you next, to prepare you, but this one was unknown to you, you thought, maybe, maybe he forgot to tell you since he was so engrossed in trying to make Mae catch up to you, but Mae didn't just catch up to you, she had already passed way above you, while your stuck on the pedestal she was weeks ago.
"Something on your mind, little bee?" That nickname, he never once gave an explanation on why he calls you that. "No, uh, nothing.. master"
You focus on his muscles grinding the stone bowl.
"I don't think that's nothing"
"I'm fine, really." You bite the inside of your cheeks. "Hm"
You blink, fiddling with the hem of your robes, you let a few seconds pass before speaking up.
"Why.. why does Mae need it?" He halted his movements, and right then and there you almost regretted asking, almost. "She's having nightmares"
He resumed his cooking, although his brief answer didn't provide you with anything, so what? You were having nightmares once too, and he told you to suck it up.
And as if he read your mind, which he did. "I don't want it to hinder her performance, we don't want any distractions during this time of her training."
What about my training? You wanted to yell at him, what about me? Why can't you make me one of your anti-nightmare potions too?
You could only clench your fists, making sure he doesn't hear some of your thoughts, which is hard considering he didn't teach you to, only Mae, along with healing your body by using the force, all her, and your left in the dust.
Your master said using negative emotions is the best fuel for people like them. Them. He told you, him and Mae obvi, you're nowhere near the equation, like an addition symbol in a multiplication question, makes no sense right? Because you make no sense being there when he clearly prioritizes Mae.
"—are you still listening?"
"I, huh," your eyes flutter up to him, frowning when he says nothing but look at you. A few seconds pass with only the both of you staring each other down, I mean, him staring you down with his creepy mask, he suddenly lets go of the pestle, the tool colliding with the mortar loudly.
He was now towering over you, and you realize then how big he was compared to you, it's like a dwarf next to a willow tree. (Guys no matter how big you think you are, Qimir is always bigger✋)
"I can't hear you, but I feel you" oh fuck, you forgot about that. "What is this plaguing your mind?"
Before you could answer, Mae comes running.
"You're back" He focuses on her, you let out a deep breath, for once your relieved Mae came in just a nick of time. "The ship's ready, master"
"Good, let's go" he grabs his robe from behind you. "Finish the potion before we come back"
"Whe, where are you guys going?"
"Nothing of importance, now go." He gestures to the stone bowl, his menacing helmet buzzing in your ears. "Yes, master.."
"Good girl." you couldn't hear his last few mumbles, only registering everything when they left the cave, leaving you alone.
You decided that you're gonna make an anti-nightmare potion for yourself too, because why does only Mae get it when you can make one in case you get nightmares?
And the best place to buy ingredients was with the best apothecary in town.
"Qimir?" You knock on the door. "I need to buy things for him, are you there?"
No answer.
You pouted and turned around, now everyone's busy when you're not, you wanted to wait for a few more seconds but people might think you're crazy for trying to buy from an abandoned pharmacy, your master told you Qimir was there anytime you needed something to use for missions, but now that you don't go to missions, you love to annoy the clumsy pharmacy owner.
"Hey, wait!"
You tried to stop the smile creeping to your face when you hear the door bust open.
"I'm here!" He yelled, you turned around and waved, a big smile covering your face. "What took you so long?"
"What do you mean?" He playfully shrugged. "Been here since forever"
You felt more comfortable with him, you don't have to have to tiptoe around him unlike with the other, you liked to tease him about not taking a bath and for looking like a ragged hobo.
"What are you doing here though?" His eyebrows furrowed as you skip to him, you gave him a warm smile once again before making your way inside. "I need some things for him."
He frowned.
"Things? He didn't tell me he needed anything when they passed here."
"Well he told me, so go fetch it for me, servant" you chuckle and hit him on the bicep, he fakes a cry before hesitating to open the shelves.
"Here's the list of his majesty needs"
"His majesty?" He laughs, you just love making him laugh, maybe it's just you, or maybe you're just alone, but if there's anyone in the world you're going to survive an apocalypse with, it's Qimir.
"Uh huh, he keeps barking orders, finish this, finish that before we get home nyeh nyeh nyeh"
He chuckles once again. "Are you sure about telling me that? I might just snitch and get a promotion."
You feign an insulted look. "You don't dare"
"Oh but I do"
You both sat there laughing, forgetting about what you were here for. You clutch your tummy and struggle to inhale air.
"I can't— stop—" you burst out laughing once again, your face heating up, the tears in your eyes now brimming full.
"No no don't die on me" He jokes, you can see him staring, you wanted to look at him like that, shameless, but you can't stand looking at him for more than 3 seconds without blushing.
"Really?" He mumbles, but you heard him, clear as day. "What?"
"I, I mean, really h-huh? You can't stop laughing?" He waved both his hands in the air.
"You weirdo"
"Oh so now I'm the weirdo?"
"Uh huh"
"Since when?!"
"Since we met"
"Says the person who keeps barging in my shop"
"You like it though right?" You look up at him expectantly. "Like w-what?"
You gesture with your hands. "This?"
"This what?"
"You're always alone here, you must be grateful that I always visit."
"Yeah, always"
"What does that mean!" You put your hands on your waist. "It means you're always here, so you're like an everyday occurance by now"
You roll your eyes as he finishes up the list.
"Here's the last one—" you frown as he pauses. "What?"
"Isn't this," he picks up the list again. "It's for.."
You gulp, your fingers fumble with the wooden seat.
"N-no, no, it's not" you avert your eyes from him, the floor looking a little more interesting today.
"It's for nightmares isn't it?"
"I don't know, he only gave the list, nothing else."
"It is for nightmares, why do you need these?"
"I don't know, it's not for me." You clench your fists. "If it was for him he'd tell me himself"
Your eyes try to find something, anything, to tell him.
"I think it's for Mae okay? Maybe, maybe she's having nightmares and, and maybe he doesn't want it to distract her.."
"But I al—" he pauses, his jaw flexing. "I already gave him these."
His eyes narrow on you, like a deer in the headlights you could only look away.
"Tell me?" His soft voice lures you to him. "Are you having them?"
"No.." you sigh, do you tell him you're making the potion out of spite for your master? For making one for Mae and not for you, ugh it all sounds childish now, before you left you had a plan, and now you look like a child caught.
"Just—" you let out a deep breath. "Give it, and I'll be on my way"
He stares at you for a moment, before placing everything in a small pouch. You thanked him and left the credits on the table before hurriedly leaving, you could still feel his stare at the back of your head.
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Hi <3
I loved everything you wrote about Aegon. Could you please write some oneshot/headcanons (you decide) in wich Reader is Rhaenyra’s daughter and Aegon always loved her since childhood but they had a enemies to lovers relationship (she is a girl just like Arya/Lyanna personality and is always teasing him). But in episode 8, she is bethroed to Aemond and he needs to say to her his feelings. You can decide the ending, thank you :)
(Sorry my bad english :/)
Quick up 📅 - I kinda forgot abt the part where she's Rhaenyra's kid. It may have slipped my mind as soon as I read Arya's name lol. Anyhoo-
The Wolf And The Dragon
Aegon II Targaryen x Stark!Reader
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Warnings: Explicit language
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off! Maybe indulge in a battle to the death with your sweet ol' granny. Probably steal your beloved pet.
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/N: It's kinda long ngl, but sickeningly sweet! Oh, yeah. Aegon isn't married to Helaena in this one. For my own sake, she's with her loving husband, Lord Sth-Sth of Sth-Sth. Cheers!
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One of her father's men was dragging the young lady through the training grounds as the boys trained with Ser Criston and Ser Harwin. They all stopped to stare at her and the knight. She was biting, scratching and kicking at him.
"What do you care?! Seven Hells, let go!"
The man stopped and grabbed her by her small shoulders. He'd had enough of the little lady's antics for one day. He shook her as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Child, I've been there for all your life, I won't stand to watch you try and get yourself killed." The knight's face was turning red with anger. "You're of one and ten, you can't be walking around the capital without anyone to keep you safe! Do you realize what could have happened?!"
"Fuck. You." The girl hissed as she stomped down on the man's foot and spat in his eyes. She bolted, the man following close behind, while still trying to wipe the spit from his eyes.
"You wild beast, get back here!"
"She truly is a beast..." Aegon whispered to his brother and nephews as they all watched the knight tackle the kid to the ground.
"Ser Karstark, don't you think that's enough!" Harwin yelled out.
"Oh, want to come and deal with this thing yourself, Breakbones? It's not as easy as I make it look." Ser Brennard Karstark choked on his last few words, a small elbow slamming into his neck.
The girl got back on her feet, making a run for it once more.
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On the next day, Ser Karstark was dragged the girl in the opposite direction, towards the training grounds this time. He was sporting a big purple bruise on his neck.
"I've told you so many times now, cub. You want to train, fine! I'll teach you! But picking attacking the guards is not the way to do it!"
The little lady only huffed in response as she reached down to her blade. She turned her head to the side, then struck.
Ser Karstark took a step back, the tip of the dagger almost making contact with his face.
"It is customary to wait for your opponent to bear arms before you try and chop his head off, wildling."
"As if anyone would wait for me."
She struck again, the knight dodging once more. Lady Stark circled around her opponent, her small eyes sizing him up.
To everyone's shock, the knight actually swung at her with his sword. The girl fell to the side as she rolled over, her silk tunic now covered in dirt.
"Good, good!" The knight nodded before he swung sideways.
She lowered her head, the blade of his sword passing right above it.
"Don't stay close to the ground for too long, cub..." Brennard warned as his took ahold of his sword with both hands. "The enemy will catch up on it eventually. And maybe do this!"
He yelled out as he put his whole strength into trying to lodge the sword into the girl's skull. She got back up. Her dagger was quick to find its target, slicing the knight's hand open.
Brennard looked at the blood that was spilling out of his hand, then at her.
"You play dirty, girl..."
"I do not wish to fight with honor when I can just do this."
Her small fist was now aiming for Brennard's nose. He let go of his sword, leaving it to stand there with the tip lodged into the ground below their feet. He caught her small hand by the wrist and punched her instead. The girl fell on her back, head slamming into the ground.
"Karstark!" Both Criston and Harwin yelled out, making their way towards the student and her teacher.
"Stand back! She wants to fight, so she'll fight!" Brennard yelled in return."Get up!"
Lady Stark jumped to her feet, eyes narrowing as she wiped the blood from her mouth. She used the moment to tackle her opponent to the ground.
"Finish the job." Brennard whispered to the child. "Do not let your enemies walk away. Do it!"
The girl's fingers found their way around the dagger that was hanging on the knight's side. She pulled it out and put it to his throat. The child was smiling down at him, eyes glowing.
"I win?"
Brennard laughed out as his hand ruffled through the short locks of hair on her head.
"You win! We'll make a fine soldier out of you, you'll see."
The two got up, each sporting a warm smile.
"Ya promise?"
Brennard nodded his head.
"But your training is not over yet." He turned to look at the two knights that stood close behind him. "We've seen you can tackle a grown man down to the dirt, but how will you manage with someone closer to your age and speed? Perhaps you should go against one of the young princes?"
Criston nodded. Him and Harwin went back to the boys.
"Prince Aegon against lady Stark then." He said as he motioned for the boy to take a step forward.
Aegon didn't move an inch towards the younger girl that was now staring at him with a devilish grin on her face. She scared him. She fought dirty and wasn't scared to take a blow to the face, even when it came from a grown man that was thrice her size. The girl didn't stand above stealing her enemy's weapon and using it against them either. On the contrary, if it were a real threat in front of her, she would have sliced the man's throat. The young prince realized everything he'd learned from both Ser Criston and Ser Harwin was useless against someone like her. Aegon had only heard of tales of the northmen, of their cold hearts and brutal ways. But now there was one in front of him. A child of winter and ice. A ball of rage with unruly, short hair. If Aegon didn't know her already, he would've thought it was a boy that stood in front of him.
There were no lavish dresses for her. No needlework. No singing. She was dirty nails. Unkempt hair. Grime. Blood. Sweat. Dirt. Adventure. Flying arrows. Hiss of daggers. Clash of swords.
"Ye fighting or what, aye? Don't have a whole day to wait ye." Her strong accent came through. She'd gone over and picked her weapon back up. The girl was waiting for the prince to come back to his senses, foot tapping impatiently as she twisted and turned the blade in her hand.
The fight was over pretty soon. The lady had knocked her prince down, elbow to his face. Ser Brennard knew what was going to happen, but made no move to stop his student. She broke his nose with that hit.
"I'd say ya fight like a girl, but... ya know..." She shrugged her shoulders at him as Karstark dragged her away with a proud smile on his face.
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Eight years later Aegon had grown into a handsome young man. He'd grown into his soft features. His pale blue eyes stared at his feet, as kicked at some small rocks. Short strands of silver-white hair framed his face perfectly. He kept his hair on the shorter side. It was easier to manage.
Him and his brother stood next to the wide open gates that led into the castle's grounds. Aemond, unlike his older brother, had his hands folded neatly behind his back, waiting patiently.
"I don't understand, why did mother have to send us..."
Aemond nodded his head, signaling to his brother to look ahead. A group of sturdy looking men, covered in steel from head to toe, were coming fast towards them. At the front,just a few feet in away from the rest, a hooded rider. The jet black stallion this mysterious person was riding held its head high. The stomping of the horse's hooves had stopped.
"Prince Aemond! Prince Aegon!" A melodious, yet strong voice rang from underneath the hood.
"Lady Stark." Aemond greeted. "Welcome to the capital!"
The stranger hopped down from the horse and took their hood off. Aegon stared at her slack-jawed. There, in front of him, stood the most magnificent creature that had ever walked the earth. Porcelain skin w a scar here and there she'd most definitely got in battle. Sharp features, almost as sharp as the sword she had on her. Two big, bright eyes that shined with laughter. The only thing that reminded of the girl she once was, was her short dark hair. And her clothing. She'd never been the one to wear dresses. That hadn't changed either. Her long legs were covered in threadbare black pants that matched with her black tunic and boots.
"I trust your journey was pleasant?" Aemond asked out of politeness.
A short "aye" left her full lips, eyes trained on Aegon.
"Yer nose healed well, me Prince. Though it would seem there's something wrong with yer jaw..." She pointed towards his face, calloused fingers showing from underneath the sleeve. Her northern accent made a shiver run down Aegon's spine.
He couldn't bring himself to say something, the words refusing to leave his mouth. He nodded with a faint smile.
"Shall we?" Aemond's voice could be heard again.
"If ye don't mind, me and me men had spent long time on the road without a good challenge. We need a good fight"
Her men had jumped from their horses too, now waiting for their lady. Ser Brennard Karstark was standing next to her.
"Training grounds are that way, aye?" She nodded to the left, her eyes never leaving the older brother.
"Right, let's get ye to the stables, big boy." She finally looked away as she turned towards the stallion and ran a hand through his black mane.
Lady Stark handed the reins to the stable boy that had approached her with a soft smile and a nod of her head. The lad melted at the sight, tripping over his feet as he walked away.
"Ye two comin'?"
The woman walked away, her father's bannermen following close behind.
"Would love some audience while I kick this old bastard's arse to the ground." She pointed towards Ser Karstark as she and her men laughed.
"We'll see about that, Young Wolf." Ser Brennard said, even though he knew that was going to be the most likely outcome.
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Two weeks had passed since lady Stark had arrived to the capital. For Aegon, it felt like it was years ago. They'd been spending most of their time together, much to the Queen's dismay. At least they had the decency to drag Aemond along.
On the first night in the capital, the young woman suggested they go for a drink. When the second born son of Viserys the Peaceful suggested they stay in the Red Keep, both Aegon and her laughed in his face.
They snuck out of the castle later that night in search of a tavern. Aegon, being a frequent visitor to most of them, made the choice.
Soon after they'd entered the establishment, lady Stark challenged them to a bet, saying she'd drink them both under the table. Aemond, being Aemond, refused. Aegon accepted almost immediately.
He was in shock. The woman that sat in front of him was perfect. She cursed like a sailor. Told all the dirty jokes she could think of. Even challenged some stranger to a fist fight to celebrate her winning the bet. The Young Wolf didn't even bother to take his hundred gold dragons she'd won fair and square, but instead slapped his hand away.
"It's not about the money, me Prince!" She laughed out as she punched the stranger square in the jaw. "It's the thrill!"
The three returned back to the castle only when the light of the sun had started to bounce off the waters of Blackwater Bay. Aemond walked in front of them, impatient to get as far away from the two drunk idiots. They walked with a slow pace, hands thrown over eachother's shoulder and words slurring.
"One of them cods got ya good, me Prince, no offense meant" She said to Aegon with a grin. "If it weren't for me, that arse would'a split yer head open."
"Good thing you were around to save me then, my fair lady..." Aegon responded. He came to a sudden stop, his face contorting in agony. His hand unwrapped from the woman's shoulders as he bent forward and let out all he'd consumed right where they stood.
Instead of cringing in disgust, the Stark laughed hard, tears pricking at her eyes. She ran a hand through her short hair.
"Now from that yer knight in shinin' armor can't save ye, I am sorry."
Aemond grabbed his brother by the scruff, pulling him back up.
"We'll get caught with all the noise you're making, we have to go. My lady..." He looked at her, hoping at least one sober thought would make its way back into her head.
The Young Wolf howled again, hand patting Aegon on the back as he choked.
"What got yer knickers in a twist, hm? We've got all the time in the world."
" 'Tis but the truth!" Aegon said through coughs. "Do not worry, brother. I'll escort my, how did you say it...Ah, yes! Knight in shining armor back to her chambers."
Aemond didn't need to hear much else. He turned his back to them abruptly and left. The two snickered as they watched him walk away.
"Yer brother-" The woman threw her hand back over his shoulders as they began walking once more.
"Tell me about it." Aegon interrupted, doing the same as her.
After a detour that led them to the Kitchen Keep where they stuffed their faces with whatever was left from the dinner, Prince Aegon and lady Stark made their way towards her chambers. He'd promised to escort his savior back and he intended to do it.
As they neared the door, Aegon stopped her.
"This was the most fun I've had in a long while. Thank you, my lady."
"Aye, same here. Hanging around those old farts ain't as fun as it may look." She snorted.
The two laughed once more, then she dissappeared into her chambers, ready to sleep off the remainder of the day.
Aegon felt the same. He flopped down on his bed the second he found himself close enough to do it without smacking his head in the floor.
The same thing repeated the next day. Except Aemond wasn't with them. As the good prince he was, he'd ran to tell his mother about what his older brother and the lady Stak were busying themselves with.
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The lady found herself sitting between the two brothers on that feast. She'd pulled her chair as close as possible to Aegon. On their last "walk" around the capital, she'd introduced him to the Skull and Dice game. The two now sat close to eachother, whisper-shouting the word "skull" as they rolled the dice and drank from their cups.
Aegon's grandsire and Hand of the King, Otto Hightower, was sitting across them. He smiled softly. The two were perfect for eachother. They shared the same interests- be it in books, hobbies or drinks. Why his daughter refused to give her oldest to the Young Wolf, he had no clue. She came from a great house, was trained in battle and proved to be quite intelligent, from what he'd heard her say. Sure, she liked drinking and venturing out of the Red Keep, and would also pick fights left and right. But so did his grandson.
Otto had come to the realization that the woman that sat next to his grandson was the way she was, not because she got to grow up in a castle where servants tended to each and every need of hers, but because she was raised amongst soldiers. Something her father had made sure of, once he agreed with the fact he won't be getting a proper lady out of her. The soldiers' ways had simply rubbed off on her.
Another thing that Otto had come to realize was how observant lady Stark was. She could be laughing and telling jokes, enjoying herself and her youth, but her trained eyes and ears were always turned to what was going on around her. She was a true northerner- rough and savage, but also loyal to the core and honorable. She'd be the perfect match for Aegon. If only his daughter would come to listen...
"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems." Everyone's attention turned to the King. His gold mask was shimmering in the light of the candles as he spoke. "My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena..."
Viserys turned to face his second son, eyes darting to his first one and the Stark girl. He could sense it, all Hells were about to break loose with next couple of words.
"And my son, Aemond, will marry lady Stark, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Princes..."
They all raised their cups, except the silver haired man and the woman that was sitting next to him.
"Hear, hear!" Came from the Prince Daemon as he turned to smile at his brother.
Aegon didn't hear him. He was now staring at the Young Wolf, silently asking if what his father had said was true.
"If you'd excuse me!" He damn near shouted, eyes trained on Aemond, who in turn was staring in shock at their mother. Unlike Aegon, he knew a third betrothal would be announced on this feast. What he didn't know was that he'll be the one marrying the Stark.
"Aegon! Come back!" Alicent yelled after him, ready to follow.
"Don't, me Queen. I'll bring him back."
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"Did you know?"
The halls were silent, all that could be heard were the muffled, hushed voices of his family, as the lot tried to listen in on the conversation.
"Did you know about it?!"
The woman stomped her booth on the ground, the sword that was hanging on her side shaking with the intensity. It was a warning for the prince to lower his voice.
"Aye, my father sent me for a reason. I didn't know I'd be marrying yer brother though..."
The young woman had shut the doors as she made her way out and into the corridors. There was no point, the whole room was now sitting in silence, listening on Aegon scream his lungs out.
"You can't!You won't!" The prince yelled out.
"Oh, what do ya care? Yer not the one gettin' tied down against yer will! Yer free to do as ye wish!" She said, her voice booming over his.
"So you don't want to marry him?"
"Are ye fuckin' jokin' , Aegon, yer brother is a twat and a half!"
Inside the room, Daemon could be heard laughing without shame. Aemond's jaw clenched, his smirk dissappearing as he stood up. Rhaenyra slapped her husband's arm, even though she herself was sporting a smile.
"Then don't fucking do it!"
"And what am I supposed to do, huh? Get back in there and tell yer father, my King, that I don't approve? That I, the daughter of the man that had sworn an oath to him, will not do as I'm commanded?"
"You and your oaths and orders... Is your pride so important that you'll willingly go against what your heart desires?!"
"Pride?" The word came out as growl." If it were for me pride, I wouldn't even be here. But I gave a word to me father and did as I was told... And what do ya, ye spoiled cod, know of what me heart desires? Hm?!"
"I know I've come to love you. Just as you have." Aegon took her hands in his, soft thumb rubbing over her rough skin. "I know that I love spending time with you. Just as you do."
Silence fell upon the halls once more as the prince thought of his next words.
"I've never met someone like you before. Someone that is so...me. You like to drink, you curse, you fight. You know all the dirty jokes and all drinking games. And even with all that, you know when to put an end to it, even if you don't want to. You're not afraid to sock me in the face when you know I'm being an arse. Or drag me all the way to the small council meetings, so I could fulfill my princely duties. Sit with me through those never-ending history lessons, even though you'd rather go outside and train. You keep me grounded. You always know what to do. You always know what is right. I'd like to think that I, for once, know too. It's you. But if you insist on carrying out this order..."
His hands reached for her face.
"Marry me instead. You came here to a marry a dragon, right? There's one in front of you right now. Begging, pleading for you to take him."
Silence. Again. Aegon searched for her eyes, searched for an answer in them. But found nothing. He sighed heavily, hands falling to his sides. The prince walked around her, head hanging low in embarrassment. He reached for the door handles, ready to get back inside and drink himself into a stupor. Or untill the high-pitched ringing in his ears went away.
"Ye sure talk a lot... It's a good thing though, I won't have to waste my breath no more...with ya around."
Their eyes met.
"What? Ye plan on standin' there all night?"
The doors swung open before Aegon could reach her. He turned back around, his eyes meeting those of his father.
"Or both of you could just come back inside and sit down? Your King is to make a new toast..."
Rough fingers wrapped around Aegon's. She was standing right there, next to him. He looked up from their intertwined hands. A toothy smile had found its way on his future wife's face.
"As me King commands..."
Viserys turned his back to them as he slowly made his way to his seat. The two followed close behind.
"We're finishing the game, right?" Aegon whispered to her.
"Go find the dice, ye threw it as ya stormed out." She laughed quietly.
The Wolf and her Dragon entered the room once more, hand in hand.
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midnightmah07 · 2 months
random and like idk if i've asked this before but what is appealing to you abt Ruggie? like gen q cause I wanna know, idk how to explain it tho lol
I'M GLAD YOU ASKED *pulls out PowerPoint presentation*
Ok but seriously now 😭 this might be a bit long so my answer will be under the cut!
At first I really didn't care about Ruggie at all I thought he was just a guy😭😭 like he was just there living his life and I didn't really pay attention to him 🤷🏻‍♀️ in book 2 I didn't really like him but I got glimpses of what I would like about him at the very end during Leona's overblot and my soft spot about him grew once I read his Ceremonial Robes vignette!
Appearance wise he is the type of the "cute character" that I am very drawn towards, so that was obviously what gave me the soft spot, but what truly made me like him was his personality (since like I said I didn't really mind him before).
Ruggie is a very determined character, he is dead set in making his life better no matter what it takes, and he's always working hard to make that a reality (literally, he is never resting Ruggie pls you need to rest😭); on the outside he's extremely selfish and greedy, which I don't blame him because of his upbringing, imagine never having anything for yourself? Of course you're going to grow up being like this, but Ruggie is actually someone way kinder than he makes himself out to be, and way more caring too... 🥺🥺
Hyenas, at least from what Jack said in book 4, have a sense of community, and Ruggie shows that sooooo much. He's extremely grateful for all the sacrifices his grandma took for him, taking care of him all by herself even when his dad abandoned them and his mother died, not only that but because he grew up around so many other kids in the same situation he took care of them and acted as a big brother figure to them... Because of that he (at least it seems to me) is very family oriented and is always trying to take care of his community, he's very good with kids. These are traits that I really admire in people in general. His "payback" after Leona nearly murdered him in book 2 was MAKE HIM SMILE. It shows that Ruggie is way more caring than he believes himself to be... And that makes me go crazy😭😭 he clearly cares for Leona and he shows it in his own Ruggie way, which I love<3
Like I said before because of his upbringing Ruggie is someone who's unwilling to give up no matter what, even when Leona was hurting him in book 2 and almost killing him, when Leona told him to give up he REFUSED. HE'S SO DETERMINED AND THAT INSPIRES ME TO BE DETERMINED TOO!!!😭😭😭😭 He never backs down when faced with adversity and that just!!! It makes me smile!!!!
Other than the serious stuff, small things like his huge appetite and his greediness (which I don't blame him because of how he grew up) are just things that once you start loving Ruggie, you grow fond of that... Like suddenly you're not sighing in disappointment when he steals someone's food you're actually very happy and giggling and you're cheering for him to get away with it so he can eat😭😭😭
I think Ruggie is an amazing character and way more in depth than what people give him credit for, and these are a few of the reasons on why I love love love him so much<3
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Non-Binary Vox headcannons because it's Pride Month and I am ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!
Like I've said before, in my headcannon Vox is AMAB non-binary and is okay with basically any pronouns/gendered terms
That being said he isn't really a fan of it/its just because(I am projecting this headcannon is entirely me projecting) he already has some w e i r d feelings about basically being an object, w/ the TV head and all, and finds them dehumanizing
It took them awhile to get comfortable with using femme-adjacent terms because, despite genuinely liking them, the toxic masculinity of a repressed queer person from the 50s could probably power an entire city block-(assuming homophobia still exists in the Hellaverse? I think I read somewhere that it doesn't but still)
Also the misogyny. I know very little about the 50s, but from what I DO know, misogyny was running fucking RAMPANT back then
That being said, the only person that Vox still doesn't allow to use femme-adjacent terms on them is Val, because Val is. Himself. And makes it really fucking weird-
This moth has MISOTHYNY /ref
"You can refer to me as a woman when you start BEHAVING YOURSELF >:("
Otherwise though Val is actually very supportive of Vox's identity because. It's Val. No way in HELL that man is any type of queerphobic hAVE YOU SEEN HIM!?!?!?!?
Part of why she chose the name Vox when she was establishing herself in Hell is because of the enate enby urge to name yourself some random, cool sounding word
Doesn't matter wether you've realized it or not, the desire will Always Be There
Velvette's the one that told Vox about the concept of non-binary after they went on a drunken rant about their Weird Gender Feelings while the two were hanging out
Also hopping on a hc trend I've seen a couple times- Vox's demon form is sexless, which is part of what really got him thinking about his gender in the first place
Like they had never really considered they could be anything but a man before, but the lack of any real defining masculine features besides their voice caused some really conflicting feelings-
Honestly I think Vox probably has a LOT of really conflicting feelings abt her demon form in general but that's kinda off topic
The reason they had never considered being anything but a man is because they had never actually had the words to describe the feeling of not being a man OR a woman before, and found it easier to just dismiss any thoughts along those lines as insecurities(something they already have a plethora of) & lean harder into their masculinity to cope
But then he died, and all the features he was using as a safety net got stripped away, forcing him to confront all the Weird Gender Feelings
Except not really because they just ended up pushing them down for several more decades lmfao
She generally prefers presenting more masculine because it's what he's the most used to + it's good for brand consistency, but she's DEFINITELY experimented with more femme presentation before
Vox's appearance is very dependant on how they want others to percieve them rather then what they actually want to wear at any given moment. Anything they leave the house wearing is specifically calculated to keep up their image, so that kind of experimenting is just limited to the comfort of their own home.
Aaaaaaaand that's all I got for now. This headcannon is very special to me(because I am projecting. This is, at it's core, me projecting. The only parts that aren't projecting are the bits that are reliant on the cultural context Vox comes from and them being AMAB-), so I'll probably talk about it again. Eventually. But for now these are the thoughts I've actually managed to put into words lmao
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cemetery-irises · 4 months
so one of the most important aspects of ithaqua is his anger. anger at the atrocities committed against him and his mother, anger at the world for letting it happen, hell, even some anger with himself for sharing a face with his mother's captor and tormentor. his only outlet for this anger is through hunting down "trespassers" in the woods to protect his mother. ithaqua is filled with this... i can only describe it as a simmering hatred for humanity, who took his mother from him, and the gods who they claim commanded them to do so.
this anger also manifests itself in a sorta gleeful sadism, especially towards perceived threats / evil. this is mostly showcased in morningstar, which i've talked at length about being his power fantasy and what he wishes he could be, but it's also very much clear in other ways with him — his smile, while adorable, is also... worrying, considering what he does in-game. he laughs both after literally just slaughtering a traveller in his trailer and in-game when pursuing / striking survivors. while i believe that, initially, nathaniel's murder was more of a necessary evil, committed solely to keep his mother safe, i'm sure later on down the line — especially with his declining mental state — ithaqua began taking more joy in the pain he inflicts.
ithaqua's mental state is. very much all over the place. his age when everything happened isn't clear, but he looks pretty fucking young in his trailer, and most people i've spoken with agree that he was about 16 - 17 (he's described as a young adult at the time the game takes place; i personally hc him as abt 19 but i know most people hc him to be in his early to mid twenties). going through such a significant and traumatising event at such a young age is bound to fuck someone up; ithaqua was very much forced to grow up very quickly, especially now that he needs to look after / feed / care for his mother. i think he still holds onto some childishness and sees things in a very black-and-white way — "they're" evil and he and his mother are good — but that's mostly hc-based and because i think it's interesting to write. but he still has to remain mature; he's the sole provider, he's taking care of his mother now. he has to keep his wits about him because if he can't care for her, who can?
ithaqua had a very non-traditional upbringing. it was just him and his mother in the woods; he wasn't exactly taught how to be a people person. as a result, he likely struggles with social interaction and probably isn't too talkative. i'm of the opinion that he mostly just stares ominously and lurks at the edges of the room; i've seen a lot of people with the same idea, but i can't be too sure if it's like. common or not lmao. ithaqua wouldn't necessarily be aggressive — at least, not outside of matches — but he's certainly not friendly.
one more important thing is his name. ithaqua. in lovecraftian mythology, ithaqua is feared mostly throughout northern regions, mainly russia and canada. he's... basically a big scary monster that eats people. humans leave him sacrifices not out of worship, but out of appeasement, in hopes that he won't eat them. in his trailer, the place he lives is shown to be very cold and snowy — mythology ithaqua's hunting grounds — and there is a specific callout to the plateau of leng, a cold, arid region that, in the thing that walked on the wind (ithaqua's debut story), ithaqua is sighted in. it's my belief that ithaqua, growing up, was told stories about this wind-walker, this monster that had the people of the surrounding villages terrified. so when it came time to shed his humanity so that he'd be a feared hunter and not some scared boy lashing out... of course the new name he chooses is that of the being that has the humans who know of him fucking terrified. of course he would want to emulate that being. at the end of the day, ithaqua wants to be feared; he wants to scare humans away from his home, keep his mother safe, and kill any that dare to stray too close.
sorry if that came off kinda ramble-y at the end!! i definitely have a lot of thoughts on itha but idk if all of them came through properly </3 definitely down to answer any questions (and feel free to talk to @sunset-of-the-void about him too; he's the whole reason i like itha in the first place!!)
oh this is delicious actually i’ll get back to this in a bit once i’ve fully processed it but. good lord /pos
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stupendousfoxthing · 7 months
So what if "FRI(END)S" is about ending a friendship to become more...the friends to lovers troup kinda thing ? This is me taking a wild guess lmao
The play bar is a heart, and it's so cute
Tumblr media
Btw do you think any of the songs, tae or Kook sang, made, covered, or recommended, were about one of them or abt their relationship ?
For me I've always thought "sweet night" is about tae questioning his feelings that are growing more for his "best friend" without him noticing, till he finds out that he's indeed in love with the said best friend and what other friend could think I about other than kook himself :
"I'm wondering
Are you my best friend
Feel's like a river's rushing through my mind
I wanna ask you
If this is all just in my head"
My heart is pounding tonight
I wonder"
I know it's an ost for his friends' drama, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have been inspired by his personal experience.
I do think there are other songs related to them, but maybe we can discuss that in another adk ig you're open to it
I have zero theories about Friends right now, but I loved the concept film and can't wait to see what it's about. Sweet Night is one of my favorite Tae songs, musically and lyrically. I never thought it was about Taekook, but if it is that's sad since ships passing in the night generally refers to people who have one chance to be together but miss it and go their separate ways. I don't like speculating too much about what songs may or may not be about them or resonate with them in terms of their relationship, because I love all kinds of songs that don't bear any similarity to my life. I also think them choosing to not take part in the writing process for their debut albums was because they knew people would be trying to figure out what it meant about their own lives and they can't really be open about that, at least for now. I think it was a very smart choice. I'm willing to reach for "2U" because those lyrics not only seem to fit the situation but Jungkook made the cover him literally looking at Tae (who took the picture). I think "Nothing Like Us" came up several times with them, so that might be a song they relate/related to. "Fools" is hard to deny since JK released his cover like an hour before Tae's birthday. And of course I think "Oh No Oh Yes" and "To Find You" are special to them as a pair, because Tae told us. That's all I can think of off the top of my head that have direct ties to them as a pair. Did I forget any? 😅
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thecrazyphantom · 2 months
Just some interactions that happened to me a couple of years ago.
The person I'm referring to is probably stalking my account as I post this 😕
(This is just a vent of mine, you can skip if you don't want to read it ❤️)
Btw both of us are Female(well idk what they are but they're afab)
I was so uncomfortable trying to respond to them saying this, let alone in response to my photo.
When they broke our friendship (In a very cringe way btw. I can elaborate if anyone asks) they told me how I "treated them horribly" even though I was the one who constantly just had to deal with their Bullshit when they texted me.
They'd also constantly oversexualize all the female characters I Roleplay/I like
Ex: Saying that Peko has (AND I LITERALLY QUOTE.) "phat juicy tits".
When we had a Simp channel in our Discord server That was Yk... Dedicated to fictional characters.. or people in their class they thought were pretty. They posted a photo into it of Me in a Byakuya Cosplay looking down at the camera and then started going on and on about how they'd give me everything they owned and such and it made me so uncomfortable that I couldn't even response logically so i just sent "<3" and didn't respond to the text.
They would also talk constantly about their AUs and stuff about The Cuphead show. I rlly did like a lot of what they talked about since I liked Cuphead the Game and have a very open mind to others Aus. But the thing was was that I had openly talked about how I didnt want to watch the Cuphead show because I just didn't like the voice acting ((Well they've got good voice acting, good Animation, and funny plots , but I just don't think the Cuphead cast should have voices. But I did watch the show after all this, and it was pretty good)). But i just remember that one day I was getting tired of them talking about Cuphead and I texted them "I don't mean to be rude but can you stop sending Cuphead content? You're slowly making me dislike it 😕" (that's the exact quote), and then they got annoyed and was like "that was the only direct cuphead thing I've sent" And I ofc denied that bc I don't rlly loose interest in things through only one message unless it's controversial. And I wasn't gonna deal with pulling up all that evidence so I just said "Omfg *name*" "Nah I'm done with discord" and they instantly started to "im so sorry" bomb but I told them I wouldn't talk to them until I calmed down bc I was just pretty grouchy at the moment. When I came back I sent some words abt me calming myself down again, then said "I apologize for my outburst". And bam we were somehow friends again????
What was even worse was that they did this all in front of our mutual friend (well at the time it was mutual, now they're just my friend ^_^) that they were at the time dating.
(I don't even remember if they sent more cuphead and I'm not even gonna dig for it)
All I know is that that could've been easily resolved by either just saying something along the lines of "I'm sorry I'll try to send them less" or even being like "Cuphead is my Hyperfixation, just like how your hyperfixation is Danganronpa"
They'd also text the gc that me and my friend were in that they were going to commit Slick-a-Slide and then disappear for weeks on end. So ofc me and my friend would be worried and get in a depressive state because we were under the false narrative that they Unalived, just for them to come back after a while and just brush it off. Each time we asked if they were okay they would always be like "Yeah Sorry my mom just took away my phone." And for a while I started to speculate that they were just in a Mental hospital but they never mentioned it (and they Kinda told us EVERYTHING that happens in their life/day/week.) So not only were they treating me wrong, they were dragging my friend into it and Worrying them. (This happened multiple times while they were dating, so I can't even imagine the levels of depression that could've spiraled my friend into. Like having to hear your lover say they were going to commit, then go offline for a long time, is actually petrifying.)
This is a small one but I also remember that a couple weeks or months before they broke ties with me, We were in a server with all of their friends (+my friend and I), they texted the public channel asking if anyone wanted to call, and when I said that I was down to call that literally responded something along the lines of "someone who isn't Phantom" and then they kicked me shortly after I responded with a sad emoji. That made me lose all left over respect I had for them. My friend confronted them on how that wasn't too nice to say, and then they got kicked too.
Also this is off track but imma bring it up since I'm currently obsessed with Korekiyo, but the way they Roleplayed Korekiyo made him seem like he's some Holier than thou character that could pretty much read minds and just tell what they were doing prior ((for example a character could make and excuse to walk off to give something to someone they're currently seeing and come back to Korekiyo and they'd respond "Oh were you giving something to *name*?")). Idk this just made me not like Korekiyo for a while after they broke ties with me.
Anyways that's all my ranting for now. Pip, Ace, whatever you're going by rn. If you see this, please get off my page, for you've made me dread each second and more that you've talked to me ;) ❤️
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kindlespark · 7 months
cohortswap anon here, aouhgkdhgkdh hi
im so emo over the idea of robin getting to pick up his cantonese again, like that experience of going back to a place where nobodys going to second guess you based on your appearance or treat you differently is so ough. im curious about his adjustment period though cause from personal experience and friends experience ppl from one's home country can usually clock someone as diaspora and its kind of jarring to have that feeling of being out of place no matter which country you're in.
thank you for the fun fact and good luck on your play >:) and tell eren i said hi >:)
HI ANON im so sorry this took so long for me to get to i've been soooo busy but my play just opened so im almost free!! i actually wrote a whole a response to this on mobile a week ago and then my tumblr app crashed and i lost it all so i gave up :sob:
yeah i think it's such a deliberate choice by kuang to have robin and the majority of his cohort lose their home languages and it made me feel crazy (/pos) as someone who is also chinese diaspora and is only fluent in english; my parents didn't pass down any of their chinese dialects to me (and some of them are endangered)! it clearly draws from kuang's own experience as well.
there's no way robin doesn't feel a kind of alienation even when he returns to canton and people don't look twice at him; i think he would feel that even if he could (and when he does eventually) speak cantonese. that boy's survivor's guilt is off the charts, and living/looking at the reality he tried so hard to ignore and was ultimately complicit in while living in luxury at babel would make him feel like he shouldn't even have the right to set foot in his home country anymore. but i think he would simultaneously feel the most useful while there; finally living up to ramy's expectations of him and helping however he can to smuggle silverworking practice into canton; this is him atoning for being alive and doing all the hard work that ramy told him not to run from.
robin can get by in canton with just mandarin well enough that i think it takes him a while to try speaking in cantonese again, out of a kind of guilt and embarrassment, but it does become necessary and i think robin's journey with relearning would also be a part of him learning chinese silverworking tradition; there's this really good fic i read that's an in-universe academic paper about silver-working in asia, and it's simply canon to me now. robin using chinese silver-working techniques in his work against the british empire is simply so real to me
thanks for the interest anon!! kinda got rambly here idk if this answered ur request but i never get sick of talking abt this book and this au >:)
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neonstatic · 6 months
so. testosterone, huh? i've been sitting on it for yrs and i get these periodic bouts of realisations where i'm like, "omg! i can't stand this anymore, i need a dick / a deeper voice / more body hair" which is quickly resolved by my insecurities reminding me that i could very well lose all my beauty and sex appeal if i transition unsuccessfully. and i'm very much like mr howl movingcastle in the department of shallowness and dramatics, in that i think the whole point of my existence is moot if i am not, at the very least, pleasant to the eye
but like. there's more to life, right? and i've been working on my appearance and am pretty sure i've gotten as pretty as it gets with what i've got, and idk that i feel any happier for it. i see a thriving transmasc and i feel proud and envious and miserable. oh why is every trans dude so handsome and cool and pretty :cccc bc they are brave and i am not, is why. maybe that's what's missing for me. a little bravery. maybe i need to stop being such a cowardly shallow person and just get on with it!
easier said than done, ofc. bc there's more holding me back than my own insecurities and fears. i am comfortably bi at home only bc i also happen to be painfully awkward and not romantically involved w anyone and my family are in denial despite the pride merch i own. i highly doubt i'll be able to get them to understand and accept my gender identity. it took me some time to tell them i changed my name at work, but it feels more like a nickname than an actual name change bc of how similar it sounds. also, sadly, i still feel like a silly person who hasn't made up their mind yet. like ohhh you don't wanna be a woman OR a man, you think you're sooo special, don't you 🙄 wah wah it's so hard to be me or wtv.
on the bright side, i found a document that gave me some good info on the hrt process in qc and it came with a guide that told you all the effects of t and which ones are reversible or not, how to treat them, etc. so i went thru it like a checklist and found out the following: - there's 10 total effects of t - they take ~6 months to show up, to some varying degrees - 3 are permanent slash irreversible - i only truly want 4/10 total effects (+1 extra but i can live w/o) - out of these 4 desired effects, 3 are irreversible - let me know if the math is mathing buuut, if i were to be on t for abt 6 months, i'd basically have 3/4 of my goals achieved, which is a 75% success rate. pretty good overall no? am i gamgbling? is this a gamble? idfk
anyway. big thoughts. i'm gonna eat some brownies now, cheers
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pagodazz · 1 year
rotating ur post abt vinnie as a sacrificial lamb in my mind rn it is sooo T_T could u elaborate on it? ^~^
So I associate Vinny with the sacrificial lamb because not only was he also effected by slenderman, habit and the rake for the entire duration of ANY LIFE HES LIVED, literally this works for basically every iteration of Vinnie.
He was blindly lead along until his inevitable death that he was unknowingly helping with. He was basically tagged as "Prime meat" for all 3 of them.
He was so blindly loyal, he did what he was told to do, what he thought was best, just to be lead to death. And HIS death was the one that was needed, it's ALWAYS Vinnie.
Vinnie is the one with the disease, VINNIE is the one spreading it to others, to put an end to it HE needs to die for the sake of others. For the sake of himself, For Evans sake, For HABITS sake.
and if we use the Wikipedia description of "Sacrificial lamb,"
"In cinema and literature, the term sacrificial lamb refers to a supporting character whose sole dramatic purpose is to die, thus galvanizing the protagonist to action and simultaneously demonstrating how evil the villain is. Very often, the sacrificial lamb is a family member, partner, or "old buddy" of the protagonist."
and I like to think everymanHYBRID took that AND MADE IT EVEN MOEE BEAUTIFUL (Atleast to me personally)
Where the antagonist leads the lamb to the protagonist to slaughter each other.
Evan is such a perfect protagonist, he's strong, determined and hes been set on the right path since the beginning, I honestly wish we got way more screen time of him struggling to deal with the possession and how it effects him mentally but we didn't and I can live with that. Unfortunately for him, he was doomed to be in the same body as the antagonist, who is MUCH stronger and way more determined.
From the very beginning Evan has been on vinnies side, loving him, protecting him, defending him even though he wasnt exactly in the right.
All while Vinny was being prepped for killing and he didn't even know it, he thought he was safe, he thought if he bonded with the butcher he wouldn't get killed. He blindly lead others to their deaths all while believing he was just, "doing everything he could."
Vinny was always trying to find some other sort of explanation for something instead of just blaming habit, while Evan was quick to immediately blame him.
Vinnie is convinced slenderman is the real main bad, while Evan is almost firmly believing that it's all habit.
Vinny is literally kept away from everyone in order to prepare for the event that is All good things, and In order to wrap up the story and move onto the next iteration, Vinnie needs to die. And Evan needs to die for Vinnie to be able to die. And that's precisely what happens. Evan even says he has to kill Vinnie first before he will be able to forgive him, which is only achieved after Vinny kills Evan as well.
honestly I don't even know if I'm making any sense right now, I get so overwhelmed talking about Vinnie because he's my absolute favorite and I'm so nervous to accidentally say something that's not actually correct lore wise. BUT !!#!@++[%[(#($(*;: OKAY I'VE BEEN WRITING FOR SO LONH I CANT EVEN GO BACK TO LOOK TO SEE IF I MADE ANY TYPOS.
I hope HOPE HOPE this made sense.
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cheemken · 8 months
Ok so, you got me thinking about Drayton in the Villain Champion AU, the one where all the champions are evil while Iris and Hau are being manipulated and/or blackmailed
Like Drayden got murdered by the others to worsen Iris’ mental state, and cause he knew what happened to Iris, but now we got Drayton to add to the story. While I know he has parents somewhere in Unova, I can’t stop thinking about Iris being the one to comfort him about the death of their grandfather despite being devastated herself
Cause she knew WHY Drayden was killed, and she can’t afford to tell anyone else less they end up in the same position as Drayden. And she definitely won’t be telling her younger brother
OUUGH MY GUY JUST.., Diantha seeing Iris being so caring of her younger brother and making that another reason as to why she sees herself in Iris. Why she believes pushing Iris down this path is the right thing to do
But I can also see Diantha using him as blackmail, saying if Iris does ANYTHING she doesn’t like she’ll find a way to hurt her. And Iris knows that means her little brother. She would rather be dragged to the distortion world and tortured again then let anything happen to Drayton
No cause I've been thinking abt how fucked up the villain aus would be now ever since I posted abt Drayton bc you know how most our villain aus have Iris being the main charac and oughhfjdhdj ofc we're gonna make her suffer lmfao
But ough,,, villain Diantha I missed you,,,
Fucking imagine during one of the meet ups at Unova, Geeta informs Diantha abt Drayton, Iris' younger brother, and ofc, that intrigued Diantha, Iris never told her she had a brother. So she sent Geeta off to find out more, talk to the students, Geeta had said a few of her students and proteges were there too
Can you fucking imagine how devastated Iris would be tho, after the meeting, Diantha had Iris all alone w her at the top of Unova's League, overlooking the region, it made Diantha feel powerful, it made Iris feel like a traitor. Then Diantha spoke, voice so haunting, pulling Iris close to her, going "why, darling, I never thought we could be any more similar," she began, chuckling to herself, god Iris just wants to die then and there, "you never told me you also have a younger brother."
And god did that fucking break Iris. How in the absolute hell did Diantha know?? She never told anyone, not one of the Champions, she made sure to keep her brother a secret from them, she's not going to lose another person she loves to Diantha's hands. She turns to Dia, fear in her eyes, her breathing quickened.
Diantha merely smirked at her, "what's his name, darling?"
It took all of Iris' willpower to not say it, she'd risk it all, she'd risk dying, she'd risk being thrown into the Distortion World again, Arceus please she'd risk it all just to protect her brother
But it's Diantha, y'know. Nothing gets past her. "Was it Drayton? Yes... Geeta had told me." She laughed, dark, hollow, it sent a shiver down Iris' spine, "quite a similar name to your grandfather, don't you agree?" Turning to Iris, there's that glint in eyes, interest, "tell me, does he have the strength to become a Champion? Do you think he can dethrone you?"
And Iris really really doesn't want Diantha to target Drayton next, god please not her brother, so Iris w a shaky voice goes "no... No, he never... He has never won against me, even against grandpa. He's lazy, useless, he's no use to us... The only title he ever got was that fake Champion title he has in that wannabe League at his school."
And Iris could only let out a breath she was holding when Diantha seems to believe that. "Is that so? Well, he reminds me of Augustine, that boy has never won against me as well."
But also y'know in that final battle, or maybe there really is a point where Drayton starts to notice there's smth wrong w Iris. Ever since their grandpa died, Iris changed, she seems more... Paranoid. At first ofc he thought that maybe it was just the pressure of trying to find someone to fill in for Opelucid's Gym, and it saddened him how she didn't choose him, but he understands why, he still has classes, so Opelucid's Gym was then taken over by one of the heroes, Hilda. But even w that, Iris still looked like she's always stressed, he can't remember a time now where Iris didn't look like she was about to combust, she looked like she was just one problem away from lashing out, from crying her heart out, but she knows she can't.
Imagine if he confronts her tho, or maybe, if he actually asked Hilbert and the others for help. After all, they're his sis' friends, they know her, and he knows they're concerned for her too.
DUDE CAN YOU IMAGINE CHMDBFKD that concept where the Unova kids are sneaking inside the League to eavesdrop on one of the meetings and it just so happens that was the meeting after Iris' battle w Hilbert, where they finally saw just how the Champions treat her, imagine if Drayton was there with them too
Imagine Drayton having to watch how they treat his sister, how they kicked her and sneered at her and dragged her to the Distortion World and back. How Iris was shaking like a leaf after all that, crying out, apologizing, how she'll try harder next time, that she won't come close to losing again next time. Then Dia's there staring at her, her eyes glowing, threatening her if she so much as comes close to losing like that again, well... at least her brother will see their grandfather again
And god imagine the other Unova kids having to cover Drayton's mouth to stop him from screaming, to hold him close cause he's trembling, he's shaking, out of anger, out of fear, fear it's dread, it's terror, he's fucking terrified. Tears stream down his face as his own breathing quickened, Hilda and Bianca had to try to calm him down while N and Cheren had to ground Hilbert too, and soon enough when they heard Diantha say there are others there other than them, the Champion, well, they ran outta there, hoping that no one really saw them
God fuck imagine how that'd mess up Drayton too tho bcmdnd like having to watch his sister go through all that, and he realizes why she always looked so paranoid, bc she is, bc the other Champions are there breathing down her neck, making sure she's going to be just like them
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imaginespazzi · 12 days
- NIVI BBY i’ve missed you so so so much! i hope your vacation was fabtastic 💛
- DAMN KK SIDED WITH DAD. i don’t like conflict this is making me sad
- “I wouldn’t have cared,” Paige shrugs, “running suicides would have been worth it for an extra hour with you.” bitch, it’s suicide awareness month aren’t you supposed to be nice to me?
- AHHH SHE TOLD HER SHES GETTING THE DIVORCE!!?!!! Why are these freaks not confessing love rn
- “She’s confused when Azzi flinches, like a memory has just pinched her nerves.” THE PHONE CALL???? PAIGE RLLY DOESNT REMEMBER
- OKAY BACJ TO THE NOW EEEEKK!!! don’t be shy paige go join azzi 🤗
- paige is a little freak with her short response… bitch say what u rlly want 😛😁
- S
- L
- U
- T
- S
- took them long enough
- “She’s always known exactly how to get Paige to shut the fuck up.” i laughed out loud
- “But there’s a part of Paige that had thought that there was no way Azzi could have missed her as much as she missed Azzi. Because missing Azzi had felt all consuming, like there was a constant noose around her neck that got tighter and tighter with every day that passed by” only you would turn them fucking into me being all sad
- stop azzi 🥹☹️ you’re gorgeous girl
- why the fuck am i crying rn.
- paige possessive little shit
- stop the left but you came back for the book joking around is actually making me cry because it’s literally them.
- The party,” Stephie cries out, “first you went to a party without me and then you had a sleepover without me. I can’t bel-ieve you guys would do that to me. Don’t you guys love me at all?” BYE IM CACKLING WHY IS STEPHIE ME… saying, oh so you hate me is my life motto😭😭 poor girl just wants a sleepover with her paige
- stephie really has paige wrapped around her finger azzi is gonna have to wrap her mouth in tape
- SLEEPOVER PT. 2?!?! where is paige sleeping is the question
- i am actually dying to find out more abt there actual break up
- ig my main question is abt like kk being upset with azzi was that her just being defensive of paige or has azzi not been talking to the others much?
-hey i finally stayed away from my cliff 🤞🤞
- sorry to say i don’t have rlly have questions and the short reactions today im so exhausted lol, HOWEVER im sorry happy you’re back and as always you’re my favorite evil genius
- Lmao hopefully I've satisfied all the horniness now
- I am being nice to you....later in the chapter
- Ah you're the only person who caught that so far I think or at least who's told me they caught it. But no she does not in fact remember.
- LMAO the s l u t s killed me but yeah just a little bit. I mean can you blame them?
- Listen I couldn't make it all hot and sexy because I fear that's just not me so instead we got sappy emotional sex because you know it's me and that's all I know how to write
- Stephie's so valid for being upset like they really had a whole night without her and she's supposed to be their baby. #FreeHer
- There's been a couple of references but Azzi has actively avoided a lot of reunions and such so KK's anger is mainly from a place of missing her, not necessarily siding with Paige.
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chocolatespyro · 1 year
Me learning to not give people the benefit of the doubt when they've been given the benefit of the doubt about 50 times already
(III 15 edition. Spoilers under the cut if you still haven't seen it somehow.)
EDIT: Took out the part about them not mentioning her disability since Bot does say that they wouldn't want Cabby to forget iirc, also about them not thinking kids would understand disability since I wasn't happy with those points and I feel they were inaccurate or somewhat off-topic. That's pretty much it though.
The more I think abt it the more I can see how the Bot apology sucks lmaoooo
Dunno if this was a point made on Twitter (I've heard there's been discontent there? I dont have Twitter tho but I'd LOVE to hear more from other Cabby fans abt what's going on there. u can leave comments on this post if u want or u can just rb and do it thru tags.)
Anyways, to my main points: Bot just says they're sorry for... forcing Cabby to get permission to use her files?
What about them lying to Cabby? I don't believe they ever really apologized for that. OR TOLD HER THAT THEY LIED??
Bot also doesn't really apologize for the other main points people were upset for I think?
I don't think bot ever really takes full accountability for judging Cabby either. No one does really. Like... at least an
"I'm sorry. I really screwed up, and so did a lot of the other contestants. We were too harsh and judgmental towards you for no reason, and our insecurities shouldn't have gotten in the way of you being able to remember. This was supposed to be a fun and welcoming environment and vacation... but it became a nightmare for you instead. I know this won't make up for all the damage done, but I hope this file is useful to you."
(maybe reworded some to fit Bot's personality better, but the apology shouldn't have just been this quick one-off moment taken to the side like in canon.)
To kinda add to the above, I also think it would've been nice if Bot fully noticed and acknowledged HOW other people haven't been treating Cabby very kindly too by giving examples of where nobody stood up for her. Lifering was a great supportive person in the episode, but Bot was there for some of the shit that was pulled against Cabby, ESPECIALLY in episode 7. I so wish that that was acknowledged here. And the fact that Test Tube went directly behind Cabby's back to do that. Where does Bot think Test Tube got those files from?
There's also the fact that Test Tube never approaches to apologize for judging Cabby for no reason. Like she just stares at Cabby and Bot hugging for a few seconds after Bot apologizes that's it. And she... doesn't accuse Cabby. That's the barest fucking minimum she could've done.
Also... the "inaccurate depictions" thing wasn't even true outside of Baseball's file... and that was a bunch of contrived bs. Like Suitcase literally had this whole thing where she stood up to Nickel and I guess... Cabby glossed over that somehow??? I can't suspend my disbelief this much sorry all. Idk where the "Manipulated by Balloon" shit came from. Correct me if I'm wrong bcus I haven't seen season 2.
The only reason why it was inaccurate with Bot is because Cabby thought Bot was Bow, something Cabby IMMEDIATELY corrected herself on. Bot coulda just... reminded Cabby that it wasn't her fault because she didn't know Bot and Bow were two different objects and told Cabby to just... start a new file like others said??? So that shit didn't make sense.
The apology just... kinda feels shallow. Cabby didn't do anything wrong here. She's beaten herself up over this shit. It just hurts to watch.
Bot only really apologized for a single thing and we don't get any acknowledgement towards the lying or the mistreatment or Cabby destroying Bow's file as some sort of garbage symbolism attempt.
Bot's apology was kinda supposed to tie everything together and top everything off nicely in a better and at least slightly more satisfying way than whatever the fuck 14 did, but it just... doesn't. It barely acknowledges the issues. They don't really show how seriously they screwed up with Cabby.
I wanna believe that AE has the best intentions here, but they're on very thin ice in my eyes. If they screw up any next steps with Cabby and/or never address Cabby's issues with Test Tube ever again, I think I'm done having any kind of faith in AE. Even Cabby winning wouldn't save it.
Yeah sorry this got really depressing, this situation is just sad
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s133pybunny · 1 month
extremely effective new ana motivation js dropped today 😍
js found out one of my close guy friends, the boy who took me to the gym when i was too scared to go alone, reminded me to eat more constantly, and who i genuinly trusted a lot and rly liked (like a brother) called me a "fat bitch" to the rest of my current close friends almost a yr ago when I was first being brought into the friend group.
I was deep in b/p cycle, and was really struggling to loose the weight i already lost at the time, and i was so terrified bc i was fat all the ppl in the group i didn't rly know yet would bully me, but since nothing was ever said to my face i js thought they genuinly didn't care/notice.
I've recently got my shit back tgr and lost 20lbs in less than two months, and i still have much more to go, but learning that he not only said that, but some of the other guys who i now consider close friends laughed, and the only person to stick up for me was my now bsf (she already knew abt my bed and mia) genuinly made me want to vomit and sob. (my bsf didn't tell me then bc she was scared it would trigger me and instead told him off and he apologized "immediately", but me and the guy friends gym sessions came up and she kinda js said it since i made a joke abt being a fatass w a gym rat for a gym buddy)
I am honestly beyond humiliated. I want to block everyone and isolate so i can focus on school and becoming so skinny no one could ever call me a fat bitch again. This is fueling my need to prove ppl wrong and get so sick they regret ever saying anything.
idk sorry for venting, i'm js so upset and paranoid they all think im a fat cow loser but also now im soooo gunna lose another 20lbs asap.
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therealestidealist · 2 months
idk dude I'm NT too and something I've learned is that sometimes you don't have to understand something to respect it. so you don't get why commercial art is ok to repost even though it's been explained to you (and frankly you are making bad faith arguments, imo), but it's still been said over and over so clearly it's something people feel is important. I think you ought to consider why instead of acting like a martyr when no one has told you to kys.
(I don't necessarily think the arguments made abt sharing some types of art were all that eloquent but I don't really think you'll listen so I'm not going to try to clarify)
sorry some people were rude to you but you came out the gate very rude and entitled in the original message when they were being polite. being called buddy is neutral, it's not some sort of hatecrime. maybe you had a shitty day or something and were in a bad mood, and this only made that worse, but the way you lashed out was inappropriate. being NT is not an excuse. we are not stupid. we can learn when we fuck up and how to react appropriately despite how ugly our initial reactions to criticism can be. just cause your brain tells you "everyone hates you cause you fucked up" does not make that true. I've learned this the hard way and you probably will too.
i think at this point you are really just being willfully ignorant and standing your ground bc you don't want to admit wrongdoing. I get it but I think it's time to let it go.
and again, some people were rude and you lashed out, but others were polite and you just call them considering. there's no winning and no opportunity for growth or improvement with that attitude. learn to take criticism instead of trying to guilt anyone who has something negative to say about something you did by telling them you're going to kill yourself and that everyone wants you dead. (people are criticizing something you DID, not YOU as a person. there's a difference.)
you're the one suicide baiting. please do better cause I know from experience that behavior won't do you any good.
I hope you can put this behind you because it really was not a big deal until you lashed out. You'll move on and it'll be okay. Just learn what you can from this.
This is exactly what I'm talking about with being talked down to and gaslighting. I didn't fuck up. What I did wasn't art theft. I did a lot of googling about what is and isn't considered stealing art over the past day. I was talked to as if being sat down in time out, picked apart by the public and ridiculed over something that many people don't find egregious at all. My wife is an artist and encouraged me to share the art in the first place. I myself am a sex worker, I've had my work reposted before, sometimes with credit and sometimes without. This isn't to say this particular artist's wishes shouldn't be respected, I took down the post per the artist's request. It's just to say that the way I was treated like I was being taught a lesson over something for which there is no official guidebook or any clear consensus over was very mob-like. I was defensive in my original DMs because I was accused of theft. I don't think what I did was theft because there were credits. Then I was accused of "not trying hard enough to contact the artist". The artist's Tumblr is not connected to their twitter, and they don't even have the same handle. So even if I knew to contact them, to act like it would have been easy to find their Tumblr is simply disingenuous. The person who informed me about this artist's preferences likely just recognized the artist from here already.
No, I'm not arguing in bad faith. You and others in notes are insistent that I just need to listen to and accept what people are accusing me of without question. Don't I get to state my case? The way I was treated was inhuman. That's why I feel as though everyone hated me. I did not "fuck up" and you won't make me believe I fucked up. I am not an idiot. I am not going to just accept being scolded and belittled over something that frankly isn't even a real problem (posting art with credits). The whole distinction over being paid vs not being paid and the accusation that my credits weren't "proper" remain vague. These are not satisfactory explanations to me. No one has tried to clarify to me why it is considered etiquette to do something that so many artists dont even care about. One artist has a message about not sharing their art that I didn't see before sharing it and now I'm an art thief for crediting them? You can see why I am defensive? You can see why this doesn't register as a "fuck up" to me?
This whole thing could have been avoided if I had been linked to the artist's post in the opening message instead of being accused of stealing - which I must emphasize - I DID NOT STEAL. I poured over discussions about art reposting over the past day and have come to the conclusion that I was falsely accused and the intent was to smear me from the start. The way you see the original DM as reasonable honestly sickens me. They were only after some Internet clout and they got it. If you talk like this to your friends and family I feel sorry for them.
You need to step down and reflect on your priorities. Stop siding with manipulators. Stop policing small personal blogs who just want to be left alone. Stop lying about norms/etiquette/courtesies that are far from unanimously agreed upon. You will be remembered as a hateful bully if you continue on acting sanctimoniously and talking down to people instead of engaging with them honestly and thoughtfully, with compassion and a willingness to listen.
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